#theres just a lot of things that are so corrupt and evil
starswordneo · 6 months
Man, if I was in charge of the world, I think I'd be able to do so much good. I wouldn't want that power for the rest of my life, I don't wanna be a king or anything but like.. Just enough time to set things right and get the world in a better place
I'd make it to where people can marry & love eachother, regardless of gender, sexuality, religion, race, the only barriers being age of consent, and incest.
A monthly universal income for everyone, enough to live on, electricity, food, water, transportation, phones, computers, because these are all basic needs and things we need to live, with plenty of extra to allow us to get a few things we need, repairs, and a couple nice things.
Price caps on everything, re-evaluate prices of devices, materials, food and other things and limit their price to a max of maybe 5% markups? I'm no economist, but literally just forcing lower prices because prices have gotten out of hand. Also making it to where a single person working can support a family with plenty of extras.
4 day workweeks with pay that's good, as I've already mentioned, and workers being able to unionize and be treated well, those people are making those businesses money!!! They should be treated like the heroes they are, no matter what position. Every job, if done well, means a lot. To quote a silly movie.
People should be able to choose if they want children or not, and religion and personal views shouldn't be enforced upon everyone. I live in America, supposed home of the free.
The world should go much harder on renewable energies and making the world a better place, more gardens and parks, more busses, less cop & military fundings, better schools and education, being paid to do college and rewarded for seeking higher education!
People with disabilities, mental issues and other problems should be able to get the tools, medicine and things needed so they can live their lives better, and buildings should be re-renovated to allow access to everyone, more ramps, elevators, buttons to open doors, the whole shebang.
Of course, transgender people should be given access to hormones and testostrogen, and like all people, should be able to change their names, and have their pronouns respected, if they dont, let that be a crime.
Less cops and funding for them so they could be redistributed to better places, they're already overfunded to hell, and are sadly a very corrupt system.
The internet also needs help, limiting ads for higher corperations and enforcing maybe a maximum 3 ad policy per page, without the loophole of making hundreds of pages to force people to sift through. Intrusive ads that cover the screen or do things to your device should be punishable, billboards and signs on roads should be mass removed and left only for directions TO places, to get rid of visual clutter for roads.
Maybe if a website reaches a certain level of popularity, usage, and has shown its worth by staying around long enough, it gets government funding. Sites like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Discord, so on so forth, should be given money to stay afloat, with the only thing they need to focus on is making the site run better and be better, rather then steal peoples data and flood them with ads.
Websites should also no longer be able to store peoples data and be used to create a profile for them just to have malicious marketing. Tactics to shuffle stores around and other dark tactics should also just be made illegal, to prevent the exploitation of customers.
A money cap should also be implemented, once you reach a billion, excess money should be given away to the government, which would redistribute it to the poor, the needing, or to spend on things to help the people, like site costs, construction, schools, medical buildings
Transportation should also be looked in, more busses, trams, trains, should be made. Less cars, but not completely removing them. The roads will be emptier, easier to traverse, beautify them and make the world less gray, concrete and depressing.
Prisons should be completely redone and focus on rehabilitation and reformation, rather then using prisoners as slaves and subjecting them to horrific conditions that they're dealing with now.
Companies should also be reprimanded for unethical or desdly behavior, their pollution and waste should be punished. With enforced better pays, limiting prices, wealth caps, Companies should be forced to focus on quality and efficiency while also not being dangerous, and exploitive.
Homeless people should also be given a home, and with any mental or physical issues they have, be taken care of with everyone else with free healthcare and help to get them back on their feet. Things like airbnb, landlords and others should also just, not exist. People deserve homes and places to live.
That's what I'd try to do if I was in charge of the world. Once I'd get all that set in stone, I'd happily step down. Maybe there's a few more things I haven't thought of, but there's just a lot of evil and darkness in this world, there's probably systems and things that are corrupt but normalized in todays life, and despite all my wishful thinking, a lot of this stuff is already in other parts of the world. Just getting them all together I think would make the world a better place. People are free to create, live, enjoy, and not worry, and focus on making technology better, sharing love with your religion, educating people, and just.. be happy.
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cringefail-clown · 7 months
Jakehal is very fun. But why dirkkri? I dont understand what's appealing about it :? confused
theres a lot of things i like about dirkri and honestly i dont even know where to start lmfao
first of all, and its mostly a funny reason - davekat on crack. like some traces of davekat are still there - the arguing about shit, stoic facade vs emotional mess, all the good stuff, but its also so much more exaggerated it makes it this much more ridiculous. gets even better when you consider them under the lense of swap aus like alphaswitch or tbau, where they land on the meteor together. theyre most likely hunting each other for sports by the year two
second of all, the funney. theyd be so fucking funny together. their smallest arguments would take like twenty pages of non-stop flow of red-orange text to resolve, and not because they came to a consensus but because some third party physically dragged them away from their electronics. it doesnt do any good, since it only gives them both time to think over new arguments to use, and theyre back at it as soon as they get their phones back. like if we had a tournament about which ship would do the most collateral damage to the overall group, i think these two would be Up There. karkat would gauge his eyes out from frustration, because now not only does he have to deal with his piece of shit, know-it-all other self, but now theres also Fucking Dirk thrown into the mix. their home life is absolute insanity, a small jab about the other forgetting to buy sugar once again devolves into a screaming match about the merits and flaws of communism or some other inane shit. and theyre doing it for fun, they enjoy debating with each other, because often times they have vastly different opinions, and comparing their beliefs challenges them intelectually and morally. from the outside perspective theyre one of the most dysfunctional pair in the paradox space, when in fact thats simply how they want their relationship to be, and it makes them better people overall.
third reason is that theyre thematically delicious. dirk is a control freak, micromanaging his and his friends constantly. hes terrified of losing control, but hes also desperate for someone to just tell him what the fuck he should do. dirk doesnt think he should be in control of others, because he believes hes a naturally evil person capable of horrible acts, at the same time he doesnt trust anyone else to get things done but himself. hes a whole collection of contradictions.
kankri desperately needs to be in control as well. hes constantly injecting himself into conversations he has no business being in, trying to find someone thatd listen to what he has to say. hes wants to guide others, but his efforts are flawed, because he doesnt listen to other perspectives - hes got tunnel vision, as he thinks hes the one in the right while everyone else is wrong or ignorant (cringefail seer literally). he doesnt trust anyone else to make decisions for him, and becomes defensive when he thinks others are attempting to coddle him. his ass was definitely culled on beforus.
theyre also both so fucking lonely. dirk conciously tries to put difference between himself and his friends, worrying hell "corrupt" them. kankri tries to connect to his friends, but his behavior alienates him from them to the point of no one except maybe porrim want to have anything to do with him.
my point is, kankri wants to guide people but has to learn to listen to others and reflect on his own flawed opinions. dirk has to learn to trust that people closest to him can get shit done on their own and loosen up, as well as realise hes not evil at the core. them helping each other out - dirk teaching kankri about different perspectives, kankri teaching dirk about letting others do their thing - is something i think about a lot.
also i like to think theyd spar for fun a lot as well. its not really a reason and wholly my own personal headcanon but i wanna mention it as well bc its so funny to me. i like the idea of kankris behaviour being a complete reverse of karkat - where karkat is all bark no bite and doesnt like fighting or violence, kankri puts up a front of the beacon of love and peace and tolerance, but in his free time he gets his rifle and goes shooting at the fucking squirrels or some shit. i think he wouldnt have the same qualms about strifing as karkat. like dirk would try to jokingly jab his finger at kankris side and he would just fucking flip him over his shoulder and onto the table breaking it in half, because he doesnt like being touched unexpectedly and by gods dirk when will you fucking learn. he goes from 0 to 100 real fast. its such a hysterical concept for me.
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hdra77 · 1 month
Hello, I just browsed your whole disarray AU tag and I think it's really cool. It's a little hard to tell what is it about but from what I can tell everyone is evil and corrupted for some reason (except for NSH?) There was an old ask talking about Pebbles and NSH's friendship, and I wanted to ask if you could tell more about that their friendship in this AU is like if you feel like it
Hello anon!! Thank you so much for taking your time to look into my au that means a lot to me!! 💗💗 sorry if some parts may be a bit confusing lol ive had pmvs planned to explain the plot better but thats been on the back burner for a while
To explain it simply, the triple affirmative occurred except that its something that could possibly make their kind turn on against each other.
Triple affirmative is a type of virus that spreads throughout the iterator's system and they would slowly rot on the inside as time passes. And the process is very very painful imagine your insides getting fried and there is nothing you can do about it but to lash out at others and infecting your kind in a desperate attempt to dull down the excruciating pain.
Basically this virus would just straight up kill them in the end it would keep on infecting their system until they shut down and collapse. Because of this others finds a way to search for the cure and some others accepts this fate.
Soo not everyone in the au are evil! Atleast for the first half of the plot.
All of the cast would have atleast one or two major flaws in them and it depends if you see their actions justified or just plain right evil.
Focusing on the early timeline where pebbles wasnt infected yet. If you noticed some of the pebbles asks recently the sign that this takes place before his corruption is his white eyes and sometimes seen with his golden irises!
Not exactly sure where im going with this lol but explaining more about pebbles and nsh's friendship:
Pebbles met sig through suns and he only grew to tolerate NSH because in his own perspective, taking in the false belief to see the image of his administrator infront of him instead of his friend is his way of coping from the abandonment of his creators. Which isnt..a good way to start a friendship if he only treated sig as a manifestation of someone else honestly
Slowly,but eventually sig managed to get pebbles to let him show him around outside his can and encouraging him to explore the places together and this was enough for pebbles to snap out of his delusion and see the iterator in front of him. NSH, the real him. not just a tool for him to cope with.
They became close, having a supportive friend that always pulls him out of his hole and encouraging him to have a more positive take in life despite the dying surroundings around them that makes it harder for pebbles to even believe that theres something beautiful in a world who wants to die. This is basically just a opportunistic friend and the pessimistic friend. NSH isnt always that opportunistic type of guy though, even after the ancients left the entire ecosystem in destruction he still finds beauty in things and he shows pebbles signs of life seeping through the cracks still finding its way back to reclaim the dying world.
Their friendship became more strained right after pebbles got in contact of his sister once again. Pebbles had become a lot more defensive and pushing others aside until his disappearance and the last time he had been in contact was with suns. This reason tear their friendship apart especially how sig suspects that suns had been keeping secrets from him and that they could even be involved in his disappearance.
So in an attempt to search for pebbles, sig sent hunter to investigate pebbles' superstructure. And it all goes from there
I may have gotten carried away like most of the time! But thats a simple explanation of how their friendship came to be! Friendship lore !! Hope this clears things up 💕 if you got any questions just ask me!
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anthroposeen · 2 months
tmagp 21 relisten notes
happy end of hiatus! beware of tmagp 21 and light tma spoilers below the cut!!
this is a continuation of the night of episode 20! so all of the events occurring in this episode are happening directly after the events of episode 20 with very little skipping forward
- we open with her trying to cheer sam up after their intervention of sorts in ep 20. shes concerned that hes upset over her and alice not wanting to be involved with his investigations and reacting poorly to him bringing up quitting
- she suggests that sam can stay at the OIAR while trying to make change from the inside
- when sam asks her about whats been bothering her, she says she has a "complicated immigration status" and this would stop her from taking jack with her.
- ive taken it as canon that celia is from the tma universe, but this is another clue towards that conclusion. this also implies that shes discovered a way to take her back to her original dimension, or at least knows enough about that process to decide she cant take jack back with her. but staying with him (in this universe) means she has some complicated decisions to make (im assuming this is partially about her struggles with teleporting)
- hes worried that alice is right about the morality of them working for the OIAR -> he can accept that the organization is evil, but he cant let himself go on knowingly administering evil
- his main motivation to stay instead of seeking out a different (less prestigious) job is his desire to not disappoint his parents (i think a lot of sam's motivations will be centered around him meeting expectations, getting attention, and proving people wrong)
- he maintains that he will quit once/if he gets enough information to convince him to leave. this is a pretty interesting thing for him to say, considering hes only been drug deeper into the job the more info he gets.
- sam volunteers to help celia and jack with "anything" -> im willing to bet this will come back to bite him on the ass in the future, and i wonder what favor celia will be asking him to complete. i wonder if shes willing to take him up on the offer even if it puts him in danger
- though the incident is read from sam's desk, alice is the one who found it and started it up. im betting that she was poking around his cases to see if there were any corresponding to TMI or their conversations
- "You bastard. You wanted him to read this, didn’t you? Just slipped it into his caseload, all subtle like and waited for him to hear it. Well not this time [...] Colin was right about you. What do you want? Hmmm? Who’s in there?" this is a huge reveal in terms of what alice believes in. in ep 20, she shoots down sam and colin trying to explain that the computers are listening and communicating with them, but now it sounds like she fully believes in it after all
- i think that she either pretended to not believe in it to encourage sam and colin to drop it, or that she really did think they were crazy and took to investigating sam's workload to see if he was right. either way, she seems fully convinced now, and has gone so far as to attribute this behavior to fully sentient people, seeing as how she asked who was in there.
- she's suspicious of alice using sam's computer, and doesn't believe that theres been more technology issues. according to her, the system has worked better in colin's absence, so he was likely trying to sabotage jmj
- she's worried about gwen being late from her assignment, but pretends to not be concerned around alice
- right as ink5oul traps her, she is compelled to begin a statement (which sounds to be corruption-aligned). she was claimed by error and ink5oul allowed her to run away. we can assume gwen was able to escape them both, but i wonder if her attachment to error will cause problems with future externals (will it stop her from interacting with them or will this provide her with the protection shes been wanting?)
- not only can they tattoo people with ink created by their own skin/blood, they can also manipulate the tattoos of others! very cool character/monster design
- once interrupted by error, they originally try to fight over who is 'claiming' gwen, but they back off and let error take her. the way they interact with error implies that theyve seen other avatars before
- the tape recorder click seems to be an indication of them entering the scene, and of things shifting to follow tma world building conventions
- they compel gwen to begin a statement, and warn ink5oul from touching her, claiming her as theirs
- "they are all mine", i think this is referring to the OIAR as a whole, especially considering alice has already had an encounter with one of error's potential victims
narrated by chester at sam's terminal, about the magnus institute (TMI)
- the incident is in the form of a letter/email sent from the co-treasurer of TMI to other members of the institute.
- TMI was planning on having an exhibit at a dome built to instigate a grand ritual in the year 2000. this ritual was based in the hopes of using the transmutative powers of the dome to harness the power of the turn of the millennium.
- mr. leonardo argues that the date (2000) and location of the dome and ritual are ineffective. he believes that the date shouldn't be decided based on cultural significance, it needs to be decided based on astrological significance. since the concept of the new year and turning of the millennium depends on the calendar used, its subjective and less stable than using a date determined by the movement of the stars, which every culture holds as a constant.
- he also believes that the dome will not be a secure location to bring about this ritual for universal transmutation because it will not have a balance between optimism and fear. he thinks that the dome would sponsor more energy for fear than optimism, due to socio-political changes and public interpretation of the dome.
- on top of the dome not supporting balance, mr. leonardo also proposes that the ground its built on is impure. he found the site to have a horrible smell and the workers to be uninterested, dirty, and ill (much of this part of the incident lends itself to the corruption)
- the foreman of the site said he wasnt sure how long the structure was expected to stay up, that it could stand the test of time or fall apart within a year.
- during his investigation of the site, mr. leonardo also witnessed a man's doppelgänger be pushed from the earth of the construction site. the new man was older (symbolizing the future), and looked sickly. the younger man tried to scream, but was taken into the earth by his copy.
- this case as a whole is interesting because mr. leonardo is not supporting the dome for its power leaning toward fear over optimism. he seems to genuinely want balance between these powers, so the purpose of the TMI ritual was not to pull through one power. the focus is on successfully attainting a universal transmutation
- "yeah/yes" alice, lying about sam consenting to her using his computer
- "ill let him know when he gets back" alice
- "only about your caseload" lena, lying about not being worried about gwen
extra comments:
- im unsure if this is just a personal interpretation or maybe unintentional from the sound editors, but it really did sound like chester was significantly less robotic in tone as that incident ended
- the water sound effects as gwen was chased by ink5oul were really well done, all of the sound design done this episode was just so incredible!! the chase scene was so clear and i loved the added background music/instrumentals
- once gwen drops her phone into the water, our next audio-on is the tape recorder click!
- the tape recorder physically biting ink5oul was very funny, i think its fun to introduce them as kinda sentient/physical beings, but it also rides the line to comedy a bit too much to be scary here
- im unsure of when the police report from episode 18 took place, and that will be a major decider in this theory being relevant, but i think error is the entity that has been influencing corpses to talk. it's victims are compelled to share stories in tma's statement format, and the elements of their stories are pretty aligned with the tma fears as well. it seems to be targeting the OIAR staff, since one of its statements has been in their caseloads, alice met one of the victims, and now its stopped gwen from getting ink5ouled. Im unsure why or how it knows the OIAR is important if its from the tma universe. it could be sensing celia, whos also from its dimension, or maybe it still holds a connection to jmj (who are definitely sentient)
- this incident also explains why the protocol was used against TMI! the fire that destroyed the institute happened right before they would have been able to execute the ritual for transmutation
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I remember there was a headcanon about Luis attending a school that had secret connections with Umbrella. Now I can't help but think if Leon and Luis have a kid, they would do extensive background checks on schools their kid would attend, because they'll want to make sure none of those schools were associated with Umbrella/have ties to corrupt companies/organizations.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!!!!!!! But yesyesyesyesyes I know the headcannon you’re talking about!!!!!! From memory I think either @geddy-leesbian or @hamartia-grander made some pretty extensive posts going into this idea??? Either way its really fascinating to think about!!!!
For those of you who don’t know, the headcannon/theory basically revolves around the fact that Luis was able to graduate school seemingly pretty quickly/was considered a ‘child prodigy’, and that in-universe theres a few characters who attended schools created specifically by Umbrella to essentially indoctrinate them; one of the most notable being the Umbrella Executive Training School that William and Wesker attended.
Umbrella has a few random facilities like this (like the Rockford Prison) And considering the fact that Europe seemed to be a relatively big hub for Umbrella, it DEFINITELY wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say that they’d have a similar school with the intent of training/indoctrinating ‘child prodigies’ to work for them in the future, and it’d be even less pf a stretch to assume that Luis, who came from a VERY sheltered religious background, would be a very easy subject to pick (cuz! yippee!! capitalist grooming am i right or am i right!!) It’d also absolutely lend a hand to why Luis grabbed as many items as he could and just BOOKED IT immediately after finding out what their plans for Nemesis REALLY were (I could talk about that part of his life/that realisation for HOURS oh my GOD)
EDIT I FORGOT TO ADD: Umbrella on some level does work quite like a cult. I’ll link a post that does a MUCH better job explaining it than I could in the replies of this post, but creating facilities for the sole purpose of indoctrinating already vulnerable young people into being on board with your project and isolating them from friends and family is like. Cult behaviour 101 BFNEHENDJDJ which is VERY painful to think about how Luis got roped into cults THREE times. Valdelobos before Saddler showed up wasn’t EXPLICITLY a cult, but considering it was isolated from modern society and heavily Catholic theres a strong argument to be made- then of course theres Umbrella- then of course he was blackmailed into working with Los Illuminados. I’ll make a post going deeper into that SOMEDAY, but like,,,, just the tragedy of his life being one big cycle he cant break is just. So devastating man are you KIDDING ME
I’m not like. SUUUUUPER knowledgeable on super obscure lore stuff like locations/facilities etc, so if you have a question about that specifically @highball66 would probably be a better person to ask!!!!
But again we know like. NOTHING about the inbetween time between Luis running away from Valdelobos as a child and him popping up as one of Umbrella’s top scientists other than the fact that he was a child prodigy and he excelled in college- hell even the dates/ages get kinda wonky at times BHFNEHENEUDNSIS but also this is Resident Evil where things get wonky a lot of the time so!!! Eh!!!!!!!
I have my own personal theory on what he did during that time inbetween I would be SO MORE THAN HAPPY to ramble about HDNEHENDJDN
BUT TO THE POINT OF YOUR QUESTION!!! YES!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!! Plus just in general with Leon having a lot more enemies than friends, doing background checks on teachers or whatever would probably seem like paranoia to an outsider but to them?????? Nah you can NEVER be safe. Plus Leon’s like, a government agent- he obviously doesn’t have a TON of autonomy but I can imagine he at least has SOME power to dig up information on people. AND, the both of them literally went through hell and back to save Ashley, who was kidnapped right under the presidents nose- So like!! Hell yeah they’d be paranoid abt where their kids going man!!!!!!!! Rightfully so I think!!!
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vampvelvet · 5 months
okay political rambling at 4am:
i see soooo many nihilist posts on my dash about how both sides of us politics are evil, about how biden is doing a bad job, about how the us government is evil and theres so much corruption. and yes, while that may all be true (i try not to spend long amounts of time reading into So Much negative stuff) it doesnt change the fact that This. is the situation we're in.
the us government is overwhelmingly corrupt and right winged. the left is far more right than most of us would prefer. and unless you are actively PHYSICALLY/MONETARILY protesting (not just reblogging posts), you as an individual do not have the power to do things like changing the democratic candidate or absolve the electoral college or make the government stop accepting bribes.
a lot, a LOT of things in the government are fucked up. they always have been. and i think its VERY fucked up that peoples right to protest is being infringed upon again and again. and i think biden isnt the angel that will save us.
by all means, protest, do what you can/will/must to fight for your rights. *and also*, this is the most important part, ALSO VOTE.
as much as you dont like biden youll like trump even less. as much as you dont like biden it will get worse if its not him. as much as you dont like biden its far too late for the democratic candidate to change. as much as you dont like biden you need to vote.
im so serious.
sidenote! the government isnt entirely dictated by the president. checks and balances and all that. voting for your state government is just as important. a lot of things that happen under any given presidents administration arent necessarily under the presidents control. keep that in mind.
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mejomonster · 3 months
So I've been rewatching The Untamed. Im to episode 28. I remember why I loved this show so much. I watched Guardian, then the untamed was the second cdrama I watched, and had so much charm and quality I got into more authors than priest, got into more genres. I remember learning ni fangxin from the untamed.
The music <3 the costumes <3 the acting is TRYING and i appreciate it. The strongest aspect, outside of the clear effort of the team working on the show putting their care into it, is the writing and pacing. The pace never dwindles for 5-10 episodes like a lot of cdramas ive dropped (although this is a rewatch, maybe i forgot the pace slowing later in the Present plot). The pace is a touch slow sometimes, when it drags out a moment, but it does serve to intensify the moment so its not a pointless choice. The show purposely does a Ton of cliffhangers, which is annoying, but also sure does work as a motivator to keep me going "well just one more episode, they didnt finish my favorite scene!" Im never bored, and on rewatch i realize how many scenes i didnt grasp on my first watch or forgot thinking of as "less important" are actually doing something great. Every scene, from the class scenes showing Wei Wuxian saying how he thinks cultivation can be done (at surface the show off class clown, in reality the foreshadowing that his views of what is okay to help others is not orthodox, not acceptable, and when the time comes he'll use that method and see if it works). To the scene where Wei Wuxian asks Jiang Yanli why she'd like someone outside (i always figured it was slightly about lan zhan, but on rewatch its also wei wuxian trying to figure out WHY she likes jin zixuan, and him and jiang cheng trying to figure out what SHE wants regarding that mess). Or the scene where lan wangji says he wants to take someone back to cloud recesses, on rewatch its clearer that he saw the blood on the wall... the clans planning to bully wei wuxian to give them his amulet and submit, or paint him as an evil man and kill him. That he is asking because theres not much time. Because he planned to try and heal wei wuxian from the resentment, forced ot not, (not knowing the core is missing or why wei wuxian wont agree to be healed), but by the time theyre at the banquet its way more serious. Theres a time crunch. And lan wangji goes to chongqi road. And maybe he couldve stopped the jins and freed the wen prisoners, civilly, if he got there first. Maybe he wouldve joined wei wuxian, if he arrived during, and saw the jins killing the remaining wens. Or maybe he was always going to be late. And thats the point: he was so close, to dragging wei wuxian home to cloud recesses and healing him. But by the time he gets there, wei wuxians already used the resentment inside again, to kill a bunch of jins. A bunch of lan clan and jiang clan allies. Basically done what allies cant do. Not just that, wei wuxian did it with the unorthodox corruptive resentment that lan wangji wants to heal. But the point is he gets there too late. Theres no way to take wei wuxian home. Theres no way to heal him, surely wei wuxian would have done something else if he had a powerful option to save people besides the resentment - and even if he'd still do this by choice? Wei wuxian is right, as he leaves. He swore to help people, to do the right thing in this world. And lan wangji knows what the allies did was wrong, that saving these people was the right thing to do. Not the easy thing, but the right thing. The heroic thing that needed to be done, with no reward, knowing the steep cost it'll have.
And that all hurts. Inside Lan Wangji, its all piles of hurt on top of: he was about to take Wei Wuxian away and protect him. But now its too late.
Its the way Jiang Cheng buys that comb for wen qing. And she gives it back because wei wuxian would save her and a ning, and he wouldnt have. The way when jiang cheng was sick and unfixable without a golden core, that wen qing helped cure him. That wen ning saved jiang cheng and recovered his parents remains. The way that by the time Wei Wuxian takes the wens to the burial mounds, he is trying to do the possible and save wen ning. The way wen qing helped do this for wei wuxian, his little brother. The way he got the wens out to safety, the way wen ning got jiang cheng and wei wuxian and jiang yanli to the safety and protection of wen qing during the war. There are so many parallels. And jiang cheng saying wen ning isnt even human now, qas that how jiang cheng thought of himself without a core? The difference in values, when it really comes to it. Wen Qing picks her brother (family) above all, just like jiang cheng prioritizes his family's safety even if others will die. But wen qing still took the risk of helping outsiders. Jiang cheng when put in the same position, cant understand why wei wuxian would take the risk.
Thw way in the cave with the turtle monster, wei wuxian saves mianmian. He saves someone, stands up for whats right, and ends up blaming himself for helping her... as what started the war and got jiang clan killed. But when push comes to shove, he keeps picking to do whats right the next time things come down (except at his most vengeful and paranoid at the height of getting revenge during the war against the wens). The way the allies turn against wei wuxian as he tries to save wen prisoners being killed. But mianmian stands up to everyone, because she knows whats right. And he is doing the right thing here, and has done it before. And it makes sense she is the cultivator to leave the allies. To stand up for whats right.
Theres so many little details, the map maker spy being meng yao, the way his father uses him as a speaker to redirect anger to jin guangyao, the way jin guangyao and lan xichen and nie mingjue become sworn brothers (and how jiang clan and jin clan arent included), how jin guangyao utilizes political skills from nie work to be a spy at the wens, then uses it to be a political player and even spy (for his own dad about clans) in jin clan, how it keeps jin guangyao alive since it pleases father and he needs to defend himself as father uses him as a shield to take the brunt of the negative reactions to his fathers power hungry actions and offensive controlling toward other clans. The way jiang yanli and lan wangji are the two people who can calm down wei wuxian. The way the jiang siblings and wei wuxians ages, positions, skillsets, heavily influence how they handle the world and others handle them. Jiang Yanli is oldest and most politically savy, as set as her mother when she wins political battles, but she has an illness that makes it impossible for her to lead the clan militarily. Jiang Cheng is the birth son, so hes set to be heir, but hes also wei wuxians junior and has always been in a younger brother position. Servant wei wuxian more talented than him in every way, more free like their clan motto, more coddled by their dad and sister, ordering HIM jiang cheng around because ultimately wei wuxian is older and trying to protect him, but then that means jiang cheng struggles to order wei wuxian in return about clan stuff or politeness despite the fact jiang cheng NEEDS to prove he can control those things. Even over wei wuxian. The way outsiders see wei wuxian and jiang yanlis closeness. The way jiang yanli really is the oldest in terms of ready to protect and help her brothers, in terms of knowing the wisest action if only they TELL HER. But wei wuxian, the middle child, always protected jiang chengs feelings. Always was told it was his job to help jiang cheng. And always wants to pay back jiang family for taking him in (which he focuses on jiang yanli as the older figure in his life who nurtured him, loved him unconditionally, and was always there for him). So when people insult yanli (like jin zixuans many misunderstandings and slights) he just cant help personally feeling the need to defend her. Yanli is on a pedestal for him, the only family left whos wiser than him, who he needs to protect and hold onto, the only person who loves him unconditionally in the way a parent could and so hes got to do Anything to return the favor and give her unconditional love back. As they turn into adults it means starting to lie to her, despite her wisdom realizing hes keeping secrets and suffering and her going to lan wangji to ask. It means him trying to hard to fix things so she isnt as pained by him, as the jiang clan leader and madam yu... who died in wei wuxians mind because of his mistakes.
Anyway. All this to say its finally got me in the right mindset to check out the books. I have wanted to for years. But it just never quite was the right time to click. But now seeing un retrospect how tight the show writing was. I want to see the book, the additional details, the original details that the show changed. The way the characters are different. And I will eventually read the english translation (which has its own things to notice comparing vs the original), which i know i have the first volume of in a box somewhere.
But instead ive been listening to the audiobook. Wondering how much ximalaya cut lol. Because i wanted to practice more chinese audio listening practice anyway.
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scarletspider-lily · 3 months
church people episode 1
people at my church were seriously talking about how certain songs have certain frequencies that influence you and get a reaction out of you in evil ways- then it went on to be a conversation about how rap music is evil which has great implications of course- it was like those mid 2000s conspiracies that rap or pop songs played backwards have demonic messages which led to a conversation about the music industry and how it is evil in like an illuminati antichrist demonic sort of way. like no i mean maybe the industry is just corrupt and lets a lot of abuse happen and stuff, no beezlebub shit here. they mentioned how people like taylor swift used to believe in christ and then abandoned all that once they got more popular. i mean, maybe theres just something called believing less in the faith once you go outside your sheltered community and realize other things exist and the world outside christianity exists.
i think this illustrates one of the broader problems i have with christian spaces discussing things. like, they identify there is an issue but they conflate it so much so it becomes a warped bigoted stance or they do nothing actually helpful to solve the problem. we started from music industry is concerning to -> maybe some demon shit is at play -> queer music artists have really weird performances omg its so bad what has the world come to i've seen the same for discussions on mental health, they start by identifying there is a problem but then go on to say mental health problems are caused by sinning and demon possession and to solve it we should pray and not seek help, actually. great. nothing was achieved here, as per usual
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 8 months
Theres a genre of otome webtoon where a girl protagonist is raised by an evil king/tyrant. The fantasy here is straightforward-- what if my dad was mean to everyone but me? Its not a bad self indulgent thing to explore. But there's also a proximity to the power and violence that comes into play in these webtoons. The girl protag can remain pure and "good" because she is not the one doing the violent acts, and she might even be able to direct her father's violence or curb it at her discretion. the patriarchy is used as a weapon by her and also a shield against criticism of her actions. she can be as selfish as she wants bc shes also under threat by her tyrant king emperor dad!
I have a gravitation towards Bad Patriarch content in general which is how i know about the tropes employed in these webtoons… but the Bad Dad content i explore in my own works is explicitly about how the lack of agency is horrifying, and proximity to (violent) power means more often than not being disproportionately affected by it, even if the instigator of that violence doesn't necessarily want to hurt you, and any boon or protection coming from that proximity is outweighed by the actual material harm caused.
the things i write is abt reclamation. interacting intimately w the power structure for a lack of options, but ultimately growing too big for it, to the point where the characters no longer can fit inside it, and can see the power for what it is. its abt disruption and exploration. pushing boundaries. status quo is actively questioned or rejected
when i write my bad dad content, the daughter in question is usually roped into the violence. they dont get to stay in their ivory tower. their patriarch leads them into violence, but they get blood on their boots all the same. theyre on the ground with the rest of the bodies. (and they have more in common with these bodies than the seemingly untouchable patriarch.) their situation causes them to lash out at others, at their patriarch. theres no cut and dry delineation between bad agent and good observer. by nature of existing under him they're made complicit.
there r plenty of tyrant romantic leads too, so this isnt just a trope of found family stories. one manga that does this rly well is Even Monsters Love Fairy Tales, which is actually really fucking on the ball with how the protagonist Sylph Biebel is, while being a wellmannered girl, corrupt by her association to the tyrant king (who actually does violent and immoral acts, unlike a lot of other stories where its implied but never happens bc we cant make the tyrant in question actually evil or dangerous and lose reader interest. sigh.) her proximity to him and the protection her offers her causes material harm for people. people die because she accepts his terms. at this point im rambling. i wish more stories were willing to show the inherent cognitive dissonance and moral-- well, dilemmas-- about the premise
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caffeinatedattorney · 2 months
caped crusader spoilers!!! I need to let my half baked thoughts out. spoilers under the cut
Animation is good! voice acting is good! I love how the caracters sound!
That said, this show... is so mid. The best parts are Barbara, montoya and harley. Bruce kinda tags along which is more than fine, he's not the only character in the show but i cant help but feel like this whole elseworld thing was an excuse? they arent different enough and theres other stuff that just... didnt click with me. like, penguin looked so good but shes never mentioned outside of ep 1? she was so interesting but she feels underused??
The women in this show feel so interesting! and so fleshed out. I loved the harley & barbara & renee thing. I loved penguin, i loved selina, i loved them, i wanted to see more of them.
the other guys are fine? clayface has a similar motivation to btas and as an observation, i find that this show isn't quite btas in exploring on theme with bruce / batman but a weird mission? not necessarily a bad thing but some eps def dragged on. Again, barbara is the star of the show. she and montoya move a lot of things along.
Its weird that bullock sticks with flass for so long. Like, i guess he's a Thorne lackey first and foremost?
And DONT even get me started on Harvey. That whole schtick about him being corrupt didn't change shit, considering his ending and the way his story works, which is the same btw. he puts a dangerous person behind bars and gets Dented tm. then he has a breakdown and does fucked up shit (would've worked anyway)
and his death pissed me off because of teh above. It's like, hes not the tragic character with the abuse backstory but he changed his mind at some point about his own actions??? idk where that happened or where i was supposed to feel like he did so i just feel like the show is trying to convince me that he was good all along or that he wasnt that bad.
like a lot of things in this show are cool with harvey (the date with bruce, his explosive self loathing, his suicidal ideation, his understanding to other patients, him wanting to save people but only near the end) but the fact they have to come packaged with him being an ass that's cool with corruption feels wasted in a way. Like, you can only redeem him when he's already done horrible things and not the guy who wanted to do good (btas) and did horrible things later.
I appreciate the bruharv but his death sticks with me in a bad way. I don't feel like it's earned? its like i, as a fan, want to feel something for this harvey, but i dont. then when i think, okay, whatever, he's cool i guess, the death is there, not as a tragedy of who harvey is (and bruce seemed fine with harvey being corrupt?? he knowingly endorses him and hangs out with him?) but about bruce being so far gone he felt too close to the edge like harvey and that scared him
And its not him saying that, its alfred, who he calls pennyworth. (uh, this bruce isn't a nice bruce and while that's fine, its so... hard to sympathize with his choices sometimes)
just my two cents. I don't wanna hate this. I really don't but man, the last ep made me want to type this out.
EDIt: Love some of the design choices. Hate others. Animation is serviceable. Bruce looks so... weird to me. Harvey what i can only call eVil eyebrows and compared to everyone else they just didnt click with me unfortunately.
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enlighten3d · 3 months
im out fishing rn (edit: not anymore lol, im finishing typing this on pc, thank fuck) and i heard some Things about the kenadian stream.. wato has read our posts... so, hello wato! i swear im not THAT insane. anyway, we carry on as usual.... SO NOW: THE UPDATED THEORY ON WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING IN THIS LORE !!
this is actually the third theory update, the other two just never survived for long enough bcs we kept finding new stuff lmao. but, heres my first theory (now very outdated), and here are the other two, copypasted from messages of me explaining the two unposted theories (feat. me speculating wildly as i do): theory 2, theory 3 (mind that both of these were formatted for discord which is why they may be odd)
okay so now! the fourth theory, yet again featuring wild speculation, now with the added spice of me having read too much mcyt fanfic! (that last part prolly makes no sense. dont worry abt it.)
in this theory, i am proposing that evil wifies is like, a LOT more evil, and has done a lot of fucked up Experimentation. which lead to void wifies. explanation below the cut (its prolly gonna be long again T-T) (also, as always: tons of wild speculation ahead. ill try to present all evidence but i forget what those outside of the gc know or dont):
okay so first off, as always, we assume that wato got the mask from killing ken during the train escape. then (evil) wifies somehow got the mask from wato at,, IDK, SOME POINT. before everything happened.
so wifies, corrupted by the power of the mask, starts faking escape rooms and invents cloning in order to do it. now hes evilfies (thank you wifies for calling him evilfies thats so much quicker to type than evil wifies)! and so evilfies, having invented cloning, starts fucking around and Experimenting like the mad scientist ive decided he is.
what does he next Experiment on? the mask! why? why the fuck not. he likes the power it gives him so he decides to somehow try and tie it to himself permanently. he does this by somehow merging a part of his code with that of the mask, and therefore unintentionally giving it sentience (somewhat). evilfies thinks this is fineeeee...
so, to test the constraints of this new form of the mask, evilfies puts the mask in a bunker of sorts, to see if the tie between him and the mask would remain. the bunker is a bedrock room...
also, at this point, evilfies has already asked wato to build that escape room for the video. so wato starts Planning it (and filming the tutorial video that we can assume exists in canon), doing so in the same world as all of evilfies stuff. why? bcs evilfies want to keep an eye on wato and the escape room build. also, why not. i am not discounting the idea that evilfies is forcing wato to build escape rooms for him yet.
so bcs its in the same world.. wato accidentally falls down a chute into the bunker where the mask has been placed (as seen in the wato yt short). now, i STILL cant explain what the fuck that snom is, but.. voidfies (void wifies, now with a shorter name!) is there (for anyone who hasnt seen @fncreatures post: voidfies is the weird void guy with the mask. yes thats wifies too.)... I WONDER WHY.
ysee, when evilfies tied part of his code to the mask, that code and the masks code ended up getting tied together, yeah? well the world needs some way to render the mask in the world (btw were getting into the way that realistic minecraft works in mcyt fanfiction now lmao). and when it reads the masks code, it sees that theres wifies code there too.. and renders the mask as being on wifies. ofc, the code is corrupted, so its not entirely wifies. its just.. the outline of him. the mask remains the only clear thing.
so wato falls down into the bunker where voidfies is, and voidfies/the mask attacks wato - hence the blood (redstone) on the ground. eventually wato makes it out of there, but.. but now he has the mask again. now the mask has control of them once again. oh noes,,, but yeah, the mask now being partially wifies code-wise is my explanation for wato wearing wifies clothes as well. the world just tries to partially render him as wifies and that results in her having the wifies clothes.
but, wato carries on! they keep building the escape room, mask or no. he finishes up the escape room, tells evilfies, and evilfies is like.. 'why the fuck do you have the mask'. yet again,, oh noes! oh well. this is an opportunity for more Experimentation! atp evilfies deserves the whole mad scientist getup, labcoat and goggles and all... but i digress. anyway, wato proceeds to disappear for the next little while. i wonder where they are !! definitely not, and i quote watos tumblr post, "an elaborate array of escape rooms". which i asSUME means the uhhh absurdly big one seen in but there was more. idfk what kind of Experimentation evilfies got up to, but.. we dont talk about it. definitely involved comparing wato to the wifies clones in some way tho, in order to explain wato having the wifies head on.
so anyway, the wifies and ken videos happen as per normal (this is why wato knew the servers ip when he gave it to ken!! cause shes trapped there!!), and then.. then evilfies teleports masked wato into the escape room right before the Confrontation happens.
now, all the Experimentation that evilfies has done has fucked up the masks code even further, and now wato along with it! to say his memories are Scrambled would be.. an understatement, id say. but now, with the masks code being even more fucked, it Glitches sometimes and like, loses the way it manifests (the clothes/wifies silhouette) or its control slips and wato can Think. however due to her memories being Scrambled, when the masks control slips once theyre inside the escape room, the last thing he can remember is falling into that hole where evilfies was. its always the last thing they can remember. every single time the mask Glitches, the last thing she remembers is that hole. its the Final Memory until the mask regains control
but either way, now inside the escape room with the masks control having slipped, wato is confused as FUCK as to where he is. wasnt he just planning this escape room? now its built? and completed (twice)? wild.. so they panic, but the mask unglitches and regains control. masked wato continues solving the escape room in order to get out, uses the wifies head to get out, the norm. but on the win platform,, masked wato Glitches again. this time, its a clothing glitch. LISTEN, THIS IS MY EXPLANATION FOR THIS. I MAY BE MAKING SHIT UP WITH THAT ONE, BUT ITS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO MENTION. either way, the Glitch happens then goes back to typical masked wato.
then.. things go as usual ! masked wato makes their way to evilfies evil lair, go up to his office, takes one of the wifies heads from the armour stands, put it on, and sits in evilfies chair. now, why, you ask? well... due to the mask being in control, and the mask being partially evilfies code right now, its reasonable to assume that itd have some sort of memory of sitting in that chair, right? that office belongs to the person whose code it is partially made out of. so it might feel like it belongs there. so masked wato sits there. then a Glitch or internal conflict of some sort happens. masked wato paces around, trying to resolve it, but fails and.. jumps out the window.
masked wato goes to the Array Of Escape Rooms that they prolly spent the last while in. its also where his spawnpoint prolly is (yet again, according to watos tumblr post. thank you, wato.), so i suppose the instinct to go there when in probable distress makes sense. there, at the Escape Room Array, wato.. somehow loses the mask. i dont know if she manages to somehow separate himself from it, but the mask is gone and is back to being its own separate being. however, due to wato having had the mask for a while and the code being Fucked Up, it takes a while for the world to stop rendering watos clothes are wifies clothes.
but as with all the other theories, there at the absurdly big escape room, is where ken finds wato, drags them back with her, and then ken and wifies Interrogate wato. watos memories are fucked up, doesnt remember anth concrete, he leaves to go on the 'looking around and having Flashbacks' adventure. during the interrogation, voidfies made its way back to the main area, and is Spying on them through the windows..
so after all this, wato is the one that gets evilfies evil clone factory. he owns it now (this is based off the same post that wato made across three platforms lmao)! woo! cleans the place up, sets her spawnpoint there, and yay they have a home [:
what happened to voidfies tho?
no clue.
BUT WITH ALL THAT OUT OF THE WAY, HAVE A TIMELINE/SUMMARY OF EVENTS ACCORDING TO THIS THEORY (gods i love tumblr having no wordlimit im so sorry abt the length of this post):
- wato gets the mask during the train escape - a long while before any of these videos, wifies gets the mask from wato, which compels him to be Evil and invent cloning in order to fake escape rooms - evilfies likes the mask and decides to tie his code to it via Experimentation, which gives the mask sentience and a physical form resembling wifies - to test if the mask stays tied to him, evilfies puts it in a bedrock chamber far away from him. wato, having been building and planning the escape room wifies commissioned on the same server, accidentally falls into this bedrock room, gets attacked, and the mask gets control of him. masked wato now has wifies clothes due to the world being unable to read the masks code properly - masked wato finishes building the escape room - evilfies finds out about wato having the mask now, and drags her off to the Array Of Escape Rooms for more Experimentation (possibly using her as a comparison point for the clone wifies, hence the wifies head (so he Blends In)) - wifies and ken videos happen - before the Confrontation, evilfies teleports masked wato into the escape room, where masked wato Glitches and the masks control slips. wato, their last memory being falling into that bedrock room, is confused as fuck. mask regains control, masked wato finishes the escape room using the wifies head, Glitches visually at the win platform, and makes his way to evilfies evil lair - at the evil lair, masked wato takes one of the wifies heads and put it on and sits in evilfies chair possibly due to the mask having residual evilfies memories from his code. then there is either a Glitch or internal conflict of some sort, and masked wato jumps out of the window - having made her way to the Escape Room (where his spawnpoint prolly is), wato manages to get rid of the mask - the world hasnt stopped rendering their clothes and those of wifies yet - and is found by ken - ken and wifies interrogate wato. wato does not remember many things. voidfies is Spying on them.. - wato goes on a bit of trip down flashback lane - wato gets ownership of the evil lair
thats that!
tldr: wato is FUCKED - now both on a memories AND code level! the mask is sentient and partially wifies, and no one know how fucked up stuff is
what this theory DOESNT explain: the White Blob (AGAIN. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING.), why theres a chute to the bedrock bunker if the door is the intended exit (we see wato go out through the door in the true creator), how on earth this theory would work if i hadnt read too much mcyt fanfic, when on earth wifies originally gets the mask from wato, how wato remembers 'building most of the escape room' when he got the mask before even starting to build it and hence not remembering building it (this one could be explained by saying her memories are coming back, actually).
is this theory probably wrong? once again: YES! do i care? not particularly! i am bullshitting! this is Wild Speculation!! its fun! evilfies deserves to be a mad scientist!
ty for reading this 2149 word post, and ty to the other members of the theorising gc! @brain-empty @fncreature and @viv-imus-illogic ! shoot me a dm with your discord username if you want to join o7
and.. thats that, yeah. im going to go cry now /nsrs
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slutforwings · 9 months
books i read in 2023 that i recommend :) mainly because i am trying to find new books to read in the 'book rec' tag and none of these people give summaries so I shall bravely do it instead for others!
wrong place wrong time - gillian mcallister (mystery)
Blurb: a woman sees her son killing someone in front of her, then wakes up the next morning only to realise it's the day before the murder. she keeps traveling back in time, unraveling the reason for the murder and trying to stop it along the way Review: i misread the back and thought it was gonna be a time loop but this was even better actually. i fucking devoured this book it was so compelling. i tend to devour mystery books like these regardless of their well-writtenness but this was genuinely really good and tied up everything neatly at the end.
autobiography of a corpse - sigizmund krzhizhanovsky (short stories)
Blurb: bunch of fantastical short stories like about the people living in your pupil, a society that deals in anger and malcontent, a guy trying to bite his elbow Review: this book made me realise i love short stories, but then it turned out i mainly love THIS GUY'S short stories. they were just that good. slavic writers are built different
the secret history - donna tartt (psychological fiction)
Blurb: cult group of pretentious college kids study greek and turn it into a personality trait. also theyre gonna conspire to kill one of their own and then try to hide it Review: all of these characters are cunts and i love them so much. do not believe the dark academia girlies peddling this book, these people are stupid and pretentious and morally corrupt and theyre SO MUCH FUN!! the internal monologues are fantastic, i want to study Dick's brain. its a very Long book and absolutely takes its time and yet it does not feel like any parts are really unnecessary. really good.
this is how you lose the time war - amal el-mohtar & max gladstone (sci-fi)
Blurb: two time travelers from opposing agencies each have a mission (the mission involves historic meddling through time travel but is honestly not as important) and keep encountering each other and leaving letters to taunt, falling in love throughout the story Review: listen i saw that tweet 'do not look up anything about this book and just read it' and i did and i had zero regrets. i bought the paperback after reading the ebook bc it was just that good. beautiful prose, fantastic worldbuilding that is sometimes only hinted at but everything made me go !!! can you tell i love time travel.
notes on an execution - danya kukafka (pyschological fiction)
Blurb: serial killer on death row recounts his life, as well as pov of the police officer that investigated the cases and got him in jail + pov's of the family of the victims Review: incredible story about family, morality and love. raises a lot of questions about criminals and 'evil' and does not answer them because that's the whole point. insane quotes too. also very vivid storytelling in the way that i could picture all the locations perfectly despite them not being described in detail. i think it was due to the intense Vibe
bunny - mona awad (uh. horror?)
Blurb: um. goth/'not like other girls' girl gets indoctrinated into joins a cult group of really girly girls that all call each other bunny and have kind of weird rituals meetings. Review: listen. i hate when people do this to me but. just read it. if you're a fan of magical realism and cult-y things, you're in for a treat. this book made me bike home in a daze. i love stream of consciousness where you as the reader are just as lost as the character! i love you bunny!
instructions for a heatwave - maggie o'farrel (fiction)
Blurb: a pensioned father leaves the house for his newspaper and then doesnt return. all the children are gathered by the mother to try and figure out what the fuck happened. Review: not so much a 'hey where'd he go' as it is a rumination on family and unconditional love. ofc theres some family secrets that get revealed but i found it more interesting to watch the family dynamic and the changes the secrets brought to it. bittersweet :)
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manie-sans-delire-x · 9 months
Read Fifth Wave Feminism by Mohammed Hijab. Everything is proven in there. A great book highlighting the issues with modern feminism, particularly the issue of the White, Western feminist imposing a system of ethics and a moral code upon non-white women globally. The author poses the question: if feminism does topple existing power structures, how can we guarantee that domination does not just repeat itself in the discourse of the would-be ‘new masters’? The main flaws highlighted include the ideological presuppositional prejudice of a post-Western Enlightenment nature and the fact that feminism tends to put a Euro-centrically understood ‘human rights’ discourse at an epistemological advantage.
Why would I waste my time reading a book written by a man about how women shouldnt have rights? Would you read a book written by a woman about how men shouldnt have rights? How about you read some feminist books, or take at least one class on women's history and oppression? "Just read this book". My university professor always said- If you cant summarize what you learned and explain it to a novice in an easy-to-understand manner, you do not yet understand it yourself. Just because you were so easily duped and brainwashed doesnt mean I will be. So I'm guessing the book says a whole lot of nothing, just what misogynists want to hear, patting yourselves on the back, telling each other how smart you are.
Imagine coming up to a stranger and telling them you dont believe they should have rights, and not expect to be punched in the face at the very least. You can try to hide behind intellectualism and big words all you like but at the end of the day you are saying human beings shouldnt have rights and that will always be utter evil bullshit.
Go ahead, try that with a man. Go to "the hood" in Detroit and tell a group of black men that they doesnt deserve rights because of the way they were born. Have fun. But you wont. You'll only say that to women online because you're a coward. You need to oppress women to feel any sort of power.
Why are you coming onto my blog in a weak attempt to persuade me, a woman, that I shouldnt have rights? Do you really think I would ever agree? That is actually hilarious.
It might surprise you to learn I'm not fully white. It might surprise you to learn non-white feminists exist. I'm guessing theres a lot of things in life that would surprise you to learn. In fact theres a womans group- in India I believe- who beat husbands who abuse their wives with sticks. But sure, its all just white women "causing all the problems". Like this hasnt been going on for generations in every country. Your ignorance of that in itself immediately discredits you. You dont even know something so obvious? Even the slightest google research would educate you.
"Imposing a system of morals" Which are? Go on, say what those terrible "morals and ethics being imposed" upon them actually are. That women should have rights? That little girls shouldnt be raped? That men shouldnt rape and beat women? Oh no how terrible. What a corruption.
"Topple the power structure". All women are asking for is equal rights, and for men to not rape and kill us. Thats it. Its really not difficult. But misogynist scum like you constantly whine and cry about it like the over dramatic, extraordinarily selfish little bitches you are, as if thats some big expectation and not the lowest moral bar imaginable.
If that means the destruction of the power structure, good. Such a fragile structure that depends on oppressing half its population is weak and deserves to crumble, and such a vile society should die. And so you agree? That the current power structure is unfeminist and unfair and oppressive to women? Or else why would feminism threaten it, right? Every system in power falls eventually. Maybe its just your time, accept it. Even Rome fell. I'm looking forward to it.
"How can we guarantee that domination does not just repeat itself in the discourse of the would-be ‘new masters’?"
Who the fuck is "we"? Because you made it clear women arent included in your sense of humanity. So why is it now our problem to protect men? Who would the "new masters" be? Women? Good. The world would be a better place. We havent tried it yet so might as well give it a go. Cant be any worse than the shit world men created. Very telling that you cant imagine a world where the sexes are simply equal. You talk about "white ppl" then say the exact same things as a white supremacist- "The blacks are taking over!! (by having rights- so scary) What if they enslave us??" All oppressors are the same. Morally bankrupt, deeply selfish, and violent cowards who fear what they do to others being returned onto them. You punch someone for no reason, then instantly curl up and beg for mercy and cry in fear. Is there anything more pathetic and worthy of contempt?
So you're just afraid that the tables will be reversed. You know how badly men have treated women and you are terrified of righteous revenge. You dont want to be treated like women have been and still are. You just admitted that!! Lmfao!! And yet you still wont see your own hypocrisy. You refuse to be logical. Like I said, you and every other misogynist are just pathetic, weak cowards driven by emotion- fear and hate- instead of logic and compassion. You have no real power or strength, so you push women down in order to feel taller, feel like a big man. You're a bully. Thats all your bullshit rhetoric is.
It never crosses your mind that some people- or that women- arent pieces of shit like men have been. You already assume that women would treat men horribly, only because thats what YOU would do. I want you to read that part again, really let it sink in. Just because misogynistic men like to be pieces of shit and run the world this way, doesnt mean women do. This is not the only way the world can be. You are assuming that this hypothetical, evil matriarchal society would oppress and abuse men just as horribly as the patriarchy already has in reality. Made up problems vs already existent real problems. The terrible evil things you fear are already happening, just to humans you dont care about. You use this fear from a hypothetical reality as reason to continue to oppress women, instead of realizing its reason to stop, even out of self-preservation since I already know you dont act out of empathy. You are incapable of imagining a world where there is equality between sexes. Theres no hope for you then. Its always the person cheating who is suspicious of their partner, who accuses their faithful partner of cheating while they themselves are the one who is actually cheating. You should be down on your knees thanking the stars everyday that all women want are equal rights and non-violence, instead of righteous revenge.
But you know what, maybe you should be scared. People should attone for their crimes, dont you agree? You didnt think you were just going to get off scott-free did you? Personally, I'm not so kind and forgiving, and I do believe in an eye for an eye. I DO hope domination repeats itself so you have the slightest inkling of what oppression is like. Maybe then you'll have the slightest empathy for women's plight. At least you'd have something real to complain about. I feel sorry for your mother. What a waste of her time and energy you turned out to be. Disrespectful and ungrateful.
Now fuck off, scrotum. You foul my air with your presence. Pack up your bullshit and take it back to incel land. I dont know why you are speaking to a person who, if we ever met in a dark alleyway, would do the world a favor and gut you like a fish.
Human beings deserve equal rights. Its that simple. If you somehow have some kind of issue with that statement, you're illogical, hateful, and quite obviously the definition of evil like a cartoon villain, and thus should die like one.
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transjarlaxle · 11 months
i dont know much about BG3 but i do love AUs, so... what roles would your main OCs play in a hero/villain au? :3c
i stopped in the middle of drawing oc nsf// to answer this bcz i completely forgot about it ngl<3
but listen anon you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE so i'm gonna break it down for you okay here we go
now. i am going to talk about the ocs i'm mostly using for bg3 because theyre the guys im talking about most these days and most of my other ones are specific to other kinds of content. THAT SAID, i have two(2) ocs who are FOR hero/villains settings, and they are:
Jury, indie villain-turned-hero. she utilizes photokinesis and limited flight as a front-line fighter - she'll use her light to form wings and a hammer to burn and blind her opponents and create openings for her teammates. she's pretty independent at this point but i originally made her for bnha, and yes she gets to kiss aizawa there.
Vindicator, my main Sidestep for Fallen Hero. He's most often a version of Jesse O'Shea, who is my self-insert oc that i use in pretty much any IP. His build focuses on subtle manipulations over strength of mind, arrogant/ruthless/daring, and his main situationship is Ortega, but sometimes Herald. please play fallen hero it makes me insane
ALRIGHT now that they have been mentioned - the dnd/bg3 crew :3
i imagine this is going to have to be a sort of avengers / justice league situation, with a sort of suicide squad / league of villains thing happening on the other side. so, with that in mind:
reaper is The villain. i haven't talked about him here much, but he was my original Bhaalist oc from like four years ago, before i even knew baldur's gate was a thing. he's a death cleric, commits murder as an act of worship, and in my homebrew world, is one of five members of a cult dedicated to an undead chaos goddess. so in this AU, i imagine he's one of the leaders of whatever Bad Guy team exists here, in charge of getting the band together and whatnot
rumari is also a villain. they grew up as an assassin, which translates well to this AU - raised as a blade, to be wielded by whosoever is in charge at the time. depending on who they end up around, they might be reformable - but most likely not. i imagine they're the sort of loki-type, the one that the heroes capture and banter with, the one they lock in the glass box, but they always escape to cause more problems<3
leorin and kaz are the villain lackeys. they're part of the evil elf squad with rumari, and theyre the ones to match up with the heroes in the big end battle. leorin is a dark magician type, corruption and fire and whatnot, and kaz has a big fuck off sword and heavy armor - he's the tank. they don't get as much screen time as the others, but they're usually in the frame together, and banter a lot, so all the edgy teens ship them
kaine is the wild card. they're introduced late in the series or one of the sequel films, and it's a will-they-won't-they thing - they're a free agent, and they're easily swayed by power and promises of freedom, so there's probably a long arc of them working alongside the villains. most of the heroes want to take them out bcz of how big of a threat they are, but theres one or two (gale? wyll?) heroes who Believe In Them.
max is the face of the hero squad. i mean, he's The Butterfly Knight - he does the tv appearances, the sponsorships, the press releases, all of it. and he loves it! and he's not Just a face - he has the power to back it up, but his powers are really more showmanship than anything.
if max is the face of the group, etienne is the backbone of the operation. he's not a leader, but he's a guide, and he's adept at strategy and keeping his team safe. he willingly allows himself to fade into the background - which is also an advantage, as it allows him to absorb much more information than he would without max as a shield.
kit is the old guard. he never wanted to be a hero, and still doesn't. he was caught in the middle of one high-publicity incident when he was in his 20s, and got a lot of attention from it, but never became a hero, and did his best to fade into history. but when the threats begin to resurface, the new generation digs him up, and due to his situations and his mindset, he finds himself taking on an advisory role. he's the one that you Know the villains don't wanna fuck with - and he gets an arc that really shows the extent of his abilities, where he has to keep everyone else alive after a grave miscalculation of some sort, and it's like, oh, he's the one to watch out for.
honorable mention:
the warhawk is the free agent. he's a vigilante, and most of the time, the heroes clash with him because of his disregard for the law. the only law he follows is the law of the land, and he lets people know that, but when they really need him, he's there<3
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sizzleissues · 1 year
since I've been deprived of miraculous content for the past few weeks my brain had started coming up with its own crap so here's ANOTHER dream I had about it, in particular the reverse world special that's upcoming.
@bengaltiger25 here you go (:
Since dreams don't exactly care for being consistent or chronological I'll do my best to pull out the bits that work and make sense and I'll throw the crack down at the bottom!
The 'episode' took place over two timelines, the present and the past in the reverse world, which essentially existed to explain why reverse ladynoir were evil. The reverse world in the dream was a dystopia with blantently evil politicians and a divided public.
The dream started with Alya and Marinette discovering the 'portal' to the reverse world, Alya being the channel point for it. Theres flashes of other universes with different heros. Example I can remember is a world where Luka has the turtle and is a guardian. Theres a voice over explaining how in each universe there are parallels, lines in which you can jump between. There's a flash of Shady bug, Marientte's parallel, and through this and Alya's connection the universe can be crossed. Claw Noir (is that his name?) is assumed to be Adrien's parallel but the narration (which is like a robot lady who Marinette and Alya can hear) explains that Claw will not be joining them. Left with the big question why and then Shadybug steps out the portal, much like the trailer and it cuts to the past in the reverse world.
What looks like our ladynoir is sat overlooking a more cruel Paris, with some dialogue about the unfairness of their world. It's their duty to protect it but sometimes it feels wrong. There aren't fighting the butterfly but rather crime is so rampant they're always fighting off some bad guy.
We see Mayor Bourgeois playing golf off the roof of his palace, expect the balls are flaming bits of coal. He gets upset because he misses and throws his golf stick. He panics and chases after it, falling into the fast water below. Ladybug and Chat Noir show up to save the day. They work together to catch the Mayor before he's washed away. Chat Noir realises that he doesn't want to save the Mayor, that he doesn't deserve to be saved. He slackens his grip at the last moment and the Mayor drifts away. It works out though, the Mayor is saved by another force and the public cheer them on anyway but things are a little quieter for Chat Noir. Ominously the narrator says it won't stay this way for long, soon there will be silence.
Now since it's a dream things get messier from here but we switch back to the present, to Adrien. He's accidentally crossed into the reverse world, taking the place of the Adrien in that world. It's revealed that while the reverse Adrien was Chat Noir, he isn't anymore. He was captured. His miraculous was removed from him just before captured by a shadowed figure. (The current Claw Noir perhaps?). In the reverse world he was faced with a choice, go to prison or become the corrupt governments mascot. Our Adrien finds himself the source of entertainment for thousands, dressed up like his reverse world counterpart's miraculous form and paraded around.
Of course our Adrien still has his miraculous, so with it he maintains some power.
That's pretty all I can remember that isn't nonsensical. A lot more is implied in the dream but isn't shown. For example the butterfly miraculous is used by Gabriel to create champions who take over Ladynoirs role once they turn evil. Shady bug is motivated to save Adrien and is actively stopped by the butterfly's champions because Adrien still was evil for the last bit of bit of his time as Chat Noir. She wants the butterfly miraculous for revenge.
And Zoë is Claw Noir. In the reverse she's the mean sibling and Chloe is the 'nice' one.
Not everything that happens in the dream I want to actually happen in the special ofc. But I think for a reason to be evil, being bitter because of the world and instead of choosing to save it anyway in the hopes it'll improve but to end it instead is definitely a crazy leap and more evil leaning ladynoir can choose.
Some crack stuff was that the Mayor was a gory monster thing for a second, Adrien went ice skating and like it turned into a dance battle and then a bunch of random other crap. XD Definitely was a random dream
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toastytrusty · 2 years
i have a headcanon that felix isn't from earth and had never been to earth.
it gives great potential for deep thought; for example, assuming he's from a much less advanced more distant colony and never felt much attachment to humanity, him joining up in a war to protect it would be that much more impactful. of course the argument of mere self preservation could be made, but i feel humanity and earth kind of have that intrinsic relation you cant ignore. him choosing to fight for humanity was him choosing to fight for earth and its inhabitants; begrudgingly, reluctantly, but nontheless doing so.
i think its always important to note his "we're the good guys" line; he did once truly believe he was helping people and, once, that mattered to him. him choosing to fight for a planet he had no personal relation to does a lot to frame how far he fell from his humanitarian roots to an apathetic, disregarding, murderer.
however, moving past the Deep Serious Lore discussion, i do think that locus is from earth and thats a very important distinction. theres more to say about locus' return to morality and its connection to him growing up in a much less morally corrupt place, but nows not the time for that. now is the time for Felix Tries Fastfood (the saga).
after the war, locus takes felix to earth for the first time. locus shows him things like movie theaters and amusement parks and every fast food chain known to man. felix says he finds earth stuff stupid but secretly thinks its all fascinating and has to try every single flavor of icee at the each and every gas station they encounter. for science, of course.
also, have i mentioned locus is a cat guy? he has so many cats. like, 3 whole cats. and felix, of course, having never before set foot on this godforsaken planet, has Absolutely No Idea what a cat is. they are tiny creatures the likes of which he has never seen. locus takes care of stray cats that live on the streets and felix thinks hes insane for it but one day one lets him pet it, and suddenly he just Gets it. it starts to purr and he is captivated by the small animal.
during their few months on earth he takes this cat with him EVERYWHERE. it sits on his shoulder and he glares death at anyone who dares to act like it isn't normal. he wouldn't name the cat, simply referring to it as "The Cat (prestigious)" and he is treated as a distinguished businessman and full member of the team. the cat is his right hand man in his future evil empire.
while locus is never truly personable about things like Having Fun, the idea that he (begrudgingly, reluctantly) showed felix this bit of humanity in their early times together is really intriguing to me, as it hits that much harder when felix sits idly by and watchs locus' bleed away. it just makes felix that much more vile; he takes and takes and clings onto those around him because of what They can do for Him, soaking up everything they have to offer, but he would never do the same for them, and will only ever watch as those he supposedly cares about lose themselves.
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