#they all look like bored kids in class or customers that hate the workers and wish they'd vanish. our representatives!!
pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Perchance to Meet pt. 4
Hi again! 
Back at it again with anotha one. I didn’t put it on the other ones, my bad, but it is a fem reader. I apologize if that makes anyone uncomfortable!
Warnings: language, suggestive language, angst, you’ll probably hate me at the end but oh well 
  Part 5 
After that night, Aizawa tried his best to do what was best for him and his girlfriend. Regardless of what that enailed, he would do it. By no means did that mean he worked any less, he did what any over zealous workaholic does.
He began to stretch himself too thin.
On top of his teaching, patrolling, and keeping (Y/n) safe, the pro-hero barely had time for himself. He felt it was worth it, so long as work and personal life never interfered with each other or her work life for that matter, things were fine.
He did his best to believe his own façade until an early on staff meeting. He sent his love a quick text letting her know that he’d be late to her store because of a staff meeting. That’s alright, she responded, I’ve had some extra stuff come up at the shop with the café portion. Be safe baby uwu
Aizawa rolled his eyes, if you ever say that again I’m not picking up sweets on the way home.
Uwu uwu??
You’re lucky I love you
The man chuckled and put his phone down, preparing himself for the meeting. So far the school year had gone pretty smoothly regardless of his attempts to expel students from the first week. The meeting at hand was just a normal staff meeting, going over the upcoming calendar for the whole school and going into smaller details like who would be at the USJ in the upcoming two weeks. He doesn’t show it, but he’s very excited for his kids to begin training at the USJ and with All Might and Thirteen there they are sure going to learn and grow in the right way.
After the meeting ended, everyone was rounding up their belongings and having idle chit chat. Aizawa is so close to tasting the sweet relief of the end of the day when he’s stopped by a couple teachers.
He’s met with whimsical sapphire eyes that match a grin on the ravenette’s face. “So, when am I going to meet the mystery woman that’s clearly stolen your heart.”
“Nemuri,” Aizawa sighs, “it’s not appropriate to talk about personal relationships during school hours.”
Ruby lips frown and pout, “Aw come on Aizawa! You’ve been together for almost a year now! Why haven’t you brought her to any of the staff outings?”
“Maybe because she’s busy too? I don’t wanna get into it.”
“It’s true!” The loud voice interrupting can only belong to one obnoxious blond. “She runs her own bookstore and bartends to make money for said bookstore! She’s a workaholic just like him. A match made in heaven!”
Upon his arrival, Present Mic had wrapped his arm around his friends shoulders to bring the three of them closer as they walk out of the room. As much as he wants to shove the arm off of his body he doesn’t feel the need to.
“Oh,” Midnight surmises, “so that’s why I haven’t met her! Stop hiding her from us Eraser we want to meet her.”
“You will, eventually.”
Nemuri scoffs, “Eventually?! You’ve been saying that for months.”
“Ah but what if he’s keeping her a secret on purpose?”
A new voice shocks the trio as they turn around to see Principal Nezu walking with a frailer looking All Might. All Might shakes his head and points to Nezu. “I mean, Eraserhead is a very busy man who puts his life on the line for his students and community. Who’s to say he’s not doing it for her safety?”
That makes the three teachers stop and think, but Aizawa’s train of thought isn’t exactly the same as his peers. The principal has a point. Up to this point, he hadn’t been able to bring her because of their crazy schedule and diligence to their respective jobs; granted they always made time for each other. But what if that’s a big part of it? Now that the number one hero is at the school he teaches, having a close connection to his class he might add, doesn’t that put a bigger target on his back for villains?
He’s tried not to think too much about the increase in villain activity since All Might’s presence, however it is now unavoidable. There’s always the possibility of an attack, the press made that pretty obvious, but Aizawa wouldn’t put it past any villain to do their research. Has he been safe enough when he’s been out with (Y/n)? Were they being tailed or followed by anyone on their many dates? Shit, has she gotten any new customers that might be a problem?
How could he have been so stupid and blind to not see the potential danger she’s in just by being with him? He had never felt like this before; never been so pulled into one person. He had avoided dating for this reason but how could she make him forget all of those reasons?
“It’s clear to me you love her and that you have a lot to think about Aizawa,” Nezu finishes, “but you always know what to do! I may not know her but I wish the two of you happiness!”
(Y/n) tried her best to hold back her anger and frustration, but it was inevitable. Even with the addition of the café and a couple extra workers, she still needed to pull hours at the club. The struggle was indeed real. She desperately wants to slam her head on her desk but she knows that it’ll only upset Aizawa to see her physically hurt. So she keeps her head up with her arm and continues to look through the books for the last month.
No one had been stealing, everyone was working hard, hell even Kona had taken extra hours to help ease her stress over keeping the business running. But it wasn’t enough. No matter what she did, it wasn’t enough to keep working like this. Her tired eyes bore into the calendar knowing she can’t take much time off soon regardless of how much she wants to. Her time off will come in the form of a conference she’s been invited to attend and hold a small lecture. It’ll talk about how running a business you love while using your quirk for good is still considered heroic in its own right. I mean, she and all her friends knew that but there are still so many people in this society who feel less than because their quirks aren’t heroic…
Her mind begins to wander to her friends, Aizawa, one of her older favorite customers…
Ah yes, she hadn’t seen them in the last couple of years. She couldn’t remember the moms name, but her child always came in with another daycare every now and then, Eri. She had the prettiest white hair and red eyes, and the cutest little horn that was on her head. (Y/n) really missed her, but she assumed because of something with her quirk she stopped showing up, or maybe they moved; they would always come around the same time as if on some schedule.
A deep exhale escapes her mouth as she attempts to focus on the task at hand. She was finally making some headway in organizing the schedule and financial books when she hears an abrupt knock on the window. In a daze, (Y/n) leaves her office to walk toward the front, staring at the turned off ‘Open’ sign in frustration. But who is she to deny someone who might need help?
“Sir,” she yawns, “I’m sorry but we’re closed right now.”
The man in front of her has a menacing look that sends a chill down her spine. The mask covering his face makes it hard to distinguish his figures, and she notices the gloves over his hands. “Are you not (Y/f/n)?”
“Uh, yes? And may I ask who wants to know?”
The man chuckles, “I have a request from someone you may know.” He hands her a piece of paper and she hesitantly takes it. All that is on it are a few words that she is able to identify as a particular book in a children’s fantasy, her quirk coming to her aide. “I have the money already if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
Unsteadiness rises in the young woman. She searches his eyes for any kind of familiarity but fails to find any. “Ah, well sir I have the right book in mind. Could you wait right here?”
The man waits for her as he watches her go inside the store. So this is the place that good for nothing woman would go to? Hmm, it has appeal and he can see why his subject enjoyed it. Anything to put his plan into motion and keep it within his reach.
“Here you are, and may I get your name?”
Upon receiving the book, he exchanges the money and politely bows. “Chisaki Kai.
“And Eri says hello.”
The drive to the airport was filled with content silence, as (Y/n) leans her head onto Aizawa’s in the car they shared. It was early in the morning so the pro-hero was already adjusted to being up at this hour, however his girlfriend wasn’t. He had debated about escorting her to the airport, Nezu’s words still in his head two weeks later, but figured she’d be happier and more at ease having him see her off. It’s not everyday someone he knows and loves gets invited to talk about something they’re very passionate about.
He’s overly ecstatic about it and is upset he can’t be there for her. But he knows that he’ll do his best to stream her talk when it’s available.
This is what he loves, this equal give and take they have for their relationship. He’s met some of her friends and family, albeit on a tight schedule, and vice versa; minus the pro-heroes. They both have a strong respect for what they do and when they do it. Even though this will be the most time they’ll have together, he’s glad he can see her sleep so peacefully on his shoulder. A content grin adorns his face as he does another thing out of character and snaps a picture of her.
Damn, he really is in love with her. Once he sees the airport in sight, he softly nudges her, “Hey, princess. We’re almost there.”
“Unngg, no…”
Aizawa chuckles at her whining and lightly kisses her forehead. “I wanted a couple extra minutes of you awake before you get out and-“
“Sh, sh,” she interrupts. “You act like I don’t get it,” her words are slurred from being too tired. “You do a lot for me, love. We gotta be safe I understand; gossip is so bad.”
He loves how extra snuggly she is when she’s too tired to function. “You know I’d walk you to the gate if I could,” his voice rumbles huskily that ends up making her mewl.
“I hate when you talk like that.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be sure to call you tonight and talk just like this.”
“Oh sure! Just forget that I’m in the car! Now hurry up your students have a big day coming up!”
The couple giggles at Hizashi’s words, despite their truth. His friend rolls his eyes as he sees where they parked. It’s a bit of a walk to the airport but this gives them privacy from any prying eyes, especially of the villain nature. The two of them step out of the car and gather her overnight luggage from the trunk.
“I’ll only be gone for the night, I’ll be back tomorrow evening.” She leans up to kiss him.
“I know,” he kisses her back, “I just wanted you to finally meet my students and see them in action.”
Her eyes widen at his words, and so did some golden ones at that. “You..? What?”
“Heh, I figured it was way past time I let you into more of my world. I know I’m not the most open person, but I want to keep you safe and where else to do that than at U.A. with other heroes? They’re going to be working on rescues, and since you’ve shared so much of yourself with me, well it’s about time.”
Tears threatened to spill in his girlfriend’s eyes at his words. “Are you sure? I understand we kept our relationship a secret for our safety but, are you sure? I’m content knowing only your family and Yamada and- mmph!”
He silences her with a kiss and chuckles into it. “It’s dangerous yes, but you’re worth it.”
The flight back wasn’t as enjoyable as the tired woman had predicted. Since her presentation went well, she was on a high until midway through her flight. Poor (Y/n) got stuck in the middle seat surrounded by the most unbearable people on the planet. She couldn’t wait to get back to Aizawa and just let him ravish her.
Once she had collected her luggage and turned on her phone, she tried to find the raven haired man and his loud blond friend. But after ten minutes of waiting and searching she came up empty handed. “What the hell,” she muttered to herself. She had no missed calls or texts from Shouta so what was up? He promised he’d pick her up but she’s been in the airport for almost an hour now and no such luck.
Getting frustrated she ended up hailing a random taxi and input her address. No matter, he could have had something come up at school which is entirely possible. She wasn’t going to let that get in her way of returning to the man she’s absolutely head over heels for. It might have been just one night away, but it felt like an eternity. Despite all her work, all his work, the world pretty much telling them no they found a way. Sure they had their fair sure of arguments but what couple didn’t? At the end of the day, they loved each other and that’s what was important.
She suddenly began to feel her phone buzz and pouts at the caller I.D. “Yamada, I have half a mind to come to your place and demand you drive me around for the hell of it! I thought you were supposed to pick me up!”
The laugh that was in her throat retreated when she noticed his serious tone. This wasn’t like him. Damn, what happened?
“Hizashi, you’re scaring me,” her voice trembles, “where’s Shouta?”
She can hear him take a deep breath and his voice is not as boisterous as it typically is. “Answer me!” She’s clutching her phone as tears threaten to fall, “where is he?!”
“(Y/n), dear, I’m so sorry. There was an attack yesterday during the training, and he’s injured. Really badly.”
He’s met with silence on the other end and slowly continues. “He’s at the hospital. I’ll send you the address.”
With that he hung up. (Y/n) felt her jaw go slack. Her heart begins to pound faster than before as her breathing increases. The urge to vomit overwhelms her senses as the feeling in her stomach is one she’s never felt. Nothing makes sense. Why? Why didn’t he tell you immediately? Or why didn’t Present Mic tell you earlier? It’s almost 5 pm school ended hours ago, this makes no sense he would’ve told her, he would have he would have-
Her phone lights up with a text from the blond man Here’s the address. I did this for him. Please go to him.
The rest of the ride is a blur after she tells the driver to switch addresses. Her conference didn’t matter, her shitty flight didn’t matter, her new found knowledge didn’t matter… Shouta needed her and fuck why can’t this person drive faster!
She barely recollects paying her driver as she pulls up to the hospital. She runs in with her bags up to the front desk and politely yet frantically asks for her boyfriend. The nurse up front is apprehensive but relaxes upon seeing her stressed out face and Hizashi coming up to vouch for her. He glances into her eyes and gives her a hug in solidarity and apology. The pair of them pass by rooms, quickly going to the elevator to find Aizawa’a room. Along the way, she assumes she passes some of his students as the blond man pushes them out of the way.
Hizashi holds her luggage as she makes her way inside. In the room, she finally sees him and falls to her knees. Her presence is finally announced as an older nurse and a frail looking man turn to her. His face is completely covered in bandages and his arm is clearly broken. It takes everything in her to not wail at the sight.
“Who is it?”
The voice is soft and muffled but she’s able to make out who said it. The elderly looking nurse comes to his side and removes some of the bandages on his face in order for his eyes to be revealed.
It had been a few hours since he had been able to see, but what he was greeted with confirmed his newfound resolve. The sight of his girlfriend’s face covered in tears for him was almost too much.
“Sh-Shouta, why? What happened?”
“Why are you here?”
That sentence alone stunned everyone in the room, including Hizashi who had just walked in.
“What are you talking about? You got attacked! Why else would I be here?”
“You shouldn’t be here,” he coughs out. “This isn’t a place for you.”
Confusion crosses her features at his words. “I don’t? I don’t understand, I thought you wanted me to be part of your life.”
“Present Mic told you I was here didn’t he? I told him not to.” He sighs and tries to lay back down. “Recovery Girl, could you cover me back up?”
“Whoa, whoa wait! I come back from a conference and I find out that you are severely injured and you don’t want me here?! What the hell happened to everything we spoke about literally yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me, or at least have him tell me you were okay or something!
“You’ve been like this for a whole fucking day and if I’m correct, you weren’t planning on telling me?”
He lowers his voice from the yelling and mutters loud enough for her to hear, “this is why pro-heroes don’t date.”
Gasps were heard around the room and Present Mic is most surprised, “Eraserhead come on,” he breathes. “Don’t do this, man. And you need to take a break! You can’t just go back to work like everything is fine!”
“He’s what!?”
Aizawa puts up his in broken hand to silence them, “no she needs to hear this.” He points to the now confused and angry woman in front of him. “You don’t understand that this is my life and I will get hurt.”
(Y/n) shakes her head, “I know that! But you need to rest, I’ve missed you and I’m sure your students would understand. You saved them!”
He interrupts, “I can’t stop being a hero and a teacher because of some injuries. My kids need me.”
“I need you too.”
“But you’re not putting your life on the line every day are you? You just sell books and make drinks, how is that helping people?”
Her heart sank at those words. How could he say something like that? She can slowly but surely feel her heart be torn and repaired by thorny weeds holding it together. She can’t even look at him, knowing that he was aiming to hurt her intentionally with those words. Those words were why she does what she does and he just mocked her. After all this time, it seems his true colors were finally showing. This is why he never let her in, because he’s a coward. A coward too afraid to let anyone come close. It’s a miracle to her now that he has friends.
The silence is deafening after his last questions as all eyes on are on her. (Y/n) straightens her posture and begins to head out of the room. She stops briefly to whip out her keychain. She removes the key to his apartment, struggling to get it off and finally throws it on the ground, the clanking of the metal against the tiles louder than anyone thought. And through her gritted teeth she spat,
“Fuck you Aizawa.”
She grabs her luggage from an unusually quiet Hizashi and storms out, tears cascading down her face.
Once she was out of earshot, Mic turns to his friend and takes a deep breath. “What the hell was that!? That wasn’t what we practiced!”
He’s greeted by silence from his injured and heartbroken friend. Aizawa knew what he was supposed to say, but the attack on his students left him feeling some kind of way. Even though the villains were after All Might, they attacked his students and he couldn’t have that. He told no one of that trip and feared that someone may have overheard him talking to her at the airport. He knew these villains were ruthless and as he said, he would do anything to protect her at all costs.
Aizawa sighs, the weight of his words and actions falling onto him. “It was the right thing. These villains are crazy, attacking students and teachers in broad daylight. Who knows what else they know about us? I can’t get her involved in that.”
The blond shakes his head in disappointment. “No you don’t get it. (Y/n) loves you and would do anything for you. I understand you want to keep her safe but breaking her heart like that…”
Aizawa knows this too well as he speaks to his friend again. “It’s better if she’s not in my life. I don’t want her connected to this and you know she’d throw herself into this to support and be there for me. I can’t have my students and my girlfriend with targets on their backs.
“What kind of hero would I be if I can’t save the ones I care for?”
taglist!: @kiribaku-queen @cupcake-rogue @shinsouskitten @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus 
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marauder-exe · 4 years
AU list!
hi! These are a bunch of Au’s that i could write,and you could request! (reposting because it didnt work the first time)
Fake dating (My personal favourite)
Coffee shop
Modern Royalty
Running From The Police
Rebel Against The Goverment
High School
Law school
Road Trip
Arranged Marriage
Professor-Student (of age)
More detailed
21.You were singing/playing guitar/etc. in the park to protest the war and a policeman tried to dismiss you for 'disturbing the peace' but you argued that you were promoting peace and things got heated and next thing you know you're being arrested for assaulting an officer. You intrigue me, so I'm here to bail you out and maybe take you on a date?
22.the nice one who everybody loves with the grumpy and strict one that the students hate and the students wonder?????????how what the fuck
23.we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward
24. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate
25. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater
26. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit
27. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill
28. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me
29.  i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up
30. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
31. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter
32.we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine
33.my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry
34.the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me
35.i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
36.a storm is delaying our flight home and i’m afraid of thunder, please talk to me while we wait
37. we’re both in small claims court and i got into a huge fight with the person suing me but you stepped in to hold me back before security got there
38. i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after
39. i hit you with my car but luckily you’re okay, but we should still exchange information i guess
40. i was worried about buying something off of someone creepy from craigslist but oh no you’re hot
41. my friend talked me into playing a drunken game of spin the bottle even though we’re all adults and now we have to make out
42. we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other
43. my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home
44. sharing a cab together
45. you’re trying to get me to sign a petition and i have no idea what you’re talking about
46. you’re drunk at this festival and dancing on the table and when you eventually fell i caught you
47. we both play this stupid game online and you keep beating me every single goddamn time so i called you out and you are pretty cute but can you not
48. im a bartender and you just came in here without shoes sat down and ordered a chocolate volcano and idk what the fuck that is and im scared to ask
49. we are neighbours and every night at 3:14 am you start yodeling for no fucking reason??? why???? is that you yodeling??? its been 2 months???
50.im a pizza delivery person and i just delivered a pizza to someone in the middle of a satanic ritual and they gave me their number???
51. i woke up this morning to find you sitting in my living room with a goat in a poncho??? who are you??? why is the goat wearing a poncho??? how did you get the goat in here i live on the 12th floor???
52. we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know
53. im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit
54. its 4 am and im drunk as fuck in a mcdonalds and you have been watching my trying to eat this burger for 30 minutes
55. i was playing beer pong with a coin and i accidentally threw it right into your eye at a party
56. i’m at the beach and some kids thought it was funny to bury me in the sand when i dozed off can you please dig me out
57. it’s unbearably hot and we’re both fighting over the last handheld electrical fan at the shop at the amusement park
58. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but i get sunburned really easily so can you please help me put sunscreen on my back?
59. thunderstorm after a menacing heatwave and we’re both getting weird looks for dancing in the rain
60.i have no idea who you are but you just fainted right in front of me holy shit dude you need to drink more in this heat
61. we both chased after the leaving ice cream van like ten-year-olds and now we’re both out of breath and a bit embarrassed
62.i clearly reserved this deck chair by putting a towel on it why on earth are you lying on it who the fuck do you think you are
63. My friends bet I wouldn’t buy these three weird and questionable items and you’re my cashier.
64.Once a week I go visit the pet store just to stare at the cute kittens and puppies and you’re the nice employee who always lets me hold them and wait I think I’m going to cry hold on.
65.You’re the DJ of the University’s radio station and every time you give an opinion on a current event I have to call and argue with you because could you seriously be anymore wrong?
66.We both wait tables at the same restaurant and you’re always mad at me by the end of the night because I make more in tips
67.We have the same class and once a week you wear this graphic shirt I don’t understand and I really want to ask you about it.
68.We both work at the same craft store that literally has no customers so we have nothing to do and I’m always reading at the register but you always have to criticize my book choice what the hell?
69.I’m working the concession stand for this week’s home game and this is the fifth time you’ve come back for snacks wait are you flirting with me?
70. we’re at a bookstore and you and I seem to have similar taste in books have you read this one? How about this one?
71. you look like you need help and I’m a professional roller/ice skater but I don’t want you to feel bad about how much you suck but wow you suck
72. You ordered your food before me and they gave you a drink you didn’t want so you gave it to me
73. We’re sitting at adjacent computers in the library and I’m taking extra care not to look at your screen out of respect but what the fuck do you keep laughing at
74. as a joke I yelled out “happy birthday to someone!” in this store and you called back “thank you!” who are you
75. You heard me talking about a TV show in class the other day and now you’re passionately yelling at me about how good it is we’ve never actually spoken before
76. It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
77. We go to the same support group; I have social anxiety and you’re a kleptomaniac who sorta stole my heart
78. You thought you were alone at the bus stop so early in the morning so you started passionately singing Fall Out Boy but your Patrick Stump impression could use some work and I’m not really afraid to point that out
79. I’m an artist and you have a really nice face so would you mind if I drew you?
80. We’re rival up-and-coming singers and every time one of us releases a new single the other does a cover to try to make it better; we’re always trying to top each other and out-cute each other, but half our fans aggressively ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet because it’ll be popular; unfortunately now that we’re in the same studio and I’ve seen what you’re like I really wanna know what your lips feel like
82. We were both stood up for dates at the same nice restaurant so we decide to eat together and split the check but I dunno you’re pretty interesting aside from your distractingly enormous eyebrows
83. We met at a mutual friend’s cheesy masquerade party and we agree that the only good thing about this party is the masks so you can’t judge a book by its cover only now that we’ve been talking I want to see your face but I don’t know how to ask
84. You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am
85.We pass each other every day while we’re biking on the same path so we’ve started smiling at each other and one day you’re stopped because you’re having an asthma attack so I offer you my extra water bottle and now we’re talking and now I’M the one who’s breathless
86.I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them
87.I'm a private detective hired to follow you, but you're endearingly boring and mostly I just like watching you and oops, I sort of find you adorable.
88. You've been sketching me for half an hour now, and just shuffled up to hand me the finished product and it's TERRIBLE but you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.
89.  I'm at an art exhibit and I just badmouthed the art, because I don't get it, okay? And it turns out you're the artist. I'm so sorry, maybe I could get you coffee and you could explain what it was supposed to be?
90. We're the only two people who turned up to an underground gig and it should be awkward, but the band is amazing and you asked me to dance and hey, there's nobody watching but us.
91.  You live in the apartment next to me. We're not supposed to have pets, but I KNOW you have a cat. I'll make you a deal, I won't tell, if you let me pet it.
92.  I punched you because I thought you were insulting my friend, but it turns out you know each other and it was an inside joke and I'm so sorry, let me drive you to the hospital?
93. We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike
94. I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me
95.Our dick landlord just evicted us both
96.I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who  shares my name
97. You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating
98. Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his
99. It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked
100.Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough
Feel free to use any of these as your own! If you wanna request you could drop an inbox saying ‘ could you do ____ AU with this character’!
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ijustneedtowhine · 3 years
I realized I don’t want to work, so I won’t.
I feel like I‘m going to be judged for what I’m about to say. But I’m going to say it anyway. I kind of always wanted to be a housewife. Let me start by saying, I hate the term, “housewife”. It sounds like I’m a human pet or something. But moving past the stupid word, I always pictured myself homemaking, married or not. In school, growing up, when we would have to say what we wanted to be when we grew up I never ever meant what I said. I could not for the life of me think of a job I ever wanted to do. It sounds “lazy” but I never wanted to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, there were things I liked to do. I was a very active kid. I did a million different clubs, stage crew and color guard all throughout high school. I enjoyed it all. But I would be lying if I didn’t say that the second I thought about those activities turning into jobs, I lost all interest. Something about turning my hobbies into means of production, swiftly sucked all the joy out of it. I realize now that it was weird we were being taught to aspire to become workers. I just have no interest in living my life that way (doesn’t mean I didn’t try though).
In the beginning I did try to force my round peg into some of the square holes provided by our capitalist society. I went straight to college after high school. My second year in, I decided to turn my hobby of stage crew into a career path. One very big thing ruined this for me. In order to take the classes I needed like; stage lighting, stage makeup, and the opportunity to work on the crew, I had to major in theatre and take all of the acting classes. YEAH. You read that right. I had to freaking act. I have ZERO interest in acting. Very much not my thing you guys. The program director's excuse was that we needed to understand what the actors did as well. These classes were some of the most uncomfortable times in my life and I really wish I had never done it. Needless to say. that only lasted one and a half semesters for me.
One thing I feel like I should inform you of is that 2 weeks before I dropped out of college, my big sister, my absolute favorite person in the world, passed away suddenly. She had small children and an ex unfit to take care of them. My family and I were dealing with custody fights and a new life no one in my family ever wanted. Looking back now I know that it was incredibly traumatic for everyone involved and played a huge roll in why I left school.
Another hobby I tried to turn into work was makeup and skincare. I went to beauty school right after I dropped out of college. You see, even though I was able to convince my parents to let me leave school, they still wanted me to be working towards a career of some sort. So I enrolled into beauty school not fully understanding what I was getting myself into. Like I said, I am only interested in makeup and skincare. But here, at my school you had to also learn to do hair. My naive 20 year old ass trusted the enrollment lady when she said that I wouldn’t have to do much hair and that the program was pretty evenly distributed. LIES. Hair was 90% of what we did there. I fucking hated it you guys. I of course liked certain parts of it. The material was interesting, the tests were a cake walk, I made some friends, and even dated a girl I met there for a short while. But when it came to graduating to the salon and doing real customers hair for 8 hours a day (before going to my job where I worked 5-6hrs a day 6 days a week I might add) I was fucking over it. This on top of my ever blooming anxiety was a real recipe for me to avoid, avoid, avoid. My attendance was piss poor by the end. I got kicked out because of this. I wasted $20,000 on something that turned into nothing and ruined my self esteem. I felt like such a loser for not being able to finish. I could not for the life of me understand why I couldn’t get myself out of bed and go. Why would I cry at the thought of having to walk through those doors? I knew I had to, but I physically couldn’t after a certain point. So after beauty school I just kept working a shit-ton. I got a retail management job that I was at for a couple of years. I liked it well enough. Management was fun and I was good at it. The day I put in my two weeks notice I walked into the back to put my stuff away and my store manager and district manager were there with balloons ready to surprise me with the good news that I was being promoted. That was a pretty awkward conversation to have needless to say lmao. And to be honest I only left because I wasn’t making anywhere near enough money.
 The job I left for is where I met my favorite person alive, my sweet husband. We were in the same department and we started talking when I was new and had no clue what I was doing. He would help me out when I needed it but was too stubborn to ask. We would stand around and talk when there wasn’t much work to be done. I could tell he was really kind and funny, so one day I just decided I didn’t want to stop talking to him. I offered him a ride home that morning (we worked overnight). We went to a park to watch the sun rise and we literally haven’t spent a day apart since. He’s truly the loveliest person I’ve ever known. I can confidently say our relationship is the only good thing that came out of my first couple of years of adulthood.
This job is where I hurt my back, Christmas 2019. I was working 7 days a week 12 hr shifts and I was fuuuckkinggg exhausted. I lifted something wrong and that was that. My back hasn't been the same since. I’ve gone to chiropractors and nothing helps. I can’t even do the dishwasher without having to take a break. So obviously I had to stop working there. I lasted until august 2020 though! I used a back brace and took lots of days off lol. At the end I just could not do it anymore. My last shift I spent the last three hours of  my shift crying in pain and taking breaks to sit every 5 minutes. I walked out the second my shift was over and never went back in. I felt like I was ripping my body apart. My now husband, then fiance, and I decided that I should look for something to let me sit. I did that. It sucked. Depression and anxiety got the best of me once again and I stopped going. I don't know what happens to my brain but it feels like it starts to attack me with words, fears and feelings of despair. I shut right the fuck down. I’m not strong enough to push through. And I don’t think that I have to be that strong. Once I had enough break downs about being too scared to leave the house my husband and I decided I would stay home as long as it takes me to get better, physically and mentally. I love him so much for being on board and understanding that I needed a break. 
It’s been a couple of months now and I’ve had a lot of time to try and connect the dots in this pattern of my life. I think that I spent a really long time fully convinced that being a housewife in this day and age was out of the question. Deep down I knew it was the only thing I could ever picture doing and being happy with. I loved organization, lists, cleaning, and cooking. Growing up I always felt really good about myself when I cleaned and organized my room. I would sit around and day dream about what my home would look like and how I would decorate it. But none of that mattered when I was being told that I should aspire to do a job and love it enough to do it until I’m in my 60s. Like what? I don’t love anything enough, besides my family, to do it for decades of my life. When I finally admitted to myself that taking care of a home and a family is truly what I aspire to do, the thing that feels like it gives my life meaning, I felt a sense of relief, and then quickly after, some anxiety. I started to get scared of what people would think of me. I know that there are a lot of feminists out there that actually understand the ideal of feminism. They would never down a woman that is doing exactly what she wants (as long as she isn’t hurting anyone). But on the other hand I have encountered so many people, men and women that are really nasty about women that are or aspire to be housewives. So many of the people I grew up with joked about people they didn’t like ending up bored housewives. I know I shouldn’t have but I laughed along. Knowing deep down in a locked away place, it was the only thing I pictured myself doing. I just don’t see what’s wrong with homemaking if that’s what you truly want. 
Finally, I’ve come to realize that I shouldn’t be ashamed of doing exactly what I want to do. It works for my husband and I, and that’s the only thing I should truly care about. I picked the side of things that felt like home. Like they fit. The part that brings me satisfaction, joy, and the space to move at my own pace.
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
So Handsome
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Prompt: Luhan + “If you’re bored I can think of other ways to pass the time…” + “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
Setting/AU: Library/College AU
Warnings: None really, cocky Luhan, implied smut.
Word Count: 1,241
Seriously how did you end up in this situation? Libraries were supposed to be for studying, or reading or researching. They were not supposed to be like this. You were not supposed to be this excited when surrounded by aisles and aisles of books. You remembered going to the library when you were at school. It was the place where you had to whisper and be quiet. It was where you chose to go during lunch breaks so that you could read. It was the place where the other kids flocked to on rainy days for shelter or hot days to take advantage of the air conditioning.
During university the balance shifted. Your love of the library dwindled when you spent so many hours there studying and researching. College dorms were not the ideal place for peace and quiet so the library was like your second home. You even had the best spot picked out, it was up the far back left corner of the fourth floor. The elevator was always broken so the odds of anyone dragging themselves up all 4 sets of stairs just to be loud and annoying was rare. The only books up here were on social theory and crime and you knew damn well that 80% of them were also on the first floor in the criminal law or sociology section.
There was one problem though. One very distracting problem and his name was Luhan. You knew who he was, it was difficult to live at a college dorm and not hear about Luhan. Girls flocked to him and guys wanted to be him. The guy was attractive, unfairly so, a top notch soccer player, a killer dancer and a seemingly overconfident ladies man. Tales of his conquests were a weekly occurance in your dorm. Until two weeks ago you’d never met the guy but you kind of hated him. Well, you hadn’t officially met him until two weeks ago, but you had acknowledged his existence at the odd mixer or frat party when your friends dragged you along to them. Two weeks ago everything changed. Two weeks ago he expanded your knowledge of exactly what one could do in the secluded aisles of the fourth floor. As it turned out, the answer was a lot.
Two weeks ago you’d been following your normal routine - finish classes, grab a snack and head to the library, climb the stairs and study in peace in your favourite spot - when he showed up. At first you were shocked that someone other than library staff and you even knew there was a fourth floor. Then you were annoyed at the idea of your space being violated, a feeling that you quickly squashed because it wasn’t really your space, it was public space and how were you to know if it wasn’t a like minded individual who wanted to escape the lower levels where study was surrounded by distractions.
You looked up from your books and watched the figure that was coming up the stairs. Disheveled brown hair was the first thing you spotted, followed by a face that did not belong on a human male. It was so youthful and angelic with doe eyes and inviting lips. He looked up when he reached the top of the stairs and your eyes met. You inclined your head as a way of greeting and he did the same before disappearing into the aisles.
You shook your head and tried to focus back on your paper but it was no use. You found yourself glancing around the aisles from your seat trying to spot him. He’d appear with a book in hand at the end of one aisle before disappearing again. Get a grip. You have a very important paper to write. Stop gawking at the stupidly attractive guy. You mentally scolded yourself and forced yourself back to writing.
In your periphery you spotted the white and black of his varsity jacket as he sat at the end of the table, placing a few books in front of him. You glanced at him as he slumped into the seat, his pen dangling from his mouth. STUDY.
You stared at your paper. You’d been right in the middle of fleshing out your argument for the decriminalisation of prostitution when the ultimate distraction had ascended the stairs. The essay had to be five thousand words and you planned to use each and every one of them. Most of the students would go the easy route, opting to simply support keeping it illegal. You found it much more interesting to counter that argument by not only debunking the popular myths and taboos about sex work but by also offering a vision of how sex work might look if it was a legitimised, legal job. You’d bring up point for standard health and hygiene requirements for both workers and customers, applying taxes, job security, safer work environments and more. You refused to let him throw off your train of thought and by proxy, lower your grade.
In your mind the two of you started a game of cat and mouse over the course of the next week. You’d come up to study and write your paper and then he’d appear and do his best at distracting your thoughts by simply sitting at the table. You wondered if he knew how much strife he was causing you by simply existing.
“If you’re bored I can think of other ways to pass the time…”
You jumped, startled by how close his voice was to you. The last time you’d checked he was all the way down the other end of the table. Now he was sitting right next to you, leaning towards you, a certain look in his eyes.
“Wh-what makes you think I’m bored?” You grabbed your bottle and took a sip of your water to try and make your throat feel a little less dry.
A devilish little smirk formed on his face. “You’ve been staring into space for like the past twenty minutes. Usually you are either staring at your books or at me.” You choked on your water, almost spitting it across the table. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
“I’m not - I don’t - Why would -” Words were failing you and that only seemed to amuse him more.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“I just - How dare -”
He laughed. “Relax. I don’t mind.” He gestured at his face and winked at you. “I’m just that handsome.”
“And a little full of yourself.” You poked his shoulder as he feigned offense at your words.
“Seriously though, what’s got you staring into space? You’re usually more focused than that.” He leant on the desk, resting his head in his hands as he watched you.
“I’m stuck on one point on my essay. I know what I want to say but I can’t get the right words out.” He grinned and grabbed your hand, tugging it as he stood up, indicating for you to do the same.  He dragged you into one of the aisles and caged you between his arms. “What are you doing?”
“You need to empty your mind and lucky for you, I have multiple ways to help you do just that.” He pressed his body to yours and nipped at the exposed flesh of your neck, causing you to gasp.
“This is a library!”
He raised his eyebrow at you and scrunched his face. “I’m well aware of that, I just currently don’t care. Now, can we try my method for clearing your mind. I’d really prefer it if you said yes.”
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skizmin · 6 years
pool boy | h. jisung ☼
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin
⇝ Pairing: Han Jisung / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff!!
⇝ Words: 2026 its v short sorry
⇝ Summary: You worked at the local pool with Jisung Han, and no amount of sunscreen could protect you from his radiance.
⇝ A/N: this is to try and get out of my slump, sorry its so shitty!
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“It’s well over 40 degrees out today! Local pools are overflowing with people, I wouldn’t be surprised if the water was half sunblock by now!” The radio host blared over the speakers that stood tall surrounding the hectic squeals and shrieks of laughter coming from the three large pools that were almost filled today. You wiped your brow and swirled your feet in the cool water of the 25m length pool before standing up, watching as a group of teens snuck-up on each other in attempts to dunk their friends under the water.
You’d always liked it, the smell of chlorine and the bright smiles of kids with sunscreen that wasn’t quite rubbed in properly over their cheeks. This summer proved to be busy, constant customers walking through the gates as the heat reached 30 degrees by 9AM. Some regulars never failed to ask you about your day, your opinions on the weather, if any accidents had happened yet.
You always got the summer job at the pool. No matter how many applied, you had simply worked with them for 3 consecutive summers as a part-timer, they weren’t going to let you go.
“Y/N!” Your head snapped upwards from the pool you were watching over towards the sound. A smile instantly found its way onto your lips as Jisung made his way towards you. “Leemo wants you to take a break. Go re-apply so you don’t get burnt, I’ll watch over for you.”
Jisung only worked with you on busy days like these, he tended to only come in for a few random shifts aside from his Tuesday junior beginners swimming class. You did a Friday class free of cost with refugees and other Australia newcomers, most didn’t have the chance to learn very well, and you weren’t going to let any drown in the harsh Australian waters, whether it be river or ocean.
Jisung always admired you for that, and you always admired Jisung. He was great with kids, they all loved him and loved to play pranks on him. They always stayed behind to play Marco Polo with him after their lessons.
You sorta really liked Jisung, it was impossible not to with his bright smiles and flushed cheeks that came with the heat. You’d got to spend extra time with him this summer, even lucky enough to share a shift at the top of the waterslide, both smiling and maybe letting kids go down wrapped up in pairs which most definitely wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t like your boss cared, those rules were only to appease those obsessed with the ‘safety’ of children.
You nodded thankfully, feeling the sting on the very tops of your cheekbones already. Taking off your broad-brimmed hat and running fingers through your damp hair you walked away from Jisung, murmuring a quiet “You can let the kid in the red drown if ya want.”
Jisung laughed and shoved you lightly in the general direction of the office. Your bare feet walked carefully over the wet concrete, excusing yourself through the freakishly long line of kids on the stairs to the waterslide. Your boss smiled at you once you reached the window he sat at, next to the canteen, bright red raspberry twist hanging from his teeth.
“Hey kiddo, drink up.” He said, shoving an ice cold bottle of water into your arms. You picked it up and immediately placed it on the back of your neck, sighing in content as the perspiration on the bottle dribbled down your neck. Your other hand reached out for the litre bottle of SPF50, pressing the head with your thumb and squeezing out a generous amount onto your hand before smearing it onto your cheeks and putting the water bottle down.
“Thanks Leemo, it’s so hot out today.” You said as you covered your arms and legs with massive bouts of the sunblock.
“Don’t thank me, it was Jisung that offered to cover for you a bit.” You paused as your hand reached out for the blue coloured zinc on the table. Jisung wanted you to take a break? You shook your head slightly and grabbed the zinc, spreading it over your cheeks.
“Right, well, anyway.” You said, finally unscrewing the cap off of your water bottle and chugging it down.
You peaked one eye open in the shade and caught a glimpse of your co-worker, Iniya, rolling her eyes as she grabbed three bags of Zooper Doopers from the freezer. You pulled the bottle from your face and put the lid back on.
“Here, take this back with you for Jisung.” Leemo slid another water bottle onto the counter after giving a group of girls their tickets for the waterslide. “He’s a sweet kid, no doubt he’ll wanna stay with you and help you out.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks at the thought of Jisung wanting to help you and you thanked the lords that the blue zinc probably covered your blush. Jisung was a sweet kid, he’d help out anyone, but you still liked to think that maybe he liked you back.
“Righto, seeya Leemo!” And with that you scurried off, passing the kiddie pool and walking in between the 25m and 50m, a young teen running up ahead of you and almost slipping over. You shook your head and called out to him.
“Mate! You can’t run up here, alright?” The boy turned to you and smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry! My friends are up here.” You nodded at him and told him it was all good, just to not do it again before continuing walking towards where you last saw Jisung.
Glancing around a bit, you saw him over near the fence, sweetly asking an elderly woman on the path next to it to throw over a lost ball. He smiled widely once she did, catching the ball and turning back to thank her profusely. You couldn’t help but look at the way his yellow and red shirt reflected up and made his face glow.
Once he chucked the ball back to the kids in the pool he spotted you on the other side. A devious smile replaced his sweet one as he yelled to the kids in the pool to prepare themselves. They all squealed in delight as Jisung ran up and bombed into the pool, splashing them all with water. Once he came up from the water, shaking the hair out of his eyes, he told them all that only he’s allowed to do that because he has special privileges. The kids didn’t mind, some regulars in his classes moving to jump up and latch onto him as he waded through the water towards you.
It was mesmerising, honestly, the way the water trickled down his face and his hair dripped. He laughed and detached the children clinging to him, fighting them away with some playful splashes. That was when you realised you were smiling, not even trying to hide it as the boy reached you, letting his legs float as he rested his arms on the edge. You think your heart skipped a beat when he pressed his cheek against his arms and gazed up at you, one eye squeezed shut at the glare of the sun. You subconsciously moved so you were shading him.
“You’re meant to keep the kids from dying, not drowning them with your fat-ass.” You smiled down at him, and he laughed wholeheartedly, the sunblock on his face returning to a white-ish colour because of the water.
“I’ve got you to save them instead, let me have my fun.” He shot back, beginning to lift himself up onto the side of the pool. You smiled, reaching a hand down to help him up.
He smiled brightly again once he stood in front of you, eyes boring into yours. Once again, you thanked the zinc for hiding the red of your cheeks once you noticed his cold fingers were still just barely wrapped around your own.
Suddenly, you called out. “Oi, guys! Watch out!”
Everyone in the pool looked up towards you, and Jisung’s eyes went wide with a wince from your volume. You smiled at him sweetly before bringing up your hands to his chest, and pressing it back harshly. Jisung shrieked as he fell back into the pool and you laughed loudly at him, his hair covering his eyes as he came up with a gasp before pushing it back to reveal furrowed brows and betrayal tracing all over his features. This only made you laugh harder as you bent over in your glee.
This went on for a short 15 seconds before you felt multiple hands on you and pushing you hard enough so that you lost your balance, clenching your lips shut just before you fell into the coolness of the pool, water enveloping you invitingly. Once you resurfaced, you imagined you had a similar expression to the one he had. You opened your eyes and took off your hat that was barely attached to your head anymore in search of the culprits.
Jisung’s manic laughter caught your eyes before you felt him jumping on your back, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hugging his legs around your waist. Your hands immediately went to hold underneath his thighs as you found three kids standing on the edge of the pool, laughing too, before jumping in and swimming towards you and Jisung. He reached out in front of you to high-five the kids and you finally smiled, laughing lightly at the mischievous look in the children's’ eyes.
Water dripped from Jisung’s neck onto your shoulder and you flinched at the ticklish feeling before leaning back, Jisung leaped off of your back to avoid being submerged into the chlorine of the pool.
You turned to him and smiled brightly, heart beating from excitement and happiness and the feeling of Jisung clinging to you still lingering on your skin. He smiled back, just as bright as usual and threw your hate to you as it was floating around in the water.
This was a moment where your liking for him was truly prominent in your mind. Where you wanted nothing more than to be spending your summer days with Jisung, getting ice cream and potato cakes with questionable amounts of chicken salt. Maybe you should just tell him, tell him that you like him and that you want to go on a date with him. You should tell him that b-.
“If Y/N and Jisung could go back to doing their jobs, that’d be great.” You heard Leemo’s amused and jokingly tired voice boom over the loudspeaker, and listened to the laughter coming from some of the parents that watched the whole fiasco, amused.
Jisung just laughed again and swam to the edge of the pool to haul himself out, shirt dripping water all over the concrete. He turned back to you to offer a hand in getting you out, and in that moment everything was perfect. Jisung’s smile outshined the sun that gleamed picturesquely behind him, his hair dripping as his glistening hand reached out towards you. His eyes waited for you as you were hesitant to grab his hand.
“I won’t push you.” He said.
And he didn’t.
And maybe, after that shift, after the pool closed at 6PM, Jisung asked you to hang out with him. Maybe he ordered pizza and you both ate it in the park nearby, maybe he nervously sat closer to you once the sun started setting.
Maybe he held your hand as he walked you back to you car, softly intertwining your fingers with his, maybe he told you he liked you with a shaky voice and blushing cheeks and maybe you kissed him, gently with your hands on his cheeks, thinking about how he smelt like chlorine and tasted vaguely of sunblock. Maybe he kissed you back, pressing you lightly against your car and pulling back because he was smiling too much.
Maybe this summer, the summer where the heat made your clothes stick and the summer where Jisung and you kissed, was your favourite summer of all.
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snuggietuan · 6 years
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Word Count: 1817
Your life was actually so boring. Going through the same routine as always. Wake up, go to school, go to work, sleep. You were getting tired of your boring ass life and you needed something new. Your parents pressured you into going to this specific college and you were so broke. You were barely getting by after paying for rent and taking care of yourself. It was hard to find time for yourself since you were so caught up in school and working for money.
Your alarm went off, stealing you away from the dream world you were in. You had always dreamed to get a stable job, a nice boyfriend, and maybe get married and having kids. But life was looking the complete opposite of that. You found your phone buried under your pillow and hurry and tapped snooze. It wouldn’t hurt to sleep in for at least another 10 minutes right?
10 minutes later, the annoying ringtone went off again and you set yourself up in bed, wiping your eyes and turning the alarm off. You headed to the bathroom and did the normal routine. Brushed them pearly whites, and got in the shower. This was your only time to mentally prepare yourself for the day.
You wrapped a towel around your body and rushed back to your room to get dressed. You just threw on some leggings and a sweater since the weather was starting to cool down a bit. You rarely ever did your makeup in the morning since you could come home and make yourself look presentable for work.
You grabbed your bags and books and headed out the door, walking to the campus that was near your apartment. It was rainy today which meant you had to carry an umbrella and avoid puddles. This was one of the disadvantages of your roommate having earlier classes than you. She took the car and left you to walk.
You arrived at your class, your socks almost completely soaked from accidentally stepping in puddles. Your day was already starting out terrible. You paid close attention to your professor's lectures but you somehow always drifted off into a daydream. 
You got your phone out from your bag and texted your roommate, you know, the one with the car?
You: Hey. I hate to be a bother but it’s raining and my feet are already soaked. Would it be too much to ask for a ride home?
You drew your attention back to the monitor your professor was teaching on. A few minutes later your phone vibrated
Cassidy: Sure it’s no problem. I would drive you to work but I have a date to catch. I’ll leave you a bus card.
You hated riding the bus, but it was better than no ride at all.
You: Sounds good. I’ll see you then!
You tucked your phone into your pocket and looked at the time on your laptop. You had barely 10 minutes left and you had to make it through it.
You put your laptop in the case and grabbed all your things and made your way to the entrance. You stood under a shelter for 5 minutes until you saw Cassidy’s car pull up. You hurried to open the door since it was pouring down.
She dropped you off at the apartment and you sprinted to your room to get ready for work. You worked at quite an expensive jewelry store so the employers did not have any time for trashy looking employees. You dried your hair and straightened it and put on some heavy makeup. You threw on some jewelry that your mother let you have from her collection and put on a form-fitting dress.
You snatched the bus card that Cassidy left you from the kitchen table and grabbed your purse and umbrella. You made your way to the bus stop that was near your place in 4-inch heels, and it was an understatement that your feet were already starting to hurt. They were not ready for this 4-hour shift you were about to work.
All was going well at work. You assisted a lovely couple looking for wedding bands. They looked absolutely cute and how you dreamed of having a man be so good to you. But then there was also your co-worker who could not go an entire shift without flirting with you. He probably thought you would never catch on to him, but you saw right through him. And your legs felt like they could give out at any moment.
The doorbell on the entrance rang and you whipped your head around to get a view of the customer. You were destined to assist the guy and beat your co-worker to it. You tried to keep a good posture with your aching feet as you made your way to the man.
“Good evening sir, are you interested in any engagement rings? We have a sale goi-” You began to start the staged introduction until the man cut you off.
“Actually I’m just looking for watches, you know, for myself.” He smiled awkwardly.
God damn it Y/N. Always fucking assuming that every guy that walks into the damn jewelry store is looking for a ring.
“My apologies. Here, I’ll show you our finest watches.”
He smiled and you led him to the other side of the store to show him what he was looking for. You showed him the silver watches and some that were on sale. There was absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself. Damn you should probably take notes.
“What do you think would look good?” He asked you, pointing to one of the more expensive watches, and then pointing at a silver watch on sale.
You smiled and grabbed for the key attached to your wrist to unlock the glass display. “Why don’t we find out?”
You grabbed for the watches he pointed out to you and he tried them on and you could tell he was very pleased. He put one on his right wrist and one on his left to really tell the difference.
“Which one do you think looks better?” He asked you as he flexed his left arm, and then the right.
You put your index finger up to your lips and thought about it.
“Well, I think the expensive one makes you glow a ton. But if you’re on a budget then I would suggest you buy that one.”
“Would you buy this one for your boyfriend?” He questioned you on the spot. It made you a bit flustered, but it would be pretty rude of you to ignore a customer.
“Definitely, if I had one.” You smiled awkwardly at him, but it was just the truth.
“I’ll get this one then” Damn it must be nice to have money in your wallet to treat yourself.
“Excellent! Will that be all you’re looking for today” You asked him as you put the watches back into the display and locked it up.
“Yup that’s all”
“Okay well meet me at the first register and I’ll be back with your watch” You smiled brightly. You ran to the back of the store to fish for the watch he picked out. You came back and helped him pay for everything.
“I think I’ll just look a while longer, thank you though!” He smiled and carried his shopping bag around the store, admiring all the pieces. You heard the doorbell again and your co-worker was making his way out, pulling out a cigarette box. You sighed and followed him outside where he was leaned up against the building, lighting his cigar.
“Do you mind sharing?” You asked him. It had been a while since you smoked, but it wasn’t like you were gonna get addicted or anything, you just needed a chill pill.
He smirked and pulled out a stick for you, you stuck it in your mouth and lit the end for you. You inhaled and immediately started coughing.
“This is exactly why I don’t smoke” You sneered.
“Don’t be an ass” You punched his shoulder and continued smoking the cigar.
“So Y/N, you still single?” He questioned you.
“Don’t you ask me this every shift we have together?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Cmon Y/N, why won’t you go out with me? Just one date!”
“That’s not how you get a date, Daniel, you have to be way nicer than that”
“Fine. Will you go out on a date with me please?” He asked again, softening his voice as he popped the question.
Suddenly he was all up in your face. You could practically smell the pack of cigars he smoked throughout the day.
“Why are you being so stubborn? I have the looks, the potential to be your boyfriend, you just don’t wanna commit to a rel-”
“Hey, why don’t you get out of her face?” A man yelled from the distance, cutting Daniel off. You turned your head to the side to see the man you assisted earlier. That’s when he backed away and walked over to the guy.
“I was actually just returning to my duty.” He inhaled his cigar and blew it right into the man's face, but he did not move a muscle. Daniel took his cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground, smashing it with his shoe, and walking back into the store.
The man walked to you and his expression told you that he was sincerely worried for you.
“Are you okay? That guy seemed like a dick.” He comforted you.
“I’ll be fine” You brushed your fingers through your hair and pulled the end of your dress down, throwing your nasty cigar onto the ground and stomping on it.
“I apologize. You didn’t need to see that.”
“It’s not your fault, who knows what he would have done if I hadn’t come out.”
You seriously didn’t know what else to say. You knew Daniel was a cocky bastard that would constantly flirt with you on shifts, no matter how many times you rejected him, but you never expected him to get up in your bubble.
“I should probably head back to my job. I hope you enjoy your watch.” You started making your way to the front door until the boy stopped you.
He took a random piece of paper out of his wallet and started writing something down.
“Here take this. You can text me when you get home if you want. It’ll make me feel better if I know you made it home.” He smiled softly and perhaps your heart skipped a beat. A man, actually sincerely showing concern for you. Fuck.
You hesitantly took the paper and nodded.
“What’s your name?” You asked him, needing to know the name of the man that basically saved your ass.
“Kunpimook. But really though, call me BamBam”
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muses-run-wild · 5 years
So i’m going to test muses out on this blog and my OC blog because i already have so many muses on other blogs i think i’m going to make a mulit-muse blog. So here are the test muses i’m putting opens up for and a short bio. I’m putting this under a read more because it’s so long.
Red Dwarf fandom
Dave Lister - He the only human aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf. (Which is in space but i have a way to get him (and anyone else on this show) to most earth settings)  Now he spends most days with his Hologram roommate(rimmer). A humanoid mutated version of his cat. Also a mechanoid named Kryten they picked up along the way. He loves beer and curry. he thinks he's a great guitar player. He’s also kinda lazy.
Arnold Rimmer- He was a second technician on the mining ship red dwarf.  Now he is a hologram (hard light) brought back to keep Lister company. He loves the military. He can be self-loathing but also think he's the greatest thing around.  He’s annoying and has not really had any relationships. He’s got a lot of issues but he can be very interesting.
The drew carey show
Lewis kiniski-  He’s a janitor at DrugCo (though he has an IQ of 162). He’s kinda of a creep sometimes but has a great heart. He goes to Warsaw bar a lot with his three friends. He also is a Co-owner of buzzbeer. His best friend is Oswald.Lives above the Warsaw with Oswald
Oswald Harvery- His best friend would describe him as a man child stuck in a prolonged adolescence. He’s a Delivery driver for Global Parcel. He’s also a co-owner for Buzz-beer and a mess he Lives above the Warsaw with Lewis.
Drew carey- He has a sweetheart and works in an endless job going nowhere. (Human recourse at Windfred-louder a department store, He is the founder and co-owner of buzz-beer. He is constantly fighting with his co-worker MiMi pulling mean pranks on each other. He lives in the house he grew up in and sometimes wonders if his life is going to go anywhere.
Judging Amy
Sean potter- He works DCFS. He’s a hard-working guy who is also at odds a lot with his employee Maxine sometimes. Yet he regards her as a close friend. He is a sweet guy trying to find his backbone at work.
Maxine Gray- She is a mother of grown kids. She is a social worker at DCFS.  She is opinionated, strong-willed and kinda has anger issues. She does what she needs to do to help the families and kids even if it means bending things.
Jeff winger- He was once a smooth-talking Lawyer and after he was found out for a fake degree he ended up at Greendale. He can bullshit the day away. He egotistical and can come off as a d-bag but there is a heart under there. He will hit on anything thats hot.
Chandler bing -He had a boring job that he isn’t exactly a fan of. He lives with his best friend Joey. he is a  very sarcastic person with self-loathing tendencies. He childish at times. He freaks out pretty easily. He has an effeminate nature.
Buffy the vampire slayer
Spike- He is a vampire. He’s British a bit punk and can be a sarcastic ass. Depending on when you find him he’s obsessing over his love Drusilla or planning on taking down the Slayer.  He tends to let love control his life at times. If he cares about you he’ll do what it takes to make sure you’re ok.
Buffy- She was picked as the chosen one in high school. Now she’s buffy the vampire slayer. Her best friends are always there backing her up. She can be very sassy. Almost always had a one-liner. She had amazing strength and can kick ass. She falls in love hard and when it goes she tries to show it doesn’t hurt as much. She’s got a good heart.
Xander- He grew up being best friends with Willow. He was a basic horny teenager. He makes jokes constantly and is awkward.  He has gained a lot of confidence while working with buffy. He is always hitting on girls who are usually ones he can’t get. Yet being shot down never stops him. He’s usually seen as the loser of his friend group even though he has great skills.
The golden girls
Blanche-shes a southern bell. who is very much a daddy's girl. She can be very promiscuous. She tries her best to be the classiest person in the room. Even if her actions sometimes don’t prove that. She is the owner of the house that all of the girls live in. She is always lying about her age and does a lot of beauty treatments to keep herself looking young. She has 5 children. She loves doing things like dance class, plays, and community service projects. She was a Southern Baptist girl.
Dorthy-Shes a substitute teacher. She's strong, sarcastic, grounded and she also can be intimidating, Shes very smart. She was knocked up in high school by Stan and married him. She had 2 great kids. They got divorced later after stan cheated on her. She's very tall and had a deep voice. She can sing and is very funny.  She lives with her mother along with the other two roommates.
Rose- She is from St. Olaf and will never shut up about it. (Much to her roommate's dismay) She can seem naive and plain. Shes very kind. She can talk all day about the most bizarre stories. She’s crazy competitive.  She can take charge here and there. Shes easily scared. She’s also pretty agile. She’s good on the piano. she can be a push-over. she has trouble lying.  Shes Lutheran. She absolutely loves animals mostly from growing up on a farm. She had 5 kids with her husband Charlie. She’s worked at a grief counseling center. She loves doing charity work. She loves the tv show Miami Vice
Sophia- She was born in Sicily and references it a lot. She has no Scillian accent. Instead, she’s got a thick Brooklyn one.  She has 3 children. She had a stroke which is what everyone blames her uncensored comments on) She hates Shady Pines retirement home.  She sometimes hints that her family had Mod connections.  She believes strongly in ancient Scillian customs and traditions.  Also in the power of the Scillian curse.  She makes wise-cracks and brazen remarks.  She loves her roommates very much but they aren’t safe from her comments. She's the oldest in the house and everyone tends to see her as a mother figure. She loves giving advice which usually starts with “Picture it...”
J.D- A doctor at Sacred Heart. He tends to keep his head in the clouds daydreaming a lot. He’s obsessed with his hair. He’s very outgoing despite being physically and socially awkward at times. He’s clumsy. He loves Appletinis, Pirates, unicorns and cute things. He can come off Feminine.   His best friend is Turk who works in surgery. They are constantly doing stupid stuff together and have nicknames for each other.  He’s constantly out for Dr.Cox approval (Who mostly calls him girls names) His enemy is the janitor. Her got one older brother.
Perry Cox- A doctor at Sacred Heart. He tends to teach with tough love. He’s sarcastic and can be animated.  He’s bitter and more emotional then he’d like to show. He rants constantly and belittles people. He actually does care and wants to push people to be better. He even goes behind the Chiefs back to make sure people get the best care. He has a sister a born again Christian. He grew up with an abusive alcoholic father. He has intimacy issues.  He’s dedicated to his job so much it can cause problems. He works out a lot. Usually hates listening to peoples personal problems. He has a crush on a nurse Car;a probably cause she’s not afraid to push back. She's very strong-willed and empowered (Something seen in his ex’s) He does come to her for advice sometimes.  He likes nicknames that make him seem more important than he is. He likes Scotch on the rocks, the red wings, days of our lives, He hates a lot of things lets put it at that. He’s a leo. He stretches words.
House MD
House- a sarcastic and usually not so caring doctor (head of the Department of Diagnostic medicine) He knows many languages. (Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latian. He can also read some Hindi and Portuguese. He believes everyone lies. He can play the piano and guitar. He’s anti-social. He’s cynical. His closest friend is Wilson. He’s also showed some caring for his roommate at ward 6 Alvie. He belittles pretty much everyone. He walks with a cane after an incident that left him with dead muscle in it that they had to remove. This has caused him to abuse Vicoden.  He rides a motorcycle.  He hides from patients. He also takes crazy risks with them. He’s even used himself as a guinea pig for drugs and medical test. Some of these were to try to help his leg. others are to help patients or help with his curiosity. He is self-destructive. He tries to hide parts of his personality with his sarcasm. He seems like a narcissist. he hates most people. He is an atheist and has a lot of issues with religion. If he cares about people he tends to consider them idiots but kinda his idiots.  He doesn’t like showing affection. He’s shameless. He’s more concerned with the cases than the actual people. He likes only going by House. he’s constantly in the HR department for things he has done. He loves sneakers. He likes video games.
alvie- Juan Alvarez prefers to go by Alvie. He is Puerto Rican. He met House in the Mayfield psych ward. He is bipolar and when he's on the up he’s a chatterbox that likes to rap. Which is why he occasionally goes off his meds because it slows him down. He is very social and bonds to people fast. He makes impulsive decisions and will do a lot for his friends. (There isn’t much canon about him as he was only in two episodes. Also, i play him as trans)
Veronica mars
Veronica mars- shes a highly intelligent young woman. who helps her dad at his PI  work.  using the skills shes learned from her father she helps friends with cases and is sometimes hired by others.  She at one point was the most popular kids. thought she wasn’t really wealthy like them she was accepted because of who she dated. Her friend's mysterious death sent her into full PI mode.  She quickly became a “loser” After all the drama.   After a drama-filled party that really messed with her, she went from bight kid to cynical girl with contempt with fellow classmates.  She does eventually grow out of her cynicism a bit.  every time she thinks she can leave the sleuth life behind it pulls her back in. She has a sheriff at the Neptune police department that helps her get info. Shes sarcastic and always has something to say. Yet she has a good heart.
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taelights · 7 years
i was tagged by @minhyukwithagun & @jinjinskitten (although that tag i think had a few differences but it’s mostly the same questions i believe??) so do this tag, so thank you!!
tbh i’m not going to tag anyone cause i’m too lazy at the moment to go looking for mutuals to tag so just if you want to do this tag and see this just say i tagged you.
drink: i’m boring so it was just water.... some good ol’ h2o
phone call: i honestly don’t remember being on the phone recently outside of work so like yesterday i had to answer the phone to talk to some customer who wanted to know if we had a tablecloth in stock. but other than that i can’t remember any other calls cause i hate talking on the phone. 
text message: it was really long so i’m not going to copy and paste it but it was to my friend jackson on twitter. the only people i actually text and don’t use a messaging app (or twitter) for is my family so my last actual text was to my mom and it said ‘on my way home’
song you listened to: thanks by seventeen 
time you cried: lmao it’s embarrassing but last night while reading a fanfic that wasn’t even sad i just easily get overly emotional about many things
have you ever:
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: no, not that i know of at least. 
kissed someone and regretted it: yes lmao
lost someone special: um not really
been depressed: lol yeah every single day although some days are worse than others but it’s okay 
been drunk and thrown up: no luckily i haven’t 
in the past year have you:
made a new friend: yeah a few but i would like to make more!!
fallen out of love: i don’t think i’ve even been in love within the past year. infatuation maybe but i’ve moved on from both those people 
laughed until you cried: i do that a lot even if something isn’t even overly funny so yes
met someone who changed you: not within the last year no
found out who your true friends are: sadly yeah
found out someone was talking about you: lol no
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: zero. i used to follow a real life friend a few years ago but i don’t even know if they still have a tumblr because i unfollowed them awhile ago and i’m no longer friends with them anymore
do you have any pets?: i have two dogs!
do you want to change your name?: yeah i’ve thought about it cause i want something more unique and maybe a bit more gender neutral but i can never decide on one so i’m okay staying sarah
what time did you wake up this morning: 6:15am cause i have classes monday and wednesday so i need to leave for campus by 7:30 to be there for my 8:30 class
what were you doing last night: i tried catching up on reading a few fanfics and worked on my own a bit
name something you cannot wait for: hmm i’m not sure. i have nothing i’m really looking forward to at the moment
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: not that i know of
what’s getting on your nerves right now: right now? probably just me being an idiot trying to watch something with subtitles at the same time i try filling this out
blood type: i honestly have no idea
nickname: i don’t have one
relationship status: single and bitter 
zodiac sign: cancer sun & gemini moon
pronouns: she/her but i don’t mind they/them
favorite show: ummm i don’t watch many shows anymore.... let's see.... black mirror, brooklyn 99, mr robot, asdsfdgfgk idk does buzzfeed unsolved count??? .... for ended shows i used to love hannibal and eyewitness 
college: 1st year but i keep changing my major so idk what my major is going to be. right now i’m officially enrolled as criminal justice but i might change it again
hair color: dark brown
do you have a crush on someone: i did but i’m pretty sure i’ve gotten over it
what do you like about yourself: i have pretty eyes??
first surgery: none
first piercing: standard in each ear
first sport you joined: does horseback riding count? if not archery 
first vacation: i think cape cod??? it was only a state over from where i live and my grandparents had a friend who had a vacation home there so i remember going there a few times as a child
first pair of sneakers: idk some type of shoes in some colour??? 
right now:
eating: ashkjlhgfddfgfgh cornbread 
drinking: water
i’m about to: read an astro fanfic
listening to: i am finishing the newest episode of idol producer 
want kids: nah i like other people’s kids and i’m really soft when i take care of them but i would hate to have my own. but playing and cuddling with them for like an afternoon is always fun
get married: depends 
career: well idk what i want to do in the future but right now i have a part-time job as a retail worker
which is better:
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: both are amazing but hugs if i had to choose
shorter or taller: i don’t care either way
older or younger: either is fine but most of my significant others and crushes have been same age or a year or two younger 
romantic or spontaneous: romantic but spontaneous can be okay
sensitive or loud: sensitive 
hookup or relationship: relationship of course
troublemaker or hesitant: a mixture of both
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yeah and i enjoyed most of them 
lost contacts/glasses: i lost my glasses once and i’ve had a contact fall out once 
sex on first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: maybe?? i think i did but idk
been arrested: nah but i don’t really break the law unless you count going over the speed limit and underage drinking 
turned someone down: no like i haven’t been asked out by many people and the few i’ve been asked by i liked
fallen for a friend: yeah all the time
do you believe:
in yourself: depends sometimes i do with certain things and sometimes i don’t
miracles: kind of
love at first sight: no. like attraction and some sort of connection yes, but love takes time
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beaglelinefics · 7 years
My Soulmate Has to be an Asshole
Doyoung X Reader (Gender Neutral)
Writer: Jaime
Summary: Soulmate AU in which when one soulmate dyes their hair, it changes the color of the other soulmate’s hair.
            To say you were upset when you woke up would be an understatement. When you went to bed the night before, you expected to get up the next morning with the same color hair as when you fell asleep, but no, apparently that was too much to ask for. Because when you walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day and looked in the mirror, you were greeted with purple hair. Purple hair! Your eye twitched just a bit as you realized your soulmate had dyed their hair yet again. The first few years of your life had been fine; you’d lived on with your natural hair color, but then someone must have changed within your soulmate because suddenly you woke up with your hair a shade of brown that you’d never had before. That was fine, though, at least it was a nice, natural color that wouldn’t get you in too much trouble with any school officials or, you know, your parents, but then sometime last year you woke up with—surprise!—orange hair. And that’s when you started resenting your soulmate. Just a bit. You’d had to go to class with orange hair, and, just your luck, was served detention for dyeing your hair such an outlandish color. Even with the explanation that it wasn’t your fault, you had to sit there in silence for an entire week. You weren’t really looking forward to explaining the new change to your boss later today or your friends, for that matter. Their soulmates didn’t dye their hair bright colors!
            So, with one last silent curse at your soulmate, you got ready and stuffed your hair into a hat before leaving your apartment to get to the class you had that morning. You spent the entire journey planning on how to avoid your friends until you could pick up a box of black hair dye from the convenience store. You figured that someone so obsessed with bright colors would be pissed at suddenly having black hair, and honestly all you wanted right now was some revenge. You’d heard stories of some people dyeing their hair rainbow in retaliation, but you assumed your soulmate would actually appreciate that. So, no, they would be waking up to a head of natural—and boring in their opinion probably—black hair. And when you finally met them, they better square up because you were not going to be happy. Not after all they put you. You were still a bit bitter about the whole detention situation. That had been the one disciplinary action on your entire record! You wouldn’t let that stand, even if you met your soulmate twenty years from now. You were known to hold a grudge, and a grudge you would hold.
            “Hey, nice hat,” one of the kids in your class complimented as you sat down beside them. “Is it new?”
            “No, I just haven’t had an excuse to wear it until now,” you answered lowly. “Woke up today with a surprise from my soulmate.”
            “Ah,” he replied in understanding, “I see. How bad is it?”
            “It’s pretty bad.” You leaned in so you could continue talking as the professor entered the room. “It’s purple.”
            He winced empathetically when he heard exactly what color you had been blessed with that morning. “Could be worse, though,” he offered with a shrug. “My friend once dyed his hair bright red. I feel sorry for his soulmate.”
            “Tell me about it. And another friend dyes his hair practically every two months.”
            “What a terrible person.”
            “I know, right? I don’t know what possesses him to do it, honestly. I get the feeling his soulmate will actually murder him when they finally meet.”
            “I know I would.”
            He let out a laugh before focusing on the professor who had begun to speak. You, too, turned your attention to the lesson and took notes as diligently as you could while still fuming from the events of the morning. Honestly you hoped you met your soulmate soon so you could yell at them because who even had purple hair? You’d had a hard time finding a job with the whole orange hair thing, and you didn’t want to think of what your boss would think about you suddenly having purple hair, even if it wasn’t your fault. One could only be so understanding before the rules and regulations forced their hand. You were pretty sure the restaurant you worked for had pretty strict rules about hair color, which was ridiculous considering the whole soulmate thing. Like where did they get off? Not everyone had normal soulmates! Some people were unfortunately stuck with soulmates who liked dyeing their hair strange colors! You let out a groan as your class ended, meaning you would have to face the music with your employer.
            “Work?” your classmate guessed with a sympathetic smile.
            “Yep. And they aren’t so tolerant with bright hair colors.”
            “Good luck, bro.”
            “Thanks. I’ll see you around.”
            You waved goodbye to each other before going your separate ways, him probably off to his dorm and you off to work. You mentally prepared yourself for the tongue lashing you were going to receive when you took off the hat and passed by your boss. You wondered if it was too late to get that job at Taco Bell… you hated the smell of it in there, but you’d be willing for the money. After you got fired here, you were going to be desperate for one just to get food on the table. Your roommate had a habit of eating literally everything in sight, and he enjoyed eating his way through your paycheck. You slowly changed into your uniform, loitering by your employee locker to stall until your shift started so you wouldn’t have to take your hat off just yet. You glared enviously at all your co-workers with normal hair. Why couldn’t you be so lucky?
            “Y/N,” your boss called almost immediately after you ducked out of the employee changing room, “could you come here for a moment? What happened with your hair?”
            “Uh, y’know, I really wish I knew, but unfortunately it was like this when I woke up.”
            You nervously tugged at the silvery-purple locks, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with the woman who signed your paycheck every two weeks. She eyed your hair in disappointment, but ultimately there was nothing she could do. It wasn’t really your fault if your soulmate dyed their hair. Unfortunately it was something everyone had to deal with, so she just gave you a look and sent you on your way. You didn’t need to be told twice. Free from any scolding, you quickly scampered to your post at the hostess stand and smiled brightly at all the customers who came in looking for a nice meal. Oh man, when you got your hands on your soulmate…
            A crash and loud curse could be heard as your roommate scrambled to his feet to flee from your wrath. He knew that snappy tone, and he knew to stay far away from you when you spoke in it. Unfortunately for him, you were determined and on the war path. You wrapped your arms around his waist and tugged him down with you as you plopped down on the couch. He looked up at you with wide eyes, offering you an innocent smile when he saw just how angry you were; he hoped he wasn’t the cause of your anger because that usually didn’t turn out too great for him.
            “So, uh, rough day at work?”
            You wordlessly yanked off your hat, displaying your newly colored tresses to him, and he threw back his head to laugh at your misery.
            “Oh my god, that’s so great!”
            “Jaehyun, this is not funny,” you whined as you smacked his arm. “You don’t have to deal with stuff like this!”
            He continued to laugh but maneuvered you so you were tucked into his side comfortably; usually you wouldn’t get too mad at him if he was cuddling you. You two would often act touchy with each other, probably more than most roommates should, but when you were stressed college students, you would take all the comfort you could get, and until you guys met your soulmates, that comfort would just come from each other. He rubbed your arm in an attempt to sooth you as his laughter finally died down.
            “I’m sorry, dude, I just couldn’t help it,” he apologized with a small snicker. “It’s funny how your soulmate is never content with a natural hair color like me.”
            “Dyeing your hair blonde isn’t much better, Jeffrey,” you grumbled while curling into him some more. “Pretty sure your soulmate was still upset with you for that.”
            “Probably. But at least their hair wasn’t purple when they woke up.”
            “I’ll kill them. I really will.”
            “Right, okay, sweetheart.”
            “I will!” You pouted up at him and poked his side. “You’re going to help, right?”
            “Oh, you know me. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
            “You literally almost punched an old woman for taking the last box of pizza rolls at the grocery store last week.”
            “I am a growing boy! I need them more than her!”
            “Note to self: make sure my soulmate has the last box of pizza rolls when you two meet.”
            “Oh, hell, if they do, bitch better square up!”
            You laughed and shook your head fondly at your roommate. When you two first moved in, you weren’t sure how well it was going to work out. It was your first time living away from home, and to have your first roommate be a guy? Yeah, you were terrified. But you two bonded over a severe love of food and drama, and now you were practically inseparable. It really helped when it came time for post Valentine’s Day sales on chocolate. You guys loaded up with as much candy you could carry and stashed them all over the apartment to get you guys through until the post Halloween sales. It really was like a match made in heaven. If you hadn’t woken up with your orange hair after Jaehyun had dyed his blonde, you would have been sure you were soulmates. But, alas, fate had not deemed you two to spend eternity together. So you were left plotting your soulmate’s murder with Jaehyun.
            “What if they’re cute?” he asked later that night as you two started to drift off. “Could you really kill such a fine piece of ass?”
            “I don’t care if they’re Beyoncé,” you replied with a snort. “They’re going to pay for what they’ve done.”
            “…Could you really kill Beyoncé?” he whispered in horror as if you’d just said you had murdered a puppy.
            “…Okay, so maybe I’ll let it slide if they’re Beyoncé.” There was no way in hell you could ever even raise your voice at Beyoncé, let alone kill her. “Anyone else, though, and they’re catching these hands.”
            “Let me just say that Jay-Z is so lucky to have Beyoncé in his life,” Jaehyun said drowsily as he tugged you tighter to his chest. “That man… he gets to wake up every morning to the presence of an actual goddess.”
            You yawned right in his face and blinked back the few tears that had formed from the sheer intensity of the action. “I get to wake up to the presence of an actual pig.”
            He laughed sleepily and blew a raspberry into the inside of your elbow. “A cute pig, though.”
            “Eh, I guess.”
            You smiled at your best friend and fell asleep happy, finally getting over the anger you felt when looking in the mirror that morning. If there was one thing Jaehyun was good for, it was making you feel better when you were in a shitty mood. It was like a superpower really, but you wouldn’t ever tell him because it wasn’t fair that he had another one besides inhaling food at the speed of light. It was probably better for everyone if you just kept this one to yourself. His soulmate was going to be very lucky when they finally met Jaehyun; the kid could cook a mean meal, eat his own weight in junk food, and could honestly achieve world peace with his smile. All you got was some dick who thought purple hair was cool.
            “What about him?”
            “Jeffrey, his hair is blonde.”
            You and Jaehyun were eating ice cream in the park one fine day, people watching and having a blast pointing out people who could possibly be their friend’s soulmate. So far, Jaehyun had a solid five people, and you had a solid none. Apparently no one shared your fun hair color; who would’ve thought?
            “How can you tell?” he asked as he took a spoonful of your treat. “He’s wearing that ridiculous fedora.”
            “Look at his sideburns.”
            “Ew, look at them.” He gagged dramatically before patting your leg. “I’m pretty sure I just threw up a bit in my mouth.”
            “Congrats. You’re disgusting.”
            “Listen, I paid for your ice cream. I could very well ruin your whole life right now if I wanted to.” He mimicked smacking the cone from her hand. “One little flick of my wrist and BOOM! Entire life shatters to pieces onto the pavement right before your eyes.”
            “…I’ve been living with a sociopath this entire time without knowing,” you told him as you tried to shield your ice cream from the monster beside you. “Oh my god, I’ve been cuddling with a sociopath this entire time! I gave you my food,” you finished in a horrified whisper.
            “Yeah you better watch your back.”
            He wrapped an arm around you as you both went back to eating your ice cream, all threats forgotten as they enjoyed the nice weather. It had been raining the past few weeks, and you two had finally left the nest you’d made for yourselves to chase the sunshine. It was the first day either of you had been outside without being completely covered in what seemed like at least a month. You admired how his hair seemed almost golden in the light from the sun, and he twirled his fingers through your purple hair, which you’d both actually grown fond of.
            “Oh, hey, there’s Mark,” you pointed out lazily.
            You watched the younger boy talk excitedly to his friend as the pair drew closer to where you were lounging on the bench. Both Mark and his friend wore snapbacks, a change from Mark’s usual choice of beanies. Guess the coming of spring meant he needed to mix it up from his winter wardrobe. You and Jaehyun lifted your hands to wave to the boy who eagerly waved back and changed his path so he could make his way over to where you two were soaking up the sun.
            “Hey, Mark,” Jaehyun greeted. “You guys taking advantage of the break in rain?”
            “Doyoung and I were actually heading to meet up with Johnny and Winwin to get some coffee. Do you guys want to join?”
            “Oh, ew, gross,” you said in mock disgust. “Spending time with that giant? I mean, I love Winwin, but having to be around Johnny?” You exchanged a look with Jaehyun and laughed. “Count us in.”
            The two of you stood from the bench and threw away the napkins soaked with melted ice cream before joining Mark and his friend. You looked at the tall boy curiously and nudged Mark with your elbow.
            “Are you going to introduce us to your friend or…?”
            “Oh, right! Guys, this is Doyoung. He just moved in with Taeil. Doyoung, this is Jaehyun and Y/N. They’re roommates.”
            You shook his hand and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Doyoung. Tell me, has Ten tried to bring you a cake yet? If not, look out for that. Johnny told me he never washes his hands before baking.” You blinked when you noticed he was staring at your hair, probably not even listening to what you were saying. “Oh, yeah, sorry about this. I woke up last month with purple hair. It really isn’t as bad as when my soulmate decided to dye his hair orange.”
            “Have you met them?” he blurted out as he was finally shaken from whatever trance he’d been in before. “Have you met your soulmate yet?”
            “Ha, nope!” Jaehyun answered for you. “They’re still plotting how to get back at them for all this.”
            “You don’t like it?”
            “I got detention for the whole orange hair thing,” you told him with a frown. “That was the only thing I’d ever gotten in trouble for.”
            He laughed nervously and gave Mark a wide-eyed look. The other boy just grinned and shrugged. “It’s all you, man,” he said to Doyoung with a grin.
            “What? Am I missing something here?”
            Doyoung slowly reached up to take off his hat, revealing his hair to be the exact color as yours. You kind of just stood there, staring at him slack jawed. This was your soulmate? The cute, lanky dude Mark just happened to be friends with? Oh, hell, now you couldn’t kill him! You sighed and extended your arm to lightly punch Doyoung’s.
            “Why do you have to be cute?” you whined. “Now I can’t be angry with you for my hair!”
            “You think I’m cute?”
            “That does not make it any less annoying that you dyed our hair such strange colors, sir. You have a lot of explaining to do.”
            “Okay, but you think I’m cute?”
            “My hair is purple!”
            “Hey, it looks cute on you! And you obviously think it looks cute on me!”
            “That isn’t the point! Square up, Doyoung, because I am not living the rest of my life with these outlandish colors you have a thing for!”
            “Whoa, wait, can’t we compromise!”
            “A week of detention!”
            “Alright, okay, I can respect tha—ow!”
          The two of you were laughing as you chased Doyoung, your soulmate, around the park, pretending to still be angry for the whole orange and purple hair thing. To be honest, you didn’t have any room to feel anger, not with how happy you were to have actually found the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Hell, you’d let him dye his hair green if it meant you could spend eternity looking at that bunny smile of his. You’d spent the last few years cursing your unknown soulmate, but now that you’d found him, you’d spend the next many loving him, crazy hair and all.
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bagelblossom · 7 years
Peach Pie (Quicksilver Fanfiction)
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Warning: Swearing
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12666640/1/Peach-Pie
                                                       Chapter 1
                                               Strangers in the Night 
I was exhausted, I sighed heavily as I dragged the damp cream rag across a sticky worktop. School had been intense with exam season at it’s peak. When I wasn’t revising I was working, it was another night shift and coffee was the only thing getting me through it.
The Diner was quiet with only a couple of middle aged workers clearly enjoying a break at the diner. Though I relished in the quiet ambience of the restaurant and the smooth tones of Paul Anka’s Diana I found myself wincing as the dull pounding of my fingers became more apparent. I peeled off the latex gloves I was wearing to focus on the source of my discomfort. I flexed my hands, the usually healthy fingernails had darkened and looked mottled and infected - a stark contrast to my skin.
 I felt my heart race as I continued to inspect my hands. What the hell even is this? You’d think my hands had caught the plague or something. It was near impossible to get an appointment with the school nurse due to flu season but I would definitely need to get it checked out soon.
“You okay Lyla?” questioned the older woman her blonde hair pinned into a bun and bright red lips quirked into a friendly smile.
“Yeah fine thanks, Wish this shift would go quicker though” I replied swiftly tugging the gloves back onto my hands hiding the revolting sight and flashing the older women a reassuring grin. Maria was amazing, kind as she was humble she was actually a pretty amazing boss.
 “Tell me about it kid, I’ve got the biggest bar of chocolate when this shift has finished” gushed the Maria as she pushed a fresh cup of coffee into my hands.  
The chime of the doorbell caught our attention and I resisted the urge groan. My vice like grip on the mug increased and I looked at Marie in an pleading manner. Her expression was one of a mischievous imp and she clucked her tongue. “You can take this one, he looks like a cutie” she giggled (though in my mind it seemed more like a cackle) as she pretended to be busy with sorting cutlery. “Fab” I replied grabbing my pad and pen. “Go forth my loyal employee” she muttered as I passed by her. I snorted and tightened my cream apron quickly switching into waitress mode. I walked over to the now occupied table barely looking at the guy more focused on the pad in my hands.
The quicker I do this order the quicker I can go back to my coffee. Keeping my gaze firmly on the pad in my hands I could hear the customers’ fingers thrumming swiftly on the table in an impatient manner. Great another cocky customer who thinks the service is never quick enough.
“Hi welcome to Bonnie’s how can I help you today?” I recited attempting to put some energy into my voice yet failing slightly. The reply was silence forcing me to make eye contact with the individual. I soon found myself staring into the eyes of Peter Maximoff.
Well Shit.
“Do I know you?” he questioned his dazed features shifting back into a usual smug confident one. Double crap I didn’t mean for his name to slip out.
“Nope nope never met ever, at all, not once, no” I choked out eager to escape his gaze. He slouched back in the seat his eyes taking in my clearly haggard appearance.
 “But you know me?” he replied his eyebrow quirking and that smug smile returning. Did I know him? Of course I knew him, lets be honest who didn’t? No one ever said Peter Maximoff without the word trouble following not too far behind. He was the classic mix of class clown and troublemaker. We only shared a few classes but luckily due to his lack of attendance and my head down and focus on work attitude our paths never met. I’d heard the stories, oh yes I knew all about his kleptomaniac tendencies and total lack of respect for authoritarian figures but I wasn’t about to let him know that.
“Nope you just look like a Peter” I chirped flashing a large smile which must of seemed more like a grimace. “So what can I get you?” I continued desperately hoping he would order something and let me leave.
 “I look like a Peter?” He chuckled his slouched position becoming even more sprawled as if he was some sort of royalty and I was his personal court jester.
“Yeah, must be the grey hair, you know it’s distinguishable”  
“Your hair is pink”
“Its actually strawberry blonde” I countered feeling my body flush in embarrassment.
“Okay peach if you want to be technical”
The tension was palpable I glanced at Maria who looked like the cat who got cream.  Deciding to put an end to this verbal tennis match I cleared my throat.
“Right so what can I get you?” I forced out resisting the urge to smack the cocky look off his face.
“Yeah er hm choices choices-” he muttered his eyes glanced at the menu behind the salt and pepper shakers.
 “I recommend the-“
“-Peach Pie” he interrupted with a wink. I mentally stopped myself from throwing myself out the window and grunted an ‘okay’ while writing the order in my most aggressive penmanship.
“And a chocolate milkshake” he added nodding his head.
“Is that everything Sir?” I emphasized the sir hoping he’d get the clue and let me sort his order.
“Yepp” he smiled at me his leg shaking up and down quickly.
I gave him my most passive aggressive grin back and went to get his order. I could of probably cut his cake less aggressively but It did calm me to imagine It was his smug face instead.
I aggressively slammed his plate down on his table along with his milkshake. It gave me some satisfaction to notice him flinch slightly but this was soon masked once again by his fat ego.
“Thanks Sweet cheeks” he purred in what he thought was probably a smooth move but only sent my blood pressure climbing further.  I turned away so quickly I nearly gave myself whiplash to get away from the troublemaker.
About an hour went by and luckily aside from the occasional lingering glances Peter had got the hint and seemed to focus more on his milkshake.
Maria of course thought this was hilarious and continued to throw coy glances at me. The neon lights of the diner ached my eyes and the pain in my fingers hadn’t decreased. Overall I was totally done.
“Soooo- when do you get off” a voice spoke to my left. I physically jumped and turned to look at the source of my distress to see Peter leaning against the main diner table looking ahead in what he must of thought was an edgy look.
“Not for a while” I murmured pretending to be nonchalant. Perhaps if I could discourage his attention he would get bored and find a new toy.
“You can go now if you want sweetie” spoke Maria from a couple of tables away. She seemed to not notice the table she was cleaning was already clean thus not even hiding her interest. Subtle Marie.
 I nearly choked on my own spit to be honest when she said that and had to cover up a pained cough. “Wha-what?!?” I spluttered out my eyes looking at her in a wild manner urging her to frankly zip it.
 “Mmhmm you can go now you’ve worked hard enough, off you pop home now get some rest” she chirped a commanding hand on her hip.
 “Great I’ll walk you home” Peter chirped up ignoring my wild eyes and white knuckles. Usually Maria would drive me home at the end of a shift but since she was evidently throwing me to the wolves I clearly had no choice.
“Sure Thanks” I sighed in defeat I quickly went into the back and grabbed my coat.  Huffing as I buttoned it up I shouted a bye to Maria I swiftly grabbed Peters jacket and aggressively tugged. “C’mon lets go” I muttered avoiding Peters wide eyes and stumble as he followed me.
 The air was cold and I found myself resisting the urge to shiver. It had only just turned October and I was already wishing for summer to return. The walk home was mostly silent. The only noise being the odd car that passed and the rustle of raccoons searching through bins. I desperately hoped he couldn’t hear my wheezing as I walked at my quickest pace, him of course matching my steps with relative ease. I caught him glancing at me a couple of times and hesitating to speak, obviously my straight forward glaring hinted I didn’t want to talk. Before long we were stood outside of my house, the porch light remained on knowing my parents expected me home this late. My heart warmed at the thought of knowing my bed and bunny slippers were so close. True love.
 “So this is me so er thanks I guess” I spoke with the underlying hint for him to leave. Yeah thanks I guess considering I wasn’t really left with much choice.
“Cool” he grinned his eyes bright with mirth and hands tucked in a horrendous silver jacket.
“Well…bye” I turned around and went to go up the steps to my house when I heard him quickly inhale and shout.
“I actually hate Peach pie”
What? That stopped me in my tracks. I looked over my shoulder at him to see him nervously rubbing the back of his neck looking at the cement steps I was stood on.
“But you ordered it?” I questioned my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Y-yeah” He sighed “Stupid huh” he chuckled looking at me.
The silence continued for a few minutes and he turned away to begin his journey home.
“Well you should try our apple pie next time” I called the words leaving my mouth without permission.
He froze and swiftly turned back round to stare into my brown eyes.
“Next time?” he questioned a teasing tone clear in his voice.
I felt my body heat up and heart begin to race.
"Or not, whatever" I snapped rushing into my house. Sadly I didn't shut my door fast enough to avoid hearing the chuckle that left his mouth.
I lightly ran up the stairs of my house and threw my bag and coat onto my bed. The action probably more aggressive than i meant it to be. I swiftly entered the bathroom ready to put this day to rest and get ready for bed. The only thoughts I could muster while brushing my teeth were simply. Stupid Peter. Stupid Pie. Stupid smile. Stupid.
I washed my hands and cleansed my face all the while thinking of ways to avoid him at the diner or school. I had to admit though his presence had been one of annoyance he had distracted me from the length of the shift and the pain in my fingers.
Yeah an annoying but a welcome distraction. "Stupid" I murmured knowing that at least I could relax now. My bed was extremely close and my pyjamas felt like the softest cotton. Yes no more stress I reached my quota of the day. It was then when I looked down at the porcelain bowl of the sink I found that one of my nails had fallen off.
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cafesandlatenights · 8 years
Chapter One [Beyond the Sunrise, LMMxReader]
Summary: The stranger from the diner is more familiar with your family than you realized.
Word Count: 2,377
Warnings: Slow burn, mentions of drinking?
Authors notes:  Sab - Guys. Dreams are coming true (specifically, mine). This is the first chapter and we are so excited to share with you guys! Mostly because pre-ITH Lin is my spirit animal.
Ren - You guys have no idea how excited we are for you to finally dive in with us into this story! Sab and I have a ~thing~ for pre-ITH Lin and the way this story flows when we write kinda speaks for itself. We really hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do!
askbox | masterlist | prologue | next chapter
“Mom, slow down- What do you need me to do?” You thanked the universe for having a slow day at your job when your mom called. Those phone calls were never calm or short, but today she sounded especially nervous. “Ava? Is she okay?”
“I got a call from school, hon, they asked to pick her up earlier, something about a stomach or a headache, I don’t remember.” You rolled your eyes at your mom’s neglect and how it never changed, even after having three daughters. “Since your job is closer to Hunter and I’m on the other side of the city I was wondering if-”
“If I can pick her up? Sure, I’ll have to talk to my boss but we’re having a slow day anyway.” You took a deep breath after listening to your mother giving you instructions on how to find your way inside Hunter like you have never been there, hanging up on her after a quick goodbye.
Getting the time off wasn’t a problem. Your manager was truly considerate when it came to family instances, and this hadn’t been the first time your mother dropped the ball with your freshman sister: your role as big sister doubled as a psychologist, driver, nurse and more often than it should, mother.
You checked yourself in the bathroom’s mirror at work, straightened the pencil skirt you hated so much and putt a few strands of hair back in place. Hunter was no place for you, you knew that the first time you stepped into the prestigious high school in jeans and a t-shirt during your little sister’s tour, earning a few side looks from other family members that were accompanying the kids as well.
You dreaded walking on the campus. Snooty teachers and teenagers that were already much smarter than you’d ever be put you on edge. If your sister was sick, however, you had no choice. Leaving a note for your co-worker by the desk telling them you’d be back soon and stepping out of the Natural History Museum, you made your way quickly to the parking lot, quickly finding your car: used and with way more mileage than it should, the old thing did the job just fine for now. You took some pride on having it, since it was one of your first purchases with your own salary, but the car was old.
At least that’s what your mother said. You liked the word vintage much more.
You had to admit it was a bit embarrassing rolling up to your sister’s prestigious school in the beater, but it was not like you had another option.
You knew the layout of the campus fairly well, and was able to navigate to the front office with little trouble. A quick conversation with a woman at the front desk had you stuck in a waiting room before being allowed access to the nurse’s office. Waiting was one of the few things that you utterly hated.
Waiting gives you time to think, thinking leads to overthinking, which was something that you already did too often without the spare time sitting in a room with nothing to do gave you. Your eyes wandered through the walls, all full of old pictures, almost historical ones, of classes that graduated before you were even born. The place was a museum almost as much as it was a school, and you noticed how different it was from the school you attended as a teenager.
Your school wasn’t the most funded or filled to the brim with the highest test scores in New York, but it was home for four years. So were the places nearby, your mind shifting your thoughts to the Salt & Pepper diner almost immediately. It was a place that had been up and running for decades - even when your mother was in high school.
You pictured how different the dynamics were back in her time, and how there was almost a zero percent chance she’d have had the night you had with Lin. Lin. You didn’t see him again ever since, nor had you asked Sonya about him, it wasn’t like you two were friends or anything.
Lin hadn’t had the time to return to the diner in the past week, the unscheduled early morning chat putting a dent in the time he set aside to grade papers.
It seemed like his week had been clouded with you, so much so that his students had begun to notice a certain off-ness to his attitude: he was distracted and would often lose his line of thought, which was really uncommon to Lin. He noticed some kids whispering to each other as he took a deep breath to collect himself to what looked like the millionth time that morning. Thankfully, a middle of the day prep period meant he could busy himself with making copies and catching up with his co-workers after the weekend.
The office was always his first stop, the copy machines promised to be flooded with other teachers with just as many stacks of papers as he had. To kill the time, he would listen in on the gossip the women at the front desk would dish - always taking their remarks with a grain of salt.
Usually it was what teachers they thought were hooking up (they had quite the idea that him and Mr. Martinez, the band teacher, would make a lovely couple). Today, they pouted over one of his favorite students.
“Poor girl, sick to her stomach and her mother can’t even come pick her up. The sister has to leave work.”
“Well, when was the last time we’ve even seen Ava’s mother? Orientation, maybe?”
Craning his neck to see if the line was moving along at all - it wasn’t - Lin abandoned his place and made a beeline for the nurse’s office. The fastest route was a straight shot, but Lin liked to avoid a certain section of the office where yard duties would squabble about the appropriate length of girls’ skirts.
A sudden left turn had him in the attendance office, only a few doors down from the nurse’s office. He stopped walking once he passed by the waiting room and saw someone. You. He walked back, catching your attention.
“[Y/N]?” The happiness in his voice matched the sparkle in his eyes, it was adorable. “What are you doing here?”
“Lin, hey!” You got up, wrapping your arms around his neck for a quick hug that lasted a few seconds too long. You felt your heart beating fast once he let go of you. “I’m picking up my sister, she got sick and my mom couldn’t come...” Your eyebrows raised in a silent question.
“Oh! I’m working.” His hand found his teacher badge, dangling from a lanyard around his neck.
“Mr. Miranda. English department.” You read aloud. “Substitute teacher?”
“Yep, I have to pay the bills somehow,” he shrugged. “I feel bad about the other night. Venting to you until the sun came up and I didn’t even ask for your number.”
“Oh, right! I felt like it was my fault, I just left after I- I’m sorry,” you replied, with an apologetic smile. “Here,” you shuffled through your bag for a scrap of paper as he fished for a pen from his pants pocket.
You hurriedly scribbled down the digits, passing him the crinkled note.
“The Natural History Museum?” He asked, squinting at the faded watermark above your number.
“You’re not the only one that has bills to pay,” you shrugged. “Front desk, half-time job. Welcome to the American Museum of Natural History, how can I help you today?” Your ‘customer service’ voice had Lin giggling, recalling a similar tone he used when he served strangers one dollar burgers.
“Hey sis I- Mr. Miranda, hi!” Your little sister broke into the waiting room with her backpack hanging on one shoulder, a small smile showing up on her face when she noticed who you were talking to.
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” Your arms went over her shoulder as you pressed a light kiss to her forehead.
“Nauseous. Tired. Hungry.” She listed.
“Did you go out drinking last night?” He teased, knowing your angel of a little sister wouldn’t even consider it.
“Totally wasted.” She answered, “Don’t tell my sister, she’s lame.”
“And with that,” a glare in her direction silenced any more of her teasing, “we should get you home. Lin, it was great to see you again.”
“Likewise,” he nodded. “Maybe next time we have coffee you’ll at least try not to peel the crust off your grilled cheese?”
“We’ll have to find that out,” you joked. “You have my number now, so…”
“I’ll text you.” He announced, making you giggle while you left with your little sister, who looked at the both of you with curiosity.
Once Ava and you got in the car, you bit your lip, turning on the radio to avoid any conversation about what just happened, but at the same time you knew that never stopped Ava before. Just as you expected, after a few songs, she started asking questions.
“So, how do you know Mr. Miranda?” You little sister asked while turning the radio’s volume down a few numbers.
“We met at a diner a few nights ago.” You simply commented, not taking your eyes from the streets. “Had to get some work done and we were the only people there.”
“He is awesome, you know?” You knew. “And he totally asked you out there.” The certain girlish giggle that escaped your sister reminded you that she was only fourteen.
“What? No!” You turned to her once he car stopped at a red light. “He knows it was just as friends… Right? I mean it’s coffee not dinner.”
“I don’t think so, sis.” Ava was typing on her phone while talking. “You should consider it as a date, though.”
“Ava, I have a boyfriend, remember? Stephen?”
“Stephen is a bore, [Y/N].”
“I thought you liked him!”
“I do, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is really boring. Mr. Miranda is one of my favorite people in the world, you can’t expect me to be on Stephen’s side on this one.”
“This is so none of your business,” you commented, right before arriving at your mother’s street, finding a parking spot right away. “Okay, you’re home.”
“You’re not coming in?” Ava’s eyes widened.
“I’m avoiding any chance to face mom, Ava.” You took a deep breath, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. “If you need anything, just call okay?”
She mumbled a reply, swinging her bag on and closing the car door behind her. You sat and watched her safely disappear into the house, firing up the car and pulling out of the spot.
You hated to just leave your little sister by herself at home, but if you lingered too long your mother may corner you into a conversation. And the conversation would be considered a passive-aggressive attack on every single aspect of your life: your mom loved you, you knew that, but she also had an abnormal amount of high expectations about your personal, professional and academic life.
She could drone on for hours about Stephen. How he was perfect for you. How he had a career and aspirations and money. Stephen was the only aspect of your life that your mother happily approved of and ironically, the only aspect of your life you couldn’t care less about.
Work was always a nice escape from thinking about these things. Forcing smiles and directing tourists distracted you from the man you had dedicated over two years of your life to. He wasn’t horrible.
He was nice, and sometimes he made you laugh and he definitely had money, something that came in handy when you decided to move out and he promptly invited you to move in with him. No matter how nice he was, however, you had to agree with your sister. He was a bit boring.
Work only lasted so long, you conceded, enjoying the final moments of solitude as you drove home from the museum. After dropping your bag by the door, you noticed the sun setting, giving the whole place a golden glow. As you walked towards Stephen’s home office, you found the guy typing while listening to someone on the phone, which was stuck between his shoulder and his ear.
You watched him for a few moments until he ended the call, going to him and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Hey.”
“Hey, I didn’t even hear you coming.”
“I noticed,” you replied with a smile. “Busy day?”
“As always. Yours?”
“Had to pick up Ava at school, mom called last minute.” You sat on his desk by his laptop while he finished typing. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Anything you want,” he smiled.
And that was that. He would hold himself in his office until dinner, where he would make a quick appearance and press the same kiss on your cheek as he had the night before. He’d return to his office until bedtime, where you would sit up, watch a single late night show, and be tucked in by eleven.
It was while you were setting up the table for you and Stephen when your phone buzzed on your back pocket, the confusion on your face when seeing the unknown number being replaced with a smile after seeing the message.
From: Unknown number
To: [Y/N]
Hello! Hope your sister is feeling better (she does have a very very important essay due at the end of the week!) and that you weren’t kidding about getting coffee again?
Your thumbs hovered over the phone before starting to type a reply.
From: [Y/N]
To: Lin Miranda
Yes and yes. Ava is already annoying me with texts again so she’s probably fine. And nope, not kidding! Coffee sounds great.
That didn’t sound flirtatious, right? Stephen shifted in the other room. No, definitely not flirtatious. Still, you hesitated before hitting ‘send’.
From: Lin Miranda
To: [Y/N]
I’m sure your schedule is a little crazier than mine. School and work and all that? Pick a date and time and I’ll be there.
tags:  @smileystumph - @justanotherhamiltrash - @always-blame-jefferson - @itsjaynebird - @angerybisexual - @l-nmanuel - @voldecrux - @phangirldil2022 - @jzzyjones
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angel-soma · 7 years
Hello everyone! Long time no see! I hope you all have been well! I haven't been active on here in months, mainly due to my computer breaking in January. (Blue screen of Death upon startup) Well, as of today, it's working again! So now I can finally sit down and type up an update for you all so you know what's been happening with me! (Cause there’s been a lot!!)
At the end of October I went from living with my mom in PA to moving in with my sister and her family near Boston, MA. I've never really lived in a city before, and I've never lived without my mom either. So that alone was a huge change for me! I had to get used to things like the amount of cars and people, when to cross the road because some of the street signs don't change like they're supposed to and it annoys me, the train system (called the T), I never even rode a bus before but hey gotta do that here too... I'm kinda used to them now though, but I still get nervous about getting on the wrong train/bus and getting lost ;w;
Then on top of that I had to get a job!! I've never worked before, so for a while I was super stressing out about it. Cried a lot. I needed to get one though, as it was part of the deal of me living here with my sister (who isn't making me pay anything other than $30 per week for the food I eat.) At first I tried to get a job at the daycare/school that her boys (my nephews) have/currently went to. I was nervous during my interview, as it was my first ever interview, but I think it went okay. I then went on two different days to spend time with a class to see how well or not I fit. While I think I did a good job, and the person said I did, I never really heard anything back. So I didn't get it. I then tried for a position at a coffee house, and while the owner liked me and was interested in my art (it came up), she was looking for someone with more experience. 
My sister had suggested I apply at Dollar Tree, which is super close to where we live (basically across the street), but I kinda didn't like it so I was avoiding it a bit. Especially since I 100% hated the idea of a cashier job (I was worried about messing up the money and losing a lot of it). I finally ended up filling out an application though and got an interview - and I was hired!! I've been working there as a cashier since the beginning of March, and I'm happy to report that I haven't given up/died yet lol It's a lot easier than I thought it would be, and all my managers and co-workers are super nice. The main manager also told me that I've been doing really well and that he mentioned me when talking about who could potentially be promoted!!! I'm so so happy that this has gone so well for me, especially since it's my first job and I was sooo nervous about working!!
Life in PA was really boring and uneventful. Sometimes I wouldn't leave the house for weeks. Now I'm walking the dog around the city by myself twice a day (granted I mainly only go to the park across the street or some of the nearby streets). I go to work 3-6 times a week. I went to Anime Boston (YAY CONVENTIONS I haven't been to one in yearssssss I bought a cute Mimikyu shirt and a print of Mew) and took a train back by myself at 11 at night while it was snowing - like a boss who was super nervous. I have chores now too. I also finally have A CELLPHONE YAS I LOVE IT. LOOK AT ALL THE FREE APPS I CAN GET. Pokemon Go was the only reason I voluntarily left this building at first lol Plus the maps/GPS is the only reason I'm able to go anywhere too or I would not leave this place. It's also why I've not gone crazy without my computer for so many months too. The only downside really is that I have no friends here. I'm trying to befriend some of my co-workers (one of my managers is actually trying to help - gave my number to someone and told her we should go hang out sometime lol), but so far I don't interact with them outside of work. I joined an app called Patook, which is for finding friends, and am talking to a couple local people on that. One person I actually met up with in a touristy area and we hung out for an hour or two! Haven't talked to her since, but it ended with us swapping phone numbers and saying we should do it again sometime! Also talking a lot with a fellow anime fan who lives within 10 miles of me - maybe I'll meet her too and we'll be friends. Plus one day I was talking to a customer at work about her anime shirt and ended up getting her number so she could introduce me to her nerd friends, but I haven't heard back from her yet.. I'm not religious but my sister says I should go to some of her church's group things, so I'm actually going to one this Wednesday. Hopefully I'll befriend some people. Currently the dog has more friends than I do - people keep coming up to pet her when I walk her and some are like "Is that Maggie?" Like, yeah? How do you know her name?? I live with a popular dog I guess lol So yeah, huge lifestyle change for me these past 8 months! I'm much more independent than I was (got my own bank account, making money, going to the store to buy my own stuff, making dentists appointments because my teeth are going to hell, etc.) Not sure how often I'll be drawing stuff, since I'm not sitting at my computer all day everyday like before. (I'm actually losing a good amount of weight because of how much more I'm on my feet. Lost about 15 pounds!!) But hey since I don't have local friends yet I have not much else to do in my free time lol Also, I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS. HOLY CRAP I'M SO EXCITED AAAAA. My dad lives in Florida, so me, my sister + her kids are going to visit him. I'll be my first time visiting. Will be my first time on a plane too... I'm scared of heights, but if I can handle the train system then I can handle a plane lol Probably gonna blow all my money on wizard food. So that's about it! Thank you to you all for sticking around, and a thank you to any new followers I've gotten while I've been away! Hopefully I'll be posting some art again soon! TL;DR Went from living in the woods with my mom to a city with my sister. Got my first job. I love cellphones and anime conventions. I have less friends than a dog. At least I have money and am losing weight. GOING TO HOGWARTS.
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spencersfunhouse · 6 years
Hey, Let’s talk
For a very long time I was in denial about being Autistic (*Note* I’m using Autistic and Autism as an umbrella term) for most of my life.
When I was in second grade was when the possibility that I was Autistic came up. I was having trouble making friends and keeping my focus on class and understanding even the most basic of topics. Pretty much my teacher was concerned, as teacher should, that she didn't have the tools or ability to help me learn, so she talked to the nurse and they called my parents. After school me, my mother, my father, my teacher, the nurse, and the principle all sat in the principle office and discussed what we should do. 
The nurse brought up that I might be Autistic and recommended I go to a doctor to get diagnosed. My teacher thought that, even if I wasn't Autistic, that it might be beneficial for my education if I go into a special needs class. Both my mom an dad refused to take me to a doctor pulling the, “Because he’s different and learns slightly differently he’s automatically Autistic and ya’ll just want that government money.” So, I never went and got diagnosed until much later. My mom, though, thought that putting me in a special needs class could be something to be considered, my dad on the other hand thought that was a horrible idea. My parents discussed it over the rest of the week and decided to keep me in the normal class room. My parents both agreed that its was “just a phase” and that as I got older I’d start making friends and “fitting in.” I never did, and never will.
During the summer between my Fourth and Fifth grade year I moved from the state that my mom lived in to the state my father lived in. The school required a physical from every student, so I got mine, and at ten years old I was semi-officially diagnosed. While taking my physical they asked certain questions the school required for me to complete the physical. Afterwards they let my dad in and said that I had a high chance of having ADHD and that they wanted to try some medication to see if that might help me in school and in my day to day life. My dad, not so politely, declined, saying that I was just a hyper kid.
Skip about a year to the middle of my sixth grade year. I went to my pediatrician to get my yearly shots and while they we started talking about how I was doing in school. I told the truth, I wasn't making friends very well, all the subjects bored me, school went to slow, the teacher didn't teach in a way that made sense to me, and I’d honestly rather draw or read my history book than partake in class. She nodded and called my dad in, said she wanted to have me take a sort of test, my dad scowled and said that if it made her happy he’ll allow it. 
About a week later I went back and took this test, some of it was written, some of it was verbal, some was a mix of pictures, books, and toys. The test didn't take more than an hour. A few days later we went back in for the results and they came back that I had ADHD and Autism. (*Note* I’m sure it was more complicated that all of that and that the went into more detail, but I was no more than twelve at the time and I can’t remember much more than that). My pediatrician recommended my dad to put me on some meds and through some therapy. He, much more firmly and much more rude, declined saying something on the lines of, “I’m sure that’s what they test said, but I’m a studied doctor and I can tell you right now that my son is not autistic or ADHD, he’s just a little bit hyperactive and weird, I was the same way at his age.”
Honestly, now, when I look back to my childhood, most of my unhealthy coping mechanisms and thoughts on my own diagnosis were because of my parents. They didn't believe in my diagnosis, so it wasn't true. 
My earliest memory was when I was about five, six. It’s very vague and some of the details are from my mothers point of view. But, we were at a supermarket and I remember it was so loud and between everyone talking and the music playing, it was just to much. I remember being stressed and angry and exhausted all at once. I apparently just, kind of, sat down and pulled my knees to my chest and started grunting and whining, anytime my mom tried to move me I would flail and make a loud whining noise. She assumed I was throwing a fit and lifted me up, flailing and all, and plopped my in the cart. Here I flailed some more, attempted to get out, got out, ran, and ended up at the customer service desk. I had apparently ran to the clothing area and curled up on a shelf, a worker found me, managed to pry my off of the shelf with the offer of a little stuffed horse (*Note* I still own that horse, it was a toy the supermarket was selling and that had been placed in the clothing section, neither me or my mom know what really happened, but whether the employ paid for it or the store just counted it as loss, I left the store clutching that horse). My mom picked me up after she was done checking out, took me to the car, then lectured me about how disappointed she was that I did that and how embarrassed she was that her own son would think that was okay. I remember breaking down in tears because I couldn't understand what I did wrong that made my mom so mad. 
I had a meltdown two other times before I became to afraid to have them. The first time I was with my mom, it was around the same time as the last story, and I did roughly the same thing, just this time there was more screaming and crying. (*Note* Keep in mind I’m about five to seven and hadn't had a temper tantrum since I was about two.) She scooped me up, put me in the basket, checked out, drove home, carried me inside and spanked me bare bottomed and sent me to my room. The second time was with my grandfather about a year later, I just sat down and curled up, my grandfather didn't even give me a minuet on the floor before he hauled me up, carried me to the bathroom, and spanked me. After that I learned quickly that having a meltdown temper tantrum resulted in a spanking, lecture, or punishment of some kind.
Even to this day I struggle with just letting go. I still immediately force myself to internalize it, causing me to become non-verbal with certain people, to become very snappy and rude, to become aggressive, sot towards others but towards my self. I want to punch myself, to punch and kick walls, to scrape my knuckles against the concrete until they bleed, to scratch my skin raw. I hate it because I know that if I just let my body do what it wants to do naturally instead of forcing myself to internalize it that I wouldn't be such a harm to myself. But because during my entire childhood I was taught that expressing my shutdowns and meltdowns those ways lead to punishments, it’s just become embedded. 
I remember I would always reek havoc when we ate, or during conversations, because when I got excited I would flail or squeal or clap, I’m sure I knocked over at least a dozen glasses off of tables or out of someone hand. I remember two times with my dad that for the longest time I could never understand why he said and did what he did. The first time we we’re getting our gear to go skiing. My dad had a coffee and was getting our skis, I was talking to his girlfriend at the time. She brought up going to her house the next day and hanging out with her dogs, I got excited and started to flail, I knocked my dads coffee out of his hand and spilt it all over himself, his girlfriend laughed, but he wiped some coffee off of him and said, “God Damn It Spencer! Why Can’t You Just Be Normal!”  The second time this happened me, my dad, my grandparents, and my cousin were going to dinner. My dad made me leave my backpack in the car, which had my art stuff and some nick knacks I used to entertain myself. We got seated and I forgot to ask for a coloring page, so I quickly became bored. I ended up laying my head on the table on its side. I noticed a little puddle of condensation on the table, I noticed how every time someone bumped the table or set something down it would move. So, I started tapping on the table, hitting my silverware on the table, my glass, anything and being so fascinated on how the puddle moved. It didn't last long before my dad smacked my head. I jerked up and was met with, “Spencer! Stop that! You’re acting like a toddler and everyone’s staring at you wonder why a grown man is acting like a child, how embarrassing!”
Recently I asked my mom if my little brother might be autistic and/or ADHD, because I could see he was showing some of the early signs. My mom quickly dismissed my worries because he didn't
Hyper focus or hyper fixate
Jump, flail, or excessively or violently move
He learned just fine
He wasn't non-verbal
I realized right then and there that I probably went through most of my life with extremely obvious signs of Autism and ADHD, but both my mom and dad ignored them, and my diagnosis, because I didn't have extremely specific signs.
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written by Bono Reyes
What did I think when I first heard that we were doing labor trials? Well I first thought of the word “Labor”. People see labor in different ways, and I saw it as physical work. Honestly, I had no problem with doing physical work in college. It would’ve been a great change of pace from the usual sit down, get bored pattern. This is why, I can say in all honesty that I was, in a way, excited for the labor trials I was going to have in Shopwise Commonwealth. Part of me wanted to show the world how much of a “local boy” I was. Meaning, I didn’t want to be seen by the world as a typical rich kid who has everything in life fed to them. I wanted to prove to the world, and myself, that I was just a regular Filipino. Who was I before the Labor trials? I believe that I come from a middle-class family. Not rich, but not poor either. All my basic necessities for living have all been taken care of by my parents, and I have never once in my life gotten worried if I would have a meal the next day. I’m perfectly content with the medium sized house that I live in. Nothing fancy, but it is a legitimate roof over my head, where I can sleep and rest. I was given an opportunity to study abroad for a month, and enjoyed the privileges of living in a first world country, for a short period of time. May parents would never ever let me get a big head in life, and made it being humble an integral part of my identity. They made sure that I knew how blessed I was in comparison to other people. This is why I know that the things I stated above are already way more than what my fellow Filipino’s can afford, or attain. That being said, the Labor trials didn’t remind me of how blessed I was, for I already knew that coming in. It instead gave me close to first-hand experience of how it is to work and earn with your own two hands. My biggest concern coming in however, was that the people who work there, and the customers, might treat me as an “Other”, or an outsider. I was afraid that just because I studied in Ateneo de Manila University, I would kind of viewed as something to take care of, and not a co-worker to them. I wanted to be treated like how a normal guy would be treated on his first day of the job. I wanted the managers to get angry at us if we messed up, and not let our faults slide just because we were just students. I wanted to feel what they felt, and do what they had to do, so I could have a better understanding of who they were. I always hated that feeling when, you play in the playground with other children, and you hear them struggle to speak English because they think that you can’t understand Filipino. Some kids would even make fun of you for it, and you would feel isolated, as if you weren’t one of them. To those kids, you were this fancy, rich child who didn’t understand them. I wanted to avoid this as much as possible. I wanted the workers to feel comfortable around me, and see me as one of them.
During the labor trials however, my goal was very hard to achieve. The people already knew that we were students from Ateneo, and so treated us accordingly.  I was however able to open up to the people I had to work with. From that, learned that just because the people working there came from relatively the same circumstances, it doesn’t mean that their concerns were just all the same. Like Alejo said in Loob, each person is a separate and unique world. Not just the workers, but the customer also treated us differently than they would a regular staff. This of course, made me sad, but I accepted that it was unavoidable, since we literally had the name of Ateneo written on our name tags. Alejo also brought up this beautiful quote “ Kaya ba ng katotohanan ng iyong katawan and pagbuo ng iyong loob?” and followed up by saying - Hindi maaaring sa isip lamang ang “ang mamatay nang dahil sa iyo.” This resonated with me a lot. I interpret is as saying “Can you walk the talk?”. I mentioned that I was excited to “do labor”. I was also there to prove that I could do the job excellently, and exceptionally through my hard work and charisma. I wasn’t going to be one of those workers who did poor work, and looked kind of grumpy and out of it in front of customers. I displayed this on my first day in customer service. I greeted customers with a smile, and made sure that I had energy and enthusiasm when speaking to them. I was convinced that I did a good job. However, on my second day working in customer service again, I was now bored. Bored of the repetition. I lost my energy and enthusiasm for the job, because what I was doing wasn’t a unique and exciting new experience anymore. It was something that I had already done. With this, I started to understand some of the workers in stores I’ve had problems with before. I’ve seen employees look dead and bored at the job, and forget to smile at customers. I realized that if I did the same exact thing every day of my life as a necessity to live, I would eventually get bored, grumpy, and complacent at the job. For all the things I said before coming into labor trials, it only took me ONE SESSION, to drop it. This really opened my eyes to the reality of work and “Labor”.
All in all, I really enjoyed my time in Shopwise Commonwealth. I was able to bond with the people I worked with, and had memorable moments to remember as I move on in life. I wanted to get applicable experience in the Labor Trials, and I got exactly that. Working in a place is not as easy as I once thought, and it is even worse for those people who have no choice but to work there to provide for their families. This was a good first step for me into really understanding my fellow people, who are less fortunate than I am. They deserve better, and I will work towards making sure that people like them can also thrive.
REFERENCES Alejo, Albert. In Press. Ang Loob ng Tao. Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South
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discprofiles · 7 years
Tsukishima Kei - Haikyuu - Luke
OOC Info
Activity Level: 7-8 My activity Level is actually pretty high, the only issue will be my timezone since I’m a working & student. I cannot reply during nights or work. School might be okay but my school days are short so I’ll have time during and afterwards. My timezone is (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien. But I think we will make it work. Name: Luke Contact Blog: MoonxCrow Your Age: 20 Pronouns: He / Him Triggers: I don’t think I have real triggers, I can’t stand picture spams in OOC chats and I get kind of really angry if it comes to discussing ships from whatever anime/game/cartoon whatever IF people are hating on each other. I can’t stand ship war. Discord: Tsukki#6489 Side Note: I’m plotting with the groups Kuroo. :3c _____________________________________________ Basic Citizen’s App
Name: Tsukishima Kei Series: Haikyuu Age: 19 Occupation: He is a college student. Classes at day, work at the evenings or nights.   Sector They Live in: Sector 01
Place of Residence: He lives in a small but high quality apartment with his brother both of them gain enough money to keep living there. Most people who see him on the street would just think he’s a common, wealthy parents, college student but appearances are deceitful.
Are they affiliated with any group?: (N/A)
How the became affiliated with the group: - Personality: Tsukishima is a highly intelligent young man known to be very blunt and has a habit of riling people up. Despite his young age he has looked past Astorias mask of being perfect, he knows that there is more below the blending surface even if he hasn’t figured out everything yet. He has grown immune against the goverments hypocritical policy getting closer to the darker sides slowly but steadily.
In his daily normal live he will always pretend to dislike most people around him, his mind will tend to analyze them and try to predict their next steps. He has a incredible high IQ which allows him to do make precise decisions in no time, this ability is often more a curse than just a blessing as it got him in trouble a lot in his past. He usually feels unable to permit human emotions into his system seeing them as weak and useless most of the time. If he does so most of his expressed feelings will be faked. With time and experience it became a none-see-through mask for those who don’t know him better. He can be very rude and often comes off as having a spiteful personality. He prefers to make fun of others than to let them get closer or admit that he is indeed a human being with feelings. Despite the asshole attitude he’s showing off on the outside the inside is rather different. Some might think he’s aloof and doesn’t care about being alone but they are wrong. There are some deep cut wounds from his past. Behind all those masks he is willing to puts up as protection, there are times he suffers. He would never willingly show it to the outside tho. He doubts the people around him care so he doesn’t want to care either. It adds up to his job perfectly. Playing a role and putting up a play for those who want to spend their time in things like sex or drugs. He can easily mingle with it and never got into any danger affairs yet. He cannot believe people might really like him, he’s just a toy for them to play with for the evening so he’ll only deal with them as long as he must to get what he needs. If he’d be asked if money makes his dick hard, he’d bluntly answer with a yes. Biography: His early childhood was as boring as it could be both his parents have been busy all day, working a lot, with barely any time for anything else, but neither he, nor his brother ever fully knew what they were doing nor what their goals have been. Living in Sector 01 as a kid wasn’t as pleasant as most might think. The very high standarts weren’t made for anybody and could easily break those not able to stand up against the pressure or work their way through it.
Kei went to a good school sometimes getting into trouble for his rude attitude, he never got close to other kids, never got affiliated with social events or groups. Even if his teachers were concerned, no one bothered with pushing him out of his comfort zone. He was a lonely kid but has grown to be used to loneliness.
His older brother was known to always protect him and support him in his decisions. Even as his brother tried to encourage him a lot, to engage in social things, he never did. Always being a glasses wearing quiet kid. A outsider, which he didn’t mind anymore after a while. He got used to the others and their noses up high in the clouds, really early on. He always prefered to watch his classmates from afar learning, silently how to read them. Both Tsuksihima boys lost their parents as Kei was still in middle school due to a tragic accident. It was very hard for the two boys to go back to a kind of normal life afterwards, Kei 9 years of age, and his brother, 16 years old, back then, who was studying hard to become a high ranked law enforcer. He was determined but Kei never really found himself wanting to follow his brothers example.
After their loss, they were lucky enough to use some of their parents connections, as everyone was taking pity in them and got some help from their neighbors. One of them was owning a very small apartment, still safe as location, for the two boys to rent a tad cheaper than usually and Akiteru was able to effort it starting to work at the law enforcement department early on.
Tsukishima only barely remembers these days after the accident and how they managed to stay in the heart of astoria pushing through all the shit that was thrown their way. His brothers struggles and their money problems. Of these days filled with so much waiting, longing, worrying and despair. He keeps it locked up inside. He remembers to push down the memories and never let them come up. Thanks to the money their parents left behind for them the younger Tsukishima went through school without further trouble. Soon enough his brother started earning money for the both of them which never sat right with Kei. After graduating from Winterhaven Academy with incredible high grades everyone was expecting him to go to college like a normal kid would do, he did and majored in Paleontology but only a few weeks into his studies, he couldn’t bear to live of his brothers money anymore. What he knew for sure: Without their parents former welath they would be down at the bottom if not dead and never found. Almost ten years had passed since and it one more reason why he puts up a even higher defense than others. He had to learn fast, to survive, in this world filled with fake smiles and lies. In the end, even with his brothers support, which he barely wants to take, Tsukishima Kei is nothing more than college student who needed a job with great pay and flexible hours. That’s why he is now selling the only thing he can offer. He applied without a second thought. Thats how he came to be working at the Diamond now. He started of as a small light just serving drinks until one of the managers took an interest in his natural blond hair and pretty face. Feeling weird about this at first turned out to be the best choices he could have made. Doesn’t hurt that he’s paid to do something that he now very much enjoys. Tease them. Make them want you bad enough that they throw away all their wealth. Why give it up to the fuckboys around campus when he can just make their father’s pay for a piece of his ass?
He’s perfect at what he’s doing. Abusing the pole with his endless legs and one glance into his eyes, colored like the rising moon, makes steadfest men question their own sexuality. He loves toying with them and he can use it to his advance. Peek into them, read them and make them loose their reality. But no matter how much he’s paid he prefers to keep his job away from public eyes. His brother knows nothing. Outside he’ll always be just Tsukishima Kei a college Student living with his brother. No strings attached. Because inside, at the nights, at the club, he’s one of the top requested boys to no ones suprise. It has more to do with his ability to adapt to the client’s desires and make their fantasies go wild, rather than him being drop dead gorgeous. He doubts he’s that good looking even if most of his clients would demand otherwise. If the client wants a cute, blond submissive, Tsukishima can pretend to be just that. If the client wants a stern, cold dominant, Tsukishima can do that as well. Until now it’s been all eyes and no touching, even if he got more than enough clients at the club requesting more. He has been asked to extend his service and work with the diamonds exclusive escort agency to stand by their clients sides like an expensive play doll. He’s hesistant about this decision. Not because he’s ashamed. He enjoys the agony and sweet pleasure mixing the customers eyes. It’s more about the stigma surrounding sex workers. And he cares about what people think, contrary to what he lets on. Working with an agency would put a little risk to his job, right? And he wouldn’t be pleased in having the entire university knowing that he’d be a high-class prostitute.
But after all: Sex sells.
Moral Alignment: He will do what needs to be done whenever it needs to be done. He doesn’t mind walking over corpses if its for his own personal reason, helpful to reach his goal or protect his loved ones. He has yet to discover his limits and explore the structures sitting below the happy surface of this city. Maybe his moral will change the deeper his insight gets.
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