#im not emotionally prepared for him to die
hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Featuring: MidLink, Twilight&Warriors qpr, hurt/comfort, blood loss, blood and injury, loopy talk, old and new memories
"Would you stop squirming and hold still you stupid wolf!" Midna chides as she tries to keep ahold of the Hylians arm. 
That puppy like whine escapes him as he tries to stop fidgeting. Each little tug of the bandages pulling at the raw wounds as the imp carefully patches him up. The crackling fire illuminating her in a way that the monoton lighting of the twilight just doesn't seem to achieve. But here in the dead of night, beneath a starry moonless black sky. Surrounded by the tall grass of Hyrule field. The light dances off her in such a special way. 
Despite how tired he is, how much every little movement hurts. Between cracked ribs, bruised limbs, and the deep gashes torn into his torso and various other places. Watching her methodically wrapping the bandages around his torn up arm ends up putting a small smile on his face. 
"What's with the stupid look?" She mumbles with a small frown as she glances at him. 
He smiles more, looking every bit like a dopey dog. "Y'er soft.." 
A startled bawlk of confusion escapes her. "I'm what?!" 
"Y'er soft.." He says with a tired little giggle. "Ya like t' think y're all cool an' mysterious but y're jus soft." 
"I am not soft!" 
"Yeah ye are, y're really jus, so soft. And ya care and y're sweet! Ya just act like a big grouch.." 
"Oh gods blood loss makes you loopy. Did you really loose that much? Are you going to live?!" 
Despite the little imps' concern Link couldn't help but smile even more. Giggles escaping him once again. It was nice to see how much she cared. Seeing the sweet under all of her sourness. 
Things were getting more and more dangerous, the injuries were starting to pile up. The ability to keep potions on him more difficult, and the time to travel to springs and supply spots is getting less and less even with the portals. 
At the start he'd bandage his wounds in silence and mend his armor when he couldn't sleep for fear of what could jump out of the shadows. Such a routine quickly became something that kept him sane, so he didn't even realize when she started helping. When she'd take over wrapping the bandages because his hands were shaking. Pulling thorns and teeth from his body and rubbing salves on his burns. 
Rather than waking up curled up in the dirt beneath Epona's feet alone and cold. He'd find her curled up with him like a cat during the night, staying as long as possible before the light would chase her into his shadow. 
"Oh, oh gods no don't do that! Put those back there's no need for any of your stupid human leaking! You're losing enough fluids as it is!" Midna frets with a forced tone of annoyance. Her small hands wiping at the damp streaks now covering his cheeks. 
That's funny? When did he start crying. Another soft chuckle escapes him as he leans into her hands unintentionally. Large warm tears continuing to well up more and more. Truth be told he doesn't have the energy to try and stop them, but try he does, at least for her sake. 
"What is with you! Seriously this shit spills out of you faster than blood.." Midna hisses though it's still far more concerned than annoyed. 
"'M sorry…jus sometimes they jus, kinda come out ya know? Kinna hard t' stop em once they're goin." He manages with a weak but wet laugh. 
"I do not know. I'm above them.." She huffs. 
That thought just makes him sad, his smile falling a bit. He knows very much how often she feels emotions. That she bottles all of them up and turns them into anger and sarcasm. 
Before he's really aware of what he's doing his arms are around her. Holding her close as he can without squeezing her too tightly, not that he has the strength to smother her with affection right now. Even so the surprised squeak he gets out of her is enough to get a choked giggle out of him. 
"Link! What are you doing!" Midna squawks as she tries to wiggle out of his hold without hurting him further. 
Link lets out another soft chuckle, resting his forehead on her small shoulder. "M' sorry…jus..j-jus 'member ya don't hafta be 'bove it all when yer with me…" 
The little imps wiggling stills as she lets out a soft sigh. Her small hand gently patting the top of his head before her little fingers card through his hair a bit.
"Alright you stupid little wolf…" She murmurs with a surprising amount of gentleness as she rests her head against his. "Get some sleep….we'll get you somewhere safe in the morning…and I'll keep the monsters at bay for now.." 
"Okay, okay buddy you're gonna be just fine..I just need you to calm down okay?" Warriors manages in as calm a tone as he can muster. 
Blood seeps through the deep blue of the blonde's scarf as he presses it firmly against the ragged wound torn into Twilight's chest. Staining his nimble fingers a bright crimson. 
"Mm..'s kinda hard when there's 'n adrenlin fairy flittin 'bout" Twilight slurs as his eyes travel around in a panick. Scanning the battlefield for signs of their friends.
They'd landed in Warriors Hyrule, dropped right in the middle of a battle. Time had been torn asunder again and it was sheer chaos, monsters from all of their worlds tearing through forces like paper. They'd gotten separated from one another pretty quickly. 
"Adrenaline fairy? Is that what you said?" Warriors asks with the small bit of amused exasperation he manages to muster. That ever so faint bell like ring to his words soothing Twilight at least a bit. "Please dear farmer, tell me that isn't actually where you think adrenaline comes from?" 
A pained but honest chuckle escapes the ranch hand as he lets his head plop back against the boulder holding him upright. "Makes sense don't it? 'S like a spell hits ya out of nowhere 'n doesn't ware off easy..mean we've…we've seen butterflies that can stave off..the cold….an frogs that k-keep yah wake…why not drenlin..fairies..?" 
More giggles escape him as he continues to ramble on. Part of him just wishing his brother would stop looking at him like he's dying. 
"Okay…okay big guy..whatever you say okay? Just uh…just use that fairy to keep awake okay? We'll get you a potion really soon here.." Warriors says with a nod, his melodic voice trembling slightly. 
"Heyyy…hey 'm okay…I'll be okay..I've..I've had worse….I think..certainly felt worse. So 'm kay…okay..?" Twilight says as he presses his shaking hands over the Captains. 
"Don't you dare start trying to comfort me." Warriors frowns with a shake of his head as he tries to make sure he's pressing as hard as he can against the wound. 
"Ya look so sad tho..." Twilight says with that sad puppy dog whine as he lets his head drop forward slowly. Plopping his forehead against his brothers so he can properly see those fierce crystal blue eyes, that are maybe getting just a little blurry because of the bloodloss. "Don't be sad…no reason t' be sad…" 
"I'm…I'm holding your skin together as you bleed out before my eyes! H-how…I'm..I'm watching my brother die and you expect me not to be sad!!" Wars croaks, that bell like sound rattling with a desperation the other doesn't like hearing. 
"'M not dying…no sir..not me.." Twilight murmurs.
"Twi you're!-" 
"Didja…did ya realize..how pretty yer voice is..?" Twilight interrupts without meaning to. 
"Yer voice…sounds like magic..it's all strong an…an commanding….specially..when yer usin that outdoor voice….it sounds like music! Is…'s really hard t' be mad atcha sometimes..specially when yer bein….'noyin..cuz the…the bells sound so happy…" 
Warriors cheeks flare a bright red as he tries to focus on the injury again. "Really?! Now is when you go on about something like that?! Now is not the time you stupid wolf!" 
Twilight can't help the chuckles that rumble out of him no matter how much they hurt. Squeezing the Captains hands as the wobbly giggles keep coming. 
"Oh my….all this time and blood loss still makes you loopy." 
The sweet feminine voice stills his laughter. All of the air being torn from his lungs at once. 
Warriors pulls his head away from his brother and looks towards the voice. Relief filling his composure. "Midna! Thank the goddesses..please, please tell me you have a health potion on you?!" 
"I do..don't worry he'll be alright."
Twilight's eyes fill with tears as he watches the princess come into view. The ruler of twilight kneeling beside him with ease and grace, almost as if she hadn't been missing from his life all these years. 
"Sweet wolf…did you miss me that much..?" She whispers softly as thin baby blue fingers begin to card through his hair. 
"Yer…yer really here..?" He manages on a choked sob. Immediately leaning into her touch as heavily as he can. 
"Yes you silly farm boy…I'm right here.." She murmurs as she carefully shifts closer to him. "Drink this for me okay..? You'll feel a little better…." 
Carefully she gets him to drink down the sour red liquid. His pain slowly starting to eb away a bit with each passing second. 
"It won't heal you all the way…but it'll be much better in a few minutes.." She whispers as she looks him over. "I've also got some bandages..so we're going to fix you up a bit alright?" 
He manages a small nod, the tears still falling heavily as he does. Time passes in a blur after that as his brother, and the woman he misses so dearly, carefully get him undressed bandaged and redressed in an efficient fashion. Apparently he even passed out at one point during the process. Because when he wakes there's a small fire lighting the gloomy little area. He can hear and see that more of his brothers had found them. Piled together and sleeping soundly in a couple different cuddle piles. 
He can feel Wars hanging onto him with a strong arm around his waist. That golden halo of hair telling him the Captains face is currently buried in his stomach, and he's at least calm enough that he's breathing evenly. He can also smell that it's Wild who's pressed up against his back in a tight little ball despite the fact he's nearly laying on him, but that's where his investigation stops. His eyes already beginning to water as he slowly looks up at the ethereal figure carding fingers through his hair again. 
Midna has him held in her lap with a pillow, his cheek resting against her stomach as he gazes at her. Her hood is down, showing that shaggy spiky red hair of hers that she usually keeps hidden aside from her long flowing ponytail. 
"You light dwellers and your emotions.." She whispers as she gently brushes away some of his tears. "Stop that now..you've lost enough fluids as it is…" 
He sniffles a bit and nuzzles into her touch. Closing his eyes tightly for only a moment before opening them again, afraid that if he looks away for too long she'll disappear again. 
"...It's okay..I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere for a while.." She whispers. 
"...promise..?" He murmurs softly. 
"I promise….so just sleep, Little Beasty…..I'll keep the monsters at bay for you.."
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m-4-gp-13 · 3 months
i am a sham, it took until today for me to order my copy of the sunshine court. if this series has taught me anything, its that things can always be worse than expected so im scared to find out
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i-earned-my-stripes · 8 months
I can't tell if I'm just super emotional because I'm getting over being sick, or if I am just an emotional person, but I legit was fighting tears on the drive home from work today cause IM JUST SO PROUD OF MY KIDS!!!
Today was my first day back after being out for a week. Two separate bugs are sweeping through the center at the moment, and I was the only one of my coworkers who was unlucky enough to catch both at the exact same time. So my kids have had a week to grow, and usually, there isn't a lot of change in one week. BUT THESE KIDS DID SO GREAT AND IM SO PROUD OF THEM THAT IF I DONT TELL ABOUT IT I MIGHT PHYSICALLY BURST!!!!
1. One of our kiddos is a really sweet, generally gentle kid, but we have had a problem of him getting super aggressive. Granted, he almost never is the instigator, but he will start throwing hands the moment his buttons get pushed too hard. So, we've really started focusing on teaching him to use words when our friends encroach on our space, try to take our toys, etc. Last week, right before I got sick, was the first time he used his words before going to hit. It was super sweet and cute and I almost cried. I'll tell about that more in detail if interested, but TODAY!! TODAY HE SPENT THE WHOLE DAY LOUDLY SHOUTING NO AT HIS FRIENDS WHO WERE TRYING TO TAKE HIS TOYS!! AND HE DID IT MULTIPLE TIMES EACH TIME BEFORE EVEN TRYING TO HIT (by which time we were usually able to intervene).
2. One of our older ones (~18 months) is a really sweet player. He has older siblings, so this is to be expected, as younger siblings frequently learn a bit faster from watching their older siblings. Well, before I got sick, he would frequently come up to me and just pass a toy back and forth together. He'd try to do this with other friends, but would end up too upset that his friend wouldn't pass the toy back, so he doesn't do that as much anymore. Well, today, he came up to me as I was sitting on the floor with two little people, smacked them together a few times and then gave them to me. INSTEAD OF WAITING FOR ME TO TAKE MY TURN LIKE USUAL, He then turned, grabbed two animals and started smacking them together a bit. After about a minute, he turned back to me, gave me his toys and took mine and then went back to play! HE WAS A) SHOWING ME HOW TO PLAY, B) TAKING TURNS WITH MULTIPLE TOYS, AND C) ENGAGING IN PARALLEL PLAY WITH ME!!!!! NONE OF THOSE ARE USUALLY NOT SEEN UNTIL A FEW MONTHS AFTER TURNING 2!!!! AND!!!! AND!!! AND!!! He recognized that not all of his classmates are at his level and he was engaging in play with them in ways that wouldn't frustrate him. Like, he spent about 10 minutes playing chase and peekaboo and what not with one of our ~14 month olds.
3) For the two weeks before I got sick, I've consistently had a fight with one of our kiddos about washing hands. He loves washing his hands, so I don't know why it's been a fight, but he would refuse to wash his hands before and after eating. I'd have to physically bring him over to the sink and almost wrestle with him just to get him to cooperate. Again, he loves washing his hands. He'll be smiling and laughing the whole time, but I'd have to fight to get him to do so. Today? Some slight petulance and resistance, but no fight!!
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
You Sacrifice Yourself for Them Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Legend, Sky, Time x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
This was not how this day was supposed to go. This was not how this dungeon was supposed to go! The group calls him 'Veteran' for a reason. He's done more dungeons on his own than the lot of them combined. He's quick on his feet, able to complete the most complex puzzles like child's play, and barely breaks a sweat against the foes that lurk in every damp shadow. Anymore, dungeons are easy (too easy, maybe, compared to some of the rougher...emotionally draining parts of his journeys). 
This was supposed to be just as easy. He had no shame in bragging or flexing his skills, yet all that has officially flown out the window in a way that one could deem quite literal, actually. A quick whiz of air and an echoed shatter that would've reminded him of the wonderful sound of broken pottery if not for how horrifying it was in true comparison. No, that sound was far from exhilarating, especially paired with the image of you falling sideways like a lifeless doll, pieces of tile bouncing off your head and exploding in the air like fireworks trailed by crimson. 
Legend isn't sure if he managed to catch you in time. He probably did, but in his panic he feared you might've hit your head on the floor as if that's not exactly what already happened to knock you out in the first place. Damn floor tiles! Usually they're just embarrassing annoyances when prepared for them, but that's the problem: he wasn't. When those dangerous squares came flying at him at a blurring speed, he expected to take on the hit, not for you to shield him with your own body. What in Hylia's name were you even thinking?!
For what feels like hours but is really only a few seconds, Legend's mind runs rapidly with petrified thoughts: Are you dead? Did he just let you die for his sake? It's supposed to be the other way around if anything! He's the world's punching bag, not you. You're…too special for any of that…
"Hylia, t-that hurt..." Legend snaps out of it only when you groan, barely able to open your eyes against the blinding light of the torch - the only light in the room - which has long been abandoned behind both of you. 
"Are you kidding me?! Are you stupid or something?! What the hell were you even thinking doing that?! Do you know what could've happened if you got hit hard enough or at the wrong angle?! You could've been given a concussion, put into a coma, o-or -"
"- But it could've ruined your pretty face."
Legend’s words choke in his throat as he stares at you as if you've suddenly grown several heads...that or he has just now realized you're the biggest idiot in Hyrule, who knows? Clearly, you're still in a daze yourself, head wobbling around as you blink rapidly with pupils dilated wide. Maybe the whole concussion thing can't actually be ruled out quite yet.
"...Stupid..." Legend mumbles under his breath with a click of his tongue as he looks away from you, "...What about your face then?"
"Awww. You think I'm pretty, too?" 
He huffs instead of answering, carefully helping you up before draping your arm over his shoulders and pulling you securely against his side where he can better keep you from stumbling off into something or, Hylia forbid, trip face first into the ground, causing more damage aside from the goose egg already bruising your forehead and the line of blood dripping down it, "We need to get you to the Traveler. ‘get you fix up.”
"Huh? But what...what 'bout the dungeon?" 
"We can come back later. The treasure at the end probably isn't worth it anyways if floor tiles are what's guarding it."
You hum distantly, dropping your head directly against his without any notice to the way this makes his cheeks flare unwillingly, "...Hey Legs?"
"Can you please not tell anyone I got beat up by pieces of floor?"
Legend snorts and pretends to think your question over, "Hmm…In light of you saving my life, I guess I can keep that promise."
"Thanks, bun."
"You know, on second thought, maybe I won't."
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Sky awoke in a pleasant mood that was only made better upon remembering his current whereabouts. He had a wonderful dream about being back home during peaceful times, and while disappointed to leave such a relaxing feeling, at least he found himself still in that cozy little inn the Chain decided to stay at for the night. What was better was that it appeared to be rather early. The sun was barely shining through the window, only barely peeking over the village roofs, and the room itself was silent aside from the sound of some snoring which confirmed that the rest of his roommates were still fast asleep, thus Sky figured there would be no harm in dozing off for a few extra minutes until he hears someone else get up for the day…That was his plan, anyways…
"...Hey Sky?"
"You, uh, know there's only ten minutes until eight, right?"
In a blink of an eye, Sky shoots straight up, suddenly not feeling so tired. Rubbing his eyes and bearing through his new headache, he's horrified to confirm that you must be right. The window is now glowing in a bright gold, showing a bustling little village outside. You, yourself, are already dressed in your tunic, hair done and ready to go. Legend and Wind, who had been your other roommates last night, must follow the same status seeing as neither of them nor their belongings are here anymore. It's just you and Sky.
In an instant, he leaps out of bed, nearly tripping yet recovering as he hurries to find his own belongings which seems a lot harder to accomplish in his panicked state compared to any other day. You, meanwhile, replace his spot upon the bed, sitting down there with an apologetic look, "I would have woken you up sooner, but I wasn't sure if you were purposefully sleeping in."
"You're alright - uh, thank you for waking me up at all," Sky backtracks when he remembers he had folded his tunic under his bed, kneeling down to grab it along with the rest of his belongings stuffed under there, "Where's the Vet and Pirate?"
"Already at breakfast. Wild dropped by a little while ago to say that it would be ready soon. I'm sure the others are already digging in."
"I'm sure there'll be enough left for us regardless. He always makes so much whenever we stay somewhere with an actual kitchen..." Despite Sky having worn an undershirt to bed, you still feel the need to awkwardly look away as he pulls the rest of his clothes overhead, "You must have a real talent for sleeping because the rest of us woke up to a loud 'thud' and cursing...'don't think Legend will be taking the top bunk at the next inn we reach."
Fully dressed, Sky's first order of business should really be to rush downstairs instead of testing his luck with angry companions, but he takes the time to spare you a glance instead, "Why haven't you gone downstairs yet?"
The question, once thought of, weighs heavy on his mind. You just said that you awoke with the others, however you chose to stay here and risk getting in trouble yourself for tardiness rather than joining them. 
You merely shrug as if it’s of no concern, "I figured I'd wait for you. Like I said, I didn't know if you were purposefully sleeping in and I would've felt worse if I fully gambled on that, leaving you to sleep until noon and suffer Time's wrath."
Sky fidgets and stares down at his feet, although when he opens his mouth to say something, you're standing again while pushing him towards the door, "But let's not push our luck too far, alright? Time was pretty adamant about getting out of here at a decent time."
Yes, he was. He had made a strict point of that last night which is further emphasized by the fact that he is already standing at the bottom of the staircase by the time you both appear at the top of it. It appears that he was just about to make his way up to scold you, but since you've so kindly met him halfway, he can do that from here, "I assume there's a good reason for sleeping in yet again, Skyloftian?"
Sky gulps under the Old Man's glare, prepared to take on whatever punishment that will soon follow seeing as he's officially reached his limit of making the entire group late, however as quickly as he begins to dread the thought of taking on an extra watch for the night or doing a supply run with his own rupees, you're beating him to an explanation, "It's my fault, actually. I had a rough night and didn't realize what time it was until Sky woke me. If he hadn't waited for me, he wouldn't have been late so don't be too mad at him, okay?"
"That's not -" Sky's head whips towards you in surprise, however he falls silent when you give him a look that commands it.
Time hums, glancing between the two of you without much sign that he believes your lie. He has no reason to considering that Wind had already mentioned you were up and at 'em this morning. Perhaps if you had crossed his path earlier for this conversation, he would’ve been more inclined then to point this out, forcing you to confess the truth, although it’s five minutes till eight now meaning he'd be wasting time none of you have to argue not to mention he really doesn't care so long as everyone’s ready to go.
"Well, since you're both technically down here before eight, I'll let it slide this time," He narrows his eyes at you both, taking some sort of pride in how you each bow your heads shamefully, however that's the extend of it before he turns his heel, "But it's up to you to savage yourselves breakfast before Wild packs it up and I still expect you all to be out in the lobby by eight sharp, not a second later even if it means you have to go without a starting meal for today."
"Yes, sir!"
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"I'm okay. Worry about the Old Man first."
"Clearly you're not fine. Your arm -"
"- I've had worst -"
"- That doesn't matter. You're still injured."
This argument isn’t going anywhere. Anyone in the group could see that, but are they brave enough to point it out? Considering the fact that they all stand by in awkward silence, probably not.
The last battle was a tough one which may be a bit of an understatement considering Time and you both walked away with some serious wounds to show for your victory. Time had been knocked in the head by a Moblin club, thrown backwards where he then laid unconscious for several moments only to awaken with a gash in the club’s former place, although still a far less visible injury compared to yours. You didn’t miss the way Sky kept gagging when helping you back into camp, unable to so much as glance at the terrible result of a Lizalfos sword slicing through your arm. Provided the extent of these soon-to-be scars, everyone would expect (and hope) that the two of you would be eager for Hyrule’s healing magic, however they were quickly proven otherwise. 
“So? I’ll live.”
“Not without medical attention.”
“I’ll take a potion.”
“I thought you didn’t have any left?”
You curse to yourself before sticking your nose into the air with a stubborn change of subject, “You know, last time I checked, a head injury is a lot more serious than a simple cut!”
Time ignores your claim, feeling his face grow warm in irritation (or maybe that’s due to the fresh blood dripping down from his hairline), “You call that ‘a simple cut’?”
You merely shrug, readjusting the crimson cloth you currently press to the nasty slice that parts your skin directly down from your shoulder into your bicep. It no doubt burns like the fires of Death Mountain which you don’t hide despite your persistence in turning down any aid. Your face is scrunched into an expression of pain, a hiss leaving your hips whenever you move the cloth or your arm in any way, yet you still meet Time’s eyes with no sign of budging.
“Twilight, tell him he’s being ridiculous!” 
The poor farm boy leaps in place when you both end up turning his way. Although not another word is said by either of you, he understands that voiceless command of Time’s stone cold glare: he isn’t to say a word - not a word - that could be taken as a form of agreement towards your cause. He’s to be a good boy and point out that your arm isn’t going to fix itself, thus you should be the first to be tended to by Hyrule. Of course, he cares about your wellbeing and would definitely side with his mentor and his intimating ways if not for how the older male sways side-to-side with the wind, clearly struggling to maintain himself as the effects of a serious concussion start to take its toll on him.
“...(Y/n)...does have a point..." Twilight mumbles, gulping when Time’s glare darkens.
Thankfully for him and all the others who stand by with their heads down, including little Hyrule who’s been stuck between you both too fearful to make a peep, Warrior has finally had enough of this, officially having no problem taking charge with his annoyance made clear through his stern voice, “The longer you both argue about this, the longer you both go without medical attention, so please, for the love of Hylia, will one of you just swallow your damn pride and let Hyrule do what he needs to?”
There’s no instant reaction, neither of being too eager to see Warrior’s very valid point, however after glancing at you once more and noticing how tightly you’re holding onto your arm, Time sighs at long last, resulting in a chorus of others to follow, “...Fine. I’ll go first.”
This satisfies you, allowing you to relax your muscles and focus on keeping that cloth pressed to your arm while Hyrule begins working his magic to fix Time’s own injury, although as always, the Old Man has to have the last word, shoving his pouch towards you with a grumble, “At least take a red potion in the meantime. It should dull the pain.”
Thankfully, you don’t argue as he feared you would based on your initial hesitation. Instead, you huff, but ultimately dig through the pouch to locate the bottle which you pop the cork off of dramatically, “Fine.”
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ncmadsteve · 2 months
WELL i'm completetly satisfied with xiang liu's ending
he's such a sad tragic boy, all that he selfishly left for himself was one tear from a person he loved!!!!! im okay
thank fuck tumblr is one place you can actually hide the spoilers, so spoilers under the cut
xiang liu has long ago seen that he and xiao yao don't have future and that the ending he wants for himself is to die on a battlefield. he's been preparing for it all the time - all the poison that he consumed was actually a ticking bomb that would be activated the moment he died, taking as many enemy troops to the grave with him as he could. this was the path he chose and he didn't want to step away
his love for xiao yao was selfless and when she said that she had no strength to protect herself, no one to rely on and no place she could go to, he gave it all to her one by one. the ending montage lays it on quite thickly, but we get it, he taught her archery, he gave her tushan jing, and i guess made it so that the sea can now be her home
he didn't expect that his fate may come knocking so soon and thought he could enjoy a few more decades of life, but once it was clear that he won't get that, he started tying up all the loose ends to die in peace
first he says goodbye to the good memories of a simpler times in the qingshui town, where he first met xiao yao and where they weren't impossible yet, because back then she wasn't the princess of haoling and cang xuan's sister. he smiles as he recalls their shenanigans
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he kills chishui fenglong (yeah im not sure if that's what he wanted or if he wanted to kill cang xuan, probably cx, but)
then he sets out to kill the love bug. when xiao yao passes out, he allows himself to mourn for the future that they will never have, kissing her wounds and embracing her
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he wants xiao yao to live on without any burden on her conscience, so he lets her "repay" him for all he's done for her with her blood when she's conscious, and once she passes out, he sacrifices two of his lives to kill the love bug and to make sure xiao yao can live on when he dies. he doesn't let anyone tell xiao yao about it, so that she doesn't feel she owes him anything and can move on without any weight in her heart
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then he saves that lukewarm noodle tushan jing and sends his soggy body straight in the arms of the search party, so that xiao yao can still have someone who is dedicated to her to share life with (even though he is an overcooked noodle)
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then he sends mao qiu away :( bird is not allowed to die with him
in the end he dies in peace, but not because he let go of everything before his death, but because he held on to everything he cared about and gave it the best ending
he actually tried to let go! he kept a tear that xiao yao shed, and when he first threw her in the arms of tushan jing, he wanted to let go of that tear that symbolized xiao yao's affection for him, and dissolve it in the sea. but in the end he couldn't bear to part with it, and kept it with him
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so he dies with a smile, because he's done all he wanted to do in his life to the best of his ability and considering the situation he was in. he weighed his loyalties and his heart to the army and to xiao yao, and made his choices. he chose to live and die with the chenrong army, giving his life for the cause and his soldiers, but not before he could arrange the best life for the person he cared about. even though he couldn't live with her by his side, he made sure she will have the best life she can have in her circumstances
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the only thing of xiao yao's affection that he kept for himself was a single solitary tear. in the moment he dies, he lets it drop into his own eye, and it's a tear that xiao yao symbolically sheds for him (oh no, I'm crying again)
his plans were realized and he could die satisfied, and i'm also very satisfied with this consistent story line and ending for him. even though i'm sad that he died, i feel emotionally fulfilled
i'm also glad tan jianci got to play this role - it really wouldn't be the same without his skills and effort, his pretty face and sad eyes that can speak a thousand words. also his voice, in the end of the 22nd episode when he speaks out as a general to the enemy's general... chills!!!!
OKAY i think that's all I want to semi-coherently say about xiang liu's ending in lost you forever. even though he is dead now, he will stay in my heart <3
PS. okay and now nothing connected to the story, my roomie came in when i was writing this post and made me write down a randomly chosen quote from a book she just started reading:
"Besides these bands a less orderly and a worse-armed force, consisting of the Saxon inhabitants of the neighbouring townships, as well as many bondsmen and servants from Cedric's extensive estate, had already arrived for the purpose of assisting in his rescue" ~Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe
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Dw idm u answering publicly, I want everyone to be cursed w the thought that Rubius is a babygirl and a very bad one at that <3
Honestly I've only read a few explanations of their lore and bits about their relationship but they seem sooooo,,, /pos. Like they have such a fun and silly dynamic that has this air of toxicity and their loves feels quite self destructive bc rubius is kind of a destructive force of nature of a person who has a tendency to hurt those around him, perhaps as a defense mechanism or perhaps out of simply not understanding there are consequences to the things he does while vegetta is someone far too forgiving, he continues to love rubius despite how much he hurts himself, others, and vegetta himself. I'm not saying cubito rubius is an awful person but from what I've seen he is,,, complex. Difficult despite seeming silly. I could be just completely wrong tho LOL I am doin my best I prommy
ANYWAYS IM CHEERING U ON IN WRITING!!! I'd love to talk to u abt them more and learn more abt rubegetta bc like. Look. Theres no way q!vegetta isnt hung up on that demon idc,,,
I'm likewise waiting for the Eggstatistics (which will probably get posted while I'm in the middle of writing this) (EDIT: IT DID) and you gave me the opportunity to infodump so prepare for an essay LMAO
There are SO many layers to Rubius and Vegetta’s relationship (both romantic and friendship-wise), and that complexity makes them fascinating characters to study. I’ve been discussing this a lot in private lately, but I feel like there’s quite a bit of misinformation / misinterpretations of Rubius and Vegetta’s relationship amongst some of the newer fans who might not know some key components of their personality and their relationship dynamic as a whole (which is understandable since the majority of their lore came from Karmaland, and a lot of newer fans only speak English / only watch QSMP), so ALLOW ME TO ELABORATE:
I think of the two, Rubius definitely gets mischaracterized the most (which, again, maybe isn't too surprising since not everyone watched Karmaland and he hasn't been on the QSMP server too much lately). I could go off on a tangent here and list my frustrations about the people who harassed him for his role / his actions during the Egg event / whining about ships to the point where he decided not to log into the server again ‘til the Egg event is over, but that's ultimately irrelevant to this discussion.
“Their love feels quite self-destructive” is a really good way to sum things up, because Rubius is a pretty self-destructive man. Rubius is, fundamentally, a man who is full of love for the people he cares about, but those feelings are in direct conflict with his reluctance to let people get close to him (and his commitment issues). He can freely give hugs and kisses (and more) to Vegetta, but when it comes to expressing his true thoughts and feelings, he’s pretty emotionally constipated. We’ve already seen this a few times on the QSMP server – when Rubius visits on Vegetta’s birthday, he sings him the most beautiful heartfelt love song ever, but as soon as it’s over and Vegetta tries to talk to him, Rubius runs away. Even in Karmaland V, when hooked up to a lie detector and asked about his feelings for Vegetta, Rubius tried to wiggle his way out of answering. Only when the world was literally ending and they all thought they were gonna die did Rubius finally admit his feelings, shouting his confession and his love for Vegetta at the top of his lungs.
(The real tragedy here is that it was so chaotic with everyone shouting, Vegetta never heard his words…)
Although it’s easy to slap the label “toxic” on Rubius, I think that’s unfair to him and his character, as well as his intentions. He truly does love Vegetta with all his heart, in every universe, and he doesn’t want to hurt him, but Rubius doesn’t want to get hurt either. The Meteor shower conversation gives us a clear understanding of that:
Rubius: I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to get my hopes up, and then get hurt. It's happened to me many times before. Especially here in Karmaland. Vegetta: Have you had lovesickness? Rubius: Yes. In Karmaland, everywhere, in real life... I'm already used to getting beaten. Vegetta: That's a pity... Rubius: I just want someone to take care of me, and that's it. I don't ask for much. Vegetta: I'm very protective.
The way I see it, Rubius is afraid of his feelings for Vegetta, because the larger his love grows, the larger that potential for hurt and disappointment gets. Does this excuse all his actions? No, of course not, however there’s a big difference between doing something out of self-preservation (possibly as a trauma-response, depending on how you interpret his character) and doing something with the intent to hurt someone.
IMO, Rubius isn’t a toxic guy, he just needs therapy.
Vegetta doesn’t get mischaracterized quite as often, though I do feel like people have a tendency to put him on a pedestal and minimize the flaws he has. I’m a massive Vegetta fan, but this guy’s far from perfect. He’s self-centered, borderline narcissistic sometimes, and he’s a very prideful man. He’s never left Rubius at the altar, but he’s still had his fair share of “oopsies” and "yikes" in their relationship. One (which I’m surprised people don’t talk about more) is an incident from Karmaland IV where Vegetta, very unhinged and mentally unstable at the time, kidnapped Rubius’ wife Nieves and threatened her with a sword, saying, “If Rubius can’t be mine, he can’t be anyone’s.”
For the longest time I genuinely thought that line came from a fanfic or something, then I stumbled upon the clip one day and I was just like:
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In Karmaland V, Rubius became very close with a little alien child named Titi. He took care of Titi like he was his own son, and despite his attempts at emotionally distancing himself early on so he wouldn’t get attached, Rubius wound up caring a lot for him.
Then Titi died.
It was basically Rubius’ worst nightmare come to life – he’d let himself get close to Titi, he’d loved him unconditionally and let Titi into his heart, and Titi’s death utterly destroyed him. Everyone in Karmaland was affected by the death, but Rubius took it especially hard because of how close they were. Rubius was hurting badly and resorting to terrible coping strategies to deal with the pain, and Vegetta…
Well. Vegetta wasn’t very nice about it.
There are a lot of ways we could interpret Vegetta’s actions and words during this time – maybe he’s not super sensitive when talking about death since he’s probably some kind of demigod, maybe he speedran the grieving process, maybe he thought brutal honesty and direct action would help Rubius “snap out of it” sooner. However you see it, ultimately it did a lot more harm than good for Rubius’ overall mental health.
I bring these examples up not to paint their relationship as toxic or negative, but rather to express just how complex it is. Because, despite all their mistakes and drama and heartbreak, at the end of the day, Rubius and Vegetta still love each other more than anything else. Even towards the end of Karmaland V when they were quite literally on opposite sides of the battlefield (one supporting Quackity, the other supporting Luzu), their true loyalties lay with one another. When Rubius was hit by an enemy, Vegetta defended him with his life, and when Vegetta was hurt, Rubius did the same.
Yes, Rubius doesn't really know how to handle healthy relationships, and yes, Vegetta tends to forgive him too easily, but that doesn't erase the love they have. The key we need to remember here is that Rubegetta is a telenovela that sits squarely in the romcom category. They may wander into other genres and tropes from time to time, but they will always gravitate back to one another. Whether you define that as fate or soulmates or just sheer dumb luck, the facts remain and the love is there.
PHEW anyways that felt good to get out, I have so many thoughts on Rubegetta so I appreciate the excuse to rant. I'm always happy to chat about these two! :D And you're so right - Vegetta is so smitten for that demon, I hope he gets to meet the angel too. I hope Rubius comes back soon so Vegetta can see his Osito Fiu Fiu, but in the meantime, we'll have to keep wishing and praying just like Vegetta...
(ALSO THANK YOU the current chapter of that dang Rubegetta fic is kicking my butt rn because it's the only chapter I didn't outline and life events keep interrupting me when I try and work on it, but it IS getting chipped away at bit by bit! I hope folks enjoy the outcome when it's released :D)
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Spider-verse, but Nightwing
OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...
"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"
and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.
so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,
(If the plot was similar)
Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!
Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!
SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...
Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.
Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."
Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!
Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.
Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.
Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.
Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?
a happy and alive Jason
Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3
Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.
Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.
Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///
MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.
Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).
SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect
Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao
Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.
Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.
King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.
The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.
The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)
And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)
Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
So what was False Twins Ash's children like? Red and the others, I mean.
Red, Coal, Ember and Cinder! My children, my lovely lil lovelies.
Red- Tepig fusion - (He/him)
- The oldest obviously.
- Absolutely a daddy's biy and a Momma's boy in one neatly prepared package.
- Has no ability to create words through Pokespeak, relies heavily on telepathy. He can make sounds just fine, but not actual words.
- Gets hot when he's mad. He will light something on fire.
- Very good at using his powers, not very good at control at the start.
- Super Smug all the time. He's confident in himself.
- Has never tried to beat his dad in a fight and is terrified to even try. Granted, Red has seen Ash take out entire teams on his own and that's not good for his confidence.
- had a huge fight with Ash (verbally) that lead to them not talking for 2 years.
- Found ot about his baby siblings when they were breaching 6 months old.
- Had another fight with his dad.
- Very emotionally stunted in comparison to his dad and siblings. It had nothing to do with his upbringing, its just how he is.
Ember, Pichu Fusion - (She/her)
- The Oldest, proud of it and absolutely galavants about that she's oldest triplet
- Has no notch on her tail, but as a Pikachu, she has a heart shaped stamp on her tail.
- Has bitten Red for yelling at their mom.
- follows her Uncle Piakchu super closely.
- Starter is a Cleffa.
- Bounces on her tail like a fucking azurill and this does not die even as a fukly grown Raichu.
- Is not actually a fighter, she'd rather fly around and vibe.
- Tends to be fascinated with thunderstorms and Ash has to keeo her on a leash to make sure she doesnt follow the storm around.
- is the one that ALWAYS gets lost.
Coal, Panchum Fusion. (She/Her)
- Middle child, an absokute gremlin.
-She Gets stuck in everything- EVERYTHING, she has gotten stuck in a toilet and Ash has no idea how the fuck she managed.
- Has once crawled into the fridge and then quietly called for her dad cause "Im stuck and its cold"
-Fights with Punch. Constantly fighting, it doesnt matter if Punch is ten years older than her, she's here to kick their Ass!!
- can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
-just planks and sleeps.
- Follows her dad on champion meetings and screams to scare everyone.
-she tries to run out giggling and gets stuck cause she cant reach the doorframe.
- Ash swears she has the lungs of an Exploud.
- The smartest of the triplets but uses it for evil.
-mainly pranks.
Cinder, Cottonee fusion (shiny). He/him.
- The baby of the family and regrets it immensely.
-Everyone calls him sheep and he hates it. He is not a sheep he is a man!
-he is not a man, he is a baby that is sensitive as all get go.
- causes trouble with the other two all the goddamn time
-Like Red, he's an absolute Mama's boy and they fight eachother whenever one has Dad's attention.
- Sometimes he sees a Spearow curl up to sleep and bursts into tears because "They dint have a home dad!!!
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quodekash · 1 year
this is my seventh post about two episodes. this is why it takes me so long to watch things.
anyway, continuing now
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wait omg
these are the clothes theyre wearing when they eat each others fingers in the trailer
theyre about to eat each others fingers
hell yes
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please, please do
i will get down on hands and knees and beg if i have to
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im definitely rewatching bad buddy soon. ill bet that ill start rewatching it within the week
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of course
you know, i think the one time they werent interrupted by pa (or korn, or some other person) was on the freaking rooftop
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i could talk all day about parallels
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holy hell
we're finally here
the end of our skyy 2
i am not even slightly emotionally prepared for this
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well, he did say on call with his mum that the play only just ended
but jeez i was not expecting it to be that late
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yes. yes. YES.
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oh. it's not phu?
but it was timed so well??
phu has to be there
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i love him so much
i missed him a lot
my dear precious...
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he wishes for his boyfriend to be there :(
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and phu emerges from the cake
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bro that one candle was having issues
it took four blows to get it out, and that fourth one was very extended
i think mix was trying really hard to not get spit all over the cake and to not ruin the shot, but internally he was like "F[beep] YOU, YOU STUPID F[beep]ING CANDLE, DIE, DIE, DIE, OH MY GOD JUST BLOW OUT ALREADY, HOLY SH[beep], I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU SO MUCH, OH MY GOD IM GOING TO K-"
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that's how i think it would go if we could see into mix's mind when he was trying to blow out that fREAKING CANDLE
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okay, so, is he hallucinating, or is phu actually there
maybe the candle was stalling for time cos tul and phu werent moving fast enough and they were like to the candles "QUICK, WE NEED A DISTRACTION SO THAT HE DOESNT NOTICE", and that one was like "i got this bro 🤝" and did the performance of its lifetime
oh wow im really freaking tired
i have fifteen minutes left. ill tackle them tomorrow.
its gonna take me three days to finish two episodes of a show, where each episode is only about an hour long, and if thats not the most in-character thing for me, idk what is
anyway, see you tomorrow for the end of the years, many many tears, goodbyes, and hopefully no flies (idk what that last bit was, i just wanted to make it rhyme)
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friendlyengie · 1 year
Heyo thought I’d drop some random tf2 hcs and stuff cause of ur post :D
- scout and Pyro get along really well and scout will draw for pyro. Scout likes them cause he seems to actually listen to scout talk
- Engineer is pretty oblivious when it comes to people having feelings for him and hes (kinda accidentally) decent at flirting tho
- Engineer is like a father figure to scout and it makes spy really jealous lol
- Demo is really good at karaoke
- Since spy is good at finding this out about people based on body language etc. he knows exactly who has crushes on who in the base and he thinks it’s SO OBVIOUS but it’s not to the rest of them and he’s really close to just screaming at everyone that they’re blind and to just kiss already. He’s just forced to watch all these pining idiots dance around each other and he hates it
- Heavy and Medic have a book club that is just the two of them
- Scout would be a good dad later in life if he had a kid
ohohhoho interesting. Cracks my knuckles.
-scout and pyro friendship truther until I DIE. I find the idea of scout going from being terrified of this weird “thing” to just being besties with Pyro kind of hilarious. I think they can both do art pretty well actually! I like to think they run around towns and do graffiti together.
-Nodding at this. I also think it helps that (to me) hes naturally very friendly and polite because of how he was raised and like half of the people on his team havent heard anything nice from another human being since they were actual children (if that.) Is he good at flirting or are your standards dangerously low? Is it both? Great question!
-Ive always seen engineer as more of a low-maintenance uncle figure to scout If That. They’re just kind of a pretty standard close older dude with a lot of life experience and younger dude with fuck all going on friendship to me. and tbh ive never. Really been able to get behind the idea of spy being “jealous” of any sort of relationship Scout has with other mercs. Whether it’s him being weirded out by father standins or judgemental of potential partners. I don’t think he doesn’t have a weird relationship with seeing scout bond with the other mercs but i feel like it’s just sort of. Idk. A little more of a unique issue for him.
-Accepted. Though i think “good” for him ranges from “genuinely good singing” to “loud, overconfident, and having a great time getting half of the lyrics wrong.”
-As much as I think it would be fun if spy was surprisingly emotionally dense, i cant deny his canonical skills in that sort of field. That’s like. His whole game. I think his approach to trying to help anyone with romance is “he wont unless youre prepared to basically just inflate his ego for the sake of a few tips.” A la expiration date.
-no doubt in my mind that heavy and medic dont agree with a single thing that the other gleams from reading books. Said with love. They will argue about meanings and subtext and the value of interpretation until it sounds like someone’s about to file for divorce and then end with “so same time next week ^_^?”
-I will be so honest with you. I do not know if i could ever see scout being a father, much less a good one NDGSKHJDKNJJ.
Actually . Hm. Thinking about it. I could. SEE it in a sense. I think he would have some good steps to go off of because of his Mom. Unsure of how good his ma’s parenting was but she at least was very caring toward her kids. He’d have that. But i think he’d have to be a lot more emotionally mature to be able to process how his own current issues with dads and fatherhood would healthily translate into being a dad himself. I could see him being really laid back and maybe a little too “im not just your parent, im your friend,” and any hypothetical kid he has would Not take his ass seriously. I think having to parent a teenager would kill him.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. For the next ' I'm in the mood for ' is there any yiling patriach arc where wwx accidentally lashes out and hurts lwj on accident? with happy endings though.
the shadow of a name in skin by iliacquer (E, 8k, WangXian, Sex Magic, YL WWX, Bottom LWJ, Dubious Consent, Praise Kink, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub)
2. hello dear admins!! i hope you're doing well <3 do you perhaps know any mdzs fanfics where mdzs watches mdzs, preferably the past and the future watches together but it's not necessary :] i would love to see them reacts to wei wuxian's past ^^ thx in advance and i hope you have a lovely day <33
We actually have a Characters reading/watching the series compilation post~ but if anyone has a rec not on the Comp, please rec it for Anon ^^
3. Hi. I was hoping for the IITM for some great fics where Yuan's parents live and Wangxian are just the amazing gay uncles who love him and don't have to adopt him. @lizzybgood
in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, unless I hate them, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX, NHS Finds His Calling, No Women Die) has a time travel do-over in which this happens, but they have been his parents? So 50% what you asked for
4. Hi!! Any recs on fics where jgy is treated badly in koi tower (physically or emotionally or mentally or anything) and his sworn brothers find out and do something about it and take care of him. Listen i just thought what that if ayao had a bruise he couldnt explain nmj would be all "who did this to you" and now im craving this
What Could Have Been by tucuxi (G, 27k, JGY & NMJ & LXC, JZX & JGY & JYL, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Kid Fic, Fix-It of Sorts, Fluff and Angst, Family FeelsDysfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Relationships, Scheming, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, mentions of difficult childbirth, JGS's A+ Parenting, Child Neglect, What Could Have Been [PODFIC] by Opalsong)
chancellor of the morning sun by stiltonbasket (G, 22k, WIP, NieLan, WangXian, Gender Changes, Family Dynamics, Good Uncle LQR, Arranged Marriage, Developing Relationship, Period-Typical Sexism, LXC is a boss, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Baby Wangxian, War, Political Alliances, Espionage) has lxc defending jgy.
5. Hello lovely lovely people! Has anyone ever written crossover fics between MDZS x 19Days? A chaotic, hillarious, shameless, crack fics? Hope I am lucky this time! Thank you all! @yellowridge
for #5 in the latest IITMF, do they mean 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian?
I couldn't find any works that crossed over with 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian (for any ship) on ao3 however maybe I'm not searching properly
6. Hello! I've recently read Karmiya's essay on WWX's position in the Jiang household, and I was wondering... do you know any fics that take a similar tone? e.g. where the text and wwx himself acknowledge that he is not the Jiangs' sibling and is not respected as their equal? it would be interesting to explore that idea more in-depth, and how it impacts his many different relationships once he pulls himself free.
spaces between words (hiding the truth skillfully) by PrismaticAvocado (G, 651, WangXian, Post-Canon, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Truth Spells, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, the hurt/angst is very minimal tbh it's just a few hard truths, Married WangXian, POV WWX)
The Debts of a Child by Hauntcats (G, 3k, WWX & Jiang Family, Not Jiang Family Friendly, WWX realizes there is more in life, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Dark, Be prepared to suffer)
AITA for not contacting my family for 10 years after running away from home? by weiyus (T, 2k, WangXian, aita wwx edition, References to Past Child Abuse, references to verbal abuse, wwx sharing his life story in a long post, Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Canon Jiang family characteristics)
for #6, the person who asked for those fics could maybe try to jiang family critical/jiang family bashing tag
7. Hey! Can you please suggest me a fic where Lan Wangji's love remains unrequited, Wei Wuxian is married to someone else...and still the fic makes your heart warm ( and obviously you wholesome cry for lwj) Have a good day! ❤️🐰
happy and beautiful by nienie (T, 1k, LQY/WWX, one-sided wangxian, modern, angst, jealousy, hurt no comfort, weddings) pls have tissues ready 😭
8. hi!! I'm in the mood for fics in which lwj or the lan clan hold madam yu accountable for her abuse of wwx. canon verse would be ideal but modern aus work too!! Thank you so much!
💖 in payment, a hand series by justdoityoufucker (M, 10k, wangxian, not jiang friendly, amputation, injury recovery, self reflection, abusive YZY, families of choice)
9. Hiiiii im in need of some good lqr and wwx bonding, platonic relationship, some good feels, etc any recs???
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, fix-it, LQR finds out about WWXs core, fluff, WWX goes to Gusu)
but his smile never dimmed by Stratisphyre (G, 9k, LQR & WWX, modern w/ magic, college/university au, panic attacks, parenthood, JFMs A+ parenting)
Variations on WWX & LQR in Assorted Keys series by nirejseki (T, 68k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, teaching, pregrudging friendship, post-canon, de-aging, time travel, pre-canon, bonding)
No Strings Attached by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, LQR is a good uncle, and he also knows a thing or two about politics, Smitten LWJ, Golden Core Reveal)
Seasons of Falling Flowers by merakily (G, 40k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Character Study, Introspection, In-Laws, Golden Core, Emotional Baggage, Family Bonding, Protective LWJ, Good Parent LQR, LQR has feelings, LQR and WWX become friends, [PODFIC] Seasons of Falling Flowers, by merakily by Spinifex)
CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & WWX & LWJ, LQR & WWX, LQR & JFM, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Deeper Seasons by piecrust (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, basically LQR being nice to WWX)
I'm For You Now by phnelt (T, 5k, wangxian, sick fic, caretaking, bathing/washing, good uncle LQR, domestic fluff) LQR applies his experience in caring for LSZ and knowledge of Chinese Traditional Medicine (including a *sweet* medicinal soup!) to treating a feverish WWX.
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not YZY Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
10. hello!!! thank you so much for gathering the ITMF posts, it makes it so much easier finding good fics, so I can't thank you enough. I'd like to request fic recs in which jc adopted sz (bonus if lwj find out and gets really angry about it) @youkidding-me
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not Rated, 46k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Family Feels, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Journey of self discovery, Good uncle JC, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel) there's "Would You Come Home?" by s6115, it's not exactly what anon asks, but it has jc ALMOST keeping bby ayuan until lwj shows up and takes him with him
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation) JC adopts LS, and LWJ bullies his way into their lives
11. helloo i could you help me find any fic abt wei wuxian coming back as mo xuanyu but lan zhan doesn’t find out about his identity as fast or as soon, like i wish it took him much longer to find out. if you could recommend me some would be superrrrr amaaaaaazing :D
💖 By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar) 
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
12. Hi!!! I'm in the mood for fanfics where WWX takes up the offer of going to Gusu during or after the Sunshot Campaign.
❤️ Trojan Kiss by malkinmalkout (E, 33k, wangxian, misunderstanding, public sex, smut, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, dub con)
these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, wangxian, fix-it, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, everyone lives au, golden core transfer fix-it, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn)
💖 Minding series by WithBroomBefore (G, 85k, wangxian, canon divergence, what if WWX got therapy and recovery post-sunshot, trans LWJ)
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, the working title of this was 'wwx goes to gusu', Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Tenderness, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Rabbits, Caretaking, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending)
13. Hi hi! Thank you for all that you do and for introducing me to so many lovely works. I would like to ask for an “in the mood for” fanfics where Lan Sizhui calls Wei Wuxian “mom” or other similar titles like mother, mama, a-niang, if possible. Thanks again!! :)
Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva (Not Rated,3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, A-Yuan comes from a much happier version of the future, Where WWX and LWJ are married and everyone is alive, Gusu School Days, Family)
Green-gege Saves a lot of Lives by Eternal_writes (T, 11k, WangXian, YL WWX, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Wēn Remnants Live, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Soft NMJ, POV NMJ, POV WWX, Supportive NMJ, Protective NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Sworn Brothers NHS & WWX & WN, Golden Core Reveal, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Good Sibling JC, Soft JC, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WWX Lives, Featuring WWX's inventions)
Chaotic Demonic Cultivator Shirks Gender Roles by misbehavingvigilante (T, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Gender Roles, Gender Non-Conforming WWX)
Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Food Issues, Gender Identity, Gender Nonconforming, Trans WWX, Poverty)
#13 was where someone is asking for fics where LSZ calls wei ying mom, that was a previous IITMF post, however I am not sure how to search for it on the blog, but i remember there were a good amount of recs
14. Hi hi mods, I hope life's treating you good <3 I really love this blog, is one of my reasons to keep going <3 on that aspect, may I ask for some A) soft wangxian for the next itmf? like LWJ calling WY A-Ying or something sweet and cute like that (i could really use the comfort uwu)
Also if you have any B) nhs-wwx friendship fics that would be great, I need that as reference for my own fic ^^
Thank you Mods, you are the bests <3
a life in your shape by lanzhan (gothguk) (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sexual Content, tenderness is stored in the wangxian, so much yearning, Fluff)
They are Practically Married Your Honour by Asmayi (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dorks in Love, Oblivious WWX, Oblivious LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, LWJ is So Whipped, Public Display of Affection, 5+1 Things, Soft WangXian, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
Playing Nice by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drunk LWJ, Phoenix Mountain, The wens are fine, Public Display of Affection, Soft WangXian, Fluff and Crack, POV Alternating)
your problem as a mountain. by cupofwater (E, 31k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, canon divergence, no sunshot, epistolary, getting together, misunderstandings, pen pals, sexual fantasy)
Friends, Sabers, and Other Essentials for Solving a Conspiracy by MeridianGrimm for Lisa_Telramor ( T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mystery, Smart NHS, WWX doesn’t stay dead, LWJ gets a new friend, Happy Ending, Fix-It, To be clear the WangXian is mostly background, This fic is about friendship)
while covered in mud by merthurlin (T, 12k, NHS & WWX, NHS & NMJ, NHS & Wen remnants, mentioned wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, NHS goes farming and Hates It)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, post-canon, chief cultivator LWJ, inventor WWX, found family, alcohol, protective NHS, not JC friendly)
if you can't beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 216k, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, WIP)
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 7k, NHS & WWX, Assassination Attempt(s), Introspection, Regret, Travel, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Ghosts, Reconciliation, Exhaustion, Pining, Pre-WangXian)
15 Hi!! I really love this blog and I always look forward to reading more fics being posted here!! Anyways, for the next itmf, may I request for fics where everyone (or at least other than LWJ) wants a piece of WWX? Be it them wanting to have them in their sects or romantically? Thank you always!!
Worth of a Good Man by Vrishchika (G, 6k, WangXian, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, Not JC Friendly, Tumblr Prompt)
16. Hi! Do you have any fic recs for sassy or savage LWJ, or maybe where he is a gremlin with a straight face? Thank you. 🥺💕
caught in the sugar by occultings (microcomets) (E, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, fake FWB, Workplace Retreats, Drinking Games, Humor, Barebacking, First Time)
Turn the Other Cheek by Minyoongiisacatuwu (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Oblivious WWX, Panties, LWJ flirting very hard, Rabbits, Rimming, Mutual Pining, LWJ is a top in a Thong, LWJ in heels, Fashionista LWJ, Friends to Lovers, Aftercare, Porn with Feelings)
So I love you because I know no other way than this by Trueredhearts (E, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, CSR and WCZ Live, Tattoos, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Law Student!LWJ, Engineering Student!WWX, Childhood Friends, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of SS, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Graduate School)
At the End of the Road by trickybonmot (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Practice Edging, Straight Boy WWX vs Fuck Around and Find Out LWJ, Pining but like Angry, Mildly Dubious Consent, A little Spit, Porn with Feelings, comphet is a hell of a drug, [PODFIC] At the End of the Road, by trickybonmot by Spinifex)
17. Hiii!! Thank you mods for all your hardwork! For the the next in the mood post, may I request fics where post canon lz forget that wy is alive bc its the day of his death? He and wy could alrdy be together but theres MOURNING and stuff like that. Hope this makes sense! Thank you againnnn! <3 @losing-victor
hello my old heart, how have you been by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, Pining, Hair Washing, Hair Brushing, Hair Braiding, Soft WangXian, A lot of prose, wangxian are MARRIED and they have a SON, LWJ Needs a Hug, Sleepy Cuddles)
the gift of sincerity by lariyats (T, 40k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Post-Canon, Amnesia, or more specifically, the lwj amnesia au, where he regresses back to the 13 year period, but actually, Surprise!!, Established Relationship, very mild angst, Implied Sexual Content, ok maybe it’s not as mild as i said it was but it’s still v fluffy, Hurt/Comfort)
All My Life I Walked in the Cold by Milk_Tea_Fantasy (E, 8k, wangxian, ABO, omega LWJ, sub LWJ, alpha WWX, dom WWX, smut)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
152 notes · View notes
courtjesterrr · 30 days
Tomorrow I plan on playing Hallow Knight (PS5)
Anything I should know before going in? Or do you suggest going completely blind?
I've NEVER played or seen hallow knight you're the only reason I've ever thought of hallow knight sooo
Hollow Knight*
alrighty, so, if you want a completely new experience and want to be surprised, i suggest going in blind like I did
But if you dont... (lotsa ramble and slight spoilers undercut)
So, when you go in, i suggest getting used to the controls fast. Learn how to move, jump, swing when you first load on. Pretty much everything else will be taught by the game along the way.
Be prepared to die. Quite a bit. And when you die, you'll lose your money. To get it back, go back to where to died and find this black shadow thing (a Shade) and kill it. If you die again before you'll permanently lose that money.
Maps, the quil, Wayward Compass charm, benches, and Stag Stations are your best friends. Maps let you see the layout of the place, the quil lets you update said map, the charm allows you to see where you arr, benches save your game and is where you respawn, and Stag Stations let you go cross large areas fast.
Be prapared for a long amount of gameplay. Especially if youre trying to get all achievements and/or 112%(full game completion)
Charms give you special abilities, and they cost charm notches. You can also get nail upgrades (more damage delt) in the City. You can also get spells! They deal roughly half damage for some cost of SOUL (youll learn about SOUL when you first load in)
Talk to Elderbug when you leave the first area (hes the first NPC you meet). Its not required, its just morally correct to do so.
Unlock Sly in the lower part of the Forgotten Crossroads, he will make a shop in Dirtmouth above and you can buy some good items from him.
Beware the Primal Asphids. I cannot stress this enough. And don't go into Deepnest until you get the lantern from Sly.
You will be emotionally hurt from this game.
You will learn who everyone is as the game progresses
This is a story and fighting driven game, the lore for this game is tragic, the bosses are hard but fun to fight, and you will be pleasantly surprised at the wholesome moments, as well as the sad ones.
And uhhhh I think thats about it for the basics
I can help with more things along the way if you want and/or need it!
I really hope you enjoy it!! This game means a lot to me, so im glad ive convinced you to join my cult >:3 /silly
Anyways say hi to Quirrel for meeeee :3
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pitbullwithaship · 8 months
Okay, I think I might be emotionally prepared for both of the parts of this. Time to watch, wish me mental stability!
Planet Earth Intro
Oh there's a documentary narrator lol
Hello christmas
Pretty singing, gorgeous singing
Those kids are good
Tardis cameo?
Spooky woman?
Evil laughter?
Hi Doctor (he's mentally ill)
Hi Ood (he is aware of the Doctor's mental illness)
Snowy day
Ooh pretty city
Ood prophet cool
More evil laughter?? Hello?
Which man is dead
The Master? Maybe tis his wife at least (poor her)
It's not nice when time starts bleeding
Poor Lucy
Weird woman on the TV?
Okay resurrection generally isn't the greatest choice
This is culty
Til death do them part she's awesome
Person running? Master running?
I love Wilf he's so silly
Lol sending out the troops to find the Doctor
Okay so the Master is even more insane than before
Yay Obama
Creepy as hell my dude
That's horrifying
That's ultra horrifying jeez
Hello Doctor
Epic chase through a garbage dump
"Let me help" oh come on you've tried that before
Old people gang up to take a photo with him lol
Gets groped
Don't be sulky Doctor
Dude course you'll die that's just what happens
Not changed no
Aww hello Shaun Temple
They're cute, and he's glad she's happy, he's the ultimate depressed bestie
Merry Fucking Christmas
Awww he misses her so much!! This is so sad!!!
Doctor where are you going now!?
Idiots and fools
Dramatic western faceoff
I've said before, he's quite good at getting electrocuted
He's also vaguely suicidal but at the same time desperate to stay alive
Oh I know, he has the fear of death that only one who'd like to die can have
We can hear it
You are mad my dude
Flying light thing? Hello
Oh it's the government then I assume
Poor Doctor
Oh generic rich powerful dude has a book
Oh generic rich powerful dude has the Master
Okay generic rich powerful people are evil generic rich powerful people
The war was won and passed you by
Aww he never killed that wonderful I live Wilf
Usually if people say "whatever you do don't tell so-and-so" you should probably tell so-and-so
He loves her so much
Fair enough lol
Sylvia gurl
I thought it'd be cleaner I love Wilf
Wilf and Doctor friendship is the most pure flawless amazing one ever
Scientists rebelling maybe?
Nope those are aliens
If the censoring thing on the tardis got broken the Doctor would be scandalized by the amount of swearing his companions all do but especially wilf and donna
Shimmer shimmer
I love aka hate how he's wearing a dog collar
Oh shit
Oh dear
I guess they hide the presidents face cuz they couldn't get a real Barack Obama cameo which sucks
No he's not gonna love this
Oh dear a planet of Masters
Oh dearie me
That's disturbing
That's incredibly disturbing holy cows
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skeletood · 1 year
Holy shit. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed at any of the new seasons releases so far. Absolutely speechless
- SOOOOO HAPPY to see them riff again it’s so corny and silly
- Beavis gets to hell and his first thought is where all the biker dudes are? interesting interesting *puts this in my notes
-oh my god already some amazing facial expressions
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no wonder this dude ends up with so many cracked teeth in the future
- the boys being inexplicably immune to death never gets old to me
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-hehe :] sillies
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Overall thoughts: Another great ep this season good job guys, gave me a lot of good little laughs
The video segment was whatever but Arianna’s eye candy so like. All good :]
Take A Bow:
My god. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen on the way in to this episode and I was NOT prepared for what it gave me and put me through
- already starting the ep strong with some GREAT facial expressions
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so fucking real i used to do this to my guy friends when i was their age. not quite enough to put them in the hospital but like. yea lmao
- (monotone) “Take a bow” HAD ME DYINNNNGGGGG
- knowing about all the flavors of mountain dew what a goddamn nerd (knows everything about the different monster flavors)
- “Cherries don’t taste red at ALL. They taste all barfy” little kids complaining about foods they dont like is so silly, thank you for being your childish self its so refreshing
oh man. fuck. its butthead characterization time! finally some good fucking food. oh man here come the waterworks IMAGINE me getting stupid over an emotionally stunted idiot with a big head:
- “not until youre better beavis” first of all shut up. second of all shut up.
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- “It’s like, I didn’t mean to hurt him. Feeling bad sucks.” WE KNOW BABY. WE KNOW. SO PROUD OF YOU FOR ADMITTING IT HUN :((((( the fact that bro cant even acknowledge he HAS feelings unless he’s alone. the volumes that speaks to me. man
if you had told me a week ago these were real screenoshots i wouldnt have believed you. at all. cant wait to see the looks on the faces of all the “ohh stop looking so far into it its just a stupid lowbrow cartoon” people like shut the fuck up!!!!! youve clearly never experienced real friendship before and are so pissed off cause u dont know what it looks like
- not pictured here is where they had to forcefully remove butthead from the room bc he was freaking out after thinking he killed beavis. If you disagree youre just wrong sorry!
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- not only is this a funny as hell angle but man. we already know damn well he doesn’t want beavis to die but its nice to hear him say it. also he’s right, it was really funny. take a bow :]
- a lot of really good beavis screams this episode too
- “-and his friend would have died of grief shortly there-after” I’m- I need a minute. LIKE WE ALREADY KNEW THIS BUT. THANKS FOR ADMITTING IT. 
- also, god is a whiteman i guess kasjndsajkd
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In conclusion: both fucking great episodes. I am always EXTRA excited for Butt-Head characterization moments, it just makes him so much more human. Not to mention how happy I am to see that they toned down his cruelty JUST a touch. I honestly didn’t notice how bad it had gotten last season until i compared it to how this one is going so far, it feels more like older seasons butthead again :] Like dont get me wrong i LOVE it when he’s mean its just who he is but it should come more out of a place of stupidity/no real self awareness than like. idk wherever it was coming from last season. These boys are goin soft on us and to that i say: thank god. It’s nice to see them act human. Take a bow has EASILY taken old man beavis’ place as my favorite ep so far and ngl its going to be tough to beat. Funny episode that had me chuckling throughout the whole thing AND nice Butt-Head moments? Oh Mike, you shouldnt have u///u
Anyways lemme know your thoughts :]
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slytherinshua · 3 months
Hopefully they will get a bit of rest before the show! They definitely need it after the tour though, the schedule seemed brutal. I don't think I'd be able to cope if it was me lol. You'll have to let me know what they are like to watch live, I'm sure they'll be amazing!!
Play is such a comfort song! I have definitely cried listening to it as well haha, also haze. I really do love how they have a song for every mood lol.
I'm honestly so glad that I started to listen to them when I did. I found them at a time when I'm finally starting to think more positively about myself and seeing my own potential, like seeing that I can improve myself but also being kind to myself when I inevitably mess up. I think the messages in their songs are really comforting and make me feel seen. (Although I still remember the night when hug by seventeen absolutely broke me ahaha) Finding a talented violinist who plays music that I like has helped me want to become better in that sense too, although admittedly I have wanted to improve for a while, but Yechan has actually given me a goal which is nice. (I've started to try and learn boogie man and my respect for Yechan has went WAY up).
I have wanted to watch super and for ages!! I never knew where to find it though. I found out about it because I'd started to listen to Hoppipolla and then would watch compilation videos of clips from superband. It seems so fun! And the amount of talent would make me cry ahaha. I'll and Ha Hyunsang's voices in 1000x almost made me cry the first time I listened to it because they blended so beautifully. After getting into Lucy, I was kinda like, the bassist in the awesome cover of the Coldplay song (I can't remember what it's called lol) was Wonsang?! Yechan played viva la Vida?? With Ha Hyunsang?? That made me want to watch it more ahaha (although I don't know if I'll be emotionally prepared to see Sangyeop cry)
I'll let you know if I have any ideas haha, but definitely keep writing for Lucy! I really liked your style of writing and thought you wrote Sangyeop really well!
Enjoy the show!!!!
okay now that I’m back from the show lemme answer this 🥹🥹 I think they did get some rest beforehand they were rly energetic and excited :( moreso than me cause I was so sore it hurt to stand and I was struggling when sangyeop wanted us to jump sigh
You could rly just tell they went all out for their last show of the tour and it was just so special :( I was right by wonsang bcuz he’s my bias and I wanted to watch him up close so most of the videos I took are of him. Whenever I could see sangyeop or get noticed by sangyeop I would die internally idk smth abt him live is just way too attractive and charismatic and he needs to stop being so fucking fine istg??? But wonsang was so cute I was chilling standing by him <33
I swear I can cry to any lucy song cause even the happy ones have sad or relatable lyrics… the sad ones hit so fucking hard absolutely when I need to cry colourless is my go to…. Sangyeop ugh 👹👹👹👹 and when it’s a song like boogie man I just cry cause of how beautifully crafted it is cause I think abt how hard wonsang works on every song LMAO IM SO EMO KILL ME
I also feel like I found them at just the right time but like for the opposite reason. I was going through intense burnout and listening to stove while I worked on schoolwork was the only thing keeping me going :( (along w bambam ty husband <3)
I NEED TO REWATCH SUPERBAND IN FULL TBH CAUSE 😭😭 I went back to watch the lucy stages but I just need to experience the WHOLE thing again… anyway here’s the link to the google doc with the google drive eps for you <3333 AND YES ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME COVER!!!! Absolutely adored it sm I remember how everyone thought wonsang was selfish and trying to make himself stand out by only picking guitarists while he was the only bassist but then he got all 5 votes cause his arrangement was so beautiful and chilling and ethereal and I love him sm I always call him my lil genius :(
Dropping some photos from the concert hehe
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gayspock · 2 years
also some more wishy washy thoughts bc like
btw i was kind of scared throughout my whole first playthrough, that kim was going to fuck me over. sam will vouce for my woes. like i was anticipating it... not emotionally bracing myself for it, but quite the contrary -i was getting ready, 100% prepared to fully let him gaslight me if he wanted to. it would be within his right, etc. and i will die by this mans side, etc.
but like... ALSO for real, tho. and this is not to knock the game, and it wasnt me assuming the worst of it per se despite what it sounds - bc it wasnt an instinct, specific to it, but like i think its kind of the natural expectation i had, that it might try to do some sort of "twist" at the end, as mysteries try to do. and honestly just... patterns in recent "media" (sweeps broadly). and regarding that kim would be the only viable candidate, really, except for the boring choice of "harry did it" (and i wanst expecting it to do that ofc). but otherwise- like just in a meta sense, yknow? intuition adjacent. bc it'd have to be someone youre invested it, outside of the main suspects, and also there's a lot of conveniences with kim that arent ever questioned, and could make it plausible. so i was like GENUINELY KIND OF LIKE.... ? did he fuckin DO something. bc for a lot of the back half .and i didnt kno how to feel- bc i am VERYYY invested in kim, so id be LIKE BWAAAA,
but also if that was the twist its, well, a twist in the very functional sense and not really a twist at all. bc other than shock, it rlly isnt the making for a good STORY - esp bc i dont think it would have rlly done much, since kims also an outsider to this setting (unless in this hypothetical he did have some motive, but ehhh even then tis off) and you know, martinaise is very much a main character in this game shes INVOLVED.. SHE ISSSS.... and idk- maybe theres a way to have made it work- which again, is what i was assuming, that it'd catch me off in that way somehow bc im open to that- and i thought more would be the case the closer to endgame bc we had dwindling characters and whilst, yes, DE isnt that much about the mystery in a who dunnit sense but more about the story of the world it still felt... wrong that they might bring in some new character last second to be the murderer
but godddd... they pulled it off so fucking well. and i was so RELIEVED tht kim was just my best fucking FRIEND KIM - thank god - and seriously sheriouslyy i loved the ending- i really did- bc of the relief that yknow... its like yeah fuck me. like my braisn mush, i seriouslyyy wanna replay just to digest it all more, but i thank everything hat they made the choice that they did. like is it the best fucking end to a mystery no but like... themeatically, speaking? fucking on par, perfect and in step with everything else in the game.
like everything.... [rotates it in my mind] i keep thinking abt the matchbox tower and how it stands perfectly for like 3 seconds, and then it topples over, its transient, and how the phasmid, too, exists only for a moment and its beautiful and then it leaves and how people dont remember or believe in it bu also how harry doesnt remember his past but hes consumed by it, reveres it, and how glad i am he never does fully remember how he never does go back bc he cantttt you cant and something something martinaise is filled with ghosts and this all started by soemone who was here long before any of them but also didnt know any of them, and he took a shot and it lead to a bloodbath in the middle of the street and wtf ... something something thr game is about and existing only in delicate moments but the importance of that momentary existence and of faith in it ... because you might literally find a huge bug . like seriously that cunt was massive
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