#these two things are when Loki was written at worst because we have no idea what his thoughts are and he's still not a bad guy
sserpente · 1 year
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A/N: Request from anon and some of my own ideas that had to be written down because Loki demanded it. This is technically Part II to this Imagine!
Words: 2492 Warnings: implied smut, biting
Your hair was still wet when you got out of the water, your back numb from the gushing waterfall Loki had kept you pressed against while fucking the life out of you and you were sprawled out on the blanket. Loki conjured a soft towel for you both to dry off and afterward, you ended up leaning against his chest as he fed you some of the grapes and read you passages of the book he had brought. It didn’t matter you couldn’t understand Old Norse—his voice was mesmerising either way and certainly the best form of aftercare you’d ever had.
Hours must have gone by. Hours filled with even more sex, passion, and some of the most profound conversations you had had in a while.
But once the sun began to set and the lagoon got darker and darker, Loki stirred and you, much to your dismay, decided to return to the palace through the stables to go unnoticed.
“Thor will decapitate me.”
“As if you care what Thor thinks,” you said, chuckling.
Loki smirked. “I don’t. But I do quite fancy my head, pet.”
Pet. There it was again. Before your mind could swoon over his new nickname for you, you were interrupted by a cute and boyish voice the very moment you entered the stables.
“Prince Loki! Shall I prepare your horse for you?”
The stable boy emerged from behind a wooden wall carrying a pitchfork. He was sweaty from the manual labour and his clothes were filthy from working with the horses. He was cute though. You could tell he had a heart for animals straight away.
“No need, Edri. I’m just passing through. Avoiding attention, you understand.”
“Of c—oh. You brought company. Oh…” He paused, blushing. “You brought beautiful company.”
You smiled at him but not without noticing how Loki tensed up right next to you. His arm came up to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to make a statement. Edri immediately cleared his throat and forcefully ripped his gaze away from you.
“Well then… I haven’t seen either of you, my prince.”
“Thank you.”
“Loki? Can I see your horse?”
“I’ve just fed her. She’s right over there?” Edri offered before he could answer.
Loki gave you a smirk and a defeated sigh. “Very well.”
The experience did not disappoint. After Edri led you into one of the boxes, you were greeted by one of the most beautiful black mares you had ever laid your eyes upon. She seemed friendly—and she immediately let you touch her and even neighed in delight when Edri slid you an apple to feed to her.
“What’s her name?”
“Skelmir—it’s Old Norse for Trickster,” Loki answered.
You chuckled. “So she’s as mischievous as you then?”
“Occasionally.” He winked.
“She likes you. Skelmir is one of the shyer horses around here,” Edri explained. “Animals can tell if one has a good heart.” His gaze was soft and gentle—and it lingered long enough to make Loki seethe, it seemed.
“We should head inside now. Shall we? Edri.” His voice was stern and you chuckled once more, realising with a start that Loki was jealous the stable boy was flirting with you. There was no real danger here, of course—he was cute but it was Loki who had stolen your heart. But you were flattered. The fact that he was jealous meant he cared, right?
You nodded, tearing your mesmerised glance off of Skelmir, and followed Loki back into the palace. Not even a moment later, an aggressive voice echoed through the palace walls.
Loki sighed. “What?”
You both turned, facing a fuming Thor.
“Where were you two? The entire palace was looking for you!” The God of Thunder spoke your name reproachfully. “You were supposed to remain supervised, Father said—“
“I was supervised,” you offered.
“By Loki! There is a reason we have asked you to stay away from him.”
“Oh, please.” What’s the worst thing I could do? Sleep with him? You grinned at your thought.
“Where did you even go? Why is your hair wet?”
Neither of you answered and Thor sighed. “Well, what’s done is done, I just hope Loki didn’t twist your head with his nonsense too much.” Your grin grew even wider—and Loki joined in. Part of you wanted to tell Thor, just to see his reaction but perhaps for now, it was for the best not to tell him that you had quite literally fucked the God of Mischief.
“We’re having a midsummer celebration in the throne room tonight. Everybody is welcome.”
You turned to Loki. “What’s that gonna be like?”
“Drinking, dancing, eating, and karaoke. Surprisingly, it’s not too different from celebrations on Midgard.”
“Karaoke? On Asgard? You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Well, I’d dare assume the songs we sing are nothing like what you are used to from Midgard but essentially, the concept is the same.”
“I won’t miss that then. But only if you get up there and sing too,” you teased, grinning at him. Thor tilted his head in confusion, clearly not used to somebody being all flirty with his adopted brother.
“I’ll have a maid sent to the guest chambers to dress you for the occasion,” Loki said. And with that, and perhaps to not raise even more suspicion in Thor, he walked off with a final wink.
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You didn’t realise how hungry you were until the maid came knocking on your door about an hour later, a selection of dresses in her hands—the decision was quickly made to wear the green one she had brought. It took her half an hour to get your still a little damp hair situated before finally, she escorted you to the throne room that had transformed into what could only be described as a food hall.
Your eyes scanned the room and you smiled awkwardly when Volstagg waved at you.
“Looking for someone in particular?” Loki offered, appearing behind you. Your heart skipped a beat and you spun around, joining him at the table he led you to. The other people chatting away and drinking there you did not recognise but that wasn’t important. Not even the fact that Volstagg and the others looked downright shocked upon you choosing to sit with Loki rather than with them mattered.
“You look beautiful, pet. One could mistake you for an Asgardian.”
“Thank you. I’ll blend in then. Is that the stage for the karaoke?” You pointed at an elevated platform next to the throne.
“It is indeed,” Loki said while a maid came by to pour you drinks.
“I don’t see a microphone.”
“You don’t need one. The stage is enhanced with magic. Once you step on it, your voice will be heard across the entire throne room.”
You clinked your glasses and then, the celebrations began.
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You got tipsy fast, the Asgardian mead messing with your mind only one drink in. Loki needed a few more to let go. You learned from one of the men sitting at the table with you that Loki used to be the most hedonistic party guest one could possibly invite to a celebration.
You did not doubt it—because after a few more drinks, Loki stumbled on stage and sang an Old Norse song. He even changed to lyrics of the chorus to English so you could sing, clap and dance along and just for once, it seemed, all was well.
No one was judging him for attempting to take over Earth but rather for how much mead he’d already downed. You’d possibly never had this much fun in your life. And even though you’d refrained from singing a song yourself, you soon found yourself in Loki’s arms, dancing like there was no tomorrow.
The sexual tension between you grew with every beat until eventually, the God of Mischief leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Let me take you to my chambers, pet.”
You nodded with wide eyes, unable to ignore the wanton pulsing between your legs. Next thing you knew, you were on Loki’s bed on his armchair in his chambers, kissing him senseless.
“Loki…” you mumbled against his lips. “I wanna…” Another kiss, leaving you breathless.
“Wanna suck you off…” you choked out. Loki pulled away for a moment, surprise evident on his gorgeous face. He tilted his head with parted lips.
“You truly are the most peculiar mortal I have ever met.”
You grinned. “Would you say I’m also the most endearing one?”
Fuck, you felt like a teenager again. Loki and you spent half the night making out, exploring each other’s bodies, and coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of one another. By morning, he was familiar with every square inch of your skin and the soreness between your legs… it spoke for itself when you opened your eyes in his chambers when the sun was up again, naked, satisfied, and happy. Heavens, you’d spent the night making love to a god, after all! Life couldn’t get any better than that… right?
You rolled over, briefly distracted by a stinging pain in your neck. Ouch. Loki had gotten quite rough at some point last night, attacking your sensitive skin with his teeth and sucking and nibbling wherever his mouth had landed on.
“Good morning, pet…” Loki purred.
You smiled sleepily. “Good morning.” You sighed. “I want to spend the entire day in bed,” you stated. But then, your stomach growled.
Loki chuckled. “I’d dare say your body disagrees and needs sustenance after all the… activities last night.”
Reluctantly, you got out of bed. He was not wrong. You were starving. You walked over to the mirror naked, examining the hickeys he gave you last night. The one on your neck wasn’t a hickey though. It was an actual bite mark.
“Shit, Loki, I had no idea you’d be so kinky in bed.” You chuckled, practically admiring it. Loki came up behind you, his hands stroking over your upper arms as his blue gaze crossed yours in the reflection.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not more than hickey, surprisingly. I suppose you don’t have make-up here to cover this up though? That’d be easier than explaining to the rest of Asgard why the Earth girl suddenly has a bite mark on her neck.”
Loki waved his hand and the bruise disappeared. “Wait, did you…”
“It’s still there. I’ve concealed it. We can head to the healing room once you’re dressed.”
“Oh, okay.”
The banging on the door that followed had the God of Mischief sigh.
“Loki, I know you’re in there! There’s someone here to see you. You have a lot of explaining to do, brother!”
Loki frowned.
“Who?” you asked quietly.
“I don’t know. I don’t normally get visitors from other realms. At least none that announce themselves officially and march straight through the palace doors. Get dressed, pet. I shall take you to the healing room right after.”
You nodded, putting on the clothes he conjured for you, and gave your hair a quick brush before you followed him outside, making sure that nobody saw you leaving his chambers. You made your way through sun-kissed hallways. It was a beautiful morning and you could already smell the Asgardian delicacies waiting to fill your tummy.
Still, you were curious about who Loki’s mysterious and unannounced visitor was. So you joined him, pushing the thought of breakfast to the back of your mind for now. In sight came a blonde woman with a suit of armour very similar to Loki’s, a guard right next to her to ensure she didn’t pose a threat.
“Who is that?” you whispered.
Loki swallowed thickly, his lips parted. His voice was a mix of relief and surprise. “That… Sylvie.”
“Your Asgard doesn’t look too different from mine, actually,” she said by way of a greeting.
“What are you doing here?”
“What, are you not happy to see me?” she mocked. Loki pulled her into an embrace. You felt a twang of jealousy inside of you.
“I’m glad to see you’re okay. Come in. And tell me what you’ve been up to. Have you heard from Mobius?”
“Not yet. Communication is a bit brittle across time and space. I have a lead on Renslayer though. You won’t like to hear it but she was last seen with Kang.”
“Great. So that’s another problem on our growing list.”
“Who’s that?” Sylvie nodded toward you and all of a sudden, you felt self-conscious about yourself. You lifted your chin in a feeble attempt to feign confidence.
You told her your name before Loki could answer, followed by a quick explanation as to why you were here. “And who exactly are you?” you asked then.
“She’s… me,” Loki answered for her. “Well, not exactly me but one of my Variants—from another corner of the multiverse, if you will.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Sometimes I wish I was, pet.”
“Pet? What’s going on?” Sylvie scanned your form—then, her eyes fell on your neck. “Is that… You idiot! You marked her?”
You frowned. How could she even see it? But you supposed that if she was a Loki, then she was able to see right through his concealment. “What? What does that mean?”
“She’s human, Loki! It’s a miracle she’s even alive!”
Loki glared at her, daring her to keep speaking all the while your confusion kept growing. Marked you? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
“Can we speak about this in private? Preferably where not the entire palace can hear us?”
“Loki, what does she mean?”
“The bite mark of a Frost Giant,” Sylvie explained coldly, “it’s like a magical seal that signifies a partnership between two Frost Giants.”
“So… what… does that mean I have magic in my veins right now?”
Sylvie ignored you. “What were you thinking, Loki?”
“I was drunk!”
“Of course you were.”
“Oh, don’t think for a second I wouldn’t have done this had I not been. She’s fine.”
Just this morning, you had asked yourself what exactly Loki and you were. Calling him your boyfriend seemed inappropriate but quite apparently, you now had an answer to your question. Partner.
Loki did not seem like the type of person who would sleep with just anyone. Having fun and giving pleasure was one thing but even then… the God of Mischief surely was selective with his lovers. You bit your lower lip. You hadn’t known about the meaning of this bite mark but you couldn’t say you minded it. If that was his way of making you his, you’d receive it with open arms. You could only imagine the exciting kind of future you’d have with Loki—even if it would take a while to convince whoever this Sylvie was that just because you were human, that didn’t mean you’d let anyone mess with you or keep you away from the cheeky God of Mischief.
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A/N: Come check out my blog if you like for more Imagines and my novels! ♥
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
As far as pcp goes, how would you go about creating and worshipping your own deity, if thats possible?
Hello hello!
As requested, I am tagging @alter-altars and @janhasnoplan in this answer. For convenience, I'm breaking this down into three headers - Don't Get Caught In A Cult, DIY Gods, and Religions From A Writing Perspective.
Don't Get Caught In A Cult
Cults are fucking terrible. And the worst part is, the more immune you THINK you are to them, the more likely you'll be to fall for their tricks.
The New Age to Alt-Right pipeline is a big example of this in metaphysical spaces, but many people have also drawn parallels between Jehovah's Witnesses, the Amish, or Mormons and cults - not because the model is wrong, but because groups that are cults often get away with it in many parts of the United States.
You may not be trying to start a cult for your DIY divinity, but it's important to be aware of the warning signs. People much smarter than I (or at least have the PhDs for it) have written many things about how to identify and escape cults, which brings us to:
Important Links
Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control on the Freedom Of Mind Resource Center
Mind Control - The BITE Model on the ex-cult Resource Center
The BITE Model of Cult Mind Control Explained by Joseph Sherwood on A Little Bit Human
How to Recognise a Cult; How to Avoid Cults That May Try to Convert You; and How to Leave a Cult on WikiHow
What To Do When You Realize You Accidentally Joined A Cult ​by Carrie Saum on Ravishly
How To Help A Loved One Who Joined A Cult by Stephanie Gomulka on Oxygen: True Crime
@pondering-the-kaiju's entire pinned post
DIY Gods
People have been making up gods for their needs for as long as we've had gods. Aradia (the creation of Charles Leland, fuck that dude) has one book as her source. Cernunnos appears on maybe one cauldron. People make up Greek gods all the time because there were just so many of those guys, what's one more? (Good examples of this are Mesperyian and, arguably, Makaria.) And, of course, we can't get through this without mentioning Robert Graves (fuck Robert Graves) creating the White Goddess as his wife's self-insert.
So yes, creating your own god is possible and has precedent. You could even argue that every god was created by someone at some point, because that's just how humans work. We see an idea (often because we're introduced to it by someone else), we go "Oh, that's neat!", and then we take the bits that work for us and we add new stuff that helps flesh out the divine in question. It's how Aphrodite evolved from Astarte, it's how Dionysus got developed and changed over time, and it's how we have the two Wiccan divines.
I recommend studying other religions and how they came to be, because that will also help you learn about how the gods in question came to be. Who moved where? What gods got brought along and turned into other gods? I particularly recommend looking at the Romans and how they went "Wow, everyone worships our gods but with different names! Neat!"
Important Links
Literally anything by Overly Sarcastic Productions that goes into detail about the origin of various deities (which is mostly on Red's end) - namely these ones about Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hades and Persephone and Demeter, Hermes, and Loki
Anything broadly about deity work and religion, frankly, because in the course of developing your divine figure, you'll have to come up with their offerings and portfolio and what they may help you with
Wolf Of Antimony Occultism - aka @wolfofantimonyoccultism here on Tumblr, they're creating their own religion that's really cool to see
Religions From A Writing Perspective
At heart, I am a worldbuilder. I build worlds. That's what I DO. My Kephea project is a great example of this, though I have others as well. In particular, I love building magic systems and religions.
I will accept any chance to talk about my Kephea project, but this is about building a religion. Generally speaking, religions like to talk about the following three things:
How did the world come to be?
How should we act towards one another?
What happens when we die?
Not every religion (real-world or in media) talks about all of these. Hell, some don't touch on any of them. Here's a fictional example of a religion that has some things to say: the Church of Avacyn (the plane of Innistrad in Magic: The Gathering):
Doesn't discuss how the world came to be.
Says that humans should help and protect each other from the monsters of Innistrad, which include vampires, werewolves, zombies, geists, and even other humans. Later says that humans are inherently sinful during the height of Avacyn's madness and they should be slain to save them from themselves. One archangel and her flight took that second part personally and caused a schism in the church.
Promises a Blessed Sleep that won't be bothered by undeath in either zombie or geist form. This isn't going well now that the archangel and her flight who oversees it are destroyed.
It's important to sit and think about how your religion addresses or doesn't address these questions. Is it more of a henotheistic approach, where any number of gods exist but you only worship some? Is it a monotheistic approach, where there's only a single deity? Is it a polytheistic approach, where there are many deities with a strong connecting thread? Is it an entirely different approach, like archetypes (the Mother, the Child, the Himbo), natural forces (the sun and moon, the forest, the potty pond), or something else? That's up to you.
A lot of my links here will be about polytheistic religions, because those are the ones I build the most. Yes, I have a lot of these links, because this is one of my special interests.
Important Links
On Worldbuilding: Religions [ polytheistic l Avatar TLA l Game of Thrones l Cthulhu ] by Hello Future Me/Timothy Hickson on YouTube (a written version of this video is also Part 12 in his book, On Writing And Worldbuilding volume 1)
So You Want To / Create a Mythopoeia; Fantasy Pantheon; and Stock Gods on TV Tropes
Creating a Religion Guide part 1, part 2, and part 3 on Roll For Fantasy
Common Misconceptions About Old Mythologies & Religions; Basic Tips To Create More Believable Sci-Fi & Fantasy Religions & Belief Systems; How To Create Fictional Structured Religions; and Things That Show Up In Christianity-Inspired Fiction That Aren't In The Bible on Springhole
List of religious ideas in fantasy fiction on Wikipedia
8 Tips for Creating a Pantheon for Your Novel by Jill Williamson on Go Teen Writers
How to Create God Characters for Your Fantasy World by Kathy Edens on ProWritingAid
In Summary
I didn't actually give advice, did I? I just kind of dumped a lot of my resources here. Oh well, hopefully you all get something useful out of this!
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'Loki' Head Writer on Season 2 Finale and MCU Future (esquire.com)
I think this more than enough proof how unsalvable this entire series always was going to be. Because they made the TVA fascists, they were based off of 1984 and had straight up nazi coding. Remember all the art promotion? But then they honestly call Mobius someone who's like a company man, who sometimes breaks the rules, but really he just wants to live his life. Mobius was a fascist for hundreds of years and never spared a single person or even tried thinking of another way. I don't understand how some can be so unaware of what they've written.
Oof, that interview was painful to read.
The bit about Mobius just comes to prove these people don't understand the ramifications of the stuff they have written. We saw Mobius as that "company man" in S1 and I have no idea what they have done with him in S2, but if he didn't have his own beliefs challenged then this character is in the exact same spot as the first S1 episode.
Most of the time, these writers keep moving their characters from one place to another but when it comes to characterization, they always end up the same way they started. The character is taken from point A to B but... has said character really learnt anything about themselves? Or are they just going through the motions, reacting to stuff happening to them and taking on roles that don't ever develop their own personal story?
Mobius is never challenged, he was a company man who in his own words didn't get hung up on "believe, not believe", he just "accepted what is" - which basically means he took everything the TVA said to him as the absolute truth - so he NEEDS to have those beliefs challenged. He has to be written as someone who feels guilt, regret, remorse, who understands his role in the machine, and who is changed by the story. But the writers never did that because it wasn't in their plans to tell a story against the TVA - as Wright said, the TVA is their Shield. They're the good guys! 🤦‍♀️
Now, what Martin says about Loki: "The big idea was taking Loki from a lowercase-g god, to a capital-G God" is slightly insulting. Loki IS a God. But the rest is even worse: "[...] he gets his throne—but it's not a throne he wants anymore. This is a duty. He's doing this so everyone else can have their lives. He's giving up the thing that he wants most so that everyone else can have their free will."
So, that's basically the worst possible story you could tell about him? He "gives up" what he wants most? So this is yet another case where Loki doesn't get what he wants? He gets a throne, that he never wanted in the first place and we've known that since Thor1, and he has to sacrifice himself, his life, his future, his needs... so that everybody else can have their lives? It's a confirmation of this...
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I don't know what to tell you. As a Loki fan that is not what I wanted to see. I haven't watched S2 so I have no idea if he takes on that role willingly or not, but this is Loki sacrificing himself yet again while those who did A LOT more damage than he ever did get away with it scot-free. And probably even the TVA is saved and protected and not burnt to the ground, right? Ugh.
Oh, and there's one more thing that blows my mind in that interview. This part:
Q: On a macro level, where would you say Loki Season Two fits in within the overall Marvel story? Eric Martin: "I actually don't know what the overall story is going to be. Things are so siloed off."
Marvel should be telling the head writers of their series what the overall story is. The MCU is supposed to be a "connected" universe. It doesn't surprise me that the latest phases are all over the place when these people have no idea what the main story is.
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i liked your original post reminding people to be mindful of matt's blindness when writing fanfics for him, but your new one is quite odd, to be honest.
anyone who writes for him is free to interpret his character based on what stood out to them in the show, and how they use that interpretation to insert or conduct matt in their stories is very honestly up to them. there are famous and generally agreed-upon headcanons for matt because of popular fanfics in the dd fandom (which i'm also a big fan of), but ultimately they're just that: headcanons.
you may interpret matt as someone who would worship whoever he's dating, but many might not interpret his character as the same. i know you mean well, but i feel that being authoritative over how to write his character takes out the fun in writing fanfics for characters.
OMG HI!!! Thank you so much for responding!!!
Remember: this is my opinion. Not fact. I am not claiming my words to be fact, nor word I ever <3
Totally get where you're coming from; let me clarify my post.
So, there are fictional men like, Jess Mariana, Peter Parker (comic book, not live action) Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Clark Kent, that I feel like can be written overall in a pretty safe and vague way...they're the sweet guys of the fandom, and if you were to put the worst dialog on the planet by those characters but they were having picnic with so and so person, I honestly would read it and believe every action and movement.
If you were to write Though, when writing, Anakin Skywalker, Loki, Bruce Wayne, and Matthew Murdock/Daredevil... we enter this new world of layered writing that should be handled in a way that the reader (even if its for fun) gets the density of their personality, and tendencies.
I said, "Remember that Matthew Murdock is Daredevil, and Daredevil is not Matthew Murdock."
That, is what it means... and I don't feel like I have to defend it that much. His character is almost like moonknight in a way when you're writing two at once. Whichever you choose to focus more on, will reveal that personality for itself. Also, I've read some fan fics that do play this out very well. At night, and at all times at night; Daredevil is rougher with his love intrest, adn himself... vs the day where it's more puppy love.
"Sure he'd want to get a girlfriend, propose THEN have a kid. HOWEVER, throw in a wildcard of a women into the mix, and the order will have to change. Or, throw in if the oc hangs out with Matthew, she may go for the more traditional approach to a family. Vs, a character like Mercedes Castle (My OC. Check out Cherie on Wattpad!) who is more like Daredevil, but spends more time with Matt, then that changes the mix entirely because she's not traditional, but he is."
Again, this goes with handling with person you're oc is hanging around more often.... going back to the daredevil at night thing, I feel like choosing his choices for lets say the oc (at night) says, "I'm pregnant." right? Daredevil (imo) won't be as happy about that, but come the morning, Matthew Murdock plead his heart out to her and ask for "forgiveness" for being so rude.
"Matthew love interest, please remember that they become his god. He worships them, so he will bend the side of him he doesn't like to please her."
So, this can get see as authoritative towards his character. I get my wording was a lil off but, hear me out.
A lot of fan fics i've read MASTER this concept of "worshiping" the oc. But, I'm not saying whatever I say is fact, but in the show he does have a tendency to put xyz character in place of his own self (depending on how much he's 'into' them.) Sure, I get what you mean like, "you may interpret Matt as someone who would worship whoever he's dating, but many might not interpret his character as the same." saying that it takes away the 'fun' but hear me out. We want authenticity, and it feel better as the reader when you are given that raw dialog, and movements. my opinion: I love the worshiping idea, and it plays really well in a prompt when something happen to character B, and he has to give everything up to help them
Why am I writing this?:
Well because I really care about this character, and I hate to see such an intriguing person, get subjected to things that cross their moral standard.
we all have the capabilities to grow and accept others opinions!
and three, well, I just have been writing him for so long, that when I see a post like, "his eyes met my face" I'm like... girly. No. No he didn't because he's blind. And, when I see a pregnancy scare, and she's like, "He slipped his black mask away from his face and hugged me in excitement, saying 'I am so excited to start a family with you.'" I'm like... waitttttt hold up, and hear me out.
If you have a problem with this, please send in a request! Also, I'm open for requests about Matt, so enjoyyyy queens!
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stewardofningishzida · 9 months
Stephen Strange Meta-Fic Sequel — Chapter 16: The Trials
It’s time for Stephen’s apprentices to advance and achieve Master Rank! What challenges will they face? Also, our cast of characters has expanded again. ;-)
TRIGGER WARNING: Scary situations, bad language.
Chapter 16: The Trials
*After Broken Stephen’s return to his home universe, we focus hard on preparing for our Master’s Trials.  Loki visits a few times to help us with a few key points, as well as showing us a bit extra while Stephen and Wong are busy.  The Trials come upon us quickly and although we’re nervous and fully know what to expect, we did our best to study and get ready.  I feel a bit nauseous, but want to get this done.*
Me (tense):  So…we ready?
Trix (slightly woozy): Honestly, this is feeling way worse than my bachelor’s.
Prettywitch: Same.
Me:  At least the written portion shouldn’t be that bad, right?  *I try to give a hopeful smile.*
Trix: Oh god, those were always my worst in school because I’d psych myself out. *She starts to panic slightly*
Me (soothingly):  Whoa, whoa.  Breathe, Trix.  Slow, deep breaths in and out.  We’ve been studying for weeks.  It’ll be okay.  *I pat her back.*
Trix (calming): Right. Deep breaths. I’m the book and word person, this is no problem! *Trying to hype herself up.*
Prettywitch: Good. Just keep telling yourself that and you’ll be fine.
Me (taking a deep breath):  Okay…Let’s get this done.  We know the material.  Hell, we’ve been through enough weird stuff to have at least an idea for each thing anyway.  All I know is that it’s a written portion and 2 practicals.  One of them is solo and the other is as a team.  So, catch you on the flip side?
Trix (smirking slightly): Godspeed Spider-Man! *She gives a small two-finger salute.*
Prettywitch: *Laughs.*
*I return the salute, Marine Corps-style, and then we go into a repurposed meditation room that they turned into an exam hall for our written portion.  Wong and Stephen have us sit a fair distance from one another and hand us the papers.  The written exam is underway.  We have 3 hours with a break halfway through.  It’s long and tough, but it’s a comprehensive review of everything we’ve been taught.  Most of it is theory, but some of it is safety guidelines and practical knowledge just to make sure we know what we’re doing before the practical.  We emerge from the first exam already tired.  My head is throbbing.*
Trix: Oh god, written exams are hell.
Me:  …I need painkillers.
Prettywitch: I need a hot bath and a decent night's sleep when we’re done. I hate studying!
Me:  …Did they say anything about when the practicals are scheduled?
Trix (pauses):……no…and that has me suddenly concerned because I was so nervous about the written portion that I didn’t think about that part.
Me:  Let’s at least get some food and water.  Make it quick.  I don’t like the way they were both watching us after the written exam.
Prettywitch: Okay. Okay. I’ll just grab myself some water.
Trix: *Pulling out her sling ring* Trust no one.  *She opens a portal to the kitchen and peeks through before swiping some snacks.*
*I accept them and rapidly down some water, painkillers, and a couple of snacks.  Right now, I’m doing it quickly because none of us knows what’s coming or when.*
*We notice some sparks erupting beneath us.*
Me:  Oh shi-
Trix (yelling): I knew it-
Prettywitch: Oh no…
*The three of us land in a large space.  We expected a training room, but this seems more like an open battlefield out in the middle of nowhere.  There are natural settings around us.  A few boulders, some scattered trees, and a small stream are nearby.*
Stephen:  Adepts Prettywitch, Trix, and Steward; you three are hereby challenged by your Masters to a duel.  We will test your skills and mettle as potential Masters.  By the will of the Vishanti, let this duel commence!  *He immediately casts the Flames of the Faltine at us, launching a wall of fire.*
*Trix jumps into action by casting a shield dome of crystal to cover the group.*
*Wong is nowhere to be seen.  Suddenly, the ground proceeds to crack open beneath the three of us as Wong swiftly ambushes us from below.  I telekinetically thrust down to force him back into the rapidly-forming hole and us into the air. Trix quickly closes the shield into a sphere while we’re in the air.*
Trix (shouting): What’s the plan?!
Me:  Incapacitate them as quickly as possible!  Whoever looks most vulnerable at any given time, we go for it!
PrettyWitch: Got it!
Trix: *The sphere is now floating for a moment before it begins to plummet* I’m going to release this and go offensive!
Me:  Right behind you!
PrettyWitch: *Forms a shield to protect Trix.*
*Trix breaks apart her shield but instead of dispersing the crystals, she condenses and summons them to her, creating a sort of crystal armor of orange and violet. She immediately directs her attention to Stephen and aims at him as she increases her falling speed.*
*Within half a second, a familiar red blur flies right at her, fully open to envelop Trix. The additional shield is quickly dispatched by the relic. Within a second, she allows herself to fall out of the crystal and continue falling, leaving the cloak to hold her previous shell.*
*Meanwhile, I use the Winds of Watoomb to blow a powerful air current down Wong’s pit to keep him there and direct Prettywitch to send the water of the stream into the hole to flood it.  Prettywitch allows the water to surround Wong and uses the Winds of Watoomb to trap him inside an ice sculpture.*
*Wong allows himself to be pushed down while trapped in the ice.  It seems like it worked when he falls out of view, but seconds later, he erupts out of the ground behind us.  He appears to rush at Prettywitch and me, but at the last second, he leaps in an attempt to have a go at Trix, complete with the Chains of Krakkan open and ready to attempt to capture her.*
*Trix quickly opens up a portal that takes her from her free fall to popping up from the ground behind him so she’s going upwards again.*
*Wong quickly kicks out behind him to try and sweep Trix’s leg out from under her as she emerges. It makes contact and she spins as she is catapulted upward again but takes the moment of weightlessness to right herself before creating another ball of crystal around her to fall again.*
*I release my telekinesis to save energy and begin to fall, but as I do, I cast the Images of Ikonn.  Soon, there are a dozen duplicates of myself and when they land, we all dart in different directions.  Some of us head for Wong and others for Stephen.  One of them casts Winds of Watoomb again to kick up a cloud of sand at Stephen’s face.  He shields himself before casting the Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon, taking a swing at any duplicates that come nearby to vanquish them in a poof of air.  Wong casts the Bolts of Balthakk to eliminate more of them.  However, now I’m nowhere to be found.*
*Prettywitch conjures several ribbons she forms into one giant cannon aimed at Wong.*
Prettywitch: Tiro Finale!
*Wong notices the cannon and quickly chants another incantation, suddenly becoming ethereal.  The blast passes harmlessly through him.  Once he draws breath again, he goes back to normal.*
*As the sphere begins to fall again, it begins to thicken and there’s a shadow where Trix is in the center. She takes aim at Wong this time and it shoots down at the sorcerer below. Other than some reflective light, the obscured crystal orb continues its descent.*
*Wong rolls out of the way and casts multiple shields in its path in an attempt to slow it down.  Privately, he makes a note to chide Trix for her recklessness.*
*The crystal sphere just punches through each of the shields like a cannonball, not slowing in its descent as it continues its trajectory. The sun reflects off of it, showing a couple sparks of light but it doesn’t look like it’s changing course.*
*Stephen is taken aback by what’s going on.  He’s on-guard for the other apprentices, but is concerned for Trix.  He redirects the stream to form a pool to cushion the sphere’s descent.*
*It does nothing as the sphere slams into the ground, shattering on impact in thousands of shards of crystals as a body can barely be seen through it all, bouncing lifelessly at the impact but immediately covered in the giant pile of shattered crystals.*
*Both sorcerers go silent and Wong rushes to check on Trix.  When he goes to look, there’s only a crystalline dummy nestled within the wreckage.  His expression goes quickly from concern to stunned, but as he’s looking at the dummy, I dispel my invisibility spell, casting the Mists of Morpheus on him from behind.  Wong lets out a grunt of annoyance before falling over unconscious.  Now, it’s just Stephen and the Cloak left.*
*PrettyWitch conjures her makeshift staff, again. Only instead of the Sealing Wand, it’s Sakura’s wand from Clear Card. So she conjures one of the Clear Cards.*
Prettywitch: Lucid! *The card cloaks her, making her invisible to Stephen’s eye. She then pulls out another. * Siege! *She traps Stephen inside the magic box.*
*Trix suddenly appears out of a portal above the cloak and casts a Conjurer’s Sphere, trapping the relic inside.  The Cloak attempts to escape, throwing itself futilely against the walls of the Sphere.*
Trix: Sorry!
Me:  Gotta catch ‘em all, Trix.
Prettywitch: Exactly. All’s fair in love and war.
*Trix takes the opportunity to fall into another portal to slow down her descent. She doesn’t reappear immediately.* 
*Stephen is surprised by this new development.  We turn to face him.  In the meantime, he’s been mentally probing the box and smirks, using his Sling Ring to portal out.  He takes a step forward to watch us with an almost amused look.  However, he doesn’t attack.  At least not yet.*
Me (purring):  So, one Master left…  
*Stephen watches us quietly.  He thinks I’m about to start monologuing and casts the Images of Ikonn.  Immediately after that, the duplicates all cast the Clamps of Containment at us, attempting to chain us from every angle.  I was, however, paying attention and cast the Shield of the Seraphim around us, blocking his assault.*
*Prettywitch digs her fingers into the ground and gives birth to two, giant hands made of roots that fly towards Stephen and grabs hold of him.*
*The “Stephen” that was grabbed poofs away.  Meanwhile, the real Stephen casts the Flames of the Faltine, burning the root-hands to a crisp.  His guard is back up as he keeps an eye on what we’re doing.  The duplicates start to surround us.  Though they can’t get through the shields.*
Me (smoothly, to the real Stephen while still holding the shield up.):  Did you honestly think you’d catch me monologuing?  *I look smug.*
Stephen (curled lip):  What was that line that The Ancient One used on me all of those years ago again?  Oh yeah…”Silence your ego”.  *He snaps his fingers and turns my shield into a swarm of blue butterflies before getting ready for another cast.*
Trix: *She appears next to Steward from a portal* You have to admit the ego is warranted in this case!
*He jumps back, startled, and watches both of us carefully.  I cast the Bolts of Bedevilment at him and he conjures a shield to dispel my attack.  Stephen is suspicious of Trix, seeing as she hasn’t done anything yet.*
*Trix tries to conjure some Crimson Bands of Cytorakk but only some sparks happen and she pales.*
Trix (exhausted): Shit. *She stumbles slightly*
*PrettyWitch gets an idea and conjures another Clear Card and stores it for later. In the meantime, she pulls out Neptune’s hand mirror.*
Prettywitch: Submarine Reflection! *A giant stream of water is sent blasting towards Stephen.*
*Stephen quickly conjures a shield around himself to withstand the blast and have air.  Remembering his duplicates, he sends his images after us, but as they close in, I inhale and cast the Flames of the Faltine around us, blasting them away.*
*Suddenly, Stephen hears someone behind him but it’s too late.*
PrettyWitch: *She pulls out the card she’d stored away and activates it.* Snooze!
*As PrettyWitch casts the spell on Stephen, Trix lets her illusion of herself fade away from next to Steward. She was actually back by Wong, just in case. Stephen falls unconscious.*
*After a minute, Wong stirs and awakens.*
Wong (groggy, but direct):  Congratulations.  You three have passed the written and teamwork aspects of the Trials.   
Trix (exhausted): Oh thank the Vishanti! *She allows herself to plop on the ground.* You guys are scary. *She releases the Cloak* Sorry buddy, but I had to!
*It zips over and nuzzles Trix gently, evidently forgiving her.*
PrettyWitch: Awe! How cute!
Me:  Phew…Okay, sweet…*I’m stubbornly trying to stay standing and look triumphant.*
*Wong turns to look at Trix.  It’s hard to read his expression.*
Wong:  That stunt with the sphere was extremely reckless.  I do not want a repeat of it again, understood?
Trix (raising a finger): Is it still reckless if I was out of the sphere before it even got to terminal velocity that last time? If anything, I think it worked perfectly and I was never in any danger!
*Wong stares her down for a tense moment.*
Wong (grumbling):  Fine, but do not scare us like that again.
*Trix’s bottom lip pushes out as she gets emotional that Wong was worried before she scrambles up and runs to give him a hug.*
Trix: Don’t worry! I wouldn’t do that again because an enemy wouldn’t care if I got hurt or not. I didn’t mean to scare you that badly as a distraction.
*Wong grunts as he gets glomped, but lets her.  He reluctantly pats her on the back.*
Wong (begrudgingly proud, but subtle about it as always):  Well done, then.  It was…effective, to say the least.
*Trix blushes before letting go.*
PrettyWitch: *She looks over towards the good doctor.* So what are we going to do about Stephen?
Me:  I’ll see if one of us needs to wake up Stephen.  Just a sec.
*I go check on him.  He’s starting to wake back up.*
Stephen:  Ergh…*He shakes his head and looks up at us.*  Congratulations, girls.  You passed the team practical.  By Vectron’s Kindly Claw, my back…*He gets up and stretches.*  
Trix (from her spot next to Wong): Looks like someone is feeling their age. *She’s teasing.*
Stephen (sarcastic):  Very amusing.  *He gets serious for a moment.*  That stunt with the crystal sphere-
Wong:  I already lectured her, Strange.  She won’t do it again.
Stephen:  Good.  I’m proud of you girls.  Keep going, but let’s please try not to give us both heart attacks, shall we?
Trix: I mean, it worked…and Wong hugged me but you were unconscious so……
PrettyWitch: Yeah…Sorry about that…
Me (teasing gently):  We love you both too.~
Stephen:  *Remembering something.*  Ah.  Right.  The Second Trial has passed.  Only the final one remains.  I hereby declare this duel over.  *He bows to us to indicate that we have met their challenge and passed this Trial.  Wong does the same.  My face flushes at the praise and ceremony.  This feels weird to me, but I’m happy.  I still feel awkward just standing there.  So, I bow back to show respect towards both of them.  Stephen gives me a small smile in response.*
Trix: *She’s grinning as she bows to both Wong and Stephen. Exhausted, Trix is running on fumes and praise but isn’t going to last much longer.*
Prettywitch: *She bows and decides she needs to check on Stephen and make sure she didn’t cause him any harm after.*
Stephen:  *Touched by Prettywitch’s concern*  It’s okay.  I’m fine, really.  *He looks at the three of us.*  We’ll call it a day for now.  I think you’ve more than earned a rest.
Me:  Thank you…*I wobble slightly, but remain stubborn for a moment before opening a portal directly to our quarters.*
Trix: Yeah, my legs won’t even get that far. *She opens a portal behind herself without looking and trust falls into her bed before closing the portal.*
*I watch tiredly and try to move through the portal I created.  My legs are no longer responding despite my desire to walk normally.  I sigh.*
Me (resigned):  Okay.  Fine.  Yeah.  Trix had it right.  *I copy her move and land on my bed with a pained grunt.*
*Prettywitch gets into bed and decides to listen to relaxing shower sounds on her phone to help herself relax and take a nap.*
Stephen (to Wong):  They make a great team.  I was worried at first, but I think they’ll be okay.
Wong:  Now to see how they handle things on their own.  You know as well as I do that they will have to work separately too on occasion.
Stephen:  Tomorrow, Wong.  Let them rest.
Wong:  It could realistically happen at any time-
Stephen (giving him a look, knowing his friend is just as tired as he is):  Do you REALLY want to arrange their last Trial tonight?
Wong (stifling a yawn):  Not really…
Stephen:  Then tomorrow.  
Wong:  Fine.
Stephen:  Good night, Wong.
Wong:  Night, Strange.
*They also retreat to their respective quarters.  The night passes uneventfully.  In the morning, we’re still achy from yesterday.  Stephen greets us after breakfast, still looking a bit worse for wear himself.*
Stephen:  Good morning, ladies.
Trix (sleepily): Sup! *She is facedown on the table but giving a weak thumbs up.*
Me (mumbling into my coffee cup):  Mornin’…
Prettywitch: Morning, Stephen.
Stephen:  It’s time I showed you a trick that the Masters use to maintain their stamina and relieve aches from previous battles.  It takes a bit of time and one cannot always afford this luxury, but there are some hotsprings with healing properties hidden away in the mountains here.  They are typically used after prolonged fights and during the rare day off.  I think a momentary soak this morning will be invaluable to you three before your final Trial.
Trix (her head lifting up): Stephen, I think I just fell in love with you, though my allegiance is still with Wong.
Stephen (patting her head, lip curled):  Points for honesty, I suppose.
Me (still slurring my words from fatigue):  I’d like that, yeah.  Thanks, Stephen.
Prettywitch: Yes, thank you. My neck could really use it; I think I’m starting to get a tension headache from how clenched it is.
Stephen:  I will meet you three in the courtyard momentarily.
*We finish our meal and summon our towels before meeting Stephen.  He opens a portal and guides us through.  Despite the icy wind buffeting the slopes of the Himalayas, this spot is warm and the gale-force winds are suddenly reduced to a gentle breeze.  The area of the hot springs, though surrounded by the rugged mountain environment, is encircled by soft grass and gently-sloping blossoming trees.  Steam rises slowly from the pools of water.  I look at the water longingly.*
Stephen:  Go ahead, girls.  *He turns to let us change and get into the springs.*
*I change as quickly as I can, aching joints permitting, before carefully lowering myself into the water up to my neck.*
Trix (as she’s changing): I think we just found out the best Master’s perk. We need to find our own hot springs at home, just saying.
*She finishes changing and slips into the water up to her nose as she practically melts in the water*
Me (eyes closed lazily):  Amen to that…
Prettywitch: *She slowly dips herself in, allowing herself to adjust to the heat little by little until she finally rests her head on the soft rock beneath.*
Stephen:  I’ll let you girls relax for a while.  I’ll be back to warn you before your Trials.
Me:  Mm’kay.  
Trix: My true enemy will be the lack of hot spring.
PrettyWitch: You can say that again.
*We soak quietly, enjoying the peace for a while.  It feels so good.  I feel the knots in my muscles steadily loosening as the warm water does its work.  The weightless environment of being submerged also relieves my joints.  I let out a quiet, relaxed sigh of happiness from not being in pain.*
Trix: Yeah, I understand why this is Master’s only. It’s like the adults only area on a cruise ship. *She smirks* Good thing we’re spoiled by our masters for letting us in here early.
Me (eyes still closed):  Yep…*I’m too relaxed to talk much right now.*
Prettywitch: Yeah. Might be a fun way to get Stephen and Clea together. *She smiles happily at the thought.*
*After around 20 minutes, Stephen comes by to check on us.*
Stephen:  How are we feeling?
Trix: Best secret spot ever. 
Me:  Much better.  We really appreciate this.
Prettywitch: Fuck yes…
Stephen:  Good.  It’s time you got back.  I can’t say exactly when your final Trials will be, but they’re soon.  All of you need to get ready.
Trix:…can we get ready without leaving the hot spring? *She’s only partially joking.*
Me (mildly reluctant, but acquiescing):  Okay.  Let’s do this, then.  *I start shuffling to prepare to get up.*
Prettywitch: Ah, okay.
Stephen:  I’ll come back to get you in 5 minutes.  Go ahead and get changed back into your robes.  *He leaves again.*
*Trix reluctantly gets out of the hot springs and changes. She uses a spell to dry her hair so it doesn’t freeze.*
*I do the same, though I had kept my head above water and my hair in a bun on top of my head because it frizzes easily when wet.*
*Prettywitch simply magics a hair clamp into her hand and puts her ponytail on top of her head, so as to let whatever did get soaked dry.*
*Stephen comes back and takes us back to Kamar-Taj.  For a moment, we expect to be either called or ambushed, but after around 20 minutes, we decide to go about our own business.  Then, Trix gets a psychic message.*
Wong (psychic contact):  Trix, your final Trial is about to begin.  Meet me in the library.
Trix (psychic contact): Okay!
*She cautiously heads to the library and peeks her head in before carefully looking for Wong.*
Wong:  Some of the more cursed tomes need to be cleansed on occasion.  I saved this one for you.  Follow me.
*She begins to follow him.*
Trix: I’m a bit surprised that we’re doing this in the library still. Unless you’re using a containment area that’s hidden only to masters as well.
Wong:  An astute observation.  This particular volume is contained within its own pocket dimension.  Not to forbid others from reading it, but to keep it from actively corrupting those who come across it.  *He utters a brief spell and the area in front of them starts to warp and shimmer.  He gestures for Trix to head in.* 
Trix (deadpan): Lovely. *She steps inside.*
Wong (from outside, his voice becoming distorted as she enters):  Good luck!
Trix (startled that he’s not even going to be in there): Wait-
*Her head starts to ache as the aura of the cursed tome permeates her mind.  As it begins to weave its influence, vague figures begin to dance in her vision.  They start out misty before rapidly gaining shape.*
Trix (wincing): Alright, first thing’s first. *She casts a spell to purify herself and takes a brief moment to focus in her mindscape where she was once trapped. After setting some fortifications, she’s back in the real world where she stares down her opponent.*
*It appears to be Loki, looking at her in disappointment.*
“Loki”:  I should have known better than to mentor a clueless mortal girl.  You don’t even know how far you’re in over your head.
Trix: You should have known better than to try and use the biggest mother hen other than Stephen to pretend to be disappointed in me. 
*She summons a large blank tome, each page backed with custom runes and mandalas that she has been testing out. As she opens the book, she raises her hand and pages fly out, encircling “Loki”. With a gesture, they gain runes on the side facing the fake god.*
*”Loki” claps his hands, the sound echoing everywhere throughout the pocket dimension.  The pages turn to sheets of crystal before falling to the ground and shattering.  Trix hears another, unfortunately familiar voice in her ear.*
“Agatha” (purring):  Too easily distracted, my pet.  *She jerks back and slaps Trix.  Hard.*
*Trix snarls in anger as she summons her own magic to form crystalline claws on her fingertips.*
Trix (angrily): You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this, but first I have to find that bitch book so I can permanently take care of you. *She pauses for a moment to cast a locator spell, while also staying alert of “Loki” and “Agatha”.*
*She hears mocking laughter around her.  Meanwhile, the locator spell seems to bounce all over the place.*
Trix (slightly resigned): Lovely. To be expected, I guess. *She glances over at her company before thinking better of it. Instead she tries to focus on casting to see if she’s inside the book or if it’s an object she has to locate.*
*The wave of energy that she releases in her cast goes a distance before seemingly dispersing into thin air.  As though it hit a wall and dissolved.*
Trix (relieved): Gotcha. *Creating a shield between her and the distractions, she creeps up to the invisible wall and searches for any magic that could be what’s causing this.*
*It feels as though a shadow is somehow behind her eyes.  Perhaps a fragment still trying to worm its way inside.  Meanwhile, as she looks, the many-faceted cage of enchantments blurs.  However, the shimmering blurriness seems oddly…regular?  Upon closer inspection, she can see that the boundaries of the pocket dimension itself are made of words.  Some of which are from runes so archaic that she’d need ages more of studies to decipher them.*
Trix: Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. *She sets up a large barrier between her and the fake Loki and Agatha before focusing on her mindscape once more. It seems…hazier. Trix takes some time to fortify her mind and put up some protections and barriers before returning back to her task.*
*She hears what seems to be her own thoughts.  They’re faintly in the back of her head.*
“Why bother?  There’s only going to be more problems.  You can’t solve everything and you can’t always have others save your ass.”
Trix (calmly): See, intrusive thoughts, that’s where you’re wrong. If anything I can always bullshit my way out of anything if I can’t figure out the ‘right’ way.
*She extends the crystalline claws over her entire hands as protection as she tries to peel back the first layer of enchantments as she pours power into her gloves.*
*The enchantments spread onto her gloves like ink, rapidly beginning to eat away at the crystals as though they were acid.*
Trix (blinking in surprise): Okay, alternate tactic. *She summons her tome once more and places it on the ground in front of her before trying to magically coax that enchantment to latch on the blank book instead*
*With the apparent curiosity of a colony of ants, the runes begin to flow onto the pages.  With this new position, some gaps and errors become apparent in the spells, some completely changing the meanings and effects.*
Trix (grinning): Alright. Time to go big or go home. *She creates duplicates of her original empty book after placing cleansing runes on the spines of the books before repeating the process of coaxing the enchantment into a new environment so she can break up the influence on the pocket dimension.*
*The walls begin to warp more and the figures lose their corporeal forms.  The intrusive thoughts still manifest, but they sound more…tinny?*
“Still overlooking crucial details.  As usual.”
Trix (calmly): Chill out, I’m getting there. Gotta go step by step. *After the walls are down, she takes a look at words and runes and other writings before she begins to fix them by using her magic to warp the incorrect markings to the correct ones. She takes her time and is methodical, making sure that all the details in a section are correct before moving onto the next one. After a while and after multiple double checks, she finally finds no more flaws.*
*As Trix works, the walls have faded more and more.  By the time she finishes, she’s simply standing back in the library with Wong watching her closely.*
Trix (realizing where she is): Oh. Hi! *She pauses a moment before prodding him gently with her magic to make sure he’s real first.*
*Wong looks her up and down and then nods approvingly.*
Wong:  Good.  It seems you have learned well.
Trix: Well, it pays to have a great teacher.
Wong (smirking slightly):  Flattery will not earn your promotion today, but your skills have proven your worthiness.  Congratulations, Master Trix.
*Trix grins as she bows out of respect first before launching at him in a hug after a moment.*
Trix (excitedly): Thank you!
*He is ready for Trix this time and accepts the hug for once.*
Wong:  Yes, yes.  I know.  *He untangles himself from her grasp.*  Now you may don your new robes.  Here.  *He summons an ornate garment box and bestows it upon Trix with a bow of his own.*
Trix: I will! Thank you again! *She excitedly pulls out her sling ring and portals to her room to change.*
*He lets out his customary grunt of acknowledgement.*
Wong:  You may wait for your friends wherever you see fit.
*Trix nods before she closes the portal and changes into her new robes.*
*They fit perfectly and look very flattering, not to mention are incredibly comfortable.  The predominant color is dark green and it has patterning and trim reflecting the orange and violet of her soul’s aura.  It is done tastefully without being garish.  The tag inside of the clothing to indicate its owner has her name in Norse runes to reflect her allegiance with Loki.  The trim itself is a Norse geometric pattern, delicately done throughout the edges of the garment.  It is enchanted to keep Trix dry and at a comfortable temperature regardless of environmental conditions.*
Trix (in awe as she stares in the mirror): I see why they never change out of their usual robes now. I’m rarely going to take this off. This is beautiful! *She giggles to herself before opening a portal to the cafeteria since she believes Steward and PrettyWitch would have likely wandered to other parts of Kamar-Taj. After grabbing a light snack, she settles in and waits.*
*Meanwhile, I’m looking at some last-minute additions to some enchantments while sneaking in a quick lunch.  I always like to do a bit extra.  So, even though I had decent coverage before, I want to do more just in case.  As I still have a bit of my sandwich raised to my mouth, I’m contacted psychically by Stephen.*
Stephen (psychic contact):  Steward, please report to the courtyard for your Trial.  
Me (psychic contact):  On it.  
*I send my books away and promptly get up to meet Stephen, who’s waiting for me.  He has his Sling Ring at the ready.*
Stephen:  Adept Steward, are you ready to undergo your final Trial?
Me (serious):  Yes, Sir.
*He opens the portal to usher me through.*
Stephen:  Good luck.
*He doesn’t follow me through.*
*The area is completely dark except for a small lantern lit with a candle resting on the ground next to a handwritten note. The cobblestone floor is damp and uneven and the air is stale but somewhat damp. A stifling aura completely smothers the entire place.*
*I listen intently for any sounds while casting a scanning spell to figure out what’s in the area.  Looking down, I see the lantern and cautiously approach it, watching my surroundings and still remaining silent.  When I see the note, I quickly pick it up, not wanting to leave myself vulnerable for long.  While in the light of the lantern, I read it.*
It reads:
You have an hour to escape and make it to the entrance without the use of portals. If you need an evacuation, return to the Kamar-Taj courtyard. Good luck. -S.S.
*I scan the area again, trying to figure out what’s going on.  I know something is here, but can’t quite place it.  To avoid giving myself away as a target, I cast a spell of night-vision on myself so I can see in the dark without emitting any light sources.  Then, I glance around the room.*
*While the rather short ceiling and floors are made of stone, the walls are completely made of bones. Skulls, spines, anything that could be used was used. There are thousands just in this room alone. There is a single exit which seems to lead to a hallway with two directions: left or right.*
*I think for a minute, suspecting the location.  Then, I decide to try something.*
Me (quiet to avoid too much attention, but enough to be heard in the room):  Excusez-moi, si quelqu'un est ici, veuillez vous révéler.  (Translated:  “Excuse me, if anyone is here, please reveal yourselves.”)  *I’m addressing any spirits potentially here.*
*After a moment, the tension of the room disappeared as a ghostly teen steps out of the wall. He seems rather gaunt but dressed nicely enough for the mid 1800’s.*
Teen Ghost (hesitantly): Bonjour madame.
Me (to ease communication):  Parlez-vous Anglais?  (Translated:  “Do you speak English?”)
*The teen pauses before meekly nodding.*
Teen Ghost: Y-yes. I do not speak…good in English.
Me:  C’est bien.  (Translation:  “It’s fine.”)  You can switch to French whenever it gets difficult.  I understand it well.  I can help us both get out of here, but we’ll have to work together.  Do you know what is in the left passageway?
Teen Ghost (frowns): I do not… *He pauses* Je ne souhaite pas partir. Il y a un monstre là-bas. Ici, je suis en sécurité. (Translation: I do not wish to leave. There is a monster out there. Here I am safe.)
Me:  A monster?  *I look at him.*  What kind?  I may be able to deal with it.  Je suis une sorcière.  (Translation:  “I am a sorcerer.”)  I can do magic.  *I cast a small mandala to show him.*
Teen Ghost (frightened): C'est une ombre, je n'ai pas vu son visage et pourtant elle mange les âmes. Ma mère et ma sœur en ont été perdues lorsque nous avons été enterrés ici pour la première fois.
(Translate: It is a shadow, I have not seen its face yet it eats souls. My mother and sister were lost to it when we were first buried here.)
*I nod thoughtfully.*
Me:  I will scout ahead, then.  If the way is clear, I will come get you.  Being trapped in here cannot have been easy.
Teen Ghost (Thankful): Merci! Les autres esprits vous aideront. ils ont peur car l'ombre a également volé les âmes des vivants. (Translation: The other spirits will help you. They are scared as the shadow has stolen the souls of the living as well.)
Me (nodding at him):  De rien.  (Translation:  “You’re welcome.”)   I’ll be back.  Hopefully with friends.  *I look at the passageways and cast a detection spell down each one in an attempt to figure out if it’s nearby.  For now, I’m staying calm, knowing that negative emotions can attract and fuel evil entities.*
*The right passageway seems to be clear, but the spell pings something down the left passageway.*
*I think before heading right, erring on the side of caution.  I’m still mulling over how to deal with the soul eater, but if I can find more spirits to free, I know that it’ll help.*
*The path winds and curves, the walls still completely made of bones except for the occasional archway made of stone. The air still feels charged with nervous energy and dread as Steward continues on.*
*I scuff “X” marks on the right-hand side of the floor of the passage with my shoe to indicate to myself where I’ve been.*
Me (quiet to avoid attracting the soul eater, but enough to be heard by any spirits I pass by):  If anyone is trapped here, please reveal yourselves and follow me.  I will help you.  I will free you from this place.  *I repeat myself in French so others can understand.*
*Three ghosts step forward from the walls. A stark difference from the first ghost, these three are clearly tourists. From their clothing, they seem to be from the 80’s. There are two men and a woman and they clearly seem relieved.*
Ghostly Woman: Oh thank god, someone who can see us.
First Ghostly Man (terrified): We’ve been trapped here forever. You have to get us out of here or that thing will eat us. *He looks around nervously.*
Second Ghostly Man (upset): It’s like being trapped in an eternal horror movie. We were just here on vacation and now we’re trapped!
Me:  I heard about the creature, yes.  If any of you remember how you got down here so we can find the way out, I’d love to hear it.  First, there is some business to take care of.  Stick with me and I’ll make sure everyone gets out.  I’ve been here before and if we can at least get to the main passageway, I know the rest of the way.
Ghostly Woman: Deal. I’m Stacey.
Me (polite):  Nice to meet you, Stacey.
First Ghostly Man: I’m Peter. *He shuffles nervously.* We’ve been stuck in this hallway since we died. We haven’t been able to go anywhere, it’s like an endless hallway.
Second Ghostly Man: *He nods at Steward.* Jake. 
Me (sincere):  Thank you for trusting me.  Do you know of anyone else down here or no?  Otherwise, I have one more person to scoop up before we get started.
Jake: Occasionally the older ghosts wander through. There’s hundreds of them. It used to be a lot more of them before that thing showed up. It was a while after we first ended up…*He hesitates to say ‘dead’.*
Stacey: *She leans up against Jake.* Yeah, we’ve heard the screaming and the horrible noises when it gets someone, but if we hide in the bones and don’t move it doesn’t notice us.
Peter: Kinda like Jaws…
Me:  Good to know…*I take a mental note of this.*  Okay.  You all can follow me.  I have a connection to ghosts.  So, you won’t be bound down here anymore.  *I turn back to find the first ghost, but first, I cast a detection spell as a precaution to avoid any nasty surprises.*
*Steward is easily able to get back to the starting room undetected.*
Me (to the first ghost):  Je suis ici.  (Translation:  “I am here.”)  Come with me and I will keep us safe.
Teen Ghost (hesitantly): Oui. *He cautiously follows behind Steward and stares cautiously at the other ghosts. Stacey is the only one who waves hello. All three males are tense.*
*Suddenly, the floor begins to rumble and dust and debris fall from the ceiling. Screams can be heard in the distance from the opposite way they had come from as well as a very loud and powerful roar.*
*A chill runs down my spine as I recognize what type of entity this might be…It was all-too familiar.  Whatever was trying to get at us via the rift in the mines more than a year ago, but this one is different.  It has been feeding in here for centuries and it is not only fully emerged from a rift, but stronger.  Knowing how fast this thing can travel, I look back at the spirits and gesture quietly.*
Me (whispering):  Come with me.  Hide and don’t move.
*I carefully hop up and crawl into the thick piles of bones, uttering several hushed apologies to the deceased as I do.  Then, once hidden, I stay still and silent, waiting for the thing to pass.*
*The four look horrified and quickly dart into the walls. The only indication that they are hidden in the skulls are the slightly darker eye sockets.*
*I wait in silence.*
*The screaming continues until suddenly, it goes quiet. Then, a dark aura floods the hallway as it goes pitch black. The creature seems to be huge considering it completely fills the hallway, but it is impossible to make out any features. It doesn’t seem to notice the group as it slithers through the catacombs, going the direction Steward just came from.*
*I wait for a few seconds to make sure it doesn’t double back before taking a breath.  The sounds were nauseating and I feel horrible about the victims of this creature, but at this point, I know nothing can be done for the ones it caught.*
Me (quietly):  Ancient One, are you still here as well?
*The Ancient One appears from the walls and seems to be confused by the location before focusing on Steward.*
Ancient One: I am now. You are completing your Master’s Trials, are you not?
Me:  Yes.  I was wondering if you, as a spirit, could assist me?  I know I can’t ask my master.  So, I figured asking you was worth a try.  There’s something down here with us.  A soul eater.  I’ve only encountered one other entity like this before and it almost killed Stephen, me, and everyone else involved in the incident.  We barely got out alive and I don’t know if Stephen even knows that this…thing…is lurking around down here.
Ancient One: *She ponders a moment.* I can assist you. There is nothing barring outside help if it is freely given, which I do. *She glances around again.* The Paris Catacombs are certainly a clever place to send you however Stephen would never set you against a soul eater knowingly. What is your task?
Me:  I was supposed to get out of here within an hour without using portals, but now I can’t just run my trial and leave these spirits at the mercy of that creature.  It’s beyond cruel.
Ancient One: Just so. *She gives her a smile.* If anything, he expected you to help the souls you came across anyway and never would have dreamed you wouldn’t stop to help everyone you could. 
Me (returning the smile):  As much as I want to succeed in this Trial, I can’t let a promotion cloud my judgment and let people suffer.  I need to find the rift this thing came from.  Maybe since I’ve gotten stronger and if I can borrow some energy from everyone, I can stun it and boot it back through the rift.
Ancient One: I will absolutely help.
Me:  Do you know how to seal interdimensional rifts?  If so, I’ll channel you so you can make sure it can’t come back through.
Ancient One: I will teach you the seal as we walk. *She looks to where the other spirits are hiding.* You may come out. We will protect you.
*The four spirits creep out again, still incredibly shaken from being so close to the soul eater, but willing to follow them.*
Ancient One: Now, *She turns back to Steward* let’s find its lair. Lead the way, Adept.
*I nod and slide back out of the pile of bones.*  
Me (whispering):  If there’s anyone else in here, you’re free to come with us too.  *I’m inviting anyone who’s trapped.  The more, the better for everyone involved.  As I walk, I listen to the Ancient One’s sealing lesson and occasionally cast a detection spell to make sure the thing isn’t lurking nearby.  While we descend, I continue to invite in more trapped spirits.*
*It takes some coaxing, but as they walk, fifty additional spirits join as they trace the dark presence in the catacombs. Finally, they reach a decrepit hallway that seems to be drenched in horrible dark energy, almost exactly like the mine. It leads to a large barren room filled with decayed skeletons, some unfortunately rather recently dragged down here.*
*Vomit starts to well up in my throat from the sheer horror of the situation.  I swallow it back down and silently thank the Vishanti that I can’t smell anything.  Then, I look around to see any sign of the telltale shimmering from an open interdimensional rift.*
*It takes some effort, but it seems the rift is coming from the ceiling. Black ooze and red liquid seems to drip from it occasionally.*
Me (taking a few deep breaths):  This is the place…So, now the thing has to come back here at some point…If it doesn’t come by in a few minutes, I’ll have to draw it in.  Spirits, come to me.  I won’t absorb you, but I do need to borrow your energy.  Also, the safest place to be so it can’t get you here will be in a physical body that can fight back.  It’ll take some effort, but if I can keep my sense of self in this crowd, it should be okay.
Ancient One (concerned): I would advise against doing this when you have only done so once before, but I know you have the same flaws as your master so I know I can’t stop you. Instead, I shall be the barrier between you and the tide of souls. If you get overwhelmed, you leave. Trial and sense of honor be damned.
*I pause at her words.*
Me:  Do you have any other recommendations that won’t potentially compromise anyone here?
Ancient One: Do not let it touch you. Your soul is going to be the most protected here, but if it manages to land a hit, it will steal someone away and consume them; weakening you and strengthening itself. That is why I urge you to know when to run. If not for yourself, but for the people you are about to protect. *She stares Steward in the eyes.*
Me (stubborn determination, all too familiar):  I won’t let it have another soul.  Even if a portal is considered “cheating”, if it’s between this thing claiming more victims or disqualification, I’m out of here.  
Ancient One: I believe Stephen and Wong would rather have you alive and redo the trial at a different date than have your soul consumed. The man is going to be horrible enough to himself that he didn’t realize a soul eater was down here, but the catacombs are extremely extensive.
*The rift begins to rumble as the dripping seems to turn into a steady stream. The soul eater seems to slowly be emerging with the abundance of food right outside its door.*
*I steady myself and call all of the spirits to enter my body, concentrating their collective borrowed energy into my own reservoir.  It’s a deluge of streams of consciousness collecting into one body.  I do my best to stay strong against the tide, keeping tabs on who I am in all of this and remembering to ground myself into my body.  I feel like my mind is being squashed deep into itself as my soul gets compacted by the crowd.  My head spins as it’s becoming hard to breathe.  I know I don’t have much time to acclimate at all.  So, I concentrate on the spell I plan to cast, mentally reciting it over and over and over as my eyes watch to see when the soul eater comes forth from its rift.*
*It doesn’t take long at all as a large shadow beast towers over Steward. It seems like a demonic cross between a wolf, a bear, and some other pieces of creatures. Its glowing green eyes are trained on Steward and it licks its lips with a dark purple tongue. They stand there, staring at each other for a moment, before the soul eater pounces.*
*I stare it down and as it pounces, I take aim and fire the cast directly at its jaws.*
Me (in a mixture with my voice dominant, but with The Ancient One and all of the 54 other souls mingled within it):  By the power that moves and breathes and flows and grows with us as one--May Nirvalon quash all despair through pure white light...Be done! 
*A blinding blast of pure white energy launches itself forcefully from my hands, the power is so intense that it sets everything in the room on fire as a side effect.*
*The soul eater yelps as it takes the hit directly to the face. It seems to weaken the creature considerably, shrinking in its pain, however it seems to still be at least fifteen feet tall. After a moment to shake off the hit, it snarls and attempts to launch itself at Steward once more and manages to be quicker this time.*
*I use telekinesis to push myself as I leap out of the way, boosting my speed.  I know that there’s limited oxygen with the raging fire.  So, I use the Winds of Watoomb to push the flames in a wall towards the soul eater, continuing my assault.*
*The soul eater takes another hard hit as the flames seem to do even more damage. It doesn’t seem to be bleeding, but the shadows that the creature is made out of seem to almost be…fading on certain parts of its body where it is the most injured. Meanwhile, from behind Steward, a portal opens bathing the room in bright sunlight as Stephen steps in, blinking rapidly at the change into lighting.*
Stephen:  Unfortunately, Steward, you-HOW WAS THAT THERE?!  *He rushes to get ready to defend me, but I turn and look at him, eyes glowing white and aura bristling with the energy of 56 souls.*
Me (with the many voices):  This is my fight.  I’ll handle it.  
Stephen (worried):  Steward, you don’t ha-
Me (multiple voices):  Stay back.  I’ve got this.  *I turn quickly to the soul eater, refusing to allow it an opening.*
*The soul eater screeched at the sunlight but it took the opportunity of Stephen’s arrival to slither forwards and attempt to take out the weaker target with jaw outstretched.*
Me (viciously, still multiple voices):  BY THE FLAMES OF THE FALTINE!  *I aim it down the creature’s throat and allow the spell to blast myself backwards away from it while giving the soul eater the full brunt of the incantation.*
*The soul eater doesn’t even get a chance to react before it implodes into flames, hissing and screeching as it burns to ash and finally ending its reign of terror of the catacombs.*
*I get thrown back by the power of the final spell and ram into a wall, slumping down.  After a horrible few seconds of stillness, I jerk my head up and gasp as I release the souls from my body.  It’s like taking a breath for the very first time and my body feels almost spacious to my soul as it takes up its rightful amount of space again.*
Me (slurring slightly from fatigue and most likely a concussion):  Thanks, all of you…*I give a dopey smile at the Ancient One since she’s close by.*
Ancient One (gently): You were magnificent. *She turns to Stephen urgently* Get her help. Now.
Me:  Mm’ fine, I swear!  Did I pass?  
Stephen (quickly, worried sick):  Yes, you passed.  Now don’t move.  
*He portals me to the sickbay and goes to give me proper treatment.  When he’s satisfied, albeit with my stubborn insistence that I don’t need anything but to sit down for a moment, he sternly instructs me to stay put.  After a brief battle of wills, I reluctantly agree to it.*
*While Prettywitch is meditating in her room, she gets psychic contact from Stephen.*
Stephen (psychic contact):  Sorry for the delay.  Please report to the courtyard for your final Trial, Prettywitch.
Prettywitch: Oh! Uh, okay. *She gets up and cracks her knuckles while she exits the door.*
*Prettywitch arrives at the courtyard a few minutes later.*
*Stephen is there waiting for her.*
Stephen:  Adept Prettywitch, are you ready to undergo your final Trial?
Prettywitch: Yup. I’m ready.
*Stephen opens a portal and gestures for her to step through.*
Stephen:  Good luck.
*She nods and makes her way through.*
*Prettywitch enters an area filled with various statues and seemingly random objects.  It looks pretty straightforward, but there’s a note on the table next to her.*
*She picks it up and reads it.*
“Hello, Prettywitch.  Your task is to make it all the way across this course without using portals and/or leaving the boundaries.  You have half an hour.  Good luck.  — S.S.”
Prettywitch: Okay…*She takes a deep breath.* Well, here goes nothing. *She makes her way towards the start of the course.*
*Two statues flank the entrance.  It’s calm.*
*She makes her way past them, noticing a mild aura radiating off of them before turning her attention to the road ahead.*
*Prettywitch hears a subtle creaking behind her and then a quiet whoosh.  A 2 meter-long stone spear whizzes dangerously close to her, catching at her hair as it passes, burying itself halfway into the ground a short distance in front of her.*
Prettywitch: Ah man! *She takes a few deep breaths and thinks about her options. This is when she decides to use her tarot deck. She pulls Ace of Cups (Past), Two of Wands (Present), & Two of Swords (Future). She groans seeing Two of Swords.* Well that’s not much help! Useless…! *She puts the deck back in her pocket and weighs her options; she could step forward, but there’s a good chance this could be a “Jehovah begins with an I” situation if she does, so she decides to either go right or left. She chooses the right pathway.*
*There is a chessboard engraved on a stone table, but nobody there.  The path continues past the chess table.*
*She starts to make her way past the table…only to hear a voice.*
Voice (seemingly from the table itself):  Care to play a round of chess?
*As she approaches the table, a mystical forcefield closes around her, trapping her there.*
Prettywitch: Eh!?
Voice:  You DO want to pass through here, right?
Prettywitch: Yeah…?
Voice:  Then play.  I’ll let you have the first move.
Prettywitch: Okay…*She sits down, trying to determine just how the hell she gets out of this unscathed? Especially since she sucks at Chess! But, she decides to take the first move, anyway.* I’ll start with one of my pawns. *She moves a pawn forward.*
*Inexplicably, the queen on the opposing side moves OVER the other pieces and takes out Prettywitch’s pawn.  An obvious cheat.*
Prettywitch: *Her eyes widened.* HUH!!!!? I’m…pretty sure you can’t do that!
Voice:  Says who?  Nobody else saw.
Prettywitch: *She raises an eyebrow. She’s starting to catch on.* Oh? Bit of a smartass, aren’t ya? Well, two can play at that game. *She moves her knight out in front.*
*The opposing pawn across from her knight moves forward and takes it.  She hears an unseen snickering.*
Prettywitch: *She smirks.* You just fell into my trap. *The Knight fades away to reveal a gag can with a snake in it, only instead of a snake it’s the Crimson Bands of Cytorak that burst forth from the can, ensnaring her enemy.* Well, that takes care of that. *With a little extra telekinesis, she flips the chess table for dramatic effect.*
*The field doesn’t disengage for the bound table, but it definitely goes down after the table flip.  The path is clear for her to advance to the next area.*
Prettywitch: Perfect! *Beaming, she starts to move past…until she hears the sound of a dog whimpering.* Huh?
*The chess board is laying on top of a translucent basset hound who is snuffling and whining, rather upset at his position.*
Prettywitch: *Her eyes widened, again.* Bats!?
*Bats startles and the chess board jolts off of him.*
Bats: What are you still doing here?
Prettywitch: Well, I can’t just leave you here. I love dogs! Do they even know you’re here?
Bats: I mean, Stephen does but he didn’t really think you’d come over here so he wanted me to guard the room just in case. *He shakes himself off and trots over to PrettyWitch and sits down at her feet, looking up at her.* I think this human game was supposed to do something else but the pieces looked chewy but important.
Prettywitch: *She’s trying not to squee around the dog, so she takes a deep breath and takes Bats in her arms.* Well, the trial’s done now. What do you say we go through the rest of this labyrinth together?
Bats (happy): I’d love to! *He starts wagging his tail.* My name is Bats! What’s your name?
Prettywitch: My name’s Prettywitch.
Bats: Nice to meet you! *He starts panting, just happy to be carried around by someone nice.*
*This current route splits.*
Prettywitch: *She groans.* Oh, great! What now!?
Bats: I think you have to pick where to go.
Prettywitch: Okay.*She thinks this over for a second.* Well we went right last time, let’s go left. 
*She ends up warped all the way back to the start of the course.*
Prettywitch: What the hell? *She sees the statues again and pouts.* Oh you have gotta be fucking KIDDING ME!!! What the hell am I supposed to do, go through the path, again!? *She sighs.* Guess we’re going through here, again.
Bats: Can I chew on more of the pieces?
Prettywitch: No, it’s no good for your stomach. Even if you are a ghost.
*Prettywitch walks back the way she came and makes the same right turn as before. She summons the Images of Ikkon to table flip the chess board and makes takes the right path, this time.
*She sees…herself?  The image is standing there in the middle of the path.  It moves when she moves, mirroring her.*
Prettywitch: Okay…that’s gonna take some getting used to. Is this part of the test or something? Or is this just Stephen fucking with me?
*She realizes pretty quickly though that this must be part of the test and so she goes to act.*
Prettywitch: *First thing she does is summon Sailor Moon’s Cutie Moon Rod and aims it at the mirror* Moon Princess Halation!
*The spell “short-circuits” and fails, fading into oblivion.  It has no effect.*
Prettywitch: What the…That should’ve worked.
Bats: It looked pretty! *He wags his tail*
Prettywitch: *She pouts but gives a big sigh.* Oh, I can’t get mad at you. *This time, she summons Sakura’s Star Wand along with a card. * SWORD! * She tries to slice the mirror in two.*
*The spell “short-circuits” and fails again, all summoned items fading into oblivion.  It also has no effect.*
Prettywitch: I…I don’t understand…*She can feel herself beginning to panic, as well as her brain overloading due to sensory output.*
*Bats whines and snuffles up to her.*
Prettywitch: *She takes him into her arms and hugs him.* Thank you. *She pets him to help herself calm down.*
Bats: I think I remember these… *He nods at the mirror* Stephen was chuckling to himself about how “you shall not pass!” And a bunch of weird stuff like you made didn’t work when he tried it too. Then he did something else and he could walk through it like a door. That’s the last time I saw him before I found the chew set. *He starts panting, clearly happy to be held.*
Prettywitch: *Her eyes widened.* So it’s didn’t work for him either… *There’s another thing she takes note of; “You Shall Not Pass!” She might not be a huge LOTR fan, but even she knows what that’s in reference to.  This makes her curious. *Hmmm…I wonder… *She summons Zakuro’s Cross Whip from Tokyo Mew Mew and aims it at the mirror.* Reborn ZaCross Pure!!!* 
*It fails, yet again.*
Prettywitch: Okay…So anything pre-existing is out of the question. Which means I’m gonna have to make my own spells. *This worries her, not because coming up with spells is hard, it’s just that she doesn’t have a lot of confidence in her own original work, but…well desperate times call for desperate measures. She sighs.* Well, here goes nothing.
Prettywitch: *She raises her hand. When that happens, an ornate looking mirror, one big enough to be held by both hands.* Mirror Change! *It glows a bright white and shapeshifts to form around her forearm; creating an arm cannon. She aims it at the mirror and uses her other hand to steady her other arm.* Eat laser beam, Motherfucker!
*The mirror of herself attempted to copy her moves, but couldn’t actually replicate her original spell.  So, it gets shattered.  She can now pass by.*
Prettywitch: I did it…Oh my God!!! I actually did it!!! Yay!!! *She jumps for joy and squeezes Bats.* Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Bats!!! When we get home you’re getting as many treats as you want!!!*
*Bats barks happily and his tail wags furiously as he enjoys the hug.*
Bats: Happy to help, PrettyWitch! I love treats. Do you have popcorn? Stephen wouldn’t let me have any when he was making this.
*There’s only one way ahead now.*
Prettywitch: Sorry, boy; if Stephen won’t give you any, I’m not giving you any, either.
*As they progress, there is a subtle distortion that they pass through before they are enveloped by a shroud of mist.*
Prettywitch: Oh, no! Now what?
*She hears a familiar creaking somewhere in the mist.*
Prettywitch: Who’s there?
*Bats notices something and growls.*
*There is a quiet whooshing sound, much like the one she heard before at the start of the challenge.  A spear is incoming.*
Prettywitch: *She summon the Shield of The Seraphim to protect herself and Bats.*
*The spear collides with the shield and breaks, the pieces falling to the ground.  She hears heavy footsteps as the thing repositions itself, still unseen.*
Prettywitch: *She forms two, blue gauntlets that cover her hands and wrists with two holes in the palms.* Show yourself!
Prettywitch: *She takes in the silence and waits, but always remains on guard.*
*Something shifts.  There is clearly more than one here.  Something is behind her and another is at her flank.*
Prettywitch: Shit! *She puts Bats down and places him in a protective bubble.* You stay right here, okay Bats? *She smiles and gets up, ready for her attackers.*
Bats: Alright PrettyWitch! I trust you!
*Still hidden in the mist, one of them launches a surprise attack, sweeping at the backs of Prettywitch’s legs in an attempt to knock her down.*
*Prettywitch jumps out of the way in time and shoots a burst of air at the creature.*
*The mist moves out of the way of the air blast, revealing it to be the statue that attacked her earlier.  Since it’s made out of stone, it isn’t knocked over by the air.*
Prettywitch: Okay. Well, that explains a lot. *She uses her gauntlets to create a giant current of wind she sends towards the statue.*
*It ducks down, making itself a smaller target.  The wind doesn’t knock it over, but it does clear the mist away.  The second statue is seen to be creeping up towards Prettywitch’s side.*
Prettywitch: *She runs towards the statue and uses it as leverage to jump into the air, then she raises both gauntlets high above her head and jumps again.* Arial Gumbo! *She thrusts her hands forward and a giant gust of wind flies at the creature. While that happens, she creates a pair of Angels wings to gently break her falls, and so she can land on her feet.*
*The one used as leverage reacts in surprise.  Meanwhile, the other one throws several spears in an attempt to hit her.*
*She reacts by shielding herself from the spears using the gauntlets. She does make a small portal for some spears to fly through, just in case. Then she opens another portal to send the spears flying towards the statue that attacked her.*
*The spears hit the first statue, chipping and cracking it in several places.  An arm falls off of it after a decent blow to its shoulder.  The second one goes on the offensive and rushes at Prettywitch.*
*She creates two jet streams of water, then flies up and uses her breath to freeze the creature charging at her in place. She’s even controlling the flow of the wind to ensure the freezing takes effect. When it’s done, she flies closer and flicks the statue, sending it falling.*
*It slides with its momentum, made worse by the ice.  Then, it shatters on impact.  Now, the one-armed statue attempts to come up behind her and whack her over the head.*
*She flies up and dodges in time. Once she’s behind the statue, she lifts her hands high up and jumps.* Arial Gumbo! *Her hands thrust forwards to create a giant burst of wind that goes off in all directions like a bomb.*
*The wind rushes through the cracks of the statue, widening them.  It’s very weak now, but still tries to go after her.*
*Prettywitch disassembles the gauntlets and allows them to form twin katanas in each hand. She draws a pentagram of light.* Holy Crucifixion!  *She stabs the pentagram with both blades which sends it hurtling towards the statue.*
*The statue shatters on impact.  The final stretch of pathway is clear to pass now, leading into a low-ceilinged cave, but the path suddenly ends in what looks like a chasm.  There is a continuation leading to another doorway on the other side.  It is too low to fly across and too wide to jump over.*
Prettywitch: Okay…So it’s a leap of faith…I hope…Come here, Bats!
*He runs forward in his ball like a hamster before he tries to stop but the ball keeps rolling.*
Bats: I’m here- *He cuts off with a yelp as the ball collides into Prettywitch and he’s thrown slightly.*
Prettywitch: *She pops the bubble and levitates Bats into her arms.* Sorry, I should probably be more careful, shouldn’t I?
Bats (happily): Probably, but that was fun!
Prettywitch: Yeah, I guess. *She looks down at the crater again and gulps.* Well, here goes nothing. *She closes her eyes and, just like Indy, takes one step forward.*
*The invisible path is solid beneath her feet.*
*She opens one eye and sees she’s standing, still in one piece. She smiles, but still walks over. For all she knows, she could trip and be a goner. Sure, Stephen would try to save her, but for all she knows it might be too late by then. So she walks briskly towards the door at the end of the path.*
*The path holds up.  She can see the sorcerer in question waiting for her just beyond the door.  When Prettywitch makes it across, Stephen smiles at her.*
Stephen:  Cutting it close time-wise, but you made it…Master Prettywitch.  *He smirks proudly at her.*  Look, part of why some of those obstacles were so tricky was because I wanted you to rely on yourself, not just references.  YOU are enough, Prettywitch, and I hope that passing these tests and the acceptance of your friends has helped you start to see it that way.  Be your own person and think for yourself.  It’ll help you and those you protect, understand?  *He gently squeezes her shoulder.*
Prettywitch: *At first, she doesn't know what to say and she's in shock. All she knows is that she’s grateful. She finally pulls him into a big hug.* Oh, Stephen! Thank you so much! I love you!
*Stephen hugs her back, slightly red.  It’s still a bit awkward expressing affection, but he’s proud of her.*
Stephen:  All three of you passed, by the way.  I’m not sure where Trix went off to, but Steward’s in the sickbay.  She had…a bit of an accident.  *He looks guilty.*
Prettywitch: Wait, what!?
Stephen:  She’ll be okay.  It’s just a concussion and some bruised ribs.  *He sighs*  During her Trial, a soul eater emerged from a rift and went after her.  The ghost of the Ancient One, along with a small army of other ghosts that she recruited managed to help her fight it off…I unfortunately arrived right in the middle of the fight.  She set off a large blast to get away from the creature’s jaws and although it killed the soul eater, she hit the wall of the passageway.  The healers are probably finishing treating her by now.  
*It’s clear that he blames himself and feels horrible for it.  He omitted the bit about not knowing that it was even down there in the first place.*
Prettywitch: Ah, don’t blame yourself, Stephen.These things happen. The important thing is Steward’s alive and safe.
Stephen:  Before you go see her, you should at least try these on.  I think you’ll like them.  *He presents Prettywitch with an ornate box containing her Master’s robes.*
Prettywitch: *She gets starry-eyed.* Oooh!!! Thank you, Stephen!
Bats: You really are a girly girl, aren’t you?
Prettywitch: *Suddenly remembers she has Bats in her hands* Oh yeah, how come you didn’t tell us you had a puppy?
Bats: Hey, I’m not a puppy!
Prettywitch: Yes, you are.
*Stephen raises an eyebrow.*
Stephen:  I see you’ve met Bats.  He’s a…recent addition.  Originally, I was doing some research on spiritual channeling, but came across him in my search.  I thought that you girls might like to meet him since the three of you clearly love animals.
Prettywitch: *She beams.* You got that right, Mister. Oh! You should totally introduce him to Clea! I’m sure she’d love animals, too!
*Stephen clears his throat awkwardly, blushing again.*
Stephen:  Erm, yes.  Let’s go back to Kamar-Taj so you can try on your new robes and talk to your friends.
Prettywitch: Okay!
***To be continued***
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: You and Loki are dating, and the Avengers find out in the worst way possible.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Crack fic, Collar, leash, bondage, unintended voyerism. 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙉𝙄!
If you decide to read this, it’s between you and god.
Definitely not beta read and not proofread.
This is funny and sexy. I’ve written it at 2am and have no idea what I’m typing, but I hope this is nice!
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“Attention! Attention! Attention!”
You whipped your head up form mindlessly scrolling through your phone to see Tony walk into the room with his signature smirk plastered across his face. You knew he was up to no good.
Almost all of you were killing time today. There was nothing much to do and while such days were rare and coveted, you all always died of boredom.
“What is it Tony?” Nat asked rolling her eyes. “I come bearing gifts!” Tony did a little dance and sat on one of the chairs. “I hold the answer to one of the most important questions in the world.”
You sighed and relaxed back into your chair. This must be about some new invention of his, you thought. “Stop talking in circles.” Steve grunted with his usual annoyance. If someone was 100% fine with Tony’s shit, it was undoubtedly Steve.
“Okay okay. I know we are all very inquisitive about who will date Y/N and I carry the answer.” Your eyes bulged out the moment Tony said it. Did Tony know your secret?
The secret that you carried in the depths of your heart, the secret that could potentially break you; out of all the people in the entirety of this universe, you were madly in love with Loki.
You hadn’t yet told the avengers that you were dating Loki. You weren’t sure how they’d receive the news. You knew it was a little too late now.
You had developed a crush on Loki the very first time you had seen him and the god was well aware of that. During the battle of New York, there had been occasions when Loki had secretly taunted you about your attraction.
Even despite being the enemy of the avengers, you touched yourself at night thinking about him. Later on, you had met him a few more times due to the courtesy of Thor. And then finally Loki had admitted he liked you too.
And that’s how your secret, whirlwind romance had begun. Nobody else knew of your secret affair and you were happy to keep it that way. Though your mysterious disappearances on random days raised some eyebrows, you both were pretty unbothered about it.
Over the time, your attraction had graduated into love and you both were heads over heels for one another. In the beginning you were afraid Loki might not want commitment, but you were gladly proven wrong.
Loki was the best lover you ever had. And not just in the matters of writing heartfelt poems for you, but he was exceptionally talented in bed. The devious things you two did with and to each other would make even Tony squirm.
You two complemented each other; your ridges filled in his cracks and his peaks filled in your valleys. And you desperately wanted to tell your team who was now your family about the love of your life.
But you were just a mortal and despite him being a god, he too was susceptible to judgment and prejudice. You knew that Avengers wouldn’t ever approve of you and Loki.
You all still cracked jokes about Loki and his mischiefs, though you wanted to stop them from making fun of him, you always bit your tongue. And not interested in averting eyes, you too laughed with them.
“Huh.,. What?” You stammered your way through the sentence. Your eyes were wet with unshed tears. You knew the avengers wouldn’t like your relation, more because of your deception than the person you were dating.
“Yes.! This new dating app has elite people from all over New York and we could match an eligible guy or lady with our sad lonely Y/N.” Tony made it sound as being being single was the worst thing in existence.
You blew a relieved breath through your teeth. At least you weren’t caught, yet. And you weren’t interested in going on a date with anyone. You would simply reject every single person.
“Alright. Let me see.” You said as you got up from your seat. “Nope.” Tony asserted shaking his head childishly. “What?” You were incredulous.
“I know what you’ll do. You’ll simply reject everyone of them. This is not the first time you’ll do it. And I don’t know why, but you always reject everyone.”
Everyone else hummed in unison and you stared at them in disbelief. “Guys seriously. All of you?” You huffed with annoyance. Every single one of them was betraying you.
“Stark is right. I recall the time you rejected Fandrall, despite him being quite the ladies man.” Thor chimed in. Oh yes, you vividly remembered that.
Thor had brought his friends to meet and fandrall had tried his luck on you only to be flat out rejected. Loki had wanted to strangle the life out of him and after much convincing you had stopped him.
“It’s just a date. Go and check it out. If you don’t like it then we won’t force you the next time.” Steve was definitely the only level headed one in this madhouse. “But you’ll force me the first time. Great!”
“Give it a try.” Nat was suddenly interested in the conversation she deemed boring before. “You know what? Do whatever you want to and then just tell me where to reach.”
You knew the more you argued the more adamant they would become. Rolling your eyes and cursing under your breath you stormed out of the room leaving them to be.
“This is what you are wearing?” Tony asked with half shock and half annoyance. “You have to be kidding me.”
“Well you never told me what to wear, so I wore what’s comfortable.” You were standing in your loose pajama and work out hoodie. Seeing you dressed for your date, half of the avengers lost their shit and the others tried their best to control their laughter.
“Stop acting like an edgy teenager.” You shrugged with nonchalance, “Stop controlling my life, dad.” You pulled the hoodie right over your head to be even more rebellious.
Tony was about to go off again when Nat, being the good friend she was, cut him off. “Let’s not fight. She has a date to attend with a very handsome man I must add.”
“Yeah. Right. Where do I have to go?” Tony smirked and you knew this wasn’t where it ended. “You aren’t going alone. We’ll come with you.” Tony knew you’d ditch the date of given the chance. “Stop babying me. I can go by myself.”
“No. You’ll run away.” You’d never wanted to break Tony’s teeth before. “Fine.” You crossed your arms with defiance.
“Behave yourself.” Tony warned the last time before leaving you and you like the brat you were stuck your tongue out.
Your date, Tim or something, was some rich guy from someplace and did something to earn money. Truth be told, you weren’t paying any attention when Tony and Nat told you about him and here you were waiting for that Mr. Tim something from somethingtown. You were sure he would be an arrogant snob.
The Avengers might have forced you to attend the date, but they sure as hell won’t force you to behave. You were going to on your worst behaviour ever and were gonna make that man regret his entire existence.
You turned around to take a look at the posh restaurant and more importantly check where your teammates were. You couldn’t spot them but were sure that they were keeping an eye on you.
You gladly didn’t have to wait much longer before Tim came. He was wearing a tailored blue suit and you had to agree that he did look impressive. He was tall and lean with a sharp nose and jawline, his hair was short but curled and the aura around him was pleasant.
But he wasn’t your Loki. He extended a warm smile as he took his seat opposite to you and you on the other hand flared holes in his body. Your mouth was twisted bitterly as if you had just chewed a piece of lemon and your eyes were narrowed.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Despite your demeanour, he seemed to like you. “It’s definitely not nice to meet you, Tim.” You had expected him to leave that moment, but that idiot had the audacity to laugh.
“It’s Tom, dove.” Your blood boiled, Loki called you dove and only Loki would call you dove. How dare this stranger call you dove? “Don’t call me that.”
“I thought you liked it.” He was smirking as if this was some game and he was winning. As if he was drawing amusement from your plight. “Then you thought wrong.” He simply raised his eyebrows and shrugged, still smiling shamelessly.
He still wasn’t angry, what was this man made of? Even you weren’t this patient. You were wearing your pajama for this date in some high end restaurant, giving him foul looks, and telling him directly to his face that you weren’t happy to see him and yet he was making googly eyes at you.
He was either a serial killer or a genuinely good person. And you hoped he was the former; you didn’t want to blatantly insult this good man, he had done nothing wrong. So you hoped he was a killer.
“So, tell me about yourself.” Why was he this interactive? “Search google, you’ll get a lot about me.” You were now obnoxious clicking your nails on the table showing your disinterest.
“Got a tongue on us, have we?” This man was getting on your nerves at the same time making you feel bad for treating him badly. “What the hell do you mean?” You wanted to bang the table but that would attract unnecessary attention from the others. As it is you were the centre of the restaurant’s talk with your clothes.
He slowly crept his hand further and held your hand. Fuming with anger, you pulled your hand back, “Don’t you dare touch me!” You folded your hands and leaned back on the chair. “Calm down, pet.”
That’s it, you were going to kill him right there with your fork. Loki called you pet only when he was pounding you hard into the mattress, and listening to Tom call you pet made you want to puke. “What the fuck did you call me?”
Tom looked around a moment before taking in a calming breath, you wondered what this dude was up to. But then you saw with your own two eyes as his illusion faded and you saw the love of your life sitting right across from you. It was Loki all along.
“Loki!” You squealed almost getting up from your chair. “Shhh.” He pulled you back down and made you sit. You were vibrating with excitement and were going to burst with happiness.
“Loki, I… you…” words weren’t forming as you were beaming with joy. “Wait, the others will see you.” You dated looking around. You were sure your team was still looming somewhere near. “Don’t worry. they won’t. I’ve cast an illusion for them.”
“Loki, I love you.” All your foul mood was suddenly drained out of your body through every pore. “I love you too, my sweet obedient pet.” Loki purposefully teased you.
“No. I hate you.” You really wanted to playfully punch Loki. “Couldn’t you tell this to me right when you came?” He just shook his head chuckling. “But where’s the fun in that.” Good god, Loki and his flair for dramatics, you thought.
“But how did you find me?” You wondered how he knew about all this stupid setup. “I have my sources.” You thought for a moment before answering, “Thor? Oh my god, Thor told you, didn’t he?”
“I said I have my sources dove.” You squinted at him, if he was playing, you weren’t gonna sit back, “okay silver tongue. But where’s my reward for being a good girl?”
“Yeah you’re right. My good pet needs her rewards.” He put his hand right back on you and tantalising slowly he slipped it under your full sleeved hoodie. You quickly slapped it with your other hand. “We are in public!”
“So what do we say we sneak away? We have too many eyes on us.” Like a school girl propositioned to bunk classes, you happily nodded. “Let’s go. I’ll go wait for you in the washroom, come ten minutes after me” you said as you got up and left.
You couldn’t believe that you literally had a date with Loki right under the noses of the avengers. Loki never did stop to amaze you. It was like your own version of running away with your Prince Charming from the evil clutches of your step moms (you did mentally apologised to Tony and Steve, but who could blame you?)
“Where did they go?” Steve asked worriedly. He had seen you disappear into the washroom with Tom right on your tracks but neither of you had come back.
Steve didn’t have a particularly good feeling about any of this. This was definitely against your wishes and he didn’t want that. Also he had no idea who this Tom was, he could be a hydra guy for all they knew.
“To the washroom.” Tony replied calmly sipping his drink. Steve knew one day his jaw was going to fall off with all this clenching. “I know. But it’s been an hour and yet they aren’t back.”
When steve had voiced his concern earlier, Tony had just shut him saying you both would be having your fun. And thus they didn’t disturb you, but now it was getting out of hand. “Steve, let them enjoy. Don’t be so grumpy. You need to relax. Tell me, should I set you up too?”
“No. thank you very much. But I’m going to go check out. Nothing of this was right in the first place. We literally forced her and she definitely wasn’t in any mood to.. you know.” No matter how old Steve got, he still was terribly shy.
“Fondue?” Tony purposely teased. “I’m going. And if something happens, it’s on you.” Tony shrugged as he continued sipping his drink. He knew it was just a blind date and you being horny was none of their business.
Nat tagged along with Steve and they checked out the entire hotel, but neither of you were anywhere. Tony was still happily sipping his juice as Steve came back panting. “I told you it wasn’t right. They are nowhere to be found.”
Tony was going to argue when Nat interjected, “Steve is right. We shouldn’t have had forced her. She was clearly unhappy and we both know she isn’t a girl to bang someone on the first try. We need to find her Tony.”
“She is nowhere?” Tony asked worriedly. Steve and Nat shook their head. He finally let go of his drink and got up in a hurry. “Try calling her.” He suggested as they started looking for you once again.
“Do you think we did not try that?” Now Tony actually started panicking. “We have no idea where they are. They are gone without a trace. We don’t even know what that Tom guy was. There is a reason avengers don’t go on blind dates. He might have been from hydra, or he might be some alien!”
Tony didn’t have it in himself to deny. He shouldn’t have forced you to go. He wanted to do someone good for you. He had seen that you’d been a little worried lately and he just wanted for you to have some fun.
“Alert the others. Try tracing her phone maybe.” They had frantically searched the entire place and yet hadn’t found you. If something were to happen to you, neither of them could ever forgive themselves.
“There’s a signal from her phone. It’s in an…. Apartment?” Nat said looking at the screen of her phone. Their subordinates had traced your phone to find its location and they expected some kind of a warehouse, not an apartment.
“Apartment? Why would they take her to an apartment?” Tony was confused. “To confuse us, simple. Let’s go.” The apartment was not much far away and from it location was pretty expensive. Buckling themselves in their seats in the car, the avengers were ready to save you.
“Let’s break in.” Nat suggested. Standing outside the house, they didn’t hear any movement. Steve nodded and went two steps behind only to come back with force and kick the door open.
The house seemed mostly empty to their eyes. But what they heard and saw next made their blood run cold. Your clothes were laying in pieces on the ground, there definitely had been a fight.
Before they could cancel the house as empty, they heard you groaning in pain. The sound was definitely coming from the bedroom. Steve cracked his knuckles as he got ready to tear down yet another door.
You were mumbling and grunting from pain and Steve sweared to all the gods above that he was going to break every single bone in Tom’s body. The moment they kicked down your bedroom door, all of you froze in shock.
You were sprawled out onto the bed on your fours with your hands tied to each other. Your hair was a complete mess yet they could see the collar around your neck. The collar was connected around a leash with was tightly curled around the palm of the man they least expected to see, Loki.
You weren’t grunting with pain, you were moaning with pleasure. Your eyes were shut and your lips wide open forming the ‘o’ shape. Loki on the other hand was ramming right into you. His eyebrows knit with concentration and his back sweaty with exertion.
“Fuck Loki, I’m close… I’m… AAAAA.” You shrieked out loud when you heard the door break and opened your eyes only to see Tony, Steve and Nat staring at you wide eyed.
“Fuck.” Loki cursed as he panicked too. You both grunted as he quickly slipped out of you and he tried his best to cover you both with duvets. Your hands being tied, you weren’t able to do much expect wish for the earth to swallow you whole.
“I’m going to kill you.” Steve announced as he marched ahead. You don’t quite catch why he was so upset, but then you did; your hands were tied, you were wearing a goddamn collar and you were being railed by Loki.
“No. Wait. It’s not like it seems.” You were already panting hard from all your previous activities but you knew this was a make or break moment. “I assure you, I would never hurt Y/N.” Loki said in his British accent, defending himself.
Steve narrowed his eyes and watched you skeptically. “I and Loki… we are dating.” You quickly hid behind the covers not wanting to see any of their faces.
“Wait a minute. Can anyone tell me what’s happening?” You still didn’t come out from under the covers, hoping you would stay there for the rest of your life.
“I’ll tell you. I have been courting Y/N for years now. We wanted to tell you, but we are sure you wouldn’t approve. But I love Y/N more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life.
So, I dressed up as Tom just to have some fun. When I told her who I really was, we decided to come here. This is an apartment I legally own, but now you’ve literally broken down half of it and yes, I do want a compensation.”
You smacked Loki on his thigh, you were about to die with embarrassment and this man was interested in having compensation. “Ow.” Loki complained rubbing where you hit him.
Tony blinked once, then twice just to be sure whether what he was hearing was real. Steve wanted to kill himself, Tony didn’t know whether to be entertained or feel gross and Nat was oddly aroused.
For a whole moment they just stared at each other in a comical silence. “Y/N come out.” Steve commanded and you just peaked your eyes out and gave him the best puppy dog look you could manage.
“Is it true?” You just nodded, words had apparently left your head. “Speak up.” Your dam broke and you started sobbing. Loki tried to shush you only to realise your hands were tied. He swiftly let go of the knots.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you since so long. But… but I knew you wouldn’t like it. But the truth is loki is the best person I could ask for. I know you are angry on me, and I’m sorry.”
There were a million emotions running through your head and there was no time to sort out anything. “It’s okay.” Nat said and these words calmed you more than anything.
“We’ll talk about this later. And no, we aren’t angry with you.” Steve and Tony nodded along. “We trust you and your decisions. But if you ever need any help, you can always without thinking twice can come to us.” You definitely loved Tony.
“Thanks.” Your voice was low and meek. Steve gave you a subtle nod and they retreated just as quickly as they came. You were undoubtedly feeling like running away and never coming back but at the same time you were free.
This was definitely the worst way to find out, but at least they were supporting. You knew you’d get a few lectures when you went back, but you could worry about that tomorrow.
“I’m gonna go jump out of that window.” You mumbled sleepily. “No you’re not.” Loki pressed kisses to your forehead to improve your mood. And you couldn’t help but laugh when Loki said, “They better pay me my money.”
“I’m gonna go donate my eyes. You people can tag along.” Tony complained all the way as they sat in the car. “I was going to die with a heart attack.” Steve said joining his complaint train. “Yeah old man, sure.” Tony replied cheekily.
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strsburn · 3 years
destiny led me to you | loki
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pairing - loki laufeyson x female reader
synopsis - driven by the heartbreak of losing your entire world by the hands of thanos, you set out to find him, leaving destruction in your path in multiple universes; thus creating a horde of branches in the timeline and catching the attention of the TVA.
but you would do it all again if it meant you could see him once more.
notes - this is hopefully going to be a series, depending on the feedback i receive, i plan to follow the episodes only slightly because i dont want it to be an exact copy of the show.
idea credit ( @horrorisunknowntoyou ) thank you for the inspo and allowing me to run with it!
warnings - death, violence, angst, and possible smut (in later chapters?)
wc - 2.4k
"Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same." A wrinkled hand reaches for your chin, running prune colored fingers along your jawline, doting; mockingly.
Your heartbeat pulses loudly in your ears, eyes glazing over with exhaustion and pain as you attempt to glare, the notion in vain as the titan merely chuckled amusedly.
"I can see great power in you, little one. An infinity stone pulses beneath your every vein. Tell me, where is the tesseract?"
You remain silent.
"We don't have the tesseract, it was destroyed along with all of Asgard." Thor interjects weakly from where he lies, his body held tightly in the arms of the black order.
Guilt sweeps across your being as you make eye contact with Loki, sharing a single nod as you both know what you must do.
Thanos grows annoyed with your unwillingness to comply as he walks over with loud steps, his footprints visible as he raises his gauntlet up, the power stone shining threateningly close to Thor.
"The tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference." It's not a question. Merely a statement, one that Loki knows he must prove unbothered.
"Oh, I do. Kill away." To anyone else it would seem he couldn't care less about his brother's demise, but you know your love better than he does himself and you catch the glance of fear that washes over cerulean eyes.
You can only watch in trepidation as the stone makes contact with the God's head. Agonized cries escaping as his skin is burned by the mere power of the stone.
Loki does his best to look unaffected, but you catch the hitch in his breath as he batters inner turmoil. the universe, or his brother.
"Alright, that's enough!"
Loki turns his palm up, as a familiar blue cube materializes in his hand. The eerie blue glow casting a shadow upon his face.
Thanos steps away, smug. You force yourself to look away from Thor's accusing gaze.
"You truly are the worst, brother." Thor shakes his head, eyes disappointed but not surprised.
As Thanos moves to take the stone from his hand cerulean blue eyes make contact with your own and you feel a wave of fear wash over you as you recognize the look in Loki's eyes.
"I assure you, brother. The sun will shine on us again." He does not move his gaze from your own and you can't help but feel this is an unspoken goodbye.
"Your optimism is misplaced, asgardian."
"Well, for one thing, I'm not asgardian. For another, we have a hulk."
In a blur of color you are shoved from where you lie, a slithe figure covering your own as you breathe in the familiar scent of cinnamon and leather.
"We don't have much time, my love. I just want you to know that I love you dearly, and I am grateful for the time I had with you. May I see you again, in Valhalla." His eyes are teary and you barely process his words, as his hands grab hold of your face and pull you into a kiss.
The kiss is desperate, filled with love and grief and you can only briefly kiss your love back as he steps closer to Thanos, rambling on about undying fidelity.
You catch a glimpse of silver behind his back and you gasp as realization sets in.
You move to reach him just as he leaps for Thanos, the knife poised for his head, frozen in mid air as the stones across his knuckles pulse.
"Undying fidelity, you should choose your words more wisely."
You cry out as Loki struggles in his grip, his skin fading blue. You crawl forward, legs aching as you reach for him, your progress hinged by your inability to walk.
"You will never be a god." The rasped words are followed by a snap as his neck gives out beneath Thanos' hands.
A tortured scream rings out and it takes you a second to realize it's your own. A broken sob leaves you as you crawl forward to reach where Thanos has carelessly thrown the body of your love.
You heave as your shaky fingers caress his face, his lifeless eyes staring ahead as you clutch him to your chest.
You rock back and forth knotting your fingers in his hair as you plead for the nightmare to end.
"No resurrections this time."
A portal opens and closes behind you, yet you make no motion to move.
You simply close your eyes and welcome the sweet release of death as the universe explodes around you.
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N E W Y O R K 2 0 1 2
"'Coordinates for search and rescue, on my way now.' I mean honestly, how-" Loki is promptly shut up by the mouth guard that decorates his face, courtesy of his brother.
Displeasure makes an appearance as Loki is led to the elevator followed by the avengers that quickly file in. The only source of entertainment being the temper tantrum the green beast throws as he is denied entry. Loki can hardly contain his glee as he waves mockingly as the doors close.
As he is led to the ground floor his cuffed hands clinking annoyingly with every step he glances wearily around himself, dreading the lecture that is sure to come once he reaches asgard. He has no doubt in his mind that Odin will find perfect reason to throw him to the wolves, lest his mother get involved.
As he contemplates, his attention is caught by the sound of his brother calling for help, the guards holding him, attending to what he perceives to be a heart attack, to none other than the man of metal.
He watches, confused as a small stature kicks the case holding the tesseract away from view as the others tend to Stark.
Looking around bemused he watches to see what will conspire next. Before any other move can be made a shout is heard as the doors to the staircase along with the wall is torn apart, the hulk making his distaste for the tedious activity known.
For once since meeting the beast he feels thankful, as the case holding the tesseract is knocked open, the familiar cube sliding towards his foot.
A beat passes and grabbing a hold of the familiar cube he glances around, vanishing in a thin cloud of blue.
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Hurried footsteps echo down the corridor as the man moves with barely contained excitement. Tie swinging to and fro, a slightly wrinkled hand pulls at the collar of his neck nervously.
Mobius had seen many variants in his time at the TVA. Yet, none had ever come close to interesting as the file he currently held in one hand. Variant L1130 or Loki, as he was called, was perhaps one of the most complicated cases he had come across.
Born as a legend of mythology it was quite unbelievable to know that not only was he real, but he happened to be in their custody for creating a new branch in the timeline. Mobius could only hope Renslayer would agree to allowing him to be the God's superior.
Entering the courtroom, Mobius sits down and watches with rapt attention as Loki attempts to bargain with Ravonna. His plans are foiled as he tries to call upon his magic in a last effort to escape.
Mobius feels it's time to intervene when Renslayer makes it clear he is to be executed.
"You have no idea what I am capable of!"
"Actually I might have an idea of what he is capable of." He offers as he makes his way up to the stand.
His plea must be written across his face as Ravonna leans over to look at him directly.
"Whatever you're planning, it's a bad idea." She warns.
Nonetheless she reluctantly lets him go and Mobius has to fight off the urge to fist pump the air as he escorts Loki down the hallway.
"Oh, I'm Agent Mobius by the way." He offers a hand that is quickly ignored.
He can practically see the distrust written on Loki's face, his eyes calculating every move he makes.
Mobius is hardly surprised that as soon as he enters the room, his back turned to the God as he adjusts his projector, Loki is surging forward to attack. He doesn't even bat an eyelash as he clicks a button on his remote, resetting the God as if the action never even happened.
"C'mon, let's take a look at some of your greatest hits." Mobius waves a hand, as Loki curiously sits down, eyes trained on the projector.
He finds himself staring back at a hologram of his attack on New York. His blue eyes darting back and forth with glee as chaos erupts around him.
A feeling of something akin to shame runs down his spine as he recalls his reign of terror on the city, an illusion of preying on the weak to hide his own fear, lest he fail and succumb to Thanos and his minions.
Loki clenches his jaw, arms crossing over his form in an attempt to hide himself as he turns to avoid the screen.
"I see no point in this-"
"No, no wait, this is just getting good." Mobius grins as he points to the screen and Loki finds himself once again face to face with another variation of himself.
He briefly recalls the time he had lost a bet to Thor and had to change his form into that of a ginger haired man wearing a clean three piece suit, claiming he had a bomb and required over two hundred thousand in midgardian money just to see if he could pull it off. He did, in fact, pull it off, but his mother was not happy as well as the midgardians who failed to solve the case, naming him D.B. Cooper as they had no clue as to his real identity.
His attention is pulled to the screen as a familiar voice of silk enters the scene and he watches as his mother speaks to his future self, his eyes drawn into her face.
"Then am I not your mother?" He hears her ask. Yes, you are.
"No. You are not." Loki's eyes start to mist as he watches the look of hurt pass over his mother's features before she schools her expression into one of contempt.
"Always so perceptive, about everyone but yourself." She decides.
The screen flickers and he sees himself talking to an intruder, his voice amused as he suggests the monster to take the stairs to the left.
Then, his mother, Frigga, lying on the cold ground, a puddle of red growing rapidly beneath her body as her eyes remained closed.
His breath hitches, anger now licking up his spine. He turns sharply to Mobius who smartly remains silent.
"What is this! Some cruel joke? Where is she?! Where do you have her?"
Mobius steps forward, expression neutral as he speaks.
"She's dead Loki. This is the future, it's destined to happen, again and again because that's how it should be."
Loki falters his eyes narrowing as he spits "You're lying! I'll kill you!"
"What? Like you killed your mother."
There's a split second of silence before an angered shout is heard, a chair splitting the air as it crashes into pieces along the floor.
Before anything else can be said Mobius is summoned by Hunter B-15, his eyes falling to Loki who remains silent and he leaves with a slight tinge of guilt burrowing in his chest at the haunted look in the God's eyes.
"You think yourself so sly don't you." Loki looks up at the unfamiliar voice as the projector suddenly comes to life, a new image flicking gently on screen. His eyes catch upon your form and he watches in awe and wonder as you sit beside his future self.
"I don't think, love. I know." He grins leaning in to steal a kiss from you that leaves you both breathless.
He watches as your eyes are filled with nothing but love and adoration for him as you lean into his side.
"Yes, darling?"
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
Loki tilts his head in contemplation as he looks to you, before a soft grin pulls at his lips.
"I didn't until I met you. I know that no matter who or what tries to tear us apart, we will always find a way back to each other."
A smile breaks out onto your face and Loki watches in stunned silence as the clip ends with the two of your voices fading into laughter.
"You two are meant to be together."
Loki turns as Mobius slowly comes to a stop behind him, his expression thoughtful.
"I don't enjoy hurting people you know." He responds, motioning towards the screen in reference to his attack on New York and the death of his mother.
Mobius doesn't respond, and he takes that as a sign to continue.
"I do it because I have to. Because I've had to." He looks down as he fiddles with his fingers.
Mobius hums as he replies.
"Why? Why do you think that is?"
"It's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
Realization lights up in Mobius' eyes as he answers back.
"A desperate play for control. You do know yourself."
"A villain." Loki sums up.
"Not the way I see it."
There's a mutual silence between them before Mobius sighs.
"Look I can't offer you salvation but I can offer you something better. A fugitive variant has been killing our minutemen."
"And let me guess, you need the God of Mischief to help you stop him."
"That's right."
"How could I possibly be of use to you?"
"That's the thing. The variant we are hunting, we believe is y/n." Mobius looks towards the projector where your image is still.
"I beg your pardon?"
Tumblr media
Mutilated bodies line the floor as a hooded figure steps over them, eyes glowing an unnatural hue.
"Is it finished?"
A wicked laugh fills the empty space as a portal opens in the deserted land, a set of footsteps following through.
"I'm coming for you, my love."
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worstloki · 3 years
(submitted by @lookimtryingmybest)
I wrote something.
(Trigger warning for using it/its pronouns to dehumanize someone because the TVA does shit like that.)
Ravonna had seen so many Lokis, she’d lost count. She’d seen them young, old, good and bad. She’d seen them in all forms and sizes. She’d even seen an alligator Loki once.
But this one was different.
If there was a thing that made a Loki a Loki was their defiance. A Loki refused to give in, no matter how much you may hurt it. They always found ways to screw you over and run away. But this one, this one had no fight in it.
This Loki was a tricky variant. It had escaped Thanos’s grasp at the worst point of its torture. The TVA had chased it throughout half a galaxy before catching him right before it entered Asgard. 
Lokis. So predictable.
It was shaking, already crying–Lokis always cried– and stumbling in its feet. It was the perfect blank slate. 
She ignored its pleas of “don’t take me back to him, please, I’m useful, I’ll do anything, please don’t take me back.” And turned to C-22?.
“Take it to the memory chambers.” Ravonna said.
“Mobius, meet your new assistant.” Ravonna said, allowing the new TVA tool to step from behind her. “This is Sati.”
Mobius smiled a stiff, fake smile. “A pleasure. I’m Mobius. Mobius M. Mobius.”
Ravonna seemed to sense his discontent. “Don’t worry, I assure you, Sati’s an expert on Lokis. You’ll get along great.”
“I look forward to working together, sir.” The ex Loki said. Its smile didn’t reach its eyes.
“I could be useful out in the field!” Sati complained. It was starting to get annoying, with all its whining and crying for attention. Not even the memory chambers could take the attention seeking out of a Loki.
“You’re not allowed.” Mobius said, running out of patience. “Besides, you’re too valuable and this variant is too violent.”
Sati pouted. It looked pathetic. “I understand. I just… wanted to help.”
“You do help, you’re our walking Loki archive.”
“A library could do my job.” Sati muttered under its breath.
“Loki, this is Sati, my assistant and our… well, our you archive. It knows everything about you. Every detail.”
Loki eyed the ginger man. His hair looked dyed. 
Sati beamed, offering a hand. “A pleasure to meet you, I look forward to working with you.” He almost sounded genuine. 
“The feeling is mutual.” Loki said, giving him a fake smile.
“So…” Loki said, as they waited for Mobius to exit his meeting with the judge. “If you’re a me-expert, why am I here?”
“You’re the one that sold himself as indispensable.”
“Question of survival, really, now stop dodging my questions.”
“Reasonable Loki response.”
“Do not–”
“Evade your questions? I won’t. To be honest, I don’t think this variant is a Loki at all.”
“And you need me then to…?”
“Confirm my theory. Get a look at this variant’s seidr signature to compare it with your own. Then maybe they’ll listen to me.”
“You know about seidr?”
“I’m a Loki expert. I know everything.”
“Yes, well, people don’t usually care much about seidr. T’is–”
“A womanly art? Yeah, that’s bull’s crap. I wish I could learn it myself.”
“Maybe you could.” Said Loki, giving one of his mischievous smirks.
Sati rolled its eyes. “Imma indulge you. How could I?”
“I can see people’s seidr, but not here. Magic is repressed here. No magic, no colour, it’s so dreadfully empty. If we went outside, I could check.”
“I’m not allowed in the field.”
“Yes, yes, you’re too valuable an asset to lose to a rogue me-variant. But we could go somewhere safe. Somewhere isolated.”
“That’s against the rules”
“…I’ll think about it.”
Loki smiled. 
“We were near her, I think she’s a she her, but she had lit everything on fire so I was a bit preoccupied trying not to be burnt alive than to read her seidr.”
“It’s ok, at least we know she’s a woman variant, which, yes, Loki woman variants are pretty common. But blonde? Yeah, a Loki would never be blond.”
“Too much like my brother.”
“Indeed. Think it could be a Thor variant?”
“Doubt it. My brother, or, well, would be sister, she’s too smart to be a Thor.” 
Sati pouted. “Well there goes my only theory.” It crossed out the few lines it had written in its notebook and passed the page. “You’ve got any idea?”
“Well, she’s Asgardian for sure, and probably nobility. Unless she stole from the nobility, which is a possibility.” 
“That narrows it down to… a bit less than ten thousand people.”
“One thousand and a half if you only consider noble people.”
“I am only considering noble people. I am also considering them from all the entirety of Asgard’s history.”
“Oh. Right. Well, if I get a closer look I could try deduce where she’s from by the outfit.”
“And take the opportunity to talk to her and betray us? Yeah, not gonna happen buddy.”
“I’m not gonna betray you.”
“Then you’re more of an idiot than I thought you were.” Sati said. “Or you’re lying, which I know you are.”
Loki gasp, faking offence. “How dare you.”
The chair in front of them creaked as Mobius sat down, letting go of a pile of documents. 
“So, what do we got?” He asked, not bothering to say hello.
“She’s a she variant, blonde, asgardian and probably noble.” Sati said, organizing its papers. “We have ruled out the possibility of her being a Loki variant, and the chances of her being a Thor variant. If we could manage a close–”
“I already told you, it’s a Loki variant.” Mobius said. “That’s what the higher ups say, it’s not your job to run conspiracy theories about that. Your job is to catch her.”
“But that’s the problem, you keep insisting she’s a Loki when the modus operandi does not match! We’re wasting time because you insist to treat her like someone she’s not, it’s like trying to eat soup with a fork!”
“Sati. Calm down.”
Loki watched Sati clench its teeth, leaning back on its chair. It went back to looking over its notes.
“Well” Loki said, “what did you bring us?”
Mobius pushed the pile of documents towards him. “Information on the history of Asgard and of you. Maybe with this, and Sati’s help, you can figure out where she’s hiding, or what she’s gonna do next.” He stood up from the table. “I’m gonna go get a coffee, I’ll be right back.”
“Bring me hot chocolate.” Sati said, eyes focused on its notebook.
“Sure, will do.” Mobius said.
Mobius did not bring any hot chocolate back.
“So the apocalypse theory was right, then?” Sati asked, walking next to Loki.
“Yes, now we only have to figure out in which apocalypse she’s hiding.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I was already cross referring information about apocalypses, or events of massive destruction. The librarians have a bad way of measuring the level of destruction, but luckily they’re ordered chronologically and not by level.”
“The TVA have a bad way of doing everything.” Loki mutters. “Anyways, what did you get?”
“Oh, there’s three major possibilities. Two based on personal background, and one on an object retrieved from a crime scene that might have belonged to the variant.”
“Do tell.”
“First would be Ragnarok, the destruction of Asgard. Or a bit earlier, a thousand years or more, don’t know the exact details, you hadn’t been born yet, the genocide of the Dark Elves. Those seem like places any asgardian variant would go if they wanted to take refuge in apocalypses. As for the one deduced from a candy bar–” 
Then Sati stopped, staring ahead them.
Loki frowned, and followed his gaze. 
“Huh.” He said. “Didn’t know they had Thanos variants.”
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carinyms · 3 years
I've scrolled through a lot of discourse on episode 4 of Loki and I need to talk about it
(good lord its a whole essay im sorry)
I gave myself a headache from crying while watching this. (I joined the Loki fandom post-IW so I’ve never had to see him die before while emotionally invested and boy!!! Is it doing things to my fragile psyche!!). But now I’m rehydrated and more stable and ready to party so let’s go
Right off the bat, I loved this episode — loved it loved it loved it. Silly, manic in-shock Loki is gone and shit is getting real. My thought while watching this was truly “wow this is my favorite episode so far” and damn am I in a minority with this opinion lol.
So here’s my perspective on some of the discourse flying around, and just general thoughts
On the whole ‘Narcissist’ thing:
IMO, Mobius saying this means nothing: he’s mad and he’s spouted lies at Loki to push his buttons before (see: every interaction they’ve had since episode 1).
Loki saying this to Sif-- well, Loki is and always has been an unreliable narrator on himself. The major theme of this show is that he doesn’t really know who he is, deep down, and he’s trying to figure it out. The TVA is taking advantage of this, and even though he’s trying to stay above it all throughout the series, he's still in a really impressionable spot and absorbing what others tell him about himself. (not to mention this scene is literal torture and he’s already proven that he’ll say whatever he needs to to get out of it.)
But he does admit one true thing when he says “It’s because I’m scared of being alone.” (And like wow okay same don’t mind my tears) but here’s a big brain idea!
Sif pulls him up and says ‘You are alone, and you always will be’, which is like, WOW that’s cruel after what he said, but it makes me ask wonder: Sif is sentient in this scene, but obviously it’s not really her. Who’s controlling her? And why is it so important for them to make sure Loki thinks he’s alone? I’d go as far as to wager that Sif never even said this to Loki, the big bad made this up. (he admits he forgot about this ever happening, I doubt he’d remember what she said.)
I think the nexus event on Lamentis that caused the branch was two Loki’s joining sides. Or, Loki no longer being alone. Loki insists while talking to Mobius that “she’s not my partner!” but she was, and they were partners from the moment they grabbed hands on Lamentis — right when the timeline broke off. I think Loki variants teaming up is the biggest threat to whoever is pulling the strings here — that’s why the post-credit scene is so significant. (Is Loki the only person who has multiple variants of himself who've escaped the TVA?)
And here’s where I’m gonna get salty--so I apologize but i need to rant about this-- but it’s seriously pissing me off that so many people are intentionally reading this as Loki/Sylvie and then being mad about it when that’s clearly not what’s happening and why is everyone acting like Mobius with one angry jealous brain cell and no critical thinking about the context of the characters.
If people ship it that’s chill, but for the people who are against it—it’s clearly supposed to be platonic, and it’s so upsetting that in the year of our lord 2021 we still can’t have a man and woman hold hands without people saying it’s proof they want to f*ck each other, like what in the misogyny??? STOP. This show was written by a bi woman and Tom the-most-emotionally-sensitive-man-on-this-planet Hiddleston — let them display an intimate loving friendship goddammit. This isn’t romance, this is Loki learning how to admit he cares for someone who cares for him in return — something he hasn’t experienced a whole lot of and clearly doesn’t know how to navigate.
(You have permission to personally come at me if it actually turns out to be romantic by the end of the show—but as of right now I will die on this hill.)
Him putting his hands on her shoulders to me was a clear indication he wanted to hug her, and I’d like to think he would have told her he cares about her, and that they can figure it out together. Because these are two characters who’ve never had anyone else to rely on and trust, and for the first time they’re not alone.
And I have to think about what prompted this from Loki. He just lost Mobius the moment after he called him friend. The way I see it, he’s just realized the true gravity of what they’re up against, and Loki is suddenly very afraid of losing Sylvie too before he tells her cares about her, of dying truly alone because he never told anyone what they meant to him. (Don’t think about this in the context of him also having watched his entire family die knowing he never told Frigga or Thor how much he loved them either don’t think about it—) He’s realized, finally, that he has doesn’t have to be alone, that he can choose to be close to people and have friends. And god it’s so heartbreaking that he never got to hug her or have that moment with her. I really hope they get that in the end. I hope he gets it with Mobius. I hope they have a group hug. I'm upset again.
Okay, deep breath, ANYWAY.
Hopefully this didn’t come off as attacking anyone else’s opinions.
Personally, I love this character so much, I’m just so happy to be seeing him in his own storyline that they can’t go wrong here. Objectively I think the production is amazing, and personally I love they way Loki’s character has been explored so far. (Yea yea, was I HOPING that the bad-memory loop would morph into Sanctuary and Thanos and like a full exploration of his true worst memories? Yes but let’s be honest my whump needs will never be met in canon and I have to accept that lol.)
Honestly I left all my own meta about this character at the door when the series started, because for me the opinions I’ve formed from the hundreds of (amazing) fics and meta I’ve read on this character and what’s true in canon are basically inseparable at this point, and no portrayal is going to live up to the way Loki exists in my head. Canon Loki and fic Loki are two different characters and I can enjoy both at the same time :) I’ve just loved seeing the character get given the different dimensions he deserves, and written by people who care about his story.
Also, it’s not over! If he was dead and this was it I’d be very upset, but this is the rock bottom of the storyline, and I think the whole next two episodes will be the build back up. I trust it’s gonna be worth it. SO hyped for flaming sword Loki. I would die for Sylvie, but I’m excited to see him on his own again.
My current most pressing questions are:
-what was the fallout of Sylvie’s bombing the timeline? (Have we seen that yet, am I just dumb and missing something?)
-Obviously, who’s behind it all? (Kang? Is there a head honcho Very Evil Loki at the top?)
-How much does Ravonna actually know, and to what extent is she just a pawn too? She asked Sylvie to prune her— she’s probably also been duped here.
-Is everything we learned about the sacred timeline BS? How much of what the TVA workers believe is real?
-my favorite theory so far is that the war of the timelines miss minutes talks about hasn’t actually happened yet, maybe making setting that into motion is the true endgame, leading into Multiverse of Madness?
(Side note: holy HELL im so excited for this soundtrack to drop on Spotify. It’s SO AMAZING I had CHILLS in the end credits.)
Open invitation to discuss anything with me if you feel inclined! :)
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fatandnerdy30 · 3 years
Loki Helps a Boy
So this is the second installment to Loki Finds a Boy which so many people have been asking for. So I hope you like it!
@lokiismyhubby @laurenandloki @gt-marvel
It had been a two weeks since Peter had been found by Loki and the boy found he wasn't as scary as people made him out to be. He was curious and overly mischevious. But he had made sure not to be seen by the giant as he traversed the overly large tower. He had a few near sightings on his journeys to acquire the things his uncle needed for his sick aunt.
But it seemed like it wasn't enough, because May kept sicker. He sat by her bedside leg bouncing as he stared at her ashen face. Her breathing was heavy and raspy and when she coughed it sounded like sandpaper was trying to escape her lungs. Grabbing the towel from her forehead, Peter wet it again and placed it on her face half expecting it to sizzle with how hot to the touch she was.
Peter couldn't sit here any more and do nothing! He had to get help. Whatever help he could get. Running from the room he slammed into his Uncle Ben who looked shocked to see him. "What's wrong, Peter? Is May all right?"
"She-she's all right...but she just keeps getting sicker...I need to find help." He ran around Ben and ran to grab his bag and shoes, ignoring the wide eyed Ben.
"Peter if you're doing what I think you're doing it's not a good idea! If the humans spot you, they'll squish you flat! I won't let that happen to you!" The man reached for the boy' shoulder, but he just dodged him.
"I've already met one of them, Ben! He was nice and let me go...I think he'll do that again." Or at least Peter hoped that he would be coming back for May's sake. It was with that hope he ignored Ben's pleas and ran from the tiny home in the walls.
Using the beams and concrete ledges, Peter managed to make it to where he climbed down what seemed like so long ago now. Wiping his nose the boy dropped his rope and watched it land on the same shelf he thought he would lose his life on, but had made a friend instead.
Wedging his hook into the vent, Peter began to climb down, grunting a little bit from how tired he was from staying up as long as he could while Ben was running onto the garden floor to gather the herbs that weren't working on May.
"Well, well. You finally show again, little one." Loki's voice snapped Peter from his thoughts as he turned his head to see the black haired man staring at him from a chair with amusement. "I thought you had forgotten about me. You cut me to the quick." Loki placed a hand over his heart and smirked, but it died when Peter didn't laugh. Instead he stared at the man with watery eyes, his lower lip trembling. The giant rose quickly and made his way over to the boy, concern written on his face. "What is it?"
"My aunt....she....she's really sick and not getting better...I didn't know what to do, so I came here, but now I'm thinking it was a bad decision to come here...." Peter shimmied his way down to the shelf to give his arms a rest as he stared up at Loki's face. "Please...can you help me?"
"What are her symptoms, little one?"
"She's gray, her skin is hot and she's coughing a lot, her breathing is harsh like there's something in her lungs...I dont know what to do! I...I can't lose her...Ben can't lose her either." Looking up at the man, Peter fell to his knees. "Please....I have nowhere else to turn."
Loki smiled kindly and placed his hand up to the shelf, palm up. "Fear not little one. I do by chance know a way to help her, but...there is a catch." He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know if you are desperate enough, but it involves meeting someone else...perhaps multiple Midgardians."
Tp say Peter was shocked was putting it lightly. Would he have to meet the person? Or people? "What...what are Midgardians?"
It took a few seconds before Loki laughed low in his throat. "I forget you live on Midgard, so you would not know of their other name, but they are humans, which I am not. I am Asgardian, the prince of Asgard, brother to Thor."
The boy stared at Loki in shock while taking a step onto the man's palm timidly. He was speaking to a prince?! "I-I-I didn't know Mr. Loki! Should I be calling you 'your highness' or something like that?" Slowly he made his way into the man's hand, still a little nervous around the man's fingers that could literally crush him with so little pressure. So when Loki gave him a look, he tensed afraid he'd hurt the man's feelings.
"You will call me Loki, young Peter. I like you so you do not have to call me as such. As for the others living here...they show me no respect and Stark is the worst with his names..." The god shivered and brought Peter close to his chest as he started walking. "I will bring you to meet doctor Banner, for he is the most familiar with human illnesses. I do not trust the others to care for your aunt." Ever since his first meeting with the doctor's alter ego he had gained a certain respect for the man.
Beginning a brisk pace, they left the room and making sure no one was around before he started for the elevator. He didn't want to stop and explain Peter's existence especially when the boy seemed to be more than worked up about the woman's condition.
"I hope he knows what happened and how to treat May," the tiny boy said. He was gripping onto Loki's fingers like a life line, his limbs shaking as he felt the wind in his hair with each of the man's steps.
"I'm sure he knows. Just explain her symptoms to him as you did to me." Loki sent a reassuring look down to the boy who looked frightened. "Are you all right?" Peter nodded, though his lips were tightly sealed which made the prince smile. "Would it help if I did this?" Bringing the boy closer to his body he secured his hand this way there was no way he would be able to fall.
Feeling the heat behind him made the boy open his eyes and look to see green fabric pressed against him. He turned his eyes upward and saw the bottom of the man's chin and little else. And believe it or not, Peter did feel safer knowing that Loki was protecting him so he slowly let go of the fingers and sat back and was actually able to enjoy the breeze, smiling a bit. 'This feels nice,' he thought as he sighed letting the beating of the giant's heart under and behind him calm him down as well.
Loki tried to pay little attention to the being leaning into his chest as he made his way to the elevator. "You are not allowed past the thirtieth floor," Friday reminded him making the man roll his eyes.
"Yes I know you dimwitted machine. You tell me every time I enter this infernal contraption. Take me to Banner."
"I can't do that, Reindeer Games," the machine replied making Peter giggle. "He is on the fortieth floor."
"Then tell him to come to me you daft waste basket!" With a huff he stormed off the elevator and made his way back to his room. I swear that idiotic mainframe is trying to make me go insane." He then brought his hand up to his face, scowling at Peter who stared at him in shock.. "And what were you laughing at in there, hmm?"
The boy's face went red and he stared down at Loki's palm. "Sorry...I thought the name was funny."
"You would. That was one of the names Stark made up when we were in Germany. He was making fun of my helmet, it had long horns adorning it."
"I'll bet it looked really cool! Not like a reindeer at all!" Peter tried to make up for his laughing wich made Loki narrow his eyes and sigh.
"You are forgiven. This time. For now we must await the arrival of Dr. Banner." Loki walked back into his room to find his brother sitting on his bed staring at the door.
"Brother! Why do you have need of a doctor? Are you sick? Injured?" Thor got up and rushed to Loki's side, completely missing the small boy in his palm and began patting Loki down, much to the smaller's disapproval.
"I am fine, Thor...I do not need the doctor." He took a look at Peter, seeing how scared he was but the small being had agreed to this. "This boy does." Finally Thor brought his gaze down to his brother's hand and his eyes went wide.
"Is that...a borrower?" He was whispering but his voice still boomed. "I have only heard stories of them! How ever did you manage to capture it?" Thor went to poke Peter, but Loki brought his other hand up to block the impending finger.
"I did not capture him. He came to me of his own volition, isn't that right young Peter?" The by who was too scared to say anything just nodded. "See? Now stop scaring him and back away." He glared at Thor until he did that. He swore his brother was the thickest idiot of them all. How did he get the offer of King before Loki?
"I truly am sorry, little one. I did not mean to scare you. I was simply excited to see one of your kind. Please accept my apology." Thor bowed his head and Peter stood there looking dumbfounded as he nodded.
"S-sure..." Was a human apologizing to him!? He knew the people of this tower were weird, but this took the cake!
"Loki, I swear if you called me up here because you turned your brother into a certain type of toy again, I will gladly ask for those chains your brother used on you last time-" Bruce stopped as he stared at the tiny figure in Loki's hands. "Please tell me that's a doll and not an innocent from the streets.." He could not handle the situation if it wasn't a doll.
"He is not a doll, nor have I shrunk him. This is Peter, he is a borrower and in dire need of your help, doctor." Loki swept his hand forward and Peter was frozen in the dark man's gaze as they stared at one another. "Do not be afraid, Peter. He is a doctor and can help your aunt."
At that Bruce snapped out of it and a look of concern came over his face. "What happened? Is someone hurt?" He bent down to look Peter in the face, concern written on his features. "Tell me what happened?"
It took a minute for the boy to unfreeze, but his need to heal his aunt came out and he nodded. "It started last week with a cough, then May was having a hard time breathing now she can't even get out of bed. She's burning up and barely wakes up and every time she breathes or coughs it sounds like she's got something in her chest but nothing comes out."
Bruce's brows went down in worry. "That sounds like pneumonia, which is serious. Peter, can you get her out here?"
At that the boy shook his head. "Uncle Ben would never allow it. He's too scared of humans." But, if it meant May's life, he was sure Ben would approve. "Maybe...maybe you can talk to him through the vents? Tell him how dangerous it is if she's not taken care of...please?" Peter was really hoping his uncle would listen to the humans. May's life depended on it.
"Well...I can try." Bruce was stunned that this being smaller than his hand was sentient enough to feel emotions. He wanted to run so many tests, ask so many questions but right now he had another patient to worry about. "Where should I speak?"
"I'll get him to come to the vents. Mr. Loki? Can you please put me on the shelf? I can climb up from there."
"I can do much better than that, little one." Loki's hand started glowing a dark green and suddenly the boy was lifted in the air, his cries turning into happy laughter as he rose towards the vents.
"Thanks Mr. Loki! I'll be right back!" Peter started running through the walls using the ledges and beams to fling himself forward untl he was slamming his front door open startling his uncle who apparently was getting ready to go out. "Uncle Ben! Come on, I found a doctor! He says she has something called Pneumonia which can kill her! Let him help May please!" He was sweating and panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"P-Peter? Where have you been? Your aunt...she's not eating or drinking." He looked down at the ground sadly. "I think this may be the last for her."
Peter's head started shaking back and forth, tears falling from his eyes. "NO! Uncle Ben, you have to let this doctor take a look at her! Please! He can save her!"
Ben stared at the boy and nodded. "Where is he?"
"He's outside the vents...but...he's human." Peter winced when he said that and Ben's eyes went wide.
"H-humans?" He stuttered. "Peter how could you? You know the rules! Never be seen! Now we'll have to move and with May being so sick she'll never make it.." The man sat heavily on the armchair and stared at the boy. "You've doomed us.."
"No Uncle Ben! They're nice, I promise...please..just let the doctor treat May. I know he can save her, please! We can't...we can't lose her. Please." He whispered the last word and Ben looked up at him and finally nodded. Smiling, Peter raced into May's room and taking a look at her sick form got her to sit up. "Ben! Help me carry her please!"
Ben walked slowly into the room and collected his wife who woke to look up at him with confusion but he smiled down at her. "It'll be okay, May. I promise." He kissed her forehead and leveled a gaze at Peter. "If this doctor turns out to be just a scientist who wants to study us..."
"He's not like that. Now come on..." He started walking out of the house when doctor Banner's voice came through the vents echoing around them.
"Peter? Are you there? I've been trying to call to you for the past five minutes."
"Doctor Banner! We're coming out!" Peter helped carry May up the ledges and through the maze of bars before they reached the vents and he poked his head through. "Mr. Loki? Can you pelase do the green thing? May's too weak to climb down." The dark haired man nodded and in the next instant they were all lifted, Ben crying out and holding May closer to him as they were brought down to the dresser where the man tried to stand proud but his knees were quaking and he was trembling.
"Sir, there's no need to be scared. I'm doctor Banner. I heard your wife was sick. May I see her please?" Bruce kneeled next to the dresser and smiled softly as the man nodded and loosened his grip on May to let him see her face. "It's worse than you said, Peter. She'll need fluids and medication quickly. Mr. Parker I know its hard but please allow me to bring her to the med bay where my equipment is. Please."
Ben stared at the human for a moment before nodding. "Under one condition. I go with her." Bruce nodded and put his hand down next to the dresser and Ben stepped onto the palm, almost losing his balance but he righted himself. "You can lift us now, human."
Peter groaned and shook his head. Trust his uncle to treat the man trying to save his wife's life with an attitude. Suddenly there was pressure on the back of his shirt and he was lifted to look into Loki's eyes. "You, young one, will be staying with me until the deed is done and the doctor has save your aunt." He smiled and placed Peter in his palm. "Come. We can go and meander and look at the sights and hopefully not bump into Tony Stark."
A week had passed and May was up and feeling much better. Peter hadn't seen her since Ben had taken her up to the floor because Loki wasn't allowed up to the medbay but Friday told him multiple times a day how her condition was. So it was with anticipation that he was waiting on Loki's bed while the man paced and kept looking at the door. "Damn it all, where is that looney doctor? He said he would be here within the hour!"
"And this looney keeps his promises." Bruce walked into the room and frowned at Loki. "Peter could have come up and visited with one of the others."
At this Peter shook his head. "I..I don't know the others so I'd rather stay where I know people."
"And that's how we raised you." May's voice came from the doctor's hands and Peter smiled up and jumped trying to see her.
"May! You're okay!"
Loki who had been watching rolled his eyes and picked the boy up. "Go see your family." He brought the boy to Bruce's hands and Peter jumped off. He looked like he wanted to run to May but he knew she was still weak.
"Oh Peter...." The woman smiled and opened her arms to Peter who ran into them with a little sob.
"I'm so glad you're okay..." It felt good to be held by the woman who raised him and he held her as tight as he dared. He looked up at the doctor and with eyes he smiled. "Thank you," he said and buried his head into her shoulder. He was glad he had met Loki and that he had brought doctor Banner to save May. He knew they would always have a special place in their hearts.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 13
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Still in the custody of SHIELD, Loki hears some troubling news from his brother. He can only hope that there relationship is repaired enough to be allowed to help set things right. Chapter Warnings: pretty dialogue heavy A/N: Not too much happens in this one, but it’s setting up for the grand finale! The last chapter and epilogue will both be posted next week, so keep your eyes peeled. Updates every Friday. Enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @marvelousdaydreams​ @parkastoria​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @sourpatchspinster @gaitwae
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
“And why in the Nine not?” Loki demanded of his brother, desperate to know why he wouldn’t be set free. “You said you believed me. Even after all this, was it still not true?”
“Of course it is true, but father will not allow it,” Thor explained, unable to mask the hurt in his voice. “He still demands you be brought back to Asgard.”
Loki frowned at that. If Odin had plans for him, he doubted he could weasel out of them. He wondered if you would ever find out what happened to him if he died. Probably not. Put up against the possibility of being made to live out his many years without ever hearing from you again, death seemed like the merciful option. He couldn’t handle any more torture and being kept from you would be the worst he’d gone through yet. Though the thought of you with anyone else, especially Denzel, made Loki’s stomach roil, he would rather that than you be lonely. Hopefully, you could be happy without him, even if he could not without you.
“Loki, I will speak with him. It will be alright, brother,” Thor assured him.
“So when do we leave?” Loki asked, trying to make himself numb to the pain he was feeling. He dared not hope that his brother could set everything right.
“As soon as you are cleared to leave Midgard.”
“May I make a request?”
“With all due respect, Reindeer Games,” Stark added, though the question was most obviously not addressed to him, “I don’t think you’re in the position for that.”
“I will hear you out, Loki,” Thor said, making no comment on Tony’s remark. “I cannot promise anything more than that.”
“I understand,” Loki anxiously agreed. “The family I was staying with, I do not need to see them again, but may I have some news on them before we go? Just to know they are alright?”
“I have already given you my word that no harm will come to them.”
“I am aware, but-”
Loki was cut off by the door swinging open. The young agent made a beeline for Fury, who was standing there observing the scene with his one good eye, making no remarks of his own. The God of Mischief arched an eyebrow as the agent whispered something in the director’s ear before the two walked outside.
“I’m still wondering why you care so much about a random family from Oklahoma,” Tony said. “What were you even doing there in the first place?”
“I must confess, it was not originally my choice. When I used the Tesseract to escape, I told it to take me somewhere safe,” Loki recounted. “I have not the slightest clue as to why it chose there.”
“Well, that explains how you got there, but why’d you stay?”
“I was,” Loki responded, clearing his throat, “persuaded.”
“In what way?” Thor puzzled.
“They did not know who I truly was, so they welcomed me with open arms,” Loki sighed. “I suppose I... I bonded with a few of them.”
“Yeah, they did all give glowing reviews of you,” Tony said.
“Wait. So you have heard from them? How are they? You must tell me. How is... everyone?”
Loki would not yet risk showing he had any particularly special connection with you, lest it put you in any more danger than you were already in. Thor and Tony exchanged a look, though, that said they could tell he wanted to know about a specific member. He hoped you hadn’t had to tell the agents too many details about your relationship. Somehow, it seemed like a mortifying prospect for them to know such a personal thing. Especially his brother. He was not yet ready for another heart to heart.
“They are all fine,” Thor hesitantly said. “Brother, I don’t suppose you bonded with one of them more than the others. Say, as something more than a friend. You can tell me, you know.”
Yup, Loki was right. Absolutely mortifying. Back on Asgard, he and his brother never really talked about relationships. Their own was already too far gone by the time they reached an age where they thought much about it. The trickster god still remembered his first kiss. It was with one of the palace stable boys. He’d even started riding more just to have an excuse to go and see him. Of course, Odin found out and deemed it improper. Loki never did find out exactly what had happened to him, but he remembered wanting to go and talk to Thor about it. Needless to say, he didn’t. But maybe, just maybe, this was an opportunity to make up for that. So, against his better judgement, Loki told Thor of his special connection with you, though not to the full extent out of the desire to still guard his emotions. Unfortunately, that meant Stark heard, too.
“Not a word out of you,” Loki menaced as Tony opened his mouth. Thankfully, he backed off, putting his hands up in surrender. “Thor, please tell me that they are alright. If they were hurt because of me... Well, just tell me how they are.”
“They are a little shaken up, I will admit, but they are ok. Safe. As I have already said, you have my word that they will remain that way.”
Loki choked out his thanks before Fury burst back into the room. That man was so unreadable that Loki couldn’t make out a single damn expression on his face. How he wished he could have that talent to be so guarded again, but once the floodgates were opened the first time, he never could quite get them closed again. Regardless, the raven haired man knew something was up—something bad. It was the same feeling he’d gotten the day prior, and look where he ended up. But he couldn’t be apprehended by SHIELD again, so now it was back to the question of what. But deep down, he knew. He whispered your voice so low that only Thor heard, and the thunder god shot his brother a concerned glance. Before he could say anything, though, Fury spoke.
“I need your asses out here now,” he said, addressing the two Avengers. “It’s urgent.”
“Wait, brother,” Loki called before he could exit. “I feel in my gut that there is something very bad happening to my beloved. You will tell me if that is the case, correct?”
“I do not know if that is wise.” Thor looked like he was thinking very hard, brows furrowed in concentration. The desperate, pleading look written plainly on Loki’s face must have convinced him because he finally relented. “But yes, I will. As soon as I can.”
Loki gave a quick nod of gratitude before Thor left again. Now that he was left alone in the room, there was very little stopping him from descending into a full on panic. If you were in any sort of trouble, it was undoubtedly his fault. He never should have done that to you. Then again, if he hadn’t stayed around you for so long, he would still be being crushed by the weight of loneliness. His heart would still be fractured. Perhaps it would have been better than having you violently ripped away from him, though. He feared this cycle of guilt and hypotheticals would never end.
He wasn’t sure if it was minutes, hours, or only mere seconds that passed before Thor was coming back in, but he was relieved to see him. After all, his thoughts were a very scary thing to be trapped with. Even scarier was the deeply worried expression upon Thor’s face.
“Brother?” Loki asked, though he was more nervous for the answer than he ever imagined possible.
“The Chitauri. They are back.”
“In New York? But you closed the portal, did you not?” A sickeningly horrifying idea occurred to Loki, and he swallowed thickly. “Is it Thanos? Has he returned? If he is here to make good on is threats to me, then I beg you, brother, just turn me over. It will be easiest, safest, for everyone.”
“If you think for one moment that I will allow that, you are further out of your mind than I suspected,” Thor raged. Loki was shocked into silence. Never before had Thor yelled at him like that. Sure, he’d shouted at him, but it was always because he was angry at him, or because he was pinning the blame for something on Loki. Not because he cared about him. Thor calmed himself down a bit before he continued explaining the situation. “The portal is still closed. We just did not actually round up all the ones that had already come through, apparently. And, they are not in New York, either.”
“Then where?”
Thor looked nervously around the room. “It hardly matters, brother. You will not be able to come.”
“Thor, where?” Loki growled.
“Oklahoma City.”
Loki sucked in a sharp breath and went pale as a ghost. There was only one logical explanation as to why they would be there of all places. Him. They must have tracked him somehow and were there to get revenge. But he wasn’t there anymore, thanks to SHIELD. And if they truly were tracking him, they wouldn’t stop at the city. They would keep going until they reached your farm. Until they reached you.
“Let me go. I can stop this.”
“Were you not listening to what I just said? You cannot come.”
“Brother, please,” Loki whispered, “I beg of you, just let me take care of this. What if it was your mortal who was in danger? You would stop at nothing to save her, I know. That is how I feel, except it is not only the one I care so dearly about. Yes, there is my beloved, and I would die a thousand deaths for them, but it is their whole family, too. I would give my life to keep them out of danger.”
“Thor,” Captain Rogers said, appearing in the door. “We have to hurry.”
“I am sorry, brother,” Thor told Loki before turning away. There was some look in his eye that Loki did not get a good enough look at to place, but he was certain he was trying to tell him something with it. Regardless, he turned and left. “I am coming, Captain.”
Helplessly tugging at the chains holding him to the table, Loki began to hyperventilate. He started cursing himself. If only he were a stronger sorcerer, then maybe these chains couldn’t restrain his magic. If only he hadn’t become so bitter and hopeless, then maybe he never would have let go on the Bifröst. If only his will wasn’t so weak, then maybe Thanos never would have gotten him to attack Midgard in the first place.
He gave up the futile struggle as the blinding anxiety slowly faded. Letting his head drop into his hands, Loki allowed himself a few quiet sobs before trying to clear his head. He needed a plan. For so long, he was ten steps ahead of everyone, but now? Now he was about a hundred miles behind, locked in a room, unable to protect you. But, no. He wouldn’t give up. He was going to get out. He only needed to think. Surely there were still some cards to play, right?
“Psst, brother.”
He looked up to see Thor sneaking back into the room. Maybe this was a hallucination. It was quite possible that he’d finally cracked under the never-ending pressure. Because, really, when had the God of Thunder ever done anything like this before? Though, the fact that he was unlocking the cuffs did seem to be in favor of the idea that this was a jail break.
“What are you doing?” Loki hissed, rubbing his now freed wrists, still not entirely trusting this wasn’t a trap.
“Is it not obvious? I’m freeing you.”
“Well, how daring of you, brother. I admit, I did not think you had it in you.”
“Yes, well, I can see how much you truly love your little Midgardian.”
“Nonsense. It is like I said, I am concerned for all of them. They did, after all, take care of me.”
“Oh, yes. I am sure that is it.”
Loki just rolled his eyes and made his way over to the exit. Almost every instinct in him was screaming to just teleport away from the scene, get to you as fast he could. The thing stopping him was that for once in a very long time, Thor wasn’t dismissing him. In fact, he was trusting him. He couldn’t just turn his back and betray that now, not if he had any hope of getting their brotherly bond back.
Banner was standing right outside the door as Loki opened it, making him jump a little. Before he could whip out a weapon, though, Thor was reassuring Loki that he was just standing guard during the break out. It was quite the strategic move, Loki thought, to have the one Avenger who could really do damage to him be right outside the door. Perhaps he wasn’t giving his brother enough credit. Or perhaps there were just others involved in this scheme.
Sure enough, after dodging a number of agents, the rest of Thor’s friends were waiting in the Quinjet. The tension in the air was palpable as they stood there in silence, sizing each other up. It was obvious Thor wanted to say something to get them all amicably chatting, but knew whatever he was going to say would probably just make things worse. Though the very idea made him gag, Loki knew what he must do if he wanted to reach you in time.
“I apologize,” he said, trying to make it sound completely sincere. “I know that I have hurt some of you—all of you—in some way. I cannot erase the past, but I am trying to do the right thing now. I was not in my right mind the first time we met. Let me prove that now.”
The Avengers all made eye contact with each other, communicating without words. It was agony waiting for their approval, both because he was anxious just to get to you, and it was sickening to have to be judged by them in such a way. Knowing that it was his only opportunity of helping you without complications, however, he waited with bated breath for their reply.
“Ok,” Romanoff finally spoke up. “We forgive you. For now, anyway. Right now, we have to get to Oklahoma.”
“Yes. Please, let us be on our way now,” Loki urged.
And that’s how the God of Mischief ended up flying around with the Avengers. At least he wasn’t chained up like the last time. It was, though, perhaps the most tense situation he’d ever been in. But it didn’t matter, not now. No, now he was on his way, and there was only one thing in his mind, repeating over and over like that one song lyric you can’t get of your head.
He was going to save you.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I'm bored and this was in a note on my phone from forever ago, so I must have been tagged at some point. Apologies to whoever tagged me. 🥴
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
52. Though, I used to have a few more. I deleted a few fics some years ago bc I hated that they were just sitting there unfinished. I was going through a particularly brutal bout of writer's block that affected both my fic writing and my RP writing.
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
720,782. And I was stressing about a 30-page thesis. 😂 (which ended up being over 15,000 words)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I started writing fic in 2000 with *NSYNC, Christina Aguilera, and Backstreet Boys fics. I stopped writing a bit around 2004-2007 (because of a stupid boy) and picked it up again in 2012 after reading some awesome Cherik fics and wanting to write my own FrostIron College AU when I read one that was good, but kind of disturbing. I think I write for one fandom -- Marvel -- but, like different factions of it. FrostIron and WinterFrost mostly, with a dash of Stucky, ThunderFrost, DashingFrost, and WinterIron.
4) What are your Top 5 fics by kudos?
Black Light Special (WinterFrost) - 628 kudos
Can I Bum A Ride? (WinterFrost) - 425 kudos
Empire State of Mind (FrostIrom) - 420 kudos
Dark Side (FrostIron) - 398 kudos
A Worthy Collection (FrostIron) - 309 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I really do make an effort to respond to every single comment, even the not-so-nice ones. I want people to know I've seen and read the comment they took the time to post, so even if I just thank them for reading and commenting, I respond.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Considering it features two -- count 'em, two! -- major character deaths, it's definitely Empire State of Mind. Though, I'd argue Dark Side is a pretty close second.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Probably Ghosts That We Knew. It was the final fic in the trilogy that is the Picture Perfect Series. It follows Loki and Tony from when they meet in college and ends 30+ years later.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
No, not really. And I rarely, if ever, read them. There's no real reason behind it other than I've just never come upon one and thought "ooh I need to read that."
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I got a lot of hateful messages after I completed Empire State of Mind. People were really angry at me for killing off two major characters. I mean, a lot of the messages were "omg I hate you but I loved this!" kind of vibe. But there were a few that cussed me out and called me names for writing it.
I had some chapters of a Fools Rush In FrostIron AU posted a while ago, in which Loki was a female, the only daughter in both the Odinson and Laufeyson families. Following the storyline of the Matthew Perry/Salma Hayek movie, Loki meets Tony Stark in a bar and gets pregnant from a one night stand. Anyway, I got a lot of messages telling me that Odin's misogyny and mistreatment of Loki was unrealistic -- even though I had literally modeled his behavior after the movie that inspired it. 🤷🏽
I have some prompts done for the 100 Ways to Say ILY writer's block challenge and for one of them, I borrowed the storyline from an episode of Will & Grace when Will's father dies of a heart attack after they have a bad argument where his father basically admits he wished Will wasn't gay so he could have had an easier life. In the epsiode, the fight starts because Will's parents gift his baby blanket to Grace, who is pregnant with her ex-husband's child. Will takes offense, they don't understand why bc he never mentioned wanting children, and a fight ensues. Similarly, in my fic, Frigga and Odin offer a pregnant Natasha (his BFF) Loki's blanket. Some readers did not like this and did not understand why I would write it. In another prompt, one that was literally how my last relationship ended, got some harsh critiques. Those ones hurt especially bc it was such a personal experience I wrote about.
And I actually got into a fight -- like a screaming match -- IRL with my best friend's boyfriend at the time. One of my bestie's friends asked about my fanfiction and I gave them the gist of one of my stories where Loki has a brief relationship with Sif that results in a child and later reconnects with Tony. Later on, Sif offers to be a surrogate for Tony and Loki and eventually births three more children for them. Bestie's boyfriend could not fathom why a woman would purposely get herself impregnated and then give the child away. I tried to explain that this was a thing that a lot of women did IRL -- and some don't even use their own eggs, but the eggs of a woman who cannot conceive; Sif used her own eggs so that all four children were half related (two by Loki, two by Tony). But he just did not believe me and told me I must not be a very good writer. Worst night of my life.
10) Do you write smut?
I was just telling @teadrinkingwolfgirl the other night how when I first started writing fic I did not write sex scenes. It was always inferred or glossed over. When I started writing again in 2012, for FrostIron, it was my first time writing more detailed sex. I cite Jackie Collins as my smut-writing mentor. I've written almost exclusively M/M smut.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Which is like the best thing ever! A couple of my older fics have been translated to Russian. I have one *NSYNC fic that was made into an audio fic. And someone recently messaged me on ff*net to ask to translate as many of my fics as they can to Spanish. :D
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not technically. I've gotten a lot of prompts and ideas from friends and mutuals, and I started reformatting my WinterFrost RP with my ex from 2014-2015 into novel form a while ago. That's tecnically the only thing I've written with someone else and published.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
I have two that will always, ALWAYS, have my heart and attention. FrostIron (Tony Stark/Loki) and WinterFrost (Bucky Barnes/Loki). They are the two ships that I write the most, read the most, and seek out fanart for the most.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Probably The Flame. It's a fic that starts out ThunderFrost (not related; Asgardian Prince Thor semi-rescues an imprisoned Jotun Prince Loki) but eventually ends up FrostIron. It's the only fic I've ever written that features Loki with both male and female biology. I have a few chapters done but I haven't worked on it in years.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I write realistic relationships. And I think my dialogue is also realistic and easy to grasp. And I put a lot of humor in between all the angst and hurt.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I get too detailed with background. I just reread my Picture Perfect series (which I do like once a year), and there are literal paragraphs of background that in Google Docs is like pages and pages. But I want to make sure people understand my characters! LOL
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm a big fan of it. I featured a lot of Norwegian in the Picture Perfect series. And French. I think as long as it flows with the storytelling and it's not forced on the characters it can be really cool. It should be natural. I always leave a translation list at the end of the chapter or explain in-text what was said. Which I think most authors I've read do.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Backstreet Boys. LOL. Don't judge. I started writing my own fics after discovering BSB fanfiction written by an author named Mistress Lynz. She wrote a lot of fics about bloodletting, but I really enjoyed the fics where the guys were hooking up with each other behind the scenes, LOL explains why I write mostly M/M now. 😂
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
They're kind of like my babies so at different times different ones are my faves. But if I really had to pick one, I would say Stay With Me is my favorite. I got some of the most amazing comments on this story from people that found meaning and themes in the story that I didn't even realize I'd put in there. It was one of my first WinterFrost fics I'd posted and the response was more than I could have asked for.
And now I have to tag people! @teadrinkingwolfgirl @incredifishface @incubigirl @rabentochter @marvelswinterfrost and whoever else feels up to it.
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sparklegemstone · 3 years
Loki Ep3 Thoughts
I can write this right now because I watched ep3 on Wednesday morning. For the other episodes I've watched the first 5-10 minutes to slake my curiosity and then waited until I was 100% alert and engaged (read: not a work day) in order to fully appreciate the full episode. But I watched all of ep3 on Wednesday, and I did so because as I kept going there was never a point where I felt like I was missing anything by not being fully alert.
That is to say...I didn't think the episode was that good. Not bad, but mediocre, especially compared to the other two and the other Marvel series we've seen so far. The only point of this episode was "strand Loki and Sylvie and get them to be a bit more friendly to each other" and they could have accomplished this in much more interesting ways that would have felt more fulfilling as an episode. Maybe I'll feel differently after another watch, but these are my first watch impressions.
Loki singing was a gift. A+. Fantastic. The whole series would have been worth it just for that moment. I really enjoyed the callback of the mug smashing a la Thor. The 'passing time on the train' sequences were the only really worthwhile parts of the episode. I loved the idea behind Loki talking about Frigga teaching him magic and how she raised him, though I thought the presentation of the idea could have been even better for more resonance and emotional impact (also I was distracted by the corny looking fireworks effect, I'm trying not to blame the series for its budget if that fed into that particular effect, but at the same time WV and FATWS knew how to work within their budget without making it feel like they were budget limited). I'm still not a fan of the whispy insubstantial look for the battle magic design coming from his hands, but like most everyone else appreciate all the magic use this episode. Ooh! The 'love is a dagger' monologue -- another that I really like the idea of, I think it could have been more emotionally impactful with a different presentation.
Outside the train car, the whole episode was just "give me the time pad", "make me" over and over again. Lots of empty calories in this script. I don't find Sylvie that interesting from what we've seen so far (why can't we have Randy 😔). She felt like a pretty generic female 'chip on her shoulder, has to fend for herself runaway' character, and didn't live up to what the first two episodes were building her up to be. She felt kind of juvenile, which might have been what TPTB were going for, I don't know, maybe I'm being sexist with that impression? But definitely not as if she's someone who has been living in apocalypses experiencing nothing but death and destruction all around her for the past X amount of time. The character has to justify a badass slaughter set to an 80s rock jam, not the other way around. Also that shot where she tries to enchant Loki and he just stands there with his head down and lets her? I don't know if they were going for intimate in that scene but it just felt kind of clunky and awkward.
I'm curious to learn more about her because I still have so many questions. You'd think if TPTB wanted to design a Lady Loki character they would make her look more like Loki with black hair instead of blonde, which might suggest she's not actually a Loki variant? But maybe she's purposely made herself blonde to distance herself from Loki. But then why does she have Loki's costume and a variation of his horned helmet? She's strongly reacted to being called Loki twice now, so clearly she has some relation to or history with Lokis.
And the whole final sequence that was the dash to the escape ship -- again I'm not trying to criticize the show for its budget constraints or pandemic constraints but that whole sequence felt like they were running through a set and/or competing on some sort of space-themed Nickelodeon GUTS show making their way through a staged obstacle course. It was a combination of the set itself with the saturated neon colors, and the artificial feeling choreography of how Loki and Sylvie moved through it without the environment fully motivating said choreography (run to one point, crouch and wait for a few seconds, then run to the next point, run into a building just to run out), and the cinematography of how it was filmed. I was expecting the fallen tower that Loki magically caught to start rising to reset itself on the stage any second. I didn't feel the terror and urgency of so many people fighting for their very lives. I didn't really feel the urgency for Loki or Sylvie either.
I already wrote this in another post but I'll copy here because it's short. It felt like a poorly written Doctor Who episode: a Doctor Who episode where the story of the place and people the episode takes place in doesn’t matter and the audience isn't supposed to care about it other than to be a giant obstacle course for the main characters to navigate and for the setting to be "nifty".
If we had 22 episodes instead of 6, I think I'd be more forgiving of the episode and my expectations would be lower. Then again if we had a 22 episode season then each episode would have it's own complete story that is told and wrapped up by the end of the episode vs. this shorter chunk of an episode that isn't satisfying in and of itself and only works in the context of the episodes it comes between. So it's like the worst of both worlds, lol.
I realize that was a lot of negativity, but I hope this doesn't just come off as complaining. Like I said, I didn't dislike the episode and there were definitely high points, when it just comes to writing out my thoughts, in this case at least, I find myself having a lot more to say about the parts I was less impressed with vs. the things I really liked to which my reaction is more simply "yay", "thumbs-up", "I liked that".
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About Loki (Season One)
(Sorry this is later than it should have been. I may or may not be experiencing burnout from reviewing every episode of the gayest show Disney has ever produced)
Salutations, random people on the internet. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Do you want to know what's fun about the Marvel Cinematic Universe? It is now officially at the point where the writers can do whatever the hell they want.
A TV series about two Avengers getting stuck in a series of sitcoms as one of them explores their personal grief? Sure.
Another series as a guy with metal bird wings fights the inner racism of his nation to take the mantel of representing the idea of what that nation should be? Why not?
A forgettable movie about a superspy and her much more mildly entertaining pretend family working together to kill the Godfather? F**king go for it (Let that be a taste for my Black Widow review in October)!
There is no limit to what you can get with these movies and shows anymore, and I personally consider that a good thing. It allows this franchise to lean further into creative insanity, thus embracing its comic roots in the process. Take Loki, for example. It is a series about an alternate version of one of Marvel's best villains bouncing around the timeline with Owen Wilson to prevent the end of the universe. It sounds like just the right amount of wackiness that it should be too good to fail.
But that's today's question: Did it fail? To find out my own answer to that, we're gonna have to dive deep into spoilers. So be wary as you continue reading.
With that said, let's review, shall we?
Loki Himself: Let's get this out of the way: This isn't the same Loki we've seen grow within five movies. The Loki in this series, while similar in many ways, is still his very own character. He goes through his own redemption and developments that fleshes out Loki, all through ways that, if I'm being honest with you, is done much better in six-hour-long episodes than in past films. Loki's story was already entertaining, but he didn't really grow that much aside from being this chaotic neutral character instead of this wickedly evil supervillain. Through his series, we get to see a gradual change in his personality, witnessing him understand his true nature and "glorious purpose," to the point where he's already this completely different person after one season. Large in part because of the position he's forced into.
Some fans might say that the series is less about Loki and more about the TVA. And while I can unquestionably see their point, I still believe that the TVA is the perfect way for Loki to grow. He's a character all about causing chaos and controlling others, so forcing him to work for an organization that takes that away allows Loki time to really do some introspection. Because if his tricks don't work, and his deceptions can't fool others, then who is he? Well, through this series, we see who he truly is: A character who is alone and is intended to be nothing more than a villain whose only truly selfless act got him killed in the end. Even if he wants to better himself, he can't because that "goes against the sacred timeline." Loki is a person who is destined to fail, and he gets to see it all with his own eyes by looking at what his life was meant to be and by observing what it could have been. It's all tragic and yet another example of these shows proving how they allow underdeveloped characters in the MCU a better chance to shine. Because if Loki can give even more depth to a character who's already compelling as is, then that is a feat worth admiration.
The Score: Let's give our gratitude toward Natalie Holt, who f**king killed it with this series score. Every piece she made is nothing short of glorious. Sylvie's and the TVA's themes particularly stand out, as they perfectly capture who/what they're representing. Such as how Sylvie's is big and boisterous where the TVA's sound eerie and almost unnatural. Holt also finds genius ways to implement other scores into the series, from using familiar tracks from the Thor movies to even rescoring "Ride of the Valkyries" in a way that makes a scene even more epic than it already could have been. The MCU isn't best known for its musical scores, partly because they aim to be suitable rather than memorable. But every now and again, something as spectacular as the Loki soundtrack sprinkles through the cracks of mediocrity. Making fans all the more grateful because of it.
There’s a lot of Talking: To some, this will be considered a complaint. Most fans of the MCU come for the action, comedy, and insanely lovable characters. Not so much for the dialogue and exposition. That being said, I consider all of the talking to be one of Loki's best features. All the background information about the TVA added with the character's backstories fascinates me, making me enthusiastic about learning more. Not everyone else will be as interested in lore and world-building as others, but just because something doesn't grab you, in particular, doesn't mean it isn't appealing at all. Case in point: There's a reason why the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise has lasted as long as it has, and it's not entirely because of how "scary" it is.
There's also the fact that most of the dialogue in Loki is highly engaging. I'll admit, some scenes do drag a bit. However, every line is delivered so well that I'm more likely to hang on to every word when characters simply have honest conversations with each other. And if I can be entertained by Loki talking with Morbius about jetskis, then I know a show is doing at least something right.
It’s Funny: This shouldn't be a surprise. The MCU is well-known for its quippy humor in the direct acknowledgment that it doesn't take itself too seriously. With that said, it is clear which movies and shows are intended to be taken seriously, while others are meant to be comedies. Loki tries to be a bit of both. There are some heavy scenes that impact the characters, and probably even some fans, due to how well-acted and professionally written they can be. However, this is also a series about a Norse god traveling through time to deal with alternate versions of himself, with one of them being an alligator. I'd personally consider it a crime against storytelling to not make it funny. Thankfully, the writers aren't idiots and know to make the series fun with a few flawlessly timed and delivered jokes that never really take away from the few good grim moments that actually work.
It Kept Me Surprised: About everything I appreciate about Loki, the fact that I could never really tell what direction it was going is what I consider its absolute best feature. Every time I think I knew what was going to happen, there was always this one big twist that heavily subverted any and every one of my expectations. Such as how each time I thought I knew who the big bad was in this series, it turns out that there was an even worse threat built up in the background. The best part is that these twists aren't meant for shock value. It's always supposed to drive the story forward, and on a rewatch, you can always tell how the seeds have been planted for making each surprise work. It's good that it kept fans guessing, as being predictable and expected would probably be the worst path to take when making a series about Loki, a character who's all about trickery and deception. So bonus points for being in line with the character.
The TVA: You can complain all you want about how the show is more about the TVA than it is Loki, but you can't deny how the organization in question is a solid addition to the MCU. Initially, it was entertaining to see Loki of all characters be taken aback by how the whole process works. And it was worth a chuckle seeing Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in the universe, get treated as paperweights. However, as the season continues and we learn about the TVA, the writers show that their intention is to try and write a message about freedom vs. control. We've seen this before in movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Captain America: Civil War, but with those films, it always felt like the writers were leaning more towards one answer instead of making it obscure over which decision is correct. This is why I enjoy the fact that Loki went on saying that there really is no right answer for this scenario. If the TVA doesn't prune variants, it could result in utter chaos and destruction that no one from any timeline can prepare themselves for. But when they do prune variants along with their timelines, it takes away all free will, forcing people to be someone they probably don't even want to be. It's a situation where there really is no middle ground. Even if you bring up how people could erase timelines more destructive than others, that still takes away free will on top of how there's no unbiased way of deciding which timelines are better or worse. And the series found a brilliant way to explain this moral: The season starts by showing how the TVA is necessary, to later point out how there are flaws and evil secrets within it, and ends things with the revelation that there are consequences without the TVA keeping the timeline in check. It's an epic showcase of fantastic ideas met with exquisite execution that I can't help but give my seal of approval to.
Miss Minutes: Not much to say. This was just a cute character, and I love that Tara Strong, one of the most popular voice actors, basically plays a role in the MCU now.
Justifying Avengers: Endgame: Smartest. Decision. This series. Made. Bar none.
Because when you establish that the main plot is about a character getting arrested for f**king over the timeline, you're immediately going to get people questioning, "Why do the Avengers get off scot-free?" So by quickly explaining how their time-traveling antics were supposed to happen, it negates every one of those complaints...or most of them. There are probably still a-holes who are poking holes in that logic, but they're not the ones writing this review, so f**k them.
Mobius: I didn't really expect Owen Wilson to do that good of a job in Loki. Primarily due to how the Cars franchise discredits him as a professional actor for...forever. With that said, Owen Wilson's Mobius might just be one of the most entertaining characters in the series. Yes, even more so than Loki himself. Mobius acts as the perfect straight man to Loki's antics, what with being so familiar with the supposed god of mischief through past variations of him. Because of that, it's always a blast seeing these two bounce off one another through Loki trying to trick a Loki expert, and said expert even deceiving Loki at times. Also, on his own, Mobius is still pretty fun. He has this sort of witty energy that's often present in Phil Coulson (Love that character too, BTW), but thanks to Owen Wilson's quirks in his acting, there's a lot more energy to Mobius than one would find in Coulson. As well as a tad bit of tragedy because of Mobius being a variant and having no clue what his life used to be. It's a lot to unpack and is impressively written, added to how it's Owen Wilson who helps make the character work as well as he did. Cars may not have done much for his career, but Loki sure as hell showed his strengths.
Ravonna Renslayer: Probably the least entertaining character, but definitely one of the most intriguing. At least to me.
Ravonna is a character who is so steadfast in her believes that she refuses to accept that she may be wrong. Without the proper writing, someone like Ravonna could tick off (ha) certain people. Personally, I believe that Ravonna is written well enough where even though I disagree with her belief, I can understand where she's coming from. She's done so much for the TVA, bringing an end to so many variants and timelines that she can't accept that it was all for nothing. In short, Ravonna represents the control side of the freedom vs. control theme that the writers are pushing. Her presence is necessary while still being an appealing character instead of a plot device. Again, at least to me.
Hunter B-15: I have no strong feelings one way or another towards B-15's personality, but I will admit that I love the expectation-subversion done with her. She has this air of someone who's like, "I'm this by-the-books badass cop, and I will only warm up to this cocky rookie after several instances of them proving themselves." That's...technically not B-15. She's the first to see Loki isn't that bad, but only because B-15 is the first in the main cast to learn the hidden vile present in the TVA. It makes her change in point of view more believable than how writers usually work a character like hers, on top of adding a new type of engaging motivation for why she fights. I may not particularly enjoy her personality, but I do love her contributions.
Loki Watching What His Life Could Have Been: This was a brilliant decision by the writers. It's basically having Loki speedrun his own character development through witnessing what he could have gone through and seeing the person he's meant to be, providing a decent explanation for why he decides to work for the TVA. And on the plus side, Tom Hiddleston did a fantastic job at portraying the right emotions the character would have through a moment like this. Such as grief, tearful mirth, and borderline shock and horror. It's a scene that no other character could go through, as no one but Loki needed a wake-up call for who he truly is. This series might heavily focus on the TVA, but scenes like this prove just who's the star of the show.
Loki Causing Mischief in Pompeii: I just really love this scene. It's so chaotic and hilarious, all heavily carried by the fact that you can tell that Tom Hiddleston is having the time of his damn life being this character. What more can I say about it.
Sylvie: The first of many surprises this season offered, and boy was she a great one.
Despite being an alternate version of Loki, I do appreciate that Sylvie's her own character and not just "Loki, but with boobs." She still has the charm and charisma, but she also comes across as more hardened and intelligent when compared to the mischievous prick we've grown to love. A large part of that is due to her backstory, which might just be the most tragic one these movies and shows have ever made. Sylvie got taken away when she was a little girl, losing everything she knew and loved, and it was all for something that the people who arrested her don't even remember. How sad is that? The fact that her life got permanently screwed over, leaving zero impact on the people responsible for it. As badass as it is to hear her say she grew up at the ends of a thousand worlds (that's an album title if I ever heard one), it really is depressing to know what she went through. It also makes her the perfect candidate to represent the freedom side of the freedom vs. control argument. Because she's absolutely going to want to fight to put an end to the people who decide how the lives of trillions should be. Those same people took everything from Sylvie, and if I were in her position, I'd probably do the same thing. Of course, we all know the consequences that come from this, and people might criticize Sylvie the same way they complain about Thor and Star Lord for screwing over the universe in Avengers: Infinity War. But here's the thing: Sylvie's goals are driven by vengeance, which can blind people from any other alternatives. Meaning her killing He Who Remains is less of a story flaw and more of a character flaw. It may be a bad decision, but that's for Season Two Sylvie to figure out. For now, I'll just appreciate the well-written and highly compelling character we got this season and eagerly wait as we see what happens next with her.
The Oneshot in Episode Three: Not as epic as the hallway scene in Daredevil, but I do find it impressive that it tries to combine real effects, fighting, and CGI in a way where it's all convincing enough.
Lady Sif Kicking Loki in the D**k: This is a scene that makes me realize why I love this series. At first, I laugh at Loki being stuck in a time loop where Lady Sif kicks him in the d**k over and over again. But a few scenes later, this setup actually works as a character moment that explains why Loki does the things he does.
This series crafted phenomenal character development through Loki getting kicked in the d**k by the most underrated badass of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's a perfect balance of comedy and drama that not every story can nail, yet Loki seemed like it did with very little effort.
Classic Loki: This variant shows the true tragedy of being Loki. The only way to survive is to live in isolation, far away from everything and everyone he loves, only to end up having his one good deed result in his death anyways. Classic Loki is definitive proof that no matter what face they have, Lokis never gets happy endings. They're destined to lose, but at least this version knows that if you're going out, you're going out big. And at least he got to go out with a mischievous laugh.
(Plus, the fact that he's wearing Loki's first costume from the comics is a pretty cute callback).
Alligator Loki: Alligator Loki is surprisingly adorable, and if you know me, you know that I can't resist cute s**t. It's not in my nature.
Loki on Loki Violence: If you thought Loki going ham in Pompeii was chaotic, that was nothing to this scene. Because watching these Lokis backstab one another, to full-on murdering each other, is a moment that is best described as pure, unadulterated chaos. And I. Loved. Every. Second of it.
The Opening Logo for the Season Finale: I'm still not that big of a fan of the opening fanfare playing for each episode, but I will admit that it was a cool feature to play vocal clips of famous quotes when the corresponding character appears. It's a great way of showing the chaos of how the "sacred timeline" works without having it to be explained further.
The Citadel: I adore the set design of the Citadel. So much history and backstory shine through the state of every room the characters walk into. You get a perfect picture of what exactly happened, but seeing how ninety percent of the place is in shambles, it's pretty evident that not everything turned out peachy keen. And as a personal note, my favorite aspect of the Citadel is the yellow cracks in the walls. It looks as though reality itself is cracking apart, which is pretty fitting when considering where the Citadel actually is.
He Who Remains: This man. I. Love. This man.
I love this man for two reasons.
A. He's a ton of fun. Credit to that goes to the performance delivered by Jonathon Majors. Not only is it apparent that Majors is having a blast, but he does a great job at conveying how He Who Remains is a strategic individual but is still very much off his rocker. These villains are always my favorite due to how much of a blast it is seeing someone with high intelligence just embracing their own insanity. If you ask me, personalities are always essential for villains. Because even when they have the generic plot to rule everything around them, you're at least going to remember who they are for how entertaining they were. Thankfully He Who Remains has that entertainment value, as it makes me really excited for his eventual return, whether it'd be strictly through Loki Season Two or perhaps future movies.
And B. He Who Remains is a fantastic foil for Loki. He Who Remains is everything Loki wishes he could have been, causing so much death, destruction, and chaos to the multiverse. The important factor is that he does it all through order and control. The one thing Loki despises, and He Who Remains uses it to his advantage. I feel like that's what makes him the perfect antagonist to Loki, thanks to him winning the game by not playing it. I would love it if He Who Remains makes further appearances in future movies and shows, especially given how he's hinted to be Kane the Conqueror, but if he's only the main antagonist in Loki, I'm still all for it. He was a great character in his short time on screen, and I can't wait to see what happens next with him.
Revealing that Loki was D.B. Cooper: A cute scene, but it's really unnecessary. It adds nothing to the plot, and I feel like if it was cut out entirely, it wouldn't have been the end of the world...Yeah. That's it.
That's my one and only complaint about this season.
Maybe some scenes drag a bit, and I guess Episode Three is kind of the weakest, but there's not really anything that this series does poorly that warrants an in-depth complaint.
Nothing at all...
...I'm not touching that "controversy" of Loki falling for Sylvie instead of Mobius. That's a situation where there are no winners.
Only losers.
Exclusively losers.
Other than that, this season was amazing!
I'd give the first season of Loki a well-earned A, with a 9.5 through my usual MCU ranking system. It turns out, it really is the best type of wackiness that was just too good to fail. The characters are fun and likable, the comedy and drama worked excellently, and the expansive world-building made me really intrigued with the more we learned. It's hard to say if Season Two will keep this momentum, but that's for the future to figure out. For now, let's just sit back and enjoy the chaos.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I have to figure out how to review Marvel's What If...)
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lightneverfades · 4 years
That Damned Gazebo
Frostiron Holiday Wishes Challenge ❆ 🎅🎄 Prompt by @snarkyship Fic written by @worstloki Note: AH! So sorry this is a late post, tumblr messed up and I didn’t receive this on Xmas day! Ah! Thank you @worstloki for resending! TwT <3333
Wish (Prompt/Idea): Human/no powers AU. Sort-of-enemies to friends to lovers.Tony rents this house/bungalow by the sea for the summer, with a kind of private beach where there is also a cute gazebo. Only that the gazebo is exactly halfway with the other property (by some mistake?). And the tenant of the neighbour bungalow is Loki, who's not so keen on sharing. So Loki&Tony will start a "war" to gain possession of the gazebo, doing their worst using the excuse of "this is my half, I can use it as I want". ((Optional: there is a table right in the middle, so at the beginning they sit at their own side glaring at each other, before starting deploying more convoluted tactics)).Mischief after mischief, they will start to know each other and of course everything will end with one of them inviting the other to their half for a romantic dinner and they'll end up sharing more than the gazebo <3((I hope it's enough clear and but also not too detailed??)) 
Stupid cute bungalow. Stupid cute gazebo. Stupid cute neighbour.
All Tony wanted was a vacation; a break from running a business and having to argue for his ideas to get accepted by the marketing teams and just some time to lay low and relax.
All Loki wanted was a break from being upstaged in his section of the family business by his brother; some time off to cool down and de-stress and lay low and relax.
But instead only half their regular favourite beach house was available no matter how much cash they offered to throw at the real estate company renting it out. Could they have picked a different place to stay? Maybe. But none of the other decent rentables this far west have a gazebo, and they would have nowhere to sit alone and admire the waves from afar if they took a place without one.
And, of course, that’s where it all started— that gazebo.
That damned gazebo.
Day 1
Tony Stark, genius, entrepreneur, philanthropist, makes his way unsteadily down the sandy-grassy slope from the bungalow to the beach, arms filled with an excessive amount of floating supplies, a personalized towel, sunglasses only half on, a fun-sized bottle of the finest sun lotion, a laptop because he may leave the stock market but the stock market may not leave him, a black Prada shirt over khaki Hawaiian shorts, a speaker for music, hot-rod red flip flops, a bag of snacks, a thin multipurpose blanket, and a polaroid.
He almost slips a few times on his way down, and he thinks he sees a crab and swears, but he does make it down to the brilliant white-sand beach of Malibu unharmed.
His plan is simple: spend the day in the shade of the wooden gazebo, sneak a peek at how his business is holding up, check his emails, play some Tetris, sunbathe around noon when the sun is highest, back under the shelter till the sun starts going down, into the water for some splashing, drying off as the sun sets, listen to some tunes while laying under the stars for a while.
Just a regular day off at his favourite beach.
He walks to the shaded gazebo area and draws the curtain to enter, and dumps the entire contents within his arms over the table in the center. He turns to open up the curtains on all sides but is interrupted by an ahem.
Tony turns, and, in the curtained darkness, makes out the figure of a person.
He must be the one who booked out the other half of the house, Tony thinks, eying the stranger sitting at the opposite end of the table with only a book and bottle of water. Show-off minimalists, Tony thinks, saltily.
“I would prefer if you didn’t open those,” he says, and Tony doesn’t recognize the accent, but there definitely is one. Maybe it’s a blend?
“But what’s the point of sitting under a gazebo on a beach if you can’t see the view?” Tony asks, pulling one open, letting in some light.
The man practically hisses at Tony for doing it, which, okay, weird, but that’s normal when you’re assaulted with bright light and have been sitting in the dark.
“How were you reading in the dark anyway? Don’t you know it’s bad for your eyes?”
“I assure you I was able to read just fine.”
“Yeah… I’m opening the rest of these too…” Tony says, reaching for the curtain by the other side.
“Not if you wish to share this table, you won’t,” the man threatens.
“Are you… trying to bribe me?” Tony asks, shocked, because who does this guy think he is?
“Compromise with,” the man has the gall to say. “And with table space, yes,” and Tony sputters. What can he even say to this. He’s here for a vacation, not to argue with strangers who are taking up half the gazebo space that should be his!
“Half,” Tony suggests, because he will not sit in the dark all day and miss out on his beach-view just so he gets to use the table. “You get half of this space, and I get the other half, and we can do whatever we want on our sides.”
The man sighs. “Fine. That sounds fair.”
The two of them spend the entire rest of the day sitting at opposite sides of the table pretending they’re not intentionally glaring and making crazy faces and trying to telepathically get rid of the other when they’re not looking.
Tony doesn’t comment on how the man barely gets any reading done and the man in turn doesn’t comment on how much equipment Tony brought down that he doesn’t use at any point in favour of using the laptop to retain his spot under the gazebo.
Schedule be damned, Tony is going to enjoy his vacation, and that means enjoying his duplex bungalow, even if someone else is renting half, and enjoying his gazebo that may be in-between the properties and they both may be paying for but is 100% actually his.
They wait each other out, and both head up to their houses at the same time; around midnight.
Day 2
Loki wakes at his usual time, showers, pointedly gets dressed into anything but the black shirt he has that matches what the man had on yesterday, and grabs his book before he heads down to the beach.
Having to share the same table was, simply put, incredibly awkward, but Loki has faith in it not happening again. He’s just going to make his way down to the gazebo and spend the day relaxing and rereading his favourite series without a pretentious-bearded neighbour showing up and making things weird.
“YOU!” Loki hears, and turns to find the same man from yesterday rushing down the slope towards him, “WHY ARE YOU UP AT THIS TIME?!”
Loki takes in the sight of the man dressed in a half-buttoned-up hawaiian shirt and pajama pants, with only a laptop and towel in hand, hair clearly fresh from bed, and, before he thinks better of it, counters eloquently with, “why are you half dressed?”
The man waves his arms in frustration, “I was tired! And in a rush! You don’t get to judge me, you’re the other f*ck who woke up this early!”
“I… normally get up this early…” Loki informs him, backing away slowly.
He can’t believe he’s going to have to deal with this guy again.
At least his sweatshirt has a green hood so he can block the guy out of his sight, right? He won’t spend the entire day rereading paragraphs because the man at the other end of the table is making him feel anxious, right? Surely the man is bringing the towel to lay in the sand which means he won’t be needing the gazebo, right?
Loki literally booked this bungalow because it’s in Malibu, and no one pays for a place like this in Malibu when you can rent a lower quality place and spend the money on beach parties and drinks. The fact that it’s far enough from home to make him feel safer was a bonus, but he really just wanted to be alone for a few days.
Loki takes a seat, and crosses one leg over the other, getting comfy so he can lean the book on the table. He tries not to get annoyed that the curtains are still parted halfway. He wouldn’t mind if the ones on his side were open too, but at this point he’s not acquiescing a point to the stranger.
The man pulls the wooden chair out and sits down opposite him.
Of course he does.
Why wouldn’t he.
“So you’re really going to keep reading in the dark?” he says, flipping open his laptop.
“Yep, and that suits me just fine, thank you,” Loki answers neutrally.
“Does my no-light-reading-neighbour have a name?”
“Do you?”
“Nice to meet you, Loki,”
“Thank you.”
Loki uses his bookmark to flip to his page, and starts reading. He will not get distracted by this Tony. It’s totally normal to share this table. It’s not huge, but it’s built for at least six, so there’s space. Maybe not enough to lay on, but it’s enough distance to ignore the clicking of Tony’s keyboard as he frantically presses keys.
Loki is two hours into enjoying his reading time, and he thinks he was doing well.
He’d smiled every time Tony yawned because with eye-rubbing and deep sighs that man was not used to getting up early, but he’d actually gotten through nearly three chapters without incident.
Then, the infuriating man had plunked a speaker onto the table and started playing AC/DC.
Now he’s reread this one line at least fourteen times and still doesn’t know what the red-head was doing with Jon.
“Why?” Loki asks, “Why must you do this? You can see me reading, you’re blocking out the distant sound of waves hitting the shore, it’s not even at a decent volume, so, why?!”
“Sorry, what was that?” Tony answers, “Did you say something? Because I couldn’t hear you over the music, but it sounded like you had an issue with what I was doing on my side.”
“Your music is not staying on your side!” Loki argues, but only receives a shrug and an increase in volume.
He presses his lips together.
Fine. If you’re going to be petty about this, then I can too.
Under the table, Loki kicks Tony.
He hasn’t got shoes on, but he’s always had a knack for aiming very well, and Tony’s whimper (?) (it’s hard to tell with the music so loud) assures him he hit the shin bone well enough.
By the time Tony is done cradling his leg and looks up at Loki with a mix of anger/betrayal, Loki is already reading again, the perfect image of serenity.
Loki tries not to laugh as Tony discovers his legs are not long enough to kick back.
Day 3
Tony didn’t bother trying to wake up before Loki this time.
He went at his own pace, and remembered to change out of the pajamas, brushed his hair, had coffee, and took the time to make himself a few sandwiches to enjoy through the day.
Yesterday he even went for a quick swim around ten at night and headed straight back up to his side of the bungalow, because he’s a responsible adult who doesn’t need to out-do a stranger’s sleep-schedule. Or leg-length. Or laugh.
It isn’t a competition or anything.
By the time he makes it down to the beach, he finds Loki sitting under the gazebo, alone, with all the curtains tied open.  
He’s also... wearing a black Prada shirt which matches the one Tony threw on this morning?? What?! Taking up half the space on his side of the table with 1 (one) bottle of water wasn’t enough, he also has to taunt him by wearing the exact same thing?!
He storms to his side of the gazebo and slams his palms down, taking satisfaction in the fact that Loki was startled and drops his book onto the table. Tony hopes he’s lost the page he was on.
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Hello, neighbour,” Loki greets, gingerly picking up his book again and giving a hesitant smile. “I didn’t realise you would be wearing the same shirt again, but I was hoping we could get off on a different foot today?”
Huh, well, would ya look at that, Tony thinks, I actually won. The sucker is gonna admit I’m too much and wave the white flag.
“That... actually sounds great,” Tony answers with his award-winning client-smile, sitting down opposite him. “This whole thing with splitting the table and curtains in half was a bit ridiculou—”
Tony yelps and stands up and starts frantically rubbing his hand over his butt which is stinging— he looks down at his seat and sees the culprit —a crab, menacing in all it’s crabby glory.
“Are you... okay?” Loki asks, far too confused, far too innocently, far too worried for it to be genuine, “what’s wrong?”
Tony, outraged, yells at Loki, “DID YOU FRICKIN PUT A CRAB IN MY SEAT?!”
“I— what?”
“No! I didn’t— are you okay??” Loki says, and he’s gotten up and rushing over and...okay, MAYBE he didn’t mastermind the crab.
“NO, I AM NOT, BUT THANK YOU FOR ASKING,” Tony screams, backing away from Loki, and running towards his bungalow.
Running in sand is hard, but Tony discovers it’s much harder when your butt is stinging.
Loki… did not put a crab on Tony’s seat.
He’d honestly wanted to draw up a truce, maybe have an actual conversation with Tony, and he even brought a towel and wore a change of clothes underneath in the event that the man wanted to go for a swim and wouldn’t mind if Loki joined.
He’d even brought snacks to share.
But now he feels bad.
Had kicking him under the table every time Tony had put the volume too loud or managed to slide low enough to kick him back or played We're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard been bad? Had it been too much? Why else would Tony assume he’d actually try and hurt him?
The glare-offs had just been fun, faces when they thought the other couldn’t see wasn’t bad-intentioned, the kicking hadn’t meant to injure. Loki had thought they were getting along. Perhaps he had misunderstood? Perhaps the other had not felt they were fun little pranks?
He owes Tony an apology.
Tony has been icing his butt for an hour. If he had any duct tape, he would’ve duct taped the peas to his butt.
Tony is thinking about how if he had any duct tape he would’ve duct taped the peas to his butt by now when someone bangs at his door.
Gee, I wonder who it could be, Tony thinks, as he goes to answer the door. Just so many people who visit this private beach residence. In all honesty it’s kind of sweet that Loki would turn up to check on him at all really.
Tony leaves the pea packet on the nearest counter and goes to answer the door. Good thing about this bungalow: it has many spare counters for things like dumping peas. An excessive amount of counters, even, and he questions what the designer had been thinking.
Tony swings the door open, “Hey there, crab-man.”
“I’m sorry,” Loki blurts.
“Hey, it’s okay, it doesn’t even hurt that much anymore, but at least you’re owning to it.”
“I didn’t set that up! I wouldn’t actually try to cause any lasting damage,” Loki explains.
Tony sighs.
“Yeah, I figured, I was just caught up in the moment and shouldn’t have blamed you.”
“Would’ve been a very Shakespearean betrayal too…” Loki muses.
“So… anything else you came to say?” Tony asks. Although he’s not sure why.
“Would you be feeling up to sharing the table like normal people?”
“Oh, come on, where would be the fun in that?” Tony jokes.
“You… weren’t hurt or offended when I kicked you or said your music taste is dumb?”
“Course not. We’ve all had wild college nights out, believe me, kick to the shins was nothing.”
“Crab grabs though…”
“If you want to share the table like normal people we will not be mentioning the crab grab.”
“Deal,” Loki says, and he’s beaming as if he’s won a prize. Which is really cute. Which is why Tony doesn’t regret slamming the door in his face.
Stupid cute neighbour.
He needs to change anyway.
Loki and Tony hang out under the gazebo, and they share the table.
Every so often Loki will read a line or two aloud and Tony will find himself snickering in response to Loki’s comments on the lines if not the lines themselves. Every now and then Tony tells Loki to look over at his screen as he invests in either the stock market or a round of Tetris.
Around noon Tony asks if Loki would like to sunbathe with him and Loki sees no reason not to join in. He doesn’t have any sunscreen of his own but Tony has plenty and is happy to share.
They talk about their work, and what they’re avoiding (family) in their little getaways from home, just things about life generally.
The sun is going to set soon when Loki asks if Tony would like to spend some time by the water with him.
The two of them spend a good thirty minutes hitting each other with floaties when they aren't sitting around in them, and, despite wading in till their knees, and flinging water at each other, they manage not to get too wet.
They sit in the sand watching the sun set in beautiful streaks of purples and orange as they dry off their feet.
Loki brought two towels in case of such a scenario (which Tony finds very endearing and sweet) and they lay on them as they watch the sky darken to reveal the stars. Loki tries to point out some constellations but Tony is convinced he’s making them up. Maybe he is.
The two of them share sandwiches and chips and chocolates and decide to head up early at around nine.
Tony invites Loki over for a movie, and how can Loki say no? He only just met him, but he’d rather be stuck sharing this bungalow and beach and gazebo with him than have to return home in a few days.
The house is huge, and there is plenty of room on the couch for them to be spaced out, but they choose to share a blanket and stay close because they want to.
Loki hadn’t planned on sleeping over, but he stays late and falls asleep in the middle of a movie and Tony doesn’t mind at all. It’s hard for him to mind when he’s also fallen asleep.
Day 4
Tony wakes early.
Not Loki-early, but earlier than usual, because he’s looking forward to spending time with Loki.
Hmm. Maybe it is technicallyyy still Loki-early. Whatever.
Except, Tony wakes up alone and walks down the slope to the gazebo, and finds it empty. A quick scan of the beach also yields no results. Which is concerning, but not overly so. Maybe he just has something else to do today?
Tony gets through a few hours by rotating through Tetris, League of Legends, and Galaga, before he gives in and walks up to Loki’s half of the duplex bungalow.
He bangs his fist on the door and waits.
About a minute later, Loki answers, in green-plaid pants and a vintagey AC/DC band shirt, hair looking only half brushed.
“Are you seriously wearing that kind of shirt as pajamas?”
“Yes. And good... morning?”
“Morning!” Tony cheerily greets in return, before his expression gets less so, “why aren’t you out today?”
“Good afternoon? I... just wasn’t feeling too well, a bad day I guess,” Loki explains, which Tony understands. “And I already over-lived my stay with you yesterday, so I thought you could have the gazebo all to yourself today, since I’m not really in a beach mood anyway.”
And that’s a big no in Tony’s book because no he didn’t go too far or over-stay anything and no he doesn’t owe him anything and no in general because Tony liked spending time with him! He’s fun and caring and Tony’s wondering where this guy was for every other vacation he spent here because Tony considers him a friend!
“That’s sweet,” Tony lies, “I’m not really in a beach mood either.”
“Ah. Would you… like to come in?” Loki asks, hesitant.
“Of course buddy, if my friend wants to stay home I’m sticking with him.”
Loki stands aside, letting Tony into the bungalow that he’s used to owning on his own, but, shockingly enough, doesn’t mind sharing anymore.
“Would it be bad to ask what kind of bad mood?” Tony questions, taking a seat by the TV. It’s off and he doesn’t see a remote.
“A bit, yes, but I value the thought,” Loki answers, checking the kitchen cupboards.
“So what were you doing in here all alone without me, beach buddy?”
Hmm. Tony considers. They did do what he had wanted yesterday.
“Can I join?” Tony inquires, “if you have any spare books, that is.”
“I didn’t know you could read.” Loki says with half-hearted disgust, walking behind the couch to a small bookshelf.
“Harry Potter, you got me,” Tony states in the driest tone, “Ha ha.”
“I’ve got the second Game of Thrones—“
“There’s a book?!”
“And the series hasn’t updated in years.”
“Bummer, hate when they do that, but at least the show ended?”
“Yeah, badly,” Loki points out. “I’ve got the Lord of the Rings trilogy.”
“I thought you didn’t like the hobbits being taken to Isengard,” Tony pouts.
“Not when it’s on loop and happening the sixth time in a row,” Loki says, dropping the book into Tony’s lap roughly.
Yeah, okay, the man isn’t feeling well, maybe he should leave? But Tony doesn’t want to leave him alone if he’s feeling bad either!
Tony opens the book, skipping through the contents and prologue-y pages. He will enjoy the book and he’ll do it while sitting on the opposite side of the couch because if Loki doesn’t want to lay across and tangle their legs under a blanket that’s up to him. Besides, that’s more an afternoon activity, and Tony isn’t tired at all, so he’s sitting up properly. Which contrasts with Loki’s slouchy leaning-into-the-couch.
“You know, if it’s too quiet, or the book doesn’t interest you, you can just watch something, I won’t be offended.”
“Not so fast, crab-man, I’m doing this to have fun and try something you enjoy, because I like spending time with you, and think that’s fair,” Tony states, and oh sh*t Loki looks devastated. Quick, something fun, something fun, “So I will definitely be trying to read it... at least a bit, before I do anything else… because I may vehemently not-like reading, but I do enjoy your company.”
“Okay,” Loki verbosely replies.
Tony tries to figure out what he’s done wrong but Loki’s opened his book up already.
Tony manages to get through the book in about two hours. Which means he didn’t actually read through it, he just tried, and kept skipping to pages further along that looked more interesting. To be fair, there is a lot of exposition and world building that he knows doesn’t matter because it’s not in the movies.
Loki’s been shifting how he’s sitting at twenty minute intervals, but Tony hasn’t moved lest he come off as restless and not loving the book.
“You can put something on,” Loki suggests, having noticed that Tony is done.
“It won’t disturb you?”
“Not if you don’t have it unreasonably high.”
Tony looks around for the remote, and doesn’t see it. “Any idea where the remote is?”
“Eh, it’ll be lying around somewhere. Maybe check the kitchen?”
And so, Tony sets out on a quest to find the remote.
He doesn’t find it.
He looks through every inch of the couch and in every kitchen cupboard but all he finds are pop tarts and pennies.
At some point Loki puts his book aside and decides to watch him look. He’s even smiling a tiny bit which Tony takes for a good sign.
“Hey, so, I couldn’t find the remote.”
“That’s a shame,” Loki says, and he’s definitely smiling, “would be horrible if someone knows where it is.”
“YOU!” Tony says, rounding in on him, depression be damned, he’s been looking everywhere for an hour now! “Where is it?!”
“Wh— why do you think I would know?” Loki says, turning his face away, his arms crossed pretentiously.
“You’re laughing!” Tony says, pointing a finger at him. “I spend ages looking for this legendary remote and find out you’ve been playing me the entire time” —Tony pokes a finger in the center of his chest for emphasis— “and you’re laughing!”
And okay, it’s a little funny, and Loki’s having fun, so Tony huffs a laugh too.
“I’m not laughing,” Loki tries to say flatly, face turned away, as he clearly tries not to laugh.
Tony being Tony does the only respectable thing in this kind of scenario and jumps onto the couch, straddling Loki, so he can turn his face back towards him.
“Where’s the remote!” Tony yells, to no avail, not even a reaction to having sat on his legs. Is Loki even breathing? His smile is clearly becoming harder to hold…
“Tell me where the remote is” — Tony grabs the thick novel Loki had been reading — “or I’ll take out your bookmark!”
“No!!!” Loki says, trying to grab hold of his book. “Not the bookmark!!! That’s my one weakness! Please, no! Anything but the bookmark!!!”
“Don’t make me do it!! Because I will!!”
Loki chuckles.
“Fine, you win, here” —Loki reaches a hand under the pillow behind him, and holds up the remote.  
Tony snatches it immediately, and gives Loki a peck on the cheek thanks before getting off and going back to his side of the couch.
If Loki looks a little confused about the quick kiss, it’s gone by the time Tony is done flicking through the channels and decides a nature documentary is something they could both enjoy. When Mr Attenborough mentions otters holding hands when they’re happy and Loki asks if he can hold Tony’s hand of course Tony says yes.
Later, when Loki insists on cooking for the two of them he throws together some instant noodles and adds in carrots and peas and egg and mushrooms, and he asks if Tony would like to share the meal down by the beach, he agrees.
“You sure you’re up for this? I don’t mind eating back in the bungalow, and if you’re feeling uncomfortable I’d rather just go back,” Tony makes clear.
“I don’t actually know why I thought staying home would make me feel any better,” Loki says lightly.
“Hey man, sometimes you’ve just gotta stay home, it happens, don’t worry about it,” Tony consoles, carefully going down the sandy grassy slope to the beach, his huge bowl of noodles held in both hands. It smells great. “Besides, focus on the date for now.”
“This isn’t a date, I just asked you out to the beach to eat some comfort food with me.”
“The very definition of my ideal date,” Tony says, listing, “I was invited, there’s comfort food, we’re both already in our sexy pjs, there’s a beach, I think you’re a great friend and we could be more if you wanted, I’ve got my speaker in case we want some romantic classical music, the sunset will happen soon, what more could I want?”
“We also held hands for ages earlier and you kissed my cheek.” Loki winces, “this is totally a date.”
“Sure is.”
“How did I miss that?”
“If it’s any consolation, I was kidding, but you seem on-board, so… it’s a date?”
“It’s a date,” Loki confirms.
“Noodles on a beach is actually one of my secret fantasies,” Tony says, deadpan.
“Well,” Loki suggests, also deadpan, “there’s plenty of space under the gazebo.”
“Table is kinda obstructive,” Tony points out.
“Only if you’re not creative,” Loki counters.
Tony wriggles his eyebrows, and they both laugh.
Loki twists the last of his noodles and stabs his last carrot on his fork and puts it in his mouth. He looks into Tony’s bowl, and finds he’s actually finished first.
“You’re an even slower eater than me,” Loki notes aloud.
“Am not!” Tony blubbers out through a mouthful of noodles, “I’m just taking my time to savour it.”
Loki hums, and puts an elbow on the table to watch him finish up.
“So, what do you want to do now?”
Tony slurps up the rest of his food. “Well, now that I’m done, kiss?”
“I was thinking we could stand by the shoreline and get our feet wet, maybe walk up and down the beach a bit…”
“I mean, I’d rather walk up and down you,” Tony says, making a show of looking over Loki, who in turn snickers.
“I’m sorry, that was terrible,” Tony laughs, “it’s just, walk on the beach, that’s so freakin romantic, yeah I’m up for that.”
And it’s nice knowing that they can still hang out as friends, even if Loki is admittedly also intent on the kissing part.
They leave their bowls and flip flops in a pile in the sand and walk to the shore together.
Tony’s hand is warm in his as they swing their arms gently and just take in the salty air and talk about things; just facts about themselves and stories about life and things they like.
Loki’s not sure how much time has passed but it’s dark and only the night sky and it’s reflection on the water provide any light when he presses a hand under Tony’s chin to tip his face up so he can kiss him. It’s slow and sweet, and Tony— even though Loki finds it hard to believe in the moment —kisses back.
They pull apart, and everything is irrelevant in the face of the happiness they feel in having found each other, even by chance.
They kiss again; slower, deeper, and with an urgency ill-befitting of the time and space they have available.
Day 5
All records of the final entry have been [REDACTED] until further notice to maintain the rating of this fic.
It can be recalled that the [REDACTED] information featured notable involvement of local gazebo space not limited to below, above, and/or against the table, various uses of the excessive counters both halves of the rented space, more than banging on doors, and future plans for the continued entanglement of [REDACTED] leg distribution underneath blankets.
The reader is warned not to attempt searching for and/or to develop any interest in a desire to search for [REDACTED] records in future placements.
(The End.)
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imaginingmyloki · 3 years
Shift in Reality (pt 2)
Word count: 2,120
A/N: ok so obviously this took way longer than I expected/promised it would. Life has been getting in the way of fun lately. As some of you know, A year ago I left home and moved across country to Arizona to discover myself/make a new life/have an adventure. Well now I am moving back home to Virginia and it has just been a wild few weeks. (more on that later) anyways, enjoy part 2! There will definitely be a part 3! I said in a few answers to anons yesterday that this would likely be the last part but it kinda took off from me and started writing itself haha. I am not going to give a promised date for part 3 but I do have a good chunk of it already written from cutting it out of this lol. I won’t be linking any youtube vids about her powers this time, if you check out part 1′s note there is a compilation video of Daisy Johnson using her powers and she is based off of Daisy. ok byyyeeee
“No this can’t be right... I was just with them. What is going on?” I was frantically looking around the room trying to figure out where the hell I was. “Ma’am you need to calm her down or we will have to sedate her.” One of the white coats told the woman with the familiar voice. The heart monitor next to me was beeping rapidly, adding to my anxiety. She moved slightly closer to me and grabbed my hand and started talking. I couldn’t focus on what she was saying but the familiar cadence of her voice was calming me down significantly. “I don’t understand why I’m here. Who are you?” she looked hurt when I asked her that question. One of the many people buzzing about the room checking on the machines quietly said “Some amnesia is really common in these situations. She will likely regain her memories as time passes.” the woman nodded sadly and kept talking to me even though I was not paying any attention to her and was trying to focus on all the details I could about the room I was in and the different faces coming and going. 
                                                 -At the Compound-
Loki was sitting next to my unconscious form reading when Bruce came in with a machine that looked like a very small version of an MRI. “This is S.H.I.E.L.D.s latest, top of the line medical equipment. It is essentially a mobile MRI but way more advanced in what it can pick up. I didn’t do one before but she’s been out for almost 24 hours and hasn’t even moved so I need to see what’s going on in there.” He positioned the machine near my head and Loki watched Bruce’s face go from curious to concerned in a matter of seconds. “What is it?” He asked. At this point Nat and Wanda had come over to check on me and joined the group to see what was happening. Bruce shook his head, “I have no idea. There is something foreign in her temporal lobe. It looks like it is sending electro magnetic pulses to her brain causing her hippocampus-” He looked around and had to remind himself to use more understandable wording for them,”-uh her memory and dream centers to light up like crazy. I wish we could get in there and see what was happening.” Everyone slowly turned to Wanda who nodded and said, “Ok move the machine out of the way.” as she approached me. 
“Well? What did you see? Is she ok?” Loki demanded when Wanda had finished. She sat on the end of the couch by my feet, “We have to get that thing out of her, guys. She didn’t even see me when I was right in front of her trying to get her attention. It has her in this fake reality where she was in a coma and just woke up in the hospital with someone I assume is meant to be her mother. And the worst part is that we don’t exist in that reality. We are just movie characters. She seems really confused but the doctors are saying she has amnesia and its common for coma patients to wake up thinking they were a part of their favorite fictional world. It looks like she is starting to believe them. She looks so lost and heart broken. I couldn’t pull her out of it.” Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes, no one having words for the situation. Wanda looked to Bruce “How is this possible?” He was quiet for a few more minutes before answering “The only thing I can think of is the Winter Soldier.” He put a hand up to stop the incoming questions from the group as he continued, “With Bucky, their first and most formidable success, they wiped his memory, emotionally and physically tortured him until he broke and they had total, absolute control of him. Until Steve. The programming used on Bucky, while it was effective, didn’t hold up against the memories surfacing. So other than the obvious technological upgrades of this new programming- if that is what’s happening- they realized their fatal flaw. They tried to completely wipe out memories and when they resurfaced it undid everything. Making (Y/N) think that she made us up, that we are fictional characters, and now that she has forgotten her own life will not only break her but it will solve the issue of us breaking the programming in the future. She thinks we only exist in her mind and on the screen. I wouldn’t be surprised if this reality they have her in starts to change into doctors discovering she has a mental disorder that comes with hallucinations. Now, after they wipe her memory, if we start showing up again, she will question her own sanity and not her handler’s orders because her most recent memories of us are going to be that she can’t trust her own mind.” Everyone stared at him in stunned silence. “We need to get Tony and the others in here and brief them now. and we need to find Nelson.” Nat said and quickly left the room.  Loki looked at Wanda and said, “Please keep watching her. I know you haven’t been able to connect to her but at least we will know what she is dealing with.”
                                                   -Y/N’s Mind-
This doesn’t feel right. Something is just off about this hospital, these people. After initially waking up and everyone fluttering around my room to check vitals and ask me 800 questions that I couldn’t answer, they finally left me alone to rest with the promise of checking on me throughout the night to wake me up and see if I remembered anything. The woman- my mom I had been told- was sleeping on a cot in the corner of the room lightly snoring. I had asked her what had happened and the story was that I had been at the beach with my family when a wave had caused me to hit my head on a rock under the surface. I had nearly drowned but my best friend, Paul, had been right there and dragged me back to shore. That was 4 months ago and I had been unconscious ever since. She had spent a couple hours telling me all about our life as I grew up. I was an only child and we had traveled all over the world throughout the years. Because of moving around and experiencing so many different places, I knew 15 different languages by the time I was 18. We had recently moved here to California and bought a house close to my grandparents. She was going to call them and tell them I could have visitors in a few days when my memories started catching up with me but was going to call Paul and have him come tomorrow and see if it would hopefully jog my memory. A nurse came in very early and quietly woke my mother, “Ma’am, we called the friend you asked us to have come in. Mr Nelson? He’s here.” My mother got up and went with the nurse. I hadn’t slept at all and was very tired but that name sent a jolt straight through me. I knew he had to be behind this somehow. I looked around for some kind of weapon I could use when he came into the room. There was nothing but the dull butter knife from my dinner that was still untouched from the night before by my bed. I grabbed it a slid it between the bed and my thigh then, I waited. The door opened and I heard my mother’s cheerful voice, “Oh, Paul, she is going to be thrilled to see you. Well, she may actually not remember you yet. We have been waiting on her memories to come back but so far nothing has.” A chuckle and a chilling voice that sent shivers down my spine and raised the hairs on my neck replied, “No worries at all. I have talked this girl through so many breakups, I’m sure I can talk her out of amnesia.”
As they came through the door, my entire body tensed as I locked eyes with Nelson. It was definitely him but he looked different. Casual and relaxed with almost friendly eyes. “(Y/n)! I am so happy to see you conscious! You gave me quiet the scare.” he made his way towards me and my mother backed out of the room with “I’ll give you two some time to talk.” and a hopeful smile. As soon as she shut the door, I had him pinned against the wall with the knife to his throat. “What is this, Nelson?!” The look of fear in his eyes made me hesitate and he pushed me off of him. “(Y/n), what are you doing? We have been friends for years. Wait, you remember me? But, since when do you call me Nelson?” I slowly backed up until my legs hit the bed and I sat down. A nurse came in to check on the commotion I had caused and Nelson - Paul? - told her we were fine. Satisfied, she nodded and closed the door behind her as she left. “Stop playing games. I know what this is, Nelson. Let me go.” I watched his face carefully but showed no signs of knowing what I was talking about. He gave me a concerned look and slowly made his way to the chair by my bed with his hands raised to show he wasn’t a threat. “(Y/n), I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Do you want me to get the nurse for you?” I rolled my eyes at his concern. Being trapped and the constant lack of answers were starting to fill me with a frustration that would typically have the room trembling around me but nothing was shaking except for my hands. As I clenched and unclenched my fists and took a few deep breaths to try and steady myself, I caught a glimpse of Nelsons face. It still had the mock concern plastered on like a mask but his eyes had a glint of amusement. He found my frustration and suffering amusing. The frustration bubbled over and I lunged for him, bringing both him and the chair to the ground. 
                                                 -The Compound-
  The compound shook violently as Loki used his body to shield my still unconscious form from the ceiling tiles and dust that was falling. “Why is this happening? Wanda, what is going on in there?” Tony asked as he came through the door followed by Nat, Steve and Bucky. Wanda explained the scene to them, “Nelson is in there with her under the pretense that he is her best friend. She’s on to him and just took him down but now they are fighting. She doesn’t have her powers in there so she’s struggling. Nurses and doctors are starting to come in to restrain her but she’s fighting them too.” The shaking stopped suddenly and Wanda gasped. When she didn’t say anything to explain the sudden calm, Loki inquired anxiously, “What happened? Is she ok?” Wanda nodded but was still watching the scene unfold in my mind. “They started it over. She’s waking up in a strange hospital again but it looks slightly different than the first one. It is exactly the same situation. They are telling her she has been in a coma for months and that she is finally waking up for the first time. Now she’s seen the tv showing you guys in New York again and she looks even more confused.” Everyone rushed around to clean up the area and Tony said “Loki, I set up space for her downstairs to keep anything like this contained and to keep her safe should Hydra try and take her. You and Wanda take her down there and watch over her while the rest of us clean this up.” Loki gently lifted me and he and Wanda headed towards what had once been my holding cell before the team decided they could trust me. 
“We need to bring Wanda back up here.” Nat said to Steve. They had just brought in Nelson. Bruce had figured out that Nelson had a device in his temporal lobe as well that was linked to the device in mine and had been able to track him using that connection. He had been unconscious when they had found him, likely because he was inside the fake reality with me and she knew that Wanda was the only one who may be able to get the information we needed about how to save me.
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