#the world's going to crap yay
Chapters: 5/10 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Pocket Monsters: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire | Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Haruka | May/Yuuki | Brendan, Senri | Norman & Yuuki | Brendan Characters: Yuuki | Brendan, Haruka | May, Senri | Norman, Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Mikuri | Wallace, Nagi | Winona, Mitsuru | Wally, Odamaki-hakase | Professor Birch Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, But with elements from Emerald for the sake of future stories, Family Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Reconciliation, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Hey maybe sending children to prevent the end of the world isn't the best idea ever, Emotions, Familial Love, I tagged May and Brendan as a ship but they're not together yet, Background Relationships, Steven and Wallace boyfriends, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Eventual Happy Ending, Minor Injuries, Still requires hospitalization though Summary:
A partial novelization of ORAS: A once silent rift in a family rips open and threatens to tear Brendan and his father apart for good after years of unresolved tension and emotions. Norman has realizations to come to about mistakes he's made, but doesn't get a chance to act on them until the whole world is threatened with destruction. But will it be too late to make things right by then?
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Halloween prompts no. 12
Danny kills Darkseid au but not only does he freak out, he is essentially kidnapped by Clockwork and dragged back into the DC universe for a "vacation". When Danny tried to argue the old stopwatch confessed that Dannys core was essentially eating the dark gods energy and he would need to stay in his Phantom form 24/7 to be able to "digest" him. Which gave him a few new things to freak out about. Yay.
Danny was given some new clothes-all glowing black and white of course- and money (where did clockwork get this much cash??) and told to find so.ewhere safe to live in.
Danny went ghost and got changed and started to fly off when clockwork stopped him and told him to behave like a normal human. There are a lot of people in this world with superpowers and while they might look at him strange they would likely ignore him for the most part. But if he started showing off all these cool powers its going to gain unwanted attention. Like another Vlad. Danny shuddered.
As a last parting of wisdom, he tells him not to give out his real name and if anyone asks questions just repeat, "I'm on vacation." then time unfreezed.
So Danny walks out of the alleyway he was in and into the city where he immediately looked for a place to make a underground ice cave to live in. Despite having a crapton of money now (wth clockwork???) He still couldn't get an official apartment due to being fifteen.
Within a few days of just casually going about in Central city he had been approached by "talent agencies" and headhunters offering him jobs as an actor or model and he flusteredly turned them down but was always somehow railroaded into taking a business card. (He wasn't that pretty, surely. All of his fame back home was due to him being a hero...right?)
One particularly insistent guy just wouldn't give up and cornered Danny. It was when he thought he was going to have to break this guys nose to get away that the local hero Flash stepped in and the guy finally backed off.
Danny thanked him and the Flash (who felt clockwork freeze time before and nearly had a panic attack along with Zatanna and Captain Marvel) asked about the weird quantum energy around him and in his panic Danny stupidly confessed to having a magical artifact that makes him immune to time freezes fused into his chest by one of his bad guys.
Which led to him stupidly telling him his name was Phantom, he was a superhero who was on (forced) vacation due to injury-kinda, he wasn't allowed to help out sorry, and he was from another dimension and oh crap he had been truth serum-ed!!! How dare?!
Flash apologized, but after the global time freeze (it was global??) The Justice League was on high alert and the Batman was super paranoid and liked having answers. Unfortunately for this bat guy he was miffed at being drugged and refused to answer anymore questions.
Still, with the disappearance of Darkseid and Apokolips, the global time freeze and now this glowing kid from another dimension? They had to be connected somehow. The league was sure of it. The new gods were freaking out and searching for answers themselves and the speedsters were trying thier best to get this kid to open up to them. After a while with little success they start sending in the Teen Titans and the Young Justice teams in hopes that he'd be more social with people around his own age.
It did not go as planned.
People: *telling Phantom that he's beautiful*
Phantom: Is this a trap?
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fluffytheocelot · 2 months
Hello it’s extremely late oops. Did not realize how long this thing would take (28 and a half hours apparently according to procreate lmao) but finally, here it is!
Carmen Week Day 8: La Femme Rouge
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Holy crap that was a lot of characters! For day 8 I wanted to draw all the ways I've drawn/imagined Carmen over the last 5 years! There are many I didn't do for one reason or another, but it mainly boiled down to space lol. These 10 (11 including canon Carmen) are (most) of my favorites of my AUs :)
this turned out so cool im putting it in a frame when i get a chance lol
Info and solo drawings for each under the cut! it is. so long lol
as usual, i'll gladly answer asks about em :) i have plans to write a few for sure, but it's gonna be A While for them lol
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Both a Warriors AU and also just my "_____ as a cat" style!
This ones a lot less fleshed out so just bear with me lol. (ATM there might only be 2 clans, ACME and VILE, idk yet lol. idk what to name em either cos stickin "clan" on the end don't feel right XD)
In the Warriors AU, Sheeppaw grows up learning 2 contradictory versions of the Warrior Code: The true one from Shadowstalk, and the VILE version from older warriors. She gets made an apprentice a couple moons early, but is relegated only to camp duties until shes 6 moons old.
She trains alongside Cracklepaw, Tigerpaw, Molepaw, Goatpaw, and Silentpaw. At her first gathering she meets another apprentice, maybe a few moons older, from the other clan: Jewelpaw. The two hit it off and become good friends (and develop little mutual crushes). Sheeppaw also sneaks out and meets a kittypet: Player, who she also becomes very good friends with.
When her mentor, the deputy, Shadowstalk fails her on her final warrior assessment she pretty much has most of the same reaction as the show, just in the WC style.
After witnessing a murder, she hightails it out of there and encounters the newly named Crackletail. Panicked, she hastily and vaguely tells him she saw something and needs to Leave.
She makes it to Players yard and lays low for a while, and he introduces her to the neighbor cats, a sibling pair named Zack and Ivy. The four brainstorm and Sheeppaw is renamed Carmen. They know they cant let VILE keep doing what they're doing. So rogue Carmen and her kittypet friends start figuring things out from behind the scenes.
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Pirate Cat:
Exactly as it says, bipedal cat world. Black Sheep was dropped off at a random orphanage in England, with a small stuffed black sheep (where she got her name). Since everybody are cats, Black Sheep isn't that atypical of a name. Sorta a mix of normal people names and cat names.
She grows up there alongside her self-appointed older brother Graham. When she's about 10-11ish she meets the princess: Julia Argent. Childhood friends to lovers letsgoo (its a recurring theme in these lol. its cute i like it).
The two eventually get together (in secret, yay homophobia and also societal status) It doesn't help that Black Sheep had a habit of getting in trouble so she could see the princess her princess.
The two get caught one night, and Black Sheep is nearly executed for "corrupting royalty", but Julia manages to talk her father down from that. Instead, she is exiled. If she ever sets foot in the kingdom after dawn, she WILL be killed this time.
Julia visits one last time, and Black Sheep promises to return someday when she finds somewhere where they can be together freely. She gives Julia her stuffed sheep to look after while she's gone, and asks her to take care of Fuega while she's gone (on one of their sneak-outs, they found a baby dragon that Julia managed to convince her dad to let her keep). Julia gives her the triangle choker. yay tearful goodbyes ;-;
Black Sheep and Graham (because no way is he letting his little sister go into exile without him) go from place to place, stealing when they need to and end up accidentally stowing away on a VILE pirate ship.
VILE pirate training to avoid death, they escape. Graham appoints the newly named Carmen Sandiego captain of their little ship, and they also pick up Zack, Ivy, and Player along the way. Carmen becomes very well known around the globe: civilians/lower class people see her as a Robin Hood hero (correct), while most royals and nobles see her as nothing but a filthy pirate (incorrect).
A few years go by when suddenly the crew gets word that the King of England is trying to marry off his daughter, who has recently come of age. Cue panicked race home + childhood lover reunion.
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Daughter of Poseidon (Carmen Sandiego and the Olympians):
Percy Jackson AU! Replace Percy with Carmen, Grover with Player, Annabeth with Julia, and switch/move around some plot points and that's about it lol. I keep telling myself I'll do some scene rewrites of this one so we'll see. Includes PJO and HOO acting as prequels for Carmen Sandiego. Def wanna do dome rewrites for the canon show for this AU too lol
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Dino Squad:
I'm out here combining one obscure kids show with another lol. If you haven't seen it, Dino Squad is this early 2000s animated show about these 5 teenagers that get mutated and can turn into dinosaurs, and go around stopping the bad guy from turning everything into dinosaurs. (I think the entire series may be on youtube lol. its goofy but man i loved it as a kid. i wanted dino powers so bad)
This is basically a high school au but most of Team Red has dinosaur powers. :P
In this, Dr. Bellum is experimenting with bringing dinosaurs back, but instead of just cloning them, she figures out how to mutate already-existing organisms into others.
(in the OG dino squad, the bad guy IS a dinosaur that evolved into a human--long story--and believes everything should still be dinosaurs. hes technically right, tbf, if the meteor hadn't hit they prolly still WOULD be dinosaurs. why does bellum want dinosaurs? because she's Bellum and she Can lol)
Carmen Wolfe and her twin brother Graham (they're fraternal twins. why? bc i thought it would be funny. yes he still has his accent. its my world i do what i want) are raised by Carlotta and Dexter Wolfe in Kittery Point, Maine. Carlotta is a paleontologist/biologist and Dexter is a history and geography teacher at the high school. They do know of VILE and what Bellum was working on and have been monitoring it in secret from the kids.
Carmen and Julia are those friends that met bc they were both hiding under the slide in like. Preschool and just stayed friends lol. They're the kind of best friends that will just. Show Up. usually Julia at Carmen's house because "You have better snacks" also Julia's parents just Don't Like Carmen. (Why? idk bc i said so. idk they think she's a bad influence. she's really not lol) Literally Julia has like a spot on the couch and a table setting. She's basically the third twin these three have known each other essentially their entire lives.
Zack and Ivy joined the group in middle school, when Ivy had the same class as Carmen, Julia, and Gray. Zack joined via association. (Zack and Ivy, on the other hand are not twins. again. bc its funny. each sibling pair thought the other was like them. zack and ivy thought Carmen and Gray were just normal siblings, and Carmen and Gray thought Zack and Ivy were twins. Julia had to explain to all of them it was not the case lol)
Player is Carmen's online friend that the whole group includes. they all game together and he gets ALL the public school tea. hes about the same age as Zack, so about a year-ish younger than Carmen, Gray, Ivy, and Julia.
At the end of their freshman year, Carmen and Julia start dating. Their friends and Carmen's parents know, they keep it secret from everyone else. At the end of the summer everybody (aside from Player) go to the beach for one last day of freedom before school starts. They swim through the mutant goo, and over the next few days discover their powers.
Carlotta IDs each dino: Carmen is a (large/person sized) pyroraptor, Gray is a T. rex, Julia is a troodon, and I still cant decide on Zack and Ivy's dino forms lol. Carlotta and Dexter explain the whole VILE thing and the group just kinda simultaneously goes "welp guess we're superheroes now. cool"
so yea dealing w highschool and also mutant dinosaurs and superpowers. this ones fun bc they can just be stupid kids lol
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The Last Wolf:
My werewolf AU. The one that started all this mess and my love for making AUs of this show. It was my first fanfic i ever wrote, and it is very near to my heart. it's also gotten out of hand and become a franchise at this point it's ridiculous. (Seriously i've got a prequel of her parents planned and also a series of shorts set in the universe) It's gonna be a long ride, boys. Hope people still like CS by the time it's done lol
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A Thief's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse:
Zombie apocalypse AU! Talked about this one a bit for AU day, and also as of this post I have ~1k words written of the first chapter! I also have a bunch of the major plot points outlined too ;) I wouldn't expect anything soon tho lol.
She wears a wetsuit under the coat bc it's really hard to bite through, especially with rotten jaws. She's got some boots she probably scavenged or traded for, and of course: the Walkman she probably found looting some abandoned building. She collects cassettes to listen to. Gotta keep sane in the end of the world.
How is this one a literal apocalypse and its still more lighthearted than the one based on FNAF lol
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Redd Wolf (Five Nights at Redd's):
FNAF AU. I've truly lost it lol. I have this one completely outlined, nothing written but a lot of things are VERY clear in my mind. This ones uh. a lot more intense than even Thief's Guide. It's FNAF. its immense violence and child death. Seriously, Carmen, Player, Gray, Ivy, Zack, and Julia all end up possessing animatronics at some point. It ends happily, but it is based off a horror thing so if that's not your thing b careful <3
its supposed to be more of a mystery that gets unraveled, but if anyone wants specifics of it u can drop an ask :) i only have animatronic designs for Carmen, Julia, and Gray so far tho. I have ideas for the others too.
This is one I wanna share with y'all at some point. its probably the shortest of the AUs I have outlined so far, so yk. maybe in this lifetime lol.
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Carmen and the Age of Wonderbeasts:
Mega Jaguar Carmen. This ones more of a ~vibe~ than an actual plot but i like drawing mega jag carm :)
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Plushie Dragon:
This one's not an AU, but actually based on doodles of these 2 plush dragons! Matching red/gold and blue/silver dragons named after carmen and julia lol. I'll get around to posting more drawings of em cause they're cute
the plushies <3 (they have spikes u just cant see em:
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ik they look goofy i lov them anyways
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Wings of Fire:
Wings of Fire AU! Carmen is a rainwing/skywing hybrid (rainwing dad, skywing mom) She can camoflauge, fly decently fast, and has a prehensile tail. She can't breathe fire or use typical venom, BUT she figures out her venom, while not face-melting by itself, IS in fact flammable. again, more of a ~vibe~ than a story and plot, but I like drawing dragons.
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Canon Carmen:
She's front and center, the one that started all this.
Way back in 2019, the autism and ADHD departments in my brain came to an agreement: This show is the greatest show of all time.
It was the first fandom I actively contributed to/interacted with. (I still read fics from other fandoms before, but had never been active in a fandom) Like I mentioned with Last Wolf, I had never actually written fanfiction before, and definitely never posted it. I love writing and telling stories (and boy howdy do I have A Lot of stories rolling around my brain). between all of the AUs ive come up with, I've gotten to practice so much worldbuilding and characterization. English classes usually focused on expository stuff, with like. a brief fiction writing thing. So I've definitely gotten to stretch my creative writing muscles with this show, and hopefully I can put em to use on original projects someday <3
I fell in love with the first season, and got ridiculously excited for every new season and the interactive. (heck, i played every possible option for the interactive the day it came out, and binged every subsequent season the day they aired.)
This show has been a big part of my life the last five years, and the original show will always be special to me. It's the reason I started learning to draw people lol, I have a drawing of Carmen from 2020 that I'm still really proud of. It's hung on my bedroom wall to this day.
So thank you, Carmen Sandiego. For everything.
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inyomamasbed · 2 years
a/n: I accidentally deleted the request but someone asked for: "chigiri,friends to lovers" if u see this thanks for requesting,its my first ever "xreader" i hope it doesn't suck that much.
character:Chigiri Hyouma
content:fluff,a bit of angst,but mostly fluff
゚。 Friends to Lovers w/ Chigiri ♡ ゚・。・゚
As friends
•As we all know chigiri has been popular as soon as he got into highschool for his talent(and for his looks obvi)so you probably heard of him before becoming his friend
•I think it would have been hard to be his friend
•Before his knee injury, because of his football skills he always thought of himself as superior to others but i feel like he was also modest about it.
•His personality was kinda a 50/50
•After the injury that feeling of superiority crumbles but he had a hard time and ended up building walls around himself
•So yeah,to become his friend you would have to be really patient
•But lets say that u managed to overcome this arduous task and became his friend(yay!!)
•You guys would probably spend lunch together in silence enjoying eachothers company or have some small talk
•If you're somebody who's into "having a good apparece" you would probably talk about fashion,hairstyles,etc.
•I feel like before going to Blue Lock he couldn't really open up about football bc it made him remember his past
•So if you two probably didn't talk about football much and it would be better for the friendship
•He appreciates you for still being by his side since you're probably one of the few people that still recognize him for who he is,after his sister and mother. That's probably when he started to feel something for you but he kept it low-key bc he really didn't need to get hurt even more tbh😔🫂
•Also bc he wouldn't want his family to find out bc they would tease the crap out of him
•love him frfr
He starts falling for u
•I feel like with Chigiri u probably fell first but he fell harder
•You fell first but when he had girls drooling over him and he rejected all of them bc he wanted to focus only on football,gotta admit,it scared u
•And when them fake ass bitches left bc he stopped playing soccer it just felt wrong
• +100 points for u for being considerate of his feeling
•So the both of u kept ur feeling for urself and expected them to just fade away since u two we're already friends,but surprise surprise,they didn't left and u were stuck with them. Especially when he left for blue lock without saying much,u just thought about moving on but who can tbh
•Chigiri liked u for ur kind,positive and cheerful personality,the perfect energy that he needed when the world seemed against him.
•He probably realized how much he liked you when he was in Blue lock very far away from you,when no one was there to tell him that's everything was going to be fine.
•When he managed to get his hands of his phone he texted hai family and you
•You were surprised and happy that he remembered you and so was him when u texted back
•You both promised eachothers and you were gonna meet up as soon as possible
•and y'all did
•You two decided to meet up at a cute coffee shop to catch up and it's exactly what happened,you guys clicked and ended up talking for hours.
•You we're nevrvous about meeting him again since ur crush was still there but it was a relief that he was doing better and seeing him talk about football again with happy eyes
•Yup, everything was fine and you started hanging out more often when he had time
•Everyone around you probably thought you two were dating
•Everything felt so natural that u both forgot that none of y'all confessed💀
•He was so stressed about it cuz he wanted to be more than friends but didn't know how to tell u
•He was thinking to hard about it at the point that the next time u guys met up you noticed he was acting a bit weird: he was avoiding eye contact,he wouldn't even make the mistake to be close to u and his answers were really dry,but sometimes you could see him blush a little bit and noticed how sometimes his ears would get red
•While he was fighting himself to choose how to tell you about his feelings to you just managed to obtain mixed signals
•so confusing ikr
•So one day when he was taking you back to your house you decided to ask him about it
~imagine this:
You guys were side by side walking towards your house,none of you were talking,it was a bit awkward ngl.
The sun was saying its goodbye and it was getting cold but it didn't bother you since all the toughts that were going through your head were distracting you.
You stopped walking and he noticed so he stopped too after taking some steps ahead.
"Y/N..? Is everything ok?" Chigiri asked with his calm voice,but he looked at you with a bit of concern since you weren't answering.
He took some steps to get closer to you and that's when you said:" Chigiri can i ask you something?"trying to not look at him in the eyes.
"Sure" he said.
"Is everything ok between us,you've been acting a bit distant lately,did i do something to upset you?" You said,proud of yourself for managing to say it without stuttering or sounding desperate.
There was a bit of silence and you were ready to just move on and tell him that you could just walk by yourself from here.
You looked at him and it was your first time seeing him with a face color that matched his hair.
"..I'm sorry,that's the total opposite of what I'm trying to do" he said with a quiet voice audible only to you
You stayed silent waiting for him to say more.
"Actually Y/N(🤓), there's something I've been wanting to tell you for the past months"he said.
You were looking at him with eyes full of hopes that something might change from today(spoiler: it did)
"I like you..I've been liking you for a while to be precise,I don't know if it's the right time or if you-Are you crying?"
He notice you trying to opress your sobs,without much success.
"Was my confession that bad?" He asked with a nervous smile on his face.
It wasn't,in fact it was the best thing you've been told this past months.What a relief,you felt like you could finally breathe.
"No. No,it was good. Pretty good actually" you said while trying to get rid of the tears at the end of your eyes,while having a big smile printed in your face.
"It's such a relief,I'm glad" you said.
"So..Do u feel the same?" he said while coming closer to u,wanting to hold your hand.
"Isn't it obvious?" You said while laughing a bit,he also laughed,feeling at ease in the moment.
•and y'all started dating. Happy ending yay
a/n: Should I do a part.2 with chigiri as ur bf?lemme know. Thanks for reading.
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 11 - The Cheerleader
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in uploading, life has been kicking my ass. Fingers crossed Chapter 12 will be up over the next couple of days, I thank each and every one of you for sticking through this with me. This chapter is very dialogue heavy, so apologies if that's not your vibe, and there isn't any smut. But we have lots of angst yay!
Chapter warnings: MDI (18+ only), explicit language, smoking, underage drinking (USA), ANGST.
You eventually give your dad the highly abridged version of events. You had been seeing a boy from school, the boy he disapproved of from the parking lot, which did not garner the best reaction, and that things had come to an abrupt and messy end.
Only your dad could cuddle the life out of you whilst simultaneously grounding you for the foreseeable, school and work being the only exceptions to the rule, otherwise you were on house arrest. You had spent the rest of the evening crying in his arms, whilst he muttered reassurances.
Monday rolled around overcast and dull, but you were exceptionally glad for the long weekend, finding it hard to believe what had happened within the last 72hrs. Your only plan was to spend the day stagnating in your own misery, so it’s a surprise when Robin turns up at your bedroom door just before 11am with a bag full of chocolate, you feel your bottom lip wobble at the sight of your best-friend.
“You look like shit.” She sighs, dropping heavily on the bed and taking you into her arms, smoothing out your ratted hair, rocking you back and forth. “Your dad called me, figured you needed some female support. I take it everything is fucked?”
“I’ve messed up so bad Robin, I - how could I do it to him?” You whimper tearfully, your throat constricted with sobs, head in her lap. “I can’t go to school tomorrow, I can’t face him.” You shudder, the guilt overwhelming you. “And then there’s Steve, everything is ruined.”
“Steve-? What about Steve?” She asks sharply.
Robin spent the next hour screaming down your phone to Steve, not even your dad dared telling her to moderate her language.
“Are you a fucking moron Harrington?! Have you learnt nothing?!”
“No - no don’t give me that shit. God, I can’t believe I'm friends with such an extraordinary idiot! I leave you alone for a day Steve, a goddamn day!”
“I don’t care dingus, you’re making this right - yes - yes you are. This is some real King Steve crap, you know that?!”
“Good, I'm glad you feel like shit, it’s nothing compared to how Y/n feels! And Eddie! - Of course I knew, unlike you I'm not a blind idiot.”
“She doesn’t want to talk to you. You should be talking to Nancy, you know your girlfriend?”
“Uh-huh - yeah - no I’ll walk - because I don’t wanna ride with you - the Russians are gone Steve - ok fine see you in the morning - but you’re still a douchebag.”
Your dad drops you to school the following morning, with a firm command that he would be picking up again at 4pm on the dot. You look rough, there’s no other word for it. Robin had coaxed you into taking a perfunctory shower for the sake of hygiene before she left, but you had gone to bed with your hair still wet; now haphazardly piled on your head like a bird’s nest, wearing your baggiest clothes as though the fabric could hide you from the world. You were so caught up in your misery that you walked straight into Dustin, his arms shooting out to steady you. Where there was Dustin there was Steve, leaning against the hood of his car looking guilty, Robin shooting daggers at him.
“You ok Y/n?” Dustin asks concerned.
“I’m good, thanks Dustin, sorry for -” You trail off gesturing at your collision.
“Oh it’s no biggie, I’m a strong guy, I can take it.” He grins toothily, sweet kid, patting you clumsily on the arm. Robin pushes Steve towards you, where he stands scruffing his sneakers against the asphalt in a most un-Steve-like fashion.
“Can we talk?” He asks quietly, not meeting your eye.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You say, crossing your arms defensively.
“Please, Y/n, I want - I want to make things right between us.” He pleads softly, you glance at Robin who nods in a ‘give him a chance’ sort of way.
“Fine, you get 10 minutes.” You huff, throwing yourself into the passenger seat.
There was a time, not so long ago, that you would have given anything to be sat alone with Steve in his precious BMW, now you feel borderline claustrophobic as he drives a little ways from the school, pulling off a small dirt road killing the engine.
“Thanks for agreeing to speak to me - it’s more than I deserve.” He sighs.
“You got that right, what the hell were you thinking?” You snap, staring resolutely out the passenger window.
“I wasn’t thinking, I just - I care so much about you honey -” Steve reasons, but you see red, cutting him off.
“You’ve got a funny way of showing it Steve, if you wanted to be mad at someone it should have been me, not Eddie.” You force his name out through clenched teeth, eyes once again swimming with tears. “So why now? Why the sudden interest?” You ask sharply, wiping angrily at your cheeks, turning to finally look at him. He’s slumped down in his seat, one hand pressed to his forehead.
“Things between me and Nancy haven’t been good lately, I thought after everything that happened last year we were back on track, but I think she just wanted some familiarity after Jonathon upped and left. The things that broke us up last time are still there, I want to work on them y’know but Nance - she just keeps pushing me away.” He says sadly.
“So you thought you’d ruin my relationship to make yourself feel better?” You snipe petulantly, not in the mood to listen to Steve’s woes.
“No - no that’s not what I wanted.” He sighs deeply again, sitting up straighter. “But - you were right yesterday, what you said about me not noticing you before, I took you for granted. These past two months you’ve been so talkative, and funny, and you just started to - I don’t know - shine?”
“Because of Eddie.” You mumble. 
“I guess so.” Steve nods slowly in agreement.
“So you noticed me and thought I'd just leap into your arms the minute you wanted me to?” You ask flatly.
“I thought - maybe if some random guy had a shot and things weren’t serious -” Steve struggles to find the words before nodding again, this time in defeat. “Yeah I guess that’s exactly what I thought.”
You snort in derision, picking at a small rip on the knee of your jeans, two months ago you would have run to Steve like a dog being called back to its owner and the thought makes you embarrassed. The hold he had over you and yet hadn’t even been aware of it.
“Stacey Sharp’s 14th birthday.” You mutter.
“Huh?” Steve asks blankly.
“That’s the day I fell in love with you. I was only there because I lived on the same street as her and Dad made me go. I was so afraid of the bigger kids so I just sat on the edge of the pool. Carol Perkins pushed me in, and I wasn’t a strong swimmer, you jumped in after me. Gave Carol a piece of your mind and helped me find a towel.” You talk quietly, like you might disturb the memory. “Then you walked me back to my house -”
“- your dad made us PB&J sandwiches, we ate them in your driveway.” He says slowly. “I remember. You - you’ve liked me for that long?” He asks, holding your gaze.
“Yeah, like I said, overlooked.” You say with a wry smile.
“Y/n, honey, I may have overlooked you romantically, but I’ve always valued your friendship.”
You lapse into strained silence, there was so much more to be said, but you were emotionally exhausted, stuck in some hellish purgatory.
“Can I - can I just try something? To be sure?” He asks jerkily.
“What?” You whisper, suddenly caught by the look in Steve’s eyes, it was a smouldering look that you had always wished would be thrown your way.
“Just - come here.” He sighs, leaning across the console.
You hold your breath as Steve moves closer, his hands lightly holding your face, eyes darting across your own. Was this actually happening? He licks his lower lip and you unconsciously mirror him, unsure who closes the remaining distance, mouth finally meeting yours in a light press. He tentatively deepens the kiss and the effect is instantaneous, both of you pulling back looking confusedly at each other, your chest heaving.
It was as though you were seeing him properly for the first time, gone was the little glowing golden aura that used to surround him, all that remained was plain old Steve.
“That - that felt weird right?” Steve asks, grimacing.
“Oh my god, so weird!” You gasp, pressing your lips together sheepishly to suppress a giggle. “It felt like I was kissing a relative.” 
“Yes! Exactly that!” He says with enthusiasm, sighing in relief that you aren’t upset. “What a mess huh?” He laughs wryly, as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
“6 years of pining and we’re not even compatible!” You say laughing openly now, almost hysterical at the absolute bitch of a hand life had dealt you.
“Better as friends?” He asks hesitantly, chuckling along with you.
“100% better as friends.” You smile softly, Steve takes your hand, pressing an affectionate kiss to the back.
  The levity you feel is short-lived, whilst it’s wonderful to have your friendship with Steve semi back on track, your relationship with Eddie was still very much up in flames. 
“What am I gonna do Steve?” You mumble sadly.
“You talk to him.” He says plainly.
“He doesn’t want to talk to me, I’ll be lucky if he ever even breathes in my direction again.” You sigh, leaning heavily back into the seat, feet up on the dashboard, if Steve minds he has the sense not to reprimand you.
“You love him?” It’s not like the weekend when his tone was accusatory, this time it’s gentle and genuinely curious.
You chew at your thumb, ignoring the sharp sting from the already sore worried skin. That was the million dollar question, the one you had been pondering for weeks, the one you desperately wanted to answer, but slipped away from you every time. If you couldn’t be honest with Steve, how were you ever going to be honest with Eddie? 
“Yeah - yeah I think I do.” You say, the realization hitting you like a tonne of bricks.
“Then you gotta talk to him, no matter how hard it might be.” Steve advises.
“Ok, but you have to promise me something.” You say turning fully in your seat to face him. “Talk to Nancy, all that stuff you said to me at work about her, that’s still there too Steve.”
Steve had returned you to school with a hug, and a promise that he would have a heart to heart with Nancy. The rest of the morning grinds by at an agonizingly slow pace, but when the lunch bell finally rings you’re ready to cut and run, you don’t know if you can cope being in the cafeteria with Eddie, wondering if he hates you or not.
“You gotta eat something babe.” Robin sighs, nudging an apple in your direction.
“‘M not hungry.” You mumble, staring resolutely at the polished concrete floor.
“Tell that to your thumb.” She says, pulling it away from your mouth, wincing at how angry it looks.
You glance up, and immediately catch Eddie’s eye, heart beating frantically in response. He also appears to not be eating, barely engaged with the conversation around him, bags under his eyes and mouth pulled down in a small frown.
“I- I gotta go.” You blurt to Robin, already pushing yourself away from the table, practically sprinting the length of the room. You don’t stop running until you barrel into the girl’s bathroom, sobbing openly, arms braced on the porcelain sink, eyes squeezed shut, breathing hard.
“Y/n…? You ok?” A soft feminine voice jolts you, Chrissy Cunningham is hovering by a stall, looking concerned.
You push back from the sink, roughly wiping at your face with your sleeve.
“I’m - yeah I’m fine - Chrissy.” You stammer. “Thanks.” You add somewhat lamely.
Through the fog of your own misery you notice Chrissy’s cheeks are also wet, eyes similarly red, she’s shaking slightly leaning against the toilet door, pulling the sleeves of her cardigan over her hands.
“You ok?” You ask slowly, she nods quickly but alarmingly dissolves into tears. You surge forward surprising yourself, bringing her into your arms, she hugs you back tightly, her small frame quaking.
“J-Jason and I, we - we’ve broken up.” She cries.
Well shit, what fresh karmic hell is this? 
“But - you seemed so good together?” You say falteringly, if you were honest you had never paid much heed to Hawkins High’s power couple, your social standing allowed you to slip under the radar of most cliques and that suited you fine; but Jason and Chrissy always seemed like a perfect pairing, beautiful, popular, both generally well liked. 
“He’s been given a full sports scholarship at Syracuse in the fall, he doesn’t think it’ll work with the distance.” Chrissy sniffles.
“I’m so sorry Chrissy - he’s a massive dick if he’s not willing to try at least.” You soothe, allowing her space as she pulls back with the smallest of laughs.
“What about you?” She asks kindly, gesturing to your watery eyes.
“It doesn’t matter, just some boy trouble of my own, nothing I can’t handle.” You lie trying to sound casual.
She nods in understanding, pulling some toilet paper out for you both, she dabs delicately at her face whilst you drag the tissue over your eyes.
“I know we’ve never really spoken much, but I’ve always liked you Y/n.” She smiles shyly. “You should come to my pre-graduation party this weekend.” She offers.
“That’s really nice of you Chrissy, but I’m grounded, no parties for me.” You say awkwardly, throwing your used tissue into the trash can.
“Well if you manage to sneak out or something, it would be great to see you there.” She pulls you in for another hug, and you tentatively pat her on the back, feeling like you’ve fallen into the Twilight Zone.
Try as you might you don’t manage to see Eddie for the rest of the day, you’re tempted to go to the picnic bench at 4pm, risking a permanent grounding from your dad, but his van is already gone from the parking lot by the time you emerge..
You spend the rest of the evening crying intermittently in your room, the pattern broken only by Robin calling to see how things went with Steve.
Eddie avoids you in the corridors, turning resolutely in the opposite direction each time he spots you.
He’s not in the cafeteria at lunchtime, when you ask Dustin he says he’s busy with band stuff.
Eddie ignores you when you call his name across the parking lot, striding to his van without a second glance.
You call Eddie’s house only for Wayne to answer.
“He’s not here darlin’, but I'll tell him you called.”
You manage to corner Gareth in the library, dropping into a seat next to him, determined to speak to Eddie.
“Look, I don’t know what happened between you guys, but Eddie - he’s super cut up about it. He’s been throwing himself into practice but he’s not right.” Gareth whispers.
“I fucked up Gareth and I need to fix it, but I can’t do that unless I can speak to Eddie.” You say urgently, heads tucked tight together to avoid the wrath of Mrs Giles, the overbearing librarian.
“We’re playing The Hideout tomorrow night at 7.” He mumbles.
“You are literally the best.” You sigh in relief, throwing your arms around his neck, earning a small pat and blush from Gareth.
“Just do me a solid, maybe speak to him after our set, and not before? This could be a big gig for us.” He says cautiously.
You feel somewhat lighter as the school day draws to a close, knowing that you may finally be able to speak to Eddie, without him running off so easily. You go to collect your bag from your locker when a neon flier is thrust in front of your face, Chance from the basketball team grinning cockily at you.
“Hey there pretty girl. Wanna go to a bitchin’ party tomorrow?” He grins in what you believe is an attempt at a charming smile but it comes across as slightly seedy.
“Do people still say bitchin’?” You deadpan, snatching the flier without looking, stuffing it into your purse
“All the cool ones, yeah.” He laughs and you find yourself smiling falsely, squeezing past him. “So I’ll see you there?” He calls after you. You walk away without a word, focusing on the task ahead of you.
The minute you get home from school you call Steve at work.
“Family Video, Steve speaking, how may I help?”
“Steve, it’s me, and I need a favour.” You say quietly, making sure your bedroom door is shut tight.
“Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to enjoy this favour?” He asks in trepidation. 
“I’m grounded, but Eddie is playing at The Hideout tomorrow night, I need you to come pick me up at six-thirty and tell my dad I have to work the closing shift with you.”
“I dunno Y/n, lying to your dad, that’s a good way for me to get my ass kicked.” Steve says slowly. “Why don’t you just say you’re staying at Robin’s?”
“I’ve used Robin too many times, and he’s only letting me out of the house for school and work. Come on, Steve, you owe me this, please.” You plead, biting your lip. You hear him sigh heavily, as he works through his feelings of unease. 
“Alright, fine, but if your dad finds out, it’s your ass on the line.” He says finally.
Steve picks you up the following evening as agreed, your dad none the wiser as you leave in your work uniform, pressing a parting kiss to his cheek. You clamber into the back of Steve’s car, already stripping before you’re down the block swapping into the clothes you’d shoved into your purse.
“What are you doing?” Steve asks quickly, giving him an eyeful of your bra in the rear-view mirror as you slip a drop-shoulder top over your head.
“Changing.” You say obviously, wriggling out of your pants, hefting up your denim skirt. “Eyes on the road Harrington.” You grin, throwing your uniform into the trunk, applying blusher as steadily as you can.
“So am I picking you up or what?” Steve queries as you climb over into the front seat, making a noise of complaint when your heels make contact with the precious leather.
“If you’ve not heard from me by midnight, call my dad and tell him I’m crashing at your place with Robin.” You say, lining your lips. 
“And he’ll buy that?”.
“He may not like it, but yeah he’ll buy it.” 
“I don’t know about this honey - shouldn’t I stick around? What if you two have a fight again?” Steve asks in concern.
“Steve, given what happened the last time you saw each other, I don’t think Eddie is going to react very well if you rock up with me.” You huff, teasing your hair with the spare comb he keeps in the glove box.
“Fair.” He relents, grabbing the comb back in affectionate irritation. “But I still don’t like it.”
The parking lot for The Hideout is surprisingly busy, and it’s only when you walk in you realize why. The place is packed with your classmates, a big sign hanging from the ceiling that says ‘Class of 1986!’, you notice the vast majority of the cheer squad milling around and the penny drops, you’ve inadvertently crashed Chrissy Cunningham’s party.
“Y/n!” You hear your name, Gareth weaving his way through the crowd towards you.
“Gareth, you didn’t tell me this was Chrissy’s party!” You hiss.
“Does it matter?” He asks cluelessly. “We're on in like 10 minutes, I’ll make sure Eddie finds you after, ok?” He reassures, giving your arm a squeeze.
You hover debating on waiting outside but figure you better remain inside for Eddie. You heave a deep sigh, moving to the bar perching on a stool, legs jiggling nervously, you’re caught up in your thoughts when a sweet voice next to you speaks.
“Two diet cokes please. Oh my god Y/n! You came! Hi!” Chrissy Cunningham is standing next to you, leaning on the bar looking like pure heaven in a pretty light peach dress.
“Hi Chrissy” You say awkwardly, allowing her to embrace you. 
“Isn’t this place great? I was going to host the party at my house but my dad knows the owner, and then Eddie Munson offered to do a gig with his band Corroded Coffin. I haven’t seen them play since middle school!” She’s grinning from ear to ear, but all you hear is white noise, Eddie spoke to Chrissy? 
“I wouldn’t have thought Eddie’s music was your thing.” You ask weakly, head spinning.
“Oh they’re mostly doing covers tonight, Eddie’s been meeting with me every evening to go through the playlist, inviting me to their practices and stuff.” She rambles happily, you can only nod, heart hammering against your ribs. Eddie and Chrissy, of course she was single now.
“You here with Gareth? Was he the cause of your boy trouble? Have you made up?” Chrissy asks in rapid fire, and you’re beginning to suspect that someone might have a hip flask around adding something extra to the sodas.
“Gareth?” You repeat blankly, feeling detached from your voice.
“I saw you talking to him earlier, he’s cute.” She grins, the sound of electric guitars being plugged in stops you from answering. “Oh they’re starting! Come to the front with me!” She shouts, hauling you both towards the stage, you manage to hang back being slightly absorbed by the crowd.
You feel like you’re in a semi-catatonic state as the band finishes their tune up, Eddie’s voice ringing out through the mic in a screech of feedback.
“Uh - thanks for coming guys, we’re Corroded Coffin. Chrissy, this one's for you, ‘86 baby.” He says, grinning down from the stage to where she’s standing, the crowd going wild as they start to play some suped up version of Blondie’s Call Me.
You think you might throw up, limbs tingling unpleasantly, as you stagger to the bathroom. There are a group of girls you sort of recognise, sitting on the edges of the sinks drinking from a large bottle of vodka, and smoking.
“Can I get some of that?” You ask breathlessly pointing at the vodka.  
“The more the merrier!” One of the girls laughs, clearly trashed.
You drink a third like it’s water, ignoring the burn as it slides down your throat, desperate to numb the overwhelming panic in your chest. 
“We’ve got rum too.” Another girl says, already passing you the bottle, you hate rum but anything will do at this point, wishing you had told Steve to stay.
“This is shit, we should have gone to Carver’s party then we wouldn’t have to hide in a fucking bathroom to get wasted.” A girl you think is called Linda whines, pushing her tits up and down experimentally in the mirror.
“And I told you I lost the fucking flier with the address.” The girl who passed you the rum, shouts impatiently.
“Oh, I think I have one.” You say with a small hiccup, fishing about in your purse for the neon green paper Chase had given you yesterday.
“YES!” Linda screeches happily, snagging it from your hands. 
“You coming?” Rum girl asks you, gathering up the alcohol and shoving it into her bag while the others file out in disarray.
You shouldn’t, you should call Steve, you should go home, but your feet move of their own accord following the group out in a slight daze. Evidently you’d been in the bathroom for longer than you thought, the band were currently taking a break, mingling on the floor with everyone else.
Chrissy’s bell-like laugh echoes across the room, cutting through you like a knife, you see her delicate hand resting on Eddie’s chest leaning into him as he laughs along with her. You feel like you’re drowning, breath catching painfully, lip trembling as you swallow the pain down. Gareth says something to Eddie and he suddenly catches your eye, moving to approach you but you’re already heading towards the front door with the drunk girls.
“Y/n wait!” He calls, and you bolt, banging through the double doors, clambering into a car with the girls who laugh and scream as you all peel away from the building.
Taglist: @avalon-wolf @lolalanaie @eddiemunsonsgf2 @eddieslildarling @bakugouswh0r3 @sidthedollface2 @blueberrylemontea-fanfic @winchester-angel @bimbobaggins69 @tuskjohnny @fckyeahlames @thecomfortgoth @alanamarie @miarosso @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @somespicystuff @eddiethesexy @unfocused81 @1paire2vans @take-everything-you-can @mynameismothra @kingaa101 @ms1oftheboys @lfaewrites @corrodedcoffincumslut @emxxblog @briasnow-blog @bexreadstoomuch @munsonology @mulletmcghee @tanyaherondale @offensiunculae @
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grigori77 · 7 months
The Mighty Nein: Echoes of the Solstice (Live Show from Mo-fucking WEMBLEY!)
Ah, a hype man ... okay then ...
My ... he's quite salty really, isn't he?
"All the bar staff are like: What team is this? I don't know, but none of them make eye-contact."
He's got a point, we are better at swearing ...
"In this country, the sentence: I twatted the twat in the twat ... makes perfect grammatical sense!"
Ah yes, the first ĺive show since the Pandemic ...
Oh, here we go ...
Fuck me, look at that FUCKING CROWD ... O.O
Ye gods, Ashley what the fuck are you doing to us AGAIN?!!! Bloody hell ... then Liam ... and Taliesin? Look at that SWAG!!! MARISHA!!! Incredible ... Laura! Wow ... that's like ... AND Travis ... basically Jester and Fjord in the flesh ... just a shame Laura's not blue ...
And then we we have SAM FUCKING RIEGEL ... never misses an opportunity, does he?
Matt's going nuts and I don't blame him ...
Ah yes ... what fresh hell is Riegel gonna unleash upon us THIS TIME? The audience are ahead of us already ... oh gods ... no, you really AREN'T Freddie Mercury, mate ...
Bloody hell ... that actually WORKED ... I'm extremely surprised ...
Ashley has an announcement? Blimey ... no wonder she's a little nervous ... oh, but she's getting into it already ... Nice ... and yeah, Crit Role Red Nose Day, always fun ...
Cosplayer nod! Nice! Liam: "Oh man, so many Sprinkles!"
Liam: "I've had this dream!" Matt: "Thank you all so much for the trauma!"
Recap! Nice!
Oh, so they WERE just Shunted, then? Okay, so what happened then?
So we're about to find out ... where are they? Shush, sound effects problems! Blightshore? Intriguing ...
Ah, so he CAN talk ... Caleb: "It's been a while." No shit, mate!
Oh, so the magical disruption has knackered the collar too ... batter that thing off, Beau! "You know, your wife has shaved me with a greatsword, this should not be too challenging for you." Oh, NOW he's rethinking this plan? Minor Alchemy?
Sam: "No, I want her to punch you!" Liam (as Caleb): "I'm sitting right next to her, it's going to happen!"
Oh crap ... Matt, what are you saying? What the fuck is THAT shit supposed to mean?
Ah, Imogen ... Beau: "She was kind of cute." Caleb: "Don't cross the streams!"
SNAP!!! Thankfully collar not neck, at least ...
Yes! Get her to Yasha! Go! With Caduceus? Awesome ...
Hey! The Blooming Grove! They made it ... oh, this is PRETTY!!! Calliope! Awwwwww ...
BABYYYYYYYYY!!! :3 Ashley: "I touch her everywhere, make sure she's fine! Well ... maybe not EVERYWHERE ..." Caleb: "I've seen them like this when they've been apart for a few hours."
CADUCEUS!!! Yeah, boy!
Ooh! Munchies!
New armour? Sweet ... the "Oh no, I have to leave in a hurry kit"? Intriguing ...
Dream Beau can be an asshole, apparently ... Beau: "But if you felt like exploring, maybe ..." Yasha: "Oh, I didn't know that was on the table!"
Oh yeah, Veth has, like, PRIORITIES now ...
Beau's accidental kleptomania ... XD
A splinter from the Nein Heroes? Intriguing ... and they're on the ship! Yay ... docked? Oh, hey, Nicodranas! Sweet!
Good lord, what are they doing? Matt: "How did we start this so horny?"
Jester's been getting headaches from her Sending ... yeah, that's right, makes sense ...
Perception check? Oh, first roll ... Travis: "Nine!" The crowd cheers! Of course they do ...
ALL of the Assembly ... yeah ... Trent Ikithon, of course, I thought so ...
Yeah, get Veth! Yay ...
Weird dead seabeast? What is that shit?
Matt: "Interrupt MY story, why don't you?"
A Message to the Ruby ... and she has to roll a D100? Nuts ... 48? 14 points of Psychic damage? Oof ...
Yes, she COULD heal herself, but it's par for thd course, really ...
Blud! Hi!
Spooked seabeasts ... hmmm ...
The Brenatto residence ... here we go ...
VETH!!! Yay!
Veth: "The world has been turned upside down!" Beau: "What's wrong?" Veth: "I HAVE A FUCKING TEENAGER!!!"
Luc wants to be an adventurer? Of course he does ... yeah ... how old IS he? Veth: "Whatever feels right!"
Veth: "To be fair, I was drunk for most of his childhood." XD
So what's the plan?
Oh, Scrying? Yeah, try it!
I love how Jester's being do sweet about Ludinus, it's hilarious ... oh, NOW she gets it? Jester: "He's a douche, I hate him!" Yeah ...
Here we go then, go Jester ... Travis: "That's right, use the 5th Level, nothing can possibly go wrong ..."
Jester has a DICK COLLECTION now? LOL
Reminding Jester who Trent is ...
Oh hey, here's Artigan! Nice! Oh ... how rude!
Caduceus: "We're not big problem people." Jester: "Are you saying we're NOT going to push the Moon back into the sky?"
Oh wait ... is Veth NOT coming?
Jester: "Um ... the Lavish Chateau is NOT a whorehouse." Veth: "A speakeasy with benefits?"
Luc? Hi! Wow ... he's an EMO TEEN now? Interesting ...
Veth making fun of Fjord being the weakest of the Nein ...
UNCLE Caleb ... :3
Jester! DO NOT give Luc a tattoo!
Wow ... Veth REALLY IS bowing out ... that's so sad ...
Veth makes Jester take another 8 points of Psychic damage ... XD
Wow ... AWKWARD goodbye ...
To the Cobalt Soul in Rexxentrum? Okay ...
Everybody runs into the circle ... wait ... WHST THE FUCK?!!!
Luc? Seriously? Wow ... he even has a Character Sheet! He's do cute ... :3
Here we are, then ... and they've just realised they're not alone ...
Sam's doing an emo teen voice now ... I love it ... this is gonna be SO MUCH FUN ...
Are we EVER gonna learn howold he is?
Yasha: "Hit me!" Seriously?
Oh, so we're doing this ... and she CATCHES his punch ... of course she does. Adorable ...
And now he's in a huff ...
And now he's gonna try and hex Beau instead ... this really is getting funny now ... Beau: "I'll cover my eyes to make it more fair." XD
Ah ... Caleb gives him THE TALKING TO ...
Wow ... he's really good at THIS ... oh, totally working the heartstrings, definitely ...
Oh wow ... they're coming around ... oh, so they're giving CAD the deciding vote? This'll be interesting ... and he makes a good point.
Ground rules from Caleb ... as it should be ...
Caduceus casts Death Ward on Luc just to be safe ... Nice one, mate.
Ovedo? Okay ... apparently things are chaotic ... oh, this doesn't sound good ...
Matt once again using the feedback constructively ...
Ah, teenage bravado ...
Volither ... hmm, nice hair.
Aggy? Who's that?
Dark tunnel? Okay ... no, DEFINITELY not Luc in the lead ... an extra luck roll for him? Nice one, Caleb!
Oh shit ... the magic seals are DEAD. Not a good sign ...
Crap ... what the hell is THIS shit? Oh, that's fucking CREEPY ... scary monster monologue ...
Beau just closes the door on whatever the fuck THAT was ...
Oh, it's still going? He does love to go on and on ...
Hello who's this?
Wait ... a guest? Oh shit! It's Daniel! You sneaky bastard ...
A dwarf? Intriguing ... a blue kilt? Even more so ... and WINE? Hmmmm ... a bit tipsy, apparently ...
Whoa ... he bested Beau? Wow ... and then he offers her a DRINK ... of course she accepts. XD
Aggy: "Is that a little boy?" Luc: "I don't trust this guy, he looks over 30."
Luc: "Hey! Don't insult me and then explain it to me!"
Yes, Matthew, what HAS HE found?
"Unattended baggage" ... SNORT ...
See Invisibility ... oh, hello, Star Razor ...
Eldritch Blast! Yay!
Aggy HEADBUTTS the wall Fjord just attacked ... wow, and he just NUTTED a dozen open. Cute ...
Constitution check? 9? Oh, and what does THIS mean? Oh dear ...
He thinks Caduceus is a horse ... I love that ...
Daniel: "I look like a very small, short John Wick, by the way." XD
Aggy just walks RIGHT IN ... and now there's more illusory nonsense ... wait ... the Shadowhand? Ooooh ...
Ah, so ... going down, then? Hmmm ...
Oh dear, this doesn't look too good ... what now, then?
Wow .. clearly Aggy is NOT particularly bright ...
Whoops? Holy shit ... Nice dodge! He's now tumbling down the stairs and FLASHING EVERYBODY ... oh dear, what now? Another dexterity roll? NAT20!!! Nice ... he is UNSCATHED ...
Daniel: "I am just sucking the Dice Gods' dick!"
He is almost ACCIDENTALLY good at this ... oh, here we go ... CRITICAL FAIL!!! Finally ...
Oh dear, what has he gotten into now? 76 points of Force Damage? Holy fuck ... is Aggy DEAD ALREADY?!!! Fuck ... a DISINTEGRATION TRAP?!!! Shit ... so that's it? Aggy is DUST ...
Farewell, Daniel ...
Oh yes, that's right, technically he IS an Admiral ... Admiral Tusktooth. Nice ...
DO NOT let Luc check for traps ... oh yeah! Mage Hand ... and Jester Guides him too ... :3
Wow ... that's a lot of traps ...
Another magic mouth ... for the gods' sake ... he's so full of himself ...
Another door? Okay ... check for traps again ... and ANOTHER mouth ... even MATT is now acknowledging that Trent is full of himself ...
Oh you ARSEHOLE ... not cool to taunt Caleb like that ...
Ah yes, the Tower? Sweet ... yes, rest.
The Aeorian Security Cannon ... and a FLUFFERNUTTER?!!! Holy fuck ...
True Seeing ... oh dear ... now Caduceus has Beau tripping balls again ... fuck, a Nat20 for a full 27 perception ... sweet fuck ...
Athtiri Menthal ... huh?
Beau has a +16 to her Arcana? Fucking hell ...
Ashley once again Stop It-ing Sam when he sneezes. VERY LOUDLY this time, too ...
They're fighting Trent AND a thing, or Trent AS a thing ... lovely ...
Okay, so rest and regrouping, then ... back to Caleb's tower, then head out in the morning ...
Mahogany? Hmmm ... certain dirty minds, I swear ...
Okay, then ... and time for a break! Well then ...
Aaaaaah ... Welcome To Wildemount returns ... always fun ...
And we're back ... Heroes' Feast! Nice ...
Caleb has a personal talk with Luc, and gives him his Luck stone? Wow ... oh fuck, WISH?!!! Seriously? 5th Level Simulacrum ... so he's now CLONED himself ...
Yasha: "Whoa! There's no riding going on! Except on me ..."
"Beth"? Hmmmm ... typical teenage boy, clearly ...
Beau and Yasha and AT IT ... of course they do. And Fjord and Jester. Liam: "No-one more competitive than Laura Bailey."
Good night's rest ...
Beau finds TWO Calebs TWICE as insufferable ...
Luc chugs the weird Potion ... oh boy, what's this shit gonna do? Oh crap ...
Whoa ... wait, what ... oh no ... extra confidence? Oh that's not good ... crap ... Luc is DEFINITELY gonna be even more reckless now ...
Death Wards on both Luc AND Fjord, then ...
Crown of Stars? Crazy ...
Caleb 2 is now a sabertooth cat ... of course ...
And so now Caleb has come home ... group stealth check! Blessing of the Trickster to Yasha? And she doesn't even need it ... but Beau TANKS it ... at least everybody else rolls spectacular ...
Now what?
Ring of Telepathy ... and Trent is still insufferable ... and fucking NASTY with it too ...
This is just gonna be a fucking RECKONING ...
No ... Caleb, DO NOT say your fucking goodbyes right now ...
Assault of memories ... ouch ... this is just CRUEL ...
Two undead presences? Oh you fucking evil bastard ...
Jester goes in with Caleb ... Beau and Yasha go round back ...
"Uncle Deuce" ... Caduceus: "Oh, I'd forgotten about that ..."
The bastard REALLY HAS brought Caleb's parents back ... that's fucking monstrous ...
Insight check ... oh yeah, they're not right, definitely ...
Jester just goes STRAIGHT to Turn Undead ... and they BOTH fail? Fuck ... that's effective, at least ...
I'm sorry ... the house just EXPLODES?!!! Fuck ...
34 points of Fire damage? Oh wait ... no, Fjord has some protection! Nice ... just 17, then. Same for Jester, too ...
Well, they're definitely NOT his parents anymore ...
BATTLEMAP!!! YAY!!! Cue Sam's plug for Wizzkids ...
Jester Invokes Duplicity! :3 Awwwww ... tiny voice Laura doing the Jester voice is adorable as she directs Matt ...
She attacks Trent with her Spiritual Weapon and HITS!!! Nice ... but it just MISSES him? WHAT?!!! Meanwhile while the duplicates scatter, she bolts out the door ...
Yasha Rages and bamfs out her wings for Radiant Soul! Nice ... charging in to get ready for attack next turn ...
Beau POWERWALKS inside ... and attacks Trent from behind ... but the punch does NOTHING?!!! Seriously, what the hell?
She attacks the dad ghoul instead ... POP POP!!! But it resists the Stun ... Flurry of BLOWS, then ... and Patient Defense.
A METEOR SWARM?!!! Seriously?
And that is just OUCH all round ... crap ... thank fuck for saves for most ... Caduceus takes THE FULL DAMAGE ... and so does Luc? Crap ... but he has Evasion? Oh, so just half, then ...
Fjord casts Hexblade's Curse on Trent, then throws FOUR Eldritch Blasts ... a miss on Trent, first misses on the dead dad, but the other 2 HIT!!! Boof-boof!
The undead back off but Beau gets an Attack of Opportunity ... daddy is FUCKED UP ...
Mind of Mercury? Nice, Beau! And she gets the first HDYWTDT! On the dad ... oh dear ... well, it's a mercy, really ...
Rapid Cast of Chain Lightning from Trent ... oh no, Caleb just Counterspells ... but he can't actually see him, so it misses? Ow ...
Shit ... Caleb is DOWN ...
Caleb 2 turns into a T-Rex! Okay then!
Death Save 1 fails? Oof ...
Luc casts See Invisibility ... Trent is ACTUALLY hiding behind the tree ... Laura: "Like a little bitch!"
Caduceus casts Mass Heal ... 100 each? Holy fuck ... that is all round a SWEET FUCKING SAVE!!!
Jester runs to find Trent ... Fortune's Favour? Nice ... something that doesn't need line of sight? So she just casts Anti-Magic Field his magic! Nice ... that's it, he's now REVEALED!!!
Yasha charges in best she can ... but she can't attack now ... crap ... so she just casts Zealous Presence and YELLS in his face while flowering everybody else ...
Beau charges in too and just SWINGS for him with her staff ... and TANKS the attack roll! Okay ... second strike ... Fortune's Favour! Oof ... Flurry of Blows! FINALLY hits ... 14 damage plus Stunning Strike ... but he shrugs it off ... then 17 and another Stunning Strike ... but he uses Legendary Resistance even though he Crit Fails ... Extract Aspects ... he's resistant to ALL magic? Interesting ...
Fuck, is he running? What is this thing? An artifact ... oh shit, is he changing? What's he doing?
Sam: "Guys, we're fighting Trent Ikithon in Wembley Stadium!"
Everybody's blasted back ...
An orb of black shadow is just growing ... and now he's just a great horrible black shadow creature ...
Whoa ... a SECOND Battlemap? Fuck ...
It's the whole town ... Trent is a FUCKING KAIJU!!! He's suckimg the life out of people and stuff ...
Hexblade's Curse! Go, Fjord!
Caleb stays prone, jnstead turns into Gelidon the Nightmare in Ivory? Whoa ... and Matt has the miniature ready! Wow ...
Caleb 2 charges in with Luc still on his Dino back ... but they keep a safe enough distance ...
Luc casts Enlarge on the T-Rex! Fuck ... Matt doesn't have a larger model for THAT ... Godzilla is now loose in the streets!
It attacks Fjord with a tendril ... Liam: "Keep your hentai out of this!"
Caduceus runs to Yasha ... Holy Weapon to her, so she has boosts to all her weaponry! Nice ...
Jester casts Gate to pull Artigan through in front of the creature. SHIT!!! And he is suitably SHOCKED by what she's got him into!
Arty casts Chain Lightning on it ... 38 points of lightning damage! Nice ...
Yasha charges in and attacks! Lots of damage maths, apparently ... 101 points of damage in ONE FUCKING HIT!!! The crowd goes wild! She attacks again! Another hit! 59 points this time! Bloody hell ...
Beau rushes in znd attacks ... Nat20! Yeah! And another hit! 19 damage, then 16! Flurry of Blows ... 20 misses? Oof ... Debilitating Damage? Oh, okay ... and now it's vulnerable to Ice Damage? Nice, Beau!
Oh fuck ... EVERYBODY takes 31 points of Necrotic damage? Ouch ... now it concentrates on Yasha ... Ire of Oblivion? Oof ... a Nat20 save? So she only takes 70 damage? Oh great ...
There's a weak spot? Okay then ...
Even Sentinel with a Nat20 doesn't stop it? Crap ...
Fjord takes 2 swipes with the Star Razor ... both hit! 42 points of damage, snd a Divine Smite for an extra 16! Nice ...
It responds with a Void Claw ... Fjord just hits the brakes and it just MISSES him ... phew!
Caleb just brings his whole dragon mass down on it and vomits ice into its face! 77 points of Ice Damage! Nice ... and he has a Frightening Presence? Okay then ...
Caleb 2-zilla bites the thing's arse ... no joy! Claw strike! Hits! 21 points, then 14!
Luc looks for the egg ... he casts Brenatto's Voltaic Bolt, then shoots the gun into the egg! 26 points of damage to the artifact! Okay ... that looks to be the sweet spot!
Caduceus prays to the Wildmother, makes the creature's ichor turn into ice ... now he can see through it to find out how it works ... he pulls out Yasha's Holy Weapon and inflicts 26 points of Radiant damage on the creature! Cool ...
Jester teams up with Arty to hold her spell with him ... Guiding Bolt with his Enhancement ... balls ... shit roll spoils the shot ... crap ...
Yasha flies up and goes RIGHT for the egg ... and misses! Agh! Reckless! Go again! Another miss! FUCK!!! Oh Fortune's Favour! Okay ... balls! That was ALMOST awesome ...
Beau RUNS UP the creature! Holy shit ... she tries go reach into the chest snd tear the egg free ... strength check! Marisha: "WITNESS ME!!! NATURAL 20!!!" The crowd EXPLODES!!!
Matt: "Beauregard Lionett, how do you want do this?" AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
She tears the egg free, which pulls Trent into it, throws it into Caleb's mouth, and he BITES IT TO FUCK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Caleb has his vengeance at long last ... the survivors of the town applaud (as does the crowd). Nice ...
Jester congratulates Arty for saving the day ... oh flattery ... he gushes in response ... then she drags him into helping with the clean-up ...
The Calebs return to normal, Caleb sends what's left of the egg into some kind of nether realm. Then they big Luc up a bit, while still zlso grounding him.
Fuck ... Fjord just PROPOSED TO JESTER!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Matt: "You motherfucker!" Jester OF COURSE accepts ...
Caleb's cats prepare a feast for all, and there is celebration, but only a small victory against the larger backdrop of CHAOS from the Apogee Solstice ...
And that's it! Everybody takes a bow!
Well, this was a whole hell of a lot more epic than usual ... but altogether just the AWESOME reunion we wanted. I just hope it won't be the LAST time ...
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faerunsbest · 3 days
Gonna project as someone who kins Rolan but also went to CC first then transferred to university and dealt with a lot of crap there despite being a good student:
- I need him to get a full ride to Blackstaff/some other prestigious university after he graduates from CC.
- I need him to witness his instructors talking shit about CC students, only to stfu when they realize he (top of the class) came from a CC
- I need him to criticize classes at Blackstaff because being a prestigious wizard doesn’t mean they’re a good teacher, nor does it mean their classes are better. His teachers at CC cared more about the students.
- I need him to fiercely criticize the education system and go on to be an instructor himself, perhaps at the same CC (although he did get an offer from Blackstaff; he wants to go somewhere that believes in students like him)
(I really really really like this AU. Also yay community college rep.)
listen buddy pal sonny jim jam , my frand. you are in my brainfolds because these are part of the reason i like this au to begin with. side note, hope your ready i have me a wine glass and i am ready to ramble on.
Let it be known that Rolan for better or worse is not to be underestimated, he is absolutely a force to be reckoned with. He is also starved for affection and care and this is ludicrously true for him as he leaves him family behind to attend school.
i can see him becoming a monster if left entirely alone and surrounded by people who hate and belittle him, thats why i made sure he has one friend at school. Just the one.
Thats fine because its a very middle of the road guy who is massively bored with the people around him because hes just so used to people being disingenuous and mediocre in quality. Hes literally amazed when he sees Rolan's study habits in the library, Rolan is the only person he's ever seen actually use the libraries book wheel.
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he even stumbled across Rolans practice session while skipping classes and just HAD to know how he did it, was this 1st year modifying spells!? Hes curious guy and Rolan appreciates his honest interest as well as how much this guy also dislikes people.
Rolan is probably the only student doing quite so well who is also fiscally responsible for himself entirely after the 1st semester. It matters to him to know that he's doing this for himself. However having help is appreciated and in all honesty is very motivating for him. The way Ma'na has no idea what the books are about as shes reading them out loud to him while he works. Since her shift ends earlier than his she hangs out with him any way she can.
it means the world that she just wants to be with him and after the heartbreak that was trying to be reasonable and keep her at a distance, hes just never letting go again.
All of this to say, Rolan could be the number one student by himself but he might struggle to keep that spot if he ran himself ragged and became embittered to it all. With these two in his corner hes able to vent and be cared for, a loved rolan is a strong Rolan. With these two by him hes able to be at such a high standard there's really no contest between himself and the others.
Those other students will see what it means to come up from the bottom.
I want more than anything for the fact that hes a tiefling be forgotten or not mentioned as Blackstaff offers him a full ride, let him listen in the lobby while the receptionist and secretary speak shameless racist filth about him without knowing that dean of the school personally selected him and pulled every string to bring him there. When 'Rolan' is called out and he stands up, he gets to watch the color spill out of their pores. In the interview it becomes apparent that the dean also didn't know what he was, it doesn't matter enough to him.
Rolan is so angry about it all, he for all intensive purposes speedruns his classes, all the while he send letters every week. Now there's so many to send, separate letters to his siblings and mother, one for his friend and the heaviest for Ma'na.
When being handed his diploma his the Dean is all smiles shaking his hand.
"It feels like we've learned so much from you in such a short time, astounding."
Rolan's brow sets in a deep leer, lip curling as he sets his fingertips around the scroll of fanciful paper.
"I'm glad someone learned something in my time here."
Its only then right then, that the dean realized never once had this man been challenged, he studied entirely separate books form the class. If he was honest he was probably more educated than many of the staff, it didn't hurt that he also had a variety of field experience to go with it. the thought falls away as Rolan turns to leave
"Yes, clearly you're already an excellent teacher. Why not stay and teach more fine students like yourself. after all what better school Blackstaff!"
Rolan pauses midstep to speak without looking back, the auditorium full of watchers.
"No matter how beautiful the porcelain, a chamber pot is still full of shit."
"excuse me!?"
"Your staff is lackluster your students entitled little shits with no drive or ambition- but the building is lovely. Don't worry yourself, I'm going back where I belong, a job has been waiting since I left."
After his quite publicized speech, which was in fact printed in several papers Rolan takes himself and his family (which includes his now fiance) on a much needed vacation. They get to visit other more lovely places before going back to the community college that couldn't wait to have him when he first showed up.
Today was the day 4 copies of a key were made, to a home he had purchased with Ma'na, so his mother wouldn't have to work anymore. So cal and Lia could have a real chance at life. Today he kissed his wife good bye for the day and went off for his 1st day as a professor, having requested to work specifically with trouble students.
Right now before the doors where open to students he stood in the center of his classroom, his class and took a deep breath. This, the same room where he had auditioned to attend. He could still remember the way they gasped for him, no one cared about red skin and horns. They only saw the way he rolled his wrist to make the spells work, they saw his elegance.
They saw him.
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exp123mon · 8 months
Watched all of Digimon Frontier!
46 - The Digital World, Destroyed!? Lucemon's Dark Reign -I love how they subtley show LordKnightmon's doubts with his questions. No body language or accusations. Just questions. -NEFERTIMON!! I always thought her design was cool as hell. Nice to see her show up. -More nice character moments in the library. I especially liked Tomoki and Junpei's. Then again they're my faves haha -Almost looks like the Royal Knights are actually on the ropes, or at least tied with the boys… then BIG DEMON LIGHT ATTACK AAAAAAAAH -Aaaaaand the big bad is awake. Ruh-roh!! -Angler saves the kids on the barest remains of a track haha. Also they've… built a track to the moon!! Because of course!! DIGIMON!!
47 - The Royal Knights Fall And Then…!! -Lucemon: Hey guys go to. the moon and. um. kill those kids. then i'll give you the key. promise. :3 teeheehee -BABIES BABIES YES!! I hate babies IRL but Digimon babies are JUST ARGH SO GOOD I'm gonna adopt them all -Patamon meets Lopmon and Plotmon TT_TT aaaaaaahahahaah -Dynasmon flying to the moon with LordKnightmon on his back was another great shot. -I'll admit I was surprised when the Royal Knights were actually beaten by the kids! …but unsurprised when Lucemon shows up to nom nom their data haha. -BRUH. I swear to god if I had seen this as a kid when it first aired I would've 100% wanted to smoochalooch Lucemon Falldown Mode. Like Myotismon/Vamdemon back in the day. Now watching it as an adult I'm just like "eww go die loser dork" lol -Paradise Lost is such a goofy attack I LOVE IT!! dude straight up DESTROYS THE MOON THOUGH. three episodes left how the hell they gonna beat this guy. maybe they don't. maybe I unwittingly am watching the one Digimon series where the good guys fail and die haha… ha?
48 - Light and Darkness Become One! Koichi's Last Wish -TT_TT -JESUS it wasn't enough destroying ONE moon but THE OTHER TWO get caught up in the disaster jeeeez -the kids survived on a little meteor!! -magma flying through space?! AND IT MAKES THE INVISIBLE INK APPEAR that was so funny why not just have it IN THE BOOK lol -OMG IT'S SHIBUYA oh turns out Lucemon just wanted a vacation to Japan that's fine then -YES SPIRIT EVOLUTION LET'S GOOOOOO! like sorry but I've missed the other kids using their Spirits so bad haha -The fight begins and the kids get wiped but… Koichi intervenes, protects them… and… -OH MY GOOOOOOD SUSANOOMON!!!!! I wondered earlier like when we first got Hyper Spirit Evolution if they were gonna join at some point AND THEY DID OH YEAH LET'S GO that bit was very good haha -very ballsy to actually like… kill off a main kid though
49 - Fight, Susanoomon - Lucemon Reaches the Human World -OH GOD IT'S THE PENULTIMATE EP!! -Hopefully Lucemon shows up and is just like "um. is this it?? uh. okay." and goes back lol -Susanoomon actually gets thrashed a bit, but isn't dumb enough to fall for Paradise Lost more than once!! It was satisfying seeing Lucemon punched in the face. -NANI. LUCEMON SAID NANI. Anime villains know they're screwed when they gotta break out the NANI?! -I love the touch of Junpei, Izumi and Tomoki shaking after Lucemon's defeat. They're happy and like "yay we won!" but still shook up and terrified. Nice detail. -Oh so even after the holy data is scanned the evil data remains and data can be evil so--OOH LORDY HE BIIIIG!! Junpei just shouting "THIS IS CRAZY!!" when the kids are so small in comparison was funny -Aww, we get the evolution sequences one by one for each kid. It's nice--it'll probably be the last time we see them. Sure it bulks up the run time but it's a cool little "farewell" too. -The rest of the ep is basically a long sequence of Lucemon then the kids returning to the human world and a little chase… then Lucemon unleashes Puragtorial Flame and HOLY CRAP. That sinister ending. Left on the "Obey me or die. Your choice" message in bright red on a black background. Imagine. Imagine like… that was just it. The End. Holy moly haha.
50 - Transcend Time! The Birth of a New Legend -Final episode!! -The kids mope since it seems like it's impossible to stop Lucemon. What can they do???!! Neemon suggests evolving to Susanoomon, but mircles don't happen like that… -EXCPET THE SPIRITS WERE THERE AND IT'S DIGIMON!! So miracles do happen like that!! haha should've listened to Neemon all along fellas -lol the scene where Lucemon erupts out the ground in Shibuya then gets immediately dragged down again… like, imagine the people seeing that. how can they explain that. like, it's not a full on kaiju attack. it's not a monster that appears and hangs around destroying stuff. there's probably little or no video evidence. it's just "rargh grahr!" then vanishes. like. how do you rationalise what you just saw there haha -also Susanoomon's anime model actually looks better than its 3D models and official art? I dunno it just feels a lot more sleek and elegant here. -SURPRISE!! You thought I was a giant demonic dragon monster from hell but I was secretly a disgusting grub in an beach ball!! -aaah the Spirits emerging from Susanoomon and slicing Lucemon up!! Loved it. -The Digital World IS SAVED OMG FINALLY. My blood pressure is plummeting as we speak… it's sad that it's another "you can never return" shtick though, aww. -OMG BOKOMON CHASING THE KIDS AND HE'S RUNNING OMG OMG OMG I HAVE TO INCLUDE IT:
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-Okay so they DIDN'T kill off Koichi but holy crap Koji's VA in that hospital scene dude… TT_TT -Everybody is home. They've defeated evil, learned about the value of their lives and how they can become better, happier people. YAY!!
Well, that's Digimon Frontier! My only expectations going in were "it sucks!!" and to be very frank hell no it does not lol. (again maybe it's the English dub which is more janky but y'know) The later episodes did drag a little (mainly the Royal Knights stuff, where the episodes became VERY formulaic) but the smaller moments were still really good (especially the babies and Swanmon!!) but yeah aside from that, the occasional weirdness with Izumi, and that we didn't get much time with Koichi during down time to explore his personality more, I have no complaints. (The later eps sometimes dragging isn't even unique to Frontier, I love Tamers but it has the same issue) No show is flawless so it's like whatever anyways. Definitely more a typical isekai fantasy kind of story than something specific to Digimon but they tried something different!
I'm sad it's over, but now I get to move onto other new Digimon stuff!! (I mean after the Frontier movie)
I mean maybe lol. I'll more likely take a break and watch either a shorter series or wait until I've seen the new movie before starting Digimon Savers. These damn Digi-kids giving me Digi-heart palpitations and Digi-stress... ugh
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angelsandarsenic · 4 months
Not about a current story but you should share a draft you like/abandoned story
YAY ok ok!
Remember the necromancy au??? This one
I started writing a whole story for it and was going to be three whole books, centered around Tommy and Phil. (I'll add what I have in my drafts in the reblog of this)
First off, some world building: the supernatural like the undead and necromancers as well as creatures like unicorns, fae, some witchcraft and spells, wards etc., but it's all pretty hidden/rare to come across, and a lot of it depends on how much you believe (not that that stops them from existing). The government has a Supernatural Police Force that enforces supernatural law, but also, specifically hunts down necromancers and anything related to the undead. Highly illegal. Anything in that category--necromancers especially--are considered taboo, subversions of nature and incredibly dangerous. Unfortunately, necromancy is an ability you're born with, it doesn't work well to try and force it. Anyway, the world is about 60/40 split for belief, of course with tons of people on an "unsure" scale in between.
Tommy is in denial.
After the death of his mother, he's just gotten settled in a new town and is simply doing his best as an 18 year old all on his own. A lot of people have a hard time believing that his last name is actually "Innit", not to mention he doesn't have a driver's licence or much work history, but Puffy and Niki make sure he gets a good job in their shop. Unfortunately, he unwittingly closes up one night without the wards in place on the shop and some...visitors get in. It's not his fault, Tommy never learned anything about this supernatural crap, but now Puffy is calling "exterminators" and whispers of ghost sightings and necromancers on the run are going around. Blonde haired, blue eyed necromancers, supposedly from Tommy's home town.
Tommy panics, but in self fulfilling prophecy, he only acts more suspicious and finds himself literally running from the SPF, when he meets Philza and realizes that this is the necromancer they're looking for.
Philza wants absolutely nothing to do with this; the last thing he needs is a kid. Things were going well in this town, he doesn't understand what suddenly went wrong! Now he has to leave again, but whatever, that's routine by now. Thankfully, Tommy seems just as eager to stay away from him as Phil is and he escapes successfully.
...until Tommy somehow ends up backed into a corner with him once again, in the new town, and he can't just leave a kid to fend for himself against the SPF, so they make a temporary truce.
From there it's not hard for Phil to figure out that Tommy is a necromancer, he isn't exactly great at hiding it. Those powers are dangerous left unchecked, so Phil can't just not teach him. It's only until he's good enough to go off on his own, Phil promises himself. Even if Tommy is weirdly endearing, despite getting into trouble and bringing home a random stranger who, thank the gods, doesn't seem phased by death magic. Even if he rather painfully reminds Phil of the kid he left behind all those years ago.
Necromancy adventures ensue; found family with an ancient undead warrior, Some Guy, and a couple ghostly other friends. At last, it all comes to a head when their backstories collide, the long-lost father-son realization it's been skirting around for some time is officially revealed and once again, the SPF are hot on their tails and Phil can't let go this time.
But yeah, that never got very far. I still adore it, I just know I'm never gonna finish it. Thank you so much for asking! I love sharing my drafts and abandoned stories. If you want to hear more, I made the Library of Alexandria (Angel's lost/unfinished works) on Ao3 for everything that I couldn't bear to let collect dust in my drafts ☆
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
fight, fight, fight , zack macewen
note, this was inspired after reading some post about how syd was nervous after watching marty fight chara. i get inspo from the weirdest things, but i had to look up who fought him in the past and i went with zack so yay! this is dedicated to @iwantahockeyhimbo cause we are both zack lovers. pair, zack macewen x reader summary, zack macewen, 6'3, gets into a fight with 6'9 giant, zdeno chara. warnings, fighting, word count, 744 words (something short and funny)
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(gif not mine)
You were having quite a good time, but that all quickly came tumbling down after Zack went after Mayfield. Going after Mayfield wasn't the problem, but the aftermath of the hit was the problem.
To be fair, he didn't start the fight, Chara did, but that didn't ease anything, "Holy crap." You watched in horror as everyone around you rose to their feet and cheered.
Someone put a comforting hand on your back, but it did nothing to soothe the panic you were feeling, "You idiot." You muttered, getting a couple laughs from the girls.
They punched at each other, and Zack managed to get a few good hits in before his helmet was thrown off. A couple more punches were thrown by Chara and Zack was on his knees, jersey was on the verge of coming off, and that's when the refs stepped in.
You sat down in your chair, mouth hanging open in shock as he was pushed off to the penalty box, but not before Chara made sure he was okay.
"You okay?" One of the girls asked with a laugh.
"He's the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life." 11 minutes later after the period was over and you knew Zack was in the locker room, you grabbed your phone and immediately called Zack.
"You're the biggest idiot in the entire world." He laughed, "I don't know why you're laughing."
"It's funny, come on. I'm fine, he's fine, Mayfield's fine, we're all good." He tried to reassure.
"I'm hanging up now 'cause I'm mad at you."
"Well, you are the one who called."
"I hate you." You stated, then hung up.
"So, Zack, what was the consensus on the fight?" One of the interviewers asked.
Zack laughed, "Well, after the game, my girlfriend called."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah, she's here, so she saw everything in person, but she called me after the game and kinda chewed me out."
"I take it she's not keen on you fighting?"
"Oh, no, quite the opposite. She's the first person to cheer me on, but I think the part that really got her was the 6'9 part of it all." He joked, "I'll be in the doghouse for a bit, but it's all in good fun."
After media, he packed up all his stuff and got ready to head out. He saw you waiting by his car in the parking lot. You looked up at him from your phone and glared at him.
"Oh, come on." He laughed.
"Stop laughing. Nothing about this is funny." You punched his shoulder.
sydneyemartin: i think @/yourusername and i should start a club together. the "my significant other fought a 6'9 giant" club. you in, y/n?
12.3k likes 5.3k retweets
yourusername: oh, definetly.
hockeywags: the dynamic duo we didn't know we needed.
islesfan: y/n y/l/n and sydney martin taking the world by storm.
flyers6: these two are about to break the internet.
A few days later, you were on Gretchen Geraghty's, a YouTuber and one of the guys' girlfriend, podcast just to talk and have fun, "So, I've gotten some DM's after people found out you'd be on this week's episode..."
"Oh, boy..." You laughed.
"And I'm guessing my your reaction you know exactly where this is going?" She laughed.
"Is it about Zack?"
"It is about Zack?" She nodded, "For those who don't know o don't follow hockey, Zack plays hockey with Max for the Flyers, and a few days ago, Zack got into a fight with another player, and that player is like a giant."
"Oh, yeah. He's like almost 7 feet tall, and I'm not exaggerating."
"What was the consensus after the fight?"
"I got a lot of DMs from fans, and Zack got a lot from fans. Sydney Martin, Matt Martin's wife, another hockey player, tweeted about it. I woke up the next morning and was tagged in so many posts and my friends and family was just sending me memes. It was pretty great."
"I watched his post-game interview where he said you actually root for him when he fights."
"I usually do, because hockey is a sport where fighting is encouraged. And I'm obviously very nervous when he does fight, but I do root for him. This time was a little different because he was fighting a literal giant."
"Any injuries?"
"Got a bit of bruise forming." You laughed, "Nothing too serious. I made him see a doctor the day after."
my taglist: @tonyspep @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @jostystyles @catahshart @puckinrightschicagoo @fiveminutesforfarabee @stars-canucks @drei-mrssvechii @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @mista-svech @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @MichelleKirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @luca-fantilli @madison-nhl
add yourself to my taglist!
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midnightfire830 · 8 months
I’m bored, it’s late, and I’m not feeling great (like usual), but I don’t have the energy draw anything for asks so imma just hammer ya’ll with headcanons and ideas from cyberpunk because I feel bad I haven’t been talking about it as much. I have so many cussing ideas for this AU but I’m running out of ways to express those idea. Yay. ✌️
Anyway! Here’s some thoughts and little tidbits about Cyberpunk!
- Dr. Flug is a genius cybernetics designer and helped create all the tech that the cupbros use. And he’s behind all the programming. As instructed by the Devil. Hat of course helps Flug a lot with the tech. (The demon race is especially well known for their advancements in cyberware technology. The other races also specialize in certain things of course, but demons are known for cyberware.)
- Black hat also does own a casino. Although the tables are usually operated by androids plus a lot of gambling machines and coin slots. And an antigravity dance floor that Bendy really, REALLY wants to try.
- Mugs has a literal teleportation device that works with his dash charm. It gives him a larger range and more control on direction. It’s powered by his magic and his charm and it only requires him to throw down a specific piece of tech where he wants to go and he’ll teleport there. He can only carry one person.
- Mugs also has a support item. I drew it a few times in some drawings. You’ll notice in his character designs he wears two scarves wrapped around his forearms. Hat imbued his favorite scarf with some cyberware tech (and some magic) to turn his scarf into a capture weapon that works a lot like Aizawa’s capture scarf in My Hero Academia. He uses it as a non-lethal way of fighting. And for better range.
- Holly is the guy in ther chair. Whenever anyone goes on patrols she’s on commas tapping away on her screens. She hacks cameras remotely so that the boys don’t get caught, listens in to police radio and tell them where any crime might be happening.
- The Devil had decided to cut off majority of the Quester’s money access. He put pressure on the Quester’s usual buyers to not purchaser their products, so money is currently tight.
- Tho they get by by mostly selling to smaller companies and oftentimes regular people anyway so it doesn’t really matter.
- Food in their world is kinda crap. Oftentimes they have to buy prepackaged food to reheat. Everything is always processed food bc they can’t afford much more than that. (That is to say fresh produce is RIDICULOUSLY expensive). Only the rich can really afford it. I wonder who’s fault THAT is…
That’s a few little tidbits for now. Enjoy!
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beetlebugdash · 10 months
Miraculous awakening thoughts and live reaction! (Major spoilers!)
- holy crap we made it to a movie
- I'm so excited
- Remember back in season 2 (I think) that a live action movie was coming
- Good times
- Anyways this
- Netflix presents tears
- No magic
- we've been known thanks for explaining
- Dark butterflies and angry? Wanna see the counterpart
- stronger than death?
- PARIS!!??!)
- classic movie intro is classic
- the road????
- Marionette wears a watch?
- I love her dad
- 10/10 diversity
- Daddy??? Ok Chloe
- Listen to my chest???? Idk what u mean
- Christina that isn't your singing voice
- love the painter's design
- It dosent sound like her
- Lotta unique background character designs
- iconic locations beauty
- other friends???
- I wanna know
- Gabriel designs, you'll soon hate him
- Polka dot dress before ladybug
- Ooo sparkles
- fireworks ooooooo
- "Here's some perfume”
- NATALIE And Gabriel
- Love that persons hair
- I thought Gabriel is never in public?¿
- Chloe's voice sounds odd?
- oh it's Gabriel agreste sweater
- A+ to alya
- recorder
- ugh she looks so pretty
- Odd
- Rude ugh
- Oh i hate Chloe
- At least we know school layout kinda
- Little bit of luck? Yea here allergies
- Alegies or dust WE NEED TO KNOW
- theyre trying to make everyone fall for Adrien
- ukulele music?
- oooo amusement park
- Depressing Adrien
- Natalie I love
- i smell a sad song
- long entry hallways
- Wow Gabriel has very pretty nails
- oh she was a performer omg
- ooooooooooo
- nooroo????
- master fu knows whazzup
- This movie is going really fast an lots of jumps
- Oh plagg and tikki fight????
- Marinella????
- 10/10 BREAKS
- uh crazy man bye
- creepy hall? Sure!
- Poor Chloe
- Sabrina is a wingman OOO
- random window opening? Sure!
- failed proposal?
- oh no first akuma attack
- well evil spirits
- Oooo a ladybug
- ooooooo
- “Who saves a life saves the world”
- can you say kwami
- Tiny genie sure
- "I'll hide in a tree"
- Aw marinette has doubts
- "Im out of patience"
- that poor security guard
- "first a song now a yoyo what's next a tea set???"
- oh hi cat noir
- bonjour
- "Do I know u?"
- omg cat noir will always me my fav
- CAT PUNS!!?!
- oh no cat noir
- "Not on the first date!"
- Omg I love him
- "Is that a watermelon"
- wet haired cat noir
- 👍
- little Adrien lol
- cat noir outta breath lol
- 2-0 gargoyle
- "Thank goodness marinette is at home" lol
- WO
- zag news LOL
- oh no loose akuma
- master FU
- Miraculous: tales of watermelon and insane
- coooooooool
- Hawkwho?
- failure is not your enemy, fears are
- New cat singing voice
- I like this voice (no offence Bryce)
- oh I love this song
- Bounce from the clouds
- and moon cloud
- Oh it's a swan cloud
- Transitions are horrid
- rosemary?
- stinks
- ewwwww
- Natalie hears PLAGG LOL
- And cat puns!
- Hey he has picture in his room!
- "she knows her stuff" *proceeds to screem*
- mic drop marinette out
- can't get rid of it lol
- haHaHA
- poop
- ugh fear
- nooroo ily
- “I have nothing to loose” ADRIEN??
- Shakespeare hawkmoth
- Butt kicking girl superhero WOO
- how did u get some of those
- stealing money????????
- Dr love nino
- Roses means desperate
- oh I love marinettes dad
- Dr love more like Dr not
- why did u look at her sketches
- man duck Gabriel
- oh no poor nino
- 0.0
- oooo chaos
- Ironically I just saw a magician today
- I think?
- anxiety ridden Marinette
- eh it’s ok I guess?
- Animation still looks cool
- Tikki scare is scary
- creepy baby balloon
- what is with ladybug and cats voices
- boo you Chloe
- nino confession goes out the window
- At least their adding sounds to the bell like come on it is annoying
- whoops
- this is the ladynoir I’ve been missing from the show
- glow=danger?
- broken heart
- love song love song love song love song
- “I wouldn’t get close to anyone after my mom died” “I got close to you” AAAAAAAAH
- oh i love them
- OW
- Follow your heart AND THEIR THE SAME PERSON!
- ow
- aw
- She wears a tank top?
- “I dreamed of calling Paris home” uh you live in Paris?????
- Where did they get the ladybug and cat noir shots?
- creepy eepy
- yOOooOooo
- wow this got dark quick
- dude look outside
- selfie it truly is gen z
- no don’t do this now
- stronger together????
- oh no
- Another fall for the Eiffel Tower yet this feels different
- oh no oh no oh no
- ow
- flashback
- love over death
- Marinette watching like 🧍‍♀️
- oooooo pretty music
- master fu where did u come from
- LADYBUG LADYBUG (and cat noir maybe)
- ok that’s different
- aaaawwww it’s nearly over
- Sabrina’s just like “meh”
- post credit sequal?
- SEQUAL??????
- Overall: harsh transitions, hate ladybugs voice, and a bit rushed, and I despised the ending was anticlimactic with ladybug, but overall for a miraculous movie was alright it has amazing animation
- They somehow made it cater for both the old and longtime fans and young and newbie fans good job (for the most part)
- I don’t have a rating since it’s a stand alone movie so I’m just gonna go cry in the corner until season 6 or more ladynoir
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kimmimaru · 10 months
So, probably a bit TMI (mentions of mental health) for random internet strangers but oh well. I'm sticking it under a cut for people who don't care lol.
So, I've been having a...difficult time lately. I'll keep it simple and just say I'm struggling pretty bad with personal shit. Anyway, I was considering looking into counselling but the NHS no longer fund talking therapy, it's only CBT and stuff which is helpful but not what I need. So I'd have to pay through the nose. And even if I could afford it I've only been able to find 1 single person in my entire town who specialises in treating autistic people. There may be more but honestly I have no idea where to even begin looking. Also like there's loads of groups for older people and people with toddlers but nothing for parents of older kids, groups for the parents I mean. I struggle very badly with making friends and talking to people, I'm awkward as fuck and have no idea how to socialise. Unfortunately I'm not a child so don't have anywhere to go to meet people like me. It's hard to make friends when neurotypicals have an instinctual dislike of autistic people (ok not everyone but apparently they can identify people as 'weird' without even speaking to them and generally tend to avoid us). Sorry, I did say this was probably TMI, but I'm just so fucking lonely and so stressed I'm having heart palpitations. I'm not sleeping either and unfortunately I don't have anyone to actually talk to about it so this is why I'm posting this here. Its at least just getting it all off my chest, even if it's not a long term solution maybe it'll be enough to actually help me get some sleep tonight. My mum was the person I talked to about all this shit, the only one I felt I could actually confide in and she's gone. I have family but they're busy with their own lives and tbh...I never felt like they ever really got me. My dad's a very closed off man, not in a cold way, he was always affectionate but he and my mum got divorced a long time ago and since then I've never felt able to talk to him about deep stuff. I suppose it's something to do with broken trust and all that crap. My sisters are way too busy and have their own problems and lives and my only brother is a lot older than me and far away. They all love me and care about me, I have never doubted it but none of them are neurodivergent. They don't understand me really and never have (that's not a self pitying 'oh woe is me' it's just a fact). It's a very weird feeling to be surrounded by people who love you but knowing they just don't get you. I am extremely aware that people would kill to have what I do, a big, loving family and they try really hard to understand and help but sometimes you just need more weirdos like you who see the world the same way and have the same kind of issues you do. What I want is a day. Just one single fucking day where I can just do what I need to do around the house without just staring at it for hours before I work up the spoons to do it. I want one day where I can actually do something creative as I've lost my drive (probably temporary, depression usually has the opposite affect on me and I write MORE when I'm depressed for some reason). I want to play with my daughter without constantly worrying about if she'll eat something other than junk food (she's an extremely picky eater), or is she'll take a bath without a fight or if she'll actually drink something for a change (yes, we are in contact with doctors about all this, it's just an extremely slow process). I want to wake up and not be exhausted for a change, I want to not be in constant pain for no fucking reason (chronic fatigue...yay). I want to not spend my days unable to focus on anything, to not be constantly disassociating because my stupid brain can't cope with too much sensory input. I am exhausted, I'm grieving and I just want to be normal for a fucking change. Anyway, it's all a lot more complicated than what I've written and it's very unlikely this makes any sense at all. But I needed to write it down, to tell someone, somewhere just so I can stop obsessing over all these thoughts. Maybe now I can sleep.
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Epsiode 92
Oh yeah ... just getting it off exactly how it needs to given all the massive feels we're gonna get, right? Way to go, Marisha, filling in for Sam JUST RIGHT at the start ... XD "Off off off ... THIS hotdog ... BITES BACK." Oh wow ... yeah this whole plug's just been derailed before she can even start ... wait ... what? A dump cake? Oh boy ... "catterpilling"? Is this something I maybe don't actually wanna know about? Yes, GO OFF, Marisha! Give Riegel a damn good seeing to even though he's not here ... Liam: "This is Orym's Form of Dread." Matt: "I hate everything about this."
Yeah ... so here we go, then ... we were a puddle of ruination at the end of last week's episode ... what further emotional devastation are we in for THIS week? I'm not ready ...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don't remind me of the pain ... and yet, we must ...
So seriously, is Liliana with THEM now? How does this work?
They're OUTSIDE the city? Well, that's actually kind of LUCKY ...
This is all SO complicated ... CAN we trust her? Well ... I mean ... she IS giving us a pretty useful loredump right now ...
Oh right, here we go ... time for the conflicting theological viewpoints to fuck up what fragile peace we got going here right now ...
Exactly ... apathy in something THAT POWERFUL could be EXTREMELY dangerous to BOTH worlds ...
So ... is she voluneering to be a spy? A double-agent in the fight? Howcan we be sur she's trustworthy to begin with? I'm sorry,. but I'm really NOT sold on Liliana suddenly being repentant right now ...
He made contact 300 YEARS AGO? Holy fuck ...
Any more Vessels? Hmmm ... that's worrying too ... Ludinus ain't even HERE? He's back on Exandria? Interesting ...
Evoroa knows where he is? Okay ...
Yay! Religious persecution! What fun! Oof ... okay, seriously, I get where she's coming from, but this is REALLY dngerous even so ... there's no good end to this situation, no matter what they do, it's all totally FUCKED already ...
Time for escape ... yeah, this is gonna be interesting ...
They just JUMPED all the way to the Bloody Bridge? Holy fuck ... wait ... ARE THEY here? This sounds an awful lot like they're not ACTUALLY there ... is this just an illiusion or is she shielding them somehow?
GO!!! GO NOW!!! Like, STUPID FAST!!!
Liliana is BENDING TIME round her? Forcing it to go slow? Holy shit ...
WHOOSH!!! On the way home, then ...
Wait! What do they do when they GET THERE again? Oh shit ...
ARE THEY back at the Malleus Key? Oh fuck, they are ... shit! What the fuck ... oh, they STILL can't se them? How the hell is she managing to make THIS work? So far away like this ... how long do they have left?
Yeah ... maybe Pass Without a Trace is NOT smart just yet ... YES!!! Deception sounds wiser ... time to walk out whistling ...
Disguise Self etc ... hmmm ... so they're gonna BLUFF it out, then ...
Laura, how the HELL could you roll a Crit Fail RIGHT NOW? Oh fuck this is THE WORST ... this is going to go SO BAD ... this is gonna be like a fucking CAR CRASH ...
Mystics ... BALLS ... and now they're being INTERCEPTED ...
They're RAISING ALARM ... oh this just keeps getting worse ... crap ... CRAP CRAP CRAPPITY CRAP-CRAP-CRAP ...
Twinned Spell Phantasmal Force? Okay, Laudna ... I'm REALLY hoping this works ... this is like a total fucking Hail Mary right now ...
BLUFF!!! Please let this work ... HOLY FUCK!!! I cannot fucking believe this ... O.O
NOW you're looking for Planerider Ryn? NOW?!!!
Matt: "Orym rolls high enough to see into the REAL dimension ..." Liam: "What does that mean?" Laura: "Atreyu!" LOL
Go WEST young man ... and others ... um ...
Graveyard of holy warriors ... charming ... Matt described THIS a little TOO well and it's harrowing ...
Get word out as quick as possible ... Yay! Keyleth! And like always Matt STILL plays her as awkward. It's adorable ... XD
Laura (to Travis): "Hey! Fuck off!" Liam: "They were such an adorable couple." Marisha: "Hash-tag goals!"
Exhaustion? Oh fuck, guys ... yeah, this is gonna make it tougher ...
I can't believe they're actually MANAGING to get away ...
And NOW the loss is finally hitting them ... oh fuck ... this is gonna be SO MUCH WORSE than if they'd actually BEEN ABLE to process right away ...
Yeah ... IS that bond between mother and daughter TRULY lost for good?
Oh Laudna ... dead girl needs a hug so bad ...
Otohan's shit? Here we go ... oh yeah, Orym's gonna go OFF right now ... fuck ...
"RIP FCG" ... Marisha's fan ... awwww ... but also that's making me cry a bit ...
Oh, so Evoroa is just COMPLETELY beside herself right now and I don't blame her, this WOULD be a weird experience for her ... and I suppose THIS place isn't a good introduction for herin real life ...
Ludinus is in AEOR?!!! How the FUCK is that supposed to work?
MFMM indeed ...
The "Dominox"?
I love Laudna being EXTRA twitchy-creepy when she's excited ... :3
Travis: "CAN YOU STOP INTERRUPTING THE STORY!!!" Laura: "I'm sorry!" (continues to interrupt)
We're only just NOW remembering FRIDA? Oh fuck ...
Yes! Feed the Bormodo ... awww ... :3
Oh yeah, that sword is just BAD FUCKING NEWS, definitely. "Ishta the Summit Blade"? Charming ...
Just pushing on until they reach safety, then ...
A rare Ashton/Laudna heart-to-heart ... hmmm ...
And now Imogen's checking on a very fragile Orym ... oh man ... oh yeah, Wee Man is in a very dark place right now and I want to hug him so tight ... yeah, I think we're ALL gonna miss Letters. Imogen: "They were ... they were ALIVE." Oh ... fuck ...
Oh ... the Sending Stone? Orym tries to contact Dorian ... fuck ... PLEASE let this work this time ... oh fuck, this message ...
LEAVE THE TABLE?!!! What the sweet FUCK?!!! Matthew, what the FUCK is this? What are you doing?
Wait ... Matt, where the hell are you ... O.O AABRIA?!!! Holy FUCK!!!
And now ... a break ... while I try to make sense of THIS insane new twist ...
Wait ... THE CROWN KEEPERS?!!! Holy shit ... and now Matt's at the table as a PLAYER again ... and ROBBIE!!! It's been SO LONG, man ... we've missed you so much ...
So basically this is Exandria Unlimited continued ... hmmm ...
Ah, here we go ... the Solstice ... cuz this is A LOT of catching up to do ...
Zephra? Sounds like the best place, really ... so ... time to catch up PROPER with the group, then ...
Oh yeah, Fy'ra is SO VERY MUCH the Mom friend in this group ...
Wow ... Opal's clearly UNRAVELLING a bit right now ... that's not good at all ...
Ah ... yes ... TED ...
Crap ... THIS can't be god ... a Wisdom save? Balls ... bad sign ...
TALK ABOUT asking for a Perception check with FORCE ... "the SPOOKIEST 20!" XD
Aabria: "I will not give you my true name!" Robbie: "Your choices are Poska and Goblin!" XD
What the fuck ... did Opal just TURN EVIL?!!!
Huh ... Aabria's on the move, that's ... INTERESTING ... and now we got a Battlemap ... oh boy ... we're just getting RIGHT INTO IT, clearly ... I'm suddenly VERY SCARED for everybody ...
Wow ... so now it looks like it's Aimee against EVERYBODY ELSE ...this just got EVEN WORSE ...
Fuck! So TED is in charge, now? Or soebody WORSE ... that's so bad ... O.O Oh balls, it's WAY worse than that ...
Webbing? Yup, definitely some monstrous evil spider goddess, then ... I think we know who THIS is then ...
Aimee has to make the impossible Sophie's Choice ... and Aabria is FORBIDDING HER from pulling any punches ... great ...
Oh yeah, possessed Opal is setting out to full-on MURDER Fy'ra ... 2 D10s PLUS TEn TO EACH?!!! Oh fuck ... yeah, that sounds PAINFUL ... and NOW we're rolling for Initiative ...
Matt rolled a NINE for his Initiative ... of course he did ... "Dariax is BACK, baby!" XD
Morrighan is itching for ANYTHING to target besides Opal ... but there's ONLY HER ... hmmm ... wait ... cast HASTE on Opal? Huh? O.O Oh no, on HERSELF ... okay ... ah yes, Rabbit Hop, yeah ... Vow of Enmity? OKAY ... Aabria: "Okay, this sounds REALLY AGGRESSIVE, and I LIKE IT!" And now we need a refresher on the mechanics of Haste ... Divine Smite? Oh yeah ... at 4th Level? oof ... Morrighan is NOT holding back AT ALL ... 27 points of Radiant damage ... yeah, that's HARD ...and she's apologising the whole time ...
Wait ... NONE OF THAT touches Opal? How the FUCK?!!!
"Meat beast bandersnatch Opel" is a description that goes SO HARD, Aabria!
So, second attack from Morrighan ... "Fuck you, Ted!" Yeah, definitely ... 22 points ... oh shit ... SHiELD?!!! Sneaky ... oh wait ... is Ted trying to PROTECT Opal? I'm so confused, now ...
Aabria ragging on the Marisha hotdog and Matt just looking SO sheepish ... I love it ... XD
A gemstone dick? Really? Morrighan: "Wow, it's so BIG." Aabria (instantly regretting what she just did): "STOP IT!!!"
Dorian is SPACED right now, compared to the others, he has NO IDEA what's going on ... winged boots ENGAGE!!! A last little toot ... Bardic Inspiration to Fy'ra! Yeah! And he flies up to Opal and just tries to give her a BIG HUG ... O.O Really? And she just picks him up and drops him far away on the ground without ANY fuss ... oof ... oh, a Persuasion Check? Hmmmm ... oh yeah, that's STILL a Nat1 ...
That is SUCH a confusing mental conversation ...
Fy'ra takes this all VERY personal given what she's just had to go through with her sister ... yes girl, invoke the Wildmother! SHUSH, PHONE!!! Oh yeah ... yeah, the Wildmother WOULD be somewhat incommunicado right now ... ye3ah, it's just PAINFUL trying to communicate right now ...
Okay, she's going for the whip instead ... ooh, so she's trying to snatch Opal and pull her AWAY from Ted or the Spider Queen or whatever this is ... sdespite a lot of dice, that's still just SEVEN POINTS of damage ... oof ... that really just doesn't do ANYTHING ...
Anjali: "Do I FEEL the fick of gems as I move across it?" Aabria: "STOP!!!"
Okay, so clearly IT IS the Spider Queen, then ...
Wait ... what just happened to Ted? "Aevilux"? What? A BEACON?!!! Oh fuck, it IS a Luxon Beacon ... fuck ... those things are NEVER good ... fuck ... so just as Opal finally understands Ted and their connection that evil Spider-bitch DESTROYS that connection ... NO!!!
Ted attacks Morrighan ... 14 points of piercing damage from the Dark Blade? Hmmmm ...
Dariax is just CONFUSED ... as he WOULD BE ... Bless at 2nd Level? Okay, then ... oh yeah, he's just PANICKING ... and trying to scramble up the rock ... this will be interesting ... yeah, Dariax has NO sense of self-preservation ... yeah, OUCH ... and another Bardic Inspiration to Dorian ... that's adorable ...
You know what? We really needed this cuteness after last week ... :3
Opal casts DARKNESS?!!! On herself AND Ted? Fuck ... yeah, that's basically EVERYBODY, except for Fy'ra ... and the only person who can see in MAGICAL darkness is OPAL!!! Oh shitty fuck ... O.O
Aabria: "I need you to KILL THEM."
Anjali picks the worst time to pee and the others immediately rag on her for it ...
Cute little squirrel = scary extra spider ... hmmm ...
Oh, so the dicks are DANI'S FAULT? I see ...
Cyrus can't see anything ... so he just starts shouting at his brother asking what to do ... this is a VERY odd exchange ... whoa, so he's STILL a Level 6? Aabria: "He's a himbo! He wouldn't have learned anything!"
Wisdom save shenanigans! XD
Morrighan tries to hop to Fy'ra in the total darkness ... acrobatics check ... oh, MIsty Step? Yeah, that's better ... oh, but not so much while she's blind ... hmmm ... yeah, we're really not sure WHAT to do now ... O.O 8? Off ... so she gives HERSELF 5 points of damage asshe lands EXACTLY where she meant to ... yeah ... Lay On Hands for Fy'ra? Nice ... 34 points back? Sweet ... and now she's stabbing the spider ... okay ... oh GRAB the dick of gems? Yeah, do that ...
The gems are memories and feelings of Opan herself? Okay, DEFINITELY protect these, then ...
Flashback? In the middle of the fight? Interesting ...
THat's really adorable in a funny way ... :3
Whoa, so Morrighan PERMANENTLY saved and protected THAT specific memory and connection to Opal? Oh my gods that's fantastic ...
Oh yeah. "Bossy Genasi" just fits her SO WELL ...
Dorian fishes out his mandolin and casts Dispel Magic on the Darkness ... PLEASE pass the rolls, Robbie ... 9? SHITE!!! Essentially he just fart instead and it blows him backwards a little ... so he drops down to where he THINKS Dariax is ... Acrobatics check? NICE roll this time ... got him! And he returns the Bardic Inspiration right back ... :3
Fy'ra scoops up more gems while trying to check in with the Wildmother again ... ah, dick jokes ... we're all children tonight ... XD ... ah, more flashbacks! Okay ... wow, Fy'ra really is BAD at positive physical contact ... Opal is immensely proud about knowing the word "absentia" ... ah, and she argues with Ted again, like always ... awwwww ... "rent-a-sister" ... too cute ... "Two coins together"? OH MY GODS!!! :3 And finally a challenge to the Spider Queen ...
She walks up the wall BECAUSE SHE CAN and surveys the scene ... hmmmm ...
Eldritch Blast? Fuck ... and of course SHE KNOWS who the biggest threat is ... SHIT ... wait, DARIAX?!!! Fuck ... O.O And all three HIT ... OH BOY ... 28 points of damage ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Wait, up to 38 points? NOOOO ...
Oh Dariax ... that was SO BAD and yet SO FUNNY ...
Ted takes a swing at both Dariax AND Dorian ... and hits, of course ... oof ...
Dariax casts another Bless, then Quickens a spell to cast Dimension Door, grabs Dorian's arm and jumps them both onto the top of the rock. Going entirely by guess ... hmmm ... but Ted is a MAGE SLAYER? What the ever-loving FUCK?!!! Meanwhile they have to first land well but also NOT crush any dick-gems ... oof ... roll well, Matthew! O.O And THANK FUCK they JUST make it ... Dariax pulls a FULL-ON Van Damme splits landing ...
ANOTHER flashback! Dariax has a special night-piss? That's adorable in a real himbo way ... yeah, that's a little unsettling, Opal ... oh my gods, I love how Dariax is perceptive enough to KNOW he's not smart, but also really magnanimous with his acceptance of her failed attempt to flatter him ... whoa ... she CORRUPTS the memory? You evil spider-bitch ... oh, this just got SO CRUEL ... and now SUPER FUCKING SCARY ... whoa ...
Oh fuck ... Spider Goddess is trying to convince Opal to make them LEAVE HER ... that's so much worse ...
So now the spiders are DESTORYING the gems ... oh man ... KILL THAT FUCKER, Cyrus! And now he's poisoned! Fuck!
Aimee has to make another Wisdom savw with a TWENTY diffiulty? Fuck ... and she rolls 13 ... AAAARGH!!! Oh, now THEY ALL have to do that ... oof ... so Dorian and Dariax tank that ... ouch ...
They're losing her ... oh fuck ... fuck, so now Dariax thinks she's turned into a full-blown spider monster ... fuck ... and meanwhile Dorian sees EVERYONE has been overtaken by the horror affecting Opal ... even worse ...
OPal gets BIGGER, taller, stretched out ... and just NASTY ... oh yeah, Spider-bitch is DONE fucking around now ...
And she's calling it a night NOW?!!! Seriously? Ooof ...
So ... does this mean that THIS is how next week's starting? Is it gonna be the WHOLE episode, maybe? I can't say I'm AGAINST that, really ...
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Only Ours
Fandom: Stranger Things
Rating: T
Pairing: Steddie, Dustin x Suzie
Category: fluff, songfic, domesticity, established relationship
Summary: Dustin blinked at them, surprised. "Wait, Steve. You...don't have one?"
"One what?"
"A song. For you and Eddie?" Dustin tried again, eyes shifting between them as if he expected it to be some kind of a joke. "Come on, isn't that like a classic relationship thing?"
Eddie learns that Steve would very much like them to have a couple song and since he's the only one with any musical taste in this relationship, it's up to him.
You can also read it HERE.
I fully support the idea I read in other fics that if Eddie were to get a cat, its name would be Ozzy. In fact, I believe that Eddie would spoil the cat rotten and tell the cat that whatever it did was "so metal, darling" and Steve would self-combust with jealousy over a cat. Except Ozzy would sometimes do the cat thing where their alliances change in a split second and Eddie would be left with two sassy and gorgeous creatures who'd team up from time to time just to keep him on his toes.
Why 1990 you ask? Because the perfect song for my boys only came out then.
Oh yeah, now the story.
December 1990, Hawkins, Indiana
Four years ago, the world didn't end, although it certainly tried. Steve's head throbbed just thinking about it, so he mostly just attempted not to. Some people had been reported missing but were, in fact, dead. Other people had died but then it turned out they were just resurrected/transported into another dimension/kidnapped to Russia. The ground split in Hawkins in an angry X shape and killed more people, injured some and destroyed a large chunk of the town. Levitation, gruesome deaths, terrifying sounds of crunching bones, Hawkins had it all. And since most official channels were useless, it was up to the Hawkins' young and finest, sometimes also weirdest and some additions from other places like California, to do something about it. Which they did, yay, world saved and all, now back to your lives, college, high school, you name it, and keep that trauma under the wraps, yeah? Others might not understand.
Apart from the interdimensional monster fighting, superpowers, government conspiracies, possessions and more Dungeons and Dragons references than he ever cared to know, Steve also had a few surprising personal revelations.
One, his parents sucked. Not slightly, not subjectively, but massively and in so many ways that his brain decided You know what, let's just erase this shit. He sometimes wondered if that was the reason why he felt so stupid, that his head just decided that in order to get rid of the thoughts of his parents, everything else from that time should also go. When they decided to leave Hawkins for good and graciously left him the house sitting next to a melted line in the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief. There had been a time when he'd give anything for them to notice him, but after the hell of 1986, his friends threw a Farewell, suckers! party (well, Eddie and Robin did and Nancy, Jonathan and Argyle happily joined) and after raiding his father's alcohol stash, setting up an improvised shooting range outside with their perfect family photographs and desecrating his mother's beloved tablecloth with red wine, he felt unexpectedly free. He could do anything he wanted and...yeah. He'd have to figure out where to start with that.
Two, he had no fucking clue what he wanted, but fortunately his heart didn't wait for the brain to catch up and just pointed in the direction of recently resurrected Eddie Munson and shouted "GO!". Steve should have probably found it confusing, he should have had a sexuality crisis, but he was so tired after all that crap, Eddie was actually great and his eyes were pretty, and maybe it wasn't figuring out his sexuality but rather finding a person he clicked with. He still liked boobies, but he also liked Eddie. Robin tried to educate him on what he was, but after seeing a few of their disgustingly romantic looks, she just settled on Eddiesexual. Steve didn't protest (much).
Three, he still was a romantic. Steve had always played up the romantic side with the ladies and did what was expected of him, wooing, flowers, dinners, all that, because that's what you were supposed to do. But he was completely clueless when Eddie agreed to date him. What do you get a guy for a date? Or more precisely, what do you get Eddie? As it turned out, he was overthinking for no reason because all the roads led to Eddie's heart. It took a while for him to calm down, but Eddie took everything in a stride and even when Steve knocked on his door, sleep-deprived and babbling about the prettiest flower he saw on his way from work that reminded him of Eddie and he just had to pick it for him, Eddie would just grin, say "another score for the Harrington charm, come on in big boy" and wear the flower proudly in his hair until it wilted.
All of these revelations lead to some changes in his life. When things settled down, he sold the house, not sparing a single look when he shut the door behind him for the last time. It was a final goodbye to his prior shitty life and when he moved to a much smaller, older and cheap, but cozier house, he felt like he could breathe again. Then Eddie moved in with him, as they both decided the distance was not too great, but absolutely unnecessary. And when Eddie suggested getting a pet together, Steve's first thought was his father's voice, saying Absolutely not, animals are messy, there is no merit to them, Steven. The second thought was giving that voice the finger, grabbing the his keys in one hand, Eddie's wrist in the other one and driving to the nearest shelter. So year 1990 saw him living a comfortable, quiet life with Eddie and Ozzy (because what else would Eddie Munson call his cat, right), both working not very prestigious but normal jobs. They would still meet their friends often, the whole survived-the-end-of-the-world squad might have left Hawkins here and there, but always returned, as if there was a magnetic pull to the place. It was probably just difficult to feel fully at home somewhere else, where no one understood your caution, your quirks and nightmares. With Nancy and Robin's support ("Nagging," Eddie corrected him, "it's called nagging, Harrington"), both Steve and Eddie applied to a community college and got in, seeing it both as a good step forward in their lives, but also a much needed fuck you to the Harrington senior expectations and Munson predetermined criminal future.
And hey, it wasn't the life Steve had imagined before, but it was so much better than any fantasies he had for his future with Nancy because what he had with Eddie was real, it was domestic and comfortable and just home. They got to see their kids grow up and couldn't be prouder of them, even though they had at least one of them over every single day, providing relationship guidance and reassuring them that even if, for some unimaginable reason, their college dreams didn't work out, it wasn't the end of the world (because that was a bit more dark, screechy and filled with floating particles), that things work out in the end, look at them, community college and all, who would have thought that the former jock with more hair than brain cells and a metalhead who took three years to graduate would do so well for themselves?  You have nothing to worry about, nothing at all.
When Dustin got older, he and Suzie finally started travelling to see each other. He would often complain to Eddie and Steve during his visits that even all those years later, his friends would always send him on his way with a heartfelt rendition of Never Ending Story and sadly, Eddie didn't turn out to be as sympathetic to his plight as Dustin might have hoped. When he learned the finer details of the Starcourt debacle and how the world was saved by Suzie's genius and Dustin's voice, Eddie collapsed into Steve and howled in laughter while Dustin mouthed "traitor!" at him. Steve just grabbed the nearest pillow and offhandedly muffled Eddie's outburst.
"Don't take it personally, man," he told Dustin while Eddie choked and gasped for air under the merciless fabric. Somewhere in the room, Ozzy gave a concerned chirp, but Steve ignored it. "I think it's cute and they might be jealous, you know? I think it has to be really nice to have a song like that," he smiled at him and eased his grip on the pillow. "Will you behave now, Munson?" A muted confirmation seemed to be enough and Eddie sat back up, trying to fix his hair which now looked like a bird's nest.
Dustin blinked at them, surprised. "Wait, Steve. You...don't have one?"
"One what?" He wasn't really paying attention, trying to untangle Eddie's rings that got stuck in his curls. This man needed a constant supervision and Steve was the right man for the job.
"A song. For you and Eddie?" Dustin tried again, eyes shifting between them as if he expected it to be some kind of a joke. "Come on, isn't that like a classic relationship thing?"
Steve's ears went slightly pink. "Um, no. I don't think I've ever had one. But I think it's really cool and you and Suzie have something like that, don't let those other shitheads ruin it for you." His smile was genuine and comforting, but Dustin's mind was already racing.
He turned his focus to Eddie, frowning. "Really, Eddie? All that musical knowledge and not a single song for the two of you?"
Eddie hugged the pillow that had nearly cost him his life seconds ago and grabbed a strand of his hair, pulling it in front of his face. "I don't...I don't think it ever came up?" he says, eyes darting to Steve. "Why didn't you say that was what you wanted, Stevie?"
Steve just shrugged, the pink hue returning. "Um. I always thought it came up naturally? Like. When you get your first kiss during a song or something, then it's your song?"
"Well, yeah, it can be like that, I guess," Eddie admitted, frowning. "But I don't think there are any rules to it. And if there are, screw them. You're gonna get that song, baby, no matter what. Time for some research." He slapped his thighs and suddenly jumped up, rushing from the door. By the sounds from the next room, Eddie was rummaging through his entire musical collection.
Steve stared at Dustin with furrowed brows. "What...has just happened?"
Dustin rolled his eyes. "It's called communicating your wants and needs, Steve."
From that moment on, Eddie started something that could only be called a quest. He was completely serious about fulfilling this single wish and while he normally played his music at obnoxious volumes, he ended up digging up his walkman and listening to tens of tapes, scribbling his notebook and whenever Steve approached him, Eddie would stop the track and shoo him away. Steve was growing concerned with the amount of time Eddie was spending on...well...his wish. He tried to backtrack, told Eddie that it wasn't a big deal, it didn't really matter that they didn't have their song, but Eddie always cut that crap short. "Steve. If I can do this one single thing for you, why the hell wouldn't I? Let me handle it. If I have a candidate, you will be the first one to know, okay?"
And so Steve waited. It took weeks and he was slowly getting worried that he set Eddie up for a failure, because while they met here and there in their musical taste, it wasn't exactly compatible or anywhere near the love song territory. So when Eddie finally called him over one evening, just after the holidays, he was equally excited and terrified.
"So," Eddie started, clearing his throat. "I just want to let you know that I tried to take everything into consideration. Our styles. Suitable lyrics. I went through a ton of songs, and trust me, there are tons that feel like they are about us, but I was...I was trying to find something that would represent how I see you. And I think...I think I finally found it, but it's just a suggestion. If you don't like it, we can drop it."
Steve recognized the album before Eddie could continue, it was one of the newer ones that Eddie picked up and he had to chuckle, more in amusement than disappointment. "Slaughter?" he snorted and pointed at the band name. "Really, Munson? I mean, sure, sounds about right for what we went through-"
"Will you just - can you please shut that pretty mouth of yours and listen to it?!" It could have sounded annoyed, except not really, because Eddie was never mad about Steve's music preferences (or lack of them). Only then did he notice that Eddie looked genuinely nervous, his eyes were everywhere but on Steve and he was chewing his lip with enough force to make it red and swollen. He was wringing  his hands and pacing in the narrow space of their room, back and forward, only squeezing two steps in before spinning around on his heel. Ozzy gave a quiet mrrrow and rubbed against his ankle, almost making Eddie trip. After the stream of creative insults against the poor (but definitely not sorry) creature ended, Eddie sighed and picked the now very content cat up, rubbing his chin. "Seriously, Stevie. It's not a joke, I swear, I just...when I heard it, I immediately thought of you, you know? I mean, it says Lady instead of...I don't know, Stevie, but I guess that would be too specific and it's not like we're the target audience, I guess. I can sing that line for you though. If that bothers you. So just try it, please. If you don't like it, I will never bring it up again." He finally looked at Steve and how could he refuse those beautiful dark eyes?
Steve felt the involuntary rise of the corners of his mouth, something that Eddie brought into his life. Dustin was always making fun of Steve grinning like an idiot in the presence of their dungeon master, but Eddie liked it, often pinching his cheeks and peppering kisses over his forehead until he turned Steve's chronic frown upside down ("but with less bats," he always added and that was a guaranteed chuckle right there). So if Eddie liked him smiling, Henderson could bite Suzie's...computer. Crossing the short distance between them, he stroked Ozzy's ears and kissed Eddie on the lips, short and sweet. "Of course, Eddie. Even if it's not the one, I always appreciate you broadening my music horizons," he remarked with a grin.
"Oh, you don't." Eddie's shoulders finally relaxed and he laid Ozzy on the bed, petting him in place of an apology. "Sit down with me, yeah? Before the majestic feline decides to maul me for my insolence." With that, he leaned over to the cassette player and hit play.
Okay, so the initial guitar wail may have freaked him out a little. Eddie didn't do a low or even a medium volume. He flinched and his hand on Ozzy's back twitched, but then Eddie's fingers were over his and... Hm. The intro isn't that bad. Not romantic, but nothing scream-y or too heavy. Actually, the melody wasn't bad at all. Steve gave Eddie an encouraging smile and the marvelled at the returned grin.
And then the singing started. A bit husky, yet still melodic, but that didn't matter because all he could focus on were the lyrics.
I've been livin' in this lonely world
Wishin' I could find someone to love
Hopin' someone would come from above
Change my life
Steve's breath hitched. That hit too close to home. Way too close. His fingers started trembling, but Eddie's hand was there, warm, large and with callouses felt so good on his skin.
Then I noticed you there
You were my angel sent from my despair
I know that you are the lady who cares
Eddie's grin became more muted now, a bit unsure as he mouthed Stevie over the lyrics, but Steve tightened his grip on the other man's hand. Ozzy made a chirp of disappointment and left the bed for something more fun because the back scratches were becoming infrequent, but Steve didn't even notice.
I want to spend my life with you
I want to spend my life with you
With you
He felt like he might cry. His eyes burned a bit and oh, he got it now, why Eddie would think of him and why he could only think of Eddie with this song. Those long fingers were caressing his knuckles as if he was the most precious piece of fine art he'd ever seen and there was so much fondness in Eddie's eyes, those stubborn wrinkles around them showing as he kept smiling and Steve loved him so much he didn't know how to cope. He redirected his straying focus back to the lyrics because Eddie wanted him to hear them. Eddie picked this song for them, for him.
I think of all of those sleepless nights
To survive
It's like the earth was standing still
You know I hardly had the will
A bitten off sob escaped Steve's throat. He was used to hiding his soft side from everyone, but never from Eddie because he never made fun of him, never judged. Eddie might have chuckled to himself when he noticed Steve's glassy eyes and uneven breathing during romantic movies, but he always pulled Steve closer, arm around his shoulders, burying his face in that luscious hair and never commenting on the dampness on his t-shirt. Steve still couldn't understand how or why, but he had learned - with Eddie's stubborn support - that he was not only loved, but loved for exactly who he was.
Then I noticed you there
You were my angel sent from my despair
I know that you are the lady who cares
I want to spend my life with you
I want to spend my life with you, baby
My lady
You're true
He wasn't exactly crying, well, not sobbing, but there were a few rogue tears and Eddie just moved closer, pulled Steve against him and began stroking his hair, all while gently swaying to the music. Steve was so, so thankful that Eddie understood, that he didn't panic or immediately halt everything because something made him cry. Perhaps that was the definition of true love, to be known and still loved, to enjoy the nearness and choose the lazy domestic mornings and slight annoyances over temporary butterflies.
I want to spend my life with you
I wanna spend my life with you
Only with you baby
I want to spend my life with you
You know you're my little angel
I want to spend my life with you
Okay, that was it. He couldn't just wait for the song to finish, not now and certainly not with Eddie right next to him. Steve tackled his boyfriend onto the bed and Eddie produced an undignified squeak when Steve spun them around, burying Eddie's upper body in their mountain of pillows. He only had a second to appreciate Eddie's delighted bark of laughter before kissing him silly, not caring for once that his tears were visible and dripping down onto Eddie's face. He would have loved to be a bit more refined in his technique, but he was (in Dustin's words) an emotional mess, so enthusiastic and wild it was. Not that the rest of the lyrics were helping in regaining of composure.
Oh don't you knowI want to spend
All of my life with you babe
'Cause you gave me all your lovin'
And baby I know it's true
'Cause you're the only one for me
Baby I'm the one for you
The song was becoming quieter and he could feel Eddie's hand fumbling on the player and pressing stop. Then it returned to his hair and Steve might have forgotten to breathe, but it was becoming obvious that he wasn't getting out of talking that easily. Eddie's hungry kisses were slowing down, becoming gentler and finally turning into little pecks. He managed to grab Steve's jaw and take a shaky breath. "Holy shit, big boy," he laughed and stroked the moles on his boyfriend's throat. "I gather that's a Yes, I like it?" he whispered, still grinning.
Steve wiped his eyes and leaned his forehead against Eddie's. "As if you couldn't tell. Yeah. Yeah, I liked it. A lot. I think...I think it's the one, Eddie. If you're okay with it."
Eddie pumped his fist in the air victoriously. "More than okay. I guess I'm just relieved it wasn't a complete miss, I hadn't been that nervous since I was a teenager. I mean, I wish this song existed when we got together, it would have been a much easier confession and it would still hit all the points." He stilled when he heard a sharp intake of breath. "I hope you're okay with all of them...?"
"Shit, Eddie," whispered Steve and buried his face into Eddie's t-shirt. "I loved it. All of them, but that...chorus, I think, that one the most." He wondered how to say the million things swirling in his mind, how this song managed to silence the "bullshit" he had always feared, how he'd never thought anyone would ever say these words to him. To be someone's absolute choice.
To his surprise, Eddie just laughed and hugged him like an octopus, hands, feet, all crushing Steve in a long-limbed hug. "Ah, yes. You seemed surprised at that, so let me ask you. Do you really doubt I want to spend all the years I have left and then some with you, Steve? When we live together," he nudged Steve's side gently, making him squirm, "we have six kids and a cat," another nudge, another squirm, "we're in the middle of saving for that dream road trip of yours and, most importantly, you make the best goddamn pancakes in Hawkins? Jesus, Stevie. I'm not giving you up, even when you're much older, bald and you spend all your day bitching about Max and Lucas's kids skating on our sidewalk. You're stuck with me, so deal with it."
Steve smiled through his tears and leaned down into that tight, crushing embrace. "Yeah. That works for me. I do want that, Eddie, all of that. And..."
Eddie relaxed his arms and tilted his head at Steve's hopeful tone. "And, Stevie?"
Steve's breath tickled Eddie's ear as he whispered: "You said you had more songs that reminded you of us. I'd like to hear them."
He laughed then, free and wild, as if that was it, that was the ultimate highlight of his life. Nothing better would ever happen, except that was a lie, wasn't it? In a life with Steve Harrington, this was just the beginning. "Are you asking me for a mixtape, Steve? After four years?"
"Mhm." Steve's lips moved to Eddie's throat and well, it looked like a turtleneck for tomorrow and the day after that. He found it difficult to remember why it was a bad thing. "I can offer those beloved pancakes of yours as a compensation."
Eddie moved his leg to the side and threw off Steve's balance, flipping them around. "Oh baby, you've got yourself a deal" he grinned before gently nudging Ozzy out of the door and closing it, because some things were definitely not meant for cat eyes and ears.
No beta, we die like all the characters whose names begin with B, so sorry. I don’t have a beta reader and I’m fully aware there are some gramatical errors, if anyone is willing to put up with a non-native speaker raging over all the “perfect” tenses, I will love you forever.
Oh yeah. The song is Spend My Life by Slaughter.
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meddow · 1 year
I’ve been watching ST: Strange New Worlds and okay this show is driving me crazy.
So the premise is interesting: it’s a prequel and not only is the Captain doomed by canon but because of time-prophecy shenanigans he’s aware he’s doomed by canon.
Then throw in some extra details – he knows the time/date of said meeting said doom. He knows that if events play out as they are supposed to, then he’ll save a bunch of lives, but two cadets will still die.
So that gives him options:
1.       Not show up to doom event – in which case the cadets he saves dies
2.       Make sure nobody shows up to doom event – everybody lives
3.       Accept his fate + two cadets die
Then the show throws a curve ball in the season finale. If option two happens, then big war, lots of people die, and more directly – Spock now becomes doomed with said fate. This is the bit that drives me crazy, because this implies that the universe isn’t random, it’s controlled by some higher power – and that higher power is the force of canon requiring Pike meet his fate so Kirk can take the Enterprise and TOS can happen (and Spock still suffers said fate of massive dose of radiation – but he gets better).
And basically Pike having accepting option 3 and having to sacrifice himself to the alter of canon cos the universe (writers) say he has to annoys the crap out of me and I hate it.
BUT THEN the show also introduces the fact in a way completely unrelated to this plotline, that Number One’s immune system has cure other people of radiation poisoning powers. So the character who is definitely not in TOS and whose fate is therefore not dictated by canon is a basically a walking cure.
Except in the one glimpse we’ve had of her in the future, she’s in prison – and she’s just been arrested. But the season ended with Pike vowing she’s not going to meet that fate so now Pike’s resigned to not changing his own future to save Spock, but he does seem to be very happy to move heaven and earth to changing hers.
And that opens up option 4. Which is something something Number One something something (basically I don’t know but Number One being about and not in prison somehow changes things up)
So the writers have created this really interesting dynamic of three characters, one who is doomed, one who must live, and one whose fate is unknown but whose presence could change the fate of the first two characters. And if that’s what’s going on – yay I love this show.
Except I don’t know if they’ve actually done that on purpose or I’m reading that into it, so I don’t know if I love this show or if I’m just setting myself up to eventually hate it cos of the need to meet TOS canon. Hence driving me crazy.
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