#their lives suck
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
It was a particularly dark night tonight as the moon was hidden by clouds in the sky. The castle halls were silent, save for the occasional chatter of those on the night shift, guards and the few servants who were on call trying to stay awake.
The barracks were equally silent, though the song of crickets trickled in from outside and the snores of some soldiers and knights carried across the way. The Hero of Hyrule didn't notice, completely dead to the world.
He didn't notice as someone entered the room. He didn't notice as they pulled up a chair beside his bed, as they gently brushed hair out of his face. Link sighed a little, leaning into the touch, before it disappeared, tucking him a little.
The captain of the royal guard watched his son silently.
A heavy feeling pulled in his chest, and Abel tried to ignore it. Seeing Link sleep reminded him of when he was a little boy, but that boy was full grown now. Abel and Link saw each other fairly regularly when the young man was in the castle, but they hardly ever spoke - each had their own duties to attend to, and Abel knew his strong sense of obligation had been emulated by his son.
That was a good thing. It was. Link was an amazing knight, was renowned by the entire country, was chosen by the goddess. Abel was proud of him.
But proud as he was, he still missed his boy. He still wished he could spend time with him. It hurt, that they could be so close yet so far. Most days it made him happy to see Link fulfilling his role. But some nights it made his heart ache. So here he sat, basking in the comfort of being able to take care of someone who didn't need his care anymore.
Wasn't that the role of a parent? To raise their child so that they wouldn't need them? To make them a good person, a capable individual, someone who fulfilled their destiny set out by the goddess, someone who loved and fought and cared? Link was all of those things. He didn't need his father's help anymore.
Abel swallowed thickly. It was fine. This was enough. Just seeing him safe and comfortable was enough. The captain knew he was nowhere near as important as his boy, and he tried to stay out of his way. So this had to be enough.
Tomorrow Link would leave again, going on another journey with Princess Zelda. Supposedly, with her seventeenth birthday coming up, they were headed for Mount Lanayru for a final attempt to awaken her powers. Abel prayed it work. He didn't know the princess well, but based on his observations the girl needed all the help she could get.
This was his last chance to see Link again before they returned from their trip. So he would bask in it without being overbearing. His boy was a grown man now, and he didn't need him.
But sometimes, Abel found that... he still needed Link.
Sighing, he rested his hand on his son's back for a moment before rising. Perhaps someday he himself would grow out of this too. Either way, he needed to get some sleep. There was always work to be done.
He'd see his boy again when they returned, safe and sound as always.
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slicesofapple · 1 year
warning: imagined death, hurt no comfort, jean is a mess, not fluff, sexual themes
Jean dreams that he’s holding Eren by the neck under water, squeezing the life out of him as Eren thrashes around. He doesn’t let go until Eren’s body is limp enough to sink to the bottom.
He wakes us in a cold sweat and runs to the bathroom to spend the next fifteen minutes puking into the toilet.
The next night, after they fuck, he won’t let go of Eren, not until Eren elbows him painfully in the ribs and tells him to back off. Even then, he only waits until Eren is asleep and then pulls him in against his chest. He can't stop kissing him, touching him, smelling that particularly spicy scent of his skin.  
He knows it’s only a matter of time.
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shaftking · 1 year
Ao3 is actually massively culturally important and very very good at being what it is. I’m so serious when I say that ao3 needs to be protected as the anti censorship, by fans for fans, nonprofit, volunteer run, expertly designed archival site that it is. You don’t have to read or like fanfiction to understand that on principle, ao3 is a site that should be defended.
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visualnovelboyfriend · 8 months
why should palestinians have to leave behind their land because israel wont stop killing them. why should anyone have to leave behind their life and memories and sentimental value just because an aggressor is left unchallenged. please think this sentiment through and delete it from your thoughts. instead of blaming an oppressed people for living in a hostile land, ask who is making that land hostile to live in.
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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naomistares · 6 months
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this one part from harrow the ninth always made me really upset. so i made a four page comic out of it!
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genuinely and honestly I know I cannot solve all of the problems of the world etc but my friends who live in my phone please know that when you are having the horrors I am telepathically sending you a bowl of warm soup, a mug of hot cocoa, a cozy blanket, and a hug (if you want one) with my brain
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dareduffie · 7 months
when will people learn that live-action remakes will never be good as their original animated counterparts because the glory of animation is the colour, movement, and fantasy that's just untranslateable to live-action
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starwarjotta · 5 months
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looking for someone on Tatooine
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postcards · 1 year
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everyone's lost their mind.
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lieu-rey · 3 months
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it's so jov(i)er
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metanarrates · 11 months
it's always funny when you see stuff that is so obviously preemptively written to ward off Posting. the most overt manifestation is marvelesque lampshading of cliches ("hey isn't it stupid that we were saved at the last minute?") but there's other types of it. there's writing that addresses criticism in-text (Marvel Lady #24 owning a hater who says that Marvel Lady #24 is antifeminist) or fan responses like shipping (that one plotline in bbc sherlock that shows moriarty/sherlock shippers as weirdos nobody likes) or even stuff like worrying the reader won't understand the characters (EVERY instance of characters using therapyspeak in a story.)
to the insecure artist, the shadow of the Poster looms large over them. they can never mentally escape the fear that someone, somewhere, may be making memes about how their art sucks. and you know what? that's just beautiful
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thegroundhogdidit · 10 months
it's real fucking strange that the corporations think customers affected by the strike want the writers and actors to give in for the strike to end. like no i want the strike to end because the corporations gave in. like actually i do care about movies and tv shows being delayed but i also want the actors and writers to be paid. why is this so hard for the corporations to understand
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obscureenthusiast · 1 year
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-Brutus and as many as 60 co-conspirators, circa March 14th, 44 BC
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carrotkicks · 6 months
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this place feels familiar...
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zorangezest · 8 months
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the kids are on their waaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
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