#these two especially seem like a really cool combo!
andromediae · 1 year
God it hurts me every day that they bunked up the Kirk/Spock casting and characters so epically on Strange New Worlds that I can't ever get my TOS-adjacent needs met. Forget Spirk, can't I just have characterizations that don't chew up and spit out and then MURDER some of my favorite TV characters of all time? Is it too much to ask that they just leave these characters BE.
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obitoslover · 3 months
Death Note x Naruto has taken over my brain these days, so I did another au (inspired by a friend's psychoanalysis on Madara who made me like bipolar Madara hc)
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Basically, Madara take Light Yagami's place as Kira, killing criminals. One of the differences, tho, is that he doesn't wanna be acknowledged, since it would make his objective a lot harder
Kaguya is the shinigami, yey!! Should've I used Black Zetsu due to his nonhuman look? Yes, but I wanted to make Kaguya with a Samara from The Ring aspect + Kaguya is the mind behind Zetsu in anime + I like her better = Kaguya won
ANYWAY!!! Some lore points I have for now:
— Izuna takes Misa's place, bc he wants to help his brother getting rid of all the bad people; he seems somewhat more excited/engaged for this whole "new world's god" thing than Madara tho
Unlike Misa, he doesn't have the shinigami eyes, since Madara doesn't want his younger brother to take half of his lifespan away, especially when he already got it. Idk if Izuna has his own death note, so maybe he helps his bro in some other way (like the Oracle from DC vibes?)
— Madara wrote Tobirama's name as a "test" to see if the notebook was true. Why? Because that's his brother's ex who broke up horribly with him so why not (they realized they don't know where he is, so they couldn't possibly know if it work. two dummies)
— L is Tobirama... in the sense of who's against Kira, not who's the detective
"But he's dead way before Kira's mass killing was recognized as someone's doing, how is that possible??" you may ask, and I say
"Tobirama" is a fake name
See, l like mad scientist Tobirama and it's variations, so I needed to put this here. He's a criminal who never got caught, a really secretive one about his personal life, so most of the time he's using a fake identity to prevent people to keep a track on him; so it means Izuna didn't know his actual name and gave the fake one to Madara
"Tobirama" was one of the first people to realize all those deaths were induced by someone, so, in order to prevent his possible death in case he's caught, he started to hunt who could be Kira
— "Tobirama" is Hashirama's brother. He dyes his hair and wear eye contacts (and other things too like, idk, different clothing, some light make up to give a different look on his face) while undercover, so he can take a double life
You can't even imagine Madara's surprise when he finally realize his friend's brother and "Tobirama" are the same person
(I wanna make Itama = Tobirama, with his white hair + red eyes combo being his undercover while he has natural colors in his actual appearance, but I'm still deciding how confusing and cool it could be)
— Near and Mello aren't related to L in the slightest. I haven't decided yet who they could be (Maybe Kakashi=Near and Obito=Mello), but they would still be really close to the government and be, indeed, detective prodigies
Maybe they're chasing Kira at the same time as L? If I decide so, it would make Madara's life way harder, since it's both a criminal (with other criminals' contacts and accessibilities) and the government (two people above it, tbh) against him..... nah, he'd be caught way earlier, I need fun
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writing-whump · 18 days
Sol, consider this little scenario - pups training goes more or less like planned, but then Dylan puts himself (involuntarily even?) in some kind of *situation* with human locals (alcohol included?) - what causes an outburst of protectiveness in Rip.🔥 (remembering his background ...) And then, of course, brothers have to deal with all this mess. 🙃
I would love to see some Rip POV. 👀
Holding the beast
Really cool prompt, thank you! :D Some Isaiah pov at the start, then Rip's.
"Stay loose until the moment of impact, Rip. The tension slows you down," Isaiah said.
Hector gave him an angry look. "Oh, he will get it when he loses. Shut up."
Isaiah rolled his eyes. At least arrogant remarks like that made Isaiah feel a bit better about giving someone advice against his own brother. "Break his rhythm. You are letting him decide the beat of the whole fight."
Rip was breathing hard, but he was still light on his feet. Hector didn't bother moving around that much, standing his ground instead. Perfect target.
Isaiah could tell it was confusing for Rip's shadow that someone would just invite him to be for an attack.
Matthew was panting behind them, though he seemed the least tired conditionally, the way his muscles were in constant tension were a big tell of how exhausting the focus was.
Matt wouldn't let loose at all. Isaiah was tempted to just make a separate fight between the two of them to get his best friend of that painful holding back clench up he was in.
At first, Isaiah was a little worried about his stamina on the vacation. Meds or not, he was still weaker than he was used to, and he couldn't exactly push himself very much with Matt and Seline behind his back like that.
True to their word, Dylan and Seline knew about a beach behind the seaport lined up with rocks that was too uncomfortable and far away for most visitors. It had just enough space for the four of them to spar in and they could also use the shallow waters there.
It was September, so the beaches were way emptier than they should have been and completely empty during the cold mornings at 7 a.m. Hector, Matthew, Isaiah, Rip and Dylan made their way there every day. It was usually to tire Rip out, push him to his limits.
Hector didn't let Isaiah spar with Rip at all, effectively side-lining him to only watching. Was it part of the silent agreement to keep Isaiah from lifting a finger after the whole heart attack scare? Maybe Hector just enjoyed barking orders that much. Especially when he could override Isaiah.
As it was, Hector and Matthew then switched around in fighting, with and without shadows. Dylan tagged along, curious, but it was clear even to a newbie like him that he could no compete with the shadow level at display.
"Could I spar with Matthew then?" Dylan suggested feebly. While the kid was enthusiastic about physical combat, he was mesmerised by Rip's movements. Isaiah doubted Dylan could muster up enough focus for his own fight.
Surprisingly, Hector was rather gracious about the whole thing. He let Matthew and Rip spare after taking the first rounds for himself and then entertained Dylan with close-ranged hand-to-hand combat.
Dylan was good at boxing and in a good shape. Rip was out of shape since his injury, but the muscle memory and experience, adding with the sheer speed and harmony with his shadow were quite the combo.
He made Hector sweat, and that was something to see.
Rip had no formal training, which meant his style was unpredictable, dirty and deadly. It wasn't meant to be a friendly sparring with no results. His shadow kept aiming for deadly blows, completely out of control about intents in the midst of a fight.
Isaiah flinched several times when it happened, watching Hector like a hawk, ready to intervene. But Hector could hold his own.
Still, Isaiah would rather not let Rip spare with anyone else if he could help it. Not even Dylan...though Rip's shadow seemed incapable of attacking Dylan at all.
Strange dynamic.
Even in packs, fights were a healthy necessity. Training, play, negotiation of strength in the hierarchy, updating roles. It served all kinds of purposes, helping packmates recognize their strengths and weaknesses, improve and know what to cover in everyone's defenses during outsider fights.
There was usually something not working if two wolves couldn't have a sparring fight like that.
Not that Isaiah was an ideal example. He and Hector had to yet have a proper 'fight' since their reconciliation. Rip's shadow was way too aggressive around Isaiah, he didn't dare train Dylan directly with his lack of experience with huge shadows...
Honestly, the only one Isaiah sparred with regularly and enjoyed it with was Matthew. They have been able to do it since way back when. Isaiah couldn't remember their first friendly fight and didn't count them either. Another sign of how much he trusted him.
Maybe he should remind his second of that fact.
Matthew seemed…off. His red hair, plastered with sweat, curled in ways it usually didn’t, and the sunrise deepened the shadows under his eyes. Instead of challenging Hector, Matt followed his lead, letting him decide when to step in and when to stop.
Isaiah wondered if Matt wanted to be helpful that much that he had given up on any strategies of his own. If Hector was that overwhelming for him. Or if this was all done in the name of temporary truce to keep Isaiah from doing anything.
Hector's insistence with the training was puzzling. Isaiah couldn't find any signs that his brother was personally interested in the boy, even if he respected his skill.
Training with Hector was a special thing—as a branch leader he didn't gift that time and expertise to just anybody. Whoever Hector choose to spend attention on would count as his apprentice, as first in line for him to command, to trust, to give power to.
Doing this outside the pack? For a stray pup nonetheless? Impossible.
It was personally irritating to Isaiah that he couldn't quite tell what Hector was thinking. His ignorance and the years apart were painfully obvious in moments like these. He would have to swallow his pride and just ask Arnie about it.
If there was one comforting and not headache-inducing person in their little group, it was his girlfriend. Seline and her love for the sea.
"You can't tell me this isn't the true kind of magic. Witches and shadows are nothing compared to this," she told him on their walks.
She woke up early even though she liked to sleep in just to walk by the shore the wet sand and look over the tender waves of the morning stillness. Seaport was her second favourite place where she regularly showed him jellyfish and hundreds little fish swimming by the surface.
For a crowded sweaty sand beach, Isaiah had to admit the connection to nature was something very present. The sea creatures were everywhere, not shy around their human intruders. Somehow they accepted them as part of the world here, where the surface and the underwater collided. It was a welcome feeling for wolves.
When Seline wasn't swimming—her technique, polished from years as a competitive swimmer—she was walking along the shore or standing ankle-deep in the water, gazing at the horizon with a wistful smile.
Early mornings and evenings, when the beaches were still empty, she sang.
Witch magic resonating with something as vast as the sea was extremely difficult. Isaiah thought it was more sentimental than actually magical.
Except as the days went, he could see the waves responding to her. Speeding up and slowing at her command, with whatever rhythm she chose. The wind would pick up or still. The flow of the water would change, diving under, the colour darkening in strangely symmetrical shapes like triangles.
Thanks to her Isaiah didn't mind being sidelined that much. Walking hand in hand, enjoying lunch on the beach restaurants, exploring all the different beaches one after another while talking and talking...she didn't let him dwell on the training for too long. They discussed it, but their topics tended to get more abstract.
It was also a great way to get privacy since Hector only snarled and complained of useless nonsense whenever he tried to overhear.
Arnie didn't find the sea that fascinating. Actually, he spend most of the first week sulking. He woke up around noon, had lunch with them, trailed after Hector if he had nothing better to do or explored the town hotels. The historical little city of Nessebar had nice views and streets to offer. Arnie came with bags of souvenirs and clothes, cashmere scarfs and pelt coats.
Or he dragged Isaiah and Seline onto boat trips to all the nearest destinations. It was the three of them or Arnie at home with Hector binging some kind of show or two.
Isaiah wasn’t sure if Arnie avoided Dylan and Rip because they were younger or if it was something else. Back in the pack, Arnie would’ve been bullied without Hector’s protection. His sharp mouth developed to provoke reactions from people who otherwise ignored him. Isaiah used to worry about Arnie making friends. Seeing him grown and still isolated made it all too real.
"Ehmm...can I ask, how is this helping?" Dylan said, leaning towards Isaiah like it was a secret. "He was impressive before, so you making him better...is...eh?"
"I'm making him comfortable fighting with wolves with no stakes involved. Plus his shadow has a lot of pent up energy since the injury that needs an out."
Dylan grimaced at the word 'no stakes'. Of course, there were plenty of stakes for Dylan. None like the ones Rip was used to though.
Rip might have been improving through this, but he was also showing them how he worked. What he thought, fought and what he covered from. The best possible presentation of how to beat him.
But truly, Isaiah wanted to get to the core of the control problem. Safety, training, energy...what else was there? How much would it take for Rip not to feel threatened or to redirect that to the older wolves behind him than at the helpless people in front of him?
There was no logic to the fear and agression. That's what made it dangerous, tiptoeing on shadow madness.
Honestly, part of the training was also the vacation itself. Mundane situations. Eating food outside. Rediscovering the things Rip liked that had nothing to do with survival.
A decision had to be made.
Either Rip would trust them enough to stay, or he would leave. Both seemed equally likely.
Rip's human logical side wanted to please, heavy by debts and guilt. Yearning to succumb and to listen and be as little of a burden as possible.
The shadow side of him wanted to kill them.
It was convinced they were either going to hurt him or use him for something terrible as payment for the help. Every kind gesture felt like another trap.
Isaiah watched this and understood it more and more. That was the worst part for him: that his father could be kind and loving, that Isaiah had such great memories of him. He spent all his childhood wanting to be like him.
Moments of connection and conversations switching with the yelling, the pain and the humiliation. One face and then another, with no order, no way to tell what was coming next time.
Was it like that for you, too? Was your father a nice guy when he wasn't drunk? When he wasn't beating you up? Did he apologize afterwards? Was he a different person when the fit ended?
He couldn't ask something like that outright. But he caught himself wanting to. Hand outstretched, the question on his lips. Taking a breath and then shutting his mouth. It was so strange. Isaiah never talked about this with anyone. Never cared to. What good would it bring? If he wanted to cope, he could write a diary. Everyone else would be just hurt by what they heard.
Not Rip though. Watching him made Isaiah wonder if he could bring the kid any relief by simply understanding. Or maybe not. It wasn't like he could take the kid to therapy and his own studies didn't exactly specialise in wolves.
He would just have to wait and see.
By the time they walked from the beach to the apartments, Rip was exhausted. Physically, he felt good—his strength was returning, and every landed hit made him feel less helpless.
But there was also the other tiredness. The mental one, from decisions, from watching and being careful. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out what these wolves wanted from him.
Was this all Dylan's doing? How could he believe that, when Dylan obviously had no power or influence over these wolves? Heck, he knew less about them than Rip did from the rumors.
Was this on Isaiah's orders? Doubtful. Hector Wolfson— who, by the way, didn't seem like a younger of anyone and anything, born strong and muscular and intimidating—was still figuring out too. His interest in Rip was superficial and conditioned by the Executioner's. Rip could tell as much.
Then what was he doing here? Was this an experiment? Charity? Who would have time and energy to spare for a nobody edging on craziness?
The idea they were, maybe possibly, unbelievably, good people doing him a favour made him feel bad. He had no way to pay this back.
The other option, that there was a secret intent behind this, made him feel worse.
His door wasn't guarded. His windows were open. He could run anyway he wanted. Bulgaria wasn't a bad place to start over. Corrupt little country that lived from tourism from the sea, filled with mafia families. He could disappear. The choas of the Balkan states, their disrespect for rules, the heated tempers of the people here—it made more sense than whatever this training was.
Rip found Dylan with his eyes, staring at his back. Dylan's little jumps as he walked couldn't be called walking at all. Always so much energy. So childish, so naive.
Rip grit his teeth. The third tiredness he felt was the rawness around his ribcage whenever he thought of Dylan. Of leaving him. Of staying with him. He was so innocent. But surely as he grew and gained the smartness to handle this world, he would come to understand who Rip was. Who he decided to save.
And then he would abandon Rip. Fair enough. The question was, should Rip wait around until that happened just to not feel any regrets?
"Finally!" Dylan stopped in his tracks, making Rip almost knock into him. "Ice cream. This looks good! Rip, want some?"
Rip cringed. They were going to disturb the formation.
The witch and the human brother went ahead to get them dinner. The Executioner and the Wolfson heir were at the front and the Executioner's Second trailed behind Rip and Dylan. Rip, really. Anyone could see how easy it was for Dylan to move between the tourists. Like he didn't notice they were humans.
Or maybe he forgot he was a wolf. Again.
A small smile tugged at Rip's lips. "Sure."
Dylan leaned over the ice creams where a very big and very bored looking man played with his phone. "Now want to pick...coconut, punch, pineapple, oreo, caramel, Nutella, chocolate, snickers..."
"Aren't the last three the same thing?" Rip stepped closer shaking his head.
"Of course not! Completely different flavours, man. Such a shame they don't have salty caramel, that one is the best-"
"What did you say?" The rough voice behind the ice creams startled them both.
"Ehmm, I was saying the ice cream-"
"You don't like my ice cream or what, you little punk?"
Rip hung back, separated from the human by the stand and Dylan, but the man’s tone made his hair stand on end. 'Let’s go, D,' he murmured, tugging Dylan’s arm.
"I didn't say that! I just meant that you don't have all the flavours popular at Sunny Beach or Nessebar right now, that's all." Dylan obviously didn't get the hint.
The guy's face went red. He made his way out of the stand, towering over both of them. "How dare you insult my ice cream, you-"
A shiver ran down Rip's spine despite the warm weather.
"It's just ice cream! What's the big deal?" Dylan said, rolling his shoulders. He was muscular and tall, but compared to the man he had a slim boyish figure. "You shouldn't be yelling at customers Mister, you will just chase them away-"
Why weren't the other wolves doing anything? Rip couldn't let himself check though. He couldn't drop his gaze from the man reaching his hand back to throw a punch-
There was a moment of darkness. Like a sudden hit of an eclipse. When Rip's vision returned, he was holding the guy's fist in his own in an iron grip.
The guy's large face was red with strain. He was pushing against Rip's palm with his whole body.
Rip felt a wave of repulsion so strong he thought he was going to be sick right in that moment.
He had not touched a human in years. His shadow was drilling its way out in the open. Rip couldn't let it. He couldn't let his shadow touch this person or he would be dead in a heartbeat.
Even so. He could not move away and risk him touching Dylan. That was the main priority.
He curled his fingers around the offending wrist in his hand. Just a slight twist and he could break it. He could make him kneel. He could rip the hand off in one smooth motion-
"What's the problem, sir?"
The Executioner's voice was smooth and calm, yet somehow snapped Rip's attention back to the present. The presence behind him radiated coldness, icy and intense. Alarming in the sunset heat.
"I-....He-...!" The guy was splattering for thoughts, obviously understanding how Rip felt. How could Isaiah say a word, sound that calm and scare the living consciousness out of someone?
A hand landed on his shoulder. It wasn't a friendly touch, but the bridge to the ice wastelands of the other world. Rip froze, stepping away at the same time as the guy stopped struggling, hand dropping to his side.
Isaiah snapped his fingers. "Take them home."
Then the steely grip on his shoulder turned Rip around. Back to the beach. Away from people, civilization, the easy summer vibes.
They didn't stop at the beach though. "Move. Up the hill, come on." Isaiah commanded.
And Rip listened. His body went on autopilot as he tried to keep his boiling shadow in check.
They went up the hill and then another one. It was just grass and bushes and a beautiful view of the water behind them. The combination of hills and the sea so typical of this landscape.
At the top of it, Rip was panting from running up for so long and so fast. He braced against his knees before dropping down to them.
He fucked up. He could have killed that man. Why would he go and try to start a fight over ice cream? Jesus, that made no sense.
Rip wrapped his hands around his head, bowing to the ground. The repulsion rolled through him, leaving sticky nausea behind. His skin was crawling under his sweaty shirt.
"I'm sorry," he managed to get out between unruly breaths. "I wouldn't have- I shouldn't have-"
"You better not," Isaiah agreed. "Don't think we are far enough for you to risk direct contact yet."
"I'm sorry." If Isaiah reconsidered and judged him too dangerous for this vacation—hell, for this city—he could kill him right there.
Was that why he wanted privacy?
Rip gulped down heavily, bile climbing up his throat.
"Wasn't your fault. That was extremely out-of-nowhere." Isaiah sighed. "Seline said people here have short tempers. And the whole area seems to be owned by some kind of mafia family. I underestimated the situation."
Rip dared to look up for a second. Was Isaiah apologizing or something?
"You have been doing well. You just need to build your confidence back up-"
"Don't be ridiculous," Rip interrupted. His shadow was wiggling and crying out, wanting to attack Isaiah for pretending like this was okay. "I know you must have noticed."
Isaiah pressed his lips together, hands crossed on his chest. "Your shadow's killing intent during the fighting? Yes." He sounded way too unconcerned about it.
"And just now. I did the same thing."
"Considering your backround, that was a trauma response more than anything else. You didn't even let your shadow up."
Rip froze, realizing that was true. While thinking about striking back and imagining it, he did it without reaching for his shadow first.
"It's okay. I won't let that happen again," Isaiah said. He sounded almost...soothing. Like Rip wasn't a murderer, a wild animal fit for killing, but a scared hurt child. Trauma response. Yeah, sure.
"Why- why bring me here?" If Isaiah wasn't about to kill him, what was the point?
Isaiah's shoulders dropped. "Let go."
"Just let go. It's safe from people. No one's watching. Don't...hold it in." He rubbed at his chest with one hand before making himself drop both at his sides. "I always did. It will add up and hurt you in some other way. Like the migraine, remember?"
Rip took a sharp breath, lowering his head again. What was that supposed to mean?
If he could do whatever he felt like doing, though...his body would have ideas. The waver in his will was enough for the hot bile to shoot up his throat. Rip retched into the grass, stomach muscles constracting violently.
His shadow whirled out and around at the same time as the second lurch brought up his lunch. He had a lot of food to bring up since he got under this weird pack's protection.
The waves of disgust and nausea rolled through him so intensely he forgot what he was supposed to be upset about. His skin burned and itched where he held the man's hand. His shadow clawed into the ground in a way Rip would be scared to look at. It was too furious. Out of control.
When he stopped convulsing over the ground with dry heaves, it was way after sundown, and violet darkness blanketed the beautiful view from the hill.
The Executioner was leaning against an old tree. Hands still crossed, expression unreadable. But his green eyes were clear and open. Attentive.
There was no yelling, threats, or critique. Somehow, the wolf's quiet presence didn't feel icy or overwhelming. He wasn't trying to be intimidating. Whatever he was trying to do, Rip didn't feel judged or evaluated. If anything, he felt empty. Hollowed raw.
But at least he didn't feel like exploding.
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six-of-ravens · 2 months
(if this makes no sense please bear with me, it's after midnight)
Overall, some parts of the series didn't hold up as well as I thought they would, but many parts did. Alanna is still my homegirl. The swordfights and sorcery and all that never fail to entertain. There is a bit more sexism than I remember, and some of the parts with the Bazhir didn't age very well, but it remains a classic.
1. Lioness Rampant - I think this is the book where Pierce really hit her stride as a writer. The world seems fuller, the plot thicker, the characters more established. The pacing is a lot better, too: this book is about 100 pages longer than all the others and Pierce uses those pages well. The final battle against Roger is a little anticlimactic (though it's preceded by like four other battles) but well earned. I hated Liam for the most part, because frankly he's a shit boyfriend to Alanna, but also she dates 3 men over the series and I guess one of them had to suck for real. I did love Thom though - I think he and Raistlin cemented my love for asshole fuckup mildly, ambitiously evil wizards early on.
2. Alanna: The First Adventure - this one is kind of tied for first place. It's a shorter book, but the pacing is decent and we get all that wonderful knight school content. Extremely entertaining, and a very fun start to the series.
3. The Woman who Rides like a Man - a nice breather of a book after the events of the first two, lots of character growth for Alanna, with cool desert sorcery and fighting and all. I think this book is what really set the pattern for The Immortals and the Circle of Magic books - Pierce looooves writing kids learning magic, and she's good at it. That said, there are obviously a lot of Issues with the portrayal Bazhir (clearly based off a combo of Islamic folk and Native Americans) as violent and sexist, and Alanna and Jonathan (especially Jonathan, as the Voice) take on kinda cringe white saviour roles. It's not the most explicitly horrible thing ever but it does grate a bit.
4. In the Hand of the Goddess - well, someone had to be last. This is kind of the weird middle child in the quartet, where Alanna is in the midst of becoming a knight but there's a lot of random events that happen in that time. Most of the book is told in a series of vignettes - mainly incidents where Alanna or Jon narrowly avoid death or injury due to Duke Roger's schemes. However, they're a little too disconnected and Alanna's motivation (or lack thereof) is a little too vague until the final scene to satisfy me. The official explanation is that Roger was veiling Alanna so she just kept forgetting to report him, but we never actually see this in the story. She just builds up all these theories and is 100% certain it's him but doesn't tell anyone but Myles because she's certain no one will believe her (and why would they - at this point he's a respected noble). Idk, I just wanted more like....harmony between the ending and these vignettes I guess. Also, there's the horrible cringe subplot of everyone, including the goddess, treating Alanna like she's some frigid old hateful spinster when she's 15 and doing the normal teenage thing of going "I'll never have a boyfriend!!" I just wish some of the patronizing speech had been cut and Alanna discovered her sexuality without all that BS. Also, George is quite creepy in this one, he's quite a bit older than Alanna and she's still underage by modern terms so I didn't enjoy his attempts at romance as much as in the next book.
ANYWAY. Childhood favourites, like 8/10 will read again, just have to brace myself for the 80s-ness of certain things and remember this was the author's first series and she was still experimenting with style.
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wiredust · 4 months
the dead boy detectives agency as ballet dancers
ok this is purely self-indulgent and is really only a result of me trying to smash two interests together + george saying he took ballet classes for edwin's character
that one dancer who's so intimidating at the bar and has a meticulous stretch routine. by the time it's center he's doing ALL the combos, both for guys and girls. not the coolest outfits, usually just a plain white shirt, black tights. sometimes he wears a leotard but still has black tights/leggings over it ALWAYS.
his favorite exercises are anything adagio, but everyone agrees his jumps are gorgeous & he has the most perfect double tour.
every girl's favorite for partnering classes because he's so stable and can lift anyone up without trouble.
fave move: attitude promenade / least fave move: cabriole back
totally a jumper, especially loves big jumps. she's that dancer that seems intimidating at first, but then she goes up to you to give a little advice/correction and it turns out she's an actual sweetheart. always wears cool leotards with wacky patterns, and does her hair up in a different way for every class.
that OR she trained classically for a couple years but ultimately leaned more into contemp/modern with a little bit of neoclassical.
fave move: sisonne ouverte / least fave move: lame ducks (step over turns)
always layers up during class but by the end he's just in a tank top in shorts. he loves small jumps and fast exercises. that one dancer at the end of the class who keeps doing a la seconde turns even when there's no music, and just casually does 5 pirouettes at a time. literally the cleanest entreche sais ever, and adds beats to every jump even if he doesnt need to.
he's also be that one guy in partnering classes who (if you're a girl) tries to spin you like 6 times even if you have no more momentum. super strong too and it would be so easy to just lean on him when balancing.
fave move: brush jete / least fave move: developpe center
always the cutest outfits !! adorable leotards with matching legwarmers, skirts, and a bunwrap. adage girl with extensions and arches that everyone's jealous of. definitely a gaynor minden girly. she literally has the cleanest turns imaginable it's superhuman.
fave move: fouettes, like a sicko / least fave move: coupe jete
he's a musical theater kid, obviously. (though i could see him having some classical training up until middle school or so)
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marimayscarlett · 10 months
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By all means *eyes emoji*
Hi 👋
I took this ask as an invitation to figuratively dive into Richard's coat closet, and tried to compile every coat he wore in the last 30 years.
And oh boy, this man surely loves a good coat. He's the one member of this band who consecutively wore a coat on almost every tour and really takes a liking in the dramaturgical effect of wearing long (often times dark in color) coats and later reveiling additional outfits underneath, especially in later years. It fits his somewhat dramatic stage presence and he started quite early with these kind of stage outfits!
I subdevided this overview in two sub-topics to give this post somewhat of a structure, because this will be long.
1.) Richard's coats on stage (organized by year and tour)
1.1) Firstly, the plain black coat from the Herzeleid tour which he wore in 1995/1996. It's from what I could find the first time he wore a coat on stage while playing for Rammstein.
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1.2) Addtionally, he wore the shiny red and silver coat during the Herzeleid tour as well as partly on the Sehnsucht tour in 1997. Same as the black coat before, he forwent any additional outfit underneath.
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1.3) Also on the Sehnsucht tour, Richard wore the somewhat futuristic (reminded me a little bit of Star Treck costumes) black and silver coat which is clearly visible in Live aus Berlin. It suited the whole style of this era quite nicely and fit into the vibe of Till's cyborg/futuristic jacket as well.
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1.4) For his outfit during the Reise Reise tour in 2004/2005, Richard settled for a black military-style coat. The button rows seem to be reminiscent of french military uniforms from the 17th and 18th century (as well as the button lines and the embroidery on the collar of the underjacket) and his pants were designed in a similar style. The lining of the coat is bright red, a theme which would occur numerous times over the years.
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1.5) During the LIFAD tour, Richard wore a grey-mottled coat made out of a somewhat leathery material, adorned with silver buttons and a red armband - again he incorporated a red element in this coat, just like with the one before. On a sidenote: He once mentioned that Michael Jackson was an inspiration for this armband because Richard liked the cool look of it - his leg-belts (visible in the right picture) also kind of resemble the harness Michael wore on stage and in some videos during his Bad era.
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1.6) An absolute personal favourite of mine: The studded coat Richard chose for the 2013 part of the Made in Germany tour, oftentimes paired with the torn black and red top underneath. This one also got red lining, as well as a fine red line near the cuffs of the coat.
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1.7) In 2016 for the Festival tour, Richard wore coat in a more cosy and snuggly style, which marked a break in the clean cut coat-aesthetic up to this point. It was more in the style of a cardigan with a zipper instead of buttons. The armband made a reappearance as the signature red element (mirrored by a red band on his pants), and red lines along the seams added this colourful accent.
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1.8) For the 2019 tour leg of the Stadium tour, Richard mixed things up by wearing a two piece combo made out of a leathery material, with a studded cap on the right shoulder and red elements in form of the usual arm band and a red folding in the front. The lower part of this outfit was removable, so the upper part remained as a jacket.
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1.9) In 2022, he wore an all black coat with a belt and flaps along the shoulders, as well as snap fasteners as buttons; it overall resembled the typical look of a trenchcoat and seemed less rigid then the previous ensemble.
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1.10) A true fandom favourite appeared on the scene in 2022 when he presented the infamous chicken coat. This one was already known from the "Freeze my mind" music video (from 2021) from Richard's side project and other band Emigrate. Different than in the music video, where a vest completed the look, Richard again after years went on stage without any outfit under it. This coat was used by him also during this year's tour leg.
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1.11) Another personal favourite of mine is the black coat with red lining which he wore during this year's tour. Affectionatly dubbed "the vampire coat", this coat appears to be quite clean cut and simple, but has a very nice and dramatic effect on him (choosing gifs this time to underline this sentiment).
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2.) Richard's coats off stage
Here are some of the coats Richard wore off stage during band fotoshoots and outings. Not counting normal jackets or parcas here.
2.1) The fur-lined coat during the Rosenrot fotoshooting:
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2.2) The reoccuring black coat with fluffy fur elements, worn by him while being presented with awards in 2005 in Berlin as well as during the Echo award show in 2009:
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2.3) He wore another black coat which looked pretty similar to the one before but is still slightly different during a signing in Paris 2004:
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2.4) And a brown/beige kind of trenchcoat was his style of choice for the Fashion rock night in 2009:
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2.5) During the outdoor shooting for the LIFAD album, Richard wore another black coat:
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2.6) And lastly, the fancy embroidered coat Richard chose for promotion pictures for (I think) his first album with his band Emigrate:
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Not sure if I was thouroughly enough and found every coat he ever wore, but I think the presented ones here really express his love for this piece of clothing in general 😊 I'm looking forward to either seeing a new coat on Richard next year or a return of his vampire coat 🦇 (Still hoping to see the studded coat someday again).
(Used picture sources: Rammwiki and the Rammsteinworld gallery - wonderful rabbit holes to get lost in.)
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opultea · 1 year
Genshin Character Interactions I'd Love to See
(AKA some headcanons)
Kazuha & Razor:
Seems like a random combo but hear me out:
They both have a connection to nature and especially smells
Imagine Razor meeting Kazuha for the first time
"Smell like... cool breeze,"
"Thank you, my friend, you carry the scent of rock warmed in afternoon sunlight"
Instant besties
Razor's eyes light up, and whenever he's with Kazuha he likes to point out smells even more then usual because he feels like they're bonding
Although Kazuha uses a lot of words and phrases that Razor doesn’t understand, the poet is very patient, and is always willing to teach his fellow nature affiliate something new
Razor feels like he's gained a new teacher, and observes the way Kazuha seems so connected to nature but is still very much human, which helps the wolf-boy explore that balance in himself
Kazuha admires the simplicity and honesty with which Razor carries himself, never needing more than what the world provides him
Also Kazuha always understands what Razor's trying to say or do no matter how few words he uses
Kaveh & Bennett
Bad luck babies
They find out their mutual bad luck when Kaveh off-handedly complains about his debt, and Bennett immediately goes to comfort him, saying how he’s sure it’ll get better eventually, and hey! Everyone has avalanches chase them sometimes, and the occasional lightning strike to the skull!
Kaveh sighs: “Thanks, but I don’t think any metaphor will equate to my problems,”
“What do you mean metaphors?”
“You were using metaphors, right? Right, Bennett?”
He was not
But I imagine that once they get talking about their luck and especially their attitudes towards it, they really find a lot of interest in each other
Kaveh would hugely admire how Bennett always bounces back, always smiling and never afraid to keep going and keep feeling despite all the terrible occurrences he goes through each day
Bennett finds such solidarity in knowing an adult who’s plagued with bad luck, who is still incredibly successful. Bennett admires how Kaveh is renowned and famed throughout Sumeru for his work, and is a kind soul in his daily life, even with the troubles he has. Even though Bennett doesn’t think he needs to be famous, it’s nice to have real proof that even if he’s unlucky, he could still lead a great life
Klee & Xiao
Xiao would obviously be a bit standoffish at first
Klee views him as another one of those weird adults that doesn’t smile or talk, but she still trusts him innately
I like to think Klee is genuinely a good judge of character, and even if she finds someone weird, she feels that it doesn’t mean they can’t be a great person
Klee once asks Xiao to hold Dodoco for her while she tries to catch a frog in some mud, since Albedo’s always telling her to be careful with things she cares a lot about
Xiao is slightly stunted by the request and the bright smile that comes with it, but nods dutifully and carefully takes the little plush in his hands
Klee runs off to play, and when she gets back she’s more than pleased to see that Xiao is holding Dodoco to his chest, cupping him carefully and keeping him upright
Some adults just don’t respect Dodoco like Xiao does (Klee has had the terrible experience of people tucking Dodoco under their arm like a book! Not a good holder; one star review)
Upon returning to reclaim her friend, Klee gives Xiao as big a hug as her tiny arms can muster, and though Xiao’s eyes widen and his shoulder stiffen, he lets the small girl embrace him
Klee appreciates the respect Xiao shows her, even though she's small and young
Xiao is careful of how his karmic debt might affect this innocent child but lets himself relax at how Klee unabashedly loves the world. It inspires him to try loving more openly
Venti & Kaveh
So what if I’ve already put Kaveh on this list this is my post I do what I want
Sadge alcoholics with ✨dramatic tendencies ✨
You know they have the best stories tho
When these two come together, every room they enter is a party or every room they enter is a crying support room filled with regrets
Either way the room is filled with wine
Their energy is contagious and they can lead crowds of people to begin partying on a random Tuesday afternoon
But when they're in their feels, they look at each other with the understanding and empathy that they each wish they could gain from others in their lives
When Venti's soft voice carries out a melancholy ballad, Kaveh is the first to start crying
When Kaveh begins drunk rambling about his life, Venti's the one to pat his back, smiling softly despite the deep and old emotion his eyes hold
They hold a mutual and quiet understanding of the simultaneous pain and wonderment that living can bring that I think would be really interesting to see play out
Jean & Kokomi
I feel like if they met initially it would be all business
Discussions on foreign trade, sharing experiences from issues that have arisen in the past
All very professional
That is until either of them slips just a tiny bit about how freaking tired they are, and the other perks up and starts trying to subtly find out more
“Hm, it is a great honour to serve the people of Watatsumi Island, although I wish I had the energy to do more in a day,”
*cue Jean realising she may have just found an overworked buddy*
“Yes, I feel the same about the Knights of Favonius, there is always more to accomplish, though Lisa is always telling me to take more time to myself, although I don’t know how I could.”
“Exactly!” *cough* “I mean, yes, I understand how worrisome that must be.”
They silently sip their tea simultaneously, carefully fixing their posture
And then suddenly begin ranting and confiding in each other about how much they always have on their plate
🎶You’re just like me, I’m just like you~
Overall very cute relationship, they start off distanced by duty, and then become besties once they realise their common ground
Imagine them each making sure the other isn’t working too hard!
And they always listen to each other even if they don’t listen to others who tell them to take breaks because they know the other understands completely just how much they have to do
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hey! can i request the tokyo revengers characters reacting to a gn!reader who is as strong as yor forger (from spy x family)?
Hello hello!
I'm back again! It might be a bit OOC! bc it's been a while since I finished the manga 🥲 I really loved it if you're not reading it I would reccomend to read that rather than watching the anime but if you're more into animated action then anime is good too ✨
So I'll do
Toman members + Bonten members reacting to gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Mikey: When he found out that you were as strong as him, maybe even stronger... he was hyped. Even tho he already showed you off to his friends, he does it a lot more now. And even tho he knows that you're strong, he's still worried about you, since Toman has a bigger name and there are a lot of gangs out there who would do everything to take Toman especially Mikey down. Anyways let's get away from the dark stuff. I guess if you were a closer friend of his than he would practice fighting with you time to time, but if you're his s/o then he would teach you some cool moves that can help with defending yourself.
Draken: I guess this man was shocked, you didn't really seem to be the type to be a fighter, especially not this strong. He would feel nice about someone backing him up in some fights if you guys get attacked, protecting eachother's backs. He would be too protective of off you, either you are his s/o or a closer friend of his.
Takemitchi: I think this guy would legit ask you to help him get stronger. So the two of you would work out almost on a daily basis. This man wouldn’t be that worried about you beacuse you’re a lot stronger than him so it would be the other way around. I think he would genuienly would try to compare your strenght to Mikey’s, but the two of you have quite different fighting styles and you don’t fight eachother either so he won’t be really sucseeding.
Mitsuya: Our favourite designer... even tho he knows that you’re hella strong, he’s protective about you. He doesn’t really likes seeing you fight, since you can get hurt anytime if you come across a stronger opponent, which I don’t think would happen but who knows. If you get injured while fighting he’s going to be the one to patch you up and scold you for getting hurt.
Pah-chin: I guess he would be impressed by your strenght and would also be very supportive. And he too would be very protective off of you (remember back when he wanted to take revenge bc of his friend and his friend’s gf).
Baji: It would suprise him when you guys get attacked by a smaller gang and the two would fight back. When he sees thst you're knocking out the people by just a hit to their stomach or just a kick to their neck and they are out... Like out-out. "How the hell did you get this strong... And when?" - he asked. "What do you mean?" - You asked back.
Chifuyu: Just like the others he's an impressed bby too. He's very very proud of you that you're that strong. He would show you off to Baji beacuse he's so proud to have you as his friend/ s\o. But Baji would tease Chifuyu about it for not being at your level.
Peh-yan: To be honest 🥲 I don't really know what to write for him. He didn't really stuck with me but I'm sure he would show you off to others, especially Pah-chin. And also the two of you would make a good fighting combo.
Kazutora: He would be suprised and impressed at the ame time when he sees you fighting, since you’re around Mikey’s level of strenght most likely even stronger. He would love it if you join Valhalla with him to get revenge on Mikey. You know guys, ‘It’s all Mikey’s fault.’ But anyways... sometimes he wihes that you’d beat Mikey’s ass up for him. (If we are in the “original” and not final timeline).
Hakkai: He would be impressed, proud and would become a fan of yours. He is a big cinnamon roll so sometimes you gotta protect him, and would stand embarrassedly as you beat up someones ass.
Smiley: He would laugh at your oponent for getting beaten up by you so easily. Would just sit back and watch you from the back as you beat up people (if its not a gang fight ofc).
Angry: Now this bby... he's suprised that you're stronger than him when he starts crying. But he would love it tho. You're stronger than him and his brother so he's impressed, but also would dislike seeing you fight.
Koko: I feel like he’d be jelous. Since you’re a (bit) stronger than Taiju and Mikey. If you’re the same gang as him he probably wouldn’t really mess with you if you’re hot headed. He feels safer with a a nice distance from you. But if you’re the innocent type than its over for you. He will tease you non-stop.
Sanzu: Now this man... wouldn’t belive his eyes when he sees you fighting. SInce his a bit obsessed with Mikey (beacuse of his trauma if we’re in that timeline) he would be stalking you to see if you’re actually stronger than Mikey. And he wouldn’t stop untill he confrims who’s the stronger. He would start admiring you too beacuse of your strenght (If you’re a Haru simp like me then you have been blessed). If you’d catch him stalking you he would probably either comes up with a lie or just walks in another direction.
Kakucho: Pretty much like Mitsuya, he would take care of you if you'd get hurt, and wouldn't really like to see you fight even tho he knows you can protect yourself, so if you go to him with injuries then be prepared to get scolded by him. When he first saw you fighting... he was amazed, since he didn't think that there was a stronger person than Izana.
Ran: Now him... A 100% teasing machine, even more than Koko I feel like. Also would flex on his brother for him to have such a cool person in his life. Wants to see you fight with his baton to see how much damage can you do with that. Would be watching you fighting almost everytime and would take videos off of you too.
Rindou: Even tho he teases you and also would flex on his brother a bit he's pretty much the opposite of his brother. He doesn't really have a problem with seeing you fight, he's not that worried for you as Chifuyu, but also helps you patch yourself up if you get hurt.
Takeomi: The other 'mom' friend/s\o next to Mitsuya. 100% that he hates to see you fight in front of him. He's worried for you everytime you go to him, and you have some bruises. Even tho he seems collected and calm, on the inside he's panicking a bit. Didn't actually think that there is a stronger person than Shin or Mikey untill he met you.
Mocchi: As we know he loves fighting and he most likely heard about you before you guys met. He challenged you to fight him beacuse he didn't belive that you were as strong as the rumors said. And obviously he lost. After that day your life was ruined by him. He always went back to you and challenged you hoping that he would defeat you one day.
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hyog-blog · 1 month
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Our Song Season 3 - I came for Liu Yuning, stayed for the comedy of it all
I continue exploring this gorgeous Chinese singing rabbit hole (alternative name - Singing with Legends), and it still delivers. The premise is the same - younger singers join the seniors to perform old and new songs and exchange their experiences.
Humor is strong in this one. In one team there's a comedic duo (quite literally, every time they interact and perform something they make everyone LOL extremely hard) of Xue Zhiqian and Chui Na Li Sha. I had no idea who these people were before the show - I just recommend you watch them live. Their personalities are funny, but their performances are very powerful. He's a very passionate singer with a British rock vibe, she's a slightly overweight girl who acts like a stand-up comedian, has a gorgeous voice. and dreams of becoming a singer. Anyway, all the other members have their funny and exciting moments - the 70-something senior still sings with so much passion! His partner is a cute guy who had to learn lots of Cantonese to sing the songs (which sounds like a totally different language compared to Mandarin, he even used pinyin transcription to be able to read it). Well, the dedication levels are also high, the younger singers do not disappoint.
The host, Mr. Lin, is a 50-ish guy with a smart face and an impeccable taste in suits. He's incredibly intelligent in communicating with everyone, both the babies and the seniors and has a great sense of humor to support all the silliness. This season is really just too funny, I'm enjoying it greatly.
Liu Yuning at one point got paired with 3 gorgeous ladies and came up with a group name National Beauty (well, him included in the list, of course). Seemed so happy, ahah))) I see, you boy XD Two beautiful seniors and a sweet young girl, it's like a dream come true. Anyway, being the only guy in such a rose garden is always a cool choice, but only if a man can pull it off (naturally, he has the looks, the voice, the stage presence, and enough personality to create a beautiful balance with the beauties). You have to love his voice - it never ceases to amaze the audience.
I also have to say that his pairing with Penny Tai is awesome - she's a very open, talented, and easy-going woman, with an amazing voice and lots of emotiveness and charisma, they matched perfectly in their energy and voice ranges. It was hilarious when she met him for the first time, though, that height difference was EVERYTHING XD She's a very petite lady and he looks even taller beside her. They had lots of cute moments together, especially when they discussed how she's too shy to look into a man's eyes when singing (love songs in particular) which they did with LYN all the time. Lots of jokes ensued after that XD But I do have a thing for older women/younger guys combos, and that cute height difference, hehe. Can't help but ship them a little. I think they've paired again in Season 6 of the same show unknowingly XD It must be fate.
Anyway, this season was very emotional, with lots of creativity, beautiful stages, and humor. It's like watching a real-life drama or a musical, singers are very emotional people. Everyone's personalities are also unique, there wasn't a single boring moment on the show.
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shmowder · 2 months
sorry for spamming u with asks but seriously i’ve been binge reading ur recent stuff and i’m sitting here feeling so fuzzy and warm at the cute stuff and it’s distracting me from everything going on atm so thank u so so very much for that! I love how u characterize artemy and daniil, especially how u take their history and experience into account. it’s like i’m listening to someone describe a person they’ve known their whole life, really. and I am a sucker for angst/fluff combos so u got me there haha
speaking of angst: how would the healers react to the reader catching sand pest? esp if it’s their significant other?
lots of love, -🥀
Please don't apologise, your asks have been a delight <3
I'm happy you noticed how I approach their characterization! I take their past into full consideration since the game takes event on the worst two weeks of their life, the side we see of them is a new side they're discovering with us for the first time. the closest the game shows us to their real selves is how they act on Day 1 before the plague hits.
Especially Stakh who is overcome with grief, we could never see what kind of life he led before with Isidor, what kind of person he used to be, what his laughter must have sounded like.
The healers find out you've contracted the sand plague
Platonic or romantic for Artemy & Daniil, Clara's part is platonic. Angst.
His first action is to gather every speck of strength in his body and keep up face, do not fail him now courage.
Do Not Panic. All his focus is immediately put to use to appear as noneffected as possible. He can't show it, not in front of you.
He must seem to be in control in this dire situation. Otherwise, seeing him lose his cool will make you panic, too.
As he sat you down to examine you, wearing his protective gear this time around, akin to a wall separating you two, Denial tugging at the back of his mind.
The pit in his stomach grew bigger, terror gnawing at his guts, hollowing his lungs and closing his throat around itself. The facts were as clear as day, your symptoms matched perfectly, you are infected.
Any progress on the vaccine is immediately halted, all the extra effort he went through to bring you the best of the best when it came to preventive measures, all the precautions he took were for naught and the worst possible scenario actually occured.
His hands are shaking, he busy them with holding something so you won't notice, his lips are trembling, so he looks away when talking to you.
He feels like he failed you–No he knows that he did, he is sure of it as a fact. How can he meet your eyes? He is too ashamed of his shortcomings even when he went above and beyond, he couldn't keep this one promise.
it's fixable, everything is. He will defeat this monster. He will find you a cure no matter the cost. Daniil has to stop himself from thinking about what could happen if he doesn't win, otherwise he'll suffocate.
A panacea, a shmowder, anything god please he will beg on his knees. Take his life, trade his life for yours.
But death is nothing but cruel.
He administers antibiotics to you twice a day, personally attends to you, and disinfects your living space as best as he can. You're under complete quarantine in one of the stillwaters rooms; the hospital is too crowded and risky for your state.
Daniil does his best to embody and play the role of the capable assured doctor. He doesn't hide the truth of your severe state from you, but neither does he show you a hint of panic or fear, he buries his emotions deep down and puts on a brave face in front of you.
When he talks about bringing you the cure, he states it as a matter of fact. It's a matter of when, not if. He will make sure you have it even if it's the last thing he'll do in his sorry life.
The man is completely distraught, his natural grimce somehow deepens even more, the hardned look in his eyes falters as he scans you over, taking in every detail, desperately hoping you're wrong and this isn't what you claim it to be.
Then... anger.
You tell him not to come closer; he could get infected, it's too dangerous, but he pulls you towards him faster than you can react.
fists clenching against your clothes, head hanged low and buried into your shoulder. The gaint man completely unravels in front of you, akin to a sandcastle crumbling down by the merciless tides.
A storm of emotions brewing inside him, unspeakable rage, unbearable sadness and the pins and needles of exhaustion stabbing deeper into his bruised beaten heart.
Artemy holds you close, as if he can hide you from the world in his embrace. He presses you tightly against his chest as if he can slip you through his rib cage and directly into his heart, where you may remain safe and protected for eternity.
His grip is borderline bruising, he's forgetting himself, almost suffocating as it pushes the air out of your lungs. He's murmuring something, voice deep and rough, a prayer or an apology, maybe both. The steppe words come much more fluently, a thicker accent and faster than you can catch up with.
How drastic it is in contrast to the way he softly spoke to you before, slowly pronuncing each word in an attempt to teach you a phrase or two.
The coughing fit that followed from your end is what woke him up to the bitter reality.
Anger never quite fizzling out but kept under control, the despair in his pale eyes however only grew tenfolds.
Tracing his fingers against your face, you feel like a corpse under his scorching touch. You wonder if he looked at those bodies on the autopsy table the same, if he stroked their cheeks the same as he's currently lovely caressing yours.
The man was already broken. He barely had time to process the loss of his father, and then death comes and attempts to whisk you away from under his gaze?
As much as he wants nothing but to sit down with you and make the most of what could possibly be your only remaining days, he forces himself to pull away and stand up.
He knows how to make the panacea, he has already made one in fact but it... if only had he waited before testing it on himself.
He'll make another, he will find more blood, he will.
In the meantime, tinctures will have to substitute. They work even better than the pharmaceutical antibiotics he promises. Yes, the taste is bitter, but please drink it all up.
It's a miracle how Artemy doesn't contact the plague from how little regard he pays to keeping a distance from you, he still takes off his protective outside gear before touching you like he always did in the past as if nothing has changed.
He still sleeps in the same bed as you, hold you close to him at night... more closely than before. Soothe your back through your caughing fits and bring you water.
Increase your own food portions by giving from his own. He can handle the hunger, it's okay. You need to eat more, you need to stay warm and stay in bed... please just do this one thing for him.
The first thing he does after coming back from that dreaded night in the abattoir, body pulsing with pain, bruises aching all over his body, clothes drenched in blood both his own and from various others–is to quietly set your panacea to brew before waking you up.
Much like a wounded bull still standing at the end of the match, not a single hint of pain in those sunken eyes as blood trickles down his temple.
He doesn't wash, he refuses to leave you out of his sight for even a second as if death will steal you away just when he is so close to the final step.
You two share a meal, he barely touches his food, glancing between you and the brewery machine nearby. Watching the timer going down, refusing to surrender to exhaustion as every joint in his body aches and screams.
Artemy intertwines his fingers with yours, holding your hand and staying by your side. Just a little while longer, endure and survive a little while longer for him.
She can heal you, don't worry, don't cry, please just have faith in her. Look she really can do miracles! please look, look at her hands see? She can do it, she can.
Please... She can...
Her hand grip yours, her eyes are closed.
She knows she can do it, she already healed countless of people. It shouldn't be too hard for her so... why.
Tightly shutting her eyes even more as if it will stop the tears trickling down her cheeks.
She can do it! You don't understand, don't give her that look. She's not a liar, you should believe in her.
Why isn't it working? Why now of all times? Why when you were supposed to have faith in her abilities?
She trusted you of all people, how could you betray her like this.
Clara's fingers dig into your skin as she reattempts to apply her magic over and over again.
Her hiccups grow louder, weeping down as she grips with all of her force.
Nothing happens.
It doesn't take any effort to gently slide her hands away, to take her into your embrace and whisper thats it's okay.
You believe in her. You really do. It's okay. You're still proud of her despite it all, proud of everything she is. Gently reassuring this kid cringing to you that everything will be okay, that you won't ever ask the impossible of her.
That you'll lover her regardless, miracles or not, Clara will always be in your heart, a part of one family.
You hold her with the same tenderness one would with their little sister, you wipe her tears away and smile through the pain because you must be strong for her.
She is torn between running away or clinging to you more.
You weren't part of her sacrifices, you were never an option she even considered. Clara fears that she might just forsake both the town and polyhedron just to save you, her only resemblance of a family.
She fears that she was the one who brought you the sand pest the day you took her in and showed her kindness, that she poisoned your blood and infected your body with this deadly disease by associating with her.
Kids hold narrow views on the world. It's hard for them to comprehend that things could occur with no relation to them. They feel responsible for every misdeed, for every argument and fight between their parents, for every loved one's unhappiness must have stemed from them not being good enough.
Clara is terrfied by that notion; in her eyes, she might have as well killed you by her own small hands.
Her speech is incomprehensible, her eyes are swollen and red. She begs for forgiveness, apologising for anything and everything, the pile in her stomach threatening to rise as acid tethers up her throat.
You attempt to console her, to soothe the lost soul who found a home under your wings. To see her as neither the saint nor the sinner, but a frightened little girl carrying the weight of the world on her brittle shoulders.
She refuses to meet your eyes out of shame in the next days, she almost runs away from home on several occasions but decides against it last moment because who else will help take care of you through your sickness? Who else will bring the cold wet towels to soothe your forehead during your sleep? who else will wait for the kettle to boil to warm up the milk before pouring you a cup?
Clara repays your kindness tenfolds, even sharing her stashed away pieces of candy with you–no she gives them all to you in fact.
She steps over her own dignity and goes to seek out the other two healers in town to ask for help... and maybe "borrow" a couple things they'll surely not miss.
Tinctures from the Haruspex that Sticky smuggles out to her after a heated argument, Protective gear from the Bachelor room that Eva let's her slip into while turning a blind eye.
That sad frown is taking shape on her face, as your sickness worsen, you find that the physical pain pales in comparison to how much you miss seeing her smile. That confident sly smile she wore, endearing even in its most sinister forms as she schemed and plotted.
How scarce that smile has become.
Without her powers to rely on, Clara is forced to act mortal. To bother Stakh and insist that he must check on your health daily, to try her best to comprehend the medical terms and follow the guidelines he left for her.
One thing, however, is that she never stops trying her magic.
Day and night, tiptoeing to your bed, carefully avoiding the creeking floorboards in order not to disturb your rest. She lifts her hand up, presses her palm against your scorching temple as she channels all of her power and energy into this one act, wishing, pleading with the fates to smile her way today.
Clara never gives up, even as her arms grow cramped after holding them up for so long. She keeps at it for hours at a time, whatever moment of her day she could spare is spent by your side as she reattempts the spell over and over.
You realise what a strong kid she is, to get up no matter how many times life trips her down, to walk when she can't run, to crawl when she can't walk, to claw at the dirt and move forward no matter what.
She stays determined, asking you to believe in her. Promising she will cure you, she will deliver, she will save everyone, including you.
Especially you.
Talking about all the places the two of you would visit after you get better, because you will get better, don't you dare say otherwise.
Please you can't doubt her, her magic won't work if you do, please just have faith in her.
You don't have the heart to tell her that you never did, not a single moment of your life have you ever doubted words, her truth is your truth.
Until one day.
It finally works.
You feel her blood seeping into your veins, the antibodies multiping throughout the stream, destroying the ever changing plague and adapting to whatever structure it takes.
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writerblue275 · 7 months
My favorite LoL skin (with photos) for each Heartsteel member (excluding their Heartsteel/Prestige Heartsteel and Base skins)
So I absolutely adore the Heartsteel skin line, and for Aphelios, Kayn, and Yone, their Heartsteel skins are arguably my favorite skins of theirs (especially Yone’s Prestige Heartsteel skin). HOWEVER. I want to talk about some other amazing skins too. Three of the ones I’ll mention come from the same skin line, but listen, it’s a beautiful line. Also note: These are based on the splash art. I know some of the aesthetics change when translated to a player model. Ok let’s GOOOOO!
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Aphelios: Spirit Blossom Aphelios
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I love the COLORS of this skin. I love Spirit Blossom Aphelios’ hair design (like damn Phel go off with the man bun/small pony I see you), outfit/accessories, the markings on his face, and how his horns are opposite to Alune’s. (Also can we discuss how Alune also looks so pretty here like omg. I’m so glad they made sure she fit into this as well.) But Aphelios just looks softer than some of his other skins and it’s an interesting vibe from him. I dig it!
Ezreal: Faerie Court Ezreal & Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal.
(Listen I genuinely can’t fucking pick between them so he gets two.)
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THE OUTFIT (with all its wing motifs). THE WINGS. THE PINK HAIR. HIS expression!! I love the redesign of his gauntlet as well. Another thing that I really enjoy is how they managed to keep his face markings and make them unique. His face markings are a trademark element of Ezreal’s base skin so I’m glad they kept those here. AHHHHH HE JUST LOOKS SO GOOD. This is just such a fun reimagine for his character.
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This might be one of his two newest skins but holy fuck it’s already one of my favs. His HAIR. MY GOD IT’S SO GOOD?? His pose and expression exude so much power and confidence. His gauntlet with the draconic claw and his horns is just so fun. Also that OUTFIT? His outfit genuinely looks amazing. The color combo of light blue, maroon, and gold is just EXCELLENT. Again, they also kept face markings of some kind, even if they moved from his cheeks to his forehead.
Kayn: Snow Moon Kayn
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Kayn’s skins are always fun because you really get 3-in-1 with Kayn, his shadow assassin form, and Rhaast. I love a good black and red (with gold accents) theme and the Loki-esque horns, as well as the addition of the furs on his basic Kayn form are really cool. And the shaddow assassin’s hair. My goodness I do love a man with long white hair 😂 (this will appear again later). I love the color contrast between the shadow assassin and Rhaast designs as well. Also Rhaast looks badass. Terrifying, but still badass.
K’Sante: Prestige Empyrean K’Sante
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This skin is so fucking cool. We get to see his face here unlike the original Empyrean K’Sante skin. I love the color scheme with the purple, gold, white, and pink as well as the designs on the clothes/his weapons. The little pink on his face also adds a really small but eye-catching detail that I very much enjoy. Also Lil Nas X helped design this skin and I think that’s so fucking cool.
Sett: Spirit Blossom Sett
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Ok listen yes a bit of the reasoning for all these is that the characters themselves look fine as fuck. But holy shit look at Sett here. LOVE his long white hair (hehe what did I say it’s a pattern) with his ears here. That outfit and the accessories are stunning. And again the color palette for the spirit blossom line is just so pretty. Sett just looks so in charge and powerful here. He really is the boss. (Also shoutout to the [I believe] first instance of canon SettPhel which happened in the lore/voice interactions for this line.)
Yone: Spirit Blossom Yone
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Look at him. LOOK AT YONE. There is something about Yone with longer white hair that is just so…right, even if it’s tied back or braided. All the beautiful shades of purple in his outfit too! I love. I also like how, besides the horns and his hands/arms, he seems almost human and he’s not stuck to his mask like in his base skin (though I do love his base skin). He also just gives off really pleasant vibes in this. I cannot explain it lmao.
These are my thoughts! These are just my opinions, and frankly so many of these champions have so many amazing skins. I’d love to hear your favorites if you have opinions!
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puppy-phum · 2 years
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Pick Your Vice Versa Outfit ↳ Puen Pranon Edition
My Top 10 Puen Outfits for @stormyoceans​​​ [x] layout insp. [x]
+ bonus:
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(some thoughts under the cut!)
am mostly writing these rambles for you monica, so i hope you’re looking over here. i was supposed to make this into a simple text post with a couple of screenshots but well, this happened instead. i hope you like it :’D
TOP 10 Puen Outifts explained:
10. Home Alone an all-black slacks and dress shirt + gray jacket -combo. i am obsessed with how puen looks in all-black here, especially when he takes the jacket off. he just looks So Good. i can almost ignore the pain and heartbreak. i can almost forget that talay is not there with him. tbh am questioning why he needs to wear something so sexy when he’s missing, yearning, longing, grieving, lamenting.  
9. Kannes Film Festival suit a green-brown striped suit with a black shirt under it. out of all the suits puen wears during his time in the other universe, i like this one the most. i also like the one he wears to their first movie premiere (the gray gradient is cool) plus the magenta suit he wears to the wedding, but i do not like his white slacks. tbh in that wedding, talay outshines him so i had to leave that one out. this one however comes with the most fashionable friendgroup, a beautiful bf (in navy blue), and a chest pin i find fascinating. am so sad we see so little of it.
8. The Yellow Jacket a simple jeans + a sleeveless shirt -combo with a light yellow jeans jacket. from my favorite episode, from one of my favorite scenes. i love the soft yellow on puen and how it makes him light up. he absolutely beams when they’re filming the interview video and he gets to tell talay how much it means to him that they got to meet. the outfit also seems to make him extra playful and i love it. a big minus is that this outfit is the one puen wears when we last get to see joob. 
7. All denim an all denim outfit with matching jeans and a jeans jacket + a one colored shirt under it. puen wearing denim on denim makes me go wild. every time i see this outfit i just drool a bit bc he looks so fine. what a man. i think he should wear all denim more often, mix it with all the shirts he owns, maybe get a couple of color variations; a faded blue, a darker blue, maybe an all-white one... the options are infinite. 
6. The Green Shirt a simple dark green long sleeved shirt and dark jeans. nothing special really but i love how the shirt looks on puen. it shows off his body and arms, makes him look fashionable but super cozy. his hair looks darker and the outfit comes with a plant! also am just very fond of the “love confession” puen makes in this shirt and the satisfied smile he gives when talay ends up looking at him with his mouth open. i support my menace of a man in all of his chaotic life choices. 
5. Moonchild a combination of black pants, a dark blue shirt, and a gradient black & white jeans jacket. the jacket here is truly a legend. i love it so much. but the outfit also works so well without the jacket, and i think that makes it even better?? two outfits in one! so handy. puen looks sinful in the plain blue shirt, and with the jacket on, just very cuddly. one hug is all i ask for, dear sir. 
4. The Suspenders black slacks with a simple white dress shirt and suspenders. someone really said here, “we’re going to introduce puen in the first part of the first ep and leave the whole audience reeling” and got away with it. they really had to give puen the most glorious five minutes of his life and i think i am still somewhere in the ditch bc of it. this outfit has everything; it looks snazzy, his waist is snatched, hair is styled, tits are out. it comes with the smirk of a pleased cat and the fond look he gives to talay’s antics, truly the best thing ever. 
3. First date dark jeans and a simple, v-necked red t-shirt. puen owns three variations of this same red shirt for all the big events of his own love life: the first date, falling in love in the glass house, and the big realization after the bucket hat. each shirt has different length sleeves: t-shirt, long, and sleeveless. my favorite is the first date outfit with a simple red t-shirt bc i get to see all of puen. there’s so much leg and the characteristic hand-on-cocked-waist -lean. i love the flirtiness. less is really more with this guy. 
2. Reunion tastes sweet light blue jeans and a sleeveless, light gray-brown top. it’s really a tie between this sleeveless shirt and the orange one that comes later but am obsessed with this episode so. also i love, love, love the scene where they’re sitting on the stairs bc puen’s hair looks like that. he looks so cool and pretty and cute, and then makes me so sad bc am so soft for him. someone really decided to put all the comfort in this one man and then dress him like this and yeah, i really get it talay, i also would count every minute without him. 
1. Drunken night out a dark blue button-up with black jeans. tbh the biggest reason i even wanted to make this list was this outfit bc how could you not mention it?? my absolute favorite outfit on puen hands down. the blue denim shirt! the skin tight jeans! the goofy smile and drunken stumble! the soft hair! gosh he looks so good but is also such a baby. i don’t want to talk about him sprawling on the stairs like that bc i have a reputation to keep. bonus points for the snacks bc puen gets to enjoy too little of those! and gosh don’t even get me started on those puppy eyes, my heart is melting. 
Bonus: Homecoming pajamas a set of light blue-gray pajamas, didn’t include this one to the list itself bc pajamas don’t count as proper clothing right? but god, i never really thought about what puen wears when he sleeps so i remember just squealing when i saw him like this. he’s so soft! so baby!! idk how talay isn’t just instantly cuddling the heck out of him. he looks so huggable it makes my hands itch. and he’s so happy like this! i bet he never wants to change out of his pajamas again.        
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genshinfamdynamics · 2 months
My thoughts on Nathan characters’ designs
Disclaimer: guys I dont know shit about anything, especially lore. These are just my personal thoughts on how the characters look. If you disagree, that’s chill. I’m just saying things
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Honestly? I hate her design. If you like it then no judgment, but it’s just not for me. The braids and long bob are a nice combo, but something about it is just off to me. Her gloves are cute and I like the bows on her waist and back, but overall it feels really skimpy and sexualized, which is one of my biggest pet peeves in Genshin character designs. Another being how whitewashed everyone is, and I’m gonna be complaining about the lack of melanin for every Nathan character on this list. Mualani actually looks a bit darker than most of the Genshin characters, but that’s not really saying anything and if you compare her to real-life people, she still has the same skin tone as some of the whitest people I’ve met. Also her tattoos (I think they’re tattoos?) kinda just look like really weird tan lines to me. She really looks like she has the personality of a girl written by a man who’s never interacted with a woman who wasn’t his mother, and as much as I want to like her, I’m just really saddened by how she looks. 1/10
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She’s pretty cute; I like her ears and ponytail together, and the little braids on the sides of her face are fun. I didn’t like her visor/hat thing at first, but it’s growing on me. I always love scarves and her mittens are cute. The bandaids she has are a nice touch; kids running around are always gonna get scraped up. Still not a fan of how much skin girls always have to show in this game, especially since she seems to be a little kid. The orange and green combo is off-putting, but she aaaalmost pulls it off? Her palette legitimately looks like it was designed for her to have darker skin, but then they just made her white at the end for no reason. Also I know Genshin characters always have unrealistic hair and eye colors but blonde and blue-eyed? Really? 5/10
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I am very conflicted about him. At first glance, he looks cool, but if I think about it, I’m not so sure. He kinda looks like if Xiao and Chongyun were combined into the same person and made slightly less cool. His hair is nice, and I like his headband and how it has ribbons that trail behind him, but his puffy pants and the coat/wrap thingy around his waist make him feel really visually unbalanced to me. I think he could do with just one or the other, like the puffy pants with a simple belt and some ribbons, instead of the weird coat thing. I do like his earrings and the geometric shapes on his collar. As for the skin tone, I’ve seen all the edits of him with darker skin tones, and he looks really, really good. Making him pale did him so few favors, it’s not even funny. Like I think I would be so much less conflicted about him if he wasn’t so whitewashed. Also he’s like. fully clothed. So clearly, it’s not just an environment thing to be wearing lighter clothing in Natlan. So why. Do all the girls. Dress like they were designed by men who just want to stare at them? 5/10
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Okay I LOVE her hair. Like a LOT. The pink and purple feather-like accessories are pretty, and her sandals paired with that cute wrap skirt, gloves, and bracelets is actually a really nice combination. Her legs being almost completely bare, her shoulders being bare, and the weirdly placed boob and stomach windows make me sad though. Honestly, if it was just one or maybe even two of those I wouldn’t really think it was that much of a big deal, but all three of them together is just too much. And once again, she is paler than every white person I know. 7/10
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OKAY I ACTUALLY LOVE HER. SHE’S LITERALLY SO PRETTY AND HER HEART-SHAPED NECKLACE WITH HER VISION??? <3<3 LITERALLY LOVE HER SHE’S THE ONLY ONE I’LL PULL FOR <3 Her color palette is actually lovely (aside from how desaturated she is); I love the orange and earthy tones with the turquoise highlights. Her outfit is gorgeous, but again on the skimpy side; I think the crop top and shorts could have worked if she was wearing like an actual shirt instead of a fancy bra. Remember kids, there’s a difference between confident women wearing what they like and women designed for the male gaze! And say it with me; STOP WHITEWASHING, IT DOESNT EVEN LOOK GOOD! I’VE SEEN THE EDITS! SHE IS 100% MORE GORGEOUS WHEN SHE ISN’T BLATANTLY WHITEWASHED! HOYO. HOYO PLS
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First off, her purple tips on the red hair is really pretty. I think she’s terrified of the ball, cause why else would she be as white as a sheet of paper? Her hat and bandana give off cowboy vibes, which got me really, really excited at first. The boots add to that too, but from there it just… fizzles out, like they decided they wanted her to be a cowgirl halfway through designing her and just slapped on some accessories and called it a day. I’m always a fan of long and flowy so I like her train thing but WHAT IS WITH THE SINGULAR PANT LEG??? I— I just— why? Was the top that looks like it’s a vest that was supposed to have a collared shirt underneath it not skimpy enough? Is there some sort of showing-skin quota that she didn’t meet so they just deleted half her pants? Over-sexualization aside, it’s not even visually appealing. I’m a huge fan of artistic asymmetry but asymmetry still needs to be balanced. She’s literally just got one half of her body that has way less clothes than the other. They didn’t even put the longer glove on the same side as the missing pant leg! Her design legitimately feels unfinished; it’s pretty much a bodysuit with large chunks cut out and a few accessories added. My dreams for a cool Genshin cowgirl have been crushed. 1/10
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First things first, due to the yellow/black/purple/white color scheme, I am immediately headcannoning them as non-binary. Objectively, their outfit is actually pretty cool, but they seem to have the little kid model, which makes the teeny-tiny crop top not really sit right with me. I hope they’re just a tiny adult like Dori but like… :/ All the accessories are cool though; the feathers, the necklace, and especially the skull on their headband! And they’ve actually got some melanin(though it’s like, the bare minimum), which is a really nice look with the white hair! Love me some color contrast! 7/10
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I literally screamed “No!” upon seeing her. The leather bodysuit is an absolute tradgedy. Hoyo popped off with Furina only to be followed up by her?? Her outfit is really, really disappointing and boring. There are so many beautiful things to take inspiration from in the cultures Natlan is supposedly inspired by, and they just. put her in a “sexy” leather outfit? I’ve seen people say she looks like a cool biker, and no hate if you do, but honestly, I don’t think she even reaches that level. It’s so dull; there’s not even a fun silhouette because it’s all just form-fitting black with red accents. On the flip side, she herself is absolutely beautiful. Her hair is stunning. I really like the sharp bangs, the sunset fade, and the fact that her hair gives her some form of a silhouette. Her sunglasses are cool, and her eyes are gorgeous; I love the sun shapes in them! If I focus on the shot that’s just her face, then I can imagine her outfit looks just as amazing as she does. Hoyo did her so dirty with that bodysuit and her milk-pale skin. 2/10
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Okay so first off I don’t know anything about anything so formal apology for everything I get wrong; but I’ve seen people say that he’s based off a Nigerian deity named Olorun, which is a MUCH better name than Ororon. What was even the thought process there. Anyway if he’s based off a Nigerian deity… why does he look white? I know literally nothing about this mythology but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the original Olorun doesn’t look like that. Complaints aside, I do really like his outfit. The scarf and cape are to die for, and I love the peacock feather(?) design on the end of his scarf. I don’t get the like leather straps on his pants but his gloves and tattoos are neat. The whole outfit feels a little simple compared to other Genshin characters, but it’s nice to look at. The vibes are vibing. 8/10 on looks alone but Hoyo why
Tldr: Why are all the women so sexualized and why is everybody whitewashed
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quirkwizard · 4 months
Hey, I really like your Joint Training character analysis and how each teammate plays off the other. If possible, could you do another that doesn’t include characters you’ve already used?
While I'm glad you liked those posts, which you find here, I'm not sure how many more of these I could do with these limits. Like even with this, it was rather difficult to think of matchups that would be that interesting.
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Ojiro vs Kendo: Despite the fact these are the two resident martial artists of their classes, we never get to see Ojiro and Kendo play off each other. So it'd be neat to see them fight each other here, especially in this environment, where Ojiro can constantly move around and Kendo can tear it all apart. It'd allowed for more grounded hand to hand fighting we don't get to see that often.
Aoyama vs Kosei: So I'm writing this with the assumption that Kosei's glass and interact with Aoyama's lasers, making them redirect in other directions. Now this does seem like a hard counter, Kosei can't get rid of his creations, so Aoyama can use them later, giving him a lot more strategic freedom and uniqueness in how he can apply his ability. Plus, it'd be good to have these two around to make platforms and move allies around considering the massive mess the battlefield is about to become.
Tsuyu vs Juzo: Juzo can work around Tsuyu's mobility by breaking down the terrain, yet the muddy terrain gives her the perfect opportunity to swim around, a part of her ability we don't get to see that often. However, Juzo may just end up locking her up by returning whatever he touched back into a solid. So between these two, it becomes a constant back and forth on out maneuvering each other and trying to play around the massive swamp they're going to turn the battlefield into.
Izuku vs Kodai: Now, there doesn't seem like much reason to pit these two against one another, especially since they already went up againest each other in canon. I do this because I think Kodai is one of the few students who could challenge Izuku. We all saw her make a wrench into war hammer for Mount Lady. And the fact that she could trap the area with these could force Izuku to think more strategically as the area works against him. I also think that she could have some cool combos with her teammates, like Kendo throwing her items as she grows them or Juzo making massive mudslides from her items.
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this may just be the 14 year old me who watched the show with rose filtered glasses on
but I am very bummed the show turned out this way
I mean I haven’t watched it since then but there were so many elements I loved
I really loved the world, even if it had plot holes lol (I did not see them at the time tho)
there are still a lot of characters I really like (catra is not one of them tho 💀 like even while I was watching the show and was sort of in the c//a community I didn’t like her…….. she was so unlikable the entire time, but I assumed it was just me bc everyone else seemed to love her…..)
horde prime couldve been the coolest final boss villain
scifi and fantasy is my favourite combination ever
it’s just such a bummer
it could’ve been so cool :(
they should’ve let ME reboot it isntead!!!!!!!!!!!!!/j
dude i totally get what you mean. i watched it when i was like 18? and i'm still bummed about how they screwed up the series. i think it had a lot of potential, especially around s3-4 when the plot really started to pick up the pace. there were still things wrong with the show at that point too, but i feel like it was salvagable.
i even liked catra as a character. she was a terrible person but she was interesting and i was curious to see how they handle her arc. if i didnt know that c//a was going to be canon going into the show, i would have 100% thought they were setting catra up for a corruption arc. and yeah, a lot of the other characters were really likeable. it just sucks that the show writers thought that c//a was the most important part of the series and it didn't matter if the other character arcs were butchered, so long as this ship becomes canon.
like you said, fantasy + sci-fi is a really good combo! if you want a GOOD show that combines these two genres, i highly recommend infinity train! i know i've mentioned it here before but i'll keep recommending it until it gets the appreciation it deserves (and hopefully gets renewed!) infinity train has amazing characters as well as worldbuilding, although the creators never got to finish the worldbuilding due to the show being cancelled. it also touched on very real and serious topics, and does a much better job of handling these issues. one of the antagonists in the series is much like catra but while he is specifically written to be sympathetic, he does not get redeemed and forgiven the way catra does. overall, just watch the show if you haven't already! it has 4 seasons with different characters in each season, and there are some heavily implied queer characters as well (though they couldn't confirm it because, again, restrictions).
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ballcrusher74 · 6 months
Your sona (bigform) looks very cool, reminds me of the silhouette of a dinosaur, what is the critter and what inspired such a cool mech tang?
My sona (Jawbreaker) is a fucked up star alien thing ! You're gonna get a little more than just what he is and inspirations and I hope you don't mind, I made a whole fucking species just for this guy's backstory LOL Stellarites are shapeshifting, celestial beings created with star energy. Their strength varies, depending on what kind of star their energy was sourced from. Jawbreaker (his actually birth name is unknown and he forgot himself) was created with the energy of a quasi star as an experiment for his overlord, Metsu. He served in their celestial empire as a royal guard, and had a close eye kept on him. He excelled compared to his peers, and was deemed spectacular at his work- the only downside was his short temper. He was constantly consulted about his attitude, and it only seemed to grow worse. He grows disobedient, to the point where he is sentenced to be shattered for his resources to be recycled. He escapes from his home planet, landing on Earth. He examines life from afar, and takes on a more humanoid form. As he lives out his days on his new home, there's something that he can't avoid now- taxes. So what's a better job to get when you used to be a guard for an intergalactic ruler? Become a hitman! This is where he obtained his helmet and his name. A couple years go by and he's considered a perfect killing machine, being able to leave such little trails behind in his work. Then, he fucks up one day. A single drop of his blood is found at a scene. This results in a huge chase for him, especially because he is extraterrestrial life. He eventually is caught, and used in government experiments. These experiments were based off the mega-structure, dyson spheres, in which they tried to extract energy out of him. He manages to escape this, takes on his current form with a repainted helmet and fresh new look, and is now a party-animal alien out on the run with a bounty on his head. (This is like, a really watered down version of his story cus if I put the whole thing here that shit would go on forever)
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Also y'know what, fuck it, here's the full ref sheet + cool guitar item that I keep forgetting I have OOPS
Going onto actually inspirations now, here's a couple !
The general design was just based off of character design aspects that I like a lot. Chunky shoes, shoulder pads, big sleeves, huge zipper- etc, etc.
The hoodie and boxers combo just comes from the fact that that is typically what I roam around in
The star eye was me trying to recycle from my old sona, but the true origin of it was it being a reference to one of my favorite musicians at the time, Grandson ^_^
The half heart locket is for my boyfriend <3
The big ol' eyebrow is just cus I have bushy eyebrows + I love big ass eyebrows
I'm gonna be honest, the hair was when I was trying to make my sona on Roblox but I obviously couldn't have my helmet, so a red base and cyan trihawk came along and it's stuck since then + I FUCKING LOVE MOHAWKS SO BAD
The blood is based off of glowstick liquid . Please trust me when I say to not eat glowsticks they do not taste good .
The colors are also kinda recycled from my old sona, but also because I fucking love red and cyan
The whole alien aspect is taken from the fact my birthday is on the same day as the Area 51 raid LMAO
Exaggerated proportions kinda came from FNF . yeag
THE HELMET . The helmet was a thing I scrapped from a really old oc of mine, which was kinda taken from Jasper (SU) . The addition for the jaw part was inspired by a bear trap
also these two that I use for this blog . They're obviously more jokey looking + I made it so they are both immortal beings that have existed since the dawn of time that just fuck around on Earth but yea it's also just me . but funny looking
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I think that is it . yeag
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