#they come in a pack alWAYS there i said it
roosterforme · 1 day
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley intended to take care of a few important things while he had the week off from work, but a quick visit to base brought with it a change of plans.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, adult language, smut, very hands-on Bradley, spanking, 18+
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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The following day, instead of dressing in a uniform or flight suit, Bradley pulled on jeans and a tropical print shirt while he watched you get yourself ready for work.
"You look cute," he murmured as you wiggled into a dress and some simple flats. "And I like it that you're officially living here now instead of just staying for a few days."
"The commute is not ideal," you told him immediately. "But this is." You placed your hand on his abs before giving him the sweetest kiss that left him soft inside. "This is ideal."
Fuck. He was so in love it was insane. As soon as he was back in your presence for a few hours, having sex and eating pasta, he could barely remember how miserable he'd been on that deployment. It was like nothing else mattered as long as he kept coming back to you.
"Let me pack your lunch," he whispered, tilting your chin up for another one of those kisses. Then he was on his way to the kitchen before he could make you late for school. Before he got home, you filled the refrigerator with everything he liked to eat, and he inhaled two yogurts and some peanut butter toast while he made your sandwich. 
The notes you opened from the box he sent were on the kitchen counter, and he smiled. Nat covered for him big time on Christmas Eve so he could make that happen. He was excited to get to see her when he stopped by North Island, but he had to get you to work first.
"You don't need to drop me off. It's so far out of the way," you told him as you appeared with your tote bag. "I'll drive myself."
When he pouted, you laughed. "Come on, Gorgeous. I want to. I need to stop on base anyway."
"Oh, can you remind Marty and Nat about Career Day?" you asked, holding your bag open for your lunch.
"Nat's coming, too? You'll have the whole of the Navy there, Baby."
"The kids would love that."
Bradley narrowed his eyes. "As long as I'm still the favorite."
"You're irreplaceable," you promised.
You weren't exaggerating one bit when you said the commute was a killer. Bradley hummed along to the radio and held your hand, barely making it through the Starbucks drive-thru line and up to your school before the last minute that you needed to be there.
"I love you. Bye," you told him, kissing him quickly before jumping out the passenger door and running up the sidewalk with your enormous drink in one hand. He was absolutely addicted to the coffee now as well, and after he was sure you made it inside, he sipped his own cup as he drove back down the highway.
It was strange to be going through the guard gates this late in the morning, and when he approached the hangar in his street clothes, he heard Nat's voice and sassy whistle immediately. 
"Looking good, Rooster. Did you forget to do your laundry? Did you forget what time work started while you were deployed?" she called, and he made a point to mess up her hair when she gave him a tight hug. "You're the worst."
"I missed you too, Nat," he told her with a laugh. "Thanks for looking after my girl."
She shrugged and said, "I'm always in the market for drinking wine and talking about you behind your back. Plus, she's actually great. Hanging out with her is the best."
"Yeah," he replied, laughing harder. "That's why I want to do it all the time. I intend to do it forever."
One of her dark eyebrows shot up, and she smirked as she said, "Like forever, forever?"
He ducked his head and cleared his throat. "Yeah, but engagement rings are expensive." Natasha screeched and punched him in the shoulder. "Why are you like this?" he asked as she smacked him several times and jumped around excitedly.
Bradley was saved from being attacked when Maverick walked in with his familiar clipboard in hand and a frown on his face. "Phoenix, you're supposed to be in the tower. Rooster, welcome back. Why aren't you dressed?"
"My vacation days got approved," Bradley replied as Natasha quietly crept away. "I'm off the rest of the week. Didn't anyone tell you?"
"It's probably in my emails." Maverick's frown faded away as he pulled Bradley in for a hug. "I was a little worried for a minute there that you'd end up back in Norfolk." He slapped him on the back. "If you're off all week, why are you here?"
Bradley chuckled. "I just wanted to see everyone. Like you said, I was a little worried about Norfolk, too."
Maverick eyed him closely. "And did I hear you say something about an engagement ring?"
It wasn't like there was anything to hide. Bradley figured it was pretty obvious to everyone by now that his relationship with you was the real deal. Hell, Maverick even compared it to his own parents. "Yeah, I'm going to buy one this month. I just need to juggle some finances around to make sure I can get her something really pretty. But I'm going to start looking today."
A slow nod turned into a beaming smile, and then Maverick said, "Before you do anything, I have something you might want to know about."
You were dead on your feet at work. Staying up half the night making love and snuggling left you with a smile on your face, but you couldn't stop yawning. Your students noticed right away as you drained your coffee and groaned when the bell rang signaling the start of class.
"Did you have a hard time sleeping?" Jayden asked.
"A little bit," you replied, remembering the way you had to keep pinching yourself to make sure Bradley's strong arm wrapped around you all night was real.
"Was there a loud noise that kept you up?" Nia asked.
You tried not to snort as you thought about Bradley's moans and grunts in your ear as he fucked you from behind. "Something like that. It's time to review our spelling words."
Even though you insisted that Bradley didn't need to drive you to work, he did, and he promised he'd be back right on time to pick you up at the end of the day. But he was such a liar. He arrived at your classroom fifteen minutes before dismissal time with rosy cheeks and eighteen envelopes.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw's here!" Nia called out when your boyfriend knocked on the door before slipping inside. 
He made a beeline right to you, placing a rather innocent kiss on your cheek. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to drop these off," he said, holding up the envelopes. The top one had Jackie's name on it, and your heart soared. Butterflies took off. You had to work really hard not to kiss him again.
"We don't mind," you told him, and you watched him pass out the individual notes he must have written for your students while he was deployed. All eyes were on him as he walked around your classroom, delivering envelopes and answering questions.
"When did you get home from the Atlantic Ocean?"
"Was the food good on the aircraft carrier?"
"Are you coming back for Career Day on Friday?"
Bradley took everything in stride like he always did, but his eyes returned to yours frequently, and his flushed cheeks left you feeling dizzy.
"I got home yesterday," he said, voice deep and commanding as he set the last of his envelopes down on Violet's desk. "The food was terrible. So bad. Nothing like the Pacific Fleet. Nowhere near as good as what you ate on your field trip to North Island. I'm thinking about writing a letter to complain."
"You should," Violet told him seriously. "Yummy, balanced meals are so important."
"You're so right," he replied with a nod. "And yes, I'll be back on Friday for Career Day. Your teacher worked so hard on it, I wouldn't miss it for anything." You were gripping the edge of your desk now as he smiled at you.
"I didn't know you were allowed to wear anything except your uniforms," marveled Oliver.
Bradley looked down at his patterned shirt and laughed. "Should I stick with the flight suit for Friday?"
Then the dismissal bell rang, and your kids started to scramble. You usually had them packed up and ready to go a few minutes early, but Bradley was clearly more exciting than the end of the school day. 
"Don't forget about the spelling test tomorrow!" you called out as they all exited the room in a mass of chaos after high fiving your boyfriend. "Thanks for surprising us," you said as you spun to face him.
"Thanks for being so perfect that I can't stay away from you."
Your cheeks blazed with warmth as you ducked against his chest. Muscular arms wrapped you up in a hug as you muttered, "Did you remind Natasha and Marty about Friday?"
"And did you get to see Maverick?"
He paused before squeezing you a little tighter and kissing the top of your head. "Uh, yes. I did. Now will you let me take you home so I can get back to my busy schedule of eating delicious food, napping and fucking you senseless?"
Bradley spent the following day unpacking more of your stuff while you were at work. You had all these fancy things he needed to make room for. Like an air fryer. And a rice cooker. Things he would have never used otherwise, but he didn't mind having them here now. 
He took breaks to read from the journal you kept while he was away, often smiling and laughing at what you'd written in your daily log. It was no wonder he fell in love with you through your writing; you were just the same as you were in person and so authentic this way. Then he read about the day you helped Edith with some chores, and he sprawled out on the couch with a groan.
You were the sweetest thing in his life. One time, Vanessa told him that Edith was annoying and only wanted attention. He rolled his eyes then, and he rolled them again now. She was elderly. Of course she wanted attention. But Bradley knew she also had arthritis, and helping her with yard work was fast and painless for him. He couldn't imagine you saying anything like that.
Bradley slipped into a hazy daydream, thinking about how he wanted to propose to you as his feet hung over the end of the couch. He wasn't going to last long now, and he knew it. Not with that ring tucked away in a Zip-lock bag which was duct taped underneath the bathroom sink vanity behind the pipes. If nothing else, he knew it was there, and he could rip it down any time he felt like asking you to marry him, but he wanted it to be special. Really special.
Maybe he could write something for you. Maybe he should take you out to dinner again. There had to be a way to make it just right so you couldn't say no.
After a few more minutes of indulging in the fantasy of having you as his wife, he stood up and attempted to use the air fryer to make lunch. Pretty soon he gave up and made a sandwich instead before walking next door to knock on Edith's door.
"Bradley!" she said, pulling the door open for him. "You're home. Your girlfriend told me you were deployed earlier this month."
"I just got back on Monday. A little bruised, but no worse for the wear," he told her with a smile. "I wanted to see if you needed help with anything."
"Oh, your sweet girlfriend already changed my light bulbs for me," she told him. Then she lowered her voice and smirked. "She's a looker."
"Yeah," he confirmed with a nod. "She's Gorgeous. She also moved in with me, so if I'm not home and you need something, you can always ask her, okay?" 
Edith fretted her hands, and Bradley leaned back out the open front door, knowing she wouldn't agree to his help unless she paid him in some way. Truthfully, he really did feel like playing the piano anyway. "It looks like you've got some weeds that need to be pulled, and your downspout is loose again. How about you think of a cool song to teach me, and I'll be back in like fifteen minutes?"
He ducked outside before she could answer, but he could hear her tapping away at the piano keys as he yanked some dried up weeds out of the soft soil. While he worked, he pictured the sheet music that Edith kept stacked up inside the piano bench, and he started to come up with an idea. The more he thought about the pages stacked up in his own house, the more he liked his plan. 
He was all smiles when he sat down for her to teach him how to play a Bob Dylan classic, and he was still whistling the tune when he went to pick you up from work.
On Thursday night, Bradley had you snuggling on top of him on the couch when you should have really been going over your final plans for Career Day. "You are such a distraction," you whispered, arms and legs wrapped up with his to keep warm since you were wearing nothing but his old sweatshirt.
His fingers flexed on the back of your thigh as he smirked and turned his head to face you instead of the TV. "And you're the best for helping me relax all week." His breath was warm on your cheek, and he kissed you there, saying, "Don't stress about tomorrow. It'll be perfect."
You nuzzled your cheek against his shoulder. "I still have to put all of my guests in order. I need to schedule the most impressive presentation last, for the grand finale."
"Okay, so put me last then, Gorgeous."
You grinned and tried not to giggle. "I was actually thinking Marty."
Bradley's hand slid up from your thigh, smoothing over your butt, and you knew what was coming even before you clenched with need. Bradley smacked you one time, and you moaned as he soothed away the sting with his palm. You were instantly aroused, fingers tingling and ears burning. Bradley's dark eyes were wide, searching your face, questioning what he should do next. When you nodded once, he grunted, and that big hand landed on you again, breaking the silence.
"Fuck," you gasped, rear end stinging as Bradley cupped and squeezed you, pulling you a few inches up his body so he could kiss you. His cock was getting hard in his gym shorts, pressing against your belly, driving you wild.
"You like that?" he whispered between heated kisses, but you barely wanted to take the time to breathe.
"Yes," you replied, mouth mashing against his. Both of his hands came up to your waist, yanking the sweatshirt over your head and dropping it on the floor. Then your lips were back on his as you moaned into his mouth.
The sex had been so sweet since he got home, and neither of you could be blamed for wanting so much of it after going so long without. But this was something else. Bradley's fingers dug into your flesh, and his kisses were rough. Demanding. You spread your legs a little wider, arching your back, silently begging for him to spank you again.
He did not disappoint.
You were aching, whining his name, enthralled by the cocky smirk on his face and the possessiveness in his eyes. "You want more, Gorgeous?" he asked, voice dark as his smirk grew. When you nodded vigorously, he kissed your lips so softly before he said, "You'll schedule me last for Career Day? I think it's where I belong, since I'm the most impressive."
Oh my god. He was playing with you now. You knew he wasn't actually jealous of Marty or Nat or any of the classroom parents, but he knew that you knew that your students would always think he was the most impressive. You would, too.
When you tried to kiss him, he pulled his face away from yours as he stroked your tender rear end with his fingertips. "Yes," you promised, "I'll put you last. You're the most impressive."
"Good girl." 
You gasped as he spanked you one more time, then he kissed you before pushing you up so you were straddling his thighs. When he yanked down his gym shorts, you were treated to the sight of his cock, thick and hard, smacking against his abs.
"Clearly I think you're impressive," he grunted, licking his thumb before running it along your swollen clit. It took no more coaxing before you had your hand wrapped around his cock, guiding him right where you wanted. You sank down on him, already a mess as he thrust up into you, hard.
"Bradley!" His hands were on your breasts, cupping you as he bucked his hips up again.
"Look at you," he rasped, fucking you rough while his hands were gentle. You bounced up and down, bracing yourself awkwardly on the too small couch. "Where do you want me to touch you?" he asked, eyes glued on your face and body. "Show me."
Without hesitation, you wrapped your fingers around his right wrist and moved his hand back to your butt. "A little more," you told him, voice shaking as he fucked you so good. Then he spanked you again and again, and you could feel it everywhere as you cried out. 
It was too much and not enough, and you bit your lip as he alternated between soothing you and spanking you until you were shaking, orgasm building. "Baby, you look and feel too good like this," he whined, wrapping his hands around your hips. "I'm so close."
But you were already there. You came as you leaned down and kissed him, those big hands sliding up, stroking your shoulders and neck as gently as you were used to while your ass tingled. You were making some wild sounds as you rode him until he filled you with his cum, then the two of you were panting in unison as your forehead came to rest against his.
You could feel him smiling, mustache brushing your lips as he said, "That was fun. Didn't know you would like it so much."
You moaned and said, "I'm as surprised as you are. And I'll put you last tomorrow. You're the grand finale. Obviously."
"Obviously," he agreed. "Just keep in mind, I'll be more than happy to spank you when you give me a hard time like that again." His lips found the side of your neck, his cock was still inside you as he murmured, "Got it?"
"Oh, loud and clear."
He chuckled, nipping along your skin as your butt throbbed a bit. You didn't want to move, but his stomach started loudly growling. Carefully, you started to sit up, brushing your fingers through his hair as you said, "It's been hours since you ate. Let's find something in the kitchen."
When you stood on wobbly legs, Bradley stayed lounging on the couch, guiding you and turning you so he could place one soft kiss on the spot on your butt where he had spanked you. Then he got to his feet as well, picked up the sweatshirt, and put it back on you.
He kissed the back of your neck and told you he never wanted to leave you again while you made him a grilled cheese sandwich. "Love you too much," he muttered, hand on your thigh as his leg brushed your tender rear end.
You thought about the weeks he was deployed without communication and how awful it was, but this right here was worth it. Making love in bed and rough sex on the couch. Learning what makes each other tick and sharing meals and enjoying how good it feels to have him hold you. All worth it.
When the sandwich was ready, you cut it into four triangles and took a small bite out of one before holding it up for him to eat it. "Thanks, Baby," he whispered, finishing it in one bite before you fed him the second one and then the third in similar fashion. He was finishing the last piece when he wrapped his arms around you and said, "Okay, Gorgeous, now I'm ready to help you get organized for Career Day before bed."
You laughed. "I just need to write a few things down and pick out an outfit."
"Oh. I wouldn't wear anything too tight," he suggested, smirking once more. "You're about to be sore tomorrow."
Okay, Maverick. Okay. Career Day is up next, and I need something nice to be there for Marty. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
going down || jenni hermoso x reader ||
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jenni surprises you at your first game as a coach.
minors dni, 18+
the game had been a close one. for your first one as a coach, it went better than you had expected. after the game, when you gave your interview, you noticed a familiar face sitting in the stands. most of the fans had dispersed already, so you knew that it had to be jenni waiting there for you.
it had been a few weeks since you had seen jenni last. the last time you had seen her was at your apartment in calgary before you packed things up. you didn't necessarily want to end your career so early, but you wanted to be closer to jenni, and your injuries were becoming more and more frequent. you came from a family of athletes, and you knew how hard hockey could be on the body when you got older.
"it is weird seeing you out of the uniform," jenni said as she wrapped her arms around the back of your neck. you smiled as you leaned into the kiss. "i am just glad that i made it to your opener. a successful start, i told you that you had nothing to worry about."
"yeah, i guess you did," you said sheepishly. "come on, let's get out of here and celebrate."
"lead the way." jenni stepped behind you and grabbed onto your hand. you walked her out of the arena and out to the parking lot. both of you seemed to have the same idea once you were alone, and you turned just as jenni placed her hand on the back of your head. this kiss wasn't gentle and sweet like the one inside of the arena had been.
jenni jumped into your arms, allowing you to support her completely. you could feel jenni begin to rub against you as you leaned her against the car door. jenni was always wildly turned on whenever you showed your physical strength. in public, she'd always deny it, but jenni liked it whenever you got a little rough with her or tossed her around.
"jenni, we have to go home. what if one of my players came out here?" you tried to pry jenni off of you, but she only clung harder.
"come on, where did that show off from montreal go?" jenni teased. you clenched your jaw, not liking that she was very obviously challenging you. "did texas really change you that much? why get a truck so big if you aren't going to fuck me in the back of it?"
"jesus christ," you mumbled as you stepped back and opened up one of the doors for the backseat. jenni smirked as she was set into the seat. "god please don't let us get caught."
"thank you for this. do you know how crazy i felt sitting there watching you all game?" jenni asked. you recognized her tone of voice immediately as the one she used whenever she wanted you to take over. it was very much on short notice, but you knew what you wanted from jenni, and what would satisfy her long enough for you to get home.
it wasn't quite a quickie in the car, but you hated having to rush through things. you joined her in the backseat of your truck and pulled her onto your lap. you grabbed a fistful of her hair to hold her in place as you kissed along her neck and used your other hand to undress her a bit. you didn't need jenni completely naked, but she definitely had to remove a few layers.
"god, you are so fucking hot," you mumbled against jenni's skin. you let your mouth latch onto one of her nipples. jenni let her hand come up to attend to the other one, much more interested in letting your free hand continue on its path between her legs.
"c-can i touch you?" jenni asked. you pulled your head back a bit to look at her. she was staring down at you as she bit her lip. her hips were rocking back and forth as she tried to seek out the friction your fingers would bring. instead, you kept her just far away enough to continue seeking it out. "please."
"since you asked so nicely." you were teasing, both you and jenni knew it. however, there was nothing she would do about that. jenni herself was usually a huge tease. it was honestly a minor miracle that she didn't try to distract you during your post-game interview.
jenni's hands quickly moved in between both of your bodies. she ran her fingertips along the muscles in your abdomen that jenni knew was there. you let out a small chuckle at the slightly ticklish sensation of her fingers moving against your skin through your shirt.
you shifted slightly beneath her, just enough to lay back a bit more in the seat. jenni's eyes lit up as she noticed the position you were taking. nights like this were few and far between. you preferred to have jenni laid out somewhere nice, but it was obvious that she wanted you in the moment. there was no use in forcing yourself to hold off, not when you could both get what you wanted immediately.
"hands on the window babe," you instructed. jenni didn't need that bit of instruction at all. she hastily began to shed her pants as she shimmied to hover above your face. you didn't let her drop down until her hands were resting against the window as a brace. staring up at her cunt, you licked your lips in anticipation. "good girl. now, keep quiet or i'll have to stop. do you understand?"
"si, silento," jenni answered. you hummed appreciatively and rewarded her with a slow lick of your tongue through her folds. jenni found herself spreading her legs even more as she tried to find your tongue again. you let out a low chuckle, letting the vibrations move along her inner thigh. "jesus christ. please baby, don't tease."
"i would never tease you, not when i have you like this," you promised her. if jenni was skeptical, she kept it to herself. you grabbed onto her hips and pulled her flush against your face. while your tongue lapped at jenni's entrance, her clit rubbed agaisnt your nose. jenni stayed still, only allowing herself to be moved by you.
there was normally a bit more of a balance between the two of you, but you both knew to relish in the unbalanced nights. it was nice when one of you took over, alleviating the stress of the other. all either of you wanted was to make the other feel good, and if the way that jenni was biting her lip to keep herself from screaming your name was any sign, you were doing your job.
"i'm so close," jenni whimpered. you reached up and took her hands in your own. jenni kept quiet, but still watched curiously as you placed her hands in your own hair. jenni could move a bit more, and you laid back and watched her ride your face to chase afer her orgasm.
some nights jenni came like a tsunami, threatening to drown everything in her path. other nights, the only tell was the way she pulled you from between her legs and clung to your body. tonight, you felt like jenni was somewhere in between. she was still quiet, but you could feel her gush onto your chin a little. it was more than the steady drip of her arousal that you were used to, but you welcomed it openly. you basked in the taste of jenni's cum like it was the nectar of the gods, reserved for you and you only.
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gyubakeries · 1 day
𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀 | c.sc (f)
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a/n: for some reason the ask got deleted 😭 but an anon asked for something scoups related, so, anon, if you're seeing this, hi! thanks for requesting! i kept brainstorming, and finally came up with this, so i hope you like it! (sorry the ask got deleted im hopeless w technology 😭)
word count: 2.1k contents: seungcheol x afab!reader , gymbro!cheol , i have 0 gym knowledge forgive me , seungcheol and reader are dating , bullying mingyu is a canon event , lots of fluff , cheol being a green flag as always , slight angst , mentions of insecurities (but they have healthy communication about it!) , just overall cute vibes !
"i wanna go to the gym with you."
seungcheol looks up from his phone to direct his gaze at you. it's a thursday night, a rare day off for the both of you, and you had been in the process of selecting a movie for the night when you suddenly spoke.
"what?" seungcheol asks again, not sure if he heard you right the first time.
"i want to go to the gym with you," you repeat, meeting seungcheol's eyes reluctantly, trying to mask your ulterior motive with a smile.
seungcheol was taken aback, but don't get him wrong. he was a regular at the gym, but in your last three years of dating, he had never heard you wanting to accompany him to the gym. instead, you'd always said that you'd rather be at home than be surrounded by sweaty people, including seungcheol himself.
so why the sudden interest?
"babe, everything okay?" seungcheol asks. he knows asking questions may seem rude, but he notices the way the smile you're shooting at him doesn't feel genuine at all.
"yeah! i just wanted to see what was so great about the gym for you to spend hours there," you say, making up an excuse on the fly, hoping you sounded convincing enough.
seungcheol knew you through and through, and he also knew that you weren't telling him the entire truth. but instead of prying, he decides to agree to your request.
"alright,come with me tomorrow," he nods. "it's gonna be pretty intense though. mingyu tells me i'm a really strict gym trainer." he jokes.
"it's okay," you laugh, finally cracking a real smile. "i have a feeling i'll become your favorite student in no time."
"we'll see about that," seungcheol teases, and you drop the topic, shifting your attention back to choosing a movie.
seungcheol needs to get to the bottom of this.
the next day, seungcheol comes home from work, and like clockwork, he changes into his workout clothes and grabs his gym bag, ready to head out, but-
something feels different about today though....
"excuse me? were you forgetting your star student at home?" comes your voice, and he finally remembers. he turns to see you waiting in the kitchen, and any suspicions he had about your strange request melt away at the sight of you dolled up in the cutest workout fit. your hair was up in a ponytail, and you were wearing a baby pink sports bra with a matching pair of leggings. you even had a cute duffel bag packed with you.
"aw, baby, you look adorable," he coos. he walks towards the kitchen and stops in front of you to place a kiss to your forehead, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into a hug. "also, i'd never forget my favorite student." he says defensively, and you laugh at his cuteness.
"sure, big guy," you chuckle. "let's get going, shall we?"
whatever worries had left his brain when he saw you at home had come back to him ten-fold at the gym. he started you off with some basic warm-up exercises and then the treadmill. the both of you jogged next to each other for a while. you had found all of this manageable until now, even though all the physical exertion had made you all sweaty, which in turn made you uncomfortable. you mask your uneasiness though, not wanting to alert seungcheol.
but he had already seen the signs of discomfort on your face. after the treadmill, he decided that he needs to take you home.
"i'm actually feeling really tired today, babe," he fake-yawns while you're sipping on some water. "how about we go home now and come back another day?"
"woah, you're tired just from some cardio?" someone speaks up from behind him, and it's mingyu.
how is he always at the gym?? seungcheol wonders, cursing mingyu's timing.
"i just had a long day at work. what are you doing here?" seungcheol rolls his eyes.
"working out, duh," mingyu retorts. "didn't you clock in late to work today, though? i've seen you less tired while you were working on three days of no sleep."
seungcheol really wants to punch mingyu in the face right now.
"if you're really feeling tired, we can head home," you butt in before seungcheol throws a dumbell at mingyu.
seungcheol would be relieved, if not for the way you look dejected and upset, and seungcheol would rather walk through fire than be the reason for that frown on your face, so he relents.
"it's okay, i'm feeling fine," he smiles. "we can continue, baby."
"just don't be all gross and couple-y," mingyu adds, and quickly scurries away before seungcheol can elbow him in the stomach.
after mingyu leaves, seungcheol gets you started on some basic squats. he shows you the correct posture, even helps you for the first few times till you get the hang of it.
finally, you gain the confidence to do the squats on your own, so you start off with a goal of completing 10. by the time you're on squat number 4, there's a burn in your thighs. you've heard people saying that it's supposedly a good burn, but right now, it's making you feel like your legs are going to snap into two, like twigs.
not wanting to embarrass yourself, you push through the remaining squats, collapsing to the floor after you finish them.
"hey! that was great!" seungcheol smiles cheerily. "i'm so proud of you. let's take a break and then we can move onto something else."
the next challenge: push-ups.
while you weren't a frequent gym-goer, you had an idea of how a push-up should be done. guided by seungcheol's instructions, you find yourself in the position to carry out some push-ups. once again, you set a goal of 10 and you start.
at push-up number 7, your arms give out and you lose your balance, your forehead bumping with the ground.
"shit. y/n, are you okay?" seungcheol is by your side in a blink, helping you up into a sitting posture. you look around the gym, and thankfully there weren't a lot of people around to see your disastrous attempt at push-ups, but you still felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"i'm sorry," you sniffle, tears welling up in your eyes as seungcheol gently rubs your forehead. "i'm sorry for being bad at this."
seungcheol freezes when he sees you cry. he knows you, and you weren't the type to cry from such a small failure. the uneasiness twists his gut; something is really wrong.
"baby, you have nothing to be sorry for," he says, tone firm yet gentle. "let's go home and talk about this, okay? you did a good today, and you should rest."
leaving no room for negotiation, you let seungcheol gather both your belongings and walk you back home.
once you reach your shared apartment, you're aware of how sweaty and gross you are, your nose crinkling with disgust.
"i need to shower..." you mumble.
"you can head in first. call me if you need anything, okay?" seungcheol suggests. "i'll start on dinner."
you nod timidly and head towards the shower. a long and relaxing shower later, you're emerging from the bedroom in your comfiest pajamas, and a red spot on your forehead from the incident at the gym. you walk into the kitchen to see seungcheol putting down dinner on the table, freshly showered.
"you used the guest bathroom?" you ask, and he nods. you can tell that there's something on his mind, and you know its related to what happened today. knowing seungcheol, he likes to communicate whatever he has on his mind to maintain trust between you, so you eat dinner in silence, anticipating the conversation after.
once the dishes are washed and put away, you quickly go to bed, hoping to avoid any tough conversations by falling asleep early. but seungcheol is too aware of your tendencies, so he follows you to the bedroom, sitting next to you on the bed as you lay down.
"does it hurt a lot?" he asks, breaking the silence.
"my forehead? not that much. but the rest of my body is really sore," you admit truthfully.
"should i get you a painkiller for it?" seungcheol offers, and you shake your head. you've seen him come home from the gym complaining of sore muscles, but he never takes any medication for it, and you don't want to seem weak for doing so.
"you can take one, it won't make you weak," seungcheol says, as if he's read your thoughts. "what's going on, baby? i know something is bothering you, tell me what it is. let me help you."
the gentle tone to his voice makes you tear up immediately. you bring your hands up to your face as you cry. an alarmed seungcheol is quick to hug you, whispering comforting words into your ear.
once you've calmed down, you realize it's time to tell him the truth.
"i wanted to have something in common with you. all our friends and their partners have a shared interest. mingyu and his girlfriend love cooking, wonwoo and his girlfriend like photography; even minghao managed to end up with someone who loves tea as much as him. i just wanted to share something with you. i realized that you and i don't have a lot in common. everyone says 'opposites attract' but to what extent? that's why i thought of going to the gym, so that we could have something to share."
seungcheol is silent for a few moments, and you bite the inside of your cheek nervously while you wait for his response.
"y/n, you're the one person on this earth i have found a perfect match in. you and i have a lot more in common than you think. like the fact that you're the only person who supports my 'dipping french fries in milkshake' agenda," seungcheol cracks a soft smile, holding your hands in his.
"you don't have to force yourself to do things just to share an interest with me, baby. i love you for who you are. you're a wonderful artist, and i'm absolutely pathetic at drawing basic human figures. that doesn't mean we don't work together," seungcheol explains, hoping that his words make sense to you.
"i know, but i just- i just got worried that one day you'd be tired of having to deal with someone so different from you," you sigh, confessing the thought that had been plaguing your mind for a few weeks. "i don't want to lose you, cheol. that's why i did all this. but all i've really done is embarrass myself..."
seungcheol's lips draw into a pout as he crawls onto the bed, laying down next to you. he covers both of you under the blanket and pulls your body closer to him, your head cradled against his chest, and his arm wrapped around your waist.
"i'll never get tired of you. you're the love of my life, and i like the fact that every day we spend together, i get to learn something new about you. there's a familiarity in that too, you know?" he says, and the warmth in his voice makes your heart melt.
"ever since the day i met you, i've wanted to know who you are. i've wanted to know what makes you smile and cry, what food you don't like so i'll never bring it up, what your favorite disney princess is, even how much sugar you like in your coffee. and i'm so grateful to be able to learn every small thing about you, because that's how i show my love for you."
you pull away slightly from his embrace, meeting seungcheol's soft gaze.
"i love you the way you are, and no amount of differences could ever stop me from loving you. even if you were the north pole and i was the south, i'd do everything in my power to be with you, you get that?"
"how'd i get so lucky?" you whisper, eyes welling up again. "i love you too, so much. you- you made me cry, you idiot." you chuckle wetly, slapping his chest playfully.
"you're just a sap," seungcheol teases, but he rubs your back comfortingly nonetheless. "anyways, you're not going to be following me to the gym just for the sake of it anymore. i already think you're perfect the way you are, but if you ever do want to go, you should do it only because you want to, okay?"
"you don't have to worry about it," you dismiss his concerns. "from the second i step foot into the gym and got attacked by the stench of sweat, i promised to never come back."
"hey! that's rude!" seungcheol gasps dramatically. you can only laugh at the way a grown, 29 year-old man pouts like a toddler.
yeah, you really were lucky to have him.
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Concert confessions 
Word count: 837
Pairing: Toto Wolff x Bi!reader
Summary: Toto Wolff and his younger wife, Y/n, attend a Chappell Roan concert where playful flirting turns into a deeper connection, reminding them that their love is anything but casual.
It was a warm evening in Los Angeles, and the city was alive with energy as Toto Wolff and his wife, Y/n, made their way to the Chappell Roan concert. Y/n had been counting down the days, excitement bubbling in her ever since she’d heard Chappell would be performing. The venue was packed with colorful fans, each one more vibrant than the next, and Y/n fit right in with her shimmering, stylish outfit that caught the concert lights just right.
Toto, towering over the crowd, had his arm casually resting around her waist, his dark eyes scanning the venue. He wasn’t usually one for concerts, but Y/n’s excitement made it all worth it. Just seeing her so happy filled him with a warmth that eclipsed the noise around them.
As they found their seats near the front, Y/n beamed up at him. "Thank you for coming with me. I know this isn’t your scene, but I’m so excited. Chappell Roan’s my absolute favorite."
Toto chuckled softly, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Anything for you, liebe. I enjoy seeing you happy, so it’s worth it."
The concert kicked off with a vibrant energy, Chappell Roan’s voice filling the venue and electrifying the crowd. Y/n swayed to the music, fully immersed in the moment. But Toto, despite the smile he wore, couldn’t help but notice the lingering glances Y/n was getting from the women around them.
Every now and then, someone would approach her—complimenting her outfit, her energy, some even exchanging flirtatious glances and words with her. Y/n, always gracious, smiled back and politely thanked them. It was harmless, but Toto couldn’t shake the feeling that gnawed at him. She was beautiful, significantly younger than him, and bisexual—something he admired about her. Yet seeing her draw attention from women her age stirred something unexpected in him. Jealousy.
One woman, bold and confident, leaned in close to Y/n, laughing as she spoke, and even placing a hand on her arm. That was the final straw for Toto. He cleared his throat loudly, giving the woman a pointed look as he gently pulled Y/n closer.
Y/n, noticing the tension, squeezed his hand, leaning into him as if to reassure him. But the feeling stuck with him throughout the rest of the concert. His mind kept wandering to thoughts he hated—thoughts that maybe, one day, she’d want something more exciting. Someone closer to her age. Someone who wasn’t him.
When the concert ended, and the crowd began to disperse, Toto walked in silence beside Y/n as they slipped into the cool night air. The energy of the concert still buzzed in the streets, but Y/n could feel the tension in him.
She stopped walking and turned to him, her expression soft but curious. "Toto," she said gently, "what’s wrong?"
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes meeting hers. "It’s nothing, really. I just... seeing all those women flirting with you tonight, it got to me."
Y/n’s brows furrowed slightly. "Why? You know I’m not interested in them."
He sighed, looking away for a moment before finally admitting, "You’re young, beautiful, full of life. I see the way people look at you, and sometimes I worry that one day you might want someone... different. Someone who isn’t me."
Y/n’s expression softened as she stepped closer, placing her hands gently on his chest. "Toto," she said softly, her voice full of love, "you’re the only one I want. I love that people find me attractive, but none of them are you. They don’t know me the way you do. They don’t make me feel the way you do. And nothing they could offer would ever compare to what we have."
Toto’s tension slowly began to ease as he listened to her words. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, resting his chin on the top of her head. "I’m sorry," he murmured. "I didn’t mean to let it get to me like that."
"It’s okay," Y/n whispered, leaning into him. "But just so you know, you’re everything to me. Nothing and no one could ever change that."
Toto held her tighter, the jealousy that had been gnawing at him all night melting away. He kissed her forehead gently, feeling grounded by her words, by her presence.
"I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you too," she replied, her eyes shining with sincerity as she looked up at him.
Y/n’s eyes twinkled mischievously as she looked up at Toto, still wrapped in his arms. The warmth of the night buzzed around them, but there was something playful now lingering between them. She tilted her head slightly, her lips curling into a teasing smile.
“You know,” she began, her voice light, “we could recreate Chappell Roan’s song ‘Casual’ in the car… if you’re up for it.”
Toto’s brow lifted in curiosity, a half-smile tugging at his lips. “What do you mean, Liebling?”
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m3l0nfl0at · 2 days
pack it up - t. kuroo
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kuroo tetsurou x gn! reader ; FLUFF SO MUCH FLUFF, reader has doubts (who doesn’t honestly), domestic kuroo x reader, kenma teases you and kuroo for being simps, nerdy and simp kuroo (yummy, my fav), oh and timeskip!kuroo, 3.3k words
summary ; this is a mini fic based off of my fic here, just say yes but this can be read as a stand alone! You and Kuroo decide to take your relationship to the next level, are you ready for that change though? (aka moving in with kuroo)
melon’s recommended melody: moving out - kacey musgraves
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Packing was always dreadful, it didn’t feel like long ago you were taking all this stuff out of the box and now you’re here putting it all back in a box. Even though Kenma told Kuroo to not steal his roommate, here you are moving into Kuroo’s apartment. Kenma keeps passing by your room watching you pack because each time he passes by, you’re focusing on something different. “You know Kuroo’s expecting you to be ready in three days, right? If you keep going at this rate, you’ll be done in, say, three years.” Kenma slowly walks away before you could even respond to him. Oh, how you were going to miss his sweet remarks. Truth be told, you loved living with Kenma, he was always neat, kept to himself, and you got used to hearing the video games he played during the night, even going so far as to call it “white noise”. Nevertheless, when Kuroo asked you last month if you wanted to move in, you felt ready to take your relationship to the next step. Kuroo would spend the night at your place occasionally. Nevertheless, you were more likely to spend the night at his due to not wanting to be affectionate in front of your roommate. If old habits die hard, then why were you here getting anxious at the thought of living with your boyfriend?
Living with Kenma, you got used to your daily routine in this apartment, you knew this apartment like the back of your hand, and you got used to seeing Kenma everyday but now that’s all going to change? You suppose that’s why it’s taking you forever to pack, you slightly fear everything changing too quickly. On one hand you’re excited to move in with your boyfriend, seeing Kuroo everyday? Yes please! On the other hand, you’re going to be seeing Kuroo everyday. What if he gets tired of you, what if he gets mad at your habits, or what if you guys realize living with each other that you guys aren’t meant for a relationship? Hearing Kenma walk by again, only to see you zoned out looking at a box labeled mementos. Kenma sensed something was wrong but thought if he kept walking by, maybe you would realize what little time you had and get to packing. However, by his fifth time walking by, he knew you were overthinking. Due to you being too quiet for your own good, that was his thing after all. “Tell me.”, you look up to see Kenma leaning on the door frame. “There’s nothing to tell, Ken. Just overwhelmed with how much crap I have to pack up.”, Kenma’s face relaxes as he glares at you. “Don’t make me call your boyfriend, so he can come give you a sappy talk.” You look back slowly at the mention of Kuroo not wanting him to see you in this state. “You know what? Maybe you do need your boyfriend to come snap you out of whatever daze you’re in. Who knows, maybe he’ll help you pack faster.”
You chuckle, knowing that Kenma secretly pokes fun at you guys for the way you both act so sweetly towards each other. “Would you make fun of me if I said to call Kuroo right now?” Kenma rolls his eyes, walking away. “I’ll call him.”, Kenma would never admit this out loud but he secretly loves seeing the way Kuroo folds for you. If Kenma wasn’t above publicly teasing he would so make fun of him for being absolutely whipped for you. Kenma left you alone with your sad empty mementos box, lifting up a picture frame that contained a picture with you and Kenma from when you first moved in. A part of your heart breaks, you reassure yourself that Kenma will always be here in this apartment. You hope he knows that a part of you will always be here too. If it weren’t for him, you and Kuroo would’ve never been together. You owe a lot to Kenma, from kickstarting your career to introducing you to your future boyfriend. Plus, you work under Bouncing Ball corp so you’ll still see him every other day. Kenma comes back and sees you look at the picture of you two, “You work for me you know? Plus you’re dating my best friend, I'm not dead or anything.”. Laughing you look up at him, “Can’t you let me be sentimental! I got used to your quirks, your 3 A.M. gaming, and your obnoxious best friend. I’m just going to miss seeing you as much as we are used to, that’s all.”
“We both know you just hate change but if it helps I’m going to miss you too. The apartment does look a little glum as you’re packing away all your stuff. I guess I actually have to decorate now.”, he groans thinking about how he’s going to decorate the apartment to fill your space. “Maybe now you can use my room to make that theater you always wanted?” Kenma nods, glad that you weren’t completely gone yet. Placing the picture frame in the box, you hear the door open. Quickly getting up to be met with Kuroo at the front door holding takeout, “There’s my beautiful partner, hi baby.”, you take the bags from his hands before he pulls you in for a hug placing a quick kiss on your cheek. Kenma comes behind you stealing the bags from you, gagging at the shared exchange. Kuroo laughs, “Well hello to you too, Kenma.”. You and Kuroo start heading to the table as Kuroo pulls out a chair for you to sit in.
The night goes on, as you all end up talking about your day and how the following days were going to look for the three of you amidst the chaos that was moving out. “Sweetheart, have you almost finished packing? I wanna know how much stuff you have so I can book the moving truck.”, you freeze. “About that…”, Kenma cuts you off, “All she has packed is a picture frame.”. You look over at Kenma, bewildered that he ratted you out. Kuroo laughs at how cute you look but is also shocked that you’ve packed so little in a week. “Let’s go baby, I’ll help you pack your things.” Kuroo gets up finished with his plate and grabs yours to place them both in the sink. Following him to your room you start to feel anxiety creep in, shaking your head to get rid of the thoughts. Kuroo walks in to see boxes all labeled and set up, yet lacking all the items inside. “Well, you would win the contest for boxing baby but not so much for packing.”. You place your head in your hands, “I know, this is so embarrassing. In my defense, every time I start to pack I get distracted and start doing something else.”. Kuroo grabs your hands off your face, placing them back on your lap, “Well now I’m here to help you, no need to be embarrassed sweetheart.”.
Kuroo grabs your box labeled clothes heading to the closet to start neatly folding the items in your closet. “Baby, do you want me to put this away in a specific way? Or should I just try to stuff everything in the box? Bunny?” Kuroo peeks his head out of the closet. Seeing you entranced on another picture frame, “Sweetheart, at this point I’ll pack the mementos.”. Kuroo went to grab the frame before he saw a picture of you as a toddler, now yanking it out of your hand. “Baby! Are you joking? You are so adorable! Oh my god this has to be hung up in the living room so I can see your cute little face before I leave for work!” You roll your eyes at Kuroo’s behavior, “Kenma should just pack the mementos because you would definitely not be faster than I am.” You get up to hug him from behind, “Tetsu, can I be honest with you?” Kuroo is still looking at the picture of you as he hums in approval. “I’m nervous.”, Kuroo finally places the picture in the box before turning to fully face you. Kuroo pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. “Breathe baby, your brain needs oxygen.” laughing along with him for being such a dork. “You know it’s okay to be nervous right? You’re going through a big change, be more lenient with yourself, yeah?”
Kuroo pulls back from you, “All I know is right now, my heart is pumping like crazy thinking about you living with me.” You laugh as he places your hand on his heart feeling the said thumping. Kuroo brought the positives into your life that you needed, made you feel safe, and most importantly stood by you even if you surrounded yourself in negative thoughts. “I’ll wake up to your breathtaking face every morning, come home to your heartstopping smile, and go to sleep with you in my arms. What more could I ask for? We’ll get through this together. I mean it’s not like I’ve ever lived with anyone before, especially with someone as gorgeous as you.”, you punch Kuroo’s shoulder rolling your eyes . Kenma coughs interrupting Kuroo’s speech before it went off the rails, “So I take it you're still not packed? You are both hopeless, move over.” Kenma starts placing all your mementos away in seconds, you look over at Kuroo mouthing I told you so. “I brought Kuroo to help you pack and now I’m here to hold Kuroo accountable. You both are going to get nothing done at your apartment, if all you do is give each other heart eyes all day.”, you and Kuroo blush profusely knowing that you’ve both been caught.
With Kenma helping you pack everything went smoothly, Kuroo left for the night leaving you and Kenma alone for the next two days. “Well, we got mostly everything. I just need to take down the last of my posters. I don't want them to bend out of shape in the boxes. Then we can start loading everything into the truck.”, you stopped when you suddenly heard a shuffle behind you. Turning around to be met with Kenma looking around and touching the empty walls glumly, “It’s going to be hard to find something to replace your space. That something is going to fall short in everything compared to you.”, you get closer to Kenma before nudging his shoulder softly. “I’ll miss you too Ken. Thank you for everything, I could never repay you for the amount of kindness you showed me.”, breaking away it felt bittersweet. The walls were suddenly white with no more picture frames or traces of you anywhere, you’re actually moving out. “You ready to start packing up the truck?” Kuroo's bedhead fills the doorway as Kenma gives you one last smile pushing you towards Kuroo. You take up his offer, getting to work by lifting your boxes that is until Kuroo stops you. “Oh, sweetheart, I’ll take that one. Don’t want to bump into each other again, do we? Can’t have you falling for me a second time.”. You brush off his comment but you're strangling him as soon as you get to your new apartment.
All the coming and going back and forth had you exhausted, wanting nothing more than to start unpacking everything. You go to Kuroo’s room making a mental list of everything you need to buy from furniture to home products. Kuroo says goodbye to Kenma, a few seconds later you hear his footsteps approach you from down the hallway. He walks up from behind, embracing you, “You ready to start unpacking baby? Ken said he gave you the next couple of days off so you can settle in.”. You nod, wanting nothing more than to make this apartment your new home, “Yeah, I was thinking we could go to a furniture shop and also to the groceries! You know just so I can get some of my favorite products-”. “No need to worry bunny, I restocked your products you left here. I also got you a dresser for your side of the closet, even separated my side from yours. However, if you still want we can go to the groceries and Ikea just in case I missed something.” You turn around amazed he did all of that for you, “Are you serious Kuroo? You thought that far ahead?”. He nods excitedly, dragging you to the closet as you see his side of the closet filled with clothes. In addition, you see the newly setup dresser for you on your side. Then he drags you to the bathroom looking at the shower rack filled with all your regular products and a space in the toothbrush holder for you. Spinning around to crush him in a hug. He knows that change wasn’t always easy for you but if he could do anything extra to make it easier, he would do it again a thousand times. “I love you so much Tetsu.”, Kuroo grins into the crook of your neck feeling his palms getting sweaty due to being so close to you.
“Well, this is our home now. I want you to feel the same way I do when I’m with you, safe and welcomed.”, you pull back pecking him on the lips. “You’re getting too good at reading me, it's starting to freak me out Tetsu. Don’t tell me you even bought me my own loofah?” Kuroo bashfully opens the shower curtain to show you the new loofah standing next to his. You laugh suddenly feeling at ease, having to ask Kenma later if he had any part in this. Kuroo was right, this is your home, you didn’t want to be anywhere but with him. “Well casanova, help me unpack will ya?” Kuroo scrunches his nose at the new nickname you call him. “Nope, try again baby.”, you think hard trying to think of a nickname that’ll smoothly roll off the tongue. “Ok what about handsome, my love, darling, superstar, my loverboy, captain-”, Kuroo places a hand over your mouth quickly. His face is so red, it almost replicates a tomato, “Yes to all but I fear that if you kept going I was going to have a heart attack. Plus, we still have to unpack and I don’t think I can hold myself back for much longer if you keep calling me sweet names.”
After an eventful day of unpacking, you and Kuroo spent the rest of the day cuddling at ease which is something you usually do every night. Yet both of you felt so giddy laying down tonight, you don’t have to wake up in the morning and immediately leave for your train. Instead you’ll wake up, look over to the love of your life and start your new daily routine with him doing the most domestic things together. You fell asleep knowing this was a new chapter in your life and as scary as that was, you know wouldn’t want to share this experience with anyone else. Kuroo wraps his hand around your waist, sighing, feeling at peace with everything around him. He had nothing to worry about, no worries like if you made it home safely or if some creep on the train bothered you, you were right here safe in his arms. You both wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here, encapsulated in each other's warmth.
Feeling the sun slowly creeping up you turn around to face Kuroo, “No, don’t move, I need five more minutes.”. Giggling as you still move, wanting to see his face like you did the day you realized you liked him. “Isn’t this a sight to see? You know what, I don't need five more minutes, your face is my energizer. I can’t believe I get to wake up to you everyday, I must’ve solved some huge problem in my past life to be blessed with you.”, you hide your face in his chest from all the compliments he paid you this early in the morning. Kuroo kisses the top of your head before you feel the rumble of his laugh traveling through his chest. “Want to go make breakfast with me bunny? I bought some groceries to make pancakes. Yeah?”, you nod your head as you head to the bathroom to do your routine. Kuroo walks behind you, by reflex you hand him a spa headband so he can wash his face. He takes the black cat ear headband looking at it confused, your eyes widen standing straight up. “Sorry! I would always wash my face with Kenma so it’s by reflex.” Kuroo kisses your cheek following you while putting on the headband, “Okay, show me what you do baby. Maybe if I do everything correctly I’ll look as flawless as you do everyday.”
You take your time explaining to Kuroo your skincare and how to apply everything in which he obediently follows, taking note of what products you like for later. Then you both brush your teeth, making sure to go through everything diligently. However, when you looked at Kuroo you noticed his hair was sort of deflated. Due to him not being able to sleep between two pillows like he usually does. You start combing through his soft locks, seeing how he deflates under your touch. “You ready to go make some breakfast, my love?” Kuroo flushed under your touch and the use of his new nickname, nodding not wanting to wait a second. You grab his hand leading him to the kitchen, Kuroo smiles. Glad that you’re familiar enough with his apartment layout to lead him through it. “Ok handsome, let’s go make some pancakes.”
Kuroo guides you through his kitchen showing you where the spices were, how he dedicated a whole shelf in his pantry for you, and where he puts his utensils. Feeling confident enough you head to the pantry finding the pancake mix and hand it to him, while he grabs it but not forgetting to place a kiss on your hand. Wrapping your arms around his waist, feeling the muscles on his back move as he softly whisks the pancake batter, finding solace in this moment. “You still tired bunny? You can go lay down I’ll wake you when everything’s done.”, you shake your head. “No I’m not tired, just really comfortable right now with you. Being here, I feel welcomed by everything that you are. Waking up I see you, the living room has traces of your style, like it just feels like you everywhere I go.” Kuroo softly chuckles, “That’s good though right?” he feels you nod your hair ticking his back.
Letting go of Kuroo, you leave him to cook the pancakes while you prepare fruit and set the table. Kuroo pulls out your chair letting you sit down as he serves you a plate of pancakes shaped like a heart. You smile as he sits down grabbing your hand, caressing it, lifting his mug. “Here’s to our first full day of living together, I know there will be many more to go, I love you bunny.”, you smile clinking your mugs together. You send a picture to Kenma of Kuroo eating his pancakes surrounded by the array of fruit you cut up for the both of you. Making sure to get the heart shaped pancakes Kuroo made for you in the shot as well. Only to immediately get a reply back, “You both make me sick. Enjoy the new apartment lovebirds! (¬⤙¬ )”.
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divider credit to @/vase-of-lilies, @/bunnysrph, and @/thecutestgrotto
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ melon's marginalia: writing this had me giggling so bad also just say yes now has a time line so please look forward to the masterlist! p.p.s i am accepting request for just say yes! kuroo short stories so hit up my inbox and i’ll try to get those done! i’m doing everything in a timeline order so pls be patient just know i see them! <3
@m3l0nfl0at on tumblr. All Rights Reserved. Do not steal, copy, or translate any of my works.
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profound-imagination · 13 hours
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Azriel Shadowinger
A/N: Guess who's back? It's me! Should I be packing up to move house right now? Yes, yes I should. Am I? No, no I'm not.
I hope you enjoy this, Azriel does not come off well.
W/C: 4.2K
Azriel hated himself on a good day. Today, today he absolutely loathed himself. He knew how much she cared for him, hel, how much she loved him, that had made his job easier in the beginning, when Rhys had first sent him here as a spy. “It’ll be easy, Az,” Rhys had said, “She's already smitten with you, you’ll be able to walk right into the palace under the guise of courting her and she’ll ensure you have a room and you’re treated as an honoured guest!” Azriel had to agree, it would be easy. She had made it so painfully obvious from the day they had met.  
They had grown closer over the months he’d spent on the Continent with her. She had even gone as far as to source creams for his scars. “I know they won’t be as fancy as the Fae ones you probably use, but the man at the apothecary said they were the best for burns!” She had told him bashfully with a blush crawling over her cheeks. His shadows immediately moving to soothe them without their master's permission. He smiled down at her gently, playing the part he had been assigned, “Thank you, my love, what a thoughtful gift.” He said as he lifted one of her perfect hands to his mouth. Her smile was dazzling. Little did she know he spent his nights at home, in Prythian, an arm wrapped around another woman as they slept or danced or ate with their family.  
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you!” She was breathless as she approached him in the garden. Azriel having just landed in the furthest part of it. “Here I am!” He smiled down at her, she linked their arms and continued to walk alongside him, “There’s to be a ball! For my 21st Birthday, Father has sent invites all over, even to your family in Prythian!” She beamed up at him, as if inviting his family was the best thing to ever happen. Did she really not know the depths of her father's depravity? “That’s wonderful, I’m sure they’d love to attend, Rhysand does love a party.” He told her, “I’m nervous to see them again,” she confessed, “It’s so different now than it was when I last met them.” He patted her hand gently, “You have no reason to be nervous my love, they’ll adore you as I do.” Her eyes sparkled at his comment, and she preened from the compliment. He was never going to forgive himself.  
Cassian and Rhys flanked him as he waited at the bottom of the stairs for her. “You’ve told her, you’ve told Elain?” Rhys nodded, “Yes, she knows the part you are playing here and knows what to expect to see tonight.” Azriel nodded stiffly at his brother once and focused back on the staircase. She looked like an angel floating down the stairs towards him. An angel and a demon he mused to himself. “I’ve never seen a human look so beautiful.” He said to his brothers quietly, “Feyre did.” Cassian snorted a laugh at the High Lord, “Feyre was covered in worm shit and the mating bond was there.” Rhys elbowed him in response, “Both of you stop it!” Azriel hissed at his brothers, “This is her night.” Both brothers held their hands up in surrender. He took a step forward as she approached the bottom of the stairs. His shadows raced to meet her & danced around her in a way he had never seen. “You look resplendent, my love.” He told her as she took his offered hand. “Thank you, you too,” she said, a blush across her cheeks again, two shadows broke off from their dance to soothe her cheeks. “I mean, handsome! You look very handsome tonight Azriel, not that you do not always look handsome- “Cassian’s laugh cut her off and she blushed even harder.  
“You remember my brothers, Rhysand and Cassian?” Azriel introduced. “Of course,” she smiled at the two males and dropped into a courtesy that Azriel quickly pulled her up from. “It is your night, you bow to no one tonight, my love.” He told her, “But Azriel,” she protested, “He’s a High Lord!” Azriel shook his head, “Not tonight, tonight, he’s just Rhysand, my brother.” Rhys met her eyes and nodded, “Okay,” she smiled at them both, “It’s lovely to see you both again, did you bring your wives? I would so love to see them again!” She rambled, “Nes and Feyre are here,” Cassian told her, “As is Mor and Lucien and Elain & I think Eris is here to somewhere.” Azriel tensed at the mention of Elain’s name, and she shot him a questioning look that he shrugged off. Rhysand sauntered forward before Cassian could continue to talk and offered her his arm, “Shall we?” He purred at her & with a reassuring nod from Azriel she took the High Lords arm and allowed him to escort her into her birthday ball. Azriel took a deep breath and followed, steeling himself for what he was about to do.  
Azriel watched as Rhys spun her round the dance floor, smiling at the sight of his brother and the woman that he was supposedly courting. “She looks happy.” Elain’s words pulled him from his thoughts, his shadows abandoning him completely, in favour of the human dancing with his brother. He hummed in agreement, “Will you be coming home tonight?” She asked, Azriel met her doe eyes, the expression in them begging him to go with her. “Not tonight,” he said quietly. Elain’s face faltered and then she spoke again. “Why do they do that? Your shadows I mean? They seem to adore her but yet completely disappear when I’m around, as if they hate me.” He faced her, “I don’t know, they talk to me yes, but they don’t tell me their own motives if they don’t want too.” She searched his eyes and upon finding nothing there, she said, “You should get back to her.” And with that she vanished into the crowd.  
Azriel forced a smile onto his face as he approached them and bowed to Rhysand, “Mind if I cut in?” He asked, Rhys smirked at him, enjoying Azriel’s display more than he should. Azriel took a note to give him shit for that later as Rhys passed her hand into Azriel’s ruined one. He pulled her into his chest as he began to dance to the song, he knew Feyre had ensured would play and she beamed up at him. “You’re a wonderful dancer.” She said quietly, “I just have a wonderful partner.” He replied without missing a beat as he spun her. “Azriel?” He hummed at her to continue, “Will you leave here soon?” She asked bashfully, “Why do you ask, my love?” He spun her again as the song was reaching its end, “I just, you must miss your family, and despite your smiles and efforts, this is not your home, is it? It never will feel like your home, will it?” Gods, she was setting him up perfectly for what was coming next, and she didn’t even know it. The song ended and Azriel could hear Rhysand in his head telling him it was time as he dropped to one knee in front of her. She gasped but he started talking, “My love, my wonderful little human, my home is wherever you are, I would be the luckiest male on any continent if you would do me the greatest honour of being my wife?” He asked as gently as he could, looking in her eyes the entire time and he hated himself as he watched them fill with tears. He knew all she had ever wanted was someone to sweep her off her feet and that is exactly what he had done. She sniffled, once, twice, then let out a watery laugh as she threw herself towards him. “Of course I will! Yes Azriel, I will marry you!” He stood, bringing her with him wrapped in his arms as he spun them in a circle & over her head, he watched Elain slip from the party.  
Feyre was fawning over the ring he had given her, despite it being one that came from Feyre’s own jewellery box. Azriel stood with his brothers, “She’s never going to forgive this.” He told them both. Rhysand raised an eyebrow at him, “Which beautiful lady are we talking about?” Azriel sighed, “Y/N.” He said, “Elain knew what was coming tonight, but we need to find her, I saw her leave.” Cassian put a hand on Azriel’s shoulder, “Go, we can keep Y/N busy while you find her.” Azriel smiled gratefully at his brother as Rhysand called Eris over. “Congratulations, Shadowsinger.” The newly crowned High Lord of Autumn crooned, “Not that you deserve her, I see right through this plan, Rhysand, so what do you need me for, I wonder?” Eris had always been too smart for his own good. Azriel was sure Eris was where Lucien got it from. “Right now,” Rhysand gritted out, “I need you to dance with her, keep her busy for a little while.” Eris nodded once, “I can do that, but for the record, I am against using a woman like this, especially one so young and clearly smitten, she's innocent and she doesn’t deserve to have her feelings played with like this.” Rhys nodded back, “Noted.”  
“I still find it hard to believe he wants me, boring human me!” You gushed to Feyre who beamed at you, “Why wouldn’t he?” She laughed. “Why wouldn’t he indeed?” A voice crooned from behind you, and you turned and then let out a squeak, dropping into a courtesy, “High Lord, how lovely to see you again!” He smiled and pulled a small, wrapped box out of his pocket, “Happy Birthday, Y/N.” He said, taking your hand and placing the box in it. “Thank you, High Lord, it is very kind of you to get me a gift when your presence here is honour enough.” He smiled gently, “It’s just Eris, and it is me who is honoured to be able to share in not only your birthday celebration, but it would seem your engagement as well, now open your present and honour me with a dance?” You giggled and opened the parcel and, in the box, sat a beautiful silver necklace with a teardrop pendant hanging from it, the size of your thumb nail. Contained in the pendant, a singular flame.  
“I do not know if you remember your father bringing you to visit Autumn when you were a child, but I remember your visit. You were captivated by the forests, the trees, and the wildlife, so much so you wondered off one evening and I, knowing my father would blame me for you being missing, frantically came after you. When I found you, you’d been cornered by one of our nastier creatures and in my panic I sent my flames straight towards it, well that was it, you weren’t phased by nearly being eaten by a monster, you just wanted to know more about my fire so I sat in that clearing with you and I showed you and I told you-,” you cut him off “Even the smallest flame can start a blaze.” Eris smiled and nodded, and then you gasped. “Is this? Is this one of your flames?” He nodded again, “To keep you safe and to guide your way if you’re ever lost in the darkness.” You grinned at him, “Thank you, Eris, this is the most thoughtful and wonderful gift I’ve ever been given!” He snorted a laugh, “Remind me to rub it in the Shadowsingers face that he proposed but my gift was still better. You rolled your eyes at him, “Would you like to dance?” he almost purred, “I would love to!” You grinned and allowed him to sweep you into a dance.  
Eris was the best dance partner you had ever had. He was graceful and accurate in his movements as he guided you around the floor. You couldn’t help the smile that was spread across your face as he span and dipped you. His gentle laughter filling your ears. “Do you all move so gracefully?” You asked as he span you back into his chest, he grinned, “I’m 538, I've had years to practice.” He said and your smile fell a little, “I, I don’t have that kind of lifespan, I’ll be lucky to see 100. Why would he put himself through that?” You asked quietly, thinking about how many of your lifetimes Azriel had already lived. Eris’s thumb came up and soothed the frown in your brow. “Because you’re the most captivating little human I’ve ever met, he is an incredibly lucky bastard to get to call you, his wife. If I was him, I’d be honoured to spend whatever time we had together.” Your face softened, “Really?” He smiled again, “I’m positively green with jealousy.” His words poured over you like honey, smooth and sweet and you snorted a laugh quietly. “I think I need a drink.” You told him and Eris nodded, leading you from the dance floor, “I’ll be right back with that drink.” He said and you nodded your thanks at him, looking around the room for your fiancé who was nowhere to be seen.  
You did however see Feyre and Rhysand having some kind of discussion in the corner, Rhys’ nod towards the door was enough to tell you where Azriel had gone. He had left the party and you moved across the room to go and check on him, you knew these events were loud and often overwhelming for not only him but his shadows as well. You slipped out of the room unseen. You wandered down hallways a love drunk smile on your face. You weren't sure how a plain human such as yourself had caught the eye of the elusive Shadowsinger but you had, and you wouldn’t ever take it for granted. A singular little shadow raced towards you, you smiled at it, raising your hand so it could dance between your fingers as you had learned they liked to do. It danced through your fingers happily for a moment or two before racing down the hallway again and waiting for you at the end. You laughed quietly to yourself, never understanding how anyone could ever fear the shadows that had never been anything but playful towards you. You caught up with it, allowing it to hide itself on your shoulder, tangled in your hair and you continued to walk, it seemed your little friend had been sent to bring you somewhere and you grinned at Azriel’s thoughtfulness.  
You turned a final corner, your grin making your cheeks ache and then your world imploded. Azriel had his back to you, his wings splayed out behind him, but you spotted the arms around his neck and the legs wrapped around his waist, feet locked at the base of his wings. The shoes that were discarded behind him you recognised, you had been gushing to their owner earlier about how beautiful they were, and they had promised to send you a pair as a birthday gift. “I love you.” He was murmering between kisses as you watched, frozen in place, his hips moving in lazy thrusts. “I love you so much, Elain.” She was clawing at his back; one had moving up and down the apex of his left wing as he shuddered. A majority of his shadows were nowhere to be seen, a handful had remained and were hissing at the one hidden in your hair, that lone little shadow had picked you to be loyal to rather than its master. Tears spilled out of your eyes just as a hand wrapped over your mouth and another around your stomach and pulled you backwards into a warm solid chest. Darkness filled the hallway, and those hands span you and pressed you into the wall, their chest pressing into your back.  
“Azriel!” Rhsyand growled and you watched as High Lord pulled his brother away from Elain. “Right yourself!” Nesta hissed at her sister. It was Eris who had you pressed against the wall, and he gently pulled you away from it but didn’t move more than a step away from you. Wildfire danced in his eyes as he stared at the Shadowsinger with contempt. You took a deep breath and turned to face what was behind you. “Y/N,” Azriel said quietly, taking a step towards you and you took a step backwards, as did Eris in turn. “No.” You said your voice not as strong as you wanted it to be. The pendant warmed on your clavicle. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” It seemed to say. “Why?” Was all you asked. Azriel looked to Rhysand, the two of them having a silent conversation. “Out loud.” Eris ground out. “The lady has been hurt enough don’t you think?” Rhysand levelled him with a look before he began to speak. “We received word, your father has a plot, one that endangers our people, not just those of the Night Court but all Courts, I know this is hard to believe for you, but your father, he’s-” You cut him off. “You think I don’t know what kind of man my father is?!” You hissed and Rhys continued talking, explaining your fathers plot. Your stomach turned and the tears continued to fall. You couldn't hear much over the thumping of your crumbling heart. “Was any of it true?” You asked Azriel, interrupting Rhys again. He shook his head, “I’m so sorry, I-” You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as you turned and ran. “Why didn’t you stop her?!” Rhys snapped at who you assumed was Eris. “I told you; I don’t stand for using innocents like this.” He said coldly, absentmindedly pressing a hand to his chest to alleviate the tightness that had appeared there in the last few moments.  
You ran, and ran, and ran. You had headed straight for the lawns and the forest beyond. Your shoes had been lost long ago but you barely registered your bleeding feet or the forest floor that was cutting into them. Your head was spinning, none of it was real. Azriel had played you and played you well. You didn’t see it coming, just like you didn’t see the slope before you plunged down it. Branches and thorns scraped at your body and face as you tumbled. All air hit your lungs as you collided with an ancient oak tree, your teeth rattling as you came to a stop and your vision blurred. It was only then you realised how cold it was and how hurt you were, your ankle sitting at an awkward angle. Whimpering as you tried to stand you realised the gravity of the situation you were in but still, compared to going back to the Manor you were more than content to sit there and grieve your short-lived engagement. You weren’t sure how long you had sat against that tree, staring at the beautiful ring Azriel had given you, the ring that rightly belonged to Elain you supposed.  
You couldn’t pinpoint when you fell asleep, but you’d never forget waking up. Surrounded by men. Swallowing thickly you took them in, all much bigger than you and staring down at you like you were prey. “Ello darling, nice sleep?” The ringleader questioned. You didn’t answer him. “He asked you a question.” His second in command sneered. “I fell.” Was all you said. “You fell?” The third laughed, “Figured with your pretty dress you’d be at the party.” The leader spoke again. “Thank them for checking on you and leave.” You gasped at Eris’ voice filled your head. The three men studied you in turn. “I was, I should be getting back, thank you for checking on me.” You said, much stronger than you felt. “What’s the hurry?” The third asked. “Seems like a boring political party if you ask me.” The second added on. You tried to push to your feet and winced at the pain that shot through your ankle. “Hurt yourself?” The leader smirked. “Break the necklace.” Eris’ voice again, “I just twisted my ankle, I’m fine.” You said, “Y/N!” Eris was beginning to get louder in your head. The leader smirked at his companions, stepping towards you. “What are you holding there?” He asked, you hadn't realised that you were subconsciously holding the necklace Eris had given you. “Tell them it’s nothing, just a silly heirloom.” Eris sounded panicked now. “Just a silly little heirloom.” You rushed out. “Let me see?” He said, it wasn’t really a question. He knocked your hand out of the way and pulled the necklace from your neck. Eris growled in your head as you flinched. The leader observed the necklace with distain and launched it towards the trunk of a nearby tree where the pendant shattered, the small flame igniting from it. The men paid it no mind.  
The leader stepped towards you and you whimpered as you retreated a step. “I need you to fight.” Eris spoke clearly. “Scratch, bite, kick, just fight Y/N.” Eris told you, but you had already made a mistake, you were pinned. The leader's hands pawed at you. “Please, don’t.” You begged, he just laughed. Ripping the bodice of your dress as his companions closed in. “Such a pretty little thing, out here all alone.” The second crooned, “Lucky for us.” The third added. “What makes you think she’s alone?” Eris’ voice filled the tree, the leaves rustling around. “I suggest you back away and unhand the lady before I kill you where you stand.” He said, his voice full of authority. The leader shoved you backwards as he turned. “You’re just one man.” He sneered at Eris, who laughed. “I’m no man.” He said, you could see nothing but the wildfire in his eyes shining in the darkness as he stepped out of the trees. “I’m a male and you do not want to fight me. I’m trying to do you a favour, one that you do not deserve but I don’t want to frighten the lady.” The leader nodded to his companions, who drew their swords. “She was asking for someone to find her.” The leader scoffed. “Out here all alone, dressed like that.” Eris seemed to grow taller at his words. “No female ever asks for a male like you to touch her against her will.” He growled. “Where I’m from you’d lose a hand or worse for that. Leave or you will die.” The leader drew his sword and his companions advanced on Eris. “Death it is then.” Eris said with a humourless laugh. He wasted no time; he didn’t even engage them in sword play. He simply winnowed behind each one and slit their throats before wiping his dagger on the leader's trousers and sheathed it on this thigh. 
“Are you okay?” He asked coming towards you slowly as to not scare you. “My necklace.” You said sadly, “They broke my beautiful necklace.” He smiled at you soft, “Don’t worry about the necklace. I’ll get you another one.” He said, his tone gentle as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around you to cover where they had ripped your dress. You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed. “But the little flame-” He cut you off, “Will be more than happy to go back into a pendant around your throat.” He said, showing you the little flame dancing through his fingers. You smiled at it sadly. “I’m sorry you got thrown at a tree.” You told it quietly and without Eris commanding the little flame to or before he could even stop it, the flame had jumped from his fingers and was gently brushing against your cheek. It wasn’t hot, nor did it burn, it was warm, comforting even and it removed the sadness from your smile. “Can you walk?” He asked and you shook your head no. “Okay, I’m going to carry you, is that alright?” He asked “Yes,” you said quietly. “That’s okay.” He swept you up into his arms and began walking back to the Manor. “I don’t want to face him, I’m so embarrassed, I was such a fool.” You told Eris. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” He told you. “If he says anything to you or even so much as approaches you, I’ll turn him to ash.” You giggled at his words. “I don’t want to stay here, not with my father.” You admitted, the first time you had said such words to anyone. “Then we’ll see about you coming to Autumn with me.” He said and you gasped quietly, “Really?” He nodded, “If it is where you want to go, then yes, I will take you back with me.” You curled further into his chest. “I would very much like to come with you.” You muttered, his natural heat making you sleepy. “Then it shall be done, but let's get your ankle looked at and healed first.”  
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trendywaifus · 3 days
Imagine coming up behind Jane. Wrapping your arms around her waist as you pull her in and nuzzle your face into her hair as you trail kisses along her scalp and neck, until you come up to one of her rodent ears. After placing a kiss on it, you decide to go a bit further and give her ear a little nibble.
And, to your absolute surprise, she isn’t so quick to come up with a witty remark as she usually is.
🚘 Anon
mmm soft moments with jane
it’s late at night and jane’s getting ready in the bathroom, already in her usual outfit without her signature bomber jacket. she’s checking herself in the mirror, making sure her outfit is properly adjusted, and her light makeup not smudged before heading out. then here you go, trudging into the bathroom and hugging her from behind, mumbling something under your breath groggily.
“ g’morning to you, sleepyhead. “ she coos teasingly, smirking at you through the reflection of the mirror. you hug her a little tighter, nuzzling your face into her fluffy, black hair. the easing scent of her strawberry shampoo fills your lungs and you melt into her. “ i’ll miss you. “ and jane hums sweetly, her gloved, deft fingers sliding up the back of your hand that’s lightly pressed against her stomach. she weaves her fingers with yours and softly squeezed. in response, you press a tender kiss to her scalp.
“ i’ll only be gone for a few days for the sting operation. but, i’ll miss you too, sweetheart. “ there’s been gang activity growing in parts of new eridu so her captain wants to send her in one of those hot spots as a recruiting member to obtain inside information and help with the raid. you let out a soft whine, swaying your body with hers side by side. “ that means i’ll have to sleep in an empty bed for a couple of days. .”
she chuckles, a teasing smirk growing on her glossy lips. “ my poor baby~ maybe i should buy you a body pillow so you can sleep better when i’m not here. “
you grump, “ if you do that, i swear i’ll sleep with the body pillow even when you are here. “ her body tremors a little as she snickers.
“ we both know that’s a bluff. you’re the same person who’d throw a tantrum if my tail isn’t wrapped around you and when i’m not in a certain position where you can spoon me. “ the rat thiren remarks mischievously. you roll your eyes.
“ i do not have tantrums, jane. i just love holding you in my arms a-and you love it. “
“ hehe, i never said i didn’t, did i? “
you exhaled heavily, “ i digress. just be safe, okay? i’ve already packed some snacks and equipment in your trusty pouch. “
after a year of dating, she still doesn’t really know how to respond to your affection whenever you openly express your concern and do things for her. “ . .i appreciate it, thank you. “
you smile into her hair at the subtle, bashful tone behind her smooth voice. loving lips press a few tender kisses to her scalp then down to her neck. you gingerly brush aside the long tresses of faded red hair to continue peppering kisses against the nape of her neck. her steady breath audibly staggers as you firmly hold her close to you—an intimate representation of how much she means to you. jane’s chest swirls with infatuation and she finds herself lost to your touch like many times before.
a surprised noise rumbles in her throat as you move back up to kiss at her rat ear. “ one of my favorite things i love about you. . “ you murmur, giving it another chaste kiss. it flutters, the tips of her ear turning a degree hotter. the hand woven with yours, squeezes again, this time, tighter. you carefully nibble at her ear and she melts into mush on the inside.
“ . . . .you’re quite the weasel, aren’t you? doing this before i leave is seriously unfair, you know? “ it’s unfair, because now this memory is going to be replaying in her head for the next couple of days while she’s away on a secret operation. like always, you’re her distraction—her only weakness. jane always thought that the only thing that’ll truly make her break character would be over you. if she had a choice to save her secret identity or you, it’d be you without a second thought.
her tail slithers between your leg and hers, and link them together. oh, she’ll make sure to return in a couple of days to get you back. it involves you sleeping really good after what she’ll do to you.
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writeriguess · 2 days
Part 2 for katsuki x reader where katsuki defends reader from bullies fic???? Pleeeeeeaaasseeeeeeeeeeee
The next few days after Katsuki’s unexpected intervention were strange for you. You’d always kept to yourself, maintaining a low profile to avoid unnecessary attention, and you liked it that way. But ever since the hallway incident, the atmosphere had shifted. Whispers followed you in the halls, not from the bullies, but from others curious about your connection to Bakugo. You couldn’t help but feel exposed, like a spotlight had been shined on you against your will.
What confused you more, though, was Katsuki’s behavior. He hadn’t said anything to you since that day. No follow-up, no acknowledgment, not even a passing glance in class. It was like it never happened. But you felt his eyes on you sometimes, sharp and fleeting, as if he was checking up on you in his own way.
Today was no different.
You sat quietly in your seat as Aizawa began his lecture, your focus drifting between the lesson and your own thoughts. Katsuki sat a few rows ahead, as usual, arms crossed and scowling like always. But you caught him turning his head slightly, just enough to glance in your direction. When he saw you looking, he immediately faced forward, his jaw tightening.
What was going on with him?
After class ended, you packed up your things quickly, eager to escape the building before you became the subject of more stares. As you made your way to the exit, you suddenly felt a strong hand on your wrist, halting you in your tracks.
You spun around to see Katsuki standing there, eyes burning with something you couldn’t quite place.
“Katsuki—” you began, but he cut you off.
“Walk with me,” he ordered, not waiting for an answer before pulling you along.
You followed him, too startled to protest. The two of you walked in silence through the emptying corridors of UA, the tension palpable. He led you to the rooftop, away from prying eyes and ears, before finally letting go of your wrist.
He turned to face you, and for the first time, you saw the internal battle playing out behind his fierce eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, visibly frustrated.
“What’s going on?” you asked, trying to steady your voice. “Why did you bring me up here?”
Katsuki inhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve been trying to ignore this,” he muttered, more to himself than to you. “But it’s pissing me off.”
You blinked in confusion. “What is?”
He locked eyes with you then, and the intensity of his gaze made your heart skip a beat. “You,” he said bluntly. “You’re what’s been driving me crazy.”
You took a step back, startled by the sudden admission. “What do you mean?”
He clenched his fists at his sides, as if fighting against every instinct to shut down and storm away. But he didn’t. Instead, he took a step closer to you, his voice lowering.
“I don’t get why I care so much,” he confessed, the words sounding almost foreign coming from him. “About what happens to you. About what people say to you. But I do, and it’s been eating at me.”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words sank in. You never thought Katsuki Bakugo, of all people, would ever say something like that to you. He was always so closed off, so fiercely independent. But here he was, standing in front of you, raw and vulnerable in a way you had never seen before.
“Katsuki…” you whispered, unsure of what to say.
“I’m not good at this,” he admitted, his voice rough around the edges. “But I need you to understand something.” He stepped even closer, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off him. “I don’t want to see you hurt. Not by anyone. And if that means I’ve gotta step in, then I will. Every damn time.”
You stared up at him, your heart pounding in your chest. His words were harsh, but you could feel the sincerity behind them. He wasn’t just protecting you out of some sense of duty. There was something more there, something deeper.
Before you could stop yourself, you reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm. “Thank you,” you said softly. “For everything.”
He stiffened at the touch but didn’t pull away. His gaze softened, just for a moment, and you thought you saw a flicker of something almost… tender.
“Tch,” he scoffed, turning his head to the side, though you noticed the faint blush dusting his cheeks. “Don’t get all sappy on me.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his reaction. “I won’t,” you promised.
But as you stood there, the two of you alone on the rooftop, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted between you. Something unspoken but undeniably real.
And maybe, just maybe, Katsuki Bakugo was beginning to let you in.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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neiptune · 20 hours
i don't want you like a best friend
cw: 4.2k wc, female reader, soulmate au, friends to lovers, tendo may be the only person in the world without a mark and it's quite hard to convince him that, most times, the universe doesn't know shit
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“Holy shit, this is the best thing I ever tasted”.
“Don’t lie”.
“I’m not!”.
Tendo narrows his eyes, unimpressed.
“You said that about the last five bonbons”.
“Listen, the one with port and cinnamon was great n’all but this is a cookie dough brown butter bonbon. I’m blown away. I want to sleep with this one. I want to buy it dinner and then take it to bed”.
That’s when Satori laughs, loud and boisterous as he still allows himself to be around you. It makes you smile, seeing him happy.
“Tell me the secret to crafting these”.
“Again?”, he snorts, “I already explained the process a million times”.
“Wanna hear it again. I like how you talk about it”.
“Okay, weirdo”, there’s fondness and a silent invitation in the way he pushes the little box of his latest experiments towards you.
It’s soothing, comforting, listening to instructions you’re already familiar with. Tendo goes over how important it is to choose flavors that are fun and still be attentive enough to make sure the chocolate stands on its own: flavoring components should never completely ride over it. He skillfully exercises subtlety when coming up with new combinations, always keeps the interior so creamy and smooth the treat ends up melting in a delicious puddle on one’s tongue. The outer layer should never be too thick, chalky or cakey: that’s why he prefers to form most of the chocolates with his hands instead of using a mold.
There’s creativity involved in what he does but there’s also science. It requires a lot of patience, most of his work is made of tedious steps repeated over and over again within specific time limits and a perfectly calculated temperature. It fits him, you believe: Tendo’s always been diligent and persevering, no matter what the world threw at him.
He puts a lot of work in his boxes too, especially the ones he has to ship. They’re all triple-insulated, double-stuffed and always perfectly packed. A cute, colorful thank you card always goes hand in hand with each purchase, if he receives orders for a birthday or a special gift he’d even write a personal note as an addition. As a foreigner, it hasn't been easy to establish himself as a reliable chocolatier in a city like Paris, but he now has a pretty loyal clientele and the shop is basically never empty.
“That one’s my favorite”, Satori’s eyes zero on the bite-sized bonbon you’ve picked from the box.
You hum, appreciating the way the chocolate melts in your mouth. It’s not as good as the previous one but you recognize the artistry with which the flavors fuse with each other, chocolate ganache with clementine and hazelnuts, just a hint of lemon zest.
“They’re all incredible, ‘Tori. You’re very talented”. Tendo smiles.
“Thank you”, he mutters, grateful, “now, can we talk about it?”.
“There’s nothing to talk about”, you dangle your legs from the counter of the little production kitchen in the back of his boutique shop, closed for the day. It’s incredibly tidy, smells of soap and citrus.
“You impulsively booked a flight across the world because of a guy”.
“I flew across the world to visit my best friend”, you scowl, “thought he’d be happy to see me”.
“I’m fucking ecstatic, ma chérie”, it’s probably the happiest he’s been in years, “but we need to talk about it. Tell me what’s on your mind?”.
He can see the bags under your eyes, the usual brightness missing from your smile, playful vibration to your jokes absent. He knows you’re hurting and while he’d be thrilled to keep you in Paris for as long as you wish, Tendo has to know what’s broken before he even attempts to mend it. His gaze falls on a specific portion of skin of your wrist and a sigh slips past his lips.
“He broke up with me”, you articulate slowly, “said we weren’t compatible. Said it’s safer to abandon the delusional ideas that drew us close to each other and do things how they’re supposed to be done. According to the plan”, there’s a grimace on your face that pairs well with how you spit out the last words.
“Did you show him?”.
“No, you know I don’t do that anymore. He didn’t see mine and I never wanted to see his. He agreed to that”.
“And then, I don’t know, he did what everyone always does. Changed his mind”.
Satori sighs. Truthfully, he’s always been a little sad about your mark being permanently covered with thick foundation, concealer or whatever else. It’s been years. He misses seeing the little crooked triangle on your wrist.
“Well, maybe…”, he starts but is soon interrupted by a loud scoff.
“But they’re not wrong. The universe has it all layed out for you, maybe it’s time you stop being so stubborn”.
“I don’t care about the universe, Satori. The universe is not going to take away that choice from me, it should belong to me. I don’t want to be destined to someone, I want to be chosen by them”.
He deflates in the plastic chair he’s sitting on. Can’t really argue with that logic.
Ever since middle school, when your mark first appeared, you never wanted to succumb to the whole the cosmos has already decided who the perfect person for me is bullshit. You simply can’t accept giving up the freedom of falling in love with whoever you wish to pursue, regardless of the universe agreeing or not. That’s why you never really cared about matching marks and all that jazz, always dated those who seemed not to care either. But after a number of failed relationships, it became painfully obvious that deep down, everyone always believes marks are the real deal. It’s why you decided you never wanted to see the mark of the next guys you’d date, and certainly didn’t want to show yours anymore. Sometimes it’s even hard to remember it’s still there, underneath stubborn layers of concealer. You hated it your whole life.
“You’re right. It’s your life, you should live it however you see fit”, they’re idiots for giving up on someone like you in the name of a dumb sign or whatever anyway.
“I thought you’d understand this more than anyone, you’ve always hidden your mark too. I don’t even know what it looks like and it’s okay! It’s yours! Shouldn’t belong to anyone else’s prying eyes”, you pick another chocolate truffle from the special box he’s sorted for you. It’s red velvet flavored.
Tendo insisted on calling his shop like that, rouge velours, deaf to the literal translation not being entirely correct. The french need to associate the word gâteau to it, it has to be a red velvet cake. But he didn’t care, adamant in going with just red velvet.
It was a joke you had blurted out at the end of high school, sitting on the curb outside your favorite konbini on the way home, another summer evening made of snacks shared underneath the street lamps. Satori said he wanted to move to France and learn how to make handmade chocolates, open a shop and everything. You suggested it should’ve been called red velvet, would’ve paired well with his hair. It never crossed your mind that he would take your suggestion seriously.
Frankly, Tendo’s not changed much since high school. He’s a little taller, broader in the shoulders, prefers a buzz cut. He’s still cheerful, less loud if you’re not around, enjoys singing made up tunes to himself while he works, occasionally takes part in volleyball games when neighbors or friends from the gym invite him. More than anything, he’s still the kindest, most generous friend one could have.
You used to be a little jealous of Ushijima, never one to accept easily to be downgraded in the best friends ranking system. As a teenager, it was hard to acknowledge that Satori’s heart is simply big enough to fit everyone he cares about in there. Not many people realized how much of an honor that was anyway, so there was plenty of space.
He still calls Ushijima to check up on him and the fact that they declared to be best friends during a television show didn’t leave a sour taste in your mouth as it would’ve back then. Wakatoshi is a nice guy, it definitely grew on you and it now gives you comfort knowing that Satori gets to throw the blanket of his affection over more than one person’s shoulders.
Not a day goes by without missing him, different time zones making it even more complicated to keep up with each other. Yet, he’s always the one willing to stay up late to talk to you, insists that while you work in the morning, he enjoys crafting chocolates in the middle of the night. That hardly matters, since you know he has to wake up early to open the shop.
“Hard to hide something you don’t have”, he grins from where he’s sitting, in front of you. Your dangling legs come to a halt.
“I don’t have a mark”, Satori shrugs, “not a big deal”.
“That’s impossible”.
“You’ve seen me naked”.
“Because you didn’t lock the damn bathroom door!”, your face heats up at the memory belonging to so many years ago. He snickers.
“Well, if I had a mark you’d know!”.
You pause, incredulous.
“Did you check your nails? Maybe it was in your hair and you shaved it off. Everyone has a mark!”.
“I don’t have it”, he knows, he’s checked every inch of his body for too long before giving up, “don’t act so shocked, it makes perfect sense”.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”.
Satori shrugs, a timid smile on his lips.
“I’m damaged goods. I wouldn’t expect to be the right fit for anyone, the universe decided to spare me and a potential unfortunate match the embarrassment”.
To him, it’s perfectly normal that there’s no one right for him out there. Or rather, that he’s not the right person for anyone. Who would want that, anyway? The guy who’s always been too weird to be looked at normally. The guy who always stands out the wrong way. If the universe has decided to be merciful enough to spare him the disappointment flashing over someone’s face upon discovering that he’s their soulmate, the only thing Tendo should feel is gratitude. 
“Don’t say shit like that ever again, Satori. Damaged goods? What the hell? You’re the best person I know!”, you almost throw the chocolate box at his head, “anyone would be lucky to have you as their soulmate. Anyone. I’m certain you’re the perfect match for a lot of people but I find it very hard to believe they’d deserve you anyway”.
You’re his best friend, you’re supposed to say all that. Yet, kept silent by that fiery glare of yours, Tendo can’t help but feel his chest warm up.
He didn’t necessarily have a crush on you in high school, that’s what he told himself anyway. When you started going out with Eita, part of him was relieved you went for someone normal. His teammate fell into the right category: Semi was attractive, had good grades, knew his way around girls. It was a good reminder of what Tendo wanted for you, of what you deserved. He cared deeply about your happiness and would’ve went to impossible lengths to shield you from all the bad there was in the world. That still hasn’t changed. Your best friend was what he was always destined to be and it was more than what he could’ve asked for, anyway.
And so it wouldn’t have been right to fantasize, to admit to himself that for the first time ever since he was a kid, Tendo wished to be the opposite of what he was. He dreamed of a different childhood, school days filled with friends, practice bursting with laughter instead of whispers, not a reason in the world to direct him curious or grossed out stares. He wished he was handsome, charismatic, funny in a way that made girls laugh in sincere amusement instead of discomfort. He wanted so badly to be everything he was not, for you.
When he admitted to himself that he loved you, deeply, ferociously, in a way that would’ve scared off any other human being, high school was over and so was his volleyball dream. Another fantasy coming to an end. Satori announced he wanted to move to Paris, expecting life, distance, a different time zone, your boyfriends, to make the friendship too heavy of a task to keep up with.
And yet, you stayed by his side. Most importantly, you wanted him to stay by yours. Tendo has never been much used to the feeling of being wanted, his presence wasn’t exactly desired by other people throughout his life. But you and Paris both taught him that maybe he does have something to give, something people can be willing to accept. So what if that something isn’t romantic love? He’s already luckier than he ever imagined he would get. He’s going to be okay, as long as you’re his friend. He’ll manage.
“Satori”, you snap him back to reality, “I mean it. Fuck the universe”.
Honestly, the only thing he’s mad at the universe for is making you so deeply unhappy. Tendo’s not sure he can forgive the cosmos for failing you so many times.
“Yeah”, he agrees lightly, “fuck the universe”.
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Maybe Tendo had a point when he referred to your little vacation as ‘impulsive’, given that you never really travelled outside of Japan before. Yet, what initially was an easy escape from your disappointing reality and a wonderful excuse to finally visit your best friend, soon turned into a delightful adventure.
You reciprocated Satori’s hospitality by being as useful as possible: you’d keep his place tidy and clean, get groceries, cook dinner. He’d insist on ordering out, would try to snatch the vacuum cleaner from your hand, sometimes Tendo would come home later than usual with his hands filled with groceries just so that you didn’t feel like you needed to refill the fridge. But you liked being there and you loved taking care of him, especially since he vehemently refused to go back to sleeping in his bed and offering you the couch instead.
On his rare free days, Satori gladly gives you a tour of the city and his favorite places. When he’s working, you’d explore Paris on your own, the little map he drew by hand safely nestled in your pocket. Yes, you obviously have a phone, but the map makes each stroll all the more special.
Being with him and feeling genuinely appreciated, in a city so wonderful and far away from home, made you realize that perhaps the universe got it all wrong. Maybe there’s no one out there with a mark similar to yours. Maybe you’re not a match for romantic love in the first place. You’re already lucky enough as it is, with a friend so wonderful you can share lovely dinners with over episodes of silly tv shows, in a tiny apartment filled with affection and laughter. It’s the best you’ve felt in years and the idea of leaving has never felt as dreadful.
But everyone has to get back to their life eventually: there’s your job, bills, rent, you haven’t visited your parents in a while. All these things you’re having a real hard time caring about as Tendo offers another glass of wine, the bottle you’re sharing practically empty resting by his feet.
It’s your last night in Paris and he insisted on cooking for once, a full course dinner paired with an expensive Clos de la Roche. Notes of woods and cherries dance on your tongue when you take another sip and you shut your eyes for a moment, savoring the taste. How did you end up on his bedroom’s floor anyway? Was it him who suggested sitting on the carpet with your backs pressed against his bed? No, you’re almost certain it was you. Satori tries to be less weird as a grown up, by his own admission: he leaves odd suggestions and ideas to other people, too busy trying to fit in now.
You find yourself observing his profile as he torpidly blinks, his own gaze focused on the hands holding his glass. The line of his jaw, the perfect curve of his nose. You think he’s pretty, spiky hair no longer there to tear away one’s attention from his features.
“Did you date a lot, here?”, you ask, genuinely curious. He turns to look at you, amused.
“A lot? When did I ever date a lot?”, Tendo chuckles to himself but you recognize the hurt simmering underneath the humor. It hurts you, too.
“Well, did you date?”, your impatience feels surprising but there’s no time to dwell upon unfamiliar feelings, not as Satori hums with a lethargic nod.
“Yeah, a few times”.
“They didn’t ask about your mark?”.
Tendo’s lips twitch as he remembers how ecstatic the women he went out with were upon finding out that not only his mark didn’t match theirs, he didn’t even have one to begin with. He was the safest option they could ever date, no risk of forever.
“It’s easier to date someone you know you’re not gonna end up with”, he shrugs, “they felt more comfortable, it was fun and momentary, thus risk-free”.
You click your tongue in disapproval and Tendo cocks his head, confused by your scowl.
“They, they, they. I always hated this about you, you’re always focusing on what other people think. I want to know, how did you feel?”.
Maybe it’s the wine or maybe it’s the fact that you’re about to become a fugitive presence in his life once more, but for once Satori feels like huffing out his frustration.
“Like shit”, he admits with a sly smile, “I could fall for just about anyone and I’ll always know they’re not my person. I won’t ever have a person and it makes me feel like shit”.
You’re not sure why tears are suddenly pricking the corners of your eyes. Maybe it’s because it’s really hard to remember the last time Satori allowed himself to be vulnerable around you. It always felt like he talked more to Wakatoshi, man to man or whatever. You never felt like you could be fully there for him and now it’s almost too late again, only a few hours before you fly off to the other side of the world.
“I hate them”, you murmur, “it’s just cruel. You’re not supposed to be anyone’s temporary fixing”.
“I’m not ever going to be anything but that”.
“No, Satori-”, in the process of positioning yourself better in order to face him, you kick the not entirely empty glass previously resting by your leg. It’s gonna leave a stain but you’ll find a way to take care of it before you leave, this is more urgent. This requires you taking your friend’s face into your hands, to bring it closer to your determined gaze. “That’s not true. The universe doesn’t know shit, okay? I know you. You don’t need a fucking mark. In fact, you know what? I’m happy you don’t have one. Thank god. I-”, he gently puts his hands over yours and leans over to tenderly kiss your forehead. Your train of thought derails as he fixes you with an amused, fond stare.
“It’s okay. Really”, Tendo lowers your hands and then leaves them cold, head falling to the side, cheek pressed to the orange duvet cover of his bed. You’re pouting, looking more beautiful than ever underneath the dim lights of his room, and so he can’t hold his tongue.
“You know, I find it incredible that you haven’t been able to find your person yet, universe or not. How’s it possible that someone as wonderful as you is being dumped by complete idiots just because they believe in some stupid pre-decided romantic assignation?”.
You mirror his position and rest your head on the softness of his bed. Despite being still on the floor, it almost feels as if you’re lying next to each other.
“They don’t believe I’m wonderful. I guess I’m just momentary, too”.
He scoffs. Deep down, Tendo also believes everyone should be granted the freedom to pursue their desired relationship, especially you. Don’t they know how lucky they are? You ignore destiny to give those dumbasses a chance and they leave before they even get to realize what they’re missing out upon.
“I think marks are bullshit”, Satori gently takes your hand and traces your fingers with his own slowly, eyes still boring into yours, “in a world with no marks, they’d be on their knees thanking their lucky star you showed interest in them at all”.
You hum, a soft smile tugging at your lips.
Before Tendo interrupted your little motivational speech, you were about to tell him why it makes you happy that he doesn’t have a mark after all. Looking at him now, it’s all the more clear. It’s horrible and selfish and childish but, this way, you will never have to go through it: you’ll never have to find out that the one person who’s always been by your side, the one person who knows you better than you know yourself and still manages to love you, also isn’t the one.
Tendo is the greatest person you know, the only one you’d trust with your life. His heart is your favorite part of him: always stayed big enough to fit in all those who asked for access, kindness embedded so deep within him he never let the world’s cruelty affect it. Satori never stored an ounce of that nastiness people loved oh so much throwing at him, it let it become an armor instead. Steel made of insults, cruel jokes, mockery. It breaks your heart that he still wears it. It would break your heart to discover that someone like him isn’t destined to be yours after all, that the universe wouldn’t be benevolent enough to assign the best friend you ever had as your soulmate.
“You don’t mean that”.
You blink, slowly, actually fighting to keep your eyes open.
“What you just said. You’re drunk”, he chuckles quietly and, horrifyingly, you realize your mouth decided to voice those thoughts out loud.
The shock lasts a few seconds. Tendo is no longer fiddling with your fingers but your hand is still in his and the more you look into those crimson irises, the less uncomfortable you feel about what you just said. Is it the wine or is it just right?
“You think I wouldn’t be happy if the universe assigned you as my soulmate?”.
“I think you wouldn’t hate it”, Tendo softly ponders, “but that’d be far from ideal”.
“Hey, you don’t get to decide that. Me and the universe would be agreeing for once”.
Satori swears his heart skips a bit. All those years, all that badly harbored hope, the entirety of his restraint crumbling pathetically after a few drops of expensive wine. You don’t mean that, you can’t mean that.
“You could look at me like that?”, the question is supposed to underline how ridiculous the idea is, but he realizes he just sounds wishful.
“I know you think it’d be hard but it really isn’t”, you laugh softly. You’re looking at him like that right now. As you abstendmindedly play with his fingers, thumb gently rubbing circles on the skin of his wrist, you appreciate the pink dusting his cheeks, the slightly furrowed brows, the sweetness of his questioning gaze.
Tendo exhales slowly. Neither of you is resting their head on his bed anymore, too captivated by each other. “I’m not sure I’d survive the discovery of you of all people, not being the one I’d be destined to stand with for the rest of my life. Because what a waste would be, for that person to be someone else”, it’s nothing but a whisper, raw honesty doing something funny to his stomach as it slips past his lips for the first time. There’s no one but you, honestly. He knows there’ll never be anyone else. The universe has planned love for those around him and an eternal curse for his heart.
“A terrible waste”, you agree and the hand not busy interlacing your fingers with his, suddenly closes around the soft fabric of his hoodie to bring him closer. Satori doesn’t dare move, let alone breathe, effectively paralyzed by the idea of indulging something you’ll regret the second it happens.
Except you don’t. When you kiss him, tentative at first, all the pieces fall right into place. Your lips curl into a small, knowing smile as the world slows down. Then finally, finally, he kisses you back. It’s deeper, a hand pressing to your cheek, it’s corrodingly tender and you feel yourself melting into his touch, into the genuine reverence he holds for you.
Tendo feels something unravel from within, the tangles and knots of hurt, uncertainty, combust and disappear into thin ashes. He’s too lost in the moment, too drunk on how close you’re holding him as your tongue brushes against his own, to pay any attention to the itchy feeling over the skin of his wrist. Right where your thumb is pressing, a crooked triangle appears at last.
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Jason with his time in the league of assassins
Talia walks into the small modest room where Jason is livening in while he gets back on his feet, having a bunch of brain functions recovered takes a while to get used to. he's been doing physical therapy and occupational therapy for the last couple months, his dexterity isn't exactly back yet.
Talia: Jason? what are you doing?
Jason: well there's this thing I always wanted to try called stop motion animation, and well you got some lego's for Dami but he's a bit too small for them so.. I took them and have been animating. I was bored in-between everything, you don't have any good books I haven't already read.
Talia: well that is an acceptable pass time, what are you making?
Jason: oh it's a weird comedy spoof for kids about batman and the joker being nemesis's, I wanted to make it for Dami since well he doesn't know much about him or the other ones and he's only 3 and well it doesn't seem like much but the time I'm done he'll be 5 and be able to enjoy it. i don't know talia I'm bored and want to make something for him.
Talia: very well, if you so wish. I can get some people in to help you make it if you wish.
Jason: really?
Talia: yes, I can. it does sound like a nice gift.
Jason: oh thank you!
Many months of therapy complete, he starts to retrain and regain all the fighting skills he lost and learn some new ones. in the meanwhile, Jason and 3 other people have been making a complete feature film for Damian who's just turned 4, they were about halfway done and it was looking good.
Talia: so how's it coming along?
Jason: it's been hard and hurts like a bitch, but I'm getting better at flips!
Talia: no. not that, I mean the movie?
Jason: oh it's halfway done! me and the one man and 2 women are doing great we reshot the opening, and we are more than 68% done! so it will be ready by Dami's birthday.
Talia: he will enjoy it I believe.
Jason: of course he would, it's his first ever kids movie!
Talia: why yes it is!
many many many more months pass and it becomes Dami's 5th birthday and Jason and his crew had wrapped up, the voice acting was done mostly by himself, and the crew but he asked some of the league for other voices. eventually after scoring and mixing they met the deadline. they set up the league theatre and put the movie on.
lego batman: [voice over] Black. All important movies start with a black screen... And music... Edgy, scary music that would make a parent or studio executive nervous... And logos... Really long and dramatic logos... Warner Bros. Why not "Warner Brothers"? I don't know... Hmm... Not sure what LOA does, but that logo is macho. I dig it... Okay. Get yourself ready for some... reading. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Hooo." No. I said that. Batman is very wise. I also have huge pecs and a nine-pack. Yeah, I've got an extra ab. Now, let's start the movie.
Dami: momma? what's the movie about?
talia: your father
lego Alfred Pennyworth: Were you looking at the old family pictures again?
lego Batman: At the what? The old family... Oh, yes! I see what you mean. Look at that! The old gang. Yeah. No, I wasn't.
lego Alfred Pennyworth: I see. Sir, if you don't mind my saying, I'm a little concerned. I've seen you go through similar phases in 2001 and 2006 and 2008 and 2005 and 1997 and 1995 and 1992 and 1989 and that weird one in 1999. Do you want to talk about how you're feeling right now?
lego Batman: I don't talks about feelings, Alfred. I don't have any, I've never seen one. I'm a night-stalking, crime-fighting vigilante, and a heavy metal rapping machine. I don't feel anything emotionally, except for rage. 24/7, 365, at a million percent. And if you think that there's something behind that, then you're crazy. Good night, Alfred.
lego Alfred Pennyworth: Sir, it's morning..
Talia: *laughs*
Dami: *chuckles*
Jason: *smiles with accomplishment*
lego Batman: [Batman's song] Who never skips leg day?
Chorus: Batman!
lego Batman: Who always pays their taxes?
lego Batman, Chorus: Not Batman!
Talia: *wails with laughter*
Dami: what are taxes?
Jason: you'll know when you get older don't worry about it
The lego Joker: Are you seriously saying there is nothing, nothing special about our relationship?
lego Batman: Whoa. Let me tell you something, J-bird. Batman doesn't do 'ships.
The lego Joker: [Confused] What?
lego Batman: As in "relationships." There is no "us." Batman and Joker are not a thing. I don't need you. I don't need anyone. You mean nothing to me. No one does.
Talia: that is your father's arch-nemesis the joker
Dami: oh okay
Jason: please kill him for me
dami: okay Jason, i will avagange, e-venge, avenge your honour!
Jason: you have no idea what that means to me buddy *wipes away a tear*
Lego Robin: My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick.
Lego Batman: Well, children can be cruel.
Jason: when I first heard dick's name I unironically thought everyone was just calling him a dickhead so much that the name dick stuck, but nope turns out it's short for Richard. he even changed his name to dick, I personally would never. but he pulls it off flawlessly. *chuckles*
talia: I did not know mr Grayson preferred to be called Dick.
Dami: who's dick then?
Jason: oh he's your older brother.
Lego Robin: What? [Sees Batcave]
Lego Robin: It's the Batcave! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygooo-! [Bumps into Batman]
Lego Robin: Batman, woah!
Lego Batman: You're darn right, woah!
Lego Robin: Wait, does Batman live in Bruce Wayne's basement?
Lego Batman: No, Bruce Wayne lives in Batman's attic.
Talia: *DIES OF LAUGHTER* oh Jason this is amazing.
Jason: I wish to impress!
Lego Robin: Hey, I was thinking. If I'm gonna be a superhero, and go on awesome superhero missions like this one, can we use code names? Mine can be Robin.
Lego Batman: I'm sorry, say that again?
Lego Robin: Robin.
Lego Batman: As in the small, Midwestern frail bird?
Lego Robin: Yeah, and I already have a catch phrase. Tweet, tweet, on the street.
Lego Batman: Hard pass.
Lego Robin: And a song. [singing]
Lego Robin: Fly, Robin, fly.
Lego Batman: Harder pass.
dami: *laughs so hard he coughs*
talia: habbibi careful, don't laugh so hard you will hurt yourself
Jason: honestly yeah you can hurt yourself badly.
LegoRobin: Wow! Look, it's the Bat-Sub!
Lego Batman: Wait, don't touch that!
Lego Robin: Over there! It's the Bat-Space Shuttle!
Lego Batman: Please keep your hands off that.
Lego Robin: Look, it's the Bat-Zeppelin!
Lego Batman: Don't touch that, either!
Lego Robin: It's the Bat-Train!
Lego Batman: No!
Lego Robin: It's the Bat-Kayak!
Lego Batman: No!
Lego Robin: It's the Bat-Dune Buggy!
Lego Batman: No!
Lego Robin: It's the Bat... Shark Repellent?
Lego Batman: [pause] Uh, actually, you can touch that. It's completely useless.
Talia: shark repelent is actually a quite useful invention why is bruce beloved not recognising it's full potential?
Jason: keep watching
Dami: does father have all those things?
Jason: sure does!
Lego Batman: We are gonna steal the Phantom Zone projector from Superman.
Lego Robin: [frowns] Steal?
Lego Batman: Yeah. We have to right a wrong. And sometimes, in order to right a wrong, you have to do a wrong-right. Gandhi said that.
Lego Robin: Are we sure Gandhi said that?
Lego Batman: I'm paraphrasing.
Talia: *laughs*
Dami: *laughs so hard he starts coughing AGAIN*
Jason: ghandi so said that btw.
lego Jim Gordon: [sees Robin for the first time] Who is that?
lego Robin: Hi, police man!
lego Jim Gordon: Is that your son?
Lego Robin: Yes, I am!
Lego Batman: [laughs nervously] Is that my son? No, that's just weird.
Lego Jim Gordon: It's weirder if it's not your son.
Jason: this interaction is based off an actual interaction between jimmy and Dick.
[batman and robin arrive at the fortress of solitude]
lego Batman: Hey, kid!
lego Robin: Yes, sir?
lego Batman: You're super nimble, right?
lego Robin: I sure am!
lego Batman: And small?
lego Robin: Very.
lego Batman: And quiet?
lego Robin: [whispering] When I desire to be.
lego Batman: And 110% expendable?
lego Robin: I don't know what that means, but okay!
Jason: bruce really did not know how to deal with a 11 year old child hellbent on murdering a mob boss, so he kept bringing him along on incredibly dangerous missions, it was always fine in the end but this sort of situation happened once.
Talia: really?
Jason: the expendable part was from a wayne tech family event, and they crushed it. but dick had to sacrifice himself to help bruce win, it was so funny. I was there.
Lego Batman: White. All important movies end with a white screen.
Talia, jason, the other 70 league of assassin members and Damien break out into applause for the movie.
Jason: THANK YOU ALL, but special thanks to Gerald, and lily and Rin!!!! I WOULD HAVE NEVNER FINISHED IT WITHOUT YOU THANK YOUUUUUUU
the audience bursts into a large uproar of applause.
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roosterforme · 2 days
"You better not get me pregnant before I graduate from college," you joked.
Now I can't stop thinking about Jake and Darlin' having a baby!! I need details!!!! I bet the trying bit was so good for them! How did Darlin' tell Jake she is pregnant? Also, pregnant sex! I can just see Jake being an even bigger gentleman than before! Just so tender! And their first time after the birth! Pls, if you can and want to, I would love to hear all your thoughts on the subject!
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Jake is almost 37 when they get married, and the last thing he wants to do is press her to try to get pregnant. They've had conversations in the past. He knows where he stands when it comes to kids, and so does she. (little bit o' smut)
"You're in control, Darlin'. You say when."
Shortly after he turned 40, Jake is really feeling his age. Gray hairs, laugh lines, lower back pains from sitting in a cockpit for almost two decades. He's not expecting it at all, but one day his wife comes home from work, takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom.
"I have something to tell you," came your soft whisper.
Jake was tired, but he could tell by the way your hands were exploring his chest exactly that you wanted right now. If nothing else, you and he had always been honest about needs and expectations. He pulled you closer to him, inhaling the scent of your hair, and he was about to tell you he was too damn tired today.
But before he could say anything at all, you said, "My period is over, and I'm not starting my new pill pack."
He froze, letting the words sink in. "You're not?" he asked slowly.
When you shook your head and whispered, "Let's see if we can make you a daddy," his entire body responded. His lips were on yours as he backed you up toward the bed until you were laying beneath him.
"You're sure about this?" he asked. "Like creampies for real? Darlin', we've only done this one time without birth control."
You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck. "That was the best weekend of my life, Jake. Fuck me just like that. No condom, no birth control, nothing. And don't stop until you cum."
He was so excited, he was dizzy. He forgot all about how tired he was as he fucked you like it was the weekend you met.
Months went by, and he kept at it, always letting you take the lead. By the time he turned 41, you were six months pregnant, and he couldn't keep his hands off you.
"I'm already pregnant, Jake," you whined as he filled you up from behind in front of the bathroom mirror. "It's not like you can make me more pregnant."
"I can't stop touching you," he panted, hands gentle on your body. "Look how damn perfect you are."
"Lesson number five thousand," you whispered, squeezing his cock as you came. "Pregnant sex is fucking awesome."
He couldn't agree more. But perhaps the best part was snuggling afterwards with his lips brushing along the back of your neck and his hand resting on your belly. "I can't wait to meet our son."
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mattyriddlesbitch · 12 hours
The Princess and The Knight(Chapter Two)
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: mentions of the basilisk
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By your second year, Mattheo had made a reputation of being a dick and getting into fights. Many people avoided him, only his few friends you met on the train on the way to Hogwarts talked with him.
And you. You tried, at least. He would give short replies the whole time. ‘Yes’ ‘No’ ‘Maybe’ ‘I don’t know’ ‘Okay’ “Whatever’ That was pretty much his whole vocabulary with you.
His friends were okay with you. Not particularly friendly or went out of their way for you, but they weren’t rude to you and you were never one of their targets, which you were thankful for.
Second year started, and that was the year that there was something roaming Hogwarts, killing students. You were terrified, as any normal person would be.
You sat down in Potions next to Mattheo the day after the first attack, still a bit shaken up from the news.
“Did you hear about what happened?” You asked Mattheo as you started setting up your things for class.
“With the cat? Yes.” Mattheo answered, seeming unphased.
“I can’t believe something like that could happen here.” You said, shaking your head in disbelief.
“It's just a cat. It'll be fine, probably.” Mattheo shrugged.
“What if it happens to a student though?” You ask, leaning forward to lean on the desk.
“Are you scared?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you, like he was confused about your reaction.
“Well, yeah. That could've happened to anybody. That's terrifying.”
“You don't have to be scared. Nothing's gonna happen to you.” His expression softened slightly.
“How can you be so sure? How are you not scared?” You asked, confused about his laid back attitude about it all.
He shrugged again, refusing to answer the questions. “Do you need me to protect you? Will that make you feel safe?” He asked in a sarcastic tone.
It almost took you back for a second. He was sarcastic with you often, but the question caught you off guard. But you quickly recovered. “Aw, are you offering to be my knight in shining armor?” You smiled at him.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “As if. You're not a princess, you know.”
“Only princesses get knights then?”
You were about to respond, but Snape spoke up, starting his lesson.
After some more attacks, the school implemented a rule that you couldn’t walk alone and to always walk with someone else. You didn’t really know anyone in your potions class other than Mattheo, so you weren’t sure who you were going to walk with, but you figured you’d find someone when the time came.
So now, potions class had ended and you were packing up, watching everyone walk in pairs or groups out of the classroom. You grabbed your bag and headed to the door, but noticed everyone was gone. You frowned, but figured since the halls were filled with students, you shouldn’t have an issue getting to your next class and headed out of the classroom.
“Breaking the rules now?” You heard Mattheo say after you took a few steps out the door.
“What?” You turned to see him pushing himself off the wall and coming to your side.
“Not following the ‘walking with someone’ rule. You’re alone.” He said, grabbing your arm to make you keep walking before letting go.
“Everyone had someone else already.” You shrugged as you fell into step beside him.
“I guess that leaves us then.”
“You didn’t want to walk with anyone else?” You asked curiously.
“They’re all idiots, I’m not walking with them.” He answered simply.
“You know, I think I recall you saying something about only princesses getting knights.” You said in a playful tone.
“Yeah, and?”
“Does that mean I’m a princess now?” You joked.
“And I’m a knight then?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah.” You smiled at him.
“Fine then, princess. I guess I’ll be your knight for our 5 minute walk to your class.” He said sarcastically.
He walked with you between classes when he could, still keeping up the defense that he didn’t want to walk with anyone else since they were idiots. When they finally lifted the rule, he walked you to class one last time.
“Guess you won’t be needing my protection anymore, princess.” He said as you approached your class.
“Unfortunate. I was getting used to you walking with me.” You said, pouting playfully.
“Not like you’re never going to see me again.” He rolled his eyes at your pout.
“Might as well, though. It was the most you ever spoke to me.”
“Oh, shut up.” He stopped in front of your classroom.
“Well, I guess you’re retired now, my knight. Your services were appreciated.” You said with a small smile, chuckling when he rolled his eyes again, but this time with his own small smile.
“You’re stupid.”
“I know.”
There was a small moment of silence as you stared at each other, finally breaking when another student squeezed past you two to get into the classroom.
“Well, I better get to class. I’ll see you later, Mattheo.” You said and headed to your classroom.
“Yeah, later.” You heard him say before he started heading to his own classroom.
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mechdyke-after-hours · 23 hours
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⚠️ WARNINGS!! ⚠️
mild transformers one spoilers, non-con, drugged sex, mild violence
THIS IS A NON-CON FIC. if you don't like any of the above tags PLEASE just scroll onwards.
once again another messy ficlet or whatever! but I want that mech's pussy destroyed... so... :)
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Sentinel Prime had all he ever wanted. Power. Money. Respect. Fame. Everything he ever dreamed was in the palm of his servo. And he LOVED it. He loved broadcasting himself in front of Iacon and letting all of the other, less important, Cybertronians see his glorious frame. He preened and polished himself constantly, making sure his plating was shiny enough that it was practically a mirror. He was the picture perfect heroic prime, as far as the citizens of Iacon were concerned.
But of course, it wasn't enough for Sentinel. It could never be enough. Which is exactly why he held the most luxurious parties he could. Free from anyone he felt too far beneath him. The best energon money could buy, triple filtered high grade and a pack of Syk. The little patches were arranged delicately on a platter, a warning card placed at the front explaining the effects, HEAVILY encouraging mechs to not take more than one and explaining how to properly use them. Avoid applying patches to the helm or chassis... the usual scrap that was only there to avoid possible lawsuits. Not like anyone would ever dare to try, but better safe than sorry.
The party was going perfectly, as it always did. He already knew he wasn't going to take anything or drink too much, since he was required at the surface tomorrow morning. He mostly just stood around, a small glass of high grade balanced between his digits that he sipped at between conversations with mechs he didn't care to learn the names of.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't jump when a servo suddenly pressed against his back. He bristled, but kept his cool, his derma curled as he forced a smile onto his face. He stayed polite, keeping up the conversation with the mech. Sentinel felt a familiar helmache coming on. His legs started to feel weak, his vision going slightly blurry. He kept up the conversation as well as he could, but his speech was starting to get slurred, his voicebox glitching. Next thing he knew, his vision was spinning and he was collapsing to the floor, the glass in his servo shattering against the floor.
Sentinel's optics slowly started to flicker online, a strange ache and pressure blooming from his crotch. He tried to move his arms, he was completely paralysed. His vision was blurred, his hearing muffled. He reset his optics, and his audials. Once. Twice. The world around him slowly started to gain some clarity. He glanced down between his legs, only to be slightly horrified at what he saw. His interface panel had been forcefully pried off. Small glowing blue droplets of energon stained his plating, mixing with splatters of pink. His array was aching and burning, feeling impossibly stretched and loose. Sentinel Prime was never a mech to pray. But in that moment, he prayed.
He glanced down at his frame. Syk patches littered his arms and his chassis. Enough to have him completely paralysed, but not enough to cause his frame to go into full system reset. His arms and legs were useless, unable to kick or push, he had to just lay there uselessly as his valve was used and abused. The swirling mix of pain and pleasure swam through his systems. His comms had been disabled, his HUD blinking a warning about needing repairs. Someone was moaning and whining, and he became aware that it was his own voice. Mechs were lined up, servos running over his once untarnished and shiny plating, now defiled and sticky. He tried to protest, but his voicebox failed him.
Sentinel sobbed, or at least he thought he did. He was vaguely aware of another round of transfluids filling his valve, dripping down onto the luxurious padded sofa beneath, now stained and torn. The mech pulled out, only to reach down and scoop up the spilling transfluids, shoving them back into his valve. He could barely make out the words being said to him, his processor taking twice as long to work. "Hah! C'mon, Prime! Keep that load in ya pretty lil' valve. Why don't you open that gestation chamber for us and we'll spark ya up, huh? Maybe then you'll actually be useful for something!" Came a sneering voice from above him. He bit his derma hard enough that he tasted energon.
Another fat spike pressed against him, the golden folds of his valve parting and wrapping around the thick metal rod. He held back a noise as thick ridges stretched his calipers to the limit, and then some. His spike twitched, before he overloaded with a loud cry, shooting transfluid up across the shiny dark blue of his chassis. The mech above him laughed cruelly, forcing Sentinel's intake open before spitting directly onto his glossa. "Dirty mech. Cumming while being passed around like shareware. If only Iacon could see their beloved prime now, with a nobody's spike shoved up his pretty cunt." Sentinel overloaded again.
The mechs manhandled him. Positioning him in whatever way they wanted. He was on all fours presenging himself like some sort of mechanimal in heat, and with the way he was panting he may as well have been. He didn't remember offlining his optics, but they shot open when a spike started to press against his intake. A rough hand squeezed at his cheek plates, forcing his mouth open. A mech of his status shouldn't be doing something as lowly as sucking spike... but it seemed he didn't have a choice. His intake hung open, the blunt tip of a spike pressing against his glossa. It slipped in further, until his nose was pressed against plating. His throat cabling felt tight, his glossa pressed flat against the floor of his intake as he drooled oral lubricants onto the floor beneath him. His tanks lurched as the mech started thrusting brutally, surely bruising the sensitive rubber of his throat. A servo wrapped around his neck and squeezed, causing him to gag even harder, an obscene bulge visible through the soft plating. His optics rolled back as tears of coolant spilled down his cheeks.
Sentinel didn't remember passing out again. But next thing he knew, he had woken up. A datastick was next to him as well as a single printed photo, his abused and whored out frame covered in Syk patches. A threat of blackmail if he'd ever seen one. He fumbled as he plugged the datastick into one of the ports on the inside of his arm, quickly uploading the footage to an encrypted folder deep in his memory banks. He groaned, as he checked his internal chronometer. He was going to be late. He couldn't be late. The quintessons would kill him if he didn't get them their energon on time, or worse, expose his treachery to all of Iacon. He gritted his denta, standing up and peeling the used Syk patches off of his plating as he trudged to the washracks with a groan, and a massive helmache.
Solvent washed over his frame, feeling like fire against his still exposed tender valve and spike housing. He scrubbed quickly, removing most of the evidence. Buffing off paint transfers and scrubbing away as much dried transfluid that he could. He rushed, turning off the shower and drying off, being careful around his exposed delicate areas. He picked up his discarded modesty panel from the floor of the main room, retrieving a welding kit from his emergency kit and getting to work. His welding job was shoddy, much more used to having people fix him up, but it'd have to do. He needed to address the people of Iacon, before heading to the surface. He just hoped quintessons didn't have the ability to smell transfluids.
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mrs-kodzuken · 2 days
hard to desire ⨟ kenma k.
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chapter two
babydoll ari abdul
❝Oh, Father, forgive me for all my sins
When I meet your eyes, the Devil, he wins
Blinded by your lies, but I play pretend❞
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previous chapter next chapter
"We're going to miss you so much sweetheart," Your mom hugs you tightly, tearing up a bit.
"Call us if you need anything at all, sweet pea." Your dad says, giving you a sad smile over your mom's shoulder.
"I will, I promise. I love you guys so much." You tried keeping the tears at bay because you knew you wouldn't be able to stop. They had packed everything you'd need into your small car and then, of course, sent you with extra money for the things they couldn't fit.
You were going to live with Kuroo in an apartment so surely there should be basic things like a refrigerator or microwave?
"Be safe, sweetie." Your mom said as you were leaving out of the door. You could only nod and wave bye, you'd never left home on your own like this before, so it put you through quite a few emotions.
You hadn't mentioned the part about Kuroo's roommate, Kenma, yet to your parents. They trusted you under Kuroo's care as if you were still a child.
Starting the drive to the town you would be spending the next few years in made you a little nervous. You decided to hook up your playlist and play some of your favorite songs to help with the nerves.
You had also wondered if you would ever see that strange man again, maybe that would be your first ever attempt at romance. Never being in a romantic relationship before meant that you relied on fictional characters from books to fulfill that part of your brain.
You just hoped that Kuroo wouldn't snoop to your bookcase that would be put up in your room to hold all of your books like trophies.
In the time that you had been driving and spacing out to the music, you had magically appeared in the town you kind of remembered.
Quickly, you called Kuroo because he didn't even give you the address to the apartment you would be staying at yet.
"Hey, I'm in town now. Could you send me the address?" You asked into the phone call connected to your car's radio.
"Uh, yeah sure," Maybe a minute went by. "There you go. I'll go let Kenma know you're on the way here, little one. See you in a bit."
Whilst you were trying to figure out the weird directions to get to the damn apartment, Kuroo was trying to get Kenma to come out of his room.
"Kenma, she's on her way now. Make sure you're nice to her, just what I had spoken with you about a couple days ago." Kuroo reminded Kenma, leaning on his door frame.
Kenma had been still trying to sleep even though it was almost 11:40am. That's always a tell-tale sign that he was up late on one of his many consoles or editing his Youtube channel.
"Kenma." Kuroo called once again.
Something stirred within the pile of blankets on Kenma's king-sized bed. Then a grunt was heard and Kuroo decided that it was enough for him, he'd have to actually say it again when Kenma would be up later. Kuroo shut his door and sighed, hoping this would go great for everyone involved.
Soon after, you sent him a text message saying you believe you had gotten to the apartment.
Kuroo came jogging down the apartment stairs to meet you exiting your car.
"Hey, little one. Was the drive okay? You need some help getting all that up the stairs?" He asked, giving you a hug. He'd be mindful of your feelings later when you've settled in so you can spill about your sentiments of being here, like you used to.
"Hey, yeah the drive was fine. Nothing but a bit of music and singing can't help," You chuckled and broke the hug.
"And yeah, it would be great if you could help me." You eyed your car, the backseat seemed to have been spilling through the windows based on everything your parents had insisted on packing.
"They sure do love you; you know that?" He mentioned opening your trunk so he could start with whatever is back there first.
You swallowed your feelings, "Yeah, I know. Let's get this stuff hauled in there." You said, changing the subject so you didn't have to think about that right now.
"I've taken the liberty to give you a queen-sized bed. I assume that you would bring your own sheets because I know you like particular 'aesthetics'." He made finger quotes around the word but that didn't take away how thoughtful it was of him.
"You didn't have to; I could've bought my own and put it together. I'm a manly man, you know?" You joked, enjoying the nice moment between you two.
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." He grunted, hauling a box over his shoulder up to the apartment. After a couple trips, he told you he'd get the rest and lock your car for you so you could get things organized in your new room without being overwhelmed.
Heeding his instructions, you got to work.
By the time you were done, your room kind of resembled the one at home but this one spoke to you in a way that one never did. It signaled a new era for you – a new you.
Your bookshelf stood tall and proud with plenty of colorful books on it. Your bed had a pink and white theme, a fluffy rug in the middle of your hard wooden floor, and a door mirror were your favorite touches so far.
The apartment itself wasn't so bad. You didn't really get to take a look at it due to unpacking but you definitely wanted to now. Exiting your room, you find the bathroom and you guess the bedrooms where Kuroo and Kenma sleep.
The kitchen wasn't spacious, but it wasn't crowded either. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Kuroo probably meticulously placed the barstools and counter items like the tea, coffee, and toaster machines in specific places.
He was such a geek sometimes.
You looked through the cabinets and tried to stick everything to memory of its place. You, however, brought some of your own favorite dishware that had cute pink ribbons imprinted on the glass. You definitely were going to make your presence known with that.
That happened a lot more throughout the apartment too. Your little decor items like a specific throw blanket and pillow on the couch just for you. Small decorations on shelves here and there. Your toothpaste and toothbrush in the medicine cabinet.
You were popping up everywhere in their lives. In his life. And for some reason, it got under his skin. Even covering his head with a pillow, Kenma could still hear you bustling about in the apartment, talking to yourself about where something should go.
You'd occasionally ask Kuroo, and he'd just say, "Whenever you want to put it is fine with me, little one." Not taking into account Kenma's thoughts and that kind of pissed him off.
Not that it was his fault anyways. It's not like he got out of bed to say hi and greet you. Or it's not like he's pretending to be asleep so he doesn't have to conversate with you.
Kenma doesn't know why exactly you're getting under his skin so much, but it bothers him. It bothers him so deeply.
"Want to come with me to help you set everything up for school? I can show you the main buildings and once you get your class schedule, I'll tour the buildings with you, so you won't be late on your first day?" Kuroo's offer lit your eyes up.
Afterall, you were here because you wanted your degree, so obviously you're excited about classes and school.
"Yes, yes, yes. That'd be amazing. Just let me grab a jacket and I will. I saw something about it possibly raining later." You called out to him, fast walking to your room to get a zip-up you had on earlier.
You heard Kuroo walk back into the hall, and you thought he was going to get on to you for taking forever as you looked at your outfit into the mirror of your door. But that wasn't the case.
A knock was sounded, but it wasn't on your door. It was his.
"Kenma, want to come with us? We're going to go view the fall semester classes." Kuroo said through the door to Kenma's room.
You even stopped breathing to hear him.
You'd see the picture frames on the walls and here and there on the shelves from their high school days but there wasn't a current one of Kenma out. And even in those pictures, he was always looking away or face not closely in the picture. That in itself had made you curious too.
“Too tired.” Was all that was spoken but it still had an effect on you. Even though it was muffled through walls too. It was slightly becoming a bit more than curiosity at this point. But then again, you kind of had gotten a bit sad that he wouldn’t be tagging along.
You’d be living with a man you don’t even know, and he was too tired to go look at fall semester classes? Interesting. 
“Alright, well little one, let’s get this show on the road then.” Kuroo called for you and you opened your door.
“Okay!” You shoved that weird Kenma thought to the back of your brain and went ahead with Kuroo to enjoy how you guys would be spending the rest of your day. 
. . . 
Just like that, two entire weeks of school passed by. And yet, not even once within those fourteen days of school did Kenma take any invite from you.
You remembered how he turned you down multiple times. One day you had softly knocked on Kenma’s door, hoping for him to answer.
“Hey, want to come study with Kuroo and I? I thin-"
"Leave me alone." Kenma's annoyed, muffled voice cut you off and gave you the answer you needed. You purse your lips, hoping you haven't done anything to upset your roommate. Although that isn't even one of the possibilities for you haven't even been in the same room for longer than five minutes max.
Another encounter was when you had gotten home with Kuroo, and you guys decided to get takeout which was aka Mexican – your favorite. You had found Kenma sitting on the couch in the living room scrolling on his phone.
It was as if he could sense you looking at him, he quickly got up and headed straight for his room.
"Hey, wait. I wanted to know if you wanted to add to our order. We're getting Mexican food for dinner tonight." You spoke hopeful, keeping your voice light the entire time. You desperately wanted to connect with your roommate, even if it seemed that he hated you – your mere presence.
However, he had other thoughts as he passed you with a gruff scoff, "Mexican makes me sick."
Just a few words hurt your feelings more than you'd like to even admit. You weren't used to this type of rejection when you had been nothing but cordial.
One fateful day after class, you decided you really needed a study session with Kuroo to boost your spirits. You didn't want to feel so down with it only being the second –almost third– week of college.
"Of course, anything for you. I'm going to invite Kenma; he needs it too." Kuroo said, without thinking. You hadn't confided in Kuroo about how you think Kenma absolutely hates your guts. Every time you try, you just keep thinking maybe there is something you're missing that is making him behave this way towards you.
"Oh... yeah, that's a good idea." You tried to support it, but you were riddled with anxiousness.
Your nerves got even worse when Kuroo had stated that Kenma, begrudgingly, would meet up with you guys. Only to which you then mustered half a smile, knowing that the next few hours would be more stressful than the coursework itself.
You stood at the small cafe that was built into the university's library, you stared at the menu hoping that your memory would be able to recall what Kuroo had always ordered.
On the off chance that you and Tetsu come here to study or get a breather, you always forget what he orders. On the other hand, Kuroo has mentioned what Kenma gets every single time and now that is the only thing that has burned itself into your memory.
A fucking oat milk latte loaded with any sort of sweet syrup.
You'd been secretly watching Kenma when he drinks them, seeing which kind of syrup he favors more. You're not exceptionally sure why you've been doing this either. However, the vanilla and caramel he seemed to like the best, so you asked to add both of those syrups into his latte.
Then, you made sure to send Kuroo a quick text, asking what his order was again – hopefully it just gets blamed on your apparent forgetfulness.
'Iced coffee with a splash of sweet cream' He had texted back, which honestly seemed very basic.
With a drink carrier, you carefully made your way to the study table that soon had everyone's laptops, notebooks, and pens out.
"Thank you, little one." Kuroo said, hastily taking his bland iced coffee from the brown, recyclable drink carrier.
Kenma's sharp golden eyes peered upward at you, causing you to gulp. He took his coffee without so much as uttering a word as Kuroo got to work. You had pretended to type notes for your art class and secretly peered up to see the slightly upward turn of Kenma's lips.
You felt satisfactory with your decision.
After a few hours of studying, you couldn't help that your eyes kept drifting to Kenma. Kuroo had gone to the bathroom and your coursework was definitely not on your mind. You breathed in as you took in his entire form across the study table from you.
Kenma's medium length hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, his brown roots showing more so since they've grown out quite a bit from the starch contrast of the blond hair dye. A few strands of hair had framed his sharp angled face, he seemed extremely concentrated on whatever he was reading at the moment.
Your eyes moved downwards, taking in his frame and clothes. They were the most basic, as expected from someone who didn't really care what outfit he wore. A tee with graphics on it and black sweatpants.
Noticing more, his laptop had one of those light up keyboards that you kind of wanted to run your hands across for fun. If you focused on just him, you could slightly smell the scent of cinnamon apples coming off of it. It felt intoxicating to say the least, making you feel the slightest bit of light-headedness.
You snapped out of your thoughts when he suddenly shut his laptop hard.
"Done studying?" You asked curiously, trying to pretend that there isn't a weird flutter in your stomach nor that you basically were ogling him either.
"Why does it matter? It's not like you're doing any studying with the way you've staring holes into me." He sneered at you, and you couldn't help the faint dust of blush that coated your cheeks.
"I was spacing out, sorry." You muttered, only focusing your attention on the brightly lit laptop screen, not the way you feel embarrassed for the emotions that coursed through your veins when you thought of your roommate – who hated you, you had to remind yourself.
When in the hell was Kuroo coming back from the bathroom to save you from this?
synopsis: it's the summer before you go to university, and you decide to become roommates with your pen pal that you've known since you were in primary. big problem arises, he's got a roommate, and it just so happens that his roommate either has a sexual want for you or hates your guts – or probably both?
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@geektastic84 @lavanderdreamve @hhoneyhan @kirikeijii @marsoverthestars @nymphsdomain @justagirlnamedkai @kodzukein @74zix47 @kakuzone @jaeminaur
a/n: i made the banner, and i got my idea for this smau from @deftrow !!
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paddockletters · 3 days
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against the odds- marc bernal
paring:marc bernal x reader summary: An artist meets football star Marc Bernal, and their bond quickly grows. But with his demanding career and media pressure, their relationship is tested. author's note: Omg, I’m so sorry for the delay, but I hadn’t been around here for a while. You didn’t tell me what kind of story you wanted, but I tried my best to come up with something good. I hope you like it. Again, sorry for the delay. Well, as I always say... english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me— and my requests are open!👀
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The streets of Barcelona buzzed with the usual evening rush. People hurried through the fading light, but Elena moved at her own pace, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her coat. She hadn’t meant to end up here again—at her favorite café, a place she usually went to escape her own thoughts. Tonight, however, it felt different, heavier. She had recently broken up with someone she thought was "the one," and it had left her empty in a way she couldn’t explain.
As she settled into her usual seat by the window, her sketchbook open in front of her, Elena found it difficult to focus. The memories of her ex still tugged at her mind. The same questions—Why hadn’t it worked? Was she enough?—kept swirling in her head.
Just as she was about to pack up and leave, the door swung open. The warm glow from the inside illuminated the tall figure stepping in, and a wave of recognition hit her. Marc Bernal. One of Spain’s brightest football stars. His presence filled the small café, but what surprised her more was that he walked straight towards her.
"Hola," he said with a soft smile, his voice deep but gentle. "¿Te importa si me siento aquí?"
She blinked, unsure if she’d heard him right. “Oh, um, no… claro, siéntate,” she managed to stammer.
Marc smiled and took the seat across from her. The café was unusually empty tonight, so they were mostly alone.
“I’ve seen you here before,” Marc began, his eyes flicking toward her sketchbook. “Always drawing.”
Elena gave a shy laugh, glancing down at the pages. “Yeah, it helps clear my head, I guess. Not a lot of that happening tonight, though.”
"Lo entiendo," Marc said, leaning back in his chair. "Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to clear your mind, it sticks around. Los pensamientos."
She met his eyes, surprised at how easily he understood her. “Yeah, exactly,” she murmured, feeling the familiar weight of her unspoken thoughts. But for the first time in a while, she felt... seen.
Over the next few weeks, Marc and Elena began spending more time together. It started as simple conversations at the café, but before long, they were texting late into the night, sharing stories about their lives. Marc would talk about the pressure of being a football star, the overwhelming media attention, the constant scrutiny. Elena, in turn, opened up about her art and the lingering heartbreak that still haunted her.
It was during one of their late-night chats that Marc invited her to a match.
"Come and watch," he had said. "I’d love to have you there."
Elena had hesitated at first. It wasn’t like her to get involved with someone whose life was so public. But there was something about Marc, something warm and genuine, that made her want to say yes. And so she did.
The stadium was packed, the roar of the crowd like a living, breathing entity. Elena sat in the VIP section, feeling slightly out of place. But as the game started, she couldn’t take her eyes off Marc. Watching him in his element, commanding the field, was mesmerizing. His confidence, the way he moved with ease—it was intoxicating.
After the game, she met him outside the locker rooms. His hair was still damp from the shower, his smile easy and tired.
"¿Qué te pareció?" he asked, pulling her in for a hug.
"It was... amazing," Elena said, her voice breathless. "I didn’t realize how intense it all was. You’re incredible out there."
Marc grinned. “I’m glad you liked it. It means a lot that you came.”
But that night wasn’t without its complications. As they left the stadium together, cameras flashed, and reporters swarmed. Marc’s grip tightened around Elena’s hand, guiding her through the chaos.
"Lo siento," he whispered, his voice tense. "This part... it’s not easy."
She had known it was coming—the media attention—but it still rattled her. She wasn’t used to this. She wasn’t used to being in the spotlight.
As their relationship deepened, they found themselves struggling to balance their lives. Marc’s schedule was relentless. Training, traveling, games. Elena’s own artistic career was picking up speed, with exhibitions and commissions that demanded more of her time.
“Marc, we haven’t seen each other in weeks,” Elena said one evening as they lay in his bed, the glow of the city lights filtering through the window.
“I know, lo siento, mi amor,” Marc sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Es difícil. Sometimes it feels like I’m always one step behind.”
Elena turned to face him, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. “It’s just... I don’t know how long I can keep doing this. I miss you.”
Marc pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. “I miss you too. I’ll figure it out. I don’t want to lose this. No quiero perderte.”
But things weren’t as easy as either of them hoped. The distance grew, the missed calls piled up, and soon, Elena found herself questioning if she was enough for him—if they were enough. One evening, after a long day of work, she sat in her apartment, staring at her phone. Marc hadn’t called like he promised. Again.
Her frustration boiled over, and she dialed his number.
“¿Marc?” she began, trying to keep her voice steady. “We need to talk.”
There was a pause on the other end. “Elena, estoy en medio de una cena con el equipo. ¿Puede esperar?”
Her heart sank. “No, Marc. It can’t.”
“¿Qué pasa?” he asked, his tone softening, sensing her distress.
Elena closed her eyes, the words she had been holding in for weeks finally spilling out. “I can’t keep waiting for you. This... us... it doesn’t feel like we’re a priority anymore. I’m always the one waiting, and I just... I need more.”
“Lo sé,” Marc said quietly. “You deserve more. Pero, I don’t know how to fix this right now.”
Tears filled Elena’s eyes, and she knew this was the moment. The moment she had been dreading. “Then maybe... maybe we need to let this go.”
Despite their deepening bond, cracks continue appering. Marc’s demanding schedule grew more hectic as the season progressed. The media was relentless, constantly hounding him, and it began to take a toll on their relationship. Elena tried to be patient, but the late-night phone calls and missed plans started to wear her down.
“Marc, you missed dinner again,” Elena said one evening, her frustration barely contained.
“Lo siento, mi amor,” Marc sighed, running a hand through his hair. “El entrenamiento se alargó más de lo previsto.”
“Siempre es lo mismo,” Elena replied, her voice breaking slightly. “I feel like I’m always waiting for you.”
Marc’s face fell. “No es lo que quiero para ti, Elena. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Then don’t,” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. “I don’t need you to be perfect, Marc. Just... be here. Be present. I can’t do this alone.”
His heart clenched at the sight of her pain. “No quiero perderte,” he said softly, stepping closer. “Te necesito.”
“Then show me,” Elena whispered, her voice trembling.
For a long moment, they stood there, the weight of their love hanging in the air between them. Marc wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. He kissed her hair, her forehead, finally pressing his lips to hers, desperate to hold on to what they had.
The next few months were a turning point for them. Marc made sure to carve out time for their relationship, and Elena found herself thriving in both her art and her love life. They had found a balance, a way to be part of each other’s worlds without losing themselves.
One evening, as they sat together on the balcony of Marc’s apartment, watching the sunset over the Madrid skyline, he took her hand.
“¿Sabes qué?” he whispered.
Marc smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “I’m happier with you than I ever was on the field.”
Elena smiled back, her heart full. “Yo también.”
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itoshi-s · 2 years
poly nagireo thoughts again 🧘🏻‍♀️
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