#then people wanna act like they know when they don't even work in the field like no you don't
archangelsarchway · 2 days
Venture with female reader that acts closed off but is secretly shy and a nerd like them.
Archeologist!reader ;3
Sloan tried to get you to open up the first week you arrived on site in Peru. You gave them terse, one or two sentences answers but were always just polite enough.
It had them going crazy. They knew that something else was hidden under your aloof exterior and that they had to crack it to see the spark they saw in your eyes when you talk about a human fossil and rendering photos of ancient peoples.
Sloan brought you another coffee, they knew how you liked it after they overheard you telling your order to an intern. (Sloan told the intern that they would handle getting your coffee.)
After numerous coffee runs and attempts at conversation shut down before they even start...
One day, you were sat at your desk at the Wayfinders field base, hair messy and desk even messier but Sloan found that they liked it that way. They noticed new things on your desk every time they came over there, just how they noticed the miniature deer skull sticker stamped on the side of their art tablet.
"Ah, thank you." You look at them blankly as they hand you the coffee.
"So, what are you making now?" They lean over you, close enough to feel your body heat radiate but not enough to touch.
"Peruvian farmer. Tilled land on the Andes."
"Wow. Our bioarcheologist team is amazing.." Sloan stood up straight again and thought for a second.
"Hmm. Don't they grow coffee there now?"
"Well, it didn't actually used to be there— there were plantations to farm coffee beans. This guy was before those."
That light in your eye. Sloan had to keep you talking, crack you wide open.
"Yeah, bet they didn't have creamer back then as well. How would you have survived?"
You laugh, loudly and smile widely. But you quickly seem to check yourself and get serious again, straight back to work.
"Sorry. Don't mean to bother you. Go back to the dig site, I don't wanna keep you."
Fuck. Sloan lost you again.
"I'll be back with coffee tomorrow?"
"Sure thing."
Sloan knows you think they cant hear you as they walk away, but they hear
"can't wait.."
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boreal-sea · 1 year
When I call out radical feminism, TERFs, and Gender Criticals for being fascist, it is not the same thing as "hating on feminists". I am a feminist - I'm just not a radical feminist. Radical feminism is not the entirety of feminism. There are other branches of feminism. Y'all do not represent all of us.
Sawing off the rotten branch of radical feminism from the tree of feminism is not "violence against women". It's an act of survival.
And if you're a radical feminist and not a fascist, bioessentialist transphobe, and you think you can save your movement from the rotting branches attached to it, my advice is to start sawing. Prove your movement is worth saving.
How to save radical feminism: Openly and loudly ally yourself with trans people. Stop being anti-male and anti-masculinity - because it's feeding your transphobia and bioessentialism. Stop policing consensual sex you don't personally like (like kink and sex work). Denounce people like JKR. Call out the bioessentialism, bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny, and antisemitism in your ranks.
I know some of you are going to say "but OP, that's everything radical feminism is about! If we don't hate sex workers and trans people, what will we do?"
Well, if you stop being anti-everything, you might actually be able to be pro-something, and contribute to making the world a better place.
Cause right now? You're poisoning all of us.
If you're finding that your only allies in the political field are conservatives, and progressives are routinely calling you a hate group, and there are literal NAZIs marching in support of your cause and members of your group are reciting NAZI quotes at your rallies, and if you see members of your group claiming there's a "Jewish conspiracy" behind the people you hate,
then uh
You might wanna question what has happened to your cause. Regardless of where you started, even if it was far to the left, you're now steeped in fascism.
You're rotting from the inside out. Do something about it.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Ugh, Panther I don't know what exact time you'll be getting this ask but as if now it is not the 2nd in my time zone. But I don't have any time tomorrow so I hope its okay to send something earlier. If not, please feel free to ignore!
I just need *sucks in breath and clenched fist* Yandere Gojo from JJK with the prompts 14. , 34. and possibly 35.
with someone who has sorcerer powers but has grown outside of the jujutsu society? They fight because they genuinely wanna help people and Gojo introduced them to the school to be a teacher too - in hopes to get another strong ally but uh oh he got obsessed. Like, he does not want to lose you like he lost Geto and maybe you'll grow to understand him too. so imo the prompts work well. Can either be platonic or romantic I think he can be both!
Thank you!
Sure, friend! I hope this is to your taste :) I really hope he isn't too OOC or anything. There was no plot structure here 😮‍💨... I just followed the direction my mind guided me.
He's a subtle yandere here Ig.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 14, 34, 35
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!"
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of attachment/loss, Trauma implied, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Soft yandere, Threats near the end, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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It had been a long while since Gojo had found someone he could relate to in some way. The companionship wasn't quite what Gojo had with Geto long before... but it was close. You were strong... yet so isolated from the rest.
A familiar feeling to him.
Gojo could tell you were a strong Sorcerer when you entered the school for a job. As expected... Gojo wanted to test you to see if you were right for the job. By the end of your examination... you were approved.
Leaving Gojo curious and excited.
In Gojo's eyes, strong allies were important in the field. It's what he strives to find and teach. Strength has always been important to protect the weak.
Gojo at first hated how interested he was in you. Yet you were so mysterious... according to you, you never went to Jujutsu High to learn your craft. Which leaves Gojo baffled on your strength.
You aren't stronger than him, far from it, but you are certainly strong and full of potential. During your job, Gojo often checked in with you. Many students never really saw Gojo away from you for long.
He was always playful and laid-back with you. Safe to say you both get along well as teachers. Perhaps even too well...
Gojo realizes he's too attached when the worry starts to settle deep within him.
The bond you share reminds him a lot of Geto. Too much, actually. Such a thought makes him pained.
Gojo's concern grows, even as he offers to train you. You're a teacher skilled in your craft. Gojo really shouldn't be worried.
But... are you handling the new environment well? You seemed like you lived an isolated lifestyle. Does the city bother you?
Gojo despises the worries he has. All leftover emotions from when he was a teen. He... just can't help himself, however.
You always care so much for others. As a teacher and Jujutsu Sorcerer, you end up sacrificing whatever you can to see students and friends safe. It's honorable...
But Gojo doesn't wish to lose another he's close to... not when he finally feels he has someone who gets him.
Such behavior makes Gojo stick around more often. To the point you even begin to wish he left you alone. Despite being a strong Sorcerer similar to him, Gojo also seemed to treat you like you couldn't defend yourself.
You didn't respect him babying you... it was an insult to your skills.
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!" Gojo whines, a frown on his face as you sit in your empty classroom. You snort, amused that he acts like a child while treating you like one. You have no idea what's gotten into your friend and ally as of late.
"Satoru, I don't wish to speak with you." You state in a stern tone.
"Why?" Gojo replies, walking over to lean on your desk. He's as casual as ever it seems.
"You've been awfully... suffocating." You admit bluntly. "I am an adult who can handle themselves."
"... not in this world." Gojo sighs, gaze never once leaving yours behind his glasses. He notices your unamused look and straightens his posture.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that." Gojo frowns. "The city has way more curses running around than where you came from."
"I can handle them." You retort.
"And if you can't?" Gojo responds, staring you down. Something about his staring unnerves you. You're silent, Gojo oddly going back to smiling after you stop arguing.
"I'm the strongest, you should really just let me take care of things for you. It would be much... safer." Gojo's tone is oddly relieved and gleeful.
"... Satoru... you can't be there for me all the time." You try to reason.
"Says who?" Gojo frowns. "No one else understands me except you! Am I just supposed to sit back and lose you?"
His words and lack of composure surprise you. Gojo's quick to fix his sudden outburst, however, sitting beside you and holding your hand. It's an action of comfort...
But you can tell there's a pained expression in his usually playful eyes.
"... just listen to me, okay?" Gojo whispers, looking back at you as his grip tightens. "You'll be safe if you just... keep me close."
"Satoru-" You try to speak, but Gojo covers your mouth.
"I don't care how strong you are... I'm stronger. If you don't let me protect you..."
Gojo's grin turns... unsettling. A twisted show of teeth that makes it look like he'll snap. You swore he even chuckled. Your heart beats faster when he leans closer.
"I may just have to keep you all to myself no matter the cost... that way you'd be safe and I can't lose you. How's that sound?"
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meameagirl · 1 year
hello, could you write one where Joe gets jealous because one of his nephews has a "crush" on yn? 💜💜
Nephews | Joe Burrow x Reader
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Summary: Joe and you go to his bother house for a dinner when his nephews keep taking your attention from Joe.
word count: 718
Warning: jealous Joe
You and Joe were heading over to his brother's house for a dinner that his family invited them to last night. You smiled big. “I can't see your little nephews again. Did you know they both like me a lot?” You smiled even bigger thinking about those boys.
Joe chuckled out. “You tell me that everytime we go see them Y/n” You roll your eyes. “You know it's been ages since we even saw them. You know you miss them too.” He just shakes his head while pulling up to his brother's house. The two cutest boys were outside chasing each other as you got out of the car.
Once they noticed you they ran to you yelling your name. “Y/n you here we miss you so much.” Both of them hug you tight. “Oh my look how much you two have grown up.” Joe walks around the car and pats the boy's head. “Hey to you boys.” He told them. Both of them look at him. “Hi Uncle Joe” before Joe could get another word out  the boys grabbed your hand. “Come play with us”
You look over at Joe with a big smile before they pull you in the house. Joe signs. ‘’They act like I'm not here” He goes inside the house too. You sat in the living room playing some game you didn't understand but you were having fun. Joe was watching them when his brother walked to him. “You know mother taught us not to stare and that kind of stare is not good. Why are you watching them?” 
He turns to his brother. “I wasn't staring, just watching them.” His brother gave him a look. “That staring is not why I want kids. That stare is jealous. So why are you jealous of my boys? " Joe shakes his head and looks over at the boys and you. “They barely even noticed I was there until I said something. They were more happy to see Y/n” His brother patted his back. “She is still new to them but don't worry once they understand football. They're gonna be bugging you more than her. Plus I believe those two got their first crush feelings.”
Joe looks at him. “With my girl?” His brother laughs. “To them she is pretty, you should be happy they like her.  Maybe after all she is a keeper.'' While they were talking you were listening to the boys and teaching you how the game works. You turn to where Joe was and see him and his brother were speaking. You couldn't read their lips but Joe's body language told you what he was feeling.
You turn back to the boys. “Boys, I have an idea , want to have more fun?” They both look at you with the biggest eyes ever. Gosh they are cute. You giggles how they lookin at you like you are their favorite person ever. “Listen, wanna make Uncle Burrow a happy man for a few seconds.” They both nod. You smiled. 
“Here is my plan, see him over there right.” They nod again. “Well I think he is having a bad day so why don't you two go tackle him and make his day better’’ you smiled bigger when the boys ran to Joe and tackled him. His brother starts laughing while you watch it all happen. He looks at you and mouths “thank you” to you.
Around two hours later you and Joe were getting ready to leave. Both of yall were outside when he turned to you. “I know it wasn't their idea to come after me like two football players.” You only look at him. “No clue what you are talking about Burrow. Maybe they miss you too.” He gives you a look and you shrug.”They love you, believe me they are happy to have you as their uncle. Who knows maybe they will be like you and be in the NFL” You walk to his car.
“Second, next time you don't want people to know you're jealous, control your body language. Because you suck at that.” He looks at you. “I'm good at doing that on the field , not with my girlfriend.” You open the door, “Let go home. I want kisses and cuddles from my jealous man.”
This my first time doing a request or writing anything on this app. But I hope y'all enjoy this little story.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
hihiii pookie :DD!!
tw// mentions of depression
i'm wondering if you could maybe write a comfort fic about miles 42 with a reader who hates asking for help even when theyre clearly suffering in silence because they were taught to just 'suck it up' and deal with it alone as a kid?
you dont have to write this if you dont feel comfortable with it <33
Thank you pooks :33!!
hi pooks @jrrantss <:DD oh man, okay so i was kind of that kid back then too (though i was a big crybaby) it's like the adults around me didn't fully comprehend why i was feeling the way i was, so in response to that, they basically condemned crying at home or in front of them. i'm sorry if you went through something similar or, hopefully not, something worse ;-; i hope this provides you some comfort, and in a way, might also let you know you aren't the only one going through stuff like this. i'm here for you pookie, all the time <:)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
you can be honest with me. – miles 42 x reader (angst + comfort)
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nothing went your way this week, hell, you couldn't even remember a week in your life when anything felt right, when you didn't feel that you were holding yourself back from letting go of everything that felt wrong, awful, and just... painful. you were too good at keeping secrets, too good at lying about how you really felt; and that was something you hated about yourself, how you found lying as your first nature, not your second. you lied to people when they'd ask you if you were doing okay, if your day was going alright–you always gave them the answers they want to hear, that you were fine, that nothing was wrong.
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but when everything just comes crumbling down, and the cracks in your facade begin to show and become more obvious... you get more and more defensive, more and more angry, more and more... scared and worried about these feelings that are hurling themselves at you so quickly that you can't even begin to understand why they're affecting you so badly–why people can see the bare you now if you just turn your face to look at them or open your mouth to speak; and your boyfriend was the first person to see you this way, vulnerable, yet trying all you can to avoid that vulnerability while you're crumbling down.
"hey," miles calls out to you in a soft voice as he sees your back turned to him as you kept working on your assignments, hunched over at your desk with your brows furrowed together and your lips curved into a scowl. you had been avoiding him for a few days now–at least he thinks you might be avoiding him–and have acted very distant, very... out of it recently. you didn't turn your head around to face him, which prompted him to continue talking, hopefully so you could find a reason to face him and his worried eyes. "you've, um... you've been busy lately." "uh-huh." you hummed as you tapped the end of your pencil against your desk impatiently, racking your brain for the answer to the questions written down that all seemed to blur together as the shittiness of the previous days just irritated you even more, and the worst part was... you couldn't hide the fact you can't mask ot anymore.
miles' face contorted as he got more and more worried about you, not knowing why you were acting starkly different than the usual you, or the only you he was familiar with. he extended his hand out to you as he walked over, looking at your cluttered up papers on your desk and the smudged up marks on the paper from your erasures. "...is something wr–" "everything's fine, i'm fine, i'm just peachy!" "you don't sound very convincing." he said, his voice returning to his nonchalant, cool tone as he took a small glimpse at your face before you turned away from his field of vision.
he sat in the chair next to you and wrapped his arm around you in an effort to comfort you. "cielo, sonething's up with you. are you... are you sure you don't wanna let me help?" he asked you with a soft voice, hoping he didn't overstep any boundaries as you slowly turned your head to show him a bit of your face. there were tears in your eyes, though you didn't dare let miles see them fall down your face; there was a sob stuck in your throat, but you didn't dare let miles hear it escape your lips. you had been there before, being severely troubled for more things than just homework–but never had you been advised to do anything than the age old phrases you've heard all your life as a kid: 'get over it.'
you took in a deep breath and tried to tell him what those words you've exhausted yourself from saying all the damn time–that you don't need any help, that you've got this, that you're okay... but your body's betraying you right now. it's betraying you for turning your back on your own feelings, but that... was never your fault, never. as you let out the breath you've been holding in, the hot tears came streaking down the ends of your eyes, your scowl morphing into a sad frown as you felt yourself slowly come undone and all the raging thoughts in your mind boiled down into one thought right then and there: 'fuck no, i am far from okay'.
you had one tear come down, then two, then... a whole waterfall of tears came pouring down your eyes as you finally released that sob you had been desperately keeping in. you had released it out into the air as it mingled with miles' shushing and gentle whispers as he held you while you leaned against him, wailing as you tried telling him how nothing had been right lately. you choked out in broken cries how you desperately wanted a way out of everything horrible that's been happening but you didn't want anyone else to be bothered by your 'stupid, insignificant problems'.
"i just... want to be okay... but i can't even pretend to be okay for at least one damn day." "please, stop pretending, mi vida. it's hurting me how you... how you think it's strength to rake up everything by yourself... when you clearly need help." miles said with a cracked voice as he felt himself choke up at your melancholic state. you cried even more out of guilt that you saddened miles, but he kissed your forehead, cheek–your whole face as he murmured words of reassurance, of love, to you to calm you down and comfort you. "you're not alone, not anymore... i don't care if some idiots in your life want you to deal with alone, never to bother them–you're never a bother to me, got that?" he mutters to you as he holds you close, letting you sob into his shoulder, your sobs getting louder and louder all the while. he shushes you and rubs your back gently, kissing your wet cheeks as he keeps reminding you that no matter what you're going through, what problems you're having, he's always going to be there for you–be the help you'll need, one way or another.
"please, don't be scared, mi vida... you can be honest with me. i promised to love you with all my heart, protect you, and... always be the help you'll need."
he whispered to you as he looked into your eyes and gently wiped your tears away and leaned his forehead against yours, hoping you would be more lenient, more understanding towards yourself and your own needs; and that you wouldn't hesitate to ask him for help. because even if you don't ask him to, he'll be there to help you, be there to guide you, be there to comfort you the best he can. because he loves you, and knows you deserve more than what you think you deserve, that you deserve... the best of the best, and nothing less.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @q2ie @zalayni @anikaluv @conitagray
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babybluebex · 3 months
Ryd and N Side by Steve Lacy make me think of Dom (specifically in college)
oh college!dom is a continuous thought, like meeting him at a frat party (bc i can only imagine what greek life at cmu is like, bc my small tiny university's greek life is WILD) and like maybe he's in your bio lecture or something so you know he's around and you think he's super cute but you've never actually spoken bc there's like 60 people in your bio lecture but anyway, you see him at this frat party and you lock eyes from across the room and you hold his gaze for longer than you might've usually, but you had a beer in your hand and you were feeling pretty good so your confidence was somewhere else
and he starts to cross the room, obviously coming over to you, and your friend grabs your arm "holy shit!" and you're like "wuh??" and she goes "is that dominic sessa?" "who?" you ask, like doubly like who are you talking about? and who is dominic sessa? and your friend goes "the guy in the flannel shirt walking this way, he's an actor, and he's really good, and he's super hot, but i didn't think he was back on campus yet—" "oh, a theater student, whatever" you scoff and your friend is QUICK to correct you "no, dude, he was in a movie that was nominated for an oscar. he's got like a bafta or something, he's famous!" and at about that moment, dom approaches you, and you see that he has his own red plastic cup in his hand, his dab pen in the other, flannel and wolf tshirt and dirty white sneakers and messy hair, and he's so smooth and easy "you're in my bio lecture, right?" he asks and your friend about dies "uh, yeah" you nod, aware of your friend's heart attack happening as she grips your arm "you're... i know your name, i swear, you sit towards the back of the hall..." "i do" he says "you sit in the front row" "i do" you echo "sorry, it's, ah, not coming to me... i've had a little bit to drink" "no sweat" he chuckles easily "i'm dom" "that's right" you nod and you quickly tell him your name and introduce your friend, and dom nods and smiles at her, but he's focused on you the whole time (specifically your lips, and you're so glad your friend talked you into wearing lipstick and actually dressing up for the party) "you wanna go outside?" dom asks "i wanna smoke, and i can't really hear myself think in here" "sure" you nod, and your friend smiles at you and takes the hint "oh, i think see my friend over there! i'm gonna go say hi!" and leaves you and dom to navigate through the cramped house party and out to the front porch of the frat house, where it's significantly quieter and cooler than inside
"that's better" and he sinks into one of the fabric patio chairs, taking a pull on his pen, and when he speaks, the smoke curls off his lips in a way that makes your back stiffen "nothing against kid cudi, but..." and you laugh and occupy the chair across from him "do you live on campus?" and you nod "barton hall" (listen i KNOW cmu doesn't have a dorm called barton, dON'T YELL AT ME) and dom scoffs "what?! i'm not a freshman, barton isn't just a freshman dorm, it's just mostly a freshman dorm" "no, no, that's not why i'm laughing" dom chuckles "i, uh... the high school i went to was a boarding school, and the dorm i lived in senior year was called barton" "oh wow" and you lean forward with the intention of hearing him better, but he starts to pass you his pen "oh, no thanks" "cool" he mumbles "what's your major?" and you tell him, trying to reel in your geeky overexplanation of your field of study, whatever it may be, and he laughs his goofy little gasping laugh "wow, that's awesome" "what about you?" you ask, and he sorta goes a little red "acting" he says "theater, performance art, whatever you wanna call it..." "wow" you breath, and your friend's words circle in your head, how he allegedly won a bafta ("or something") and you decide to play it cool— you're sure millions of girls fawn over him every day for his work, and even though your ignorance is real, you don't want to give him the impression that you're only talking to him because of that (even though you're not) "what do you wanna do with that?" "see, that's the question" dom says "my granddad asks me that every time i see him, he doesn't get it, yknow? but that's what i wanna do— that's what i currently do, i just wanna understand the technique better and how to be a better actor" "currently?" you ask with confusion and dom bites his lip and lets it slowly release, obviously mulling over something in his head, but he doesn't answer you "you hungry?" he asks suddenly "i'm starving" and you shrug "i could eat" but his avoidance sets the mood for the rest of the night: he doesn't wanna talk about his job, so you won't
and you decide to walk to a nearby little joint, neither of you are in much state to drive and the buses stopped running for the night, and it's nice, just the two of you, sharing stories and getting to know each other, and he's a genuinely really great guy, pays attention to you when you talk and expresses excitement in stuff you're obviously interested in, he asks a question about your major and you're like "oh, that's like complicated, it gets into the technical weeds and shit of the field" and he shrugs "i'm an acting major. i'll never know that sorta stuff if you don't tell me. weed away" and like his hands are all over you, but in a nice way, hand pushed into your back pocket or arm around your shoulders, subtle signs to the guys you pass on the sidewalk there that, at least for that moment, you're his and when you get to the place, it's essentially a little hole in the wall, buzzy fluorescent lights and high tables and some tinny radio from the back playing rap music, and you order first, just a cheeseburger and fries and a coke, and dom gently pushes you aside before you can dig your card out of your pocket to pay and goes on with his order, looking at the menu sign, and he sorta scoffs "yeah, cheeseburger, fries... shit, why not, and a miller high life" and you get seated and you're playfully frowning at him "you didn't have to do that" "do what?" "pay for my food" and he shrugs "a gentleman can't just sit idly by and watch a pretty girl pay" "oh, is that what you are? a gentleman?" and you ball up the paper straw wrapper and lob it at him and he laughs "aren't i?" he asks "i suppose so" and you roll your eyes "but i doubt your judgement" "on what possible grounds?" and you eye the glass bottle of beer he's got in his grip "really??" "ok, y'know what, i have a valid argument" he starts and you playfully chastise him that no argument makes it ok to drink that shitty beer, and he goes "baby, they call it the champagne of beers for a reason!" and you register that he called you baby, but you don't comment on it "not valid, try again" and he sighs playfully "it's a joke i have with my-my uncle" and you notice the tripping over his words, but again you say nothing "do you have insta?" you ask, changing the subject, and dom swallows down a mouthful of miller "nah" he says quickly, and you get that sense of avoidance again, shaking his head "i've got snap, though" "well, let's get that, then" you tell him and start to grab your phone from your pocket "why? you wanna text me after tonight?" he asks with a smarmy little crooked smile "only to ask about our work for bio" you tease him
and you think the night's gonna be over after you eat, it's getting to be a little late, and he sorta takes your fingers in his as you leave the little joint, and he asks "you live on campus?" "you already asked me that" you say "i live in barton, remember?" "fuck, right" dom nods "got a roommate?" "yes" you nod, sensing what his next few questions will be "and she's part of the, like, catholic students association, so... might be best to go to your place" "oh, what?" dom asks "what would we do at your dorm that your catholic roommate wouldn't approve of?" and somehow his awkward big eyes and wolf tshirt and all sharp angles of the elbows and knees have totally disrupted your state of mind, because for once in your life, you're bold "i can think of a few things" you tell him, and dom tilts his head at you, that same crooked smile crossing his plush lips "name one" he says, and his finger touches your chin, keeping you from averting your gaze "alright" you say "i'd really really like your dick inside me, and i sorta don't think she'd appreciate that" "my place is good" dom says quickly, and you laugh as he whips an arm around your shoulders
and you get back to his place, a small apartment where he assures you that his flatmates are either gone or won't hear you, and you can hardly take in the sparse, college-boy decorating job in the front room before he's tugging you down the hall to a room with a little nametag taped to the door that says ANGUS TULLY in big, bold letters, and you start to comment that like?? is that his room?? that's not his name on the door?? but he's closing the door with his foot and kissing up on your neck before you can say anything, and you let yourself melt into his arms
he gently situates you on his bed and shucks off his flannel, and your hands fumble at his belt, and you groan a little "too dark, i can't see shit" and dom chuckles and leans over and flicks on his lamp, and your gaze follows his hand as it retracts from the nightstand, and you're met with the imposing feature of a large, silver, metal thing tucked behind his lamp, it's difficult to see from the angle you're at, but it's certainly there, and you furrow your eyebrows at it
and dom follows your eyes, and he sorta deflates, it's very obvious he had hoped that you wouldn't see the trophy, and he swallows hard "oh, um—" and you sit up a little to get a better look at the engraving on the base: DOMINIC SESSA - BEST YOUNG ACTOR, and in smaller font below it, CRITICS CHOICE AWARDS 2024
or something, as your friend had said. he didn't have a bafta, but he certainly had an award. you can tell that he's a little uncomfortable, his hands suddenly more fidgety than before, and you look back at him before you cup the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss, and he doesn't do anything weird, he kisses you completely normally, his hands smoothing down your hips and thighs to wrap your legs around his waist, and he breaks the kiss "fuck, m'sorry... i have to know what you're thinking about after you just saw that fucking thing"
and you sorta laugh "i'm thinking that i don't really care too much" you tell him "you're a cool guy, and i don't— i didn't recognize you when we first started talking, so... whatever, y'know? so what if my friend has an oscar?"
"first of all" and he steals a kiss and his hand slinks down to rub at you through your jeans "friend? i'm wounded, baby. and also, that's not an oscar, it's a critics choice award, they're two very different things—"
"whatever! i'm not a movie person!" you giggle "but why do you keep it on your bedside table? to impress all the girls you bring home?"
"well, you're the first" he says "are you impressed?"
"it's kinda freaking me out, to be honest" you tell him, and he huffs out a laugh
"we can put it away" he says and he gets up and grabs it like it's no big, and moves to his closet and puts it on a shelf before closing the door back "and it was there because my mom facetimed me last night and asked to see it, and i just didn't put it back"
and he comes back to you and starts to tug down your jeans while he kisses you, and he playfully whispers "you're all quiet now. want me to fix that for you?" "can you?" you ask him, and he smiles "i will" he says "if you tell me one thing" "which is?" and a flicker of something hints behind his eyes "you really didn't know who i was when i came up to you?" and you shake your head "you haven't seen the movie? or, like, even heard about me?" "wow, someone's got an ego suddenly" you scoff "i told you, i'm not a movie person. i haven't even seen that barbie movie that was really big last year" "oh, ok, hold on" he starts "i get not seeing my pretentious movie about grief and shit like that, it's not everyone's first choice, but barbie?! you haven't seen barbie?!" "dude, fuck off!" you giggle "do you wanna have sex or not?" "i do!" dom says quickly "but hand me my phone first" "why?" you ask, and feel around underneath you to where dom had discarded the stuff from his pockets, and you pass him his phone "i..." he starts, using both hands to type quickly, and your hands go to his belt, resuming the job you had started "am texting... ryan... and telling him about this..." "ryan...?" you ask "gosling" dom says casually and you look at him in confusion "he played ken?" and at your blank stare, he playfully sighs "you're killing me here, baby" "what're you telling him?" you ask, and dom tosses his phone aside "that i've got an absolute hottie in my bed right now" he says, going for your neck "and that she doesn't know who the fuck he is. you think i've got a big ego?" "well" you start, and his jeans come loose, and you push your hand in, past the band of his boxers, and you gently bite his bottom lip "guess you've got a reason, don't you?"
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krokusrambles · 11 months
Dating Pantalone
SFW headcanons
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Pantalone loves to tend to you after a long day of work by rubbing your shoulders, massging your feet, or even just pulling a blanket around your shoulders and prepare a cup of tea for you by himself to make you feel more cozy. It's the most domestic and sweet thing he does for you at times and it's simply a pleasant feeling.
He comes to notice over a long period of time how much he enjoys your little acts of service. You aren't as rich as him, no one is, and words mean little in his field of work, so to show your affection you come up with different methods. There's something so thoughtful about acts like when you clean his glasses in the morning or when you place a cup of coffee on his desk before work, or even when you offer to take his coat once he comes home. He's never paid attention to such small gestures before in his life but coming from you, they're something he looks forward to.
He is charming. Incredibly so. He can sweet talk to get what he wants, if he chooses to do so. It works on you often enough too. Though most of the times you're aware he's just sweet talking instead of being absolutely genuine, but if the situation at hand isn't important enough you let him get his way. It always catches Pantalone off guard if you don't however and therefore force him to be genuine with you. It's what he admires about you. You're one of the few people who gets under his skin(in a rather good way) and he loves the challenge.
Although he can't really leave Snezhnaya due to his political obligations but he still wants to take you to see the world. If you wanna see another town or region he'll provide you with anything you might need for the journey, even a group of Fatui to escort you for safety reasons.
Pantalone has a hard time understanding that stuff like traveling or doing a certain activity, or even just trying a local specialty, is something you want to enjoy with him. You couldn't care less about going to a certain place. Yes, you want to see it, but you want to experience it with him. It takes a long time for Pantalone to understand that the important part about all this is him and not the journey or activity. Once he does understand, however, he tries a bit harder to make some time for you.
Pantalone also spoils you rotten materialistically because he can afford it. But he also uses it to bind you to him more. Your feelings for him are genuine and have nothing to do with his fortune or wealth, and while he doesn't truly doubt that, he's so used to just buying everything he wants(including people's trust and loyalty) that he can't shake off that mindset, not even with you.
He never tells you about his work. Or rather, the more shady stuff. He lets you know about the economic policies he implements, or what he's currently discussing with the other politicians of Snezhnaya, but he doesn't brief you on anything else. And for your sake, it's probably better if you don't know all of it either.
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djcarnationsblog · 10 days
Introducing the Covert Iteration of my Rottmnt oc: Jesse Burnham!
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Jesse, in both the og and Covert Aus, is a scientist who works in the fields of bioengineering, zoology and robotics! In the og Au, her main goal as a scientist was to create robot animals so life like that you couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what was fake.
In the Cover Au, she achieves this goal earlier than expected, but instead uses them to work as spy-bots for the times where a mission has to be done discreetly, undercover. They're also mainly used for outside data collection as well!
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The main bots that people will witness lurking around the organization are:
Eleanor the Ginger Cat: She's the one used the most for spying besides the incredibly amount of rat bots and Ant Queen bots, as there are very few people in the world that don't like a playful ginger cat. Out of her entire arsenal, she is the most indistinguishable bot from the real thing, so much so that even other cats will mistake her for being one of them, if only for a minute.
The only way you can really pick up that something is off about her is the lack of blinking, and the way other cats will avoid her like the plague.
Hunter the Jaguar: Hunter is less of a spy-bot and more of a combatant bot on the very, very (and that's two very's) few times that Jesse will be sent out onto the field.
He's the heavy hitter, agile and lithe. Not to mention the fact that he is entirely vantablack-the deepest black in the world- save for the soft gold glow between his plates, so it makes it frighteningly easy to lose him in the night or in dark, shadowy places.
Phoebe the Hawk: Phoebe is the most important one, being Jesse's most trusted companion and confidant, she is basically Jesse's right hand bird! She is the bot that does the most arial sweeps, mostly in order to locate any target who might be in broad daylight, but she also can be used to update any joint-tasked sectors on the status of the field from above.
Not to mention, Phoebe was Jesse's first successful project of life-like robot animals, so she holds incredible sentimental value to her.
Even though this isn't even half-not even a quarter-of all the robots she has manufactured, these three bots are by-far the most important ones to Jesse, tactically and emotionally.
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One very important fact about Jesse, as well, is the fact that he's bigender!
His masculine days aren't as frequent as his feminine days, but either way he certainly uses it to his advantage! Switching between the two genders (whether or not he feels like one or the other at the time) has always been a reliable disguise for him if Jesse needs to get out and do some personal investigation himself that his animals are incapable of.
Jesse is a natural smooth-talker and liar, which helps with his job especially well!
Another important thing to mention, is that I'm not entirely sure if Jesse would be in any sector himself, or if he's a solo act within the organization. What I do know, is the fact that you are able to request the use of his spy bots no matter what sector you are in, but only at a certain price. (What the price is yet? Not sure, but it's not money, that's what I know XD).
It's very, very, VERY (that's three very's!) rare for sector 5 to ever need his spy bots, as most often than not their missions are combat based (I think??? Correct me if I'm wrong qwq), but I like to think on the very rare times they do need it and DON has to get it from him? All I gotta say is that Jesse shows no fear when it comes to the turtles.
There's a medical reason for that-
AAAAAANYWAYS I THINK THAT'S ALL I GOT'S TO SAY RIGHT NOW??? Other than the fact that I wanna make a few lil' comic pages of Jesse and Don interacting cause I wanna see how accurately I can display Don's personality. I just think they'd be neat :]
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morgy-doo · 2 months
SBG x Bullied! Gyaru! Fem! reader
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school bus graveyard, Ashlyn banner, aAden clark, Ben clark, Taylor and Tyler hernandez, Logan fields. Angst, fluffy end
TW: Bullying
Gyaru: A carefree and rebellious spirit
Y/N twisted a pencil between her fingers as she contemplated how she had gotten to this point. she didn't want to be shovelled in the corner stuck doing school work while others get free reign of the arcade. but she knew if she even moved the slightest than Barron would be pissed.
you see, Y/N was always seen as a black sheep, among her family, and mostly among her school peers. but she wanted somewhere she could fit in, so when she started her new school, she searched for exactly that. she quickly found it with Barron's rambunctious gang. they smoked, they skipped, they did things that Y/N considered cool as shit. that's where she wanted to be, they were her type of people, loose cannons per say.
so when Y/N approached Barron as asked to hang out, Barron greeted them with a smile but said there were some favours she would have to do first. she has been doing said favours for the last week, which was just doing their school work while watching them hang out. Barron considered it as hanging out as Y/N was in the arcade with them, but was not participating in any of the games.
this was not at all what she wanted. Barron stood up fully from his crouched position at the air hockey table, stretching his arms. "anyone wanna go out for a smoke?" murmmers of agreement responded and everyone slouched towards the fire escape. Y/N started gathering the books and paper to join when Barron looked over his shoulder and said "Oh Y/N, can ya stay in here and keep at the work, your doing great, and i really don't wanna like mess up your mojo, i really need this pass." Y/N huffed and slouched back down in her seat. "ah thanks, your a great friend." he shut the fire escape door behind him.
as Y/N sat and contemplated, she felt a bubbling pool of irritation flood her mind. so far she had not done any hanging out at all, and she has not been treated like a friend whatsoever. rising from the table, she grabbed Barron's books and slammed open the fire escape door, having an epithany.
she threw the books on the floor so they landed at Barron's feet in a scattered pile. he looked up with an annoyed look. "look Barron, you are a cool guy, atleast from what i have seen anyways. but i don't wanna do this anymore, i wouldn't mind helping you out with a paper the odd week or so but this is just dumb. you said if i do this then i could hang out with you guys but i have just been crammed in the corner the last week. so I'm done."
Barron glared, his greasy hair hanging in his eyes. he grabbed Y/N forcefully by the upper arm and roughly pulled her ear close to his mouth. "look, just because your at a new school, doesn't mean you can act like king of the fucking hill...your just some weird loser.. and when you came up to me so willingly then obviously i was gonna take the chance. your never gonna fit in here. but i suppose your used to getting used by the looks of you. fucking pathetic."
Y/N squirmed out of his grip and stepped back, she felt the familiar burn of tears and raised a hand to her eye, trying to disguise it as itching it. but of course knowing her luck Barron noticed. "Ahah! now that's just sad. aw you gonna cry because you have no real friends?"
thats when you heard the fire escape door behind you open, out came a ginger girl, a guy with green hair, a tall dude, a guy with glasses and a set of what Y/N would assume, twins.
"ugh, does this dick ever learn?" said the male twin. the group approached Barron slightly as the tall guy put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. he scribbled on a notebook for a second before showing you " hello im ben :)".
Barron had a slight look of fear cross his face, but it was gone as soon as it was there. he spat on the ground at the ginger girls feet and walked off, followed by his group. the female twin turned around and smiled apollogetically at Y/n. "you okay?" Y/N nods. "I'm Taylor, that's my brother Tyler, that's Aiden and Ashyln." she points in order of the twin, to the green haired boy and then the ginger. "and i can see your already aquainted with Ben."
"next time you should throw the books onto his feet, not the ground, that would hurt alot more." said Aiden, with that slightly eerie smile. the ginger girl lazily gestured to Y/N. "Airhockey, lets go."
it wasn't the exact group Y/N was looking for, but she was happy none the less. maybe that Aiden kid could be interesting...
sorry it seemed kinda cliche towards the end, but thank you for requesting.
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babeeangel · 9 days
What Could Be
↬fake dating Shidou
After you made up inexistant rumors that the whole world thinks Shidou is gay, he might want to ask for your help to prove 'em he isn't.
chapter 1 – chapter 2 – chapter 3 – [...]
Shidou x fem!manager!reader. Fake dating. 700w. Okay this is so baddd ahh but more action with Shidou !! yaaa
Chapter 3, Going Public
[no warnings]
[“So, princess, what are the rules for our fake relationship ?”]
This was so casual yet it already gave you butterflies. But you wanted to pretend so bad it didn't. “Well first rule, no nicknames !” “No nicknames ? While dating ? Seriously ? This won’t even be believable, at least one of us has to use nicknames." You sighted. He was right, but princess… It just felt a lil too special to you, the kind of nickname you’d want to be used genuinely, not in some fake ass act. “What pet names do you think we'd use if we were actually dating ?” He asked again without even letting you time to answer. “I don't know, ‘baby’ ? He snickered: “That’s too corny. And it sounds weird in your mouth… Doesn’t anything come more naturally ?”. The way he was so chill, like it was just yet another relationship he was gonna get into irritated you more than it hurt you. “Princess sounds right for you, ‘cause look, you're already commanding me like we’re an old couple. You furrowed your eyebrows: “look, honey, we both know you need this more than I do, so lay low and stop GETTING ON MY NERVES” You whined that end part, getting really frustrated at just trying to imagine how this could possibly come out great. You closed your eyes really tightly. “That sounds about right.” “Honey? That's what we're going with?” You opened your eyes back up only to see Shidou making fun of you. You laughed, it wasn't that serious. 
You guys finished talking and quickly parted ways, he had a curfew and you still had quite a few things to get done before the end of the day. You had set something straight: tomorrow, you would ‘go public’ by holding hands and ‘accidentally’ getting caught kissing. You secretly wanted to ask him how it worked, but that meant revealing that you had not kissed anyone before and you couldn't handle more humiliation. That night you really struggled to fall asleep, heart pounding, anxious about the upcoming day and all the milestones you were about to break. So the next morning you tried to pretend everything was normal and that you were so detached. 
“I’m not buying it”. That’s literally the first thing Shidou answered to your “hi babe~” you tried to say confidently, so people would hear and also so Shidou would think you’re not shaking at his sight. “It’s okay to be flustered, I tend to have that effect on women”. “More like men. But anyway. Where should we be seen ?” It was so funny to meticulously plan something supposedly candid. “I was thinking the field, you could drop me off and give me a towel, kissing me goodbye.” “That’s way too obvious. We’re supposed to get caught in our secret relationship.” “Ah yeah, you’re right, well I don't know then.” “Then find some ideas ! I don't wanna be the one doing everything !” “Yeah I know you got beauty, not brains.” “Excuse me ?! –the sound level and tension kept growing– Was it deserved ? No ! Was it true ? N–” “–Vivi someone's coming ! Hold my hand, this is our chance !” “No ! I hate you ! You’re so annoy–” You couldn't even finish that Shidou grabbed your hand, pulling closer and kissed your mouth, leaving you breathless. 
Your first kiss, just like that. You couldn't even see who it was that caught you. You were so stunned. An overwhelming amount of sensations triggered an overwhelming amount of emotions. But, they were… so positive. Calm but at the same time excitement, lust maybe, curiosity and lots of bashfulness. When he pulled out of the kiss, you already missed his warm tongue. You finally registered his hand lightly stroking your lower back as you looked away hoping he wouldn't see your vermillion cheeks. Now you knew: it was Isagi, Bachira and Barou who caught you two. Isagi looked extremely uneasy, making you wonder why is HE the one embarrassed here ?! On the other hand, Barou stayed impassive, his face was so neutral you couldn't decipher what he was thinking. He looked low-key disappointed though. But Bachira ? Ooh your ears hurt with how much he screamed and giggled. He made the serious promise to tell all Blue Lock. And you knew he was dead serious. This drama king… 
The second they left you shouted, pink in embarrassment at Shidou: “I HAD SAID NO ! AND WE WE SAID KISS, I MEANT KISS ON THE CHEEK !!” “That was your first right ? I could tell”. He laughed softly looking at you dead in the eye, so attractive you started blushing all over again. It wasn’t mockery or disgust in his eyes, but you couldn't say what. Maybe endearment, wanting to help. “I hate you”. “But I was good, right ?” “I don't know, I'm not sure what it’s supposed to be like”, you rolled your eyes to pretend you didn't love every second of it. 
“We’ll practice”.
A/N loolll this is so clumsily written i hate it, but i now have a clear idea of which events will happen in which chapters so i think i won't be abandonning this project for sure !!!
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noahl-art · 2 months
Oh darling, you see when you shared the artworks stacked it's very clear it wasn't traced because the lines don't line up. The match ain't mathing. And oh wow you work in publishing. Rah rah rah for you I guess. You too need to get over the ego and stop trying to act like you know everything. Real artists do this shit all the time. Do you know how many books I have read that's the same fucking plot but different names and towns? 🙄 You clearly don't know how much of this actually happens then do ya? Pick up a book, visit a museum, you'll see. Don't wanna do that? Turn on a TV the same shit happens in movies and TV. Same with music. Hmmm it's like you really aren't as smart as you thing. Go touch some grass.
Oh my sweet sweet love, what a shame you don't have eyes trained enough to see the problem 🥰See every lines are the same. Changing the slightest one of the part of the pose won't change the fact that the rest is traced. 😁... would I even dare to say BADLY traced because the changes makes it a bit bad anatomically speaking.
You know that people doing bad things... doesn't mean it's right and should be done 🙃 Crazy right?? And truly I know how much it happens because I work hands in hands with the legal team from where I work, which has taken done quite a lot of counterfeits of our books 🥰 But truly I don't know what I'm talking about as a publisher. Yeah... I work as a graphic designer but I'm also in charge of publishing and working on making said books, and everything that happens after... Oh what a surprise 🤭 But please try and educate me on authors right and intellectual property 😊 Sorry can't hear you over my very much inflated ego that has me not be able to go through doors without announcing my name in a song. Because truly pointing out that it is wrong and that in my field you could get in trouble makes me so egoistical. And it will actually shock you soooo much... but I'm not against tracing as a form of... TRAINING! ✨I even quite actually encourage to reference artist you like and admire and trace over complex objects to understand them better! Look here is the moodboard I always use because those are artists that inspire me a lot. It is something I always have up on my desktop whenever I work because it helps me remind me what I like about their art and the way they approach things. This is referencing. Which is one of the best thing you can do to grow as an artist. Understanding and taking notes on why you are drawn to someone's art will help you apply some of the techniques and elements to your own things and make them your own by applying your own touch and sensibility. (if you're interested I can give you all the names of the artists of course 😊)
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And here is me tracing over a screenshot of the movie Last Days by Gus Van Sant (2005) to train my anatomy skills. (yes the dude is peeing don't mind it, he had very defined scapulas which were very interesting)
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See the difference yet? I'm actually using my brain to learn from things. I don't trace mindlessly. I see where the bones and muscles should be from points on the skin, mark them, and from there build where the muscle probably are because I learned where they begin/end how they move and why 😘 Also I'm very rusty and know that it isn't that good (which is why I'm training) so do mind me... oh yeah right I forgot you're not even able to tell apart something traced and inspired, nevermind then. I also did that with real live modeling if you're wondering, so not always tracing 😘 Also these are things that I keep PRIVATE and DON'T POST. And even less PROFIT OF. And if I were to want to post this kinds of things online (which I would definitely not because I don' trace over the art per said personally and will prefer to take notes), I would first go ask the artist to get their permission and if they said yes (and only if they said yes) I would then credit them correctly. And never pass it as my own creation. I really thought a good part of the internet saw the hbomberguy video and took notes that plagiarism really isn't good... guess not then. Also I touch plenty of grass daily thanks to my gardening thanks for worrying ❤️✨ I'm trying to plant basil again this year, hope it won't die like last time 🌱
Have a lovely night anon ❤️
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compressednerve · 9 months
Exploring Zachariah Trench's Office with @parasitefun
So many crazy white boy moments in his office so here's rambling about observations we made together. BTW we haven't finished the game yet (we're at The Prime Candidate Program and just found out who P7 is) so PLEASE DON'T TELL ME IF THESE ARE CORRECT OR IF I THEORIZE THE WRONG THING. I don't wanna be spoiled on anything >:O thank you.
Analysis, headcanons, and observations below!
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What does his diploma say? Lets zoom in
Zachariah Trench
One morning, when Zachariah Trench woke from troubling dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
..........oh!! oh ok, the Kafka quote about becoming so disabled you can no longer work? And you see yourself as A HORRIBLE VERMIN because you're disabled? And they put that on a diploma and proudly gave it to Trench! Jesus Christ!!! Go listen to some of The Downward Spiral, Zachariah!!! My god I'm so fucking heartbroken over how Zachariah talks about being old and frail and weak and BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!! and useless and-I could go on. I'm a mostly bedridden disabled person myself and I usually find myself relating the most to the older characters in casts of media because they're usually the ones portrayed with the same issues I have as a younghead (arthritis, brain damage/brain fog/amnesia, fatigue and exhaustion, difficulty moving and speaking, just.. yum). And being bedbound myself is something that I feel really deeply in Kafka's work. To realize Trench relates so deeply to Gregor Samsa as well is just such a juicy delicious detail for him. And it's a diploma? My head is spinning! His self-hatred is infinite...
I love that the diploma is tucked away behind the slide projector as well. I'm not sure if this is The Slide Projector that's been hinted at but it'd be neat if it was!
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NOBLE SHERIFF: "There can only be one Sheriff in town" ... :rolling_eyes: ok Mr. The Only Person You Should Fail Is Yourself ok Mr. She Knows I Don't Like Relying On Other People ok Mr. I Need A Team To Clean Up My Horrible Mistakes (k!lls self to avoid taking accountability for his actions and dumps it all in Jesse's lap). He was just drinking straight from the fucking bottle at his desk!! That's so disgusting I love it, no chaser or anything. I love the tasteful rolodex, the smooth marble pen holder (with silver in the black, but, kind of evocative of The Astral Plane hmm?), his stapler, his disgusting jug of booze, and the FRESH PACK OF CIGGIES!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! God, Trench's addictions and compulsions being literally on his desk, the most intimate and well-frequented area of his general daily life, is just so fun! Remedy does so good with environmental storytelling.
I love how even the brands he uses are manifestations of his inner thoughts. The booze label, the tool that relaxes him and dampens his inhibitions, is of course praising him. The Lone Sheriff. The Director. The Last Line Of Defense. Zachariah Trench sees himself as the sole protector, and The Oldest House his town, his community, his ward. The most likely intentional framing of the documents he was signing being splattered with blood, acting like a barrier of his Work vs his Needs (need to relax, need for a painkiller cuz booze is a great painkiller)
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I got to his documents piles and literally shouted, "HE HAS SO MUCH MORE WORK TO DO!!!!". I love that the OUT pile is more full than the IN pile, Trench is so judicious with his correspondence :pleading_face: he's so tired. I bet he wishes he was still a Field Agent a lot of the time :sobbing: Looking at all the stuff on his desk like the sheer amount of documents and phone calls and other shit he has to do in a day to day as The Director must be sooo overwhelming...
It was during this moment that Paras and I realized that the greater joke of Control is about older people who stay in their jobs and refuse to make room for other workers, and they get Promoted To Incompetence! lmfao because like, Zachariah was so focused on Field Agent Stuff (in one of his Hotline calls he says, "I kept my head down. I worked my ass off." in a classic blue collar way) and being all tragic and putting his life on the line for his squad, then suddenly and forcefully being promoted to The Boss Of Everything. No wonder he has such a complex about Failing The Bureau :O
the same applies to Dr. Darling--! He's been in The Bureau for a 24 years!! He has 22 labs spread across the ever-shifting expanse of The Oldest House. He, mainly, wants to Do Research and Write Essays and all sorts of other shit that mainly revolves around being an isolated scientist with a modest team. And instead he has to make presentations for the laymen of The Bureau and he has to manage all THE ENTIRE RESEARCH SECTOR, who sends him catty memos about how their department deserves more funding (parakineseology department bribing him with his favorite booze???), and interns and junior scientists who don't know the first thing about The Astral Plane, and as Dr. Underhill complained about- The Bureau's ultimate goal is to exploit what they find, rather than actually comprehend what it is they're dealing with. Most Rangers retire due to cognitive collapse because The Bureau just shoves them in the meat grinder of trying to contain/control Everything. Ugh!
So anyways Zachariah Trench isn't a bad Director but then he's literally such a bad Director, the Worst Director Ever at the same time because it just wasn't his archetype. He took it way too seriously with a hammer in hand, seeing every problem as a nail. Dr. Darling fits the opposite of this niche as well in his own archetypical way- going from goofy underling to The Guy In Charge Of Everyone. They're both socially awkward, domineering, prone to pettiness/hostility, and under so so so much pressure for roles they were universally understood to not be able to fulfill.
All of the people we see in Control that are actually useful and agreeable with Jesse (who has been a dropout who mainly ever worked manual labor jobs up to and including janitor) so far are like, Ahti the mid-60yr old janitor who also just so happens to be the first friendly face you see when you enter the FBC and like, Simon? And fucking Langston (who is so hot I gotta write some Jesse/Frederick later)!
Langston, who is what I imagine is a direct parallel in a positive light compared to Dr. Darling and Director Trench, as in, how he entered The Bureau (he worked in the Postal Service of all places and an uncle at The FBC got him a job there), and Langston, like Trench, worked his ass off, kept his head down, but schmoozed enough to get a nice promotion, and then continued to work at a slow, steady incline for 15 years until he became Panopticon supervisor. He's like one of the only dudes in a high ranking spot who actually respects his position.
And of course who could forget dear Emily Pope :pleading_face: she's been Dr. Darling's underling for idk how long but clearly a while and she's so so ambitious like Darling is ambitious but she's so so so inhibited and held back by Darling's misogyny and higher ranking and having to be ordered to research shit but not actually be able to ask the real questions. You can really get a feel for how passionate Emily is in her work by like, not just how she talks to Jesse but in her correspondence and especially her research papers. The way she words documents ordered by Dr. Darling vs how she words documents ordered by Director Jesse Faden is literally night and day, but not for lack of enthusiasm. You can tell under Darling's mentorship she's soooo stifled, and with Jesse's lax permission "please just do whatever you want so long as it advances my (and The Bureau's) understanding of things". Emily's like a kid in a candy store and it's exactly what she needs to flourish.... Oh to bask in the light of a manual laborer :heart_eyes:
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Another angle of his documents which I find titillating. The majority of his blood splatter landing on the IN pile... efflorescent....
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THE FUCKING. BLACK ROCK PRISM ON HIS DESK. Paras has something to say about that later in a fic or some art. The other pack of ciggies that he was in the process of smoking (I counted the cigarettes. He has 8 ciggies left which means he's smoked 12 already. There are 4 in the ashtray which means at some point after opening the pack, he smoked 8 and then dumped the ashtray. This shows he keeps his ashtray relatively clean, which is a specific kind of character quirk about Tidiness and Cleanliness for Trench because chainsmokers like me and Paras are disgusting and our ashtray is overflowing by like, three packs and it smells horrible). The way it sits atop all his other shit he needs to sign, he's just drowning in documents (sort of like how I imagine Alan is drowning in manuscripts? WHO SAID THAT?)
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*looks over Jesse's shoulder and realizes Trench's body is gone* *nearly shouting to Paras, who is sitting right next to me* WHERE IS TRENCH'S BODY? WHERE DID HIS BODY GO? WHY IS HIS BLOOD ON THE FLOOR BUT NOT HIS BODY? DID THE FUCKING BOARD TAKE HIM? DID THEY EAT HIM? WHO ATE TRENCH?
I've been likening Zachariah Trench a lot to Rorschach in his perpetual death-wish (he wants to die so bad but he'll fight everything that tries to kill him to the bloody end because he feels he can only die when he's ready to die ugh yum). The empty blood splatter after you come back from The Hotline Chamber for the first time (and realizing that The Hotline Chamber is DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO TRENCH'S OFFICE? HELLO?) is soooo fucking reminiscent of Rorschach's final death scene, where the blood splatter is the shape of his mask :hand_over_mouth: soooo symbolic sooo iconic. Note to self: Paras and I need to write/draw something about different people devouring Trench's corpse (yum).
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I wanna lick the blood off his desk and phone. Oohhhhhhn n the way it drips down the edge of the desk. I want to give him so many head wounds here. He spilled his final blood all over his classified documents and telephone and finished work and desk that he sat at a lot :pleading_face: and he was only 64 years old wah. He was so tragic and so sad and what if there was a dude who was so sad he DIED because his boss was like "put the gun to your head and see if we still like you" and Trench was like "oh good, finally, an opportunity to see if I'm still worthy" AND HE FUCKIN. WAS PROVED. UNWORTHY? OUCH, DUDE!!! HARSH!!!
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Zachariah's Personal Signature Rubber Stamp (CUMS UNCONTROLLABLY)
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Dude I had no fucking clue he had a picture of himself when he was younger (and healthier, and happier, and) with his kid that he accidentally killed. Like what??? He's so miserable and he sits at his desk with TWO packs of cigarettes and a giant bottle of like i'm guessing whiskey or scotch, and he just sits there and gets nosebleeds from using The Hotline and chainsmokes and stares at his Former Glory. MY GOD!
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...............pistachios :pleading_face: he eats pistachios. he has pistachio snack. he enjoys pistachios. there is a bag of pistachios at his desk. he had to have gotten that at a vending machine. zachariah trench had to either ask someone to get him some pistachios (vulnerable) or he had to get up and go to a vending machine and put his money into the vending machine because he wanted a snack and he chose to get pistachios and he had to bend over and get the pistachios out of the bottom of the vending machine. zachariah trench eating pistachios. he has to crack the shells open and dispose of them somehow. pistachios are green. he eats pistachios. he wants a snack. i am literally a shell of a human being.
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Imagine the smell of his nice leather briefcase. The weight of it in your hand. The privilege to watch Trench open it up and rifle through the papers, or *gets lightheaded* being able to hand him a document that he then has to place in his briefcase. I can't breathe. I like the pneumos in the background too. He has a very natural gentle clutter to his desk, like I imagine how he perceives the clutter of his mind. There's so many things to keep track of, and he's so tired... :weeping:
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I'm so utterly enraged that he didn't finish two of his cigarettes. He didn't even finish his ciggie before he died!! are you fucking kidding me?! I was somewhat bewildered because the texture of the inside of the ashtray (the ashtray) looks... wet? and the two finished cigarette butts are visibly wet (distorted color, swollen cotton) and Paras said that the ashtray probably has a sort of perpetually wet sand inside it. Works for me!
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Did you know if you shoot the Prism, it's breakable? I didn't know that. Makes the screenie a bit goofy but I don't care. Look at his over half-finished pack of ciggies. I would pay. kind of a lot of money. for like a collectors edition of real Black Pyramid Cigarettes are you kidding me? What kind of nightmare dimension tobacco do they put in those things?
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He looks so moe here receiving his gay little medals or whatever's happening (idk if this has story relevance and gets revealed later or not). His hairdo is so cute??? Did he... did he bleach his hair? It looks like his roots are showing thru old bleach... is... Yung Trench a bleached hair baddie? I'm gonna pass out.
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Me: look at that! Trench is watching the presentation! Paras: LOOK AT HOW SMOKY THE ROOM IS! HE'S HOTBOXING HIS OFFICE WITH NICOTINE! Both of us: *gagging*
So first of all this is such a big moment in terms of setting up Zachariah and Casper's relationship to each other, and how they interact with each other. Jesse uses The Hotline, and then we're treated to an interdimensional 3D Memory Flashback of observing Trench. He's sitting in his office, which is dimmed so the projector can play. He's chainsmoking so much that the ENTIRE VOLUME of his MODESTLY LARGE OFFICE is FILLED with CIGARETTE SMOKE. I genuinely am so disgusted and enamored by Trench's hardcore nicotine addiction, his.... dedication to the Ritual of Smoking. So anyways, engaging in his comfort ritual of Smoking, sitting in his nice chair and watching Darling's presentation. Imagine him ordering Darling to put together research on The Hotline immediately after his first call with The Board... and he's the only one who can communicate about what the experience is like... and then when Dr. Darling is done he delivers the video to Trench and then Trench sets aside specific dark-room-and-smoking time JUST to watch The Presentation? CAN IT GET ANY MORE HOMOSEXUAL THAN THIS? I *will* be writing about this later.
Sidenote the perspective of viewing behind his head like this is so intimate. I feel so voyeuristic, I want to hover closer to the back of Trench's neck and feel/see the hairs rise up in extrasensory response to my presence. I want to nibble on his ear.
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I need him. to blow smoke in my face.
Well that's all the screenshots I have at the moment! Thank you for reading my post and please feel free to contribute your own ideas and observations to this because I LOVE META!! And I love hearing other people discuss it too >:3
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Honestly, the more you talk about it, the more I want to hear about Endeavour's PR. Who's on it, like, number of people? What is their main stance before Enji starts turning his life around? What do they fight him on? Which specific thing finally gets him to fire them? Plus, which poor sap finds himself suddenly going from note-taker to head of PR (you know there had to be at least 1 decent person in there that never got promoted, but actually supports what Enji's trying to do).
it's fuckin.
Enji kinda has just. Hired PR people in general and gave bare-minimum instructions and trusted them to know what they're doing. So it's a combo of letting them have free rein on things he doesn't feel he has time for (like letting them handle every time the media accuses him of having an affair or having a bastard child, overall management of his twitter page), or taking their advice on ways to improve his image in the eyes of the public(this can range from 'covering gray hairs' to 'fielding which charity events he attends as he can't go to all of them').
But ofc this has kinda swung into the PR team kinda.... either assuming his wants/viewpoints to make statements, and/or them telling him what's 'right' based on their own feelings vs. what he wants. And Enji is just dealing with so much else and the whole point of hiring them was 'handle this so I don't have to' that he rarely checks in to keep an eye on things. (which is how he doesn't know gay people exist even though the last like 4 years have been spent with the media accusing him of having an affair with Hawks lmao).
And I have two thoughts on things where the PR team acts without Enji's permission that leads to a complete 'scrap the fuckers and start over with more checks in place'. Like there's /more/ on the whole, but these are the only two I have specific thoughts on
One is- I have a specific scene planned out for this where it's Enji gets dragged out with Midnight and Snipe's drinking night, and this is post-finding out about gay people which those two are aware of him being queer. So they're suddenly getting notifications of his twitter posting something even though he's right there and not on his phone so they're like 'uh you might wanna check this out'.
Enji's kinda surprised because usually the PR team does get /some/ permission before speaking for him, did kinda say 'yeah just handle certain things without notifying me'. And it takes him a minute to even realize what they posted as, having only known gay people exist for like a month, isn't up to date on subtle homophobic phrases like 'traditional family values'.
ofc he immediately borrows Midnight's phone to use her twitter and post a response video of 'fuck off, my PR team posted that and I will be talking to them because I am here for the lgbt community'.
Which yeah opens up him investigating into that and finding subtle and less-than-subtle things that they've been doing for his image. And while it might have /technically/ helped keep his popularity up, it does against things he thinks are right.
And the second incident is bigger which is. Idk if he finds out through investigation or if Natsuo says it after Enji has worked to gain back some trust but like.
A little bit after Toya first 'died', Natsuo did try to go for exposing the fact that Enji is a bad parent and trying to get that info out to the media and like get cps involved and such. But the PR team caught wind of it and shut it down HARD. Very guilt-tripping, threatening, and even bringing the Commission into this situation to prove to the kid that nothing would be done, and if he continued to try then, well. The middle child isn't usually missed all that much.
Enji is. Very. Very pissed at this. The not telling him, the fact that they threatened his kid to preserve his image. The fact that this contributed to some of the family drama because Natsuo assumed Enji knew and had them cover for him when, again, he had no idea at all and would've taken Natsuo's grievances a hell of a lot more seriously if he did.
It's. It's a LOT.
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themculibrary · 5 months
Sam/Bucky In FATWS Masterlist
3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian (ao3) - ForASecondThereWedWon T, 7k
Summary: After seeing Steve's shield handed over to some stranger, Sam calls up Bucky, certain he's the one person who can properly commiserate. He doesn't really expect Bucky to answer though (the guy's become a bit of a recluse), or to hear the hints that he might be missing Sam as much as Sam's been missing him. Not that he'd ever say it straight out.
Ache For You (ao3) - tavana_lee G, 5k
Summary: "Sam. There's things I feel for you, things I cannot even begin to explain and I- I get nervous around you. I can't concentrate, I lose my train of thought and I ach- I ache for you." _
Bucky & Sam get stuck inside, and the tension is too much to bare.
a tactile sort of guy (ao3) - Lies_Unfurl E, 6k
Summary: Bucky keeps giving Sam blowjobs after missions, and while Sam is definitely not complaining, he would maybe like to know what exactly is going on.
baby you're the wave and I'm ready for the crash (ao3) - napricot E, 6k
Summary: Sam and Bucky have some unorthodox methods of going undercover in a club.
Back in the Gulf (ao3) - Writer_Lethogica M, 22k
Summary: Sam Wilson is trying to find his footing in a post-blip world and it feels like he's failing. It doesn't help that his sort of best friend Bucky keeps leaving him on read.
devil's in the details (but you got a friend in me) (ao3) - lovecamedown T, 12k
Summary: TFATWS Sambucky falling in love. That's it that's the fic
diving blind (ao3) - yukla T, 10k 
Summary: Or: five times that people think Sam and Bucky are dating, and one time that they don't.
Don't Wanna Waste It (ao3) - NachoDiablo T, 1k
Summary: FATWS Spoilers: AU where Sam and Bucky make out in the field and then decide to steal the shield back.
double dare (ao3) - ohjustpeachy G, 8k
Summary: “Forget it,” Bucky grits out. “Forget I said anything. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Samuel, I’m sure I can get another train.”
“Oh no, don’t you 'Samuel' me. Come on, be my friend, Buck, I dare you. I double dare you,” Sam grins.
(Or, Bucky follows his therapist’s advice to cultivate friendship, Sam makes him work for it, and by the time he’s sure they’re friends, Bucky has an entirely new problem on his hands.)
Home (ao3) - stinkykingcharles G, 7k
Summary: To watch someone act completely in love with you one second, then the next moment, they look at you as if you don’t exist to them. Their heart was closed off to you, when they had once worn it so openly in your presence. To watch helplessly as your love… your home was ripped from your grasp. That was the worst feeling he had ever felt.
i just met you (and this is crazy) (ao3) - bisamwilson M, 19k
Summary: Sam finds Bucky just as his sister's about to give birth to his second nephew. Not wanting to lose him after a year of searching, he decides to bring him home to Delacroix with him.
I'm here baby, I got you (ao3) - Goocar E, 4k
Summary: OR: Bucky Barnes deserves to be loved and protected, and Sam will give him exactly that and receive the same in return.
(related to episode 5)
more than a feeling (ao3) - heir2slytherin n/r, 17k
Summary: In which Sam and Bucky take Karli home, and they become an unlikely family
Not Just A Piece Of Tech (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor G, 1k
Summary: Sam is more than a little upset that Redwing got destroyed, and Bucky does something about it.
Not Okay (ao3) - samandbucky G, 960
Summary: Bucky has some feelings about the way Sam was treated by the police.
Not Talking About It (ao3) - VarjoRuusu E, 15k
Summary: “Get the hell off me,” Sam wheezed, shoving at Bucky. Bucky just grunted and rolled to the side, collapsing in the grass as Sam tried to drag in a breath. “You are so damned heavy,” he grumbled between rasping breaths, and he didn't even need to look over to see the smirk on Bucky's face.
“You weren't complaining last night,” came the rumble of Bucky's voice and Sam suddenly half wished he'd let him get turned into a pancake under that truck wheel.
“I thought we agreed not to talk about that?” he muttered, struggling to sit up.
Sam and Bucky through the course of the show. Snarking, sex, and falling in love.
Serenity (ao3) - Kabbal (Aledane) T, 518
Summary: It's too hot to work on the boat. They banter instead.
sounds like an angel (he might be a demon) (ao3) - wikiangela M, 150k
Summary: When Sam agreed to help Steve find the Winter Soldier, he’d never expected what would happen and how fucked he'd be. And it all started with a phone call.
Or, Sam and Bucky's story through the years 2015-2024.
The Gottman Method for Dealing with Conflict (ao3) - rhombus M, 4k
Summary: Bucky and Dr. Raynor have a follow-up session and two entirely different conversations about his relationship status.
Or: Let's do more couples therapy, James.
unburn the ashes (ao3) - OmegaSamWilson E, 70k
Summary: In August 2006, Sam Wilson was captured by HYDRA and forced to mate with Bucky Barnes in order to produce a new generation of super soldiers. He was the sole test subject and was rescued seven months after his capture.
In 2024, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are now dealing with a "new" Captain America, a global rebel group, protecting their superpowered son, and navigating whatever the hell they're supposed to be to each other.
Follows the plot of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier with a twist.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 9 months
unmedicated rambles;
honestly even if im NOT covid+ i might tell work i am lmfao
its not something that should be embarrassing but im much less comfortable telling my direct project managers that like ... "an admin issue means im off my meds which means im a fucking feral liability right now" than like .... talking to my normal ass coworkers or supervisors .......................
like its not remotely a joke or embarrassing or my fault whatsoever but it feels much less ... real ... yknow ,, even to me the walking advocate for speaking about mental health i uh dont have the mental bandwidth to do that at the moment i cant fathom it
i doubt theyd mind considering the pair of them both have legitimate Peak OCD so like they Know How It Be ??
idk im kinda scared they already think im a giant flake or im unreliable or yknow ... im off sick a lot compared to other people but im just not a healthy person lol that also cant be helped ,, this isnt the first time its happened either but as it is theres not a lot i can do when it does happen - its just stupid NHS admin errors. for someone with LESS of an anxiety problem it might be a bit more workable - it was for me actually last year with another project manager BUT ALSO im having A BIT OF A TIME OF IT right now compared to so im absolutely OFF the rails at the moment AND that project was so much more lowkey than a huge infrastructure project with active plant and asbestos removal the field over and big proceedurals and ... yeah
i would hope that comes across more as ... yknow being responsible than work dodging i guess, i don't wanna put anyone in danger ,,
IDK i dont dislike either of them at all i get along with everyone i work with but theyre much more standoffish and i rarely interact with them directly so ?? i feel guilty sometimes still when the brain acts up and i feel like they already have good reason not to like me lol :(
( that was the RAMPANT anxiety talking )
i dont like being reminded how bad it is without drugs
(( now ive upset myself im gonna go to bed ))
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incarnateirony · 2 years
This isn't complicated. CW is still bad. It's a fucking corporation. Stop thinking any corporation in the history of the world is your friend.
Nobody is forcing you to watch it. If you feel any pressure from the logic "support content to the NEW OWNERS BOTH NETWORK AND STUDIO to SHOW THEM" This is like basic fucking dog training guys what do you think boycotts ARE
They're money control, they're voting with your wallet. It was never going to be a universe where we just protested, and our effort ended there, at doing nothing else anything longer.
In fact when I started the damn boycott myself I explained this. I explained HOW it would break down CW to take out a WB, WHY it would work, and WHAT it was for, which included yes crashing them to sale. NOW WE WORK WITH THE NEW OWNERS.
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Motherfuckers have the activism sense of a rusty doorknob.
Genuinely if these people have to expend any effort greater than ragetweeting they act incredibly put out and yet somehow extremely high and mighty about their self perceived activism. Jiminy crickets.
One of us successfully figured out how to completely undercut CW to expedite its sale and impact WB's bottom line. One of us (and those commenting), wants to yell on twitter all day. Who do you think has a better idea of what to play here
Genuinely getting salty about these kids on my lawn telling me what to do with my own damn successful boycott because they're working on emotion and not business sense like who the fuck are you? What have you actually accomplished beyond wasting angry KB on twitter wtf
At the end of the day Dean still has something to say, and you know, jensen's put in 2 years of effort to build a structure where it can't be taken away again. He's hired that queer studio for us and brought back those key hellers.
They've DONE their job. Above and beyond in ways the average 23 year old on here can't even wrap their fucking skulls around the care and attention jensen put into this professionally.
They. Did. Their. Job.
They got it filmed and as safe as possible.
Now it's time we do ours.
The one thing they can't secure is Nexstar's reaction to ratings. They've hired great new diverse DEI, and expanded budgets for GK and TW to give them actual care, but we gotta show up and show that this queer content fucking works, to these new owners. Fuck, yall.
Not even sure where they think this fucking works in activism. We complained. Someone went out of their way to answer. What do you think the next step is. More complaining? Tearing apart that queer content you don't personally like? Yes this is all very helpful. /s
like. just say you don't want to watch it. Stop trying to cloak this shit in righteous judgment or some shit, because on THAT front you're on the wrong side of the field here but if you just wanna go home and not watch DO THAT.
You don't HAVE to be an activist, but by gods stop pretending you are and that yelling emotionally without a goal into twitter is activism. Stop confusing that.
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