#they have an energy I cave rn
hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Featuring: MidLink, Twilight&Warriors qpr, hurt/comfort, blood loss, blood and injury, loopy talk, old and new memories
"Would you stop squirming and hold still you stupid wolf!" Midna chides as she tries to keep ahold of the Hylians arm. 
That puppy like whine escapes him as he tries to stop fidgeting. Each little tug of the bandages pulling at the raw wounds as the imp carefully patches him up. The crackling fire illuminating her in a way that the monoton lighting of the twilight just doesn't seem to achieve. But here in the dead of night, beneath a starry moonless black sky. Surrounded by the tall grass of Hyrule field. The light dances off her in such a special way. 
Despite how tired he is, how much every little movement hurts. Between cracked ribs, bruised limbs, and the deep gashes torn into his torso and various other places. Watching her methodically wrapping the bandages around his torn up arm ends up putting a small smile on his face. 
"What's with the stupid look?" She mumbles with a small frown as she glances at him. 
He smiles more, looking every bit like a dopey dog. "Y'er soft.." 
A startled bawlk of confusion escapes her. "I'm what?!" 
"Y'er soft.." He says with a tired little giggle. "Ya like t' think y're all cool an' mysterious but y're jus soft." 
"I am not soft!" 
"Yeah ye are, y're really jus, so soft. And ya care and y're sweet! Ya just act like a big grouch.." 
"Oh gods blood loss makes you loopy. Did you really loose that much? Are you going to live?!" 
Despite the little imps' concern Link couldn't help but smile even more. Giggles escaping him once again. It was nice to see how much she cared. Seeing the sweet under all of her sourness. 
Things were getting more and more dangerous, the injuries were starting to pile up. The ability to keep potions on him more difficult, and the time to travel to springs and supply spots is getting less and less even with the portals. 
At the start he'd bandage his wounds in silence and mend his armor when he couldn't sleep for fear of what could jump out of the shadows. Such a routine quickly became something that kept him sane, so he didn't even realize when she started helping. When she'd take over wrapping the bandages because his hands were shaking. Pulling thorns and teeth from his body and rubbing salves on his burns. 
Rather than waking up curled up in the dirt beneath Epona's feet alone and cold. He'd find her curled up with him like a cat during the night, staying as long as possible before the light would chase her into his shadow. 
"Oh, oh gods no don't do that! Put those back there's no need for any of your stupid human leaking! You're losing enough fluids as it is!" Midna frets with a forced tone of annoyance. Her small hands wiping at the damp streaks now covering his cheeks. 
That's funny? When did he start crying. Another soft chuckle escapes him as he leans into her hands unintentionally. Large warm tears continuing to well up more and more. Truth be told he doesn't have the energy to try and stop them, but try he does, at least for her sake. 
"What is with you! Seriously this shit spills out of you faster than blood.." Midna hisses though it's still far more concerned than annoyed. 
"'M sorry…jus sometimes they jus, kinda come out ya know? Kinna hard t' stop em once they're goin." He manages with a weak but wet laugh. 
"I do not know. I'm above them.." She huffs. 
That thought just makes him sad, his smile falling a bit. He knows very much how often she feels emotions. That she bottles all of them up and turns them into anger and sarcasm. 
Before he's really aware of what he's doing his arms are around her. Holding her close as he can without squeezing her too tightly, not that he has the strength to smother her with affection right now. Even so the surprised squeak he gets out of her is enough to get a choked giggle out of him. 
"Link! What are you doing!" Midna squawks as she tries to wiggle out of his hold without hurting him further. 
Link lets out another soft chuckle, resting his forehead on her small shoulder. "M' sorry…jus..j-jus 'member ya don't hafta be 'bove it all when yer with me…" 
The little imps wiggling stills as she lets out a soft sigh. Her small hand gently patting the top of his head before her little fingers card through his hair a bit.
"Alright you stupid little wolf…" She murmurs with a surprising amount of gentleness as she rests her head against his. "Get some sleep….we'll get you somewhere safe in the morning…and I'll keep the monsters at bay for now.." 
"Okay, okay buddy you're gonna be just fine..I just need you to calm down okay?" Warriors manages in as calm a tone as he can muster. 
Blood seeps through the deep blue of the blonde's scarf as he presses it firmly against the ragged wound torn into Twilight's chest. Staining his nimble fingers a bright crimson. 
"Mm..'s kinda hard when there's 'n adrenlin fairy flittin 'bout" Twilight slurs as his eyes travel around in a panick. Scanning the battlefield for signs of their friends.
They'd landed in Warriors Hyrule, dropped right in the middle of a battle. Time had been torn asunder again and it was sheer chaos, monsters from all of their worlds tearing through forces like paper. They'd gotten separated from one another pretty quickly. 
"Adrenaline fairy? Is that what you said?" Warriors asks with the small bit of amused exasperation he manages to muster. That ever so faint bell like ring to his words soothing Twilight at least a bit. "Please dear farmer, tell me that isn't actually where you think adrenaline comes from?" 
A pained but honest chuckle escapes the ranch hand as he lets his head plop back against the boulder holding him upright. "Makes sense don't it? 'S like a spell hits ya out of nowhere 'n doesn't ware off easy..mean we've…we've seen butterflies that can stave off..the cold….an frogs that k-keep yah wake…why not drenlin..fairies..?" 
More giggles escape him as he continues to ramble on. Part of him just wishing his brother would stop looking at him like he's dying. 
"Okay…okay big guy..whatever you say okay? Just uh…just use that fairy to keep awake okay? We'll get you a potion really soon here.." Warriors says with a nod, his melodic voice trembling slightly. 
"Heyyy…hey 'm okay…I'll be okay..I've..I've had worse….I think..certainly felt worse. So 'm kay…okay..?" Twilight says as he presses his shaking hands over the Captains. 
"Don't you dare start trying to comfort me." Warriors frowns with a shake of his head as he tries to make sure he's pressing as hard as he can against the wound. 
"Ya look so sad tho..." Twilight says with that sad puppy dog whine as he lets his head drop forward slowly. Plopping his forehead against his brothers so he can properly see those fierce crystal blue eyes, that are maybe getting just a little blurry because of the bloodloss. "Don't be sad…no reason t' be sad…" 
"I'm…I'm holding your skin together as you bleed out before my eyes! H-how…I'm..I'm watching my brother die and you expect me not to be sad!!" Wars croaks, that bell like sound rattling with a desperation the other doesn't like hearing. 
"'M not dying…no sir..not me.." Twilight murmurs.
"Twi you're!-" 
"Didja…did ya realize..how pretty yer voice is..?" Twilight interrupts without meaning to. 
"Yer voice…sounds like magic..it's all strong an…an commanding….specially..when yer usin that outdoor voice….it sounds like music! Is…'s really hard t' be mad atcha sometimes..specially when yer bein….'noyin..cuz the…the bells sound so happy…" 
Warriors cheeks flare a bright red as he tries to focus on the injury again. "Really?! Now is when you go on about something like that?! Now is not the time you stupid wolf!" 
Twilight can't help the chuckles that rumble out of him no matter how much they hurt. Squeezing the Captains hands as the wobbly giggles keep coming. 
"Oh my….all this time and blood loss still makes you loopy." 
The sweet feminine voice stills his laughter. All of the air being torn from his lungs at once. 
Warriors pulls his head away from his brother and looks towards the voice. Relief filling his composure. "Midna! Thank the goddesses..please, please tell me you have a health potion on you?!" 
"I do..don't worry he'll be alright."
Twilight's eyes fill with tears as he watches the princess come into view. The ruler of twilight kneeling beside him with ease and grace, almost as if she hadn't been missing from his life all these years. 
"Sweet wolf…did you miss me that much..?" She whispers softly as thin baby blue fingers begin to card through his hair. 
"Yer…yer really here..?" He manages on a choked sob. Immediately leaning into her touch as heavily as he can. 
"Yes you silly farm boy…I'm right here.." She murmurs as she carefully shifts closer to him. "Drink this for me okay..? You'll feel a little better…." 
Carefully she gets him to drink down the sour red liquid. His pain slowly starting to eb away a bit with each passing second. 
"It won't heal you all the way…but it'll be much better in a few minutes.." She whispers as she looks him over. "I've also got some bandages..so we're going to fix you up a bit alright?" 
He manages a small nod, the tears still falling heavily as he does. Time passes in a blur after that as his brother, and the woman he misses so dearly, carefully get him undressed bandaged and redressed in an efficient fashion. Apparently he even passed out at one point during the process. Because when he wakes there's a small fire lighting the gloomy little area. He can hear and see that more of his brothers had found them. Piled together and sleeping soundly in a couple different cuddle piles. 
He can feel Wars hanging onto him with a strong arm around his waist. That golden halo of hair telling him the Captains face is currently buried in his stomach, and he's at least calm enough that he's breathing evenly. He can also smell that it's Wild who's pressed up against his back in a tight little ball despite the fact he's nearly laying on him, but that's where his investigation stops. His eyes already beginning to water as he slowly looks up at the ethereal figure carding fingers through his hair again. 
Midna has him held in her lap with a pillow, his cheek resting against her stomach as he gazes at her. Her hood is down, showing that shaggy spiky red hair of hers that she usually keeps hidden aside from her long flowing ponytail. 
"You light dwellers and your emotions.." She whispers as she gently brushes away some of his tears. "Stop that now..you've lost enough fluids as it is…" 
He sniffles a bit and nuzzles into her touch. Closing his eyes tightly for only a moment before opening them again, afraid that if he looks away for too long she'll disappear again. 
"...It's okay..I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere for a while.." She whispers. 
"...promise..?" He murmurs softly. 
"I promise….so just sleep, Little Beasty…..I'll keep the monsters at bay for you.."
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suncaptor · 4 months
yeah this cannot go on i need to take something like my chest is exploding i can't calm down it's 7am i feel insane insane insaneeeee
#though I HAVE successfully testing that ldn gives me an insane amount of (anxious) energy when i'm on a 3-4mg dose but then i get foggy and#empty at 4-5mg i think#i'm not sure if i should go down to like 2 or try to find the window between#i wish i just had like. a year to get meds right and heallllll so badly#but i can't afford going all the way down and having more relapses#i feel like i'm having aheart attack rn it's so bad it's so acutely painful#and it's so weird bc it's so empty#too like last month i was so full of everything and especially uh attachment fear but now it's just like pain empty screaming pain#i think it's the not eating food enough thing#i mean I DID eat MANY crackers today. rolls eyes#not enough hhh#i know theres so much i have to get done but like ic annot do anything i can't even message anyone i can't i need to get sedated#i don't know if i should try having MORE ldn or ritalin (probably not bc it doesn't sedate me like adderall)#or just hydroxyzine or muscle relaxers#hydroxyzine is looking like the most likely option#bc i still associate muscle relaxers too much with trauma i can't take them they scare me#i feel like i'm dying#i don't think you guys get how fast i'm typing rn like i am going fucking insane if i die of a heart attack for real it would suck huh#no i KNOW this is panic i KNOWWWW i'm panicking but i also feel like i'm going to throw up and die forever it's so bad i feel so so bad lik#i don't think people get how bad everything is i need it to all calm down and stop i need it to get better i am not okay holy shit#you know what everything in my life might not feel fixable and i am letting all my professors down but I can probably take incompletes wors#comes to worst i need to take hydroxzyine sleep and then cave and buy some food tomorrow#like what's happening now i#there FEELS like there's a SHAARP HOOOK in my CHEST IMAPLING ME#if i sedate myself enough i might be able to communicate with people for real instead of burrowing my head into the ground forever and ever#yeah okay i'm taking hydroxzyine#i feel like the problem with antihistamines now after last year is [redcated]#trying to convinc emyself this is not a suicide attempt or self harm i just need to calm down hahahahafih;aeifahe;wifahewifae#that's what they're PRESCRIBED for#i think i want benadryl instead though bc it's shorter and it also makes me head clearer i wonder if i have any i think it's not here thoug
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sentientcave · 5 months
Oh shit I forgot to post chapter 4 lmao this week has been so weird. I was looking at my AO3 and wondering why there was 5k fewer words on AO3 than in my scrivener document. But that's why. (Some of that is chapter 5 now)
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thekittyfox2999 · 1 year
if i could
I would go back in time for an hour to kidnap Arthur Conan Doyle and make him listen to my headcanons about sherlock.
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cosmicfoole · 5 months
literally so me core rn, for day 3 of this stupid af cold:
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
plot twist sq's bio dad/bio parents aren't dead they either faked their death and left curtain panicking with a baby or he helped them fake their deaths and they're like, in cuba or something, and he literally doesn't think this is important information for sq. yeah the pedalians fucked off to cuba, and he has a kid now. what about it
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bordonfreeman · 1 year
Skipping out on family dinner because I spent all my energy for today cleaning the dinning room for said dinner 👍
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theemporium · 11 months
💰 charlos finding out that their sugar baby is sick and pampering her with the best items they can find, constantly sending medicine, etc.
totally not inspired by me having COVID rn
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You were stupid for thinking the maid would take the puppy dog eyes in full stride and not report back to your boyfriends.
The boys had been away for a double race weekend when you found yourself coming down with something. It hit you far harder than you expected and after a whole week of trying to push through it, you found yourself in bed with snotty tissues and a cough that made your chest feel like it was caving in. 
It was rough. And it sucked to go through alone, but you didn’t want your boys to feel bad. You had managed to avoid long calls or facetime attempts fairly well since it was the last week before they flew back. But what you failed to realise was that the maid who the boys hired to come by and clean the apartment a few days a week would snitch you out to her bosses. 
The messages you received from Charles and Carlos were a mix of concern for your condition and disappointment for you hiding your condition from them. You apologised and told them you couldn’t wait to see them when you were better (which only upset them further when you insisted that they weren’t allowed to see you at risk they would get sick). 
The race on Sunday had been at a fairly decent time, but the flu had knocked you out before a third of the race had even passed. 
You woke up hours later when the sun was no longer in the sky and the snotty tissues on the bed had been replaced with bags and boxes. Multiple bags and boxes that had designer labels on them no matter where you looked. 
Your brows furrowed together in confusion. 
“Ah, mon amour, you’re awake,” a voice sounded to the side of you, and you had little time to react before Charles was placing a kiss on your forehead before cupping your face in his hands. “Hm, your temperature seems to be getting better.”
“Charles?” You mumbled, blinking a few times before everything seemed to click together. “Oh my god—”
You had completely missed the race. Not only that, you had been asleep so long that the boys were able to fly home and apparently turn your bedroom into the next designer outlet.
“You need to leave,” you breathed out before you began to shake your head. “I’m going to get you and Carlos sick—”
Charles frowned as he reached for you. “Baby—”
“—and then you won’t be able to race and…oh my god,” you shuffled away from the boy, looking around the bed in confusion. “What—”
“You must think so little of us if you think we are going to leave you when you’re sick,” a second voice spoke up and your head snapped around to find Carlos standing in the doorway, a tray of food in his hands.
“Carlos—” You started but he quickly interrupted. 
“You’re ours, amor,” Carlos stated simply. “You’re ours to care for and spoil and look after. And that’s exactly what we will do.”
“But your races,” you argued weakly, sniffling a little but you didn’t fight it this time when Charles reached for you and pulled you against his chest.
“We’ll be fine for our races,” Charles reassured you before pressing another quick kiss against your cheek. “Now let us take care of our girl.”
You sighed and both boys grinned triumphantly. 
“The gifts are over the top though,” you told them with a shake of your head. “You need to return them.”
Carlos scoffed. “I think the fever is making you delusional, mi amor. Now eat up, you need the energy to recover.”
“Carlos—” You started but Charles shushed you with another kiss.
“We lost the receipts,” he lied badly before grinning. “And personally I think the little red set would make you feel much better—”
“Maybe when I’m not coughing up a lung,” you snorted. 
“I can be patient,” Charles retorted with a grin.
Carlos snorted. “Sure, amor, sure.”
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hystixia · 1 year
NOTE 、ignore spelling errors and whatnot. i literally dont even have time to format this properly rn sorry </3 this is lowkey shit so im sorry again LMAO
You don’t know if it’s possible, but Jeff Mason found a way to completely turn your brain off. Your tongue is lolled out, eyes rolled back into your skull as you babble out whimpers and begs and incoherent slurs of his name hanging off your seemingly numb wet muscle. However he is proud of the state you’re in because of him. After all, you were his whether you liked it or not.
“Nothin’ but a dumb fuckin’ slut, huh?” He breathes out with a smirk, breath hot against your neck and his body caging yours against the soft blankets and sheets of your bed. He’s so much bigger, so much stronger than you that despite your efforts to wriggle away from his painfully good thrusts, he keeps you locked in place with his large hands gripping your waist tight enough to leave marks. “That’s right, just a needy cocksleeve, hm? Too dumb to think, just made to take my cock. Isn’t that right, doll?”
You can’t reply, he knows you’re unable to fathom a single response in that fucked dumb head of yours. Yet he still talks to you in a mocking tone, grinning sinisterly at your glassy eyes as you cling to the sheets and gasp loudly in between “ah”s and “omph”s that fall from your bruised lips.
“J-Jef— haah! Jeff—” “Such a whiney bitch, huh? Never shutting that whore mouth’ve yours.” He hisses out, slamming into you impossibly harder and making you scream out until your throat is scratchy and burns. A hand wraps tight around your neck much like a snake would constrict around its prey, cutting off your airflow entirely and causing panic to mix with pleasure and pain. It’s all blurred lines for you, fingers digging into the skin of his wrist as tears fall down your face and his tip brutally kisses against your soft cervix making your gut tighten with overwhelming warmth.
“Gonna cum? Already?” He sneers, tilting his head as black strands tickle against your exposed collarbones. You wish you could talk back, you wish you had the energy and dignity to not behave like a god damn pornstar. “Didn’t know y’were such a cheap whore.” He chuckles, humiliating you further as your walls flutter tight and milk his thick girth as your juices web out and leave a creamy ring around the base of his cock.
However he doesn’t stop, he keeps going and it’s too much to handle. You cry out once more, begging in such a sweet and pathetic voice that it would’ve worked on someone else— anybody else, besides Jeff.
“Expected me to stop?” He laughs, cock twitching against your walls and he’s so close you wonder how he hasn’t caved already. His hand releases your poor neck allowing you to breath right as black spots started to prickle the corners of your vision and your lungs were burning from lack of air. “You don’t get a break, slut. Now shut up and take it.”
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Things I love about EPIC: The Musical
Greek mythology hehehehehhehe (my weakness)
Little Ajax
The slightly different styles in each segment but the overarching cohesiveness
The crew singing choral vocals for Odysseus
POLITES *screaming crying throwing up*
The crew introducing Eurylochus but Odysseus introducing Polites
Odysseus’s ‘Ha ha HA Haaaaa!” What a smug lil $h!*
His whole description of Athena ~ fanboy energy
“Bestest of friends(?)!” “Okay chill kid” ”okay :D”
Polites definitely almost knocking himself out with lotus before Odysseus definitely takes it away like “oh honey no”
I’m not a musically intelligent person so forgive me but the way the “take from you like you took from me / gift from you and a gift from me” sounds just makes my brain so happy
If music is math then that is definitely some solid well done math
“Nooooooobody, noooooooooobody, noo~ooOOOOOOOOOOOOH~bodyyyyyy”
“My brothers-!” yall I’m gonna freakin cry
The visceral death sounds when the club comes out
Polyphemus’s voice slowing like a giant robot powering down to show him falling asleep
The sound slowly fading in as Odysseus takes in the death around him (I imagine he’s looking at the remains of Polites)
The sound Athena makes whenever she appears or disappears (NOTICE SHE DOESNT MAKE THAT SOUND WHEN SHE LEAVES FOR THE LAST TIME! just empty wind…)
“The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them.” UGH BEAUTIFUL
The growl in “REMEMBER ME.”
Ship sounds!
The entirety of “My Goodbye”. It’s just such a good argument song and I love it so much.
Odysseus’s angry “HEY.” when Athena basically blames the death of his friends on his kindness.
The fact that Odysseus isn’t afraid to absolutely WRECK Athena verbally? She has definitely killed and turned people into spiders for less
You can tell he felt a little bad about it and that she actually was kinda hurt by it too (silence is a heckuva tool)
“Aim for the island in the sky” oh yeah I’m listening to a Greek myth wHEEEZE
Eurylochus slowly getting on Odysseus’s nerves till he literally has to pull him aside and tell him to stfu
No but actually Eurylochus is not being a real one rn he is not being helpful
The wind god ( *0v0*)
“Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?” WOW OKAY DANG
“Ruthlessness is mercy—DIE.”
The crew calling for their captain as they’re taken by the sea
THE AUDACITY OF POSEIDON TO REMIND ODYSSEUS OF HIS OWN WORD—“when does a ripple become a tidal wave/ when does a man become a monster”—DURING THIS CRISIS. WHAT A PETTY JERK (do it again)
Eurylochus try to confess and Odysseus refusing to let him. There three reasons I think this is: 1) he doesn’t know why he wants to confess but he literally does not have time for his #2 to be having a moment rn. 2) he knows what Eurylochus did and is choosing to keep him quiet because he needs the crew not to dwell on this/he’s trying not to punch him in the face. 3) he knows what he did and he’s saying “stfu” as a way of forgiveness. All of these are great options imo
“We couldn’t resist!” “What was it?” “A woman!” “…w h a t. -_-“ my man is fed up rn
Hermes’s insane laugh !!!! LOVE
Hermes’s entire song
Rhyming “Be hurt” with “beat her” BRAIN SO HAPPY
Someofthamagic~ BRAIN SO HAPPY AGH
The fight between Odysseus and Circe~ so evenly matched! Wits, power, but she beat him! She beat him even though he didn’t cave.
“I dug the root up w my bare hands!” “Hermes gave it to you didn’t he” “…okay fine yes but rGARDLESS—“
The fact that Odysseus calls Penelope his power
Circe’s empathetic sigh because she’s not a monster, she’s a protector, and her heart has been touched by Odysseus’s earnestness and love for his wife and for his brothers
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okiroash · 4 months
Obsessed with post-mt. silver red... the champion you hailed as a legend, a concept of what strength is, right now- is having trouble finding where he put his wallet because he didn't need to use money for three years (the cashier watches as red rummages through his bag, the sounds of various items clanking can be heard through the room...) anyway,, some fun headcanons for him that I first wanted to tell along with illustrations but,, I don't have the energy to do that rn,, -> He knows how to mimic a pokemon's cry to such accuracy,, esp those of wild strong pokemon that lives in mountain silver, this is so that- with just himself he can terrify the weaker pokemon and make them scamper away.. it's important that his team stay at top condition and not make them waste necessary energy in case something bad would happen -> Though this doesn't mean he uses his voice more, having no one to talk to (or even the need to-) for an extended period of time, makes it easier to get into a coughing fit if he were to talk too much, leading to him talking slower, softer, and always in short chopped sentences after coming down (but still have that polite way of talking, judging from the dialogue in FRLG with the pokedoll girl compared to ethan's.... who even uses "pardon me" these days? red apparently) -> He learned how to run on all four.. when there's literally just you and your animal friends in some mountain you're bound to be a weirder guy, sorry man (and he actually moves faster this way.. but red's aware that this is something he could only do in the wild) -> Red moves like a ghost, it's good when you don't want to alarm the wild pokemon around you (and now it's people to avoid getting recognized), but this makes it hard for him to announce his presence which always end up surprising people.. -> Whenever he doesn't know how to react to a joke or what it means, he will tilt his head and stare at them with the biggest autism eyes ever.... -> Post-mt silver red gets put into a lot of socially awkward situations, it can't be helped 💔 -> Because he spent so long in a dangerous environment, red is very vigilant and cautious, though.. sometimes overly that it's not healthy, it took a while for him to start relaxing a bit more after going back to "normalcy" -> Red tried to keep track of time by writing in his diary.. one day he flipped the paper and found that he had run out of them.. he started writing on the cave's wall instead -> talking about diary, it's one of his few emotional outputs, on really bad days it's full of scribbles, messy writing, repeating words and rarely, tear stains -> being far from a talkative person, he can't just vent out his emotions through talking.. and because he has such an unexpressive face, people often think there's nothing wrong with him, simply a hero you can always depend on. red developed a slight anger issue from not being able to properly express his emotions, sometimes he would bent and smash things to let off some steam (dw.. nothing valuable, probably trashes or rocks..)
-> He finds a lot of comfort in his pokemon, rubbing circles on pikachu's fur, sleeping on top of snorlax, feeling charizard's warmth... (yeah you get what I mean,,) He also likes getting carried by them, it's a feeling of comfort that something is guiding him, just like the old days with his mom
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the-ace-with-spades · 8 months
(an unfinished post I found as I scrolled through my drafts on the train to glasgow. putting it out there as i feel... something rn)
Whenever I think of Mav and Ice as Bradley's parents/parental figures, no matter what the scenario is, I always imagine that Ice is the softer one and Mav is the stricter one.
No matter whether the child acquisition happens when Bradley is in elementary school or when he's a teenager, I think Mav would already be more used to parenting Bradley, even if he'd never call it that, simply because I can't imagine him not helping Carole throughout the years. I imagine he's seen Bradley's first tantrums and was the one Carole called whenever Bradley was acting out, or whenever she felt like Bradley needed a 'man's hand' regarding issues with boys at school or was about to hit the big milestones like learning to ride a bike or start school or outgrow the car seat or anything that she felt she would be too emotional about to keep Bradley's confidence up. They'd always come to pick Mav up from deployment and would be at all of Mav's ceremonies and big events and it all worked in both ways --- Mav was a parent and Carole and Bradley were his family. He'd never call himself a dad, not even when Bradley started sometimes calling him that whenever explaining to the other kids that he's 'kinda like his dad' and Carole said it was okay, but he was a parent.
For a while after Bradley moves in with them, Ice is stuck in the fun uncle mode because that's who he was before. Carole called Mav whenever she needed help with parenting issues, and Ice was there when no one was available --- to watch Bradley when Mav and Carole were at PTA, or take him to the beach with Slider when Carole and Mav were at work on a Saturday, or to buy Bradley way too many birthday presents despite their protests. He's not here for discipline or to manage the tantrums or to guide Bradley from a toddler to a kid to a teenager to a young adult --- he's here to spoil him in ways Mav or Carole can't.
Even when Carole falls ill and he takes more responsibilities around Bradley, he's still managing them in the 'fun uncle' mode. He picks up Bradley from school and takes him out to eat junk food or out for ice cream, or takes him to baseball practice and ends up buying him a whole new set of equipment on the way, lets him stay up late and lets him eat too much sugar and then takes him out to the playground despite misbehaving and unfinished homework so Bradley can get rid of the energy.
When Carole passes away, it gets to the point where Mav has to have a talk with him.
When it became clear Carole wasn't going to make it, Mav and Carole sorted out her will, including Bradley's care. Mav had a whole breakdown about it, far away from Bradley's eyes, and when he told Ice he didn't know how he was going to do it all alone, Ice promised he wouldn't have to, that they would do it together.
But Carole passes away and Bradley starts acting out, like most grieving kids, and Ice is still stuck in the 'fun uncle' mode. He doesn't know what to do when Bradley sulks after school, or refuses to go to school in the morning, or refuses to eat what they made for dinner, or when he doesn't want to sleep alone, or 'forgets' to pack his backpack. He just---stands there and observes as Bradley gets chewed up by Mav. Or Bradley gets sent to his room to go and finally do his homework after the third time he comes back with a warning from his teacher and Ice can't get his sad face out of his mind and sneaks into his room and maybe helps him a bit too much with said homework. When Bradley doesn't want to eat the dinner he's cooked, even though he asked him three times what he'd want before he started cooking, he caves in and orders takeouts despite spending nearly two hours in the kitchen.
Mav is tired. He doesn't like being the bad guy all the time, he can't do everything either, and Ice disregarding any sort of discipline or change he tries to implement is not helping at all.
"You can't be the fun uncle anymore," is what Mav tells him. "I need you to be his parent, with me. I can't have you both working against me."
The thing is, Ice's never expected to be a parent. He realized he's gay since he was about fifteen and knew that if he ever married, it'd be a levander marriage, with a wife he'd never touch and probably divorce fast enough that the lack of kids would be understandable. He hasn't been around many kids either, mostly isolated throughout most of his childhood, certainly not enough to see healthy parenting in place. As a kid himself, he was mostly self-sufficient, with his mom dead and his father absent or disapproving most of the time. It's the only thing that got stuck with him when he's around Bradley --- he never wants the kid to feel alone or like he's doing something wrong just because the adults are not appropriative of it. He sees himself in Bradley whenever he looks upset when they tell him what to do or when they punish him for misbehaviour or when he simply doesn't know how to make it better for him. Spoiling Bradley is so much easier than denying him anything or even negotiating a compromise for him.
Mav might have been like Bradley in a lot of ways, but his mom never had a family friend that could take on a parental role for him --- he had to fill the void his dad left in their family from a very young age. When he entered foster care when she passed, he didn't have many options. It was either misbehaving and ruining his life before it started with a suspended sentence or an accident or pulling himself together. In some foster families it was misbehaving and not eating or walking around with a black eye or behaving and staying above the water line until they would relocate him again. He knew what discipline was and he met many many parental figures he could learn from, both bad and good stuff. He's met kids that were older than him and then became them and met kids younger than him. Learned tricks and things that work for certain development stages, learned parenting can't just be soft if he wanted to keep the kid alive and healthy.
So Ice starts to learn, slowly. Saying no is still really hard, but he starts negotiating and asking for things. Starts telling Bradley to do things he doesn't like. Sometimes he helps him do those things, but doesn't do them for him anymore, not from start to finish anyway. He tells Bradley Mav is right and he should listen to him, explains why he's right whenever Bradley talks back when Mav chews him out. He starts getting a grip on the things parents are supposed to be there to make sure that are happening --- homework, food, cleaning Bradley's room, making sure the kid is showering and sleeping, wearing clean clothes, managing tantrums and outbursts in a way that is different than caving in and leaving Bradley to deal with them alone. They become a team again, Ice as Mav's wingman in the whole parenting gig.
Mav starts to breathe again.
Eventually, Bradley grows out of the grieving phase. He's still a teenager, but Ice likes to think they did an alright job sorting him out. He's a sensitive kid, still, and Ice likes to think Bradley knows it's okay, that they love him no matter what. He likes to remind himself that the instances when Bradley makes puppy eyes at them to ask for a new guitar or for extra money for a theater or when he just crawled between them on the couch or the moments when he rumbles on about some asshole from his class freely as he peels potatoes for Ice --- he reminds himself Bradley feels loved enough to not feel like those moments are a burden on them. Reminds himself he's not only alive and healthy, but also happy and they made sure of that.
When Bradley calls Mav dad for the first time and Mav is mortified, Ice finds himself jealous. For the first time in his life, he realizes he wants to be a dad. Then he realizes he wants to be Bradley's dad and he feels equally mortified as Mav. Neither of them was ever supposed to be Bradley's dad.
Ice is still a bit softer. It's not that Mav can't be fun --- he can tease the kid, play around with him, take him on outings and places that Bradley enjoys more than anything. He is the one who takes him flying for the first time and the one that screams at his matches, and the one who teases Bradley relentlessly as he helps him prepare for his first date. But Ice gives in a bit more easily, let's Bradley make the choices a bit more freely as he grows up.
They both hover but in different ways --- Mav is always, always kind of around, trying to protect Bradley from anything he can, especially as the years go on and he realises how much shit teenagers get into. Ice likes to think Bradley is sensible and that even if something happened, he knows he can count on them and would let them help him if need be.
Mav watches like a hawk as if Bradley could ruin his life with one wrong move and tried to predict if it will happen at any given moment. Ice isn't stupid, he knows Bradley is going to fuck up time and again, everyone does. But unlike Mav, he doesn't want him to have a perfect, unproblematic life. He wants him to feel safe and loved enough that no problem would seem too big or irreversible.
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ccwpidsblog · 3 months
hi bb we're literally on the phone rn but im thinking about reader and how disappointed she'd be when her and the guys get to the base in London 😔
where are the trees? and the caves? where are the wandering tourists she can feast on? she's been happily eating exotic fruits on her island in brazil for decades and now shes forced to help these big nasty mortal brutes on their suicide missions. omg she's so so upset with her situation and hates that shes a woman of her word.
and to make it worse?? price won't even let her eat the new recruits or the men they hold hostage :((( not even a nibble. he's such a mean old man :(( like hows a girl supposed to get some nutrients around here? it's okay she might just eat johnny one day :)
i also made a moodboard?? for xoana cus she's one of my favorite ocs you've made. love you byeee
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omg guys i have the best partner everrrr 🥹🥹
read wild woman for context
she is highly disappointed with the living conditions of the base. its smelly, loud, and unfortunately littered with men who are very interested in 141s newest member. thankfully the reader has very weird and off putting energy in like a sexy way ofc that causes them not to approach and those that do are quickly sent away with their tail between their legs when her eyes slit and she snarls at them like a caged animal. which price or kyle quickly show their disappointment in her behavior leaving her huffy. johnny and simon will it wholeheartedly encourage it though.
i can just imagine ghost taking her by the back of the neck like a scolded kitten when he catches her luring in a new recruit. just as shes about to take a bite he swooping in "we told you no eating." carrying her away while she snarls and curses.
on the topic of food she's not impressed by it but she does get free rain missions, killing as many as she can and making their jobs easier and she does get hostages sometimes. only the ones that choose to be extra difficult.
and poor johnny he knows no peace with her around but he doesn't wanna be saved.
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p4r4syte · 1 month
its boiling hot rn so heres some lost boy hcs. what i think theyd do/be like in summer (mildly suggestive?)
pls add comments, ill add to it :3
David :
•avoids everyone. i know vampires are cold blooded but no doubt these mfs get agitated during summer. David the worst. he’d be sat there, coat discarded with a pissed off expression. still smoking. god forbid he doesnt smoke
•will even get pissed off with Feeding Time™️ because the bloods warm so he’d just disappear for days on end. hiding away. basically hibernating
•Is Extremely Snappy. he will go for anyones throat, doesnt even matter if youre together (god forbid mates), he’ll be avoiding you just in case but will Bark at the boys given any chance
•”he wouldnt hurt a fly” HE WOULD!!!!!! Fuck That Fly Do Not Invade My Personal Space
•will only calm down once hes cooler, he would genuinely have to piss off to the sea (or i imagine the cave has a watered in area) ((only dwayne knows about it but he let david in on it)) or hes sulking in a damp, desolate part of the cave. just waiting for the summer to end
•only one of the boys that can speak to david during this time is dwayne because of how hes empathetic towards his Boys. Marko And Paul Will Be DropKicked On Sight.
•sleeps upside down, near the darkest most secluded park of the cave. there isnt any air, theres no breeze. he doesnt care, he just wants to, fester. Leave Him To Fester
Marko :
•becomes more feral than he ordinarily is
•he Will be dangling from the ceiling, trying to catch any breeze that rolls in
•he will also be chilling with the pigeons, they find the coolest places in the cave to rest so Why Not?
•the summer heat will also be giving him unneeded energy. he WILL be playfighting with paul and then laying there overheating and gets pissed off once paul tried to interact with him again. Cant You See Im Warm? Jesus.
•will find endless cool drinks on the boardwalk once it cools down during night. itll give him no sustenance and he’ll be pissed off that he has a headache tomorrow but. Mmm Slushie :3
•still eats hot food and will complain about how hes warmer now than before he ate the food. yes he knew beforehand. no he wont stop. let him complain
•him and paul sit shirtless in the centre part of the cave, eating ice creams and then getting pissed off once theyve eaten them all (or theyve melted)
•calmer than david, less irritated than dwayne, less energetic than paul
•sleeps in a random, small part of the cave because the air rushes straight through (he followed the pigeons)(he learns many things from them, this is one of the many great things he found out)
Paul :
•please calm down. its Hot. Get The Memo
•continues his antics, just with, less clothes.
•the ONLY motherfucker thats actively trying to interact with everyone else
•he doesnt get it, god bless. not a single thought in that head x
•is also smoking. sat on that fountain (the cold marble against his back), trying to yell to the others (they ignore him) speaker blasting music (its pissing everyone off)
•the only one that actually leaves the cave (until he convinces marko to get slushes with him. then hes no longer going alone)
•a nuisance. a pure fucking mosquito of a man. he’d be stuck to you if he could, please don’t let him you dont know where hes been (various ponds) (hes upside down in a shrub) (dont help him)
•hes a boombox blaster, weedsmoking, white rum drinker in summer. or whatever he can get his hands on. but best believe he’s living it up even if he doesnt make it out the cave most nights
•sleeps drunk in the fountain, naked. Hey, Its Cool. What Do You Want From Me?
Dwayne :
•is the only one who Actually attempts to cater to the rest
•he knows exactly how everyone is and as much as he Needs To Rot too, he needs to check on everyone first
•only person hes really checking on is david lets be honest
•after finding david and just, checking, he’ll find his own section of the cave. not too far, within ear distance of Everyone in the cave
•he’ll just rest there for a while, just dangling, all sweaty
•sometimes he has enough energy to chill with paul and marko but quickly loses it after a while. paul is Way too much for him in this heat. Hes Markos Issue Now :)
•he is the only one that will remind the other boys that they need to eat. it may be hot, but you still need to eat. cue moody david, hyper paul, sweaty and overstimulated marko and coping mother dwayne
•doesnt speak to anyone, literally not at all, because hes just Too Hot™️ so he��ll just pull your hand to what he wants, guiding you to what he needs
•sleeps alone, in the centre on the cave. just above where they all gather, so he can hear everyone but is just far enough away to get peace. oh, hes also naked.
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improvapocalyps · 21 days
"Okay, yeah. If you kill a red name, killed a red name-" "I'll give you a life for that. That's the deal." "We'll be back together like buddies again, Bdubs."
In participation of Extreme Timed Challenge Gift Exchange hosted by @extremetimedchallengeexchange!
[gifs, full storyboard, behind-the-scene rambles under cut]
past 48h animatics: MCYTETC2023, ETC2023
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[Red Lives-Suspicion; Prayer-Determination; Fireworks]
Fiddled with gradient maps this time for some additional colors :D I would have colored in the eyes as well, but I didn't have enough energy left when the event hit the 47th hour xD
Also played around with camera movements. Respect to people who do fan edits and other forms of video/ assets editing 'cause keyframes are so 😭
13 hours to draft storyboard this time! Last year I used 16 but with waaay more frames idk how I accomplished that. Probably bc this year I'm drawing more than three(3) characters lmao
Progress Timeline:
[13th hour] finished storyboard/ draft (plany off time...) [25th hour] lineart for the first 10 seconds (wuh oh) [36th hour] lineart for the first 25 seconds (oh shit oh fuck gotta shorten it) [45th hour] finished Bdubs' part (NOOO I DONT HAVE TIME FOR ETHO)
ngl kinda glad i cut it in half rn 'cause i'd have to spend time figuring out shadowDog's design /lh
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Designs I used for Lizzie and Joel (old art from 2022 and 2021 respectively) (holy shit i've been here for 3 years???)
Joel *shakes fist* i hate u and ur stupid beard
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[Lyrics vibe/scene planning; hours before disaster]
I think most of the drawn parts didn't deviate from the initial idea. Mostly timing adjustments and building upon the vibes. The parts that were changed the most was the "And you caused it (×3 combo)".
Went from "vague flashbacks" to "following Etho and co. out of the cave and back to Scott's base while implying who Etho blames with single character focus shots".
The first one is Scott because he suggested the idea. Like, obviously he's to blame. It's not like Etho went along and cemented the deal himself. Scott totally peer-pressured him into it.
The second one is Etho because... well the scene ends up kind of being like. The sight of the Snow Fortress triggering a flashback. (EthosLab the content creator deliberately turned his camera towards the Snow Fortress and holds it there for a second instead of looking at the huge lava pillar right in front of him. What is WRONG with him.)
But also like. Clocks are kind of special to Bdubs right. Whoever gave him a clock basically has his (temporary) loyalty or at the least earned a favor from him. So like. If he hadn't gifted Bdubs the clock, which signifies a closer(?) bond, maybe Bdubs wouldn't be so devoted to him (wrong). Also serves as a call-back/ reference to the "Prayer-Determination" shot ("pray with clock" in the scene planning screenshot). I like to think that Bdubs weighted his options and thought about "if he will kill/ who to kill" a lot while following the other Red Names. And in that scene he's like, convincing/ motivating himself. Remembering who/ what he's doing this for.
(It is also meant to be part of my giftee's other prompt: "an exploration of the doubt one or both of them felt during the heart transfer that didn’t happen after Bdubs killed Lizzie, and the following guilt Etho felt." The Etho section starting from "we're setting fire to our inside for fun" til the end of the animatic is based on that prompt.)
After a brief period of self-blame, it's time to shift it onto someone else! Because you're in denial! If Bdubs hadn't gone red, then Etho wouldn't have to offer the deal. If Bdubs hadn't want to stay as teammates, then he wouldn't agree to the deal. If Bdubs wasn't so devoted to Etho, then he wouldn't have attacked Lizzie and gotten himself killed.
Then the animatic ends with the end of the session :D
...That's longer than I expected but also not that long. If you read through all that, tysm :] Tell me your thoughts! Have a good day/ evening/ night :D
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helloooo have a messy scribble page of oc concepts. unfortunately, im in love and will now proceed to ramble At Length
but before that! rudimentary height chart!
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all i know rn is Mairy - the cow - is about the same height as Howdy/Barnaby/Poppy (around 8ft), Hettie & Daisy are in the Wally/Julie/Sally category (around 3ft), and Jesterly is more Frank/Eddie (around 4ft). Derry Drake is fuckoff huge, and Casey is... idk really. tall but not That tall
so. rambles. i... have those, yeah
Mairy Love - she/her - lesbian a gorgeous white/blue cow! originally she was gonna be pink/white, but blue/white is my favorite color combo and honestly? it's dairy colors to me. she's big! she's strong! she's very gentle and sweet but also takes shit from no one, even though she doesn't like confrontation much (unless its playful roughhousing! jokes fly completely over her head! i'm thinking she tends to a lovely orchard of various fruit trees, and probably cultivates some crops for fun as well. maybe seasonal ones? pumpkins for the spooky season, fir trees for those snowy days, etc.
Casey J. Mittens - he/him - aro this orange fella is scaredy cat central! unfortunately for him, he's also curious to a fault! curiosity killed the cat, and he fears the day that rings true for him! he'd rather curl up at home or in a cozy tree, crocheting something cute from one of his many balls of yarn than do anything else. he tries to be a voice of reason, but is too easily convinced otherwise. he's that friend who says "we shouldn't be doing this" as he wholeheartedly assists in the shenanigan in question.
Hettie (currently undecided) - she/her - bi true to her honeybee heritage, Hettie is a florist! she boasts an impressive array of flowers that she tends to like her life depends on it. she's always running around to make sure they're all getting the best care - and she's always checking in on her pals to make sure they're taken care of, too. she's a busy bee who wouldn't know a day's rest if it stung her on the ass! It takes a lot to make her mad, but everybody better watch out when her wings start buzzing
Daisy Hop - she/him - pan i actually created Daisy as a supplementary character for a certain au, but realized i could find a place for her in this little group. i'm thinking he runs a little shop - a roadside stall, more like - where she can both sell her own homemade candy & his friends' stuff! she's the only one in the group that can keep up with Hettie's energy, and even surpass it at times. though unlike Hettie, Daisy knows how to take (and appreciate) a break!
Jesterly - whatever/is/funniest - Derry a menace. they love pranks above all else, oftentimes at the expense of others. he's always up to something and is never not scheming something! there's always Someone to bother! in all honesty she's more like an annoying stray cat that no one can get rid of... and they better not try, or they'll face the wrath of this fool's Very large partner! The jester's cap never comes off, and neither does the mask!
Derry Drake - they/them - Jesterly there's no sugarcoating it - Derry is a big lazy grump! it's almost impossible to get them out of their cave, or off of any place they decide to nap. the only thing that can reliably get them moving is the promise - or prospect - of food. it's a wonder how they've accumulated such a hoard of random things in the back of their cave, seeing as they rarely get up at all. they're incredibly nearsighted and bite first, ask questions later - after all, who knows if the colorful blob in front of them is food or not! better to be safe than hungry!
currently in my mind they have their own little community deep in the woods. Daisy lives in a modified burrow, Maisy has a cute farmhouse, Casey lives in a cozy treehouse, Hettie has a small cottage, and Derry & Jesterly live in a cave. within their community, they share practically everything. want a snack? pluck something from the orchard. need a new pair of mittens? ask Casey! i suppose you could say they're communists <3 (except for Daisy. she won't charge his friends, but anyone else is free game)
Mairy and Hettie have romantic tension, Daisy and Derry are the only ones who can tolerate Jes, Mairy wants Jes dead, Casey is terrified of Derry, Daisy's rapid-fire speech confuses everyone but Hettie, etc. i should make a chart for funsies...
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