#they are both cinnamon rolls
velidewrites · 2 years
Azriel: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Gwyn: Cannibalism
Azriel: *confused chewing noises*
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littledragonkana · 5 months
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I love Kenny...my farmer may or may not marry this man
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aeymii · 2 months
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Sometimes, you just gotta sit back and draw this a-hole✨
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goldenpinof · 3 months
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the cape shenanigans (2016 -> 2023) for @tinygalaxybunny93
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leopardmuffinxo · 9 months
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We're 'two tiefling queens', remember? I couldn't leave my favorite bard without her partner in crime. I did have some help from an old friend though.
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mindontheclouds · 10 months
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a cinnamon roll
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lorepumpkin · 5 months
She literally threatened and intimidated the lower class and killed over thousands of mortals (and counting) but okay Rachel, go have your little Mary Sue Self Insert fantasy
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gloryride · 26 days
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get you a girl that can do both:
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krafterwrites · 1 year
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Compilation of IDW Silver being angry/serious
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In which Gale asks his lady to tell him a secret. NSFW.
“Tell me a secret,” Gale whispered to his lady. There was a slight slur to his words because of the wine. He’s so adorable when he’s a little drunk. Even more cuddly and snuggly than normal, which is not a bad thing! I love it.
Agnes giggled. “Gale love, you already know so much! There’s very little I haven’t told you.”
He took another sip of wine and placed the goblet down on the little table in his tent. As per their previous agreement, when they were alone, his glamour was off. But that’s not the only thing that’s off. He’s down to his smalls and holding me and kneading my belly and kissing me and oh my fucking gods please Gale don’t ever stop. “My sweet sorceress, surely there is something you haven’t shared.” He kissed her red curls and sighed. “Could be a nice secret. Not anything bad.”
The dwarf closed her eyes for a moment, listening to Gale’s heartbeat. “I…do you remember the night we shared the Weave? The night of the celebration after saving the grove?”
“Mhmm yes, my love.” His free arm continued to hold her to him as he drank some more. “Such a beautiful moment with you.”
Playing with his thick, dark chest hair, she smiled. “Feeling you, feeling the Weave…I knew I loved you in that moment. I mean, I already liked you of course.” She opened her eyes and tickled him a bit. “Even though you insulted me.”
He let out a dramatic sigh. “You’re never letting me live that down, are you?”
NOPE. Agnes giggled. “Maybe in a decade or so, love.” Back to my not-so-secret secret. “I knew I loved you that night. I could feel your very essence, and it made me feel safe. Happy. Adored.” She felt his hold on her tighten. “You’re a sweet, wonderful, handsome man, Gale. I only wish I said something sooner.”
A broken sob escaped him as he practically squeezes the stuffing out of me!! GOOD GODS, LOVE! “My love, I had wanted to tell you that night, but the orb…any amount of excitement could have made it unstable. I didn’t want to erupt and kill you!” He kissed her hair and rubbed her back.
Should I? I SHOULD. Snuggling against his chest and still playing with his chest hair, she hummed. “Well, I hope that you’ll erupt inside me later.”
The strangled sound that came out of Agnes’s lover made her giggle. Before she had a chance to tease him just a little bit more, Gale kissed her soundly. He was breathless when he pulled away and cupping her face in his hands. “Lie down, my sweet. Let me take care of you.” His brown eyes were full of emotion. “You take such good care of me, sweetness. Let me love you…” He positioned her on her back and began kissing her neck and collarbones. “Oh Agi darling, you’re so beautiful.” His hands found their way to the laces on her corset. Eyes locked with hers, Gale whispered, “May I?”
“As if you even have to ask.” Agnes giggled. You never have to, Gale of Waterdeep! And the only reason I wear this extremely uncomfortable thing is because it’s hot seeing you unlace me! AND MY TITS LOOK GREAT!
Gale chuckled, his long fingers undoing the laces. “While that may be true, my love, it never hurts to ask. Who knows---there might be a night in the future when you don’t want me fondling your breasts.” Pulling the laces loose, he removed the offending garment and tossed it to the side. His hands quickly grabbed her large breasts, kneading them gently. “Though, I do pray they’re few in number.”
“You and me both.” She teased before she let out a soft moan. “Gale love, please…” Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.
Those three words seemed to do something to Gale, whose head then dipped and took a nipple in his mouth. Licking and suckling, he was relentless in his very mean and cruel and perfect and amazing assault on his lady.
“G-Gale love, please…”
He released her with a pop, a smirk across his lips. “Please what, my beauty? Please don’t stop? Please continue? Please conjure a mirror image to take that other succulent breast in his mouth?” He leaned back down, his lips barely touching hers. “Please give me your large, incredibly hard cock?”
Trying and failing to rub her soft thighs together because he’s RIGHT THERE, Agnes whined. “For fuck’s sake, Gale…just fuck me already!”
Gale’s brown eyes darkened as he laughed heartily. “Who am I to deny such a heartfelt request from the most beautiful, sweetest sorceress in all the realm?” He lined himself to her entrance and sighed happily. “My love, I’ve been wanting you all day…needing you…”
YOU. AND. ME. BOTH. GALE. LOVE. “A-ah,” she breathed as she felt the tip of his cock slip through her folds. “Is that why you’ve been so handsy tonight?”
Groaning, he nodded quickly. “You arouse me in infinite ways, my beauty. Seeing you cast even the simplest spells…the sway of your hips as you walk…” He gently thrust a few times, moaning. “The way your thighs touch…your generous bosom bouncing as you get excited…your plump lips touching mine when I give you a kiss…” The next thrust was much harder. “The way you come on my cock…Gods, I can’t get enough of you.”
Gale love, this all amazing and I love you so much but MORE FUCKING LESS TALKING. Reaching for his broad shoulders, Agnes pulled Gale down, his lips crashing into hers. As much as she could, she wrapped her legs around his thick waist. Want more contact. Want more of him. All of him. Always. Thrusting up into him, she moaned into his mouth. “So close…” She breathed, gasping for air after their kiss. Feeling his fingers pinch her clit, she came with a small scream on his mouth, her brown eyes meeting his.
He came soon after, several very ungentlemanly but very sexy grunts escaping him as he collapsed next to her. He said he’s afraid of crushing me. I’m a dwarf! I’m tough! I can handle my big, sexy wizard. One hand was over his heart, sweating pouring off him. The other was holding hers. “I love you dearly, my sweet sorceress, but I’m afraid you’re going to be the death of me.”
Turning, she snuggled into his side and giggled. “Who? Me? Your beauty? Hurting you? Never, Gale love.”
“Ha! I never said ‘hurt,’ darling, but if you want to go again, give me a few—”
She pressed a kiss to his chest. “Not tonight. If we were at my house, in my bed…yes, absolutely.” When we get to Baldur’s Gate, I’m insisting on a night for just the two of us at home. I’ll cook him whatever he wants, maybe chocolate chip cookies for dessert, watch the sunset on the roof deck, and then ride him until dawn!
He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Or in Waterdeep? I assure you that my bed is quite comfortable---a soft mattress with the finest silk sheets and Waterdhavian feather pillows. Plenty large enough for the two of us.” Kissing her red curls, he heaved a heavy sigh and sat up. “But before we delve into this much further, let’s get cleaned up, shall we? You stay right there,” a long finger touched her nose as smiled gently. “Let me.” He grabbed a cloth and tapped a bowl that filled with water instantly. I love magic. He carefully cleaned her first and then himself. Knowing his preference for modesty, Agnes expected him to put on his sleep shirt and trousers and lie back down.
He only put the trousers on.
She raised an eyebrow as he pulled her into his embrace once more. “Your shirt…?”
He tensed immediately. “O-oh, you want it on? Forgive me, I—”
“No! No, it’s not that. I mean, you usually have on a shirt and bottoms. It’s a…good change.” Good. Great. Amazing. Spectacular. She nuzzled his hairy chest and rubbed his soft belly. I love you so much. My own walking encyclopedia magic bear. I hope this is another little step towards you loving the man you are, not the great wizard you think you should be.
Gale sighed and rubbed her shoulder. “Oh! Well, good then! As I was saying, my bedroom…”
His lady giggled softly, listening to him describe nearly every detail of his bedroom for over a half hour before she poked his side. “Hey, you asked me for a secret earlier. How about one for me, love?”
He did not say anything for a few minutes. “I,” he swallowed thickly. “I…ever since we’ve been together, despite the dire circumstances of said meeting, despite the orb, despite everything else, I’ve been dreaming of the future so much more. Do you want to hear about them?” His voice was tentative, and he seemed a little nervous.
“Of course I do, love.”
With a nod, Gale continued. Breathing a deep sigh of relief. Poor love. “I dream of us in Waterdeep, living in our tower.” Our!!! TOWER!!! Oh goodness, this already sounds perfect. “I have students that come for lessons. After all, every wizard begins somewhere! Not like a certain sorceress who was simply born with awesome power.” He chuckled and kissed her head. “Ahem, anyways, I’ll have students coming and going for lessons. Or maybe I’ll teach at my old university. There was a dream where you brought us sandwiches and treats.” I can picture the dreamy look on his face. “Another you came in as I was doing work with a tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls,” his lips curled into a smile. “With a small army of little ones following. Each with varying degrees of red in their hair, big smiles, and another one on the way. We ate. Laughed. I told them stories about our adventure, about the Weave, anything, everything. Sometimes you were the one telling stories.” His voice broke a little. “The dreams themselves are so beautiful, my love, but the fact that I can dream about this…that it may actually come to pass…all because of you…I cannot describe what it…what you…mean to me. There are so many words yet all they all seem inadequate for you and what you’ve given to me…to us. I suppose that’s a long way of saying I have the most pleasant dreams of our future, and they make me so happy.”
As he spoke, Agnes’s eyes had filled with unshed tears. She shifted, leaning on her elbow. With the change in position for her, he turned on his side to face her. “Gale love, I promise, no matter what, all your dreams will come true.” She got closer to him, their foreheads touching and their eyes locked. “We will make them happen. Together.”
His lips lazily touched hers, a small smile forming. “Yes, my love. Together.”
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John: *looming* Arthur…I am having trouble describing what I am seeing right now. You are holding a cylinder in your right hand that, as you put it, “Holds delectable treats”, within its container. What unholy food stuff is this?
Arthur: *Excitedly* They are called “cinnamon rolls”, John. They ARE a delectable treat. Just you wait, after these go in the oven, we will dine like kings!
John: Like…. KINGS, you say?
Arthur: Indeed, my friend *Opens the can with a loud pop*
John: *Who, by all laws known to man, had not expected the loud, sudden sound of a Pillsbury Cinnamon Roll canister being popped open at the speed of light, is forced to shriek like a little girl*
Arthur: ….
John: …You tell anyone about this and I’m killing you
*Post Cinnamon Roll Making*
Arthur: Annnnnnnd?
John: *Eldritch munching* They are…they are perfection, Arthur.
Arthur: Told ya s- *Gets John slapped into next week*
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velveteencryptid · 7 months
The other day I pulled up Leverage bloopers simply because it had occurred to me that I'd never seen any (thank you Tumblr).
Then, I ended up watching an old episode of Star Trek: TNG.
Less than 5 minutes in, upon seeing Worf being himself, my brain goes "lol Worf is Eliot."
And then, OMFG WORF IS ELIOT and they would both HAAATE that comparison! 🤣
This revelation has been living permanently in my brain ever since, so now you get to know about it too.
How are Eliot and Worf the same? They are both prickly cinnamon buns. They are extremely intimidating and unfriendly to strangers, but fiercely protective and caring for those close the them. They are paranoid, but skilled and smart enough to be right every time they are mistrusting. They are incredible fighters, but don't want to be known just for those skills.
And they have great hair 😁
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hotmonkeelove · 26 days
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I can't spot the difference!
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I absolutely love the idea of desktop buddies. Like, imagine little digital folks just hanging out with you while you're doing something on your PC.
And I love love LOVE Aster ukagaka by @logicpng (if you like ukagakas, PLEASE give this one a look). Rigel and Vega are absolutely precious guys and I love them dearly. Wish there was an option to give them a kiss and a hug, but oh well! Gonna pet them instead
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They're babies, your honor. I'm so normal about them...(not)
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
Jonathan 'Jarchivist' Sims and Annabeth Chase would be best friends.
I stand by that.
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