#there's radioapple in this AU too!
spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
stargazers au my beloved
Hehe. UwU -Bubbly💙
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(Drew Vaggie 'cuz I've been neglecting her.)
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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The girls are fighting 😖⚔️
When I was studying the reference to Hell’s Greatest Dad, I couldn’t believe my eyes…they really get this close in canon…wow (◕‿◕✿)
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mythbringer-mayhem · 6 months
Comic wip?? Idk
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To be honest, I haven't been able to draw shit recently. The stuff I have, I've struggled with. I've been working on this Radioapple comic for a little while, but I dont really like how it's turning out-
I'm posting this anyways, I'm going to redo this. Probably in a more sketchy style so I don't give myself more wrist problems then I already have-
I like the concept of the comic, just not the execution, hopefully I'll get the full thing out to my liking soon enough :p
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allastoredeer · 4 months
What do you think about the AU where Alastor meets the Devil while he’s still alive? there’s plenty of potential with that 😏
I have a couple of fics saved with that AU!
But otherwise, I haven’t given the AU a lot of thought. It would be fun to explore a dynamic between Lucifer and Alastor if they were to have know each other pre-Alastor death, even more so if Lucifer forgot about Alastor and Alastor very much remembered him.
Lmao it’d bring a whole new context to Alastor’s instant saltiness towards Lucifer. The guy got wham, bam, thank you ma’am-ed and then Lucifer never called him back. The bitterness is so real.
Especially when he realizes Lucifer doesn’t even remember him (or recognize him 👀 due to his deer/demon characteristics). Alastor probably wouldn’t say anything about it, though, he’d just keep needling and insulting Lucifer like a scorned ex-lover, and Lucifer has no idea why but he’s gonna needle and insult him back, even if there’s…something strangely familiar about Alastor…something he can’t quite put his finger on…
FUCK - I literally haven’t considered this AU AT ALL, and now I’m developing a whole fic idea. Anon what have you done 😩
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
"There's something else here, I just know it!"
Charlie clutches at her hair, frustration dripping as she stares down the two men before her. The others stand by the bar behind her, waiting to see how this interaction goes down. Vaggie stands by her side, her rock amidst the chaos, because she's just about had it with the two. They've met for barely a week, and yet they acted like they hated each other for decades. Each interaction conveyed a message laced with a bitter venom she could not understand, and she's just SO TIRED of all the secrets, especially ones that threatened to wreck the hotel every few hours!
"So what is it?! Why do you two hate each other so much??? You act like you've known each other for centuries and Im DONE with being kept in the dark!"
Her horns protrude, flames flaring from her hair as she levels the two with a glare. The demonic form has her girlfriend clutching tighter at her arm, and her friends backing up behind the bar.
The objects of her current irritation deflated a bit at her anger, though not without sneaking hate filled gazes at the other.
"Its nothing, Charl-"
"NO.", her voice reverberated across the walls. "Dad, I would normally not interfere with anyone's past, but not if that past hurts the hotel, hurts my people. Angel could have gotten so much more than a broken leg if I didn't step in."
Said spider flinches imperceptibly at the mention of his name. Even when he wasn't the one being scolded, Charlie could be terrifying when she wanted to be.
"You two have a past. What. Is. It."
Lucifer, for the first time since this started, visibly lost his composure, seeming at a lost for words.
"I- we.. W-we were-"
Silence, as everyone turned their gazes to the Radio Demon.
They...had to have misheard? Right?
But Alastor continued, turning his head away, smile and eyes unreadable.
"We were lovers."
Lucifer winces ever so slightly at the past tense, hurt(and guilt?) filling his eyes, before an irritated huff breaks out of his lips.
"I already told you, I-"
"It doesn't matter."
"It DOES! If you would just let me-!"
"It was all in the past, it matters not anymore, nor will it ever matter again. Apologies for the undesirable behavior, dear Charlotte, i'll try to keep damages to a minimum for the foreseeable future."
"Wait, Alastor-!"
But Alastor had already melted to the shadows, the King's black tipped claws clutching at thin air where he'd stood. His hands shook, closing into a fist as he tried to even his breathing. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips, dragging a hand down his face. Without another word, he too vanished in a swirl of red, leaving the residents of the hotel gaping at their absence.
Charlie- whose demon form long receded- stood processing what just happened. A hand made it way to her mouth, as she leaned into her girlfriend for support.
This...wasn't what she expected.
Its like she could start to see now; all the hurt buried behind each venomous gaze, all the regret laced with each bitter word. Something was broken, and they kept cutting themselves as they wielded each shard as its deadly weapon.
Oh hells, how was she supposed to fix this??
".......this is so worth getting my leg broken."
Husk turned a baleful, yet fond glare at the spider demon who chose to 'very subtly' break the silence that enveloped the room.
"What???? I live for the drama, sue me!"
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Oh no they're both gonna be pregnant. Guess Lucifer got something else out of the deal toooooo
Alastor: *returns from bathroom and slams the test down*
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Alastor: See! The tests are defective! I’ve never…well, ya know…before.
Lucifer: *feeling immensely relieved* oh…a defective product…that’s…good right? I mean it’s not like we both can be —
Alastor: *gags suddenly*
Lucifer: *concerned* Uh…Al? You okay?
Alastor: *holding himself together* I’m fi- *fades into shadows*
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Lucifer: *concerned*
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prodigal-san · 6 hours
Does that mean Alastor looses his cool when Lucifer tries to kiss him ? In the hellborn!luci Au? How does he feel about Charlie?
(Hehe I love all these questions!!)
Well Alastor struck a deal with Lucifer in exchange for his help. He provides financial support for Charlie on the condition that Lucifer “entertain” him. Growing up in Lust and hearing all sorts of rumors about Alastor, Lucifer assumed it would be THAT kind of entertainment… and the first time Alastor ordered Luci to entertain him, Luci sat on his lap and Alastor… combusted 😂 shenanigans ensue~
Jokes aside, Luci will always respect Alastor’s boundaries though! Once he realizes that Alastor is a virgin who can’t cope with his sexiness, he backs off. This makes Alastor angry though ‘cuz it’s a blow to his pride to be “coddled.”
As for Charlie, his feelings about her are more or less neutral, mostly because she takes after Luci so much. If she had looked more like Lilith it probably would have been a problem. She’s inquisitive and kind and mostly unafraid of him, which he finds both annoying and refreshing LOL 😂
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plumomi · 1 month
Yearning for season two to give us Canon Lilith Personality™ and open the fic writer floodgates for a wider variety of Hellradio stories.
There's a lot of pure smutfic out there already, and that's all well and good if that's your thing, but the Possibilities of exploring a fucked up polycule between Hell's monarchs and our resident radio demon beyond that, and all the political implications and drama that would entail, intrigue me to no end. I'm honestly so here for it. Need it in all its Messy Glory.
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rizuluv · 1 month
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Hihi here's the drive folder that I made for my Radioapple EOOA (Evil Organization Of Assassins AU), you can read their introduction, information and about the story !! I also put their reference sheet there, I will update there even the other's reference sheet soon!!
The link:
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sunflowericescribbles · 4 months
As much as I live for radioapple AUs, I feel like "Dirty Dancing" would fit best with Chaggie 👀
I mean we can still have dance instructor Alastor, but Charlie would go for his dance partner (and co-instructor) Vaggie xD
Actually Al is going to be the distraction for Charlie's dad whenever they want a chance to sneak away..
You know what, why not pack both pairings into this AU. Charlie and Vaggie do their dance lifting and Alastor and Lucifer do their jazz number.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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"What do you do when a mere scapegoat becomes so enamored with the God Of Death that they actually look forward to dying again and again just to see Him?"
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"What do you do when said God Of Death yearns for the sacrificial lamb's PERMANENT DEATH and this very thought is actually the reason He smiles at them?"
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"But it's only because He wants to own them FOREVER the only way He knows how??? ...For His Vessel's soul to be HIS to keep."
Basically, this is my COTL Radioapple AU idea! (NOTE: Read it all over again! This time, just the yellow highlighted words for a different experience and perspective on things! 😉 Trust me on this.) -Bubbly💙
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notherpuppet · 5 months
Someone asked if I was adding more to "Buckshot"
...and then I accidentally posted it before I was done answering LOL. Anyway, here was the answer:
I have some ideas that I just haven't fleshed out yet. But I really like that AU and I want to return to it.
As for the Buckshot specific "chapter"...I do have some 'deleted scenes' that I just didn't feel like drawing (laziness) but hmm maybe i'll get the motivation to sketch them out eventually.
Some deleted scenes:
Scene 1.5 [Lucifer looks at Alastor's wounds as he's changing his bandages and clothes. Alastor's covered in severe scars exhibiting many different kinds of injuries.] Lucifer: "So many scars...I wonder what he's been through..." [Lucifer glances at Alastor's face, which somehow still has a faint, but visible smile.] Lucifer (incredulous and annoyed): "Yet he always keeps that smile on his face..." CUT TO FLASHBACK MONTAGE: Lucifer, Alastor, and Charlie playing in the park, eating dinner altogether, and singing backup for Charlie while Alastor plays the piano. [Lucifer smiles softly and turns up the corners of Alastor's sleeping smile.] Charlie: "I thought Al needed to sleep!" >:-0 [Lucifer draws his hands back suddenly, embarrassed.] Lucifer: "Where did you--" [Charlie climbs onto Alastor's rest bed. She haphazardly reaches for Alastor's face.] Charlie: "My turn or it's not fair!" >:-D Lucifer: "Charlie, no!" --- Scene 4.5 (happens at the dinner party, in Lucifer's room, after Alastor bleeds through his shirt) [Lucifer quickly changed into a red tuxedo. Alastor is lagging, due to his pain and need to clean his wound with a soft cloth.] Lucifer: "Let me help you--" Alastor: "I can handle this." Lucifer: "Would you stop being so stubborn? You're drugged up, drunk, and moving slow as hell. You want to arouse more suspicion or do you wanna get this over with?" [Alastor rolls his eyes and rudely tosses the cloth at Lucifer's face. Lucifer's quick reflexes catch the cloth effortlessly.] Lucifer: "That's what I thought." [Lucifer begins to clean Al's wound. Alastor has a pained expression. He winces and grabs Lucifer's wrist forcefully.] Alastor: "You're being a brute." [Alastor guides Lucifer's hand gently and drops his hand once Lucifer adapts. Lucifer helps bandage Alastor back up and get dressed. They're now both in new tuxedos, sans bow ties. Before Lucifer can grab his bowtie, Alastor snatches it.] Alastor: "Allow me." Lucifer: "I can tie my own bow tie." Alastor: "Did you not say we were in a hurry? I think we both know it will go faster if I just tie it." [Lucifer rolls his eyes but resigns. Alastor ties the bowtie swiftly and perfectly.] Lucifer: "Ugh, how do you do this so easily? Aren't you high?" Alastor: "As a kite." [There is a beat and they both share a laugh. Suddenly they hear a distant voice yelling:] Adam (distant): "So much for a quickie!" Alastor: "We should go."
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yourlocalcorviddad · 5 months
Ok ok so I saw this post and keep thinking about au husk dust(mostly from planned cosplay videos with a husk cosplayer while I cosplay angel but still)
(ramble below cause it's a lot)
Angel just, being new to town but from another small town so knows the life and all (maybe left cause his small town was homo/transphobic? Idk, I'm thinking trans gay angel cause reasons) and ending up applying at Husk's bar, and getting the job there despite the seemingly ruffled feathers
And like, they work well together, getting along and handling with the rest of the staff and all too, but then maybe Val shows up? Like he was from Angel's home town and stalked found where he went to idk, get him back or whatever (maybe he was promised Angel by Angel's dad to marry 'her' or whatever? (Side note though, Val may be a disgusting ass but I don't see him as homophobic or transphobic or anything like that, just disgusting in other ways, even in this au) And he's a possessive mother fucker) and Husk gets like, protective when Angel is telling Val to go what have you, and the relationship changes from there
And like, someone comes in one night after and like, starting to flirt with Husk and tries to take his hat, only for, before husk can swat the hand away, angel to stride over and take the hat instead and put it on
"sorry honey, this one's mine" or something
Like maybe a scene before of like, them flirting and angel like, flicking at the brim of Husk's hat, or maybe the other way around as husk finally responding to the flirting or whatever?
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nekophy · 5 months
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Every fandom deserve a Hades x Persephone AU and it's RadioApple turn- If only I could make up my mind whICH ONES ARE WHICH- 🏃‍♂️
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mooneggtarts · 3 months
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Radioapple week: Day 4 (Bonding(?))
I'm currently obsessed with the "Buckshot Roulette" game and decided to make a silly (hopefully not too deep of a lore but I dont trust myself to not make this shit deeper) Hazbin Roulette AU with Alastor as the dealer and Lucifer as the player.
I may or may not will make more of this in the future, maybe..
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Alistair, it's so sweet that you care about Cali so much. But remember that every parent deserves a break, and it's okay to accept help from loved ones when you need to do things like sleep, eat, and shower.
Alastor: I suppose you’re technically correct. I may need to freshen up a bit. *looks at Lucifer* Think you can manage to watch Calliope on your own for a few minutes?
Lucifer: Please! I’ve been a father much longer than you have! You have what, a day at most? I’ve been a father for more than 200 years!
Alastor: Yeah but who has the most dead kids between us?
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Alastor: I’ll be back. And Calliope better be alive when I return *leaves room*
Lucifer: *breaks down hugging Calliope close* I’m sorry Charlie! I’m so sorry!
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