#theres no way they couldve made that excuse either
pupsconfetti · 2 years
i wanted to buy a friend of mine a gift for their birthday since we live in the same area but then i remembered how they forgot my birthday and did nothing for me
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lockleysfav · 2 years
You are always going to be beautiful
BasilStitt x GN!Reader
Summary: When Basil disappears, leaving you a heartfelt voice message about how much he loves you, you get worried and go to his apartment to find him passed out on the floor with a paper bag over his head.
Warnings: Not much, details of vomit, depression?, Basil being adorable at the end.
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It had been 3 days since you last saw your boyfriend Basil. He left you a voicemail that you never had time to listen to because you were so busy with work, your co-workers were constantly taking days off leaving you to do extra time and then the moment you got home you’d be too exhausted to even take a pee. It was a cycle lately, Wake up, go to work for extra hours, come home and pass out in bed. Only when you were going to text your boyfriend, apologise for not talking to him you saw the voicemail. You felt a little on edge for some reason but you clicked on it either way, holding your phone to your ear.
“Hey..baby. how are you? i hope you’re fantastic right now as i am not” he laughs and sighs “Uh- i- i think we should go our separate ways. I know you cheated on me with your co-worker and it’s fine i understand completely” you jumped up at that, where the fuck did that come from? you hated every single one of your co-workers? did someone set him up? “I just want you to know you wont be hearing from me again, i love you so much babe. Goodbye my cupcake” he attempted to laugh but it only sounded sad, and with that the voicemail ended. You quickly checked the date on it and saw it was 2 days ago, you wasted no time grabbing your car keys and a jacket and rushing down to your car.
Theres no way you’ll let Basil think you cheated on him.
When you arrived to his building you ran through the entrance, first you debated on taking the elevator or the stairs but if you run up the stairs you’d be quicker…ding..your choice was made when the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside and jabbed on the level 5 button.
Your palms became clammy, you had a really bad feeling about this but you would rather face this than let him leave thinking all these things. oh god, what if hes hurt himself? You thought to yourself only making things worse. The doors opened and you accidentally barged into a man who obviously tried to yell at you, you just kept running mumbling back a sorry.
You got to basil’s door. You contemplated on knocking but when you raised your hand to knock, you noticed how the door was ever so slightly open. You pushed it open, walking in slowly “Basil? Hey honey it’s just me” you called out with no response. You checked the kitchen with no hope but when you took in the sight of his living room being absolutely trashed you felt your heart sink. What if he was robbed? What if- The sound of movement made your head whip around, your eyes scanning over the flipped couch. You noticed a pair of feet peaking out behind the couch and you didnt think twice to run over to it, pushing away the couch and gasping at your boyfriends unconscious body…but he had a paper bag over his head?
“Basil” you crouched down, shaking his body making him jump up “Huh? what? whats happening” he looked around frantically until he faced you, freezing on the spot “uh- h-hi” he whispered and you smiled “Hey” you replied, gently taking his hand “We need to talk.” you told him and he nodded, allowing you to help him stand but he still made no effort to take the bag off.
You both flipped the couch back over and sat down on it. You obviously went first “I never cheated on you…thats not something i would ever do i know everyone probably says this but all my co-workers are slimy and quite unattractive. I love you more than anything i dont know where you got all that from” he averted his eyes to the ground, sighing, he had to take a moment to reply “I know you didn’t cheat…i um…i said it as an excuse to leave” Your heart dropped and you let go of his hand, tears brimming at your eyes “Basil if you wanted me gone you couldve just said that” you got up to leave but he panicked, grabbing your hand “NO! Thats not what i meant baby- uh- i cant explain it to you-“ he stuttered out and suddenly you were reminded of the bag on his head.
You both stared at each other until you slowly placed your hands on the sides of the bag, gently lifting it but he grabbed your wrists “Y/N…” You looked into his shadowed eyes “It’s okay Basil…i promise you” he was hesitant but let you reveal himself. When you took the bag off he turned his head away but you were quick to pull him back gently. He tightly shut his eyes and your eyes widened slightly at the harsh burn on his cheek.
“This is why you wanted to..leave?” you asked quietly, tracing a thumb against his skin. He relaxed slightly “i never wanted to leave. I was too embarrassed to face you again. I’m hideous y/n” you saw how a few tears managed to trickle down his cheek and you pulled him into a tight hug “Oh baby..no i would never ever judge you. You will always be beautiful do you understand? say it okay?” You told him, rubbing his back and he continued to cry into your shirt “Basil” “I’m b-beautiful” he whimpered out and you hugged him tighter “Just because you dont like the burn doesnt mean i dont, i think it looks badass” you both chuckled at that and he soon sighed against your neck indicating he was tired.
You decided it’d be a better idea to take him back to your place. When you both got in, you turned to face him, kissing his burn and pulling back to kiss his lips too “Please dont cower from me baby” you mumbled against his lips and he nodded “I’m sorry” he replied back but you shook your head “Dont be sorry, just make it up to me by getting some good sleep”.
The both of you ended up cuddled together in your kingsized bed. You were both facing each other fast asleep, basil was buried in your chest like a little puppy while your arms covered him protectively.
Taglist: @ahookedheroespureheart
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So I'm typing up answers for the OC x Hobie questionnaire post that you typed up and I was gonna make a personal post about this plot point that fixed itself in my mind but I feel like you need to personally know how much you've ruined me 😭
So I'm trying to figure out how long Ansi and Hobie have known each other since she's only been a spider for less than 5 years and in the society for like 2. So how did they come to have such a close emotional bond where they have such a strong sense of trust and loyalty towards one another that I can only compare to skk from bungo stray dogs in just 2 years????
At first I was like what if they knew one another just like a year before or something. And then Ansi was like, "Oh we've known each other for longer than that actually."
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Wdym y'all have known each other for longer than that?
So apparently back when Ansi was like 8 her father had accidentally figured out how to open up the way for interdimensional travel (he's just kooky like that) and a young boy (Hobie) had accidentally gotten sucked through into their world. He had to stay with them for a good 2 and a half years before her father figured out how to send him back. (Either the glitching doesn't exist or her father figured out how to stop it.)
So when Hobie and Diane came to visit that one time Ansi had a shaking feeling that it was him. But he didn't wanna get his hopes up especially with what was going on in her world at the time. BUT IT WAS HIM. And the reunion they had CHILE THAT REUNION WAS HEARTBREAKING. After joining the society they reconnect and head in hands, WHERE DID THIS COME FROM
I think she's lying to me tho but who knows. (Your father is a genius of his time but the multiverse? Really? But wait, that'd explain why Alchemax was out to get him and....OH MY GOD)
I hope he isn't lying through because that means I just cried over nothing.
(I'm not adding this to her story.....maybe idek. I got so emotionally invested just typing up this ask. *Cough* anyways I just needed to let you know the insan- I mean the ideas that have awakened. I'm only on the 2nd section of the questionnaire and I'm terrified of what's gonna pop up in my brain next 😭)
I'm having a crisis. I hope you're happy with yourself 🥲
Ansi, Diane, Hobie, Bonding, and the Web of the Multiverse
[Screaming about my neurodivergent paracosm and how it syncs up with a mutal - and how the logic of the multiverse backs up/affects their stories] [This post is largely about Disco-Spider Diane and @spidey-bie's Ansi] THIS ASK IS SUCH A AHHHHHHAHAHHH BECAUSE AHHHHH SO MANY THINGS INTO THIS I HAVE TO-
The background Ansi gives you and the logic of what Hobie and Diane just did CONNECTS - like it all connects (Sorry this is lone)
And I'm SOOOOO SOOOO intrigued for their background. I plan to write a full post about this and explain fully what clusters are, how maps work, the function of bonding and how they work -
But this is how I 'learned' about all these things
I was interested in how certain universes would look if the multiverse was based on a flowchart like system to make a web - so I made a map of the multiverse based on attributes like style, time, and where they live -
AND FROM MY CALCULATIONS - NO JOKE - Ansi's universe would be the closest universes because he and Hobie share a cluster.
I explain like the logic of it in the post I'm finishing up BUT Ansi and Noir would border Hobie's in this map - and the closer universes are the more stable the transfer between them is.
AND WAIT THERES MORE - I was finishing up the Multiversal Map and realized Hobie and Diane were having a really good day at the boathouse
And then they introduced me to a whole new concept that we directly see in ATSV - Bonding
Multiversal Bonding -
[A long ass rant where I explain something wild Hobie and Diane just did in my head - and how it directly explains HOW Hobie fell into Ansi's universe too]
Diane and Hobie were doing their thing and then suddenly they shared a moment of this intense like...vibe, mental space idk
And afterwards they're like "oh yeah that happens because we're Bonded. Like Universe Bonded"
and this is where it goes wild...
Diane is like 'I...don't know. Something just happened what happened.'
What do you mean you don't know? I'm asking her to describe it and she's like 'umm errr' and Hobie isn't saying anything he's all dreamlike
Now all of this is happening directly after ATSV like an hour or two after they get everyone and head to Hobie's universe. - Gwen and the others are at the boathouse
Then Peter B. starts talking.... HUH??? Excuse me?
Hobie genuinely stopped and was like "wait how r u here, like in roman's head how are you here' like he's actually stunned. I DIDN'T know he could manifest in the boathouse
And Peter B. is the only one who knows what this term means. He had to explain it to me before I understood what they were doing
Peter B looks at Diane and Hobie and goes "........like Miles and Gwen?? How Gwen can feel Miles' spider-sense? Bonded'
Gwen is like 'ME AND MILES ARE BONDED????'
And Diane is like...we what now, i did what to the multiverse what does that mean
Peter has to explain the concept.
Miguel knew about bonding, and that two spider-people of close universes can 'Bond', and for a part-neurological, part-social link between the two of them.
This happened with Miguel and his partner Moche - and Miguel outright rejected it. As he's against Spider-people being together, and he believed Moche was better off with someone else
(he was actually just scared to accidentally kill her like he did gabriella but thats neither here nor there)
He instead chose to withhold the information of Bonding from the Society, and watched for it closely.
Only he, Peter, and Jess knew bonding was possible - and that's why Jess was SO against Hobie and Diane.
And everything just kinda clicked for Diane how brainwashed the society had made her cause for YEARS she was told having feeling for Hobie was wrong and NOT possible
But now that she's left The Society by her own choice, it was the last hurdle for them to finally be fully bonded.
Like they can sense each others location, react to each others spider sense, if one of their hearts starts racing the other will feel it too. Now Diane can use his guitar as a club in battle. IN HER WORLD Hobie LOOKS NORMAL - in his universe she looks like him - since they can just slide into each others universe easier. Diane is less likely to glitch out, she just needs to wear the watch for a short time each week so her DNA can reach baselevel again
AND WHEN THEY FIGHT TOGETHER THEY GET INTO THIS FLOW STATE And they can just fight in complete tandem with each other now
And it's like !!!! They just did that???? Suddenly. Like looked into each others eyes at an emotional moment
(Diane's first time seeing Hobie after leaving The Society - A rundown
Hobie asked her to come with him before leaving the society, she said no because she wanted to stay for Jess and Gwen - A VERY HARD moment for them. Hobie is really wounded by this.
- Gwen gets sent home - Diane swings on Jess - They put her in a cage and let out after six hours. - Diane went immediately to Hobie's old abandoned dorm room, finding out Hobie still left parts behind for her.
She figured out how to hack herself based on all the times she watched hobie in the workshop - but she cant do it because she's missing one part and she's so frustrated with herself -
Jess comes to apology for Miguel and gives Diane Hobie's watch, an older model - insists Diane take it - Diane over his old watch and finds out Hobie's watch has the finally part she leaves - she hacks her watch and finally leaves the society)
This happened the movement they reunited with each other on the bow of the boathouse
then it was like a switch like not bonded to BONDED and NONE of us knew what that mean until Peter B said anything
They can finally just say "We're bonded."
Because it's not a romantic thing, it's not like that AT ALL. It's like a mental clarity between them like their understanding and connection to each other is a lot more clear and they can feel the other's emotions more clearly (but there's a distinction. Diane knows when she's feeling Hobie's feelings. it's a subtle thing, not a total emotion)
So that from their prior relationship they're now a lot more frictionless, but unchanged if you get what I mean
Like now Hobie annoys Diane more - Diane is down and free to go full groupie mode theyre suddenly REALLY good at planning and fighting together, and having each others back
The kind to do conversations like "Did you-" "Yeah, were you gonna-" "I was but before I was gonna-" "Handle the other thing? Oh okay that makes since." Like not even finishing sentences but understanding conversations totally
About Bonding: (according to how Peter B explained it to me)
I explain it more in the multiverse post but basically its when two spiderpeople of nearby universes form a bond that at a certain point a switch is flipped -
since their dna's are so similar (being from close universes) it's easier for people of closer worlds - and people someone is BONDED to - to assimilate into the other's world, and feel their sensations.
This connection is almost permanent - though it goes dormant - and it can happen to anyone destined to be a spider-person. They don't have to be bitten yet.
Gwen and Miles are bonded, which is why she can feel his senses across universes.
And it's like a concept I never saw about the movie just became explained based on a totally unrelated situation Diane and Hobie had separately.
Using this logic (I came up with at 5am while on a coffee binge) - Ansi's placement is CLOSER to Hobie's than Diane's is.
Hobie and Diane only share one cluster : The Time Desynchronization Cluster.
BUT Diane is from New York - so she's also apart of The New York & Adjacent Cluster with Pavi and Noir, while Hobie isn't.
And because Ansi is from Seattle he isn't in the New York Cluster either - so Diane's universe is farther away from Hobie's than Ansi's is. His universe is closer to Hobie's than Noir as well (as Noir also lives in NY)
And because of this - It's completely possible for Hobie to tumble into the next universe over.
AND ALSO because of this new unrelated term I learned from Peter B. of all people - his Ansi and Hobie bonded as young kids it would slow or totally reduce his multiversal decay.
Since their universes are so close, the multiverse can easily 'heal' itself without collapsing or shifting too much
Since they're so close, it's like the thread hasn't fully snapped. Because Hobie is close in proximity to his universe still, his universe hasn't 'noticed' enough to collapse in on itself
So as long as they found a way for Hobie to find equilibrium every week, or month, or even less - he's good.
Hell, if they bonded early it might even have been a year of him being there before any signs of glitching came on.
Even though Diane and Hobie are bonded, she still can't assimilate totally into Hobie's world 100%, because their universes are still a little farther apart. She can slip into his style or go in his universe unnoticed, but there's still that fraction of multiversal different. That's why for her, multiverse decay takes a week to set on instead of minutes or months.
Also bonding is permanent or near permanent - like it takes decades to wear off, though it may get weaker or dormant over time. But Ansi seeing Hobie come through the portal after all of those years and the bonding just KICKS IN and their spidey-senses go off
Diane sees this and is like ????? 'Hobie r u okay what r u feeling' cause he has this unreadable look on his face because one of the reasons he joined the Society WAS TO FIND ANSI.
He could figure out the watch on his own - but by going on missions and recruits he was just HOPING to find him one more time and finding out his universe number and he FINALLY DID
Immediately recognizing the house and being like 'damn im home.'
I think your Hobie was right. Oh and...because I told him I would, here's Hobie.
H: We're always right. -Hobie please.
Would you like to explain how Bonding feels? H:...No words for it really. We're Shining, basically. (OMFG He said this and I was like - no way. That's weirdly out of character. The Shining wasn't out in the 70's. - NOPE The book came out 1977. IT'S A NEW RELEASE TO HIM. I SWEAR I didn't know this I don't even like Stephen King. I've never even read the bookHOW DID HE KNOW THAT)
H: Because I'm always right. -All you do is irk my nerves. That's enough outta you.
Diane. Do you have anything to say?
D: Me currently
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Okay. How does Bonding feel? D: (Basically just squealing - after the initial shock she just kept jumping on his back)
Say hi to Ansi. D: OMGG I feel so far out right now!! Literally, like my brain is so OUT there. This is WICKED. COME OVER. are you busy? PLEASE tell you two have kid photos of you together. I NEED to see! - I think she has ADHD too D: It's like he's IN my head - Now you know how I feel.
That's it from them, they're spent and SO AM I
I hope any of this made sense cause I KN OW I sound like
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florenceisfalling · 2 months
gripping [redacted irl person] by the shoulders.
it does not matter how many r/egg_irl astolfo memes you pull up quite literally asking for random people (including cishets you just met???) to figure out your gender for you. the other queers are not going to feel safe around you when you spend your entire time on campus harassing people, misgendering transmascs in romantically/sexually charged ways, and getting a trans woman (who you Also misgender!) kicked out of her fucking housing. using "i wanna be a girl but im still cis though 👉👈" doesn't come across as endearing anymore when you tell younger transmascs that you wanna make them your gf and have kids with them, or when you used to tell everyone you were a cishet dude and literally fucking ran to physically chase down lesbians you'd never spoken to walking alone at night, or when you. I REITERATE. got a fucking trans woman kicked out of her dorm while calling her a man!! force her to switch to different housing by calling the fucking campus police on her because youre sad!!! and then lie saying she called them on you!!!! the only reason i felt bad for you and was nice to you was bc i thought you were just a sad maybe-autistic maybe-ace person who needed friends (and then maybe-trans maybe-woman maybe-lesbian) but your college experience seems dedicated to making life as hard as possible for every autie, trans person, woman, ace person, lesbian, and various mixes of the above you encounter - and then fucking lying and threatening everyone you consider your "friends" to get what you want after they repeatedly ask you to stop. i had enough of this when my exfriend fucking molested a girl and then said "i think i might be a transbian" as a poor attempt at an excuse (as if tgirls get away with that shit? as if they arent horribly scrutinized??) until all his cis guy friends forgot abt the girl's trauma and then went back to "nvm im a cishet guy :)" once everyone was chill with him again. i am fucking beyond tired of it now that its someone pulling the "i think i might be a transbian too" after fucking up so bad you couldve made a tgirl homeless and openly misgendering and mistreating other tgirls and sexually harassing other queers and refusing to spend any time around trans people (except for those you perceive as cis women - of course, including trans people who don't pass to your liking). stop asking me to decide whether your egg needs cracked or not and start treating trans women (and everyone else, too, what the fuck is wrong with you??) with respect and maybe you'll get some satisfying advice (since you didnt take mine) but at this point everyone is either scared of you or fucking hates you and theres not a single trans person ive met on this campus who has anything to say about you other than "oh yeah, that person stalked me/my friends". like sorry if im a little hesitant to validate you (AS IF YOU DESERVE IT AFTER CALLING SECURITY ON A TGIRL TO KICK HER OUTTT MY GOD I HATE YOU) but you also said "oh dont worry im ace :)" after sending weird sexual shit to someone (after they asked you to fucking QUIT) so youre not new to using your identity as a shield and now turning around and talking abt how you MAYBE are HYPOTHETICALLY a tgirl teehee but you cant decideeeee doesnt change the fact that your actions suck ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXPLODE
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actualbird · 2 years
i got the luke SR timely rescue and (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!) i'll say it... he def knows some shit about rosa's parents like. the way he looked so nervous and changed topics when she was wondering aloud if her parents were doing a similar work luke does for the government? VERY SUS! I was kinda hoping he wouldn't bc I'm sick and tired of being lied to by him for the plot's sake but now I'm 100% sure he knows smth about her parents and has to keep it to himself
waah, congrats on timely rescue!!! when i started playing tot that was the regulay rotation SR i wanted the most (as in i wanted it before the game even rELEASED) and it took like, WAY TOO LONG TO ACTUALLY COME HOME LMAO
and YEAAAAA theres something v obviously going on with mc's parents that i assume luke either knows about and/or is directly linked to. it's been a while since i watched the card but i remember mc mentioning her dad was also rlly into shooting, and then theres in general just the whole "gone on a Top Secret Govt Research" which is exactly the same frigging excuse luke made about his own disappearance, very sus and my god, when will hyv release more deets about mc's parents JHAVFKJDSHFD it's been driving me nuts for ages and ages cuztherES SOMETHING THERE or at least it (whether intentionally or not) IS MADE TO LOOK LIKE SOMETHING IS THERE but i will be patient and wait for the story there to unfold naturally
and by "patient" i mean pacing back and forth in my braid 24/7
on the lying bit, it's not too surprising tbh taking into account the vague timeline of when SR Timely Rescue occurs. all of the regular SR cards take place pretty early on in the main story. if im remembering correctly, in timely rescue doesnt mc attribute luke's crazy good paintball shooting skills to him saying it was a "hobby" he picked up? like the govt work is known but not the NSB agent thing but if im wrong im v sorry, it's been like 10 months since ive watched this card JHVSKJDH. but yea if SR Timely Rescue does have that tidbit then yea, the card was set before main story 5 aka luke hasnt even fessed about the truth of his oWN JOB so it'd be absolutely way too early for him to even be thinking about fessing the truth on other ppl's involvement, esp ppl close to mc, since this is also the period of time hes still got it in his dumb pretty head that the best way to protect her is by keeping her in the dark
ridiculous and infuriating dude....//proceeds to kiss him passionately
oH WAIT theres another thing i remembered. in luke's bday event i distinctly remember mc mentioning that it was mc's parents who told her about His involvement in Top Secret Govt Project and thats why he could no longer come home for a long while.
i found that interesting, why did it have to go thru them specifically, sure, he couldve lied to them too and just wanted to tell them to tell her instead of him telling her directly because of his Overwhelming Guilt Of Hurting MC With His Absence but....idk idk idk maybe an implication that mc's parents, at that point, already knew that luke was doing nsb work? MANY THOUGHTS
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iamcompletelyrandom · 3 years
what if the reason the disguised hilsman suspiciously smiled when saying that he wasnt apart of the thames household / his last name wasnt thames is because thames wasnt always the original name of the household or something??
(that would explain why he smiled even when saying that he isnt involved yet saying so much about cale’s mother.. i do not think he is lying or would lie so pointlessly, no him and ron are too alike in that, but enough to be twisting the question? absolutely.)
if not then we do know he is also somehow related to the thames household, judging from his hatred towards hunters and how closely hes talked about cale’s birth mother
cale also mentioned that he wasn’t white star, but also not someone he has met before, yet still friendly to him and deruth, as well as loyal people serving the henituse family (but not to violan, judging from the way he tried to grab her neck once he was discovered)
actually speaking of their conversation together, he talked about the henituse values from an outsiders perspective but was suprisingly knowledgeable about it, not only that but talked about the duchess position and not violan herself... does he have familiarity with it, or is he just knowledgable?
not only that but being able to take down a vice captain and capture him as well as notice when someone is watching him, he isnt hostile either and seems.. old? from violans perspective... and he was able to notice (or atleast know beforehand) that deruth was replaced with white star before cale and violan were... (either familiar with deruth enough to notice or familiar enough with white star to notice/know) (679)
he was smiling as he looked towards the diary too... does he know what it means? does he recognize it?
he is related to the thames, but he is not a hunter nor have the a power similar to annual rings of life (judging from the way he talked about cale’s mother with cale, he either doesnt know that cale is a transmigiator/regressor or simply does not care enough. however judging from the way he did not ask cale who he was in cale’s body like drew did in her diary, or expose who he was in front of on and hong, or say that his time is warped like some white thing, im going to assume it is the first option)
... or perhaps maybe hes the eldest orabuni that young drew thames mentioned during the trial for the annual rings of life
“– I have this weird feeling that I will like you even though we just met! You oddly look like that half-witted fool Deruth, but you also look similarly handsome as my eldest orabuni!” (664)
(and we all know how important the things that the ancient powers’ trials’s say go) (looking at you fire of destruction and shield)
that would explain why he mentioned that deruth might be able to recognize who he is and point him out, (why ever else might deruth know him if he is not either extended family or friends to his late wife? maybe relying on similarity as sibling?) (also what does he want to say to deruth? something so important that hes faked and disguised himself coincidently when white star was running around? (and more importantly was it related to thames and the research and information the household was doing, especially with white star as a reincarnator?)
not to mention why hes so familiar to cale’s late mother (clumsy like his mother, matching scary smiles mean something bad is about to happen (and mentioning these habits was when his mother was in her youth? clearly he was close to her)) (688)
maybe atleast a family member then perhaps? maybe a relative if not the older brother.. or maybe a bestfriend (unlikely. he judged that cale definitely had thames blood.)?
...but wait..
wasnt it said that drew was the last and only surviving decendent of the thames household, which is said to have perished once she married deruth and decided not to continue the household..?
if thats so.. where exactly did her elder brother go?
(when you say eldest do you think that maybe there could be more then one older brother? or is that a translation taken wrongly..?)
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so shes saying that a group of people want to hunt the souls of people (and perferably of those that might be young and weak) and somehow couldve ended with something bad going on..?
and apparently the thames household has massacured or “used” all of these people to the point where its been “resolved” and hunters will no longer appear..?
and somehow, the red light (the light from the annual rings of life ancient power flowing into drew’s diary) is the same light of that dorph managed to identify of a person that taught him how to not only use the darkness element, but also hunt darkness elementals (667)
drew has the exact same “light” (the element of present and innate fate? time? or something more?) to the (presumed) hunter (THAT I THINK IS HONESTLY STILL ALIVE, MIND YOU) that hunted down darkness elementals who possessed a red light (but did not absorb it? ancient powers get absorbed right?)
she also commented that the annual rings of life (which allowed people to see the time around all living things (including people whos time is warped), as the annual rings of a tree) “needed to be apart of the Thames household to use this power properly” - (665)
while thankfully it means that white star wouldnt know how to use it either (judging from not being able to tell how time is warped besides that it is for cale and choi han), it also leaves some very interesting context for WHY THE HELL WOULD A HUNTER HAVE THIS POWER THEN??
...so if the thames were so adament about fighting against hunters who used the souls of non-reincarnating / single lifers, why is the records and the research all full of how to destroy all of those with a “warped” time.. including those single lifers...
and depending on how detailed the information on the annual ring of life is on how to eliminate such beings.. wouldnt that mean that the thames has been studying that too alongside it..?
but when the other hunter got its “red light” while the fake hilsman didnt have make sense... unless.. the hunters were originally to have it and the thames “used” them or “resolved” or took it from them for their resea-
...im sure that that is not the case.. yeah.. that couldnt ever be the case..
this seems like seriously complicated stuff... i feel like there are chills on my back and im having lemon tea for some reason... and whatever happened made the thames going to a baron to a fallen noble... haha oh dear..
...at the very least, we can count on having his highness crown prince alberu to tell us what happens once he asks the king! yeah! im sure its nothing big to worry about and it would all be revealed in due time, theres no need to worry about that kind of stuff!
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xiaophobic · 3 years
i cant put into words how or why or how much i love this man im actually proposing as we speak yk 🥺🥺
also how you answered that last ask was so big brained of you darling thank you mwah 👑
and his voiceline about granny oni ☹️ he sounded so sad and honest LIKE WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MEAN TO HIM AND TO TAKE IT TO HIS GRANNY? squaring up with everyone who’s ever been mean to either of them
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skaianet · 4 years
so i swapped them hives (act 2) and...
huh i have some thoughts. like gameplay thoughts and some tinfoil story thoughts. spoilers below, obviously
- i loved the game, generally speaking. the grand majority of the puzzles were good and the writing had good moments and it did make me laugh/chuckle out loud a several times
- character writing was fun, except for some parts. even then im not sure if the characters were written bad or if i just got mad at the game and it made me bored of the characters
- the “parts” im speaking of is actually just one big part which you probably guessed right away. THE TRIAL. it was genuinely fucking awful. the game was great before and after it, but that single thing just dragged on way too long and was god damn obtuse (though i was playing it at...... 3 am or something. maybe not the best time for detective work but oh well. tyzias i hope your hand isnt sore from all the holding)
- everything else besides the trial was great. to give an overall rating for act 2 would be difficult due to such a wild disparity in gameplay quality.
- the other puzzles were good. i had to use the hint button only a few times outside the trial for genuine clues. the last puzzle is fresh in my mind because in the end i just kinda spammed the button to be sure i was safe to break the glass/turn the switch because i didnt want to do the whole process over after failing so many times. that was annoying but otherwise the puzzles were cool in my book.
- OBSERVATIONS: some early parts seemed disjointed, like right at the very beginning (after the explosion, in the cave and the bee farm). There were some weird excuses to cover the fact joey and xefros just somehow ended up to the cave. Also it was OBVIOUS the screens from the cave didn’t lead up to the farm properly. We’ve seen in-development animations and screenshots from Zebede and Charun in these areas previously, looking pretty complete. Also the gears at the farm windmill were very intricate, suggesting that maybe there used to be a puzzle there at some point? Also the skip to the train station from the forest was very abrupt. I feel kind of... sad? knowing weve lost some cool content probably forever for whatever reason, but the game is still good. the dev team said that if some troll call trolls are missing from the game they will appear in future acts, so its not like zebede and charun dont exist anymore, but... i wonder why they were scrapped. i mean, probably due to the absolute development hell, but at least charun was in the first steam trailer a year ago iirc. id love to know why this stuff was scrapped
-PLOT THOUGHTS 1: okay okay theres a lot im still thinking about but what im most curious about is the jeevik week. like its some kind of a festival but to what end? the tetrarchs (dammek, cridea, fiamet, xefros/chixie) were apparently planning something and i believe the jeevik week is supposed to be the culmination of those plans. in addition to the tetrarchs, i think marvus has some interest of their own in this, but its uncertain if theyre in on the same plot. he protected joey a lot, and i think it was kinda suspicious how they emphasized how marvus just “happened” to be on this train.
-PLOT THOUGHTS 2: so what happened at the end of the act. it seems likely that the first guardian axolotl thing from the concept art just blasted the train (directly hitting the rustblood car, mind this) though that thing seemed to have wings? does the axolotl have wings or is this something else? its most likely the axolotl, but there are more options... the green fire seems to hint at a green sun-powered creature either way. could there be a link to the act 1 creatures? which were black with green insides, like some kind of nega first guardian? could someone gotten their hands on ectobiology equipment and started producing first guardian-like creatures, powered by the green sun? on alternia, obviously as lusii, but as earth doesnt have them, as some kind of weird mutants? just food for thought
-PLOT THOUGHTS 3: okay, this is kind of a wild idea, but i suspect the attack at the end was intended to eliminate joey and xefros. the creature specifically targeted the lowblood car, and from one of the ending freeze-frames we see half of the wagon being obliterated probably killing everyone inside. xefros is a lowblood and joey was posing as one, so if the attack was intentionally directed whoever is behind it couldve assumed those two were in there. and if the creature was indeed the axolotl, the culprit is likely fiamet as thats likely her lusus or something (something that has been theorised from some in-development screenshots having a axolotl character as a stand-in chitter avatar for her). fiamet also knew joey and xefros were on the train. anyway if thats in any way accurate theres a chance shell be the secret final ultimate antagonist of hiveswap. but who knows
anyway thats my two cents...  mean at this point, my about 30 cents on hiveswap act 2.
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dead-ghouls · 5 years
Theres no way that i could ask for a break down of what you see in his ftes in ask format is is there?? I already love korekiyo, but I'm really curious about what you have to say.
I can do that! The only thing is that most of what he says I’ll be quoting from memory, but direct quotes can be found in his FTEs and in-game dialogue on wiki. I’ll do my best to provide as many screenshots as I can, but I doubt I will be able to find all, it’s a very long process and I dont have the whole day.V3 spoilers below, ofc. Also TW various types of abuse, you know the drill if you played the game. Long post!Let’s start from what we know about Korekiyo. What makes him Korekiyo, what makes him stand out, what’s special about him. 
- Unique outfit- Long hair- His deep knowledge of anthropology- His interest in occult/speaking to the dead- His deep relationship with death, grief and how he looks at it- His love for ropes- Being a serial killer
Now let’s break down every trait he has and where it comes from.
Unique outfit
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FTE 3, he tells us his sister made it for him to suit her tastes, claiming his school uniform doesnt suit him.
Long hairI don’t remember if it was mentioned in-game, but it was mentioned in V3 manga anthology, that his long hair is a memento to his sister, since she had long hair, so he refuses to cut it. It is stated that events of manga obviously not canon, but I dont think this claim was outside of his canon characterisation. 
His deep knowledge of anthropology
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In the same FTE he mentions that Sister was the one who “pushed him to research as much as he could”
His interest in occult/speaking to the dead + his relationship with death and griefI dont think i gotta find proof for that, he mentioned travelling looking to speak to the dead, the whole ch 3 with Caged Child + he mentioned having near-death experience after a seanse (see next bullet point), and that’s how his Sister came to him.He speaks about human mortality and coming to terms with it, but he himself cant do that. 
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He doesnt fear death, maybe he even seeks it - to reunite with his Sister [cut to him enduring his execution and seeing his spirit happy and free, ready to meet her] but no way he could properly cope with human mortality and his own grief. That’s where all the occult stuff comes in - him telling how he tried so many things and how nothing worked (?). He says it during ch3 investigation, if you wanna look for a direct quote. Him being into occult, speaking with the dead, being possessed by his Sister - all of it is just his ways of coping with loss. He was very dependant on her (I’ll talk about it more below) and couldnt stand being alone.
His love for ropesOf course it can be a kinky thing but also look closely at this exchange:
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This incident with ropes is what actually ended up “reuniting” him with his Sister. Of course he’d hold a special interest to this kind of activity after. 
Being a serial killerWell this one is obvious. Who did he kill? Girls. Why did he do it? To bring friends to his Sister. Simple as that.
Now look back at every bullet point and tell me: do you see a pattern? Yep, every aspect of his life, likes, personality, experiences, even his looks - it all traces back to his Sister. Controlling what he wears, what he does, what he likes; even after her death he is deeply affected and is devoted to doing everything in her name. Now try to recall one single thing about Korekiyo that wasn’t his Sister influence. Something he likes maybe? Something he enjoys on his own free time? Even his official dislike is a reference to a gift you might give in-game, an air refreshener that exorcises ghosts [He believes that he is possesed]. All I can think of is him telling he prefers green tea over black in one of FTEs. Korekiyo that we see and interact with in game isn’t his own person, just a reflection of grief, his Sister wants and needs. His whole existence is just a devotion to his late Sister, and it was the same way when she was alive.
Sister’s personality
From what I mentioned you should already hear the faint bells ringing in your head. “Pushed me to study” “Told me my uniform doesnt suit me” “I will kill people because her spirit told me to”He respected her, depended on her a lot. No shit, Sherlock - he was his Older Sibling. A side note, he never mentioned anyone else from his family, only said that they “had to hide their relationship from others” once. Sadly, I cant remember where it was said. No matter if he had any family present or not (having no family would worsen the case, but with family present its still fucked up) he still depended on her a lot, maybe considered her a parental figure, or at the very least - a role model. Korekiyo’s analysis on youtube brings up a very valid point - anthropology couldve been her passion as well, she just couldnt actually fullfill it because of the sickness. Explains her “pushing” him to research it.Basically we have an older sibling holding power over a younger sibling, presumably, from a younger age. More of her personality and influence can be seen in his trial. “You mustnt lose composure, you mustnt become flustered, you mustnt waver”Im linking this bit, but I strongly recommend rewatching the full version where his Sister appears. She appears to be his guardian, keeping him in check, making him act right. Telling him what to do and how to act. She appears in moments of distress when he needs comfort. He depends on her, he listens, he does everything she tells him to. Im not gonna get into the whole tulpa thing, so if youre not on board with it, I recommend reading into it more, even wiki has a brief explanation. Basically this possession is just his mind, but it does hold her true personality. So Sister is: assertive, calm, plays a role of guardian, has power over Korekiyo due her age, his respect and dependance on her, probably her being his parental figure. 
Now tell me, how this power dynamic could be healthy, consensual and (a very popular opinion in the fandom) this relationship was started from Korekiyo’s advances? How a younger sibling, that was so dependant and devoted could be in a consensual relationship with his older sibling that always tells him what to do?Korekiyo was groomed, he’s a victim. Most people in fandom hate him for being creepy and a sister-banging freak, because he doesn’t fit your cookie-cutter perseption of abuse victims. Everyone thinks that abuse victims only come in “i hate my abuser, i am currently away from them and i am healing” package. Korekiyo was never given a chance to realize it was wrong, he never got a chance to heal. He was groomed, abused, used and forced into relationship. Told that it was secret and sacred, that theyre breaking the boundaries, that’s why he mustnt tell anyone about it. Of course he believed her - its his Sister. She convinced him that his love and dependance on her was romantic/sexual love.
The same analysis brings up a good point of his Sister guilt tripping him because of her illness. Never getting a chance for romantic love, never getting a chance to make friends.
What breaks my heart is that after all of this, after devoting his life to his Sister, studying what she wanted, wearing what she wanted, killing for her sake and even being executed because of her - he says that he wasn’t enough.
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TLDR - Their power dynamic is very obvious from his FTEs and the trial, he was clearly groomed and abused, never got to recover from her manipulations. And fandom either fetishisizes their relationship, excusing their nasty kinks by saying it was consensual, or hates him because they never took the time to analyze the content. He was abused, he was manipulated, god knows what else was done to him when she was alive, and he died driven to insanity, full of grief devoted to his Sister and blaming himself for not being enough. As a side-note: it is completely okay being uncomfortable with his character/everything that happened in ch3. You dont owe anyone interacting with the piece of media depicting such topics. Your comfort and safety comes first. Kodaka is a shitty fucking writer. What is not okay is hating a character for being a victim. 
I probably missed a lot, my brain is very disorganized, so feel free to ask more questions/add your own opinion. 
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rqs902 · 4 years
a lin ran feature :’) i respect hes self-aware about his need to be more than cute to succeed. lin ran has always given me a vibe that hes very serious and tough on himself. he looks soft but has high demands and seems very determined to get what he wants.
im not worried about li hao bc hes surrounded by a bunch of kids who can teach him how to dance LOL not just lin ran but like jin fan and tianci too
what is this pole and could they not move it LOL
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lol so jin fan and tianci did a flippy trick and we just gonna pretend like it didnt happen lol okay 
ugh so jin fan kinda got to do more dancing than other stages but i was still hoping itd be more!!! but man lin ran is really killing with his stage presence here
leave it to ycw to speak loudly and vocally about his friends being injured so people recognize their suffering
LOL lin ran’s sassy “im not stupid!!” but yea the third stage was really rough for him, so im glad he was able to recover 
LOL lin ran again casually threatening the production team to be like “please edit this stage well” “please don’t cut our segment short” LOL 
lol yea im not surprised at this point that li hao won even tho it shouldve been lin ran. youku is def making these rankings up. lol gjm did you even look at lin ran’s facial expressions???? lol making up excuses for youku wat
lin mo praising lin ran and giving him encouragement like a true bro bc he knows how hard lin ran worked for this stage. i wonder if he designed the stage rigging
AY I RESPECT OSCAR. hes a good kid and someone whos willing to speak his mind to address problems, thats awesome. they need someone to do that. he’s direct with the problems but also directly follows by complimenting them and saying how great they could be if they pulled through LOL hes still a kid so hes trying not to offend them but i respect his courage, warmth and dependability. 
LOL XUE EN DESTROYED FRANKLIN HAHAHAHAHAHHA and he goes all cutesy after like he has no idea the power he holds LOL but im glad they showed some footage of xue en also teaching the other kids dance. cto skills whooo 
ycw still bringing up shiwei? hes either very caught up in his feelings still (which is probably not a good thing at this point) or hes just a really dedicated friend... or youku is just purposefully using shiwei’s elimination for dramatic effect. 
im surprised they didnt highlight cxh more bc youku seems to like him, and conversely they gave xzx a ton of time for his stage and let xzx win. 
okay i just needed to get that out of my system
but also im kinda glad syh is in this group bc hes the only one who i will not laugh at when singing this song. ycw and oscar talking about drinks and whiskey??? yall are babies?? also this song does NOT match this dance well at all. i see why they didnt like it when they previewed it LOL also i see now why i saw an edit on twitter of this dance over “retreat” from qcyn bc that song actually FIT the tie pulling move.. versus this im just like ??? seems so out of place?? 
also their voices all sound weird :\ maybe its just too high of a register for ycw and cxh? or maybe theyre just not very good at singing....? lol 
giving xue en the only multi colored tie? THEY KNEW. 
im just happy that the party group was able to make their stage so well that other kids were regretting not choosing them bc ycw was really struggling to get people to join him...
LOL XZX AND LIN MO are adorable together 
im glad that they spent time to say zhaohao has improved, i feel like hes gotten zero recognition so far. i feel like ycw winning is the only win i am willing to believe so far. (couldve been xue en too tho) 
A FEATURE ON XIKAN’S FRIENDSHIP WITH LUO ZHENG omggggggggggggggg luo zheng the sweetest ge, leaving all the good things for xikan whatt ugh but luo zheng is like literally going actor route so sad that he still wants to be on stage but has no opportunities. im grateful theyre still so close that xikan starts crying just thinking about him 
xikan being involved in the stage design and costuming and all makes me think of lin ran but also makes me think of cai xukun. cxk always gets so involved in every little detail to seek perfection
interesting that they focused it all on zry and lxk........ but at least highlighted xikan’s fun side
lol they purposefully cut in fan yu screaming zry’s name and ycw yelling cyc.... 
but also tbh xikan’s voice was not very strong during his high note and i know hes giving 110% into his dancing so im guessing he doesnt have much air left at that point but i was kinda disappointed it couldve been better. BUT he still did a good job. i thought the part where they ripped off his jacket couldve been more impactful? but it felt like it was just randomly in the middle of the rap break and he doesnt sing again until much later so it was like why did you change clothes there? 
tbh this song isnt that exciting? so im surprised that they wanted it that badly? 
i saw spoilers that fan yu was gonna be there and its adorable and i love their friendship but lol zuo ye being like i shouldve asked all my gege’s to come.... lol aka they know its kinda unfair for fan yu to be winning votes for zry
im grateful all the trainees are supportive of xikan and they purposefully showed a bunch of popular kids cheering for xikan
gosh that injury on his nose, you know hes put too much energy and is too invested into his dance part when he rips his own face like that :\ 
i saw spoilers that renyu would win and someone did the math that it makes zero sense for their group’s score to be that low, but i didnt expect their score to be THAT low.... goodness wtf thats definitely rigged, i see why people were mad. 
renyu winning is either entirely rigged bc youku wants him to debut or people are really just voting for him bc fan yu was there and that’s not fair either. i love renyu (and his friendship with fan yu) but there’s no way renyu actually won that many votes on a stage where he didnt really show his vocals that much and he messed up his dancing and he was surrounded by kids who danced much better and wouldve made him look not great. this makes zero sense. and the fact that ycw is the only winner that made sense is probably bc youku was like well we cant make it too obvious that its all a joke. but really, its all a joke. 
yes i love that renyu worked hard and stayed up all night but can we talk about how xikan does that for every stage? and renyu’s just now started to do so. renyu just came into this competition less prepared, so his improvement is easier to see. 
i still think if youku wants to debut renyu, theyll kick out lin ran from top 7, but can we talk about how lin ran put in all the effort to design and perfect his stage? how he teaches others to dance and pushes his group mates to shine as a leader and how he has truly one of the most memorable and formidable stage presences on this whole show? people say the debuting group will need renyu’s voice but how can you really say that renyu fits and is prepared and deserves to debut more than lin ran? 
renyu is adorable and talented but let’s be real, as a vocalist, hes not like you zhangjing, hes not like zhao lei, hes not like zhao pinlin, hes not proven that he really fits to be a main vocal in a boy band. youku cannot force us into believing that he can fit that role without any evidence to prove his worth. its like theyre trying to jam someone into that role and its like renyu’s their closest bet, but even tho he still doesnt quite fit, theyre just gonna shove him in anyway. this is what happens when you only give attention to people who are dancers and dont give actual attention to people who are actually boy band main vocal material.... /COUGH ZHAN YU or even cui shaopeng?? 
how can you possibly believe that renyu got 173 but their average was 134? none of xikan’s groups numbers make sense: 
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how did shengen suddenly drop so much? youku has been touting him this whole time into the top 10. shouldnt more of xikan’s fans voted for xuyu? bc he literally begged during the last elim for xuyu to make it this far. xuyu wasnt even dead last in the elim ranking but here he gets last place by like 15 votes??? when everyone else’s vote difference is like half of that at max? 
you expect me to believe lin ran only got 127 after he literally descended from the ceiling as an angel? that doesnt attract attention? how are both zuo ye and hu wenxuan so low? wenxuan was literally center and had bright pink hair, and in a song style that suited him, you cant tell me he didnt shine on this stage. xikan tied with xzx???? beneath a kou cong and su xunlun tie??? no way 
theres one week left and youku’s getting desperate to make it look like whatever they’re going to make happen will be a natural result, that this competition is up in the air and no one is safe, but it just seems very questionable to me. 
sooo does this mean there arent gonna be elims before the finals or what, we just dont see them announce who gets to perform? im assuming not all 32 kids will take part? and theres not gonna be a mentor collab stage? it wouldve been cool to see han yu and cheng xiao with the kids. there were 3 stages between the first and second elimination but no third elim and no mentor stage? its a mad rush to the end, honestly. 
oh well, we still love these CHILDREN 
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ps: if youve been following my rants, i honestly feel like i have had a really positive impression of zheng renyu from the start and i really do like him. he makes really good songs and his voice is very nice and his friendships are pure and his attitude is commendable. 凄美地 and 當帷幕落下 and 後來的我們 are some of my favorite favorite songs to listen to from this entire show, like probably 3 of my top 5, and a good deal of that is because of renyu and his voice. but im just trying to be realistic and renyu is not in my ideal debuting boy band. 
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fisherfurbearer · 4 years
fuck sam walmarts
and fuck management
I’ve had it. Left the store in tears tonight.
as some peoople probably/hopefully know. walmart closes at 6 pm on christmas eve. no one actually gets to leave at 6 becuase of shitty last minute customers. but it is what it is.
this. is really personal but im honestly SO close to just. killing myself? so who cares
basically. had a really really bad last few days. spent a lovely time with family (jessies family, his oma and opa and sister and parents and it was just a great time. theyre more family to me than most of my blood family) but it did make me Sad in Deep ways as we dont know if this is going to be our last christmas with his oma who isnt doing so good. and it just twisted me up a little but was othewrsiwse a great day. but then sunday i just...had a huge breakdown in the morning and decided to use my accomodation (i get 2 excused absenses a month) to cool down and gte myself together. slept a lot. woke up adn got a lot done, felt great, then i CRASHED really really bad, got really angry, lashed otu, took like...8-10 sleeping pills...theyre horrific things and im never doing that again...had to sleep for two days after that...felt horrifically sick, in pain, just awful. had repeating nightmares over and over. which has also been wearing me down recently. wasnt able to work monday either because i still couldnt stand and between the pills and the depression/anxiety and really just. felt like the world was ending.
decided sometime last night id just...try my best to make it in today, work my shift (really long 9-6, knowing i wouldnt leave on time nad htisis my first time working in 5 days now...which is rough...) and if i can get through this, i have another couple days off in a row after that (schedules fault, not mine...do feel awful i missed 3 days before that though...) and we can just. get back on track
today i DID go to work, jessie drove me in
i worked. a long time. im supposed to get a break every 2 hours and a 1 hour lunch
i gott my first break on timeish.
then i got my lunch 6 hours after i got in. at which time i got “locked out” for not taking my lunch and coudlnt do anything on the registers. i was supposed to get it 4 hours in. its christmas eve and excruciating and im still in pain and tired from my previous days breakdowns, but otherwise?? i did really good. i didnt mind at all that my lunch was so late. i was a little miffed, but its ok. i dont care, so long as i get it eventually. anyway they FINALLY noticed i was locked out and got me coverage and i ended my lunch at 4. things continued ok. worked on self checkout, met a lot of regulars i really like, prevented $200 of theft (HAHA WOW that was really really funny i love preventing petty theft. i prevent so much theft every week its my pride and joy) just did okay. then they had us close self checkout that took a little while. then at 5:00-5:10 or so i went to my Manager/Supervisor/”““People LEad” as walmart is now trying to call them, lets call her manager Y, and i told her i still need my break and will i get it before i leave. she said go to register 4. i asked again hey will i get my break though and she said yeah and i thought to mysel HAHA thats not going to happen but ok
really stupid that after bieng locked out the first time she couldnt give me my break before i openned a register with a line i cant get rid of
anywayy i did ok otherwise for a while
but at 5:25 or so i reminded a CSM “hey i need my break still can i get that?” and she just ssaid yeah well try to get someone and then more time passed so much time. i put through an ask on the register “assistance needed”. waited another 10 minutes. “assistance needed” again. starting to get anxious. its past 5:40. the line is so long. theres so MUCH NOISE. Its SO LOUD. the intercom keeps going off, no one is responding to me, i dont have a mat to stand on so my knees HURT,, im not doing okk
i switch my light to flashing/need assistance and start looking for someone to ask for help. its 5:45, i need my break NOW, i DESERVE IT for workng this long ass shift and they already missed several of my last breaks a week ago AND got me locked out today and im STARTING TO GET ANXIOUS PELASE I JUST WANT MY BREAK SO BAD
nnthgen a csm is passing by im about to lose it, so i tell her CSM J, please i really need my break now PLEASE and im starting to ccry and i try to tell her whats going on but she shushes me and goes and gets sometone
im full on tears at this point, im so strreesed out,,
manager Y and some other snooty manager come over andd. ffkcing. ask me whats wrong. im crying and i try to explain im really really stressed out, i havent had my last break, ive been trying to get someone for so long now, i just really need to leave im so sorry
and theyy just. fckkng
ffcking manager Y jjst ssays ok “ill give you your break” and “this is your last break” and i ssaid?? yeah i knoww?? andd she saidd “next time youre like this, just dont come in”
i quote that completeltyyy....i really lost it then...i cried som muchh
this isnt the first itme she said something like this to meee...
she asked me “why are you CRYING” When i had an anxiety attacki n the store once, when ic cloked in and couldnt get myself together,, she didnt give me time to calm down, she didnt listen as to why, she just said “why are you crying. this is a BUSINESS. you cant be CRYING Here.” and i just said ok ill go home bye and leftt
andd when i tried to get my availability changed from 7-9 to 7-6/7-7 because the random late shifts with 7 am shifts was messing me up really really bad and my doctor thinks i need to hcange it too, she just said “i cant do that. thisi sa BUSINESS.” and she wouldnt listen when i said i might have to quit because of this, this is for my health, im literally scheduled 7-2 every sunday in december, busiest day of the busiest month and you cant even chop TWO HOURS off my weekend availability????
andd i jjst
ive HAD IT with her
ive had ittt
im so ashamed and angry and anxious and i still havent stopped cryingg. she called me over to her again as i was leaving and she blamed me for it. she ssaid a customer was upset that i “Screamed” (ues i raised my voice a little but i wasnt screaming??? also the two customers i was attending to when this was going on and i cried were VERY KIND nad jjst said i was doing a good job and thanked me for being there) and called a manager over (but...csm J got them?? not a customer...??) and i cant be acitng like this, i cant do customer service when im stressed,, and d i should just STAY HOME If im going to be like that
then shee fufkcing toold me i DID IT WRONG, that i “shouldve called someone over” I TOLD HER I DID!!!!! I DID!!!!!!!!!! YOU NAIL INTO MY HEAD IM NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE REGISTER SO I DIDNT, I DID EVERYTHING ELSE I COULD THOUGH!!! I REQUESTED HELP TWICE!! I TURNED MY LIGHT TO FLASHING!!! I TRIED TO CATCH A MANAGER WALKING BY TO HELP ME!!! N OONE LISTENED UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE, I DID EVERYHTING I COULD!! yet she seriously told me to my face that “you didnt call anyone”, “you couldve turned your light to flashing” WHICH I DID and sshee jjst said that i made customers uncomfortable and i cant work like thatt and just stay hhome
ii stayed home sunday because i was having a mjor mental emergencyy.
i came in today because i was feeling better and i took it eaasy and ended up doing a wonderful job and mad eso many people smilea nd fixed so many problems that wouldve otherwise upset a lot of folks and i met my regulars and made old folks smile andd i prevented a lot of theft that no one else wouldve caughtt and i jjstt broke down after 9 hours and not getting a last break and all the chaos of register (WHICH BY THE WAY THEY KNOW I DONT LIKE REGISTER!!! I THRIVE ON SLE FCHECOUT!!! THATS MY JOB TITLE!! THATS WHAT I DO!!!! THEY KNOW THISS!!!!) and HER AVOIDING GIVING ME MY FUCKING BREAK and NOT RESPECTING MY FFUCKING METNAL DISABILITIES LJNASDKAJHDBASJSDNAJSNDKANSD
i really want to die and i really want to never go back but i really loved my job i loved helpting people ii jjst hate her so muchhh and i feel GENUINE DREAD/SEVERE ANXIETY jjst SEEING her nnow
she doesnt CARE about anyone but herself shes a horrible peson i cant tell the store manager though cause she wont care either and manager Y has more clout than me so shell just twist my words and make me out as the bad guy as hte “CRAZY ONE” who cries and gets stressed (FOR COMPLETELY VALID REASONS AFTER BEING PUSHED OVER THE EDGE) even tthough i work SO FFRIKCING HARD and do SUCH A GOOD JOB and asdjanjsdhajshdas
i d ont know what to doo
i cant work another job because no where else pays as much or will let me do self checkout only, because being a cashier stresses me so muchh
ii...really wanntted to grow stuff and make preserves and sell bee products and work with folks raising heritage sheep and make more fiber art andd open a little stall at a local market and sell all that,, and offer more online and do customs andd stuff
i know i could mkae money that wa ybut i ccantt start it so sudenly and im too Broken to do it seriouslyy and i dont even want to HAVE to quit because of ONE PERSON But shes done this so many times now and this is the nfinfal streaww
i jjst dont know what to doo...
i cantt stop cryingg
i cant even enjoy christmas nnow. wanted to see my stepdad and give him his presernt and maybe be ok.
last christmas we had to move because our house was condemned after a fire. now im going to have to lose my job because of a horrible manager who doenst respect my metnal health or anything about me reallyy. and unfortunately im such a failure that i cant. do anything else and if i lose this job ill lse my animla sand i wotnt be able to do anyhtingg andd im jjust fucking trash
goddammit i dont know what to do. i really dont. hhahaaa. i just really want to end it. ive come so far and none of it fucking matters because of thiss fucking horrible manager.
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krpk-remaking · 6 years
on kurapikas view of himself and his relations with leorio and prince woble (again)
this is a continuation of/add on to this post i made! you dont have to read it to understand this but i would really appreciate it if you did! also, shoutout to mags @senritsus again for helping me with this, again! <3
im gonna be talking about kurapikas very negative of himself, the importance of leorio to his arc (again, i know) and ill go more in depth about the importance of prince woble, since i forgot some important parts in my original post!
1. Kurapikas Selfloathing
Kurapika seems to truly believe, that the people around him dont, or shouldnt care about him.  Right now he sees his quest for revenge as his only reason to live, though that might be slowly changing (hopefully).
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Here, he refers to his journy finally beginning, the journey he wanted to take way back when he first left, but his clan was murdered only six weeks after he left and after that his only reason for traveling was his quest for revenge.
It was the purpose he had give himself and now hes scared of where he should go, when that purpose is fulfilled.
He genuinely doesnt seem to be able to fathom, that anyone could truly care about him
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Heres Mizai, directly telling him, that Leorio cares about him, “values him highly” to which Kurapika responds “I wonder about that. To be honest i really dont think my ability will be of much help within the dark continent.”
Kurapika measures his worth to others, especially Leorio here, through his ability to fight.
He wonders if Leorio values him. He doesnt know, hes unsure, after Leorio has tried to call him for over a year, Kurapika thinks that the only thing Leorio could possibly value about him, is his ability to fight.
He thinks thats the reason, that Leorio suggested him for a position in the Zodiacs.
Kurapika thinks his only reason to live his is revenge and as such sees no worth for himself as a person.
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He really doesnt see himself as human anymore and just someone, who lives for a revenge, a beast in humans clothing.
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The reasons he keeps pushing Leorio away and denying, that Leorio cares about him in any ways is that hes scared to get close to people since he doesnt want to suffer through the pain of losing someone again, hes scared to let people close because he seems himself as bad influence, and he believes he doesnt deserve any care Leorio shows him. Hes still not convinced that Leorio truly cares about him as a Person (see: “I wonder about that”), which brings me to:
2. Kurapikas Relationship With Leorio
Ive said it before and ill say it again. Leorio and Kurapika are absolutely crucial to the others development. I have made a post about this but it wasnt very thought out and really mostly just me, being very very mad at three am, so ill talk about it properly now.
2.1 Thematic Connection Through The Narrative
Back when Kurapika first left his village, he left to explore, to have fun (as instructed by Pairo), and to find a doctor. Leorio wants to be a doctor. Togashi easily couldve made Kurapika leave for just those reasons or for any other reasons. Leorio couldve wanted to be anything else but both of them want to find/want to be a doctor and i do believe that has a lot of significance.
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I think this is the exact moment, Kurapika came to truly appreciate Leorio, after seeing how he is actually dedicated to helping others and after finding out that he wants to be a doctor. And, maybe not so coincidentally, Kurapika also seems to be at his best during the first arc, even laughing. The only other time he laughs is way after the hunter exam arc, when Gon and Killua have their food fight, but thats it.
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Though, this has a lot to do with Kurapika being around Children, who seem to calm him down (possibly because they remind him of pairo) Ive actually kind of talked about that too! The thematic connection continues with the fact, that both had a friend die.
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This adds on to the moment, where they actually truly became friends. Kurapika realizes that Leorio has experienced loss too and they connect through that fact on a personal and thematic level. Also, during this arc, when Killua and Gon are constantly paired up, so are Kurapika and Leorio but thats probably just so the four protagonists could all stay in their little group.
And of course, The Zodiac Connection. Their appearances are obviously similar:
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And Pariston seems to have some features from Leorio too, same with Ging and Kurapika They seem to be foils of eachother in a way, more obviously with Ging and Leorio with the whole caring about Gon thing. Ging and Paristons Relationship mirrors the Relationship Leorio and Kurapika had at the very beginning, before the Hunter exam started, though theirs was more lighthearted because they were still teens while Ging and Pariston are fully grown adults. Pariston and Kurapika also both seem to have two sides to their personality, that they dont always show, Kurapikas being his happier side that was mostly showing during the hunter exam when he had a strong support system and Paristons being his sinister one thats very unlike the cheery public persona he puts on, mirroring Kurapika once again. Right now, in the manga, Ging and Pariston are working together, while Kurapika and Leorio are apart and Paristons and Gings teaming up also happend, while Kurapika went to join the Zodiacs, reuniting with Leorio. Since Ging and Pariston are so important to the others arc right now, I think Leorio will definitely come into play sometime this arc.
Also, a sidenote: This arc seems to be shaping up to be the chimera ant arc equivalent for Kurapika and hopefully Leorio too, since it comes almost directly after it, does not involve Killua and Gon at all (just like the chimera ant arc had no Leorio and Kurapika), involves the dark continent in a way (just like the chimera ant arc, since that is where they came from) and has Killua and Gon seperated, like Leorio and Kurapika where during the chimera ant arc.
Killua and Gon begun the chimera ant arc together and ended it with their Seperation. Leorio and Kurapika begun this arc seperately (with a short reunion) and maybe they will end it with being together, but this is mostly just me hoping.
(And this time its Mizai dealing with all of their teen angst.)
2.2 Personal Connection, Their Relationship
I really have seen barely any meta on their relationship which i think is a crime because its really so good and interesting, so, here i go!
Kurapikas and Leorios Friendship starts out very rocky, obviously. They butt heads when they first meet and have a lot of petty arguments well after that but as their bond strenghtens those lessen.
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At the beginning of the hunter exam arc, they were pretty much at eachothers throats, then they learn about eachothers real motivations, spend more time together and begin to value eachother more.
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here are some moments where leorio helps kurapika loosen up
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and here are some where its obvious that kurapika does think highly of leorio and sees him as his equal.
Selflessness seems to be a trait Kurapika admires. When it first became obvious that Leorio actually wanted the money to help people, their relationship immediately improved.
As shown above, by the time they reach the island stage, Kurapika trusts Leorio enough to want to team up with him.
And the appreciation is definitely mutual. Leorio sees Kurapika as his friends and he values all of his friends highly. Also, Kurapika appears to help him be more rational > stopping him from attacking that old woman > trying to calm him during arguments
(Not when Illumi was threatening Gon and Killua though but thats very understandable.)
Then, during the yorknew arc, Leorio starts their tradition of calling and not picking up and later insists on helping him, and tries to calm him, multiple times, eventually succeeding (kind of).
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Later, when Kurapika comes down with his fever, Leorio is right there, taking care of him. It shows how much he worries for and cares about Kurapika and how he really doesnt want to lose another friend.
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Heres him telling Melody to take care of Kurapika, knowing that she will be at his side as a colleague.
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Then, way way later when they finally reunite, after Leorios been trying to call for so long and Kurapikas been climbing the mafia ranks and pushing everyone away, they still care so much about eachother.
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Kurapika feels better with Leorio around and hes thankful for him but still believes that he doesnt deserve any care. And its obvious to everyone, except Kurapika apparently, that Leorio cares, so much.
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Leorio also feels better with Kurapika around, someone he knows and trusts. And they do know eachother well. Kurapika notes, that he isnt even “the shy or socially anxious type” , which either implies that this is a very stressful situation for Leorio, or, that Leorio is just using being “uncomfortable” as an excuse to see Kurapika. Though it really is more likely that its the first one, im just throwing this out here.
Then of course, theres this, which ill never shut up about:
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Its Kurapikas Mentor, telling him, that hes gonna need allies he genuinely cares about to progress forward, to which Kurapika thinks that he was right since progressing forward like this wasnt that simple, but his solution to that seems to be wanting to get even stronger, he doesnt want to endanger anyone, he doesnt want to care about people, but its not that simple in reality, cue: pictures of Gon, Killua, Leorio and Prince Woble, the four people he canonically cares most about. Since this is the section about Leorio, ill go more in depth about his panel here and later, ill talk about Prince Woble.
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Hes thinking about moments where they made him happy/made him care about them, Gon and Killua with their food fight in the park where they cheered him up and Leorio on the phone. Its him calling to check up on Kurapika. Kurapika really did appreciate it so much, even if he doesnt show it, even if he keeps pushing Leorio away. And he does care about them, even if he doesnt want to! The way Leorio expresses care for his friends, which is very vocal and direct, is so good for Kurapika because even if he still cant really believe or accept it, its still something he appreciates, somehow. I am not (!) saying that they will definitely end up with eachother but they are definitely incredibly important to the others character development and i dont think Togashi will forget about that. Now, for my last point.
3. Kurapikas Relations With Prince Woble
Prince Woble is so, so important to Kurapika, this isnt news and Kurapika holds an incredible amount of empathy for little kids, seen in his interactions with Gon and Killua too and now with Prince Woble.
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He really is very dedicated to protecting Prince Woble in this arc, prepared to full on die for her. To directly quote my other meta post about this,
“Kurapikas arc appears to very much be about him finding the human connection, that he lost when his clan was killed, again, effectively making this found family story a Big Deal thematically. Him finding a new purpose in life through taking care of Woble would be, in my opinion, a thematically satisfying ending for Kurapikas arc, since its been said by many in-story characters that his search for revenge will only destroy him in the end”
Though, the important part, that i neglected in my first post since i cant read, is, that when Kurapika thinks about the people he cares about, he also thinks about her.
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I really, really hope that this is some kind of foreshadowing of him actually taking care of Prince Woble in the future. It would be the perfect way for Kurapika to find new purpose in life and for him to become human again, in his eyes. Also, i am a little worried about the dark aura that Kurapika senses from her sometimes, but i really dont know what to make of that as of now.
Anyways, you did it! thank you so so much for reading i really appreciate it! If you have anymore thoughts please come send me an ask or something im always open for discussion! always!!
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super-affection · 5 years
You get that AC 7? How is it? Someone told me the missions are a little FUBAR. Can confirm or deny?
oh hell yeah i have an excuse to give a mini review of it thank you! to start off, i really liked it. over all it was a great return to form and a true ace combat game through and through. but there was alot that couldve been handled better. you can blame hype for some let downs cause honestly its hard to please everyone. it’s hard to live up to the duke nukem hype and produce something that all will love and give critical acclaim. but i can go over just what wasnt great imo so if you pick it up you’re kinda prepared. any way to start off: are missions a little FUBAR? 
a lot of the missions gave a good challenge but some of the mission design was kinda off. like some missions you had to just rush and complete as fast as you can and you couldn’t even appreciate the radio chatter or scenery. that and i wish the missle warning alert sound was lower cause its louder than the bgm and chatter. it really drags you out of the zone of enjoying whats supposed to be an action packed assault. because of all this sometimes i was actually lost with whats happening in the story cause i missed a crucial bit of radio chatter and then all the sudden a major event happens and i’m just... nani the fuck. hm i’m actually unsure if you can adjust the sound. while i def could see past those flaws i think some of my not great experience with the game can be attributed to some of that sound design mixed with certain mission’s designs. immersion is key with ac and the recipe for it is good bgm driving an intense narrative through the radio chatter while youre dogfighting. but there were just times you couldnt enjoy that experience because the nature of the mission needed you to blitz through it and the non stop missile warnings made it hard to relax. (although i played through in normal mode so i reckon maybe theres less missiles in easy?)
any way the missions were pretty good and they were still ac to its core. you could always replay the missions and breeze through them but it sucks that because of how i explained some missions were designed it sucked out some of the raw experience you could have had with the narrative. oh and the story’s pacing wasn’t that great either, it wasn’t a bad story but i feel you would know what i mean when you play it cause i can’t explain it without spoiling it. but alot of characters desperately needed to be fleshed out more. and they did toss in alot of fan service which is a wholly good thing right? well they tossed in just a little too much imo. its just a classic case of “hey :) remember when this happened, hey here’s a familiar name! wow remember that person :) hey remember this! i mean hey this doesnt have to do with the mission at hand but hey that happened in the other game haha! you love the other games dont you :).” to me that kinda comes off as disingenuous from the devs which seems selfish to complain about cause we should take what we can get right? well id appreciate the fan service if it were better interwoven into the plot and not just being dangled like a toy for your pet where you’re an annoyed pet and the devs are the owner making baby voices at you. i don’t hate that there was all this fan service tossed in but i just don’t like how they executed it. it’s something you’ll see when you do play.
but is it a good game? hell yeah it is, sure i explained some stuff that kinda does sound like a deal breaker but again, its still very much ace combat to its core. the ost is fantastic and the selection of jets and sp weapons gives you alot to play with. just like with the other games you can expect some cheesy goodness with the campaign. i know i explained alot of bad but theres so much more that it does get right and i assure you you will still regardless have a good time. it’s not 1:1 to the glory days of old but it’s still a decent cigar you can have while remembering them
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 14th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on March 14th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Sketch Dump by Aleks Stock.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Sketch Dump by Aleks Stock~! (https://sketchdump.org/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
one scene i particularly enjoyed was the scene where its revealed clear as day, no holds bar that Iladyl is a slave. https://sketchdump.org/post/179755402309/sketch-dump-c02p06-i-wanna-hug-iladyl-qaq the way its revealed is so straight forward but so simple really works i think. cause its just treated as a fact of life and that is indeed how it would be for the world.
i also loved the animated shattered screen effect because its both grounded in familiarity yet the way its illustrated kind of gives it that scifi fantasy tech feel that lets you know that nope, definitely not from earth
i also find the scene where Brogod meets Jen to be kind of fascinating. mostly cause i think Brogod is an interesting character since his first inclination is to make contact and help. meanwhile in the "real" world, cause i get the impression of simulation, his brain seems to be kind of exploding. but mostly i like it for the interactions cause its not the first reaction you really expect when meeting some crazy alien entity in a weirdo simulation world of sorts.
im not done reading through the archive but i really like the scene in the beginning where the lights are flickering, it looks so cool
yes i think the lighting effects are pretty cool. especially cause of how its animated because the animation kind of feels like the world is glitching. which fits with the whole world we see jenna in later
i also like the beginning scene with the séance. just nice to see the characters fucking around. it really gives you the sense that they've known each other for a while
it's a great artstyle overall, love it
yeah i liked seeing the characters interacting too during the seance, some good moments there(edited)
i love any sort of multimedia webcomic but the use of animations is rly good
it makes the world a little more vibrant
yeah i agree it is really great to see the characters kind of just being them. no life threatening quest. no world to save. just a silly seance thing as an excuse to get together, hang out, maybe get some food later. i think it was a good way to introduce them since it gave more breather time to get to know them.
i like the little hints that there's more to the characters, like that dudes scar
yes or some of the subtle looks passed between certain individuals. it was interesting to see a little back history at play that we dont get to know about yet
it really makes you want to read more
all caught up now! definitely agree w @RebelVampire about the scene revealing Iladyl is a slave. a few pages prior to that i think lyral says something to the effect of "i stole you" which i didn't understand at first but once it got to that page i was like ohhhh
haha i kind of suspected from that line but it was one of those lines that makes you go "hmm maybe not"
and then the story said nope, it was the worst thing you could expect
harsh, harsh reality
although im really curious about what gave it away. like i assume the horns or something, but im not sure what about them announced "slave over here everybody"
i think it was the horns, since there is a panel focusing on them when those people say to leave the slave alone
maybe the hair color too but idk
QUESTION 2. At the start of the comic, we’re introduced to a slew of colorful characters. Which of the characters shown so far caught your eye the most? What about that character in particular interests you? Further, which of the character dynamics intrigued you the most? From what has been shown so far, especially of the human cast, what do you make of everyone’s relationship with each other? How do you think this devil summoning ritual began, and why is everyone simultaneously showing up and being grumpy about showing up? What do you make of every character’s choice of sins, and in what ways do you think that might come into play later?
i like jake and jen a lot, mostly based off their designs
while brogod definitely interests me, i think the character who caught my eye the most was Jake. Of all the humans he seemed the most down to earth and cool. that and of all the characters jack couldve called at the beginning, he calls jake. and that really makes me want to know their past relationship history cause who you choose ot call first is pretty revealing.
i think there's a lot of things being set up for the future and i'm rly interested in seeing where it's going
obviously these are characters who've known each other for a good while and have their own rituals and inter-relationships
the devil summoning is being done for the sake of ritual rather than anyone (besides jackson) caring about the results
so i guess it will be interesting to see why it worked this time and how it will shake up their relationships now that its worked
yes, definitely. cause if this doesnt test their friendships, nothing will XD
there definitely is a lot of character stuff being set up though
i think from the opening scene the character im most worried about sin wise is allen. cause allen chose sloth and life and while jake played it off as him just being a millenial, umm, yeah. i mean you dont pick life as a sin for nothing
which since allen is the one with the scar
maybe hes got a serious case of survivors guilt
and survived something horrific
im really curious about that scar, since it seems like he makes a bigger deal of it than anyone else
yeah especially when it really isnt that bad of a scar
so theres gotta be emotional ties to it
and not just vanity
since vanity is a sin and was not the one he picked
oooh i didn't make the connection between the scar and the sin he picked
if there is a connection, it could go multiple ways. maybe it was a situation where he got the scar through inaction, or maybe something happened to him that made him a more passive person
that could be too
that would combine it well with sloth
the character dynamic i think i want to know most about is blake and ana. cause of this page https://sketchdump.org/tagged/comic/chrono/page/13
there are so many ways to read that conversation and that look
oh that's true, i didn't notice that the first time reading through
(can i just say i really like the composition of that page)
yes, i love the visual flow on this page, the slight animation, and all the shot choices. it was a really good build up for that look
ill also point out blake wrote love as his sin
so that is a blush
the was blake is in the second panel vs the last panel are super different. if it's related to why he picked love, then i wonder why he and ana haven't haven't seen each other in a while (based on the "long time no see")
ok wait. im rereading this and the papers are sin and sacrifice. so love isnt the implied sin but what blake wants to sacrifice
so is it like...ana is his ex hes still in love with but he wants to move on?
hm that would explain them not seeing each other
yes and the awkward response from blake
if life is allen's sacrifice, then thats even worse tho and stands to reason that hes probably guilty of inaction
QUESTION 3. Within the comic, an “innocent” devil summoning seems to go horrifically wrong. What do you think exactly happened to everyone involved? Why did this summoning go so awry, and why did none of the other attempts before have the same results? How does all this tie into what Brogod was doing regarding summoning and translating? Did Brogod somehow cause what happened to the human gang, or were both sides victims? Also, why was Brogod found unconscious and barely breathing after making contact with Jen? What’s even going on with Jen? Lastly, do you think Brogod is okay and, if so, will Brogod try to make contact again?
I do think Brogod was responsible for why everything went awry. Cause its like he was trying to summon the summoner which probably created an extreme magical paradox
my guess is that the two "summonings" happening at the same time is what caused everything to go all whoopsy-fucky
i think the previous seances never worked because each time, there wasn't someone like brogod on the other end doing their own seance
it's weird that brogod got all messed up but the humans didn't. maybe it's because there was one of him and seven of them?
i assume brogod got messed up more from making contact with jen
rather than the seance itself causing it
like had he bailed and said "no lets not talk to this person" he mightve been fine?
i think the thing with jen is like... either happenning in his head or he's like projecting his conscious to another plane and thats why he's fountaining blood
i got the simulation impression
like brogod was tapping into another world
another world i would not be surprised was purgatory or something
whereas the humans got physically transported
simulation world also cause last i checked human eyes dont glow blue like that
unless jen was secretly a cyborg all along
im trying to figure out what jen is saying in the non-translated parts.... too hard >_>
by process of elimination i believe jen was the one who chose to sacrifice limb, so i hope that thing brogod put on her doesnt have long term consequences
sacrificing limb sounds pretty straightforward in terms of making it literal, wouldn't want to pick that one
the only non-translated part i think i understand is the one on this page https://sketchdump.org/tagged/comic/chrono/page/32
p sure she's saying something about his tail
makes sense
i can read "That's a
but the rest i cant figure out
im really curious why brogod seemed to have all those translation bug things as the thematic colors we keep seeing to represent each character
they also flew away into the void (i think they did, he tried to catch them) so im wondering where those lil things went
i mean the most likely conclusion is to the other characters
considering in the latest page we can confirm emily made contact
and clearly the language barrier would still apply without help
yeah, it would be silly to have the characters run around without being able to speak the language
so thats a neat solution
also interesting. cause magic shenanigans must be at work
i do think brogod is gonna be fine and be back again to figure out wtf is going on. cause i think after he wakes up he might realize he had something to do with it. or hell make contact with jen and gleam info about their situation and go "whoops"
im really curious about what's gonna happen lmao
QUESTION 4. As the comic has only gotten so far, there’s a lot of speculation to be had about the future. Do you think the human gang will ultimately get back to their homes? At the very least, do you think they’ll at least be able to find each other given they all seem to be quite separated? How do you think Iladyl will be involved with the plot considering his friend seemed to have located Emily? Why is the friend interested in involving Iladyl in the first place? Do you think everyone else has made contact with someone like Emily and Jen? On a different note, what about the world interests you the most right now? Finally, in general, what sorts of conflicts, events, or anything else are you hoping to see or think might happen?
so in line with the topic of sin and sacrifice earlier, im really concerned ana is gonna die. cause thats one way to sacrifice love
i feel like they'll be separated for a long time and will have to deal with their relationships while being apart and thrust into a new and foreign situation
you know, like college
yeah i dont think theyll find each other anytime soon. although the characters who know them may find them. like maybe brogod will find Iladyl's friend and they can chat about their alien friends. but i assume the humans are kind of like in pockets where they cant make contact with each other until theyre out in the actual physical world where there isnt a white void everywhere.
they'll probably have to reevaluate their relationships under duress and will be different people by the time they see each other again
yes, definitely. i mean not even their relationships. theyre gonna have to evaluate themselves cause they all seem to be early 20s or younger with exception to jake who seems to be working at a hospital
tho exception in the sense that im not sure what his job is there
the description does say 2 teens and a number of young adults
i wanna say five but i cant fucking count
i assume most of them are around jack's age
again minus jake
cause it really depends on what jake does
cause if hes a nurse or doctor or something hed be a lot older cause med school takes a long ass time
if hes a nurse he might be younger i think(edited)
because nursing school doesnt take as long
true. but tbf jake could also be some sort of genius and did the whole college thing at 10. hes mostly just the wildcard i wont put eggs into the basket
on a different topic, i bet the others are not having as great as time as jenna or emily. cause i will be surprised if they all manage to meet someone who legitimately wants to help them
my guess is that theyre all within 4 years of each other
it will be interesting to see if they all have like... a demon counterpart to play off of
i think thats plausible, just all their demon counterparts might not be the best of ppl. like knowing slaves are a thing in this world makes me think one of them is kind of destined for it
the bit of world im most intrigued by is from this page https://sketchdump.org/post/174655505354/sketch-dump-c01p24-minor-seizure where brogod gets mad about almost damaging the most priceless artifact in the palace. cause i cant decide what hes talking about, although i assume its the lighter. and if so, wtf happened in the world that its the most priceless artifact
alternative could be talking about the computer, but considering technology seems rampant idk
it does look like an ordinary lighter, but who knows
(ordinary lighter w blue fire, that is)
hmm the computer says something about a gift and lyddal(?) also mentioned a soul gift
maybe its a soul lighter
lladyl lmao
hmm that could be
but now that tells me why the friend probably wanted to get Iladyl involved
maybe Iladyl's soul gift is something that will help
with emily
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Aleks Stock, as well, for making Sketch Dump. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Aleks Stock’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://sketchdump.org/
Aleks Stock’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sketchdump
Sketch Dump’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sketchdumpcomic
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theday · 7 years
Those feelings are perfectly valid. It doesn't make you petty just because you still feel this way while some have moved on; people feel and deal with things differently. I don't know how you feel about these feelings of yours, but try not to beat yourself about it. Hopefully he'll apologize if he gets the chance. If he doesn't, I hope these feelings leave eventually.
For the Jae situation (if you’re talking about the song) I think it’s unfortunate that the song he recommended has such problematic lyrics. My stomach was twisting the whole time I was reading them and to know that he thought it was appropriate to recommend it didn’t make that it any better. I try my best not to blindly love bands or idols but a part of me thought that he was going to apologize. It’s been almost a week but I don’t think I’ve seen anything yet. This has me feeling torn at this (1)
point. This might be biased but I suggest having a bit of faith in him perhaps? Based on his personality (from what we can see anyway) I feel like he wouldn’t leave a topic like this untouched on purpose, especially if he knew that my days were upset about it. I understand that it can be unsettling to have one of your favorite people do something that rubs you the wrong way without any closure to disappate those negative feelings. Even if you do continue to feel badly towards him, know that (2)
hi anon!! how are you i didnt really expect anyone to talk about it bc i have v few day6 mutuals but thank you for bringing it up!!! i have talked about this before in an ask i answered on my main blog (thought it doesnt relate to the topic at all so ill just copy and paste what i said) under cut bc this will get long!
as of november 6:
so something (refer to the song he said suits myday) happened with jae recently and ive seen fans trying to defend him by @ing him and saying that they love him which is fine - great even! but what i dont approve is how everyone’s basically forgotten about the whole matter because they had concerts so instead of @-ing him and asking him to explain himself, they tell him what a great concert it was which is also great bc their concerts are honestly amazing. basically my pet peeve is when ppl dismiss the problematic action of some people just bc they like them.
another thing is that there were some fans who started guilting others for wanting to drop day6 completely because of what jae did and in my opinion i think it is totally cool to want to drop a group if they did smth bad like??? its ur life???? u can choose who you want to like. what is not cool is pulling out all the good things the person has ever done in their entire life and try to remind others about the positive sides of the person. yes. they’re an encouraging person, etc. but that does not cancel out the bad things they’ve done until they explain/apologise. what is infuriating is just the manner some people took it?? they literally went ahead and tweeted shit like “would your parents drop you if you did smth wrong?” and “you’re seriously gonna drop someone whos been nothing been nice because of one incident?” yes. people will and you dont have any fucking right to stop them? so dont go pulling out receipts.
another thing. its also okay to want to stan the whole group even if someone has done smth problematic. like? to me youre cool if youre able to see and acknowledge the bad shit someone has done and still stand by their side while educating them at the same time its nice to have faith in your idols. however, i wont say much when your idols dont respond and/or respond in a way that shows absolutely no remorse. its cool if you want to support them too, despite that.
tldr; dont fucking excuse someone’s behaviour/action just because youre so far up their fucking ass. dont pull out shit from before either, be it good or bad. and lastly, its okay to want to drop/continue supporting them, its your life.
i just wanted to talk about this tbh,, it was nice to see a few mydays trying to urge jae to explain the whole situation but seeing as he still hasnt and couldve it really irks me :-/
okay update its been a day and i havent really thought about this but im kinda conflicted now bc jae still hasnt talked about the song and im probably just making a big deal out of smth that will never happen again but it really doesnt sit right with me knowing that jae recommended that song to his fans and said it suited mydays?? bc looking at the lyrics… i SURE hope not… idk i have neither forgiven or forgotten but he’s okay now.? i cant stay mad at someone for that long anyway ill never forgive him 4 it though lmao petty ppl only
 jae’s still an amazing person to me with all the encouraging words he says to mydays but this one incident is just soOOOOO hrm 
okay so that ^ was like 4 days ago and it was answering a question on pet peeves so it didnt really have to do much with jae at all sorry for making u read that the second last paragraph is probably the most relevant whoops anyway
ive already said this but thank you so much for coming to my ask to talk (? though its mostly to reassure) about this with me because on twitter where i follow more mydays, i barely saw anyone talking about it and as i mentioned above it really bothered me :-/ everyone has different ways of responding to it so ill let that slide because there may be people who still want to enjoy day6′s music without having to deal with anythng “problematic” idk i cant speak for those fans who keep quiet about it but this isnt about other mydays its about jae and 
the fact that he’s been active on twitter since the release of the november magazine but has yet to speak about it also bothers me and its not smth i can just brush aside because like you said the lyrics are fucking terrible and has upset at least 2 people??? (which is completely understandable, the lyrics are trash along with the artist but i doubt jae knows about the shit the artist has done) from what i managed to catch on twitter idk about others and i posted a message on fans here because he has said that they do check fans so im hoping he ends up seeing it soon assuming he doesnt know about how the song distresses some mydays (i think most people have stopped @ing him about it at this point) and ill try to keep tweeting him??
i check the jae_day6 tweets and there are barely any tweets about the whole thing which is sad :-( so im just giving him as you said, the benefit of doubt and i believe that once jae finds out he’ll speak about it because jae is still the kind, encouraging person to mydays and i dont want something like this to change my opinion of him although it did eventually since i cant look jae (and pictures of him) the same way :-/ it probably has to do with the fact that i get influenced really easily by what others think?? and this time bc of what i think i ended up reacting negatively/not at all to jae things and i mean it sucks??? but i know that its okay to feel the way i do since we havent gotten any sort of explanation whatsoever 
anon i hope youre doing much better and even if you harbour any negative feelings towards jae too i want you to know that it’s really alright to feel that way like you said!!!! it makes me a feel a bit better that i have done my part to try and get jae to notice the mistake he’s made and i just hope he’ll talk about it eventually because he has so many opportunities to apologize/discuss the matter (vlive, twitter, fans) theres also music access which i will try and tune in to next monday so i can leave a comment (id feel bad for bernard though since hes the main dj)
once again thank you so much for being kind enough to reassure me and im glad it gave you a chance to talk about this too because something like this isnt something i can forget easily and i hope you have a good day because youre really great!!!!! i love you and its amazing that you believe in jae idk i think youre amazing!!!! 
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isaacathom · 6 years
ok this is actually a fun bit of writing here, even if the preceding shit was kinda garbage
tl;dr this bitch has to rant about this stupid book because i naively want to learn something about my family’s history and this is the only fucken way to do it
‘When he discovered he had to work to help provide for this instant family of a large flock of children, ‘Mick’ showed his true self and devotion to the family.
Within a year of the marriage, he left the fold, leaving his wife to fend for herself in the daunting task of raising her children.’
like.aside from just being kinda awkwardly worded (he bangs On and On about how his mum was the 11th of 11 children like fuck i get it its a big family, holy shit) i think thats just. a good concept there. the space really sells the punch. wouldve been better if we hadnt been told beforehand that Mick was a cunt, yknow. but thats nice
also lets keep going. ‘6 step brothers and 4 step sisters’ theyre actually her Half Siblings. they all share the same mother. theyre related. she’d be step if she was adopted, which she was not, because if she were, surely we wouldve been told about those circumstances.
‘[his mother] easily met that high standard as she was a very pretty young lady’ please dont perv out over your fucking mother you pig of a man. also you would hope ‘jock’ (his name is fucking robert but ok, Jock) was interested in more than how pretty Nellie was when they got together, right......... like there had to be more to it. am i naive? perhaps
‘scottish clan gordon’ the what. but we arent gordons???? are you. are you hundred percent sure. are you positive about this. are you sure thats why your name is gordon. alright buddy
‘according to buzzy’s story’ please never refer to yourself in the third person
‘hotels rarely burn down’ ?? i dont buy that at all. my guess is this famous hotel (which.... you didnt name so ok)
ok so theres a picture in here of my dad standing at some random gate, and he says its the same gate as a picture of his dad..... where is THAT picture??? this picture means nothing without that historic context, and it feels hollow if the actual picture isnt there.
granddad you dont. you dont need to wikipedia article dump me information about glasgow??? i mean sure, cool, id rather just be reading the wikipedia article.
jesus christ. so hes talking about his dad, right. who he’d technically set up earlier by saying he came to melbourne at 19. before he launched into a whole thng about his mother and shit. and suddenly hes come back to his dad to explain that his dad (so gordons grandfather) used to beat him! and its like, wOAH, where the fuck did that come from??? shit dude. thats rough. but he just mentions it suddenly out of nowhere. oH JESUS actually. sorry. i misread (yknow, because its written like shit). he means.... his brother??? right, he means his Brother Robert, was beaten by his dad, also named Robert, who was the one who came to melbourne aged 19. ok. ok that makes slightly more structural sense but ooof. ouch. poor robert (the younger). in my uh, defence, this book is written awful and i've never met robert? (my.... understanding is that he probably died before i was born? like with mary, who i dont recall having met either)
ok uhhh ‘most of the gorbal’s tenemenets were eventually demolished by the wise founding fathers many decades later, in the 1980s’ the WHOM. this isnt fucking america, this is scotland, what in the actual fuck are you TALKING about????????????????????????????? ‘modern day replacement improvements and architecture designed to achieve, what?’ fucker they were trying to fix the mistake they made in crowding 90k people into the fucking gorbals. maybe they didnt succeed (they didnt) but they were trying, it was naivete rather than fucking malice, you bitter old fuck. like, you visited in the 1980s.... and published this book in 2007......... without thinking to check back......... like hey maybe theyve gotten better? (newsflash - they fucking have) sooo... fuck
‘could the [my family] be related? [to the mcdonalds]’ yes??? we literally are. theres no question of that. being a sept of clanranald, we are Literally related to the fucking macdonalds. you absolute buffoon. yea its distant, and maybe thats your point, but when combined with you launching into this giant diatribe about rhw Campbells for shit that happened long ago, it seems youre picking and choosing how close ‘related’ is. we are. literally. related to the macdonalds. also it wasnt thought up in glasgow, they were from fucking new hampshire. but sure. 
‘his sheila wife of his’ excuse me?
‘so the name was related to a buzzing bee i suppose’ ? i still dont get it. like, he then explains that apparently his twin sister had difficulty saying Brother, so she called him Buzzy. that makes sense to me. i can understand that. but the buzzing bee thing? not sure i follow, given the prior context he provided. i dont get it. this is written like garbage. theres no structure. we went from jumping forward in time to the birth of my uncle Dale (my dads older brother) and suddenly we’re talking about Mick’s running career and gordon’s childhood! what the fuck happened.
‘coupled with the bigoted attitudes that were rife during those periods’ says the man who got angry at a black (i THINK, mightve been a separate story)  frenchman who couldnt speak english in France because ‘we saved them’. fuck off. youre just like them, you old codger.
also hes decrying his grandfather mick for being ‘no true irishman’ even though micks dad was full irish? by that exact same metric i can call my grandfather no true scotsman, because his dad is full scottish and thats it!!! you fucking fool. no true irishman, holy shit, how little self awareness could this man have.
‘then excessive drinking liquor isnt for me’ but is Is for your wife, is it gordon??? drinking wine when shes on antibiotics??? fucking incredible. god theyre. theyre so stupid.
‘not proceeding as a scholar as i could have’ you literally admitted like 5 pages ago that your twin sister was Far smarter than you, but sure! ~scholar~. if you were meant to be a scholar surely you wouldve bounded back from missing days with a vengeance. youre talking complete tosh.
im confused why theyd be doing bombing drills in South Yarra.... in preparation from a japanese air raid.... like im sorry, if the people north are doing their jobs, theres no physical way they couldve gotten to south yarra....... but ok. thats not his fault i just think thats strange.
im 110 pages in and he hasnt actually gotten to the point where he meets eleanor??? aside from a few time jumps forward and a brief mention of ‘meeting her in a milk bar in south yarra’ so like. hoi vey? the fuck.
oh jesus thats. thats a heavy thing to just chuck in the middle of a sentence??? like ‘oh yea after Skete the next scout leader was a paedophile who abused me and the others’ wwwOooahhh there buddy back up. what???? holy shit. ouch. thats. thats rough.
‘absolutely belted this poofta bastard’ yknow what? fair. id also beat the fuck out of a pedo with my boot. thats Relatable. good going on that, i suppose.
ooh thats full third person, weird.
one thing that is definitely kinda interesting, and very telling about his relationship with his family, is that he only ever refers to Nellie as ‘mum’, but refers to Mick as, well, Mick! rather than ‘granddad’ or anything of the sort. like its just sorta interesting when you get this big family photo and Nellie is the only one not called by her first name.
‘returning to those earlier days’ NO! FUCKING MOVE FORWARD IN TIME YOU GIT!!!! holy shit i just want to read about new fucking shit.
......... so like, at some point while playing footy, an opposing player kicked him in the leg and caused a fractured tibia. so a few weeks later... one of gordons friends took a mark on that player and kneed him straight in the head, with that player never playing again. and he’s PROUD of that!!! he’s proud of his friend for ruining a guys footy career. like yea, the guy was a dick, he broke your leg and it was at least partially malicious, but like........... you fucked him up????? hardcore?????? a straight up ruination. but go off i guess.
its interesting that he doesnt go even remotely into eleanors history beyond the fact (so far) that her father Leo didnt say much but was a good dude. then again the books all about him soooo fuck it i suppose.
‘recognition of our scottish heritage’ eleanor isnt scottish tho. shes irish. shes an o'donoghue. what the fuck. like yea naming them dale and glen is a ‘clever’ nod back to scotland (i actually do think thats cute and clever, joking aside. its the exact sort of ‘clever’ shit i love pulling) but............. shes not scottish. unless we’re waiting for volume 2 all about eleanor.
hE USED TO LIVE OUT HERE??????? IN SPRINGVALE????? fuck me. no fucking wonder we live here, huh, jesus. that. certainly explains something, i suppose. like ‘if you were raised in holbrook and YOU were raised in thomastown, why do we live in knox?’
so granddads being a dick, as usual, and he’s on some tour in paris. and the tour guide launches into a long thing about the glory of france, like french history and the fighting record, etc. and granddad calls out and tells him to knock it off, because ‘our australians died by the thousands for your country’
i. eh... uhh............... is he. is he aware? of how many french people died???? for france?????? how many????? il tell you how many - apparently 1.44% of the total population of france. thats 600000 people. how many did we lose? around 35k. thats, uh, a smaller fucking number. than the amount of french people. who died. for fucking france. you fucking idiot.
it kills me. is he gonna include the french speaking one too???
oh hell that sure is a picture of my father. good heavens. holy shit my brother really does look like him. thats uncanny, man.
‘one son Scotty’ his name is Scott, actually. not scotty. but cool, i got a really small shout out, weirdly BEFORE my older cousins did???? oh dear is he gonna talk about my uncles divorce actually. oh god. thats. thats terrifying to consider. oh, cool, he didnt in that small section, hopefully it doesnt come up haha (i can only IMAGINE what sort of vile shit he’d say about cathy)
also, ooh, more nuggets on grandma’s family. her dad was a freemason! thats cool.
ooh! he was the president of holbrook shire council! thats kinda neat actually.
ooh! the glenndale motel actually still exists! thats cool as hell. not that granddad told me that i just googled it
Ok first off ‘i slammed my fist into the counter and said very calmly’ yea no fuck that, youre fucking lying. theres no way you slammed the counter and spoke calmly. you almost definitely abused this poor french metro worker who, being a French Man living in France, is not required to know english. you fucking babboonnnnnnnnnn
apparently he nearly fell off a mountain innnnnn geeermany? austria, austria. and as he mentions my dad pulling him back up, he words it as ‘stopping me from falling to my final destiny’ what fucking wording IS that. my god.
uh well ok thats. about it i suppose. there was a big hullabuloo about like, hotels and shit, and there was probably some racism about Islanders in there (like i find it hard to believe there wasnt but im not gonna go back and double check, because this book reads like absolute garbage). but eh. yea?
uuhhh so that was an Adventure, for sure
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