#there are like millions of more seats and just. don't sit next to someone. give them the space.
totheidiot · 4 months
the phenomenon of sitting next to your crush in a gay manner.
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mrsfancyferrari · 3 months
Fragments of Hope
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Summary: You had an argument with Daniel and you decided to leave him for a while. What you didn't know is that he can't live without you.
Song: MILLION DOLLAR BABY - Tommy Richman
Author’s note: I can't write short stories to save my life. I hope you enjoy this long journey which may take a full day to read. Please like, reblog and share this! <3
Word count: 4.6k
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"Daniel, I feel like you're prioritizing your racing career over our relationship. It seems like you don't care about me anymore." You said, stressing over the fact that Daniel didn't understand.
"I understand why you might feel that way, but racing is my passion and it's important to me. I want you to know that you're also a priority in my life." Daniel replied.
"Well it certainly does feel like it sometimes," You muttered, standing up from your seat.
"Y/N please listen to me," Daniel pleaded, standing up to follow you.
"No you listen to me!" you yelled, turning around to face him. "Everyday you stay in the paddock until 1AM or later when you come home and then you leave at 8AM to go back to work. Daniel, I have less than 7 hours to spend time with you and it's mostly used on you sleeping,"
"I understand that it may feel that way, but racing is not just a career for me. It's my passion," Daniel pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I love you more than words can express, and I want to make it work between us."
"How Daniel, tell me how you are going to fix this because right now, I don't feel like I'm in a relationship with you but a friend who helps you."
Daniel stood there, his eyes filled with regret and realization. He had never seen you so upset before, and your words struck a chord deep within him. He knew that he had to make a change, to find a way to balance his racing career with your needs and desires.
"That's what I thought," You muttered, taking your phone before heading for the door, "Don't follow me,"
Feeling frustrated and hurt, you stormed out of the house and went to your best friend's house for the night.
As you're on your way to your friend's place, your phone dies, leaving you disconnected from Daniel. However, when you finally arrive at your friend's house, you decide to check your phone for any missed messages.
Opening your photos or messages, you notice several messages and calls from Daniel. One that read, "I'm sorry for what happened. Are you at your friend's house?"
You take a deep breath, feeling a mix of anger and sadness.
Despite your hurt feelings, you decide to text him back, "Yes, I'm at my friend's house. I need some time to think and process everything. Please respect my space for now."
It's late at night when you find yourself sitting with your friend, doing your skin care routine together. You decide to share your situation with her, expecting some reassurance.
As you pour your heart out to your friend, she listens attentively, her eyes filled with empathy. "I can understand why you're feeling hurt and frustrated," she says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"It's important to prioritize your own needs and emotions in a relationship. You deserve someone who can dedicate time and effort to nurturing your connection."
"But I have got to remind you how in love Daniel looks when he's with you," your friend said, her voice filled with sincerity.
"I've seen the way his eyes light up when he talks about you, and the way he always puts your happiness first. Maybe this situation is a wake-up call for him to prioritize your relationship and find a better balance. Give him a chance to make things right, but also remember to listen to your own needs and make decisions that are best for you."
You nod, appreciating your friend's perspective and words of encouragement. "You're right," you reply, "I do see how much Daniel cares about me. I'll take some time to reflect on what I need and have an open conversation with him."
The next day, you and Daniel barely exchange any words. It feels like there's a tension between the two of you, but you try to ignore it.
As the race day approaches, you find yourself watching Daniel's race. Unfortunately, he doesn't perform well, finishing in 19th place. The disappointment weighs heavily on both of you and knew that Daniel would be very disappointed in himself, but you decide to give it some time.
You were always the one to comfort him after a bad race, reminding him that everyone has off days and that his performance does not define his worth as an athlete. You would assure him that you still believed in him and that you're proud of the effort he put in.
Feeling conflicted, you decide to reach out to Daniel after his disappointing race. Despite being in your friend's house, you understand that he is most likely in the paddock as usual.
You send him a text expressing your support and reminding him that you believe in his abilities, hoping that it will provide some comfort during this challenging time. . . .
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Days turn into weeks, and the tension between you and Daniel remains. One night, you receive a strange picture from Lando, a close friend of Daniel's and you.
In the photo, you see Daniel, his usually composed and determined demeanor replaced with disheveled hair and glassy eyes. His grip on the lamppost is tight, as if it's the only thing keeping him upright.
The streetlights cast an eerie glow on his face, highlighting the exhaustion and despair etched in his features. It's a stark contrast to the vibrant and confident person you've known him to be.
As you study the image, a wave of concern washes over you. You can't help but wonder what has led Daniel to this point.
Is it the mounting pressure of his racing career? The strain on your relationship? Or something deeper that you're unaware of?
Unable to bear the weight of uncertainty any longer, you decide to video call Lando, hoping to gain some insight into what has been happening with Daniel lately.
"Lando, what's going on?" you asked worriedly, your voice filled with concern as you hoped to gain some insight into what has been happening with Daniel lately.
"Oh yeah hey Y/N, your boyfriend is really drunk and he is hugging a lamppost with all of his strength," Lando explained, showing his face and waving at the camera.
"I've been trying to get him to come back to the house, but he's been pretty stubborn. I think he's been struggling with the disappointment from the race and it's just gotten to him."
"Let me see him,"
As Lando shifted the camera towards Daniel, you could see the toll that his recent struggles had taken on him. His usually vibrant eyes were bloodshot and glazed over, filled with a mixture of exhaustion and anguish.
His disheveled hair clung to his sweaty forehead, and his once confident posture had slouched, as if weighted down by the burden he carried.
It was clear that he was in a state of deep distress, and your heart ached at the sight of him clinging to the lamppost, seeking solace in his own thoughts.
"Daniel baby," you said in a gentle tone that you would only use for him. Daniel perked up, looking around for you, his eyes scanning the surroundings until they finally met yours on the video call.
There was a glimmer of recognition and relief in his eyes as he realized you were there, offering him a lifeline of support and understanding amidst his turmoil.
With a shaky voice, Daniel whispered, "Y/N, is that you?" His words carried a mix of vulnerability and hope, as if he was desperate for your presence to validate his struggles and offer him the comfort he desperately needed.
Your heart racing, you didn't waste a second. Without another thought, you hung up the video call and rushed out the door, fueled by a determination to be by Daniel's side.
As you sprinted towards where Lando had described, the worry and fear in your chest propelled you forward, your mind filled with a single thought - you needed to reach Daniel, to hold him, and to let him know that he wasn't alone in his pain.
"Lando, make sure that he stays there and share your location," you instructed, knowing that finding Daniel quickly was of utmost importance.
The urgency in your voice reflected the depth of your concern as you relied on Lando to keep an eye on him until you arrived.
"It's not like he's letting go of this lamppost any time soon," Lando joked
You couldn't help but chuckle at Lando's attempt to lighten the mood. "Well, I'll make sure to give him a little nudge if he's still holding on when I get there," you replied, grateful for the small moment of levity amidst the seriousness of the situation.
Lando chuckled and said, "Just make sure it's a gentle nudge. We don't want him falling over before you get there. I'll keep an eye on him for you, Y/N. He's in good hands."
"Also just make sure you bring some extra strength with you. I have a feeling Daniel might need it," he said, his voice laced with concern.
"I'll be there as soon as I can, Lando," you assured him, your voice filled with determination. "Thank you for watching over him. I know he's in good hands with you."
When you finally locate Daniel, you approach him cautiously. He looks disheveled and confused, unaware of the picture you received from Lando.
As soon as you got off the car and walked over to the two of them, Daniel's eyes were on you. His gaze held a mixture of relief, anticipation, and a glimmer of hope, as if he had been waiting for you to arrive and bring him the solace he desperately needed.
"Thank goodness you're here Y/N," Lando said smiling at you before giving you a hug.
"How is he?" You whispered to Lando, glancing at Daniel whose eyes were still trained on you.
"He's in bad shape," Lando whispered, his worry evident in his voice. "He's refusing to drink water, he's been vomiting, and he has a high fever. But no matter what, he won't let go of that lamppost."
Your heart sank as you took in the state Daniel was in. The sight of him clinging to the lamppost, refusing to let go despite his deteriorating health, only heightened your concern.
"I'll go try and talk to him."
"Good luck but you probably won't need it," Lando replied.
As you approached Daniel, you couldn't help but notice the hollowed look in his eyes, as if the light within him had faded. His once vibrant and charismatic demeanor was replaced by a sense of weariness and defeat.
His disheveled hair and trembling hands were clear signs of the toll this ordeal had taken on him, and it was heartbreaking to see him in such a vulnerable state.
The sight of him clinging desperately to the lamppost, his knuckles white with tension, revealed a level of desperation that struck a chord within you.
Nevertheless, you mustered up all the courage you had and gently reached out to touch his shoulder, hoping to break through the walls he had built around himself.
"Daniel, it's me Y/N, your girlfriend," you said slowly, your voice filled with love and concern.
His eyes flickered for a moment, as if trying to grasp onto a distant memory, before a glimmer of recognition appeared. "Y/N," he whispered hoarsely, his grip on the lamppost loosening slightly.
"I'm here, Daniel," you replied softly, your heart breaking at the sight of his vulnerability. "I won't leave you alone. We'll get through this together."
You placed your palm against Daniel's forehead, feeling the heat radiating from his feverish skin. Concern washed over you as you realized just how sick he was. "We need to get you to a doctor, Daniel," you said, your voice tinged with urgency.
"No doctor," he slurred, his words barely audible. "I don't want their help. Just stay with me, Y/N."
As Daniel's words trailed off, tears welled up in his eyes and cascaded down his cheeks. Each tear carried the weight of his pain and the fear of losing himself and you.
You held him tightly, offering a comforting embrace as his tears soaked into your shoulder, a silent testament to the depth of his despair.
"Daniel," you said gently, wiping away his tears with your thumb, "I understand that you're scared and don't want anyone's help. But I can't stand to see you suffer like this. The doctors can help you get better. They have the knowledge and resources to treat you. Please, let me take you to the hospital. I'll be right by your side the whole time, I promise."
Daniel looked at you with a mix of desperation and gratitude, his trembling hand reaching out to hold yours tightly. "Okay," he whispered, his voice filled with surrender, "take me to the hospital."
You nodded, grateful for Lando's support. Slowly and carefully, with Lando's help, you guided Daniel to Lando's car. As you settled into the back seats, Daniel's trembling hand still tightly holding yours, Lando started the engine and drove off towards the hospital, the weight of the situation heavy in the air.
Daniel leaned against you, his body weak and trembling. Each breath he took seemed to require immense effort, his chest rising and falling in shallow gasps.
The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on your heart as you held him close, praying for his strength to endure just a little longer until you reached the hospital.
"I'm so sorry Y/N," he whispered while taking in sharp breaths, his voice strained with pain.
"What do you mean baby?" you whispered, observing every movement Daniel made.
"I'm sorry.... for.... for not being.... good enough," Daniel stuttered, tears streaming down his face.
Your heart shattered at his words, and you squeezed his hand tighter, your voice filled with love and conviction. "Daniel, please don't say that. You are more than enough, and I love you just the way you are. We'll get through this together, I promise."
"I... love you," Daniel muttered. "Please don't leave... me."
"I love you too, Daniel," you replied, tears welling in your eyes. "I will never leave your side. We're in this together, and we will fight through it. You are not alone."
The rest of the journey was mostly silent, as you focused on keeping Daniel awake and alert, gently talking to him and urging him to stay awake. However, Daniel's exhaustion and pain were overwhelming, and he longed for the comfort of sleep.
Despite his struggle, he fought to stay awake, knowing that reaching the hospital was crucial for his survival.
As you pulled up to the hospital, Lando's prearranged call had ensured that a medical team was waiting at the entrance with a stretcher for Daniel. They quickly and efficiently transferred him onto the stretcher, their urgency matching the gravity of the situation.
You watched with a mix of relief and anxiety as they whisked Daniel away, knowing that he was now in the hands of the medical professionals who could provide him with the immediate care he needed.
You and Lando waited in the waiting room, your legs bouncing against the floor in a nervous rhythm. The minutes felt like hours as you anxiously scanned the hallway for any sign of the medical team returning with updates on Daniel's condition. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, and all you could do was hope and pray for positive news.
"I couldn't help but listen in your conversation in the car," Lando started. "Did something happen before today?"
You took a deep breath, your voice trembling slightly as you replied, "Yes, Daniel and I have been going through a difficult time lately."
"Excuse me, were you the ones who brought Mr. Ricciardo?" the doctor asked, looking at you and Lando. Your heart raced as you nodded, eager for any updates on Daniel's condition.
"Yes, we brought him," you replied anxiously. "How is he? Is he going to be okay?" The doctor's face softened as they looked at you both with empathy. "We're doing everything we can for Mr. Ricciardo. He's stable for now, but we need to run some tests and monitor him closely. It's too early to say anything definitive, but we're hopeful."
"Can we at least see him?" Lando asked on your behalf, his voice filled with concern. The doctor nodded sympathetically, understanding your need to be by Daniel's side during this critical time.
"Yes, you can see him, but please keep in mind that he needs rest and quiet. Follow me."
As you followed the doctor down the hallway, a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts raced through your mind. Fear, hope, and a desperate longing to see Daniel battled within you, creating a tumultuous storm of anticipation.
You clung to the doctor's words of hope, praying that they would ring true and that Daniel would pull through this ordeal.
As you entered Daniel's hospital room, you were taken aback by his appearance. His usually vibrant and energetic demeanor had been replaced by a pale and weakened figure lying motionless on the bed.
The sight of him hooked up to machines and monitors sent a pang of sadness and worry through your heart. Tubes and wires were connected to his body, a stark reminder of the severity of his condition.
Despite the sterile and clinical environment, the room was filled with an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and fragility.
The beeping of the machines provided a haunting soundtrack to the room, punctuating the silence that hung heavily in the air. Daniel's closed eyes gave no indication of his awareness of your presence, and you couldn't help but feel a profound sense of helplessness.
"I'll leave you to it." The doctor muttered, closing the door and leaving you and Lando in the room.
The atmosphere in the room was heavy with a mix of sorrow and uncertainty. As you stood there, surrounded by the beeping machines and the stillness of Daniel's presence, the weight of the situation sank deep into your being.
It was a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the powerlessness you felt in the face of it all.
You sat down beside Daniel, gently taking his hand in yours. The touch of his cold skin sent a shiver down your spine, a stark contrast to the warmth and vitality he once exuded. As you sat there, you couldn't help but silently will him to fight, to overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead.
"This is all my fault," you muttered, silently crying onto Daniel's hand, overwhelmed by guilt and regret. You couldn't help but blame yourself for the situation, questioning every decision and action that led to this moment.
The weight of guilt and regret pressed heavily upon you as you sat beside Daniel, crying silently onto his hand. Every decision and action leading up to this moment played on a loop in your mind, tormenting you with thoughts of self-blame and what-ifs.
The emotions were overwhelming, and you couldn't help but wonder if you could have done something differently to prevent this.
"It's not your fault," Daniel strained, his voice weak but filled with reassurance. You quickly looked up, astonishment and relief flooding your eyes as you saw him awake.
"I'll leave it up to you guys," Lando said as he left the room and left you both having no chance to hear him as he left.
"Does it hurt?" you muttered.
"No but it hurts that you're crying," Daniel muttered, slowly raising his hand to wipe your tears, "It's not your fault,"
"I shouldn't have left like that, I distracted you before your race and now this," you said, your voice filled with remorse and self-blame. Daniel's weak smile broke through the heaviness in the room as he gently squeezed your hand.
"Don't blame yourself," he whispered, his words carrying a sense of forgiveness and understanding.
"I shouldn't have treated you like that for you to leave the house," Daniel stated, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise to focus more on our relationship and prioritize our happiness above all else."
"You don't have to," you muttered.
"But I will, I promise."
"You know," Daniel began, his voice growing stronger, "I've had a lot of time to think while I was lying here. And I realized that life is too short for us to hold onto regrets and blame ourselves for things that are out of our control. We can't change the past, but we can choose how we move forward from here."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time they were tears of gratitude and hope. "You're right," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of relief and determination.
"Can you get in here with me? I miss having you beside me when I sleep," Daniel muttered, his voice filled with longing and vulnerability.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was appropriate, but ultimately decided to climb into the hospital bed and snuggle up beside him, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace.
"Are you comfortable?" you whispered, laying against Daniel's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
"More than ever," he replied, wrapping his arms around you tightly, as if never wanting to let go.
As you kept quiet, tracing Daniel's tattoos slowly, you marveled at the stories they told, each inked line representing a moment in his life. It was a silent act of love and connection, a way for you to understand him on a deeper level without words.
This was how most of your nights would end, with you tracing over Daniel's tattoos while he tenderly kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back. It was a comforting routine that brought you both a sense of peace and intimacy, allowing you to express your love for each other without the need for words.
In those quiet moments, you felt a deep connection and understood that the stories etched on his skin were a part of him, just as you were a part of each other's lives.
"Will you come to live with me again?" Daniel muttered against the top of your head, his words filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his, and felt a surge of love and longing.
"Daniel," you whispered, your voice filled with uncertainty. As you looked into his eyes, you could see the sincerity and desperation in his gaze.
A part of you wanted to believe him, to give him one more chance, but another part of you was hesitant, unsure if things could truly be different this time.
Daniel begged desperately, "Please, give me one chance and I promise that I will be more committed to our relationship if given the chance."
Taking a deep breath, you let the love you still felt for Daniel override your doubts. "Yes," you whispered, a mix of hope and caution in your voice. "I'll give us one more chance, but we have to take it slow and work on rebuilding trust."
Daniel grinned, "That's all I need," he said, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. "I promise you won't regret this. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
Your heart fluttered as Daniel's hand tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Goosebumps erupted across your skin with every touch, igniting a fire within you that only he could ignite. The electricity between you is palpable, and you can't help but melt into his embrace.
As your lips met, a wave of familiarity and passion washed over you. The taste of his kiss was like coming home, a sweet and addictive blend of warmth and tenderness. In that moment, all doubts and uncertainties melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and desire.
The world around you faded into the background as you lost yourself in the intoxicating dance of his lips against yours, each kiss deepening the connection between your souls.
Time stood still as you surrendered to the magnetic pull of his embrace, savoring every stolen breath and gentle caress. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a silent promise of a love that had weathered storms and emerged stronger than ever.
You gently tug at his collar, out of breath, and as Daniel asks, "Do you want me to stop?"
Also out of breath, and with a mischievous smile, you whisper, "Just the opposite, please. Don't stop."
Your words are filled with a mix of vulnerability and desire, a silent plea for him to continue. With a knowing smile, Daniel leans in closer, his touch becoming even more electrifying, as the intensity between you grows with each passing moment.
"God, I missed this," Daniel muttered against your lips, his voice filled with longing and a tinge of regret. The weight of his words hung in the air, reminding you of the time lost and the journey ahead.
But in that moment, all that mattered was the fire that burned between you, igniting a passion that refused to be extinguished. . . .
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tvseries-writings · 4 months
Elevators are deadly traps
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Wandanat x reader
Plot: You and your girlfriends get trapped in the elevator but the heat makes you faint and Wanda is not the biggest fan of small, enclosed spaces.
TW: fainting, panic attack
You never believed that drinking water was so necessary; you were never a big drinker and although Wanda always told you, nay, begged you, to drink at least the necessary amount you never listened to her but maybe you should have today.
You watch the busy streets of New York, listening to Natasha and Wanda talk while your eyes don't leave for a moment the view that lurks outside the window of the expensive car that only the black widow, of the three of you, dares to drive; you've never even been a great driver...Let alone drive a car that costs two hundred thousand dollars in the busiest city in the world.
The 93 F makes the asphalt scorching, much more than usual; it is so hot that the air ripples from the heat, distorting the images that pass before your eyes.
Natasha turns right and the Avengers tower enters your view, towering over all the buildings around it. It is not the most beautiful building in New York, contrary to what Tony likes to think, but it is definitely the one that makes you feel the safest.
“Is everything okay malyshka?” Natasha looks at you from the mirror, raising her sunglasses for a few seconds to get a better look at you.
“Yes Nat.”
You lean forward, ending up between the two seats and leaving a kiss on the cheek first to the former spy and then to the Sokovian who turns around at the exact moment you turn toward her to receive a real kiss.
“Hey, that's not fair. Next time one of you will drive.”
Natasha moans, giving you a weak elbow in the side that makes you and Wanda pull away.
“Oh come on Nat, you'll be rewarded” Wanda smiles mischievously, letting her hand slide down the blonde's thigh.
You sit back down, giving them an amused look but as you do so, dizziness makes you close your eyes for a few seconds. Apparently the heat has affected you more than you thought since you've risen just a couple of inches.
Wanda turns to you, her head tilted slightly to the side as she is wont to do when the Sokovian is angry or worried.
You open your eyes, smiling as if the nausea isn't wearing you down and the dizziness isn't making you sway even while sitting up.
“Are you okay?”
The car stops, you have probably entered the tower garage but you are so focused on not letting her notice that you are sick that you are not completely sure.
“Yes, of course, why?”
Wanda looks at you as if the answer is obvious but before she has a chance to retort, the driver's side door is thrown open by a rather pissed off Iron Man.
“Natasha, I've told you a million times not to take this car, it costs a fortune.”
“I know, Stark, but I remind you that I always told you I'd keep taking it since you bought it. Although I must admit, I'd like to find the keys in the car already and not have to bypass your office's fallacious security system to get them.”
Natasha smiles, stepping out of the car and tossing the keys toward the multimillionaire; the man rolls his eyes, stuffing the keys in his pocket before walking away at a brisk pace, muttering something about “having to implement anti-widow security systems.”
“You're terrible Nat, you'll drive him crazy.”
You say with a smirk, opening the door in turn; you just sit there, still not trusting your body to keep you stable.
Wanda comes around the car and quickly joins you.
Although you are inside the garage, the temperature is just below that outside and certainly much higher than it was inside the car.
“Are you sure you're okay y/n? You're a little pale” Natasha places a hand on your right cheek and you lean into her touch, turning a reassuring smile to her.
“I'm fine Nat, let's go home. If I'm not mistaken, someone needs to be compensated for her chauffeuring services.”
Your joke seems to make her relax a little, and that gives you the confidence to finally put one foot on the ground. You get up and despite the dizziness that hits you as soon as you do, you manage to hide it masterfully, heading toward the elevator with your girls. Although it is only a few meters, when you enter inside it feels like you have traveled at least twenty kilometers.
“J.A.R.V.I.S. take us to the forty-seventh floor please.”
“Right away Ms. Romanoff.”
As soon as the elevator doors close, you lean against the handrail placed on the wall behind you praying that your condition will not worsen. You observe Wanda out of the corner of your eye; the Sokovian hates elevators but is well aware that she cannot climb forty-seven flights of stairs therefore, after an animated conversation about why she could not use her powers to do so, you had convinced her to use that “infernal contraption”-as she likes to call it-to reach your floor.
A loud roar diverts your attention away from the girl, and before you can figure out what's going on, the elevator suddenly stops; if it weren't for Natasha's lightning-fast reflexes, your face would surely be splattered on the floor or the metal wall in front of you, considering the gigantic size of the elevator. Big Tower big elevator, as Tony likes to say.
“Are you all right?”
Natasha watches you both, helps you to your feet and then draws Wanda into a hug.
“Honey, it's okay, the elevator will probably start working again in a few seconds.”
Wanda nods and does not even give you a glance; she is totally focused on not panicking completely. She hates elevators and now she is hating you too since you forced her into them.
Ten minutes pass and you are still stuck inside the elevator. The temperature, which was previously kept under control by the air conditioning, has risen considerably and the dizziness is only getting worse so, although you are the only one, you decide to sit down in the hope that this will help.
The former spy's phone that suddenly and, when Natasha answers, Tony's voice rings out in the metal box you are stuck in.
“Hey Nat, there you see, there's a little problem, I may have knocked out the power to like well...all of Manhattan so you're going to be there for a while but I'm working on it okay? All right, see you later.”
Natasha is not in time to insult him that Tony ends the call. Natasha mumbles something in Russian and although you know few words of her native tongue, you are pretty sure they are not compliments she is paying him.
Wanda's hand is clasped between yours and you speak words of comfort to her as sweat beads your foreheads. You and Natasha take turns, trying to keep her breathing under control; the Sokovian has had panic attacks before and the last thing you need is for her to have one right now.
“Because I let you talk me into it,” Wanda whines, squeezing your hand before standing up abruptly, starting to pace back and forth in the elevator as her breathing quickens.
“Wanda, love, it will be okay, I know you hate elevators but-”
Natasha gets up to join her and you do the same but realize the shit you've done too late; in fact, it takes less than ten seconds for your body to fall to the floor with a thud.
Both Natasha and Wanda scream in shock.
“Honey, open your eyes malyshka come on.”
Natasha falls to her knees beside you, placing your head on top of her legs and shaking your sweat-soaked hair from your forehead.
“D-detka open your eyes.”
Wanda caresses your cheeks and although she is still in a panic, she makes an effort to keep herself lucid for at least a few more seconds.
You blink a few times, and when you open your eyes, the metal of the ceiling reminds you where you are.
“Hey, take it easy, Wands do you have any water?”
Natasha whispers, continuing to caress your face as Wanda frantically searches through her bag before shaking her head. Her breathing is quickening again and she is far too quiet to be Wanda.
“I'm fine,” you whisper and then give the blonde a look that admits no reply as you wave her over to your girlfriend.
“You're not fine, you just fainted, you're probably dehydrated, and we're going to be stuck here for who knows how much longer.”
Natasha regrets what she said as soon as she hears a whimper coming from the sokovian before the latter falls to the floor, burying her head between her knees as you clearly hear her breathing shorten alarmingly. Natasha quickly removes her shirt and rests it under your head before moving toward Wanda.
“Don't try to get up y/n, just stand there, I got this.”
You watch her walk over to the sorceress and gently touch her arm.
“Wands, hey, it's me. You have to breathe love, I know it's hard but you have to do it.”
Natasha strokes her back and Wanda's breathing seems to calm slightly as she lifts her head to look at you.
“There you are, good girl, now follow my breathing. In and out, in and out. So good.”
As Natasha focuses on Wanda, you quickly assess your condition before sitting up and trudging toward them.
“I told you not to get up.”
“I'm sitting up and feeling better Nat.”
You whisper, holding Wanda tightly in a hug and letting her listen to your heart beat at a steady pace.
“You are so stubborn, you-”
Another roar brings her to a halt and then, to your relief, the elevator starts up again. In two minutes, the elevator arrives on your floor and when the doors open, Natasha gives you a worried look-Wanda is massaging her chest while you are still sitting on the floor with a complexion so pale as to make the dead envious.
“Wands, do you feel up to walking?”
The Sokovian nods but Natasha equally encircles her hips with her arm before ushering her toward your bedroom but not before issuing you a warning.
“Don't try to move, don't even think about it.”
You watch them walk to the end of the hallway and extend your leg to block the elevator door sensor. As soon as you see them disappear from your sight, you close your eyes and lean your head against the wall behind you, trying to counteract the dizziness and nausea.
After a few minutes you hear hurried footsteps and then a glass is pressed to your lips.
“Drink malyshka,” Natasha whispers, tilting the glass and helping you drink the water inside. When you finish it, Natasha sets the glass on the floor before taking your face in her hands; you stay like this for a few minutes before she speaks.
“Can you get up?”
You nod to her, and after a few seconds, the Russian encircles your sides with her arms and lifts you off the floor, checking you during every step you take to your bedroom.
“How about I call Bruce? At least he'll take a look at you...”
You shake your head and in doing so lean even more against Natasha.
“No, I'm fine Nat. I just drank a little water, that's all.”
Natasha sighs yet does not retort, helping you sit down next to Wanda.
Although you are still lightheaded and dizzy, your stomach twists as you see how much Wanda is still shaken by what has happened.
“Hey love, how are you feeling?”
You reach out to her, taking her hand and intertwining your fingers. Wanda turns to you as soon as she hears your voice and hides her head in the crook of your neck; you leave a few kisses in her hair before the Sokovian speaks.
“I'm fine, I'm sorry for-”
“No, hey, you don't have to apologize, you know it's not something we control. Neither Tasha nor I do, did you ever tell us to apologize for that?”
Wanda shakes her head and both you and Natasha nod.
“That's right honey, so never apologize for that okay?”
Natasha sits on Wanda's other side as Wanda pulls away from you and lies down on the bed, motioning for you to get on her side. You are about to do so but a sharp dizziness causes you to desist and swing dangerously to the side; Wanda's grip on your shirt prevents a disastrous fall.
“Hey y/n, hey!...Nat, did you give her sugar?”
Wanda sits up to support you better as she watches Natasha shake her head.
“No, I...I just gave her water, now I'm going to get it.”
You want to protest but you can't, you can't even keep your eyes open.
“Detka, honey drink this. It will help you.”
Natasha hands Wanda the glass with water and sugar and the Sokovian places it on your lips helping you drink every last sip; after a few minutes the sugar finally takes effect.
“Do you feel better?”
Wanda whispers, drawing small circles on your back as you open your eyes. You nod slowly, resting your head on Natasha's shoulder and turning a small smile to the Sokovian.
“I really think we should all get some rest, and we'll call Bruce later.”
Natasha leaves a kiss on your temple, giving you a look that clearly indicates how much you cannot retort at the moment. From the look on Wanda's face, she agrees too so you surrender to your girls, letting them tuck you in before hugging you on both sides.
“Rest, I love you,” Natasha lets you both have a kiss before lying down and closing your eyes. You reciprocate her “I love you” before following suit.
You three may be a mess but you are definitely a good trio.
Thank you for reading! This piece sucks but I wanted to write something and will probably delete it later anyway...thanks and have a great day!
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Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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prentissluvr · 3 months
you'd dance with me? — sam winchester
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for : 200+ followers event [ closed ] ➖⟢ pairing : sam winchester x gn!reader ➖⟢ genre : fluff, light angst ➖⟢ cw : reader gets sort of stood up, alcohol, reader is tipsy, swearing, (not) unrequited love, barely edited ➖⟢ wc : 1.4K prompt : telling them they deserve better (and silently wanting to be the one who gives it to them)
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the man from the bar, james, isn’t your exact type. no one is except for sam, because you’re irrevocably in love with him. but since you can’t have him, and you’re dying to have a fun night without every second being consumed by thoughts of him, how much you love him, and how much you’re sure he doesn’t love you back, you turn to flirting with the nearest handsome single man.
and that means james. james has been nice enough and asked you to call him jamie, because “that’s what his friends call him.” dean gave you an impressed look as you walked past with “jamie” on your arm, and you winked at him, feeling playful and hopeful for a fun night after a tiring hunt. dean grinned back and sam barely gave any indication he noticed you before you settled at the bar and launched into a decently boring conversation with james about his corporate job and the fake life that you spin up for him.
that was over half an hour ago and it’s been at least twenty minutes since james excused himself to the bathroom with the promise that he’d be right back. you know he’s not coming back, but you stay rooted to your seat anyway.
it takes a few more minutes before sam appears, taking the previous man’s spot by your side.
“he left, didn’t he?” you ask, forlorn and not even bothering to look at sam as he settles next to you. sam cringes and nods. you sigh, not having to turn your head to see the movement through the corner of your eye as he confirms your suspicions. sam wonders if he should tell you that the asshole left with someone else. you deserve to know, but he’s hyperaware that it’ll only add to the sting. 
he takes in the look on your face and the empty shot glass that you fiddle with, and he immediately knows that you’re much more upset by this than you normally would be. of course, the situation is completely shitty, for anyone, but on any other day, you’d probably brush it off by looking for someone better or heading back to sit with him and dean for some fun with them (if dean’s still around by then). today, you’re alone and at least an extra shot or two in since the guy left, likely making you more tipsy than you intended to get tonight. more than that, the frown on your lips is easy to see and read, far different from the smile you normally give him when you’re pretending not to care. tonight you don't attempt hide it.
“you okay?” he finally asks. you sigh again and surprise him a bit by dropping your head on his shoulder. this kind of touch between the two of you isn’t abnormal, but these days it feels like you’re avoiding it a little, which sort of kills him. it takes you a moment to answer, but when you do, sam’s heart clenches.
“i just wanted to dance with someone tonight.” your voice is sad and candid from the removal of your filter by the alcohol in your system. for a moment, sam is blindingly angry with the asshole that stood you up, and he has to hold back a vehement curse before recentering his focus on you and the sad pull between your eyebrows. he just clenches his jaw and lets you say what you need to before he lets any of the million things he wants to tell you fall from his lips. “he said he’d dance with me when he got back… then he didn’t come back. d’you think it’s stupid i wanted to dance? think that’s why he left?” 
now sam’s heart is plain-old breaking for you. he wants to ring the neck of the stupid man that made you question yourself like this, made your voice sound so dejected. then he wants to sweep you up in his arms and hold you close and kiss your forehead and tell you that it’s the sweetest, most endearing thing in the world that you want to dance. tell you that he’ll dance with you every night despite the fact that he can’t do much more than hold you and sway with you. tell you that he’s completely and enduringly in love with you. he discovered that recently, though he figures it’s been true for a long while now.
he has to settle for something a little more tame because you’re upset over another guy, because you're a little tipsy, and because he can’t lose your friendships if those words don’t come across well.
sam puts his arm around your shoulders and you sink further into him. “if that’s why he left, he’s an idiot. anyone in their right mind would trip over their own feet to dance with you. no one in their right mind would leave you– someone like you, sitting here alone,” he says your name so soft and loving that he thinks he’s given himself away until he remembers you’re not picking up on everything right now, “he didn’t deserve you. you deserve a whole lot better than that ass.” i’d be so good to you, he thinks.
“yeah,” you agree, still sounding a little despondent.
“if you– if you still wanna dance, you’ve got a willing partner,” sam forges ahead, anything to make you smile.
“mm, where? james probably left with someone else, for all i know.” he doesn’t like that man’s name on your lips, and maybe you’re a little more drunk than he thought, because you’re not getting the hint as quickly as you normally would. if you were sober and trying not to act upset, you’d say that all with a playful tone to your voice to tease him for offering. right now, you just sound sort of unbelieving.
“you know,” sam responds, keeping his voice just as serious as yours instead of matching that tease like he normally would.
this time you let a bit of humor slip into your voice, but it’s still sort of pessimistic, “what? are you gonna drag dean away from whatever girl he’s found just to cheer up my sorry ass?” sam has to laugh a little at that thought, because it’s a silly image and almost funny how you refuse to see him as an option.
“your ass isn’t sorry,” sam smiles all soft when that pulls a half-hearted snort from you. his voice is still gentle as he finally says, “i’m right here, you know.”
when you tilt your head up to look at his face, and finally, finally, he gets your eyes on his, he almost melts to the floor. you’re looking at him, sweet and soft with your eyebrows pinched together like you’re not sure if he meant it. then there’s that little hint of hope and joy swimming around in the pretty pools of your eyes and it sets his heart afire, just like that. you’ve done just about nothing special, but to him you’ve done everything.
“you’d wanna dance with me?” you say it like you can’t believe it, like that’s exactly what you’d really been hoping for all night and it takes everything in sam’s power not to swoop down and kiss you right then and there. he’d wanna do a whole lot more than dance with you, but it’s a wonderful, glorious, honey-sweet way to start, he thinks.
“of course,” he grins at you, and that’s all it takes to pull a big smile over your features too. that’s just about everything sam could ever ask for, and it brings a flood of relief over him. he just can’t help himself when he asks, “that is, if you’d want to dance with me? i’m sure i’m not your ideal dancing partner for the night, but hopefully i’ll do.”
“of course i want to dance with you, sam,” you say, so blatantly honest that it makes his heart hurt, “and that’s not true.” you won’t explain what you mean by that, so sam stands with you and gladly lets you use him for balance. it’s not true that he’s not your ideal dancing partner? is that what you meant? he certainly hopes so, because that must mean, by default, he is your ideal dancing partner, and you wanted to dance with him tonight, not this awful james.
maybe you love him back a little, he hopes, as your wrap your arms around his middle and let him sway you back and forth, all gentle and smiling.
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riofann · 27 days
2. tempestuous
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Authors Note: I am trying something new. I like this story line please give me your feedback. Only reposts and likes please don't steal my work. XOXO Rose
Tempestuous: characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.
Previous Chapter
Friday August 2, 2019
It's not long before you see him again this time he pops up at your bar
“Long time no see” you joke as you place the burger and wings and fries in front of him 
“Have a seat” he motions with his head
You slide into the other side and keep a straight face 
“I need a favor” he speaks before taking a fry into his mouth 
“I'm out of favors”
He smirks “I think you got a few left”
“I don't” and you were being honest even with small talk you still didn't trust him as you did in the past 
“Well it's a small favor” 
“I'm at capacity”
He sighs “Y/N”
He looks at you contemplating what he wanted to say next you both knew there wasn't a way out of doing this favor, you were just prolonging the inevitable 
“What did Alejandro say to you?” 
“What?” the question shocked you.  You expected the usual ‘stash this (drugs) need this(money) hold this (weapon)’. He sighs and straightens up looking at you “The ball was almost a month ago” you comment 
He shrugs “Well I've been curious”
You roll your eyes “nothing”
“Did you meet with him?”
“You would know I'm sure you have spies around town”
He sighs “Okay so what did he say to you at the party?”
“Nothing” you didn't know what the consequences were for revealing your conversation 
He remains silent waiting. You sigh “he said that he knew what you did to me” Rio shifts on his seat. “And because of that I learned the true nature of the Serraño family. That you will put money above everything else.” You shrug 
He doesn't say anything just looks at you
It makes you nervous so instead you grab the basket of fries and start nibbling on a fry
“What else?” 
“He didn't offer you anything?” 
You shake your head “Nope”  emphasizing the P
He knew you were lying, you knew he knew you were lying but you weren't going to tell him. While one statement could be  considered facts the other was inflammatory and you weren't going to confirm nor deny anything that would have you getting caught in the crossfire 
He nodded and in return you pushed his fries back to him “Anything else?” 
“Jalapeño ranch speciality of the house”
“Oh that's right, I'll have someone bring it over” 
Tuesday August 13, 2019 
You hear rumbling at your front door and yank it open with gun at hand ready to face whomever was at your door at 3:03AM  
“Rio” you call his name, annoyed and relieved at the same time
“Heyyy” he greets, he looks like he got into a bad fight, there’s blood all over his face and hands 
“You look like shit” you comment
He scoffs and walks past you “Come right in!” You say sarcastically before closing the door 
“I need more money” he says before plopping down on your couch
You roll your eyes, this was becoming a routine now “how much?” 
He adjusts holding his side “All you got”
“I got 5 million”
“More than enough” 
“Okayyy” You return with the bag and hand it to him. He grimaces, reaching for it “What happened?”  (why the fuck did you ask him that you scold yourself)
He stands up and strains holding onto his side “Nothing you need to worry about” 
“Well your blood is dripping on my clean couch and carpet” you forcefully move him off of it. He looks down and smirks
And your leaving a trail of blood he follows your hand “Let me see” you offer 
He shakes his head “Don't worry about it”
“You won't make it far if I don't” you look at the blood pooling by his feet. You don't give him time to respond, instead you make him sit on the dining table chair. 
You walk away and grab the first aid kit 
As soon as he sees it he stands up “I don't need that”
“You do plus what's an additional 30 minutes? it won't take long” you push him down by the shoulders  
He gives up huffing along the way “I'm sitting, I'm sitting” 
You work quick cleaning the cuts on his face before moving to his abdomen
“Whoever you made angry let's hope their dead, the wound is deep you need stitches, I did the best I could but  you'll have to see a doctor” 
He nods and stands up and walks past you this time not giving you the option to protest you watch silently as he walks out the door 
While you clean up the blood he left you berate yourself for even treating his wounds 
(You should have let him bleed to death bitch , what's wrong with you?!) 
Saturday August 31, 2019
Speak of the devil and he appears. 
“Hey Y/N, there's someone here to see you” Grace your manager tells you 
You were busy in your office manipulating the books when she walked in “Who is it?” “I don’t know some guy he was like ‘I would like to speak to your manager’ ” she mocks
You make a face “Is it the guy with a low cut fade (Rio)?” 
She shakes her head “Nope”
“Regular?” She shakes her head again “Nope never seen him before” 
“How does he look?” 
“Long greasy long hair, gaudy jewelry” 
Your stomach drops, only one person fits that description that you knew of and it had to be Alejandro “Thick accent?” 
You smile at her “Thanks tell him I will be out shortly” “Will do boss!” 
“Thanks Gracie” 
You review the cameras to see who he came with, 2 other men. They sat on a table facing the front door. 
You make sure to make note of where you left off before you exit your office. 
“Hey, is the food for table 9 ready?” you ask your lead cook
He looks at the ticket “Uhhhh almost done boss!” he confirms 
“Okay let me know when it's done I will take it out” you say as 
“Got it!” 
You help out your staff with other tasks like preparing dessert or grabbing things from the fridge or rinsing dishes before they get into the dishwasher. 
“Alejandro, nice to see you again” you say as you put the food on the table “Ahhh there she is the lovely Y/N!” he gets up and gives you a hug and cheek kisses before sitting down 
“Wow such a greeting” you comment 
He grins at you “Show of good faith cariño” 
You smile back “I heard you would like to speak to me?” 
“Yes!” you look to the other men as they shuffle around on the table giving you space  “My apologies senorita, these are my associates Manuel and Carlos”
“Nice to meet you” you greet them “Senorita, please sit” he says pulling out your chair 
“Sure let me grab some water” You walk away to gather your nerves before returning “Yes how can I help you Alejandro?” 
“¿Sabes español?” “Poco” you motion a pinch with your fingers 
“Ah okay  ¿Has pensado en mi propuesta? (Have you thought about my proposition?)” 
“A little, but we haven’t really discussed after plus I’ve been busy” 
“Serraño Family always keeping you busy” he makes a whip noise as a joke
“Ha ha ha” You say sarcastically 
“Disculpe Senorita, I left my message on your front door” You nod “Yes the necklace I got it” he left it hanging on the handle and you could have shit yourself at that moment when you saw it.
“It's yours by the way” he mentions
“Ohhh thank you, how kind?” you didn’t want to keep anything as a gift, they were never just gifts anyway. 
He takes a bite of his food “So what do you think?” 
“I don’t know, what would my cut be?” He laughs “right to the point” “De Verdad! I’m sure thats what youre thinking about too, how much I can do for you” you counter “Hmmm” He looks to the ceiling pretending to think before looking back at you “how much are the Serraño family giving you? Let me guess these guys are cheap” he turns to face his men “¿Que piensan? (What do you think?)” 
“Hmm 10%” Carlos responds 
“Viente por ciento (20%)”
Alejandro turns to you “¿Es verdad?” 
You take a sip of water “I can’t tell you that. What are you going to offer?” 
“Because I know these guys, in good faith I will offer 30 and up!” 
“What is ‘and up’ ?” 
He shrugs “the more you do the more you earn” he states matter of factly  
“And what do you expect me to....” Your eyes dart towards the door where you see Rio and Mick walk in. He pushes his hoodie back and looks around the restaurant before he spots you, there's no wave, no smile straight face, Mick also shares the same blank expression. 
You look down at your watch to get the time, he was here earlier than normal. His usual time was after the sun sets.  No he wasn’t due to show up today, and no you didn’t have anything to discuss, so the only option is that he either had a spy in your staff or he had someone constantly watching the bar. It would make sense his money is in the bar itself. You take a deep breath in “What do you expect from me?” 
“Los hombres están aquí (the men are here)” Carlos comments, causing Alejandro and Manuel to turn around and see Rio. Alejandro picks up his drink along with the rest and toast to Rio who didn’t even so much acknowledge just blank face staring at you. 
Alejandro turns to face you “Boyfriend is here” You roll your eyes “He is not my boyfriend, what do you expect from me?” you wanted him to get to the point, your anxiety was already reaching its peak and you can’t stop bouncing your leg. 
He chuckles “Your loyalty senorita and your partnership that is all,” he places a hand on his heart “you will be part of the Guerrero family and we take care of each other, you know what that means right?” 
“War?” you guess 
He smiles “Close pero we are a family of warriors” 
“Oh” you giggle nervously “Can I think about it?” 
He scoffs “What is there to think about senorita?” he turns to look at Rio then back at you “¿Estás preocupado por tu novio? (you’re worried about your boyfriend?)” You glare at him “he is not my boyfriend!” He finishes his meal and you all sit silently as the other men finish “We will take care of the Serraño family, they are no match for the Guerrero family” You didn’t trust him, something about his offer didn’t seem genuine, you knew how this worked there’s no way you could just switch sides without there being a blood bath.
You refrain from answering and just smile at him “Well I have given you a lot to think about cariño I will be in touch” With that he pays way over the amount that's required for the bill and he and his men get up to leave
You get up to follow them out the door “I must speak to your boyfriend” he sings as he turns to look at you 
“Alejandro” you warn not knowing what could come from this “No cariño I must pay my respects to the representative of the Serraño family” he walks over to Rio head held high chest pumped out “Senor Cristobal! Que tal mi amigo?! (how are you my friend?!)” he asks boisterous you’re sure the entire restaurant heard. You look around and see eyes looking at you. He grabs Rio’s hands and shakes vigorously almost cartoonishly it almost makes you laugh how he’s essentially shaking Rio’s body. 
Rio nods shaking his hand “Alejandro” “We were just paying Senorita Y/N a visit you know top bar in Detroit 3 years in a row now, we had to give it a try” he smiles at Rio then at you 
You smile nervously standing to the side, Rio glances at you before returning his attention to Alejandro 
“Hasta luego amigo” Rio nods and watches as he leaves. You stand by the booth watching the door you want to make sure they leave but the glare Rio is giving you makes you stay put. 
Grace walks up to you distracting you “Oh Rio! You’re here so nice to see you again, Hi Mick!” Grace greets
“Whats up? Gracie” he smiles at Grace it's scary how quick he can mask his mood 
“The usual?” she asks “Actually I want the house special” “Ooh doing something different today, you guys are early today huh Y/N” He chuckles “We got things to do”
“Busy men! Mick?” “Usual” he responds 
She takes the order on the tablet “Coming right up! Y/N Need anything get you some fries?” 
“No” you give her a smile even though you stood tense “I’m good” 
“Great I’ll get the drinks then I’ll be back” 
When she walks away Mick exists the booth for you to slide in “I'm not sitting inside” Rio glares at you “take it or leave it or we can both stand here looking like idiots. Plus I can’t outrun a bullet so there’s no point” 
He looks around quickly “Lower your voice” he scolds he looks at Mick and motions for him to slide back in
You sit silently as he is busy held up with his phone “Thought you said you haven’t met with Alejandro” he comments without looking at you You take a sip of water “I haven’t” 
“Hmmm” he hums “so what is he doing here Y/N?” You shrug “Your guess is as good as mine, it was a shock to me too” 
He nods and looks around “what did he say to you?” “Why don’t you ask him?” you argue He looks you in the eye “I’m not in the mood for games Y/N” You sigh “Neither am I since the Guerrero and Serraño family know so much about each other. Why not just talk to each other?” He takes a deep breath and sits up straight “Y/N” 
Mick pulls out his gun, you roll your eyes “I wish you would actually pull the trigger because its losing its meaning” 
“Tell me what he said to you” He commands
“He offered me 30% and up”
“And?” “And I said I wanted to think about it” He chuckles smugly “You know what that means for you?” You shake your head “no and I haven’t thought about it I literally was just doing the same thing I am doing for you, talking to you till you leave” you smile sarcastically 
He smirks at that comment “30% sounds good yea?” He asks Mick
Mick chuckles 
“What's funny?” He goes back to texting “Looked into his portfolio? What he can do? What he does?” 
“No, but I didn’t look into yours either yet here we are” Grace shows up with the food “Okaayyy I have the house special the Big Island Burger with Plantain fries for Rio,  for Mick wings and fries, jalapeno house ranch and your beers! Need anything else?” she asks
He smiles at her “No we’re good” 
“Okay let me know if you need anything!” 
“Thanks Gracie” 
You sit silently as both Mick and Rio eat knowing if you get up to leave you were asking for more problems 
He clears his throat taking a sip of beer “His 30% equates to 5% of your current cut” he reveals
“And how do you know that?” You think Rio is lying to you to persuade you to not leave He takes a bite of the burger “I know everything that affects my business, so if you wanna go to him and do the same amount of work for less than a quarter of what you’re getting from me be my guest” You roll your eyes “I would like to not be in the middle of this” He smirks at you “Seems like we are beyond that aren’t we darling” You sigh “I didn’t ask for this Rio” “No but you also weren’t honest with me either” “I have been honest, this is the first time I have seen him after the ball!” 
He sits up straight “Why aint you tell me he stopped by today? Why did I have to come to see it for myself?” “Why do you have spies watching me?” you counter “Why aint you tell me about the necklace?” You shift uncomfortably “Exactly, see for this thing to work I  gotta trust you” 
“Like you understand what trust means” you say cynically 
He chuckles “I do and you better pick up an encyclopedia and refresh your memory soon darling” 
You huff and pick up your phone to text your mother back there was no winning either way “is there anything else you want?” you ask 
He shakes his head “Nah maybe another beer and napkins” That was your cue to leave he was done with you. 
Authors Note: Please leave your feedback, again please don't steal. Only repost, like, or give credit.
@katymae12344, @yinmaggiorebass
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Hello! I love your writing and I adore anything really you write, especially your villains! So once more, could you please write about a cunning villain. Like anything that just showcases your writing abt cunning villains:)) The one that people wouldn't want to meet or even look at for more than a second. Unhinged. Dangerous. Clever and all-smirks and grins?? And a hero unsettled by them..... I would really love that!! Thank you!!💗 Please take care of yourself always! PS: also, I've been fangirling over your TGK for so long now!! can't wait to get my hands on it soon<33
"What..." The hero swallowed, eyeing the holding cell through the one way glass. Watching the villain sitting inside the cell, examining the handcuff on their wrist like it was somehow entertaining. "How did you catch them?"
"We didn't. They just turned up, requested a meeting with you."
"Right." The hero felt a bit dizzy at that. "And the handcuffs?"
"They offered," the detective shuddered, "to put us at ease."
There was nothing ease-inducing about that. Putting the standard handcuff on the villain's wrist felt about as effective as putting a ribbon and a little bowtie around a dragon's neck and calling that a leash. If anything, the very offer was mocking. Poor baby detective. Would a handcuff make you feel better?
The hero shuddered too and the two of them exchanged a glance.
"I'd say you don't have to go in and talk to them..." the detective said.
The hero sighed. "But I do."
"Please. Thank you. Have mercy and get that monstrosity off my hands?" The detective tried for a smile, but it fell rather short.
None of them took their eyes off the villain for a second.
The hero wasn't sure they trusted themselves to come up with a suitable response, so they simply nodded and made their way into the holding cell.
"Ah." The villain smirked at the sight of them, eyes going bright. "My favourite hero."
"It's rude to play favourites."
"Would you rather be my least favourite?"
"Then turn the camera off, clear out the observatory and take a seat, gorgeous."
The hero swallowed. Their mouth went dry. "Is there are a point asking why you don't want any witnesses?"
"No. But if you're a fan of foreplay we could pretend you're not going to do as I ask for like ten minutes or so." The villain's head tilted. "I could say pretty please, if it pleases you."
The hero went and turned the camera off. It was better than watching the villain convincingly beg, and then spending all night desperately trying to think who they'd stolen the lines off. They returned with an unsettled knot in their stomach and took a seat, playing at casual.
"So. What's this about?"
"I thought it would be funny to finally kill you in the middle of a police precinct."
The hero resisted the urge to twitch. "No, you didn't."
The villain grinned at them. "No, I didn't. But kudos for not swooning on the spot. I'm told I'm very swoonworthy."
"...That's one word for it."
"So precious. So diplomatic."
"That's why I'm your favourite."
The villain laughed, shaking their head. The next time they looked at the hero, they had gone perfectly serious, all business. "I'm here on a courtesy call, more than anything else," the villain said. "That detective of yours has insulted me. Got me down as someone of interest in the Kingfisher case. As if I'd be involved in something so utterly plebeian."
"They stole £1.5 million."
"And their methods were crass and lacking flair." The villain's voice turned sweet. "Or perhaps you think I did it too? Maybe you think I just need the money that badly?"
The hero opened their mouth, then closed it. It wasn't worth debating. Duly noted that the villain already had far too much money if they were scoffing at the criminal methodology.
"Right..." the hero said, instead. "And you want me to, what, put in a good word for you with the department? Solve the case?"
"I want you to get your detective to give me a public, sincere apology. I don't really care if you solve the case or not, just stopping use my name in vain before I decide the whole thing is my problem. I assume," the villain leaned in across the table, "that you don't want me to make it my problem."
No. Given the way that the villain tended to handle their problems, it would not go down remotely well for the detective.
It struck the hero then, that the villain wasn't mocking them. For them. at least, this truly was a courtesy call. It wasn't like the villain was against making something like this their problem and dealing out their particular brand of justice as they saw fit. They'd done it before when other villains were stupid enough to tread into their territory. But the detective was the hero's people, and so...
"Thank you," the hero said. "I'll - um. I'll deal with it."
"I thought you might prefer that." The villain snapped the cuff like it was nothing and stood.
The hero bolted to their feet.
The villain raised their brow, amused. "Was there something else we needed to discuss, love?"
The hero hesitated, fingers curling on the edge of the table. "Is this really all you were here for?"
"You doubt me?" The villain's voice was a purr.
"No. Opposite of doubt. You're rarely playing a single game at a time."
"Flattery will get you everywhere. Perhaps you'd like to search me before I go?" The villain spread their arms and took a step closer.
The hero managed to avoid taking a step back. Just. Their gaze raked over the villain - wondering if they were going to regret this. Probably. They stepped closer, face aflame as they began to pat the villain down. They weren't entirely sure what they were looking for but...
Several weapons, a detonator and a variety of other things ended up on the table. Along with...
"Did you just bug the entire precinct with your little robots while you were here?"
"I mean." The villain shrugged, entirely unabashed, eyes gleaming. "You did keep me waiting. I got bored."
"Maybe text me next time instead of unexpectedly turning up here."
"Give me your number then."
...The hero had not thought that through to the obvious and terrifying confusion.
The villain smirked at whatever look of utter panic they saw on the hero's face.
"It's okay if your brain has gone blank," they said, oh so kindly. They fished a pen off the table and snatched up the hero's wrist. "Here's mine."
The hero's hand twitched in the villain's hold, entirely too aware of everything they could do with skin-on-skin contact. A neat row of numbers with a little heart at the end soon emerged.
"Remember," the villain murmured, pressing their lips to the hero's ear. "Public apology. Today. Let's not have anything like this happen again, hm?"
It was only two year's later, on an entirely unrelated case, that the hero found proof that actually the villain had stole the £1.5 million all along. And the hero was the fool who had turned in another villain instead, neatly and oh so subtly framed.
They dropped their head into their hands and groaned.
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fictionalgap · 9 months
Steal My Heart
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Pairing: Kit Thantalos x Reader
Summary: Kit makes you a surprise.
Warnings: Swearing, underwater kiss😉😉😉
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Song Recommendation: Fire on fire - Sam Smith
You and Kit have been riding for two hours. Wherever Kit wanted to visit, It was really close to where your mother stayed.
"Kit, why are we here?" you asked suspiciously.
She stopped in front of your house. You stopped when she stopped.
She got off from the horse and landed on her feet. She approached to you and said "Suprise!" with a giant smile.
Your mouth moved but no words came out. You didn't know how did she knew you lived here but you were happy that she brought you here.
You saw your mum at the door of your house.
"Y/N!" She ran at you with open arms.
You got off from your horse and ran to her. You hugged and Kit watched you from where she stood.
"I wasn't expecting you too soon." your mother said with excitement.
"Should I go back?" you teased her with a smirk.
She playfully hit your shoulder then hugged you tighter. You broke the hug.
You turned to Kit. "This is Ki-, the Princess of Tir Aslee-"
"Your highness." your mum bowed to Kit.
"It's really nice to meet you. Just Kit is enough." she smiled to your mother.
"It is really nice to meet you too, Kit." she smiled then looked at you.
"Don't stand there, come in. " Your mum hurried into your house.
You all walked into the house. You and Kit were sitting in your kitchen. Marlene and kids were out somewhere. Your mum was brewing some tea as you fidgeted with your fingers anxiously.
"Thank you." you said to the girl next to you with a smile. "Don't. I just wanted a break from the castle." she pushed the subject away. A pleased smile obvious on her face.
"How did you know I lived here?" you questioned.
She cleared her throat after she avoided your gaze.
Your mum came with teas and placed them on the table. You both took the cups.
Your mum sat down with a wide smile.
"So, tell me everything."
Kit told her how you saved her life. You told about how Queen forgave your crimes and had a generous job offer for you.
Your mum told Marlene and her kids were great to her. They were able to live well since she was town's healer and made more than enough money. She told you she helped her during she was working and also take care of the kids.
You were grateful Marlene was there for your mother. You knew your mother wanted to give up on doing theft long time ago.
Your father didn't want to. He was a good man but he liked stealing so much it was almost like he needed it.
"Once a thief, always a thief." you remembered his words to your mother after she told him she didn't wanted to do this anymore.
After a couple of hours it was almost evening. "We should get back." you turned to Kit.
Kit nodded and stood up from her seat. You felt her hand brushing yours.
You said your goodbyes then got back on the road to the castle.
"You never answered me." You asked her calmly.
"Hm?" She turned to you.
"How did you know I lived here?"
She sighed nervously.
"You know that while were training your letter fell down. When you went to drink water I read it before I gave it to you." She looked down.
You stopped riding your horse. Your face fell with disappointment. Never in a million years you would think of her as someone like that.
"I know It's not nice to read someone else's p-"
"No. It's not and-" You started to get angry but something stopped you.
Your eyes got bigger when you looked at her direction.
"Kit. Don't move."
Kit's eyes widen with fear and she had the urge just to take a look but she couldn't.
She had a big hairy spider on her shoulder.
You didn't know how the hell she didn't feel that. It looked big and poisonous.
'What is with the Princess Of Tir Asleen and poisonous animals?' you thought to yourself.
She eyed her left and with realization her eyes got wider and she panicked for a second then fell from the horse.
She fell into the mud and now she was covered in it.
You snorted as you ran to her, saving her from the mud and the spider.
Spider was barely in the mud, was already crawling its way out to the clean grass.
You held Kit's hand and helped her up.
"Come on, there is a pond over there."
She groaned as she followed your lead.
She got rid of her outer clothes and you both washed them . You were glad it was Summer. It would dry quickly.
"I am sorry."
You looked at her direction.
"I shouldn't have looked. I just I didn't know why I did it. I - I guess I was curious or I-I don't have any excuse. When It's about you I just want to know more. A-and I guess I got excited."
You knew she was telling the truth.
You nodded to her and to yourself.
She looked at you as she was waiting for an 'I forgive you.'
Instead you stood up and wondered around the pond. She got up from her seat and stood next to you.
She looked in your eyes desperately. "Y/N?"
You stared at her coldly and she frowned at your expression.
Then, all of a sudden, you put your hands on her arms and pushed her to the pond in front of you.
"Wha-" she managed to get out before water splashed around and your giggles filled the woods.
She got up to the surface and swam her way back and got off from the water.
You expected an annoyed look on her face but she was smiling. She came next to you with her arms on her waist.
She bit her lip and nodded to herself. "I deserved it."
You laughed. She smiled as you laughed more.
What you didn't expect was her pushing you into the water.
You found yourself in blue-green pond and you saw her jumping in the water again. She was swimming to your direction. You looked at her with a smile. There was enough light inside the pond. Thanks to the Sun. You could see her clearly.
You saw her looking at you softly. That look melt your heart but also It awoke something inside you. You pulled her to yourself to give a peck to her lips. You looked at her face. It was blank. Than you swam to the surface and took a deep breath. When you saw her coming right after you. You couldn't find the courage to face her.
You took a deep breath and dived into the pond. You decided to wait there as If that was a good solution. You saw her coming down. She had a happy expression on her face as much as someone can when they are holding their breath. She came down to your level.
Then something you never could have guess happened. She held your cheeks with both of your hands and kissed you. You relaxed into the kiss as you felt her not hating this.
Your smile met your eyes as she clinged onto you. You looked at her eyes as she looked at yours. You held her arms but she smiled and pulled you to the surface with her.
Taglist: @valenftcrush @elliewilliamsgf69 @hayatistirahati @rubycruzsbitch @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @scarletchase1989
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 3
Part 2 / AO3 Link
After school practices for the Thanksgiving performance was only for the students who wanted to put a little more time into it. Apparently a bulk of the rehearsal happened during their music class and that made sense. Still, Steve was glad to put a face to some of the kids his son mentioned. The first night there had been a girl who's lip trembled at the slightest upset and Steve knew that had to be Yasmin.
"She's a crybaby who cries over everything", Shawn had said one time.
"Hm, need I remind you of all the times you've cried? Why I remember just last week-"
"We don't need to talk about that", Shawn said, properly chastised.
Even so, Steve could see how it could get a little frustrating to be in a class with someone as sensitive as that. And yet, Mr. Munson never let on that he was frustrated or anything like that. Every time the tears came, he talked her down. Which was quite the feat since he had probably been doing it for eight hours at this point.
"You're really good with the kids", Steve complimented when Mr. Munson took a seat near them to rest.
Third grade was working on their performance piece on the stage now while the smaller kids got a break. Mr. Munson smiled a bit as he scratched at his head.
"Yeah, well, patience is key, as I'm sure you know. Actually, how old are the kids you teach?", he asked.
"Middle school", Steve answered, laughing a little when he saw the other teacher's eyes get wide in fear.
"Braver than any marine, I swear. I will take spilt milk tears over the raging hormones going on over there."
Steve's brain decided to highlight the word 'hormones' which made him delayed in his response. He cleared his throat to try and cover it up. "It's not as bad as all that. I've got the babies of middle school, the sixth graders, but don't tell them I said that. And I'm lucky I've got a group there that's absolutely obsessed with science."
He met Mr. Munson's eyes and was met with a million watt smile. One that he knew was on his own face too.
"That's the best feeling, ain't it? When they wanna soak up as much as you can give?"
"The best", Steve agreed. It wasn't always candy and roses but it was all worth it for those days when everything just clicked. "Speaking of passions, did you get that approval for your ideas for the show?"
"They said I could play guitar, but they vetoed my pyrotechnics idea."
That night, Mr. Munson walked him and Shawn back to their car. And as such, became a routine for two days out of the week. Through it all, Steve commended himself for only drooling a little over him and only when he was alone.
At home, one Saturday, Shawn was humming his class' song while Steve made them lunch. He looked to the calendar and realized the show would be that coming Monday. Well, he knew that but it hit him that in less than a week, Thanksgiving break would start and then there wouldn't be much of a reason for him to see Mr. Munson anymore.
Just as the thought came to him, he looked at the school events calendar he had put in his phone and saw that there would be a Winter Dance but that it was for 4th and 5th grade only. He held back a sigh. Oh well, maybe if he got particularly antsy, he could schedule a confere-no, nononono.
He wasn't going to waste a teacher's time over nothing. Just because, what? He wanted to see him?
He said as much when he talked to Robin the next day. They were sitting in his living room, Shawn was up in his room, reading on this lazy Sunday.
"So, you're just going to avoid him?"
"It's not avoiding. I'm just not going to go out of my way to seek him out", Steve clarified. "And maybe this little crush", he whispered the word 'crush' like tiny ears were listening, "will die down."
"Mhm", Robin nodded, unconvinced. "You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"
Steve leaned back against the couch. "There's at least one absence I'm not missing."
"...Don't tell me this is all because of him?"
"It's not because of him but...", Steve's eyes traveled to where Shawn's baby book sat on a bookshelf. Inside were the only pictures of Shawn's sire. And honestly, Steve wouldn't even have those if it were up to him. But he wanted to leave the door open just for when Shawn got older and could decide how much he wanted that man in his life.
"I don't think Mr. Munson is anything like him. Of course I don't. But I can't make a mistake like that again. If Shawn got hurt, I could never forgive myself."
Robin gave him a pat on the leg. "If you really think it's for the best."
It was. Steve knew that what was on the surface could be hiding something ugly underneath. He wasn't going to expose him or his pup to anything like that again. Mr. Munson was nice but these feelings weren't deep enough to swim in. Steve was barely getting his toes wet. He would stay high and dry and then Shawn would go on to second grade and then he would only see Mr. Munson in passing, if that.
Steve had all these affirmations in mind as he settled in to see Shawn's performance Monday. Planning ahead, Steve had told his school a couple weeks ago that he had a doctor appointment and wouldn't be coming in until later. Just long enough to pop in and see Shawn sing. As he had planned and rehearsed, Mr. Munson sat on a stool to one side of the stage, acoustic guitar in his lap.
It was all the school would allow and seeing as the kids' singing voices weren't super strong, it was for the best. Steve recorded the act, phone focused on Shawn while every once in a while, his eyes drifted to Mr. Munson.
After the song, Steve waved to Shawn, who waved back. He had told him ahead of time that he'd have to go back to work after seeing him, so that his son wouldn't be disappointed. When they saw each other at home later, Shawn's adrenaline from the day hadn't waned.
"So a lot of the other kids' parents took them home, so Mr. Munson let some of us play with his guitar!"
"Did he now?", Steve smiled.
"Uh-huh. He even taught us how to play. Do you think he teaches guitar?"
"Would you like some lessons?", Steve asked.
"Only if Mr. Munson is teaching it. He makes everything so cool."
Steve watched as Shawn ran ahead to go into the corn maze. Most of the corn was gone, so he wasn't worried about him getting lost as Robin went to get them hot ciders. Shawn scurried through the maze when he found someone familiar.
Robin had come back with two ciders that she and Steve sipped on while Shawn made his way through the maze.
"Dad! Look who's here!"
Steve looked up, expecting to see one of his little friends. Not Mr. Munson.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket with chunky rings and his hair let loose, spilling over his shoulders.
"Dad look! It's Mr. Munson! Dad?"
"Mr. Munson! What a surprise!", Robin came in for the save while Steve was speechless. She gave him a subtle nudge that really wasn't all that subtle but that was okay because Mr. Munson was having his own crisis.
Because here was Mr. Harrington, enjoying a harvest festival, shoulder to shoulder with a beautiful alpha woman.
"H-hey, didn't expect to run into you here", Mr. Munson stuttered.
"Me neither", Steve said, voice a little breathless. He cleared it and remembered himself. "This is Robin, she's my neighbor. Robin, this is Shawn's teacher."
"Heard so much about you", Robin grinned.
Steve wanted to kick her in the shin.
"Hey, Shawn, how's about we go and pick out a pumpkin or something?", Robin suggested, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the other two, leaving them alone.
Mr. Munson looked like a deer caught in headlights and Steve couldn't blame him.
"Jesus, she couldn't be anymore obvious."
"Did you want to talk to me about something, Mr. Harrington?"
"No, I didn't. But, I think...I think we should have this conversation anyway." Steve ran a hand through his hair.
They went to a little sitting area the farm had set up near the food booths so that they could talk. Eddie's mind ran a mile a minute, thinking of what this could be about. Both good and bad. He'd gotten a hot chocolate both to keep his hands warm and to give him something to do with said hands. Hands that Mr. Harrington was staring at right now.
"I um", he shook his head and pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. "I just wanted to-god this is hard."
"Well, let's make it easier", Eddie said. "Is it about Shawn? Is he having problems in school?"
"No, it's not about that. It's about us-I mean, there is no us but I-goddammit", Steve hissed, cheeks getting red in embarrassment. He let out a breath. "Mr. Munson, I'm having..." don't say feelings don't say feelings don't say feelings "-sensations, that aren't entirely professional. About you."
"And I know nothing can come of it, but I just want you to know that, to know that I'm aware of them and if I ever come on, I guess too strong, please just let me know."
"Um, for how long?", Eddie asked, hoping he wasn't vibrating in his seat because it sure did feel that way.
"Uhh, pretty much since I first met you", Mr. Harrington admitted. "And I don't know if it's because you've been looking after me and Shawn when we walk back to the car, or if it's something else but you just smell...you feel safe. And it's hard for me not too....", he trailed off, voice getting soft.
He didn't know how much that meant to Eddie. His first year of teaching, Eddie had gone on scent blockers, not wanting to overwhelm the little noses in his room. But one day he'd forgotten and things just seemed to run more smoothly when they could get a whiff of him. For Mr. Harrington to say his scent made him feel safe...
"It hasn't exactly been easy for me either", Eddie finally said. "Me too, since that first day I... But you already said nothing can come from it."
There was a hesitant look in Mr. Harrington's eyes. "Well, you know, why not?"
"Why...not?", Eddie echoed.
"I have my personal reasons for not pursuing this, but they mostly involve Shawn. If he doesn't know about it, I mean if we can hide it from most people, you won't get in trouble with the school. And we won't, you know get Shawn's hopes up if it doesn't become serious."
"Why, Mr. Harrington, are you propositioning me?" Honestly, Eddie didn't give a flying fuck what this principal thought about his private life. At the end of the day, it really was just Shawn he was worried about. He didn't know what happened to the other half of his DNA, but he knew that kids with only one parent sometimes longed for a second. He couldn't make Shawn think that was him unless this was the real deal. And he wouldn't know that for sure if he didn't give this a try.
"For starters, when we're not on school grounds, you can call me Steve."
"Eddie, would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Steve's face was a mix of hopeful and confident that Eddie wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. "I'd love to."
Part 4
There is absolutely some angst with Steve's baby daddy comin down the line. I came up with it where I come up with all my best ideas, half asleep when I wake up in the morning.
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
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coolprettyleo · 6 months
talk of the town - will smith
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tw: lowkey cringe. if ur not into it lmk lowk...
wc: 1.4k
will smith x influencer/ d'amelio sister
dylan couldn't believe the shit day she was having. she had woken up late and missed her pilates class, then she spilt coffee all over her laptop, and right now she was fifteen minutes late to her music class. it was her first ever day of college too.
even though she was having a horrible day, she was still dressed cute. she decided she wanted to start taking her school more seriously. and that meant actually going to class.
the thing about dylan though is that she didn't need school. she had over one hundred million followers on all platforms. she was what someone would call an influencer.
influencers usually didn't continue with school if they didn't need to so when dylan decided to still attend college it was a shock to a lot of people; including her family.
her family were all also influencers and didn't decide to attend college; rather deciding to work on their brand instead. a brand that dylan opted out of, she had decided to enter marketing at boston college.
she entered her music class to find that there was no less than twenty five students inside. thats what happens when you attend a private college! dylans strategy her whole life was to always sit in the back of classes. (it was easier to skip class and just lie to the professor and say you were there)
there was one seat left where three other boys sat. she set her stuff down. the boys giving her an odd look, not thinking anyone was going to take that last seat between them or probably trying to figure out why the hell she looked so familiar. dylan got that look often.
the professor though was deep in lecture about their upcoming assignment and dylan was too busy trying to find a top for her upcoming brand dinner in New York. she was pulled out of her own little world when the professor noticed she was not listening and had missed the introduction part of class and decided to call her out on it.
she felt a tap from the boy next to her getting her attention because it seemed the professor had been calling her.
"oh my gosh im so sorry what" she said removing an AirPod and sheepishly looking at the class who all seemed to be either smiling at her or giving her dirty looks.
"since you decided to grace us with your presence introduce yourself please" she said pointing to a slide that stated what exactly to say.
"uhm... im dylan. im from connecticut but I've been living in LA for the past four years, and im a marketing major" she said awkwardly feeling like everyone was judging her.
"alright thank you miss dylan. I want to see the title slide of the assignment done before I dismiss you guys" she said.
the three boys she sat with seemed to be life long friends and she was feeling a bit left out. she had zoned them out till she heard them whispering to each other.
"ask her"
"no thats weird"
"ill ask"
"your tiktok famous huh"
she looked up to a freckled boy her while the dark haired boy giggled and the blonde haired boy cringed.
"uhm, yeah... I guess" she said awkwardly. she really didn't know what to say.
"nice" he said going back to working on his assignment.
she smiled awkwardly and looked at the other two boys. who looked like they were cringing about their friends actions. the dark haired boy seemed to let it go and work on his assignment while the blonde one spoke up.
"im sorry about him, ryan doesn't know how to talk to girls"
"yes I do! if I didn't how would I of pulled frankie" ryan says.
"she basically pulled you" gabe quipped back.
dylan just giggled along to their battering. they seemed funny.
"he's fine. a lot of people don't realize its me in real life but instead just stare at me trying to figure out why I look so familiar, and thats creepier to me"
"well we knew it was you because everyones been saying you go here" ryan told her.
oh god it was a hot topic?
"people talk about it?" she said grossed out.
"yeah, but like no one ever sees you for some reason"
"I did online classes and lived in LA last semester" she told them. it was true, her family was filming their Hulu show and it didnt make sense for her to leave mid-way through filming.
"do you live on campus?" the blonde one asked her again. he seemed like the quiet and calmer one of the three boys.
hes hot
"no, I live in beacon hill, the city"
"why didnt you dorm" gabe nosily asked.
"I didn't think it would be too fun to share an apartment with random girls at first but now I regret it, because I have no friends here" she honestly told them.
"oh my god! my girlfriend has no friends!" ryan said loudly. which made will, gabe, and the people around them to laugh.
"im telling her you said that" will smiled mischievously at him.
"shutup smitty. we have a game tonight and she usually sits alone or with my parents but they're not coming tonight so she'd probably like the company!" ryan said. he was honestly just trying to do a nice thing. he knew frankie struggled with the fact she had no girl friends; even though she said it was fine, and dylan seemed nice.
"game?" Dylan said confused.
"oh ya! we play hockey" the freckled boy answered.
"oh thats cool!" dylan said. she had attended a couple games recently due to the fact her sister was dating an NHL player.
"im will, thats gabe, and ryan" the blonde one said pointing the dark haired boy and the freckled one.
"im dylan. and what's your girlfriends number, id be down to go" she said to the freckled one.
"here" he said writing it down and handing her a crumpled paper.
"her names frankie by the way"
"okay, ill text her after class" she said smiling getting back to work.
"what's your major?" will asked her. he didn't want the conversation to end for some reason. she was lowkey his celebrity crush since he was like fourteen and they first started getting famous.
"marketing. you?"
"your quite the communicator then" she said.
oh my gosh dylan you sound pathetic what the hell even is a communicator?
what didnt help was that will looked clueless and Ryan and gabe seemed to be biting back a smile acting like they weren't listening.
"im sorry?"
"like, you like communications- like the major" dylan said, trying to save herself but digging an even deeper and awkwarder hole, turning as red as a tomato.
"uhm ya, I didn't really know what major to pick coming in" he said smiling at her. a smile that dylan liked to see.
"well what do you want to be?"
"a hockey player."
"oh... too bad hockey isn't a major huh" she said chuckling at her own joke while ryan and gabe gave her funny looks except will of course, who was laughing at the joke like it was the funniest thing ever said. (thats what your supposed to do when your crush tells a joke)
"and what do you want to be"
"honestly, I dont know. I just want to have the degree so I can have more of a say in the brands I deal with, and all that"
"so you want the knowledge" gabe said, since he's been listening.
"yeah, basically" she said. making eye contact with will who looked to be studying her a bit.
he knew she wanted to say more but seemed to be putting up a wall which was understandable seeing as she just met these boys twenty mins ago.
"well im all done." she said closing up her laptop and standing up.
"maybe ill see you guys later!" she said waving to them.
"look for 6" will said to her.
"six what?" she said confused.
"what?" he said equally confused now
"six of what" she said cluelessly.
"like the number six" he said smiling awkwardly.
"oh!! omg I knew that! okay!" she said grabbing her bag and waving bye to them.
gabe and ryan gave each other a knowing look before immediately chirping will.
"you are such a flirt"
"that was painful"
"and he said I dont know how to talk to girls"
"shutup guys" he said packing his stuff away before leaving. hoping to see her in the stands tonight. her personality was even cuter.
im so sorry for not uploading! I just keep overthinking everything so I end up just deleting it! but thats just a me problem lol. but I hope u guys like this au. I plan to the it all together.
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shuenkio · 5 months
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Red string with you˚⊹ ᰔ
Paring: Enha X m!reader
Genre: fluff, emotion, love
Red string theory
Do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
CRD to all divider
Some parts are overdo words ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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Heeseung: Living a life as a musician he is, are sure lonely, all alone because he spends all his time every single day in the studio, morning to noon, noon to night, night to midnight, recycling over and over again. One day, when going to the party with his friends, they brought up the love topic and asked him if he had a partner like them, they had been waiting for him to have a romantic life forever yet the man still had no one. He got the look, got money, got everything, just like everyone's dream of. He just responds with a slow nod, he also waiting for some perfect time to have someone by his side however it's like the more he's waiting, the longer it gets. Once the party's over, he waves goodbye to his friends before making his way back home by walking since his apartment is not too far, he chooses to take a nice walk under the snowy rain. The walk seemed so pleasant and cold watching the snowflakes fall above him, making him realize a lot of things he never did before. As he keeps moving his feet zoning out, unexpectedly he bumps into a person who's also lost in their world. Both of them fall to the ground, gathering all their consciousness back before opening their eyes to see you intend your arm open to give them support.
"H-hey sorry to bump into you, are you alright?" He looks at you who's standing on top of him, along with a light street behind you hitting your back, making you look unreal and breathtaking. suddenly he feels like the world has stopped moving when you look at him, you're like someone that God sent to him, his heartbeat does a backflip. "You're the one... For me, I feel it"
Jay: The same goes with him. money? Millions. Look? Hot. Car and house? Check ✓ love? Loading. Born in such a wealthy family, when you seek real love would be a different story. Yes, you can have all the love you want with money, but money can't buy such thing as true love isn't it? It's required your efforts, sweat and tears to get "true love". On the way to his office, with his luxury business bag, an elevator, was about to close suddenly you appeared and quickly waved your hand as a signal for him to stop it for you. Once you enter, you thank him before standing beside him. The moment you make eye contact with him, he feels like his heart telling him you're the missing pieces he had been searching for all along, must make him, his!! "Be my boyfriend!!!" M/n answer "Pardon?" [Too short sorry shawty]
Jake: As the outgoing person he is, he knows what's best for himself and he doesn't need nobody telling him what he needs but as time forward, all his love leaves him for good with the only one reason "looks " Then he realizes they only love him for a short time because of his looks, they got bored with him. Is he just showing his true self? Why is it so hard for him to find someone suitable for him, who's made just for him? God loved giving a hard time, didn't he? Bar! It's the only place they understood him the most. He went to the bar and took a lot of shots, giving himself to the alcohol but no matter how much he drank, he was still sober just a slightly hot throat. You then also came to the bar, and it's happened to sit next to him since all the seats are all pack. You're also ordering the same drink as him too which makes him want to talk to you. Both of you are talking, and giggles how similar your life is before he said "Let's write our story into a better plot together, shall we? I know you're that person who can make my day brighter, I don't care about society against us, we can fight it aren't we?"
Sunghoon: He had some dark past with love. It's not his fault that he was an introvert, loved his comfort zone, used a cold tone whenever talking, and didn't like skin ship much. This is the reason why most people leave him too for their good he is cold, and can't bear him anymore. After all his ugly memory he started to become more heartless, even colder than before, and won't give a chance to anybody again. He's now a single young adult, living his life peacefully. However, the more he cut ties with people, the more isolated he felt. He needed someone, he needed somebody who could be here with him, accept for who he was, someone who was the same way as him. Ultimately he went to relax at his comfort place, the ice rink. As he moves his feet forward, his hand tucked inside his pocket, Out of the blue, You run into him, to your skating shoe won't stop moving as a result of a fall onto the top of him. Embarrassed, your hands are on his chest, you quickly get up and are about to apologize therefore he grips your body tight, and won't let go yet before asking. "I feel like we know each other before, have we?" Blushing, you said no. He continues "No, I mean... For real you're the person who always appears in my dream!!"
Sunoo: The social butterfly, there he goes again, making friends even when he was on the way to work, on the way home, whenever he saw someone he'd ask them how was their day, are they were okay, are they doing well, if they need something just tell him. He's perfect, not to mention that everyone had their flaws but for him, it's almost perfect from head to toe, he had friends, family, socialized well, didn't fear no one, and liked to speak what was on his mind, kind, and everyone's definitely like him. One thing he's lacking is love, he's always giving everyone his love, and comfort words, for everyone's needs but did his love return to him? No. Sometimes he questions himself is he worth it? Did all his hard work pay off? He knows only very few like him for how happy he is, and not his true self. Little did they know he was craving for attention and love back. Consequently, God answered his prayer. Holiday arrived, and when he was cleaning his room, he heard someone knocking on his apartment's door. He went to open it and revealed you checking the room number. He greets you with his bright smile before taking you in(roommate). Day after day, both of him and you become more comfortable with each other, and feel just right when together. And surprisingly he confesses his feeling to you. "I want to start my life with you M/N! The moment you came in I felt like a string had been connected, you are my home, my everything now, please accept this love of mine"
Jungwon: He's fine, he's ok, everything is alright, that's what he said to everyone concerned about him. He doesn't need anything, even love or he's just denying it? He might not need someone at the moment but surely fate will bring him someone whom, he never knew he needed before. he likes to take care of people surrounding him while taking all their worry and weight on his shoulders, alone. And now he said he doesn't need someone to take care of him when he has this kind of idiot thinking, put others before himself. As a result, fate plans to give him someone worthy of him. In a normal day of practicing taekwondo, when he went back home, earphones plugged inside his ear, without notice, someone bumped into him and spilled a drop of coffee on his shirt. "Hey watch where you going dude!!-" he paused. "I- I'm so sorry let me take my napkin" You take your napkin from your pocket before wiping it for him. "you seem familiar, are you around here?" He asked "Nope, but I also feel the same way, you look like someone I knew before" as you answered his question, a biker came from a distance and was about to drive past you two before you could do anything, he grabbed your shoulder turning you around before covering all the mud that's splashing on him. Both of your eyes meet, and explore each other for a second. "Now I know what my grandma means, the red string is real"
Ni-ki: "He looks mean" "He's so intimidating", "ugh I wish you were more friendly " and "Don't date him, he won't be worth it" Those words are like a knife, that's stabbing through his chest, just for a lil of love, why it is so hard. Is it because of how he looks? But who can change their look when they are born with it? Just to please the public eye? Or just to be in relationships? Won't be worth it. Living our life to the fullest would be more worthwhile than pleasing someone, satisfying them and not yourself. Someday he feels sad, he feels happy like how human emotion works. A deep part of his heart aches a little when he sees other people happy, with their partner, laughing happily like nothing to worry about, meanwhile, he living a life with no interesting plot. He always tells himself that he doesn't need it, he has to remember what his past looks like if he ever does, it's hurt but it's even more hurt when you crave something you can't have, isn't it? One fine evening, he checked his fridge and it was empty, the boy decided to go buy some groceries and come back. On the way back home, he happened to pass by the Han River fridge and thought it'd be nice to sit and relax there for a bit. He looked around and saw someone sitting alone on a bench, he went to take a sit next to him. "Hey, can I sit here?" Ni-ki asked with, a silent response. However, when he took a closer look he saw this boy was crying when his cap covered his face. Without further more, he began to rub your back and comfort you silently without speaking a word. After some words with him, he wanted to adopt you right away. "why don't we try this out together, our story is quite the opposite but our hearts are mutual, I don't know and I don't care who you are, feeling is feeling!" He announced, hoping you would agree to him, it might sound weird but you also wanted to" you reply with your stained tears "Let's fight together!"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
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kenlvry · 2 years
omg i just read the “getting caught making out” and was wondering if you could do it with craig’s gang aswell🙈
craigs gang getting caught making out
an: HELLOO!! i am back from vegas, my brother wasted 300 on gambling and i have never been so motivated to kill someone, also i tried wine and.... yeah idk how to feel oh also i am not making jimmy bc like i said idk how to potray him im so sorry :( also like always 16-17
hes so mad at you rn, how could you!! while he was out in the field sweating his ass off you were on the bleachers talking so gently to a boy.
he looked over to you and the boy had his arm wrapped around you while you laughed at his joke. but thanks to you he played well, out of jealousy and anger. after the game that they won, cheers could be heard and only then did you realize you literally missed your boyfriend's game. so now here you two were beside the bleachers making out, after the game he sulked and you reassured him with a kiss but one thing lead to another and you two are making out.
your back pressed against the metals while his hand hold your head so you don't feel the metal, his other hand cupping your face holding you close, it was slow and wet, he kissed so well you loved it when you maked out with him or kissed him he was always so experienced.
since you two were on the side bleachers that was far away from everything nobody could really see, stan and craig was searching for him because coach wanted to take a team photo for him to display, searching everywhere and giving up sitting on one of the bleacers. "dude where the heck is he" stan groaned leaning backwards on his seat. then they heard small pants
they looked at each other in somewhat shocked "are they doing what i think their doing?" craig said and peeked thinking it was some perv doing nasty shit but it was his dear friend making out with his girlfriend "clyde?" stan called out and you two jumped staring at the other two, stan looked annoyed and sighed loudly "just say yr jealous stan" clyde winked tilting his head to stan "celebrations can wait, coach needs you" craig said and went down pulling him by his clothing basically dragging him "call me babe!" you laughed lightly knowing if you dont call he'd show up infront of your house
you loved this moment right here, you and tolkien making out without a care in the world. it started with him asking you to come over, thinking he wanted to play games or something but when you arrived he wasn't there, checking every corner still no tolkien. then you checked the backyard and there he was in a suit standing while holding flowers and behind him a table for two people.
you laughed at the sudden surprise, him coming to you grabbed your hand and kissed it "mlady" you laughed again at the fancy name he gave you. walking to the table "if i knew we were having a dinner date I would've worn something more fancy" , he wanted to go somewhere more fancy but this town is far from fancy so he resorted to the next best thing. he pulled your chair and you sat while he slowly pushed it.
it was the cutest thing ever, you two had a nice time and before you know it you two were making out , it was so romantic his kisses were delicate. he held your waist gently and the other holding your back so you don't fall over from him leaning you downwards trying to be romantic, your hands held his face not breaking the contact. he holds you so dear and making out with him makes you feel like you two are a married couple growing old tgt
but before you could feed onto your delusions even more, you could hear a familiar voice calling out on tolkiens voice, it was his mom and dad. you both quickly broke the kiss and greeted them, tolkien said they weren't gonna come home until tmr but they stopped by to grab something and you thought you were going to be bribed 10 million dollars to break up with him but you saw them converse with smiles on their face.
leaving the house with a "invite her for dinner next time sweetie" you blushed a little "now where did we left off?" he said and pulled you for another kiss
boy oh boy does he look stressed rn, he is a cash register, waiter and the one making the coffee at the same time . every minute his twitching worsened, you laughed at how cute he was from the glass door, entering with a ding caused by the bell, tweek shouted "welcome to t-tweek bros!" from the counter while making coffee and when he saw who came he smiled so brightly
keeping professional and trying his best to not hug you tightly while crying about the shitty customers he just smiled while waiting for you to order. "just a water babe, dont wanna stress you out more" you smiled and he smiled back making the water and giving it to your table "how long til your shift ends?" you question while drinking your water "ngghh five minutes!" you hummed at the answer and he walked away
his shift finally ended so now here you two were making out in the break rooms, it was suppose to be him complaining abt the customers today but i guess he had other plans, it was sloppy, it seem as though he didnt even want to kiss you. you smiled at how rushed he was and pulled away, your current position is being pinned onto his locker while he cups your face, your hand on his shoulders pushing him. he looked slightly confused on why you pushed him but you flipped him over so he was pinned against the locker you being shorter grabbed his face and tip toeing to kiss him and he just hold your waist not knowing were else to place his hands
when it seemed like it was getting steady and he wasn't twitching as much the doors opened with a bitchy voice followed "tweek your shift ended right? lets pl- the fuck" tweek jumped at the sudden intrusion " argh! this isn't what it looks like! i mean it is! i mean!" you placed your hand on his shoulders and the rest of the boys walked in "damn tweek i didn't know you were kinky like that" kenny said making the others laugh "shut up!" tweek said as you all walked out, they continued to tease tweek abt this for a couple of days (by they i mean cartman and sometimes jimmy) until you forced them to stop, tweek always kiss at home now, specifically your house, hes too nervous someone will disturb you two.
you dont know how it lead to this but uh here you two are in his kitchen making out... i know how though. you came over to hang out with him......maybe you shouldve come a little later bc rn red racer is on and he refuses to talk to you until after red racer is over. that show is sooooooooo boring to you, you can't say that though.
and damn how long is this show on?? its been 20 minutes now and you two are halfway through the episode. attempting to talk to him again he shushes you and says "wait until red racer is over" for the 100th time you sigh knowing you have to wait even though craig knew impatience is one of your strong personalities.
you decide to go to the kitchen to relieve your thrist, opening the fridge literally eyeing it for a drink and opening and closing it hoping a drink will appear. finally you see water right infront of your fucking eyes,you drink some then put it back, closing the fridge and when your about to turn around someone hugged you. the smell of the cologne was easy to identify, craigs dad.
jk its craig , he wouldn't let go even if you tried, "craig." you said sternly in defeat "sorry, red racer is over now what did you want to talk about?" laying his head in your shoulder, his breath on your neck. you sighed and just when you were about to run he flipped you over to the counter, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on the counter his hand trapping you in "my parents aren't coming home for awhile" he winked "so?" you said in confusion and he just kissed you so yeah now you two are making out
his kisses was lovingly, and sensual... although he doesn't seem experienced he's good at kissing, you put your hand on his shoulders and his hands now on you waist one of them travelling further down to your thigh. as you two were enjoying the moment the door opened, quietly though. you two of course didn't hear it and kept making out and you hear something drop. you two looked over at the door to see almost every boy in the 4thgrade (the relevant ones ofc) butters has dropped his book and was in shock he ran home muttering smthn abt we can only kiss after marriage.
everyone just stood there staring at each other "so are you js gonna stand there?" craig broke the silence "do you want us to come to you then?" cartman said in a sarcastic tone which made craig flip him off "leave" and they left, wow. "isn't that too rude? poor them" you said pitifully looking back at the door. "forget them, your focus is me, where were we hm?" he said as his hands gently pulled you to look in his direction.
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hazzyking · 1 year
Take two. I'm getting writers block so I wanna try something fresh. Enjoy a Mihwak x Reader
Either anime or LA is perfect ((like my Buggy~)) but this fic is based off LA Mihwak
If you like this and want a smutty part 2 let me know, and I promise. I will write a part 2.
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Just a Guy in a Bar
The sun sunk below the horizon giving the Barite a nice orange glow and that same firey glow to the water. You walked in and took your seat at the bar that wrapped around the mouth of the fish ship. The Barite was a perfect venue to you, a nice bar with plenty of space for dancing and a live band, and it was neutral ground for you and your crew to wind down after a long seven months on the grand line.
Once the sun had been replaced by the moon, the Barite was lit with candle light inside and outside, giving the ship a golden aura to shine off the navy blue water. You sat at the bar twirling your drink in your hand, you felt a slight tickle on your cheek of a feather, confused you turned and realized the back of someone's hat was completely invading your space "uh- scuse me" you said tapping the strangers thick leather jacket. The stranger turned around, revealing his piercing yellow eyes that were focused like a hawk - or, like a really wine-drunk hawk from the looks of it. "Mihwak?" You said surprised."What are you doing here?"
"A warlord isn't allowed to go out for a drink?" He said sitting next to you. "I should be asking you, what are you doing here" Mihwak chuckled holding a wine glass in his hand as he leaned against the bar.
"Okay your clearly drunk and super out of character right now" you chuckled putting your hand up as if to catch him if he toppled over.
"I am not drunk" Mihwak said like a white girl who had too many tequila shots.
"Alright" you said in defeat.
"(Y/N) right? How is your life of pillaging and plundering?" Mihwak said smirking darkly.
"You gave up that life remember Mihwak" you chuckled looking the warlord up and down. "You payed a visit to Shanks didn't you?" You smirked and then realized the warlord become defensive.
"A child has a 30 million bounty" Mihwak said "a child Shanks knows well"
"Yeah. I know that child" you chuckled. "Why are you here getting Wine-Drunk, because Luffy is worth a whopping 30 mil?" You asked curiously.
"Were getting old" Mihwak admitted, which caused your face to soften. "It's only a matter of time till the Luffy's and the Zoro's of the world become better than us old dogs and faze us out. Some day everyone will be a warlord and everyone will be an emperor and none of these silly titles will matter" Mihwak simply put- slurring his words a little. This was a surprise considering he was normally, such a well spoken man.
"I don't think warlords will matter in the future Mihwak- the world government-"
"I know, is the enemy. Shanks told me all about how I betrayed the pirates by giving up my bounty to serve a greater purpose" Mihwak said almost falling into you, you put your hand out to catch him, touching his fair, hot skin.
"Mihwak, let's go somewhere more quite, maybe you could sober up a bit" you chuckled taking his arm and leading him to the back dock of the Barite. The area was quiet but you could still hear the band faintly. You looked over at the water, how the moon made the navy blue ocean twinkle, it was almost magic to you. The magic was slowly interrupted when Mihwak attempted a graceful seat next to you which ended up with him stumbling and spilling wine on himself.
"Fuck" he muttered. You laughed, realizing you've never herd him swear before. "What's so funny Dove?" He said in his proper voice again.
"Shockingly- you" you giggled. "A great and powerful warlord is sitting next to me, soaked in wine... and wine drunk like a middle aged house wife" you laughed looking at his serious face which slowly erupted into laughter as well, you watched as his eyes crinkled and his yellow orbs were just barley visible his laugh was beautiful, and it almost took your breath away.
"I told you- I'm getting old" Mihwak sighed. "Sometimes I wish I was just- some guy in a bar. And not- rewnoned swords man" he sighed looking out at the ocean, your features softened as you leaned back to be on the same level as him, your hand was placed on his leather jacket. Your fingers tapping on his chest.
"Your not old." You simply said. "Your still the same old Charming Mihwak. The only difference is- your not trying to overthrow the government" you giggled watching his lips curl up into a beautiful smile.
"You think I'm charming?" He said his eyes darting between your eyes and lips as he began to lean forward a bit.
"Mihwak-" you put your hand up to his lips "as much as I really want to kiss you right now- I can't take advantage of you" you said, regretting the fact that deep down you cared for the swordsman.
"I'm not drunk" Mihwak said smiling. "It was an act" he chuckled looking at you. You looked at him too stunned for words. "I just wanted to get close to you" Mihwak admitted. You felt heat creep up your neck and onto your face, you knew you were bright red by now. "(Y/N)? You really wanna kiss me?" Mihwak said with a smile.
"Well, when I thought you were drunk and you weren't gonna remember what I said. Uh yeah" you laughed awkwardly.
"Hey- I'm just a guy in a bar" Mihwak said as he gently brushed your hair back with his fingers and cupped your face, his gentle touches sent shivers down your spine as he pulled you into a delicate, passionate kiss.
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jacksprostate · 6 months
My boss invites me into his office, he's telling me, we've got a problem. It is always, "we." "We" are all in this together. "We" need to put a little more effort in, if "we" want our yearly bonuses. "We" have got to up profits by next quarter, or "we" are going to lose our jobs.
"We" don't all have half a million salaries and a three letter job title, but what can you do.
If you asked my boss, he'd tell you about his. The guy above him. Yeah, "we" are all beholden to him. My boss, he's just regional. Small fry, really.
I'm entering his corner office, big tall windows gaping, stretching the condo construction happening across the street for as far as the eye can see. He sees me looking.
"Perks of the job," he says. A little laugh in his voice. He's not funny.
"We need to talk about your performance last quarter," he says.
We, unto me.
I am Jack's rejuvenated individuality.
My boss had his secretary let me in, so really I've spent the past minute standing awkwardly, insomnia haze locking my gaze some place beyond our broken city horizon. My boss had his secretary let me in because that means he could sit at his desk and pretend to be doing something important. Wave me in, make me wait, give him the opportunity to boast about his jail cell amenities.
You'd think it makes him feel powerful, the way he's clinging to it all. I tongue at the hole in my cheek as I take a seat. Managerial threat displays have lost their effect on me, I think.
It makes him antsier. I can see it, taste it like the blood in my mouth. Oh, iron. Oh, fear.
If Tyler was here, he'd lean on those windows and get them splotched with dirt and worse. Those windows, they're spotless because my boss pays into the building fund with company money to get an old spanish speaking lady to wipe the glass clean before he arrives each morning. I saw her once, at a support group for some combination of cancer and impoverishment. She coughed, introducing herself. Said she couldn't speak well, but wanted company. She has to keep working, but it's making her sick.
The building doesn't pay her enough that she can buy PPE in between their scant offerings, so she's without a mask most of the times I've seen her.
Truthfully, there's been someone else under the building's thumb for a while now.
I found a different group for Thursday nights.
I still think I'll hear Rosa's wheezing when I see her cart by the restrooms.
My prolonged silence, it's unnerving him now, so he's puffing up like a bluffing frog.
I am still with my boss, and I've been staring at a damp spot of drywall behind his head as he yaps at me about how I need to follow dress code. Raise my numbers. Be more engaged.
I should be a precious bouquet of flowers, brightening up the office.
He just wants to help me out. Get me back on track. We used to have amazing figures coming out of Compliance and Liability, my one-man department.
If Tyler was here, he'd be filling the janitor's Windex bottles with 90 proof and blue dye instead, so when my boss comes in early for once in his life and spooks Rosa's replacement, the bottle gets spilled all over my boss and his carpet and his desk and then my workplace smoking habit really would be a fire hazard.
I tune back in, and my boss is informing me that it's with his sincerest regrets that he has to tell me that I won't be getting my bonus this year, oh, maybe something if I shape back up, yeah, he's sure he could fight upper management for me if I showed a good effort. He just wants to help, but I have to help him help me.
Whatever is going on in my life, it's got to be over.
I imagine going to Tyler. Going to fight club. Saying, let's pack it up boys. Fight club's over. I need to sit pretty for my boss so he can feed me a quarter of the salary he always conveniently has to withhold each year, due to all sorts of things impacting the car industry. A typhoon hit mainland China. The US dollar grew too fast with the collapse of the Soviet Union. A sparrow chirped in Belgrade on a Wednesday.
The usual.
Fight club's over. I've got to go be a recall campaign coordinator full time. Working hours, waking hours, what's the difference?
Tyler is always telling me, I could follow my boss home, and when he goes to work on his stupid meaningless hobby in the nice little air conditioned shed at the edge of his two acre two storey home, I could lock him in with nothing but millet. And when he runs out of millet, I could drag his body out and drown him in his pool, laced with armagnac, just like the French do it. And I could pluck and roast the corpse and eat it uncovered, hoping God has no choice but to see me now.
Or I could just give him a poisoned bottle of whiskey.
There's many options, according to Tyler.
The thing is. The truth is, I like my boss.
It's Tyler who wants to come in in the early morning and when my boss pushes open the door to his office, it's Tyler who wants to have a block of concrete in a bucket fall down and crack his skull like a rotten egg, looney tunes style.
It's not me. I gave my boss soap for the mandatory holiday office gift exchange.
I tell my boss, thank you for the concern.
Unfortunately, my grandmother's diagnosis seems dire, and it's unlikely I'll be able to switch gears before the year rolls over in March. Apologies.
He looks at me, and my battered face, at stitches painted across my temple. I can tell, he wants to shake me. Demand from me, why I can't I even pretend to give him a real excuse? Why do I have to make his life so very difficult? Why can't I just keep the broken toddlers from coming out of the woodwork with a smile on my face?
But he doesn't. He says, my condolences. It sounds a lot like get the hell out of my office.
With that in mind, I get up and take a nice, long moment to watch nothing through his huge, sparkling windows. Papers conspicuously rustle. There's the ambient noise of pointless keyboard clicking. I take a sip of my coffee. Behind me, my boss starts to pretend to get a call in hopes it gets me to move on, and I'm watching construction crews like ants. Perks of the job, indeed.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Snowed In
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A/N: Alright, don't know why I had this idea or why every last one of my ideas has to grow into 5k words, but have some Mike!
Pairing: Mike (Hellraiser) x reader (you)
Summary: You were going to spend the weekend at your dad's cabin in the woods with your boyfriend, but he bails on you and leaves you - quite literally - out in the cold. Good thing your best friend's brother shows up...
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, SMUT, MINORS DNI. First time p-in-v sex, oral (m receiving), Mike being an idiot. Some uncomfortable, awkward mentions of teen feelings. Y'know.
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren
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You’d stolen the keys to the cabin years ago, and you were fairly sure your dad had no idea you owned copies, because if he did, you’d have been grounded for that - possibly until your fortieth birthday.
Your best friend is covering for you, there is a bag of snacks and other necessities on the seat next to you, and you are facing the prospect of a romantic weekend with your boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
A breakup text after you’ve spent three hours waiting anxiously for him to arrive? Yeah, that'll do it. Now, you’re sitting on the couch in the small cabin, freezing because you can’t start a fire, and crying because you were dumped through a text on the night you were finally going to give it up. Honestly, you’re glad he broke it off before you were able to make that mistake.
Tears are hot on your cold cheeks, and you grab another blanket, but it doesn’t help. Getting dumped and freezing to death seems like a very harsh punishment for sneaking out, really, but it’s slowly becoming a viable threat.
When someone sticks a key in the lock of the door, you almost faint. No one is supposed to be here this weekend. Your dad is out of town on business, your mom doesn’t come here alone... A murderer probably wouldn’t have the keys. Right? On a whim, you turn off the lights and hide behind the couch right before the door swings open.
“Huh? Thought I saw the lights on?” The voice is familiar, but you can’t put a finger on it. “Uncle Walt?” Oh no. No, no, no. There’s only one person in the world who calls your dad that, and it’s Mikey.
Mike Salvatore – the brother of Bianca Salvatore, who just so happens to be your best friend – has been a pain in your ass for as long as you can remember. His dad is a friend of your dad’s, which meant you and Bianca grew up together, and you got to deal with her annoying older brother for free. How fun.
Mike steps inside and turns the lights on.  “I can see someone’s in here, I’d really like to know who it is.”
“It’s, eh...” You crawl out from behind the couch. “Me. Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same damn thing. At least I got the keys from your dad.” He sounds upset, and although you can’t quite figure out why, you assume it must have something to do with the fact that you’re in the way of him having a quiet night here by himself. If he didn’t have the same idea as you, that is.
“Oh, I’m just here, freshly dumped on what should have been an awesome weekend with my boyfriend. Never fucking mind me, Mike.” There’s no pretending, no holding back tears, no nothing. Because it doesn’t matter. You’ve been caught, Mike is definitely going to snitch on you. You’re sad and single, you’re freezing and you’re going to be so, so dead.
“I’ll just go.” You try to squeeze past him, but he stops you.
“It’s dark out. I wouldn’t let you drive home even if it was an option.” He sounds so serious...
“What do you mean ‘if it was an option’?” Why isn’t it an option now?
“Sorry, Sweetcheeks, we’re snowed in...” Snowed in? Snowed in? Never in a million years... You stare at Mike, and it takes a while before you realize that your mouth is open. “... so even if it wasn’t dark, and you weren’t upset, we’d still be stuck here.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” you cry out, and more tears stream down your face.
“Is there any reason these tears are practically freezing to your cheeks? Are you trying to kill yourself? Because I’m not on board with that, just so you know.” Mike tries to play it off as a joke, but you can see the concern in his eyes.
“Couldn’t start a fire,” you say. For the first time, you realize your teeth are chattering.
“Alright, let’s get that settled first, or else both of us are going to die of hypothermia.” He walks over to the fireplace and laughs when he sees your latest failed attempt at lighting it. “Damn, Sweetcheeks, it’s a good thing I showed up.”
He takes a pocket knife out of his bag and shaves a bunch of thin slivers off the block of wood you had laying in the ashes.
“Grab that basket, would you?” The basket he’s referring to is filled with sticks. “Come here, sit down.”
“Why am I sitting here? I should just stay out of your way.”
“Babygirl, you would have frozen to death if I hadn’t gotten here. You’re learning how to make a fire. Now.” Alright, that does sound like a useful survival skill, now more than ever. And so does ‘breathing normally’, but you can’t seem to remember how to do that, either. Your heart is racing, and you’re past the point of chalking that up to the cold, because it wasn’t nearly as bad before Mikey got here…
“How did you learn?” You ask mostly to distract yourself from your racing pulse and dry mouth. Mikey wasn’t exactly the boy scout type. He was just the annoying older brother type, nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Right?
“I’m a man.” You fight back the urge to snort. That’s a major overstatement. After all, you’re talking about Mikey. Immature, goofy, stupid, dumb, cute– wait, what? “But before I grew up, I was a boy, and they like to set stuff on fire. So, their dads teach them how to do that without burning the house down, and the world is a better place because of it.”
“You never grew up, Mikey, you only got taller.” And somewhere around the time you turned fifteen, he magically got hotter. But that’s not relevant right now, even though it’s fairly hard to ignore now that he’s so close to you.
“Yeah, I have to annoy my baby sister and her cute little friend somehow, right?” Did Mike just call you ‘cute’? You decide not to dwell on it, and instead pay attention to what he has to say. “Alright, fire needs three things: fuel, oxygen, heat. If one of those is not accounted for…” He makes a general gesture at the fireless fireplace.
A few minutes of his slightly condescending explanation later, Mike has actually managed to get a nice fire going. He fills up the kettle with water after ordering you to stay put. You don’t complain; it’s still cold as balls.
“Can I get in on this blanket situation you have going on?” he asks as he sits down next to you. “You kinda took all of them, and I’m gonna get cold, too.” You carefully peel off one blanket-layer and hand it to him.
The tea is hot, the blankets are soft, and the small room is slowly getting warmer. It gets to a point where you slowly unwrap yourself from your carefully constructed cocoon.
“Don’t,” Mike says, “your lips are still blue.” You can only assume he wraps his arms around you without thinking, because… Well, because Mike does most things without thinking, for starters, and because he wouldn’t have done it if he was thinking clearly. Probably.
“Mike, what the hell were you planning on doing here?” you ask. You’re ashamed to think that if you can hear how hoarse your voice is when you say it, Mike can definitely hear, too. And then there’s the thing about not really wanting to find out the answer.
“Eh… There was this chick. She, eh… She bailed on me, but I was halfway here and didn’t feel like turning around.” Is there something in his voice that sounds like he’s lying? Or are your ears deceiving you? Either way… It hurts like a bitch. Which makes no sense because Mike is obnoxious, annoying, gross, and immature.
“Sorry I’m the sucky little stand-in,” you say sarcastically. What you didn’t expect was Mike putting his hands on your cheeks.
“Sucky little stand-in, my ass,” he says, “and get me the name of this guy.”
“You know him,” you say. Mike’s been playing soccer with the guy since they were freshmen in high school.
“Ryan. And you were going to sleep with him.” It’s definitely not a question, but you’re not entirely sure what else it’s supposed to be. The tone in Mike’s voice suggests it’s almost an accusation. “Yeah, don’t say anything, that face is all I need. Fuck, I’m so glad he didn’t show up, baby girl.” His hands fall away from your face, and he wraps you up in a massive hug.
The rest of the night is marshmallows, popcorn, snacks, and games. You never spend time alone with Mikey, it’s weird at first, but you get used to it quickly. Mike is easy to talk to, when he’s not being the annoying older brother. Time goes by fast, and it’s getting kind of late. At some point, you realize that neither of you have really thought about sleeping arrangements.
“You take the bed, I’ll take the couch,” Mike says resolutely, but it doesn’t sit right with you.
“No, it’s okay! I’m a less terrible fit for that couch,” you reply, “you can take the bed.” Mike thinks about that for a second. It’s not a big couch, you’re going to have to curl up enough as is, and Mikey is definitely taller than you. Then he makes a suggestion that makes your heart skip a beat.
“It’s a double bed,” he says, “we could just…” The living room is toasty warm due to the fire, that’s why your cheeks feel hot. Because of the fire. Maybe if you tell yourself that enough times, you will start to believe it.
After some more back and forth on the subject of who deserves to sleep where, you end up in bed together. Mike is clearly more relaxed about the whole thing than you are; you’ve maneuvered yourself as closely to the edge of the bed as possible.
“Would you relax?” Mike chuckles behind you. “We’ve known each other for, what? Fifteen years?” Yeah, that sounds about right.
“But you’re Bianca’s stupid older brother,” you say – out loud, what is wrong with you?
“Yeah, I am,” he admits, “which is exactly why you don’t have to be so… uptight, right now.” Is that his way of saying nothing is going to happen? And why does that sting so bad, for crying out loud? You turn around, so you’re facing him, and if it weren’t for Mike’s incredible reflexes, you’d have fallen out of bed.
“Thanks,” you mutter. “Can I ask you something?” It’s a stupid question; you can always ask Mike anything, you always could.
“Why are you so glad Ryan bailed on me?” Mike laughs when he hears your question, and sighs. As far as Mike is concerned, Ryan isn’t the right guy for you. He’s too much of a player.
“Takes one to know one, right?” you throw back at him.
“Yeah. Well... I don’t have a double-digit body count, he does.” Mike growls. “There’s… some… overlap. Y’know, between the girls he… and the ones I… The… reviews aren’t good, okay. And… And I just don’t want him near you.” The way he’s shy, talking about this all of a sudden, it’s so cute it melts your brain. Thinking Straight? We don’t know her.
“So, what? You’re saying you’d be a better option?” That stupid, stupid, big fucking mouth of yours… You never should have come here. You never should have agreed to sleep in the same bed. All of this could have been avoided if only you’d used your dumb brain. Apparently, Mike disagrees, because he moves closer, pulling you in as he does, until you’re flush against his body.
“I’m saying great white shark would be a better option,” he whispers. He’s so close now that you can feel his breath on your cheeks.
“I feel you’re a step up from a great white,” you mutter, “maybe even more than one.” Where is this coming from? Are you flirting with him? You’re comparing him to a shark. That can’t be flirting – or at the very m it’s incredibly poor flirting. But he’s the one who brought up the shark thing. Maybe neither of you are very good at this?
Mike laughs and mutters a ‘thank you’.
“Turn around, Sweetcheeks,” he says softly, and you hum a sort of question that he seems to understand. “Let me snug up to you, keep you warm tonight, okay?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mikey,” you whisper, shifting uncomfortably. When Mike wrapped you into that hug, you didn’t notice his hand: It’s dangerously close to your ass. Strong fingers flex against you, digging into you, making you shiver. Your own arm, which has been pushing against his shoulder up until now, slides to his back, and you lean your head against his chest.
For a few minutes, you just rake your fingers over his back while he does the same to you, pulling each other closer as you go. It’s tough to ignore the erection pressing into your thigh, so you don’t bother. It’s not as if you’re doing anything wrong. Besides, you can still stop this. As long as you don’t turn your face to his, nothing more has to happen. Then why the fuck do you turn your head?
It’s no use trying to figure out who kissed who first, but from the moment his lips touch yours, you’re lost in him. A soft first kiss soon turns intense and demanding. Mike has a very eager tongue – you should have seen that coming – and is completely incapable of keeping his hands in decent places. All you hear are the moans that escape you both, and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears. You clench your thighs every time Mike grinds his hips into you. Should you be this wet? It’s not just from this, but from everything. The hugs by the fire. Small touches while playing games. The way his hand briefly brushed past your thigh when... God, you forgot what he was even doing when that happened, but just the thought of the way his fingers caressed your skin fuels the fire inside you.
He rolls on top of you, the weight of his body making you gasp, and you make room for him between your legs. If there was still a way back, it’s definitely gone now that his cock is pressed against your pussy. You even wrap your legs around him and pull him closer. Mike chuckles under his breath, bringing up insecurities you didn’t know you had.
“What?” You ask timidly. Mike smirks at you and leans his forehead against yours.
“You’re cute like this,” he says. There’s something gravelly in his voice that seems to vibrate throughout your body.
“Like what?” You surprise yourself with how steady your voice is.
“Horny,” Mike answers plainly. You should have expected bluntness – it’s Mikey, after all – but you didn’t, and now you have nothing else to say. He smirks at you as he lies next to you again. “Bet you’re wet as fuck, too, huh?”
“Mikey!” You slap him on the shoulder and try to turn away, but he holds you firmly in place.
“Oh no, Sweetcheeks,” he says, “you’re not going anywhere.” Hearing the need in his voice sends shivers all through your body. You squirm in his arms in desperation, your cheeks hot with embarrassment because of what he said, but there’s no part of you that even considers actually trying to get away from him. You like this coy little cat and mouse game. Mike’s hand travels down your stomach and into your pajama pants and underwear without hesitation. His eagerness startles you – so does the fact that you don’t try to stop him.
One of his fingers slips between your folds, and he smirks.
“Goddamn, Sweetcheeks,” he says before kissing your neck. You moan when the stubble on his jaw scratches your skin. Suddenly, a memory makes you laugh. Mike quirks an eyebrow as his fingers retreat slightly – you can’t blame him; this is not an appropriate time to laugh.
“I’m sorry,” you chuckle, “memories.”
“Of that time you made me cut my face while shaving?” Pff! Lucky guess! Your eyes confirm his suspicion, and he chuckles, too. “My date that night felt really bad for me, so thanks, I guess.”
“What even startled you?” He’d seen you barge into the bathroom he and Bianca shared countless times at that point, so what was different that time?
“You and Bibi had just gotten back from summer camp; I hadn’t seen you in a few months and...” His voice trails off and he doesn’t seem prepared to keep talking. No dice.
“And what?” you continue your interrogation. “What changed.”
“God, Sweetcheeks, don’t make me say it! I’m gonna sound like such a perv!” He tries to bury his head in your neck, but you push back. All of a sudden, you realize the hand he had stashed in your pants, has moved to your ass. Mike groans, because he realizes you’re really going to make him answer. “You left for camp, like... Flat. And you came back kinda, sorta... fully equipped.”
“You cut yourself shaving because you were checking out my rack?” Fucking unbelievable. No, actually, scratch that. Completely believable. You laugh when you see the monstrously guilty look on his face. Mike really looks like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“I actually cut myself because I turned my head to look away.” Oh. Well... Mike picks up on your confusion somehow. “They were nice. But also attached to my sister’s best friend.”
“And now you’re feeling me up in my dad’s cabin in the woods.”
“A dream come true,” he laughs. Does he mean it? From the looks of it... “I mean it. I’ve had a bit of a crush on you for years.”
You can’t believe your ears! Mikey has a crush on you?
“I wish I could say the same, but I thought you were fucking annoying until a few hours ago,” you say without thinking.
Mike grins ear to ear. “Right.”
“I’m serious!” You are! You really are serious! Someone can be both annoying and hot, right?
“I believe you,” he says as he pulls you closer. “I also believe you’re more than a little hot for me now.”
He’s right – obviously. Your body is on fire, heart racing, butterflies fluttering in your stomach – all because of him. His lips on your neck confirm it, his hand squeezing your ass, slowly moving back around to work its way between your legs, his breath on your ear as he softly moans when he slips two fingers into your pussy. You want to fuck him. End of story.
“Goddamn, Sweetcheeks,” he moans into your mouth, “I might lose my patience over this juicy pussy.”
“What patience?” you tease. Mike never had much to begin with, and to be perfectly honest, yours has taken a hit to the point where you’re almost begging him to take you. His fingers slip out of you and find your clit. It’s almost impossible to focus on what his hands are doing while his cock is still pushing into your thigh, but at the same time, the way those fingers move, drawing tight circles around your swollen, sensitive little pearl consumes every fiber of your body.
“Don’t tempt me, please,” Mike groans into your ear, “I wanna do this right. You finish first.” Somehow, it never occurred to you that he’s actually trying to make you come. You give his hand the slightest nudge to the side, holding your breath for the reaction that move usually gets you, but it doesn’t happen. He just takes the advice and keeps going.
From then on, practically the only words out of your mouth are ‘fuck’ and ‘oh God’ as he works you up to your climax with surprising ease. He chuckles softly, as if he’s as surprised as you are – and in all honesty: he probably is. It takes you some time to notice the way he’s grinding his hips into your side, and you turn in his arms, forcing him to pull his hand away from your oversensitive clit. Following a deep breath, your hand trails his chest and stomach until it rests on the bulge in his pyjama pants. A cocky – pun not intended – grin appears on his face when he watches you bite your lower lip. He’s big – bigger than you’re used to, anyway. With your free hand, you push the hem of his t-shirt up until he takes over and pulls it over his head. He moans when you lick and kiss his neck, but to your surprise, he stops you when you move further down.
“Have at it if you wanna,” he says shyly, “but only if you want to. I don’t... I won’t return the favor, just... So we’re clear on that.” You’re not sure whether you’re imagining things, or if the pitch of his voice climbs as you make your way down his chest and stomach, leaving a few love bites here and there, listening to Mike groan and feeling him squirm in anticipation as if he’s never had a blowjob before in his life. He sits up, giving you more room to get as comfortable as possible, and leans back against his pillow with an impatient smirk.
You can’t suppress a chuckle when you pull Mike’s pants down and his cock springs free. It’s the way it just... moves that makes you laugh. Mike fakes looking offended and then laughs too, only to stop abruptly when your tongue touches the tip of his cock.
Teasing a guy is easy. Find out what he likes from a shockingly long list of maybe three whole things, and then do that so very lightly that he wants to grab your hair and slam his dick down your throat. Or so you’ve been told. Ryan was too impatient for you to ever try it out, but Mikey seems like a very willing victim. Every time he squirms or moans, or his leg twitches when you change your approach, you laugh softly. His fingers tangled in your hair, and he gently guides you further down onto his cock. He looks down at you and smiles like an idiot.
“Fuck, Sweetcheeks! I don’t know if this is a really good blowjob, or it’s just been a while but...” He stops talking – which is probably for the best. You lose any and all interest in his dick and sit up again.
“Mike,” you try to sound stern, but he looks so mortified that you can’t help but laugh, “what the fuck?”
“In my defense,” he says awkwardly, “there was a really pretty girl sucking my cock, therefore I wasn’t thinking. Like, at all.”
You crawl up until you’re straddling his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. Mike rests his hands on your hips and squeezes you lightly as he leans in to kiss you again. His lips all but force yours apart in their enthusiasm, and he slips his tongue into your mouth as soon as he can. Somehow, it’s the boyish impatience in everything he does that makes you fall for him even harder. It’s the eager kiss, those hands that can’t seem to be still for even a second, the moans that turn into whines whenever you move your hips…
“I can’t wait anymore,” Mike pants when he breaks your kiss, “I want you.”
Part of you wants to tell him to stop, that you don’t want him, that this was a mistake – but that part of you is a liar. You’ve wanted this for years, even Bianca knows that. She never said anything about it, and you never pushed it because Mike is her brother, and you always thought it would be super weird, but you’re never getting this chance again, and if you don’t go for it, you know you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. That realization makes it all the more painful when Mike stops his exploration of your neck and chest and looks at you for a long moment – a very long moment.
“Are you sure about this?” he finally asks, and only then are you able to exhale that breath you were holding in without even noticing.
“Yes,” you say after swallowing the lump in your throat away.
“And because you’re so sure about this and ready for it,” Mike continues, “you remembered to bring protection, of course?”
Jackass. You roll your eyes at him and make sure to grind your ass against his cock extra hard when you get up to grab your bag. Normally, you couldn’t throw anything to save your life, but now, the small box of condoms hits Mike right in the… palm of his hand. Because he can actually catch things, as it turns out. Too bad, you were aiming for his face.
The room is pretty cold, and even though Mike never actually took any clothing off you, you’re freezing. All you want is to get back under the covers with him, but you can’t seem to move. Mike tosses the box onto the nightstand and throws the covers back by means of an invitation while he finishes getting naked. It takes a goofy smile and his reaching out his hand for you to finally move closer to the bed again.
“I’m nervous,” you say softly as you crawl into his arms. He squeezes you, it’s lovely. He’s not buff, but he’s stronger than he looks, and it’s very reassuring.
“So am I,” he says to your surprise. Your face must have asked the question for you, because he continues: “I want it to be good for you. Not that I normally don’t… Oh, fuck, never mind. I just want to make sure you have a nice first time.”
Mike slips his hands back underneath the fabric of your pajama shirt, only this time, he lifts it so he can pull it off you. Those hands may have wandered everywhere, but his eyes haven’t, and it makes you insecure until you see the look on his face. The hasty, sloppy kisses to your neck and shoulders are almost a form of keeping decorum, a way to pretend he doesn’t want to go straight for your chest, but he still makes it there within seconds. When he explored the rest of your body, his focus was fleeting – exactly what you were used to from him, because that’s exactly what he always does with everything. Now, however, he shows a level of commitment and dedication you’ve never seen in him. His lips wrap around one of your nipples, and you shriek when he sucks softly. The feeling itself is amazing, but the sounds that Mike lets out are even better. There’s absolutely no doubt in your mind that he loves what he’s seeing – although, at the moment, you doubt he’s seeing much to begin with, because his head is buried against your chest.
“Mikey!” you hiss when he gently bites down on your nipple. That finally gets him to let go of your breasts and kiss you again.
“Sorry,” he says when he breaks away again, “you have awesome boobs.”
As he kisses you again, he pushes your pants down your legs. Despite the nerves that still gnaw on your insides a little, you help him. For a while, it’s relatively easy to calm those pesky jitters down a little, until Mike reaches for the box on the nightstand.
“Are you sure about this?” Mike asks as he positions himself between your legs after putting a condom on. The tip of his cock pushes at your entrance in the most teasing way. When you nod, Mike kisses you softly before he pushes into you. He goes slow, and he’s really gentle, but you still wince.
“Whoa!” Mike stops moving as soon as he hears you hiss softly while your face scrunches up from the pain. “Relax, okay? Take a deep breath.” You do as he tells you, breath catching in your throat as he slides into your core further – this time it feels amazing, and you can’t stop yourself from moaning loudly. Mike chuckles when he hears you.
“Good?” His voice is strained, as if he’s having trouble behaving – and knowing him, he does. You nod again, unable to speak, overwhelmed by the new sensations in your body. When Mike moves his hips, you gasp. His movements are slow and shallow at first, but once he realizes you can take him, they become deeper, faster and more enthusiastic.
“Oh my god, Mikey!” you squeal when he hits a good spot inside you. Your fingers find their way into his curls, and you pull him down to kiss him.
“Feels so good,” you mumble against his lips. Mike’s lips pull into a grin, you can feel it.
“Fuck,” he hisses. His hips slow, but he doesn’t stop. Still, it makes you sad, because – and you can’t believe you’re actually having this thought – you want him to pound you.
“Don’t stop,” you whine, and you give Mike a pouting look.
“Hey, this is hard work!” Mike says quasi-offended. You both laugh – it feels strange, with him still inside you. When you stop, he looks at you in earnest. “Besides, I don't want this to be over yet.” He continues his slow tempo for a while, as he keeps kissing your neck, your chest, circling your nipples with his tongue, rolling the sensitive little buds between his fingers, making you squirm in every possible way until you’re almost begging him to fuck you hard again.
Suddenly, Mike lowers his head until his lips are right next to your ear. “Ready?” he whispers, but he doesn’t wait for an answer. His grip on your hip tightens, and his other hand crosses your back to grab your shoulder. Mike holds you tight as he slams his hips into you, leaving you breathless. He’s rough, not to the point where it hurts, but definitely approaching that edge. It feels amazing. You wrap your legs around his waist and close your eyes as your head falls back. A few harsh thrusts make you shriek. Mike hides his groaning in your neck before collapsing on top of you.
You whine when he pulls out, your walls suddenly clenching around nothing again. It’s a strange sensation after what you just experienced. Empty. Lonely. It gets even worse when Mike gets up.
“I’ll be right back.” Somehow, it’s not very reassuring. You curl up under the covers, fighting back tears. How could you sleep with your best friend’s stupid brother? Bianca will never forgive you…
“Whoa! Are you alright, Sweetcheeks?” Mike crawls into the bed behind you and wraps his arms around you.
“Bianca is going to kill me,” you say. Mike laughs, which annoys you. A lot. “Mikey, it’s not funny! She’s my best friend and you’re her brother!”
“Sweetcheeks,” Mike says, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? Just come here, let’s go to sleep.” He pulls you into his arms, and for a moment – one that happens to last until the next morning – everything is perfect.
You wake up to twelve missed calls from Bianca and several text messages, the last of which reads ‘I know – I hope… – you’re busy licking my brother but call me back, maybe?’
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Lady Vinyl
Graham Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Graham x shy reader! Just two softies being cute together
✧.* summary — Your shyness was always a hindrance, but not when you were behind the LA radio speakers. Graham was curious about you from the first time he saw you at the bar where they played, and since then he has needed to get closer to you.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 4.0k
✧.* 🪕 — Graham's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — In case you'd like to be tagged in other djats stories of mine, the link to my tag list is at the end of the story. Good reading :)
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The bar is dark and smoky, lit only by a few flickering candles and the glow of neon signs in the windows. You can smell the heady mix of alcohol and tobacco in the air, along with a hint of something else - something more illicit.
The room is small and cramped, with mismatched tables and chairs scattered haphazardly around the space. The walls are lined with vintage posters and photographs, most of them faded and peeling with age. The bar itself is a sturdy wooden affair, its surface scarred and scratched from years of use.
Behind the bar, your dad is mixing drinks with practiced ease. He looks up as you walk in, giving you a nod of recognition before turning back to his work. You take a seat at one of the tables, the one that is furthest away and almost hidden in a poorly lit corner, feeling a little out of place among the regulars who are already settling in for the night.
When listening to the sound of guitar strings and drum sticks against the drums, you glance up at the stage. The lighting is dim, with just a few spotlights illuminating the musicians. Your dad had asked you to stop by the bar that night, and even though you're busy with your radio show stuff, you decided to grant his request.
"Hey peaches." Your dad greets you, handing you an orange juice. "How are Lady Vinyl's projects, huh?"
"Shiii! Dad, I told you a million times already." You scold him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender. "Don't mention her, not here where someone can listen."
"My bad my bad." He chuckles as he shakes his head, he sits down beside you. "Rod said they're good, maybe a band will please my little girl for once, huh."
You smile, taking a sip of your drink before responding. "We'll see about that, dad. But I did find some really interesting bands while I was out doing research for the show. I think this next one will be a hit with our listeners."
Your dad nods, looking over at the stage where the band is setting up. "I trust your gut, kiddo." He gets up and places a kiss on the top of her head. "Wait for me here, alright? As soon as I close, I'll drop you off at home."
As the band takes the stage, the room is charged with anticipation. The first notes of their song 'Look me in the eye' echo through the bar, and the crowd begins to sway along with the rhythm.
You pull out your notebook and start scribbling down notes, trying to capture the essence of the band's performance. But your mind keeps wandering to your own radio show. You're proud of what you do - you've built up a loyal following by sharing your extensive knowledge of rock music from the 60s and 70s. And the anonymity that comes with using a pseudonym allows you to feel more free and confident on air.
You had an idea for the next show and you were very excited about this one, you had visited some local bars to listen to the up and coming bands there and talk about them on the show. That was another good side of being behind the pseudonym, nobody would find out that you were the broadcaster of the show and would treat you differently for it, you would see the raw presentations in their pure apex. So when your dad said he had booked a band on Rod's recommendation you decided to stop by to see.
As the song progresses, you notice the crowd's reactions. People are smiling and nodding along with the music, some even singing along to the chorus. You're impressed by the band's energy and presence on stage, as they seem to command the attention of everyone in the room. But one person in particular catches your attention, the guitarist had amazing energy, he felt every chord he played in a unique way... It was so captivating, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
You find yourself transfixed by the sight of him, drawn in by his passion and talent. You've always loved music, but you've never seen anyone play like this before. For a moment, you forget about everything else - the noise of the crowd, the smell of smoke, the weight of your own shyness. All you can think about is the music, and the man creating it.
The hours passed and they kept the energy at the same level, it was impressive how each new song conveyed more of their passion for what they were doing. You wrote down every detail that attracted you to the performance, and without realizing it you had focused too much on the guitarist, you laugh when you notice your slip and write more things about the drummer for example.
As the night wears on and the band's set comes to an end, Graham's eyes keep darting towards you in the back of the room. He can see that you've been taking notes throughout the performance, and he's curious about what you're been writing. And there was something in your manner that he was itching to find out more, he remembered seeing you a few times at the bar, but no more than minutes so he never had the opportunity to speak to you. But today he would do it differently.
As the bar begins to clear out, Graham starts packing up his equipment, shooting occasional glances in the direction of you, at first you think you're getting crazy and started to see things, but when he smiles at you, you immediately take your gaze to your notebook, pretending it wasn't you. He can feel his curiosity getting the better of him, and as he finishes packing up his guitar, he turns to Warren.
"Warren man, can you cover me?" He says winding up the guitar wire.
Rojas turns to him with a cigarette between his lips. "Of course man, but don't you take too long because I want to talk to that chick over there." He says blowing smoke from his cigarette.
"No problem, I won't be long." The younger Dunne walks off the stage, heading towards you.
You feel him approaching and anxiety takes over your body, you try to calm down but nervousness won't let you. You drink the rest of the juice in your glass, thinking about how to act normally, your father watches you from a distance and laughs at the situation, shaking his head.
"Hey." His voice sends a jolt of energy through your body, you knew there was no escape now and you look at him.
"Hi." Your voice barely comes out, and you close the notebook looking at him.
"Is it okay for me to sit here with you?" His eyes looked much lighter up close, and you had a hard time taking yours away from his.
"Sure." You said a few things, and he notices your nervousness, finding it kinda cute.
"I couldn't help but notice that you wrote down a lot of things in there." He points to the notebook in front of you. "Any ideas on how I can improve my performance?"
"I don't... Oh, sorry if I distracted you." His voice came out in an almost whisper tone and he couldn't help but smile, you were interesting.
"The only thing you did was give me one more reason to play better." He says capturing your attention more. "Being in the audience... You know? Like, you inspired me to play better..."
"I understood the pick up line." You laugh at his nervousness feeling yours slowly slip away.
KLOS 95.5
Lady Vinyl (you): My dear listeners, I come to bring you wonderful news! The Rise of Rock at Sunset Strip is being born and enchanting the ears of anyone who takes the time to visit the bars at night. I must say that I feared this big musical change, but evaluating and listening more carefully to the bands that appear around, I feel that something good is coming. Can I be wrong? Yes, but y'all know that rarely happens [chuckles]. And speaking of good bands, I have to give a shoutout to 'The Six' who played a killer show at The Stache last night. If you missed it, you missed out on something special. But don't worry, I'm here to fill you in on all the juicy details. The energy was electrifying, and the crowd was absolutely loving it. They started the set with 'Look Me in the Eye', a song that I just can't get enough of. The guitar riffs were on point, the drums were pounding, and the bass was just groovy enough to get everyone moving.
"You hear that man!?" Warren exclaims while jumping of excitement. "Do you understand how big this is?"
"She said the bass made everyone move! ." Eddie says feeling a little cocky. "I knew I was wonderful that day."
Graham could only hear his friends as background noise, his focus centered on the voice coming out of the radio speakers, while Camila congratulated them for having won the attention of the broadcaster he could only focus on how familiar that voice sounded, he strained to try to identify where he had heard that timbre before and after a lot of effort, he can see the image of you writing things down during the show came in his mind. He smiles broadly, he needed to see you again.
Lady Vinyl (you): And let's not forget about the vocals, which were nothing short of amazing. There's no doubt in my mind that these guys are the new rock sensation of Sunset Strip, and if you trust my gut and know that I only bring you good things, believe me when I say: You will still hear a lot from them. So, keep your ears open and your turntables spinning, because the sound of The Six is here to stay. This is Lady Vinyl signing off for tonight my lovelies, next week I'll be here at the same time but until then... make me proud and keep these vinyls spinning. Bye bye!
"Hey Graham, did you hear that?" Karen catches the attention of the younger Dunne who comes out of his trance. "The new rock sensation of Sunset Strip!" She quotes you.
"Yeah yeah." He says without paying her attention, he could only think about you and how badly he wanted to see you again.
He felt beads of sweat trickle down his face as his fingers danced across the guitar strings in automatic fashion, the most natural muscle memory he had acting up while his attention was focused on finding your pair of eyes among the people on that dimly lit bar. But there was no trace of you, which made him a little disappointed as he looked forward to seeing you again.
When people had already left and the band was eating after introducing the youngest Dunne approaches the bar with a sad face, the bartender notices the man's downcast face and decides to talk to him.
"What has you so down son?" Tayrone's voice was thick, and echoed in Graham's ears.
"I've been looking for someone for days and nothing." A sigh escapes the guitarist's lips. "I think I'll just give up."
"Look, I don't usually keep tabs on all the regulars but maybe I can help." Your father was wiping some glasses while listening intently to the man in front of him.
"There was this girl here last week, she was sitting at that table in the back." Graham points to the far corner of the bar, making Tayrone arch an eyebrow. "She was writing things down in a black notebook..."
"I see," Tayrone says, nodding his head. "So, you're interested in her, huh?"
Graham nods, feeling his cheeks heat up. "Yeah, she's beautiful and she seems really interesting, you know. I've been looking for her everywhere, but I can't seem to find her."
Tayrone chuckles knowingly. "Well, I might be able to help you out with that."
"You can?" Graham's eyes widen in surprise.
Tayrone leans in conspiratorially. "She's actually my daughter."
Graham's jaw drops. "Your daughter?!"
Tayrone nods, grinning. "Yes, she's quite something, isn't she?"
Graham nods, still in shock. "Yeah, I believe so." His voice gradually disappeared, the shyness for having spoken about you like that to your father taking over him.
Tayrone chuckles again. "Well, no need to be shy now son." For a moment they are both quiet until an idea pops into Tayrone's mind. "Can you do me a favor kid? Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment late at night and I need to leave early, can you close the bar for me?."
Graham nods, still processing the information. "Of course old Tay, count on me."
Later that night you went to your dad's apartment for dinner, and you found yourself seated across from him at a rustic wooden table, surrounded by posters of rock legends that adorned the walls. The warm glow of candlelight illuminated the space, casting flickering shadows across the room.
You sipped at your wine, enjoying the rich, fruity flavor as your father regaled you with stories of his youth and the wild rock concerts he had attended. As the conversation flowed, Tayrone eventually brought up Graham.
"You know, you have a secret admirer at the bar," he said casually, a smirk growing on his face.
You felt your cheeks flush at the mention of the handsome guitarist. "What do you mean dad?"
"You know, that guitarist in the band I hired? The slightly awkward little boy seems to be quite taken with you," Tayrone replied, smiling knowingly.
You laugh at his comparison. "Dad, it's not his fault that you're almost ten feet tall." You take another sip of wine. "And another thing, I think you must have misunderstood... I just don't know if Graham and I have anything in common."
"And how do you know that little one?" Tayrone asks firmly. "You have plenty in common. You both love music, for one thing. And who knows what else you might discover if you give him a chance?"
"Not a chance dad." You take a piece of cheese from the tray in front of you and offer it to him, he declines and you eat it. "He probably just wanted to clear some doubts with me..."
"Doubts about what, dear?" He crosses his arms smiling pretending to believe her excuses. "If I didn't know you so well I would even believe that excuse of yours Y/N."
"What excuse?" You shrug, pretending not to understand what he was talking about. He just plucks his eyebrow, "I don't feel safe with myself for this dad."
"Oh don't sell yourself short, my dear. You're an amazing young woman, and any man would be lucky to have you." Your father opens another beer for you, feeling frustrated that you don't get his point. "Listen to your father my daughter, the boy is nice... Give him a chance."
You nodded thoughtfully, feeling a flicker of hope in your chest. Maybe your father was right. Maybe it was worth giving Graham a chance.
As the meal drew to a close, Tayrone brought up a favor he needed from you.
"Tomorrow, I need you to close up the bar for me," he said. "I have some errands to run and won't be back in time. Think you can handle it?"
You nodded, not suspecting a thing. Little did you know, your father had a plan in mind – a plan that involved you and Graham finally meeting and talking, and a plan that would change the course of your days.
You had picked up the keys from your dad a few hours ago, he said he was leaving the pub at 8pm and you were already on your way to pack up and close early, Sunset as always was busy music invaded your ears with everything as you walked to your family's establishment. When you approach the door you can see Graham sitting on the stage playing with the guitar strings, there wasn't supposed to be anyone there... Your father said you were just supposed to close the bar and leave. It doesn't take long for you to put the pieces together and understand old Tayrone's plan to get the two of you together, you take a deep breath trying to count the anxiety that builds in you and open the door.
Graham hears the bell above the door and looks up at it, smiling to see you there. He gets up from the stage and greets you warmly. "Hey there, I didn't know you'd come."
You try to sound casual. "Hey, Graham. How's it going?"
"It's going great now that you're here," he replies with a smile.
"I don't mean to sound rude, but what are you doing here?" You ask, trying to understand the situation.
"Your dad asked me to close the place." Graham says running a hand through his hair.
"Of course he did." You shake your head in disbelief at what he had done. "Funnily enough, he asked me to do that too."
"Oh I see." Graham couldn't help but smile, of all the things he thought old Tay could do, this wasn't one of them. "Good, since I'm here. Can I help you pack everything?"
"That would be nice, thank you." You say objectively, trying to avoid his gaze.
You can feel your cheeks turning pink and you look away, trying to control your shyness. Graham notices and asks, "Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."
You nod, still avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, I'm just...not used to being alone with someone like this."
Graham steps closer to you, his voice gentle. "Well, there's nothing to be nervous about. We're only going to spend a few hours together, we'll talk, but if you want, I can stay quiet." His joke makes you laugh, and when he hears the sound of your laughter he feels butterflies in his stomach.
You take a deep breath, feeling the tension start to dissipate. "Okay, that sounds nice."
You two start to clean everything around, little by little you start to feel more comfortable by his side, feeling a little more at ease. You talk about your love for music, your dreams and aspirations, and your favorite bands. Graham listens intently, nodding along and adding his own thoughts to the conversation.
After a while, he suddenly asks, "Are you Lady Vinyl?"
Your heart skips a beat. How did he know? You try to play it cool. "What makes you think that?"
"Well, I've seen you at the bar a few times when you come to see the shows, she always talks about the same shows you are on, your voice matches hers" he explains. "And your taste in music is very similar to hers. I just had a feeling."
You hesitate for a moment before admitting the truth. "And what if I was her?"
Graham arches his eyebrows with a smile on his lips. "Well, you would be much more badass than I already think you are."
You blush, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and pride. He seems to notice your sudden embarrassment as he stops cleaning a nearby table and turns to face you. "Guess that confirms my theory huh."
You smile, rolling your eyes. "Okay, you got me. I am Lady Vinyl"
Graham explains. "I was blown away by your talent. I mean, I've been in this business for a while, and I can honestly say that you're one of the best DJs I've ever seen."
You're touched by Graham's praise, but at the same time, you feel a little ashamed. You've always struggled with imposter syndrome, and hearing someone as talented as Graham compliment your work makes you feel like you don't deserve it. "Thanks, but I don't know if I'm really that good," you say modestly.
"Don't be so humble," Graham says, looking at you seriously. "You have a gift, and you should be proud of it. I think you could go really far in this business if you just believe in yourself."
You look at Graham, feeling a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. It's not often that someone sees you for who you really are and believes in you without reservation. "Thank you," you say quietly. "That means a lot to me."
The hours of the night are slowly passing, without noticing you and Graham were already very loose next to each other. Your shyness had already gone out of your body, around him you felt free to be yourself, it was a similar feeling to the one you had on the radio, it was just you and him and he saw you as a unic person and not just another out there. The bar was already set up, but you didn't want to say goodbye to each other, so after telling Graham about your desire to learn guitar, he decides to teach you what he knows.
As you strummed the guitar strings, you could feel Graham's gaze on you, watching your every move. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks as you made a mistake, quickly putting the guitar down and shaking your head in frustration. "I can't do this," you said, feeling defeated.
Graham chuckled. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Learning to play takes time and practice."
You looked at him skeptically. "But I don't have any musical talent. My thing is just talking about music, not making it."
"Come on, don't be like that," he said, reaching over to adjust your hand on the guitar neck. "Let 's try again."
You took a deep breath and began to strum again, this time with more confidence. Graham smiled encouragingly as you played, nodding his head in time with the rhythm. You felt yourself relax as the music filled the room, and soon you were lost in the moment, forgetting all of your worries.
As the night wore on, Graham patiently taught you different chords and techniques, always encouraging you to keep going even when you stumbled. And with each passing moment, you felt yourself falling more and more in love with him.
Finally, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, Graham leaned in close to you, his breath warm on your neck. "You're a natural," he whispered, his fingers still on yours as you played. "Don't ever give up on this."
You turned to look at him, your eyes meeting his. There was a moment of silence between you, and then he leaned in and kissed you tenderly. As you kissed him back, you felt all of your doubts and fears melt away, replaced by a sense of pure joy and happiness.
And as the two of you pulled away, you knew that you had found something truly special – something that would last a lifetime.
KLOS 95.5
Lady Vinyl (you): Hey there, music lovers. It's your favorite music lover, Lady Vinyl, coming to you live from our cozy little studio. Today, I wanted to talk about a band that's been making waves in the music scene lately - The Six. Now, I know I've talked about them before, but I just can't get enough of their unique sound and killer guitar riffs.
But you know what they say, music isn't just about the notes you play, it's about the emotions you evoke. And speaking of emotions, have you ever had a moment that just takes your breath away? Maybe a sudden burst of inspiration, a breathtaking view, or even a surprise kiss that leaves you feeling dizzy and wanting more.
Well, that's the power of music, my friends. It has the ability to transport us to another world, to make us feel alive and passionate. And that's why I love what I do. And of course, don't forget to buy 'SevenEighNine'
So keep on rocking, and who knows? Maybe you'll have your own moment of musical magic soon enough. This is Lady Vinyl, signing off."
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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If your still taking request, it’s it okay if you can do yandere poly pavitr and gayatri x reader who used to get bullied alot(if you want to add it) and doesn’t mind their yandere tendencies nor doesn’t question it since this is the first time someone loved them cause they were always asked out as a joke and on a date, to the point that they thought no one would ever loved them(+if when yan pavitr and yan gayatri asked reader out, reader thought it was a joke and also thought they hated them cause when reader accidentally catch yan pavitr and yan gayatri staring at them, reader thought they were judging them so they were very nervous cause they thought they were gonna go through the bad treatment again)
𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙧 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚
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Cw: poly!reader x lovesick!Pavitr Prabhakar x lovesick!Gayatri Singh, toxicity, normalization of abusive behaviors, socially outcasted reader, angst, Pav and Gayatri are not that bad before they start dating but reader is an unreliable narrator
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, once again, hoping the class would be over soon. You don't particularly dislike the subject, they're just very nervous by the staring. You transferred from your previous highschool due to the bullying two months ago, and despite your best efforts to avoid attracting any attention, you failed.
For the most part, people ignore you, no one's mean to you, and that's enough, but you shut down any attempt at socialization when you first arrived, dismissed all the cheery individuals who came to you in hopes of getting to know the new student, they complimented your hair, and the way the uniform looked on you, but you simply thanked them politely and left quickly, the memories of the fake smiles and cruel laughs were still fresh in your mind, thinking all those words were nothing but mockery.
Looking back, some of them seemed sincere, you regret not giving them a chance, maybe you wouldn't be spending the next recess alone if you did. You cut that line of thought, the irreparable truth dawn upon you, no matter how many chances you give, how many times you trust people, you don't seem to be important enough to anyone, always left behind or ridiculed, it seems to be a fact, a condition, something about yourself, that won't disappear, no matter where you are. So you know the staring is ill intentioned.
You wonder how it must feel to thrive in the spotlight, to feel "like a million dollars" when people state at you, knowing they watch in awe, admiration, something that clearly isn't your case. Why would these two people be staring at you for any other purpose than to make fun of you? They're popular, and beautiful, they have everyone fooled thinking they're nice, but you know better, you've seen this scenario play out many times, the guy is probably a jerk, no matter how nice he looks, and the girl probably makes so many empty compliments to people she doesn't care about. You know, you've seen what people like these are capable of, and you fear what they may have in store for you.
When the bell rings, you take your things and go to the schoolyard to spend recess, tables and hang out spots get filled with friend groups from many classes, all around your age.
You sit quietly in a mildly isolated spot and sit on your phone, scroll mindlessly trough instagram posts.
You feel a presence approaching, you straighten your spine like you've been caught red-handed, you try and emulate normality, like someone just walking towards you is a mundane part of your daily routine, so your eyes go back to your phone, and you try to relax your stiff muscles with encouraging words like "it's okay", "maybe they want to ask about the class", but your made up possible excuses grow useless as the two people that were staring at you, take a seat on the wooden bench next to you, one in each side. They say a few words before sitting, asking if the seats are taken and other questions that seem more rhetorical than anything.
They introduce themselves and try to strike conversation, the most awkward ten minutes of your life, as your answers shift from shy, to nervous, to fake friendliness to defensive and rude one-liners.
Sometimes they look into eachother's eyes, and you can feel that silent electricity in the form of secret messages and expression that due to societal consensus, can carry an entire conversation with just looks. You fear that. You don't posses the skills needed to realize this exchange, this telepathy.
And these conversations are the worst part, not content with invading your space and depriving you of a normal anxiety-free recess before the next period, they nonchalantly badmouth (or bad-eye?) you in your own face. And yes, you're sure it's bad, otherwise, they have no reason to hide it behind knowing smiles and glances, you're not stupid, you recognize they're making fun of you, but you don't want to stand up and leave, and maybe annoy or anger them enough to start being mean. What you have learned in the savagely cruel jungle of highschool socialization, there's the cats and there's the dogs, the dogs are nice to everyone but their victims, and launch to attack you as soon as they see you, they perceive certain things about others to be a threat to their precious social pyramid, so they act to protect it. Then there's the cats, you suspect that these two might be cats, cats are aware of their power within the other minionized working bees, (the ones that do not get any benefits from the stupidity of the social hierarchy, yet prefer to preserve it so they don't end up at the bottom of it) and don't want to attack or get their hands dirty, they enjoy watching bullied kids squirm in discomfort when they are "nice" only to amuse themselves with the anxiety and fear that their victim show, like a cat playing with an animal that's already agonizing and could be finished with a single strike, but they don't want to finish it, they want to see.
For weeks they toy with you this way, seeming infinitely entertained by your fidgeting and stammering, even getting close or throwing an arm over your shoulder just to see your reaction. You hate it, you hate them, you hate when they pretend to listen to you, or get you things to earn your trust, when they smile at you and offer to take you out with a fondness that seems to genuine you almost want to say yes. You hate how you had to stop bringing your sketchbook to school because it was filled with drawings of them, you hate the empty compliments and how you let your heart be fooled just for a little bit before going back to reality. You let yourself lift your feet off the ground just a bit, fly just a bit, thinking that you won't get hurt from that distance, but you become addicted. It doesn't matter if they're big or small highs, you crave their attention and thank heavens above that you don't really have to do anything, they come to you, you ignore that they're doing it to get a good laugh, because for a short moment that night after school, you look at yourself in the mirror while washing your teeth, and you let yourself think that maybe Gayatri was right, and your hair does look better out of your face.
But the bomb finally had to drop, the apple had to fall, the black cloud had to rain, the natural course of things had to be resumed, and they asked you out, not as a friend, like romantically asking you out.
"We wanted to do this more romantic, maybe at sunset or bring flowers, but you never go out after school with us, so this was kind of our only chance" Pavitr states with a lopsided smile that makes the little wrinkles and folds close to his eyes all the more visible, all the more beautiful.
You're trapped in this situation once again, it's a joke, but you have to proceed with caution, rejecting them can cause their pride to be hurt and that could backfire for you, accepting them is off the table, as you don't want to be the laughingstock more than you have already been in their presence, and calling out their bluff could have the same results as your first option, in other circumstances you just feign ignorance and they get too bored by how "dumb and dense" you are, leaving you alone, but this is a confession, this is way too straightforward to do that, so you decide to just buy time until you know what to do.
"I- uhm, this is really sudden and- I think I need to think about it, also I have super strict parents so that's that, and, uhm, I'll have an answer soon"
You hear their disappointed okay's and reassurances before leaving and heading to your house, the bus ride is torture. You knew this day would come, and you still let yourself be comfortable with their existence around you, you honestly would've preferred they were your friends instead, hiding feelings is much easier to deal with than being played this way.
You look at your reflection in the glass, and try to comprehend what is it about your humiliation that makes it so attractive, and what about your personality that makes it so unwanted. What's the point in these sick games people play on you and many others? What do you gain? You spend all that time trying to make someone trust you just to laugh at them behind their back? Everytime you had a friend, you felt like defending them with your life, and even knowing this was all a lie, you catched feelings for Pavitr and Gayatri, so why is it that they're so insensitive? They counted with you saying yes and they'd break your heart afterwards, how can they not feel bad? You continue to spiral.
When you came back to school, they didn't approach you for some time, you figure they accepted defeat and moved on to whatever other hobbies they had. But they still acknowledge you, they still smile at you, and you smile back. You think you finally decoded the secret messages you've seen your whole life. "Are you alright?", "I forgot my book", "it's cold outside" none of these things touch the subject that's keeping you three apart, but you love it too much to make it stop.
You start noticing how much your gloomy days lightened up since Gayatri and Pavitr came into your personal space, you notice how where once was a pillow to keep you from hitting yourself too hard, now there's the hard concrete beneath you, how you're self deprecating mental ramblings aren't stopped by a golden retriever like energy forcing you out the trance, how there's no one to tell you you should make your uniform more form fitting because you have cute shoulders. You notice that for all you tend to distrust and internally badmouth others, the worst company you've had so far, is yourself. You say honesty is the best policy and with that excuse you absolutely wreck yourself and ruin every nice thing you've ever had, you don't allow yourself to buy nice clothes because "it's expensive and you're ugly anyway", you never gave anyone a chance to get to know you in fear they'd bully you, rejecting everyone that came close. You should've waved back to that classmate that one time, you should've said yes to all those times Gayatri and Pav invited you to hang out, you should've actually listened to them talking instead of labeling everyone but you as untrustworthy and shallow. You, Y/N, have always been your personal and number one bully, when you thought you learned to toughen up and be more intelligent instead of naive, the only thing you learned was to replicate the behaviors of the ones hurting you. And even though you still don't believe those two actually want to date you, you are now aware of how pointless and cruel it had been to treat yourself and others the way you did. And now you miss them, now you wish you could go back to your first day here.
You didn't come back to them, and basically you ghosted them, not even looking them in the eye out of shame, you don't want to get hurt, but now you give them the benefit of the doubt, and it's horrible, all those things you thought, all those times you ditched them, you did it thinking it was just survival, that you were dealing with a couple of bored mean kids who latched onto you to mock you, but now your heart breaks thinking of all the genuine smiles you dismissed as a performance, and that the image you painted in your mind, where you were the foolishly in love victim of the heartless villains, could've been more like two people in search of true connection being unappreciated and dumped by someone too insecure and scared to even see them as human beings.
So when they come to you, when they apologize for making things awkward and just beg to spend time with you again, you feel like some sort of cold dictator.
"I shouldn't do this, but, why did you liked me?"
"Why shouldn't we? You're beautiful, and interesting, even though you tend to catch yourself mid-sentence and stop talking, it makes me so happy to see you explaining and ranting about things you like, and how you- sorry, this must be making you uncomfortable" Gayatri had leaned towards you, but after saying the last part, she straighted her spine in a movement all too similar to yours, you didn't like seeing her get away from you
"We're sorry we misinterpreted things, Y/N, but we'd still like to be your friends, not as a consolation prize, but I just really enjoyed spending time with you, and Gayatri did too" Pavitr also controlled his body language, he was usually so touchy and enthusiastic, but now he stands keeping his hands to himself, stiff like an english royal guard.
"I didn't want to hurt you... I realized that, well, I never really treated you with the respect you deserved, for the longest time I thought you were just going to, uhm, it doesn't matter, I'm sorry"
"You can tell us" Pavitr said, his presence eased you
"I thought you were asking me out as a joke, I thought that you were near me to... Laugh"
You expected them to be offended, to call you names and take back their apology, retrieve any sympathy they may have harbored for you, you accused them of something so ill intentioned when they hust wanted to be with you. But they just look at you with sadness, Pavitr sort of reaches for a hug, but stops himself, you notice this, and get close so he can wrap his arms around you, you tremble. Gaya joins, and you feel overwhelmed by the comfort and acceptance, your eyes let out a few tears.
Time passes and your relationship blossoms, you learn a lot of new things about relationships, for example, you learn more about communicating with glances, now you know exactly what they mean.
You know exactly what looks mean, "stop talking", "I don't like them", "don't go away". It seems kind of perfect, sometimes you feel like you're so happy and lucky you'll explode, so you cry, and they comfort you, it makes you feel heard, seen. You are also there to comfort them when they say love is too overwhelming, that they don't understand what else to do with all the love stored for their partners. Kissing so hard it feels like punching, hugging so tight that ribs make a cracking sound and break, all that intensity only makes you feel worthy, makes you feel loved like you've never been.
You had a tendency to compare human behavior to animals, and you keep doing it, because it makes sense, humans in its more raw form, are animals, so it's not surprising that feelings are so intense that they block out humanity, that loving is an animal desire. A love so pure that you can call it violent it's not something you see as wrong, as out-of-place, because that's the love you know, and it's the most perfect relationship you have ever seen.
You have never gotten into a fight, if someone doesn't trust a friend of yours, you simply cut them off, they'd do the same for you, and truth is that you don't have much desire to socialize either.
You never fight, you never yell, and you have two people who will always be on your side, that would jump off a cliff if asked, people who love you so much that they'll defend you from yourself, if you ever feel you owe an apology, they say you don't, in their eyes, you do no wrong, and you trust their judgement simply because you're the same.
You hope that one day you can love as intensely, because that's what they deserve from you.
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