#then the path promptly disappeared
ghost-with-a-teacup · 11 months
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐈𝐈𝐈)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
Summary: Let's go back to the beginning, when you meet Miguel for the very first time.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of loss.
A/N: Hello!! I'm sorry for the unexpected hiatus, but I'm back with the much requested first meeting for the couple in 'What's In Between' (read it here! and read part 2 here!) Enjoy :3
Alright people, let’s do this one last time.
You were bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 2 years, you were your world’s one and only Spider-Woman.
Your job took you around the entire world, not limited only to your hometown (even if that one time you went to Paris was by hanging on for dear life on a hijacked plane), and while it was difficult, saving people was the reason why you did what you did.
It’s what led you to this predicament now.
“Oh c’mon Vulture! You gotta stop doing this, we’re practically best buds by now, aren’t we? So why don’t you just relax, let me take you to prison and we can call it a day, yeah?” you say as you swing from wall to wall.
“Get out of my WAY!” he shouts, flying around as he evades your attacks.
“Don’t be like that,” you snicker, leaping out of the path of a bomb he threw at you. “Alright, hear me out. If you stop destroying the place, quit the whole villain gig, and I’ll get out of your hair. Deal?”
He completely ignores you, continuing to fly higher and higher until he hovers around the highest point of the ceiling.
“Not much of an exit you can take there, bud!” you shout up at him before glancing around at something you could use to take him down. But before you know it, he’s nosediving straight down.
Straight into you.
Desperately you try to shoot out your webs to escape, but he extends his wings, expanding the area of impact and leaving you with nowhere to run.
He smacks you out of the air, and you’re hurling toward the ground as the wind is knocked from your lungs at the collision.
Right before you can hit the concrete floor, fluorescent red webbing emerges from a bizarre sort of glitching portal effectively saving you from the fall.
But then you’re flung back into the air with a yelp as the man uses your form to propel himself out and toward Vulture.
“WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!” you shout as you fly before slinging yourself to the nearby wall.
“I just saved you,” he says bluntly before promptly ignoring you again. You shoot him an incredulous look before rolling your eyes. Yes, you were grateful but this guy already seemed like a major asshole.
Shooting out your webs, you swing up to meet your ‘saviour’.
“So who are you, mystery man?” you ask.
“Do we really need to do this right now?” he glances at you before slinging further away, trying to grab ahold of Vulture.
“It’s just common courtesy!” you shout up at him.
“That’s classified.”
“YOU’RE classified!” you say back, and he only blinks at you for a moment. You knew it was childish, but this guy was very quickly getting on your nerves. Let’s be honest here, its not every day that some random man comes flying out of some portal straight into a fight.
Especially someone who was just like you.
You didn’t think it was possible that there even could be anyone else like you. While heroes were common in your world, no one had powers like yours. Telekinesis? Check. Super-speed? Double check. The list goes on, but someone with web-slinging, spider-like powers? As far as you knew, you were the only one.
Until now.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say,” he says, his webs wrapping around Vulture’s wings. Quickly you wrap your own webs around him, effectively hindering his movement and any means of escape.
“Surprised you hear anyone say anything, your social skills are atrocious,” you retort.
“My social skills are just fine, thank you,” he shoots back before sirens can be heard rounding up around the building.
“Alright, that’s my cue to escape. Bye, weird stranger!” you say, and with a single swing you disappear into the city.
“WAIT!” he calls out, but you were already gone.
You sat up on a rooftop, the lights of your city at night creating your favourite view. While you had to admit it had its issues, it was still beautiful. It was home. Your mask sat on the ground by your side, a tiny glimpse of your true self behind the hero persona.
“You’re impossible to find, you know,” a voice interrupts, footsteps barely audible behind you. But you had heard him coming from a mile away, or felt him was a better term to use, with you Spidey-sense and all.
“Usually the whole point of disappearing is because you don’t want to be found,” you say with a shrug, turning around to look at him. “What do you want, stranger? I have a city to take care of.”
While he would have never admitted it then, you truly looked beautiful with the glow of the city lighting up your form. Stranger or not, he thought you were beautiful from the start.
“My name is Miguel O’Hara, and as I assume you’ve figured already, I’m not from this world.” He introduces.
“I had a feeling you weren’t from around here. Considering the fact that you were trying to find me, it’d be safe to assume you already know who I am?” you ask.
“I do. I’m aware of all those with unique spider abilities in each universe,” he responds.
“So what are you doing here, Miguel O'Hara? Or better yet, what do you want from me,” you ask, standing up to meet him at his level (though he stood much taller than you, but it was worth an effort).
“I wanted to recruit you to Spider Society,” he says. “To become a protector of the multiverse, and the canon events that follow everyone destined to live the lives that we do.”
You can’t help the snort that escapes, and you look him up and down.
“If you knew about me, you would know that I don’t work with others,” you say, your eyes darkening for a moment. “It’s too much of a liability.”
You used to have a partner in crime, in the early days of your life as Spider-Woman. He was your best friend and…well, you know the rest. You never worked with anyone again, at least not extensively. You told yourself it was so that no one else could get hurt because of you. But selfishly, it was because you couldn’t bear the hurt of losing someone dear to you again.
Miguel’s mask disappears from his face, and you’re met with an expression of understanding.
“I probably know better than anyone the pain of loss that comes with this job. But what if I told you it was for a reason? That the loss we go through? That it wasn’t for nothing, it wasn’t just a ‘fuck you’ from the universe to make us suffer. It’s so that we could become who we are,” he says, and you can’t help but hesitate for a moment.
“I would tell you that it’s bullshit. I’m not one for the whole ‘fate’ sort of thing. Life is what you make of it, you have the power to change the course of your life, it’s not just some sort of higher power dictating every event of your life. I am who I am because I chose this life, and not because I was fated to be here.”
He sighs as he looks at you for a moment.
“I knew this would be harder than I thought,” he says, and you only shrug.
“Let me show you something. Lyla?” he says, and a hologram pops up.
“Yes?” she asks.
“Do the thing,” he says, and she sends him a confused look. “What thing?”
“The multiverse explainy thing, what? How many times have we done this?” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, and you can’t help the small laugh that sneaks out. Lyla sends you a wink in turn.
“Look dude, I’m just an AI, you gotta tell me what I need to be doing, I don’t have mind-reading capabilities yet,” she says, but quickly the city disappears from view, replaced with a complex interconnected web.
“This is the multiverse, are you aware of it?” Miguel asks.
“The theory that beyond the scope of our view are unobservable parallel universes that exist simultaneously, right?”
“Correct. Well, that theory is proven to be true as I’m from an alternate universe. Specifically, the one that holds Earth-928 where I exist as Spiderman 2099. You are from Earth-1550 where you exist as your world’s Spider-Woman,” he explains.
“How do I know I can trust you and your word?” you ask, and he deadpans. “You and I both know that you sensed I was not from this universe the moment I walked through that portal,” he says, and you only grin.
“Never hurts to ask, right?” you say, and he scoffs.
“Anyway, to continue. Each one of these nodes is a separate universe,” he points them out as he walks through the web. “And these,” he says, gesturing to the larger portions that each node connects to at some point, “are canon events. The parallel events that happen to every single Spider individual in every single universe.”
You look around at these so-called ‘canon events’, and every one takes you back to the moment you lived through them yourself.
The bite. The exploration of your newfound abilities.
…the loss of your best friend.
“They’re sometimes good, they’re sometimes bad, and sometimes they’re terrible. But each event is part of every spider’s life, and it makes us who we are whether we like it or not. I’ve observed and studied this for years, and the theory remains true in every new world I look at.”
“Okay…so my point is disproven, duly noted. But this whole ‘protector of the multiverse’ gig, what’s up with that?” you ask, still not understanding why he wanted you.
“The thing with canon events is that they must proceed, for the sake of a universe. The whole idea of ‘changing your fate’ through a series of actions was always going to happen whether you realize it or not. But with the emergence of more complex technology comes the capacity to multiverse jump, like in my case here,” he explains, and you take a moment to process his words.
“Alright, continue,” you say.
“These individuals are not part of that universe, and are in turn a new variable in the universe’s series of events that are supposed to occur. Disruption of these events can and will cause that universe to fall apart because they were never supposed to be there in the first place. My job is to ensure that no canon events are disrupted, in turn protecting that world, and the multiverse.”
“Okay wait, wait. I don’t get it, you’re saying that interference can cause a universe to just up and disappear? Just like that? I find it hard to believe,” you say, your suspicion growing.
“What do you not understand? Each minute decision made has a rippling effect. Disregard enough of what’s supposed to happen in one world and it destroys itself from the inside out,” he says, his frustration quickly growing evident (man, this guy has a temper!)
“I just don’t understand how one decision someone makes could destroy an entire universe, and you’re not really giving me much to go off of besides your word. I’m not one to blindly follow someone because they tell me to.”
“You want proof? Alright, I’ll show you proof,” he says, and all at once, the web disappears and is replaced by rippling holograms, transforming it into a whole new world.
A world that was falling apart at the seams.
All around you people are screaming as the buildings vanish without a trace, leaving not even dust behind. And one by one they too disappear.
Then, you see a familiar face. Miguel is running, and in his arms is a little girl no older than 9 clinging to him like he was her lifeline.
All she can utter is ‘Daddy’ before she too disappears, leaving Miguel behind with a devastated look on his face.
You can’t help but take a step back, a hand covering your mouth at something that looked like it only happened in movies.
Before you know it, there’s nothing left of the world. From behind his hologrammed form Miguel emerges, looking around at what was left behind of his former world.
“The reason I know it will happen…is because I was the cause of the destruction of a world myself. I found a universe where I had the life I always wanted. The canon event that happened was that the Miguel in that world was supposed to die, leaving Gabriella alone. But instead, I made the decision to replace him, living the life that I was never supposed to have.”
“For a while…I was happy. But little by little the world was collapsing at the seams because I was never supposed to be there. I disrupted the course of events, and it caused everything to fall apart while I could do nothing but watch,” he says, his eyes distant.
“Do you understand now, why what I do is so important?” he asks, his hardened voice now soft as he tries to conceal the hurt.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” you whisper, and that’s all you can say because you don’t know what else you could say.
He glances back up at you, his red eyes glassy for a moment but he blinks it away before you notice.
“So, will you join?” he asks, holding out a single watch expectantly.
“Okay,” you say, finally relenting.
Maybe this was the start of something new.
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @phobia032, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin @theprettyarachnid
A/N: Real talk, I wasn't sure I was even going to post this today because I went dirtbiking for the first time yesterday and fell about a million times, and my legs are bruised to the hells because I don't know how to jump out of the way hgfjkghfdgjhkd. But here we are! Thank you for reading (and I'm sorry its not my usual fluff for this story, but this is how I imagined they met lolol)
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awearywritersworld · 11 months
everything i was looking for
nanami kento x reader summary: when nanami became a salaryman, jujutsu wasn't the only thing he left behind. four years later, he's got his job back and he wants you back too. w/c: 1.5k tags/warnings: angst to fluff. hurt/comfort. gender neutral reader. reader's hair is long enough for nanami to tuck behind their ear. cursing. a/n: it's about time i wrote something for this man. we get to see baby nanami animated soon:') masterlist
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"he left, (y/n)."
you laughed apprehensively at gojo's words, though the expression on his face was anything but amused. honestly, it might have been the first time you'd ever seen the boy wear a serious expression and it made you nervous.
"well when is he coming back?"
a look of pity crossed his features as he searched for the right words, but that itself was enough for you to understand the situation.
"so what?" you scoffed in disbelief. "he's just gone?"
gojo nodded. "he asked me to tell you."
you tried to speak, but you could feel your throat tightening as your body flooded with panic. you needed to reach your dorm before the weight of the situation hit you in its entirety. "o-okay. i'll see you later, gojo."
though it seemed like a lifetime had past since that afternoon, it'd been only four years. you spent each of them attempting to move on from nanami, but you were beginning to think that it may never happen.
he still appeared in your dreams and some nights, it was like nothing changed. you're eating lunch together in the shade, or you've snuck off to the forest to lay in one another's arms.
other nights were much different, a time spent plagued by his disappearance. you'd be stuck in the first few days of his absence, your only saving grace the coolness of your old dorm's bathroom tile.
it was after a night like the latter that you first heard the former salaryman intended to return, and at once, you resolved to spend the rest of your life hiding away from him and everyone else on the jujutsu campus. that was healthy and realistic, right?
you were successful for nearly a week, but luck would not stay on your side forever.
when nanami approached the school after completing his first mission back, there was a chill in the air and the moon was already setting. he carried on rather slowly, not quite ready to submit to sleep despite the lateness of the hour. his eyes were well adjusted to the darkness by the time he reached the familiar paths of his youth.
still, he almost missed your silhouette tucked away near the edge of the forest, your back toward him and your face tilted up at the sky. he could barely make you out, but even then, he was sure it was you.
nanami began moving in your direction, his footsteps drown out by the trill of crickets. he stopped short of where you sat because despite the fact he'd been wanting to see you since he arrived, he was hesitant to disturb you now.
he asked gojo about you and was promptly told to give you some space and time. you didn't see what they were like when you left. the warning had been rattling around his head ever since.
"hey," you greeted without moving, having sensed his presence for some time already. you were resigned to your fate, accepting that you couldn't avoid him forever.
nanami didn't answer right away, struggling to get a read on your mood when it used to be so easy. his feet carried him closer and while he was finally beside you after all these years, the space between you felt immeasurable.
"hey," he returned, settling on the ground to your right, near enough that if he reached out he could touch you.
observing your features, he could tell how much you'd changed, but god you still looked so beautiful. that didn't change the fact that you'd hardened somehow. it was written all over your face and he suddenly found it difficult to cope with the fact he hadn't been there for you the past few years.
"you're back."
nanami reached up to loosen his tie, the fact that you hadn't spared him a glance evoking his nerves. "and you're still here."
"i never doubted that i was supposed to be," you spoke sharply.
he fought back a sigh, one that was directed only at himself, while you regarded his silence as a bit grating. maybe it was because you no longer felt comfortable in it. he'd always been quiet and you were used to that, but things were different now.
"i should go."
and he let you, for the first few meters anyway.
"wait," he eventually called out, scrambling off the ground. "d-don't walk away."
you laughed in disbelief, still taking strides in the opposite direction. "you can't be serious."
"please, (y/n)." his tone was one of desperation.
"no!" you stopped in your tracks and he was taken back by the volume of your voice. you finally turned to face him, fists clenched at your sides. "i may be walking away, but you're the one who left."
chest heaving with indignation, you took in his appearance for the first time.
he stood much taller and his body was a bit wider. your eyes lingered on his hair, now much shorter and neatly pushed back out of his face. you felt betrayed by the way it made your stomach stir.
"i'm sorry, just let me-" he began, taking a step toward you.
"stay back," you spit venomously. "you... you don't get to ask me to stay and you don't get to tell me you're sorry when you didn't even let me say goodbye!"
your voice cracked, causing nanami's knees to buckle under the pressure of his own guilt. he tried to get closer to you and this time you stayed completely still, preoccupied with a sad attempt at holding yourself together. when he was near enough, he reached out and let his fingers graze your arm.
"please don't," you begged.
he whispered your name, his voice thick with emotion, and that was all it took for your walls to come crumbling down. the sound of your cries shattered whatever remained of nanami's heart, though he'd left most of it behind all those years ago.
his arms acted on their own accord when they pulled you against his body, one hand holding your head to his chest, the other wrapped around your torso. he still smelled the same.
"no, please," you wept. "i can't do it again."
you beat weakly against his chest, but it was no use. he held you against himself tightly, his lips brushing the top of your head when he spoke.
"it's okay. i'm here," he tried to comfort you.
your voice sounded so small when you gathered the strength to reply. "please don't do this to me, ken."
nanami wondered for a moment if this was wrong, if he should have left you alone or just never have come back at all. the thought was fleeting though. he knew he had to make this right.
"i left because i was trying to find purpose through my work and... i... i couldn't see you because i knew you were the only person who could've convinced me to stay. i didn't see how wrong that was back then."
he heard you sniffle and let out a shaky breath, so he pulled away just enough to gather your face in his hands, your hair lacing through his fingers. you held one another's gaze and somehow it was the most content either of you had been in a long time.
"i'm sorry," he professed earnestly, looking down at you with regretful eyes.
"it's- it's okay." the words tumbled passed your lips before you could stop them.
"no, it's not. but i hope you'll give me a chance to make it up to you. to make it better."
you nodded almost imperceptibly, but other than that, neither of you moved. a breeze swept between the two of you and nanami tucked a loose strand of hair back behind your ear.
it was strange, perhaps even a bit unfair, that after so much time, after everything he'd done, there was no where you'd rather be than here with him. your hands found their way to his chest, the space there broader than it used to be.
"i love you," he murmured.
terrified you wouldn't say it back, he dipped his head down and pressed his lips to yours. the kiss was slow but not without fervency and the small noise that escaped his throat had you pulling him closer.
it was intoxicating to him, the way you felt against him, the softness of your lips, and the warmth that emanated from your skin.
even so, everything about him was impossibly gentle. nanami pulled away first, scanning your face for any hint of dismay.
"i love you, ken."
feelings of relief and responsibility overwhelmed him in tandem. he'd thought about you saying those words every day for four years and he knew he didn't deserve to hear them now. not yet.
nonetheless, you found yourself enveloped in his arms once more as he pressed a kiss to your head.
"everything i was looking for... i had it here with you all along."
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doumadono · 7 months
Sinful Sunday
Aizetsu been sneaking off so the other clones follow him only to accidentally walk in on him and his girl having sex. His girl doesn't notice them but he does so he basically makes sure she doesn't know they are watching but are even more embarrassed from well getting caught
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Aizetsu has a soft spot for intimate moments with you, his girlfriend.
The other clones notice Aizetsu's mysterious disappearances and become curious about his activities.
The clones, attempting to follow Aizetsu discreetly, inadvertently stumble upon the intimate scene between him and you - he's fucking you senseless from behind.
Aizetsu, perceptive to the clones' presence, notices them before you do.
You, blissfully unaware of the unintentional audience, continue your intimate moments with Aizetsu, moaning for him; the clandestine encounter remaining a secret between the clones.
Aizetsu tightens his grip on your hips, increasing the speed of his thrusts.
His heavy balls collide with the fat of your ass with every forceful thrust he delivers.
You moan his name, letting his strong hand push your head further into the wall.
With a fraction of his cerulean gaze, Aizetsu catches sight of Urogi and Karaku palming themselves through their hakama pants as they observe the unfolding scene before them.
Aizetsu emits a low hiss as the muscles of your pussy walls involuntarily contract around his already throbbing cock.
To his astonishment, Aizetsu finds that the knowledge of being observed heightens his arousal, intensifying the firmness of his member within you.
"I'm cumming," he manages to utter before spilling his seed in your drenched pussy as his head rolls backwards.
You moan loudly for him, a melodic groans escaping your lips. Yet, a sorrowful whimper emerges as a void is felt when he withdraws his flaccid member.
Only then do you catch a glimpse of Urogi and Karaku, and you blush, clumsily attempting to pull your skirt down to conceal your exposed sex.
Aizetsu, however, dismisses your attempt by smacking your hand away. Instead, he promptly yanks the hems of your skirt up around your hips, revealing to his counterparts the sight of your blended releases oozing from your snug cunny, tracing a sensual path down the back of your thighs. He smacks your ass a few times, earning a moan from you.
"I trust you won't object to their company, babygirl?" the demon with blue eyes muses, and you nod hesitantly. "That's my good girl. If you couldn't agree, it would deeply sadden me."
Before long, you find yourself devoured and used as a fucktoy for them, becoming the focal point of their amusement.
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lanafofana · 6 days
Afforded A Chance
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Day 2 of #HalsinTavWeek AND WE'RE BACK BABYYYYYYY Pairing: Halsin/Tav(F) Special Guest Appearance: Yenna! Summary: Tav realizes she wants something. Halsin is all too happy to provide. Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI Warnings/Tags: Smut, Porn with Feelings, BREEDING, PnV Sex, Quickie sex, Domestic Fluff, Post Epilogue No Beta We Die Like Yonas (RIP Yonas) And an AO3 link! For those of you who are so inclined. Note: Lots of talking and feelings and ooey gooey stuff in this one, fam.
Watching the cart disappear into the distance Tav reminds herself that this had always been the plan. 
Fifty children was an ambitious undertaking for anyone. While they loved each and every single one of their charges, Halsin and Tav had always known and agreed that for the majority of them, their home was but a stepping off point to get to the family they were destined for. 
Still, watching the infant she had cared for so deeply and for so long, being swept off into the proverbial sunset with her new mama and papa left an ache in her empty arms she couldn’t shake. She swallows roughly, wiping the tears from her face and takes a deep, steadying breath.
Walking back home Tav’s already tender heart feels a keen sting when she spies the newest couple to their little community. The wife is a sweet young thing, barely an adult herself but newly married and swollen with child already. She looks tired, waddling along with her hand on her belly, but healthy. Happy. Tav was happy. Is happy. Of course she is.
And yet.
Tav murmurs a greeting as the pair pass, stepping off the well trodden path to give them space to amble by. 
Fifty children they may have started out with but the numbers had dwindled significantly over the past year and now with sweet baby Marigold gone to a new home that put their occupancy at home down to a much more manageable ten. Manageable, some might say, but to Tav it felt like sand drifting through her fingers. 
The youngest was an ornery little tiefling boy, freshly five, and the oldest was just shy of sixteen with plans to seek an apprenticeship soon. Tav was not in any way dissatisfied with her life. She finally had a home and family to call all her own after so long without either. There was no way to describe the feeling she got from just being able to be present, nurturing them, and loving them. Her greatest joy and sense of purpose was deeply rooted in simply basking in watching her children grow with the love of her life at her side. It would be incredibly foolish to covet any more than what she had been provided with. 
And yet.
At home the house is quiet. The children spend every possible minute they’re allowed out in the forest during the day. Whiling away the hours of youth playing with Thaniel and Oliver till, exhausted and hungry, they reluctantly troop back to her. At any rate they’re not home yet and the house feels desolate. Yet another finger pressing on the bruise of Tav’s melancholy. 
When she finds her lover he’s in his study, sorting through his never ending pile of correspondence. Unlike her, he is conscientious about not letting a letter go unanswered too long and she is loath to steal away his time. 
And yet.
Halsin stands, grabbing a book off the shelf behind his desk before perusing the letter in his other hand once again. He seems to be puzzling out an answer to a specific question, his brow furrowed and his lips puckered in thought. The entire effect is so domestic it soothes some of the grief from before and lingering in the doorway Tav takes a breath, gathering her courage. 
“I want to have a baby.” 
The book in Halsin’s hand promptly drops to the floor. He stares at Tav in surprise, mind completely wiped clean of all coherent thought.  
“With you,” she amends when he remains silent. 
The expression of surprise slips into something gentle and soft. “Is this about Marigold?” He frowns, picking up the book to put it on his desk and shakes his head with a shine of regret in his eyes. “I should have gone with you. I’m sorry, my heart. That parting was destined to be perhaps the most difficult of them all. I know how deeply you loved her especially.” 
Tav crosses the room and takes one of his large hands in hers. “I am sad she is gone but I am also happy she is where she is meant to be. They will love her well. I,” she swallows. “I know the timing of this might seem odd. But it’s not just because of Marigold my mind has turned to…to this.” 
“To having a baby,” Halsin clarifies, his tone strange.  
“Yeah,” Tav avoids his eyes while she struggles to translate her errant feelings into words.
Her thumbs stroke the warmth of his hand in hers absently. It never ceases to amaze her that to simply feel his skin against hers, chaste or otherwise, had become an anchor for her. When the storm of her thoughts threatens to unmoor her she merely has to turn into his embrace, and she is put at ease. 
“Some might reconsider the toils and labors of bringing new life into the world when their home is already bursting with shoots and sprouts aplenty.” 
Tav smiles and brings his hand to her face, brushing her lips across his knuckles. “When have we ever shied away from toils and labors? Or balked at adding fresh life to a garden well tended? With these hands to hold me and lend me their unerring counsel and strength, I know we can do anything. I want this…with you… if you do.” She sobered as another thought occurred to her. “But we walk this path together. If you do not–” 
“Oh but I do,” he growls, hands finding purchase on her hips as he crowds into her space. “I very much do.”
The kiss is sudden and fierce; a tangle of tongues and teeth that steals her breath. Hands cupping her ass he lifts her, directing her legs around his hips. When they part for breath, Tav stares at him in wonderment.
“I honestly wasn’t sure,” she admits with a tiny huff of laughter. Tav scans his face, taking in his barely restrained hunger, the raw desire in his eyes. “You really want this, don’t you?” 
The hazel of his eyes is dark, his jaw tight. “Yes.” He presses his face to hers gently, breathing deeply to quell the rising tide of his lust. “Before the Absolute I wondered if I would ever get to experience the joys of having a family again. I hardly dared to imagine a future with children. And then came you,” he pauses, a breath shuddering through his chest, “and that dream was realized in more ways than I could’ve ever hoped.” 
With one hand Tav threads her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and with the other she caresses his cheek. Despite the grip he has on her, the evidence of his tightly reigned in passion, the moment feels fragile. When he opens his eyes the depth of emotion there tugs at her heart. 
“When I told you of my hopes and dreams of achieving some measure of balance you supported me.” He punctuates the statement with a chaste kiss to her cheek. “When I found my new purpose here, in this place, far away from everything and everyone you know you didn’t even hesitate to abandon a life of ease in a city that was ready to celebrate you in every way you deserve.” He presses a lingering kiss to her temple. “When you followed me into the wilderness with,” he huffs a laugh, “so many children I began to worry, wondering what I could have possibly done to be worthy of such a person. It was too much. You don’t know what you’ve given me. You cannot possibly know.” 
Halsin turns and sets her down on the edge of his desk, placing his hands flat on the surface on either side of her legs and leans in to steal another, longer kiss.  
“I told you once that I wanted more than to be your companion, your ally, your friend. I wanted to share in your heart and your body. And instead you rewrote my entire life with your name across my very soul. Asking for nothing more than the privilege of being at my side. You don’t seem to know the privilege has always been mine.” It’s Halsin’s turn to cup her face, tracing the branch of scarring that trails down her neck. “I am undone by you.”  
Tav’s eyes burn. 
“I had not let myself even entertain the idea of more. But I know your heart as well as you know mine so let me at last extinguish that ember of doubt in your eyes. Yes. I want this. How could I not? To know that you, who carry my entire heart in your hands, wish to carry my seed and with your body nurture our child.” 
The druid’s eyes flash and Tav feels like she’s stopped breathing. Every nerve ending feels raw and buzzing with anticipation. He’s so gentle and easy going it’s easy sometimes to forget how his gaze can pierce through her. The sound of her thudding heart is so loud she wonders if it’s the wind shaking their home in the trees or the tempest of his love threatening to unmake the world. Halsin’s thumb wipes a tear from her face she had not been aware she had shed. 
“We walk this path together as one. Our hearts beat in sync.” The next kiss is hot, barely restrained passion. When he pulls away their breathing is equally unsteady. “Now let our bodies move in sync also.” 
Halsin grips her hips hard and yanks her body towards himself, to the edge of the desk before claiming her mouth again. Breaking the kiss he zeros in on the spot between her ear and neck, pulling a needy moan so soft and sweet from her parted lips that something primal rumbles out from his chest in response. 
He slides a hand in her hair, fingers brushing her scalp before he fists his hand and tugs her head back eliciting a gasp. Greedily he leaves a trail of open mouthed kisses down the column of her throat, his excitement only fanned by the way she trembles under his touch. 
Tav feels hot from the apples of her cheeks to the tips of each finger and toe. She tugs the loose shirt he’s wearing from the band of his pants but only gets a moment to trace the blazing skin beneath before Halsin is tearing himself away to rip it off.
Her dress is next; he picks her up like she weighs nothing and divests her of the simple frock, the fabric fluttering to the floor while he tugs at the lacing of her stays. He peels the soft underclothes from her body like a child unwrapping their first gift. With great joy, expectation, and–by the telltale popping of a few stitches–a little reckless violence. 
Not bothering to smother the laugh that bubbles up at his slightly contrite expression, Tav slips her fingers through the belt at his waist and tugs him closer with a smile. “I’ll need new ones anyway,” she points out with a sly look in her eyes. “When I’m enormous with your fat babies.”
Halsin’s hand drifts to her belly, hovering over the place where her empty womb waits for his seed to catch and huffs out a disbelieving laugh. “I can hardly wait.” 
“Then less waiting, my love,” she casts a meaningful look to the window where the late afternoon sun hangs low in the sky, ”unless you want to give the children a first hand demonstration in reproduction.” 
Halsin grins with mischief but takes her point and pushes his trousers down, freeing his already leaking cock. Despite the aching hunger burning under his skin– the primitive need to fuck, to claim, to breed her till she’s screaming– his touch is soft when he takes her hands and tugs her into his embrace. 
He runs his hands from her shoulders down her arms, to her chest to knead the soft flesh of her breasts. Were he afforded more time he would worship every inch of her soft curves, each freckle, every scar. Alas, time is a luxury for those couples without a full brood vying for attention and the beast within gnaws at his control with teeth and claws. 
He spins her around and presses her torso to the desk, nostrils flaring at the scent of her open cunt, already wet with arousal. She widens her legs eagerly, pressing back into his touch and though he’s had her innumerable times in the same position, it’s only this time, for the first time in a very long time, he feels his tenuous control flicker in and out of his grasp. 
“This will not be gentle,” he thinks to warn her but the look she gives him over her shoulder is anything but meek. 
“Stop talking, papa bear, and fuck a baby into me.” 
Lining up to her wet slit he sinks home with a groan that’s more beast than man. Tav’s head drops back with an answering guttural exhalation. A hand on each generous hip he sets a punishing pace, the sharp snap of his hips, the wet hot suction of her pussy consuming him. His lover mewls a needy whine that snaps his threadbare control and he falls forward with one hand on the desk the other on her neck, pressing her face to the desk and he snarls. 
Pressing into his touch Tav’s trembling voice whimpers and keens, begging for his seed, his body, his child. His rough hands and nearly violent display of ardor has reduced her to a quivering mess of desire. Each thrust of his body into hers, has her gasping, arching, desperate for more, teetering on the precipice release. 
He licks at the sweat on her back and with teeth just slightly too sharp he bites the soft flesh of her shoulder. She cries out, dragging her nails across the surface of his desk, and so he does it again, lapping at the red mark in satisfaction. Removing the hand at her neck he reaches around to palm her breast, raising the top half of her body just enough to set his teeth at the nape of her neck. 
The prick of sharp canines does it for her and she jerks with the release of her orgasm, crying out with a curse and a howl. At the height of her rapture her scent changes and Halsin’s grip on her neck with his teeth tightens in tandem with his balls. As she comes down from her high, the walls of her body spasming around his erection, Halsin slams into her with one final thrust. Face pressed to the sweat slick heat of her body he groans his release at last, filling her up with thick hot cords of his cum.
With great affection Halsin nuzzles her skin mindlessly in the afterglow while Tav lays boneless beneath him, her expression incandescently satiated.
They stay like that for a moment, catching their breath. Conjoined by their sex and luxuriating the culmination of their bliss. 
Until a familiar voice pipes up with intense curiosity, “But what are they doing in there?” 
“Making babies,” answers a disgusted teenager, her footsteps stomping down the hallway past the office door.
Tav and Halsin share a look before bursting into laughter. 
“Daddy Halsin?” Says their youngest, sounding as if he’s talking with his face pressed against the door. “Can I come in and see the babies?” 
“Not just now, my love,” answers Tav with a nearly hysterical edge to her voice. 
“Just a moment,” says Halsin in the same breath and catching each other’s eye, still high off their quickie, they nearly collapse into giggles all over again.  
They scramble for their clothes, wary of the unlocked door but both snickering so much Halsin has his pants on inside out and Tav is wearing his shirt when another voice drifts in.  
“Come on, Ermir,” says Yenna with a no nonsense tone. “They’ll be out soon. Babies take ages to bake.” 
“Yeah. Like in Momma Tav’s tummy.” 
“Wow,” whispers Ermir. “How does it get in there?” 
“Ummmm,” says Yenna, stumped. “I think a bird brings it?” 
Their footsteps fade deeper into the house. 
Tav, hands on her hips with cum dripping down her leg gives Halsin a shrewd look. “It’s your turn for The Talk, I already had my turn with the older ones.” 
Halsin grins and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder and swatting her ass. “Anything you say, my heart. But first we should make sure the oven is well stuffed, don’t you?” 
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peachesyeo · 29 days
The Maestro 0001 - the invitation
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word count - 2.8k words pairings - seventeen ot13 x fem!oc genre - mature, dark romance, cultish/yandere, mystery, crack chapter warnings - none
author's notes - no preview, whoops. anyway, do you like the new outline? i really hope you do! if you want to join the chapter's taglist do comment down on the masterlist page!
thank you @sousydive for beta reading!
series taglist — pernament taglist — @sousydive @yeodeulz @oddracha @jaerisdiction @yukichan67 @evidive @onysmamas
back to masterlist?
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Dear Ms. Kang Raeyang,
It is with sincere solemnity that we extend our invitation to you. You have been chosen to reside within the Maestro, as per your parents' prior instructions, following their untimely departure.
In the midst of our condolences, we trust that you will heed this summons and join us promptly.
Yours faithfully,
The Residents of the Maestro
The apartment complex loomed over the quiet street. Its sleek exterior, while undeniably contemporary, exuded an aura of mystery and unease. The building's design was a juxtaposition of sharp angles and smooth curves, creating an unsettling yet intriguing silhouette against the skyline. Dark tinted windows lined its façade, offering no glimpse into the secrets hidden within.
As I approached, a chill seemed to linger in the air, sending shivers down my spine. The atmosphere around the Maestro seemed to be cloaked in a thick fog, obscuring the true nature of what lay beyond its imposing exterior. Despite its modernity, there was something ancient and foreboding about the building, as if it held secrets that had been buried for centuries. It loomed over the surrounding landscape like a silent sentinel, watching, waiting.
A heavy iron gate stood sentinel at the entrance, its bars twisted into elaborate designs that seemed to writhe and shift in the shifting light. Beyond it, a cobblestone path disappeared into the darkness.
In front of the entrance, a small security post with tinted windows stood like a sentinel, its presence adding to the eerie atmosphere. My breath hitched as I grip the invitation tightly, slowly approaching the post. 
Upon inspection, the post seems to be empty. Its tinted windows give no clue of whether there was anyone inside of it. I raised my knuckles, politely knocking on the window three times. 
The sound echoed hollowly in the still air. For a moment, there was no response, just the faint chirp of a passing bird. Then, a shuffling noise came from within, followed by the creak of a chair.
A figure emerged from the shadows, their features obscured by the tinted glass. They leaned forward, peering out at me with unseen eyes.
"Yes? Can I help you?" Their voice was muffled, distant, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Erm, h-hi," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I received an invitation to... to live here."
There was a moment of silence, as if the figure was considering my words. Then, with a slight nod, they reached out and slid open a small panel at the base of the window.
"Give it here," they said, their voice low and gravelly.
I hesitated for a moment before passing the invitation through the opening. The figure took it, their hand disappearing back into the darkness.
It felt like eternity, before they slid the window door open with a metallic scrape. A man sat behind the window, holding the invitation. He wore a black, security guard’s outfit and had a chiselled, handsome face with a strong, angular jawline and piercing eyes. His sleek black hair frames his face in waves, and he ran a veiny hand back his hair as he handed the invitation back. 
“You're… Miss Kang Raeyang?” he asked, his voice deep and resonant, carrying a hint of intrigue.
I nodded, nervous under his strong and commanding presence. The man observed me with a judicious gaze, his eyes seeming to weigh every aspect of my being.
“My name is Choi Seungcheol,” he said, his voice low and measured, as if each word carried a hidden weight. His lips formed a tight smile, but there was a hint of something unreadable in his eyes, shrouded behind a veil of mystery. “I’m a resident and the security guard here.”
“I’ve been told to… show you around,” he continued, his tone betraying a reluctance. Cautiously, I bowed in response, feeling a shiver run down my spine. “I’m Kang Raeyang. Nice to meet you.”
Seungcheol shut the window panes with a deliberate click. The iron gates slowly opened, and he stepped out of his post, his movements smooth and controlled. He handed me a card, his eyes flickering to the luggage behind me.
“Your apartment has been prepared by your parents, Miss Kang,” he informed me, his tone neutral but his gaze penetrating. “This is the key card to your apartment, 201.”
“Thank you… You can call me Raeyang, by the way,” I replied, my voice a little uncertain as I peered at the keycard with interest. It was the size of a credit card, plain black with a ‘M’ logo in gold. A small ‘201’ was etched in the corner of the card.
Seungcheol hummed softly, his expression unreadable as I looked back up at him. “Likewise. You can just call me Seungcheol.”
There was a period of awkward silence. Seungcheol's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, as if assessing something beyond the surface. Then, with a nod, he motioned towards my luggage.
"You can leave them here," he said, his tone softening just slightly. "I'll take care of your luggage. Follow me."
With that, he turned and began walking towards the entrance of the building. I fell into step beside him, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity about what lay ahead. As we walked, the grandeur of the Maestro became even more apparent. The intricate details of the architecture seemed to come alive in the fading light, casting long shadows that danced across the cobblestone path.
Seungcheol remained mostly silent as we walked, his footsteps echoing in the quiet surroundings. Occasionally, he would look towards a certain direction, as if expecting somebody to be waiting there. But nobody ever showed up.
Finally, we reached the entrance, where the heavy black doors stood slightly ajar. Seungcheol pushed them open with a gentle push, revealing the dimly lit foyer beyond.
"After you," he said, his voice soft but commanding, as if granting permission to enter a forbidden realm.
I stepped inside, feeling a rush of anticipation as the doors closed behind me with a soft thud. I found myself in awe of a grand lobby adorned with marble floors and ornate chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. The room was bathed in a warm golden glow, the light casting intricate patterns on the polished surfaces.
Seungcheol gestured towards the row of gleaming elevators at the far end of the lobby.
"Your apartment is on the second floor," he explained, his voice echoing faintly in the spacious room. I nodded, following him towards the elevators. The doors slid open silently as we approached, revealing a plush interior with mirrored walls. Seungcheol pressed the button for the second floor, and the elevator began its ascent with a soft hum.
As we rose, I couldn't help but steal glances at Seungcheol. There was something about him, something mysterious and intriguing, that drew me in despite my apprehension. 
After Mum and Dad died in the sudden car crash, they left me nothing but some money and an instruction to wait for an invitation to an apartment building, which they had signed me up for. But why? Why this place? Why didn’t they tell me anything when they were alive?
These questions plagued my thoughts as the elevator came to a stop. The doors slid open, revealing a long hallway lined with doors. Seungcheol led the way, his steps echoing on the polished floor. As we reached the door marked with the number 201, Seungcheol paused. “Here.”
With a deep breath, I slid the keycard into the lock and pushed open the door, stepping into the apartment that was to be my new home. Inside, the space was bathed in soft lamplight, casting a warm glow over the furnishings. It was tastefully decorated, with touches of elegance and comfort that spoke of my parents' love and care.
But even as I took in the familiar surroundings, a sense of unease lingered in the air. What secrets lay hidden behind these walls? And why had my parents chosen to keep me in the dark?
"New neighbour?" I jumped at the new voice, turning around. A young man stood in front of the door opposite mine, his almond-shaped eyes peering at me with interest. He was dressed in a plain white tank top that accentuated his toned arms,and blue jeans that hugged his legs comfortably. Seungcheol frowned.
"Soonyoung, you scared her."
"Sorry," Soonyoung scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I was just about to go over to Chan’s; he had a new routine to show me."
If Seungcheol’s aura was commanding and mysterious, Soonyoung was the opposite. He cheerfully walked over to us, holding out a hand. "Hi, I’m Kwon Soonyoung. You can call me by my stage name Hoshi," he beamed, revealing two rows of pearly white teeth. "I live in 202.”
“I’m Kang Raeyang. You can just call me by my name,” I said, shaking his hand carefully. His skin was cool to the touch, like it was dipped in iced water. “Nice to meet you, Hoshi.”
Soonyoung gave me another huge smile before turning to Seungcheol. “How come you’re the one showing Raeyang around? I thought Jeonghan hyung was supposed to do the job.”
Seungcheol's expression shifted subtly, a shadow passing over his features before he replied, "Jeonghan is busy with other matters."
Soonyoung nodded, though there was a curious glint in his eyes as he glanced back at me “Well, I really need to go. You can always look for me if you need help,” he said, jabbing his thumb in the direction of his apartment door. “See you around, Raeyang.” 
With that, he flashed me one last bright smile before bouncing off towards the elevator. Seungcheol cleared his throat, attracting my attention. 
“Your parent’s lawyer lives in the Maestro,” he said. “He will be here shortly to explain some things to you. I advise you to wait in the apartment while I go get your luggage.”
I nodded, taking in his words. The mention of my parents' lawyer only added to the mystery surrounding this place.
"Alright," I replied. "I'll wait in the apartment."
Seungcheol gave a curt nod before heading off to retrieve my luggage. As I watched him go, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was much more to this building—and to my parents' intentions—than met the eye. 
I entered my apartment. It was small and cosy, with a few decorative plants scattered around. The soft light filtering in through the windows added to the warm atmosphere. Seungcheol mentioned that my parents had decorated the place for me, and I smiled when I saw a framed photo of my parents and I on the counter.
The sight of their smiling faces brought a bittersweet pang to my heart. Despite the unanswered questions surrounding their sudden passing, it was comforting to have a piece of them here with me.
I moved further into the apartment, exploring the space. The living area was furnished with a comfortable-looking couch and a coffee table, while the kitchenette boasted modern appliances and neatly organised cabinets. Another soft smile found its way to my face when I saw a bookshelf filled with books on the wall. 
A hallway led to the bedroom, where a cosy-looking bed awaited me, adorned with soft blankets and plump pillows. It was a simple yet inviting space, one that felt like home despite its unfamiliarity.
I left the bedroom, taking a book from the shelves before settling on the couch. The Girls, by Emma Cline. I frowned, staring at the cover of the book.
Strange. I don’t read books of this genre.
Just as I was about to open the book and flip through its pages, the doorbell rang. I hurried over to the door, revealing a tall, lean man standing outside. His presence exuded a sense of polished professionalism. He stood tall and composed, with an air of confidence that commanded attention. His dark hair was neatly styled, framing his face in a way that accentuated his striking features.
Dressed in a well-fitted suit, the man spoke, his voice was smooth and articulate, carrying a sense of assurance.
"Miss Kang Raeyang?" he said, his tone professional yet warm. I nodded. “You’re my parent’s lawyer?”
His lips were set in a gentle curve and his eyes crinkled kindly into a crescent moon. “Yes. My name is Hong Jisoo, or Joshua. Do you mind if I help you with these?” He gestured to the luggages behind him. “Cheol had to rush back, so he told me to help you.”
“Oh, thank you, Joshua!” I said gratefully. Joshua flashed me a small smile before he easily lifted the two heavy suitcases into the apartment. "I am sure that you have many questions, Miss Kang," Joshua said as I quickly pushed the suitcases into the bedroom. "I’ll try my best to answer them.” 
“Please, take a seat. I’ll make you some tea… Do you have a preference?” I turned to Joshua, who sat on the couch. He thought for a moment.
“Some earl grey tea will do, Miss Kang,” Joshua replied.
“Alright. Do call me Raeyang,” I replied as I busied myself in the kitchen, putting the kettle on the stove and retrieving the tea leaves and cups. The layout of the kitchen was surprisingly similar to the one in the house where both my parents and I lived.
As I waited for the water to boil, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation and nervousness that hung in the air. Peeking from the kitchen, I could see Joshua looking around the living room, humming contentedly. He seems nice… and very handsome.
In fact, the three men I’ve come across were all very good looking. Seungcheol, mysterious. Hoshi, friendly. Joshua here gives me an aura of a gentleman.
I shook my head, dispelling the thoughts, and went back to preparing the tea. When it was ready, I set it on a tray, placing it in front of Joshua.
"Here…" I said, offering Joshua the tray with a small smile.
Joshua gave me a nod of thanks as he took a cup and had a sip of the warm tea. “Like I said earlier, Raeyang, I’m pretty sure you have many questions about this arrangement. I cannot promise that I know the answer to all of them, but I am pretty sure I can answer some basic ones.” He sat the cup down back on the tray, turning to me. “Let’s hear them.”
“Firstly, when did my parents get me an apartment in this place?” I questioned. 
“Your parents actually own this building, Raeyang,” Joshua dropped the bombshell, his words heavy with significance. I gaped at him in shock. “What?”
“In fact, I am considered a tenant of yours,” Joshua continued, taking another sip of tea. “Now that your parents have passed, and the building is under your name.”
“I-I see…” I stammered, still digesting the fact. “I never knew…”
“Now you do.” Joshua said kindly. “If I am not wrong, the documents are in your letterbox already. Have Cheol shown you where it is?” I shook my head robotically in answer. “No worries, I'll retrieve it for you.”
“Thank you.” I composed myself. “Secondly… Did my parents leave anything else for me other than this building?”
Joshua shook his head. “I’m afraid not.” I nodded. “I see. Since when did my parents own this building?”
“For quite a long time.” Joshua answered. “Perhaps, around the time when you were born.”
Twenty five years? I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle of disbelievement. How could Mum and Dad keep something like that from me for twenty-five years? What other secrets are they keeping from me? 
“I understand how you are feeling now, Raeyang.” Joshua’s smooth voice pulled me out of my darkening thoughts. It was then I realised that tears were gathering in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, embarrassed. “Sorry…” 
“There’s no need to apologise, Raeyang,” Joshua said gently, his eyes filled with empathy. “It’s perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed by all of this. Your parents loved you very much, and I’m sure they had their reasons for keeping this from you.” 
I must have said my thoughts out loud. "I guess so…" I sniffed, dabbing at my eye. Joshua turned away for a moment, peering intently at the artificial plant next to the couch. I was grateful for him to give me a little private moment to gather my thoughts.
When I composed myself, Joshua turned back to me. “Let’s talk about this another day,” he suggested, reaching for the tea again. “Over here at the Maestro, we usually would have dinner together. The residents of the Maestro,” he added, noticing my look of confusion. “You should join us; it’ll be a great way for you to get to know the rest of us later.”
I nodded, feeling a sense of relief at the suggestion. "That sounds like a good idea. Thank you, Joshua."
Joshua smiled warmly. "Of course, Raeyang. Over here, we all support each other. You’re part of us now.” He stood up and I followed him. “Dinner starts at seven, apartment 301. If you’re not sure of where to go, just look for Soonyoung. I believe you have already met him.”
“I’ll see you out,” I said, following him to the door. Before he left, Joshua turned to me, holding out his hand with a smile on his face.
“I forgot to say this,” he said softly as I held onto his ice-cold palms, shaking them. “Welcome to the family, Raeyang.”
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©peachesyeo, 2024
i do not own the dividers nor pictures used in banner. all credit goes to their original owners. owner of animated / 18+ banner ; owner of rose banner
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libby-for-life · 2 months
So, I got an idea for a request, an Au with Adam as Demeter, the Greek G̶o̶d̶d̶e̶s̶s̶ God of agriculture.
So this takes place right after the whole Lucifer and Lilith Incident. Adam is left reeling from the betrayal of his first friend (yeah "friend") and his other half. The angels tell him that they will make him a new companion, but he doesn't want a replacement, he wonders what he did to deserve them both leaving him (developing those abandonment issues already, I see).
But with a sudden great and mighty crack of thunder and lightning, Adam disappears from Eden and appears in Mount Orthys. He is found by Rhea, who is tired of all her kids haven been eaten by her husband Kronos and decided to take him in, before being found out and promptly being eaten whole, joining the others (except Demeter because she doesn't exist and is replaced by Adam) in Kronos stomach even though he's not thier sibling.
Back in Eden, the entirety of Heaven is freaking out because the first man is just gone. He's nowhere in Eden. He just disappeared under their noses. Once they
calm down, decide since they already made Eve as a replacement for Lilith, they can just make a replacement for Adam. Using Eve's rib, they create Steve and erase Adam and Lilith from history, their titles of first man and woman now belonging to Eve and Steve.
When Lucifer breaks into Eden, he succeeds convincing Eve to bite the apple, but when he tells her to give it to Adam as well (definitely not because he's a yandere for him and is his top priority), Eve asks who Adam is.
Eve: Adam? Who is that?
Lucifer: ...Adam? You know the first man??
Eve: You mean my husband Steve! He's the first man, not whoever this 'Adam' is
*I've already thought of more scenarios with this Au, but this is already pretty long, so i'll stop it here
Now, you kinda need to give me more, but this is beautiful. I love the idea of Adam becoming a God. Rhea slowly feeds him a special salve that turns him immortal. And while technically he is Adam, the god of agriculture and farming. He also had another name that he went by. The Reaper. It's where the scythe originated from. He reaps the fields and it's up to him on whether you have plentiful food or a drought that year.
He came across Persephone and immediately adopted her as his own once he saw how innocent she was to the world. She reminded him so much of Lucifer of someone he once knew but he couldn't put his finger on it.
She was creative with Spring. Such beautiful flowers came from her. The angels may have may have made the earth, but the gods were what kept it going. Kept it from dying. The angels in Heaven thought that they did a good job making the world and the universe but it was Adam's family that kept it from perishing. He had a family in the gods. They treated Adam as one of their own.
Until one day, Persephone gets kidnapped and taken to Hell. Adam is on a war path. He will find his daughter and the gods are backing him up.
The entirety of Hell shakes and splits open as twelve-foot-tall people radiating power and light storm in, all wielding weapons that, despite not being angelic weapons, are powerful enough to kill sinners.
They will find Persephone.
Meanwhile, Lucifer soon catches wind of these godly beings and goes to confront them. He sees Adam for the first time since the dawn of Eden and nearly has a heart attack. Adam. The first man. He was back.
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nina-ya · 7 months
I loooooooove your Ace post! I see you have Luffy on the list but will you be doing our baby boy Sabo too?
Patching up Sabos Wounds
Zoro Law Sanji Shanks Ace Luffy Sabo Doflamingo
A/N: Hi!! I whipped up a Sabo just for you! The ASL brothers deserve all the love <3 Pairing: Sabo x GN!Reader CW: Mentions of bleeding and one (1) cut. Probably OOC Sabo. WC: 1155
The sun hangs low in the sky casting a warm and gentle glow across the Revolutionary Army’s Base. Sabo and Koala had been engaged in a sparring session for well over an hour.. You are sitting on a crate, a drink in your hand, simply admiring the strength and passion between the two. Sabo’s focus wavers for the slightest moment, and Koala seizes the opportunity and strikes Sabo. The strike sends him hurling backwards, right into the sea, where he disappears beneath the waves with a splash.
Panic courses through your veins, and without hesitation you bolt past Koala and leap into the water. You open your eyes, ignoring the stinging saltwater, and you search for the blonde.You spot him sinking into the depths of the sea and you waste no time in grabbing his arm, bringing him up to the surface. As he emerges, coughing up seawater, you swim to shore, pulling him along. He continues to hack and sputter, his chest heaving as he collapses onto his back.
“Hey, are you okay? Koala got a good hit on you there.” You ask, concern laced in your voice.
Through labored breaths, he responds weakly. “Yeah, all good here.” He says with a faint smile.
“Alright good, now get up, you need to get checked out,” you insist.
“What? No, I don't need to finish what I started!” He immediately springs up as if the blow had not fazed him at all, and starts marching towards the sparring grounds, where Koala was waiting.
You quickly catch up with him and grab his arm, urging him to pause. “Hey, I don’t think this is a good idea. I mean, look at yourself! You are bleeding from your abdomen.”
Sabo hesitates for a moment, then he turns to you with a grin. “This doesn’t hurt at all! You don't need to worry about me.” he spins around and continues his march.
In response, you plant yourself in front of his path, firmly grabbing onto his shoulders. “Sabo, I know you have the thickest skull on the planet but I need you to listen to me when I say you need to get checked out. You know what? I’ll check you out myself! Yeah! Now you can't possibly say no.” You say, confidence ringing through your voice.
“Do you really think offering to be the one to check me out will work?” He asks, his eyes locked onto yours.
A moment of silence hangs in the air as you stare into his eyes with an unwavering confidence. “…Well it looks like it worked.” He concedes with a chuckle.
Your face lights up at his agreement and you immediately grab his arm and start leading him to the infirmary. You sit him down and grab a towel and wrap it around his shoulder. “Let’s begin by getting you dry. Your a sopping wet mess.” You comment with a laugh.
Sabo shakes his head to get some of the water out of his hair, proceeding to splash you in the process. You squeal out in surprise and start swatting him to get him to stop, causing both of you to laugh. He begins removing his shirt to allow you to inspect the injuries, only for you to discover that they aren’t as severe as you had initially thought - just a small break in the skin that caused the bleeding, though the area was noticeably red and sure to bruise.
“See? I'm perfectly fine.” Sabo says with a grin.
“You're just a freak of nature.” You retort playfully. You reach over into a drawer and pull out some gauze. You intend to clean the wound on his abdomen, but as you began to work, you noticed your own hands trembling, teeth chattering, and goosebumps prickling your skin. The realization that you had jumped into the water as well, never having having a chance to dry off, finally settles in, and the consequences of your own self neglect.
Sabo notices your shivering figure and reacts promptly, taking his towel and wrapping around you with a smirk. “You’re so insistent on making sure I’m okay that you don’t realize you might just die from hypothermia,” he teases.
“Die? That's a little extreme don't you think?” You grumble.
He chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Look at you, you’re shaking like a chihuahua. Yeah, I’d say ‘die’ is not an exaggeration,” he adds, grinning teasingly.
“Shut up!” You retort with a shaky voice. He laughs gently as you continue to clean and bandage his wound. “There, all done.” You say with a satisfied smirk. “You still need to warm up, though, so here” You push the towel back to Sabo, “You need it.” you insist.
“You need it too.” He responds, attempting to hand it back to you.
“Fine, I can just go get another towel, you say, brushing off his concern..
Sabo's smirk grows. “There aren’t any other towels.”
Confusion is evidence in your voice as you glance around. “What? Yeah they are right over there.”
A grin spreads across Sabo's face as he responds. “Nope, I don’t see any. Looks like we are just going to have to share this one.” he says teasingly.
Before you can question him further, Sabo pulls you onto his lap, making you straddle him. He wraps the towel tightly around both of you, burning his face into your shoulder, taking a deep breath. You are shocked by the bold move and freeze up for a moment, not knowing quite what to do. A gentle squeeze from him brings you back to reality.
“You're so tense,” Sabo murmurs into your shoulder.
“I… sorry” You mutter, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.
“Don't apologize; you have nothing to apologize for. Just… relax,” he whispers soothingly.
You let out a small sigh and relax into his grip, leaning your head onto his shoulder. He lets out a hum of satisfaction in response.
“What about Koala? Didn't you wanna finish sparring with her?” You mumble into his shoulder.
Sabo tightens his hold around you, his lips grazing your ear as he speaks, “She’ll understand. Right now, the only fight I care about is keeping us warm and comfortable.”
"That's such a cheesy thing to say." You mutter with a chuckle.
"That's the point," he says, laughing along with you.
You nestle further into his embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart and the warmth that radiates from his body. The windows in the infirmary provides a view of the sun dipping below the horizon, casting a tapestry of colors across the sky, and you start to feel peace and tranquility. This small moment of vulnerability and closeness is something special.
Your eyelids grow heavy as you listen to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat, and you can feel Sabo’s steady breaths against your ear. His breathing deepens and his grip on you slowly loosens as he succumbs to the lull of sleep. You let yourself drift into slumber, nestled in the warmth of his presence, finding solace in the moment.
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wangxianficrecs · 6 months
Rewind 2023 - Proud Author Spotlight
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2023
Here are some recommendations from 2023 sent in by our fandom's authors themselves. Make sure to give them much love. PS: Authors, don't be shy! Submit more Proud Author Spotlights!
I published my first MDZS fic this year.
It's a 60k time travel fix-it fic from the POV of several outsider characters who are all witnesses to Wei Wuxian's change in behaviour and the events following that change.
I tried really hard to stick to canon (novel-only) characterization and I'm really proud of what I wrote so don't hesitate to give it a try (it's complete too!) :D
We'll Build A Dynasty (one the heavens can't shake)
by One_eyed_God (@oneeyedoctogod)
T, 66k, Wangxian
Summary: Wei Wuxian is well-known as a trouble-maker, someone who likes jokes and chaos. He promptly proves this by disappearing without a trace from the Cloud Recesses, in the middle of the Lectures. But when war is on the horizon and tensions boil over, can his actions really be summarized as a simple prank? Or, the unbelievable story of Wei Wuxian, time traveller, told from everyone's point of view but his.
Hi there! I don’t know if anyone remembers, but I posted my first ever fic on Ao3 this year!
by CullenBlue (@cullen-blue23)
T, 21k, NHS & WN
Summary: During the Wen indoctrination, we see everyone escape during the fight with Xuanwu… except Huaisang, who had fainted earlier. So, in short… how TF did he escape?? The story of how Nie Huaisang broke out of Qishan, and the events that happened afterwards
Mod Kay himself here :D I published a fic this year where novel canon Lan Wangji transmigrates into the CQL-verse and saves post-canon Wei Wuxian, who struggles to keep himself alive during his lonely travels. It goes hard on the It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, but I promise there's a happy ending.
the roots
by thelastdboy (@thelastdboyy)
E, 30k, Wangxian
Summary: In one universe, Wei Wuxian had been left by the side of the road while Lan Wangji had become the Chief Cultivator. He found himself alone again, discarded and heartbroken. He also found himself to be a target again, as people started hunting the Yiling Laozu once more. He was all alone and just so fucking tired that he couldn't even bring himself to fight back. Some part of him yearned to return to the peaceful oblivion that had been death. In another universe, Lan Wangji's world fell apart in a single day. He was forced to bury not only his son, but his husband as well. Sizhui's Wen heritage had been discovered and Wei Wuxian's past had once again inspired animosity. While Sizhui would hopefully find peace at least, Wei Wuxian's soul had been destroyed and Lan Wangji would rather destroy his own soul than never be re-united with Wei Wuxian again. However, his late husband had left him one last gift: a path into a different universe. Or: MDZS!Lan Wangji transmigrates into the CQL-verse just in time to save post-canon CQL!Wei Wuxian. Together, they grieve and eventually, they find a home for themselves.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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jd-loves-fiction · 1 year
Keep me warm (inside and out)
➢ I’m cold and horny so cockwarming with Aether it is :) It’s my first smut with one of the ghouls so be gentle 😅
➢ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Aether x GN!Reader
➢  𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: smut
➢  𝖜𝖈: 838
➢  𝖆/𝖓: fr took me way to long to write something so short but that’s what i get for trying to write soft-horny when i’m feeling rough-horny 🙃
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Your eyes inch open as the cold nips at your exposed nose, which you promptly hide beneath the warm covers.
Shuffling seems to have been the wrong decision to make, as it reminds you of what happened the previous night… and how you ended it - with Aether’s cock inside you.
It surprised both of you how easily he gave in to the idea. All it took was some batting lashes, grabby hands and a whiny tone for him to give in, “It’s cold… Come warm me up, baby.”
The shiver that runs down his spine is so strong you can see it, all the way down his dark purple spaded tail which jerks in surprised arousal. He knows you don't mean just cuddling, there's nothing innocent in the glint of your irises and the expansion of your pupils.
He steps closer to you, slowly, heavily - prowling forward like a panther eyeing its prey.
“Tell me what you really want, bunny. Don’t tease.” It’s your turn to shiver, sitting up to be eye-level with his waist.
You give him your best, wide, pleading gaze, “Come warm me up from the inside, with your big, hot cock. Please, Aether.”
He breathes in a hiss through his teeth, lids fluttering before his clawed fingers grasp your chin, “That’s better. But you know that’s not my name, bunny. Not right now.”
His eyes glue themselves to the way you pull your bottom lip between your teeth before letting it go, now red and plump, “Please put your cock in me, sir.”
Aether exhales harshly, fingers tightening just slightly, “Much better.”
He lets go of your face just as your tongue peeks out to lick at his fingers, “Take your clothes off and lay on your side, facing the wall.”
You do so without question but slowly, teasingly, testing his patience just for the Hell of it. Luckily for you, he finds it more amusing than anything else. Plus, he craves the feeling of you wrapped tight and warm around his cock more than to punish you right now. Still, he can’t help but pull your leg a little.
“You’re being awfully slow for someone who asked for this.” He chuckles as your brows furrow and your cheeks puff in adorable frustration. He takes a moment to admire your naked body before grasping your chin once again and looking deeply into your eyes with an intensity that has your face relaxing completely, “Lie down like I told you to, bunny.”
He says it so sweetly, with that tender smile on his plump lips crinkling the corners of his eyes, that it would feel like blasphemy to not obey. So you, this time without teasing or complaining, back to Aether as you listen to the rustling of clothes before his comforting warmth and weight settle just behind you.
The dipping of the mattress brings you closer to him, his large, calloused hand settling on your hip to keep you from bumping into him but unable to keep you from feeling his hard length pressing deliciously against your back.
“You think you can take me? Just like this?” He breathes hot against the back of your neck and it makes you suppress a shiver. You tell ‘yes’ quietly, feeling that any louder and your voice would crack with heavy arousal. Which he can most definitely smell if not just sense, by the lazy flicker of his tail and the teasing circles at your hip that dip a bit too far down to just be reassurance. “If you say so.”
You turn your head back when his hands disappear from your body for a bit too long to see him run his forked tongue over the length of his palm and fingers before wrapping his wet hand around his flushed cock. You moan, depraved and desperate, “If you keep making those sounds, this is gonna go down a very different path.” He warns half-heartedly.
“And why shouldn’t it?” The moment the words escape your mouth, Aether’s one dry hand slides around your throat, just sitting there, holding and but not squeezing. His other, slick hand, holds open one of your legs.
“I’m too tired for that, bunny. Plus, I’m not letting you take back that request.” He growls the last word while nudging his cock right over your entrance, sending another harsh shiver down your spine.
Your hips tilt back instinctively, urging him inside, “Just- Come on, Aether. I’m cold~."
How could he resist such a sweet plea?
Coming back to the present, the memory makes you clench around the weighty length still inside you - oh so deliciously warm - just like you wanted.
Air tickles the back of your neck before two large hands wrap around your chest, pulling you against Aether’s soft body, “Awake already?”
The rumble of his deep, morning voice, passing through his chest at your back and into your ear has you squirming and tightening on his cock with a gasp.
“Hmm, are you warm, bunny? Perhaps not warm enough. Let’s fix that.”
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waywardangel-wilds · 17 days
This was inspired by some posts I saw this morning! Hazelle-Haymitch relationship reveal!
“Hey!” Haymitch shouts from somewhere behind her. She ignores him. “Don’t make me get up and get you, girl!”
“What d’you want? Can’t you see I’m busy?” She shouts in return, leaning back to kneel among the primroses.
“Come here, I need to talk to you.” The old man insists, leaning over his porch railing.
“Nah, if you need to say something say it,” Katniss replies in annoyance, going back to her weeding without a further thought. It’s damn hot and she’d rather finish up so she can sit herself down with a nice cool glass of lemonade, not play who’s gonna scream first with Haymitch, thank you very much.
“Katniss Everdeen!” Katniss jumps, transported back to being 13 years old, her head hung and a busted lip smarting, shoulder to shoulder with her then best friend while his mother rips them both a new one. Hazelle Hawthorne stares her down from the porch, her hands braced sternly on her hips. Nothing much has changed from the memory of her, she looks seconds away from yanking her by the earlobe. “Don’t you make me waste my breath, listen when you’re spoken to.”
“Yes ma’am,” the response comes to her automatically. She stands and brushes her hands against her thighs taking a moment to jump the fence between hers and Haymitch’s house.
“Let me look at you,” Hazelle says when she’s on the step below her, cupping the younger woman’s cheeks with her hard working hands. “Aren’t you a cute little thing?”
She blushes, “thank you. I hadn’t heard about you getting back…?”
“You wouldn’t have, I wasn’t back till now.” She pats her cheek and takes a step back. “Come inside now, we don’t bite.”
“I know you don’t,” Katniss gives Haymitch a withering glance at the comment. “What? I’ve seen you do it.”
“That isn’t funny,” she mutters as she she walks past him.
“Take a seat please, darlin’. This won’t take too long. Lemonade?” Hazelle offers over her shoulder, disappearing down the hall.
“I’ll take a glass.” Katniss mutters absentmindedly, shocked by the state of the house. “What happened in here?”
“We cleaned.” Haymitch replies, going to sit on the couch. “Better close that mouth or you’ll catch flies.”
“You cleaned? How?” Katniss sits, taking in the shinning wooden floors (still burned and stained in some places, but what can you do?), the new curtains, the pretty and clearly handmade throw pillows. “Are you sick? You’re dying?”
“No I’m not—” Haymitch rolls his eyes. “Will you just behave? You’ll hurt Hazelle’s feelings.”
“Here you go, darlin’,” Hazelle returns with a sweating glass of lemonade which Katniss greedily accepts. “Now, I’ll just come out and say it if you don’t mind. I don’t see the point in beating around the bush or what have you. Old Haymitch and I are a couple now.”
Katniss chokes, sickly sweet lemonade burning a path up her nose. “What?!”
“You heard. Now, I know you’ve taken a special liking to the old goose—“
“Hey now,” Haymitch adds.
“But things might be a little different now. Haymitch thought it best to tell you first, just to give you a few days to chew it over before the boys come by.” She nods and folds her hands expectantly.
“Well?” Haymitch asks, watching her with an amused quirk to his brow as she opens and closes her mouth like a dying fish.
“I-just. W-why?” She turns her head several times as she tries to comprehend what she’s hearing, looking at Hazelle at one moment and Haymitch during the next. “How? Why?”
“Don’t be rude now, you already asked why.” Hazelle’s eyes twinkle with that motherly sternness and Katniss promptly shuts her mouth. “I know this might seem hard to believe, but us grown folks still have it in us to fall in love.”
“Love?! Why my—with, my god, Haymitch?” Katniss stumbles over her words incredulously.
“What did I say?” Hazelle waves that stern finger of hers and Katniss shuts her mouth again.
“I’m sorry but,” Katniss looks around the house. “How? And without us noticing— wait, Peeta doesn’t know, does he?”
“No,” Haymitch pats her leg. “You’re the first of the kids to know.”
“But we’re right next door.”
“You are,” Hazelle chuckles, taking a seat on Katniss’s other side. “But, you’re a little preoccupied with each other.”
“Obsessed is more like it,” Haymitch interjects.
“They’re young,” Hazelle defends easily. “I know the honeymoon stage is a lovely thing, but, bless your heart, it makes fools out of everyone.”
Katniss would refute that, but, well, yeah it’s true.
“You’ve been coming and going then?” Katniss looks to Hazelle who nods in confirmation. “For how long?”
“Oh, months darlin’,” Hazelle chuckles. “See here? I hand stitched these myself.” She shows off one of the throw pillows.
“It’s lovely,” Katniss might be socially inept, but she knows how to interact with her elders. “And— wait a minute. The boys? The kids are coming? What about Posey?”
“Oh she’s upstairs,” Hazelle waves dismissively in the direction of the staircase.
“What?” Katniss sits at attention. “And you didn’t come say hello?”
“Well, she’s been busy with school,” Hazelle says.
“And I wanted to make sure I told you what’s been going on. No more secrets, you know, because—” Haymitch says.
Katniss nods, “yeah, I know. Thanks, I guess.”
There’s a silence then as Haymitch pats her knee and awkwardly acknowledged that old betrayal she still hadn’t entirely put to rest. She avoids looking at him. This whole thing feels weird.
“And you know what this all means don’t you?” Hazelle asks carefully.
Katniss blinks, feeling as if she’s missing something vital. “You’ll be our neighbour? Yeah, I get that.”
“No— well yes, of course. But..”
“She’s trying to say tall dark and righteous is coming over,” Haymitch elbows her. “Keep up.”
Katniss can feel the blood draining from her face. “Oh. I see.”
“If that’s alright—”
“No! Yes! Of course, yes!” Katniss cuts Hazelle off. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I’m not upset, honest.”
“I just don’t want to make anything harder for you, it’s only been three years since—“
“I’ll be okay.” Katniss lays her hands on Hazelle’s. “thank you for telling me. I won’t keep you any longer, I… I should go home.” She takes the lemonade from where she’d braced it between her knees. “Peeta’s probably looking for me by now.”
“Well, alright,” Hazelle says unconvincingly. “But if you need anything you know where to find me.”
Katniss stands, nodding. “Right. And, you’ll let me know when…?”
“Okay then.” She claps her hands together awkwardly. “I-uh. This is nice, I mean— uh I suppose this is okay, um, you and uh.”
“Haymitch, sweetheart. It’s still Haymitch.”
“Right,” Katniss grimaces. “Um. Bye? Give Posey my love?”
“Will do,” Hazelle smiles.
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ewanmitchelll · 4 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift Songs (XV): Enchanted.
Imagine Lord Aemond Targaryen courts you amidst the rumors he’s been linked to Lady Alys Rivers.
Warnings: drama, fluff.
Warnings 2: alternative universe where no civil war happens, notwithstanding the silent rivalry between the Valeryons and the Targaryens.
• (I)
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place, walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy… Vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you…
You are an illegitimate daughter of Lord Daemon Targaryen who was promptly taken by King Viserys to live at the royal court. Because you have the same age of Lord Aemond, one his youngest children, you are raised by their side under the careful gaze of his Queen.
Notwithstanding her enmity to your father, whom you see rarely—especially after his marriage to Lady Laena Velaryon—, she’s grown attached to you, a sentiment you reciprocate.
It could not be otherwise. You are great friends with the Greens and as much as you appreciate the fanciful robes and education, like any other dragon whom you share the blood with, you feel locked up at a cage.
You are there when Helaena reclaims her dragon as well as Aegon and even the Velaryon boys—Jacaerys, Lucerys…—but you and Aemond are the only ones without one to ride. This is perhaps what brings you to him.
“You are very quiet”, Aemond muses one of these days where he and you share a lesson under the same tutor designated by Queen Alicent. “What troubles you, Y/N?”
“I am often quiet, Aemond”, you shrug your shoulders.
“This is not true”, he insists, poking your side until he gets a smile out of your lips.
“It is! You know how introspective I can be.”
“No more than my sister Helaena”, Aemond teases you.
You turn at him, in contemplative state.
“Have you ever wondered what’s the world outside like? What lies beyond these pillars of stones?”
“I have… If I had a dragon to reclaim, this question would have been long answered.”
“I doubt it. We are tied to our families, my dear”, and by that you mean your uncle’s since you resent your father has not given you any short notice.
Seeing it through you, Aemond realizes you two have more in common than he’d judged.
“True, but my path is mine”, he says with conviction.
You smile at him, pleased to find in your cousin a proper companion. Aemond, on his turn, is enchanted to think likewise. A bond has formed.
• (II)
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?". 'Cross the room your silhouette, starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy…
Aemond is there to encourage you when the situation to reclaim your dragon presents itself. Both of you are in your late teenager days and it has been a while since your favored companion claimed Vhagar, which resulted in a permanent feud with your half-sisters and the Velaryons. Disregarding it such, at their horror, you stood by his side.
And now the one-eyed prince leads you to Dragonstone where a silver dragon awaits, wild and with no rider to claim it.
“There you have it”, you hear him say. “The key to your aimed freedom.”
You turn at him with a glint of mischief in your eyes.
“Oh, Aemond Targaryen. You are the death of me.”
Hands tied behind his back, the composed prince nods his head before chuckling.
“Hardly, my dear. Off you go. No tips. You must do it yourself.”
It’s when your willfulness disappears and Aemond spots fear taking its place. As he takes your side, the silver haired prince seeks to encourage you like you’ve always done to him.
In this quiet twilight where birds are not singing and no other sounds are heard, it feels as if the world holds its breath. You are remembered of the comparisons made between you and your father by malicious courtiers, the look of disdain perceived in Otto Hightower’s gaze due to your station and whom you are related to.
Aemond knows where this reluctance comes from. He watches you, his lingering gaze capturing the lines of concern that form in your eyes when you narrow your gaze at the wild beast that dangerously sets its pace around the abandoned hill where no peasant nor nobleman sets their foot.
His gaze moves to how you chew your bottom lip, how you barely breathe, paralyzed by the insecurity he too was once familiar to. Wind blows against your hair, wildly loose this day. It is as if nature takes hold of your spirit for you clench your jaw.
Aemond smiles to himself.
“Go on, lass! I know you can do it!”
When you turn your head, not minding the mess your hair is, you and the prince exchange a long look, sharing a secretive smile.
A soul recognizes in another. You and him know it, as if a spell has been casted to charm you to him—and, unbeknownst to you, him to you—, that synchrony is not a proper word to describe your bond.
But encouraged by him this is the time to leave your sentiments aside, that now have become evident to you. Ignoring the fear that flashes before the prince’s good eye, you step proudly to the silver dragon with long, pointed tail and shade of dark silver coloring its wings.
The creature is a young adult with yellow flaring eyes that cast a disdain look at you. It takes little time before it reads your intentions. Aemond watches, frozen, as the flying beast throws its head back and spits fire.
“Fuck!”, he curses under his breath, unwilling to admit he could have followed you closely and helped you in mounting the said creature.
“Y/N!”, Aemond yells. “Be careful! Look at its eyes with no fear!”
Without looking back, you respond something he cannot understand. Aemond pales, giving a look at Vhagar, who doesn’t stand too far. The older dragon opens only an eye as if it’s to say “your problem, not mine”, drifting back to sleep leaving Aemond grumbling to himself.
In truth, the elements of riding this young adult dragon are not in your favor. The creature is a product of wildnerness, and only the Gods can tell how on seven hells it appeared there. Thus, away of human care, it would prove difficult to settle easily with anyone who attempted to tame it.
Regardless, you are well versed in draconian studies to be easily frightened off.
“I am my father’s daughter”, you tell yourself.
Twice, the dragon tries to burn you alive. Perceiving you as a threat, this only makes difficult for you to approach.
Aemond, as a watcher, fears for you. He forgets to breathe when seeing you fearlessly facing the silver dragon.
Two steps he gives, decided to rescue you when he is surprised by your confident yells:
“Lykiri, Silverlightning!”
The dragon hesitates at first, however, understanding the command said in Old Valyrian, promptly bows its head.
Aemond smiles widely, proud of you as you climb the dragon you claimed and start to fly.
Indeed, a thought occurs the prince, you are every inch Lord Daemon’s daughter.
• (III)
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. I was enchanted to meet you…
You and Aemond are flying high this night with nothing but the moon and stars as witnesses. In spite of the great difference between their dragons, harmony is felt, synchronized in perfect balance.
“How on earth do you manage to fly dressed on your gown? This is impossible!”, you hear Aemond muse loud.
He smiles at the sight of you throwing your head back and laughing. Nothing warms his heart more than being the cause of the delight he sees sparkling in your eyes.
“A lady always has her tricks and shares them with no one”, you answer him over your shoulder, winking at him.
Under the moon light, your dragon and Aemond’s pair up like two skilled dancers. There, up in the air, liberty is tasted at its highest. Titles are casted aside, privileges forgotten, obligations neglected…
You and him can be yourselves. Simply dragon riders.
Eventually, though, you two must land. Once you do, Aemond insists in helping you going down. As he does, his hands take a little while around your waist.
It’s when you notice how tall he is in comparison to you.
“You look pretty, lady”, he whispers. “I like when your hair is down like this.”
Wind is still blowing, albeit weakly, against your curls, and you are struggling to keep them down. You smile at his words.
“Oh, lord. I fear you are flattering me…”
“This is not a trait I possess, I’m afraid”, he smiles in his own way and you like the view. “You’ve grown to be a very handsome woman, Y/N. Your wit has sharpened as well, and you possess virtues I admire.”
Aemond can tell how his words affect you. The way your eyes go slight wide, the dimples forming in your cheeks, how slowly your lips twist in a smile that brightens your face. His heart races. But something stops him of moving further.
Yet, whatever occupies his thoughts is distracted of the pink that paints your cheeks and how shyly you seek out of his hand.
“You are an expertise in making any lady speechless. I wish I was poet so I could give voice to how I feel about you”, you avoid his gaze, leaving your bluntness with your dragon. “However, I cannot let you go back inside without assuring you that I have no one to hold dearer in my most deep affections than you, my lord.”
You raise your eyes and meet his. Aemond is bewildered by your words, captivated by the depth of your sentiments that these could at least partially transmit even though he sees it in your eyes.
Drowned in them, the prince is dragged to meet your soul. It feels like home. Gravity pulls him to you. He lifts your chin, holding it still and there is a mutual expectation concerning the next steps.
His lips are short distanced of yours, and you can smell his sweet breath. Your eyes linger to his red-ish mouth as his stare into yours. His long, paled and callous hand strokes your cheek and you are transmitted, in turn, the darkness within that paves bad choices and poorly closed wounds.
Nevertheless you remain.
“How sacred is the bond that links us”, he whispers before finally holding your face dear and kisses you fiercely, but slowly.
You gasp in delight at the clash of your lips against his, at the dragon smell of his body that mixed with the scent of yours, at how close, but not seemingly enough, one is with the other.
Every barrier is knocked down as his tongue snakes in your mouth, pairing perfectly with yours, dominating in a sweet, vicious kiss. You fear to lose your breath, thus holding onto him for balance.
As the kiss deepens, your hands grow confident. Soon, your hands move up to his hair, feeling his locks slipping through your fingers as you hold them tight, earning him a sigh.
The danger posed by this unexpected and secret meeting is the fire that might come out of a spark. Aemond feels it in you, thus parting it before he lets it lose within.
When you meet his gaze, there is no need to speak. Even so you need reassurances.
“Will I see you again?”
Aemond takes your hand and there presses a kiss. Only then he answers, when looking into your eyes:
“Yes, my dear Y/Nickname. How can it be otherwise?”
You smile, completely charmed, completely enchanted to be with him.
• (IV)
The lingering question kept me up. 2 AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake and now I'm pacing back and forth. Wishing you were at my door. I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"…
It so appears that Daemon Targaryen has the bad habit of carrying bad omens wherever he goes. A judgement of his enemies that you cannot not think at times.
He barely arrives and all the distrust between him and his brother’s second wife’s family threatens to disrupt in something worse.
Leaving politics aside, though, he does not look very pleased at the thought of you being courted by Lord Aemond.
“I am nothing but the daughter of a whore”, you snap at him when he comes to you and rather leaves clear his opinions on the courtship—and only Gods know by what means he was informed of your liaison with the prince your cousin since neither had made it official. “Is it not what you have always been told? Is it not why I was left under the king’s piety?”
Your father stares at you in complete disbelief. Now residing at Dragonstone, he’s taken as wife Princess Rhaenyra, who’s been acknowledged only recently as the heiress to the Iron Throne.
“These people have been poisoning your ears. I’ve always told my brother about the danger of having you raised here. Do not speak ill of your mother, she was a good woman.”
“This is untrue. The Queen is kind to me and her children are like my family. At least they are far more like brothers and sisters than the ones I have by full blood.”
Daemon strokes his cheek, reclined against the chair he occupies. You two are at his privy bedchambers and though he appears to be relaxed, you know there’s a tempest forming behind his lilac eyes.
“I admit I should have brought you to be raised with Rhaela and Baela, but my brother, the king, took an especial interest in raising you.”
“And I am not being ungrateful about that”, you scoff. “I love my uncle dearly, but you have not been present when I needed most. You cannot tell me who I may or may not get myself involved with…”
“Oh yes, I may”, he interrupts you, to your consternation. “Especially when my good nephew has been spotted at Harrenhal at the company of a woman named Alys Rivers. It appears that he’s taken a special liking to bastards.”
You blush furiously at this amount of informations, but more so when he highlighted your status.
“If I brought you shame, father, you can say so. But do not offend…”
“Since when speaking truths mean offense?”, Daemon loses his patience at last. “All I wanted was to provide you security, girl! But the Hightowers have turned you in a soft young woman who takes as token the poisonous words of a libertine!”
“And do you think you have the morals to exempt yourself of it?” Part of you refuses to believe in him. “Separating myself from you and never writing me a letter to know how I was fairing… Certainly after the incident where Aemond lost an eye contributed to your getting away. But no matter. The King has been a better father than you ever were!”
You have no idea how high your voice was and how hurt you have become through the years. As you storm off, you recollect how, at the day of Lady Laena Velaryon’s burial, you were looked down by the said lady’s mother. You’ve always felt despised for being a natural product of your father with an old flame.
As you rush to the outdoors, you miss Aemond’s going back from wherever he’d been through. He is following Aegon when he spots a shadow of a storm crossing the corridors.
“I wonder what has left Y/N so upset”, the prince thinks out loud.
Aegon chuckles dryly.
“Oh, haven’t you heard? Our dear uncle has come to bring some more scandals. Like always, set to leave a path of troubles.”
“And what he has done now?”, Aemond inquires in between annoyance and interest.
Aegon gives his younger brother a mischievous grin.
“He took as third wife our sister, Rhaenyra.”
Aemond watches as you land with Silverlightning. The bond you two formed has strengthened with the time. Your hair, always lose, is a mess by the wind, but today it looks like a veil under which you hide.
You also notice that you dress an old green gown of his mother, which he thinks that matches you fine, reinforcing your delicate features at the same time that leaves to notice the beauty of your curves.
Clearing his throat to dissipate these thoughts, the prince moves to where you stand. Once wind stops howling, he says:
“I’m sorry.”
“What do you feel sorry about?”
“Your father’s latest scandal has been the talk of court.”
You snarl at him.
“Oh, that.”
It occurs Aemond that something else upsets you, which prevents you to look back at him. He lowers his gaze, ashamed for a moment. Silence hangs awkwardly between the two of you until the prince dares to break it.
“You have not been yourself lately and I was not there to watch over you”, he apologizes, trying to short the distance that has been growing between you.
You cast the prince a look and he sees pain in it, which leaves him in tormented.
“My lady, your silence is like a sharp dagger”, he takes your hand and gives it a squeeze.
Part of you wishes to get him answers. Another one refuses it. Where, however, do you stay? You look at this man, your childhood companion who grew to be the only one you love. Once upon a time these nights flying in your dragons, where you were enchanted in sharing this great intimacy with someone like him.
Now you question yourself whether this had been an illusion you fed.
As you open your mouth to finally inquire about the rumors that have been snaking into your mind and forming a nest of paranoia, you are interrupted by the presence of the Queen.
“My children”, she greets you warmly and you smile instantly. Alicent has occupied the left vacancy post of your mother, something which you are thankful for. “We are receiving guests this evening. The king, your father, wishes you to partake the feast. Better get yourselves dressed.”
Aemond pulls a face, but this is the only sign of displeasure he shows, not being a fan of such ceremonies. But before he protests to have a chance to speak with you, the Queen steals you away.
“I understand the presence of your father here might be delicate to you”, she says as you two step away. “Believe me, dear Y/N, it is delicate to me as well. It was a never a secret that I dislike my brother-in-law.”
Somehow the crude honesty in her words makes you chuckle.
“And yet you have welcomed here, my lady, being the mother I was deprived of.”
The Queen smiles fondly at you, stroking your hand gently as you two walk arm-in-arm.
“The children are not blamed for their father’s sins. And you are not sinful by all means, Y/N. I mean to tell you this because I am playing a good effort in receiving him and your siblings here too. Rhaenyra and I, as you know, are good friends. She has yet to meet you properly, but the princess has confided me the wishes of having you living with her and your father at Dragonstone.”
You stop by the corridors at what you heard. In truth, you hold nothing against Princess Rhaenyra as you hardly had some concept against her predecessor, disregarding some prejudices concerning your illegitimacy. However, this is all new.
“I’ve always assumed I was unwanted somehow”, you confide the queen in a whisper.
The Queen turns at you gently and holds your face with a maternal look. She sees your unspoken wounds and makes sure to amend them. Or try to.
“My darling, you are not unwanted. Do not think yourself as such. You are a dragon, the king ensured to legitimate you for this purpose. You are a great dragon rider. I have heard Aemond telling many good things of you to Aegon”, she smiles widely when spotting a blush creeping on your cheeks.
“You are loved here. And whatever decision you make…”
“I am staying with you”, you tell her. “I need no other family.”
The Queen beams at you. She places a kiss over your forehead before saying:
“I appreciate my darling. But even so I must insist in that you should tell this decision to your father.”
You find strange that the Queen is playing the peacemaker with her enemy, but this is part of the queenship, so you should not be entirely surprised. Later that day, you two speak no more of it, and you are momentarily distracted of your current issues.
• (V)
This is me praying that. This was the very first page not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you…
You are taking a moment by yourself when your father approaches.
“We didn’t start well”, says he, watching as you stand and look at him, surprised to find him there. “I always thought my brother, the king, had stolen you from me. He said I was unfit to look after you, my child. This does not excuse my poor choices, but somehow I wanted the best for you.”
You tilt your head, weighing the words he said. Considering what you know regarding his behavior, you find no lies. Nonetheless, you’ve been in a distrustful mood, considering the whole Aemond’s possibly affair with a lady named Alys Rivers.
“I was raised here. The king and the queen were very good to me”, you find sensible to omit Otto Hightower’s despise.
Daemon studies you. Though calmer you may be, he can still see you like a mirror. The looks, the snarks, the self defense… Every inch like him.
“We can still amend it. The princess would like to spend more time with you. Your sisters likewise.”
You scoff.
“Baela and Rhaena don’t speak to me since I stood for Aemond many years ago.”
“Not the wisest move, but I am hardly a model for anything of the sort.” He snorts. “There is still time to consider… Y/N.”
Daemon watches as you merely nod your head, moving to Silverlightening. He side smirks as you ride graciously, dressed in silk. At times he’s remembered of the woman he first loved, your mother. These are the times he wishes to go back in past and be a more decent man.
But this Targaryen rogue has few—if any—regrets to collect. Even so, as you fly, he knows he will have you back. All he needs is the precious thing he lost: time.
Aemond finds you this evening, anxious to resolve all that has to be resolved. He couldn’t find you all day, frustrated for having you removed out of his sight—but never out of his mind.
“Y/N!”, he cries your name out the moment you land with Silverlightening.
You freeze as your Achilles heal comes at you. Aemond has grown to a fine, good looking man who, despite his bad reputation, has been nothing but kind to you, protective and more.
“I fear that I’m losing you”, he doesn’t wait to formalities. “I understand it has reached you the rumors about me and a woman named Alys Rivers.”
Aemond can tell there is much to be said, but none of it reaches your tongue. Nonetheless, he must clear once for all before it’s too late.
“She was once my mistress, I will not deny that”, says he, pained as you flinch quietly. “But this is no more. I am yours, and yours alone. I was never besotted with a woman like her…Her name hardly ever occupied my thoughts.”
You will not deny yourself that for a while you wished he never loved anyone else, that you secretly prayed that no one would be waiting for him as you two danced with your dragons in the night.
But now you are confused.
“What are you telling me, Aemond?”
“I fucking love you, Y/N Targaryen!”
That being said, he takes your face with his long hands and kisses your lips intently so, fearful of letting you slip through his fingertips.
“Oh Aemond”, you sigh in content, a smile set on your face dispersing every fear, every insecurity.
Red is his face. Aemond is usually careful, mindful of his sentiments, which are normally on check. Hardly the one prompted to impulsiveness, to be ruled by his passions—he is the epithet of lucidity amidst his siblings.
Where reason doesn’t see, though, a deep ocean of feelings is felt. And you gleefully dive in as you pull him back to kiss his lips.
“I was always enchanted to be with you”, he whispers, his lips inch away from yours, forehead resting against yours, eyes closed. “I was a fool for never making my feelings clear.”
“Better late than ever”, you smile at him in great contentment. “All is well that ends well with you.”
As he locks fingers with you, there lies the certainty of never letting you go.
“Be my wife”, Aemond murmurs and you are amused by his demanding tone.
“You are not asking”, you giggle.
“Of course not. If you vow to me that you are not going back with this woman.”
It’s Aemond who laughs now.
“Clearly not, Y/N. If I shall take the love of my existence as consort, then I best offer you what’s the best of me…”
You throw your hands around his neck.
“Then you better take me away and make me your wife, Aemond Targaryen.”
• Epilogue. (Perpetual peace)
With Rhaenyra crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, relations between the Targaryens have altered significantly.
One of which concerns how you and your father managed to overcome obstacles in your relationship thanks to the mediation of the new Queen, who also consented in having you married to Lord Aemond.
This day, thus, is one of the many celebrations the Queen and her consort, your father, are giving on your behalf. There are many tournaments and a great feast is held on your wedding day.
It is curious how by amending his relationship with you, by extent you make peace with your half-sisters and even towards the Velaryon boys. Despite preferring Helaena’s company, soon you and Baela find that riding a dragon is something both of you enjoy—amidst other common tastes.
As for Aemond, he admits that uncle Daemon is one whom he often looks up. Thanks to you, this is a bond that will get stronger with time.
“You better not break my daughter’s heart”, the rogue prince says in a very serious tone. “I have many flaws, but do not underestimate my iron will in protecting my family.”
And then he takes his son by marriage in a tender embrace. You could not have your cheeks any redder after it.
“Dear Gods”, you mumble, all the whilst you watch them exchange amenities.
As you take your seat at the high table and your husband follows you, for the bedding ceremony is about to be announced in that boisterous manner, you both enjoy the last reminiscent of brief silence.
“My lady wife”, Aemond takes your hand to his lips and there presses a kiss. “I don’t think I ever told you how I was enchanted to meet you the day my late father brought you to us.”
Your face is bright red, much to his delight. The one eyed prince side smirks at you, still kissing your delicate fingertips. You tilt your head to the side, eyeing him devotedly.
“My lord husband”, you chew the new word and it gives you butterflies on your stomach. “So was I. The moment I saw you, I knew you were mine.”
“Indeed”, he whispers. “I shall be eternally yours if you have me.”
You lean towards him, lips barely touching his.
“As am I.”
But no word is spoken as the already drunk prince consort announces this is it. It’s time for husband and wife to be… well, husband and wife.
The bedding ritual thus begins.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
For the writing game darling - meet ugly + time travel + PERO ❤️ Thank you!
Thank you for requesting bby!!! I'm not sure if the meet was ugly enough, but hopefully you'll enjoy luv u ❤️❤️❤️ this could be way longer tbh but i stopped myself since it was meant to be a drabble lmaosvfd
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pairing: pero tovar x fem!reader
genre: meet ugly + time travel, romance, a bit of angst
word count: 536
summary: Three times in Pero's lifetime, fate intertwined your paths. Once in his twenties, then in his thirties, and yet again in his forties, you were brought together, your lives intersecting in ways you couldn't predict.
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You just appear in front of him. Just like that. No warning. No puff of smoke. Pero was younger back then, a troublemaker. He was thrown out of the tavern, bat drunk, leaning against the dirty wall. 
Then he saw you. 
You just stood there, confused, shaking, wearing clothes he couldn't quite understand. He couldn't focus. One moment he was looking up at you, the second he was hurling, bile burning his throat as he crouched towards the ground. 
When he looked back up again you were gone. A cold wind blew. Your scent still lingered in the air. 
The next time Pero met you was ten years later. You’re looking less confused, more curious. You spotted him through the busy street and waved. Pero raised an eyebrow. His suspicion grew. His first instinct was to move away and disappear from your eyesight. But against his better judgment, he stood there. You approached him. 
“I remember you,” you said. “You’re the guy that puked ten years ago.” 
“You have quite the memory,” he grunted. “And an odd way of speech.” 
“Oh…well,” you cleared your throat. “I’m new.” 
“Where are you from?” 
“Uh…a town close to hear.” 
Pero grinned then. He leaned forward, crowding your space. He enjoyed the way your eyes widened, a slight fear swirling in them. You licked your bottom lip, and touched something on your waist. He didn’t bother to look down at it. His smile was wide and mocking. 
“You lie,” he answered. “I can tell.” 
The silence that followed was amusing to him. Your body locked up, eyes flitting between his. Enjoying the way you didn’t avert your eyes, Pero lets out a chuck. Crossing his arms over his chest, he backed away. 
“Come with me,” he said, pointing to a tavern with his head. “I wish to learn more about the woman that is riddled with mystery.” 
You appeared in a field this time. Pero, now older in age, made his way to you in haste. His home was riddled with memories of you. The stuff you bough, the books you chose. Only to not be touched for years. His eyes become wet as he wrapped his arms around you. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling you, etching you into his memory before you were lost to him again. 
“Pero,” you sighed, fingers toying with the soft curls that dance over his name. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, amor,” he whispered, warm breath fanning your skin. He felt the way your hands trembled. His knees buckled, both of you falling promptly to the field. His smile widened as you giggled, your face hovering an inch above his. You stroke his beard, gently pinching his chin. 
“You’ve grown handsome with old age.” 
“Does that mean you found me ugly before? I am hurt, rosa.” 
“No silly,” you leaned in, pressing your lips tenderly into his. “I’ve always found you handsome.” 
“Whereas you haven’t aged a day,” he answered, licking your bottom lips. “Stay. Don’t go.” 
You let out a sigh, and his heart sunk into his chest. After a silence that stretches, you kiss his neck. 
“Okay,” you whispered. “I will.” 
320 notes · View notes
diaryujin · 9 months
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summary: you and miyeon had been best friends since the age that the both of you could walk. in all that time, you developed a HUGE crush on her, but you didn’t know if it was mutual and didn’t want to risk your friendship...until you found out she was leaving.
genre: fluff
includes: childhood friends to lovers, kissing, slight angst if you squint, best friends to lovers, a tad bit of dirty humor, reader calls Miyeon ‘Mi’, Miyeon calls reader ‘my sweet Y/N’
pairing: bsf! miyeon x fem! reader
word count: 2.8k
a/n: this is my first work on this site, hope it’s as enjoyable to read as it was to write!
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You ran down the dirt path that led to a little clearing in a field of daisies. Sitting on your usual picnic blanket, was your best friend since childhood, Cho Miyeon. You finally reached her, and you let your hands rest on your knees as you try to catch your breath. She looked at you in this state with a slight grin, and you were anticipat-
“Did I take your breath away now?”
“Mi, you’re too narcissistic.”
But then again, she was right.
Every time you saw her, everything else seemed to disappear. You got this rush of adrenaline, these butterflies, this feeling you could get with no one else. To say that it was just a minor crush would be lying. She was the only one who mattered, you felt, and to some extent, it wasn’t just a delusion, it was true.
“Y/N, Y/N! I have an idea!”
“Go on.”
“What if we make daisy chains?”
“Well…I’m not the most talented at that.”
“It’s fine. I’ll make them for us.”
“You sure? I’d feel bad letting you do everything.”
She turned to face you, her grin shifting into a small smile.
“I’ve already told you, Y/N. I’d do anything for you. I’d move mountains for you, if I had to.”
“Do it then. Let me see if your cheesy ass would actually move a mountain.”
“Y/N! You’re ruining the sentiment!”
You chuckled as Miyeon started pouting.
“Sorry, sorry.”
She got up and went to pick daisies, and you promptly followed her. Together, you looked for the best, whitest daisies. She took the flowers and spread them over the picnic blanket before starting to make daisy chains. You watched intently, her fingers made quick work and in almost no time, she finished two pretty chains, one for her and one for you. 
“Are these good?”
“No. They’re amazing.”
“Mmm? Who’s being cheesy now?”
“I’m being truthful. There’s a difference.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.”
She glanced around the field, breathing in a bit, before spotting two dandelions.
“Y/N, do you want to make a wish on a dandelion?”
“It’s just a silly superstition, Mi.”
“You never know!”
You shook your head in defeat. Miyeon’s enthusiasm was too contagious, and you couldn’t say no.
“Fine. Only because you said so.”
She grinned excitedly at you. She took both of the dandelions and carefully handed one to you, making sure that the feathery bits didn’t fly away yet.
“Y/N, did you know that the bits that fly away are called pappus?”
“Right? Until now I always used to call them flying or feathery bits.”
“I know.”
You looked at each other and chuckled. Miyeon looked at the dandelion in her hand, and spun it around slightly. 
“Mi, what’s your wish?”
She looked at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N, you’re not supposed to tell your wish! That would ruin the magic and the wish won’t come true!”
You scratched your head in confusion. “What…? Isn’t that for birthdays?” “It applies to dandelion wishing too.”
“Curiosity killed the cat then, if you really can’t tell me.”
Miyeon turned to face you again, and she lightly booped your nose with her finger.
“But satisfaction brought it back. I’ll tell you my wish…when it comes true.”
You whined in annoyance.
“Oh come on! That could easily be never!”
She laughed a little at you.
“Fine. In ten years?”
“We could be dead by then!”
“Five years. That’s the minimum.”
She had a serious look on her face and you knew that there was no budging from there. You sighed in defeat.
“No other compromise I can get, huh?” “Nope.”
You stared into her eyes a little longer than best friends would, but neither of you realized it. A lot of things were normal between you both. She turned back to her dandelion. “Y/N, let’s blow the dandelions? They might fly away otherwise.”
“Sure, that’s better than a blowjob.”
Her head whipped to look at you again. Her glossy back hair flopping around her face.
“Y/N. Y/N, that was extremely out of pocket, you unholy little prick.”
She smacked your forehead, leaving a slightly red mark where she hit you.
“Ouch! That was unnecessary!”
“It’s unnecessary just like what you said, my sweet Y/N!”
You blushed a little, which was noticed by her. She presumed that it was because you were embarrassed. No, you were blushing because of the last three words she said.
‘My sweet Y/N.’
Oh, how you wished to be exactly that.
“Alright, no more delays. Let’s blow them together on the count of three.”
“Whatever you say.”
You blew on the dandelions at the same time, and watched as the pappus flew away delicately in the gentle breeze.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Not as beautiful as you, Y/N."
You blushed yet again. She poked your cheek and smiled brightly.
“Mi! You can’t just flirt like that!”
“Why not? Can’t I do anything with my Y/N?”
“Y/N! Why are you this-”
“This what? Amazing? Spectacular?”
You grinned at her, before nudging her shoulder.
“That’s why you love me.”
Little did you know, she very much did.
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Miyeon had called you to the daisy field again. It was usual for you to meet up there from time to time, at least every month, but she seemed to be a bit more serious about this now. She stood at your usual spot, but there were no dandelions this time around. She was facing your direction, arms behind her back, lips pursed together. When she saw you, she smiled, but it looked forced and almost…sad. You immediately knew something was wrong. You went up to her and stood in front of the girl on the soft, squishy ground. Your eyes met hers and you frowned slightly.
“Mi, what’s bothering you?”
She sighed, and you could feel your heart sink a little. Miyeon was usually so bubbly and cheerful,  and you had rarely seen her glum or sad in all the years you knew her.
“Y/N, I…I’m moving.”
You stared into her almond eyes, blinking thrice before registering her statement.
“Wait, wait- moving as in moving house or…?”
“Moving states. I’m moving to Seoul, and it’s pretty far from here…”
“So I can’t see you again? When are you going? Please tell me you have at least a month or so left? We-we had so many plans Mi-“
She placed her finger on your lips, cutting you off.
“Y/N, I’m going next week. This…might as well be our last meeting, because I’ll be too busy packing and running errands…you get the gist.”
She stared at you hesitantly, waiting for your reaction.
“When- when- are you coming back?”
“I-I really don’t know.” 
Her voice sounded small and broken. You stared at her in disbelief.
“You’re going for like- forever in a week, and you only care to tell me now?! Why couldn’t you tell me earlier? We could’ve done so much if I knew we had a time limit of sorts! Why, Mi? Why?”
She placed one of her hands on your shoulders, steadying you.
“I’m so, so, so sorry Y/N, but honestly? You’d be too sentimental about it. Every time we’d meet up, I can see you reminding me about the ‘dreaded day’, and I don’t want that. Do you see my point, my Y/N?”
You stayed silent for a while, before letting out a heavy breath and nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I see your point, Mi. I get it. I just- I’ll miss you so much, I-I don’t even know where to start. It’s hard, really hard to imagine this place without you. All our usual places, this daisy field…it’ll all feel so empty.”
She wrapped her arms around you, enveloping you in a warm, comforting hug. You hugged her back as you buried your head in her shoulder. There was silence for a while before you heard a few sniffles from her.
“I-I’ll miss you too, Y/N. Dearly. More than you could ever imagine. Like- it’s too hard to put in words…but it feels like I’m losing my world.
You trailed off, fearing that your voice would crack if you spoke anymore and you’d let the floodgates open. You were doing your best to remain composed and to keep your shit together.
“I know, Y/N. I know. I’ll miss you. I feel guilty about everything we haven’t done yet, but I am deeply, truly grateful for all the memories we made together, even if they were bad ones.”
As she spoke, you mentally kicked yourself for not confessing to her. You weren’t in the mindset to do it now, and there would be no opportunities later. Now, you’d have to live possibly the rest of your life without knowing whether she felt the same way. Damn it, you were such a coward.
She suddenly pulled away and hid her hands behind her back again.
“Y/N, I have a little something for you. It’s not much, but I hope you like it.”
She brought her arms in front of her, revealing a baby pink rose in full bloom.
“So that’s what was poking my back. Boom, mystery solved.”
“Hey, say something about my gift! Don’t you like it?”
You stared at her with a serious face.
“No, I don’t.”
Her face fell and her insides twisted around a bit until she saw your own face break into a sweet smile.
“I love it.”
She gave it to you in relieved happiness.
“Thank God. It took me a while to find it.”
You twirled it around in your hand, careful not to prick yourself on the thorns.
“You know something Y/N?”
“No, I don’t.”
You replied back simply, not taking your eyes off the rose.
“Well, let me tell you. To me, you’re like a rose among the daisies.”
This remark made you look at her face in utter confusion.
“What does that mean?”
“Just like this rose, you have beautiful petals and sharp thorns, yet I love it all the same. 
This rose is unique among all these daisies, and it stands out. You’re just like that. In this world, you stand out to me, and you’re extremely special to my heart.”
You stood there in shock, heat rushing up to your cheeks.
“Miyeon, I- that’s so…poetic of you.”
“I know right? I should become a poet!”
You rolled your eyes in playful annoyance.
“Sure, sure. Remember me when you’re famous.”
She held your free hand in hers.
“Y/N, I could never forget you.”
Her eyes welled up with tears.
“Just- just please. Promise me you’ll do the same.”
You smiled sadly at her.
“That’s a promise I can keep very easily.”
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You were walking in the old, familiar daisy field. It felt so empty and dull without Miyeon. It just didn’t feel the way it used to.
You had bought a new, similar pink rose when the one Miyeon got you tried out. After that, it became necessary for you to replace the rose whenever it wilted. You didn’t have to, of course, but you wanted to keep that memory of her alive. Not like it was possible for you to forget her, considering that she made such a big impact on your life, but still.
As if it was muscle memory, your feet instinctively walked to the nostalgic clearing, expecting no one else there. Your expectations were wrong, and you saw a stunning, drop dead gorgeous blonde woman sitting on a rather familiar picnic blanket. You took a glance at the woman’s face as her eyes were closed. You could connect her to someone very fresh in your memory, and your stomach started doing somersaults. 
You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but it was worth a shot.
“Mi…yeon? Cho Miyeon?”
Her eyes shot open at her name being called, before widening at seeing your face. She got up and ran over to you to hug you tightly, as if she never wanted to let you go.
“Y/N! My Y/N!”
You wrapped your arms around her as well, rocking her from side to side slightly.
“Yeah, your Y/N. When did you get back?”
She moved back before she rested her hands on your shoulders.
“Just yesterday, actually. I was planning on going over to your house to see you again, but 
oh, you’re already here, standing in front of me! This- it’s such a wonderful- maybe coincidental, but wonderful nonetheless- surprise!”
“Mi, you’ve only gotten prettier. Like- I was star-struck seeing you.”
Her cheeks turned red as she smiled shyly at you. The old nickname made her feel safe 
and warm, as if she was returning to her home after years.
Technically, that was exactly what was happening.
“Come on, let’s sit down.”
She went and sat down on the picnic blanket, and patted the spot next to her. You sat 
there, and looked at the blanket curiously.
“You still have this?”
“Yep. It’s not in bad condition, why throw it?”
“Makes sense.”
You both started chatting animatedly, catching up on all the drama and events that happened to both of you during the years you were apart. After a while, you simply sat next to each other, staring at the setting sun and the sky, which was all hues of pinks, blues, oranges and yellows, as if a giant paintbrush had been jiggled into a jar of water. Miyeon’s right hand suddenly held your left hand, and you squeezed it a little, smiling to yourself.
The setting was perfect, almost romantic. A sudden surge of confidence rushed through you, and at that moment, you knew what you had to do. This bravery wouldn’t come back so easily, and it was now or never.
You turned to the girl next to you.
“Hey, Mi? I have something to confess…”
She turned to face you.
“Hm? What is it, Y/N?”
You took a deep breath, trying to relax. You didn’t have to be scared. Even if she did reject you, she’d be sweet about it and would help you until you got over her. Only question was, would you be able to handle it?
“I…I have a crush on you. I’ve had it for a really long time, and it hadn’t diminished one bit while you were gone. If anything, it got stronger…”
She seemed to be frozen in place, and you were already regretting it.
“I’m sorry for doing this so-“
“Don’t be.”
You were confused.
“Because…I feel the same.”
Your eyes lit up.
“Really? Like- actually?”
You smiled at each other lovingly, lost in the moment, lost in each other. She suddenly decided to break the silence.
“Y/N, you might not remember, but…there was this one day where we both made a wish on a dandelion.”
You had that day picture perfect in your memory.
“I remember. Hey- it’s been more than five years…now you should tell me!”
“Yeah, I was going to do that. On one condition though.”
“What is it?”
“You tell me your wish too!”
You nodded in agreement, before smiling shyly at her.
“Well, my wish was to one day be able to confess to you, Mi.”
“Mine was for you to love me back.”
You stared at her, mouth agape.
“See, this wishing in a dandelion thing isn’t bogus; it works!”
You spoke up in protest, but you really didn’t want to have a silly little argument right now.
“Y/N…this is- you are all my dreams come true.”
She stroked your hair gently with her left hand, her right one still holding your left.
“Mi, I hope that in all alternative universes and next lives, I find you.”
You both let your foreheads touch as her arm wrapped around your waist. She whispered to you, her breath soft on your face.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Miyeon.”
“Can I- Can I kiss you?”
You blinked twice, considering what she said.
“Yes…yes you can.”
Her right arm was around your waist, as she used her left hand to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Her hand moved gently, leaving a featherlight touch. It rested on your cheek, and she stroked it gently. You smiled at each other, before she leaned in and closed the gap.
It was perfect.
Her lips were soft and sweet, and those few moments felt like heaven. She pulled away after a while, looking at you nervously.
“How was it?”
“Mi, that was- perfect. I’ve never felt anything like that before.”
She giggled before speaking again.
“I got you a gift.”
It was another pink rose, almost the same as the ones you bought. She gave it to you, her eyes shining.
“To think that the last time you did this was years ago…Mi, you’re an angel. You- scratch that, you’re my paradise. My own paradise, especially every time I look into those angel eyes.
She blushed heavily. “And Y/N, you…you’re my rose among the daisies.
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kingmikoto · 10 months
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𝙘-𝙘-𝙘-𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 ☆ 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙮𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙤
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☆ ──── 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: honestly it's been a minute and i just wanted to update this blog so heres a little chifuyu fluff :)
☆ ──── 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨): just fluff
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Fiery leaves covered the trees and once grassy floor of the woods as you treaded on the pathway of your regular morning walk. Usually you were alone, but you had bumped into Chifuyu who somehow mistakenly ordered two hot chocolates. He was bundled up in a burnt orange puffer jacket with a cute pompom beanie to match. The tip of his nose and the apple of his cheeks were rosy from the cold air nipping at his skin, but he wore a endearing lopsided grin as he jubilantly handed you his supposed accidental second hot cocoa.
"It's freakin cold out here." He shivered as he took a sip of his drink.
"So, why are you out here then?" You promptly asked.
His eyes widened at the question and you had to bite the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from giggling.
Chifuyu's crush on you was so evident. Everyone knew about it and yet he seemed to be taking his time with asking you out. You lost track of how many times he had "attempted" to, but they had all failed. It's not that you didn't like Chifuyu back, you did. It was clear to group that you had expressed interest in him, but alas you were a traditional woman. You would never ask out a man. It was against your very nature. So, the never ending attempts of trying to ask you out and seemingly cute "one-sided" gestures had continued much to your friends dismay.
"I always walk this path at--" He peeked over at his watch. "--precisely 6:15 AM."
You giggled and shook your head as you headed over to a bench and took a seat. He sat beside you leaving a small space between the both of you. "I thought you were cold?"
Your eyes gestured to the unoccupied space. He quickly got the hint and scooted closer to you. His body heat had emanated from him making you feel cozy by his side.
"Much." He mumbled into the rim of cup before taking another long swig of it.
The sound of the leaves rustling filled the air as you watched the steam from your cup swirl and then disappear into the chilling atomsphere. How you had missed the fall. It was your favorite time of the year. Chifuyu smiled at the content expression on your face. There was nothing he loved seeing more than the adorable way the corners of your lips turned up and the excitement glimmering in your beautiful eyes.
"You're so pretty, [name]." It was hardly audible, but it was enough to make your cheeks feel warm.
"You're pretty, too, Chifuyu." Chifuyu immediately flustered at your swift reply. You thought he was pretty?! He had never been called pretty before...
"Th-thanks..." He shifts his cerulean blue gaze from yours before shyily taking another sip. You bit your lip and watched as his face contorted in embarrassment. You no longer thought the blush that was dashed across his cheeks was from just the cold.
"You know," He fidgeted with the zipper of his pockets. "I really only came out here to see you."
You sipped at your hot cocoa and raised your brows at him. "Oh?"
"Yeah. I mean," He scratched the back of his head and a sheepish grin made a way onto his cute face. He finally gathered the courage to gaze into your eyes and the look on his face had suddenly made your heart thump loudly against your chest. "I wanted to finally have the balls to ask you out."
You giggled at his choice in words. How very Chifuyu of him. "Yeah?"
He laughed. "Yeah."
The expression on his face suddenly serious as he reached for your hand. The tips of his fingers were cold, but his palms were warm and little sweaty. "So, will you go out with me?"
"Hmm." You tapped your index finger onto your lips as you feigned pondering on his question. The look of determination was strong on his face as he fixed his gaze onto you. You finally meet his eyes and tenderly pecked his cheek. He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks as your lips fell in contact with his skin. "Of course I will, Chifuyu. It's about time you asked me out!"
He chuckled as he touched the cheek you had kissed.
"I know, I'm kind of an idiot." You set your cup down beside you and snuggled into his form and he instantly wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Yeah, but now you're my idiot."
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tachimichishrine · 7 months
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"the cat came back"
h. p. lovecraft x fem! natsume's daughter! reader
lovecraft is canon afraid of cats! now you know >:)
warnings: uncontrollable fluff ; that was a joke idk how to fluff ; made him ooc af womp womp ; i want to eat lovecraft ; just a little nom nom is that too much to ask; tentacle hentai (reader eats his hair) ; fishing boats (derogatory) ; intended lowercase
moonlight was his favourite time of the day.
his eyes peeked out from the rippling surface of the water, hair floating and spanning out like branches of a tree. he was sleeping a short while ago, until...
"shh!! it's the middle of the night, someone's gonna yell at us for doing this!"
disinterested eyes glanced at a boat. a fishing boat. he shuddered; it appeared like two adults were sitting down on it, giggling mischievously at each other while the motor grumbled loudly, scaring away the sea life from the secluded corner along the coast.
"bah, it's not a big deal," the other person responded, sporting a confident smirk. "we're out in the middle of nowhere. who are we going to disturb, the little mermaid?"
another round of giggles. the couple bickered about something else, something he didn't care to remember, then ate each other. lovecraft watched curiously as their lips met, then sighed. he wanted to sleep.
he reached a tentacle from under the surface of the water and capsized the boat.
another week, another goddamn boat. he just wanted to sleep: ever since the guild had fallen apart, he didn't have to do anything, and he enjoyed it very much. he'd occasionally leave the comfort of the sea for some ice cream, but the looks he'd get while out in public made him anxious, so he'd stopped doing that a long time ago.
"I heard the spooky sea beast lives around here..." a voice said lowly, holding a flashlight out to the murky waters. "some say it's the kraken, others that it's the soul of the deceased..."
he didn't like to be disturbed. lovecraft flipped them over.
the next night, it happened again.
by the end of the month, it seemed he had become a local folklore story. he wasn't particularly interested in hearing all the stories about himself, and what was worse is that he found himself at the center of attention. gross.
he would keep flipping boats until they would leave him alone.
"[_____], come on, get in the boat! you're such a scaredy cat!"
"yeah, I am!" the woman yelling from the shore exclaimed. she was watching a few of her friends get into a wooden tub of death and paddle in the direction of a sea creature that had been terrorizing their city. it wasn't a myth, as everyone who doubted would go and find themselves thrown into the water promptly. the question was mostly as to what on earth was doing this. "you know I hate getting wet, and I don't want to get eaten by a sea beast today, thank you very much!"
the friends pouted, pleaded for her to come along, and the only agreement they came to involved the woman following them from land. she watched them as her boots squelched into the damp earth in the same direction as their path, and they spoke from a far distance.
which woke up lovecraft.
he grumbled, displeased. this was never fun, and it was getting even worse now. the top of his head peeped out from the water as he got a look at the young adults laughing and joking from their fishing boat, and he flipped them with one movement.
they all yelled out as they splashed into the water, arms desperately gripping onto the upside-down boat as they looked around fearfully, then at each other with chuckles.
"told ya it was real!"
"gahh, my shirt is soaked!"
"dude, your entire body is soaked."
it was all a game to them, he seemed to notice. they thought this little escapade and mission of disturbing him was all for fun. he didn't have time to feel annoyed about it, because it was time to sleep. on the verge or disappearing back into the abyss, he felt a pebble bounce on the back of his head.
he turned his head around, his neck contorting as he saw a young woman looking at him, eyes wide.
they stared at each other for a few moments.
she let out a yelp, and her entire body compressed down to that of a calico cat.
he saw the cat and yelled out in response, tentacles sprouting, bursting out from various parts of his body.
the cat ran away and nothing was said. the group of friends were still laughing as they had gotten back into the boat and began paddling to shore, not seeing the iceberg underneath their feet that was the body of a real sea monster.
the next day, lovecraft was out of the water, in the middle of the day nonetheless, simply to dry up a little bit before he went back into the water. somehow, this logic added up to him.
all was fine until he saw the woman again.
she was leaning against a rock, not quite sitting but not quite standing. she looked nervous, glancing around her everywhere as if she was expecting to get attacked at any moment. her eyes darted to the water, where she saw nothing, then back to her surrounding. back to the water. back the the surroundings. her foot was tapping the soil incessantly and her lower lip was being abused by her teeth as she nibbled to distract herself.
this time, she saw him.
they looked at each other again, but it was much more tamed than the previous time. she didn't turn into a cat, and he didn't turn into a natural catastrophe.
her mouth seemed to open, but lovecraft didn't hear any words from out of her. she just creased her brows together, then sighed. "um... hi, hello. I'm... I'm [_____]. you're howard phillips lovecraft, aren't you?"
he hovered at the surface with only his dark eyes and long hair visible, maintaining blank stare.
she extended her hand out to him, then realized it was stupid to shake hands with someone who was several meters away, several meters deep into the water. laughing nervously, she rubbed the back of her neck.
"I didn't... I didn't mean to scare you the other day, you just caught me off guard. you see, I'm in the business of keeping track of the ability users in yokohoma, and you never came up on my radar. so I asked around," and here she kicked a rock with a chuckle to herself, "actually, I just asked my dad, and he told me about the guild."
still no reaction. lovecraft had fallen asleep with his eyes open.
she crouched down, grabbed a pebble, and flicked it onto his forehead. heavy eyelids raised for a moment.
"would you be willing to uh... get out of the water to speak with me, for just a moment? I can... well, I don't really know what to offer you."
she babbled on, face flushed and looking at the ground and her feet as she kept speaking, saying things that neither of them understood, and it was only when he got close that she took notice the tall, dripping wet figure looming over her. he was wearing clothes and everything, even had was appeared to have been a nice jacket in the past before... whatever tore it apart. she met his eyes.
"thank you! it just makes this... whatever... easier... ahh, forget about it. could we... walk and talk? I don't want to lure you away from your... your home?..."
"I'm hungry," he proclaims, a statement more than a request.
"sure!" she nodded, although a little confused and uncertain, leading the way as she walks through the rugged terrain of the trail before arriving at her car and opening the passenger door for him, waiting for him to hop inside.
now, he looked confused.
"is there food inside?"
this was going to be a long discussion.
[_____]'s job was simple: she had to keep tabs on all of the ability users in yokohoma. know who they worked for, their relationships, their dreams and aspirations. when you can turn into a cuddly ball of fur, it isn't particularly hard to gain information.
she had no clue what was going on with this man, though.
rumours had sprung up about the sea monster. she knew, of course, there was no such thing, but in the spirit of the approaching holiday she indulged her friends in a trip.
seeing a man living in the water was not what she had expected, much less to surprise herself by getting flustered enough to accidentally use her ability and turn into a cat. it was just her luck that cats seemed to terrify the man.
speaking was hard too, since he didn't really seem to know much about the ways of the world. she knew he was from america, but common courtesy of not trying to eat someone's car for dinner was likely the same there as it was in japan. likely.
it was cute how ice cream was the secret to taming him.
"lovecraft," she snapped her fingers in his face as he zoned out for what could be the seventh time in the same sentence, "look, I don't mean to take your entire day. I was just hoping you could lay low on the boat flipping for the time being."
"I am laying low," he stated blankly, a smudge of chocolate cream smeared across the corner of his lip, like a child. she chuckled warmly and pointed it out to him, but he just shrugged and kept licking the frozen treat. "the boats keep coming."
"because you've become a horror attraction," she retorted. something deep within her caused her to run her thumb along the edge of his lip to clean him up, partly because she knew he wouldn't do it himself, partly because she thought she'd go mad over the messiness. "leave the boats alone and they'll leave you alone. it's as simple as that."
he wasn't paying attention again. he'd gotten tired of licking and dislocated his jaw just to swallow the entire cone in one bite. the paper wrapper and napkin around it were still not removed, too, but he didn't seem to care as he pushed his jaw back into place and kept walking by her side, as if it were nothing.
she decided it was easier to not comment.
they made their way back to the vehicle, and she dropped him back off at his corner of the water, verifying multiple times that he didn't want help looking for a place to live. a slight pause and hesitation; she wanted to give him her phone number in the event he needed something, but she quickly realized he probably doesn't even have a phone, let alone one he uses.
another ability user to add to her list. what a bunch of weirdos.
boats kept coming.
this time, they were getting louder, more intrusive. some people brought diving gear and headlights, eager to explore the water for the sea beat. lovecraft was not pleased.
it was hard at first to take the advice of the strange woman. then, when they put on loud speakers and played blaring music during their expeditions, it became impossible to ignore them. a blizzard of tentacles and otherworldly monstrous body parts ravaged every boat on the lake.
[_____] showed up a dozen minutes later, not pleased.
no one was injured, but news reporters had gathered and were making a bug fuss out of it all. they dispersed after some time, and she was the only one left. she tossed pebbles into the water, hoping for him to resurface for them to talk.
"I specifically told you to do one thing," she grumbled, glaring into his sleepy eyes that peeked up. "now the whole town knows there's something going on here."
he briefly racked his brain for past interactions with his former partner, steinbeck, and realized this was the sort of situation where he was supposed to apologize. she looked at him with distrust when he did (quite blandly), but ultimately sighed and shook her head, saying it wasn't a problem.
"maybe you just need to get out of here," she proposed. "if you're not in the water when the tourists arrive, you won't have to endure all of it. do you have someplace else to go in the meantime?"
a shake of his head signaled he didn't, but also that he didn't seem to care. of course he wasn't picky about where he lived, he was currently residing in what amounted to a swamp.
"would you like to stay with me until this whole thing goes away?"
lovecraft shrugged, "okay," as if it weren't a big deal for either of them. she scolded herself for being baffled at his nonchalant reaction, which was to be expected.
she insisted he dry himself up this time before getting in her car, though.
lovecraft made himself at home by eating just about everything she had in her pantry, then trying to eat the pantry.
a smack on the back of his neck with a rolled up newspaper, and he was set straight. she indicated that he could sleep on the couch for the time being, just as long as he double-checked with her that it was okay before eating anything, emphasis on thing.
"I'm not around most of the time," she told him as she put on a coat while near the entrance, eyes darting around to make sure she wasn't leaving any valuable around in the event that they magically disappear upon her return. "so, the place is yours. are you sure you don't have anyone you want to stay with? I was told you had a partner when you were in the guild, a young lad named steinbeck. I can track him and the remnants of the guild down, if you'd like."
not a trace of anger, disgust, or even any emotion from his response. he simply wanted to be left alone, she realized.
her expression softened and she put the coat back down, walking up to him.
"how about this, would you want to go get some ice cream again? I can pay, of course."
money didn't seem to cross his radar, so the final comment went through his head. she wanted to understand him, as was the task her father had delegated onto her to know all ability users, but it was proving a lot harder than she'd thought.
that's how she found herself, a disgusted look on her face as she watched lovecraft jump into a small pond near the ice cream shop, the treat still in his hand. the ball of frozen cream floated on the surface of the murky water, and he opened his mouth to eat it like a koi fish.
"there's... there's so much wrong with what you're doing right now," she frowned, watching him happily ruin the clothes she'd just bought for him by swimming around in them. again. "howard, you're going to have to take it easy on my wallet, I don't have an infinite supply of clothes to get you."
he vanished under the surface and did not come back up for an entire minute.
she couldn't handle water - she retained quite a bit of feline features even in human form, after all - and there was no way in hell she was going to jump in to save him if he were drowning. he wasn't drowning, of course, he'd just made his way along the floor and chomped down on unsuspecting sea-dwellers. since she'd said she can't pay for everything, this was free. at least, he thinks it is.
when he came back up, she sighed with a tired smile on her face, leading him back to the apartment.
"how does your hair never get tangled?"
she was watching him curiously as he spread his lanky limbs across the sofa, bones breaking and body distorting to make it more comfortable for him. he didn't seem to hear her question until fingers raked through silky locks.
"why would it?" he raised a brow, eyelids still shut. after a few weeks, he'd gotten better at conversation, but the horror fanatics were still invading his little corner of the sea. besides, he liked it better here.
"oh right, I forgot that you don't have the problems the rest of us mortals have," she said jokingly, but realized she wasn't even sure if it was a joke. she started having doubts that he had an ability and wasn't really just a sea monster after all. fingers combed through obsidian streaks. "ahhh... it's so soft..."
she stood up in front of him, and made her entire body visible. "I'm going to turn into a cat, now."
they agreed to make it clear to the other before doing anything that scared the other, and that involved using their abilities. she liked being a cat, most of the time, as it was more pleasant to nap and lounge around in that form. however, it still caught him by surprise, and he nearly shattered the entire apartment once when he went into the kitchen for some food and caught her sleeping in a bread basket.
grey eyes watched the calico cat pounce up from the floor onto the sofa, hobble along the edge of his body until it twirled around itself and slept in the waves of hair.
he was already asleep by then, so he didn't mind when little cat teeth nibbled on the strands. they tasted like sea water, to no one's shock. paws stretched out with a yawn, then went back to snuggling themselves under the warm body of fur.
maybe this arrangement wasn't so bad.
he was getting much better as weeks turned into months. the craze over the yokohoma sea monster died down, but he found himself attached to someone for the first time in his existence. he didn't know how to describe the feeling other than warmth and that of a full stomach.
giggles exhaled in clouds of fog as she walked on the empty streets at night with him by her side. she was cold, and so was he; the only difference is that she felt it whereas he simply didn't care.
"can we go home..." he grumbled, albeit glad for the absence of people in the vicinity. they made him uncomfortable, all except for her. he didn't know why his lips were tugging upwards as she took his hand in hers.
"you're freezing," she remarked against icy flesh. "I'm sure there's a café or something nearby, if you want to warm up before headi-"
his other arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her against his frame, face buried deep enough in his chest to cause her to suffocate. her feet were kicked upwards behind her, body no longer touching the ground as he carried her entire weight with his one arm.
"you're cold too. this will help."
he took her muffled cries for confirmation that he did the right thing, and walked them home in just about the most awkward position possible. she managed to crane her neck to the side, gasping for breaths, but just laughed to herself at his peculiarities.
he was right, it did help.
she remained curled up against him even as they got inside, slipped under blankets and were laying on the couch. not that she had a choice; he didn't seem keen on letting go anytime soon.
"my limbs don't bend like yours do. could I..." she squirmed, grateful that he seemed to get the message and loosened his hold on her. she repositioned herself then curled back up into him, rubbing her head in slow circles against his chest from feline instinct. she muttered a thanks into his slowly warming shirt.
everything felt so uncomplicated in his presence. even as a horror movie played in the background, she nearly fell asleep on him, and he had long gone into the realm of dreams. they were both snoring softly when a dramatic scream emanated from the television, jolting him awake.
her eyes were still closed, and he just took a look at her face for a few moments before having what was more of an urge than an idea.
he ate her mouth.
this sprung her wide awake as she pulled away from shock once she'd realized he was biting her lips.
"what are you doing?!" she shrieked, hands pushing on his chest to lift herself up and off of him. "you can't just... what... why would you... ?!!!"
he looked at her with a dull expression, a sliver of confusion revealing itself on his long features. "I saw... I saw people do this when they're content. I-"
"oh my god," she let out a breath of relief as she understood that his actions didn't align with his intentions, even chuckling softly as she let herself fall back onto him, body now completely on top of his. her face was hovering on top of him, and she kept a gentle smile. "people do that when they're in love, howard. it's called a kiss."
again, confusion and a grumble. "oh. what does that mean?"
she squinted, almost as if looking for the answer to his question in the backrooms of his irises. "I don't know how to explain it, but it's what people feel when they're really happy around each other."
"I feel like that," he stated blankly, watching as her face flushed in embarrassment.
"you can't just say that like it's nothing," she managed to croak out without combusting on the spot. "love is a very big thing. you have to mean it."
"why wouldn't I mean it?"
her lips parted as she tried to respond, then realized just how simple everything was with this man. lovecraft didn't care about the specifics, and maybe she shouldn't either. she exhaled through her mouth slowly, then brought her hands to his cheek.
"okay, fine. I'm going to kiss you now, alright? don't do anything like try to bite my flesh off, just... just let me kiss you. can we try that?" the words felt silly as they spilled out, but he nodded. if it didn't involve him doing anything, that was even better, he thought.
his eyes were open as lips met again. he took notice that hers were closed, but he couldn't quite understand why. it was nothing like what he'd tried earlier: she was soft and slow about it. he could feel her chest fall and rise in sync with the gentle breaths she let out. it was clear she wasn't sure about what she was doing, but after a few moments, she leaned in closer and he could taste her on his tongue. she rubbed her lips on his, and smirked once she felt him trying to reciprocate by copying her movements. fingers slid from his cheeks to his hair, and she pulled his face deeper into hers.
she let out a soft yelp as his tongue dipped further into her, now an addict of her taste. he tried to be careful, he really did, but his teeth bit down into her tongue a little harshly as he tried to get the hang of this. as soon as things got too messy, too fast, she slowly pulled away, his lower lip flicking back upwards as her own let it go. her eyes fluttered back open, and she found herself giggling as she saw that his were open the entire time. of course they were.
"that," she whispered with a smile, fingers stroking his hair and weaving through them at his scalp, "that is a kiss. how did that feel?"
his face literally melted and he became a gooey mess of tentacles and monstrous shapes as he felt his entire body explode internally.
watching his version of being flustered be to turn into his alternate form, she was tempted to giggle at how adorable his reaction was. however, she quickly found herself projected across the room as he accidentally threw her out of panic.
she chuckled, back slumped against the wall while sitting on the floor on the opposite end of the room, a hand on her head feeling for any bumps or cuts. "I take it that means you liked it."
a hand around his hips, a hand holding a cup of hot chocolate.
a hand on her waist, a hand gripping five different ice cream cones all at once.
they sat on a bench in the dead of the night, which was really the only time she could get him out of the apartment. during the day, she would go out and work while he stayed home and slept. during the night, they would occasionally go out, then come home and sleep. it was quite the schedule.
she took a slow sip of her hot chocolate, head tilting to the side in order to rest on his shoulder. in order to not disturb her, he contorted his neck at an angle that would make anybody call on for a higher being's protection, and tossed all the cones into his mouth in one motion.
"want a sip?" she offered her drink, unfazed by anything he did anymore. "not the whole cup, just a taste."
his eyes met hers, and he shrugged yes. she smirked and kissed his lips, the chocolate flavour lingering even as she pulled away.
thankfully, as they were in public even though there was no one out at this unholy hour, he just blushed and did not morph into an enemy of the state and humanity. she liked it when he blushed; his sharp features softened and glistened under the moonlight. another kiss to the high of his cheekbones paired with fingertips sliding along his abdomen, and the red deepened.
"m'just messin' with you," murmured against his skin. "want to go home now?"
it was a stupid question: he always wanted to go home.
only, his home was no longer a place, but a person.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Don't Touch
Sky hums as he carves, slowly turning the piece of wood in his hands. Wood shavings fall to his lap where he periodically brushes them away. Beneath his knife, a loftwing is emerging. He’s carved plenty of them by now, but the form is soothing. It reminds him of his Zelda.
He runs light fingers over the wood, feeling for sharp edges to round out. A yelp from the firepit shows Warriors yanking his slapped hand away from where Wild’s frying bread in a thick pan.
The newest hero is slowly settling into the group, but he’s still standoffish around some of them. Wild gets along with Hyrule and Legend, with a surprisingly high tolerance for sharp remarks. Twilight and the Champion spin around each other; coming closer and breaking apart for no discernible reason. Even Warriors, Wind, and Time had their small moments with him.
No, he and Four seem to be on the outside still. With Four, it seems more like they just don’t cross paths rather than active avoidance. It shouldn’t matter that Sky is being ignored on purpose or not, but it still causes a low aching throb in his chest. Did he do something to scare Wild away or make him uncomfortable?
The more he reaches out, the more the Champion edges away. Often literally—he shies away from hugs or even a pat on the shoulder. Sky’s seen him flop all over Wolfie, though, so he’s certainly comfortable with animals. Even Hyrule sometimes offers a hug that’s accepted. When Sky offers physical affection, though, it’s almost always rebuffed.
His frown deepening at the mystery, Sky continues carving.
Wind is curled up against his side with the sailcloth tucked around him when he catches Wild staring. In the near darkness his eyes glint, almost like an animal. Then the fire flickers and it disappears. Just a trick of the light. The champion is still across the low burning fire, eyes fixed on Sky.
Dinner is long gone and cleaned and some of the Chain already unrolled their sleeping mats. Wind insisted he wasn’t tired and promptly started dozing against Sky. Offering a smile, the Chosen hero gestures for Wild to join them.
He jerks and his eyes dart away. ‘I’m good,’ he signs, although it’s hard to see in the dim light. Wild’s arms wrap around his middle in an imitation hug and Sky stomps on the urge to go gather him into his arms anyway.
Against his side, Wind starts snoring softly. Wild’s gaze slowly drifts back to them and stays, but Sky says nothing further.
The next time Time asks for people to split into groups for tasks, Sky volunteers to join Wild. Maybe time alone will help the hero relax.
They’re in charge of foraging, a task Wild is well-suited to, and Sky…isn’t. His knowledge of food from the land is lacking in comparison to the others. Wild must think so too, because he keeps shooting Sky sidelong glances as they head into the forest.
“I’d like to learn more about foraging,” Sky offers. “I didn’t grow up around it, but I don’t want to be a hindrance to the group.”
Wild nods at that, hands coming up to sign. ‘Knowing how to find food can be the difference between living and dying in the wild.’
It’s not the sort of peril Sky’s adventure contained, but he doesn’t bring it up. “Could you teach me?”
‘Of course!’ Wild brightens at the prospect.
Maybe he should have tried connecting on their shared interests earlier. Well, it wasn’t shared but—he really should learn. And if that means Sky gets to spend time with Wild, all the better.
He looks around as they walk, letting the greenery sink in around him. “Here’s one!” he leans over to grab a mushroom only to have Wild bat at him without touching.
“Poisonous. It’ll irritate your hands.”
Sky rapidly yanks his hands back and tries to fix it in his mind. “Well, what about this?” He points to something sticking half out of the dirt beneath a log.
Wild glances at it before grinning and nodding. “Sure.”
With barely held delight, Sky pulls up his prize and holds out—a rock. He gives Wild a flat look, but the other is grinning. “Ha, ha, very funny.” The rock might be thrown more than tossed, but no one needs to know.
The champion continues, still chuckling to himself. He ranges back and forth from tree to tree, eyes constantly searching. Sky follows, less actively searching as he still isn’t sure what to look for.
The flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye has him reaching out to grab Wild. “Loo—”
Wild jerks back sharply, spinning around with a pained noise. Sky freezes, hand still outstretched. The chipmunk he was going to point to bounds away.
“Sorry?” Sky offers.
Wild blinks and stares for a long moment, then turns and continues.
“Wild? Did I…do something?” How did he manage to mess this up already?
Instead of answering, the Champion cuts to the side and pauses. ‘Here,’ he signs. ‘Wild garlic.’ He pulls out a small knife and starts cutting a bunch.
Sky drops next to him, but he’s got the Master Sword on his back, not a foraging knife. The slate chirps and Wild hands him another knife, careful to keep his fingers clear of Sky when he takes it. It’s like he’s trying to avoid touching—
He stares at the bunch of garlic in his hand, still halfway through cutting. Memories of their time and situation run by rapidly as he thinks. Wild’s Hyrule is emptier than expected, for all he seemed to enjoy the company of those at the stable when they visited.
How often is he around large groups of people like this to engage in casual physical touch? He’d bet good money there were few instances during his hero journey.
Wild clicks his tongue to catch Sky’s attention, frowning at the inaction. Another puzzle piece slides into place; others in the group would reach out and nudge Sky for attention.
With a smile, Sky shakes his head and keeps cutting the plants. The last thing he needs to do is make the Champion uncomfortable. He’ll find a way to ease him into it.
Read the rest here!
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