#they piss you off sometimes but they exist
noe-clara69 · 6 months
Okay okay, hear me out: bad boy Harry
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tkfluff-fanatic · 4 months
Sometimes I look at other Countryhumans fans and wonder if we're in the same fandom
#NEED y'all to remember these are also whole ass countries with history when you characterise them#Croatia characterizations piss me OFF sometimes#buddy these people celebrate operation storm😭😭😭#I won't say Serbs are any better either some of them mfs want a second srebrenica#but it's always “haha Serbia warcrime haha😂”#never ONCE did I see the Croats get the same treatment we do#also the characterization of Kosovo??? lol#“Serbia's ex” buddy#what#help#WHAT led you to that conclusion#“oughh but if Kosovo is Serbia's child that implies-” buzzer sound#asexual reproduction. next question#the way mfs portray Japannnnn#buddyyy#can we keep in mind what the Japanese did pleaseeeee#also mfs who think Serbia and Montenegro would have a good relationship make me laugh#i don't think they'd have a BAD one per se but a complicated one surely#Montenegrins are the same motherfuckers who joined NATO and recognized Kosovo#I think Serbia's parasocial relationship with like. everyone tbat exists is like really funny#Bro thinks someone cares about her😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥#I think like the few people that do actually like her and enjoy her presence are Romania Greece and China#everyone else she cares about just kinda does NOT care back#Russia? No. Montenegro? Ehhh.#Bulgaria? Serbia didn't think this guy particularly liked her in the first place but#when she caught the guy literally stalking her she solidified that thought#smells like EU business!#on the topic of EU im sick of mfs portraying the organisations as competent lol#ok I'll shut the fuck up#⭐ ;; zaharije
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whywoulditho · 2 months
english (and almost every other european language tbh) has always been fucking weird to me because why the fuck would you need gender-specific names to like, body scent. why not just call them the same thing. what exactly is the difference between a perfume and a cologne?? or like, niece and nephew? i mean why go out of your way to invent two words that mean the same thing but one is only for men and the other is only for women? when they're quite literally the same thing???
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11bountyhunters · 6 months
Reading a post like “im with you, i’m with you, I’m with you…. You lost me. Back up.”
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girlscience · 15 days
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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devilzfruit · 26 days
i just napped for like 4 hrs. uh. hello.
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simcardiac-arrested · 11 months
was the social media site vk because h. hi I roleplayed warrior cats on vk when I was like 9🤝
oh no it was way worse than vk. it was ok (odnoklassniki)👍
#i’ve never used vk#well. okay. i have used it exactly Once sometime when i was 10#to not only impersonate a popular emo dog artist. but to also pretend to be my friend’s boyfriend so that she could piss off her ex or#something like that. i dont even remember if that worked but i know that i did reveal it to be Not True at one point#and me and the guy had a nice conversation#and then i never used vk again because. well. ihave no reason to use it first of all. second of all i hate that place and i would rather be#crucified than forced to interact with strictly russian communities#but anyway you would think that’s the end of the story. HOWEVER like a month or two ago my friend messaged me like#‘hey do you use vk?’ and i was like. No. You know i dont. and he was like ‘hmm. ok. well that explains why you haven’t been responding to my#memes since september’ and i went WHAT? <- guy who completely forgot he still had his vk account#so i logged back in and to my horror. the account did indeed still exist. it was all there the fake bio the impersonation the drawings that#weren’t mine. it felt like i found a corpse under the floorboards of my attic#so anyway i wasted no time in deactivating the account. so all ends well that ends well#i think#cramswering#but yeah anon we are shaking hands in solidarity because i also roleplayed cat oc family on odnoklassniki among with lion king oc family#it wasn’t wc just cat characters that were. emo. and awfully designed#damn i sure liked my emo cats and emo dogs
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Living with someone who subsists on a diet of cigarettes and nothing else if left to their own devices means you occasionally must wear the hat of beast tamer in your own house
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spacestationstorybook · 4 months
i truly don't have any sort of personal vendetta against people who share with me, like i'm happy for us to just do our own thing and i'm sure they're all perfectly nice people even if i can't interact for my (or their) mental health but sometimes people will just have an objectively Wrong take on a f/o and it pains me. this is about the person‏‏‎ ‎who‏‏‎ ‎made‏‏‎ ‎her‏‏‎ ‎oc‏‏‎ ‎have‏‏‎ ‎biological‏‏‎ ‎kids‏‏‎ ‎with‏‏‎ ‎mordecai.‏‏‎ ‎girl he is sex repulsed and CANONICALLY bad with children! even if it wasn't confirmed he doesn't know how to deal with them children are famously loud and messy (two things he hates) and disrupt one's routines (also something he hates!!) like yeah he grew up caring for his sisters but never in a million years would he sign on to create babies with anyone ever
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topflights · 2 years
made the mistake of going on reddit for smthn and got distracted and saw ppl were still getting really pissy abt the dante v fenix match from the owen hart tournament and now i’m just in an overall bad mood. mentally i am sitting in the corner w my arms crossed over my chest pouting like a child that didn’t get a candy bar
high flying wrestling is still wrestling. high flying wrestling is important
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marklikely · 2 years
living in constant fear of even looking at the semiannual drama on That Website because people get so fucking up in arms about it
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
On one hand my one sister is Big Stupid and pregnant again, which I wouldn't care as much about if this wasn't the fourth kid with the fourth shitty fucking father who will do nothing but cause even MORE pain and suffering to my sister's life, and on the other hand my other sister keeps sending me apartment ads which is very sweet because she ALSO just had a baby (in August and also her situation is stable, I'm very proud she managed to pull off what she did considering where she's come from. Her boys, especially Older Nephew were SO excited for the baby and I love listening to Older Nephew talk about his sister, it's so heartening to see him so happy and excited. Something tells me my other sisters 3 girls won't be nearly as impressed, especially not Oldest Niece and it's gotten to a point where I feel somewhat compelled to try and mentor this poor kid but I don't know SHIT about kids and don't want to let this poor kid down like everyone else has, she deserves better than that).
Granted my whole life I've preferred Apartment Sister to Making Poor Life Choices sister but also recently Making Dumb Choices has made some serious improvements to her life, very impressive ones too, so it's just disappointing to watch her backslide especially into the same bullshit she's been doing since she was 18 and is now 32. But at least I'm not the only one apartment hunting 😂😂 her efforts are super appreciated given that she just moved herself as well, plus having a fresh baby (very cute baby too). Now with any luck my OTHER sibling will get her shit together hopefully before we're on child number six with father number six with all the same fucking personality flaws and mental health problems not one of these men take even remotely seriously because that's exhausting to me let alone my damn sister.
#winters ramblings#its very sweet that my oldest sister keeps sending apartment ads sometimes im reminded that they care in strange ways#but i like to keep that in the noggin for bad mental health days so if i feel like everyone hates me i can remind myself thats not true#now if only my OTHER older sister would stop making the worlds SHITTIEST choices and grow up thatd be great#i cant imagine doing the same shit at 32 as i did at 18 and bringing a CHILD into my stuoid fantasy thats utterly detached#from ANY known reality. she wants what my oldest sister has i guarantee it but oldest sister GOT that way#because she did the WORK to get there. went to therapy figured out how to make better dating choices for her and her kids#and now shes engaged to an AMAZING dude who loves the hell out of her and her kids. my other sister isnt gunna find that#with her present situation and it pisses me the hell off that we need a FOURTH kid to suffer through her fucking bullshit#before she MIGHT learn getting pregnant with bullshit dudes kids isnt gunna turn them into prince charming#prince charming doesnt exist and CHILDREN won't make him appear either. hard work and looking for men that DONT SUCK#is the way to go. getting therapy is the way to go. or at least SOMETHING self improvement that isnt a self improvement cult#because at this point i would not out it past her to decide to improve her life but do so in the most toxic way possible because it seems#she does not have the emotional skills and tools to do better. which is EXHAUSTING to watch. i love her i do#but oh my GOD how MANY times do you have to make the SAME mistake over THIRTEEN YEARS before you learn?!?!!!?!#and to drag FOUR children into your nonsense fantasy where It Works Out This Time. it WON'T WORK OUT#this man shes back together with for four seconds is a fucking tool who cant even pay his rent and keeo the shit in the apartment#he list that MY SISTER HELPED HIM GET. this man isnt even willing to take care of HIMSELF because he 'doesnt care' W H Y have a kid#with shit like that. itll do nothing but cause that kid pain let alone the three existing kids and i don't know why i seemed to have put#more thought into hakf this shit than she has. im nit kidding when i say ive out INFINITELY more thought into getting a DOG#or another cat than she put into having ANY of her going to be four kids and im baffled that people do that#because CHILDREN arent a joke theyre WHOLE PEOPLE who deserve better than what shes going to give them#like my oldest niece got shipped to her grandparents for being too much to handke like 7 months ago and youre adding a FOURTH??#unbelievably irresponsible and also an amazing way to tell my niece shes replacable and when the going gets tough SHE gets going#no 13 year old should EVER have to deal with this shit. which is why i feel kinda compelled to step in#but i dont have OR want kids i just see this poor girl struggling and appayfeel for her more than anyone else does#like thats not 100% true i KNOW my sister loves her kids but on the flipside shes totally fine to fuck this kid up#in all KINDS of ways i know shes not intending to but fuck. YOU chose this kid how DARE you ship her out when she gets too much#AND THEN CHOOSE TO HAVE ANOTHER ONE LIKE THAT WONT BE DETRIMENTAL TO LITERALLY EVERYONE
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frankierohugejorts · 1 year
i love when ppl use buzzwords to moralize their dislike of something. i just saw someone unironically call following a band's tour/going to multiple dates "stalking"
#im intrigued by how many kids these days are completely oblivious to concert etiquette and act like assholes#but im also intrigued by kids who how that the first group is wrong but not why those 'rules' exist or how to deal with ppl who break them#or even just how to deal with the fact that different groups can have different norms for what is considered polite#and then when they complain abt the first group they end up just being a different kind of (sometimes even bigger) asshole#(which isnt to say some ppl are Assholes and some ppl are Reacting to assholes. lots of ppl bounce around or are just in both categories)#and i know i also sucked as a kid/didnt come out of the womb knowing the ins and outs of everything#but i also know that 1. i sucked in different. chiller ways#2. i at least tried to note the behavior of ppl more experienced (if not necessarily older) w/o assuming i automatically Knew Best#3. when ppl sucked it was bc they sucked. i didnt have to justify it with exaggerated use of buzzwords#also whatever happened to seeing someone act like a jackass and gossiping/complaining in the gc#u can complain about whatever u want on ur own blog or whatever#and even PSAs can be helpful/constructive#but not everything necessitates a callout post with its own collection of links to prove each individual personal grievance#anyway i lost my train of thought and started rambling and complaining#but i miss the days when the mature way to deal with a stranger pissing you off was vagueing where they'd never see it#personal
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non-un-topo · 2 years
The cis male ability to mansplain a subject I myself brought up astounds me. Like I actually want to study them under a microscope. My guy, I brought it up. Why are you explaining it back to me?
#anyway went to dinner with my partner's fam. actually had a good time but their father is still their father.#the waiter did his best not to even acknowledge my existence. talked to my partner's dad exclusively even though there were five of us.#he also retold the story of agamemnon (something to do w the wine we picked) and i perked up like !!!!! yes i've read it!!!#i kept coming in like yeah that's right!! but the man did not even look at me once. he was even standing so he was turned away from me.#but to explain the mansplain thing sdfghfdss.... i mentioned i was reading the name of the rose#and FIL bulldozed anything i was going to say about it and started explaining it to me as if i'd never read it? or heard of umberto eco?#my guy i literally just brought it up.#i've been noticing this shit happening a lot more lately. got serious woman-in-her-20s syndrome.#i'm simultaneously a 15 year old girl and a ghost. whoa the tiny little woman has heard of this extremely famous greek tragedy?? noooo#oh my god and she likes to read?? and she likes history too?? no she doesn't she's wrong let me explain her own interest to her.#sometimes i sit there and i honestly want to scream. like would you like to know what i know??? for once?? because i actually know things.#anyway i know exactly why cis men do this i know all the cogs. and i have no patience for it.#in good news my partner and i managed to steal a few moments alone at a book store and i bought a few history books#whose subjects would absolutely pop my sexist FIL's mind like a grape. i'm fucking pissed off. okay. i'm good i'm done.
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girlscience · 2 months
you know all the jokes about how the 'view post' button that pops up with the blacklisting function on tumblr is the most enticing button in the world?? the a/b/o tag on ao3 functions the exact same way for me
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guubiiz · 28 days
heartslabyul would be named my favorite dorm if i didn’t despise riddle.
#he’s just ......#if you don’t like him either you understand#( though i relate to riddle as a character i don’t like him for some reason )#he can be a lil’ bit silly a times ( and i mean LITTLE ) but most of the time he’s still just as unlikeable and an asshole as when we-#-first met him#i feel like a lot of the “development” is just at the end of their ob’s n’ never actually happens#idk .. the only dorm leaders i can confidently say i like as characters is leona vil n’ kalim#leona is like .. barely passing as one but i think that he’s shown to be v emotionally intelligent and i like that#vil is an absolutely wonderful character. he’s not my fav but i honestly think he’s the best character ( lilia being second )#and kalim is v v sweet ( though he’s portrayed as dense ). i think he has so much potential and it’d be wonderful if something ever happened#for the others-#idia i can relate to as a game lover n’ extreme introvert / people avoider. but he’s such a fucking dick n’ he’s got this giant superiority-#-complex but he also has an inferiority complex ??? idk when i finished watching through book 6 i didn’t really feel bad for him at all.#ortho i did but idia was still a mega bitch at the end.#azul is an absolute loser ( negative ) n’ i still think book 3 is ( n’ always will be ) the weakest#he gets the “handsome glasses” pass n’ also because i am an ursula lover#jamil ( since he ob ) is a character i LIKE but he is also just a bitch#his char development is near non-existent#kalim “set him free” or whatever the hell but it feels like his life is still centered around him? ik he’s still his servant but i wish-#-that jamil was shown as being his own person now.#and he literally thinks he’s better than everyone ... good lord.#book 6 was almost unbearable when watching him n’ leona’s part#malleus is soooooo fucking annoying atp. he’s not handsome sexy dragon he’s annoying ass crybaby. sorry but after his ob reason it’s just-#-more true.#DON’T GET ME WRONG#I LOVE ALL OF THE CHARACTERS AND WHAT THEY’RE MEANT TO DO THEY DO V WELL#BUT GOD DO THEY PISS ME OFF SOMETIMES#they all have their good moments and they have their bad.#anyway this was just a rant. don’t expect this to be read#half of these thoughts don’t really make sense since i’m shoving them into the tags
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