#theres a list of you
s0fter-sin · 9 months
everyone makes fun of soap when they find out how many hair and skin products he keeps on hand. the cabinet in his bathroom is filled to bursting and he always keeps travel sized bottles on him on missions
when soldiers outside the 141 find out, they call him precious and self-obsessed, a vain pretty boy too preoccupied with his reflection to focus on the enemy. no wonder how he got his callsign. price has given up telling him to leave them on base and just teaches him to individually wrap them so they don’t rattle against each other and give himself away
what they don’t know is that each product contains an ingredient that when mixed with any number of the others, creates potent chemical bombs. he was caught unarmed once, he won’t let it happen again
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martyrbat · 1 month
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grzybjek · 10 months
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Meet ME!!
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t8oo · 5 months
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sorry zenigata nobody in the world but me cares so deeply about your homosexual represion and your stupidly queer rants that ive been studyin it so closely for nigh on 4 years and could genuinely write an entire college thesis on it. pack it up baby lets go home and get over that freak ill take care of you way better
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autistrix · 6 months
you already live in the Pokemon world - join iNaturalist today and photogrpah and id them all!!!!!
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saphushia · 1 year
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hermycwaaaaft hot ppl doodles n smattering of some worldbuilding/character thoughts
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babygirlbondage · 7 months
heres the link to the blank kink list thats in my pinned post, i dont know who made it originally but it isnt mine (im sorry i dont know who to give credit to)
when filling it out go to the green button at the top right corner to make things so much easier because the site can be a bit difficult to work with if you just do it on the list its self.
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just press export when youre done to get the picture :)
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crimeronan · 1 year
been thinking about the rabies condition in writing lately, which is a GREAT post about stakes and characterization. basically exploring how if there's a 100% chance a character is doomed, then they can and will do extremely dangerous/damaging/contraindicated things for the slimmest hope of survival. which is one of my Favorite narrative devices
but while we're using health metaphors, i've been thinking about another somewhat complicated means of introducing character stakes, which i'm tentatively calling 'the autoimmune condition' for reasons that are. obvious
the premise itself is simple: the character has Something that they need to survive. they either can't live without this thing or they will lose something vital about themselves if they lose this thing. there is no replacement or alternative for the thing. what's most important are that the consequences for losing it are Extreme, rabies-condition-style
in the real life allegory, this is the immune system. which is great for being alive!
then the problem is introduced when this thing starts killing the character.
the character still needs it to live.
so: there is a 100% chance that you will die if you destroy the thing killing you. if you impair it through other means, there is a 100% chance of consequences, though the severity of those consequences is up to the author. (these are medication side effects in the real life allegory.)
if you do everything you're supposed to then you'll PROBABLY survive, but you're gonna have to play lifelong tug-of-war to balance everything, and you are often going to have to choose between two shitty options. bc there is no alternative.
this is a counterpart to the rabies condition in terms of stakes; with this condition, your character has to make complicated and difficult decisions about what they're sacrificing for their future. it's not the immediate life-and-death stakes of rabies, it's a slow decay instead.
what side effect consequences are they willing to take on?? and what are they NOT willing to take on?? where do their priorities lie in terms of symptom management?? what other solutions are they looking for?? what are they willing to sacrifice??
and perhaps most importantly: what exactly do they need to lose before they'll Accept the side effects / sacrifices that used to terrify them?? how high do the stakes need to be??
at what point is this character going to look back at the choices they've made up to this point, and realize that they no longer recognize themselves??
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starsprlte · 7 months
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mini-zine about online friends, and not giving up.
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solargeist · 3 months
The idea behind that post is that evo Grian--after joining the watchers--gets put in the death games, but they briefly wipe his memory so its all fair and accurate, no cheating!
After grian wins 3rd life, and jumps off the cliff, he wakes up back in The End where the watchers congratulate him, but hes too busy panicking and asking where Scar is and whats happening, then remembers everything, now unsure if that was real or not.
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Look at my self indulgent dishelved sewer rat-looking fursona for Jinx boy (they look better on most days but y'know)
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Cutting this off now cuz I'm fairly sure I'll be adding more to this in a reblog later
They/them for this creation of mine for epik and deep lore purposes that I will not write out rn because if I commit to the bit it would end up being 4am with me having to go to school by 6
All the context you get for now is that since the reference image is from the last episode, my guy(gn) here is after one severe beating from Knux(Ekko)(<-reason why the tails look so beaten and you can't see it but one is missing, see; angst reasons) an arm length explosion from their own bomb(realized way too late that the bomb actually blew up on Jinx's right hand side, way too late as in, half of coloring finished already. well in my AU it happened on Nine's left hand side!!!) and a bunch of Dark Gaia juices(Shimmer)(<-will think about the technicalities of thisnkater) injected into them as an effort to keep them from dying
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bitchy autistic coded character...save me bitchy autistic coded character
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
I just don't believe anyone reposting those lists about "here's 15+ different places with Problems going on (just like palestine!!)" knows or cares enough to be able to explain what's happening in more than 1/4 of them in anything approaching the depth appropriate to doing the topic justice
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hezuart · 10 months
If Seven have water bending powers, Six soul eating powers and Mono space-time powers what would Raincoat Girl powers would be
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oOOOO see, I thought about this quite a bit for the past week. I don't think Raincoat girl's powers will come up in Channel Change, so I'll share my headcanon here.
Raincoat girl I've always called "Five" though I've considered calling her "Quinn" (or even "Cinc") sometimes to not be so obviously a number, kind of like Mono's naming scheme. But I don't think the name Quinn would stick with the fandom as well as "Five" would...
To me, Five would have the ability to change her size at will. (Typically shrink, but only when she gets more powerful later she will learn how to enlarge herself.) She may also have the ability the manipulate the sizes of objects, people, or animals around her.
My evidence: 1. "VERY LITTLE Nightmares" game title 2. The Nest is more like a giant doll house, and she's surrounded by children turned into dolls 3. Each collectible has something to do with the children's powers. She collects Jack-in-the-boxes; children's toys that had been made in France as little "Demon-in-the-boxes". A tiny puppet pops out to surprise/scare the person playing its music because typically, no one would expect a creature to be compressed in something so small.
Six is a soul eater. She can suck the souls out of adults for sustenance. She can suck the youth out of children, turning them into nomes so that she may remain immortal. She may have the ability to teleport through shadows. She may or may not also have the ability to create shadow proxy children?
Mono is a space-time manipulator. He can travel through time and teleport elsewhere through TVs. He can leave behind imprints of children and also reabsorb them? He has minor to major telekinesis and draws in the attention of those around him.
Seven has hydrokinesis. He can physically manipulate water. He can create air pockets to breathe underwater. If he concentrates, he can also control the water inside someone's body including his own. This proves difficult when trying to lift others, but his body is the easiest to control, giving the illusion that he's floating on air.
Five/Quinn is a size shifter. She can shrink at will to crawl through small spaces like a mouse; to get into hidden rooms or to avoid being caught. She can also enlarge herself at will and has the ability the manipulate thse sizes of objects, people, or animals around her. But this requires heavy concentration to do so.
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palossssssand · 1 year
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Tried out a different style! and was somehow compelled to do a background!
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waterfallofspace · 25 days
Who are your favorite artists/writers in the community?
I see this one has been going around!! I actually got two, so forgive me for answering only just the one, but thank you both for sending this in!! Absolutely gonna emphasis *favourite*, not best, so I'm CERTAIN I'm gonna miss people that I just haven't seen
Okay so this is gon be a long list, and tagging people is scary so I really apologize if any of you didn't wanna be tagged <3 and I'm certain to miss a few, so if I don't mention you, please know that you're still amazing and it doesn't mean I don't melt to bits at your content!!!~ <3
(also gonna include a few wav makers bc that's honestly an art too!!! and i feel they deserve to be praised for that!!~)
(and gonna copy snzdreams here <3) People I know/Friends:
--- @onetrickponi is an absolute TREASURE, not only so kind and fun, but also genuine triple threat, despite what her name suggests~ --- @zensations35 one of the BIG names on here, at least to me~ someone I've adored for years, such a kind person too!! Not super close, but adore her!~ --- @snzdreams Absolute dear, and SUCH a fun person, and honestly honestly honestly the best g/ojo writer ive ever had the pleasure of reading, girl i stg that closet fic will live with me forever --- @bestwhumpist SOOOOO good!!! and so sweet, i have the honour of calling you a friend and also the honour of enjoying your WORK bc mmm girl yes --- @ithadtobesneezing also one of the sweetest people, so many people on here are so sweet and it makes me insane, and SUCH a good writer, like hello??? hi???? made me fall in love with y/uta i swear --- @6pmsoup AMAZING art like AMAAZZZINNGGG art, looks so good i'd swear it was straight from a manga --- @hachiibun some of my favourite art on this entire site, hachii is not only INSANELY impressive, also so nice!!! genuinely amazing~ --- @goodlucksnez makes some REALLY good wavs, and Vic is also such a kind and fun person!~ --- @ezynse REALLY good fics, personally seen a few a/ce a/ttorney ones making the rounds, but also just a funny and sweet person~ --- @lycheeehehe made this one w/olfwood drawing that made me feel things AND AND AND then also made a list of hcs for t/oji and ik hcs arent what you asked but literally made me insane over this man --- @devilscastle69 THE h/otwings writer on A/03, absolutely go check them out if you like h/otwings, some AMAZING stuff on there!! (also just such a cool person hi <3) --- @themiseryandcompany older fics but SOOO worth it, tasty lil morsels, and also one of my first friends on here!!! so adore her forever <3 --- @snzluv3r hi so honestly this one is so hguahguh for me to admit but some of the hottest wavs on here, and more than that!! literally a sweetheart, SUCH a sweet person!~ <33
People I don't know, but really appreciate:
--- @whiskey-tango-matcha such good stories about their lil guy ocs, they're SO alive and I honestly feel like they're characters from a published media with how much I know them and feel certain of them!! --- @autumnsneezes some of the best wavs (and snzs) that i've heard, absolutely amazing!!~ --- @gemsden some REALLY good content over here, mostly just posts with vague ideas, but some writing too!~ and just sooo good!~ --- @kotyonoksnz literally SUCH amazing art, released a few comics of it, and SPOILED snzblr with a beautiful h/azbin partial one, absolutely incredible art!!
omg this has been SO long im so sorry!! and im so sorry if i missed someone/you, i PROMISE it doesn't mean I don't love your stuff, just means i forgot T-T but I hope the length (and tags) are alright, and thank you for asking non!!~
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