#they also consider the ending where he blows himself up as the 'right' ending
causenessus · 2 days
cold kisses
part 0.05. intros.
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kozume kenma  ⋆꙳•❅*‧ ‧*❆ ₊⋆
second year in college majoring in marketing. also a part time streamer so yeah he’s a little busy :) currently roomates with y/n, when he asked her to room with him he told her they’d split the rent evenly but she has no idea he’s actually paying *totally* just *a bit* more than half <3 he’s just happy she’s with him but he's also been working very hard not to get her caught in any stream. thinks that things might blow up a little bit if people suddenly find out he’s rooming with a girl–a slightly well known skater of all people–and he’s right for thinking so. some of his fans are already a little weird about shipping him with others but he ignores it when he can. definitely has had a thing for y/n since high school and always felt a little nervous whenever she came to watch his games but kuroo was the only one on the team who noticed. he’s grown a lot more comfortable around her since then <3 they’re also co-parents of a cat they’re definitely not supposed to have in their apartment.
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third year studying a degree in sports management :) best friends with kenma and oikawa who he’s roomates with. they’re like the extremely less romantic version of whatever kenma and y/n have going on lmao 💀 a very small youtuber who often ends up posting videos that people request him for explaining how things in the sport world works and about science and then will turn around and post an 8 hour long minecraft playthrough video. also good friends with y/n but is mainly hearing everything from kenma’s side. he’s always kenma’s go-to person for advice whenever he’s confused about something and needs help <3
third year also majoring in nutrition but he’s cruising :) did volleyball and skated in high school but decided to pursue figure skating once he graduated. has worked a few times with y/n and they're good friends. also considers himself a girl’s girl and y/n backs him up on this <3 she wishes they worked together more but she doesn’t see him often. oikawa’s been besties with kuroo since high school and as a result also got to know kenma quite well. he’s pretty observant and has picked up on what’s happening between him and y/n as well so if kuroo doesn’t know how to respond to kenma they sit together at their little kitchen table in their dorm at midnight debriefing the tension going on between the two over tea and biscuits or something idk
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hinata shoyo & kageyama tobio ⋆꙳•❅*‧ ‧*❆ ₊⋆
first year majoring in communications bc bro is not the sharpest tool in the shed </3 was immediately pulled into kenma’s group because literally all of his superiors adore him and kageyama got pulled into the group as well (they like him too <3) he’s the group’s ball of sunshine whenever hope seems lost as finals round the corner and makes everyone’s day when he smiles <3
first year in college also majoring in communications. volleyball’s taking up a lot of his time but hinata pulls him around to be a part of the group whenever he can. he was a little terrified of what oikawa would think at first but oikawa could care less at this point and his living his best skater life. kageyama’s still obsessed with vending machines as always and usually gets kidnapped by hinata because he always knows where to find him.
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galedekarios · 6 months
reading a new interview and seeing larian's lead writer refer to gale as "the guy who annoys everyone" and "constantly eats your most treasured possessions" really explain a lot of things that are in the game tbh
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kooksbunnnn · 7 months
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pic ctto
Pairing: idol!yoongi × female reader
Warnings: none. It's fluff. Slightly suggestive in the beginning. You miss him. Making out.
Words: 1.2k words
At this point, you couldn't even smell him in your bed anymore. Him being cooped up in his studio has its own pros and cons. Pros being the new mind blowing songs he would produce for his fans which, ofcourse, includes you too, whereas the cons, you not being able to see him for days considering both of your busy schedules and him generally sleeping in the genius lab.
Motivation and inspiration can make a person workoholic, and Min Yoongi is an example of that. It's one of those nights where he would be overworking himself, and you know you would have to sleep without cuddling him or kissing him good night for the 4th time this week.
You missed your boyfriend so much.
You can't even remember when was the last time you felt him, like actually felt him, over you, behind you, beside you, beneath you, inside you.
Oh, you wanna feel him inside you so bad, the reminder of that stretch makes your stomach swirl.
You step into your room mindlessly, scrolling through your phone when a notification pops on your upper screen.
Catto: you up?
Seeing his text, you stop in the way to your bedroom. He rarely texts from work, and it makes your eyebrows furrow with concern when he pops up in your notification bar at 11:47 pm.
You: yes baby. All okay?
You wait for him to reply, which comes almost in 3 seconds. The three dots quickly turning into a message, saying,
Catto: i wanna see you doll, haven't seen you in ages, AND bumping in hallways doesn't count, baby. I miss you, sm :(
You: i miss you toooo baby:(((
Catto: :((((((((
You read his message and feel your bottom lip jut out due to his cuteness. You sigh sadly when you look at your empty bed covered with cold sheets along with his shirt lying on his side along with the pillow he uses.
Let's call it emotional support.
You want to visit him so bad, but the comeback is close, and you dont want to disturb him. Your mom always used to tell you, a relationship works only if you understand the difference between important things and priorities, responsibilities and duties, you both would need to understand what the other needs to prioritize at the moment.
So when you met Yoongi, you understood why your mom always said that. You know right now what priority and responsibilities are, so it doesn't make you insecure about the fact that you are also one of the most important things in his life. So, no matter how much you both miss each other, you can't just expect him to keep his job, his passion, the need of the moment, aside for a moment together.
Just like he doesn't expect you to keep your job and passion aside, he knows how important it is for you and vice versa.
You spend the next ten to fifteen minutes getting comfortable on your side of the bed. Picking up the book you left with a bookmark on the night table. But before you could pick it up, your phone rings.
You see Yoongi's picture smiling at you, but then your eyes focus on the time on the top left corner of your phone. It's 20 minutes past midnight. Concerned, you answer the call.
"Baby, everything okay?" You ask as soon as you pick up.
"Come downstairs, I brought chicken."
"What- why are you not coming upstairs?" You ask already halfway out of the bed, you hear him ruffling the polybags grumbling something about sauce so you run towards the kitchen to pick up his favorite hot sauce from the counter.
"I can't, babe. I have to return to the studio. Jungkookie's waiting. Moreover, if I come upstairs, I will end up sleeping the night and then regret it the next morning. You know? " He tells you, and you understand his worry, you have seen him regret a tiny 2 hour nap at his studio, resulting in a grumpy and irritated look on his face the whole day.
He also indirectly signals to you that he can't stay for long, so you rush down faster.
Its not like you dont want him to relax but you know he will just end up blaming himself up for it the next day fully convinced it was his mistake to relax when he needed to work no matter how much you try to calm him down.
Yes. Speaking from experience.
"Coming, bubs." You hang up and step into the elevator after checking the door, hands filled with a hot sauce bottle and two water bottles. You smile when the elevator finally reaches the ground floor. The excitement feels like the time you two were dating, sneaking around, hiding from people, and the staff as well.
It's funny how Bang pd was the one to find out about you both before all the boys did. That day, you realized that Jin DOES NOT LIKE being left out on important stuff.
When you spot his car, you sprint towards it with a big smile. The windows are slightly tinted(security purposes), making you unable to see the smile that comes on his face after he spots you. You quickly open the door impatiently, and your smile widens more. He is wearing that white shirt of his, which makes you wanna worship the man, unbuttoned up to the second button, hair fluffed up due to running of his fingers multiple times.
You sigh happily when he pulls you in his arms as soon as you get into the car, not even caring about the car door still being slightly ajar.
"I missed you." His voice coming out muffled due to your hair.
"I missed you too, baby." You chuckle as you lean back, breaking the hug to close the door properly. Turning back you see that he has his head resting upon the seat while he looks at you with the prettiest smile you've ever seen.
Fuck, you love this man.
Leaning in again, he cups your cheek and kisses you, slow and soft, slowly sneaking his tongue into it. His hand places itself on your neck, and the other one reaches for your waist. Pulling you on top of him.
You get comfortable on his lap, kissing him as if he was water, and you just woke up thirsty at 3 in the night. Oh, you definitely were thirsty for him.
You felt so happy in the kiss you never wanted it to end. Fisting the white shirt in one hand as you let the other explore his fluffy and long hair. Some minutes later, he tries to pull back, but you dont let him, whining a 'no' with furrowed yet concentrated eyebrows, making him chuckles in the middle of your kiss.
"Baby the chicken?" He tells you with a laugh, shoulders bouncing with that pretty laugh of his. You watch his gummy smile with a silly little smile on your face as well.
You missed this so much. He raises his eyebrow once again when you flick the strand of hair sitting prettily over his forehead, tracing his nose bridge almost like in a trance.
"Well?" He asks again, and you then realize you zoned out. It's been 3 days since you had talked to him properly, and it would be an understatement to just say you missed him.
Smiling, you lean in for a quick peck once again, making him hum, in that deep voice of his. It reaches within you and somehow gives you so much comfort that you feel overwhelmed.
Not to sound overdramatic, but he makes you feel still, mentally, unlike the frantic thoughts that were always running around in your head when you were away from him.
He is just so perfect. So gorgeous, so calming, so 'him'.
You nod with a wide smile, booping his pretty nose,
"Okay baby, lets eat."
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charmwasjess · 7 months
Strap in for the Soresu form III Obi-Wan lightsaber post. This is gonna be a sad one, girlies. We’re getting into Obi-Wan’s Fucking Trauma. 
Qui-Gon’s death changed literally everything about Obi-Wan’s life, right down to the lightsaber form. Still a Padawan himself, he had to watch as an extinct monster from his nightmares* utterly took apart the form he’d learned since he was a child, and then, to complete the destruction, slaughtered the teacher who’d taught him the form and raised him. The devastation of Qui-Gon’s actual death had to be the last in a cascading series of horrors that started with the gut-sinking realization that Qui-Gon was losing. And if all of that weren’t enough, Obi-Wan also loses his own lightsaber in the same duel, a psychological blow to his personhood which we don’t have to guess at the significance of. Obi-Wan tells us the cost of it himself in AotC: this weapon is your life. 
The Duel of the Fates on a sheer physical level is a devastating thing to consider. It’s a grueling, full out running battle, the likes of which we don’t see elsewhere in the saga. The beauty (and pounding musical score) of the fight distracts from the sheer brutality of it. Maul is physically attacking them at every turn; he manages to kick Qui-Gon hard enough to knock all 6’3 of him off his feet; he dumps Obi-Wan into a fall that seems to be several stories high. We don’t see Obi-Wan get back up off the floor with Qui-Gon’s body at the end of the duel, and I’d be surprised if he was physically able to even stand again so after the adrenaline faded and the soreness and exhaustion took over. He just been whirled in a lightsaber blender. 
I can’t imagine how hard it was for him to pick up a lightsaber again after the trauma of that battle - much less, a new, unfamiliar one, not the kyber crystal that had been his since he was a child. The new canon’s emphasis on the spiritual relationship between a Jedi and their crystal makes this detail even more excruciating. The Ataru form itself must have felt broken and unusable. How can you put your trust in a form once you watched it be broken so ruthlessly?
And this is where Obi-Wan is so endlessly beautiful as a character. He goes through this horrifying experience of violent unmaking, and instead of avoiding lightsabers as an understandable trauma response, or picking up an overwhelming power and dominance form like V, he remakes himself into a master of Soresu: a form of simple, complete defense. He doesn’t attempt to become a weapon of attack like Maul did to disintegrate Ataru; he makes himself invincible, untouchable, with a perfect defense. Soresu works the pieces that fell apart for the Jedi in the Duel of the Fates to an advantage. It is a form of ultimate endurance, of playing out your opponent and staying up in a fight until the attacker is exhausted or angry. It preserves and it lasts. It is philosophical. It is considered. It lacks the showy flash of Makashi or Ataru and returns to the basics, even working in some of that battlefield meditation that Qui-Gon so believed in. And in that simple economy, it’s gorgeous and effective. 
I have to wonder: is Soresu, on some level, a form of kinetic self-soothing for a person who faced an incredibly traumatic battle at a young age? Does Obi-Wan use it that way?
All of this is perfectly in keeping with the themes of the character. Obi-Wan’s story remains about life, about hope, about survival. The word he uses to describe the Jedi to Luke in the OT is important to me. “Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice.” Guardians. And what better lightsaber approach for a person who sees his role as one of protection than a form whose signature move is called “The Circle of Shelter?”
*Maul, of course, is a tragedy in his own right, but that’s a different post. 
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prettyboypistol · 6 months
TF2 Mercs x M!Reader || How the Mercs Jerk Off +18
minors dni and get blocked
ambiguous genitals for Pyro
The stereotypical setup of "makes a night of it" sometimes only to end up frantically fucking his fist 10 minutes later as he gasps out your name breathlessly.
Most of the time though his man is a horny mess. Sneaks off to jack off frequently (like 2/month).
Has jerked off in the showers before but prefers his bedroom to relieve himself.
HUUUGE on fantasies. Always talking to himself and imagining you in various ways. His favorite is imagining you blowing him.
Usually lasts a short amount of time, but can recover extremely quickly.
Oh. My. God. This is the HORNIEST mf alive when they're lucid. Yeah, they're a little awkward about how close they get to you, but everyone shrugs it off as them being socially unaware.
You smell so amazing to them, the smell of you looks so pretty to them in their head because of their synesthesia. Has embarrassingly gotten off to the colors and feeling of your voice and smell.
Your voice is a calming purple to them with a gentle rumbling against the bottom of their mind, the sound feels a sort of comfortable chilling ironically.
They refuse to do anything outside of their safe space- hell, considering that nobody even knows if Pyro needs to jerk off-
It HAS to be: right vibes, 3 am, locked door, calming smell candles, windows shut, etc etc
Has a love/hate relationship with jerking off, he sees it as manly and masculine to release urges, but also weak to indulge himself in base desires.
A manly man thinking of another manly man like yourself? Well technically that's twice the amount of men. At first he assumed he was jealous of your physique, but then he drempt of you on top of him right about to push your-BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEEEEEP 0600 SOLDIER TIME TO WORK
Awkward boners are his specialty, excusing himself to "go oversee the maggots" when you flex a particularily nice deadlift.
Less private than Pyro but still prefers a more private setting like in the woods, a bathroom stall, or just a spot he deemed far away enough from everyone else.
Most embarrassed about wet dreams where he can actually get off in his dreams, deeming that day "surprise laundry inspection/washing day"
He's pretty lax about jerking off to be honest, has probably drunkenly teased you about you should be careful about how often you keep your shirt off.
"Ey laddie, careful showin' those pecs around! Cannae imagine you'd like a man eyein' those tits of yours!" Of course it was a joke, you two were close like that. of course he was just teasing you.
Oh god he wanted to fuck your pecs. Unabashedly staring at your chest he imagined how nice his dick would look in-between your pecs, maybe scrunched against a tight wifebeater too oh fuck-
Reletively respectful of everyone's decentcy and only relieves himself either in his room or in the empty showers at 4 in the morning. He's probably only been caught once but never agains after that.
Cums a lot, that's why he prefers the shower wanks to quickly wash away the evidence.
This man is so fucking ashamed of touching himself to thoughts of you- much like he would be about thinking of anyone. He's got such a huge shame surrounding the whole thing but the evil voice in his head only made him strangely harder.
He imagined you wakling in on him as he whispered out your name and you shaming him as you slide up behind him as your hand wraps around his jerking him off all while telling him just how much of a pervert he is.
This man has the biggest undiscovered humiliation kink god it's so fucking pathetic (i deeply desire him)
Has jerked off in his workshop multiple times with the door deadbolted shut and a drill running to hide what he's doing.
Honestly prefers the feel of vaseline/nonsexy lube on his dick and it's a lot less suspicious to have that around.
Doesn't often feel the need due to how high alert he is.
When Heavy is at ease he's more bearlike and chill rather than a hotblooded, horny-brained mess. When he does actually touch himself, he is extremely quiet in his bedroom and quick about the whole ordeal.
Has a nasty "habit" of thinking of you. He assumes it's because you're actually nice to him and he's not been around a woman in god knows how long. You're not womanly-like in the slightest but Heavy likes to think about his hands on your hips as he makes you whine.
Feels a stinging sense of guilt afterwards but generally shrugs the feeling off. It's not really such a bad thing if he keeps it to himself and keeps everything professional, right?
I wrote a fic about how I generally feel Sniper jerks it here but I'll rephrase it here as a TLDR
This man is really fucking weird about jerking off to you. He HAS stolen something of yours to smell and fantasize with and if given the chance he WILL steal again.
HUGE scent kink and voyeur/creeping kink kind of like Engie in a way where he wants you to call him out on his bullshit.
Probably the most unprofessional about it. He has fondled himself as he watched you through his scope during battle and he will do it again.
Pretty quick ordeal overall to keep himself sane. He jacks off often and quickly to keep a baseline sense of sanity (pre-nut insanity is a thing and his diagnosis is terminal RIP)
Honestly I headcanon Medic not feeling a need to masturbate. His lust for you oozes out in his operations in some sort of gorey satisfaction in operations on the team. (think like, the taboo passion of physically rearranging someone's guts gets him off in a weird way.)
This isn't to say he gets sexually aroused by his experiments, it's just that the excitement of the thrills get cross-wired in his brain. When you drop your shirt on the floor to prep for an operation his dick twitches in his pants but that's literally it.
Flirts with you on the operating table <3
The only time he's actually masturbated is for experiements. (One was if he could create life without an egg and the second was to see how much cum could a healthy man extract out of him.)
This man is so hoity-toity about getting off it's almost a pain to write. It's an actual whole night for him. It starts with a nice bath with oils more expensive than your paycheck, then a professional massage, then a calming cigarette mixed with some top-grade cannabis in either a blunt or in a nice dessert. THEN FINALLY he lays himself down onto his pretty little bed and fucks himself.
And even then Spy has a routine to jerking off to really indulge himself. He starts slow and gentle with teasing touches that go lower and lower until he's strained against the fluffy bathrobe he is cuddled in.
Imagines you riding him a lot, but if he's in the mood to bottom, he slowly fucks himself with a pretty nice vibrator as he imagines you fucking him as your dick brushed against his prostate in the most delicious of ways.
This man is convinced that every other merc assumed that he gets too many bitches to need to masturbate and he fully intends to keep that assumption alive and well.
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rowdyslove · 8 months
𝐈𝐍𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. | jack hughes
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jack was always such a lighthearted and joyous person to be around.
whenever he stepped into a room, everyone craned their necks just to catch a glimpse of him. whether he was in a large crowd or just around a small group of people, there was always a smile set on his face.
but today, that bright smile was gone. his usual booming voice that would greet you everytime your presence entered his apartment was replaced by the dim ticking of the clock and the soft wind blowing in through his open window, the only source of light in his bedroom being the sun that shone itself through.
jack, sitting up on his bed with his back against the headboard, was blankly zoning out at his feet with a heavy heart in his chest. he didn’t respond nor react when he heard you open the door and enter his room.
“jack?” your voice questioned softly, a slight sympathetic tone coming from your voice. you had very slight hope that he would answer you, but you also weren’t expecting him to want to speak up either. you could understand how he would be feeling so beaten up by what happened, but you didn’t expect him to be handling it this bad.
you knew how much he was upset about not being able to play hockey for a while due to his dislocated shoulder. and you could just tell that he was feeling even worse considering how much work he had put into starting off this season strong, considering how frustrated he was after his rookie season.
jack didn’t make a single sound. instead, he simply just scooted himself to the side a bit more to offer you room to sit on his bed. of course, you being you though, just sitting down was not what you were planning on doing.
you stepped closer to his bed, walking around to the side opposite of his injured arm, before carefully throwing your legs over the mattress and laying your head on his soft pillows.
you took a few moments, finding the most comfortable spot for you and closing your eyes with a relaxed sigh.
a small pout formed on your face after you opened your eyes and saw jack still staring straight in front of him. leaning in closer to him, you slid yourself under his good arm, bringing your head up to rest on his chest and a hand up to place on his lower stomach.
“i’m sorry j. i know this must really be crushing you right now.” you muttered lightly under your breath, burying your face into the soft cotton of his sweater.
jack finally released a discouraged sigh, his lips pursed together and creases on his forehead with the resentment that was built up in his chest. he knew that the time would come where something like this would happen, but he couldn’t fight the thought that he let down his whole team. the disappointment he was feeling with himself filled his entire body more than he thought it would.
after hearing the disheartened exhale that left him, your heart plummeted to your stomach. not knowing for sure what to say, you just gently glide your fingers again his stomach drawing random shapes, your lips pressing a light kiss to his clothed shoulder.
jack felt like his heart was about to burst when he felt you against him. in a slight way, instead of hating himself for getting injured, he hated himself for feeling so many things for you.
he hated how weak he felt around you, always falling to your every wimb. he hated how much he loved being alone with you, and how many beats his heart skipped whenever you touched him even in the slightest. he hated how safe and comforted he felt whenever you always came running to him to help if he was feeling down. not to mention how much he absolutely hated the bitterness he felt when he had to watch you grow romantic feelings for someone else, just to end up with a broken heart in the end. and worst of all, he hated how he could never find an appropriate time to declare his love for you.
at this point, he engraved it into his mind that he just had to stop himself and find someone else to fall in love with. lately he had been trying to distance himself further from you, and up until now he thought he was doing fairly good.
unlike the usual banter that would start between the two of you everytime you were with each other, the room was awfully quiet right now. but not in a sense that there was any awkwardness. it seemed quiet in a sense that there was some sort of unknown flare of intimacy and vulnerability that embraced the two of you; an exclusive feeling that only the two of you held.
and suddenly, the silence was broken and jack finally spoke.
“why are you here? there’s a game tonight.” he said, trying his best to distract and steer himself away from the heavy pounding of his heart that he was hoping you could not feel under your fingertips.
your movements stopped, your fingers pausing to rest. you always went to all of his home games every chance you could. you were somewhat close to most of the other guys on his team, but the main reason you went, was to watch him; the man that shined his brightest whenever he was on the ice. the man who always had you staring down at him in awe as he gracefully did what he does best. the man who made you so proud of him for living out his biggest dream.
the man who stole your heart undoubtedly, without any notice whatsoever.
“i’m not going to the game if my best friend is not playing.”
jack’s jaw clenched hard at your choice of words. he couldn’t deny the stinging feeling that shot through him when you said it.
‘best friend.’
the two words he absolutely hated the most. the painful awareness of just how strong his love was for you came tumbling down on him like a ton of bricks. the feeling was too overwhelming for him, as you called him your best friend; he wanted more than that. he wanted more than just the close-knit friendship that tied you close to each other. the words replaying in his head, banged all across his skull, so hard that he couldn’t help but let out a loud grunt.
“what’s wrong?” you asked, concern filling your orbs as you looked up at him from where you head rested. you thought you might’ve hurt him, physically since your hand was so close to his arm that was strewn into a sling.
when he didn’t give you any response, you took your hand and grabbed his chin and tilted his head to face you, the stubble growing back on his jaw pricking your skin lightly.
you frowned at him and repeated yourself. “what’s wrong jack?”
the distance that existed between your faces was much closer than jack thought, so close that he couldn’t help his gaze from shifting down quickly to glance at your lips. he felt his chest bursting with fireworks, the sight of your lips just taunting him so much more.
jack gulped slowly, heaving a heavy sigh with closed eyes before looking back straight at you. “best friends…” his voice was timid, words slipping out almost hesitantly, “i don’t like that, i really don’t.”
“me neither,” you whispered, soft breaths now fanning right over his lips due to you slowly closing the barrier between you both.
the hand you had grasping his jaw, slid down his chest to find his injured arm, gently gliding to his hand and lacing your fingers with his.
shaking breaths were exchanged through the small space of air between your mouths, noses nudging against each other softly. he truly couldn’t tell if this just a dream, a figment of his imagination, or if it was real life right before his eyes.
possibly just a dream within reality; a dream of his that was now finally becoming his reality.
jack simply couldn’t think with having you this close to him. he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to ever think again, because if he was allowed to have the love of his life so close like this, he would rather never think.
“are you being serious?”
“yes, jack rowden hughes,” you said, his full name sounding like heaven rolling of your tongue, “just shut up and kiss me already.”
and so he did, immediately obliging to your demands. tender lips with such passionate touches and grazes of your thumb over his knuckles. all of the emotions and feelings he had been keeping bottled up inside the pits of his heart were now dropping down to the deep depths of a black void, slipping away from him to finally enjoy the moment he has been waiting for.
and jack poured out every single emotion out into the way his lips curved and caressed perfectly over yours, and every soft squeeze of his hand to yours that quietly promised his undying love for you to continue on forever.
he pulled away after a few moments, chest rising and falling heavier with each flustered pant trying to regather his breath.
a soft smile drew itself across his lips before he pressed the most gentle of kisses upon the plane of your forehead and rested his own against it right after.
the room was silent once again after that. the only sounds being the soft air blowing through the curtains of the open window and the soft shifts of your bodies as you cuddled up to jack as close as you could get.
even though the room was quiet, the love being conveyed between you was oh so loud.
and now, jack felt his injury coming to less of a burden in his life, knowing you were right there with him. cuddled up into his side, just the way he always wanted you to be.
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todomochi-uwu · 2 months
favourite crime. (1/2) J.Y & B.C
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x reader / Bang Chan x reader
Genre: Angst, smut
Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that I was your willing accomplice, honey
Did it I proofread it? Kinda.
Did I just spent the last four hours working on it? Yes.
Am I just gonna post it and hope for the best? Also yes.
If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee ☕
You fell exhausted into the bed, your chest heaving, legs numb and lips swollen. He falls right next to you, in the same state. Both staring at the ceiling, trying to regain composure. You think of your next words very carefully, how do you approach him without sounding needy? How do you ask him without actually asking? Yunho’s thinking about how he has to get up early in the morning for work, and that he must leave in the next five minutes. The thought of staying over not even crossing his mind, even though work is closer to your place than his.
And while you keep trying to think of a way to get what you want, he gets up, goes to the bathroom, and comes back, just to start putting his clothes back on.
“It’s late, Yun. You should stay over.” You’ve used that one before, and it didn’t work. But you couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“All my stuff is back at my place, and I need it for tomorrow.” He ties his shoes and looks around for his wallet and jewellery. He doesn’t spare you a glance.
“Can’t you just grab it quick in the morning?”
“That doesn’t make sense, Y/n.” He pats his pockets making sure he’s got everything. “Hey, have you seen my hoodie? I can’t find it anywhere.”
“Uh no, I don’t know where it ended up.” It’s not like it’s hidden right under your pillow. That would be crazy. “I’ll look for it, you can come get it tomorrow, or I can bring it to you while you are at work, it’s no…” He cut you off immediately.
“There’s no need for that, don’t worry about it. I’ll take it next time I come by.  See you Thursday, gorgeous.” And with that, he leaves.
And so, the story goes. Every single time. Yunho comes over, horny, desperate and right to the point. Never steering away from his goal. Sex with him is mind-blowing, you won’t even lie, he knows what he’s doing and he’s managed to learn every single thing that makes your toes curl. He knows every inch of your body like a map, inside and outside. The things his mouth does should be illegal, the way his fingers curl just the right way while his lips suck on your clit, maintaining a rhythm that has you seeing stars in seconds. His cock is huge and gorgeous, making it hit all the right spots, while he whispers the most sinful things in your ear.
Looking at you taking my cock, aren’t you such a good slut?
Every single time you beg him to let you suck him off. Doesn’t matter if your jaw ends up aching the next morning, or if your tongue goes numb. The image alone of Yunho losing himself in the pleasure you bring makes you cum untouched. The way small whimpers escape his mouth as he starts growing closer, his hips thrusting into your wet cavern desperate for release, his head thrown back, eyes narrow and open wide mouth, his fist tightly wrapped in your head. It was all too good.
Fuck, baby. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Please don’t stop. Oh. Yes, just like that, sweetheart.
Yunho knows everything there is to know about making you cum. But nothing about not making you cry. The way he doesn’t say anything once everything ends, not even asking if you are okay, his eyes never reach you, making you feel invisible. Leaving you feeling like a toy, his fuck toy, that he can just use and toss aside every time he feels like it. And while you died a little every single time, you couldn’t let go of him. Know that you loved him so bad, you let him treat you like that.
Work, stress and a broken heart are never a good mix. You sat in front of the screen, staring at the blank page for a good number of minutes. Your body is there but your head is in a completely different place.
“I don’t there’s any more nails left to bite,” Hongjoong said as he sat next to you, putting a cup and a muffin in front of your face. “Eat this instead of trying to munch off your fingers.”
You looked at them, small bits of skin, nails, chipped nail polish and blood covered the tips, and the pain was slowly making itself present. You cursed under your breath before taking a sip of the beverage, gagging the second it touched your tongue.
“Ugh, I hate tea. I hate chamomile.” You took another sip, “I hate Mondays.”
“You are always in a bad mood, but what’s gotten into you today?” He said taking a sip of his drink, looking through some of his notes.
“I got no sleep. I’m on my period. I’m on a fucking block and this is due by Wednesday.” I’m heartbroken.
He hummed, “Is that all?”
“Isn’t it enough?”
“Y/n, babe, since I’ve known you, you’ve never gotten a full night's sleep, so that’s not it. I understand about your period and you always, always manage to pull through a block, at least good enough for a deadline. You and I both know what this is about.”
“I already told you…”
“Bullshit. Why do you keep lying to yourself? Why do you keep lying to me?” He crossed his arms, his tone becoming accusatory. “What I don’t get is why you keep defending him. No matter how much he crosses the line you keep crossing your heart for him[MC1] .”
“He’s not doing anything, I’m the one who fucked up by falling for him.”
“He doesn’t even give you the bare respect you deserve, Y/n. He treats you like a sex doll; he doesn’t acknowledge you in public; he acts like he doesn’t know you. He knows about your feelings and he could give less of a fuck about them”
“It’s casual sex, Joongie.”
“I’ve had casual sex, and it has never even crossed my mind to treat someone the way he treats you.” He sighs frustrated, “And what bothers me the most is the fact you are willing to stand all it to get a bit of him. He doesn’t want you; he only wants your body.”
Tears threaten to spill out. It’s nothing you haven’t heard before. From him, from Mingi, hell even from yourself. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to push him away. To let go. “Don’t you think I know that? I’m aware of it. But what do you want me to say? I’m a fucking idiot for loving him, but I can’t help it.” You covered your mouth, trying to keep the sobs inside.
“Love, please, I’m begging you I can’t bear to see you like this anymore. I hate what he’s done to you, he took away your shine, your spark. Please, promise you will end this. I can’t stand to see you like this anymore, if not for you, for me, please.”
You had made a promise. You would try to move on, finally kicking Yunho out of your life. Yeah, you had first slipped a bit but you were now on the right track.
The first Thursday you had been so dispersed you completely forgot to cancel your (dick) appointment with him. So, when he showed up on your doorstep and immediately threw you onto the couch and ate you out, there was nothing much you could do, so you let yourself enjoy it, one last time you said to yourself.
Oh my god Yun, I'm gonna cum, please!
Don't you dare, I'm not done with you.
Watching him leave was just as bad as the last time. It made you cry all night long, your heart empty and your stomach in a swirl. That was the night you decided you never wanted to feel like that again.
The second time, you'll admit, it was because you were horny and in withdrawal. It was a few weeks after, you had been cancelling your appointments claiming you were too busy, and while it wasn't necessarily a lie, you were also avoiding him. But you just needed a bit of him to help you get by, a small dosage and you would be able to quit.
You had found yourself head pushed against the sheets, waist up and knees wide open while he pistols his hips against your, now, reddish ass. You were drooling, eyes at the back of your head, and mouth screaming his name over and over again.
You missed me, you whore? Oh, I bet you did. I'm the only one who can give you what you need, this pussy is mine and don't you dare forget about it.
You watched him leave and didn't say anything. Staring at your phone, of course, pretending to be busy on it, but it had at least made you appear uninterested.
The third and last time it had been him texting you that he was right in front of your building. On a Wednesday. What the hell was he doing there on a Wednesday?
"I'm sorry, I thought I'd drop by, we haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks and I thought I would at least try." He said.
You looked at him as if he had grown a second head. No clue on who was the man standing in front of you. Yunho had never "dropped by", your meetings planned, and established beforehand, like a doctor's appointment. He was equally as confused as you, not knowing what got into him; blaming it on the stress and the lack of sex.
You had ended up riding him on the sofa, both of you cumming unusually fast, but near as satisfying.
Oh, it felt so good Yun. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks, remember?
And just like that, it was done. You had gotten up, ready to take a shower and go to sleep. Asking him to lock the door on his way out. Yunho couldn't help but feel sick, you hadn't even spared him a glance.
In the middle of your mess of a life, a new project had been assigned to you at work. It was bigger than anything you had done before, and so demanding that the workload had to be shared between three people. Hongjoong, you and…
“Guys, this is Bang Chan. He will be working with you for the next few weeks, he’s going to be supporting you during this project, so make sure to relay on him.”
Your eyes crossed and he gave you a small smile. He was cute, you won’t try and deny it. But you didn’t have time for that, you have to focus on working on yourself and on the project. Right?
While at first the load of work had been a blessing in disguise, keeping you away from Yunho and off of thinking of him, it had quickly turned into a nightmare in the last few weeks. Change after change after change. At some point it even had you doubting yourself, but Chan was always there to reassure you.
Early mornings turned into late nights. Hongjoong, Chan and you took turns to sleep on the uncomfortable, black leather couch at the back of the studio.
It was 4 a.m. on a Thursday. Hongjoong had lost the battle about an hour ago, softly snoring in the background, with drool running down his cheek. Chan had taken a photo for "future purposes" as he stated.
At this point, you couldn't even focus on the things happening on the screen, but you also couldn't sleep, too anxious to find any peace.
"I don't think we are going to get anything else done today," Chan said throwing his arms back and stretching his muscles. And yeah, you couldn't help but stare.
"I know. But god knows I won't be getting any sleep until we finish this"
"I'm the same."
A comfortable silence covered the room, only the soft sounds of Chan clicking the mouse and the quiet snores of Joong could be heard. And just as you started to disassociate.
"What's your favourite midnight snack?"
"Mm? Oh, I don't know."
"Mine's instant ramen. And I would kill for a bowl right now." He said getting up, "My treat, you in?" He offered his hand to help you get up.
Without any thought, you took it.
And so, the rest of the night went. Between energy drinks, trash food and friendly (and bit flirty) banter.
"I cannot fathom the idea of someone not liking coffee."
"It tastes like shit." No hesitance.
"No, it doesn't! It's literally what keeps me going without it I would just be a zombie all day."
"Tea does the same thing, it doesn't taste like dirt, and it's better for you."
"The thought of having a cup of green tea first thing in the morning makes me want to gag."
"Don't knock till you try it." He finished the last of his noodles, speaking with his mouth full, "And it doesn't even have to be green tea, there are lots of types of teas, like..."
Your phone started ringing, interrupting his rant. He took it and looked at the screen, "Bad idea, don't you dare answer is calling you?"
He called you. Which is something he never does. Too personal. Yet here he was, at the other side of the line. Waiting for you to answer, but you couldn't let yourself do it, you couldn't let yourself fall for him all over again. Stunned on what to do, you let it go to voicemail. Watching it ring one, two, three times before your screen turned black. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Now an awkward silence.
"So... I'm guessing a ghost of the past has just tried to summon itself back into your life?" He said trying to break the tension[MC2] .
"Yeah, it's umm... It's complicated."
"I've got time and I've been told am an excellent listener." His eyes carry a kind of compassion you had never experienced, no pity, no sense of charity.
"Oh wow, he isn't just a bad idea, Y/n. No, he's way past that."
"I know." A sad giggle. "He's not always an asshole, he's just not interested in me in any other way that's not sexual. That's why I'm trying to move on."
"That's good, that's good." A thought crossed his mind, "he can't be that good in bed."
You choked on your spit, not expecting the conversation to go in that direction.
"I'm just saying, maybe you just idealize him because you hadn't had decent sex before him."
"Even if the burdens me to admit it, he's really good."
"I don't believe you."
"Believe me, that's what makes me hate him even more."
"I'm sure there are guys out there go can fuck you equally or even better, and not break your heart."
"Oh, yeah. Where?" You laughed, lifting your head to look at him. But the view in front of you made your heart stop.
He was looking right into your eyes. His back relaxed against the back of the chair, his legs opened wide and his arms resting on top of his thighs. He tilted his head and gave you a small smirk.
The guy was right in front of you.
You were just too dumb to notice.
Contrary to you, Yunho couldn't go back to his duties. Staring confused at the screen of his phone, why didn't you answer? Were you okay? Could you just be busy? Too busy for him? Busy doing what? Busy doing who?
His pulse sped up at that thought, could there be someone else? No. Could it? No. But why does it matter? Is not like he wants you like that.
Thursday rolled around and the project was finally done, delivered and paid for. And you couldn't help but be in ecstasy.
"I thought that shit would never end!" You said finally leaving the building you had been trapped in for all those weeks.
Chan only giggled while looking at you.
"I can't wait to get home and spend the next days completely buried in my bed," Hongjoong said.
"No! Let's go out and celebrate, we deserve it!" You tried convincing him.
"Aren't you tired? My back is killing me, Y/n." He gave you a side hug, "I'm sorry, not today, but I promise we'll go out soon."
"But Joongie." You whined.
"I'm sorry, but you go out and have fun with Chan, okay?" He placed a small kiss on top of your head, "Chan, please take care of her okay? I trust you."
"Don't worry, I've got her."
And got you he did. Got you so drunk you could barely walk back to your apartment. So, he had to carry you on his back.
"Goddamit, when did you take all those shots? I only saw you order two rounds, Y/n."
"The guy at the bar thought I was cute, so gave me a couple extra." You drunkenly giggled, holding your clumsy against his back. "Why aren't you drunk, Channie? We went out to have fun and you are acting all bossy."
"Someone had to be responsible, baby and I knew it wasn't going to be you. Besides, I don't love the taste of alcohol."
"You don't like coffee, you don't like alcohol, what do you like Chan?"
"I can think of one thing." He mumbled under his breath.
Making your way inside the building wasn't easy because of the amount the stairs and the lack of an elevator, but he managed. He had helped you with your keys, and changed you into your pajamas, with his eyes closed which made it a thousand times harder. Just as he was about to leave, you pulled him in.
"Stay over, it's late Channie." You hugged his arm, pushing your breasts against his skin. He was so into you that it got him slightly flustered.
"It's barely 11 p.m., Y/n."
"Please, just stay Chan." You looked right into his eyes, you could feel the alcohol dissipating, sobering up. You needed him, right there, right now. Your hand pulled him in.
"I don't know if it's a good idea, love." He whispered as your faces got closer.
"Please, Channie." You whispered against his lips.
The kiss was soft and timid, him still hesitant but slowly letting himself into it. Your hands made their way from his arms to his shoulders and found their home right into the back of his neck. It made him shiver, and he became a little braver, grabbing your waist. You let your tongue into his mouth, becoming addicted to his taste and the way his lips feel. You separated for just a second, the annoying need of air getting in the way, and as you were to continue. A bang on the door pulled you out of the moment.
"What the..."
Bang. Bang. Bang.
"It's so late, who..."
Bang. Bang. Bang.
"Y/n? Please open the door. Please, we need to talk. Please, I know you are there."
Yunho. A very drunk Yunho.
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vashs-turtleneck · 3 months
Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing well <3 I binge-read all of you trigun fics and i loved them, so i wanted to request something too!
How about a Vash x reader where the reader sleeps on him? Vash is listening to them ramble about something and then boom, they fall asleep on him bc hes warm. <3
Omg my first request. I'm so honoured, and I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my other fics!! I'm sorry this took so long to complete. It was a busy couple weeks for me, but I hope you like it!
Also this ended up being way longer than I thought it would.
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Quiet Nights.
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Rating: T Summary: After a less than stellar day, Vash can't seem to get out of his own head. Luckily, he has you. Pairing: Vash the Stampede x Reader Content: pining, angst, fluff. Word Count: 2.7k
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It's quiet.
Galaxies paint the skies above him, his thoughts accompanied only by the sound of the wind blowing, the crackling of the fire, and the subtle discomfort of the rock he's leaning on pressing into his spine.
Quiet, but not peaceful.
Not for Vash.
Never for the humanoid typhoon.
His head is in turmoil, recollecting all his sins and keeping him from sleep. All the venom spat his way as the last town cursed the walking disaster, forcing you both out without so much as a chance to breathe, with bullets hitting the ground at your heels as you ran.
He deserved it. Every last word. Every last bullet shell. He knows he did, but you didn't.
He glances down at you, snuggled up so comfortably in your sleeping bag. Now you look awfully peaceful, your face barely peeking out from under the covers, letting him see the fine cut you got on your cheek as a result of today's troubles.
If he had been faster.
If he had been more vigilant.
If you weren't with him.
You'd be safer without him.
He's overthinking again.
Or is he?
Damn it, what's right anymore?
Keeping you around, is it wrong? This selfishness he lets himself indulge in with your presence, it must be wrong. But how can it be when it feels so right, when having you by his side makes his chest swell with a warmth that makes him feel like he's found a home?
Absent-mindedly, his warm hand reaches for you. He can see you. He can see the peaceful rise and fall of your chest. You're right there, but he has to remind himself that you're real. 
You're okay, he has to tell himself. You're alive.
But just as his thumb is about to carefully swipe over the scrape on your cheek, your pretty eyes flutter open. You look right at him, and Vash freezes.
“Eep!” The typhoon squeaks out in surprise and pulls his hand away. “S-Sorry! I wasn't doing anything weird, I promise!”
“That makes it sound like you were absolutely doing something weird," you tease back oh so sweetly.
“I promise I wasn't.” He says with a pout, looking away from you.
“Can't sleep, Vash?”
He shakes his head.
“Just thinking.”
“Well, that's no good. You always let that pretty head fill with such stupid thoughts.”
Well you sure know how to get him to blush. He tries to shake off this feeling you give him and swallow down the butterflies fluttering in his stomach, taking a few calming breaths before he speaks again.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.”
“It's alright. I wasn't asleep.”
Vash turns back to you, his head tilting questioningly. 
“Hmm? Why not?” He asks, and he hopes that your head isn't filling with the same thoughts as his.
“I try to stay up if I know you're awake.”
And you must see the confusion on his face, because you answer his question without him needing to ask. 
“Gotta keep my eyes peeled if I wanna make sure you're not running off again.” You chuckle, yet your words hit him like sandsteamer.
He can't really argue with you there. Hell, even just now, he was considering it. Part of him wants to reassure you that he won't leave, but he also doesn't want to lie to you. If it came down to choosing between keeping you safe and never seeing you again, he'd be gone in a heartbeat, no matter how much it would rip him to shreds inside.
He cherishes your presence.
When you came into his life, things became just a little bit more lively. Sure, his routine stayed mostly the same; it's not like there's all that many options for how to live his life when he's always on the run, but now he has someone else to share it with. You eat with him, walk with him, and when the double dollars are short and you have to settle for spending the night out under the open sky, you're right there, laying next to him in your own little sleeping bag. He can have a conversation with you as the two of you travel between towns. He can tell you about the stars in the night sky on nights like these, and help point out the constellations draped over your heads.
He's not alone anymore.
He cherishes you, no matter how selfish that may be.
He'd much rather not have to leave you, if he's being completely honest.
“Well,” Vash cuts the somewhat uncomfortable silence between the two of you. “If neither of us are gonna sleep, wanna look at the stars with me, mayfly?”
He sees how your eyes sparkle, and you sit yourself up in your sleeping bag, shuffling yourself closer to him. He leans against you and points up towards the stars, and your gaze follows his index finger. 
“Right there. Those ones over there make the shape of a four-pronged fork.”
The side of his face is dangerously close to yours, but you seem too immersed in the sky to notice. Thank goodness for that, or else you might have noticed his cheeks heating up.
“You see it?”
You must be able to see it. You're looking right a-
“I don't see it.”
“I have no clue what you're pointing at.”
“Whu- What do you mean?! You're looking right at it!” Vash says, his tone playfully exasperated, and it has you giggling so softly that he has to swallow those butterflies back down.
It takes him a moment to realize he's smiling too, watching you fondly as you try to compose yourself. Surely he's not that funny?
As he sees you refocusing on the stars, a harsh gust of wind passes through, striking the flames of the fire and forcing you to retreat back into your sleeping bag with a subtle shiver that Vash notices all too quickly.
“You cold, mayfly?” Though he doesn't have to ask. He can see it by the way your shoulders tremble.
“Maybe just a bit.”
“You could come closer, if you want. I have plenty of body heat to spare.” He tries to say nonchalantly, tapping at the space in front of him.
Closer would be nice.
And to his surprise (and secretly to his delight), you come much closer. You scuttle out of your sleeping bag and carefully situate yourself in front of him, sitting on the ground between his legs and leaning your back against his chest like he's some chair. You tuck the top of your head beneath his chin, an all too close position, but he's definitely not complaining. He only hopes you don't feel his heart hammering in his chest right now, but at least like this you can't see how his cheeks hue a deep scarlet.
You're so close.
Deep breaths.
“Mhm. Much better.” You hum, tucking yourself against him, his body and jacket sheltering you from the wind. “Now where is it again?”
“There,” He says as he points up towards the constellation again. "Do you see it now? If you look up from the tip of my finger, you can see how those stars make the shape of a fork."
"It still just looks like a bunch of pretty splotches to me."
You giggle far too sweetly at his reaction, so purely that it almost eases the unrest in his heart. So carefree, so lighthearted.
Do you not care that you got hurt? Are you so oblivious to the danger he puts you through?
Do you not hate him for it?
Long lanky legs stretch out to your sides, your back pressed to his broad chest. It's easy to forget just how big he is when he hides his frame beneath this jacket of his, how well he hides just how strong he is. This jacket hides the body of something inhuman, a natural disaster, as people call him. Right now though, this jacket is keeping you covered and warm. 
His marred body is keeping you warm.
“I'm sorry, mayfly.”
“Hmm?” You hum, tilting your head back slightly to look at him and giving him a close view of your pretty eyes. 
“Your cheek. I'm sorry. It's my fault you got hurt.”
He hesitantly reaches for your face again, and when he sees you're not pulling away, his calloused thumb gently brushes along the scuff on your soft cheek, his touch lingering for just a moment longer than friendly.
“It's not your fault, Vash. It was all just some stupid misunderstanding and we got caught in the middle of it.”
“Still,” He whispers, and even he can hear the sadness in his own voice despite his attempt to stifle it. “You'd be safer without me.”
You sigh. That same casual sigh you do when he's eaten so many doughnuts that he's given himself a tummy ache, like you're fed up with his silly everyday antics.
“It's like I said– Pretty head, stupid thoughts.” You tell him, turning forward once more and resting your head under his chin again.
“Right here,” You say, playfully tapping the knee he has resting against your side. “This is the safest place I can be, Vash.”
Do you really feel that way?
“You're comfy, you know.” You say soundly, and it nearly has Vash choking on his own spit.
“M-Me?!” He blurts.
“I don't see anyone else here,” You snicker. “Very warm too. You weren't kidding about having body heat to spare.”
“I- well I- Uh…” He stumbles over his own words. He doesn't know what to say to something so kind right now, and strangely… intimate. Those butterflies aren’t going down easily. 
“Those ones look like you.” You chime, your hand pointing up at the sky.
“Huh? The stars?”
“Yeah, right there. Do you see? That's your spikey hair, and right under is your little mole.”
“How do you see that but not a fork?”
“Don't know, but if I can't see the regular constellations, I might as well make my own.”
Making up your own constellations. How cute.
He's not stupid. He knows you're doing this on purpose, trying to get his mind off whatever is bothering him, but that's just like you. In his mind, you shine brighter than the stars. His guiding light, something to bring him back down to No Man's Land when he gets lost in the maze inside his head.
“That one looks like Kuroneko.” You gush, pointing elsewhere.
“Who?” He says, trying to follow the direction of your finger. Maybe seeing pictures in the stars is harder than he gave you credit for.
“Don't worry about it.” You chuckle, letting your hand fall back down.
“Well that one looks like a doughnut with sprinkles.”
“You would see that.”
“And that one looks like a slice of cake.”
“Is your sweet tooth acting up?”
“We'll get some sweets in the next town then.”
“Mmh. That'd be nice.”
Shared laughter fills the air surrounding the two of you, followed by silence.
Comfortable silence.
His mind is quieter now, no longer buzzing with unanswerable questions, regrets, and ���what ifs’.
Because of you.
After a few minutes of silently looking up at the galaxies hanging up high, he breaks the calm air between the two of you.
“Thank you, mayfly.” He whispers, not missing the way his voice trembles ever so slightly.
“I get stuck in my own head sometimes. I-I guess a lot of the time, really. It's… nice to have someone around to help me out of it.”
He clears his throat, trying to get rid of that shakiness in his voice.
“W-Well– y’know– not just someone. You're not just someone. You're one of a kind. Special.”
His heart is hammering in his chest, he can feel it drumming behind his ears. He doesn't want to promise you anything. He doesn't make promises, but if he can just try to express to you how badly he needs you around, then maybe…
“You're, um– you're very precious to me, mayfly. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. Not without you, anyway.”
Oh no. You're not saying anything. Was that too much?
“Ha ha… S-Sorry, didn't mean to bring down the mood.”
God, his heart is pounding. If you didn't already hear it before, there's no way you can't hear it now. 
Another few moments of silence pass, and he can't take it anymore. Vash gulps and looks down at you, worried to see the expression on your face, scared he took this too far, but when he does gaze down, you're wearing the most peaceful expression he's ever seen.
You're asleep, nuzzled up against him. Not only that, but you're asleep first, despite what you said earlier. Actually asleep too, he judges based on how deeply you're breathing.
Guess he can't run off if you're keeping him in place.
‘You're comfy.’
Is he really? These hands stained with blood, this body tattered in scars, this unchanged face that he's worn for over a century, this name that has the power to strike fear in the hearts of all. Yet here you are, leaning into him, asleep, vulnerable, and completely trusting of him.
You must be crazy. Don't you know he's the humanoid typhoon?
He's holding you close. A tad too close for what he would consider friendly, but despite the heat he feels rising to his cheeks, he doesn't want to pull away.
His limbs wrap tightly around you, pressing you into his chest, his head leaning slightly against your shoulder until your hair tickles his nose, like he wants to melt into you. Shyly, he takes in the scent of you. That smell that is so inherently you. Just the feeling of you so close to him, grounding him, quieting the thoughts in his head.
‘You're here. You're okay. You're alive.’ He tells himself.
Truth be told, he could never bring himself to leave. He'd have to be pried away from  you, and even then, his hands would cling to you until his nails were cracked and bloody. If he was being honest with himself, you've got him by the heart.
Maybe he'll let himself be selfish. 
‘Maybe just for tonight.’ He promises himself, though even he knows that's a lie.
✧ ✧ ✧
Morning comes all too quickly, the suns managing to shine down directly onto you. You groan, bringing a hand to your face to rub the sleep from your eyes. You shift your body to stretch, yet you feel yourself held in place, and look down at your waist to see what it is.
A pair of arms wrapped around your middle, one cooler than the other, but both just as comforting and inviting.
This isn't your sleeping bag. It's far too comfortable, and definitely warmer than that dusty old thing.
The sweet word tickles the shell of your ear, whispered out so softly that it sends a spark of electricity coursing through you.
You lean your head back to look at the source of that sweet sound, letting yourself fall deeper into that comfortable, inviting embrace that you don't ever want to leave, your eyes falling to what, or rather who, is behind you.
Golden hair rivaling the rays of sun shining down on you, eyes like the clear blue sky above, and an alluring warmth that feels like home.
He smiles down at you when your eyes meet, a genuine smile that shows off those cute dimples. You've never seen them from so close.
“Good morni-”
“WHAAAGH!” You cut him off with scream, not expecting to wake up snuggled up so close on your outlaw companion’s chest.
In your surprise, you completely knock your head into his pretty face. He swiftly brings his hand up, groaning, feeling the bit of blood starting to trickle from his nose.
Yeah, okay. He should have known you'd be surprised to see him so close. Maybe he had that coming.
“Oh god! I'm so sorry! I just- I wasn't- I was a bit startled, is all. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry, Vash.”
“Ehe… I'm fine. Don't worry about it.”
Maybe that's what he gets for letting himself be so selfish.
Though if that's the price he has to pay, he'll gladly let you break his nose every day if it means he gets to hold you that close.
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sea-of-dust · 3 months
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Summary: Dating headcannons
N: I had this just rotting bro posting this with the event. Ik u don't read these angst jumpscare. Also DO NOT listen to Malice Mizer OR SWEET (p5) while reading fanfic or headcannons for this guy you'll cry 7 times
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Hm? Is something your gonna hear alot. He notices everything. Sometimes he purposely doesn't push you to tell him, other times he's told by Yukari.
He knows when your troubled, you can tell when he knows what's going on as he tends to get a bit closer before going "hm?" You notice when he's trying to comfort you. Trying to be sneaky just makes it more obvious, it's even more odvious when he sneaks snacks to you near your door, like he isn't the first suspect.
"?" He lays his head on your shoulder slowly inching closer. "You look like you're fuming. Did something happen?" "Nothing much just a headache" "I see" you never feel his arms wrapped around while you as you stood next to him, soft hums comming from him.
Makoto tries to hide his affections in public. Limiting it to hand holding or subtle matching things you both had on your person. The fewer people the higher the chance of him taking a small snooze on your shoulder, you end up giving him piggybacks when he does this.
He let's you listen to music with him. At the cost of a small tease. "I wanna listen aswell..." You look away clearly flustered to ask this "and why would my dove want that?" "HUH" you look at him wide eyed seeing him smirk "BRO" "? I thought I was your boyfriend" and back to the straight faced s.e.e.s boy. This was his way of flustering you, calling you a random nickname and then acting like nothing happened, you always reset back to bro when he does this making it even better for him.
He wanders...alot. This guy would get lost in a supermarket and be like "oh I lost them..." and then find you calmly while you'd just panic about where he was. He always appears from nowhere when this happens. "I've looked everywhere jimpei I'm considering going into the fountain..." "you walk so fast" he burries himself into the nape of your neck, "I almost lost you again" you were so lucky jimpei was on the phone and not in person or you two would have never stopped getting teased when you got to school
If you ever wondered about s.e.e.s or ever wondered why he was always so tired, he'd act like he didn't hear you. "So what's s.e.e.s, heard it had something to do with some sorta time thing?" He'd be right next to you. You saw him peak up and just go back to staring into the void seconds later. "I know you heard me" you furrow your brows slightly but he just lays there for a bit moves his hair and then goes "huh?" "UGHHH" you're not getting him to budge
That would be the case if you didn't have a persona he'd still try to pretend he didn't know until you saved him from a few shadows. "How did you get knocked down by wind of all things imagine I blow and you and you get stunned" your persona deals with them easily while you help him up. "So what is this place my princess, my shawty bae, my-" "please...shut up" "nah baby girl you brought this on yourself" he sighs but he did enjoy the free piggy back ride so he pretended the wind hit him THAT hard.
"You're still carrying him around" Yukari cringes "he can barely keep his eyes open tho" "oh he'll live watch this" Yukari turns around "we're gonna go get a sna-" "don't say it infront of jimpei unspelled" he groans nuzzling back into your neck "told ya, get him off your back" easier said than done the guys like those theme park bracelets you'll never get him off. "Yukari let go of me" his voice a bit annoyed "no chance! Come on you gotta walk like the rest of us think of y/ns back!" You got him to walk...but he had to hold your hand and would almost drift off again if you haven't move away everytime you noticed. "Please try to stay awake were almost done" "...." You catch his head "don't lean on me, how about this you can rest once we get back to my room" he suddenly has enough energy to walk without leaning on you.
He loves whenever he goes to your dorm. It always feels so calm in there like some sorta checkpoint. Sometimes he gets there before you already laying there like it was his own room. "Welcome home" "oh minato- wait...howed you get in" "you left the door unlocked" "oh" he tries to use the 'just wanted to study with you excuse' nah the dudes there for every kind of sfw romantic thing you can think of. He's there to be called lover boy unironcally! "Funny how you aren't as sleepy during the night" you move closer to him "you're nocturnal" you joke playfully giving him a small kiss on the cheek. In actuality he had eaten a bunch of candy so he could stay awake with you.
Take him with you everywhere!! If you'd e-mail him about anything related to heading out you don't even have to invite him he'd just magically appear. You don't even have to say WHERE you're going. "How do you always know where I am?" "This place is small"
He'd know what your into without you telling him almost sniffing it out. "I thought you'd like this" he hands you a small gift watching you blush immensely. "Howed you know I liked this kinda stuff" "I figure stuff out quickly" he did have hints though. The way you acted the way you looked at things simular to it. it made it odvious you'd like one of those.
He hides when he's sick always trying to hold back coughs or sneezes he suffers in silence and would prefer it that way. Why? Because the first time he was sick infront of you or anyone else no one wanted to be around him incase it spread. You were willing to of course until Mitsuru put a ban on seeing him for the sake of everyone's health, you still got tests to deal with ya know! So now he just hides it trying to recover quickly. Can't say the same for you though "cough cough! Ah sorry I've had a really bad cold lately" all he needed to hear to have you carried back to your dorm after school. "When we're you able to manhandle me" "please take this" he hands you a small medicine cap expecting you to drink it from there. "It's just a cold" "colds don't have you coughing yourself into orbit for it to just be a casual one" sighing you gulp it down
He'll pretend to not know how to put on his ribbon and ask if you're able to help him. Then turn around pull it off and look at you with a "can you do it again" face. He just likes the way you tie it while you're on the train with him.
Fastest Emailer EVER. You'd think it would take him litteral years since he sometimes leaves people out to dry, according to jinpei, and then he'd respond at the speed of sound to you nearly as fast as the email sends.
You try to pitch his cheeks only to get him to revert to an angry cat. So you've resorted to softer smaller pinches, he dosent mind as much now just don't too it too often or he'll start pinching you too
He may like using yarn with you. Depends on how easy it is though. "What are you making?" "A heart bracelet a girl asked me to make for her and her boyfriend" he reaches for your hand "do you mind if I try this?" "Sure it's in the left drawer" he could barely make the heart at first but as soon as you got a clipboard involved it was a whole diffent story, he was a machine, you didn't know this at the time but you definitely accidently made a yarn bracelet monster. Must have found out they can be made into sp items. That's why there's a lock on the left drawer now, he never opened it without asking its just to keep him from getting ideas, it does the opposite
He has his flirtatious momments, mostly just because he wants to tease you. It starts with a perfectly silent momment, in the classroom when they finally let you sit with him, nearly asleep in a library, on very rare occasions tartarus, he'd smirk and then lock in for the absolute chaos he's about to cause. A simple lean into your ear whispering softly yet clearly "I want a kiss" your eyes would always widen but you'd also respond with a whisper back "now?" Clearly slightly baffled you kiss him on the cheek quickly. Oh but sometimes that isn't enough, sometimes he just wants to see you melt, rubbing his hand on your already flushed cheek he leans in drowsy eyes meeting yours "I want a bit more please" he does enjoy you cupping his face and kissing him. When he does stuff like that you thank the lord the sees memmbers split up or you two are pretty much alone together.
There are times he's tempted to kiss you and then act like he didn't do anything. Cheeks are his favorite you can barely see him comming,*chu*, and now he gets to tease you make you think he never did such a thing "stop kissing me while i study" "wadya mean" "you gotta study focus on that" "i wanna focus on you more" "huh?" Another quick kiss "you did it again" "i dunno what youre talking about" exhaling you kiss him under the eye "lets get back to studying before it gets too late" and then hed lean onto your shoulder. He wants you to catch him more often
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"I bought a camera! Let's take a few snaps, just the two of us!, "I don't see why not" holding the camrea steady, you take a picture of the shell he found. *SNAP* a picture of him looking out on the beach. *SNAP* "Why are you taking so many of me?" "I want you to last forever" putting the camrea down and walking toward him, he reaches his hand out. "Oh sure" you give it to him and he holds it up, making sure you're both in frame. *SNAP* a picture with both of you smiling as the sun sets on the beach. Softly looking at your features, his eyes land on ur lips, then cheek, eyes, then back to your cheek again. Smiling to himself, he holds it up again "you mind if we take another?" "Alright" *SNAP* soft lips press your cheek the momment the camera flashes. "You mind if I get another, the picture might be a bit blurry" with a rare smile on his face he pockets the picture. You covering the cheek he had just kissed. "Sure..." still surprised you lean into him smiling as the shyness gets to you. *SNAP* another kiss, happy with the photo he turns to you. "Do you have any plans after this?" "No it's straight to the dorm for me" "perfect" "?"
As you two walk home after changing clothes, he seemed to be more bright than usual as you wondered why, you were happy you got to see him smile like that. "I have something for you" "really? Me too!" "I'll meet you in your room then" hugging you before he leaves to his room to pick up your gift you collect what you had gotten for him, a DVD, a small bag with candies, and a rare jack frost you had won that you've customized to look like him. As soon as he opens the door you try to hide your gifts behind your back. "I can see them" "No you cant" softly giggling to himself he closed the door and gave you a case with a small bag with it. "Well since you've already seen then" you slide over the minato frost with the other things on its lap. "I saw someone do it on the internet and wanted to make one of you..." averting his eyes afraid he may not like it. He grabs its hands, then it's crocheted hair "it looks just like me" he pulls its cheeks. "And this is what I got for you" giving you the case and small bag. You decide to open the case first. Inside was a pair of headphones and a music player the same model as his. "How'd you know I wanted one?" "You eye mine alot, so I just figured" without much thought, you kissed his cheek "I don't know if I could put into words how thankful I am" You kiss him again. Excitedly, you open the small bag, revealing a bunch of stickers. "I wanted to decorate this with you if you don't mind" "I don't see why not" you excitedly put the sticker on his face then the case almost 5 stickers later his face again. "You look so cute with them all over you" "right back at you" giggling at his joke, you cover the player carefully in stickers with him. He even showed you how he put his music onto them.
Eventually what nearly always happens when he's in your room happens, his soft eyes flutter shut while laying on your bed the frost that looks just like him in hand. *SNAP* *SNAP* the opportunity was just too good to pass up, one for you and one for him to wake up to. You lay next to him moving his hair as to see both eyes. "Sweet dreams" your eyes grow heavy as they close. Days were sweet after that though you did notice him being a bit more busy, you didn't even notice when January ended, and he was nowhere to be seen. You asked most of the people you knew that spoke to him but they just ended up near teary eyed or near unable to say a word about it. "He's in a coma" Jinpei finally is able to croak out, "we don't know what happened to him" you feel your heart drop at his words, near running to the hospital after school and laying by his side. He looked so peaceful, you'd wonder what he was experiencing. Holding his hand for what seemed like it could be the final time you left, it felt a bit scary walking home without him with you.
You put on the music player he gave you, all covered in stickers he helped you put on. "Burn my dread...full moon full life...memmories of-" you hault finding yourself at the dorm, you go in, putting your hands in your pocket, reminding you of him, accidently touching his spare key he gave you, your mind suddenly asked you to go into his room. It felt like snooping, but the thought just wouldn't let you go. Opening the door, you find something on his desk, a letter along with a few pictures. "I may have forgotten to ask someone to give this to you, but I hope it someday reaches you, I'm writing this just in case something bad happens to me, I'm gonna miss seeing you when I wake up and waking up before you. All those candies I ate from you because I wanted to stay up late, all the times I've gotten free piggyback rides around town. I'm gonna miss you above all. I'm sorry I took your camera" getting to that part you look at the pictures on the desk one of him sleeping with the frost you made him, one of you trying on his sees uniform. "To be fair you already seen most of them, I just thought that if anything happened you'd want some of me" scattering them multiple pictures of him trying on your accessories, pictures of him smiling widely at your favorite places, pictures of him trying diffrent hairstyles. "I've bought a replacement film in advance, if you need to you can take my jacket and the mako-frost. They'll keep you warm" You look at more pictures, pictures of you and him, the kiss at the beach, you napping on him, a picture of you crocheting. "If push comes to shove, don't forget about me, keep living on, Makoto ps: thanks for letting me get this close to you"
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noneorother · 8 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2 - A Detour! We all misunderstood the Bentley scene, and it's going to blow your mind. *Part 5*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The End?
Welcome to the Bonkers Meta Series featuring your favourite Art Director/Clue detective. I have to take a detour around Crowley and the final fifteen, so sorry!
So I'm still trying to wrap my head around WHY the Bentley changes in Scotland, but I think I've worked out what happened in the Bentley as Crowley drives away in the final scene of S2E6. Lots of people have speculated that the music is a last ditch miracle message from Aziraphale, or even the Bentley sticking the boot in, or trying to be consoling. I think it's a gut punch for Crowley, but also... a ✨Clue✨! So we know from the S2E3 that Aziraphael has "trained" (?) the Bentley to play his music that stays his music.
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And the next time we hear music in the Bentley it's "Something modern", as Shax is threatening Aziraphale that she knows where Gabriel is. Aziraphale is now making this face :
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Also known as the OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT. But then the credits roll, and we are introduced into the 1941* Minisode directly. Which is quite weird, considering the other two historical flashbacks we get are preceded with Aziraphale interacting with something and then *remembering* because it jogs his brain. If we roll over the 1941 Minisode we get this scene directly after it. Aziraphale is parking the Bentley and makes this face.
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Also known as the Wasn't that a fun jaunt. And then precedes to NOT TELL CROWLEY ABOUT SHAX. It's like he's forgotten the threat ever happened. So the Bentley goes back to where it was parked after being scolded, and no one uses the radio again (Crowley does drive it but there's no music playing at the beginning of S2E5, my bad!). No one has used the radio since Aziraphale got out of the car in the end of S2E4. So here's the bonkers part.
I think Aziraphale played A Nightingale Sang in Barkley Square to calm himself down on his way back to tell Crowley about Shax, and it triggered the Minisode/memory about 1941. Then when Crowley drives his car for the final time, the radio starts up where Aziraphale last left it when he parked it before the ball.
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So Crowley is hearing that when Aziraphale was driving back from Scotland, he was playing their love song. Which he really can't handle right now, and turns it off.
BUT BUT BUT. How do I know it's their love song? If I'm right about it triggering the 1941 minisode/memory, then that means that the song was a record of that story, just like the book of Job or Aziraphale's journal, but it's been erased. Want to know which scene in S2E4 HAS NO MUSIC?
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Yeah that's what I thought. Not a date my ass. ___________________________ *If you want, I have more on the 1941 Minisode and it's altered state in Episode 2 of this series.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Fem. proxy NSFW headcanons with the three proxies? (separately) I love the way you write them, and you really don't find people who write them accurately anymore. Thank you!
Hi! Thank you so much,I am glad the fandom is still alive! :D
Creepypasta Proxies x fem!Reader
|NSFW headcanons|
Warnings: implied nsfw,suggestive language,mental illness mentions,dub-con/non-con mentions,misogyny, various kinks mentions including dacryphilia,knife play and somnophilia
Side note: Sex is meant to be a pleasure experience for both partners (or more,whatever y'all are into) and it isn't limited to a particular "style", it is okay to explore and feel good and confident about it.Stay safe everyone!
Toby would be the one who would think about engaging in sexual activities the most
I ain't gonna sugarcoat it,he's still very mentally ill so he would only assume you don't necessarily find him attractive enough if you seem to reject all of his affection that would lead to something more
That's why during some of his breakdowns he might push you and get pretty violent,forcing himself onto you while kissing roughly,altough he wouldn't continue to a very end if you're extremely uncomfortable about it
Considering the amount of trauma he has,the few moments he can feel at his best are during the highs of an orgasm tbh
Did I ever mention he has a mommy kink? I definitely fucking did he will let you use him as you please,dirty talking also gets him last a few more rounds.He just wants to know he is the one who can please you the most,that he's doing a good job,that he's your pretty good boy~
Degrade him a little,he also doesn't mind if you want to crave a little something into his skin.Even tough he cannot feel pain he definitely likes it,it's something that makes him feel like he belongs to you
Toby would do the same if you let him.He has his moments where he wants to feel in total control,but at the same time he's all sloppy and needs to touch and lick every part of your body
Holding you into a tight grasp while you bounce on him makes him all vocal,he doesn't hold back on moans either, looking up to you like you're all that matters to him in this world
He loves to hold you as close as possible during intercourse,as close as he can get to hear your fast heartbeat or to lick the tears that escape from your pretty eyes
Masky is rough and would often not let you cum until you beg and further humiliate yourself to get it from him
He would fuck you in front of a mirror as exposed as possible while praising and shaming you at the same time
Holding your hair into a fist while pressing your head into a pillow and holding both of your hands between your back as he doesn't stop thrusting into you until you're left breathless is what he loves the most
He can still act arrogant and bossy, blowing the smoke on your face while forcing you to take all of his length in your throat,maybe even putting his hands under his head while acting like you blowing him off it's such a chore fucking douchebag
Tim can be a sweet and loving partner,making sure you are okay while leaving soft kisses on the spots Masky left on you
The white masked man still loves to be in power and would talk disgusting things to you because of it
"You were made for this,weren't you?" ; "Finally learning where your place is,am I right?" ; "I bet your cunt deserves more atttention,after all you've been a good slut lately" and so on and so forth,would make you agree and be vocal while saying the exact words he wants you to say
Would engage in fear play and grind onto you while you sleep,staring at you while he strokes himself off and finally covering your mouth and thrusting all of his length into you while letting out grunts and low moans
Hate fucking is nothing that he isn't familiar with,he secretly adores when you put him in his place and fuck his brains out,if you're not easily intimidated and take the lead you can make him roll his eyes into his skull and use this to shame him later he deserves it
Hoodie adores when you start crying while desperately holding onto him if you're not tied up,of course while you're overstimulated and shaking from the last few orgasms.
"C'mon,I know you can continue,one more time for me,hm?"
He's isn't as much of a jerk like his friend,but I totally can see him taking his sweet time to ravish you just for his fucked up pleasure
He would often tease you in semi public spaces or legit under the table while other residents are talking to you,he has no shame about it either
Cannot keep his mouth shut for anything,he will whisper the dirtiest filth to your ears while soft grunts escape his mouth
Except to be touched while sleeping next to him.He would gently pet your hair while you sleep on his chest,then his hand would move across your body.He cannot help it,you look way too peaceful while you're dozed off,so defenless and utterly at his mercy
If you insist to use a safe word with him he would respect it while smirking,his ego would be over the roof,especially knowing on how good he makes you feel
"You feelin' good?" he asks as he takes his sweet time to make you beg for him to go faster,he's okay to take orders and doesn't mind instructions on how to make you feel even better than before
As long as you allow him in and ask nicely he's all yours to break or to use to break yourself into~
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Can you write a Dom! Billy Loomis x male reader where the reader is pissing billy off in class, like counter arguing all his points. And after class Billy finds the reader in the bathroom and pushes him into the stalls to teach him a lesson and to blow off steam.
Can there also be a detail about billy going to put his hands around the reader's throat and they notice blood under Billy's nails
Thank you x
SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO DO THIS, IVE BEEN HELLA BUSY,,,, btw I didn't know what kind of argument to create so I just made it so that he was jealous of how much attention you were giving Stu because why not
Warnings: mentions of blood, degradation, jealous sex, mentions of wanting a threesome.
Dom!Billy Loomis X Male Reader Smut
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You were sat between Billy and Stu, it was almost the end of class and Billy had been staring daggers at you and Stu the entire time, you hadn't really been talking to him much, you were too focused on telling Stu a bunch of jokes and just paying more attention to Stu, it pissed Billy off like crazy, he was most definitely going to punish you as soon as he could, even if he got caught and became the laughing stock of the school, he wanted you to know who you belonged to.
So when you asked the teacher to go to the toilet, he followed behind you, it made him laugh at how stupid you were since you hadn't noticed, when you entered the bathroom, Billy slammed the door behind you and locked it, you turned around only to see billy, the anger and jealousy on his face told you that he was going to absolutely ruin you, but you still asked "did you need something? I don't see why you locked the door-" he grunted and shoved you into a stall before tearing off your clothes, your face was bright red, he then shoved his hand into your underwear and gripped your cock, causing you to let out a soft whine.
He then placed his hand around your throat, but as he did so, you noticed blood caked up under his nails, but you were too horny to care, and you assumed it might've been from a fight or a blood nose, as he gripped your cock as well as your throat, he said coldly in your ear "you thought it was so funny paying all your attention to Stu, huh slut? If you wanted to get fucked so bad, you could have just asked, I'm sure Stu would enjoy a threesome, but no...you just had to be an absolute whore" you felt your cock twitch in his hand at his words, being degraded felt so good right now, even though you weren't trying to ignore Billy the entire class, but something about what he said had you absolutely shaking, eventually he let go of your cock and slowly slid off your underwear, your dick almost instantly sprung out and smacked against your stomach because of how hard you were.
Billy let out a small chuckle as he slowly jerked you off, causing your body to shake with need as small moans and pleas left your mouth, you were drooling and clinging to him desperately, and eventually he decided that he had teased you enough, he pushed a few fingers into you and stretched you out, prepping you for what was soon to come, he then quietly mumbled in your ear as he moved his fingers in a scissor motion "you're so tight~....no matter how much I pound into you, you seem to stay as tight as when I first fucked you" those words almost made you cum but he pulled out his fingers and unbuckled his belt.
You whined softly as he spat on your hole, he then jerked off his cock for a bit before ramming it into you, causing you to gasp loudly, honestly you were amazed that you hadn't cummed right then, but God it felt amazing as Billy rammed his hips into yours, the soft groans leaving his lips making your cock twitch greedily, you were surprised that a teacher hadn't come searching for you or billy considering how long you'd been gone, but it was so worth it, you let out a choked moan as you cummed, the pleasure being too much for you, Billy then carefully pulled out and jerked himself off and cummed all over you, Too tired to get up, Billy cleaned the both of you up before getting dressed, of course he was nice enough to get you dressed too, you then left the bathroom with him and walked to class, forgetting about the blood under Billy's nails.
Extra: The teacher was super pissed at both of you for being gone for so long,,,Stu 100% knew why though
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aromanticbuck · 23 days
"Eddie's going to be isolated from Buck because he's in love with him and not be able to communicate that!"
"Eddie's going to be isolated from Buck because they kissed!"
"Eddie is going to isolate himself from Buck so his feelings won't get in the way of his best friend's happiness!"
Eddie is cheating on his girlfriend. Eddie is going to be isolated from everyone in his life, including his best friend, because he's making awful decisions and it would be normal for people to keep him at a distance for a bit after they find out about that.
Buck is going to be so disappointed in his canonically straight best friend and they're going to fight about it. This is going to affect their friendship. In a lot of really complicated ways considering how entwined Buck is with the Diaz family at this point. I don't think they're going to be distant forever, their friendship will come back from this - eventually.
I think Buck would be completely in the right to pull away from Eddie and that friendship once this all shakes out.
Buck, the person who was on the receiving end of a drunk kiss, with a woman who had no idea he was in a relationship, who felt awful about that night to the point of panic. Buck, the person who made a total fool of himself on his first date with a dude, feeling like a fraud because he hid that part of himself from his best friend, who came out to him three days later (at most) because the guilt of lying to the people he cares about was eating him up from the inside.
But this thing with Shannon Kim is... Eddie is lying to everyone in his life, including himself. Not because he's this emotionally suppressed gay man, but because he's still in that flux of grief, where he still slips back into denial even on his good days. And he's allowed to feel those feelings, and miss Shannon, and all of that, but maybe... don't lie to Kim about being single. Don't lie to Buck and Chris about going out with Marisol. Don't lie to Marisol about spending the night with Buck and Chris, or whatever the hell he told her.
If Eddie really wants to pursue this thing with not-Shannon, fine. That's not the part of the storyline I have an issue with, and that's not what Buck or anyone else is going to have an issue with. He needs to be honest, with everyone, and if that takes his entire life blowing up in his face - losing his girlfriend, losing whatever the fuck he thinks he's doing with Kim, losing the respect of his team at the 118, losing the respect of his best friend - then he also needs to know it won't be easy to come back from that.
Even if - and this is the biggest if I've ever typed because it simply doesn't make sense for the story or anything else we know about this show - there are some other-than-platonic feelings in the mix here on Eddie's side, this is not the storyline that's going to lead to canon B*ddie.
Buck is in a relationship where he is happy and thriving.
Eddie is in a relationship (for now) and seems to have no intention of ending it.
Buck is not going to find out that Eddie has romantic feelings for him and suddenly forgive him for cheating on Marisol and lying to Chris.
Eddie is going to be isolated from everyone, including Buck, because he is going to lose his best friend.
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mokulule · 5 days
Dead on MAYn Day 1 - still untitled.
Prompts used: Dinner interrupted by a rogue/gang fight, courting rituals.
This thing keeps growing so I figured I should just post the first part. It will be continued eventually it’s kinda going places I didn’t expect. I am also using the flickering prompt, but it doesn’t appear in this first part.
Danny dug into his burger with gusto. It was not Nasty Burger, but it was greasy and cheesy and juicy and definitely hit the spot after a whole day walking about Gotham taking in the supernatural sights.
Sam was entirely less impressed with the vegetarian option and had set it down with a grimace and was now just picking at her fries. Tucker had taken it as a personal win for the Meat Team™ and was lording it over her with his eyebrows - thankfully he was too busy eating to actually say anything, which Danny was very glad of. You could only hear the same arguments so many times. At least age and maturity had assured they didn’t end their friendship over it.
“So,” Sam said, “What’s next after this?”

Danny finished chewing his mouthful, before speaking. “I’m not sure, I figured just go back to the hotel for a bit, chill until nightfall? Gotham’s court won’t be in session until then.”
“Seconded. My feet hurt,” Tucker chimed in.

“Maybe if you didn’t spend all your day sitting in front of a screen all day-”

And they were at it again… Danny tuned them out with the practice of years of being on the sideline, humming in agreement when prompted. He loved his friends dearly, but arguing was a part of their love language that he didn’t feel like participating in.
He let his eyes wander around the small diner, and found himself frowning as a group of men hurried inside.
If Danny had been less used to his ghost sense warning him of trouble, maybe he would have reacted in time - or at all. As it was he found himself frozen in shock when he saw the guns - regular human guns, not ecto-guns, ecto-guns he knew how to react to.
It was strange to realize that nobody had ever pointed a normal gun at him before and someone was pointing a gun at him right now - of course it would be in Gotham he got that experience.
“Hey you, stand up slowly and get over here. Hands where I can see them.”
Danny’s brain suddenly caught up to the events.
A group of five armed men had entered the diner waving guns. Three kept their eyes on the door and windows as if they expected someone to follow them. One was moving behind the counter towards the back, maybe looking for the waitress who had skedaddled as soon as the armed men entered and the last one had his gun trained on Danny, who of all people in the diner he’d figured was the best option for a hostage.

Danny resisted the urge to laugh.
Slowly he did as bidden, raising his hands and standing up.
On the surface he wasn’t an unreasonable choice. He was short and lean, if he was completely honest he looked like a stiff wind could blow him over. Sam in contrast looked like trouble and Tucker had grown up annoyingly tall, and if Gotham police was like most places it was probably wiser to pick a white boy as hostage anyways. The rest of the people in the diner were two heavy set construction workers and a lady with arms broader than Danny’s thighs, like damn. 

So yeah, Danny was apparently the best choice. 

Regretfully, he left his dinner to cool on its plate as he took carefully measured steps towards the… what? Mobster? Gang person? 

A part of him was wondering how much a gunshot could hurt him. Would it hurt him? In human form probably, as long as he was tangible. Would it kill him the rest of the way? He wasn’t particularly keen to find out.
His eyes flickered to the other armed men when one of them hissed at the guy at the door. “Do you see him?”

Danny considered doing something for about three steps, but he wasn’t experienced enough with real guns and fighting humans that he thought he could risk it. He’d also prefer to fly under the radar while he was here. He was on vacation, not here to mess with anyone.
There was a familiar feeling in his throat, wanting to be let go. His head snapped towards the kitchen. What! That couldn’t be right?

The man grabbed him and put the gun to his head just as a crash sounded from the kitchen and the wisp of cold breath escaped his mouth. Everyone turned towards the noise. The man who held him tightened his hold and pushed the gun so hard against his head he had to tilt it. 

Something black came flying out the door and the jumpy gunmen shot at it, but with their attention on the object (a pan, it was just a pan) they didn’t notice the man who followed behind. He was fast, not much more than a red brown blur, shooting the furthest man in the arm so he dropped the gun and then coming in close, punching the first man and kicked the next in the belly. He moved so smoothly, effortlessly. 

Danny forgot to breathe. Because that there was the source of his ghost sense. Because that there was also a human.
Another halfa.

Here in Gotham of all places! 

His heart gave a hard thump in his chest and he gasped, remembered breathing was a thing he sorta needed as a human. He still couldn’t take his eyes off the other halfa. Now there was someone who knew how to fight. His core hummed pleasurably in his chest. The other halfa had taken care of those goons in less than ten seconds. The fourth one was probably dealt with in the kitchen. And the fifth-

Danny was abruptly reminded of how the fifth had a gun to his head, as he annoyingly poked him with that barrel and pulled him backwards towards the door.
“Not another step or he gets it!”
Danny grimaced. He finds another halfa and he’s a fucking hostage? Stellar first impression, right there! Someone please shoot him- or wait, considering the situation that was probably not the wisest turn of phrase. 

“How about you let the civilian go, and I won’t break your kneecaps.” The voice was menacing though clearly modulated and there was a delightful, almost cheerful undertone.
Now that he was standing still, Danny could better appreciate him. He was a big man, probably near a head taller than Danny and so much wider. Death had clearly not stopped him from putting on muscle. Normally Danny might have been jealous, but honestly he was too busy appreciating the other halfa. 

He was wearing a red helmet, faceless except for a pair of glaring eyes and he had a large bat symbol across his chest. This last bit should put Danny off. There were very good reasons Danny didn’t want to catch any attention here. He couldn’t think of them right now. But there were… reasons… yes… and thighs walking towards him-

“I swear I will shoot!”

Oh for fuck’s sake! There were too many people involved. Danny promptly stepped down on his captor’s instep, ducked and twisted out of his hold. 

Red Hood, because that was his name, Danny suddenly remembered, promptly shot the gun out of the man’s hold and took him down with a punch and a crunching kick to the right knee. 

Shit, Danny was jealous, not of the broken kneecap of course, but he also wanted to throw down. He could show the other halfa what he could do, make friends, or more? Would it be too forward to gift him one of his moon rocks?

It probably was too forward? This was the first halfa he met who wasn’t a fruit loop or related to him. At least he hoped he wasn’t a fruit loop.
“Are you alright?”
Danny shook himself out of his thoughts to find that he’d been approached.
Now that he was up close Danny could really appreciate how those arms looked strong enough to bend him in half and- Danny’s gaze stopped at his waist. Was he actually wearing a leather corset? It did great things for his-
“That was either brave or stupid.”
The words had Danny’s eyes snapping back up to the glaring helmet. Danny was frozen. How was he supposed to talk to him? His mind reeled. Do something! Anything!
“How’s this for stupid?” Danny blurted and promptly punched him in the gut with a good deal of ghostly strength. Red Hood bent over with a pained oof.
Fuck! Danny’s brain screamed at him in despair. He could not believe he’d done that! Glancing around he couldn’t find Sam or Tucker so he quickly ran out the diner. 

He was grabbing for his phone in his pocket while running, when he was pulled into an alley. He was so wound up he nearly threw another punch, but then he realized it was just Sam and Tucker.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
“Danny!” They spoke in eerie unison. Tucker snorted, but Sam continued, “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”

Danny shook his head, realizing he must look a little dazed. He felt a little dazed. He didn’t even feel like taking the obvious bait.
“I punched Red Hood,” he admitted.
“What!” There they went again I unison, almost as if they practiced it.
“Do you think he’d like a moon rock?”
The looks they sent him then, they were indescribable. Absently he padded his shoulder to make sure he hadn’t grown a second head.
“Are you sick, Danny? Was there something in the food?” Sam put her hand on his forehead checking his temperature, even as she looked at Tucker, “What are the chances there’d be blood blossoms in a random burger?”

“Extremely unlikely, more likely something new, never seen Danny react like this.”
Danny grumpily pushed Sam’s hand away. “The food was fine. I’m fine.”

They gave him twin dubious looks.
“Look, let’s just go back to the hotel room. I just need a little rest and I’ll be fine.”

Jason gasped in pain to the sound of laughter in his comms. What the Hell was in that guy’s food that he could throw such a punch?
“What did he did the little guy do, Hood? Kick you in the jewels?” Dick managed to ask through laughter.
They didn’t have visuals, small mercies, but Oracle the traitor had let on to the former hostage’s scrappy stature in the run down of the situation.
“He did not.” Jason growled and turned off the comms, done listening to those idiots. Shit, fuck. Definitely a meta, that had been super strength. Keeping one hand over his pained abdomen he walked over to kick the goon who had decided to crawl for his gun in Red Hood’s apparent distraction.
“Don’t even think about it, I am not in the mood for it,” he growled and the goon whimpered.
When he finished securing the goons, of course the meta was long gone. Jason sighed in annoyance. Just his luck.
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onlymingyus · 2 months
I Hate to Admit
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• pairing; lee jihoon x f reader • genre; angst • warnings; alludes to cheating in the past, arguments, tension -- no happy ending • w/c; 770 and some change  • i hate to admit - bang chan • don't listen in secret masterlist • a/n; this song is one of my favorite songs. it hits me right in the feels every single time. i was in a sad place when i wrote this, so i am sorry for that. thank you to @onlyhuis for betaing. i also hope you all don't mind a bonus posting 💕
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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He took the same path every day, rarely looking up, but your voice caused Jihoon’s heart to clench and his eyes to lift today. You were talking on your phone, a pretty smile on your face. Ending your phone call, you slide the phone back into your pocket only to stop when you find the man looking at you. 
He missed you so much. He wanted to tell you that. You instantly put a smile on his face that he couldn’t hide. You made his heart beat faster, and his palms sweat. He felt warm around you as if you were the sun. 
Your voice was quiet and timid, but that was to be expected after the fight and his avoiding your calls and texts. He didn’t want to read another text about how sorry you were when he knew it wasn’t real. 
Jihoon clears his throat, lifting his hand to run his fingers through his long hair. He knew he needed to get a haircut, but with everything going on…it had become the least of his worries. His eyes move over your face as he takes a step forward, his hands sliding into his hoodie to hind how nervous he actually was about seeing you now. 
“You look…really good, Jihoon. I–did you get any of my calls?” 
You watch as the man in front of you nods to answer your question. It made his answer sting that much more. You knew you didn’t deserve him to answer the calls or to even call you back, but it would have made things feel better. Easier? 
“I see–” 
“You look pretty, Y/N. Uh…” 
Jihoon’s words cut you off causing you to furrow your brows. He felt confused and in pain looking at you. He loved you so much and yet just looking at you hurt. He wanted to give you a second chance more than anything, but he had spent his time trying to forget. You watch Jihoon’s mouth start to open only for it to close again. 
He wanted to say something more, but you could see him processing it in front of you. In his mind, Jihoon was considering if you’d go out to coffee with him, and talk through everything that had happened. If maybe that could get you and him back to where you had been before it had all gone to shit so quickly. But as soon as the words started to form on his lips, Jihoon pushed them away knowing it was a bad idea. He hated to admit to himself that there was no saving this. 
“I hope you have a good day. I should get going. I gotta get to work.” 
Jihoon doesn’t wait for you to argue. He can see the hurt in your eyes, the way you want to try to change the past and present. He wanted to change it too, but he had spent too many nights already trying to do that. Walking past you, Jihoon doesn’t look back and you blink the tears from your lashes knowing it was what you deserved. 
With his studio door shut behind him firmly, Jihoon lets out his uneven breaths as his own tears threaten his eyes. He hated knowing that he had probably made you cry. That was one thing he had promised you while you were dating that he’d try not to do and yet he had lied. He had lied because you had lied. 
Sliding down in his chair, Jihoon blows out a deep breath before closing his eyes trying to push you from his head but instead, he can only remember more. He pictures your hand in his, your body against his, your lips meshing with his own. Fingers clench at the arms of his chair and Jihoon remembers asking you “Why, him? Why, Seokmin?” 
He remembers your eyes full of tears as you tried to think of how to lie your way out of it only to break down into apologies because you had been the one to cheat. You had cheated on him with one of his best friends. You had said you loved him and it had been a lie. 
Lifting his hand, Jihoon groans in annoyance pushing tears from his cheeks as he mutters to himself that he has to stop this. He had cried over you too many times. Every time a text came to his phone with another apology. Every time you had called him trying to tell him how much you loved him, Jihoon had cried because he loved you. 
“I gotta forget her. She's changed, just gotta let go.” 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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cupid-styles · 7 months
Need💳💥that💳💥 jealousy 💥💳 part💥💳 now💥💳(with love)
(with love) ur so cute gjerktej I couldn't resist writing it and I hope you like it ! :)
part of the ymls universe ! read the original here
word count: 862
content warnings: pregnant y/n, baby talk, harry being a himbo idiot
. . .
Y/N isn't quite sure how she ended up in this position.
One minute, the cute barista at her local coffee shop asked her out on a date and slipped her his number. (It was a sweet move, she has to admit, and it made her stomach do a flip in a way that she hasn't felt in awhile... not since she and Harry slept together two months ago or so, but she would never willingly admit that.) The next minute, they're on the date, grabbing dinner at a quaint Italian spot in his part of the city, and it's going... terribly.
It turns out he's some poor excuse for an indie wannabe, only talks about himself, and even tried to get her to have a glass of wine despite Y/N's disclosure that she's pregnant. It's all entirely too uncomfortable, and she can feel her phone vibrating in her pocket nearly every five minutes — the first and second times she checked it with an apology to... whatever his name was, concerned that a friend or family member needed something, only to find that it was just Harry blowing up her phone.
are you there? where did he take you?
if im thinking of the same guy, he's not even that cute, you deserve better
also he better not drink and drive, there's precious cargo to take care of
lmk if you need me to bail you out early
She tries ignoring his constant texts, even considers putting her phone on do not disturb, but she can't tell which is worse — the man sitting across from her that's making painful attempts at conversation, or the father of her baby who is clearly on a jealousy kick right now.
When her date is four glasses of wine in and asks how they'll be splitting the bill, Y/N unofficially decides that Harry isn't the worst part of the night.
With a grimace, she throws some cash down on the table and heads to the bathroom without a goodbye. When she's safely alone in a stall, she takes a deep breath and presses Harry's contact, only for him to pick up after one ring.
"Hey," she greets, trying to hide the way her voice wobbles, "I need you to come pick me up."
"Why? Is everything okay? Is the baby alright?"
She sighs, lifting her hand to run it through her hair. "Yeah, the baby is fine. I just need a ride."
She can hear some shuffling in the background and assumes he's getting ready to leave his place. "Why? Didn't he drive you there?"
"No, I took an Uber and I don't want to spend more money on this poor excuse of a date," she mutters grumpily, "Save your celebrations, I'm not in the mood."
A beat. And then, "I would never celebrate something making you upset, Y/N."
She shrugs, even though she knows he can't see it.
"Whatever. You're right, he wasn't that cute, and he made me split the bill with him and tried to get me to drink."
"It's fine, I'm okay," she quickly backtracks with a shake of her head, "Just come get me. Please."
. . .
Harry runs two red lights, cuts off four cars, and imagines multiple different ways he wants to hurt the guy Y/N went out with.
(Realistically, he could never fight anyone, but he does contemplate filing an anonymous complaint with his boss at the coffee shop.)
A 25 minute drive is slimmed down to a 17 minute one thanks to the traffic laws he breaks, and he's prepared to march into the restaurant to find Y/N, but she's already sitting outside. He sighs at the sight of her on the bench, cradling her small bump with her jacket wrapped tightly around her form.
"Why didn't you wait inside for me?" he asks when she opens the passenger side door.
"I just started my second trimester, let me have some independence while I can." she grumbles, slamming the door and buckling herself in.
He's silent at that, putting the car back in drive. He hates that she had a bad night, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat happy things didn't go well. The jealousy threatening to crawl out of him makes him embarrassed, and he knows Y/N would only yell at him if she figured out how he really felt.
The rest of the drive is quiet. He glances over occasionally to make sure she's doing alright, but every time he looks, she's staring out the window and slowly rubbing her bump.
As Harry pulls into a spot outside of her house, she clears her throat.
"Do you... do you wanna come in?" she asks, staring down into her lap, "Not for anything weird but, like... to hang out, or whatever."
He nods, his heart warming slightly. "Yeah. Actually, when you called, I was reading one of those parenting books I got and it said it would be helpful to start singing and talking to the baby so they recognize my voice."
She laughs lightly and resists the urge to tease him. "Okay," she says with a small smile, unbuckling her seatbelt, "You can come in and... sing to my stomach."
He presses his lips together so she doesn't see the grin threatening to appear.
"Thanks, Y/N."
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