#there's so much poTENTIAL
sleeplesssmoll · 1 month
Imagine an arcanist tailor.
Unlike human shops, they make clothes specifically for people with wings, tails, and other extra appendages. They also make adjustments for such features.
They sell hats and night caps that hide horns or at least provide a fluffy cover. The covers prevent the horns from puncturing pillows or accidentally poking their spouse's eye out.
They have concealed carrying cases for wands and other mediums.
They have clothes durable enough for to withstand erosion from scales and other rough skin textures.
Clothing is not based on gender as humans know it but on a different spectrum more suited for arcanists.
They have socks and shoes for all types non-human feet since many more beastly arcanists have the risk of getting hurt by broken glass and other stuff since they coexist in human society. The same goes for gloves.
Goo-proof clothing for slimy folks.
Special clothes for shape shifters so they don't tear when they transform.
Waterproof and fireproof clothes!
Clothes that block out all light for vampires and arcanists sensitive to UV rays. Honestly, all kinds of enchanted (and cursed) clothes.
The shop will have a white Carbuncle in a little bowtie who helps you find what you're looking for if the owner isn't around. He also cleans up all the hair, scales, and whatever else left behind by customers by using his tiny body like a dust cleaner and then incinerating it his fluffs. His hair grows back immediately. This also shows off his fire-proof bowtie!
Vertin and the group get discounts in exchange for modeling some of the outfits and raising awareness.
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improper-use-of-germx · 10 months
Two people, completely different forms of life across the universe from each other. But against all odds they meet, and how could they not get curious? The differences in their communication, interests, lifecycles, bodies. How could they avoid comparing? How could they avoid sharing themselves, reveling in the similarities and getting excited by the differences? Literally starcrossed lovers.
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simplykorra · 6 months
ngl, the idea of this is starting to take over my brain
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amaramiyu · 11 months
[Analysis] Richette (Richter&Annette)
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Sometimes a ship can sneak up on you unexpectedly and it ultimately ends up consuming you. That's exactly what happened to me with Richette (RichterxAnnette) from Castlevania: Nocturne. After pondering for a couple of weeks, I've decided to do an analysis of their relationship because not only do I enjoy them as characters individually, but there's so much nuance and complexity to their relationship and so much to discuss. So without further ado:
First of all, I need to talk about these two gorgeous character posters (pictured above) of Richter and Annette. Color theory time!
On Richter's poster, he's all serious, stern, and means business. The color blue is heavily utilized and in color theory blue is considered a cool color. The color blue typically has the following meanings: calmness, honesty, trust, stability, and responsibility. Furthermore, the color blue is also usually associated with the sea, trust, the sky, stability, tranquility, and depth.
Interestingly enough, Annette's poster is sort of the opposite of Richter's she's coquettish and looks slightly playful. The color yellow is greatly emphasized and in color theory yellow is considered a warm color. The color yellow typically has the following meanings: happiness, creativity, mental stimulation, impatience, and cowardice. Furthermore, the color yellow is also usually associated with energy, sunshine, brightness, cheerfulness, and joy.
Episode 1
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Richter first meets Annette after she saves him from a Night Creature while he is suffering from his PTSD (childhood trauma witnessing his mother's horrific demise by Olrox). I love Annette's soft smile towards Richter.
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Richter is impressed/amazed by Annette's magical abilities.
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Annette not only demonstrates her magical abilities but she also showcases that she's knowledgeable about Night Creatures and the Vampire Messiah. Initially, Richter's hurling many questions at her and he's frustrated until she answers them. Richter becomes a little sheepish when it's revealed that Annette and Edouard are looking for "someone called Belmont" and he's the Belmont in question.
Episode 2
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Richter's definitely intrigued by Annette as Edouard and Annette are discussing her lineage. Richter plays up his confidence and contentment with how he's perfectly fine with his knives and his family heirloom the Vampire Killer whip to kill vampires. But the mood changes once he brings up magic and his mother due to his childhood trauma.
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Annette: Where's your mother?
Richter: She died. Some vampires do magic too.
As we will learn later, Richter's and Annette's respective mothers being killed by a vampire is something that they have in common. You can see the sympathy displayed in Annette's eyes.
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When Edouard was being overtaken by the vampires and Night Creatures. Annette was distracted and frozen with despair, but she needed to regain her focus to finish creating the bridge for them to escape so that they could live to fight another day.
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This is an all too familiar scene for Richter the grief, pain, and loss of a loved one. The heavy pouring rain adds to this somber moment.
Episode 3
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The next day Richter comforts Annette stating that their only option was to retreat. They were surrounded and it wasn't her fault regarding what happened to Edouard. However, Annette feels like she abandoned him and that he wouldn't have abandoned her. Edouard was like family to her and all that she had left after her mother died.
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Richter: I know what it's like to watch your mother die. I fled...but I guess you couldn't do that.
Here comes the nuance Richter acknowledges the similarities between Annette and him losing their mothers. However, he also realizes that he was able to flee get on a ship, and travel to a whole different country across the ocean putting distance between him and the vampire that haunted him. But Annette couldn't do that she was stuck on the island of Saint-Domingue having to pretty much almost every day confront her nightmare.
Annette as she's recounting the slave uprising in Saint-Domingue we get this commentary:
Richter: It sounds like an epic battle.
Annette: Freedom was sweeter than the sugar we harvested.
There's also this parallel last episode when Richter mentioned some vampires can do magic. This episode during the flashback:
Annette: Vaublanc changed into a bat. What other magic can they do?
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Annette: He was so brave, so committed to our freedom.
Richter: We'll avenge him. I swear.
Their resolve to take down the vampires and the Vampire Messiah is even further strengthened.
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During Annette's rousing speech in the town's square, Richter is mesmerized and captivated. He's actually listening and paying attention hanging on to her every word. He even cracks a smile.
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This is a stark contrast to earlier in the season when during one of Maria's revolutionary gatherings he admitted he wasn't really listening and was basically nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
Episode 4
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Annette's still shaken up from witnessing Edouard as a Night Creature in the last episode. I must say Richter's quite chivalrous towards Annette in this scene. He's checking up on her asking if she's all right. He also lays out the facts and reality of the situation as harsh and grim as it might be.
He stresses that they need a plan because he doesn't want a repeat of what happened at the chateau. However, Annette's impatience and impulsiveness are getting the best of her.
Annette: The Abbey's made of stone. I can bury them in their own church, bring it crashing down around their heads.
Richter: A proper plan, not walk in, make a few snap decisions about who deserves to live or die, and then turn everything to rubble.
The conversation takes a turn towards cowardice and being afraid.
Richter: I've only been afraid once in all my life, and I was 10.
Annette: You know what it's like to watch your mother die, you said. She was killed by a vampire, wasn't she?
Annette connects the dots and here's some more nuance. People are shaped by their upbringing and the type of environment that they grew up in. Annette states that Richter and Maria are not cowards it's more so that they are just children with no experience of the world, no experience of the hard choices that adults have to make.
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There's great teamwork demonstrated here as Richter protects Annette while she's doing her incantation.
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When Richter comes face to face with his nightmare (Olrox) years later he reverts into his scared 10-year-old self and flees. Annette's shocked, disappointed, and furious at how he just abandoned their plight.
Richter Belmont is the person that her mentor Cecile told her to seek out and that would be able to aid her in accomplishing her mission. Even though he couldn't use magic anymore, she said that they'd make do, but now he ghosts them this definitely does not go over well.
However, Annette will later come to understand his perspective and situation even though as of right now she comes across as insensitive towards him.
Episode 5
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This episode showcases the aftermath of Richter's actions towards the end of the last episode. Annette can't sit still and wants to free Edouard from his chains instead of regrouping and waiting for Richter to return.
Tera tries to make Annette understand Richter's behavior and actions. Olrox is the vampire who killed his mother after all and the nightmare that still haunts him.
Annette: We all have nightmares. If I'd let my past terrify me, I'd never be free of it.
As I mentioned earlier, Annette, unlike Richter, has come face-to-face with her nightmare(which also includes slavery) just about every single day on the island. Richter hasn't physically confronted Olrox in almost a decade. Annette's able to face her nightmare(Vaublanc) head-on she isn't afraid of him anymore. We witness this later in the episode when she confronts him. She doesn't allow Vaublanc to get under her skin or break her. She conquers and defeats him.
Richter as of right now, doesn't have much fight left in him, but he'll eventually regain his resolve and turn things around.
Episode 6
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Juste and Richter share many parallels they both experience a blockage to their magic after witnessing the traumatic loss of their loved one(s) due to a vampire before their eyes. They both blame themselves for it as well. Juste has such a defeatist attitude, and Richter could've ended up similar to Juste if he wasn't able to work through his blockage.
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Annette calls upon her mentor Cecile for guidance. She expresses how Richter ran away but Cecile reminds her that everyone starts by running away. Annette ran away too at first but she eventually got to a point where she didn't cower in front of her tormentor, it's not something that's going to happen overnight it takes time. Cecile also advises Annette to learn to hear her ancestors. There's light in the darkness.
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At his lowest point, before Richter regained his magical powers he thought of the people who he loved and wanted to protect. Annette was included alongside Tera and Maria. Now, not only has his magic returned but so has his resolve.
Episode 7
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Richter has finally returned after being m.i.a for a few days and he has to clear the air between Annette and himself.
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Immediately without wasting any time or putting it off, Richter goes to speak to Annette. He is nervous as hell and bracing for a storm, so he was surprised when Annette said that she knew he'd be back and that she was more concerned than she wanted to be.
Richter's like oh, really? And starts joking, "The muscles, huh?" The tension in the air diffuses between them and blushing ensues. Annette talking to her mentor really helped her ease up; she's not being driven by anger, and it's reflected in this moment between Richter and her. They've come to understand one another.
Richter reaffirms that they're going to get Edouard out of his cell. He shows Annette that his magic abilities have returned. Richter talks about remembering what makes him who he is and the type of person he wants to be...a Belmont. Living up to the legacy of his family's last name was also something that he was grappling with during the season as well.
When Richter mentioned the love in this house it stood out and resonated with Annette. Annette is overall dazzled by Richter during his speech it's adorable.
Richter: I won't let myself be afraid ever again.
Annette: But we are afraid. It's not always bad. It just means we have something to lose.
Being afraid and fear are natural human emotions but the reasons behind why we are afraid can differ. We can be afraid because we have something or someone that we want to protect and not lose.
The current atmosphere and mood are romantic during this moment. Richter and Annette are staring deeply at each other. Richter also sneaks glances at Annette when she breaks eye contact with him.
Can you feel the love?
Later on, they're calm, cool, and collected putting together a plan of action this time around. This is an improvement from Episode 4 where they also needed to formulate a plan of action.
Episode 8
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Annette: Don't burn the place to the ground.
Richter: Good point. And try not to reduce it to rubble.
Would you look at that? Some fun light banter before a big battle. Their lines are also a callback to earlier episodes in the season. Remember in Episode 2 Annette talked about burning the chateau to the ground. Also in Episode 4, Richter said the turn everything into rubble line. The difference here is in the context, tone, and delivery.
You can really see the growth and development even further by this stage in their relationship.
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Richter: We had no choice. Did we?
This scene is so heart-wrenching. Richter's tone and delivery of the line and his glance over to Annette for reassurance. Tera is now going to be a vampire. Our heroes just can't quite catch a break can they this season?
Congratulations! You've made it to the end. Even though this took many days to put together I had fun creating this. I may have missed a few things, but I feel like I touched on the main elements.
Thanks for taking the time to read my analysis.
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bberry005 · 7 months
my vision for the kane chronicles movie is that it starts with carter and sadie fighting over setting up an old camera and tape recorder. It comes into focus, and they're sitting on the floor of carter's room at the brooklyn house. They give the warning spiel from the beginning, and then afterwards, it fades into carter staring out the window as he sits in the back of a taxi on the way to the brooklyn house. every once in a while, the movie cuts out to show carter and sadie fighting over the microphone, or it pauses for a witty bit of narration from one of them, or it just cuts to them arguing in the present day when they're recording. if we don't get unhinged chapter title episode titles i want the whole thing to feel like a 14 year old and a 12 year old are recounting their adventures and that we are the ones who recieved the tapes from the locker.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 8 months
I was recently on a plane and watched You've Got Mail, and like, the way this plot just effortlessly fits into a lovesquare au?!
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strawberryfeeling · 9 months
marauders fic but it's a yellowjackets AU
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frobby · 8 months
why the fuck are they're no laios centric hurt/comfort fics??
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the-great-kraken · 18 days
i can't stop thinking about super strength as an allegory for dyspraxia
it sounds a little counterintuitive, since super strength usually comes with connotations of peak physical ability, but i think outside of the obvious there's a lot of really fascinating slightly more subtle overlap
a lot of characters with super strength are often shown to be clumsy - if mainly for comedy purposes. they'll misjudge their own strength and break whatever they're holding or throw things a comical distance or a friendly nudge will send an ally through a wall.
while dyspraxia obviously doesn't work exactly like this, the experience of attempting to have my body do one thing only to have it respond unpredictability and, depending on context, sometimes destructively, is altogether too real.
the archetypal example of super strength is superman, and his iconic 'i live in a world of cardboard' speech really illustrates that a core aspect of his strength is the requirement to constantly limit himself and adjust the way his body works, or else risk devastating consequences - essentially masking. he has to be constantly vigilant and aware of every action so he can try and ensure that his body responds Correctly. as much as the stakes are clearly much higher for superman than your average dyspraxic, that’s a very relatable feeling for me.
this can also make for some interesting commentary on accessibility, since the world around him isn't built for him to interact with safely. strong characters struggling to use certain more breakble objects is a pretty regular gag, and depending on the nature of the story, it's fairly common for their genius friends to build versions of objects that are reliable and safe for them - essentially giving them proper accommodations they couldn't otherwise access.
this struggle to interact with the world around them is often shown to worsen when under emotional stress - think mr incredible throwing his boss through a building and breaking his car door. for me, this is very common, as it becomes more difficult to focus on my movements when distracted, and it's always worse when because i'm upset, exhausted or frustrated.
this last point has less to do with existing tropes and more to do with what i think could be an interesting direction to take characters like this. as a dyspraxic person, i often feel a disconnect between what i view as Me and what is My Body. when i attempt to do one thing only to end up doing another, it can feel like my mind is an entirely different entity to my body. i think pushing a superpowered character in this direction could be incredibly compelling, and could be easily combined with the classic internal conflict of "am i my secret identity or my super alter ego?" (for anyone curious this is why i'm so attached to luther from the umbrella academy. his ape body took on a life of its own in my head since the show did nothing with it.)
but yeah, a lot of classic super strength tropes are very relatable for me, and i think with a little push could make for an absolutely brilliant disability metaphor. i've been toying with this as a concept for a while, but i've never quite managed to put a proper character framework on top, forget a plot, so i figured i'd try to get it out of my system for a bit with a tumblr post instead
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pickastitch · 1 year
i'm so surprised nobody has pointed this out in reference to gem or scar
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chimchiri · 6 months
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Prototype stickers! I'm still testing this and that before actually opening up the shop. I also want to be content with the ones I'm actually offering. It's taking its time with all the other art I've got lined up but I'm getting there.
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laikuh · 3 months
okay, because i won't leave reviews for these books on goodreads, i have to do it here, so i'm going to try and present some level-headed and sincere critiques of k. webster's "laska" (and her writing more generally)
k. webster clearly thinks incest is hot. she thinks rape is hot. she thinks age gaps are hot. i think 2 out of those 3 things are hot myself (FICTIONALLY OBVIOUSLY BUT JUST TO BE CLEAR). but my issue is that she doesn't seem to appreciate that any story, regardless of how shocking and taboo and smutty it's intended to be, benefits from build up. and taboo topics become more interesting, more complex, and more gratifying to get off to, if i'm gonna be so fucking for real about this, when you actually give them weight. the taboo being broken has to matter.
idk, maybe it's just me, but i would just prefer if a story like "laska" (which is quite short) still did more than it does to get at why these two brothers like to fuck, why they like to eat people, why they're corrupted in these particular ways. maybe there are people who, the fact of these things is enough to be arousing, but i just think that's boring. under the read more i'm including the last two pages because i think they give a good example of what has me rolling my eyes at this story. shock for shock's sake is just meh to me.
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basementgirlmusk · 1 year
the shock collars im looking at have an open source api 👀
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
I don't need to write a buddie night agent au I don't need to write a buddie night agent au I don't need to write a buddie night agent au I don't need to write a buddie night agent au--
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You know what would be a fun au?
An au for a fandom with mainly/all non-human characters, where said characters are aliens from another galaxy and they land/crash-land on earth. They befriend a human/some humans ( Giginkas of other characters from source media or OCs/Fandom OCs ) and 'Humans are space orcs' type shenanigans and hijinks ensue.
Bonus point if said human/one of said humans is OBSESSED with aliens or space/astrology in general.
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depressedraisin · 1 year
can’t believe no one has thought of making a limited series out of tranquility base hotel and casino yet
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