#then you could sit and memorize them for when they came in the radio
ginnyjyng · 6 months
Some of you never experienced the pain of going to the record store and copying lyrics from the booklets on the demos, and it shows
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hazbinstohell · 8 months
Just Roll With It - Chalastor
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Summary - Charlie and Alastor meet with Adam. Adam’s under the impression Alastor’s her new beau…Alastor runs with it, and now they have a royal wedding on their hands…
Adam watched as Charlie and some tall creepy red guy came to the meeting room. He was already annoyed that Heaven was allowing redemptions, let alone pushing back the exterminations to once every three years. And every year, Charlie came to them to ask just for more time, hoping that she can push more redemptions. So far, there was only about 20 every year.
Charlie found this a good thing…
Heaven….not so much.
Charlie waved and found herself a seat at the table. The other guy immediately pulled out a chair, and had her sit, pushing it in for her and then finding his own seat.
“Uh! Hi! Adam, how has it been?”
“Going, as usual. You know…all that good divine shit. Hey, uh? Where is Vag!?”
“Oh uh…me and her are not in a relationship anymore. But she is still a great friend and is staying to help those who want it!”
Adam narrows his eyes, “Huh. Didn’t see that one coming…” he looks over at Alastor, whose smile has gotten bigger as their eyes meet, “So, uh…this new guy your boyfriend?”
Lute intercepts, “Adam, that’s the radio demon!”
Adam leans back, “Oh man! You went from that hottie Va Jay Jay to one of the most sought out souls we’ve been trying to get! Nice…”
Charlie looks over at Alastor, “Uh…”
Alastor laughs, “Alastor! Nice to hear that my reputation is known well amongst the angels.”
Adam shrugs, “I mean, she could have done worst right? I’m sure you and your girlfriend here must have lots of fun with the trouble you get into.”
Charlie finally intervenes, “Adam, this is my partner, Alastor.” She says and Alastor nods, “A pleasure to meet you!”
Adam looks at the two of them a moment, and Lute watches on, “Wait!? What!”
Charlie narrows her eyes, “What?”
Adam grabs the desk, “Partner!? You all are getting married!?”
Charlie deadpans, “What..I…n…”
But Alastor, being Alastor, agrees, “Yes, indeedy! Me and Charlie are to be wedded!”
Even Charlie, still confused, looks to Alastor, “What? I…”
Alastor looks at Charlie, “My dear, we shouldn’t keep this a secret much longer, everyone is going to know eventually…ha!”
Charlie could tell that Alastor was trying hard to not burst out laughing. She sighed and wondered to herself how Alastor always got her into these weird situations. Almost three years ago he told her father she was like a dad…
And now, he was telling the head of the Angelic Armies that he is her soon to be husband.
She groaned, looking down for a moment while Adam spoke, “No shit! Like, a full on royal wedding!? Oh I know Lucifer and Lilith would put out all the stops! When you guys planning this event!?”
Charlie dragged her hand down her face. Alastor looked at her and laughed, “Why, we were thinking a year would give everyone time!”
Charlie looked at the Radio Demon, her annoyance flustering, “Alastor…” she mumbled, and he shrugged as if he was innocent.
Adam deflated, “A year!? But…that’s the next extermination!”
Charlie all of a sudden looks at Adam, “Come again?”
Adam shakes his head, “But, if you guys take a year…that’s…like right in the middle of it all!”
Charlie looks back to Lute, who shrugs.
Adam looks like he is confused, but then leans over, “So like…what if you guys move it up just a bit?”
Charlie goes to talk but Alastor’s “hmm” while looking at his sharp nails makes her take a look at him as he speaks, “I don’t know about that. These events take time! Especially one as royal as this one! Why, this is Lucifer’s daughter! Doesn’t Charlie deserve the very best? I know I wouldn’t want to spoil my bride to be’s most memorable day!”
Adam leans to Lute, “Dude. I fucking LOVE weddings! But a royal one?!”
Lute narrows his eyes at Adam, “Are you for real? They are…”
Charlie interrupts, “Oh! Alastor is right!” Alastor holds his hand out to her, and she realizes they are now in this fully. She takes it, noticing his thumb gently rubs along her knuckles, tender as if he cares, and Charlie takes in a breath, “It is in a year and you know how sometimes things can be with these big ol shindigs, and my Dad is putting out all the stops! It’s going to be the most amazing wedding day that has ever become between two souls!”
Adam seems absolutely excited, as Lute narrows her eyes at the couple.
Alastor notices it quicker than Charlie and takes her hand, gently kissing it. Charlie is shocked, and looks at him. She doesn’t know how to feel about it! Shocked…confused…but Alastor just looks at her warmly.
It works on Lute.
Adam leans over, “Like…ok! If we extend out the extermination one more year, I’ll totally get an invite, right?! I can play a mean guitar for the band at the wedding! Why I’ll bring all of squad down!”
Charlie and Alastor lean forward, and turn to their backs to the angels.
“Alastor! Seriously!?” Charlie whispers in shock.
Alastor smiles a wide grin, “It gives us a whole year, my dear! We meet the goal, and then we can scrap the whole thing! It’s a win-win…”
Charlie looks down, “And if they question it?”
Alastor waves a hand as if it won’t matter, “Then we keep the charade for awhile.”
Adam looks in interest. He can’t hear them, but their mannerisms make him feel like Alastor’s hand waving as if he could care less if Adam is at the wedding. He claps his hand and leans forward, hoping for the good news…
Charlie turns along with Alastor, who is now standing beside her, “I don’t know…I was hoping to keep the wedding on the smaller side.”
Alastor smiles as she goes along with the ruse, “Nonsense, Charlie! I’m sure there are even others up there that your father might want to come! And our redeemed friends too…”
Adam calls out, “Oh oh! I could totally get them to come too! You’d like that Charlie, wouldn’t ya! I could totally invite them down!”
Charlie smirks but doesn’t realize that Alastor has put his hand on her shoulder, and leans forward to whisper in her ear, which sends a shiver down her spine, “Invite the angels, dear. It’s not every day we get such an event like ours will be.”
Lute has to widen her eyes a bit at the behavior of the two of them. Adam leans over to Lute, “Damn…maybe they like, need a few minutes…”
Charlie straightens in her seat, but Alastor’s hand stays, “Ok, Adam. We will invite you to the wedding, if you can push the extermination another year.”
Adam’s eyes go wide, “Oh fuck yeah! This is going to be SO AMAZEBALLS! Just think of all the partying and all the food Lute! Oh come on, it’s going to take me months to find like the perfect outfit!”
Lute narrows her eyes once more, but when the portal opens, they both leave.
The timer on the tower flashes, and another 365 days appear.
Charlie stands, “Oh…my…ALASTOR!”
Alastor is already laughing, and Charlie thinks it’s about the extermination, “WE DID IT! I can’t believe it worked!”
But Alastor keeps laughing, holding his sides as if he will burst at the whole thing. Charlie actually takes a step back, “Uh…Al?”
Alastor stands taking a breath and shaking his head, “Oh, my darling I do apologize, but that…that was considerably entertaining!”
Charlie rolls her eyes, “Ugh…that could have been bad. Luckily this should give me time…”
Her phone goes off and she notices Lucifer’s name, “Oh, it’s Dad!”
Alastor’s smirk widens as she looks at him while she speaks, “Hi Dad! Guess what…I…what!?”
Alastor starts to laugh again, it bubbling over as she now widens those doe eyes at him.
“A deer in the headlights indeed.” he thinks to himself, as she talks to her father over the phone.
She looks abstract and distraught, “Dad, Alastor and I were kidding! We are not getting…NO NO! No, don’t call Adam…he will go back on the extermination! I…I uh…shit, I didn’t think this through didn’t I?”
Charlie looks up at Alastor in panic, and he shrugs, laughing as she flicks him off, “Ok. Ok, yes Dad, we will fix it. Ok, love you…”
She gets off the phone and huffs, “This is all your fault!”
Alastor shrugs, “My dear, you said that you wanted to extend the extermination in anyway, I believe we just found our opportunity!”
Charlie sighs, “Yeah…with almost the entirety of Heaven and Hell already ready for a wedding in a year to the Princess and now new Crown Prince of Hell.”
Alastor’s eyes narrow just a moment…
A prince, huh?
Alastor’s smile goes very wide, and Charlie knows what that look means, “Alastor…”
Alastor smirks, his eyes crawling down the length of her to just make her squirm, “Well, my dear, at least give me a chance to woo my fiancee, first…”
Alastor grabs her hand, and spins her to him, pressing her against his chest and leans down, whispering in her ear, feeling the shiver that goes down her, “I already know how to sweep you off your feet, my darling demon belle!”
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frostedclock · 2 months
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Deerly Dreaming Alastor
Chapter One: Soft Melody
Pairing: Alastor x Jane Doe (Reader)
Your shifts were often monotonous. Same shift different day of the week. The same old faces came and sat at the booths everyday at almost the same time, and would always order the same thing. You've memorized most orders at this point, and it was nearly infuriating to you. Though there has been a small wave in the still pond that was the Ruby's Diner. A new regular you might call him now. You didn't know his name and he hadn't spoken past what he wanted to order. It was always the same and so simple you memorized it by the third visit. 
A black coffee with an order of grits and butter that a few pieces of toast accompanied. No sugar. 
The neglected cigarette that hung from your lips dropped a log of ashes as thoughts began to swirl about like the smoke. You realized your five minute break must have been run out at this point and you tossed the cigarette into the damp ground under your feet and you smashed the butt with the end of your flat slip on shoes.  
The diner was mostly empty - the only soul being the cook in the kitchen - when you returned, the yellow lights flooded the beige, white and black interior. The sound of the coffee machine and the sizzle of the flattop in the kitchen were the only sounds in the restaurant. It was early morning on a Sunday, so you knew that meant a slow start to only get slammed right after church had let out for the day.  
You hummed and went to the radio sitting on the bar counter near the machines that kept the coffee warm. The static filled the air as you clicked the switch on and began to fiddle with the dials. You smile as you settle on a station and let the music drown out the grating silence of the diner.
The soft tones of a saxophone and the accompaniment of a trumpet pushed it's way into your ears as you picked up a damp rag and began to  clean up the hardwood tables, even if they were already cleaned. You hummed to the tune as you moved shakers out of the way and put them back. 
You almost didn't hear the soft bell of the door. 
" Go ahead and have a seat where you like, hun. I'll be right over. " You spoke before you looked over.
Black Coffee and Grits himself stood at the door. It must have started to rain again because his ruddy brown coat was damp and dark in spots as he began to shed of the layer and drape it over his arm. He stood tall, the boots that made a sharp tap with each step didn't help. His light brown vest was completely dry and so was his white button down shirt. The sleeves rolled down for today with the chill in the air from the cool spring shower that rolled through the night. His brown eyes met yours for a moment then he glanced about the diner. 
His steps were nearly drowned by the sound of the station on the radio switching to a more upbeat jazz tune. He made his way over to a booth to take a seat, his coat placed in a folded position next to him. 
You blinked out of your stupor and headed to the coffee pot behind the bar. You began to hum again as you gathered a simple white mug and checked the cup for cracks and leftover dust before you placed it on the tray next to the pot. The soft jazz tunes always perked up your morning, and sometimes you got so lost in your own world when the right song was playing. You poured the black liquid caffeine into the porcelain cup, filling right below the top. 
You leaned over the window counter where the orders were placed when they were finished. " Johnny could you fire up the grits, two tabs of butter and no sugar? " 
Johnny, a man in his late fifties, was portly and his face showed years of laughter that had left deep lines in the round face of his, his eyes just two dots of stormy grey under bushy salt and pepper eyebrows. " Sure, take about ten minutes. " He said as he rubbed the flour and breadcrumbs off his hands and onto the stained greasy apron he wore. 
You smiled and stood back flat on your feet. Your hands gripped the metal tray off the counter with the cup of coffee and began your way over to the booth where the man was waiting. His brown hair had been smoothed down now that he had settled into the seat and the flecks of water that had been on his hair and his glasses had dried by the time you came over with the coffee. You set it down in front of him, your eyes caught the scraps of paper in front of him had little rough drawings, sketchy and messy in nature but not in recognizable. 
His gaze met yours as you approached, his eyes were dark brown, almost black behind his glasses. The smile on his lips was the one he always seemed to have, like it must be his default expression. But you don't think you've ever seen it reach those dark eyes of his. They didn't leave you as you set the cup in front of him, it was almost unnerving. 
" Did you want your usual?" You asked after you realized you had been standing there for a moment without speaking. 
His lips twitched and he reached forward to take ahold of the mug. " Yes, that would be lovely as always. " His voice was always smooth, and his tone even. Polite might be a word for it, if you had to pick one. 
You relax your posture some and you give a gentle smile as you spoke . " Good, it won't be long then. You enjoy your coffee, and if you need me, I'll be around. Just give me a holler. "
He made a hum in his throat. " I will keep that in mind. "
You turn and head back to start back at your busy work while you wait for the inevitable ding and shout to tell you the food was done. You bustled from the milkshake station to the coffee station to restock the little things before the lunch rush arrived in a few hours. A new song came on the hissing radio and you wiped the barstools off with a damp rag as you swayed slightly to the song. 
" I walked the streets of New Orleans, " You hummed gently out with the song as you picked up the cloth placemats and wiped under them at the bar, " with a girl of my dreams..." 
Alastor watched, he only had taken a few drinks of the coffee. Even with his head facing forward, he could see you. He could watch you live in that little world that surrounds you when the music seemed to take a hold. The first time Alastor had come to this diner, it had been on a whim in truth. It had been a humid morning and he had not slept just yet from his nightly activities. 
A hunt always did make him a bit peckish. Normally he would have waited till he reached his home and cooked himself, but whims and flights of fancy often took him when his distaste for the mundane had peaked. Ruby's Diner had been one of those. Despite being a busy morning that day, you hadn't let the smile leave your face as impatient people vied for the chance to order. You didn't ever seem like you where in a soured mood when he arrived to eat here in the visits after. You looked just about the same as you had that day. Your curls tucked into a bun with only a few strays that fell as you moved about , the soft blue cotton dress you wore to wait tables went to your calves and your stockings came up to where the dress ended. The same pair of ragged flats you always wore made Alastor think you must not make enough working here to get a decent pair, or perhaps you liked to only wear rough shoes to work. 
Alastor found if he came here early on a morning he knew would be slow, he would have the diner alone to listen to the soft songs you often sang when you had delved to deep into your own corner of reality. It was quite amusing. He picked the mug up and took a drink before setting it back down. Your melody had been interrupted by the ding of a bell from the direction the kitchen. Alastor sighed, and knew his personal concert was over now that the food was ready. Soon your presence was next to the table and a bowl and a small plate was set down. Alastor gazed at the bare hands that lingered as they placed the breakfast onto the hardwood surfaces. You skin looked soft but the small scars over your knuckles and the sides of your fingers told Alastor you must cook in your spare time. No ring or jewelry, he never seen you wear either and today was no different. 
" Here you go, sweetie. " You spoke, your tone was always gentle and soft, the drawl to your words told Alastor that you grew up a little farther west then New Orleans. " Did you want anything else? " 
You even refilled his cup even if Alastor had only drained a few drinks from it. Fresh steam rose from the mug and you set the metal coffee pot back onto the tray that was expertly perched between the crook of your elbow and your hand that held the edge.
Alastor felt his lips twitch again. " No, nothing right as of now mon cher. " 
You give him that smile that made his stomach churn and twist. Your cheeks held the dust of pink across your skin, such warmth in that gaze. Alastor could only remember one other woman that held such a radiance to their expressions. And they have been gone for a few years now. 
" Alrigh', well let me know if you change your mind. " 
You went about your business after that. Alastor ate his breakfast at his leisure, it wasn't the food he came for anyhow. It was adequate to him, he could make it better but then he would lose out on the melody he so enjoyed. Your dulcet tones were to him like some bird songs were to others. Soft and not meant for anyone's ears intentionally. That is what he came for. When he had first heard you, it made him forget the thoughts he had been plagued with that day. 
Alastor took the cloth napkin to his lips and wiped any crumbs that might have lingered. He couldn't overstay his time, he knew that. Soon this diner would be filled to the brim with people. He placed a few nickels on the table and stood up from his seat, picking up his coat. He could see you in the glinted reflection of the diner window, the shine of the sun peeking from the clouds gave a mirror effect to the thick glass. You were looked over your shoulder from behind the bar, but when he turned with his coat on properly you had looked back to whatever task you had occupied yourself with. 
Alastor walked towards the door and when the bell sounded as he creaked open the wooden door, he heard your voice call from behind him. 
" Oh you forgot something ! " 
He heard the taps of your feet on the tile as you came up. He turned around to face you. " Hmm?"
You had the little messy drawings he had scribbled and left behind. You held them out for him to take, the papers held in such a way so you didn't crumple them. " Don't you want these?" 
Such a small thing. 
Alastor's teeth flashed in his smile, not motioning to take them. " Why don't you keep them? "
" Oh... " You sounded a bit puzzled, but your lips kept a lopsided smile to them. Then it softened as your gaze fell down at what you held in your hands. " Well... Okay. " 
When you looked back up from the messy pen strokes, the door was closed and the sound of the bell remained. 
" What an odd fello'. " 
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seriowan · 2 years
for the dancing and the dreaming (hunter x f!reader)
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“Surviving is the bare minimum of what it means to live. Thanks to you, Omega knows how to survive — maybe you should show her what it means to live a little bit as well.”
summary: on the night of pabu's annual 'giving festival', omega opens herself up to new experiences while hunter's night takes an unexpected turn, leaving him with a memorable moment that might change the course of his life forever...
pairing: hunter x f!reader (nicknamed coral)
tags: spoilers for tbb s2ep13; love at first sight; meet-cute; first-meeting kiss; reader is described as wearing a yellow sundress; nothing but fluff! - brief mentions of tech/phee
word count: 5k
a/n: the second i watched episode 13 i got this idea to write hunter in a whirlwind romance with a pabu girl and three drafts later, this is the final product! i wrote it with MAJOR inspiration from tangled's 'kingdom dance' scene and that one scene from how to train your dragon, so prepare thyself!
radio: kingdom dance, alan menkin — for the dancing and the dreaming, httyd soundtrack
♡ masterlist ♡
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Pabu was a true gem of nature, tucked away amid the endless oceans of its home planet.
  As the warm sun kissed the little island, turquoise waters lapped gently against the grainy shores and ancient stone ports. Vibrant green brush and trees swayed in the breeze, their fronds whispering to one another. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of exotic flowers, peppering the island in patches of oranges, reds, and pinks. Birdsong echoed alongside the crashing waves, moon-yo hoots and howls bouncing from one side of the island to the other. From the cobblestone streets and markets came the sound of life; cacophonies of chatter and murmurs, a blend of voices as the islanders bartered and laughed and greeted one another with merry smiles. 
   It was as if time stood still on Pabu, and every moment spent there was a moment of peace. 
   Hunter looked over the city from the balcony of Shep’s home, his stomach full and his heart more so. 
   He tuned in to Tech and Phee’s conversation, smiling into his cup of freshly squeezed juice when he mostly heard Tech’s voice going on about artifacts. A quick side eye and there Phee was, listening with her elbow on the table and her cheek in her palm, eyes locked onto his rambling brother as if he was the only person around. 
   Wrecker lay on a lounge chair, his hands behind his head and a dazed smile on his lips. With his belly finally full, the food coma hit him harder than ever, sending him into a blissful sleep that no one thought to disturb. Especially not when the sun was just right. Not when the winds carried the salty smell of the ocean and the sound of Omega’s laughter as she and Lyana chased the moon-yos around the balcony.
   He looked over the city once more, watching as everyone lived their little slices of life. Couples walked hand-in-hand. Kids played ball and danced together, holding fizzing sparklers above their heads. An older man fed a cluster of moon-yos from a paper bag of scraps, waving at a woman as she walked past him with a basket of flowers hooked on her arm. 
   Hunter found it hard to believe that this island wasn’t a dream. Everything felt so serene and calm that it just… didn’t feel familiar. Not for them, at least. Not after years of missions and months of running and scavenging. After living day-to-day for most of his life, being able to sit and breathe felt odd. It was even more strange that he actually had to sit and wonder if he could call this island home. 
   As far as he could remember, home was never really a place but a people. His people — the one rambling on to an interested girl; the other sleeping peacefully on the lounge chair; the little girl who held Lyana’s hand as she scurried out through the gate. 
   Hunter glanced down at his cup and gave it a gentle swirl. 
   When did he last feel so content?
  With the little voice in the back of his head reminding him that two of his brothers were out fighting for their lives (albeit for different reasons), he knew that he’d never have a total moment of peace… but, as small as this was, it was enough. Enough for him to close his eyes and take a deep breath. Enough for him to sit and actually feel the sun on his face. Enough for him to listen to the ocean, its gentle waves reminding him of a quiet Kamino. 
   Footsteps approached him from behind. He smelled the faintest scent of fruit as Phee leaned against the parapet, elbows up on the wall with a cup in her hand. She left Tech by the table, sparing a glance his way before turning towards Hunter. 
   “You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” she teased. 
   The opposite, actually, was what he wanted to say. Instead, he settled on, “It’s nice here.”
   “Nice enough to stay?” She wasn’t pushing him but she wasn’t exactly being subtle about it either. Hunter knew that Phee always had two reasons for everything she did and when she glanced back at Tech, eyes softening, Hunter knew exactly why she posed this question. 
   He smothered the urge to smile and looked off towards the ocean, shoulders sagging as he struggled to come up with an answer. 
   “Think about it,” Phee murmured, nudging his arm with her elbow. “Take all the time you need. Pabu’s not goin’ anywhere.” 
   He hummed, the corner of his mouth lifting as he glanced from Phee to Tech. “Sure.” 
   An unspoken conversation took place as Phee narrowed her eyes, unable to hide the smallest trace of her smile. Hunter just arched a brow and she gave in with a sigh, shaking her head.
“You’ve got me there, Bandana. I think staying here would do you all some good — especially Omega. But, I’m not one for peer pressure. Maybe a walk through the city might help you come to a decision.” She looked over the city, her face lighting up when she noticed the streamers and decorations hanging from rooftop to rooftop. “Looks like tonight’s the Giving Festival.” 
   “Giving Festival?” 
   Phee nodded. “Everyone comes out for the Giving Festival and shares things like food, clothes, and jewelry — and everything’s free with no expectation to receive anything in return. They thank the ocean and the island for giving them a safe haven. It's why the kids get dressed in blue clothes and parade around with their sparklers. In fact, Omega and Lyana should be down there right now.” 
   He thought of it for a brief moment before nodding. Phee took that as her sign to leave but not without giving Hunter’s arm a squeeze. When she turned, Tech greeted her with the smallest smile — an action that Hunter seemed to notice happening more frequently than usual. 
   Leaving his cup on the parapet, Hunter removed his knife from the sheath on his waist and placed it atop the table.  After a final glance back at his brothers, Hunter walked through the gate and left the balcony, entering the colorful streets of Pabu. 
   It took him a bit to get used to the sheer kindness that never seemed to run out from the island’s residents. Wherever he went, it seemed that everyone knew he was a newcomer, so he was often given cheerful waves and happy smiles. Some even stopped him, briefly chatting to introduce themselves before going back to their festivities. It was all odd, truly, but it was somewhat nice to be treated like a neighbor instead of a criminal on the run. 
   A father, as Shep had previously called him. Those words still echoed in his head and he had no intention of ever forgetting them. 
   Hunter’s walk through the city had its effect, as Phee suggested. The more he wandered, the more he wondered if he could live like the islanders: at peace and happy. Domesticity was never really an option until now, but as he watched the children play in front of their homes, parents watching from balconies and doorways, he imagined himself in their shoes. It was easy to picture Omega running through these stone streets, laughing as freely as she did when she first latched onto his heart. 
   It didn’t take long before he came across that exact sight. 
   Standing in the center of a busy market street, Omega and Lyana wore blue robes over their clothes and carried glowing sparklers in their hands. They both had blue powder staining their cheeks and nose, causing Hunter to smile when the girls shared a giggle at how they looked. It wasn’t until Omega turned towards a store and waved that he realized the two girls weren’t alone. 
   Emerging from the doorway of a dome home was the woman he saw from Shep’s balcony. While she didn’t have a basket of flowers hanging from her elbow anymore, she carried two necklaces of sea glass in her hands and gave them to Omega and Lyana. From where he stood, Hunter could hear the gratefulness in Omega’s voice as the woman tied the thin string around her neck. Her nimble finger worked quite quickly before she took a step back, gently brushing a strand of hair out of Omega’s eyes. 
   The action was so soft that it made Hunter watch her with a peculiar gaze. She was beautiful, but she had a certain quality about her that outshone her beauty — a genuine energy that she revealed as she spoke to Omega with ease.
   When she turned her head, Hunter noticed the flower poised behind her ear — a bright orange flower that brought out the color of her cheeks and the vibrance in her eyes. The woman crouched, her yellow sundress settling around her like a river of color. She grasped Omega’s hands and squeezed, grinning up at her before winking. Omega giddily nodded her head up and down and squeezed the woman’s hand as she turned, pulling her along as they both followed Lyana down the road. 
   The woman’s dress billowed after her as she ran. She had a captivating smile, cheeks flushed and eyes blazing. The wind blew through her hair as if it was created just for her, carrying her laughter to his ears.  
   The moment they took the corner, Hunter followed, interested to see where this night would take him. 
You liked Lyana’s new friend. Omega was a firecracker of energy and curiosity, roaming to and fro with the intention to seek, find, and explore. When Lyana brought her to your doorstep and made introductions, you just knew that the little blonde was bound to become a new regular in your jewelry shop. She loved exploring the various things you created, including the sea glass necklaces. 
   When it came time to meet the girls outside, you made sure to grab the necklaces she’d been eyeballing. Omega’s expression of shock was worth it when you presented it to her, and her soft voice of thanks was enough to make your heart melt. 
   True to the promise you made to both girls, you took Lyana and Omega to the market square full of music and dance. Omega’s eyes were full of amazement as she looked over the festivities. Vibrant colors glowed from the lanterns hanging overhead. Streamers swayed in the wind like spinning ribbons of silk. Dancers formed circles that spun quickly, cheering and coaxing others to join. Lively, upbeat music played from the performers standing around a tall statue. They played with passion, dancing alongside a few children that joined their sides. 
   You held both Omega and Lyana’s hands as you guided them to the dancing circle in the center of the square. While Lyana was excited to join, Omega’s reluctance grew until she pulled her hand away, shaking her head as she took a step back. 
   “I can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve never danced before.” 
   You smiled softly. “Would you feel better if I went first? Then you can see how it goes and if you want to join, you can jump in next to me and Lyana.” 
   Omega nodded and you grinned, turning to face the circle. Adjusting the flower in your hair, you picked up your dress and barged into the dancing circle, joining those who moved in unison. It took a moment before you caught up, but falling into step was easy. You spun and twirled and danced like there was no tomorrow, eyes shut as you switched partners and crossed the open circle alongside others. As the circle broke apart, paving way for duos and trios to have their own moment of dance, you noticed Omega and Lyana holding hands while they jumped back and forth and all around, laughing and giggling like girls in their prime. 
   The music picked up its pace and the circle reformed. Dresses were kicked up and hands were clapped loudly, laughter and whistles echoing from the bystanders that watched. Entranced by the pure jubilance of the music, and the energetic feeling of the dance, it was as if the world melted away, leaving nothing but you and the music. 
   You closed your eyes to enjoy the moment when suddenly, your balance slipped away as you bumped into the person beside you. Just before you could hit the ground, a pair of hands grabbed you by the elbows, hauling you up to a firm chest. Planting your hands on the figure’s vest, you struggled to catch your breath as you laughed, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 
   “My goodness,” you gasped, shaking your head. “I’m so sorry-” 
   The moment you looked up, all of the words just left your lips. A knot twisted in your gut when you met a pair of rich brown eyes, that crinkled with amusement as they gaze down at you. 
   “Careful,” he murmured, his voice low and steady. 
   You wet your lips, uncertain if you could even speak, when Omega’s voice suddenly echoed from behind you. 
  She and Lyana ran up to you and the man, halting in their tracks the moment they saw the odd position you were in - your hands on Hunter’s chest with his on your arms.  They looked at one another with wide eyes and started giggling, causing you to take a step back and shyly fiddle with the flower behind your ear, cheeks as red as the lights above you. 
   Hunter put his hands on his hips, a little furrow in his brow, but he didn’t seem threatening. It was the observant gaze of a father.
You couldn't help but stir at the sight. Not only was he protective but he was quite gorgeous. He had the structure of the marble statues you’d seen in the Archium. Soft features, like the roundness of his jaw and the curve of his nose, but there was strength as well. Strength in his rich brown eyes as they moved from you to Omega. 
   And that strength, however threatening it may have been to others, softened when he placed his hand on Omega’s head, teasing her with a little tug on the ends of her hair. 
   “Having fun?”
   It was easy to admit that you were entranced by everything about him - from the way he carried himself to the way he spoke. He was both gentle and sturdy, something that drew you in and made it impossible to look away. 
   “Yeah!” Omega giggled, breathless from the amount of running she did earlier. “Lyana took me around the market and look-!”
Shoving her hands in her pockets, she pulled out various little trinkets: a knife made of whalebone, bracelets fashioned from polished stone, a ring of silver with a little opal on top, chewing gum from sweet sap, and a few others that she’d been gifted by the market goers. 
   With the tip of his finger, Hunter nudged around the items in her palm before offering her a small smile. He gave the blue powder on her cheek a gentle swipe with his thumb before settling his hand on her shoulder, eyes shifting to you.
You stuck your hand out, smiling bashfully.
  “Everyone calls me Coral around here,” you said, managing a small chuckle. “And I promise that I’m not as clumsy as I seemed earlier.” 
   “I know,” he remarked, shaking your hand. When he noticed your odd look, he backtracked, eyes widening just slightly. “I mean I saw you, uh, dancing. You’re good — at dancing, I mean.”
   Ignoring Omega and Lyana’s giggles, you bowed your head in thanks, your voice soft as you hummed, “Thank you, Hunter.” 
   He gave a small smile. “My pleasure, Coral.” 
   “It’s a giving festival, Hunter,” Omega sang, nudging his side. “It’s custom here to give something to someone that you meet for the first time. Look, Coral gave me a necklace from her shop! Lyana has the same one so we’re matching.” 
   Hunter frowned, glancing down at his empty pockets. He flashed you an apologetic look and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry, I don’t have anything on me at the moment.” 
   You shook your head, removing the flower from behind your ear. Taking a step forward, you closed the gap between you and Hunter, tilting your head to look up at him as you tucked the flower in the breast pocket of his vest. 
   “It’s not a matter of obligation,” you murmured softly, adjusting the petals so that they were all on display. “It’s just a matter of acceptance. You’re new here, so we give you-” You glanced down at Omega and winked. “-and you, these gifts to welcome you to Pabu. You accept these gifts; we accept you.” 
   Lyana smirked, adding, “Kisses are accepted too!” 
   “Alright that’s enough from you two,” you interrupted, shooing them away when the two girls started giggling. “Go back to dancing — and make sure you get some of those dragon candies before Sebby runs out!” 
   Lyana gasped and snatched Omega’s hand. As she began to pull her away, Omega gave you and Hunter a happy wave, turning with a laugh that made Hunter’s eyes soften. 
   “She hasn’t been this happy in a long time,” he noted in a quiet voice, unable to look away from the girl even when you glanced at him. “Things have been… they’ve been tough on her.” 
   “I know,” you murmured, causing him to arch his brows in surprise. “Omega kind of told me everything about your current situation. She told me so much about you and your brothers, I practically feel like I know you already.” 
   “Of course,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Sorry, she has a habit of doing that.” 
   “Don’t worry,” you assured, nudging his side. When his lip twitched up, you smiled. “I can keep a secret. Besides, I’d like to see her around more often. Lyana has a hard time making friends and Omega’s brought out a side of her that I haven’t seen before — she just looks so youthful when she isn’t shouldering some of Shep’s burdens. Being a single father is tough on the two of them and I think having some support is doing them both some good.” 
   What you said must have resonated deeply with Hunter for he fell into silence, a distant look in his eyes as he watched Omega receive a cup of steaming candies from a stand. She looked his way and lifted the cup above her head, a toothy grin forming when Hunter nodded at her in approval. 
   “Thank you for making her feel accepted here.” 
   “Of course… but what about you?” 
   He glanced down at you and arched a brow. 
   “Do you feel accepted here?” You clarified, gesturing towards everyone in the market square. “I know how hard it can be to settle down. I had a similar experience before I found myself on Pabu. It took me a while to adjust but once I did, this place became my safe haven like it did for so many others.”  
   Hunter took a moment to look over the festivities. He watched the people smile and dance and greet one another. He watched them live their lives, sighing. 
   “As long as Omega can find a home here, that’s all that matters.”
   “It isn’t a crime to put your own needs forward, Hunter. Think of what’s good for you as well.” 
   “We still have unresolved matters,” he explained with a trace of frustration; not at you, but rather at the ‘unresolved matters’ that he mentioned. “There are things that need our attention-” 
   You removed your hand from around his arm to place your palm against his chest. He stopped talking, his eyes honing in on yours as you peered up at him with a seriousness he hadn’t seen before. 
   “Can you resolve any of those things from here?” You questioned, arching a brow.
   He hesitated, then shook his head. 
   “Then it’s best for you-” You glanced back at Omega, “-and her, to put those aside for now and just accept this time of peace. She needs your attention too, not just your protection.” Giving him a little smile, you fiddled with the flower in his pocket, murmuring, “Care to take a bit of advice from a stranger?” 
   Hunter’s eyes crinkled as he nodded, amusement in his voice when he hummed, “Go ahead.”
   You absentmindedly adjusted the petals as you spoke. “Surviving is the bare minimum of what it means to live. Thanks to you, Omega knows how to survive — maybe you should show her what it means to live a little bit as well.” 
   “How do you suppose I do that,” he asked with a sincereness that made your heart shatter. “Us clones don’t do much living — all we’ve ever done is survive.” 
   “Learn from others,” you suggested. “Learn from their experiences and their own lives… and if you feel comfortable with accepting help, let us show you so that you can show Omega.” 
   Hunter’s nod was so sudden that it made you furrow your brow in confusion. 
   “Alright,” he said without an ounce of hesitation. 
   “Alright?” You echoed, shocked by how quick he agreed.
   To your surprise, Hunter took your hand in his own, engulfing your fingers, and began to pull you towards the girls across the square. His expression was muted but there was a little smile on his lips as he said lightly, “We need to learn how to live, right? Then show me how.” 
   You laughed as you nodded, squeezing his hand back in return. “Alright, but you can’t get mad at me when the time comes for you to step out of your comfort zone. Living doesn’t mean it’s always comfortable.” 
   “I can handle a bit of discomfort." 
   “We’ll see about that." 
   You called out for Omega and Lyana as you approached them, earning wide-eyed looks of excitement the moment they noticed you and Hunter holding hands. To their dismay, you let go just to give Omega a gentle nudge toward Hunter. 
   “Hunter said he’d like to dance with you,” you lied, causing Omega’s eyes to widen as they flicked up to him. 
   His reluctant gaze shifted from Omega to you, narrowing just slightly before he looked back down and offered his little girl a small smile, nodding. When he held out his hand, Omega grasped it with excitement and pulled him to the dancing square, rambling on and on about the things she experienced while he was busy talking to you. As he was pulled into the sea of dancing duos and trios, he looked back at you with a mixed expression, causing you to giggle and wave. 
   “You like him,” Lyana sang by your side, tugging on your dress. “I think it’s cute. You can’t stop looking at him with googly eyes.” 
   “Don’t act like this wasn’t part of your plan, squid,” you huffed, earning a giggle. “You and Omega don’t exactly look as innocent as you think you do.” 
   “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she sang, taking your hand and squeezing it with a hopeful gaze. “Do you want to dance with me?”
  “How could I ever say no to you? Lead the way, squid.” 
   And lead the way, she did. Lyana pulled you into the circle right alongside Omega and Hunter, swinging you into a spin the moment she had a grip on both of your hands. You spun and spun with her, laughing alongside her giggles, cheering when everyone clapped in unison. Out of the corner of your eye,  you caught a few glimpses of Hunter and Omega. It wasn’t so much of a duo dance as it was Omega dancing while Hunter held her hands, occasionally spinning and hauling her up in the air just to hear her laugh. 
   All that mattered was that Hunter seemed to be enjoying himself. He didn’t have the same stress that you noticed in him earlier; no more tense muscles or furrowed expression. Peace sat in his eyes as he danced with the little blonde, living off of Omega’s happiness. 
   Lyana spun and spun you until suddenly, without warning, she let go of your hands, sending you stumbling into the person beside you. You went to apologize but stopped when Hunter’s familiar face looked down at you, his hands sprawled across the plain of your back to keep you upright as he held you in a dip. 
   Omega and Lyana both giggled as they began dancing together, acting as innocent as the little devils could. 
   “What did you say about not being clumsy?” He teased, causing you to flush with embarrassment. 
   “Second time's a charm?” 
   Hunter lifted you, taking your hand to guide you into a spin. He pulled you into him, bringing your back against his chest. 
   “Thank you,” he murmured against your ear, “Tonight’s been fun.” 
   “See?” You hummed, guiding him in a gentle sway from side to side. Almost instantly, the music softened and the upbeat tune became a gentle, harmonious song that eased a bit of peace through the energetic festival. “Can you feel that peace? That is the difference between living and surviving, and there’s so much more for you to experience, too.” 
   “Will you show me?” He asked, causing you to turn your head and give him a credulous smile.
   “Does this mean you’ve decided to stay on Pabu?” 
   “I think that’d be best for all of us.”
   “Then yes,” you agreed. “I’ll help as best as I can… but can I ask why me?”
   “Omega likes you,” he said with an audible smile on his lips, “And I… I trust you... so far.”
   “I’m honored,” you murmured, breaking into a giggle when he spun you around to face him. Your hands slid up and over his shoulders, interlocking behind his head. It was an involuntary gesture to look down at his lips but you couldn’t help it. 
   Hunter had this protective, genuine feeling that made you feel so safe near him. It was an odd thing to notice about someone when first meeting them, but it was only solidified when watching him and Omega. He had a specific gentleness that he kept reserved for her and now, as it seemed, for you as well. 
   What you didn’t expect, however, was for him to feel the same way as you. 
   “Was Lyana telling the truth earlier?” 
   “About what,” you murmured, forcing your gaze to go from his lips to his eyes. 
   “About a kiss being a gift.” 
   Your mind went blank. It took a moment before you nodded, finding the confidence to move your lips and speak. “She was.” 
   He guided you into another spin, gentler than before as he pulled you into his chest. “What does it mean?” 
   “It’s an invitation,” you explained softly. “A gift of vulnerability, as well as a promise. They aren’t given unless they are genuine — it means you find enough value in another person to give them your affection rather than an item. Kissing someone at the Giving Festival is typically a sign of courtship.” 
   “Courtship?” He questioned curiously. “You carry that tradition around here? Didn't take you for an old-school type of girl.” 
   “Well,” you sang, causing him to chuckle. “The elders call it that. I mean, it’s just dating among the younger generations.” 
   He hummed, slow movements swaying you to and fro. As he danced with you around the statue, passing the band that played their gentle tune, he noticed the beautiful flowers on the floor and stopped to pick one up. With gentle fingers, he tucked it behind your ear and gave you a small smile when he noticed how red your cheeks had become. Just like the flower in your hair.
   “Can I kiss you?” He asked gently, tucking away a strand of hair that fell in front of your face. 
   You tilted your head up to him, smiling to hide the fact that your heart was practically beating out of his chest.  
   “Yes,” you breathed, your stomach twisting with anticipation.
   His hand cupped the back of your head, the other gently resting against your back. Hunter pulled you close enough for your chests to touch before he lowered his head, lips skimming over your own. 
   “Are you certain about this?” You whispered against his lips. “You hardly know me.”  
   “I know enough to be certain I want to kiss you,” he hummed. “Are you?” 
   You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. 
   “Just kiss me, handsome,” you said with a smile. “We’ll figure out the rest later.” 
   He smiled as he kissed you, lips curled in amusement even after your lips collided. You couldn’t help but giggle against his mouth when his hand wove through your hair. It was an even bigger surprise when he dipped you, earning a few cheers and hoots of encouragement from those who stood by — including Omega and Lyana who seemed to be the loudest (and happiest) of the spectators. 
   When he pulled away, he never truly left. He kept his hand interwoven with yours, keeping you by his side as the dancing resumed and the festivities regained their upbeat tempo. Hunter pulled you out of the crowd and even though you didn’t return to the dance, the night continued with you showing him various different things throughout the market. From different juice stands to candies (which he denied rather quickly), you showed Hunter all that the market had to offer before stealing him away to show him the island itself. 
   While Omega and his brothers were distracted with the festival, you brought Hunter to the sandy shores. You removed your shoes and coaxed him to do the same before dragging him to the water. He cringed at how cold it was and stiffened when you splashed him, earning a glare that slowly turned into a smile when you turned to run away, laughing as loud and freely as one could. 
   And so the night continued — with music echoing from the city while water splashed and laughter bubbled from the sandy shores. The Giving Festival continued into the morning, and when Omega and Lyana tiredly returned home to find Hunter still missing, the two girls shared a knowing look that washed their fatigue away. They gossiped back and forth about you and Hunter, whispers turning into giggles that then turned into gasps when they realized that Hunter might, someday - possibly - plant roots on Pabu. 
   It occurred to Omega then, as she sat on the floor of Lyana’s bedroom surrounded by blankets and pillows and snacks, that the Giving Festival did, in fact, give her something. It wasn’t jewelry and it wasn’t candy, although she did hold every gift very close to her heart. It wasn’t Lyana and the new friends she’d made that night, including you and all the others she met.
   It was a new home — and that was the gift that Omega found herself cherishing the most. 
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(i'll be replying to comment reblogs in the comments of this post! just so that there isn't too much clutter on the dash 🫶🏼 a huge thank you to those who always have something nice to say about my writing. i might not always respond but please know that you all have my heart and my endless thanks for being so kind and encouraging. may the universe give back the same kindness you've given me, and i having nothing but love for you all!)
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umnitsa · 10 months
Reinventing the Wheel
Summary: You see Larry Kline in his lowest, and he still spins his web of self confidence and lies.
One shot, part of the Out of the frying pan, into the fire series, very far into the relationship. AU that deals with Larry's arrest at the end of S3, but Hopper didn't 'die'.
A/N: I don't know, it just came to me. It's something I wanted to write and came to me today. It's a bit angsty, it's lacking porn, but it has a happy ending. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Larry Kline x fem!Reader (Mentions of Hopper)
CW: Angst, some heavy petting, but, surprisingly, no sex.
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“Come in!” Kline chirped happily behind the door. He got rid of the secretary, so he could have plausible deniability if he couldn’t make her leave by the time you exited his office. He thought of everything.
You couldn’t contain your shock when you saw him. His clothes were pristine, except for the healing signs of a beating. He had a black eye and bruises. Surprisingly, it made him look even more handsome. Larry smirked, turning his chair to you.
“You had to see the other guy.” He snorted. You knew it was a lie, he knew it was a lie, Larry was a lover, not a fighter. He knew he was much better with his words, but it seemed they failed him this time. But he said it anyway, the eternal dance of keeping up appearances.
“What happened, baby?” You scurried to him, standing between his legs and cupping his cheeks, then combing his hair with your fingers.
He sighed and raised his eyebrows, his hands raising to pet your hips.
“How much truth do you want?”
“All of it.”
“It was a husband.” Kline smirked again, pleased with himself. He look smug, proud, as he licked his lips and raised his eyebrows. “He found out I fucked his wife and, boy, oh, boy, he did NOT like it. But it’s just a minor setback, don’t worry. I’ve fucked most of my wife’s friends by now, it’s just a small social scandal. The worse is that they may realize by now the number of them I fucked is much higher. That could trigger some gossip.”
You chuckled at how nonchalantly he talked about it. You didn’t mind, really, if you did, fucking Larry Kline would be an even worse idea. That man was just unstoppable. He raised his hands, blinking a few times.
“In my defense, those parties are so boring. But I much prefer fucking the staff.” His hands went back to your hips. “I think of you too much.” He cheekily continued.
You chuckled, sitting on his lap, letting him rub the healthy part of his face against your breasts, his arms around your waist. He found it soothing, and he was very vocal about it.
“I just wanted to see you today.” He said, patting your hip. “I had to spend a few days in radio silence, I don’t like doing that to you.”
“I wasn’t worried.” You lie, and you knew it was a lie. He knew it was a lie. The worse thing about having him was the fact that it could end at any moment. You just hoped, when was your time, you could talk to him, say good byes. “But I missed seeing you around.”
Maybe some day something would happen, his wife could leave by herself. You didn’t want to marry him, but you would love to be with him without fear or anxiety. You played with his hair, as his hands moved up your skirt.
“I missed your taste.” Larry grunted against your skin.
You would think of that moment much later, when the end finally came. Larry got arrested. His misdeeds caught up to him. He was a corrupt man, you both knew this day was coming, he just thought he was charismatic enough to avoid it.
The gossip mill imploded. The great Larry Kline, in utter disgrace. He still had his supporters, but he would have a hard time coming back to politics. You didn’t doubt he could do it, though. You didn’t doubt he would be out of prison soon.
You wanted to visit him. You could try and call, but it would be registered. He could call, but you doubted he had your number memorized.
Time passed, work continued, you just shifted places. The gossip mill calmed, changed subjects, until you picked up his name again. His wife had left him.
You waited. You had to wait for him, it was all about what he wanted and he always knew when it was safe. But mercifully, Larry didn’t take long.
The voice message surprised you one night.
“She left. I guess everybody did. It’s safe for you to visit, if you still want to see me.”
You did.
He didn’t change much. He just looked tired. It didn’t stop him from smiling as if nothing was happening, as if you two were in a motel, as he sat before you. He donned the uniform like one of his suits. You watched people sitting together, and it could be one of the restaurants he took you sometimes. You chuckled, covering your face with one hand.
“I’m glad to be here, don’t get me wrong… It just doesn’t feel like nothing really changed, and it all did.” You said softly.
“Nothing ever changes, no one ever changes.” Larry smiles, one arm over the table. “I’m going to be out soon. I’m thinking what to do next. I could sell cars, go back into politics… There’s still something to use.”
You nod. Larry would never change.
“I like you didn’t mention leaving.”
“Why would I?” Kline said, his hand moving. “We can spin this story.”
“We? …you want me to be the official.”
“For as long as you want, me, baby.” His crooked smile widened as he leaned his head. “You and me against the world.” He moved his fingers close to yours under the guard’s watchful gaze. Your fingers brush lightly, and the guard chooses to look aside. “I think me and you…? It will be fun. We’ll be happy. We know each other and you didn’t run.”
“You’ll get tired of me and I’ll be your bored trophy wife, getting word of all your indiscretions… I don’t want that for me.”
“I’ll never get tired of you. I still want you… This?” He points to himself, then to you. “Us? I can imagine us going on for a long time. I’ll still have my indiscretions and you will have yours, it can't be avoided. Doesn’t mean I want you any less.”
You smile. That’s Larry for you.
“From all the women I ever had outside the marriage, and god, there were many… You were the first one who looked anxious about ending things. I could see you wanted to be with me, freely, without a care. Now we can.”
“Can I have any time to think?” You chuckled, enjoying his insistence.
“As much as you want, baby, I’m not going anywhere.” His bright smile made you blush. “And I know you’ll say yes, Mrs. Kline.”
“How can you be so sure?”
Larry shrugged, proud of himself. His hand twitched, a micro caress against your fingers. He huffed and moved, uncomfortable.
“Can’t wait to leave here. I miss your taste.”
“I miss your tongue.”
“It wont be long now, baby.” Larry softly comforted you. “I have good lawyers, this is temporary. But there is something I need to ask about, I’m curious.”
“Hopper. Did he call you when I got in here?” Larry asked, propping his chin on his hand.
“No, he didn’t.” You nodded. “He was very respectful, actually. He tips his hat whenever he sees me, and he looks at me fondly.”
“Call him, he’s too respectful to do it himself.”
“Larry!” You wanted to slap his arm but you caught yourself. You couldn’t touch him. He laughed at your blush, slapping his hand on the table.
“There’s absolutely no reason why you should not be having sex. He likes you, he’s respectful of your boyfriend, me…” He points at himself, chuckling. You laughed, pleased. “Keep him, baby, you two have fun together.”
“You’re incorrigible, Larry.”
“No, no. I just have my priorities straight. You know your pleasure is my pleasure. When I’m out of here, you can tell me all in details… And I can show you why I’m better.”
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baby-love-miki · 1 year
Stevie Ray Vaughan Albums Ranked
Stevie Ray Vaughan was an American musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer, and one of the most influential guitarists in the revival of blues in the 1980s. He is commonly referred to as one of the greatest guitar players of all time. He played gigs with numerous bands, earning a spot in Marc Benno’s band the Nightcrawlers and later with Denny Freeman in the Cobras, with whom he continued to work through late 1977. He then formed his own group Triple Threat Revue, but he renamed them Double Trouble after hiring drummer Chris Layton and bassist Tommy Shannon. He gained fame after his performance at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1982, and his debut studio album Texas Flood charted at number 38 in 1983, a commercially successful release that sold over half a million copies. Vaughan headlined concert tours with Jeff Beck in 1989 and Joe Cocker in 1990. He died in a helicopter crash on August 27, 1990, at the age of 35. In 1983, readers of Guitar Player voted him Best New Talent and Best Electric Blues Guitar Player. In 1984, the Blues Foundation named him Entertainer of the Year and Blues Instrumentalist of the Year, and in 1987, Performance Magazine honored him with Rhythm and Blues Act of the Year. Here are all of Stevie Ray Vaughan’s albums ranked.
6. Family Style (1990)
“Stevie’s last studio recording was somehow fitting that it was with his big bro Jimmie, the man he idolized growing up, the one that turned him on to the guitar in the beginning. The music is a little more upbeat as a whole than what he would have done with Double Trouble and it is a little different than his norm but certainly is a great CD and any fan of SRV will want this in your collection. The poignant Tick Tock – the song debuted at his funera l- is a fitting close to the CD and naturally the heart yearns for more. Yes, we will remember Stevie… the music you gave us, the love and feeling that passed thru those notes you played so deeply.”
5. The Sky is Crying (1991)
“This album is essentially a collection of SRV recordings that Jimmie Vaughn pulled from the vault and released after Stevie’s death. And thank God he did! SRV – arguably the best rock and blues guitarist of his generation – left incredible treasures for us. His version of Little Wing alone certifies and preserves his incredible talent. A definite must have for all who appreciate rock and blues.”
4. Soul to Soul (1985) “After 2 pretty solid albums, this is a lot more forgettable and not full of as many memorable songs. In fact, the only song on this I really fully enjoyed was Say What! Most of the songs on here are generic blues rock songs that you’d hear from pretty much every other blues rock artist. Even his Hendrix cover Come On comes nowhere close to touching the original version, which is odd considering Vaughan was usually a pro when it came to covering Hendrix. But that being said, this is still a pretty catchy album and is still a solid blues album, but its also a downgrade from his first 2 albums. But that just goes to show at his worst, even Vaughan could still play some good guitar solos and make solid enough blues rock. And even if its his worst album, its way better than most bands worst albums.”
3. In Step (1989)
“About 15 years ago I was driving home from work with the radio on. Someone was playing the best guitar I had perhaps ever heard. Whoever it was reminded me of Jimi Hendrix although his pure technique was obviously superior. Who the heck is this person I wondered while still sitting in my car after arriving home. Recently, I came upon a discount CD of SRV at a local Best Buy store and have been playing it over and over. I also ordered his incredible recording, “In Step” from Amazon and have been enthralled all over again. Rolling Stone lists him at #7 on their all time top 100 rock guitarists list and frankly this is not fair. Yes, he should probably take a back seat to Hendrix (not on technique but certainly on overall influence) and probably Clapton, but not B.B. King, Albert King, Chuck Berry or anyone else in my opinion. If you like the blues and/or dazzling rock and roll guitar, go buy this CD and play it to pieces. It is, in my opinion, as good as rock and roll ever gets.”
2. Couldn’t Stand the Weather (1984)
“I would give this 10 stars if that was an available rating. Maybe I’m biased as I like this style of music, but everyone always enjoys hearing this CD, no matter what type of music they normally listen to, whenever I put this one on. Listening to this music always makes me think what a loss we had by Stevie’s early death. The musicianship in this recording is simply superb. Great tunes too!”
1. Texas Flood (1983)
“This is where the rest of the world got to know about SRV. When you listen to this recording, keep in mind it was done pretty much in one take live in a warehouse owned by Jackson Brown. This entire piece was recorded in 2 days, and was just suppose to be a demo for club owners. As the only unsigned act to play the Montreux music festival shortly before this was recorded, SRV and DT shocked the reserved European audience. This performance was also where SRV won his first grammy It’s where he met Jackson who offered him studio time for free. So after more than 10 years playing road side dives, This is where SRV and DT became over night successes.
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What you’ll hear is Texas style 12 bar blues, train wreck bends, and control of the fret board many like myself are still trying to copy 25 years after his death. Stevies influences are all present here, from Albert King to Jimmy Hendrex and so many, many others. If you love the blues, this is what the 80’s were for many of us. Enjoy a legend. RIP SRV. “
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thefuckinsandes · 2 years
Under the Weather
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader Warnings: reader being sick, mention of medicine and alcohol consumption (not mixed), mention about nudity and sexual activity, Javier being the perfect partner. Summary: You're always there to greet Javier as soon as he gets home. One evening, silence is what greets him the moment he walks in through that door. A/N: I wrote this quick little fic for a close friend who is feeling under the weather. To her and anyone else who is not 100%, I hope this brings you a sense of joy. <3
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The apartment was silent as Javier closed the door behind him. The soft sounds of you singing along with the radio was nonexistent as he took more steps into the moonlit living room. Silence. Only the sounds of the neighborhood and cars outside could be heard. 
“Bebecita?” Javi calls out into the dark.
He knows your schedule. At this time, you’re usually waiting for him on the couch with a book in hand. Waiting to pull him into your arms so he can brush off his worries of the day and focus on just you. His five senses would then begin to take you in. He’d feel your soft skin as you snuggled in closer to his chest. He’d smell the shampoo that you loved, the one that he secretly loved too. He’d taste your lips as you pulled him in for a kiss. He hears you welcome him home, always grateful that he returned to you safely. And then, Javi would look at you in full adoration.
But you weren’t there.
Javi makes his way through the apartment in search of signs that you were home. The first thing he sees is your purse on the counter along with your keys. The second thing he finds is a spoon dangling over the edge of the sink, placed as if the user was debating whether it would be used once more. Next to it, a bottle of medicine. He sighed as he picked up the bottle and inspected it for a second. 
The sounds of coughing interrupted the quiet. There you are. Javi went to grab a glass and filled it with water. He grabbed the small bottle along with the spoon and made his way to where he knew he’d find you.
The bedroom was dark, but even without the lights he’d recognize your lovely form underneath the covers. He had it memorized after the first night you spent together. He moved to your side of the bed and placed the items he brought in on the bedside table that you claimed as your own when you moved in. He heard your soft breaths as he watched for a second before he gently moved the hair that was covering your face. You felt warm, too warm than you normally did. A soft groan escaped your lips before your eyes fluttered open.
“Mi amor,” Javi smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Why didn’t you call me at the office to tell me you weren’t feeling well?”
“Didn’t want to bother you,” You whispered as you pulled out an arm from underneath the blankets so you could hold his hand.
He lifted your hand towards his lips, placing a soft kiss, “You’d never bother me.”
A smile graced your lips before more coughs escaped them. Javi placed your hand down gently as he asked you to sit up. As soon as you did he placed the glass of water on your lips, directing you to open so you could drink. Normally you’d give him a teasing remark about you being able to drink water on your own. But when Javier gave you that look, you did as he directed. The cool water provided relief to your dry throat as you continued to take large gulps.
“Slow down, bebecita,” Javier pulls the glass away. “When did you take the medicine?”
Your eyes made their way to look up at the ceiling, trying to recall when you last did take it. You left work early, roughly around one pm. On a good day, it would take you about twenty-five minutes to get home. On a bad day, about forty minutes. Today was luckily a good day. You came in, left your belongings on the counter and proceeded to take the medicine before hiding under the comfort of your shared bed. 
“Around one thirty something.”
“Time for another round then. Did you eat?”
You shook your head, letting him know that you forgoed eating to sleep instead. Javi nodded his head and stood up.
“I’ll make you some soup,” he bent down and placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be back.”
How you adored this man. You knew he was the love of your life the moment you laid eyes on him the day you went to the embassy. That spark you felt when your hands shook. The fact that he felt it too and gave you a look with those sweet brown eyes. You were hooked. You both were. 
As he cooked, you quietly slipped out of bed and walked towards the hallway. You peeked your head around the corner and watched him as he stood over the stove, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he watched the pot to ensure everything was cooking fine. The thing about Javier is, no matter how hard you tried to spy on him, he knew you were there.
“What are you doing out of bed?”
“I was going to go pee and decided to sneak a peek.”
“Is that my shirt?” He fully turned around to look at you. You just nodded your head and watched him walk over to you. “This is one of my favorite shirts.”
“I know.”
He sips his whiskey before walking over to you. With a kiss to your cheek, and a blush on your part, he tells you to go back to bed. After using the bathroom and making yourself comfy in bed once more, Javier enters the room with two bowls in his hand. 
“Careful, it’s hot,” he warns you as he hands you one of the bowls. You thank him as he moves to sit in front of you. You love this caring side of him. You feel privileged, in fact, that you get to witness this tenderness while others mostly get his grumpy self. Javier watches you take a few spoonfuls of soup before he begins to eat. 
Small conversation flowed between the two of you as you asked him about his day. Javi eats a large spoonful before a sarcastic “where do I start?” look is presented on his face. You listen intently as he tells you about his day. There are little smiles here and there when he talks about Steve and about how Connie decided to surprise him at work with lunch. You love those smiles. You’re done eating by the time he finishes telling you what happened.
“Do you want some more?” Javi stands, placing his now empty bowl next to your own.
You rubbed your nose and sniffled, “No thank you. But I do want you to cuddle with me, please.”
“Medicine first, cuddles after. Take some medicine while I clean up.”
“I will.”
Javier gives you a soft smile before he grabs the bowls and whispers that he’d be right back. How the universe blessed you with this man, you’ll never know. But as you take the medicine, with a slight gag at the taste, Javier returns back to you. You place the empty spoon down and watch him undress.
“How can you just simply go commando in jeans? Isn’t it uncomfortable?” You tease him as you watch him put on boxers.
“I don’t always go commando. Someone kept me up last night and almost made me late this morning, hence me going commando,” Javi teases in return as he tries to kiss your lips.
“I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Don’t care,” he kisses you long and hard. “It’s worth it.”
You peck his lips once more before he pulls you close. The warmth of his body was always inviting. You placed your head on his chest, the sound of his heart beginning to lull you back to sleep. 
“I love you, preciosa.”
“I love you, my everything.”
tags: @lovesbiggerthanpride, @evyiione
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lolzskye · 3 years
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PAIRING: calum hood x fem!singer!reader
SUMMARY: the media doesn’t fully know about your relationship with calum until you sing an unreleased song on live
A/N: (i recommend listening to the exception by olivia rodrigo while/before reading this.) italic: flashback // bold italic: lyircs
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"hello!" you exclaimed as you started the live. you waited a few moments to let more people join before answering or saying anything. you played a few random notes on your piano as you read over the comments, answering a few questions that seemed interesting to you.
"'when are you releasing new music?' i actually don't know. i write a lot, but i haven't been in the studio," you answered, continuing to play some random notes, which you ended up playing 'lover of mine'.
"'what's your favorite moment from hanging with 5sos?' um," you thought for a moment, "i- oh i actually can't say that." you thought about the time where the four of them were doing their cocktails chats video. in the middle of calum explaining one of the songs, you walked into the room.
"hey, baby," calum smiled once he caught sight of you sitting down beside michael.
"hi," you replied, watching the smile fall for his face. "why are you pouting now?"
"i'm sitting here with no kiss and i don't like it." you, along with the rest of the people in the room, laughed at his statement before you got up to give him a kiss.
of course you could tell that story, but you and calum wanted to keep your relationship private for as long as you could or felt like.
after answering a few more questions, people finally realized what you were playing on your piano and asked if you could sing something. you smiled, thinking now would be a good time to sing an unreleased song. without you realizing, calum had joined.
he was in the studio with luke, michael, and ashton when he noticed you were live. he had called the boys over so they could all watch you.
"your hand on my leg under the oil painted sky. wind blowin' through our hair on the 405."
memories of sitting in calum’s car with his right hand making a home on your left thigh, riding around for hours with no specific destination ran through your mind as you closed your eyes to visualize your lyrics.
“and traffic's at a standstill, it's LA, what'd you expect? we're listenin' to Zeppelin, you're kissin' my neck.”
“cal, stop it,” you giggled as calum left a trail of kisses on your neck. the radio was turned to low volume but you could still hear the song playing.
“why?” he asked, one of his arms going around your shoulder to keep you close to him.
“you need to be watching the road to see if the traffic starts moving,” you told him. it didn’t make any sense since you’ve been sitting in traffic for the last 20 minutes.
“mm,” he hummed against your neck, “it’s LA, we won’t be moving any time soon, love.”
“you cradle me in your arms in the dark in the back. we're lookin' at the stars, the moon's lit cheshire cat.”
calum’s favorite thing to do when either one of you were stressed was to take you to “see the stars” as he likes to call it. it would usually be in the middle of the night, but you never did mind.
he’d let down the top of his car and lie down in the back seat, cuddling you in his chest as the two of you stared up at the stars.
it was a place where the two of you would have most meaningful conversations, or have your most memorable moments.
you shared your first kiss there, gave yourselves to each other, any meaningful memory with him happened at that spot.
“and your parents can probably see from the window. they'll say, "they're just kids", oh, what the hell do they know?”
you open your eyes to look through the comments. some comments wanting to know who inspired the song or when it was written. others were simply complimenting your voice and how much talent you had. you closed your eyes again once the chorus came along.
“scared, i love you so much i’m scared.”
this was the first time you had sang this song in front of anyone. after six long years of you and calum dancing around those three words, you had finally said them out loud. obviously, no one really knew that you were talking about calum, excluding the people who do know about your relationship.
“'cause they say young love's a loss or it's a lesson.”
while your eyes were closed, there were some fans who realized calum and michael had joined. half of the comments were now talking about them or wanting to know where ashton and luke are.
there were many more comments, some of michael praising you and dropping hints, none that you could see because your eyes remained closed.
“here, i just wanna be here. my heart is tellin' me we're gonna be the exception.”
you thought about the words that were said at the very beginning of your relationship with calum, whether it was from friends or family, they were stamped in your mind for a long time.
‘they’re not going to last long’
‘it’s only temporary’
‘it’s not like you’re going to marry him, you’re young’
no matter how many people doubted the two of you, you had faith that calum was the one.
as you finished playing the notes on the piano, you looked at the screen with a shy smile on your face. you scrolled through a little before one comment caught your eye:
calumhood: i think i hear mine saying the same thing
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Can you write a little mix member x avengers cast?? Maybe?
Hello love! Thank you for the request, I apologize for taking so long to work on it! I’ve written this as a headcanon, since I haven’t done any of those in a while. I hope you like it❤️
The Marvel Cast Finds Out You’re In Little Mix
Why is this lowkey a crack fic/headcanon😭💀
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Alrighty so, I feel like they probably wouldn’t know you’re part of a band or who Little Mix is.
Since SADLY, the girls aren’t as big in the States as we’d like them to be:(
The people who definitely might know you are ✨The Brits✨ and Scarlett because she has a young daughter who probably listened to Wings or something—kids find everything on the internet these days.
Working with Marvel was your first acting gig; so none of them knew anything about you or if you’ve been in other films, etc.
Except for Tom Holland, who was lowkey fangirling at the fact he gets to work with one of the Little Mix members.
Side note: he’ll be deeply offended when he figures out the others don’t know about Little Mix or that you can sing.
The rest of the cast (RDJ, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Seb, Lizzie, etc.) had a hunch that you were some kind of writer.
You were always humming to yourself and writing in your notebook or typing down notes in your phone when something came to mind.
Though they didn’t pry at your business because—well, it wasn’t their business.
They could find out about your other job through many ways. Maybe you guys are doing promo and some interviewers mention the band and things about a new album, to which most of them were confused about.
“So (Y/n), I know this is your first time acting. How different was it from performing on stage and acting on camera?”
Everyone’s attention would be on you (this is a panel btw) Mackie’s looking at the back of your head in confusion, Robert fully turns in his seat to look at you, Lizzie is also curious, Evans is looking between you and the reporter—everyone is just confused.
“Performing on stage? Did you do Broadway (y/n/n)?” Evans asked. Tom (Holland) scoffed shaking his head, disgusted to be part of this group of uncultured swines.
You chuckled and shook your head, “No, I’m a singer. I’m part of a girlband.”
The whole cast gasped in shock. Mackie let out a loud “WHAT?!”. Robert leaned even closer to you trying to see if you were lying. Others whispered amongst themselves asking each other if they knew.
Tom (Holland) just sat back watching everyone’s reactions along with you. Amused at the amount of questions that were suddenly being thrown your way.
He’d also be quick to add, “NOT just ANY girlband, but the biggest girlband on the planet.”
For clarification, Tom’s a very proud Mixer.
Scarlett finally recognized you, knowing that she’s seen you somewhere before, but could never put her finger onto it. “Wait you’re from Little Mix!”
“THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME TASTE!” Tom yelled, dramatically turning to Scarlett.
After the initial shock, everyone was very curious. They wanted to hear your music, wanted to know the other members, when your next tour was—they were very ecstatic.
When you guys finally reached London for the press tour, there was a lot of hype for Little Mix because you guys were going to finally reunite after months of being apart.
The girls were allowed to visit set, but since you guys were working on your new album, they were stuck in London. You were relocated to Atlanta, filming an Avengers movie and working on the album via FaceTime/Zoom.
You and the girls reunite the same night you land in London! As tired as you were, the five of you hung out in your hotel room.
You were all excited for the days to come. Not only were you doing promo for the movie but you and the girls were going to be performing again on night time talk shows and were having a Live Lounge session with BBC Radio 1.
The panel of the cast discovering you were part of a band went viral. Many of the fans couldn’t believe they didn’t know about your other job.
There were even edits going around social media of the cast looking clueless and or reacting to your ‘secret’.
Then there were ones like “Tom Holland being a Mixer for 10 minutes and 57 seconds straight”.
Your favorite one was where they zoomed in on everyone’s confused expression while that one Nicki Minaj song played in the background.
It was mentioned in almost every interview after it went viral.
“So none of you had a clue that (y/n) was also a singer? Like at all?”
“I didn’t even know homegirl could sing, matter of fact I never imagined her to be in a girlband.” — Anthony Mackie
“I had a hunch that she was a musician or artist, but no one ever listens to me.” — Chris Evans
“(Y/n)’s in a girlband? Since when?” — Paul Rudd
“After we found out, I listened to all six of their albums on the flight here.” — Elizabeth Olsen
“Of course I knew, my music taste is immaculate compared to the others.” — Tom Holland
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” — Anthony Mackie
“I really enjoy Black Magic, it reminds me of Wanda.” — Paul Bettany
The cast was so eager to hear you sing and watch you perform with the girls.
They finally got to do that when you invited them to the Live Lounge session. They also got to meet the girls.
You were very happy at that moment; seeing the two groups of people you love meeting each other and getting along meant a lot to you. It gave you a lil warm tingle in your heart.
Since there were no fans in the studio, it was only you and the girls, the band, and a bunch of the Avengers.
While the cameras rolled and you guys were performing, they were crowded together behind the scenes. Some of them were sitting on the carpeted floors or standing against the walls.
They were absolutely stunned when they heard you sing. You had a powerful voice that ranged from high to low, something they never expected of you.
When they heard you and the girls sing or harmonize with each other, it was like they were all in heaven.
“They sound like angels.”
“My ears are tingling, but like in a good way.”
“Seriously, how did we not know she can sing like this?”
“Hear me out—this is a perfect reason as to why we should have an Avengers musical.”
“Chris if we hear you bring up a damn musical one more time I swear.”
“Their voices go so well together, how do they even do that?”
Scarlett would secretly film videos to show her daughter. I have a feeling that Evans, Tom, RDJ, Sebby, and Mark would record some parts as well and would post it onto their Insta stories.
When fans found out they were at the Live Lounge they freaked out.
Ever since they found out you were in a band, they’ve been the biggest fans and supporters of the group.
They’re always promoting your albums on their social media accounts without you even asking.
Privately and publicly praising you guys for performances or achievements.
Your two main groups clashed and now everyone was friends. It was definitely the most weirdest collision— Little Mix and the cast of the Avengers. But it worked out perfectly.
Everyone got along with each other and the girls would always visit you on set.
They’re always playing the band’s song in the background on set.
Most of them won’t admit, but they definitely memorized the lyrics to almost every song.
*cough cough* Mackie and Hemsworth
I feel like Samuel L. Jackson would join in on the action too, one way or another. Somehow he got looped in.
ANOTHER THING OMG, they would definitely stand up for you and the girls whenever Piers Morgan or some asshole hates on you guys or pulls a jab on you all.
Best beileve Evans will be calling him out publicly on Twitter.
“Why are you so worried about a bunch of talented women who are doing their job and bringing happiness to others? They’ve done nothing to you, you’re always the one making jabs at them. Leave them alone you fucking British meatball.”
I feel like Robert helped you and the girls find a better management company after learning about the unfair treatment you all faced under Simon’s care.
In conclusion: The Marvel cast would be ecstatic to learn about you being a singer and they’d become your biggest fans. They truly adore you and the girls for your amazing talent :’)
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justmypartner · 3 years
Still Breathing: Chapter 18
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Summary: AU | When a case goes sideways, Hailey wakes up in the hospital with a revelation that leaves her evaluating her life. While she recovers at Med, she meets Jay, an aloof, yet intriguing patient that catches her by surprise. The two get to know one another as they take on the task of rediscovering what it’s like to truly live, and eventually learn their lives intersect in more ways than one.
Writer’s Note: Hi lovelies! Happy Saturday!! As always, I want to say thank you for your love of this story! We’re getting real close to the end, but I’ve actually decided to add another chapter! The more I wrote, the more ideas I had that I felt couldn’t be left out, so there will now be 21 chapters + an epilogue. Happy reading, and I hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 or below
Crossing state lines felt like pausing that ticking clock, blocking the sand in the hourglass, and gaining an anomalous state of carelessness. In the city, in their normal lives, everything seemed to be a reminder that every second with him was slipping away. Getting away from it all felt like wiping her mind from that reminder, escaping into a world where reality was whatever they wanted it to be.
Sitting in that passenger seat on their way to St. Joe, she imagined that every car they passed was representative of every ill thought being left behind in the city. The next few days were to be all about Jay. All about the two of them. Releasing all of those things that left her uneasy felt necessary to ensure that those intentions remained true.  
“What’s got you so quiet over there?” he broke through the low thrum of the radio, his eyes flickering from the road to her.
“Nothing,” she lied. “I’m just happy we’re doing this. It’s nice getting out of the city.”
“It is,” he concurred, following the words with a flash of a smile in her direction. 
It’s nice getting out of my head, she wanted to add but stopped herself. She was typically adept at reading him, knowing exactly what was going on in his head without him having to say anything aloud. This was different. Ever since he scheduled the surgery, he had been thinking in a language she couldn’t understand. She had no idea how he was actually dealing with it all. The last thing she wanted to do was project her own fears onto him, especially if he really was handling it all better than she was. So, she didn’t talk about it. Instead, she bottled up her wandering thoughts and merciless fears, doing her best to cast them aside completely.
She watched him from the other side of the car, allowing her head to fall back against the headrest to fully take him in. She found herself doing that a lot recently. She wondered if part of it was some intrinsic need to memorize every piece of him, knowing another part of it was a fear of taking for granted the privilege of him being there to look at in the first place. The sun was hitting his skin in a way that made every freckle on his face prominent, his jaw was set firm as his determined focus remained on the road, and the henley he wore hugged his arms perfectly, carving out every curve of his muscles. She quickly found herself lost in a daze, feeling as though she could look at him like that forever.
“Enjoying the view over there?” 
Her eyes widened as her vision came back into focus, and she just slowly looked away as heat rose to her face.
“By the way, I brought something for you.”
Her attention returned to him and she sat up as his arm reached behind them, feeling for something behind her seat. He brought an ammo canister around and held it out to her. She eyed him uncertainly as she took it from him, her mouth quirked at one side as she scanned his face for an explanation. 
“Just open it,” he nudged her. She allowed her confused stare to linger before looking down and undoing the front clasp. Inside was a stack of polaroids, far more tattered than any of those they had taken over the past month. 
The first photo she picked up was of a freckled-faced boy with a bright smile, dark curls tousled over his forehead, holding a small fish in his hands. Knelt beside him was a woman. She was beautiful, with similar dark hair, the exact same smile, and instead of looking at the camera, she was looking at the boy. 
“Is that your mom?” she asked, a sparkle in her eyes as she hurried a look from the photo over to him. 
He just pressed his lips together and nodded, meeting her eyes only for a second before finding the road again. 
“She was beautiful. And you… you were so adorable.” 
He gave her a silent response, and she didn’t need to look over to know the flush of red on his cheeks.
She spent the rest of the drive looking through the canister, gawking over picture after picture of young Jay. There were some of Will as well, others with them both, and a few of the entire family. He made a point to give her the background behind each photo, letting her into this past that told the story of a sweet little family that did practically everything together. Every photo and every story only painted a picture of a family that appeared so inverse of her own. 
“You all seemed so happy in these photos,” she told him, organizing them into little stacks to put back into the canister. 
“Back in those days, yeah.”
“What happened?” she asked boldly, the lightness in her eyes darkening as she watched his face tense up.
She watched the ball in his throat rise and fall, and he became silent as he seemed to chew on an explanation. 
“It was a bunch of things. Honestly like a domino effect. One thing seemed to lead to the fall out of the next, but it all just catalyzed after my mom got sick. From then on out, it wasn’t ever the same.”
She shook her head, closing the canister as she placed it on the floorboard behind her. “Families are… complicated,” she said quietly, flipping through the messy mental reel of her own family.
“Yeah,” he agreed shortly. 
“Speaking of families, can I ask you something?” she drew back the last word, regretting the question the second she opened her mouth.
“Always,” he returned with a bit of both confidence and muddle.
“I’ve been meaning to ask but I just— that night on the roof at Med, did you really mean what you said about us… the future and everything? Or was it just a reaction to—“
Everything being the part about forever, kids, and more lists. She never really thought about a future like that. Never imagined she could have anything even resembling what she saw in those photos. That was until she met him. Everything changed after him. He allowed her to see a future with a happy family like she saw in those photos. One in which they had little freckled-faced kids of their own, that wore his smile, a blend of their eyes, and had dirty blonde locks ruffled on their heads. He made her realize that she wanted it all, it just wasn’t something she’d voiced to him before.
“I meant every word of it,” he affirmed without missing a beat. His pace then slowed and his poise softened as he continued. “I mean, I know we haven’t exactly talked about the future… what I want, what you want. It seemed sort of wishful to talk about all of that with everything considered, but yeah. I want it all with you.”
She knew from the look on his face that her question had scared him. That she had stirred up a doubt in him that hadn’t existed before, but all it took were three words to bring him back. 
“I do too.”
She just hoped that the universe would be kind enough to allow it.
— — — — 
The quaint coastal town looked far different than it did during their first visit. Rather than colorful leaves and autumnal ornamentations lining every street, it was unlit lights and leftover Christmas decor. They drove slowly through the town, mindful of the crowds that filled every sidewalk and every public space. There was a refreshing morale in the air they weren’t used to in Chicago, and it only made Hailey that much happier that they’d decided to spend the New Year’s holiday there.
They had booked a room on the windward side of the inn, one Jay promised would have a perfect view of the lighthouse and the lake. 
“I’ll check us in and bring our bags up to our room. How about you go ahead and get us a table at Mama Jo’s?”
“Copy,” she told him, leaning over the console to kiss him before hopping out of the truck. 
“I’ll be with you in a second,” a voice called out from behind the podium once she had entered the busy restaurant. She stood patiently in the entryway until the woman popped her head around and slowly approached her with realization.
“My, my,” she lilted, “JJ’s girl, right?” She paused a moment in recollection. “Hailey, it was. Come here sunshine.”
The woman enveloped her in a hug as Hailey’s face glowed back in greeting.
“What are you doing here?”
“Jay and I came up for New Year’s. We have a room at the inn. He'll be down in a minute.”
“Twice in a few months, it’s shocking, but a treat no less.”
The woman eyed her thoughtfully as Hailey just maintained a friendly expression with her, not wanting to divulge the deeper motivations behind that particular visit. She then goosenecked a glance behind Hailey briefly, then around the room as if to ensure their seclusion, finally taking a step towards her and lowering her voice. All the while growing a cautioned look on Hailey’s face.
“Can I ask you something?” she finally requested. Hailey nodded sincerely.
“He’s sick, isn’t he?” the question left without emotion, just pure curiosity and a placid look.
“My love, I’ve known JJ since he was small enough to carry on my hip. It may have been a few years, but I knew something was different about him last time you were here. Plus, my JJ’s a military man. He knows better than to be wearing a ball cap inside, let alone at the dinner table. I knew there had to be a reason why. I also know what his mama had can be genetic, so how bad is it? Stage four? Like hers?”
Hailey eyed her a moment, weighing whether or not to further confirm what the woman seemed to already know to be true.
“Stage two,” she eventually gave in. “He has a surgery coming up. We’re hoping it’ll turn things around.”
“Damned cancer,” she breathed out with the shake of her head. “And knowing the risk you still stuck around?”
“Absolutely,” Hailey told her without question. “I’m in it with him. Good or bad.”
“Well, he’s real lucky to have you. I don’t know many people that would willingly sign up for something as tough as that. You must really love him.”
“I do. Very much.”
“Well, it’s like I told him last time y’all were here. There’s something about you. I don’t know what it is, but I just know his mama would have loved you,” the bend in her lips remained as she shook her head. “Anyway, let me get y’all settled at your table.”
She said it so swiftly, not giving Hailey room to react. That’s when she realized what she had whispered in Jay’s ear that day before they left. It sent a chill through her body. She may not have the chance to get his mother’s blessing, but that sure felt like the next best thing.
Mama Jo stuck around to chat with Hailey until Jay finally showed up. He greeted the woman with a large embrace, and though Hailey hadn’t instructed her to keep what she’d revealed a secret, she acted as though she had no idea. Something Hailey had found herself feeling thankful for.
“Are y’all going to the New Year’s party in the ballroom tonight?” Mama Jo asked as she loitered by their table.
“Ballroom?” Jay questioned. 
“The inn puts on a big party every New Year’s. It’s from 5 pm ’til midnight. They’ve got food, booze, a DJ. It’s the talk of the town. You ought to go if you don’t have any other plans.”
“Yeah?” he spoke, looking over at Hailey in proposition. 
“That sounds fun,” she affirmed. “We’ll check it out.”
They finished their lunch, then headed up to the room to change. Jay’s promise held true, their view was incredible. Hailey even spent a while by the window, getting lost in the pattern of the waves crashing against the shore.
Before long, she was changing into her dress. A simple maroon-colored slip, slightly droopy at the bust and slightly short at the hem. She was plumping her lips after applying a neutral coat of gloss when Jay emerged from the bathroom. The black button-up he wore clung against his chest in the best way possible, and his focus trained on his sleeves as he rolled them neatly left him heedless to her infatuated stare. 
She directed a two-tone whistle at him, drawing his eyes up to her. He instantly mirrored the sound, taking slow steps toward her as his hands found the pockets of his pants. 
“That is a hell of a dress,” he told her, eyes surveying her over with hunger. She smirked, raising her hands to the top of his shirt. Her fingers undid the top button, flaring out the sides of the collar and adjusting his medallion against his chest. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she whispered. 
She grabbed the black ball cap from the chest of drawers behind her and settled it on his head. 
“Ready?” she asked him. He turned the hat around backward and leaned down to find her lips in response. She smiled into the kiss, bringing a hand to tug at the back of his neck before he could pull away. 
“I am now,” he said against her lips, swiveling the hat back around and reaching for her hand.
— — — — 
The event was about as expected of a small-town celebration. Reminiscent of a high school dance, there was a DJ set up on a small elevated stage on the back wall, the tables were lined with cliche New Year’s decor, and a mirrorball dangling from the ceiling shone glimmers of light across the room. 
Most of the adults were clustered by the bar, and families and kids filled the dance floor, clumsily moving around to the year’s top songs echoing through the speakers.
They settled their things at a table in the corner, and Hailey just smiled up at him as he gave her a what now look.
“You gonna dance with me?” she asked, holding her hand out to him as she backpedaled for the dance floor. 
“Mm nope. You know I only slow dance,” he shook his head, keeping his feet planted and his hands in his pockets.
“Come on, you’re gonna make me dance alone…” she challenged, her eyes remaining fixed with his as she gestured down her body, “in this dress?”
It was an offer he couldn’t resist, so he grabbed her hand and allowed her to pull him with her to the dance floor. 
It took a bit of time, but it wasn’t long before he was well-loosened up, following her movements as they mindlessly cut around the room to overplayed radio hits.
Nearing midnight, Jay left Hailey alone to retrieve them both a glass of champagne for the countdown. She watched as he walked over to the bar, watched as he drew every woman’s attention in his path over. She smiled to herself, knowing just what it was like to be caught up in him in that way. Knowing she didn't have to wonder like they did with all of the rushed thoughts she imagined were going through their heads, because she knew what it was like to be loved by him in every way. She watched him sip from his own champagne as he waited for the second glass. His movements became hurried when the bar keep handed him the glass just when the ten-second countdown to midnight began. 
She watched him with a large smile on her face as he half-jogged over to her, careful to keep steady hands as not to spill the contents of the glasses. 
“One,” he breathed out as he halted his movements before her just in time, his heavy breath pushing against her face.
Cheers rang out and confetti fell all around them as she tugged him towards her by the collar of his shirt, meeting his lips as his occupied hands held the glasses up in the air behind her. She tasted the champagne on his mouth, sliding her arms around his neck to pull him closer against her. She fell off balance as he reached around to drop the glasses to the table behind them, but he caught her, allowing the emptiness of his hands to roam her body more freely. She laughed against his lips as he slowly lifted her in his arms. Then she felt her feet reconnect with the ground as his hands remained steady against her lower back. 
“Happy New Year,” he told her, smiling before picking a piece of confetti out of her hair.
She reflected a smile back, feeling overwhelmed by the moment — by him. Earlier that day she wondered how she would be able to celebrate the New Year, celebrate anything knowing what could lay before them. It also felt strange to celebrate time pressing forward, especially when she had spent the past few weeks wishing for a way to stop it altogether. Although in that moment, she didn’t need to wonder how. In that moment, time stood still, the world seemed to stop moving, and all that mattered was him. He felt like something to celebrate. 
After midnight everyone began to clear out. Most of the families had left, and the few stragglers by the bar were finishing up their last drinks of the night. The DJ announced the final song, and the clean-up crew began to start their rounds, but Jay just looked at Hailey, frozen in place with a wistful look in his eyes.
“Be right back,” he said, pulling away from her presence to dart over towards the DJ. She watched him curiously as he said something to the man, receiving a nod back and a thumbs up before he was returning to her. 
“Okay, per request, this is actually the final song. It seems we’re going way old school for this one. Happy New Year everyone, I hope this year is good to you,” the DJ announced. Then, a song Hailey knew to be their song began to play and she just about broke down as her eyes met Jay’s, his green orbs whispering an invitation to the dance floor from across the room.
He made his way just under the mirrorball, and she met him there with misty eyes. His arm held out, a shy smile on his face, he offered her a dance, Sam Cooke’s voice echoing through the room. She grabbed his hand, he pulled her in, and just like that they were back on his roof months prior. Falling in love for the first time all over again. 
“This song started it all,” she told him as they swayed together. 
He pulled back to look at her, and she just gave him a weak smile.
“Dancing on your roof, it was the first thing we did on my list.”
He nodded, his eyes peering ardently into her own. “You know something I’ll always remember about that night?” he asked. 
She tipped her head at him, encouraging him to share.
“You called us soulmates.”
She frowned, trying to recall. “I— I was talking about the characters in my book,” she clarified with a sheepish grin. 
“Yeah, characters you compared to us.”
Her face crimsoned as his lips grew into a smile. “I’m sorry it wasn’t Florence,” he told her. 
“Don’t be. That night was perfect. Plus, maybe I’ll get there one day.”
“If you could choose anywhere to go, anything to add to your list that wasn’t restricted by time or work, is that where you’d go?”
“Yeah. There or maybe Greece. Perhaps even both.”
“You know, you never taught me any more Greek.”
“That’s right,” she emitted. “See that’s why you need to survive this surgery. So you can stick around long enough to culture yourself a little.”
The mood tightened immediately, and she felt regretful of the joke when he let out a half-hearted laugh in response.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
His grip tightened against her and he shook his head with a loose swivel. 
“No, it’s fine. Don’t apologize.”
“Anyway,” she said, pulling the inside of her cheek between her teeth. “Where would you go if you could choose anywhere?”
He thought it over, poking his lip out slightly with a crinkle in his brow. “I don’t know, wherever you are is good enough for me.”
“Shut up, I’m being serious,” she crooned.
“So am I,” he maintained, and she could tell by the look in his eyes that he was. 
She faltered a moment, the smile falling from her face before she wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing her head into his chest as his arms enveloped her in his warmth. They continued to dance to the song, and she could hear him singing those words in her ear. Just like he had all those times before. 
“Nothing can ever change this love I have for you,” he sang, welling up the corners of her eyes. 
“No matter what happens,” he added, and with that, she left tear stains against his shirt as she wept quietly into his chest.
The rest of the crowd eventually left, the music had stopped, and yet neither of them could find the courage to pull away. Instead, they clung tighter to one another, swaying only to the rhythm of their beating hearts. Confetti from earlier in the night stuck to the bottoms of their shoes, the cyclical flashes from the mirrorball lit the room, and the cleaning crew just let them be, working around them, somehow recognizing the volume of that moment even through the silence.
The party was over. The night had ended. But they continued to dance into the new year together. Recognizing that it could very well be their last dance, and for that reason, never wanting it to end.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏 (𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒏) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)/ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥! 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞/ 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓.𝟓𝐊
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬.
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬
Taking the milkshake glasses off the counter and making sure the space was throughly wiped down and sanitized, San's eyes looked up when the familiar midnight blue Nissan sedan, whose model he'd never given a damn to memorize, parked in front of the restaurant, signaling the arrival of the person working the closing shift that day. His heart practically somersaulted when he caught glimpse of the soft, silky [insert color] hair stepping out of the vehicle, the owner such pretty hair owning an equally beautiful face. While his heart pounded, his stomach turned sick when he saw the driver come out as well, going over to where she was, whispering a goodbye in her ear. To anyone passing by, it'd look like a normal couple, a boyfriend bringing his girlfriend to work and giving her a kiss, no doubt promising to pick her up later.
But San knew better.
His eyes always caught on to the way she stepped back slightly, her arm folding across her body when his hand reached out to caress it, his fingers no doubt gripping down harshly on her skin. She didn't kiss him back, she just allowed him to place his lips momentarily on hers before patting her cheek lightly with his palm and soon going back to his vehicle and driving away. He watched her take a deep breath before she felt ready to go inside and start her shift.
"Hey Y/N!" He did his usual friendly and warm way of greeting her, his smiling eyes and dimples putting a genuine smile on her own somber countenance.
"Hi San. How's it been?" She inquired as she punched her number in.
Shrugging his shoulders, he sighed.
"Same as almost every Wednesday. Dead, boring and mostly the regulars or just travelers."
She shook her head, already mentalizing herself that it'd be another day spent cleaning what's already clean and over stocking the merchant just to pass time. She went inside the office to put on her uniform shirt and apron. San in no way ever peeked in to see her cause he was a pervert, he respected her and would never allow himself to think of any inappropriate scenarios involving her. However, he would always sneak a tiny glance every now and then for one particular reason. Tilting his head slightly so he could see through the tiny cracked door, he watched her take off her denim jacket and felt his grip tighten on the glass cup he was currently drying when he spotted some purple blotches on her bicep. He immediately looked away as he did not want to get angry in front of her. He hastily put the cup back in the shelf under the counter, throwing the rag onto the marble counter in a rather aggressive manner.
"Ok San, tell me what needs to be finished."
Coming out in full uniform and hair held up with her usual choice of a colored scrunchie, this day choosing yellow, Y/N looked at her coworker and waited for him to give her a task.
"Nothing really except wait on customers. I already stocked the fridge and pulled out the stuff needed from the freezer."
He was always doing that, doing not only his side workload but also hers, which more often than not had her pouting at him.
"So I'll just be bored to death?" She huffed.
Chuckling, San stepped closer to her, making sure to keep an elbow distance from her, knowing she tended to get apprehensive when someone came to close to her than she was comfortable with.
"Not really. There's plenty of things to amuse yourself with. Besides.......maybe now you won't hurt yourself so much from lifting heavy objects..."
His tone lowered involuntarily at that last part. He knew very well the bruises weren't cause she'd accidentally hit herself on the railings in the back because she lost her balance carrying stuff in and out of the freezer. She herself tensed up a little at his words.
"Oh right......heh.....clumsy me right?" She tried to plaster an unfazed smile on her face, only succeeding about halfway.
Unable to control his movements, San's hand reached out to tuck some of the hair slipping out of her ponytail behind her ear. It hurt him to no end when she flinched slightly at his movement, he could feel her tensing up when his fingers made contact with her temple. As he squinted his eyes, he could make out the uneven patch of concealer and powder on the area close to her hairline, a tiny hue of reddish purple peeking slightly through. She relaxed when he finally retreated his hand.
"Just try to be careful and take care of yourself. I don't like seeing you get hurt."
She probably didn't know, or maybe she did, he was painfully obvious when it came to her, that he meant what he said in more ways than one.
"You too....see you San."
Once more, he held himself back from blurting out everything that was kept in his chest, instead opting for giving her a farewell and going out to the parking lot to get inside his red 1989 Ford f150 and drive over to his friend's house, the bunch of them waiting for him to complete his shift and come over to their place.
"Aish seriously San, just forget about her. Plenty of fish in the sea." One of the pair of giants told him as he chugged back the remnants in his bottle.
"And you have a lot of fish waiting for you to reel in your rod so they can bite right in." His friend sitting next to him wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Stop you guys." San pushed the blonde away.
"Mingi and Wooyoung are right though San. You have girls and guys lined up all willing to drop their pants for you at anytime. Lucky bastard." Yunho, the other half of the giant squad chuckled lowly.
"I don't want any of them though... you guys don't understand." San looked down at the floor.
The other blonde haired male in the room, Yeosang, rolled his eyes at him, unable to understand his infatuation for the girl.
"You've been pining for her since high school. When are you going to let her go? She chose and still chooses to this day Lee Taeyong."
Slamming his fist on the table, San angrily looked at him.
"Don't fucking mention that asshole's name near me!"
Everyone grew quiet, the members who were bordering on getting tipsy suddenly sobering completely up as if there was absolutely no drop of alcohol in their system. San was usually a very friendly and sweet person, but he was also sensitive and emotional, and lately he'd manifest it through anger and rage, and it was truly terrifying to them. But they knew he had reasons for lashing out like that. They knew his hatred for Taeyong, not just for being able to score the girl he'd been in love with for ages, San would have stayed content and wholeheartedly happy had she'd been loved and cared for like she deserved to be. But instead, he had to watch as she was constantly belittled and sometimes shoved hardly into the ground, landing her scraped knees or bruised palms. He could only imagine what went on behind closed doors.
"San......you have to accept reality, all of us do whether we like it or not. Her friends aren't blind to what's happening to her. Teacher's at university aren't either, they've all tried approaching her about it.....she won't listen to anyone." Yunho decided to finally say what everyone was thinking.
"She doesn't deserve it! It's toxic and sick!" He cried out in desperation.
"But ultimately it's her choice........ you can't force her to get help or leave if she doesn't want to. She's been with him for years."
Unwilling to hear anymore, San quickly picked up his leather jacket and stormed out the house. He drove the streets like a mad man, his fist hitting the steering wheel every time he stopped at a red light. He would have continued his angry drive back to his place had he not spotted an all too familiar denim jacket walking on the road. Slowing down the truck, he pulled closer to the right side and stopped right in front of the figure trembling in the cold night air.
"Y/N?" He rolled down his window so she wouldn't be startled by some stranger suddenly pulling up next to her.
"Oh! Hey San!" She said through chattering teeth.
"You're walking home all alone?" He could not believe this.
"Uh....yeah! My boyfriend got caught up at work....didn't want to bother him so I'm walking home...it's not that far!" She tried to sound reassuring, but he could see right through her.
"You want a ride?" He offered.
She hesitated for a moment, wondering if it'd be a good idea or not.
"Hey it's ok. I'm not going to kidnap you or anything. I'll just drive you straight home. We don't even have to talk if you don't want. Just you, me and some old jams playing on the radio all right?"
Unable to resist that dimple smile that always made her feel fuzzy inside, she allowed him to open the door for her from the inside. After giving him her address, she found he stayed true to his word and just drove in silence the entire time. She was kinda thankful for it. She was tired after her shift, exhausted from walking and from how late it was, and more than anything, she felt like she was going to spill tears any minute if she even got out a single word. She felt worn out, her head resting on the window, eyes opening and closing as tiredness began to overtake her. She only awoke when she felt a light hand caress her cheek. In other circumstances, she would have immediately swatted the hand away and pushed the face near her own as far away as possible. But she didn't do that, she felt strangely safe and protected by the male next to her as he brushed some hair off her face.
"We're here. Safe and sound just like I promised."
For some reason she felt anything but safe as she looked at the house in front of her.
"Thanks San." She smiled weakly at him as she began taking off her seat belt.
"Call me if you ever need a ride. I mean it. I don't want you catching a cold...or-or worse..." He admitted.
"Thank you, really. Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."
She took slow steps to the front door, San didn't drive away until he confirmed she was inside. With a heavy heart, he drove away back to his place, unaware that the girl he dropped off was watching through the peephole his departure, still staying there moments after he had disappeared from sight. She sighed despondently as she dropped her bag onto the floor, slumping her body onto the couch as it was useless to try to go sleep in the bedroom given the pornographic moans and thumping noises coming from inside it. Wouldn't be the first or last time she came home to such sounds. She simply curled up into a fetus position, falling asleep in the usual way:
Tears falling out of the corners of her eyes.
"What do you mean she's not coming?"
San nervously gulped as his boss told him Y/N's boyfriend called to say she had a little accident and couldn't go in that day. He knew it was bullshit and he was going to find out what really happened. After going to classes the next day, he actively searched around campus for any signs of her or Taeyong. After asking around, a girl motioned to the football field, saying that's where they'd often go to at times. San squinted his eyes as he looked all over for them, finally spotting them near the bleachers. His fist tightened as he watched Taeyong once again put his filthy hands on Y/N, shoving her to the ground, making her land face first, her palms outstretched and scraping against the grass under her. He watched as Taeyong simply walked away, leaving her there, not caring about if she was seriously injured or not. Unable to hide any longer, San sauntered over to her, his arms picking her up from the ground.
"Y/N it's me!"
He didn't mean to shout at her, but having her scream and cover her head protectively gave him no other option. He nearly began crying himself when she lifted her head, her eyes full of fear and panic.
"Oh! It's you San! Sorry for that!"
As she stood up, she began dusting the dirt off, ignoring the throbbing pain in her ankle. Faking a smile, she giggled nervously.
"Clumsy me again, tripping on some-"
"Y/N stop lying to yourself. I saw everything."
Her face darkened at his words, her eyes becoming glued to the floor as she avoided his gaze like she did the others. She hated seeing their pitiful stares and shameful eyes, she believed San probably had the same look as well. She couldn't be more wrong as his eyes just looked at her in despair and agony.
"Why? Why do you put up with it? Why do you stay with him? Why do you torture yourself like this?.....
Why do you love him?"
He asked that last question more to himself than her. Y/N crossed her right arm over her chest, her hand clutching her left bicep as she gently massaged the muscle there. San knew it was the same bruised arm he had seen a few days ago, it was probably even more battered up than the last time he saw it.
"I can't......I don't know....."
Seeing her struggling to form words, San opted for gently hovering his hands around her, maneuvering and ushering her to sit on the bleachers without ever laying a single finger on her. Opening his backpack, he took out the mini first aid kit his older friend, Seonghwa, had given him, actually deciding to put it to use for once.
"I'm going to clean these scrapes ok?"
He looked at her and waited til she gave him permission to touch her. She did not flinch away at all when he began wiping off the dirt and blood accumulated on her knee or hands, only momentarily when he applied the disinfectant spray on her wounds.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine.......I'm used to hurting...." She finally admitted.
He wanted to speak up again, but found it hard to find the right words. He focused on applying ointment on her wounds and bandaging them up nicely.
"How long has he pushed you around?" He needed to know.
"Started 3 months after we became official.....but even before that, he'd often tease me and what not........ it doesn't hurt ....." She lied once more.
"The Y/N I knew never lied even to save her life. Sad how someone like him managed to change that." He finished wrapping the gauze around her knee.
"I haven't changed at-"
"Yes you have." He interrupted once again.
"The Y/N from then was a cheerful, happy ray of sunshine known for her bubbly personality and kindness to others. She loved going out with friends and hated staying indoors for too long. She was always honest and ready to help anyone in need, especially cute abandoned animals, she was a real softie for them."
She chuckled softly at his words, not denying any of it.
"I still am soft for them." She corrected him.
"But you're no longer happy. You're sad, somber and being in pain all because of an asshole who doesn't deserve you.......he doesn't deserve your love."
Although she heard him and wanted to believe his words, her mind blocked out such reasoning.
"But he does love me.......he swears it....every time it happens, he apologizes and promises-"
"It's all lies Y/N! He doesn't love you! If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you physically and emotionally. He wouldn't be the reason why you're only a shell of the person you used to be. He doesn't love you and he'll never love you..."
She let his words sink, trying to digest what he was saying.
"I know because I've loved you for so long and I'd never even think about putting you through half of what he has."
She whipped her head up at his words, seeing the earnest and emotion in his eyes as he finally confessed what was in his heart.
"San......" She was left speechless.
He teared up, scoffing at himself as a dry smile formed on his face.
"You have no idea how much it hurts seeing you be in pain and not able to do anything about it. Having you flinch at my touch when all I want is to comfort and hold you."
Without thinking, he cupped her cheeks, thumbs wiping away the tears that began falling down her eyes.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself Y/N. You can't spend the rest of your life living in fear and chained to someone who just wants to make you suffer. You can't allow someone to take away your joy and peace of mind. You shouldn't be afraid to be free and enjoy life. You deserve to be happy and loved."
He used his last bit of self control he had and stopped himself when he leaned his face too close to hers, his nose brushing against hers, expecting her to shiver away from his touch, but instead she seemed to wait for his next move. Knowing he'd never forgive himself for it, he pulled back, leaving her disappointed and himself in agony.
"Please take care..."
Taking off his leather jacket, he placed it on her back, fanning out the sleeves so it'd cover her shoulders. Then he turned around and began walking away from her, shoulders slumped down and heart aching to go back and just take her away for good. But he resolved himself not to. Not until she specifically asked him to.
When Y/N finally got back to her place, Taeyong wasn't there. He was probably spending the night at one of his side chick's place, no doubt getting buzzed and high out of his mind. Her soft bed no longer comforted her, so instead she slid down and sat on the floor, hugging her knees and occasionally running a finger through the fabric of San's jacket. His scent was still on it and every time she inhaled it, it had a soothing and calming effect on her mind and heart that soon helped her tense body relax until she felt sleepy. It took a lot of effort, but she climbed into her bed, not bothering to cover herself with the blanket or change into more comfortable and less confining clothes.
San's jacket was the only comforting thing at that moment......
Nudging him with his elbow, Yeosang whispered to the male next to him the presence of the girl that was slowly approaching them. Always reacting to anything related to her, San turned his head and smiled softly when he saw Y/N walking up to him.
"Hey." He greeted her.
"Hi.....I came to return this. Thanks for letting me borrow it." She held out his leather jacket, neatly folded and visible clean.
"Oh Y/N, you really didn't need to go that far." San became shy at her gesture, and worried about if she washed it cause he had forgotten to and it disgusted her.
"Don't say that. It's the least I can do for all you've done..."
She looked up at his eyes as she said that, her heart fluttering when he rested his hand on top of hers when he tried to take back his treasured article of clothing, letting it stay there for a moment, his fingers giving her hand a light squeeze. His friend behind him looked back and forth between the both of them, confused by what was going on and internally gagging at their mushy scene.
"I wanted to say thank-"
The voice calling out for her roared in her ears, sending her into a panic mode as she pulled away immediately from his physical contact. San noticed the way her body tensed up and her eyes became afraid. His own eyes narrowed at the icy blue haired man strutting up to them, a chilling smile on his manga like visuals.
"Hey baby, I've been looking all over for you. What were you doing?" He asked in a concerning tone, face bearing down on hers rather uncomfortably.
"I- I was j-just giving San back this.." She stammered as she gestured to the jacket in her hand.
Letting out a barely audible scoff, Taeyong gripped the jacket, prying it off her delicate fingers before tossing it back to San.
"Thanks bud."
San glared at him, resisting the urge to throw a punch to his face. Seeing him unresponsive, Taeyong just shrugged and suspiciously wrapped an arm around Y/N.
"Come on babe. Let's go back home."
His fingers dug into her skin, applying very painful pressure to her bruise, an occasional whimper coming out of her mouth as they walked across the football field. San's jaw tightened as he watched Taeyong lean in and whispered something in her ear, no doubt some degrading words judging by the way she cowered beneath him.
"San just let it go." Yeosang's voice said.
"I can't Yeosang. Every time I see him even breathe near her.......I feel like combusting." He grunted in frustration as his friend tried to calm him down.
"Taeyong, please stop. It really hurts." Y/N cried out, her fingers prying his hand off her aching arm.
"Shut up you little bitch. How dare you go talk to that punk? Making me look bad and having me talk to that low life." He cringed in disgust.
"I was only thanking him for lending me-"
"So what? Were you going to lend yourself to him too? Is that what you were going over to him for?"
She instantly shook her head.
"What?! No!"
"Yeah right. I bet you already whored yourself out to him...didn't you?!"
Not caring that there was still people nearby, Taeyong harshly yanked her by her hair before tossing her onto the ground, catching the attention of everyone around, including San and Yeosang.
"Fucking whore." He spat at her.
"Don't." Yeosang held his hand out when he saw San taking a step forward.
"But I can't-"
Yeosang kept an arm around him to keep him in place.
"Don't get involved. You'll only make things worse."
San looked back at the scene, his heart breaking seeing Y/N once again on the floor, trembling like a frightened kitten who had no protection. When she looked up, he saw tears already brimming down her face.
"Get up. We're going home." Taeyong sternly commanded, turning to walk away as usual.
He stopped dead in his tracks at her refusal.
"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
Not knowing how or where she got the strength from, Y/N got up and faced him with determination.
"I've finally had enough."
Both San and Yeosang were shocked at hearing her words, one of them more incredulous than anything and the other proud of her for finally standing up for herself. Taeyong too was put out of sorts seeing her be so bold.
"Haha, real funny baby. Now let's go home." He walked closer to her, reaching out to yank her arm, but she slapped it away.
"No! I told you! I've had it! It's over!" She declared.
Sensing he was really losing his power and control over her, Taeyong lunged at her, fist held up in the air.
"Listen here you-"
Y/N covered her face, stepping back when he came close to her. She opened her eyes and uncovered herself when she felt someone suddenly step in front of her, their hand blocking Taeyong's fist from even approaching her.
"Stay out of this Choi." Taeyong grunted.
"She told you it's over Taeyong."
San easily pushed him away single handedly, making him stumble backwards.
"Now leave and never bother her again."
Not giving up yet, Taeyong looked back at Y/N menacingly.
"And do tell me Y/N? If it's over, where are you going to live now?" He taunted her.
Realizing he was right, she almost felt defeated until San spoke up again.
"She's going to live with me." He firmly answered.
"I fucking knew it. You were being a whore with him."
Unable to hold himself back anymore, San swung hard, fist colliding with Taeyong's face, sending him falling down against the floor. Y/N covered her mouth as she gasped sharply when San picked Taeyong back up from his collar, shaking him fiercely.
"Call her that one more time! I dare you to!" He warned him as he got ready to take another swing.
"San stop!" He felt Yeosang intervene once again, holding his elbow with his hands.
"Yeosang! Just let me-"
"Stop for Y/N's sake, she's already seen and lived enough violence, I really don't think she needs to see any more." Yeosang tilted his head to the Y/N who had already began backing as far away as possible.
Realizing his friend was right, San begrudgingly let go of his most hated rival.
"Try to come near her again and I will end you."
With those final words, he went over to where Y/N was, his face softening up when he looked at her. He held out his hand to her and waited for her response. He felt happy when she finally reached out and allowed him to guide her out to the parking lot, and thankful that he decided to park somewhere where there weren't a lot of people.
"You all right?" He finally spoke up when they were finally inside his truck
"Uh...yeah...actually...I'm fine.... can you believe I actually did it?"
Although she sounded enthusiastic, he heard the crack in her voice and her nervous laughter wasn't helping her case. Instead of turning the car on, he shifted to his right to look at her. He watched as the smile left her face, her fidgeting hands suddenly shake uncontrollably and her laughter suddenly turned to her hyperventilating. Knowing what was happening, San immediately pulled her into an embrace for the very first time in his life, holding her tightly, hands running through her hair as she began breaking down, sobbing violently, finally releasing all the pent up pain and suffering she had been bottling up for years.
San himself wanted to cry, but he didn't for her sake. He just let her cry her eyes out. It took a little over 10 minutes, but finally she started to calm down.
"Thank you....for everything."
Kissing her forehead, he poked her nose and smiled at her.
"Don't mention it. Let's get you somewhere warm now."
He made sure to play soothing music for her on the ride to his house. He noticed how once again she was drifting off to sleep and simply allowed her rest, knowing she was probably exhausted not only from crying so much but also from standing up to her abusive ex boyfriend moments ago. That certainly took a lot of energy and strength from her part and he was proud of her.
It was already dark when they got home, the brooding and cloudy day shortening the daylight and making it night at such an early hour. San gently picked up Y/N and got her out of the car, carrying her sleeping figure bridal style inside his house. It was small, but at least it was cozy and would be safe for her. Peeling back the covers from his bed, he carefully laid her down on it before tucking her in. When he made sure she'd be comfortable, he turned to leave the room, deciding it'd be better for him to sleep on the couch, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or have her freak out. He barely got to the door when he heard a tiny and hushed whisper of his name.
He immediately looked over to see what she needed.
"Could.....could you please sleep by my side?.... I'd feel more safe that way..."
She didn't want to admit it right then, but it had been so long since she'd slept in someone's arms and she really craved physical affection from him. Happy to oblige, San went over and got into bed with her.
"Are you going to be ok if I wrap my arm around you?" He asked for permission first.
"Please just hold me." She begged as she cuddled up next to him, her face burying inside his chest.
He wasted no time in throwing his arm around her, his delicate fingers drawing soothing circles on her arm.
"Don't be afraid. You're safe now and you're going to be all right. I'm here and I'll protect you."
More than a year passed. It was a long and arduous process. At first Y/N didn't want to go through it, but San kept insisting she get therapy. After promising to accompany her and staying by her, she finally gave up and started seeing a psychologist. It wasn't easy, for neither of them. It was painful for her to finally speak up about all the abuse she endured for years and it was equally torturous for San to hear the rest of the untold story. It truly sickened him that one day he nearly busted Taeyong's face when he met him outside the school, but was ultimately held back once more by one of his friends. Besides his main priority was helping Y/N, helping her to properly function again and to bring a little more joy into her life, even going out to adopt a cat for her, naming her Byeol. She became their cute little baby, even if she was a total, well, cat at times and didn't want to cuddle.
"That's ok. I know a cat willing to cuddle me." Y/N chuckled.
San looked around confused.
"Wait! You got another cat? Where is- Oh! You meant me." He blushed hard when she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body next to his as she snuggled next to him on the couch.
San did not hope for and did not expect Y/N to ever return his feelings, he was satisfied with her just being out of that horrible situation and being able to help her. Never did he dream she'd ever accept to be his and especially not ever cross his mind that he'd ever be able to actually claim her as his own.
But here she was, looking so beautiful underneath his body, wearing nothing but his leather jacket as he rolled his hips against hers. His fingers were laced with hers as his lips pulled apart from hers so he could look at her.
"Fuck...you're so damn pretty."
He leaned back in to place open mouth kisses on her jaw that traveled down to her neck. Although he nibbled occasionally, he made sure not to leave any marks on her soft and delicate skin.
"San...." She breathed out heavily, her hands breaking from his grasp to run through his black hair, paying close attention to the faded green streaks near his bangs.
"Oh god- please repeat that a little more." He groaned, loving the way she called out his name with such lust.
One of his hands traveled down her sides to cup one of her thighs, lifting her leg so he could hit deeper inside her. Feeling him at a whole new angle had Y/N gripping his muscly arms, her panting now becoming more erratic as she began clenching around him.
"San-" She called out again.
He chuckled slightly, hips snapping up to thrust just a little harder in her.
"Go ahead beautiful. Cum all over me, I want to feel you."
Hearing his low and suddenly husky voice urging her on, she let out a tiny whimper, her legs wrapping around his waist, using it as leverage to ride out her high. Her nails raked themselves into his back, her body pressed as close as it could be against his.
"Oh my god!" He gasped out as he twitched inside of her, his cum coating her walls, leaving her feeling full and complete.
He collapsed on top of her, his labored breathing occasionally resulting in a little choke as he tried to compose himself. When he finally came to, he brushed his lips against her temple.
"I love you so much."
She smiled at him as he adjusted the jacket that enveloped her, a real genuine smile.
"I love you too Sannie."
Giving her a tiny peck, he began sliding the jacket off.
"Let's get you out of this. It's probably too hot to be wearing it anymore."
She huffed and pouted.
"Baby no. I love wearing it. It feels like it's hugging me." She grabbed it and wrapped it around her more tightly.
"You know what else wants to hug you? My arms. So take off the jacket and let me snuggle you love."
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frankiekatt · 3 years
If it's not too much to ask, maybe you could write some soft moments between Bo Sinclair (house of wax) and his significant other?
Anon, of course! Of course my horse! This is the first request that I've ever written for, and I tried my absolute best! I really hope you like it!
TW: Implied death, blood, implied NSFW
Soft Moments Between Bo Sinclair And His S/O
Many people like to headcannon Bo as being a cold asshole (which he IS), but in my opinion, there is so much more to him. I headcannon Bo as being gruff, but also an unapologetic simp for his S/O!
Being with Bo means knowing everything about him, Ambrose, his brother Vincent, and The House of wax, and sticking by his side. Remaining loyal to him, no matter what.
This means that you’re around when Bo and Vincent lure their victims into Ambrose to add them to the wax figure collection. However, Bo has made it very clear that you are not to be around any of the violence whatsoever. Your job is to stay home and “sit pretty.”
On the days where Bo has to chase down new victims, he often earns a few wounds here and there, some serious, some not. When Bo staggers home, having just handed off the latest victim to Vincent, he prefers to clean his blood and patch up his wounds himself. After all the violence and blood and pain Bo endures on these days, any comforting or help you try to provide him just irritates and overwhelms him. If you sit next to him on the living room couch once he’s done cleaning himself up though, and run your fingers through his hair to relax him, he will absolutely melt in your arms.
Bo’s favorite thing in the world is your hands. He just thinks they’re so soft and dainty and small compared to his. Getting any kind of attention from your hands makes him feel like he could die happy.
His favorite place to have your hands is in his hair and on his chest. After long days of dealing with new people in Ambrose, Bo loves to lay his head in your lap while you sift your fingers through his dark locks and talk to him about anything and everything. Late at night, when neither you nor Bo could seem to fall asleep, you would lay next to him in bed, telling him stories of your childhood, and stroking his chest. On very, very rare nights, Bo can feel you trace the old scars that are imbedded on his chest and his wrists, whispering to Bo that you think he is so, so handsome, that he’s so special and he’s yours and you love him. During these rare nights, Bo holds you impossibly close to him, feeling like the luckiest bastard in the world for being able to be with someone like you.
On the days where there weren’t any strangers in Ambrose to deal with, Bo could usually be found down in his shop, working on old, rundown vehicles Lester had found on the side of the road or fiddling with his trusty truck. On these days, you could usually be found down in Bo’s shop to keep him company.
The two of you could spend hours upon hours together in that garage, flirting and conversing about anything that came to either of your minds.
Bo would be stealing glances at you every now and then while he repairs fan belts and spark plugs, hoping that the wind would blow your dress just a tad bit higher than it already was. He would find himself smiling a bit every time your giggles filled the room.
You would be sitting on a stool nearby, admiring Bo’s toned back as he worked, finding the tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead incredibly enticing, losing yourself completely in Bo’s charming southern lilt anytime he threw a flirty comment your way.
Contrary to popular belief, Bo is actually a decent cook – he just hates to do it.
So, when you come around, wielding a silver spatula proudly, Bo is more than grateful.
On night’s when Bo is home to see you cook dinner, he can’t seem to take his eyes off of you.
Watching you go about the kitchen, humming quietly to yourself, tending to meat sizzling or stew bubbling atop the stove makes his heart skip a couple beats. The scene before him is just so dazzling and domestic compared to every other aspect in his life. The only thing he missed about his mother was home cooked meals
After dinner is finished cooking, you and Bo sit together at the dining room table, chatting about each other’s day, poking fun at each, flirting, laughing, enjoying each other’s presence to the fullest.
The first time Bo told you he loved you was in no way a picturesque, Hollywood movie type moment, but for the two of you, it was the most memorable moment of your lives’.
It had been pretty late on that night, even Vincent had stalked up to his room to turn in for the night.
You and Bo, however, were serious night owls, often finding yourselves roaming about the house late at night together, watching tv, playing pool, or making love on any surface in Bo’s sight.
This night, you found yourself listening to the kitchen radio on a low volume while you and Bo lounged on the couch, seldom commenting on whatever the radio host was talking about.
After the host was done with his segment, the music resumed, playing an old, soft love song that you recognized.
You shot up from the couch and raced toward the kitchen. “Bo,” you said turning to him with a look of joy that twisted his insides. “I love this song! My Mama used to sing this to me every night when I was younger. Come dance with me!”
Bo wasn’t one to waltz around the house with his s/o to love songs, but the way you were looking at him with excitement and adoration in your eyes, how could he refuse? “Sure, darlin’.”
And that was how the two of you found yourselves gently swaying in the kitchen to a gentle lull that filled the small kitchen.
You head was rested against Bo’s shoulder and your arms were tangled around his neck, which meant you were flushed against his chest. Your scent was filling Bo’s nose and your love was filling his chest until he felt like he was about to burst.
Bo knew he loved you a long time before he had actually told you. Even though you had showed him time and time again that you were loyal to him and you would stick by him through thick and thin, he still had doubts in the back of his mind. He had led such a brutal and rugged life that he felt like someone as sweet and pure as you didn’t belong in his life. That one day you would up and leave and he would be left with nothing but a broken heart.
But something about this particular moment, something about how small you looked compared to him, something about this song and the pretty little night gown you were wearing and something about the way his heart was beating out of his chest made him whisper those three little words.
“I love you,” he whispered while his lips were pressed against your ear.
Bo allowed the fear of losing you to consume his body for just a split second before you lifted your head and gazed at him with a honied smile and eyes filled to the brim with love and infatuation before you rose on your tippy toes to kiss him sweetly.
“I love you too. So much.”
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invisibleraven · 2 years
wanna watch the sunrise? / i am, right now.
rulie bc sap
The fun of being with Reggie, Julie thought, was that you never knew what to expect. Some dates they spent at the beach, laughing as the waves tickled their toes and collecting shells. Others they might end up at a punk show, bouncing in the mosh pit or crowd surfing. Glow in the dark putt putt, a memorable trip to the paintball range. A poetry reading where Reggie actually performed, ending up with him getting introduced to Julie's bed sheets.
It's been two years of this, and every date was an adventure. Julie loved it, eagerly going along with whatever he had planned. She was never bored, that was for sure. So when Reggie proposed they go for a drive one night, she hopped into the front seat of his Cadillac, a grin on her face. "Where are we going?" she asked.
"That's half the fun, not knowing," Reggie replied. When she wheedled at him, he just shot her his trademark crooked grin. "It's a surprise little darlin', just wait and see."
So off they drove, the radio on low, taking in the sights as they went. It was already dark and the roads were relatively empty as Reggie turned onto another stretch of highway. All the while they would talk.
Sometimes it was about simple things, like their jobs or their families, or their awful landlord. Other moments were filled with them philosophizing about the nature of man and the universe. Then they would start singing their lungs out along with the radio, or sit in comfortable silence.
They stopped every so often to refuel, or eat at whatever picnic table or rest stop they came across. Julie never once even thinking 'Are we there yet?' because she was honestly just having fun spending time with Reggie.
However, they had been driving all night, and she was starting to get tired, so after a coffee break, Reggie started steering them towards a hill. He finally parked the car at an overlook, and Julie could see all of LA spread out below her. It was a gorgeous sight, even as the sky's blackness started to fade, and with it, the twinkling stars and the lights of the buildings growing dimmer.
"So what now?" Julie asked, easing herself off the car hood where they had been sitting, eyes still trained on the view. "Wanna watch the sun rise?"
"I am, right now."
Julie turned around, intending to call Reggie a dork when the words caught in her throat. Because there was Reggie, down on one knee before her, looking soft and sincere, a small jewellery box in his hand. The rapidly rising sun made him glow, awash in golden hues and Julie choked back a cry at how overwhelmed she felt in that moment.
"Julie... these past two years have been the best of my life. Your laughter, your song, your warmth fill my days. Every morning I am so thankful that I get to wake up to your smile, and every night I am grateful to hold you in my arms. There's a gorgeous view out there, but to me, you are the most beautiful thing here. Or anywhere really. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. To keep going on adventures with you, to grow old with you. Mostly, I just want to be with you, even if all we ever do again is sit on the couch and watch movies together. So Julie, will you please be my wife?"
Julie didn't even wait for him to open the box, tackling him to the ground, kissing him for all she was worth, then pressing peck after peck into his face, whispering her agreement after each one. Reggie giggled wetly, the both of them crying in happiness. Even more so when he slipped the simple ring onto her finger.
The world had burst into daylight, the sun shining down on them, and Julie grinned as the rays made her ring sparkle all the way home. They would have plans to make and people to call later, but for now, they went home, sliding into the bed together, eager for a nap.
But the last thought Julie had before falling asleep was that she couldn't wait for the next adventure with Reggie, and kissed his chest over his heart before drifting off, her ring still sparkling in the sun.
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crackedoutwalnut · 3 years
Never Quite Free (Natasha x Reader)
Summary: Natasha grows concerned after you start ignoring her and decides to check on you.
!TW WARNINGS: Implied sexual assault, PTSD, and panic attacks! (lots of fluff near the end to make up for it i promise)
A/N: just a vent fic,,, as a treat. The song referenced in the fic is Never Quite Free by The Mountain Goats, in case you want to listen to it for context though you don't have to.
It's all good to learn that right outside your window There's only friendly fields and open roads And you'll sleep better when you think You've stepped back from the brink And found some peace inside yourself Laid down your heavy load It gets all right to dream at night Believe in solid skies and slate blue earth below But when you see him you'll know
For the longest time, going out into the world was like maneuvering across a field of landmines. The bombs could be set off by nearly anything, from minute details that had latched themselves to the back of your mind to glaring reminders that were almost impossible to ignore. Anything and everything that reminded you of him had seeped its way into the cracks in your brain, leaving irreparable stains and water damage in its wake. From the smell of cedar and pine aftershave to the brassy sound of a jazz trumpet on a passing radio, these reminders were minuscule as thumbtacks, and yet they felt like railroad spikes being hammered into your chest and skull.
In the past, you would bury yourself in work or drink yourself nearly to death to escape his ever-present grasp on your mind. Your life had been filled with you shoveling meaningless noise into your routine in attempts to block out the alarm that always seemed a pin trigger away from sounding in your head. Then, you met Natasha. You learned that she knew over seven languages and almost exclusively cussed in Russian when she was pissed enough. You memorized her favorite shows and books and how she snored like a lawnmower when she laid on her left side- a fact she vehemently denied. Natasha Romanov was caring, smart, strong, and oh so protective.
It's okay to find the faith to saunter forward With no fear of shadows spreading where you stand And you'll breathe easier just knowing that the worst is all behind you And the waves that tossed the raft all night have set you on dry land It gets okay to praise the day Believe in sheltering skies and stable earth beneath
These little bits of information filled your mind and heart with endearment and love, thoroughly pushing the smell of cedar aftershave and rot to the far back of your mind. And that was where he stayed for the longest time. For a whole two years, you filled your days with movie dates, forehead kisses, and late-night cuddles. She introduced you to her friends, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff; you even befriended Tony Stark- though Natasha never explicitly refers to him as a friend. Everything was going so well for the first time since before you met him. But, like a cockroach, your past is not so easily killed.
But hear his breath come through his teeth,
Walk by faith Tell no one what you've seen
You were at a local coffee shop when you noticed him. He was sitting at the table adjacent to yours, scrolling through his laptop, briefcase at his side. When you beheld him, it was as if your muscles were turning to concrete slabs. They were dragging you down, below the faded wooden floorboards, below the concrete foundation, until you were choking on dirt and rocks. It took you nearly five minutes to realize it was not him. However, him or not, the damage was done. Because you had seen his well-kempt mustache and graying sideburns, had seen his eyes the color of a lethal tundra. You could have sworn you felt those eyes watch you as you rushed out of the café and into the crowded streets.
From that day on, he was back. He visited you in sleep and trailed you all throughout work—a hefty shadow. However, it was not until you were in bed with Natasha that it came to its tipping point.
Your fiancée, having noticed your peculiar attitude, had decided to surprise you with a night of candles and wine. Not wanting her to be more concerned than she already was, you played along. You forced yourself to reciprocate every kiss and caress despite the acid in your throat and the timpani in your chest. Eventually, Natasha swept you off your feet into a bridal style carry and led you into her bedroom. Gently setting you on the bed, she quickly straddled your hips. Leaning down, she cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss. You swallowed down bile and half-heartedly opened your mouth to allow her tongue space to explore. She groaned and tore off her shirt as she pulled away from you.
"God, you're so sexy," she murmured, grinding her hips further against your abdomen. Natasha grabbed at your shirt, pulling it off your torso before chucking it across the room. You felt your throat tighten as your upper body was exposed to the elements. Your fiancée set about yanking off your sweatpants, murmuring bits of praise under her breath as she did so. Her gentle lithe hands seemed to grown more masculine and rough the longer they touched your bare skin. Her body morphed into the familiar form of a naked man. His sickeningly familiar graying mustache and coarse chest hair set flares of frigid panic through your body. He was here, he was here, hewasherehewashere.
Your body convulsed and kicked out at your assailant; flashes of his rough hands forcing your legs apart fueled the strength behind your attacks as you lunged to your feet. You shoved him off of you with a borderline unhinged snarl.
"Get the fuck away from me, Castor!" You screamed before hurriedly shoving on your clothes and sprinting out the door of the apartment. He was following you. You could hear his heavy footsteps thudding behind you. Your thighs burned from the sudden exercise, and the roaring in your ears drowned out your surroundings. You shoved your way into the elevator, nearly punching the first-floor button with your fist. Sweat dripped down the nape of your neck as you struggled to suck in breaths of air. Clutching your chest, you allowed your knees to collapse.
When the elevator slid open, you shot to your feet and ran through the lobby, out into the cool night. You clumsily pushed people aside, his voice clawing through your ear canal. You wildly waved down a taxi and slid into the back. Your voice was as flimsy as tissue paper as you gave the driver your address.
When you got home, you slid all three locks into place and snapped your curtains shut. You huddled under your blanket and slowly succumbed to a sleepless night.
Natasha was many things, but a worrier was not one of them. Why should she spend all her time fretting when she could just get up and solve the damn problem herself? However, after three days of complete radio silence on your end, she was sorely tempted to break into your apartment. That night, you had rushed out of her apartment as if the Devil himself had been at your heels. The look in your eyes had been that of a wounded animal. Natasha felt her stomach clench with anxiety as she stared down at her phone. 37 texts, 10 calls, 10 voicemails, and not a single message answered. You were always a punctual texter, which only made her worry worsen.
Natasha shoved her phone back in her back pocket and took a long sip of her coffee. What the hell could have caused you to run out of her apartment mid-sex? Not to mention, who the hell was Castor? Natasha finished off her coffee and set her red and black spider mug in the sink. The cup had been a 6-month anniversary gift, and she made sure to drink out of it every chance she got. After cleaning up the last of her breakfast, Natasha pulled out her phone once more and typed out another message.
Nat: darling I've tried giving you space but its been 3 days and I'm worried. I'm coming over.
Natasha moved to put the device away; however, after a second, she reconsidered it and unlocked it once more.
Nat: I love you <3
Pushing the phone into her pocket, she rushed out the door. When Natasha arrived at your apartment door, she immediately pulled out her phone once more. Nothing. She huffed a shaky breath and pulled out her copy of the apartment key. You had given it to her after you almost burnt down your apartment trying to cook for their date that night. She had to rush over to your apartment to clean up the damage done by the small grease fire and cook you both last-minute spaghetti.
She twisted the key in the lock and quietly pushed the door open. The apartment felt akin to a tomb. The curtains were drawn, and all the lights were off. Dirty dishes were piled up Tetris style in and around the sink, not to mention the empty takeout containers strewn throughout the living room and dining table. The TV was quietly playing It Chapter 2, yet you were nowhere in sight.
Worry continued to grip the assassin's chest as she called out, "Y/n, kotyonok are you here?" Being cautious of the numerous fast-food containers and clothing items thrown about, Natasha made her way towards your bedroom door. She hesitated for a moment before steeling her nerves and carefully knocking on your door. For a moment, she heard nothing, only the faint sound of Pennywise's voice coming from the living room. Then, just as she turned the knob to open the door, she heard whimpering. Her heart ramped up to a gallop as she quickly opened the door to your bedroom.
Natasha was certain she had seen war zone's tidier than this. Clothes covered nearly every inch of the bedroom, mattress, and wardrobe. Not to mention the numerous crumpled tissues and fallen picture frames. However, the state of your room was hardly her first concern because in the center of it all, huddled in shaking ball, was you. Painful sobs were rasping from your lips as you burrowed your face further into your knees. Your hair was tangled and greasy, and you were wearing one of Natasha's sweaters with a food-stained pair of boxer shorts.
The assassin felt sorely tempted to sprint across the rooms and scoop you into her arms. Instead, she went for the safer route, which was carefully wading through the mess over to your side of the bed. Tutting quietly, Natasha swallowed the urge to cry alongside you as she quietly cleared her throat. "Mon trésor, can you hear me?" she whispered, setting a hand next to your own, cautious not to make contact.
Instead of a relieved smile or a tired 'yes' like Natasha had expected, your entire body flinched away as if you had been punched. Your eyes snapped open as you scrambled across the bed, looking around hysterically. "Castor?" you called out, eyes wild with panic.
Natasha furrowed her brows and backed away from you. "Y/n it's me, Nat. I'm not here to hurt you; I just needed to see if you were okay."
Slowly, your eyes shone with recognition. Your body, however, remained as taught as before as you studied your fiancée carefully as if she was a trick or a mirage. Natasha felt her heart fracture slightly at the display of fear. "Nat?" Your voice was quiet and raspy; if she had not seen your mouth move, she would not have registered that you were speaking.
"Yes, kotyonok, it's me."
You furrowed your brows and brought your knees back up to your chest. "Wha-what're you doing here?" You asked, your voice slurred and shaky from the sobs racking your body.
Natasha carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, "I have been so worried about you. After you ran out on me a few days ago, I have been trying to check to see if you are okay."
Your face crumbled once more as you buried your face in your knees, "I-I'm," you hiccup, "Sorry, Nat."
Natasha tutted dotingly and slid back so that she sat beside you, still cautious not to touch. "Hey, hey, it's okay, darling. You're okay; just breathe for me. Can you do that, sweetie?"
You inhaled quick stuttering breathe, which quickly dissolved into hyperventilating. You clutched at your hair and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your fiancée watched with a heartbroken expression, "You're okay, you're okay, just keep trying. Can I touch you?" You nodded shakily as she pulled you onto her lap. Gently, she pulled your fists from your hair and replaced them with her own. She stroked your knotted locks and quietly cooed sweet nothings into your ear. She guided your fist to rest atop her chest as she whispered, "Copy my breathing okay, mon trésor?" Sucking in exaggerated breaths, she held her hand atop your own to keep it in place. After a few tries, your breathing eventually settled, and you let out a long whimpery sigh.
It's all good to learn that from right here the view goes on forever And you'll never want for comfort and you'll never be alone See the sunset turning red let all be quiet in your head And look about, all the stars are coming out They shine like steel swords Wish me well where I go But when you see me you'll know
Natasha smiled and kissed the top of your head, "You're doing so well, my love. Nothings going to get you while I'm here, I promise."
You burrowed further into her lap and placed your head atop her chest, letting the sound of her steady heartbeat soothe you into a lull. The two of you sat there for what seemed like eons as you soaked in the feeling of safety and warmth. Natasha hummed quietly, placing chaste kisses on the crown of your head every once in a while.
Sucking in a breath, you spoke, "He was a family friend." Natasha's humming stopped as she looked down at you. "His name was Castor Davids, and my dad met him at work. He was nice at first, sort of like a goofy rich uncle. He would always buy me new toys and books. He would even take me out for ice cream. Even when I got into fights with my parents, I knew I could always talk to him when I was upset. But then..." you gulped, your voice breaking. Natasha continued stroking your hair. "But then one day, he was babysitting me while my parents were out at a baby shower. H-he..." Your words broke off into a sob, and your fiancée quickly shushed you.
"You're safe; you're here with me. No one can hurt you, I promise. Just relax, darling. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that you're safe now." Eventually, after a few more minutes of comforting words and protective hugs, the phantom hands that had been grasping at you for days disappeared.
You burrowed your head further into her chest and huffed, " 'm sorry I ran out on you the other night. I shoulda texted."
Natasha chuckled humorlessly, "Darling, that is the least of my worries. What I am worried about, however, is the last time you had an actual healthy dinner." You looked down at your lap sheepishly and shrugged. Natasha playfully pinched your side and untangled herself from your hold. You whined at the loss of contact and looked up at her accusingly. "I am going to make you a proper dinner, and we are going to sit down and watch stupid TV shows."
You huffed, "Can we watch House Hunters?"
Natasha sighed and nodded, "Fine, only because I love you, though." You grinned and slid out of bed. Your fiancée inspected you with a grimace, "First, we're going to take a shower."
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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Piano Lessons
An ObeyMe! Lucifer fic, approx. 1800 words. G/N MC, Fluff.
The infernal grand piano squatted in one shadowed corner of the music room. To any human, at first glance it looked no different from the version in the human world. A dangerous assumption, you knew. If an easy one to make. This instrument was capable of compositions that would drive a mortal listener mad, or even cause death.
You thought that would be reason enough to be given a pass on your Devilish Music I, but Lucifer didn’t agree. In fact, he considered your ignorance of the instrument and its compositions an opportunity. And that was how you found yourself in the House of Lamentation’s music room every afternoon when RAD let out.
Lucifer was already waiting on the bench. He looked up as you came in, lips compressed in an expression of near-constant disapproval. “You’re late.”
“I’m on time!” You glanced at the clock on the wall.
“If you aren’t five minutes early, that counts as late. Now come here and sit next to me.”
Arguing with Lucifer was futile. Besides, you did want to sit next to him. During your time in the Devildom, you’d developed a bit of a crush on the eldest brother. One that had you working hard to be on the receiving end of his rare smiles and sparse compliments.
Today you were hoping to impress Luci with your rendition from Certovski, Faust’s Mistake. It was one of the mortal-safe pieces you could attempt without risking your mind or your soul.
“Fingers on the keys.” Lucifer’s red eyes followed your hands as you tried for the appropriate position. “Elbows out. Move your left hand in.”
You did as instructed, but apparently you were still off. He reached for your hands, positioning them. Part of you wanted to fight him on it. The rest of you just enjoyed the feel of his hands on yours. His skin was always so warm and smooth.
He frowned. “Focus.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled. With your hands in place, you ran through the demonic scale. Some of the tones were too low or too high to hear. You could feel them though, shivering your bones and raising the hairs at the back of your neck.
Your warm-up didn’t get any objection from the Prince of Pride, which meant you were doing well. A quick glance showed he wasn’t frowning any more. Good.
Lucifer stood and began to pace behind you. “What are you going to play for me?”
“I’ve been practicing Faust’s Mistake.” As if he didn’t know.
“Then begin.”
You take a breath. This is it. You try to psych yourself up. All that practice will pay off. All those evenings you gave up gaming with Levi and Mammon, the weekends you stayed in instead of going out with Satan or Asmo. You could play this in your sleep.
Your hands float across the keys, the melody pouring from the hidden strings, describing the terrible bargain Faust made. The fast, tripping notes gave way to the long, slow sounds of regret, and finally, to the clashing finish.
Sweat beaded your forehead as you lowered your hands to your lap. The tension in your chest stopped your breath as you waited for Lucifer’s judgement.
“That was . . . not bad.”
From anyone else, you’d take this as a criticism but from Luci? It was a gold star. You smiled over your shoulder at him.
The left corner of his lip turned up in a slight half smile. “I’m impressed you memorized the whole piece in such a short time. I can tell you’ve worked hard.”
You felt like if he gave you one more compliment, you might completely melt.
“But -”
Your heart sank.
“I didn’t feel the tension, the passion of the moment in your rendition. You were too focused on technical mastery.” Lucifer sat down beside you, his hip brushing yours. “The Faustian epic is classic. It must evoke the emotion of the moment, the story, that birthed it. Let me show you what I mean.”
His hands went to the keys. “This is from earlier in the story. The Fall.” He began playing in a low octave, a heavy, slow rhythm that made your heart pound. Or perhaps that was just from sitting so close to him.
Lucifer kept that going as he began to layer higher, lighter notes atop it. These sounded almost playful, innocent. If not for the ominous beat beneath it. “Here we have naivete. The mortal at play, unaware of the trap laid for him.”
You nod.
“The music is the story, the story lives in the music. Now -” The lighter notes began to slow, creeping closer to the lower octave. “The mortal becomes aware of the nearness of death. The lingering, slow demise that comes to all men.”
Your breath slows in time to the music, and you can almost feel the weight of your years, few though they are. It is as if you lived a century and now your bones are heavy and your body is weary. Your eyelids drift half closed.
Lucifer continues to play, the ominous chords grow louder and the higher tones fade until both melodies close in on each other.
There is a subaudible component now, and though you can’t hear it, you can feel it move with the pulse of your blood. An arrhythmia that pulls you into the moment. The music surges beneath your eyelids, a spiral of red across a dark abyss. A false light.
“Here Faust decides his soul is worth less than his earthly pleasures, and denies Death its due. You can hear the strains of rage from Death’s denial beside the demon’s triumph. And there, Faust’s -”
The music stops but you can still feel it inside you. Something slick and warm slides down your cheek.
Lucifer’s voice, demanding. Trembling. “Wake up. Open your eyes this instant.”
You wish you could obey. You’d like to but the music holds you where you are. Limbo. A space bereft of everything but the music. Death and the demon, Faust’s lust and greed.
“Please.” Lucifer’s voice is gentler than you’ve ever heard it before.
You feel the pad of his thumb against your cheek. A sudden burst of magic like static on a distant radio. Then silence. Your mind slips under a dark, quiet ocean.
The water is warm. Peaceful. You can feel it cradling you. Stroking your hair, your cheeks. The touches become more insistent. Pushing you toward the surface. Toward wakefulness.
“I am sorry. Please. If you open your eyes, I will do . . . I will do anything, anything you want. I won’t make you practice anymore. I’ll give you a - a bigger room.”
The voice belongs to Lucifer, you’re sure of it. But it doesn’t sound like him. When has he ever pleaded, begged, for anything? You realize it is his hands on your skin, stroking your arms, your face. Then it hits you. The music. It wasn’t safe for your mind and now . . . was this real?
You open your eyes.
Lucifer’s face is the first thing you see. He is so close, you can feel his breath on your cheek. His eyes are wide and damp, and full of concern. You are held tight against him, like a child.
“Can you hear me? See me?” His fingertip slides along your jawline, a delicate touch.
“Yes.” Your voice comes out throaty and low. Rough as if you’d been screaming.
His relief is palpable. He squeezes you tighter, pressing your face to his chest. “I . . . I apologize. I got carried away with the music. And you’ve taken injury because of it - because of me.”
The words are halting, stiff. Hard for the proud eldest to say, and yet, for you, he does. “It’s okay,” you croak. “It was beautiful.” And it’s true. Some remnant of the cursed melodies still echo in the chambers of your heart. Haunting you with a promise that has no words.
“I will see you are fully recovered.” The briskness returns to Lucifer’s voice.
You try to push yourself up, off his chest. He doesn’t loosen his hold on you.
“Stop struggling. Are you uncomfortable?” Lucifer adjusts his grip, sliding your head to the crook of his arm. “Is that better?”
It isn’t, really. But at least you can see you aren’t in the music room anymore. Lucifer must have carried you to his chambers. He must have been worried, but you don’t know why. You feel alright. You try to sit up again.
With an exasperated look, Lucifer partially lifts you. He doesn’t release you. “Didn’t I say to stop struggling? You need to relax until you are . . . repaired.”
“I feel fine,” you tell him.
He frowns. “You are still bleeding from your ears.”
You lift a hand to the side of your head. It comes away red and wet. “Oh.”
“It will take a few days for the effects to wear off.” The concern in his scarlet gaze frightens you more than the blood.
“Will I be ok?”
“Mostly.” He looks away. “Until then, I will keep you here and see to your needs. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Does anything hurt?”
You shake your head. This, you discovered, was a mistake. The shadows of the room move with your vision, growing one direction and then the other. Wide swaths of darkness that catch your eye.
“Are you seeing things?” Lucifer looks back at you. His thumb caresses your cheek.
“Rather, tell me what you are seeing. And don’t lie about it a second time.”
There is a flicker of warning in the crimson depths of his gaze. You tell him about the shadows, and the way the music still sings in you.
He frowns. “If the effects do not fade, I may have to keep you in my rooms forever.”
You note that he doesn’t sound annoyed at this prospect. But he didn’t ask you, and his assumptions don’t sit well. “You can’t lock me up, Lucifer.”
“I can.”
Wrong tactic to take. You amend. “It probably isn’t a good idea to burden yourself with caring for me. You have a lot to do. Diavolo needs you.”
Lucifer knows what you’re up to. He has millenniums on you, after all. He smiles and brushes the hair back from your forehead. “I have informed my brothers, and the Prince, that you fell ill yesterday afternoon. I’ve taken time off to care for you.”
Your mind takes a moment to catch up. “Yesterday?”
“Yes. I cast a spell to knock you unconscious when I realized what I’d done. It helped, briefly. But you started screaming some time in the night and . . .”
You realize he’s been sitting here, holding you, for hours. Warmth blossoms in your chest. A happiness completely out of place, all things considered. But despite the blood loss and possibly permanent madness, you feel loved. Cared for.
Lucifer seems to read your mind. He says nothing, just places a light kiss on your forehead.
Neither of you need to speak. He knows and you know and words just complicate things anyway.
He stands, still holding you, and carries you to bed. When you drift back to sleep, it’s with your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulders to pull you close.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
(𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍) tieddown-withbattleshipchains said:
Hey Dear ❤️ May I ask for a Bucky Barnes imagine where he is your ex-boyfriend but you meet again sometime randomly in New York. So you end up spending the evening together and just talk about everything. Later he walks you home but you ask him to join you, which leads to a night full of love making. In the morning he makes breakfast in bed for you and asks you for a second chance? 😊 Maybe his POV too if you want to :)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: smut 18+; it’s kinda vanilla but like pretty passionate? Slight hair pulling, cockwarming, but like that’s it, tiny bit of angst blink and you’ll miss it, major fluff (the holy trinity)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: thanks for the request bug!! I love this idea :) ps i had tons of requests so i’ll be posting daily for a bit to get them out asap! thanks for y’alls patience :) ______________________________________
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You turned your head to the voice. Your eyes met the familiar ocean blueone  you spent so many hours staring into. Your face held a surprised looked before smiling softly at the handsome man you once were so in love with long ago. 
“Buck, is that you?”
He looked so different. His hair was short; he had scruff speckled with gray hairs all over his jaw, his arm wasn’t that familiar silver vibranium you often thought about, but he doesn’t need to know that. Not now especially. 
“Yeah. How are you? You look great.”
“Thank you. You too. You’ve changed, a lot. That’s not a bad thing though-”
“I got it,” he laughed. 
“Sorry,” you laughed, shaking your head before looking back at him.
“Care for a drink?” you asked him.
You two spent hours laughing and telling stories from the time you two have been apart. It was almost like you two never even broke up. You had to remind yourself that whenever Bucky would lay a hand on your hand in a fit of laughter, or on your thigh. But you couldn’t help it, he was so contagious. 
“Well, it’s getting really late I should head home,” you said standing up. You left a big tip for your waiter and tender because it was almost one in the morning and the place was supposed to close at midnight. 
“Let me walk you. You far?” he said standing with you. 
“Oh you don’t have to.”
“Come on. For old times sake.”
His goddamn gorgeous smile. How could you say no to that?
“I guess that wouldn’t be so bad.”
You two walked side by sided in the darkness. You felt safe beside him. You felt comfortable, like you always by his side. Soft illumination from the colorful neon signs lit up the street you were walking down. 
Your apartment wasn’t far, so you two walked for about 10 minutes. Cars were still busy in the early hours of the New York night and people still walked hurriedly up and down the street. But being beside Buck again after all that time apart, it felt like it was just the two of you.
“Well, this is me,” you said walking up the stairs to your front door.
“Are you gonna be ok?” you asked him.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he said. 
There was a pause between you and you didn’t want him to go just yet. 
“Hey, do you wanna come inside? You know, before we part ways again.”
“I’d love that.”
He stepped inside and took in your surroundings. Your apartment looked practically the same from when Bucky was last there. He regrets leaving you the way he did. 
“Do you want anything to drink? I have coffee, water, another beer?” you chuckled.
“Beer is fine,” he said sitting on the couch; that damn couch. Memories of you riding him came back and he sighed wishing he could go back to those times again. 
“Here you go,” you said holding another for yourself. 
“Place hasn’t changed,” he spoke up.
“Yeah, I- you I’m not good with interior design. And shit’s too hard to move around and replace,” you laughed. 
There was a long moment of silence between you but it wasn’t a comfortable one; it was awkward and unsettling.
“I uh- I’m sorry. For the way things ended.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I kinda figured out what was really going on. You know the whole blip thing. I’m not mad anymore.”
“I’m still really sorry.”
“I forgive you,” Bucky’s heart ached when you said that.
Bucky had shown up one day years ago and left. He told you didn’t love you anymore but you saw through his bullshit. He told that night he was in trouble which wasn't a lie. Thanos had come and Bucky was taking refuge and fighting in Wakanda with Steve, Nat, and Sam after the Accords. He said that you being with him was going to put you in danger. He didn’t say anything else he just kissed you and left. 
His clothes were still in your drawers. His toothbrush stayed untouched. His shampoo used to be in your bathroom but you used if all up when he left depersate to smell his scent since he wasn’t there anymore. 
You were livid to say the least. He had given up on you. He didn’t even talk to you; he didn’t try anything to keep you. So you moved on. But you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t think back on those times at least once a day. Bucky did too. Now after chaos decreased, you realize he did what he thought was best and you forgave him.
“I think about you everyday, Y/n.”
You looked at him with eyes but your head was still down; your eyes avoiding his directly though afraid you’d fall again. He had a new arm; black with beautiful specks of gold in every line and crease of the metal, you assume. 
“I miss you,” he ever so slightly scooted closer to you, as did you subconsciously. 
You couldn’t say anything. You felt frozen.
“I regret how I left. God, I hated myself so much for so long. I still do.”
“Don’t. It was stupid of me to hate you for saving the world.”
“Why are you so perfect?” Bucky leaned in slowly, moving a hair from your face. 
“Buck,” you whispered. 
“We shouldn’t.”
“You want me to stop?”
You paused.
“No,” you leaned forward and attached your lips to him. 
Bucky’s hand curled into your hair, pulling you flushed against him. Your hands tugged at his shirt doing the same. You two kissed for what felt like hours before you stood abruptly surprisingly Bucky. 
You grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom; where you two spent most of your time together memorizing each other’s bodies. Where you’ll get to do so again tonight; even if it’s the last time. 
Bucky pressed your back against the door when you both stumbled in. He kissed hungrily like it was last time he’d get to do so. You two were both a little tipsy, not fully sure if either of your actions were genuine or touch-starved.
It didn’t matter in the moment anymore when Bucky’s lips attacked your neck making you moan and pant, each breath pressed your chest to his. His hands went under your shirt cupping your breasts; the stark contrast between his hands bringing memories back.
You kissed again before pulling his shirt over his head and discarding yours just as quickly. You felt frenzied; clouded by lust and need for the man you still love in front of you. He crawled back on the bed after all his clothes had been shed. 
You crawled up his body smiling and biting your lip. You felt yourself getting wetter just at the sight of Bucky fisting his cock; he bit his bottom lip as well looking at you with hungry eyes.
You straddled his hips feeling his dick poking the inside of your thigh. You cupped his face, his scruff scratching the palm of your hand. His hands rubbed your hips and cheeks as he closed his eyes, basking in your attention he craved for so long. 
You lifted your hips to sink down onto Bucky; you both simultaneously moaned at the feeling you both ache for. It didn’t matter how many times you two had sex, Buck’s size always had some getting use to. 
“Sorry, I think I’m ok now,” you whimpered.
“It’s ok, doll. Take your time; I remember how needy you get with my cock, huh, baby?”
“Bucky,” you moaned. 
You grinded yourself on his dick, each thrust brushing your clit making you shudder in pleasure. Bucky grabbed your hair and pulled it hard exposing your neck and arching you back. His lips kissed and nibbled on the skin of your neck, you gasped when he kissed a particular part.
“I remember, baby,” he smiled.
“Of course you do,” you breathed out laughing. 
“I thought about this everyday since I left. I thought about those pretty sounds you’re making bouncing on my cock. I thought these gorgeous tits pressing up against me. I thought about how good this pussy feels wrapped around me. Baby, you were made for me and if you think I’m gonna let you go again you got it wrong.”
His words brought you to the edge and you climaxed with a loud high pitched moan. Your body practically shook against Bucky’s. Bucky chased his own release flipping you over and rutting his hips into you wildly. 
When he did his hips stuttered and his head buried in your neck. He moaned loudly in your ear and you almost came again just from that. His arms collapsed and his body flopped on you. 
Blissed out, you softly scratched his back. His breath slowly even out and you figured he’d fallen asleep. You scratched his head as well before closing your eyes and falling asleep as well.
You woke up alone. You were secretly hoping that you’d wake up beside Bucky but no. you wobbled out of bed into the bathroom seeing the mirror fogged up. He took a shower and left, great. So much for last night. 
You washed your face in an attempt to put some wake in you and put some clothes on. You walked out to the kitchen to make breakfast but was surprised to find Bucky playing some old tunes on the radio and making you breakfast?
“Awe, man. And I was just about to bring you breakfast in bed, doll,” he smiled, holding a plate of food.
“I thought you left,” you said softly.
“I took a shower and wanted to make you something before we… part ways… again,” he sounded sad towards the end of that sentence; like he didn’t actually want to leave. Honestly, you didn’t want him to either.
“You don’t have leave,” you whispered, Bucky long turned the radio off. 
“I don’t want to, truthfully,” Bucky said.
“Then stay.”
“You must love me if you want me to stay after what I did,” he said, walking up to you.
“What if I do?” you asked.
“Then I’d be the happiest man in the world.”
You kissed him softly, feeling him melt into your kiss. 
“Promise you won’t leave again? No matter what happens?” you asked.
“I promise.”
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