#this got away from me a little
matchingbatbites · 1 year
I've seen posts here and there about Steve being done up in drag for fun, but please consider Steve discovering drag pageantry.
Drag pageants have been around since the 60s, and we already know that Steve is competitive, he played sports and he got jealous from Dustin just talking about Eddie.
So imagine Steve being done up by a queen because he's "so gorgeous, your bone structure is to die for, darling" and maybe he enjoys it, likes how it makes him look, likes the confidence he has while all made up.
And then he finds out you can compete? In makeup and dresses and be bitchy on purpose? He'd be all over that shit, and he'd be good at it.
Eddie would be nothing but supportive, and when Robin moves out they turn the spare bedroom into a second closet just for Steve's drag. He eventually gets a sewing machine and - after much learning - starts making his own competition gowns because he has a Specific Design that he wants to wear and can't find anything close enough to satisfy.
(Side note: I imagine his style being something like Vida Boheme in To Wong Foo, something classy and feminine, possibly influenced by his mother's sense of style (she may be an awful person but by God is she fashionable).)
When Eddie's band makes it big, they plan all of their shows around Steve's pageants because Eddie has to kiss Steve good luck before every single one. The one time he didn't, the zip on Steve's dress busted and one of his heels snapped and while Steve isn't superstitious, Eddie certainly is and "The only time I didn't kiss you good luck, everything fell to shit. It's not gonna happen again, baby, I promise."
They end up getting a shelving unit just to hold the crowns and scepters that Steve has won, the sashes get pinned to the wall and are quickly filling the space available. Steve takes a flower from every winning bouquet and presses it, has a little album where he keeps them, along with a photo of him and Eddie after each win.
Imagine Eddie proposing after a pageant one night. Steve didn't win, maybe he was second or third, but he didn't come home with the crown this particular night, and he's standing in the bathroom, scrubbing away at his face and working over where he may have lost points, trying to figure out how to be better next time.
And then Eddie is there, ring in hand and a lovestruck look on his face and all Steve can think about is that he's being proposed to while looking like a mess. His hair is sweat-slick from being under a wig for hours, makeup half-off, and still wearing the chunky earrings he'd forgotten to take out again.
But Eddie tells Steve how proud he is of him, how much he loves this side of Steve that only Eddie gets to see. That he wants to see it for the rest of his life and "Stevie, baby, if you don't say yes I might cry," and then cries anyway when Steve does say yes and kisses him, and then they're laughing at the bright lipstick smeared across their mouths and Steve completely forgets that he didn't win that night.
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rancidjuno · 8 months
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Coming back from rex’s epic birthday blowout (there was a bouncy castle)
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
A sign of trust
Part 3
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
It was traditional more than anything else, but any human who wanted a license to fly a ship needed to learn a sign language developed for use in space.
It wasn't really a language, but a set of signals, like those used by scuba divers, made to communicate some quick and basic concepts to those around them.
Before humans joined the wider galaxy and received universal translators people in space needed quick and concise ways of communicating. Especially if you were on a spacewalk and in a hurry to find a hull breach made by a micro-meteor as big as a grain of sand and neither of the two brave engineers who had volunteered for the job spoke each others languages.
It had also been useful in case of a communication blackout. These days comm units on ships were built to be the last piece of equipment to fail. The same was true of the communication equipment inside the space suits. However, back in the old days, like when people still needed to go into cryo-sleep just to reach the nearest star system, more often than not, things had been built by the lowest bidder. Which meant the cheapest components, which meant that breakdowns weren't just expected, they were damn near routine when it came to long-haul flights.
So every human, regardless of their national language, learned a set of universal hand signals that had been agreed upon between nations, so one astronaut could speak with any other.
Rin knew this kind of stuff because of family history; her great-grandparents had met each other on a long-haul flight from earth to Trappist -1. Great Grandfather had been Australian, while Great Grandmother had been Japanese. Neither one of them had spoken each others languages when they'd met.
There'd been a fault in the navigation equipment and the computer had determined that Chief Petty Officer William Brown, and Lieutenant Mei Tanaka were the best the fix it. They'd been thawed out and briefed in their own languages before getting down to the business of fixing the problem. They didn't speak each others languages, but they both knew the universal sign language as party of their basic training.
Those few hand gestures had been a building block that they had used to start to communicate with each other. The communication and the fault in the navigation computer had been two hurdles they had conquered together. In the three days they had taken to fix the problem their team work had blossomed into mutual respect and then into something more.
The next time they thawed out of cryo-sleep, the ship was in orbit of Trappist -1E. By the time the ship had touched down, before the first colonists were even disembarking, the two were married by the ships captain. They'd spent the rest of their lives learning to speak each others languages but they never had trouble communicating.
She hadn't used the sign language since her training course. She mostly worked solo on her ships. She liked the just hop around wherever and whenever she wanted. No company schedules to keep, no passengers to mother, no cargo to worry about, unless it was all on her own terms. She mostly did a little light scouting of asteroids and uninhabited planets for mining prospects and sold them on just as a means to keep her engines fuelled and her rations full. She was a proud space-hobo, enjoying the sights of an infinitely beautiful universe and living her best life just the way she wanted.
Rin wasn't looking for anything romantic, but she was looking to work with this Kook to get something fixed. She hoped she could live up to the family legacy.
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hyperionshipping · 9 months
#46 for Handsome Jack or Hodgins?
Wolfe snarled, teeth bared as he yelled at Hodgins, hands clenched in fists. "God you're stupid! Like right proper stupid!" He threw his hands up in the air. "In what world did you think I'd be MARGINALLY okay with that!?
"No! I'm not done actually. A year. A whole fucking year. And you had me as housesitter. I'm DONE. I can't believe you! You could've offered. But no, why me right? Fuck Wolfe. He's just my friend! I'll act like I like him and then he can just watch my house!"
"Wolfe it wasn't that. I…"
"No! No! I don't care to hear. If you just wanted to stay fuck buddies I would've been fine with that. But you could've just TOLD me that."
Hodgins looked hurt. He reached out to touch Wolfe's shoulder, but Wolfe jerked away. It hurt. Hodgins could tell Wolfe was holding back tears.
"I never saw you like that Wolfe. I-I didn't mean too– me and Angie just- the time flew by and I…" he cringed at the words coming out. He knew better than to say he forgot. He didn't forget. The time just flew by. And he got swept up in everything and… Wolfe was talking again. Hodgins looked at him, eyes full of hurt.
"I get it. I do. Really." Wolfe knew what he was going to say. "I'm not what you want. I'm not what you want full time." Wolfe met Hodgins' eyes and that's when the tears started. "Good for a fuck but you don't want me long-term. That's fine. It was nice knowing you Hodgins."
"Wolfie! Wait. Please."
Wolfe shoved past him, and Hodgins stumbled slightly. "Tell Cam I'm taking my PTO. I'm leaving."
Hodgins watched him storm off. He could see Wolfe wiping his face. When he was gone, Hodgins turned and immediately punched something. It hurt but it hurt better than the hole in his heart seeing Wolfe crying because of him. As soon as he was gone, he had all the words he wanted to say. He yelled in his office room. 
All he wanted to say was I love you Wolfe. You're the other half of my heart. Angela and I talked. She told me to ask you out. She approved. Wolfe. Come back! Please! Please. Please. "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you. Prove it."
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orionis13 · 23 days
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This moment brought to you by ice feast
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astronomodome · 11 days
Could you do an eldritch pearlescentmoon or a fae pearlescentmoon, please? :3
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how about a little of both? :3
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sinnabee · 4 months
You do moons ass Mondays right
so do suns ass Sundays
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your wish is my command, anon
everyone say hello to sun ass sunday. but of course, as the rule goes... suns out? guns out. >:3c
i will be barring the castle doors and fortifying my defenses in preparation for the uprising, but no, i am not sorry for this
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diazsdimples · 2 months
HC: Tommy has a cat who doesn't like many people, but she always demands cuddles from Buck.
Anon, you sparked a Thing™️
Tommy tells Buck he has a cat fairly early on in their relationship. She's his baby, as he calls her. He's had her since he came out to L.A, having adopted her from a shelter a few months into him working with the 118.
One of the first selfies Buck receives is of Tommy lying on his bed, and the cat curled up protectively on his chest. She's a tabby with a dusting of white around her nose that makes Buck wonder about her age. The way Tommy talks about her makes her sound like a kitten, fresh from the womb, but Buck suspects she's probably around 13-14 years old.
When Buck goes to Tommy's apartment for the first time, he warns him about her. Buck can tell Tommy's a little nervous with the way he keeps glancing back at the lounge as he talks, as if he's expecting the cat to give him some big lecture about bringing a boy home without her express permission.
"Now, don't take it personally if Luna ignores you. She hates pretty much everyone," Tommy says as he kisses Buck's cheek and drags him inside the apartment.
It's a nice place, pretty much exactly what Buck expected from his boyfriend (is that what they are now? Boyfriends?). It's full of trinkets from Tommy's life, but it isn't cluttered - a perfect mixture of clean and chaotic, exactly like Tommy himself.
Tommy keeps his hand on the small of Buck's back as he guides him through to the lounge. Buck likes the way Tommy touches him. It makes him feel safe, grounded, as though Tommy could catch him if he falls.
Tommy' s got a couch not too dissimilar to Eddie's, but a deep maroon rather than blue. And there, right in the middle and nestled among a mess of blankets that Tommy has clearly set up for her, lies the person (creature?) in Tommy's life that Buck has been the most anxious to meet.
Tommy makes a chirping noise with his lips and Luna's ears perk up. Slowly, as though her very bones are creaking, she untangles herself from the blankets and hops down from the couch with a quiet "brrrpp". She stretches deeply, ears flattening against her head and eyes screwing shut, and the look of pure bliss that crosses her face is enough to capture Buck's entire heart.
Buck looks at Tommy for guidance as Luna gingerly walks over to him and looks up at him with big, beseeching eyes.
"Go on," Tommy prompts, giving Buck a small nudge with his elbow. "Let her sniff your hand."
Buck crouches and stretches out his hand towards Luna, offering her the backs of his fingers.
"Hi Luna," he almost whispers as she eyes him suspiciously. "I'm Buck, your dad's - uh - friend."
Tommy scoffs from behind him. "I think we're well past the friend stage, Evan."
"I didn't know - I'm sorry - I'm your dad's boyfriend," he corrects, looking back up at Tommy with a raised eyebrow.
Tommy nods, looking pleased. "Much better."
Buck just about leaps out of his skin when a wet nose touches his hand, and he turns back to see that Luna's moved closer, and is sniffing his fingers with interest. He holds stock still, remembering Tommy's words about her crotchety temperament and not wanting to frighten her, lest she bite him, or worse, run away.
Luna continues her sniffing, tiny pink nose moving minutely as she inhales, and then, much to Buck's shock, she rubs her whole face against his hand, with what can only be described as a smug purr.
"I-" Buck begins, looking back at Tommy with wide eyes. Tommy himself looks a little stunned, clearly thrown by his cat's rare display of affection.
"Huh," he says, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at Buck and Luna with a deeply fond expression. "She's never done that before!"
Luna sits back on her haunches and gives a loud, croaky yowl, as though she's been a chain-smoker for most of her life. She nudges her head against Buck's hand and meows once again.
"I think she wants you to sit down," Tommy says, barely concealing his laughter at Buck's bewildered face. He takes Buck gently by the arm and gives him a quick kiss before directing him to the couch.
"I thought you said she hates everyone?" Buck questions, almost numbly as he allows Tommy to push him onto the plush cushions. The moment his ass has touched the couch, Luna leaps up beside him with a pleased chirp and climbs into his lap.
"She does," Tommy grins as he pulls out his phone, taking a quick snap of his extremely confused boyfriend and even more contented cat. "Clearly she has good taste."
Luna's purring is reaching volumes previously unknown to man, drowning out all other noise in the room as she begins to make biscuits against Buck's thigh. Her claws are sharp and needle-like, pricking into Buck's skin but he's too stunned to do anything more than mutely pet her silky fur.
"Wh-what do I do now?" Buck asks, looking at Tommy for guidance. He'd been expecting to possibly see a streak of Luna's fur as she raced across the apartment to hide under Tommy's bed - her favourite place apparently - but now here he is with a whole ass cat on his lap, one who apparently loves him and hates every other guest Tommy's ever had over, and Buck really has no clue where to go from here.
Tommy chuckles and reaches over to scratch behind Luna's ears before leaning forward and capturing Buck's lips in a soft kiss, his fingers gently caressing Buck's chin.
"Stay there, I'll go get us a beer," he says as he pulls away, and leaves Buck in the lounge with Luna. She's curled up completely in his lap now, tail tucked over her paws, and every so often she tilts her head up towards him, demanding scritches that he is more than happy to provide her with.
Tommy returns with two beers and hands one to Buck before flopping next to him on the couch, looping an arm around Buck's shoulders.
"I guess you've gotta stay forever now, Luna's not gonna let you leave," he jokes, and something twists in Buck's stomach, making him a little giddy.
He really likes Tommy - hell, he might even love the guy - but receiving the seal of approval from his cat is probably the biggest step in their relationship to date. Well, it really isn't but is sure feels like that. Like he's being welcomed into the family.
Buck sighs happily and rests his head against Tommy's shoulder, a small shiver rushing through him as Tommy noses his hairline, his lips brushing ever so gently against Buck's temple.
"Yeah, I guess I do."
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juicywizards · 3 months
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modern day saint sebastian
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chawliekin · 1 month
and if I said that dennis’ insistence on being the breadwinner/provider despite literally being a pampered princess who dgaf about traditional roles of masculinity in every other regard (aside from ego) is because his mom only stayed with/chose frank for his wealth and dennis is highly aware that he’s difficult to love and unable to show his emotions openly so he has to be contributing something to the relationship materially in order to feel like he’s worth staying for… and mac grew up with parents who were extremely ambivalent to him and eachother so he has to overcompensate by proving his worth at every given moment and seeking praise/validation from people (and religious icons) who will never demonstrate the same amount of dedication to him but he has no idea how else to desperately keep himself close to those he loves other than by eroding himself into something they’ll approve of… dear god they’re both exactly what the other needs — someone who can’t and won’t leave them even if they try — and they don’t even see it…
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gentlebeard · 7 months
Our love was made for movie screens
For @saltpepperbeard 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: All I Want by Kodaline YouTube
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tmos-time · 3 months
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just remembered i can draw gay people
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fkapple · 8 days
If Emily had to assign / gift Shane a gem, which would it be?
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2hoothoots · 2 months
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i doubt it's your style not to get / what you set out to acquire, the eyes are on fire you are the unforecasted storm
quick painty thing i did most of on saturday and finished up this evening. the thing about this guy is that he's always posing
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1495-gauge · 2 months
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there's that fucked up three-eyed thing that lives in the woods. whose turn is it to chase it off again??
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ryllen · 2 months
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Look what came through the mail today! The letters & ( •̀ω•́ )σ 3 little gremlins from letterstoear.
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Just wanna say i adore the flower stickers on the letters too much, they are that much worth mentioning.
#letterstoear#nui#twst#twisted wonderland#sebek zigvolt#malleus draconia#twst grim#mod posting#okay but i love squishing the bears with my thumb; they just have the right thickness to be pressed on#i really like the flower stickers; they look like romantically artistic wax seal#the letters are pleasantly nice#i love the part where cheka personally request for an audience with yuu thru sebek 🥺🥺🥹🥹 too cute hnggh .......#sebek becoming our little mailman for our little invitation aw 🥹 for those who wanna know the context of the letter;#i requested a letter from sebek that he sent home while he was away accompanying malleus on other country duty#my other favorite part is just him simply opening the letter with 'My love'#i'm sealed 🥹 the first paragraph is written so sweetly#i enjoy reading the letter slowly outside in peaceful afternoon today; i ran it through together with sebek nui#this will be my treasured keepsake from now on 🥹; it seriously made me miss letters and wish i have someone to send this kind of letter to#it was a bit funny how the envelope sebek's letter came from is sticked with the guys from free! sticker fhsdsh 🤣😂#and me with the white haired guy like WHo are u?? fsjdsdjsd (´つヮ⊂); but it's a really nice service#the thank you letter came with such a cute and yummy folding paper; thank you for the stickers too#i feel like there's a bit whoopsie on grim's winky eye fshfh like i think the sharpie just blurs the separating space '<' supposed to have#and just combine it all together into one angry eye; and sebek bear's eyes are just a little bigger than i expected it to be#but the more i look at them i think they are just having a little individuality & still cute#i embraced it all together while knowing the fact none of handmade thing would always be the same one with the other; hehe sebek nui has fr#i kinda forget that there's this kind of clip earring fshd; because i always get the ones that work like screw from aliexpress#i know that the literal clip one would just be literal meaning of pain fsh; just like the magnet one my father once got me when i was a kid#it was painful but pretty; tho i lost it quickly bcs magnet easily get loosed once one part of it moves around when u touch ur hair or face#anyhow i had a pleasant day because of this; thank you very much ! sebek nui said 'thank you' too! ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ❀ ✿ 𖤣…
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