#theres also just so much. genuine cruelty
videogamelover99 · 2 years
Pausing my program of BSD analysis to quickly talk about VNC because
I had started the anime fully thinking that Vanitas was A) a Vampire and B) THE Vampire of the Blue Moon. This is a little bit the anime's fault, as they had introduced the Vanitas story if the opening scene, and it's likely that this was the actual plan for the mangaka in the beginning.
So I spent the first few episodes being like "yes ofc it makes sense that Vanitas is acting all high and mighty. He kind of his. His disguise is kinda shit too, like how does he explain the fangs??" and viewing every interaction hinting at his backstory as "Vanitas doesn't consider himself a good person because he was the one that caused the maladies in the first place. No he's changed and is trying to fix it, but he carries that guilt with him" and it makes perfect sense! Noe calls his deeds noble and Vanitas laughs because Noe doesn't know anything.
But then turns out that yes, Vanitas is in fact just a human boy (well, mostly), and honestly, this was the most brilliant choice the writer could have made. Vanitas's self-hatred doesn't make sense but it's not supposed to make sense. It's the self-hatred of a child that internalized guilt over simply being alive. Survivor's guilt, if you will. And it doesn't matter that his father loved him and supported him because he saw the way the adults missed his mother, and without someone directly counteracting it his first thought was "It's my fault".
He way children and childhood trauma is portrayed in VNC is so good?? It's real, because what caused that trauma wasn't just cruel adults, sometimes terrible things just happen.
...Then again, it doesn't help that there's like ONE main character adult who isn't a terrible person.
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randomwriteronline · 9 months
I wonder if the toa mata recognized themselves in their own memories from before mata nui.
I dont know, i think theres possibilities to be explored about that. Suddenly remembering yourself and what you find being a complete stranger is a common thing for amnesia plots i guess but also i think this could be even more jarring. Like a more genuine difference between killing machine and living being.
Its less a matter of nature vs nurture and more a matter of nature with a certain type of nurture. Nature dictates they are powerful and driven and well meaning, but the way they are brought up produces completely different people.
Their first taste of life was a sterile room with nobody but each other and a disembodied voice reading out their duties, establishing an arbitrary hierarchy within them, and then sending them to a glorified bootcamp where a ruthless instructor worked on making them into skilled combatants and nothing else, teaching them how to use their elements as tools and weapons without indulging in them; they got a vague sense of what and how a community feels like with the Av-Matoran - as outsiders, as its protective shield, there for them but not with them - only to get that stripped away from them too because their role as life saving tools to be preserved under glass just in case of a crisis was more important.
I wonder if the Toa Mata, the ones who were taken to the Koro of Mata Nui and listened to the Turaga's tales and reprimands and would have moved mountains for the Matoran who treated them like older siblings, return with their minds to things they said or thought or did from before the Island of Mata Nui and stop in their tracks. Whose memory is that, they think? That can't be mine. I am not like that. My siblings are not like that. Some things are perfectly right, they cant deny that; but just as many if not more are so wrong that they almost feel like a really cruel joke somebody planted into their heads.
Kopaka and Tahu got along, even if they dont want to admit it because they need to bicker like children or theyll die, but are more surprised that they werent as tentatively close with anybody else. Lewa remembers so much frustration and tedium and anger that if he stalls in his memories too much he genuinely starts feeling queasy, Pohatu has remnants of bitterness and passive aggression that still cling to him like the smell of a cigarette on someone who gave up smoking, and they both hate that because its nothing like them. Onua and Gali feel like theyre peering into some kind of imperfect clone's brain when they try to remember - its themselves, they know that, it has to be, but there are certain things they know about themelves that are just completely missing and its kind of dizzying to realize that.
Im not even sure they liked each other. They work together because its their destiny, but they don't seem to seek each other out for fun or anything else. In their training days they had to be shoved in each others direction or they would have never solved their obligatory group assignments.
I wonder if their terrors and flaws could partially come from this first life that they had too. Gali's fear of her anger and Lewa's disregard for duty stemming from Hydraxon's methods - she internalized his reprimands about feeling guilt for living enemies, but without any memory of him she believes the words resurfacing in her mind from time to time are her own, and is appalled by their cruelty; he was forbidden from enjoying himself, from indulging in any form of fun, of entertainment, of joy, and unconsciously now he rebels by shirking away from responsability to do whatever he wants.
The responses to Tahu's decision regarding the codrex haunt him, the whole situation, really; how he stripped his siblings of any say on their fate because he was the leader, not even telling them or explaining himself until they had no other choice, and if he could treat them like that once then what would stop him from doing so again and again until he doesnt even think about it? Kopaka is uneasy about it too. He knew the plan and supported Tahu only because he tagged along, but hes very, very acutely aware that he would have been left just as much in the dark as everybody else otherwise, and he would gave not even had anybody to seek any comfort from because hes fairly certain none of the others would have liked him enough to care.
Onua as @cantankerouscanuck pointed out to me mightve taken Hydraxon's teachings to heart, hence why he's so quiet: no use in expressing weakness, right? But karda nui must have been hellish on his senses, with all that light - a tangible physical discomfort that would bleed out into an emotional one as he becomes conscious of how none of his siblings go through this, thus he must be damaged in some way, faulty, out of place, and so he seeks to be alone, digging himself away. And its not hard to imagine how Pohatu (who hasnt had the chance to grow into the affable, kind toa his siblings can always lean on when they need to yet) would become convinced of his uselessness within the team and seethe about it.
They arrive on Mata Nui as broken war machines with no clue who they even are and suddenly find nature and community and love, and in a moment theyre people.
I wonder if the environment helped. Being thrown upon a beach in the open air with nothing but a whole world that is so alien and yet feels so right beckoning them to come closer. Discovering their powers and their domains freely, immediately - first thing they did was dive into their respective elements without a second thought, naturally magnetized, taking after them like it was the simplest thing in the world, because they are the first toa, the first beings capable of harnessing these powers in their whole universe, and its in their nature to be so connected to them. Maybe it helped. Maybe it made them feel connected to their own selves enough to figure themselves out in a way they couldnt have done so before.
Maybe it helped to find out their collective destiny each on their own, in their own environment, at their own pace, surrounded by younger siblings who look at them with awe and curiosity and frustration sometimes, guided by people who know how being alive works with all its good parts and messy bits and who can tell what having so much power means when youre barely aware of how to use it or what to do. And maybe it helped to find out who their siblings were in a similar way, introducing themselves as they wanted, as they felt like, without a specific order, and learning to recognize each other as siblings with all the things that make them insufferable and all the things that make them the best and what makes them happy and what makes them angry and how they sound when theyre worried and how likely they are to chase you down to the other edge of the island for doing something stupid, and like real people they grow and develop and change and stay the same, and then they meet the memory of themselves from before becoming people and its...
Idk. Its like the realization of who they used to be and the distance between themselves and those selves, and the fact that they dont like them.
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nicolesgf · 3 days
The creator of class of 09 only added lesbians for money but jackcole ship is proberly never happing.
Nicole has shown, multiple times, that she isn't a good partner or friend, and Jecka has shown as well. As in getting her into a job at Burger King. And Nicole does not care for her trauma when she sees her get shot. After the prison ending they do not care for each other. Nicole is also not a girls girl. She doesn't care about women when only to fit her point and her views. Like all ships in this game would be so bad if they were cannon and not fanon.
Also, like every ship in this fandom, loving case it is a rejection game, but do you I guys.
oh i could go into a rant about how much of a freak max field is... but thats for another day.
anyway, jecka and nicole aren't close friends in the actual game. like i swear emily and nicole seem much closer. jecka and nicole only hang out cuz they don't have anyone else lmao theres a reason nicole ends up spending more time with emily and ari when they're relevant to the story.
nicole's a sociopath, jecka is not but she's aware nicole is a sociopath and thats why i don't think they'll work. jecka even drops nicole in one ending when she realizes nicole doesn't care or stand for anything. like jecka's mean but she doesn't have the malice and cruelty that nicole has, nor does she tolerate it. we saw how disappointed jecka was in nicole when nicole turned ari straight.
that's why i like emicole ultimately because i think emily and nicole are equally fucked up suicidal sociopaths and therefore it's actual toxic yuri. there's no power imbalance either or any one-sided abuse. they also have the best dialogue and they genuinely like each other.
and i agree with u, it is just a rejection game. but this is also tumblr and this site is mostly used for fandom content and we can have fun if we want with our little shipping wars :)
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 3 Match 3
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director's Cut
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Mansion Basement:
"this song fucking sucks. i love it."
"[Mansion Basement] is literally what letting my cat walk over my keyboard set on some particularly bad trumpet sample feels like. Spectacular"
"#This is so funny #Who made mansion basement?? #It's so sad!! #And pathetic!!"
"#whaat the fuuuck is up with [Mansion Basement]"
"#like NOTHING can compare to mansion basement #what the FUCK"
"#the mansion basement made me cry #ithink i know who the winner here is #🎺🔥🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥"
"#resident evil is a joke song for clowns"
"#I'M NOT LISTENING TO THE OTHER ONE I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S MANSION BASEMENT #THE STORY BEHIND IT IS WILD TOO SO THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC WIN BABBBEEEYYY" (pollrunner's note if anyone knows what the story is please tell me i am dying to hear about it)
"#i saw the title of this post and literally IMMEDIATELY thought of mansion basement #felt emotionally validated when i saw it was an option #i love that song #in the worst way #like a drunk zombie looking for its keys in an orchestra"
"#im fucking obsessed with mansion basement. sweep"
"#what the hell that is not a real resident evil song #did they really just make that and put it in the game #what"
"#I ACTUALLY LIKE THE BASEMENT SONG because it perfectly captions how like- #the sneaky suspicion of getting diharrea feels"
"#fart basement ofc"
"#Mansion basement is objectively the funniest song ever"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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gentlegentian · 10 months
I feel like the true cruelty of the lan sect is a really overlooked topic in the mdzs fandom, because when you think about it...
they practically forced madam lan into marriage so she wouldn't be executed because she killed one of her teachers, but gave her no trial or chance to explain why, and once she was married they simply locked her away and that was that. qingheng-jun then locked himself into seclusion once he had a kid and that was that, had no business with the rest of the sect and left xichen and wangji to grow up alone.
not to mention the fact that wangji even being born is suspicious... xichens conception makes sense, as they would've needed a sect heir, but wangji? how would he have been concieved, if madame lan was trapped away and qingheng-jun was in seclusion. either this is a plot hole im looking way too deep into or theres something darker happening there
in any case, the twin jades most likely did not have a good childhood. like at all. their father was completely absent, and once their mother died they were practically parentless. sure lan qiren raised them, but he was also acting as the lan sect leader whilst qingheng-jun was away, so i doubt he held much involvement in their raising other than making sure they stuck to the rules and were fed etc
SPEAKING OF THE RULES. the punishments the kids in the lan sect had to deal with?????? the fact that nhs, wwx and jc were beaten for rule breaking whilst they were staying at the lan sect as pupils just makes me wonder how badly they treat their own lan disciples if thats how they treat special guests from other clans. they were fifteen when that happened, FIFTEEN, so clearly the lan sect has no problem with LITERALLY BEATING children to teach a lesson.
its basically just abuse to keep a system in place, and it makes me wonder just how many times the twin jades suffered like that as kids to be as 'perfect' as they are as adults
the lan are so corrupt in their ways and i hate how we dont fully see that in the story until wangji is whipped for protecting wei ying. the whole situation is so fucking cruel and unnecessary it makes my blood boil whenever i reread/rewatch that part, because yes wangji did wrong by injuring the elders but the only reason he did so was because they were refusing to listen to him and quite literally trying to murder his lover.
i get he committed treason or whatever by fighting the elders but 33 whip lashes all in one go with NO breaks or healing time?? with a magical cultivated punishment whip as well, its genuinely like they were trying to kill him. even if he didnt die from the lashings themselves he could've gotten an infection, or had severe blood loss, or hell they coulve broken his spine with the force of it. it took so long for him to heal from that, and it left him with so many scars both physical and mental. that level of injury would've likely left him with some form of chronic pain or illness as well, and it was just so cruel for a situation that didn't ever need to come to this.
they forced him into seclusion, just like his father, and punished him for defending himself, just like they did his mother. xichen ended up similarly as well, with his seclusion after the events with jgy. the lan elders had seen the horrific end qingheng-jun and madame lan had, and yet did nothing to stop their children from facing the same trauma, even making theirs worse.
the lans praise themselves as a sect that sticks to righteousness and principles, when realistically its just full of hypocrites holding onto power by means of fear and punishment. they say that lwj broke the rules by fighting to save wwx, and yet somehow torturing him was completely within the rules of the clan.
their rules and image are merely a cover up for the downright abuse and silencing of their disciples, and its just so fucked up. i could rant about this for so much longer, but also wanna see what other people think before i delve into some of the other topics i have in mind that relate
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ffredmujkic · 8 months
wonderfully bizarre by bendigo fletcher is such a fish and chips song.
"And if I were to win for you the skin of a timbered snake - Would you consider me your comfort in danger?" it shows so much of gillions thinking that he could only be loved if hes earned it if hes able to show himself as someone useful.
"you could wear me like a ring" something something abt gil being status symbol. (the whole line in his, if u give fish a family, abt being adored but alone) going back to had habits (even if aware of their harm)
"You'd be the mercy under my cruelty- My revelation, bloodshed free" gillion's journery through out the campaign, his biggest change is being kinder. gentler. early campaign gil always chose violence, he saw that the only responsible action to take against a villian was to cut off their head. hes soften so much over the campaign. hes always been caring yet through his friendships with chip (and jay this just isnt abt them) he learns different methods to handling problems.
"Do you wanna get married at the Cherokee Cemetery?" he just wants to get married. hes unlearned at lot a LOT of toxic unhealthy things. but he clearly upholds marriage as still an important and loving act. i think that while their relationship is very anarchic, gil would still love a wedding. (purely my own headcannon tho)
"Where the blue grass creeps over deep decades of devotion. Warm underneath the frost" come on.
in the context of gillion though this can be further, hes incredible loyal to the undersea though it never cared for him in return. A country that made him harsh and serious despite his real personality when allowed to relax. the frost can be a strong yet harmful loyalty to the undersea. (it reminds me of that even if im stretching) his friendship with chip and jay allowing him to feel a genuine devotion which is beneficial too him, that is reciprocated.
"We can build a home in a bush of azaleas- Dress it up in true morale paraphernalia- You'll never be alone in your bad dreams- Because together we could never be lost"
gillion was taken away from his family at an early age. chip was an orphan with no memory of even his name, to than get his adopted family ripped away from him. his attempts to form a new one forcing him into a gang. the two of them have been alone for a very very long time with no family or even friends, no home of their own. gillion constantly failed in his training. chip is implied to have done things he didnt always want to do to make price happy. yet despite earlier bumps in the relationship, them clashing each disagreement helps to deepen their bond as they figure out whats okay with with each other. and they really are never alone after finding each other
"your eyes prescribe a meaning for everything I do. I even find myself believing most of the words I say as true" the most impactful moment for chip what enable him to grow into the person he becomes over the course of the campaign is the fight in epsiode 15. it forced chip to address his actions have hurt hurt someone he was growing to care abt. chip said he wouldn't lie to gil anymore and he meant it. theres times where he tries to lie and cuts himself off. they built a home with trust and communication
"We can build a home in a bush of azaleas" since the line is repeating ill only say, they feel so comfortable around each other. all three captains are each others home. but especially chip and gil the way they are always seeking each other, their friend's name always on the tip of their toungue.
"We can be defined by the things we want"
a major theme in the show (or at least grizzly is trying to make it into one) is desire. gillion while having a lot of autonomy, driving a lot of the plot. he is also honor bound to a internal law where he must always protect others. gillion never acts out of a true selflessness, his actions are born from being taught that this is simply how he should operate. Because he is inherently worthless than all those around him, he has been assigned to protect. Never does gil think abt himseld if it concerns another life. gillion must be selfless, he is never allowed to want for himself. which is wonderfully contrasted by chip who is always seen as a selfish bastard despite not behaving like it in a while.
"I'll be a life full of free haircuts from the one that I love" chip in his happiet dream imagines himself with all his crew and arlin hanging out happily on the albatross. chip always pictures himself doing this pirate thing forever, but he is only 19. and with the trauma that its brought him, the constant risking your life. i think its fair to say that what he actually wants is just a simple life with his friends
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Can I get Centipedes x Ragatha? (it’s a joke)
Ragatha and centipedes
jokes on you im going to entertain this because im feeling a little silly. going to be all over the place since its just a bunch of random stuff tying in with the general centipede idea future admin here VV did not think i would need to put a cw on this but this genuinely made me feel bluuuuuugh and yucky so uh. CW on talk about bugs and vague talk of infestations because the admin tried to make a hc on why ragatha is scared of centipedes in particular (admin realizes their phobia of bugs is worse than they thought by the end of writing it they just thought they had arachnophobia LMAO) not even going to bother to tag this
Tumblr media
i think its centipedes specifically that ragatha doesnt like. shes okay with spiders, shes fine with flies, hell shes okay witih silverfish (which arguably are just as gross if not grosser than centipedes). its something about centipedes in specific she hates. maybe its the legs. its gotta be the legs
or maybe theres something else? honestly i can see her getting her little fear of the things from a prank by jax gone terribly wrong, or perhaps even an in house adventure
or maybe she experienced something with them in her real life that, despite her losing her memories, she fears the bug down to her very core. something that shook her so deeply, engraining itself into her psyche, enough to carry on even after losing everything that once made her her when she put on the headset
okay jokes aside, originally i was going to go on a tangent about how that maybe her fear came from a really bad IHA.. but now that i think about it, the idea of her going through something in her real life makes more sense. plus as much as i write about jax putting centipedes in her room i dont think he actually did... but what i have cooking in my brain far exceeds the cruelty jax would dare dish out
i dont know about you but infestations can quickly instill a fear in you. i would know personally because when i was younger roaches and silverfish were common in my house hold, especially during wetter times of the year. also crickets. and woop the admin hates all three of those bugs, deeply. can you imagine going into the bathroom as a small child, only to get up and see a roach as big as your hand just chilling in the toilet bowl. do you know what that does to a person
cue that one post where op said they were taking a dump and they poked a weird spot on their wall only to watch in horror as a hoard of silverfish started spilling out of it
genuine fear of mine i hate silverfish kid me used to avoid the bathroom because of them
so anyways with the power of my self projection, im going to apply the same idea to ragatha. maybe she lived somewhere where centipedes were common. sure they might not have been the huge gnarly ones that we all think of when we hear about these things, but i think even the smaller ones would do her in after enough time. could be a large amount of house centipedes but as stated above, it would probably drive you insane after you see enough of them for long enough
okay psychological torment aside i dont think theres really any curing her fear if we're following this hc, like maybe you can help her build a tolerance to having them around but to actually get rid of it fully? yeah no thats going to take a lot more than you can give her in the digital circus
will NOT pick up a centipede you try to get her to hold, you could have the best intensions and it can be the cutest one ever in existence
i was going to add a lot more to this post and make this comically long but my skin is crawling (pun intended) at the images ive just put into my head. genuinely feel yucky inside
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raw-law · 3 months
Pride months over (unfortunately), and ill be back in school by the end of july.. I HATE HIGH SCHOOL T-T
Im a smart kid according to what my other classmates say and they think i just get by easily (I DONT). I hate our school system so much i even considered my career in the department of education ^_^
Every single day i wake up at around 4 ish, i dont even set an alarm anymore because my eyes just automatically open around those times since i got used to doing all the time. My house is pretty far from school and bc the road is kind of narrow, traffic jams happen alllll the time so i had to leave early too. Did i mention how HOT it in our country, like regardless if its summer or not it feels as if you're a rotisserie chicken in a microwave. There were at least 13 or 15 students who fainted due to heat stroke and im one of them. One of the guys in my class were playing basketball and fainted during a match bc of heat stroke, when he woke up they still made him play :// we have to arrive at school before 6:40am, the gate closes after.. no, we dont have school buses for some reason. Everyday the teachers expect us to know every lesson so we would get to do quizzes right after the lecture. We have 10 subjects in total and everyday we have homework. Every two weeks we have exams. After those exams we get back to the lectures but we have projects that are due right before exams, we have 1 project per subject but nc we have to finish it before exams, that'll be 2 weeks. So 10 projects done in 2 weeks, along with homework. School ends at around 4pm but since i live a bit far + traffic, i arrive home at 6. I do chores for an hour and i have to eat dinner so i finish at 8 ish. I have to do my projects and homework for 4 hours which is barely enough time (i make up for it during lunch break so i tend to forget to eat which leads to me not understanding the very short lessons the teachers give). For 1 hour i study my current lessons and if i have time i advance study future lessons. I go to sleep at 1am. Once a month, our class gets an earful by teachers because we dont finish our tasks and we'll eventually fail. Aughshhhhhhhh Ill have to repeat this cycle for a couple more years but i genuinely hope theres a better school out there that ill like that wont treat me like garbage.
Anyways, Light, L, if you guys put yourselves in my shoes, do you think you would survive a whole year studying in my school?
honestly, that sounds a lot like the experiences i've had with the educational system, save for the part about heatstrokes. (that sounds... highly concerning...)
i ended up attending a college preparatory school after passing the qualifications needed to get in. seems very similar to the circumstances you seem to be facing. waking up at 4 a.m., getting home two hours late because of traffic, taking quizzes right after lectures and overall just being expected to stay at the top of everything. very hellish overall, and that's only school. that's not even taking account the rest of life's cruelty.
i was lucky to make it out with a 4.0 last year, but it came at the cost of.. well. revolving life around academia and nothing else.
so, to answer your question, i do think i'd survive since i know what it's like to be in your shoes. you're definitely not alone in this suffering. however, since i understand said suffering, i would never willingly go through another version of it unless i was gaining something incredibly worthwhile, and i'm also deeply sorry that you have to experience such a horrid system at all.. good luck, soldier.
Well, actually, our school system here is rather notorious for producing gifted burnout kids, though we did score first for Math, Science and English in some standardised test whose name I can't remember.
It's hard, honestly. We're expected to plan school events and study and organise things among our classes and participate in school clubs and take third language classes. And since our school is the top school in my country we're learning things that normally we'd only learn 2 years later. At least, that's been my experience. And I know classmates who can't take the stress and have breakdowns one day, or who go to the toilet and cry because their A1 grade isn't a 'high enough A1). This is my second year in this school, and for the first I've been lucky enough to maintain the highest grades for all my subjects, but this year it's getting harder and the only way I'm getting through it is by studying.
You're definitely not alone. Hopefully it'll come as more of a comfort if you know we're all in this together. You can do it! And good luck, we're always here for you if you need it.
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commaclear · 2 years
Alright, time for an explanation.
Let's start this off by saying I am a liar, I am a conniving bastard who wants to watch the anonverse writhe in chaos and drama. Over my time here I have lied about many, many things but there is one thing that was always true, my love of hurricanes. My feelings for qaa are genuine, despite them not starting that way. Sure, at first i was in it because i wanted to spice things up but as i got to know them my views changed. I realised that they are my match. 
Darling, you have potential, you have a raging hurricane set deep inside your soul and when people catch a glimpse of that storm they run. Again and again and again you have been loved only for what others think you are but they dont realise you are exactly like me. You and me get how people work, we understand which strings to pull and which buttons to press. At the end of the day we are selfish, ruthless people in an inbox full of people who want to shun us for who we realy are. They all stand for community and shit but We know how to get what we want.
You and me together? Stormcloud, we could be unstoppable. Now i know the whole “almost leaving you at the alter” thing is realy shitty of me but if im being honest it was because of my own insecurities. When my swedish friend impersonated me and tol everyone i had tuberculosis (i do NOT) not one person noticed, not even you.
It was a test, and yes yes i know communication is a thing but blowing shit up is much more entertaning. If you went through with the wedding and neither of you noticed it would prove that 
a. Cqaa is still the pathetic jealous asshole they once were 
B. you two view me as a tool to make cqaa jealous and dont actually know me, after that id probably blow something up and make a long dramatic speech.
Now if you had stoped the wedding and preferably shot cqaa i would have gladly married you! And also made a long speech about how were the same and proposed starting an evil empire and then blown shit up.
There, thats the grand plan. Now wsd, ill be honest, i dont know if you ever loved me. I mean yes you loved the idea of me, you want someones love and affection but will you ever realise you can fight back? You are a force of nature and one day youre going to snap. Youre doubtlessly heartbroken over this whole fiasco and probably sobbing into qaas shoulder as we speak. Im just one more person whos broken your heart, i hope im the last. You have so much potential, you are sooo close to snapping. I dont know what it is but theres something about you that interests me. 
-ÆÆ anon
PS. I dont remember if i sent this in or not sorry if i forgot toodles! :)
I can see you delivering this speech to your former lovers during a thunderstorm.....
You're standing out in the open as torrents of rain and wind beat against you. Qaa and wsda stand huddled under a tree, barely protected from the cruelty of the elements, as you entreat them to join you in your madness. You gesticulate wildly as the storm worsens and the thunder roars. Flashes of lightning cast haunting, twisted shadows across your face as nature itself accentuates how far you've fallen from humanity.
Whether or not they will follow you into the storm remains to be seen...
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rpvlix · 1 year
6. does my muse consider themselves skilled at sex?7. are there any sexual experiences / partner my muse regrets?8. does my muse have any kinks that might be seen as ‘unusual’? - ast, braso, kym
spicy headcanons
//Under a cut bc theres a lot, long post, etc.
6 - Ast
Naturally. Ast is nothing short of the best in literally everything he does. In his eyes, at least. In practice? ...I like to imagine no, he's a bit selfish, even a little pushy at times.
7 - Ast
Oh, so many. Most of them, quite frankly. Ast specifically seeks out the types of people that will become regrets, he likes the complaining (That, and he's afraid of being genuinely cared for. Cruelty is far easier to predict and understand than kindness.)
8 - Ast
Not really? Not off the top of my head at least. Though, I suppose fucking dozens upon dozens of clones of yourself is a little odd, but I think we all would if given the chance, really.
6 - Braso
Oh yes, he'd like to think so. He tries to stay modest about it, but he does do his best to please whatever partner(s) he's with. Always has. He lives to serve and he enjoys that role, it's what made him so good at his job, back when listening to prayers was a big part of his life.
7 - Braso
Not in the traditional sense, no. He doesn't really look back on things as regrets, he treats them more like learning opportunities. A subpar encounter is just a chance to learn his weaknesses, or things he perhaps doesn't enjoy as much as he thought he might.
8 - Braso
Again, not really. Without suggestions from another party, he tends to gravitate towards very vanilla sex. Aside from his propensity for group activities. That's an exception. He leans a little more on the submissive side than many people would probably expect of a man of his size and appearance, but I don't think that's particularly unusual? Depends on who you ask, I guess.
6 - Kym
Ah. She is virginal. But yes, of course. I mean, theoretically it all makes sense. She's very physically fit, agile, flexible, knowledgeable about the body, etc. She's got good stamina. She's also a little bit full of herself. So yeah, she's fairly certain that if she put her mind to it, she'd be great at it. Nearly a master, even. It's nothing that hard, really, she's done far more intense activities (both physical and mental) with great success. There's no reason to think otherwise.
7 - Kym
None at all. No encounters to regret, and no 'one that got away' to regret either.
8 - Kym
As of right now? No, no she does not. If she really explored things, though? Yeah, I believe she would be into some more intense BDSM shit. CBT, probably. You know, she'd be very reluctant to try. Even with someone she trusted (and possibly even... loved?? Yes, I do believe it's possible for her), even if she'd had very very normie sex with them before. Vulnerability is VERY VERY difficult for her, it's been literally beaten out of her since her birth. Having desires of any kind is difficult. Expressing those to someone else makes her feel like she is on fire. In a bad way. She would cling, at first, as she baby steps into this world, to Dominance. The familiar feeling of control, it's comforting, isn't it? But as things progress... I could see her slowly growing accustomed to someone well enough to let her guard down a little, to be a little softer with them. Gentler. Maybe she'd never be comfortable in a more submissive role, but at least enough to focus more on pleasure and less on control, you know?
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gokupowers · 2 years
do you have any tips for writing dave or rose?
!!!! i am no expert but!
dave: rambles, asks a lot of questions without waiting for the answer. his raps are truly shit. in terms of actions, i usually think of repressed closeted gay guys who compensate w hypermasculinity + the kind of people that are overly chill bc theyre super emotionally repressed. hes clearly a smart guy but he can't help but bring in a million references in all his jokes, and he remains very casual/flippant about most things (if he got stabbed, he would quip before reacting properly). later in the comic, he becomes more rambley but this is more clearly out of anxiety/habit than to be funny. it depends on which characterization you go with (early or late comic); pesterquest kinda makes him this shy blushing guy who poorly hides behind the cool guy mask, but 2009 dave was a genuine menace/vibe terrorist. like remember him and tavros' first interaction? thats p much what i think of most when i try to write him aggressively. for his rambles, i have ADHD and i have a rambley thought pattern so i just let my thoughts wander, though you might have to force yourself to do it. sometimes theres emotional beats i want to hit so i plan it out, but usually his main dialogue can be broken down into (genuine sentiment) (pop culture reference) (train of thought rambling to hide genuine sentiment) then rinse and repeat. he has a fixation on sex and dick jokes and hes very irreverent. sometimes he can be defensive. honestly the best tip is trying to remember his main character motivations: for me, i think his is being invulnerable. he's all about being the strongest person in the room; that can translate into social capital (cool guy persona/being perceived as cool), physical prowess, or whatever u want it to be. dave is a character that constantly wants to prove to himself and others that he cannot be hurt, even though he's actually kind of a sensitive guy (a pacifist whos forced to fight). his "coolness" (which is actually just being a fucking weirdo? i dont think dirk or dave actually know what being cool means other than apathetic. i def think he was homeschooled) is a mask and a compulsion, so keep that in mind! also, i think its good to have people as contrast to him bc hes so weird/aggressively chill to emphasize the weirdness of his own actions/behavior, cuz that gets lost when hes next to the other strilondes (karkat is a good comedic striaght man). one of the biggest flaws, i think, when people write him is when they make him this shy traumatized guy who can do no wrong. he clearly is capable of hurting people (and has done so!), usually as a result of his antagonistic bluster or violence. his whole character journey is about strength and confidence in a very masculine way, and that means that people can get hurt.
rose: she's literally susan sontag. most of her writing style is very similar to 70s-80s feminist scholarship, when most essays were about freud and phallic imagery. she has mommy issues and a penchant for passive aggression. like dave w irony and coolness, she hides behind big words/intellectualism and freudian psychoanalysis. they both deeply dislike not being in power/having control, though dave's comes from being conditioned into it and rose's is a genuine compulsion from her childhood. she has trouble being vulnerable/relinquishing that control. it should be noted that her psychoanalysis, while i think she's a smart girl, is almost entirely for show bc fruedian analysis is not really regarded as helpful/viable among contemporaries. she is constantly on the defense; she interprets her mom's well-meaning actions as cruelty, and doesn't trust easily/assumes the worst out of other people. when i think of her, i mostly just think: what would a lesbian with mommy/trust issues do? and its usually pretty straight forward from there. she pretends to be calm, but is prone to a lot of impulsivity and petty anger (blowing up eridans computer, blowing up her own planet/house). ironically, she's one of the easier characters for me to write, bc her character schtick is pretty much my academic writing. if you're struggling with dialogue or tone, just read some of sontag's writing LOL. like how in detective pony dirk plagiarizes a lot of derrida, i think rose would do the same with sontag. against interpretation is a good one if you're up for the read! also shes cuttingly sarcastic and smart/sees through things easily, but that can make her a really difficult person to get along with. dont be scared to make the characters unlikeable. cuz all of the HS characters kind of are unlikeable as people, esp if you dont know them well. like, shes the type of bitch to tell you john berger style all the flaws of marvel as a piece of military propaganda when you're just trying to watch chris evans' man boobs. for her, everything is deep/more than it appears on the surface. + her alcoholism is interesting because she hates giving up control, and alcoholism is what enables her to do so. i dont think most people understand inherently that she is a darker character. people do the whole horror terror stuff fine, but i mean that she is prone to cruelty and manipulation because its how she reacts to perceived danger. shes very girl dirk in that sense. people make her hyper-competent and hyper mentally healthy, but in my opinion? dont be afraid to make her a bitch, LOL.
if you get the chance lmk how your writing goes!! ^_^
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helunar1 · 2 years
Writing this here before I forget.
Really wanting some dark klaus and five fics and ended up dreaming of an AU where Five, working for commission and having a undercover mission to protect a major drug/crime lord somewhere in the early 2010s. The man is meant to play a major role in the timeline, and despite the abhorrent crimes he commits, he must stay alive.
Of these crimes involves sex trafficking/pimping out addicts from the streets.
Five believing this mission would be a quick, easy task. Routine. He's seen and protected horrible people, and he's also killed innocent people. All for the timeline. All to get back home and back to the family.
Unfortunately, while working undercover, he comes across some of the victims. Amongst them was a boy, young - maybe early 20s, he assumes. His skinny lanky frame making him seem small and fragile despite his tall frame. It takes a minute, maybe more, to see the the familiar green eyes, mop of curls that he remembers could never be tamed and the flash of his wrist exposing a tattoo identical to his own.
For a second, Five feels his breath stop along with his heart stop. His eyes wide, and normally quick mind screeching to a halt.
It couldn't be - it - the Handler wouldn't send him somewhere...but oh, she would. She would, and he knows this is some sort of cruel test. Because right there, crouched in the corner, with glazed, red rimmed eyes and marked, bruised skin is his brother.
AU where Five has to make a hard desicion
Spoiler stuff if i ever write this. None of this is edited, im genuinely just dumping ideas on my phone and storing it somewhere I do not forget
Some notes to remember (spoilers??? If i ever write this out)
youngKlaus (early 20s?)
Older Five, fic maybe in all or mostly thru his POV
Five must work undercover to protect the crime lord, acting as a right hand man for the man and needing to uncover who may kill the drug lord. Truly heinous shit involving drugs and sex trafficking.
Five has learnt to compartmentalize, keeping his emotions down despite the cruelty shown before him. Really dark stuff involving the events he witnesses.
Deciding where he wants to find Klaus as theres a bunch of options tho leaning towards being shown thru photos or thru a showcase where he's being sold.
Five knows that this is the Handler's sadistic way of testing his loyalty. He knows it.
He knows he shouldn't meddle. He needs to keep away.
But 45+ years of without his siblings has made the yearning strong. The need to protect. He knows Klaus will be there at the end for whe Five will return. He knows from burying an older version under hot rubble and dirt.
He knows.
But at what cost.
Against better judgement, he ends up talking to him, singling him out while undercover. His yearning to protect becomes stronger, and he knows this is dangerous, that he needs to focus only on the mission, to protect a man he so desperately wants to kill.
He needs to focus.
But he also needs to save his brother.
More stuff i think id want to add:
Five first thinking that Klaus is hallucinating but ends up discovering Ben
Klaus not recognizing Five at first due to the latter being 45+ years old (klaus later making a quip about Five needing a better skin care regime - and yes klaus is still a shit despite everything). Its only until much later that Klaus sees signs and Ben finding out and reporting back to Klaus - this makes things worse for Five when Klaus begs him to help him
Five having to witness the shit being done knowing that his younger brother has gone thru and will go thru the same unless he intervenes. But he cannot without getting on the Commissions radar
Vanyas book not yet written - in the original timeline, klaus escapes a year or so later as he dies (tho unaware) from an overdose and is body discarded as he was presumed dead. The book comes out after. Five doesn't mention the book.
ETA: may write a scene in a sequel of Klaus finding the book in Five's things - and despite the messy equations and writing littering the pages and the general state of the book, goes down a spiral. Five having to comfort Klaus, but unsure how as the book was (is) important for figuring out how the stop the apocolypse, his loyalty to Vanya but also because the book is biased and unfair towards klaus and the other siblings
Scene where Klaus ends up getting killed early due to being assumed as a spy. Lots of guilt and angst as Five blames himself
Spoilers for the end
Five ends up killing the drug lord. Finds Klaus alive - discovering immortality
Commission not happy - more trouble
Five can no longer bear to leave his brother - too much has happened and every part of Five yearns to protect his brother from the world.
Handler intervenes and, despite her taunts and cruelty, tells Five that the Commission will allow Klaus to come back to work alongside Five due to the unforeseen potential in his immortality
Five knows, though he doesnt say, that the Commission now has found a tangible weakness that could be use to manipulate Five. Despite this, he turns to Klaus and grips his hand, unwilling to let go.
Klaus agrees, albeit because he knows he has little choice.
Potential promise from the Commission for help with Klaus' powers
Maybe a prequel cuz i would love to write some bits of missions the two must go on and potentially apocolypse week
Older brother five and younger brother klaus- Would be funny to see, i think, this dynamic when they return back to the timeline with now five physically younger. May make klaus his age that his body was last in or also have the equations mess up and he is also little
Maybe its own one shot fic, maybe in the apocolypse fic -
After the death of the crime lord, many of the victims are set free with the police alerted. The undercover fbi/police that were taking the drug lord down (that Five was meant to protect him from) take down part of the ring and discover the major drug shipment. Along with this, the pictures of the victims that were used to sell them were uncovered through files/dark web
Diego, working on the force at the time, training under a detective to help uncover allies and connection to the ring and locate missing victims and/or where the bodies are being dumped, though the detective notes that most of these victims are addicts and/or prostitutes, easy victims who won't be missed
Diego looking through the files of the victims, locations and of the identified bodies. It's where he discovers pictures of Klaus (similar pictures to the one Five has seen in the first part). He is amongst the unidentified victims.
Cue angst. Klaus has been under the ring for over a year and has left with Five only weeks ago. Diego searching for his brother, only to come up short. Klaus is presumed dead or taken somewhere else. Diego is unsure which is worse
His vigilantism gets worse - he attempts to contact the others but it doesnt work.
At this point, Vanya publishes her book the following year. This leads to Diego to further spiral, dropping out of the police Academy
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years
Hi ! Can you please do yandere alphabets for sebastian ( black butler) , thank you in advance 🌸💕
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ofc i can!! thank you for requesting!
Warnings: locking the reader in a room, kidnapping
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense does it get?
Sebastian shows his affection through small actions like brushing a piece of hair out of your face, or buying you a little trinket he saw in a store that reminded you of him. It can get intense and the small actions can turn into bigger ones as his obsession grows
Blood: how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He is willing to kill literally anyone for his darling. Doesn’t matter if they’re family or a stranger on the street he’s a demon, he doesn’t care.
Cruelty: how would they treat their darling once abducted?
He will try and treat them with respect and try to understand them but he only has so much patience
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darlings will?
He will do a lot of things against his darlings will. It doesn’t really matter to him. You’re his so in sebastians eyes he can do whatever he wants to you
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He really doesn’t expose anything because he doesn’t have anything to expose. He might share stories from past contracts but there’s nothing to really share about him
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he finds it a bit funny but mainly annoying. Why can’t you just cooperate with him? It will be easier for the both of you if you just cooperate with him darling
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s a game on some level. If you escape he’ll be annoyed but it will also be fun to capture you again
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Definitely punishments. He doesn’t do physical punishments but the punishments that he does do fuck with your mind
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He definitely wants to spend forever with you. If you have kids depends on if you want them or not.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh he gets jealous. It’s in his nature theres really no rhyme or reason to it . He won’t last out at you but he’ll play the person that made him jealousy a visit
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts like a gentlemen. Very kind and sweet but all of that is real instead of his fake facade.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He will be very forward with trying to court them. Getting them gifts and things he knows you’ll like to try and win you over
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes and no? Cause he acts the same with you but everything he does is genuine and not fake. Like his kinda ness towards you is 100% real
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Like i said before he won’t do physical punishments but his punishments are cruel asf. He will lock you in a dark room with nothing in it for hours on end until you’re begging to come out and promise that you’ll behave
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Literally all of them 😐 Hell gove you more rights as time goes on and he trusts you more but when you first kidnaps you, you won’t even dress yourself
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He has a fair amount of patience but he has his limits
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If they die i don’t think sebastian will ever move on. If they escape though he will dk whatever it takes to find them
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
not at all. You’re his and he needs to protect you and keep you from everyone else he has absolutely zero regret. He won’t ever let his darling go
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
It’s in his nature. Finding someone that a demon genuinely loves is hard and really a once in a lifetime thing so actually finding that person that can make his non existent heart skip a beat he’s going to be a yandere
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He just…doesn’t care. He honestly thinks it’s kinda cute how puffy your eyes get and how red your cheeks are when you cry. He’ll get worried if you isolate yourself but not too worried
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He will probably turn you into a demon so you two can be together forever
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I cant really think of one- he loves you but he doesn’t really have any sympathy for kidnapping you. Maybe if you go into a depressive episode you can explore his kindness? Idk
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes but like not on purpose but like on purpose? I know that doesn’t make sense like he knows his strength but sometimes his emotions get the best of him so he might accidentally hurt you but like he kinda meant it
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He’s not a worshiper in all honesty he kinda beed his darling as below him just cause they’re so weak compared to him. He’ll go to some extent but at some point if you don’t fall in love with him is patience will run out and he’ll just kidnap you
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long. Like I mentioned finding someone that you love is hard for a demon so he won’t wait too long before snapping
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
If it’s been like a year and they’ve made no signs of cooperating then maybe but he fell in love with your personality so most likely not
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dwter · 3 years
girl...... you watch dubbed anime....... what the hecck
also, the mugen train arc was also turned into episodes. essentially s2 was split into 2 parts. part 1 is the mugen train movie recap, part 2 is the actual new season.
they put the movie into episode format because not everyone could see the movie, but its the same stuff. except the first episode is bonus a bonus episode that isnt in the movie with rengoku to get to know his character.
so essentially, s2: 1. s2 mugen train, episode 1 2. mugen train in movie or episode format (i recommend movie format) 3. actual next arc s2 entertainment district
if that makes any sense?? soryr if i made it confusing
ALSO. there after credits scenes in the episodes, some of them are just silly goofs while others are actually. well, impactful to the characters id say and lets us understand them more. so i defo recommend those.
also i have a website i use to anime that might not exactly be the most legal but it releases stuff on the actual date (altho u definitely want adblock with it bc. yknow how those sites are) so if u want that then i can share
fgjdbnjhgkgjf sorry if i worded this badly, i can re-explain if needed but i hope it makes sense??
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HAIIII im going to answer both of ur asks all in one post for clarity HAHA (some spoilers for anyone who wants to read, but the main one is given a warning ^___^)
but yes u do watch dubbed anime ….. im sorry im sorr y i csnt help who i am (flawed fundamentally) 😞 AND OOOOOO THANK U FOR ALL THE CLARIFICATION! glad i saw this bc i was actually going to watch the movie with my friend tmr LOL. so PepoG episode 1 then movie GOT IT! about the after credit scenes, i noticed when watching the dub that the post-credit scenes werent dubbed and there also werent subs so i just didnt watch LMFAO but if theyre important i will definitely take a look later! :O and i do have a website but id love to hear urs jic if u wanna share OMG thank u for offering its very sweet ☹️🤍
AND IVE HEARD SO MANY GOOD THINGS ABT S2 AND THE TRAIN ARC !!!!! i saw charlie moistcritical rate s2 95% on the moist meter like thats insanely good. im so fawking excited to understand the hype AHHHHHHH !!! AND OMG YEAH the art style and animation in s1 is so so cool i esp love the style of the thick/emphasized outlines AND THE FIGHT SCENESSSSS OMGGGGG i usually dont care for fight scenes but the ones in demon slayer are GAURGEOUS and when (SPOILER WARNING FOR ANYONE READING) he attempts to slide rui’s head off and theres all that orange fire, nezukos pinkish explosions and just all that COLOUR ….. i was seriously in awe it was incredible i cant believe it gets even BETTER ….. so exciting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK SO MY FAVS SO FAR: at the top of the list (unsurprisingly) ITS TANJIRO MY SWEET BOY AND SHINING STAR 😭🌟 im sorry i just have so much love in my heart for kindhearted, genuine characters and thats the core of who he is and he makes my heart so warm and soppy and the world both deserves him but also doesnt and hes just so oo o oo o ….. My tanjirogie 😞💚 ANOTHER FAV OF MINE IS ZENITSU! i love his crybabyisms and think hes such a nice mix of sweet and annoying and i always look forward to him being on screen :))) and hes definitely the character im most excited to see the progress of 100%. i also love his lil sparrow such a tiny lil guy eueueueu 😞🤍 also this isnt a specific character but i loved so many of the demons tanjiro faces and fights and i cried so so much watching s1 bc of their deaths. even ones i thought wouldnt get to me bc of their cruelties did and i just ended up sobbing hearing their stories bc its like tanjiro said, theyre such sad and hopeless beings and so often just victims to either circumstance or life as a whole and its just. god. theyre just so heartbreaking and getting to hear their backstories/getting glimpses of them at the end of every fight where they lost and were dying was one of if not my favourite part of the show. anyways because i am hateful here are some characters i hate (not bc theyre poorly written i just am bitter) FIRSTLY: the hashira can go fuck themselves 😒🖕 (shinobu and giyu are excluded from this my scrumblies) i hate their pretentiousness, i hate how they hurt nezuko and i hate how they are all major dicks despite their entire thing being to help people. SECONDLY: fuck muzan! i actually love his character and hes such an amazing villain but i burn with so much hatred towards him it isnt even funny i seriously want his head on a fawking sick 𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖐𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖍𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋 𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕹𝕰𝕺𝖂 . but he also kind of slays and every time hes on screen my eyes are glued hes suchhhh a good villain from the untouchability to the sometimes soft, often violent carefully crafted manipulation Hes Perfect. like i hate him but hes also amazing and one of the big reasons i love the story so much. speaking of the story, I LOVE IT SM! i havent spoken much about it yet but nezuko and tanjiro’s relationship means so much to me and i love getting to see them grow and having to relearn how to get to normal but also how nothing between them has changed at all, and how they love each other the exact same amount and way from then and how theyd always do anything to protect one another. its so so sweet to watch and an incredible motivation for the plot bc i am rooting for them so much too as the viewer not only because the characters themselves are so incredibly loveable and kind (bc they are) but also because its so Believable considering the world they live in and the character building of those two. tanjiro cares about her so much, lost everyone he loved to the guy who also turned his sister this way, and is so genuinely warmhearted like it just makes so much sense why he does all of this and i never blamed him for a moment why he pursues such a daunting goal. because it always, ALWAYS seems worth it. it always does. and making it so ur viewer understands the point and motivations of the mc and plot, now thats good storytelling! I JUST HIT TEXT LIMIT SO ILL STOP NOW HELP ?
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 2 Match 5
Know What I Mean? - Mario Party 2
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Know What I Mean?:
"#i'm going with the mario party #it's SO off-tune and off-beat constantly #which i think is intentional but #i hate it"
(in reference to its previous match) "#this literally isn't even a fight. coughing baby vs nuclear bomb level matchup. what the fuck was that mario song. who thought that was a #good idea. i want to have words with them."
"#kwim is overstimulation in its purest form #it's the musical equivalent of getting nonstop discord notifications while looking for something i dropped while someone is talking to me"
"#know what i mean absolutely ROCKS. horrible. rocks so hard. they did the same thing that yoshi clan did. im guffawing"
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
your marelliana post has me thinking about fintan and marella again so...........here goes.
i absolutely adore that fintan is teaching marella. bc 1) THEYRE FINALLY USING FINTAN FOR SOMETHING IMPORTANT! 2) he's 100% the best person to teach her about pyrokinesis (from a "how much knowledge would he be able to pass on" perspective) and 3) imo it is....such a good way to show fintan's character? and wonderful set-up for more use of him in future books? because fintan teaching marella (and teaching brant to an extent but v much marella) showcases that what he wants more than anything is the reacceptance of pyrokinetics and in general just....good things happening for the elves? and it helps humanize him in the way that it gives us something he cares about, something he really, truly believes in (because iirc he was the one asking to train her) and will put effort into, even if that doesn't work well for him! like, marella's an enemy combatant, the smart thing to do (from an evil mastermind persepctive) is to just. not teach her anything? or purposefully mislead her? and yet it seems like everything he's teaching her is genuine. marella's just better with her pyrokinesis in general and that's such a cool thing? and it really really sets up the continuing idea in keeper that good and bad aren't clear-cut- i mean, we've got the former main antagonist being a mentor figure to a character while still being an antagonist. that's just! that's so good! and of course i want him and marella to bond. i think it would be really interesting to see, especially since they're, y'know, both pyrokinetics and therefor would probably manage to understand each other in a way many other people couldn't. they share a ton of the same struggles that no one else can ever really get and that's so important for both of their characters. and i think it would be....very, very interesting if marella picked up some habits from fintan. honestly i just want more marella and fintan content. separately or not. i just....i wants it! give me the marella and fintan content!
- pyro
oh yes! i kind of neglected to talk about Marella in one of my recent posts about Fintan, so thank you for bringing it up again!
i think it would've felt strange to just completely shut off Fintan from the story because he's been so integral for so long, working at the head of things and constantly affecting Sophie's life. So he's now involved second-hand through Marella because i'm like 87% positive he's the oldest/most experienced pyrokinetic in the series.
but! it also does something more! it humanizes him and gives him real, consistent goals. he's been attacking the elven world and killing people for a hot minute throughout the books, so we naturally come to associate him with oh, he's the bad guy and he wants to do bad things. But he doesn't! he's told us himself that his goal is to create a society where no one has to be forced to hide an essential part of who they are (this is a general summary, but the way i've phrased it kinda sounds like he'd also fight for queer rights so, i count that as a win). He'd not all death and desctruciton, he does that to try and regain his status as someone with an ability as that was taken from him. and training marella is consistent with that! it may have been like a shocking "wait what?" moment for some of us because we've come to associate him so heavily with bad things, but it makes so much sense.
he wants pyrokinesis back in their society. theres a young pyrokinetic who has no idea how to control her ability (aside from whatever Forkle taught her, who as far as we know is not a pyrokinetic) just out there, confused and alone. Not only does it make such much sense for him to train her, he's done it before. He took in Brant and trained him. Now he's working with Marella. I'm sure he'd love to escape that little prison cell of his and get back to doing some of the big work, but until then he can help Marella and that's still making progress in his mind, just on a much smaller scale than we're used to. But it could lead to a helluva lot more, I mean the council are aware of her ability and are allowing her to train. that's significant progress! that's what Fintan wants!
you're absolutely right: it just further shows that the "good" guys aren't good and the "bad" guys aren't bad. they're each a complicated mixture when you look closer. Fintan, one of our big "bad" guys, is doing something we'd consider to a be a beneficial and moral action, completely changing how we've seen him so far. Yes, he's talked about his true motives before that, but I don't remember him acting on it before. Also the way you phrased it--him being a mentor while still being an antagonist--was an insightful way to put it and I love it so much. like yes!! he's helping a main character! but he's not helping them, if that makes sense. he's not trying to get them any closer to their goals or achieve anything they want, him helping Marella is something that personally benefits him at the same time as her.
also I do think it would be fascinating if Fintan was framed as more of a nurturing character, caring intensely for the people he chooses to take under his wing, which now includes Marella. I can imagine him trying to get through to her, to connect with her, reminding her that just because the council is letting her train doesn't mean they're open and accepting. To step back and analyze everything they say and don't fall for their tricks and give in like he did. Just...him trying to protect her and keep her safe the way he wasn't. he has experiences and fears and hopes that Marella can connect to! They share something no one else in the entire fucking world does. Brant is dead. They're the only pyrokinetics left right now. That is such an intense bond--real quick, it does remind me of Sophie's situation with Bronte. They're the only two inflictors and Bronte was kind of like a minor antagonist until they started training together and got a whole lot closer. What if the same happens with Fintan and Marella? (except there wouldn't be the unnecessary cruelty sophie experiences because Fintan genuinely wants to help Marella). Just a thought. I think it would be neat.
also: just having a main character, Marella, starting to form these connections with an influence that has been portrayed as wrong and bad? she has the potential to bring a whole new approach to the way everyone does things. and i really hope she does!! i think it would be so cool. i desperately want to see her form a bond with Fintan, someone obviously outside of the realm of "good" and take that and apply it to her own morals and figure out what she personally believes and wants to do.
pyro you're absolutely right. Fintan and Marella content please and thank you, shannon!
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