#then double shampoo to get it out and always condition
ask-pavitr · 5 months
your hair is so fabulous. I am so jealous!!
you should be
I have amazing hair
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sunraies · 1 year
How about the reader being a waitress and spilling Rafes drink all over him accidentally and while she's patting him down with a cloth to clean him up he gets an erection with smut pretty please
Sure! I made Rafe soft, no pun intended. I've only proofread once x
Spilt Drink
Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - MDNI!! +18, slight sub!reader x dom!Rafe, smoking reader, smoking, fingering, P in V, pill mentioned, rushed smut.
As requested above
It was a disgustingly hot day. Summer in the Outerbanks was always hot, humid and dry. The Cut was always a dull yellow and the roads dust. While Figure Eight was lush and green with the tarmac melting on the roads.
One good thing about working at the Country Club was the air conditioning but the black restaurant uniform code, still made you sweat. That day you decided to wear as little as possible in the form of a little black dress. Still technically in the uniform code but more cooling than the polo shirt and black pants combo you normally wore.
The moment Rafe entered with Topper and Kelce, he had to do a double take on you. You looked so different, he couldn't pin point how as he had seen you in both your work and Pogue attire but in that dress you looked gorgeous.
You groaned internally as you spotted who walked in after finishing cleaning a table. The three of them were always so loud, taking up the plush sofa chairs in the middle as they would most likely be there for the rest of the afternoon. They had clearly been golfing that morning as Rafe's cheeks were a little pink from the sun.
"Hi, what can I get you?" You asked was fake smile and sweet tone as you pulled your notepad and pen from your apron.
"3 beers" Kelce said, not even looking at you.
"And a water" Topper added as Rafe just sneak looks at you.
He hid his smirk with his hand, faking uninterest as he looked you up and down. Subconsciously you pulled the hem of your dress down a little
"Coming right up" you gave them another smile before heading to the bar and placing the order.
"Rafe was totally checking you out" Mags said as she poured the drinks, giving you a wink. The slightly older woman was one of your close friends.
"Oh fuck off" you whispered "He was not"
"Girl, he was. Man was practically giving you the sex eyes"
"Shut up. He was not"
"I mean who wouldn't. You are killer in that dress"
You tugged the hem again before noticing the top would pull down more, giving a lot of cleavage.
"Why didn't you tell me it did this?!" You hissed
She just hummed and continuing with the drinks. "You look good" she shrugged "not that you don't always"
You shook your head and smiled at her before carrying the drinks over. You interrupted them in the middle of laughing about something. As you placed the drinks down, everything was going fine until the condensation on the glass made it slip out of your hand. 
Time seemed to go in slow motion as the glass hit the table, toppling on its side and pouring all of its contents into Rafe's lap. He managed to open his legs the minute the beer hit him, causing most to go on the floor.
"I'm so sorry, sir" In your panic you went into full customer service mode.
You needed this job, and if he went to your boss, you would be out the door. Just your luck to spill a drink in Rafe fucking Cameron's lap.
He tried not to groan as you leant over him, dabbing his lap with napkins from the table. He felt intoxicated by the smell of your shampoo, perfume and sweat. He closed his eyes a moment as he realised he could see down your dress before slightly jumping as you applied pressure to his crotch.
"I got it" He snapped, trying to take the napkins from you but it was too late as you felt it.
Your cheeks burned as you noticed his erection and quickly moved away. "I'll go get you another beer"
You got Mags to get the drink as you hurried out back, claiming you needed a smoke. As you pushed the back door open, your hands fumbled for your cigarettes before popping a smoke in your mouth before realising you forgot your lighter.
You stood against the wall in the shade, desperately trying not to overthink the whole scene in there. Had he really been looking at you that way and was he really that big, or were you imagining it.
As you were about to head back inside the door opened again and your eyes widened as Rafe walked out. A small part of you was a little scared, although he was never awful to you, he was still a Pogue hating Kook and you had just embarrassed him.
"You need a light?"
You stared at him, that was not the reaction you had been expecting "What?"
"You need a light?"  He pulled out his own cigarette from his pocket and lit it before passing you the lighter
"Your hand's shaking, sweetheart" He pointed out as you took the lighter.
"Just been a hard day" you muttered taking a drag before realising the pun "god, shit, sorry! A long day..."
Your cheeks burned again as you covered your face, deciding to stop talking. You exhaled a shaky breathe as he hummed, leaving the silence between you.  He moved to rest against the wall beside you, his arm touching yours. You didn't dare move until he spoke.
"You don't have any fucking idea, what happened in there, do you?" He sighed, looking over at you.
"I'm honestly so sorry"
You took a few glances at him, noticing him just staring at you before his jaw ticked and he blew out a few smoke rings.
"Why do you keep staring?"  You muttered "because if you are thinking of ways to kill me, stop"
His jaw ticked again before he let out a low chuckle. "I'm staring because you are gorgeous and I'm thinking of ways to fuck you"
You swallowed, glad the wall was holding you up as your knees felt weak. Anyone else talking to you in that way would have been punched but the way his eyes were blown and the effect you knew you had on him. It was causing a whole damn zoo to explode in your stomach.
He smirked, watching your reaction before finishing his smoke, throwing the butt away before you mirrored his actions.
"Would you like that, baby girl?" He asked leaning closer to you as you nodded. "Words, sweetheart"
"Yes" you breathed out
"Yes? What?" His eyes were teasing. You frowned at him a little before he gave you a clue "you know what the word did to me"
"Yes, sir?" You were uncertain before a smile broke out on his face.
"Good" He whispered, his ringed hand cupping your cheek as his thumb ran over your bottom lip.
Your breath hitched in your chest as his ocean eyes locked on yours before he leaned in more. The tip of his nose brushed against yours, before he finally kissed you. He tasted of smoke but you didn't care as his lips were so soft and he knew what he was doing. He gently bit your lip, causing you to gasp and give his tongue entrance.
You felt a warm tingle down your spine as you felt his large hand against your lower back, pulling you towards him. He chuckled against your lips as you wrapped a leg around him.
"Needy, aren't you baby?"  He purred, breaking away to kiss your neck.
You can't help the moan that escape you as he nibbled a sweet spot while his hand glided up your thigh. You knew you had already soaked through your underwear as he continued peppering your neck and jawline in kisses.
A dark laugh left him as his fingers finally glided over your panties. "I've barley touch you and you're already so wet for me, pretty girl"
You whined and his hand slid beneath your panties and he began to rub your clit in slow circles
"We don't have much time, baby"  He whispered "someone could catch us any minute"
"I don't care" you moaned, head resting against the wall "as long as you keep doing that"
"Just this?" He smirked before you gasp as he slided two fingers into you. He knew what he was doing as you began to come undone.
"You look so pretty falling apart for me, baby" He teased.
Soon you were gasping, tightening around his fingers as your legs shook. You whined as he pulled away "Ready?"
"Fuck me, Rafe" you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. He hesitated before you said "I'm on the pill"
Your eyes widened, seeing how big he actually was. Even feeling it briefly earlier didn't do him justice. You whimpered and whined as he kissed you cheeks, nose and forehead
"I know, baby, I know" He whispered "you can take it, pretty girl. I know you can take it"
He was so gentle until you asked for more. He was just the right amount of rough and soon you both climaxed. His head was buried in your chest while you played with his hair. You both desperately tried to catch your breaths.
You fixed your dress as he pulled away. You both stared at each for a moment before you spoke first.
"I should. I should probably go back inside" you turned to the door.
"Wait!"  He stopped you as he held the door shut. Here would be the part he made you swear to tell no one "Do you want to go on a date? We could hang out? Lunch or Dinner?"
You swallowed and nodded slowly before smiling "sure, I mean I would love too. I have tomorrow off"
The smile that forms on his face, melts your heart before he held the door open for you "I'll pick you up and we'll go to the main land"
There was the catch, you couldn't be seen together in Outerbanks but all the thoughts stopped when he kissed you quick again.
Once back inside, it was like nothing ever happened. Rafe went back to his friends but looked at you every so often as you continued to work. You were so thankful that the back area was walled off and there was no cameras but you were 90% sure Mags knew.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
cassian x reader: dating a high maintenance girlie
Hello, if this seems extra its cause it is but this is quite literally my high maintenance routine. This is just one of my favorite parts of life and I love the idea of these big burly men doing skincare with their girls. 
i’m a high maintenance girly bc i like to be. pls this isn’t a pick me bullshit type thing. Im a girls girl yall. 
-This man doesn’t know shit about self care. 
-He knows the basics but like, nothing that would genuinely make him feel comfy in his own skin even more than he already is. 
-He uses 3-in-1. Technically 4-in-1 because face wash is separate formula than body wash but you digress. 
-Y'all know that stereotype of a guy glowing up after getting a girlfriend? You guys were the blueprint for that. 
-You taught him his hair type (2A), his skin type (dry), his preferred scent profile for himself (spicy, woody, aromatic). What his favorite types of care products are, he loves leave-in conditioner, cream cleansers. He’s not a fan of super heavy moisturizers because he’ll get overstimulated.
-These are just things this man has never thought about. 
-When you two leave the house for a Court Duty, you end up doing Cassian's hair. He wants to look nice, for lots of reasons, but especially because he wants to be let back into Summer. He wants to be able to take you on Summer Court dates! 
-He lives for that sliver of time you’re able to squeeze in before going somewhere. You doing his hair, him staring at you in the mirror if you’re behind him. If you’re in front of him, his large hands on your plush hips as you bite your lip in concentration trying to make his wild hair look nice. The feeling of your fingers through his scalp and how even when there’s a knot, you never tug or pull hard enough that it hurts him. You’re gentle and sweet with him even when he thinks he doesn’t deserve it (spoiler: he always deserves it) 
-He loves how high maintenance you are, it helps him remember to take care of himself. 
-You do a little self care sunday reset type of thing. It helps you get ready for the week. 
-He finds these routines utterly fascinating. 
-He begs to watch you do them, not even in the dirty way but it's just so interesting to watch. You also banned him from getting frisky when you do the routines. This was your time, he was welcome to watch but he would step out if you asked because you needed to be alone. 
-Some days, your routines are a bit more intense, such as the monthly waxing for your legs and armpits. Coochie too. 
-He flinches every single time he watches you wax some part of you, especially the coochie. He kind of has an attachment to that part. 
-You do the whole shabang sometimes. Wax legs, armpits, etc. Exfoliating shampoo, regular shampoo, conditioning mask, conditioner. Then the body stuff, exfoliating, shaving any parts you didn’t want to wax, double cleansing your body with antibacterial then the fun scented stuff. Then when you’re out of the bath, face extractions, face wash, whatever else you want to add. And then body creams. Then you’re done. 
-He’s just amazed every single time. 
-He also loves that you make a little thing out of it. You make it fun for you. There's a whole closet filled with different scents, treatments, formulas, etc. 
-You always smell good. There are deodorants shoved in every single bag you own, every room for that matter. Massive perfume, bodycare, candle, anything that makes a room or you smell good, you have it. 
-Even going to bed, you put perfume on.
-He loves that you say “I only wear it for myself Cass, it’s just a bonus that you love it.” Because he knows it’s true. 
-Sometimes he goes in just to sniff around. The fool just stands there and sniffs stuff. You had no idea why he decided to sit in the closet and sniff things in the dark. However, you did know that when you opened the door to see a nearly 7 foot tall clown smelling your beloved collection, you screamed bloody murder. 
So loud Azriel came running with his knives. Cassian just looked at you like “what’s your deal bro?” 
You were trained by two of the most powerful warriors, yet your first reaction was to scream. 
“Why didn’t you try to fight me?” Cassian asked, “I’ve seen you kick someone down for less.” 
“I am in my bathrobe Cassian! You want me swinging my legs around with my flaps out?” 
Azriel chose to leave the room after that. 
-You also always have perfectly manicured nails. And somehow someway you taught your tricks to the Valkyries so now they are able to have beautiful nails while still disemboweling enemies. 
-Great, now he and Az have four she-devils with perfectly manicured nails and glossy hair that can slay their enemies with one swipe. The four of you were feral together. He wouldn’t be surprised if he walked into the camps one day to see some guys dead because they were sexist. 
-You also got him and Az roped into these skincare nights. 
-He loves sitting there with a face mask on and you using one of your crystal rollers rolling it onto his skin. Bougie bitch eats it up. 
-One of your favorite things to do is wear a sheet mask and hide in a closet.  Scares him every single time. 
-Your stuff is everywhere, you’d be damned if you were uncomfy in your own home. After talking to Cassian and Azriel to make sure you weren’t being a shitty roommate, you kind of went crazy. 
-Lip balms in every room, hand creams, candles. Hair ties and claw clips. Fuzzy blankets stashed in every trunk you could find. 
-Rhys made fun of it, but ate his words pretty quickly when Feyre saw the beauty of having lip balms and hair ties/claw clips stashed everywhere. (and he later found the joys of said products and gave you a gift basket as an apology….you didn’t even remember that he judged you because you simply didn’t care).
-Also, the guys live in fucking luxury. The home always smells good, they never have to worry about chapped lips or dry skin. Or pesky hair in the way. Anywhere they want is a blanket or cute pillow to prop their heads up. 
-they were living like animals until you showed up.
-Cassian having a mate is the best thing to ever happen to Az. 
-Feyre, Nesta, Elain, Emerie, Gwyn, Morrigan and even Amren shop your stash of body care if they wanna smell a certain way for a certain fun time (wink). 
-Even Nuala and Cerridwen will approach and ask you. Obviously you say yes. You own so much you’ll never get through everything in time. 
-Plus you’re a Girls Girl. You’re gonna be there for your girls in your life.
-Speaking of the ladies in your life. 
-When you and Cassian have twin baby girls, you were ecstatic. Either way you were going to be happy but you always wanted a girl and now you have two!
-Teaching them how to take care of their skin and hair has been the best for you and Cassian. He loves watching his girls play with their hair. He loves having his hair braided by them. 
-Family self care nights become a Thing (that sometimes an Uncle or Aunt will join).
-He loves you because you taught him how to actually care for himself and his mental health. You showed him how he needs to stop and appreciate the smaller things. That not everything has to be a chore. 
-He loves you more than anything, maintenance and all.
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find-my-purpose · 8 months
The Basics of Skin Care
A 100 skincare tips for beginners:
1. Cleanse your face twice a day.
2. Use a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser.
3. Avoid hot water, as it can strip natural oils.
4. Use a cleansing brush or washcloth for gentle exfoliation.
5. Remove makeup before bedtime.
6. Double cleanse if you wear heavy makeup.
7. Don't over-cleanse; it can lead to dryness.
8. Exfoliate 1-3 times a week, based on your skin type.
9. Choose chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs.
10. Be gentle when physically exfoliating.
11. Avoid over-exfoliation to prevent irritation.
12. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
13. Apply moisturizer while your skin is slightly damp.
14. Don't forget your neck and chest.
15. Consider using a humidifier in dry climates.
Sun Protection:
16. Always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
17. Use a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30.
18. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
19. Wear protective clothing and sunglasses.
20. Avoid tanning beds and excessive sun exposure.
21. Use products with antioxidants like vitamin C.
22. Apply retinol at night for anti-aging benefits.
23. Consider peptides for collagen support.
24. Stay hydrated to maintain skin elasticity.
25. Get enough sleep for skin repair.
26. Drink plenty of water for overall skin health.
27. Use a hydrating serum or hyaluronic acid.
28. Avoid hot showers that can dry out your skin.
29. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake.
Acne Management:
30. Use salicylic acid for acne-prone skin.
31. Don't pop pimples; it can lead to scarring.
32. Change pillow cases regularly.
33. Maintain a balanced diet to reduce breakouts.
34. Consult a dermatologist for severe acne.
Skincare Routine:
35. Develop a consistent skincare routine.
36. Patch test new products.
37. Customize your routine based on your skin's needs.
38. Consider professional facials occasionally.
39. Clean makeup brushes and sponges regularly.
40. Avoid sharing makeup to prevent infections.
41. Choose non-comedogenic makeup products.
42. Remove makeup before going to bed.
Eye Care:
43. Use an eye cream to address under-eye concerns.
44. Be gentle when applying and removing eye makeup.
45. Get enough sleep to reduce under-eye puffiness.
46. Manage stress to prevent skin issues.
47. Get regular exercise for better blood flow.
48. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.
49. Limit alcohol consumption.
50. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Special Treatments:
51. Use a face mask 1-2 times a week.
52. Try sheet masks for extra hydration.
53. Consider facial oils for added moisture.
54. Use a lip balm to prevent chapped lips.
Skin Conditions:
55. Consult a dermatologist for skin conditions.
56. Use products with soothing ingredients for sensitive skin.
57. Eczema-prone skin should avoid harsh products.
58. Rosacea-prone skin should use gentle, non-irritating products.
59. Psoriasis-prone skin may benefit from salicylic acid.
DIY Skincare:
60. Be cautious with DIY treatments; research first.
61. Natural ingredients like honey and aloe can be beneficial.
62. Avoid DIY recipes with harsh or abrasive ingredients.
63. Test DIY masks on a small area first.
64. Get 7-9 hours of sleep for skin regeneration.
65. Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction.
Hands and Feet:
66. Moisturize hands and feet, especially in winter.
67. Use sunscreen on your hands to prevent age spots.
Body Skin Care:
68. Don't forget to moisturize your body.
69. Exfoliate your body regularly.
70. Take short, lukewarm showers to prevent dry skin.
71. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
72. Use a sharp, clean razor.
73. Apply a moisturizing shaving cream.
Hair Care:
74. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
75. Avoid hot water when washing your hair.
76. Protect your hair from UV damage.
Hormonal Changes:
77. Adjust your skincare routine during hormonal changes.
78. Birth control can affect skin; consult a dermatologist.
79. Manage menopausal skin changes with skincare.
80. Be aware of allergens in skin care products.
81. Perform a patch test for new products.
82. Hypoallergenic products can be a safe choice.
Tattoo Care:
83. Follow aftercare instructions for tattoos.
84. Use a mild, fragrance-free lotion.
85. Avoid direct sunlight on a healing tattoo.
Skin Care Tools:
86. Cleanse skincare tools regularly.
87. Replace loofahs and brushes when they wear out.
Consult a Professional:
88. If you're unsure about a product, ask a dermatologist.
89. Consider professional treatments for specific concerns.
90. Use products with anti-inflammatory ingredients.
91. Manage skin redness with calming products.
92. Gently massage your face for better circulation.
93. Use upward motions to prevent sagging.
Eyes and Lips:
94. Use SPF lip balm to protect your lips.
95. Choose an eye cream with ingredients like caffeine.
Preventive Care:
96. Start a skincare routine early for preventive care.
97. Be patient; skincare results take time.
98. Embrace your natural beauty.
99. Avoid comparing your skin to others'.
100. Remember that skincare is individual; what works for one person may not work for another.
These tips can help you maintain healthy and radiant skin. However, always consult a dermatologist for personalized advice based on your skin's unique needs.
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hiphiph00ray · 9 months
Tips for the femmes <3
Don't wash your hair every day, it'll dry it out. Try to wash every other day.
Shampoo your scalp and condition the ends for really shiny hair.
Take more naps, bad bitches get to sleep as a little treat.
Vaseline is literally a cure all, no further comments.
Even if it takes a long time, It's so important to find the perfect shade of foundation/concealer. TRUST.
Literally always have chap stick near you. (Also helpful if you need something to do if you're awkward)
Green tea is literally a life saver, helps with cramps, migraines, stress, skin, bloat, etc...
Invest in a good skincare routine, It's so worth it to have go-to products
Steps for shaving: Wash, exfoliate, (I double exfoliate), use conditioner to shave but not to much, wash again.
Anti-perspirant deodorant is NOT worth it, gimme that aluminum poisoning <3
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I’m the dirty hair anon. 👀
I’ve been cowashing with faith in nature and it’s resulting in this sort of oily, thick feeling at my roots. It feels fresh out of the shower the way it used to feel if I hadn’t washed my hair all week. At first I wondered if it was just changing my hair enough that it’s supposed to feel that way? As opposed to the “clean” feeling from when I used shampoo.
I don’t use as many styling products because of this, when I do I use tea tree lavender mint styling gel or innersense curl cream or their styling gel. I don’t particularly care for either of these products, I just can’t seem find anything that really works for me.
I have extremely curly hair and I’m getting super down on the whole thing. No pressure but I’m really hoping you can steer me in the right direction!
Okay, there are a few things you could try - for any of these, try it and give it a few weeks before trying something else. The trick is always changing one thing at a time to help isolate the Problem Things
1. It's possible this is product build-up. Have you done a clarifying wash at all?
If not, there are two options to pick from. One is known as a lemonaid rinse - mix the juice of a lemon (or a couple of tablespoons of the bottled stuff) into a handful of your cowash. Rinse it out fully, then condition as normal. The other is ACV - dilute apple cider vinegar (no stronger than one part vinegar to two parts water) and spray it into your roots. Massage it in for five minutes. Then rinse out, and follow with your full routine including cowashing.
If you try clarifying, only do it once every few weeks at most. It's a fantastic little boost, but regular use is drying.
2. It's possible your hair is over-moisturised. If so, you can either switch to a less hydrating conditioner or you can even do a gel wash instead of cowash - same process but use gel as the lubricant. I have never done this, but many rave about it.
3. Might sound basic, but double check you're washing ALL the cowash out, and aren't tracking conditioner up to your roots when you detangle.
4. Product swap. You don't specify which FIN conditioner, but some of those work better for me than others. My hair is not a fan of coconut, nor anything heavy in oils. That might be an issue? You could try going back to basics and just using either the Sainsbury's apple or the Alberto Balsam raspberry, those are both oil-light. That could help.
I'm not familiar with the gels you describe, but double check those are CG friendly while you're at it.
Good luck!
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th3j4germe1ster · 5 days
What's ur hair routine
Okay so first your gonna get a native shampoo, I use the sea salt and cedar one but any is good, but then after your gonna double shampoo to make sure it’s clean enough, rinse it twice to get it all out before you condition it.
I usually condition like 3 times before I rinse it out, and after your done I use that Aussie hair frizz control shit, just to make my hair perfect. Then some hydrating shit and then brush it and gel it back, i always do this like..every day? So my hair perfect✨
[ fun fact about ozzy/mod this use to be my actual hair routine! ]
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adamsvanrhijn · 2 months
hello, since you're into competitive swimming I have a question to ask that nobody answers me. I want to go swimming everyday this summer to get some movement in but I am worried about two things:
1 my skin and chlorine. i worry that it's going to get very dry
2 my hair. I have very fragile thin hair. I wash it every two days. Obviously this shouldn't be possible if I swim because water gets into the cap. Is there something swimmers put into their hair to protect it so it doesn't fall? I heard chlorine is super bad for hair
thank you in advance 😁
unfortunately yes your skin is likely to get dry if you are swimming every day. i think this happens regardless of chlorine but chlorine makes it worse! likewise your hair is likely to get damaged! however you have Options to minimize the impact of this!!
for your hair — if it is very fragile and prone to breakage i recommend a fabric swim cap made of lycra or polyester in an athletic shape which i do not know how to describe but looks like this:
Tumblr media
(this site is us based swimoutlet.com and while they ship internationally if youre outside of the usa you probably have better options)
if you can only get a silicone or latex cap, aim for silicone and a long hair cap no matter what length your hair is if it's past like, your ears. latex will not be your friend for delicate hair
you are going to see people online recommend putting conditioner into their hair before swimming and while this works for your hair, it is not very considerate to the pool and other swimmers because product Will get in the water. it also makes it hard to keep a cap on
instead, rinse off and drench your hair with cool clean water before putting your swim cap on so that your hair has already absorbed water — you don't want pool water to be the first thing that gets your hair or skin wet!!
put your hair up or braid it using something gentle like a scrunchy and then put your swim cap on! that's the most you realistically can do before you get in the pool — if your pool is outdoors or has a transparent cover wear water resistant sunscreen though
once you are out of the pool, immediately take a shower! what works best for me is to wash my hair, suit, and body with swim shampoo (more on that momentarily) and then i do tend to use swim conditioner that i rinse out as per usual, and then like once a week i use like a repairing or deep conditioning product on my hair.
then use moisturizer/lotion on face and body once you are clean!!
makes a big difference compared to doing nothing.
re: swim shampoo. it usually costs more than regular shampoo. it isn't Necessary per se because you can use regular shampoo amd body wash to get chlorine and pool water out of your hair and off your body, but there are certain chemicals in swim shampoo that can like, neutralize and dissolve chlorine which gives another line of defense so to speak. i will google this and say what they are later. personally i have a lot of fine breakage prone hair and i have always had way better results with swim shampoo!! swim shampoo matters more than swim conditioner, a regular conditioner or leave in you know works for your hair is fine!!
i hope this answers your question other than me needing to double check chemical names later!!
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Double Isekai - Chapter 8
Okay, back to getting this updated. I'm really enjoying having a backlog, even if it is just a few days. I'm seriously thinking of just pausing all updates until I get, like, a full month's worth or something. Maybe do a chapter a week for 26 weeks...? Not sure, but this is nice.
Ranma finally gets some alone time with all her girls in one private place...and promptly has a meltdown.
There will be some off-screen sexy times. If this were an anime this would be the episode that guarantees it'll never see a broadcast release. This isn't porn, but it's edging (heh) pretty close to it. I didn't start this fic with the intent for smut to be in it, but I won't shy away from the characters behaving as teenagers that're hot for each other do. If that bothers you, back button on your browser is the solution to many of the Internet's problems, please use it. And speaking of the sexy times, yes. This did escalate quickly. That's on purpose and done for a specific reason. Hang tight until chapter 9 for how it impacts the story.
Preview below the cut:
Akane could tell that all three of them were sensing Ranma was a coiled spring. Once they were in the relatively lower light conditions of the inside of the Saotome house, the redhead ushered them into seats in the living room and she then set about closing all the blinds and drapes to all the windows before yanking the flimsy plastic shades off her face.
"Alright," she said as she tossed them on the end table near the door, "I'm gonna go make lunch. Everyone okay waiting here for a bit while I go do that?" she waited for all of a couple seconds before turning and heading into the kitchen. "Great! Be back in a few, make yourselves comfortable."
Akane, Ukyo, and Shampoo sat in silence, giving each other looks that they all recognized as containing the exact same concerned thought, What's wrong with Ranma?
While they had all come here with the understanding that they would be discussing the odd four-way relationship they were embarking on, they were quickly realizing they were about to have a bit of a trial by fire that would show how far they already were on that path.
Shampoo cast a glance between Akane and Ukyo, then toward the kitchen. Ukyo just shook her head and then looked pointedly at Akane. Akane gave Ukyo an uncomprehending look and shrugged. Shampoo gave Ukyo an incredulous stare only to be met with a slightly raised hand as though saying, 'wait,' then almost glowered at Akane before tilting her head in the direction of the kitchen and nodding her head in that direction twice.
Akane, finally deciding to play along, rolled her eyes and stood, almost gingerly making her way into the room she was generally always banned from.
Ranma stood at the counter, her back to the rest of the room. She clearly heard Akane come in as she turned just enough to communicate she knew someone was there but not enough to allow that someone to see her face, "Hey 'kane, sorry it's takin' so long, tryin' t'figure out what to make with two sets of taste preferences arguin' in my head for what works best for lunch. I'll get somethin' soon, promise. Go sit back down."
Akane may not have had much time or opportunity to get to know 'New Ranma' as much as she wanted to (and she was realizing more and more she really wanted to), but if she were dealing with 'old Ranma' she'd have said the almost barely perceptible tightness in the girl's voice was her holding an extremely tight rein on her emotions. She'd seen this Ranma overflowing with love and affection, blowing her top in anger, venting her frustrations, and laughing readily...but the girl was holding something back now.
Akane didn't slow her stride, moving in behind her fiancée and wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. A tiny, whimpered, "...no..." escaped Ranma before she hunched over, curling up on herself awkwardly. This helped the yen drop for Akane, her mind casting back to what felt like a lifetime ago but was only a handful of days when she first laid eyes on this girl. She'd seen Ranma, not knowing the Ranma she had known was gone from the world for almost a full day by that point, curled up on herself in nearly this same manner. I wish Nodoka had shown us...shown me how she dealt with this... "Ranma..." she almost whispered.
"I'm so awful," Ranma squeaked out, "I'm an impostor who stole Ranma's life and I'm pretending to be her...gods, what if I just...rewrote who Ranma was? What if I just put my own pain and dysphoria into Ranma's memories before we merged? And...and I'm s...s-seducing you...y...you should leave." A sob tore from Ranma's throat, "Leave and save yourself from me, please. I'm not right, I'm not worthy of any of you, please...go..."
Akane was panicking, but managed to keep it internal. So much about that seemed...wrong. There were lies in that statement, everything that came out of Ranma's mouth just then was thick with them, but Akane was honestly at a loss to pick out the falsehoods from the truth simply because she didn't know enough. She didn't know how the isekai worked, she didn't know the life of this other person that joined with Ranma, and she didn't know what caused this... 'spin out' from the playful, aroused person that had managed to ease Akane's own concerns to the fragile, broken girl in her arms.
"Ranma...you're the smartest person I know," Ranma snorted wetly but didn't respond otherwise, "You are! I think even Nabiki is a little in awe of you and your mother right now. But you're also very good at explaining things, so please," she pulled Ranma close, hugging her gently, "Explain this to me."
Ranma sighed, a little bit of a shudder shaking her, "I...my other life I was...it took me..." she sighed, scrubbing her palms over her face, a gesture that Akane was starting to find endearing. "My stepmother, she was...so evil. I know it's a trope and all, but she was absolutely uncaring, cold and vicious. She hated men, but she loved fucking men. She wanted a man who she could control, and she snuck her way into my dad's life...but that's too long of a story for right now. She wound up in control of me and my sister, and for years of our life she dictated...everything. And when she came home one day after work and caught me trying on some of her clothes and using her makeup," she shrugged and leaned back a little, finally letting herself take some comfort in the arms around her, "I was already too big for my sister's stuff...I mean, she was two years younger than me. As soon as we both hit puberty I rocketed up in height. She wasn't far behind, but she never did get more than...what, five-eight? Five-nine? I was six feet...sorry, I was nearly two meters by the time I was sixteen. So I had to wear my stepmother's stuff 'cause she was shorter than me, but she was wider in the shoulders and hips than my sister, so her stuff actually fit...well, not the shoes. Always did have a fucking hell of a time finding shoes..."
Ranma shuddered, turning just a little, almost snuggling into Akane's hold, one hand gripping Akane's sleeve, "She found me wearing her stuff and I found out that as much as she hated men...she hated men who wanted to be women more. My life became a... a web of lies and psychological torture. She gaslit me so bad..." Akane must have unconsciously made a questioning sound because Ranma paused, "Oh, sorry, she created a double-lie. She'd lie about something...I had to get my homework done to get dinner, but when she decided I was lying about finishing my homework she'd deny me dinner anyway, then later told everyone that I refused to eat her cooking and her proof was that I didn't eat dinner. It's called gaslighting and it's specifically meant to make the victim question their own perception of reality." Akane could imagine a few people in her life capable of such a thing but was sufficiently horrified at the very idea that she felt confident that such an act hadn't been done to her, thankfully.
She hugged Ranma closer, which prompted the girl to continue, "And, I mean, you said it, I'm smart. I started figuring out her games and her methods and her motivations and..." Ranma suddenly jerked, not like she was jumping away or trying to get out of Akane's arms, but like her whole body just reflexively quaked with nowhere to direct the energy. "And sometimes when you study the devil, you become the devil."
Ranma seemed to just sag against her after that pronouncement. Akane was starting to understand, at least, she thought she did. It was like when Ranma had tried to talk about the ten-year journey. There were too many little things that made up the whole of the picture and if you focused too much on any one part of it you lost sight of the whole of it. Ranma had, to use the redhead's own life as an analogy, just told her about falling into the cursed spring, but there was so much before and after it that went into who Ranma was now.
(Read the whole thing at AO3)
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merrybrides · 1 year
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Everyone wants gorgeous glossy hair on their wedding day right? Preparation for beautiful bridal hair should start months before the big day.  Aim to start a consistent haircare routine at least three months before the big day, or longer if you have thinning hair. With regular conditioning, overnight oil treatments and a break from heat tools, you can transform your hair to its best possible condition.
1. Oil is your friend
Oil is an essential feature for soft and supple hair. Use natural oils like coconut or almond before you shampoo like a pre-treatment. Set aside time once a week for an overnight treatment, applying oil to your scalp and massaging with fingertips using a circular motion. Apply the remaining oil on your palms to the lengths of your hair. Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave on overnight. The next day, shampoo hair, rinse thoroughly and condition as normal. 
2. Double up on shampoo
I always advise people to have two shampoos in their shower. One for their specific hair type (for colored or highlighted hair for example) plus a regular shampoo for frequent use. Switching between the two ensures that the hair remains glossy and shiny because the hair doesn’t get used to one shampoo, which can cause over cleansing. Using two shampoos also helps to keep your hair at its correct ph balance, which creates beautifully shiny locks.
3. Use a deep conditioning treatment
Shampoo your hair and towel dry, then blow dry to take excess water out. When your hair is about three quarters dry, apply a handful of your favorite conditioner or hair mask to your hair and scalp, massaging it in well (if you have fine and a greasy scalp, just concentrate on the mid lengths and ends). Wrap a soft cotton towel around your hair to keep it warm and leave on for 15-25 minutes. Now rinse off the conditioner and dry hair with low heat, or naturally in the sun.
4. Consider a keratin treatment
If you favor silky straight hair but find that you are prone to frizz, a keratin treatment might be for you. Also known as a keratin blow dry or Brazilian blow dry, it's one of the most effective smoothing treatments for boosting shine and manageability in frizz-prone hair – leaving it sleek and straight. However, proceed with caution and ensure you have a professional consultation if you're thinking about this treatment. It's generally not advised for blonde, highly processed hair.
5. Give your hair a break
If you frequently use hot tool appliances like straightening irons and wands, stop for a while to give your hair time to recover from all this heat damage. Over heating leads to dull hair and breakage to follicles and hair shaft. If you must use these tools, be sure to use a thermal protector spray and keep heat at about 160-190°C.
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wyatt-06 · 1 month
How to Keep Your Dogs Healthy and Fit?
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As a dog lover, you know very well that dogs are the love of your life. You're an everlasting family, and you're looking to up your 'dog health care' game for them, even if they’re always chewing up your favorite shoe or barking their head off at absolutely nothing! Because that is true love.
But keep in mind that even if you're the most diligent pet parent, they'll get sick at some point because, after all, you're only human. So let's look at some things you can do to help your dog grow healthier and fitter. Ultimately, a happy dog is one that is healthy! 
A Well-Balanced & Nutritious Diet.
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Providing a nutritious diet for your dog is an invaluable part of maintaining their health. Choose a healthy diet for your pooch and study the first few components on the pet food label carefully because they make up the bulk of the product. This will help you choose healthier foods with the least amount of fillers so that your dog gets the proper nutrients without getting full-on non-essential ingredients. 
Also, while introducing a new food, monitor for indicators of food allergy or intolerance, such as diarrhea.
As a dog parent, you're probably aware that some human foods are toxic to dogs and can’t be one of the “healthy dog foods.”While some foods are safe for them, you should always double-check before feeding them. We've included a list of some typical foods you can feed them to make things easier for you.
1. Peanut Butter: We’ve all heard it, right? Dogs love peanut butter. But is it safe? Yes! But be sure to only give them unsalted peanut butter in moderation.
2. Pineapple: In small portions, fresh pineapple is okay for dogs to consume.
3. Watermelon: As long as it doesn’t have seeds (choking hazard!), watermelon is a great dog treat because it's low in calories and high in vitamins A and C.
4. Corn: Corn kernels, plain and cooked, are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and it's found in a variety of dog foods as well!
5. Green Peas: Fresh or frozen peas are a healthy and nutritional snack that dogs love, so feel free to feed them peas!
6. Apples: Healthy and safe! Just be sure to remove any seeds as they can be very hazardous.
7. Bananas: Yes, and yes. Packed with fiber and many vitamins and minerals, these are a favorite of dogs.
8. Carrots: Carrots, both cooked and uncooked, are nutritious and safe for your dog to consume.
A healthy diet for dogs is necessary to keep them active so provide them with the best you can!
Vaccinations Are A Must 
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Regular vaccination shots from your vet help prevent dangerous and often fatal conditions like hepatitis and rabies in your dog. The first vaccines for a puppy should be administered at five or six weeks of age and should be repeated every few weeks for up to sixteen weeks. Following that, your dog's immunity will be provided by frequent booster shots. To ensure protection, stick to the treatment plan your veterinarian prescribes! 
Pet parents can often overlook these shots, not understanding their importance. But take it from the professionals, better to be safe than sorry because even the healthiest dog breeds are prone to diseases.
Groom Them Regularly
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Trust us, regular grooming can prevent so many diseases and play a big role in maintaining your dog’s health. 
Take flea infestations for example. When out of hand, fleas can cause allergic dermatitis, anemia, and rashes so bad that fur starts to rub off. So once you've discovered that your dog has fleas, you have a few solutions. Consult your veterinarian for an oral flea treatment, and use a flea comb and flea shampoo on your dog. Regular skin treatments are a wonderful method to prevent fleas in the first place, so discuss a flea prevention program with your veterinarian. If that sounds overwhelming, keep it simple with a flea comb and anti-flea shampoos.
Grooming also includes Brushing Their coats regularly. It will not just bring out the gloss but also prevents mats and tangles from forming in the first place. This will also help to improve circulation, enhancing your dog’s health. Any new lumps and bumps or abscesses on the body should be noted and reported to your veterinarian as well. A veterinarian should also be consulted if there are any blisters, redness, or irritated skin. 
One thing dog parents miss sometimes is Cleaning Their Ears. It’s simple and obvious that there should be no odor or discharge from the ears. It should be free of dirt, debris, and parasitic organisms such as ticks. You might need a little guidance learning how to thoroughly clean their ears, after all, their bodies are different from ours and more delicate. Use a product designed specifically for cleaning dog ears, such as dog ear wipes. These are a popular choice for making the process quick and easy. 
Knowing how to keep your dog healthy consists of the little things one might usually overlook. So if you observe any unusual symptoms, such as discharge, they may have an ear infection. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible to get the concern resolved. 
Though it may take some time for you and your dog to adjust, Nail Clipping can become a regular part of their grooming process.
When your dog's nails are overly long, they form an awkward angle, causing soreness and tenderness in the nail beds. Long nails on dogs are also more prone to breakage, which can be uncomfortable and traumatic. Overgrown nails make it difficult for them to move around, so trim them as soon as you spot them. Just be cautious not to cut the sensitive part of the nail that holds nerves and blood vessels, as that can cause painful bleeding. 
And if the dog's nails are black, this is tough to see. In that case, they'll need a professional to do it. If you're not sure how to clip their nails, have your veterinarian or groomer demonstrate how to do it to avoid any mishaps.
Brush your dog's teeth At least once a day! It's easy to overlook your dog's teeth unless you notice a terrible odor, but we suggest daily brushing. Brushing your dog's teeth also allows you to remove any tartar or buildup. This is also the perfect time to look for ulcers, loose or chipped teeth, or any other abnormalities in the mouth. However, always use dental toothpaste created specifically for dogs, regular toothpaste contains toxic ingredients that can cause major health problems in dogs!
Grooming sessions are also an excellent opportunity to check for fleas, ticks, and mites on the skin.
Dogs and Mental Health, Outdoors, and Exercise 
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Depending on your dog's age and breed, exercise could range from a short daily stroll to a long and exciting game in the park. An enjoyable game of fetch or disc can be bodily demanding for dogs who are particularly energetic, so it’s good to regularly play with them. This also helps improve your relationship with your dog besides aiding in dog health care. 
However, in addition to exercise, make sure you provide your dog with enough stimulation to keep their minds active. Teach them to solve puzzles, learn new tricks, and obey. 
Taking them outside also allows them to interact with other people and animals to help them socialize and overcome any anxiety they might have. It might be an overlooked topic, but be a good pet parent and take care of their mental well-being as well.
Take them to the Vet at Least Yearly
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Schedule yearly exams for your dog so that necessary testing and immunizations can be administered. Regular check-ups can help them avoid numerous treatable common dog diseases that, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. Only an expert can detect certain minor symptoms that might go unnoticed by you. These yearly check-ups can also provide you with a sense of safety if your dog is in good health, as well as proper medical care if they require it.
Make Your Home Dog-Friendly
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Before you bring your pet home, make sure your home is safe for them. Safeguard any electrical cables they might chew, close toilet lids, and make sure they can't get to any medication. Also, make sure your dog doesn't have access to any human food that is harmful to dogs. You might want to use child-proof locks to lock cabinets and trash cans if they are particularly adventurous.
Keep an Eye on their Weight Levels
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Obesity can lessen a dog's lifespan by around two years. Obese dogs are more likely to develop cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and bladder stones, according to experts. It's best to see a veterinarian about your dog's appropriate weight and feed him suitably, especially if you notice a significant shift in weight.
Obesity can be caused by a lack of activity and consuming too much food. On the pet food packaging, you’ll find detailed feeding instructions based on ideal weight, which you should read before feeding them to your dog. Remember to consult with a veterinarian before making any dietary changes as well.
 A Supply of Fresh Water
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Bacteria, algae, and other microbes can cultivate in your dog's container, especially in warm weather. In the winter, you'll also need to keep the water from getting too cold. So, regardless of the season, it's critical to replace the water at least once a day to clean and fresh water. This is because, in addition to healthy foods for dogs, they require plenty of fresh water to function correctly and absorb essential nutrients.
Some extra tips: 
We suggest adding a couple of ice cubes to their water in summer, so your dogs make the most of it. 
Every now and then, wash the water bowl properly, then rinse and dry the vessel before filling up with fresh water.
Watch for Red Flags
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Because dogs are unable to verbalize when they are unwell, keep an eye out for indications that something is wrong. If you see any warning signs of a health condition, contact your veterinarian. Changes in their bowel, pee, or eating patterns, any strange discharges or odors, bald patches, sudden aggression, and weight loss are all possible signs. 
To summarize, taking care of your dog might not be a piece of cake, but it’s rewarding. Following the simple points we’ve covered; you’ll have a healthy and happy dog thanking you with tons of kisses and cuddles. Just keep in mind that dogs are delicate beings and taking care of them is a responsibility you agree to once you bring them home. After all, it shows how much you love them. To help your dog live life to the max, follow these tips explaining how to keep your dog healthy!
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modestcatholiclife · 3 months
My Hair Care Journey
I'll start off with a brief backstory. I have very long, thick hair that I was never taught how to care for. My mum has the same hair type as me and she never learned how to care for hers either. The most she can do is a low ponytail and a bun. She finds it very impressive that I can plait my own hair. I can't fully braid it from the top, I'm only able to do it from below my head.
So I've tried to learn to care for it by myself. I firstly learned how to brush it correctly (my mum went for the tried and true method of forcing a brush through it no matter how much it tugged at my scalp and hurt me). I've bought some shampoos and a conditioner that are better tailored to my hair type and condition. I had a hairdresser tell me many years ago that I should double-shampoo my hair when I wash it so I've been trying that. It's nice having products that are better-suited to my hair rather than the cheapest dandruff-treating product available, which is what my mum buys for my family. I wash my hair about once a week at the moment. I've dealt with depression for the better part of a decade at this point and anyone's who's had depression knows how hard it is to keep up certain hygiene practises so I'm just sticking with my once a week until I have reason to do otherwise.
Recently I bought a bunch of hair care items from Temu just to try them out and I've honestly been really liking the results. I wasn't putting much hope into them since, again, they're from Temu but my hair's been doing even better since I started using them! I might review the order separately so this post doesn't get too long.
I'd love to find some online resources for caring for my hair and styling it (maybe something specifically for my hair type) but I don't even have the full vocabulary to describe what I'm looking for when trying to search for answers. I don't know anything about hair at all. Maybe, I should find something that teaches the most basic of basics about hair.
When I first joined the workforce, back in 2021, I got my first haircut in several years. I can't say I've been consistent with getting trims since then but I'd like to have my split ends dealt with and maybe get a little trim but most hairdressers take off too much for my taste. I'm wondering if it would be worth learning how to trim the split ends myself. My friends have recently started giving each other haircuts and would love to give me a trim themselves so I might go down that route.
Finally, I've been considering slightly changing my hairstyle. I'm not looking to cut it short or thin it out at this time, but I'm wondering if I should get some face-framing layers. I think they're cute and don't particularly like how it looks when my hair's pulled back. I just don't really know much about hair or layers and I feel kinda stupid asking.
If I get layers around my face, do I need to get them through the rest of my hair so it won't look weird? If I don't end up liking the layers around my face, is there any way to fix it or do I just have to wait until they grow back out?
As a parting thought, I've always thought it was so cool when women would walk past and you'd be able to smell their shampoo. Does anyone have any tips for achieving that? Again, sorry if that sounds silly.
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harsha-1 · 1 year
dermatologists’ top 15 recommendations for achieving gorgeous, glowing skin
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Here’s How to Overnight Achieve Beautiful, Glowing SkinYoora Kim’s designers are retailers.
No of your skin’s present condition, you may obtain a flawless complexion with the correct advice, techniques, and dermatologist-recommended hacks. The road to glowing, radiant skin takes patience. The idea that only those with naturally beautiful skin may have glowing skin is untrue, according to board-certified dermatologist and CEO of SKINFIVE Dr. Ava Shamban. Yes, the first steps anyone needs to take to achieve “dewy” skin are staying hydrated and developing a reliable skincare routine.
Before deciding if that’s the skincare objective you want to strive toward, it’s crucial to grasp what glowing skin actually entails.According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mona Gohara, “this translates into a well-hydrated, super moisturized complexion with just the right touch of natural oil.” Yes, she continues, “it’s not just the lotion in a bottle; the oils on your face also make you glow.”
Having luminous skin takes time, much like other skincare objectives. As a consequence, if you decide to go on a quest for a glowing complexion, don’t give up if you don’t notice results immediately away. It frequently takes many weeks or even months of consistent usage of your skincare products to notice effects, says board-certified dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner. Okay, now that we know the fundamentals of radiant skin, let’s move on to some expert-recommended advice for achieving it.
1. Remain hydrated.
Drinking water is always one of the first suggestions made when someone discusses how to achieve flawless skin, and for good reason. According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Nicole Hayre, drinking water regularly will keep your skin nourished and healthy. Dr. Hayre advises drinking at least two liters of water every day, so get yourself a lovely water bottle (may I propose a Hydroflask?) and make sure it’s always with you. Additionally, she advises avoiding caffeine due to its “mild diuretic and causes water loss or dehydration.”
2. Recognize your skin tone.
It’s crucial to understand your skin type before you can begin treating it. Is it greasy, dry, or a mix of both? To receive a concrete response, conduct some research or visit a dermatologist. By selecting lotions, shampoos, and masks that directly address the most pressing concerns with your skin, you may get the most benefit out of the items you use.
3. Sunscreen, in a nutshell.
One of the most crucial aspects in a skincare program is applying sunscreen. Every day, you should not only apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, but you should also reapply it as needed. UV rays cause skin cell destruction and uneven skin surface, which prevents your skin from “reflecting the light very well, hence no glowiness,” according to Dr. Shamban. Wearing sunscreen is essential no matter what your skin-care objectives are because the sun’s harmful rays can also cause excruciating blisters, bruises, and, in some cases, skin cancer.
Additionally, exposure to the sun can worsen hyperpigmentation if you have blemishes that are still visible or active breakouts. In addition to moisturizers or other skin treatments, Dr. Hayre advises using sunscreen on your face and neck before wearing makeup.
4. hydrate!
Make sure to moisturize as well while you are applying cream to your face. Use an excellent moisturizer to moisturise your face at least once every day to prevent dry skin from looking lifeless. According to Dr. Gohara, you may double moisturize with other skincare essentials for an extra moisture boost, particularly in the winter. She advises using a moisturizing sheet mask on top of a hyaluronic acid serum.
5. Use a mild cleanser to clean your face.
It’s also crucial to keep your skin free of debris and grime that can clog pores and cause breakouts. To get the shine, Dr. Gohara advises using a soft and moisturizing cleanser to wash your face.
6. Give toner a try.
Try using a toner first before applying anything else (such a serum, moisturizer, or makeup). This will make it possible for serums and other treatments you use on your face to absorb better, ensuring that you receive all of their benefits. Dr. Shamban advises using a drying toner with salicylic acid or witch hazel if you have oily skin. Try a clarifying toner with glycerin or ceramides for dry skin to hydrate and nourish the skin.
7.Use a serum containing vitamin C.
Your morning routine can also aid in creating a glow by using vitamin C, an antioxidant that defends skin against environmental deterioration. “It shields the skin from damaging free radicals and bothersome chemical particles. According to Dr. Gohara, free radicals may be produced by sunlight, pollution, and even our computer and mobile phone screens. Additionally, vitamin C aids in brightness.
8. Improve your masking skills.
Who doesn’t like a nice selfie wearing a mask? Put on a mask every night as you finish your homework or watch The Last of Us for the eleventh time to add masking to your beauty regimen.
9. Indulge in some sheet masks.
Yes, I am aware that I already advised you to use a mask, but those are rinse-off masks. Try sheet masks when you aren’t doing those, or if you’re too lazy () to do them. They can give your skin the TLC it needs in just one step and are quite simple to apply.
10. Remember to exfoliate.
To remove dead skin cells that make skin look dull, Dr. Shamban advises using a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week. In case you’re confused about the distinctions between physical and chemical exfoliation, Dr. Zeichner explains them. “Physical exfoliation uses gritty particles to manually remove dead cells from the skin’s outer layer,” he explains. “Chemical exfoliation employs acids to breakdown connections between cells so they naturally may be removed. According to some evidence, chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid also promote the formation of collagen.
11. Prevent inequity.
Unevenness is one reason your skin might not be glowing brightly. Dermatologists suggest retinol or other retinoids to improve uneven skin texture and tone and speed up the natural turnover of skin cells. “[Retinol] promotes collagen formation and increases cell turnover. According to Dr. Zeichner, this lessens the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, brightens dark spots, and improves skin tone and texture. However, because these ingredients can irritate skin, start with a low concentration and only use it three nights a week until your skin becomes more tolerant to it.
12. Consume as many anti-oxidants as you can.
Okay, we’ve covered every surface-level action you can take to enhance your glow, but there are a few more that you can take that will work from the inside out. Dermatologists advise eating foods strong in antioxidants to improve the shine of your skin. Consider berries, nuts like pecans and walnuts, and grapes. Next time you’re searching for a lunchtime snack, be sure to grab some blueberries because the antioxidants in these foods have been linked to preventing UV damage to your skin. Making your own fruit juices from fruits and vegetables from the farmer’s market is another option recommended by Dr. Shamban to “see your skin perk up.”
13. Get enough rest.
There’s a reason why it’s called beauty sleep! According to Dr. Shamban, getting enough sleep helps the skin with proper skin turnover and exfoliation. Make sure to get at least seven hours every night because when you don’t get enough sleep, your skin suffers.
14. Be mindful that reliability is essential.
According to Dr. Gohara, this is due to your body’s normal oil production, which can cause your skin to appear radiant one day and dull the next. She advises sticking to a schedule, avoiding over-exfoliating, and moisturizing every day.
15. Use highlighter to enhance your radiance.
Although achieving a natural glow is ideal, there is a way to achieve the appearance of dewy skin even on days when your skin is acting up (we’ve all experienced this). All eyes are on the highlighter. To keep the source of your glow a mystery, choose a hue with a sheen rather than a glittering finish.
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freshmaple · 2 years
Fresh Maple Provides Tile & Grout Cleaning in Burlington For Convenience
 Tile & Grout Cleaning in Burlington
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Tile & grout cleaning in Burlington
Have you ever used a company that specialized in thorough cleaning? Have you ever tried hiring a professional cleaning crew to come in and do a thorough cleaning job for your house, especially the bathrooms and other wet areas? You're missing out if you don't take use of the cleaning tricks and services offered by professional cleaning companies. Which cleaning services and websites get the greatest traffic?  Well! Wiping off the white tiles and grout is the most difficult process and requires expert instruments to deal with, therefore call Fresh Maple for tile and grout cleaning in Burlington.
A Foolproof Method For Making Tile and Grout Look Like New
People used to scrub their floors using baking soda and other household items that doubled as cleaning and dyeing agents, but these methods were laborious and time-consuming. People used white vinegar to clean the tiles and grout and then used any old brush to scrape off the caked-on dirt from deep inside the grout lines. It lessens the faint traces all over the tiles, but getting rid of them took hours of laborious scrubbing, and even then the results weren't perfect. Even if there are a wide variety of products on the market intended specifically for the removal of grout, such as bathroom cleaners, acids, cleansers, and so on, no one can say with certainty that any of them work. The tile and grout cleaning Burlington service provided by Fresh Maple are ready to help you obtain the gleaming floors you've always wanted.
Tile and grout cleaning Burlington, by the pros, is on the way
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Tile & grout cleaning in Burlington
If you're sick of hiring expensive tile cleaners who do a poor job, yet would rather talk to us instead of doing the work yourself, sit back, and relax. Indeed! Fresh Maple is the best and most thorough option if you need help with tile and grout cleaning in Milton for your home you need help cleaning the grout or tiles in your home; Fresh Maple is the best and most thorough option.
Well! The cleaning industry is a massive one, which is why we often consult with specialists in the sector to provide the finest possible results. To ensure you get the greatest results possible, our professionals examine the floor and examine the tile material to choose the best and most profoundly effective cleaning method. For added peace of mind, while we sanitize your space, we also provide skilled and equipped cleaning personnel. Now let's have a chat and get this going.
Get the tile and grout cleaning in Burlington we provide enough for your needs
Indeed! Because no amount of stain-removal methods, automated or manual, can get rid of grout discoloration, pressure washing is the most important step. The next question is, "How can we know how much tension is right?" Well! The best and most knowledgeable tile and grout cleaning in Burlington team can be found at Fresh Maple. To ensure that the tiles are not damaged by even the slightest over-pressure, our team carefully selects the cleaning professional, then, after a thorough application, we choose the scrubbers and adjust them to the correct strain point according to the tile conditions. Experts are necessary for relieving the stress associated with cleaning. Presently! Floor cleaning includes the time-honored practice of grouting the spaces between tiles. We utilize precisely developed scrappers to remove the grout that develops with the grout.
A quick and easy method for cleaning tile and grout
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Tile & grout cleaning in Burlington
If you use Fresh Maple, you can be certain that you will get expert cleaning services, no matter when you call. Cleaners that are both well-trained and committed to environmental sustainability are what make a difference when it comes to getting the job done well. Defiant content is seldom something we seek out. So that you may enjoy the best and cleanest floors, we prefer using mild shampoos and green cleaning expertise. Tile and grout cleaning: what else has to be done?Well! It's better than using a shiner to bring out the initial luster, but only if you use it at the end when you need the perfect glitter. To complete the cleaning process, we choose the finest wax and shiners for your floors from the many that are available on the market along with comprehensive information about tiles. If you want the greatest tile and grout cleaning in Burlington possible, Fresh Maple will always be one step ahead of the curve.
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dr-vels · 2 years
Which is the best eye injuries hospital Hyderabad?
Due to any emergency, you can face injuries like pain, swelling, redness, or other symptoms. Eye injuries can be a result of injuries that happened when you were playing sports, some type of accident, or when foreign objects entered the eye. Eye injuries mostly require immediate medical attention from Eye Care Centers Hyderabad because if not treated on time, they can lead to severe problems that may include permanent vision loss. So recently, if you or your loved one is facing an eye injury and you are looking for the best eye-injury hospital, then you have come to the right place.
We will tell you about the best eye-care centres Hyderabad and also talk in some detail about eye injuries.
What is an eye injury?
Eye injuries are very common and can range from minor irritation caused by shampoo getting in your eyes to much more serious conditions such as bruises, or punctures.
We always recommend visiting an ophthalmologist even if it's not a minor injury because you never know what the depth of that injury is and it's best to never experiment with in-home treatments. Because these home remedies can sometimes cause serious damage problems.
What are some of the most common eye injuries?
Some of the common injuries are as follows:
●       Black Eye
●       Bleeding from any of the eyes
●       If you are facing any burns or irritation,
●       Corneal abrasion
●       A foreign object entering the eye
●       Eye socket fractures.
●       Retinal Detachment
How would you know you are suffering from eye injuries?
When you experience the symptoms mentioned below, you will know that you are suffering from an eye injury. The signs of eye injuries are as follows:
●       Pain and swelling- If you are suffering from pain and swelling in your eyes or the eyelids are sensitive to touch, then you know it is a symptom of injury.
●       Bruising and redness
●       Vision changes- If you see floating black spots or light flashes, And if you see floaters and bloody or double versions, then you are suffering from vision changes.
●       Eye change in appearance- The changes in appearance can be the people that may be of different sizes or the eyes that may look crossed or protruding.
●       Bleeding- If the white part of your eye appears to be right or if there are small black dots, then you know that it's internal bleeding. And you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist.
Which is the best Eye Injuries Hospital Hyderabad?
The best Eye Injuries Hospital Hyderabad is Dr Vels Regenerative Therapy. Along with being the best eye care hospital, Dr.Vels offers services like macular degeneration, cancer treatment, a brain Tumor hospital, a Lung specialist and a liver hospital.
A doctor fully understands that the eyes are a very delicate and sensitive part of the body. And when they are not taken proper care of or due to some accident, the injuries occur in the eyes, then can be too severe.
All the experts present at Dr Vel's therapy have the proper medical training to handle traumatic cases. Along with the team's efforts, the patients are treated with the best medical facilities.
 If you want to know more about eye-care hospitals in detail and check out the services that we offer, visit our website now!
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