#they still have bouts of sibling rivalries
paintedscales · 1 year
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Cinnamon kids. Now with the youngest, Hami!
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praline-elegy · 9 months
My first Eugesse? 😳
The beach was not a place that Eugene expected to find Jesse at.
Well, maybe at a white sandy beach with pristine blue water and a strawberry daiquiri in hand—not this messy beachfront with patches of tall wild grass, broken pieces of driftwood scattered across the sand, and waves that lapped up the coast in a dark blue murky haze, spitting up seaweed in clumps along the wet shore. It had character, and was pretty in its own right, but it didn’t really fit the image Eugene had of Jesse inside his own head.
Speaking of said crush, there he was. Standing along a little ways off by the water while the wind swept through his hair.
Eugene wanted to go up to Jesse and say hi, but then he saw the way the blond boy looked at Seiji who had approached the edge of the sea just then, toes in the sand, but just far enough away that the water wouldn’t lap at his feet.
He saw Jesse look at Seiji with an emotion that looked vaguely like longing mixed with something else, and felt a nasty twist in his gut. The point of an épée right under his rib, pushing and pressing through the ache of his soul.
Eugene wasn’t dumb. He could glean that there used to be something there. Platonic. Romantic. It didn’t matter. He did know that the two had spent years together—childhood friends with a burning rivalry. And maybe there was something more there, something worth a label. But Eugene wouldn’t know. Eugene didn’t know. It wasn’t his story to tell, or to know for that matter. He could respect that.
But still, he couldn’t help the way that it made him feel. It was as though one of his siblings took a marker and scribbled it over his brain, over his skin, ending in a concentrated tangle of lines over his heart.
His chest ached.
He stared at Jesse for a moment longer; tall and broad-shouldered, a defined jawline, his for-once-bare-forearms—the sleeves of his linen shirt rolled neatly up to reveal some impressive muscle—his hands tucked casually into the pockets of his cargo shorts.
He wondered what it would be like to be arm wrestle Jesse. To hold his hand before winning a match of brawns—or perhaps he’d lose… having lost the moment Jesse held Eugene’s hand in his.
Not that Jesse would ever do such a thing. He didn’t seem like the physical type, but then the memory of Jesse absentmindedly offering his hand to one of the Levantis twins after a fencing bout for a hand massage flashed through his mind. But maybe he permitted such a casual touch for the masseuse on Exton’s team, or maybe he made the exception just for soothing hand cramps.
Eugene wouldn’t know. Eugene didn’t know a lot of things. But he didn’t let that bother him. Usually.
But still, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander and think of dangerous things.
What would it be like for Jesse to hold him? In his arms. Against his chest. Just simply. Being.
Eugene tore his eyes away, staring at the crashing waves of the ocean as a tinge of melancholy seeped into the corners of his mouth. He bit his lip to stave off his wavering emotions.
He didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes looking his way.
He snapped his head toward the call of his name.
"Come help me set up!" Nicholas shouted, dragging some beach equipment behind him in the sand.
"I gotchu bro!" Eugene shouted back, turning away from golden sunshine and seaside blue.
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harrison-abbott · 26 days
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Toy Story (1995) works, I think, because it connects with the worries each of us have when we are children. If you look at it: the toys are the children in the film, and not the humans. Andy is the parental figure: and Woody is unsure whether Andy still loves him, after Buzz comes along.
And what Buzz does, when he arrives, is adds a dose of rivalry to Woody’s home. It might be seen as sibling rivalry, or peer rivalry: a common thing that we, as kids, often find it difficult to deal with.
But what makes this movie special, I believe, is what happens to Buzz as a character.
From the start, he thinks he’s a real Space Ranger. He doesn’t understand that he’s a toy. And that he can’t really fly. When he tries to fly, he breaks his arm.
When we are children we have these fantasies about becoming, one day, sports stars or movie stars, rock gods, etc etc. And then when we try, with soccer, or performing, or whatnot, it is a lot more difficult than we expected.
When Buzz loses his arm and realises he’s not a real Space Ranger, it connects with that same sense of insecurity. And there is a great sadness in the film.
But, then Woody decides to rescue him, and break him out of his depressive bout. In fact, they both rescue each other. Buzz gets a lift: and they help each other to break out of Sid’s captivity. [And when they get revenge on Sid – that is beautiful. This, also, reminds us of the classic playground bully: I’m sure we all have experience of one of those.]
So what happens at the end of the film?
Buzz flies. He can fly. But it’s ‘falling with style’. He doesn’t have the exact ability, but he can do it in a different way. And that’s what we often learn when we get older. That, we might not be those illusory icons that we fantasised about being when we were wee – but we can take pleasure in the brilliant moments that we have. Because all of us our moments, despite our flaws.
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taistelutaide · 3 months
Top 16 boxers so far in #daily wood preliminary bouts
#1 Jens (100%, 7 votes)
The man who knocked out the former champion and instigated the whole tournament. Not too surprising Jens is the front-runner, after winning his first bout with an utterly one-sided first round knockout.
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#2 Tuomas (100%, 5 votes)
An absolute power house, the cocky Tuomas won his first bout with a bang in just under six seconds with a brutal one punch knockout.
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#3 Anton (100%, 4 votes)
A damn confident fighter, Anton mercilessly destroyed his opponent late in round one, backing up his equally merciless earlier smack talk.
#4 Isko and Juha (87,5%, 7 votes)
Tied for fourth, both men easily crushed their opponents, beating them senseless, and knocking them out early in the second round.
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#6 Jussi (85,7%, 6 votes)
Jussi's not the hardest hitter, but he may be the most ruthless, taking apart his opponent Petri piece by piece before a fifth round knockout.
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#7 Erik, Joel, and Mikko (83,3%, 5 votes)
Tied for seventh, these three stunners all pummeled their opponents like punching bags. It could be something to do with their distracting looks, but both Erik and Mikko also took down much bigger guys.
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#10 Henri, Jan, and Leo (81,8%, 9 votes)
Another three-way tie for tenth, the combination of strength, power, and aggression in these men rivals even that of Jens himself. The only reason these three fights went on as long as they did is because they wanted them to; they all clearly relish the opportunity to assert their dominance over lesser men, especially if they can make a show of it.
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#13 Marko (80%, 8 votes)
A man with something to prove, Rafael's younger brother appears to have come out ahead this time with a brutal third round finish. So far. Nothing like a bit of sibling rivalry to make to make for rougher fights.
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#14 Miika and Viljami (80%, 4 votes)
Tied at fourteeth we have two men who rely on raw power. It's gotten them this far, and made them pretty darn cocky to boot.
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#16 Anssi (78,7%, 8 votes)
An impressive technical fighter, Anssi's got a solid grasp on how to take down men who outclass him physically, but when it comes to aggression we're still waiting to see what he's got in store.
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
MSA (and self insert) doodle/lore dump
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I wanted to share some lore bout Pancake's relationships with Vivi and Lewis because they're my best friends and I adore them. Plus bonus Ghost!Pancake and the MSA Gang. All under the cut!
Pancake and Vivi share a massive interest in the supernatural. It's kinda one of their favorite things to talk about. Pancake knows a lot about ghosts, Vivi knows a lot about other cryptids. Together, they're kinda unstoppable. Two geeks nerding out with their niche.
However with Lewis, there's more of a "sibling rivalry" at first. Both of them have died, and they make digs at each other because death. But they're still protective with each other and will fight together
And now with Arthur, you all kinda already know. I just wanted a doodle where she picks him up and carries him around. Cuz she's that strong and she does like carrying him. Even before they dated.
Bonus eyeball!Pancake bc i need to draw her more in self ship art
[Click for better quality, reblogs appreciated]
Tagging: @dwdoesarts @speedstershipping @grizzly-selfships @friezaforce @gideongrovel @jils-things
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another-corpo-rat · 2 years
A formative memory/moment with ❔(Smasher) of course!
tysm for the ask and letting me ramble bout these fuckos again 😘😘
Putting it under a cut to not clog up the tags also to be safe: tw bodily harm & unhealthy relationships
Much as I would love to ramble about them as they are years later, still unhealthy and terrible for but not actively terrible to each other, a core moment for Victoria between them is definitely when he crushed her arm, all for the sake of making a point of his philosophy: metal triumphs meat.
The pain she had felt beforehand, her wrist sprained and throbbing with a dull heat was a usual enough thing. The only reason she hadn't replaced it already was a combination of vanity and pettiness. Vanity as she really didn't like anything available on the market, and getting a custom made arm was more hassle that she thought it worth at the time. Petty, as her dear brother is a techie and they had something of a bet going on who would need to get their fucked-up carpal-tunnel ridden limbs replaced first. Loser owes the winner 5000 eddies. Another small competition between siblings. (Harmless, relatively, compared to their past rivalrys.)
So, she thought nothing of it - turning up to the Ebunike with her brace on, shrugging off her coat with practiced ease. Smasher lingered, as he tended to do when neither gigs nor Yorinobu called for his attention; a great shadowy behemoth in the dark corners of the ship, stalking through the halls like some damn boogeyman. Except, if she paid attention she'd have noticed his optics didn't trail her form as they commonly would. No, they remained fixed on her braced arm; the black of it stark against her white netrunning suit.
And like a fucking idiot, when she did finally note his fixation on her arm a few minutes after stepping out of cyberspace - she waved it away, quite literally.
"It'll be fine in a few days." She explained, eyes on the streams of data offered on the screen. Important data on some subject or another she can't quite recall with the same level of detail. Fingers flexing in the brace, raised in the motion. "Doesn't affect how I work, promise."
She didn't notice him move, didn't hear it.
His touch had been gentle, initially. Metal digits catching the braced hand in a hold, wrapping around her hand entirely. It was odd enough that she looked up, not annoyed to be pulled from her focus; intrigued instead. Almost fond at the odd little display of what she mistook to be affection. And he waited for that focus to be on him, and then a few seconds more before his grip tightened.
She didn't scream at the pain - she couldn't. The sound caught in her throat, alongside desperate pleas for him to let go, stop-
The fingers of her non-injured hand clawed desperately at his, nails chipping against uncaring metal as he trailed down inch by inch. The crunch of her own bones isn't a sound she'd soon forget; she heard it even as her vision blacked out. Hears it still on the worst nights.
Days later, her brother demanded she cough up the eddies. She did, after crushing his hand in her new metallic one; her grip a crushing vice.
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kosi-annec · 3 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 7
Now that school's over, I no longer have an excuse to not start catching up on this series
Uh oh, not the anxiety kicking in DAICHI COMFORT YOUR MAN! Huh kiyoko your not daichi- HSKHSKS "we should save holding hands for marriage" SUGA NO, and not the rest of the boys harassing suga for it hskhsks
You got this suga! YES FIRST POINT TO CROWS!!
wait only 15? So that means it ends much faster, and also less time for karasuno to catch up
OH CRAP idk wat that device was but rip ig
mmm tendo stop looking at sugamama like that, giving bad vibes. FUCK- ok it was out, but clown's got a read on suga already
Pft- yeah good luck getting him to externally express salty-ness lol
YEAH WE DON'T JUST HAVE 1 SETTER ON FIELD! Oh flashback? OOOH that's an interesting play, switching up the roles like that! And another point let's gooo!
Another flashback! And about our dear redhead?... AH yes, being an outcast becuz you don't act or think in a way that's expected or the norm
A flashback WITHIN a flashback?? Ok for a sec i was gonna go "best dad of the year" on ushi's dad, but then i realized "oh wait it's about having a strong volleyball player.." OH Crap- HM divorced ok wasn't expecting that. Aww ok nvm ushi's dad is good, but that's honestly kinda sweet of ushi?
aaand back to present time. Lmao kage is mad he can't be on field
NICE ONE ASAHI! 3 point gap that's huge- and they got back a point dammit
Oh boy, ushi's up.. SHIT cmon gotta keep that gap! FUC- TENDO JUKED TSUKI- CRAP he's avoiding noya now
Damn ok ushi's dad is best dad of the year, im sorry for thinking bad bout you. wAIT USHI'S SMILING, I AM BOTH HYPED AND SCARED
HHHH come on crows just stop ONE of his serves. YES ASAHI GOOD! COME ON TSUKI BLOCK IT- FUCK they were so close
Yes tsuki, do what you do best: pissing people off. KEEP IT UP TSUKI!! God loving this rivalry between tendo and tsuki going on
AGH nooo the ball still hit tsuki's hand, so even if it's out it's still a point to shiratorizawa
UHHH tsuki you good?? OH FUCK HE'S BLEEDING- fuck that means he can't play for a while CRAP. Welp, on the plus side one of the background character trio gets to shine a bit in the spot light?
"and judging by your snarky condition i think you'll live" "yeah thanks, doctor" LMAO classic sibling banter
Omg tsuki's trying to hide his pain and probably shame, BBY ITS OK! ALSO YEAH THEY'VE GOT THIS DON'T WORRY
Oh boy here we go again, stop his serve guys- HOLY SHIT THAT WENT TO THE FUCKING ROOF!! Come on get that point- wait FUCK THERE'S NO ONE DEFENDING- shiiit, yeah i saw that coming..
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
What is Hel’s relationship like with her siblings? What does she miss most about them? What does she dislike? // reposted answer from old blog
For the most part I would say Hel’s relationship among her brothers is... good? Good. There’s no interpersonal problems, even if she does struggle with the circumstances surrounding her relationships with them. Hel is her own worst enemy, and the impediment between herself and bonding with others, after all.
Also for the sake of this ask I’m just covering the myth-canonical, usually panfandom brothers rather than any oc or setting-specific siblings. I adore all the fankids, ocs, and fandom-specific children of Loki, but I am also terrified of forgetting anyone and making people feel bad so I’m just covering the main squad of Sleipnir, Fenrir, Jormungandr, Vali, and Nar(v/f)i. Just assume Hel loves any siblings outside of these five even if she’s an awkward sort of reserved sibling at times.
(This is so long. This is so very long. Abandon hope all ye who click read more.)
In my lore, Hel is the youngest of Loki’s children with Angrboda, the baby of the bunch and only daughter. First was Fenrir, and then Jormungandr, and Hel grew up as their little tagalong and pestilence depending on the situation. 
Her relationship with Fenrir was always especially layered, fraught with sibling rivalry spiraling out of proud eldest son vs spoiled only daughter discord. They butted heads often once their personalities really took shape. They easily forgot how baby Hel had been rather attached to her oldest brother, and Fenrir in turn patient with ‘the baby,’ despite how she pulled his fur a little when toddling alongside him. Hel would spite Fenrir, or he would tease her, and within minutes their parents often had to pull the two apart before it turned into a brawl. The pair warmed to one another slightly upon moving to Asgard in their youth, united as outsiders against the majority, but still had a certain antagonism towards one another. Over time, the pair showed signs of getting over it and instead using their barbs more softly, evolving into a form of affection than actual meanness.
This development was blighted, however, upon their casting out and separation. Hel never knew what became of Fenrir until adulthood, and found him bound and mad. She’s not sought him out since, unable to face what he became. She’s long since learned to miss that however much her brother teased her, he was always looking out for her, always protecting her from others. She doesn’t, however, miss the antagonism they unleashed upon one another just for something to do, even if she laments never knowing how they might have gotten over it.
Jormungandr is the full sibling that Hel was closest to in her childhood, as both were more mild-mannered compared to the boisterous wolf cub.  Their relationship is encapsulated by the image of a young Hel sitting with a borrowed book, ‘Jori’ twining around her and following along as she sounded out the words for him. He was a constant companion, confidant, and best friend in her youth. The two especially came to rely upon one another in Asgard, where the two would find quiet places for cuddling and comfort. The thoughtful Jori often proved a voice of reason for his more rambunctious kid sister, and Hel in turn proved capable of calming the serpent during bouts of anxiety. The two were as close as siblings could be, and many of Hel’s happiest memories involve her older brother.
It’s facts like that which make Jormungandr’s loss cut Hel so deeply. Jormungandr was the first cast out, and Hel had to watch his final descent, unable to move or even react in the moment. Despite repeat attempts to call out to him, standing along coastlines and seeking some clue as to where she might find him in the depths, he appears either incapable or unwilling to have a reunion throughout most of history. She misses the easy affinity she had with him, how they simply clicked, and knows if they had maintained contact then their burdens might have been easier to bear. She’s reluctant to admit it, but she’s somewhat grateful she doesn’t have to be a personal heater half the year these days.
Now we get into the matter of her half-siblings: Sleipnir, an older brother, and Vali and Narvi, her younger brothers. Hel has regular contact with all of them, some more closely than others, but she still clings to them and would protect them from anything -- a task she already ‘failed at’ in her own mind in two cases.
Sleipnir was a later development of Hel’s youth. She always knew Loki had another child somewhere, but never had a chance to meet him until the move. As a horse girl and a baby sister, she was positively thrilled to meet her brother the horse. She would fritter away hours in the stables, chatting to the steed and tending to his hair, sneaking him snacks that he enjoyed while he offered affectionate nuzzles and a sympathetic ear. He was the first sibling she reunited with after her exile, and on her first return visit to Asgard found herself sobbing and clinging to his neck, ashamed at her own weakness but desperately needing to hold on to the one family she had left. While both are chained to Odin, they are both alive and able to traverse realms, which puts them in a better situation than their brothers. Hel often sneaks away from events in her uncle’s hall to spend time with Sleipnir, who does not mind the company and makes a perfect excuse to dip out of such events. He loves enabling these moments where his sister is more a person than a queen, to be honest.
Their relationship is great, and unburdened by Hel’s crushing sense of guilt about the rest of her family. They simply hang out from time to time and have maintained a healthy, mutual love and respect for one another. Hel admires Sleipnir’s resilience and mischievous streak, which has been apparent since the day she met him. She just wishes he wouldn’t still treat her like a delicate child now that she’s a grown woman, but he’s still just as tender and gentle as he was at the start.
Vali and Narvi probably have the most complicated dynamic with Hel, and that’s coming from her end rather than theirs. It’s very hard to talk about the two as anything but a single entity given Hel’s role in their lives and eventual afterlives. Hel had precious little opportunity (in my personal, non-partner driven lore) to meet the two growing up, and only knew of their existence through Odin’s manipulations. Her uncle presented it as Loki having moved on and had non-monstrous children with his second wife, a fact that Hel rejoiced in. If Sigyn’s sons were not monsters, she thought they could not be hurt as Angrboda’s children had been. 
She was wrong, of course, as the Aesir’s revenge against Loki proved. One brother died that day, and the agent of such tragedy followed soon after. Both boys passed into Hel’s hall, dying vaingloriously or as a kinslayer respectively, and she mourned them. More than that, she has always considered it her fault the boys died, reasoning if she had put aside her own need for revenge and spared Baldr that Odin might have spared Loki’s sons in turn. Still, she took the pair in, made them princes of her realm, raised and loved them as she thought Sigyn might. Her relationship with them is somewhat detached given her own guilt, but they want for nothing and the boys know if they need her, Hel will always there for them. Even if she can’t understand it herself, they love her deeply, and she’s named them her heirs in the event anything should prevent her from ruling her realm. They are her brothers, true, but she’s brought them up as her own, seen them grow into fine men who are far better adjusted to their tragedy than Hel is with her own. In turn, they bring some brightness to her life, trying to win smiles from their dour, reserved sister.
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mlem2460 · 2 years
marvel au: good cop thor n bad cop loki
everythin basically same set up, but all opinions on loki n thor dynamic? public speculation. jealous loki, prideful thor, n sibling rivalry turned tragedy? rumors started by asgardian equivalent of gossip columns. people talk bout em like they the kardashians. sif n the warriors three major attitudes? palace servants takin lil things way outta proportion.
thor uses his naturally sunshine puppy look n personality to gauge peoples intentions, surprisingly good for intel gathering. no major change, hes still a jock, just one with a golden heart n sum tricks picked up fr his mastermind lil bro. strong leader, relies on each friends specialty n makes final calls. believes in fairness n honor.
lokis the group strategist; first to suggest takin advantage of public opinion to their favor. he respects older bro cause thor values his insight. hybrid wine aunt n mom friend. will fret if u arent eating well, will also laugh n help u avoid consequences for starting an international incident while everything burns around em. self sacrificing, gets on frens nerves.
sif cast as hypocritical misogynist that hates loki as her opposite, when really they r thick as thieves n casually overturn the patriarchy after brunch. self care w loki after beating sexist pig appointment at twelve. regular appointments to salon loki to touch up her roots n bitch bout judgmental cis hets. is blunt brute force, straightforward attitude often misinterpreted. not close to many, but love fiercely those she comes to care for. shes here to kick ass n laugh w her frens while doin it, get out her way.
fandral seen as quippy air-headed man whore, actually soft boy guarding himself w sarcasm but falls in love way too easily n consequently gets his heart broken on the regular. sif once told him to cry her a river. now he randomly crashes their patriarchy pummeling brunches to bitch bout his latest 'true love.' it vexes sif, but she wont tell him to stop cause she needs to kno how these unworthy pieces of crap treated her shield bro; overprotective but wont admit it. loki thinks its hilarious n asks fandral questions that fire him back up every time he starts to calm down. when necessary, fandrals a master actor who can play any part n blend in anywhere. well traveled n smooth talkin, very diplomatic.
they say hogun is grim cause of his mean right hook n grunts that often act as dialogue with few words sprinkled in. quick, forceful, n sever r words strangers use to describe him. n theyre accurate... for his fighting style. personality wise? poor baby has social anxiety n neurodivergent enough to have trouble making eye contact. hes not dismissing u, he just cant get the words out. hes not lookin down on u or aloof, hes focusin on what ur sayin its just hard for him to make eye contact. once he feels comfortable w u, he still doesnt talk that much, but more cause he dont kno how to not be straightforward n prefers to use physical touch or wordless sounds to communicate. actually, his frens understand his 'language' more when he isnt straining to use words. hogun expresses himself a million different ways; walk, volume, facial expression, stims, humming, etc. but in front of strangers? blank slate. no thoughts, head empty, panic mode on. frens presence soothes enough for a few words but no more than that right now.
volstagg is deemed irresponsible glutton ready to laugh at a joke hes unaware was made at his expense. honestly he... doesnt kno how he got here. he married the best cook in asgard that he loves even more than her signature pies! they have quite a few little ones running around as proof of that. so howd he end up here? after hed given up his job on the battlefield to watch the babies while supporting his wife pursuing her culinary passion, how the heck did he end up in an actual fren group that wasnt his kids friends moms. maybe when his bold lil girl managed to get a magic lesson fr a prince to pass her upcoming test? or when thor showed his son a new sword technique that hes never even before? no, the moment he recognized that his princes, futre of the realm, treasures of asguard, masters of their fields, were the smartest dumbest people in all the nine. u kno those best frens that r smart individuals, but once they get together do sum of the dumbest shit uve ever seen? thor n loki everyone. n how was a jolly house spouse that commands a small fleet of children supposed to look at these reckless troublemakers n not half adopt them?? his childen gains uncles n auntie while his wife kicks out the house every once in a while to 'go have fun w ur frens.' dad fren, scolds n frets n compliments. is always right n is too nice to say so but everyone knos anyway. prob most mentally stable one of the fren group, resident therapist/advisor. lives in the silver lining n laughs a jokes made by strangers bout him cause he thinks it hilarious how wrong n ignorant they r. wont n dont got to explain jack to nobody bout anythin, so he mind his business n loves life.
heimdall is constantly exasperated but doesnt get paid enough fo dis
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masterwcrk · 2 years
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🌹 :: what is an emotional hurdle that your muse has to overcome when it comes to love? ie. being on opposing sides of a war or having to work through rivalries to find common ground || dev tea room's romance lounge launch challenge
*using my own Jon's AU is standard for this blog, "ymmv" with alternate portrayals applies
it's not romantic love, but Clary has had to very strongly overcome everything her father did to her brother, & break down a lot of walls to have a relationship with him*. this in & of itself has definitely shaped her own views on relationships but more than that, it's taught her a lot about what her limits are when it comes to forgiving someone… & also what redemption & potential subsequent forgiveness should look like.
growing up, Clary very much wanted a sibling but I don't think there was anything that could have prepared her for what kind of shape her brother would be in when he surrendered to the Clave's judgement. Jonathan carries a lot of deep, deep anger with him & that typically manifests as violent rage, lashing out, & bouts of severe disassociation.
on good days, he can generally find a way to work off those moments in the training room or on patrols but sometimes he faces his own significant frustration in that there are very few within the Institute able to go toe to toe with him given the lethal combination of Valentine's training & the time he spent in Edom.
the bad days are the things Clary still struggles with, even after having Jonathan around has become expected & routine. it's hard to accept she'll likely never have that same loving, warm relationship with her brother that she had with her mom prior to finding out about the measures her mother had taken to keep her away from this world. If anything, that damage done to the warmth in that relationship actually acts as a hurdle that magnifies everything for a long while.
loving her brother has become an exercise in recognizing what different love languages look like, & she's probably stronger for it even if it's been exceptionally difficult for her. where she relies on words of affirmation or physical affection, her brother is more likely to give her gifts of weaponry or show acts of service. their common ground tends to be shaky, at best, too, so these hurdles are very much ones she's still navigating.
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fific7 · 3 years
Evil Twins - Part 2
Billy Russo & Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: When two worlds which have already collided then collide with yours - that’s an explosive situation.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with quite a lot of lemon zest 🍋 My Fantasy Punisher/Shadow and Bone crossover AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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The mutual staring contest went on between the three of you for some moments longer.
Then the one in the suit (character name - Billy Russo) cleared his throat and said, “Uh… hi.” He held his hands up, palms out, as if trying to calm you down although you hadn’t even uttered a sound.
“Don’t start screaming or nothin’, we’re not gonna hurt you.” “Speak for yourself,” muttered the other one, eyes still drinking in every inch of you. Billy shot him a dirty look, before turning back to you, “Now, sweetheart, I guess you’re wonderin’ why we’re here.”
Nodding, you felt as if you’d temporarily lost the ability to speak.
And you still weren’t quite sure if you were stoned or not.
“You are not the only one, moi krasivyy,” said the guy in black (character name - The Darkling or General Kirigan) managing to look you in the eyes for once, “we are wondering that too!”
“Ha! That’s rich, comin’ from you. This is all your mother’s fault!” snapped Billy. “OUR mother!” yelled the General. The two of them squared up to each other, glaring into each other’s identical eyes.
Oh this is ridiculous, you thought. You jumped up - praying your dizziness had gone - and clapped your hands loudly once. Their heads turned towards you immediately.
“Okay, that’s enough. Sit down please.”
To your surprise, they did as you asked. Side by side on your other sofa, looking up at you - they really were identical, hairstyles differing a little but apart from that - two peas in a pod.
“Here’s what I do know, although it isn’t much. I was watching two TV series tonight, and you are in one of them and you’re in the other,” you pointed at each of them in turn, “..you are Billy Russo and you are The Darkling. Well, that was in the book, you’re called General Kirigan in the TV series. And now you’re both here. In my flat.” You’d noticed Billy eye-rolling as you were speaking, and now he snorted, turning to the General, “The Darkling? What kind of fucking stupid-ass name is that?!”
The General jumped up off the sofa and so did Billy, and they were back to staring each other out, nose to nose.
You sighed, and folded your arms across your chest. That’s when you remembered you really were too scantily clad to be standing in front of two strangers like this, so without a word you stalked off into your bedroom to get your dressing gown. Putting one arm into a sleeve and pulling it round your shoulders to pull the other sleeve on, you turned to leave and found the two of them standing in the doorway, watching while you were putting on your robe.
“Out!” you shooed them in front of you, and they reluctantly walked back down the short hallway and into your living room. You waved them back onto the sofa, tying your robe, and they both sat down again.
“Now, where were we? Oh yes. How on earth did two TV characters end up in my flat? And why do you look like each other - I thought the two characters were played by the same actor. But there are two of you!”
They exchanged a glance, and Billy replied, “We’ve only just discovered that we’re twins. And I’ll tell you what we know but it won’t make sense. It doesn’t even make sense to us.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
About an hour later, the two of them were just staring at you again and you were staring back. You’d introduced yourself by now, filled them in on exactly where they’d arrived at, and made tea. They’d sat there on your sofa sipping from their cups, telling you their frankly unbelievable stories.
You’d listened patiently as they explained why they’d ended up in your living room, and when Billy had mentioned the part about his apartment being sealed so they couldn’t get out, you’d raced over to your front door. Heart sinking, you pulled uselessly at the door handle. It wouldn’t budge.
Sitting back down and giving a huge sigh, you sank back into the cushions and managed to calmly say, “You realise I still can’t get my head round this? You. Two. Are. Fictional. Characters! Do you understand? You’re not supposed to be real! But now it seems you are, and you’re sitting on my sofa!”
That’s when the staring had recommenced. Then Billy had simply said, “Sorry ‘bout that.”
You burst out laughing, and Billy grinned at you. The General looked annoyed and you heard him mutter, “He’s not that amusing.” Turning towards him, you said, “Now now, General, is that some sibling rivalry right there?” His dark eyes met yours, “Call me Aleksander. And no - we’ve not been ‘siblings’ long enough to feel any rivalry.” “Are you sure about that, Aleksander?” you asked.
Billy smirked at him, and Aleksander literally snarled, “He’s nothing compared to me!”
You sighed. You could guess what was going to happen next. Yes, there they go…..
They’d both leapt up and were doing their facing off thing, snarking and bitching at each other.
You did your hand-clapping thing and like good puppies they stopped and sat down, both still huffing though. “Billy,” you said, and he looked over at you, “Did you ask Baghra which Small Science you specialised in? Aleksander is a Shadow Summoner.” “The Shadow Summoner,” you heard Aleksander mutter, but you ignored him and carried on. “What is yours? You must be Grisha too, right?”
“Not necessarily!” Aleksander butted in, sulky look on his face, “he could be Otkazat'sya,” he looked over at you, “…that’s people without Grisha capabilities.” Billy glowered at him. “Was your father Grisha too?” you asked Aleksander. His face became stern and closed off, “Yes. A Heartrender. I don’t know anything else about him.”
Oh, you thought, think I touched a nerve there. “You said Baghra is a Shadow Summoner too, right? So is it not more likely that Billy would also have Grisha powers?” He sighed, admitting, “Yes, he probably does.” “I didn’t get a chance to ask,” said Billy, with a triumphant smirk aimed at Aleksander appearing on his face. You got the distinct feeling that he’d really wanted to stick his tongue out at his twin, but somehow he’d managed not to. Aleksander was glaring back at him, looking like he wanted to strangle Billy.
How long were these two going to be here? you silently thought. It was like you’d suddenly adopted two sulky teenage boys. Or two large toddlers. Either description would fit.
It was exhausting.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Earlier on, when their hostess had left them alone while she made tea, Aleksander had leant into Billy’s face and stated, “She is going to be mine. Just to make things crystal clear.” Billy had shaken his head, laughing, “Oh you think? Nah. She’s definitely going to go for me, given the choice.” “Ha! She needs a real man, not some…” he looked Billy over, “…pathetic idiot who dresses in suits. And as I haven’t had sex in decades, it’s only fair that I get the woman.”
Billy had been laughing out loud at this and was just about to reply when she’d returned with three cups of tea and some biscuits on a plate. She’d given them a strange look as she’d placed these on the coffee table, but Billy had quietened down almost immediately and both of them now had innocent smiles on their faces.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were yawning by now, informing them that you were going to bed and that they’d need to sleep on the two small sofas.
They’d exchanged glances, and Aleksander had smirked, “That’s a very big bed you’ve got in your room.” You nodded, stating firmly, “Yes, a king-size bed. It’s got a lot of space… and it’s all for me. I’ll get some blankets and pillows for you two.”
Noting their disappointed looks, you walked through to your bedroom and pulled some blankets out of the ottoman chest at the foot of your bed. You were in a bit of a temper. If they thought for one second that just because you were all stuck in here for however long you were going to open your legs for them, they would soon find out in a very painful manner that sex wasn’t on the menu. You weren’t dumb, you’d seen how the two of them - Aleksander in particular - had been looking at you like you were a snack.
Just as you were rummaging right down to the bottom of the ottoman for the spare pillows, you were suddenly aware of a figure next to you. You grabbed the pillows and stood up, scowling at Aleksander who was once again devouring you with his eyes. “I don’t need any help, thank you,” you snapped at him. However he moved even closer to you, “I was thinking more along the lines of you helping me, moi krasivyy.” “Moi what? What’s that mean?” you asked, sidetracked by curiosity getting the better of you. He grinned at you, “Moi krasivyy. It means ‘my beautiful one’. Because you are. Very beautiful.”
You suddenly heard Billy’s voice, “He’s just trying to talk himself into your bed.”
Aleksander whipped round, scowling at Billy. “Shut up!” he yelled at him.
“Ooh, touchy!”
“I meant every word I said. She is very beautiful!”
“Yes, of course she is, just like you said! But she doesn’t need you to tell her that.”
“Why shouldn’t I tell her she’s beautiful?”
“Because you’ve got a hidden agenda!”
“And you don’t?!”
“We both want to fuck her and you know it! You’re just being more obvious about it!”
They both froze as soon as those words came out of Billy’s mouth and their heads swung towards you, two sets of worried eyes meeting yours. You had your arms crossed again, and boy were you pissed.
“Firstly, I’m right here, you know. Standing right here listening to you argue about who’s going to fuck me.” They both looked somewhat ashamed. “Well, let me tell you…. that will be neither of you! The arrogance of the two of you! Not only do you land in my flat totally uninvited but you act as if I’ve been provided as your personal fucktoy. Not gonna happen! Have we got that clear?”
They both nodded, and you heard mumbled ‘Sorry’s’ as you stomped out past them to the living room. Both followed behind you, now silent. Dumping the blankets and pillows onto one of the sofas, you huffed a ‘Goodnight’ to them and returned to your room, firmly closing the door. Pity it didn’t lock, you thought.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was squirming about under his blanket, his long legs hanging off the edge of the too-short sofa. Across from him on the other sofa, Aleksander was doing exactly the same.
“This is your fault,” grumbled Aleksander, “…if you hadn’t inserted yourself into the conversation, I could’ve been sharing that lovely bed with that lovely woman.” “Dream on, jerk,” laughed Billy, “you don’t stand a chance.” “Of course I stand a chance! More than you do…. jerk!” replied Aleksander, adding, “Whatever that means.” “A jerk perfectly describes you…. a very annoyin’ stupid prick!” “It describes you perfectly too!” Voices rising, both getting ready to jump up yet again and really get into it. Which was rapidly becoming a thing with the twins.
“It perfectly describes both of you!” came a shout from behind the closed bedroom door. “Now just shut up and go to sleep!”
They exchanged guilty looks and settled uncomfortably back down on their respective sofas.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Emerging into the living room the next morning, you saw two dark heads peeking out from underneath their blankets and heard two sets of soft snores. Their feet were dangling off the ends of the sofas, and you momentarily felt sorry for them. Your furniture was not intended for six-foot males to sleep on.
Heading to your kitchen, you filled and switched on the kettle, then took a loaf of bread out of a cupboard and popped four slices into the toaster. Hmm… you didn’t have a huge amount of food in your fridge and cupboards. Before all… this had happened, you’d intended picking some more up today. How were you going to get more supplies? And what about your store! Everyone would wonder why it was closed. The store was only usually shut on Sundays, and today was Saturday.
This was a complete disaster. Sighing, you took out another two slices of bread to await toasting and as you closed up the wrapping, suddenly noticed that the loaf didn’t feel as if had got any smaller. You opened it up again and double-checked. You had previously only used a couple of slices, and no way was this loaf now 6 slices lighter, it was exactly the same as it had been. “Oh fuck off,” you muttered. What was this? Narnia? Alice in Fucking Wonderland? Oh well - maybe this meant you and your two ‘guests’ wouldn’t starve.
You jumped, startled, as you heard Billy’s voice behind you, “Somethin’ wrong, sweetheart?” He was leaning against the doorframe, wearing only a pair of tight black boxer briefs. Your jaw dropped as you took in this vision of masculine beauty. His smirk at you was totally self-satisfied, and you closed your mouth immediately. “Can’t you put some clothes on!” you snapped, and his grin got wider. “Only got my suit and it ain’t that comfortable for loungin’ around in.”
The toaster popped up at that point and you jumped again. “Am I makin’ you nervous, sweetheart?” he grinned. You turned away and took out the butter from the fridge. Placing the remaining two slices in the toaster, you began to spread the butter on the other 4 slices. “No, you are not,” you denied, looking defiantly at him, knowing it wasn’t true. The two of them were really hot guys, no denying that, but you absolutely couldn’t let them know that’s what you were thinking.
Aleksander now appeared behind him, likewise clad in just his underwear - black boxer shorts - and leant on the other side of the door, arms crossed on his chest. “You’re very kind, making tea for us,” he commented.
Oh good lord! your man-starved mind screeched, this is just too much first thing in the morning! Two male thirst traps, looking like they were currently shooting a Calvin Klein ad.
You hastily turned away and said, “Can one of you make yourself useful, please? Put three teabags into the teapot and fill it up with the hot water.” You hid a grin as they both tried to come into the kitchen at the same time and got jammed in the door. “Okay - Billy, you do it,” you said, “you’ve probably got more experience...” He chuckled, “Yes I have, angel. More than him, that’s for sure!” just as you added, “…of making tea.” Now it was Aleksander’s turn to laugh, “Yes… in tea-making only. Other people usually make my tea.”
“Now don’t you two start arguing again!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You brought the teapot, cups and plate of toast into the living room and put it down on the coffee table, noting that they’d folded up their blankets and piled them on top of their pillows on one of the sofas. Must be the military training, you thought. They were sitting on one of the sofas again, both still in their underwear. That was disturbing.
Now you were the one having to stop your eyes roaming over their bodies. Both of which happened to be lean, athletic and very nicely toned, commented your mind. Okay! Enough of that. Did you have any men’s clothes still lying around anywhere, you wondered? Quite possibly, and you decided you’d have a good look once you’d had your tea and toast.
Later on, you came out of your bedroom having found two pairs of grey tracksuit bottoms and a couple of black t-shirts, left behind by your previous boyfriend. You’d laundered them, intending to give them back to him but he’d moved out of the area so that never happened, and they’d lived in one of your drawers ever since. And just as well they had, you thought - I’ve got to get them into some clothes or else I won’t be responsible for my actions.
Handing them over, you remarked, “Hopefully these fit you.” Billy looked at them, nose wrinkling, “Whose are these?” “An ex of mine. Don’t worry! They’ve been washed.” They both stood up and pulled on the jogging bottoms, maybe a tiny bit short for them but not by too much. You smiled to yourself as you noticed one’s movements often mirrored the other’s. They really were twins in every way, although you were sure they’d argue with you on that point.
Both shook out the t-shirts and looked at the band logos on each. “Led Zeppelin?” queried Aleksander. “An old school rock band,” you replied. He looked none the wiser, shrugging but pulling the t-shirt on over his head nevertheless. “Queen!!?” howled Billy, “I’m not wearin’ that!” “Why not, Billy? I love Queen!” you said, offended. He glanced over at you, “Oh, do you? Well… alright then,” and on it went without further argument. The two of them stood there, looking each other over and arguing about which of them looked better in their new outfits.
This really is like getting the children ready for school, you smirked to yourself. Secretly you found it rather amusing that these two alpha males kept challenging each other. But it was just as well you were around to act as referee before they came to actual blows.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
After having put the TV on for the ‘kids’, you began to gather the tea cups, tea pot and plates back onto the tray, fervently hoping that your dishwasher was still working. You noticed that in the few short moments they’d been sitting on the sofas, Aleksander’s eyes were beginning to close. You called his name softly and when he opened his eyes again, told him he could go and take a nap in your bed if he liked. His eyes sparkling, he was off the sofa and sprinting through to your bedroom before you’d properly finished your sentence. The bedroom door slammed.
Billy huffed, “You know he was just doing that ‘dozing off because I’m so tired’ thing just so he could sleep in your bed?” You picked up the tray, “Really? Now, don’t be jealous Billy, you can join him if you like.” Predictably, as you turned to head to the kitchen, you heard, “I’m not sharing a bed with him!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy followed on your heels into the kitchen, and you jumped as you put down the tray and realised he was so close behind you.
“Sorry,” he shrugged, “I just wanted to say - while my delightful twin is out of the way for once - that I’m really truly sorry about what I said last night. About… you know, you and me and him, and.. uhh.. well, you know.” “Yes, Billy, I do know. Apology accepted.” You took the lid off the teapot and turned back to the sink.
He continued, “I really do wanna fuck you but I shoulda told you that in private.”
The teapot lid clattered into the sink, “Billy! Do you have to be so… so direct!” you yelled, while he just stood there, looking down at you with those liquid dark chocolate eyes, trademark smirk on his face.
“We keep movin’ universes, sweetheart! -so carpe diem, as they say.”
He moved his body forwards, pushing you against the sink and a big hand was pulling your head towards his. You were still both maintaining eye contact up to this point; long fingers slid along your jawline and you felt his lips on yours in what quickly became a heated kiss. You saw his eyes close, and allowed yours to slowly close too.
This is such a bad idea!!!
….screeched that nagging little voice at the back of your mind.
But oh my lord, did it feel so very, very good…..
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@aleksanderwh0r3 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @s1xthirty @tartiflvtte @slythvoid @edithsvoice @paracosmenthusiast
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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earthnashes · 4 years
Super Mario: headcanon brainstorms
HEYOOOO Ya’ll! Sorry for the slow posting as of late; outside of Patreon content I’ve been really hitting an artblock ;w; I think I’m starting to break through it though and with it comes some new ideas. Specifically, for Super Mario headcanons, which is something I’m consistently asked about. I think it’ll do me some good to switch gears for a bit too, so that I”m not focus near exclusively on LoZ anymore.
SO I figured I could share some of the base ideas and thoughts I had for the new headcanon/au to at least get myself started; a lot of this is brainstorming so subject to change, but it’s a start nonetheless! uwu Basic idea for the AU is to focus more on Modern Fantasy and Slice-of-Life, so instead of a huge grand adventure it’s more about the everyday lives of the characters and how I interpret that. owo THAT SAID, have some quick headcanon bunnies:
-The Mario crew and the Koopa Clan are basically frenemies with a friendly rivalry goin’ on. None of the plots Bowser pulls is out of any real malice and is more treated like a super intense game of “King of the Castle”l; it’s to a point where it’s basically tradition! Everyone in the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms are in on it.
-Bowsette is Bowser’s younger sister and, technically, co-ruler of Koopa Kingdom. However, I’d like to think that she overall hates the idea of being involved with politics and has gone off to do her own thing, much to the chargin of both her parents and the frustration of her older brother. Debating on the idea that she’s a part of a super small traveling band, trying to make it big on her own terms but thus far not really having much luck. She always phones in big bro to “borrow” from the family private treasury on promises she’ll pay back. Bowser knows she won’t but supports her anyway.
-Peach is the youngest rulers amongst the current Kingdom Leaders, having been unofficially crowned queen as a teenager (she’s currently late 20s). This is due to her father being unfit to rule in his current condition, and while he is still King his daughter has effectively taken on all of his duties. Why he is unfit to rule is something I’ve yet to decide.
-Luigi and Mario will keep their sidejobs as plumbers but they both have a secondary occupation! Mario is the acting bodyguard to Princess Peach and her best friend; he’s so good at his job due to his unassuming appearance. Luigi on the other hand owns his own bakery! He and his Yoshi companion Peppers (a red yoshi to mirror Mario’s green Yoshi friend) specialize in sweets, especially cookies, but they also bake fresh bread and bagels. uwu
-Pauline is the president of Metro Kingdom instead of the Mayor. I’d imagine Metro Kingdom is very different from any other kingdom due to it relying on popular vote over monarchy, with Pauline as the most recent leader of the Kingdom. She’d be highly popular amongst the citizens of the Kingdom and is damn good at her job. She also isn’t native to Metro Kingdom; I think I like the idea of her being originally from wherever Mario and Luigi are from before she ultimately moved to Metro Kingdom. They’re old buddies. owo
-I’m thinkin’ the Yoshi are sorta-kinda like Pokemon in terms of their role in society? They’re intelligent and in the wilds have their own basic societal structure, but in the Kingdoms (particularly Mushroom Kingdom) they are companions to the residents. A common misconception outside of the Mushroom Kingdom is that they’re pets; they are nothing of the sort.
-The Koopalings are not Bowser’s biological children but he has adopted them as his own kids. Toying with the idea that they’re teenagers and they maybe met Bowser through either a job ad during one of his bouts with the Mario crew, or perhaps he hired them all to babysit Junior (yes, all of them; Bowser is a very protective father) and it just snowballed from there. We’ll see!
-Rosalina is a goddess who makes her home amongst the stars and the Luma. She’s also pretty close to Peach; I love the idea of them having a older sibling/younger sibling vibe. I don’t think they’d be blood-related although that might change, but right now i’m trying to consider how they met... maybe Peach wished on a star when she was young, and Rosalina herself showed up? hmmmmm....
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND that’s all for now folks! I think I’ve made a pretty good starting point for myself so let’s see where this takes us! owo Art will be made soon; right now I’m workin’ out a style that’ll fit the tone I want. In the meantime, feel more than free to ask any questions or comments ya might have, and thank ya for taking a read! uwu
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blacktalonsb · 3 years
Born a Rebel
AN: This is the sixth chapter to a story I’m writing with my OC Raven. I’m not sure how often I’ll get new chapters up right now. I’m very critical of my own writing and it makes for difficulties writing let alone posting.
Side note to the Author's Note: I had to retype sixth one too many times... it kept coming up sith... XD
Universe: DMC
Warnings: typical sibling rivalry, fluff, etc
Vergil x oc!Raven x Dante
If you have ideas for childhood hijinks (I don’t have sibs so not sure what to add in) suggest something and I’ll see if I can fit it story wise. If you like what you read please tell me! I like feedback but please be respectful. As much as I want people to read what I write it isn’t necessarily the end goal. Also if you do reblog please don’t edit or claim as yours.
Dante huffed in exasperation at his brother for asking yet another question of dad. They had been talking about the summer fair in town walking through the foyer. They had been heading towards their mother’s sunroom, but Vergil had headed straight to their father as soon as he saw him. He was probably asking another question on some imagined flaw in his technique or timing. Dante rolled his eyes. Vergil was already a good fighter. He didn’t need extra lessons so why all the questions? Dante walked up behind his brother and smacked the back of his head as he stepped up next to him.
“Dante, what was that for?” Vergil demanded his eyes narrow as he shifted slightly looking to his left.
"Come on Verge, aren't you worried 'bout missin’ class? Raven’s gonna be all dressed up.” Dante gave an exaggerated tilt to his head then smacked his fist into his hand. “Well, I’m sure Raven would be fine if I took your place this time.” As Dante smirked at Vergil, Vergil sighed turning back toward Sparda.
Sparda shook his head. These two just couldn’t help themselves. Truly the only time the boys didn’t fight was when Raven was with them. That girl would have her work cut out for her. Especially if what he and Modeus were discussing earlier was true. So far it seemed plausible, but the boys might not inherit all the traits of his clan. Then there was the question of what they’d inherit from their mother. The same was true of Raven of course. Perhaps she inherited something from her mother that allowed her to calm them. After all, he didn't know which of the Divine clans Raven’s mother came from. Better that and not because of…
“You wouldn’t go to class just to see Raven. You’d not miss so many classes then, hmm?” Vergil opened his mouth to ask Father once more if he could take Raven into town.
“Boys, you’re dismissed for today. I believe your mother wishes to see you in the garden for tea.” As Sparda turned to go to his study his thoughts were laden with possibility. He didn’t know how much longer the boys would be able to handle being without her. As he walked to the stairs the probability that someone would come for his children as much as Modeus’ daughter was like a weight pressing down upon him. Would they survive being separated if the situation called for it?
Vergil tsked. He supposed that was Father’s way of saying the discussion was over. As he watched his father walk off Vergil clenched his hands in frustration. Father’s refusal to let him take Raven on a trip into town didn’t make sense. Why wasn’t Raven allowed into town? Vergil knew he and his brother made trips into town all the time. Father wouldn’t even answer why. Was it because he wasn’t trusted to take care of Raven while she was out? Vergil’s brow furrowed. Perhaps it was that Raven couldn’t be seen with him? He was sure he was missing something, but for the life of him he didn’t know what. It still came down to Father denying him permission to take her to the summer fair. So that left Dante. Dante never planned anything and was sure to get caught, or miss his opportunity to persuade Raven...
“Welp, guess I’m gonna go find Kitten. I’m sure she’s gotta be bored in class right now.” Dante chuckled at the irritated look on Vergil’s face. He stepped forward and turned towards his brother to question him in mock seriousness:
“What’s the matter? Dad not approve of something you wanted to do?” Dante half turned and looked at his father’s retreating form, then turned back to Vergil, the mocking tone slipping into confusion. “And you’re not following, demanding to be heard?” Dante tilts his head and looks at Vergil closely, a look of concern on his face. “What did you ask Father for?” he asks softly.
“I asked to take Raven into town this afternoon to see the fair.” Vergil answered equally softly, his eyes never leaving Sparda’s back. He watched as Sparda climbed the stairs to head to his office on the second floor. When Sparda disappeared into the hallway he snapped his eyes to Dante’s surprised ones.
“You already planned to go didn’t you?” Vergil sighed. Raven isn’t allowed but wants to go so bad. Dante, same as Vergil, was able to go without breaking the rules, but would Dante be willing to break the rules and take Raven with him? Vergil’s gaze drifted off to the right. More importantly, did Vergil really trust Dante with his princess? Vergil paused at the nickname. He had to stop thinking of her that way. One of these times he was going to slip and say something he would regret.
“Of course you did.” Vergil waved his hand dismissively. “Are you willing to take her with you? Even if it gets both of you in trouble?” Vergil raises an eyebrow at Dante, waiting impatiently for his brother’s answer.
Dante couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Why would Vergil ask him to take Raven? Wasn’t Vergil the one that always came up with plans? He wasn’t willing to take her himself? Dante’s brow furrowed. The only time Vergil let him do things with Raven it always seemed to be in Vergil’s favor by the end.
“Well?” Vergil asked. “Don’t bother saying you wouldn’t. We both know you would.” Vergil’s gaze never wavered as if to say tell me I’m wrong. Dante couldn’t. Of course he’d take Kitten to the fair if that’s what she wanted to do. He smirked at Vergil. The thing was though… his eyes drifted up and away… would she go without Vergil?
He laughed as he shifted his gaze back toward Vergil. “Of course I’ll take her with me. You just make sure you’re not around, got it?”
Vergil’s look turned thoughtful. He knew Raven’s schedule probably better than she did. Vergil’s lips twitched into a small smile. He usually was with her all day, but today he was sure his mother wished to speak with Raven after classes. That would take awhile since Mother treated Raven as if the girl was her daughter. Sometimes that meant lectures on topics they didn’t really cover, like etiquette. Or Girl Talk. Raven always looked slightly concerned and possibly a bit traumatized after those particular talks. Etiquette, however, was an opportunity Mother liked to use as an excuse to dress Raven up and have tea time or some other similar thing. Raven was always so adorable, but on those days… Vergil’s gaze drifted away once again as he thought of Raven. Vergil shook his head slightly to clear it. Anyway, afterwards Raven would change back into normal clothes to practice out in the yard on her technique.
“Dante, right now Raven’s with Mother having Etiquette class. The class will be done in a few minutes, but Mother will want to talk to her afterwards. They’ll be done in 10 - 20 minutes, and Raven will change so she can practice in the yard. That’s your only chance to get her to go with you.” Vergil turned to look at Dante again. “She’s going to be tired of sitting listening to Mother go on about,” Vergil waves a hand through the air, “whatever. She’ll be craving something fun. She’ll probably hear you out and agree to go with you.” It would kill him to ignore or push her away, but it would get her to go with Dante if he suggested something fun. Vergil worried at his bottom lip again. “Just don’t back down and keep begging her to go.” With that Vergil turned and stalked off to the library. This was a bad idea, he thought as he bit hard enough to draw blood.
Raven sighed in relief, having finally changed out of that ridiculous outfit. Mrs. Eva was always asking if she liked one of the twins more than the other. Today she’d gone so far as to ask if she’d kissed one of them. As if! Not like she’d say even if she had. Why did it always have to end that way? Mrs. Eva was really nice, but she kept telling her to call her Mom. Today though, she added in something surprising.
Eva stirred her tea for the 5th time. Raven wasn’t answering her questions anymore. She was quite polite and remembered her manners, but she was getting good at avoiding or deflecting questions she didn’t want to answer. Perhaps Mrs Eva would let the matter go if she continued?
“Raven, Sweetie, you can call me Mom now. It won’t be strange since you’re going to stay with one of my boys anyway.”
Raven wasn’t sure what that was about. She was dying to talk to Vergil about it, but he was holed up in the Library doing research. She sighed, balling up the dress she’d just been wearing and tossed it in the hamper with the dirty clothes. The only good thing about dressing up with Mrs. Eva was how the twins reacted to it. They both always looked so surprised and usually tripped over each other trying to give her compliments. Not this time though. Dante had never shown up, and Vergil had seemed distracted. She’d found Vergil in the Library sitting in his favorite spot. Vergil had said she looked elegant and he’d smiled so brightly. Raven had almost gotten lost in the light in his eyes. Just remembering it made her cheeks flush with heat, and a silly grin spread across her face. Then he’d said something about making their bond stronger and returned to his research.
Raven walked quickly down the hallway trying to still the disquiet in her heart. Vergil usually wasn’t so distracted, paying close attention to her looking for any mistakes. Honestly, it left her a bit concerned. There was no way she was perfect. More likely something was bothering him and he didn’t want her to know. He was even biting at his lip which was a sure sign he was worried. Raven slowed, padding more quietly through the hallway now so no one would hear her. She wasn’t quite sure what Vergil meant about their bond, but it sounded important. She hurried to the back door and out into the yard. It was always a matter of time before someone came to look for her so she’d just…
A hand reached out and grabbed her left arm, jerking her back. She pivoted, using the momentum to swing around and plant, as hard as she could, her right fist into whomever had grabbed her. Dante twisted to the side, but her hit still landed. Probably not where she intended, but he was still winded. He was surprised at how fast she was getting. Dante grit his teeth, reminding himself he was there to bring her along with him. He couldn’t back down. At all. He still wasn’t sure she’d go, but Vergil said not to give up.
“Kitten, I came ta take ya with me to the fair. Ya did wanna go right?” Dante grinned cheekily at her. As he let go of her arm he turned fully toward her, adopting a more formal attitude. He held out his right hand to her, dipping his head to her slightly. “Will you accompany me to the summer fair this evening?” He tilted his head slightly, glancing at her through his hair, cheeky grin still in place. “It would be my pleasure to show you every little thing you aren’t supposed to see. I expect much fun to be had, and much trouble if we get caught.” He winked at her, his smile shifting into a smirk as he straightened. “Unless of course, you’re too afraid to go outside the safety of the Manor without your dear Dark Knight.”
Raven’s mildly amused look had turned into a frown at the mention of his brother. Interesting, Dante thought to himself. What did his brother do? Did he care? Not really, but Kitten looks upset so fun was first on the list. Later he’d find out what Vergil had done. He saw the hesitation in Raven’s eyes. Even if she was upset with Vergil she still wanted to include him. Dante made a face and turned to leave. He paused for a moment to look back at her.
“I’m leaving in about 10 minutes. Meet me at the gate and we’ll go. Don’t be late or I’ll leave without you.” Dante turned and walked toward the door. He wouldn’t actually leave her, but it might convince her to be there if she thought he would.
Raven stood there dumbfounded. Raven had only told Vergil that she wanted to go after overhearing the cook’s grandkids talking about it so eagerly. How did Dante know she wanted to go? Maybe he just assumed she did, which to be fair, she did want to. She hesitated again, glancing up to the window on the second floor where she’d seen Vergil with a pile of books. He was still there sitting in the window reading one of the larger tomes. If she left with Dante, Vergil would be the first to notice she wasn’t there. Even if he didn’t actually see her leave he would still suspect it was Dante’s fault. Would he tell one of his parents? Would he just come look for her? Her hands absentmindedly twisted at her shirt as she debated convincing Vergil to go.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Been thinking thoughts about Sweet Sixteen verse.
Just- been thinking ‘bout it.
Been thinking about how Ardyn has ... probably very few fond memories of his actual father, considering sibling rivalries that lead to bloodshed usually have help in the neglectful/abusive parent department. He probably used to have more, but after 2k years of being locked in a dungeon with hallucinations, he’s probably forgotten most of them, no matter how many or few he had to begin with.
Been thinking about how, in this new timeline, he’s a teenager again, with a toddler nibling, and he’s- he’s scared and angry though he won’t show it, and he NEEDS help no matter how it sits sour on his tongue and itches at his back with anticipated betrayal.
And then there’s Titus. Titus who he binds, but it doesn’t stick for long because this Titus still has a heart and does not need to be bound in order to CARE and oh how that confuses (frightens) Ardyn. Titus who takes him home, and buys them a house with privacy, who is gruff and curt and just as overwhelmed and scared as the now-named Acastus is. Titus who is the ADULT of the house in body, and who Acastus shies from, expecting betrayal at worst or just- cold at best. Titus who Acastus expects to do the bare minimum. To feed them and clothe them and punish them by withholding such things or striking them if they step out of line, which Acastus knows he can only retaliate so much against because Nox is tiny and NEEDS more than Acastus can provide on his own. Titus who Acastus looks at and bitterly expects so very little from.
And yet Titus gives. He gives and gives and he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he doesn’t know HOW to be a parent, but that’s alright because Acastus’s only measuring stick is two thousand years corrupted and wasn’t that good to begin with. And so now there is Titus. Who gives Acastus and Nox their own room (since Acastus insists on keeping Nox nearby at all times) and says “I will never come in here without your permission unless you or Nox are bleeding out on the floor.” and then never ever breaks that promise. There is Titus, who gives them food, and a SCHEDULE with alarms to remind them when it becomes clear that Acastus cannot remember when to feed himself or Nox. Who makes sure there is always fruit to snack on or soft bread for days when fruit sits too heavy in long-starved stomachs. Who gives them not just clothes, but TOYS and Acastus scoffs at quietly at each gift that shows up at the door to his room that is marked for him rather than little Nox who sleeps in the bed next to his with a growing collection of colorful stuffies, but he keeps each one and slowly comes to love the little puzzles that make pictures, and the other things Titus gives him because he doesn’t know what Acastus will like but he refuses to simply get Acastus nothing.
There is Titus, who sets down very specific ground rules, like the regulations of a soldier, and with each one there are very specific punishments, and when Acastus starts pushing boundaries, starts intentionally ripping open old wounds with his words to see Titus crack, he never does. The punishments stay exact and to the letter as they were laid down, no matter how Titus’s hands shake and his eyes burn with repressed hurt and rage at whatever Acastus has said or done or implied. Titus who never takes it out on Nox, which is good because Acastus would have killed him for it, but he never even tries. He never even seems TEMPTED and Acastus is not sure what to do with a guardian who does not wield the younger sibling like a weapon against the heart of the elder.
There is Titus, who never insists Acastus or Nox speak of their nightmares and trauma, but will spend hours helping one or the other or BOTH through a Sick Day. Who lets Nox climb in his lap and holds the toddler tight as he cries. And when, on some bleak nights, Acastus slinks over to Titus’s bedside because he can taste the Scourge on his tongue and feel meathooks grinding against his bones and he needs something he cannot name, Titus wakes up in an instant and wordlessly leads them down to the kitchen for tea, and he sits in the ratty armchair that came with the house and rests a hand oh so tentatively on Acastus’s hair when the teen-in-body settles down on the floor and presses his back against Titus’s legs like he’s looking for someone to guard it for him.
And Acastus does not know what a father is like any more than Titus knows how to be one, but Titus tries, and he never stops trying, and somewhere along the way Acastus stops waiting for the knife to sink into his back, or the punishments to turn cruel, or the food to be withheld until perfection is granted. Acastus stops tensing every time Nox crashes into Titus’s legs and climbs into his lap while the man is trying to do paperwork at the kitchen table, and he stops going rigid every time Titus’s hand rests on his shoulder or the back of his neck or on his hair.
Acastus doesn’t remember what his “real” father was like. Not very well and not without much bitterness that may be deserved or might not or might only partially be but.
One day Acastus looks up from where he and Titus are taking a break from a playful spar in the backyard, and realizes that somewhere, somehow, “Titus” came to mean something far weightier to him than “father” ever had.
Somewhere along the way, “Titus” came to mean the same thing as “Dad”.
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quillandink333 · 3 years
Scarlet Carnations ~ Part IV
BotW Link X Zelda ~ Detective AU
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Rating: T
Word Count: 5.1k
WARNINGS: death, murder, loss, trauma, blood and gore, terrorism, organized crime, self-harm
Summary: Inspector Zelda Hyrule, assisted by the faithful Constable Link Fyori, is infamous for cracking the most confounding of cases in a town dominated by crime. Her latest assignment is to solve the murder of her own godmother, Impa Sheikah, the late CEO of Sheikah Tech. Incorporated, while staying under the radar of the dreaded Yiga organization.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI • Part VII • Epilogue • Masterlist
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It was nine o’clock in the morning, two days after I’d made my arrest, and Paya’s trial was in its opening stages. I was watching from the gallery. Normally, as the one running the investigations, I would be the first witness to take the stand, but today, for whatever reason, the lead prosecutor, Urbosa Sigatur, planned to summon me second after Auntie Purah. Urbosa was far from a stranger to me, however. She and I had collaborated on several cases in the past, and she shared with me many of my own ideals. She’d once even known my mother before her untimely demise. And so I decided not to question her judgment, however unconventional it may have seemed.
The prosecution’s opening statement had been based on the fact that the stolen Sheikah Slate, along with a bloodstained bullet, had been found in the defendant’s room, which, until recently, hadn’t been searched as it had been deemed irrelevant to the case. With these conclusive pieces of evidence, she’d stated, the defendant had been charged with both the theft of the Slate and the murder of its owner, Impa Sheikah.
The stolen object was the most central piece of evidence in the prosecution’s case. It had once been a target of my own immense interest, even before its theft. But that had all changed following its recovery. The riddle, though having been solved by means of professional reprogramming, still made little sense to me if any. “Carnation” was its answer, according to Auntie Purah herself. Much to my dismay, the secrets that the riddle had supposedly kept hidden had turned out to be nothing but my own fantasy. Every last piece of data that had once been stored in the Slate had been deleted, meaning the possibility of proving a motive for its theft was next to nonexistent. The only thing left in its memory was a diary entry, written by Auntie Impa the day before her murder. This in itself, however, held the potential to serve as a lead to her killer’s identity, at the very least.
The diary entry, as projected onto the courtroom wall by the Slate, went,
“Today was the first day of Zelda’s holiday visit. It is hard to believe that the last long term visit she paid us was already over a year ago. We have all missed her dearly. She seems as interested in my sister’s work as ever. It brought me joy to see the two of them bonding over their shared passion once again.
“However I must admit, I would still love for her to also spend some quality time with Paya some day soon. I sensed some resentment coming from her directed at my dear granddaughter. Perhaps it is something to do with that boy. Either way, it seems their relationship has hardly changed since she left the nest.
“I cannot say for certain whether anyone will ever be able to read this, but I have faith that Purah will figure it out. I am no good with machines like these, but I believe in her. At any rate, I hope she is the one who gets to read this message, but in the event that it happens to fall into the wrong hands, I will sign off here.”
With this, the prosecution’s argument, though a bit scattered across several different points, seemed sturdy enough so far. That Auntie Impa had seemingly known that her life would be taken the following night after writing her final message, combined with the fact that she’d received no threats from the outside world up until then, was one of the strongest pieces of evidence in our arsenal.
Paya’s defence lawyer, one Revali Twii, had made several attempts to dismantle her argument by claiming she had no possible way of knowing whether or not the victim had received a threat from outside the estate by phone. These attacks were easily deflected. As a foreigner to this city, Mr. Twii had been unaware that, thanks to the Sheikahs’ company, household phones here were all equipped with recording devices. Naturally, Ms. Sigatur had already listened to each recorded call since a month before the murder and had detected no discernible threat in any of them.
And yet in spite of all that, the argument shifted heavily in favour of the defence when it then carried out his cross examination. With how confidently Urbosa had stated her case, I never could’ve imagined how easy it would be for the opposing side to shatter it into countless, tiny pieces.
Mr. Twii’s primary line of questioning was a solid one, to say the least. He concurred with my deduction as presented by Ms. Sigatur that the parlour indeed was not the true scene of the crime. However, he claimed that the real crime scene could not possibly have been the defendant’s bedroom either. His basis for this was the gunshot. Paya’s room was in the same hallway that the sleeping quarters of the current witness, Auntie Purah, as well as myself, were in. Mr. Twii had her testify about the sound of the gunshot that she’d heard. In addition to the fact that it hadn’t seemed loud enough to have come from the very next room over, she’d only heard it once: from the parlour.
No doubt he intended to question me about the same thing when the time came for me to take the stand. I’d been itching to speak my mind and set things straight so badly that I’d had to cross my legs just to keep myself from getting up too soon by the time court was finally adjourned for a half-hour recess.
Now the prosecutor and I were together in a private room reserved for witness prepping. Normally I did just fine testifying on my own, but in this trial, everything was at stake, and I couldn’t seem to stop my heart from racing no matter what I tried. Thankfully I had Urbosa here, and simply talking with her had done much to calm my nerves already.
“You’re originally from out of town too, aren’t you?” I noted, thinking back on her performance.
“That I may be, but unlike that lawyer, I’ve spent enough time here to know of the perils this city is facing, and who’s been holding it together in spite of all that.”
“Right.” My lips rested against the curve of my index as my leg bounced restlessly underneath the table. “That schmuck really doesn’t have a clue, does he?”
“No, not likely. Though he’s quite the formidable opponent, I must say.” She leaned back in her chair, looking pensive, but not the least bit agitated. “My case took quite the beating out there.”
My heart rate was starting to pick up again. “You don’t think you’ll...lose...do you?”
“Who, me? Lose?” She let out a hearty bout of chuckles. “Young lady, are you quite sure you know who you’re speaking to?” I returned her laughter halfheartedly, unable to shake the foreboding feeling lying at the pit of my stomach. Urbosa cleared her throat, preserving her calm smile. “All jokes aside, I wouldn’t worry even if we do end up losing this one. The true criminal is still out there somewhere, and there is no such thing as a perfect crime.”
“I suppose...” Perfect crimes may not have existed, but neither did perfect investigations. If they ruled Paya out as a suspect, then only one other, “safe” option would remain.
“Alright, out with it. What’s on your mind?” Her hand had landed on my shoulder as she’d reached across the desk, over my half empty glass of water. “And why are you so set on getting Paya convicted, if I might ask? Sibling rivalry is one thing, but this is...”
I avoided her perceptive gaze, staring intently at the latch on my bag. What could I possibly tell her? “It’s just,” I stalled, eventually settling for a vague, “I’m running out of time.”
After a long pause, she leaned back, letting go of my arm. “I see. Well, whatever it is, know that I’ll be on your side no matter what, little bird.��
Oh, if only she’d known.
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“So to sum up, you were outstandingly negligent in your investigation of the defendant’s bedroom.”
My jaw unhinged at what I’d just heard come out of the attorney’s mouth. I’d just finished giving him an explanation of my findings in as much detail as I could, during which time he’d been surprisingly polite, until now.
“You likely saw the Slate along with the bullet and made your arrest right then and there. You didn’t even stop to consider the possibility that you hadn’t found all there’d been to find in that room, did you?” I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off again. “In fact, I’m willing to bet you didn’t even attempt to look for the murder weapon.”
“Excuse me, Sir,” I retaliated with chest puffed up, “but my team and I searched the property from top to bottom, repeatedly, for two whole weeks, and—”
“Yes, I am well aware. However, you failed to complete a thorough search of this so-called ‘true crime scene’ before you arrested Ms. Sheikah. Do you deny it?”
I was floundering for words. Why bother questioning me if he merely intended to cut me off and answer his own questions? “I-I...”
All eyes fell upon the prosecution. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“The defence is harassing the witness, Your Honour.”
The judge gave a slow, considerate nod of his head. “Objection sustained.”
Twii gave Urbosa a subtle but unmistakable side-eye. I thanked her silently. “Speaking of the murder weapon,” he continued in his signature, holier-than-thou tone, “I have here Exhibit F: a list of traits possessed by the elusive firearm responsible for the victim’s life.”
This wasn’t good. The list in question had been compiled by the prosecution based on traits of the fatal wound revealed by the autopsy, as well as other traits shared by the two bullets that were found at the estate. It contained information like its .38 caliber and that it had likely been fired twice at point blank, to name a few examples.
“My question for you, witness, is the following. What did you find during your ‘investigation’ regarding the weapon?”
This was fine, I kept telling myself. He still had yet to present the most fatal piece of evidence in the record. “As I’ve said before, none of our searches turned up any sign of it, other than what’s listed on that piece of paper you’re holding.”
“Is that so?” The sarcasm rooted in his voice had me sweating bullets. “In that case, Ms. Hyrule, I’d like to turn your attention to this passage here at the bottom.”
That was “Inspector Hyrule” to him, but of course, he couldn’t care less for such trifling things as common decency.
But when I read over the passage at which he was pointing, my throat closed up.
“Allow me to read it aloud for the court.” He snobbishly cleared his throat. “And I quote, ‘The murder weapon and the circumstances surrounding it strongly suggest an Octoric M&P revolver,’ end quote. I’d also like to add that this particular model is favoured by the district bureau of police, who issue them out to many of their detectives for self-defence.”
I gritted my teeth, annunciating each word as I spat, “Get to the point.”
The smarmy bastard was hardly even phased by my unmasked hostility. “Now, now, Ms. Hyrule, you’ve no reason to worry,” he waved off. “After all, I have no intention of accusing you.”
When he spoke that last word, my heart stopped, and deep down, I knew it was over.
“Firstly I wish for you to clarify a few things for me, as you were one of the first to discover the scene of the murder when it happened.”
I gave a slow, strenuous nod, losing strength in my knees by the second, but standing my ground all the same. “Go on.”
“The defendant showed no sign of having a gun on or anywhere near her person when you arrived, correct?”
“Correct,” I lied.
“Good. Now that we’ve established that the defendant was unarmed, I’d like to present another piece of evidence.” He laid out flat a second sheet of paper on the stand in front of me. “Exhibit H. This is part of a record kept by the precinct where the witness is currently employed, alongside the rest of her team. It details a list of the firearms given out to detectives each day, as well as the time when each one was issued and when it was returned to custody at the end of its designated officer’s shift.”
And there it was. I’d known all along that it had only been a matter of time until he’d bring out this piece of evidence, but, evidently, I’d failed to prepare myself mentally for this. Perhaps a part of me had hoped not to be on the stand when it happened. All I could do now was hold my peace and pray that it wouldn’t get worse from here.
“This page corresponds with the day before the murder. Now, Ms. Hyrule,” he addressed, summoning a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, “I’m sure you’ll recognize this badge number here. Would you please read it aloud for me?”
I swallowed my nerves and did as he’d requested. “FB7732Z438LL.”
“Thank you.” He flashed me that shit-eating grin of his. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the number belonging to one Constable Link Fyori, the witness’ very own investigative partner.” A few whispers drifted through the gallery following that announcement. “One who reads this will also notice that, after his revolver was issued out to him the morning before the murder, it was never returned to the precinct’s custody thereafter. In fact, it is still missing to this day.”
With this, the whispers grew in number, creating a din of distrust that had the attorney smirking from ear to ear.
The whispering dissipated. Twii’s shoulders sagged as he hypocritically shot Urbosa a look that said, “What now?”
“Mr. Twii, how is this relevant? Unless you have definitive proof linking Constable Fyori to the crime, I see no point in bringing it up.”
The judge gave a pound of his gavel with a bone-chilling shake of his head. “Overruled. The court will allow the defence to continue, provided that it has good reason.”
My mouth fell open, and so had Urbosa’s.
“Thank you, Your Honour. I was just getting to that, my good prosecutor.” Now even she seemed on edge. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut through with a knife. “I may not have proof as things stand currently. However, that is about to change. You see, I have reason to believe that our witness here is covering for someone.”
The courtroom broke out into an even louder din of murmurs, as if I couldn’t clearly hear each backhanded remark the members of the gallery were making at my expense.
The pounding of the judge’s gavel echoed throughout the room, and the whispering ceased once again.
“You must be mistaken.” I stood as tall as I could with how close my legs were to giving up on me. “I happen to be one of the most trusted detectives in the force. Why do you think I was put in charge of this case despite being one of the first on the scene?”
“Ah, but that, dear witness, was your superiors’ fatal mistake.”
Damn that solicitor. “What do you mean?”
“Although my client has elected not to testify to the court, she has let me in on a certain piece of information—one that I believe will make the jaws of everyone here drop to the floor.”
Surely not. Surely even she wouldn’t dare stoop so low.
“Inspector...” The attorney looked me dead in the eyes. The air was suffocating. “What do you have in your briefcase?”
Everyone was staring at me and murmuring amongst themselves, more raucously than ever before, like I was the one on trial.
“N-No, it’s—it’s not what it seems,” I wavered. Then mustering my shattered courage, “You!” I pointed my finger at Twii. “Prove to me that the defendant wasn’t lying. I demand to see proof!”
But my demands were met with silence. Even Urbosa was looking at me with cold contempt and disappointment.
An officer appeared from the sidelines. He seized my bag.
“Wait, stop!”
I tried to wrest it from his grasp, but he was too strong. I watched helplessly as he opened it up, reaching in and revealing the murder weapon for all to see.
“Bailiff, what is the number engraved on that weapon?”
He seemed to recite the number in slow motion, twisting the knife with every digit. “FB7732Z438LL.”
“No, please!” I screamed. “It wasn’t him, he’s been framed! Please, Your Honour, you have to believe me!”
Amidst the roar of the crowd, I saw the conclusive shake of the judge’s head. With a pound of his gavel, he said, “I hereby order the immediate detainment of Link Fyori under the charge of first degree murder.”
I met eyes with my partner but half a second before I saw him be dragged out of his seat with brute force.
“As for this witness, she shall receive her sentence after being questioned by the police for the concealing of evidence, contempt of court, and perjury.”
I cried out when an overwhelming pain shot through my arm. My family watched from the gallery in either horror or disgust, or a mixture of both perhaps. I tried with all my might just to get the bailiff to stop hurting me, but it was futile.
“Your Honour, just a moment please.”
With the judge’s approval, the man’s grip on my arm lightened up. The one who’d spoken had been none other than that wretched defence attorney.
“Inspector, if you don’t mind, I have one more question to ask you.”
I held my breath, bracing myself. Though there wasn’t much he could say at this point that could possibly make the situation worse.
“Why?” he finally asked. “Why did you feel the need to conceal such a critical piece of evidence?”
My entire face boiled over with heat. I looked around, taking in the courtroom’s atmosphere, and my whole being was filled to the brim with indescribable anger and shame. Barely able to swallow the charged whimper lodged at the cusp of my throat, I choked out the words, “No comment.”
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The trial had ended while I’d still been in the middle of interrogation by my own peers. I was lucky enough to get off with a fine, but it was because of that hour-and-a-half-long lecture that I only found out about Paya’s “not guilty” verdict after the entire courtroom had been cleared out. This was no surprise to me, of course, but still a disappointment, to put it lightly. What was a surprise was that no one, not Paya, nor Auntie Purah, nor even Urbosa, had bothered to wait for me.
That was fine. They could think whatever they wanted of me. I’d simply have to redeem myself by proving Link’s innocence in his trial.
It was to this end that I made my way to the district’s Centre of Detention.
When Link appeared behind the iron bars of the visitors’ room, he was already sporting a worn and faded prisoner’s uniform, surely having just undergone an interrogation of his own. Though, from the looks of him, his had been considerably more thorough than mine.
I cleared my throat. “Hello, Link.”
“Hello,” he replied.
Deathly silence filled the air. The harsh ticking of the clock on the wall behind me was slowly starting to crawl under my skin.
“They, uhm...didn’t go easy on you, eh?”
He shook his head, eyes wandering without aim.
Why did it have to be so hard to talk to him sometimes? He’d never been so unapproachable back in our days as teenagers. Though now, I supposed, recent events were only making things even more difficult for me than usual.
“Look...” I took a deep breath, shifting in my seat. “I’m sorry. Alright? I couldn’t cover for you forever. They were bound to find out eventually. Please, don’t be upset.”
“What? Zelda...” His demeanour morphed from listless to urgent, almost apologetic, as he struggled to find his voice. “Why would I be upset with you? I never asked you to cover for me in the first place.”
“I know.” Now it was I who couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes. “I just knew that you couldn’t have possibly... I mean, you would never—”
“I didn’t.”
He’d caught me with my mouth hanging open, when he’d cut me off.
“I didn’t kill her. I promise you.”
Of course he hadn’t. It was obvious, even though the revolver had borne no fingerprints and, with the gloves that he always wore, he wouldn’t have left any. What motive could he have had? He was an amnesiac, and even if he hadn’t been, he still wouldn’t have had a reason to kill my godmother.
I took out my pen and notebook, the only things left in my case that hadn’t been confiscated. “Tell me what you know, Link. Everything.”
A beat. Then he straightened his posture and began to explain his side of the story. As it turned out, my intuition had been spot on. This whole mess was the design of the Yiga organization. Link told me about his encounter with them before the murder. They had blackmailed him into surrendering his revolver to them, after which he would never see it again.
Though, even without a hint of deceit in his tone or manner, I had questions about the means by which the Yiga had blackmailed him. He had virtually nothing to lose. Didn’t he?
In any case, I honestly had considered showing him the gun that I’d found on the scene that night, but somehow I’d had the distinct impression that he’d known nothing about it, despite the very object in question belonging to him. I’d thought perhaps someone from the organization had switched out his weapon for another without his noticing. It was no secret that even the police bureau was infested with their ilk. In the end, I hadn’t been far off the mark.
The whole time he spoke, he had his head lowered, hair falling in front of his eyes, as if something were holding them back from meeting mine. Then he muttered, “When I had my encounter with the organization, I...remembered.”
His limited annunciation meant I had to take a moment to decipher the syllables of the last word he’d uttered. Then they sank in. “Wait. What? You mean you...” It felt beyond strange to even speak the words after so long. “You got your memory back?”
He lowered his head further. Was that a nod?
My mind went back to what he’d said to me on that one occasion in the office, not long after this whole mess had first begun. “Link, you...” My hands curled into themselves around the strap of my satchel. “All this time...why didn’t you tell me?”
“I couldn’t,” he pleaded. “It would’ve been a hindrance to the investigation.” I hated to admit it, but he was right. Dropping that bomb on me would only have thrown my conscience deeper into its already tangled web of turmoil.
Amidst all the questions swirling in my mind, one suddenly appeared, eclipsing all the rest. “Why did you disappear back then?”
At this, he finally looked up and met my gaze. But when he did, his eyes were wide, almost trembling. His look seemed to cast the whole room into a great, looming darkness.
“Oh, it’s...it’s okay if you’d prefer not to talk about—”
“No,” he exclaimed. “I must.” But the way his shoulders came up to meet his ears and how rapidly his chest rose and fell told me it wasn’t going to be an easy story to tell. “It was the Yi—” He choked on his words. “The...organization.”
There it was again. The name of the group I’d been chasing without rest ever since their appearance eighteen years prior. “I knew it...” I mumbled without thinking.
He steeled himself, then continued. “That day, my father was picking me and my sister up after school. Normally we would’ve ridden home with him in his automobile, but that morning, he and I had planned to surprise Aryll by getting...I think it was ice cream, on our way back. Anyway, we decided to walk home that day. But...” His face darkened yet again. “But then...”
Pressing him for more details would have been beyond cruel. I could only imagine the horrors that those blackguards had put him and his family through. “How many of them were there?”
“I’m not sure. All I know is that they had us outnumbered.” I nodded along, without thinking, as he continued his tale. “They were all armed with what looked like military grade shotguns, and they wore those masks with the inverted Sheikah family crest... I’ve always known that I’d seen that image somewhere before.”
No one knew why the organization had chosen this symbol for themselves, though I personally suspected it to be a show of opposition.
“Anyway, after they sh...shot father,” he struggled, a hand coming up to his now quavering lips, “they must’ve felt threatened by Aryll and me, because the next thing they did was...shoot her, too.” The way his tone had started to oscillate and how his face had drained itself of colour made my stomach churn. His anguish was so clear, it was devastating. “One of them had said something to the ends of, ‘We can’t have you scamps telling on us.’ But before they could...’shut me up’ as well, I fled.” Another pause. He kept on breathing. “I was too terrified to notice which way I was going. The whole time I ran, they kept firing at me. They were too reckless to aim properly, though, mind.”
“Well...that’s lucky, at least,” I tried. This was met with a sigh of reluctant agreement. “Still, how did you make it out of that with your life?”
“They stopped chasing me when I made it out of the back alleys and into the open,” he explained. “I suppose they couldn’t risk revealing themselves.”
Now it all made sense. Seven years ago, when he’d vanished without a trace, it was as though he’d never even existed in the first place. No one could get in contact with him or his family, and yet, no one batted an eye about it. It had seemed I’d been the only one who’d thought of it as anything less than perfectly normal. Just like when my mother had lost her life.
“We never had the chance to get ice cream that day.” He looked all but ready to burst into tears with that sentence. That was the moment I realized, no matter how drastically the last seven years of hell had changed him, there was still a fragment of that playful, hollow-legged sixteen-year-old left deep in his dark, forgotten core. If there was a way to bring that bright-eyed child back out into the light, I would find it, even if it spelled my demise.
Even so, there was one thing left that had yet to be explained. “What about your amnesia?”
“Ah...” His brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t know what caused that, to be honest with you.” He seemed to be racking his mind, but to no avail. “By the time those thugs finally gave up, I didn’t recognize my surroundings. I remember trying to find my way home, but I suppose I just ended up getting myself even more lost from there.” It was no wonder. The street names in this town were of little help in navigation, and it wasn’t hard to understand why he might have been apprehensive to ask for directions in such a bustling and hostile environment, especially after what he’d just been subjected to. “So I fell asleep in the streets that night,” he concluded with a shivering exhale. “The next morning, I woke up without the slightest notion of who I was.”
My heart took a plunge at the thought of his young self curled up in some alleyway, like a baby bird who’d fallen from the nest. “It must have been some sort of mental defence mechanism,” I conjectured. “That’s the only explanation I can come up with.” He slowly nodded his agreement. “After that, then, I suppose the rest is history.”
The visitors’ room fell into a deep, reflective silence, one nothing like that which had had me gasping for air moments ago. I watched the weary feelings of dread swim in his once bright blue eyes, tearing him apart.
He’d spent five whole years in that cold, cramped ward without even a name by which to call himself. And now we were back where we’d started. He may have regained his memories in the end, but at what cost?
I no longer felt the need to hunt down those who had wronged me. Now, my only desire was to slip between the bars that stood between the two of us and whisk him away to a far off land, where no one would ever hurt us again. But I pushed the impossible daydream aside. Even if escape were an option, we’d only be running straight out into range of Yiga fire.
“After your trial tomorrow...well, at the very least, I’ll lose my badge,” I smiled waywardly. Then, letting it fade and rolling my shoulders back, “Until then, I swear, I’ll do everything within my power to prove your innocence. Then we can go out for ice cream together.”
His eyes shimmered with unshed tears when he looked up at me then. Now that I thought about it, this seemed like the first time I’d ever seen him come close to crying, even in the time before the incident. Of course, he’d seen me in tears countless times back then. I wondered if he remembered them.
“Zelda...?” My name had started to leave his lips with conviction, but weakened on its way out. “There’s...something else I should tell you.”
Just then, I caught him straightening out the cuff of his black-barred sleeve, concealing the fair skin of his wrist, out of the corner of my eye. “Never mind.” He again cast his gaze downwards, muttering an inaudible, “It’s nothing,” under his breath.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
What would you think about headcanons for the papas realizing they're falling in love with someone close to them (i.e. an assistant, close friend, etc.)? Super specific, I know, but it was an idea I got super interested in on the fly lmao
I love this so much, it’s actually one of my favorite ways to look into their characters romantically!! Hope you enjoy this! 
Also, I feel like it’s a given but I always want to point out that there will be very blatant power imbalances when it comes to the Assistant Reader and the Papas- simply from their place of power and titles. I can go back and add a tag to this if anyone needs! 
Papas/Copia realizing they are falling for a reader who is close to them!
Papa Nihil:
Nihil has only experienced love like this only a handful of times (Don’t tell Sister!) Imperator was one of the strongest connections he ever felt, and the first time he was hit by true love. But over the decades their relationship was put in a strain. Especially when you came into his life. Originally you were part of a small group of Siblings who attended Nihil. But, eventually it became just you who turned to his personal assistant. Not just from his favor but you were the only one who could handle the workload and challenges of the job. Others just fell out of it and were dismissed. Plus, Sister Imperator saw great potential in you. Nihil started noticing his change in feelings toward you some time into your position as Grand Papa’s personal assistant. It was more comforting and easy going with you around. 
Nihil wasn’t sure to laugh at himself or shake his head when you took your first vacation, leaving him with a sub par substitute. You being gone made him sad, lonely, and aching for your return. That’s when he knew he had it bad for you. You always made his day and you both communicated well. Not to mention that you shared so much in common. Papa Nihil felt he bonded with you in a way he hadn’t felt in years. And, he wasn’t about to let you get away! When you came back he did usher you away to a private place and confess his feelings to you. Being blunt and straight admitting that he couldn’t picture his life without you. Nihil gives you the chance to accept or decline of course, seeing as this could turn your professional life in the clergy upside down. You have no idea how pleased he is when you accept! 
Papa I:
You had worked with Papa for years now. You wouldn’t call yourself one of his students, nor one of his personal secretaries. But you were always one of his go to Siblings of sin for rituals, under work, and various projects the Papa would assign. You had been there for everything between helping the man research, to gathering ritual supplies, and even attending his gardens. To Papa, you were a valued member of the flock and one of the hardest workers he had met in the Ministry. Honestly, it was no wonder to the man why he felt so fondly of you. Papa knew immediately he was attracted to you. At first it was a casual attraction, yes he found you attractive but he was more intrigued by your point of view and your mind. He longed to get to know you more. Papa is not one to beat around the bush, and quite bluntly asked if you wished to pursue anything more. 
You accepted, even though you wanted to take things very slow. And Papa was happy to respect you. Your relationship was very platonic for a long time, and Papa valued your company more than anything. The more time spent together the stronger your relationship. For Papa, it was a welcome change to have a more friendly and deep companion than one that served to warm his bed. It didn’t surprise him the day he watched you work with his personal garden did he realize you meant the world to him. That no other person understood and loved him the way that you did. Papa smiled to himself and continued to work. When you asked him why he looked so content Papa was quick to say, “I believe you have stolen my heart.” It nearly made your own heart stop. This fierce, all powerful Antipope before you was humbled and proclaiming his love in the sweetest way. You couldn’t help but do the same for him! 
Papa II:
Takes the longest to come to terms with his feelings and is the most stubborn about it. Namely because Papa is scared to death at the idea of truly catching feelings for someone. He’s had his days of endless lusting, infatuations- nothing more than casual flings or short term affairs. But to realize he’s falling for you? It’s not possible! You weren’t even in his inner circle… not at first. You were one of his older brother’s students. A promising user of witch craft that longed to master your dark arts with the eldest Emeritus brother. He met you when you assisted in a ritual that took place with all the Papas. At first he didn’t notice you, but seeing you talk to Papa I changed that… you were articulate, polite, thoughtful, intelligent, and best of all you were pleasing to look at. Papa thought highly of your potential, and you two slowly talked more and more. 
He made his casual interest known and you reciprocated. What started as another casual affair turned into more than just the physical. Soon you both were having more dinners, more conversations. Hell there were times he summoned you just to have company and some wine. You were a delight to talk to, so much more deeper than some of his other lovers. Actually, you weren’t just another lover. To him you were like a very close friend with benefits- something he didn’t allow often. Papa did not open up to you at first, but the longer you spent time together the more he considered it. He found himself losing his guard with you and he despised the idea of being vulnerable. Papa denied himself of WANTING you to know him so intimately… but eventually had to confess. He wanted you for himself, as a real partner. A real lover in all senses of the word. Someone he could grow to give his whole self to. It took him a while to work the nerve up to inform you this, and you were all too happy to accept! 
Papa III:
It took him a long time to realize how deep his feelings are for you- because you two have been close friends for years. Granted, you’ve rejected all of his casual advances for bedtime shenanigans, and he’s always respected that. Instead you two have gotten very close emotionally- something Papa genuinely doesn’t have with a lot of people. Besides Omega, and a few of his ghouls and brothers, Papa does not have a lot of genuine and true friends he can be himself around. His position of authority makes it hard in both rivalry and people wanting to use him. Not that he has a lack of bedmates or casual partying acquaintances. So he’s never thought to even think of you as anything more than one of his best friends and confidants…That is until he saw you flirt with someone for the first time. Now, Papa HAS been there to give you romantic advice and an ear when it comes to your personal life. 
What person in the Clergy doesn’t have their bouts in romance? But he’s never actually SEEN you with anyone… and that just doesn’t feel right to him. He finds himself, dare he think, jealous? But why would he be- you’re his friend, he should be happy for you! After all you’ve made it clear that you didn’t want any casual one nights with him… but did he ever think to commit more? Papa broods on it for a long time of why he would suddenly feel so awful about the idea of you actually BEING with someone else- like having a serious commitment with someone. Why was he so JEALOUS? Then it hits him… he actually has feelings for you. The reason he didn’t understand before is that Papa rarely has deeper, intimate feelings for someone beyond lust or infatuation. And now, he’s understanding that maybe the reason he’s so eager for your company is more than mere friendship. 
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: 
Copia had known for a very long time that he had fallen in love with you. You were one of the few people he trusted with his life- as true loyalty beyond his ghouls was genuine and rare. The Ministry is a cut throat and very dangerous place to be in the higher ranks, especially with him trying to start the new Bloodline. But you’ve been his personal assistant for years and the two of you had bonded immensely. He loved all your mannerisms, your kindness, your loyalty and duty to the Clergy. But Copia never made a move on you. Even though there is nothing saying he CAN’T have unprofessional relations with you (who in the Clergy DIDN’T regularly bed their co workers and assistants?) Copia never felt right about it. Mainly because he was afraid you didn’t see him that way and that, if you did get physical, it might ruin the bond you two had. So he stayed quiet about it for years and just admired you from his desk. 
It’s not until he’s FINALLY Papa does he try to make a move and confess. Mainly because now he doesn’t have to worry about him being in such a precarious position. Copia can finally relax a little and enjoy his newfound position. You haven’t left this entire time, you’ve been there for him- Hell’s Gates, you’re STILL his assistant! Copia, even in his Papa paint, still seems so shy like a school boy about it. But he confesses his feelings to you without faltering. At first his heart sinks with rejection when he hears you bust out laughing. But this changes when you smile back sweetly and shake your head. “Finally- it took you long enough!” For you both, it was a new start to an already solid and unshakable relationship. You just had to be the patient one and let him come to you!
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