#there’s a playlist there’s a moodboard there is no plot to speak of
parkitaco · 1 year
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she’s definitely dwelling
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flowerandblood · 11 months
The Prince and The Fox (4)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • female ]
[ warnings: kissing and fluff, just weird teenagers ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, toxic ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school.Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don’t ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adultin the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I’m writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that’s all you expect, this isn’t the fic for you.
I don’t want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned.
Aemond + Evans Series Moodboard
This is my first story that has its own playlist, but yes! Get in the mood! Story Music Playlist
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She and Helaena lay side by side, watching the second and first parts of Shrek, laughing out loud, speaking their favourite dialogues from memory, however, her thoughts kept running back to what happened a few hours earlier. She clenched her eyelids at the mere mention.
They kissed.
She had no idea if that was good or bad.
Did he now think of her as easy to get?
Did he despise her now?
She had a lot of doubts swirling around in her head and for some reason she felt like crying again, even though the experience itself turned out to be incredibly pleasant for her.
It was her first kiss ever.
During the night she couldn't sleep, twisting from side to side, restless, listening to hear if perhaps he was up or walking down the corridor.
There was complete silence.
She shuddered when, a few hours later, her phone's display lit up and vibrated loudly, waking her up and blinding her; for a moment she struggled to open her eyelids and adjust to the light.
After a while she succeeded and unlocked the keypad. She saw with a pounding heart that she had received a message from him.
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She swallowed loudly, feeling the rapid pounding of her heart, the cold sweat on the back of her neck.
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She wrote him back quickly, deciding that just 'no' would sound too dry and might let him think she was angry with him.
He didn't write back for a long time and she was afraid of what he would reply, that he would write back to tell her that it all made no sense, that it was a big mistake and that he regrets that they did it.
She felt like she was about to cry and vomit from stress and fear at the same time, all she could hear and feel was the hard pounding of her heart.
She jumped down on the bed next to Helaena when a notification suddenly displayed on her phone that she had received a new message from him.
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She drew in a loud breath, tightening her lips and swallowed hard.
She rose silently, slipping the duvet off her, walking slowly barefoot towards the door. She furrowed her brow as she grabbed the handle and pressed it, the door began to open with an unpleasant creak of wood.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She glanced out of the corner of her eye at Helaena, horrified, but she merely turned in bed, sleeping on.
She left without closing the door, afraid that another sound like that would surely wake her, and ran on tiptoe through the corridor towards his room. She knocked quietly feeling that her whole body was quivering in terror.
She thought he preferred to tell her what he thought of her to her face.
He opened it for her and looked around the corridor to make sure no one had seen anything, letting her in and closing the door behind him.
The only light in his room was his lamp standing on his desk, surrounding the whole space with a pleasant, warm glow.
She stood in place playing with her hands, staring at the floor, afraid to look at him.
"Did you want this? You know…what we did." He muttered wearily, his fingers rubbing against each other in a nervous gesture.
She looked at him surprised, his face stony, she had no idea what he was thinking. She swallowed loudly, not knowing what to answer, looking at him with her lips slightly parted.
"Yes." She admitted with shame, feeling herself tremble all over.
A long one.
She felt like she was about to die.
"Me too. What now?" He asked, as if he wanted her to tell him the result of a maths equation.
She looked at him in disbelief, not believing he had said that. They both seemed extremely surprised by this discovery, by what had happened.
She licked her lower lip, which was almost burning with nervousness, having no idea what to answer.
"I... I don't know. It's probably too soon to… you know." She muttered, and he stared at her in silence, she felt that she couldn't very well convey what she was feeling, what she was realising.
Good God, she was attracted to him.
She really was, but it was too early to talk about a relationship, they barely knew each other.
What was she supposed to tell him?
"I…I just wish I could spend some time with you occasionally. Or just text you. If you feel like it too, of course." She said quickly, lowering her gaze again, feeling like she was in kindergarten when she couldn't express herself properly.
"I like the way things have developed between us over the last few weeks. I don't want to ruin it with unnecessary haste. But I don't regret what we've done." She said finally, lifting her uncertain gaze to him.
She saw him nod and swallow loudly, letting the air out of his lungs, as if he felt relieved, as if he didn't know himself what to make of it all, what to think of it, how to behave towards her now.
They stood like that in silence, looking away again, not knowing if they should add anything more, she could feel the tension growing between them again, his hands clenched into fists.
"Do you want me to go back to Helaena now?" She asked uncertainly, scratching her shoulder, feeling with embarrassment how much her hands were trembling.
He looked at her and hesitated for a moment.
"…Yeah." He muttered, lowering his gaze, sliding his hands into the pockets of his black sweatpants.
She nodded, feeling an ache in her heart for some reason, knowing, however, that it was the right thing to do. She walked past him and glanced at him standing next to the door.
"Good night." She said softly, looking over her shoulder, his lips tightened.
He looked like he wanted to say something else and she didn't know if she should leave or not.
They stood like that for a moment, she heard him swallow loudly, he wasn't looking at her.
"Do you wanna kiss again? Before… you know. Going back to normal." He grunted out in a low trembling voice with difficulty and embarrassment, as if he didn't believe those words had left his mouth.
She stared at him with her eyes wide open, feeling her heart pounding fast, heat spilling over her lower abdomen.
Oh God.
She didn't know whether she was more terrified by his request or by the way her heart squeezed with joy, a wave of heat flowing through her body.
"Y-yeah. Okay."
She muttered embarrassed at how desperate she was, how hot she was at the thought that he wanted to touch her again, that he liked it too.
She swallowed loudly as he drew his hand towards her, looking down at her with his lips slightly parted, his gaze dark and hazy. She gently grasped his fingers and approached him feeling her heart pounding hard, feeling butterflies in her stomach and a pleasant tickle between her thighs.
For a moment they just stood looking at each other, his trembling hand gently slid her hair off her shoulder behind her back. She felt a pleasant shiver at that touch, close, intimate, filled with some kind of affection.
She felt his thumb on her cheek as it dug in and ran over her soft skin, his healthy eye looking at her as if half asleep, dreamy, his warm breath enveloping her face.
He leaned over her and their foreheads touched, she parted her lips slightly in a hastened breath feeling as if they were burning with the desire for him to touch her already, to relieve her.
It seemed to her as if he had read her thoughts, his lips clung to hers in a soft, warm, calm, loud kiss. She closed her eyes and sighed, reciprocating his gesture by placing her hands on the sides of his neck, her fingers trailing along his jaw.
He groaned and kissed her deeper, suddenly clamping his hand in her hair and pulling her tighter, surprising her completely, making her sigh loudly into his mouth, throwing her hands over his shoulders, wanting to feel him as close as possible.
The tips of their noses rubbed as their lips danced and brushed against each other, sinking into each other's soft texture, spreading each other's moisture and saliva, both of them panting quietly, his pleasant, warm breath, his closeness calming her.
She knew she should pull away, that this was supposed to be just one kiss, but instead their lips found each other again and again, their hands stroking each other's hair and cheeks.
He pulled away from her for a moment, pressing his forehead against hers, not letting her go from his embrace.
"− maybe − maybe stay with me, just for a little while longer − if you want −" He whispered in a low, trembling voice, as if he was afraid of what he was saying and of her reaction, that she would laugh at him, that she would spurn him.
Hey, Cyclops, do you have a girlfriend?
She pressed her lips together at the thought that he might have thought he was repulsive for her.
She nodded her head.
"− do you want to lie down? − I - I won't do anything to you −" He muttered, adding a second sentence quickly, afraid she might misunderstand him and get scared. She felt her throat dry up and couldn't get anything out, so she nodded again.
He took her hand gently and set himself down on his bedding, laying on his side, facing her, his head on his pillow. She lay down right next to him, looking up at his face.
He put his hand on hers, stroking it with his thumb, and just looked at her, sighing heavily, as if what was happening now required a lot of effort on his part. She smiled at the thought, and he blinked.
"What?" He muttered, wrinkling his brow, embarrassed, his hand stopped in mid-motion.
"I like you." She said softly, sincerely, warmly, feeling wonderful and safe, never had anyone been close to her like this before, no one's touch gave her such pleasure.
She heard him swallow hard and lower his gaze, embarrassed, his thumb began stroking her hand again.
"I like you too." He whispered softly and looked straight into her eyes, there was something intimate, private about it.
She lifted her hand slowly and touched his cheek, running her fingers over his face as if she were treading water with them, she heard him sigh quietly and closed his eyes, drawing in air loudly.
She moaned as he leaned closer, their lips naturally clinging to each other in a hot, wet kiss, he pulled her to him, she could feel the warmth of his body, the trembling of his hands, his restless, laboured breathing.
She blinked when she felt something in his trousers pulsate hard, hitting her stomach. He drew in a loud breath and pulled away immediately, looking at her shocked.
"− I − I'm sorry − I didn't mean to −" He mumbled out embarrassed, and she looked at him surprised, not knowing what he was actually apologising to her for.
"What was that?" She asked amused, raising her eyebrows and he looked at her with parted lips, she had never seen anyone so embarrassed and horrified before in her life.
He licked his lower lip in a nervous gesture, she had a feeling he was never going to get out what he wanted to say, complete chaos in his mind.
"− I − I think I just like you a bit − too much now − you know what I mean − right? −" He asked uncertainly as if to see if she knew what he was talking about, not believing that she could have been that unaware.
She blinked and pressed her lips together, opening her eyes wide when she realised what he meant, felt her cheeks turn all red and swallowed with difficulty.
"− I − if you're uncomfortable, then go − I'm sorry, I didn't mean to − fuck, God, why −" He growled, pressing his face against his pillow, unable to look her in the eye, clearly embarrassed that he was unable to restrain his physical instincts.
She looked at him in disbelief.
He desired her.
"− no − I mean − nothing happened − I felt good about kissing − I know you won't hurt me − it's okay, really −" She mumbled out sincerely believing her words.
He pressed his lips together, looking at her as if in pain, and sighed heavily, lowering his head back down, pressing it to her forehead, stroking her cheek and hair.
They lay like that without saying a word, just looking at each other, breathing quietly, she felt her eyelids growing heavier as she drifted off into sleep, her fingers trailing over the exposed wrist of his other hand.
"Sleep. I'll carry you to Helaena later." He whispered softly, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers, and she hummed quietly under her breath and closed her eyes, concentrating only on the pleasant touch of his warm hand, his thumb stroking her skin.
She felt safe.
She shuddered, not knowing where she was or what was happening when she felt someone lift her, darkness all around her.
She squealed quietly and he hushed her, stroking her back, grabbing her under her hips, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist and throw her arms around his neck.
"− shush, Foxy −" He whispered, opening his door quietly, walking slowly towards Helaena's bedroom. He stepped inside trying not to make any noise and placed her gently on the bed beside her, looking at her for a moment longer.
He just ran his thumb over her cheek before lifting himself back up and leaving, closing the door quietly behind him.
She fell asleep feeling a pleasant heat in her heart.
She was falling in love.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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Hi! I’ve had a few qs around binding, goodreads etc so I thought I’d put them all in one place. 
Binding: Thank you so much for wanting to bind my work. I have no issue with this, providing that it is not for profit in any way. This includes, unfortunately, binding works to raise money for charity, commissions, or other worthy endeavours. 
If you are binding for personal use, please tag me! I would love to squeal with joy. 
AI: Please do not use my work in any kind of AI programme. If you are using AI to generate images for my work, please do not input extracts of my fics into them. If you want to read more about AI, language and meaning then I highly recommend this New York Magazine article, ‘You are not a parrot’. 
Goodreads: This is controversial for many authors and I am absolutely only speaking for myself here, so if you want to do the same with another writer’s work please check in with them first. 
I currently don’t have an issue with my work being on Goodreads. I’m not personally on there, but I appreciate that many people like to keep track of their reads this way. Please be mindful that other creators do not feel the same. And please also be mindful when ‘rating’ that this is fanfic. I don’t really have beta readers (a friend will occasionally pick up a typo, but they absolutely sneak through), I write for free, and I also never have any assistance with plot, pacing, or character arcs. The quality of work does reflect this! 
Downloading: Thank you for wanting to read my work even when you don’t have access to ao3. I also don’t have a problem with fic downloads. However, my favourite thing about fanfic is the community. If you do decide to read ‘off-grid’, please come back when you can and say hi. I’d love to chat!! (I love to chat, generally). If you read my work off ao3 (zip file, or reddit, or wherever), please come say hi/give it a shout out wherever you found it.
Fics of the fics: If you would like to write something based off of one of my fanfics, YAY! Please just tag me when it’s up, so I can again, squeal with joy. 
Questions: If you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, writing processes, moodboards, playlists, thoughts, feelings, what my favourite anything is, please ask away! I try to answer all DM’s, and I love to chat. Did I mention that already? Come chat to me. I don’t want to do my work. I want to talk about fanfic. You can find me on ao3, tiktok and tumblr as @cr0ftisprocrastinating <3
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angelicminds · 2 years
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Pen name ↠ Kiki Beroski
Age ↠ 21
Pronouns ↠ She/her
Background ↠ Caribbean, Netherlands, Bi, student
Hobbies ↠ Writing, painting, drawing, designing things, making playlists and moodboards.
Music taste ↠ Pop, punk pop, soft rock, indie rock.
Howdy hey! I'm a new writer of original fiction, but I have been writing fan fiction for about two years now. I am a university student as well, so the journey might be long very long before I finish a book. I'm also writing fan fics, so this is a 5-year plan.
I'm not a native English speaker but I have above average English skills, except speaking (I am the worst haha). All my writing is in English and I don't really care to write in my mother language. I always ask beta readers to help me out, don't have one for my current WIP yet.
Under the cut my original fiction wips <3
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Main WIP: Tales Of Te Ao Trilogy.
Secret Pride - Drafting
NA, LGBT, Romance, Soft Fantasy, Smut, POC focused.
Two princes are arranged to marry to safe their kingdoms from war, yet they have not been informed about this. Childhood friends to enemies with benefits to lovers. Wip page (mobile).
Kindness Of Paradise - Outlining
NA, LGBT, Romance, Soft Fantasy, hints of found family
Twelve young teens are chosen to compete for the throne while having to deal with normal teenage complexities. Friends to complicated to lovers. Wip page (mobile).
Project title: Capture Of Oracle - Plotting
NA, LBGT, Adventure, Romance, Soft Fantasy, Found family.
After the new King is chosen the oracle disappears. The royal couple needs to find the next oracle to ensure the future of their Kingdom. Found Family, Bandits, Established Relationships.
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Side WIPs
Project title: Sapphic Witches - plotting
NA, LGBT, POC Focused, Romance, Witches, Cosy Fantasy.
I'm looking for other writeblrs to follow, so if you're interested please follow and reblog this post. If you want to be friends, you can introduce yourself in the tags. After checking you out I will follow back from @larrysballetslippers, that's my main blog. I want to thank @pens-swords-stuff for helping me to set up this blog up with their amazing posts (and for the good intro post I basically copied hehe).
When a new witch ends up at an Academy for Witches, she joins a coven and falls in love with every single girl there. Polyamory, Found Family, self indulgent book lol.
Project title: The Sorcerer's Master - plotting
Adult, Magic, Steampunk, LGBT, Dark comedy, Romance
When a dark sorcerer tries to overthrow the government, a darker witch gets rid of him. However, she doesn't exactly kill him, so naturally he convinces her to overthrow the government together.
I would love to be tagged in tag games!! You can always ask me stuff!
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naturally-recklessly · 5 months
What advice would you give to a new RPer? What does your URL mean?  How involved are you in your rp community?  What do you do when you get writer’s block? What has made you completely lose your chill? 
1. What advice would you give to a new RPer ?  My best advice would be to just have fun ! To truly experiment around your blog —write all sorts of plots that bring you joy, post little things about your muse(s) (be it edits, headcanons, playlists, etc...) or even customize a template that really fits your muse. Just never feel pressured to do things only because the majority of people are also doing them — what matters is if you enjoy them ! Otherwise, you might find yourself burned out pretty quickly. Speaking of which, whenever you feel like writing is more of a chore than something that brings you pleasure, by all means take a break — the rp partners that truly value you will understand. And last but not least, never be afraid to communicate and reach out ! As an introvert, I know this is better said than done, but trust me that for the most part, you'll only end up regretting the times you didn't. 😊
2. What does your URL mean?  Back when I started this blog in 2019, I only had two muses — Nana (an OC heavily inspired by Ai Yazawa's manga and its respective anime, which was and still is very dear to me), and Rupert (a canon muse from the movie "Sex Doll", who was so mysterious in his source material that I had to rely on headcanons to build his backstory 😆). So the url and blog's name was a direct reference to them & their personalities — Naturally Nana, Recklessly Rupert.
3. How involved are you in your rp community?  I'd say that at the moment I'm not too involved in the rp community — I only rp on this blog and keep a small circle with meaningful interactions (mostly because I've recently came back from a hiatus and I'm taking baby steps before venturing any further 😆). But speaking of meaningful interactions, I'm the kind of partner that gets super invested in our muses' little universes and absolutely loves to create edits/moodboards & playlists for them ! I also run a memes and resources blog for the rpc — Mimi's Memes — which has been somewhat inactive lately, but I do plan on starting to create things again. 😊
4. What do you do when you get writer’s block?  Most of the time, I just take a break and try to entertain myself with other activities. More often than not, inspiration will come, sparkled by a scene from a movie/series or some lyrics from a song. 😊 Speaking of which, I find it really helpful to write listening to some music ! I've got a few songs that I associate with the muses (mine and/or my partner's) or the scene I'm working on, and it really helps setting the mood and getting those replies flowing !
5. What has made you completely lose your chill?  I must say that in all these years, I've been lucky enough to avoid any unnecessary drama and toxicity, and therefore my experience has been mostly positive. So thankfully I don't really have anything to comment on this topic. 🙏
( Thank you so much for sending these, @niragixpsych ! I wish you a wonderful week ! 💖 )
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flawedamythyst · 2 years
Fandom Deep Cuts
Tagged by @drgrlfriend : okay apropos of this post —
tag a writer if you’d like them to share a never-before-seen playlist/moodboard/bit of background lore from one of their fics!
So, I'm going to be talking about Cluster Got Your Back, Bro, which is my Sense8 Avenger's AU. I'll ramble about it for a bit, and then I've got a scene that got cut.
So, when I look back the thing that frustrates me most about this fic is the failure to live up to the diversity of Sense8 itself. Everyone is white, I managed 2 women out of 8, and despite Bruce being in India and Bucky starting out in Afghanistan, everyone is from the USA/Europe/Australia. Given the state of the MCU at the time I wrote it (which was pre-Black Panther or I would definitely have dropped Bruce for T'Challa) I don't know that I could have done much better but it still bugs me. I tried to get a bit more global by making Tony Italian and dumping Thor in Australia rather than Norway, which might have felt more obvious but would have meant I had 3 Americans, 4 Europeans and Bruce, hanging out in India but clearly not Indian. Not that Australia isn't another Western country, but at least it spread out the dots on the map a bit.
And I did really enjoy writing Australian!Thor. He was so much more fun than Norwegian!Thor would have been, imho.
The hardest part of writing it was the timezones. I had a tab open on Time Zone Converter the whole time I was writing it, and kept having to move scenes around so it wasn't weird that various people were awake at the same time. Thank God for Thor's dawn surfing habit and Tony's erratic sleep patterns, but the hardest one was definitely Bruce. He was just never awake when the others are.
He's also the only one who didn't get his own plotline and yes, that is a bit related, but also, I was juggling a lot already and I didn't have anything for him to do. I hinted at him being on the run or whatever, but I never gave him any real backstory. I think it would have all been too much. So, bless him, he's just the guy who sleeps through the plot, occasionally meditates and is only useful when someone gets injured.
Originally, there was going to be an extra epilogue bit set a couple of years later, to show everyone settled into the lives they ended up with, which is what the snippet below the cut is. I accidentally introduced an antagonist though, and it suddenly started feeling like a sequel with a whole new plot arc, so I cut it. I kinda meant to go back at some point, but that never happened (if it had, possibly Bruce would have got some plot of his very own. Possibly not.)
It's a bit long and stops mid-scene, as a warning.
Clint actually really loved being a Stark Industries bodyguard. It meant he got to wear sunglasses and loom behind Tony, looking menacing - which was easy, given their respective heights. He got to carry a weapon everywhere with him which, okay, so it wasn’t his bow, but a gun was okay too, and got him less weird looks, and mostly his job was just watching people, which was easy as shit.
Mostly, though, he liked that it meant he got to work with Bucky.
“All clear here,” said Bucky through the comms that Tony had insisted on buying them, even though they could speak to each other’s minds. Clint glanced over the crowd of assembling reporters to where Bucky was standing by the door, looking hot as hell in his fancy suit as he glared around at the crowd.
“Here too,” said Clint, tearing his eyes away to glance around from his vantage point on the stage. “Tony, are you ready?”
Tony was in the back room, flicking through notecards that Clint knew he’d ignore as soon as he came out in front of the crowd. “Sure, yeah,” he said distractedly. “Hey, is the guy from The New Yorker here?”
Clint had no idea what he looked like, so he just scanned over the crowd as Tony appeared beside him, following his gaze.
“Aha! There he is,” said Tony, pointing at an old guy in the second row. “He wrote an article when I moved to New York about how Stark Industries was overextending itself. I’m going to make him eat his words.”
“Not literally, please,” said Steve. He wasn’t at the press conference, because despite Tony's best wheedling, he’d declined every single job offer from Stark Industries and stayed working for the NYPD. Clint thought he was nuts, because the benefits he and Bucky got were insane. The dental alone was worth turning up every day to hang around with one of his closest friends and his boyfriend, while looking hot in a suit.
And Clint did look hot. Bucky had made sure that he knew that.
“Sure, sure,” said Tony. “All the words eating will be hypothetical.” He straightened his tie, then took a step closer to the door. “Okay, I’m ready. Wish me luck, guys.”
Everyone who was currently awake wished him luck, glancing in on the press conference from wherever they were. Thor was in board shorts, clutching his surfboard as he ran down to meet the first wave of the day, Wanda was curled up on a sofa reading a briefing document and drinking a glass of wine in preparation for the next day’s political mindgames in the Sokovian parliament. Natasha didn’t let them see where she was, which was pretty much standard these days, now she was rising through the ranks of SHIELD.
Bruce was asleep. Tony had tried to persuade him that he needed to stay up for the conference, for moral support, but Bruce had just rolled his eyes and started his usual evening meditation.
Steve was on patrol with Sam, but Clint could see him sitting in an unoccupied chair in the front row, waiting for Tony’s big announcement.
Tony strolled out as if onto a runway, waving both hands at the crowd. “Hey guys!” he said. “Good to see you again. Well, most of you.” He sent the guy from The New Yorker a pointed look. “Now, I know most of you are hoping this is going to be about some awesome new Stark Industries product, because everything we create is incredible, but this is actually going to be even more fun than that.” 
His hand went into the pocket his notecards were in for a moment, but when he took it out, it was empty.
This was going to be fun.
“Okay, so it��s probably pretty clear now that I’ll be living in New York semi-permanently for a bit,” said Tony. “Not that I don’t love Roma, of course not, the weather is so much better, not to mention the coffee, although the tourists are about the same. Just, New York has a couple of things in it that I’m enjoying having easy access to.” He gave Steve a wink that made Steve roll his eyes, and then disappear to go back to his patrol.
Tony just turned his grin on the rest of the crowd, unfazed. “Which means I need to start acting like a good neighbour, right? I don’t want to be one of those asshole-type billionaires who don’t pay taxes and pretend a couple of thousand to charity is a big deal. Not that I’m talking about anyone in particular of course, except, wait, yes I totally am, and of course I’m going to name and shame them. Page four of your briefing pack has a full list of billionaires who aren’t pulling their weight when it comes to helping out the rest of the community.”
Clint wondered who had signed off on the briefing pack, and how long it would take Pepper to fire them.
“So, in addition to paying all my taxes like a good boy -my returns are available on request from the PR department- I figure it’s time to get into the philanthropy business properly. So, I’m announcing that I’m setting up the Maria Stark Charitable Foundation, who will be starting off with a fund of a couple of billion, to be divided between projects in New York, for my neighbours, and throughout the world because let’s face it, this is a global community now, we’re all each other’s neighbours.”
Clint scanned over the crowd again, trying to pretend he couldn’t see Bucky rolling his eyes at that one. There was a movement near the back and he zoned in on it, then froze dead.
Trick was standing there, staring straight at him with a malicious smirk on his face.
The cluster were now so close to each other that he didn’t need to say anything, didn’t even need to think it. Just the sudden change in his emotions was enough to make Bucky, Steve, Thor, Natasha and Wanda appear next to him while Bruce startled awake in Mumbai.
“What is it?” asked Bucky.
“That’s Trick,” said Clint, stepping out of his body so he could point.
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “Right,” he said, and disappeared.
“What the hell is he doing here?” asked Wanda. Clint didn’t have any answers. As far as he was concerned, Trick had disappeared into the night and was never coming back.
Bucky stalked over to Trick and put a heavy hand on his shoulder, doing the sexy badboy glower that usually made Clint melt, but was just making him feel reassured now. It didn’t matter what Trick wanted, he had a kickass boyfriend and the rest of the cluster on his side.
Trick tried to throw Bucky off, but he just tightened his grip and marched him off. Clint wondered if it was possible to love the guy any more than he did right now.
“So, enough about me,” said Tony, wrapping up the speech that he’d somehow managed to continue with despite the drama. “And I know I don’t usually say that, but I figure there’s only so much of the glory I can take right now. Let me introduce you to the person who’ll actually be running the show.”
He was finishing up a lot quicker than he’d been intending to, which Clint had a feeling was because of him, but he was more than okay with that. Tony handed over the podium, gave one last wave, then glanced at Clint and headed backstage.
Clint followed him, and the minute they were out of sight of the crowd, Tony put an arm on his shoulder. “You okay?”
Clint nodded. “Just really want to know what the fuck he thinks he’s doing here.”
“Let’s find out,” said Tony.
Bucky had Trick in the security room, handcuffed to a chair with another security guard outside while Bucky stood against the wall with his arms crossed and just glared at him. In the time it took Clint and Tony to walk down there, Trick went from trying to play the whole thing off as a mistake to trying to threaten him with a lawsuit. Bucky didn’t so much as twitch.
“How are we going to play this?” asked Steve, walking around Trick. “You know I’m not actually going to let you hurt him, right?”
“No hurting,” said Clint. “I’m just going to ask a couple of questions.”
“If I don’t like his answers, there may be some hurting,” said Bucky. Steve just sighed.
Clint paused outside the room to take a breath, and Tony slapped a hand to his shoulder again. “Hey, any time you want, just say the word and I’ll throw the full weight of an outraged billionaire at him,” said Tony. 
Clint snorted and shook his head. “Nah, let’s do this the old-fashioned, carnie way.”
“Oh god, please don’t kneecap him,” muttered Steve.
Clint ignored him as he opened the door and went inside.
“...can’t treat me like this,” Trick was saying. “I’ve done nothing wr-” He shut up when he saw Clint, then glanced over his shoulder at Tony and raised an eyebrow.
“You really are playing with the big boys now, huh?” said Trick. “Look, I-”
“Shut up,” said Clint. “What are you doing here?”
Trick shrugged as well as he could in the handcuffs. “Hey, a guy can’t drop in to see an old friend?"
“We’ve never been friends,” said Clint.
Trick faked a heartbroken look, and Clint just rolled his eyes, glancing at Bucky, who was still glowering. “Maybe we should just kneecap him,” he said, mostly to hear Steve’s protest.
“Oh, come on,” said Trick. “It’s not that bad. I’m just here to talk to you.” His eyes flicked to Bucky, then across to Tony. “In private,” he added.
“Anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of them,” said Clint.
Trick’s eyes raised. “Seriously? You want all your dirty secrets out in the open?”
“He wants to blackmail you,” said Natasha.
The idea of Bucky and Tony not knowing everything there was to know about Clint was ridiculous. Clint grinned at Trick, feeling the vicious edge to it. “Nothing secret about it,” he said. “Sorry if you were hoping to have any kind of leverage.”
Trick snarled at him. “Fuck you, Barton,” he said. “Maybe I’ll tell all the press out there that Tony Stark is hiring a guy with a murder conviction, then.”
“He’s not,” said Tony, leaning back against the wall. “Tony Stark is hiring the very best guy for the job, and his past, which may involve some criminal charges, none of which are actually murder, isn’t Tony Stark’s business.”
“Tony Stark is talking about himself in the third person,” noted Wanda, and earned herself a glare.
“Fuck,” muttered Trick, and glared at Clint. “Didn’t think you’d be the type to let some rich dude fuck you in exchange for being pampered, Barton.”
Bucky suddenly moved at that, making Trick as he uncrossed his arms and stepped forward. “Say that again,” he said. “Go on. I dare you.”
Trick stared at him, not nearly scared enough. “Okay, so apparently it’s not just Stark you’re getting on your knees for. I wouldn’t have thought a billionaire was big on sharing.”
Tony let out a long sigh, “Okay, two things. First of all, were you not listening to my speech out there at all? Sharing is exactly what I’m about. And secondly, I don’t know why you think Clint would need to sleep with someone for them to think he’s worth employing and being friends with. He’s incredibly talented, you know.”
Clint felt his ears blush red at the compliment, but he did his best to keep glaring at Trick.
“We need to scare him badly enough to never come back,” said Natasha. She crouched down to stare at Trick. “You should leave Bucky alone with him.”
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angelicgentleman · 9 months
♛ @flameandindifference?
(gonna do the one I reblogged just so its fair) Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Safe to say I didn't know anything about Lucius other than he existed when I followed the blog. I played the games soon after, practically in a row and Lucius really grew on me. Since I loved The Omen, finding out and playing Lucius was a lot of fun. How they play them: The only Lucius I'm aware of and I'd say it's a pretty good portrayal, very accurate to canon with many good, creative headcanons and verses. Very fun to write with, if he spares you that is. Especially fun to write brotherly relationships and threads. Definitely worth reaching out to, even if your muse doesn't seem to match him, because something unexpected might just happen. Interesting interactions given that Lucius doesn't speak much. Likely to consume your soul or hand you poisoned donuts. The Mun: Someone I know for a bit longer than most people I currently talk with but only now got to know her a little better. Fun person to talk and plot with, very fun to listen about her interests and some opinions, apparently scared of kettles. Very good at character playlists and moodboards.
Do I:
RP with them: obviously YES Want to RP with them: and YES
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Very good writer and a nice person, very fun to roleplay and talk with. Definitely someone I can recommend writing with.
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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remapped-soul · 2 years
48, 37, 17 on the fic asks!!
Hiii! Thank you 💕
48 - i actuay reread a sebchal time travel au that got me all teared up. It is incredibly well written, especially the emotional part. and it speaks of a future i am deeply afraid (let's hope it never happens).
before the beginning and after the end - tianvette
37 - that would be a splendid vacation
It is a BTS rpf, hoseok/yoongi, a soulmate au set in the 80s during the political unrest and tragedy of the revolts in gwangju. It started as a way to analyse the soulmate trope and in the beginning it was a high school au. I was, at the time, highly critical of the soulmate trope, because you can't just accept someone as your soulmate and dedicate your life to them without knowing them. i also love stories with plots that are influenced by major history events without them being the main part of the plot (im thinking about movies like y tu mama tambien, the kdrama reply 1988, the dreamers movie from bertolucci). i am not normal about plots like these. I adore them, it makes the story feel so much bigger than the characters and i wanted to try creating something similar.
It took me 3 freaking years to write. I wrote the first part under deadline bc it was part of a fic exchange and then i completed it in the first year of pandemic bc life and self-doubt happened in between. I rewrote part 2 3 times bc it didnt sound the way i wanted it to. I spent hours on research as if i was writing my thesis. i made a playlist, moodboards, i discovered the writer han kang because of this story (i adore her books). i discovered maggie stiefvater (the love of my life) bc of this story - my friend and beta told me my main chara reminds her of ronan and i had to see what it was about.
i love how i tackled the soulmate trope, how i wrote hoseok and yoongi's relationship and the political plot. writing this story got me my first taste of writing settings and immersing the story in them. It is the longest thing i have ever written. I am immensly proud of it and i hope i can write something like this again.
17 - something similar to the dreamers movie. It doesn't have to be about the 1968 riots, but everything about 20th century is highly, deeply fascinating to me and if it involves a group of friends, found family, loss, politics and love and action, im down. Or reincarnation au but not about lovers, but about siblings (i have technically sth in the works with this au, it's all planned out but i fell out of love with the fandom and now it sits in my wip folder).
This got way longer than i intended but it was so much fun to talk about, especially the part about a splendid vacation. Im love that story deeply.
Thank you ♥️
(fic writing ask meme)
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I have literally everything with this story figured out except the plot, why am I like this
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loveislarryislove · 3 years
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Could We Be Such Fools
by LiveLaughLoveLarry/@loveislarryislove – 27k
Louis lets out a long breath. “This is Louis Tomlinson.”
There is only silence for a long moment. When Harry speaks again, his voice is low and dangerous. “You’ve got some nerve-”
“I probably do,” Louis says. “And I honestly wouldn’t blame you if you hung up on me right now. But you deserve to know the truth, so I had to at least try.”
Harry snorts. “The truth, is it?” he says. “That’s an interesting idea. What’s the ‘truth,’ then? Are you going to tell me about how my fiancé is just too irresistible, about how you love him more than I ever could, about how you deserve him?”
“No,” Louis says honestly. “I definitely don’t deserve him -- and neither do you. We both deserve way better.”
Or, Jolene and Diane should date. That's it. That's the plot.
Written for the @1dcountryfest. Moodboard by the incredible @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed. 
If you'd like more country music-inspired or country-themed stories, check out the rest of the Fest here and take a listen to the playlist of song-inspos here!
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 11: Date Night
…in which Ezi’s first date gets interfered.
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Word count: 2.5k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: sorry this chapter is so short. I was emotionally unstable when I wrote this last week :D I'll try to write more for the next one.
Also, please follow my writing account on Instagram: @allie.writes :) Don't forget to leave comments on this chapter!
“Hey, do you remember Dolores?” Dawson asked.
“How could I forget?” Ezili murmured, eyeing her sister up and down.
Of course Ezi remembered Dolores. She couldn’t if she tried. Whenever she looked at Koa, all she saw was what she could never be, what her mother wished that she was, and it only made her despise herself. When she’d first arrived here, she had felt so out of place, but at the same time, free. She still revisited her old life in her sleep, which made her wake up screaming during the night. And despite all the struggles she’d gone through, she felt appreciated. Harry wasn’t anywhere near great, but he wasn’t bad. He looked out for her even though she wasn’t his kind. And she knew if her mother knew she felt this way about a human, she would not be standing here.
But why was she thinking about Harry? He wasn’t here. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked around as the vibrant atmosphere of the night market drowned out her thoughts. Her sister came forward and pulled her into a hug. She could feel Koa’s claws leaving marks on her shoulders, but she knew it was just her imagination.
Koa withdrew with a smile and lifted those perfect human hands with short blunt nails and twisted her hair into a bun. She looked so human, so natural. Ezili wondered how Koa it, but then she caught a glimpse of the trident hanging on a chain around her neck. She’d been using magic.
Immediately, Ezili grabbed Dawson’s hand and pulled him to her side. Koa tilted her head, looking quite confused, which Ezili knew was all an act. Meanwhile, Dawson was blushing. He cleared his throat. “So...Dolores is also here for the book fair. Mind if she joins us?”
“Not at all,” Ezili said with a tight smile.
“Great!” Koa said, hands clasped against her chest.
Ezili tried to figure out what her sister’s intentions were. Was she here to kill Ezili? Was she here to kill Harry? What if she thought Dawson was Ezili’s new target and was here to kill him? Also, how many humans had she killed for her to be here, dressed, act, and talk like a real human girl?
Ezili walked beside Koa as the girl went on and on about how she’d just moved to London, and all the places she’d visited and enjoyed. She must have got all this information from the magic of the trident. She couldn’t be more human than Ezili, who’d had to learn everything by herself.
Ezili’s heart gave a lurch when she spotted his face in the crowd. It started with a feeling of comfort, like finding a warm bed in the middle of the raging ocean. But then a tidal wave of anxiety crashed down upon her, and she momentarily forgot about Dawson and her sister. She rushed toward him, pushing past a group of tourists and teenagers who cursed at her.
“There you are!” Harry said, spreading his arms. “My favourite fish.”
“What are you doing here?” she hissed and tugged hard at his sleeve. “Why did you follow me here?”
“I didn’t follow you here.”
“I’m not,” Harry sighed and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he looked around. “Where’s Dawson anyway? Why are you standing here all by yourself?”
Ezili had no time for his questions. “Harry, go home.”
“I’m here to buy books!”
“Oh, yeah? What books?”
“This one,” he said, grabbing a random book from a display shelf they were in front of.
“The Sex Life of Pets?”
“Oh.” His smile dropped as he read the title. “I mean, it does look kinda interesting.”
“Harry, go home. I’m fine.”
“I don’t think you are. Dawson left you here all by yourself.”
“He’s taking care of something,” Ezili said anxiously as she put her arms around herself and rubbed. The air was getting cold. She hadn’t had to feel the cold when she’d been a siren. She hated how weak humans were. A slight change of the weather could get them all messed up.
She was about to tell Harry to go home right now because her sister was here, and Dawson might be in danger. Ezili’s job here was to kill one of these men, not save them every single time. But to her surprise, Harry took off his coat and put it around her shoulders. “Come home with me,” he said, gently. “If you stay here, you might get lost among all these tourists.”
“No, you go home,” she said, pushing his shoulder, but he didn’t budge. “It’s not safe here for you.”
“How?” he chuckled. “I know London like the back of my hand.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Ezili, you’re acting stran—” Harry was about to finish his sentence when his smile vanished. He pointed over Ezili’s shoulder. “Is that Dawson talking to your sister?”
Ezili whirled around, relieved to find Dawson still alive, but the grin her sister gave her while Dawson was talking to a seller made her uneasy.
“Harry, go home,” she snapped at Harry, shoved him hard so he stumbled back. If something happened, she could only save one of them, and she knew for a fact it would be Harry.
“I’m not going home and leaving you here—”
“And I won’t save you if my sister does something again. I’ll save Dawson, and you don’t want to die, do you?”
At first, she thought those words were all harmless, until she saw the way Harry’s smile dropped, and his shoulders slumped. He said nothing, only nodded. Koa and Dawson were heading towards them now. It was too risky to have Harry here.
“Go!” she shouted and pushed him hard. He didn’t joke about it or react, just held her gaze for a moment and walked away.
“Is that Harry? Harry!”
“He’s leaving, Dawson,” Ezili said and turned to her sister. “Could you come with me to the restroom?”
“Yeah, sure!” Koa happily said, then waved at a puzzled Dawson as she got dragged away.
“What are you trying to do?” Ezili asked in Séren when they were far enough from Dawson, but not too far; she still needed to keep an eye on him just in case.
“Nothing,” Koa answered in their mother tongue. “Although Pretty Boy over there looks quite delicious.”
“Stop it!” Ezili snapped. “You’ve been breaking so many rules around here. You’re not allowed to use the magic of the trident for personal gains.”
“Mother entrusted me with it,” Koa mused.
“I’m sure she’d be happy to know what you’d used it for,” Ezili said, disgusted.
Koa’s dark pink lips curled to the side. “You’re jealous,” she said, leaning back, arms crossed.
Ezili had no time for this. “Please go home,” she told her sister. “I have things under control here. I’ll return in a year with the heart.”
“But you don’t have a whole year,” Koa said. “One year could be a lifetime for these creatures. Humans are fickle. They can stay married for twenty years and still can’t love each other.”
Ezili scoffed, eyebrows raised. “Does the trident tell you that?”
“No, Dolores did,” Koa said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger innocently as if she weren’t talking about someone she’d murdered for no reason. “She hated her husband,” she went on. “I heard her talking on the phone with someone about how she had never loved him, and they had two grown children together. Can you believe it? These creatures made up the thing called ‘marriage’ - a lifetime commitment, which they could not keep up with themselves. And as much as your pretty head wants to see the good in these filthy creatures. They are far from good. Not only do they harm other living things, they also harm their own kind. Physically and emotionally.” Koa put her hand on Ezili’s shoulder and squeezed. “That boy you’re so attached to is no different, Ezili. He will never love you.”
Ezili bit her lip and brushed her sister’s hand off of her. “Don’t tell me about humans when I’ve been here for longer than you do.”
“And yet,” Koa said, “you’re still here.”
Ezili wanted to tell Koa she was wrong for doubting Ezili, but Koa wasn’t wrong. Recently, Ezili had been doubting herself, too. She had even considered switching her target from Harry to Dawson, but she could not feel the same connection she’d had with Harry.
“I have an offer for you, Ezili,” Koa’s voice dragged her out of her own thoughts. She blinked at her sister. “Before your birthday, which was supposed to be your coronation day, you may come back to the Queendom. You’ll tell Mother that you cannot accomplish the mission and ask her to make me Queen of the Seven Seas. Then we’ll have a new Queen as planned. Our evil aunt can’t plot against the throne. And when I’m Queen, I’ll make sure you won’t be banished. You’ll get to keep your title as a princess and stay in the castle.”
Ezili hated that she wasted a second to actually consider the offer. “No. I won’t do it,” she spat, stepping back. “If I accepted this offer, no one and nothing in the ocean world would take me seriously. I would become an outcast anyway.”
Koa rolled her eyes and laughed heartily. “At least you’ll still be protected by the army and you’ll have a family. Or would you rather join the mermaids collecting gold all day for your sad little collection? Also, I’m sure the white sharks would love an abandoned siren.”
“I’m going to be Queen,” Ezili said through clenched teeth. “I’m bringing Mother the heart no matter what. Now you go home and tell her just that. And be careful with my trident that you wore around your little breakable neck.”
Koa opened her mouth to speak, but Ezili didn’t give her a chance. She put up a hand and shouted, “Dawson, let’s go! Dolores is just about to leave.”
Ezili didn’t know what time she arrived home. She tried not to think about her sister’s words, which had clearly been for the purpose of making her doubt herself. She still hoped Dawson had had a great time tonight. They’d bought some books after she’d got rid of Koa, then stopped at a restaurant on the way back to Harry’s mansion. She’d apologised when he’d dropped her off for not being quite herself tonight, and she hated how he’d cheerfully said, “It was nothing. No worries.” Why did humans lie about how they felt all the time? If something bothered you or made you uncomfortable, why not just say it? Why did they feel the need to complicate things? It was hard enough for her to understand human emotions, and they expected her to be able to guess?
“Hey,” Harry said when their eyes met and she froze in the doorway. She’d expected him to be sleeping right now. “You look clean. Guess your sister didn’t kill Dawson?”
Ezili narrowed her eyes at him and kicked off her shoes. “No. Nothing bad happened.”
“Oh, man. I was hoping he was dead.”
“Shut up,” she said. “Also, I don’t think my sister will ever bother us again.” That, she wasn’t sure. She just wanted to be reassured even if it was by her own words.
Harry got up, hands slipped into his pockets. “Sooo...how was your date?”
Ezili pretended she hadn’t heard that question. “Why are you still up?” she asked.
He shrugged. “Had too much coffee earlier.” Then repeated, “How was your date?”
“It was fine,” Ezili said. "Why did you show up?"
"I was just making sure you wouldn't cause any trouble? Your name is tied to mine now, in case you've forgotten."
"How can I? You literally remind me of our fake relationship every two seconds."
“Why are you so pissed off?”
“I’m not.”
“You clearly are,” he persisted.
She let out a sigh, about to just go upstairs and ignore him for the rest of the night, but this one question kept tugging at her. So she had to ask.
“Have you ever been in love?”
Harry looked confused for a second. “No. Never. I think I’ve told you about what happened with my exes.”
“But did you love them at one point?”
“Well, I thought I loved them,” he said. “But looking back now, I don’t think I know what love is. It’s just...a lot of times, I want to be alone. Just me and Chilli. If someone enters my life and stays around for too long, it makes me uncomfortable.”
“But I’m also living here. We see each other all the time.”
“It’s not like I have a choice to kick you out,” he said, then instantly looked regretful.
Ezili padded across the room and stopped in front of him. “Why would anybody want to be alone?” She knew she didn’t. She was doing all this just to be accepted by her kind, but he, who had everything from fame and wealth to a supportive family, wanted to be left alone?
“You’re not the first girl to ask me that,” he said with a grin. “I think it has a lot to do with how I was brought up. I feel like everyone has these certain expectations for me, and when I don’t meet those expectations, I disappoint them. I just want to be by myself so I can just be me. I don’t want to adjust myself to the presence of others.”
Ezili nodded then moved a bit closer.
“What are you--”
She surprised him by placing her palm on the left side of his chest. Her skin tingled with the sensation of his little unsteady heartbeats when she came near. “But there’s nothing here,” she mumbled as if it would make sense to him. “You were telling the truth.”
“What do you mean?” Harry let out a nervous laugh and reached for her hand, which she withdrew before he could touch.
Harry’s smile faded. “Did Dawson say anything about me?”
“No. We hardly talked about you.”
“What about your sister? Why is she here?” he kept asking when she brushed past him and headed for the stairs. “Does your mother want you back? Ezi, what happened tonight?”
“Nothing,” she lied. “I’m just tired. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Ezi,” he said, his voice soft and pleading as if he could love her for a moment. But how could he? How could a man, who had lived his whole life without falling in love and prided himself on his loneliness, ever fall in love with a siren? He’d said he’d wanted to kiss her again, but there he’d stood in front of her and claimed her presence in this house made him uncomfortable. Then when her hand had been on his heart, she had felt nothing.
So had he lied about it? Humans lied about how they felt all the time. If they could lie about wanting to spend the rest of their life with one person, they could lie about wanting to kiss a siren.
Maybe, just maybe, Ezili should consider her sister’s offer.
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
End of the Year Review
I guess (?) I was tagged by @kitaychan - Thank you!
1. What fandoms did you create for?
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I don't think my historical musings for Hetalia AUs or Scenarios don't count as meta. Apparently I've added 4 new drabbles to the Drabble Collection, finished the last two drabbles for 'Tis but a scratch, published the last chapter and Epilogue of Italian Affairs, a new chapter for Herz auf Beat on Fanfiktion.de and published 7 One Shots (6 on ao3, 1 on tumblr). I've also wrote another TurGre One Shot and another part for The Amulet that are unpublished as of now.
3. What are you most proud of?
Finishing Italian Affairs and Part 4 of The Amulet (The Amulet is not yet published). I've been working on Italian Affairs since 2015 and to have finished it is a sensation that is quite hard to put into words. I've often been afraid I'd never see the day. It's such an achievement. And Part 4 of The Amulet, a story I've been writing and editing since 2017, was another thing I'd fuck up. But it turned out so incredible and gutwrenching that it really reminds me why I write and why I put so much work into it.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Between Me and the Goddess (and You) has a bibliography of 5 books :) (No but for real, I can't remember how many words I wrote this year or anything else).
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
I feel so bad answering this question because everyone else linked a bunch of people and their fanfictions (and I was among them), but there was only one fanfiction that truly inspired me. The İstanbul series by sadlygrove touched me deeply for personal reasons and it was so formative for how I approached the climax of The Amulet. It really put into words why this relationship is such a tragedy.
Aside from that, my inspirations were the usual - The world, its history and music. Maggie Kilgour's book "From Communion to Cannibalism. An Anatomy of Metaphors of Incorporation" really opened a third eye in terms of how to analyze and speak about my Like Father Like Son Series. Actually - I won't tag this person but you should check them out - it was @/catilinas cannibalism tag (Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed) that started the entire obsession with cannibalism as both tool for writing and tool for literature analysis. Truly inspiring - and now rereading my stuff is even more interesting, for all the unconscious Incorporation themes I've already included in my works throughout the years.
So yeah, I've used my term paper, which I wrote about the Bath curse tablets, for one drabble and I've read a lot of literature which left its mark on me. As did my trip to Palermo.
However, I do want to thank everyone who read my works this year, because it's still bonkers to me. @needcake (One day I will get around to read more of your stuff and maybe, maybe deliver some more neighbourhood AU), @shithole-state (I know I promised to get back to you on the ancient celts, sometime, my friend, hopefully), @fireandiceland @hetaari @kitaychan @i-declare-the-poland-rule @cunchishai @exi-stencil-ism @chaosintensifies.
I'm probably forgetting someone and I am very sorry for it. But it's so nice to see that people care! I feel almost bad that now I am already turning my back on producing content specifically for the fandom, when everyone welcomed be back in so wonderfully! But it's been great to meet you all and talk to you about certain things, about my writing and see someone else's perspective! If you ever left me a comment, trust me, it was the highlight of my day.
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
No Rest For The Wicked, because the the premise for this one was whacky as all hell for my standards (aka it felt super self-indulgent in its character selection) with a paperflimsy plot. But then I felt like going for it anyways, took a gamble ... and hey, other people liked it! And I've had one hell of a blast to write the different character relations in it, I'm very proud of the interactions and the piece actually helped me grow as a writer. (And I got to listen to Shimmy Shimmy by Takagi e Ketra ft. Giusy Ferreri on repeat for hours).
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
I really hope I'll get started on the rewrite of Irish Problems. Priority No. 1 right now is the last chapter of Herz auf Beat, which I also look forward to! As well as Part 5 of The Amulet, which then will also be finished! But man, I've got so many ideas for the rewrite of Irish Problems. I'm so excited to finally tell the story I've wanted to tell for years now. Like Father Like Son has been my life since at least 2014 (I started in 2013), so that's eight years I spent with these kids and their friends (and enemies). I just cannot wait to lay the groundwork for so many more adventures to come, for a complex but fun story with so many more characters. And to talk with people about the rewrite! The blessing of 2021 was that people read my stuff and finally, after years of isolation, I have more than three people with who to talk about my writing! It's quite freeing and thoroughly magical.
Tag some people!
I think everyone and their grandma already got tagged, but hey, if you see this and wanna do it - do it.
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flowerandblood · 11 months
The Prince and The Fox (2)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • female ]
[ warnings: bullying, mention of sexual abuse, trauma ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, toxic ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school. Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don't ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adult in the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I'm writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that's all you expect, this isn't the fic for you.
I don't want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned.
Aemond + Evans Series Moodboard
This is my first story that has its own playlist, but yes! Get in the mood! Story Music Playlist. Songs used in this chapter: Turn Your Back on me & The Lion's Mouth by Kajagoogoo and Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
That night she slept very badly. Her parents asked why she had come back so early and if she had enjoyed herself. She burst out crying, unaccustomed to lying, and told them what had happened.
Her father was furious, stormed out of the house and made her show him which boy had nagged and touched her. She begged him to let it go, Cregan had been away from the party for a long time, they had gone somewhere with friends.
Her father said he wouldn't leave it like that and demanded to speak to Aemond. The next morning she appeared, accompanied by her father, at their house, embarrassed, her father explaining what had happened. Their mother was shocked by what she had heard.
She, her father, Alicent, Aegon, Aemond and Helaena sat down in the living room to talk about it.
"What? God, I swear, Mum, I didn't know Cregan would do something like that!" Mumbled Aegon, shocked at what had happened, Helaena was distraught and sat beside her, stroking her hand. Aemond looked at her, some kind of understanding in his eyes.
He felt that she had done the right thing telling her parents about it.
"Aemond, my daughter told me that you stopped him and stood up for her. I am very grateful to you and I want to ask you, if his parents insisted that it was word against word, will you be able to confirm what she said?" Her father asked, and he nodded without hesitation, tightening his lips.
"Yes. It was exactly as she said. I heard him tell his mates at school during break that he was planning to fuck her here at the party." He said in shame, lowering his gaze, his mother shaking her head in disbelief, slapping her hands on her thighs in a gesture of helplessness and rage.
"And you kept silent?" She asked with disappointment and pain. He pressed his lips together and swallowed hard, overwhelmed apparently by remorse.
She felt her stomach tighten at the thought that he really hadn't meant to stop then, that he could have done something much worse to her.
Aemond lifted a gaze full of pain and shame at her.
"I-I thought he was just bragging to his mates and... I don't know, that you're into each other. That maybe you want this too. That he's actually a good guy and wouldn't do anything to you against your will. But when I saw your face when he started touching your thigh on the couch, that look of discomfort, I…" He said in a slightly trembling voice and paused, looking her straight in the eye.
She swallowed hard, understanding what he wanted to say.
He didn't expect it from him either.
She nodded, feeling warm in her heart nonetheless at the thought that he had followed them out to see if anything would happen to her.
If he would hurt her.
She covered her face with her hand, her father put his arm around her and stroked her tenderly.
"It's good that you spoke about it, sweetheart. You can't leave it like that." Alicent said, nodding her head. Suddenly she clapped her hands as if she remembered something.
"The cameras! Our security company keeps footage for 48 hours. We also have one in the garden in case of a break-in, why don't I call them and ask them to send us the video from yesterday? We'll check if we can see anything on it." She suggested, her father said it was an excellent idea.
She lowered her head, terrified that her father and others would be able to see it, that perhaps on the video it wouldn't look like sexual assault at all.
After all, she had hugged him herself.
They waited impatiently by Alicent's laptop, sitting down and glancing at her inbox, the security company employee who was in charge of her equipment said he would try to send her the footage within fifteen minutes.
They all flinched and moved closer as a new message appeared with a video file. She swallowed loudly, terrified, ashamed, feeling a tightening in her stomach and throat, afraid that it didn't look at all like she said it did, that everyone would think she was lying, that they would never believe her again.
She felt herself shaking, her knee moving up and down in an involuntary tic. She shuddered when she heard someone put a chair next to her, Aemond sat down touching her with his knees and shoulders, placing his elbows on the table, leaning over the monitor.
"It was about ten o'clock at night, Mum. I remember because by the time I left the clock was striking the hour in the living room." He said lowly, and Alicent quickly ran the cursor to that hour and turned on the accelerator a few times.
"Oh okay, mum, it's them, I can see Cregan!" Said Aegon, leaning between them, turning off the acceleration. Alicent pressed the spacebar, stopping the video.
"Do you want everyone to watch this?" She asked her quietly. She looked around and thought, in essence, that she recognised that these were people she trusted, who she hoped cared about her.
She nodded, swallowing hard.
Alicent pressed play.
The camera was up high and part of the bench was obscured by the canopy, their faces not visible. She saw them sit down, saw his arm around her, stroking her hand for a moment. She felt a cold sweat on her back as she saw his fingers lift higher and higher, heard Aegon and his mother draw in a loud breath as his hand slid under her dress.
Her father covered his mouth, heartbroken when he saw her hand immediately clamp down on his wrist in a clear gesture of defence, her whole body tense, it was obvious she was trying to pull away, to push back, to escape, and instead of letting her go he pressed her tighter against him.
She felt tears under her eyelids and lowered her head, not knowing where to look, she felt Aemond press his body closer to hers, felt his breath on the top of her head, felt him looking at her.
"− Jesus −" Muttered Aegon in disbelief, running a hand over his face. "− fucking piece of shit −"
Then they could already see Cregan and Aemond struggling with each other, her sitting down on the grass and crying, Aemond crouching down beside her and putting his arms around her, saying something to her.
The footage had no sound, but what could be seen on it was enough to clearly understand what had happened.
Her father got up and said he needed to get some air for a while and smoke a cigarette. Alicent followed him out, apparently wanting to work out what they were going to do, whether to report it to the police or not.
She felt Helaena's warm embrace, felt her lay her head on her shoulder and hugged her immediately, Aegon and Aemond looked at them in silence.
"− I'm sorry − fuck − if I had known, I would never have invited him! − I saw you two cuddling on the couch in the living room, but God, I thought you two were just in love − that, I don't know, you're together, just unofficially yet −" He mumbled, and she swallowed loudly, rubbing her eyes, trying to pull herself together.
"− please, Aegon − it's not your fault − you didn't do anything wrong − don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the alcohol −" She said quietly, tiredly, and he sighed heavily, scratching his head, clearly distraught that something like this had happened at his own party.
Aemond said nothing, fiddling with his mug of already half-cold coffee, it seemed to her that he hadn't slept well that night either.
Her father had decided that they would drive with this recording to his parents.
She was horrified.
"I will go with you." Aemond said, and her father nodded.
They drove there together in their car with Alicent's laptop. They sat side by side in the back seat, she saw that he was pulling at the cuticles around his fingernails again, she noticed with pain that he had actual wounds around them.
When he saw in the reflection in the window that she was looking at him he stopped immediately and swallowed loudly, lowering his gaze.
He was stressed too.
When they arrived a surprised Mrs Stark opened the door for them, asking who they were and what had happened.
"I would like to talk to you about your son."
She, Aemond and her father sat on the couch on one side and Cregan and his parents on the other as her father played them the video. Cregan was pale, sitting with his arms folded, feigning indifference, his knee shaking restlessly, he was biting his lower lip, his eyes red.
He was terrified.
His mother made big eyes when she saw the moment he slipped his hand under her dress and looked at him with disbelief mixed with pain. His father snorted, shrugging his shoulders.
"And what, are you going to go to the police? Destroy a young boy's life because he made a mistake, because his hormones are raging?" He asked as if it was a trivial matter, a complete nothing. She felt the rage surge in her father.
"Because of your son's hormones, he can act like a mindless monkey and grope girls who don't want him to?" He hissed, his father raising his eyebrows, pointing at her with his hand.
"Please, forgive me, but from what I can see in this video your daughter was pushing herself into his arms, after all he could have misunderstood her…"
"Mark." Said his wife, clearly not believing what she was hearing, pale.
Her father stood up, pointing his finger at her.
"My child came home crying because someone molested her. He only stopped because her classmate went out into the garden. And what would your son do if no one helped her, hm? How long would he hold her while she tried to break free?" He thundered furiously on the verge of tears, she had never seen him like this before.
She just sat on the couch, looking at her shoes, shaking all over, feeling that her biggest nightmare had just taken place in front of her eyes.
Please, forgive me, but from what I can see in this video your daughter was pushing herself into his arms.
Mr Stark raised his hands in a defensive gesture as if to show that his aim was not to argue or escalate the conflict.
"I admit, my son acted unwisely. He misread the girl's signals and behaved badly. We will be watching him more closely in this area. Is that all?" He asked, and her father closed the laptop with a loud slam and growled to them that they were leaving.
She stood up and cast one last look in Cregan's direction, he was looking at her with a hatred she had never seen in her life before.
She burst into sobs as soon as they got into the car, her father comforting her loudly telling her not to cry, that they were driving to the police station.
"No, no, please, no!" She whimpered, leaning forward, grabbing his arm, her father looked at her in the mirror.
"I can't do it, I can't do it anymore. I… stop, I think I'm going to throw up." She mumbled, her father stopped with a squeal of tyres. She got out and immediately vomited on the grass, coughing and crying, feeling her stomach convulse in pain.
She heard them both get out of the car, her father put his arms around her saying that everything would be fine, Aemond stood beside them not knowing what to do with himself, not knowing how to behave.
The next few days at school were extremely difficult for her. Some of her friends and acquaintances were shocked and horrified, giving her their complete support and understanding, saying they were disappointed by Cregan's behaviour.
However, others thought that she was simply lying.
"Attention whore." One of his friends growled, hitting her on the shoulder with his arm as he walked past her.
She saw that someone had scratched the word 'liar' on her locker standing in the corridor. She looked at it indifferently, then opened it as if nothing had happened and exchanged the books she needed with the ones she could put away.
This time he was the one looking at her.
She felt his gaze on her back in the classroom, in the corridor, as she sat at the bus stop looking at her shoes.
For some reason, even though she was alive and everything was going on, she felt dead.
She couldn't erase his touch from her mind.
She sat on the bus in total reverie, occupying the seat at the back by the window, sitting in her earphones, listening recently to nothing but Kajagoogoo songs, 'Too shy', 'Turn Your Back On Me', 'Ooh to Be Ah', 'The Lion's Mouth' looped on her player.
Their electronic sound and the wonderful bass guitar in the background energised her when she had no strength and couldn't rouse herself.
She had just listened to 'Turn Your Back On Me' for the second time since the morning when she felt someone sit down next to her.
She glanced to the side and spotted a black sweatshirt, familiar hands clicking something on his phone, apparently pausing the song he had just listened to on his player, she saw that it was 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns N' Roses. She pulled down one earpiece, looking at him in surprise.
"What are you listening to?" He asked, pulling on the cord of his black earphones, which dropped gently onto his lap with a quiet click.
She handed him her earphone, which he took from her, placing it in his left ear, moving a little closer to her so that there was enough cable for both of them. He mused, listening.
"Interesting." He muttered lowly, glancing at her player.
"Kajagoogoo." She said quietly, going into the track list so he could see what their songs were called.
"Nice bass." He admitted, as if surprised by this discovery himself. She nodded and closed her eyes, resting her temple against the glass, just sinking into the sound of the music.
He listened to the songs of her favourite band with her until they reached the school.
When the bus stopped he handed her back her earpiece, their hands touched. They looked at each other, for the first time so closely. He picked up his backpack and rose, trying not to hit his head on the low ceiling and walked out in front of her, no longer paying attention to her.
She walked through the corridor of her school listening to "The Lion's Mouth", trying not to pay attention to whether anyone was looking at her or not, focusing on the words of the song, staring blankly ahead.
Hey fool watch out! (Watch out) You'll get mauled by the lion's mouth -
Hey fool watch out! (Watch out) You'll get mauled by the lion's mouth (I don't think so) -
Hey fool watch out! (Watch out) You'll get mauled by the lion's mouth -
The music suddenly stopped when someone tripped her up. She wobbled and fell over, collapsing on the floor, her earphones falling out of her ears. She lifted herself up on her arms and turned over her shoulder, noticing Cregan's hateful stare.
A moment later, several things happened at the same time. Aemond who threw him to the floor, pounding his face with his fist, holding his sweatshirt, growling that he was a fucking piece of shit, a mere abuser, a nobody, a zero.
His colleagues and teachers had to separate them, Cregan spat blood on the floor.
She felt someone grab her shoulders, Helaena stood over her, looking at her in horror.
"Are you all right?"
She sat in her classroom terrified, glancing anxiously over her shoulder at the empty seat in the bench he sat in, knowing that he and Cregan had ended up at the headmaster's office.
That he was in trouble because of her, that he could be suspended because of her.
She shuddered when she heard the sound of the door opening and saw him step inside, the teacher paused his reasoning for a moment and grunted, returning to the subject of the lesson.
Aemond walked over to his bench without a word, not looking at her, and sat down in his chair, pulling off his backpack, taking out his textbooks and notebook, giving her one calm look.
She pulled her phone quickly from her sweatshirt pocket, reminding herself that she had his phone number, and quickly texted him.
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She heard his phone vibrate on his bench. She sat looking ahead, feeling her heart pounding hard.
After a moment, the display of her phone lying on her thighs lit up and she saw that she had received a new message. She opened it quickly, feeling a tightness in her throat.
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She turned towards him over her shoulder, his lips curving into a grin. She smiled gratefully at him and breathed quietly, turning ahead, trying to finally focus on what her teacher was talking about.
Boarding the bus after class, she dared to sit next to him. They looked at each other, he watched as she untangled her earphones and plugged them into her phone. She saw him pull his own off and pause his player.
"Are you going to listen to that band with weird name again?" He asked lowly and she nodded, smiling at him.
He held out his hand to her and she handed him her earpiece, this time with her left hand, turning on 'The Lion's Mouth'.
"This is my favourite." She admitted with a smile, feeling calm for some reason, her stomach filled with warmth.
"Mmm." He hummed, their elbows resting against each other lying on their armrest, however neither of them seemed to mind.
She understood then.
The Little Prince took a step towards the Fox of his free will.
She smiled under her breath.
He wanted her to tame him.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy
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homosexualrodent · 3 years
end of year review
thanks for tagging me @honeyscapes <33
what fandoms did you create for ?
teen wolf :))
how many works did you create this year ? fics (on ao3, tumblr, etc.), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta ?
i’ve got 7 fics on ao3, 1 fanart edit thingy for the otl thiam big bang, and maybe 5 moodboards?
any stats you wanna tell us about ?
not anything in particular, no, but i was super shocked by the amount of people who simply read or engaged with everything i created this year. the hits, the kudos, the comments, the likes, the reblogs; every single one is so cherished. 
what inspired you this year ? any specific works or creators ?
in general, i found inspiration in the events of 2021. i felt a lot this year, and was inspired to channel those emotions in writing. i think my lack of motivation also inspired me to seek something with more meaning, which for me was getting on tumblr and ao3 and meeting awesome people. and speaking of the awesome people i met, i’d say it was them and their creativity that inspired me the most. april, kaleb, haley, lucía, @chcrrysprite and @attempted--eloquence were my biggest muses this year. to either see them pop up on my dash or inbox always prompts me. it’s their works, along with @eneiryu’s, @septicrier’s, @yikeshereiam’s and @frustrateddumbbar’s works that have reminded me why i got into writing in the first place. so thank you to everyone mentioned, everyone whose work i’ve read, everyone who interacts in some way with my works and everyone in the thiam fandom! you have all been the ultimate inspirations for me this past year !!!
what are you most proud of ?
it is so difficult for me to decide what i’m most proud of. in terms of works, i think i’m more proud of my newest work, moonlit winter clouds the color of the desperation of wolves. i don’t post something unless i actually like the plot, so i’m proud of all my works in that sense, but there was just something different about writing and planning this one. maybe i’m most proud of it because it was the work that sort of got me out of my slump, but i know that i’m proud of the writing of this one. 
what’s a piece you didn’t expect to make ? why ?
i did not expect to make moonlit winter clouds the color of the desperation of wolves. i’ve known for a while that i wanted to make something to speak the extent of my gratitude, but deep down, i really didn’t expect to find something to write about. once i finally had an idea, it seemed way to close to new years, and i didn’t expect to finish it in the few days i had. but i’m pleasantly surprised to have gotten it up on time and now i can work on chapter 2 :)) 
i also did not expect to ever write the first chapter of it’s far too deep for a bandage now, let alone actually post it. it is by far the most gruesome theme i have written, which is why i also don’t expect myself to be able to get the second chapter done any time soon.  
what are you excited to work on next year ?
i have a lot of drafts and there are a few that i look forward to finishing up this new year. some of very plot-oriented and some are more introspective, and i’m excited to try my hand at more themes. i’m also excited to work on my existing works some more. new chapters are warranted for all of them and there is not one that i do not look forward to writing.
i’m not sure who’s been tagged already, but i’m tagging @theoceanismyinkwell @lucilucialu @attempted--eloquence @yikeshereiam @chcrrysprite @frustrateddumbbar and anyone who would like to join in !!
happy new year, everyone <33
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Day Four
Late today and not even remotely thinking about writing rn, but, let’s give it a go!
I’m participating in this project courtesy of @the-wip-project and tagging fellow participants @thelittlefanpire @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold and @hopskipaway.
I’m not going off today’s prompt because...tbh I just don’t personally vibe with that kind of planning. Also, as I said... Fridays in general are not good creativity days for me because I’m really tired from the week and really focused on work (as in, the job that pays the bills). This goes double for today because I ended the day with a long skype convo with a good friend, and we were not discussing writing or anything really related to...this post.
Instead I’m going to brainstorm a list of Creative Moods. Sometimes I know I want to create but I don’t know how, or I feel a certain intense need that isn’t wholly about writing, or I just sort of yearn in a vague way. Sometimes it’s more about writing itself and sometimes more about accomplishment or lists.
Anyway, speaking of, here’s a list of the aforementioned creative desires:
The desire to just write, write anything, get some words on the page, feel myself writing
The desire to capture a particular mood or image or moment or feeling
The desire to finish a particular project
The desire to cross projects off a list generally
The desire to return to or enter a specific fictional universe
The desire to make lists or otherwise organize writing projects
The desire to create something adjacent to a writing project (usually this is very vague because my only real creative talent is writing but like a moodboard or a playlist or something)
The desire to post/share and receive validation
The desire to brainstorm, plan, or outline, especially complex plots
These moods are not all compatible, obviously. The brainstorming mindset is different from the list making mindset is different from the actually writing mindset. When I try to think about actually writing while I organize projects, I get overwhelmed and the organizing ceases to become fun. When I let thoughts of other projects on the list into my brain while I’m trying to write, I become paralyzed and can’t write. The instinct to ‘just write anything’ sometimes goes with the desire/ability to work on a specific project, but sometimes not, because a specific project involves consistency with previous work, following a plan, hitting certain plot points, etc., whereas “just writing” involves writing like three paragraphs about watching a lady bug and then abruptly ending the scene. It’s about Just Not Caring about what is created.
Anyway, all of these moods are valid but I guess the lesson is don’t confuse one for the others.
I hope to do some actual writing tomorrow... that’s the goal anyway. We’ll see how that goes. I have other stuff I need to do and also Saturday doesn’t seem like a real concept right now so I make no promises to myself.
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rosalind-of-arden · 4 years
Tota Est Gratia: A Great Library Fan Appreciation Project
As you all have probably heard, Rachel Caine was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. This project is a Great Library fandom collaboration to show her how much we appreciate her work. In keeping with the themes of the series, the goal is to show the power and immortality of her writing.
The end result will be a book, or at least a booklet. What else could it possibly be? That book will contain a collection of messages describing the impact that the Great Library series has had on us and the parts that we have found most meaningful. I’m leaving this open-ended to allow for a variety of responses, but here are some options:
Choose a quote from the series and write about why it speaks to you.
Write about a favorite character, setting, plot, theme, scene, chapter, or book.
Write about the influence the series has had on your life.
Write a thank-you note.
In addition, I will also include creative and related work, so long as it is NOT fanfiction. In particular, I would love to have visual elements to add. Options:
Fan art
Moodboards and other visuals
Lesson plans and class activities
Scholarly essays (or book reports/homework!)
Links to audiovisual materials
Please DO NOT send:
Fanfiction. This is a boundary violation for authors.
Anything including negativity or hate toward anyone. You are welcome to say that you like this series more than any other media, but please don’t bash other media in the process.
Bigotry of any sort, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. As Wolfe made very clear in Ink and Bone, the Great Library does not tolerate any of that.
Adult content. It’s a YA series, so keep things PG-13 rated.
None of these have to be long. Short messages are as welcome as long contributions. The goal of showing appreciation is what matters. Feel free to be creative with formatting, fonts, colors, visuals, etc., just please give credit where credit is due if you incorporate any words or images that you did not create yourself.
You don’t have to produce anything new. Feel free to send in work you have already done if it’s relevant!
I will note that I am not especially talented with visuals, but I will attempt to design the final document in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, or at least professional and readable. I will not edit or change the content anyone’s work, but I may adjust fonts, spacing, etc. to make things fit neatly on pages. If there are formatting elements of your submission that you feel especially strongly about, make a note of it and I will do my best to maintain those.
All submissions will be due no later than Saturday, October 17th. Send your work either to my inbox or in a reply to this post. Work may be sent as plain text, links to online content, or Google docs (make sure to set sharing so I can access it!). Basically, if it can be sent to my Tumblr inbox or you can link it, I will take it.
I will compile everything into a single pdf document. Thanks to @thelonelyrainbowenby, we have a contact for Caine’s assistant, who can pass it along. I will also share the final document here on Tumblr, and I would be grateful if anyone active on Twitter, Facebook, etc. could share it there as well. Let’s show how much we appreciate Rachel Caine’s work!
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