#they have 45 min to prove me wrong
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lushpuppyxxx · 2 years
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I finally made a list of a large number of my longer videos, so here they are! If you are interested, please DM me. Prices are based on length, complexity, and explicitness.
Lizzie's Long Day
15 min/$10
Lizzie cleans her house and gets blasted in the process. Short highlight video.
Lizzie: Drunk Master Chef
40 min/$55
Lizzie gets drunk and "auditions" for Master Chef.
Lizzie's Thankgiving Feast
15 min/$20
Lizzie stuffs herself with Thanksgiving food and beer, and plays with herself.
Friday Night Fun:
21 min/$30
Lizzie starts out filming a scripted video but drinks 2 magnums of wine, shoves her face full of sushi, and gets blackout drunk, her project forgotten.
Daddy's Drunk Toy:
15 min/$20
Lizzie does shots, slams beers, and stumbles around.
18 min/$25
Lizzie drinks 16 PBRs in her sexy red lingerie, ends up crawling on the floor and playing with herself.
Drunken Crafts
20 min/$30
Lizzie drinks and crochets and plays with herself until she can't do any of the above anymore.
Lush Puppy:
30 min/$45
Lizzie lives up to her persona as she enjoys a variety of drinks, her vibrator, and her bong for a night she will definitely not remember.
Lizzie's Drunk Day
45 min/$30
A 45 minute series of clips from a full day of drunken fun including stumbling, hiccups, sexy times, falling over, and lots of wine and weed.
Lizzie Rings in the New Year
7 min/$10
Lizie can't help being a silly lush on NYE! She can't count right and her attempts to do so make her hiccup and slur and finger erself as she and her big beautiful belly squirm on the floor.
What Baby Did While Daddy Was Sleeping
48 min/$60
Done as a commission/custom. Lizzie sets out to prove she can't easily get drunk. She drinks, does tongue twisters, and proves herself wrong.
Lizzie At Home
10 min/$10
Lizzie is having some drinks for her daddy. She slurs, hiccups, and plays with herself.
Lizzie's Tik Tok Challenge Part 1
54 min/$70
Lizzie has been given a challenge! She spends the day doing her best to succeed. Watch her struggle, hiccup, burp, stumble, masturbate, and overall have a wonderful time! Buy separately or get both parts for $100.
Lizzie's Tik Tok Challenge Part 2
49 min/$60
Lizzie has been given a challenge! She spends the day doing her best to succeed. Watch her struggle, hiccup, burp, stumble, masturbate, and overall have a wonderful time! Buy separately or get both parts for $100.
Lizzie's Saturday Night
29 min/$35
Lizzie has a fun, relaxing (and horny!) Saturday night.
Lizzie Gets Ready Part 1
32 min/$35
Lizzie is going to the club! But first, she has to get ready. She convinces herself to do some pre-gaming. She brushes out her long hair and puts on makeup, sipping and chugging as she goes. When her friend calls to see if she's ready, Lizzie does a couple of tests to prove she is good to go. She gets a little distracted playing with her pussy while she's getting dressed, though...
Lizzie Gets Ready Part 2
33 min/$35
Lizzie finally manages to get her dress on, but she's still having some trouble getting fully ready. She performs another test and decides she needs to pre-game a little bit more. Eventually, the dress comes back off and Lizzie decides to just have fun at home.
Lizzie's Perfect Date
19 min/$25
Lizzie goes out on a date with you. You buy her tacos and drinks, she sings karaoke and rubs her rapidly increasing gut, hiccuping and stumbling. You take her back to your place and she makes it worth your while with a sloppy blowjob.
Riding the Valkyrie
19 min/$30
A Thor: Ragnarok cosplay video. Scrapper 142 welcomes you to Sakaar with slurring, hiccuping, stumbling, and a JOI experience worthy of a Grandmaster
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flame-x · 2 years
you ship electra x rumpleteazer? (going off your latest incorrect quotes post) i'm intruiged!!!! can you tell me a bit about them. :3 like how they realized they were interested in each other, when they made their relationship official, etc etc. it's cute! i've never thought ab it before!
heh, funny story... I ac haven't though too much about the rumplectra ship buttttt. i saw it implied somewhere and i remember going YES OH MY GOD YES and basically. yes.
in the au, anyhow. i has many ships for many characters, but let's see what i can come up with on the spot. (i have 45 mins it's GO TIMEEE)
Funnily enough, it took me a while to decide whether to pair Electra with Pounce instead. I don't exclusively ship them with each other- I think they both have other options and I need to develop them in my brain more to see if I actually want to make them a canon ship but yeah.
Rumpleteazer considered herself to be excellent at reading other cats. She'd meddled in many a relationship- she was proudest of her work in getting Victoria's head out of the sand and convincing her dumbass brother to pluck up his courage and confess, but that's a story for another day. (heh actually you've already read that one grey lol)
Electra, however. Electra was impossible. That cat was a shut door. This, of course, irritated the young crime-doer beyond belief.
But she'd always been good at sneaking in places designed to keep her out. Comes with the territory, both of being a cat and a burgler.
This proved to be difficult. It seemed like every time Rumple tried to get closer to Electra the other cat would push her away again. Sure, they would cause a bit of mischief with Mungojerrie or hang out with Vic and Cettie but then sometimes it would be just the two of them and Electra would shut up like a clam when Rumple would calm down and try to have an actual meaningful conversation.
But, nevertheless, Rumpleteazer persevered. She -correctly- put Electra's odd behaviour down to her feelings (after some observations and experiments of course- let it never be said Rumple jumps to conclusions! Well, except for that one time she underestimated Mungo, but whatever). And she was finally rewarded for her patience one warm summer evening.
They were basking in the dying rays of sunlight on a relatively isolated rooftop. Victoria had left a while ago- Alonzo had asked her to help him with something that Rumple hadn't been paying attention to to hear. She had sensed the shift in Electra as soon as Vic had left. The unease. It saddened her, obviously, but honestly? Rumpleteazer was uneasy herself. She'd come to the realisation that it wasn't a relationship between some other cats she was meddling with this time. It was one that involved her. And she was becoming fearful that she may have to confess first and let me tell you, now she understood why that seemed so daunting.
What if Electra rejected her? What if she'd read the situation wrong and Electra didn't return her feelings? What if Electra didn't like her at all and that's why she was uneasy? All the usual doubts that she'd heard from other cats and had scoffed at, because isn't it obvious they're head over tail for you? Can you not tell you're both crazy about each other?
Rumple was startled out of her internal ironic laughter at herself by Electra inhaling a huge, noisy, breath and proceeding to spit out; "HeyRumpleIreallylikeyouandalleverlastingI'msonervoussayingthisbutuhitsbeenonmymindbecauseIthinkyoumightlikemetoo-"
The calico held up both paws. "Whoah hold up! Come again?" Electra inhaled again, slower this time and closed her eyes.
"I really like you, and I think you might like me too."
The rest is history. It's really quite cliché but -you have to swear not to tell anyone- Rumple secretly finds it kinda cute.
As for telling the rest of the tribe... they never really announced it, it just kind of... grew in. Nobody made a big deal, just a few small congratulations here and there, and they eventually moved into a den by the west entrance to the Junkyard.
And for how they realised it? Rumpleteazer kind of just... knew at some point, there was no big realisation for her. I think for Electra maybe there was an "oh, fuck" moment -maybe when they were out for a stroll or making mischief?- and I think she'd be a bit of an internal mess around Teazer after that (see above XD)
I hope you enjoyed that very rough, single draft tidbit. Thanks for the ask! <3
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sonalimittra · 8 months
How I overcame my Degenerative Disc Autoimmune Disease?
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Our choices create our reality. I manifested one of the most out of control problems in my body to understand that I had the power to create my body and my life. What was this choice I made that actualized an autoimmune disorder in my body at age 30? When I was asked this question by my facilitator I was almost irritated. I couldn’t even understand the question properly. I was defensive and annoyed. I only dared to look at this question when the doctors suggested that there is no cure for this illness and you won’t be able to do a lot many things from now on. I had to take a deep dive within myself to change what can only be termed as miraculous in this reality.
It is true when they say that necessity forces you to look for possibilities. I explored alternative healing but with a tad bit of scepticism. I came from a scientific background and a family of doctors. How could I possibly believe in ‘pop psychology’ or ‘energy healing’ without proof? It was much later that I realised how much of my arrogance blocked what all I could receive and benefit from this form of healing. I nervously took one session of regression therapy. It didn’t reduce the pain as much as I expected but it opened an entire hidden inner world I was operating from unconsciously. I was dumbfounded. I didn’t even know it existed. It was a world of subdued memories, fantasies, mysteries, stories, judgements, projections and more. I began to understand how my childhood beliefs were creating my reality — not just my body, but my relationships, financial situation, career and so on.
My pain began to intensify. I was bed-ridden for 3 months. I couldn’t understand how this healing was working, if at all, when my situation was getting worst. I thought I had discovered most of the reasons for my illness. However, I kept going. A very faint little voice in my head asked me to look for more. I explored several other healing modalities. My condition would get better and then worse again. There was a full swing motion going on in my life. It was entertaining and occupying to say the least. Once I was bored of the trauma and drama and the money I was spending on sessions, I finally began asking the right questions with the help of my therapists.
It took an army of therapists, not just one, to get me to comprehend what it means to make a choice. Choice is not about selecting right from wrong. It is about the willingness to have a different possibility from the one you are experiencing. So what choice did I make to create the autoimmune in my body? A choice to prove to the world, my family, colleagues, and friends that my life was not in my control. That I was helpless, hopeless and powerless. That I can’t do anything to change my life. No wonder I would get temporary relief and then be back on the bed again writhing in pain. Did I dare to take responsibility for my choices? No. Did I want to commit to my life? No. Did I want to blame everyone and everything for it? Yes. My illness began to change, transmute and alter, the moment I acknowledged this about myself. I could finally begin asking the right questions: what is this? What can I do with it? How can I change this? From a space of power and control.
After this sense of awareness, any session, any body work, any medicines I would take, started having a profound effect on my body. My inflammatory attacks started becoming less frequent. My recovery time became less.. My pain became more manageable without any medication. I became better at communicating with my body about what it required. I learned more about body healing processes, body work, and communion with the body.
Within less than 6 months, my body was different. I couldn’t imagine walking for 5 min without the pain. Now, I was doing a 45–60 min walk without breaking a sweat. I could not even lift myself off the bed and here I was a year later, lifting 30 kgs weight in the gym, dancing, and sitting straight without back support.
It has been 4 years since and I have had zero attacks of inflammation in my spine or knees. For me, it wasn’t less than any magic. The only difference being, the magic here was My Choice.
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hauntedplanetgirl · 11 months
i leave college for winter break in 10 days. i decided im gonna do a water fast for those 10 days to prove my dad wrong about the freshman 15. ive never fasted this long before. i started a stopwatch on my phone for 36 hours. if i can just make it to then then i'll reach ketosis and it'll be harder for me to eat now that i know it really started. the only thing is, my college requires a lot of energy since the campus is spread out all around town, and last time i went a day eating nothing but noodles i almost passed out in class. it was gratifying, but really scary since no one really knows my full situation. but im going to do it this time. no bs.
(edit- 8 hrs and 45 mins. i have been tired all day. hunger panes have not been that bad, but i do feel fatigued. should be working on burning fat by now. )
(edit- 34 hours tbh i just fell really weak and pissy)
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Having a boomer parent argue with you about the price of things is wild. They’re just so out of touch. I can’t afford to rent, it’d be like 2/3 of me and my partner’s combined income where we live, and that’s not even considering utilities, food, gas, medications, pet rent. And I’m talking necessities, like not anything else like cable or streaming services or doing anything fun. Just rent+necessities. We’d literally have nothing left if we ever had like an emergency or bad car bill.
We have been saving for years for a down payment on a house, but the prices just keep going up. Two years ago we thought we almost had enough. Now? We need like double what we have. And the prices did that in two fucking years. And the cheapest rent for like a one bedroom apartment in a not so great part of town where we live is $2050.
Meanwhile they keep arguing with me that it can’t possibly be that much. And you give them proof and they don’t care. House across the street was up for rent and they thought maybe $1600 for a 3 bedroom 2 bath house- I told them it’s be closer to $3000. Didn’t believe me and actually had the audacity to call the rental agency to find out the price to prove me wrong; I was right. And their response was something stupid like, ‘what did they do, renovate and put all marble and gold inside?’ Like, no, that’s literally just how much things cost now, but please continue to tell me I’m wrong 🙃
They talked to their friend the other day and their friend’s daughter is renting for $1850 and they’re using that as a gotcha for some reason now. Yeah, like $250 a month really makes that much fucking difference at this point/price, we’d still be screwed if we had any sort of emergency. The best part was when I asked oh, ‘so that’s for where we live?’ And they were like, ‘actually I don’t know where she lives.’ And then I had to explain to them that like, have you seen gas prices? If that’s 30 mins, 45 mins, an hour away from here- you don’t actually save anything because we’d have to commute back to work and have you seen gas prices?
They’re now arguing that we could probably rent someone’s garage for $500 and I’m like. Firstly, no one is going to rent for that cheap. It’s still gonna be over $1000 at least, if not more. And it’s gonna be dirty and drafty. But yeah, that’s totally a reasonable option, /sarcasm. Like the point just keeps going over their fucking head.
I’m trying to job hunt to find something that pays better and like, I’m gonna keep my current job and ask to work like nights/weekends on top of whatever new job I find. Which like, I’m gonna be working a full time and a part time job, and still not gonna be able to afford rent around here, and they’re gonna argue that I’m lazy/not trying hard enough still probably.
I shouldn’t have to do that to fucking survive, but I can’t say that to them or I’m just a lazy entitled millennial 🙃
And then they wonder why I’m depressed and have anxiety :/
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commanderxay · 1 year
Hacked - surprise on Windows servers
Finally, it has happen to me, I got hacked on two of my Windows servers. It escalated quickly... This morning, a customer called me, because he has problems while accessing one of my servers. Usually this happens, when the customer has no internet connection (a lot of G4 or G5 network users and connection problems are not rare...). But nonetheless, I want to make sure, there is no problem on my side, so I checked the server. Hm, it is not really responding. I connected via my hosters VNC console and ... the server was running, but why is there another user account than mine on the login sceen? The machine has only one account as far as I knew. Reboot... why the bluescreen? Booting with last known working configuration, it works. But the management console on Windows said after this, something with the IIS is wrong. I went to the webroot... and... "!!! YOUR FILES HAS BEEN ENCRYPTED !!.txt" Inside this file, the offer to get my server decrypted again with a bitcoin donation and the offer to prove the possibility by sending one file to test the decryption. Oh, f*ck. I'm hacked. But also: I don't negotiate with extortionists, I don't pay hackers, I'm not a victim. It was a question of time getting hacked On the one side, that I got hacked, was only a question of time, because the server has a big problem: The OS is Windows 2008 R2. Very old, not supported anyomore and of course no security updates. I had some security, but obviously not enough. Unfortunatelly, I could not migrate to a more advanced Windows version, because I got this server as an image file. There is very specific software on the machine running, build from someone I don't know. Ready installed software with no available installer or documentation, all is from a niche or self-made (not by me). So, even if I want, I cannot build a running service with these services on another installation. The only alternative would be to build new client AND new server software. I don't really want to do this. Maybe this incident is a warning to do so against my will. It was also strange from my point of view, that the 2008 R2 was a vhd drive (a virtual drive), which was bootable from the Windows boot manager. There is an underlying OS, Windows Server 2016, but it is not really running, when I boot from the vhd. As I booted the W2016.... this version was hacked/encrypted too! I couldn't imagine that someone could break out of a running vhd to the host system, which is not really active. Even if you boot, you must have access the virtual console (only accessable via VNC console) to boot into W2016. I'm cautious, so I have a second backup server with identical configuration in another network segment. Ok... encrypted too. Some kind of desperation arises in my chest. What to do? Important and not importent at the same time On the other side, this is not a server with living data, which is in a status of change. It was mostly a static server, so no backup was really necessary. Not very important data, no data, which could be lost. For my customers, the functionality was very important - if the server don't run, 5,000+ customers have useless software and hardware for about 1000 Euro each. So, I need a plan. Things to be done first The server is mostly unchangend since I got it. So, an image from 2018 will fit my first needs. I upladed it to my hosters server management tool (upload took 1 hr) and began to copy the image to the backup machine. That took some time (45 min) and the server booted fine. First of all, I killed all inbound roules in the Advanced Firewall. I let only port 80 and port 443 open, I disabled all other rules. That was too much, because the server don't get his IP addresses via DHCP, no internet connection at all. Some kind of trial and error to figure ot, which rules I have to enable again, finally it was working. I bought a failover IPv4 from my hoster several years ago, so I connected it to the domain for the service and added the IP address to the server. Because it was a DNS change, it took some time for worldwide annoncement of the new configuration. In the meantime, I made some configurations in the ISS, installed missing Windows update since the image from 2018. After the server was running correctly from the technical view, I tried to connect with the client software. Yeah, the client is running again. Next things to be done after been hacked From the final configuration, I saved a snapshot and exported it as image (1.5 hr). I download the image to another server for backup. Then I installed the image on the other machine (1 hr), little adjustment for the network interface and... running. So, I can use my failover IP only by pointing to the server I wamt to be active without another DNS change. Then, I avoided one bad failure I made before. Instead of hot standby by the backup system, I shut it down. No one can hack a server without switching it on. In case of hacked next on the running machine, I can take it down, starting the second machine, redirect the failover IP and I'm back in business in short term and can reinstall the first machine, configure and switch off. But here is the problem As I said, the server is mostly static data. With one exception: The clients have to authenticate itself while connecting to the server. The authentication is be done by a service on the Windows server and checked against a SQL CE database. So, If an user bought access, I have to put his credentials in this database. In this database, I don't have an actual backup, so this database has credentials until Dec 2018, but not newer. No mercy without backup... fortunately, the problem can be handled by manual work. A lot of work indeed. So I looked through the invoices from 2018 to 2023 and entered the missing credentials manually. I spend another 2.5 hrs on this task, but I want to reduce the amount of phone calls tomorrow significantly. Maybe I did not found all users, but if there are some left, it can be maximal 20 users and the users are not using on a daily basis, so the calls will be distributed well over time. After the database was updated, I made a backup of it  (yeah! Finally) - at least, I have to copy the database to the cold standby system. Next step is a decision, getting hacked or not? Today I learned, that servers, which become insecure from passing time alone, are a well liked target for criminals - and get hacked. I cannot go away from the configuration I have with the software I have. My decision has to be: - act as nothing happend and repeat it with high possiblity in the next future - exchange all software, which means primarely a new client software, which can work with a new server OS and server software/services The decision is hard, because I want to give up this business, but don't want to hit the customers and keep the servers alive for some more years. But even if I can get some money for the new software (and fulfill some wishes from the customers), that is not enough money to pay the development. If I don't do this, I could lose the business early than expected... there were minutes today, in which I thought, I already lost it... but I made it again and I'm back in business again. Read the full article
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Ringing of the Early Morning Bells | Erisu | Trial 4.3 | RE: END, Jae-Min, KOKONE, Kenshin | ATTN: KOKONE
As Jae-min admits to setting up the tech room, she grits her teeth. She grits them hard as the grip tightens on her sleeve. 
"Are you fucking STUPID? I already lost Eureka, and you were so ready to throw it all away? I know you were not in the right mind, I know you could not remember most and I feel I contributed to it. I cannot lose you too. Those few moments without you were not bliss, I was so confused and scared but I could have relearned to love you."
She looks at END, before sighing. Not at her, no but rather at the situation.  
"I lied. I saw it during the fight with Akito and Jae-min I just was terrified that the tech room was connected to the library so I kept my mouth shut. At least until we knew it was different. I mean, someone could have just planted it to make him look suspicious. Everything lines up with him doing the tech room, the favor he bought on top of the cut on his hand and the bed frame. That clears him from being suspicious. " 
Erisu hated this, she hated this so much. She hated that him being cleared was because someone could have died. Someone else could have been murdered. 
"I trust Mister Tanji alongside the fact that a murder like this would not be in his nature. Remember the first motive? He was barred from helping other people. Not the kind of man to willingly plan out a murder. Same thing with END, and this motive removed a lot of her anger. She was extremely close to Miss Ljunggren, so even if she had say...set the trap I think she would have stopped it as the person probably lured the victim up, as pointed out by Mister Meyer. On top of this, END is strong so why would she need a robot to push the shelf. Another more upfront way of killing would be more beneficial. She can outrun anyone here, she can easily stab someone, and she is well liked enough to be able to probably lie her way through a trial."
Something really wasn't adding up. She tapped her lips, before shifting her eyes to the side. This would surely make a lot of people hate her, wouldn't it. This would surely get her a lot flak. 
"Please, understand this is not me coming from a place of hatred as we have let those things run under the bridge but Mister Tanji we cannot just say 'It cannot be Mx. KOKONE due to the fact they said they were napping.' I need you to think of the timeline. Mx. KOKONE was seen up early in the morning upstairs and they were unattended to from 4:45 to 7 am. That is 2 hours and 15 minutes that could be used to set up the trap. On top of this, they could have stopped at the workshop before, as we do not know the time that the favor was bought."
"Also let's look at the nature of the favor 'For this unit to travel to the library at 7 AM to stand in a specific spot to wait for a verbal signal to pull a rope like object'. The killer did not need to be at the library at 7 AM, actually they did not need to be there while AION waited. Meaning that Mx.KOKONE could have went downstairs when I saw them and then easily lied about taking a nap, but instead they ran into Miss Ljunggren as many accounts had seen her in that area. It was about an hour and twenty minutes till Mr. Tanji saw them meaning they could have ate a meal with the victim, went up stairs and gave AION the verbal queue. Then left in a hurry, and finally giving themselves an alibi by talking to the one person who would defend them until the end of time."
Her breathing shudders slightly, almost out of nerves.
"Please prove me wrong. Just show definitive evidence that you were actually napping. Let someone here say they saw you on the way to your dorm. But at this moment, you are the only person who fits this description." 
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Serva me, Servabo te
save me and I will save you
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pairing: photographer!Taehyung x f.reader
genre: angst, smut, slight enemies to lovers
word count: 8.5k | reading time: 45 min
chapter summary: Taehyung and you can't stop bickering, even after what happened. But something brings you closer.
warnings: Dom!Tae, sub!reader, protected vaginal sex, super tiny blowjob ig, slight chocking, dirty talk,
All chapters  |   Masterlist  |  Read on AO3
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Chapter 6: Behind closed doors
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Sometimes, you're having such an amazing dream that you don't want to wake up. Not even when you can feel the wakeful consciousness prying the images from your brain with force, when things start to make less and less sense, and events are repeated in an attempt to keep dreaming. And you have started to be aware of the sounds around the room, the position your body is in, the way your eyelids are heavily closed, and you're not sure if you simply don't want to move, or if you are unable to.
But just as you're wishing to remember the dream and all of its details, the moment you open your eyes, you have already forgotten it.
You were confused for a second as to why you were in your room. Or perhaps the confusion came from why you were in your room, alone- having already gotten used to some company. Then the memories from the previous night presented themselves; the way you had almost fallen asleep in Taehyung's arms and he had helped you walk upstairs and tucked you under the covers. You think the dream that you were failing to recall now might have been what your subconscious guessed -or hoped- could have happened next. If he hadn't left you alone.
But he wasn't there with you; perhaps his presence could have distracted you enough not to think about the consequences of your actions. But you were all alone and free to overthink, regret, agonize. It all felt like the worst hangover, and you weren't even drunk. Like Taehyung was some type of drug you got hooked on from the very first night; you craved him and would do anything to have him at the moment, then could only pull yourself together after it was all over. And you feared leaving now would result in you experiencing withdrawal.
Your phone buzzed -it was plugged in to charge even though you know it wasn't you who did that- and you realized it was that same sound that had slowly woken you up. You found the strength to roll over and grab it. A couple of missed calls; a couple of texts. Yoonji, obviously. You sighed, thinking about how you weren't ready to face reality yet and especially not to deal with your roommate, but when you read the most recent text you jumped off the bed.
Oh, no. Not all caps. Not two exclamation points, with spaces, too. There was no more time to dwell on anything, you were out the door before you could even blink. And you ran downstairs, looking around all the empty rooms.
"Taehyung!" you shouted but got no reply. He was nowhere, yet again. You dashed back upstairs to look into his room, that one empty, too, but heard noises when you passed by the bathroom door. "Taehyung?" You called again, and after a moment of silence, he answered.
"Yeah?" His voice was coming from inside, and you almost acted out from instinct to open the door. Luckily you stopped yourself, exhaled heavily through your nose while shaking your head and biting your cheek.
"Did you tell Jimin what happened?" you snarled.
"What?" he called, sounding confused.
"Did you- oh, jeez!" You quickly averted your gaze when the bathroom door swung open and a naked Taehyung was standing behind it.
"What are you talking about?" he simply asked, very casual. So casual it made your eyes follow his voice, ever so briefly, and out of the corner, you noticed he wasn't actually completely naked. You hesitantly turned your head back forward, still avoiding looking at him directly because of the way it made your face catch on fire.
Taehyung was standing by the door with a towel wrapped around his lower half. His dark hair appeared even darker due to the water dripping from his locks, down his shoulders. And everything else was exposed; his sharp collarbones, his soft tummy, the small trail of hair in the middle of his chest and right before the towel began. You lost your train of thought altogether. Flustered and awkward, mumbling your words but saying nothing.
Taehyung enjoyed your blushing state for a moment, rubbing his chest with a palm, mostly to draw your attention on him again, before he decided to help you out. "Tell Jimin what?"
Oh, right. "Uh- what... happened." He kept looking at you as if he didn't know what you were talking about. "Last night," you continued, but he still just raised his eyebrows at you, as if he wanted you to say it out loud. You rolled your eyes and took a breath to find the courage. "Did you tell Jimin that we made out last night?"
He chuckled, clearly amused by the way you had described it; like you hadn't done much more than that. "No," he finally humored you and you sighed in relief. "Why did you think I did?"
You shrugged. "Yoonji was all dramatic about wanting to tell me something and I just thought..."
"Hm, well, you thought wrong," he said matter-of-factly. And he looked at you with such a stare, you suddenly didn't know what to do with yourself. You felt bad for the possibility even crossing your mind.
Your eyes down on the floor, you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and cleared your throat. "And... you're not going to tell him, right?"
"Do you want me to?" You shook your head at his question and he raised an eyebrow fleetingly. "Then I won't." He agreed, but you still felt like he was judging you. You felt like you were doing something so, so wrong and you couldn't even wrap your head around what it was. What could be worse than what you had already done?
"Alright, then..." you murmured, biting your lip and avoiding his direct eye contact once again. "Can we both make a promise? What happens in this Manor, stays in this Manor."
You noticed the corner of his mouth lift up, and he leaned in closer. "Sure. Everything that happened, and everything that will happen the next few days, it's all forgotten the moment we step out of the door," he whispered with a smirk. Then turned his head to force you to look into his eyes. "Is that what you want?"
You could see the satisfaction in having gotten you flustered again written all over his face. The implication alone of his -and your- words had your skin running cold. And perhaps you wanted to scoff at him, put him in his place; tell him nothing else would be happening. But it was more likely you'd be lying. It was more likely you didn't want to make such a promise.
So you avoided responding completely. "I'm going to go take a shower," you announced, turning away.
"Have you had breakfast yet?" he called after you before you had managed to disappear from his sight.
You paused and glanced at him through your shoulder. "No."
"I'll make something, then."
You offered him a quick nod and got in your room. And finally, you could breathe. It was the awkwardness of your first day there all over again, but so different, and so much worse. At least at the beginning, he was pretending not to remember anything; now there was no such comforting thought anymore. Not only did he know, he probably knew more than you; as in he could read your thoughts better than you could interpret them yourself. When you didn't even want to admit how much you liked his lips on yours, he definitely could tell.
And now what? You couldn't understand from your brief interaction what was supposed to happen next. Would you continue your days normally like nothing happened, or would it only get worse from now on? You had a hunch he would go for the second choice. But you didn't know what you wished for.
Your phone had no signal again; you couldn't even see what your drama queen of a roommate wanted to talk about. With the reassurance that it was (probably) nothing that you had done, however, you could go take that shower you had promised. Well, your mind was still being tortured with unneeded worries and scenarios, but at least Yoonji was one thing less to worry about. It's not like you would ever be truly free from Taehyung, anyway. Especially not after the image you had seen earlier.
Damn, he looked like a whole snack. No matter how much of an ass he was, you could never lie about that.
Your bed was made when you got back in that room, sheets smelling fresh. This time you thought about the housekeepers, not the man. Even though you had still never seen anyone else in that house, and it was eerie, to say the least, how they managed to avoid you so perfectly every time, but you just had to believe there was someone there. You had to, otherwise, you didn't know what you'd believe.
You could smell the fried bacon even when you were still upstairs. Taehyung really didn't have to go so hard every time he did anything; you would be fine with just something light, for a change. But no, he had to make a whole meal every day, didn't he? What was he trying to prove? It wouldn't change your mind about him. Or maybe it did, a little bit, when you decided to wear again the cleaned dress he had complimented you on. Like you craved his approval.
"What's all of this?" you said once you walked into the kitchen and the table was full. Two eggs, sunny side up, on each plate with a couple of bacon stripes next to them, fried white cheese, and sliced tomatoes. Just on the plates. Then there was what looked like oatmeal on an extra bowl topped with nuts and fruit, slices of bread accompanied by honey and butter, freshly squeezed orange juice, and filter coffee. "This is a whole hotel buffet!" It definitely overshadowed your pudding.
Taehyung flashed you a grin before pushing his still wet hair back and setting the final touch, the cutlery, on the table. "I thought you'd be hungry." He didn't finish the sentence, which would clearly go something like "after I made you pass out last night."
You chewed on your lip, hating that he was so obviously right, you couldn't even try to hide it. But you still kept your head high as you sat down. "You know, I often skip breakfast, anyway. All of this is really unnecessary."
He pointed at you with a scowl. "Unacceptable! You should never, ever skip breakfast." Then he sat down diagonally from you.
You rolled your eyes at him. "Whatever. This isn't breakfast, this is what I eat in a day."
He cocked his head to the side, a smile being suppressed on his lips, as he picked his fork up to dig in first. "I can't say I didn't warn you about my cooking skills and the effort I put in the next day."
Gosh, he made you so mad. You were this close to telling him to go back to pretending he didn't even know you; so much better than having to listen to him brag about you like you were just another conquest. And the worse part is that you willingly let that happen. And that you're still not in your car, driving back home. Maybe you're just all talk and no action. You keep saying how much you hate him, but really, why don't you act like it?
"You don't have to try so hard to make me fall for you, though," you answered eventually, starting to eat one of the eggs.
"Is that because you have already fallen for me?"
You shot him a glare. "I thought I already made it pretty clear how I feel about you."
Taehyung snorted loudly with his eyes wide. "Right, crystal clear. Absolutely no mixed signals at all!"
You let your hand drop on the table with a thud. "You're insufferable."
He took another bite and smiled at you smugly. "If I am so, you could always leave."
Your mouth dropped right as a deep frown settled on your features. You had definitely thought about doing exactly that, many, many times already. But there was no way you'd do it now that he had said it. No way you would give him the satisfaction. Although, for the moment, you did get up since you didn't want to stay there with him another second. You got up, with a pout, ready to storm out, but...
"I said," Taehyung growled, giving you a stern look through his lashes. "You should never skip breakfast."
You had never seen him so serious. Sure, you wanted to go against him, but it felt almost impossible. Maybe it was just how hungry you were and even you didn't really want to leave with an empty stomach. Your body, as if it was on auto-pilot, obeyed his words and you sat back down. You held your fork and knife in a bruising grip, glaring at him, while you contemplated whether you should pick the plate up and leave, or if that would be kind of crossing the line. Even for you. But before you could escape, the photographer dragged his chair until it was right next to yours. He picked up a bit of bacon from your food with his own fork and brought it to your mouth.
"You don't need to feed me!" you complained, immediately turning your head to the side.
But Taehyung held you from the chin until you faced him again. "I clearly do, since you're being a baby," he said, his expression still very serious. It almost felt like you were being punished. "Now, open up."
"I'm not a baby!"
"I'll believe it when you stop being so immature. Open."
His hand still on your jaw and his tough gaze now on your lips, you finally obliged him and let him feed you. What the hell was Taehyung fascination with feeding people? You had seen it happen more times than what one would consider normal. He fed you two more bites before you finally managed to pull away, convincing him you wouldn't just bolt. You wouldn't disobey. But he still didn't go back to his old spot, simply brought his own plate right next to yours and started eating with you. So close, your elbows were bumping with every move.
"I'm not immature," you spat out at some point, his words still bothering you.
He argued the opposite without even pausing or looking at you. "Says the girl who can't even kiss another adult without worrying so much about people finding out."
Well, the two of you had clearly moved from the phase where everything was secret and mysterious and implicit, to the phase where he could just say everything that crossed his mind out loud, no shame about it. And you -to no one's surprise- hated it.
"I wouldn't call having standards immature," you replied with a rise of your eyebrows and the last sip of your juice. The exact moment you lowered that glass, however, your vision was blocked and your lips were occupied again before you could even grasp what was happening. Taehyung gave you one quick peck and then was gone just as fast. You just widened your eyes to the maximum as you turned to look at him in an attempt to understand what he had done, and why. Where that kiss had come from. If looks could talk, you were sure his would be saying: "yes, I did that; what are you going to do about it?" He was mocking you. Because you didn't want your friends to know you liked kissing him, he was doing it even more. He had the audacity to do whatever he wanted now, absolutely no reservation. And he decided to taunt and punish you.
"Standards..." he scoffed, getting back to his food.
If you had any of those you would have stopped him already. Is that what he was trying to say? You were fuming. Got up once and for all -the food was over anyway- while you pushed the chair back so aggressively it almost fell to the ground. You didn't need to sit here and take this- this- humiliation. But as you turned to leave, you were stopped by a hand wrapped around your wrist.
"I see you're wearing that pretty, fairy dress of yours again," Taehyung mumbled, his eyes raking up and down your form. "I hope you're not planning on going out- it's going to rain."
You tugged your hand away. Now he was telling you what you could and what you couldn't do, too? "Since when did you become my dad?" you spat. Well, that was obviously supposed to be a bash at his controlling and authoritative manners, but it certainly didn't come out as such. And you were wondering why he was calling you immature?
"Well..." he chuckled, giving you another scan with a smirk on his lips, and you knew exactly what he was thinking about.
You groaned. "No! Stop that! Don't even say it. You're disgusting," you quickly accused him with a pointed finger and left the room.
Of course, your first thought was to go out. Just because he had said no. But even you could tell there was a storm coming from the looks of the sky, and getting caught in it while in the woods was the last thing you needed right now. So your next thought was to try and call Yoonji again, vent about how much you hated the famous photographer to someone who actually believed it; someone who hadn't seen you beg for him last night and could clearly deduce you were lying. But your phone was mysteriously gone. You knew, for a fact, that you had left it on the nightstand where it had been charging. But no matter how much you looked over and under and around it, your phone wasn't there. You tried to think about the possibility of you taking it somewhere else, but since you had no signal you knew it was minimal. No, someone must have gone into the room and moved it. Perhaps the housekeepers.
There was some light tapping on the window and you almost thought the crazy man was throwing rocks at you again before you realized it was too much and too fast. You saw the rain droplets hitting the glass and sliding down in a rhythm in front of the grey background. And so it had begun.
You managed to slip into the sitting room while Taehyung was still busy in the kitchen. You would need the warmth of the lit fireplace if the rain was going to only get worse from then on. So you had to infiltrate the room before he had the chance. And you waited for him to appear, maybe even wanted him to, but he didn't. As if he knew you wished to be alone, as if he knew where you were without even checking, he stayed clear of the sitting room. And it was lonely.
Perhaps there was no reason you weren't with him right now. You had already proved that you still liked each other, maybe not in the way you would expect, but definitely at least carnally. And you had also established that whatever happened there, would stay there. That could have easily been the excuse you needed to spend the rest of your days there enjoying it as much as you could, without any shame and without looking back. But Taehyung still managed to get on your nerves. And you were pretty sure you did the exact same to him.
It may be that you were simply never meant to stop annoying each other. You wanted to go find him in whatever room of the many in this Manor he was in, tell him to just shut up and kiss him, but the idea that he would get the satisfaction of winning this stupid, made-up competition in your head made you upset. Even though just last night you were chanting his name like a prayer, by daylight you were still too proud to admit you liked it. Who knows, perhaps you won't have the same hesitations in the evening.
The rain kept getting louder, loud enough to distract you as you watched out the window to observe the scenery and how it reacted to the natural phenomenon. There was music somewhere in the background and you assumed Taehyung must have figured out how to get that old record player in the hallway to sing. The book abandoned open on the couch didn't keep you as much company anymore. All you could do was think about what the boy was up to, think about what would happen next. And you realized things could either keep going up and down, or they could go smoothly. And you also realized you hated the idea of being with the boy you've spent so long dishing, but you hated staying in that room alone more.
You may not want him as your boyfriend or your friend normally, but perhaps the days in this Manor could not count.
You found your way back into that kitchen, pretending you needed some water when you knew you'd find him there preparing lunch. You expected a clever remark, a teasing tone, a sarcastic joke from him. Something that would remind you why you had stormed out in the first place; but were met with a small smile. He seemed happy to see you there like he wasn't expecting it. And he stayed quiet, the way you do when you don't want to scare a wild animal away. So you let your shoulders drop and allowed yourself to get closer, peeping at the pieces of meat he was sauteing. He snaked an arm around your waist as he pulled you to the other side and handed you a knife and the vegetables he clearly needed you to cut. And with another small smile and a stroke of your cheek, you ended up side by side cooking together in almost absolute silence, save for the rain, the music, the sizzling of the food, and the occasional instruction given in the form of a whisper. And you liked it.
The food, as always, was amazing. And Taehyung pushed you until you confessed just that, although he then claimed it was because of your help. The disc that had been playing had reached its end and was doing quiet circles around itself until the photographer finished his last bite and went outside to stop it. When he came back into the kitchen, however, he was looking somewhat perplexed.
"Do you hear those noises, Amy?" he asked you.
You got off the table to face him, too. All you could hear at first was the sound of the rainfall, but once you moved closer to the hallway, you realized what he was referring to. Noises coming from upstairs.
You walked right in front of him, grabbing his arm. "See, Tae? That's what I was talking about. That can't be just the pipes."
Taehyung nodded as the thumping got louder. "And the housekeepers?"
You frowned. "You're saying there are people here right now?"
Clearly, you were alone. He glanced down the corridor and back at you, holding your arm as well. "Then? Is there someone else here?"
Oh, you didn't like that question. You were supposed to be asking the absurd questions and he was supposed to be calming you down. What was he doing, being the crazy one now? "Like... Who? What?"
It seemed like he remembered to be cool, and he shook his head with a chuckle. "No. There can't be anyone here," he said, releasing his grip on you and looking back down the hallway. "It must be something else."
"Okay," you sighed. "Then, will you go and look?"
"Well, yeah."
"Why do I have to go?" he mumbled even though he was still trying not to look scared.
You saw the opportunity and took it; crossing your arms over your chest. "I can't go, you know, since I'm an immature baby. You have to be the man and go check."
Taehyung growled at you through his teeth but shook his head like he was amused. "You're such a princess."
The thumping got worse. You both looked up at the same time, even though neither could see anything through the ceiling and then looked at each other in the eyes. You immediately knew you had the same thought.
"Together?" you offered.
"Yeah, let's go together."
Your hand slipped into his. or perhaps he was the one who sought it, as you slowly walked toward the staircase. Taehyung was one step ahead, checking the way as you followed, and you kept looking back, checking the way you left behind you. Your hands always linked.
"It's probably just the wind," Taehyung murmured when you had reached the first floor, but the rooms didn't look out of the ordinary. Then, a sharp bang came from right over your head.
"The attic!" you exclaimed. You saw Taehyung looking at the extra set of stairs leading further up and sigh, clearly not having the slightest desire to go up there. You couldn't blame him.
"Hello?" Taehyung shouted at the stairs, and you're not sure if it would be worse to get a response or not. It was the latter.
"I told you there's no one here," you murmured to his ear as he slowly started walking up the steps, still having this need to be right. Even in times like these.
The further up you got, the colder it got, a chill running down your spine like a breeze had passed right through you. And your hold on the man got tighter, the force reciprocated right away. The sound of the rain got worse, too, as it was hitting the roof that was right above you. And it was almost deafening. The atmosphere was stranger than ever, and for a moment you thought you'd rather never find out what the noises were; you held onto Taehyung's green sweater and pulled him slightly back, ready to tell him to abort. To just take both him and yo back to safety; if the downstairs era could be classified as such. Save him, so he can save you; the dynamic that seemed to be most prominent in your relationship.
"Hold on," he then mumbled, his free hand holding the one that was pulling him back. "I think there is a window open."
"Tae," you whined, but he slipped between your fingers.
You didn't take another step, keeping one foot still on the staircase, while you watched the boy walk carefully down the small corridor and looking inside the empty rooms. Another bang, that was now easier to locate, came from one of the closed rooms around the middle, and Taehyung pointed at it, before opening the door.
"Ah," you heard him exhale and he walked in without a second thought. You just kept looking at the empty spot he had left down the hall with worry, still not knowing what was going on. "Amy, see, I told you," his voice came a little muffled from inside.
You finally moved closer, until you were able to look inside. Taehyung was closing up a window in a very similar way that he had done in your room the first night. Although this time the strong windstorm was drenching him. He only struggled a tiny bit until he had the lock secured and the current was cut off. He sighed once more, taking a look around the room.
"How did that open?" you asked, fidgeting.
Taehyung shrugged. "Probably same way yours did," he said as he bent down and picked up a lamp that was laying on the floor; probably the culprit of one of the loud bangs that had brought you two up here, along with the doors that must have been slamming and the window casements smacking the walls due to the wind.
"I still don't know why mine had opened like that," you said. It was true, the way it had been so stuck earlier, it all just seemed too suspicious to you. Although you had nothing to base your suspicions on. Taehyung chuckled and walked back to you, placing his palm on your back to guide you gently back.
"I'll tell you how. Old house means weak windows. And weak windows means it's easy for a strong wind to blow them open."
You glanced one last time over your shoulder as you started going down the stairs, just to make sure everything else seemed in order; and yes, the attic was still the same kind of creepy as always, but at least it was quiet. "That, or there are ghosts getting in and out through those windows," you grumbled. Big stretch, you knew that. You didn't actually believe that, or maybe you did a little bit. IT just was had crossed your mind at the moment, and just the fact that you were comfortable enough to blurt it out in front of Taehyung without fearing being judged spoke volumes.
He chuckled and rubbed your back. "Now, why would ghosts need to use the windows? Can they not just pass through the walls."
You threw your arms up in the air. "Oh, right! Great. If there are any ghosts here we won't even be able to tell."
The photographer stopped you then, outside your room, and he turned you to face him. "Hey, hey," he whispered in a reassuring manner, holding your face in both hands and looking in your eyes. "How about we made a nice, warm cup of tea and go sit by the fireplace, huh? Nothing can hurt us there, okay?"
You basked in the feeling of his eyes on yours in such a sweet and comforting way, in a protective character, even if there was no real danger or need. Perhaps that's what made his stance even better; he didn't tease you or mock you. Even if that would be exactly what you would expect from him. Maybe Taehyung wasn't all that you imagined he was. Maybe when he was acting like that, it was exactly that: acting. Because he, too, was tired of your accusations and was giving you the role you had painted for him. Tired or hurt. But in this more genuine and sincere moment where both of you had undeniably let your walls down and gotten close, he was behaving more subconsciously and unpretentiously.
"Okay," you said while giving him a tiny smile.
He leaned in and placed his velvety lips on your forehead. Then his thumb caressed over your cheekbone and he let you go, quickly taking your hand in his, however. "Okay, let's go."
If there was one thing certain about this house, it was that you were indeed safe in that sitting room. Or at least it felt that way. When you were sitting by the warm fire, listening to the heavy rain on the windows and the ticks of the grandfather clock, sipping that delicious mountain tea with honey and lemon, it felt like nothing else existed in this world but you, Taehyung, and that room. This time you weren’t sitting very far; had chosen to be as close as possible, perhaps for a sense of protection. You were both on the thick carpet with all the cushions in front of the fireplace, at first with just your feet touching, then eventually with your whole body pressed upon his and his fingers playing with your hair any time he took a break from working. Until you were both too tired to continue and decided to play some rounds of Beavers.
The rain had turned into a storm. It was completely dark outside save for the frequent flashes of lightning. Taehyung was beating you on the game yet again and the time that you were supposed to go back to your separate rooms was nearing. But every time you looked toward the exit, neither of you wanted to leave. Be it the fear of what lay behind that door, or simply your need of an excuse to stay close, it didn’t matter.
The lights went out suddenly to a crack of thunder. The fire was the only thing illuminating your faces as you looked at the man with wide eyes.
“Tae!” you cried out, messing up your card game in favor of jumping into his arms.
“It’s okay, Amy, it’s just the storm.” He kept saying that, but was it really? “I’ll go look for some candles to light.”
But you held him tighter as he tried to get up. “No! Don’t leave me.”
He looked down at you. “Baby, don’t be scared.”
You just pouted at him, your arms snaking around his torso more. “Please, just stay here with me.”
He must have noticed the way you were slightly trembling because he gave up on trying to get away and held you. He stroked your back and your head as if you were some kind of puppy, only for a minute or two, before the lights were back on.
“Ah, see?” he exclaimed with relief in his voice that betrayed he wasn’t particularly fond of the darkness either. You peeked your head over his shoulder to see the room in its normal state. “It was nothing. It passed.”
“It may happen again, though,” you murmured, your hands pulling at his shirt still.
Taehyung chuckled. “So what are we going to do? Stay here all night?”
You bit your lip. You didn’t want to reply, or at least not truthfully, but for some reason, you didn’t find it in you to be distant anymore. “Is that a bad thing?” you said, your voice no louder than a whisper, and you would be fine whether he heard it or not.
You felt his chest rumble before his chuckle even reached your ears. “No, it’s not,” he managed to say between his laughs.
“Then why are you laughing at me?” you said sulking.
“It’s just funny how you go from wanting to be as far from me as possible, to not wanting to let me out of your sight go so fast.”
Of course. It wouldn’t be Kim Taehyung if he wasn’t boasting his charm and teasing you about it. You scoffed at him. “Just because being with you right now sounds like the better option, doesn’t mean that is always the case.”
“Uh-hm…” he mumbled and his smirk was obvious in his voice. His lowered until it was hidden in the crook of your neck, and his breath came hot from his mouth onto your skin. “And what do I have to do to know if you’ll have me or not each time?” he rasped. His voice against your neck caused goosebumps to form all over your body.
“Well-” you said and your voice cracked, “-I suppose I won’t be mad if you hang around while we’re here. You know, better chances of survival.”
You felt his smile grow as he pressed even closer to you. “That doesn’t go against your standards?”
You had to roll your eyes. Was he trying to get you to be with him, or remind you to stay away? No, he was probably just taunting you. He really loved doing that, didn’t he?
“We already said that whatever happens in this Manor doesn’t count, so…” you finally said, not thinking too much about your words, until Taehyung pulled away to look into your eyes.
“It doesn’t count, huh?” he repeated like he was trying to make sure he got that right. “Then you might as well go all out; do anything you want to do with no repercussions. Right?”
Your whole face caught on fire as he said those words. “Tae…” you began, and he waited patiently. “What do you mean?” You knew exactly what he meant. You were just asking that to buy yourself some time in order to figure out how you felt about it.
“Look,“ he whispered, licking his lips. “All I really want to know is… If I kissed you right now. Would you feel bad and regret it later? Or would you enjoy the moment like it won’t count once we go back to our everyday lives?” You gulped, and he was quick to add something before you had the chance to speak. “And by kissing you right now, I mean tonight and tomorrow and the day after, too. All while we’re trying to survive our stay in this Manor, instead of doing what would be easier and just leaving.”
You could see in his eyes the anticipation and wonder, perhaps even a little worry, as he searched yours awaiting for an answer. You bit your lip. At the moment you weren’t exactly suitable to think something like that through, but you didn’t have to, already having subconsciously decided the answer long ago.
“I didn’t regret kissing you last night,” you decided to admit instead of giving him a direct response.
But Taehyung knew exactly what that meant. The corner of his lips twitched before his hands held your face gently and he pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn’t sloppy and urgent like your previous ones. Instead, his lips fit in between yours slowly, and you got to feel just how soft and inviting they were. He deepened the kiss in a natural rhythm, yet still didn’t pick up the pace; solely let his hands wander further down, caressing your body over your clothes until they reached your hips. He pulled you closer and your lips broke apart just for a moment so that you could straddle him.
You could feel him harden beneath you as you were grinding on him to the tempo of your tongues. Your fingers through his hair, you enjoyed pulling them just slightly in order to listen to the moans he released from the back of his throat. The room seemed to be too hot all of a sudden, and you could barely tell if it was the fireplace or the photographer that was causing your skin to burn. It was so hot you needed to get out of that dress.
You pulled away and saw Taehyung pout, leaning in to go right back to tasting you, but you grabbed the hem of your dress, pulled it over your head, and threw it away. With just one motion like that, you found yourself in just your underwear, sitting on Taehyung’s lap. Lucky you had chosen the pretty ones today. The boy gulped as he paused to look at you up and down, his eyes eating you up with no shame.
“Your turn,” you told him, pulling at his sweater. He obeyed with no hesitation, the garment disposed on top of your own in mere seconds, revealing underneath the same view you had witnessed that morning. And so you had that skin-on-skin contact you craved. And you knew immediately it was him that was burning you up after all.
This time his mouth attacked your neck, sucking and biting, making you moan while his hands blindly made work of your bra. It took him a few tries to open it, which kind of surprised you but was rather endearing. And when that, too, was finally dropped on top of the pile of clothes, his mouth attacked your breasts. Your hands kept roaming down his pants- you needed to feel him as well. But he wouldn’t allow you any room to work; just kept kissing your body like he had forgotten you were there.
“Tae, please,” you chocked out at some point when he bit down your nipple a little too hard. “I need you.”
He finally pulled away, his eyes struggling to focus on your face like he was dizzy. He took a couple of deep breaths to stabilize himself. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. And then ground down on his fully hard member. The fabric of your panties was so thin it felt like you were naked against his jeans, able to feel just how big he must be. You heard a hiss leaving through his teeth before he pulled you slightly back in order to dip a hand between your bodies.
“Let me prep you,” he asked of you, but you shook your head.
“No, please, Tae,” you whined. “I want you. Now.”
It’s not that you hadn’t absolutely loved the way he had finger fucked you and eaten you out last night and you wouldn’t love to have more of that. It was the fact that he had still not even let you see his dick and the curiosity had been killing you for three years now. You could enjoy the rest of his qualities another time; right now you just needed his dick. Whether that was in your hands, in your mouth, or inside you, you didn’t even care.
As if Taehyung could read the desperation in your eyes, he mumbled an “okay, wait,” and got you off him to work on his pants better. But before he unbuttoned them, he slipped a hand in his pocket and pulled out what you soon realized was a couple of condoms, and gave them to you. “Hold these,” he said, instantly looking back down to undo his pants.
You blinked at the protection in your hands. You didn’t know what you expected but it wasn’t exactly that. “You just had these on you?” you questioned with an unamused tone.
Taehyung looked at you after he let his pants fall on the floor and stepped out of them. He had a smirk on that told you he knew exactly why you were vexed. Because he was carrying those around like he knew you would give in that easily. “Do you blame me?” he asked, challengingly.
“Stop!” you immediately whined, falling back on your heels. “You’re literally making me have second thoughts right now.”
“No, no!” Taehyung called out with a laugh, hurrying to grab your body before you fell completely down. “No seconds thoughts, there’re no good,” he tried telling you but you whined again, hiding your face away. He couldn’t help but chuckle at your distraught state while he tried to hug you and warm you up again. “I meant do you blame me when I am living in this house with a hottie like you! That’s what I meant. I would have fucked you anywhere and anytime you asked, so I had to be prepared, baby.”
You scoffed at him but were intrigued enough to look at him out of the corner of your eyes. “Yeah, right.”
“No, really,” he told you with a more serious face. “I’ve been carrying those around since the moment I realized we’d be staying here together.”
You frowned slightly, taken aback by his words. “What? Why?” You finally turned back to him, letting your back lie on the carpet completely and Taehyung hover over your body as he still held your arms tightly like he was afraid you’d try to escape.
You saw him gulp and shrug his shoulders. “I mean… I don’t know if you noticed, but I really liked you that night. And I won’t lie, I have been wanting to finish what we started.”
His words alone made your pussy clench around nothing. Finish what you started… You definitely could get behind that.
You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss. “Well, go on then,” you whispered against his lips. “Do what you’ve been wanting to do to me.”
Taehyung growled. He kissed you again, more aggressively, while he grabbed your panties to discard them. He noticed just how wet you had gotten for him, but didn’t comment on it, instead taking one condom from you and ripping it with his teeth. Like everything that was going slow up until now suddenly needed to speed up. Like he had been able to wait for you for as long as you need all this time, but suddenly he couldn’t wait another second.
“Let me put it on you,” you offered. In reality, you just wanted the chance to look at him more closely, hold him in your hands, a chance you probably wouldn’t get considering how desperate Taehyung was looking.
He didn’t question or argue, simply pulled back, and finally dropped his briefs down. His dick sprung free, standing up tall and hitting his lower belly. You cursed under your breath. That dick was almost as pretty as that man’s face! How was that even possible; that everything about him was so perfect? It was long enough that it could cover both of your hands when you held it and thick enough for your fingers to just be able to wrap around it. Your mouth watered just at the sight.
But you weren’t about to say any of that out loud; Taehyung didn’t need that kind of boost of confidence from you right now. So you casually put the condom between your lips and lowered your mouth on his tip, pushing down until you had it at least halfway through on him. The rest you did with your hands.
He moaned when he felt your mouth around him. “Where did you learn that, princess?” he asked, not having expected that from you. You just replied with a guilty smile while you looked up at him from down there. Taehyung groaned once more, then pressed a hand on your neck as he pushed you to lie back down. “Hm, look at you,” he purred as he poised himself between your legs. “You keep talking like you’re so much better, but deep down you’re just a slut, aren’t you?” His words made you squirm, your legs almost pressing together if he hadn’t stopped them. With his one hand still on your neck and the other traveling down your chest, your stomach, and your crotch, he pressed two fingers on your to find your entrance. “Aren’t you?” he repeated while licking his lips. “Isn’t that why you’re naked right now, beneath me? Isn’t that why you are about to let me fuck you right now?”
A whimper was caught at the back of your throat when you felt the tip of his dick nudging at you. But Taehyung’s grip on your neck tightened, not too much to cut your airflow or hurt you, but enough to make your mouth drop.
“Answer me,” he demanded in a deep voice. You just nodded, not even sure you remembered what he had asked you. “You’re going to let me fuck this pussy right? Like I’ve always wanted to?” he asked and you nodded again, frantically. But that wasn’t enough for him. “Speak.”
He smirked. “And who are you letting do this, princess? Say my name.”
“Taehyung. Taehyung, please…” your voice came out tiny and fragile. And he seemed to finally be appeased.
He released your neck in order to grab your hips with both hands as he guided himself inside you. He hadn’t even gotten halfway in and you were already fuller than you had ever been in your life. You scratched on his back as you let his name fall from your lips again and again, like a habit you had picked up last night. He made you wrapped your legs around his waist before pushing all in. His head was already hitting your cervix and he had barely even moved yet.
“Too- big-” you choked out before you could stop yourself.
Taehyung chuckled. “But you can take it, right baby? Do you need a moment?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes tight. “Move.”
And he did just that; thrusting in and out at a slow but hard pace at first, but quickly picking it up when it started feeling good and he couldn’t help himself. “Shit,” he moaned when he started found your g-spot; he could tell by the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you screamed suddenly.
“Right there,” you let him know. “Tae, right there. That feels so good.”
“Yeah?” he breathed in a low pitch. “How good?”
You growled in between your teeth. Even now he craved the satisfaction of you admitting how good he was at everything he did. “So good I hate it,” you answered truthfully.
Taehyung grunted, clearly happy with your answer by the way his hips faltered for a moment. He was thrusting in hard, trying to get the loudest moans he could out of you. And the sounds you were making, the way your face contorted in pleasure, your nails dug in his back and your legs caged him deep inside you- it was all driving him positively crazy. He dropped his head on your shoulder, thinking he could control himself better if he didn't see how hot you looked right then, and all because of him. But you took the opportunity to drive your teeth right on the soft skin of his neck.
“Oh, shit,” he panted while you were dining on his body like you were actively trying to mark him. Like you knew it was his absolute weakness. “I don’t know how long I will last, this is too good.” He regretted having to say that, always proud of how he normally could go for hours. But he meant it when he said it was too good; his chest was trembling from pleasure already and he could only hold back so much.
You moved your mouth higher, biting his earlobe and then kissing it softly, earning a loud groan from him. “Make me cum, please?” you whispered.
Taehyung stammered again but quickly regained his rhythm. “Aw, look at you,” he murmured, pulling back to watch your face again. “Such a good girl, asking politely and everything.” You almost turned away in embarrassment before he leaned down to kiss you leisurely, in contrast to his unceasing hits. “You want to come on my cock, baby?” he rumbled in your mouth. You nodded lazily. “Alright. But only if you remember to say thank you afterward.”
He kissed you again before he moved lower and wrapped his lips around one of your nipples. A hand sneaked down until he found your clit and he started rubbing circles on it. Your back immediately arched towards his body, being already topo sensitive for his touch. And he kept pressing hard on you, the way he had found out last night that you like the most, while he sucked your nipple for the double stimulation. You couldn’t see anything in front of you, and he kept going. You were screaming his name and punching his shoulders because the feeling was too much, and he still kept going. Until you released everything you were holding back and coated him with as much of your juices as your body could produce.
Taehyung didn’t slow down. He brought his face back in front of yours to kiss you, while you slowly felt your consciousness leave your body. Your limbs were exhausted and you couldn’t even hold onto him anymore, but he still kept fucking you, faster and stronger, chasing his own release.
“Thank you,” you remembered to whisper against his lips when you got down from the initial shock of your orgasm. And all of a sudden Taehyung was grunting and thrusting deep inside you, without coming out. You felt his cum even through the condom as his dick was pressed upon your cervix. It was those two words that had undone him.
He collapsed on top of you, puffing and huffing on your neck. And you thought how easy it would be for you to fall asleep just like that; with Taehyung’s naked body as a weighted blanket, by the dying fire, under the heavy storm, in a Mansion that you were starting to believe increasingly could be more than it appeared. How nice it felt, how there weren’t any negative emotions in your heart at all. You weren’t scared, you weren’t disappointed, you weren’t sorry or ashamed. You would do this again right now. Right now as in tonight, and tomorrow, and the day after that.
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH45
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,893
-Warning: This chapter contains slight mention of sexual assault/abuse and violence at the end, please proceed with caution if you are triggered by it.
- Author Note:  If you want to be in taglist (i hope not too late since the series is ending soon you can leave a comment under BTS Caretaker Masterlist ^^*
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Chapter 45
“Have you heard any news from Seul?” the very first question that he inquired as soon as he slid into the black SUV startled the man at the front seat. Ever since the plane landed, his phone never left his side. Every second was crucial, he wouldn’t give up on Seul even knowing it would direct him straight to the voice mail.
“Not yet, but we have searched through the places that she usually visits, her home, workplace, her friend’s house but we still couldn’t find any trace of her” said the man behind the wheels.
“Hyung-nim have you tried to look for her at our apartment or the company?” he pressed his lips together, while he had his eyes fixed on the phone screen. Going through the last messages that they exchanged two days ago, there was no sign of distress or fear.
Just where on earth was Seul? She was last seen in a prestigious party; how could she disappear without trace? Unless, the things that Jin assumed a day ago in regard to Mr Kwon involvement in her disappearance was true.
Would it be wise to confront him? He squeezed the thought out from his head and brought his attention back to his manager.
“Dorm? Why would she visit there during your tour? She barely came to clean when you guys are not around.”
“So, you haven’t looked for her there?” his brows furrowed deeply looking bewildered over his manager’s response.
“We did but there’s no sign of Seul“
“Have you searched the whole place?”
“Yes, but not really since the studios were locked we couldn’t get in. Your home studios are off limit”
“Then bring me back to our place”
“Are you sure?”
                                    “Yes, she could be there. I have my faith in her” he replied softly.
“I will find my way home because you are my home” her sweet voice echoed in his ears. It felt so far yet close. Call it absurd, but his heart was convinced that Seul would be there. He only had to prove his intuition was true.
The same eerie darkness and pain came knocking onto her dreams again. As if her sleepless night was meant to be intruded by the vivid image of those horrifying night. Seul found herself clenching onto her chest to squeeze the pain away. It suffocated her to be reminded by this again. She had enough. She wished to wake up from this darkness and finally allowed the light in. 
It was suffocating to hold this pain alone.
Yoongi’s presence was all she needed.
She whimpered his name under her shallow breath.
Forcing herself out from the nightmares, her breathing was ragged as Seul regained her conscious. Gasping for air, her breathing was slow now, shallow. Her vision misted at the edges, but she assumed another day was wasted in the dark room.
Seul let out a long sigh, caressing her bruised lips gently. What was she expected to see when she opened her eyes? Min Yoongi? It seemed like she regretted her decision for not reaching out to any of the members especially her boyfriend. Seul feared that her issues might distract them from work. Hence, she had to suffer alone without Yoongi’s presence.
Unlike few hours ago, she was able to move her frail body on Yoongi’s favourite couch. The pain started to subside slowly, but she would eventually feel it attacking her again if she made a big move. Contrary to her strong mental persuasion, the numb on her body didn’t reciprocate to it.
Once again, she scanned the room finding any sign of her phone, Seul couldn’t recall where she last saw it. She let out a soft huff in annoyance “How am I going to reach Yoongi”
Seul was gathering her energy to stand up however the sound of hurried footsteps beyond the doors stopped her. She could feel a surge of fear in the pit of her stomach, what if they found her?
What if it was Kwon?
What if she was forced to be with that stuck-up billionaire again?
The thoughts of seeing his face made her shudder in terror.
They would find way to keep her mouth shut knowing how she barely got away from him few nights ago. Not to mention, the fight was not pretty. She left a deep scratch on his ugly face as a self-defence.�� She swore to god his deep voice, threatening to kill her was still loud and clear.
Panickily, she clawed onto her dress as she hurried to find place to hide in Yoongi small studio. Without thinking, she pushed the chair off from the table and crawled underneath it.
Tears cascaded down her cheeks, as she brought her knees close to chest in hope to not be seen by the intruder. The horrible scene of the night she was assaulted came rushing back into her thoughts, and she found herself sobbing silently.
At that instant, she heard the swinging door open and ignored the obvious fact that someone had entered the passwords to Yoongi’s studio. If there’s any possibility of anyone entering the studio, then it would be Yoongi.
Apparently, only Yoongi and Seul knew the password to the home studio.
   Seul had no time to think of the obvious though, all she knew was the presence of someone in the apartment intimidated her. Just as the door closed, she heard a clear foot shuffling towards her direction.
“Seul-ah, is that you” she snapped her head in sheer surprised, upon hearing the familiar voice.  Yoongi switched on the light to have a better view of his studio. As the light finally illuminated the room, Seul then sobbed, partly in horror, partly in relief that the intruder was actually Yoongi.
Alert by her audible sob, Yoongi knelt straight away at Seul’s level, reaching out his hand to his girl underneath the table. “Baby, I am here. Are you alright?” Seul flinched at his touch, but it didn’t take long for her to rush herself into Yoongi’s warm embrace startling the man.
“Yoon..gi…” she murmured weakly.
“Seul-ah..what happened to you?” clueless, he wrapped his hand around her securely while stroking her hair. He took the chance to examine Seul, her ripped dress and there were visible purple bruises on her arms made his eyes enlarged. He pulled away immediately, cradling her head in his hand “Baby, what in the world.. happen to you?” he stroked her hair aside, wiping her tears.
“Where did you get these bruises?”
“Why are your clothes ripped?”
“Ji Seul, answer me”
Yoongi was silently fuming at the image of Seul and his heart ached to see those scratches and blood on her pale skin. She sniffled in his hold, and Seul held onto his hand tight “Yoong… I..am sorry” she mumbled between her tears apologetically.
Confused by her sudden apology, he gazed into her eyes trying to read her mind. It was empty, and he could only see fear.
He squished her close in his arm careful not to hurt her in any way, “Oh god Seul, what did they do to you?” his sigh was a mixture of pain and relief. It was not the perfect time to pry answers from her instead she needed a medical assistance. Only god knew how long she had been hiding in his home studio in this state.
He had to be rational, and as much as this fury him, Yoongi thought it was wise to not let his anger clouded his judgement. Plus, Seul was shaken enough and he didn’t want to scare the girl even more.
“Baby we will get you help okay? Let’s go to the hospital” he soothed her with a stroke, taking off his sweater to be wrapped around her cold body.
“Can we just stay home?” said Seul in her monotone voice.
His jaw clenched holding back the anger bubbled inside him, as if the sight of wrecked Seul was not enough to drive him mad. Now, his girl was scared to be outside in public.
What the fuck did those bastards do to her?
“You can’t because we need to get you examine and lodge a police report baby”
Her eyes rounded at the name of police and she shook her head frantically, “Wait no! Please Yoongi no police. I am- afraid. They are coming for me..They will kill me” she pressed her body harder against him in her obvious fear.  “T…hey will fin..d me. He..will hurt me..Please..dont..”
“Just what on earth happened to you Seul? Who did this to you? Fuck..” one of his hands was around her waist, and pulling her into him as she buried her face into his chest.
It was past midnight by the time Bang PD rushed into their apartment. He went straight to meet Yoongi upon receiving the heart-breaking news pertaining to Seul.  Then, agreeing to Bang PD’s suggestion, they decided to call up Bangtan’s personal doctor to ensure Seul’s injury wasn’t life threatening.  
Oh well, considering Seul broken state at the moment, there’s no way to expose her to public eyes. They had zero idea what happened to her even though a mere assumption could be made from the bruises on her body, her ripped clothes and how scared she was. They were convinced it was more than just a physical assault.
As much as Yoongi wanted to deny the idea of his girl had been sexually assault by an irresponsible beast, his heart wilted every time he saw her forehead creased in her sleep. It must be a painful two days for her to be alone in the studio fighting the pain and terror.
His eyes were glued on Seul’s weak body on the bed, as his anxiety of losing Seul again came hunting him every second. He ran his fingers in her hair softly, tracing her soft cheeks down to her arm and interlacing their fingers together. He wished to replace Seul so she would not have to fight the pain alone. She has been sleeping for few hours now after the doctor made it clear she needed rest.
 “I am sorry Seul-ah. I should have come sooner” he muttered under his breath.
The older man finally made his way inside the room after a long discussion with his legal team. Yoongi looked at his way with a hopeful look “It has been confirmed that she met Kwon a day before the ball took place. Our team is still investigating what kind of leverage that he has, in order to convince Seul in attending the balls and bail on the trip. But Yoongi are you aware Seul and Kwon have history together?” he brows furrowed in guarded curiosity as he stared at the rapper.
 “Yes, it was complicated. Seul’s mother was assaulted by Kwon and his friend twenty-four years ago at a college party. It happened a month before she got married to his husband. After the incident, she got married, and she found out that she’s pregnant. Her mother was convinced Mr Ji is not the father. She kept the secrets from him for years afraid she might lose the love of her life. He found out about Seul’s identity and did a parental test. He disowned her afterwards. Ever since then, Seul’s family was a real mess. Her father-well Mr Ji ruined the family with his addiction for gambling and he’s in big debt. He sold her off to Kwon, and that time they had no idea Kwon was the father. Neither Kwon nor Ji knew about it. Seul’s mother told no one about the secrets” Yoongi took a deep breath, pausing for a moment before he continued.
Bang PD was all ears to Yoongi’s story and tried his best to digest the fucked-up history of Seul’s family.
“Seul was sold to Kwon and tortured physically and mentally for months. Kwon’s nephew helped her to escape and she got away from him before the assault got even severe. Recently, Kwon has been breathing down her neck trying to get her back into his life. That man is a beast, he never sees Seul as a daughter. I thought he had stopped bothering Seul with his issues. We should have known this would happen again”
“That was a lot to take in. Contrary to her cheerful self, Seul had a rough childhood. How did Kwon find out about Seul?”
“He has the money. Money does the talk. He digs into Seul’s background and find her mother one day. And, that is how things start”
“This is a serious matter Yoongi. The fact that she was assaulted, we must lodge a report. However, we must get a legit medical report from the hospital to prove that she was severely beaten by someone. Can you help me to convince her to do that? Find out what happened to her too, we need a name at least. It will ease us to find more proof” his voice was stern and serious.
Seul shifted in herd bed, opening her eyes slowly with a weak smile “It is Obyu Group’s eldest son, he is now the new director of the company” her voice croaked softly.
Both Bang and Yoongi turned their head to Seul, “Baby you are awake? Are you feeling any better?” he squished her hand sofly, stroking her cheeks lovingly.
She nodded slowly “I..m okay..You look tired” one of her hands reached out to stroke his eyebrows, tracing it down to the corner of his eyes.
The corner of his lips tugged into a small and sad smile “I am okay, love. As long as you are back in my arms I will be fine. What do you say about Obyu Group’s eldest son?” he planted a kiss on her wrist, stroking it slowly.
“He is the new director and is rumoured to replace his father next year. Bang PD-nim, please don’t bring this matter to the police. Kwon, he had a video of Yoongi and me. He said he won’t release it to the medias if I agree to attend the balls and talk to the man” she raised her head from the pillows, fighting her fatigue body. With Yoongi fast reflex, he told laid her back down on the bed.
“What kind of video of you and Yoongi that he possesses?”
Feeling humiliated by the answers to the question, Seul did not know how to put it in words. She bit her lower lips nervously, fear of Bang PD’s response to the answer.
“Seul-ah.. It’s okay you can tell us everything. We will protect you baby” Yoongi’s soft voice was soothing enough to convince her that what she did was right. Taking a deep breath, she held onto his hand tighter channelling the courage through it “A sex tape” her voice was almost inaudible but enough for them to hear.
“Sex what? Where is this coming from? Did you guys tape yourself when you are having sex?! Seriously Min Yoongi” he frowned.
Yoongi was surprised by the information “No, we didn’t tape ourselves. It was a onetime thing in my studio back at the company. We were careless and forgot about the CCTV, but I swear to god, I have deleted the footage. How did he get his hands on that?!” he tried to remain calm for Seul.
“Seul-ah did he tell you how he got his way to the tape?” the older man was furious, but his fatherly voice showed how much he worried for both Yoongi and Seul safetly not only it would affect his company image. It was more than just a business; his family members were in trouble. He couldn’t hide the annoyance in his voice, yet he didn’t want to push Seul away. 
“H..e told me nothing. I don’t know how he got it. I am sorry Bang PD-nim.. it is my fault.. I should-“
“Why are you apologizing? It is not your fault Seul. Now, let’s get this thing straight. Someone broke into your studios at the company few months, ago right?”
Yoongi nodded slightly remembering those time when Hoon was caught trashing his studio. But, it was not the young man’s fault either. He was pressured by his peers from the competition.
“Are you sure he didn’t take anything else except for your demos and trashing the place?”
“I am pretty sure…He took nothing else. He returned my demos right away after he confessed. B..ut about the…cameras..I don’t know because it never cross my mind”
“And it wasn’t only Hoon whom broke into the studio, right?” he was connecting the dots and it brought them back to the incident occurred few months ago. The employee who used to worked for Bighit and also Hoon’s ‘accomplice’ was sacked from the company for his crime. If the story matched, he could be the person who sold the tape to Kwon.
Seul and Yoongi felt extremely awful by how the things turned out. Their silly rendezvous turned into a total nightmare for them. 
“We will look into this matter. For the time being Seul please do me a favour? Go to the hospital with Yoongi for a check-up, we must make sure you are okay. Further actions will be taken too, so we have to fight this”
“But.. I don’t know if it is a good idea to drag everyone in, Kwon has been adamant about releasing the tape to public if I go against him. It will ruin your career, I don’t want that to happen”
“Baby, revenge pornography is illegal, and we could charge him for that. Heck, it will add to more reasons for his shady business as well as for harassing you. Trust me, everything will be alright”
Nodding along with Yoongi’s statement, Bang PD continued “You are Bighit employee, so you are our responsibility. We’ll protect you and Yoongi from Kwon even the heir of Obyu. Not to mention, we’ll think of reasonable measure, in case Kwon releases the tape to public” he took a long pause hesitate by his own idea. Would it be risky if he proceeds with the idea in his head?
“Have both of you thought on going public?”
The couple was taken aback by Bang’s unexpected query. “Going public? We never think of it. Plus, we like it better this way. I don’t need people coming to Seul and throw hate on her” his fingers drew circle on Seul’s hand, smiling softly at her way.
“Alright, maybe both of you should think about it from today. I will let you get some rest, and you too Yoongi, it has been a long day for you. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to pick you up. Seul will go for a check-up and then we’ll proceed with police report at the company” he gave Yoongi’s back a soft pat.
“Bang PD-nim, thank you very much for everything. I have only received your kindness, but I never get to return it” Seul held onto Yoongi’s hand, sitting up slightly to give the older man a small bow.
The corner of his lips broke into the softest smile, as he pushed back his glass “Likewise, I should be thanking your family for not giving up on Bangtan. I want you to promise me that you will never give up on Yoongi. He..” he took a quick glance at the confused man.
“He is lucky to have you Seul. Both of you complete each other. I am glad you bring out the best in him, I believe the love that you guys have for each other is pure” easing carefully, his hand landed at the of her head giving her a soft stroke.
Yoongi watched the older man with pure admiration, and his heart was fully content. No words could describe how grateful he was for Bang PD. That man has become part of his family. Even after years working together, their relationship only got deeper over time. BTS always have Bang PD on their back because of the mutual respect that they have for each other, it helped to nourish their relationship.
“Now, I will see you guys tomorrow, get enough rest” Seul signalled Yoongi to walk the man to the door and he gave her a quick peck on lips, murmured “I’ll be back”.
Sighing contently, Seul found herself smiling, touché over Bang PD endless support for the members. In situation like this, he prioritized his employees’ welfare over his company’s reputation. A moment later Yoongi returned with a sheepish smile on his face. Seul gestured him to closer and pat the empty space beside her.
Without wasting any time, he slid into the cover, pulling his lover close to him “I missed you so much baby, I am sorry, I should have come sooner” she frowned, leaned in to seal his mouth with a brief kiss.
“I know you will come Yoongi. Thank you for finding me” Her soft smile warmth his heart, he feared that he was not able to see that smile again. A day without her had driven him nuts.
Seul felt his soft lips moving against her again, as she slowly kissing him back. Yoongi wounded one arm around her waist, nipping her lower lips playfully and she smiled between the kiss. The kiss was sweet and short enough to let her know how much he missed her.
“We’ll continue the talking tomorrow, lets sleep, I know you havent been sleeping” she traced his cheeks, planting soft kisses on his eyelids.
“How did you know that?” he hummed.
“Because I am you girl”
He chuckled, “Forever my girl” he nuzzled his face in her hair, inhaling the familiar scent.
Seul knew she had to talk about the horrible night sooner or later. It traumatized her to be reminded by it again, however with Yoongi by her side, she would slowly find strength to face tomorrow with smile.
“Jungkook, Jimin mind your language and do not be too chaotic. Your voice is dizzying me” Jin whined, with his eyes rolled in pure annoyance.
The couple could see Jimin and Jungkook protested in the screen, trying to fight their right to curse whenever they want because they were big adult.
“Geez, these kids are terrifying. So Seul-ie, are you feeling better?” The leader came into the view, looking like a whole snack in his outfit making Seul smile widely. Yoongi had told the rest of Bangtan  about Seul, therefore they decided to videocall them to cheer her up.
 Yoongi was against it at first knowing how chaotic this conversation would be, and he was right.
“I am good Joon, I went for the check-up and the doctor said I have no major injuries. And, we went to lodge a report too. Bang PD and everyone have been nothing but extremely kind to me. By the way you look handsome” she gave him a thumb up earning a dissatisfied groan from everyone including Yoongi.
“Are you here to seduce Seul? No, he doesn’t deserve that compliment” Jin retorted.
“But my Jinnie looks dashing in his suit too..” she giggled, hiding her face shyly in Yoongi’s arm. It was his turn to crack a silly grin which caused the maknae line to shoot him a meaningful glare.
“What? It has been proven scientifically by Seul that I am worldwide handsome”
“Yeah yeah, bullshit” bratty Jungkook mumbled incoherently.
Yoongi grunted under his breath “I am ending this conversation”
“HYUNG! I havent talked to my princess”
“Don’t you dare Min Freaking Yoongi, Seul is our girl too”
 The boys were being dramatic for their own good, and Yoongi could only roll his eyes at their antic. “Then talk like a normal people does, stop flirting with my girl. She is still unwell, can’t take any of your sweet shit”
“Yoongi, be nice” she patted his cheeks and averted her eyes to the screen once again.
Hoseok pushed Jimin and Jungkook head away from blocking his face, and rested his chin on top of his hand gracefully “Seul-ie we’ll be back soon okay? Just few more days and we’ll be there to give you big hug. Is yoongi hyung treating you well?” he raised his brows with a smirk.
“Yes, Hobi. Yoongi has been nothing but sweet” she glanced at Yoongi, kissing him softly on his lips.
“OH, COME ON NOT IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING SALAD” frustrated, Jin groaned showing his protest.
Namjoon quirked his brow, rubbing it softly accompanied with a soft hum “No sex until you get better alright?”
“YAH!” Yoongi scolded with a deep glare.
“I don’t blame Joon hyung for bringing that up, but he is stating the fact” Taehyung nodded with a serious face. He looked ten times intelligent and attractive in that signature round glasses of his. For some reason this whole situation suddenly turned more educational.
“True, you have to consider Seul’s opinion too. Do not make the decision for her” Jimin added.
Jungkook interrupted “Hyung-nim, I know you have a raging hormone, but please spare my Seul just this once okay? She needs to heal, and if I hear any complain from Seul about you, I will not hesitate to lodge a police report” Seul giggled at his cheeky statement, taking the chance to squish Yoongi cheeks mocking him.
“Since I am the oldest, I wish that you both limit your sexual activity. It is alright to be sexually active, but do not engage in them whenever you feel like it. Human must have limit. You don’t fuck around like rabbits” 
“Hyung you are quite brilliant for someone who has a pea-sized brain” the youngest in the group smug as if he’s the dad of Kim Seokjin.
Hoseok blinked innocently “In other words Jin hyung is dim-witted right?” his clueless expression got everyone broke into a fit of laughter.
“Yeah, it is the nicest way to call hyung foolish” said Jimin with a shrug.
“GEEZ YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCHES” he smacked the back of Jungkook’s head who seems busy laughing at him to his heart content.
“You make me sound as if I am a sex addict. I hate all of you. Every.Single.One.Of. You” he puffed his cheeks in Seul’s hold. She laughed at his cuteness, “Aww don’t be hard on my boyfriend everyone, he has a very soft heart” Seul left a trail of kisses on his nose, enveloping her arm around his torso.
 The leader hushed everyone especially Jin and Jungkook who started to throw light smacks and punches “Don’t mind them, they are idiots. Seul-ie make sure to get lots of rest until we return you are prohibited to perform any house chores, and hyung make sure she listens” he warned.
“Alright handsome. I will listen” her lips pursed into a small pout.
“And oh NO HANKY PANKY” Taehyung added wiggling his brows.
“NO FUNNY BUSINESS” Jin yelled from behind while munching down his snacks with Jungkook. Ironically, they fought like five years old children, now they looked like the bestest friend on planet.
Namjoon let out a tired sigh “In other words, avoid sexual intercourse at all cost. You know I have never been interested in your sexual life, but these guys have been arising the issues for quite sometimes. As a leader, I hereby want to make it clear that I have no personal vendetta against your sex life, but tone it down alright?”
Yoongi was about to talk back but Seul cut him off before he could spout any sassy remarks from his mouth “Don’t worry Joon, I will make sure to not surrender myself to Yoongi’s touch” he gave his lover a warning glare. 
She caressed his cheeks with the back of her hand slowly with her eyes still glued on the screen “I will tame the Min Yoongi. You guys please take care and slay the interviews alright?” the boys chimed “Alright” in unison.
“Okay enough, I had enough of everyone ganging up on me, invading my sex life. Now, please excuse us since Seul and I have something to discuss, about our sex life” he smirked causing the boys to panic and before they could hear another dreading nag from them, Yoongi ended the call.
“You know they are going to bombard your phone with messages, right?” she scratches her head, gazing confusedly.
Chuckling softly, he leaned on the couch with his hand wrapped tightly around her “I need my alone time with you, they are being too noisy” she settled in his embrace liking the warmth radiated from his body.
“I know you are possessive type, but you have been awfully clingy these days baby”
“Can you blame me? Showing love for you has no limit, so I will make use of that”
Kissing the corner of his lips, she smiled genuinely “Softie, can we take a nap for few minutes?” she mumbled in his neck.
“If nap is what you want, that is what baby gets” he fixed his position into more comfortable one, and quickly embraced the small girl back to his chest. “Now that is what we call cuddle” she hummed in satisfaction.
     This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved  
Taglist: @thedumpleeng​  @eridanuswave
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btsmosphere · 4 years
Milestone Drabble Game!!
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I am excited to announce I will be running a drabble game to celebrate 400 followers!! Thank you so much to everyone reading, reblogging and supporting me, it means a lot to have so many people here! 💜
At the moment I have a few bigger projects on the go, which I can hopefully start posting while I write these drabbles, but I’ve currently hit a bit of a wall and need to write something different! So, this brings us to the game:
1. Read the whole post 2. Pick a member 3. Pick no more than two prompts 4. Send me an ask with your request!
~Only one request per person please!~
~Please specify pronouns if you are requesting member x reader ~I am also happy to accept mxm or platonic, but please clarify this in your request ~I will also accept requests for fake texts, but these take longer than drabbles so the number will be limited - I will update this post when I cannot accept more ~I would prefer you to be following to make a request as this is a follower celebration event, but who am I to stop you if not ~If possible, please submit your request off anon so you will be notified when I post your drabble ~If there are any other details you would like, such as an au or plot details, please include this in your request too (or feel free to let me decide!) ~Lastly, if you have made a request, I would appreciate it if you reblog and/or comment on the finished product to let me know what you think!
~Members~ (in case you don’t know who they are)
1. Kim Seokjin 2. Min Yoongi 3. Jung Hoseok 4. Kim Namjoon 5. Park Jimin 6. Kim Taehyung 7. Jeon Jungkook
~Prompts~ (all of these prompts were inspired by the amazing people over at @thebtswritersclub as all of these things have been said on our (very chaotic👀) server!)
1. ‘When a big ass insect comes flying at you, you don’t ask questions, you run’ 2. ‘Sorry to break it to you, but these aren’t dms’ 3. ‘Is death that bad when he’s the face of it?’ 4. ‘Trees cannot fall softly’ 5. ‘Let’s see if I can knit in class without looking like I’m knitting in class...’ 6. ‘Send help. I’m a dumbass’ 7. ‘Your bribery does not work’ 8. ‘Some of us don’t even are humans at 11am’ 9. ‘Pimp him out’ 10. ‘You just broke into my house? Creepy’ 11. ‘Food kinda pales in comparison to a meal like that’ 12. ‘It’s tough having a harem y’all’ 13. ‘MY SAVIOUR’ 14. ‘I’m channelling my inner you’ 15. ‘Have you eaten? And had water? The normal human being things’ 16. ‘Moose are like 60% leg and 100% rage’ 17. ‘I heard bananas. I like bananas’ 18. ‘I love my wife, if she’s into gollum, who am I to deny her?’ 19. ‘DON’T MAKE ME DRAG YOU AWAY’ 20. ‘That’s your official introduction’ 21. ‘Solidly what the hell is even going on’ 22. ‘What’s happening peeps I had a 15 minute nap and am a new woman’ 23. ‘Alright, if you really want to know...’ 24. ‘This americano has 3 shots and it’s so weak it’s like drinking fruit juice’ 25. *middle finger* with love’ 26. ‘I am both terrified and intrigued’ 27. ...that... is such a bad pun. I love it’ 28. ‘I slept for 12 hours bro’ 29. ‘Beast was the original furry, prove me wrong’ 30. ‘We only move when necessary’ 31. ‘I will be unavailable on these dates because I will be screaming feral in the woods’ 32. ‘I have no sugar daddy😫’ 33. ‘Is that a compliment?’ 34. ‘I’m actually having an out of body experience’ 35. ‘Uhhh... sicked a possessed doll on the heir of a village’ 36. ‘If I had to choose between a dog or a guy, I would choose the dog’ 37. ‘Y’all are scaredy cats’ 38. ‘Omg are we alive at the same time?’ 39. ‘...maybe you’re the drunk one’ 40. ‘i’m SORRY BUT CAT’ 41. ‘Like holy fucking OUCH ‘ 42. ‘Ever since he buffed up, I’m just constantly not ok’ 43. ‘Bro $200? You’re not a sugar daddy you’re a high fructose corn syrup daddy’ 44. ‘Hush. I’m drunk give me a break’ 45. ‘The orange juice is magic’ 46. ‘I AM NO LONGER CHRONICALLY ILL OR TRAUMATISED’ 47. ‘The creature loves me!’ 48. ‘For no real reason 👀 what are all your worst fears’ 49. ‘We aren’t keeping the god damned animal unless it’s for dinner’ 50. ‘Can I just become a tree’ (Prompts with gender specific language can be changed)
Please note I will not write any of the following:
~Smut (suggestive stuff is okay though) ~Anything with children/pregnancy ~Self harm/suicide ~Yandere/abusive bts
I reserve the right not to accept a request if I do not feel comfortable writing it, as I cannot guarantee this is an exhaustive list. If you submitted your request off anon, I will contact you if this is the case to let you know and give you a chance to submit another request, if you would like.
Once again, a huge thank you for 400 followers, I value every single one of you! I will update my bio and this post when requests are closed, so send yours in soon! 💜💜
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bts-fic-collection · 4 years
Do you have good completed yoonkook recs? Maybe with some jealous yoongi? I love your blog and thank for all your hard work.
I do indeed! Thank you ^_^
stellar nebula by saplecute
Rating: T
Word count: 13,960
Summary:  a life cycle of a star: first, you shrink, you warm up, you chase after equilibrium, second, you shine, you glow, you live — and, in the end, you, a supernova, finally explode.
where the sun rises (every single night) by yoondustrial
Rating: E
Word count: 8,446
Summary: Seeing Jungkook rehearse 'My Time' had been one thing. Seeing him on stage in full make-up and hair, dressed in blooming red that hugs his narrow waist and formidable thighs, with a slutty leopard print shirt unbuttoned almost to his waist- god, it's another, alright, and Yoongi hates leopard print, but fuck, does Jungkook look good in it.
(An ode to Jungkook and his 'My Time' performance, through Yoongi's eyes.)
Billet-doux by KOOHEARTED
Rating: E
Word count: 6,860
Summary: It wasn’t supposed to last forever, Jungkook knew that from the beginning. That all great things come to an end. But they kept falling into each other, letting the other into their heart, little by little. Before Jungkook knew it, he was falling in love with Yoongi. Not the Yoongi that he used to see on stage but the Yoongi behind the spotlight, the Yoongi that suffered for his art, the Yoongi that was finally starting to succeed.
Jungkook couldn’t get pregnant, not right now. Not when Yoongi’s career is finally kicking off, not when Jungkook finally picked a major to study, not when they just said their first ‘I love you’s. Not now.
And Here Is Your Verse by beatperfume
Rating: E
Word count: 24,572
Summary: Yoongi freezes. He's an idiot. He’s been flirting with Jungkook, high on show adrenaline and talking to a hot guy. He didn't expect to be called on it like this.
Min Yoongi: Producer by day, one third of underground rap group Cypher by night.
Jeon Jungkook: Gamer, photography assistant, Cypher fanboy.
Paint me like a song, play me like the rainbow by Ismere
Rating: M
Word count: 46,425
Summary: "The Min Yoongi Effect manifests every time Yoongi is in a public space. Suddenly, the level of serotonin in the room raises up to a healthy 45%. There's scientific evidence that proves that Min Yoongi's presence can help to achieve your biggest dreams in just one look. There's also studies that prove that 99% of the times Min Yoongi smiles, a portal to a better dimension where nothing can go wrong opens up."
When Jeon Jungkook arrives to his new home, he expects some healing. Breathe for the first time in years, to catch some air out of his crazy life back in Seoul. What he doesn't expect is meeting Min Yoongi, and he certainly doesn't expect falling in love with him.
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Summary: You invite Negan over for dinner when your parents are out of town. Continuation of party favor
Pairing: AU Negan x reader (female, named Eddie)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men
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“Oh, fuck” you complained to no one, feeling your muscle soreness settling in as you hopped off your fathers SUV.
You had just come back from the gym and were excited to have the house to yourself. Your folks left town for your mother’s work and you had your whole night planned, get a stoned, eat some lasagna your mom pre-made for you, shower, smoke some more, watch some stand-up, and rub one out.
As you walked towards your front door you heard the faint clinking noises, accompanied by soft rock music; noticing Negan’s half open garage, beaming white light escaping onto the gray pavement.
You entered your home and read the note on the counter:
Your dad and I left for my work trip (that free loader). Left some lasagna in the fridge. 375 45 min.
Love you,
mom (and dad)
DONT USE THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Negan will take a look tomorrow at 9am, so please be up to let him in and get coffee going.
Knowing Negan was going to be in your home soon brought tingles to your insides. Reminiscing on how you fucked you in the bathroom a little over a week ago.Your memories aroused you, but frustrated you as well, remembering how he toyed with you that firework infused night.
You snapped yourself out of it and began setting the oven when the door bell rang.
You walked over an peeked through the side window.
You opened the door and without a proper greeting you asked, “Um, weren’t you supposed to come by tomorrow?”
“Well hello to you too” Negan commented on your weak hospitality.
“And yeah, for the sink... I’m just here to let you know you left your headlights on” he informed you, tilting his head to the direction of the driveway.
“You couldn’t call?” You questioned his motives for being at your doorstep.
Not that you wouldn’t fuck him over and over, but you wanted to be the one to initiate that. He wasn’t gonna control the situation this time.
“Your folks got rid of the landline.”
That comment served as a potent reminder that you hadn’t physically lived in that house other than school intermissions, and that you didn’t know that much about Negan regardless of how good friends he and your parents were.
“And I don’t have your number, cause that would be inappropriate” He added with a smirk, knowing you were miles past appropriateness.
“Funny” you commented on his response in a dead-panned tone.
You reached for the keys on their respective hook on the wall and walked out towards the car, Negan followed behind. You unlocked it and reached your arm in to switch the lights off.
You shut the car door, noticing Negan was cutting through the lawn, half way towards his front door.
Having already gotten you slice of Negan you couldn’t resist him. Flashes of what tonight could potentially lead to infiltrated your mind.
“Hey!” you called out to him.
Negan stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards you.
“You like lasagna?”
He paused in thought for a moment.
Should he enter your home without your parents? What if a neighbor saw? What would they think?
“Is it your mothers or that frozen shit?”
“It’s a Frankie original”
“Fuck. Alright” he was easily convinced.
Your mom did make a mean lasagna.
You set the prepared lasagna on the counter as you continued to wait for the oven to heat.
“You can take a hit of that if you want” you gestured towards the packed glass pipe and lighter sitting at the edge of the bar countertop.
“This what you always do when your parents aren't around?” He asked, reaching for the pipe.
“Smoke? Or invite not-age-appropriate men over?” You teased.
“Both” he said as he struggled with the lighter.
Spark after spark with no flame.
“I think that ones out. Let me get another” you skipped upstairs to your room.
Negan waited patiently, flipping through his phone. He noticed some leftover oil and grim on his fingers and got up to wash his hands. While you were in ransacking your drawers, your phone rang downstairs.
Negan let the first call go, but when the second call came he peaked over, concerned it was one of your parents needing to get a hold of you.
He was thrown off by the name on the screen.
“Found one” you said coming down the steps, Negan in the middle of drying his hands.
“Here” you handed it to him feeling the dampness on his fingers.
“Thanks doll. Your phone rang by the way” He let you know as he sat back down on one of the stools.
Negan took a couple hits as you opened up your phone and typing a quick message before setting it down.
Negans curiosity quickly unraveled.
“So whose Myles?” Negan asked, smoke exiting along with his words, “Myles with a Y...”
“Um. He is.. he’s my.. boyfriend” you said awlwardly, knowing how fucked up it sounded.
“If he’s your boyfriend, why the hell did you sleep with me. Twice for that matter” Negan questioned, almost interrogating you
“One, don’t come at me like that,” your defenses riding
“Two, it’s not like I’m doing anything he’s not already doing” you replied, taking a hit.
“Shit really? How do you know?”
“We were on a date one night, it was a normal day” you spoke holding your breathe and smoke in.
“and- and I don’t know, I looked at him, and I just knew.” Your voice becoming clearer as the white clouds left your body.
Woman’s intuition, Negan thought to himself. Reflecting on his own past.
“And his messages proved it so, there’s that” you added.
“Shit I’m sorry doll” Negan empathized, taking the pipe for his turn.
“It’s okay...” you said, a bit of sadness painting over your face.
“...you’ve help me get over it quite a bit” your voice lightening up, trying to keep yourself from getting down.
“Does he know you know?” he asked sparking another hit.
“Nah, not yet.”
“Why haven’t you told him? Hoping to work it out?” Smoke blowing from his lips
“Fuck no!” you laughed
“I didn’t confront him about it cause it was right before summer, he’s abroad, I’m doing an internship here. Would’ve been really stressful dealing with a break up right now.”
“But that a bridge we’ll cross when we get there, in the mean time I’m just gonna dick around” you said nonchalantly as you reached for the pipe once more, intentionally grazing his hand half a second slower.
Your final hit closed the conversation on your relationship.
You set the pipe down, free for Negan to grab if he’d like to continue.
“Okay, what about you? What’s your is deal, what do you do around here?” You guided the conversation towards his occupation, rather than his love life, worried that that information might put you off.
Negan grabbed the pipe.
“I teach” he said before taking a puff.
“You teach? You? A cigarette smoking, beer drinking, motorcycle driving, bachelor?” You busted his balls
“First of all honey, there’s not a wrong way to live a life. And secondly, I know I’m not perfect. Hell, I’m light years from perfect, but I am proud of what I do. I’m a good ass teacher, I make these kids find awe in bi-fucking-ology .”
“Biology? I’m sorry, but this is wild! I didn’t expect you do me a science geek.” You were actually intrigued, “How’d you get into teaching?”
“Well, I did my undergrad degree in biology. And I TA-ed a course and I realized I really liked teaching so after graduation I went ahead and got my Master’s in education.”
“Wait, I thought you coached”? You jumped to the next question
“I do that too. I teach 4 classes, 2 intro bios, 1 ap bio, and one health period. Then coach after school”
”What do you coach?”
“Coach women's basketball in the winter, and help out with baseball in the spring.”
“I’m guessing you like it? You seem very passionate.”
”I love this teaching shit. Plus, I’m someone these kids can talk to, someone who can guide them and be raw-fully honest about anything- I don’t patronize these kids. I get to be the person I needed at their age, it’s a sweet gig” He couldn’t help the smile spreading on his face
This conversation fine tuned your image of Negan. You found yourself lost in the dichotomy of it all. Here he was, shirt covered in black oil stains, smoking weed, cursing, yet vulnerable, gentleness peaking through his macho-ness.
You walked over to lay the lasagna on the rack. Negan admiring your ass as you bent over. He stared for as long as he could. Blood flowing to his manhood.
“So, we got 45 minutes to kill” you closed the oven and walked around the counter towards him.
Your hands went towards his knee cap, pushing his leg out to fit your stature between his seated figure.
“What can Coach Negan teach me in that time?” you whispered as your lips gravitated towards his.
You wantonly kissed him. Sliding your tongue in his mouth to wrestle with his. His hands firmly cupped your ass, pulling you closer to him.
“There she is.” He applauded, as you tugged on his lower lip.
“I was waiting for your dirty side to come out and play” he said, knotting his fingers through your hair that was in a post-work-out messy bun.
You tried to bring your mouth back to his and you got close, but his firm grip held you back.
“Uh-huh” he said, barely audible.
Negan stuck his tongue out slightly, leaning towards you. Your lips were ready to welcome him, before he sprung back.
“Fucker” You let out a sigh that was between a laugh and utter frustration.
He toward over you, staring at you lustfully.
He had you desperate for more. Negan felt your try to fight against his grasp again.
“You lack patience” He informed you, keeping you away from him.
“And you’re a tease” You immediately shot back at him
He closed his fist further, the taut strands pulling on your scalp, “I’m not a tease. I just know what you can handle.”
“I don’t think you do” You were up for the challenge.
“Oh, honey” He smirked doubtfully.
Butterflies flooded your gut, tingles shot across your upper back. You were nervous, but gave him no indication of that, so he figured he’d teach you lesson, put you in your place.
“Other than the word ‘stop’ is gonna make me stop. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes” You answered attempting to kiss I’m once more.
Negan kept a tight grip of you hair, but allowed you to bring your mouth to his.
He brought his other hand to your clothed center. Pulling his lips away to see your reaction.
Breathily moans began spilling out of you. Your eyes fluttering shut, focusing on his touch.
He stopped his maneuvers, “Look at me”
Once you opened your eyes and locked with his he resumed to pleasure you.
He stood up, hands still wrapped in your hair and on your womanhood. He kept you neck extended, staring into your eyes as you both stumbled toward the living room couch. His eyes told you he was excited to show you what you had not yet experienced.
He gave your final rubs before as you arrived to the L-shaped couch.
You began undressing other other. As each item of clothing disappeared you found new areas to grope each other.
“Oh fuck,” he mumbled as you reached for his heavy member, pumping him slowly.
Negan grabbed the sides of your jaw, giving you a nasty kisses before directing you in a face down position. He placed you on your knees, your rear directed upwards. The feeling the cool air gust over your wet center gave you shivers.
He lightly tapped your clit with his dick. He did that multiple times before sliding it between your folds, lubricating himself with your fluids.
“Ugh Negan... fuck” you mewled
You started to lean back into him, wanting more contact. Negan didn’t appreciate it that. He held your hip tightly with his other hand as he teased you for what felt like hours. He eventually stuck the tip of his cock inside you and sat still.
You knew if you moved he would make you wait longer. You decided to be patient and let him make the call. Admitting to yourself that he took the wheel form you once more.
Once you’re breathing settled, Negan stuck the entire length of his member in one motion, accompanied by a load groan.
“Oh fuck” you yelled as your entrance stretched around him.
Negan brought his hand to the side of your face to hold you down. You felt your check rub harsher against the couch cushion as he built up speed. The sound of his balls slapping against your wet pussy filled the family room.
His thrusts were euphoric and dominating. He was punishing you and wanted you to enjoy it.
In between his plunges you were able to catch a whiff of his cologne with his natural musk sprinkled in. That scent did something primal to you.
Your felt your release was close.
“Ne-, I’m- I’m” you started to inform him.
He began to force himself harder and deeper. You couldn’t keep your position, your pelvis dropped, your leg fell of the edge, squirming and kicking.
“Mmmmm!! Fuck!” Your toes splayed as your climax enveloped you.
You thought Negan would slow down after cumming that hard, but he kept pushing into your prone body at the same pace. Your hand reached back to brace his quad, hoping to diminish his thrusts.
Negan roughly gripped the hand that was trying to stop him and pinned it over your head, his long torso over your back, closing the space between you.
His hips continued to drive into you as he growled in your ear, , “This is what punching above you’re weight class is baby.”
You began moaning, not you’re typical moans though. The sounds escaping you sounded like a porno. If you heard a voice recording of this moment you would swear it was staged
Groans bubbled and escaped Negan as he felt his release building.
He clenched your hair and pulled out of you. You were relieved as you were becoming over sensitive.
He brought his member over your face, holding your head down onto the cushions.
His manhood hovered over you, swiftly pumping himself.
“ughhh” You heard his as his warm milky seed splattered on the side of your face.
He was breathing fast and heavy after his release. He used his member to scoop some of his cum from your cheek and brought it into your mouth.
“Dirty girl” he smiled as welcomed his cock, and sucked tenderly on his bulbous head, extracting all of him.
Afterwards Negan helped you sit up.
He picked up your shirt from the ground and handed it to you to wipe your face.
“Thanks” you said weakly, yet satisfied.
He sat beside you. Hand grazing your thigh, slowly working towards your center, as you rid your face of his seed.
The instant his finger touched you nerve bundle, you jolted away from him, lightly swatting his hand away.
“You okay?” He chuckled, stopping his movements but pulling you back close to him.
“Yeah” you answered “It was just a lot, but it was really good”
“Are you gonna listen to me now? When I say what you can handle and what you can’t?”
He stared at you, wanted a different answer.
You know that look. It was the ‘yeah’-is-not-an-answer look, given to you by your own coaches.
“Yes” you said clear and respectfully.
“Good” He brought his lips to yours, slipping his tongue through.
Your make out session was interrupted by the oven.
“Let’s eat” He said.
After dinner you both hopped in the shower. You had sex again. And he was much slower and gentle in that second round.
Negan sat the edge of your bed, towel around his waist. He looked around your room, while you found something suitable for him to wear.
Half of your room was neat and well put together. The other half looked like an artists went on a bender. The wall and ground were littered with your drawings and ongoing project ideas.
“Here” you handed him unisex navy blue tee and sweats, “Let me know if they fit or not.”
You went back to your dresser to dress yourself in a Nike long sleeve and compression shorts
“How’d that work out?” You asked facing away from him.
“Take a look” He said waiting for you to see what was wrong.
You turned around and didn’t see anything fit too tight or too loose. Then you noticed the sweats were well above his ankles
You burst out laughing “Never thought I’d see you in capris“
“They fit around the waist, that’s what matters” He laughed
You both went back downstairs. Drank beer and played the stand up you had planned on watching. You both sat close to each other, in the very spot you had fucked earlier.
Mid-way Negan interrupted the special, “Hey, when do you head back to school?”
“Two weeks. We’re gonna have a little party. I’m sure my folks will invite you. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering” he said, but he really was plotting your farewell gift.
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
Yo Colby apperently sees everything because he goes on his Tabs on all social medias i mean he even typed his name on Amazon and found pillow cases of himself. So my question is, why is he refusing to acknowledge the BT stuff and act like all his fans are delusional. I get the majority of us may not know him personally but are we just supposed to ignore the victims. The snc fandom has gone down in recent months and they dont care to know why they just associate it to "hate" & "cancel culture".
alright, i have a feeling this is gonna be long, so bare with me.
TW: rape mentions, sexual assault, brief suicide mention, BT
so i've kinda wanted to put my two cents out about the whole colby not calling brennen out thing, but i never did bc i felt like i could possibly get hate or at least not explain myself well enough or something bad was gonna happen. but i feel like i can do this all now.
first off, i believe the girl that is accusing brennen. i also know that brennen has done some terrible shit in the past that i do not agree with. i don't like brennen at all and his half ass apology can suck a fat fuck.
that being said, i want to explain something that happened to me a couple years ago.
i was in college when i met this boy named R. he was probably the nicest guy i had ever met. he was so sweet and caring to me, and i needed that at the time bc i was extremely suicidal and needed someone to talk to. i had friends that went to different colleges in my state, but i didn't want to burden them with my bs. but one night i let lose on R about all of my shit. he was one of the few guys i had ever met that actually gave a shit about me and when he asked about how my life was going, he actually wanted to know and hear my answer. plus he was really charismatic, funny, and hot.
so, i instantly fell in love with him.
what sucked was that he was taken. but even tho he was taken, he would do things that personally felt really weird and questionable. honestly, if i had been his gf i would have counted it as cheating. he would flirt with other girls constantly, get really close to their faces (looking like he was gonna kiss them), say really dirty things, and dance in a sexual way with them. sometimes he would do all of this in front of his gf, and at the time, i felt like i should be calling him out. but, if he was doing it in front of her, and she wasn't saying anything, how am i to tell him he was wrong? maybe that was how their relationship goes... maybe it's open or something. i didn't know so i never said anything.
there was only one time he ever made me feel uncomfortable. he would drive me home, which was a really long drive (like 45-60 mins long) and the first time i went to get a ride with him, i stopped to think 'something could happen to me and there's no way i could stop it' bc i was really questioning him since he didn't want anything in return for driving me. i offered him money and he said no, and i don't trust ppl who are overly nice to me. this was the only time i thought something bad about him.
i met him my junior year. he was senior so he graduated. i go on to my senior year and see him once or twice bc he lived close to campus, and then i end up having to take an extra semester to finish up some courses. during this extra semester, i go to a house party with a bunch of friends, all girls btw. at the party we see him and i say hi. after a couple mins, one of the girls starts crying and i have no idea why. we end up going back to their house, and when i ask what's wrong, her roommates (one of whom i'm closer to than her) explain to me that while R was with his gf, he would cheat on her with this girl and one time when they were together, he coerced her to have sex with him (roommates words).
now the cheating wasn't unbelievable, but the sexual assault... that was a whole other thing. it didn't help that literally everyone that knew of this situation took it like it wasn't a terrible thing (literally they were rolling their eyes at their own roommate, who was one of their best friends, crying over R). but that being said, and i'm not proud to admit this, it took me a long time to believe this happened. i didn't outwardly think it didn't happen, but i just couldn't fathom someone i cared about, someone i loved, raped someone. i thought i knew R well. he helped me when i was at my lowest, was literally the sweetest person i knew. did he do some questionable things? sure. but rape? i couldn't believe it. but i believe it now bc i realize that all the red flags that he flew pointed to him being able to do something like that.
now to relate this to colby: brennen was there for him when he felt like he had no other friends bc sam was just starting to date kat. outside of the trap house, brennen is his other best friend. if a stranger told you your best friend sexually assaulted them, you're not gonna instantly believe them. bc assumingly, you know your best friend more than some stranger. this situation isn't easy in any way, shape, or form.
colby could easily be seeing everything we have been saying but he might not want to believe it. there’s no way someone he knows and cares about could do something as disgusting and evil as rape. plus, elijah daniels even said that brennen is a good manipulator so maybe he's manipulated colby (and the rest of the trap boys) to not believing anything the victim has said. i mean, he did it in his “apology” !! plus if he has said he's getting lawyers involved, then that "proves" he's innocent bc look how hard he's fighting against it.
i say all of this as not to excuse colby for not holding brennen accountable, but to maybe explain why he hasn't. if you personally feel upset at colby not unfriending brennen, that's 100% understandable and i agree with you. 
i just felt like maybe this was something that needed to be said.
and if you don’t agree with how i handled the situation back then, good. me neither. 
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The Umbrella Academy in: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 5.1 Number Five’s Research
Thank you @seven-misfits and @tehmoonofficial for your amazing beta skills!
Five couldn’t sleep after his encounter with Reginald. It had been 45 years since he had been to private training, but seeing the restraints again had brought back the scared thirteen-year-old he thought the apocalypse had trained out of him. 
Reginald used to tie him in any sort of restraint, like chains or a straightjacket, to an electric chair. If Five couldn’t jump out, he would be electrocuted. It had taken thirty years of drunken conversations with Dolores to finally admit that he and his siblings were abused as children. Being back in that room was terrifying in a way Five had forgotten. Its sudden reintroduction was a blast of ice being poured down his back. 
Instead of sleeping, Five decided to look up a charm to brew coffee- which ended up being Calida Capulus while pointing his wand at a mug with coffee grains in hot water- and then set to work reviewing documents in Reginald’s office. That coffee Allison got him would prove to be very useful. 
Speaking of Allison, her rumor would work in his favor. Reginald couldn’t touch them. More importantly, if Five was caught, then he couldn’t be punished with individual training. He could browse Reginald’s files enough to paint a pretty decent picture of what their lives were like in this universe. 
Just after they turned twelve, the seven of them became superheroes. Vanya and Ben were their heavy hitters. One particular note disturbed Five. “When Number Seven’s powers become too much to contain, I will have to stun her and put her in the isolation chamber. Her powers are essential,” read the disturbing red journal from their toddler years. 
According to 400 Offensive Spells, “The stunning spell should not be used on subjects under 100 pounds or 45 killograms as the magic will overwhelm the castee and may cause permanent damage to the nervous system or magical core”. Vanya was placed under this spell as a very young child over and over again. Five had a small idea that Vanya’s powers prevented the damage from being permanent. He didn’t know how that would be possible, but that irrational hope stopped him from murdering Reginald in cold blood. 
The Commission made him a killer, but he never enjoyed his work. However, after hearing the atrocities Reginald committed on his siblings, he was willing to make an exception. Stunning Vanya was only the tip of the iceberg. The things done to himself and to the version of himself native to this universe were barely a blip in his anger. 
Five skipped around to his section. The book said that this Five’s interest in time travel was a fleeting interest that went away when Reginald brought him books on the runes to create a time-turner. When Five looked up what a time-turner was, he was disappointed in his other self. A device that takes you back or forward a few hours was a party trick compared to what he had the potential to do. At least this version of himself didn’t get himself stuck in the apocalypse. That would have been difficult.
If I time traveled now would I end up appearing here in this universe or would I be stuck in the future in mine? Five mused while moving around some of the papers that surrounded him. 
That was the last bit of semi-coherent thought Five had. He passed out surrounded by books and papers. Specifically, blueprints for a magically expanded Minerva Aircraft, complete with six dorms and a master bedroom. 
“Five. Five. Five. Wake up. Five, wake up. Five, you can’t keep doing this, man." It was Luther being his personal alarm clock again. 
“Mu, wus goin on? Five more mins, Luth,” Five tried while rolling over. 
“Nope! Get up.” Luther pulled Five up and managed to get him sitting up while slumped against Reginald’s desk. 
“Five, how many times have you fallen asleep here? It’s been months, what more do you possibly have to find?” Luther asked. Five had spent his nights in August and September in Reginald’s study reading his notes and pursuing magazines and newspapers that mentioned the Umbrella Academy in any way. 
“When was the last time you slept in your bed, Five. This isn’t healthy." Luther snapped his fingers in front of Five’s face, “Hey! Focus.”
Five opened his eyes again. He had been up until three in the morning due to a teen magazine bender. Those vapid things were somewhat addictive. Not that he would admit it to anyone. 
“I need to know what’s going on.” Five did feel lethargic. He worked and worked until he passed out trying to figure out this timeline. If they wanted to stay off the Commission’s radar, they needed to keep the timeline as consistent as possible. Five struggled to keep his head upright. 
“Hey, did you know the seven of us are the only ones Dad adopted? Everybody else is a boarding student.” Five shared. He was starting to feel more alert. He reached for his mug and the Bunsen burner he used to heat up his coffee water. 
“We have thirty minutes before breakfast. You should clean yourself up,” Luther said before leaving the room. 
Five scowled. Luther didn’t have to get him up this early. Five decided that teleporting to the bathroom was a bad idea this early in the morning and decided to walk so he could find an unoccupied one. He stared at the floor and shuffled his feet like a pissed off thirteen year-old the whole time. At least they weren’t required to stick to one bathroom like in his youth.
“The elusive old man finally decides to join us! How was your bender? Any wild stories? Amputee hookers? Or were you holed up in Dad’s office the whole time?” Klaus greeted. His bright smile and teasing words were grating. Five scowled at him and picked up the carafe of coffee that Mom had taken to leaving at their table. 
“Well, Klaus. I actually had a wild time. You know teleporting a girl or three in the room wasn’t too difficult,” Five snarked back. Five wasn’t actually interested in the whole sex thing, but Klaus didn’t know that. In fact, nobody except Dolores knew that the idea repulsed him. Besides, Five had a feeling that telling his siblings that he had been up all night reading J-14 and Seventeen would lead to more judgement that he just wasn’t prepared to deal with. 
“Did you actually?” Luther looked green in the face. He put down his knife and fork and gave Five his full attention. 
Five raised his eyebrows and took a sip of coffee. He would neither confirm nor deny. 
“Right, um, moving on. You missed Pogo announcing that we were to report to the foyer for an announcement. One through Twelve. It’s supposed to be super important,” Allison attempted. 
“Who cares? Five, did you-” Ben was cut off by Mom announcing that it was 7:53 A.M. 
“We better go and see what the old man wants.” Five teleported out of the room and into the foyer. 
He was met with Number Ten who looked up from her book in surprise when Five teleported into the room. 
“Hey, Five. I still get surprised when you do that. Any ideas for what the Headmaster wants to talk about?” Ten must have left breakfast early, “Thirteen and Fourteen were pretty pissed that they aren’t included in whatever this is.”
“I don-”
“You know, he hasn’t really talked to his seven science experiments in a while. Did you guys do something? Maybe Three heard a little rumor?” Ten was starting to piss him off. Her tone was condescending in a way he threw people’s heads through walls for. 
“Se-” He was cut off by everyone else entering the room. He was going to question the nickname ‘seven science experiments.’ As if she had the right to call them that!
“Hey Five, hey Ten,” Number Eleven greeted. Eleven was tall, thin, and very good looking. They were extremely androgynous, hence the neutral pronoun. They wore their uniform with the sort of confidence that Five had only seen in himself, Hazel, or Cha Cha. For a split second, Five wondered if Eleven had ever killed anybody, but then he saw Eleven had uncalloused, delicate hands. Those were not the hands of an assassin.  
“Do you think something went wrong? Maybe the rumor-” Allison whispered. Five gestured towards Ten with pointed expression so Allison would shut up. 
Just as an awkward silence was draping itself around the room, Sir Reginald Hargreeves walked in. He stalked around the room and did not look at Five or any of his siblings. 
“The Triwizard tournament is a grand and noble tradition that has lasted throughout the ages, until modern history. You students are amongst the lucky few with the honor and the privilege of submitting your names to the Goblet of Fire. Do not disappoint me. Report back to breakfast for your schedules!” Classic Reginald Hargreeves. Short, simple, and as cold as possible. 
Immediately, whispers broke out amongst the strangers. Excited curiosity and nerves filled the room. Five hoped that it wouldn’t be him. He had proven himself already. Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve filed back into the kitchen. Diego left with them.
Luther addressed the group with, “We should really plan-”
“Haven’t we planned enough?” Klaus clapped Luther on the shoulder and flounced after Diego. 
“Why is it still a Triwizard tournament if we’re joining as the fourth school?” Ben mused behind him. 
“Well,” Vanya piped up to his left, “Quadwizard tournament sounds pretty stupid.”
“It sounds like lazy writing to me,” Allison twirled her dark hair around her index finger, “Like some poor marketing executive or some bad author didn’t want to come up with a better name.”
Several weeks later, the Academy was buzzing in unrelenting energy and unmitigated chaos as numbers One through Twelve packed their belongings in the single, large suitcase they had each been allowed to bring. 
“Ben! Have you seen my left- never mind!” said Allison. 
“Ow! Sorry, Seven,” said an unknown person. The voice was female, so could have been Eight, Ten, or Twelve. Or possibly Eleven. Five didn’t know what they looked or sounded like today yet. 
Diego could be heard sneering, “Watch, where you’re going, Twelve.”
Five calmly packed the basics. The Commission taught him well. It took him two minutes to pack some uniforms, toiletries, and his school supplies. The same could not be said for the others who were frantically putting things in their suitcases. The Minerva would have dorms once they landed, but there was no point in bringing anything to decorate with. Ben would probably bring enough to make the space feel normal. 
They were going to be sharing rooms in number order. One and Two, etc. Five took a moment to feel bad for Vanya, who would be sharing with Number Eight. 
Then a thought occurred to Five. Five had spent months researching how to assimilate into this universe. Why not try to go home? 
As soon as it was there, the thought was gone. This was home. His siblings were here. Right? Five felt disoriented. His thoughts moved through his brain like jello. Then he simply stopped thinking about it. 
What was he doing? Packing for the tournament! According to Ben and Luther, this would be a dangerous ordeal. The goblet would pick the best candidate. If anyone was going to be picked, it would have to be him for his siblings’ sake. He was the oldest and most experienced. 
Then he remembered that he had already proven himself. So why did he feel the overwhelming desire to win this tournament?
On the morning of October 30, 1994, twelve children and their Dad/Headmaster boarded the Minerva Aircraft on their way from The Umbrella Academy to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
The plane ride was almost completely silent. There was still chatter, as Reginald was piloting the Minerva.
Allison and Five were poring over a wizarding teen magazine called Witch Weekly, which was distributed worldwide, while speaking in low voices that couldn’t be heard over the plane’s engine. 
“Since when are you the heartthrob?” Allison poked him and then the picture of him surrounded by tiny hearts. 
“I don’t know! That’s weird right? I guess in this universe I didn’t disappear when I was thirteen and now people think I’m attractive or something? I don’t get it. Who was the,” Five put up air quotes, “‘heartthrob’ in our universe?”
“Klaus and Luther had pretty strong followings,” Allison paused to think, “When we were fifteen, Ben had some sort of cult? And I was the only girl so...yeah. Oh, and Diego was popular towards the end, but no one could figure out why.”
Klaus was looking at the magazine in front of Allison and Five with interest. He raised his eyebrow at Five and gave a small wave before going back to his drawing. 
Eight, Nine, and Twelve were playing a card game a few rows above them. They were oblivious, unlike Ten and Eleven, who were talking in hushed voices and looking at Allison every now and then. Eleven’s hair was a bright shade of electric blue today. They had opted for lithe, feminine curves and the female uniform, but a very close cropped pixie cut. Five barely recognized them. Ten was attempting to ask Eleven to grow their hair longer so she could braid it. 
Luther was watching this argument with an apathetic look on his face, while Diego watched with interest. Maybe he thinks it will turn into a fight or something? 
Ben was completely oblivious to all of this and kept his nose stuck in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 
“Please, Eleven! It will look really good,” Ten pleaded. 
“For the last time, no. Piss off, Ten.”
“Fine. Sorry. Eight! Can you deal me in?” Ten demanded.
“Yeah, sure,” Eight started shuffling her cards again. 
Diego looked somewhat disappointed at the de escalation and went back to sharpening his knives. 
“Hey, Three, Five! Can I borrow your Daily Prophet?” Eleven asked from across the aisle. 
Since they had already gone through all of their copies of that newspaper, Five said, “Sure,” and handed them the October 29th copy. It was the most recent thing in the pile. 
The rest of the plane ride passed like that. Eventually, Diego borrowed their magazines as well once he ran out of knives to sharpen. 
The Minerva flew on through the clear sky. 
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prorevenge · 6 years
Sergeant DGAF 'Bout Your Emergency
So this started more than a decade ago, but I remember (most of) it like yesterday. It is my own story, and I tell this from my perspective. This is a long story, but I promise you will be staring at the screen, thinking “dafuq?” by midway through.
Early 2000s. I was in the military, mid 20s, stationed somewhere in Europe. Rank E-4. It’s a bit different when you’re stationed overseas, and your squadron basically becomes your extended family. The Mission is always priority #1, but everyone tries to go the extra mile to make sure their people are taken care of. This was my second assignment, and my second overseas assignment.
I had just gotten married when I was on an extended leave back in the States, during my PCS (Permanent Change of Station; officially changing your assigned base) to this new location. I became an instant father overnight, now having a wife and a 3-year-old (step) daughter when I had none before. My wife became pregnant with our son about 5 months later.
My new supervisor was a Master Sergeant, who I will call Bastar(d) Sergeant [sic], or BS, for the rest of this. Bastar-Sergeant the Master Sergeant.
BS was a family man, married for a while (about ~15 years or so) and had two kids with his wife, as well as two kids of his own from a previous marriage, with his wife ALSO having two kids from a previous marriage. This is relevant because BS, being a family man with six kids ages 4 to 17, often would have stuff going on with his family and need to cut out early, miss morning briefings, and so on.
It was no big deal if we weren’t working on mission critical stuff. It’s rough when the nearest military hospital is 30-45 mins away at another military facility and you can only depend on your own immediate family and fellow military members. Just about everyone, BS especially with his larger family, had to cut in and out of work fairly frequently when we didn’t have big things going on. But hey, take care of your people, they’ll take care of the mission.
Now, BS and I got along really well at first. He and his wife were both quite the “socialites” and would constantly – damn near every weekend – have parties at their house and invite people over. It was fun at first, but it really grew tiresome. Being a new family man myself, and really just starting to figuring it all out (translated: how to keep your wife happy and not both be miserable, while still trying to be a functional adult in the military), and I just could NOT keep up with the party-every-weekend lifestyle.
BS and Mrs. BS drank a lot at those parties, too. You could tell it took a toll on their health. I guess that might be tempting with that many kids, and a 17-turning-18 daughter that had just gotten pregnant with her foreign boyfriend, but I digress…
Like I said, I just couldn’t keep up, not every weekend. I slowly fell out of favor with BS and his “Good ol’ Boys Club.” He wasn’t hostile per-se, but there were times he would just get mean, and with increasing frequency. He would call me into his office for tiny things, like thinking I had shown up to work late, when I could prove that I had been logged in on my terminal 10 minutes before start time – meaning I was at least 15-20 mins early due to walking times, putting my coat and stuff in lockers, etc. But my terminal’s clock, synched with the atomic clock, didn’t matter compared to his clock on the wall.
I was also called out for attending big medical appointments for my wife’s pregnancy, like being there when they determined my son was a boy – I was called out specifically when everyone else was doing the same thing.
The assignment was slowly turning into hell. Meanwhile, the members of the Good ol’ Boys Club would often be very late (without phoning), constantly going to appointments, and so on. There was definitely some favoritism going on. But in such a small unit, overseas, what can you do? The guy was even buddy-buddy with the First Sergeant, and they had been friends since bootcamp.
Anyway, enough background. Onward!
The Main Event
This is where things got crazy. My son had just been born, healthy and at a good weight, not even two weeks earlier. I came home from work after a very long day, about 13 hours on a normal 8 hour shift, due to some stuff breaking.
My wife was exhausted because she was still healing from the birth, and our son had gotten really, really cranky and irritable through the day. He was non-stop fussing and feeling slightly warmer, but not quite running a fever.
I let her go to sleep, and to give her peace, I tried to sleep in the chair downstairs with the kiddo bundled up on me. He got worse and worse through the night, and at about 0300 hrs, I noticed that his diaper smelt really strange (sorry to gross you out), with just pee. It was a sickly smell, not at all what anything from a human body should ever smell like. He seemed hot, so I went to take his temperature. He had risen to 103.5 F – VERY dangerous for an infant.
I immediately wake up my wife and rush him to the hospital. She stays behind at home with our daughter, since the ER is no place to keep a young kid and we didn’t know anyone that could watch her at that late of an hour.
Since it would have taken longer to wait on an ambulance out in the countryside, I sped to get him to the military hospital’s ER in about 20 mins. They immediately put him on fluids and call in the on-call pediatrician. They move him to the ICU, and after a few long hours, I get told that they believe he has a urinary tract and kidney infection, and while they had gotten his temperature down to a safer spot, we weren’t out of the woods yet.
While waiting, knowing that my regular work day was coming up, I tried calling everyone’s phone number I had, but nobody answered. At the gym probably. After leaving some voicemails, I gave up and decided to wait until people roll in at 0700 hrs. I kept trying to call the unit phone number, but no one answered until 0720. I get asked by one of the guys where I was, I let him know I’m at the hospital due to an emergency with my newborn, and he gets BS over to the phone.
BS: OP, where you at?
Me: I’m at the hospital. My son is in the ICU, had a fever of 104 and a serious infection. I’ve been up all night and haven’t slept.
BS: Well you should be at work. You missed PT, and you’re late.
Me: *pausing, because, WTF?* … I need to come into work? My son had to go to the ER, he’s in the ICU…
BS: I don’t want to hear it. You’ve already been late multiple times. [but not really, as I mention above] *angrily* Get your ass down here!
Me: … Uh, well I’m not in uniform. I will have to stop by my house. One parent is required to be here, so I need to see if one of my neighbors can give my wife a ride to the hospital, and our daughter has to be dropped off at school because children can’t be in the ICU.
BS: Just get here. *hangs up*
I was completely floored. What. The. Actual. Fuck.
At no point in my entire military career, before and since then, have I EVER heard of anyone being forced to come in to work when an immediate family member was in the hospital for an emergency. I was half confused, half outraged, and wholly beside myself.
My wife shows up, I take the car home after updating her and making plans to take care of our daughter while we rotate shifts at the hospital. I did a very quick SSS – shit, shower, shave – and drive over to the shop.
BS ignored me when I arrive, other than a sidelong disapproving look. I start my usual routine, but I am exhausted, worried sick, and pretty fucking angry all at once. Some of my coworkers heard what happen and are concerned, but BS the tyrant seems to be angry himself and no one wants to approach him.
Revenge, Part 1
A few hours went by, with me keeping in touch with my wife on the status of our son. I tried approaching BS a few times, but he was having none of it.
One of the other Master Sergeants in the squadron, part of a different unit, but whom I had worked with before, came by and noticed me probably looking distraught. We’ll call her Hero Sergeant, or HS. She pulls me aside to one of the quiet corners of the shop.
HS: OP, are you okay? You look terrible?! Is something wrong?
Me: [I tell her about my son being sick and in the ICU – I was barely able to hold my composure in at this point, I was so angry yet so worried and downtrodden about my son, and I’m fighting to keep it together through the exhaustion and lack of sleep.]
HS: WHAT?! Why the hell are you here?!
Me: I’m not sure. BS ordered me to come in when I tried to explain. He won’t talk to me.
HS: Fuck that. Hang tight.
HS then quickly walks off. Now, our unit is on the other side of the base from the main squadron: about 15 minutes later, just enough time to drive to the squadron and back, HS appears – along with our unit Captain, and the squadron’s Major (XO to our Lt. Colonel CO).
The Major storms toward the unit office section, pauses and looks right at me, and says in an obviously angry but soft voice…
Major: OP, get out of here. Your place of duty is the hospital until your son is discharged. Don’t step foot in one of these buildings until then, I don’t care how long it takes. Take care of your family. Are we clear?
Me: *as I start to scramble* Yes, sir.
I proceed to quickly gather my shit together, all while seeing BS head toward that same office door and he gives me a glowering look on his way in.
As I leave, there is no possible way to doubt that everyone in the area, probably the whole building, could hear BS get absolutely reamed and raked over the coals by the Major as I departed. The Major was always a quiet and fair man, I had never seen him anywhere even approaching angry, so it was absolutely terrifying to behold.
I have to admit, it felt good to know that he was getting some of what he deserved.
My son did clear up eventually and was discharged from the hospital 5 days later, healthy and no harm done, thank God!
I know this first part’s “revenge” isn’t quite revenge, but it was sweet, sweet karma to see that asshole put in his place. Still, as good as it was, it made things worse between BS and I much, much worse.
Well after all that, BS hated my guts. Obviously, it would be career suicide to openly retaliate against me, so he found little ways to do so at every opportunity. That wasn’t to say I didn’t have my faults, I certainly did, and I made mistakes no doubt, but what he did was particularly underhanded.
You see, it wasn’t until he PCS’ed to his new assignment that I learned what he had done. My new Sergeant (NS) was awesome, highly relatable, and knew BS from previous deployments together - he indicated on more than a few occasions that he wasn’t exactly fond of BS.
In the meantime, I had gone to training to become a Sergeant myself and graduated at the top of my class with honors. I then went on to another deployment to the “sandbox” and came back with some major kudos from leadership there, working my butt off every day wanting to prove I was more than what BS tried to paint me as. It was after my return to home station that I learned what BS had been up to - completely behind the scenes.
Remember how even the First Sergeant was buddy-buddy with BS? Well the FS had also PCS’ed while I was deployed. Our new FS went through everyone’s Personnel Information Files (PIFs) and discovered that I had a massive - and I mean massive - stack of Letters of Counseling (basically, you got a “talking to,” and the LOC is documentation proving it) and even a Letter of Admonishment (LOA), a more serious version just under a Reprimand.
I found out from NS that when he and his boss were talking with FS, he was wondering how the hell I hadn’t been kicked out of the service with such a track record. But then he also noted how suspicious it was that every single one of the LOCs and the LOA lacked my signature - something that is required by regulations, acknowledging your reception of it (though not admitting guilt).
I had never been shown these, nor had any idea they existed. The majority of them were very minor infractions, almost none of which I had committed in any fashion. Even more strange, NS caught onto details that there were four of them dated for the same time I was in training (at a different base / different country), and one during a short deployment I had gone on earlier. It didn’t add up, and all three sergeants found it rather confusing and shady.
Thankfully, my performance once I was out of the shadow of BS was more than enough to convince all three sergeants that I was not the dirtbag that BS was trying to paint me as. I don’t know the details, but I do know that his pseudo-forgeries (he could just claim they were “incomplete” and not meant to be filed) caught up to him and he caught some flak for it. He retired not long later, and I hope that it was a black mark on his record.
Revenge, Part Two
So this is where it gets interesting again. Fast forward about four more years. I had gotten out of the service by then, finishing my second enlistment, and I moved back to the States to take advantage of the GI Bill.
It’s also worth mentioning that I’m an IT guy, and I’ve always got at least a dozen boxes of parts, tools, and hard drives. It’s also what I was in college for at the time.
I’m going through a stack of old ATA hard drives to see what I could salvage for a lab projects (we basically needed a bunch of “victim” machines to test against, and a few of us had old ATA motherboards hanging around). I’m checking them before I scramble/wipe the drives to make sure they’re working fine, and to make sure I’m not deleting wanted files/archives.
I’m flipping through this drive’s old files, nothing much beyond typical Windows folders, until I hit a buried directory with a bunch of images in it. I can tell they’re of the X-rated kind from thumbnails - not surprising, I’m a guy, and who didn’t have a sizeable porn stash in their single days, right?
But then I realized… these weren’t porn shots. These were homemade. It definitely wasn’t anything I had ever done. But I recognized something almost immediately - a unique lower back “tramp stamp” on the woman in the photos (faces were never shown). A tattoo I remember clearly: one of the wives of a guy in my old unit was showing it off after she had gotten it.
And the guy she’s on top of? Far, far too pasty of a skin tone to be her husband. It was then that I realized that this was one of the drives I had salvaged from a broken old PC that BS had given me for parts, back when we were still on good terms.
BS had been cheating on his wife with one of his subordinate's wife. Looking at the background of the photos, it was obvious that this was in the home of BS, too - if you remember, we had all been there many times.
Time to extract some revenge. I would like to tell you that I did some cool scene out of Mr. Computer or some crap like that, but really, simple efficiency won out here.
I knew BS, Mrs. BS, and the other couple were all on Facebook (they’d often come up as recommended friends-of-friends). I created an account that vaguely sounded like someone we could all know, and had military work history to match the assignment, in order to protect my own privacy/identity. I sent a few messages each to Mrs. BS and the husband of the tattooed wife. Once I got responses asking, basically, “Who is this?” I just pasted a number of select photos from the private photo shoot.
Mrs. BS, obviously recognizing her husband’s body and their old home in Europe, kept saying “WHAT THE FUCK?” - I said I was just the messenger, and to do with the photos what she pleased.
The husband of the tattooed wife first thought my new identity was the man in the photos and started to threaten me, until I told him to pay special attention to the background. He realized who the man in the photos was, having also been in that house countless times, and thanked me for telling him the truth. While we weren’t close, I do feel really bad for him. :(
(I didn’t feel too bad for Mrs. BS because she turned into a snob when BS got mean.)
I heard through my buddies from the unit that both couples were divorced, roughly a year later. All the old crew knew exactly who had cheated with who. I also heard that the divorce of BS and Mrs. BS was particularly bad. Nobody knows who leaked the photos, though.
This is the first time I have admitted to what I did, just for the sake of revenge and getting back at the bastard who did so much to personally attack me, even in a time of need, and who very nearly ruined my military career. Part of the reason I decided to get out of the service was because of him - I never wanted one person to have that much control over my life again.
I hope you enjoyed my story, sorry it was so long, but there was just so much that happened. I could add even more crap that he did, too.
And to Bastar-Sergeant, if you ever read this someday, I’m sure you will have realized who I am. I only have one thing to say to you: Fuck you - you deserved it.
(source) story by (/u/Celesae)
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