#they are simply friends and fellow performers!
bassboosted-moon-chao · 7 months
🎩🦷 The world is their stage!! ✨💎
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I feel like, if somehow, Caine and Miku were to meet, they'd end up being friends. They're both omnipresent digital performers with some level of stardom (in their own respects), they're both overzealous and over-the-top, they both just want to have fun with everyone, and they're both known for either Causing the Horrors or Witnessing the Horrors without actually understanding the Horrors.
apologies in advance, Miss Gooseworx
@gooseworx I hope you like it. (and sorry for pinging you, if it's frustrating)
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philhoffman · 1 year
The brilliant Stephen Adly Guirgis spoke at length about his 15-year friendship with Phil on the We Are Actors podcast this week — they start talking about him around the 23-minute mark.
Stephen really gets into it and I’ve always admired how honest he is about their struggles with each other.
Everybody knows that Phil was a fucking great actor, you know? And really a great artist. But he was even better a person… He was a guy who would show up for everybody.
Motherfucker With the Hat was the first [of my plays] that he didn’t direct… He was adamant [about not wanting to do it]. But he did me a great service because when you work intimately with somebody who’s so fucking smart and so passionate and so committed, no matter how good I was, there was a part of me that felt like, ‘Well, if it wasn’t with Phil, it wouldn’t work…’ He gave me the opportunity to do a play with somebody I’d never met before, where the stakes were humongous, and come through it like, ‘Oh, I’m legit in my own right.’
We all are touched by his loss almost daily. Almost daily. Still… And when I talk to anybody that didn’t know him, or didn’t know him well, I just wanna say all the good things, ‘cause it’s true. But like in the little inner circle, we deal with the grief by like just making fun of him and blasting him and being like, ‘Oh, his ego, remember this, remember that.’ But yeah, he was a great guy.
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dughole · 4 months
radiohead’s complicity in israeli-occupied palestine
my feelings on radiohead are complicated these days, as i’m sure they are for many. i'm using this post as a method of sorting out my own thoughts & to provide sources.
for me, the bottom line is this: radiohead is both a brand & a musical group. the brand of radiohead has always had deep roots in the israeli colonial project - they have played many, many shows there throughout their career. their breakout single - creep, was intially only a hit in israel (x, x) & the personal choices of some of radiohead's members remain just as involved. jonny greenwood met his future wife - the israeli artist, antivaxxer & vehement zionist (x) sharona katan - at a show radiohead played in israel in 1993 (x). jonny consistently collaborated with zionist musician shye ben tzur & his projects continue to tour in tel aviv as recently as last september. as for jonny himself - his only statement in regards to the war on gaza has been in mourning for the israeli concert goers on october 10th - w no such empathy spared to the 100,000 palestinians dead, injured, or missing. as for thom, while he’s thrown a few bitchfits (x) through the years abt criticism of radiohead’s shows in israel, he has imo - only paid lipservice to the criticism, saying “playing in a country isn’t the same as endorsing its government” going against the pleas of his peers & coworkers in the music industry. as well as the pro-palestine activism undertaken by his long term friend micheal stipe (x & x). (note: stipe stood by radiohead’s performance in israel in 2017, but his current political choices suggest his understanding of the situation has evolved). even his own son - noah yorke, a fellow working musician, has voiced his opposition to the genocide in gaza via instagram stories. as for the other members, rhythm guitarist ed o'brien has called for a ceasefire, as well as making a few tweets about "solidarity with palestinians & israeli peacemakers". while bassist colin greenwood reportedly refused to accept letters of dialogue from the fan-run organization radiohead fans for palestine. drummer phillip selway's commentary is similarly brief but defensive, saying radiohead's 2017 tel aviv concert "felt right"
to me, this paints a picture of a band who's members stances on israel range from abhorrent to simply not enough. & as a brand, their particular combination of action & inaction amounts to a fundamentally zionist perspective. you cannot separate radiohead as artists from radiohead as a brand name.
i've loved radiohead since i was 14. i was brought into it by another longtime fan. i cried & danced when i saw them live back in 2017 - it was, & remains, a moment that allowed me to live through the hardest parts of my life. i felt for the longest time, that radiohead's music & political positions encouraged my empathy - my questioning of conservative political authority. & while all celebrities are failures in some sense - it is still heartbreaking to know how wrong i was.
i don't think it's possible to disconnect the decade of connection & love i have for their music - I won't ask that of myself or anyone else. & the idea of scrubbing one's taste of the "morally impure" is useless effort & an inappropriate simplification of both art & our conceptions of what makes someone "bad". but i can say with certainty - i will not be giving them any more of my money, whether that be streaming their music or buying their merch - & i encourage you to do the same. silence is complicity - this is beyond silence.
in the words of nina simone - "an artist's duty, as far as i'm concerned, is to reflect the times. how can you be an artist and not reflect the times? that to me is the definition of an artist."
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pinkexpertnerdghost · 10 months
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Watch and Be Amazed!
Lyney x Gn!Reader
Synopsis: As a simple person with a boring job, you set out to travel the nations. You attend a renowned magic show only to be suddenly placed in the shared spotlight with the magical duo.
GIF by @c6jpg
 { i'm still exploring Fontaine but quick heads up on mentioning new locations, dw its spoiler free about the archon quest}
General: SFW, fluffy, magic tricks, Lyney being extra and sneaky, feat Lynette 
A/N: i love him. Cheeky little guy with his equally cheeky little grin mulkin cat- I didn’t think I’d like him this much but he easily sneaked himself into my heart already also because I recently got him- I just wanna squish him (endearingly)
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“ Voila! And now in its place are our feathered friends taking flight!” The magician exclaimed as a small swarm of doves flew out of his hands. Just seconds ago, he held a gorgeous bouquet of arranged daisies and prisma like roses, complete with adorned white ribbons and lace. The small bush of green and flora had simply vanished and transformed into a mass of white feathers. 
Your awes become a droplet in the sea of gasps and astonishment from the people around you . Pushing yourself to the end of your cushy seat, you stare ahead in amazement and curiosity.  
Even though you sat some rows away from the front seats, you were mesmerized by the trick. You were certain the bouquet had practically melted and shifted into the cocoon of feathers. At least, that’s how it appeared to your eyes.  
Trailing the doves as they flew above the audience, you unconsciously let out a small laugh of joy like that of an entertained child. The doves flew around freely, some reaching high atop the Opera House’s stretching ceiling and some flew closer to the audience barely grazing above their heads. 
You had been traveling for weeks, as you were lacking some excitement in your mundane life as a simple shop clerk. It had a well off pay and the owner was kind. Yet every passing day became more boring than the last. Soon enough, the days would weld and mend together in your memory as a tapestry of a lackluster pattern. You were afraid it would overshadow a great portion of your lifetime. 
As a shop clerk, you had seen many travelers coming and going, talking about the beautiful sceneries across the rest of Teyvat they have witnessed, varies dishes you’ve never tried before being described as mouthwatering, the wonderful cultures, festivities and traditions people from around this world took part in. It had always left you in a state of entrance and jealousy for them, as they would have the freedom and determination to see the worlds wonders with their own eyes.
Seeing your yearning gaze and saddened expression when the travelers or adventurers left through the front door, your employer had generously given you some vacation time. You were one of your boss’s most dedicated workers, often swooping in for a fellow coworker if they fell ill or couldn’t make it otherwise. You have done more than enough to earn yourself this time off. 
And so, you took your life by the rings and were off into the road. Traveling from one nation to the other and to the now where you were. In the seat in one of the most impressive buildings you have ever seen. 
From the moment you boarded off the Aquabus; the little guides being one of the cutest beings you’ve ever seen; you oogled and awed in the splendor around you. Fontaine had been one leap of a cultural shock for you. Sure, sometimes you moved boxes of bits and bobs of Fontaine imported trinkets onto shelves, but seeing this much advanced technology was a bit exhilarating as well as a bit imposing
However, something there was something that immediately caught your eye when walking about. On a bulletin board was an array of multicolored posters and newsletter, but the bright red one with a grinning cat in the hat caught your gaze immediately. 
“ Come and behold A magical performance performed by renowned Magicians Lyney and Lynette! ” 
The names struck a cord in your memory. Ah, that's right! You had heard a great deal about a very specific Magic show in Fontaine. You remembered it being brought up a good number of times back in the shop. The way people would sound excited and how they could barely contain themselves trying to describe a magic trick as best they could. 
Since you were in the area you had managed to investigate it and wound up purchasing a ticket to go see.  
“ Back to the stage my feathery entourage!! Being in the presence of such a wonderful audience is indeed riveting, but I’m going to need the spotlight back to preform the next trick, haha!” The magician Lyney said with a pleading laugh. The doves seem to have understood them as they all flew back onto the stage. From either side of the giant velvet curtain, the flew behind it disappearing into the shadow. 
“ For this next trick, I’m going to need a hand!” He exclaimed while putting his hands on his hips. He then put a hand on his forehead and looked around the area while squinting his eyes. From the right side of the stage came another person. She had on a similar uniform to her twin brother, adorned with teals, blues and grays. It was a counterpart to the reds, pinks, and plum Lyney wore in his intricate performer’s outfit. 
Yet they both had the motif of that same toothy grinning kitty you saw tagging the corner’s of the promotional posters. 
Lynette had walked behind Lyney and tapped his shoulder twice with a stoic expression. Lyney had turned dramatically around on his heel, immediately stopping his dire search for help.
“Ah, It seems as though Lynette has come to the rescue!” He cheered and with a grateful hand gesture divided the audience's attention to Lynette. She stood there facing the crowd with a curt expression. Lynette seemed to be the polar opposite of her brother. While Lyney was loud, extravagant and energetic, his assistant and sister was quieter, docile and seemed unmoved with the theatrics. However, to you she was as equally impressive as the red Magician. 
In an earlier trick where they’d pull objects directly out of flat cards, Lynette had elegantly swiped off a parasol, a tea cup with piping hot tea given the steam, and an adorable hat with that grinning black cat. All while keeping a calm disposition as if she knew everything and anything that was to come. It boggled you how she managed to slip the illustrations to real physical objects.
But then again, the Magicians never reveal their trade secrets.
Lyney tapped his cheek before he spoke again. “It seems as if we will need a little more help to perform this magic trick, wouldn’t you agree Lynette?” 
Lynette simply nodded.
Lyney’s shoulders relaxed as he twirled around to face the audience. He held his hands behind his back as he paced back and forth. His eyes never leave the audience.
“ For this trick, It will require three people.”
There were very quiet, almost inaudible murmurs and whispers in the crowd. You paid them no mind and kept your eyes focused on the stage. In your mind, you were guessing how the next trick would go.
Lyney stopped center stage.
“ I can see your enthusiasm and excitement! In that case, I shall pick one person from the crowd who will help Lynette and I out!” He said with a jovial grin. His cat-like eyes scanned around the crowd. After this, many people kept their eyes on the Magician scoping out for an available assistant. 
Seeing as you weren’t in the first row or a local, you have settled that your chance of being picked was slim. So instead of paying attention to the main stage and spotlight, you turned your head from side to side. Envisioning the lucky person who would be fished out of the ocean of filled seats. Perhaps it would be the beautiful woman with quite the attractive headpiece sitting a row down from you. Or maybe, it would be the little boy three five seats to your left practically bouncing in his seat chanting to let it be him. 
The choice could be anyone but yourself.
“ You my dear! Could you help Lynette and I out with this trick?” Lyney’s voice resounded once more.
Your eyes squirted suddenly as a bright source of light was now trained above you. Sinking back onto your seat, you turn to face the stage. 
Those cat-like lilac eyes stared directly into your own [E/C] ones. Alongside with the deep royal purple eyes belonging to his assistant Lynette. Looking around and behind, you noticed the two people beside you glance at you with slight surprise. 
You pointed at yourself just to make sure. You didn’t know if you made a face with the sudden surprise of the spotlight, but Lyney chuckled in amusement. 
His eyes crinkled slightly as he nodded, his hair bobbing along with his head and sturdy hat. His laughter made you feel a bit fuzzy in the chest. Maybe you were just starstruck. 
“ Yes you. If it is alright, could you perhaps follow the staff by your row to escort you on stage?” He said, extending a hand to a person in a theater mask and green vest standing at the end of the row. His lilac eyes never left you. 
It was hard to say, but you could assume he was silently communicating with you. His soft eyes were patient and still, unlike his theatrical energy he demonstrated earlier. 
‘ Are you okay with this? ‘ 
He didn’t mind the sudden recess of silence, in fact it only added to the build up to the magic trick. It wasn’t long until you blinked, breaking yourself out of your star-stricken surprise. 
You nodded at Lyney, to which he gripped the brim of his hat quietly tipping it to you with a satisfied grin.
“ Very well, please follow the staff down the aisle while we set up on stage!” 
After squeezing down your row and next to the staff member with the mask, you followed them as they led you towards the stage. The staff member was kind enough to guide you through the dimly lit place, your eyes were examining the person. Their mask is what stuck with you, you’ve never seen anything like it. It was both beautifully crafted yet it gave you a small chill of danger and mystic. It was probably made for this purpose of the show. 
No elemental magic of those who wielded visions, but instead a tightrope thinly strung between reality and fantasy.
The stage was elevated but after climbing up the stairs onto the polished stage. Lyney beckoned you to come up next to him. You shuffled closer, both your hands behind your back fidgeting in a nervous manner.
The spotlight was now back onto Lyney and Lynette and now you as well.
“ Might I know the name of the new assistant I’ll be working with temporarily?” He asked as he now faced you. Lynette came to his side, her violet eyes glazing over you with relaxed attentiveness. 
You felt your mouth become a bit dry. “ I’m [Name].” You spoked normally. 
Lyney bowed, taking off his tophat bringing it close to his chest. 
“ It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, dear [Name]” He bounced back up, flipping his hat back onto his head. 
You shifted on your foot and that seemed to have caught the attention of the magical duo. 
“ Hmm, are you perhaps nervous?” He asked. “ It is quite alright. Whenever the light is trained on you, the feeling of stage fright comes at you like the onslaught of tidal waves.” He said, in a non projecting voice. He still sounded loud enough for the audience to hear, but his words weren’t exaggerated in a way to make you feel queasy. Instead, it sounded like he was cheering you on, a little push of confidence he would share with you.
Maybe you were overthinking it. He is a performer so its his job to turn up the charm towards the audience.
Lynette had subtly sent you a reassuring little smile. She walked up next to you and stood by you now.
 “ Perhaps, you may just have some butterflies in your stomach. It happens to the best of us!” He spoke. His gloved hand came up to you.
“ May I have what’s in your side pocket?” His eyes shifted down to your right pocket. Confused, you reach down into your pocket and feel around. There was a smooth and flat object that you didn’t remember having there, so you slipped it out. 
In your hand was a playing card. It wasn’t an ordinary playing card. It looked to be one of the card props that belonged to the two Magicians. Figuring he wanted it back; without you having the faintest Idea of how it got there in the first place; you handed it to him. 
He grabbed the card and raised it up to his face to inspect it.
“Aha! Just as I thought. You had made a bundle of these pesky little butterflies.” He slipped the card back to his palm. He twirled back to face you with a triumphant smile as if he’d found a treasure chest. “ Fear not, for I will rid you of this troubling kaleidoscope!”
With that being said, he tossed the card over your head.
Or at least, a zipping card was what you were expecting.
Instead, a small little tornado of little butterflies escapes from Lyneys hand. They fluttered around you in a tunnel-like pattern. 
Completely forgetting about the audience, you craned your hand up and stared in awe. Looking closely, some butterflies had little trails of violet shimmer. The butterflies themselves didn't seem to be real butterflies. On some you managed to see the wings to be made out of the back of playing cards. 
The butterflies dispersed out onto the crowd, until each one vanished without a trace. 
“Now then, are you feeling better?” Lyney asked, both hands on his hips.
You nodded with a smile on your face. The small pit of nervousness was now reduced to a grain. 
“Wonderful! And, it seems as if you have magic in you yourself, what luck!” Lyney exclaimed. Lynette all the while silently side eyed her brother and his antics. 
“Now then if you may follow Lynette, she will guide you to this next trick or a trio.” he smiled. 
Lynette had raised a hand to you in order to take it. You complied and took her hand as she led you behind the curtain.
“ Are you okay? I know Lyney can be a bit over the top, but if at any point feeling bad, let us know.” Lynette spoke calmly to you.
“ I’m alright now. I just wasn't expecting to get picked.” You said honestly. 
Lynette nodded. “ It's like that for most who get chosen.” 
She guided you towards a little box which was decorated with a little four pointed gold star in the center. The box was relatively small, reaching from the ground to knee level
“ When they take the box you’ll have to stand on it. I’ll stand in my own box next to you. Just follow Lyney’s instructions.” She said, 
“Also, brace your feet after the curtain falls.” 
You listened closely and nodded.
“Alright. Got it.” 
Lynette hummed.
 Behind the big red curtain you heard the crowd laugh and clap. 
“And now for the anticipated trick, shall I have my two assistants step back into the light?” 
Lynette and you came back onto the stage. Again in the limelight, you noticed the two boxes parallel to each other. 
“ For this next trick, both my assistants shall switch their places before your very eyes.” Lyney spoke calmly.
“But wait a moment. This is a simple trick one could accomplish by simply walking across the stage to the other boxes. This trick is sounding more like a runway show than magic.” Lyney sighed in defeat. In a quick one eighty mood switch, Lyney perked up and raised his chin high.
“ But no, dear spectators in the crowd. This trick shall be done with neither of my assistants leaving the confines of their one by one area!” Lyney exclaimed, flapping his little side cape in the process. 
Lynette turned and gave you a look, a very specific look. You took it to get on the box and you walked over to the one closest to you. 
“ Now then, a little tent shall fall on top of both of them. Switching places without jumping, walking or running is a lot more exhausting than it sounds.” As soon as he said that, above you began to descend a festive red tent. 
It slowly descended until the dark velvet of the inside tent obscure your vision of the crowd and them of yourself. You could only hear the echoing voice of Lyney as the crowd was now fully silenced in anticipation. 
The words of Lynette rang in your mind, as you looked down to your feet.
“ For you see, the most can happen within the blink of an eye.”
You felt the box underneath you dip slightly. Barely enough time to even gasp, you had fallen through the solid box beneath you. Quickly you bent your knees and positioned yourself to be able to absorb the momentum of your fall. 
Once landing soundly, you looked up to see how you had fallen. In the ceiling was a rectangular indentation of a trapdoor.
You heard a ‘psst’ to your right. There you say Lynette making a quick hand gesture to switch places; motioning to you and the spot beneath her feet. 
Speeding over to her, you took little but key notice in your new surroundings. The walls were barren, the air had slight dust, and light from the stage lights barely made it through the miniature nooks and crannies of the floorboards. You were underground. 
Once getting to where lynette last stood, you waited. Looking around where you stood there was a small ladder behind you. 
Suddenly a similar trap door like the one where you initially stood, swung open. 
Taking this as a new signal, you climbed onto the ladder trying to make as little noise as you could. Once above ground, the trap door that was once open shut, making the ground below you stable enough to stand on.
 “ As such, a walk across this stage could be reduced down to none!”
You heard a harsh step down onto the floor followed by a snap of a finger. 
The tent around you was pulled back up at lighting speed leaving you stunned in place. The crowd ahead was looking back and forth between the place where you once were and to where you are now. A roar of whistles and claps was heard. 
Looking to where you once were, stood Lynette waving at the crowd. The same stoic expression on her face. 
Lyney came skipping up to your side. 
“ How are you feeling dear [Name]? I hope you aren't too disoriented by the little trip you took.”
You looked at him, he had a proud grin on his face. The light shown down was overshadowed by the brim of his top hat. And yet, his eyes and distinguishable teardrop mark on his right cheek made you feel all sorts of flustered all over again.
Then again you noticed just how packed the Opera is. You had forgotten momentarily that there was an audience. The showers of cheers came down like a bolt of lightning striking the still water. 
“I’m fine, just a bit perplexed.” You shook your head trying to process what had just happened in what felt like a fraction of a minute.  
“ Oh my, it seems you may have been slightly shaken when vanishing from one spot to the other.” He hummed. 
“ That's it! I shall make it up to you! But I’ll have to get you back to your original box.” He said tapping his curled up hand onto his open palm. 
He stood up onto the tips of his toes, as from your height atop the box managed to put you at a larger distance from him. Figuring he might tell you something , you leaned down slightly.
“ When the tent drops on you once more, close your eyes. Don’t open them until you hear me say, Hat. Trust me, I’m sure this trick will put a blinding smile on your face.” He said quietly, a hand placed by his mouth blocking it from the audience ahead.
You weren’t sure what he meant or what would happen but somehow, you trusted him. Maybe it was his pretty face, charming personality, or simply because a famous and professional performer. 
A little breathy chuckle escaped him before he leaned away and waltzed back to the front and center. Something about him smiling and laughing made your heart almost pop.
You internally battled these pestering thoughts; You were just starstruck! A celebrity crush, don’t let it get to you. Especially in front of a massive crowd watching your every move! 
You took some short breaths in and faced ahead onto the wall behind the audience. You didn’t want to let this confusing feeling consume you.
“And now, one final trick before our amazing temporary assistant bids adieu.” He sighed. From his chest he pulled out a white handkerchief he blew into. The crowd laughed at his little mopping gag.
“ It was a pleasure to have you on stage with us, [Name].” He said before swiping the used hanky away. It disappeared into red and white sparks into the air. 
The tent above you descended once again, and the moment you found yourself in the shaded confines you closed your eyes. You could only listen to what was happening around you.
“Now then, why don’t we send our new friend off with a grand finale?”
The surrounding noise of the crowd murmuring came through as buzzing. You felt the ground once more give out underneath you. Holding in your breath you prepared for what may have come next. 
Something, or someone caught you. You felt the sudden mass underneath you, and suddenly there was a small breeze passing into your face. Your eyes squeezed shut the entire time. 
Suddenly, you felt your feet touch a solid floor. You stood up, the person letting you go as you stabilized yourself. 
“ And so, they shall appear where they once were at the drop of a hat!” 
You heard it. Cracking open one eye you see once again a velvet curtain of a tent. Blinking, adjusting to the light, the tent was pulled up.
This time there was some cheer for a few seconds. The sudden Huhs? And murmurs slowly began to take a hold of the audience. Curious as to the mood shift you look around you. 
Lyney, no longer wearing his signature tophat that had been left sitting on the floor. 
Where Lynette was supposed to be, she was no more. Instead, there was a small top hat lying top down on the box. 
Lyney, surprised, went over to the hat. 
“Lynette? Oh Lyneeette? Where did you vanish off to?” He took the hat and looked inside of it, as if his sister were inside the hat. 
You were slightly puzzled at first. Where on Teyvat could she have gone? Your doubts were suddenly clouded by an obvious truth.
This had to be part of the show. 
So you kept your eyes on the male twin, anticipating what he will do next.
Giving up in calling out to his sister, still holding onto the small hat in his hands, he walked over to where you stood. 
“ It seems that she won’t show herself unless we make her appear out of this hat. [Name], if you would.” He then extended the small hat in my direction. 
You delicately grabbed the brim area closest to you. Lyney let go, and you looked inside the empty hat. The material felt slightly heavy but the intricate seamless pattern woven into the pitch black fabric made you closely look at it.
You heard a small tapping noise, you looked back to the magician as he tapped the back of his hand. Putting two and two together, you quickly flip the hat upright. 
You mimicked Lyney’s motion on the hat’s top about three times. 
The first tap, colorful feathers floated to the ground.
The second tap, petals of flowers twirled on their way down.
The final tap, a deck of prop cards spilt out and crashing against the stage floor with clicks and claps.
“Looks like she isn’t in there.” Lyney quipped. You were once again thrown into utter confusion. The comedic way the crowd gasped after one object came after another object from the empty hat. At some point the reactions of surprise slowly turned into snickers and giggles of amusement. 
Lyney placed a hand on his hip and scratched his chin. “ Try doing it again with the hat upside down. Maybe, a different approach will convince her to come out.” 
So, you turn the hat over. Sneakily taking a small peak inside, and as you suspected it was empty. 
How does he pull these things off? Seriously! How?!?
Replicating your previous action, you tapped the brim. 
A small puff of smoke and confetti made you step back. Out of the hat a cat sprung!
Or was it a cat?
It was a big cat face attached to a coiled spring.
It was cute! It had the signature toothy grin the show’s mascot had, yet it had it turned upside down in a frowny face. One eye has a teal star and the other has a teal teardrop. It even had a little bowtie making it a very fashionable cat creature.
It turned to face you as its ears twitched. You’re eyes locked with its own strange one and you found yourself in a staring contest….with the giant cat head on a spring of all things.
“ Oh dear, it looks like Bogglecat seemed to have answered instead of Lynette” Lyney laughed. 
Tip Tap Tip Tap 
You and Lyney turned to face Lyney’s hat that had just shook slightly on the floor. 
The hat had blasted up into the air and below the hat there was Lynette. Slightly obscured by the turquoise colored fog. 
“ Here I am.” Lynette spoked up.
Grabbing the brim of Lyney’s hat she tipped it and bowed before the audience. The audience clapped and some people even stood up from their seats. 
The Bogglecat in the hat leaped from your hands and jumped over towards the spotlight where Lynette was. Lyney came running over to you and carefully grabbed your now free hand.
“ C’mon, the audience is waiting for the final bows.” He hushed at you with that permanently charming smile of his. His pale blonde hair bounced along as he urged you to join him and his sister. With no reason to refuse, you ran along with him. You felt the corner of your mouth curl up in a giddy smile. Now unafraid of the public you stood in the bright lights with your chest held high.
Lynette tossed Lyney’s hat into the air, landing it perfectly on Lyney’s head. The cat in the hat jumped right into Lynette's hand. Once she caught it, she twirled it around in her hand like a skilled juggler. The cat suddenly vanished inside the hat, and the small hat now was held against her head.
“ This has been Lyney and Lynette’s Magic show! Thank You all for watching!” The three of you held hands; Lyney at the center, Lynette to his right, and you to his left. Lifting your hands up, you three did a dramatic bow. This audience applauded one final time for the performance. It was the loudest applause you had heard during your time in the Opera Epiclese.
Slowly people had started to leave the theater, with the front entrance reopened many people had started to trickle out into the lobby. This left fewer and fewer people in the main room, the Opera house becoming 
You were preparing to step down the stage staircase until you heard someone call out to you.
“ Wait, [Name]! If you could spare a moment?” It was a voice you had quickly grown familiar with. 
The top hat with the plum colored ribbon, the pale blonde tuffet that covered just above his right eye, and that teardrop marking beneath the same right eye. Lyney came speedily towards you, his sister Lynette following a bit behind. Unlike him, she calmly walked over and that stoic expression on her face felt a bit more done than what you had seen. 
“Hm? What is it Mister Lyney?” You stopped and asked politely. Looking over the male twin you glanced at his sister “Miss Lynette?” 
“That was a splendid performance you made on stage! You went along just swimmingly with our act.” Lyney gushed. 
Once again you felt flustered. Out of all things, a professional magician complimenting you on a magic trick? You scratched your cheek. 
“ I was just following you guys. Really, if anyone should be taking compliments it is you two!” You spoke with enthusiasm.  “ The way Miss Lynette pulled out the items right off the cards, or when you made my ‘ stomach butterflies ‘ disappear. It really was a treat to see!” You felt your face getting a bit warmer as you continued to spill your excitement into words.
“ This will definitely be a nice memory I won't be forgetting any time soon!” 
Lyney chuckled and even Lynette’s eyes grew slightly larger with interest. 
“ You’re too kind!” Lyney chuckled, his pale face getting the slightest bit pink in the cheeks. “  I don’t believe I’ve seen your face in our crowd before. Are you maybe a tourist coming from a distance to see our show?” 
You nodded. “ I am as a matter of fact. I don’t get out much to say the least.” You confessed. 
“ I’ve heard about your magic show for some time now, traveling groups have brought it up time and time again. Fontaine was my next destination so I took the opportunity to come see it myself.”
You smiled gently. “ This was my first legitimate magical performance I had the fortune of attending. Not to mention getting randomly selected to participate! Thank you for the fun time, Mister Lyney and Miss Lynette.” 
Lyney and Lynette listened with great interest.
“ I see. Thus, making this show a memorable experience for you was all the more rewarding then.” Lyney took off his hat and brought it to his chest. 
“We are both happy to have put a beautiful smile on your lovely face!~” Lyney very gently lifted your hand. Bringing it close to his face, he placed a small almost ghostly peck. 
Okay. Now you definitely felt your face may have caught on fire. 
Lyney might have noticed your sudden flustered face. The sneaky magician sent a very brief wink with a smile. Not just any smile. This smile had a more feline nature to it; as if he enjoyed seeing such a reaction from you. 
 He lowered your hand back down, and flipped his hat back onto his head. That cat-like smirk was nowhere to be seen anymore. Innocently smiling at you, he laughed. It sounded slightly nervous. 
“ Well, if you will be around Fonaine for a while longer, find us by the Aquabus station. We might just have spare time to show you around!” 
Slipping your hand behind your back, you tried to reply to his friendly invitation.
“ Mhm! Aquabus station. Go it!” you spoke in broken segments. 
Oh dear, maybe it's time you’d step outside for some fresh air.
“ I think I should get going now. Who knows how long the people traffic is in the lobby now. It was great meeting you. Your cat mascots are cute and now I shall leave” You had begun to word vomit as you were shuffling away.
 “ Bye bye!” 
Facing away from the magic duo, you speed walk down onto the carpeted floor. Not daring to look back, you heard the sound of an amused giggle and an exasperated sigh.
“ Are you proud of yourself? You almost made them faint with your antics.” Lynette tipped the back of Lyney’s hat. It fell forward and off but he had quickly caught it before it hit the ground.
“ Hey, I just wanted to make evening a little more magical is all. It was the most I can do from withholding them back from leaving" 
"Right. And you had to tease them until they were red in the face."
Lyney stared at his sister for a moment, until he thought.
He felt a small hitch of embarrassment in his chest realizing something.
"I- Uh, didn't go to far with the card letter, right?" He nervously asked.
Lynette sighed and shook her head.
"Brother, most of the time you don't even need the spotlight to be over dramatic."
Once you were outside and looking up at the sky. The skies were different in every spot you had been. Here in Fontaine, you could barely see the twinkling stars. 
As you sighed contently, you made your way over to the hotel you had planned to stay in for the time. As you shifted you felt something shift alongside you in your sleeve. It was cold and smooth.
Surprised, you dug into your sleeve.
It was a playing card. A prop playing card. 
“ I hope you had a magical Evening, [Name]. Meet me by the bench near the potted flowers by the station at noon tomorrow. If you show up, best prepare for I still have tricks up my sleeve that will leave you dazzled! “ 
There was a little doodle of a toothy grinning cat.
A/N: Should I make a part two? Idk maybe. EDIT: PART TWO HERE
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i2ycat · 17 days
Trouble is a Band
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synopsis being in a band was all you ever wanted, and so when you were able to fly across the globe to join your brother’s high school band, you jumped at the opportunity to show everyone everything that you’ve got. singing in a band? check. performing in front of a crowd? check. falling in love with your brother’s best friend, who is in a complicated relationship with one of your fellow bandmates? check?
pairing park jongseong x fem!reader genre high school!au, kind of band!au, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, brothers best friend trope, slow burn-ish? word count 7.5k warnings implied sexual relationships (there’s no smut), kind of an implied fwb situation, liking someone who is taken(??), mentions of toxic relationships, bitchy character lol, cursing, kissing, nicknames (princess, baby), semi-proofread, lmk if i missed anything else lyn speaking i’ve been writing this for like 2 months and even lost sleep over this, the real ones know ☝🏻 idk why but this was much harder to write compared to my heeseung one… and this is not my best work, wouldn’t say i’m entirely proud of this i’m ngl so i won’t be too surprised if this flops </3 also this got me thinking ab jay and guitars wayyyy too much main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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“Are the schools here always up a damn hill?” You heave out an exasperated pant, your legs burning from the early morning cardio you definitely weren’t prepared for, or even expecting for that matter.
The summer sun is so unforgiving that in under ten minutes, you’ve become such a sweaty mess that you’re furiously sweating from every possible angle; your uniform practically drenched from your back and underarm areas. A layer of perspiration sheens the expanse of your forehead and it results in you resembling something the likes of Abby from Chicken Little as individual strands of hair stuck to it like glue.
You look over at an unbothered Jake with his hair still perfectly intact and looking as if he had just walked out of Vogue magazine. You scoff at this.
The only things you and Jake had in common were having the same last names, a slight similarity in facial structures, and maybe a shared interest in band music but that was about it. You’ve had totally different upbringings up until now, with you having lived in France while he was in Australia, and soon after, in Sokor. You were apart for most of your childhood, only seeing each other for vacations and special occasions, like that one time Aunt Jung had her outdoor wedding in Barcelona and you’d met Jake and your mother at the airport out of pure coincidence.
But despite the distance, it didn’t deter the both of you from being as close as you guys are, still making the effort to talk almost every day, even if you were drained from school. You remembered nights when you would call up Jake just to rant to him about boys — yes, multiple — you were talking to while he ate lunch on the other side of the world.
However, other than just being brought up differently, you guys were total opposites. If Jake was known to be the golden retriever with his high energy, bright smiles, and friendly dispositions, then you would be considered the chihuahua — closed-off and somewhat sarcastic. You didn’t have a social circle as expansive as Jake's because you liked to be alone. People have always told you that you had this brooding aura about you, and you could never tell if they were complimenting or insulting you.
“You get used to it,” Jake simply shrugs, adjusting the straps of his bag in a manner that did not mirror yours in any capacity. It was ridiculous how not even a single drop of sweat was in sight. “Now hurry it up! If we walk any slower, we might actually be late.” He drags you by the arm, to which you inwardly groan, already regretting the fact that you transferred to a pseudo-gym of a school in the dead of summer.
Transferring to an entirely different school system definitely posed itself as an inevitable challenge at first, but even then, half a day passed you by uncharacteristically fast. It might have been because you were sleeping through the majority of your morning classes, unable to totally grasp or get used to your supposed mother tongue just yet, that made time pass seemingly faster.
That, coupled with the fact you never functioned properly in the morning in the first place thanks to your night owl tendencies.
You’d spent most of your life conversing in either English or French, rendering your skills in your own mother tongue to an intermediate level at best. You could, at the very least, listen and understand it to a certain degree but not speak it as well as Jake does. You were only able to communicate with simple sentences and the few swear words and phrases your father used whenever he was lecturing you.
A day before your flight back home, you’d even attempted to touch up on your language skills with the help of your father and a facetimed version of your brother and mother, but it was already too late then. You were a lost cause. You definitely don’t blame your parents for your inability to speak the language, but rather, you blame your own lack of enthusiasm to learn it on your own in the first place.
“Y/n, right?” You rub the sleepiness from your eyes away as your gaze averts to the girl standing in front of your desk. She, with her neatly braided hair and black rims, sported a welcoming smile that gave you the impression of a class president. Maybe she was; you haven’t been paying attention to anything the teacher said since this morning.
You slowly nod, “Yeah, I am.”
“I’m Mia, the class vice president.” Okay, so your guess wasn’t entirely off the mark. You were only missing a word.
“Hi.” You purse your lips into a tight-lipped smile, unknowing of what to say next and silently wishing that your brother would come get you faster. Why did his classroom have to be so far from yours? Did the administration really think you could handle all this on your own?
In the painful silence, you were sure that this Mia girl could sense the awkwardness radiating from you with the way she’s trying so hard to keep the conversation afloat, probably thinking that you’re an introvert that doesn’t like approaching people first — which if it was any other day she would’ve be right on the money on but all you wanted right now was to be left alone to your own thoughts. You were still suffering from jet lag and time differences, and those two combined ran your social battery dry.
“Where’d you transfer from?”
“You’re french?”
“No, I just moved there really young.”
“I see,” she said, nodding her head as if she were deep in thought. “I’ve always wanted to go to France.”
“It’s nice there.”
“So, can you speak-”
Before she can even finish her question, a blaring bang coming from the front door reverberates in your almost empty homeroom, save for yourself, Mia, and a group of friends in the back with their homemade lunches. You almost dropped to your knees to thank the heavens for hearing your prayers as you watched your brother's figure stand there, taking a moment to catch his breath as if he’d just finished running a marathon.
“Hey, Jake!” You damn near winced at Mia’s drastic change of voices in your brother’s presence. You were sure she had a deeper voice just a few seconds earlier, even having the same mezzo tone as you do. It definitely raised a few brows, but you weren’t the type to judge people too quickly, and you didn’t want to think that about such a sweet-looking girl.
Maybe she just had a crush on your brother; whatever it was, your senses were telling you that they were currently not in favour of Mia’s presence.
"Oh, hey, Mi. I see you’ve met my sister.” Jake acknowledges her before turning to you and saying, “Come on, we've got to go meet the others.” He beckons you towards him with a nod of his head, to which you happily oblige, just thankful that you don’t need to go through the rest of lunch with any more of Mia’s interrogation-style questioning.
You follow your brother after handing Mia a terse goodbye, attempting to at least have an amiable smile on your face in the process.
Even if Mia had more things she wanted to ask you, she put them aside on the backburner for a later date. Instead, opting to just wave you and Jake off with the same friendly grin she always has on.
When you’re out of earshot, making quick work to slide the door close behind you, you make your way beside Jake in quick strides. “You know her?”
“Obviously. Why?”
“Nothing.” You shrug the feelings of uncertainty off, not having the energy to try and dig anything up on the first day of school. “You said we’re meeting the others?”
“Yeah, my friends, you’ve seen them. They heard you were transferring here and really wanted to meet you.”
From the number of times you’ve called Jake during his school hours, you were bound to interact with a few of his friends, mainly the three youngest of the group: Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki. There would even be times he’d leave you alone with his friends while he went for a toilet break, and when he’d come back, you'd already be three months into the storyline with your then-current situationship.
You were obviously excited to finally meet them after only having talked to them via Jake’s phone. Throughout the four years, you’d like to think that you’ve created a connection with some of the boys, given that they already know so much about your life and you know theirs. The older ones, not so much, despite being much closer in age ranges.
Out of the four oldest, you’ve only managed to properly talk to Sunghoon. It was when you were on call crying to your brother about the fourth boy of the month, and Sunghoon just so happened to be going home with Jake that day. He’d eavesdropped on your conversation and offered you some advice, explaining that he had a sister of his own, as if that gave him the certification needed to meddle in your affairs.
You didn’t even know he was with Jake, let alone hearing you bawl your eyes out, blowing into copious amounts of tissues included, until he started going off about how boys are scary and that you shouldn’t trust them so easily. It startled you, almost making you scream, but you were grateful for his brotherly advice either way.
When the two of you finally make it towards the other end of the sixth floor, Jake slides the door to his homeroom open, and you’re immediately greeted with the view of six boys scattered around the empty classroom, a few having acoustic guitars and drumsticks in hand. This may sound cringy, but it reminded you of that one scene from Lemonade Mouth, where everyone was in the detention room and just communicating through the music. Except you weren’t in a detention room, and instead of singing, mindless chatter filled the space.
You’ve always daydreamed about being in a band, even going as far as attempting to create one of your own, but keyword: attempt. You obviously failed at doing so in your previous school because nobody likes being in bands nowadays, and your brother, knowing this, instantly jumped at the idea of adding you as their newest member.
He’d already gone through the logistics a week before you even officially transferred, coercing everyone in the band to agree to your addition, but truth be told, it didn’t even take that much toiling since everyone was just excited to finally meet you, and they'd already heard about how talented you are thanks to Jake’s endless bragging.
“She’s here!” Jake announces, prompting everyone to halt whatever it was they were doing and immediately jump at the sight of you gracing their homeroom entryway.
“Y/n!” Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki are the first ones to capture you in a big embrace, effectively squishing you under their hold. Is this what people feel when they finally meet an online friend?
The mixture of fulfilment and excitement bubbling inside you was hard to maintain levelled, spilling out of you in the form of a grin that extended from ear to ear. You considered these three your babies at this point, wanting to spoil and shower them with as much love and affection as an actual mother would. It didn’t matter if you were only a few months older than them, that’s wasn’t the point.
When you’re released from their embrace, you can finally see the rest standing there with a cordial expression plastered over their features. You must admit, you’ve always thought that Jake’s friends were all attractive and had a relative charm to them, but it’s even more apparent now that you’ve met them in real life. With their tall stature and undeniable talent, you could only imagine the long line of girls waiting for them.
As you start to scan the boys one by one, you catch yourself gravitating towards Jay. He’s donning the school uniform, the same exact ones that the rest are, but he makes it so uniquely his by unbuttoning it to show the black shirt underneath and cuffing the sleeves until it reaches his forearms.
From the plethora of Instagram stories you’ve seen about Jay, you knew that Jay was into fashion and occasionally designed the outfits the guys wore onto stage. And as a fashion guru yourself, you applauded his impeccable style, finding yourself in constant awe of the effortless aura and innate ability for fashion that he possessed.
It also didn’t help that he was totally up your alley in terms of physical attractiveness. The others were pretty and charming in their own way, yes, but Jay had you hooked the moment Jake posted that photo of him fresh out of the beach, with tan skin and wet hair, looking like a damn Greek god.
Did you mention that you’ve also watched an unhealthy amount of videos of Jay playing the guitar? Because you have and it made getting attracted to him so much easier. Even through the screen, you could just tell that he was in his element, like he was born to perform as the passion he had for the instrument oozed out. Everything about him was just so mesmerising; you’re sure that you’re not the only one who sees that.
The timeline is blurry but from then on, you’d developed a small, insignificant crush on him, one that you didn’t bother mentioning to your brother because you were scared he would force you to act on it, even when you weren’t sure if you liked him enough to want to date him. You haven’t even properly met the guy at that point.
To you, it was simply an attraction. One that you’d get over in about a month because it’s what you always do.
“Hey, guys.” You wave.
“You’re awfully shorter than I thought you would be.” Riki says this from beside you, silently mocking you for all the times you’ve challenged him about his height.
“Of course you would say that.” You playfully roll your eyes. “You’re obsessed with your height, Riks; we get it.”
"Okay, back off, guys. That’s my little sister you guys are hogging.” Jake shoos the younger boys away with a flick of his hand, to which they dejectedly comply, making way for you to enter further into the classroom. “What was on our agenda again? Right, Y/n’s position in the band.”
“We could use another guitarist.” Sunoo muses, with Jungwon and Sunghoon silently agreeing on the side.
“Nah, we already have Jay and you for that.” Your brother shakes his head. “Wait, speaking of Jay, where’s Jiwon? You said she’d be here when I came back.” At this, all eyes shift towards Jay, who simply shrugs.
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t tell me you guys are having a lover's quarrel again.” Heeseung sighs. Your ears immediately perk up at the mention of Jay, Jiwon, and a lover's quarrel in the same sentence. Confusion starts to pervade your stomach.
Huh? When did they start dating? You thought Jiwon was only a close friend.
You’ve only ever heard of Jiwon, not once seeing her face in Jake’s stories or any of the others. All the information you had on her was that she was the same age as you and played the keys for the band. Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki mentioned her once or twice, but it was more of them complaining about her. Other than that, it was as if her existence evaded you completely.
“The third one this month, mind you.” Riki quips.
“It’s only the second week of the month, though.” Jake’s mouth gapes at the fact that his best friend is still willing to go through such a toxic relationship, or whatever it was, even when she limits the people around him until she’s the only one left in his life, when they constantly fight over the smallest things, or even when she encourages him to drop his best friends. He doesn’t understand what’s so good about Jiwon that’s got Jay under her spell, and he doesn’t want to know either.
“Can we just drop it?”
Your brother puts his hands up in defeat and says, “Whatever you say, bro.”
An awkward air of silence starts to permeate the air, and by now, you’re sure someone could cut through the tension with a knife.
You clear your throat before saying, “Is it okay if I’m just a singer?” in an attempt to divert the conversation back to its original agenda, which thankfully works because the others start talking, adding in their own thoughts here and there. And by the time lunch ends, you’re officially set as the band’s lead singer and lyricist.
Finding out about Jay and Jiwon’s relationship made you realise just how little you know about these guys, only having talked to them through FaceTime and watching them live their lives through snippets of Jake’s Instagram.
The warmth and familiarity you were initially met with made you completely forget that you only officially met these guys today. They were all, to some extent, still strangers to you.
A few hours of school turned into two weeks, and two weeks into a month. By now, you’ve gotten more than used to everyone’s dynamics and energy, though it was still a little too high for you at times. You were thankful that your brother was there whenever you couldn’t communicate your feelings and thoughts as well as you wanted to, and for the rest for being so understanding.
All of this was a dream come true for you, truly. Ever since your father introduced you to the world of music, you’ve dreamt of being in a band yourself, singing your own songs in front of people, and feeling the music course through you as you stand on the stage.
But no matter how much you wanted to saturate your mind with happier, less confusing thoughts, it always seemed to circle back to the same thing: Jay and Jiwon.
Over the course of a month, you’ve managed to interact with Jiwon on several occasions, each lasting around a minute. They consisted of mostly quick pleasantries, instructions, and the rare ‘how are you’s? She wasn’t cold but not entirely friendly either, which you totally get because it’s not like you were any different.
Throughout the majority of the breaks in between practice sessions, she stuck by Jay’s side, engaging in playful and flirtatious banter that the boys would secretly roll their eyes at. You’d asked your brother why everyone seemed to not like seeing Jay and Jiwon together, but he simply shrugged you off, leaving you with even more questions.
“Hey, Y/n.” You look up from your notebook to see Mia, who you’ve wrongly assumed was a pick-me at first, cheerfully greeting you.
Somewhere along the line, she’d bashfully admitted to you that she liked your brother. It definitely explained the change in personalities and voices whenever he was around, but it didn’t make you want to recoil any less. She was a good-natured girl who hated letting anyone down, so when she asked for a favour from you — one that involved you setting her up with your brother — there was just no way you could decline. If she wanted to date your brother, you would happily aid her in that.
Which brought you to a now-blooming friendship.
“Hi, Mi.” You managed to reciprocate her energy.
“You’re having band practice today, right?” She asks with a tilt of her head, to which you nod. A beat passes before she bites her lip in anticipation. “Is it okay if I come watch?”
From the way her eyes glowed with hope, you could immediately tell that she only had one mission in mind: to see Jake. “You’re not being very discreet with this,” you chuckle, endeared by her amateurish antics. “But, sure. Practice starts at 4.” Hearing this, she immediately clasps her hand into yours, thanking you as if you just saved her entire bloodline.
She leaves you to your own accord not soon after being called by the teacher, “I’ll be there!”
With twenty minutes to spare and no one to spend it with, seeing as your brother was busy with lunch detention and your three babies had a student council meeting to attend to, you decided to make your merry way towards the practice room with your notebook in hand.
Pushing the door open, the view of Jay playing the guitar by the window warmly greets you. You're awestruck by the way he strums the chords so effortlessly, filling your ears with the most beautiful progressions you’ve ever heard, like it was heaven’s sonata. You would’ve loved to just stand there all day and relish in the intimate moment he’s created in the dingy room, but it only takes a few seconds before Jay inevitably notices your figure by the door.
“Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be here right now.” You take a step back, ready to shut the door close behind you, but before you could move even an inch, Jay refused, instead asking you if you could keep him company. “You want me to stay?”
“I mean, why not?” He pats the space beside him and scoots over.
Your steps are hesitant, somehow alarmed by the prospects of Pandora's box in your heart breaking open the moment you decide to sit next to him. But it was just a simple, friendly act, so what could possibly go wrong here? You push those thoughts away and plop yourself on the cushioned window seat, leaving just enough space between you and him.
“So, why are you here?” He asks you as he carefully sets the guitar back on the floor.
“Everyone else was busy,” You could feel Jay’s intense watch on you, and you couldn’t help but feel the burning sensation on your skin. Just being in his presence alone was already making you feel hot; your cheeks were heating up in the process. “How about you?” You just wanted him to stop looking at you, because you wouldn’t know what to do if he noticed just how he was making you feel.
“Me?” He hums. “I guess I just wanted some peace and quiet.”
“Oh, am I disturbing your peace and quiet? I could leave right now.”
“You don’t have to be so antsy. I’m not going to bite you, ya’know?” He chuckles, clearly amused by your response. “And besides, you’re giving me peace by just being here.”
“I see.” You nod slowly as you bite your lip in an attempt to get a better hold of your nerves. There was absolutely no need to be so nervous around your brother’s best friend.
“I just realised something,”
“What?” You shift in your seat to get a better look at him.
“This is the first time we’ve ever had a one-on-one talk.”
“Yeah, I wonder why.” You retort, and he raises an eyebrow at this.
“What do you mean by that?” His head tilts at an angle, looking at you with those deep-set eyes of his. You can try to deny it all you want, but the skip in your heartbeat is hard to mistake; it’s not a feeling you’re stranger to.
“I don’t know; you never seem to talk with anyone else other than Jiwon during practice, so it’s no wonder we’ve never actually talked before.”
“Wow, you’re sounding a little salty there.” Jay’s lips form a lopsided smirk after noticing the defensive expression that adorned your features. “Nah, I’m just toying with you.” The airy laugh he lets out does little to nothing to soothe the chaos that ensues in your heart and mind.
“For your information, I am not salty. It’s just a bummer that you never really tried forming a closer friendship with anyone else in the band.”
“It’s not that I haven’t tried." He mumbles.
He shakes his head and says, “It’s nothing.”
A comfortable silence engulfs the air between both of you before Jay continues, “Hey, since you’re so salty about me not giving you my attention, how about I buy you ice cream tomorrow?”
“First of all, I am not salty. And second of all, it wasn’t that-”
"So, is it a no?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “If you admit that I’m not salty, then maybe I’ll agree to it.”
“You’re not really in the position to be giving me a challenge, seeing as I’m the one offering you free food,” he bites down a simper. “But fine, your highness, I hereby declare you not salty.” He adds a curt bow for the dramatics, and you can’t help but roll your eyes in faux annoyance.
“You’re so annoying.” You huff out.
“If you’re going to be in our band, you’re going to need more tolerance and patience than that.”
You could feel yourself slowly letting your guard down in Jay’s presence. The playful and witty banter he offered you made you feel like you’ve known him longer than you actually do, and it felt nice.
It felt almost too nice to be around him. But like everything else in your life, this feeling too shall pass. He has a girlfriend, for Christ's sake. So you better make sure that it will.
With your head resting on your hand, you silently watched the busy street beside you. When you first came to Korea, it was summer, but now that the leaves were starting to turn orange little by little, you could tell that it was nearing your favourite season of the year — autumn. To you, everything felt just a little more romantic under the autumn leaves and the cool breeze that hangs in the air.
“Were you waiting long?” Jay’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you quickly shake your head. “Sorry, Ji wanted me to teach her this riff on the guitar.” He pulls the seat out in front of you to sit, and you take the opportunity to sneak a longing glance at him: tousled hair, swollen lips, an untucked collar. It definitely looked like he did more than just teach her chords, but you bite your tongue.
It was none of your business.
“Did you order already?” He flips through the menu of desserts.
“No, I was going to, but I realised I didn’t know what flavours you liked.”
“Sorry,” He passes you a sheepish smile. “I’m going to go on a whim here and guess that you like Rocky Road.”
You raise an impressed brow. “How’d you know?”
“I just know you like that.”
“We’ve known each other for 3 weeks, Jay.”
“Okay, damn. You really do wound me,” a hand raises to his chest, feigning hurt. “Okay, now you guess what flavour I like.”
You ponder over for a while but decide to just settle on the most basic flavour of all, “Vanilla?” His face visibly falters at your answer; you could almost make out a pout forming on his kiss-bitten lips.
“Wow, I could tell the amount of thought you put into that.” His sarcastic claps boom throughout the modest ice cream parlour, earning him dirty looks from the few customers at the neighbouring tables.
“So you don’t like vanilla?”
He crosses his arms and asks, “What do you think?”
“Ugh, this conversation is going nowhere; go order it yourself.” You groan out, rising on your feet to order on your own.
“Calm down, princess; I’ll go order it.” Before you could protest, he'd already made a beeline for the cashier.
Princess? That was new. Oh, who were you kidding? All of this was fucking new.
A feeling of internal turmoil starts to bubble violently, like a seething kettle waiting to be opened. You hated how he was so nonchalant about everything. And you hated how he unknowingly made you feel things you shouldn’t feel. It felt awfully wrong on so many levels, but this thing was just a friendly gesture, a payback, if you will. There was nothing wrong with hanging out with your brother’s best friend on a Thursday evening, even if you held an underlying attraction for said friend, right?
“Here, one Rocky Road for your highness, and one good ol’ vanilla ice cream for her loyal servant.”
“So you do like vanilla ice cream,” you scoff.
“I never said I didn’t.” He shrugged. “Woah, this might actually be the best vanilla I’ve ever tasted. Try it!” He scoops a chunk out for you to taste, which you politely decline. There was a certain line you didn’t want to cross, no matter how insignificant and innocent the gesture might’ve been. Maybe you were thinking too hard, but it would’ve been weird for you to share an indirect kiss with a taken man, even if he was your brother’s best friend. “Hm, your loss then.”
The both of you remained in silence with the dulcet melodies of Wave to Earth playing in the background, and it served as a pleasant companion to the overly complicated noise in your head, all caused by the boy sitting a few feet from you.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you.” Jay’s voice pulls you out of your own mind, causing you to look up at him expectantly. “You have a really beautiful voice.” His warm smile shoots you in the heart, right where you know it shouldn’t. It was just a simple compliment, one that you’ve heard plenty of times before, yet it sounded so good coming from him. It almost made you want to keep proving yourself to him so you could keep hearing him praise you like that.
“Thank you,” You bite the insides of your cheek as a way to chide yourself. Just why were you so easily affected by everything he says and does?
“I really want you to sing this song I’m writing. I mean, I’m not totally done yet, but I wrote it with your voice in mind. It’s for the upcoming music festival.” He pulls out his phone and earphones from his pocket, sliding his chair closer to yours and offering an earpiece, which you cautiously take.
You straighten your back in an effort to keep yourself focused, not wanting to mind the way his shoulders are pushed up against yours, or the way you could practically make out every single feature on his face, or the fact that you would’ve felt his breath fan against your face if he turned even just a bit to the left. You needed to physically force yourself to focus solely on the music.
Don’t mind the confusion.
The sense of focusing.
The only sure thing is you.
So now, put it all behind.
I’m just going to walk according to how my heart beats.
Fatal trouble.
Jay’s voice fills your ears, alongside Jungwon and Sunghoon’s. You could appreciate their heavenly voices all day, but the striking lyrics seemed to be the main reason for taking your breath away. It sounded as if they were speaking to your troubled thoughts right in the face, slithering around you to tempt you into falling deeper. Deeper into what? You didn’t want to even think about it. 
"So, what do you think?”
“It's... it’s good.”
“That’s it?”
“What did you want me to say?”
“No need to get so feisty, princess.” He ruffles your hair, and you sigh, feeling the overwhelming defeat take over you because, no matter how much you wanted to fight the feeling, you knew that all your efforts would come crashing down anyway.
You were a weak woman with many faults, and being attracted to someone who is so painfully taken is the biggest one of them all.
With only a few weeks left until the school’s music festival, it’s no surprise that everyone has been on edge, but particularly so with Jay and Jiwon. Anyone with a pair of eyes could tell they were going through a rough patch in their relationship right now, made apparent by the abnormal amount of distance between them and the lack of flirtatious banter filling the room.
Every practice session was filled with the suffocating tension that made practicing so much more exhausting, and Jake had had enough of it.
“I know you guys are having yet another lover's quarrel, but can you guys quit it? We have a festival coming up, and we can’t afford to have both of your immature asses fucking this up for us.” Your brother’s stern voice shakes the entire room. He was usually never the one to get mad at people, so it felt unusual to see this side of Jake.
“We’re not lovers,” Jiwon retorts as her fingers mindlessly hover over the keys on the keyboard. She tilts her head at Jay and says, “He made very sure of that.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter what the fuck you guys are or not; I just need you guys to keep it civil for the sake of our performance, if not our team.”
“Oh, fuck off. As if you guys have ever even tried keeping it civil with me,” Jiwon seethes, the dark chuckle of complete disbelief she lets out hanging heavy in the air. “Yeah, I see the way you guys roll your eyes at me, and I hear the way you guys bitch about me behind my back too. I’m not fucking blind, Jake.”
You could see the way everyone shifts uncomfortably in their spots, and you can’t help but do so too.
“Quit it, Ji.” Jay’s attempts at getting Jiwon’s rampage to stop proved futile, as it only spurred her on.
“Shut up, Jay. I know the only reason you refuse to make it official is because you started liking your best friend’s little sister over me.” As soon as she dropped the bomb, all eyes darted towards Jay, who only stared at Jiwon. His jaw ticks in what you could only surmise as vexation, with the evidence of it starting to sprawl across his features. “What, baby? Cat got your tongue?” Jiwon sneers.
“Jiwon, if you’re not going to contribute anything to the band, you can just go home.” Sunghoon speaks as he points to the exit.
“I was planning to anyway,” she says, picking up her bag from the floor. “I am so fucking done with this, and you guys are all fucked.” With that, the door behind Jiwon shuts with a deafening bang.
The eight of you remain frozen in your spots with the shock of it all coursing through your veins like a hot iron. You needed a minute or two to even begin to assimilate whatever the fuck just went down.
When she said that Jay liked you over her, she meant it as a friend, right? There’s no way it meant anything more than that, right? Why does he keep confusing you? Why did he have to have your heart right in the palm of his hand? You felt your head start to pound the more you thought about it, and you just wanted to escape from it all.
Life since you joined your brother’s band has been everything you’ve ever imagined and more. You were finally able to meet people you called your family; you were able to sing your heart away on stages the way you always wanted to; and you were able to feel alive in a way you couldn’t when you were in France. But it didn’t stop there. You fell in love — a little too hard at that — and now you were suffering the consequences of that.
You had a track record for falling in love way too easily with people, as evident by your long list of situationships turned relationships, so when you found yourself staring at Jay for a bit too long, you weren’t entirely alarmed because you knew you’d be able to get over it in a few weeks. It was no biggie, or so you thought.
After Jiwon’s official departure from the band, the overall atmosphere had lifted and everyone was back to their normal selves; Sunoo and Sunghoon were back to bickering, and Jungwon and Riki were back to hogging you. Heeseung occasionally joined in sessions despite the senior duties that called for his presence. Jake and Jay, on the other hand, were preparing diligently for the festival, working on the song non-stop. It’s because of that that you haven’t been seeing either of them lately, which you were thankful for because it gave you time to really think. Think about whether Jay liked you as a friend or in a romantic sense.
“You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?” Mia nudges you in the arm. She knows you like the back of her hand at this point, given the amount of time she’s spent at your practices. It’s thanks to your cupid skills that your brother and her have been spending much more time together inside and out of the practice room, and despite either of them telling you that they’re just friends, you know better than that.
You sigh, knowing that it’s no use lying to her. “Is it that obvious?”
"Oh, baby, it’s written all over your face.” Her neatly manicured fingers push loose strands of hair out of your face just before squishing your cheeks in an endearing manner. “Talk to me about it.”
“Ugh, I don’t know.” She gives you a knowing look. “It’s just... that I liked him for so long, thinking that he was taken, and I felt so fucking guilty for it. Then the whole ‘Jiwon leaving’ thing happened, and now I’m all confused. Honestly, there hasn’t been a moment where Jay hasn’t confused me. Everything he says and does just makes me want to scream, ‘What the fuck are we!’ but I know he’s just doing it because we’re friends or whatever.
I mean, he literally calls me princess. How does he not expect me to not feel things? It’s so damn frustrating. I thought I would be able to get over these feelings before winter started, but here we are in the dead of winter, and I’m still helplessly pining over my brother’s best friend, like a damn loser.”
Everything you’ve been holding since you transferred here finally threatens to spill out, and by now, you just couldn’t help the tears from lining your eyes and your throat from constricting.
“Oh, my Y/n.” She embraces you in a hug and connects her forehead with yours; it only eggs you on to fully succumb to your emotions, and so tears become full-fledged sobs. “It’s okay, let it all out.” Her voice, along with her hand ministering to gently soothe your back, lulls you.
Until you’re left only as a sniffling mess, she continues to caress your back. “Thank you, Mi. I really appreciate it.”
“I’m always here for you,” She squeezes you one last time for good measure before letting go of you. “Now, we need a plan for you to get your man.”
“No, we do not.”
“You did it for me, so it’s only fair if I return the favour.”
“I don’t even know if he likes me like that,” you exhale for what seems like the nth time this month.
“Then we’ll make sure he does. Simple as that,” she claps her hand. “Boys fall for anything, so if he doesn’t already like you, he will anyway, because just look at you! You’re stunning, funny, kind, talented, and so so so much more. Believe me when I say that, Y/n.” Her features soften even further as she shares a look of sympathy with you.
Her words melt right through you, and you’d like to believe that you do hold the ability to make Jay fall for you.
Endless weeks of toiling had brought you all to this exact moment — d-day. You fidgeted with the microphone stand to try getting a better hold of your emotions because there was no way you would mess things up, not when you’ve all worked so hard for this.
The seats in front of you are filled to the brim, yet out of the hundreds of faces, you could only recognise a select few: your mom, Mia, and a few of the others’s family members.
Jay, who stood not too far behind you, could see the trembling in your legs. “You’ll do perfect; I know that because you were made for this.” He whispers in your ear, squeezing your hands in the process. You’ve never wanted anything more than to just kiss the boy for being so damn near perfect — everything you could’ve asked for and more — but he wasn’t yours to kiss, so you heed those thoughts away, instead simply nodding your head.
“Hello, we are ENHYPEN, and we’ll be performing an original song called ‘Fatal Trouble.’” Jake’s voice echoes throughout the school hall, with claps following shortly after, just before it falls back to a silent abyss.
Sunghoon’s keys fill the empty air before you start, “Can’t believe. You, in front of my eyes, everything is the same. But your smile is one I don’t know. Your pupils are like an abyss.” You shut your eyes, letting your emotions lace through each and every word you sing.
As soon as Sunoo and Jay’s electric guitars and Riki’s drums joined in on the melody, you could physically feel the shift in the air. It brought goosebumps to your skin watching people gape at you in awe and watching their eyes twinkle against the stage lights.
“Fatal trouble. It’s getting blurry. The memory of you is crumbling down.” Heeseung and Jungwon’s lower voice harmonises with your higher one, creating the most heavenly of harmonies to echo across the expanse of the hall. It felt so electrifying to finally be able to see the fruits of all your hard work. You’re happy you got to perform with these boys side by side.
By the time the instrumentals fade to complete silence, your heart roars against your chest like a lion so hard you can practically hear them in your ears. You all take time to thank the audience before heading backstage, where you all instantly huddle together.
“We did so well!” Sunoo beams.
“For all our hard work, I say we go drinking after this,” Heeseung suggests with a motion of his hand, to which the others instantly agree.
“Drinks are on me!” You chuckle as you watch your overly excited brother raise his arm like a puppy. You of all people know just how hard he exerted himself just for this performance, if the dark circles under his eyes were anything to go by, so you’re just happy to finally see him be himself again.
Cheers and hoots are heard throughout the backstage area until the staff politely asks you to leave. Before you could even follow the rest past the door, Jay’s call to you stopped you in your tracks.
“You did well out there,” he compliments with a sheepish smile, and it does the same thing it always does to you — make you fall even harder. You were so damn weak for him. “I knew you would kill it.”
“You did too, considering it is your song.” He steps a foot closer to you, and despite the hitch in your throat, you don’t do much to shy away. Jay takes this as a sign to be more forthright with you. He takes your hand in his, tracing circles with his thumb along the backside of your hand.
“I wrote this song for you. It wasn’t just your voice that inspired me to write this song; it was your smile, the way you made me feel, and the warmth you gave. So, technically, it’s our song.” The boyishness in his tone is obvious, almost like he was scared to admit this to you in the first place.
“I-…” You’re rendered speechless at his insinuation, feeling the familiar giddiness starting to spread across your body. “Are you confessing to me right now?” His deep eyes hold yours, staring at you with such admiration and intensity that you feel like you could cry.
“Yes, I am, princess.” His voice was nothing short of a whisper. You could see the way he eyes your lips, and so without much contemplation, or even hesitation for that matter, you take the first step in your newfound relationship by trapping him in a kiss. Further closing in the distance between you, your arms travel around his neck while his hands find purchase in your waist.
As breathless as you felt, you couldn’t let him go — not when this is all you’ve ever wanted for so long. Months of seeing him with Jiwon and hopelessly pining over him brought you to this moment, and you were going to let yourself relish the fuck out of it.
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© i2ycat 2024
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For @glitterypirateduck's May 2024 Ghost challenge (item #100)!
I don't write Ghost, but I love Duck too much to pass it up. <3
You invited your brother, Kyle, to come and watch your performance as Odette in Swan Lake. He makes it to the theatre, but he brings his friends. That's when you fall head over heels for Simon Riley.
You’d begged your brother to come to your final performance. You needed him there, needed to feel him in the crowd, even if you couldn’t see him out there. Kyle promised he would be there, and as you went through your pre-show routine, you hoped he would be true to his word. 
You knew it was difficult for him to get away from work. You’d left him with four tickets, asking him to invite his mates, if that would make it easier. You remember seeing his soft smile as he fanned out the bright gold tickets, inwardly laughing at you for not understanding the contrast between your world and his as he commented,
“These blokes aren’t really keen on ballets, Duck.”
He’d always called you by that stupid nickname. Well, the longer version had been his favorite as a teenage boy: the Ugly Duckling. But, it was fine. You’d called him Vile instead of Kyle most of his life, so you felt like it was an even score. 
“It’s important to me,” you’d insisted. 
“I know,” he nodded, conceding, “I’ll try.”
So, as the lights were warming up and you were applying your third layer of powder, praying for a smooth night, your heart stretched itself out, begging not to be broken, the whining strings of the cellos and violins in the pit below your feet made the sounds that your heartstrings were feeling — too quiet, too off-key. 
“Hey, babe,” one of your fellow dancers hissed at you from behind the backstage door, “Why didn’t you tell us you had a hot brother with a bunch of hot friends?”
“What?” You asked, confused, shaken out of your mental focus.
Then, over her shoulder, you saw Kyle’s face. He beamed at you, giving you a little wave. You leapt up from the floor where you were stretching, not yet in full costume, wrapping yourself in a warm wool sweater, rushing to greet him.
“You came!” You smiled up at him, wrapping him in a big hug. He hugged you back, full of his immense strength. You stood back to get a better look at him. He was all dressed up, and you couldn’t believe it. Someone behind him cleared their throat, getting your attention. 
“Oh, right. Duck, these are my mates,” he pointed them out one by one, “Johnny MacTavish, John Price, and Simon Riley.”
When he pointed to the last one, you felt your breath catch in your throat. It felt as if he was the one who caught it. He was a tower of a man, and his broad, muscular shoulders dwarfed his big friends, making the dancers who were rushing by him back and forth to the stage seem so small. Unlike the other two, his face didn’t light up in a warm smile. His bright eyes simply took you in, drinking you like a long draught, swallowing every piece of you. He studied your makeup, your neck and your shoulders, all the way down your legs, scanning you like he would be given an exam. 
“Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for coming, seriously. I’ve been trying to get Kyle to show up for months.”
The stocky man with the beard smiled back at you warmly, 
“We love a good ballet, don’t we, lads?”
You didn’t miss the way his elbow jutted out to stab Simon in the ribs, prompting him to speak. 
When he did, his voice was quiet, and although he had a thick Manc accent, his tone was controlled, measured, even, 
“Aye. Big fans.”
“Oh, well,” you couldn’t stop staring at Simon, so you pinned your eyes to the floor instead, “I hope you enjoy it.”
“Drinks after, yeah?” Kyle said, rubbing your arm supportively.
You nodded, watching them head back to the main auditorium. 
A few friends, dancers and stagehands alike, rushed up to you as they left, gushing about how attractive they all were. 
“Who was that bloody blond giant? Dressed in all black. He was lookin’ at you like he was hungry.”
“I want the Scot with the mohawk. I’m not takin’ no for an answer, girlie. Oh, my God. Did you see his kilt?”
“Your brother is so damn fit! What the fuck, babes?”
“I liked the scruffy one the best. Bet that beard feels good between —”
“Okay! It’s almost showtime. Let’s circle up,” you escaped from the prop room, scurrying back onto the main stage, trying to get your head back in the game. 
You went through your warmups with your dancers, and you let your costumers fit you into your opening dress. You needed to think about your work, but you couldn’t get Simon’s sharp gaze out of your mind. He did, in fact, look hungry, and the way his eyes raked over you made you feel every bit like a hot meal. 
As the music began, your mind went blank, blissfully quiet and clear. Your muscle memory took over, and you powered through the motions, enjoying the feeling of your blood rushing through your veins. You trusted yourself to get you through the first act, hitting all of your marks and expecting nothing less than perfection. 
It wasn’t until you put on the black mask for Odile’s dance with the prince that you began to lose your concentration. There was a wildness that took over you when you played the black swan, a ferocity that your studio director gushed about to the press and to anyone else who cared to listen. 
“She’s like an animal! It’s to die for. You must come and see her on stage. It will change this ballet forever!” 
You weren’t sure you appreciated being referred to as an animal, but you had to admit that there was something beastial about your transformation. The mask made you feel like you were a new person. It gave you the ability to become someone else, something else. You were sexual and aggressive, dominant and fearsome. It was just what Odile needed, and you delivered. 
Except, when you put the mask on tonight, you caught a glimpse of him from backstage. He was sitting in the box that you had bought for your brother, and one of the spotlights’ films had lit his cheek. It was a soft light, but it was enough. As you took your first steps on stage, you couldn’t help but look up towards him, and the flash of hunger in his eyes was still there. So, you decided to give him your animalistic side. 
You’d never danced the way you danced that night. The crowd was roaring, and your costar whispered to you,
“Go off, queen. What’s gotten into you?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered back, lying through your teeth. 
By the time you left the stage, daring to look back over your shoulder, Simon hadn’t taken his eyes off of you for one moment, and his nostrils flared, breathing deeply, trying to calm himself from your display. 
Before you knew it, the curtains closed, and you were bowing, dodging thrown roses and teddy bears, elegantly taking your leave. Your body was dripping sweat, and you rushed over to your bag, scarfing down some power gels and cracking open a nutrition bar, hurrying to bring your body back to normal after its ordeal. You’d be expected to pose for some VIP photos in just a few minutes, so you touched up your makeup, but there was only so much you could do. 
“My star!” Your director burst through the back door, “Beautiful! You were incredible tonight. Bring your masks. I have some people who want to meet you.”
You nodded, scooping up your masks and giving your bag to one of the other dancers to take back to the barre room. 
You schmoozed for a bit, but something itched at the back of your mind. You felt like you were being watched. Then, just while you were taking a photo with someone’s eager six-year-old, you spotted him. Simon stood behind Kyle, staring at you without shame while the other men laughed and joked with a gaggle of dancers. They had swarmed them, fluttering about, insisting to be invited for drinks, and Kyle was eating it up. You didn’t care, though. There was only one thing you wanted — aside from a hot bath and your comfy bed — and that was to enjoy those things with Simon Riley, if he agreed. 
“Excuse me, Madame Savoie. I’m exhausted, and my brother is in town. May I take my leave for the night?”
“Of course!” Your director beamed at you, “After that performance, you can take whatever you want.”
She laughed. Her rich friends laughed. You didn’t, but you managed a smile. 
You made your way through the crowd over to Kyle and broke the news, 
“Kyle, I’m not going to make it to the pub. I’m beat. I think I’ll just walk home.”
“You can’t walk home by yourself, Duckie. You live in bloody Soho.”
“I’ll be alright. I’ll just —”
“I’ll take her,” that Manc accent oozed its way through the din, and almost everyone turned to look at Simon as he offered his services. 
Kyle made a face at you, his arms wrapped around two dancers, one on each side, and he shrugged, 
“Alright, Duck. Tomorrow for breakfast, though. No excuses.” 
You watched as your brother untangled his right arm from one of your swans, and stuck out his hand for Simon to shake. You saw Simon pause, making clear eye contact with your brother, and extending his wide, pale hand. 
You weren’t exactly sure what weird sort of ritual you were witnessing, but it seemed like the two men had an entire conversation in just that short span. Then, Simon’s attention was turned fully back to you. 
“C’mon, then. I just need to get my bag.”
He didn’t say anything, but he did hold the door for you, and his huge stature did help part the crowd like some sort of biblical sea, making sure you had easy access to the exits. 
The barre room was a bright, white open space, and the wooden floors popped and creaked as you walked across them. 
Your impromptu bodyguard followed close behind, but he paused near the door when he was presented with the huge room.
“I’d hate to meet that ballerina,” he chuckled. 
You turned around, confused by his comment, 
“Which one?”
“The one who hit her head on the ceiling to make them build it this bloody high.”
You looked up to where he was pointing, laughing at his odd joke,
“It’s for the piano,” you explained. 
“That’s even scarier,” he grimaced, staring up at the high ceiling as if pianos would start falling from it. 
You laughed harder, then, imagining a flying baby grand. 
“No! No,” you caught your breath, “The sound. It helps us hear the music.”
“Ahh,” he nodded knowingly, conceding to you, “I see. That makes me feel safer.”
You knelt down and started to pack your back, changing your shoes and slipping out of your outer costume, laying the pieces out like you had been trained to do.
“So, which one do you like better?”
“Hm?” You looked up at him, and he bent his knees to squat down in front of you, plucking your white swan mask out of your bag and touching the fine silk bow with his thumb. 
“Which swan?” He asked, his eyes staring at you carefully. You got the sense that your answer really mattered to him.
“Well,” you said carefully, “Every girl wants to be Odette. She’s the star. It’s her story. And she gets to fall in love with a prince. But… once you play Odile, I think you realize that there’s… well, there’s something to be said for falling in love with yourself, too.”
You smiled, grabbing your black mask by the nose and holding it up to your eyes, glaring at him to make your point. 
“Same person on the inside, though,” he commented, looking down at the white mask in his hand. 
You stood up, and you grabbed his hand to help him up, 
“C’mere. I’ll show you.”
“You’re not going to find a tutu that fits me, love.”
“No tutus for you, I promise. Just… stand here. Like that. Put your hand out like this. Good.”
Once he was in position, you grabbed the white mask from him and tied it around your face, willing your sore body back into position. 
“This is Odette,” you said, making your hands and feet flutter to life. You spun into his hand, letting him feel the weightlessness of your body as you moved against him, the soft silken rustle of your leotard against his huge, callused hand. Eventually, you came to rest facing away from him, your thigh brushing his hip in a long, extended arabesque. His hand never moved from your waist, and you leaned into it, letting him balance you, his palm warm against your belly through the thin fabric. 
“And this…” you replaced the white mask with the black one, changing yourself for him, metamorphosing right before his eyes, “...is Odile.”
This time, you challenged him, making him feel your muscles and bones with each spin, pushing against him like a threat. You could feel his uncertainty, but he naturally steeled himself, grabbing you with more power, trying to harness your energy. But, you knew he couldn’t. He didn’t know what do to. All he could do was stand there and feel you as you moved against him, aggressive and virulent. 
As Odile, your final arabesque pressed into him lustfully, translating that fiery rage, your thigh slammed flush with his body, your hips forcing his hand to grip you to keep you from pushing him backwards. 
Then, you stepped away, removing the mask and doing a little bow for effect. 
“I see,” he murmured, seemingly unphased. But, even though he tried to hide it, his slight adjustment in his black dress pants did not slip by you. He stalked closer to you, closing the space that you had opened. His thumb came up to rub your cheek, right at the edge of the black mask, “Does the mask help?”
You dropped your volume to match his, still catching your breath a bit from the turns, 
“Yeah, it reminds me that I can be someone I’m not.”
“Or maybe you can finally be someone you are,” his thumb traced your smooth skin down to your mouth where your lipstick stains and cracked powder were surely a right mess. But, he didn’t care. He pressed the pad of his finger to your bottom lip anyway, moving so carefully and deliberately you felt like you were under his spell. 
“Hm,” he said noncommittally, backing away from you, releasing you from his invisible hold. 
You finished packing, and you made your way into the dark night with him, walking quickly to get out of the spitting rain. He kept his arm around you, wrapping you in his warmth, shielding you from passersby. 
Your mind was racing. You had taken this stranger home with you, no questions asked. It was a risk that you just didn’t take. When was the last time you even had a bloke in your flat, much less one that you desperately wanted to snog? At least you had cleaned yesterday. It was too small of a place not to pick up at least a little bit each day. There was no room for you to be messy. 
“This is me,” you jingled your keys and pointed up to the tall, modern apartment building, gleaming in glass and steel amidst the historical Soho houses and businesses. 
Every floor was the same. It was all modern and white, almost sterile. You felt like you lived in a museum. 
“Mm, posh,” he commented, a little disgruntled. 
“Free,” you rolled your eyes, “The ballet company houses all of us here.”
“Why can’t my free accommodations ever look this good?”
You cracked open the door to your flat and let him inside. Your cat, Mustard, immediately began her figure-eight dance between his legs, her favorite hello to every person who dared enter her domain. 
“What do your accommodations usually look like, then?” You asked, pouring out some kibble for the cat and hanging your bag on its hook.
“Usually a tent, sometimes a cave. They even gave us a house once, no windows in it, but hey. You win some, you lose some.”
“I worry about Kyle, you know. You lads don’t have an easy job.”
“He’ll be alright. He’s a good one.”
“I know,” you smiled softly, staring up into Simon’s eyes, then you remembered your manners, “Can I get you a drink?”
“No, I’m alright,” he smiled back, turning his head to look around your flat. 
You gave him the short tour,
“Bathroom’s in there, and here’s my bedroom slash office slash den… Only enough room for the bed, really. I’m not here very much.”
“And…” He spoke slowly, carefully, no joviality in his tone this time, “Is it alright that I’m here, love?”
He eyed you cautiously, moving toward you, towering over your small frame, his hulking shoulders curling in on you, casting dark shadows across your vision, keeping you from the light. 
You peered up at him, ignoring his question,
“Do you want to shower with me? I’d fucking murder someone for a hot shower.”
“Yeah,” he said softly, bending forward so that he could press his soft lips to your mouth, kissing you as gently as you’d ever been kissed. But, you could tell, just by the way he moved his jaw, letting his tongue lazily trace your bottom lip, there was so much more fervor under his skin, waiting to be unleashed. Right now, he was Odette, on his best behavior. 
But, you wanted to see his Black Swan. Where was the beast that you knew must lurk within?
He pulled away from you, smiling a bit, and you giggled softly, dragging him along by his wrist, ducking into your spacious bathroom. It was the one thing you loved about this place. There was no living room to speak of, but damn if the bathroom wasn’t perfect. The huge glass shower was enough for a party of four, and the dual shower heads made you feel like some sort of royalty. You couldn’t wait to let your muscles soak under the cascade. Maybe tall, blond and handsome could put those strong hands of his to work and rub you down. 
You stood in the mirror together, looking at each other, and you started to undress. He twisted a finger under the collar of your sweater until he could feel your skin. Then, he slipped it off of your shoulder. You dropped your arm, letting it slide to the floor. Then, as slowly as he could, you watched as he writhed his finger under your leotard’s strap, pulling it down your arm. When it got to be too taut, you helped him, removing your arms and rolling the soft nylon down your aching body. 
Your wig was still on, but you weren’t about to wear it to bed, so you took it off in front of him, running your fingers through your short curls, letting your close-cut fingernails scratch your scalp.
Now, as you stood in the low light of your bathroom mirror, you were naked in front of him, standing with your back to him, covering your breasts in the mirror. Simon bent his head down so he could kiss your neck, and you felt him wrap a big hand around the nape of your neck, holding you in place. His kisses felt hot, and they were deeper than before, more hungry, pressing into you with more power. 
You sighed, enjoying his mouth as it worked on you, but well-aware of just how caked on the sweat and the makeup were after a show, making excuses for yourself,
“I’m sweaty,” you whispered.
“I know,” he smiled, sticking out his fat, pink tongue and licking his way up to your ear, just to make his point. 
He wrapped his arms around you, retreating for a moment, looking at you in the mirror. Then, when he saw you covering yourself, he gently pushed your arms away, making you reveal your bare breasts to him. 
“So fuckin’ pretty,” he praised you, kissing your scalp chastely. 
You turned your back to the looking glass to face him, and you tangled your fingers between the buttons of his dress shirt. You weren’t in any hurry to peel him apart, but as you did, you saw more and more evidence of his hard life. His enormous muscles were inked with old tattoos, war scenes etched into his creamy flesh in black and gray. But, carved across his skin were tens of deep, jagged scars, standing as proof of the cruelty he’d endured. 
You let your mouth fall to his chest, kissing him indiscriminately, licking when you wanted to, nibbling when you wanted to, giving in to your hedonism fully. 
He untucked his shirt for you, peeling it off of his shoulders, and you watched as his muscles rippled and bent around his bones, stretching under his will. You worked on his belt, and he watched you take him apart, both of your heads craned down, staring at your hands as you freed him from his trousers. The zipper fell smoothly, and all that was left were his boxer briefs, underneath which hung a very girthy cock. 
You touched him through the fabric, and he let out a shuddering sigh of relief. 
“You’re a big man, Mr. Riley,” you teased, playing with his head through the thin fabric, meeting his gaze and finding him fully unraveled. His eyes were hooded and lustful, and it made you wonder how he liked to be touched so you could keep him like this, under your spell.
He tucked his thumbs in his pants and pulled them down, bare with you, and he held your body flush to his in a warm hug. You could feel his cock trapped between you, wet and warm on your belly, and his big hands came down to grab two handfuls of your ass, prying you apart so that the cold air of the room would hit your pussy and tell you how wet you were, enjoying the feel of your meat between his fingers. 
“Good thing you’ve got a bloody big shower, love. Might actually be able to stand under the tap, me. Can’t believe it.”
You watched him step into the large glass box and turn on the stream, the heat making him sigh. You joined him, jealous of the feeling, and let your own shower head beat your muscles into submission. 
You hissed in pain and he heard it, snapping his attention to you like a dog with a bone.
“What is it?”
“Sore. End of the week is hard.”
He poured some of your soap into his hand, way too much, but you didn’t correct him, and he commented as he bathed you,
“I read about it before we came, you know. Read about the story. About what you have to do to be the star. Hard work, that.”
“There are harder things,” You said in a low voice, tracing a particularly suspicious-looking wound in the shape of a bullet on his right hip.  
“Not many. Turn around,” he commanded. You were pleasantly surprised how much you liked it when he took control. 
Here, in the warm nest of the shower, you gave him your weakness and let him take care of you. He massaged your shoulders and your back unprompted, rubbing slick suds all over your skin, and he washed your hair. You moisturized on your own, letting him smell all of your tonics and potions, washing your face as he fondled your ass again, enjoying you fully. 
You felt like time had stopped. 
You washed him, letting your hands roam, caring for him as he had cared for you, and when you were both clean, you couldn’t help but linger on each other a bit. He reached between your legs and explored you for a moment, swiping his huge finger through your curls. When he found your warmth, so different from the steam of the shower, and a different wetness, too, he sighed. 
“Is it alright if I stay the night?” He asked. 
It surprised you. You assumed that getting naked and showering in front of a man who would be immediately boxed up and shipped back to Khandor on the next flight out would have stayed without asking. He would have assumed that his presence was his invitation. 
You nodded, 
“Please stay, Simon.”
He touched your breast, plucking at your nipple softly, seeming like he was uncertain despite your answer. You pried,
“Are you worried about Kyle? Did he say something —”
“No,” Simon smiled, “He knows you’re a big girl. It’s just been awhile… for me.”
“If you want to go…” You let your hands spread wide across his chest, purposely avoiding his cock, not wanting to sway him in a covinous way. 
He shook his head,
“No. I just want you to be sure. I can’t… We leave again, and I can’t make promises.”
“No promises. I know what you do. I know who you are because I know who Kyle is. You aren’t misleading me here, Simon. But, if you don’t take me to bed, I might lose my bloody mind.”
The smile that spread across his face then was a true one. It couldn’t hide. It squeezed his cheeks up into his eyes and wrinkled their edges like a paper fan. His full lips pulled tight across those white teeth, his incisors long like fangs and just as sharp. And he blushed, that pale skin giving away his feelings to you. 
He kissed your forehead and turned off the taps, retrieving two towels and bundling you in one, on your way back to bed, you snatched your lotion and started to put it on in a half-assed way, hurrying for his benefit. 
“Hey, stealin’ my duties?”
Simon plucked the lotion out of your head and nodded to the bed. You lay down for him, waiting for what he had in store. He pumped the lotion into his hand, less this time, you noticed, and began at your thighs. His wide palms rubbed and massaged you until he had covered you, paying attention to your hands and feet, before commanding you again:
“Flip over, love.”
You gladly did, sighing and moaning shamelessly as he rubbed lotion all over your back and legs. When he got to your round, plump ass, he took more of his time. 
“Watchin’ you move up there on that stage, tryin’ to seduce the bloody prince, fuck… it made me feel like you were dancing for me. The way you move… your body… I’ve never seen anythin’ like it.”
“I was,” you confessed. 
“What?” He stopped massaging you, putting the lotion on your table and crawling into the bed with you. 
You waited until you were under the covers with your head firmly planted on his chest before admitting it to him, 
“I was dancing for you tonight. When I saw you with my brother… you were all I could think about. I could see you in the box, when I was Odile, and I wanted you to look at me.”
“I couldn’t stop looking at you.”
You weren’t sure who kissed who, but you were now trapped within each other, sucking at each others’ mouths, moaning and writhing in each others’ arms. Snogging like you were dying. 
His cock was already hard, but you felt its smooth, silky body pressing and throbbing against your belly as he held you close, hungry for your wet hole, eager to be the one to fill it. 
You let your hand fall between you, jerking him off, rubbing slick circles around his head until he had to break your kiss to cry out for you. You raised your leg over his hip and moved to put him inside you, but he shook his head and started chanting in short, breathless whispers,
“Wait, wait, wait…”
Then, he disappeared, leaving you at the top of the duvet alone, licking and sucking his way down your body until he reached your pussy. As he began to eat you, he also spread you apart. You’d never felt so exposed before, but he wanted to lick your petals, slurping them into his mouth like the lobes of a sweet orange, one by one devouring you in your sensitive state. 
Your hands scratched at his scalp, which he seemed to enjoy. You watched his eyes flutter with pleasure after a particularly vigorous passthrough. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good. Gimme that come, baby,” he growled, gently circling your entrance with two thick fingers before fitting them into you with a wet, slick sound. 
“Oh!” You called out, staring down at him as he planted his mouth over your clit, suckling at its swollen body, razing your nerves to ashes. 
It didn’t take long before he had you coming for him, and when he felt you tense up beneath his hands, that true smile was back. He sat up on his knees and helped you come back down, slowing his movements just enough to calm your breathing, but keeping you precariously balanced on the edge where he wanted you. 
“Turn over on your belly, love.”
For some reason, it made you feel incredibly vulnerable to have him behind you, and your body shivered from the tension. He noticed, and he lay himself over you, soothing you, whispering right into your ear,
“I’ve got you, love. You wanna stop, we’ll stop. No problem. That clear?”
You nodded your head, and he met your eyes, making damn sure. Then, satisfied, you heard him digging around in his discarded dress pants, the crinkle of the foil condom, and then the slick roll of the barrier slipping over his head. 
“Thank fuck for condoms,” he laughed, “Might give me a chance to last more than a few minutes in this pretty fuckin’ cunt.”
You laughed with him, shrugging,
“You come, we try again. I’m not bothered.”
“Mm,” he nuzzled your ear, laying his body over yours and letting you feel his weight. His cockhead was tickling your entrance, but he didn’t go any further, saying, “This must be my white swan I have beneath me. Sweet on me, huh?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded, reeling from the sensation of his tip rolling around your hole’s entrance, desperately grinding for more. 
“What would the black swan say to me, huh?”
You looked over your shoulder at him, meeting his eyes, and just like you had in the barre room, you showed him your other side. When he saw the flash in your eyes of your wildness, he knew he’d gotten his wish. You shoved your hips down, spearing yourself onto him before he was ready for you, making him gasp as your pussy slaked over the first few inches of his cock. 
“Give me your cock, Simon.”
He recovered, biting his lip and thrusting into you, stuffing himself inside of you deeper and deeper, 
“There she is. My girl…”
The power that he used to fuck you was beyond anything that any other man had dared give you. You didn’t know this was a possibility. Your whole body was trapped beneath him, being kissed and crushed and fucked into a wet, submissive mess. His arms were planted beside you, pinning you in, and honestly, you had never felt so safe. 
You could smell your coconut body wash on him, mixing with whatever it was that made him a man, musky and dark, a hint of his Camel Blues. You wanted to bathe in him, just as he had washed you with his hands. Instead of soap, you wanted it to be him, smearing himself all over you, caking you in his essence. 
“Fuck, you are so tight. Squeezin’ me. Fuck…”
He was off of you in a flash, and before you knew it, he’d flipped you over. He spread open your legs and played with you for a moment, trying to stop himself from coming. His cock was in his other hand like a vice, and you watched him struggle with no small sense of pride. 
You decided it was your turn to lead this dance, and you sat up, kissing him full on the mouth, letting your tongue loll against his, sensuous and warm. Then, you wrapped your knees around him and shoved him back toward the foot of the bed, riding him down. When you caught your balance, you reached behind you to feed him into your pussy again, pressing into him with your weight. 
“Wait! Oh, fuckin’ hell.”
Simon’s hands went to your hips and then immediately to cover his mouth, stopping himself from gasping from the sensation. You ignored him, bucking against his huge cock, discovering you could take him even deeper. As you began to grind against him, you let your hands play in your folds, vibrating your clit and driving yourself wild. Your other hand went to his balls, rolling them gently in your hands behind your back.
“Ungh… You are gonna make me come, love.”
As soon as you heard his confession, you released him from your hand and paused at the top of your thrust, hovering on his tip in midair, teasing him ruthlessly. 
“Oh… you —” Simon never finished his sentence because he grabbed you around your hips and dropped you back to the bed, prowling over you and huffing like a stuck bull. You were laughing in gasping breaths from the shock of his strength, and you almost missed the moment when he began to press his swollen rod back inside of you, spearing you mercilessly. 
You whimpered, wrapping your hands around his neck like a lifeline.
“Mmm,” he purred proudly, “She needs me, now. Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, letting him kiss you languidly with soft, pliant lips.
“Needs me like this, huh? Tell me.”
“I need you, Si—”
“Tell. Me.”
“I need you so bad! Please, please… fuck me like this. Fuck —”
He covered your mouth with his own and chased down your orgasm like a thief, watching as your eyes got wide, pulling away so he could hear you keen. 
“Yes, yes, yes…” He chanted in your face, not moving away for a second, unwilling to miss even one moment of it. 
“Simon…” You whined, feeling the shock of your release and the afterburn of your pleasure as it flooded through your core, messy and salacious. 
“Feel so good, baby,” he was barely speaking above a whisper, sounding like he was drunk, struggling to keep his rhythm.
“You gonna come in me?”
Hope and bliss flashed across his face, and he kissed you again, pressing his nose right beside your nose and muttering into your mouth, 
“Fuck yes, fuck, fuck, fuck…”
As he came, he held his breath, locked, frozen in time, his eyes wrenched shut and his mouth wide open in a silent scream. You held his head in your arms, keeping him close to you, keeping him safe like he had kept you.
When he finally took a breath, it was ragged and gravelly. He panted like a tired hound, sucking in air and leaning against you to recover. For a while, you just lay together, his big body draped over yours, healing in you, using your wet come as a salve. 
Then, he slipped away, leaving you bereft at the loss. 
He pulled you into his arms, making sure you were covered and warm in your bed, finding your eyes and kissing your cheek, wordlessly thanking you for what he had done to you.
“Do you want me to go?” He whispered, his eyes closed as if he couldn’t face the answer.
“Please, stay. Don’t leave me, Simon. Not yet.”
“C’mere,” he sighed, curling his body around yours, securing you in his arms, breathing with you until you both tumbled into a deep, dark sleep.
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cemeteryspider · 4 months
Ballet on the Bayou ~ Pt. 1
Alastor x Ballerina! Reader
Summary: In life Alastor meets someone who piques his interest, and just so happens to be a performer just like him.
Word Count: 1023
Ballet on the Bayou Masterlist
Today was just another day, touring around with your professional dance group in the United States. You allowed yourself to slump in your seat as you tuned out of your fellow ballerina's gossip and stories.
Your "friends" were all sickly skinny girls with muscle tone many could only dream of. Every dancer had an eerily similar quality to them that exuded wealth and status. Leather purses and kitten heels were all things that they could easily afford. If someone got something new every single girl would have it in the next week.
All of them except you. You allowed your ragged suitcase and purse to carry you around everywhere. Your wallet holding a small amount of cash, that you were allowed from your paycheck. Instead your worn flats would walk the streets of every new town and city alone.
Louisiana was a different tone than you and the girls were used to, melodic jazz could be heard coming from different sources. The group became very curious once the train came to a stop in New Orleans.
All of the girls got out holding hands and their arms full of their belongings. Leaving you behind in the train car to gather your things alone.
Make-up cases, costume bags, regular suitcases. Anything you would think a ballerina would need, they surely had it.
You stayed toward the back, and allowed the others a taste of the city. You were a small town girl and were given a chance for success after a particularly good audition in which renowned choreographers were watching.
Soon you were signed with one of the most elite dance groups in the continental United States. Unfortunately, many of the other girls came from very wealthy families. Though never explicitly stated you could feel it in Louise’s pointed looks. The way that the girls would fall into hushed whispers whenever you would enter. At first it made you cry yourself to sleep ay night, but now you understood that you couldn't simply force them to like you.
Luckily this gave you much time alone to read your books and visit towns you never would have dreamed of visiting. This is where your story begins.
"Ow!" Your shoulder was wretched forward as Louise pushed her way past you to the non-leads dressing room.
Louise glided by, her gaze cold as ice. 'Watch where you're going,' she sneered, her words slicing through the air like a well-practiced pirouette.
Keeping your head down you entered your private dressing room already had your costumes in it.
After preparing the dressing rooms for your series of performances that week, the dancers were free to roam the city while props and orchestra set up. Rehearsal would be held that night and the following morning in preparation.
While the other girls went to bustling clubs, bars, and restaurants you had decided to walk around for a little while. Maybe find something beneath the surface. You let the different sights and sounds carry you through the city. The warmth of the blazing sun covered you in warmth that you didn't feel on the train.
Soon you had strayed far from the path and eventually lost your way. Any attempts to go back to the dance hall are foiled by your lack of direction. Then you bumped into a tall, slender man who smiled down at you.
"I'm so sorry sir, I'm trying to read this map, but it seems every turn I take I get more and more lost"
With a slight chuckle, "Well dear where are you trying to go"
A small sigh escaped your throat, and you explained to him that you must get back to the Dance Hall by 6 o'clock that night, but desperately wanted to get a feel for the local culture before then.
His smile brightened and he started to lead you around showing sights that surely wouldn't be found on any tour. You allowed your eagerness to take the forefront of your mind and your anxiety slip toward the back.
You allowed your arm to slip around his. He showed you historic sights which piqued your curiosity. Beautiful art and artists that waited in stores and on the street for buyers. Finally you landed at what he called his favorite speakeasy.
"Why I haven't even got your name sir" You spoke up after the dimly lit brick room enveloped you.
"My apologies dear, my name is Alastor, Alastor Altruist. You may be?"
"Oh dear, my name is Y/n. Pleasure to meet you, Alastor"
"Trust me dear, the pleasure is all mine"
The smooth jazz notes, clinking of glasses, and low hum of conversation made you feel right at home.
As the day wore on and a drink or two later, Alastor paid for your meal and drinks and politely walked you back to the Dance Hall, making it back with much time to spare.
"Thank you for today, I must say this is the most excitement I've had in a while" You smiled and squeezed the arm that was intertwined with yours.
"This has been quite a pleasurable experience for me as well, Dear"
As you approached the door, an idea popped into your head.
"Wait right here, I have something for you as a thanks"
Alastor watched as you gracefully ascended the stairs into the old building and disappeared within the doors. He almost thought you had gone without saying good-bye, but after a few minutes of waiting you returned holding two rectangular stubs in your hands.
A little out of breath you handed the two tickets to him, "Here's two tickets for the show tomorrow, just incase your free"
His shocked face turned into a smile and took your hand in his, "I shall look forward to it, Cher"
With a chaste kiss to your knuckles he left leaving you a little heartbroken to see him leave. He turned back around and you blew him a kiss, which he dutifully caught from the air and mimed putting in his pocket.
When Alastor returned home his elderly mother was cooking his favorite, jambalaya.
"Mother, tomorrow we are going to see a ballet"
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itsbuckytm · 6 months
Yooooo!!! That Snow fic you recently released involving the reader and Treech being in love? Absolute masterpiece! So hear me out: what if you wrote about their connection and how it progressed? Like, before Coryo got his clutches on the reader. There was a moment you described where Treech and the reader snuck out, I’m pretty sure. I’d love to see a story on that. Maybe end it with those dying words you mentioned? Just utter fluff with that heartbreak of an ending.
Capitol's love birds. / Treech
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summary : being Snow's twin meant being exactly like him, even though your appearances were slightly different. As a mentor yourself, you were assigned to District 7's male tribute, Treech. it was only in the wagon on its way to the Capitol that the chemistry first sparked, ultimately solidifying your status as the Capitol's favorite lovebirds.
ps ; english is not my native language, and I appreciate seeing your requests for ideas that I may not have thought of. Hopefully, you find the suggestions helpful. please refrain from plagiarizing my work without my permission or proper credit, as doing so may result in being flagged or banned. thank you.
Mentoring proved to be a challenging responsibility, but the greatest struggle arose when love entered the picture. However, this was no ordinary affection; it was a type of love that some might view as disgraceful, while others perceived it as a form of admiration amid the Games. Although Treech wasn't particularly interested in getting to know his mentor, let alone encountering them in another restricted enclosure, it was within those confines that the two of you crossed paths. Despite being Snow's twin traditionally constantly at his side, it was unquestionable that you, too, were destined to trail behind him to discover who your tribute was. 
While taking pride in mentoring someone from a district not situated at the lowest rungs of Panem's hierarchy, you were fortunate enough to maintain a semblance of dignity, given the reputation of the district you represented for its familiarity with victory. However, Lucy Gray Baird's captivating performance, the talk of the town since the reaping, cast shadows of doubt over your confidence. All of this, while your brother engaged with fellow tributes, attempting his best to establish his temptation not to gith back. 
You couldn't help but notice the stark class distinctions. Dust still clung to their attire, indicating a lack of access to basic amenities like showers before arriving. A twinge of sympathy crept in. "What's a pretty face doing here?" Reaper Ash remarked, catching you off guard. Initially assuming the comment was directed at Coriolanus, you soon realized it was aimed squarely at you. The revelation that you, too, were to become a mentor became apparent. And that the unspoken pressure to make a positive first impression on the fortunate second tribute who had the early opportunity to meet you loomed large. But Ash simply laughed at your brother’s reaction by ordering you stay behind him. Although poorly as his arm performed itself as a fence initiating to any tributes not to go further. "Relax, pretty boy. I won't touch her. Just asking for a friend, that's all." 
That friend happened to be Treech, whose imposing silhouette positioned itself in front of you a little closer this time. His gaze had been fixed on you from the moment he laid eyes on you. While you initially attributed it to natural human interaction, the persistent feeling of being scrutinized lingered throughout. It seemed as if Treech was almost surprised or even deceived to have you as his mentor, likely influenced by how your brother had fared so far. "Looking for District 7." You mentioned exchanging quick glances with the tributes to assess who would be best with an axe.
 As expected, your eyes landed on the red-headed girl who endeavored to present herself as the ideal candidate for you. "A boy." Your brother corrected, noticing as Lamina stood up, but Treech, adopting a protective stance, advised her to remain behind, much like your twin had done. After all it was a one-on-one game for the time being. "That must be my lucky one." Treech expressed sarcastically, stating it as a matter of fact, causing a subtle pink shade to color your cheeks – a reaction you tried hard to control. After all, it was your very first time you had seen someone outside the District ever. "You get to have the other pretty one." Ash teased playfully, suggesting that, despite Treech's charming demeanor, he was seemingly destined for a grim fate in the arena upon arrival. “I’m a little jealous.” Ash generously said.
Upon reaching the Capitol, you and your brother were taken aback as you discovered an unforeseen aspect of the tributes' journey. The initial understanding was that Flickerman, the Capitol's esteemed journalist, would be present to introduce each tribute upon their arrival. However, what they were unaware of was the presence of two mentors among the tributes, perhaps trespassing without official permission. This, however, was a matter for another time. Despite the somewhat unconventional transportation, Treech remained fixated on you throughout the journey to the Capitol. He seemed entranced by the striking resemblance between you and your brother, sparking a sense of compassion. Observing your interactions and the way you closely accompanied your brother, it was rumored that you were akin to his pet, only permitted to speak when approved by Coriolanus. Despite his disdain for the District, your brother demonstrated a surprising degree of protectiveness towards you, although in the midst of the situation, allowed  some space during the encounter with your tribute in an unexpected location. 
Fortunately, your keen observation allowed you to realize that you were reaching your destination, a detail that eluded many, including Coryo himself. Swiftly grasping your twin’s arm, a gesture he had ensured, the sudden tilt of the wagon hinted at the possibility of your feet slipping and sliding. Treech's eyes widened at your momentary clumsiness, seizing the opportunity to support you. As your back met the uncomfortable mud of the Zoo, he was determined not to lose his mentee on the spot. 
Cameras focused intently on both you and your brother, eliciting a crowd reaction filled with exclamations such as, "It's Snow's boy!" Swiftly, the onlookers noticed your presence next to your brother, who rose and asserted himself. There you stood, a captivating spectacle, with Treech's arm securing your waist and his unwavering gaze fixed on yours. A sly smirk played on his lips as the rest of the crowd declared your presence as well. "And look! The other Snow!" The citizens of the Capitol, already entranced by the presence of the twin siblings on their tributes' first day, began expressing confidence in your victory. This added an additional layer of challenge for the other mentors who were absent from this captivating spectacle. "It's your cue, princess." 
"Princess" was the first word he used to address you. Ironically, it took you a moment to realize that all the cameras were focused on you. Your brother had already made his mark, keeping a careful eye to ensure your tribute didn't make any missteps, especially when it came to touching you. However, you were completely under Treech's influence. With a confident smile, he waved at the cameras, making it a bit easier for you to face the potential embarrassment later at home. "She's alright!" He assured, shifting his gaze quickly to your relieved brother. He could have sworn he saw a few Capitol ladies, with similar makeup to yours, watching in awe at how Treech gallantly assisted you. As he watched the scene unfold with Lucy and Snow not far away, he too decided to play the role of the Capitol's love bird. 
As preparations for the 10th Hunger Games were underway, Flickerman's team mandated interviews with every tribute each year. From the very beginning, you managed to establish trust with Treech, a bond that proved beneficial. Not only did you ensure he was well-fed, but you also took the initiative to fetch Lamina additional food, given her mentor's apparent neglect. Treech appreciated the maternal role you assumed for Lamina. On one occasion, he confessed that he would go to great lengths for her, even if it meant risking his own life to secure her victory as the final tribute. It was all in the pursuit of making District 7 proud once again, for a Lumberjack always harbors a wealth of secrets up their sleeves. 
During his time at the Zoo, Treech found increased joy in your company, particularly when you accompanied him for a quick visit to the arena. Following suit with other tributes, he decided to take the initiative in making the first move. It happened on that initial day when he casually attempted to hold your hand, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. You discreetly glanced at him, careful not to make it too obvious given the presence of the assigned tributes and their mentors. With Coriolanus behind you taking notice. Yet, observing Treech's attempts to connect with you, he sensed a deeper connection between the two of you. Realizing this, your elder sibling understood the need to strengthen his bond with Lucy. To Treech's delight, he could only imagine your brother envying a love that he would never receive in return. 
With insider knowledge of the arena and sneaky routes into the Academy, Treech and you managed to slip away after the arena visit. Observing his interaction back with District 4's tribute and noticing his vigilance, a few teases were all it took to provoke Treech into throwing a punch, especially when faced with comments like. "Your girlfriend wouldn't mind if I speak with you?" While it was clear that others were aware of your connection, Treech dismissed it as a mere game, refusing to believe that it held any deeper significance. However, his sentiments towards you had sparked an unexpected depth of emotion within him. "Just a reminder." He sternly directed at the other tribute, his gaze darkening with offense. Spotting you behind him with Lamina by your side, Treech asserted. "You don't speak such filth about Y/N." The onlookers chuckled at his protectiveness and the evident depth of his emotions. "Or else?" They added, challenging anyone who dared to disrespect you. 
"Or else, I won't hesitate to cut your head off with my axe. Watch yourself, because I can do it in the blink of an eye." With those words, Treech revealed what you truly meant to him. He could vividly recall Snow's concerned gaze as he tried to pull you away from the escalating situation. However, you had refused that day, meeting Treech's eyes the entire time after discussing the tributes he would be teamed with. "For Lamina's sake," You had pleaded, urging him to be cautious. "Those individuals only seek your vulnerability. They may be from District 4, but they don't understand the power of an axe." Was what Treech said reassuring you with a smile. A smile you’ll never forget. 
In that very moment, you decided to take Treech with you for a clandestine escape from the arena. It was a day when even the tributes were granted the freedom to either stay at the arena for practice or wander under the watchful eyes of the Peacekeepers. However, Treech and you had a different agenda. You used the excuse of wanting to make his training more convenient as a cover. For some inexplicable reason, you had the approval of Dr. Gaul, who only instructed that Treech needed to return to the Zoo before midnight. It seemed that being Snow's twin had its perks after all. 
Upon your arrival at the Academy's Greenhouse, both of you maintained a quiet atmosphere. This place held a special significance for you, offering tranquility during moments of anxiety or family pressure. Though it was suspected that you were in charge of the Greenhouse, under your grandmother's watchful eye and constant reminders to enjoy tending to flowers like she did, you chose to share this haven with Treech. It was the same place where you had once spoken briefly to him, and he was thrilled not only to spend time alone with you but also to witness the real person behind the facade of prestige and elegance showcased in public. Trying to ease the slight tension, Treech remarked. "You know, I'd be damned to see your brother's face if he were here." It was a fact that you were gradually opening up to someone who was once a stranger but had become someone you deeply loved. "Brother could care less; he has Lucy wrapped around his finger right now.” You added, acknowledging the complexities of your relationships within the family. 
A smirk played across Treech's face, revealing his amusement at the thought of your brother feeling jealous. Although they were in similar positions, this time the connection between you and Treech was authentic, not just for show. Playful teasing began to permeate every event at the Academy, serving as a tactic to expose vulnerabilities in both of you. However, with Treech's mentor skills and the insights gained from your brother's tips, he honed his skills and strength, making it increasingly difficult for others to exploit weaknesses or gain his trust. "And would it be fair to say that I, too, have my little finger entirely wrapped around you, Princess?" He added, playfully reciprocating the banter. 
His words caused a warm blush to spread across your cheeks, especially when he directed his attention toward you during wound care in practice. The worry in your eyes whenever he made a slight mistake was met with a reassuring thumbs-up and the smile you cherished. There were moments when it became challenging for him to stay focused, particularly when he saw you engaged in conversations with your other classmates. Despite the casual nature of those interactions, he couldn't resist the urge to draw your attention back to him. In response, you chuckled softly, suggesting a meeting on the rooftop of the Greenhouse to admire the stars. "Anything that involves being with you, I'll gladly say yes." He replied with a smile. “You know, I love when you blush more. Especially for me.” 
Without uttering a word, you playfully dismissed his comment, rolling your eyes in a teasing manner. You extended your hand, a gesture he effortlessly accepted. "Show me the way, Princess." He said, and together, you ascended the stairs. Luck was on your side as you reached the rooftop just as the sun of the Capitol dipped below the horizon, signaling the arrival of dawn. The sky was clear, and the stars of Panem glittered above, creating a breathtaking scene just for the two of you. "Looks like I'm the lucky one." He marveled at the view. "Having a beautiful face to look at and a beautiful scenery to enjoy all to myself. I'd be damned not to win these Games and return home to a beautiful angel." He confessed, and this time, he genuinely meant every word. 
On the other hand, you remained completely silent. Initially, you wanted to express your gratitude, but as the Games drew nearer, uncertainty crept in, even with Treech's skills. The looming uncertainty, especially regarding Lucy's well-being and Snow's single-minded pursuit of victory, left you unsure. Despite your love for your brother, his focus was solely on winning, regardless of the familial bond. Treech noticed the tension as the two of you sat next to the bench, and he tried to bring you closer. In an unexpected reaction, you flinched—a rare occurrence. "Hey—" Treech began, but he immediately noticed your slightly swollen face and your eyes fighting back tears. The man you loved had become, overnight, a complete stranger at best. "Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, adopting a worried tone as you broke down in front of him. The situation must have been incredibly embarrassing for you. 
"What's wrong?" His voice softened as he looked at you, tender care evident in his gaze. He took immense pride in having you as his partner during the Games and falling in love with the most exceptional mentors he could have ever asked for. He harbored concerns about the possibility of you crying over his lifeless body, should the worst come to pass. The thought of hearing you scream his name filled him with worry, although he made a concerted effort not to show it. His overarching plan was to make you proud and, above all, to be loved by you until his very last breath. 
"Have you ever genuinely fallen in love?" Your question resonated with Treech. Of course, he loved you. You were an unexpected and, ironically, his first love. And so for you. The circumstances of your meeting might not have been ideal, but as long as he was with you, that's all that mattered. And if things worked in his favor, it was not just for him but for Lamina as well, given that she often regarded you as someone she could trust. "Like genuinely." You added, trying your best not to burst into laughter. Your tears didn't make it any easier, giving you a slightly maniacal tone. 
“Of course, and that person is sitting right in front of me.” His eyes not taking his gaze from you. How he watched you loosing yourself entirely in the moment of a mere seconds. Your old habits resurging as you would try to numb the pain of your fingers by scratching the very last skin until it bled. To which Treech could not help to notice the moment he had met you. He grabbed your fingers, making you to stop it quickly as he began to peck every single fingers. “And I have made a promise to myself, that if I’d ever win. That we will be reunited together. Build a family, run away together. Be the lovebirds the Capitol wants us to be.” 
A mixture of remorse and relief surged through you as you heard every word from Treech, assuring you that he would stay alive and well. If only you could muster the same confidence he exuded. Despite your attempts, he gently wiped away your tears, his fingers delicately holding your chin to meet his gaze. "You know, even if it's not the conventional way to confess one's love to another, I might be able to let myself do it." He said, leaning in to press his lips against yours. They were soft, just as you expected, carrying the comforting scent of wood he had kept upon his arrival—a reminder of home, a home with both you and Treech. 
"I love you to the bottom of my heart. I know our first meetings weren't the best, but the way you cared for Lamina, and even showed care to me, proved something deeper. If we can continue doing that every night until the Games, I'll make sure you genuinely know that I love you." He confessed once the kiss broke. His words carried a weight that nearly brought tears to your eyes, holding you in place. The both of you chuckled at the irony of the situation, yet a newfound sense of confidence enveloped you—something you had never experienced before, especially as someone from a District. 
"Man, I wish we could continue this, but I don't want you to get punished for bringing me here—" This time, you swiftly cut him off, recognizing that it wasn't the right time for such activities, especially just a few days before the Games. Instead, you proposed a deal—a deal he seemed to enjoy a little too much. Every time you had the chance to train with him, just before returning him to the Zoo, you would indulge in cuddling and sometimes reminisce about home. Occasionally, these encounters escalated into intense make-out sessions, leaving him with a desire to mark you visibly. The marks led to teasing from some classmates, making you blush, and occasional interventions from your brother. Despite casual warnings, Treech took pleasure in denying everything with a smirk that your brother despised. To add to his delight, that same night, Treech deepened the marks, leaving a lasting impression. Just to see Snow’s furious face once again. 
Although this little pleasure was only going to last very soon, when the Games were officially commencing and you knew that. With you being at least able to say your final goodbyes to Treech, he could to feel your worrying about his situation. Cupping your face so delicately as a mention that everything was going to be alright. It was the last time that you also felt his lips brushing against yours. A kiss you would not forget so easily. 
During the Games, you and the remaining mentors, alongside your brother, watched with stress and concern for the well-being of your tributes. While your eyes remained fixed on Treech, you also tried your best to ensure Lamina's safety. However, the situation took a dire turn when the poison finally affected Treech. Feeling helpless, you did everything in your power to find a remedy, attempting to prevent the symptoms from worsening and to make them last until only one tribute remained. "The poison!" You angrily tried to draw attention, tears welling up as you called out to your brother, who paid no heed. Seeing you suffer for the one you loved was what he had envisioned from the start. His pleasure lay in witnessing Treech's suffering on screen. "Please! Give him the medication!" You appealed to your District 7's female mentor, but it was too late. Treech's coughing worsened, and your eyes remained fixed on the screen. "Treech..." was all you could say. 
Treech sensed that you were watching him, but whether it was with shame or grief, he couldn't discern. What he was certain of was seeing the expression on your face—a face that conveyed concern and a desperate desire to help. He knew that if the poison were to affect him, you would swiftly send the medication. However, it didn't happen, and he realized it was too late. Lucy had managed to escape, unlike him, who became the prisoner of an inevitable and senseless death. As he noticed the cameras focused on him, he understood that by now, you would be looking at him. "Y/N..." he began to cough in the middle of his sentence, capturing the attention of everyone in the room, including your brother. "I loved you since we met. Please, once I am gone, I want you to know that I genuinely loved and will always love you." 
"No!!" Your voice wavered between tears, desperately trying to advocate for the medication option repeatedly. Cursing under your breath, you fought against Pliny Harrington, who did his best to restrain you. "Y/N..." he tried to console you, sensing the profound grief from everyone's tributes, including yours. What he failed to comprehend was the deep connection between you and Treech, destined to become the Capitol's favorite lovebirds. "It's too late..." His voice turned into a plea for you to stop. It was at that moment that your entire body went numb. In Pliny’s arms, you managed to sit down, and as Snow's victory loomed over you, you realized that your confidence was about to be completely overshadowed once again. You would become Snow's source of pride and victory.
A man you had once loved would forever reside in your heart. In the heart of District 7, you were revered for your role as a caretaker for both its female and male tribute. What you were not aware of was that, unlike Snow, you became the face of purity and trust—a bond between the District and the people of the Capitol. It was a paid respect for the Capitol's most famous lovebirds.
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outsideratheart · 4 months
Happy Sundays (Laia Aleixandri x reader)
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A/N: I’m not a huge fan of this one and I’m not really sure what prompted me to right it. Hey ho, I hope you all like it.
Sundays away at Meadow Park were never something to take easy. After your last performance there you wanted to prove that it was one bad day and it would not happen again. 
“Forget about it” Laia’s hand rested on the small of your back as you stood in the tunnel “it was a mistake, don’t take it into this game” 
You had been obsessing over the previous league game against Arsenal when your error game the home side 3 points. 
“No can do” you didn’t look back at her but you hand to lower to her waist as you give it a little squeeze. 
Your girlfriend shared a look with her close friend and fellow defender. Leila simply shrugged her shoulders. If she has learnt one thing since coming to Manchester City it is that you held yourself the highest standard and anything below that was not good enough.
Through the fist half you didn’t have much to do. The ball was being played in the middle third for the most part and you took the time off the ball to watch your team play. There were a few moments when you were needed but Arsenal took too long to execute so they weren’t really a threat.
The second half is very similar to the first. That is until Arsenal commit a foul and city is awarded a free kick. Chloe looks at her options and with Bunny already on the bench you wonder who will be the blonde’s target. At first you think it will go over everyone and out for a goal kick but then it hits Catley’s leg and Laia has clear shot on goal. You scream in delight as the ball hits the back of the net. 
Do you want to run to the other end of the pitch to celebrate with her? Of course you do but you also know that isn’t an option so you retreat to your goal and prepare yourself for the restart. No way was you going to let your girlfriend’s goal be in vain. You were going to everything you can to keep a clean sheet and send the team into the quarter final.
When Laia got back into her position she turned around and made a heart shape with her hands before pointing to you. She did the exact same thing when she scored her first goal for the club. Just as you did then you kiss your fingers then point at her. 
“You two can be cute after the game. Focus” Alex points at the both of you. 
“Yes boss” you salute your captain and return your focus to the game.
When 6 minutes of injury time is announced you know that Arsenal are going to give it there all. They had nothing to lose and you were the thing standing in their way of going through to the next round. 
Your first true challenge of the game came from an Arsenal corner. Pavlova gets her head to the ball and you use every ounce of power in your legs to jump and push it over the cross bar. 
“Jesus Christ. That was too close. Be better girls!” You shout to the players in the box “that can’t happen again” 
“We won’t” Laia is the closest to you “5 more minutes. Project your goal, mi amor” 
You only have the chance to nod before Foord is on your for the next corner. 
A few minutes pass and you hate to admit it but it has been all Arsenal. You are filled with adrenaline from the saves you make and watching your girls fight to defend.
Somehow Kim gets the ball in open space. You know what she is capable of you do everything you can prepare for the power shot is about to take. It comes flying at you quicker than you imagined and yet you still manage to react quick enough, once again sending the ball over the bar.
When the full whistle blows you pound the badge on your chest in victory. 
Laia and Leila both coming running to you and latch onto you like koala’s. 
“Victoria, chicas. A la siguiente” you tell the two of them as you place them back on the ground.
“My keeper and my goal scorer” Leila kisses you both on the head.
“My keeper” your girlfriend says territorially.
“And my goal scorer” you match her tone.
The former Barcelona defender mutters something you don’t quite catch before leaving you alone with Laia.
“You showed them. You showed them all” she tells you. 
“You scored Laia. You’re the reason why we are through the to quarter finals” 
Nothing a lot is said as you head to where the team is huddling. Your girlfriend head rests on your shoulder and your arm wraps around hers. You won’t lie the injury time took all your focus and you felt a little mentally drained. Laia knew that this sometimes happened so she doesn’t say much. You both enjoy being in each others company even if you know the peace won’t last long. 
“There they are!” Chloe says as you approach the team “our stars” 
You take a bow reeling in the cheers before pushing your girlfriend into the middle of the huddle so the team can celebrate her once again. 
Once in the changing room you go about your business. You shower, get changed and head to bus to get one of the tables. By the time Laia get on board you are dancing around with Chloe as if no one is watching. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, what are you doing?” Laia laughs as she sits where you’ve placed your bag. 
“There she is. The love of my life, the scorer, the Spanish beauty, my girlfriend Laia Aleixandri!!!” You introduce much like an announcer does a boxer. 
With flushed cheeks, she pulls you down into the seat. 
“Look at us. You scored and I made some right worldie saves!” 
“You’re in a good mood. Will I be dealing with confident Y/N all night?” She moves lose wet strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Oh you know it. Tomorrow morning too” you quickly steal a kiss. 
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sailormoonandme · 10 months
Mamoru is NOT useless in the Anime
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Yes, yes, the memes are funny and all, but this is simply objectively not true and I'm rather exhausted of folks critiquing the character/the anime as though it were.
I will hopefully kill his BS once and for all.
"He just throws a rose and leaves!"
For those who have actually watched the anime (or even just the very first episode) to describe Tuxedo Mask as 'useless' is reductionist to the point of being outright disingenuous. In particular when this argument is made in such a way as to negatively compare him to his manga counterpart, who is put over as allegedly superior on this point.
The original 1992 Sailor Moon anime had 200 episodes, 3 TV specials*, 2 theatrical shorts and 3 films, with these latter theatrical releases being dubiously canonical to the anime. Mamoru appears in the overwhelming majority of those 208 entires, even accounting for the final 34 episodes where he was dead/functionally absent almost all of the time. Even if we seriously low balled things, the majority of those appearances feature him partaking in the following scenario.
Sailor Moon, often with her fellow Senshi, are fighting the monster of the day (maybe it's a higher ranking villain, or a general threat they are dealing with).
They get into a tight spot where either they or whoever/whatever they are trying to protect is in danger from whatever threat they are combatting.
Then, out of the blue, a rose slices through the air and imbeds itself into the scenery like a dart. Typically, this action saves the lives of Sailor Moon, her friends or whomever they might be protecting.
Tuxedo mask gives a speech and either leaves or else sticks around to see Sailor Moon perform her finishing move that effectively ends whatever threat she was dealing with, often with Tuxedo Mask being the one to prompt her into performing this finshing move.
For the sake of argument lets pretend that the above is literally the sum totality of what Mamoru does in regards to the superheroics of Sailor Moon. How could anyone describe the above as 'useless'?
If his interventions regularly save Sailor Moon's life then that is a zillion miles away from useless. For him to be useless, his actions need to be superfluous, pointless, contribute nothing. Even if he contributed a little bit he would by definition not be useless. And saving the protagonist's life is much more than 'a little bit'. If the protagonist dies then the story is over. Evil has won, the world is doomed.
And this isn't even considering all the ways Mamoru contributes OUTSIDE of the above scenario.
He has, whilst untransformed, stabbed a Lemures with a knife to save Sailor Moon.
He has willingly acted as a magical life support system for Chibi-Usa when her Pure Heart was stolen, an act that maybe anyone else could have performed but it is still a noble thing to do, in particular when it freed up the more powerful characters to go get her heart back.
He personally met up with the Outer Senshi to learn about them on behalf of the other girls, going alone which might have been dangerous, but the episode also gives the impression that he, as the oldest member of the team, was better positioned to get info from the older Outer Senshi who has a demeaning view of the younger Inner Senshi. In this same episode, he tried to convince the Outers to join forces with the Inners, acting as a diplomat.
He went 1-on-1 with Rubeus to defend an injured Sailor Moon who was herself acting as a human shield for Chibi-Usa
He has personally gone on a one man mission to infiltrate the Black Moon Clan's HQ to rescue Sailor Moon from being sexually assaulted by Prince Demande.
Mere episodes later he and Artemis went on a scouting mission to learn more about the Malefic Black Crystal
He formed a double team with Sailor Moon to tackle a tennis themed Youma, an encounter that involved more than a singular rose throw and a speech. One of the multiple times he got more directly involved in fighting the monster of the day
He literally carried Sailor Moon on his back to save her when they were both trapped in an elevator courtesy of Nephrite
He was prepared to willingly reveal his identity and hand both himself and his Rainbow Crystals over to Zoisite in order to save Sailor Moon and her friends
The love he shared with Usagi directly led to the manifestation of the Silver Crystal, to the salvation of Chibi-Usa when she'd been brainwashed into Black Lady & the creation of a new weapon and transformation brooch for Usagi in season 3
As Prince Endymion, he went against his own subjects and risked his life to infiltrate the Moon Palace and warn his beloved Serenity that his home planet was going to invade her home
He took not one, not two, but three impalements to protect Sailor Moon's life
More often than not he has acted as reliable emotional support for Usagi and Chibi-Usa, encouraging them, helping them with homework or just being there for them. i.e. he is an imperfect, but ultimately good husband and father. Which is particularly impressive considering he hadn't yet married his wife nor conceived his child.
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There are those who might scoff at the latter. Is emotional support really useful? Well, putting aside how the Sailor Moon universe clearly demonstrates how magical power/energy is directly linked to emotions, this is categorically true in the real world as well. There are no end of testimonies from fire fighters, doctors, people who have serious illnesses, or soldiers that the emotional support of thier loved ones have kept them going and kept them alive. So, this is rather useful for our heroine Usagi who's job is that of a Sailor Soldier.
The Outer Senshi
Furthermore, there is an inherent hypocrisy in the 'Mamoru is useless' narrative because such criticisms are never levelled against other characters whose typical role in the narrative are similar to Mamoru's.
The most popular season of the original anime was season 3 (Sailor Moon S) and one of the biggest reasons for that show's popularity were the fan favourite Outer Senshi: Sailors Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Let's exclude Saturn as she wasn't active as a Senshi for most of season 3. Uranus and Neptune's role in the first half of season 3 typically amounted to
Attacking the monster of the day, usually to the same end that Mamoru's rose throws did, i.e. a distraction or last minute save
Swiping the Pure Heart of that episode's victim
Checking it over before concluding it wasn't a Talisman
Leaving, or else at least standing by as Sailor Moon administered her finishing move on the monster of the day
Golly...that seems just as 'useless' as Mamoru now doesn't it? In fact, maybe more so considering they weren't even trying to help Sailor Moon in the first place. In fact, during their second appearance, they unintentionally saved the lives of a powerless Usagi, her friends and an innocent civilian to check a Pure Heart, then uncaringly left them all in danger.
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You know who then saved them immediately after that? Mamoru!
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Later when he too was overwhelmed by the monster he directly contributed to saving the day as his emotional bond with Usagi generated the Spiral Moon Heart Rod, upgrading Sailor Moon and giving her the power to save everyone.
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During the third sub-arc of season 3 (where the recurring villain was Mimet of the Witches 5) Sailor Pluto joined the Outer Senshi's ranks and their role in the typical monster of the day plots became yet more minimal. More than once, the trio literally appeared but did nothing, something that had also happened at least once before Pluto joined the team. Examples include (but are not necessarily limited to) episodes 97 (The Labyrinth of Water – Ami Targeted), 116 (Sunny Skies After a Storm – A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru) and 118 (Battle Inside the Demonic Space – The Sailor Guardians’ Gamble). In some of these instances the Outers deliberately choose to do nothing.
Barring 2 of the specials mentioned above (one of which was a clip show), the Outer Senshi were wholly absent in season 4/Sailor Moon SuperS. In one of those specials, upon learning that a new threat had arisen Uranus and Neptune...choose to continue their road trip and leave the fighting to Usagi and the others...How...useful???????
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They, along with Pluto and Saturn get much more involved during the course of the final season/Sailor Stars. Even then, Saturn only appears in the first few episodes and the last few. Pluto only gets involved in the monster of the day schemes once or twice and Uranus and Neptune three or four times, if that. Whilst Mamoru is barely involved at all in this season, he at least has the excuse of being dead for most of it.
So, the fan favourite Outer Senshi got far LESS involved and were LESS useful than Mamoru typically was in the course of the whole show. In fact, even if we exclude the first two seasons where (exempting Pluto) the Outer Senshi hadn't appeared yet, Mamoru overwhelmingly contributed MORE than the Outer Senshi did.**
The Other Senshi
Much the same can be applied to the Sailor Starlights. The Starlights more often than not actually got MORE involved in fighting the monsters of the day during season 5 than the Outer Senshi did in season 3; or at least they were interested in defusing a direct and active threat to innocent lives. But even they literally showed up and did nothing on at least one occasion.
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Whilst the Starlights are nowhere close to the Outer Senshi's popularity, they are also never subjected to the 'they are useless' narrative Mamoru frequently is.
Nor in fact are the Inner Senshi of Sailors venus, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury. Now, whilst it's easy to argue due to their superior screentime, the fact that they often initiate combat with the monster of the day and are generally heavily involved in whatever crisis is happening, that they are obviously more useful than Mamoru is.
And you know what, even including the rare occasions they too show up and do nothing else (or do a last minute save like Mamoru is prone to do) this is perfectly true. It is also perfectly true however that the quartet have rarely ever defeated any monster of the day on their own. The overwhelming majority of the time the Inner Senshi act as a distraction to the Monster of the day or else sufficiently lower its HP so that Sailor Moon can actually beat the monster. That might be more useful than Mamoru's typical contributions, but, call me crazy, it seems like Sailor Moon is doing the lion's share of the work there. So, how 'useful' are the Inner Senshi really if we run by the 'Mamoru is useless' narrative?
If Mamoru is useless so are many if not all of the more popular heroic characters in the series.
But...how useless is Mamoru in the anime compared to the Manga?????????
*Well, one special with three segments, but go with me on this.
**They were mostly absent from season 4 whilst he appeared routinely in that season. Meanwhile, in the season he was mostly absent, they rarely helped out.
Obviously, there are real life writing reasons behind that difference, but my point is why is the fandom not treating the Outer Senshi as 'useless' too?
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Angels From On High
“MAKE IT FASTER!” screeched Melissa Hazen, Commanding General of the SLDF into her quarters’ bedside commpanel. Two hours… TWO HOURS since the distress beacon. Two hours in which her friend might have died. She would not allow it. Katrina was trothkin, sibkin, a sister. She would not die today. “General, we are dropping at maximum safe -” the voice, a Clan one from its tone and accent said, neutral, trying to provoke her anger. But it did. “I do not give one stravag damn what is safe! Push the engines to breaking if you have to! Katrina is not dying on me!” Another voice cut in, and Melissa froze as Theodora sat up beside her.
“Melissa, listen to me. We have done all we can for now. Save your fury for those who have earned it.” The beautiful, Germanic voice, tone measured and calm. Theodora. Her Theodora. Her wife-to-be. And her fellow warrior. Melissa, poised to strike the wall in anger, stopped, breathed. She was still angry. But not at the dropship crew, not at anyone, really, other than herself. It was her planning that led to the delay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The problem had started when Melissa entered the Mechbay, twenty minutes later. Karrie and Sigrid were working on the Nest. Karrie had bodily swung herself out of the cavernous seeming left torso as Melissa and Theodora walked up. She had looked up to Sigrid, whose head was poking out of the cockpit access hatch. “Is it clear?!” Karrie had shouted to her assistant. “Nope!” “Well, shit,” Karrie had whispered to herself, then turned and beheld Melissa walking over. She waited until the two MechWarriors were close before saying, “General, ma’am, I’ve got a problem with the left side #3 magneto array on the reactor. It’s giving a drop on run-up. Now I’m pretty sure it’s just the sensors. I can fix it while you walk.” That had brought Melissa up short. “Seventy-five percent reactor power?” she asked levelly, a statement more than a question. The Nest couldn’t sustain drop velocity jump jet operation on seventy five percent power. But Karrie, her face unchanged from its state of determined confidence, had simply said, “I can do this, ma’am.” Theodora’s Germanic accented voice spoke next, almost incredulous. “That's verrückt. What are you going to do, ride in the torso?” Karrie merely looked over her shoulder at the towering Highlander ‘Mech, and then back at Melissa, who said simply, “very well, give it a go,” and walked past Karrie to perform her pre-start checks. “Yes, ma’am,” said Karrie, as Theodora, still standing in front of her, merely nodded in respect.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “I'm not sure about this, Love,” said Theodora’s voice over the radio, as Melissa maneuvered the Nest out of her cubicle, to stand by Theodora’s Gewitter on the centerline of the Mechbay, beginning their slow march to the doors, which were open, showing the chaos of the landing operation - PPCs opening up from the ground, aerospace fighters swarming about, and more. Music, bagpipes, came from outside. “Fixing a reactor on the hardstand is one thing, but on the move?” Theodora asked rhetorically. Melissa answered anyway, the cockpit hatch of her ’Mech open as she walked. With each step, the music grew louder. “Karrie says she will do it, she will do it… believe… believe,” she said, her tone full of belief. “Yeah, yeah…” Melissa leaned out of her cockpit and yelled. “HOW ARE WE DOING THERE, KARRIE?! I HAVE TO LEAD THIS DROP.” Karrie’s voice, amplified by a throat mic, answered from within Nest’s torso. “On it, General! Going as fast as I can!” She rooted about, adjusting the magneto arrays with a micro-screwdriver, flashlight held in her mouth. “40 meters to go, Melissa,” cautioned Theodora as the two ‘Mechs continued their march towards the open doors. “40 METERS, KARRIE!” yelled Melissa. “General, you have a mic, I hear you fine!” Karrie said, through a mouthful of flashlight. She worked hard, using her micro-adjustment tools to make minute changes to the array. With every step, the louds of the music grew louder. Thirty seconds later, Theodora warned, “20 meters to go. It’s not too late to scrub the drop. We could step aside, let the others go first.” “We’re almost up,” said Melissa to Karrie. “Almost there, General!” she replied, at the exact moment she lost her grip on an adjustment wrench. It fell through the sweltering air inside the torso, threatening to drop into the black depths of the Highlander’s leg. Karrie flailed and caught, sighing to herself. Right as the Highlander slowed, and then stopped, turning to face one of the deployment doors. Karrie could hear the sounds of rushing wind grow louder, as the ‘Mech began moving again. That means only, what… 15, no, 10 meters to go! She verified quickly that the repairs were good. The music was now incredibly loud, even through her ear defenders. “You’re good, General!” With that, Karrie swung out of the ‘Mech’s torso, as it passed an inspection lift. She jumped off, tumbling onto the deck of the lift, smiling. She allowed herself a second to watch, as Melissa gave her a thumbs up, and shut the Nest’s cockpit. The Highlander paused, briefly, to gingerly make its way across the final meter. Sealth and Tolki’s Orca waited behind the Highlander, with Melissa stopped at the edge; she bent the ‘Mech’s knees to look down slightly. The world of Helios unfolded beneath her like a great green angry blanket. Fire wreathed the dropship as the last of the reentry plasma sputtered and vanished the hull. And Highland Sights, the official march of the Black Watch, played on the multi-ton reentry-rated speaker arrays molded into the DropShips’ side, played. It was perhaps the loudest music ever played. And it was the signal. That the angels were coming from on high. That Katrina didn’t have fear any longer. Melissa keyed her microphone to the frequency she hoped someone was listening to, spoke nine words, kicked the speakers mounted to her ‘Mech to 11, revved up the jump jets… and stepped off the dropship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Katrina? Can you hear me?”
The voice of Melissa Hazen sounded in Katrina’s ear, but at first she nearly didn’t recognize it from fatigue. The Ragnarok was at full flanking tilt as she slammed one of the rudder pedals down to use an anchor turn to bring the assault mech to a stop. Dirt carved into a furrow as she skidded and came to rest. Carefully she observed the 360 view in her neurohelmet for movement. Gregory’s Hammerhead slewed its torso over to the right while turning, slowly coming down to a stop nearby.
The streaks of fire through the sky had ceased, instead replaced by music that reverberated throughout the environmental audio sensors. She knew this song. But what song was it? She had heard it before. And how was it being played? What were the- wait. She knew this song.
“Katrina? On your left.”
The Black Watch had arrived on Helios.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Sneak Peek - Spoons In Spades
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At a little distance he saw a fire, and beside it there sat three giants, busy with broth and beef. They were so huge that the spoons they used were as large as spades, and their forks as big as hay-forks: with these they lifted whole bucketfuls of broth and great joints of meat out of an enormous pot which was set on the ground between them.
- Niels and the Giants (The Crimson Fairy Book)
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Intent: To give oneself additional “spoons.”
Ideal Timing: This charm can be made at any time.
Large Jar
Cotton Balls
Herbs: Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, Juniper Berries
When I asked my readers what sort of spells they'd like to see in this second volume of fairytale-inspired spells, one of the most strikingly popular responses was, "Is there a spell to give me more spoons?"
If you're not familiar with the term, "spoons" or spoon theory is a metaphor which describes the reduction in mental and physical energy experienced by people who are disabled or chronically ill, with spoons used as a unit of measurement to represent how energy and motivation must be rationed throughout the day to accomplish necessary tasks. Spoons are only replenished through rest or sleep, so once a person runs out of spoons, that's it for their day. 
The term was coined by Christine Miserandino in her 2003 article "The Spoon Theory," in which she uses dinnerware to demonstrate to a friend how living with invisible chronic illness required careful daily planning and prioritization, and how even with the best intentions and efforts, tasks are often left undone due to a lack of energy or an increase in pain. The term has since been adopted by wide sections of the online community in relation to struggles with disability, chronic illness, or mental health, as a descriptor for daily energy and motivation levels, i.e. "I don't have the spoons for this," or "After a full day at work, I have exactly one spoon left, and I need it for laundry, so going out is off the table."
As someone who regularly battles ADHD, anxiety, executive dysfunction, migraines, and depression, I'm a big fan of spoon theory, largely because it makes those invisible daily struggles, which so many of us have, much easier to visualize and explain. So in honor of all my fellow spoonies, here is a spell to help you gain those critical extra spoons.
For this spell, you'll need a fair-sized jar, some healing herbs, and a bunch of spoons. You can use plastic spoons or metal ones, if you happen to have spare silverware lying around. Use as many or as few spoons as you feel you need. If you need more spoons than can readily be acquired, you might draw or print out pictures or spoons and use those instead.
Place the spoons in the jar with a big handful of cotton balls. Apart from their mundane medical and cosmetic uses, cotton has healing magical properties and also represents the comfort that may feel lacking on low energy or high pain days. If desired, add several pinches of Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, and Juniper Berries, or a sachet containing the herbs if you'd rather keep things neat.
Close the jar, give it a big hug, and say:
I bless this jar and spoons And ask for the strength to function; And when I need a helping hand, These extra spoons I'll summon,
Set the jar aside somewhere safe. If desired, you might want to label it. You don't want anyone borrowing your magical spoons for their cereal, after all. When you need an extra boost to help you get through the day, simply open the jar and take out a spoon. You can carry the spoon with you, place it on your altar, or discard it to activate the charm.
Please keep in mind that performing this sort of magic should always be accompanied by appropriate medical and self-care measures. Magic isn't going to cure a chronic illness or permanently alter your brain chemistry. But it can help you cope with the symptoms and give you that all-important push to get yourself through the day. Stay strong, witches!
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; © 2021 Bree NicGarran
(If you'd like to check out more fairy-tale spells or any of my other published works, please visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop!)
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uboatheflesh · 4 months
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Here's me recording/performing of empathy shield live on Behind The Mirror, RTR 92.1 FM on the 24th of August 2023. photos by alt.live.perth (Jess).
Set was a little shorter due to the radio time constraints. Also gave a brief interview (the interview on the site was done beforehand over email, theres also a pre-mastered version of empathy on there, I only spoke briefly after the set on radio). Again, empathy shield was completely improvised based on carefully pre-selected sound design elements. Done in the middle of autistic burnout, where I could barely speak on radio due to slowly going into verbal shutdown . Luckily my tour hosts Jess and Amir were absolutely supportive and got me through it.
I went on to play this show a few days in later, also in borloo/perth at the Badlands Bar. It used a lot of the same elements of empathy shield. I have a few feelings about it.
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After the end of my set, I had a total verbal shutdown as soon as I got off stage and snuck back into the green room.
Worse, I managed to break the zip on my dress (got caught in the mesh I was wearing) and was stuck in it for 20 minutes before I had to ask a band for a shirt to cover the broken top half. Then several old perth friends I had not talked to in ages came in to talk to me only to find me simply unable to say hi back. I felt terrible about it. Indeed, I was in a terrible state. However - everybody around me there understood. A fellow autistic woman even gave me a fidget spinner. Even if I didn't use it (weirdly too overwhelmed to stim?), I kinda happy cry every time I think about that somebody even offered one to me non-judgementally. Only a few years ago would I have seen as a ridiculous r*tard baby for being a 'professional musician' who does this, but now it's ...its treated kinda like normal. Wish I had this kind of understanding growing up before I was diagnosed. Now, I am never the only ND at the gigs I play. Indeed, the NT's are usually the minority at them. Then theres the fact that so many other (and more well-known) musicians are being open about their autism (like Ethel Cain or Justin Broadrick) which would also be unthinkable years beforehand. It genuinely warms my heart. This is why I am loud, proud and cringe about my neurodivergence now. I don't want to be repeatedly traumatised by it anymore based on misunderstandings that we autists inevitably get, or failing to meet allistic standards. Every time I see a fellow autist get horridly traumatised because somebody (usually NT) got the ick it fucking hurts. Or when they blame themselves for failing to meet arbitrary allistic standards and fall into a horrible depression for not being 'normal'. It hurts even more if its a fellow autistic transfeminine person. I wish I could do more about it, like psychology or social work - but music is what I am stuck doing for the time being, so I'll try to do what I can here. Hence several upcoming songs /records (including the two Roadburn commissioned original compositions) neurodivergence takes a central role. It's lame, but sometimes its good to be lame. Sometimes it's necessary. We have a long way to go, but its also important to remember we have also come a long way too.
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atiny-for-life · 5 months
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - THE MEMBERS (A-World)
This is fully focused on Ateez from the A-World since we don't yet have much backstory on the Black Pirates' individually. Thus far, even all I could gather on their shared history is largely speculation based on the Thanxx MV.
SIDE-NOTE: The majority of their backstory is easily found in their Diary Film which was released prior to the Inception MV. But for further details, look to the Fever Part 1 Diary Entries.
He comes from a troubled or at least not particularly close-knit family - they all moved away as he grew up, splitting up across the world and leaving him behind
When he was younger, before he met Ateez, he didn't have a dream and struggled to see the worth in life - he tried to please his parents with his grades but otherwise felt trapped in a pointless routine
After meeting Ateez and bonding over a shared love for music and performing, he finally got a dream: to become a star and be seen by his family so he can reunite them
But until then, he sees his fellow Ateez members as his main family
Him, Seonghwa and Yunho seem to have known each other the longest and were regularly performing in the streets as a trio
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He naturally took on the role as Captain since he was the first in their hideout and brought the rest of them together; additionally, he was also the one to be handed the Cromer by his alternate self
This role was likely also strengthened by Yunho who's been with him the longest alongside Seonghwa, and sees hints of his dead older brother in Hongjoong and thus tends to look to him for advice
In addition to his position as Captain, he'll also fulfill whichever other role is needed for their missions just like the rest of his crew
Frequently displayed character traits: passion, character strength, leadership, cleverness, caution, intuitivity, loyalty, bravery
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His outlook on music was permanently altered when he witnessed a girl with a 'Be Free' bracelet dance
He was part of the original Ateez trio alongside Yunho and Hongjoong
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His unique connection to the 'Be Free' girl transcends realities and has allowed the fusion of the currently two biggest known revolutionary groups in the Z-World (see: Will - The World Ep. Fin Diary Entries)
As a result, I would describe his current role as a mediator between Ateez/The Black Pirates and Thunder since he's so far been the most willing to extend good faith toward Thunder and learn about their backstory
Previously, like most other members, he simply took on whichever role was needed for the current mission
Frequently displayed character traits: intuitivity, kindness, trust, loyalty
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His older brother died in a car accident after giving up his dream of becoming a musician
As means of fulfilling his brother's dream post-mortem, Yunho wants to work alongside Ateez and establish a successful music career
Yunho admires Hongjoong as a person and artist but also feels he resembles his older brother which surely influenced how he originally viewed Hongjoong and why he's always looked to him for guidance
He, alongside Seonghwa, has also known Hongjoong the longest and used to be a street performer trio with them
Prior to his brother's accident, he spent a lot of time riding around on his motorcycle with a separate friend group
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He was the first to establish an emotional bond with Left-Eye, who is still one of their first and closest allies, when they bonded over their shared loss of a loved one and lingering survivors guilt (see: Fever Part 3 Diary Entries)
Other than that, he'll fulfill any role needed, such as utilizing his established ability to operate a motorcycle and whatever else is needed (though it does seem like all of Ateez have learned to drive pretty much any street vehicle since they've arrived in the Z-World)
Frequently displayed character traits: honesty, empathy, loyalty, bravery
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He comes from a very strict household
His parents, especially his father, had already planned out his entire life and filled his days to the brim with schedules, such as violin practice
As a result, he felt trapped his entire life (like a caged bird) to the point where he compared his upbringing to Strictland upon first arriving in the Z-World (see: Fever Part 2 Diary Entries)
His only escape was studying the inner workings of machines which is how he taught himself the basics of engineering and robotics
He was the last to join Ateez and got in by building them a drone upon their request
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He's in charge of controlling the surveillance butterflies seen in Will - The World Ep. Fin Diary Entries which tells me he's still their main tech-guy
This role is also highlighted in Guerrilla when we see him inside the surveillance van
Frequently displayed character traits: self-blame/guilt, self-sacrifice, loyalty, quick thinking, bravery
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He was forced to move around a lot growing up which left him lonely and isolated
Ateez were his first real friends and he was desperate to stay with them, even when his family already planned the next move
His strong longing for a fixed friend group carry into his current behavior and reflect in his emotional reactions to certain situations, i.e. his immense devastation when they first lost Yeosang, his outrage when he found out Android Guardians burn prisoners' treasured memories
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He has no set primary role, so he'll also simply execute whatever part of the mission is assigned to him, such as playing the decoy (see: Guerrilla)
Frequently displayed character traits: strong sense of justice, bravery, loyalty, empathy, sensitivity
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He grew up in poverty and with no family left except his grandmother
He's been suicidal since he was young which led to him building up walls that keep others from getting too close
However, he's known Wooyoung since elementary school and Wooyoung's persistence eventually wore Mingi down and they got closer
Since then, Wooyoung was the only one who could make Mingi laugh
Wooyoung was also the one who introduced Mingo to the rest of Ateez (i.e. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yunho)
Once all of Ateez had been established, Mingi's grandmother got into some kind of accident which made Mingi relapse and shut down since he felt like he wasn't allowed to be happy while his grandmother was so close to death
His resulting decision to fully depart from Ateez had him call their dreams meaningless, upon which Jongho became enraged enough to lash out and punch him but Yunho intervened before it could escalate further than that one punch
His mental well-being was brought up again when he overheard Left-Eye talk to the Grimes siblings about their lingering hope to fix the state of the Z-World because it led him to realize how powerful dancing could be and how much he'd been letting the past affect the way he sees the world (see: Fever Part 3 Diary Entries)
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He has no designated role, but did recently team up with childhood friend Wooyoung to go undercover as security guards at Prestige Academy during their mission (see: Outlaw - The World Ep. 2 Diary Entries)
He unfortunately also got traumatized during another mission when the Prestige Academy boy's brother died right in front of him and he was left to take out a bunch of Android Guardians by himself without time to process what he'd just witnessed (see: Will - The World Ep. Fin Diary Entries)
Frequently displayed character traits: bravery, quick thinking, empathy
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He grew up alongside Mingi and wormed his way into Mingi's life despite the strong walls Mingi had put up
Whenever he feels shy, he'll laugh it off and when he's scared, he'll keep talking until it wears off
He doesn't mind being teased for his habits
He had a strong desire to be a performer but was dealing with intense stage fright until he met Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yunho at a street performance and they took him under his wing and helped him overcome his fear
Once he became a member, he introduced Mingi who proceeded to join the group as well
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He has no set role but the injury he sustained during the first Android Guardian raid they experienced in the Z-World (see: Fever Part 2 Diary Entries), did lead them to finding out about Left Eye's existence and connect with the Grimes siblings who were then the catalyst behind the establishment of Thunder (see: Will - The World Ep. Fin Diary Entries)
Frequently displayed character traits: nosiness/curiosity, playfulness, quick thinking, bravery, loyalty
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His original dream was to become a pro basketball player but a serious ankle injury shattered that dream and made him feel like his life was over
Meeting Ateez became his second big dream
When Mingi tried to walk away from all of them and called their dreams meaningless, Jongho felt betrayed and like his dream was being taken from him and lashed out - he gets reminded of this incident again in the Fever Epilogue Diary Entries
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His trauma from his past as a basketball player is further explored in the Fever Part 2 and Part 3 Diary Entries but since then, he seems to have moved on and left it in the past
Like most of the other members, he has no set role and will fulfill necessary roles as needed
Frequently displayed character traits: bravery, commitment, quick thinking, loyalty
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Blind Items - Pt 1
Cillian Murphy x Y/N
Authors Note: The POV changes from all knowing to Y/N’s pop because it feels more natural. I know it’s weird, but I hope you can still enjoy this! The prologue for this series can be found as well, and I recommend you read that first! This is in no way the real Cillian Murphy! Totally fictional! All feedback is welcomed! Enjoy!
Blind Items - Prologue
Summary: Y/N is an artist performing at Chritopher Nolan's new movie premier party. There are many famous actors there, Y/N has only one person she wants to meet, Cillian Murphy, the lead actor of the movie.
Word Count: 1641
Blind Item #1
This A- artist who performed at the exclusive movie premier party could have gone home with anyone, but apparently she chose to take home the much older, leading actor of the new movie. 
Allegedly: Y/N, Cillian Murphy
Blind Item #2 
This actor of our time was flirting hard with the performer of the night at the Christopher Nolan’s new movie’s exclusive party. But allegedly, he didn’t get to take the artist home though. 
Allegedly: Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
Blind Item #3
This actress who’d been seen in many A list films lately was very upset since the guy who she had been allegedly been hooking up with, was flirting hard core with another woman right in front of her. 
Allegedly: Florence Pugh, Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
I found myself from the smoking area of the venue. The LA night’s weather was just perfect. I had finished the first gin and tonic a while ago and was now drinking the next one that Timothee Chalamet had brought me. I guess he had overheard my first order and knew what to get me. 
“I can’t believe we’ve never met before!” Said Timothee while taking a drag from his cigarette that he had borrowed from you. “We have so many mutual friends, it’s unbelievable” he went on. It was true me and Timothee were around the same age and we did hang out somewhat in the same circles, especially when in New York, but we had never met each other. “I know, it’s weird!” I said. “So when’s the next time you’re gonna be in New York?” He asked looking hopeful. “I actually don’t know, I’m gonna be here in LA for a bit now, and then I’m heading back to London” I said feeling a bit sorry because he clearly wanted to spend time with me. “Ohh, well when ever you’re in town, give me a call, will you?” Timothee said with a wink. “Let me give you my number” he said. I liked that he was so upfront and clearly flirting with me full on. I handed him my phone and he put his number in. He called himself so that he would have my number as well. 
To be honest I wasn’t sure if I was interested in Timothee. I mean he is gorgeous and one of my favourite actors, but in all honesty, there was someone else even more interesting at this party…
Timothee was coming on to men it was clear. He kept touching my arm, saying flirty things. It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, not at all. The opposite, it made me feel good, flattered and a bit hot to be honest. We were still in the smoking area talking when I felt eyes on me. I looked over Timothee’s shoulder and I saw Cillian looking right at me. Florence Pugh had joined me and Timothee and they were having a conversation about something I had lost interest in. My mind was somewhere else now. Cillian was standing there smoking a cigarette with some of his fellow actors. 
I walked over to him. “I didn’t know you smoked in real life!” I say knowing he had smoked in multiple of his roles. “Only when I’ve had a few” he said with a wink. My cheeks went red immediately. He turned towards me, away from his friends. “How are you?” He asked, simply. “I’m good, how are you?” I said, not really knowing what else to say. I honestly didn’t know if he was truly interested in how I was, or if it was just for small talk. “Very good, now that I found you again” Flirting, he was flirting with me. “Well if you knew me, you would’ve known that I spend most parties in the smoking area” I said while lighting up a cigarette. “Well tell me more Y/N, I want to know you” he said. “What do you wanna know?” I said with a twinkle in my eye, feeling a bit more courageous myself. “Well, I told you why I smoke, why do you smoke?” He asked pointing his cigarette at mine. “I swear it’s my only bad habit” I confessed throwing my hands up in defence playfully. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that” he said and I could feel him eyeing me up and down. 
We finished our cigarettes and Cillian asked me to join him at his table inside. Everyone else was either smoking, at the bar or dancing, no one was at the table but us. We talked like what felt like only a minute but it must’ve been more like an hour. It was very flirtatious, from both sides. He kept touching my leg and I enjoyed it. The conversation went from his recent roles and work to my latest album and everything in between.
“I hear you live in London?” He asked me, even though it was more like a statement. “Yes I do, where did you hear that from?” I asked him curiously. “I might’ve asked around about you” he admitted looking at his shoes, seemingly a bit embarrassed. “Oh I see, I’m sorry I didn’t catch the memo on that we were supposed to ask around about each other” I said now touching his leg lightly in return. “That’s okay, I can tell you everything you need to know, personally” he said with a grin. “I’d like that” I admitted. 
I excused my self to go to the bathroom, but it was really to go and find my manager who was my closest friend at the party. I found her chatting with Christopher Nolan out of all people. “Do you have a minute?” I asked her pulling her away from her conversation. “Yeah, what’s up? Where have you been?” I told her about my conversations with Timothee and what was happening with Cillian. “Oh my God! That’s amazing” she said excitedly. “So what’s the problem?” She asked clearly seeing from my face that there was something wrong. “You know, I’ve had a low key crush on Cillian for a while, and in all honestly one of the reasons I wanted to do this show was so that I could finally meet him. But, the last time I heard he was married, and I DO NOT wanna get involved with a married man, I will not be the other woman, or just someone he hooks up at a party!” I said almost stumping my foot. I knew this crowd of people. It was so easy to be some A list actor’s one night stand while they were away from their family. And that was definitely not what I was looking for. 
“I’m not saying I have to be his girlfriend, but I will not be just someone’s night stand” I continued, more assuring myself than my manager. Before she could answer Christopher joined the conversation. “You know Y/N, Cillian has been asking around about you after you were introduced” he said. “He seems to have a bit of a crush on you” he continued. I felt like Chris was Cillian’s wingman. “Oh, does he…” I said looking at my manager for some support. I tried to signal her to ask the right questions from Chris. “So… what’s his situation then? Is he involved at the moment?” My manager asked Chris. She was now playing my wingman. “Not that I know of, him and his wife got separated a couple of years ago and I believe they just filed for divorce a few months ago, but they haven’t been together in two years” That was all the information that I needed, and I really wanted to go and find Cillian again and continue our conversation but Chris kept talking and it would’ve been rude to leave now. “Of course he has had some brief relationships since then, but nothing too serious… but, I can tell you he’s really into you” Chris continued. “How do you know that?” I asked “Well first of all, he wanted to know everything about you after meeting you, he’s a great guy, you could do a lot worse” Chris said with a smile. 
I went back inside to find Cillian, but he was nowhere to be found. I decided to have a cigarette and headed over to the smoking area again. There were far less people there now, I checked the time and it was already 11 pm, I guess people started to head home or to the after party. Timothee came up to me again and we started talking about the after party. He invited me to go with him, but before I could answer I felt someone slightly pull my arm. I turned around and it was Cillian. I excused myself from Timothee and started walking with him to where there were no people around. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asked and I was a bit shocked to be honest. I didn’t expect for him to be so frank, but it felt good. “Are you going to the after party?” I asked thinking he was now inviting me to go with him. “To be honest, I’m kind of done with parties for tonight, but if you want to I’d be more than happy to accompany you” he admitted looking a bit tired. “I agree with you on that one, I’m kinda done with parties too” I said. “But I would love to continue this night with you, if you want to ?” He said taking my hand into his. “I’d like that” I said blushing a bit again. 
We walked hand in hand outside where the cars were waiting. “You mentioned you’ve never seen Goodfellas” he said remembering our earlier conversation about movies. “That’s right, do you know a place that shows it at this hours?” I asked doubtingly. “I know one, my hotel room” he said. I felt a bit torn. How do I make sure that I am not just a one night stand for this man? “Your hotel room?” I repeated. “Yeah, there’s also 24/7 room service and a great view over LA, and most importantly, there will be someone who wants to get to know you.” He said quietly, so that people around us waiting for their cars couldn’t hear us. I was sold. He wanted to get to know me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this strong of a connection to a person after only knowing them for a couple of hours. Despite of the signals he was giving me, I still doubted if he felt the same. 
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some-pers0n · 2 months
Hey guys I rewrote the Arctic death scene again for like the fourth time. Wanna read it?
Two of the three moons were full that day, with the third, Oracle, but a sliver of light among a sea of stars. Their pale glow trickled down onto the stage where Darkstalker stood. While the shimmer of moonlight against his scales was notable, nothing could compare to the innate aura of fear and disgust radiating from the kneeling dragon before him.
Arctic hung his head. His talons were unmoving, bound by invisible shackles. His breath was laboured and anxious. 
Darkstalker grinned at the sight of his father cowering. It was enthralling beyond any sense of the word. To see him quivering like prey finally captured and waiting for the agony of death to come.
"How are you feeling, father?" he asked, a coy smirk still on his face.
Arctic's mouth tightened.
"Let's try that again." Darkstalker cleared his throat. "Tell me, father, how do you feel?" His voice was stern, commanding.
"Annoyed." The words spilled out of Arctic's mouth. "Bothered by how you have to make a big show."
"Oh, terribly sorry about that. Shame, really. You don't want to be forced into a position you never asked for? My, what a tragedy. I'm certain Foeslayer could relate to that had she been here."
"Darkstalker," Clearsight began, "I don't think you should bother him–"
"I don't see why I can't." He glanced back at her. "I was only asking how he was. Is that too much for a son to ask?"
"You're torturing him..."
"Torture?" He echoed. "That seems much. I'm trying to make one last conversation with him before the performance begins."
"You don't have to do this."
"But I must. You saw him! You saw what he did to Whiteout!" He gestured to his sister. "She would've been handed off to some low-life IceWing and erased of any personality. And for what? So he could see Foeslayer again? She hates him. Everyone hates him." His snout curled. "He's better off dead; I'm simply kind enough to let others join in on the fun of killing him."
Whiteout flinched. She moved closer to Clearsight, murmuring words that Darkstalker couldn't hear. Her mind was a swirling storm of muted grey-green with streaks of silver and ebony.
He sighed. "I understand that it seems barbaric, but I promise that this is necessary."
"Is it? Is it really?" Clearsight's voice was sharp.
His eyebrows furrowed. "Of course. You'll see soon enough, my beloved." He raised his talons to brush her snout, but she stepped away. Her eyes were wide. Her thoughts raced. She was afraid. Afraid of him.
Fine. She could be difficult. There will come a time when she realizes the error in her ways. How she was blinded by her belief that Arctic was still deserving of redemption and forgiveness. She never could truly understand the pain that dragon had put his family through. What Arctic had put him through.
He scoffed and turned back around. By the time he had his little conversation, a crowd had formed. The passing NightWing citizens stopped and stared. They were waiting for a performance to begin.
"My fellow NightWings," Darkstalker called out to the crowd. "Today, I bring forth a traitor to not only our own tribe, but his very own kingdom. Gather round, as I would not dare to look away. No, these next few moments will dictate the choices made thousands of years from now. Like a rock tossed into a river, the fate of this IceWing will ripple throughout history."
That got the attention of more dragons. Soon enough, the flow of shoppers stalled as more and more gathered around the stage.
"Isn't this exciting, Arctic?" he whispered. "Turns out there's more than a handful of dragons who care about you enough to watch you. More than I thought."
Arctic stayed silent.
"Be that way then." He hissed. He raised his head back to the crowd. "Lovely night, isn't it? Each and every one of you are a beautiful piece of this marvellous city. Come now, don't you agree? Look to your left, your right, up, down, all around! These are your peers. Friends, perhaps to some of you. A NightWing like yourself."
He paused. "Now, tell me, who is not a friend of a NightWing? A dragon that, despite potentially looking friendly and innocent, will do nothing to tear down both you and the kingdom we graciously live under."
He snickered. "One dragon I could say is this one right here." Darkstalker swept his tail at the talons of Arctic, knocking him down. "You might have seen him before. Arctic of the IceWings. the runaway prince. The reason why our tribe is locked in a vicious war against the IceWings. Because of his impulsive, rash, and selfish deeds, our NightWings are sent to battle—families broken because of him.
"We have tolerated his presence enough. Some of you might think he was reformed. I can't blame you. It's difficult to understand what happens behind closed doors. Though, tonight, he had betrayed the NightWings." He gestured to Arctic. "Why don't you tell us, IceWing?"
"Tell you what, exactly?"
"You know what you did."
"I did nothing! I was going home. I was not betraying my tribe– this isn't even my tribe!"
"Answer me!" Darkstalker roared. "Answer. Confess. What were you doing earlier this evening?"
Arctic's mouth contorted. "I was taking my daughter to Queen Diamond. A peace treaty. I would hand over my daughter's hand in marriage and reintroduce animus magic back into the tribe...and in return, I would be a prince again. I would live in the castle. I would eat, drink, and sleep like a normal dragon. I would find out if my love was still alive."
"She was never your love. You hated her and she hated you." Darkstalker snarled. "Besides, that was not all, wasn't it?"
His lips struggled to keep close, but the words poured out of him. "I planned to draw and hand over a detailed map of the Night Kingdom. It would be in exchange for Foeslayer's life had she survived. I would have given everything to see her okay again."
Mumbles from the crowd reached Darkstalker. Gasps and concerns, both about the performance and the confession. How could a dragon do such a thing? Why wasn't the IceWing flying away despite being unchained? What was going to happen next?
"I assure you, NightWings, that the traitor did not reach Queen Diamond before I had stopped him. They do not yet know our location. However, we are not fully safe until this stain on our glorious kingdom is dealt with." He spat.
"How could a dragon do such a thing?" he started. "He admitted that all as if it were nothing. As if the livelihoods of you, your friends and family, and this very kingdom were little more than a statistic. He even brainwashed one of our own, his very daughter, to comply with such a plan!" He shook his head. "This traitor is the worst dragon to ever live. Do you agree?"
A mixed response. Some argued and debated on the nature of his choice. Foolish. They couldn't understand the intricacies. Others questioned the nature of Darkstalker carrying this out. Should it be Queen Vigilance? Where is she?
But most agreed. Between nodded heads and shouts for death, they stood alongside Darkstalker. The NightWings had given this IceWing, one of the dragons whom they had been at war with for years, a home in their very own kingdom, and how does he repay? He lies. He backstabs. He cheats. He betrays.
Darkstalker couldn't help but bask in the feeling of grandeur. A crowd of dragons all repeated back the thoughts he had all these years. Arctic was unforgivable. He was a coward. He was a traitor. There was no excuse for him to live.
These NightWings were all on his side. Was this truly what it was like to be king? To be worshipped and hailed? To bring justice and peace? It was an intoxicating feeling that surged through his veins.
He held up his talons. "Silence, NightWings!" he commanded. With that, the audience quieted themselves. "Thank you. Now, I believe it is time we dealt with this dragon."
He turned to Arctic. His face was a dark grimace. 
"Oh, come now. Have a little more of a cheery smile. It's your big day." He chuckled. "Now, admit that I am the greatest animus of all time."
"You are–"
"No, no. Not a whisper. Admit to the world!" Darkstalker raised his wing to the crowd. "Speak, IceWing. Say that I am the greatest animus of all time."
"You are the greatest animus of all time," he choked out.
"Now tell them that there is no dragon more powerful than me. No army that can best me. No queen that can kill me. Nothing."
Arctic winced as he spoke. "There is no dragon more powerful than you. No army that can best you. No queen that can kill you."
The crowd became more worried in tone. Hushed words of skepticism and worry. This was an animus on stage, ordering around and playing with the IceWing. Darkstalker couldn't care. He was having fun. Let their fear fuel his power.
"Now..." Darkstalker lowered himself to Arctic. "Say that you wish you were a better father."
A shocked snort burst from Arctic's mouth, one that grew into a bemused and mocking laugh. He looked dead into Darkstalker's eyes. "If I had been a better father, I would've strangled you the moment you hatched."
The night was still. The crowd was dead silent. Even the breeze of the ocean had been snuffed out. An unbearable quiet as Darkstalker stared into Arctic. Into his very soul.
Arctic ruined it. He couldn't stand to watch his father sit there any longer, smug and having had the last laugh. No. Darkstalker needed to win.
"Rip out your tongue." His words were frosted over with hatred and malice.
Arctic's eyes widened as his talons moved involuntarily. He could see them shake and twitch. He could sense the panic and restraint, and yet nothing could stop him from grabbing his tongue and, with one firm tug, ripping it out.
Horror emanated from the crowd. They too were afraid. They feared him. No longer did they feel the same murderous zeal and fervour as him, but rather disgust and terror.
It was like bringing wood to a burning house.
Darkstalker leaned closer to his father. His eyes were transfixed on the blue mass of flesh flopped gracelessly on the stage, cyan blood dripping down his mouth. "Had your fun?"
His silence was not out of defiance. Arctic could not form a sentence.
"Good. Now, tear out your heart. Show the world who you truly are on the inside. Pour your life onto the stage. For all to see."
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