#the whole need originally for me to fly down there was because she was gonna be out of town......ugh crine
kangaruined · 1 year
god is anyone else just an absolute fucking MESS lately? idk if my brain meds are fuckin with me or what but i've cried like 3 times today super spontaneously and once was like a full on meltdown 😐 yesterday or the day before too. zero emotional regulation lately...i have to fly to california for TWO WEEKS tomorrow for work and i rly don't wanna go :( i want to stay home with my cat
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
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I have ten billion WIP sketches I need to finish, but for some reason I stayed up from 9 PM to 4 AM conceptualizing, making patterns, sewing, painting and applying makeup on this stupid fucking felt squid......the detailing needs to be cleaned up cause there's only one coat of paint so far, but he's pretty much done
my neighbors probably think I'm insane because I was running around the yard clenching this toy kallamar in a death grip and flying him around like an airplane/putting him in the barbecue/poking him with a stick. I want to tie him to a string and recreate the opening of napoleon dynamite >:) ALSO I MADE HIM SMOKE OUT OF A STUPID CRYSTAL PIPE BUT PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY USE THOSE, THEY ARE SUPER TOXIC LMAO MINE IS FOR DECORATION
I don't have any process pics because I had tunnel vision autism style and forgot the rest of the universe existed while I was working on him. BUT if you're curious I'll ramble below the cut
Okay I am not a seamstress by any means. I've sewn my entire life but very, very infrequently. I've done plushies, clothes, cosplays, fursuits, accessories, etc. but I only do one like once a year, so while I planned to make all 5 bishops, I'm not really sure I'll get them all done. The material cost was like 20 bucks tops so I'm not too upset if I don't finish them. I AT LEAST WANT TO GET SHAMURA OR HEKET DONE.
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here is the concept sketch ft. heket's toes and shamura's fingers. I decided to do his pre-schism version so I could fit him with jewelry! I did him first because like I said I sew infrequently and don't know wtf I'm doing, everyone else seemed a lot more complicated.
So I basically just traced this drawing on a printer paper-sized canvas in SAI, and guesstimated how everything would look in a 3D space. His head is four pieces, one triangle identical to the one in the picture, two wide triangles that are sewn together in the back, and a circle for his chin. You can't really see it in any of the pics but he's literally like a black cylindrical stick with little tentacles sewn on where his mantle connects to his cloak. The leg tentacles are one piece of felt that look like tassels, where they're connected by a rectangle but branch off into individual pieces. He can't stand up very well, so his cape keeps him up (that's gonna be an issue for every other bishop too except heket cause she's gonna be ROUND). Mostly everything like the crown, cloak, head, etc. are cones so I just had to make a lot of wide triangles.
For the details, I just used acrylic paint that was watered down so he's not especially crunchy, and for the blush tone I used a makeup palette my mom bought me 10 years ago in hopes I'd get in touch with my "feminine side", but I grew up into a nonbinary butch lesbian so OOPS. Kallamar looks better with makeup than me anyway. I'm kinda sad I couldn't get his freckles as lopsided as I draw them but it probably looks better in plush form to have them even anyway....
I could just post the pattern so I don't have to explain this but 1. I am mentally ill about the thought of my kallamar being in someone else's house and 2. the original pattern had to be tweaked while I was working on him so the final pattern straight up doesn't exist, I winged it the whole time
OH and the jewelry is just scrap pieces I had laying around, I might repaint it all to be gold instead of silver + bronze. I used 20g aluminum wire for his armlet thing, jumper rings for his earrings + ring (+ a diamond dot from my mom's kits for the gem) and chain for the bracelet. I made him an amulet as well but it felt like overkill so I took it off. I'm probably gonna make him a plague doctor mask and medicine bag sometime because I think about nurse kallamar more than I probably should :') I've already sewn one as a prop for a toy raven before so it shouldn't be too hard
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balkanradfem · 5 months
I just had an Experience in the water.
Heading home from my garden where I re-planted new tomatoes (because my original ones all got destroyed by the frost, RIP), I was feeling a little dizzy, light-headead and woozy. I figured putting myself inside the cold river was the best solution for all of these things, so I changed my course to the secluded edge of the fields, where trees and bushes were guarding the ground. And, if one was not afraid of slipping and rolling down, water could be accessed as well.
I hid myself into the bushy riverside area, got most of my clothing off and slowly tipped inside the river. It was colder than usual, due to the recent frosty days, so it took me a few tries to get myself completely submerged. I usually make sure nobody can see me; this time there was a small group on the other side of the river, but they seemed to be children, and I don't believe they had noticed me at all.
I was having a great time up to my neck inside the icy water, when something hit the back of my thigh. A log must have somehow bumped into me, I thought, and I turned around trying to see it in the water, when something poked its head out and swam around me. A dog somehow swam here, I thought even more confused, but then she turned her head around, and looked at me, and I realized it was a beaver! A whole big grown up beaver was right next to me, looking at me! I gasped and stared mesmerized, while she stared back at me good-naturedly, for a good few seconds, both of us in shock. Then she turned to swim away, but I couldn't watch her departure because something else got my full attention. A big bird was flying right at me. I saw the big wing span before I saw the head, and it was – a heron. I was immediately thrilled by this, because herons will not come close to me, I had herons offendedly fly away if I so much as looked at them from 500 meters distance. This one was already so close! Come to me, I thought with satisfaction, but then, already so close, the heron realized I was there, and changed direction mid-flight, flinching away from my offensive presence. It made a big circle to the other side of the river instead. I could still see it from up close!
Also during this entire encounter, I was almost completely naked, was only wearing my underwear. The animals were also not wearing anything so we were all even. I've never seen a beaver, or a heron, from such short distance before. I don't think this kind of thing could happen in the warmer months, I think the animals only relax this much in the river when the water is not very human-hospitable, so they don't expect to run into a whole human being while chilling on a Saturday evening.
My first interaction with a beaver was an underwater headbutt! It wasn't strong, but I can still feel the place on my thigh where she bumped into me, it was so damn cool.
Now, the mystery remains: why were both the beaver and the heron heading for this exact location, at the same time? My first thought was that maybe heron was hunting the beaver, but it doesn't make any sense, the beaver is way too big to be prey. Then I thought, maybe all of this was a coincidence. Maybe the beaver was just there to get some of the floating logs, because she needed some building material. And the heron was using this spot as her usual chilling place, and I rudely occupied it before she could land there. But then it hit me.
They were heading for the same spot, at the same time, because they had a meeting. They were secret friends, and this spot was their hangout spot. They were gonna chill together and discuss recent river news. I sadly was not accepted into their friend group as I was the wrong species and also did not announce that I would be there. I scared them away, my only hope is that they had a chance to gossip and rant about me later.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: Odin being the best father ever *coughs*, swear words, mutual pining?
Word Count: 2k
a/n: Okay... First things first. I split the originally last chapter up in two, so that means there's gonna be another chapter after that! 🥳
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th 💚
Tagging: (Y'all in the comments again!)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Four / Chapter Six
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Chapter Five
Almost Four Months Later
You sighed, as you sat down on the windowsill with your book in hands, watching the birds fly by and the sun shining down on Asgard. You could see the blooming trees and flowers of the royal gardens from here. It was beautiful - if you were only allowed to go outside.
After what had happened at the training camp almost four months ago, your father was more than just angry. His wrath was so big, that he didn't talk to you for over two weeks. Your punishment was cruel. You weren't allowed to leave the palace - for at least a whole year. You had to stay in your room and were only allowed to come out for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It was horrible - and yet you had no other choice than to accept it. In the time you weren't eating, reading, sleeping or staring aimlessly out of the window, you were thinking... Thinking about the traitorous asshole which called himself prince Loki Laufeyson. You hated him for what he did. At least a part of you did. The other part was still reminiscing about the intimate moments you shared with him at that damn lake. You just weren't able to get him off your mind. He was always present – in some way.
A knock against the door of your chamber brought you back to reality. You looked up, "Yes?" and clapped your book shut. The door opened slowly, revealing your dear friend Estrid. She was carrying a tray with two small golden bowls. In one were nuts, in the other grapes. "I thought you could need something to eat, my princess." Estrid was your saviour. Your ray of sunshine on cloudy days. "Thank you." You smiled up at her, as she placed the delicacies on your desk beside the window. The young woman gave you a nod, and stayed for a moment, looking at you intensely. "What?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Something is on your mind, I can tell. Or rather someone...?" Of course you told Estrid what happened back in the camp and the lake. She was your best friend after all. You sighed, defeated, rubbing the heels of your palms in your eyes. "I just can't forget him, Estrid. Even after four months, he's constantly on my mind, bothering me. I just don't know why..." The maid cocked her head, smiling. "If I may be so bold to say this, but-" "No, no, no. No. We already had this conversation – twice! I told you. I am not in love!" Your friend giggled. "Well, your mind can't seem to forget prince Loki... and the way you are denying it so vehemently, I think it's very clear that you are in love, your highness."
You just scoffed, shaking your head. "Why won't you just admit that you fell in love with him?" "Because I do not love him, Estrid, I-" You cut off your own sentence, averting your eyes; jaw clenching. "You what, my princess?" Estrid asked, stepping closer. "May I?" She gestured to the free space beside you on the little sofa. "You may." You gave her the permission to sit down beside you - what she did. "I understand you, Y/N, but I also don't understand you. Where lies the problem? Loki is everything your father wants as a future husband for you - as far as I'm concerned. He is a prince, future king. He's of status. The son of his closest ally. He's a warrior - a fighter. Why not give in to the love? Marry him." You swallowed at her words. Yes, you asked yourself. What even is the problem? Estrid wasn't wrong, was she?
"I-I don't know, I... I highly doubt that he feels the same." The maid placed a hand on your shoulder, smiling. "I highly doubt that he doesn't feel the same. After what you told me..." She said, standing up. "This sounds like a story of love to me." Her lips curled in another smile, before she left the room; closing the door silently behind her.
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"And therefore, the next hunt is planned to be-" Laufey's eyes landed on his son's, who sat across him at the table. He was staring aimlessly across the dining hall, poking around in his meal. The king frowned. It wasn't the first time his son seemed to be very absent-minded. It happened a lot recently. "Loki." No reaction. The king balled his hand to a fist and slammed his fist on the stoney table, causing the prince to flinch. His gaze landed immediately on his father. "Have you heard a single word I just said?" Loki nodded, eagerly, "Of course, I-" but the critical gaze of Laufey silenced him. He knew. "Haven't, father. Apologies." The king shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "What is bothering your mind, son? You've been absent-minded all the time recently. Tell me - and don't say it is nothing!" Loki swallowed hard. He knew exactly what was bothering him. He hoped to hide it from his father, but it was no use. He couldn't. So why deny it longer?
"I..." Loki started, clearing his throat. "I am afraid I fell in love, father... And now I can't stop myself from thinking about her." Laufey looked at Loki like he had just seen a ghost; completely in disbelief. His son falling in love? A thing the king never thought possible. "You are what?" He needed to hear it again to truly believe it. "In love, father... I'm in love." The king blinked, still a bit taken aback. "Well, I'm surprised, but happy for you, son. I do hope she is of royal blood, though. Or well, at least of high status. I won't allow you to court a mere mai-" "She is, father." Loki jumped to interrupt him. "You even know her. Princess Y/N, daughter of Odin." Laufey's eyes widened. He definitely hadn't seen that coming. "Princess Y/N?" The young Jotun nodded. "Did you meet her on your trip to Asgard?" "Yes, but that is a story for another time. I have to go to her. I have to see her; talk to her. My heart is aching; in desperate need to see her." Loki closed his eyes for a moment as he paused, before taking a deep breath. "And... And I wish to marry her. Please, father." Laufey was still kind of shocked, but nevertheless gave his blessings. "You may - but this isn't just my decision. You have to speak to the Allfather; ask for the princess's hand in marriage." The prince nodded. "I will, father, I will. Do I have your permission to leave tomorrow morning for Asgard?" "You have my permission, son."
Loki wasn't able to find sleep that night. A trillion thoughts were running at lighting speed through his head; thinking through every possible scenario. What if Odin rejects me and won't allow me to marry her? What if I'm not enough for her in his eyes? What if she's already promised to someone else? What if she doesn't love me? But the signs have been clear, haven't they? Or did I read them wrong? What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if I screwed it up with rejecting her like I did?
His mind just wasn't able to settle down and rest. So, he tossed and turned; literally waiting for the morning to arrive. When it did, the young prince was up early, of course. Standing up with the sunrise, he prepared everything for his journey and visited his father, before he left.
"I'll be going now, father." Laufey gave him a nod, just having some breakfast. "Good luck, my son. Princess Y/N will be a good future wife and queen." Loki nodded approvingly. "She will. I'm certain of it." Taking a small bow, the prince backed up, on his way to leave, when the king held him back. "And son?" Loki looked over his shoulder, expectantly. "Yes?" "I'm proud of you. After every discussion we have been through… You, finding love is a true blessing." He couldn't help but smile at his father's words. "Thank you."
Not much later, Loki stepped out of the Bifrost, faced with the guard of Asgard - Heimdall. The Æsir gave him a nod and a bow. "I saw you coming, prince Loki." Loki winked at him. "I bet you did. Is the Allfather...?" "In the palace, yes." "Thank you." So, Loki made his way to the palace. After explaining to the guards that he was here to talk with Odin, they let him in and another guard accompanied him to the golden doors of the throne room.
"Prince Loki, son of Laufey..." Started Odin, as he laid his eyes upon the Jotun prince. "What brings you here on such a beautiful day? I hope nothing bad." Loki shook his head and got down on one knee, taking a deep bow, just like it was taught to him; upholding his good manners. "Rather the opposite, Allfather... I hope to bring good news." The king of Asgard gave the Jotun a nod, "Speak." looking at him expectantly. Loki swallowed and took a deep breath. Was that nervosity he felt? "I wish to marry your daughter, princess Y/N." Odin's expression changed. He couldn't hide that he was more than surprised. "You wish to marry my daughter?" "Yes, your highness." The king looked at the prince for quite a few seconds, literally staring him down, before he spoke up again. "Well... You are a of status - a prince, with good manners. A great leader and warrior, future king and the son of my greatest ally... How could I turn such an offer down? You may marry my daughter, prince." Loki couldn't suppress the bright smile which threatened to cross his face. So, he lowered his head in order to hide it. "Thank you, Allfather. I promise to be a good husband for her - but... I have got one more wish. Am I allowed to speak?" "Speak." "I... I don't want this marriage to be arranged." That was Loki's 'condition'.
Yes, he loved you and yes, his father and your father agreed to this, but he didn't want to force you into marrying him. If you didn't love him and didn't want this, the prince wished to accept your decision. Sure, he would be heartbroken, but forcing you to be his wife - to love him, wouldn't change a thing. Loki wanted you to be happy - even if that was the prize he had to pay. He would pay it in a heartbeat.
An almost high-pitched laugh escaped the Allfather's lips, as if Loki just said something scandalous. "You wish this marriage to not be arranged?!" Loki nodded. "Yes, my king. I beg of you." "Why?" "I want princess Y/N to be happy and not bound to a man she doesn't love, because..." The prince paused for a moment, took another deep breath. "Because I truly love your daughter. With all my heart." Once again, Odin just stared at him for a moment. "I owe you and your father. You trained my people to become excellent warriors. Therefore, I'll agree. If my daughter doesn't wish to marry you, she won't." Odin's answer took a load of Loki's mind. He was definitely relieved; took another bow. "Thank you. May I go and speak to her?" "Of course. After all, she is your future wife - perhaps."
That was, what Loki did. A guard led him all the way to your chambers. "I thank you. Leave now." The guard obeyed, bowed and turned to leave. Loki had to take a few deep breaths, before he was ready to knock on your door. Before he was brave enough to knock on your door. After all, a lot had happened between you and him. Not to mention that it was kind of his fault, that you were trapped in your room. He regretted it, but he also had no other choice back then and was hurt as well... Nevertheless, he had to talk to you and take a chance. Otherwise, Loki feared to die, because his heart was aching so painfully for you. So, he knocked; and when your delicate, sweet voice echoed from the other side of the door and told him to come in, a pleasant shiver ran down his spine. It was almost therapeutic to hear your voice again. Taking a last deep breath, the prince stepped inside.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Eddie makes weed brownies without telling Steve.
He'd promised Argyle and Jonathan he'd greet them with a whole plate of them when they arrived later in the day for a week long visit. Eddie had naturally used Steve's big, fancy kitchen because he had stayed over the night before and he needed the space to flit around and make sure he got everything right.
Once they're done, he leaves them on a plate with one of Steve's mother's fancy tea towels over the top to keep the flys off them and then he runs upstairs to shower and wash off the absurd amount of brownie batter he managed to get on himself.
Steve gets home early. His head thumping and his body aching, he'd covered Robin's shift because she was sick and now he wanted nothing more than to bury his face in his pillow and sleep for 2 days.
The smell hits him as soon as he walks by the kitchen, it makes his stomach growl and his mouth water, which reminds him he skipped lunch. He can hear the shower running upstairs, he smiles to himself. Eddie had made brownies, one of Steve's favourite treats.
He lifts up the tea towel and grabs one off the plate, he devours it in two bites. Steve practically moans at the taste. Eddie has always been an amazing cook, he'd made them a whole 3 course meal for their one year anniversary. He grabs a second and then a third.
Steve's finishing off his fourth brownie when Eddie saunters down the stairs, a smile on his face and his hair wet and tied up out of his face. Steve's sitting on the kitchen floor, his whole body felt floaty so he had slowly slid to the floor with a giggle. He must be a lot more exhausted from work than he originally thought.
Eddie freezes right in front of him, the smile gone from his face as he takes in the sight of Steve sitting on the kitchen floor with brownie crumbs all over his work uniform and a dopey smile on his face. "Eddie!!" He lifts his arms up and makes grabby hands towards his boyfriend. "You made me brownies. I love you. You're the best."
"Oh no, no, no. Steve, honey, how many did you eat?!" Eddie kneels down in front of him and holds his face in his hands. Steve leans into the touch with a quiet hum.
"Three? No, four. They were really yummy, babe. I love your cooking. Gonna marry you one day." He rambles. Eddie laughs and leans forward to place a kiss to his boyfriend's smiling lips.
He probably should have put a note on top of the plate.
"Come on, let's go watch star wars and get you comfy. Argyle and Jonathan will be here later, do you remember?" Eddie's suddenly thankful that Steve drags him to the gym every Friday because Steve is fucking heavy when he's high as a kite and leaning all his weight on Eddie. "Jesus, I don't remember you being this heavy last night."
Steve laughs so hard he nearly knocks them both over.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 8 months
Brotherhood (2)
Directly following the events of Double Helix, Danny enrolls in Bayville High school and joins the Brotherhood of Mutants. He's not sure if they actually believe he's a ghost and not a mutant, but at least they don't care enough to challenge him on it, and that's good enough for him. This is a direct sequel to Double Helix (linked above), and some parts may be confusing without the context of the original fic. I suggest you read that first.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week 2024, Day 5: The Owl House X-Men Evolution | Shell
I have seen exactly two episodes of The Owl House, and that was like four years ago or something, so I was not confident in my ability to write a crossover for it. Also, from this chapter on, it's unedited and I'll come back to edit later. I just want to actually finish this fic tonight.
I tried to work in a theme of both Danny and Wanda "coming out of their shell" throughout the fic. You can also read it on AO3.
Chapter 2: Transition
[Warning for mental institutions]
"You guys got any plans for the long weekend?" Lance asked as he sprawled out on the shabby couch in the board house. "Kitty told me she and some of the X-dorks are going on an educational retreat to the California redwoods. They decided on it yesterday. Can you imagine being able to just up and fly to the other side of the country on a whim."
"And for educational purposes, yuck!" Toad agreed. "If I had my own jet like they do, I'd go to Vegas!"
"If you could afford a jet like they have, you wouldn't have to go to Vegas," Lance said. "You'd already be rich. If I had my own jet, I would use it to go to all the concerts I'd normally miss because they're too far away."
"I don't need a private jet to go wherever I want," Pietro bragged. "If I want to go to a concert, I'll run right in past security and no one will even know."
"And if that concert is in Europe?" Lance asked. "Or Asia? You know, across a massive ocean? Can you run there?"
"Okay, point taken, but why would I wanna go to a snooty European concert anyway?" the speedster scoffed. "What about you, Danny?"
"What do I need a jet for? I can already fly," he said. "Not that I use it for major travel much. Maybe I should. That's what my cousin does. She flies all over the world."
"Hey! We should do something fun this weekend!" Toad declared. "Maybe sneak into a concert, or go somewhere cool! Show those X losers we know how to have a good time while they use their fancy private jet to go learn things."
"Sure, I'm down," Lance agreed.
"Sorry guys, I'm gonna pass this time. I actually do have plans this weekend," Danny said. "I'm gonna fly upstate and visit a friend. I haven't seen her in a few weeks."
"Her?" Pietro repeated with a smirk. "This wouldn't happen to be a girlfriend would it?"
"It's not like that," Danny said. "She's a friend. She's a girl. That's it."
"Uh-huh... sure," Toad said, sounding unconvinced. "You dog."
"Lay off," Danny said, rolling his eyes. "Come on, we gotta get to school. Long weekend's not here yet."
Toad groaned.
"Buck up, we've only got one more day," Lance pointed out.
When the long weekend finally arrived, Danny filled his pockets with all the things he wanted to bring, said good-bye to the Brotherhood, who barely acknowledged him as they argued about what to do that weekend, and took off. He flew north, toward the mental institution. It had been almost three whole weeks since he'd last been there, but he remembered the way.
Honestly, he hadn't expected to go back so soon, and Wanda probably wouldn't be expecting him either, but it wasn't like he was gonna be an inpatient this time. He would turn invisible and pop into Wanda's room to hang out with her. It hadn't even been that long, really, but he missed her.
Thinking about her in that room all alone again, without anyone or anything to distract her, it almost made him regret leaving in the first place. He should have been more considerate. Even though she said she'd be okay, leaving just because he didn't like Xavier was selfish.
When, after almost a full day of flying, he finally caught sight of the building, resentment gripped his chest. He hated this place. If it weren't for Wanda, he wouldn't have even stayed as long as he had. And if it weren't for her, he definitely wouldn't have come back, ever. No matter what.
But he did. He came back. For Wanda.
Sneaking in went just as planned. No one saw him. No one heard him. He was a ghost, after all. The moment he saw Wanda, he realized that he'd missed her even more than he'd thought.
"Knock knock," he said as he appeared in her room.
She jumped in surprise, but when she saw him, she smiled. "You scared me."
"Should I have said 'Boo', instead?" he asked. "I totally should have. Missed opportunity."
She chuckled slightly and shook her head.
"You seem to be doing pretty well, all things considered," he noted.
She was still wearing a straight jacket, but it looked looser, like whoever had put it on her wasn't as worried about her getting out. Her small smile still seemed genuine. Three weeks on her own again hadn't sent her straight back to her darkest place, it seemed.
"Yeah," she agreed. "I've been taking your advice. Whenever I notice myself getting stuck thinking about the bad memory, I try to think of three good ones. It's hard sometimes, but I think the more effort it takes, the better it works, because it keeps me distracted for longer. Yesterday, I remembered reading that book with you. You know the one. I tried to imagine an ending for it where they were both arrested as war criminals instead of having a happy ending. Do you want to hear it?"
"Absolutely," Danny confirmed.
In truth, he hadn't even thought about that trashy romance novel in ages. It was largely forgettable for him, but if it helped Wanda better navigate her emotions then hell yeah he wanted to hear her ideas for an alternate ending.
In her version of the ending, there was a huge trial. The kings of both sides agreed that the Warlock and Sorceress were guilty of crimes against Arvenia, and sentenced them to live the rest of there lives in a deep, dark dungeon where the lovers could only communicate by having rats deliver notes between them.
Then, after years of planning their escape one note at a time, they broke out and took over the world together, killing the kings and terrorizing the people of Arvenia to keep them in line.
"Ooh, plot twist!" Danny said when she got to that part. "I like that you made them the villains in the end. They should have been the villains from the beginning."
"I agree," Wanda said. "It was stupid that the book just gave them another villain to blame for all the bad things they did and fight off, rather than acknowledging their crimes."
"Totally!" Danny emphatically agreed. "Oh, I just remembered! I brought you some stuff."
He reached into his pockets and pulled out all the stuff he'd brought. He pulled out a deck of cards, a book of MadLibs and a pen, a sheet of stickers. He wasn't sure what they would have the most fun with, so he'd just  brought a bunch of random junk. Lastly, he pulled out a necklace, a black choker with an ankh charm.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Your first goth accessory," he said. "I found it in a random box in the attic where I'm staying now."
"No, I mean what's that symbol?" she asked, repositioning herself so Danny could put the necklace on her.
"Oh, it's an ankh. The Egyptian symbol for life, I think."
"Life, huh? Doesn't sound very goth."
"Well, you would be wearing it ironically," he said. "Most of the other gothy stuff I found had crosses, and seeing as your Jewish and all...." He shrugged. "Felt like it would be disrespectful. So, do you like it?"
"Yeah, I like it a lot," Wanda said. "You know," her voice became suddenly softer than before, like she was nervous. "Professor Xavier is going to come tomorrow. I think tomorrow might finally be the day he takes me with him."
"You think?" Danny asked, excited for her despite his hatred of the professor.
"Yeah," she confirmed. "I've been doing a lot better lately, and I have a really good feeling about it."
"That's awesome, Wanda!" he told her. "In that case, let's call the necklace a good luck charm. I'm rooting for you. I know you can do it."
"You know, I also found this totally sweet red leather coat when I was rooting around in the attic," he said. "Ankle-length, flared collar, and it's your favorite color. Once you're ready to give up the straight jacket, I'll bring it to you as a congratulations present. What do you think?"
"I think you're really trying to motivate me."
"What can I say? I miss my friend."
"Then we have a deal," she agreed. Tomorrow is gonna be the day. I just know it."
Danny grinned widely at her. 
For the rest of the day, they mostly played MadLibs. They tried a few card games, too, but with Wanda's hands restrained, the only thing they could really do was collaborative solitaire, and that got old fast. Danny stuck little ghost and bat stickers on all the latches on her straight jacket while he told her about the school he was going to, and the board house. How he'd picked the same city the Xavier Institute was in so he could see her again when she enrolled there.
"They're all mutants at the board house," Danny told her. "I don't know if they actually believe I'm not, but they don't push it. They don't even call me a mutant by mistake. I don't know, maybe it's 'cause they're afraid I'll do something, or maybe it's 'cause they just don't care enough to argue with me, but either way, that's better than I ever got from Xavier."
"I'm glad you found people who accept you," Wanda said. "I hope when I go to the professor's school, I will too."
"Me too," Danny agreed. "And hey, even if you don't find them there, you'll still have me."
She smiled at him. Her smile was always small, burdened, a little sad behind the eyes, but it was honest. Danny liked that about her. She never tried to hide anything.
That night, he crashed in her room. Despite being fully padded, it was not very comfortable, but it was better than trying to fly through the night and ending up sleeping in a tree somewhere. He said 'see ya later' and left early in the morning to make sure he wouldn't be seen when the orderlies came to get her for her meeting with the professor, and promised to meet up with her again soon.
Then, he spent another day flying back to Bayville.
"You're getting back a little late, aren't you?" Lance observed when Danny finally returned to the board house. "Did you get to spend some quality time with your girlfriend?"
"Again, not my girlfriend, but yes, I did," Danny responded. "How was your... whatever you guys decided to do this weekend?"
"Oh, we ended up not being able to decide, so we just ordered pizza and stayed here all weekend," Lance answered. "So that was... that."
"Oh, yeah, those X-Men are gonna be soo jealous of the weekend you had."
"Shut up!"
It wasn't until a couple days later that news reached the Brotherhood of the X-Men's newest member. It came by way of Lance's budding relationship with Kitty.
"Really!? The X-Men have a new member?" Danny repeated excitedly when he heard the news after school.
"That's what Kitty said," Lance confirmed. "Apparently she's not gonna start at Bayville High for another few of days so she can get settled, but yeah. I don't know anything about her, though."
"I'm pretty sure I do!" Danny said. "I gotta go!"
Danny didn't bother to explain. He went ghost, made a quick pit-stop in the attic to grab something and then flew straight for the Xavier Institute. He'd never actually been there before, but Tabitha told him where it was a while back. Apparently, she used to be an X-Men trainee before she joined the Brotherhood, and she was still friends with some of them.
Turrets rose up out of the ground the moment he got past the gate. Probably motion-activated. Danny easily avoided getting hit by turning intangible and staying that way until he'd flown straight through the front door. It actually took a while. The grounds were huge.
By the time he got through, there was a group of mutants waiting for him, suited up and ready for a fight.
"Relax, I'm not here to fight," Danny said. He held up the paper bag he'd brought with him. "I'm just bringing a friend a gift."
"Who are you?" demanded a guy with a weird visor. Scott, probably. He seemed like Scott.
"What do you mean who am I?" Danny asked. "You know me!"
"Like, I've never seen you before," Kitty said, crossing her arms. 
How they expected to protect their identities when they didn't even wear masks, Danny had no idea.
"What are you talking about? I—" He stopped himself abruptly. "Oh yeah, my bad," he said, and let the rings of his transformation wash over him, revealing his human form. "Recognize me now?"
Judging by their gasps, the answer was yes, but they didn't stand down.
"What are you doing here?" Jean asked. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with the Xavier Institute."
"I don't wanna join, but it's not like I hate you guys or anything," Danny said. "This just isn't the place for me. And I already told you why I'm here. I'm brought a congratulations present for Wanda. She's your new member, right? Or trainee? Whatever."
"How do you know that?" asked a fuzzy blue mutant that Danny didn't recognize until he started talking. That German accent was unmistakably Kurt.
"Well, when I saw her the other day, she said she felt really confident that she was going to be able to join you guys soon, and then Lance said Kitty said you got a new member, so I figured it must be her."
The others all glared at Kitty.
"What?" she asked. "It's not like it was gonna be a secret for long anyway. We, like, all go to the same school!"
"I wasn't aware you and Wanda were so close," came a familiar voice.
Danny turned to see the professor wheeling in and had to school his face to avoid scowling at him.
"We're friends," he said. "Can I see her or not? And keep in mind if you say no, I'm just gonna find her anyway."
"As long as you haven't come with ill intentions, I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to see her," the professor said. "We're all mutants after all, and a sense of community is important."
"I'm not a mutant," Danny muttered, his scowl finally breaking through.
The professor responded with a tight smile. "Jean, why don't you show Danny to Wanda's room."
"Of course, professor," Jean agreed. "It's this way."
She headed up the stairs and Danny followed.
"So do you and Wanda know each other from the institution?" Jean asked. "I mean, sorry, that's probably personal. I hope you don't mind me asking."
"It's fine," Danny said. "Yeah. Security couldn't exactly hold a guy who walks through walls, so I would sneak into her room sometimes and we'd hang out. She always wanted to be able to come here. I could never really understand it, but I'm still proud of her, you know? I may not agree with you guys, but you're good people. For the most part. I'm not quite sold on Scott, yet."
Jean chuckled. "I guess we can't really ask for more than that." She stopped in the hallway and knocked on a door. "Wanda, you in there? You have a visitor."
The door opened seemingly on its own.
"Danny!" Wanda's voice called. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon."
"I came as soon as I heard, and I guess word travels fast," he replied. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, come in," she said.
"I'll leave you to it," Jean said, as she backed away into the hall and closed the door behind her.
"You look good," Danny said.
Her clothes were a bit mismatched, but it was the first time he was seeing her without a straight jacket, and that was a huge improvement. She was also wearing the choker he'd given her. Her hair looked recently washed, and was neatly combed and tucked behind her ears. 
Even the way she held herself was more confident, happier. Not being in that rotten mental institution was already having a positive affect on her, it seemed.
"I brought something that'll make you look even better." He held up the paper bag.
"The coat?" she asked, rushing forward excitedly to take the bag from him.
"I hope it fits," he told her. "It looked about the right size."
She let the bag drop to the floor as he pulled the coat out and smoothly slid it on. It looked like it might be a little wide in the shoulders, but other than that, it fit like a glove.
"It's perfect," she said.
"I also found some earrings that match the necklace," he said. "I slipped 'em in one of the pockets. I know you don't have pierced ears, but I figured if you ever did, you might like to have them."
She patted the pockets until she found what he was talking about and smiled when she pulled them out. Then, she laid them gently on her dresser.
He didn't think he'd ever seen her smile so much, and so unabashedly. It wasn't the tiny, hesitant smile she'd worn before. She was really coming out of her shell.
"Careful," he said. "Looking at you now, I'd almost think you weren't consumed by rage."
Her smile fell. 
That had been the wrong thing to say.
"I am still angry," she said. "I can't stop it. But... you were right. I didn't need to control my anger. I just had to stop letting my anger control me. Now I can be angry and happy at the same time. Angry and excited. I feel more than just anger now. It feels good."
"I'm happy to hear it," he told her. "So how's this place treating you so far?"
"I have a roommate!" she replied instantly. "Her name is Rahne. And tomorrow, when they're done with school, she and some of the other girls are gonna take me to the mall for new clothes so I don't have to wear stuff from the lost-and-found anymore."
"That makes sense," Danny said.
"Do you wanna come?" she invited.
"I... would... but I might ruin the mood," he said apologetically. "Some of them don't trust me since I'm technically part of the Brotherhood, and we're... enemies? Rivals? Something like that. Plus, you don't want a guy tagging along on your first girl's shopping trip. Trust me. You'll want the full experience."
"You have a point...."
"I'll enjoy the surprise of seeing your new wardrobe when you come to school in a few days," he said.
They hung out and chatted for a little while until Wanda's roommate came back and Danny figured that was his cue to go. As he left her new room, he had the distinct pleasure of telling her he'd see her at school.
He could feel eyes on him until he was all the way off the manor grounds. They may not have hated him, but these X-Men sure as hell didn't trust him either.
Whatever. He didn't care what they thought about him. As long as they took care of Wanda, and left him alone, they were alright in his book. So far, so good.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
Fic in the works
Hey, do me a favor? Read this please? It’s been a work in progress long before this blog was made (and yet it still doesn’t even have a title) and I wanna know if people would read it just by the Prologue alone...
It’s an oc fic, but please don’t let that discourage you. It’s a Tonowari x Oc x Ronal fic and the Oc is Jake’s younger sister (I know, not very original, but I like to think I’ve branched out and created a unique story with different situations that I haven’t seen in a Jake!sister fic yet). Again, this is just the Prologue.
Warning: Swearing, angst, sibling resentment, mentions of death and suicide. It’s giving “older sibling is leaving and moving on with their lives and younger sibling is mad because they only see it is abandonment and can’t fathom having to live in this shit world alone.”
It's like a switch turned off in his head.
One minute he's drinking and actually enjoying life for once, the next he's thrown out of the bar and had been told his twin brother was dead. Seeing Tommy's body numbed everything, sobering Jake up before he even had a chance to puke the stuff out. It's one thing for his legs to stop working, it's another for his emotions to stop as well. The man barely said a word or even composed a proper emotion during the whole funeral process. After watching his brother's body being cremated, he hadn't been angry or even devastated by the loss. There wasn't a single tear shed on Jake's behalf during the service, his mind droning out the words exchanged and the condolences given.
Now, he sat in his wheelchair, staring out the window of his sister's crammed two-room apartment, not far down the road from his own living space. His hair was long and unkept with the idea of shaving it all off tomorrow, the dress jacket he had worn for the service now tossed to the couch behind him. The shaggy, old apartment didn't have much for lights, least of all a view, the only green to be seen being the lights of signs indicating a restaurant or a dollar store right outside. The familiar sound of ice clinking softly together in a glass could be heard behind him, along with a woman's voice.
"Jake? Jake."
The woman's voice drew closer as she crossed the room to him, "I found a job opening down the street. 'Pay is good. Thought we might check it out together?"
Looking up, Jake is met with a small glass with about a couple gulps worth of whiskey in it, and two ice cubes to make up for the shitty water content. He glances up at his sister as she offers the glass to him and he eventually takes the drink but doesn't acknowledge her words. Kayla's head tilts to the side, studying his reaction before speaking again, "What is it?"
His jaw tightens, taking the time to stare down at his drink while he finds the words, "... I'm taking Tommy's job. I'm gonna be shipped out on a shuttle tomorrow afternoon. In about... six years, I'll be landing on Pandora."
"... Really."
"Money's good," he tries offering the bright side, despite his brooding behavior. He gulps back his entire drink with one tip back of his head, tolerating the burn of alcohol before setting the empty glass on the window sill, "And they need someone with Tommy's face and DNA in order to sync up with the avatar they designed for him. I'll be saving them millions of dollars."
He doesn't need to see her face to know that Kayla was trying to refrain from scowling, "You don't know a single thing about science. You're a war dog."
"Not anymore, clearly," Jake muttered while his hands touched the wheels of his chair.
"You know what I mean. I mean you barely passed high school--"
"'And Tommy passed with flying colors', yeah I know," he responds flatly, a bad taste starting to form in his mouth, "I've heard that plenty of times, trust me."
"Jake-- why are you telling me all this the night before you're meant to leave?"
He finally looks up at her. Plain-faced and pale, Kayla still had a shadow of youth in her eyes, with plenty of life ahead of her. She may not be a twin like Jake and Tommy, but she still bore the resemblance of a Sully. Narrow nose, thin lips, dull blue eyes, and a pointed chin, Jake's younger sister could easily be misinterpreted as his twin now that Tom was no longer around. The thought made his stomach clench and the taste in his mouth got worse.
"So you wouldn't be able to stop me."
She huffs, unimpressed as she took a long sip of her own beverage, "Well, at least you're honest when you're drunk."
"I'm not drunk."
"When are you not drunk these days?" She hissed, "Do you think those scientists will take on a drunk in the RDA or whatever-the-fuck it's called?"
"I'll sober up in my cryotube. I'll be clean in six years and it'll only feel like six hours for me. It's a win-win."
"You mean a win-win-lose because that still means leaving behind your only living family member. Whatever happened to 'Sullys stick together?'"
Jake scoffs while taking a hand to rub his tired face, "You're not a kid anymore. You can make your own living, and start your own family. You don't need me and you definitely don't need this lifestyle. You could do anything with your life without your crippled brother holding you back--"
"Who died and made you the sole decision-maker of what I do with my life?"
"You're clearly leaving an opening for me to say 'everyone died.'"
She pointedly slammed her drink down on the window sill before she turned to walk away, "Fuck you."
"Kayla..." With his sister still exiting, Jake grabbed his wheelchairs ad made the motion to go after her, his arrogance and pent-up emotions now starting to boil over, "Hey! Kayla! What the hell do you want from me?!"
"I want to be the first choice!" She screams, whipping back around to point an accusing finger down at him, "For once! I have never been put first over anything else ever! Not with Mom or Dad. Not with Tommy. And now not even with you!"
The snarl he lets out startled even him, bitter coldness dripping from his words, "Grow up, Kayla."
"What, is it childish to feel wanted?"
"Yes! That's not how you survive out here!" He emphasizes this by swinging an arm in the direction of the window.
"Stomping down feelings and a need for your family will ensure your survival?"
"'A need for your family?'" He grins up at her, incredulous and in disbelief, "Do you even hear yourself? It's not like I'm your first choice for a caring older brother!"
"No, you're not. You're always drunk, mean, and miserable these days."
"Hence why you don't need me holding you back--"
"Shut the fuck up!" She roars back, "Only you can hold you back. So stop trying to sell me this bullshit excuse that you're not worth keeping around only so you can ditch me! Because that's what you really want, isn't it? To ditch your sister?"
The room is silent apart from both siblings trying to regain their breath and posture. Jake had a hard time admitting that his voice had cracked when he managed to tone down the volume, "... No matter how I answer that... it won't be an answer you like."
Pain flashed in her eyes, a visual that would continue to haunt Jake from that day forward. Kayla's dirty-colored hair spills over one shoulder as she straightens herself up, towering over Jake, the hurt quickly being replaced by a wall of cement that quickly hardened behind her blue eyes. Her face relaxed into an expression that slowly bubbled with anger instead of pain, her voice dripping with venom, "You're right. Because you're either leaving me here because you don't want me to watch you die, or you're leaving to start a new life without any reminders of me. Either way, you're a sick son of a bitch and I wish you died instead of Tommy! Go to Hell!"
For added measure, she takes her foot and kicks at his wheelchair, pushing Jake back as he rounds back with more hateful words, quick to defend and pity himself, "I'm already in Hell! Living here, breathing this air, looking like this! This whole place is fucking Hell and I'm sick of it! You can love life as much as you want and make the most of it, but it's still a dying dream! I hate it here! I'd rather blow my brains out on Pandora than here! At least there's something nice to look at when that happens!"
The silence is nearly deafening the apartment, Jake's ragged breaths of anger pounding in his ears as he glares up at Kayla. Spontaneous tears spilled out of her eyes the second Jake found the time to blink, her breaths shaking as she tried to control herself from letting out any pathetic noise resembling a sob. It was a struggle, to be sure, as Jake watched her entire composure slowly crumble and shake, trying to grasp whatever dignity she had left.
"I hate you..." the words sound forced out, but they stab Jake straight in the chest, nonetheless. Kayla's voice croaked as she continued the verbal lashing, "I hate you..." She furiously wipes away her tears with the collar of her dress shirt that she had worn for her big brother's funeral, "When I wake up tomorrow, you better be gone by then."
The pent-up rage had been released in a cold laugh under his breath as Jake tightly gripped his wheels, "How about I do us both a favor and leave now!"
He rolls past her and makes it to the door, letting it slide open for him with a bit of a struggle due to the little power left in the mechanics of it. He doesn't turn back as he aggressively wheels forward, calling over his shoulder, "Have a good life, kid."
"Fuck you, Jake."
Then the door slides shut once more.
So? Maybe? Obviously I don’t wanna give away too much so I hope it captured your attention. I’ve written so much for this fic and haven’t post a single chapter. You guys are the first to see this. I think that if I had support, I’d finally have the motivation and courage to let it out into the world as corny as it sounds. Anyway, thank you for reading it anyway!
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b-else-writes · 1 year
Vector Prime (1999): Some Thoughts
so i've decided to re-read the old EU (maaybee because i'm gonna write some more fanfic) and arbitrarily decided that I would start with the era for which I first ventured into as a child - the NJO. it's going to be a total chore but let's get started. Spoilers for a book that came out 24 years ago, this is just my thoughts as I was reading:
the Yuuzhan Vong: contrary to whatever revisionist stuff fans say, opinions on the old EU were very mixed and the Vong were a major point of contention. the whole idea was to end the repetitive formula of "evil Emperial Warlord and their Death Star knock-off" of the past books, but people disagreed as to whether they felt Star Wars. i think the idea of an invasion of religious war zealots who hate the Jedi and technology is not a bad idea per se, and i do think that the parts of the story that feel like a thriller as we learn more and more about the Vong and Yomin Carr hunts the scientists on Belkadan, are quite gripping. but i don't know if they feel Star Wars, the sadomasochism and orc appearance especially.
Luke: i feel like the NJO is when the writers realised that Luke had already concluded his character arc and didn't know what to do with him in a main role but people would cry blood if he wasn't in a main role so they were stuck (the original idea was to kill Luke and not Chewie). Luke is fine but unmemorable, and his conflict is external - whether Jedi operate as a law force of its own or not, and whether to have a Jedi Council or not (because the PT was airing) to keep all the Jedi in-line, and Luke is largely wishy-washy.
Han: the best written of the trio, i think his characterization was spot-on, especially in grief and rage.
Jacen: contrary to revisionist history (2), fans LOATHED the Solo children and you can straight up find fan polls on which Solo spawn is the worst from like 2002. i'm a contrarian and you know what? i like Jacen here. i think he has a good point about whether the point of the Force is to be a Space Police Officer or whether it's a source of self-enlightenment and growth and that he wants the Jedi to be less bureaucratic. like Anakin straight-up says the Jedi are the Law, and Jacen says no, and you know what? he's right. unfortunately Jacen can never be right because SW runs on the hamster wheel of endless violent conflict, but sue me, i like Jacen.
Kyp Durron: sue me (2), i like Kyp Durron. Kyp was never meant to have this role (it was meant to be a new character) but someone who no doubt hated Kyp suggested he take the role of the cocky trigger-happy "the Jedi should act like a law onto themselves" that puts him at odds with EVERYONE else. they try to justify it that Kyp wants to prove to everyone that he's good and atone, and in principle, I think the idea can work, but without writing Kyp as an arrogant, cocky, and smug asshole with zero compassion for others. leave my man alone!! he's just trying to earn redemption!!
Mara, Leia, Jaina, Danni: they are all lumped together because Salvatore doesn't know how to write women. they are all "strong willed and beautiful" (except Leia because she's old and how dare women be old) and that's it. Jaina's personality is lit "fly good".
Lando: the writers have no idea what to do with Lando either.
Anakin Solo: the Solo Spawn i am sending to the execution squad. joking i think he works as a stupid teenager who needs to grow up.
the big controversial death: i actually think it works as an emotional beat (and i don't object to death in SW), but the writing was very confusing as to how the whole thing actually happened. how fast is the Moon coming down that the Falcon can fly away and have enough time to loop back to see Chewie die?
blowing up Helska: this made zero sense and was resolved in one chapter and i suspect was tacked on because the book couldn't end at Sernpidal, which would actually have worked better because while the writing isn't great, the imagery of the Moon crashing down is really effective.
overall, it's a brisk read but the cracks in the old EU are visible. i think some of the writing decisions were plain bad to downright side-eyeable in the case of Lando and all the female characters - also is EVERYONE in this galaxy white except Lando?? (Kyp is Asian you can't take this from me, child-me thought this and it is my truth now) - and tbh trying to drag Luke into more adventures at this point feels like extending something beyond where it should be. it is fairly gripping though, the writing is serviceable and nothing special, but i never felt bored reading.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
Wow, that was such a sweet ending. I can't believe we're here now. and guess what YOU DID IT! you finished a whole series so huge congratulations! That's not an easy feat. I'm proud of you!
Tony being dramatic with Pocket moving out as if she is going to move to another country only to find out it's just a couple blocks away? Hilarious. Also the umbilical cord line was so so funny. I'm glad for this fresh start though! Pocket absolutely needs it.
And here's me thinking "Where the hell is, Bucky?" and well there he is! So happy to see them be in such a better place now and I'm glad they were able to go to couples counseling and truly got to work on themselves. It might be rare but it's not impossible for couples to work out even after similar events that Bucky and Pocket have fone through. And well, they've grown a bond so strong with what they went through and I truly believe they're going to be better and healthier than before. I know there's going to be more of these two but for now, I will miss the shenanigans they'll get up to. Especially now that they've got their own place to christen hahaha those poor neighbors, doesn't matter if they're a whole floor down. They're going to hear it no matter what.
What a journey this has been. As I said, I've got all my reports compiled into one document. Would you believe me if I said I've written a total of 19k words from all these essays I've sent you? Insane, I tell you. I absolutely don't regret it one single bit. I enjoyed this ride so much, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'll try and keep up with the future installments, sequels, and your other series (which has peaked my interest ngl) But with school and work, I'll try my best. I'll for sure pop in here whenever i can though. Until then, I'll see you around! Lots of Love!
— Jnon 🤍
WE did it, Jnon! All of us, together!
Although, if people ask what my Greatest Life Accomplishment is, I'm gonna say "oh, that book I wrote." I will *not* say it was Bucky Barnes fanfic smut; just a book, lol. Actually, lemme go check that off my Bucket List rn...
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(Actual photo of my Bucket List. Please ignore the fact I used Papyrus. It was 2014, and yes, I was still old enough to know better.)
I loved the idea of Tony acting like Pocket moving out was the biggest affront to him that could be made. In the original draft, Bucky and Pocket were going to be going at it on the balcony like the touch-starved rabbits they were, and then Tony was going to fly over in his Iron Man suit, but I ended up not wanting to write the awkward, lol. Maybe I'll save it for a smutshot someday, lol.
So, I wrote the epilogue a long, long time ago. Like, way before I wrote the actual ending, or even up to... like Chapter 10, I think? I confess to deliberately playing with it so you didn't know if she and Bucky had gotten back together or not, because at the time, I didn't know myself. I wasn't sure if the ending was going to be truly happy, or just hopeful for them. I had a *brief* (and I mean very, very brief) moment where I had her coming home to Steve, but that died very quickly, because Ew, Steve. I mean, seriously. I think the only reason I thought of it was that it would make people's jaws drop, lol.
Yes, their neighbors are going to hate them, lol. Most definitely. Well, at least until the middle-aged woman who lives downstairs comes up to yell at them to keep it down, but Bucky answers the door in a two-sizes too small tank top and smiles his Bucky smile at her and then she gets it, lol, and did I just come up with another idea for a smutshot? ::sigh:: TO THE GOOGLE DOC! I think I'm up to 13 now? I definitely will do my best to keep you fed with the shenanigans.
I cannot believe you've written 19k words! I have loved reading each and every single one! Focus on school, and don't worry about keeping up with what's going on over here-- it'll be here waiting for you for whenever you have the time. It's been an honor, my friend. A true honor.
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okthatsgreat · 8 months
hiii lee :) 🍀❤️🧠 for any oc you want to talk about!
GONNA USE ERIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also hiiiii lily hello hiiii :) everybody here wish my friend lily a happy early birthday ok
🍀 - what originally inspired the oc?
pippy/erin was created for a danganronpa rp i was in and was developed a whole lot during that rp that shaped the character she is today!!!! BEFORE the rp when she was still a nameless character being used to fill out a cast of ultimates, she was floating around as either the ultimate voice actress OR the ultimate preschool teacher (who now is an entirely different guy lol), who was meant to be this very chipper, bright personality that provided levity to the group.
when i finally stopped being a pussy and decided to write out an application for the rp i decided that i NEEDED her to be in costume all of the time. like this is a cartoon character. ALSO what was really cool was this rp included the idea of a worldwide hpa program, which meant ultimates from different countries were encouraged, and immediately i was like OHHH I NEED TO MAKE HER AUSTRALIAN. I NEED TO BASE HER OFF OF EMMA WATKINS FROM THE WIGGLES. those red pigtails are DEFINITELY from her lmfao!!!! pippy also knows and teaches sign language as an homage to emma watkins as well :]
childrens programming ALSO inspired the rest of pippy's costume!!! her colour scheme is very bright and peppy, using a lot of "in your face" colours that made me think of a kid's colouring box and the australian kids show "Hi-5" that i used to watch ALL THE TIME AS A KIDDDD
her backstory was inspired by a few real child actors who acted as the primary breadwinners of the family and got denied their earnings, as well as being treated pretty terribly by the industry. jennette mccurdy's memoir definitely played a part as well. erin's personality is definitely an EXTREME (because its danganronpa lmfao) but a lot of what happened to her is based in reality
❤️ - what is one of your oc’s best memories?
a lot of what erin THINKS are her best memories turns out to just be memories of her success lmfaooooo. bc thats when the most people were happy with her!!!! which means during the killing game her best memories were likely linked to getting her very own show and being recognized as THE ultimate children's entertainer
in a beautiful universe where she has long since realised the extent of what she's gone through and processed a whole lot of it, her best memories would definitely be a lot more simple i think!! like learning how to drive a car or just hanging out with her close friends and feeling like she actually can just be totally herself for the first time :]
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
ohhhh pippy is so fun to write. i love erin and i know her being pippy is terrible for her mental health but pippy is SOOOOO fun to write LMFAO. like she is SO annoying. she is the girl in your 7am class who has already downed two cups of coffee and is talking loudly about bird facts. she is the girl who hugs you without asking and smiles without moving her eyes and constantly is at 100 percent energy no matter the circumstances. she has a fucking ukulele. that she brings everywhere. and she can improvise songs on the fly.
and the best part of it all?????????????? this entire time she could be annoying the shit out of you and calling you her best friend but unless you are seriously trying to cut through to her SHES PROBABLY FUCKING LYING LMAO. SHES ALWAYS MOVING SHE THINKS SHE CANT MAKE REAL FRIENDS. SO YOURE JUST SITTING THERE LISTENING TO HER PLAY HER COLLEEN BALLINGER ASS UKULELE FOR NOTHING BASICALLY
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itwoodbeprefect · 6 months
911 season 7 episode 3!!!
fjkdf i love when we get a little montage to introduce minor characters in the episode, and i love when that's fun, and i think this family is fun (corey!), but they really got me when the grandmother went "we need to get to the lifeboats. i want a good seat!"
the thing about 911 is. the thing about 911 is that at some point i WILL end up crying a little from the stress of the awful terrible horrible situations these fictional characters end up in
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"dead men don't bleed." bobby throwing out a banger of a revenge western title
"what are you all doing! on the ceiling!!!" that's a VERY good question, norman.
i'm, let's say, a little skeptical of the real world feasability of this rope and climbing rescue plan bobby is executing, but i do love when 911 goes hey! what the fuck! enjoy some action movie shenanigans!
"wish buck could have seen you do that." "honestly, i would have much rather seen buck do that." <3
love the way maddie is trying to have a phone conversation with chim but buck and eddie keep half joining in, like kids in the back seat of the car only catching half the conversation between their parents.
"so who's missing, bobby and athena or hen?" "yes." one of those lines that's extremely obviously something the writers set up for themselves, but i can't fault them for it, because i will admit i do like a corny overused joke.
"how are you feeling?" "like my world's been turned upside-down." man, this is a guy who knows how to milk his situation for fitting witty comments. first the whole gambling thing, now this.
"hen, where are you?" oh, she's just doing illegal paperwork. <3
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dear god. so far, counting the communications officer who died last episode, this is turning out to be a survivable emergency unless you're a black man.
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so this is where tommy shows up!!
"could be why i haven't been getting your christmas cards." fdjkfd.
i felt like i'd probably seen every scene with tommy in it giffed ten different ways by now, but i did NOT see much of this, or realize that this is how he came back into the picture. good for him. he's immediately making up for past bad behavior by randomly having hen's back.
oh, of course. not random!! it's family, doing ill-advised heroic things that should get them fired togetherrrr. <3
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"oh, i think this is an open channel." "do you, buck? do you really?" fjkdfd.
awwww. the 118: WHO CARES. 💪
always a fun time when the guy behind the controls of the helicopter says you're probably all going to die anyway!
lola: "i've never been with another man." norman: "neither have i!" ?? evan buckley, SECOND bi character this season
mr. doctor stepping up!! love that for him!!
"well, unless you feel like swimming back, that's all we've got." i do love this personality they've given tommy!
also, i realize tommy's last name is kinard, which has entirely different origins, but i keep hearing canard, as in french for duck, which would be kind of funny for a man flying over water.
tommy being stupidly willing to go along with the 118's stupid let's-just-maybe-all-die-here-for-hen's-hunch plan! i adore that this is how we're introduced to him again, it's so good, hard not to immediately love him.
guy who's been very rightfully and realistically skeptical of their chances of survival from the start: "but there's nothing out there." [helicopter noises] < continuing the tradition of characters with a normal reasonable view of the world being smugly proven wrong on this show, fjdkfd.
the thank you for choosing oceanis blue last words, oh my god. very goofy.
"i'm not supposed to go with strangers." corey, i love you.
"what are we gonna do?" "we're gonna keep trying." damn if that isn't bobby coming up with a way better line than buck's off the top of his head. the 118: we're gonna keep trying.
fjdkfd sorry but if you're bobby trying to rescue a little kid and the door above you closes up and you can't get it open and the water keeps rising and you're about to drown (again), and then the door DOES suddenly pop open and buck and eddie in full gear are grinning down at you when there's supposed to be absolutely ZERO chance of them even being on this sinking ship in the middle of the ocean in a hurricane to begin with, i think that maybe, for at least a quick second there, you might think that this time you finally did die.
ohoho! see this, of course, i did see giffed.
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hen thanking maddie is good. bobby calling hen captain is great. bobby and athena getting back home and taking their fast food into the bedroom is lovely. love when there's at least a little time to wind down from the episode. <3
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stilesssolo · 1 year
Thoughts on Speak Now TV? I am unwell and am seriously considering flying to Europe for a tour date she just opened.
Ps hi and I hope you’re doing well ☺️
Sorry for the delay in answering lol, I saw this last night but wanted to listen to the whole thing before forming opinions (I did only vault tracks and like 3-4 songs I was very nervous/ very excited for last night because I didn’t want to stay up till 2 am 😂) So tl; dr: this is where I’m at rn:
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😂😂😂 all jokes aside, I really like it! Not a huuuuge fan of some of the orchestration changes but it could have been a lot worse 😂 My main issue is my same issue for all the rerecords— while her voice is more mature now, and I do love hearing the songs with her stronger vocals, it’s always just missing a lot of the raw emotion the originals have which makes sense because it’s been so long but still bugs me. But I also listen to the stolen versions over the Taylor’s versions so after this weekend I will probably rarely listen to the TVs anyways so I don’t let it stress me out too much 😂
My biggest problem is the way she is literally trying to BRAINWASH us into thinking Speak Now is not as it was originally punished. I thought the removal of If This Was A Movie was dumb but the Better Than Revenge lyric change REALLY has me heated. Like, girlie. This is not Picture to Burn where you changed it after the first wave of CDs and 99% of your casual audience doesn’t even KNOW there’s a homophobic version. We’ve been singing Better Than Revenge for 13 years. Changing the lyric completely defeats the purpose of faithfully recapturing the originals with the rerecordings imo? Like just say it’s a silly song and you don’t feel this way anymore and regret the lyric if you want but don’t flat out change it and just pretend it never existed? Personally I don’t even think the og lyric is that bad compared to how scathing the rest of the song is!! The damage was already done!! 😂 But again, Idc I’m just gonna listen to the stolen version anyways so I suppose I should not care that much but it’s just very annoying how she’s trying to alter history!! I was there when you sang it on tour Taylor I WONT FORGET
My favorite thing about the rerecords is always the vault songs and I really like these!! I think they’re miles better than the Fearless ones but probably not quite as good as the Red ones? I need a few more listens to truly form my opinions but I Can See You and Foolish One are standouts to me. And as Amy said earlier Castles Crumbling is VERY Dany coded so I’m a big fan of that one too 🙌
All in all I am lovingggg getting to relisten to this album again as it’s one of my favorites and even with my lil nitpicky things I love this project, I love how much joy it clearly brings Taylor, and I do love getting to hear her current takes on these songs. I feel the European date desire— I really wanted to try for UK tickets but my roommate shut me down lol. However, if she adds a Canadian leg… you best bet I’m hopping that border to see it again 😂 Taylor remains queen and I’m always excited to get to hear new stuff from her!!!
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore, and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 ~ FINAL
Notes: You may be wondering why this fic is ending here... Well, I wrote the rest of this story on a school computer and then lost all my progress when they shut down my old school account when I graduated 🙃 Yes I was that kid that wrote porn at school. Don't be like me fellas
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"This is ridiculous!" Cassie whispered to her mother she walked down the hallways of Shao Kahn's palace. "We could totally over power them! We just need Mr. Sunshine over there to help this time." Scorpion shot her a dirty look and continued walking to the dining hall. "How much farther to the dining room!" Cassie yelled in frustration. "This girl needs to eat soon or someone's gonna die."
Chapter 6 ~ Cassie Cage
"Keep your mouth closed," Tanya snapped as they turned a corner and entered a long, narrow hallway. At the end, there were black painted doors, savagely marked from something that was very hungry.
Cassie gave Tanya the fuck off sign as she yelled, "I have free rights. I'M AMERICAN!" Kitana looked like she was going to rip Cassie's head off, spine and all, if she didn't shut up. 'Who cares what the bitch thinks,' Cassie thought as her stomach growled. 'So, SO hungry!' They reached the end of the tunnel and Cassie helped open the door because she was so hungry. But… "WHERE THE HELL IS THE FOOD!" Cassie screamed as Tanya shoved Sonya in, along with Kitana. Erron literally kicked Scorpion to get him inside, getting a second degree burn in the process.
Skarlet just watched from the doorway, her ruby eyes staring into Cassie's. "You will stay here until Mileena comes," Tanya hissed as she closed the doors, slamming them with a crack!
"Then where are you going?!" Sonya snarled as she began to pull at the handle that held the door, actually wrenching it backwards before it snapped forward again.
"We have to find your friends before they get back to Earth Realm and warn everybody of where you are," it was Erron's voice this time, his accent still apparent even through the giant doors. Cassie looked away from the door and observed her surroundings for food. There was a oaken carved table in the middle of the room with what seemed to be fifty chairs on both sides. The walls were painted a blood red color, which kinda scared Cassie. There was another door on the opposite side of the room, directly across from the one they came in. After searching for thirty seconds, Cassie went to examine the other door.
"Enough! Leave if you must!" Scorpion roared as he set the whole door on fire, flinging one of his spears into the door and heaved. The door would have come off its hinges if someone hadn't been pulling the door in the other direction.
"What the hell?" Sonya said as she peered through the charred door and saw there was no one on the other side. "Nobody there."
" The doors must be magik," Kitana said with her perfect edianian vocals (Oh yes, Cassie was still pissed at her) as she touched the door just to be repealed with a burst of green magik.
"It looks like the work of Ermac," Sonya said as she blast a pink beam into the force field and saw it come flying out in the other direction.
"Ermac worked for Kotal Kahn. Why is he with Mileena?" Scorpion asked as he placed two hands on the door, lit them on fire, testing it for magik.
"I'm starving!" Cassie called from the other door, knocking on it to see if it is was protected with magik too.
"Your voice is hurting my head. Please be quiet," KItana called back as Cassie turned and let out a sound that only girls can make. Everyone turned and gave her a nasty look.
Cassie shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe the witch did it?"
Kitana smiled and said with a flirty laugh, "Do you and I have a problem, Cassandra?"
Cassie was beginning to understand Scorpion's point of view as she seethed, "Of course we do! Your so PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL and it gets annoying after a while that whatever I do, you're so much better then me!" All that filled the room was silence, a deathly silence.
"And do have more to say?" Kitana asked as she smoothed her perfect teal tournament uniform, clearly not offended by any of the things Cassie just said.
Cassie was pretty much just shaking with rage as she found her voice and roared, "And you what else!? Jacquinn and Sub-Zero could be dead right now! BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Kitana's eyes widened and she yelled, "I was not the one who left her teammate behind, as you told me at the ridge!"
"And I didn't leave my BOYFRIEND!" KItana's eyes filled with hate as she threw one of her fans at Cassie, embedding itself deep into her shoulder. Cassie cried out in pain as Kitana jumped over a chair and threw herself at Cassie. She hit the floor hard, with Cassie on the bottom as she began to punch her face over and over again.
"You have NO IDEA how much I have seen, CASSANDRA! You know NOTHING of the pain in my heart!" Kitana screamed as she ripped out her other fan and embedded that into Cassie's other shoulder.
"My name is not Cassandra! It's CASSIE!" Cassie roared as she kneed Kitana in the crotch. Kitana fell backwards and hit a chair, with Cassie on top, punching her head again. Kitana flicked her arm and a blue mist escaped her hand. It made the fans open. They ripped through tissue and bone as Cassie screamed. It wasn't a quiet scream ether, it was a raw throated scream. Even in the depths of her chambers, Mileena heard the noise and smiled to herself.
Kitana was ripped off Cassie by Sonya as she threw her against the door. "Aright! You listen, bitch…" Sonya said as she held down Kitana. Scorpion looked at Cassie's wounds as she tried to shoot Kitana with her gun.
"Don't move," Scorpion hissed as he seared the wounds shut. A yelp escaped Cassie's throat as she breathed in more air, trying to make the pain stop.
"Th… thank you," she whispered as she stood up and leaned on the table.
Scorpion nodded his head slightly and said quietly, "Do not trust Kahn family. They are smart and cunning, as well as being powerful in words and actions."
"I could say the same thing to you, Scorpion," Cassie said as she sat in the nearest chair. Scorpion's eyes narrowed with suspicion as Cassie continued, "I saw the way Mileena looked at you. She likes you and not just in a passing type of thing. She likes you."
"I do not follow," Scorpion said as he sat next to her, his eyes glimmering with a faint fire.
Cassie gave him a are-you-that-stupid look as she said, "I had a girl in my class last year, her name was Jessica Portsworth, and she acted just like Mileena, except, of course, the teeth. Anyway, she really liked this guy, Thomas Linderly, and one time he had a party… and she went… and 8 months later she was pregnant. See what I'm getting at?"
Scorpion's eyes began to glow again as he asked, "You believe Mileena wishes to seduce me?"
"I think a little more then a little bit," Cassie said as she twisted the wrong way and cracked her neck by accident.
Scorpion snorted and stood up, away from the table, and snarled, "I do not indulge myself in fleshly pleasures."
"Hey. That's what every man and woman says and yet, we have a population problem," Cassie snapped as her stomach growled again. Scorpion eyes became encased with fire as she quickly added, "I just saying what I think might happen! Don't go all fire demon on me!" Scorpion gave Cassie a shut-the-fuck-up look as he went to help Sonya hold down Kitana. Once again, Cassie was alone and Kitana had all the friends, ether helping her discover what kind of magik was keeping us in or being held down for attacking a soldier. Cassie sighed unhappily and kinda missed the game day mess and her father, remembering his corny jokes and funny attitude… Tears stung Cassie's eyes as she wiped away any daring to run down her face.
Only she didn't move her hands at all and she didn't have claws ether. "Clever girl," a voice whispered in her ear, sounding strikingly like Kitana, but with a more girly tone. Cassie then heard a growl and thought it was her stomach, but it was instead a growl of a hungry tarkatan. She whipped around and saw Mileena standing behind her, with her hot pink mask and black teeth shapes on this time. She stood over her in her fishnet stockings and pink boots that went all the way up past her knee cap, which was covered with a diamond shaped crest, all in black. 'Scorpion better watch out,' Cassie thought in her head as she leaned as far away from Mileena and her deadly fangs. 'Damn! Even Kitana's CLONE is cute! No, not cute. Sexy is a better word.' Mileena stared at Cassie, making her feel like she wore no pants to Outworld today. "I know it feels to be in someone's shadow. To be overlooked," Mileena whispered into Cassie's ear, her teeth inches from her face.
"Okay, Mileena! Personal space bubble!" Cassie yelled, trying to get Sonya's attention. Fortunately, it worked.
"How in the hell did YOU get in here?!" Sonya yelled as she marched over to Cassie, leaving Scorpion to wrangle Kitana on his own. Cassie felt Mileena back away as she giggled hysterically, waiting for her mother's wrath to befall her. "What the fuck shit was that?!" Sonya seethed as she walked over to Mileena and pointed finger in her face, only Mileena's breasts in between them.
Before she could answer, the originally sealed doors flew open to reveal Ferra, who held a platter of food in her hands. She giggled and screamed at the EarthRealmers,"Ferra bring food for MEAN, BLOND, PRETTY GIRL!"
"Oh thank god!" Cassie exclaimed as she jumped up to help bring the food to the table, but forgot that she couldn't walk very good and fell to the floor.
"Honestly Cassie," Mileena said with a half smile as she teleported the food to the table, in a plume of pink magik as Ferra let out a shriek at the sign of magik. "All you needed to do was ask!" Everyone in the room stared at Mileena with curious eyes, even Cassie, who hadn't been called 'Cassie' since the last time she saw her dad.
"How'd you do that?" Sonya asked out loud as she stepped away from Mileena, her hand reaching up her back towards her guns.
Mileena stared at Sonya, her eyes shining like ambers as she purred, "My new body allows me to!" With a swish of her hand, Cassie was inside a pink tunnel, falling and falling. Then she landed in one of the chairs at the table, the soft cushion breaking her fall. She looked around and noticed all had been dropped in a similar fashion. And everyone looked pretty shaken, even Kitana and Scorpion. Mileena giggled from where she was standing and skipped over to the table, sitting in seat next to Scorpion.
Cassie heard a faint groan come from that direction as Scorpion turned away and looked at the paintings on the walls instead of Mileena. "Where's the drinks?" Cassie asked, trying to help the mood back to a calm environment. Mileena's eyes flicked up to Ferra in the door, who turned a ghost shade of white as she snapped in Outworlder and pointed at the table. Ferra shook from head to toe as she scampered over to the table and placed a red liquid right in front of Cassie, bowing her head in Mileena's direction.
She then screamed as she ran back out the door, "Ferra no-no like WINE!"
Cassie stared at the platter in front of her and turned to Sonya and whispered, "What do I do?"
Sonya smiled as she said through closed teeth, "You EAT it."
Cassie nodded and turned away to open the platter lid when she noticed Kitana staring at it with suspicion in her eyes. "Anything I can get you, Princess," Cassie sneered in Kitana's direction.
Kitana looked at Cassie with her brown, doe eyes and suddenly, Cassie actually listened to her. "Don't eat it," Kitana said as she adjusted one of the golden plates that lay before her.
Mileena gave Kitana a really dirty look. "Why not?" Cassie asked as she tried to push away the platter and only succeeded in almost tipping her chair backwards.
"Yes. Why NOT, Kitana," Mileena asked through clenched teeth as she stared into Kitana's eyes.
Two very angry eyes looked at each other until Kitana hissed, "Because it's poisoned."
Mileena laughed and asked, "Why would I harm anyone? I would barely harm a fly!" Cassie swallowed a giggle as she stared at this sister rivalry.
"Earth Realmers killed your father. And did you not sign a peace treaty with Earth Realm because of this? You do not like Earth Realmers so it would make sense that you would try to kill one," Scorpion interfered as his eyes grew steadily brighter.
"That's not true! I like you!" Mileena said as she walked over to Kitana. "If there was anyone in this room I would kill, it would be Kitana or Cassie." Scorpion's eyes widened because Cassie knew he had all the proof he needed to know now. Mileena turned back and winked at him. He narrowed his eyes.
Mileena giggled as Kitana hissed, "I've seen you kill so many people, it's hard to keep track. And the reason you wouldn't harm fly is because your part fly!"
Mileena slapped her hard, leaving red welts and bloody scratch marks behind. "You dare speak to the Empress of Outworld in such a fashion?!" Mileena yelled in Kitana's face as Kitana shoved her away.
"Whoa! Alright! Let's just calm down and breath in deep and slow…" Sonya didn't even finish her sentence before Mileena threw a chair at her, sending her tumbling to the floor.
"Mom!" Cassie screamed as she dove from her chair to make sure that Sonya was still breathing.
"I'm fine. STOP," Sonya ordered as she sat up and rubbed her body to make sure nothing was broken. "Let's kick some empress ass."
But before they even got up, they heard, "GET OVER HERE!" coming from above them. Cassie looked up at Scorpion as he pulled Mileena away from Kitana and onto his lap.
By his face color, Cassie inferred it was an accident.
"Oh, Hanzo! You naughty boy!" Mileena purred as she cuddled in closer to Scorpion, who looked like he might explode. He shoved Mileena off and looked like he was going to set her on fire when a knock was heard from the door.
"Mileena!" a voice called from the other side of the door. "We found the nubian girl you asked for!" Mileena's whole face lit up as she teleported to the door and opened it, showing a tired Tanya and Erron. In front of them was Jacquinn, her hands and feet bound together. "Jacquinn!" Cassie heard herself say as she made her way over to Jacquinn, who gave her the stink eye.
"Back up, Cassie," Erron said as he swiftly removed one of his guns and clicked it into position.
"What!? I'm helping her, cowboy!" Cassie retorted as she took a step closer.
"I said, 'Back Up'" Erron snarled as he placed a finger on the trigger. Cassie looked at Jacquinn then back to the gun then back to Jacquinn. She really liked Jacquinn, but she couldn't help her if she couldn't move. 
Finally, she gave him the fuck you sign and walked back to Sonya.
"Where did you find our little friend?" Mileena asked as she caressed Jacquinn's cheek, making her flinch backwards.
"She was trying to contact her Earth Realmer friends," Tanya said with a yawn. From where she was standing, Cassie could only hear snippets of the conversation that Mileena was having with Tanya and Erron Black.
After what seemed to be forever, Mileena turned around and said to all, "You may leave. Find your rooms and sleep well. Your Earth Realmer friends will be here in the morn."
Murmurs filled the room as Cassie called to Mileena, "And how do you think we'll find our rooms, exactly?"
Mileena turned back to Cassie and gave her a are-you-stupid look. "Like this," Mileena hissed as she lifted her hand up, pink smoke escaping her palm. Just like that, for the fifth time that day, Cassie was falling. Only this time, the tunnel was pink and glittering. Just like it had swept her up, the tunnel disappeared and Cassie fell onto a bed. She got up quickly and looked at her room for the night. It was painted a deep blue color with sky blue lotus's painted on. It had a white and gold beros lining the walls. There was also white and gold closet on the far side of the room, standing a pretty good height in the air.
Cassie got out of her queen sized bed, with ice blue silk sheets and a deep blue canopy, and walked over to the closet to see what the hell was inside. 'An elephant?' Cassie guessed in her head as she pulled on the doors to open the closet. 'Or maybe a velociraptor?' It was in fact filled with clothes. But not just any clothes. Blue tournament uniforms dating back to the first timeline, which for Cassie, was a long time ago. "Oh SHIT!" Cassie shouted she slammed the closet doors shut and looked out one of the two glass windows.
She was in Kitana's old room, when Shao Kahn was still alive. 'I gotta get out of here,' Cassie thought to herself as she walked over to the white painted doors, preparing to open them. But she couldn't even touch them because of the green magik that surrounded all the doors in the palace. 'Shit, shit, SHIT!' Cassie thought in her head as she paced the floor, trying to decide what to do next. She was trapped in her enemy's old room and couldn't get out. In other words, she was Caged. For the night at least. 'It could be worse,' Cassie thought as she sat on the soft bed, trying to calm her racing heart. 'I could be sharing a room with Kitana. Now, that would be…' A roar interrupted her thoughts, causing her to jump. 'Only one night, one night…. one night…' Cassie repeated to herself as she fell asleep. But one night was all Mileena needed to secure her man… and her heir.
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Ok my thoughts on this week episode of Rise of the Pink Ladies. I personally don't think we needed a whole episode dedicated to having to see it from the boy's perspective. I thought the show was about seeing it from the girl's perspective and what they have to go through. Suddenly having to break away from that to see it from Buddy's perspective and then Richie's perspective for me personally was annoying. I mean let's be honest we've had to see it from the male perspecgive in most shows forever so there was really no reason to have to pause and go uh let's look at from the boy's point if view and what's going on in their heads. Like who fucking cares! We've always had to see it from their perspective this show is supposed to be about seeing it from the girl's perspective from the woman's perspective from the female perspective. I mean in a lot of respect a lot of the males on the show get on my nerves. I really don't like this whole love triangle thing they have going on with Jane I think it's unnecessary and it just diminishes Jane's character. I personally don't think either character Buddy or Richie is the right fit for Jane if we're going to put her with a male character. Personally I think that they should put it with Olivia but I know that's not gonna happen. I just don't want this love triangle to be a on going thing throughout the whole show. Because it's sort of a waste of energy and time to Jane's character. When she could be so much more than the girl in the love triangle.
The only thing that I did like that came out of the episode was Buddy finding out that his father had been basically fixing things his whole life. To make sure that he got on the football team or to make sure he became class president. But that could have just been part of a normal episode we didn't need a whole episode dedicate it to the male prospective.
The part of the episode I found completely worthless was when the T-birds end up at the casino. Wtf was that!! I just thought that was such a waste of time. Did somebody on the show like a producer or director just desperately wanted to show a casino in the 1950s or something? And it took up such a chunk of the episode. I was sitting there watching it wondering if it would ever end. Richie character has become so predictably boring at this point and we're only 7 episodes into the first season. I truthfully can't see where they could possibly go with him and I just want him to go away from Jane at this point!
I also want Buddy to get over Jane, I mean it's like no matter how hard he tries we know somehow he's still gonna grow up to be like his dad.
And Jane deserves to spread her wings and fly, not be pinned down by some boy. It's like the worst idea that they had. I know that they're trying to recreate with certain characters the original storylines from the original Greece. But they can stop now we got the idea in the 1st few episodes, move on from it. Let Jane be her own character outside of any male influence. Let Jane be the brave, inventive, intelligent, creative, inspirational leader that she is. She doesn't need a boy or a love interest right now (unless it's Olivia of course).
I really hope next week episode is better.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Glee Musical Retrospective : Don't Rain On My Parade (Sectionals)
Sung by: Rachel Berry Original Artist(s): from Funny Girl OS
Oh, it's definitely a very special episode, isn't it? Pull up a chair and get comfy because we're talking about Rachel Berry's most iconic number...
Admittedly, I have never seen Funny Girl - but from what I can tell, it's the semi-biographic tale of an awkward, Jewish woman who gets into show business originated by Barbra Streisand. While I hear it hasn't aged well -- I can still see why someone like Rachel Berry would fine inspiration (and aspiration) here.
I wish I had more of a history of Lea Michele and this particular song - I'm sure there's a story there, too. Maybe Kevin and Jenna will shed some light on it (if they haven't already).
Story Analysis
So... let's break down why this song is such a great fit for Rachel...
Don't tell me not to live Just sit and putter Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade
The song starts out as a punchy declaration to other people about how she doesn't want to be idle in her life. And how she won't let them push her into their way of thinking. That's the thing about Rachel - this song has a sharpness about it, she has a goal, she has ambition, and she won't let even the worst circumstances temper her desire to get to where she wants to be.
Don't tell me not to fly I've simply got to If someone takes a spill It's me and not you Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade
Again, it's all tied up in Rachel's ambitions and where she wants to go in her life. She can't /not/ go for her dreams - it's not in her, and the lyrics reflect that accordingly.
I'll march my band out I'll beat my drum And if I'm fanned out Your turn at bat, sir At least I didn't fake it Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it
Rachel's number one fan is Rachel herself - and that drive is going to push her out to at least try with everything she's got. She has to be her own cheerleader, especially since she has so many people telling her she's never going to make it -- for a variety of reasons. And even if she fails, she can at least claim that she gave it her honest best shot.
But whether I'm the rose of sheer perfection A freckle on the nose of life's complexion A cinder on the shiny apple of his eye I gotta fly once I gotta try once Only can die once, right, sir Ooh, life is juicy Juicy, and you see I gotta have my bite, sir
I know that this song is about Fanny Brice wanting to get married. But you can substitute the guy for being on Broadway -- Rachel's dream being the love affair in question here. And again, it's reiteration that Rachel is too ambitious, has too much drive to not try. Her whole self and self worth is wrapped up in her dreams, and she can only owe it to herself to go out and achieve them.
Get ready for me, love, cause I'm a comer I simply gotta march My heart's a drummer Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade
I'm gonna live and live now Get what I want I know how
Okay, so I'm beginning to feel redundant now, but I feel like every line in this song speaks to who Rachel is as a person. And about how she's going to live her best possible life, even if other people don't want her to, even if other people are telling her she shouldn't or can't. She's going to do it anyway.
One roll for the whole shebang One throw, that bell will go clang Eye on the target and wham One shot, one gun shot, and BAM Hey, Mr. Arnstien Here I am!
And, I mean, in true Rachel fashion - this song gets more dramatic as it goes along. It all builds up to that moment where she declares 'here I am' - because she's arrived -- and in this moment, she's arrived in the spotlight on the stage. It's her debut as the star of the show - and here she is - Rachel Berry - in all of her young, optimistic glory.
Technical Thoughts
So... first of all, I think it's somewhat obligatory to say that Lea Michele does really well with this song. She's technically very proficient, and understands the needs of a Broadway song (that sing-speech style; the range and vocal technique, etc, etc). What I really want to comment on, though, is the acting --
There's a difference between any actress singing this song as Fanny Brice in the world of Funny Girl and Rachel Berry singing this as her debut song at a competition as a teenage girl.
The way the song is shot and sung is really quite interesting. First of all there's the curtain open on the first, sharp 'Don't' - which makes it very visually punctuated. The spotlight is on her, and her vocals come out as very strong. (She's also coming out alone - as this is purposely Rachel's moment to shine.) But, if you watch through her initial walking down, she's very nervous, and very uneasy about the performance. It's a nice touch - and one I really didn't notice until closer look, the vocals are so strong, it's easy to miss Rachel's initial apprehension.
And then, of course, Rachel gets into it -- playing it up with the audience as they watch her. This song is hers, and she knows it, and lets the drive of the song drive her performance.
One thing I do like about this song is that Rachel gets to move around a lot -- there's a bit of choreography going on, and she gets to play with her motion as the song goes, giving it a lot of energy. Unfortunately, Rachel solos begin to get bogged down in overemoting messes, so it's nice to see her take charge with such fire.
So - as the performance reaches its climax -- you notice how the camera work gets more frantic as it swirls around her. It's a nice way to add momentum to the song as she yells 'bam'. It also happens again, too, when she's belting 'here I am'. The camera moves in and focuses closely in on her -- because she's arrived at this applauded moment.
Another nice beat to this one is that as she sings 'i'll march my band out' the rest of the glee club comes out. It's a nice visual moment matching up with the lyrics.
I will end by saying - the song has definitely been pre-recorded (obviously), and doesn't have that live sound - but I think they do a really good job covering the moment with such a dramatic performance that, unless you're listening for it, you can't tell.
If you guys want some good, actual vocal technique analysis, I have a couple of links for you:
Hannah Bayles
Songs from a Suitcase
Glee Live
This is the version done for the 3D movie (um, did it need to be in 3D??). Anyway - this is, more than anything, Lea Michele as Rachel Berry having a flirty, fun time with the audience (and camera). It's less about the specific lyrics and meaning of the song, and more about having fun and showing off her abilities.
Lea Michele as Fanny Brice
Okay, so I'm including this because, well, I'd be remiss not to - but also because it shows the difference between playing the song as it is in context -- as Fanny Brice as opposed to Rachel Berry singing it for her debut competition number, or even Lea Michele doing it for funsies. The song, in context, is much calmer - and more reflective of the actual conflict going on in the character's life.
I think, also interestingly, since Lea's older now -- her voice has hit it's full maturity. There's a depth to it that she didn't have it before. Part of it is the context and location, but it is a deeper and fuller sound than when she sang it as Rachel.
vs. The Studio Version : I mean, other than that the vocals to instrument/accompaniment ratio is better mixed and that they take out all the TV performance extra noise of the crowd, etc, it's pretty much the same.
vs. The Original Version : So, weirdly, I had never heard the Barbra Streisand version before Glee - and here it is! This is the movie version, which allow sit to be a bit more intimate than when it's sung on a stage. Of course, Barbra is, like, flawless. But it's kind of fun listening to how this is just interpreted so differently. Of course - it's her as Fanny Brice, and again, in a movie not the stage. But I think just goes to show that music can be written out the exact same way but have so many different types of interpretations.
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Hi, it's Nini ✌🏽😧
I honestly don't know what to say. Oml. There's so much to say and so little words out there for me to express how in awe i am of your way with words. The flashback was just so adorable, him making her stuff even though he's mocked by everyone because of the disaster he's created but not caring because his little girl loves it 🥺 excuse me whilst i vomit because ✌🏽💀 daddy issues ✌🏽💀 it really makes you think where did they go wrong. Like he was her everything and then they became so distant because of Jake's militaristic ways it's honestly really sad. It also really reflects on real life and how past experiences can shape someone for the worst because he was so carefree and then he just...wasn't 😭 and honestly as much as i want to fault him, at the same time i see where he's coming from, even if he hasn't been going about it the right way. It's the only way he seems to know.
Her saying she'll protect her siblings had me smiling so hard, since she was so young it was all she thought about and even now you know she'd die for them. Her mixing letters and whatnot is just so cute and funny, Lovak's villain origin began from there 😶
“Will you paint me like this when I finally get an ikran, too?”
Erm....so about that...
Him saying he would and so would Neytiri because its what families do but we know they didn't get to is honestly, heartbreaking. AND THEN THE FLASHBACK IS OVER AND NEYTIRI IS SPREADING THE BLOOD. GENIUS! Absolute genius 👏🏼 🙌🏼
Neteyam being in control despite losing control internally is so sad because it makes you realise how much he had to grow. Lo'aks reaction was perfect. Just...cold. Completely different than how he is normally, honestly it was delicious angst like whew family suffering because of near death experiences? yes please 🤐 Neteyam being the one to comfort his family and even Lo'ak with Tuk was so adorable. Kiri just being in Pandora Jesus mode and taking up a spot with her grandmother in the tent is so Kiri 🤣
Nowwww the Neytiri throwing fists as Jake was a solid for me, he needed that. Sure it wasn't his intention but it still happened. The bit where you mentioned the adoption ceremony had my stomach churning, I'd like to believe even if that did happen the reader wouldn't stand for it she'd be like fuck no, cause sure her dad is thick but he's her dad, that's her person, he's still the same man that sat by the river and made trinkets for her just to see that big, shiny smile on her face.
I'm curious, did Lo'ak run because he overheard the conversation of the possibility of her being adopted out or because he was panicking about the whole situation??? I just assumed it was the first but it could be a mix or the latter. It was great to see how close they all are despite there being strains within the family due to tense relationships amongst some 👀 members 👀 im looking at you Mr. Sully.
Her Ikran having the colours of Toruk dkkskskskaka ugly keyboard smash because that's so fitting. Lo'ak saying he wanted to fly with her 🥺 they all lost out on her big moment. AND THEN HER IKRAN HAVING LOST HALF OF ITS FIN TAIL AHHHHH LIKE??? I THOUGHT OF TOOTHLESS STRAIGHT AWAY AND WAS LIKE AHHHHHHHH CAUSE OML THE HTTYD MOMENT IS SO CUTE. Despite Toothless having lost half of his own tailfin he was still one of the most powerful which has me thinking whether her Ikran would be the sameeeee 👀 hmmmm....it would never fly again- like haha ik something you don't *whispers* prosthetic fin like yall have scientists do your thing 🧐 she's not putting her ikran down lmaooo that's just clown thoughts jake, she's gonna love him as he is, that's her best friend now
Anyways oml i think i rambled so hard so sorry but it needed to be done, you write so much it only makes sense to give a detailed comment
I'm ready for the waterworks that will arrive in the next chapter, they're gonna be so vulnerable i love it. I was listening to Father and Son by Cat Stevens and its so fitting for them 😭 like....
"I was once like you are now and I know that it's not easy" PLEASEEE ITS SO THEM!!!
Also "From the moment I could talk, I was ordered to listen" NETEYAM THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!!
But also like if we just skrrt skrrt to Avatar Canon and look at A:twotw this is totally Lo'ak and Jake's song 💀erm lemme just go sob 🥲
Song Link: https://open.spotify.com/track/3KLnsi2ikPi2AqJObRHp10?si=l7SWTH6gQvu68llhMHpvXQ
btw to answer your question from your previous response yes i'm from England hence the "mum" 🤣 i hope i didn't make some stupid typo...
- Nini ✌🏽🥴
HEY NINI!!!!! Welcome back AHAH I cannot believe I really predicted ur nationality from how a simple word is spelled I AM SO SORRY I COULDNT KSJDSKSLJ
Like, that flashback was really meant to show how different Jake was. How relaxed he was with sister!reader, how good everything used to be... growing apart from that closeness is just SO SAD.
Thank you for saying it's genius it was my peak moment I think. Idk if I can symbolize better than this HDSDHSJ
"that's just clown thoughts jake, she's gonna love him as he is, that's her best friend now" EXACTLY EXACTLY!!! Also I'd been keeping this inside but like. it's meant to parallel jake's paralysis too -- that ikran's lost his legs kinda, just like him. so it's meant to symbolize a lot (for jake) if I can do this right!
as to why lo'ak ran off, it was a mix of everything. he was panicking, his parents are fighting, all of them are listening in and he couldnt take it anymore, so to speak! AND THE SONG YOU PUT STOPPPPP ITS TOTALLY JAKE AND LOAK SHHESDSHD IM IN MY FEELS!!!! I think you'll like their little scene in chapter 5 then....
Thank you again Nini!
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