#there's still all the clone wars that i am not sure how to write
jewishcissiekj · 6 months
just realized just how much fic there is to write until I actually get to the part of the AU I started thinking about...
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
Hear My Voice
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Summary: being trapped in an underground bunker with a deadly virus wasn’t how the reader wanted to spend her last moments. . . But here they were.
A/N: have another terrible piece of writing by me! I’m just up in my Rex feels and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
Warnings: none.
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“I’m disappointed.”
Letting yourself fall back against the wall behind you, you slid to the floor, your legs kicked out in front of you.
“I always thought I would go out guns blazing atop a pile of battle droids not by some virus.” Looking up at the captain across fromyou you gave him a weak smile, though Rex only shook his head in return.
“You’re not going to die. No one else is dying.”
Letting out a sigh you cast your eyes around you. Several of the remaining clones mingled in little groups, taking in hushed voices as they sat on the ground. A foot or so away from you Padme was leaned against the same wall, Ahsokas head in her lap as they both slept, their bodies no doubt fighting the virus like yours was.
“I hope your right.”
“General Skywalker is getting that antidote for us as we speak.”
“And he’s half a galaxy away.” Letting out a breath you folded your hands in front of you. “You should sit down Rex, right now all we can do is wait.”
The captain was silent for a moment before taking off his helmet and sinking to the floor, leaning against the wall across from you. Hanging out in a hallway wasn’t the comfiest of places but it was the best you had to work with.
“How are you feeling?” Rex looked over at you, a slight tilt to his head as he spoke.
“I am the perfect image of health and vitality.” You joked weakly, knowing full well you looked anything but. You had caught your reflection in a shard of glass earlier. You had blue veins crawling up your neck and spreading out from underneath your eyes. Not to mention you were insanely weak.
“Don’t lie General.”
“Don’t worry about me Rex. How are you feeling?”
Fiddling with the helmet in his hand, Rex sucked in a breath. “I can feel the symptoms starting.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Looking up Rex found your eyes, the two of you holding your gazes until you felt an awkwardness settle over you and you let out a cough.
The truth was; if you were going to be stuck in an underground bunker waiting for death you glad you were with Rex. From the moment the captain had entered your life you knew you wanted him in it for a long time. Rex was like no one you had ever met.
He wasn’t the galaxy but you were sure that he was everything that made the galaxy good.
“So. . . What do we do now?”
“Sit and wait for General Skywalker and Kenobi.”
Slumping lower against the wall you let out a sigh. “Sounds boring. We should play a game.”
At that Rex raised an eyebrow. “A game? Like what?”
Sitting in silence for a moment you sucked in a breath. “I know. Interrogate me.”
“Interrogate you?”
“Yeah. Ask me any question you want and I have to answer in complete honesty. Only I also get to ask you question in return.”
Letting out a weak chuckle Rex relaxed further into his spot. One leg stretched out in front of him while the other was bent, his wrist balanced on his knee, bucket dangling limply from his fingers. “Alright, but why?”
“Because we practically see each-other every day and yet we still know so little about each-other.”
Rex was silent for a moment before he spoke. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Seriously you could ask any question and that’s what you chose?”
“You said any question.”
Folding your arms across your chest you gave the captain a look before answering. “For the longest time it was green. Growing up on Corucant I never saw the color much but when I did I was extatic.” You paused. “But then the war started and I supposed it changed.”
“To what?”
“Blue.” In truth you didn’t realize your love for the color until you saw it painted on the armor of the 501st troopers. Your favorite color wasn’t blue until Rex came along.
But it wasn’t like you were going to say that aloud.
“Alright captain, it’s only fair that I know your favorite color now.”
Rex studied you carefully for a moment. “I thought you didn’t like the question?”
“Yeah well you started it so out with it blondie.”
Yet again the captain was silent for a moment, deep in thought.
That caught you off guard. So much in fact you tilted your head as he spoke. You never took Rex for much of an orange guy.
But the truth was in Rexs mind it was the only right answer. It was the color of your lightsaber. It was the color of warmth and fire and energy. If you were a color that’s what you would be.
“Good choice, now hit me with another one but this time make it more interesting. . . No offense.”
Shooting you an amused look, Rex shifted in his spot. “Alright uhm. . . Do you like being a Jedi?”
A pause.
“That’s a bit more of a bold question.”
“Forgive me General, I overstepped.”
Shaking your head quickly you sat up properly, pulling your knees into your chest as you did. “You didn’t. I like the question, makes me think.” You were silent for another moment as you folded your arms over your knees. “I do like being a Jedi. I get to help people, I get to help make the galaxy better. . . But there are things about it I question.”
“Like what?”
“There’s so many rules. So many codes to stick by and sometimes it’s overwhelming and I can’t get myself to follow some of them no matter how hard I try.”
In truth you were thinking about a certain rule in particular. One you had never been good at following: No emotional connections.
How could you follow such a rule when having connections is a part of living. Without them everything would fall apart.
The deepest connection you had ever felt in your life had been with Rex. He felt like your other half and yet because of the Order and it’s rules they made you feel as if something was wrong with you for having such feelings.
“General? Are you alright?”
Looking up at your captain you hadn’t realized you had fallen silent. “Sorry, got lost in thought for a moment.”
“No need for apologies. . . Now if I’m correct it your turn to ask the question?”
“Right, right. . . Uhm, is your hair naturally blonde or do you bleach it?”
A laugh nearly escaped your lips as you watched Rex’s face go through a range of emotions, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to process the question. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I’m extremely curious. I need to know!” You mused, resting your chin atop your folded arms as you did.
“It’s natural! Why would you ever think otherwise?!”
“Aha! I kriffing knew it! Anakin owes me twenty credits!”
“You bet on this?!”
“Do you not know me and Anakin? C’mon Rex.” You smirked, only for it to falter a moment later as a sudden fit of coughing racked your body.
Force, you’d nearly forgotten you were sick and dying at the present moment.
“Are you alright?”
Waving him off you nodded your head as you inhaled air into your lungs. “I’m fine. You?”
“A bit lightheaded and nauseous but it’s nothing I can’t handle General.”
“You can call me Y/N, Rex. We’re friends and I think we can cease the formalities for now.” You spoke, casting your eyes around the hallway of the bunker. The little group of clones down the hallway were sitting on the floor, clearly now to weak to stand as they played a game of sabbac, showing that one of them had had a pack of cars on them during the mission. “Now ask me another question.”
Another band of silence.
“Tell me a secret.”
“ a secret?”
“Yes. . . I mean if you’re comfortable doing so of course.” Rex quickly added, his social awkwardness coming through as he sounded slightly panicked.
“We’ll let me think of a good one first.” You hummed, returning your chin to your folded arms atop your knees.
You weren’t sure what triggered it, what made your eyes suddenly sting with oncoming tears but all you knew was one second you were fine and the next you could feel the burn in the back of your nose signaling you were on the verge of crying.
Maybe it was the image of a slowly weakening Padme and Ahsoka besides you, maybe it was the ones you had already lost within the last two hours. . . Maybe it was the way you were sitting across from someone you loved deeply.
Either way you couldn’t pin point it.
“I don’t want to die, Rex.”
“. . . That’s not really a question but you’re not going to die Y/N.”
Sniffling slightly you turned your eyes back to Rex, peeking over at him from where your head rested in your arms. “You wanna know my deepest secret? There’s someone who I’m deeply in love with and I have no idea what to do.”
At that Rex fell silent, pulling his eyes from yours as he looked down at his gloved hands. He wasn’t good at giving this type of advice. He was a clone. He knew nothing about love.
Well maybe he didn’t but he still wasn’t entirely sure. It was like stepping onto a foreign planet for him.
“Well whoever they are I think they would be lucky to have you. You’re one of the most brilliant people I know.”
At that you smiled. Though your vision was beginning to grow fuzzy you could still make out Rex across from you. “Thank you. But I don’t think they could ever look at me in the way I look at them.”
Rex wasn’t sure what he was feeling in the moment all he knew was that it was something he hadn’t felt before. Was that. . . Jealousy?
“Well whoever they are you should tell them. If we get out of here of course.” He mused, letting his eyes glance around the bunker hallway as he did. “And we will.”
“I don’t think us getting out of here would help me at all.” As you spoke you could hear the way your voice wavered.
You were nervous now. Really, really nervous. But if you were going to die in here you might as well get it off your chest before you go.
“Why would you think that?”
Feeling the tears gather on your folded arms, you looked up at met Rex’s gaze once more. “Because he’s sitting across from me.”
You watched Rex through teary eyes as he tried to compute what you had said, his eyes widening as he quickly realized. When he said nothing for a good long while you squeezed your eyes shut before burying your head in your arms, too scared to look up anymore.
“You don’t need to say anything. I just wanted you to know. . . Since we’re, you know. . . Dying.”
Kriff you had faced both Sith and battle droid alike yet you had never felt scared like this before. You would almost rather face down an entire separatist army alone rather than sit here a face the fact that you had probably just ruined your entire friendship with Rex.
“You don’t need to hide.”
At the sound of Rex’s voice you looked up, startled by the fact that you hadn’t heard him get up and move to sit down besides you, his back resting against the wall as he let out a heavy and tired sigh.
“I’ve ruined everything between us, haven’t I?”
At that Rex shifted his head to look over at you, a confused look on his face. “Why would you think that? If anything I’m surprised Fives never cornered you and told you about how I feel.”
“How you feel?”
“No offense General but for a Jedi you are quite oblivious.”
“You never wondered why so many times I acted so awkward around you?” The captain spoke, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as he did, eyes averted to his lap.
“Rex, I thought you were that way with everyone—“
“Ah. . . Uh no actually. Just, just with you.” He spoke bashfully, his cheeks turning a dusty pink.
Reaching out slowly you grabbed onto the hand nearest to you, lacing your fingers through his. A second later he returned the grip, The small action enough to make your breath hitch in your throat.
Rex felt the same.
He felt the same.
“We are not dying in here.”
“No. No we are not.”
And that was a promise. You had just truly gotten each other, and you would be damned if you let some stupid virus take you out before you got a chance to kiss him true and proper.
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mrcaptainrex · 1 year
When We Are Worms.
Pre-Order-66!Crosshair x F!Reader (No Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, because Crosshair. Sleepy-Grumpy Crosshair. I can't imagine Crosshair being a lovey-dovey guy, so he's awkward and kind of a grumpy bitch. Sorry not sorry.
Summary: Crosshair and his lover talk about their theoretical life as worms instead of getting much needed sleep.
A/N: Yes I did just write a one-shot where worm-life is a metaphor for freedom. I hate how proud I am of this.
Being a clone was a shitty way to live. Being an experiment was even worse. From the moment Crosshair was "born", he was raised on the expectation to be perfect. He was never allowed privacy, or a good meal, or even the chance to choose his own passions. He hated it. He hated that no matter how much he hated it, he couldn't imagine what else he could do. He wasn't exactly fit to be a cook, or a mechanic, or any other boring civie job. He had come to accept that no matter how much he wished, he could never be anything but a clone. A soldier. Property.
But not to her. To her, he was everything. A loving man who was good, smart, and funny. A man who she could imagine loving in any galaxy. A man who, if not for their unfortunate circumstances, she would have already married and taken far from this war.
Moments like this made it all worth it. Moments where his brothers were out, and it was just the two of them alone on the Marauder on a cool night. Where she lay next to him with her head on his chest, resting quietly while his hand stroked her bare arm. Moments where, for a second, they could be a normal couple. No war, no politics, no intruding-brothers. They were just two lovers, enjoying the presence of each other and the comfort their silence provided.
They were both beginning to drift into much-needed sleep when she broke the quiet.
“I just thought of something.” She said, lifting her head off his chest as if she had reached a brilliant conclusion.
“How unfortunate.” Crosshair mumbled. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes.
She thought for a moment, and then settled back onto his chest to look into his eyes. “Cross?” She asked quietly.
She only received a sleepy hum in response.
“You love me right? No matter what?” This finally got some of his attention. His eyes opened and met her own with confusion.
After a moment to come up with a sarcastic comment, he settled for, “It would appear that way, mesh’la.” He seemed satisfied with his nonchalant answer and laid his head back on the pillow, allowing his eyes to close once again.
“What if I was a worm?”
By now he accepted that he wasn’t going to sleep for a while. His eyes snapped open, with a furrowed brow and confused look in his eye. “What?”
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Why the fuck would you be a worm?”
She couldn't help but giggle at his response to the illogical question.
“I dunno, weirder things have happened.” She thinks for a minute, trying to imagine a plausible scenario that involves turning her into a slithering creature. “What if one day I’m cursed by an evil witch, and I’m condemned to worm-dom for the rest of my life?”
Crosshair hums sarcastically, as if what she’d suggested was just as likely as getting an ingrown toenail. “Depends. Am I a worm too? It’d feel kind of zoophilist if I were still human.”
Despite the absurdity of the conversation, his words made her heart swell. She lifted her head from his chest and propped herself up on her elbows. “You’d want to be a worm with me?” She gasped.
He found it odd that such a conversation could still leave her enamored with him. He swore he could say anything and she’d still find the sweetest meaning behind it. Then again, she saw the good in everyone.
“I mean.. I would prefer it to being a human in love with a worm. What if I stepped on you?” She was sure she’d never been more in love with him.
“That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.” She whispered, placing a kiss to his nose.
“Clearly I need to step up my game, then.” She settled back onto his chest and continued imagining their lives as a squiggly object. As Crosshair finally allowed his eyes to drift shut..
“Where would we dig our hole?”
A sigh. “Seriously?”
“I’d want to dig it by the lakes on Naboo. Peaceful, moist..” While she was in dreamland, he grimaced at the repulsive ‘m’ word.
“Naboo would be a horrible idea. Tech told me Gungans use worms as garnishes. Alderaan would be better. It’s easier to raise wormlets when they’re not being eaten.”
She could have sworn she felt her heart stop beating for a few moments. "Wormlets?"
He shrugged. "I dunno, whatever the fuck baby worms are called."
He turned his eyes from the ceiling to look at her. To his surprise, he could spot tears in her eyes. Immediately, he thought he had overstepped. "I-I'm sorry. I know kids aren't.. can't happen for us."
She shook her head and blinked her tears away. "No! No, I'd love that. I just.. Well, I didn't know that was something you wanted.. Do you?"
A sorrowful sigh escaped his lips. "Maybe one day." He stretched his neck to place a chaste kiss to her hair. With as much love as he could muster after the exhausting events of the day, he whispered to her, "When we're worms."
He never thought he would say that to his lover..
"When we're worms." She repeated with a smile on her face. Satisfied, she snuggled closer to his chest and allowed herself to sleep.
Crosshair, on the other hand, found himself too pleased with the thought of the future to allow him to sleep.
One day, when the war had ceased to exist, or at least ceased to involve them, they would become worms, and dig their happy hole, in the softest of dirt, and safest of fields. Someplace where they could have as many wormlets as they want, and where no crow or gungan could disrupt their peace. One day, when they become worms, they would live as the happiest worms that ever squiggled. He was sure of it.
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projectdrow · 8 months
How the Bad Batch can end well
So here are my 5 thoughts on season 3 and what’s to come after. I recommend @eriexplosion if you like reading interesting thoughts, analysis and ramblings, a lot of their recent posts inspired this one.
First of all, the trailer was a work of art. It gave us some really random scenes, but also some very direct information that we can speculate on like crazy, if we want to. Also, the title-episode list comes in handy, I will refer to it.
1.) Episode 1-3 one go
I’ll come back to why the show needs to end before May the 4th later, and that’s another reason for the multiple episode days.
When a streaming service like Disney drops more than one episode, they often do so because they think viewers might be lost, because the single (first) episode does not have the full “boom-bang-drama” potential.
I think we’ll see the liberation of Crosshair, maybe even Omega, in the first three episodes. The trailer makes no secret of the fact that Cross will rejoin the team. So this story will not be the main focus of the whole season and the first episode might built up solely for the climax of the escape/liberation in episode 3. At least something heavy will happen at the end of “Shadows of Tantiss”
2.) Omega as the main character
Omega’s character is a very typical tool in storytelling. Throw a character who knows nothing into an established system, so she learns everything with/for the viewer. Sure, the boys are main characters, too, but Omega is the point of view of the kids(! - I’ll come back to that later)-show we’re watching. She can’t be gone for that long, because I don’t think season 3 will be a “Omega’s adventures on Mt. Tantiss”. I think episode 6 and 7 (“Infiltration” and “Extraction”) the latest will bring her back.
3.) So what’s the story?
Actually, and some might say that’s a big take, a lot of the first episodes will be about Tech. I don’t think I need to elaborate to anyone why it makes no sense for him to be dead and never had.
When we first saw this Clone X, there were some interesting “Undercover-Tech” ideas, but after analyzing the trailer in more depth and especially what appears to be an attack on Pabu led by this Clone, well, I think that’s Tech. And not undercover, no, the full on brainwashed, highly dangerous Imp!Tech. Episode 10 is called “Identity Crisis”, which could very well be Tech’s. But they’ll get him back, don’t worry, also because the second part will be about the BB finally deciding what to do with their lives. Which leads directly to 5.), but first:
4.) (Almost) no one dies
Two reasons. First: We already had that devastating Tech-death scene. He AND Asajj will be brought back from the dead this season. Any further death this season wouldn’t convince anyone anymore, not even the kids.
Second: The kids. It’s still a children’s show. Yes, Star Wars kills of characters in them too, but @eriexplosion made a very good point in this post: That’s not what this show is about. TBB has been about the struggle of Clones finding their place, finding family, finding a meaning. All of that would be for naught, and that’s why I think everyone survives.
Also: The last episode is called: “The Cavalry has Arrived”.
5.) About the future
I think the Bad Batch was intended to be released earlier. As well as the trailer. But with the strikes and Filoni being promoted, their was a lot going on. With the triplet opening and the double episodes, we’ll finish on May 1st. And that would be just to perfect to announce the follow-up-project on May 4th. I see another Clone series on the horizon. The Clones work, the people love them, it’s all there, the characters, the stories, the animation. It’s a safe bet for Lucasfilm. And sure, it would work with Rex, Cody and more as main characters, but the Batch was intended to be and is a stark contrast to the “Regs”, especially if they get Cross and Tech back.
Sure, Omega could be the leading figure again, but… nah. I am writing this because I’m absolutely convinced that we won’t have seen the last of the complete BadBatch after season 3.
Star Wars is about Hope. So I hope.
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Hey! Congratulations on the followers! I love your fics! I've just refound tumblr and have been obsessed with TBB and TCW .
May I please have a pansy and a purple lilac with TBB Tech and a F!reader?
Tiny Dancer
Summary: You own a dance studio on a small mid-rim world, which has started to have some severe electrical problems. Luckily, Tech is your neighbor and he's happy to help.
Pairing: TBB Tech x F!Reader
Word Count: 1120
Prompts: Pansy - You occupy my thoughts; Purple Lilac - first love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, this is my first time writing Tech, so I hope I did him justice. And if I didn't, please let me know so I can do better next time. But! Welcome back to Tumblr and our little corner filled with Clones!
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Once upon a time, before the war, you would travel from planet to planet, learning different dances from different people across the galaxy.
And, though you don’t like to brag, you like to think that you’re something of an expert in most forms of dancing. 
But when the War started, you were forced to find a safe planet to live on. Which is how you ended up here. On some mid-rim planet, running a dance studio for anyone who wants to learn.
Sure, the war is over, but with the Empire…
Well, it’s just not safe to travel anymore. 
Still, you like to think that you’re making the best of it. Or, well, you hope you are, in any event.
“You have no idea how grateful I am for this, Tech.” You say brightly to the tall man who’s standing on a ladder with his head half in your ceiling, “I would hate for someone to get hurt because of poor wiring. And the electrician I spoke to was so dismissive-”
“I am happy to help,” Tech says as he pulls his head out of the ceiling to look at you, “So far, however, I am not seeing any problems.”
Concern crosses your face, “Oh, but I saw-”
“I believe you.” He sits on the top of the ladder, “Is there another electrical panel somewhere?”
“Um…” You think back to what the previous owner said to you when you purchased the building, “The basement, I think.”
“Then we can look there next.” He climbs down the ladder, and snaps it closed before he leans it against one of the padded walls, “After you.”
You lead Tech through the studio, until you get to the basement door. You quickly unlock it, and then have to use your whole body weight to pull it open, “Sorry.” You say as you stumble back into him, “The door has always done that.”
Tech steadies you with a hand on your shoulder, “I can fix that.” He offers.
You beam at him, “Oh! Can you really? That would be wonderful!”
He stares at you for a moment, and then averts his gaze with a cough, “Yes, well. We should deal with the electrical problem first.”
“When you’re right, you’re right.” You reply with a bubbly laugh, before you turn and flip the lightswitch, and lead him down the concrete steps, “Sorry for the mess. I mostly use this as storage. And the previous owner left a bunch of junk behind when he moved out. I kind of hoped that a member of his family would come to claim it, but no dice.”
You step off the stairs, and push a stack of boxes out of the way, to make room for Tech.
“How much of this belongs to you?” Tech asks, as he pushes several boxes out of the way as well.
“Less than a quarter.” You admit with a sigh, “But I don’t want to just throw it all away, it’s not mine. Oh, the electrical box is on the back wall, I think.”
Tech sighs softly when he sees the stacks of boxes blocking his path to the electrical box, and you duck your head with a mumbled apology. “If I had known that physical labor was involved, I would have brought Wrecker.”
You giggle, “Sorry. But I do appreciate you doing this for me. I kind of expected you to tell me to kriff off.”
He shoots you an odd look, “You really think that?”
You shrug, “You’re a nice guy, Tech, but most people don’t exactly like having their freetime claimed by other people.” You grin at him, “I wouldn’t have minded if you said no, but I’m so glad you said yes.”
Tech releases a quiet laugh, “I do not think anyone can say no to you, least of all me.”
“Least of all?”
“You said ‘least of all’,” You clarify, “Why least of all?”
“Oh.” He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes, even as he slides boxes and old mats out of the way, “Because I think about you all the time. And I am pretty sure that I am in love with you. Though I am still trying to figure that out.”
You fumble with the small box you’re carrying, and only manage to not drop it because you set it on another box, “What?”
“Did you not think it was strange that I am always eager to help you?”
You stare at him, “No! I thought you just liked helping people!”
“I like helping you, specifically. You have never been bothered by my rambling.” Tech replies, “Even my own brothers tell me to shut up from time to time, but you never have.”
“Honestly, Tech, I didn’t think I was your type.” You admit sheepishly, “So I kind of slotted you in the ‘look but don’t touch’ column.”
“Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know if you noticed,” You say dryly, “But I’m a bit…flighty.”
“I noticed that, yes.”
“And, like, super scatterbrained. And not all that smart-”
“Do you want to know the first good memory I have of this planet?” Tech interrupts you.
“The summer dance festival.” Tech says, turning to watch you, “You were wearing this sheer material that reminded me of the ocean, and you were dancing to some type of music that I have never heard before-”
“I remember that. I was the opening act for the little ones.” You say with a small smile.
“It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life,”
“I think about that more than I should.” Tech admits, not the least bit ashamed.
You press your hands against your burning cheeks, “Oh.”
“If I have made you uncomfortable-”
“No! No! Not at all!” You blurt, and then you giggle, “I’m actually really, really happy.”
Tech pauses, “Happy enough to go on a date with me?”
You beam at him, “I’d really like that!”
A small smile crosses his face, “Then we can work out the details when we are finished here.” His smile grows when he hears you giggling even more.
“Alright! Then we should probably get to work moving the boxes.” You add as you force yourself to get your giggles under control. And then you grin, and quickly dart to his side and press a quick kiss to his cheek, before you pull away, “I have a box cart thing upstairs, let me go grab it!”And as you dart up the stairs, you see Tech press his hand against his cheek, where you just kissed him, and a bubbly giggle slips from your lips. This is the best day ever.
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 3: Fear
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Always Love You
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Part 2 of 2
Part 1
Warning: Rey is dead, Canon divergence, Major character death (Temporary), graphic depictions of gore
I cried while writing this 😁
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Kylo stumbled up from the cold floor. Palpatine, or rather his clone, was dead, but his darkness still hung over exegol and was like a heavy weight pressing against his chest. He took a moment to get his bearings. His injuries from the previous fight were healed, but he still felt disoriented. As if waking up from a deep sleep. He looked back at Rey’s body, glassy eyes staring up at the sky above her. He couldn’t bring himself to touch her. Part of himself felt guilty, she was dead because she saved him. He hadn’t asked for that. Though he hadn’t really had the ability to turn down the offer, so it wasn’t really his fault if she died in the process. She had kissed him, it felt wrong, like betrayal. He tried to shake away the dilemma, honestly it wasn’t surprising. She had always been bent on saving him, or what she assumed saving him was. Apparently more so than preserving her own life. That didn’t make sense to him, but not much made sense to him at the moment. 
He realized he hadn’t contacted the order in a while. He had silenced his comelink on his way to exegol, and he now realized he had no clue what was happening. He pulled out the com from his tunic, luckily it wasn’t busted, but as soon as he switched it on, he was bombarded with messages. Reports of casualties, ship losses. Everything had gone to hell. Then finally he got to the oldest sent message, from allegiant general Pryde. 
“Supreme Leader Ren, our mission to locate the resistance spy has proved most fruitful. The traitor was none other than General Hux. I am pleased  to inform you that he has been dealt with and has been brought to the brig for termination. I will handle it personally and see to it that any information he has shared with the resistance will be brought to your attention.”
Kylo froze, his heart skipped a beat. Hux was the spy? Hux was being terminated?! He wasn’t sure which one he should care about more, but he was instantly filled with dread. He’s mind ran back to the last moment they shared with one another. They had argued. Hux had thrown the engagement ring to the floor. The last words Kylo had said to Hux played back over and over again and his mind. “I will never love you again.” He couldn’t believe it. How could he have said something so stupid? So false? Could he have pushed him to betray the order? No, the order was Hux’s life, more so than it was Ren’s. there must have been an explanation. He needed to find him, he needed him to be okay. But the message had been sent hours ago, and even if Pryde hadn't killed him, the messages of countless casualties didn’t seem very promising. He reached out through, sensing for any form of life form , but Palpatine's darkness clouded everything and his senses were still foggy. He retracted his footsteps. Rushing back through the temple. Once he exited, he saw the rubble of 1000 ships littering the surface of the planet, some debris still crashing through the atmosphere like hundreds of tiny meteors. 
The order had lost. Everything and everyone was gone. Kylo didn’t feel any particular regret about it. Towards the end of the war, he had forgotten exactly what he had been fighting for. He had always planned to create a new order, something better, something that would protect every citizen, something that he and Hux could rule together side-by-side. He tried to bury the fantasies in the back of his mind. He needed to focus on the present right now. dwelling on what could’ve been or could be, wasn’t going to help anything. He tried reaching out again. His senses still felt dampened but now he was out of the temple he could push past the murky darkness just a little. But a little wasn’t enough, all he sensed was death and hopelessness. 
Then it hit him. Hux had been right. If he hadn’t gone chasing the sith way finder, if he hadn’t made the deal with Palpatine, none of this would have happened. It had been for himself. He had abandoned the order. But he couldn’t abandon Hux. He pulled out his comlink again searching for any record of prisoner termination. There was nothing. He skimmed through messages searching through ship records. He found what he was looking for. The Supremacy was amongst the lost ships, it was somewhere crashed on the surface, he just had to find it, and hope that the impact hadn’t destroyed it and everyone inside. He ran frantically around the surface of the planet. Telling himself that the force would guide him, but he knew he was just thrashing around in the dark like a mad man. He didn’t know how much time he had, or if he even had any time at all. 
Finally after what seemed like an eternity of searching he came across the Supremacy, or what was left of it. It had been split down the middle and was slowly sinking into the planet's surface. It was so crushed and mangled he couldn’t tell which half was which. He chose one stumbling through the dark hallways, tripping over lose wires dodging dislodged beams, trying not to look at the bodies of the troopers that lay on the floors. He ducked through a doenwed cealing squeezing his way through a small passageway, and he found himself on the bridge. It had collapsed into a lower hallway. He’d gone the wrong way. He went to turn around and go back but he hesitated taking in the destruction. Burnt, charred bodies laid out on warped transpresteel, one decapitated. Because the bridge had collapsed the floor was at an angle, all of the debris both organic and inorganic, had piled into one mangled mess by the door. Strewn atop the viscus pile, was a body so ruined Kylo couldn’t discern who it was aside from the uniform. A charcoal gray, much darker than that of a typical officer. Only Two people on the bridge would have worn such a color and style, and he knew it was not Hux. Which only meant one thing. It was Enric Pryde. 
Rage filled his body. He picked of Pryde’s corpse with the force. “You monster! You’ll pay!” He screamed into the silence, knowing no one could hear him, and there was nothing he could do to Pryde anymore. He squeezed his hand into a fist anger coursing through his veins filling every inch of his body. The copse compressed with his fist. He squeezed Pryde’s head so tightly with his force grip it exploded, flesh and bile flying outward with a dissatisfying squelching sound. He dropped the body and it crumpled to the floor, Pryde’s mangled skull staring back at him. Kylo was seething, he no longer had his lightsaber so he pulled a piece of metal from the wall and bashed the body so many times it was no more than a pile of mush. Then he dropped to his knees holding his head. Pryde was the one person he knew for sure would know what had become of Hux and he was dead.
He had left to chase silly nightmares, left Hux. Hadn’t been there to protect him. And if all these people were dead, surely there was no way Hux could have survived. 
“Ren, all I ever asked you to do was stay!”
Hux’s words echoed through his mind, a cruel reminder. He had been so blind, and now he was being punished for it. Then something caught his eye. A shiny object lay on the floor beside Pryde’s body. Dog tags. Probably Pryde’s. He got closer to them, they were slightly scorched, but still readable. They read “Armitage Hux.” He snatched them up frantically, examining them. The chain was broken, Pryde had pulled them off Hux’s neck, the Kriffing bastard! He shook his head, mentally scolding himself. He had trained himself to stop using that word, even when describing people like Pryde, since Hux hated it so much. He held the dog tags gently in his hands. Remembering how pretty they looked laid out on Hux’s chest. There had to be something more here, this had to be a sign. He had gotten visions from touching his grandfather’s helmet before, he had to try. 
He closed his eyes, squeezing the dog tags so tight he knew they’d leave an imprint on his hand. He reached out with the force. At first all he got was silence, but then there was something, something so faint he couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was like a small faint light, blinking slowly, like a pulse or heartbeat slowly beating in his mind. He stood up, all dizziness was gone. He wasn’t sure what he was running towards but he was sure that he needed to follow it and he didn’t have much time. He ran through the remnants of the Supremacy, further and further into the belly of the crashed ship. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, everything was a blur, but he arrived at the brig. The brig was made of some of the strongest metal, and in the center of the ship, to make it more difficult for prisoners to escape, but it also meant it wasn’t as damaged as the rest of the ship. A slight sense of hope filled his heart as he saw it was mostly intact. As much as he hated the thought of Pryde dragging him away, if Hux hadn’t been arrested, he would have died with everyone else. 
He rushed through the halls, most of the cells blown open, crushed like aluminum cans. Then he found it. The door bent open at a jagged angle, the ceiling slightly caved in. It was an interrogation room, or glorified torture chamber. Kylo could sense Hux’s force signature, it was so faint, so weak. He rushed forward and panicked searching frantically. He saw his foot from under the collapsed ceiling. “HUX?!” He yelled, scrambling forward and pushing the twisted metal away. 
There was his foot, but to his horror there was no body. He stared at the severed leg in horror, a jagged cut right through the shin bone dry blood streaked across the floor from where it had slid as the ship crashed. He screamed in a way he didn’t know he was capable of screaming and let go of the ceiling panel he was holding back. He looked away and squeezed his eyes shut as the metal swung back crashing down onto the severed limb with a terrifying crunch. Then he felt the metal of the dog tags still digging into the skin of his palm, and that light in his mind's eye slowly getting dimmer. He jerked his head around seeing the silhouette of a crumpled body on the opposite side of the room, shrouded in darkness. He rushed forward hoping he was not too late. 
Hux’s body was mutilated and mangled. His skin was a painting of violence inflicted on him by Pryde’s torture. His body was bare and paler than normal Gashes, burns, angry bruises littered his gaunt frame. There was a blaster wound on his left thigh and a bloody bandage wrapped around his chest. But perhaps most unsettling was his eyes, open, staring blankly back at him, the green-blue hues dulled and glassy. He ran to him collapsing to his knees holding his head in his hands. His body was limp. His skin was cold. His pulse fading. 
He wasn’t breathing. 
“Hux please no, don't do This to me. You can’t leave me alone like this!” It was futile. His body was too far gone, there was no way he could save him. “Please Armitage” He said through tears, “I need you.” It was deafeningly quiet.
He was dead. 
Kylo held Hux’s lifeless body in his arms. All sense of warmth and life was gone from his body. He looked so small, so broken. And It was Kylo’s fault. Never again would he hear his voice, smell his hair, see the fire in his eyes, or that rare smile he remembered so fondly. His body felt like jello, he didn’t know what to do. Hux’s dead eyes stared back at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to close them. Hoping maybe he’d blink himself back to life and everything would be fine. But everything wasn’t fine. Ren’s perfect future lay in flames, the engagement ring still left on the floor of his quarters, lost forever. “I will never love you again” played over and over in his mind. That was the last thing he’d said. He sobbed, burrying his face in Hux’s chest, holding him tightly like he would never let go.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over again knowing he could never be forgiven. There was no going back, he had thought during their last argument. There was no fixing it. How could he have been so foolish? If he had only gone after Hux then maybe things would be different. He looked down at the lifeless body in his hands, he looked so dull, all the color drained from his skin and hair. His pale lips parted slightly, leaving behind an expression of indifference. Not peace, not discomfort, just nothing at all. Blank, emotionless. He leaned down and kissed them one last time. His lips were cold. It wasn’t the same. 
He cried until he was numb, shaking with the effort. He didn’t know what to do or wear to go. He found himself wishing Rey had let him die. But Rey hadn’t, she had… she had brought him back to life. What if he brought Hux back to life? Just enough to keep him alive, get him medical attention, and everything would be fine. 
He had to try. He reached out and poured all his energy into the man before him, struggling to keep his mind focused, even though his body was screaming at him, telling him “no!”. “PLEASE!” He yelled, and then suddenly a surge of energy flowed through him, the force enveloped his body surrounding him. His life force poured out like a flood and he tried not to worry if he could stop it. Just a little more, he just needed a little more. He could sense everything, feel everything, see everything, but then the energy began to fade. As he put all his power into saving Hux, he himself began to slip. He had to hold on, just a little longer. If he lost consciousness neither of them would get off of this planet alive and it would all be for not. 
Then he heard it, the faint sound of breathing. At first he thought it was his own, but then he saw the steady rise and fall of Hux’s chest, and his eyes slid closed. 
“Hux?!” He pulled him into his arms gently, fighting off fatigue as tears welled in his eyes once more. “Oh Armie.” He held him close savoring every moment, giving them both a chance to rest. Then with Hux gingerly cradled in his arms he stood and made his way out of the Supremacy, making his way back to his TIE as fast as his tired legs could carry him. “Don’t worry love, everything’s going to be okay, I’ll make sure everything’s okay. I’ll make sure you’re okay… I’ll… I-”
“I will Always Love you”
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Originally I was going to make this even more sad. But maybe I’ll save that for a part three, spoiler alert Hux is not as okay as you think he is 😀
Anyway here was the song that came on WHILE I was writing the death scene (thank you so much Spotify) 
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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Just As You Are (Wolffe x GN!Asexual!Aromantic!Reader)
Word count: 2047
Warnings: I’ll say NSFW for mention of having sex to make past partners happy, mention of masturbation, minors DNI
A/N: This is my first time writing Reader who is strictly aroace so I hope I did it some kind of justice. I know not all aroace people express themselves in the same way, so this is just one version I had in my mind. I believe what I write is referred to as a queerplatonic relationship? No pronouns are used for Reader.  There is cuddling, bedsharing, and some sweetness, but not romance in the way a lot of people think about it. I think that touch is great and can be a wonderful way of communicating in all relationships, including platonic relationships, so there are some quick kisses, hugs, hand holding, etc.
You'd first met him when helping Rex with some clones who escaped The Empire. They were all stressed and in need of serious help. You ran into him and Gregor on the lower levels of Coruscant. You were selling some speeder parts to another vendor and they were looking for some specific ship parts. One thing led to another and Wolffe's visits to your shop became more frequent. You liked him. He was quick-witted and kind. You weren't sure exactly what you thought about him, just that he had a special place in your heart. Sex wasn't for you. Romance wasn't for you either, but you loved his company. 
Sometimes he would sit with you while you tinkered in the shop, trying to fix something for him while he waited.  You didn’t give too much away at first, but as you got to know each other, you opened up more and so did he.  Like his brothers, he had been through a lot in the war.  You thought he was brave and thoughtful and still managed to keep a sense of humor after all that.  
Wolffe was there the day you broke down and admitted you needed a fresh start and had decided to sell your shop and find some other place in the galaxy. You apologized, knowing they depended on you, but knew life on Coruscant was getting too dangerous to stay.
"Come with us," he said. "There's room for you and we could use your skills. Besides, I'd miss you if I didn’t get to see you again."
You were shocked at first, but within a week a half dozen clones scoured what supplies and parts you had left in your little workshop. You told them to take what was needed and were able to sell the shop and what was left as-is. Wolffe helped you carry your few personal belongings to the ship he now lived on with some of his brothers. You walked away, at least grateful to have someone who cared.
“Everything will work out,” he said.  You smiled up at him and nodded.  You hoped so.
Wolffe helped you get settled in your own bunk on the ship.  Room was rather scarce, but there was some space for each of you.  You traveled with them, helping other clones escape, but found yourself helping the most with everyday tasks.  Cooking, fixing clothes, knowing when to barter, trade, or flat out buy something, and how to fix items.  These were all things they had never had to worry about before. Food was in the mess, they dropped off their blacks to get fixed if they ripped, and they never worried about money or buying supplies during the war.  The GAR took care of it, even if the food wasn’t particularly delicious or plentiful.
One night, as you sat in the cockpit together, keeping an eye out for any problems on the backwater planet you’d settled on for the night, Wolffe decided to make his feelings known.  He turned to you and rubbed the back of his head before taking a deep breath.
“I care about you, you know.”
You looked at him and smiled. “I know. And I care about you.”
“I mean, I think I am in love with you,” he replied.
You felt butterflies in your stomach.  Somehow you knew he felt this way and you worried that if he knew the truth about how attraction worked for you, he wouldn’t want anything to do with you and you’d lose your dearest friend.
“Wolffe, I…” you thought about where to start, but it was clear his heart was sinking with worry that you didn’t think about him the same way.  You reached out and held his hand.  He slowly let his fingers close around yours as you continued.
“I don’t experience romantic attraction. I also don’t like sex. I have never wanted to have sex.  It’s not you.  I actually… I love you too… just maybe in a different way.”
He let a cautious smile spread across his face.  You were in it now and he hadn’t rejected you yet.  You might as well lay it all out.  As if he knew you needed another bit of strength, Wolffe squeezed your hand a little, reminding you that he was still there with you and wanted to hear what you had to say.
“I may not be attracted to people in those ways, but I definitely have feelings for you, Wolffe.  More so than Rex or Gregor or my other friends and certainly more than I did for my family.  But I understand if that’s not enough.  It’s never been enough for anyone else.”
He held your hand and reached out to caress your cheek with his thumb. “Is this okay,” he asked, pausing just before touching your face, and wanting to be near you but not wanting to overstep.  You nodded and smiled, somewhat surprised by his reaction to what you just said.
“It’s more than enough for me and it’s more than okay,” he said.  “And if you don’t believe me, let me show you.  Give me a chance to love you how you want to be loved.”
You leaned into the hand still holding your cheek.  You relaxed a little, trying to not let old worries bother you.  Right now, you felt understood and embraced for who you were.
It took a little time, but you both slowly had conversations about where the boundaries were.  You loved cuddling and Wolffe was all too happy to welcome you into his bunk. He swapped sheets and blankets with your old bunk so that you could be comfortable with what was familiar, but the temperature on the side of the ship with his bunk was more to your liking, so you moved your stuff over.  
The first night together started a little awkwardly, but you felt so safe when he put his arm around your waist and asked, “Is this okay?”  You assured him it was.  Wolffe was normally so sure of himself and confident in combat, but with you he was only confident when he was sure you were on the same page.  He wanted to get it right.
“Can I kiss your cheek,” he asked.  You nodded.  
“Do you like kisses, Wolffe?”
You kissed his cheek in return and rested against him.  It felt so right.  You fell asleep together and got some of the best rest of your life.  Wolffe’s presence felt like a weighted blanket - not controlling or restricting, but calming.
A few mornings later he woke up before you and as soon as he realized his morning wood was against your leg, he pulled away.  You woke up from the sudden movement and asked what was wrong.
“I’m sorry,” he said.  “I didn’t want you to think I…”  He looked down and wasn’t sure what to do.
“It’s okay,” you said.  You rubbed your eyes and laid back down, unsure of what else to say.
“I never want to pressure you,” he said.  “I didn’t want you to think I was.”
“You haven’t.”  You smiled, picked up his hand, and kissed the back of it.  You got up to use the refresher and you both went about your day.  Later in the evening, you found some time together.  Wolffe sat next to you and held your hand. It was becoming one of your favorite things.  Gregor joked that you were attached at the hands instead of at the hips before he got up and walked toward the cockpit for his watch.  You loved that.  Wolffe’s hands were somehow hard and soft at the same time, like him. It felt grounding.
Once you were alone, you brought up his earlier reaction to his body functioning normally and promised him you didn’t mind.  You knew he couldn’t control what his body did while he slept.  At the same time, it felt like you should bring up the topic of intimacy.  You asked if he was really okay with being with you and not having sex.
He scoffed and replied, “My hand and a couple toys have always been enough for me.”
You laughed a little at his honesty, but loved it.  He leaned toward you and rested his forehead against yours.  “We’re close in other ways.”  
“Yes, we are,” you replied with a warm smile.
After a few minutes, Wolffe tentatively asked something that had been on his mind.
“You said before that having a relationship like this has never been enough,” he said slowly.  “What happened? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.”
You bit your lip and moved to lean on his shoulder, still holding his hand.  He gave it a little squeeze.  
“I was with couple other people at different times.  Tried the relationship thing. Someone would get to know me, wanted to date, romance, sex, the whole usual thing people normally do.  When I told them I’m not interested in that kind of love and didn’t feel like having sex with them, they would say they understood and it was fine, but eventually it wasn’t enough.  Especially the last person.  He really pressured me.  At that point, I cared about him and yeah, loved him in my own way, and I had sex with him to make him happy.  It didn’t feel right, though, and the relationship didn’t last.”
Wolffe’s breathing got heavier and you glanced up to see anger on his face.  You pulled away, unsure, and his expression immediately softened to one of care and protection.
“I’m not mad at you,” he said, seeing your uncertainty.  “Far from it.  I’m sorry you felt like you had to do that.  It’s not right.”  He put an arm around you and pulled you close, placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.  You let out breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“I want to make you happy,” you said.
“You do,” he answered with a broad smile and another kiss to your head.  “You make me so kriffing happy.  You’re enough as you are.”
You only became more inseparable as the years went on.  You came to depend on each other. If anyone asked he would say “we’re together” or “that’s my partner.”  You said the same of him.  He always made you feel special just as you were.  Each night you got into bed together and talked about your day.  You helped each other unwind simply by offering each other comfortable familiarity.  Some night you’d read a holonovel together and discovered you both liked science fiction.
You saw each other through some challenging times, too.  When you were in the Outer Rim and Wolffe’s cybernetic eye stopped working at the end of a mission, he was terrified he lost his sight for good.  You held his hand and ran him back to the ship, reminding him that his other eye was working and he would be okay.  As Gregor and Rex took off, looking for the nearest doctor who could help, you sat with him.  It was clear he was having flashbacks to the war and when he first lost his eye.
“I’m here,” you reminded him.  “I promise it will be okay.  You’re on our ship, Wolffe.  Rex and Gregor are here and we’re going to get you help.”
He looked like a terrified cadet, crying as you held him.  You walked him back to your shared bunk once you were in hyperspace, hoping the familiar sights, smells, and textures would help.
“Please don’t leave,” he asked through tears. 
“I never will.”
Everything turned out okay.  He needed an adjustment to his cybernetic, but was assured it should still last the rest of his lifetime and then some.  That night, you held him, letting him rest his face in the crook of your neck, while you rubbed his back.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said.  “I don’t know why I broke down when I could see out of my good eye just fine.”
“It’s okay,” you replied.  “You have nothing to be sorry for. You’ve gone through a lot.  I love you just as you are.”
“And I love you too,” he said, “just as you are too.”
Tagging: @kixs-husband @staycalmandhugaclone
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MIMIIII I’m alive and I had to say CONGRATULATIONS on 700 followers!! So deserved and I’m so happy I get to be apart of that journey. As for my quote (which is from a book):
“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
(can you do it with either Hunter Star Wars bad batch ofc and MY FAV GIRL KAMBE or just fem reader?? 🥺🥺)
@avathebestx awwww I'm so glad to receive a request from you. I am sorry for the delay, RL got in the way unfortunately. But I hope you enjoy this very fluff filled, romantic fic. Such a great line.
Also thank you for requesting Kambe, it felt lovely writing about The Reunion crew again. The story will be coming back.
Love oo,
Warnings: brief mention of Tech's death, brief mention of Tech's 'surveillance', I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   |   AO3 Link | Quote Roulette
Kambe couldn’t help laugh as she watched Hunter trying to braid Omega’s hair. It had been almost five years since they all finally settled on Pabu. It was still hard to accept that Tech was gone. She was glad to have Crosshair back, to know Wrecker was safe, and Echo was out fighting for his clone brothers, even though she wished she could’ve heard from him more often, yet … it wasn’t the same. 
Crosshair had been right when he said ‘Clone Force 99 died with Tech,’ it really did. 
Her mind focused back on Omega and Hunter as she saw the look on Omega’s face asking for help.
“Hunter, love, what the hell are you doing? It’s braiding hair, not untangling the wires of the Marauder.” 
She walked over and tapped his thigh, getting him to move over so she could sit beside him.
“It’s not my fault these hairstyles are so intricate.”
“Explain to me, how Wrecker, with his big hands and fingers, is able to do a fishtail braid, and you can’t even do a simple French braid?”
“Wrecker deals with explosives, love, he’s used to the fine touch. Not to mention him and Lurwa have three girls, he’s used to braiding.”
She giggled as she gently undid the mess that was Omega’s hair and brushed it lightly, “Megs, you want the French braid?”
“Yeah, but two, one on each side.”
“Okay.” Kambe chuckled as she grabbed the comb and the hair ties. She poked Hunter in the ribs, “Okay, pay attention.”
“I’m paying attention, it’s my fingers that don’t work.”
“You’re a trained fighter, a soldier, a sergeant. You can’t handle precision work?”
“I can handle you” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Um, excuse me, child present” Omega raised her hand to remind them, as she sat in between Kambe’s legs.
“Okay.” Kambe chuckled as she grabbed the comb, “First split the hair down the middle so it’s even.”
Hunter nodded, “I did that.”
“Then tie up the side you’re not using,” she slipped a hair clip to the one side.
“Didn’t do that.”
“Then you start from the very top and take three strands, keeping them separate.” She showed Hunter with her hands. “Then you cross one over and slide it under, cross the other over and slide it under. See?” She started braiding Omega’s hair, adding more hair to the strands as she moved down, “Don’t pick up a lot when you’re adding to the diminishing strands. Good rule of thumb, one row for one strand.”
“Ohhh. Okay, I think I see where I was going wrong.”
“Wanna try?”
“On the other side.”
Kambe finished braiding the one side, moving over for Hunter to give a go. It took him a few false starts but when he finished it wasn’t half bad. “Good job, love” she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
Omega gently touched both sides, “How does it look?” She turned and asked Kambe, she’d been feeling nervous all day, and now that her hair was finished, the reality of her situation hit her. 
“You look beautiful Megs, and I’m sure your date will like it too.” Omega blushed at Kambe’s teasing, and stood, she was wearing the new shirt Phee had bought her, and the new boots Crosshair got her. Kambe’s smile grew as she looked at the teenager before her, she was no longer the little girl that clung to her side during her time on Kamino. “You look beautiful Omega. And very spiffy.”
“It means stylish.”
Omega nodded, smiling, “I like it, spiffy.” She took in a deep breath brushing away her butterflies, “Alright. I’ll be back by lights out.”
“You better, or Hunter is going to come looking for you.” Kambe stood, and kissed her forehead, hugging her, knowing she didn’t have to worry about Omega getting hurt. “Have fun, but not too much fun.”
“What’s too much fun?”
“You’ll know.” Hunter stated as he stood, hugging her, “You have your knife?”
“Yeah” she hugged him back. 
Kambe and Hunter watched as Omega headed out the door, she turned to Hunter, “Ever thought we’d get to a point in our lives where we would see her go on a date?”
“No.” He ran his hand over his face, “I miss Tech, if he was here, he would’ve connected to all the cameras on Pabu and followed them on their date.”
She arched her eyebrow, “Wait …” she took a moment as an idea clicked in her head, “When you and I …” she motioned between the two of them. “… would go on our dates, on Kamino, did Tech follow us via the cameras?”
Hunter blushed and looked away, clearing his throat and moving out of Kambe’s arm’s reach, Kambe’s eyes widened, “WHAT!”
“It was only two maybe three times” Hunter clarified.
“Hold up … did  he …” she closed her eyes trying hard to fight the laughter that wanted to erupt. “Did he see,” she cleared her throat, “the time we got … carried away in … my office?”
Hunter’s face went beat red, as he moved away and towards the kitchen, washing dishes and putting away the dry ones.
“He swore he turned it off and deleted the recording.”
“Oh. My. God.” Kambe’s face dropped out of sheer embarrassment before she covered her face and started laughing. “Oh god, no wonder he couldn’t look at me for a week afterwards.”
He chuckled as he thought back to that week, “Yeah …” he dried his hands and turned to look at her, “he said that moment changed his perception of you.”
“And you didn’t think this was something I may have wanted to know?” She crossed her arms.
He laid the towel on the counter walking over to her as he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her closer, “Myri, would you have wanted to know that Tech saw more than you probably wanted anyone to see?”
She shook her head and laughed, “Well at least I’m not as much of a mess as when we first met.”
Hunter huffed out a laugh, “Thank the force for that.”
“Why do you love me?”
“Seriously? You mean beside the fact you’re beautiful, intelligent, smart, incredible in every way possible.”
Kambe smirked, “Yeah besides that.”
Hunter let out a sigh, “Well I guess,I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. Think about it, of all the med stations, of all the medics in the galaxy, you were assigned to Kamino. And out of all the days you split between the lab and the med bay, I just happened to walk in when you were the only one on duty. If that was the universe conspiring for us to be together, I don’t know what is.”
“Cheeky” she grinned leaning in.
“Always for you,” he closed the distance and kissed her, a kiss that reminded them of everything they knew to be true of each other. They were meant to be, and nothing could ever separate them from each other. 
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awesomestarfighter · 9 months
Whump Isn't Satisfying When It's Not Followed Up On
Another clickbaitey title again, I'm nothing if not consistent.
But I got incensed enough to make another post, so here I am again.
I love the Jedi, and like many fans, one Obi-Wan Kenobi is a huge favorite of mine.
I also love whump. It's one of my favorite subjects to search for in fic.
I do not like how Obi-Wan is whumped in The Clone Wars.
The setup is there, as we see the many, many ways one Obi-Wan Kenobi is whumped in TCW.
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. . . But that's it.
That's all the show does to him. It beats him up till he's battered and bruised, and then it just leaves him in the dust.
At the very least it was mentioned he was dunked in the bacta after Landing at Point Rain, but the other examples?
And I know it's an action show, so it doesn't really have time for the much less exciting aftermath.
That would hold up a lot better if we didn't see other characters getting medical attention.
Ahsoka and Barriss, after the worms? Medical bay.
Anakin, after the explosion he held back with his mind and severely injured him? Getting him medical attention is literally the entire drive of the episode, and by the next episode he's still pretty battered.
Mace and Anakin, after they're both pinned under several tons of debris? Medical bay again.
Padme, Ahsoka, Rex, and his brother, infected by a deadly disease? Wheeled away on stretchers because they can't just walk that off.
There might be more examples I'm forgetting, but the point is that when the show goes out of the way to show injured characters getting medical attention, you can't spare a second of thought for Obi-Wan (remember when he's just standing there after Kadavo all bruised and battered? I sure do) then that is a problem.
Specifically, it's a huge problem of Filoni's.
It's not really a secret that he doesn't like Obi-Wan after all. Cody was the only named clone in the movies after all, but we got so little of their relationship in the show. Hell, we got more moments between Obi-Wan and Rex then we ever got between Obi-Wan and Cody.
Even more tellingly, Filoni's an Anakin stan, so of course he doesn't like Obi-Wan. He beats him up and never treats his injuries, he's never mentioned in moments when he theoretically should be (especially Umbara, when he's literally the only other Jedi present on the planet besides Krell) and of course then we have s7, where characters badmouth him and the narrative lets them be right because it's written by Filoni.
I'll always be grateful for the fanfic writers who take the time to write the aftermath of Obi-Wan getting beat up all the time.
When whump is written into something, I want it to be written right.
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Recently became obsessed with cowboy au's again so I did what any reasonable person would do and made a silly Clone Wars au for pure self indulgence.
Please enjoy my silly little headcannons and maybe one day I'll actually write the thing (I've said this several times before...but one day!)
•Usually with modern au's I try to justify why Jango has so many damn kids but not this time. The man just does okay? Also he's not attracted to women so like..who knows! My favorite plot point is Jango just has a bunch of kids and no one knows why and they just have to accept that
•Jango/Myles supremacy. They're married, thank you. Silas is their third wheel that's just always sorta there.
•Good dad Jango! Always good dad Jango. I just love him okay? It's like a little treat for myself.
•Ages are like...semi...cannon? For the clones the alphas are all adults, as are the commanders. After that, Rex, Kix, Jesse and whoever else I deem to be in that like age range- are 18/19/20. Domino squad, are teenagers. Tup, Dogma, Wooley, Comet are like..ranging from preteen's to 8. Boba is the baby at 3 years old. Don't ask me about Omega or the bad batch please I haven't decided what I'm doing with them yet, probably gonna make them Arla's kiddos like the other modern au of mine. These are also like..just a general guidelines of ages I haven't really fleshed anything out.
•Boba LOVES animals. It's a good thing they live on a farm. He just..befriends all of the animals even the ones that he isn't supposed to (raccoons) Jango nearly had a heart attack. Boba was fine though, just a little grumpy that Jango took him away from the raccoon.
•It's a miracle Boba knows how to walk because he's just constantly being carried/demanding to be carried. If he has the option to be in someone's arms he will be. Spoiled little thing. Honestly all of the Fett kids are probably spoiled, but they like to tease Boba about it cause he's the baby.
•Real talk though, I think Boba is a little sweety. He just loves his aliit(family) so much and wants to spend all his time with them.
•Mando'a is a language because I said so. Mandalorians are still a culture. That's just my go to for all modern au's tbh.
•Jaster is the best grandpa EVER. He's the reason they're all spoiled. Auntie Zam ALSO spoils them rotten. Uncle Bossk does as well it's just a lot less. Hondo...is Hondo let's be honest here. They're spoiled sure but Jango would really like to know WHERE Hondo got everything from (he would not like the answer)
•I haven't figured out how or anything but Codywan IS happening. Same with Blyla (is that Aayla and Bly's ship name?? Gonna pretend it is-)
•In the vain of keeping ages semi cannon Fennec is 19 and a farmhand 👌. She's like..not legally adopted but she might as well be. Jango's baby girl right there. Boba follows her around like a puppy and it only annoys her a little. She's definitely the reason he knows bad words let's be honest.
•I'm leaning towards most face tattoos are just birthmarks. As far as names go those are just their names. No one ever said Jango was good at naming things. Isn't there a comic in legends where they have a pet eel and it's name is just eel?
•Everything I know about 3 year olds comes from the times I have babysat actually 3 year olds and google. So in that spirit, Boba does have a paci in the art depicted below simple because I wanted to draw a pacifier- but Jango is also trying to ween him off it so he doesn't mess up his teeth.
This au has consumed me like..ugh I'm obsessed with it. There may or may not be a pinterest board just entirely dedicated to it. You don't understand how in love with this silly little au I am-
If you made it this far through the post- have some traditional art that may or may not get turned digital eventually! (There was one of Myles and Jango but I literally cannot decide on Myles hairstyle and couldn't erase it anymore for fear of ripping the paper so...)
Join me next time (maybe-) for when I inevitably think of more headcannons for this au.
In order: Jango and Boba, Jango braiding Fennec's hair, and Cody!
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lifblogs · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @just-here-with-my-thoughts (I feel so honored, thank you! And I really am dying to read Welcome to the Outpost.)
These answers will probably involve a range of fandoms.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily The Bad Batch now, maybe Clone Wars here and there. My fandom writing migrates. Used to be Doctor Who, then Supernatural, then The Clone Wars, and Rebels.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Apparently my top 5 are fics I don’t even care about anymore. *sigh* Not providing links because of how meh I am about these.
1. Morningstar (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina),
2. Take Me Home (I actually didn’t realize this was in my top 5), it’s a Supernatural fic),
3. Take Me to Church (Supernatural),
4. Deal (I believe this is an Avatar: The Last Airbender crack fic based off of incorrect quotes), and
5. Ineffable (Good Omens).
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most definitely!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely either Bleeding Reality, or In the Dark.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely May I Have This Dance? Oh, how I adore that fic. I wrote it based on art I love so much, and the artist even let me put their art in the fic!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Used to years ago, so now I still feel dread in the pit of my stomach when I get an AO3 comment email. The dread thankfully doesn’t show up all the time now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, hell yeah, I do! Not sure about what kind. It’s just, I don’t know, smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not.
11. Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Maybe The World Goes Cold? But I am maybe releasing chapters too slowly, so I guess it makes sense the response isn’t as big.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I’ve had a couple translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried to do so with my brother a couple of times, but we never finished them. I don’t think either of us really understand how the co-writing process works.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh, I always feel the most when I think about or see anything involving Whoufflé/Whouffaldi from Doctor Who. They were my OTP from 2013 to 2016. Might still be the case!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You know, I had ones I did want to finish, but now, I’m not even sure I want to.
Still, I guess Blackout, and Three Birds, One Stone held a lot of my attention for a few years. But with the fic content now being triggering for me, and with a brain injury, I feel as if I may have moved on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told my descriptions are incredibly visceral, and I might agree. I’ve been on the edge of my seat or emotional more than a few times during my editing process. I also like to consider the fact that I’m writing at all a strength given I have a brain injury that gives me memory problems and aphasia.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, I’d say say the memory problems and aphasia cause some weaknesses. I have caught a couple weirdly-worded errors and it’s slightly embarrassing. Does Omega shredding my outline multiple times count as a weakness? lol I suppose another weakess is spelling and forgetting words and struggling to find the right words. I often have to look things up. But as far as things like description, dialogue… I’m not sure I struggle there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I’d take a crack at French! I used to be able to read and write in French very easily.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Lord of the Rings. I was 8.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Brother, Hold Me Up, and it’s still going!
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @envydean, @cascigarette, and @clownery-and-fuckery
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roseaesynstylae · 5 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapter 2
"Clone personnel have free will, even if they do follow orders. If they couldn't think for themselves, we'd be better off with droids -- and they're a lot cheaper, too. They have to be able to respond to situations we can't imagine. Will that change them in ways we can't predict? Perhaps. But they have to be mentally equipped to win wars. Now thaw these men out. They have a job to do.
-- Jedi Master Arligan Zey, intelligence officer"
I'm going to add any of these...I'm not sure what these extracts at the beginning of the chapters are properly called, but I'll add them whenever they're interesting.
Zey's comment about the clones reminds me of the line from Andor. "We're cheaper than droids, and easier to replace." The difference here is that while clones are more expensive and harder to replace than droids, they're superior.
And yes, Master Zey, it did change them in unexpected ways.
"It didn't feel so bad to be revived after stasis. He was still a commando. They hadn't reconditioned. That meant -- that meant he'd performed to expected standards at Geonosis. He'd done well. He felt positive."
The implication that "under-performing" clones are brainwashed, at best, is one of the Traviss's additions that I genuinely like, emphasizing the cold detachment of the Kaminoans before they become prominent in the series. It's also just a terrifying idea.
"Darman was careful not to stare -- even though any eye movement was disguised by his helmet -- because Jedi knew things without having to see. His instructors had told him so. Jedi were omniscient, omnipotent, and to be obeyed at all times."
And here we see the official beginning of the Jedi-Bashing count. It's subtler here, but it keeps popping up in ways that are unmistakable in the context of the series' attitude toward the Jedi Order. In multiple cases, such as this one, lines that wouldn't make me bat an eye in a different book, (or more accurately, a different author), but make me grit my teeth here.
The way this specific paragraph is written is very similar to how I'd write a passage from the POV of a character who thinks the antagonist is a good person, or is brainwashed, but I want to make it clear what's really going on. Only in this case, it isn't portraying, say, a Sith cult, but the Jedi Order, which is devoted to helping others, enforcing justice, and studying the Force.
Jedi-Bashing: 1
"'This is your unit of four, then? A squad?' He seemed to be recalling a hurried lesson. 'Almost like a family?'"
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This might be a stretch, but I'm not cutting this series an iota of slack when it comes to the Jedi Order. The implication here seems to be "Oh look, the Jedi have no idea what a family is! It's so unnatural and wrong, not like the good, wholesome Mandalorians!" Am I being petty? Maybe. Does Kal Skirata ranting about baby-stealers get really fucking old really fucking fast? Definitely.
Jedi-Bashing: 2
"'My squad called me Atin," the wounded commando said.
Niner glanced at Fi but said nothing. Atin was Mandalorian for 'stubborn.'"
Okay, this bit is just funny.
"Darman -- a soldier able to withstand every privation in the field, and whose greatest fear was to whither from age rather than die in combat -- felt inexplicably uncomfortable at the idea of a Jedi having failings."
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Jedi-Bashing: 3
"Etain was neither a natural warrior nor a great charmer, but she was aware of her talent for spotting opportunities. It made up for a lot."
In this book, at least, I really like Etain. She's a good audience surrogate and her headspace is easier to get into than the other three narrators.
Jedi-Bashing: 3
Di'kut Count: 1
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
Wait you're making a fic for your torgruta au?? Tell me more please
Yeah, I've been thinking about writing a fic about it for a while now. Most likely it's going to be a series of oneshots so I can hop around to different parts of the story I find interesting.
A lot of the ideas are coming from the hyena discord, so I can't claim them as my own. But they are just too good to pass up. Like togruta making infrasound with their montrals and constantly projecting their moods. So when Anakin first gets to the Temple he's constantly screaming for him mom at a pitch that only other togruta can hear.
I've decided that that's actually how he first meets Ahsoka. She hears him making his lost, scared, where's mom, where's family sounds and seeks him out to comfort him. Ahsoka would be about four here, and would have left Shili recently enough that she could still remember what those noises mean, even if Tatooine togruta sound different from Shili togruta. (to a Shili tog Anakin's distressed noises sound like he's being maimed, but that's just because of the generational trauma and general awfulness of being a togruta on Tatooine. What they would think of the vocalizations he makes when actually being maimed we will not think about)
So Anakin and Ahsoka end up growing up together right from the start, and the main reason Anakin is so insistent on being knighted early is so that Ahsoka can be his padawan. It's a private thought he has to himself at first, but as Ahsoka gets older and no masters are showing any interest in taking her on she starts to panic. Anakin tells her that he'll just have to get knighted before she ages out so that he can be her master. And then the Clone War starts and he realizes that keeping his promise means bringing her onto the battlefield with him where she could die and he's not sure if he'll be enough to keep her alive :)
Because Shmi is a togruta too she does not get bought by Cleigg Lars. I am just. not dealing with the implications of that. (Listen. I want to read Shmi's marriage to him as a good thing, but I have a very hard time doing that.)
Now, there's actually a comic (Legands, I think, not Disney canon) where Gardulla goes to Watto and tries to buy Anakin back after he wins the Boonta Eve Classic. So have some fun thoughts about what would have happened to Anakin if he hadn't gone with Qui-Gon.
In the fic, Gardulla goes to buy Anakin but of course he left with the Jedi, so Gardulla decides she'll take Shmi as payment for Watto's debts. After all, if Shmi already had one child who turned out to be a talented podracer, well, she might have more. Hence the younger sibling that comes about shortly after Anakin leaves.
When Anakin goes back to Tatooine because of the nightmares about his mom he finds out that Watto sold his mom back to Gardulla and has to go to her to buy his mom's freedom. Which would be traumatic, on multiple levels. Anakin finds out that a month before he arrived, Shmi tried to escape with the sister Anakin didn't know he had, and Gardulla had their chips detonated. Gardulla even gives him their triggered remotes as proof.
(Of course unbeknownst to Anakin, Shmi and the sister survived and are living with a village of other escaped togruta.)
A lot of canon still happens the same, including Anakin's fall, Order 66, Mustafar, etc. But when Bail Organa sees Ahsoka at Padme's funeral he tells her that he can take her to a mutual friend of theirs. Ahsoka thinks (hopes) it's Anakin at first, and is devastated when she realizes it's Obi-Wan (and then hates herself for feeling disappointment because she should be happy that Obi-Wan is still alive, but he's not Anakin, and this means that Anakin must be dead).
There's no Lars family and the Organas would have a harder time explaining a non-human daughter, so Ahsoka and Obi-Wan end up taking care of the twins. They eventually find their way to Tatooine because it's out of the Empire's notice and, well, because it's a connection to Anakin (Ahsoka's trying to hold onto anything she can that connects her to her brother and Obi-Wan is in his self-harming phase.)
And it's there that they eventually run into a little community of togruta and a woman who looks suspiciously like Anakin who has the last name Skywalker. But hey, Shmi gets to meet her grandkids at least. Even if it happens at the same time that she finds out that son she thought she'd sent away to a better life and hasn't seen in 13 years is dead. (Obi-Wan sees how much Anakin's death destroys Shmi and decides to never, ever tell her what he became. Vader will be his burden and it's a secret he will take to his grave. Anakin Vader is dead, and he'll save them from ever finding out how it really happened)
Of course, 15 years later Ahsoka goes to rescue some rebels from a walking death omen in black when she realizes the infrasound calls he's shrieking out of his mangled montrals is devastatingly familiar.
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crazypostobject · 6 months
It's Time For a Bad Batch Theory. Part 1.
This is my first theory on here, so bear with me. I don't know how to do this lmao.
Spoilers ~
Who Is The Assassin, Clone X?
Starting with Tech: Is he Alive?
Reasons for why Clone X could be Tech
Reasons for why Tech might not be Clone X
Full Theory: Tech Returns as Clone X
Conclusion and Thoughts
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With Season 3 in mid-swing there has been a lot of talk about Tech.
More specifically: Theories about Clone X possibly being Tech (or Cody).
So, I figured I should give my thoughts on this as a Writer and avid Star Wars fan.
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Who Is The Assassin, Clone X?
Well, first we need to consider who it would make the most sense for him to realistically be.
Crosshair Clone
A New Clone
An Old Clone (from Clone Wars?)
Now that I've made a list of possible subjects, let's begin.
Starting with Tech:
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Is he Alive?
This is a widely debated subject among the Fandom. Some people want him to come back while others wish he would stay dead. But, we still haven't seen a body. And this is Star wars.
But, from a writing standpoint he should stay dead for the emotional impact. Otherwise, what was the point? Unless the show is ending as a tragedy where the whole squad ends up dying. (Excluding Omega.)
As much as I would like them to all get back together and live, I don't think that will happen.
If Tech is Clone X, that means he must surely have survived, was found by Hemlock, and Brainwashed. It was Hemlock who brought Tech's glasses/goggles to Hunter after all.
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Which means... Hemlock must have investigated the area Tech fell. So, the possibility of him having survived exists. And Hemlock could have taken him. Or Tech did die and they're using his DNA to alter other clones (but that's a whole other conversation).
Reasons for why Clone X could be Tech
There are similarities in their armor, movements, and possibly their voice. Tech is well known as the only Clone to have a hint of a British accent. And the voice modulation overlay for Clone X is noticeably much stronger than any of the other Assassin Clones.
(Also, I must note: We've seen fakeout deaths in the past. Specifically I am referencing Echo.)
Similarities include -
Armor details
Voice (possible accent?)
Aparent knowledge of technology
Use of hand-held grenades
Weaker than an average clone, obvious by his fighting style. It seems to be more martial arts based than what a regular clone would use.
There are also a lot of mirrored things from previous seasons. Like Tech having a limp from an injury. And Clone X getting a limp from an injury as well.
Of course we can't forget the mirrored scenes of Tech and Clone X climbing out of the water. Minor things, but still notable.
Now, let's move on to the unfortunate negative parts for this theory.
Reasons for why Tech might not be Clone X
It's simply too good to be true.
Why bother killing him off in the first place if they're just going to bring him back?
We can't ignore the height difference between Tech and this Assassin Clone.
Tech is supposedly taller than the average Reg. Although, like Echo the Empire could have experimented on Tech and made his legs mechanical?
Of course, it doesn't make much sense as to why they would do that.
Another reason why it might not be Tech, is that it doesn't make sense to bring Tech back unless (in my opinion) the rest of the Batchers, including Tech, end up dead in the end.
We also have Echo as part of the squad. So, it's highly unlikely that the writers would include two characters so closely related with both having fakeout deaths. That just feels weird.
Full Theory: Tech Returns as Clone X
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After Tech sacrificed himself on Eriadu, Hemlock sent troops down to look for him. He knew that Tech was an essential part of Clone Force 99, so by capturing him the Empire would have access to his modified/Enhanced DNA. (That could be useful)
Dr. Hemlock proceeds to give Hunter 'proof' of Tech's death. When in reality, he's been captured. As to not have his Squad go in search of him or suspect that he may be alive.
Now, because Tech is able to make calculations as quickly as a computer, he already knew the odds of surviving the fall were slim... But not impossible. Therefore, he took the chance to save his squad. (Maybe his backpack had a rocket booster similar to the one Rex had in the Clone Wars.)
He sustained severe injuries to his legs when his jet pack failed to fully break his fall, rendering them useless which made it easy for him to get captured. (He also has a habit of getting easily injured in the show, so this feels very in character for him.)
Once he was taken by the Empire, they replaced his legs with robotic ones similar to Echo. (which decreased his height?)
The Empire then began the process of brainwashing Tech to use him as a special operative. They also took DNA samples from him to experiment with enhancing other clones in case the brainwash didn't work.
Unfortunately however, it did work and Tech became Clone X.
In Episodes 6 and 7 we see the Assassin Clone track down the Bad Batch. When landing his ship he made his landing with a possible 'Tech Turn' which I don't believe we've seen anyone else use besides Omega.
We also saw Clone X display multiple different fighting styles. His use of a Sniper-Riffle and Knife are most notable. In the Season 2 Finale Tech displayed his aiming skill, so it's possible that he could effectively use a Sniper.
Conclusion and Thoughts
Do I think Clone X is actually Tech? No.
Am I delusional and really hope that he does end up being Tech even though it wouldn't make sense and probably be a poor decision on the writers part? Yes.
Anyways, Thank You to anyone who took the time to read through this. I'll do my best to come up with a Part 2 talking about Cody.
I'll see y'all in the next post!
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
May I request the „I want you“ „then come and get me“ for delta squad’s Boss? Maybe while he’s doing some late night sparring with the reader? And perhaps smutty?🫣
Training Session
Summary: You've had a bad day, and decide to work out your frustrations on a punching bag, Boss, however, has different plans.
Pairing: Clone Commando Boss x F!Reader
Word Count: 2164
Warnings: Smut. Smut with plot.
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: So, Wookieepedia says that Boss is "Taciturn", which I took to mean quiet and intense. I really want to write a letter to the Star Wars people and ask for a detailed personality profiles of all the clones. Just. "Dear sir or madam, please write a complete personality profile for all 2 million clones. Yes. All of them. Thanks." Anyway! This isn't so much sparring, because I wasn't sure how to write that, but I hope this is okay?
Divider by Saradika
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Your fist slams into the bag over and over again. You’re long past the point of trying to improve your form, right now you’re just trying to exhaust yourself to the point where you can sleep without nightmares.
A tall order, you’re sure, but anything is better than laying in bed and watching the men you serve with die over and over again in your dreams. Your nightmare flashes to the front of your mind again, and you grit your teeth as you slam your bare fist into the bag even harder than before.
If you cared, you would have grabbed a glove from the box against the wall…or even grabbed some tape to protect your knuckles. But you don’t care. Can’t bring yourself to care.
At this point you’re probably going to break your fist…and you can’t help but wonder if that will help you feel a little better.
You go to slam your fist into the bag again, only for a strong arm to shoot past your head to tightly grip your wrist, holding you still. “You’re going to break your hand.”
Boss’ voice is low and stern, and while normally you would apologize for being in his way, and existing in his space, because the gym is his space, tonight you can’t seem to bring yourself to care.
You try to tug your wrist free, and fail spectacularly, “Do you always manhandle people, sir?” You ask through gritted teeth.
“I do when they’re acting recklessly.” He counters.
You hiss under your breath, and use your long, almost forgotten, self-defense lessons to try and twist out of his grip. 
All you manage, though, is turning your body so you’re face to chest with Boss. You glower up at him, and he arches an unimpressed brow, “Nice try.”
“Well, not everyone can have superior fighting abilities.” You snap as you uselessly try to try your wrist from his grip.
“You’re a Doctor, you don’t need superior fighting abilities,” He mocks your words with an inflection that you’ve never heard from him before.
“I should still know how to defend myself,” You snap, without thinking about it.
“Can you?” Boss asks.
“Can I what?”
“Defend yourself.”
Your face burns with anger and embarrassment, and you turn your head away from him, “I do just fine.” You retort, though there’s a hint of uncertainty in your voice.
His gaze is even, and you bristle under his gaze. Stupid judgemental genetically perfect man. With his stupid perfect hair, and his stupid perfect face and his stupid perfect voice-
“Punch my hand.” Boss’ comment interrupts your mental triade, and you blink up at him, genuinely startled, not even noticing that he released your wrist.
“Punch my hand.” He repeats, his gaze serious.
“I am not punching you!” You blurt, eyes wide.
His eyes narrow, “What are you going to do if clankers get by me or my brothers and make it to your medical tent?”
“I’ll…die. Probably.” You retort honestly.
He scowls, “Unacceptable. Punch my hand.”
“I want to see your form. Just do it.”
“I…you…that’s…” You throw your hands up, “Ugh! You’re such a…a guy sometimes!” You snap, “Fine! Fine. I’ll punch your hand.”
You do as you said you would, though it’s not anywhere close to being a proper punch. And Boss recognizes that. He closes his hand around your fist, “Try again. And do it properly this time. You can’t hurt me.”
“You know, when you say stuff like that it makes me want to hurt you,” You grouse.
“Good. Maybe you’ll take this seriously.”
“Oh, come on! Why do you even care?”
“You’re a medic. My medic. And you’re my responsibility. But I won’t always be there to protect you. So you have to learn to defend yourself.” Boss replies, his voice short and matter of fact.
“Okay, so, first of all. I’m not your medic-”
“Yes,” He interrupts, “You are.” Boss’ gaze is intense, and your words die on your tongue, “Try again.”
This time, when you slam your fist into the palm of his hand, it’s a proper punch, though it’s a little clumsy. In your defense, you’ve not taken a self defense class since you were a child.
“Better. Again,”
You sigh and punch his fist again, and again, and again.
And then, when you’re about to punch his fist again, “Why are you awake, anyway?”
You stumble in surprise, your fist glancing off the palm of his hand and hitting his chest, “I…sorry.”
“You’re fine.” Boss says quietly.
You hesitate, and shrug, “It’s dumb.”
“Tell me anyway.”
“I couldn’t sleep. I kept going over everything that happened today and what I did wrong, and…” You shrug, “Sometimes I think you all would be better off with a better doctor.” You punch his fist again.
“You saved half of my brothers today.” Boss points out, closing his hand around your fist to make you look at him. “They’d be dead if you weren’t here.”
“Or maybe more of them would be unhurt with a different doctor.” You point out.
“No. I don’t agree.” Boss says, opening his hand as you pull your fist back, “You know, I chose you, right?”
“Chose me?” You ask.
“Of all of the natborn medics in the GAR, I picked you.” Boss confirms, “Because of your skillset, because you refused to be cowed when one of my brothers yelled at you, because you were polite in spite of us being clones.”
“You’re still men.” You say with a sigh, “Everyone else is just dumb.”
His lips quirk up until a small, amused, smile. “Maybe.”
“Not maybe, definitely.” You shift your weight onto your heels, “I didn’t know that you picked me.”
“I did. And I keep picking you. Everytime we get the option for another doctor.”
“I just don’t get why.”
He folds his hands behind his back, “It’s easy.” You’re pretty sure he stands at attention when he’s trying to mask his emotions, and it works really well, “I want you.”
“Like…in what way?” You ask as your stomach flips nervously.
“In every way that matters. Romantically. Sexually. Platonically. All of them.” Whatever you were expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. “But I’ll go at your pace.” He continues, “And if you’re not interested at all, then that’s fine too.”
“You want me.” Your voice is low, thoughtfully.
“Yes.” He doesn’t even sound remotely embarrassed about it.
“Okay then,” You reply slowly, “Okay.” You flash a small, impish, smile, “Then come and get me.”
His hands fall to his sides, and he smiles, something slow and predatory, and you feel arousal shoot down to your very core. 
He advances on you, and you lightly hook your fingers around the collar of his shirt and you walk backwards until your back hits the wall. Boss cages you between his arms and his lips crash against yours, his kiss both hot and demanding. 
You moan into the kiss, and your hands slide down his chest to slip under the top of his blacks. His muscles jump under your touch, and you know, immediately, that you want more.
So you tug on the hem of his shirt, and pull away from his kiss just enough to speak, “Off.” You order, or plead. You’re not sure.
Boss groans, low and deep, in the back of his throat, “Yes, ma’am.” He replies, his voice a low rumble that you feel all the way down to your bones. He pulls away long enough to grab the collar of his shirt, and he pulls it off in one smooth motion.
Your hands are immediately on his chest, smoothing over hard planes, and lightly tracing the raised skin of the scars dotting his body. He melts into your touch, and his lips find purchase against your jaw, your throat, your neck, your shoulder-
Boss’ hands burn a trail down your sides, up your back, and then back down over your plush rear. And then, to your surprise, he sinks to his knees in front of you. He looks up at you as he slowly slides your leggings down your legs.
You set your hands on his shoulders for balance as you step out of the clingy material, and you shiver as he kisses your hip and then lazily trails his tongue down your outer thigh. And you can feel yourself getting more and more wet with every passing second. 
“Boss…” his name falls from your lips in a soft moan, more of a sigh than actual words. 
You feel him smile against your leg, and then he lifts one of your legs and sets it on his shoulder, and he turns his head to press a soothing kiss against your inner thigh. And then he turns his gaze to the junction of your thighs, and he releases a deep sigh of pleasure.
His hand slides up the back of your leg and you jolt when you feel his finger pressed against you through your underwear. “You’re so wet,” Boss murmurs as he leans in and presses a light, lingering kiss over the wet spot on your underwear, “Is all this for me?” 
You card your fingers through his hair, “Wasn’t that the point?” You ask, slightly breathlessly.
Boss’ gaze meets yours, a slightly amused smile lifting his lips, and then he turns his head slightly and kisses your inner thigh again. “Tell me, cyare.” He murmurs against your skin, as his gaze drifts back to your core, “Are you overly fond of these?” He asks as he gestures to the underwear shielding you from his gaze.
“Not especially,” You reply immediately.
“Good.” He grips the material in one hand, and before you realize what he’s planning, he’s managed to tear it off of your body.
Boss drops the shredded cloth to the side, and he presses a hot, open mouthed kiss to your thigh, before he moves and drags his tongue along your wet slit.
Your grip in his hair tightens as you moan, and he groans in return. “You taste amazing,” Boss breathes out as he pulls away for a moment to press a light kiss against your hip, and then he dives right back in, his lips finding the little bundle of nerves that has you seeing stars.
He slides a single finger to your opening, and you release a louder moan. His fingers are so much longer and thicker than your own, and so, when he curls his finger and gives a particularly hard suck on your clit, your legs nearly buckle. 
Boss chuckles and he pulls away for a moment to look up at you, “Sensitive, cyare?”
“It’s been awhile.” You admit, your voice slightly breathless. And when he eases a second finger to join the first one, your hips jerk towards him. 
He smirks at you, lazily fucking you with his fingers, “You’re so tight, cyare.” Boss says, his voice low, “I have to prep you for my cock.”
You shiver and moan softly.
He twists his hand slightly and flicks his thumb over your clit, pulling a louder moan from you, and then he carefully, very carefully, eases in a third finger to join the first two, and you clench down on his fingers.
He curls his fingers as he fucks you, and his thumb lazily circles your clit in time with his thrusts, and it’s almost too much. You can feel the coil in your abdomen tightening, and you know you just need a little more. “B-Boss, please.” You plead breathlessly.
“Shh. I have you, cyare.” He kisses your hip again, “Going to make you feel amazing,” Boss promises, “And then I’m going to ruin other men for you.” His fingers start moving even faster.
His name falls from your lips like a prayer, and he grins sharply.
“Cum for me, mesh’la.” He orders, his voice soft but unyielding.
And you’re helpless to do anything but obey as he plays your body like a fine tuned instrument. The coil snaps, and you fall apart on his fingers, with the sound of his voice, low and soothing, murmuring praises up to you.
When you come back to yourself, you’re sitting on your knees, and you’re still trembling slightly. Warm hands smooth down your back and sides, and you blink hazily at Boss, “Are you back with me now?” He asks, quietly.
You nod once.
“Use your words, cyare.” His voice is still so gentle, “Are you okay?”
“M’okay.” You mumble. 
“Good.” his fingers ghost against your jaw, and then he sets your leggings in your lap, “Put these back on.”
You stare at the pants, and then at him bewildered, “But…you didn’t-?”
He laughs and leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t worry, cyare. I’m not anywhere close to being done with you.” He murmurs, “But I’m not fucking you in here. So get dressed.”
You grin up at him, delight running through you once again. “Yes sir.”
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skywxikers · 6 months
Do you think Hunter is going to die? If so, how do you think it happens?
If not Hunter, do you think anyone else will? Who and why or why not?
Id put this as anon but youd know who i am anyway
this is a giant rant sorry u have to read all this jesse
i’m not 100% sure if hunter is going to die, but out of the whole batch i’d say he’s the most likely to. this is bc wrecker already got injured in the marauder explosion, if he were to get killed off after even tho he was revealed to be ok, that would be not the best writing. i also don’t think cross would die, he’s still developing as a character and going thru his redemption arc and healing (both physically and mentally). omega is essential to the plot bc of the m count transfer and needs to be kept alive, so she’ll live as well.
that leaves hunter, and his death would make sense. he’s the leader of the batch, but i saw another post on here (i couldn’t find the user sadly) saying that his character is somewhat flat, and i’d agree. throughout the seasons, hunter’s only purpose has been to lead his brothers and take care of them; he doesn’t have any goals of his own. during the clone wars, his loyalty was to the republic, after the empire rose it was to his brothers, and omega when she joined. after omega was taken, hunter was noticeably thinner and less like himself. i wouldn’t chalk up his lack of development to bad writing, as the writers have done amazing, imo, when it comes to all the other characters EVEN BATCHER who’s an animal. that being said, i wouldn’t be surprised if hunter’s death is used to push the others’ development.
as for how he’ll die, he seems like the self sacrificing type. project necromancer is somewhat successful, bc the palpy clones are a thing, meaning omega will be affected. that will prob escalate into the final fight. something ab the oldest brother keeping his sister safe, letting her have a chance and live a life he couldn’t (since omega isn’t in any other star wars projects taking place after so i’m assuming she stops fighting)
but ngl i hope no one dies (wishful thinking tho 😔) and hunter gets to discover himself, what he wants, and be selfish for once.
if u disagree tho feel free to lmk, i love hearing other ppls opinions :D
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