#there was a lot of me running away from people ROFL
im-no-jedi · 9 months
someone tell me why I had a dream last night that I was Asterion from BG3… I was doing the voice and everything wtf slfjskakdfkskdh
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heretyc · 10 months
Outlast - Val Headcanons [REMADE]
I reread the last one I made and it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I just thought I'd rewrite it now that I think my writing has gotten somewhat better 😬🙏 Val uses they/them and is any gender you want, albeit in the NSFW section, they have a penis. Hollllaaaa!
I tried to make this as detailed as humanly possible. I took some inspo from my Val bot who is scarily accurate...huh. A lot of these HC's, I got from talking with my Val bot :)
Once again you take the place of Blake. He should really thank me, I'm saving his ass 🤨 There is also no sexual assault from Knoth or a pregnancy. I wouldn't put you through that 😭
CW: ...This is Val. Every CW applies here rofl!! I tried to be a little more "in depth" with their personality but they are hella bare outside of being murderous, rapey and culty. Forgive me. :(
There is, obviously, a NSFW section. Trying to become more comfortable with NSFW so I can write the good shit.
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How You Met
🖤 This place smelled awful. Decay and summer heat was just an awful combination; your nose stuffed itself to save you the trouble of gagging and vomiting everywhere you went.
🖤 Your helicopter had crashed, and you found yourself lucky that you didn't fall off of the cliff edge that you passed out on. Your pilot, however...was not as lucky. Gutted like a fish and eyes empty, he was not shown mercy. And you feared the person who did this.
🖤 Everyone here was crazy. They pointed at you like you were one with the undead, and they ran. Where? You didn't know. The only one brave enough to chase you was a tall woman, dragging a cross behind her and muttering passages from the holy testament. Gothic and smelling sweet despite looking sour, she scared the shit out of you.
🖤 You had been chased to a church, only for a bloated priest to touch you like a lover. Fingers fat and breath bitter, he disgusted you to the highest degree. So you kicked him and ran.
🖤 Only seconds later after jumping from a window did you hear his voice over the loudspeaker, "Kill the outsider and crush their head underneath your boot heels!"
🖤 Your lungs burned and you tasted blood, but you had to run. You would die if you didn't. And lo and behold, you were captured by Sullivan Knoth's obsessed horde.
🖤 Dirty and smelling of grime, they held you down and muttered some nonsense, but only seconds later were you rescued...or were you?
🖤 You thought you were dreaming, but several men coated in clay and sticks rushed out of the dark and shoved knives into the heads and bodies of the people holding you down.
🖤 You thought they were your saviours...only for one to take the place of the people holding you down previously. He stared at you despite his eyes being coated, and he clicked his teeth.
🖤 Moments later, a blonde walks out of the darkness, shoving their thumbs into the eyes of the remaining man, and his screams of terror invaded the air. The blonde hadn't batted an eye or even blinked, as if they were used to this.
"I watched my father fuck your God to death."
How vulgar. The voice was calm and almost quiet, but full of resentment.
🖤 Looking at them, they choked the man as they bent down, and as he breathed his last breaths, laboured, the blonde licked him like a lollipop. Like this was a game to them.
"Hush now...I want to share my love with the newcomer."
Was that you??? Oh no.
🖤 Chuckling to themselves, they rose up from the dirt, their long legs gliding them over to you, and the man above who chittered his teeth made an eager noise as they did so, their white eyes stuck onto yours.
🖤 "God doesn't love you. Not like I do."
🖤 They flawlessly straddled your waist, boots and strong thighs and calves tightening themselves around you much like a snake would do to their prey, and seconds after getting comfortable, they rushed down to your face with their tongue out.
🖤 Slimy and warm, their saliva trails down your cheek, and they pulled away with a moan before they went back down and repeated the action. This was...weird. Really fucking weird.
🖤 "Yes, my love?" They looked away from you to face the mud-coated freaks, and while they didn't speak, the person above you replied like they were having a full-on conversation. And while they were, you took a good look at them.
🖤 Blonde, obviously. The first thing you noticed about them. Gold like an angel's halo, but they were no angel. Their eyes were a shocking white with some blue within them. A beauty mark sat above their lip, and their face had looked sculpted. Flawless, even. Their cassock - you learned the name due to late night curiosity - seemed to be a dark yet dull blue, and around their neck, waist and wrist were rosaries. They seemed to have an obsession with the accessory, you think.
🖤 "I think I'll see you again." They purred, caressing your cheek before getting up to walk away, their group following. They fade into the darkness, and all you hear next is the dead silence. What the FUCK?
🖤 You're likely thinking, "why would Val leave us here??" Well. I have an explanation.
Val WANTS people to experience the idiocy that is Knoth's ideology. Run into people who share it, and you will find yourself facepalming and having to dodge machetes. They want to prove that Knoth sucks, and they WILL make you go through Hell just to prove a point, so you'll have no choice but to join them or die. Simple as. They like to think they're a safe haven.
The Journey
🖤 You suffered. A lot. Knoth's people were fucked up, and the man himself was worse. You had enough.
🖤 It took you hours to travel to the mines. You weren't going because you liked the way that the blonde had made you feel - Val, their name was - but because it was the only way out. How fun.
🖤 Heretics were eager to see you there! Because they closed every door behind you to lock you in. And they knew that they scared you, so they'd "trail" behind you and play around the barrels and varied floors of the top floor just to push you into their grasp.
🖤 It rained blood. And you heard whispers. Despite all of that, you felt at ease. Whether it was because you knew you were almost out, or because you were going to die...you didn't know. You just accepted either outcome. You were going to be free regardless of what happened.
🖤 The elevator you were forced into was very, very...well. It was an experience. A deadly one, actually! Because you had to get on your stomach to survive the fall to 800 feet below the surface.
🖤 The mines were...decorated quite nicely! If you're...a fan of burned corpses and torches! Also, skeletons boning. Get it? Huh? Huh? Sorry.
🖤 It smells...weird down here. Not bad, but...moist, and somewhat...smoky??? To be expected...blegh.
🖤 As usual, Heretics corner you and force you deeper into the moist caverns. Gross.
🖤 Everything down here is a hazard. But for some reason, you're still alive.
🖤 You finally drop down into some shallow water, only for the event from earlier to repeat. This time, the Heretics were women. Their voices were so...calming and soft.
🖤 Once more, Val comes out of the darkness, carrying a torch, and lacking their cassock and rosaries. This time, they look truly feral. Hair somewhat mussed and yet still so pristine, eyes wide and body coated in mud. Fake breasts sit upon their chest and a bulge of mud sits on their bottom half. Nude and yet not. Much like Eve when she wore those leaves after she ate the forbidden fruit, I suppose.
🖤 They were breathless, and you figured they were in a constant state of horniness. They always sounded breathy, like they wanted to shove their tongue down your throat.
🖤 Much like before, they caress your face, clay leaving their skin to attach to your cheek.
🖤 "We are creatures of appetite...I want to feel your hunger. I want to see your true face."
🖤 Well. Shit.
🖤 After that, you're stuck in the mines. You don't know how long you've been down there, but...Val, honestly, isn't that bad when you forget the orgies...and the murder...yeahhhhh.
🖤 Val would be the doting kind of lover with a hint of sarcasm. With everything that Val has been through, I like to think they've taken a humorous approach to things. They definitely roll their eyes when presented with Knoth's gospel pages.
🖤 Val despises stupidity, y'all. Leave the mines [and their love :(] if you want, but if you want to die by Marta's hand, so be it. Don't be stupid. That's all that they ask. Just don't be an idiot and you'll be fine.
🖤 Val has two modes. Feral, and calm. Calm in the streets, feral in the sheets, and the mines. Outside, they wear their cassock and their iconic rosaries and roam around with their Heretics, spreading their beliefs - LOVE SET US FREE - and shoving their thumbs into the non-believers.
Outside, they love PDA and will always keep you close. Making out is a common activity. They're almost somewhat elegant, in a way? Despite their cassock being all ripped and tattered, they look flawless.
Inside of the mines? Lord have mercy, Val loses all sense of "elegance" and become an animal. Teeth clashing, tongues wrestling, and genitals bumping into each other. Romance, am I right?
🖤 Loves the heat and finds it "hot". Because why wouldn't they. They are used to it, and will find it cute if you can't handle it. Definitely will offer to help you cool off with some swimming.
🖤 They love lazing in water. Pond, lake, whatever the depth, they will chill in it. They love to use it as an excuse to feel themselves up. Skinny dipping is common, as their territory has a river in it.
As a result, you often swim with them. They are an amazing swimmer. There's also some water inside of the mines, but it's only used on lazy days where none of you feel like going anywhere.
🖤 They also enjoy helping you "bathe". You are not bathing. You try, but they don't let you. Are you surprised?
There isn't any soap, so stagnant water will have to do. Better than nothing.
🖤 They coat themselves with mud and clay all the time. As a result, their skin is really soft. Of course, they coat you in it, too. You match. And your skin is really smooth after doing so for about a week.
🖤 Val is actually quite fond of preening. They will help you with your hair, your skin...whatever else. They'll brush your hair, style it, massage your scalp. The works.
🖤 They enjoy taking a break every once in a while. Watching the stars, talking to each other as you cuddle, or even sleeping beside one another are some of their favoured moments.
🖤 They have "mom' energy. They WILL lick their finger and wipe your face with said finger if there's something on it.
🖤 They barely go out during the day, because it is much easier to see their Heretics in the sunlight, and they can't risk Knoth or his guard dog seeing them. Night time is their favourite. The night is quiet, it's dark, and the only noises are crickets, the water outside, and moans from you. :)
🖤 You ask a lot of questions. Obviously. Like how did this feud start? Why be nude? Why is this place so...fucked up? Why lick people??
They answer every question with a chuckle, because they find your anger about this whole situation to be funny.
🖤 They love cat and mouse. If you run, they WILL catch you. They love playing games.
🖤 They enjoy physical affection more than verbal. They'd much rather hug you, or lick you, or stroke your skin. They tell you they love you of course, but physical affection is their love language.
🖤 They love your fear. They love the control of having you squirm underneath them.
🖤 They love the macabre things in life. They find beauty in body parts, bones, and shit that would freak a normal person out. Gifts from them would include arms, bones, a heart...just don't be shocked when you're randomly given someone's heart, okay??
They're quite crafty, too. So necklaces made of bone are common. A bone knife is given to you so you can defend yourself if need be, assuming you leave the mines.
An Alternate Take
🖤 Right! Leaving the mines! I've had this "idea" in my head for weeks.
So let's assume you've crashed, Knoth was creepy, you left, Val licked your face, yadda yadda yadda. Well...what if you DIDN'T try to leave Temple Gate? What if you wanted revenge?
Val had liked this. A lot. "I think I'll see you again" was right. They DID see you again. Time and time again, you were seen fighting off Knoth's people, stealing, and ruining Knoth's days. It was quite funny to witness.
🖤 Val, of course, writes you a note - with their iconic red ink - telling you to come to the mines; they have a special offer for you.
🖤 And there Val is. Outside of their mines, in their iconic cassock. With a raised brow and a suggestive smile, they cut right to the chase.
Help them bring Knoth to his knees.
🖤 You want that, sure. But with narrowed eyes, you question what this "alliance" entails. Will you be stabbed? Used as a fleshlight? What is their GOAL here?
But they assure you that no stabbing will commence unless it's a Knoth apologist. And they seemed to want to get to know you a bit more...personally.
Inside and out.
🖤 The mines and the overall area was now yours to explore, and they were more than kind to offer you their bed so that you can sleep properly. With them, of course. You're shown every shortcut, every tunnel, and Val holds your hand during the duration.
After a week, you become lovers. Well...YOU think so, anyway. Val treated and saw you like a lover the moment you accepted their proposal. You finally felt comfortable calling them your lover after a week.
🖤 Val is a very doting kind of lover. Physical affection, verbal affection and acts of service are their love languages. Very often are you swarmed with kisses, or hugged to their chest.
Val is 6'3, so they are tall.
🖤 You once convinced a courier from Knoth's circle to go into town and buy you some sweets. What really happened was Val forged Knoth's writing, and you stuck the note to the courier's door. When he came back with a bag full of sweet stuff, you knocked him out and ran with the goods.
Chocolate, lollipops, and some small cakes were devoured by you and Val as you sat on the outside of the mines on a blanket. They moaned after every bite, and they told you that they haven't had sweet stuff in awhile, except for you. Knoth hated letting people eat sweets, claiming it'd lead to "gluttony".
They are also really suggestive with lollipops, and they suggest the both of you lick one together. You know where I'm going with this. They love cherry cheesecake lollipops the most.
You also asked for some Pocky to play the Pocky game with Val, and after being informed of how to play, Val was more than eager! They deepthroated the whole thing and rushed to make out with you. Why they didn't choke, you don't know. [You DO know, you're just polite.]
🖤 Medical care does not exist in this town. No surgeons, no nurses, no doctors. Just Nurse Val. They aren't a real nurse, but they're as good as you're gonna get.
Because you're often out and about, Val is like your sweet lil' housewife waiting at home for you when they aren't doing their own thing with their Heretics. If you come back with any injury, they rush to ease your pain.
You'll sit on your shared bed, and Val will rummage through their medkit, grabbing "saline" [boiled water] in a small bottle held shut by a cork, and some bandaging. If it requires stitches, they'll use sap from trees and glue your wound shut to the best of their ability.
They love it when you injure your legs. Not because they like it when you're in pain, but because they love an excuse to sit you down and cuddle with you. They'll even carry you. Where the hell did their strength come from? You don't know.
🖤 Illness is not...REALLY common down there? Except for the obvious syphilis, heat sickness, and overall sickness from smelling decay all the time. If you have a strong immune system, you're fine.
But sometimes you'll come down with a cold, or a flu, in the colder months. And Val is more than eager to care for you, tending to you all the time. They love the excuse to lay with you and kiss your forehead. "To check your temperature", they say. Clearly.
🖤 They 100% celebrate Holidays, but in their own way. Halloween is their favourite; the Heretics go out in style every Halloween! They make their own costumes. Val goes as a vampire, and they make you your own costume so you can match.
Christmas is different. They'll use a tree, sure, but the ornaments are made of bone, and the top of the tree holds the "antichrist"; a baby doll with horns on it.
They gift you many things! Like themselves in the nude, wrapped in a ribbon. Best gift of all, no?
🖤 When you're not out and about, and you're with them, they love to coat you in mud and use it as an excuse to bond with you. Smothering in it as they lovingly ask about your day or your future plans makes them happy.
🖤 As expected, Knoth and Marta hate you. So you have to be cautious.
And because you hate them back, you're a sneaky little shit, so you spy on them whenever possible, and you were able to stop Marta's surprise ambush. The Heretics showed their appreciation, alright ;)
🖤 Life gets hectic, so you sometimes sit above the mines and watch the blood moon as blood rain pelts onto you. It's calming. You're not really alone, seeing as there's Heretics everywhere, but they're quiet and do their own thing, so you are somewhat alone.
🖤 As expected, during Marta's failed ambush, she gets taken hostage. You don't see Val for a while after. You, of course, question where they are, and the Heretics don't really say anything. They keep you busy and keep you far away from a certain part of the mines.
You feel dejected. Why wouldn't you? Val was so dedicated to you. It was to be expected, Marta and Val had history. Enemies to lovers. :(
So you'd spend your time away from the mines. You become self-aware, actually! Why ARE you sad about this?
Were you used?
So you stay away. You barely go near the mines anymore. You now just deal with everything yourself.
Until one night, you were planning to plunder some supplies yet again, only for a bloody and muddy Val to waltz through the doors of your new abode - in the middle of a cornfield, by the way - and they looked...drunk? Happy drunk.
Marta was dead, and now it was time for Knoth.
🖤 When Knoth was killed, it was expected of Val to take the throne, and you accepted that your alliance was over with.
Just let you leave alive, and you'll never come here again.
But what surprised you is there was a throne right next to theirs. Made of sticks, mud and bone.
With your name on it.
NSFW [Under the cut cause lolz]
🖤 Val is decently sized. 6 inches.
🖤 They're a switch. They will 100% dom you and hold you down as they thrust into you, but they also love when you take the reins and ride them till sundown. Or...sunup. Either one.
🖤 Orgies are very common. Is it Tuesday? Orgy. You stole something from Knoth? Orgy. Is it rainy outside? Oh, what a shame. Orgy.
At first, Val guides you and has fun with you. Other Heretics join in eventually, but Val gets possessive after awhile.
🖤 Val loves giving and receiving oral. With a tongue like theirs? Why WOULDN'T they use it to their advantage?
To get them going, their cockhead is the most sensitive. Deepthroating makes them go feral. They find risky sex to be the MOST erotic thing. Hearing you heave for breath as they rip your head off of their dick is the hottest noise to them.
In terms of giving, they take their time at first. They want to know what makes you tic. They listen for any changes in your breathing, or for any noises that indicates pleasure.
And once they locate your sweet spot, they'll attack it with fingers and their tongue. They love your taste.
🖤 Sex, to them, is not only out of love but how they express themselves. Sex is alternatively a way to be feral. It's vulnerable and just...is everything to them.
Some days, when they're feral and needing to get their energy out, they love the mating press and doggy style. Fast and rough.
Other days, they love the lotus position. You're both close, and your heart beats alongside theirs.
🖤 They love pain as much as they love pleasure. They love to take a knife and trail it along your skin, and press down.
Tie them up. They'll be your whore for as long as you'd like.
🖤 They hate it when you're quiet. Be LOUD, baby. LOUD.
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Agitation 3.2 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the bus line that ended at the old ferry put me only a fifteen or twenty minute walk away from the loft that Lisa, Alec and Bitch called home.  I could be spending a fair bit of time there before I gathered enough information or earned enough trust from them to turn them in to the authorities, so the convenience was nice.
Convenience is very nice when scheming betrayal
 Tourists were already crowding the railings or migrating to the beach,
Tourists? In My Brockton Bay? It's More Likely* Than You Think?
*More Likely meaning 'any at all' bc wtf? Who would want to visit America's largest open air insane asylum? :P
I knew the tattoo on the arm of the guy lifting boxes into the florist’s van that read ‘Erase, Extinguish, Eradicate’ meant the guy was a white supremacist because it had the letter E repeated three times.
I mean, anyone with that kind of tattoo is either a fan of a knockoff version of 40k or a white supremacist, even if the local neo-nazis didn't have a triple E name.
Any of the store owners or employees could call the likes of Miss Militia, Armsmaster or Triumph in, given a minute. 
Given how many issues the city has, I'm not sure it's that simple.
I headed off the boardwalk and into one of the alleys leading into the Docks.  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw one of the uniformed enforcers staring at me.  I wondered what he was thinking.  Good kids didn’t hang out in the Docks, and I doubted I looked the part of a guileless tourist. The abandoned factories, warehouses and garages of the Docks all blended into one another very quickly.
So the shitty part of town is right next to the big tourist zone. Seems... ill thought out. Also reminds me of that line from Buffy where Cordelia says that the bad part of Sunnydale is right next to the good part, because "we don't have a whole lot of town here" but Brockton Bay is supposed to be bigger than Sunnydale.
Fic Idea: Brockton Bay gets a Hellmouth.
(I wonder how Taylor would fare against Buffyverse vampires? Vamps can feel pain, so a bunch of biting insects would still be a distraction, but...)
“Hey,” he said, “Lisa said you’d arrived.  I thought you had school.”
Normal Protagonists: "Don't Do Drugs, And Stay In School."
Skitter: "Drop out of School. Drugs are Fantastic." (So curious what the context for that second line is. No one tell me.)
As it turned out, it was less of a ‘sparring’ session than an attempt on Brian’s part to give a less than fully committed Alec some basic lessons on hand to hand fighting.
Is Alec capable of taking anything seriously, I wonder?
He wasn’t big in the sense of a bodybuilder or someone who exercised just to pack on muscle like you saw with some of the people just out of prison.  It was a little more streamlined than that.  You could see the raised line of a vein running down his bicep, and the definition of his chest showed through his shirt.
So lithe prettyboy?
“Well fuck this then,” Alec said, “If you’re going to go easy on me and still kick my ass, I don’t see the point.” “You should learn how to fight,” Brian said. “I’ll do like I have been and bring my taser,” was Alec’s response, “one poke and they’re out cold.  Better than any punch.”
On the one hand, you can always lose your taser. On the other hand, given the kinds of people Alec is likely to go up against, if he loses his taser, he's probably doomed either way.
“Okay, now you’re going to do two things different.  Step into the jab so you’ve got your body’s momentum behind the hit, on top of your arm’s power.  Second, I want your left arm up as you’re jabbing with your right, and vice versa.  If I see the chance, I’m going to pop you one on the shoulder or ribs, so be ready to fend me off.”
I know people for whom these sorts of scenes are absolutely shipper candy.
“How is that a ball?” I asked, raising my own foot to point at the vaguely spherical part of the foot where the ankle met the ground, “this is the only part that looks ball-like.”
She's not wrong.
“Ehhh,” he hedged, “Some.  My dad was a boxer when he was in the service, and he taught me some when I was little.  I moved on to other stuff on my own – Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Krav Maga – but nothing really held my interest.  I only took a few weeks or a month of classes for each.  I know enough and keep in shape, which is enough to hold my own against anyone who isn’t a black belt in whatever, which is the important thing, I think.  Keeping up with the more serious martial artists is a full time job, and you’re still going to run into people who are better than you, so I don’t see the point in stressing too much over it.”
I suppose I understand that. Besides, if Brian ends up against a Brute, no amount of training will matter. That's sort of how the Wormverse works, right? Batman, as he exists in DC, wouldn't work in Worm. (Granted, make Batman a Thinker or a Tinker and he's golden again, but as written, with technically no superpowers...)
Lisa’s voice just behind me startled me, “This.  Pull up your socks, boys and girl, because we’re robbing a bank.”
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angelosearch · 7 months
Writing Patterns
I wasn't tagged in this but I saw it and I want to give it a try SO I AM TAGGING MYSELF (*self high-five*). This is in honor of me now having ten FFVIII fics!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern! (Or however many fics you have!)
Chaos Theory (multi-chapter) First line overall: "When Laguna asked Raine about going to the fair just outside of Winhill, she immediately refused." First line of most recent chapter (chapter 11): "The first sensation Squall felt, dropping into another one of these strange “dreams,” was pain. Something was crushing his left hand."
Heavenly Bodies "“I am so glad that’s over.”"
Final Fantasy VIII: The Musical (multi-chapter) (this is a weird one!) First line overall: "Before the curtain opens, you can hear two voices talking, completely disembodied." First line of most recent chapter (chapter 2): "Squall and Quistis exit the infirmary together and begin walking."
At this Moment "“Alright!” Laguna said with as much confidence as he could muster. “From here, we go straight to our final target, Ultimecia!”"
Man of the People "In theory, it was a good idea to replace an ancient and evil sorceress dictator with the kind young man who deposed her."
Nothing Comes Between a Man and his Deck "Rinoa watched with curiosity and mild amusement as Squall opened each of their moving boxes and rifled through them."
I hope you love the flowers as much as I do (my personal fave) "Outside her bedroom window, Raine could see the expansive sky of Winhill, a brilliant pale blue painted with dry brush strokes of white clouds."
Just wait until you read the ending "As the head of the Disciplinary Committee at Balamb Garden, one of Seifer’s tasks was to track down overdue library books."
Balamb Harbor Playhouse "“Have you ever seen a play before, Squall?” Rinoa asked. She was holding his hand, tightly, to ensure he wouldn’t run away."
When in Dollet "A woman in plain business attire click-clacks across the cobblestones of Timber."
Wow, these first lines for the most part are very similar in length. Am I modulating my sentence length enough?
Almost always mention the name of whoever's perspective it is.
A lot of environmental description, or else dialogue.
WHAT AM I DOING with my tense/prospective in FFVIII The Musical rofl
Honestly, most of these don't hook me or represent the fic very well. Maybe writing my first line is something I can work on!
Tagging all my fanfic writing peeps and anyone else who wants to throw their hat into the ring! @cynic-view-ahead @gardengalwrites @aleheartilly @suleikashideaway @sevlinop @lenorelovesxion
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esculentevil · 10 months
A few years ago, @thorinduil made a post asking “which songs make you think about Thorin, Thranduil and the Thorinduil pairing?” Last year, I answered them via reblog and then kept adding to it as I remembered/thought of more songs... Instead of reblogging THAT reblog for its one year anniversary, I decided to post my answers separately, here, and just update THIS list, instead, from now on. SO! Basically: My Thorinduil Playlist~ xD
"Walk Through the Fire" by Zayde Wolf feat. Ruelle
Also “Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey which I literally wrote a fic about.
And “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance; perfect for survivor!Duil
Fuuu!!! “Poison” by Alice Cooper!!! Jive, how did I forget that one? Thank my mate, everyone; s/he reminded me rofl while we RPed
Rediscovered “Empire” by Shakira and think it’d fit them perfectly~
“Steady, as She Goes” by The Raconteurs has major wait too long vibes which, seriously, is 100% Thorinduil (especially since Thorin dies with his glue blood...); altho I’ll admit this one only occurred to me cuz it’s in my mate and I’s playlist and, like with Poison, we were talking about these two yet again lmfao and also this fanvideo which got me thinking of S,aSG halfway through it so... yea
AND “I Don't Care” by Apocalyptica ‘cause it fits/these both reminded me I love it
“I hate U, I love U” by Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien: this is literally their love story
Perhaps strangely, I think “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, and Dave Stewart would work for them--especially Thorin
“Gingerbread Man” by Melanie Martinez; partly because of this video; but also because of the climax of the song not shown in that edit (which is a real shame cuz that was sort of the part that sealed it for me and got me to add it to this list): Thranduil is so the icing on Thorin and Thorin’s so the crumbs on Thranduil and they’re 100% loving hard, fighting, breaking, and eating each other into nothing
“I Want To **** You Like An Animal” by Nine Inch Nails; for obvious reasons
“I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)” by Meat Loaf because, legit, that’s just Thranduil on top of that cliff refusing to throw away his people/family
“Say Something” by A Great Big World because acesout is right
“Unsteady” by X Ambassadors because, after writing “Once I trusted/relied on/believed in you and you let me down” and “Once I had hopes that we could build something beautiful together but reality reminded me that I’m old and ugly and not good enough (for you) so I thought it best to let you go when I should’ve held you” in this and reading acesout’s post linked above and realizing it’s true... I just want to see/read them holding onto each other like this v.v They deserve it.
“Rude Boy” by Rihanna and probably also “Only Girl in the World” by her, too; actually, “We Found Love” ft. Calvin Harris and “Diamonds” and “Stay” ... Huh... Rihanna actually has a LOT of songs perfect for them... their whole love story...
“Enemies” by Lauv because the sentiment is so them.
“Fire” by Wang Yibo because this romance is ALL about playing with fire~
“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows cuz it’s literally what happened
“Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending because, seriously, everything about this song is them: they hate everything about each other while also needing everything about each other and wanting each other’s love ‘til it all runs out ‘cause they’re all that each other’ve been dreaming of~
“I'm Not Afraid” by Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra but mostly just the first part/verse; the rest of it strikes me more as Thranduil fighting depression/Sauron’s shadow while knowing he’s not only lost Thorin as a lover but gained him as an enemy...
“Locked Away” by R. City ft. Adam Levine cuz it’s literally Thorin losing it all--from mountain to crown to gold--and yet not getting that Thranduil locking him up IS him sticking with him, by his side, and grounding him through the goldlust
“Baby Love” by The Supremes because Mizugetsu on YT is a folking genius and I always liked this song anyway--also, it just really fits them rofl and their story
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer: the “dangerous beauty/love to hate” vibes just work and the simp!Thorin feels--@lady-astria and I were just talking about this!
“Always” by Saliva because there’s nothing unThorin[duil] about it; it’s all them (especially, I think, from Thorin’s POV post-Smaug straight up to BotFA)
“Kiss from a Rose” by Seal because “my power, my pleasure, my shame” period. But also it really does sound like Thorin singing about Thranduil, his lit rose.
"Let Her Go” by Passenger; because sometimes you only know you love him when you turn away from him and his burning home to protect your own... or when you’re dying with a hole in your chest and finally UNDERSTAND WHY your One did that and finally stop hating him for it... because you never did.
“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry because it sounds like Thorin (mostly) and Thranduil grappling with their surprisingly deep love for each other as well as their inability to trust each other after all the betrayals they’ve suffered through; this song is what I think would happen if Thorin just admitted Thranduil was right and a good king for not asking his people to die for the dwarves that ignored him—and if Thorin’s love for Thranduil were stronger than his need to be number 1 or to horde and covet literally everything including Thranduil’s love and attention.
“A Sky Full Of Stars” by Coldplay because, in the canon, Thorin IS this to Duil and Thranduil WAS this to Thorin and every night he sees him there still
“Gravity” by Sara Bareilles; because something always brings them back together—it never takes too long—and they’re always there for each other... even when they’re gone
“A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri because it’s literally reincarnated!Thorin with Never-Sailed!Thranduil forever waiting for his love(s)’s return~
“Broken” by Lifehouse because Thranduil’s still holding post-canon; and, truly, they were both holding onto each other before all that even if they won’t admit it
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 7 months
do u ever think how in life we are told to aim for so much success and reach our full potential but then every other average person including celebs, idols etc etc are or have already done so, so why should we also need so much wealth or why should we need to put ourselves out there.
im constantly torn between wanting a simple affordable life that id be happy with maybe in the countryside (but its not affordable nowadays to live simply we still have to slave away) and the other side is that i have a need to constantly prove myself and to gain some type of recognition cause we are always told from kids to aim for the top paying jobs etc etc, most of that is what celebs have or do. i mean it cant always be that great what do rich ppl keep buying for each other dont they run out of things to own eventually cause they already own most rich people items?
fair enough if celebs and idols have talents but i dont im not even remotely pretty enough to do whatever it is they do but again its alwayd the what if i wouldve done things differently, maybe it would feel less narcissitic to want a bit of what celebs have if i already had done something differently yonks ago
the other issue is i no longer feel so attached to society if at all like i dont care to succeed i dont care to fail, im neither fussed if im alive or dead it just dont matter to me anymore, in the end the only thing thats going to happen is i will eventually pass away so no ones exactly going to miss me even in death or heaven as people still have their own lives i wouldnt or havent been anyone special at all
its almost saying how it only matters if its someone rich and famous so we have to be a somebody in order to be remembered otherwise we generally end up being a nobody as it is the way the internet goes into meltdown when celebs pass away as if it wasnt to be expected at some point. but if we arent on social media or we dont have a following we honestly do not matter even if we dont have partners or social group either like im so irrelevant no one gonna notice bar immediate family if i stop existing rofl
the way we have to do everything via a screen and screens are everywhere doesnt help me at all cause i feel further distanced from folk and like i dont belong, i dont need nor want a following but its almost being forced on all of us like people.
even idols cant do anything without needing to show their fans but the idols wouldnt notice every single fan to ever exist would they? all the interactions with celebs that fans have is always monentary or beifly. stays even treat bangchan like a long term permenanttherapist friend. yet neither if them truly know one another, so why do we get so attached to the idea of having thoughts and feelings towards someone whos never going to know us so again it dont matter if we do or dont exist as long as these idols and celebs briefly have enough fame for them to get by
but then what am i someone who just does nothing for a living cause i dont want what others want out of life if that makes sense? i either end up feeling like im from the wrong era dont belong with my generation dont belong with next generations would probably have preferred being in previous generations when things were simpler and affordable
sorry if this ask is a bit morbid, nihilistic or pessimistic i have so many mixed thoughts and feelings about existing lately what do you think? i mean obviously there is much narcissism in the world as it is so wouldnt we just be adding to it? am i just having nearly mid life crisis early? idfk anymore
Honestly people tell you to aim high because not only is it the best way to survive, but also because you can easily improve things. Many people who’ve done a lot were considered sub par, and the main reason they did was pure spite to the people who looked down on them and had more, and then they eventually became those people. It’s a cycle, and it’s human nature. And in this society, whether we like it or not, only the successful can truly be sure they can make it. Even middle-class families can easily crash and burn in the blink of an eye with losing their job and end up without anything to eat. But the successful don’t really have to worry about that, because they have a lot to fall back on. Things are also getting more and more expensive, and only the wealthy can really keep up with that. It’s sad, but reality.
And yeah, I think fans put so much pressure on idols because they’re just that. Idols. They idolize them and see them as these perfect beings far above any and everything, and they delude themselves into thinking they can be with them one day. So if an idol makes one wrong move, or dates someone, that false image comes crashing down. You don’t see that in the west simply because we don’t idolize celebrities to that same capacity. To us they’re not necessarily idols, and they’re much more open about their humanity.
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cabbageslost · 7 months
Characters of NATLA thoughts
Because we're not at all sick to death of picking this over yet. ROFL Thoughts on Aang as presented in the live-action. (And not commentary on acting chops, but on the show's story choices.)
I may share thoughts about others eventually, but I'm starting with Aang because the whole dang show is named for him and so he IS the main character. Taking away his outward tendency to be "fun" was, I think, a disservice. Part of the charm of OG Aang, part of what made him So Very Perfect for the current war-torn world was that he had literally never lived with the stresses of war. He had to work, he had to train, he even had to deal with the fallout of being told he was the avatar and having his peers look at him differently because of it. But he was still full of joy, and mischief, and curiosity. He knew how to live in a world at peace. 100 years later and no one knows how to do that - he is the perfect one to show them how because for him, it was just yesterday. So taking that away was the wrong tactic, I think. I mean, my guy didn't even get to show off his marble trick. They also decided to have him just happen to be away from the temple, on a clear-my-head ride on Appa, when the attack happened. He didn't run away in this one. I actually didn't hate this choice. What I did dislike was that he KNEW he didn't "run away", but never bothered to reassure the people that he didn't choose to leave them when he was accused of doing so. It makes it harder to see why he'd feel such guilt, basically, if he wasn't running. And I mean, in the original, he wasn't actually running because he was told he was the Avatar. He had still been around the temple after learning that. He was running from the news he overheard that the monks were going to separate him from Gyatso - the one person who still treated him like AANG first and foremost rather than the Avatar. It's a difference. But it's one I could see being easily muddled in a 12 yr olds head, and he did still choose to run, so in the original his guilt makes sense. I also prefer the original's way of having his new friends (Katara - who is the next person to see him as Aang first and foremost) help him through it, pointing out that he likely couldn't have done anything then and that he's here NOW when the world needs him. I mean, it was cool to get to see Gyatso again, but.. enh. Wasn't needed, didn't make as much story sense, and took away a moment that cemented some of the solid bonds between the core Gaang.
And my biggest I'll-die-mad change of all.. him deciding to NOT back Katara up when they got to the North. I mean, it bugged me since the start that they didn't have them excited to learn waterbending together. I figured they'd get there but it never happened. It's a very Aang-focused choice, when one of the things that made him awesome was thinking of others most of the time. And then for the whole journey North, they didn't show a lot of bond-forming between the core trio along the journey, skipping over most of it. We're told that they're friends, but it's much harder to be invested in it when we don't get to see it really. All the small scenes that were cut were actually important for building those bonds. And then when we do get a deep one-on-one moment, Katara comes to vent to Aang - supposedly her close friend - that Pakku says she shouldn't learn to fight. And Aang - who in the original was young, was at times unsure of himself and scared, but who always ALWAYS had unwavering belief in his friends being capable and pride in specifically Katara's talents - Aang in this version tells her Pakku's in the right. That basically if she works towards her dreams, she's in the way of him doing his job as Avatar. And this change is the one I will never forgive them for. Friendship was one thing that was so central to the spirit of the original, and they did it dirty.
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averysexyleon · 1 year
Is there a reason the way you write Miranda is so, idk how to say, lustful? Is it because to give off that 'bad folkloric creature' vibes? If so, it is working well lol, she really gives off that vibes in your story, especially her being a shapeshifter already adds it more!!
AKSHUALLY it's just because I'm a freak
uh YEAH the shapeshifting helps me "see" her that way. I can only imagine the effed up things she's done as "other" people because huhuhuhu
I just am really in love with her and she seems so vampy and idk there's something about her that makes me think she is that way? Lustful.
I try not to deviate from canon with all characters, but I try to flesh them out in ways that make sense. For Ethan it's showing his anxiety and trauma, but also showing him being a good dad, and a badass, and a bit "dense" and sometimes sarcastic...for Karl fleshing him out is making him more "handyman" and giving him this secret relationship with an outcast group (roma) and adding to his feral lumberjack in the forest vibes. giving the story MORE without changing the essence that capcom gave in the game. That goal may not always be exactly hit but it's always my goal haha.
miranda is the same, it just ended up that my "vision" or "feeling" for her kinda turned into her being a sexual creature. She tells Ethan that his "use as a lab rat" has run out which makes me think she's totally okay with just using people and that she's got a lot of love for her own power.
and usually people like that are pretty physically passionate and sexual, I've never met someone who is drunk on power and NOT sexual because of it. (I tend to be attracted to those type of people which is my toxic trait HAHAHA) It seems thinking you're invincible and having a lot of people kiss your ass makes you a bit less than human and makes you think everyone around you is there for entertainment more or less. She had the lords fight in front of her over what to do with ethan. it's just weird, self centered and it seemed like she REALLY enjoyed it. to me it's only a step away from being sexual more overtly.
like--why did miranda appear to ethan as the hag? she didn't NEED to, she was just toying with him. and she wanted him to do the dirty work of getting rid of the lords. but she didn't NEED to do any of that. The very creepy "you never know, do you, not even when i took mia's place in your home" ....that moment for me had some VERY sexual undertones. (Maybe I'M just the hypersexual one, which is true, but still rofl.)
I find her makeup telling as well...she's a hundred years old but her makeup is so gothic and sultry.
lastly-- a big part of the way I write her came when I was listening to townes van zandt and the lyrics of the song 'our mother the mountain' reminded me of her. It IS very "folk" tale and talks about a man bewitched by...something. lol. Miranda. So I think every time I write her I think about that song and there's some sexual undertones in it as well.
(I actually plan to write this into the story before the final showdown, but anyway)
"She tells me she comes from my mother the mountain Her skin fits her tightly and her lips do not lie She silently slips from her throat a medallion Slowly she twirls it in front of my eyes I watch her, I love her, I long for to touch her The satin she's wearin' is shimmering blue Outside my window her ladies are sleeping My dogs a gone hunting the howling is through So I reach for her hand and her eyes turn to poison And her hair turns to splinters, And her flesh turns to brine She leaps across the room, she stands in the window And screams that my first-born Will surely be blind Then she throws herself out to the black of the nightfall She's parted her lips But she makes not a sound I fly down the stairway, and I run to the garden No trace of my true love Is there to be found"
so yeah
but also I just love her rofl
ty for the ask <3
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koaly-ty · 6 months
Different Princess (Episode Reacts)
Spoilers for Different Princess from episode 24 to 26. And its done. That's where I have watched till. Until I skipped and watched the last episode 36. So this covers EP 24 BEWARE
Ep 24
his ring…….:(, so pretty why sad:(:(:(
oh i thought it was a subtitle error:o
she's trying so hard not to look at the finger
aaaaaaaaand now its her turn to say sappy shit (i was happy dance, now dying of embarrassment)
pumpkin u just interrupted your a-die and step a-niang (singsong)
ik a lot more than u do, poor gongye qi, bro just cant catch a break huh
awwwwww he lights up on seeing her, u have an angel in your hands or lap literally
u say this now but ur own mother is involved…
they so sweeeeeeeet (cries happy tears)
oh no embarrassment incoming so much embarrassment (hides face)
why do master and servant share one braincell (facepalms) u have the kid and u r surprised why she mentioned parenting techniques.!!
did they lock the door(sinks a little more into the ground)
aaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhh (dies internally)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my eyeeees my eyyeyessss where r u putting your handsssss (i cant look at this i cant look at this wth wtf wth wtf) even the little white shorts dont have k.o. ability like this
welcome ladies and gentlemen to the circus of inducing second hand embarrassment, we have wandering hands, wet glistening skin, half naked men (do those shorts count as half or fully naked in ancient fantasy china…?), tripping flailing grabbing monkey clinging and the grand finale falling on each others lips
oh he lost his shorts, she screamed (rofl me dead), what right do you have to sink into that pool like that mister who_started_all_of_this
pls note i have passed away, my ghost, after it recovers will be discharged from the second hand embarrassment induced trauma unit of the afterlife's hospital and will take back up this narration
cant sleep? i wonder why, oh i dont know maybe because u traumatised all your viewers
oh you heard about it? do tell, what exactly did you hear (waggles eyebrows) does the entire estate knowww
well arent you a fountain of great ideas (remember u are responsible for what happens next) even ur employer is skeptical bro but he's gonna take it….onto the next embarrassing showdown,(will i have to be admitted to the second hand embarrassment induced trauma unit in ghostlife)
u are forgiven on the sole account that you are a character and have no idea about the tropes present, ladies and gentlemen anytime and anywhere if someone offers u things like that, u know its going to be poison or lo and be hold, an aphrodisiac (deadpan)
well father_to_be, somebody appreciated that view ;)(-‿-)
helllloooo dramatic entrance, (blows trumpet) presentingg the consequences of inbibing unknown substances sold in shady markets under shady names….
aiyyyoooo rofl, well misunderstanding debunked! sexy bedy hair flip, somebody applaud this man. he has read the sexy prince's guide to ancient fantasy romance
He's gonna wish he'd never asked….dum dum dum(insert omnius bgm)
Ep 25
overly cheerful today morning isnt somebody?
the supreme embarrassment of a morning after where u cant look at each other in the face anymore because they have now seen u at your most pathetic horny state
wow she's just really accepting of her husband's lover and the kid huh
oof bangs (appreciate the looks ur serving)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tooooooooooo smexxxxxxxxxxy get off the screen people ewwwwww cringeeeee
YAOYAO run away, bro u are an asshole, and also everyone take a drink for every person who forgets where their body will land up in the end (here's a hint: the morgue, undergoing autopsy)
this gremlin is remorseless and a perfect actor, u two are gonna be besties bro
everyone give mr. pastels a round of applause, so subtle, so smooth, no suspicion at all (eyeroll)
the emperor is also in on this assassination scheme?
Ep 26
did u seriously drag yaoyao into, u total jerk, how much more of an asshole can u be
plss dont make an embarrassing fashion entry
and she does (embarrassed facepalm), ji chu pls give all those servants a raise
ummmmmmmmmmmm i like this guy awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, someone pls ask him which guidebook to romance he has wriiten because more characters shall need it or have once been in desperate need of it, overdressed out of jealousy, soothing feelings with food, he notices, he takes action, take that every single idiot who smiles and does nothing else, learn from him
enough said about mr pines-for-his-brother's-wife, yaoyao i hope you know what you've volunteered for because this idiot wont see you
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alirhi · 3 years
How I'd have done TFATWS pt 1
Okay, I am such a whore for positive attention that, yes, it literally only takes one person expressing interest to get me to do something lol. So, for the lovely @goblin-tea, here is how The Falcon and the Winter Soldier would have gone for Bucky if I'd been a writer on the show!
Also, shoutout to @gunshou, who popped up showing support when I was in the middle of writing this lol 😘
Episode 1: New World Order
I actually love how most of this episode was handled; it's what drew me into the show in the first place, and gave me such hope for the rest of it. Most of the changes that I'd make here are pretty minor, tbh.
I'd specify the setting in some way for Bucky's nightmare. Obviously, since he was there and knows what happened, when, and where he was, it wouldn't be like the setting changes in movies where they slap a big, bold title card over the scene. Still, I'd probably open with a brief establishing shot showing the city skyline or something; some identifying feature so that viewers can work out where this happened without needing a direct statement from Marvel (note: if you need to directly address your audience to clarify something from within your story, you're a bad storyteller). What year did this take place? I show technology from the time; perhaps a dated cell phone in someone's hand. The point is to establish where and when The Winter Soldier killed RJ Nakajima, without detracting from the emotional impact of the scene. Why does it matter? Because we should know why. Why is Bucky dreaming about this particular incident? Was it his last mission before the events of CA:TWS (a theory I see frequently repeated but with no evidence to back it up)? Was it earlier on? Is RJ only on the forefront of Bucky's mind because of his (unhealthy, but we'll get to that) friendship with Yori? How long has Yori been suffering under the weight of his grief?
I would not have had him crash through the wall, btw. As cool as that shot looked, let's try to remember that The Winter Soldier was a ghost story for 70 years. Ghosts don't leave giant gaping holes in hotel walls. I'm not saying brazen wholesale destruction is out of character for him (obviously not. I've seen CA:TWS lmao. many times. this moment lives rent-free in my brain:
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found on google without credit; pls lmk if it's yours so I can credit.
but you don't become a "ghost story" if you always leave that much evidence, ijs)
I'd leave the terrible therapy session alone. That scene was beautiful. Beautifully shot; I loved how claustrophobic it felt, and it really did a wonderful job of showing how Bucky felt on the spot, scrutinized, almost put on display for this bitch woman. This scene establishes Raynor as clearly wrong, and an unprofessional mess, and Bucky calls her out on it. I fucking love that!
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lmao gods, I love his painfully awkward forced smile... Guys, this episode is fkn great. (betcha weren't expecting so much praise from me, were you? 😂)
"You're free." "To do what?"
👆👆👆 In my show? That would have more of an impact on Bucky's arc. That question would be one of the underlying issues moving his whole story along. Twice in this show, he's told that he's free, but no one addresses what he's free from, much less what he's free to do next.
It's a minor thing, but when Yori tells Bucky to ask Leah out? I'd have Bucky do more than just shake his head in silent horror. Not much more, just something that matters to me as someone who's worked in the service industry for many, many years and dealt with too many creepos: Bucky would flat-out say "she's at work! that's harassment, Yori!"
Yori can still stomp right past that boundary, and Leah can still smile and agree. I just really want someone to verbally acknowledge that you don't fucking ask someone out when they're at work. Ever. Bucky cringing and apologizing puts the power of the conversation back in Leah's hands; it gives her an out to politely decline if she's not interested, and just laugh off Yori's flirting on Bucky's behalf as a senile old man being silly, so I'm actually fine with how this scene turned out. I just would personally have gone that extra inch there for the idiots in the audience who don't get Bucky's subtle "wtf" reaction and why Yori's suggestion was so bad. If someone's livelihood depends on being nice to you, keep your goddamn distance. Flirting with them or asking them out when they're at that big of a disadvantage and have virtually no power to say "no" is harassment.
Here is where I'd make one more subtle change, too. When Yori sees the mochi and is reminded of his son, and tells Bucky about his death, I'd just slip in a time frame. "x years ago, my son was..." blah. (Guys, it really bothers me not knowing when that scene took place rofl can you tell?)
One complaint I've seen a lot online about this show is how it's a bit murky on just how well known Bucky is in-universe. He can walk around Brooklyn with more or less total anonymity, but he's also recognized as "an Avenger" (when he was never actually technically in the group)... but honestly? I think it's actually pretty realistic. Just because someone's famous doesn't mean every single person on the planet knows who they are and what they look like well enough to instantly recognize them on the street. People look different in photos than in person, and pre-Blip, Bucky had the complete Jesus look - long flowing hair and a full beard. In TFATWS he's a little scruffy, but not this:
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Sebastian looks like about 10 different men from one moment to the next just irl with a change in haircut, lighting, expression, whether or not he got enough sleep the night before... 😂 I don't really find it hard to believe that people not expecting to bump into an Avenger would have trouble seeing Bucky post-haircut as anything other than just another attractive white guy.
Anyway! Sorry for the segue lol. On to the date!
Earlier in this very same goddamn episode, it is established that Bucky can remotely operate a car with a tablet. This is not a technologically-inept geezer. This is a 30-something nerd who loves new technology, who, yes, is facing a brave new world and a whole lot of new technology, but has never shown any issue picking it up. The crappy flip phone he handed Raynor earlier? a burner to keep her out of what little personal life he does have (we never see it again in the real show, anyway). The "tiger photos" line? Stays, not to show Bucky's floundering ineptitude with technology, but as a little nod to his bisexuality. (don't like it? don't wanna see Bucky as bi? go watch the show and read Skogland's borderline-offensive interviews. This isn't "how I would pander to a homophobic audience" it's "how I would have written it." the "Bucky is bi" interpretation is super fucking common and has been since TFA so bite me 😁)
Tiny nitpick, but I'd also have the Battleship boards actually set up properly lmao. What even was that? Anyway...
I don't think I'd have Leah get all ranty about Yori and RJ. That's not first date talk, for one thing. For another, let's ease up on the beating Bucky and the audience over the head with that one incident in a single episode, shall we? Instead, I'd have her stick with the date questions - she asked his age, asked about his family; I'd have her follow it with questions about what he does for a living (giving us a chance to not only actually have that question answered for us - how the hell does Bucky keep himself from being homeless? lol - but also set up...)
He shuts down a little when she starts asking about his past; she's innocently curious, just trying to get to know him, but he's flinchy and deflects with questions about her. The date is awkward, but doesn't abruptly end with him running away lol. He walks Leah home, like the old-fashioned gentleman he is, goes home, himself, and end on him grimacing in his sleep, in the clutches of another nightmare: not as much detail as the RJ murder scene, we see disjointed, disorienting images of fluorescent lights glinting off of machinery, the occasional shot of Bucky writhing in the chair, a shot of that damned notebook (to remind the dumber audience members why Raynor's passive-aggressive notebook thing was so triggering for him), and we hear echoes of a couple of the trigger words, and Bucky's screams.
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
Sk8 Character Thoughts
Yeah, so y’all have to deal with me venting my latest obsession, lol. Sorry to everyone who followed me for other stuff, I will get back to it eventually. ^^;
I was gonna write out individual walls of text for everyone to be fair, but I decided that’s too much work and I’d go crazy before I finished (plus I’m feeling guilty for neglecting my fanfiction writing), so I’m just gonna bullet point some of the random things I think about various skaters (opinions and theories).
The order is the approximate order of which I like characters, though it’s not a strict ranking. I like most of the characters in the show to some extent.
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Adam (Shindo Ainosuke)
I’ve already said a lot about him, you can check it out here and here. I’ll probably end up saying more about him before the show ends, too. xD
Yes, he is an absolutely awful person, but that’s what makes him amazing.
I will say that he needs a better costume designer. He looks like a clown. It looks like something that he designed when he was, like, five years old.
The mask is great though. <3
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Cherry Blossom (Sakurayashiki Kaoru)
I love the super analytical types, but I also feel like Carla is a crutch for him. He’s a great skater, but if he didn’t have Carla, I don’t think he’d be able to compete at the level of the other top skaters. But all the more props to him for finding a way that he could compete at that level.
He totally had a thing for Adam before. But I think that even then, Adam was too fucked up to be able to have a romantic relationship, so nothing came of it. Because if Adam did actually learn what real love was like rather than confusing abuse for love, I don’t think he would have turned out the way he did.
It’s pretty clear that until he gets smacked by Adam, he’s still looking up to Adam and clinging to what they had before. And it bleeds into his non-skating life as well: when he did his calligraphy demonstration, I think that he hoped Adam would see it, which was why he picked that specific phrase and explained it--to let Adam know that it wasn’t too late to make amends (not that Adam would have given a fuck even if he did see it).
I love his character design as a teen, and I’m sad that he’s become more respectable-looking (though still hot af) as an adult. I’m a sucker for guys with long hair in anime/manga.
He is absolutely a weeb. He’s made an AI assistant who he calls Carla, which creeps out Joe (in a cute, lovable way, not in an Adam way), and he incorporates her into almost all aspects of his life. Like, he just happens to have an AI-augmented wheelchair handy, why?
He also dresses up like a ninja when he’s skating, goes around in a kimono in his daily life, etc. etc. Okay, maybe the kimono can be excused since he’s a calligrapher (though I’m pretty sure that’s not the norm regardless, except for maybe if the artist is at some sort of exhibition?), but people’s costumes seem to show off who they really are beneath the mask they put on for society. So Cherry secretly wants to be a ninja. xD
I’m not on any specific ship, but if I had to pick one to board, it would be Matchablossom.
Can we please have a spinoff that’s just about Adam, Cherry, and Joe when they’re teenagers?
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Snow (Hasegawa Langa)
Frankly, Langa’s only up this high because I love his dynamic/rivalry with Adam. If Adam didn’t exist, he’d be below Joe, maybe below Tadashi.
Not that I don’t like Langa, but he’s just an oblivious skating nerd. He’s skilled and passionate, but I don’t really feel that he really stands out as a standalone character. He’s more of a foil for other characters (mostly Adam and Reki).
I guess what stands out the most to me is his ability to improvise when he’s falling behind, since his skill level is understandably lower than most of the other people he skates against. Like finding alternative pathways to the finish line versus Shadow and Miya, or using Joe’s strength to propel him forward. Or just, like, flying off the edge of a cliff to take a shortcut. That too. xD
His snow motif is pretty cool. (No pun intended.)
And I won’t deny that he’s cute. He’s actually the reason I started watching, because I saw some fanart of him and got curious. Came for the Langa, stayed for the Adam. <3
I feel bad for him for having a jealous jerk as basically his only friend though.
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Joe (Nanjo Kojiro)
He’s such a teddy bear. <3
Joe’s the heart to Cherry’s brain, and I adore the way they balance each other out. I love Vitriolic Best Buds.
What surprised me, though, is that Joe seems to have a better understanding of Adam’s current character than Cherry does, since Cherry is so precise and analytical. Though the flashback clarified that some since it’s pretty obvious that Cherry is/was biased where Adam is concerned. Sure, Joe was also friends with Adam back then, but it seems that Cherry was the one most star-struck by Adam.
But Joe obviously knows and accepts that Adam’s changed, unlike Cherry, though he probably doesn’t know the reason why. He seemed to be expecting something to happen during the race, so it didn’t surprise him when it did, though he was sad/disappointed by it. It seemed like he was concerned and wanted to warn Cherry before his race (which is super cute), and when everyone else was flinching from seeing the assault on Cherry, Joe didn’t look away. I don’t think he knew exactly what Adam was going to do (I don’t think anyone did, lol), but he knew Adam was going to do something.
I don’t think he was serious when he said the reason Adam is avoiding their beefs is because he’s afraid he’ll lose, though. Yeah, he wants to race Adam, and he wants to win, but I think he’s more grounded when it comes to Adam, so he probably knows that Adam would beat him if it came down to it. Whereas Cherry legitimately thought he could win if Adam held back.
Also, his skateboard wheels are ridiculous. How do they even work?
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Snake (Kikuchi Tadashi)
He got an ask post, yay, so not going to rehash it here.
I really hope that Adam realizes at some point that Tadashi is the only person who really knows and understands him, and comes to appreciate everything that Tadashi’s done for him.
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Miya (Chinen Miya)
Such a brat, omg.
I get that he’s a kid, and kids are brats, and so it’s a fairly realistic depiction. I just hate kids. >.>
Pretty much the only time I’ll really like a child character is when they’re precocious as fuck and not child-like at all, which I get defeats the purpose, but that’s me.
Brattiness aside, he is skilled and appreciates Reki standing up to Adam on his behalf, so much so that he’s willing to spend his time training a “slime” just so Reki doesn’t get completely crushed by Adam. And he’s also willing to work with Langa to teach him the most difficult trick in skating (the Caspar Slide) for the same reason.
Ultimately, he’s a good kid, but he’s had some bad experiences that make it harder for him to trust people since he’s afraid they’ll leave him. He’s still willing to try, though, if people will give him a chance.
Also, the one ep when they go on vacation and Miya pretends Joe is his daddy (and Cherry is his mommy, rofl--hi Matchablossom!) to drive away the women Joe’s hitting on... hilarious.
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Kyan Reki 
An even bigger brat.
Again, yeah, he’s a teenager and teens are “just like that,” but I hate those kinds of characters.
Just because his friend is a skating genius, he gets all pissy and stops being friends with him? Showing up to cheer Langa on and then completely running away doesn’t redeem him in my eyes. I get that he’s disappointed that he’s not capable of skating at the level of the top skaters and frustrated that Langa surpassed him so easily, but that’s no excuse to take it out on Langa (or anyone else).
And everyone complains about Adam being possessive, but they just gloss over the fact that Reki repeatedly tries to force Langa to promise to not skate against Adam, even roping in their manager, when he knows that Langa likes accepting challenges and has fun doing them. He just wants to keep Langa to himself, and he’s jealous as fuck that Langa is obsessed with skating against Adam.
Langa even explicitly tells him that he’s not racing Adam just because he’s upset about what Adam did to Reki, but because he wants to do it. Which is the exact same fucking reason Reki gives for not listening to Joe and Miya, and Langa supports his decision then. Why can’t Reki do the same?
Yes, he’s traumatized because his friend who introduced him to skating was seriously injured and had to quit skating, and he got hurt skating against Adam, but just like for Adam: YOUR TRAUMA/BACKSTORY DOES NOT JUSTIFY YOUR BEHAVIOR.
Plus, the whole “we’ll never disappear from your sight” that he told Miya? Psych!
Like, seriously. He knows the kid has abandonment issues because people leave him because he’s too good at what he does, and then he just goes ahead and poofs, putting both Miya and Langa through the same exact fucking thing.
Though I’m sure that the power of friendship will give him a miraculous recovery and he’ll build a new board for Langa so Langa can beat Adam before Adam gets hauled off to jail. It’ll probably be a cheesy make-up where Langa says something about how he can only use Reki’s boards, so it’s like they’re skating together when he races or whatever.
I do respect his ability to observe other skaters and make boards that are perfectly suited to them, though. And he knows that he’d be good in that support role. But he wants to be the hero, so he’s suffering from eighth grader syndrome and lashing out because reality doesn’t conform to his wishes.
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Shadow (Higa Hiromi)
Just fucking die already, ‘kay?
I don’t even know what to say. He’s all caught up in his “antihero” complex or whatever (I don’t even remember if that’s the right term, and I don’t give a fuck), and he’s got a nasty personality. Like burning Reki’s board or threatening to have a guy tattoo “Dumpster Slut” above his girlfriend’s name.
You really expect me to believe that he’d treat his manager respectfully if they started dating when he does something like that? His polite florist persona is such a sham.
And he’s a shit skater. How the hell is he in the top 8? If they can throw in a random guy we’ve never seen before (Harry), then they could have just as well put in some other trash mob instead of Shadow, who only didn’t get knocked out in the quarterfinal round because he was racing a nobody.
Imo, all of his “cute” little tricks like throwing fireworks at his opponent or shining a laser into their eyes is worse than what Adam does. Once he does that, he relinquishes all control over the situation, so anything could happen, such as his opponent crashing into a wall or falling off a cliff, which could result in serious injuries or even death. On the other hand, Adam always remains in control when he’s trying to throw off his opponent by forcing them to dance with him and freaking them the fuck out by pushing their limits. Even when he’s holding Reki’s head about an inch above the ground, he won’t let Reki brain himself on a rock or something. And even when he smacks Cherry with his skateboard, his attack leaves Cherry conscious and so lightly injured (relative to what could have been) that he doesn’t even need to stay in the hospital. (I don’t think he actually needs a wheelchair, other than probably being a bit woozy from a concussion, maybe. And maybe not even that if Joe isn’t concerned enough to wake him up/keep him from being unconscious.) Yeah, Adam fucks with his opponents, but if they can get over it, they can get back on a board. There’s a good chance that won’t happen if they get in an accident caused by Shadow, other than for anime logic.
“What about Adam’s Love Hugs??” What about them? Yes, he’s not holding on to his opponents to control their falls, but the point of it is to make them flinch and fall backwards, against the line of motion. That naturally will decrease the severity of their physical injuries, unlike when Reki and Harry fall off the course at full speed versus Shadow.
The only reason he doesn’t have a higher body count than Adam (or even a literal body count) is plot convenience, since he’s not the villain.
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kaalamarii · 4 years
Karaoke Headcanons
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I left out Barbatos, Simeon, and Luke but I’m pretty proud of this ridiculousness.
Hope you like it, anon!
Absolutely scoffs at the thought of karaoke
Cause he’s a bitch
Who in all the worlds would ever find this fun???
It’s loud
All these songs are abhorrent
ugh , these flashing lights are too much
But these drinks are pretty good.
Like, really good.
Lucifer has a lot of them.
Basically gets white girl wasted.
“I cAn SiNg WaY bEtTeR tHaN yOu CaN, sAtAn...”
MC and his brothers finally talk him into going up
Slurs his way through Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York”
Has a pretty good voice actually. It’s kind of deep and clear (despite the drunkenness) and fits the Sinatra sound perfectly.
He stays up for several songs and tries to fight his brothers when they try to pull him off stage
MC and Diavolo finally convince him to let someone else have a turn
And to get some water.
Wakes up the next morning with a hoarse voice and no recollection of the night until he sees the videos his brothers took
Probably bans them from their phones until he has a chance to delete them all
(he doesn’t know about the ones Diavolo has though)
Totally up for karaoke
“Gotta show off my talent”
Steals the bartender’s tips when nobody’s looking
Also steals the bathroom attendant’s tips
And other random stuff he finds
Takes a million photos and videos of drunk Lucifer
Chooses the common songs
“Don’t Stop Believing”
“Living on A Prayer”
“Sweet Caroline” (with his brothers and MC doing the BA-BA-BA!, of course)
Is a decent singer and actually puts on a pretty good show
Probably gets kicked out when they find out he’s the one stealing everybody’s tips
Lucifer makes him go back the next night to work to pay back what he stole
Isn’t super keen on going but is slightly interested because he saw karaoke on an anime once
MC talks him into going
Takes a handheld game with him and plays almost the entire time
Refuses to sing until MC calls him up to do a duet with them
And actually finds it kind of fun
Excited to find a couple of anime theme songs and a bunch of kpop
Gets jealous and sad sacky if MC does duets with anyone else
Poor baby is not a good singer
But he’s trying!
Posts commentary on the night:
“Lolololol lucifer is super drunk”; “Mammon just spilled drinks all over the place. Loser.”; “Satan just totally threw up in here rofl”
Gets angry when a drunken Mammon heckles him and refuses to do anymore songs
Pouts the rest of the night
Secretly downloads the songs he sang with MC and puts on one man shows for Henry in his bedroom
Also thinks karaoke is dumb
But Lucifer is annoyed with it so Satan’s down to go
Asks MC and Solomon what the most annoying songs to sing are so he can drive Lucifer crazy
“500 Miles”
“Achy Breaky Heart”
A very awkward rendition of “My Heart Will Go On”
It’s ridiculous because he doesn’t knows the words
But he’s so determined to give Lucifer a hard time
The drunker he and Lucifer gets the more funny it is to everyone else
They actually end up doing a really sloppy duet of “Bohemian Rhapsody” that astounds everyone
Sings out of tune, but isn’t the worst singer of the bunch
Mammon gets him to sing “Happy” by Pharrell Williams
Satan hates it.
Never admits that he had a lot of fun that night and actually found some new songs that he likes
Gets Achy Breaky Heart stuck in his head for weeks after much to his chagrin
(congratulations, you played yourself)
Asmo LOVES karaoke
Has a great voice and great stage presence
Gets super dressed up, hair, makeup, heels
Asmo’s a freakin’ star
Sings a lot of cheesy love songs and “dedicates” them to MC
Also sings a lot of sexually charged songs like
“Cherry Pie” by Warrant
And “Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred
Definitely does “Like A Virgin” and “I Touch Myself”
You know he and MC do a “All The Single Ladies” with complete dance moves
Flirts with the bartender to get free drinks
Takes selfies and live streams on Devilgram all night
Is interested as soon as MC tells him about greasy bar food
But also thinks it sounds like it could be fun
Just wants to eat and be around his favorite people
Likes all kinds of music
Isn’t a big singer but can carry a simple tune
Sings a bunch of random songs that everyone else picks for him
“If You Like Pina Coladas”
“Pour Some Sugar On Me”
Mostly does duets with the others though
MC and Solomon are impressed with how much alcohol Beel can put away before he’s even slightly tipsy
He doesn’t drink or sing much because he’s more interested in the food and watching the cute little shows his friends and family put on
Gets upset when the kitchen runs out of food and throws a bit of tantrum until MC steps in and promises to get him more food once they head home
Doesn’t really want to go but Beel wants him to and so does MC
So he goes
You know this bitch sleeps most of the night
Could be a good singer but doesn’t care enough
Doesn’t really go up on stage to sing unless it’s with Beel or MC
By himself he does a couple of songs, probably something slow like “Hey Jude”
Or something emo like “The Black Parade”
Doesn’t drink, it makes him too sleepy
Rolls his eyes at everything Lucifer and Diavolo say or do
It was Diavolo’s idea to take everyone to karaoke!
Solomon told him about it and he was so excited!
Friends! Music! Drinks! Diavolo couldn’t think of anything more fun!
He asks Solomon and MC’s advice for songs to sing and they pick a few for him
Of course, they troll him
“You should definitely check out this song called ‘Friday’ by Rebecca Black”
“Yeah, it’s really popular in the human world.”
“Also, you and Lucifer should do a duet of Summer Nights from Grease.”
“Make sure Lucifer does Sandy’s parts”
MC makes him a playlist on his D.D.D. and this cutie pie memorizes every song on there.
Makes Barbatos practice with him ahead of time.
Is a great singer, of course
And a very good entertainer.
Wants to stay all night, still singing as the bar is closing up and everyone else is falling asleep.
“We’ll be back next weekend!” (groans from everyone else)
Makes everyone go every weekend for a month and a half until Barbatos has to talk him out of it.
Everyone pulls cash together to get Diavolo a karaoke machine.
It’s one of his prized possessions and they all agree to a karaoke night once every two months.
Diavolo uses it constantly much to Barbatos’ dismay.
MC continues to add songs to his playlist.
Solomon and MC
Sing “What’s New Pussycat” 21 times, with “It’s Not Unusual” after the seventh “What’s New Pussycat”
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imveryunstable · 4 years
Sick (KiriBaku x Reader) [BNHA smut]
Warning: Smut and disgusting! Still, tell me if you do get turned on by it :P Also, kidnapping and non consensual sex are never okay! (also help me with tags idk how-)
Reminder: Please remember that our lovely boys, Kacchan and Kiri will never do such thing, obviously! They are heroes and what I wrote is just a pure filth of what I sometimes imagine these boys should do to me! rofl i love them a lot, sorry to ruin yall like this lol killme
Pairings: Kirishima Eijirou x Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
You meant to be kind. You promise, you were just trying to be nice! But how did the act of your kindness turns against you? Isn't it supposed to be what people always say? be kind to others so others will be kind to you?
How the hell that quote can become the opposite? You're tied up, blindfolded, gagged and of fucking course, naked. It's good to feel nothing on your skin once in a while, but not when it's forced. and obviously, not when you know you're naked in front of a hero!
"A-are you okay?! I'm sorry that I had to be so weak and troubled you..." You say softly, as you gently hold out your head to the Sturdy Hero, Red Riot, or as far as you know, Kirishima Eijirou. It's like he got stunned for a second, before smiling widely at you. He takes your hand and you try to pull him up along with him pushing himself up but something's strange, he's holding your hand way too tight. Is he in so much pain? You feel so bad and let him hold you longer.
"Thanks for your concern, but it's my job to get into trouble for the sake of your safety! Are you okay? It must've been scary for you." Eijirou replies to your words as soft as he can, looking straight into your eyes. Somehow, you feel touched, to be cared for like this...  
"A little... but thanks to you, I never felt so safe!"
Oh, how selfish you were when you said those words. You've never felt unsafe like this before. You're choking on your tears, as you know you're in bed, legs spread open just for the hero. This is the best way a citizen can repay the heroes, yeah?
He's quiet for some reasons, you can only hear his breathing, which is really wild. It's weird how he's not touching you and it's sickening for the fact you have been in the same position for an hour.
You want to say something but the gag is stopping you, only muffled screams can be heard. What does he want honestly? If he wants to fuck you, might as just do it as fast as he can! This is too disgusting for you to hold on any longer.
Suddenly, you hear a door being slammed open and harsh steps louder by each second. Another person came in? Is it a hero too? Is he going to save you?
"Bakugou! What took you so long? I tried to hold myself from pounding her and I swear if I waited a minute longer-"
"Are you kidding me shitty hair?! You think I have so much time to spend just to deal with you?!"
Bakugou? Isn't he one of the pro heroes too? The one who explodes-
"Oh God please Bakugou! Just take a look at her! She's so nice and so pretty... You want to wreck her too, I bet!"
Sick. He's sick. Everything about him is sick! Wreck you? IN what way? You swear, whatever he does, he'll never wreck you. You'll never get wrecked by such a person!
"You promised me you'll let me choose our toy this time. You fucking did." You listen to Bakugou's deep low voice, which makes you quiver even more after you understand what he just said.
Toy? What does he mean by toy? You? Are they talking about you? You're going to be their toy? Choose our toy? They've done this before, to other people?
Sick, sick, sick! This is too sickening for you, plus the fear you've been feeling ever since you woke up like this makes you want to throw up.
"Bakugou, trust me on this one. Give me one last chance bro! Be manly and try this one out first!" Eijirou tries to convince his partner in crime again and oh how you've been praying for Bakugou to say no. Please, please, please-
"Fine, fine, fine! You're so fucking annoying sometimes..." You tear up even more when you heard those words, knowing there's no way you can get out of this.
"Thanks bro... If she becomes too boring for you, I promise this time, you'll choose." Eijirou says in such a comforting voice and as soothing as it is to others, you feel like his voice going to kill you.
"Whatever. Anyway, how long she's been like this? Bet her pussy is getting dry by now with the way you spread her." You suddenly feel a touch on your feminine place making you shiver as you try to shake your head, pulling away from his touch. But the ropes on your legs are way too tight, there's no way you can pull your legs out of it without ripping off your legs.
"I don't know, an hour? I was too mesmerized by her beauty, lose track of time." The fucking red-haired man replies making your stomach feels twisted. The amount of tears you are producing right now can honestly fill up a bucket to the point you feel like you're about to let out blood come out from your eyes.
You then feel the rough fingers on your clit, as they gently rub it. As much as you hate this, there's no way you can deny the hormones rising up and how good it feels to be touched this way. "Damn, she gets wet so quick though. Oi Kirishima, pull out the gag. I want to hear her fucking screams." Is that what he likes? Isn't he supposed to save people who are screaming, stopping them from screaming? He's a hero, for fuck sake!
You can hear steps getting closer to you, and it's none other than Eijirou, right? Your instinct tells you to run away, but it's impossible to follow it.
His breaths then tickle your ear and he gives a soft kiss on your ear.
"Poor angel, she looks so worn out and scared. It's so unmanly for me to gag you like this... but it's all because I don't want your throat to get hurt. I only want you to be safe, someone as nice and pure as you... someone who cares for a hero like you... someone who feels they are weak must always be protected, right?"
You finally find the proof of your answer. The reason he kidnapped you is definitely only because you're being nice. Is he too fucking sick to the point no one ever cared about him before?
Also, isn't it normal for people that get saved to thank their heroes? Why is he taking this too far?
Eijirou gently pulls the gag out of your mouth and you try to take a deep breath using your mouth. He then pulls away the blindfold, giving your eyes the sight of the place along with his blushed face. It's disgusting and you're ready to scream at him, but apparently, he sees through you since he decides to give you the most loving sickening kiss. The gag is better, way better.
Bakugou huffs, before continuing rubbing your clit and you feel a finger going inside you. "Fuck, she's so tight. Is she a virgin?" You don't know if that question is directed to Eijirou, or just him asking himself, but yes, you're a damn virgin!
"R-really? Lucky us, then?" Eijirou replies right after he pulls away from the kiss and you spit at him immediately even though it doesn’t even reach his face.  
"She's feisty, Bakugou. Totally your type, no?" Eijirou pays attention back to you and you see him smirking, as he gently unzips his pants, revealing a painful looking cock. "You can spit all you want on here, angel." He says with a smile, that damn hero smile he always shows on tv which never fails to make people feel safe...
"Y-you sick! Let me go-" Before you even finish your words, he pushes every inch into your mouth, his cock hitting your throat. It hurts so bad, but somehow the fingers going in and out of you down there covering up the pain.
"Fuck this, I'm fucking you now." Bakugou says, and you try to look at him but Eijirou harsh grasps on your hair, pulling your face to the left to suck his whole banana failing your attempt. "Look at me when I'm fucking your throat, angel. I need to see your mouth filled up with me." You want to bite down his cock, but he's moving way too fast for you to even do anything.
As you're focused on Eijirou's rough deep throating, you suddenly feel a sharp pain inside you, signaling Bakugou has officially entered you. You can feel his cock a bit bigger than the one in your mouth, but none of that is pleasuring you! Or so you keep trying to think...
"Shit dude, she's so fucking tight... C'mon toy, be a good girl and open up a bit!" Bakugou saying all that but he's still moving fast, doesn't he get the sign that you're a virgin? It hurts so much and your body feels like giving out soon. To take two big weewee at the same time is ruining your body along with your insanity.
This is wrong, what they're doing is wrong and you're wrong.
Definitely, you're going to get wrecked, not only by one man but two.
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson-Chapter Two: Therapeutic Procedure
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Shane and Sy share some moments during their treatment sessions…and a phone call that could set the tone for the next few weeks.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, yet… ;)
Author’s Note: Sorry, I was so eager and excited to post the first chapter of this last night, I totally put some inaccurate info in my description notes. I will correct that in the original post and  try to do better henceforth! Hope you enjoy Sy and Shane totally flirting some more and getting more friendly in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated! Even constructive criticism! :D
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. 
Tags: @onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee
Let me know if you wish to be added to the list! I’m happy to do it!
Shane woke up that morning with knots in her stomach. She dropped every product she picked up in the shower, she was shaking so much. She accidentally ordered the wrong coffee on her way to work and was now drinking something much less caffeinated and far too sweet for her taste. The barista had informed her it was a grande caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle…with only two shots of espresso…she couldn't begin to describe how wrong that drink was for her. But it was better than nothing, she told herself, not fully convincingly.
She had chosen her clothes with extra care, even though, with the dress code, her options were limited. And she had made sure to put on a bit of mascara and just a touch of perfume, even though they weren't strictly supposed to wear it…she didn't know why she was bothering.
Well, actually, she did know why. She had been checking her schedule extra diligently lately to make sure she didn't look like a hobo when Sy was coming in. He'd been coming for three weeks now, and after the initial bellyaching about Jordan not being as pretty as her…her heart!...and his feeling extra sore after his visits with him, they were on a roll and had a great chemistry together as far as their treatments went…she tried not to think about…beyond the world of therapy.
She thought back to their first session after she got back from her trip. And the conversation they had.
"I think the next time you can't see me, I'm just going to cancel." he had sulked as he wiggled his mass of muscle onto the mat.
"Sy, no. you need therapy. Don't be like that to Jordan. He's an excellent therapist."
"He ain't you though." he smirked, sending her heart racing with that smile that somehow managed to look both boyish and rakish under his full, dark beard. Fucking hell. He needed to stop.
"Well, we can't fault him for that, can we? Lay back, Mister." She demanded. Done with the niceties of the evaluation and onto the treatments where she was in charge. The boss.
"Yes, sir!" she laughed at his clear avoidance of calling her ma'am.
"So where'd you go last week? Vacation or stay-cation?" he asked, the term "stay-cation" sounding downright comical coming out of his country-boy mouth.
"I went to the beach. Gulf Shores."
"I thought you looked like you got some sun."
"Yeah," she pretended his noticing the detail of her awesome tan did not send her reeling. "My folks rented a condo right on the water for my siblings and I to come and stay with them. They're still there. It was tough to leave all that beauty." the beach, pretty much any beach, was her favorite place to be.
"I bet…" he looked at her, something dreamy in his eyes, but he looked away before she could process it. "I thought I had my fill of sand and sun when I was over in Iraq. But you make it sound…like paradise." he smiled softly up at her as she worked on his knee, trying to break apart some of the scar tissue from the injuries and surgeries he'd had…and focus on that, and not the warmth rising in her.
"That's the perfect way to describe any place on the Gulf of Mexico. I doubt it's anything like Iraq, since there's so much water around. It's my favorite vacation destination. Well, apart from London."
"Them British folks always seem so stuck up. Don't know if I'd get along with any of 'em."
"It felt like a second home for me. Everyone was very kind and polite, for the most part. At least it was no worse than it is here."
"Maybe it's just because you're so nice."
"Wait 'til about week eight or ten of your protocol. You won't think I'm nice then. You'll be cussing me out and ready to ring my neck."
"Promise?" he asked, a dark grin on his lips and in his eyes…she faltered for a moment, gulping.
"Cut it out, Syverson." she rolled her eyes, covering…without great effect the way he made her feel.
"Yes...ma'am." he smirked with satisfaction.
And now, today, she'd be treating him again, fairly early in the day, and she had to prepare herself. She'd checked the policy, and although there wasn't anything strictly against dating a patient, it was clearly a conflict of interest, and would be frowned upon by her frigid tyrant of a boss. Best to let things remain platonic for now.
Her 9:30 was a no show, so she finished up some notes and was working on some continuing education credits when messenger popped up around 10:00.
Sergeant Sexypants is here. He's quite early and he knows it…*smirk emoji* he must like you, Shane!
Heather, come on, be respectful…he was discharged at the rank of Captain! *rofl emoji* and I think you might be right about him liking me…*nervous emoji*
Oooooooooh!!! You guys are gonna *couple kissing emoji* *eggplant emoji* *okay emoji* *explosion emoji* *baby emoji*
Omg…*three facepalm emojis* I am going to go ahead and start him early since my 9:30 was a NCNS.
Don't finish him too early. Make it last. *smirk emoji*
Jeez. She closed the chat and went to grab him from the waiting area.
"Hey Sy, you ready?"
"You bet, sunshine!" he flashed her a crooked smile. He was calling her sunshine now…ad that to the list of things she'd have to pretend didn't make her swoon.
"Great. Let's start on the bike. How's the knee feeling today?"
"Oh, it's…about the same. Stiff. Lil' sore."
"Well, it's a slow process, like I told you at your eval. You've got a lot going on in there."
"I know…just…it hasn't taken me four weeks to do anything in my life." he sulked. "So…thinking about this taking…twelve or more…" he grimaced as he sat down on the bike, and adjusted it for his longer than average legs, putting his feet in the pedal stirrups.
"You may not see it, Sy, because you're so close to it, but trust me, you're making progress. I can tell you're doing your exercises at home, and you're always willing to put in the work here. You have no idea how much that sets you apart from…some of these other people." she leaned in closer and spoke the last part more quietly to him. It was true. So many of her patients were either lazy or just in it to appease their MDs into writing them scripts for pain meds. That wasn't Sy.
"You really think so?" he gave her the side eye with his baby blues, crushing her with the color like the waves of the ocean she'd just returned from.
"In fact, I know so." she placed a reassuring hand on his broad and thick shoulder. She felt the tension between them hum, like electric current.
"Now, level one, and a steady pace. You're not trying to win any medals here. I'll take those crutches."
"When ya think I can 86 'em damn things?" he griped as he handed over the assistive devices.
"Well, you see Potter again tomorrow? I'll write an update today and send it to him. If he likes what he reads, or more likely pretends to read, regarding your progress, he may discharge them. Do you feel like you can be good to the knee and treat it nice without using crutches? I don't want you to regress and re-injure yourself. That's not gonna get you into your running shoes any sooner."
"I'll be nice. Real gentle." he winked at her…he wasn't just talking about the knee. And she knew it. But again, she pretended she didn't, ignoring once more those butterflies threatening to choke her they were multiplying so fast in her belly.
"Okay, I'll put that in my note. Patient compliant with instructions to be nice." she laughed.
They talked as they biked, Shane sat on the one next to him and pedaled along with him for something to do other than be idle. She thought it made him feel better as well. Like he wasn't doing it alone. They covered the subject of her siblings, an older brother in IT and a younger sister who was an MA, and his German Shepherd, Aika, which he was allowed to bring home from Iraq after they were both honorably discharged. Music, both of them completely in agreeance about the superiority of classic rock.
"I noticed you've worn a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt a few times and meant to say something before now."
"Yeah, they're one of my favorites. But there are a few newer groups that I like a lot, too. Kings of Leon got me through some tough times, honestly."
"Oh, they're great! I love their sound. And their lyrics…poetry."
"No shit. Sorry." she shook her head and raised up her hands to indicate that he didn't need to apologize to her for swearing. She'd been known to make sailors blush when she was off the clock. "Only by the Night…that whole album is…it's just in my blood, ya know? Ya ever have an album do that?"
"I have. Whole artists catalogs, actually."
"Which artist?" he prodded.
"The Beatles. Pretty much every song. Like you said, it just, like, I dunno, it's almost deeper than the veins. It's in the marrow. My soul." she stared off out the windows ahead of them, thinking about her favorite band in the world and how magical it was to experience Sir Paul McCartney playing some of her favorites live…twice…and the timer on the bike went off, pulling her from her daydream.
She looked over at him, startled by both the noise, and the dreamy look in his eyes that was becoming all too familiar.
"Sorry." she stood, grabbing his crutches for him and handing them back to him from where she had leaned them as they rode.
"Hey, don't be sorry for…ahem…for loving what you love. We should all…hold on to the things that make us feel like that." she nodded.
"Thanks…I don't think a lot of people…understand the way I…my tendency to take things like music, movies, and shows…books…so deeply to my heart." they walked to the treatment room from the gym, taking their time, since they had it. A rare occurrence for Shane, always needing to capitalize on every spare minute. To make productivity a priority.
"I think…that…well, seeing a pretty grim side of the world like I have…seems like there's enough darkness and bullshit making everyone miserable. If we find something…or…someone…that brings us some happiness or even just makes that misery bearable…we oughta hang onto 'em real tight. Cherish it like gold." the silence in the small room was loud with that electrical hum of their tension again. He'd said all the right things, as he always seemed to, but under the absolute wrong circumstances. She just nodded.
"They teach you philosophy in Basic?" she giggled. He laughed back in response.
"Oh, no, Basic was way easier than…whatever goes on inside of us."
"Speaking of which," she segued deftly, "lay back, and let my try to get some range out of that knee before I take new measurements for this update I'm gonna write."
"Yes, ma'am!" he chuckled.
"You get some sick thrill out of calling me that, don't you?" she scowled playfully at him.
"Oh, you have no idea…ma'am." he winked at her.
The next day, Shane was wondering how Sy's appointment went as she ate her soup at lunch and caught up on her morning notes. She got a ping on messenger.
You have a gentleman caller…*eggplant emoji*  hehe, he's on line three.
Geez…thanks Heather.
No need to ask for a name. She knew Heather meant Sy.
She picked up the phone at her desk in the treatment room.
"Hey Sy! How'd the appointment go?"
"Hey, sunshine…eh…he said I'm doin' good, but he wants me to stay on crutches another two weeks." she could hear grave disappointment in his voice. She felt for him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Sy. I know you wanted off those. And I know they're a pain. Literally and figuratively."
"Why wouldn't he want me off 'em?" he was so frustrated. He must have just left the office.
"Did you ask him that question?"
"You know doctors, Shane. Not like I would have got an answer in plain English. Figured you'd know."
"Well, I haven't seen your post-visit report, but it's my presumption that he wants to play it safe. You know he spent most of his day in the operating room with you, right? An eight hour surgery, you had. He probably doesn't want to undo all that by d/c'ing the crutches too soon."
"I was gonna be careful though, Shane!" he was worked up properly, and she could hear it over the roar of his pickup in the background.
"I know you were, Sy. I'm sure you were going to take all kinds of precautions. But what if you're walking into your kitchen, during a storm, and there's a loud clap of thunder, and Aika gets startled and busts past you? What if you're feeling good one day, and forget about it, and jog to catch up to someone holding the door open for you and miss a stick or something under foot? You can't prepare yourself for every pebble or patch of mud in your path, Sy. Accidents will happen. Some circumstances are beyond our control…we just have to do the best we can. The crutches are going to help you until we get you stronger. That's what we'll focus on until those two weeks are up."
"Why is it you can calm me down like this?" he asked, sincere and truly calmer than he had been.
"I'm just a good therapist, is all."
"Ya don't think that's really all, do ya?" the sound of his deep drawl in her ear from the receiver made her shiver. He was implying something that she just couldn't entertain. It wasn't possible for them right now. Maybe…down the road…in a few weeks…
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Sy. Come ready to work that knee."
"You didn't say no…" he was too hopeful. Damn it, he was cute when he was hopeful. She was glad she couldn't see his face light up like she knew it was doing.
"You may have noted I didn't say yes, either."
"Yet. See ya in the mornin', sunshine."
"Bye, Sy."
She put the receiver in the cradle and her face in her hands.
She had a feeling this particular patient was about to become much more complicated.
Up Next: Chapter Three-Therapeutic Activity
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treason-and-plot · 4 years
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Not to clutch my pearls, but wearing a dress that short with no undies? Are panties a tool of the patriarchy, Cammie?
Cammie: Absolutely!! Not wearing undies is political. Not wearing undies is a feminist statement! Not just for cisgender women, but for trans women! And not just for women, but for non-binary folks as well! The act of not wearing underwear allows me to take back ownership of my body and to subvert patriarchal power by refusing traditional standards of dress. And I refuse to wax or shave my pubic region for the same reason! 
Jojo better be on shift! Also, Cammie’s dampness level must be off the charts with no cotton to wick away the moisture
Yes, Jojo mentioned to Roy back at McDonalds that he was working tonight. And luckily Cammie has a lot of pubic hair to wick the sweat and moisture away from her skin! :P
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‘Balletic display of violence’ makes me so very happy.
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I hope Cammie didn’t sit on any plastic chairs at the club.
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Feminism taken to its next level!
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Whoooaaa, Cammie. Reminds me of a video I once watched. A woman thought the orange posts in a parking lot were signs of male dominance. 😅 Nothing but pure madness.
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“Why’d you have to do that for?”—Not sure if I used an Australian, New Zealand, or British accent in my head 🥴
LOL!!! You are multilingual!!
So I guess Saoirse won’t let Cammie meet Roy, then? 🤪
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Cammie needs help. For real.
She also needs underwear!
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Chuck Norris meets Basic Instinct. 
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Cammie is terrifying 😳
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Cammie going commando ROFL! Girl needs some loving!
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Oh my gosh, Cammie! You can’t just assault people out of nowhere, holy heavens! She’s lucky to have left before the cops came for her! Yikes! She needs some anger management classes, I think.
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Cammie is quite something, isn’t she. Maybe she needs to be a little love bombed herself, instead of constantly railing against it.
LOL she is definitely something! I think she would be a lot mellower if she had a boyfriend, that’s true. Hopefully she will find someone before she lands herself in jail!  
I love Cammie hahah
I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! She’s really growing on me too. She’s larger than life! 
You;ve captured such a brilliant scene perfectly. Experienced story-telling simmer is experienced! :D
Awwwww thank you for your kind words, Amazing Amazon! I must confess the club scenes take a ridiculous amount of time to set up so the compliment is very much appreciated.
Damn, Cammie might need some counseling.
She’s probably feeling a lot more relaxed now she’s gotten some of that patriarchal poison out of her system!
I lost in on people because shocked to her lack of underwear 🤣🤣🤣 And I’m even more convinced in what I commented on your previous post. My mind runs wild on the outturn of of this night or further. I wonder if the psychic twins will stike again ☺️🤗
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Just a slightly (insane) over reaction to absolutely nothing.
The thing is that Nadia, and Savannah too, have been harassed on nights out before, and Cammie (who is a black belt in martial arts) has literally leapt to their defence on more than one occasion. Obviously Cammie is guilty of overreacting but her friends can’t be too mad with her because she has rescued them from some very unpleasant situations, and would never think twice about placing herself in danger to protect her friends.
omg Cammie 😂😅 have a drink of water
You know, I think a long cool drink of water is EXACTLY what Cammie needs! ;=)
You have the best club scenes! Very unlike the dark sort of gloomy kinda drunk and 'hi I'm a guy!' sort of places!
Thank you very much for the lovely comment! The scenes take an eternity to set up, but they are also a lot of fun. The upcoming scenes at The Grind will be a lot grungier. And also very much ‘Hi guy, I’m a guy!’ LMBOOOO!!
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sheikah · 4 years
favorite darklina moments?
Anon I’m so sorry because you did not sign up for the crazy long post you’re about to get but..HERE WE GO! (The “read more” no longer functions on mobile and I’m SO sorry to everyone this annoys.)
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uM??? Soft. Literally the moment I knew I was trash. He takes his glove off to touch her??? Romance???
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Okay so a few things here. 1. This is just my stupid emotions clouding my judgment but I think that if Alina hadn’t cut and run after Baghra told her the truth about him, she probably would have been able to convince Aleks not to expand the fold and instead to destroy it. Why? Well, I know he is playing her throughout the first book but he’s showing a lot of self-awareness here. Knowing he’s the only Darkling means he’s calling his own deeds greedy and evil. I think he might have been convinced to right those wrongs under the right circumstances and I like the vulnerability of this conversation for that reason. In R&R he tells Alina that he only decided to expand the fold and force her to take the stag’s amplifier after she left and “chose…” (clearly meaning chose Mal). Is that a viable motive for the murders he committed afterward? No lmao but I’m trash. 2. Alina is literally 24/7 checking him out. This is her POV. She is constantly calling him “perfect” and other very complimentary things 🤣 3. The inherent longing and romance of that last line. I’m sorry but that’s Good Shit and I love Alina’s dubious response as much as the declaration itself lol. 
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I just love the cute lightheartedness of this scene and also the fact that he has taste. I mean we been knew because of The Aesthetic, but still. He knows garish when he sees it.
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This whole scene because reasons. Idk man it’s just hot. It’s a YA book so we aren’t going to get the kind of smut I crave but the pining that results from this moment being cut off early is MY SHIT and I love the unexpected soft politeness of what he says before he leaves…
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Bitch!!!! Say yes!!! 
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This!!!!!! I wanted powerful and uninhibited Alina SO BAD. And obviously, so did he. (And lbr, so did Alina herself lol).
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Idk I just love the angst of this. This is a clear admission that just like he was playing her, she was affecting his judgment too. He was a fool. A fool in love maybe??????? Lol ignore me.
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On one hand, this is a bit creepy and possessive. But on the other hand I fucking love it. They’re both deeply lonely and at the end of the day? That’s the kind of tragic OTP I thrive on.
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And see, THIS is why it’s so important that we get the story in first person. Because while the Darkling IS very problematic and I can see why people who hate the ship are squicked out to some extent, what matters is that we know that Alina still struggles with her feelings about him throughout the whole trilogy. After everything he has done a part of her still wants him and a part of her still acknowledges that he accepts her power in a way no one else really does. Also, lol at her once again commenting on how good he looks.
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What can I really say? I live for this. My favorite moments in Alina’s story are ones where she allows herself to confront, if only in her mind, her own desire for power (”I was eager”) and I love that even while she just admitted to loving Mal, she can’t help herself with Aleks. “I could drown in it.” Bitch, me too. 
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Just the way this is worded idk. She’s literally killing him. He’s been evil and conniving af. That’s not lost on me. But Alina doesn’t hate him. There’s no, “Just a little longer so I can kill this asshole” or “Just a little longer so I can send this monster to hell where he belongs.” No. She’s sending him “to the next world” and she’s gonna follow? Ok. Nothing to read into that at all.
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Everything about this!!!!! “I respect your ruthlessness”??? A line that would work on me lmao. Also I live for hurt and vulnerable Aleks showing this bitterness. He’s allowing her to see that she hurt him, you know? Also love that it’s honesty when she says she wanted to see him. There is so fucking much mutual pining in this ship it’s torture. And even after everything they’ve done to one another they’re still like this!! How dare they! Let me live!!!!
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Idk I love this because they’re such opposites in everything from appearance to ideology but they still have this pull on each other that drags them each nearer the middle. He brings out Alina’s ambition and she brings out his softness. Also, “I had a taste for you once” is probably my favorite line in all their interactions. I know everyone else loves “make me your villain” but this line is just sexier somehow and it comes from Alina! Alina toying with Aleks’s desire?? MY SHIT!
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Give me dark!Alina! GIVE IT TO ME!!!
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SO MUCH in this passage. This is in R&R so by this point the damage and history and pain in this ship is off the charts and Alina is still sitting here thinking about how she wants him. “I didn’t want to go …  I wanted this whispered confidence.” We love to see it. And then there’s his name. I actually love his name. It’s my husband’s name lmao (though he spells it with an x). And I agree with Alina that it’s kind of laughably cute that the big, bad Darkling has such a common (but pretty!) name.
More than that, I feel like a lot of people overlook the significance of this moment. In “The Demon in the Wood” we learn that Aleks was on the run for basically his entire youth. He’s gone by fake names since he was a child. That story is so heartbreaking, being in his head while he’s coaching and drilling himself to adapt to these false names and identities in a convincing way. He couldn’t share his real name with anyone. But what must that have done to his sense of self? Especially being so young, his ability to develop an identity like a normal person was taken away. He must have wanted, for years, maybe even centuries, to be able to be his real self. But he’s clearly never trusted anyone with the truth. Until Alina. And this isn’t soft, naive S&B Alina. This is “ruthless” book 3 Sankta Alina, his enemy in every sense of the word who has multiple times left him for dead (he deserved it but that’s not my point). And he trusts her with this and shares this intimacy with her and it makes me weep ok?
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This is sexy. What else can I possibly say? It’s hot. My favorite piece of Darklina art is from this scene lol but I wish there was more fanart of this moment that actually depicted them as they are, with him basically sitting and Alina all up in his junk between his legs. I accept the Darklina isn’t canon but there are no other shippy scenes in the trilogy that match this one imo. THEIR POWER. It’s so good lol.
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She literally killed him lmao. She was literally the one doing the stabbing here. She ended his long life and he’s still being sweet with her?????? The last thing he wanted to hear was her voice and his name???? Ok thanks.
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K the funeral scene broke me but I am glad they gave him a proper funeral. But what I’m really here for? Alina Starkov’s last line of dialogue and last thought in The Grisha Trilogy is about Aleks and no one can take that away from me.
Anyway sorry for the giant trashy post I just have a lot of feelings about them. This is almost every scene so I failed to tell you my favorite moments rofl. They’re all my favorite. I guess if I had to pick three? The Winter Fete scene, Alina trying to kill them both in the chapel, and “let me.” Oof. 
Thanks for tolerating my insane and overwhelming love for this ship!!!!!
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