#then I'm gonna read the manga once I've got time
sanji-screenshots · 4 months
I'm FINALLY through with Dressrosa which means I'll be seeing our main man again soon, but now I'm thinking about how long I'm going to be in Whole Cake Island... like it took me a (relatively) long time to get through Dressrosa and Sanji wasn't even there for most of it! With WCI I'm going to be pausing every 5 minutes to get screenshots! Lord help me, I'm going to be stuck there for the rest of my life...
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It’s Kirby Time - Book 9 English Translation + An Update on Blog Happenings
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! IT'S HEEEEERE!! A truly adorable story about Kirby and Meta Knight deciding to spend some alone time and the activities they like to do during that time. Featuring beautiful illustrations painstakingly cleaned up by myself, this one is a must-read for fans of the relationship between Kirby and Meta Knight. Read the full thing at the links below:
Google Drive
...But wait, there's more! Because the illustrations are so pretty, here's a link to a folder containing just those illustrations with no text at all! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19z8WLah-ZGES2jnyZOILJKc9kE75Wvs9?usp=drive_link (I'm probably also gonna make a post featuring all these images on their own soon.)
Finally, I have an update regarding the blog. tl;dr, I'm definitely gonna keep doing translations, but the rate at which they are completed and uploaded is most likely going to change soon. I don't know by how much or even if it will be positive or negative. For a more detailed explanation, click the Keep Reading.
So, I got a job! *audience cheers* But the job does not involve translating Kirby manga. *audience "aww"s* Ordinarily I wouldn't get more specific than that since I try to avoid revealing too much about my personal life, but in this case the explanation won't make much sense unless I do, so: The job entails working on fishing boats. This means that there isn't really a set daily schedule or even a weekly schedule. When the boats are fishing, I'm working, and when they're not, I have next to nothing to do.
I've been told by many people that I should expect a lot of down time for that reason, so I'll definitely have time to work on translations. However, I can't predict exactly how much I get and I also most likely won't have an internet connection on the boat. All this is to say that I literally do not know how this is going to affect the rate of translations on this blog beyond just, "It's going to change." I could find that I have so much down time on the boat that translating is the only thing that keeps me sane and I actually get more done. I could find that the boat I'm on is a super-busy one and I get barely any time at all. And regardless of which one of those happens, I won't be able to actually upload anything until the boat gets back into port, which is entirely dependent on how long it takes for the boat to catch all the fish it needs.
The job doesn't start for a couple weeks yet, so I'm gonna try to fulfill a few more requested chapters before then. Once again: I'm definitely going to keep translating, I just don't know how often I'll actually be able to do it. So enjoy this translation, look forward to more coming in the future, and please wish me luck both in my work and in getting time to translate!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
can i ask why did people genuinely think hanma was the time leaper? i’ve rewatched the anime twice and read the manga and not once have i suspected hanma to be the time leaper.
Ok it's been a while so I might be misremembering some bits now but it got super popular after it was revealed Kisaki wasn't a time leaper. The idea was someone is the second time leaper but it's not Kisaki, so naturally people considered it to be Hanma. And there were a few reasons too (there was also a separate theory about him not being a time leaper but being like a God or some other un human being who knew about the situation. There's a bit of overlap between those two theories.) Also you're gonna find that a lot of these "clues" are really small and don't really mean anything, especially now that we know what happened. But at the time, we were all really reading into everything to try and figure out where the story was going. And everything stacked together seemed to make a lot of sense.
Firstly, Kisaki seemed to know about time leapers existence, which we all kinda assumed meant someone had told him aka a time leaper. With Hanma being the most obvious choice since they were shown to be close and working together a lot.
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There was also Hanma's inside cover, which had on top of train tracks, train tracks which were heavily associated with time leaping and Takemichi in the past.
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It was also thought that Hanma's boredom could be a hint, like he was bored all the time because he already knew what was going to happen because he'd lived it before. Things got more exciting for him when he met Kisaki, a new face.
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And of course there's the story cliff hanger, where most people assumed something important was going to be said/ revealed. Something important like time leaping maybe.
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In the final fight he also said this, which I think he was talking about how they made it this far in the fight but at the time it was pointed out that all of them had died in different timelines before. So if he knew then he was probably talking about them surviving death literally.
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And of course there was maybe the biggest hint of them all, his name. We already know how Wakui likes to put little hints when choosing their names sometimes so this made a lot of us think the second time leaper could be Hanma.
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There was also a few bits to do with dates, I'm not sure if I've remembered them all but these are the ones I do remember, Hanma met kisaki and Takemichi first leaped in July 2005. Then in June 2008 we have both Hanma's main chapter where it jumps forward to him visiting Kisaki and Takemichi doing his 10 year time leap.
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Aside from that it was just that he was generally quite a mysterious and suspicious guy. Not telling Kisaki why he's following him, always being around in the arcs, the way he acted etc. And with there not really being any other obvious hints at the time, it made sense he was the one the fandom thought of most as being the second leaper.
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aeroranger100 · 2 months
SonAmy Week 2024, Days 1+2 - 90's Arcade
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Well, I just found out LAST NIGHT that this week is SonAmy Week 2024...so once I finished up the SonAmy Olympics drawing, I immediately got started. 😓
Since I'm a day late to the party, I've decided to combine the first two days into one drawing to make up for lost time. Instead of "Manga" for Day 1 (I haven't read a single page of manga in my life and I know the manga art style is very specific. 😅), I replaced it with "Arcade" and paired it with today's prompt, "90's."
Turns out this week is gonna be more exciting than I thought!
Enjoy! ☺️
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strobichie · 1 year
just sae.
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♡⸝⸝ summary: poor you decided to replay ddlc, but something seems wrong... why is monika sae?
little note: bachira is sayori, rin is natsuki, and isagi is yuri!!
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your perspective:
i had recently gotten a new computer, there are so many things i still need to work with and customise to my liking.
so, to cure my boredom, i'm installing ddlc again and replaying it!
my favourite character is natsuki, i absolutely loved how adorable and relatable she just is. she reminded me of one of the kids i babysat.
after installing the win files i extracted them all and started the game up, as usual, i see the 4 dokis on the main screen on startup.
i entered my name of choice and started the game ---
wait, bachira??? FROM BLUE LOCK??
why was he sayori? not gonna lie, his sprites are really cute, but how..??
i re-checked the website i downloaded the game from but it displayed the 4 dokis there and there was nothing wrong..
huh, why am i being scared?
i should be grateful, honestly.
i've been blessed by the gods above!! for once i'm fucking lucky!
no way was i gonna pass up the opportunity to interact with my favourite anime characters especially since they somehow ended up in my favourite childhood game..!
i wonder who natsuki, yuri, and monika would be, though?
this is interesting! as i progress even more reading the dialogues and clicking on the chat box, after a few minutes of suffering i finally got to the literature club with bachira!
"seriously, a girl? way to be a killjoy." rin... RIN?!?!?!?!?!
wait.. could that mean ---
i hope monika is kaiser or even better, anri..!!
gosh this got me feelin' so giddy and chipper in the early fucking morning..
i skipped a few of the dialogues, and abruptly stopped when a certain person came into view.
...sae? really?
what an eyesore. i hate sae, of all people, why sae?
sure he was similar to monika, but only in appearance. kaiser or anri could have been able to fulfill this role.
i sighed in annoyance, at least i have rin and the others...
i continuously skipped many dialogues and had finally gotten to the part where sayori, or in this situation bachira, hangs himself..
right, this was a horror game after all. did i really forget about the main plot?
i stared at the screen with an obvious frown. rin and isagi are next..
and the person behind all this was saeshit. ugh, seriously... well, good thing i can just delete his files at any given time.
progressing through the story even further, i got a special poem and cringed at the 'drawing'. it was bachira hanging in a humorous manner.
this was unfortunate.
i clicked on the chat box endlessly, wanting to speedrun to the moments of all my favourite characters deaths..
seeing rin crack his neck and isagi stab himself looking like a crazed maniac broke my heart. good things don't last.. this will probably be the last time i'll ever be able to play this version of the game.
then, here sae was, fuck was he smiling for?
"let me take a quick one of rin's cupcakes, these such are really good for a brother so shitty and nasty." i scoffed and gritted my teeth in anger, sae was clearly the asshole in their brother-ship.
i was met face-to-face with sae, i pursed my lips and stared at my computer screen.
"it's nice to talk to you even if it's by a dialogue box." is this even real?
"i know that you're thinking: is this legitimate? to answer your question, yes it is. i became self aware after everything in that god damn manga and anime called blue lock, i felt sick and tired of not being able to show up in the manga after a long period of time. somehow, i found a way to break the barrier between the fictional animanga world and reality as you call it." that was a mouthful. he was pretty talkative now. my burning hatred for sae cooled down a bit as he spoke more ---
"i found this 'cutesy romance horror' game and it had all the things i needed in order to cross over to the real world. this version of the game only exists on your desktop, {user}. is {user} even your name? are you even a girl?" he shot me a confused expression.
"honestly, i don't care anymore. even i started falling in love with you. i thought i wasn't capable of love, just like the original character monika, i fell in love with you." this sent a shiver down my spine, i sweat-dropped and continued reading his dialogues.
"you read that right, i love you. even if i'm not real, i love you. i won't ever let you leave me. i'll kill you even if you think of it." he coldly stated and i opened my file explorer, ready to delete his character file --- huh.. why couldn't i delete it?
"i'm disappointed, why would you wanna try to delete me? i love you, you should be grateful i love you." but i hated sae, i hate him!
"i've been practicing for a while, i think i can finally break the laws of physics and rules of nature between our worlds." uhm, does he even know what the fuck's he saying?
"i'll see you soon, goodbye {name}. i love you." HOW DID HE GET MY NAME? DID HE HACK INTO MY COMPUTER BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK..?!?!?!
i was scared shitless, jesus christ, just what did he mean by all that? i force shut down my computer and rolled to my bed covering myself in my blankets. time to go back to sleep after that eventful experience.
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short little fic, should i make a part two?
finally made a part 2!
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benkyoutobentou · 2 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 6
Before: Before I spin I want to say that I have a single volume of BASARA left in my collection so there is still a chance that I can land on it again and while that was a bonkers cliffhanger that I ended on last volume, please let’s get some variety in here.
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I’m switching sites. I swear it. Today I read more BASARA, but tomorrow I find a new spinner wheel website. I don’t trust this one.
After: I had such a successful day! My biggest accomplishment was finally going to the Japanese language meet up in my area after saying I was gonna go all summer. I'm horribly shy but the people there were super nice and I had a great time (even if I did get a late start because I sat there not talking to anyone. Thank you Ken San for talking to me and inviting me to join your conversation group even after I fumbled our one on one conversation so badly). In my conversation with Ken San, he asked what manga I like and I mentioned that I'm currently reading BASARA and he said that he had a girlfriend way back when who told him to read it!
Anyways, I also did finish this volume of BASARA and whoever compiled these volumes should be put in jail because wow every single one ends in such a massive cliffhanger. And I can't even continue yet since I don't own any more volumes! I was so scared that my favorite character was going to die this volume, but it didn't happen! I don't have faith that they'll live to the end of the series, but they lived to the end of the volume and that's enough for me. These tankoubon bind ups also have essays from various people who have worked on or been influenced by BASARA over the years and I really enjoyed the essay in this volume. It talked about how girls not only enjoy but want and need stories that have more in depth themes like war, but just because something is darker doesn't mean that it can't also have romance in it. I'm so glad I decided to do this challenge now so that I can move a bunch of manga volumes of my tbr so that I can buy the rest of BASARA sooner haha.
Today I read 290 pages of manga and finished my fifth volume of the month (AND had a conversation in Japanese!)! I'm really feeling good about this challenge, but it also helps that I've been absolutely loving my reads, even if I have only read across two different series. All the other series on my tbr for the month are shorter (in volume length and in amount of volumes that I own), so I won't feel as stuck. I'm a chronic series jumper, so having the same things chosen for me over and over was frustrating when I see it, but once I actually got to reading, I have a spectacular time. I hope the rest of the books that I've chosen, both manga and novels, continue to be winners for me!
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heartfiliaccc · 11 days
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 9: thoughts + opinions
Aldoron's a big boy!
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sooo, I guess Faris is the one in charge now? anyways, I hope we get to see Touka's Exceed form really soon!
idk, I really want to believe Jellal is also under the White Mage's spell, but what will happen between him and Erza next really makes me doubt that lmao (yes, I've read all the chapters of FT100YQ manga, so I know what happens next + I've already watched the tenth episode simply because of Jerza)
poor Juvia :(💙
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''We've got a moment to make a strategy. She can't get through.'' // oops, famous last words from Gray
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so, Touka and Faris are two split personas stuck in one person's body? welp...
Touka has a crush on Natsu, and I love how Lucy's teasing him over it lmao (Luce, we know that deep down you're jealous of her, it's okay...)
L: ''Someone's got a secret admirer!'' N: ''I have no idea who she is.''
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Battle of Fairy 2.0 loading!
N: ''It's the Battle of Fairy Tail in Drasil this time! I'm getting all fired up!'' L: ''Slow your roll Natsu...''
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Gruvia my beloved + it's such a shame that Juvia can't fight alongside her beloved, because I'm sure we would've probably gotten a Unison Raid from them or something...
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G: ''Just stay by my side, okay?'' J: ''Oh Gray, your words are making my heart sing! Can you say that once more, I'm begging you?''
of course Lucy has to go up against Mira, Elfman and her love rival // YAY LOKE AND VIRGO APPEARED! ❤️
Lucy's Leo Star Dress is definitely the prettiest one
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it's always fun seeing two Dragon Slayers duking it out, especially if they are as rambunctious as both Natsu and Gajeel
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
um… so I literally just binged read all your Vash fics. Planning on watching the anime on Saturday.
but I’m even tho I’m a newcomer……
can I get a Vash x Reader, where maybe homeboy gets her pregnant.
he’s already taking over my life…
A/N: so I'm not typically comfortable with writing this kind of thing, but for specifically you, (and Vash) just this once, I'll indulge a pregnancy fic request. It gave me a chance to think about things I don't want to write in the future. It's my fault for not putting it in my pinned post. I will say this was one of the cutest things I've written in Vash's pov, and probably how I would react if I got told I was gonna be a dad. I do appreciate getting out of my comfort zone sometimes. ^-^
On the lighter notes, I'm so excited for you to be joining the Trigun cult we've amassed on Tumblr! Give the manga a read too if you can! Don't worry about being a newcomer. I've only been in this fandom for a year. (Where has he been all my life?) It's never too late to start a new series!!! If you want someone to gush about the series with, hit me up!
I've only had Vash for a year, and in my head we've already been married for 10. xD
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I carried a box of donuts, sandwiches, and a couple of sodas towards City Hall, where she worked. She, My Lovely Mayfly, worked there as a volunteer coordinator. I decided to surprise her with lunch. She always works herself too hard, and sometimes forgets to eat. I entered the main lobby, quickly finding the office she worked in. It was empty. I came in early enough where she wouldn't have gone to lunch with anyone else. The hairs on my neck stood on end as I thought of the worst. Making my way back to the front desk, I asked the receptionist where she was.
"Oh, She went out for a bit. She said she had a doctor's appointment. Said she'd hopefully be back by lunch." The receptionist took a sip of his coffee. A doctor's appointment? She hadn't said anything about an appointment this week. Before I could make my way back to her office to wait, a chime of the front door revealed someone entering City Hall. I turned around to see her, My Mayfly. She almost seemed troubled, looking at the ground, not quite noticing me yet.
"Hey, Mayfly!" I cheerily greeted her as always. She seemed to stiffen up, but was immediately happy to see me.
"H-hey, Angel. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I brought us some lunch! How was your appointment?" She stiffened up again at this.
"Why don't we eat lunch!" She seemed to panic as she dragged me into her office, shutting the door, almost too quickly. She leaned against the door with a sigh. She was acting strange, well, more so than usual.
"Mayfly, is something wrong?" I let my voice drop to a concerned tone. Her breath hitched, and the facade of being around other people faded. Her face was almost… scared. Vulnerable, Worry, such things I never wanted to see on her face.
"Do you remember when I said sometime last week that I was feeling kinda funny?"
"Y-yeah, I thought it was the burger from the bar."
"Well, it wasn't the burger, I guess…"
"You didn't get sick, did you? You're not dying are you?" I began to worry. Humans didn't live too long on this planet. Taking a chance with her as my partner was a struggle for me. I often distance myself from others where I can, even though it doesn't ease the pain when they die. We had spoken on this topic a few times when I tried to deny her advances, even though every fiber of my being wanted her. What if she really was dying? I couldn't take her with me as I continued to run from bounty hunters and the like.
"Vash." My name leaving her lips broke my panic, and I hadn't even noticed she had taken my hands, "I'm not dying. I…." She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."
"P-pregnant." I repeated back to her, "wh…what?" My face relaxed from panic to surprise as my gaze drifted to her hips, "I.. I didn't think that was even possible." A wave of emotion was flowing through me all at once. How was my DNA compatible with human DNA? How was I supposed to keep the two of them safe? Raising a child on the run? What if Knives targeted them? What if I died before I could see the kid go to school? Or get married? Oh, Rem, help me. What if they died young? What if I lost Mayfly during the birthing process? What if I lost both of them?
My body moved on its own as I leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. I rested one hand on her back, the other rested on her cheek. I allowed my mind to clear as I lost myself in her kiss.
I whispered her name when I parted from her lips. Holding her chin to keep intimate eye contact.
"I love you. Let's have a family together." I found myself laughing a little bit as a smile came across my face. The laughter spread as I pressed more little kisses to her lips, "I'm gonna be a dad." I toyed with the idea of teaching the little sprout how to color, ride a Tomas, reading them bedtime stories, falling asleep with them cradled into my chest on our ragged couch, and even teaching them good morals if I could help it.
"I'll keep you both safe. I promise."
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gwydionsart · 4 months
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I feel like I've barely drawn at all the past few years. My sketchbook reflects this, having started drawing in it Jan 2018 with about a third of it still blank as of last summer. So I have been making genuine attempts to sit down and draw more. Feeling out of practice, a lot of the time I would copy images instead of freehanding (collages 1 and 3), but I tried not to rely solely on that (collage 2), and lately I've been feeling more confident. So I'm just gonna post my progress here. Because that's kinda what this sideblog is for, lol.
I used to be able to say "if you wanna know what I'm into at the moment, just open my sketchbook". For the past year, that's been true for the first time in quite a long time. It feels nice.
Thorfinn showed up first, working on him while on vacation last year. Meant to draw him more, but it took me quite a while just to finish the one (gosh I'd drawn, like, one, small picture in the two years prior?).
But then my One Piece phase hit, and I realized that I had only ever attempted to draw Sanji maaaaaybe once about 15 years ago? lol So I practiced until I felt comfortable enough to try it without copying. Not all the final results made it into this post, and I'm still not super satisfied, but all the random headshots really helped get me back into the groove.
The random guy in the middle of the second one is an old OC named Xander that I was never fully happy with his design (the drawing was an attempt to update it, though I'm not sure I was successful, lol). And we've got a couple very boring Zukos - I hadn't drawn him in like a decade so I went as simple as possible.
Characters I haven't had a lot of practice with, though, are superheroes in general - I drew Spider-Man a fair amount, like, 30 years ago, and I'd attempted some version or other of Robin a couple times, but I tend to find all the details a bit intimidating. So I finally sat down and practiced drawing some of my favorite comic heroes. X-Men '97 got me to finally draw Gambit for the first time and that lead to me rereading some of my Batman/Robin/Nightwing comics and drawing Dick and Damian as well. Pretty far outside my comfort zone, but I quite enjoyed it.
Lately I've been filling the pages with some King's Quest, but I'll save that for a future post (maybe lol). I've got maybe only a fifth of my sketchbook left, which is especially great seeing as how it is completely falling apart and being held together by duct tape and a prayer. XD It'll be nice to finally be able to move on to the new one I've had sitting around for a couple years now, waiting to finally be opened. If you for some reason decided to read all my ramblings, kudos to you! lol It's just nice having somewhere I can get this kind of stuff out on occasion.
(References taken from the Vinland Saga anime, One Piece anime/manga, X-Men: The Animated Series, Batman and Robin comics, and Nightwing comics.)
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 40)
Hey! I played Just Dance with Zoe and then decided I was just gonna post this last part because I don't want it hanging over me. It's July and I just exercised and it's really friggin' hot and I'm sweating but I'm gonna post this so I don't forget tomorrow.
That's right, folks! Just one more part in the forty part essay special by yours truly about everyone's favorite shoujo manga couple (I speak for everyone on the planet, yes)!
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Kageki no Kuni no Alice Chapter Four
Kageki is a step-up from the last few chapters because… well, because I get to pretend like those chapters just didn’t happen. There’s a lot I don’t like about Kageki, but I like the NatsuMikan, which there is a fair amount of! And that’s what I’ll be discussing today. Hopefully that’ll lighten the mood from last time. Though! I don't have much new to say that I didn't already say in Natsume's version. I'll do my best so we can end on a high note!
Natsume and Mikan are at the Opera School in order to visit Aoi, because they do everything together. But Natsume is also being ridiculously cold to one of Aoi’s classmates, Tsubasa’s sister, for no real reason. So Mikan and Aoi both scold him for being mean. Mikan apologizes for Natsume’s sake and we get a glimpse of the fact that they both have matching promise rings. 
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RINGS!!!! They're gonna get married!!!
This is pretty big because as far as we know, Mikan just got back to the Academy a few weeks ago, and only part of her memories were recovered, but somehow in that time, her romance with Natsume has rekindled enough that she once more wants to get married to him… though this rekindling occurred off-page. Sigh. 
This chapter is presented in a strange way, jumping around in time, starting with a confrontation and then rewinding. I think it’s to introduce Natsume and Mikan right away for fans so they keep reading, but it makes things jumbled up. Natsume is as handsome and popular as ever, and quickly gets the attention of the Opera Troupe girls, but this excitement is dampened by Mikan’s enthusiastic arrival because oh dang he’s taken. 
That's right!
Mikan is excited to meet Hikari, because she loves Tsubasa, and it’s funny to see her speaking for herself and Natsume (because they are an item!), much to his chagrin, loudly proclaiming their joint appreciation for Tsubasa’s care. What I like about that is that Mikan and Natsume are a unit at this point, which is what makes her feel comfortable speaking for his feelings in the first place. “I” becomes “we.”
Hikari grabs onto this, that Mikan knows Tsubasa, and tries to get more information out of her. Mikan is affected by pretty faces, as we know, and Hikari is beautiful (or handsome? Since she’s characterized by a sense of masculinity in this story but honestly I've never read this manga in its entirety so I wouldn't really know), so she gets overwhelmed and Natsume ultimately ruins the mood again by stressing to Hikari that her brother wants her to leave.
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I'm so delighted we can get back to NM content that makes me feel something!
Mikan scolds him for being harsh, though he claims he’s just not interested in sugarcoating. Hikari gets depressed and Mikan is again affected, though Natsume doesn’t like that. Then Thoma arrives, and the atmosphere between him and Natsume tenses, which spurs Mikan to ask what their relationship is. It could be simple curiosity or actual jealousy, whichever. If it is jealousy, then it’s interesting to note that the both of them are a little possessive of the other. Mikan certainly doesn’t seem to mind being monopolized by Natsume, but this could suggest she’s monopolizing him too. 
Natsume starts to leave and Mikan rushes after him. That makes me think that she could have been feeling jealousy, but mostly that she is just as intent on spending as much time together as he is. He can’t leave without her when she came to spend time with him! 
They are a married couple, even if they're not married yet.
When they leave, they’re joined by Narumi, who calls Natsume kind and thus gives Mikan a new impression of what he was doing with Hikari. It’s hard to tell with Natsume, honestly, because his kindness and cruelty all look the same. When Natsume confronts Naru by asking if Hikari was dragged into the school for Thoma’s sake, Naru denies it. Then he brings up the manipulative action of scouting Mikan for the Academy, leading to their meeting and falling in love. He turns to Mikan and asks if she thinks that was a mistake, coming to the Academy and meeting everyone.
It's refreshing to go back to "everyone" again, to remember the sheer number of people Mikan loves. Her alice stone was created by the thoughts of many loved ones, after all, not just Natsume, not just Hotaru. There is not just one name written on her heart.
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She must no longer hide behind everyone or we... She can initiate affection like this. Isn't that amazing?
She grabs Natsume’s hand and says “Not at all!” looking him straight in the eyes, so he knows she’s telling him, “How could I regret something that brought me to you?” This makes it personal. Yes, she's happy to have met everyone else and they are all dear, but reassuring Natsume means letting him know how much he specifically matters to her. She trusts Narumi because she’s sure he has good intentions. After all, with everything that happened on her side of things, Narumi seems to have only been helpful. This is also a callback to Narumi requesting that Mikan have faith in him, despite his recent betrayal with the letters. Mikan chose to trust him then and never stopped. Natsume seems to cave, because he's weak when it comes to her, but he admonishes Naru for being manipulative.
Natsume then tells Mikan not to hang around Naru or Hikari anymore, just a little taste of what Natsume monopolizing Mikan looks like. He obviously knows that Mikan will not listen to that, but it’s his way of communicating that he dislikes Naru manipulating her or the way she behaved around Hikari. Mikan just says “huh?” though, so his message might not have gone through the way he liked.
Chapter Five
There’s not much I can analyze in Kageki that I didn’t already mention in Natsume’s version because they spend literally all their time together. On top of that, we get little of their perspectives, and mainly see them through Hikari’s eyes. So if this is short or minimal… oops.
Hikari is being stalked and bullied by Bear, and Natsume gets annoyed that she’s not angrier with him. This is a plot thing, but I always think of Mikan and how much I love her rage and how Higuchi ultimately drained her of all of it for the sake of being a smiley girl who makes everyone happy even to her own detriment. To me, he might be saying these words to Hikari, but he’s talking to Mikan too.
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We're not just talking about Hikari, are we?
Mikan and Natsume are here as loving parents to pick Bear up from school, and Mikan is more focused on gathering Bear while Natsume is scolding Hikari. When Hikari’s cousin arrives to defend her, claiming that Hikari is just incredibly disciplined with her feelings, Natsume counters that she’s really just repressing them. (SOUNDS LIKE MIKAN!) I don’t think Natsume would be as adamant about this if it didn’t connect to Mikan. Maybe this is something they talk about, or something that will soon become a conversation. In any case, Mikan doesn’t seem to take any of what he’s saying personally, so maybe it’s not getting through to her.
In any case, Natsume goes a little overboard insulting Thoma, who instantly dismisses him by telling him to go home, which he does, but not before setting a fire that Mikan rushes to put out. After that, Mikan rushes after him. Because she has to be wherever he is. It's not just Natsume monopolizing her. It goes both ways.
There’s a big to-do about Hikari and Bear and anger and acting and Tsubasa, which I won’t get into mainly because I don’t really care. All that matters is Natsume using a non-burning fire and Mikan being impressed at the control he has over his alice. Like, "Wow, my boyfriend is so cool!"
Chapter 5.5 Omake
This omake takes place after Natsume was ordered to go home, so he and Mikan are doing just that, hand in hand. Where he goes, she goes, and vice versa. A clingy couple. 
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Mikan asks what’s up with Natsume’s behavior with Thoma and Narumi pops out of the blue to explain that Natsume took her absence hard and that he strayed from the right path. Mikan is happy to see Naru; Natsume isn’t. All typical. But Mikan is confused because if Natsume skipped grades, shouldn’t that mean he was a good student and worked hard? And Naru says yes, that he did work hard, but by going on missions (THAT’S A CRIME NARUMI). Mikan is instantly concerned, because she watched him die once before and doesn’t ever want to experience that loss again, so Narumi assures her that none of the missions were at all physically taxing. That doesn’t eliminate her concern, though, until Natsume messes with her a little. 
In any case, Natsume re-enrolled as a high schooler when Mikan returned, so he could capitalize on her new presence. Mikan is excited to see Shiki and Narumi again when they appear, and they offer to show her Natsume’s middle school pics which she is excited to see until Natsume pulls her away, greedily. This chapter further teases Mikan and Natsume's rings, their inevitable wedding. Additionally, we see that there's some conversations yet to be had, particularly about what Natsume has been up to without her. She obviously wants to have these discussions, since she asks questions and then is so eager to see his middle school pictures, but it seems like Natsume is content now to completely leave that era in the past now that he has his girlfriend back.
Chapter Six
Mikan and the SA class are getting ready for the Culture Fest. Natsume complains about the Opera School students coming to visit the Academy campus during such a busy time, but he’s not really doing anything, so it feels unfair for him to say. 
Mikan doesn’t seem to mind that she’s being followed by a leech, and she teases him. She doesn't need him to help. He's just there so they can be together, and if he doesn't contribute anything, then that's fine too, as long as he's around. But the teasing never ends, because they wouldn't be NatsuMikan without it. This is crucial, because their bickering was never a cover-up for anything like it sometimes is for other bickering couples. For them, the bickering was always a relief. For Natsume, he could act immature and childish with someone when he’d been forced into a far more adult role in his life. For Mikan, it’s a way for her to cheer up when she’s feeling down, because bickering with him makes them both happy. The fact that they’re now officially a couple doesn’t eliminate the bickering, it just eliminates the pretense about it.
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I'm sniffling...
Chapter 11.5 Omake
This is an outtake chapter surrounding Hikari searching for inspiration for her acting in a kiss scene. Tsubasa can’t help her for some reason, even though he’s in a relationship (inexplicably, his relationship is described as “new,” even though he and Misaki have been dating for like five years at this point). Thus, she must look elsewhere for romantic inspiration. And where better than Natsume and Mikan out and eating floating soft serve ice cream together?
She gets the ice cream all over her face and, since there’s nobody around, he licks it off her. She seems to find that silly and cute and laughs as he does so, though she is blushing. Will Mikan ever stop blushing around Natsume though? I don’t think so. It’s nice though that their affection is so reciprocal now. She doesn’t even freak out, really, which implies that there’s more intimacy to this extent happening away from the reader’s prying eyes. 
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This was given to us because Higuchi felt bad about what she made us go through with the wretched final chapters. I appreciate the apology, actually, but I think we all agree we could use some more apologies of this nature.
They’re interrupted and it’s only then that Mikan freaks out, embarrassed to be seen doing something so weird. Very interesting! Maybe they'll work up to PDA status later. Nobody likes a voyeur, which is what the others are right now, but getting spied on while you're kissing is a little different than typical PDA. Who knows!
This is my last NM conclusion as far as I know now. How cute they are in this little spin-off manga! It lifts my spirits. Hopefully, seeing them all cutesy lifted your spirits too.
Anyway, friends, I'm genuinely remorseful that the last few parts of this essay were so negative and bitter. I'm usually not one to linger on those parts of GA. My mind is firmly rooted in various AU endings so I tend to be pretty chill about my feelings, but when I have to specifically address everything, it all comes to the surface and I get a little bitter. I'm really sorry it had to be that way.
In any case, despite the bitterness towards the end, writing this essay was genuinely a blast for me. It was nice to put my feelings about this manga into words.
I started writing this essay on April 12, 2015 (which means I was sixteen at the time). I always knew the exact order I'd write this essay in, because my main motivation in analyzing GA was to present my thesis about Mikan genuinely being in love with Natsume. Back then, I'd seen one too many tumblr posts about Mikan being "obligated" to be with Natsume because he was dying or because of comphet or because Natsume scared her or silly things like that and it pissed me off. Additionally, I was bombarded with people calling Mikan a Mary Sue or disregarding her character. I remember seeing posts like that in the dark ages and thinking, "Did these people even read the manga? Do they even pay attention to Mikan?"
I'd see those posts and roll my eyes. I'd read a grossly OOC Mikan in a fic and sigh exasperatedly. I'd see people disparaging her and I'd disapprove. I'd know deep down that Mikan does love Natsume and that she's much more than people are leading on. I knew they were wrong, but I more or less left it at that.
But then I'd ask myself what exactly it was that they were missing and I'd have to confront the fact that I was thinking based on vibes and "just because" and there's no evidence in that. Was I paying much attention to her either? So one day, probably in between ranting to Zoe, I opened up a Google Doc and decided I'd do the hard work and analyze the whole fucking manga to prove my point. Besides, there was no real analysis for NM out there, so I'd take one for the team and do it. But it wasn't enough to analyze NM. There's too much going on there to leave it to one essay.
After all, most people think of anime scenes when they think of the earlier chapters, and that's not accurate, so I'd have to distinguish between the anime and the manga. But it's not enough to simply distinguish! The anime contains scenes worth discussing, since NM is pretty different there. Thus, the essay had to be divided between manga and anime. But that wasn't enough, either, because analyzing Natsume and Mikan's feelings in one essay was sure to give me a headache, which means this project had to be three parts, and Mikan had to be last. She always had to be last, my grand finale to prove that she was no Mary Sue, that her love for Natsume was built up from the beginning, and that she had depth and growth that should be appreciated.
It is now July 27, 2023 at around 11 PM. I'm now finished.
Altogether, across all three essays, I wrote about 243,240 words about NatsuMikan. Hundreds of pages in my Google Docs. This would be a huge book. And if anyone out there read all of it? You're a damn trooper. I appreciate you so much.
To all my readers, the ones who stuck with me from the beginning, or the ones who find it long after I press post on this last one, the ones who read each word, or the ones who skimmed to the analysis of their favorite scenes, I thank you. To everyone who left a comment, I thank you. To everyone who reached out to tell me their thoughts, I thank you. To @crimsoncitrus for helping me out with plenty of the translations throughout this process, thank you! To @thesightofworms, for being my favorite person to rant to about GA, I very much thank you. And to Higuchi Tachibana, I thank you. I do have beef with some of your choices, but creating manga is no small feat and you wrote 180 chapters for us to consume and I am beyond grateful that you have created something so enduring and important to me, something I have never been able to move on from.
I have loved GA since I was twelve years old and I show no signs of stopping. This is just one labor of love of many to come. I'll never shut up about this manga. Today I finish a very long project that I've had on my mind since I was a teenager. Tomorrow I'll pursue another. I can't imagine I'll ever stop coming up with projects for GA. :)
Took me long enough, but we're done now! I love you all. Have a wonderful day <3
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crevanille · 1 month
Airing Out My Head
Hello everyone, how are you all doing?
So, as the title says, it's just me airing out what's in my head atm as I try to keep moving forward.
So, while I would never claim to be the most productive or busy person ever, I do still have things I'm trying to accomplish and get done all the same.
I like writing and do dabble in some fan fiction, which is mostly for my own degenerate pleasure and practice for my other personal projects.
See, I've loved video games for as long as i can remember. For me, and like many others I'd imagine, games were a close companion who were always there for me when nobody else was. Not saying I had no friends here, but I was never a huge people person either, preferring a small group of friends to huge crowds. Fun times hanging out with them after school and such back then... but, at home, video games (and especially RPGs) were what kept me company the most.
Times were.... rough growing up back then. Lots of family drama, unconventional relationship with my sister aside, going on at the time.
I'll spare you all the details on that and simply say that... there was no happy ending when it was all settled and things never really got better for anyone until probably long after we all drifted apart. We don't really talk much so we've lost touch with each other... or at least I have. Still, I hope everything is going well for everyone regardless.
But still, it's true what the say, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' for what you never really had, only really appreciating it once it's gone.
Now, I'm not saying I'd want to do it all over again or even try to reconnect with them at this point in my life though. Really, so as long as everyone's doing well, then that's enough for me.
No, the thing I wish I had more of in my life is 'the love of family', and well... love more generally, I guess. A little whiny, I know. Sorry about that.
Still, I suppose that those desires are pretty much the biggest things influencing my interests and what I'm trying to do these days.
The biggest of which being inspired by my love of adult indie games and old school RPGs of yesteryear... is to try and make my own.
It's a slow going and very clumsy process for me, but... baby steps. I'll get there though.
If you had to ask me why games, then all I could say is that I just have stories I want to tell and thoughts, feelings, and desires I just want to explore... And what better place than a fictional world I made?
Considering the content of my last post and the realizations I've made about myself... Yeah, 'Family' and 'double love' are gonna be important themes I want at the center of it all. Nothing grand per se, just me making a world and telling the story of a family falling in love with each other while killing monsters in a fantasy world... It won't be for everyone, but I don't care. At the end of the day, this is just for me and no one else. Having said that, I'll update more about that specific project once I have more to share about it.
The other thing I want to do in the short term is getting back into a great manga series I read a LONG time ago after watching the anime adaptation first.
It's called 'Koi Kaze' by Yoshida Motoi.
It's a seinen(aimed at much older, typically male, audiences) romance between a man named Koshiro and a girl named Nanoka.
For those who have read/enjoyed the series, they'll already know the details, but for those who don't, the story tastefully and rather believably paints a very complicated, cute, and bittersweet love story...
Not only is this an age-gap romance, but a GSA consang romance of two siblings who have just been reunited and end up living together.
It's one of the very few pieces of fiction that's come out, officially localized even, that trats its subject matter with the genuine care it deserves.
I guess.. I want to look at it again from the perspective of an adult and see I think of it now after so long. Now, I still love the story, but it's still good to compare and contrast now that I'm older and after so long, especially now that I've come to better understand myself, so I'll post more about it after I finish reading it. It's not exactly a long series, but I like taking my time.
Alright then, see you all later and thanks for reading and I'll see you later with another post.
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kenanda · 6 months
for the longest time I've wanted to learn Japanese and now that I've finally started taking jp classes I've just got this immense, all consuming FIRE under my ass to learn as fast as I can so I can read Maiden Rose in the original.
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why's that you ask, well for one it's because this is my most favouritest story of all time, I've loved it for over a decade now, and one time i went into such a frenzy despairing over the idea that I'd never be able to purchase vol 1&2 of the manga (because they aren't in print anymore) that I spent nearly 1k reais to import them from a secondhand bookshop in the US (they're still in the original plastic so that's a big win for me).
second, i had NEARLY given up hope of it being updated anytime soon but just a couple weeks ago I saw that there've been consistent updates over the past few years, so naturally once I recovered from the frenzied state I'd promptly launched myself into, i decided to re-read the whole thing again.
I'm now in a different type of frenzy, because GODDDD the older and more mature I become, the layers of this story just become all the more juicy and I just know there's a whole lot of symbolism I'm currently unable to grasp because of the language barrier!!!
I can't wait for the next update and I hope sensei continues telling this story because reading it while listening to mitski's my love mine all mine just gave me enough energy to power an entire city and I'm so full of love and excitement right now that I'm gonna do the only thing I can to deal with these overwhelming emotions: I'm gonna do a full body workout.
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also I've decided this is the year I'll be getting not one but TWO maiden rose tattoos OR SO HELP ME GOD
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charmspoint · 9 months
idk if i'm poking a hornet's nest, if i am, feel free to ignore this ask. i just wanted to know: what are your thoughts on jjk? i'm genuinely really interested because i've started reading it and i'm really enjoying it so far. and i love how it's inspired so much fanwork and analysis, but also, a bit of criticism. idk ... what's your response to it? sorry for sending such a vague ask!
Oh don't worry at all, if there is one thing I can be counted on is to share my opinion on p much anything I can have an opinion on, loudly and in length.
So here are few things to consider before giving my opinions any weight
I don't read shonen because I think it will be good hjbhbh this sounds mean but like, as frustrating as it is, shonen not being As Good As I Would Like It To Be, is kind of the point. I almost NEVER write fanfics about manga i really truly love. If i asked my followers now I don't know if they would be able to name my fav manga n anime. I read shonen to have something to write about, to have something to fill out and develop.
Shonen focuses a lot on fights. I don't care about fights. My primary interests when I'm reading are A. Characters B. World building. Shonen has these but they are never the focus, the focus is setting up a cool way to have a cool fight, whatever that means in the world of the particular story. This of course doesn't apply to every shonen manga, don't come for me, but it applies to a lot of the popular ones and it applies to JJK
All that to say: I'm not the target audience and I know it, if you are looking for an opinion of someone who really really really likes shonen manga and is into the major aspects of it that's not me and I won't give you any useful insight on that.
Onwards with my thoughts:
JJK is really really fun at the beginning! If you just started reading it you are in for a fun time for a good bit. The characters are interesting and show a lot of promise, the central themes are cool, the designs are badass and it has one of the better adult supporting cast which I, as an adult who can no longer really identify with teen protags, really appreciate. It has amazing villains, some of the better treated women in shonen (tho keep in mind that is a very low bar) and enough emotional content to keep you digging for more. It had me teared up at least once! It's world is very interesting and the psychology and the make up of it are just MADE for someone like me who specializes in studying pain and grief and death to splash around in.
It's just that after a bit...it stumbles. I think it's p much unanimously agreed at this point that the shibuya arc was the high note after which the manga very very slowly started getting dull. The nature of where it was headed meant that a lot of new characters had to be introduced only to be immediately discarded. It was a death game where it didn't really feel like the main characters were in danger which, after Shibuya which had a high death toll on known and bellowed characters, just had me kind of disinterested. Death game with no stakes is BAD. It's hard to explain all the ways i just kind of stopped caring. Combination of the inflation of the cast with characters I didn't care about while leaving the old ones by the wayside. Feeling like the most interesting of new characters got sidelined (suspiciously mostly women...remember what i said about the low bar), while the boring ones stuck around. It started feeling rare that the manga hits an emotional point (it did happen, it was this era of the manga in which it almost brought me to tears) but even the hits would get undermined with something later that made them stumble and fall flat. A lot of promising, cool things, conversations, backstory details, interactions that were expected and predicted from the first half just kind of fizzled out, didn't happen, or were done so quickly and offhandedly that it got me saying 'is that really how he's gonna do this'. It was just a pile of small disappointments that grew and grew until I found myself not as excited for the new update like i once was, till i found myself completely forgetting to check if the new chapter was there or not.
All in all, I would place JJK very close to BNHA in terms of my feelings for it: Very promising but can't live up to its own ideas. Or to be fair, can't live up to my ideas. Every time I check in Gege seems to be having a blast and in the end that's what's most important. I'm just someone writing in the blanks he left behind according to my own interests lol.
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alonelystargazer · 2 months
Thoughts on Demon Slayer and how it ends? I’ve heard a lot of people say they think the final battle is lame or that it wasn’t a tough fight which is INSANE to me and I really enjoyed the ending!!! It felt like the victory still had sacrifices
yay thanks for sending me and ask! I hope you had a great day! :)
Okay so, I'm gonna be honest, I haven't read the Infinity Castle arc yet, so I'm sorry that I can't give a review on it or any other thoughts, but once I get to it, I will. I'm caught up with the anime, and I'm still making my way through the manga, so from what I do know about the story, I can say that Demon Slayer is a very charming and heartwarming story. It's not like the typical battle shonen series that focuses mainly on the fighting and power system. It takes the time to show character growth and development between character dynamics. I'm not too involved in the fandom, but I've seen some people say that this is a flaw of the series, as well as the power system being too simple, but I find this to a strength.
I won't lie, when I first got into the series, I wasn't a big fan of Tanjiro because I felt like he was too emotional, but that's a pretty stupid reason to not like the protag or the series as a whole. He's such a kind and resilient person, despite the tragic loss of his family, and that's something I grew to like about him. And as an older sibling myself, I also admire his dedication to protecting his younger sister Nezuko. I'll hold off on my thoughts about Sanemi and Genya since I haven't finished the series yet, but I have a feeling I will have a different opinion about their sibling relationship than I do with Tanjiro and Nezuko.
Progress has been slow because I'm trying to catch up with like 5 other series, but I promise that once I finish Demon Slayer, then I can give my full thoughts!
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gojuo · 1 year
Gojo has his head. In season 2 he tells toji he failed to kill him because he didn't cut off his head. Sukuna didn't cut off his head. He can still heal his body.
Plus we see Nanami tell gojo that there are two paths. One to change you or one to stay who you are. Gojo says goodbye to his dead friends and we see him walk away showing he's taking the second path. We also see a lotus then.
Which symbols strength and renewal.
Gojo is not dying. He may be gone a few chapters but everything his hunting he will heal his body and be back.
Gojo will live.
i wish i had your hopium but i gotta correct a few things here ... 1) it was said by i think kashimo (i dont even remember) that cursed energy comes from the gut, and gojo has been split into two from his stomach. toji never bisected him, even if he managed to stab him through the cranium. 2) gojo didn't say goodbye to his friends in the afterlife, that was a mistranslation. 3) he's not walking away from anything either ?? 4) the chapter title is called "going south" bruh...
listen. i so badly want him to come back. i really fucking do. i read jjk 0 when it came out in jump giga in 2017 and when it wasn't called jjk yet (it was called tokyo metropolitan curse technical school btw). i've been with gojo since mfing 2017... 2017!!! i've loved him for over 6 years now i can't even believe it's been so long.. i never expected that silly oneshot manga to become this popular 🥹 kinda makes me happy how loved jjk is currently :')))) but the fact of the matter is that gege has stated numerous times that he wants to finish jjk soon. he actually stated in late 2022 that he was planning on finishing it in 2023. gege's editor has come out and said that the manga will not be ending this year though, so my guess is somewhere around spring 2024 everything will be wrapped and and be donezo so that gege can move on to that goddamn idol manga he's been yapping about for a while now. so what am i trying to say with this tangent? i'm saying that jjk is ending soon and that gege has stated multiple times how difficult it was for him to write around the powerhouse that is gojo (which is just an admission of his own shitty writing/planning because mf YOU 🫵 are the writer like you are the one that created him!!! learn how to plan out your story and how to utilize the characters you yourself have created for it you stupid fucking cat i swear to god....). this all just screams to me that it's over. it's finished. gojo already died once and came back enlightened, he's not gonna have it a second time. not this close to the end. not after having been removed from the narrative for over a hundred chapters. not after seeing sukuna back at full health in his heian era form, something gege didn't even have gojo force out of him. like gege really got him out of the box so that he could be done with him unarguably and conclude his character arc because he wants to finish jjk.
gojo is dead, nobara is for sure dead, megumi is basically done for (we'll see him once more within the mind once yuuji does his soul cursed technique whatever bullshit on sukuna to have a talk but he's not coming back no more), and yuuji, the kid whose execution started this story, will be the only one left alive. gege said in an interview a while ago that he wanted to end jjk with either 1 of the main 4 dead, or only 1 of the main 4 alive. i think it's pretty obvious that person is supposed to be yuuji. "die surrounded by your friends" from the first chapter is going to turn into "all your dead friends will surround you". i am wholeheartedly convinced of this. i'm sorry, but after 3 years of having to sit through that worthless culling game arc leading to absolutely nowhere for our heroes, after realizing that there will never be a pay off for the last 100+ chapters because the whole point of the arc is now fucking dead just like that, i do not have it in me to have any faith nor hope in gege's writing skills. it's become painfully clear to me how mid that guy is at writing and how hard he is rushing towards the end. i have lost all faith and goodwill i used to hold for gege.
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bunnygirl678 · 6 months
Which fics have you read more than once?
Ahhhh so I've read a lot of fics more than once! I usually leave a comment if I read something twice but not always, i forget sometimes lmao
I need to do a fic rec at some point, but to just link a few that i've reread recently (note i've been doing a lot of prec metal latelyyyy)
Okay my top 5 most reread for reguri/pms are below soooo enjoy! Although these aren't all of them, they're just the most recently reread lmao, ummm there aren't as many fics for gold/silver so you get more aus with reguri,
Take heed of ratings and tags if you see something you don't like don't read lmao
Reguri both game/manga is first cause it's first lmao (no specific order)
So this is my all time favorite Reguri story, I've reread it multiple times, Scale of the Heart Series by DeathandTaxes, it's really good and really long which is a bonus in my book,
A note, this one isn't complete and hasn't been updated since 2018 but i'm holding out hope lmao, it's also omegaverse which is my dirty little secret love While You Were Away by msOdds, this story is why i like mpreg lmao
This one is a soulmate au and i really really like it Reguri Week:CODA by loopid, really cute idea and i like how it was executed
High School AU!!! I love high school aus, I only have one going and it's gold/silver mostly because i've been out of high school too long and don't trust myself to write it well lmao, but this one is amazing, i remember clicking on it and being like, hmm not gonna read yet and when i finally did i ended up going back and rereading it (i was in the hospital with pneumonia so there wasn't much to do but read and write lmao) The Oak Tree by FarishtaFyre, it's soooo good, worth the read for sure
This one is spicy it's about slime!Red Experiment by chatonbiru
Prec/Hunter not gonna separate cause you know (no specific order)
Okay this is pokemas there's actually 3 separate stories all by the same author Dreamsgirl but i adore them so it's counting as one, and usually when i read one i'll go read the other two, Rebound, Mistakes Were Made, Rivalzoned (the last two also have some reguri)
And We Shall Burn by Juulz, this one is LONG which is great cause there are only a few long fics for this pairing which sucks, it's really well written and has a bunch of twists and turns
PMS_Apologist i've reread a bunch of her stuff, she's the best porn writer i know, beware it's on the side of dark which i'm all for but you know heed the tags, the first fic i read from her was really dark and i was like, yeah i'm gonna need more glad to see she has a ton, and we ended up becoming homies cause she likes bloodbank lmao, as for fics, this one is cute, and spicy but not dark, Awaiting the Apocalypse it's got the fun air that a lot of masters fics have. Also Facade which has no sex
Another long one, it had me crying so that's fun, Something to Fight For, by Yusuke_Uchiha, I read it in an afternoon while on pain killers with my shoulder and sobbed a ton lol
Heart to Heart by Kalkks, green being a good big brother figure which is always fun, cute story!
Then finally my top 5 fics of my own that i've reread
Blood bank, it is on going, i have the next ch written and i need to update lmao, alsooooo it's getting a companion piece for gold/silver and team rocket so you get to see how gio/delia started dating and why silver hates red, and it's also spicy but not published as of yet (it will be just as long as blood bank lmao)
Mama, Can You Die From A Broken Heart? me experimenting with a texting fic!! i ended up really liking it and have reread it multiple times, i wrote a good portion of it on a flight while fighting a hangover and no sleep but it's still good lmao
Soulmates in Higher Education Series first one is red/green second is actually a prequel but it's silver/gold i had fun writing them, i love soulmate aus so you know i had to write them
The Most Expansive Collection of Champion Red Merch in All of Kanto this one was fun to write, it's a snapshot fic with a storyline if that makes sense?
5 Times Eevee Helped Green When He Was Sick, +1 Time She Didn't it's rough around the edges, I was getting back into writing and as you can tell from the notes I was extremely ill, in the hospital, but i still love this fic, really liked my plan and whatnot,
BONUS: MY FAV AUs (And how many wips i have of each)
High School/College Love these, I have 1 WIP and it's gold/silver, but it's really good?? it started out as an attempt at originalshipping but the characterizations were off, until i realized they were more like gold/silver so i made some edits and changed the plan, i'll pick it back up at some point lmao
Omegaverse- leave me alone i love them so much, Reguri-5 wips, Prec-3 wips
Soulmate-need i say more?? 2 wips, one reguri, one prec
Hanahaki- sad flower disease?? Yes please, i love the angst, and i love flowers (fun fact i'm a licensed florist, but i never do anythign with itlmao) 1 wip each, neither are close to completion lol
Family- not found family, but like domestic?? idk, moreso with gold/silver, silver and gio reconnecting or never separating or idk, just fluffy family stuff
There are a ton more fics that I've read multiple times, or really enjoyed, if you run out of stuff to read let me know lmao, you can always beta my 97 open wips lmao
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