#they chose him. again. he won't fight it this time. he'll be good this time.
well now that we know the cult is back, imma need some heavy bernard angst from the comic. the panic attacks, relapses into unhealthy behavior, pushing people away, imma need all of it.
#'but you're okay now?'#'some days.'#make that no days now bear#i need it to start off innocuously too. like he puts off a date or two claiming that he has homework. he's clumsier now. like he doesn't#care what's in front of him. he walks into a pole once and ends up with a huge bruise on his shoulder. bernard presses on it for weeks.#and then comes the 'it's just once. I'm not gonna do it again.' behavior. the purposeful pain. the dig his nails into his wrists until#it stings. the bandages on the inside of his thighs kinda pain.#the 'tim can never find out about this' type of unhealthy behavior.#i need bernard to escalate until he wakes up aching one day and it's like he's gone back in time to the beginning of his cult days.#i need him to look himself in the mirror one morning and realize that even if could stop hurting himself he's not going to.#i need him to start loitering around the old cult building knowing that it's wrong to wish they were still active but wanting it anyway.#i need him to go on several benders. so sorry but i think he has a fake id and definitely buys alcohol.#oh my god... wait wait wait!#i need him to go out one night after assuring tim that he's gonna go straight home and get kidnapped by the cult again.#oh my god he wakes up on the altar again. mouth filled filled with wine and his hands tied down and he-#he relaxes. because he was chosen the first time and now he been chosen again. he's still good. thank god thank god he's still good.#and the first time they chose him he was bad. struggled too much begged too hard to be let go. but he's better now.#they chose him. again. he won't fight it this time. he'll be good this time.#this is just your friendly reminder that#cult conditioning takes at /least/ 5 years to wear off. usually more.#my man bernard is gonna be having a Lot of bad days#anyway#bernard dowd#dc#td:r#timbern#ig
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Hyunjin in relationships
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So, right off the bat, Hyunjin can definitely be prone to using certain...Tricks in relationships? This is the real pisces man energy tbf. But he can be prone to manipulation to get certain outcomes from things in the relationship. Like, he may be prone to playing the victim or withholding information from his partner that he knows his partner will dislike. He'll drop hints and do certain things to get what he wants from his partners. He can also try and adopt certain behaviors or traits he knows his partner likes/of people his partner is close to.
It's never for malicious reasons, moreso trying to...Keep the peace, I guess? Trying not to get his partner mad at him, and trying to keep his partner happy and content, but the manipulation aspect still isn't very good. With that being said, it's also something that can be broken in a sense? Like if his partner calls him out and makes him realize it's not something healthy to do in a relationship then he'll definitely make that attempt to stop.
He likes planning things for him and his partner to do. Like he'll plan out these grand plans for him and his partner to do, and all these things he wants to get them/do for them. Like the type to take his partner out on these really well-thought-out very personal dates.
He both does and doesn't like making decisions about the relationship. Like he likes the fact that his partner may trust him enough to let him decide on big things or even little things in the relationship, but he's also afraid he won't really get it right, and doesn't want to disappoint his partner.
He can also be mildly controlling though? Not in a major or bad way, but he wants certain things done a certain way and if they aren't he's convinced hell will freeze over. He also wants the best for his partner, so a lot of the time he'll try to give advice when unprompted? But again, it's something he'd work on if his partner wanted him to.
He's very happy when he's with his partner. Like, when he's with his partner he's all smiles and adoring looks. It's almost like he worships the ground his partner walks on. He wants to celebrate every little thing they do, because to him all of it is absolutely magnificent, and he tries to be very positive in his partner's life.
His partner is nervous about a job interview? He's their professional hype man, hyping them up at home and talking to them on the way there about how he's sure they'll do good. His partner doesn't get the job? Clearly whoever chose not to hire them doesn't have good decision-making skills.
He's pretty much blind to his partner's faults. If there's an issue, it's obviously his fault. His partner is a fucking psycho? Well, there's more psycho people out there, and they can work past it. Highly delusional.
He especially likes when his partner succeeds though. He feeds off it almost. Because he knows that they'll get the recognition they deserve, and if they don't...More of an excuse to celebrate them. He's happy when his partner is happy, and sad when they're sad.
He hates conflicts though. He avoids them like the plague. Which is interesting, because I can definitely see him with somewhat of a temper. But he's the kind to just shut up and ignore it when his partner makes him angry, if at all. He can have a temper with other people, but with his partner? Non-existent. His partner could literally verbally assault him and he wouldn't say anything back because he doesn't want to rock the boat or risk losing them.
This is definitely where the aforementioned manipulation can come in. Like his partner is screaming at him and then here come the crocodile tears, or even real tears because let's be real here he's very sensitive, because he just wants it over with.
He hates arguing about things. His mentality is more like: "Well, we're different in this aspect so why can't we just respect that? I don't want to fight. Can't we just agree to disagree?"
He has a horrible track record with relationships, especially when it gets to the point of like...Domesticity. Probably because of the avoidance of fights. There are bound to be fights in relationships, but he still fights for his life to avoid them. They also just make him very emotional, and he's a very sensitive person who can't handle being screamed at.
It also doesn't help that, like I said, he's highly delusional. He expects perfection from his partners, and he also is highly delusional, so if his partner somehow manners to shatter this like...Delusion he has, or his image of their perfection (Though the image of perfection part is hard because his partner could run a man over and in his mind the man deserved it) he's just highly turned off by it. Plus he gets the ick very easily early on.
I'm also getting that he's HIGHLY turned off by his partner being like "Desperate" or wanting him too much. Honestly, all this combined probably means he attracts very toxic people who don't give a shit about him. And like I said, he adopts traits from his partners, so it wouldn't be a stretch to say he picked up that manipulation from all his manipulative partners in life. He probably thinks it's normal since it's always happening to him. Either that or that's just how he is, I dunno. That's my inference.
I'm getting a very traditional vibe here. Not in a sense of like, "Oh I need a woman who's a submissive little doormat", but rather he likes to take care of his partner. He likes to make sure his partner can lean on him, and doesn't want for anything or have any worries. And trust me, he has MONEY so he can do that. Like he spoils his partner to no end. You know Captain-Save-A-Hoe? That's literally Hyunjin. Like the end part in particular is SO Hyunjin. (He may attract gold-diggers because of this though.)
Fuck that what they talkin' about I save a hoe Yeah baby, what's up you wanna get your nails done? Come on let's go down to Lee and Kim Nail's, yeah We can get your nails done, get your hair done What about your kids? How many kids you got? Two? Oh, that's cool, yeah, we can go feed and cloth them kids We can go down and get the hookup at Durant Square Yeah baby, I do anything for ya Want you phone turned on? I can get it turned on to my name Matter of fact I get you a cellular phone and a pager We can get that package deal down there at Cellular One Baby, I'm, I'm here for you, I got you
Also, that's ANOTHER thing. He's def the type who you could baby trap with kids that aren't even his. Like you can have a five-year-old when he gets with you but he'll stay no matter what because he doesn't want your kid to be without any type of father figure since his partner is a hoe. (Same thing happened to a friend of mine who’s like…WAY too empathetic) Which is frankly WILD.
It’s also kind of like how Hyunjin let Felix use his card and (To my knowledge/memory) didn’t seem very mad when he full on lost it
But we're getting off track here.
He also probably wants to have a familiar family structure in the future. Him, his spouse, two kids, and a dog with a white picket fence and a nice little SUV. Obviously not that exactly, but to really put it in perspective.
He's also the type who bends to his partner's every whim in both a good and bad way. His partner jumps and he doesn't even ask how high he just fucking ascends. No hesitation. He's definitely the type who'd be easy to just...Use in relationships, and he'd let you because at least he has a use. (This is making me a wee bit sad.)
He also probably tries to emulate his parent's relationship. Granted, it was probably a good example, but he also probably thinks that anything that strays from that is inherently bad. (Though he'd internalize that.)
That's another thing. I can see him being very critical about his partners but idealistic at the same time, and internalizing all of that.
He works really hard for his relationship to work. He pushes through anything that happens, and works like his life depends on it to make it through, and there's that like diligence here. It's both a good and bad thing. Like his partner could be BEATING ON HIM and he'd still be trying to work it out with that "I can fix them" mentality.
When he's with someone, they become his entire life. Like i'm talking he neglects his relationships with his friends/family because he's pouring his all into his relationship, and when it falls apart he falls apart. He'd even cut off friends if he feels like his partner dislikes them. Because he feels like that's what he has to do.
Odd little detail, but he's probably going through a breakup right now, actually, or it's actively ending. So that's...
In relationships, I see him being very very insecure. (Even though he's Hwang motherfucking Hyunjin) Like i'm talking, he's very easily jealous and is convinced his partner is going to trade him in for a better model if he does one thing wrong. He holds his partners to high standards, but also convinces himself he's not good enough for them or enough for them. But he never voices this. He pretends to be all confident and secure, but really he's out here having a mini panic attack if his partner laughs at the joke of another guy a little too hard because he's convinced his partner is about to leave him for someone funnier or smarter or nicer. And then he mentally spirals while outwardly seeming like he's perfectly fine, and all of a sudden he's convinced his partner is going to dump him any second.
He's probably been cheated on a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. His exes were also probably very...Verbally abusive? Maybe physically, but definitely verbally abusive. (I feel so bad for Hyunjin) and I can probably count on one hand the amount of partners he's had that were ACTUALLY into him. (Not even in love with him, just into him.)
Poor baby
He moves fast in relationships. Like, i'm talking if his partner proposed on the first date he'd say yes and get married the next. Like, he just decides "Yeah, this is my person. I want them, i'll have them. They're mine." And then BOOM he's asking them out and they're together.
He moves quickly in relationships, but also moves on just as fast. Breakups absolutely WRECK him, but he moves onto the next best thing in like half a business day or something. He's a quick mover. With that being said he also has a bad habit of going back to his shittiest of shitty exes if they so much as blink at him.
So, these two flew out of the deck together. (The fast moving and the next section), so it's safe to say they work hand in hand.
He ignores his intuition and pushes it down. He listens to his heart, and nothing else. He also listens even more to his delusions. His delusions mask anything. His partner could murder someone and he'd find a way to spin it in his head like they're the victim. (I wouldn't be surprised if he's held someone down while they're in jail because he's that type)
Unconsciously, he pushes down any kind of red flag he gets. Like, my partner just squeezed Bangchan's ass? Well, clearly that's an issue with me. I caught my partner cheating? Clearly I was lacking. My partner just got arrested for shoplifting? Well, they shouldn't have made the clothes so expensive. My partner is mooching off of me? Well, i'm being useful.
This has been genuinely saddening to make, but yeah, that's the conclusion of this reading. Someone check on my man Hyunjin.
Astrological ver.
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petew21-blog · 25 days
Teen Wolf - Alpha needs his pack, Pt. 4
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Sheriff Stilinski had to be late at work. Again. Sheriff can't have too much free time. Maybe that's why he chose to do the job years ago.
The events at Beacon Hill recently started to take an unexpected turn. Yeah there was crime before, but now mutilated bodies were turning up in random places. Sheriff's departement prohibited the inhabitants to leave their homes late at night for their safety and got back up colleagues from another town.
His colleague deputy Parrish was along his side for most of the time. Sheriff trusted him. After all, they both went through some seriously weird stuff in this town and could rely on each other.
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They were working late at night, staring into a computer, reviewing their case. Trying to find a good lead.
Parrish:"I feel that the person or group who's doing this is trying to confuse us and leasing us elsewhere"
Sheriff;"Yeah, but we won't figure that out until we go into the wrong direction."
Parrish:"Precisely. Now, look these bodies..." they both turned their heads to the side. They would have sworn that the glove next to them had moved. "Did you see it move too?"
Sheriff shrugged it off:'"You know what. It's late. We're tired. We're seeing things. Let's go home and figure it out tommorow. What do you think?"
Parrish "Yes, sir. Good idea"
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They left the building. Now standing next to their cars.
Sheriff couldn't help it but notice how much bigger Parrish's body has become. "You're working out again?"
Parrish:"Yeah, thought I could get more into it and maintain that routine. I don't wanna beckme one of those cops who feel tired all the time and have medium/bad bodies"
Sheriff felt a bit offended
Parrish:"Oh not you, sir. You look good. Actually really good for your age"
Sheriff:"Parrish, stop talking"
Parrish mid sentence:"Yes, sir"
Sheriff looked him up and down. It was true unfortunately. He didn't feel as good as he did before. He now felt too tired to do sports. He would love to work out, but it's different when you're young. Man, if only He were as young and as good looking as Parrish again.
Someone screamed in the woods. Both men instincively grabbed their gun and headed toward that direction.
When they arrived to that place, they found another body. But what was strange was the fact that it must have been dead for some time now.
A dark mist filled the place. It was so dark they didn't see each other
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Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you here? Parrish can you hear me?"
Parrish:"Sheriff? Sir, where are you? Sir, this is Parrish. Can you here me over the coms, over."
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Sheriff:"Yes I can hear you. What is that suppose to be again? Over"
The could feel a force fighting it's way inside of them. The mist entered their bodies.
Their eyes were dark for a second and suddenly normal again. But as if hypnotised, they got up and went back to their homes as if nothing happened. Not speaking to each other. Not doing anything. Just driving back home.
Sheriff woke up first. He was in a bed. How did he get there? And whose bed is this?
He looked around. The bedroom was nice and cosy. But he didn't recognise it. He got up. "Wow. That was way easier then I'm used to"
He looked down and found himself in grey sweatpants. Also, a very ripped body now instead of his own
"What the hell?" a young voice came out.
"Is anybody here? Hello?" he looked around and left to the living room where he found a mirror.
"Parrish, there you are. What happ..."
He stopped. His reflection did the same things as he did. How is that possible?
He tried to wave and so did Parrish
"I must be dreaming" he pinched himself on his new biceps and it hurt like he'll
He slapped his face and it did hurt again.
"Parrish, why am I you? This shouldn't be possible."
He got closer to inspect his face. His different eyes. His teeth. His jawline. His hair. Everything was different
He flexed his biceps. "Nice one, Parrish. That working out is paying off". He patted his abs and wanted to continue to explore a bit, but stopped
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"Jesus, Noah. What the hell are you doing? You would invade someone's privacy like that? No, I can't do that. I have to find my body"
A call came to his new phone. It was his number
Parrish:"Is that you, sir? Ehm ehm. Sorry I'm still getting used to your voice"
Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you at my place?"
Parrish:"Yes, sir. Your bedroom in your house"
Sheriff:"Ok, then wait there. I'm coming. I think this might be the direction to distract us from the case" he turned off the call
As he looked at himself in the mirror he found out that while he was calling with his body, he unknowingly took his left hand and held now his new dick. He thought about it for a sec.
"Ah what the hell. It's not like this will happen ever again. Might as well enjoy it. He'll wait a bit for me"
Sheriff wanted to respect his privacy still so he thought he wouldn't look at first. But you just can't not check out your colleagues dick when you have their body. Can you?
It was really nice. Shorter than his, but thicker. Slightly hairy, but trimmed.
Sheriff:"That's quite a package, son. You are a grower and I love that."
He was now edging on the bed. Wanting that amazing feeling to never stop. His old body isn't that sensitive anymore to touch. But damn. This cock felt nice
He didn't cum yet, when suddenly a woman entered the room:"Need some help with that? Stud"
Sheriff:"Oh, boy"
Maria got close to him and began sucking on his dick. He was really close so he shot the load almost immediately
She laughed. Sheriff:"I'm so sorry, I was really close before and then you just..."
Marie:"Finished you. And didn't have to work for it"
Sheriff smiled nervously remembering that he was suppose to leave already
Maria:"I think you should repay me now" and started throwing her clothes on the floor
Sheriff still on the ned:"Look I told sheriff I would leave. I really gotta go"
Maria:"Sure. And that why you were jerking off by yourself"
She got on top off him. Already naked. And horny.
Maria:"Since you're all dry now, you gotta use some other muscle, you big boy"
She sat on top of his face, not giving him a choice but to start licking. Sheriff was hesitant, but thought to himself:"Ahhh what the hell. Gotta enjoy being young"
Yet another anonymous request to continue our Teen Wolf story 😁
Could you do a story where Sheriff Stilinski swaps bodies with Deputy Parrish? Maybe the sheriff being jealous of the deputy’s muscles and youth.
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"Got Any Better Ideas?" Aziraphale's Conviction and Crowley's Resignation
I was watching that scene in 1x06 again, and something clicked for me that never any sense to me before. In fact, it explained a couple things in season 2 .
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See this scene is beautiful, heartbreaking, and hilarious all in one. We see yet another example of how much Crowley cares about Aziraphale... And we see Aziraphale making a bizarre move to (?) attack Crowley, then make a childish threat that won't matter given that they're both about die.
Before, I just assumed that he was just saying whatever thought ran through his head.
Now I get it.
Recap: Crowley realized that Gabriel and Beelzebub told on them Satan. Satan, who was now coming to kill them all. Crowley was this close to giving up, and then Aziraphale picked up his sword.
There's only one reason why: Aziraphale wasn't going to give up. In that moment, Aziraphale chose to fight Satan. He knew he would likely die trying.
(Psst! Past self: He's not giving Crowley some weird, friendship ultimatum!)
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He's terrified. But resolved. And he knows this really will be their last conversation.
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And Crowley gets it. He might not have believed that they were going to survive Satan's arrival, but he hadn't quite put together like this: If he isn't able to come up with another plan, Aziraphale will take up his sword against Satan and Crowley will have to watch him die.
So Crowley got a better idea, remembering Adam's power, he decided to give the human(s) the choice and protect it alongside Aziraphale.
Season 2
This is part of larger ongoing dynamic where (unless circumstances allow Crowley to give Aziraphale a better plan which actually addresses the problem) Aziraphale will act, like choosing to help Jim!Gabriel. If he thinks it's the right thing to do, he'll do it, regardless of the costs. It won't deter him at all.
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Crowley learned that about him some time ago.
He saw Aziraphale lie to save Lot's children despite fully expecting to go hell for it.
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(Plus Aziraphale straight up lied to God about the flaming sword that time, right? UMM... Why didn't he fall????)
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So there Crowley is, apologizing(?), dancing, and lying about the full extent of the danger they're in.
I don't agree with Crowley's actions, with the lying especially. (Seriously, Crowley? Tell Aziraphale about the Extreme Sanctions!!) But Crowley is resigned to help at this point because he knows Aziraphale will be in danger anyways and he knows that when Aziraphale has made his mind up, he won't change it. Crowley can only offer his help or provide a different solution.
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And since their communication problems are so big right now, their dynamic is to work around each other rather than with each other.
Right from the very beginning, their conception of the problem is very different.
Crowley: We're exposed to danger because of Gabriel, we have to find a way to hide Gabriel/ourselves from Heaven and Hell.
Aziraphale: Jim!Gabriel (innocent like Lot's children/rather childlike himself) is in danger, we have to find a way to hide Gabriel from Heaven and Hell.
-Crowley wants them both to stay away from the toxic plans of Heaven/Hell so they can be safe together.
-Aziraphale wants to directly interfere with the plans of Heaven/Hell when he feels the responsibility to do good.
Takeaway on the ending of season 2:
When their perspective on the problem is so different to begin with, the breakup makes a little more sense to me. Though no less horrible.
(Wild Card: Heaven is the symbol of what is right and good? Aziraphale since when??? UGH, I have to meta more about this: Aziraphale's (and Crowley's) belief in the ineffable plan and how it affects his idea of reform/fixing the institutional problem of Heaven.)
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pagannatural · 7 months
Season 1. Wincest Narrative
The way this story unfolds is so, so beautiful and I lose my mind a little when I think about it as a whole. When it opens, the brothers haven’t spoken in 3 or 4 years even though they've both desperately wanted to, and they both think the other doesn't want them. The first time they see each other after Sam walks out, they struggle in the dark and pin each other to the ground and then run away together.
Season character arcs
Sam begins the season ostensibly satisfied with his life at Stanford, with a career plan and a long-term relationship. Two things have to happen to disrupt that- Dean coming back into his life, and Jessica being killed. Kind of a switcheroo. 
Sam was going to marry his Dean-replacement girlfriend. He was never going to talk about his past even though he still thought about it all the time, still looked up cases and tried to follow along with what was happening in Dean’s life. He was going to box his past up and put it away forever and pretend to fit in because this is the life he chose, and because Dean didn't pick him. And then Dean literally breaks through Sam's careful barriers and all it takes is a gruff “yeah well I don’t want to [do this without you]", and Sam packs his bags. He doesn't even look back when Jessica asks where he’s going. He doesn’t kiss her goodbye. 
The way Dean appears to Sam as this dangerous, rough-around-the-edges, so familiar and so alive and so secret fork in the road is just delicious.
Dean starts the season believing that Sam has rejected and abandoned him. He wants his little brother back so badly, but he truly thinks Sam doesn’t want him. He finally has something to approach Sam with that maybe Sam will care about enough to come back to him- their dad, missing. I haven't seen this episode but I know later in the show Dean says he waited for hours outside before he broke in, agonizing over what Sam would say.
Over the course of the season Dean pursues Sam and shows him that he will protect him, keep him safe, choose him, respect him, and save him. The one thing he won't do is corrupt him, which is what he believes their feelings for each other would do. That's a conflict he'll bring into next season, but Sam decides to love him anyway. Sam tries so hard to hold onto the world outside of Dean but he ends up succumbing. By the end of the season, they’ve accepted that they're the most important things to each other.
John’s role is crucial to Sam and Dean’s relationship
Sam wants to belong and to be his own person. John is the force dictating his life before he leaves, so he has to get away from John. It’s not possible for Sam to grow up without breaking from his dad.
John gives bundled baby Sammy to Dean the night of the fire and that’s pretty much the way their relationships with each other form. John has handed Sam off to Dean. They hold conflicting positions in Sam’s life. 
John is a larger-than-life god-like figure to Dean. He’s distant and he has all the answers and all the power and his word is law, and Dean’s contract with him is to Take Care of Sam. So Dean serves this purpose under John’s rule until they reach a point at which Dean can’t take care of Sam without breaking from John and growing up. That rupture came to a head when Sam left for Stanford and Dean takes his first steps toward replacing John when John goes missing, by going to Sam. Dean makes the first move after years have passed to reconnect, something not even John would do.
Sam and Dean are fighting against getting close again for different reasons
Sam wishes he could have a normal life. A normal life is by necessity also a life distant from Dean. In the first episode, when Dean drops Sam off at Stanford and tells him they made a pretty good team, Sam looks conflicted and chokes out a “yeah” before watching Dean drive away. He knows they make a good team, that’s not the problem. Throughout this season, he is at war with wanting to be with Dean vs wanting to be normal.
From the very first episode and throughout the entire season, it’s obvious that they were very close before Sam left. They make each other angry and they make each other laugh and they communicate just by looking at each other- strategizing and seeking each other’s opinions and assessing each other’s needs in glances. They instantly fold back into each other’s lives, they save each other over and over. They gravitate toward each other and walk in sync and stand in each other’s spaces. There’s this sense that they know one another, not just better than anyone else, but better than anyone could ever possibly know them. It's clear to the viewer that they're matching puzzle pieces.
And I don’t think Sam’s conflict is actually about hunting versus normal at all. Sam rediscovers his love and aptitude for hunting right away. He feels fulfilled, admires Dean, and enjoys himself much of the time. In “It’s a Terrible Life” (s4) he still asks Dean to run away with him and be hunters together in an alternate universe. So his conflict centers on John and Dean. 
At this point Sam thinks Dean sided with John and abandoned him when he stopped hunting. But it’s more than feeling hurt and abandoned by Dean- Sam literally cannot have both Dean and a life. Dean is all-consuming. Sam could get the things he needs from Dean- belonging and respect- if it weren’t for two things: 1, Dean is still unwilling to break from John in a way that matters and 2, the way that they love each other is so abnormal it feels impossible.
Sam is unwilling to put Dean above everything else because it is in fact a dichotomy- Dean is bigger than just a brother, he can’t fit into Sam’s life as just another part of it. Sam knows that. 
Dean’s conflicts mirror Sam’s. Sometimes he resents hunting and wishes his life could’ve been normal. He faces the same dichotomy- once he becomes more independent from John, he can either have a family and home of his own or he can have Sam, and he hates himself partly because what he wants more is Sam. He knows that's not normal and thinks a part of Sam hates him for it. One reason their connection is so fraught with guilt and shame is because it's sexual/psychosexual, which is why I personally tag everything wincest. The way sexual and romantic relationships are so often a blatant point of conflict between them, the way their scenes are often shot like sex scenes, the jealousy and possessiveness, the way they touch each other, the fact that they see each other as desirable. It all points to a love complicated by sex. I have no problem with the idea of them as platonic soulmates, but I honestly think the text supports just straight-up wincest.
And actually they're not soulmates
They're twin flames. The idea that they're soulmates comes in later, but I think it's more precise and also more useful to the narrative to understand them as twin flames.
Twin flames are one soul split into two people, and their purpose is to cause one another to grow and be challenged by their connection. They're halves and also mirrors. That's why their dynamic is so often this push-pull, why their connection is so palpable, why they find each other in every universe and why they know each other so impossibly deeply. Narratively, one is often pursuing the other and they tend to push each other to the deepest depths of highs and lows. They separate, but they always come back to each other.
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melissa-titanium · 4 months
something is Wrong with mel since he's born. and it becomes unavoidably apparent by the time he's old enough to properly use soul magic... because he can't. all he can do is breathe fire, and his ability is so heightened because of a physical oddity among the titanium lineage that he manages to inherit, not because his magic is powerful. he's the only member of the titanium family to lack soul magic in the entirety of its recorded history.
his mother's reputation is blemished, with him being the stain, and she assures he acknowledges his fault. she still coddles him in moments of sobriety that catch mel offguard, and he never trusts anyone to be kind to him again after those moments. his father doesn't bother looking at him when he's seperated from mel's mother to rule the underground colonies. his older sister tries to help, but mel is too embittered by the fact that she has everything he doesn't to accept it. he chases away any dragons who wish to be his friends with his aggressive behaviorisms, believing he's proving to himself and the world that he was right all along because no one sticks with him in the end, believing that it was meant to be regardless of how good or bad he chose to behave.
he lives his entire childhood in a shroud of emotional solitude, channeling his accumulated rage into something he believes is worth trying to work at. if he can't do the things others around him can, then he'll be so good at the things he can do that it blows everyone else out of the water. he's doing this for attention, and he knows it, but he chooses instead to believe he's doing it for the sake of revealing the truth about the world to everyone around him. his mom won't look him in the eye, and he's fine with that -- it's always been the case anyways.
he's desensitized to death already, being raised in dragon society that still performs brutal executions on the regular does that. training comes easy to him, being gifted with incredible physical prowess and the determination to further those abilities bumped him up to the top of his class, as well as inflating his ego a great deal. he can do something, he can finally do something that others can't and he's overjoyed to let the world know.
so he does. he kills his classmate in cold blood, using techniques he had made himself to beat the dragon in aerial combat and leave their corpse mangled among the pointed stones below his resting-tower. he's not discreet, they find it, but he's such a good liar that everyone believes it was in self defense. they see, even after such a supposedly traumatic experience, he's raring to go.
he gets his wish -- his mother notices. he is allowed to participate in the awakening trials. he swallows his bitterness over the fact he's not even allowed to prove himself because they skip all of the soul-magic trials in favor of booting him to the last round, and for that he's grateful.
he completes his trial, a fight to the death against a crystal copy of himself. he is abhorblooded. no one knows what that means, not even mel. but he's finally got something of his own, something he alone can cherish. he's clawed his way to the top and can see the tips of the mountains grazing the clouds from above.
the ensuing eruption of chaos from the koboreals sends his mother into a frenzy, and he's forced into lockdown. a too-young koboreal with too-hot fire and too-bloodied claws for someone his age has gotten a power that no one in the kingdom has ever seen before, no one in recorded history has ever seen before. they fear him, his mother fears him, and even deep down some part of mel fears himself. the outrage is too great for him and he decides upon taking time to himself, away from the dragons who know too much.
he does unspeakable things, now free from the restraints of the dragons who feared him. smoke fills his head, whispering to him things that he swears are words, but he doesn't think too much about it, even when it clouds his vision too, turning it red with blood.
okay. i Dont know how to Finish thi.s im just having Mel Thoughts.
basically i think the reason seaskimrs in trout's era have weak magic is because of how magic has been dwindling. because the awakening trials are what channels the power of one's soul into their abilities, mel HAD no well to drink from... so he had to make a well of his own, which is where his vampirism comes from. he forces draco to get it too by manipulating her into performing the awakening trial, and by extension oryx. and over the course of this time, all of them have taken so much magic from so many souls that what TROUT does is LITERALLY SUCK MAGIC FROM PEOPLES SOULS UNINTENTIONALLY... but she already has so fucking much stored in her soul. and the gimmick with trout's era is that . BECAUSE their magic is so weak...they channel all of their soul power into a physical entity, usually a weapon, and bond themselves to that item.
and because trout's soul is so fucking full to the brim with magic, her weapon is near world-ending levels of destructive. instead of trout herself being able to shapeshift (also an abhorblooded gift,) her weapon is... and BECAUSE ITS APART OF HER SOUL... oryx can speak to her through it.
speaking of oryx, i think oryx being a doctor is funny because he's. got no magical abilities. so he does everything the old fashioned way (or rather new fashioned way because they always used healing magic until oryx came along) and has written dozens upon dozens of books that have helped countless of seaskimrs during trout's era.
ok. im done
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the-himawari-otome · 5 months
[Shuuen no Virche] Birthday Short Story - Jean
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The birthday celebration of a certain Claude family butler
<Original post here>
・゚・:,。★ translation under the cut ★,。・:・゚
At the Claude residence—
Jean: Young master, I'm back from my shopping trip. I'll prepare your meal right away, so please wait a moment—.
Mathis: Wah, Jean! You're home already...!?
Jean: ? What's the matter? You're quite flustered. I can't go inside if you're standing in the way of the door...
Mathis: E-Err, um! You can't go in yet, Jean! Go shop some more until the sun sets!
Jean: Why do I have to go again... *Sigh*. I see how it is, young master—.
Mathis: (Gulp)...!
Jean: You slacked off on your studies and got absorbed in writing your novels again, didn't you? I told you to make sure you finish all your assignments properly...
Mathis: Huh? Ah, um, well...
Jean: There's no point lying to me. If that's the case, then I shall oversee your studies myself. I'm confiscating your manuscript papers until you're done. Now then, let's head back inside.
Mathis: Ah. Hold on, Jean! You really can't go in~~...!!
Yves: Oh! Jean's back already? We're not finished getting everything ready though...
Lucas: Oh my. It looks like Mathis's attempts to stall him have failed.
Jean: Oh, all of you gathered here while I was away. It looks like the room has been fixed up lavishly for some reason. What in the world...
Adolphe: Ahh. You see, that's...
Ankou: I suppose we have no choice but to confess now...
Jean: ...Ah. I see what's happening here, young master. You were planning to hold another sleepover with everyone without telling me, weren't you?
Ankou: ...Err, hm?
Jean: Goodness. While it's wonderful you have more opportunities to invite your friends now, you should look forward to that after you've finished everything you're supposed to do first.
Jean: I see everyone has made it such a lively event. However, you won't be able to entertain them if you as the host are too busy with your assignments.
Mathis: U-Umm... Jean?
Scien: Hey. This butler has no clue what's going on in the room.
Mathis: I-I'm surprised too. But now that we're at this point, I think he'll just end up forgetting and commencing my studying time if we don't tell him properly...
Jean: ? What do you mean by that—.
Jean: Oh my, young miss. You've come to visit as well. However, I do apologize. I am currently in the middle of explaining the importance of studying to the young master—.
Jean: ...A flower bouquet? As a gift.. it's also rather extravagant. Are you celebrating something today? We just celebrated the young master's birthday the other day...
Mathis: H-He really did forget, huh? ...Um, Jean. ...Isn't it your birthday today?
Jean: ...
Jean: —AH!!??
Yves: Ahaha. It looks like it finally hit him.
Jean: I suppose that's true... come to think of it. It completely slipped my mind.
Lucas: How strange considering he never forgets Mathis's birthday. But—that does sound like Jean.
Mathis: Fufu. I agree. Honestly, I wanted to surprise him by preparing a celebration in secret. But it can't be helped now that he knows.
Mathis: Thank you for everything, Jean. I'm truly glad—that you're my brother's butler, and a part of my family.
Jean: ...Young master.
Mathis: Me and her chose these flowers together. Will you accept them?
Jean: ...Of course. Thank you, young master. And you too, young miss—.
Jean: ...You, with beautiful blonde hair, chose these flowers together with the young master... huh?
Jean: ...You really can't fight blood, can you?
Jean: Ah, no. Don't worry about it. I was just talking to myself.
Jean: It's a great honour for a butler to have his master celebrate his birthday.
Jean: ...No matter what type of end awaits us in the future. I won't forget—.
The beauty of this bouquet. ---
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
I managed to successfully get Golden Mercy back on the brain, so have characters and their motivations while I figure out my life
Figures that I get motivated for this when I run out of time to write anything
Ganondorf - Ho boy does this dude have a complicated relationship with just about everyone and everything. He seeks the Triforce for a reason he won't divulge to anyone. He's originally from Ocarina of Time, but when the sages were going to kill him, he got the Triforce of Power. Din showed him his future in Twilight Princess, trying to show him to let go of his vices and find a new path. Ganondorf, not keen on getting stabbed to death by a teenage farm boy, told Din he wanted to start a new life. Din transported him to the Calamity timeline, where he lived a good life until he went after the Triforce again because he's an idiot. But after being sealed away in fragmented torture, with the last image he saw being his daughter, his future son-in-law, and the queen sealing him away, he's got some new motivations and plans. He's filled with regret and sorrow, missing his family desperately and seeing the previous Hero in Captain Link. Keeps his motivations close to his chest, because literaly everyone else around him wants different things.
Nabooru - The former chief of the Gerudo before Gan came along. Wants desperately to protect her people, and sees following Gan as her best option because what the heck else is she gonna do, that guy is way too freaking powerful. But she'll keep her eyes peeled for opportunities. All she knows about Gan are the legends claiming he's a demon king, so she's waiting for a moment to strike and save her people, but also... he's not acting like a demon king? Were those legends just Hylian propaganda?
Link - This boy. Is so confused. Ganondorf is an evil monster, he corrupted Cia and started a war, so why in the whole dang heck is he trying to protect Link?? Why is he being nice?? He's acting like an actual person??? What is happening?????
Zelda - She watched her mistakes kill her father, and she still hasn't gotten over that. Disguised herself as Sheik during the war because it was an escape from the guilt, from the responsibilities of being a ruler who failed. Is absolutely desperate to ensure that never happens again, and boy does that make things complicated when she realizes Ganondorf's alive because she told Link to break the final seal, and now the Triforce and her Hero are missing.
Ghirahim - Stabby stabby the Hero. But not this Hero, oh no, he wants to kill the original. Is tasked by Ganondorf to protect Link, much to his exasperation. But he'll bide his time. The demon king chose Gan as his vessel for a reason.
Zant - He just wants his power back. He'll do whatever to get it. Way better with words than with actions. Link literally laughs at him when he sees him fight. Zant is still upset about it. Kind of wishes Ghirahim wasn't protecting Link so he could stomp all over him. Stupid little brat.
Impa - Trying desperately to keep Zelda from becoming a tyrant. Sort of succeeding.
Lana - Kind of dying, actually. Wanted nothing more than to disappear into oblivion, got dragged back into the conflict, feels like garbage, and definitely isn't doing great. But at least she gets to hang out with Link because he's desperately trying to make sure she doesn't die.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Roger doesn't praise Buggy, like he'll give him a small compliment but that's about it. It's to a point where Buggy gets genuinely surprised when it happens Shanks absolutely gets praised though. -Forgotten birthday anon
Excuse me, Anon. Did you really think that it was okay to send this to me? A certified Buggy Stan? Because it is! It is fully okay! In fact, I love this. Your brain is amazing, and I am so happy you chose to share those thoughts with me!! 💙
I hope you are okay with me extending on this (again) because I just can't help myself.
It's not that Roger never praises Buggy, he does. It's just rare, and somehow that makes it worse. Sometimes Buggy feels like he is doing everything in his power just to get Roger to recognize that he is in fact trying. He may not be as skilled at fighting as Shanks, but that doesn't mean that he is useless. He can still be a great pirate. Roger just needs to see that.
That is why Buggy steals the damned fruit. If he manages to sell the thing for far more than the rest of the crew could, then surely everyone would have to acknowledge that he is more than just a cabin boy. That would show them that he could hold his own, even if he isn't the best fighter on the Grand Line. After all, wealth could grant just as much infamy as power. Of course, having a lot of money is a very welcome byproduct that Buggy won't shun.
But things don't turn out the way he thinks they will. Instead of stealing away in the middle of the night and returning with heaps of money and Roger's respect, Shanks makes Buggy eat the Devil Fruit. Which means that now nobody will be able to sell it and to make it worse Buggy loses the only thing he was better at than Shanks. Swimming.
And somehow all of this, Buggy thinks, is because Roger praises him sometimes. Because if Roger were to never do it, then maybe Buggy wouldn't have to try. If Roger just never muttered praise towards him, then Buggy wouldn't believe that there is a way to make his captain acknowledge his skill. If there is no way for you to win, why play in the first place.
But the head pats and the "you did goods", as rarely as they happen, are enough to spur him on. To make him believe that it's not that Roger doesn't want to praise him, it's just that Buggy, no matter how hard he tries, is simply not good enough to be praised.
By the time he grows older, Buggy accepts this. He knows that Shanks is Roger's favorite, it's okay. He just wishes his captain would tell him once, just once, that he is proud to have Buggy on his crew. But who could be proud of a clown?
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x09, part 2.
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As you should!! Queen!! Whip his ass!!!
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Strings that bind us? That one definitely hurt.
Jamie and Sam being besties. <3
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That's what you chose to focus on? Really? :D For real though, I still don't understand where the show is going with Roy. One step forward, three steps back. If this is the last season, it's weird.
Rebecca is theeee queen. <3
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They're not messing around with that password. Also, theft in the locker room? Interesting.
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How to deal with 'friendly' teasing? Like this :D King :D
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I LOVE this moment. I love that Trent is casually drinking tea and eating his orange, and Colin went straight up to him with 'Isaac knows" with no prelude. I LOVE that in Amsterdam it was Trent that asked Colin, "How do you do it?" as in asking for knowledge, and in here it's reversed. It's Colin coming to Trent. I love this bonding soooo much. It's so important. An older queer with a younger queer.
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I love him, you honor. Imagine having Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso, and Jamie Tartt as your good friends that you can go to ans talk. Goals.
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Queen!! Also, I love how Rebecca is often working with tea and/or biscuits on her desk. A foodie that isn't afraid to show it. She's come so far since s1, but then again, it's been said multiple times that real Rebecca is silly and wonderful, so I love seeing real Rebecca <3
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She talks like Ted. :) More straightforward, but yeah. With Ted, Roy opened up on his own.
"But I guess I'm not that person." "Not yet."
In here, he feels threatened, vulnerable, so he shoots that "I just wanna be left alone" and hopes she lets it go. I see you, protective layers. I see you. I wonder if it's some kind of trauma/issue from childhood that he's so repressed. Bc I've been there & sometimes I still fight that or feel ashamed to talk about some things so I keep quiet or don't explain properly, but it's sooo much better to talk it through. And I guess Roy won't go to therapy, so Rebecca being like This is his way of therapy. She just doesn't want to deal with that bullshit.
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I love her. She's great.
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I need Nate to get his big boy trousers on and stop sucking up to Rupert. I hate Rupert so. fucking. much. Is there a thing as an anti fanclub? Because I feel like I'm in it during moments like this. Rupert's ego is already higher than the sky, but Nate is making it even worse. Ew.
When will Nate finally leave Rupert and gets back to Ted? Huh? Or stays with Rupert but actually fights him on that and say that Ted is actually great and should be allowed to go to their matches if he wants to. Like, ughhhh. It's so frustrating.
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That's the worst idea EVER. He'll ruin you, Nathan. On the other hand, maybe you'll finally understand how evil he is.
It's been 16 minutes in this episode & so many things happened already? I'm surrprised. It feels like 30 at least.
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Mae <3 The joy of having an older lady on the show that knows what she's worth.
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I'll just leave it here. The way Rebecca doesn't hesitate to physically comfort Keeley. It was in s1? When she said she's not a hug person. She totally is. The real her. She's like female Roy Kent that is less repressed and will do anything for her people. Seriously, as soon as things shifted for her in the show, she had my heart. I saw her potential before things shifted & I loved that for her. She's amazing.
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I feel like Jamie is best friends with the entire team. Look at them. They love him. They were playing before Ted interrupted them. No idea how it's called in English, only in my native language, but that's so sweet.
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oooh another shortish piece of writing wow omg. i actually loved doing this one 😭😭 ily k/az 🫶🏻 anyway this is k/az being dreadfully allergic to cleaning supplies while he's cleaning a bathroom and then i/nej is like You're an idiot. ENJOY
cleaning (a short ficlet of k/az being stupidly allergic to cleaning supplies and sneezing more than he thought was humanly possible)
Spring cleaning and Kaz Brekker have a bit of a love-hate relationship. See, on the one hand, it's the relief of his life to finally get rid of all the dust accumulating on every surface in sight so he's actually not sneezing his brains out at any given moment - but it's also the damn cleaning supplies. Every single time, he asks himself, with a hand pressed to his streaming nose, why the hell did they make this shit smell so strong?
He's asking himself this now, in fact, eyes and nostrils burning incessantly as the potent scent of surface cleaner invades his airways, and wondering why he chose the bathroom of all places to clean - the smallest, most enclosed room in the whole house. Saints, this cleaner is all he can smell. He rubs his rapidly reddening nose awkwardly against his forearm, knuckles and wrists inaccessible due to then being hidden under a pair of bright yellow rubber gloves (it's quite the look on him).
To his credit, he does a pretty good job of cleaning the sink, what with his watery eyes threatening to spill over every time he blinks, but by the way his head keeps instinctively dipping with the need to sneeze, it won't be long before he has to clean it again.
No. Kaz repeatedly wills himself not to sneeze, even as his breath snags. Just fight it off for another five minutes and then we can be done here, he thinks in desperation. It's unlikely he'll last even one minute though, and he knows this as he scrunches his nose, feeling the itch in his sinuses spike and spread like wildfire. His breaths come in shallow, rapid gasps, chest stuttering and brows drawing closer together, but he keeps scrubbing determinedly at the sink, as though somehow it'll distract from the need to sneeze. He's not going to sneeze, of course he's not, he knows he's not. He's not going to sneeze, he's not going to - Saints, Kaz thinks, I'm gonna fucking sneeze.
He drops the cloth he's cleaning with as well as the bottle of surface cleaner which slips from the side of the sink and hits the floor with a thud, and quickly tears the rubber gloves from his hands. Kaz draws in a deep, heady gasp, before exploding into a harsh, desperate fit of sneezes.
"hhaAHHh! -kKSHHIIHh! 'KSHHHIiew! 'hHSCHH!-SHHh!-kKHSHHh! Shit, fucking, haAH'KKSCHHhiew! hiihHH'ISCHHhew!-'kSHHh-sSCHHhuh!"
They barrel through him in quick succession with no end in sight, rapid outbursts appearing to do nothing to alleviate the fiery itch sitting in his nose and throat. Kaz is too overcome with the intensity of the fit that he barely even tries to cover - he simply hovers his shaking hands about a foot from his face and sneezes practically into the open air, over and over. The scent of the cleaner is still in the air, strong as ever, and it's clear he's not likely to stop any time soon. His sharp, rapid sneezes echo off the bathroom's tiled walls, amplifying their volume.
"-hhiISCHHHhuh! Hah-haAHh-kKSCHHhiewh!-sSCHHhiew! I-In- 'KSHHhuh! ..Ine-hehH-! InejJSHHIEW!-'kiISCHHh!"
Between each increasingly messy sneeze, Kaz manages to choke out Inej's name. His head spins more and more the more he sneezes, and his shoulders shake as he pitches forward with each explosion. He's more than a little taken aback - he's never sneezed quite like this before, and honestly he really didn't expect to. What surprises him even more is that no matter how hard he tries, he's unable to stop - the sneezes just keep coming, even when he thinks he's out of breath.
"-ehh'hEH'KXSCHHhiew! hihH'sSHHhuh!-'KXSHHhiiew! -huH'ikSHHhu-iISCHH'huh!"
He lifts his head blearily to see Inej leaning on the door frame, face split with a wry smile.
"Wow, bless you," she says. She crouches to pick up the fallen bottle of surface cleaner and examines it, then looks back up at Kaz, eyebrows raised. "The thing to finally best the great Kaz Brekker... and it's this?" she says, smirking.
"It's not fuh-huH-hehH'SHHhiew! ihh'kKXSCHhuh! Not funny," Kaz replies thickly, between sneezes.
"It is a little bit," she says. He casts her a glare, which loses all its menace behind his glassy eyes and scarlet-hued nose. His breath catches again, of course.
"hh-hehHh... huUHh'kKXSHHhuh! -KTSHHhiew! hah'haAH'TSCHHhiiewh!"
Inej shakes her head at him. "I don't know why you didn't have the common sense to just... leave the room," she says in amusement, "Anyways, I've had my fun. Let's get you out of here and cleaned up, okay?"
Kaz replies with a desperate pair of sneezes. "-ehH'kKSCHHh! huh'iSHHh-hiew!"
"Oh, that last one was adorable," Inej teases, "but Saints, you really can't stop, can you? I might make you clean more often, just because of how cute your nose is all red like that."
"Inej," Kaz mumbles thickly.
"Right, sorry, sorry," she replies in mock surrender, "My bad, you've already suffered enough."
Kaz's nose seems to agree, as it responds with yet another sneeze. "hehH'SHHhiew! Saints..."
Inej smiles. "You go and get yourself a tissue - or fifty - and I'll finish up cleaning in here. I won't be long," she says, nodding towards the open door. Kaz nods and leaves the room, nostrils still flaring in irritation and desperation. Inej hears him muffle a soft pair of sneezes as he exits and smiles to herself.
"What am I going to do with him?" she says to no one in particular.
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parvulous-writings · 3 months
I have several questions about your BG3 ocs again! I'm still curious!
What are Renton, Micheal, Markus, and Ilvon's heights?
How do they feel about physical touch?
Are they affectionate (physically or emotionally) to anyone or just their loved ones?
How protective are they of their loved ones?
How good are they at reading & writing? Thanks! - Fluff anon
Fluff... I love when you submit anything, praise be to you!!
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of Act 2 in Markus' section, very vague allusions to bedroom time in Ilvon's (very vague indeed, but still.)
Renton stands a little taller than Gale, at a good ol' 6'1 - or 185.4cm! So, a little over average - and paired with his buff build, makes him the perfect farmhand.
He's a big fan of physical touch! He loves hugs, holding hands with his significant other, and cheek kisses! The only PDA he gets embarrassed about - particularly when he's in his early twenties - is kisses on the lips. He also gives piggy backs to his friends, should they need or want them.
Renton becomes very affectionate once he gets to know someone - side hugs and shoulder pats for his newer friends, full on hugs and hair ruffles for closer friends, and a lot of hand-holding for his significant other. Touch is very important to him! He's also a brilliant listener, and can be quite emotionally vulnerable when the conversation veers that way. He's a bit awkward with his words when he wants to tell someone he cares for or about them, but he does eventually manage to get the message across. He thinks.
Renton can be quite protective - not in a jealous way, moreso just if they are in any kind of danger or risk of getting hurt, he becomes quite protective. He can and will charge into very stupid situations to try and help his loved ones. Think... Taking on three trolls at once, with not a huge amount of combat experience. With nothing but a sword. That's Renton.
He can read at a very basic level - fairy tales, and general notes and such, but he isn't very good at grasping higher level academic books, they confuse him a lot, especially when he has to tackle a long word. His writing is also average - and very sketchy, think chicken scratch. He tries his best, but it's not always legible.
A nice, round 6ft, or 182cm!
Physical touch is mainly reserved for those closest to him - family, very close friends, and lovers. He 'll pat shoulders, but unless there is a deep or long-standing bond between him and the other party, he doesn't do much more than that. It's nothing against anyone, it's just a boundary that he maintains, he likes keeping that kind of display for those who have a place in his heart.
He often tells people how honoured he is to have them as a friend, and if he's speaking to a lover, this is kicked up several notches; he'll tell them how handsome or pretty they look, how they grace him with their presence, and how lucky he is to have them. Any woes of theirs, he'll listen to, and try to help in any way that he is able to - be that through cuddling to block out the rest of the world, or taking action to sort the source of whatever the issue may be.
Like Renton, Micheal isn't protective in a jealous way. He lets them fight their own battles, too - he won't immediately step in to aid them. If he knows they can or will manage, he lets them take that path. If they are out of their depth, however, he sees it as his duty to aid them in any way that he can.
Micheal is very well read, and has bea
utiful hand-writing; he's well educated, and was originally going to study law before he chose to instead take his paladin oath and leave home. Even after so long away from studies and 'normal' life, he has that cursive style to his written hand.
He is 5'9-5'10 (Probably around 176cm)!
Markus isn't a massive fan of physical touch from most people. The only ones who ever got a pass to touch him were (formerly) Laenna, and of course, Ilvon. The only time he really goes to hug anyone outside of this is during moments of extreme emotion - such as the defeat of Ketheric Thorm at Moonrise. During moments like this, he can hardly contain himself, so it practically bursts out of him, like a flower during spring; only, a flower doesn't hug nor squeeze as tight as Markus does. When he regains his composure a few moments later, he pretends as if nothing happened.
The only one he shows affection for - before any relationship - is Ilvon. They're incredibly close - and Ilvon is the only one that Markus truly feels that he can trust, now that Laenna is gone. He rarely shows affection when in front of or around others, but he likes sleeping close to Ilvon. He's not exactly emotionally available at first, either. Markus isn't entirely helpful when it comes to being there for someone emotionally, because he has a lot of anger, hatred, and a few other issues that he needs to heal from first.
He can be protective - it depends on the type of relationship he has with someone. If you're just friends, he's not overly protective, if at all. If you're lovers, however, he can become over-protective, and even jealous at times. He doesn't like people threatening or taking what he views as 'his' - it's his more animalistic side rearing it's head, something he very much should work to control.
He's fairly well-read; he's studied druid texts and doctrine in his youth, so he's no stranger to longer words, prose or - in some instances - legalese. His handwriting wouldn't tell the same story, however. It's rough, and he'll often break a couple of quills whilst trying to write a letter, he can be very heavy handed at times.
6'2, or 187cm!
Ilvon is perfectly fine with physical touch, though he isn't usually the one to initiate it! He's often nervous of overstepping someone's boundary when it comes to touch, so lets whomever he is with take the lead on that front. He gives some of the best hugs! One of his favourite things to do with someone he's close to - either friend or lover - is take their hand in his lap, and just hold it, or play with their fingers, to occupy himself during campfire conversations.
He's affectionate with anyone who needs it - he's very much a calm healer of any group he's in, in an emotional or physical sense. He could be seen as a therapist friend, in some regard. But he loves being able to provide any sense of comfort, to his friends, family, or loved ones. He shows his affection through teaching - such as the way he leads his life, if you were to ask him a question, he would gladly answer - and gift giving. Sometimes the gifts are a bit... Unconventional, but they all have reasoning behind them.
Ilvon is constantly checking in to make sure everyone is alright - how they're feeling, if they've had enough food, if they're too tired to continue on the road right now and need a break. This extends to more intimate moments with lovers, as well - always checking in. Openness and honesty is Ilvon's bread and butter when it comes to protecting those around him, even if he can't always help physically (which he does, in fact, try to avoid).
Like Markus, he's well read on doctrine and the teachings of Silvanus. He has absolutely no issue with reading such subjects - and will, when he has the opportunity - seek out such texts to read for pleasure, he likes to challenge himself. His writing is much more elegant that his younger peer, and flows like a scholar's. He likes to decorate his written words as well, making certain letters look like animals when he deems appropriate.
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fullstcp · 7 months
"Girl Of My Dreams" by Fletcher Sentence Starters
"If you wanna see my face again grab some paper and a pen."
"Lately I've been feeling kinda lonely."
"It's kinda like nobody knows me anymore."
"Maybe I've been looking for a stranger."
"Maybe I've been living for the danger of the fall."
"But, oh, aren't we all?
"Everybody says these are the best years of our lives."
"Then why does everyone around me look so lost tonight?"
"With us it's all or nothing."
"Scared of what's next so we keep on running."
"Kiss me, we won't remember."
"I've traveled so many places in my head."
"So insecure, so quick to fight."
"I didn't know I was so co-dependent."
"I didn't know I had so much resentment."
"She/he/they could've been the one."
"Forever only made a couple trips around the sun."
"Tequila doesn't hit no more."
"I got a new rebound."
"I'm falling for me now."
"I'm over being cynical."
"I was lost in transit, you found me stranded."
"Guess I didn't know that love could hit me this hard."
"What you gonna put your lips on now at midnight?"
"Do you think of me?"
"Do you wish you didn't, but you have to?"
"I don't know myself without you and I want to."
"Something can be wrong even if nothing's wrong."
"I know those seem like shitty reasons for calling it off."
"There were so many things I couldn't be for you."
"I was kind, I was warm, I was patient."
"Look at you, you're a star, I'm the reason."
"Honestly, you're new girlfriend/boyfriend should thank me."
"Do you think of me when you fuck her/him/them?"
"It's always the next person that gets the better version."
"I loved you at your worst."
"I fixed your heart, but mine still hurts."
"We were young, we were dumb, we had issues."
"God knows that we tried."
"I did the heavy lifting, but she'll/he'll/they'll get the happy ending."
"Now the credits are rolling, I played my part."
"You were kind, you were warm, you were patient."
"Look at me, I'm a star, you're the reason."
"Now some other person is gonna get the better version of me."
"Do you ever miss me?"
"You chose brand new over history."
"Don't you wish I was your girlfriend/boyfriend still?"
"Don't you wish it worked and we were on again?"
"Why does it sting?"
"Why am I still hung up on things?"
"Are you gonna give that diamond ring that's meant for me to her/him/them?"
"It's all I got left of you and me."
"Do you ever rewind?"
"I've been hurting from the goodbye."
"Feelings, do they ever die?"
"I wish we were on again."
"I still feel you right here every now and then."
"How much longer will it sting?"
"What if we could start clean with no hard feelings between us?"
"What if we could go back and take it all back?"
"Are you in love like we were?"
"If I were you I'd probably keep her/him/them."
"My head and my heart are at war and I'm stuck in the crossfire."
"I make things complicated."
"Here we go again."
"We're not friends, no, we're not lovers."
"You got a new life in just six seasons."
"I only know you in bits and pieces."
"I'm losing my head trying to hold onto something."
"If you're gonna lie, do it in my bed."
"If you're gonna lie to me, make it worth it."
"I guess you didn't tell the truth."
"Just tell me you don't need me."
"Break my heart and make it easy."
"I heard you're better off and you're doing fine."
"I heard that you're in love, good fucking try."
"I know we said forever but I guess we lied."
"I tend to overcomplicate."
"I overlove, I underplay."
"I'm not the best at breaking up."
"A sucker for the fuck me up."
"I like my alone time."
"I want somebody to hold."
"I tend to contradict a lot."
"I love you more, I love you not."
"I hate it when you're there for me."
"I found God the moment that I put my lips on yours."
"You're so hot, I'm freaking out."
"I get lost in the moment."
"I'm constantly dating, cause I crave validation."
"I've confessed to girls and boys and to strangers on the internet."
"I'm kinda impatient."
"I'm fun when I'm wasted."
"I feel things in my bones."
"Everybody's trying to make me someone else."
"I know sometimes I'm too hard to love."
"I've been drinking, so I'm gonna speak my mind."
"I'll say 'fuck you' to the bad vibes."
"I'm a bad bitch and nothing can scare me."
"Had a lot of feelings but none like this before."
"I am what I am and I ain't nothing more."
"This city's too big for the small things I need."
"I'm done losing sleep over things I can't be."
"I pleased everybody, so this one's for me."
BETTER VERSION (feat Kelsea Ballerini)
"I grew up for our difference in ages."
"I never thought we were subject to changes."
"I did my best to fix it."
"Til death cause then I meant it."
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super-paper · 8 months
Any thoughts on the leaks from the new chapter??
I really enjoyed the dialogue between izuku and tomura this chapter, especially that unhinged look on izukus face as he says he'll rip the damn rug/cover with his own hands if he has too. And that last panel between izuku and toshi, the "you can be a hero!" scene but now saying he needs to let go of ofa...wow, cinema.
Overall i liked it, but I feel a bit aprehensive about certain things, especially after seeing opinions on twt. I knew izuku would most likely give up ofa at the end of the series, so im sad about it (dont get me wrong, izuku giving up ofa of all things so he can save tomura is beautiful,,,,, but im just a big fan of izuku with ofa and everything that it means 😭 i want him to keep his haunted quirk and ofamily). But then on twt everyone was so hyped up and talking about izuku getting New Order.. which left me confused not gonna lie, bc other than Star pointing at something, I didn't get any idea of Izuku getting her quirk. But again, my reading analysis could be in the mud lol. Some say Aura Might is gonna give up his place for Star in ofa, or afo is joining the fight with his trump card, others say the quirk will spread to class 1A, so when izuku opens the vault door, the vestiges of 1A will help him. I have no idea, anything is possible i suppose. As for izuku, while I think at some point he will give up ofa, I think he might hesitate at first (??) Like toshinori, he connects his worth to having a quirk, so emotionally speaking it won't be easy for him in my opinion. But let's see!
I'm gonna be a bit mean for a second and say that "Izuku getting New Order" and "Class 1A shares OFA (Monoma Neito found dead in Miami)" are by far my least favorite fandom theories lmfao.
Anyway, you're definitely right on the money about this also being a battle Re: Izuku's own self perception and who he is without OFA. Izuku and Tomura's biggest hang ups boil down to how they both perceive themselves and how that perception was essentially forced onto both of them by other people until they both internalized it as "fundamentally true" (Izuku believing that he's worthless/useless, Tomura believing that he's evil and that he's having a ~peachy-keen~ time rn). Chapter 412/413 have set the stage for this conflict to finally come to the forefront, so I'm excited to see where things go.
As for Star, people who believe her quirk is "the will of heroism that's gonna get passed on to Izuku" are missing the point of her character, I feel. Star's quirk was cool, but it was also another shining example of a quirk "not being what makes someone an actual hero"-- Star used her quirk to do some pretty fucked up things during her fight with TomurAFO, and ultimately, the moments where she chose NOT to use her quirk and chose NOT to prioritize "the greater good" over everything else are actually her defining heroic moments:
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(^ the implication of this scene being that her vestige stopped short of obliterating AFO because she found Tenko hidden inside him)
Izuku has already inherited "the will of heroism" as Star defines it. The will of heroism is more or less "noticing that someone needs help and choosing to act on it." There is beauty in simplicity and trying to work "Izuku obtaining new order" into the mix takes the focus away from that, I feel. Star notices Tenko needs help, and instead of using the last embers of her existence to extinguish AFO, she instead uses those embers to reach out to Toshi and point out where Tenko has hidden himself. Toshi alerts Kudou, who then decides to place his faith in Izuku's ability to save Tomura's heart, and so on and so forth.
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(A certain someone else also inherited that will, but he's just being a massive fucking tsundere about it. Can't wait for someone to finally call his ass out when the inevitable mind-meld happens.) (/hj)
Anyway, I feel u regarding the OFA vestiges-- but at the same time, I think it's good that they're finally being allowed some autonomy in how they choose to go out considering how they lived/died in the first place. I still maintain that we're gonna end up whittling OFA down to Yoichi, Toshi, and Nana bc they're the three most deeply connected to Tomura (in addition to having the most unresolved feelings and lingering regrets centered around Tomura/AFO). I also think it's pretty neat how "One for All" is now coming apart at the seams because they're starting to work together for "the one" rather than the "all," if you catch my drift ;)
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
BBU Community Days: Day 8
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250 (aka Cass) gets his barcode.
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @painful-pooch
Finding Safety masterlist
CWs: BBU, pet whump, collared, non-con touch (non-sexual), discussion of future and past rape, amnesia, shock collar, electric shocks, humiliation, non-con nudity, crude language/sexual imagery and drawing on someone in Sharpie, sexual implications in body language, sexual harrassment, strapped down, gagged, muzzled, non-con photos, handcuffed, manhandling (brief, plus mentions of), non-con tattooing, dehumanisation, blindfold, sensory deprivation
"20 quid says he'll be a Guard Dog."
The other handler snorts. "Only 20? Not very certain, are you?"
"Well, what do you think he'll be?"
346250 sets his jaw best he can against the sharp pain as the needles prick against his skin, each one sending a pinpoint of ink into his arm. He doesn't know what they're drawing, his head's immovable like this, but he can guess. They tattoo it onto every pet, after all. He clenches his fist against the pain and receives a sharp slap on the knuckles for his troubles.
He can't see the handlers from this position, but he can swear he hears the shrug. "Could be a Guard Dog. The ladies would love those muscles though. And that scar... the heroic look's big this season. So, could be a Romantic."
346250 flinches as much as he can between the tight leather restraints as someone squeezes his arm, and there's two laughs. "Oh, yeah, I see what you mean about the muscles. Let me know if he gets assigned to your department. I want a turn."
"You always want a turn," says the handler, sounding exasperated.
"Boys, boys," says a woman, sounding amused. 'No touching the trainee until I've finished his barcode. You'll have plenty of time later."
"Sorry, boss."
"What do you mean, 'plenty of time later'? Do you know something we don't?"
"Just that Poppy says he's exceptionally defiant. He was the one who led 643 in the escape attempt, and he's resistant. So there'll be plenty of manhandling to be done."
346250 flinches again, his whole body this time. He was led in here by a choking hand on his collar and strapped in, ankles and legs and wrists and forearms, and torso and forehead too. Everywhere, in fact. The collar's too tight and he can't breathe properly, it's all he's wearing except for a black silicon gag that fits between his lips, pulling at his teeth, pinching the skin. And a blindfold, rendering everything completely black.
Clearly they want him to hear, though. At least for now.
A handler mentioned a fitted one. He doesn't want a fitted one. He wants to breathe.
He feels almost relaxed, though, like this. Like he's floating. As soon as the handlers stop talking he forgets what he's worrying about. He's sure there's something, it nags and worms at the back of his mind, but he doesn't remember what.
They said he's safe. He knows they're lying, they snigger behind their hands when they think he's not looking. He chose this. He didn't, he can see people in his mind that make him sad He can trust the handlers. He has to, he has to, he has to, or the electricity will come on again.
"Make the most of his compliance while it lasts, boys. I know you prefer the defiant ones, but best get him settled before he fights back."
"Right you are. I'm just about done. Anything you want to do to him?"
"Yeah, actually. Pass me that Sharpie."
346250 hears a pen uncapping and a strong smell of alcohol hits his nostrils. His chest tickles as someone draws on it.
"Mate, that might be a classic, but it won't win this week's competition. You know what Finn's prizes are like, you don't want to miss out."
"Yeah but, 643's untrained. No fun."
"I thought you boys liked the defiant ones. She's good enough without training, anyway." There's a stunned silence, and 346250's arm throbs. "What? You don't think no-one fucked her during her initial training? She was almost made into a Romantic then, after all. If it wasn't for 065 and the workers then messing it all up."
"See, this is why I'm adding you to the group chat. Like minds and all that." 346250 feels his face jostled as something metal is strapped over his mouth, and something is placed over his head that muffles all sounds. Noise-cancelling headphones, perhaps?
Someone undoes 346250's straps, leaving everything else in place. Then he's pulled to his feet and held tightly by his collar as the blindfold is removed.
There's a mirror in front of him, and he barely recognises the person in it. He doesn't remember himself, and yet it's possible not to recognise himself. He looks scared, smeared in blood, embarrassingly naked but one of the handlers cuffs his hands behind him, he can't cover himself. He sees his face go bright red. One of the handlers guffaws in the mirror, and the other makes a crude motion with his hands. The tattooist rolls her eyes.
346250 has scars he didn't know he had (and how does he know what scars he had?), injuries that he knows with a strange certainty weren't there before. The collar's black plastic, a small box attached to the front, metal prongs cold against his skin. It looks deceptively unthreatening. In his mouth is a gag, and over it, covering the lower half of his face, is a wire and leather muzzle. Like an animal. He hasn't been defiant for as long as he can remember, since they took him off that IV line. It must be a warning against misbehaviour. A threat. For fun.
He swallows a sob as he looks at his chest, a part of himself he'd been avoiding. He knew it was crude. Of course it was, they drew it in Sharpie and laughed. But somehow that's different to actually seeing it.
He has a penis drawn in black on his chest, semen spurting out of it. The words he can't make out, the handwriting's backwards and terrible and he has a splitting headache, but he assumes they're equally as crude.
It'll wash off eventually. It will. But that's the only comfort.
And on his arm... on his left arm is a tattoo. The tattoo. Black and bold against the tan of his skin, crisp, clean lines portray a barcode with a set of numbers below. 346250, he presumes. Marking him out forever as a pet.
It's okay though, he's safe here. He's not. It was his choice. It wasn't. It won't hurt too much. He doesn't know what they'll do to him.
He can survive. Whatever happens, he can.
Can he?
A handler steps in front of him, mobile phone in hand. He winks at 346250, pointing at a toy monkey on his head for the new trainee to look at. A flash goes off.
They're taking photos. Oh, god.
In the mirror, 346250 sees the other handler pull out the small black remote and turn the dial. Then he presses the button.
The trainee falls to his knees, attempting to claw at his neck as his vision goes white, gag-muffled screams reverberating in his ears, he can't hear them on the outside so they're all inside instead, shocks shaking his jaw and his limbs, sending them jerking and thrashing. All he can feel is pain, all he can think about is the pain of it, the sensation, he can barely breathe.
When he comes to, limbs twitching and jerking against the cold tile floor, he realises they're still taking photos.
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digimonloving · 2 years
Hi!! I really like your HC... So I was anxiously waiting for you to open the questions.
I was wondering if you could make some HCs of Gankoomon, Lucemon FM and Vandemon X with a fat S/O who has insecurities.
Thank you so much!
Gankoomon is a Digimon who cares deeply for those around him, helping those who need it. And as such, he's quite the sweetheart to those he's close with when it isn't about training. So, with his S/O, he is an encouraging partner! Especially when he sees that his S/O has insecurities due to many things. Even their weight. Gankoomon makes a show of it that his S/O's weight doesn't bother him in the slightest with how he lifts them up like they weigh nothing - and for him, they practically don't - before he peppers kisses all over their face and whispers how much he loves them.
There is not a moment that his S/O doesn't feel loved. For Gankoomon only has eyes for one person, and that's them! He always has something soft to say, a compliment to give, and always mentioning that he'd fight off his S/O's insecurities as he holds them close to him. Encouragement and love is always given without needing to ask for it, for Gankoomon knows when his S/O is feeling insecure or down about something someone said, and he's there in the blink of an eye to make certain they know how much he loves them.
Lucemon FM
Lucemon will not have his S/O having insecurities. He's the Demon Lord of Pride, and as such, insecurities and insecure are not words in his vocabulary. And he's going to erase such things from his S/O's vocabulary. He could care less about their weight; he sees them as perfect just like himself. Besides... he likes how their body feels when he encloses his large hands on their stomach or anywhere else he may grab on their body. Such a nice soft squish of flesh, he enjoys it greatly. He chose them to be his partner, and he's going to make certain they felt like they deserve to be with him. With all the gifts he lavishes his S/O in, he makes it known how much he adores his little human.
Lucemon will constantly whisper how beautiful/handsome/lovely his S/O is. Holding them close to him and making the feel like the only one in the whole world. His S/O should take pride in their appearance and how they are. And in his own fashion, of course inflate his own ego talking about how lucky his S/O is to have him by their side. Such a powerful Digimon loves them and only them, and they still feel such things? Oh, you silly little human... come now. Don't be so silly. His S/O is perfect, just like him, and he will make certain that nobody says otherwise.
Vamdemon X
Vamdemon X is still ever the gentleman with his S/O. Every time an insecurity pops up, he's quick to squish it by distracting them before he helps them fix it in some way or another. Always quick on his feet with solutions on how to stop the feeling, and being certain they know how much he cares for them and that they needn't feel such ways. They better be prepared for such precious and fancy words put into a near poem about them with how much he adores them.
He can and absolutely will make outfits that fit his S/O as well. He's quite good with a thread and needle, and everything he makes will always fit perfectly for his S/O. They won't ever have to deal with trying to find clothes in their size again, for he'll make it for them if they show him what they want. He's quite quick with it as well now, everything looking flattering upon his S/O. He loves to make them feel wonderful, and to feel comfortable in their outfits and have whatever design they want just by asking. He'll be certain to compliment them plenty while they wear such things, as he made sure it was made with the best fabrics he had.
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