#there's a reason mc wanted to escape lol
damnation-if · 2 years
I don’t know if anyones asked about them yet but what can you tell us about the monks some MCs were born into if that isn’t big spoiler info & if it is what about just monks in general I’m guessing they’re not the Punches You, Punches You kind
the monastic community that some mcs can choose as an origin is indeed not a d&d monk class type monastic community; not to say that those kinds of people don't exist in Damnation's world or anything but just purely from a practical perspective it seemed fairer not to give one of the origins a distinct advantage in something like self-defence. then again it's not like fighting is really going to be a Huge factor but it still seemed best to keep everyone's mcs on a roughly even starting playing field.
the monastic community that mc grew up in is more in the "religious scholar" kind of vein, with lots of strict customs designed to help the people who live there achieve a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. in particular, the monastery where the mc grew up was dedicated to an extremely strict lawful good deity of agriculture and industry who demands high levels of diligence and conscientiousness from his followers.
mostly what they did was tending crops and other plants, working various farming machines and making lots of things like clothing and household items that they didn't get to keep but gave away to others in between prayers and scripture readings. there wasn't a whole lot of time pencilled in anybody's schedules for fun or relaxation... their god would have disapproved lmao.
i hope this helps answer your question!
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ad-hawkeye · 7 months
I think I saw that take about Alkaid on Twitter/X and I guess it's deleted now. I don't know if op is being satire or what but my mind that time was like- "are we playing the same game bruv?" 😭
Mans so polite with others and that makes him distant with everyone except mc. I also remember describing himself as a lonely person before mc came along. Him politely rejecting & turning down other people's vday gifts. I remember watching a vid about his design notes and basically his charm points are his warmth, dedication, and introversion. The fashion designer(?) also tells an important note about him is that, he's far more dedicated than the average person. Also in the alternate universes, he's pretty much loner and prefer to keep himself before mc came along. Mans also so bashful & awkward when mc flirts with him.
In short, alkaid is not THAT kind of person because like you said, it doesn't match his personality at all and it's really ooc 💀
Ngl I got a whiplash when I saw that take because as a player of for all time for three years now, it's hard to imagine alkaid as that type of person bc like i said, he's not..... like that...
chef kiss. mwah. co-signed. this whole ask nails everything perfectly about alkaid and i have nothing more to add. the funny part is that if asked, i could pin point which canonical in game parts you're referring to!!
also twitter definitely... Explains that HAHA. i've seen some rancid takes in my time but i truly think twitter is like. the pit of despair or something. i tried setting an account set up there but wound up abandoning it... :,)
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
Sylus: Naked and feisty
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Warning: 16+, Suggestive content, almost nudity, female!mc
Author's notes: I wrote this 6 days ago and i just wanted to share even if it's not in the posting calendar lol.
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"Why are you only in your underwear?" Sylus stops in his tracks the moment you set your foot out of the guest bedroom, towel around your neck and a comb in your hand.
"I'd like to ask you the same thing," The brush in your hand combed through your wet, freshly washed hair, leaving a few droplets onto the polished cement floor.
A sigh escaped his lips and an evident frown on his face. "This is my house, you brat, I can do whatever I want." thick and veiny hands traveled to the ribbon of his robe, un-doing the knot that held his cover in place. Swiftly, he threw the robe towards your way and pointed at it: "Put that on."
"It's night time," She tilted her head with a smirk, "I like to sleep naked." You lied to him and he, for sure, was not buying into it. A quick gruff escaped his lips and he made his way to the kitchen, ignoring your attempts at getting on his nerves.
"Do what you want, but just so you know," he tilted the moka pot into his small mug, opening a cabinet and getting a jar. "There's eyes all over my house, not mine, of course. Your images would be in the black market by tomorrow morning. You wouldn't want that *do you?"
"Hundreds of men lusted after seeing you at the auction, even with the mask on, they would be fools if they don't notice you right away." He sipped on his coffee, eyes on the woman that sat on his black couch, smirking at him in her lacy, maroon underwear.
It was a feast for his eyes
The n109 zone is a cold and chilly island, much less inside the home of the onichynus' leader. The hairs on your body was practically standing from the cold air, yet you remain determined to walk around in your bare clothing. Why were you doing this in the first place? There was only one reason:
You wanted him to loose his composure.
Petty and childish? Most definitely, but Sylus' irritable yet in one way or another: tolerant.
*towards you at least.
It was pure curiosity and presumably something that you can use when the time calls for it - A tool against him, his weakness.
"It's not as if this is the first time someone has seen me in this state," You chimed, almost worried that you sounded over confident to the point of faking it — No one has seen you naked before, not even your doctor, Zayne.
"tch—" Sylus clicked his tongue at the thought. God knows what he was imagining to have a scowl on his face.
Swift, and calm, almost tempting like a fox, you make your way to the towering curtains that blocked the full length window. A slither of silver peeked through the awning, hitting the floor.
"Let them see what they want to see, yeah? My body's not that different from any body else," Your fingers tugged on the black out curtains, pulling it to reveal the view of the dark, decrepit city, and a bunch of ravens and crows flying about the night sky.
Certainly there was no one in sight, yet you feel a gaze - more than one, and the strongest one coming from from that behind you.
You turn your heel and came face to face with his bare chest. A hand pressed you back against the glass with slight force, a knee squeezed in between yours. His fingers under your chin tilted you up to look at him and his eyes - filled with uncoceivable emotions, bore holes into your own eyes.
"If you like to parade your body around so much, Should i carve out a statue to your liking and display it in the middle of Linkon city? Or would you like me to commission that damned lemurian to paint you naked, You decide." there was a lace of venom in his voice, irritation colder than the breeze. "But between you and me,"
Behind you you hear the crows gawk in their flight.
He pulls himself closer to your neck, "i'll kill anyone who lays his eyes on your bare body."
Before your could retort, a spine chilling sting traveled from your neck, a pinch in your neck caused by his teeth nibbling, sucking until you pushed him away.
Sylus smirked at the sight of the hickey before turning his attention to the bird on the branch. Seeing a crow jerk its head in curiosity, he let out a chuckle.
"I don't share, Little brat." Sylus whispered to you, his voice deeper than anything you have heard someone speak. "and if you want to walk around naked," Without warning, he slung you onto his shoulder like a sack of cement and pulled on the curtains to a close.
"You can do so in my bedroom."
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elmushterri · 3 months
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I filled an entire page of my sketchbook with Nori!
I love them sm!!! This has to be one of my favorite of your rewrites, I seriously did not think I could actually care abt PJ Masks past the age of 6 but now I'm obsessed 😭
On another note, just a random thing I'm curious about, before breaking off from GunnTech, did the main three basically live at the facility since they were initiated? I guess they do from what I’ve seen, but I was just wondering if they ever had to go to like. School or something, when they're not training. And if they ever got to see their family again (though I doubt both the kids and their family would want to lol)
And one more thing, totally important and necessary to ask, how does Nori acquire the kids? (..that doesnt sound right)
Like does he break in to the facility from time to time or did they just bring them with him when they left GunnTech or does he take them in when he finds them just out and about??
NORI… OUR FAVOURITE PROBLEM! The way you draw eyes scratches my brain /positive.
I think the idea is that everyone does live at GunnTech, they have rooms and go to school. GunnTech also has a prison somewhere (like, sci fi, clean, sterile white prison, a glass front-wall for cells instead of bars, and that’s where everyone gets put in Season 4. But, before that, when the main three villains (or at least, just Luna and Nori) escaped, it wasn’t totally locked down so they had to walk out suspiciously/tell the security guards reasons (you need to give reasons when leaving GunnTech so, “I’m hanging out with a friend” comes with ‘who is the friend + give us contact details’) and then probably remove a tracker (unsure as to whether the wristbands are the trackers or the trackers are put into their chest implants), and try to avoid getting caught for the rest of the time (until season 3-4 ofc). The main story probably begins with the three MCs trying to find them and bring them back. Romeo’s wanted cause he stole tech, though, he’s not a mutant.
Nori risks his life basically (not literally but he risks huge punishment) by constantly breaking into the facility to get out new kids. Kids who haven’t yet been mutated all have one room (several large rooms for many kids’ bunk beds basically, not literally one big room 😭) and he goes in and saves one or two each time. Some kids don’t *want* to come with him, thinking this is a cool superhero opportunity. He has an easier time helping kids who are scared and having second thoughts. He’s very gentle.
Also reminder that Nori had their finger prints burned off yipeeee. He’s not letting that happen to the others. (It doesn’t happen to every kid, but GunnTech probably has categories (like, heroes: animals, space, spies, drivers, healers?) and if you’re in the (name is a work in progress) Spies Category (stealth category?) like Nori, you get your finger prints burned off.
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Daisy is canonically one of the only two Ninjalino names we know! I might make her into a small side character so that art isn’t 100% solid but eh!
Also he can’t really just “take them back to their parents”. If you’re a child at GunnTech, your parents either gave you away for money or you’re an orphan.
Nori’s usually a sassy ‘problem’ but they have their really serious and gentle moments.
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blughxreader · 1 year
I know you said "re-connection" was platonic, but reading through it (while giggling impishly), my thought process was: "This is going to end in sex... this HAS to end in sex.... How is this NOT going to end in sex???" And I was pleasantly surprised it didn't. I very much loved it and liked the portrayal of both Dick and Jason. You also made MC into a very interesting character and I've read the fic like 4 times already and still convince myself that it's going to end in sex cause like... have you seen them? Those boys clearly want to plow you (... in a brotherly? fashion /jk)
Yess i think the reason why the fic (and yandere in general) is so good is because the yandere's have one straightforward goal (loving you) that they go about in the most backwards ass way possible
Being stripped down and overpowered and held heavily indicates sex, but... that didn't happen, and that somehow makes it worse.
If they had sexually molested the reader then it would have been for their own benefit (thus easier to blame), but they acted in her interest instead. Very angering and confusing.
Also I REALLY loved Dick and Jason as the yanderes because they have such interesting motives.
Dick is the heart of the Bats, so he strives to maintain inter-relational order. Bruce might be the head of the family but he's fucking awful at subtlety.
Dick is the "let's all watch a movie" to Bruce's "In order to strengthen bonds, we will start an "companion" rotation so you can familiarize yourself with everyone's company. I have 42 follow-up plans depending on how you react after two cycles."
Your resistance to the pack hurt a lot of feelings that Dick's trying to remedy, so it's not just only you he wants to help. The pack needs its sister, and he's going to ensure you join them.
Jason doesn't concern himself with pack unity. Whether you want to join or not, he gets it. BUT that respect goes away when he sees you struggling.
In the fic, he sees you as a conflicted and confused person who's drowning in their own poor decisions.
Let's also not forget that Jason is the judge, jury, and executioner for criminals. He can absolutely reach the point where he makes decisions for you if he deems you unable.
Dick "pack is so important, PLEASE get along" Grayson and Jason "you can live how you want up until you hurt yourself" Todd make a pretty fun team.
AS FOR THE SEXUAL UNDERTONES... guilty teehee. I left it vague on purpose. Also ABO is so sexually charged, it's impossible to escape.
Taboo step sibling romance is hot, but i also prefer to think of batfam in the platonic sense lol. Bon appetite to all y'all who wanna read between the lines tho
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yinyuedijun · 3 months
NIGHT FLOWER: part i — additional end notes
tw: omegaverse, slavery, sexual abuse, racism, gendered violence
hi everyone! if you're here then that means that you read the first chapter of my abomination of an omegaverse fic (thank you and I'm sorry). I understand that slave aventurine fics are very heavily criticised and perceived in a certain way in this fandom because they touch on very sensitive topics. as such, I wanted to explain the intent of this fic in its exploration of these themes, to avoid being misread.
the main reason I chose to make this an omegaverse fic and frame it in the context of slavery is because I wanted to explore how gender-based violence (gbv) intersects with racism, particularly for a character like aventurine (whose canon arc is already couched within ethnic violence and slavery). I did not write these themes for the purpose of eroticising them.
speaking of sexual violence + racism, canon already does actually have some basis for it that may escape EN players. sparkle, during her racist tirade against aventurine, explicitly calls sigonians “交际花” — which can mean “courtesan”, and also doubles as a derogatory term for women who “socialise” to gain wealth/status. so when this fic depicted fetishization of the avgin people, that was partly done out of connection to what is already implied by canon.
one thing that people may find unusual about the interpretation of omegaverse in this fic is that the reader is also subject to gbv as an alpha. while alphas are still alluded to as a privileged, oppressive class here (per omegaverse genre conventions lol), I find it hard to believe that alphas as a class would completely escape gendered violence, especially within fundamentally abusive systems such as slavery (just as how men do not escape gbv in these contexts in real life). I did not create this backstory for the purpose of eroticising these themes; I did it as an exploration of both the genre and real life oppression.
wrt the relationship between aventurine and the mc: while the overall arc for them is going to be a healing and loving one, I want to acknowledge that their sexual relationship is extremely bleak and unhealthy in this chapter. I would not condone a dynamic like this in real life by any means, but in the context of fiction, in the context of this narrative, I really do think their relationship needed to be executed this way.
I shall also say this. while I am not going to eroticize the unhealthy parts of their sexual relationship, I am absolutely going eroticize the hell out of the healthy parts of their sexual relationship 👍👍👍 so aventurine fuckers please be strong… we will someday get to the unrepentant corn in this fic (probably next chapter lol)
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starmocha · 5 months
calling your name Dawnbreaker/MC, implied Zayne/MC | 1506 words | AO3 The jasmine was about to blossom. A/N: I haven’t written anything in 2 years due to reasons, so lol IDK what I’m doing. I was also supposed to be working on a different LNDS ficlet, but Dawnbreaker called, so I answered, because I love him lots and want to give him the universe. Slight divergence from the end of the anecdote.
On a window sill, a small pot housing an unflowered jasmine plant was meticulously cared for as its owner waited for the first blossoms.
He saw the girl in his dreams again.
He did not dare utter her sweet name, let alone think it, for it caused him to ache and yearn for her, someone who would forever be beyond his reach across time and space.
He had gone on years and years, watching her from afar in his dreams. It felt so wrong, this feeling of voyeurism, forced to see the object of his affection with that other man, this being who shared his likeness and name, but they were not the same person.
While that other man lived freely, carrying the revered title of doctor, an angel on earth who saved countless lives with his scarred hands, he was his opposite.
He walked in shadows, evading police as he took numerous lives with his ice-cold hands. One could argue he was an angel of mercy, appearing to those who knew they were on the brink of losing the last remnants of their humanity. He himself saw nothing of the sort, only knowing he was shackled to this fate of walking the earth alone, bearing the burden of taking doomed lives to protect the still living. To some, he was the Grim Reaper, appearing in his dark clothes, expressionless, as he swiftly took the lives waiting for him. Others knew him as Dawnbreaker, the callous serial killer who left behind nothing of his victims to show that they ever existed.
He himself was just Zayne. The names, titles, and monikers bestowed upon him meant nothing to the young man, who had no one in his life to even call for him or remember him. He was used to silence, to the solitude, understanding that this was his fate.
He lived in purgatory, moving like clockwork and seeing neither joy nor sadness in this monotone world. When nightfall descended, he escaped to heaven where the girl was. Never alone, she was always happily side-by-side with the doctor. He stole glimpses of her smiles, pocketing them as if they were his and his alone. How pitiful of him, to relish in something that was not for him.
He learned not to care, to savor what little joy he was able to greedily take for himself. He lived this way for years, as a voyeur, a thief, an imposter.
When the day came the girl saw him within their dreamscape, he did not know how to react. He stilled, her words left him shaken inside:
“You…aren’t Dr. Zayne. Who are you?”
He didn’t know what to tell her. He didn’t know what to do in this moment. For as long as he could remember, she was always within reach in his dream ever since that fated night so long ago when he was a child. Now, she was here, in front of him, seeing him.
I can’t lose her. I can’t lose her. I can’t—
And then he felt an unfamiliar warmth on his cheek. Her hand caressed his face, memorizing the shape and feel of him that was near identical to the doctor, but perhaps in her eyes alone they were not.
“Why do you look so sad?”
He looked mildly surprised. He searched within him for words, for his voice, unprepared for this sudden moment of being able to speak with her at last. The seconds that felt like eternity to him ended with one simple phrase: “Do I?”
She nodded once and then she disappeared, and he awakened in a cold sweat.
She saw him. She touched him. She spoke to him.
What did it mean? He didn’t know, didn’t have an answer or theory to this new development.
He touched his cheek, her warmth still lingering. The only thing he knew was that he needed to see her again, hoping and praying that she wouldn’t disappear, that she would speak to him once more.
The next night, she appeared before him again, and just like the previous time, she saw him.
“What’s your name?”
He hesitated, but he answered her, “Zayne.”
She looked surprised, but she didn’t act on it. Instead, she smiled and introduced herself. He almost wanted to laugh in incredulous amusement at the situation, having known her name already from so long ago. He restrained his amusement, and he smiled back. “Pleased to meet you.”
They crossed path again, and again, and again. Each time, without hesitation, her eyes lighted with joy for him.
For him.
He didn’t dare to feel happiness, unsure if he was even deserving of such feelings. But he smiled. He greeted her smiles with his, feeling peace in the moments with her.
He wished he could dream forever, to always have her by his side until the end of time itself.
He no longer envied the doctor, no longer stole moments that were not his to take.
The dream world had changed, molding into bustling cities long ago full of parks, restaurants, and cafés for him to wander with her by his side, to create memories that were for just the two of them to share.
The smiles came naturally, his eyes focused only on her as she chatted and showed him things he did not know in his own world. He listened to her stories, hearing unfamiliar names of the people in her life, but he was engrossed nonetheless, holding onto her every word like a lifeline. When she mentioned the doctor, she paused, seemingly conflicted.
“Go on,” he urged her gently, being rewarded instantly with her kind smile. He didn’t remember the anecdotes she shared of the doctor. He had become too drunk on her voice, too enamored by her pure existence to even think lucidly anymore.
Oh, how he wished he could stay intoxicated, to always keep this feeling of euphoria within himself.
“Do you like chocolate?” she asked after slipping her hand into his coat pocket for warmth, being surprised when she brushed against a small chocolate square.
He himself was surprised to see the sweet treat, having forgotten he was the one who had placed it there in the first place. He pondered, unsure. He ate a lot of chocolate, not disliking it obviously, but he wondered if he could even describe it as his favorite thing to have. It had become more of a habit than anything else really.
“I do not dislike it,” he said after a moment of thought.
She smiled, seemingly understanding him, and unwrapped the little square, taking a delicate bite for herself. “If I have something sweet, I’d be happy, even if it was a bad day.”
He mulled over her words, thinking how it perfectly matched his own feelings.
“Are you tired?” he asked her as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
They found themselves sitting on a beach, watching a sunset. The sound of waves crashing gently upon the shore filled the silence. She shook her head, but her eyes closed. He gazed down at the top of her head, and he placed a kiss, pulling her closer into his embrace.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
“For what?”
“For being here…with me.”
His days remained the same, his tasks unchanging as always. The police records for Dawnbreaker had all mysteriously disappeared, leaving him to freely move about without interference. When dusk finally approached, he counted down the minutes to when sleep would come for him, and her as well.
In the world that they shared, he felt as if he had snuck into heaven, knowing this was something never for him to have. When she looked at him, gentle eyes full of delight and love, he knew he would bend time and space for her.
He leaned forth, her soft lips beckoned him to claim them as his, to steal away all of her sweet kisses for himself. Just as their lips were about to touch, he found himself alone in darkness.
The girl was gone.
He called out for her, searched for her within the empty space.
His feet pounded on the floor, echoing in the darkness, as he ran into the void. His heart raced, a cold dread stirred within him, as he found himself approaching a light at the end of the path. He touched against an invisible barrier, separating him and her once more.
He saw her, through the transparent wall, his beloved’s face was wracked with confusion and heartache. Her mouth formed his and the doctor’s name, but the person she sought was gone. In his place stood the doctor as he tried to console the hysterical girl, unable to fathom the cause of her tears and emotional distress, but at the same time, he was unwilling to let her hurt alone.
He watched, helpless, as another man embraced her, soothed her, loved her.
He closed his eyes.
He awoke to a sweet fragrance in his bedroom.
The jasmine had blossomed, and his heart broke.
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ghostie-in-wonderland · 3 months
Rides I think the Obey Me! Characters would dislike
Tw: motion sickness is mentioned
Mammon: Manta at Sea World Orlando
I think his voice box would be definitely strained afterwards from screaming. Definitely don’t think he’d enjoy the whole like laying parallel to the ground part. He seems like the friend who would pretend to not be scared of a ride, while actually being terrified and at the end of the day has no voice from how loud he was screaming. 
Lucifer: Tower of Terror 
I can’t explain it, but he gives me the vibes of someone who has definitely freaked out about getting trapped in an elevator, but he plays it off because of his pride so he would never let anyone know that the ride spooks him. He’s also a 1000% someone who’d go on the People-mover all day, which is definitely a mood sometimes. 
Leviathan: Thunderbolt at Kennywood
It legit causes someone to pretty much sit on someone else’s lap. I think he’d be freaked out by that. If he rode it with the MC, instant nosebleed. I think he’d prefer to play the games or do rides where he’s not sitting directly against someone. 
Asmodeus: A Bug’s Life at Disney World 
The seats make it feel like bugs crawl on you. I think he’d hate that. Plus, you watch like a little Bug’s Life performance thing and it’s freaky (I also hated this attraction as a kid). 
Satan: It’s a Small World at Disney 
Somehow, he would get stuck in there. The ride would then be closed for the next five years because of how angry he’d get about the song. It would be entertaining though for MC if they’re chaotic. 
Beelzebub: Mission: Space at Disney World 
This ride is motion sickness devildom (lol see what I did there). He gives the vibes of the family member who has to sit in the front seat or next to a window because he gets really bad motion sickness and feels guilty the entire time. 
Belphegor: Black Widow at Kennywood 
I don’t think he’d vibe with the swinging and the spinning. I think he’d get really dizzy and annoyed by it. Especially because it’s longer than it needs to be. He also seems like the type to get headaches from rides that spin too much. 
Diavolo: Raptor at Cedar Point
This man is beefy. Truly I don’t think he’d like rides that have over the shoulder harnesses because they squish him. I think if you asked though, he’d still go with you on any rides because you asked. Also, I feel like if you’re plus size/chubby and nervous about fitting on a ride, he would 1000% make it seem like he was the problem if you don’t fit on the ride. He is a 100/10 character to go to a theme park with. 
Barbatos: Exterminator at Kennywood 
This is the entire reason I thought of this idea. I love this ride, but Exterminator with it’s OG theming (pre-making an express lane when it had good theming) would have freaked Barbatos out because it’s all about rats taking over a city. Like the whole ride is rat themed and you’re in a car that looks like a rat “trying” to escape exterminators. 
Simeon: Pipeline at Sea World Orlando
I think he’d dislike the whole standing while on a rollercoaster. I think he’d just dislike Sea World in general because of the ethical issues with it. I feel like his least favorite part would be getting off the ride and his legs being all shaky because of it. 
Luke: Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Disney World 
I think it would mostly be the jokes the brothers would make at his expense in line. 
Solomon: Invertigo at King’s Island 
I think he’d hate the possibility of going backwards on a rollercoaster. I think he’d also hate rides like the Music Express at Kennywood or Matterhorn at Cedar Point because it only goes in a circle. 
Mephisto: All of them
He just gives those vibes. I’m sorry he just does to me. I feel like he would be one of those people who are there for the vibes, probably go on a couple of the chiller rides like the Merry-Go-Rounds or join Lucifer on the People Mover (which would be amusing to watch). 
Thirteen: None 
A 10/10 character to go to a theme park with if you want a ride buddy, she’ll go on everything with you. 
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
I just realised that if MC were to make a Pact with Barbatos, then that would make him the 8th Demon they made a Pact with. And we know in Nightbringer that the reason why Barbatos is irritable towards Solomon is bc Barbatos found Solomon's list of demons he wanted to make pacts with and Barbatos was listed as 8th on the list. He was mad that he was placed 8th. He can never escape the number 8, lol.
Also, do you think it's possible to make a Pact with Diavolo? Since he's also a Demon, but then again, I don't think Barb would let that happen. From a political standpoint, Diavolo would never be allowed/agree to form a pact with someone since that would mean "submission," and he's the future king of Devildom.
I wonder if there's a pact equivalent for angels? Guardian Angel, perhaps?
Personally I'm still rather irritated about that entire thing with being 8th on the list. I don't care that it makes Barb look bad, I care that it's bad writing. It just doesn't make sense for them to have that go on continually the way it did just to have it be a joke in the end. I'm still upset about it!! That being said, I console myself by headcanoning that Barbatos didn't want to tell MC and Solomon the real reason for his anger and thus made something up on the spur of the moment. Alternatively, I will accept that he's a troll and was deliberately messing with Solomon all along. Just because I think that's funnier than him genuinely being upset about being number 8 lol.
However, you are correct in that if MC made a pact with him at this point, he would indeed be the 8th demon. On that note, I don't think Barbatos would care as much when it comes to MC. (I'm still not convinced he actually cares in Solomon's case either.)
I think Barbatos wants MC to do whatever feels right for them. Though I kinda wonder if he would even agree to a pact with MC if MC asked him for one. He certainly trusts MC, since he gave them a piece of his grimoire in NB. But there's still so much we don't know about him. And I'm not sure what happened with Solomon, but it seems like there were extenuating circumstances surrounding their pact situation.
As for Diavolo, MC does ask him to make a pact with them in season 3 of the OG.
SPOILER: Season 3, OG, specifically Lesson 59-7
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Personally I think it's pretty great that he laughs at you at first lol! But yes, while I'm sure Barbatos wouldn't be too excited about this idea, it seems that Diavolo is going to shut it down himself anyway. He knows he can't just hand control of himself over to a human. It's bad enough that MC has pacts with the seven lords and all that, they'd basically be the ruler of the Devildom if they had a pact with Dia, too.
As for the angels, I can't remember anything about them having an equivalent. Mammon talks about guardian angels a little bit in NB. But otherwise it's not really discussed much. (That I can recall.)
But even if that is an equivalent, it's not really the same situation, I would think. Since a pact means that a human can control the demon in question whereas a guardian angel is just looking out for their human. In the latter situation, the human might not even know they have a guardian angel.
But it would certainly be interesting if there was a version of the pact for angels. What would that mean for the human part of that equation? What would that even look like? There's not enough description in the game to go on, so I think you can headcanon it however you like.
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ewesless · 6 months
💨💀 Headcanons!
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Okay so this is my dirty secret forbidden crack. Here there be talk about bad gas out the ass (I can't find that legendary tumblr post, but if I do I will edit this post.) Edit: As promised! No wonder I couldn't find it :( I bless old chats, thank you old chats.
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Mine will be the opposite with the characters breaking the taboo with MC!
MC: Somehow they have never done this in front of anyone. Is it magic? Superhuman levels of self control? Nay, it's because they are a sheep plushie. Laughs at farts because they are pretty immature and like crude humor. So this will be their reaction!
Lucifer: Only in the sanctuary of the bathroom, but he does alone in his room or office. He has the tightest control and the stick up in there helps a bit. Even dead asleep he has ironclad hold over his sphincter. Mammon and the Anti-Lucifer League have tried to cause him to with gas causing food and drinks, but even curses, spells and hexes failed. Does he even fart or is that why he's so cranky all the time? Scolds MC for being immature and regularly chews out his brothers for being vulgar. Strings anyone up by the heels who would have the audacity to fart in front of Diavolo because it makes Diavolo lol and Barbatos looks at him like he's commit a heinous offense.
Mammon: Will hold someone down and fart on them, aka his brothers, by that I mean Levi. He would be embarrassed for letting one slip in front of MC, but when he finds out it makes them laugh and they're okay with it he's relaxes and won't worry about letting them out. Intentionally low pressure ones though and tries to be quiet about it. Will tap Luke someone else on the shoulder and say, "Guess what?" And then fart!! He fooled Luke and Little D. no. 2 with the "pull my finger" trick.
Leviathan: Rancid, third stinkiest because of his food choices and because he will hold his bowels during binge sessions and speed runs. His headphones have advanced noise cancelling now because he was having a gas attack from anxiety during an game night against MC, Diavolo and Barbatos (Because Barbatos was curbstomping him) so all of a sudden he is gifted these fancy headphones??? He doesn't connect the dots because he thought his old pair had good cancelling. When MC is hanging out with him he'll apologize only if they're audible or noticeably stinky. He thought the reason MC was laughing their ass off that fateful game night because he was so funny...
Satan: Third stinkiest. He's accustomed to being alone in his room so when he's reading in the library and wants to be left alone he will rip ass. It smells like a litter box in his room sometimes, but he blames it on Mammon's cooking rather than the cats he is able to smuggle in. He doesn't fart intentionally in front of MC, but he isn't bothered by it when he does because it's a normal bodily function so wht would he be? That's illogical.
Asmodeus: you would not catch him DEAD. He gets an upset stomach occasionally from fad dieting so he takes stomach medicine when he does, but he's an "exclusively in the bathroom" type. He will whenever he's alone though, but he resents it. He thinks his gas smells the least offensive and he's right!
Beelzebub: The stinkiest of stinkies. They have power behind them too, like gale force hurricanes (not really, but you could swear it) when he has eaten certain food. He does not hold back but he does apologize when he belches and farts.
Belphegor: Second stinkiest, silent but deadlies. No apologies, no remorse because he's lazy and his rear is just as lazy and it's a natural bodily function. He uses them to troll his brothers too, but he always gets a particular smirk when he does and they are a creeping death so if someone is observant or wary enough (like Lucifer) they will escape the room.
Diavolo: He got caught off guard by one in front of MC once and it snuck past his defenses unhindered. He almost died from embarrassment and MC almost died from trying not to laugh about it. After that he was profusely apologetic, but MC told him it was fine as they laughed and soon Diavolo was laughing with them. He's always extremely polite and socially graceful about even a stomach gurgle because he has an image (and a Barbatos who is always protecting and enforcing that image) he has trained himself to have an incredible ability to hold them in. (The chat where he had the leg cramp supports this) So when he catches a moment between public appearances or meetings to escape to the bathroom he has to make the most of the opportunity. He farts for funnies in front of Lucifer when they've been drinking because one time he did and Lucifer was so aghast by his gas that he let out a scoff-laugh of disbelief and amusement that the Devildom Prince just did that. Diavolo is hellbent on hearing that cute reaction again and uses it at unexpected moments like a ninja flashbang. With MC he feels like he doesn't have to feel the pressure to be seen as perfect and occasional fartiness (usually when Barbatos is on a kick with certain foods) is just part of him that he can be himself without fear of judgement with them about.
Barbatos: My MC would be in a long term battle of wills against anyone, but particularly Barbatos. They will not fart. He will not fart. No one has given ground in the ?(?) years they have known each other. The reason why? One time he passed gas in front of them and was so ashamed because of looking anything less than completely perfect, flawless and in control that he edited the timeline. He will go so far as to summon portals and step into pocket dimensions to fart.
Luke: Holds them and excuses himself to the bathroom because he's a polite and well mannered boy (in some ways...) and it would reflect negatively on Michael and Simeon for him to do that. If he tooted (his words) in front of MC he would be upset about being gross or uncool in front of them, but MC would reassure him everyone does and that it was kinda funny though, wasn't it? Well ;n; I guess it kinda was... never again.
Simeon: He doesn't exactly hold them back, but he doesn't exactly let them out either. These situations do call for discretion, but he gives it away even if it was overlooked because he laughs a little and apologizes every time. In front of MC it makes him embarrassed, but when he realizes they make MC laugh he's more inclined to be relaxed and might do it for funnies.
Solomon: He has a category of his own. His food may not affect him, but it does affect the smell of his farts. At PH his room smells like absolute rotten ass unless Simeon rushes and airs it out whenever Solomon leaves it because he keeps the door shut and locked and often stays in their a whole day or more. Like Leviathan he'll be busy or distracted and in flow state with his research and magic and not use the bathroom. He can go in the woods no difficulty because he has magic to assist (not like HP wizards though. The man has sensibilities and couth.) He knew MC laughs at farts by observing their reactions to others so sometimes he'll say, "Hey MC." to get their attention and then rip one and laugh with them. During routine inspections of Cocytus Hall Barbatos actually casts a spell on his nose and mouth because of the foul and despicable sham of a sorcerer's fecal particles saturate the air.
Raphael: Because he eats a variety of foods but also regularly eats Solomon's food his are a subcategory of Solomon's. He does not make an expression or reaction and noone else does either because even his farts convey threat and the danger of his rain of spears.
Mephistopheles: When he was a young Demon he was even more anxious about looking good in front of Diavolo and impressing him. He did fart in front of him once and was so mortified that he vowed to never do something so disgraceful again. Will not ever fart in front of MC.
Thirteen: THIS IS THE REASON SHE HATES SOLOMON SO MUCH. She got a severe upset stomach from his food and actually thought about 100 new death traps to murder him with. That was the only reason she didn't kill him on the spot bacause the silver lining was those 100 traps! She would sooner hide out until the extinction of all life before she would pass gas in front of MC or anyone. The number one and only who adheres to the in the bathroom!!!
These are inspired by real life! Especially Mammon and Solomon.
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thelonelyshore-if · 15 days
Another amnesia ask (although I'm a different anon).
But how would the RO's and Willow react if MC loses every memory, except for one thing. They can remember the RO. Maybe not their name, not their experiences together. But they remember their face. It was that face the reason they were able to escape the fog, even if they lost everything else.
This means they are unable to remember Willow. But they do remember the RO.
I'm sure it would be devastating.
Ooooh fun scenario!! Answers below the cut <3
Beck- would probably try to have a bit of fun with it. Not at MC's expense--but if MC still remembered them? They'd jump into it. Remind MC of who they are, and then go full-on romance movie. Re-create all their previous dates, try to jog MC's memory...and if they can't, build new experiences together. It doesn't have to be miserable.
Croft- they'd be surprisingly soft with MC. Make sure to go at MC's pace, to let them take the lead. They don't to push themself onto MC, even though their shared love thrums like a living thing in their chest. They want the MC to feel safe and loved and welcomed back home.
Jay- also would be incredibly gentle. The fact that they're the thing MC remembers--even if they don't remember Jay's name or their life together--would make them legitimately cry probably. They'd just hold MC close. They'd never want to stop holding MC. They'd do whatever MC needed, to make sure they're happy and feel supported.
Perri- it would make them emotional, too. They'd be flustered and so incredibly happy. Chances are, once MC's adjusted to being back a bit, they'd sit together and try and help MC figure out what happened. Was it aliens? Evil ghosts? They'd get to the bottom of it. More than anything, though, Perri would be overcome with joy at being the thing that brought MC back.
Ravi- he'd be. Hesitant. Is this some kind of trick? The fog, trying to make things right after stealing away the one he loves the most? It can't be real. I think he'd really struggle to trust MC, even as MC remembers his face, remembers their love, if nothing else. After some time, though, I think he'd slowly start to thaw to MC again. After all, he loves them just as much as they love him.
Yasmin- she'd be shaken, too, but in a different way. MC coming back and remembering her, in a way, would remind her of what else she's lost. She'd be able to move past it quickly--she tries her best not to live in the past--but it would be like. Oh. So this can happen. Still, she'd be overjoyed that the person she loves is back. She'd probably cover them in kisses lol.
Willow- you're right. They'd take it badly. Even a Willow whose relationship with MC is contentious. How can their sibling remember this random stranger better than they remember Willow? Their sibling? The person that has shared their entire life? It would devastate them, yes, and also infuriate them. They respect their sibling's relationship (lmao depending on who it's with), but this feels wrong. It would destroy them!
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paperstarwriters · 2 years
A Little Game of Tag
Shy!Muriel x Shy!Reader
Warnings: lots of kisses, extreme fluff, a few hickies and shyness to a frankly ridiculous extent. It's kinda silly but I think its cute :3
Summary: You want to kiss Muriel, but you're too embarrassed to do it normally. Unfortunately (Fortunately?) he is too. In an attempt to get used to giving and receiving kisses, it all blooms into a silly little game between the two of you.
Inspired by @vivifromnowhere in their post asking for a shy MC to go with Muriel
[A/N]: Look, look. I intended to post this a lot sooner but I struggled a lot with the ending lol Idk. I might go back in and change it? Or maybe I'll just write a different version for the ending or something Idk... Anyways, as mentioned in the Warnings, the fic is kinda silly, but I think it's cute lol.
Masterlist | The Arcana Masterlist
Word count: 8,277
It didn't start out this way.
In the beginning of your relationship when Lucio was just recently defeated, it had taken a lot of courage for you to manage pressing a kiss against his skin. You did so once when you first celebrated the battle, and he kissed you back with enough longing in his touch that you could have sworn that the people around you could feel the heat radiating from your face. Luckily for the both of you the crowd and the chaos of their celebration quickly tore your attention away, but you couldn't stop thinking about how it had felt to kiss him.
You just really, really, really wanted to kiss him again. Only, you weren't sure if you would be able to manage walking again if he kissed you back the way he did then.
So, you came up with a simple solution. All you needed to do, was kiss him and scurry away before he could kiss you back. You'd make up some excuse as well. Some reason to leave so that you wouldn't have to linger on the feeling of his lips on yours and so he wouldn't have the chance to chase you down.
...not like that wasn't enticing. But you don't think you'd be able to survive any of that afterwards. If you didn't spontaneously combust from the contact, you'd probably end up as a molten puddle on the ground.
Plus! You didn't want to pressure Muriel or anything either. He blushed with just about as much ferocity and heat as you did. If you couldn't survive this you didn't want to press the burden onto him. That was a valid excuse wasn't it? You were being considerate of Muriel's boundaries too!
Surely over time you'd eventually grow used to it, you'd grow more courageous with your kisses and you'd be comfortable enough to accept kisses from him. ...That's what you told yourself at least.
You followed your initial plan to a tee, pressing a kiss against his cheek and feeling the warmth bloom under the scrutiny of your lips. And then you pulled away and scurried out of reach, mentioning something about leaving to do something. You didn't expect your mind to be so frazzled amidst your escape, and so you weren't sure if you had said that you'd feed the market or go shop at the chickens. Either way it was blatant nonsense, and—even worse—as time went on you were getting no more used to these kisses.
Every time you pulled away, Muriel fixed you with the most agonized expression he could manage amidst the red of his face, futilely reaching to grab you before you slipped away. More than once you've considered lingering by his side in order to appease his desperate longing. More than once did the burn of embarrassment, and the sudden agonizing ache in your chest drive you away from his reach.
Since your attempts to cool that burn of embarrassment had since failed, you considered whether or not you wanted to continue for a while. It was something you had been pondering as you sat with Muriel by the fireplace. He was carving something out of wood, and you were... Well, you were trying to read over some magic text Nadia had lent you from her expansive library, but you were too stuck in your head to really focus on any of the words. Apparently he had been pondering over something as well.
"Do... Do you not like it when I kiss you?" he asked, tearing you away from your thoughts.
And just like that, your fluttering heart dropped from your chest. "I—what? No! No, no. I just—I wanted to practice kissing and all because the last time we kissed I swear I was about to pass out and—not in a bad way though, I just felt really inexperienced and you know that I struggle a bit sometimes and it's in the kind of same way that you do, I swear but I just— I didn't mean—"
Muriel leans towards you as you ramble, and just as you're about to apologize he presses the most tender fluttering kiss against your forehead, evaporating any and all thoughts with the heat he ignited on your face. Something was pressed into your hand as he did but you were too busy trying to keep your brain from evaporating that you couldn't tell what it was or why he gave it to you.
Far too soon, he pulled away. His face seemed as bright as yours was warm, the pink reaching all the way up from the tips of his ears and down to his neck and chest. Instinctively you reached out towards him, but he slipped away from your reach and scrambled for the door, just barely managing to toss an excuse before he left.
"I'm— I'm going to go get more wood!"
And just like that you were alone by the crackling fire. You wanted to raise your hand, cover your face to hide the shock and embarrassment, hide the warmth that radiated off of you, and just hide in general, but his carving sat heavily in your hand and although you still felt dizzy, you chanced a glance down at it.
A tiny little bear statue holding a tiny little heart. It looked like he was going to carve something into the heart, some words or something, but it remained unfinished.
If you had to guess, you'd imagine the word was "sorry"
You're glad he didn't finish that. You didn't want him to be sorry for kissing you.
Kissing you... He had kissed you....
The idea was still settling into your mind, and after you carefully dropped the carving somewhere in your lap and away from the fire, you hid yourself behind your hands and died. Soul withering away from the heat of your blush.
And that was how it all started.
You'd be passing by and you'd give Muriel a quick kiss to his cheek or to his forehead if you could reach it, and you'd scamper away before he was able to grab you.
And of course, Muriel would do the same to you.
You don't know why, nor do you know how, but your little method to train yourself to give and receive kisses quickly bloomed into a little game of tag filled with furious blushing, tampered down with soft giggles and featherlight chuckles. And sometimes if you were particularly surprised or surprising, or if you had just narrowly escaped, there would be loud laughter, and a race to the door. It became the sign of your escape. If you managed to get out the door you were free, left alone as the other glared on, sometimes pouting, or sometimes looking starved. In the forest, rules were a little more lax. Usually you'd let each other scurry off until they were out of sight, but sometimes if a chase ensued and getting out of Muriel's sight seemed nigh impossible you'd have to be the one to reach the hut first.
It was silly and fun, and it made the game comfortable to play.
It didn't stop you from blushing though. It didn't seem to stop him either, his cheeks still tinted pink with every kiss you pressed against his skin.
And then months into your little game, when you had once managed to kiss him twice before your great escape, Muriel had mentioned how unfair it had been when at the start of your game, you had kissed him so many times and how he never really got the chance to get you back for that.
At the time you had laughed and insisted that he was kissing you more than you did to him, but Muriel didn't seem to agree.
"What, do you want me to just sit here and take it?" you had so foolishly asked.
Comparable to the look of longing Muriel had given you so long ago, a dark look of temptation crossed his reddening face. If he wanted you to sit stock still for him to kiss you all over he had successfully already frozen you in place.
Instead he coughs a little and looks away his lips wobbling around his words, but taking no heat away from their meaning.
"No... I... I had something else in mind...."
He pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear, his lips just barely fluttering against the warming flesh.
Your brain was roasting over the fire of your face, and you were certain your heart had just beat free from your chest. By pure habit alone you reached out to grab him, but with a red face and an alarmed but gleeful look in his eye, Muriel escaped your grasp and ran outside, something about watering the firewood only barely thrown over his shoulder.
Left on the floor of the hut you once again curled up and died.
You weren't exactly sure what you'd call it after that point. Better? Or Worse? On the one hand, these kisses felt fantastic. Pressed up against sensitive skin and always followed by a look so tender and sweet that you were pinned in place an left unable to even move. Save, of course, for your arm feebly reaching out with no true ability to grab him. On the other hand you were struggling to press even a few kisses into those very same spots.
Needless to say Muriel had quickly made up whatever amount he was missing and more, over the next few weeks with every kiss he'd press against your shoulder or neck, or once even on the inside of your wrist. And with each kiss, you had been left stunned and frozen in place, only ever able to stare him down longingly as you reached to grab him, your legs too liquefied to try to chase after him. Even the memory of those kisses alone had hurt you so horribly that it took you far longer to plot how to kiss him back before you could actually work up the nerve to do so, and by then he'd have already attacked a new spot against your skin and unleashed a new fog upon your mind.
Muriel had begun to enjoy his newfound power and he grew bolder with his kisses, satisfied with the look you'd give him and how you'd weaken at the feel of it. He blushed back brightly in turn, but you could see the look of delight on his face as he watched the effect he had on you take hold.
You were half driven by spite when you went to get him back.
Waiting and watching, you sat with a keen attention on Muriel even if you never directly looked his way. Silently, pretending to be immersed and slightly frustrated (so that you wouldn't seem suspicious for not moving much) with a passage in your book and you awaited for a golden opportunity.
Muriel was working on some small project using plants to colour the wood of his carvings. He had explained it in depth before, but he had done so after coming back inside, from kissing you along your neck. From the pleased look he gave you as he explained, you knew that he knew you picked up none of it. Whether it was because he wanted to watch your reactions, or because he wanted you to ask him about it again or something, you'd never really know. All you knew was that you had an excuse to talk to him about it now.
So you did. You asked what he was working on, and though he teased you a little for not remembering what he told you before, he was quick and eager to explain the project to you, and in reply you gave your own ideas. He was aiming to replicate some of the painted carvings he saw from some other scattered members of the Kokhuri that you met in your travels. Many had mentioned how they used newer or different herbs than what was traditional due to the new lands that they wandered along, and many others mentioned how technically it was traditional to use what was available. Swept up in his excitement, you mentioned herbs you had read about recently that might be useful not only in colour, but also for their magic content, and you offered to go to the market to fetch some herbs that might not currently available in the forest, but were familiar to Vesuvia.
And little by little Muriel's attention was torn between you and his project. Which, admittedly, was not what you were planning. You thought he would have focused a bit more on the project because you were mentioning it, you hoped he would have looked to that more, but instead he was turning to you, eager to hear of your contributions and things you had researched before.
So when the opportunity finally arose, when he finally lingered looking at the herbal concoctions he was working on more than he was looking at you, even for a few moments, you seized the opportunity.
It was a kiss to the column of his neck. Just like what he had given you plenty of times in the past... Only.... In your haste, your kiss had been a little sloppier than you had intended. Your teeth had brushed against his sensitive skin, and your tongue had gotten a taste of his skin. You practically bit him, and in reply, Muriel made a sound, torn between a moan and a whimper.
Shocked, you pulled away prepared to apologize for your roughness while also ready to scramble away from him. Torn between the two you froze, no words coming from your mouth as you stared at him, just as frozen in place as you were, staring at you with a beet red face, wearing an expression that you could call awe or horror. You would have liked to say it silent between you, but between the rapid beating of your heart in your ears, and your heavy breaths matched by his own, it felt much to loud instead.
He made no attempt to grab you as you fled.
No, his attempt was far more comparable to a bear hug. One you only barely dodged as you fell back onto your butt and scrambled away, faced with that intoxicating look of desire the entire way of your graceful exit out. You didn't manage to make any excuse as you slipped past the door, and hid against the outside wall. There was no way you were going to do anything anyways with the way your heart was still beating furiously or by the way your legs had refused to work for you again.
Hell, all you wanted to do in that moment was walk back in and see what'd happen if you pressed a kiss back onto the spot that you had bit, like an apology, or maybe even somewhere else along his neck, like along his collarbones or at the swell of his throat, or maybe to the his ear where he had kissed you before. Maybe that sort of tender spot, right behind his ear. You've heard some stories talk about kissing people there. Wasn't that a vulnerable part? How would it feel.... Your own fingers trail up to brush against the soft skin imagining the feel of his lips brushing against your skin.
...You could understand how he had gotten so swept up in kissing you again and again in these tender spots. It was addicting. Even just thinking about it. Where you wanted to press your next kiss, where you wanted to target him again, you couldn't stop thinking about it.
Even now you were tempted to slip back in and give him another kiss.
Gods, you really wanted to though. You wanted to kiss him again and again and again and again. You wanted to kiss him with those chaste tender kisses pressed against his cheeks and forehead again, you wanted to kiss up and down his throat, along the line of his collarbones, on his shoulders. Everywhere. You wanted to kiss him everywhere.
But your heart was still racing and your legs were far too shaky to walk with, so at the most, all you managed was a feeble glance around the corner of the door, looking back inside.
Muriel sat with his face buried in his hands. What little patches of skin were visible, namely his ears and his neck, were coloured a red so bright he nearly looked like he was glowing. Inanna sat nearby, nearly rolling her eyes as she watched him, clearly already long used to the both of your shenanigans. She didn't look concerned at the very least so you were certain Muriel's reaction wasn't anything bad.
Inanna saw you first, and you were certain she had mentioned something through her familial bond with Muriel, because he splayed his fingers and glanced your way, and fixed you once more with the most starved look you have ever seen on his face. It didn't last long though. The look of hunger was quickly overpowered by embarrassment and back he buried himself into his hands his face somehow becoming an even brighter red.
The embarrassment felt contagious and you quickly yanked yourself back behind the corner. Inanna's unimpressed "whuff" was loud enough even from where you sat.
You wanted to kiss him more. To go back in and kiss him again, and again, and again, and yet you sat outside trying to shoo the warmth from your face and fight the urge to bang your head against the wall.
It took almost an entire day before the game started up again.
Although you still felt wobbly from the memory of your little nibble, you still managed to press a simple kiss against Muriel's cheek. Though it made him jolt a little from the contact and blush furiously, Muriel was more than coherent enough to attempt to grab you. And though your legs still trembled a little, you were more than capable enough of dodging. You wouldn't exactly say you were 'coherent' though.
Filled with the need to just smother him in kisses you had every chance to just stand still and let yourself be caught by Muriel. Find out what he'd do to you if he caught you. Find out what you'd do to him if you stayed.
And yet you still dodged and evaded. You still ran. Why? You didn't know. Out of habit perhaps, or out of a desire not to loose this endless game, or maybe out of a still lingering feeling of embarrassment. Which is right? You don't think you'd be able to tell, but as you slip once more out of the hut, you find the urge to change the game somehow. You wanted to, but you weren't exactly sure how you'd do so.
Over the next few days, the game went on without any change. Besides, perhaps, the combination of those sweet kisses along your cheek or forehead as well as a few along your neck or against your ear. It had you absolutely spinning with every kiss and telling by the way Muriel looked at you, it did for him too.
Sometimes, there would be simple mundane moments where he'd lean in for a kiss and suddenly he'd press one against some sensitive patch of skin slipping away as you'd squawk at him and flailed around with no real attempt to grab him. Other times there would be moments that had the both of you blushing so hard the heat rivalled that of the fireplace, and you'd lean in for a kiss almost aiming for the neck or some other sensitive spot, only to press one quickly to his cheek and pull away before he realized what you had done. Muriel tended to pout for a while after that, which only made you quicker to land another kiss onto his skin.
Eventually, of course, Muriel had kissed you back. Just before bed when he was preparing to get some more firewood, he pressed a kiss against your neck and with more purpose than you had when you kissed him, he grazed his teeth ever so slightly against the tender flesh—and even went so far as to give you a little bite, pulling away before coherent thought could re-enter your mind. Left alone in the bed, you sat there blushing for what felt like several hours, and when Muriel eventually returned to the hut, and returned to your side, all you could do was bury your face in his chest.
It felt both safe and exposing, but above all else it felt warm, growing even warmer still from Muriel's own rising blush.
Even after all this time, it was a little embarrassing to share a bed, but more than anything else, it was familiar. It reminded you of when the both of you were first struggling to open up to each other, of days in frost laden forests when sleeping together was needed to keep yourselves alive in the night while you slept.
Familiarity and warmth were plenty enough to help you relax, easily luring you to sleep.
Though, just before you slipped away into unconscious, Muriel planted another kiss to your forehead. In the sleepy state you were in, you couldn't even manage to reach for him.
In the sleepy state you were in you didn't even realize you were already holding him.
On and on and on the game went.
Even if you'd never know where his next kiss would land, you couldn't help but feel like your little game had reached a stalling point. It wasn't necessarily as a bad thing, but you could feel your hesitation in moving forward seem to permeate your every kiss. In a way you supposed that it did, because your eyes had such a nasty habit of straying.
You wanted to kiss him.
Your lips pressed against his, you wanted the world-ending kiss he gave you those many weeks ago. A kiss that could drown the noise from the crowd, and bring the world to a halt. The kiss that had asked for so much while giving with equal measure.
The kiss you had started this entire game for.
You wanted to kiss him.
If your urges were obvious Muriel made no indication of knowing, so you sat and stewed in your feelings for as long as you could manage. Muriel kissed you many times in the span of your thoughts tearing every thought in your mind to shreds each time, but you couldn't bring yourself to kiss him back when all you wanted to do was to kiss him and feel just how soft his lips were against your own.
You... You could now though, couldn't you?
You've kissed him so many times and he's kissed you so many more times back. Sure, you've always needed to back away for some space but you could do that now too right? You could just kiss him like it was a part of the game, and then eventually you'd work up the courage to linger to maybe give you a kiss in return, or to allow you to kiss him over and over and over again. Or even for longer.
And you'd be able to do it without being so... Embarrassed.... Without feeling the need to escape or hide.
A sudden weight beside you on the bed tore you away from your thoughts. Although he had sat down slowly, the shift in the weight and how close he was sitting still managed to make you nearly tip over onto his lap. You had just barely managed to adjust and lean away but it still had you a little flustered regardless.
Muriel on the other hand didn't seem to notice. He didn't look your way, as he sat, instead staring off into the distance before his eyes eventually sank onto the floor. Though you could only see his profile you could tell he was worried, brows drawn and furrowing together, and his lips torn between slipping beneath his teeth and curling into a pout.
When he finally did look at you, it was with that same anguished look he made when you first started your little game.
"Are you okay?"
Although confused you nodded. Did you not seem okay? Did something happen? Were you supposed to not be okay?
Muriel continued, "it's just.... It's been a while... Since...." You were going to scramble for all the things you hadn't done in a while, but the redness in his cheeks and his hesitance already made you suspect— "You haven't really... Kissed... me for awhile. Even if I've been.... Kissing.... you..... Are you.... Is everything okay?"
Had it really been so long?
"I'm fine! I'm—I've just been thinking a lot about... Some things." An understatement perhaps, but even as you said it, your eyes betrayed you, wandering and flickering to his lips, half chewed in worry and half twisted into a worried pout. They looked tender and sore, wouldn't a nice little kiss make them feel a bit better...?
"Are you....... Is there something wrong...?" he continued to press. "If there's a problem I could try and help."
Again he bit his lip and you watched half entranced as his teeth sank into the plushness of his lower lip. It truly looked so soft. You just wanted to...
Your eyes snapped back up to his, meeting the full force of his worry and concern.
If you could just muster up the courage, you could wipe that look clean off of his face, you could press your lips against his and ease any worries he had had. Make up for all the lost time that you had spent not kissing him. And maybe you'd stay too.
Of course, kissing away problems didn't really fix them.
You stood from the bed, and Muriel watched you go, the concern in his eyes deepening until you smiled.
"I'm fine. Really Muriel I was just... I was kinda caught up in thinking about.... In, uh, thinking about your... Kisses."
Once again, his concern grew stronger.  
"Do you want to stop?"
"No! No, I don't— I mean, not really. But that's not in a bad sense of any sort or anything I just—I mean—! You know how we run away......? Ah, no but that isn't the point, I don't want to stop kissing you and I don't want you to stop kissing me I swear I really—"
You could see it this time. Watching him so closely as you rambled you saw how he leaned in, prepared to kiss your throat or your cheek or something in the vicinity.
But you also saw his smile. Small and tiny, you wondered just how many times a kiss against your skin had included his smile pressed against you.
Kissing you made him happy. He loved you. He loved kissing you.
In a burst of confidence, you beat him to the punch, and kissed him before he could kiss you. Your lips pressed against his, the world-ending kiss you had so desired.
There was the smallest little gasp against your lips before he relaxed a little, and if you lingered any longer maybe he would have leaned in and returned the kiss to you. But your face was growing hot and you were getting dizzy, and whether by habit, by embarrassment, or by a need to stick to your original plan, your legs itched with the urge to run. So you pulled back, and you skittered away once more.
It wasn't a far distance between the bed and the door and in any other circumstance you might have been able to make it in only a few steps.
But he called you, and you hesitated.
“No, no please. Don’t leave.”
The sound of his voice was so nearly a whine, practically begging you to return to his side, killing the urge to run before you could make even a full step away. It was just a moment's hesitation, just a second, but that's all he needed.
And for the first time since the start of your little game, you were caught.
His hand caged your wrist first, keeping you from moving any further. Then, with his free hand as quick as the first, he grabbed you just above your elbow and pulled. With two hands it made it easier to hold you down, prevent any chance of escape. With two hands it made it easier for him to yank you back towards the bed, back to his embrace, and most importantly, back to his lips on yours.
It was your turn to gasp at the contact. Your turn to melt as his arms snaked around you, one around your waist, and another cradling your head, caging you against him as if to keep you from escaping again.
As if you could escape, with the feeling of his lips on yours making you melt against him.
As if you wanted to escape.
Trapped against his chest, with no ability nor will to escape, you could do nothing but reciprocate everything he was giving you even amidst the dizzying feeling of warmth that permeated your face and chest.
It was strange; even though you were still blushing madly, even though your mind was melting in your skull, you couldn't help but feel calm and relaxed under the scrutiny of Muriel's lips against yours.
There was no panic, no concern worry or fear. There was just you and Muriel kissing each other, and relishing in the feelings that such a tender kiss could bring. He loved you, and you loved him. So, so much. And with the gentle caress of his lips against yours, you could feel it. You could feel how hungry he was for your affection, and you could feel how much he was trying to give in turn. Hopefully he could feel you too. How much you wanted this, how much you loved him, how much you adored every moment you spent with him and every kiss you had pressed against his skin.
So caught up in the kiss, you had almost forgotten to breathe. Thankfully Muriel didn't, and when he pulled away, you managed to gasp as he pressed his lips back down against your skin.
His hands slipped from their hold on you to wrap around your waist burying you in a hug as he spattered kisses against your cheek, trailing down towards your neck. With every kiss you could feel his certainty, retracing every kiss he’s lovingly planted on you before with the added calm and languid motions that more time allowed. He nibbles along your neck even more, toeing the line of biting you as his teeth sank almost teasingly into your skin. Not enough to hurt or even make a mark, just enough to know it was there. It made you whine, just a little, and that made him do it even more.
And amidst it all, he watched you. With eyes wide open, only fluttering closed to savour your reactions or the taste of your skin, all with a small giddy smile slowly growing wider and wider on his lips.
It didn’t take long before you were cupping his cheek and trying to guide him away from you, eager to have a taste of your own. At first he pouted, not wanting to be separated from your skin, but the pout quickly vanished as you leaned in and pressed your own kisses against his neck and chest.
It was easier than you expected, although… perhaps you had just been over-thinking things, or perhaps you truly had been able to get used to his kisses at least on some level…
Or perhaps it was just him. Muriel, the very same cause of your rapid heartbeat, was also what made kissing him and sticking around to kiss him more easy.
You knew Muriel. And even more than that, you knew that he loved you, and you knew that you loved him.
This… this was just another way to show that wasn’t it? Gently biting at his neck enough to make him whine, and then kissing over the tiny injury as if apologizing for hurting him, even if he loved the feeling. Spattering kisses over his chest, tracing scars big and small with the faintest brush of your lips against his skin, kissing his shoulders, broad and scarred, and kissing the tips of his ears as if trying to encourage the red of his blush to spread all the way there. Spattering kisses all over his face again, atop his eyelids and on his nose, around his lips, teasing him with the offer of another chance for him to kiss you…. That was all just a form of showing love, wasn’t it?
And when Muriel pulled you back him, cupped your cheek with the calloused pads of his fingers and palm, so gently pulling you in to slot his lips against yours and kiss you with the agonizing hunger of a man who’s been teased and deprived of this for months—that was just a means of showing love as well, wasn’t it?
It was... Just an expression of love and you didn't need to be overthinking or—
Muriel pulled away from you, and despite everything, you pouted at the loss of contact, digging your fingers into whatever fabric or flesh you could get a hold of, fully expecting him to try and run away. In reply, Muriel held you just as tight, pressing his forehead against yours as he tried to catch his breath.
"You're shaking," he whispered. "Are you okay?"
... Were you okay? You felt dizzy and you didn't think you'd be able to stand after this, just collapse into a pile of very warm goo. Yet, even despite that you could still feel the overwhelming urge to pull him back in and answer with another kiss. Could you actually survive that if you did? All those other kisses had felt so good... If you kissed him again would you have the same clarity he had to eventually pull away?
"Ah. Uh... It's... Nerves. I'm just... I feel both so excited and so nervous at the same time!" you squeaked out the last bit, biting your lips to try and hide the grin from crawling up your face.
Watching Muriel's face go red, and the corners of his lips wobble you wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to hide the very same thing.
“I...Me too," he confessed, chewing a little at his lip. "I... I've wanted this for so long."
You couldn't help it at that point. No matter how much you bit your lips you could already feel the ache in your cheeks at the force of your smile. As his eyes darted up and down, glancing at your lips before darting back up to your eyes, he was quickly succumbing to the same fate.
"Y-yeah. Ever since our kiss in the colosseum... Your idea was better though."
"You had a plan too?"
"... Mhm... I was... I was going to try and practice by kissing you while you were... asleep—or at least really, really busy. Just... Sometime when you wouldn't notice or something." At this point you didn't think Muriel's face could get any redder from his blush, but as his eyes fluttered shut and he began to chew his lip, still smiling a little despite his embarrassment. "I was trying to figure out a different plan though since I wanted to know..." For a moment he faltered, his eyes fluttering open to look at you, his embarrassment growing stronger under your scrutiny.  "...I wanted to know if you liked it."
Oh. You doubted that your face could get any warmer either, but you still pulled yourself back a little attempting to shield your face from his scrutiny with your hands. Similarly, Muriel was turning away, and hiding his face behind the crook of his arm, still determined to keep one hand around your waist as if he still worried that you'd still try to run away.
"well..." You peeked out from behind your hands, seeking Muriel's attention to try and gauge his reaction. Feeling you shift in his arms he did the same. "I uh... Feel kind of bad now. I always just assumed but...did you like it?"
Muriel's eyes grew wide.
Suddenly, even if Muriel had given you the most pleading and starved look with every kiss you gave him, even if he reached out to you after every kiss—even if he had returned your kisses after some time, and even if you still had the his gift of a little bear holding a heart in your possession—you couldn't help the instinctual fear that maybe, just maybe—
"I loved it,"  he whispered. Then softer, pressing himself against your neck instead of his arm, "...I love you."
You squeaked at the feeling quickly sputtering out your reply. "Me too—I mean, I love you too! And it! I loved the kisses— I loved your kisses. I just..."
Muriel pulls back, that wobbly look of worry and concern settling back on his face all over again as if he had felt something amiss in the pulse along your neck. With all the patience you've ever given him and more, Muriel waits for you dragging his hand up to your cheek, and waiting for words to eventually bubble free. He heard that you wanted to say something, now he's just waiting for you to say it. Only, you don't think you have anything to say.
For once, you don't think words can solve your problem.
You lean closer towards Muriel, offering yourself in the silent little way he did just moments ago. Without a single sound, he knows what you're saying loud and clear. His eyes grow wide at the notion, before they settle back into that starved look he had been taunting you with. In the same way you had bridged the gap between you, Muriel now did the same, crowding into you until he was tipping you onto the bed—until the both of you were lying side by side. Though Muriel held you close to keep you from escape, you held him close in hopes that he'd be able to feel what you could not say. That he'd be able to feel the rapid beat of your heart, or the lax nature of your muscles, or how comfortable you feel slotting yourself up against him, or how you can't help your wandering hands or—
Something knocks against your side a few times, hitting your back and ribs hard, before it scrambles on top of you barking all the way. Black fur crowds your space, and as Muriel squawks at the intrusion, you nearly tumble off the bed from your surprise, if not for Muriel's arm still wrapped around you.
Partly fueled by shock, and partly fueled by the strange one sided argument Muriel was having with Inanna as she wormed her way between the both of you, you began to laugh. You could feel Muriel's hold on you tighten just a little at the sound, and as you peered over the mass of black fur that sat between you, you could see the tiniest little smile on his lips, growing wider with every glance your way. Gods this was ridiculous. But...The whole thing was ridiculous, wasn't it? 
Eventually Inanna settles herself in the centre of your hug, and though Muriel sighs at the interruption he's still smiling as well. It's an uphill battle to stomp down the corners of his mouth to convey his irritation to his familiar—an animal with an emotional and magical link with him—but he fruitlessly tries regardless, eyes snapping to you every so often, crumbling his attempts each time, while his cheeks grow even pinker with every passing glance.
It takes you a moment, far too distracted by his teeth sinking into his lips and the wonky curve of his lips, but Inanna had been talking to Muriel, and apparently she was mentioning something about you... Or well, the both of you.
"She's...she's telling us to get a room."
As if contagious, your own face picks up warmth, and you promptly find yourself fighting the same battle against your smile. On the one hand, you couldn't help the giddiness of your sucess, of being able to kiss Muriel so much, of that overwhelming sense of love that you could finally convey to not only him, but apparently everyone in the room. On the other hand... Embarrassment burned thickly across your face and shoulders, wedging itself down your throat where it had failed to burn.
Had the both of you been doing too much? Did it seem too... Too much to an outside eye? Was it something you shouldn't have done? Should you have asked Inanna to leave? Your mind spins with possibilities and confusion only adding to the disorienting state that your embarrassment was already granting you, any and all attempts at glancing Muriel's way in an attempt for help failed miserably as the two of you either quickly averted your eyes, or you both lingered on each other, the look of longing and delight somehow making you both feel worse.
Feel worse, and yet embarrassingly hungry to be even closer once more. Muriel still held you, albeit much more loosely with Inanna now between you, but he still held you and didn't seem intent to ever let you go.
Eventually, Muriel clears his throat and refocuses his attention on Inanna, visibly trying and failing to keep his eyes from flickering back to you.
"You could've gone outside yourself you know You don't have to stick around and... And watch."
In the most offended manner you've ever seen from a wolf Inanna whips around to stare you down silently asking with her bright eyes and pointed stare if you agreed as well. Not trusting your own voice, or your control over your lips you nodded furiously, hiding your smile behind your hand. You couldn't help it. Even amidst the embarrassment, Muriel's fingers dug into your hip, a distraction and a reassurance at once.
Inanna stares at the both of you for a moment, before she lets out a grouchy whuff, absolutely glaring the both of you down, before she finally slips from between you. In the same way water fills any given gap, Muriel pulls you back towards him, closing the distance between you, before Inanna promptly begins to separate you once more. Biting at your clothes she tries to drag you out of bed, drag you away from Muriel, though she's quick to rectify her mistake when she jumps back onto the bed and begins to furiously headbutt Muriel from behind.
In that manner, silent even to Muriel, save for her grunts and whuffs, Inanna herds the both of you towards the door, and proceeds to headbutt the door open when she decides that the two of you take far too long to open it yourself.
Ah..... When had it started raining?
Thick as a curtain, the downpour looks as if the hut had suddenly been relocated beneath a waterfall. And it's noisy too. Even if you had closed the door, the thud of rain against the stone and wood and the trees all created a cacophony of noise near impossible to ignore. And yet, so...preoccupied...you managed just that.
Your blush returns with a vengeance, though you aren't even sure if it had ever left in the first place, and in an attempt to maybe escape the heat, you step out into the coldness, reaching out into the rain. It's as heavy as it looks, only a hint lighter than the force of a waterfall. Despite that, standing beneath the tree, you remain protected from the downpour. A tree alone wouldn't have been able to protect you, but one enchanted, with carvings around it's trunk and charms dangling from its branches, it's doing it's best. Still, it's a pretty feeble protection, perhaps you could improve it somehow. You let your mind wander for a few minutes thinking of improvements you could add to the enchantments. Things that you've learned about that could be used next time downpour this heavy occurred, however rare it may be.
Just about to share your plans with Muriel, when the door slammed behind you.  Both of you you spun around in horror mind racing between confusion and fear. Was that the wind or did—
You catch sight of him before you can even make your assumption.
Staring at the very same door as you Muriel looks far more betrayed than you had felt, his cheeks still pink tinted despite it. On the other side, Inanna barks loudly. In reply Muriel groans, and though he has no one to hide from Muriel covers his blush with a hand.
"She says she'd let us back in when we cool off."
Whatever progress you had made at cooling yourself off dissipates at Muriel's—or well, Inanna's—words. Even if it was true, even if the heat between the both of you had been.... Well..... Even then.... Your mind flooded once more. What had it looked like? Did you really seem so ravenous? You felt so but did it really look that much like...? Or did Inanna just have enough of the both of your nonsense? No, no surely it couldn't have been that... Right? She wouldn't just kick you out of the hut and lock the door without....? Speaking of, did Inanna even lock the door? Sure it was magic activated and she could have, but you didn't see the glow or—
"Are you okay? You're shivering."
Warm arms pull you into an even warmer chest, once more holding you tight against him, resting his face on the top of your head. Pressing a kiss into your hair.
Another kiss...
One you could return.
Or well, try to at least. When you tried to turn in his arms shuffling a little to try not to step on his toes in the process, Muriel only held you tighter against his chest still expecting you to try and run away. You couldn't exactly blame him for that though. If it were you, you'd probably do the same.
Instead, you revel a little in the warmth and the possessive little squeeze he gives you when you finally settle down, the second kiss he gives you, this time pressed to the very tip of your ear, taking the chance to enjoy it while he can't see your face, and the odd expression you surely have there. And yet you still itch to return his kisses in some way. With no other area of his body easy to access for you, you slip your hands up to one of his own, trying to coax it from it's grip around you and into your own hand, where you could raise it up to your lips, and press a kiss to his pulse, or his palm, or his calloused fingers or...
You can feel Muriel's grip grow ever so slightly tighter against you, keeping your back flush against his chest and letting you feel how he seems to grow warmer and warmer with every kiss. But with every caress you give him, and every kiss you plant on his arms and hands, Muriel readily gives you another to your ears or the top of your head, or your cheeks or your neck or your shoulders or....
With his arms looser around you now, you took the chance to turn back towards him, immediately burying yourself against his chest and pressing a kiss there, regardless of his shirt. You tried to hide your face for as long as you could, but you were eager to get your lips on his skin once more, and soon you were puling him by his cheeks down for you to reach, and he was holding you up by your waist, eager to reciprocate whatever you'd give.
Regardless of the rain or the wind, it was warm.
It'd probably take a while before you cooled off enough to go back inside...
After all, you wanted to get used to this warmth... Perhaps you should practice a little bit more.
✦✧✦✧ (Bonus!) ✧✦✧✦
Inanna stared at the door for a few minutes from where she laid nice and warm in front of the fireplace, awaiting the return of the both of you. Surely you wouldn't linger out in the rain for too long.... Right? Admittedly the comment she made was really just a joke. Revenge really, since the both of you had thought to kick her out into that rain, but she didn't intend for either of you to linger out there so long. She'd expect at least one of you to come banging on the door begging to be let back in, but the silence was deafening.
She waits for a few more moments, before she gives up and sighs, settling back down onto the floor and absorbing the warmth from the fireplace. It doesn't seem like you'll be back until you're both soaking wet and freezing your butts off and it'll be up to her to warm you both back up again, especially since both of your bodies are severely lacking fur.
She doesn't worry too much about the cold and wet though. You'll return when you grow tired of playing chase like little pups, and when you do, well...She didn't lock the door.
Hopefully one of you realizes that eventually.
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tokkiiecloud · 2 months
lol, so I saw a few posts about Belphie’s card and went on the game just to see him, saw the prologue and..I couldn’t stop laughing from the MC and the kings just like “WE NEED THEMMM AHVSHSGDJDHJDHDJ” so here I wrote this small thing lmao :
Running away mission :
It was a normal day in hell, actually heaven no it wasn’t at all, this weird phenomenon dude appeared and for some reason ALL the kings turned beastly! The only ones that aren’t on my track are Lucifer ; Belphegor and Asmodeus, which is the biggest Blessing ever! Now to escape those breeding crazed maniacs….
First one to dodge is Satan, which is actually pretty easy just steal one of his motorcycle and run away while looking extremely badass.
Second Mammon. After arriving at Tartaros, just gotta find a teleporter (sadly in the palace) and end up in Abyssos…
Which third and probably hard one Beelzebub, this fucker as an extraordinary scent, so maybe if I go see Bael while dodging the other three who might try to capture me I’ll be able to get out of here just avoid those freaking flies at all costs!
Okay made it out and now I’m…in Hades…WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LOOKING FOR ME?!—
Something grabs Tae Hyun as they float in the air and start punching the air very aggressively :
“My apologies…I must take you to see our Majesty I have been running around to get you all day you’re not very easy to catch…and you also go too fast on a motorcycle I fell off…” Foras feels sick, remembering the moment they had hoped on the motorcycle, happily blushing to be able to be so close to the son of Solomon, when suddenly he hears a shout and Satan was chasing them with another motorcycle, while laughing maniacally and Tae Hyun had pumped up the gas and he fell off-
Tae Hyun struggles as another man grabs them using roses ivy, his voice as bright as the sunshine.
“Haha! You really made our poor Foras run around Son of Solomon!”
Tae Hyun glares at the man and pouts angrily, “I’ll find a way out just you see!”
Arriving at Leviathan’s palace, he personally ties up Tae Hyun :
“I’ve been in your head, I know how you think. You were tiring to catch but now I can finally have you to myself to win the contest.”
“Do you really think so? Cause I’m already gone~”
*illusion dissipates and a laugh echoes through the palace*
“…they’re in the walls..! THEY ARE IN THE GODDAMN WALLS?!”
(I had to use that meme I’m sorry)
“Finally! Successfully escaped! Now I’m back to Tartaros…”
A golden hand suddenly appears under Tae Hyun grabbing them :
“Mammon….” They said.
“Master! I found them” He said smiling with his phone out
On the other side of the phone call was Levi, Beel and Satan
Levi : “Hey make sure they don’t suddenly disappear!”
Mammon : “of course I wo-…Master?”
The golden hand had dissolved and Tae Hyun disappeared along with it.
All of the kings : “…”
“they were right on the teleporter weren’t they?” Leviathan asked.
And then that’s when they call Belphegor! And after that they were on their way to Abaddon until Belphie decided to use Monster #7’s power to get Tae Hyun who were scared as hell cause they are scared of the dark.
And also they ran to Bathin and Andrealphus the moment they saw him like :
“Huh…wtf? *looks around* …..*spots Bathin and Andrealphus* BATHIN AND BABYGIRL!! 😭😭”
*runs to hug them, completely ignoring Belphie and Beleth*
“Am I in Niflheim??” Tae Hyun asked not letting go Bathin smiles and pets their hair and Andrealphus does his best to hug them back smiling softly
“Ah you caught me off guard” Andrealphus said
“Yes you are indeed in Niflheim” Bathin says
And after that the card goes as the same story y’all I still don’t have that card and do I want to farm? Not really but do I have to? I’m hella curious about the card story… maybe I don’t know also I had to reinstall that whole game
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
About Me
When did you first start writing?
Started shortly before my 22nd birthday I'm 23 now...I had done a few attempt's before that but never posted them.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
i love a variety of genres and hope to branch into other soon..I'm working on my first original story currently
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
everyone has their own style no two writers are just alike. I could list dozens of author's both published and not that I look up to. I have not been compared to anyone that I'm aware of.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
usually the couch. With my dogs and a blanket since I'm often cold.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
play some music or read something. If that doesn't work then I go back to what I have written and go okay what you crazy character's up to now
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
i tend to give traumatic backstories to at least one character in my books but usually it's a game of find the one who doesn't. I'm also prone to writing family drama 0_o
Do they surprise me? Not particularly since they are usually the characters I like most in a tv show
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Oisìn for this book. Oisìn is a kind person with a bit of a quick temper, he is sarcastic but usually level headed unless you mention his hight Jade is the MC for the second book and my current favorite it might be the kicked puppy factor 0_o
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Adoh or Jade both are quiet but in different ways...
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
0_o that be a long list lol, without giving spoilers Kia, Rhiannon, Nereza
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
I think about what the storyline needs and they start knocking on the door and more show up as I write. Only a handful were planned out in great detail in advance and they kinda blew that out of the water, which is why I had to make new charts yesterday.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
tragic backstories and loyalty with found family aspects.
My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
i started writing my first fanfiction when I had a head cold I also edited and posted it during that time...it was what built up the confidence to post something lol, I can say that the next time I posted, I about had a nervous breakdown but now I'm not so nervous when I post. I suppose the reason I write is it is a form of connecting with other people and a escape from reality in a way.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love all comments i get even constructive criticism, as it tells me where I need to work on improving next.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
😵‍💫 nope just nope, social anxiety activated by a question
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
humour and dialogue
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I have improved a lot over the last few months but I still have a lot to learn :) I accept the fact that practice is required to get there, although I'm aware no one's writting is absolutely perfect although some are closer than others.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
yes. I like the stories I tell.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
its a bit of a mix but mostly what I enjoy reading but I do add way more punctuation for the readers. My writing style would probably cause people to have a breakdown, since it's mostly quotation marks for when they speak and nothing else perhaps a comma here or there if it seems to long. Then I go back through and edit it after I have finished writing the storyline.
Open tag from @the-golden-comet then tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks adding in @ink-flavored (I'll fill out the other one soon I like the questions) @thecomfywriter
+open tag
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lycemagee · 5 months
Ok guys Part Three of Alfons, and I thought about this again and the reason I like him is, because he is just so fascinating? I just don't understand him and I wanna know more about him? It's so weird IDK AHHH
Warnings: Non/Dubcon, Sexual Implications, Manipulation, idk what else to say it's Al so...
Sooo... Where were little Robin last time. Ah yeah she escaped from Alfons Illusion and walks through the city, to research what exactly was true and what not, because she kinda lost her feelings for reality? Understandable tho...
So she went back to the Bar she was with Alfons and asked the barkeeper, if she was there with Alfons and he agreed (and thought she was joking with him. Would say he didn't have a taste of Alfons medicine yet lol). In the Bar she found Alfons going with a man to a room, but he didn't notice her. She wanted to know what's up and Alfons made the man believe, with his Ability, that a puppet is the already Deceased Wife of the Man (Guys it was so weird to know, that the man just kissed a puppet, while crying help).
MC was clumsy and opened the door a bit, so Alfons immediately found her. He brought her outside and explained to her, that the man was asking him to give him Illusions, so he can forget his pain for one night.
Orz but then this man. Alfons was asking her why she was here and Robin answered that she wanted to know what has been real and what not.
And Alfons is giving the typical Alfons response, oh how I love it.
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Ahhhh I feel like he sees humans as Pets or as Toys. Things he can just pat their heads and manipulate until they are losing their sense of self.
Robin has the feeling it's not everything of his being.
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Ok then the story ends. After that the Epilogue comes and because it's a saved memory I would just make screenshots or a video, depending on my mood.
Sorry for the few screenshots, I must say the last chapters I was so invested I completely forgot HAHA.
Ps. This broke me
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20 notes · View notes
banjjakz · 9 months
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notes: geto/mc NOT endgame; non-con/sexual assault/rape of MC via geto; non-consensual spiritual pacts (lol)
➡ Call for help.
Geto crams himself inside your mouth, just to hear you moan in distress as he fucks into the thick, syrupy, wet despair at the back of your throat. If it weren’t too much to bear already, he plugs your running nose shut with two black-painted, unforgiving fingers. Until he releases his hold, your body is starved of oxygen, slated to subsist off of nothing more than his throbbing cock, his sloppy precum, and your own acidic bile.
No matter how hard you dig your nails into his dark denim-clad thighs, he refuses to relent, sparing your esophagus of the ongoing onslaught only when he teeters too close to the edge. He’s savoring this, you realize, horrified. He’s getting off on your exploitation, your fear.
This time, when tears spring to your eyes, it isn’t out of pure biological shock – as the shroud of dissociation unfurls itself to reveal your harrowing circumstances, a real and true wail of terror flies forth from your lips along with the icky mess of sex and violence that drips out, too, like black blood oozing from a fatal wound.
Your true oshi, Yuuta, would never do this to you… all you’d wanted was to catch a glimpse of him, to personally thank him for his efforts over the years, to validate his status as a beloved, successful idol. Your intentions had been so pure. How did it end up like this? Why was this happening to you? How could your tireless fan-labor over the past several years be rewarded with assault, careless indulgence, and sadism?
Sure, your relationship with Yuuta might be entirely parasocial in nature. Sure, you’ve never had a face-to-face interaction with him.
But he’s read your letters. He knows your username. He smiles upon your well wishes. Perhaps the fervor of starstruck adrenaline manipulates your common sense and higher reasoning skills, but, when you’re swept up in the neon, fluorescent sea of other dedicated fans with their slogan banners and Cyalume light sticks, it’s almost as though Yuuta’s eyes return to you, over and over and over again, throughout each song, during each break, with every ment section, and always during the final bow – almost as though he is wishing you, specifically, a most heartfelt thanks and good night.
These sentiments swirl within you, solidifying as a solid conviction to do something crazy, something unthinkable, something so far-fetched you must wonder if it will only serve to exacerbate the already dire situation from which you find yourself struggling to escape with your dignity and life intact.
Desperate times, and all that.
Geto’s face falls through the floorboards. Attractive features twisting into ugly fury, he hurries to cover your mouth, to stuff you full once more with his immobilizing arousal, but a burst of hope animates your struggle and you avoid his attempted suppression, whipping your head to the side to shout out one last time: “Yuu-chan!!”
You don’t really know what you expect to happen. After all, who would Yuuta be willing to believe in this compromising position: his bandmate, alongside whom he has performed countless times, and rehearsed for countless hours; or a fan, who has been caught traversing in a restricted area that she was not supposed to be privy to, anyhow?
Soon enough, your questions are answered swiftly and decisively.
One moment, the man above you is making frantic movements to silence and subdue your cries for help; and the next, you suddenly find yourself on the opposite side of the corridor, hoisted over a meter into the air.
From this distance, Geto is no longer the all-powerful, imposing figure who had forced you to your knees and penetrated your mouth with little care for consent or decency. Now, he stands apart from you as a regular man – one with a certain element of trepidation lingering on his frame, if his wary eyes and shifting feet have anything to say.
You’re grateful to be rescued from his clutches once and for all...but how… who…?
No. It couldn’t be.
Almost fearfully, you chance a look upward, so that you might gaze upon the image of your savior.
What peers down at you is a sight you would never in a million years have hoped to encounter outside of your dreams.
Okkotsu Yuuta, bassist of the infamous underground idol group, ShinShow, your oshi of many seasons, and quite possibly the love of your life, holds you firmly in his large, capable hands, looking down at you with an impossibly familiar fondness and ill-concealed relief.
“I’m so glad I found you,” he whispers, just for your ears, “after all this time.”
“You did the right thing by calling for me,” continues Yuuta, hoisting you up higher in his grip until you’re perched on his hip while he secures you with nothing more than one arm looped firmly underneath your backside. Your hands fly up to wind around his neck, fingers intertwining where the soft down of his unkept black shag feathers from obsidian softness to the pallid, sickly pale at the nape of his knobby neck. It doesn’t even take that much pressure against the flesh to feel the knobs of his spine. His skeleton cries out for attention, from the way his hip bone interjects in between the ball-and-socket of your pelvis, to the almost painfully secure insistence brought about by his protective (pointy) elbow underneath your plush under-thigh.
“Heheh, sorry, man! Thought she was up for grabs.”
Jesus, you’d almost forgotten Geto was still there, you were so enraptured by Yuuta’s calming oasis of a presence. At the sound of his voice, your head whips over to the offender, and you don’t know whether to feel dismayed or furious at his overly casual countenance. The cruel, sadistic man from mere moments before now stands with one hand jammed into a pocket with the other scratching at the back of his head. His eyes flutter shut, once more, restored back to their characteristic half-lidded state of perpetual serenity. Gone is the hard glint of malice that cut into you like a blade, leeching you of any and all hope or desire to live. It’s as though a switch has been flicked. It’s terrifying.
Uncontrollably, you shiver. From nerves or the stale dregs of your arousal, you cannot precisely discern.
You can’t see Yuuta’s face from this angle, but his voice resembles nothing from Geto’s easygoing tone. “I must have been remiss in my efforts to have given you that impression.”
“I mean, she came onto me. Wasn’t your fault. Happens to the best of us.”
Immediately, you protest Geto’s outlandish claims, shaking your head and tightening your already white-knuckled grip on the back of Yuuta’s oversized jumper.
“Not true,” you try to shout, but it leaves you instead as a hoarse whimper. Oh. “Was—was looking for you, Yuuta, promise. Went to your room…Got scared and lost. Then, he found me…”
“I see,” says Yuuta, speaking again in that low, quiet voice. The effect it has on you is the same as those twelve-hour calming frequency videos you play to fall asleep at night. Like simmering butter, you melt, powerless in the wake of powers far beyond your physical constitution. “Thank you for telling me. Can you close your eyes and cover your ears? You don’t need to see or hear this.”
Unquestioningly, you obey. When has Yuuta ever given you reason to doubt his trust, his loyalty?
With your primary senses of perception effectively dulled, all you are able to register is the slight jostling of your body as Yuuta’s own surges forward; the deep vibrations of his chest as he is presumably speaking with Geto; a couple of sharp movements that threaten your stability in his arms; and then, finally, a change in light and temperature. When Yuuta gently taps your forehead to signal that the worst is over, you hesitantly open your eyes, blinking back tears of light sensitivity and relief.
You find yourself in a room all at once unfamiliar and quite familiar. You’ve never been here, and yet, you immediately know where you are upon first glance. The sparse interior décor, the scattered scraps of black and white clothing, the array of misshapen, self-made erasers across the modest vanity, and next to them – the sight of several unsealed envelopes, all containing letters with your handwriting, laid out in chronological order, from the first piece of correspondence you’d ever chanced in sending to him to the most recent profession of your unwavering support and desire.
“I never travel without them,” he says, jolting you from your reverie. “They come with me to every show, every tour, every schedule, every shoot, every filming.”
What to say to this? What could you possibly offer him, other than the overwhelmingly huge sob that eclipses any form of a coherent response?
There’s too much that has transpired within the past two hours for you to properly and adequately process. You decide, instead, to accept everything at face value. There is no other alternative, not in this moment. You’d rather go back to Geto – you would rather die than question the forces above that have led you into Yuuta’s arms.
He accepts your tears in stride, extending his body ever-so-slightly to reach for an article that he then drapes over your quaking shoulders, your shivering limbs. When you blink back to the real world, you find that he’s adorned you with a peculiar black blanket – one with a strange, off-putting pattern of wide-open, bright blue eyes. They stare back at you in clinical analysis. You can’t help but to feel observed by the inanimate (?) object.
“Thank you,” says Yuuta, drawing your wandering gaze back to his lovely features now pinched with integrity, with concern, with intention, “for loving me. You don’t know how happy that makes me.”
“There’s no other choice for me,” you rush to answer, fingers coming up to claw at the distressed collar of his worn sweater. “It’s always been you. I couldn’t choose anyone else…that’s why…when he…when…”
Yuuta shushes you, mercifully. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’ve taken care of it. You’re safe now. He won’t ever touch you again.”
His phrasing makes your eyes widen with trepidation. “What did you…?” You can’t even finish the thought.
“Nothing that he didn’t deserve. He knew the consequences of touching something that didn’t belong to him – all the rest of them should know as much, for that matter.”
“The rest…?”
To wrap your head around what he implies is a somewhat heretical notion to your poor brain, which is predisposed to perennial self-deprecation. There’s no way…
“You’re a very special human—fan.” Yuuta quickly corrects himself, but the utterance has already left his lips. “You are one of a kind and quite coveted. I’m very lucky to have won you over when I did. I will always treasure you. I will always want to keep you safe. Will you let me?”
“How could I not?” You demure, entirely entranced by his fanficul words. It’s like one of your favorite reader-insert narratives has materialized into your lived reality and wholly absorbed you in the fabric of its far-fetched, fictional fantasy.
Excited by your easy willingness, he draws your faces closer together, such that you are able to ascertain the unique quality of his mysterious, inviting dark eyes. They are not black, as you’d previously thought, but rather, an indescribable color that commands your attention, sucks in your assessment, compels you not to look away, never look away, until you’re able to figure out just what, indeed, lies within those irises; you fear the true answer may never come to you. You find that you are content to gaze into his murky depths anyways.
“Do you promise? Would you make a Vow with me?”
The way he says it sounds like something much more significant than a mere promise to let him guard you – and yet, perhaps this agreement is that significant to him. Immeasurable charmed by the prospect, you are the one who now draws closer, bumping noses with your oshi, your savior, the love of your life, as you impress upon his chapped lips an affirmation of your all-consuming dedication:
“I Vow to be bound to you,” you whisper, the words finding you as naturally as rainfall navigates to the earth’s waiting, fertile soil. “There is nothing I want more in this world… I’m so happy…” A passionate kiss seals the promise, one that tastes like sweat and salt and tears.
You do not yet realize what this Vow entails. You are not yet aware of the permanent proximity to Okkotsu Yuuta that you will be subjected to from this point forward. You have no way of knowing that you have just forfeited all autonomy or claim to live as a regular mortal for the rest of your days.
In this moment, all that comes to mind is the euphoric happiness of being wholly accepted and embraced by Yuuta. Matters such as your personal safety and security are now governed by a being outside of yourself – one who has proven himself worthy of such trust and confidence. You don’t need to worry about anything else.
Does anything else really matter, in the end?
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> try again
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