#theres some personal stuff but i feel like it helps flesh it out?
shigayokagayama · 26 days
What are the biggest losses between the manga and anime? I just finished watching mp100 and I'm curious what the manga has!
ok biggest losses are kind of hard to define because like. anime and manga are two inherently different mediums and there are a good amount of cuts that improve pacing and then a good amount of cuts that people sort of argue over the merit of so im just going to go for biggest differences. i would also highly recommend reading the manga just because it is a pretty different experience tonally along with the minor plot differences and cut scenes + theres a bunch of omakes that both flesh out characters that dont get too much focus and have some really good bits in them. putting the rest of this post under a cut bc i ramble
mogami arc
this one is kind of inescapable i feel like but the anime version of the mogami arc had a LOT of things trimmed for a couple different reasons. season 2 already got an extra episode in order to do the fire scene as a cliffhanger so with the way things shook out the director had to choose between a. cutting a bunch of stuff out of separation arc to make it one episode so mogami arc couid stay three episode or b. cutting a bunch of stuff out of mogami arc so separation arc could stay two episodes. imo they made the right choice, whats even the point of adapting mob psycho if you dont get confession arc right, but some of the cuts to mogami arc will be dearly missed and others will be fought over to the end of time. cuts include:
minori being established as a brat in a video everyones shown and the video being part of how reigen deduces shes possessed (reigen deducing her possession in the manga is generally just a lot better done and after you read the manga the scene in the anime feels so awkward because you know whats missing
the psychics deciding to band together to beat this little girl to death to save themselves and shinra stepping between them to protect her and getting utterly thrashed, not by mogami, but his fellow psychics
reigen trying to convince mob to leave without him and call for help while he distracts him which leads to this
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the general mogamiland section lasting a lot longer and being more brutal (notably the stray cat mob feeds getting killed in front of him)
mob getting fucking torn to pieces by spirits during the fight instead of ambiguously dying offscreen
generally would recommend if nothing else reading the manga version of this arc and confession arc because i feel like these are the only two where you lose like. a significant amount of the story and themes from the cuts. speaking of....
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maybe its just because i reread this arc on its own probably 50 times before the anime came out but this is the only arc where the cuts actively piss me off because there is absolutely no reason they had to do it. they cut a bunch of important shit, left in things that didnt need to be there, and added scenes that contribute literally nothing to the overall point. if they just did any one of those things or combo of two of those things i wouldnt be as mad but it feels like they put a bunch of filler in then speedran the actual story
cut #1 that pisses me off: HOMOPHOBIA?????
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the lack of inclusion of the first panels dialogue along with the cuts to the mob and shigeo conversation (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) make me think the person who adapted this arc fundamentally misunderstood what was happening. this line. is. THE POINT. THIS ISNT SOME SEPARATE SCARY THING. THIS IS MOB. HE IS CHOOSING TO DO THIS BECAUSE HE IS SCARED AND ANGRY AND HURT BUT HE IS IN CONTROL OF HIS ACTIONS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.
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this entire conversation is so good and i was looking forward to watching it voice acted for so long and its just. gone. for me the "i am shigeo kageyama who are you" reveal felt like a gut punch because the opening being "i knew i would be needed" made me go "oh hes like possessed or his powers are sentient or something" and this conversation was the slow unraveling of my view of these as two separate people and instead as a scared, traumatized teenager who has convinced himself that the parts of himself he hates are something else outside of his control instead of an intrinsic part of who he is because if he's convinced that the parts of him that are able to feel desire and frustration and anger and malice are him then he'll lose all these relationships he's worked so hard to cultivate as his perfect, non confrontational self. and of course that isnt true. all his friends and loved ones are making their way to the center of a damn hurricane because they see he's in distress and want to help him. but he cant see that so he pushes them away. ugh. mob. protagonist of all time.
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can you imagine how beautiful this would be in motion. just. god.
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cut #6 the bowling arc
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so the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is supposed to be a lot more solemn bc like. taking your shoes off before killing yourself is a trope in japanese media (ive heard it started in media and bled over into real life but i might have it backwards?). reigen knew he was probably going to die. anyway i cant take this scene seriously because of this edit
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the bowling arc.
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cut #8 homophobia again
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rip pensive fruity tea sip
cut #9 mob threw the cake directly in reigens face on purpose
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i literally experienced every stage of grief realizing this got changed. why. its so perfect. why would you change this.
3. World Domination arc
so WD arc is in a very interesting place where it had a lot of scenes cut but unlike the other two most of the cut content youre like. yea probably best not to include that. ill start with the good content that got cut then go into the weird content
serizawa got his power drained by toichiro. i am quite sad this scene didnt make it in because its sorta heartbreaking
teru fighting off the claw assassin is shown and we see that teru can both make shadow clones AND hold a barrier while attacking, he seems to be the only esper with this ability!
the reason dimple could tell mob's family was alive is that there was no sense of grudge at the house which would have been left behind by people passing in a violent manner
mob briefly goes unconscious during the start of the toichiro fight and dimple possesses him and says "shit"
dimple possessing mob shoots shibata with a gun
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we get mukai lore.
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it doesnt make any sense and just raises more questions but we get it.
toichiro has a team of telepaths to recap where everyone is because this arc took an entire calender year to update
literally everyone shows up to fight shimazaki. i cannot stress enough how many people show up to fight shimazaki. it would be faster to list espers who dont show up to fight shimazaki
the middle school delinquents show up and start fighting the claw grunts literally completely out of no where and this is never brought up or referenced ever again
when mob and ritsu get home ritsu says all their stuff is in boxes and they need to hurry and redecorate the house before their parents get home which implies that shou packed the entire households worth of belongings into boxes and hid it somewhere before lighting their house on fire which is such a funny mental image that i cant even be mad at it. loony toons ass plot point.
4. other random interesting cut things
takenaka is just generally more of a bitch during alien arc. "ah i think they took him" remains one of the funniest goddamn panels in the manga
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alien arc overall is a lot funnier in the manga, i have a slight preference for the manga version just bc theres a lot of really good bits that didnt make it to anime but the anime version is so heartfelt and nostalgic it makes me happy
between omakes and small things that got cut or changed for the anime teru just feels way more fleshed out in the manga. like. anime teru is a completely different person. its hard to explain if youve never read it.
the all girls school part originally went right before the ghost family stuff and was the beginning of mob's existential crisis about why spirits and people get different treatment but tbh it works well where it is i just wish it werent. like that.
the scene where ritsu and teru shake hands was teru draining ritsus power which he seems to have learned to do from encountering ???%
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thats all i can think of off the top of my head, im sure ill realize i forgot something some time after posting this but. yeah. read the manga its good
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Date nights with Eyeless Jack include...
Kinda miss writing creepypasta stuff but I'm a little pressed for ideas <\3 doing this in between requests so ! I'll get to them some time today; likely tonight
I think I might do more "date night" stuff with other creepypasta characters bit we'll see!
Very au/hc heavy btw!!
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A lot of the dates you guys have together is usually at his place or yours; or sometimes you guys walk around the woods he's made his home! Just.. please stay close by, hes set up traps around to catch any trespassers
Plus even if you guys try to go out to eat and you guys manage to get in there without raising any suspicions, it would all be for nothing. Jack doesnt really
Eat human food
Like it's not like he prefers flesh over food, in fact if he could undo what was done to him he would in a heartbeat. But he genuinely cannot eat human food without getting violently ill
Think tokyo ghoul rules
So dinner dates are out of the question, if you feel bad for eating in front of him while he gets nothing (he doesnt like eating in front of others, anyway)
Movie dates, however, are very nice! Eyeless jack already has a lil tv and a DVD player, so if you bring a couple disks you guys can have a movie marathon!
Cuddles :)!
You guys sitting on his old couch and snuggling up under the blanket
Jack has a very low body temperature, so be sure to bring extra blankets!
Since I personally hc jack to be short and thick hes like a teddy bear! Very good for cuddling!
Honestly date nights are very similar to your normal hang outs, given the limited options... but eyeless jack goes out into the woods and picks flowers for you! So theres that!
Just dont ask why it looks like he got in a nasty fight (he maaaaaay or may not have strayed top far into slendermans portion of the woods)
(Casually slips in personal au lore)
Date idea where you patch jack up after that, or after he bonks himself from flinging himself around
Is actually kind of sad since in my interpretation Jack doesnt want to be this man eating monster, he doesnt want to eat people. But he physically cant eat anything that isnt flesh, and he literally goes feral when he gets too hungry. He literally tries so so hard not to go into a blood frenzy that it can end up in him hurt
Sucks, actually
Moving on if I recall correctly I had a post somewhere where you and eyeless jack walk around the streets late at night when no one else is out, and it helps jack feel like hes still a person. Let that man get a taste of his old life, as a treat
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miiilowo · 1 year
I've never really watched anything about Security Breach's cut content so I'm don't know much about it. Any specific things or moments that you wish the most were actually used?
And/or, could you tell us about your interpretation of Vanny :3c, I don't have any less vague questions off the top of my head so just in general I guess-
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there are voice lines and unused art for glamrock freddy that show vanny commanded to other glamrocks to disassemble him, and it would have turned him against gregory. Having your one failsafe source of protection and guidance (well. if you dont include him getting stuck on walls and railings) ripped out from underneath you, now hunting you? can you imagine how effective that would have been for most people?
this was the intention for the game. it wasnt an idea that was scrapped, it was cut because they didn't have enough time. this was SUPPOSED to happen. even if it wasnt scary, (which it might not have been accounting for how MONSTROUSLY BRIGHT THE PIZZAPLEX IS), it would've made the game much more memorable, the characters have more stakes, and made the game feel less empty. and can you IMAGINE the sexyman potential? Hot bear dad turns fucked up and evil??? you know the fandom would be all over this freak
like all silliness aside, one of my major complaints w SB is how empty it feels. It's fundamentally broken, and not just from a bugs perspective; The story does not work like it should, because most of the story was removed. You experience the most barebones version of the plot. The meat used to be there, but they hid it in the files never to be seen again. It's stuff LIKE shattered freddy that would've made this game more than it is, would've fleshed out the characters, the plot, and motivations. It injects some EMOTION in there, god forbid. Among the lines for shattered freddy related cut content is one of gregory crying!!!! come on man!!
They'll probably bring him back for Ruin, but it won't be the same, nor have the same plot or characterization. Just a skin slapped onto him, I imagine.
Before I get to vanny, i wanna touch on glamrock bonnie. I do think we were supposed to get more of him in general, seeing as a whole bonnie bowl minigame was cut out, but we really only got scraps hinting at a larger mystery. I'm not sure what all was cut, but it feels like it was building up to something much bigger and it simply never had the chance to be executed, which is a shame.
Moving away from him though, theres a bunch of stuff about Vanny/Vanessa (most of which i will not cover here). vanny my sweet lovely girl who was done so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dirty
First of all, they completely made Vanessas personality do a 180 degree turn right before release. The version of her that we got is very mean, short tempered and cruel, whereas the version of her before actually cared about Gregory and helping him out of the pizzaplex; The reason Gregory wouldn't trust her, being that he knows she is also Vanny, but I'll get into that in a second. She seemed just as confused and scared as Gregory is, and while, yeah, having every female character be motherly and sweet is BAD i do have a point as to why that would have been better for her character, especially if it was a ruse she was putting on:
It makes the player want to trust her. Since Gregory never explains WHY we shouldn't trust Vanessa, it would make sense that we would want to doubt him, wouldn't it? There's cut lines that show Freddy didnt believe Gregory for a while either until he proves that something is up. The game was originally supposed to have a sort of "vanny meter"; I'm not sure how this would deplete, but whenever it did, Vanessas model itself would turn INTO Vanny, at which point she would start hunting you. Having the player witness one of these transitions after being led to believe that Vanessa has been genuinely trying to help us this whole time would be 1. scary in the same sense shattered freddy wouldve been 2. would explain why gregory doesn't trust her (he's seen this happen before, presumably) 3. would give freddy an actual reason to protect you instead of just doing it for the sake of protecting you, continuously going against his programming in rather inconsistent fashions
You can see how this was likely going to be incorporated through the trailers, (the line where shes saying she didnt want to hurt gregory, and it was 'just a glitch'), and it would also explain why shes NEVER IN THE FUCKING GAME DESPITE BEING ADVERTISED AS A MAIN CHARACTER AND VILLAIN
While I do think steel wool wouldn't have made her full evil (as much as i would love her to be) and would've made her genuinely a helpless wet rag whos scared and being puppeted around by afton, I do think this wouldve been better, because she wouldve been an effective threat and more sympathetic as a character. In the end game she still is just a helpless wet rag being puppeted around by afton but without any of the emotional impact. what fucking ever i guess
i still stand by the fact she should've been a copycat killer and afton's "i always come back" line would mean his INFLUENCE is eternal, not that HE HIMSELF is eternal, as we both know this would have been better in one thousand hundred million billion trillion ways forever
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intersex-support · 2 months
i am https://www.tumblr.com/intersex-support/756014826153771008/i-knew-i-was-intersex-based-on-medical-care-i-got?source=share this anon what was done to me seems to be the kind where they tuck the phallic tissue into the public bone like this (warning medical diagrams of genital surgery): https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Surgical-techniques-of-clitoroplasty-A-recession-clitoroplasty-without-reduction-of_fig1_355550660 at least it was not completely amputated, i guess prior to even knowing this, i had complained to sexual partners after feeling frustrated/unsatisfied many times, that it "feels like my dick is buried in my flesh and i cant get to it, and i have to masturbate in a really weird way for it to work, you have to press spots that arent intuitive" now i'm finding out that is literally what is happening, and its feels crazy in some way i'm interested in if theres any way to undo that too. i want my fuckin dick back and accessible. some people have mentioned there's surgical stuff to undo it, but i don't know where to begin researching, and i don't know specifically what was done to me in order to account for every detail; it seems near impossible in some way.
content note: continued discussion of genitalia, surgery, and sex
Hi anon.
That must have felt absolutely surreal to have described your genitalia in that way to your partners and then to find out that literally was exactly what had happened, and that your intuition and description had been right. Like holy shit, you literally basically described what happened before you even knew what happened.
It's so fucking hard to come to terms with what doctors do to us and how that can affect the rest of our lives and how it can influence things like intimacy, relationships, sex. It never should have happened to you and more than anything I wish there was a way to undo it and get it back.
From what I know about surgery to try to undo it, a lot of it is very dependent on the individual and on what surgical techniques were used, what kind of scar tissue you have, and things like that. Some things are not reversible, because there might have been tissue that they removed that doesn't grow back. But sometimes, there are surgical options that might help with function or sensation. I've really struggled to find resources about this because from what I've seen, it just all is so dependent on individual situations. I have one friend who ended up getting a surgical consult with a surgeon who does gender affirming surgery for trans people who was able to give them an idea for what their particular options would be, and there was a few options in their particular case. But I know that a lot of us just feel like fuck no, we don't want to go to another surgeon and don't even want to explore that as an option which is SO reasonable.
If this isn't helpful for you definitely feel free to ignore, but I think something that helped me come to terms with some of the impacts of medical abuse and navigating intimacy as an intersex person was reading just a bunch of stuff from other intersex people talking about sex. I'll link a few articles here in case that's helpful for you or any other followers. Content note for in depth discussion of genitalia and sex in all the articles, as well as mentions of surgery.
What intersex people want you to know about sex from Teen Vogue
I'm Intersex. Here's how that affects my sex life by Mark Hay.
Honestly I wish I had more resource suggestions for how to figure out how to cope after surgery, possibilities for undoing, how to actually figure out exactly what was done to you. I feel like that can be honestly another layer of injustice that there isn't this information, that we don't have these resources. Coping with medical abuse has definitely felt like a grieving process for me at times, because it is just so, so hard to come to terms with what was done to me, what was irreversible, and how it changed my life. I wish i had better advice or suggestions to give to you, but know that you aren't alone + that I share your anger + that I hope you're able to figure out a way to cope/process/heal in whatever way makes sense to you.
sending so much solidarity and support 💜💜💜
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nyalectro · 4 months
This is so random sorry but I gotta say SOMETHING.
This account is so surreal to me because you seem so similar to myself and i've never seen anyone who liked Electro (like, very passionately the way I do.) He was always my favorite villain since I was a little kid but the PS4 version of him is what kicked off my insanity to the level it is now and I've been insane since 2018, collecting stuff of him like comics and figures and trading cards.
I have a TikTok account dedicated to my special interest (..electro) and A LOT OF PEOPLE tell me it's weird and I kinda get teased so seeing another person who loves him in the comics (616) and game so much has blown my mind and I'm really happy to see it I can't lie.
Is this weird? I felt like it would be weirder if I ignored it 😭😭
if i had the money id decorate my room with his face..
NO ITS NOT WEIRD AT ALL.. the girls who get it, get it and the girls who dont, dont… they just dont get electro like we do….
funnily enough i just saw a notification from you before the inbox and i thought DAMN this person likes electro okkk let them cook
unfortunately i dont have tiktok but imagine you had a follower more there🫶🫶
ive also always loved electro as a kid (knew him through the ultimate spider-man tv series) and got the ps4 game in 2018 and thought nothing much (i did very much like him though) but after replaying it in late 2020 something clicked in me😭😭 hes just so silly and stupidly evil and gay and i guess underappreciated … lots of people love tssm and tasm which i do understand but guys… ps4… 616 comics… for some reason theyre hidden gems… I mean i guess i understand since electro is by far not as fleshed out of a character as so many others but hey… theres some good comics of him like the light the night trilogy (sm 1990 #38–40) or asm 1963 #422 which i loooove that definitely help understand his character more.. sighhh
you shan’t feel shame for liking him… every character no matter how unknown has a biggest fan and thats all of us here
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sukunasboytoy · 1 month
typed this up after watching the movie on opening n i was gonna keep it in the drafts for abt a week before posting it but ppl r talking abt it so im gonna go ahead n post it now !
‼️ cw: alien romulus spoilers ‼️
there is so much to be said abt andy im not even kidding theres so many conversations that can be had they include:
the black chara thats the emotional support for a white chara (andys whole thing is that he tells bad puns to rain to cheer her up - his one n only reason for existence is the do wtvr is best for rain is his literally a black chara that exists to prop up n support a white chara)
white feminism/white tears (how rain centers her own pain over the pain she caused andy, rain victimizes herself n openly argues w andy for turning on her n aligning himself w wy even tho she left him first - ofc they work thru this at the end but yk)
i rlly feel like andy has feelings for rain but hes been ‘brother zoned’ n his line abt ‘u can finally see me as a adult’ is what solidified that for me but i do think a mix of ableism n racism r at play there (black man being infantilized by the white woman he has feelings for bc of his blackness n mental (programming???) disability)
white savorism - inb4 rain ran back to andy at the end of the movie andy depended on rain for survival (needing help to fend off attackers at the start of the movie, rain constantly stepped in n defended andy against the anti-synth bigot which could be read as a metaphor for racism here, but its rain using her privilege as a flesh person (again metaphor for racism n ableism here) to constantly save andy that props her up as the Good Person even tho shes willing to use n abandon him)
andy doesnt rlly have any agency- he does what he feels whats best for rain (black chara used to prop up white chara) gets his agency overridden (by another white chara rook n mu/th/ur) n then makes the switch back to supporting rain (sure he chooses to let rain take the module out but yk plot convenience- they need the black man to sacrifice his life to save the white woman)
like dont get me wrong its great to have a black n disabled chara on screen n its great that he gets to be morally ambiguous (my personal fave) n i like that andy n rain have a complicated messy relationship n they hurt each other (like ppl do) but yk … hard not to notice some of this stuff yk
n i do think its on purpose bc synths r seen as not human/subhuman in the same way poc n neurodivergent ppl r (esp for his lack of empathy n emotions) hes viewed as inherently dangerous (like men of color r viewed as being innately violent n aggressive n mentally ill ppl r seen as violent n unpredictable)
rains decision to leave him behind bc hes “not rlly human bc he doesnt actually feel” is a good metaphor n representation for how poc r used as stepping stones n viewed as not “real” ppl by white ppl n the same can be said for neurodivergent ppl esp mentally disabled ppl rain seems to be fulfilled by andy needing her but is willing to leave him behind the moment including him becomes a hinder ace to her (n ofc its fixed in the end- but i like synths being a more obvious metaphor for ppl who r dehumanized in society aliens have largely been a white cast franchise so taking the narrative of the bigotry that synths face in the universe n having that applied to a synth that is black n disabled is great n i rlly like that the bigotry is portrayed in those subtle ways on screen like andys lack of agency n being used as a literal prop for the white woman by literally existing to support her)
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caffeinatedattorney · 2 months
caped crusader spoilers!!! I need to let my half baked thoughts out. spoilers under the cut
Animation is good! voice acting is good! I love how the caracters sound!
That said, this show... is so mid. The best parts are Barbara, montoya and harley. Bruce kinda tags along which is more than fine, he's not the only character in the show but i cant help but feel like this whole elseworld thing was an excuse? they arent different enough and theres other stuff that just... didnt click with me. like, penguin looked so good but shes never mentioned outside of ep 1? she was so interesting but she feels underused??
The women in this show feel so interesting! and so fleshed out. I loved the harley & barbara & renee thing. I loved penguin, i loved selina, i loved them, i wanted to see more of them.
the other guys are fine? clayface has a similar motivation to btas and as an observation, i find that this show isn't quite btas in exploring on theme with bruce / batman but a weird mission? not necessarily a bad thing but some eps def dragged on. Again, barbara is the star of the show. she and montoya move a lot of things along.
Its weird that bullock sticks with flass for so long. Like, i guess he's a Thorne lackey first and foremost?
And DONT even get me started on Harvey. That whole schtick about him being corrupt didn't change shit, considering his ending and the way his story works, which is the same btw. he puts a dangerous person behind bars and gets Dented tm. then he has a breakdown and does fucked up shit (would've worked anyway)
and his death pissed me off because of teh above. It's like, hes not the tragic character with the abuse backstory but he changed his mind at some point about his own actions??? idk where that happened or where i was supposed to feel like he did so i just feel like the show is trying to convince me that he was good all along or that he wasnt that bad.
like a lot of things in this show are cool with harvey (the date with bruce, his explosive self loathing, his suicidal ideation, his understanding to other patients, him wanting to save people but only near the end) but the fact they have to come packaged with him being an ass that's cool with corruption feels wasted in a way. Like, you can only redeem him when he's already done horrible things and not the guy who wanted to do good (btas) and did horrible things later.
I appreciate the bruharv but his death sticks with me in a bad way. I don't feel like it's earned? its like i, as a fan, want to feel something for this harvey, but i dont. then when i think, okay, whatever, he's cool i guess, the death is there, not as a tragedy of who harvey is (and bruce seemed fine with harvey being corrupt?? he knowingly endorses him and hangs out with him?) but about bruce being so far gone he felt too close to the edge like harvey and that scared him
And its not him saying that, its alfred, who he calls pennyworth. (uh, this bruce isn't a nice bruce and while that's fine, its so... hard to sympathize with his choices sometimes)
just my two cents. I don't wanna hate this. I really don't but man, the last ep made me want to type this out.
EDIt: Love some of the design choices. Hate others. Animation is serviceable. Bruce looks so... weird to me. Harvey what i can only call eVil eyebrows and compared to everyone else they just didnt click with me unfortunately.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 5 months
btw guys new stuff for the Sage AU fic!!! Im actually. Axtually writing lately!! Exciting yYayyayayayayayysysys
theres more than this but i was lazy
enjoy. Enjoy your food.
Basil stepped inside the basement. He heard faint voices from the room he had grown to avoid lately. He hadn’t been doing his proper ‘job,’ if that’s even what it could be called. His friends were awake, most likely, and for some reason he felt like he should just let them out. But he knew the consequences he would suffer if he did so. He placed his hand on the door to the chamber. He knew his hand would have been trembling if this were any other context, but he had learned to steady himself. It was unimportant to have such reactions to fear. In his eyes, even if they were natural, he saw them merely as another problem he had to deal with. There was a crashing sound inside and he twisted open the heavy handle .
He could not open the door. 
He should be panicking. They would die. His friends would die. He had to let them out.
“If you even try to help them, you know well what I can do to you.”
He had started shaking but stiffened involuntarily when Sage spoke. This was his reaction now, then? He had some things to say but for the sake of his own life he decided not to say them. Why had he been trying so hard to not get killed lately? His life, at this point, had no value. Nobody in this town had cared for him except for his friends at times. And now they were locked in this room in his cold basement. He pushed harder down on the handle to the chamber. Whatever was jamming the door gave way and he pushed the heavy slab of iron inwards. 
He would be shocked if he were a normal person, but he wasn’t exactly ‘normal’ after everything he had done. The first person he saw was Sunny. He stared at him as if he were staring at a statue and not a real person, with vague interest, but in all reality he felt nothing looking at his best friend. Aubrey stepped in between Sunny and Basil, brandishing an empty novocaine needle.
Basil raised an eyebrow slightly. He didn’t say anything in response. Honestly, even if he had wanted to talk, he was afraid he wouldn't have a voice anymore. He hadn’t spoken in ages. Not even a slight noise of acknowledgement had been made. He stared at Aubrey with that ponderous look on his face. He wasn’t even thinking about anything at this point. His head was empty. Aubrey glared at him and waved the needle slightly. She might have been expecting Basil to flinch but he didn’t even blink. He placed his finger on the tip of the needle and pushed it away from him, staring at it with empty eyes. Aubrey shoved it back towards him and blood welled up on his finger. He brought his hand away and stuck his finger in his mouth, sucking the blood off. He wiped his hand on his sweater.
“I’m not sure why you’re so intent on keeping me away. I could have left you to die.”
Basil frowned.
“But you’re alive, aren’t you?”
Aubrey snarled at him. Actually SNARLED. 
“But you wanted us dead. I’LL GET YOU ARRESTED WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE!!”
Basil aimed a swift kick at Aubrey’s stomach, planting his foot firmly on her abdomen. Aubrey stumbled backwards in surprise and then groaned. Sunny’s eyes widened slightly. He actually hadn’t reacted the whole time. Basil and Sunny exchanged a glance and Basil stepped forward.
“Are you okay?”
Sunny looked Basil straight in the eyes.
“...Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
Basil hugged him. He had missed feeling real human touch.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It was all a mistake.”
“It’s okay.”
Basil felt a sharp pain in his side. He did not make a sound, or gasp, or even cry. He turned his head. Aubrey had jabbed half of the long needle into his torso. Not a fatal wound, but he could feel warm blood trickling down from it and it hurt. He narrowed his eyes.
“Did you just stab me?”
“You deserve it.”
He yanked the needle out of his flesh and tossed it on a metal rack. 
“If you intend on killing me, you won’t accomplish that with a needle.”
“I’m aware.”
Kel had been watching the whole thing with mild interest. Hero was sitting next to him, staring blankly at nothing. 
“I’ll be leaving now.”
“Piss off.”
“I intend to.”
Basil turned on his heels and walked deliberately out of the chamber. He heard footsteps on the concrete behind him but he didn’t look to see who it was. He walked upstairs into the misery that was his main floor. It was dark but you could see blood everywhere. It was not pretty. It was sickening. Basil heard a choked gasp behind him. 
“Get used to it, sunshine.”
Sunny came up beside him.
“You need to clean this up.”
“W-What do you mean, ‘No’? This isn’t healthy, you could get seriously sick!!”
“Do you think I really care?”
Sunny stared at him for a moment.
“You used to care.”
Basil’s expression did not change. He stood there with a blank look.
“Okay. Well, now I don’t.”
“What’s gotten into you? It’s like you’re not even you!!”
Basil scoffed.
“Nothing’s ‘gotten into me,’ Sunny. This is just who I am now, don’t you see?”
“No, I don’t see! This isn’t you! It’s not! This isn’t the sweet, affectionate Basil that I know and used to love!!”
Basil felt a sharp pang in his heart and he sucked in a breath.
“...’Used to’...?”
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bunnidid-reviews · 1 year
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I got the second Elle(s) book today and ofc read it soon as I could
Some thoughts:
- this book focuses more heavily on the inner world exploration, and I found the art to be even more dynamic and lovely in this one
- Blue takes over the host position from the previous book, because of the loss of her aunt and shocking revelation that Elle was adopted as a baby. The whole book is about rose Elle finding her way out of the inner world and back to taking control of her life
- we get a little bit more development on the other parts of Elle, since Rose interacts with them as she’s going through each of the inner worlds. But there’s not a lot there, if I’m honest? They all act like strangers that happen to be dragged into the story rather than parts of your very self who’ve always had a sense of being at least connected to you in some way. Especially since its implied that Elle has ‘had problems with this before’, and she purposefully made these inner worlds for each of them, we as the reader are left confused to how much they actually know eachother.. theres just not much there
- and as for Blue, the one part who’s been looming over both this book and the last, we don’t know much about her either, aside from being manipulative and stealing money and clout off her friends. If she’s supposed to be a persecutor part, she has no obvious drive outside just ~being evil~. (To quote my very own blue-colored persecutory part; “What a lazy bitch”)
- this.. ending..?
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(The text reads: Wow! Embryos merged? So that means.. I really am six different people! )
Maybe it’s a problem with translation, but the tone of this picture and text really cuts off any of the built up tension thats been riding throughout the book.
- this book never explicitly mentions DID as being a diagnosis, so it’s more of a concept of multiple personalities being used in a different way…
I’m not someone who’s going to speak on what makes ‘enough’ trauma to create DID, because birth complications and adoption are traumatic, and it’s also not something I have experience with. I can’t speak on how this would feel for people who had twins and lost them for it to be portrayed this way, though. In the book, this is clearly stated to be some sort of Special Unreal Circumstance and I found that.. in weird taste..
-it’s not.. DID. I thought the adventuring through the inner worlds would be more about making honest connections and getting to know these parts of her more fully, but Elle’s journey was really just about pulling herself up by the boot straps and switching back out. She doesn’t really have trauma and this book makes it super clear
-I’m disappointed that there wasnt much time spent with brunette Elle because she really seemed to be grieving honestly in the last book, I thought theyd be helping eachother more. But its.. not reallyyy and its shown as growth anyway
-I like the series but I can’t really take it very seriously. It has the vibes of seeing all the major plot points of someone’s OC stuff without all the extra content that fleshes out the characters.
I might just be in a mood because I feel very out of place with my own DID at the moment(I’m usually fairly comfortable, but I think I might be having a DPDR episode), but I’ve been sitting on the Elle(s) series for a good few months now, and I don’t really get any deeper connection
I’ll get the next book anyway and see if any of it ties up more neatly. I know its the artists’ first comic I believe, so maybe theres not so much depth becauseeee offff inexperience. Or translation issues because I believe it came out elsewhere first. I dont know!
O well, enjoy my short review
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so i’ve been, as always, doing some (understatement of the century, i didn’t know someone could learn so much about themselves in literally 42 hours) questioning
and i’m pretty sure that i am a median monoconscious system. as well as me, host, am blanketself (not sure exactly how to use that term, like, in a sentence?). also probably blurian and maaaybe cation :> so good detective work lmao!! thank you! <3 /gen
i’m going to go with these terms for a little while, while still doing research on and trying to talk to a psychiatrist about OSDD-1. question- could someone be monoconacious and blanketself while being a disordered system like OSDD? or are those solely endo terms?
anyway- aside from the labels, i think i may have started fleshing out who one of my headmates is? i still have absolutely no clue how to communicate- especially since we’re monoconscious. i did some thinking and made a little drawing, it’s based solely on my personal feelings about how he would look and stuff.
i think that he’s probably formed through trauma- and quite possibly the first fragment to form as well. i don’t know his name- but he’s a version of me that’s younger and regresses- i feel like he’s an age slider? maybe? 5-8 or 9? but like. the most mature 5yo you’ve ever met lmao. tbh maybe he’s just ageless. ACK dude please come out and talk to me and like. explain yourself.
anyway- 5-9 age ????, he/they pronouns and non-binary (tbh my only reassurance that i’m not just making a character or something because i wouldn’t choose he/him pronouns, i absolutely never use them for myself), he’s formed from age regression and pet regression (or my alter humanity? not sure which) i think. he comes out when i’m having a meltdown or when my dad is yelling or scolding us, since i’m pretty sure that’s the trauma causing our fragments, and he’s the traumaholder(?) for that.
anyway, enough nonsense rambling! i’m getting nowhere with this! i drew him a picture :3 he looks a lot like our body, i think we all do (except wednesday maybe, i think she just looks like wednesday), but kinda just a younger and much more androgynous version. and of course he’s got the fluffy floofy ears.
oh also i think he’s nonverbal- or at least very much prefers not to talk, likely due to his trauma and alterhumanity combined together. when he does talk, like, irl when he’s fronting(?) it takes so much effort to get him to talk, and when he does he jumps through hoops to make it baby talk or as indecipherable as possible ? i don’t really understand it, but it definitely happens.
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i imagine him slightly different than this, but my drawing skills aren’t capable of depicting it so maybe i’ll find a picrew or something- also unsure if he has the tail but i kinda was getting a tail shift while drawing him so ???
all in all take this with a grain of salt, i’m still fakeclaiming myself :// but i wanted to clutter up your askbox!(/sarc)
in seriousness, thank you, what you’re doing for beings like me(us?) is truly amazing and indescribably helpful <3333 love you mutual!! /platonic, gen
woah boy my answers going to be kind long lolgen/lh
first off about trying to talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist about OSDD 1 we suggest making sure you feel safe with the psychologist/psychiatrist as theres alot of stigma about dissociative disorders in the field...aswell as maybe dont go into it be saying "so someone told me online-" cuz they may believe you are faking(wich isnt something they should be doing..claiming people are faking that is)/gen/lh
also you can definitely be a disordered system and be a Median+Monoconscious/gen(heck im a disordered system whose a gateway system and hydraconscious :3)/gen/lh
also smol you(is it ok for me to refer to him this way?) sounds very interesting/gen
also its really no prolem we love helping others(love you to)/gen/p
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crossbowtrades · 1 year
why would you de-game-ify a story or characters based on the world of a game (minecraft)?
won't you think that at sooooome point with each liberty taken that it'll feel less and less like the game you like it to be part of? Isn't there a concern that it will clash with other peoples headcanons or characters you/your characters interact with?
I already feel the sense that herobrines aren't such a big deal than elsewhere in the fandom if you just go "eh, they just ghosts and my ghast eats them". It's been underwhelming from my view honest
I love your characters and story (as much as I can understand of it yet), don't understand me wrong! Would love a bit more reasoning and clarification though if you thought about that aspect or just wing it. owo
// oh nah dw dw i gotcha! Lemme try and answer each point for ya, it also helps me get my own words in order either way.
// The point of de-gamifying the world for my blog is because I don't want to be overtly limited by the game itself. The world is still the same, just changes made to ground everything a bit more and flesh out what Mojang isn't really going to. In terms of interaction with others, I can overlook it easily since differing headcanons and ideas for how blogs are run aren't a huge deal for me. On that note, Herobrines are a bit more complex than i've had Karliah describe them, and her grudge against them is honestly only because of a singular one in her past. There will be more lore for them dw, but I'm not overtly intersted in them as characters for myself.
// I don't think that a lot of things should be overtly showy (i say, as I have some cool showy things that I have planned in the future), but it's like grounding the lore to make more sense for someone who isn't overtly versed in fandom lore. Not every person knows what a Brine is, and the simplification of 'ghost' fits well with the original Herobrine story for me. I'm not gonna police anyone for what their interpretation is at all, this is just my stuff.
//additionally, in Legends it's implied there are multiple worlds, so I'm playing a bit with mine by making it less videogamey compared to the base game. Any world headcanons I have are honestly just for the world, and not the fandoms headcanons, since again, I can just overlook it and adapt easily. What makes the fandom cool IS the different interpretatiosn of the world and I wanna share mine :D
// sorry for the ramble, though i hope i made a little sense :'D i had to run this by my husband to make sure I wasn't speaking in circles aha
// uhh tldr; i wanna keep it grounded in a sense of reality, since this is supposed to be like if the minecraft world i write in is an actual world with fantasy elements. and not a game. (also it would be weird if it was all 'something something all the different colored villagers (illagers) are violent and evil bc they look different and have axes' like in the game bc theres already a lot of issues some people have from just the villagers in general.)
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themetalvirus · 2 years
prime spoilers
its so funny that shadow kept screaming SONIC JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND into sonic's face and he just KEPT. IGNORING HIM. DUDE LISTEN TO SHADOW HES A FUCKING GHOST STUCK IN THE VOID YOU SHOULD PROBABLY HELP HIM. JESUS CHRIST. i'd punch sonic too after that
i love rusty rose. i love her. i LOVE her. i hope she gets her free will back, she is clearly capable of good (and was turned good in that one episode). get all of the programming OUT of her and just let her make her own decisions, i don't even care if she returns to eggman anyway because it's all she's known for so long, i just need to see her with free will. please. someone help this poor girl
speaking of people who need help, nine :( NINE. nine. NINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes SO!!!! he needs to experience the magic of friendship and shoot his first friendship rainbow beam so bad. hes so lonely and USED to being lonely that he chose a barren wasteland to call home. that's no way to live, man.
also captain knuckles had a reeeeally concerning turn in that last episode, his Gemstone Guarding Instincts kicked in and he went a little nuts. i want more of that tbh. more nutso knuckles
i was expecting a lot more from prime but this is very very clearly not the end, it's clearly not even the whole of season 1 and is being split up into different release chunks for netflix (like glitch techs is 1 season but was released in two seperate chunks as "seasons 1 and 2"). i personally hoped to see more worlds, but i'm also glad what we DID see was fleshed out. i was expecting a more episodic format in terms of visiting the worlds so i'm happy we get to spend actual time in each of them and get to know the characters and their problems
i'm wondering if sonic erased his original friends out of existence when he shattered the paradox prism (like how green hill doesnt exist anymore) or if they also landed in different worlds. or the void. or something else entirely
speaking of green hill, isn't it super weird that they just... decided all of sonic's world is green hill. i guess it's for budgetary reasons? and to control the scope? but it's super fucking weird right, like, i'm not the only one that thinks that's weird? there are. other places in sonic's world. sonic doesn't live ANYWHERE he just ends up in green hill a lot. maybe it's also for a point of comparison, like how the loop-de-loop is always in the same place? just to have more solid landmarks to see what's different. i just wish they did that with like. multiple areas of the world. instead of multiple landmarks of Just Green Hill
anyway waiting for the next part of this show to drop is gonna be torture. i have some Gripes and Grumbles (WHERE IS BLAZE IN THE PIRATE DIMENSION? WHERE IS SHE!) but nothing is ever perfect and also i love having stuff to gripe and grumble about. rusty rose is my new best friend btw. (also the knuxouge enjoyers are eating well, congratulations to those who that applies to)
theres gonna be so much fanfic about these goddamn places i can tell. especially the fucked up eggman won world. theres so much potential there. i'm hoping (like another person said) that rusty rose's backstory is that she got kidnapped, sonic wasn't there, and she got turned into a fucked up robot thing. because wouldn't that be fucked up. that would fuck this version of sonic up too, he'd feel so upset and guilty that he couldn't help her (and then be determined to help her NOW even if shes evil). i wish they spent more time on rusty and the pirate amy recognizing each other and being freaked out tho. thats also a lot of potential
i also want to see sonic find another version of himself. i don't think that'll happen? because like, he doesn't exist in any of these worlds because he's the god of these gajillion universes. but also i want him to find a fucked up version of himself and go dear god that could have been me. itd be neat i think
in any case i am kissing these writers on the mouth for rusty rose and nine. i am a sonic fan who craves being spoonfed more funny little guys so i can point and go HEY I KNOW THAT GUY but i'm also just really glad that big is part of the crew. hes so good :)
i have more thoughts but also i am eepy and i dont feel like typing anymore. sonic prime flawed and for babies but also good. i'm glad we finally got a proper action cartoon this time, it's wicked cool. i love rusty rose did i mention that yet. i love rusty rose
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spicymiilk · 1 year
im just a little curious, how do you write such a big chapters?!?! im always struggling to get my chapters longer than 2k
hehe ty for the question, I love talking about writing instead of actually writing
non-serious answer? each of my fics have like extensive and carefully cultivated playlists that help me zone tf out and write to my hearts content. I have so much to say all of the time, it's truly just impossible for me to shut up
the serious answer is i add ALOT of fluff. like i structure my stuff in 'scene' transition 'scene' space 'scene' ways, if that makes any sense. and theres a lot of callbacks, inner thoughts n dialogue, little bits of world building between lines.
so like, the scene is gonna be dialogue, a plot point that needs to happen and set up or realizations, which i do my best to flesh out where i need to. the transition stuff is characters moving from place to place, no dialogue, just actions. i do my best to keep this bit paced similarly to the dialogue- if a conversation takes forever to happen, there's gotta be at least SOME detail to the transition bit. and if i'm too lazy to write a transition? space that shit
my personal pet peeve is having stuff take 'too quick'. like i want things to feel like they're happening naturally, and not like they're rushed. i feel like this extends my chapter by a lot? i also always have the overall story n chapter count in mind when sorting out which scene goes where and how many there are in every chapter.
keep in mind though i am literally doing this for shits n giggles. i'm a painter with literally no understanding of formal writing LMAO. most of the time i have a 'fuck it we ball' attitude, queue up the fics playlist on repeat and rawdog the chapter
hope this at least kind of gives you an answer anon
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aroace-poly-show · 2 years
tell me everything about your ocs. please
so we have a few choices here!!! some are more developed than others simply bc i thought about them more but theres at least a little bit of lore for everyone here!! ill add an asterisk* besides those who arent fully fleshed out :]
ill be adding a summary of them beside them :]
notes: its a fantasy world (bc i find them more fun to do since i can just go apeshit with designs and loreand shit) so very few of these guys are just human, most are some kind of species which ill specify beside them so just ask for more details if you’re curious!!
these are also not *full* summaries im leaving out some stuff so ask if you want anything specific elaborated on!! (please ask im so so happy to explain ive had this in my head for months and ive told exactly one person so im more than happy to keep ranting)
vesper: one of the first ones i actually thought up, pretty traumatized older brother to rumi!! has issues with dealing with grief and guilt over his dead bf. tree/plant person (i never gave any official names, but just think of those “[insert thing] as a person” designs!!), specifically based off a cherry blossom tree!! (im planning to draw his quick ref sheet next :D), has a big big sword!!
rumi: vesper’s younger sister!! also traumatized lol, main event that caused it was the same thing as vesper (it was this big deal i can go more into detail on later, its their motivations for like 90% of what they do), dealing with issues after essentially being left to cope and (try to, it didn’t exactly work out the best;;) all by herself/growing up too fast after mentioned event. even though shes younger shes taller than vesper and will never not make fun of him for it. very playful with her brother!! has a big big battle axe that i had so much fun drawing. also tree person, shes based off a willow tree :D, but shes missing her branch/antler thingies.
unma*: dead bf. liiiiitle bit of a femboy. he was really kind to vesper and loved him a lot and FEELS SO BAD about what happened. literally all he wants in his afterlife is for vesper to MOVE THE FUCK ON. desperately just wants vesper to be happy again even though hes dead and gone. honestly same goes for rumi, even though they werent as close as vesper and unma had been, rumi still really cared for him and looked up to him and feels awful about his death, and unma here just wants them both to stop holding on so tight to what happened, move on as best they can, and be happy again. (they’re both getting there eventually tho <3)
dorian: friends with ebony!! also vespers new very very loving bf (although where i left off in my lil imagined storyline theyre not OFFICIAL just yet bc technically in the storyline i havent gotten to that point, but i do already have many interactions imagined already lol), also in turns becomes friends w/ rumi :D. really nice guy, a wandering medic/healer who generally prefers to not kill anyone or attack unprovoked (but he will make exceptions,,,), has some guilt associated with those he couldn’t save, but handles it MUCH better than vesper… (but to be fair its not a very high bar to cross), carries around an umbrella that doubles as a fighting staff. really devoted to helping as many people as he can. as shown in the ref sheet, while i, again, dont have like any official name for his kind hes got those horns and a tail!! (mostly bc i enjoy drawing them hehe)
ebony*: very shy and really really sweet spider girl who lives in a library with a ghost boy!! shes actually trans :D. honestly a little bit of an anxious mess, similar personality to sucrose (genshin) and kohane (project sekai). aside from the ghost kid she lives with, she doesnt talk to many people, and doesnt have much contact with her family since they didnt have a great reaction to her coming out. theyre also kind of overbearing. for her design, honestly shes incredibly similar to muffet from undertale.
ghost kid*: sorry i have like,,, so little on him. i swear i had a name for him but ive COMPLETELY forgotten. if you have name suggestions give me them pls. i do remember how he died though, feel free to ask about that since it technically involves the town ebony lives in too. i do know he has a cute lil paper crown though <3
weiss: mature lesbian gal. shes pretty smart and serious and especially enjoys working with mechanical stuff. literally made herself a fucking gun. what a girlboss. she used to work as a doctor bc she really wanted to help her partner who has a pretty serious illness, but the place she worked for ended up doing pretty fucked up stuff “in the name of research” and she unwittingly helped in those projects. feels really guilty for it but shes still determined to find someway to save her partner. technically on the run with said partner, and they do lil shows together!!
jex: weiss’s partner!!! originally they were inspired by that specific kind of childish character where theyre like “lets play a game heehee!!!” *tries to fucking murder you* “what a fun game :D” (i love these kinds of characters), but theyre not exactly that extreme. however they do really enjoy doing incredibly risky things acting like its a game. just straight up gambles with death constantly bc they find it exciting. their illness really held them back when they were younger, pretty much never allowed to do anything by their parents since they were trying to extend their lifespan by as much as possible, and they felt like they missed out a lot on just enjoying the life they did have, so thats their goal for the rest of their life. they’ve mostly accepted their inevitable death (which pisses weiss the fuck off) and they really just want to enjoy the time they do have with their loved ones doing what they find fun. they also have a big fucking double scythe. because i was gonna give somebody here a synth and rumi already had the battle axe.
those are all the characters that i can remember so far, if im missing one ill do an update lol
again, feel free to ask any questions id love to answer them
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 7
teya wakes up and notices her flesh is baggy and some fell off :( senna covered her in some incense and she chugs 4 greater healing potions. minus 2 points for each yay. she prestigations away the rotten bits lol. parsley goes back to sleep hes not a morning person.
senna wishes teya good morning. she totally saw all that. she looks so etherial next to teya lol. senna helps teya get dressed lol totally straight am i right? parsley gets ready but hes very groggy.
wheatley is back from eeby deeby he pops up in front of the mansion doors. spingledorf knocks on the girls door and lets them know theres breakfast. same thing for parsley. but he also gets a bunch of alarm clock. dorf goes to greet wheatley and hes confused how hes alive lol. dorf tells wheatley about dwarves.
we show up for food heck yeah! wheatley asks teya if shes constipated lol he doesnt know shes a lich. so teya has to tell him. 'arent those evil?' most but teya is a good noodle lol. she doesnt know how shes a lich. breakfast time!
parsley asks teya if talking to her brother will help her to stop rotting. teya has no idea lol. senna comments that punching her bro in the face might make her feel better. wheatley is confused why that would help. zen and android pop into the room. zen goes up to teya and says that god told him whats up and that she agreed to be scanned. itll be a more through scan.
dorf says he forgot something and leaves. wheatley is sus. he comes back and gives teya a hat of disguise to help her if she becomes a skeleton. dorf comments that everyones going back to their adventure. senna comments that parsley needs more weapons cause he keeps losing them so dorf just tosses a chest of stuff at him and gives him a handaxe lol. teya tells him not to take the cursed one lol.
wheatley turns to dorf and asks if he has any support spells he can borrow, as he is a support unit and forgot most of them. he gives him a book and tells him to take care of it and gives him a scroll of mass cure wounds.
senna cant think of anything she needs but dorf gives her something anyway. he takes her to his room to a small locked chest. (INTO THE DM'S!) senna is warned that she can easily become corrupted by this item but im keeping it a secret from ALL of you haha.
we head back downstairs and are ushered out. senna thanks him for all his help. we follow zen onto adventure! (spacecore says goodbye stars lol) parsley chucks his new handaxe at android?! he barely dodges it! senna goes wtf. wheatley goes and retrieves it for parsley. zen tries to calm android. parsley claims to be testing reflexes.
android chucks the handaxe at parsley. it grazes his shoulder. zen and senna are exhasperated. (are they flirting? lol) teya is holding parsley back lol. senna yells at him to apologize. zen urges us to continue the journey. wheatley and senna block parsleys view of android. teya is just making fun of them.
we walked about an hour down a path and it leads to a big town! Octoberfest?! zen explains the festival to us. god says we can hang around lol. our mental health is important according to god lol. wheatley and spacecore are excited. senna says he cant get drunk but he says hes just excited to hang out.
zen gives teya a prototype to help with her condition. 0 points pog she can get drunk! its a prototype so who knows what will happen though. senna asks her how she feels and she feels much better.
wheatley asks android if he can have one of those food orbs. android is like why and he says he wanted an excuse to talk to him. he gives him an orb anyway! wheatley goes to zen and asks him to babysit spacecore. he then goes to parsley and goes 'you have something to show me?' time for the gang to show wheatley how to party lol.
parsley drags us into a drinking contest. wheatley is glad to not be up there with us lol. also throg the dwarf. teya has to do cons saving throws cause shes a lightweight. 2 pints and shes already drunk lol. 3rd pint and shes OUT. wheatley goes over and picks up teya and the guards are now after them lol. teya is all 'weee lets goooo' so off they go.
senna and parsley still keep drinking lol. wheatley hits a wall! they keep going! parsley rolls a con saving throw and hes ok. senna too. throg is barely hanging on. parsley is done lol.
teya makes wheatley do a loop around but some guards cut them off. wheatley doesnt wanna do this anymore lol. hes scared poor guy he runs off to the side. the guards pull weapons and wheatley stops immediately and says fuck you teya. he drops teya like a rock. the guards haul up wheatley but teya stops them. they shrug and let him go.
senna is fine. throg is doing bad. senna is doing great at this lol. wheatley and teya show up to watch. someone screams in an alley! wheatley runs towards it! he doesnt know WHY hes running over there for...some reason? teya still goes so he follows teya. they dont know why their running? (this is sus why)
they arrive at the alleyway but nothings there. teya walks in and doesnt see anything and is confused why shes there. wheatley either. they just cant remember and think they made a wrong turn. they go back to the competition. throg falls over. senna wins! shes only a little tipsy. teya cheers! senna shakes parsley a little but hes under the table. she picks him up. she tells teya she used to drink a lot back in the day but shes too drunk to process that lol.
teya slaps parsley to wake him up. teya's device pulses and she feels more invigorated so shes a little less drunk. wheatley whispers to senna why is everyone acting weird. parsley wakes up and says this is what drunk looks like. wheatley hates it lol. parsley is just flopping in sennas arms lol. senna explains what being a lightweight is.
senna is being mischevous and gets teya and parsley to get into a fist fight competition. parsley drags wheatley to the competition and senna calms wheatley saying its normal. theres a big dude in the pit shirtless and roaring, all drunk. senna cheers on teya in the pit! senna boos the other guy cause he calls teya a cow >:( wheatley cheers for teya! so does parsley! shes kicking his ass! their biting each other!
'give him the ol dick twist!' senna feels like someones watching her hmmmm she leaves a hand on her weapon just in case. teya manages to get the guy bent over her knee on his back so he starts pulling her ears! so teya sits on him lol. wheatley yells at teya to give him the chair! 'do you yield-teya' he spits on her! he cant get up so teya gets comfortable and pushes him into the dirt. wheatley tells her to kick him in the head and parsley is yelling to chop off his dick. HE YIELDS! the crowd cheers! senna politely claps but is keeping an eye out.
parsley goes into the pit! so does android! wheatley cheers for android! parsley goes 'what'. android just decks him in the face! teya is cheering for parsley to take his name lol. he yells and kicks him in the chest! they keep fighting each other whoo! senna is still keeping an eye out for trouble and not really cheering. parsley says android wants to kiss him so bad it makes him looks stupid and android looks disgusted and just quits cause hes grossed out lol. wheatley wants to fight android next lol and he agrees.
wheatley vaults into the pit pog. teya and parsley wanna go get more drinks but senna makes them stay and watch wheatley and she will get their drinks for them. (she wants them near android just in case the bad vibes are very bad)
senna still feels eyes on her but they move on good. she goes and gets the pints and comes back. meanwhile wheatley rolled a nat 1 and falls right on his face. android just sighs and waits for him to get up. he rolls another nat 1 and falls on his back. android is just sad about this. android finally hits him, and wheatley finally rolled a 20 and kicks his legs out from under him and begins to stomp him. hes so happy to fight him lol. wheatley is kicking his ass and android rolled a nat 1 lol but wheatley lets him get up and android thanks him?! he yields! wheatley wins! parsley walks up to spacecore and tells him his dad killed a man. he just goes 'yes?'
wheatley walks up to android and gives him half of the orb awww. he doesnt enjoy eating though so he turns it down. wheatley flinches and puts it away. teya calls him an asshole lol.
teya and parsley try to get senna to play truth or drink. they call her church girl lol. shes so upset cause she was totally a party girl so she hops into the pit! big buff orc woman! (its undynes charactor sheet lol) 'im gonna crush you' 'god i hope so' (senna stop being gay) we both hit each other in the ribs as our first moves lol. we both miss our second moves lol. we then hit each other in the face. SHE SUPLEXES ME! i knock her legs out from under her! she climbs on top of me and hits me! (hot) i roll her under me! (stop being gay)
teya is speaking sylvain to parsley and wont tell me what it says lol. i get hit so hard i get thrown off and she puts me in a chokehold. i slam my elbow into her ribs. orc misses her charge lol. i knock her legs out again. she knocks me over again! i get on top and hit her face! we hit each other in the face multiple times lol and i get headbutted. i punch the bridge of her nose. im in a leg lock! but escape! she gets up but misses and i knock her over. she takes me to the wall and i get her onto the ground again. (teya is being gay in parsleys dm's and i cant hear dammit)
she slams my chest so i headbutt her. she bunch each other in the face. FINAL HEADBUTT to end this cause its fuckin insane lol. i crit and knock her ass out! senna wobbly gets up and is just like whoo. parsley and teya and wheatley cheer and the guards have to drag the orc away lol. senna is bloody but victorious!
senna can feel the fuckin eyes on her again. for a split second she sees a horrifying warped face. she goes up to zen and tells him that something is watching us. she holds spacecore for him and points out that it was fast. he comes back and says nothing was there. senna is still sus and goes with him to check herself. theres a horrifying creature with 3 heads?! music comes out of its mouth! wisdom saving throws?! senna suddenly cant see it. strange. neither can zen. we go back.
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cielospeaks · 10 months
f h story spoilers
honestly shoutout to seithr for literally having the best protagonist arc/ending of literally all the protagonists. no shitty boss to be subservient to for no reason like peo + ash, no life debt to the order like literally everyone else. just "im free to live my life" and sora-ing her other universe selves into her own consciousness/heart/whatever and just thirsting over the person reading this together with them. you go girl.
overall i think this book was weird but it was not bad imo. the person reading this thirst was kinda silly, both in the story context and the unnecessary divide it had in the fandom. it was definitely a more provocative take on it than other characters just being like "i kinda sorta like you uuuu/////" which is fine when its one person imo. the characters were decent. i think the only one i didnt like so much was gull veig and thats mostly for the uwu sadboi stuff w her character that i think kinda detracted from a story where maybe she's a cold and calculating "this is the only outcome" force of nature/inevitability/whatever sorta thing. (and tbh a lot of that was from cyl which was sorta eh. too bad cant help that) as far as ner thus i think shes kinda a fun "interpretation villain". like im glad a lot of people see her as the true villain/manipulator of the book bc i def get that vibe, but i know if she wasnt a busty lady and instead was a guy that the same fans would see absolutely no faults with her :/ but take what you can get i guess.
i still am a njorthur enjoyer and i like his motivation, i wish theyd just fleshed it out more. like he sees humans wasting the seas, wasting the land, killing each other senselessly. hes a stickler for good conduct and he sees humans/mortals as slovenly and disgusting and having degraded (and maybe looks down on them extra hard for in his eyes corrupting his family members, like his sisters obsession w them as well as his kids/relatives its unclear). i dont mind that his motivations arent revenge and actually i think itd be funny if the twins are the children of another sibling of him and ner thuz, completely subverting that whole plot. in my fic i think it still works, bc hed see eitr as a family member who got corrupted by mortals and turned into a nasty kidnapper
i honestly dont mind the designs and actually compared to 5 and 6 with the same illustrator it was a breath of fresh air. i do think theres an unfortunate kinda "sameface" ey trend with a lot of character designs (poor elm) but i like the idea of the loose, kinda otohime esque robes of the vana characters. kinda wish theyd get a new illustrator for every book, it would make the character designs stand out more imo. tbh i feel like another person shouldve done b5. i can accept that 3 and 6 are same as 1 bc they all focus around askr + embla but i think 5's mech designs wouldve looked cool with a different artist, + the cringe meme faces would have maybe been less irritating
anyways i honestly hope that the next book isnt asgard, just like ive hoped for the last two book reveals. but give me some time to finish my fucking fanfic first. i guess ill give my thoughts on my fic when i finish it. honestly works been so bad this year i havent had as much time for it as id have liked rip
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