#then download the one called DOWNLOAD THIS ONE
pforestsims · 1 day
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I came across some resources in the game files that belong to base game version of the neon flamingo (wall decor, not real light) - so I reconstructed it. Textures are a bit crunchy but acceptable I don't like the blue one . I've also included optional unlit state shadow fix for NL Neon Flamingo.
Everglowing Flamingo Neon
Download (SFS) polycount: 986
*This is for The Sims 2
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Maybe somebody already brought back this object but my version is slightly different - neon part is separate from the glow texture and can be made opaque.
Included batch of recolors doesn't contain any textures at all. The "subtle glow" pack recolors use lightpattern texture from NL Neon Flamingo*.
"Strong glow" recolor pack uses textures from old mesh called 'paintingNeonFlamingo'. It looked the same as NL flamingo light (I made my custom version a bit smaller). I thought it was never used in the game but I did some research and found out it was actually available in TS2 Base Game release [pics included with this old MTS upload feature custom red recolor ] , then got replaced with 'real' Night Life wall light.
*NL Neon Flamingo was supposed to have a lightpattern, there are resources for it - but do not show up in game. Glow texture subset = 'Halo' is a "slave" subset and it seems to be linked correctly to 'Neon' subset. Not sure what's wrong with this object, maybe Eaxis did something to disable 'halo' subset (original Lit state 'halo' TXMT settings are messed up and wouldn't work anyway).
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shellseaisms · 2 days
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wisteria family home.
another expertly named shellsea house :) this one is called wisteria because that's a shade of purple, and there's a touch of purple on the exterior of this house; it's actually more red and not even remotely close to the colour wisteria, but I can get away with it this time since it was built in wisteria cove. yippee! anyway here's a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom family home for you and your sims, hope you like it!
custom content used: find all cc links for this build here.
§113,907 furnished, §63,938 unfurnished
4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
30 x 30 lot size
custom content included with package file
built in wisteria cove
‣ ‎ ‎ download, more screenshots + speed build below.
‣ ‎ ‎ speed build
‣ ‎ ‎ downloads
furnished: package // sims3pack
place the file ending in '_library' in your library folder (documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/library) regardless of what version you choose to install. for package downloaders, the file ending in '_mods' goes in your mods folder.
note: custom content is not included with the sims3pack.
unfurnished // library file only (furnished, cc not included)
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lookforsomeoneelse · 2 days
New Simulated Universe Update (SAHSRAU btw)
Can you tell i made a d in english? because I didn’t. Sorry about that. Anyway, I had some brainrot about how busted our blessings would be in sahsrau SU, because, like, everybody and their mother in that au would basically throw everything they love out of the window for us to throw a single glance at them. Also, this takes inspo from other works. Yeah, yeah, I’m a plagiarist, I know.
Let’s say you play Honkai: Star Rail. You’re a big fan- you’ve been playing since launch, have an excellent team comp, and have cleared all of the story and side content.
However, the game’s been… in a content drought for a while, roughly about 3 months without a single update- not even a patch or bug fix! That’s odd. Hoyo would have normally announced at least a single character by now, wouldn’t they?
And, getting extremely bored, and with nothing else to do, you seriously consider taking a break from the game. After all, there’s nothing to do.
Except farm. And you’re getting tired of even that.
But just then, a miracle happens- or at least it’s a miracle to you. The game finally gets an update. You’re confused- they should have announced that in some shape or form, but you also get excited. What have they added this time?
And then you find out, much to your dissatisfaction and/or disappointment, that they just doubled down and just added in a new version of the Simulated Universe, called “Simulated Universe: New Game +” to “fix” the lack of content- they’re just making you do SU again- but hey, they also added another Aeon along with it, so that should count for lore!
So you go and wait for it to download and open it up.
When you do, you’re notified in game of a text message from Herta. Uncharacteristically, its tone is noticeably off from how she normally acts- practically begging you to please please please come to her office- because apparently, she’s dug up some info on this new Aeon that’s apparently been around for the longest time, and she’s finally managed to obtain enough data to create a simulated version of THEM- thirsty for something to do, you oblige, using a space anchor to reach her. Surprisingly, there’s only one available for your use.
Once you actually arrive, a cutscene plays, depicting Herta, once again very much out of character, grabbing on to the trailblazer’s arm and practically dragging them across the space station to her office, the widest grin on the puppet’s face. “Huh,” you think to yourself, “She must have struck gold if she’s acting all crazy like this.”
Once you actually make it inside- Herta finally gives you a complete explanation of what’s happening- she’s “finally” dug up enough information about this Aeon that you “should already know” and that you should also “start immediately.”
You do, and you’re met with a new path for blessings- Guidance, and holy cow, is-is that 300% break effect and 180% damage and 50% crit rate boost? What? That’s insane- what is the dev team doing with their game???
Obviously, you pick it- it’s the only option available, and even if there were other options, this one would likely be the best.
As you and your party traverse through the station, and obtain absolutely absurd blessings- all damage dealt will have the character gain a shield equal to half of that permanently, follow up attacks trigger twice, all characters gain a self-revive- it’s really bad balancing on Hoyoverse’s part, and it’s the greatest power trip you’ve had while playing this game so far. But it’s also getting boring. One shotting everything isn’t exactly the best thing to do on loop, and the game throws you a bone in the form of finally meeting the Aeon that Herta was talking about.
However, before that happens, Herta pulls you aside- and you can’t believe it, but she’s even more out of character now- hell, she’s fangirling, saying stuff like “I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since I was a baby” and urging you to give the Aeon the absolute utmost respect- and to never forget to do it.
As it turns out, the so-called “interaction” between you and THEM is just dialogue describing how you will always serve and praise them for all eternity- and you seriously take into consideration getting whatever the hell the writers have been smoking over the past couple months to put this down on paper and call it a good idea.
Weirded out by very strange design choices, you decide that it’s time for a break after all is said and done, and close the app.
If this is the legitimate road that Hoyoverse is going down, you’re worried about the future of the game.
You should really be more worried about your future, sweetie. After all, they’re all working so hard to bring you to them through that screen.
They love you. So so much.
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dandyville · 2 days
Welcome to...
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Hi there! I am making a custom neighborhood for The Sims 1! It's far from finished, but here is what I call version 0.1.
Note: This project is made purely out of fun. The next update (adding new families and lots) may come in three weeks or three years or not at all. Still, let me know if you run into any problems!
The current version features 12 lots (9 residential, 3 community) and 6 households!
Click on the names to learn more about each household in the neighborhood!
The Beatnik Family
The Butch Family
The Glam Family
The Hex Household
The Quill Family
The Ravage Family
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I created this neighborhood with The Sims Complete Collection, but you might be okay if you simply have all expansions installed.
(Optional) Hungry Hungry Hamster Game -- Official Maxis object! I basically used it just to fill another space on the carnival lot. I also recommend getting the other official objects from that site, but your game might already have most of them. (Mine did, at least. If you notice missing objects in Dandyville, it's likely one of these!)
(Optional) Livin' Large Extreme Character Pack -- A set of skins that were given out as a preorder bonus for The Sims: Livin' Large! I only used some of these for the occasional townie and I suspect if you don't have these the game will just use a random skin.
(Optional) No Buskers Sign -- The ONLY piece of unofficial custom content I used! I use this on community lots where the old town busker feels unfitting and where he might trap your Sim by standing in the way of the only exit. Currently only used on the Aquamarine Quarter lot.
Sim File Share
Install Instructions
Go to your The Sims folder (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims). You may need admin rights for the next steps!
Inside you will see a folder called "UserData8". Rename that folder to something like "UserData8backup".
Open Dandyville v0.1.zip and copy "UserData8" from the .zip-file into your The Sims folder.
Open the game and switch to Neighborhood 8. You did it!
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pudding-parade · 2 days
Tutorial: Importing an existing world into CAW
Note: I did not write this tutorial! I copy/pasted it from here. I just don't have confidence that TS3 websites will remain viable in the long term, so I'm preserving this mostly for my own future reference. But, maybe it will be helpful for other folks like me who aren't very CAW-savvy and just want to make some edits to an existing world in ways that you can't do in-game. The slightly edited original post is pasted behind the cut.
1) Install the world in the usual way in your fresh game folder. If it is a real prerequisite, in that Riverview objects are used in the world, you'll need to install Riverview too. Of course this also goes for Barnacle Bay or any other custom world EA may release separately. This is also a good time to check in your Installed Items whether any "foreign" CC came with it.
2) Start CAW and make a new world. It will ask for a .png, press the … box and you'll get a few 'starters', choose any. Accept all the rest and OK. You don't need to worry about parameters for your world as they will be overwritten later anyway. Save As the new world with a name you will use temporarily, not the definitive name you want to give it. Let's call it Temp.world for now. Close CAW.
3) Open S3PE and browse to the The Sims 3 Create A World Tool\UserToolData\Worlds and you'll find your Temp.world file. Open it.
4) Use Resource->Import->From package… and browse to your The Sims 3\InstalledWorlds and open the world file you want to "import". Accept the default settings for Import, when it asks you to save between packages, say No. It will show a progress bar so you'll know it's done. This may take a while.
5) Sort the resources by Type (click the "header") and find UNKN 0x296A6258 there. If all is well you should have two, one already deleted (struck out), right-click the other and select "Deleted" to delete it too. At the bottom of the file you should have two WPID resources, one already deleted, delete the other too.
6) Use the "close" button in the upper right to close S3PE. It will tell you the package has changed, choose Yes to save the changes. The reason for doing it this way is you'll know it's done when the S3PE window closes. This may take a while.
7) Start the CAW tool and open your Temp.world. Wait until the render window shows you a reasonable picture of something in the world. This may take a while and there is no real progress indication.
8) Right-click on the Temp.world on the left pane (World Layers) and choose Add/Edit description. Make sure the Name and Description fields are filled in. You can use your final name and description here. Also make sure there is a .png for the thumbnail. If there isn't, browse up one of the samples you got earlier or make sure you have one ready. This needs to be in the 24-bit 256x256 format!
9) Save As the world with the final name, let's say Final.world. It will give you a "wait" cursor for a while and then a normal cursor. Don't touch it!! It's not done! Leave the computer to it until a window pops up informing you the world is successfully saved.
The opposite direction is quite simple, just start CAW and use "Export world". It will put a .sims3pack in your The Sims 3\Exports folder. You can take that out and put it in the Download folder and install it as usual.
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usaigi · 2 days
Dimileth Queen Charlotte/Bridgerton AU
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His eyes searched hers. There was a heartbreaking tension to his body, as if he were afraid he’d shatter. Or maybe as if he was poised and coiled, preparing for escape. Finally, when the silence stretched taut, he said, “I am a madman. I am a danger.”
She shook her head.
“No. Listen. Inside my mind, there are other worlds creeping in. The heavens and the earth collide, and I do not know where I am.”
Byleth asked the only question that mattered. “Do you love me?”
“That does not signify,” he said. “You do not wish a life with me for yourself. No one wishes that.”
She was so sick of men telling her what she wanted. Especially now, when her very heart was at stake. “Dimitri,” she implored, “I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth. I will tell you where you are.”
“Byleth, you—”
“Do you love me?” she practically cried. And there it was. She was begging. She had laid herself bare, given him her pride and her heart and everything she was, and—
“I love you.” The words sounded as if they’d been ripped from his soul. He’d been holding this back, denying his own heart. She could see it in his eyes as they filled with tears.”
“Dimitri,” she whispered.
“No, let me finish. From the moment I saw you trying to go over the wall, I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you, Byleth.” He took her face in his hands. “My heart calls your name.”
His kiss was one of love, and hunger, and desperation. He kissed her as if he could not get close enough, as if he could never get close enough.”
(Excerpt from Queen Charlotte with the names swapped)
Dimileth people, if you haven't seen and/or read Queen Charlotte please do so. Not only is it an excellent and engaging story, it's also basically a Dimileth au. Download the pdf and name swap Charlotte for Byleth, George for Dimitri, Princess Augusta for Rhea(?), Brimsley for Ashe(?), Reynolds for Dedue and Doctor Monro for Rufus or an Agarthan and tada~
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kiddiewrites · 5 hours
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First Post
Sooooo this is the first fanfic I write, the current obsession is Call of Duty. Have I ever played the game?? No. Am I gonna play the game? Yes, I've downloaded the mobile version :D. Do the characters match their game personality? Probably not, the only source I have of them are other fanfics and edits I saw on tiktok JAJAJAJA.
Angst, T.F.141 x reader, Platonic!T.F.141 x reader, HURT, bit of OOC T.F. 141, pining!reader, bit of a sad ending, drunk confessions, overheard conversations, PAAAAAAAIIIIN (maybe I’m just projecting Enlgish is my second language so please be kind xd
∞ Command me to be well ∞
“There is no sweeter innocence, than our gentle sin”
In all honesty, you weren’t supposed to be there. You should’ve been in the med bay, you should’ve been filing reports on the last mission and updating medical records.
You’ve been assigned to Task Force 141 as their base doctor, having no experience in the field you remained back in HQ until they came back from deployment. You quickly realized they didn’t fully trust you as a doctor, whether it was due to your civilian background or a misjudgement of your abilities, you never knew and frankly you didn’t want to. You tried not to be a bother, you knew their job was hard as it was, so you tried a friendlier approach, making sure to try and interact with them if even at a minimum. 
Instead, you were faced with a hard cold truth, one that you hoped had vanished with a few friendlier words in your direction… you weren’t wanted.
Time seemed to move slower as the last few minutes replayed in your mind. 
The guys were sharing a much needed drink after a rather difficult mission. Letting the façade fall down for a bit, the whiskey loosening tongues and bringing to the surface feelings that could no longer be held down.
You were walking down the hallway that led to Price’s office, a bit of a pep to your walk and a container of baked goods in one hand and the files that needed his signature on the other. You knew they’d be a bit peckish after their mission so you thought ahead and brought some pastries that you knew they liked, even though Simon always said that those were more sugar than bread. In an instant the door to the Captain's office was at reach so you balanced the files over the container. 
-She’s jus so fecking annoying, y’know ?-
You stopped right when you were about to knock on the door, hand midair. 
-I ge’ tha’ we’re suppose to get along seein tha shes the fecking doctor- 
What?  Your breathing stopped and your body shivered
-Bu’ I jus can’t seem to tolerate’ er- the voices seemed a bit muffled by the closed door but still the volume was loud enough for you to hear… Listening as you stood there frozen, wishing that you couldn’t. 
-C’mon Johnny, she can be a bi’ annoying, sure.- Ouch 
-Bu’ she does ‘er job properly and at the end o’ the day, tha’s why she’s ‘ere fo’. - 
Kyle seemed to try and reason with him but even his own voice sounded strained. 
The beating of your heart going wild with every second that passed, your eyes stinging with unshed tears. They couldn’t refer to you right? Maybe, maybe it was someone else on their mission…
-Y/N does a good job, lads.- That’s the captain’s voice… Fuck…
-I get tha’, is jus… she keeps sticking t’ us like feckin glue everywhere we go- Oh no…
The tears were freely flowing now, not wanting to believe what you were hearing, sure you weren’t the most serious person but you never thought that would be a problem, specially after everything you’ve done with and for them. 
-Maybe you’ should stop inviting ‘er everywhere with us then- 
-Is no’ like I want to, Lt.  Bu’ she jus… pops ‘ere everytime I try and talk to all o’ you .- 
“Maybe I should go… But… my legs are not moving” 
-S’ your fault for flirting wi’ er when she came roun’ the firs time- Kyle was annoyed, months of interaction helping you to recognize the tone in their voices.
-Y’kno tha’ he does tha’ to everyone.- Simon sounded so sincere that you couldn’t help to feel stupid, as if you were just a joke. Another one of the bunch… 
-Lads, c’mon… She’s jus’ doin her job- Price was tired and he could already feel a headache starting to form in the back of his head.
-She’s a nice girl, ‘sides you kno’ tha’ i couldn’ stop Laswell for saddling ‘er with us- 
That was it, you never thought that they didn’t want you. They were a bit standoff-ish in the first few weeks or so but that was because they didn't know you… right? They were a tight-knit group, it was perfectly natural to not trust an outsider with their health, right? 
They became friendlier in the last weeks, actually letting you patch them up rather than doing it themselves when you weren’t in the med bay. The first one that apparently seemed friendly to you was Johnny, making you blush with his flirtatious ways but at least making you glad that he was starting to open up a bit, Kyle and Price being a bit on the quiet side but at least no longer just completely silent while you fixed them up and Simon… well he was still not talking to you or acknowledging you.
Knowing that all of your efforts were for nothing made you feel useless, it had nothing to do with your job, you knew you were good otherwise you wouldn’t have been assigned to the 141. 
So with a deep breath and a new goal in mind,  you turned away and left files in one hand and a slightly crushed box of pastries.
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“In the madness and soil, of that sad earthly scene”
You didn’t sleep a wink since that moment, pouring yourself over the medical files that needed your approval for final submission.
You were so deep in thought, that you didn’t hear the knocks at your door, only looking up when you heard a cough to get your attention. 
There stood your captain, looking very tired and you already could see the headache seeping into his usual calm demeanor. 
The urge to offer him a tea cup or a mild remedy for his head crossed your mind, he looked really tired but after what you heard last night you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. 
- Is there something you needed, captain?- your voice came out a little bit tired and sharper than usual, something that didn’t went unnoticed by the captain
-Yeah, kid. The reports from the last mission, do you have’ em?- He narrowed his eyes a bit at you, as if trying to figure out what happened. 
-Sure, let me get them for you- you stood up and moved to the cabinet next to your desk, there you took them off next to where the box of pastries remained intact and went ahead to give the to  the captain. 
- Here, all of the medical procedures and recent injuries are already stated. All they need is your approval so your medical history can be updated in due course- 
You handed him the files and turned to look at him, his face was a mix of confusion and slight annoyance. This side of you was new to him and he didn’t quite like it, where once you were all smiles and cheerful disposition now stood a sad look and a blank face, as if the very sunshine was taken from you. 
-Is everything all righ’, kid?- he found himself asking, you sighed loudly and headed back to your desk.
-Don’t worry about me, captain. Is just a rough patch, that’s all- You sat down and started to go over the files laid out before you.
-Alrigh’, if you need anything…- he watched you for a few seconds and then turned away and left.
A sour mood was felt across the base and from the interaction each of them had with you over the course of the week … there was definitely something wrong. 
Johnny tried flirting with you, but instead of being all giggles and blushing mess you just looked at him with a tight lip smile and continued as if he never talked to you, even when Kyle came in to your office for a quick fix up of his most recent stitches you remained completely silent, only talking to give him instructions on how to take care of his injuries and when to take his pain meds. Price’s office was a bit quieter than usual, without your usual self trying to warm up to him with an equally warm cup of tea or coffee in hand to help him through his headaches, even Simon felt the shift in your behavior, when crossing in the hallways or the break room being greeted with nothing more than a call of his rank and quickly leaving. 
The boys went into the cafeteria that same week and were surprised to see that while to the other soldiers you were still friendly and smiley, to them you were nonchalant and seemed almost way too professional. And that was upsetting everyone, so when you finished your lunch and went back to your office, files and coffee in hand they all decided that enough was enough.
You hadn't even finished entering your office when the four men burst in right behind you. You turned around with a scared look and a squeak of surprise at the sudden intrusion, the coffee almost falling from your grip and the files clutched to your chest. The boys all looked at you with a mix of annoyance and betrayal and you felt small, very very small. 
-What the hell is wrong with you?- your voice was a bit raised from the fright you were still recovering from, as you walked to your desk to leave the files and the coffee, Johnny spoke up. 
-Us? Wha’ e’ ‘ell is wrong wit you?- You turned around with a very deep frown etched into your face. 
-What are you talking about? You’re the ones that burst into my office like a pack of wild animals.- A very annoyed Johnny stepped right up until he was face to face with you. 
-Johnny calm down, mate.- Gaz’s voice was heard over Johnny’s loud breathing. 
-No, no’ until she’s told us jus’ wha’ in the living fuck is wrong- His voice was dangerously low, and it was fucking terrifying. 
-First of, back the fuck off, sargeant. I may be just a bloody fucking nuisance but i’m a doctor and I will break every bone in your body while naming them- A surprised look flashed through everyone’s faces, you’ve never talked to them like that before, and when Johnny didn’t seem to back off, you pushed with all your might and managed to make him to stumble back a bit. 
At that moment Ghost approached him and held him before he could fall, but the look he gave you, was right down murderous. A chill ran down your spine and your instincts screamed at you to run but your legs didn’t seem to work. Price at seeing the angry look on both of your faces quickly stood in front of everyone and yelled at both of you to cut it out. 
-Y/LN, you’ll apologize this instant or you’ll be subject to a reprimand for assaulting a ranking officer.- Price knew at the moment those words left his lips… he’d fucked up. 
-Excuse me?- You turned to look at him, furious. The nerve of these men…
-You think that you can burst into my office, to then demand an answer for which I do not know the fucking question to and THEN reprimand me for protecting myself against a man that got way into my personal space?- 
Your voice was raised, you were very very pissed off and the boys knew it, they knew they weren’t the best when it came to you, almost neglecting your care due to years and years of trust issues. They knew it wasn’t fair to you, but still when the only ones taking care of them were themselves, they just couldn’t trust you completely.
- I have tried SO hard to have you guys to trust me, GOD KNOWS I’VE TRIED and you won’t let me.- You felt the tears well up in the corners of your eyes and the faces of shock in the squad just made you feel worse. 
You hated yourself for crying, but the anger in you, the betrayal and the sadness were all out there now, so might as well just tell them everything. 
-I know I’m pathetic to you, I know that you think I’m… how you put it, Sergeant MacTavish?- At the mention of his name he looked up at you - “so fucking annoying”, I think was the term used.- His eyes widened, he knew exactly what you were talking about and the others seemed to remember the conversation they had a few days prior. 
-You’ eard o’r conversation?- Gaz seemed a bit angry and confused, how the hell could you have heard them if you weren’t supposed to be in the building. 
-Yes… I know it was wrong… I needed the captain’s signature on all of your files so your medical records could be updated..- The realization dawned on the captain, that’s why you were so down the next day… You heard everything. 
- But… I guess it was ultimately for the best- Your voice a whisper as you looked at them. 
-If you’re that unsatisfied with my care, I’ll ask the brass for a transfer.- The determined look on your face was like a slap in their faces, you were really going to leave them. They needed to fix this but neither of them said anything, you took a deep breath and left the office, leaving the four men standing dumbfounded in your office.
“What in the actual fuck just happened?” a thought, accompanied with the memory of utter anger and sadness in your face that will hunt the squad for the rest of their lives. 
They needed to fix it… soon. 
“Only then I am human, only then I am clean”
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SOOOOOOO this was my first piece, i'm really sorry if it’s not the best so please forgive me jajaja.
If you liked it please like and reblog, I would like to keep writing and knowing you like it will make me very happy.
Jejejeje feedback is appreciated <3
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ebonysplendor · 2 days
TL;DR: People are always saying "Touch grass" but even that might be dangerous in this scenario. If you thought Mike Tyson's hands were lethal, wait until you find out how our hands work.
Game Link: https://redspringstudio.itch.io/touchstarved
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Notable features: Self-Insert, Multiple LIs, DnD vibe, MC backstory selection, Multiple endings/routes, Choice-Heavy Spiciness: 3.5/5 -- Nothing too explicit and no sex scenes or anything like that, but it does get pretty suggestive and there's some flirty jokes and comments here and there, especially with one particular LI LI(s) Red Flags: ...I mean, aside from one of them being a suspiciously smooth talker and the other essentially implying that they'd corrupt us, the biggest red flag is one of them having the cleanest pickpocket skill in history
Wanna know more? Meh, there's not an age limit, but the game pages does say it's for older audiences so, me personally, ... I'd say at least sixteen, but the older, the better. Anyways, let's get into it!
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Okay, I'm sorry, but I have been coming across some damned gems lately!
Once again, this was one of the visual novels I downloaded forever ago, and what the heeeeeell, this was so good! Like, no, it was REALLY damned good. I'm not going to get into my ranting and raving like I tend to do because then the intro will get all long, but just know that, once again, I am geeked. Like, why have these game developers been going in so hard lately?!
I honestly have so much more to say, but I really want to get to the summary and the review portion, so I'm going to half-ass this intro and leave it here. That being said, this is NOT a yandere visual novel; however, it is a dark romance visual novel, so, it's still not the super teeth-rotting, cutesy, fluffy stuff.
Anyways, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself (like usual). Be mindful that, because it's a demo, there's not really an "end" nor is it even leading up to the end. The best way that I can qualify the demo is deadass...a demo. Like, it's a literal introduction and acts as a showcase to the rest of the game. More accurately, it flows exactly like how you'd think the prologue to a story would, "Chapter 0", honestly speaking.
Anyways, I'm done yapping; let's summarize. Just a heads up, though, it's gonna be a little lengthy, so...get comfy. All right, now let's get into it.
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So boom.
In the spirit of keeping things as brief as possible: We're cursed, and that curse flows throughout our hands, front and back; it is for this reason that we keep them completely bandaged to ensure our own safety (kinda) and for everyone else's sanity. We believe that we can find a cure in this city called "Eridia", which is known to be this city of vast knowledge, and within this city of vast knowledge is this place called "Senobium". Senobium is where we're hoping our answers lie.
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Lmao, I know that's a hell of an opener, but that's quite literally what's going on. We have been cursed since the start of forever, and we're essentially tired of feeling no sense of belonging anywhere, so we're trying to fix that; however, shit goes very left, very fast.
As we're on the way to this oh so great city of knowledge, we get hit with this ominous fog, and everyone who's travelling with us immediately knows: this is not good. No sooner than later, we're pretty certain that we hear someone getting killed nearby and the carriage that we were in is suddenly flipped over and blood gets shed very quickly. As expected, and for plot purposes, when the carriage got flipped over, our ankle took some extra damage which makes running a very unlikely option. Because of this, this terrifyingly dangerous creature wastes no time approaching us. Wanna see what it looks like?
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That, my friends, is what is referred to as a "soulless", and it can rip you to literal shreds within seconds.
For whatever reason, this thing darts past us and disappears into the mist, but we don't ask questions; we just bolt behind the carriage for cover, and we're thankful that there is still someone alive after the attack. It would be much more comforting, though, if the guy wasn't praying, because that meant either one of two things:
We were very much so fucked, and he was trying to put in a good word for himself real quick before he potentially met his maker
or 2. We are very much so fucked, and the only thing that is applicable in this scenario is to pray and hope it disappears
but either way, we are very much so fucked.
That being said, we simply can't accept that. We don't pray, because we don't have the time. We've literally come too far to get taken out right outside the very city that holds our salvation, and that's all the reminder that we need when we see those city lights through the haze.
That reminder doesn't last long, though, because remember that soulless that vanished? Well, it came back, and the guy that was praying essentially brushed up against our hand, trying to get us to dip out with him because, duh, situation kind've popping off. Now, you remember that curse I mentioned? Well, our bandages kind've tore off during all of this ruckus, and all it takes is the slightest touch to make a person go from this
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to this.
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Yeah, so...not good.
Anyways, the situation essentially keeps escalating until we're one hit point away from death...but it never happens, because the next time we open our eyes, we see him.
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Maybe we are dead, because hello~! Lookin' like an ethereal being in all of that white and attractive features! Like, gyatt DAMN. That is one fine ass angel!
Honestly, there are a lot of guys, and a lot of swooning, and a lot of introductions, so I'm going to kind've rush through those parts, especially since I don't want to ruin too much.
So, to get back on topic, essentially what goes down is that he -- his name is Kuras, by the way -- found us pretty much dead where the attack went down and brought us into the city to treat us. Now, this isn't because he's a hero or anything, but because he's a doctor and helping and healing is quite literally his entire thing, and damn, did he heal the hell out of us...suspiciously so.
Kuras tells us that, in Eridia, knowledge and secrets are what really fuels the area because it's so valuable. That being said, he can't get into exactly how he healed us so damn near perfectly. That also being said, he pretty much implies that the Senobium isn't all that's cracked up to be and that we aren't likely to find what we need there. Now although, we aren't fully believing of this due to desperation, he does point us in the direction of someone else. Some guy named Leander that we can find in some place called "The Wet Wick".
We follow Kuras' directions...but who the hell is--
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--LEANDEEEEEEER~! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! ...Yeeeeah, this is the one I'm gonna romance first lol. Kuras is gonna have to chill for a second.
Anyways, we're here with Leander, and what happens here is...he is so obviously a playboy, but the man is smooth as shit. I mean, damn, the man gave us flowers as soon as he laid eyes on us and was talking about some "New here? I'm certain I would've remembered a face as lovely as yours". A classic playboy line, a fuckboy move, possibly, and I always manage to gravitate towards/pick them in these damn multi-LIs stories. Back on topic though, we ask Leander about the Senobium, and, much like with Kuras, he tells us that it's not only a taboo topic, but that the place is bad news.
That being said though, he's pretty confident that he's able to find an alternative to our ailment, but that we'd have to be willing to trust him a bit, which is a tall order considering the backstory we may have chosen. We bite the bullet though, because we discovered earlier that he was a pretty damn good mage, and we're really desperate. We give into his confidence...and it actually panned out well. So well, in fact, this man, once again, takes the opportunity to spit game and puts the gold in our hands next to the gold on his coat and be like "Look, we match". That man is smoother than damned butter, and I'm down bad.
Anyways, he gets us a room to sleep in for the night, and tells us to go explore, but be careful. So we do, and we run into this guy.
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Yeah, so, remember that room that Leander got for us? This guy, monster, thing just swiped the key. Lol here we go...
The thing is, we could easily get it back, but something feels...off...about him. So, we play along with his game for a bit before we're just like "A'ight, can I just get my damn key?" but he kind've avoids the topic and, of course, our desire to reach the Senobium comes up. As expected at this point, he's flatly like "It's overrated" and to simply forget about it. Well, damn...
The encounter goes for a bit more before Vere -- we finally got his name after someone called him out for causing trouble -- leaves with the someone who called after him. Despite all that we've heard about the Senobium, we can't help but see it up close and in person to at least make the journey and trials and suffering worth it.
And we do, we make it there, and we see this figure there.
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But when someone calls after us for gawking at the building, the figure disappears as quickly as we saw it. Aside from this though, a feeling of hopeless kind've takes hold and we're just...it's just like damn at this point, ya know? But then something kind've weird happens.
This red-eyed woman, who is clearly supposed to be dead as apparent from this gaping hole that she showed us on her body -- no, you don't get it. It was a literal hole that you could see through -- spoke of this seaspring that could cure, quite literally, anything. Not having much faith in the Senobium anymore, but still desperate for a cure, we follow the woman and receive directions to this mysterious seaspring and are told about some gang leader named Ais.
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We get there, and we come to the conclusion that someone probably lives here. We call out, there's no answer...you already know where this is going.
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BUT I DID NOT EXPECT THIS MAN TO BE THIS DAMN FINE. AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Okay, okay, okay, okay, so I'm going to romance Leander first, DEFINITELY this daddy second, and Kuras is gonna be my solid third. Okay, moving on...
He -- this is Ais, by the way -- pops up and scares the shit out of us. Actually, it wasn't him that scared us, it's his loyal pack of red-eyed soulless that scares the shit out of us, and for obvious reasons. Anyways, for the sake of trying to keep this from being longer than it already is, he's actually a pretty chill dude. Once again, he is also anti-Senobium, but he is straightforward in that, "Yes, that seaspring will literally clear up whatever you've got going on, but boy, is it going to drive you batshit crazy". Well, not batshit, but it makes you a part of this thing called a "groupmind"; that explained the red-eyes. Ais described it as "one big happy family in your head". Oh...okay, so...not a good idea. Guess we weren't as desperate as we thought. He gets one of his trained soulless to take us back towards the city.
After everything that had went down today, we decided that we should officially call it a night. On our way to the room Leander funded for us, we run into some...complications.
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Ah, yes. Why would we have been able to just walk across the city and to our room? That would've been too easy. Any chance that this one is tamed, too, and Ais is just messing with us again?
Oh...oh wait...this one doesn't have the red eyes. ...Yeah, we bolt. What makes this whole situation worse though? As fast as we are running, this soulless is keeping up pretty damn easily. Also, did I say that this was the worst of it? It's not, it gets so much worse actually. Tell me why, in our panic, we literally ran ourselves into a dead end. Beautiful. What are the odds we'll survive this thing a second time around?
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Pretty damn high apparently. Bless this person because we were about to get one-hit'ed!
They help us up and...wait...didn't we...?
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Oh yeeeeeeah! This was the person from the Senobium! ...Damn, they're short lmao. That being said, we were all:
"Yo, you were at the Senobium!"
And they were all:
"So what if I was?"
Mmm...a feisty lil stallion. Big sass. I would be, too, if I was that short. Like, damn, they are not as tall as the baes. Kuras could take their ass out with one stomp if he really wanted to.
Anyways, they scold us about being alone at night and how it's not safe and all that. We follow them for a bit, and granted, we saw that they meant business, but it's still weird that if it's so dangerous, why were they travelling alone and why did they stop to help us?
"There was a bounty on that Soulless; you were just in the way. Not killing you isn't the same as helping you." Wha--?
Well, fuck you, too then! You get romanced last, Shorty McDouche.
We essentially get spicy back, and now, they're all blushy and shit as they start walking us back to our room. Yeah, take that shit, Mhin -- their name is Mhin, by the by -- but we don't have to deal with their sass for much longer because guess who comes along?!
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IT'S BAAAAAAAE!!!! .....gyatt DAYUM Mhin is short. Then again, they could be taller than or the same height as us, but we did mention that everyone was significantly taller while Mhin was "Huh...they're shorter than I thought".
Anyways, they both escort us back to the Wet Wick, and wouldn't you know it?
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Not only are all the baes here, but they all apparently know each other! All those different personalities hanging out together? Well, isn't that a wild concept. Even still, since they're all here...
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Maybe we can get to know one of them a little better...
END OF DEMO LOL. Well...actually there's more after this, but of course, it depends on who you go to talk to. This is definitely long enough, though, lol; you'll have to play the game yourself to find out more, not to mention all the details I left out.
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Whoo, FINALLY. The summary was long, but that was because the demo was long, and it had a lot going on. I swear I excluded so much detail, you have no idea, but guys...
When I tell you that this game was so good.
When I tell you that this game was so good.
FRIENDS. When I tell you. That this game. Was so. Good.
I don't think I can emphasize that enough, and I'm not even going to lie to you, at first, I was not feeling it. It's crazy to say that now, but I swear, I was not feeling this game at first, because it was feeling real Dungeons and Dragons, and as much I want to get into that...I can't. It just never vibes with me, and it's like I can't ever effectively get into it. That being said, it was rough at first, but then--!!
Listen. The story started storying, and the baes were baeing, and I was like, there is a visual novel to be played here. I knew it was a demo when I had started it, but when I tell you that I was legitimately upset when that "Thanks for playing!" message came up? DISTRAUGHT.
Anyways, my take on the game (as if it wasn't clear enough): it was great. Fantastic, even. It's just really odd how it flows like a fantasy story book but a DnD map at the same time, and yet they made it work so beautifully. The art style; those of you that have been rocking with me know how I feel about art style. Absolutely enthralled with the art. It looks straight out of one of those DnD campaign or character books. The baes! Don't get me wrong, all of them aren't my cup of tea, but the baes that I'm feening for?! Even the ones that I'm not feening for, honestly. They are sooooo handsome. Like, I want them al-- well, I want like 3 of them, to be best friends with 1 of them, and to throw hands with the other one lol. I mean, like, they're a'ight; I'm gonna have to get to know them because they a lil' too slick at the mouth lmao, but we all know that's probably going to be the sweetest of the bunch.
But yeah, this game is legit. Again, absolutely going to spend money on this one, if that's what the full version will entail. Now, just to add a bit of degeneracy...
Okay, okay, okay, anyways, but like, the game really does have mad potential. Like, look at this:
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You can pick your back story, and look at what it looks like when you pick your LI!
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There are routes! You pick your LI by route! Can you imagine how huge this game is going to be if there are routes for each character and choices within those routes? I am literally so excited! Run me the full release, dev(s)!
Anywho, this post is waaaaaay long, and I could ramble way more about this game, but I shall not. If you'd like to give this game a playthrough yourself -- and I'm telling you that you need to -- I'll put a link to it right here for ya. If you'd also like, you can give the dev(s) that ever desperate "Please. I need more. This game is so good. I will literally sell you my lung and both of my kneecaps. I beg" and let them know what it is! Donations are also super helpful should you be in a position and mindset to do so!
All righty, that's finally all from me! Sorry about the length on this one, but there was so much that needed to be said, and I could honestly say more. For the sake of length though, I'll leave you with this:
Play this game, but also, please remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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I could've sworn I had this fic on my AO3 bookmarks but it is not there. So please help a girl out 🙏 This is a Bakugou Katsuki Time Travel Fic.
Things I remember about the fic:
- Bakugou in the future didn't become one of the best heroes. Rather he was one who really fell in the rankings.
- Reason for that is because his bullying was spread (due to loose mouth of Kami/Bakusquad) and he was ostracized by it.
- Bakugou in the future dies trying to save Midoriya.
- Woke up young again and swore never to become a hero anymore.
- Young Bakugou sent message/call to All Might about AFO and Nomus.
- Young Bakugou started going out at night for walks and meets Aizawa and became close to him again as he was also the person he was still close to even back in the future.
- All Might made a fan meet in Musutafu to try and find Bakugou, Bakugou avoiding All Might, and staying with Aizawa.
- Bakugou saved an old man from dying and old man took him to his home to help out.
- Last chap I remember was Nomu doctor being found out and that since one of the kids in Bakugou's daycare/school is the actual grandson, the boy was being bullied. Katsuki then saves the brat from bullies.
I was really sure I had this bookmarked and when I couldn't find it I was scared it got deleted. Someone please tell me the title of this so I can find it. If it really got deleted can some kind soul out there share their downloaded version of the fic. Please, I am desperate 😭
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spybrarian · 2 days
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @storyspinner91 a while back but I was in Australia!
Who'd like to play? I've tagged a few people in the questions themselves, but maybe also... @onlyshestandsthere, @expensivefate, @jayenator565, @commanderbuffy @geek-and-nina if you like?
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
19, which feels *wild*! 19!!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow! Just Willow, these days. Tanthamore have my heart.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
one night at the start of the end of the world - my Shattered Sea one shot, tender tender Tanthamore, and there's only one bed, and it's the birthplace of pillbug Kit, and the fic where I worked out how much I liked writing them looking after each other. I'm glad this one is other people's favourite, too.
more than just survival - my multichapter canon story about Jade as she grows up, from when she was a kid in Tir Asleen to what happens after they return from the quest. Also a 5+1 (five times Kit made Jade blush and the one time Jade got her back).
The Pieces - kinkverse modern au short stories, a collaboration with @acre-of-wheat and @swashbucklery. I've written The Spider, The Mile High Club, The Maintenance and The Holes.
kiss me, kill me - my Bone Reaver Jade au, Jade busts into Tir Asleen to kidnap the princess and ends up getting got herself, in so many ways.
I scream at your chest for as long as I must - a post canon one shot, just after they return from the quest. Jade grieves for Ballantyne and Kit learns how to walk with her though her grief.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I like to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
I don't know - I can tell you my darkest premises (probably the very canon divergent the cellar door is an open throat aka the barbed wire, Kit Jade and Elora in a dungeon au) but even the ending of that one finishes with a glimmer of hope.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Huh, I think with most of my fics I tend to go for hopeful endings over happy ones. I think my most *satisfying*, hopeful ending I wrote was Samaras (an Architect of Catastrophe story) that I wrote as a present for @wigster07. I'm really, really pleased with that one. It's about rebuilding after tragedy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
I haven't, and am very grateful for that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Do I ever?! What kind? What *kind*?! The gay kind. Aside from the aforementioned kinkverse, I've also got a canon based smut series (my kissing fics!) called There's not a step we can take that does not bring us closer where Kit and Jade are inventing all the different ways they love being together.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? and 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and nope!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Also nope - although Juliette made [Podfic of] one night at the start of the end of the world where she read this fic GORGEOUSLY! It's there for download if you want to listen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I've collaborated! I haven't done a true co-writing thing for this fandom but, there's the kinkverse series in which I'm in deep cohorts with Acre and J, the singing cowboy fic I wrote into J's (cowboy) take me away (tanthamore rdr2 au). I love them both - they push me in new directions, and the feedback loop of inspiration is an utter joy.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tanthamore, hands down
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I plan on finishing them all. Yes even Wyrm Jade/I'll be the sweetest thing to ever scare you, yes I know it's been a hot minute. I do have genuine plans to finish.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
Coming up with phrases/images that people remember, that's probably the part I get a kick out of the most. I think my pacing and character and words in general are all pretty good, but writing callbacks to earlier in the story, or getting the foreshadowing right, are two of my favourite things to play with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get repetitive - mostly I manage to catch this in edits, but ho boy do I know how to say the same thing over and over.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I'm not fluent in anything other than English so I haven't used dialogue in other languages in any of my fics - unless you count the Ancient Angoran in 'kiss me kill me'.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragonball Z, an epic written by hand in double spaced lines over several exercise books ;)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I'm really proud of 'one night' and 'more than just survival' but there is a special place in my heart for Let's take a knife and cut the world in two and its follow up there is light somewhere (it may not be much light but it beats the darkness) - my Exorcist Jade/possessed Kit au. The strange not-canon, not-modern, some-mix-of-the-two world that I made for that one is my *favourite*.
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simmysunset · 9 months
just thought i'd leave this here
thanks to this wonderful video, i learned how to get access to all of the sims 4 expansions totally legally. if you don't wanna go through all those steps, you might just be able to get them, too, if you follow this link...
instructions can be found in the video or in the tags. i will make my own video for my process in the future. when i do, i'll edit this post and link it here.
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elitisim · 4 months
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Sheabuttyr - Dameon Dreads
All credits goes to @sheabuttyr! Original here!
Hair for For Teen ➤ Elder Males
25.8k poly
1024x texture
Texture Credit: Sheabuttyr
Custom Thumbnail
Contains all LODS and is disabled for random
Larger Pics and color channel breakdown under the cut
tagging: @pis3update, @naturalhair-sims3, @xto3conversionsfinds
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
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just a little sleepyhead
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tippenfunkaport · 11 months
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Zoom Backgrounds
Five zoom backgrounds were originally available for download on the official site and I'm archiving them all here
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Take your next meeting from the Fright Zone and keep 'em on their toes!
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mattodore · 11 months
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theo and matthias with a tiny baby :')
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girlinthetardis04 · 2 months
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Okay, I might have a problem
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