#their weapons are still missing but i already designed them
astralartefact · 9 months
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waiha & exha wip what do you mean exit your comfort zone
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acis-arts · 5 months
Hello everyoneee, I got super busy recently, but I was still able to do some art and writing in the meantime! Here's all my Cult Leader Designs as well as mentions of the AUs I have!!
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Some of these will probably change over time, if I feel like it. I just wanna info dump on my AUs and I also think it's good to post how they currently look instead of waiting for too long.
Down below is the info dump on my AUs:
(Before you start reading: "Kali" is the name of my Lamb)
Lost Crowns AU (/Forgotten Lands of the Old Faith):
This AU was called "Forgotten Lands of the Old Faith" at first, but I refer to it as "Lost Crowns AU" mostly because that name fits too and is shorter.
This is my main AU! In it, the entire story of the game is pretty much unchanged, this AU focuses more on what happens after the events in the game. I haven't finished the game yet and I'm assuming after getting all Bishops, the game is pretty much done. (update because I wrote these notes some days ago: I got Shamura in my cult today so I finished the main story at last)
"A few days after freeing all the Bishops, Kali wakes up and something is missing. The Red Crown is gone, all Crowns are gone. They run to find Narinder and the Bishops, but none of them are behind it. Together, all 6 of them try to confront the Mystic Seller next, but upon arriving at the gate they were always situated in, they find nothing."
The Mystic Seller left the Lands of the Old Faith for good and took everything supernatural with them. I haven't thought about a solid reason for that yet, because my main idea behind this is that Kali and the others are now forced to live without all their supernatural powers. They can't perform Rituals, they can't resurrect, they can't summon weapons and none of the Follower necklaces work anymore. The only thing that was left is the immortality of Kali, Narinder and the Bishops. They won't age but the risk of dying permanently is there.
I have no idea if I want to keep this idea or if I want to scrap this, but I also thought about Kali finding a gateway into the lands of the Gods and together with Narinder, they try to find the Mystic Seller to get answers. The reason Narinder comes along is because he's more familiar with that place and Kali would need someone like that. The second reason obviously being that I want to pair them up and have them develop their relationship over this adventure (with a proposal at the end of it perhaps). Third reason: it's fun to have the Bishops take care of the Cult without Kali and Narinder around.
I have so much more stuff for this AU, but this is already so much text. Let's hope I get to post more in the future!
Swap AU:
This is pretty self explanatory and the majority of what I posted on here so far. As a short summary: Narinder is now the Last Cat remaining, becoming the Vessel of Kali as The One Who Waits
No Mercy AU:
This is based on the second save file I have in COTL, on which I'm trying to do an "evil route". In this AU, Kali isn't kind and optimistic, instead becoming a callous, cruel cult leader after receiving the Red Crown. Up until that moment, they were at the bottom of the food chain and upon receiving the power of a God, they were finally the one in control for the first time in their life. They decided to never let go of the Crown and their Powers.
Orange Crown AU:
This AU is pretty much just my close circle and me inserted into Cult of the Lamb. So far my partner and me are inserted as NariLamb and my brother is the Mystic Seller because he looks like them. This one is probably uninteresting to most of you, as you don't know any of us. I won't be posting that much about this and keep it private mostly, but maybe some of you are still interested in the art, so let's see.
As always, Thank you so much for reading up until this point!! I hope you all had a good week!
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rollinouttahere · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats + Ace x Isekai Reader
2.2k words
Part 2
Yet again, this fic is inspired by @lovelybrooke ‘s Isekai reader stories.
I also want to say thank you for all the support and kind comments on the last story I wrote! I’ve actually been working on my own yandere one piece fic that I’m hoping to start posting in a few days give or take, so if you like what I’ve written so far, keep an eye out for that! All future writings are gonna be posted on my writing blog @rollinouttahere-writes​ so go follow that blog if you’re interested!
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Trying to act normal and inconspicuous in the One Piece universe was a far from easy task. Being the massive fan of the series that you were, it was damn hard to not give away that you knew all about the crew that was so generously letting you stay with them after appearing on their ship with zero explanation.
It became even harder to stay lowkey when Ace temporarily joined up with the Strawhats. All you wanted was to hug that man and tell him how loved he is and that he deserves to live just as much as anyone else, but you really couldn’t say or do any of that without looking weird. You’ll just have to settle for being extremely nice to him, which was very easy.
Ace himself was already an easy guy to get along with (now at least), but he was noticeably very interested in you. You couldn’t blame him, what with Luffy almost immediately outing your insane situation to him. He seemed incredulous at first, but warmed up to and accepted the story way faster than you expected. It didn’t take long for his questions to go from feeling like an interrogation to being genuine.
You were so busy soaking up the attention from such a beloved character that you almost missed how jealous your crewmates were getting. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were taking it the best. Chopper probably because he was still so new to the crew that he wasn’t all that bothered by one of them not paying as much attention to him. Usopp was too busy building Nami’s weapon to concern himself with it too much. Meanwhile, Luffy was just so happy to see Ace again that he didn’t really notice that you were spending a lot of time with him. That, and he would usually be hanging out with both of you anyways. 
The others though, oh boy did they not like this. Nami was the most blatant about it, straight up glowering at you and Ace whenever you two were too close for her liking. You’re pretty sure the only thing keeping her from up and dragging you away from him is Luffy dismissing her complaints and telling her to stop fretting over it. You love being a part of their crew, so she should quit worrying!
Sanji and Zoro were both vying for your attention in their own ways as well. Sanji suddenly wanted more help around the kitchen, insisting that he needed an extra pair of hands now that there was another mouth to feed. Given that Ace’s appetite was on par with Luffy’s, you could understand the desire for help. Zoro’s attempts were considerably less convincing. One time he wanted you to spot him while he was working out, making you laugh right in his face at the mere idea that you would be able to help him with the ridiculous weights he lifts. His face had gone bright red after you pointed it out to him, prompting him to walk away immediately, much to your amusement.
Right now, though, you weren’t with Ace. Him and Luffy were busy doing something and you didn’t want to butt in on all their time together. Instead, you were ogling Ace’s boat that was currently tied to the side of the Going Merry.
You absolutely loved the design of his ship, it was such a clever idea to use his devil fruit ability to power a steam engine and make what looks like a tiny sailboat function like a jet ski. It didn’t appear in the anime too many times but everytime it was on screen it looked so cool. 
“I wonder what it’d be like to ride that,” you quietly mused to yourself.
“Wanna find out?”
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden arrival of Ace. He laughed at your reaction, not a care in the world for the near heart attack he just gave you.
“Oh my God, Ace, you scared the hell out of me!” You lightly slapped at his shoulder, your other hand resting over your now racing heart.
He laughed some more, “I could tell, and I’m sorry about that.” He didn’t sound even vaguely sorry. Ace elbowed your side, “But seriously, do you want to go for a ride?”
The offer had you staring wide-eyed at him. Then the boat. Then back at him again. “Really? Are you sure?” You were desperately trying to keep your cool and not show how insanely excited you were about the idea.
“Of course! I wouldn’t have offered it if I wasn’t. Come on,” he hopped up onto the railing and held his hand out to you. You didn’t need to mull it over, eagerly taking hold and stepping up with him. As soon as you did, he wrapped an arm around you and was ready to jump down onto his boat when Nami started yelling.
“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you two doing???” Nami, who was previously pruning her trees, had abandoned the activity entirely in favor of sprinting over to where you were and grabbing onto your leg.
“(Y/N) wanted to try riding my boat, so we’re going for a little joyride, that’s all,” Ace flashed Nami a dazzling smile, not at all deterred by her interruption.
“No way! What if they fall off? That thing doesn’t look safe at all!” Nami was now pulling on you, trying to get you down from the railing.
Ace held on tighter in response, “It’s perfectly safe, it has to be. I’m a devil fruit user, remember? (Y/N) isn’t, so really, I’m in more danger on that than they are. It’s fine.”
You could tell Nami was ready to argue more, but thankfully Luffy piped up, “Don’t worry about it Nami! If Ace says it’s safe then it’s safe!” Luffy, who was perched on his special seat at the bow, came bounding over, “But I wanna go next!”
“Sure thing, Luffy, we’ll be back in a bit,” Ace was quick to jump down with you in tow, not wanting to give any of the other Strawhats a chance to object. After untying it from the Going Merry, he knelt down slightly, “Hop on my back, you’re not gonna want to have your feet down there when we get going.”
Not wanting to get set on fire, you obliged. If you weighed anything to him, he didn’t show it, simply standing up straight as soon as you were on. “Ready?”
You excitedly nod your head, holding on tight to Ace in preparation. It was a good thing too, because he decided to immediately start at the leisurely speed of what felt like mach 7. A shriek emits from your throat as you take off. You think you can hear Nami yelling something again, but couldn’t make it out over your own screaming and the noise of the steam engine roaring to life.
Ace laughed loudly at your reaction, but did slow down slightly, “Sorry about that, I just wanted to get some distance before anyone else tried to stop us.” One of his arms let go of your leg and tugged at your arms around his neck, “But would you mind easing up a bit? I won’t be able to take us back if you choke me out.” 
“Oh oops, I’m sorry!” You immediately loosened your arms and readjusted them. Accidentally strangling Ace was not something you wanted to do today. Or any day really.
He simply shrugged it off, telling you not to worry about it. It’s not like you could really hurt him. “I’m gonna speed up again, you ready for it this time?”
The second you confirm that you are, the boat lurches forward, cutting through the waves like nothing. Now that you weren’t panicking, you could properly take in the experience and thoroughly enjoy it. 
The wind was whipping through your hair and sea water misted the air, droplets clinging to both yours and Ace’s hair. He hit a particularly big wave causing the boat to go airborne for a moment before crashing back down. You found yourself laughing and cheering as Ace continued to show off, which only egged him on more.
After a while, Ace slowed to a stop and let you down from his back. “C’mere, step up on this,” he stepped to the side and motioned for you to step up onto the front of his boat. His hands rested on your hips to keep you steady, presumably not wanting to get chewed out by Nami if you came back sopping wet. 
“This is one of the best parts of being at sea,” he was staring straight ahead. “Sunsets out here are something else, you don’t get a view like this on land.”
He was completely correct, it was beautiful. Orange, red, and pink hues colored the sky and reflected gorgeously in the ocean. It was a breathtaking view, one you would remember forever.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, quietly admiring the view with nothing but the natural sounds of the ocean around you. It was nice, very peaceful. 
“What do you think about staying here?”
You tense at Ace suddenly speaking. “Like staying out here a little longer?” As lovely as this was, the others were bound to get antsy if you stayed out after dark.
“No, I mean staying here in this world,” he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms fully around you and resting his head on your shoulder to be able to see your face. “It’s nice here, right? Why not stick around? I know Luffy wants you to. Hell, I’m sure the rest of the crew does, too.”
You were taken aback by this statement, and weren’t really sure how to respond. Sure, it could be nice here when you all weren’t being hunted for sport by marines, but this wasn’t a place you could see yourself staying long term. That, and you had a life back home, you couldn’t just throw your friends and family to the wind like that.
Sucking in a breath, you searched for the nicest way to say all that. “It is nice here, but I have to go back.” You could feel his posture stiffen behind you, “Don’t get me wrong, you all have been super nice to me! It’s just that I’ve got all my friends and family back home and I miss them terribly.”
“Your family?” Ace said this so quietly that you weren’t even sure he was saying that to you. Abruptly, he straightened up, “I know! If you want a family so bad you can join the Whitebeard pirates!”
What? You joining the Whitebeard pirates? You already feel inadequate enough around the Strawhats, you can’t imagine how pathetic you would feel around those people. Of course, it would be awesome to get to meet them, but you want to keep to yourself as much as possible since you will eventually have to go back home.
While you were thinking, Ace kept going, “Pops would love you, I just know it. We haven’t gotten another sibling in a while, everyone would be psyched to meet you.” His once comforting hug was growing tighter by the second. Suffocating even.
“And you already have friends with my brother’s crew, so that’s all taken care of!”
“Ace, ple-”
“Of course, I’m your friend too, but after you join I’ll be your big brother!”
“ACE!” Your yell startled him, mercifully making him let go of you. You take the opportunity to inch forward and create some distance, however minute.  “That’s,” oh, how to put this without hurting his feelings, “that’s very kind of you to offer, but I’d rather stay with the Strawhats for now.”
“Oh…” You don’t even need to turn around to know how disappointed he was by this declaration. He chuckled awkwardly, “I’m sorry about that, looks like I got a little carried away there.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” frankly, you just wanted to go back to the ship after that. The atmosphere was uncomfortable now.
After a few more seconds of silence, Ace cleared his throat and spoke again, “We should probably head back now, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
You were quick to agree and clambered onto his back, “Yeah that’s a good idea, Nami would throw a fit if we stay out much longer.” She’ll probably be mad regardless, but still.
Ace got his boat going and began the trip back. The Going Merry was a lot further away than you’d realized, it was so small that you could just barely make it out in the distance. You internally cringe, your crewmates are no doubt unhappy about you being this far away.
Despite the distance, you couldn’t help but notice how slow Ace was going compared to earlier. It’s like he wanted to drag this out for as long as possible. You decided not to call him out on it, not deeming it worth it.
“I’m not giving up, you know.”
“I’ll drop it for now, but I’m not giving up on you joining Whitebeard’s crew. Just… think about it, okay?” Ace’s voice was quiet, just barely loud enough to hear over the engine. 
The rest of the ride back remained dead silent, giving you plenty of time to mull over what just happened. It felt so… Weird. Out of character, really. He’s known you for, what? 24 hours? If that. Yet he’s trying to talk you out of going home and seems dead set on replacing your family with his own. Granted, everyone’s been more clingy than you thought normal, but this was downright bizarre. 
You really need to find a way home, and fast.
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amimuu · 5 months
UHM. Redesigned Lamb and Nari cuz I got bored??? (+ doodles)
Woe I don’t know what to put as a title…HAVE THIS, KABOOM!!!
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Yeah we’re doing this again HAHA…(but you can actually see my outfit planning)
You see I kinda felt like my first designs were a bit rushed and I wasn’t 100% happy w/them…BUT DO NOT DISCARD THEM, The other outfits still exist. So i kinda just. Designed an extra set? Iekfjfjdj something like that yeah.
I also gave lamb a couple extra outfits:
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The thing they wore when they were still a vessel (fun fact the robe is actually the first layer of the traditional wedding outfit for the culture of the Lambs….)
You may notice they look happier here. They were. Lots of hopes and all that stuff.
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The fancy robe
Truth is, Lamby here absolutely adores fancy clothing. Fluffy robes with lots of layers, with little decorations hanging from the edges? Yeah. That’s their thing
They normally save this one for parties or special sermons. Also, did I mention they craft most of their clothes themselves? Their mother taught them how to sew and tailor clothes when they were young and they love it since then.
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(Is that Narilamb!?)
I did sum planning on the Lamb’s weapon of choice too which is….chains?! Magical chains. Is this a metaphor of some sort? Maybe. But they look very cool using them. However they are a little reckless so they tend to hit themselves accidentally when they pull them back after each attack. Still, they are very skilled.
Someone does get a little worried tho…
But ANYWAYS!!! Hope y’all didn’t miss me too much 😔 I was planning to post something else but I already had half these doodles here lined up so I decided to post these first and the other idea later…but it’s coming soon!
As always, inbox is open and any questions are welcome! Or if you just wanna say something random that’s cool too
Until then :]!
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ganondoodle · 5 months
yeah no of course i cant stop trying still ...
currently trying to get out of the mindset -draw what could be popular- by designing some rough ideas for the weapons shops in the new totk rewrite (fuse isnt a thing here)
to explain; during the first part (before villain rauru reveal and change to shiekah arm) the way to repair or craft weapons is with a new type of NPCs; they are smiths that can repair your weapons, craft them, and have some avaible to buy (mostly for arrows but also small selection of weapons), it costs material and some money, or if you dont have the material/all material, it costs more money but is still doable, price depending on how valuable or hard to get the material is you dont want to spend on it
then after the switch to the sheikah arm and zelda taking on the role of your permanent companion, she can both repair and craft as well (might be limited but expandable with quests, as in that zelda learns more skills- so theres new quests after the switch and you cant just do everything before that) with the difference that you need to have the required materials but it costs no money
this would mean that while no giant change before and after the halfway point of the game, it is definitely different feeling, plus its a convenience that is good to have in the second half but shouldnt be sorely missed in the first, the difference between NPC smith and zelda gives you the option to spend material or money- so you arent forced to grind anything if you need either for something else, plus new quest rewards for the second half and new points of interest in general, similar to a stable but not too close so theres still an element of exploration; they arent super frequent but around the map of the surface enough that you can reasonably reach one in each region (perhaps after aquiring the yiga as allies/or before that in disguise they can do the same for you but are only found in the underground)
it would also allow for more diverse gameplay, if your favorite weapon is about to break (it might not fully disappear but if you use it up it would go into a condition like the master sword when its lost its power, not usable or doing tiny amount of damage, but not gone forever if you accidentally use it too much-) you can decide to throw it away or keep it until you find the next smith, depending on if you already found one and see you are close or havent yet, or spend the material if you have it to instantly repair it
(i havent decided yet if rauru might be willing to repair your weapons, but not to craft them since he lacks the skill (would never admit to it) and he only wants to give you just enough support to enable you to do what he wants you to do- i think that might work better bc its still a difference to zelda, since she can craft too, but not too much so that you would feel like the games forcing you to use the smiths in the first half ... possibly its unlocked with one of the enigma stones, when rauru can claim he is able to do that now bc it lets him recover some of his strength)
what im wondering now, which is a bit important i think, is .. should the smiths be wandering around a set path or have a lil stationary shop? if they wander around it would make it a bit more depending on situation of you wanna use them, but bears the risk of making it annoying if you dont know here they are or happen to be too far away and a lil weird bc should have something to work on there, like an anvil, which would be a lil strange to carry around; a lil shop could potentially turn into a location you keep teleporting back and forth though im leaning towards the shop; you could make helping them build it a quest too, or saving them from monsters? overall i think this idea is a rather nice balance
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elliesbelle · 1 year
nobody compares to you
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chapter 7
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: you're in your junior year of college and at a party, you run into the girl who broke your heart: ellie williams. despite the time it took to reset your life, will you risk a broken heart again for her?
content warnings: modern college au, dealer!ellie, LOSER!ELLIE, cursing, ANGST, use of marijuana and alcohol, brief mention of death, descriptions of a weapon (it's just ellie's switchblade), sexual speech and content, brief mention of violence, brief description of homophobia, ellie's POV, minors do not interact
word count: 3.5k
chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the "nobody compares to you" spotify playlist
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“Ellie, seriously, calm down. Also, can you hand me the fucking joint already?” 
Dina watches as Ellie paces back and forth across the living room of the apartment Ellie shared with Jesse. She’d come back early from her Electrical Engineering Design class after silently storming out a mere 15 minutes into the lecture. She had her Particle Physics class in less than an hour, but she had very little intention of attending. 
She’d even bailed on making a quick stop at Ruston Coffee in order to reclaim the jacket she’d lent to Daniela. She had four unread texts from her, but she ignored them. 
“Dude, I just—” Ellie starts. 
“I know,” Dina replies. “But can you blame her?” 
Ellie doesn’t reply, instead angrily groaning as she plops down next to Dina on the couch. She hands Dina the joint, which was already half-burnt. 
“God, at least ash it first,” Dina complains, taking it from her and flicking the dusty remains into an ashtray on the coffee table. “Anyway, what the fuck is she supposed to do? Not move on from you?” 
“No, but—” 
“You’re only this mad because Abby Anderson’s the one she was seeing before you,” Dina says before taking a hit of the joint. “I mean, you’d still be irritated if it was someone else. But now, your ego is a little bruised.” 
“Oh, shut the fuck up.” Ellie scoffs. “And she and I weren’t seeing each other, we—” 
“It’s been two fucking years. You need to stop saying that shit.” Dina interrupts, getting exasperated. 
“We literally weren’t—” 
“Who the fuck cares, Ellie?”
“D—” Ellie attempts, but Dina continues. 
“She was in love with you, and you were so fucking in love with her. And don’t try to pull that shit with me, saying that you weren’t in love with her.” Dina adds, seeing that Ellie was about to interrupt once more. “Everyone saw it, and everyone knew it. Fuck, even Joel saw it, and it’s Joel.” 
Ellie says nothing, choosing to stare intensely at her fists. They were turning white from how hard she was clenching them in agitation. 
It had been so long since she’d seen your smile, the honest and genuine kind that you used to flash at her countless times. She hadn’t seen it since before your cousin Rafael passed away. The way it’d adorned your face so naturally just now, it broke something in her today the moment she glanced your way. Something that she’d hastily patched up after you cut her off completely. And for Abby Anderson to be the reason for that smile… 
Dina purposely blowing smoke in Ellie’s face wakes her up from her reverie. 
“The fuck, D…” Ellie complains, coughing and fanning a hand in her face to clear the smoke. 
“Jesse and I love you very much,” Dina continues, ignoring her curses. “But to be honest, we’ve kind of been pissed with you for a while now.” 
Ellie’s eyes shoot up to frown at her. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
Dina sighs. 
“We love her a lot too, you know. And we miss her. The past year, she’s pulled away from us because of you. And we would have pushed, but she asked us not to. She asked us not to choose and to just keep being friends with you like normal.” 
“I—“ Ellie stutters. “I didn’t know that.” 
“Because she told us not to tell you.” Dina sighs. “Even after you hurt her, she still thought about you. She knew how much we mean to each other, and she didn’t want to get in the way of that. And that’s why she hasn’t told either me or Jesse what happened between you two when you took her home at the end of that summer.” 
Ellie puts her head in her hands, recalling that drive. That day rattled in her mind constantly over the past year or so. She’d tried consistently to repress it at first, but it was all cemented in her mind: your nervous twitching and fidgeting, the way your lips trembled when you spoke, the redness of your eyes as you fought not to cry. Eventually, she gave up trying to forget it all; deep down, she knew she deserved to live with the guilt. 
“Fuck.” Ellie sighs. 
They sit in silence for a few moments as Dina finished the rest of the joint, eventually putting it out on the ashtray. 
“So,” Dina finally speaks. “You gonna tell me what made her break up with you?” 
Ellie sighs. 
“I don’t think you really wanna know, D.” She mutters. 
“You know,” Dina says. “It’s not really fair that you’ve had me and Jesse update you nonstop the past year on what’s been going on with her, but then you won’t tell either of us what went down.” 
“It’s just…” Ellie continues, thinking. “I know you both think I was real shitty for what I did to her. And I’m not saying you shouldn’t think that. But I don’t want you both to think that I’m a complete and total asshole.” 
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You are a complete and total asshole.” Dina shrugs. 
“Oh, you dick.” Ellie says, smacking Dina’s arm a little too hard. 
“Ow!” Dina complains, rubbing the spot where Ellie hit her. “We don’t all go to the gym religiously, you know. Some of us are delicate!” 
“Pussy.” Ellie chuckles. 
Dina rolls her eyes before getting up from the couch. 
“Anyway, get your shit together, Williams. I gotta go.” She says. “Got class in about 20 minutes.” 
“Skip it.” 
“No. Go to your next class, Els.” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Ellie says dismissively, brushing her off. 
Dina said her goodbyes and waved before leaving the apartment, locking the door behind her. 
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Ellie sat with her thoughts for a moment before getting up to walk to the kitchen. She grabs a mug from the cabinets, one decorated with a red-winged blackbird on one side and a sandhill crane on the other. After she nearly fills it to the brim with whiskey, she begins drinking it impatiently as she makes her way into her bedroom. 
She places her now half-empty mug on her bedside table before plopping down onto her bed. Not bothering to remove her dirty Converse, she stares up at the prickly, white ceiling. 
Abby Anderson? Why her? 
Her tattooed arm was positioned above her forehead while the other laid on her side, her old, trusty switchblade suddenly in her hand. She starts playing with it mindlessly as thoughts of you swim inside her head. 
When the fuck did she start seeing her again? She didn’t even like Anderson that much… 
Ellie’s mind was a battlefield. She begins recalling memories of you when you’d talk about Abby Anderson, trying to discern the level of attraction you had for her from the bashful looks on your face and the dreaminess in your voice. At the same time, she was trying to push away her own emotion from those memories: the forced smile she’d give you when you brought Anderson up, the way she bit her tongue from unleashing nasty, sarcastic retorts about her, the seething rage she felt as she stormed away from you the first night she dropped you off at Anderson’s dorm. 
She didn’t even… She only slept with her once…  
Ellie thinks about that evening, when she watched you getting ready. She tried desperately to shut out the images of your tender eyes begging for her approval, your messy hair cascading down as you’d taken it out of its bun, every curve of your body that she was allowed a glimpse of when she’d helped you dress, your lips…
Anderson was just some fucking hook-up, I know she was… 
Ellie remembers miserably how she waited until you’d completely turned away to watch how mesmerizing you looked as you ascended the steps to Anderson’s dorm. Ellie remembers the disappointed look you had on your face, crest-fallen that she’d kept you at arms-length the rest of the evening. She remembers wanting desperately to call out your name, stop you from walking through the door, and claim you for herself. She remembers nearly doing so, but her courage had not moved swiftly enough. 
I fucked her hundreds more times… There’s no way Anderson is pleasing her like I did… I’m the one who knows how to… 
Ellie begins speculating on what you’ve been doing hanging around Anderson again. There’s no way that you were just friends. She sees the way Anderson swaggers when they occupy the gym together, her flirty smirk as she greets people as she walks down hallways. Ellie recognizes another lesbian player when she sees one, and she knew for a fact how popular Anderson was with other girls. And more than anything, Ellie knows how beautiful you are. She knows that anyone within five feet of you would be delusional not to want a chance. 
Anderson’s not her type… Anderson is not her fucking type… What the hell is she doing? She can do a whole lot fucking better… 
Ellie’s thoughts unravel as she wonders about what Anderson was saying that was making you laugh so much. She obsesses over the way you were touching her arm, how your fingers brushed over her muscled bicep. She torments herself about what you were letting her do to you at this very moment. 
I just… I just fucking saw her a couple of days ago… She’s single, she looked fucking single… 
Were you spending the night at her place this evening? Were you all dolled up today just to see her? Is Anderson taking you out on a date tonight or is she bringing you straight to her bedroom? Has she touched you already today? Has she kissed those cherry-flavoured lips of yours once more yet? Is she lifting your dress over your head or are you doing it for her? Is she kissing your neck as her fingers make their way down into your underwear to— 
Ellie sits up all of a sudden, yelling in frustration and hurling her switchblade across the room. She breathes heavily as she stares at her knife now fastened securely into the drywall, halfway stuck resulting from a throw a little too vigorous. 
“Fuck me.” Ellie huffs, disgruntled, not by the damaged wall, but by the jealousy smoldering within her. 
Ellie picks up her half-empty mug of booze and chugs it. As droplets of whiskey dribble down her chin, she glances at the painted birds on her now-empty mug. 
Joel had bought it during a trip to a thrift store when she was 14 after she’d begged him to get it for her. Every time before the school year started, she’d always be sure to pack it to take with her, a piece of home. It was her favourite mug and it reminded her of her father. 
She missed him. She wished she was back home in Jackson with him right now, away from these problems. Life felt so much more simple when it was just her and Joel, just the two of them against the rest of the world. But she was no longer 14 and no longer an innocent. 
Ellie sighs. She deliberates for a moment or two. Maybe she could call Joel, tell him what was going on. He knew her best, besides Dina and Jesse. He usually steered her in the right direction, whether it was in a way she initially agreed with or not. 
In the end, Ellie decides against it. Explaining lesbianism to a well-meaning but clueless 60-something-year-old man was hard enough. Having to illustrate the current state of her love life? Ellie didn’t have the time or patience to describe to her father how lesbian situationships worked, much less what a “situationship” was. She’d give him a brain aneurysm within thirty seconds of her explanation. 
She also thinks back to the last conversation she had with Joel about you. He’d given her yet another caring but stern lecture before she headed back to campus for this school year. She knows deep down exactly how her father felt about you. Is that what she wanted to hear right now? 
Ellie lets herself fall back onto the bed, pulling her phone out of her pocket once her head hit her pillow. She swipes away yet another text from Daniela without bothering to skim it and opens up Instagram. Almost instinctively, she switches over from her main account to a separate one.  
For the first three months after you and Ellie fell out, you had her number and all her socials blocked. She hadn’t exactly tried to reach out to you during that time, but she hadn’t been able to resist the temptation to lurk. She’d treated it like she was defusing a bomb: she’d delicately open up social media, hastily type in your name, only to be abruptly greeted with blank screens. She wasn’t surprised. But whether out of pure curiosity or masochism, she’d continued this routine of searching your username on different platforms just to stare at nothing for a couple of minutes. 
Ellie wasn’t sure what had suddenly prompted you to one day unblock her from everything. For a while, she waited to see if this meant anything, if you were going to reach out to her in some kind of way. But after a few days of nothing, she accepted the continued, albeit unblocked, silence. She wasn’t naive; she never expected you to come back to her. At least she could still snoop in peace. 
Though not exactly adept with social media, Ellie wasn’t stupid. When she wanted to look at your Instagram page, she did so through a fake, secret account that she’d made solely for that purpose. It felt pitiful to do so, at least at first. But she’d known you had no intention of speaking to her again, and therefore no longer needed to impress you; so she swallowed the feelings of shame and self-disgust every time. 
Switching over to a blank account with the user name “br!ck_master2013” that has 2 followers (both of which were bot profiles) and was following 0 accounts, Ellie types in your username by heart in the search bar. She scans your Instagram page for any changes. You don’t update it often; your last post is from early the previous summer and is just pictures of your family cat Clementine who had passed away. 
A purple and orange circle dances around your icon, indicating you’ve posted something on your story within the last 24 hours. She let out an agitated breath before pressing her thumb onto the mirror selfie you’d set as your profile picture. 
There are four stories: the first is from 22 hours ago and was a fan art post of a video game she knew you liked, the second is from 18 hours ago and was a picture of the mocha frappe Dina had gotten you the day prior with a caption thanking and tagging Dina, the third is from 15 hours ago of a post that read, “Don’t Want To See Trans People? Gouge Out Your Eyes” (prompting her to chuckle to herself), and the fourth is from this morning. Ellie’s breathing hitches. 
It was a selfie you’d taken in your bathroom before you left for class. You’d captioned it with “fuck mondays but at least i’m cute,” an understatement in Ellie’s eyes. She was only permitted a minute to gaze at you in person earlier today, and it was from several feet away. A picture doesn’t amount to the real thing, but at least she can fully drink you in with her ocean green eyes this time, completely at her leisure. 
You were wearing that same pretty, floral sundress, the sweater you were wearing earlier missing from your ensemble in the photograph. She doesn't recognize the dress, so she figures it must be new. Ellie thinks it looked like it was made for you, the way it fits you so perfectly. 
She then dares to stare at your face. Even after all these years, she revels in how flawlessly you were always able to have your makeup complement your appearance. It was a gift, really, how you used colours to, not create your beauty, but accentuate it. And you seemed to have gotten even better at it now. 
Ellie keeps taking in your image for what feels like a hundred years until your Instagram story closes out on her. She blinks and then sighs. 
There’s no way Anderson hasn’t made a move on her already. 
Ellie reaches underneath her bed and grabs her laptop. She knows what she was about to do pushed her even further into loser lesbian territory, but she had passed the point of caring long, long ago. She opens up her laptop and clicks on the Spotify application on her desktop. 
The window pops up to display a few recommended albums and playlists. Scrolling past her most recently listened to song (“Novacane” by Frank Ocean), she clicks on the little icon on the top right that says “Friend Activity.” A sidebar opens up to reveal icons of a handful of Ellie’s friends. And of you. 
When you’d blocked Ellie from everything, she guessed correctly that you wouldn’t think of blocking her on something as trivial as a music app. Most people in your generation didn’t really pay much attention to these stupid little details. But Ellie did. And she was thankful you didn’t. 
Ignoring what songs the rest of her friends were listening to at the moment, she looked for your icon to see what you were playing. According to the tiny grey letters next to your picture, you were listening to “decode” by some artist named Sabrina Carpenter. 
Ellie chuckles quietly. You had a rather wide variety in music taste, always having been musically inclined. But you weren’t immune to enjoying and fixating on what she would call “generic, top 40 pop straight girl music.” She’d tease you about this relentlessly, to which you would respond by turning the song up even louder and belting your heart out to it. Even though it was in the act of defying her, Ellie always noted internally what a pretty voice you had when you sang. 
She figures that this artist was your current new fixation. She grabs her spare earphones from the drawer of her bedside table, plugging them into her laptop. She clicks on the song you're still listening to and lets it play. As the song progresses, Ellie feels her heart sink. 
♫ You're good at the fallin', not the stayin' there / You're good at the givin' too much, then gettin' scared
You're good at impersonating someone who cares / And you had me for a minute there ♫
Ellie shifts her laptop to one side and rolls to the other, allowing the music to continue in her ears. 
♫ But now I wonder why / I let your confusion keep me up at night 
I'm so tired / Reread every single undertone ♫ 
Ellie sighs, hooking an arm underneath her pillow, clutching it tightly as she clenches her jaw. 
♫ There's a weight off my shoulders now that I don't chase you / Bein' myself, did that emasculate you? 
Learnin' from you that I can walk away too / And you had me for a minute too ♫
Ellie frowns, closing her eyes, allowing the song to envelop her in shame. 
♫ Now I wonder why / I let your confusion keep me up at night 
I'm so tired / Reread every single undertone and I—♫ 
“Yo, Williams—” A voice interrupts with a knock on her bedroom door. 
Ellie shoots up from her bed, earphones tearing out from her ears. 
“What?” Ellie answers, irritated. 
Jesse’s head pokes itself through the doorway. His expression turned into amusement once he saw hers of annoyance.  
“Oh, sorry, dude. Did I wake you?” 
“Yeah, but it’s fine,” Ellie lies, relaxing a little and tapping the spacebar to pause the song. “What’s up?” 
Jesse scans her features further. He took a step in, leaning against the doorframe. 
“You alright?” 
“All good, dude,” She says, closing her laptop and hopping off her bed. “Was just having a bad dream.” 
Jesse considers this when his eyes wander to Ellie’s knife sticking out of the wall. 
“Bro.” He says, pointing to it. 
“It was a really bad dream, alright?” She shrugs. 
“Els,” He groans. “If we don’t get our security deposit back—“ 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll fix it.” She says, crossing her arms. “What did you want?” 
“You got a second? Got someone here who wants to buy.” 
Ellie sighs. 
“Yeah, okay. They good?” 
“Should be.” Jesse confirms. 
“Fine.” Ellie replies, standing up straighter and rolling up the sleeves to her flannel. 
“Cool. You might have actually met him the other night.” Jesse jabs his thumb towards the living room, beckoning her to follow him. 
“The other night?” Ellie questions, trailing after. 
“Yeah, he was with us at the diner after the party.” 
“Wait, what?” 
Before Jesse can answer, Ellie’s eyes fall on who Jesse had brought into their apartment. Wearing a backwards cap, a plain navy blue t-shirt & khakis, their visitor looks like every other standard, forgettable college frat boy. 
But Ellie didn’t forget. In fact, Ellie remembers exactly who he was quite well. 
“You remember Adam?” Jesse asks.
“Man, really? Didn’t clock you as a queer.” 
“Yeah,” Ellie answers, eyes seeing red and hands balling up in fists. “Yeah, I remember you.”
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author’s notes:
okay so part of why this took me so long to write and why it also took a lot of convincing on my own part to post is cause i was writing it from ellie's perspective and that was a lot harder than i thought!! didn't plan it to be this way tbh but that's what flowed and well, here it is!
i hope all the college descriptions i’ve been writing have been realistic enough! i had a messy collegiate experience myself and i ended up dropping out after a few years, so i’m just trying to write from experiences from so many years ago (i legit researched what kind of classes aspiring astronauts need to take cause we know our girl wants to go up in space).
the birds on ellie's mug are just references to a couple of my gf's favourite birds (she's an avid bird watcher and she loves birds hehe)!
also idk why i know ellie's a whiskey drinker, but god i just know she is. what butch lesbian is not a whiskey drinker (just from personal experience, don't kill me).
you get a gold star if you got that "brick master" reference ♡︎
i also don't know why i know ellie would listen to frank ocean, but god her loser ass would be LISTENINGGGG to frank ocean. thank you also to everyone for bearing with me and my current sabrina carpenter phase rn ♡︎
does anyone else still look at their friends activity on spotify or is that just me. i love seeing what my friends are up to! i use the airbuds app too, i feel so involved. yeah, that is a pic of me from many years ago as reader's tiny little icon the spotify pic, that's the most y'all get as a pic of me rn sdklfjsd
taglist: @lonelyfooryouonly, @elliesinterlude, @sawaagyapong, @peppesgirl, @iconsoft, @maybeidohaveadhd, @ellieswifee, @valiantllamapersonpony-blog, @nil-eena, @echostinn, @uraesthete, @softbunlvr, @cherriessxinthespring, @amitycat, @thefishymissy, @yevheniiaaaa, @machetegirl109, @bertandfearnie, @ximtiredx, @efam, @elliesnoviecita, @digit4lslut, @tayyyystan, @emothurman, @livvy-2000, @abigaillovestoread, @gold-dustwomxn, @liabadoobee, @yuckyfucky, @qtefolleunpez, @libr4sonsa, @17luv, @robinismywifee, @villainousbear, @ashlynnnnnnnn15, @scarlettadore, @vianna99, @g0n3girls, @totheblood, @embermdk, @awyunh, @kenz-ee, @marvelwomen-simp
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phantomyre · 10 months
It is time... to obsessively hyper analyze Vincent. Come on. You knew it was coming.
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So first off, while there isn't a lot to glean per se, there are a few interesting design choices that I'd like to go over. One thing that I was surprised about is the complete lack of round shapes/edges. Vincent looks overall a lot more 'sharp', 'edgy', whatever you want to term it. Take his buckles for example. The round edges have been replaced by sharp edges. Artistically speaking, these design choices are meant to depict the character's personality. For example, if you have a soft character, you use soft colors, soft edges, round shapes, etc. If you want a more harsh character, you give them dark or vivid colors, lots of squares, triangles, etc. In Vincent's case, they've virtually removed all of the round/soft edges he always used to have. We will delve further into this as we scan down his body *cough*. Edit: Forgot to point out that he has double the spokes on his buckles, so instead of 4 prominent spokes, he now has 8, which is the symbol of Chaos.
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Anyways.... speaking of Chaos.
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Continuing to analyze his upper body, the most obvious are his eyes (or single eye). It's hard to tell, but judging by the few clips we've seen along with the still images, it looks as though only his left eye is glowing. Nevertheless, he does have the Chaos inner-glow. While he's always had a touch of yellow/orange in his eyes, it looked more like natural eye reflection rather than an actual glow. This is likely the change the dev team hinted at during an earlier interview. His pupils are also notably very small compared to all of the other characters with the exception of Sephiroth's cat-eye slits. Overall, they've made it a point to give Vincent predatory eye(s) this time around, leaning more heavily into the fact that he is no longer fully human. The material that makes up Vincent's cape and headband seem to be of slightly different material, and the colors are even slightly different. His headband looks to be made of a very thin cloth of fine thread. His cloak, though also seemingly thin and light, is only slightly thicker. His cloak looks to be made of either felt or very fine linen which looks to be heavily worn out (of course). Also, Vincent seems to have snake-skin on his gun-wielding arm which I've only seen the Turks and Sephiroth wear. In general, this luxury material seems to only be worn by those connected to Shinra. Thus, it is likely this is meant to coincide with Vincent's past as a Turk. But in terms of his role as Turk, I will get to that a little later.
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I think we can all agree that the weapon he is currently wielding is Quicksilver. It would make sense that he would start off with the same weapon he has in OG, though I and many others were surprised he wasn't wielding his most iconic weapon, Cerberus. While it isn't confirmed, and with the inclusion of many DoC elements, this makes me think that we could get an origins story for how Vincent obtained Cerberus in the first place. We are getting an origins story for Sephiroth's Masamune in Ever Crisis, and we already know the Bustersword's origins, so it's not out of the question. (And there are a lot of parallels to be drawn between Cloud, Sephiroth, and Vincent). Side note: I didn't write this in the graph but you can also see Vincent's left eye glowing through his bangs yet again even from such a distance. Natural white room bounce-light wouldn't have this affect on normal eyes. Rebirth Vincent seems to be sporting his OG button-top which is a design that we haven't seen since OG. It too has a little bit of snake-skin accents. A few other not so important changes are the alterations of his buckles, and the fact that it looks to be more obvious that he is wearing a two-piece set instead of a single piece jumper. Makes it much easier to remove, am I right?
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Going down to those luscious DoC hips, some belts are shifted around or missing, but then we have the thigh guard which was responsible for giving Vincent that unusually thick hip appearance. However, he is still sporting that gorgeous slutty tiny waist we all love from DoC. Thank you, Squeenix. The armor on his side is an odd choice, though more than likely it is meant to protect those birthing hips from that extra dangerous looking set of claws--- which I would like to remind is also lacking in round edges. Yet again, all of the round shapes/edges have been replaced by sharp ones. Take the knuckles for example. I will miss his AC/DoC claw. It was less of a bitch to draw. The gauntlet looks to serve not only for offense but for defense as well. It is heavily armored for impact, and as we will see going down the rest of his body, heavy protection and sharp edges continue to be a theme for his new Rebirth look.
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Once again, we can see how thin and light the material is on his cloak. It is in contrast to his very elaborate and possibly expensive gear/suit. His cloak and headband seem to be the only things that clashes with the rest of his gear in terms of quality and practicality. While there are signs of use on his armor, it pales in comparison to the possible age and wear of his cloak. As a matter of fact, it almost looks like it is about to fall apart... like it was hand-made years ago. Very different from the heavy material we see in AC and DoC. And then of course there are the sabatons/greaves. While I cannot pin-point it, his armor design seems reminiscent of the Ancients/Minerva for some reason. That aside, the heavily layered armor makes it seem like he will be doing a lot more damage with his claw and legs going forward, on top of being heavily protected. The design on his shin reminded me of an army symbol, but that's neither here nor there. ....And I'm so happy they kept his tiny ankles. In general, Vincent's Rebirth design seems to lean into a Vincent that is much more guarded, 'edgy', and ultimately a lot more reserved, albeit self-reliant. We've seen as much in his room where it doesn't appear that he has only been moping in a coffin all these years. What's more---
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--He points a gun at Cloud and threatens the group. This did not happen in OG. Vincent appears to be even more distrusting and hostile this time around. This yet again is depicted in how he is dressed in the heavy armor and ample sharp edges.
And what's with a vending machine and protorelic(?) dispenser in his mancave? Vincent boss fight, maybe? Please? Sure seems like Vincent hasn't been lacking anything... But back to Vincent being a lot more distrusting this time.
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Unless this is merely for the audience and new FF7 fans who know nothing of his character, this implies that Vincent doesn't divulge his connection to the Turks and instead calls himself "Security" guard. And not only that, it's spoken as if it's current tense. Not past tense. So yet again, if Vincent is indeed avoiding the term Turk and doesn't even tell Cloud and Co that he used to work for Shinra, this adds to the idea that his level of distrust is much higher than before. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if joins the party much later, even after learning who Cloud's foe is. And since his connection to Sephiroth aka Lucrecia/Hojo is the mystery factor, he may not even divulge this to Cloud and Co when they first meet until much later. Either way, Vincent might actually prove to be a much tougher egg to crack this time around, along with more layers to uncover. (take that last phrase however you'd like)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
(Based on an ask for @pilot-boi About a Wall-E Whiteknight Au, and given Wall-e was instrumental to my childhood, I cannot help but write something for it. Because it's an AU, and they're both Human and not Robots, I took a few Liberties with the scene in the movie.)
Weiss was beyond frustrated. Nothing, after nothing, after nothing - no signs of life aside from the most extremophile of bacteria, protozoans, insects, and the occasional mold on fecal matter to imply the continuation of species on this gods-forsaken ball of mud.
She slammed the door of the cargo ship she was investigating shut, the rust sticking to her now dirtied gloves. Ugh.
She drifted by the crane of it, not noticing the creaks as it followed her, eventually ripping her back onto the magnet that hadn't fallen in the centuries of just sitting there.
And so Weiss snapped.
She whipped Myrtenaster out, igniting the plasmic blade and slicing the disc that held her back to pieces, before using her energetic glyphs to shred the the hulking metal antique, making it into even more scrap than it already was.
It toppled into the next ship, and then the next one, like dominoes. Deep, resonate bellows of creaks from the sudden movement after centuries of dormant stillness shook Weiss to her core.
She watched them fall, and for the time since her landing, let her feet settle against the ground. It was hard, dry, and barren, like the rest of this abandoned home. Weiss sat against an anchor, the fire and sparks filling a growing void in her chest, not unlike the one meant for plant life in her pack.
She sat there in silence - something the Passengers spoke of when in the few times she was allowed to meet them crossed her mind - A campfire. Whatever that was, it was meant to be shared with Family, something she'd been missing for a long time, her siblings being designated to different vectors of maintenance and service.
Weiss reeled, drawing her sword once more, and startling a nearby person - A Person?!?
"Wer bist du?" She asked on high alert - this planet was meant to be dead, she was meant to find life here - who or what was this ... Person?
The person didn't respond, shaking violently at the sight of her blade - they appeared masculine, broad shouldered with dirty-blonde hair, though it was difficult to tell if that was due to genetics or living situation.
"Quis es?"
No Response.
No Response, but they did seem slightly less frightened given the lack of aggression.
"Chi sei?"
Their shaking slowed as they looked more inquisitive and confused than scared now.
"Qui es-tu?"
"OH! Je- Je M'appelle 'Jaune.' Vous parlez Anglais?"
"Yes I speak English."
"Oh, good!"
'Jaune' continued glancing at the glowing rapier. They seemed frightened of it still. Until he drew his own Weapon.
It wasn't as elegant as Myrtenaster, clearly older and having been used more - an old working tool for scrapping large objects, the thin, yellow sheen of plasma raced across it's edges.
"This is my Cutting tool. Your's is cool to!"
Weiss, once again, was thrown for a loop. He had drawn a dangerous device and waved it like it was a piece of extra piping.
"Jaune? Do you have a title or last name?"
The (boy?) seemed to flush at her pronunciation at his name.
"Jaune, of the A.R.C. Ministry"
"Allocators of Recycled Components."
"How are you alive? Are there others like you?"
"Oh yeah! A lot, like, two hundred, three hundred others in the Bunker? Primarily we survive on Spirulina Compound. It provide most of our Oxygen and Food stuffs."
Weiss stood for a moment, deactivating her sword and pondering this - They'd been living in space for centuries. Earth was dead, barren, she was only barely able to survive due to advanced CO2 recycling.
"Have .. have you been following me?"
"Yep! You just seemed so pret-"
He was cut off by an alarm in his overalls. He lowered the visor to the helmet he wore, staring past her Weiss's shoulder.
"We need to leave Now." Jaune said, grabbing Weiss' wrist with a surprising amount of force, which she took none too kindly.
She reactived her Blade as she tore her hand away from him. "WHAT make you think You can grab me-"
"SANSTORM!" Jaune shouted, pointing past her "WE NEED TO GO, FOLLOW-"
Before he could even move to grab Weiss again, he slammed a massive tower shield in to the ground, covering himself from the blast of sand that tore at her skin and suit -
Weiss was whipped away, barely able to keep upright against the torrential winds, her Glyphs her only saving grace.
She Called out for the boy, anyone, frightened and alone, her suit's helmet the only thing allowing her to keep her eyes open even as it because scratched and muddled.
A hand found it's way to her wrist again, a dim yellow glow standing out against the violent dust letting her know she'd been found by Jaune.
It gave her some small comfort to not be alone as he dragged her somewhere, hopefully safe.
I fucking LOVE Wall-e. I made my First OC for Wall-e (Not that I knew what that meant at the time.) I had the Three-Disc Special edition, the Movie and it's Featurette Presto, The Second Disc with a gallery of the Bots, the Lots of Bots read-along, Burn-E (Who I imagine to be Qrow with his luck) and all the other special features, and the Digital Copy Disc to download it onto a Laptop or P.C. back when owning a digital copy of a movie was something special, and that's not even halve of it!
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hollowtones · 2 months
ayy monhun fan! what are you thinkin of what we've seen of wilds so far?
The initial trailer they dropped months ago was pretty cool. "World" is my least favourite game that I've played (even thought I liked it a lot!!), and 90% of why I felt that way was "this is the first time they're making a game of this scale / scope / direction", so it's exciting to see them make a successor to it now that they're not also learning how to make a game like it from the bottom-up & not also building the tech side of it from scratch.
Big desert environments have me excited!!!! I love the way these games do deserts. I'm always dreaming of Val Habar. I love the colour palette they're using for this area. Big fan of Yoshi being a new mechanic. In general I'm noticing a lot of things in "Wilds" that feel like a really cool mix of ideas from "World" and "Rise" in a way that feels a little more grounded. It's cool that they're bringing back a buddy you can ride around on & control. I wonder if they'll let Yoshi fight with you. I don't remember if they showed that off already. Getting to hotswap between 2 weapons without having to run back to base camp feels like a big deal that I haven't really wrapped my head around yet.
The focus mode thing seems fine. More granular control over aiming sometimes seems neat, & the footage we've seen makes it feel like positioning & animation commitment are still a part of it, which I like. Expanding part-breaking into "opening wounds that take more damage & enable special attacks" seems cool! (There was a similar-ish tenderizing mechanic with the Clutch Claw in "Iceborne", and I fuckin hated using it. Loved the idea of it at first. Having to do this whole separate action that interrupted the flow of the fight in a weird way to enable more damage felt awful after a while!! And they designed all the fights around the fact that you have it & use it! So I'm glad they're seemingly taking what I liked about it & chucking out the rest, haha.) I remember there was some hubbub about focus existing at all when news was first dropping. Some people were mad about it? I feel like this happens every time they announce a new Monster Hunter. They reveal a new feature, and a couple guys crawl out of the woodwork to go "THEY HAVE MADE THE VIDEO GAME PITIFUL AND EASIER - THIS IS THE DEATH OF THE FRANCHISE!" The franchise has died every game since the first one, by my count. (They end up buying the game anyway, of course.) I hope they put out a demo soon, though. I wanna get my hands on it & see how it works in the middle of a fight to see how I actually feel about it.
Weapon & armour design so far has been great. Happy about that. The bits of NPC designs we've seen have been cool. I don't really like the smith's look very much. Which makes me sad because I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be Little Miss Forge. LOL
When they first showed the game off I remember thinking "yeah, that's cool, I'm looking forward to this, but it's coming out Next Year & we're not even halfway done with 2024." Well now we're almost two thirds of the way through the year. And they keep dropping gameplay trailers. And they look hype as fuck!! And now I'm feeling more impatient!!! I wanna try this shit out soon!!! I wonder if they'll drop a public demo after Gamescom or something. I wonder if my computer could even run it...
I liked the way Hunting Horn played in "Rise" but it's cool to see the more traditional recitals back. (But faster!! And with new combo paths!!) I think I've spent a cumulative hour or two watching that horn trailer over and over again for little details. The funny bubble reminds me of bead of resonance but it seems like it might also be some kind of AoE team buff? It could also just be extra damage like bead was. But I loved bead. So I'll take it. Being a Hunting Horn fan is accepting that you'll be playing an entirely different weapon in every subsequent game, so I suppose I fuss less about whether or not it plays like any one specific game. But mannnnnn it looks cool as hell this time around.
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merriepy · 2 months
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•. Chamber x fem!Reader
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tags: soft angst + remote comfort, oneshot
cw: /
summary: During his vacation in France, Chamber decides to visit his lover who he had to leave behind due to his career
a/n: This story was written over the course of two or so years because I was procrastinating
Words: 2,3k
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A lone cafe at the end of the road.
The small Jade Plants and Aloe Vera which were carefully placed by her in front of the entrance gave off a cozy feeling; one like home. Maybe that's why he felt so drawn to this place - as if pulled by a magnet. He always returned, even now.
Chamber's work at the Valorant Protocol has always been overshadowed by the distrust of his colleagues. Though he wouldn't say that they excluded him on purpose from certain missions, he knew that some agents avoided sharing their work and findings with him. Not that it bothered the weapon designer - he imagined that it would turn out like this the moment he stepped inside headquarters for the first time. He wasn't particularly upset. The Valorant Protocol was an elite squad, if they weren't the ones to suspect something bloody red behind his perfect reputation then nobody would.
However, that didn't mean that it wasn't exhausting for him. Sure - it was his job. The Valorant Protocol was only a stepping stone for his ultimate goal, and despite trying to be on friendly terms with the other agents, he treated it as such.
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He always had this tension in his heart whenever he was on his way to visit his old high school sweetheart. Their past was a difficult one, leaving scars that they never managed to fix until they eventually ripped open everything they used to have - like a carnivore dismantling its prey. Somehow he wished that he could've done something to make it work out, but the damage it had caused was too immense. Eventually, he moved away, leaving her behind to pursue his ultimate goal, not trying to think about what must have been going on in her head at that time. He knew about the agony it would cause her, but he had to ignore the feeling of guilt for his own sake, though it was more than just 'being selfish'.
But he learned not to care.
And yet they would always return to each other - some form of guilty pleasure -before reopening the wounds that caused them to fall apart, with the pain growing bigger and heavier each time they acted on their desires. Deep down he would always year for her touches, for her voice to tell him that everything was okay until their fighting would drag him back to the cold reality. One he destroyed with his ego.
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He couldn't help but smile when he saw that the interior still hadn't changed. Everything looked just like the last time he came to visit her. The Aloe Vera plants hanging from the ceiling in self-made clay pots, the dark brown counter with the 90's jukebox right next to it, the abstract monochrome paintings beneath a sign saying "It's Always Coffee Time", even the orange light from the sunset felt as if he was reliving a memory from the past. Slowly, he moved his left hand over one of the wooden tables. It brought him back to his time with Culverin and the French military where he used to visit this place by far the most.
"Vincent," her voice brought back so many emotions within him that he longed for during his absence, " I missed you." The man looked up as he heard the sound of a door closing in the back. Behind a counter stood a woman, her arms resting on the working surface made out of marble as she smiled at the guy in the middle of the room. Before he could reply she made a hand gesture. "We've closed already, no need to rush." He walked over to her and softly kissed her forehead, "I missed you too, (Y/N),"
She returned his kiss with a smile. "Do you want to drink anything?" she asked, turning on the coffee machine standing behind her without even looking. The man carefully sat down on one of the bar stools in front of the woman and just watched her doing her job before answering. "You know me," he whispered, "I'll take the usual." She laughed while playfully patting his head. "You never change, Vincent."
No, he never changed - at least not when spending time with her. Suddenly he was a 20-year-old aspiring PMC marksman again who used to visit his high school sweetheart's cafe on a daily base. He remembered it all so vividly, how they were sitting at the counter together until the middle of the night, how he could talk with her about everything, and how amazing the taste of her drinks was.
"Your order, mister~" she announced as she placed a cup of coffee in front of him before sitting down herself. She yawned, causing Chamber to frown. "Had a stressful day, my love?" He reached his right hand out and carefully placed it on her cheek. "You can tell me everything."
Her gaze wandered aimlessly through the shop, purposefully avoiding his question. She didn't want to start another fight by saying something wrong, so she just kept her mouth shut. "If you don't want to talk about it-" "No, it's ok," she answered rapidly, cutting the man off, "I merely had a lot of customers today. Nothing special."
Obviously, Chamber wasn't satisfied with that answer yet he didn't want to continue asking. He knew what happened in the past. So he just nodded, continuing to drink his coffee while waiting for the woman to start another conversation.
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They ended up sitting in silence for at least 10 minutes. The sun had faded already, and most of the room was covered in darkness. Only the dim lights from behind the counter were visible. Chamber had just finished his drink and carefully placed the beautifully decorated cup before him. "Delicious as always, my love~" The woman smiled faintly, her hand tracing the sides of the counter as she still kept avoiding his gaze. "So... you're done?" The man flinched slightly at her peculiar word choice. "I mean, it's your place. If I should leave please-" "No no no!" she immediately yelled and cut him off. "It's not like that. I just, I thought you wanted to leave."
Chamber grinned as he stood up from his chair and walked over to his long-lost girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him with his chest pressed against her back. Vincent grabbed a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. "So you want to stay close to me, my love? My, I didn't know you missed me that much." She softly placed her hands on his and gave into his embrace. "I never said that I don't want to have you close by." He chuckled before kissing her neck a few times. Shivers ran down the woman's spine as she felt his lips on her skin. "So I can stay for a little longer?" he whispered into her ear once he was satisfied with his work. "I suppose," she answered, "but only if you tell me a little bit about your work."
It had been a while since he had talked with her about the Valorant protocol. She knew a lot, more than she should at the very least. He wasn't hesitant to give out classified information from time to time if she was interested in hearing it. He smiled and pointed to one of the benches to their right. "Let's go then, love."
He took her hand as he guided her over to their place. His grip was protective; firm yet comforting. She followed right behind him. When he sat down he pulled the woman onto his lap. His hands were wrapped around her waist once more as he made himself comfortable on the sofa. She reluctantly adjusted her position. Chamber laughed softly and started stroking her head. "I've missed you so much, my dear." Her expression seemed sad. "Yeah, I know."
She restrained herself from fully pouring her heart out. She knew that there was no place for her in his life. Not with Kingdom back then, and not now with Valorant. And it was selfish to ask. He had told her about so many things. Omega Earth, how the agents of the protocol defended humanity and all the struggles and hardship they went through. And the teleporter to the other side that he could help to finally get working. They needed him more than she did.
A soft touch trailed down the side of her body. It was her most sensitive place, the skin just above her waist. And he knew that, for he had stroked this place so many times when they were younger. Wilder. Free.
"I don't like how lost you are in thoughts, my love," he whispered into her ear with such a demanding tone. "Tell me what's wrong. Please." Chamber's head rested on her shoulder and he pulled her even closer, into a protective hug. It was caring. Loving. And she hated it.
"Vincent, I," she tried to find the right words. And maybe she even tried to drag out the moment. Maybe she was scared. Or maybe not. She couldn't tell as all those emotion clouded her mind. "I just can't anymore. I've missed you so much. And every time when I think you're finally over me and I'm finally over you. You just. Stand in front of my door. And I hate it." One single tear was rolling down her cheek, joining all the others that she had shed over him so many times already. "If I can't be with you... then we should finally draw the line."
His expression was unreadable. Somewhere between sadness and acceptance. She wondered if he saw it coming, that's she wouldn't keep up with their on-and-off-relationship for the rest of their life. "I have other plans," she continued, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back more tears. "I want to settle down, have my café, maybe a family if the circumstances allow it. But you're focused on your career, and that's ok, but you need to be honest with yourself. I need someone who sees me as their first choice. If you can't give me that- then leave me for good." Her hand reached out to him, visibly shaking, and softly trailing over his cheek. She smiled at feeling his skin on her fingers. "I want to go with you. Or want you to stay here. One of it, I don't care. I can start over somewhere else. Please, Vincent. Give me an answer."
Chamber placed his hand on her cheeks and softly stroked away her tears. His gaze carried a silent apology. It was enough of an answer for her.
Her heart was torn apart, and even though she wanted to be mad at him so badly, she knew that he was hurting as well. At least she liked to tell herself that because she couldn't face the faint possibility that he actually didn't care.  Despite wanting to do as she said and tell him get out, she buried her face in his chest and gave into his embrace one final time. As he reciprocated her hug, he placed a kiss on her forehead.
They didn't talk for they were being too pain struck to even mumble a single word. The woman's eyes closed as she listened to her lover's heartbeat.
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Soft rays of sunlight were dancing on her skin as she got woken up by movement below her. As the girl tried opening her eyes which reacted badly to the sudden change in contrast. The street outside had yet to become as busy as usual, but she could tell that the people walking by were messengers of the soon to arrive morning rush. "Fuck, it's morning already! I can't open the café like this," she complained as she hastily looked around to find a clock somewhere. "I'll just call in sick and ask someone else to open the shop later today." While she was running around trying to organise everything for her coworkers later, Chamber had been simply watching her without leaving his place. It took a while for her to notice he was still there.
She tried to avoid his gaze knowing that she had to face him one last time until it was farewell. Her nails scratched over the wooden surface of the counter as she tried to hold back her tears. She was frustrated. With herself. With him.
He had approached her from behind in the meantime and trailer his fingers down her curves. "I want you to be happy, love." The sad tone in his voice echoed through the building, weaving together a melody of despair with the sound of her tears dropping down to the ground. "But if my job in the protocol is ever complete, I promise that I will marry you."
The pain ate away at her, and hearing his promise didn't make things easier for her. She wanted to forget but knew deep down that she could never get over him. "You promise?" she asked with her voice being but a mere whisper. He would return. And they could have a future together.
"Of course my darling." He placed one final kiss on her lips to manifest his promise before heading towards the door.
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And as you watched him disappear into the sunrise, you trailed your fingers over your lips where he had just touched you.
You knew he would return.
For you.
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 4 months
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Blood Sport
Feyd Rautha x Y/N - drabble part 2 - 1.2K WC
Part 1
Part 2 (you are here!)
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 NSFW 18+
Warnings: violence, blood, blood eating/drinking (BRIEF AF), sword/knife fighting, reader is just built different, she is THAT bitch, slow burn, this man is falling slowly for your ruthless ass
You walked into the training arena. A large black room with a plethora of weapons to choose from. Everything was of Harkonnen design, curved heavy blades with thicker handles. You preferred your own Cruor weapons, thin balanced straight blades that were easy to move quickly so your nails could also become improvised weapons. You took your personal blades from your maid before dismissing them, wanting to be alone to train. You readied yourself before slashing expertly at the training dummies, practicing a technique taught to you by the monks of Succo. 
House Cruor had occupied the planet Succo long before you were born; all ancient teachings were still taught. Especially to you as the sole heir. You were just as deadly as you were intelligent. Legend has it that the Sardaukar held only a fraction of the battle knowledge the monks of Succo had. Such a powerful but secretive house, you were almost forgotten as your planet was at the far reaches of the universe. Nobody went there unless they had a purpose. The cold dark planet shrouded in red darkness full of blood magic. You thought of your home, how you already missed its ethereal red glow. How you were now stuck on Geidi Prime, promised to a man who was rumored to be psychotic. From what you gathered, he found himself to be impenetrable. Arrogant. You would not bring shame to your house by refusing the marriage, Harkonnens are formidable in battle and useful allies. But that did not mean you had to become some cowering pup. You would show them all just how strong House Cruor is. 
Lost in your training you barely heard the door open and shut. You threw your smaller blade behind you without looking, defense mode taking over your brain. When you turned, poising yourself with your larger blade, ready to attack, you saw Feyd with your knife in his hand. Blood trickled down his hand but he didn’t seem to mind it. You could smell it across the room, it was tart but somehow sweet. It made your mouth water in anticipation of tasting it. Feyd lowered his hand, looking at your knife before tossing it aside. He pulled one of the Harkonnen swords off the nearby wall before walking towards you. You grunted, sharpening your eyes and standing your ground when he got to close. You listened to his blood pump, his heart beat quickly. 
“Are you afraid to fight?” you asked him.
He answered with a scoff, “Afraid? Of you?”
“You should be.” you said, “Your heart beat tells me you are.” you smirked, egging him on.
His face hardened, he struck out at you multiple times, you dodged each strike without even lifting your blade. You laughed at him, moving fluidly as if this were child's play for you. His face grew angrier with each strike that missed.
“Fight if you are going to fight!” he yelled, “Or is it you who is afraid?” he spat.
Wrong words. You lunged at him, slashing wildly but with expert precision. He did his best to dodge your blows but you were faster, more skilled. You kicked out his leg before slashing his hand with your nails, causing him to drop his sword. You went down with him, straddling his chest so your legs could hold his arms down. You held your sword behind you while holding your nails to his throat. Little pin pricks left a droplet trail of blood down his neck. 
Both of you were breathing heavily, “I have you.” you said mere inches away from his face.
He looked at you, bewildered. Amazed by your skill, nobody had ever bested him so quickly. 
“Yield?” you asked, pressing your nails slightly harder.
Feyd groaned, but not out of pain. Out of sheer arousal. He did his best to hide it, alter it. After a moment he nodded. You stood quickly, holding out a hand to help him up. He looked at you for a moment before grabbing your hand with his bleeding one and hoisting himself up with your aid. You looked at the crimson on your hand before licking the dribble up. Your eyes fluttered shut, he was sweet. Like some sort of rich, deep wine that you wanted to drown in. Your fangs ached for more. 
“Do I taste good?” he asked with a smirk.
You opened your eyes to see his arrogant face, how you loathed that face. You quickly spat the blood on the floor, “Absolutely vile.” you replied to him. 
You picked up your knife before heading towards the door. 
“Wait!” he said with urgency. 
You turned to look at him, giving him a quizzical look. 
“Train me.” he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Please… train me… you are a worthy opponent.” he said with sincerity.
Your heart softened a bit at his wanting to learn from you and admitting you were a great warrior. You nodded at him before leaving.
You stayed in your room for the day, the blinding light of the black sun on Geidi Prime was getting tiring walking in every day. You had black out curtains installed to somewhat resemble home. Light was not deadly to the Cruor but it was irritating; like a pebble in your shoe. 
You heard a knock on your door, thinking it was one of your maids you allowed them to enter. You laid on your bed with your eyes closed in a lengthy black robe that was ever so slightly sheer. 
“What is it?” you asked.
“I have something for you.” said a gruff voice. 
You shot up, “What do you want?” you asked, surprised he was in your chambers. 
Feyd held out a small disc. “What’s that?” you said moving slightly closer to him.
He moved to your bed, standing almost chest to chest with you at the end of it. He set the disc down before activating it. The room filled with stars and a familiar red glow, the red supergiant your people referred to as Rubrum glowing in the corner. 
You looked around amazed, surprisingly happy to be with Feyd at this moment. Feyd watched as you looked around, admiring your beautifully striking features. He was growing to like you and thought this olive branch might soften you towards him a bit. For some reason, the setup brought a few tears to your eyes.
“What is it?” Feyd asked.
“I miss Succo… I miss home…” you said, looking on at the stars and Rubrum. You used to get this view everyday, yet it almost felt like a distant memory looking at it now. 
Feyd’s heart dropped a little, “Geidi Prime is not to your liking?” he asked, looking on at the stars with you. 
“It is too bright… and lonely.” you said, mumbling the last bit.
Feyd softly turned you to face him with a finger under your chin, “Keep this, enjoy your home view whenever you wish it.” 
You locked your eyes with his, his eyes glancing to your lips then back up repeatedly. You softly dragged one of your claws over his cheek bones. Turning his head, you gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you Feyd.” you said with sincerity. 
His name sounded so perfect on your lips, he wanted to hear you say it over and over again. “Feyd huh?” he remarked.
“Do you expect me to call you Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha? Because I will not be doing that.” you said, backing away from him. 
Feyd smiled, amused with your attitude. He had never met someone so sure of themself.
Naboo's Note:
Yeeeeee were getting into it!! This series is gonna be so fun I just know it. I'm gonna try to make it a slow burn but I have never been great those so here's to hoping. Thanks for all the love around my idea, I really have a lot of hope and ideas for it so its nice to see other people think my weird space vampires are cool. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO, talk soon!
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book-place · 1 year
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Warnings: various marvel movie spoilers, cursing, violence, drinking, weapons, death, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers x reader platonic
*not my gif*
Summary: You became an avenger at a young age, and grew close with your team
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears For Fears
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Welcome to your life
Your eyebrows shot up as you let out a low whistle and turned on your heel, taking in your surroundings, “This place is nice,” You commented.
Tony smiled proudly from beside you, placing his hands on his hips, “I designed it myself.” He announced.
Natasha scowled, walking up from behind him and efficiently delivering a harsh slap upside his head, making the man yelp and grab onto the back of his hair, eyes filled with betrayal.
“Don’t let him fool you,” She said calmly, “Pepper did most of the work, he just likes taking the credit.”
You chuckled lightly at their antics, still taking in the sight of Avengers Tower in all its glory.
“Yeah, yeah,” The man scoffed before turning to and regarding you once more, “Come on, we’ll show you up to your room.”
Being recruited by the Avengers was the very last thing you had expected after a lab accident gone wrong, one that ended up giving you the power to create force fields around yourself and others. But it happened, and now you were being welcomed with open arms into your new home, even though you were just a teenager.
The three of you rode side by side up an elevator. A machine that though simple and common, was even fancier than almost anything you had ever seen.
Everything you looked at was ten times more expensive than anything you had ever even been allowed to look at in your life.
It came to a stop on a floor too high for other buildings and your two newly found teammates allowed you to exit before them.
You had already met the rest of the team, so you weren’t overly nervous about running into any of them on your first day.
“-and this is your room,” Tony concluded his tour of the floor that consisted of all of your rooms and a living room and kitchen, as well as a dining room.
He had explained to you that it was considered the living floor, but there were many others identical to this one if a case or purpose ever arose for it.
Yet again, you couldn’t help but allow your jaw to drop as soon as Natasha gently pushed the door open, revealing a room that could be an entire floor of the house you used to live in.
Tony walked off, calling over his shoulder about having JARVIS alert you of when dinner would be ready, but the redhead stayed behind.
She smiled gently at you, reaching out and squeezing your shoulder gently, “Welcome to the Avengers.” She said softly.
You exhaled a long breath when she began to walk in the direction Stark had just left in, and you tried to wrap your mind around what your life was becoming. The new life you were beginning to lead.
There's no turning back
All of it was too overwhelming. Too loud. Too dangerous. Too unpredictable.
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t see, you couldn’t even hear yourself think.
It was your first mission as an Avenger and of course, it was going horribly. It was nothing like all the training and simulations you had been put through, or even the sparring you had done with Steve.
This was real- this was deadly. The gunshots wouldn’t just momentarily stun you, they would take away your life in a second, without hesitation.
You could barely even register the arrow that whizzed right past your head, narrowly missing you in such a way that had to be done purposefully, and ending up in the chest of a soilder you had been too distracted to even notice charging at you.
For the first time since the battle had begun, the first clear thought fought through the fog of your brain and became clear to you.
You needed to get out of there.
There were no further thoughts after that. No regret or guilt for leaving your team to fend for themselves. No shame for being a coward on your first time out in the field. Just the rapid, uneven, rising and falling of your chest and the constant ringing in your ears that wouldn’t go away.
Somehow, you had been coherent enough to stumble behind a flipped over vehicle that gave you shelter from the fight.
You sank to the ground unceremoniously and automatically brought your knees up to your chest and your hands to your hair, pulling harshly on the roots.
“Hey, hey-“ Clint dropped into a crouch by your side, placing a hand on your shoulder as his eyes swept over your face in concern, “What is it, kid? What’s wrong?”
All you could manage to do in your pathetic state was snap your eyes up to the man as your breathing came in and out unsteadily.
Suddenly, a look of realization overcame on his features and he reached his arm over and began to gently rub your back up and down. Much to your surprise, his expression was entirely void of the anger and disappointment you would have expected to see there after being found cowering pathetically away from the fight.
“I remember my first mission,” He spoke softly after a moment, eyes still scanning your surroundings for any sign of danger, “It wasn’t even as an avenger- mine was a whole hell of a lot less pressure than yours is. I was just some rookie shield agent on a mission that mattered, but wouldn’t have devastating effects if it went sideways.”
Slowly, your body unconsciously began to relax under his comforting hand and gentle words. He continued with a small chuckle to himself, “I couldn’t even hold my bow correctly. My hands were shaking too much- I’m pretty sure I shit my pants.”
That, at least, made a shaky smile make its way onto your face. It was small, but it was still something.
“It’s okay to be nervous and scared,” Clint spoke again, “Hell, I still feel the fear every time I step into one of these things. But I promise you,” He ducked his head so he could look you in the eyes, “We wouldn’t have picked you to be on our team if each and every one of us didn’t think that you were more than capable of doing this.”
“Really?” The question came out quietly. You hadn’t known that it had been their decision about whether or not to let you onto the team.
The man clapped your shoulder gently, “You’re an avenger, kid. We would never force you into a mission, especially one like this, but we could always use your help. So do you think you can go back out there and help us kick ass?”
A wave of confidence surged over your body and you straightened up and strongly nodded your head once.
He cracked a grin, standing up and helping you to your feet, “That’s what I like to hear.”
Even while we sleep
“Y/n, Y/n, come on. You have to wake up.” Steve shook your shoulders gently but firmly, “We have a mission.”
An incoherent grumble left your lips and you pushed your face farther into the pillow, refusing to open your eyes.
He sighed, “It’s in Sokovia,” He continued to shake you, “And it’s really important, people are counting on us.”
That finally caught your attention, and you reluctantly opened your eyes and threw your blanket off of yourself. You sat up and stretched your arms to the ceiling, “No one told me being an Avenger would mean waking up in the middle of the night,” You whined.
The blond man smiled at you sympathetically, “If we don’t do it, then who will?”
We will find you
“Shit!” Tony exclaimed through the comms, no doubt dodging something as extreme as a missal as he spoke.
“Language!” Steve chimed back instantly, almost as if it was second nature, the sound of his motorcycle revving sounding in the background.
You laughed loudly as you threw up a forcefield around yourself, successfully stopping a round of bullets from penetrating your skin.
“Wait a minute,” Tony chimed back in, “Is anyone going to comment on the fact that Cap just said ‘language’?”
“I will!” You cackled, punching a very confused soldier in the face, “He’s such an old man!”
Laughter from the rest of your team came through your ears as Steve let out a small huff, an explosion coming from the general direction you knew he was in, “It just slipped out,” He defended, “Plus, there’s a kid here.”
A gasp of offension left your lips and you could hear Clint take over your cackling from over comms, Nat even snickering a bit.
“I’m not a kid, Rogers!” You whined in a very child-like manner.
Turning your head to the side, you saw a large group of people rush their way over to Clint, no doubt hoping to overwhelm and overrun the man with their numbers.
With a slight tut of your tongue, though, you threw your hand out in his direction, making a force field form a protective barrier around him, to give him the time he needed to prepare for their attack and take them down with ease.
He turned his head to you with an appreciative nod and you called over with a playful grin, “We’re even now!” Referring to your first mission, merely a few months ago, that he had effortlessly saved you.
It was a joke between the two of you, everytime one of you would save the other, you would say that you were either even with one another or they owed you one, even though you had both long since lost track of all the saves.
Acting on your best behavior
You let out a loud cheer, raising your pool cue in victory with a large grin adorning your features, laughing as Steve let out a playful groan.
The blond man’s friend, Sam, laughed loudly and clapped Cap on the shoulder, “I can’t believe she beat you, and it’s her first time playing!”
Steve jokingly rolled his eyes, reaching over and ruffling your hair in a way that made you scowl.
“Hey! What’s with the long face?” Tony strode over and swing an arm over your shoulder, “It’s a party! There’s no negativity allowed at my party! What did Rogers do to you?”
Said man adopted a look of mock offense as he flitted his eyes over, “Why would you think I did something, Stark?”
“Because it's always you,” He replied simply before steering you away and towards where Bruce and Nat were at the bar with a laugh.
You got there and leaned your forearms against the counter whilst giving the two members of your team smiles of greeting.
“Want a drink?” Tony asked, sliding one across the surface towards you.
Just as your eyes lit up and you began reaching for it, Nat scowled and snatched it just before your fingers could brush against it, “Absolutely not.” She was glaring dangerous daggers at Tony.
“What?” He asked innocently, holding his hands up in surrender, “I was sneaking them at parties when I was way younger than her!”
“And look how you turned out.” The redhead retorted.
Tony’s smile dropped and he let out a noise of offense, but before he could open his mouth and snap back, a large hand clamped down on one of your shoulders.
“Lady Y/n!” Thor's voice boomed, causing you to spin around on your heel with a grin, “Are you enjoying the festivities?”
“I am, Thor, what about you?” You laughed.
“Well, it’s no Asguardian party, but you humans know how to have a much better time than I thought you did.” He exclaimed, eyes still shining with excitement.
Only a little while later, the guests had slowly but surely simmered out, leaving only you and your fellow avengers, along with Doctor Cho and Maria Hill, to lounge around on a couple couches.
“But it’s a trick!” Clint insisted, leaning his head back against the couch while twirling a drumstick in one hand.
“Oh no,” Thor laughed, taking a drink from his glass, “It’s much more than that.”
“‘Whoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!’” He mocked in a deep voice, guestering dramatically to where Thor's hammer rested on the coffee table in the middle of everyone. Clint scoffed, “Whatever, man! It’s a trick!”
You laughed from where you sat on the floor by Nats feet, the woman unconsciously running her fingers through your hair softly.
“Well, please, be my guest.” The Norse god seemed thoroughly amused by the entire situation and waved a hand in his hammer's direction.
“Come on!” Tony encouraged, clearly slightly buzzed from the drinks he kept pouring himself.
“Really?” Clint’s eyes widened, he clearly hadn’t expected to actually have his words entertained.
“Go Clint!” You cheered, pumping a fist in the air as your team chuckled all around you at your words.
Barton pushed himself to his feet and strode over, trying to appear to have much more confidence then he actually was.
“Oh, this is going to be beautiful,” Rhodey snickered, and you nodded in agreement.
“Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up.” Tony called to the man. Everyone laughed again.
“You know I’ve seen this before, right?” He thought it was just a parlor trick.
As soon as he placed his hand on the handle and moved to lift it though, he was met with much more resistance than anticipated.
He turned to Thor and blinked once before moving back to sit down, “I still don’t know how you do it.”
“Smell the silent judgment?” Tony snickered at his own words.
“Please, Stark, by all means.” He gestured towards the table.
“Oh, here we go.” You mumbled in amusement.
You watched as one by one, almost every member of your team tried- and failed- to lift the ancient object off the table, all while you sat back, cackling at their attempts.
“Lady Y/n,” Everyone’s attention was turned back to you, “Why don’t you give it a try?”
You glanced back at Nat, who shrugged with a small smile and took a sip from her beer, before shrugging yourself and making your way over to the table.
Readying yourself, you wrapped your hand around the handle and began to use all your strength to try and pull it up.
Perhaps you had been imagining it, maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you could’ve sworn that you felt the object shift slightly under your fingers.
But before anything else could happen, a loud screeching noise rang out through the room, making everyone flinch and divert their attention to where a robotic looking figure came limping through a doorway.
Turn your back on Mother Nature
You turned your head and gave Pietro a firm nod, who smirked at your signal before running at full speed through a row of robots, destroying them in the blink of an eye.
When he did so, you let out a whoop of celebration and stuck a hand out for him to rush back over and high five you.
The twins had realized their faults with being on Ultrons side and immediately rushed to assist your team. And as much as you loved the avengers, and while the Maximoff’s were both technically older than you, it was nice to have people closer to your age again. The three of you immediately clicked.
“Nice one!” You cheered, throwing your hands out to create a force field around the two of you just in time to stop some debris from falling over and flattening you.
“As glad as I am that the two of you are getting along,” Cap grunted through the comms, a background sound of clambering metal coming through, “Please keep your focus.”
“Why, we are very focused, Captain America.” Pietro’s thick accent rang through, sending you a cheeky smile.
Nevertheless, the two of you did get back to taking everything more seriously, and you quickly rushed to aid a panicked group of people who were trying to get to the helicarrier to get them out of the city.
You threw your hands up again and created a force field around all of you and you ushered them towards more help, “This way!” You called over the nearby sound of gunfire.
Waving off the cries of thanks you received from them after handing them off to some other helpers, you began jogging over to where you knew Wanda to be- wanting to check in on the girl- all whilst taking down Ultron's soldiers along the way.
“How’s it going?” You asked when she came into view.
A small smirk made its way onto her face, one so similar to Pietro’s that it left no doubt in your mind that they were twins, and she quickly sent out a beam of red energy into an incoming bots chest. It shattered into a thousand pieces upon impact.
“I think I’m handling it well.” She replied.
You laughed, wrapping a forcefield around one that was close to you just as it sent a bullet flying at you, making it bounce back at itself.
“Y/n?” Clint’s voice suddenly came through the comms, making your head snap up, though he was no doubt at least a few streets away, “I need some backup over here.”
With one final nod to Wanda, you turned on your heel and began racing to where you knew he was positioned, “On my way.”
After only one slight misstep in an alley that almost caused you to tumble into an ever collapsing brick wall, you pushed your way into a clearing and came to a sudden halt, breath catching in your throat and eyes widening at the sight before you. You could have sworn that your heart had even stopped beating all together.
It all happened in a slow motion fashion, only about ten yards away, Clint was in a squat position, cradling a kid to his chest and using himself as a shield to protect him. One of Ultron's robots hung in the air, aiming all of its available weapons at the man.
Without your mind even beginning to register what it saw, your body jumped into action and you leapt forward at full pace, throwing your arm out to send a shield the duo's way.
You were too slow. Too slow. Too slow. Too slow. Too-
Pietro got there before you could, before his faster than light brain could even compute that you had already gotten them out of harm's way, and he stood in front of them. His arms were stretched out to the sides as he used himself to barricade them from the incoming round of bullets.
He fell to the ground less than a second later, mumbling something that you weren’t able to hear over the ringing in your ears.
Immediately, you fell onto the ground beside him, your defenses collapsing as you did so, and a sob ripped through your throat as you hurriedly turned the boy over, searching for the lost cause of any sign of life.
You didn’t know how long you sat there, crying out and rocking his body back and forth. A boy you barely knew, yet felt so connected to. Someone who deserved to live.
Everybody wants to rule the world
Collateral damage.
You never liked those words. It always insinuated that something was broken, something that could no doubt be made whole again. But that word was too often used for people. People that could never be fixed- be brought back. People that could never be replaced.
This was the first time you ever experienced losing someone on your own team while out in the field, let alone someone you would consider a friend.
The rest of your battle with Ultron had been done numbly, your brain having gone into autopilot mode and leaving you to not even be able to think about what had just happened.
But then it was done, and you and the avengers were left to patrol Sokovia while everyone else was safely taken off, just in case something else were to occur.
Immediately, you had wandered off and found a quiet spot near the edge of the floating city and plopped down a safe distance away from the end, pulling your knees up to your chest.
The sound of soft footsteps made you look up, only to come face to face with a tear stained Wanda.
Guilt pooled in your stomach when you automatically came to the realization that you had been mourning a boy you barely knew while his own twin sister was left to suffer with it alone.
“Wanda, I’m so-“
“Shh,” She shushed you as you began to cry again, tears of her own slipping out of her green orbs, “I know, I know.”
She sank to the ground beside you and you held each other, both crying over the boy who hadn’t had enough time.
“I should’ve saved him- I should’ve noticed him there.” You hiccuped, clinging tightly to her shirt.
“It’s not your fault.” She whispered, resting her head atop your own, “You did nothing wrong, it wasn’t at all your fault.”
You were the only one that seemed to care- really care- about what happened to her brother. And not just that, but you were still just a kid- a kid that blamed herself for what had happened to him. Something that was completely out of your control, but you still took on the burden of the incident anyway.
Despite what you may think, Wanda could never hate you after today. If anything, it made her like you even more.
It's my own design, it’s my own remorse
“Are you getting a sense of deja vu? I’m getting a sense of deja vu.” Tony rambled.
“What do you mean?” You turned to him with a single raised eyebrow.
“You, me, Romanoff.” He gestured to the three of you walking in a line through the newly built Avengers Compound, where you and your team would all be staying now.
The redhead shared a playfully suspicious look with you, “What about us, Stark?”
The man grinned, as if having been waiting for the question to be asked, “This is just like the first time n/n moved into the tower.”
Nat chuckled when she realized what he meant and she threw a fond smile at you, “That’s true.”
“You were so little back then,” Tony teased, reaching over and ruffling your hair.
You scowled slightly at the action- no real anger behind your expression, though- and sidestepped his hand while moving to fix your hair.
“I was not.” You grumbled.
“I mean, you still kind of are.” Natasha smirked a little as she spoke.
Your mouth dropped open in betrayal, “Hey!”
Help me to decide
“Which color?” Wanda asked with a wide smile, holding up the different vials that all varied wildly in shades.
You quieted, eyes jumping from one to another as you thought it over for a moment before pointing to the middle one excitedly, “That one!”
“I’ll do the red.” Nat piped up from behind you, sinking down onto the mattress by your side.
“Perfect,” Wanda cheered, taking out your designated colors and one for herself as you all got ready to paint each other's nails.
The three of you had claimed to the rest of the team that you needed a girls night, before quickly retiring to Natasha’s room and promptly closing the door in Tony’s face, who had pouted and whined about not being invited.
You sighed happily, relaxing against the bed's backboard as Nat painted your nails and Wanda braided the woman’s hair, “This is nice, I needed this.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve never had a girls day,” Natasha had a slightly amused tone as she spoke.
“Me neither!” Wanda chorused.
“Same!” You piped up. The three of you fell into laughter, “But this is how it looks in the movies! So I thought, why not give it a try?”
Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure
“Voila!” Tony announced dramatically, throwing his arms out to the side to present what lay inside the dining room that had been practically untouched for the first few months of living in the compound.
Everyone looked around in shock, even Nats lips parted a bit.
Covering the table in the center of the room where foods of all shapes and sizes. All different kinds, with desserts and fast food bags, and even some food that looked homemade.
“What is all of this, Stark?” Steve looked around at the sight before him.
“Dinner.” Tony replied in a ‘duh’ tone.
An excited squeal left your lips and you latched your hand onto Wanda’s and quickly pulled the girl over to the table, taking a plate and beginning to fill it with food.
The girl chuckled along with a couple other members of the team at your antics, before the others quickly followed on your tail, filling their plates to the brim before taking seats around the vast table.
For the most part, everyone ate alone on their own times, so this was the first time that you were all doing it together since moving in.
You watched with a wide smile as everyone interacted, telling stories and filling the space with laughter. This- this is what you would picture if someone ever brought up the idea of a family dinner.
Nothing ever lasts forever
You didn’t like this- not one bit.
The heavy stare of Secretary Ross made you squirm uncomfortably in your chair. His gaze held enough accusation and judgment to make you more than a little bit uneasy.
“The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt,” The man continued a spiel that you and the rest of your team sat through in a heavy silence, it felt like you were children being lectured by a teacher for doing something wrong in class, “You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives . . . but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some . . . who would prefer the word ‘vigilantes’.”
The word made you cringe slightly, but you stayed silent, eyes trained ahead. You didn’t even look away as you felt Steve and Tony’s eyes both flicker towards you simultaneously. You sat between the blond man and Natasha with the rest of the team spread out around the table.
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Nat tilted her head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly in a way that promised danger, though her tone was as innocent as it comes.
Ross scoffed, “How about ‘dangerous’?” His eyes swept back and forth over each and every one of you, “What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
Your hands tightened around the arm of your chair, knuckles whitening slightly from the sheer grip you had on the wood.
When all of you stayed silent, he sidestepped to reveal a large screen behind him. He pressed a button on a small remote he held.
“New York.” He spoke as news footage from years prior flashed onto the screen.
The Chitauri Leviathan crashing into skyscrapers. Citizens running around in a panicked frenzy. Bruce in his Hulk form smashing into buildings.
“Washington DC.”
The three Helicarriers from that day firing at each other, crashing into one another. Massive waves caused by their crashes engulfing nearby citizens.
The city rising from the ground. Citizens screaming a crying. Fires erupting across various buildings. A brief clip of you and Pietro fighting side by side.
From the corner of your eye, you watched Wanda’s head fall at the sight on the television, and anger immediately began flickering in a small flame in your stomach at Ross for making her watch that.
Your eyes immediately snapped back over to the news footage playing in a horrifying montage across the screen.
Ireland had been where you were for your first mission. The one that you had frozen up on, where it took Clint to snap you out of your daze.
You had later learned that your mess up had cost many lives of innocent civilians, and that was something you had to live with to the day.
Clips of dead bodies littering the streets flashed across the monitor.
Painfully, you ripped your eyes away, unable to look at it any longer in fear of throwing up at what you saw.
“Okay. That’s enough.” Steve immediately sat up straighter when he noticed your pained look, his voice coming out as a demand to the Secretary.
He didn’t argue, clicking off the screen, as if he knew he would get that exact reaction out of all of you, “For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”
A nearby aide shuffled over and handed him a thick document that he immediately passed to Wanda, who briefly glanced at it before sliding it over to Rhodey.
“The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries . . . it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” He explained as if it were as simple as that.
Your ears were ringing. This was starting to become too much- everything about this ‘meeting’, and you were beginning to get to the point where you didn’t know if you could handle it.
“The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that.” Steve argued.
Almost as if he anticipated that, Ross didn’t miss a beat, “Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?”
Your head snapped up at the sounds of their names and you met the Secretary’s eyes.
“If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes . . . you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.” He finally tore his eyes away from you to address the rest of the team.
“So, there are contingencies.” It wasn’t a question, Rhodey already knew the answer.
“Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” He glanced at you once more, “Talk it over.”
Just as he was about to turn to leave, Natasha’s voice drew him to a halt, “And if we come to a decision you don't like?”
It was silent as you all waited for him to answer, and he gave her a plain smile, “Then you retire.”
It wasn’t too long later that you were all sitting around one of the many living rooms in the compound, you on one of the couches with your head in your hands as Steve read and reread the Accords from beside you.
Sam and Rhodey were arguing back and forth about what to do, while everyone else silently mulled it over to themselves.
“Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have.” Rhodes pointed out, as if that would be the deciding factor in everything.
The other man shot back his retort that only lead to more bickering that you couldn’t be bothered to even try to listen to, some other teammates of yours getting roped into it as well.
This was not good. Your team- your family- were going in circles as they argued with each other about the fate of the Avengers. This could very well be the day that they ended, because if the Accords weren’t what teared you apart, it would be the endless disagreements that were coming with this whole thing.
You sat back and watched as your family was slowly pulled apart by the seams.
“Tony, you chose to do that- if we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go? What if there is somewhere we need to go, and they don't let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”
You had no idea who you agreed with, which side you were taking- it was all too much at the moment for you to properly think it out- but you had to admit that Steve did have a good point.
“If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later. That's the fact. That won't be pretty.” Tony’s voice had almost shifted to one that resembled begging. He didn’t want you all to split up over this anymore than you did.
“You’re saying they’ll come for me.” Wanda whispered, her arms moving to wrap around her stomach.
“We would protect you.” Vision automatically assured her.
“Both of you.” Tony added, locking eyes with you as he said it.
You bit down on your bottom lip and cast your eyes downwards.
Even though you didn’t know your own viewpoint on the matter, you didn’t understand why your team couldn’t pull together- now more than ever- to come to an agreement on something. At least to ensure that you would all stay together.
The bickering just kept going and you couldn’t take it anymore, you pushed yourself off the couch and hurried out of the room, not paying any mind to how the team quieted behind you and sadly watched you go.
Everybody wants to rule the world
“So,” Tony strolled over, leaning forward and resting his forearms on the railing before bumping his shoulder against yours playfully, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
You were out on a balcony, standing there and overlooking the compound grounds as you thought, “I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s okay,” He assured you, “You’re just a kid, you don’t have to know what to do about all of this.”
You bit down on your bottom lip gently, “I hate it when you all fight.”
Tony sighed, shoulders sagging and head dropping a little bit, “I know, I hate it too.” His voice was quieter than before
“Why can’t we just keep doing what we’re doing?” You asked softly, eyes trained somewhere in the distance, “Why can’t we just go back to the way things used to be? Without the government dictating what we do.”
The man’s head turned to you in surprise, “You don’t mean that.”
You shook your head, “No, I do.” You were finally getting a sense of what you thought about everything going on.
“Listen, I know you’re upset about everything, but you don’t have to-“
“Why would we let them control us?” You turned to face him as well, “That’s not how we’ve always done things, why would we change now? We’ve been fine on our own.”
“I know you think that,” He tried again, eyes and tone growing slightly desperate, “But signing these Accords and letting the government have a little bit of control over us will be what keeps us together. Not signing them will tear us apart.”
Again, you shook your head stubbornly, “No, the UN will just tear us apart. Things will change. I’m not ready for things to change.”
“You need to sign these Accords, n/n,” It almost sounded like Tony was begging at this point, “I promise, once you do that we can figure out everything else.”
You looked at him sadly, “I’m not ready for them to control us, Tony. I’m not ready for things to change.”
Before he could even open his mouth again, you turned on your heel and went back inside, searching for Steve to let him know of your decision.
Tony dropped his head into his hands from behind you.
There's a room where the light won't find you
Your eyes swept back and forth, going over the plan again and again, letting Steve’s previous words ring out in your head.
Though you tried to keep your face neutral, you knew that your nerves were portrayed through your expression, showing everyone in the airport how scared you really were.
As you looked over the faces of those who signed the Accords, you couldn’t find it in yourself to blame them- as much as you tried.
At the end of the day, they were just doing what they thought was right, just like you were. Except their methods didn’t involve going back to the way things used to be, theirs included being controlled by people who had no idea what being an Avenger was really like- what it took.
Before you knew it, both sides began charging at one another, forcing you to do the same.
You didn’t like this, the thought of fighting against your loved ones made you sick to your stomach, so you had come up with a plan beforehand. All you would do was protect those around you by channeling your powers to generate force fields around them and come to their aid when necessary.
Before the fight had even begun, you relayed this to Steve, who had nodded in understanding.
So that’s what you did.
When T’Challa automatically sprang forward to lunge at Bucky, you threw a shield around the man, sending the king flying backwards upon impact.
You cringed a little, “Sorry, your majesty!” You called.
That wasn’t exactly how you pictured your first interaction with the king of Wakanda going.
You ran around, helping others when they needed it before moving on, making sure you were constantly rotating to be there at any given moment for anyone.
Your steps faltered though, when Tony flew down in his suit and touched the ground only a few yards away.
“What are you doing, kid?” He asked sadly, “Please get out of here, you’re going to get hurt.”
“I need to help them, Tony. I’m not going to leave them behind.”
“Listen-“ He lifted his hand subconsciously as he spoke to you, not meaning anything by it, but he froze when you flinched at the gesture and threw your hands up to create a force field all around yourself.
You realized what you had done too late, and you swallowed thickly as a deadly silence settled between the two of you, both completely tuning out the sounds of chaos from the battle going on around you.
“Did you-“ His words came out slightly stuttered, “You didn’t think that- that I was going to shoot you, did you?”
You didn’t. You really didn’t. But that didn’t explain why your body had worked by itself to try and naturally protect you. As if you had been in any danger in the first place.
Before you could even try and open your mouth to speak, Visions voice cut you off, calling out from a far, “Mr. Stark!”
Steve and Bucky were making their way to the hanger that held the quinjet, the blond man desperately trying to get your attention to flag you down and get you on the plane with them.
You realized though in that moment that getting over there wasn’t in the cards for you, but you could distract Tony so the duo could make their escape.
Subtly, you shook your head, and you watched Steve’s face drop in slight horror, but you didn’t allow yourself to dwell on that as Bucky gently took his best friend by the shoulder to continue to steer him out of there.
Taking Tony’s distracted form to your advantage, you threw a shield around him just in time to stop him from moving to go after them, keeping him stuck in place.
“I’m sorry, Tony,” You spoke, “But I can’t let you do that.”
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
“Y/n.” Your head snapped up and you sprang to your feet, hand already moving to the gun you had concealed under the table.
You froze in place though, standing in the middle of your kitchen, staring at two of the people you quite honestly didn’t know if you would ever see again.
After what happened in Germany, Cap had freed you and the others from prison, thereby forcing every one of you to go into hiding for what you had done. He had begged you to come with him- all of them begged for you to go with at least one of them- if only for the fact that they could look after you. You were still just a kid.
But after everything that had gone down between the team- not that it could even be called that anymore- you had been too full of pain and betrayal to even handle being around any of them at the moment. So, you refused assistance from any of them and slipped away the first chance you got. You couldn't stay with them, not then at least, you had to go out on your own. You had to take time to process everything that had happened.
You had somehow ended up in a small town in Ireland- maybe it was to stay in touch with a small part of who you used to be when you had still been an Avenger- but you were old enough at that point to get a job and buy your own apartment. It was by no means a luxurious life, not like the life you had been living in the tower or the compound, but it was peaceful and quiet. Exactly what you needed to lay low and sort yourself out.
But now, you stood face to face with Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff and you didn’t know what to do. You could physically feel your heart contracting in your chest and you found it hard to breathe.
Limply, your hand fell away from your gun and the three of you just stared at each other in silence.
Steve cleared his throat, “Something big’s about to go down. In Wakanda.” It was like he wanted to say something else, but forced himself to get those words out.
“Why come to me?” Your voice was scratchy, the question pained you to speak aloud.
They both had sad looks on their faces, “We need you.” Nat spoke softly.
You shook your head back and forth, “You don’t need me.”
You knew it. They knew it.
“Of course we do.” Steve insisted, “You’re a vital part of the team.”
An incredulous laugh left your lips, you couldn’t help it, “Team? What team?” Your eyes hardened, “There hasn’t been any team in a long time.”
“N/n, I know you’re hurt-“ Rogers moved as if to come closer to you.
You took a stumbling step back, an expression full of pain overcoming your face. You had thought you moved past this, with all the time you had, you really did, but seeing them again, it opened up new wounds you had thought long since closed.
“Don’t.” You spoke firmly, doing everything in your power to keep your voice from wavering.
He stilled, releasing a small sigh through his nose.
“There’s a threat,” He spoke from afar, “Far greater than anything any of us have ever faced. And he’s coming here. We need your help to stop him.”
“What kind of threat?” As hurt as you were, you still felt as if it was your responsibility to protect the world, and you couldn’t just back away after hearing that it was in danger.
“His name is Thanos.” Nat informed you, hesitantly taking a small step forward, continuing when you didn’t flinch away, “A lot of us are going to Wakanda to hold him off, he’s trying to get to the mind stone.”
True, you had both been on opposite sides of the fight in Germany, but that didn’t mean you didn’t still care about him.
The nod of confirmation you received from both of them was enough to make you suck in a breath.
“He’s dangerous, we can’t let him get that stone.” Steve spoke.
Finally, you locked eyes with the blond man, taking a moment before speaking again, “Fine, I’m in.”
You would be fighting with the Avengers again. Side by side with your family, having each other's backs and looking out for one another. Just like the way things used to be. The way things should be.
Nat smiled softly, taking the final step to reach you before lifting her hand and gently cupping your cheek, “You’ve grown up so much.”
Subconsciously, you leaned into her touch before bringing your arms gently around her for a long overdue hug.
After her, you moved to hug Steve too, biting down on your bottom lip to try and stop the incoming tears, “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He reassured you softly, knowing exactly what you were apologizing for, “You left because it was the right thing for you to do.”
They ushered you into the Quinjet they brought to get you shortly after, and you finally piped up again once you set a course for Wakanda, “How did you find me, anyway?”
Natasha briefly looked over her shoulder at you, “We tracked you down shortly after you left, but knew that we needed to give you your space for as long as we could.”
You swallowed, “Oh,”
“Tony knew where you were too,” She explained, “He kept tabs on you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “He knew where I was but he didn’t have me arrested again?”
Steve looked at you, “You know he never wanted to do that to you in the first place.
You nodded slightly, you did know.
Slight embarrassment took over you though, you thought you had been good at covering your tracks, but apparently not against an assassin and billionaire.
After a while, the quinjet landed and the three of you exited. You sucked in a sharp breath when you saw Wanda, Bruce, Vision, T’Challa, and Bucky all standing near the ship, smiling welcomingly at you.
Though you didn’t know Bucky or T’Challa that well, you gave the former a small hug in greeting and the former a polite wave before moving to tightly hug Wanda, Bruce, and Vision.
“It’s good to see you guys,” You said after pulling away.
Wanda smiled, “It’s good to see you too, n/n.”
“I hate to interrupt,” The king of Wakanda did in fact sound very guilty, “But we must be going.”
“Y/n, I want you to stay here with Wanda and Vision, help protect the stone.” Steve addressed you, and you nodded in affirmation.
So there you stood, watching with a worried expression from the windows as your team along with hundreds of Wakandan soldiers marched into battle.
You cast a glance at Wanda after a few moments, “I can’t just stand by and watch.” You whispered.
She smiled, nodding and reaching over to squeeze your shoulder, as if she had been expecting you to say that, “I know,” She admitted before nodding her head out the window, “Go. We’ll be fine.”
After one last bit of hesitation, you spun on your heel and took off running outside, joining in on the fight that had already begun. Your first fight back as an Avenger.
When they do I'll be right behind you
Not once, but twice your team had been ripped apart. Once by their own undoing and once from the hands of Thanos. You didn’t know which hurt more.
What had happened? What had made the universe decide to leave you alive and well while half of the Avengers- half of the universe- got snapped to mere dust and blown out of existence?
How cruel could the world be that you were forced to sit there, screaming and crying until your throat was raw as you watched your family be teared away from you while you sat back, completely unharmed?
You should never have left Wanda in the first place, you should have stayed like Steve had specially told you to to protect the stone. Everything might have turned out differently if you had.
You didn’t know how long you had been there, collapsed in a heap on the ground in the spot right next to where Wanda had gotten snapped away and Vision's dead body lay off to the side, until Natasha and Steve had broken through the trees, eyes frantically searching every which way.
When her gaze landed on you, the woman let out a breath of relief and rushed to your side, falling to her knees and scooping you up into her arms, holding you tightly against her.
So you sat there, hands desperately grasping at her clothing and cried into her chest while she rubbed your back up and down, tears of her own swimming in her eyes.
“I know, I know.” She spoke gently, rocking you both back and forth.
Steve dropped onto his knees beside the two of you, a look of pure exhaustion and despair on his face as his tearful, devastatingly blue eyes locked with your own orbs.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered as if it was his fault. A million different apologies laying behind his eyes.
I’m sorry for dragging you back into this. I’m sorry that we lost. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him. I’m sorry-
You threw yourself into his arms, wrapping your own around his neck and continuing your crying as he hugged you back tightly.
You had lost.
So glad we've almost made it
“It’s my fault.”
It had been five years since that day in Wakanda. Since half the universe had been erased from existence.
Only twenty days after the battle, a woman named Carol had showed up with a ship that held none other than Tony Stark, a man you thought to have been snapped away with everyone else.
You, along with Nat, had lived in the compound, desperately trying to keep together a world that was no longer there.
It was almost always quiet, nothing to report, nothing going on in the world. Most of your days consisted of sitting around with Nat, waiting for something that might never happen.
The woman looked up from her breakfast at you in surprise, “What do you mean?” She asked.
You sighed, this was the first time you were going to open up to her about the guilt that had been eating away at you about what had happened.
“I left Wanda and Vision,” You whispered, eyes clouding over with sadness. You learned long ago that you had almost no tears left in your body to cry. “Even after Steve specifically told me to stay and protect the stone, I left them and Thanos got to them.”
Nat looked startled, never had she thought you were blaming yourself in that way. Sure, everyone that hadn’t been blipped felt some form of responsibility for what happened, but after all this time, how could she not have noticed just how much of the burden you took upon yourself?
“That wasn’t your fault,” She spoke immediately, “Nothing about that was your fault. Thanos would have gotten what he wanted, whether you were there or not.”
You quieted after that, neither of you bringing the conversation up again, allowing the day to pass without mention of it again.
Pretty soon though, Steve showed up, Scott following shortly after- a man who had supposedly been blipped away.
The three of you were quick to usher him in and demand that he explained himself, only to come to the realization that for the first time in five years, a tiny flicker of hope was set off within you. For the first time in five years, there may be a chance to set everything right. To bring everyone back.
Only one thing was left to do, you all had to pay a visit to Tony and convince him to go along with the plan.
Almost right after getting back, Tony had slipped away, and you let him, figuring he just needed a little time, but you hadn’t seen him a single time in these five years. The only form of communication going between the two of you was the occasional text to make sure the other was doing alright.
You took a deep breath, stepping out of the car and gently closing the door behind you, taking in the sight of Tony’s house, which- even in the middle of nowhere- was beautiful.
The man stopped walking on his porch when he caught sight of the group of you, and the two of you briefly made eye contact before you watched him break it and heave out a sigh.
You all walked up to him, and he pulled you in for a hug, planting a quick kiss on the side of your head before turning to address everyone else, “What is it?” He cut right to the chase.
So Scott began explaining it to him- everything you had been told earlier.
“In Layman's terms, it means you're not coming home.” Tony sighed, running a hand down his face.
“I did.” Scott argued.
“No, you accidentally survived.” Tony immediately shot back, “It's a billion to one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull off a... What do you call it?”
“A time heist?” You offered- no doubt- unhelpfully.
Nat looked down to hide her smirk at your words.
“Yeah, a time heist. Of course, why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable? Because it's a pipedream?” Tony’s sarcastic words had a bite to them.
Your amusement, along with Natasha’s, immediately dropped and you averted your eyes to the ground.
“The stones are in the past. We can go back and get them.” Scott never gave up, you would give him that.
“We can snap our own fingers.” Nat continued.
“We can bring everyone back.” You whispered, eyes lifting to meet Tony’s, and you saw the briefest flicker of hesitation for the first time since arriving.
Then, all at once, the hesitation was gone and the incredulousness was back, “Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?”
“I don't believe we would.” Steve sounded like he truly believed his words, and that made you feel better.
You began tuning the rest out after that, when they still kept bickering back and forth. It was bringing back too many memories of the Accords.
“Tony,” Steve spoke softly, “I get it. And I'm happy for you, I really am. But this is a second chance.”
“I got my second chance right here, Cap. I can't roll the dice again. If you don't talk shop, you can stay for lunch.” He seemed genuinely sad.
Everyone turned to leave, but Tony called to you, making you pause, “N/n, wait up.”
You exchanged one glance with Nat before pulling yourself to a halt and letting the others part way and you turned to Tony.
“I really am sorry,” He said, “I just can’t risk it.”
You smiled a soft, understanding smile, and reached over to squeeze his hand, “I know, Tony, it’s alright.”
He shook his head, averting his eyes, “It’s not that I don’t want to bring them back- of course I do. I would do anything to be with them again, but I refuse to let my family become in danger because of it.”
“Tony,” He turned his gaze back to you, “Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure out another way.”
He bit down on his bottom lip before slowly nodding his head and letting his hand drop from yours, “Alright.”
With one last smile, you turned yet again to go, but he stopped you again.
“N/n?” You turned your head, “You’re always welcome here- always.”
So sad they had to fade it
You couldn’t believe it, you could hardly breathe as your head whipped around in shock.
For the first time in five years, tears of happiness and relief instead of despair and regret filled your eyes as all around you, Wakandan soldiers, Avengers- your family- that had all been snapped away filed out of portals every which way, joining you, Steve, Thor, and Tony to fight against Thanos and his army.
You could have sobbed in relief when your eyes landed on Wanda, Bucky, T’Challa, Stephen, Sam, and so many more of the ones you lost came to stand by your side, all looking exactly as they did the day they were torn away.
You didn’t even get to reunite with any of them though, as everyone began charging forward and beginning the fight.
More than anything, you wished that Nat was still there with you, that she hadn’t sacrificed herself for that damned stone and she could see that she hadn’t given up hope for nothing. That what she had died for was worth it- it was all worth it. Everyone was back and it was all because of her, because of her sacrifice.
Forcing those thoughts out of your mind, you purposefully shifted your attention so you could focus solely on the fight at hand.
Immediately, you placed a force field around yourself as a Chitauri lunged at you, stumbling slightly at the sheer force it used as it continued to claw at you, before you quickly thrust your hands out, sending it flying backwards into some other nearby aliens. They all went tumbling to the ground upon impact.
That continued, Chitauri after Chitauri, before another one coming at you was swiftly thrown to the side by a familiar red wisp of light. The same kind you never knew if you were going to see again.
Your head quickly whipped to the side where Wanda stood, eyes glowing red and hand outstretched.
Choking back on a sob, you dropped all your defenses and flew across the couple of yards separating you and jumped into her arms, pulling yourself tightly against her.
“Wands…” You cried, hugging her as tightly as you could despite the ongoing battle around the two of you.
“Hi,” She breathed out, hugging you with the same amount of desperation that you held her with and you quickly realized why.
For you, it had been five years. For her, it had been just over five minutes. Five minutes since she was forced to kill Vision, the man she loved, and lost against Thanos.
When you pulled away, you caught T'Challa's eye, who was only a short distance away, and exchanged a nod of greeting with him.
“We’ll catch up later,” She moved to cup your cheek and look you in the eyes before placing a gentle kiss against your forehead, “Be careful.”
You smiled, leaning into her touch, “You too.”
Quickly, you spun on your heel and rushed off, taking down soldiers left and right.
“My, my, that’s an interesting talent.”
For a brief second, you froze before turning to face Thanos, the person responsible for every piece of pain you had felt in the last five years.
His unnerving eyes were trained solely on you, and you couldn’t help but feel a wave of rage hit you and you let out a scream, charging at the man with outstretched arms, immediately encompassing him in an unbreakable force field.
Thanos’s eyes flickered with surprise and he swung his sword out to your shield, only for it to bounce back and narrowly missing his arm.
Slowly, you moved your hands together, making the shield shrink around his large frame in the process, forcing him to condense his body to try and fit the space growing increasingly smaller and smaller. It would only be a matter of seconds before it crushed him entirely.
You made the fatal mistake of being too distracted with extracting your revenge that you hadn’t noticed the Chitauri that was creeping behind you until it tackled you to the ground.
A small scream escaped your lips as you went crashing against the hard floor and Thanos smirked as your concentration was dropped, bringing your shields down with it. He rose to his full height and stalked over to you, picking you up by the neck, effectively cutting off your airway.
You began gasping for breath immediately, trying to thrash around in his hold, trying to do anything to make him drop you as your feet barely even touched the ground.
Dots began to dance around your vision and you could tell that it was all about to go black in less than a second, before the hand swiftly dropped you, and you fell into a heap on the ground, coughing violently.
“Lady Y/n!” Thor immediately sank to your side on the ground, “Are you alright?”
Steve and Tony, who- along with Thor- had knocked Thanos off of you, continued to go after him, hitting him with blast after hit in hopes of making any sort of damage.
With one last cough, you took a gasping breath and shakily looked up at Thor, “I’m alright.” Your voice was scratchy and you moved to stand up.
The man’s eyebrows furrowed and he gently held you down, “You are in no state to go on with this fight.”
Your eyes widened, “But, Thor-“
You cut yourself off as you caught sight of something over his shoulder, and you paled further than you thought as possible, becoming nauseated.
“I am inevitable.” Thanos’s voice traveled and he snapped his fingers.
You tensed, eyes immediately whipping around as you looked for any sign of yourself or others to be dusted.
But nothing happened, and your gaze slowly dragged over to where Tony was, collapsed to his knees on the ground, and a scream left your lips at what you saw.
His was in physical pain as energy surged through him from all six of the infinity stones sitting on his armor, and he briefly made eye contact with you.
It’s okay, is what his eyes so desperately tried to relay to you.
Tony Stark turned back to Thanos with a hard look, “And I… an Iron Man.”
He snapped.
Everybody wants to rule the world
Pepper walked by all of you with a sad smile, tightly grasping onto Morgan’s hand as they went by.
You were frozen, stuck with a stiff form as you watched the woman placed a wreath memorial to Tony in the lake. It was a small tribute to the man, it had his first arc reactor placed in it.
Everyone stood around you, tears of their own laying unshed in their eyes, only for a few of them to drop when Pepper took in a sharp breath and stepped back.
You were yet to move, even after everyone had slowly disbanded and began muttering amongst themselves, you just stared at the wreath as it moved slowly from side to side in the rippling waves.
All at once you had lost Tony and Natasha. The first two people to introduce you to your new life as an avenger. You lost two family members at the same time and you were so numb inside that you could hardly feel much of anything.
The numbness had come after the searing pain that had taken place in your chest at their loss, now nothing but a dull sting that you knew was bound to come back in full swing at any moment.
“Hey, kid.” Clint greeted gently, coming over to stand beside you.
You couldn’t even manage a hum of acknowledgment.
Wanda moved up to your other side, extanching a glance with Hawkeye as she did so. But you paid no mind to their concerned looks.
Wordlessly, the woman wrapped her arm around your shoulder and pulled you to your chest, perhaps trying to comfort and receive that same comfort.
It dawned on you suddenly, something you had never thought about before that moment.
After everything you had gone through all these years, you were nowhere close to being the same girl that had first wandered into Avengers Tower in awe.
You were older, wiser. You were stronger, more broken.
For so long, you had been scared of change, of everything and everyone you had loved moving on from the times that you were a happy family, fighting side by side. All while you were completely unaware that that life was almost nonexistent. It had gone on for a little while, then disappeared through your fingers while you so desperately kept trying to cling onto it. Unaware that all you were holding onto was empty air.
We Are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami @mythixmagic @ladyagagaslefttoe @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic @nutellani @hyunzrii @kiyomi-uchiha777
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
So there's an actual in game reason you can't get lynel weapons anymore??
So I was looking over the monster statues, just examining the design, when I notice something I'd seen but never really twigged:
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Those are nuts and bolts. Huh. That's not natural, that's been added on. In fact, you can still see part of the original scratchy lynel horn from botw underneath, even if it has mutated a bit like all the other horned monsters.
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See, lynels, with lizalfos in a lesser way, are the only enemies in the game with the intelligence and cunning to forge weapons. A lizal can only manage one boomerang, shield or bow with varying spikes and occasionally repurpose some hylian armour (and often loot anyway), but lynels are capable of creating their own unique metals and using it to completely outfit themselves. Armour, bows, shields, spears, clubs, and swords, complete with sheaths and harnesses and decoration!
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But in totk the particularly pointy ones are missing, leaving only shields, armour, and bows. Their weapons were subject to the Decay as well, but instead of trying to use them anyway, what did they do? They broke down their own weapons and repurposed them as enhancements to their own horns! Extra defence and a new devastating attack!
But... For what reason? They could have kept using those weapons just fine, everyone else is! It probably would have been more practical to start attaching things to the end, like the goblins have all started doing (albeit with mixed results, they seem to inordinately favour mushrooms). Why would the most feared enemy in the game feel the need to put more points into defence and intimidation, even sometimes utilising the rock armour?
What would they be feeling the need to so strongly defend from, even to the point of sacrificing huge attack power over it?
Link. It's Link.
The 5 nothing hero of hyrule, who built a whole community of speed running, styling on, brutally murdering lynels almost exclusively again and again and again. Moldugas, hinox, talus, they haven't changed a bit! They weren't at the center of every flashy slow mo clip since the first game came out!
But lynels in totk are running scared, they're building bigger horns to look scarier and armour to hide in, because once they need to get their short range weapons out its already over, or maybe link will just stop farming them for top tear weapons XD.
Tldr: unlike other monsters, which have branched out to kidnapping, riding flying monsters and rolling big spiky balls, lynels have gone entirely the other direction in order to try and scare the hero off after the last round of stylish massacres, and attached their old decayed gear to their horns.
Tldr tldr: botw link is the reason you can't get lynel weapons in totk because he scared them too much.
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tauforged · 2 months
Do you have any tips/tricks on getting into warframe? I want to play bc the designs look cool and I'm sure the story is just as interesting!
(It is completely OK to info-dump!)
OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!
ive probably said it better before, but cant find the posts because this website has the worst search function known to all mankind -_- so i will give you some bullet points that will not be all inclusive and i invite anyone else who wants to chime in to do so!!
while the devs are definitely trying to streamline new player experience, the story is uh. a lot! the game has like, what, 11yrs worth of content behind it by now? there's a lot! depending on your playstyle and how you progress through the game, it might take you a while to really get into the meat of it -- or you might speedrun all the main storylines in like a month. there are lots of side quests and secondary objectives you can dick around with as much as you like, which some people find fun and some people find annoying. i liek it :) but it can definitely be a lot
there have been a lot of time limited events and hidden lore entries that make some things pretty inaccessible to new players. they seem to be trying to get better about this but its still not ideal. the wiki is not always right (afaik, theyre still hung up on whether or not albrecht and loid were ~canonically~ together, which is literally just blatantly textual) but it can be a good place to find summaries of shit you've missed out on. ive never watched a single one of those 'warframe lore explained' videos so i cannot vouch for any of their accuracy. i dont really pay attention to the subreddit or the official forums either, but those might have information too? idk
i personally find that some of the quests are thrown at you wayyyyy earlier than they should -- heart of deimos is one that i strongly believe should be way more lategame than it is, since it builds on a lot of stuff that you probably won't know by the time you get to it unless youve been paying veryvery close attention or have been going wiki spelunking. i wouldnt stress about it too much if something seems to make no fucking sense, though. most quests are replayable if you want to go back to something with fresh eyes or different context
i have probably already spoiled you on a lot of the lategame stuff and for that im sorry! lmao this isnt really a game where spoilers will ruin something per se, but since ive been playing the game since like 2013 i went into everything blind as it was released and i always had a huge blast when the game dropped a bombshell on us, so i try not to rob anyone of that experience if i can help it -- not a huge deal though depending on preference
there's a lot of grinding and farming. i personally dont find it overly tedious as there's a lot to do and it's easy to mix things up and take breaks, but for some people it's a huge turn off, so just a heads up i guess. you can technically bypass a lot of the grind by buying new frames or weapons off the market if you really want to spend your money on that, but there's some things that are locked behind a reputation grind and such. and honestly, you dont Need to spend money on anything but some cosmetics
trying to play through everything solo might be fun if you enjoy a challenge, but i personally find it to be unsustainable. you're going to want to find a decent sized clan and you're going to want to either find friends to play with or hit up the recruiting chat for backup.
you can make platinum pretty easy by farming prime parts or rare mods and other such tradeable things and selling them to other players. i dont bother with this because im bad at keeping up on video game economies and it never interested me. but it makes being a 100% f2p player a lot easier when you need to buy inventory slots and such
there are over 50 warframes and countless ways to mod each one, and an absurd amount of different weapons -- there isnt really any one playstyle thats 'better' than any other. i perosnally pay next to no attention to the meta outside of keeping in mind what damage types are effective against which enemies. some people really enjoy minmaxxing the hell out of their shit. you can kinda just do whatever
don't buy plat without having at least a 50% discount login bonus unless it is an absolute emergency. the discounts are random but ive found they happen often enough that i can just wait around for one to pop up and replenish if i'm low. or dont bother idk i cant tell you how to spend your money im not your dad
mute region chat for the sake of your own sanity. nobody in there is as funny as they think they are. moderation is better in there than it used to be but it's still a wasteland
the most important part of playing warframe is having fun and being yourself :)
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bigprettygothgf · 3 months
anyway i beat the elden ring dlc a few days ago (started lvl 100 and eventually capped at 150 and 18 scadutree blessing by the end) and my final verdict is that its fucking incredible, i cant say its a 10/10 bc theres still some frankly inexcusable bullshit (5+ reused dragon fights including a new all time worst, final boss phase 2 performance impact, npc gank fight*) but literally everything else is fucking stellar. the map is one of the best designed world maps ive ever seen in a game and going through the individual segments really recaptured the feeling of opening up lordran for the first time in ds1. as for that thing everyones talking about - im sorry to use the SI words but to be blunt all the complaints about the dlc's difficulty have entirely been a skill issue lol. yes its hard but fromsoft dlcs are always hard and given how difficult elden ring already was what else were people expecting? the expansion literally gives you its own self contained leveling mechanic. use it.
yet more camera issues aside most of the new bosses are amazing - special shoutout to messmer, the dancing lion, bayle once i switched to a longer range weapon, metyr, and maybe midra. negative shoutouts to the golden hippo and commander gayass for their ds2 hitboxes but they are comically weak to fire and i was using the new anvil weapon on them so they died in like 10 hits lol. rellana was also fucking annoying but i have a feeling ill figure her out when i get to rl1. of course the elephant in the room is the final boss and my thoughts on him are uh. well i dont know. i love the first phase but dear god they really went overboard with the onscreen effects in phase 2 and i dont think he would even be half as difficult if you could actually see wtf hes doing. the hair does not help. lorewise no one would actually be confused why hes there if they actually did the npc quests but its a fromsoft game so admittedly i cant really blame people for missing those. but still. my final thoughts are that his design decisions are highly questionable but after beating him i got that good sense of accomplishment instead of "thank fuckign christ thats over" so thats a good sign. i dont feel like going into more plot stuff rn but i think it did a mostly (but not entirely) satisfactory job answering questions i had about the base games (very messy) story. prepare to see some really bad takes about miquella lol
anyway yeah its fantastic. literally the size of an entire souls game on its own. well worth the purchase. play it
*yes i know the game really wants you to summon for it but i simply refuse to use summons and there is 0 excuse for how those npcs behave together in a 3v1. fucking eat me from behind leda.
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rollforrandom · 3 months
I know the "Canon" is that XCOM failed in the first 1-2 months of the invasion, but does anyone else feel that's not -quite- the case? Hear me out:
The ADVENT mechs look very similar in design to the MEC trooper from EW, minus the actual person in it. This could just be standard mech design/reused assets, but it makes sense if the Elders found that humans had made something useful with MELD, they would take it for their own purposes.
The ADVENT troopers use magnetic weapons, which while not fully Canon to EU/EW (the main one was the railgun for MEC troopers), are rather prominent in Long war, a mod that helped inspire aspects of XCOM 2 and whose development worked with/for the actual game studio when XCOM2 was developed. But why would ADVENT use a weapon like that if they have plasma? Cause XCOM already designed it. It was cheaper, designed for humans, by humans, and coopted by aliens
Bradford's forces are too well organized at the start of XCOM 2. They have a WHOL ALIEN SHIP, with a launchable drops hip? That's not something that just "goes missing" without repercussions. Especially if we get stomped into the dirt with no resistance in 2 months. This feels like an opportunity was taken while the world was still in turmoil, fighting was going on, and XCOM grabbed what it could while the aliens were suppressing major dissonance across the globe. Something that according to the elder, didn't happen. And we all know we can trust them /s
This is all just theory and hypothetical. But I am really into that rn, especially other theories like "The commander/player is actually the Ethereal from the Bureau" level of theory. Tell me if you agree/disagree/want to hear more rambling.
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