#they start filming in JUNE how am i gonna make it
corvidshipping · 2 years
so starved for content im going on the fucking subr.eddit for this show god help me
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szasfuckingwife · 3 months
thinking about widowed!reader struggling after Johnny’s untimely death. And trust me when I say it was really untimely.
You’d nearly saved up enough money to move from your (not-too-bad) high end apartment to a countryside house, You were days away from your 3rd year anniversary and then there was the whole daughter situation.
As in, the daughter you both raised. The very same daughter he promised he’d return too after this mission.
It almost makes you chuckle. Especially when watching his video logs. Some of them he’s just talking to himself, same old Johnny talking about how the clouds seem slightly greyer for a day in June. Or one where he’s sat on the balcony of your old apartment sipping a latte.
Then you find the one of him after you told him you were pregnant. It’s clear that it was midnight, the sky looks pitch black, you had to have been asleep. You hold your breath as you see him adjust the camera and sit on the toilet seat.
“Where do I even start?” He says to the lens, his thick accent echoing through the bathroom. Johnny’s eyes look a bit teary but he clears his throat anyway.
“Y/N’s just told me some news. Some life changing news actually..” He sighs. “And you know, I’m happy. Who wouldn’t be, it’s a great thing.”
He continued, “But I’m scared. I’m not worthy of her, let alone a baby. I dunno…The kid may hate me. I’m gonna be away on these crap missions, away from their mum…It’ll be rough.”
You watch as he lets out a tired groan. He’s so beautiful, the thought crosses your mind. You’ve never not been lost in his eyes, “I hope it’s a girl. Too many lads in our family. I’ll be breaking a curse. And I know Y/n will be a great mum. That’s what soothes me.”
A tear escapes your eye before the next video plays automatically. The clip shows Johnny with your baby girl on his chest. Moments of caring for her after the premature birth flashes in your mind as you watch him stroke her back.
She’s sleeping snug on his chest as he records her. “She sleeps like her mum.” He whispers, making sure the bass in his voice doesn’t wake her up. Johnny was thoughtful like that. “So peaceful, aren’t you, bonnie?”
He places a kiss on her forehead which causes her to stir lightly, “No no no! Don’t wake up…If your mum knew you weren’t in your crib because of me, she’ll kill me.”
But much to Johnny’s dismay, his baby girl begins to cry and it is loud. A laugh escapes your lips as the video ends abruptly.
A couple of more videos play, one from your daughter’s first birthday, to him secretly filming the engagement ring next to you whilst you were sleeping to honeymoon vlogs. It felt like a trip down memory lane.
But then a particular video began to play.
It was the Cyprus holiday. You remember that day because your daughter begged to go one the beach as you were leaving the next day to return to the UK. Even more bittersweet as Johnny left for another mission when you returned.
The video starts and Johnny is sat on the sand in his trunks, sun glasses resting on his head, “My girls are playing in the water and I am far too tired to join them.”
“Daddy! Look!” Her angelic, tiny voice shouts and Johnny turns the camera to her. Swiftly, she picks up a bucket of water and splashes it on Johnny’s toes. “You devil! Come here you-”
The sound of Johnny’s teasing along with your child’s giggles earns another tear. But you don’t notice it. You smile.
And then Johnny sits back down and points the camera at you, who is also in the water. Against the blushing sky, your silhouette is immediately the focus of the video.
“My beautiful wife…She’s so pretty..” He sighs. The compliments earns a smile from your lips.
“Look at that ass. Wow, that’s all me!” He chuckles, and so do you. “We might have a second one on the way sooner rather than later.”
Your husband turns the camera back to him, “Well, bye for now, I’m gonna go spend time with my family.”
The camera is propped up against some object as Johnny runs up to you and picks you up, peppering you with kisses before his daughter begs for her dad to prop her on his shoulders.
From another pair of eyes, they’d see the perfect family, or the goal. But your eyes won’t ever be the same after seeing his autopsy, his funeral, his badge.
But you smile regardless. Because he’s there.
He always will be.
“Hey, dad…” She whispers, staring at the grey headstone. The tulips rests next to his name as the sun shines down on her. It’s quiet, like how mornings with her did used to be.
She hasn’t visited his grave in years, not coming to terms with him really being gone. But with her wedding quickly approaching, all that was on her mind was some one on one time with her daddy.
“You would like him, dad. He’s great. Mum loves him because he can cook..” A chuckle leaves her lips, “Mum says that his carbonara may be a little better than yours but…I never trued yours so I can’t compare…”
Her voice dies down as she continues. The absence of memories is what really gets to her. She should have had father days, she should of had christmases with him, she should’ve had her father/daughter dance for her wedding.
But she’ll never have that.
“Uncle Riley and Uncle Price like him…took them a while. It was a lot of questions..” She smiles reminiscing on the nearly 5hr sit down they had with her fiancé.
Unbeknownst to her, a tear left her eye. She stroked the headstone and sighed, “I’ll start to visit more, I promise. I just can’t…”
The steadiness of her voice breaks as a mini sob erupts from her, “I don’t like seeing you like this. I miss you so much, daddy.”
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i remember seeing a tiktok/reel of a woman with stones that were made from her dads ashes and it made me tear up
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bcacstuff · 3 months
With him in SF in early September I wonder if they'll shoot S8 without any break. They are filming the 6th episode, with 4 weeks/block=2 eps. + 1 week for all table reads they should be done by end of August. The end is near & 12 years in the making by the time S8 airs.
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I received a number of these similar asks in the last weeks already but didn't get to answer it in the way I wanted (sorry for the delay)
First of all to avoid some confusion, as far as I know he said he was gonna receive the SWF Award at Top Shelf event in October! I don't know why people keep saying September?
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Caitriona's movie The Amateur was scheduled to be released on November 8, 2024, however the release is delayed and will now be on April 11, 2025
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I do (of course) not have a filming schedule, so the short answer on will they have a summer break is; I don't know.
But we can speculate and think about a few things I considered. No facts of course, purely speculation.
Previous seasons we always could find some little clues and hints from time to time during filming, but this season it's extra hard. I shared what I could about location, but it's not always clear if it concerns OL S8 or BOB. That goes also for the clues we often would find on IG from the crew, which it seems are switching being busy on both series. The cast from BOB posts more little hints and clues than the cast from OL. Sometimes the supporting characters do, like today Kieran Bew
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Kieran Bew IGS 21 June 2024
I also considered that S7 part 2 might have been altered a bit from how it was originally planned. As we were wondering during filming of S7 that there was no Fersali on set. Lauren and Cesar both were busy on other projects. But lately we've seen them again in Glasgow, and I really wonder if they filmed some extra scenes we will see in S7 part 2. It's hard to imagine how the storyline about Claire returning to the US, Philadelphia for Henri Christian's health problems (Fergus and Marsali's child) could omit Fersali. So perhaps they added scenes to S7 part 2, hence the long delay for it? (I could be completely wrong but we will know when it airs and if we'll see Fersali in S7 part 2 we know)
Anyway, we don't know where S7 part 2 ends, but if we are still in 3 different time periods (which does look that way given Diarmaid (Buck) seems to work on S8 as well, I figure not all cast is always needed on set. I do think, well actually am quite sure, some already had some time off in May. So perhaps, depending on the characters needed they scheduled it that way that people can have a wee break. I do wonder though about crew members, but perhaps BOB, which already started filming earlier this year will be done by July or so, and crew can take a wee break as well.
As for Sam, I do have an idea why his schedule didn't fit the Highlander con in July... but I keep that for my self for now. When time comes I'll see if I was right about it or not.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I’m just gonna say this (in case) to save us from possible embarrassment, but I’m pretty sure the only people that have spoken publicly about when filming starts, was first David who said summer, then reiterated June. Followed by Noah who said May. And more recently Finn who has also said May. This means all it would take is another actor or multiple to come forward and essentially debunk the theory that only Finn and Noah start in May, by saying they too start in May…
Don’t get me wrong! I’m not trying to rule this out as being a possibility at all, nor am I trying to bring people’s hopes down! I just wanted to provide some context before this gets spread like it’s official, only for it to be debunked and for everyone on here to be bummed.
When David first mentioned when he’d start filming, it was in the middle of a question about him juggling another film he would be working on at the same time during summer 2023. So, it’s possible that he’s just waiting until June to start filming because it works better with scheduling alongside his other production.
When Noah first mentioned when he’d start filming, he talked about how he would start in May and how that worked out perfectly for him because his first year attending Penn will be complete in May (May 9th).
When Finn first mentioned when he’d start filming, there honestly wasn’t much he mentioned beyond the month filming would start. Though, I will say that Finn is currently filming the sequel to Ghostbusters: Afterlife until May. And so understandably he could very well have easily been in the same position as David, waiting until June, though apparently that’s not the plan at this time.
Tbh I think it’s very likely that filming will start in May for anyone/everyone in the cast that is available at that time (prioritizing filming for 5x01/5x02 most likely).
With s5, they’re going back to standard practice for filming tv shows, which means starting filming a new season while still in the process of writing the final episodes of that same season. Though it’s very possible (and likely) they could film some scenes out of order, it would be in their best interest, and especially with the younger cast-members in mind, to go in order by episode as much as they can.
But still, when you’re working with over a dozen A & B list actors, it’s hard to get everyone’s schedules to overlap. They’re obviously going to do their best to make each of the cast-members schedules work best for them and their other obligations, while also working each of their availability around each other so that they can film together.
At the very least it’s still good to know that Noah and Finn start filming around the same time bc it does presumably mean that they are trying to make at least those twos scheduling overlap from the start, meaning that they are likely to have scenes together in early s5.
But still, I wouldn’t be surprised if and when other cast-members join the mix and inform fans that they also start in May.
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david-talks-sw · 9 months
any new Star Wars essays in the making, or are you moving on?
I don't know, honestly.
Part of it is "life gets in the way," I'm working a lot and so whatever time I have left is spent just messing around or meeting with my loved ones.
I've got a bunch of stuff in my drafts. I don't mind sharing it here, most recent to oldest:
Sort of a joke post of me pointing out how stressful being George Lucas' producer must've been, like this guy really DIDN'T WANT to write his fucking scripts, did he? Poor Rick McCallum. Abandoned because who gives a crap.
'Ask' reply on how EU-fueled fandom perception of the Jedi was flipped by the prequels.
'Ask' reply about the themes in Ahsoka and why the show doesn't know what it's about. Problem is, I go about it starting from the basics, so nobody's gonna sit through reading a tematic breakdown of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, The Batman and the original six Star Wars films before I even get to the show at hand.
"Part II" post about what Ahsoka, Rebels and TCW get right about lightsaber duels, which the Prequels never did.
Quote collection & analysis on just how complex the Prequels were meant to be (in the late 80s, Lucas intimated that the Sequels were the story that was supposed to have gray morality, not the Prequels)
Quote collection on how the themes and principles of Star Wars align with Lucas' own opinions and philosophies.
Quote collection on Lucas defining Anakin's flaws.
Quote collection on Lucas talking about the fact that we need to be more proactive, which aligns with what Lumi points out sometimes about the Jedi: they should've been more politically engaged because we all should be.
Why I approach Lucas as "word of god".
Personal life/joke-y post dating from the time of the WGA strike about how Jack Black's School of Rock lyrics "In his heart he knew, the artist must be true, but the legend of the rent was way past due!" applied to me. Abandoned because I didn't wanna bum everyone out.
Correcting the notion that Dark Times-era Jedi such as Kanan or Ezra or Ahsoka represent what Jedi were supposed to be.
A comprehensive end-all outlook on how Anakin's flaws all tie together. I've written this one twice and I don't know how to differentiate it from my other posts.
A secret "Part 3" to my TLJ Luke post, in which I point out that RJ's being too "indie", while being a strong point for a big chunk of the film, hampers the film's ability to make Luke feel as badass as he does on paper. I want to illustrate a storyboard for this one, but that takes time.
The evolution of Star Wars' approach to transmedia.
Debunking Star Wars myths: a (very) comprehensive outlook on children in the Jedi Order.
Problem is that only like 2/3rds of these are fully-written... and I still need to find the relevant clips, turn them into GIFs, etc etc.
There's many other interesting Asks in my inbox btw. But I'm already behind on all these, so I haven't begun to touch them.
Then there's the drawings.
I wanna draw a comic of the meeting between Yoda and Dooku in Dark Rendezvous. I wanna finish the comic fight between Maul and Ben. I wanna draw Mace, Shaak Ti, I've got a Luminara fan-art that was supposed to be ready for Jedi June 2022 and an Anakin drawing that looks weird. No time, nor am I skilled enough. (Like, I trace, that's what I do, it's not a secret I've said so before... but it takes me a long while to do so. I'm not fast at drawing, let alone coloring.) I could commission some of these, but there are obvious obstacles there.
There's fun tidbits I've discovered here and there but nobody will care about them and I usually try to not drown my blog with bs posts.
Then there's the bigger problem.
All the things I've listed above? I'm not 100% motivated to finish. But a lot of the new stuff I wanna write about is hella negative.
I had a lot of stuff I wanted to say about Ahsoka. But it wasn't all good. It was mostly me bitching, be it about the show or the fandom's reactions to it.
I've also got more stuff to say about Filoni's take on Star Wars, but I've talked about why it's inaccurate like 8 times already, and I don't actually dislike the guy, like there's plenty of things he knows and does that I think are awesome but also people won't stop putting him and his takes on a pedestal and--
oh shit, there's Acolyte too, I forgot about that, gray morality galore, here we come. But here too, like... I've talked a couple of times about why this entire gray morality thing is actually just the gen X-ers trying to make the prequels "cool" and "complex". but I've never explored properly, with quotes and research and shit. but i've talked about it so many times that at this point it'd end up like the Filoni rants, redundant. "we get it already." as if this show didn't have haters lined round the block for absolutely sexist reasons.
Don't get me started on the mountain of lies and/or idiocy that is the YouTuber Star Wars Theory.
And yet he said one thing a few months ago which struck a chord within me and it's the fact that Andor is awesome, excels on all levels because it's treated seriously, like a proper show, not a Disney Plus one... why wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why wasn't Book of Boba Fett? And I've already established multiple times that I enjoyed Kenobi (yes, including the Reva parts) and I've established that I know what they were going for in Fett and I've established that this is mainly a "Disney Plus didn't know how to structure a fucking show pre-WGA strike" issue more than anything else... but when I think about how these could've been treated instead? When I look at the characterizations and emotional stakes of like Fargo Season 5? It's infuriating. Because it's not bad (talking about Kenobi, BOBF is awful)... but it could've been EXCELLENT and instead it was just "okay" to "good".
I just miss live action lightsaber duels, man. Like, good ones.
and i dunno. maybe I should just let it rip on all this. "go off, king!"
but I think there's so much negativity re: Star Wars that adding my thoughts on these subjects, no matter how structured and reason, will just blend into a wave of needless, un-constructive hate.
maybe I should finish the writings in the drafts and just post them with no gifs, maybe just still images?
but doing any of that feels like a step back.
So that's where I'm at right now.
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Invisible String (Part 6)
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part 6/9
ship: austin butler x fem!reader
summary: a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
chapter summary: austin comes back from the week long stint in the u.s., things are discussed and things are realized.
word count: 3780 (longest part yet!)
author’s note: V*MIT TW in the last day/chunk, but nothing too graphic! this is very dialogue heavy but our fav doofuses have quite a bit to talk about 😅 next chapter is an austin pov interlude thing and i am VERY excited for that so ty for sticking with me here!
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
June 28th, 2020
You sent Austin a text after you listened to the voicemail saying you got it and did want to talk. But outside of quick hellos and goodbyes on the outskirts of him facetiming Cora you hadn’t said much else to each other. And you didn’t want to prod on his first day back after he spent an obscene amount of time traveling, so you settled on trying to catch him at the end of everyone’s first day back on set.
It was a late night- but you didn’t think you’d sleep if you put it off another day. 
Spotting him heading in the same direction you were as you got closer to his trailer, you walked a faster to catch up to him. Austin turned when he heard the footsteps, looking startled until he realized it was you.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” You supplied and he waved you off. “‘is alright.”
It fell silent between the two of you again, and you crossed your arms over your body, suddenly feeling small in the dimly lit trailer lot. 
“Follow me home? Cora will be in bed, but if you still wanna talk,”
“I do.” He said quietly, adding that he just had to change and then you could head out. When he climbed the steps and opened the trailer door to go inside he didn’t close it right away, tilting his head back towards you.
So you followed him in, standing against the closed door as he pulled his costume off and changed into street clothes. 
“How was your trip back?” You tried after a minute and he chuckled under his breath as he tugged his sweatshirt over his head. “Really fuckin’ long.”
The quip broke some of the tension at least, the two of you making amicable small talk as you walked to the parking lot. The next ‘big thing’ being filmed was the Vegas residency, the way Austin practically buzzed as he talked about how excited he was almost making you forget you were upset with him. 
“Go say goodnight if you want, I’m gonna make tea.” You said as you opened your front door and he disappeared down the hallway while you relieved the babysitter. You were sitting cross legged on the couch when he came back out, standing in the mouth of the hallway looking almost nervous to approach. 
“Sorry for being such a bitch on the phone.” You said bluntly as he finally did walk over.
“Hey, don’t call my baby mama a bitch.”
A laugh escaped at that, but then Austin sat down next to you and you were nervous all over again.
“And you weren’t being a bitch anyways, you were hurt.” 
“Didn’t really have the right to be, you can't cheat on someone you're not dating.” You stated, Austin not letting that go without a rebuttal either.
“Sure, but I think I earned the tongue lashing.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you took a short breath to gain a smidgen more composure before you started talking again.
“Said in your voicemail that you didn’t sleep with her.” 
You looked down and focused in on a loose thread hanging off your cardigan sleeve, seeing him sit up a little straighter out of the corner of your eye.
“I didn’t. She was kinda upset when we were talking about Cora. I didn’t wanna be a douche so I tried to comfort her and she had her head on my shoulder. Got done snifflin’ and kissed me.”
You didn’t disagree that the other woman was owed an explanation of the timeline. A clarification that you were only involved during their break and that Austin really didn’t have the faintest clue about Cora until April. But a pang of possessiveness coursed through you as Austin was relaying the chain of events. You tried unsuccessfully to push it down.
“We did uh, makeout. But when she went for my shirt we both snapped out of it. And then she started freaking out asking if she’d just made me a cheater and I said not exactly, because we weren’t exclusive- the rest just kinda tumbled out.”
His retelling of that part in the voicemail had left with more questions than answers, mainly surrounding the three word slip that had felt like an anvil dangling over your heads since it had happened.
You swallowed thickly, forcing yourself to look at him. “So when you said what you said, on Facetime,”
“I meant it.” He started, clearing his throat. “It was the heat of the moment, yeah, but it only slipped out cause it was all I’d been thinking about since leaving you two at the airport. How different it felt to know I was coming back- good different.”
“Cora missed you like crazy, drove me nuts when I was still mad.”
It was a redirect, but you were starting to get overwhelmed and it tumbled out before you could convince yourself to just swallow your anxiety and push on. Not a good enough redirect though, not when Austin only focused on the last part.
“So you aren’t anymore? Mad, I mean.”
“Upset, a little jealous. Not mad.” You said, suprised by your own honesty.
Austin seemed to be too, pulling his eyebrows together.
“Jealous of what?”
Returning to the loose thread on your cardigan, you plucked at it aimlessly. “That if you wanted to get back with her it’d be easier. Less strings attached, nothing tying you down- less to lose it it didn’t work out.”
You realized you were rambling and stopped abruptly, the room was silent when you did save for the low buzz of the radiator.
Austin broke the silence first, running a hand down his face.
“I get that you’re looking out for Cora by keepin’ me at arms length here Y/N, a hundred percent I do. But I guess my thing is that don’t plan on going anywhere. And I want to be with you if that’s what you want too.”
I want that more than anything, you thought, but what came out of your mouth was the thing that had made that feel off limits permanently since April.
“If you hadn’t come back for Elvis, if we never ran into each other,” You said tightly, fidgeting with your hands. “You probably wouldn’t have ever known Cora existed unless she tried to find you on her own as a teenager or an adult. And I don’t understand how you could ever forgive me for that.”
You were embarrassed by how much your voice was shaking, really not wanting to cry and feeling dangerously close.
Austin sucked his bottom lip in and took a short breath before he spoke, voice gentle.
“I forgave you the minute I saw Cora when she came out of the hallway that first night. So little, lookin’ just like me. I understood instantly why you did what you did to protect her.” He started.
"And I think what you need to do now, Y/N, is forgive yourself. I would’ve loved to be involved sooner, but you weren’t keeping me away to be cruel. You were protecting our baby the best way you knew how, that’s it.”
Swallowing thickly, you looked down in an attempt to hide the tears you felt pooling. What you wanted to say was that you didn’t even know how to begin to do that. That every time Cora told you how much she missed him when he was gone for one night- or you watched her run to the door to greet him, guilt surged through you like a lightning bolt.
Not just over what Austin had missed out on either, but what Cora had too. And you knew somewhere in the back of your mind that you needed to forgive yourself before it ate you alive.
Hearing it out loud, from him, that's what put a lump in your throat.
Austin scooted a little closer, asking you softly to look at him as you swiped at your eyes.
You felt his hand on your knee when you lifted your head, the way he was massaging your leg about to do you in because God- you loved him.
But scared that you’d start crying in earnest if you tried to articulate even half of what you were thinking, you kissed him. And Austin kissed you back as you maneuvered over into his lap, hands sliding up your neck to your cheeks as he pulled away just enough to talk.
“I love you so much honey,” He whispered, rubbing his thumb against your jaw. "You know that?"
Tilting your head to the side to kiss his fingers where they were resting against your face, you gave a small nod. “I do.”
It was a couple hours later when you worked up the nerve to say a certain three words back, laying in bed tracing infinity loops over his shoulder blade with your index finger. You thought he was too close to sleep to hear it until you felt him stir, eyes fluttering open as he pulled you in a little closer by the arm he’d had wrapped around your torso.
It felt good to be love and be loved in return. You could get used to that.
July 22nd, 2020
Not a lot changed after that night, mostly because of the fact that you’d been acting like a couple from the second you ended your “not in a relationship” conversation anyways. But the little adjustments that did crop up were welcome.
Austin practically lived at your flat, only going to his when he had an obscenely early set call. The two of you sat Cora down a week in and explained to her in four year old terms that mommy and daddy were in a relationship, something she made sense of via proclaiming that the the two of you were just like Flynn and Rapunzel. Not that you minded the comparison. 
And on top of all that Austin got a new manager that couldn’t have been a sweeter woman. To the extent that she brought a little present for Cora the first time she came over to meet with the two of you together.
All in all things were going better than you ever imagined they could.
Save for the lingering anxiety in the back of your mind about what was going to happen when Elvis wrapped. You felt secure in the knowledge that Austin wasn’t going to up and ghost, but it regardless wasn’t a topic you could avoid broaching for much longer.
“Hey Aus?” You said on the drive to set one day, rubbing your thumb against his hand where he was holding yours over the console. He glanced over at you with a quirked eyebrow, and you looked at the road as you spoke.
“What are we going to do when Elvis wraps? Cora and I are both Australian citizens. And I hate asking you to uproot your life- but the thought of losing you all over again,”
You didn’t realize how anxious you really felt about it until that last part slipped out, Austin squeezing your hand as he pulled to a stoplight. 
“Do you think you’d wanna move to the U.S.? If you don’t wanna uproot Cora we can look at me movin’ here.”
He said it so casually, like he wasn’t suggesting he leave his entire life behind to move across the globe, and it went right at your heart. 
“I can’t ask you to do that. She’s still little, and sure visa shit would take time but I think she’d adjust okay.”
“Alright then, so we’re gonna figure this out, and no one is gonna lose anybody.” He replied with a smile as he raised your interlocked hands to kiss them before driving through the green light. “I promise.”
The conversation lingered in your mind all day at work, and still was after work when you met up with Leah for Chinese food. Immediately, and unsurprisingly, she noticed.
“You’re quiet.” She stated, looking at you over her work with a skeptical expression.
“I finally asked Austin about what we’re gonna do after filming wraps.”
Twirling noodles around your fork, you glanced around to make sure you were mostly alone before you continued. “He offered to move here if I thought moving to the states would be too much for Cora. And I think she’ll be fine, I told him that.” 
“So are you lookin’ at getting a K1 visa?”
You almost spit your food out at that, Leah laughing at how wide your eyes got. It had come up in the research you’d starting during your break on set, but you made haste in scrolling past those results.
“We’ve haven’t even been together together for a full month, we’re not getting engaged Leah.”
She didn’t seem to take that for an answer, putting her fork down to prop her head up on her hands. “C’mon, do you really think there’s going to be anyone else?”
You knew what she was implying but you were quiet for too long and she rephrased the question anyways, tone a degree more serious.
“Do you think either of you are going to end up with someone else at this point? You’re planning on moving countries for him, moving Cora. I like to think I know you pretty well Y/N and you wouldn't be willing to sacrifice so much if you didn’t think Aus was your end game here.”
Picking her fork back up, she pointed it in your direction with the look she’d always given you when there was no point in arguing against whatever she was saying. Not that you had a particularly good argument, that in itself a realization that felt heavy.
“When you know you know, that’s all I’m saying.”
July 29th, 2020
Since the the dust settled between the paparazzi fallout and figuring your relationship out Cora had become a semi-regular visitor on the Elvis set whenever Baz gave the greenlight for it. She had Austin and just about everyone else wrapped around her finger, quickly becoming little miss popular among the cast and crew whenever she was around.
And it did your heart good to watch everyone take her under their wings, the fears you’d had about losing your job over the ‘scandal’ of it all feeling silly in hindsight.
On this particular day the two of you had opposing schedules, Austin leaving the day at two after an early morning call when you were just coming in to work lights for some casino scenes with Tom. You brought Cora with you to swap off, and give her some time to run around what had quickly become her favorite playground.
The last you saw after the switch she was fine and giggling on Austin’s shoulders as he showed her around the International Hotel set. So when you had a couple seconds to check your phone almost an hour after you parted ways, the text from twenty minutes prior that you were just seeing came with a bit of whiplash.
Hey, Cora threw up. Gonna take her back to yours once she seems okay enough for the car ride. DW about rushing home but call when you get a minute.
Well, you were worrying whether he wanted you to or not. And you were about to call when you heard footsteps coming towards you and looked up to a rather frantic production manager. She seemed to clock that you knew why she was there, running a hand through her hair.
“Been running around like a mad woman trying to find you, Austin’s on his way to parking lot B.”
You thanked her before taking off across the studio, spotting him getting into the drivers seat of his car as you reached the lot. Speeding up to a run so he didn’t drive off before you reached him, you managed to get there before he hit the gas.
“Hey, I’m so sorry- she was fine earlier, I wouldn’t have brought her to set if she was sick.” You rushed out as he rolled down the window, waving you off. “Kids puke baby, nothin’ to be sorry about.”
Your attention was pulled by sniffles before you cohort respond, Cora having spotted you from the backseat. Opening her door and crouching down, you were met with a four year old hiccuping through tears.
“Sick on daddy,” She whined, cheeks flushed.
“She threw up on you?
Turning towards the drivers seat you realized Austin didn’t have a shirt on under his hoodie. And you hoped that at least meant she hadn’t thrown up on the Elvis jumpsuit Austin had on when you first got to set.
“I was already outta costume,” He supplied with a little shrug, and you muttered a quiet “Thank you Jesus.”
Sighing as you stood back up, you reached into your back pocket for your phone as you spoke. “I can tell my supervisor what’s going on and he’ll let me go, he’s good about Cora.”
But Austin shook his head, reaching for your arm to stop you. “I got her, really.”
You met his eyes then, realizing suddenly why he was being so insistent about you staying at work. He’d been alone with Cora before. But the worst he’d had to do thus far was talk her down from the occasional tantrum. 
This was different, and you got the sense that he was treating it like some sort of parenting litmus test. And while you didn’t have any intentions of drilling his abilities as a father yourself, ever, you were touched by how adamant he was being about the whole thing.
So you put your phone back in your pocket with a soft “Okay”, giving Cora a goodbye with an assurance that you’d be home later before shutting her door.
When you popped back up to the driver's seat Austin leaned out of the car window for a kiss, promising he’d call if she got much worse.
Your phone buzzed only a couple minutes after you’d walked off, leaving them while he was still parked getting Cora calmed down because you had to get back to set.
Thank you for trusting me. Love you.
The message brought a smile to your face in spite of how shitty the situation was, and you shot back a Love you too. before put your phone on do not disturb. If Austin called it would come through anyhow, and you wanted to try your best not to helicopter text about Cora.
When you were leaving for the night and did check your phone you had a litany of notifications from Austin. And Cora being sick was far from ideal, but the live feed he’d been keeping you on via text was so sweet you found yourself laughing some under your breath.
No puking in the car, considering that a win.
Got her to keep a couple crackers down.
Nevermind. 😅
Outfit change #2 time (for me, not Cora bless her heart).
She threw up when she was laying in bed and missed the bowl. Put the dirty stuff in the washing machine but don’t know where you keep the spare bedding and don’t want to leave her alone to look too hard. Gonna set us up on the couch.
The next message came with a photo of the back of Cora’s head, blonde hair pulled into two braids that you didn’t think looked all that bad.
Asked me to do her hair after I gave her a bath, I did my best!
I hate knowing you’ve been doing this all by yourself all this time. You’re a super mom.
Cora hasn’t thrown up in a hot minute and says she’s feeling “less yucky” so we might be out of the woods. Think we’re both gonna be asleep by the time you get home though. I love you.
He’d assumed right by that, the sight that met you as walked into your flat the both of them asleep on the couch. Cora was curled up under Austin’s arm, her head resting against his neck with a hand on his face.
The sight was so sweet you snapped a photo before moving to wake them up. Which you felt a horrible about, but Austin couldn’t afford to screw up his back on your couch or get whatever Cora had come down with. Which it might’ve be too late to avoid given that she’d thrown up on him, and from what you’d assumed by his texts a second time at that. Better safe than sorry though.
He stirred when you scooped Cora up off of him, a flash of panic crossing his eyes before he realized it was you.
The husky “Oh, hi,” he gave you sounded absolutely exhausted, his eyes not even open all the way for a minute there.
“I’m gonna let her sleep in my bed,” You whispered over your daughter’s head as he sat up slowly. “And I hate to kick you out but I don’t want you to catch whatever she has.”
Austin stretched his back, waving you off as he turned back to face you. “‘s fine. I think it’s just food poisoning anyway, she didn’t have a fever or nothing.” 
“And if it’s the flu then Baz is gonna have my head for getting you sick.” You replied, knowing the argument was already lost.
He followed the two of you down the hallway, Cora waking up fully as you were laying her down in the middle of your bed. Opening her eyes, she gave a little tired smile when she saw you.
“Hi momma,” She said so quietly you almost didn’t hear her, and it was moments like this that you really understood what people said about your kids being your heart walking around outside of your body. Brushing a few hairs out of her eyes, you smiled softly.
“Hi Cor, you feelin’ a little better?”
She nodded at that, but pulled her gaze away from you to scan the dark room, sitting up some in your bed as you laid down next to her. Austin was across the room plugging his phone in, your bedroom too dark with the lights off for Cora to see where he went.
“Where’s daddy?” 
“Right here sweetie,” He said softly as he came back over, climbing into bed and pressing a kiss to her head as he laid down.
Cora ended up sandwiched between the two of you, her head knocked back on Austin’s chest with a foot nudged almost in your ribcage.
And Austin had a protective arm slung over the both of you, Leah’s words running through your head like a skipping CD as you tried to sleep.
“When you know you know, that’s all I’m saying.”
tag list (tags don’t always work, i do my best!): @chernayawidow @theinvisiblecapricorn @aalishifts @mavericksicybabe @cryingabtab @kittenlittle24 @invisiblee-smoke @mrs-munson-quinn @cevans-winchester @kikilovesdankmemes @oh-austin @chrissie-soula @starcatchxr @butlervol6 @thedeviltohisangel @redhoods-gf @gabrielajimenez @stlover288 @alqvarde @loudwombatmugkid @austinbrainrot @ab4eva @m0ndayagain @marlowmode @kingbouji3 @gardenavenue @yeonimii @eliseinmemphis @blurredcolour @tiddieshakeshownu @fallininlovewithurlove @briannaisanxious @amiets2 @karamelcoveredolicity @amnmichh @mrsniallhoran505 @strokesofstokes @starry-night-20
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acaciapines · 2 months
for the ask game, answer whichever of these speak to you the most: 4, 5, 11, 14 :D
oh they ALWAYS speak to me. i answer All. i will not be contained.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
actually shockingly few! ever since i finished my big owl house editing pass back in june i've not done a whole lot in terms of projects...and recently i've been playing rain world so instead of writing im playing rain world like 24/7. currently my only main project is the dess raises kris au, and in that 'verse the only thing i'm writing right now is a dess/chara relationship study. i WOULD finish it, but, uh. rain world. (<- guy who is trying so hard not to write rain world fic. i probably wont but also i am always tormented by ideas. but consider i have to tell the story of my slugpup scooter SCOOTER I WONT EVER FORGET YOU--)
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
probably countless that i do not remember right now! but digging around through my drafts, i've got a few deltarune daemon aus that won't ever see the light of day...one of them was a fangame where the player played as one of kris's two daemons, and the other was a fic where ralsei was kris's daemon. the ideas from there have basically been repurposed elsewhere--a lot of my kris&ralsei stuff went into various works, and the fangame stuff is being reworked into the dess raises kris au.
beyond that, in terms of things that are actually abandoned and won't be used elsewhere, there are so many daemon aus that i've left behind for one reason or another, though the gravity falls transcendence au is the one that i think was the best...that one postcanon his dark materials fic i was gonna write where lyra and pan return to will's world and cause general shenanigans there with him and kirjava...a vera-centric son of sea foam wings of fire au because vera is the love of my life and i was rereading wings of fire bc i felt nostalgic....oh my god fantasy high SOPHOMORE YEAR FIC, which i tried to start TWICE, once from fig's pov and once from ayda's that was their road trip back home and i have some very funny snippets from...MY INFINITY TRAIN DAEMON AU WAIT THAT ONE STILL GOES SO HARD ACTUALLY. okay drop everything ive ever said the fact that i never wrote my infinity train book two daemon au is a travesty. i was cooking with that one.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
sort of! i usually always have at least one or two songs i connect to any given fic, but in terms of what i listen to when actually WRITING, it's changed over the years. i used to put on compilations of video game music--usually utdr, pmd, and then just whatever got recommended to me lol--then i did like. those character playlists people make on youtube? mostly bc they tended to pull from the same pool of songs so it became good background noise lol. now i use the youtube mix or whatever its called for a similar reason--it tends to play the same handful of songs ive listened to a lot, so they dont distract me.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh i LOVE this question, and it would be without a doubt my nimona daemon au oh, are you at all like me. nimona itself is obviously both a comic and a movie, and i'd say animated film since the fic follows the movie plot more--i think there'd be a LOT of really cool scenes you could get with that fic. i also think i could make killer animatics based on my fics if i could draw good enough <3 and thats not a joke i have scripts and sketch storyboards and everything. maybe one day i'll finish one of those.
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ginalover · 3 months
Interview: Gina Gershon on the Love Story and Legacy of the Wachowskis’ ‘Bound’
Gershon discusses what makes the film such an enduring and endearing queer cinema classic.
by Marshall Shaffer
June 25, 2024
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Gina Gershon’s body of work boasts a murderer’s row of formidable directors. Following her debut in John Hughes’s Pretty in Pink, she went on to appear in films by John Sayles, Robert Altman, John Woo, Michael Mann, Olivier Assayas, William Friedkin, and Woody Allen. Yet it’s two fateful collaborations in consecutive years—Paul Verhoeven on 1995’s Showgirls and the Wachowskis on 1996’s Bound—that loom largest over her filmography.
As Corky in Bound, Gershon displays a fierce commitment to the physical and emotional realism of a lesbian ex-con trying to restart her life, seamlessly transmuting the brooding of a classic noir protagonist into the body of a contemporary butch plumber. This makes it all the easier to understand how she’d fall for a traditional femme fatale like Jennifer Tilly’s Violet.
The erotic and ecstatic chemistry between the two escalates into an elaborate heist plot to get out from under Violet’s mafia money-laundering husband, Joe Pantoliano’s Caesar. And at every turn, the Wachowskis match the excitement of their story with equally mesmerizing direction.
In a less forgiving era for female stars as sexual beings on screen, Gershon refused to bow to expectations for how and who her characters could love. Her commitment to the stories she wanted to tell came with costs at the time, but she’s been validated by the long arc of film history. Showgirls and Bound are now remembered as signature cinematic achievements of the 1990s, with the former film a mainstay of often cheeky repertory theater programming and the latter recently receiving a new home video release through the Criterion Collection.
I spoke with Gershon shortly after Bound’s new 4K digital restoration was released by Criterion. Our conversation covered how she developed the character of Corky, where the Wachowskis guided her to see the full picture of Bound’s construction on set, and what makes the film such an enduring and endearing queer cinema classic.
Before we start, I should say that I actually studied Bound in a college film class.
It’s a good one for film class because there’s so much to discuss, just technically, the way it was shot, and the meaning of it. That would be fun. Good for that teacher!
You’ve teased writing a more traditional memoir than your 2012 book In Search of Cleo. How would you tell the story of Bound in your book? What’s the enduring memory that lingers on decades later?
I actually am writing another book, and I talk about Bound. My enduring memory of it always was how shocked I was my agents didn’t want me to do it. Everyone literally was saying, “You’re gonna ruin your career.” It was a moment of like, “What are you talking about?” And I realized how homophobic the business was. I just saw an incredible script and a great opportunity. And they’re like, “Oh, it’s a lesbian movie!” You know, people weren’t doing that then. Which, in retrospect, is just insane. It was a good lesson in just standing up for what you believe. And I was like, “This is my career, I’m doing this. I think the Wachowskis are exceptional filmmakers. I want to play Corky. I think this will be cool.” I’m glad I did.
What guides your instincts in picking films and seeing beyond the immediate concerns of agents and publicists?
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You worked with many visionary directors well into their careers. Could you tell the signs were there for the Wachowskis even though it was their first film?
I get this thing in my stomach: If I meet a really good director—or in this case, directors—I just get giddy. I don’t know why or how I know. But if it’s a really talented person, and the Wachowskis are just geniuses with what they did, I know. Certainly, my agents were like [does a nervous voice], “First-time directors…” And I’m like, “Yeah.” The second I started talking to them about certain shots and how they saw the film, I knew they were very special. And I thought, “I’m in.” It’s exciting to be with first-timers where you say, “I believe in these people doing this.” Sometimes I guess you’re wrong, but I wasn’t surprised how well it turned out.
Were you clocking the Wachowskis’ unconventional filming style with so many close-ups and overhead shots? Does that play into your performance?
No, it’s still the same. You’re still trying to be in the moment and truthful. Instead of just wildly going, “I’m just going to do this,” with certain scenes, they’re like, “No, we need you to look to the left because then we’re going to cut it with the Benjamin Franklin dollar bill looking over to the left.” At first, I’m like, “It feels doesn’t feel right looking this way!” And then they would tell me what they were going to cut it to, and I’d be like, “Ahh, super cool! Okay.” Sometimes directors make the mistake of not clueing in their actors, but that only helped me. I’m a visual person. You can tell me a zillion things, and if you show me something, I’m like, “Oh, yeah, cool!” You want to be part of the team and make that cool image happen. It gave you boundaries of how and where you’re going to be looking. Hopefully, if you do your work, it doesn’t matter.
How did the Wachowskis direct you beyond just getting you to hit your marks? How were they helping you find the character?
Oh, that’s interesting, I don’t really remember them ever doing that! [laughs]
Was it just a matter of them trusting you that much?
When I read for Corky, they liked my reading. To me, Corky was very still like those noir guys or actor men who I always projected everything onto. You can’t help but fall in love with [them]. It was a different, and very still, sort of performance for me. You try not to give away too much. Corky is coming out of jail. She doesn’t trust anyone, so she’s clocking everything. In a lot of those scenes, the audience is learning stuff through Corky’s eyes. I think we were just in cahoots with how that was going on. Maybe [they said], “Amp this or that up,” but it was also a while ago, so I don’t recall. It was more of a physical thing: “You’ve got to look this way.”
Your preparation for the film included looking at swaggering icons like Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, and Robert Mitchum. How do those inspirations manifest inside Corky? Is it a matter of incorporating masculinity into the character or blurring the gender binary altogether?
I know, as a woman, what I thought was really sexy when I would look at a man. The way he would hold a beer, certain things as a female looking at a male, I’m like, “Oh, that’s so cool. That’s so sexy.” It was just very quintessential male, like the way they would hold a steering wheel. Those are just like my own little quirks that I love!
It was more of an emotional thing. I started boxing to learn stillness. Instead of being like a [Marvin] Hagler, I wanted to be more like a Sugar Ray [Leonard]. He just moved when he needed to. He was very calm, and I think it was that energy I was tapping into more than anything else. That comes out of you [not wanting] to get hit. It’s a trust issue, who are these people? I didn’t look at it as male or female. I just looked at it as an energy of why they are being that way. It was always very alluring to project onto someone who’s doing…not that you’re doing nothing, but Corky was an interesting character to let people project onto.
It also feels like these characters are consciously playing a part based on what they’ve seen in the culture. Listening to the archival commentary track on the Criterion release, I heard that the Wachowskis gave The Treasure of the Sierra Madre to Joe Pantoliano as a direct influence within a scene.
Interesting, I don’t remember them telling me [to go in that direction]. I go interior-exterior. I just think if you’re someone who’s gauging what is going on and clocking the room and reading the room, it’s not out of insecurity. You don’t give anything away. You don’t make yourself vulnerable in a situation. You just have to figure out: Is this safe? That’s where I think her stillness comes from. Listen, I remember falling in love younger, like, “Oh, he’s so tall, dark, handsome, and quiet.” And then later on, you’re like, “Oh, he’s quiet because he has literally nothing to say!” But you don’t know that at first. And I think there’s something alluring about projecting onto someone and making them much more than they are.
There was some back-and-forth between you and Jennifer on who should play which character in the film. Was each of you having that insight into both Violet and Corky something that helped the production?
I never saw Jennifer [playing Corky]. I think I was playing her [from the start], and then we went to go see Jennifer because they obviously had to see our chemistry. We went to visit her—I want to say Las Vegas, but I could be completely making that up. Jennifer is so animated, so girly, and so like [impersonating Tilly], “Alright, well, you know…” It was so fun to watch! I just thought, “Oh my god, I could do this with her.” As a dude trying to get that energy of just watching some girl, I could watch Jennifer forever and be entertained. And I think there was that element of like, “Who is this creature in front of me?” She’s very alluring, and you could see why Corky would fall in love with Violet even against her better judgment.
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How do you feel when the tide starts to shift on a film like Showgirls or Bound? When does the initial reception fade into the background and you can tell it’s been reclaimed as something like a cult classic?
That’s interesting, isn’t it? As soon as Bound came out and people started seeing it, everyone was into it. It was just a matter of the NC-17 from the rating boards. As soon as actors, directors, and regular people started watching the movie, it became a classic instantly.
Showgirls has got its own trajectory. I went to a screening the other night of the film at the Paris Theater. A friend of mine was like, “You have to come and see this,” because I always think I just get PTSD when I watch it. I hadn’t seen it in so long, but seeing it now was so interesting. It’s got a totally different meaning, and maybe people unconsciously were tapping into that. But I find it more interesting that the critics, people who absolutely hated this movie [and said] “this is the worst movie”…to this day, everyone asks me about it. What does that tell you? It’s interesting.
Has the meaning or experience of Bound changed at all for you, especially now knowing it was the project of two transgender women who might not have necessarily had the language or the knowledge to express themselves directly?
I remember asking them, “What do you know about being a woman? How are you going to direct this?” Which feels kind of foolish in retrospect! It certainly had a different meaning to them that I wasn’t aware of. But I think, in general, everyone in that movie is in a box. They’re all bound in some way, and everyone’s trying to become free to be able to be who they are. Of course, we could read so much more into it. I’m sure there’s a reason why they wrote it, but I didn’t know that at the time. I think it’s pretty cool! [laughs]
When you think about the imagery of the closet or even something like the thin walls between the apartments, those feel ripe for symbolic analysis. As you mentioned at the start, it’s a rich text in that way.
I mean, the pipes are all throughout the movie. There’s water, sweat, and wetness. It’s very, very clever. It’s a good thing to have in film school, right? There are a zillion essays [to write] on it.
Have you been involved or consulted on the upcoming stage adaptation of Bound?
I heard about that, but I wasn’t really that aware of it. I mean, it’d be fun to see! Listen, I always felt we were basically doing it in one or maybe two rooms, and I used to say, “God, this could literally be done as a play!” The writing is good enough, although I think so much of the fun of this is the way it looks, the way it’s shot, and the nods to film noir but turning it on its head.
Do you think a version of Corky in 2024 would be played similarly to the way that you played it?
Hopefully, every actress is going to play something differently, but I think the ultimate essence is still the same. To me, it was always a love story. It was about trust. How do you trust someone to give yourself over to them? For me, as Corky, that was the bigger [story]. I never really looked at it like, “Oh, it’s a lesbian, it’s a guy, it’s a girl…” I just thought, “Will I trust this person enough to go all the way in and risk my life?” I’ll be very curious to see what they do with the adaptation. I bet it’ll be cool. I hope it’s cool!
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she-karev · 4 months
The Doppelganger (Maya x Carina Funny/Sweet Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Four
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19
Fancast: AJ Cook as Mia Knight, Matthew Gray Gubler as Spencer Knight
Ship: Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca
AN: I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter because this one is gonna be funnier and sweeter. Sign up to save Station 19 guys, it’s too good of a show to end so soon with so many plot holes. If not ABC then let another platform take it and run it. https://www.savestation19.com/
Summary: Maya comes to the hospital at Andrew and Amber’s request so they can prove her, and their patient Mia Knight look the same. Andy and Vic are with her and are amused at the coincidence.
Words: 2357
June 6, 2023
Amber starts prepping Mia for the C-Section and talks to her so she can ease her worries as they get closer to the surgery. Her husband is by her side holding her hand and whispering sweet words to her.
“So how did you two meet? I met my husband outside this hospital. I was here for an interview, and I decided to get coffee at the kiosk before. He was in front of me in line.” Amber chuckles at the memory, “He turned too fast and spilled his coffee on me.”
Mia grins slightly, “So not a meet cute then.”
“It got worse when he turned too fast again and hit me on the nose with his elbow.” Mia chuckles and so does Amber, “It’s one of those we’ll look back and laugh at this in the future moments.”
First Meeting Here
Mia smiles, “So how come you gave him another chance after the multiple assaults?”
“We met at a bar that night. He bought me a meal to apologize, we talked, and I realized he was nice and hot. 7 years later we’re married with a baby so happy ending. What about you guys?”
Spencer grins as he starts, “We met in college. I was in the physics department of UCLA; I was doing a dissertation on the physics and velocity of runners and did my experiments at the field where the track teams meet.”
“I was studying political science on an athletic scholarship I ran track.”
“Really?” Amber looks astounded by another trait she and Maya share, “Carina’s wife ran track too, she was even in the Olympics. Did you get that far?”
“No, I injured out 3rd year by then I met this brainy physics guy filming me in a way that would be creepy if he wasn’t a rare geek and adorable mix. I was sitting on the benches getting a drink of water and I asked him, ‘I hope you got good footage for tonight.’”
“And then I rambled on like an idiot and explained how velocity can be seen through the footage I took.” Spencer explains, “It was less of a meet cute and more of a college lecture.”
“And not a very long one since about five minutes in I said, ‘hey Spence maybe you can take me out for a coffee after this meet if it gets me out of this long ass conversation about the science of my sport.’ I was looking to make him stop and I could burn 2400 calories back then.”
Spencer smiles at her, “And you know what sold me in that moment? It was her being the only person in the entire world who calls me Spence.”
Amber chuckles as she takes Mia’s blood draw, “It’s the opposite for me I had this one girlfriend who called me Am it was so gross.”
Mia looks at her amused, “Did you dump her?”
“Like yesterday’s lunch.” Mia and Spencer laugh at that joke while Amber keeps monitoring her and the baby.
Andrew walks down the hall with his sister-in-law Maya Bishop, her captain Andy Herrera and their friend Vic Hughes who all came by at his insistence on their day off. Andy yawns clearly, still tired while Hughes is peeved.
“DeLuke’s, do you want to tell me why you pulled me away from packing for Washington? My flight is in four days, and I am diligent when it comes to packing and air travel. And anybody who gets in the way of that better have a good reason or things will be ugly.”
Andrew grins, “Trust me Hughes this will be worth it, and I can’t tell you because it’s something I have to show you and more importantly Maya and most importantly my sister so she can be wrong, and I can be right for once.”
Maya raises an eyebrow, “You know I love you like a brother but any arguments you have with Carina I am always gonna side with her. Especially now when she is carrying our baby.”
Andy exhales, “Imagine a pissed off pregnant Italian woman? I’m afraid to see what that looks like in real life.”
“I’ve had enough pregnant women in my family to tell you it is the stuff of nightmares.” He stops them outside Mia’s room where the window is covered by the blinds, “Okay here we are ladies I just need to text my wife so she can open the blinds and you can be amazed.”
“Amazed by what?” Vic asks impatiently.
Andrew texts Amber and a few moments later he sees Amber opening the blinds allowing them to see Mia in full view in her bed. It takes a few seconds before Andy and Vic can see the startling similarity in the patient who is holding her husband’s hand while talking to Amber. Maya looks at Mia and raises an eyebrow but looks calm even when she acknowledges there’s a similarity.
“What the hell?” Andy asks DeLuca who is grinning at her reaction, “Who is she?”
“Andy Herrera, Maya Bishop, Vic Hughes meet Mia Knight, in for a scheduled C-Section with my sister and the man by her side is her husband, Spencer.” Andrew faces Maya with a smug grin while she looks nonchalant, “If you could tell Carina what everybody here can see clear as day, I would really appreciate it.”
Maya grins and shakes her head, “I’ll admit there is a small resemblance but looking close she doesn’t really look that much like me.”
“The hell she doesn’t.” Vic retorts, “She could be your twin.”
“Ooo maybe they are.” Andy chips in, “Separated at birth, your dad would do something that messed up.”
“That’s what I said.” Andrew points out with an amused smile, “But no she’s 10 years older and she was born in California.”
Vic smiles at this coincidence, “This is just what I needed before I left. I need to see this up close.” Vic walks to the door ignoring Andrew who tries to tell her to stop but she is quicker than him. She enters the room that a startled Mia and Spencer are occupying with Amber looking up in shock over being interrupted mid-sentence. Maya, Andy and Andrew enter the room embarrassed while Vic looks back and forth to the identical women with a chuckle, “Wow this is the coolest and weirdest thing I’ve even seen in my life.”
Maya tsks and steps forward feeling responsible for this unfortunate barging in. Spencer looks at Maya in shock and looks back at Mia who looks startled but calm just like Maya. Amber looks back and forth between the blonde women feeling like all the weird cases fall on her lap.
“It’s even more uncanny in real life.” Amber says before checking Mia’s vitals.
Mia chuckles and smiles finally understanding, “I guess this is why my doctors have been acting weird around me all day. I take it you know this woman who shares some similarities to me.”
“Some?” Spencer asks in shock, “Honey she could be your twin. Are you?”
Maya shakes her head with a grin, “No contrary to public opinion my ass of a father isn’t screwed up enough to give away my twin sister, it was just a coincidence that’s all. Hi, I’m Maya Bishop, I’m your OB’s wife.”
Mia grins at the greeting, “Mia Knight I’m your wife’s patient.”
Vic gasps as she realizes something, “Oh my god, your last name is Bishop and her’s is Knight, you guys are the Bishop and Knight checkmate! What do you do for a living? Do you fight fires? Please say you fight fires.”
Amber sighs and turns to Mia, “I am very sorry Mia I just wanted verification me and my husband weren’t insane. I did not count on firefighters storming in but with this team I should have accounted for it. Hughes maybe don’t interrogate her before she goes in to have her baby?”
Mia isn’t offended instead she chuckles, “No it’s okay this definitely more different than my last birthing experience. It’s weird but a good weird.” She turns to Vic, “I work at a law firm, I’m a lobbyist. My day-to-day job consists of explaining to legislators on policies and laws that need to be changed in a specific geographic location.”
Spencer nods, “Over 20 years and I still can’t understand her job, it’s not a science at all.”
Andy nods intrigued, “So your job is basically jumping through hoops to impress old white guys stuck in their old ways and try to get them to move with the 21st century?”
“Pretty much.”
“Interesting.” Andy smiles at Maya who raises an eyebrow, “Maya does the same thing only instead of changing laws she runs into fires. Are you a runner Mia?”
“Ran track in high school and college just like your friend.” Vic and Andy look at each other with wide eyes, “I didn’t get as far as the Olympics though so not much of a similarity just coincidence.”
Vic scoffs, “This isn’t a coincidence this is the Parent Trap!”
“We’re not twins Hughes.” Maya reiterates with a grin.
Amber nods, “Yeah, I looked into it and there are case studies that show you have at least one person in this world you share all eight facial features with. This happens to be Maya’s one person.” Mia and Maya look at each other inquisitively as if trying to see the twin-like features but they both shake their heads.
“I don’t see it.”
“Me neither.” Mia agrees with Maya.
Andy smirks, “Stubborn as a bull.”
Spencer chuckles, “Yeah I guess you recognize that from your clone too.”
Andy nods, “Yep that’s another trait I’m jotting down, DeLuca are you keeping score?”
“I’m busy with my patient speaking of which.” Andrew addresses Amber, “Dr. DeLuca how are her vitals so far?”
“Good their good, I was just about to explain the procedure before I prep her for surgery.”
“Which is something you should have done by now.” The team turn to a familiar Italian accent and see Carina by the doorway with an impatient look wearing a scrub cap ready to operate, “I came here because I thought you were prepping Mia but instead, we’re having a pizza party.”
Amber nods in shame, “Sorry Dr. DeLuca I was about to go over the steps of the procedure until Hughes barged in.”
“Hey, I am gonna leave so I am absolved of any guilt and shame.” Vic turned to Carina with a smile, “Is it gonna be weird? Is it gonna feel like operating on your wife while she’s pregnant with someone else’s kid?”
Carina rolls her eyes, “It’s not because I know this woman and my wife are the not the same person.” Carina spots Maya and grins at her, “Ciao bambina, whose idea was it to line you up with my patient to see the differences?”
Maya defends herself from her pregnant wife fearing reprimands, “I just got a call from your brother telling me to come down as soon as possible I did not think I was getting a…Vertigo live show.”
“That’s what I said!” Amber says with a smile, but Maya ignores her.
“I agree with you there is hardly a similarity, on some angles me and Amber could look alike but we don’t it’s the same with Mia. We will not be in your way anymore my love we were just leaving.”
“We were?” Andy asks with Maya and Carina responding with a glare causing her to realize their overstepping, “I mean we were, let’s go Hughes, let’s leave Maya’s pregnant clone to have her baby in peace.”
“Wait! I need a picture of you two.” Maya shakes her head amused, “Come on it’s my last week in town you can’t say no to me please, please.” Vic makes pleading hands to Maya and Mia who look at each other amused.
“She’s serious right now?” Mia asks Maya.
“She is when it comes to this stuff, one picture to get her off our backs, is that okay?”
“My back is already in pain from carrying a bowling ball in my stomach so sure let’s do this.”
Vic smiles, “I already like you more than Maya, come on next to each other husband can you move?” Spencer looks taken back but moves so Maya can take his spot with an apologetic look. Maya stands next to Mia who is in bed with a gorging pregnant belly and they both grin at the phone Hughes points at them and snaps a picture with a smile, “Okay now put your hand on her belly.”
Maya steps back knowing they’ve overstayed their welcome, “Okay we’re leaving now Hughes let’s go.” Vic scoffs disappointed but follows Andy out the door with Maya following before turning back to the couple with a smile, “Sorry about that congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Mia replies with a smile and the door closes leaving the couple with their doctors who are grinning in amusement until Carina steps up to Mia with a reassuring smile.
“Are we ready?”
Mia smiles, “Yeah oddly enough that actually made me less stressed thanks.”
“Thank my brother.” Carina turns to Andrew with a grin, “He doesn’t think before he acts, same with the woman he loves.”
Amber chuckles, “Hey it was his idea to bring him down here I was just supposed to open the blinds. Sorry about that I promise there will not be another audience.”
Mia grins, “I’ll give you guys this, you make great entertainment out of thin air for your patients.”
The three of them chuckle and Carina stands next to Mia with a smile, “Are you ready?”
Mia inhales deeply, holds Spencer’s hand while he gives her a reassuring nod and she follows turning back to Carina, “Let’s have a baby.”
Carina nods, “Let’s have a baby, Amber do you want to go over the steps of the procedure before we prep her?” Amber nods and explains the steps to Mia who looks more relaxed than she did when she first came in as well as Spencer who kisses her knuckles.
Next Part Here
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boltlightning · 1 year
ok. saw sweeney todd revival on broadway. i went from not knowing any songs to seeing two productions in one summer so. thoughts:
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because im me my immediate takeaway was: it's been a hot second since i saw a show with the orchestra in a pit down in front of the stage AND it was a 26-person orchestra with refreshed orchestrations! it was so crispy and tight and the energy of being able to see the conductor is difficult to put into words. i'm beyond glad they didn't hide the musicians backstage
there were a lot of people there just for josh groban — i was with family whom i persuaded to see this show because of josh groban, and i heard many people in line being like "hey so is josh groban the bad guy? how much does he kill" and there were some changes i feel reflected that. there was so much physical humor, and sometimes lines were added to further give context to someone's actions. i think it works overall, but you could feel the crowd paying less attention when mrs. lovett or sweeney weren't on stage lol
and it's so unsettling! the chorus has some incredible and strange choreography; the light coming through the steps up to the second story is so ominous; the harmonies SOAR through the theater. it's good stuff.
potentially spoily stuff about the production itself below:
and yes OF COURSE the leads were incredible. i feel like len cariou's sweeney is so angry and yet refined, and michael ball's goes hard on the madness and revenge, but groban's is so...sad. he's such a dad, he sings like an angel, it is so uncomfortable when he does something violent. groban's epiphany is HAUNTING and ELECTRIC and the way he interacts with the razors is incredible! and the way he plays a little priest is hilarious but makes it very clear that it is an extension of his mental break. genuinely and eye-opening experience thank you mr. groban
and ashford takes the more emotional cues from the 2007 movie, but makes you actually care about her lmao. like compared to lansbury's frenetic and absent-minded lovett, ashford is laid back and casual and almost lazy about all the weird shit happening around her. she feels bad about locking toby up, sure, but she's still gonna use it as an excuse to get sweeney to pay attention to her! she's funny she's heartfelt she's insane she wants to fuck sweeney todd so fucking bad. it's an incredible combo
and. yeah the rumors are true. she climbs josh groban like a jungle gym the entire time, and on the rare occasion sweeney snaps out of his brooding to reciprocate the flirting, it is HOT. their camaraderie on and off stage is potent. and it works in the other direction too — when he starts to flinch away from her in the second act it's painful.
i do think that the ending sequence in particular is kind of messy up until the last scene in the bake house; there's not a moment to breathe and not in a way that seems intentional? and some of the scenes with the judge/johanna/anthony subplot could have used some love. but. minor qualms. i am biased because kiss me through pretty women is probably my favorite section of the show 😵‍💫
my last takes are: johanna and the beadle in this production are unbelievably good. johanna leaned so into the bird motifs, as well as the idea that she is done waiting around and ready to do violence, much like her father. and the beadle is delightfully amoral and hates his job and delights in the power it affords him. i am so glad they didn't cut parlor songs and let him really eat it up
and. the last shot of sweeney and mrs. lovett is so so so good and i hope they do a professional filmed production of this so people can experience that alone. josh groban's in this it'll sell like hot cakes PLEASE just do it
my first experience with sweeney todd was a local production i saw this june, in a deeply intimate 300-seat theater. i was sitting so close i could've set my drink on the stage. the sweeney was elegant and suave and tortured; mrs lovett was so casually and affably mean. i will think about them forever! and it's very interesting to compare it to the big fuck-off money production considering they both got roasted for having a more emotional sweeney!! here's the theater's 40 second promo for it!!!
nothing will ever replace the original soundtrack in my heart. but i'm gonna be unwell about this revival for a bit
anyway that's all i got!! thanks for reading if you read this. attend the tale and all that (obligatory tag for @r-osehips thank you for the interest ❤️)
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muppetminge · 3 months
i don't as such care much for the concept of pride month, but since i happen to not have much going in june i will take this as an excuse to watch a bunch a lesbian films. in theory, this could be 30 - in practice, it almost definitely won't be. i will 100 % get bored and stop at some point. anyway i want to find like actually good lesbian movies - which might be an oxymoron, but anyway - this means i'll only be watching woman-directed movies, preferably lesbian-directed but i'm aware i probably won't get to be that picky </3.
movies watched:
1. The Watermelon Woman (1996), dir. Cheryl Dunye. "all you do since you don't have a girlfriend is watch those boring old films" well, screw you too, tam. so happy to start off the month with something that's actually good. thank you cheryl <3 speaking of, this woman is so fucking hot it's bullshit. also i do need her earrings like asap but that's another topic. forever saddened by the death of video stores... where am i supposed to go to meet hot lesbians now? netflix? it's bullshit, man.
I don't think there's any part of this I don't find incredibly compelling. It's really funny, and just generally so charming and, well, human. the narrative of building your own history really resonates, and honestly cheryl gets it across incredibly.
2. Pariah (2011), dir. Dee Ress. i didn't vibe with this one as much, but i guess that's my own fault considering i knew very well going into this that i don't particularly like coming-of-age movies. the soundtrack hit most of the time, even if the soundscape in general was a bit flat for my taste. it's a very dark movie. like, physically. i couldn't see shit half the time. also not really a fan of the camerawork throughout most of it. it's a nice-looking film if it's your kind of taste - unfortunately i am too kitsch to really appreciate it :/ i thought scene near the end with lee and her dad on the roof was really nice. also found kim wayans' character really compelling
3. La Belle Saison (2015), dir. Catherine Corsini. not projecting but also delphine i feel you so hard. is this representation because if so i don't mind it... (except the part where you're actually getting some but whatever). desperately making me feel like i should wear more tank tops. anyway delphine was really in a headlock with every single one of her principles toward the end huh. i get the dilemma though her riding tractors is basically public service (to Me because it's incredibly hot). i'm not even gonna be an ass about it like i genuinely just really liked this.
4. But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), dir. Jaime Babbit. "1-2-3-4, inverts we won't be no more!" obviously i've watched this a million times before. did take this as an excuse to watch the extended edition and like just saying ms babbit if you want to extend even more you're more than welcome to it <3 gonna be careful about mentioning natasha here because i love her and chances are i won't be able to shut up again but gd people really do underestimate how fucking funny she is… i've personal beef with clea for having basically the same haircut i had for a long while and making it look so much better. only realized on this watch that melanie lynskey's playing hilary. incredible. anyway i genuinely don't know what more anyone could possibly want in a movie. it's so hot. like all movies should look like this - let those colors pop for a change! one of the best soundtracks of the last thirty years and i'm so serious about that.
i think this was probably the first genuinely good lesbian movie i saw as a teenager desperately searching for something to relate to. it still grips me from the very first scene even now. i do think the stars aligned to make this work. it's so funny and it's such a great satire.
5. リズと青い鳥 / Liz and the Blue Bird (2018), dir. Naoko Yamada. shit, dude. first of all this is so so pretty. it makes me insane how much care and effort they'll put into like a background shot of a shelf or something... and all the watercolor... gorgeous. like just the opening shot with all flowers and the colors that are just popping right out at you... in general just really effective visual communication, especially on rewatches i'd imagine (after having seen the final hug scene). i remember when i went to high school one of my classmates was so incredibly musically talented it was genuinely a bit infuriating and i was so shocked she didn't go on to study music 'cause i would have if i'd been able to get in lmao. anyway this was really sweet. the last third is so incredible. when they finally play it, damn... genuinely like goosebumps. and then it somehow kept going? i feel like it's still settling while i'm writing this but i feel like i'm probably going to watch again at some point.
6. I Can't Think Straight (2008), dir. Shamim Sarif. (quote?) cut to waters novel. cut to k.d. lang cd. one wonders. this having a lower average than imagine me & you if anything really shows that reviews are bullshit. loved the music. loved lisa ray's character being half a second from jumping leyla at all times. loved zina; wish she'd had more scenes. loved leyla's dad being an insurance salesman; life insurance even. sells itself. when the ladies finally did jump each other it was with zero hesitation and i fuck with that so hard. this movie is so funny i don't care. bonus the ladies are very very hot. you can't fault a movie from 2008 for being incredibly 2008. here's to leyla for one day achieving the honor of being tala's fifth fiance(e). truly gettin' it all.
7. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019), dir. Céline Sciamma. writing this on the eighth with an officially broken streak :( it Will happen again. this is indeed the first time i've watched this because i am to my core a contrarian bitch and seeing everyone freak out about this did Not make me want to watch it. now i have, and like... it's alright, yeah. didn't love love it. it's probably too long for what it's got going on. i loved héloïse; she was great. there's some really powerful scenes in here, the bonfire scene especially. i really liked how blue the ocean was; i hate this tendency of (especially) period pieces washing out everything to a ridiculous degree. i know some people are like insane about this movie and i'm happy for them but i can't relate unfortunately.
i did think briefly at the start that it was gonna be about croquis, and i really wish it had been, ngl.
8. Carmen y Lola (2018), dir. Arantxa Echevarría. 'ya te he olvidado' yeah babe sure looks it. had a certain interest in this going into it for very elaborate personal reasons. it's a lot better than the synopsis makes it sound. lola searching 'lesbianas madrid' like i feel you girl, been there!!! speaking of i was def convinced lola was a lesbian which feels like so rare in such a 'mainstream' movie lmao so well done. very believable. and like my girl was so so persistent you gotta give her that like she really went for it. can't blame her i'd be so into carmen too so like. her voice made me wanna die. so hot. (sí también es que el acento madrileño me pone un poquito pero,,,,). it really went insane at the end like damn. i was not expecting the ending tho like i really thought carmen was gonna be annoying about it. do i even have to save that i really liked this? because surprisingly i really really did. i can't help but feel it's getting rewatched a ton some time lmaooo.
9. 漂浪青春 / Drifting Flowers (2008), dir. Zero Chou. can't believe someone in the reviews of this stole my joke three years ago. speaking of reviews don't look at them because of course people have to be so so annoying about this. as usual. anyway. i was so drawn in by this you wouldn't belive!! i don't even know what to say... this is for all us if these walls could talk babes btw. loved the scene where one of the characters blatantly walked by posters and posters of one of chou's other movies. show off.
diego!!! <3<3<3 every single character is lovely but diego made me wanna *** ngl. it did hit very close to home, thanks for asking. realised in her part that i probably chose the wrong day to watch this but that's on me lmao. this would have broken me if i had watched it as a teenager lowkey. does it come across in this that i really like interconnecting vignettes? because i do, and this is really well-executed. hope you'll watch it and also that you'll find less spotty subtitles than i did if you do lmao.
it's a very genuine movie; i don't mean that in a condescending way, because it's also very much a well-made movie, but it's a movie that so clearly has a lot to say, and i appreciated all of it. perhaps this is also why i was so surprised at the reviews, because it really resonated with me. i know i've already pointed out diego a lot, but all three parts were incredible and they really held each other up. i don't think any of them would feel as complete without the other parts. in an odd way it stands like a shining light in the darkness.
10. Addicted to Fresno (2015), dir. Jaime Babbit. "(lesbians are poor. ..)" confirmed babbit apologist sorry :/ anyway i'm not gonna compare this to cheerleader i wouldn't want to try to follow that either. it's a fun movie! i laughed a ton. my lyonne obsession is well-documented so i'm not even gonna touch on that lmao. that being said martha is exactly the kind of lesbian i want to see more of (no projection here. obviously). i'm bound to be all over anything with these themes; lo and behold indeed i was. i stand by this being really well-executed, y'all just didn't get what she was trying to do <3 you could argue some tonal difficulties, but honestly i'm not going to. it worked. it's a bit quiet, but i can see that adding to the whole point of being stuck. some surprise appearances to delight
11. Saving Face (2004), dir. Alice Wu. first of all gd will's mom has got it going on. anyway i wanted a fun romcom and i got a fun romcom so i'm not complaining! i will say that i think this is the genre at its best. like romcoms often risk coming across as a bit clinical i feel, a bit empty, but this is just so warm. i adored hwei-lan (not just because she's hot but let me reiterate that she's so unbelievably hot; i get that boy so much, i really do), she's so funny. i love circular storytelling, and i think the end was done really well. the scene after that during the credits is exactly how i want my movies to end actually, i want my face to hurt smiling. don't you? wil is an absolutely idiot. i cannot blame her for a single thing. also i get you babe, i can't stand for dancers either. i feel like this is close to being one of most just plain fun movies i've watched so far.
12. Kyss mig (2011), dir. Alexandra-Therese Keining. gd i so want all my lesbian movies to start with a straight sex scene, don't you? coming to you with the exact opposite mood of that from yesterday. everyone in this is horrible. mia and frida's relationship is not believable at all to me sorry. i barely believe that these two even like each other if i'm being honest. it's not the first movie here where the romance comes a bit from nowhere (namely portrait, which made up for it with some level of charm, and belle saison, which i just liked enough otherwise to excuse it) but here i'm definitely gonna blame it for it because it's got nothing else going on, either. to be entirely fair, it was very optimistic going into this with my dislike of 'scandi dramas', especially of the swedish variety, but fuuuuck, i was so bored i'm sorry. it's soooo slow. i actually quite liked elin but she was there for like five seconds - and good for her, because damn you deserve better babe... both of the main women kind of suck lmao but at least frida sucks in a fun way most of the time, so she's excused. i don't know if i'm supposed to feel bad for tim (probably! knowing the genre, knowing swedes, knowing movies), but he's such an asshole. i genuinely think mia should have killed him. i can't blame mia for sucking; her dad's a major asshole, i'm sure she's had it rough. i'm sure if you like this sort of movies it's alright. it's not badly made by any account, i just really didn't like it. it has its audience. definitely a new low so far. the one good thing about this was that it really made me appreciate being a lesbian; those scenes with mia and tim genuinely looked like my personal hell. if i was mia i'd jump the first girl who looked at me too, ngl. the ending did make up for a few things, all things considered. i watched a not insignificant part of this without subtitles (because they would not workkkk) and i'm so brave for that tbh
13. Kokon (2020), dir. Leonie Krippendorff. proof that i should probably do more research before watching stuff (never going to happen though; no fun) because i did not realise this would be this much of a coming-of-age story. like literally hitting all the points. anyway it didn't do much for me. i really don't want to be mean here because it's obviously a very well-made film, and i get the intention, but... i was so fucking bored you would not believe. like i was less actively annoyed by this than kyss mig, but way more bored. it's not a very long movie, but it sure feels like it! anyway, if you're watching for the rep, you can skip this one; it's not really the main part of the movie, which is fine - comparatively, pariah had much more of a lesbian focus. this one really is just coming-of-age. something something you know you're in berlin when the whitest girl you've ever seen is swearing on the qur'an. i'm so glad i'm not a teenager - and what a joy to be getting further and further away every day <33
14. Desert Hearts (1985), dir. Donna Deitch. first of all the soundtracks is lovely (and it's a well-documented fact that mona will forgive everything for a good soundtrack). second of all i want to watch this again. like, immediately, right now. i'm gonna watch this so much i fear it's not even funny. ignore the 80s hair; we're in the 50s. one of the better romances yet. the lesbian-english teacher hypothesis proving true time and time again... incredible. cay is so funny. like the way the camera pans over to her in the bed in the hotel room scene... cinema! i was fucking done lmao. it's all just very lovely.
15. Go Fish (1994), dir. Rose Troche. well, we had to go here at some point. it's a very jazzy movie; take that however you wish. i have my criticisms, but also you can't blame a 90s movie for being too 90s (which in truth is what a lot of it boils down to). max' narrations were without a doubt my favorite part, the start especially so. there's more lesbians in one 80 minute movie than i've even crossed paths with, ever. cutting your fingernails before a date counts as foreplay in my book.
16. Joven y alocada (2012), dir. Marialy Rivas. i just know the progressive profesoras are going wild over this. huge respect to chileans for seeing a word and deciding fuck that shit and dropping half of it. top five accent ngl. also polola... also credit for starting a movie in the most uncomfortable way possible. anyway i am so not the target audience for this it's not even funny. it's well-composed, the style is great, entirely well-done, did not care for it. i only finished because i couldn't get the last-moment replacement to work and i didn't have time to watch anything else lmao. i have a lot of respect for rivas (hence me watching this) but... yeah. also really getting confirmed that i am very fine with lesbian sex scenes but straight sex scenes are horrrrrible.. nice reminder of the lesbianism i guess! i will be singing yo no te pido la luuuuna the rest of the night though. non voglio mica la luna...
17. Les Rendez-vous d'Anna (1978), dir. Chantal Akerman. an excuse to cross some akerman off my watchlist? you could call it that. i have a ton of respect for her. she's a very interesting person, i think. an interesting movie, too, all things considered. i'm very much drawn to the fastpaced and erratic truth be told, which this is like the polar opposite of, but it's got its point. i really liked the part with her mother. that was probably the high point of this. i didn't really care for either of the guys, like, at all, but it is what it is. still gathering my thoughts, i feel. not sure i'm entirely in the right space to really appreciate this.
18. Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same (2011), dir. Madeleine Olnek. "...I did wonder about the gills". oh, this is how you make a movie. (was smiling and/or laughing from beginning to end). question: can this be replicated in real life. like can i just go find the nearest hot stationery clerk or how does this work.
19. Mädchen in Uniform (1931), dir. Leontine Sagan. all impact aside, this is a lot more fun than i'd thought. obviously i've been putting this off for a while now considering i hadn't seen it til now, but i really did enjoy it. i feel like it's rare seeing girls just having fun like this. as a young girl i was very into this old book series (incidentally from my mother's childhood) about some girls at a boarding school; entirely irrelevant to every and anything here, but watching this gave me the same vibe throughout much of it.
20. سكر بنات / Caramel (2007), dir. Nadine Labaki. absolutely adore this one description i found that says rima is struggling with her attraction to women - lmao where?? the most she struggles in this movie is the coerced leg wax lmao. otherwise it's basically all very sensual hair washing, gd bless. she's also very hot btw i do need to mention that. i see you all going crazy over labaki and you're not wrong but gd man... anyway, sensual hairwashing aside, the straight girls are alright too. seriously, this is actually very good. even though rima's the lesbian the most homoerotic part of this is layale very aggresively waxing of her lover's wife.
21. Een vrouw als Eva (1979), dir. Nouchka van Brakel. after a hundred minutes still not convinced this is a real language. anyway, i don't even know what to say. fuck, dude. gd. you could argue dated, but fuck it's rare to see a movie like this treat its lesbian protagonist with this much sympathy, even today. there's a lot to say, but in my mind this is what i keep coming back to. it's in the little things. at no point does this feel perfomative to me, either. a few asides: the beginning of this movie was very extremely effective at showing how utterly miserable eve was lmao. ad is a giant asshole; eve not slapping him is a testament to this poor woman's patience.
22. 蝴蝶 / Butterfly (2004), dir. Mak Yan-Yan. between the marianne faithful, patti smith and janis joplin i can't be entirely sure jin's place isn't actually mine also fuck josie ho is gorgeous. i almost didn't watch this (length) but gdddd i'm so glad i did. it took a bit for me to get into, but by the time it ended i had to just sit for a moment. it's breathtaking, honestly. i don't know what it is - maybe it's the timelessness? the way everything weaves in and out of each other constantly, like it's all happening at the same time. i don't know. it's so gorgeous, though.
23. Viola di mare (2009), dir. Donatella Maiorca. ah, sicilia, amore mio <3 anyway what the fuck. i think that's my main impression for the moment. gd. supposedly based of a real story, i really do think it's told well for the most part. i mean, gd, it would have been so easy to focus on all the surrounding, but the love really is palpable i gotta be honest. making me sigh and swoon over here... if more people were like angela, like first of all that would rule, but also lesbian movies would be sooo short. she's damn persistent lmao love her <3 definitely worth watching, but like do not read up on a single thing beforehand.
24. The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995), dir. Maria Maggenti. "Is this another one?" sometimes you really just do wanna watch two girls having fun. american high schools in media always throws me a bit because i genuinely can't tell how much is artistic exaggeration and how much is just you guys living like that. seems sick. if i still went to the hairdresser i'd show her a picture of randy in this. not getting over vicky's husband getting physical with a literal seventeen year old lmaoo go home dude! it's all very cute, genuinely. by my count this brings the jopling counter up to three. bonus for the bratmobile.
25. I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987), dir. Patricia Rozema. i'm really glad this is the one i'm the ending this on. gddddddddd i loved this so much. to quote polly herself: it's so... nice! oh, polly... <3 seeing a quirky weird girl represented so well is like seeing a shooting star.
all in all: this has been... really fun, actually. i don't know that i was counting on that. i did not in fact get bored and stop. i'm willing to concede that the amount of actually, genuinely good lesbian movies might in fact be a positive integer after all. definitely a much more fun way to spend pride month than engaging in nonsensical discourse. happy july! <3
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sapphoslastsong · 2 years
A Life With You
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Fluff | Sad Ending
Summary: spending your life with Natasha Romanoff by your side. But dreams sometimes don’t last forever…
A/N: Hey, I’m back with my second fic! This time is Natasha’s turn! I also remind you that English is not my native language, but anyway hope you’ll like it!!
April 20 2015
She is there, and I can’t stop looking at her, she is a literal masterpiece made person, sculpted by the Gods of any Mythology, and well, me is just me, nothing special, she will never notice me..
April 25 2015
She is there, she smiled at me for the first time you know?! Oh god it felt like a dream, I thought she wouldn’t even know my existence! But she does, now she does!
April 30 2015
She is there, I had my first training with her yesterday, it was hard you know?! I knew she was strong, I mean she’s a trained assassin, but damn she literally destroyed me! Although nothing changes what I feel for her…I think I’m falling in love…but it’s her eyes fault! As soon as they look at me and I just melt! And her stupid smirk that makes me weak immediately..yeah I don’t want to talk about that.
May 12 2015
She is there, and she…she…she kissed me! I mean it was unexpected! Clint kept telling me to ask her on a date because she likes me but how could it be possible?! I mean I’m pretty basic…she is so beautiful and perfect…it could never work! How can she love me?! It’s totally impossible! Maybe she didn’t mean to…or maybe I should have stayed and not run away like a fool. I’m so stupid I can’t with myself…
May 15 2015
She is there, so it comes out that she meant it. She even asked me on a date…it’s tonight. I need Wanda’s help! I don’t know what to wear or what to do!…I’m so embarrassing…I’m gonna hide until tonight, or even tonight I don’t know…
May 16 2015
She is there, so I didn’t hide, we went on a date and it was so wonderful! We went to the cinema…apparently she knows about my passion for movies, it was GREAT. Even though I didn’t hear a single word from the film since she was right next to me! I couldn’t help but look at her…don’t look at me like that when you’ll fall in love you’ll get what I’m saying!
Oh god I said fall in love…I am in love with her?! No it can’t be..
May 20 2015
She is there, and yeah guys, I fell in love with her, completely, totally, endlessly…yeah. Oh I forgot! She kissed me again that night! She looked down at me, did always that stupid irresistible smirk, then leaned down and yeah, I thought I died right then and there.
May 25 2015
She is there, guys you can’t believe this! We live in the Compound right?! And…and – she literally made me breakfast! She was the only one in the kitchen and when she told me she already made breakfast for me I just melted…I can’t even describe how she makes me feel…she is the love of my life!
Oh god I’m so dramatic…
May 29 2015
She is there, and I asked her to be my girlfriend. I couldn’t help it anymore, I need her all the time, I need her to by my side, I need to know her comfort, her love. She makes me feel safe, and I think I found my Home.
Oh and…she said yes.
June 30 2015
She is there, and it’s been a month since we started dating. I live in a fairytale, this can’t be real life. It feels like a dream, she is the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, she is so strong..after everything she went through, she never lost her heart. As she says, pain only makes us stronger.
May 16 2016
She is there, and it’s almost a year since we started dating. I never loved any other human being as much as I love her…she says that she loves me so much…she once said that I’m the love of her life, and well, she’s the love of my life. Our bond is stronger than ever, even though I can’t say the same thing for the whole team. Steve and Tony are fighting all the time…feels like a Civil War.
May 23 2016
She is there, and now we’re in Norway. Avengers don’t exist anymore, at least I wanna think for now…I don’t want to think that I’ll never see them again, I care about them all and well, they are her family. She’s suffering, and yet she is the strongest here, she has always been the strongest among all of us. She takes care of me like I’m some precious treasure, but she only says I’m her love.
June 14 2016
She is there, and I met her family today, even though it was a little weird, but still. Her sister, Yelena is her name, seems a nice person, she is so different from her but at the same time, so similar… She talked to me about her sister, but not so much, maybe she doesn’t want to remember what happened in her past and I understand that, she had to go through so much, but still, she always kept her heart.
May 29 2017
She is there, and it’s been two years since we we started dating! But maybe I shouldn’t say girlfriend anymore…that crazy woman asked me to marry her! She even bought the ring! How could she buy the ring?! When did she do that?! Sometimes, she’s still a mystery to me, but she told me that she won’t reveal her secrets…so I guess I have to deal with it.
She’s gonna be my wife, I still can’t believe it but she’s gonna be my wife!
June 16 2018
She is there, we were about to get married in two months but apparently the world is ending again, so the Avengers are back together. Some alien wants to kill half of the world’s population…unbelievable. She says that everything will be okay, I hope so…I mean I can’t fight with them, I’m just a civilian, but she told me to stay at home and that everything will be fine, and I want to trust her but I don’t know…I feel something is going ti happen, and it’s nothing good.
Wait…what is going on…?
What is happening to me?!
October 24 2023
12:34 pm
Guys, what just happened?! Maybe I passed out…wait why the phone says October 2023?! What just happened?! I have to talk to Clint!
1:45 pm
I can’t believe this…she’s…she’s…I don’t even want to say it. She told me everything would be okay, that everything will be alright, that we were get married and have a freaking family together! Why did she have to do that?! Clint said something about a snap and that to bring everyone back they had to have these ‘stones’ back! This is unbelievable! He said that she was suffering too much, that she had to bring me and Yelena back.
Now we are back, but why isn’t she here? With me? She is not here, she’s just..gone. How am I supposed to live without her by my side? Didn’t she think about how we’d live without her?! How much pain she would inflict us?! I can’t believe it and I don’t want to. I don’t want to accept that she’s gone, I need to see her again, I need her to be here and tell me that everything is gonna be fucking okay because I need her! I love her too much to let her go! I will never and I can’t let her go!
Everyone talks about Tony, but why only Clint talks about her? Wasn’t her sacrifice worth enough?
Pepper lost Tony, but I lost my wife. I don’t need a ring to prove it.
She is not there, but she is here, in my heart, but it’s not even mine anymore. It’s always been hers, and always will be.
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kolbisneat · 1 year
Summer months here we go! Just wrapped up my time with Zelda so I foresee more reading and tv in my future again. In the meantime, here’s how I spent June!
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Saw it twice and the first time was very nearly too much to take in. The second viewing was far less overwhelming and still a joy. While it didn’t feel like a complete story following Miles, at least there’s some satisfying conclusion with Gwen. I’m glad part 2 comes out in less than a year. 
Ali Wong: Baby Cobra (2016) Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood or maybe going with one of her older specials wasn’t the right call but I wasn’t really feeling it. I can see hints of overlapping themes that pop up in BEEF (which I loved and why I wanted to watch one of her specials) but that was more interesting than it was funny. Still gonna check out her other specials.
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Goldeneye (1995) I have more memories playing the game than watching the movie but still a big fan of this flick. Really great characters and locales and I forgot just how comedic it is. So many one-liners! Always feels a little long at the end but worth it to see Boris’ death scene.
Encanto (2021) Late to seeing this and really great! Beautiful and personal and peak musical songs where characters basically ONLY share their personality through song.
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Ted Lasso (Episode 3.11 to 3.12) I was really dragging my feet about finishing the series as I found season 3 wasn’t as consistently enjoyable to watch. But those last two eps really stuck the landing. Some beats were expected, some were welcome surprises, and there were so many callbacks that were naturally woven in that I was really impressed. Some of the best from the season (and on par with the rest of the series) and I’m really glad I finished it.
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Do "gun buybacks" work? by Vox A really succinct breakdown of how the US can do better, and an honest look at why this needs to be a part of a more complex plan. VIDEO
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Agnostic TTRPG Prep Method by Map Crow Really fun way to use all the books that you’re not currently using! Watch the vid and then if you like the process you can pick up the bundle HERE (not affiliated, just a fan). VIDEO
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The Station Toronto Needs by RMTransit Hey I’m a big fan of trains and I just found this channel. This was my first introduction to them but I’m keen to watch more. More trains! VIDEO
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How Editing Creates Comedies That Make You Cry... by The Editing Podcast Another channel I recently came across and I’m keen to watch more. I know very little about editing but am keen to learn more.  VIDEO
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Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber (Page 7 of 285) Clearly I’ve only just started this (thanks to me dragging my feet on The Righteous Mind) but really excited to dig deeper. The prologue is the original essay that inspired the book and that alone already has so much in it! A really great primer and I wasn’t expecting it to lay a lot of the blame at capitalism’s feet so I think it’s gonna be a great read. 
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt (Complete) The first time I read this (at a time when the COVID-19 vaccine was just coming out and folks were choosing not to get it) the book really helped me understand the reasoning behind other people’s choices. For that it was really helpful. This time around, with more time and more political moves behind us, I find it glaringly obvious just how out of touch (or conservative-leaning) this book is. There’s a whole section about how the free market and capitalism is good for healthcare. Wild stuff. If you want more in-depth reviews explaining why this didn’t sit right with me this time around, I found Storygraph had a lot of great write-ups (also Storygraph is great if you want an alternative to the amazon-owned Goodreads).
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 12 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Listen I sing this series’ praises every time I read a volume and this is no different. Somehow the story, setting, and characters grow while still remaining connected to the main theme of “what if we ate the monsters we fought in an RPG?” It’s truly top-tier and I can’t stress enough that if you like charming, funny, expertly-illustrated comics, you should try out this series.
The Fade Out by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Elizabeth Dismang (Complete) Really fun read. Old Hollywood murder mystery with a lot of really nuanced characters. The resolution felt a little abrupt and unsatisfying, but without giving anything away I think it was appropriate. I’m also not sure if it was a stylistic choice but all of the women have different shadows than the men. It feels like they’re living in two different worlds but maybe that’s intentional? Still really great.
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PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation by King Gizzard (2023) Loved King Giz’s first foray into metal and this continues that trend. I may not love everything that they do, but I love that they do everything that they do.
Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The Tuesday Crew is currently up against a young dragon (Dragonette) plaguing a mine (recap HERE) while the Mof1 Crew is divided across Munchkin District and each dealing with their own small crisis. They say never split the party but I think the trouble gets way more interesting when you do.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo) Finally moving on from this after countless hours spent in this world and it’s all bittersweet. Loved the familiar stuff, loved the new stuff, and loved the overall arc of the game. Hopefully the next game in the series goes back to something smaller and focused.
And that’s it. See you in July!
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dojae-huh · 5 months
hloii..... Huh nim.... This is bunny again!!! So busy these days.... Can't keep up with anything.... Still this moment got me....
23:43 jae came
24:23 jaehyun getting his hyungs attention by teasing him
🍑: I liked your episode of i live alone... 🐰: It's not air yet JohnnY on the rescue - I watched your mv Yuta - that was great (Jaedo moment turned into doyoung teasing club)
Jae making sure again, 🍑: That vedeo abt how you take care of your vocal chord is aired tho! 🐰: The teaser!? ? ?
Doyoung realizing jae talking abt the 2 min teaser vedeo of the actual content..
mission change the subject Then mark nd hc cant get to see you with this short hair!!!!
Perfect jaedo coded moment....😅😅😅
Huh nim, I needed to search for the that small cut vedeos from yt, coz it wasn't coming to my timeline eventhoug my yt keypad is full of only doyoung in diff language 😅😅😅.... What I wants to say it, jae made an effort to watch that teaser vedeo, when they are the official strangers in nct127..... Like ofcrs jae can tease his members nd doyoung Is the teasing target of everyone.... Am not fighting that... But jae is busy as his own... Nd they can't watch TV that much as he is shooting his movie nd drama etc.... So it's the phone u use to watch .... ND U GO TO YT GET THIS 2 MIN VEDEO ND WATCHING IS SOMETHING I THINK NORMAL AS A JAEDO BELIEVER BUT ABNORMAL AS FOR ALL THOSE WHO JUST SEEN THEM AS A MEMBERS OF THE SAME GRP.....
Ok even if he watched it.....u don't have to remember u knw....he is in the middle of his lot personal things....but he have to say it the next momnt when they saw each other....to tease his hyung, gets his attention, see his reaction, makes him fluster nd to see that live....thats jaehyun..... No one can denies that....nd it's totally normal for a believer ....haha
Huhnim....i have missed it....that soft nd low voice jaehyun makes when talks to his hyung, nd the gentle tease, nerdy look nd the behavior of cute little younger brother!!!!! Omg......my bias dy nd I didnt knw I have missed jae this much.....seems like u really need to stop seeing someone to knw how you actually misses them is really true.....nd I guess am gonna start crying for taeyong sooner.....like this episode, was like....i could really felt the last moment,when he did the secret msg to everyone.....aaaah....huh nim......saying goodbye even for a short period of time is reay hard.... For the one who is saying and also to the one who is receiving.... Both have to go through the longings nd yearning until they come back...... Huh nim....... I guess, I will come here alot more!!!! Thnku...
Eh, Jaehyun, Jaehyun, didn't even tap Taeyong on the shoulder in greeting, went right away to sit by the owner (happy he made it, and his spot was saved for him).
Jaehyun is awkward socially and a classic introvert. He showed Tae attention later with a warm verbal remark.
Jaehyun had been anticipating telling Doyoung he watched the teaser during his whole trip to the restaurant, lol. That smile.
Notice how Jungwoo is consumed with food. He doesn't really care for either Jae or Do.
I suppose Yuta came to the resque because Jaehyun does get to watch/hear things in advance.
24:34 - Watch Jae's left hand, there was intent to touch Do's leg (he didn't).
There was a cut between Johnny's words and Doyoung asking Tae about MarkHyuk (choprticks in Do's hand became a spoon). So it's unclear how much time passed. Probably a few minutes. Even so, yes, Do let the topic die, didn't respond to Jae's teasing.
24:48 - It's telling how Jae asked Do to clarify, not Tae (who made the comment) or others present.
24:54 - Do's hand, his habit of touching while talking.
OK, I will finish watching in June, need to save traffic.
I'll just comment that despite Jaehyun filming, JaeDo saw each other often in that period (middle of April). Do shown no signs of missing Jae, and Jae's need to tease came from a discussion in the recent past (of the programme, what Do will do there).
And yes, you are right, Bunny. Usually members are so busy themselves, they do not watch content with others. Let alone teasers, let alone on the day of release. This moment is a good telltale of JaeDo, how close they are, how Jaehyun needs to know everything, how there is ongoing joke about Do acting for the camera.
Nice to see Jaehyun was so content. He was pleases he made it in time, but is seems he enjoyed the work as well, he was shining.
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I think the writers strike is happening now (correct me if i am wrong), some of the people that i've talked to said that it could take 3-4 months (like the previous writers strike), and it could naturally delay some of the production.... but i am confused bc how is it gonna affect the filming for ST now bc the filming starts in may/june?
It is happening officially as of today and the WGA has excellent reasons to strike and I completely support it.
It def will affect ST production unless they really have finished writing the season, but, even then, they always do rewrites the whole time. Maybe bc they’re so close to filming, and (if rumors are true) are beginning with specific limited filming, they could start filming that? That’s doubtful though as not only is the season prob not finished, but the Duffers couldn’t revise the writing as they go along as they and the writers room usually do (think for instance of how the Byers brothers scene was added during filming and they also make lots of smaller rewrites too) bc that would break the strike. I don’t see how they could begin production without the ability to revise, so would need to wait until after the strike.
Then there’s the bigger question of what else constitutes breaking the strike. Do you do table reads during a WGA strike—aren’t the writers usually present for those? Doesn’t it feel anti union to hold them and proceed with filming as normal—esp bc SAG and DGA support the WGA strike (altho SAG is advised to keep working during it). How is filming not crossing pickets? IASTE and Teamsters I’m assuming will do the right thing and not cross picket lines.
tl; dr I don’t see how they can begin production.
So it depends on how long it takes for studios to come to the table and actually fix the problems that need fixing; the sides seem very far apart with the studios barely offering anything.
If anyone has read any good articles on how it affects streamers lmk—the stuff I’ve read is Sarandos saying oh we’ve got plenty of content, but nothing specific about shows about to begin production.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
March 2004
March 2, 2004
"And the oldest movie I ever saw was the one we wrote together..." So I know I wrote about it already. But the dvd is turning out brilliantly. I guess there was a reason to film all of that footage early on (we can laugh now). It makes me so happy to see these kids in my band and how I don't think I could share a stage with anyone else (we'll make you fall in love too). The artwork looks insane too, it is comprised of valentines form the 1930s its so sad yet romantic (aren't we all). Anyway. Getting ready for europe. Want me to sneak you in my bag?
- petey
March 13, 2004
england is amazing. its so strange to hear our words coming out of mouths across an ocean. we have been able to hang out with some bands over here that we have not crossed paths with in the states and have talked about doing tours with them, the fight and senses fail (i can drop hearts as easy as you drop names). we've been writing a bunch of new stuff since we have been over here, i hope you get to hear it soon. the chocolate here is sex everything else is not quite as sex. we are sharing a bus with the god awfuls- they are loud and funny. new morrissey record is gonna be hot. 
you are the quarry.
Me being sleepy in England
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right off the bus looking for cherry cokes and the internet, lazy bones.
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i can't wait to kiss you on the mouth.
- petey
March 17, 2004
here is the soundtrack to us falling in love:
the academy- ep- dont sleep they are gonna be huge
joy division- she's lost control
electronic- the old one
kent- velvet
bane- "can we start again?"
the weakerthans
carcass- only post heartwork
june- sick and underrated chicago band
i know you might roll your eyes at this but i'm so glad that you exist.
dear america, see you in a couple of days.
- petey
 March 18, 2004
7:18 pm.
“all the failures die starryeyed”
it`s funny by the time you realize who your real friends are you don`t have any. i`m sorry. please call me.
March 22, 2004
“young hearts be free tonight, time is on your side”
back from europe. we took it over. we leave for atlanta tonight. more about that later. they sold our cd at the heathrow london airport. i am so into rod stewart right now except for real. the best love songs- some guys have all the luck.
March 22, 2004
“love is blind but not deaf”
Its funny howmuch you run your mouth when I am out of town. Your stories have gotten so much better than you ever were. I'm sick of the phonecalls asking me about the shit you say. You are a flash in the coffin. The hits feel like the joke, watching your teeth fall out is the punchline. Those that live in glasshearts shouldn't throw stones (and I bet you never thought I knew). I'm not your friend anymore.
If you think this is about you. It is.
March 23, 2004
Let me start this by saying people who need prefaces are those unsure, halfway there- arguments can't stand on there own (neither can we). In writing rules exist but are never followed. That is my preface. What you are going to read won't make sense but this preemptive paragraph makes that okay (because I know it). I'm not the kind of kid who believes in god or luck. But I somehow always find myself dropping prayers on takeoffs on airplanes and dodging cracks in the sidewalk. I'm not the kind of kid who believes in much of anything anymore. Just in feeding this paper and phonereciever lies (its always hungry for more). Yes, this is my subtle way of saying I'm sorry or I don't care anymore. To me love can be figured out like card counting, you always take cards on 11s (the house always wins). I wouldn't have anything to write if I wasn't dealt such bad hands. This keyboard covers the stuttering well. Break a name, drop a heart. Its all the same.
Don't believe a word. Iin my moind me and you are so far away all the time.
Don't get me wrong.
I am honestly having the time of my life.
I just want to sink to the bottom with you.
- petey
March 24, 2004
whenever i think of your arms
i forget what street to turn on.
March 27, 2004
"this is love, this is murderous"
Florida has been amazing. Its great to be back. Its like summer here all year. Our label took us out to universal studios. Brilliant. The faces here feel like home. We got to hang out with our good friends in bleeding through and see them play. They smoke. More later.
Ps the only two movies worth a shit right now are amelie and dawn of the dead. Its tough times for dreamers.
Peter cottontail
March 31, 2004
You can live with me in this house I built with writers blocks. I finished writing the clandestine story. I think its okay, now my friend tim beidron has to finish drawing it. Florida was amazing. Saw lots of old faces. Do you ever think sometimes you can't wait to be years away from now and content and succesful and done with all the turbulence? 
I do. 
Goodbless repeat play on my stereo.
- petey
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