#they saw my cake i kept talking about my other friends that did tell my hbd and gave me gifts
pupsconfetti · 2 years
i wanted to buy a friend of mine a gift for their birthday since we live in the same area but then i remembered how they forgot my birthday and did nothing for me
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love-and-pastries · 4 months
I have this friend that I haven't seen in a year. Last time I saw them, they were skinnier than me and barely ate when stopping by. They didn't ask for snacks or anything to eat unless I was already planning on eating something. That's all fine and good, but I saw them again after about a year...
They had clearly put on at least 100 pounds, potentially 150, and I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but I assure you that I'm not. When the couch barely made a sound before, it creaked and groaned against their weight. When they had no issues getting around, going up the stairs left them out of breath. When the floorboards were silent with their footsteps, they now stepped heavily around the house with the boards creaking loudly underneath them. Even their clothes, which had to be new, were struggling against their overstuffed belly.
The first thing they did was ask me for something to eat, so I gladly made them ramen. They requested two packets and a soft-boiled egg, and I gladly provided. After their meal, they asked for snacks, so I willingly gave them whatever they wanted - all that I had. They finished an entire box of cheezits and a half of a second box. They also finished half a box of cookies. They wanted hot chocolate to go with this, so again, I provided, making sure to add extra whip cream and small marshmallows. As much as I tried not to, I found myself sneaking a glance at their shirt that was now riding up on them slightly as their belly hung over their pants.
They told me they were still hungry and somewhat reluctantly asked if I had anything left to eat. I happily agreed and made a full pizza, not expecting to eat a single bite of it myself. I brought the pizza over to the kitchen table, and they took a seat, the wooden chair creaking loudly as they did so. After I added some extra cheese on top, they took a slice and quickly devoured it. Then they took another, and another. I kept them talking as they ate, somewhat of a distraction, and before they realized it, they had eaten the entire pizza. I could tell their pants were barely clinging to them, and it was clear their shirt was riding up much more than it had been before. They looked stuffed, and I could see a look in their eyes that said, "If I eat any more, I'll pop."
Their stomach, however, disagreed with their comfort and growled. Clearly embarrassed, they tried to play it off, but I knew better. I grabbed them a dessert - a tub of strawberry ice cream, a small slice of chocolate cake, ice, extra sugar, a bit of cinnamon, and a half pint of heavy cream. I pulled out my blender and made a delicious and thick milkshake. How many calories it was, I can't exactly say, but I had to be a good host to my starving friend, no? I couldn't let them go hungry.
I handed them a glass of the drink, and, hesitantly at first, they started politely drinking, but as they continued, their polite sips turned into desperate gulps, as if they hadn't drank anything in ages. They chugged the drink down - one glass became two, and two became three, and so on until the drink had been finished entirely. Their breathing was a bit more labored as they sat, seemingly pinned to their chair by their weight, and with one final gulp of their glass, the button on their pants flew off, and their belly spilled out of the far-too-tight jeans. They were extremely embarrassed, but of course, I reassured them, letting them know that it just meant there was more room to eat their fill.
As their belly hung out, filled to the brim with food, it growled, begging for more. My friend's expression said that they could barely handle more, but their stomach clearly had other ideas. With a polite smile, I asked, "Are you still hungry?"
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strangeandoff-putting · 4 months
why I'm happysad that they let Numa be the narrator in Society of the Snow.
So if you, like me, have been more than a little obsessed with the story of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 for a very, very long time, your stomach probably dropped like mine did when the narrator introduced himself as Numa Turcatti. (My immediate thought was, "why would you do this to us?!") If you went in blind, I feel for you!
But while the film gave us a version of Numa, since it's from his perspective what it doesn't really give us is the group's perspective on him. He comes across a bit like an outsider, and although, yes, his only surviving friend was Pancho Delgado, he wasn’t an outsider for long at all. On the contrary. So, here are a few excerpts from the books that tell you more about what he was like and how much they all loved him, because I feel like that’s important.
From Alive, Piers Paul Read:
Next to Parrado, Numa Turcatti was the most generally beloved of the boys. [...] Since he had known few of the boys before leaving Montevideo, it was proof of his strength, simplicity and complete lack of malice that he became so loved and respected by them.
On celebrating Numa's birthday while trapped under the avalanche:
The boys gave him an extra cigarette and made a birthday cake out of snow. [...] Many would have liked to give him a better time on his birthday, but instead it was he who improved their spirits. "We have survived the worst," he said. "From now on, things can only get better."
From Society of the Snow, Pablo Vierci:
‘When I talk about Numa, I can’t help but cry,’ says Coche Inciarte. ‘He’s the best person I’ve ever met in my life. However tenderly I cared for those who were losing heart, Numa did it much better because he never got tired. He was constantly aware of everyone else’s distress. He radiated peace, he never gave up, and when he came near me, I felt like Jesus Christ himself was among us, with such mercy and compassion in his eyes. I don’t know where he got his strength.’ ‘I could never imagine him living in everyday life, because I met him and I loved him in that torment of the Andes,’ says Coche. ‘He had a hard time eating, like I did. We ate the bare minimum in order to survive. I lost one hundred pounds, he lost more. And just like me, his leg became infected after the avalanche. We operated on our legs together with a razor blade. But he deteriorated more quickly than I did, because he had given so much more; he had been too generous.’
Moncho Sabella:
Numa taught us about the anonymous heroism of giving more of himself to others than he reserved for himself. In that balance between solidarity and selfishness, which decided whether you lived or died, he tilted the balance in favour of the others to the detriment of himself. [...] And when the avalanche came and covered the plane, the one who worked the hardest, the one who removed the most snow so that we could come back to life, was Numa. Again, he was exceeding his own limits. [...] In the end, his immune system was so devastated that he got one infection after another. We gave him antibiotics and the doctors on the mountain attended to him every day, but finally he left us. And with him, we all died a little more.
Gustavo Zerbino:
I always remember Numa up there, full of despair, when he told us that he would rather die watching the sky, walking, instead of ending life immobilised in a cave of broken metal. For that reason, after the avalanche, he kept digging and removing snow without rest until he burned himself out with exhaustion. He always thought that his time had come but he wanted to work until the final moment, doing whatever he could to help. I cared for him all those days; I saw how he was hurried to the brink of death, with no defences, getting one infection after another. I went up to him and first I gave him a kiss on the cheek to greet him and asked him how he was doing. He just stared at me with a kind of infinite peace. He never complained. But Numa was quickly deteriorating: from that physical strength and vigour he had had at the beginning, he finished as a skeletal dying boy. He held on to his characteristic qualities until the end though. He was that same stoic guy when he was strong and when he was wasting away.
‘Gustavo Zerbino didn’t tell us the whole truth [about the expedition] because he didn’t want us to be discouraged. When I asked Numa about it, he couldn’t lie and he told me: “As far as we went, all you could see were more mountains.” But even so, he always wanted to be an expeditionary. “I want to go,” he told me, even though I knew at once he could never go, he was too exhausted and too hurt.’ So Numa approached Daniel Fernández, knowing that he had influence over the others, and he tried to convince him: ‘I can do it, Daniel, please believe me. I can do it.’ Daniel recalls, ‘When I told him that his injury made it impossible, he started working even harder than ever, like a bull, shovelling snow to unbury the plane after the avalanche to show that yes, he could do it.’
Finally, from Alive, after Numa died:
On this particular afternoon, Javier Methol lay at the back of the plane. "Be careful," he said to Coche as he rose and stepped over Numa's body. "Be careful not to step on Numa." "But Numa's dead," said Parrado. Javier had not realised what had happened, and now that he understood his spirits dropped completely. He wept as he had wept at the death of Liliana, for he had grown to love the shy and simple Numa Turcatti as though he were his brother or son.
I'm not sure the Numa we see in the film is quite the same person that he actually was on that mountain, but I'm so, so glad that he got a voice. He fought so hard for them all.
So, yeah. In the immortal words of Jake Peralta,
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spencest · 3 months
pair: Spencer Reid x fem!YN Hotchner
synopsis: Gideon gives Spencer tickets to a Bruins game, with the excuse of inviting Y/N. However, things don´t go as they both planned after he asks his friends for advice.
warnings: none, just fluff, corny, and awkward Spencer
inspired by: S1 E4: “Plain Sight”
words: 2,2k
A/N: Sorry, this is really bad. This is the first one, i promise the rest will be better. Take it as an introduction to the story
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it had been one of those cases that left you thinking for a few hours, so i decided to settle into my seat on the jet, trying to find something that could distract me. It was then that my gaze went to Spencer, who as always was playing chess with Gideon.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him, his birthday had been interrupted by a case, and one of those that left you with the worst feelings. He didn't even complain when he had the chance, i just saw his joy fade when my dad interrupted the little celebration we had prepared for him.
i wanted to continue with the celebration that Morgan, Elle, JJ and i had prepared for him, but i know that my friends were too tired and that he would probably refuse this time.
i let out a sigh, remembering the way he smiled when he saw the cake, or the way he kept trying to beat the infinite candles despite explaining him why it wouldn't work.
my chest felt warm when that happened. Spencer has a comforting smile, the kind you would love to see over and over again, because he will always give you that nice feeling.
you would know he was a sweet, innocent soul just by seeing him smile.
a clearing of the throat brought me out of my thoughts, it was coming from my side so i turned my head to see who was calling my attention.
it was Spencer.
- hey, uhm... Gideon just gave me some tickets to go see the Bruins tomorrow, and i found out that you really like them... - After saying that there was silence, i looked at him for a few seconds, waiting to see if he would say anything else.
- uh yeah, actually i love them, why?
- well, i wanted to know if you... uh.... wanna go with me to watch the game - i saw him playing with his hands and looking towards Gideon's seat.
i felt my cheeks heat up, was he inviting me to a Bruins game? me?
i cleared my throat, trying not to make my nervousness so obvious.
- sure, i'd love that, Spence
i saw his cheeks turn red in the same way, which made me feel a little more confident.
after that we stayed talking for a few minutes, agreeing on a time to see each other before the game and once ready, Spencer sat down with Gideon again, but not before turning to look at me before sitting down.
JJ suddenly appeared next to me, smiling.
- so, a date with Reid? - She murmured as she sat next to me.
i hit her with my elbow, embarrassed again.
it's not a date, it's just hanging out as friends.
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once i got to my apartment i started to prepare dinner. After dinner i usually call my mom to talk to her about my day and keep in good contact.
she's my best friend, the only person in the world i would tell everything to. Even if it means having my dad listen to some of the conversations from time to time, especially now that my little brother Jack has born, since he usually comes into the room he shares with her, telling her that Jack misses his mother, and then he just didn't come out again.
however, the ringtone on my phone alerted me while i was cooking, so i quickly took it out of my pocket.
- hi? - i asked her, fearing that something had happened.
- when were you going to tell me? - she asked me, with a very serious tone of voice, so much so that she scared me.
what did i do?
- what are you talking about, mom? - The nervousness was clear
- about your date with Spencer!
wait... what?
- how...? - Then something clicked in my head. - was it dad?
- it doesn't matter! why hadn't you told me?
- i was just getting home! you know i always call you after dinner. - I tried to defend myself, but i heard her snort on the other side of the line.
- this is more important than routine! it's your first date since you broke up with...
- it's not a date. - i let out a sigh.
- your dad said it's a date.
- don't believe him anything!
- what are you gonna wear?
- i don't know, he'll take me to watch the Bruins game...
i heard her scream, which made my eyes widen.
- is he going to take you to watch the Bruins game? Y/N, honey, that's a date.
- but…
she interrupted me and started giving me advice for “the date.”
my noodles were forgotten when i heard her enter the non-verbal language tips.
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- hey, Spence. - i greeted him, watching him quickly get out of his car to get to the passenger side and open the door for me. - Thank you
after getting in and closing the door, i hurriedly put on the seat belt while he returned to his place.
- hi Y/N, you look... g-good - i heard him stutter.
my clothes were pretty casual. I decided to ignore much of the advice i received the night before, choosing to be myself.
this is what i would wear to watch the Bruins, but a little prettier.
- thanks, Spence. You look good too.
he looked quite formal, but still casual. It wasn't exactly the same outfit i would see him in on a day at work.
i have to admit, it looks more than just “good.”
his cheeks reddened as he began to drive. A somewhat uncomfortable silence settled in the atmosphere.
- is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- do you wanna eat something?
we both asked at the same time, so we looked at each other a little surprised, and then started laughing.
- for me it would be nice to eat something before going. -I decided to answer his question, still laughing a little.
- cool, i actually know a place near where we should go
he started to tell me a little about that eating place, but i noticed that he sometimes stopped himself when he felt like he was talking too much, so i tried to ask more. I want him to feel comfortable today. I want him to be himself.
when we arrived he asked me not to get out of the car, and instead he got out, walking around the front until he reached my door, which he opened for me.
after unbuckling my seat belt i got off and we both started walking inside the place.
calm music played in the background, and the atmosphere was cozy. I saw some families eating quietly at some of the tables. The conversations were not so loud, there was no smell of food, the colors were pleasing to the eye.
it was the perfect place to go to eat, so i turned to see Spencer, smiling at him and thanking him with my eyes for that.
we quickly found a table and went to sit down. The silence is more comfortable now, but i still feel like Reid was avoiding talking and that was getting me a little upset.
- is everything okay, Spence? -His eyes widened, he seemed surprised, almost scared by the question.
- yeah, why do you ask?
- for no reason, don't worry. - I smiled at him again, trying to convey confidence. - And tell me, is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- oh, n-no, no. I had already gone before. - He was quick to respond.
that surprised me. He doesn't seem like the type of person who is passionate about hockey. It almost sounded like a lie
- really? what other game have you gone to? - I rested my elbows on the table, getting a little closer to him.
- well... - He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he were trying to remember. - i went to see the one a few days ago against Pittsburgh
before i could ask anything else, a waiter came to us with two menus in his hands.
- hi, sorry to interrupt you, here's the menu. In a few minutes i'll come back. - We both nodded, watching him leave.
during our stay at the place i decided not to ask him any more questions about hockey, focusing on knowing a little more about his personal life, about the things he does outside of the BAU. I discovered his passion for certain writers, and i even tried to convince him to read some novels, arguing the entertainment it would bring to his life.
he seemed more relaxed at that moment, his shoulders no longer looked tense and he no longer stuttered. He was being him for a moment and that really made me happy.
once we finished eating he offered to pay, being faster than me and paying before i could even say anything to him.
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the game had already started, it had been 10 minutes since it had started and Spencer didn't say a word. He was attentive watching the game.
normally someone would think that he was just enjoying the game, but from the corner of my eye i could see him moving in his spot and playing with his hands constantly. That distracted me, so i couldn't really focus too much on the game the Boston Bruins and the Florida Panthers were playing.
- Spence, are you okay? - He was startled when i called him
- Yeah! Why? I don't look good? - He stammered again
- Spence, do you really like hockey? -I saw him bite the inside of his cheek, still playing with his hands, so i decided to take one of his hands when i noticed that he was distracted by his thoughts.
- Not really, i mean, i'd never been interested in hockey before, but Gideon gave me the tickets and…- His voice was getting faster, so i gently squeezed his hand, making him stop. - Sorry, i shouldn't be talking so much either.
- What are you talking about? Spence, it's okay if you don't like this, we can leave and do something else if you want. -I offered him, but he started to shake his head, telling me no.
- No! Well i... actually i wanted to learn so i could understand it and that you wouldn't be the only one who know about this but... uh, when i had everything ready they told me to try not to give so many data or statistics and to be more of a gentleman, but they don't understand that if If they take away my statistics, things get a little more complicated and i... - He started talking faster again, so i squeezed his hand again.
- Spence, who told you that?
For a moment i saw him hesitate
- Well... Morgan... JJ... Elle...
i let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders, which i didn't even notice were tense.
- Spence, i don't want you to stop giving me your data and statistics, even if that means you´ll tell me all the time. That's fine with me, i love it when you do it.
his cheeks turned red again.
- Really? I know it can be suffocating and i don't know when to stop...
- Really, you can tell me whatever you want, i just want you to be you, relax and do what you really want to do. So, do you wanna keep watching the game or should we leave?
- I wanna continue watching it, the truth is it's quite entertaining to analyze the possible plays, plus the Bruins are playing better, so i can't take this opportunity away from you.
i smiled at his words. That's when we were finally able to concentrate. Spencer talked to me the entire game about different tactics they could use, or why the other team was losing.
and yes, we earned bad looks from those near to us.
and yeah, maybe i still don't know if this was a date or just hanging out as friends.
but i know that i have a beautiful experience to tell mom that same night, and three people to hit when i see them.
Spencer is a lovely person, and getting to know him better helped me see that comforting smile again. Even at the end of our date / not / date he hugged me for a few seconds. For a moment I feared that he might feel my strong, rapid heartbeat against his chest, but if he did then he didn't show it, and that's something I was grateful for.
Spencer, what exactly are we doing?
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once-upon-an-imagine · 5 months
It would be lovely if you could write a Remus x fem reader, who sleeptalks and confesses after a long night studying in the commonroom.
this was sooooo sweet! 🥰 I am so happy Remus is my first 2024 story cause I loved how this turned out Warnings: none, this is pure fluff; reader talks in her sleep Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter 😁 gif isn’t mine 😊
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"Oh, come on! Just tell us already!" Sirius kept pestering you.
"Sirius, just drop it!" you repeated.
Sirius was currently lying upside down on the sofa behind you as you and Remus tried to study in the Common Room. James and Peter were sitting by the window, James playing with the Snitch as he laughed softly. They all knew that you talked in your sleep and Lily had recently told them that you mentioned one of them a few nights ago but she didn't tell them who. Although James had a pretty good idea and it wasn't Sirius.
"C'mon, love" he said, smirking at you. "We all know it was me, so just, admit it already" he said.
"You got me. Yes, Sirius. I had a dream that I you kept asking me stupid questions, so I punched you" you smirked back at him, making the other three laugh and Sirius' smirk drop.
"You're not funny when you do that" he glared at you.
"And you're not funny when you do that" you said, going back to your book.
"Was it about Prongs?"
"Pads, just drop it" Remus added, sighing as he tried to concentrate on his Transfiguration book.
"I just find it weird that she won't tell us? I mean, what's with all the secrets, love? What's the harm in letting us know you had a dream about one of us?" he asked, turning around before realization hit him. He slid off the sofa and was now fully sitting on the floor, next to you his arm behind you as his smirk was back on. "Hold on a second" he said, moving closer to you. "What was your dream about?"
Your eyes widen a little and you could feel your cheeks burning. You hoped Sirius didn't notice the smudge you made on your book while writing. But Remus did.
"Oh, Merlin" Sirius laughed as James and Peter suddenly found the conversation very interesting. "I knew it! That's why you don't want us to know, isn't it? It wasn't a very innocent dream, was it, love?"
"Alright, Sirius, that's enough" Remus said, glaring at his friend. "We are trying to study here. If you three aren't even going to pretend to care then, please leave us be!"
"Oh, come off, Moony!" Sirius mocked him as James was already pulling him up by his arm.
"Let's go, Pads" he laughed.
"Is not like he's not dying to know if it's him!" you still heard Sirius as James was pulling him upstairs to their dorm with Peter following them and finally leaving you and Remus alone.
"Um, I'm really sorry about them" Remus chuckled, nervously. "You know they can be-"
"It's alright, Rem" you smiled sweetly. "I know they're idiots" you chuckled. You've known them for a very long time.
A few hours had passed, and the Common Room was empty by now, except for the two of you and the dying fire on the fireplace.
"Okay, I think we've covered everything" Remus said, looking at his book. "Except the Fruitcakes to Fairy tales" he said, re-reading the content again. "Wait, that can't be right" he chuckled, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands. "Right, Fairy Cakes to Fairies" he corrected. "I think we can leave that for to-" he turned around to see you and stopped when he noticed you were resting your head in your arms and had fallen asleep. He looked at the time and realized it was a lot later than he had thought.
He felt himself smiling as he saw how peaceful you looked in your sleep. He would never admit this out loud but, Sirius was right. He would eventually have to find the courage to finally ask you out. He slowly got up and quietly started cleaning his and your things before he would gently wake you up so the two of you could go to bed.
"Mmm..." he heard you mumble in your sleep before he saw a smile appear on your face. Again, he may never admit this out loud, but he kind of agreed with Sirius. Ever since Lily told them that you had said one of the Marauders' name, he had been dying to know who it was. "Stop it, love" he heard you say, still fully asleep. It may not be the best idea though, as this could mean there was a 75% chance that you were in love, or at least dreaming about, one of his best friends. But at least this way, he would be done and get it over with. But then... "I love you too, Remus" he heard you chuckle, making him instantly look at you to make sure you were still sleeping, which caused him to drop the books in his hand, and you opened your eyes at the sound.
"H-hey-" Remus said, nervously as he picked up the books and he felt his cheeks blushing. "S-sorry, I uh" he stuttered. "I didn't mean to wake you up-"
"H-how um- how long have I been asleep?" you asked, feeling your heart pounding heavily.
"N-not long" he insisted, kneeling back next to you. "I was just thinking about calling it a night. I mean it's a bit later than I thought" he smiled.
"Um, sure" you smiled, nervously. "W-was I uh- was I... t-talking in my sleep?" you asked, feeling your cheeks burning as you looked away.
"Um..." Remus thought for a moment. He could see you were extremely anxious, and he didn't want this to be the way he confessed his love for you. "N-no" he said, noticing the sigh of relief you gave. "You were just... mumbling a bit but I couldn't make any of it" he assured you.
"Oh, um... okay" you smiled, feeling your heart flutter at how close Remus was from you. Not only because of that, but also because of the dream you were having, where he was much closer and his lips were very much on yours. "Um... we should... probably go to bed then" you said. "I mean, uh... separately, um... y-you know, you to your dorm and me to my dorm-" you stuttered. "I'm just going to shut up now" you chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, I think we're good for tonight" he said, smiling adorably at you as he got up and then helped you as well.
"Um, thanks again for helping me study, Rem" you smiled as you made your way to the stairs where you'll be parting ways.
"Anytime, love" Remus said, smiling at you and stopping you before you could go up the stairs. "Um-" he said, blushing a little. "I was thinking" he said, nervously. "Since it's a Hogsmeade weekend" he continued, placing his hand on the back of his neck. "And we're basically just one subject away... maybe you'd like to... go with me?" he asked, smiling sheepishly at you.
"R-really?" you asked, feeling your heart melting. "Just... y-you and me?"
"Y-yeah, if you'd like to um... go on a date... with me, that is" he assured you.
"I would really like that, Remus" you smiled.
"Really?" he asked, excitedly and you nodded happily. "Brilliant! So, maybe we could meet here and go to breakfast and then, we can go?"
"Sounds perfect" you said, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"See you tomorrow then, love" he smiled before he turned around to leave but you stopped him.
"Are you sure I didn't say anything when I was asleep?" you asked, smiling nervously. Remus looked at you and smirked a little.
"Nope. Nothing, love" he replied but you weren't fully convinced. "At least nothing I could understand" he shrugged. "Why? Were you dreaming about something in specific?"
"Not really" you smiled back at him. Remus pulled you a little to kiss your cheek.
"Sweet dreams, love" he whispered before he went on his way.
Yes, he definitely heard you.
The End
A/N: I hope you loves liked it! hopefully more stories are coming up this week!
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deerlottie · 12 days
can you pls write something about lucy & a transmasc reader? maybe like hc about how they grew up together, were friends, had crushes on each other, lucy supporting reader when they came out, then finally them dating. Lots of fluff maybe some suggestive stuff as well 👀
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warnings: FLUFFFFFFFF, tmasc!reader, some NSFW themes
she was the first person you saw when you came out of the cryochamber
she helped you look for your parents before going back to find her dad and brother. needless to say, you were immediately smitten by her. and lucky you because your dads were friends, so you spent a LOT of time together.
thinking about having sleepovers with her in her family's vault as a kid :( staying up late and eating jello cake until you puked. she'd beg you to let her do ur makeup, and you didn't wanna say no and upset her, so ofc you agreed despite this sick feeling in your stomach that hated the thought of putting it on.
she didn't understand why you started crying when she showed you the final result in the mirror - she thought you looked pretty!
you def came out to her pretty young too. maybe around 11/12. which is also the time when your feelings for her started. you'd feel giddy walking to history class with her, feeling your heart thump whenever she'd smile at you. it was just a whirlwind of emotions that entire year. you felt like you couldn't tell your parents about your new gender identity so you kept it bottled inside. but lucy being your best friend knew something was up and cornered you maybe a little too harshly to ask what was going on. you felt like you were going to burst out with embarrassed tears with how demanding she was being, but you know she was just worried about you. you eventually blurted it out, red faced and all, and you were shocked by her casual response.
"so like....if we get married, you wanna be the husband?"
you felt like you could faint right then and there. you've never been more endeared. she didn't quite understand what being trans meant at the time, and neither did you, but she knew that nothing would change between you two.
she'd immediately think of new names to call you if your deadname was too feminine :( calling you nicknames and something inside of her fluttered at how red you'd get when she'd innocently write your guys' names in hearts.
OKAY. on how you guys got together...i genuinely think it'd kinda just happen? like she already assumes you're dating with how affectionate you guys are with each other, and you dont question her cheek kisses as she walks you back to your vault until she Really kisses you one day. she's awkwardly shuffling on her feet, swinging your arms togethers as she waits for you to make the first move. she gets a little impatient and REALLY wants to kiss you, so she tugs you in for a messy kiss and OHH!! she'd make so many happy noises as you kiss her back :(( you're kind of left in shock as she waves goodbye and legit skips back to her room 😭
it's never really spoken of again 🤷‍♂️ you just accepted that you're dating her now and you couldn't be happier
fast forward a couple years, you're both young adults, and you finally start T!!! lucy would be so VERY excited to watch you do your first shot :3 and if ur scared to do it, she'll do it for you with zero hesitation. she'll bribe you with a little makeout session if you stop whining and procrastinating her doing the shot too
i think she'd keep a little notebook of ur progress ;( jotting down everything. from the way your morning voice seems to get deeper, and to every tiny baby hair you get on your chin. speaking of voice, i think she'd have a HUGE thing for how deep it gets :P begging you to keep talking just so she can hear your rasp, and maybeeee she's rubbing her thighs together while you speak :(
also very excited to monitor your bottom growth 👀
dates with her would go crazy Just saying. i've spoken about this before in my other lucy headcanons, but she's suchhhh a sap and hopeless romantic :( little picnics with her and she plans them out weeks in advance. heart shaped sandwiches with your initials written in mustard or ketchup <3
brain going empty but lucy maclean i love you. i just know she'd be the most supportive of you coming out as transmasc and doing everything in her power to make you feel safe and comfortable and loved >______<
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talesofesther · 1 year
birthday girl
Wednesday Addams x Reader
This story belongs to the Sweet Calamity universe
Summary: Wednesday tries to make something special for your birthday.
A/N: A sweet little thing for my favorite universe. And also as a birthday gift for my dear friend @eviekensington. <3
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It was a day like any other; the sun was peeking through the clouds, your colleagues had sour faces in the morning, your girlfriend's hand was warm in yours.
Just a normal Thursday.
Or at least you hoped it would be.
You were walking out of your last class with Wednesday, talking with her about the upcoming test. Well, you were talking, she was listening and humming along.
The day went by as normal, the sun just a few hours short of setting, and no one had acknowledged it was your birthday yet.
Just how you liked it.
Honestly, it's not that you don't like when people remember your birthday, you do — it shows they care. Yet the sometimes overwhelming attention that comes with it is not exactly something you love.
One person wishes you a happy birthday and suddenly there are people you don't even know pulling you into a hug to do the same. It feels like the spotlight is on you for the whole day. That, you don't like.
To avoid things like that, you preferred to keep it a secret. Though this year there's something different; you had your soulmate with you. A soulmate who's very good at uncovering secrets.
"I happened to forget my hunting knife at the ballroom," Wednesday suddenly interrupted your rambling, "would you accompany me to get it?"
"Uh-" you didn't know what she was doing with a hunting knife at the school's ballroom in the first place, but there was no reason for saying no to spending more time alone with her, "yeah, of course."
Wednesday gave you a barely there smile and squeezed your hand before pulling you along.
Maybe you should have expected it, what with the way she was being all secretive today, dodging your attempts at making plans for later and sending texts to someone whilst in class — you barely saw Wednesday touch her cellphone on a normal day; that should've been reason enough for you to guess something was off.
You pushed open the ballroom doors and were immediately greeted with chantings of happy birthday. Enid, Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, Divina, Xavier, Eugene, and many others of your friends occupied a small portion of the big ballroom; there was a table with a cake and drinks on top of it and a haphazard cut-out birthday sign taped to the wall along with a few balloons.
Placing a hand over your racing heart, you looked at Wednesday beside you, she had a glint of pride in her eyes.
"You weren't assuming I was unaware, right?" She smirked, then motioned for you to walk further into the ballroom, "you can thank Enid for the party."
You didn't have much time to answer before Enid was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug; "happy birthday, Y/n." She pulled back, half-heartedly glaring at you, "I can't believe you weren't going to tell me it's your birthday."
"Well, I-" you started with a timid chuckle.
"No matter," the werewolf kept going, a bright smile on her lips that you couldn't help but copy, it did feel nice to have people who cared. "Wednesday found out just in time."
Enid was also the first to give you a present after all of your friends hugged you; it was a large pink box that had a knitted sweater inside it, the fabric unbelievably soft, in shades of purple and lilac — it was bound to become your favorite.
For what felt like hours you ate, drank, received gifts, and celebrated with your friends. It was nice — until the attention became overwhelming, until you were craving some fresh air.
Luckily, you had someone who apparently could read you like an open book.
You were putting away your empty cup when you felt nimble fingers touching your elbow. Her presence so familiar to you that you didn't even need to turn to see who it was — your soul knew the shape of hers already — but you did anyway, pursing your lips in a smile.
"Are you not enjoying your festivities, mi flor?" Wednesday spoke with a softness reserved for you only.
"I am, really I am," you reassured a little too urgently, biting your lip when all you got from her in response was a raised eyebrow telling you to be honest. "It's just- I don't like much attention on me as is, and here, I feel like all eyes are on me."
Wednesday hummed, her brows scrunched in thought, "Enid said to me that's what you'd like when I told her I wanted to do something for today. I apologize."
You could swoon. You wanted to kiss away the little pout on Wednesday's lips — so you did, you cupped her face with one hand and gave a peck to her lips; "don't apologize, I loved it. Just the fact that you thought of doing something already means everything to me."
The dimmed lights of the ballroom almost hid the blush on her pale cheeks. Almost. Her fingers trailed down your arm, creating goosebumps on your skin until her hand found yours, "come with me."
"What about them?" You glanced at your friends. They were laughing with each other and stuffing themselves with cake.
"They won't mind."
With her hand in yours, Wednesday took you all the way to the lake just outside the school walls, its water was glistening with the fading sunlight and the few leaves on the trees were rustling with the cold wind. It was gorgeous, straight out of a painting.
She sat down with you on the wooden deck, both your feet just short of touching the water.
"This better?" Wednesday asked, her eyes expectant on you.
"Yeah," you intertwined your fingers with hers and brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles, "it's the best."
Wednesday knew you loved all things nature, she reprimanded herself for this not being her first option. Though you genuinely looked happy, with a soft smile permanent on your lips and the golden sunset reflecting in your eyes.
You watched in blissful silence as the sun slowly disappeared behind the mountains, your thumb gently tracing the skin on your girlfriend's hand.
"Thank you, this really is the best birthday," you said quietly so as to not disturb the atmosphere around you.
You felt Wednesday's eyes on you, "because you're here," you told her. Despite being true, your own words made you smirk as you waited for the reaction you knew they'd cause.
"That's nauseating," Wednesday grumbled, tugging at your hand so it would rest on her lap.
"You love it," you bumped her shoulder with yours, stretching your feet to kick the water underneath you.
Wednesday held back a smile. She did love it.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica @wednesdays-woes @vorsdany
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Applin of my Eye
Rating: General
Ship: Leon/Reader
Warnings: None
Tags: Applin Confession, Oblivious Leon, Misunderstanding.
Summary: Since coming to terms with your feelings for Leon, you've tried to confess, but it hasn't gone so well. Now that Valentine's Day is just around the corner a second wave of motivation has hit you, and you think you have the perfect, FOOLPROOF, way of getting the point across. If only it were that simple.
Valentine's Day always made you feel a little bad, at least since you were thirteen or so.  Before that, it was just a fun day where you shared cards with your classmates, had a little class party, and got gifts from your parents.  Usually consisting of candy, a card, and some sorta stuffie.  Now it was just a brutal reminder that you were alone.
Usually, you wouldn’t really care, and if you did you’d try not to let it sting too badly.  But recently things had changed, for about a year and a half now you’d slowly been falling in love with one of your best friends, none other than Galar’s reigning champion Leon.  Your feelings had come to a head back in October, up until then you’d done well to ignore and suppress them, but throughout the month it just kept getting harder and harder.  Then, the party happened.  It was a costume party held by Nessa on Halloween night, Leon was going to be there, but you didn’t know what he was going to be.  When you finally saw his costume it left you unable to deny your feelings for him any longer.  The costume itself did a lot for you, but the fact it was on Leon?  The way it hugged his form, and sparked your imagination with fantasies and scenarios?  Well, that was just the icing on the cake.
You agonized over your feelings for a bit, having finally admitted to yourself that you were absolutely head over heels for the man, unsure of how to proceed.  At first, you were convinced that he wouldn’t return your affection, how could he?  In your eyes, he was a god amongst men, and you were a lowly mortal.  But, after a short bout of self-deprecation, you were finally able to come to the conclusion that you just needed to tell him how you felt, no matter the cost.
Easier said than done.
You’d tired, really you had.  But something always got in the way, whether it be your nerves winning out in the end, someone interrupting you just as you were about to confess, or something happening to pull either of your attention away from the conversation.  Eventually, the holiday season rolled around as well, leaving both you and Leon busy.  By the time things calmed down you’d honestly lost all the courage you’d once had, and once again your mind raced with negative what-ifs.  Your main concern being that if you did confess and he didn’t reciprocate, then your friendship would be ruined.  All though, it had also occurred to you that if he didn’t feel the same then you weren’t sure if you would even want to be friends anymore.
Your feelings were all over the place, the thought of not having Leon in your life, whether romantically or platonically, physically pained you.  But so did the idea of all the embarrassment and awkwardness that would come in the aftermath of professing your love for Leon just for him to hit you with “I think we should just be friends.”  Despite it being unideal, you found a sort of sad comfort in the sort of Schrodinger's Delcatty situation you were in.  If you didn’t tell him how you felt, Leon couldn’t reject you nor could he reciprocate, either way, you kept him in your life and things didn’t change.  Even if that change could be for the better.
Except, as Valentine’s Day drew nearer, you grew more restless.  TV ads, shop displays, and the general talk of the holiday you heard wherever you went were starting to get to you.  The thought of happy couples spending the day together hugging and kissing and just being in love?  It made you jealous, but more so, self-conscious.  So, for the first time in a while, you’d started thinking about confessing again.
And goddamnit, you almost did it.  You had gotten so close to just spitting it out, but that Arceus-forsaken lump in your throat reared its ugly fucking head again.  And when you were alone in the comfort of your own home, you cried, and it was ugly.
That was yesterday, the 12th, this morning you woke up to a text from Leon asking if you’d want to spend Valentine's Day with him and some others who were without dates this year.  Truth be told the idea of spending Valentine’s Day with him platonically hurt a lot more than the idea of spending it alone, but you could never turn down an offer to hang out with him.
‘Sure, what are we doing?’
He responded a moment later saying that you were all going to be hanging at Gordie’s for the day, watching TV/Movies, playing games, and whatever else might be suggested.  It sounded nice, and you quite enjoyed hanging out at Gordie’s, he had a bunch of cool stuff.  Sometimes the thought had crossed your mind that if you weren’t madly in love with Leon, you could just seduce Gordie to have permanent access to his things.  But that was just a joke, mostly.
After confirming a few more details with Leon you readied yourself for the day and headed out.  You tried not to think about your love problems too much, desperately attempting to distract yourself with battling and various other tasks.  Yet the thought nagged at you in the back of your mind.  By three o’clock your stomach started to growl rather prominently and you realized you hadn’t eaten anything in a while.  Making your way to one of your favorite restaurants you took a seat at one of the patio tables and waited for the waiter to take your order.  As you waited, you happened to tune into the conversation from the next table over.  A pair of boys, who you’d assume were somewhere in their late teens, were discussing Valentine’s Day.
“So, you’re planning on asking out Derrick?”
“Yeah, I figure doing it tomorrow would be romantic, right?”
“Definitely, but how are you gonna do it?  Any big plans?”
“I’m gonna give him an Applin, you know what they say about giving someone an Applin, right?”
“OH!  That’s a great idea man.  He’ll say yes for sure.”
You froze for a moment.  An Applin, why hadn’t you thought of that?  It would be easier to give Leon an Applin than it would to sputter out some nervous confession.  You smiled, plan in mind, as soon as you were done eating you’d head straight over to route 5 to catch the perfect little declaration of love.  Love, Loveballs?  LOVEBALLS!  You nearly jumped out of your seat as the thought raced to mind, you had a whole mess of Loveballs back home.  Honestly, you had a whole box full of random Pokeballs shoved in your closet, ones you had acquired through various means over time that you saw no real need for, until now.  Course, to use a Loveball you’d need to battle with your own Applin, but that was no problem for you and your precious little À la mode.  A Loveball would be perfect for this, maybe a bit extra, but it would certainly get the point across.  Something that could come in handy with Leon, you loved the man to bits, but he could be kinda dense at times.
Finishing up at the restaurant you hurried home to retrieve your Loveballs, stopped at the nearest Pokecenter to add À la mode to your team, and finally made your way to route 5.  Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you stepped into the tall grass and began your hunt for an Applin.
It took a bit to find one, and even longer to find a female one.  Yes, you knew that you could still catch a male one with the Loveball, hell you didn’t even technically need À la mode himself for the task, it just made the catch rate higher.  And seeing as Applin on route 5 were usually between Lvl. 16 and 18 it wouldn’t be too hard to catch with the regular catch rate of a Pokeball.  But if it hadn’t already been proven to both yourself and countless others, then this whole situation would be proof enough that your natural instinct in life is to make things way more complicated than they have to be, even if it was just for show or better yet, pride.
After about 2 hours you finally had a brand new Applin in a Loveball, you grinned ear to ear as you made your way home, excitement building in your chest.  Yet, by the time you passed through your front door, that excitement had turned to anxiety.  Sitting at your dining table you stared at the Loveball in front of you, your heart beat a bit faster than usual and your stomach was tied in knots.  Were you really gonna do this?  Were you actually gonna confess your feelings to Leon on Valentine’s Day?  This could end badly, just oh so badly, there was still time to back out.  You could release the Applin and pretend the whole dramatic idea had never crossed your mind.
You were gonna stand your ground, you wouldn’t let your nerves get the better of you again.  Not this time.  Nodding to yourself you placed the Loveball on the small table next to your front door, ready for you when you left the next day.  The rest of the night consisted of you deciding on an outfit for tomorrow, cooking dinner, and relaxing the best you could until you went to bed.
Surprisingly you slept well, at least in the sense that you actually slept, normally your nerves would have kept you up all night.  But they did manifest in your dreams, one after another depicting various ways your love confession could go sour.  Finally rousing from your own mental torture you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and set to work getting ready.  When the time finally rolled around to head off for Gordies you halted a moment at the door, staring down at the Loveball you’d nestled amongst the fake decorative fruit you kept in a bowl.  Why you kept decorative fruit was a mystery even to yourself.  Groaning faintly you grabbed the Loveball and stuffed it in your bag, finally heading out for the day.
Hanging out with everyone at Gordie's was a blast, though throughout the day you kept trying to figure out when would be a good time to give Leon the Applin, you wanted it to be just the two of you, but couldn’t devise a good enough excuse to get him alone.  As the day was winding down, and talk of ending the “party” was brought up Leon commented that he needed to be heading out soon anyway, apparently, he was gonna be spending time with his family tomorrow and had planned on staying the night back home in Postwick.  You had a wonderful idea.
You approached him near the door, where he was getting his shoes and jacket on.
He smiled at you, straightening up from slipping on his sneakers.
“I was wondering if you would be willing to join me on the train ride home, it’s on the way to Postwick and I’d love to spend some time together, just you and I.”  You flashed him a grin.
“Of course, anything for my biggest fan.”
Leon laughed as he slung his arm around your shoulders, you just groaned.  He’d started calling you that a while back as a joke, it had since grown a bit old for your tastes, but it made him smile, and you liked it when he smiled.
Gathering your things you headed out with Leon to the train station.  It was a relaxing ride, and for a moment you’d forgotten about the Loveball Applin rolling around in your bag.  That is until you’d reached your stop.  It was a little after 11:30, and you still had a bit of a walk to your place, as Leon strolled alongside you, your deadline of confessing on Valentine's Day was soon to pass.  It was now or never.  Fortuitously, the quickest way to your place was a shortcut through a rather beautiful park, the perfect place for a love confession.  In the middle of the park was a gazebo, and the city had lit it up with pretty pink and red lights, as well as decorating it with fresh arrangements of roses.  Stepping into the gazebo you turned to look at Leon.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
“Gorgeous.”  The lights reflected in his eyes as he looked up at the ones hanging from the beams.
“It looks like it could be the setting for a confession scene in some cheesy romance movie.”  You gripped your bag tightly.
“Haha, yeah.  I can just imagine it.”  Leon smiled, Arceus, that smile could make your heart flutter every time.
Checking your phone it read 11:56, four minutes, it was REALLY now or never.  Swallowing the infamous lump in your throat you opened your bag.
“I actually have something for you.  I didn’t want to make a big deal back at Gordie’s but now that it’s just us, I want to give it to you.”
Finding the Loveball you quickly grabbed it and presented it to Leon, holding your breath.
“A Loveball?”  Leon blinked a few times before taking it from your hand.
“T-there’s a Pokemon inside.  You should, um, let it out.”
“Oh!  Of course.”
The Loveball opened and a small burst of light shot out, fading away to reveal the Applin.  Time seemed to freeze as you waited for Leon’s response.  He grinned, an excited laugh escaping his lips.
“Ah sweet, you caught me an Applin?  I’ve wanted one for a while now.”  Reaching down he scooped the Pokemon into his arms.  “How’d you know?”
Dense, the man was fucking dense.
“Lucky guess I suppose.”
“Haha, well it paid off, I love her.  Now I just got to decide what to evolve her into.  You have an Applin too right?  Any suggestion?”
“Uh, I’m partial to Appletun, but it’s up to you.”
“True, maybe I should talk to Raihan about it.  He is a dragon trainer of course, or maybe Milo?  He’d have input on the grass typing.”  Leon started to ramble a bit.
Looking down at your phone it now read 12:02.
“Fucking hell.” You mumbled.
“Did you say something?”
Leon cocked his head, shaking your own you stuffed your phone in your pocket.
“Just talking to myself, it’s past midnight though, so we should probably get going.  You still need to head for Postwick.”
“Oh right, I nearly forgot.”
Leon returned the Applin to its ball and motioned for you to lead the way.  The rest of the walk home was filled with Leon telling you about the plans he had with Hop and the rest of his family later that day.  Despite the failure of a confession, it still warmed your heart to hear him talk so lovingly about them.
Making it to your place you stopped out front.
“Thanks for walking me home Leon.”
“It’s no problem, I love spending time with you.  Thanks for the Applin again, I’ll make sure to take great care of her.”
“I know you will Lee.”
Smiling, Leon placed his hand on your shoulder.
“You’re an amazing friend, I’m really lucky to have you in my life.”
Schrodingers fucking Delcatty.
“Back at ya.”
Waving goodbye Leon headed off for the train station, in the completely wrong direction.  After you quickly reminded him where it was he set off on his second attempt, fading away in the dark of the night.
“Back at ya?”  You groaned, heading inside.  “Fucking stupid.”
Hop woke up to the smell of coffee wafting upstairs from the kitchen, seeing as his parents were more avid tea drinkers it could only mean one thing.
“Leon!”  Hop jumped out of bed, not bothering to change out of his sleepwear.
Hurrying downstairs Hop practically drifted into the kitchen, Leon stood at the counter fixing himself a cup of coffee.
“When did you get home?  I waited a long time for you, but you never showed.”  Hop mildly scolded as he made his way over to Leon.
Leon chuckled apologetically, giving Hop a wave.
“Morning, I got back kinda late, well past midnight.  I was hanging out with friends yesterday, then I ended up accompanying [Y/N] home last night.”
Hop sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
“Well, you’re here now, I guess that’s what really matters.”
“Of course, glad you understand.”  Leon patted Hop on the shoulder
“I’d understand a lot more if you made me pancakes.”  He grinned mischievously.
“Why didn’t I see that coming?”  Leon sighed turning around to gather the needed ingredients and such.
Hop laughed, heading for the kitchen table, huffing as he saw Leon’s backpack lying on it.
“How many times do you need to be told to hang your bag up in the entryway?”
Hop reached for the bag, pulling it from the table, as he did so the pink Loveball rolled out from the open top.
“What the?”
Hop was certain he’d seen all of Leon’s Pokemon, and he was even more certain that none of them were in Loveballs.
“What’s the matter?”
Leon turned to him, a bowl cradled in his arm as he whisked a batch of batter.
“Since when do you use Loveballs?”  Hop asked, holding up the pink ball.
“Oh, [Y/N] gave it to me last night, it’s an Applin.  I guess they noticed I’d wanted one and got it for me.”
Hop blinked.
“What?”  Leon stopped whisking.
“[Y/N] gave you an Applin in a Loveball, on Valentine’s Day?”
“Yeah, why?”
Hop knew his brother could be a little oblivious at times, but this was a level of stupidity that he’d never seen Leon reach before, and he prayed to Arceus he’d never reach again.
“Lee, I’m gonna need you to think about that statement very carefully, and focus on what all those aspects could mean together.”
Leon scrunched his face up in confusion, setting the bowl of batter down he crossed his arms in thought.  Hop could almost see the wheels turning in Leon’s head as he thought hard.  And as if he were the human lead in that silly little kids show from both their childhoods, with that funny little shiny Rockruff, and her perfectly placed blue pawprint clues, Leon connected the pieces of the mystery together masterfully.  A look of realization, and a bit of horror, took over his face as he finally came to the conclusion.
“Was [Y/N] trying to confess their feelings to me!?”  He hollered.
“Keep your voice down, Mom and Dad are still asleep.”  Hop hushed.  “And I don’t know for sure, but I’d assume they were.”
“That would make so much sense, especially with the Gazebo.”  Leon gripped the edge of the counter tightly, staring down into the bowl of batter without actually looking at it.
“Gazebo?”  Hop questioned lightly.
“Doesn’t matter.”  Leon shook his head lightly, pushing himself back from the counter.  “I gotta go talk to [Y/N]”
Leon rushed for the entryway, grabbing his jacket and starting to put his shoes on.
“Woah there, slow down Lee.  What are you doing?”
Hop followed behind, placing himself between Leon and the front door.
“I have to clear things up with [Y/N].”
Hop sighed, shaking his head.
“Lee, we have plans today, besides, you’re still in your pajamas.”
Leon looked down, noting that he was, in fact, still wearing his ratty old tank top and loose sleep pants.
“You have a point there, but I feel terrible, they did something so romantic and I went and ruined it by letting it all soar right over my head.”
Leon rubbed at his face, hiding behind his hands.
“Lee, it’s gonna be fine.”  Hop placed a hand on his brother's shoulder.  “You’ll clear things up with them later, after you’ve gotten dressed and we spend the day together, besides, it’ll give you time to think about what exactly you’ll say right?”
Leon lowered his hands, giving Hop a tired smile.
“Yeah, you’re right.  Maybe I can ask Mom and Dad for some advice.”
“That’s the spirit.  Now, can you finish making my pancakes?”
Leon huffed, breaking out into a grin, ruffling Hop’s hair he slung his arm around his shoulder and dragged him back into the kitchen.
“Is that all you care about?”
It had been about two days since ‘The Incident’, you hadn’t tried talking to Leon yet and he hadn’t messaged you either, which had you feeling conflicted.  On the one hand, you weren’t particularly ready to talk to him, on the other, the thought kept running through you’re mind that he’d finally realized what the loveball Applin meant and was now actively ignoring/avoiding you.  It was definitely paranoia, you understood that, but understanding it didn’t make it go away.  Regardless, you laid back on the couch, looking through the videos YouTube suggested for you, you desperately scanned over the thumbnails looking for something to distract yourself with, unfortunately, nothing caught your eye.  Suddenly your phone buzzed.
‘Are you home?’
It was from Leon, your blood ran cold.
‘Yeah, why?’
You felt you knew why but needed some confirmation.
‘Can I come over?  I need to talk to you, it’s important.’
You felt your stomach tie into knots.  You, REALLY, didn’t want to see Leon right now.  You weren’t mad of course, but after the other night's failed confession?  You were feeling less than stellar.  You hadn’t even left your apartment since then.
‘Are you sure?  It’s getting kinda late, isn’t it?’
It wasn't that terribly late, but it was worth a shot.
‘That doesn’t matter, we need to talk, and it can’t be done over text.  Please?’
You wanted to say no, Arceus you wanted to say no, yet despite everything that had happened Leon was still your number one weakness.
‘Okay, you can come over.’
Leon thanked you, saying he’d be over in a few.  Taking a deep breath, you calmed your growing nerves and waited.
Leon must have been nearby already, seeing as it only took about ten minutes for him to knock on your door.
"Hey, Leon."
Opening the door you greeted him with the happiest and calmest tone you could muster.
"Hey, thanks for letting me come over."  He smiled nervously as he stepped inside.
“Well, you did say it was important.”
You gave a forced chuckle, your heart pounding in your chest as you shut the door.  Leon nodded without a word, though his eyes spoke plenty enough for him.  You could tell he was just as anxious as you, yet it didn’t make you feel any better.  You stood in silence a moment, the two of you just staring, you’d expected him to say something.
“Sooo, what did you want to talk about?”  You finally decided to break the silence.
Leon swallowed heavily, blinking a few times before seemingly mustering up the nerve to speak.
“It, uh, has to do with the Applin you gave me.”  Slinging his bag off from his shoulders Leon rummaged in it a moment before pulling out a loveball. “I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but it took Hop pointing out the significance of everything for me to realize what you were trying to say.  Or, at least, what I think you were trying to say.”
Leon stared down at the ball in his hand, running his thumb back and forth across it.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get it at first, I certainly feel like an idiot, it’s so obvious in hindsight.”  He gave a soft nervous laugh.
Clearing his throat he looked up at you.
“Regardless, I um, I keep finding it hard to, uh, find my words.  So, here.”  He held out the loveball.
Your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat, was he returning the Applin?  Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill over as you slowly reached out to take the loveball from him.  You felt weak and shaky, half expecting your legs to give out on you at any moment.  Holding the loveball in your hand just made it worse, quickly, you moved past Leon to set it on the counter separating your kitchen from your living room.
Wiping the tears from your eyes you wondered why thanking him was your immediate response, though to be honest, you weren’t sure how one would normally respond to a situation like this.
“Oh, uh.”  Leon seemed confused, looking back and forth between you and the loveball. “Aren’t you gonna let it out?”
Oh, that felt like adding an insult to injury.
“No.”  The word came out a bit angrier than you’d intended, you adjusted your tone going forward. “I get it, Leon, you don’t feel the same way about me as I do you so you’re returning the Applin. I don’t need to see it.”
You’d taken to squeezing your hands, your gaze drifting away from Leon.  If you were looking at him though, you would have seen his eyes widen and his complexion pale a bit.  Suddenly he was waving his hands.
“NO!  No no no, you misunderstand, that’s my fault, I’m sorry.  I should have been clearer.”
You looked back in time to see Leon grab the ball off the counter and place it in your hand, his one hand holding your wrist his other keeping the Loveball in your palm.
“Just open it, I promise.  Trust me.”
You blinked a few times in shock, but seeing Leon's soft hopeful smile filled you with comfort.  You nodded your head and went to send out whatever was in the ball.
“Wait, wait.”  Leon stopped you suddenly.
Looking around, Leon proceeded to move your dining table and chairs over to the side, as well as push some other furniture and stuff around.  Once he seemed pleased with the space he’d made he came back over to your side.
“Okay, you can continue now.”
Giving a small laugh you smiled and called out the Pokemon.
A flash of light shot out from the loveball, and even before the Pokemon had fully appeared you could tell it was bigger than an Applin.  Once it was fully present it took you a second to register what you were looking at, but once you had, you gasped.
“A Ponyta?”
You grinned and squealed in joy as you approached the adorable little pastel Pokemon.  It whinnied and danced around a moment before coming over to where you’d settled on your knees near it.  You ran your hands through its mane and over its coat of fur.
“I know how much you’ve wanted one, and how unlucky you’ve been with finding one for yourself.  So, I spent the majority of today and last evening looking for this little guy.  I actually got lost in Glimwood Tangle for a bit, Madame Opal had to help me find my way back to the main path.  I’m not sure how she knew I was lost but thank Arceus she did.”
You laughed along with Leon, combing your fingers through the Ponyta’s mane some more.  Giving it a final scratch behind its ear you returned it to the loveball and stood up.  Holding the ball with both hands you smiled looking down at the heart on the front of it.
“You didn’t have to do all that.”  You said softly.
Leon stepped closer, gently taking hold of your wrists.
“I wanted to.”
Looking up at him you smiled, moving your right hand up to cup his cheek.
“Oh, Lee.”
Moving your hand to the back of his head you pulled him towards you as you leaned in closer, connecting your lips.  Leon wrapped an arm around your waist, the other coming up to cradle the back of your head as well.  The two of you stayed like that for a moment, enjoying your first kiss, after breaking away Leon spoke.
“I’m sorry I caused you so much stress.”
“Well, if I’d been able to gather enough courage to confess properly in the first place there wouldn’t have been any confusion.”
Leon laughed a bit.
“Why don’t we say we’re both at fault and call it even?”
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madlittlecriminal · 9 months
Hiya! It was my 21st on the 17th! Could I get a birthday request with any of the following characters?
Spencer Reid Miguel O'Hara Eggsy Jonathan Crane Hobie Brown.
As always Im a sucker for confession stories and major fluffiness haha
GN!Reader's Birthday [blurbs]
omg happy belated birthday love! i hope your birthday was amazing! i did all of them because i love them all and i couldn't decide.
Warnings: age gap, fluff, mentions of alcohol
note: hi. if you're new, welcome! i typically write my characters soft. any character here that you feel is out of character is because im a firm believer that they are soft strictly for their s/o no matter how grumpy or evil they are.
Spencer Reid (established relationship):
With a memory like his, your birthday would always end up in you being spoiled with your favorite things. This year was different since you both were dating, and he wanted to make it extra special for you. Not only did he get you your favorite cake flavor, but he also took the whole week off of work for you, wanting to make it extra special for you. He cooked a dinner for you...but the recipe was wrong, so the food was a bit saltier than anything else, so you both just ordered take out instead and watched your favorite movie on the couch and cuddling.
Miguel O'Hara (friends to lovers/confession):
You were one of the few people he liked, so when Jess mentioned it was your birthday, he mumbled a soft "mierda" (shit) before rushing out of his office and heading to a nearby panadería (bakery) and bought a cake, asking the man behind the counter to write your name on it and rushing back to the Society building. Funny enough, your name was now smeared all over the cake, making you laugh when you saw it. You would thank him, and he'd smile. To you, that was the best birthday gift you could ask for...right? Well, it would've been if Miguel didn't end up turning into a major softy and confessed his love for you.
Eggsy (established relationship):
He would invite you to a pub to celebrate with a few drinks after taking you out to dinner. Naturally, he would tell the waiter that it was your birthday, so the other waiters and waitresses would come out with a dessert and sing the happy birthday song. You were in between wanting to hate him or wanting to love him since he got you a free dessert but made a big deal out of it. At the pub, he'd buy your favorite drink (alcohol-free or not) and would simply just talk to you about his job that you knew had nothing to do with tailoring suits. The night would eventually end with him giving you a ride home and kissing you goodnight.
Jonathan Crane (friends to lovers/confession):
This man was something else. He wasn't sure what to do for your birthday and he was stressed. The one time when you both became best friends, he gifted you the knowledge of knowing he was Scarecrow...but that was two years ago. He was losing his mind on what to do, so he kept it simple and invited you to his place for a movie. He tried baking a cake, he really did, but this man was a whiz in the kitchen of a lab, not of a home. He gave you a shy smile when he showed you the burnt cake and you thanked him for at least trying. Instead, he lit a pumpkin shaped candle and told you to make a wish; he decorates early for Halloween, don't judge him. The night ends with you cuddled up against him after he told you he loved you more than a friend.
Hobie Brown (established relationship):
To say that he confused you in the best way was an understatement. He told you birthdays weren't his thing, but it seemed like for you, he would do absolutely anything. He bought you cupcakes to celebrate and told you his gift would be different than every other year. It kind of saddened you since you loved going on protests with him, but alas, you waited for the gift. When he took out his electric guitar and played a song you didn't recognize with it. Once he was done, you tilted your head to the side, and he told you he wrote it for you as a gift for your birthday. You would then thank him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. You both shared the cupcakes, but you drew a smiley face on his cheek with some icing, causing him to laugh and kiss you softly.
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cobragardens · 9 months
Self-Therapy in the Form of an Open Letter to Neil Gaiman and My Fellow Ineffables
Dear Ineffables, and Dear @neil-gaiman
I want to talk about Good Omens for a sec, ok? You are not obligated to listen! But if you want to listen, I have a Thing I need to say. And it's important to me and I have a Tumblr, so you can see where this is headed.
I know Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship, book and show, is primarily about the absurdity and tragedy and miraculousness and contagiousness of being human. I know it's about wanting friendship and cake instead of victory and ashes, and I love that. I know it did not start out as an intentionally or unequivocally queer story, and I know that neither the queerness nor the Christianity is the main theme of S1 or the book. And I think those are all good things: one of the big strengths that makes Good Omens so remarkable and so charming is its lightness of touch.
But Crowley did not start out as a demon, and Aziraphale did not start out as a butter-smooth liar, and they are neither of them the angel the other knew, and there are reasons for that. And S2 starts discussing those reasons, and now Crowley and Aziraphale have shared a very human kiss and have started a more overt phase of their ongoing conversation about what they are to each other. So one of the things we need to talk about is what it’s like to love the wrong person in a world like the world of Good Omens.
And I feel like I have some (very small) amount of expertise in this field. I do not have the skill as a writer to tell you what that was like to grow up Christian and deeply in love with my (also female) best friend in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the evangelical Christian Mecca of the United States. But I did it--or, rather, it happened to me--so I'm the person who has to write about it now.
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It was Before Ellen. Homosexual sex was against the law in around half of U.S. states. Only one state (Rhode Island, which I am not convinced actually exists) had a law prohibiting discrimination against LGB people in housing, services, or employment. One U.S. state—my state, Colorado—amended its state constitution to prohibit prohibiting discrimination. Same-sex marriage did not exist. Same-sex couples could not adopt children. Being any flavor of queer could cost you custody in family court of any children you did have.
Queer young-adult novels did not exist. Movies and tv shows with queer characters did not exist unless they were serial killers or dying of AIDS. Safe-sex education did not exist, the LGBTQ section of the bookstore did not exist. Social media did not exist, the Internet was in its infancy (I was typing up papers in AppleWorks on an Apple IIe), smartphones did not exist. Porn was in magazines your friend’s older brother or uncle kept under his mattress.
The guy everybody in school thought was gay got beat up daily. The girls I'm not sure about. I only ever saw two girls/women who were out before I was 28 and met an openly lesbian woman in a university class.
In Colorado Springs, bumper stickers for Colorado for Family Values and Focus on the Family, both headquartered in the city, were common. Crosses and ichthys decals proliferated. There were only a few “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” stickers, but “Marriage = One Man + One Woman," or the same message in Ladies and Gents toilets symbols (with a pair of ladies and a pair of gents crossed out) were a regular sight on the backs of cars every day, every drive, my whole life there.
This was a world where there was one very specific God, who has one very rigid Plan, and whose Agents and Enemies fight each other for the eternal souls of every human being. And every player on the board was clear about this.
I was 12 when my dad and I met two women on a hiking trail and, after we all said hello and they three had chatted a bit and the women had walked on, he asked me if I had "gotten any spiritual witness about them." He told me he suspected they were lesbians.
I was 14 when I burst into tears and shouted at my dad when he spoke viciously of the two gay men who had come into his place of work earlier in the day. He called them “flaming” and “faggots.” I told him we were Christians and we were not hateful about people in that way. I didn’t know what the word faggot meant, not for sure (I picked up the meaning of flaming from his imitations), but I could tell it meant they were people who did awful things, and that he hated them.
I had never seen my dad like that before, hating someone. I had never heard him speak that way about anyone.
I was 16 when I rode in the back seat of our next-door neighbors’ Ford Focus on the way to Bible study and listened to the handsome Christian newlyweds up front discuss how awful it was that gay and lesbian couples were now allowed to adopt children in the state of New Jersey. It was bad, they said, that children could find homes with queer people “because children learn from their parents.”
I was 17 when 2 straight men beat and tortured Matthew Shepard and left him tied to a split-rail fence on the side of a road 3 hours north of Colorado Springs as a warning to the rest of us. A scarequeer.
A joke in poor taste, you may feel, this little pun. It is a pun, but it's not a joke.
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One of Shepard’s murderers used the gay panic defense in court. In the U.S. the gay panic defense is one of reduced responsibility: a man cannot be held fully legally responsible for murdering another man if he claims he thought his victim was gay and making a pass at him. Because, under U.S. law, it is considered common for men to go temporarily insane and murder men they think may be gay and making a pass at them. I have rewritten this paragraph five times and that is the absolute least bananas I can make this sound. It is real and it is still a thing.
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I was also 17 when Pastor Luis, the head of my church, preached in sermon about a member of the congregation who had fallen in love with another woman. He told us firmly: "She is no longer a lady. She is a lesbian."
He refused to counsel or marry them, services he insisted upon performing for the heterosexual couples among his congregants. He said he told the woman and her fiancee that they and their sin were not welcome in his house of God. He told us, the ones left, that we were not to contact the ejected woman or continue any friendships with her.
It was a small church, only about 60 people. Pastor Luis looked right into my eyes and held the eye contact with me (other peoole turned to look) when he said, "And if you don't agree with that, you are not welcome here either. You can leave now and never come back."
I did. For 10 years after that, I thought God had told Pastor Luis about me. That Pastor Luis had gotten the same "spiritual witness" off me that my dad had gotten off the 2 women we met backpacking. That he somehow knew—that any Christian might know if they listened, if they sniffed carefully enough. The smell of evil, I thought, must linger on me.
I was 18 when I got my first tattoo. My parents were relieved when I told them that’s all it was. "We thought you were going to tell us you were pregnant, or gay," they said.
I was 19 when a trans woman at a coffee shop told me about how she'd been fired as a substitute teacher from the biggest school district in the state. She didn't pass, so she dressed as a man when working. One day she made the mistake of wearing a women's button-down shirt (with the buttons on the left, not the right), and someone noticed and complained.
I was also 19 when my boyfriend's parents became concerned that he might be gay. (He had gotten his ears pierced and dyed his clipper cut pink while away at college.) As Christians his parents were against premarital sexual activity of any kind, including masturbation or sexual desire, so my bf couldn’t tell them how he knew he wasn’t gay, and for over a year they wouldn’t believe him. His mother bought some books from Family Christian Booksellers, the biggest Christian publisher in the U.S., about how as a Christian she should respond to her child’s queerness.
Throw them out, cut them off, and do everything you can to make sure your child starves and suffers, said the books. (I read them all.) Hunger and homelessness were the goal, they advised, but any misery you could cause was helpful. Turn other relatives against them, don't let them take their belongings when they go, cancel phone contracts and insurance plans.
When your child asks for help because they can't support themselves, you can force them to leave their beloved and drop their friends in exchange for survival, said the books. They will either eventually see that you and God are right and loving, and repent of their sin, or you will catch them lying to you and sneaking around, which is proof that homosexuality and other sins go hand in hand.
One book acknowledged that cutting them off would endanger teenagers and young adults and leave them vulnerable to rape, murder, and human trafficking (though it called being trafficked "prostitution"). But Christian parents acting in the name of God's love would not be responsible for the harm their kids suffered, it said: the children were bringing whatever happened to them on themselves as a natural consequence of living a sinful lifestyle.
In fact, said the book, being attacked or abused could be good for your children: if they suffer enough they may realize it’s their gayness that has caused all their problems and repent of their disgusting unacceptable love and desire.
In the United States, LGBT children represent 40% of homeless youth under 18. "Family conflict" is the number-one cause of LGBT youth homelessness.
I was 22 when the pastor of my boyfriend’s church received news that one of his congregants was engaged in a same-sex affair. Extramarital affairs were very common in his church—three of the deacons were cheating on their wives with other (also married) congregants, and my bf’s parents had been swingers —but this was the first and only time the pastor ever called a church member to the altar, outed him by described his sin to the congregation (c. 350), and demanded the man apologize to everyone and ask their forgiveness. The pastor told him that if he did not apologize he and his wife and children were not welcome to continue attending.
I was 23 when I heard that same pastor’s sermon on avoiding sexual temptation. Give up affection if it causes you to sin, he said. Scoop out your own eyes, cut off your own hand. He instructed men only to hug other men side-along, one arm around their shoulders, lest a real embrace cause them to feel sexual desire for another man. (No mention was made about how women should hug, or that women might ever feel sexual desire at all.)
I remember listening to this pastor's sermon and thinking, I know something about this man that he does not know about himself.
I was 24 when I went with my boyfriend to Pulpit Rock Church, seeking answers from the sermon they advertised on their signboard about sex and sexuality and gender. My boyfriend loved wearing women's clothes. Transgender and cross-dressing were just starting to replace transsexual and transvestite as the accepted terms for the things he might be. Nonbinary and genderqueer were not words we had. He wasn’t sure yet which thing he was; the thing he was was still, for us, unspeakable.
"Men are created to be men and women are created to be women," preached the pastor at Pulpit Rock. "Men and women are different in a way that can't be explained, and they fit together in a relationship in a divine way. A man and a man or a woman and a woman may love each other, but they'll never have the spiritual connection of a godly relationship that a man and a woman can have. We don't have to understand it, but we shouldn't question it, because that’s the way God made it."
Then he talked about how he and his wife could both make French toast (or maybe it was pancakes), but the way his wife made French toast was female somehow--ineffably--because she was a woman, even though the French toast was the same. My bf and I left in the middle of the sermon.
I was 25 when Ted Haggard, best friend of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson (of “Spongebob is teaching our kids it's ok to be gay” controversy) and pal of George W. Bush (the POTUS who pursued, in his own words, "a Crusade" in Iraq with the U.S. military to fight the influence of demons "Gog and Magog[…] at work in the Middle East"), was publicly outed. Male escort and Mike Jones—whom Haggard hired to sell him meth and give him happy-ending massages—recognized ‘Pastor Ted’ as the leader of Colorado Springs evangelical megachurch New Life Church, a nationally famous preacher who denounced the evils of homosexuality from his pulpit, and Jones, a big damn hero, tipped off the press.
I had heard Pastor Ted preach twice. New Life Church was a lot like Heaven in Show Omens in that it had a lot of open space and bright fluorescent lighting and smiling well-groomed people in it, as well as several giant digital screens floating in the air to either side of its dais on which the face of the straight-passing white man bringing his people the word of God was projected as he spoke. This latter feature also resulted in a slight resemblance to a Hitler rally, but there was more medium-stained oak in play than either Hitler or Heaven would find tasteful.
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I was 26 when I acted as an informal lettings agent for one of my landlord's other apartments and the young Christian woman living downstairs asked me refuse shelter to any gay or lesbian people because she didn't want to have to live in the same building with them.
When I asked her how I was supposed to know whether someone was gay, she said, “Well you can just tell, can’t you?”
I was 30 when I came out to my Christian parents. Having read the Christian parenting books, I was hugely relieved when they didn't throw me out of their house, where I was living after college (and a few major depressive episodes and two global recessions). I was relieved that they wanted to continue to have a relationship with me at all, in fact.
"I still think it's a sin, though," my mother gently reminded me. My father has refused ever to discuss it at all.
I was 31 when I moved to the UK. I've spent 11 years trying and failing to scrape a living in the Thatcher-hollowed market towns around Manchester, under the fucking Tories, through fucking Brexit, through fucking May and fucking Boris and that weird little cabbage Liz Truss, in order to stay out of Colorado Springs. I can't get medical care on the NHS and I can't work or leave my apartment bc I can't get medical care and I can't heat my apartment in winter on Universal Credit and I’ve been threatened and assaulted by doctors and raped by a nurse and I’ve tried suicide a few times, and I'm in some smallish danger of dying here in Britain's left armpit, but I am not in Colorado fucking Springs today, am I. So that's something at least.
I was 41 and living in the UK for a decade when a homophobe with Christian parents shot up the only gay venue in Colorado Springs, Club Q, murdering 5 people and shooting 19 more. I'd been to Club Q a few times, on dead nights, when I lived in the city. The shooting was 24 years after homophobes tied Matthew Shepard to a fence and left him dying as a warning to the rest of us.
I never told my best friend I was in love with her.
Instead I had anxiety dreams in which my subconscious warned me I wasn't safe. In one dream, Not Yet appeared tattooed on the back of my hand as I looked at a female classmate who was dating another girl. I had to wear gloves to hide the rainbow that had appeared, indelible, on my ring finger.
My first kiss was with a (Christian) boy.
I knew what I felt for my best friend was effervescent and golden and breath-stealing. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, knew I wanted to live with her in a little house in the Pacific Northwest in the mist and the trees and make her coffee with a Turkish press anytime she wanted it and cuddle her on the closed porch and gripe about the wool in her sweater prickling my arms when I hugged her. I knew her eyelashes made her eyes look like they had stars in them and that she had the lushest curves and most perfect skin I had ever seen, and that when she smiled or laughed the shape of her mouth made something in me ache like tuning forks must ache when they're struck and made to sing.
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I never told my best friend I was in love with her because I didn't know those were the words for what I was feeling.
Not until years later, after she had left my life. I had been told (frequently) by a Higher Authority that queer love was disgusting and ruinous and sinful and ugly and twisted and inferior, not this perfect fragile thing as soft and trembling-alive as a bird in my hands. Why would I think this was queer love?
I didn't catch the worst of it. I wasn't chained to a bed or forced to drink water from a dog dish, like the foster parents of the gay kid in class did to him. (The school asked him to give a talk to our class so they'd bully him less, so he told us about his life as the teachers looked on. He was 12.) I wasn't sent to conversion therapy like one classmate. I didn't spend most of my childhood in Bible School like other devout Christians' children; my family read the Bible a lot, and prayed together, but my parents weren't regular churchgoers. I was so, so lucky.
It destroyed me anyway.
The thesis of my essay runs thus, fellow ineffables: A happy ending for Crowley and Aziraphale is necessary.
It is necessary not just because Bury Your Gays is an overdone trope and an act of homophobia in the hands of straight writers; not just because Good Omens has been crafted with such loving care in both book and show incarnations to be optimistic, even sunny, against a backdrop of Orwellian, cosmic, and Kafka-esque horror; not just because casting miracles of the magnitude of David Tennant as Crowley and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale happen once a generation and it would be a shame and a waste not to write more magic for them to chew on; it is necessary because, in most places here in Shitworld, there are real people having the experience Crowley and Aziraphale are having, and not all of us are able to make happy endings for ourselves.
We don't have ethereal/occult powers or authorial control, so we need stories to show us how to love and when to fight and why to fucking bother. And the harder those things are to see in this world, the more we need those stories. And the more we need people with influence and audience and privilege telling them, not just all us little Tumblr rats and AO3 and Pillowfort perverts.
Crowley and Aziraphale exist in a fascist universe run by the ultimate Authoritarian—not Big Brother, but Big Father. There is nowhere for them to go, not even their own minds, where it is safe for them to love each other openly. I am completely prepared to believe someone in those circumstances could go 6,000 years without realizing the love they feel for their best friend is the kissing kind of love. I know someone can go a whole lifetime without saying it.
The hosts of Heaven and Hell will take away even the words for love when they can. We need people who don't just wield words but the power of the word spreading the message "There is a way to make this work. There is a way to exist. You can make a new world."
Mr Gaiman, I know from reading some of your other work that a big part of your whole Deal as a writer is an ongoing enthusiasm for the immense, even mystical, power stories have to shape individual and shared realities—sometimes to doom people and lock them into a destiny, but as often to let them escape their fate by imagining and conceiving a new way of living, or of living with each other, where none was possible before.
Hate and hope are the result of the stories we tell each other--I know you know this because I know you know that in saying it I am referencing a story you wrote. Like the hate, that hope only exists if an author says it does. And real people’s hearts, real people’s lives, are made and broken by listening to the wrong stories or hearing the right ones.
Crowley and Aziraphale are your characters, and Good Omens is your story to tell. You have written a setup in which, if you want these characters to be able to love each other, you (they) will have to create a world where that is possible. Please write us a romance. Please put enough sweet in with the bitter that we can survive it.
We have such faith in you because you have shown your readers and your audiences that you deserve that faith. Please choose your phrases wisely. ❤️
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marvelous-slut · 2 years
Daddy Issues - Dmitri Antonov x female! reader
warnings: p in v, female implied reader, daddy issues to the max, didn’t really proof read this?? age gap, reader is 18 but in high school
not my first go around on the smut/fanfic side of tumblr but it is for stranger things & it’s been a while, I hope you folks enjoy my late night horny thoughts of this beautiful man
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“love you kid, i’ll be at joyce’s tonight for a birthday dinner, you and dmitri come over.” you crumble the note and throw it in the floor, holding back tears. you loved your father jim hopper dearly, but since he returned from russia with joyce & a man you first knew as enzo, things were different.
“yeah every year we do this, we get each other a cheesy gift and bake a cake with those stupid candles that don’t blow out.” you say excitedly to jonathan, your possibly soon to be step brother. he kept quiet, knowing hopper would be at his home this evening celebrating his birthday, not with his daughter.
you run up to your room after you trash the meaningless note in the garbage. you find the shortest skirt in your wardrobe, some fishnets and a long sleeve crop top. by the time you change, your fathers new russian friend is out of the shower, ready to leave himself. he looks up to see how your dressed, very different from what he’s seen before. he immediately tries thinking of something else so his raging hard on doesn’t show.
“you ready?” you ask, grabbing the keys and heading out the door.
the two of you arrive at the byers home, you knew your father was going to have a shit fit when he saw how you were dressed. at this point, you didn’t care. if he was going to leave you hanging for a woman, why wouldn’t you act out? dmitri was silent the entire ride, thinking of how inappropriate it would be if he slid his hands under your skirt and finger fucked you. as soon as you walked through the door, it was on.
“hey hon-, what the fuck are you wearing?” he asks, harshly. you plop down on the couch.
“clothes dad, happy birthday by the way.” you reply cold, jonathan swallows the lump in his throat. he had never seen so much skin from you, but he wasn’t complaining. dmitri walks to the table, knowing things were about to go south.
“why are you dressed that way?” you see the anger in his eyes, disappointment as well. no disappointment could compare to what you felt this evening after reading his bullshit note. “did you wear that shit to school?” you laugh, standing up, pulling the skirt up as you did.
“do you really think if i did jonathan would have mentioned it? i mean he’s like a dog in heat right now and i’m just sitting here.” jonathan’s face turns red as a tomato, joyce comes from the kitchen.
“hey! don’t talk about my son like that!” she exclaims, hopper defending her. you feel your chest heating up with anger.
“oh i forgot, you’re my new mommy joyce! i have to listen to everything you say huh? sorry he’s barley keeping it in his pants over there. hey speaking of mommy, i’m moving back in with mine. fuck this!” you exclaim, shooting out the door and making sure to slam it on the way out. hopper apologizes to joyce, dmitri gets up from the table and tells hopper he will make sure you get home to cool off, and he keeps his promise.
“come on,” he says, looking down on you crying on the steps, placing his jacket around you knowing you had to be freezing. “let’s go
the whole ride home you cry, you didn’t mean to but you tell dmitri everything as if he’s your personal therapist and he listens and he understands. he feels angry with hopper, his son was back in russia and he couldn’t do anything about it for the time being, hoppers child was right in front of his face and he choses a woman over her. “i don’t know what hurts me more, the fact that he gave up something that was special to me or that he sent you to chase me after i melt down.” finally you two arrive back at home, he places his hand on your thigh, comforting you.
“let’s go inside.” once inside, something in you snapped. you look at dmitris figure, thinking of how you wanted him on top of you. you walk over to him, brushing your body against his.
“thanks for playing daddy for me.” this sends him into a spiral, he knows it’s wrong. the man who helped him get out of russia, gave him a place to live and he was going to fuck his daughter.
dmitri backs you against the wall, his bare cold hands running up your thigh. finally reaching the pathetic excuse for underwear you have on.
“you really had your father upset tonight,” he says, pushing your laced thong to the side, teasing your entrance with his finger, “i never thought such a sweet girl like you could do that.” you leaned your head back, silently begging him to finger fuck your eager cunt, there was no way he didn’t feel the wetness between your folds.
“what can i say?” you ask, mind fuzzy still not believing this is happening.
“i think someone has daddy issues.” he slips a cold finger into your throbbing pussy, making your back arch against the wall, a small moan escaping your lips. he sees how much pleasure this brings you and adds another finger, slowly pumping. “you want someone to take care of you, to protect you, to love you. someone who won’t disappoint you.” he whispers before pressing his lips against your neck, you whimper as he’s pumping his fingers in and out of you. “am i wrong?” he stops, waiting on you to reply.
“i- i. no, no you’re not.” he grins and starts moving his fingers again. using his other hand, he gently grabs a handful of your hair, slamming his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your desperate mouth.
“good.” he pulls his fingers out, slipping them slowly into your mouth, making you taste your juices. “i’ll do that for you.” before you know it, you two are in his guest bedroom, he pulls you to the bed laying you down on your back, spreading your legs as far as they will go, pulling his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion revealing his throbbing cock. bigger than any other you had seen, which wasn’t shocking considering that number was very low.
“you taste fucking sweet,” he says, licking his fingers, “just like candy.” he uses his saliva to coat his cock, gently gliding it into your slick cunt. your back arches and you let out an ungodly moan. his hand finds it’s way to your neck, softly gripping it.
“who’s girl are you angel?” he thrusts into you slowly, his cock stretching you out even more than you imagined was possible.
“yours, i’m yours daddy.” the word drives him absolutely insane. he pulls your tits out of the skimpy shirt you wore, kneading one with his hand, his other hand playing with your clit.
“that’s right, you’re mine.” he whispers, his lips against your neck again, careful not to leave any marks as bad as he wanted to. you dug your nails into his back, not being able to hold back. it felt entirely too good having him inside of you. “this sweet tight pussy is all mine.” you feel your stomach start to knot up, grabbing onto the sheets desperately.
“you’re close aren’t you?” he asks, laughing and hurrying his face into your shoulder. you barley get out a yes before you feel yourself coming undone.
“please keep fucking me, right there. oh my god.” you scream out. “i’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Cum angel.” the words push you to the edge, he finishes right behind you.
“What the fuck is this?” your heart sinks, hearing your fathers voice boom through the room.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Telling It Like It Is Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Masterlist Epilogue
There will be a small epilogue after this one.
Nancy and Robin were sitting on the stairs to the Munson’s new house, waiting for their guests to arrive. Jonathan was dropping the kids off at the movie theater and Vickie was coming from band practice since she was still in school.
Jonathan arrived first. He smiled. “Hello, ladies.”
He moved to squeeze past them, but Nancy grabbed his arm and looked down. “Can you talk for a minute?”
He turned around and sat down between them. “This is about Steve, huh?”
“I worry about him,” Robin said.
Jonathan sighed. “Look, he just has a problem that he can’t go to anyone else with is all. It’s not that complicated.”
Nancy frowned. “But you two don’t like each other.”
He frowned. “Nope, but I respect the hell out of him enough not to lie to him or treat him like shit about it.”
“I’m his best friend,” Robin whined. “Why couldn’t he talk to me?”
“Are you a gay man?” Jonathan replied.
“Only the former,” Robin said.
“But you’re not gay, either,” Nancy said. “Unless there is something you’re not telling me.”
He laughed and kissed her nose. “No, but I’m not the only boy in that house, love.”
“Will?” the girls said together.
Nancy frowned and cocked her head. “Makes sense actually.”
“But why not go to Eddie?” Robin asked. “Eddie came out to us at the hospital when Steve brought him back from the Upside Down.”
“If you had a crush on Vickie, would you go to her for advice?” Jonathan asked.
“Who’s got a crush on me?” Vickie asked with a grin.
Robin shot to her feet. “Uh...um...well...”
Vickie grinned. She ran her fingers along Robin’s arm as she squeezed past to enter the house.
Jonathan and Nancy grinned at the star-struck Robin.
“Go get ‘er, tiger,” Nancy said with a wink.
Robin scrambled after Vickie. “Hey, wait for me!”
They shook their heads.
“So Steve really is okay?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, he’s going to be just fine.”
Eddie threw open the door and spotted just the two of them on the steps.
“Why isn’t he here yet?” he pouted and flopped down on the step next to Jonathan.
“Maybe a customer kept him late,” Nancy said. “He’ll be here.”
“So...” Eddie said, clasping his fist in his other hand. “Is this like a trouple date?”
Nancy and Jonathan stared at him wide-eyed.
“A what now?” Nancy asked.
“Like a double date but with three couples?” Eddie asked, waving his hands around.  
“It’s a called a group date, man,” Jonathan said, shaking his head. “Three or more couples is a group date.”
“So is it?” Eddie asked, his knee starting to shake.
Jonathan grinned. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?” He pointed out to the driveway where a sleek BMW had just pulled up.
Eddie was on his feet in an instant.
Steve got out the car and smiled when he saw Eddie waiting for him. “Great place you’ve got here, Eds.”
“Did you find it okay?” Eddie asked stepping forward and putting his hands in his back pockets.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I just stopped by the store to pick up dessert.” He moved around to the other side of the car and pulled out a chocolate cake.
“Holy shit,” Eddie said. “That’s my favorite. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Sure I did,” Steve said with a grin. “Think of it as a house warming present.”
They met in the middle. And stood there smiling at each other.
Nancy surged forward, gently taking the cake from Steve’s hands.
“I’ll just go put this in the fridge,” Nancy said. She tried to get Jonathan to go with her but he refused.
She stomped into the house.
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “I am so glad she’s you problem now, man,” he said to Jonathan.
“I like it that way,” Jonathan replied.
“You don’t want to get back with your ex?” Eddie asked shyly.
“I really, really don’t, Eds,” Steve said shaking his head. “I don’t know how you and Robin got it into your heads that I wanted that. But I really, really, really don’t.”
“But you were flirting with her,” Eddie protested.
Steve shook his head. “I was flirting with you.”
Eddie blinked. “Oh.” He furrowed his brow. “So is this a group date?”
“I’d like it to be,” Steve whispered.
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded. “Me too.”
Steve was a breath away. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s face and kissed him hard.
Behind them they could hear the sound of the screen door swing and bang shut.
They broke apart, gasping for air.
“I was so jealous of all the time you were spending with Jonathan and Will, I couldn’t stand it,” Eddie confessed.
“I needed to work some things out first before I told you how I felt,” Steve admitted.
“How do you feel about me?” Eddie asked, still unsure. He had had his heart broken by straight boys ‘experimenting’ before.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Steve murmured. “I love you.”
Eddie nodded. “Good, because I love you, too.”
Steve picked Eddie up and spun him around. Eddie giggled.
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jaylleoo14 · 6 months
TW: BOTMM is a short drabble leading up to Keratoconus Entrapment. Although nothing explicit happens in this drabble be wary that the following will contain such themes/mentions (along with Keratoconus Entrapment): Horror/dark themes, deaths/murders, butchering/gore, unsettling descriptions, kidnapping, gen violence, blackmailing, alcohol, partying, corruption, morphed views of artistic expression, manipulation and gaslighting. All characters are aged up, you have been warned 
This idea sparked while I was listening to an audio and I was like "hmm, i like how ominous and spooky this can be." then suddenly boom, Jade Leech has spawned. So hear me out okay WAIT IM ACTUALLY KINDA SCARED RN BECAUSE SO MUCH IS BEING ENVISIONED IN MY MIND😭🙏 :') Okay but as the ideas kept on racking and stacking on top of each other I started to get a little "oh wow, this is actually starting to sound kinda good tho-" (im envisioning an uncanny Jade rn and i'm scared-)
Have you heard?
Heard of what?
The Mushroom Man who lives down Rocker Lane.
I. From paints to charcoal, to clay to wood. Then to pencil and pen, then back to your roots of finger painting on cardboard.
You've always had this sort of love for drawing. Since you were little you can recall your mother had always talked about how you were such an artistic child. A crafty one at that. Your dad was always telling his friends that his child was always so expressive and imaginative whenever the topic was brought up. Continuing on keeping up with art along your adolescence, to middle school, to then high school, you felt like you knew what you wanted to do. That being why you decided to go pursue an art major.
The university you are going to attend, University of Arts in Atlantica, was where you'd be heading on over next. Its a funny feeling in your stomach really, moving out and all and going to meet new people as you drift away from your old ones. The feelings welt up inside you slowly, feeling a sad weight bringing you down. You'd be staying in a co-ed dorm, at least then you'd be able to hopefully meet new people and make more friends. That's one of the main things you were looking forward to. It's time to look on the positive side here, and as you make your daily affirmations to yourself you bring out your phone to go to your notes app to remind yourself of the good things that happened and what to look forward to.
I saw a man helping his old relative (not sure) down a street earlier. That was really nice.
I saw some black cats cuddling with each other near the grass yesterday
the weather is nice today, it's not too windy and the sun is out high
I was able to pack another box of my stuff, I should go reward myself now
I was able to send in my resume for a job application nearby. I should also reward myself because I did a good job at tending to it.
Oh, that's right. You recently did submit a job application. You submitted it to a bakery oddly enough.
Art comes in many different shapes and forms, and you personally had another interest. That being the culinary arts. For at least once in your life you wanted to experience the working life of a culinary student, and although pursuing it as a career plan wasn't your solid choice - it was one of the options. And thankfully enough, the man there who skimmed through your resume seemed rather gentle about your chances. Hopefully you get the job, I mean you have plenty of experience before as well with handling and decorating foods. That was the main thing you were interested in. Sure you do enjoy baking, but it was the expression of being able to decorate cakes and pastries there that you were more eager to do.
Trey was the person who introduced himself first, claiming that his family owned the business. After the whole process of submission for your intended new job, something blue catches your eye. A natural call of curiosity causes you to divert your eyes a little away from Trey- who was finishing up the bases of what's to expect- and see a tall man through the window of the kitchen door. He had teal short hair, a longer black length of hair tucked behind his ear and his eyes looked rather sharp and lifted from the side. If for just a moment of observation, Trey caught where your eyes were distracted at.
"Oh, well it's still business hours, you know. He's another employee working here as well. If you get the job you'll see him more frequently." He says it so casually, but you would really hope you do get the job. Fiddling your fingers a little, you show a bit of anxiousness but you keep it professional. "What are the chances of me getting hired? I'm really eager to get this position."
A thoughtful look is splayed on his face, his glasses framing them well. "Well your past work seems promising. It doesn't look professional enough for it to display but I'm sure with enough practice it may work. Just wondering though, you're an art student, yes? Do you think you'd manage the hours alongside your classes?"
His words were a little hard for you to hear but you greatly needed it, a set reminder that you really still are an inexperienced culinary artist if anything. However you proceed to give him a determined answer. "Yes, I'll manage. I will uphold my duties responsibly, please consider taking me."
"They seem eager, don't you agree Trey?" Both your attention is turned and directed on the voice who spoke from behind, the teal haired man coming forward. He had a black plain apron on with the logo of a clover on his right chest, a white chef shirt on as the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. “Eagerness and experience are two separate things. I’ll consider it, don't worry.” 
Not knowing what to say, the teal haired man turns his attention onto you. You both meet each other's eyes and his lips curve more upward to be more inviting and polite. “Oh how rude of me, where are my manners? You can address me as Jade Leech.” He goes over to shake your hand as a formal greeting, and ever since then things have been going alright. Would you look at that, you got the job! And you’ve already moved in, meeting friendly people from all over with wild stories to tell. “Ugh, such an extroverted thing to do. I could never.” Idia’s voice is made metallic through your phone as you tell him about how you plan on going to this frat party to welcome the new incoming people. It was a new time of your life, why not let loose and meet new people? “Your reasoning still stinks. Imagine all the sweaty smelly bodies you’d bump into there. Not only that but eee! So many loud normies! My HP would already max out by the time I get there, definitely not.” 
“Look, I’ll be back soon okay? I want to try and enjoy this night before anything real happens like classes and work.” Bringing your coat on, you sling over a fanny pack over your torso with all the required things for what you can expect at this frat party. “If you don't let me know that you came home safely I’ll be adding modifications into that device of yours.” A simple reassurance is all it takes for him to hang up and with some worn converse shoes you slip out of your room. 
Here's to a new school life. Surrounded by other lively participants of party go-ers, you hold a drink of alcohol in your cup. Everyone seems to have a good time, the music is blasting, the people are dancing and enjoying their time, and you have crazy party go-ers here climbing the roofs and pulling crazy stunts. It's quite the impression really. Taking a step outside all the way to where the cars are parked from the frat house, you take a deep breath and catch yourself a breather. Idia was right for the most part, and for this to be your first time at a frat party it was definitely overwhelming. However one thing for sure was that you were able to meet new people and enjoy your time there, just needed a little break is all. 
Little did you know though, that nearby deep in hidden trees and bushes laid a beaten up person. Most likely dead. No, definitely dead. For Jade Leech is always one to ensure that the deal is done. Frat parties, loud music, drunken party go-ers, it was all the perfect set up for him to strike and take advantage of. Who would know if just a person or two went missing? Especially ones who come by themselves. He’s got an eye for people you could say, with the way his eyes are arched up so meticulously. The location was just too good to miss out as well. Here it’s a little more isolated with vegetation growing around, the house being more secluded due to its bigger land. Blood is soaked into the dirt, his smile content that the earth is gaining some nutrition. 
Oh, what a surprise. He sees a familiar figure in the distance leaning up against one of the cars on the dirt path. It’s you. He could strike, but it would cause trouble. You aren’t his target. At least not yet. He can play a patient game, and a patient game he will play. The future awaits many things for the two of you, so until then, enjoy your fresh new life and your new job. You clock in the day following tomorrow, where Jade will surely start to learn more about you. And as much as he will learn about you, you my dear reader, will surely start to learn about him much more than what ordinary people see and know about him behind closed, faux smiled, bloodied doors.
I hope this reaches the right audience, but to all my dark/horror/yandere enthusiasts
Literally the only thing i was fixated on when I was writing this, I was like "oml yes Jade with them nice buff baker arms anfisdifbfiubwif Trey you arent gonna be alone in this✊🤞." I practically melted just thinking about it while writing this ^^;
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chaoscriess · 2 years
i was going to be like ‘you write for stu and fez extremely based’ but THEN i spotted billy n maddy n cassie in your tags… extremely extremely EXTREMELY based. i would love to hear any hc’s you have for an ot3 poly situation with maddy n cass? if you don’t love that concept id also love hearing any general romantic hc’s for those two, thank you!
I love you you're my first ask ahhhhhh and your stu sleepover fic... obsessed..
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! mentions of makeout sessions, sex, and threesomes. some PDA and cussing, nothing you wouldn't expect from a euphoria fic. lowercase is intended! this is very undedited.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! doing this on mobile, sorry If the format is weird.
poly!maddy & cassie x fem!reader
you were maddy's closest friend growing up, you would share everything and you would tell each other everything.
through the years, maddy began developing a crush on you, even if she didnt know it. she was confused about her feelings towards you, thinking she was just your platonic soulmate or something
and when you knocked on her door one day after school, telling her about your newfound love with a girl at your school... she didnt take it amazingly.
"maddy, I mean it! I really think I love her.." you two were sitting on her bed, discussing your new relationship while she practiced a new makeup look on you. she looked you dead in the eyes and sighed, rolling her eyes and turning away, "whatever, who even is she? what'd you say her name was? catty?" you laugh at the dark-haired girls attempt to remember cassie's name and quietly correct her before scooting towards her, grabbing her hand and bringing it to your face, silently encouraging her to finish your makeup. the two of you sat in silence, you didnt move or speak, in fear of messing up the makeup she was caking onto your face, and you also didnt want to upset her anymore than she already was. your partners had always been a touchy subject for maddy but you never knew why. you decided to leave the subject alone for the night. even though you knew she'd never hurt you, maddy's scary when she's mad.
eventually, maddy warmed up to cassie and she became a part of your guy's routine. in the mornings before school, you would pick cassie up in your car and you two would meet maddy in the school parking lot, sometimes smoking a joint that you usually supplied. you three would walk to your classes together, sharing most of them due to some miracle. you would skip classes together if one of you seemed too stressed, meeting in the bathroom to do whatever (typically drugs). after school most days, you would meet at maddy's house and just talk.
one day at maddy's house, when cassie told you two that she'd be staying at home, maddy told you that she might like girls, and asked if you could help her figure out her feelings.
being her best friend, and also being into girls, you couldn't say no.
"are you sure you're okay with this? I mean.. wont it be weird? kissing your bestfriend?" you smiled sweetly at her, shaking your head no. she took your hands in hers and scooted towards you on the bed. "can i?" you asked for her consent as you took your hands away from hers and placed them on the sides of her face. she said something quietly but you were focused on her lips, images of you two making out crossed your mind and you shooed the thoughts away, telling yourself you shouldn't think about her like that. she said something about cassie but you still managed to make out a 'just kiss me' in her words. so you did. you pulled her towards you, connecting your lips and you dropped one of your hands to the back of her neck and the other dropped to hold her hand. you pulled away but she pulled you closer.
you and cassie had talked about it the next day, starting off as a conversation about cassie saying maddy kept looking at you like you hung the moon and stars. when you told her you made out with maddy, she was fine with it, telling you she wouldn't mind being in a threesome. she said it as a joke, but when she saw a sparkle in your eye after she said it, she actually began considering it.
and you did.
you had a threesome at some guys party, but it was actually really romantic. all three of you were decently sober, besides having one shot each when you arrived.
maddy had walked in on you and cassie fucking later in the night and was about to leave when cassie asked if maddy wanted to join. maddy looked at you nervously, almost to ask if it was alright, and you nodded at her in reassurance. and she joined you.
the next day, you didnt see cassie or maddy at school. you assumed they just felt too awkward to face you or the each other. in reality, they were talking. about you, about each other, about their feelings.
it turns out, the both of them shared mutual feelings for you AND each other. they came to you about this, expecting you to turn them away but to their surprise, you told them you felt the same.
your friends didn't know how to react, they thought you were cheating on cassie with maddy but when they saw cassie kissing you and then maddy, they asked you about it and you explained the situation.
cassie and maddy are the best girlfriends you could ask for.
when you're sick or upset, they absolutely will not leave your side.
nate hates you. he absolutely hates you. in fact, he came up to you at school one day and threatened to beat the shit out of you if you didn't leave maddy and cassie alone. you didnt. instead, you kicked him in the balls and threatened to stab him there if he talked to you again, he didnt.
in conclusion, maddy and cassie are amazing and you couldn't ask for anything better.
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vex91 · 11 months
Chapter 6: What the hell did I just saw?
3rd's POV
"Wait... is he spying on us?" Your question made Wonyoung turn her attention from the group of kids playing around and onto you. She looked in the direction you were looking and saw Sunghoon buying ice cream with his friends, obviously looking in your direction. Wonyoung sighed at the sight. He really wanted to know if he has any chances (He literally asked her out 7 times, let it go man😑).
Soon though she laughed when you both saw one of his friends, Jungwon turning his head around so his spying wouldn't be as obvious "You can always count on Jungwon for things like that huh?" You laughed and Wonyoung pushed your arm a little "You say that but you did had a crush on him when we were 10" You looked shocked at your best friend's words.
"Can you please let me forget my straight era? It's not something I want to remember" Seeing this as an opportunity to mess with you Wonyoung looked at you with a teasing grin "Never! Oh remember that one guy when we were 12-" "Okay okay, no need to remember that one for sure" You covered her mouth with your hand and soon both of you burst out laughing. This got Sunghoon's attention, as he watched you and Wonyoung closely.
After calming down a little you noticed something "Wony look, our café. Come on let's take look, I wasn't here for years" You started dragging Wonyoung towards the Café that you and her often visited when you were kids. You weren't able to come here due to being away in New York and Wonyoung didn't wanted to come there without you. Walking in you noticed the old lady that worked there even when you were kids.
"Mrs. Lee good afternoon. It's been so long" You bowed to the lady with Wonyoung quickly following suit. When the lady looked your way, a bigger smile quickly made it's way on her face "Oh? Wonyoung and Y/N? It's been so long since I last saw you two, you both have grown so much" You laughed at her words and sat down near the counter to talk with the lady "Yeah, sorry for not visiting. New York kept me busy with all the school stuff" The lady shrugged and ushered Wonyoung to sit down and got your orders.
After bringing it to you she decided to talk with you some more since the customers weren't coming in at that moment "But seriously I missed seeing you two. I haven't seen you in years, Jiwon kept coming to help around and she told me all about how you're doing" You took a bite of your chocolate cake and nodded to everything she said "Well I'm happy that the three of you are still together after all these years. How many years are you friends?" Wonyoung decided to answer "Me and Y/N are friends for 13 years and it will be 11 years with Jiwon" The lady sighed "Time sure flies huh?" The silence fell on the three of you as Mrs. Lee just watched you both eat with a smile.
"You know, I always thought that you two were together" At that Wonyoung quickly turned her head in her direction and you nearly choked on your drink "WHAT?!" "But then Jiwon told me that you were just friends. Such a shame, you two would have been such a cute couple" You blushed furiously at her words. Truth be told she had struck a chord when it came to you. Years ago when you and Wonyoung were 12, you did had a crush on the latter but you hid it by telling her that you liked this one guy in your class. Because of it she fortunately didn't figure out the truth. You managed to forget about your crush on her when you were 15 and started dating Minju, despite already living in New York.
On the other hand Wonyoung sat there frozen. A blush apparent on her face as she was lost deep in thought. Actually Mrs. Lee comment made her think about what it would be like if you two were together and shockingly she kinda liked it. It was weird since she always saw you as her best friend so the sudden liking she took towards the idea scared her. She didn't had any feelings for you, she was sure of that.... was she?
The walk back home was quiet, both of you were still thinking about the encounter with Mrs. Lee at the Café and her comment about your relationship. During your walk back home you both kept glancing at each other, trying to read the other's thoughts but it was hard. Sunghoon fortunately took the hint about your "relationship" at the Café and left soon after so he wasn't able to see you two now.
You and Wonyoung were still neighbors so none of you had to go back home in darkness alone. Finally standing outside your door, you turned around and looked up at Wonyoung "Thank you for today. I... uh had fun" Wonyoung only nodded quietly at what you said but you could see that she also had fun. You were able to read her easily after being friends with her for 13 years. After bidding your goodbyes Wonyoung expected you to just walk into your house so she was surprised when she felt your lips on her cheek but as soon as she felt them, the feeling quickly left as you ran back to your house leaving a conflicted Wonyoung behind. She will be having a very long and sleepless night for sure.
Without any of yours and Wonyoung's knowledge, Jiwon who was also your neighbor saw the whole exchange from her balcony, leaving her shocked.
"What the hell did I just saw?"
Summary: First love often didn't work out. That's what Yujin always heard from people but despite that she couldn't help but still hold on to her feelings from the past that got stronger when her first love came back to her life. Wonyoung takes on a job of a matchmaker, swearing to get Yujin and Y/N together but what if during it she also catch feelings for Y/N?
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Taglist: @awkwardtoafault @zhivaxo @pandamiswifey @craftymasterlistcomicsprune @pigeonoftheskyrat @jisooftme @pandafuriosa60
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ruka-the-animefangirl · 11 months
Happily Ever After
This is my first time writing a story for Twisted wonderland, but I did it for myself. I thought it was a cool concept and I wanted to write it. 
I’ll probably do the art of the characters and post them later. Thank you for reading !
It's a big realization, when a person finally sees how unfair the world is. Or at least just how fucked up it is. I was a sheltered kid, my family always surrounded me. There was never a time where I found myself alone somewhere. Someone was always with me. But the problem was…
My family hates me..
They don't like me, they can even stand me. So I was confused as a child, seeing my family always surrounding me but can't even look at me. Without that gleam of hate.
I never cared much, I only thought I was such a cool anime main character. That I was like Zuko from Avatar, being hated by my family but super cool and awesome.
But no matter what they still had my back, at least that's what I thought. I never even knew they hated me up until this moment. 
Until the day came where the universe was o so gracious enough to show me how wrong I was. During a beautiful sunny day. Me, a short 6 year old little girl, with black hair and brown eyes and glasses was invited to my cousin's, Mark, birthday party. He was 15 at that time, and he always made fun of me, but he didn't go too far. At least he was never allowed to. 
No matter, I was playing in the garden with my best friend. 
My family were inside talking and eating and celebrating. I didn't pay attention however.
"Morro, imagine if I was the green ninja. I won't be as cool as Lloyd but I would still be cool" I said grinning ear to ear. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. " Sure you would kid. But it's a really big responsibility ya know. I think your too short for that" 
"Heyy!! I'm gonna grow!" He laughed loudly at that. 
While we were talking (arguing), my mom came over and told me to keep it down.
"Brett come here, we're gonna start singing soon" I looked behind me to see my mom and aunts looking at me while holding a really big cake.
My eyes brighten up looking at it. It was 3 layers and was black and orange. Mark is a basketball player, so the cake was basketball themed, it had small decorations with tiny basketballs. That was all it took, I needed to eat that cake.
"OK ma! I'm coming" 
I turned to look at Morro so I saw him standing and holding his hand out, "let's go?" I smiled and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and picked me up. "Let's go eat that cake before you blow up" 
I giggled and went inside, while holding Morro's hand. Everyone was already gathering near the table. So I just walked between people's legs till I was near my other cousins. 
I was the youngest and the shortest kid, so everyone was bigger nonetheless. Morro stayed behind me as everyone sang happy birthday to Mark. Then came the time to eat CAKE!
All the adults left right after, like they always do during our birthdays. Something about them drinking the red grape juice. 
I just enjoyed my third slice of cake with Morro. He doesn't eat anything, I don't know why. Like its food, food is good. He did take a bite of the cake though so I was happy enough.
Anyways, while I was eating and talking to him. Alan and Mark came up to us. Alan is Mark's youngest brother, he was 13. They sat down next to me and started asking me about my imaginary friend.
"Hey short stack! How's that imaginary guy of yours" Alan said while grinning wildly,
"He's doing fine" I said in a small voice and kept eating. 
He never even gets mad at them either, he just smirks and watches us interact. He does always tell me not to react if they try to bully me, and that's what I learned to do.
"You seriously need to grow up, you look like such a weirdo outside. Do you know how weird my friends looked at me cos of ya!" Mark said while picking up his plate with cake.
"Good thing they thought you were a stupid toddler, so they dropped it." 
Leo stood up, "yeah like why don't you just start acting like normal people, remember last week?"
"Oh yeah where she jumped in the lake and accused her imaginary friend" 
His friends came up to us, one of them asking if he was serious.
They all just laughed and laughed as they kept reminiscing about the times they found funny.
I remembered that moment, it was when I was playing with Morro and he picked me up and threw me into the river. We then swam together and saw fishes.
My mom got mad at me later on because she found me drenched and yelled at me for jumping into the water with no supervision. 
While they kept laughing, my mood slowly disappeared. Why can't they leave me alone…
Morro, sensing my discomfort, ruffled my hair and told me, "do you want more cake? I'll get you some more." He smiled at me " These idiots are gonna stay idiots, so ignored them"
I looked down on my plate, "sure I want cake I said softly" 
As he prepared to get up, Leo looked at me and said while smiling "awww are you talking to your imaginary friend ?"
Mark laughing chimed in "you want more Cale? Seriously?" 
He looked around and then back at me, "why don't you take mine then? I don't feel like eating more"
He grabbed his cake and threw it at me. I stayed frozen, hair and face covered in cake, some of the cream falling down on my dress. 
Morro looked at me and grabbed some tissues and started to wipe my face.
The rest of my cousins realized what happened and joined in the laughter.
They didn't care about me, they all just laughed at me whenever Mark torments me. My aunt, Malak, came to the room to see what the commotion was about. Saw me and chuckled a bit. "Brett, sweetie how did you get cake all over you" 
Mark got up and pretended to wipe the cake off of my dress. "She tried and fell on her slice. I was just helping her out." He said smiling.
"Yeah but we also couldn't help to laugh at her" Leo said, "sorry, haha" 
She smiled and then looked at me. She was the only person who cared about me besides Morro; but she always took Mark's side because he was one of the older children. 
Malak wasn't a very tall person, but she was super nice. She always covers her hair with a cloth, when I asked about it, she said it's because of her religion. I don't know much about it, only that my parents disapproved of it a little, but were still content with Malak. My uncle was also part of the religion I think. Cos I see him praying similarly to how she prays. 
My parents don't follow a religion, I don't think they do. We don't go to church, unlike some of the people we see. Nor do they pray or wear the cloth like Malak and my uncle. 
Whenever I asked Morro, he avoided the topic and said that he believes there is God or multiple Gods and doesn't say anything else. So I just do the same, I believe there is a God there, but he makes things really hard for people sometimes, I don't know why tho. 
Breaking my thoughts, Malak picked me up and took me to my mom. Who, the moment I saw me, glared at me so hard. My eyes started to water. 
She scolded me and told me I should have been more careful after Malak explained to her the situation. 
My mom is a tall woman, she was harsh and very serious. She always made sure that I did well in school, even if I'm still a child. She got me to take up music and sports so that I have activities to do after school. 
She always has big expectations of what I need to do, and how to do them. Whenever I don't reach them she gets mad and grounds me. So when she saw me with a dirty dress covered in cake. She was livid. 
"Charlotte, calm down, it was obviously an accident. You know how Brett is." My dad calmed her down, she stared at him and sigh. "Drop it Oliver, she knows better"
She took me to the bathroom and kept scolding me while cleaning me up. 
I started to cry, snot and tears running down my face. "But Mark was making fun of me and threw the cwake at me awnd I couwldnt-"
"Stop! That's enough from you. Why do you always have to accuse Mark of stuff? Just drop it!" Suddenly she gasped horrified. She called my dad over, who also came in and looked at me horrified. He sat down with a smile and held my shoulders tightly, and started to chant something. Some of my uncles and aunts came too and just stared at me. They were all glaring at me, eyes filled with hatred. When suddenly I passed out. The last thing I saw was Morro staring at me with glowy red eyes.
At that time I never knew what that situation was about, but what I did know was that not only was the world shit. But it also hates me. The reason was unknown to me until I was 10 years old. When Morro finally explained to me the situation. 
Why everyone I knew ignored his existence, why he was able to come to school with me, why I was the black sheep of the family.
 To make things clear, I have known Morro since I was a baby. He was so cool and was my only friend. He was always there for me, no matter what happened. But I fully got to know him when I was 3, when we became friends. He played with me when my parents didn't. He gave me food, clothed me and walked me to places. My parents never brother to do any of this. They only cared that I stayed silent and polite. And kept the appearance of a normal child. Which obviously wasn't the case, especially since I walk to Morro every time of the day. He told me his name was Moros. Which reminded me of a bunch of Morro from Ninjago, so that's how I ended up calling him Morro. He didn't mind, so I kept it. He was tall, like really tall 190 cm tall. He has dark purple wavy hair, and wears makeup. He's the definition of an emo kid honestly speaking. He swore a lot- which is where I got my swearing problems too- he taught me to be independent, and how to be myself. He helps me with my homework, especially the extra ones ma gives me to make me smarter than other kids. He hates my family, and they hate him too. For a good reason too.
"I'm Moros, but what you don't know is that I'm also through God of Doom. I was stripped of my title and forced to this earth cos I was tormenting humans too much. I turned into this demon creature by default. Your parents, who were mages from this other world, sealed me into you as a favor from the gods to stay in this world instead of theirs."
"My parents are from another world ?.." 
"Yeah, your whole family is. The world is called twisted wonderland, it's a very interesting world. They have sorcerers and mages, along with inherent creatures and people. Like mermaids, beastmen and other gods such as I was once myself. They have a very rich history and a very interesting one at that. Much better than this boring world, where people have no magic, no supernatural, nothing at all." 
He picked me up, and suddenly we were in the living room. Where my parents were. They jumped when they saw me and were shocked to see me with Morro.
My dad got up, but Morro pushed him back down.
"So…the reason why your family hates you, is because they used you, to seal me inside of you like I told ya. But the reason they did it was because they made a deal with some gods who wanted me gone."
My mom stood up and started yelling at him to shut up. He glared at her and continued, "if they took care of me, if they got rid of me, then those gods will send your family to this world."
"We did this to have a peaceful life!!"
"At the expenses of your child!"
"Shut up!! You have no right to talk to us that way! She is our daughter. We can do whatever we want to her!!" My dad screamed back at him.
They kept arguing and screaming, I couldn't follow, I wasn't able to. 
Did they really sacrifice me to come here, why do they hate me? They did this to me. Is that why I'm the only one that can see Morro? But they're seeing him now, did he just now show himself to them? I don't know what to do. I don't understand. Why is this happening to me! Why can't I be a normal child! Why is this happening to me of all people!
Before I knew it, my dad was sending fire at Morro, I was choked, this is the first time I ever saw magic. So Morro wasn't lying, they're mages. They can use magic, so everything else he said must have been true. Was I really just used to just being a sacrifice for Morro? Do they really hate me that much to do this to me?
My mom grabbed me by the arm and held it tightly. But I couldn't think, I didn't know what to do. It was starting to feel really hot, and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see either. My breath became short and harsh, tears streaming down my face. I was crying and hiccupping, barely able to breath. 
Mom was yelling at me but I could hear her, everything was blurry, and my ears started ringing. With Morro and mom's voice in the background.
"Kiddo, please calm down, everything is okay, just breath" 
Everything just stopped, I opened my eyes and I saw Morro in a black area. He was kneeling, holding my face. He started to breathe and I followed.
In and out
In and out
Until I could breathe properly
I took a really deep breath and sighed. I looked into his eyes, as he was wiping my face form my tears.
"W-where" sniffing loudly "are we?"
"We're inside your head right now?"
I stayed silent and wiped my face. "Am I like Naruto then? I have something sealed inside me which is why people hate me?"
He chuckled "yeah I guess you are. Is that bad?"
"I don't know" 
"Are you feeling better"
I hugged him 
"I'll see you outside then, and let's getcha ice cream kiddo"
I hated that day so much, but it really showed, who cares about me and who doesn't. 
My parents, after that day, made it clear that I am not wanted. They started to work more and exclude me in events. Morro, however, stayed with me through thick and thin. And I loved him for it. 
I ended up growing alone, Morro being my only friend and family. High school is the hardest for me. I was already short growing up, and I'm still short. I look nerdy and I haven't developed much. 
I was slightly overweight, I had braces and wore glasses. I was the perfect person to bully through high school. But I didn't care. I ignored them as much as I could.
I started to learn magic after I found out about everything. Morro did his best to teach me, but it's not his Forte so it was hard to learn for us both. Until I found a spellbook in my parents room. Morro created an illusion so that it looks like it's still there while I learn the spells. And well, I ended up being really good at it. At least from what Morro tells me.
"Stop narrating about how you think your too weak"
"Come on! How am I supposed to believe that I'm good at this?!"
" you can trust me and believe me when I tell ya"
"Yeah but like… am I really that good at magic? Like it's not like I can compare my magic to someone"
"You don't need to compare yourself, you're an amazing girl. I wouldn't exchange ya for anything in the world"
 "Thank you"
You're probably wondering why the hell, I'm even ranting about every single traumatic shit that happened in my life at the moment. Or how I was basically disowned by my parents. 
Yeah well I'm templating my life choice right now, cos well.
I'm stuck in a coffin
I have no idea how it happened, or how. Or who put me here.
But here I am.
In a coffin, upright and having nothing to do except to contemplate my whole life.
Honestly as fuck up my life is. I like it, I have an amazing best friend, who's awesome. And who taught me everything I knew.
"You also forgot to mention how I gave you my powers?"
 That too. Morro has very powerful magic, as the God of Doom. He can see how people die, along with some teleportation abilities and this guy can make amazing illusions. As in, good enough where they're like shadow clones. You can touch them and they don't disappear. I don't know if you realized it, but I abused the hell out of this. I’m 17 ok?! I’m using this power, it's super powerful, I'm not giving up on it.
A loud click brought me back to reality, light blinding me for a few seconds. The door of the coffin opened up.
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