#they trust each other wholeheartedly i feel ill
laniakea314 · 1 year
Crowley trusting Aziraphale with his life and Aziraphale trusting Crowley with his own, both on the same night
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“I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me.”
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kismets-barista · 9 months
Hold onto your Stetson, @ohposhers; have I got some personal HickDory lore for you 😎💜🌟🫧
Excuse the insanity for those who don't feel compelled towards these two
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Hickory and JD met a few good years before the events of the World Tour when Dory was traveling to find Lonesome Flats, got heatstroke and passed out in the desert. Wakes up to Hickory shadowed in the flickering light of a campfire beneath a canopy of the brightest stars he'd seen since the Neverglades, but it wouldn't be until QUITE a few months later until they really started developing crushes against each other. (Cowboy under the stars, you'd think he'd fall right then and there, right? 🌟)
Why was Hickory already in Lonesome Flats, you might ask? Where was Dickory?
In a glue trap, I say in response. Hickory came from Yodelsberg (is there a canonical name for this?) for international study and to learn about new music. He fell in love with country because yodeling and country music are actually quite gorgeous together. She Taught Me to Yodel, anyone?
Delta Dawn obviously didn't take to Dory showing up and around the town, but after some convincing by Hickory and lots of proving himself (plus a vulture attack that resulted in John Dory saving the very young niece of Delta Dawn- Clampers-) he 'earned' a place there and began to work around town.
It was weird for him.
He'd never quite settled down, until then.
(Now, the specific timeline, yearly I mean is a little muddled because I'm still crafting this, but I'll put them out about three years, now.)
John Dory was still living in Lonesome Flats, and he'd started a relationship with Hickory. They loved each other, as my cohort in crime @protagonist-art (CHECK OUT THEIR ART I LOVE THEM SM MUAH) has Hickory tell John when we get write them, "More than the moon loves the ocean." As surely as the tide pulls in and out, so the lovers return to each other.
So Via, what does Hickory think about BroZone?
Oh, my sweet star.
He doesn't know.
After returning to the devastated Troll Tree, John Dory lost a piece of his heart in the damaged pod they used to live in. It was the first time he went grey, and the memories of his brothers started shifting from what was, to what would never be again. He couldn't find it within himself to talk about them, and has his secrets.
But so does Hickory.
Girl wdym stop being so mysterious.
Heh. I know. It's just a glimpse into my dark mind /ref. Anyways, Hickory never told John Dory he was a Yodeler troll. (Another piece of lore that Quizzy and I worked on together and I think it's brilliant.)
Huh? Aren't they in a long-term relationship? Won't this cause issues later on if they don't share these things with each other?
Oh, they love every aspect of each other too much for their bond to truly be broken.
And yet.
One morning, years after just living and loving, John Dory wakes up with a massive headache and nausea.
"Maybe it's that horse that kicked me yesterday, could've gotten me harder than we both thought."
"Lemme check for a knot, Darlin'."
No knots, but there was an egg.
🌟 (Here I'll say that I'm massively in love with the headcanon that trolls conceive through true love- it isn't quite necessary for them to physically do anything unless they want to. Just them, wholeheartedly trusting and putting everything into their relationship and pouring their heart out to their partner.)
They were absolutely ECSTATIC, and rightfully terrified in their own ways. Neither of them were looking for children but not against it, and after resting for a few days they began to plan. A nursery in the house, baby books with millions of names scattered on the coffee table, toys and cute little baby clothes for when the little one hatched.
Wanna know two of the names John Dory had in mind? Rhonda and Dolly.
They were ecstatic until the night John Dory woke up absolutely ill and with a pit in his stomach.
They lost the egg, and it was the second time John Dory went grey in his life.
A week after this had happened, John Dory left a bundled lock of his hair at Hickory's nightstand and did what he knows how to do all too well. He ran.
Hickory never went too far out of Lonesome Flats in the hopes that John Dory would come back. He couldn't imagine what would happen if his love came back and didn't find him there.
The events of World Tour come about, Hickory meets Branch, and travels for the first time since John Dory left.
John Dory continued to travel, until the events of Band Together.
But don't worry, dear readers, for as surely as the tides come in, so will the lovers meet again. 🌟
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Aaaand BOOM! That's it! 💜 I've got lore behind the names Rhonda and Dolly as well, and am SO down to answer any questions about them that anyone has. For you, Posh, thank you for asking and helping me to share a story I've been working on, and for everyone else that read this, thank you kindly! I hope that everyone who made it this far has quite a lovely day, or if you didn't, have a lovely day anyways!
Remember to take your meds, drink water, eat something, and stretch!
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aita for calling my roommate crazy?
I (28f) live with 2 other people, a former college roommate who I’m pretty close with (29f) and 2nd roommate (28nb) who we both met when we moved in together 2 years ago.
Let me start this out by saying, this isn’t a fandom aita, it’s going to sound a bit weird at first, but bear with me.
I have a medical condition (relevant later) which stopped most of my bones from maturing past puberty (growth plates closing, cartilage not hardening into bones, ect.), so my skeleton is basically stuck somewhere between 13-19, (I look about 17-19, but the last time I tried to buy hard cider, the cashier thought I was 14, so that’s how young I can look). I also have very pale skin (unrelated to my disorder, just a ginger), and (related to my disorder) lack some liver enzymes so I need eat meat or I get sick (the same reason why cats need to eat meat), I ended up in the ER when I lived with my vegan sister for a week and ate the same veggie diet as her.
Trouble is, Roommate 2 is really into conspiracy theories and other fringe stuff. Nothing alt-right or anything, just like, (for example) they fully bought into that Mermaids: the body found show, and wouldn’t be dissuaded, even when Roommate 1 googled it and showed them solid proof that it was fictional. Wholeheartedly believes the US government preformed 9/11, does alternative medicine (homeopathy, ect), wishes there were ‘all natural’ vaccines (still isn’t an anti-vaccer though, just needs to be persuaded that Bill Gates didn’t put microchips in them).
Anyway, Roommate 1 and I have a recurring joke that I’m a vampire because of the meat thing and the pale thing and the not aging thing. Roommate 2 overheard us and laughed, but weirdly. She kinda joked along with us, but she seemed...odd. About a week later, they start asking me stuff about being a vampire. But they seemed friendly and not nervous then and I was hoping they were just joking and I also sincerely thought they were just asking me about how vampires work on one of my shows (I’m a big fan of Carmilla and the Originals), so I tried to explain, but I cited each show when I’m explaining a thing. This continued for several weeks, but getting worse and more weird every time, eventually culminating about 2 and a half months later into them asking me more stuff about life as a vampire and I really realised that they were serious. Bear in mind, Roommate 1 and I were trying to be very clear that we don’t believe in vampires this whole time because we both know how Roommate 2 is about this. As a result, this was the first time I really registered that they seriously seemed to genuinely believe I was a vampire. I firmly told them that I am not a vampire and that vampires aren’t real, they’re fun to joke about, but they aren’t real. They implored me ‘to be straight with them about being a vampire,’ and that ‘I could trust them,’ and I’m ashamed to say, I kinda freaked out at this point, cuz I was afraid that they would be scared of me and maybe try to hurt me, since they seemed kinda unstable because of this.
This is where I think I was an asshole, I am usually very sensitive to mental health issues. I have some c-PTSD myself and there are a lot of mental health issues in my family (unfortunately, I think some history with my own mentally ill father may have made me react this way, since he has very similar issues to Roommate 2 (vaccines, alternate medicines, specifically involving me in his delusions) and I had a very bad experience in my early teens where he thought I was a demon and ‘sent to destroy him’). Anyway, I got very upset and I yelled at them, I told them they were completely crazy and needed to get mental help and said I thought Roommate 1 and I needed to move out because they might try to stake my heart or something. I feel really bad for calling them crazy, especially because Roommate 2 has some very mental health issues and words like crazy make light of and stigmatise that and I’m very big into not blaming people for their mental health problems, but this was very triggering and in this moment I was very distresssed.
So, aita, all things considered here? I’m still gonna feel like the asshole no matter what, since mental health problems aren’t to be taken lightly or blamed on the person, but I’m curious what the internet thinks.
What are these acronyms?
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thorxthunder · 1 year
Copia with an S/O who has a fear of abandonment?
 thank you so much for requesting this and please, to anyone reading, please request more Ghost fics! I write for everyone (Papas,Ghouls,Sister Imperator)! ilygsm 🤍
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To The Ocean (Cardinal Copia x G/N Reader)
tags: fear of abandonment, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, Copia being a sweetheart, poorly translated Italian (it wouldn’t be a ghost fic without it)
Word Count: 2.4k
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You possess an astute observant nature that never fails to pick up on various things in your life. This keen perception has both positive and negative aspects, especially in a relationship with Copia. The bond between you and Copia has evolved to a point where you can understand each other's thoughts and emotions without verbal communication. While this unspoken connection is a beautiful aspect of your relationship, it also comes with challenges. There are times when important conversations remain unspoken, and certain matters that demand acknowledgment and expression are left hanging in the air, longing to be addressed and heard.
Like now. The signs of something bothering Copia become quite evident to you through his telltale actions. When he rolls his hair between his fingers or nervously taps his foot on the floor, it's a clear indication of his inner unrest. Even more obvious is the way he’s gazing out of the window, seemingly lost in his thoughts. During these moments, it's as if he retreats to a far-off place within himself, contemplating the vast expanse of the sky.
Though he remains quiet during these contemplative moments, his emotional turmoil is anything but subtle to you. It's akin to observing a restless bird in a cage, anxiously fluttering about and repeatedly bumping into the metal bars, desperately trying to find a way out of its confinements. Despite his attempts to mask his feelings, you feel the restlessness and unease that reside within him, yearning to be understood and acknowledged. It's evident that he struggles to communicate these thoughts and emotions, making it all the more important for you to be receptive and offer him the comfort and support he needs to open up.
You find yourself grappling with a familiar fear, one that you've carried with you for a long time — the fear that the people you love will inevitably leave you. This feeling has been deeply ingrained in your thoughts, and it makes you hesitant to confront Copia about what's going on with him. You can't help but hold onto that gut feeling, despite the connection you share with him and the trust you place in him.
Inwardly, you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, believing that you have little to offer Copia in the face of life's uncertainties. You recognize that you don't possess the power to control his destiny, the inevitable grip of loneliness, the unpredictability of illness, or the finality of death. These factors are beyond your control, leaving you feeling vulnerable and helpless.
Yet, even in the midst of your anxieties, you trust Copia wholeheartedly, entrusting him with your life and even your mortality. However, a looming thought hangs over you. A feeling of if he were not Papa and had chosen a different path as a member of the clergy, your lives might have taken a different turn and he would never be yours.
Despite your fear, you gather the courage to inquire about Copia's well-being one day when you notice him drifting away, seemingly lost in his thoughts again. You gently reach out to touch his shoulder, a gesture that has become familiar between you two, and he startles slightly before turning to face you. It's as if he hadn't realized he was daydreaming at all.
Summoning your bravery, you softly ask, "Amo? You alright?" Concern lingers in your voice, hoping to encourage him to open up and share his thoughts, even if you battle your inner reservations about potential heartache and the unknown.
As Copia's eyes soften from his initial surprise, he responds quietly, reassuring you with, "Yes, mio sole. I'm fine."
However, your concern remains evident, and you express your worries about him, frowning slightly. Copia, though initially reluctant, can't help but show signs of something bothering him as he frowns in return and appears on the verge of speaking his mind.
You wait expectantly, your brow creased, encouraging him to share what's troubling him. Copia eventually relents and admits, "It's just that... I... I need to go somewhere for a while."
His words hit you like a sudden shock, almost knocking you back emotionally. You try to maintain your composure, saying nothing, but you hope that your expression reflects the turmoil within you. Your shock leaves you speechless, afraid that if you open your mouth, you might reveal your pain in a painfully desperate manner. The temptation to ask, "Why are you leaving me?" or "I can't believe you're doing this," lingers, but you resist, not wanting to push him away further.
Internally, you wrestle with a mix of emotions, feeling your face burning hot with anger and frustration. You despise yourself for the vulnerability you're displaying and for hoping against hope that things might be different this time. You knew deep down that history had a way of repeating itself, and you were once again left behind, watching your loved ones depart from your life. An old and familiar anxiety resurfaces, and a small, resentful voice inside you even tries to convince you that somehow you deserve this outcome.
In the midst of this emotional turmoil, you make a valiant effort to control your reactions, focusing on steady breathing to keep yourself composed. You realize that there's a need to communicate and understand Copia's feelings more deeply, but the fear of being hurt and abandoned once again makes it challenging to find the right words. For now, you do your best to keep your emotions in check, attempting to process the situation before responding further.
Copia's gaze meets yours, and you observe the range of emotions that flicker across your face - from serenity mingled with sadness, to surprise, and finally settling into perplexity. Feeling the mounting turmoil inside, you turn away swiftly, not wanting him to see your vulnerable state, fearing that you might break down or overreact if he lingers too long.
However, Copia is not willing to let you walk away without understanding what's going on. He calls out urgently, "Mio Sole? Mio Sole!" His footsteps close in on you, but you ignore his pleas, determined to create distance between you two. The need to escape, to let Copia see your back for once, drives you forward, even though you're unsure of your destination.
Suddenly, you feel his fingers clutching onto your forearm as he catches up with you. In a surge of emotion, you forcefully pull away with a growl, demanding, "Just go!" Your heart aches with conflicting feelings, torn between wanting him near and pushing him away to protect yourself.
“Y/N! Attendere prego!” Copia desperation is evident as he pleads with you to wait, a side of him you've never witnessed before. It shakes you to your core, causing you to stop abruptly, your whole body tensed with unresolved emotions, fists clenched tightly. He positions himself in front of you, seeking eye contact, but you continue to avert your gaze, feeling a sense of rejection even though you were the one trying to distance yourself.
Despite your efforts to remain strong and detached, his request to look at him strikes a chord. Your jaw remains steeled, but you sense a vulnerability creeping through your defenses. Copia's determination, evident in his slow but firm words, urges you to confront your emotions. Reluctantly, you allow your eyes to meet his, and in that moment, a surge of emotions flows between you, connecting you in a way that neither can deny.
“Per favore, mio sole, perché corri?” As Copia persistently pleads for your attention, you can't ignore him any longer. His 'please' tugs at your heart, causing you to look up and meet his earnest gaze. The moment your eyes connect, your anger begins to fade away, and you're left with a mix of conflicting emotions. It's painful to confront his gaze, as it stirs up a sense of emptiness within you, leaving your mind feeling numb and detached.
Copia's gentle tone attempts to coax you out of your emotional shell, making you feel like a vulnerable creature hiding from the world.
Despite your attempt to push him away, Copia refuses to leave and reaches out to you. Feeling a surge of indignation, you lash out at him, interpreting his desire to go somewhere as a desire to leave you behind once. The thought that he might leave you hurts, and you struggle to voice the true depths of your feelings, afraid of the vulnerability it may expose.
Seeing your anger subside, Copia expresses his genuine intent, reassuring you that leaving you is not what he wants.
As Copia searches for the right words, his eyes take on a wistful expression, indicating the yearning he has to experience the freedom he once knew. “I don’t want to leave you. Why would I want to do that?” Copia starts, and pauses for a moment, glancing away, his hands wringing together as he tries to find his words. “It’s just that.. mi manca... non essere Papa volte. I’m always stuck on a schedule. I’m always doing what other people want me to do. Voglio solo essere libero. It gets so hard sometimes performing when I feel like the only reason I’m doing it is to stay alive. When I wasn’t papa, I could go anywhere I wanted to. The beach, the movies… hell, even a restaurant. Now I’m always on close surveillance. I’m not used to staying in one place for long. È difficile per me.”
Listening to his heartfelt words, you begin to grasp the inner conflict he's facing. Though it doesn't make your hurt feelings disappear completely, you start to understand the complexity of his emotions. Copia's vulnerability opens a window into his struggles, making it more apparent that his desire to escape isn't about leaving you, but rather about finding a sense of liberation from the weight of his responsibilities as Papa.
In the wake of your emotional outburst, you find yourself feeling like the world's biggest idiot.
It's not really about me at all, is it? How did I make this about me?
You’re almost ebarrassed by Copia's honesty and ashamed that your insecurities were so glaringly obvious. You're genuinely upset for Copia, realizing that you jumped to conclusions without fully understanding his perspective.
"I mean..I'm…an idiot”
Copia smirks at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Probabilmente." He brings his hands up, holding your face between them, his thumbs stroking your temples lightly. His expression turns serious again.
"Mio Sole, I'm sorry you feel that I may leave you at any moment. But I promise you this: Lo non ti lascerò mai. I've been alive for a long time, and nothing has ever made me as happy as being with you does. Sei molto importante per me. Ho bisogno di te... davvero." Copia's fierce gaze softens, and he leans in, placing his lips gently on your forehead in an unadorned, reverent show of affection.
You gasp in a small, shaky breath, blushing fiercely once again. Your eyes feel strangely wet.
"This is too much. I don't deserve any of this," you express, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of his love and the depth of your emotions.
“Ti meriti il ​​mondo e altro ancora. niente ci separerà. Nemmeno la morte. Quando verrà il nostro momento, gioiremo nell'aldilà. Niente brilla come te.” Copia's touch and words reassure you, but the weight of your insecurities still lingers. You can't help but wonder how someone like him could care so deeply for someone like you. In this vulnerable moment, you find solace in his embrace, cherishing the connection you share and hoping that, somehow, you can learn to accept and reciprocate the love he offers.
Copia's words cut through the walls you've built around your heart, reaching somewhere raw and vulnerable inside you. Despite your difficulty in accepting kindness and affection, his impassioned gaze holds you in place, leaving you feeling both small and humbled. The intensity of his love leaves you at a loss for words, and you can only respond in the way you know how: with a tender kiss that speaks volumes of your feelings.
As your lips meet Copia's, the sweetness and warmth of the moment envelop you both. When you finally part, you find him smiling at you, his face radiating adoration and joy. His expression tugs at your heartstrings, causing it to do a little flip flop. You're filled with overwhelming love for this man in your arms, grateful that Lucifer brought Copia into your life, even if it was initially just a calculated match by the ministry. What you share with him is true love and adoration, something his brothers may have never experienced with their prime movers.
Feeling a newfound sense of hope and security, you realize that Copia is here of his own accord, choosing to be with you, and it’s for good.
"Hey, come back here." Copia playfully taps your forehead, bringing you back to the present. “What I meant was, I want to go somewhere with you. I’m just restless.. Ho bisogno di viaggiare di nuovo. Ma voglio che sia con te.”
“Of course, Amo... Where do you wanna go?”
“To a lake or the ocean, I think. I miss the water.”
"Okay," you respond, your heart swelling with happiness at the thought of embarking on this journey with Copia, exploring new places, and sharing unforgettable experiences together.
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Mio Sole: My Sunshine
Amo: Love
Attendere prego: Please wait
Per favore, mio sole, perché corri?: Please, my sunshine, why are you running?
mi manca... non essere Papa volte: I miss… not being Papa sometimes.
Voglio solo essere libero: I just want to be free
È difficile per me: It’s difficult for me.
Probabilmente: Probably
Lo non ti lascerò mai: I will never leave you
Sei molto importante per me. Ho bisogno di te... davvero: You are very important to me. I need you…truly.
Ti meriti il ​​mondo e altro ancora. niente ci separerà. Nemmeno la morte. Quando verrà il nostro momento, gioiremo nell'aldilà. Niente brilla come te: You deserve the world and more. nothing will separate us. Not even death. When our time comes, we will rejoice in the afterlife. Nothing shines like you.
Ho bisogno di viaggiare di nuovo. Ma voglio che sia con te: I need to travel again. But I want it to be with you.
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rusty--rose · 1 year
thinking about rusty rose (+ black rose by association) soooo headcanons/assorted thoughts time. mostly centered around rusty i just like her
rusty she/it (it/its is out of reclamation + for funsies) black they/she . i dont make the rules i just enforce them
rusty used to be a regular little girl and was horrifically altered into a killing machine. the only organic part of her body left is a bit of its face. if youve ever discussed her with me you know i believe this wholeheartedly despite knowing the rating of the show would definitely keep them from touching on this.
the eye thats behind a cage is like. used for receiving signals and ui and other stuff. but most importantly its pretty much whats keeping its brain going and keeping it from processing what happened to her body. because if she did itd freak out
... i wonder what would happen if someone on the crew pointed it out lol.
something something phantom pains and traumatic memories hitting so bad that she shuts down (literally or mentally? thats for you to decide) for a few days! yaaaaayyy how fun!
i think the no place crew doesnt trust her fully with the obvious exception of black rose . they kinda just let her do whatever. it doesnt process this cause shes too focused on steering the ship and keeping it functioning (at least in the time between dread leaving and the new yoke invasion, which is probably a while if were taking weird time shit into account).
speaking of that. it doesn't sleep! she does that all night! the others have shown concern for this but it insists shes fine.
ok maybe im thinking more about her fully shutting down for a few days now . what about it. i should make a separate post about this but thats not how i operate
itd probably be after blackrose finally says something. i imagine she kinda feels that something is wrong deep down but pushes it back because she doesnt understand that stuff! theyre just a pirate girl! but one day she ends up waking up in the ungodly hours of the morning and goes to check up on rusty, poking her cheek to get her attention, and it just hits. thats skin! rusty is a friend! theyve always known that, but she never really thought about the whole robot thing too hard. and they end up asking about it. it doesnt go well, see above.
sails fixes her its okay :] like its not a perfect job but shes ok . sorry that was a long tangent
anyway YAYY HAPPIER STUFF UHM. i dont think it has a good singing voice. its very flat. not that the crew cares (once they properly warm up to each other at least)
the whole crew is family to me . rusty doesnt know the concept but it makes it feel warm. she thinks somethings wrong the first time it starts feeling like that
im a supporter of the flicky NOT being her power source theory (if it ends up being that you can ignore this part) so . sometimes she lets it out. its the crews parrot :]
idk this post is getting messy. im very sleepy ill just hit post now
also i made this ↓ feel free to use it
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tetskuro · 2 months
hi gorgeous! could i be 🎀? your matchups are absolutely adorable and i thought of sending in one for myself because, hey, you're pretty cool and i just wanna see who i'm more compatible w shshsh. i would adore a long, romantic matchup!!! i'm a straight woman (she/her) and i'd love to be matched w a male character!! my ideal type in a guy would be someone who's attentive, and a perfectionist. i always work super hard to look good/stay good and i'd appreciate a person who does the same. i also want someone who stands up for what he thinks and isn't easily influenced yk? i like someone who keeps me on my toes and challenges me and motivates me to work harder. i love love love boys who take an effort on dates. i want a guy who listens to the similar music i do and makes playlists for me (id do the same duh) and writes long ass love letters, just because. i want someone who matches outfits with me and holds my hand in public. someone i can trust with anything and we can just yap at 2 a.m. about the most senseless thing there is on planet earth. bonus points if he looks tall and scary because like...yes.
i'm so sorry i ramble a lot but it's just like...unstoppable, anyways a tiny description of me!! i'm an introvert, even if i do not look the part. it's not like i'm shy, i just don't like keeping up w fake people if you know what i mean. i'm confident about myself and know what i want in life. i'm also pretty sarcastic usually and use humor as a coping mechanism. i usually tend to overwork myself because i want to be the best at everything i do. i also ALWAYS stick up for my friends and don't let anyone walk over me or those who matter to me. i love love love listening to people and offering them advice, it fills me with so much glee that they trust me with things like, i'm always here for u!!! also, i'm not exactly a sunshine nor am i grumpy? it really just depends on whom i'm around. i'm 5'0 feet tall, with brown layered waves and curtain bangs, and almond shaped eyes. i'm pretty fair ngl but super tanned around the arms (i forget sunscreen) and i have an hourglass figure. my hobbies are playing the guitar, doing ballet, watching sappy girly romcoms, doing my makeup, listening to songs, studying (sorry im a nerd), shopping and swimming. i do adore a good thriller novel too. ok, ranking the love languages wld be- 1) quality time (giving n receiving) 2) acts of service (receiving n giving ) 3) words of affirmation (giving n receiving) 4) physical touch (receiving) 5) gifts!! (receiving) sorry chat im too broke n uncreative to give any IM SORRY ILL SMOTHER U W LOVE extra info i saw the previous people give, i'm an intp virgo YAY i love taylor swift and the color pink (im the textbook definition of a girly girl) i adore english literature and have won plenty of international writing awards im so proud of it AND AND AND i think youre very cool and awesome and yeah. inserts bow emoji cause i cant find it. LOVE YOU TAKE CARE STAY HYDRAETD!!!! take ur time bb.
your matchup is...
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sakusa kiyoomi
⭑ sakusa is a very attentive person and is always striving to reach perfection
⭑ incredibly detail oriented and doesn't like leaving things unfinished
⭑ you both work super hard and would definitely be able to keep each other on your toes
⭑ he puts a lot of effort into anything he does, so he'd plan out your guys's dates meticulously because he wants to make sure you have a good time
⭑ sakusa also has a tendency to overwork himself so he notices when you're doing the same; that way you'd be able to keep each other in check
⭑ i see quality time and acts of service being sakusa's biggest love languages when it comes to giving
⭑ i feel like the later into the night it is, sakusa would be more likely to indulge in random conversations about anything and everything
⭑ he knows he can always come to you whenever he's in need of any guidance because he trusts you wholeheartedly to listen to him and give advice on important things
⭑ sakusa isn't too big on pda but he would hold your hand while walking around or maybe keep an arm around your waist
⭑ with his dark hair and eyes and height of 6+ ft, sakusa can appear tall and scary to people who don't know him, especially with his mask on
⭑ he'd find your sarcasm amusing and you'd be able to get some chuckles out of him with your humor
⭑ i think he would be a fan of thrillers so he'd love your book recs and finish a novel within a couple of days
⭑ he finds your passion for english literature very admirable and thinks it's so amazing how you've won international writing awards? like that's a huge thing to be proud of
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your matchup runner-up is kageyama tobio
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jevin77 · 5 months
Enhance Your Life with Aizen Power: A Game-Changer in Male Enhancement
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Introduction: I used the following product: Aizen Power supplements, and I must say, it has truly revolutionized my life in more ways than one. Aizen Power isn't just another male enhancement supplement; it's a comprehensive solution that addresses multiple aspects of men's health with remarkable efficacy.Unmatched Formula: Aizen Power boasts a unique and potent formula that sets it apart from other supplements in the market. Its blend of natural ingredients, meticulously selected and combined in optimal proportions, ensures maximum effectiveness without compromising on safety. From traditional aphrodisiacs to cutting-edge nutrients, each component is carefully chosen to deliver tangible results.Enhanced Performance: Since incorporating Aizen Power into my daily routine, I've experienced a noticeable improvement in my overall performance. Not only has my stamina increased, but I've also noticed a significant boost in libido and vitality. Whether it's in the bedroom or during physical activities, Aizen Power has helped me push my limits and achieve peak performance consistently.Sustained Energy: One of the standout features of Aizen Power is its ability to provide sustained energy throughout the day. Unlike other supplements that may cause jitteriness or energy crashes, Aizen Power delivers a steady stream of vitality that keeps me feeling alert and focused from morning till night. This sustained energy translates into improved productivity and a more fulfilling lifestyle.Heightened Confidence: Perhaps the most profound impact Aizen Power has had on me is the newfound confidence it has instilled. Knowing that I have the support of a reliable supplement backing me up, I approach every day with a renewed sense of self-assurance. Whether it's in personal relationships or professional endeavors, this newfound confidence has opened up doors and opportunities I never thought possible.Improved Overall Wellbeing: Beyond its primary benefits in male enhancement, Aizen Power has also contributed to my overall wellbeing in numerous ways. Its blend of potent antioxidants and essential nutrients has bolstered my immune system, helping me ward off illnesses and stay healthy year-round. Additionally, I've noticed improvements in mood and mental clarity, which have had a positive ripple effect on all aspects of my life.Unparalleled Customer Satisfaction: In addition to its exceptional product quality, Aizen Power also excels in customer satisfaction. From the ease of ordering online to prompt delivery and responsive customer support, every interaction with the brand has been nothing short of exemplary. It's clear that Aizen Power prioritizes the needs and satisfaction of its customers above all else, which further solidifies my trust and loyalty to the brand.Final Thoughts: In conclusion, Aizen Power supplements have exceeded my expectations in every way imaginable. From its unmatched formula to its transformative effects on performance and confidence, this product is a game-changer in the realm of male enhancement. If you're looking to enhance your life and unlock your full potential, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Aizen Power a try. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
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akanesheep · 1 year
I wrote about my MC as she is to me, please don’t come for me for not writing them as gender neutral. 😥 feel free to interpret all pronouns as you wish.
My MC:
My MC is much like myself. Although she’s smaller… because I wish I were 5’2” for some reason. I’m only a few inches above that, but to me short = cute. She has fluffy soft curly hair that is a soft auburn color. She frequently dyes it all different colors though.
She’s soft spoken, and can be a bit timid with new people, but once she gets comfortable with someone, she opens up quite a bit. She’s very kindhearted, and easily gets her feelings hurt, but also very forgiving. She’s self-conscious and doesn’t see herself in the best light. This stems from the bullying and mistreatment she received in her childhood.
She’s clumsy. Like she can trip over air. She always has bruises from bumping into things, tripping on the carpets, etc. She usually has little dots of ink on her hands from writing, because she somehow manages to miss the pin cap, or bumps her hand against the end of them pen/marker somehow.
She holds little attachment to the human realm, she doesn’t care much for a place where she never felt welcome. There are a few people there she cares for, but not enough to want to be there all the time. Aside from those few individuals, if the human realm decided to end it’s existence, she wouldn’t care much.
She likes to make things, sewing, quilting, crochet, floral arranging, wreaths, painting, crafting, she loves them all… her room is always containing some work in progress, and the supplies are always neatly arranged in her closet, unless she’s currently using them.
She’s stubborn, insanely stubborn, and refuses to back down when she knows she’s right. She rushes in when her loved ones are in danger with no regard to the consequences. No matter how many times her husbands admonish her for doing so, she turns right around and does it again.
Along those lines, she defends those she loves vehemently. Don’t come to her with requests that put one of them at a disadvantage. Don’t coke to her and speak ill of those she loves, she will react poorly. This applies to her husbands also, they aren’t immune to her anger should they start trying to put themselves over the others, or just trash talk the others in general. She will hear our complaints and give her advice and if necessary, intervene, but this isn’t Jr. High, she doesn’t play games. All of those involved are adults and they knew what this was when they chose to be involved.
She listens, calm and patiently. Whether it’s Levi on a rant about a game or anime, Mammon about his schemes, Lucifer letting off steam, Satan on a tangent, Diavolo’s excited gushing about a plan… you get it. She only interrupts to ask a question, or to ward Mammon off a particularly bad idea. Otherwise, she lets them talk it out of their system. She loves talking with all of them, hearing their thoughts, wants, and dreams.
She believes in them wholeheartedly, she sees each and every one of their individual worth.
When she loves, she loves deeply. It takes a lot to shake her devotion. Because of this, her past is littered with failed relationships. Those who would fill their time with her and then be done with her. Those who would abuse her until she found the strength to leave. Those who would just abandon her when she needed them the most. Due to this she fears betrayal and abandonment, she’s anxious, and fears each argument will lead to her being left alone. She has trust issues, but is still more trusting than she should be.
She doesn’t fully believe in hearing ‘I love you’ so she needs to be shown. She doesn’t fully believe in acts of love so she needs to hear ‘I love you’. She knows this is a huge contradiction, but doesn’t know how to resolve it.
She desires a protector and defender. To be protected from and defended against the pain she has suffered and those that would bring more to her. She doesn’t seek fame, glory, and isn’t on a quest for power. She simply wishes for happiness for herself and those she loves. She can’t but to meddle and try to help those around her.
She is very self-sacrificing. She’ll give whatever it takes to make those around her happy, even if it means giving her life. Her final thoughts as Belphie took her life were ‘I guess if it brings him peace, I can die…’
That doesn’t mean she was ‘ok’ with what happened. She had to take time to be comfortable around him being in the same room, much less alone… but she knew that Belphie was someone who in his own twisted way, had opened up some to her, and was hurting in his own ways. She decided to try to believe in the love he had for his sister, and the faith his brothers put into him.
She’s self-depreciating at times… she knows being poly isn’t the ‘norm’ in the human world… and until she found herself in the Devildom, she wouldn’t have believed she was poly. In those early days of finding herself falling for the brothers, as well as Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon, she cursed herself and cried regularly, memories of untrue accusations of being a ‘whore’ or ‘slut’ would ring in her mind… except now, wasn’t it true? Is that what she was? She struggled immensely with this, even as she continued to fall deeper into her depression. She broke one night while Asmo was doing her nails, as he happily chattered about his day, and their plans for a date the next day, how they’d have outfits that complemented each other perfectly, etc. she felt tears begin to slide down her cheeks.
‘MC?’ Asmo questioned, looking concerned, ‘Oh my lamb, what is it?’
‘Asmo… I’m horrible… I’m a terrible person’ her voice shook as the tears increased, poring now down her face.
He pulled her to his lap, words of gentle admonishment regarding her words, and comfort slipping from his lips and he held her. ‘Talk to me MC, tell me what this is all about. I need to know why you feel this way’
‘Asmo, I can’t… you’ll hate me’
He chuckled softly, only a whisper of it escaping his lips as he pressed soft kisses to the side of your face, then turning you to face him. ‘Nonsense, nothing in this world could ever make me hate you’
‘You will, because I’m disgusting’
‘Love, you’re sounding like Levi…’ he teased, lifting her chin gently. ‘Now enough of that, tell me what is going on, I can’t understand if you don’t tell me’
Sobbing, she looked at his honey eyes, his face worried, and whispered her darkest truth, ‘I love you, but not just you… I’m in love with your brothers too…’ she looked away, ashamed and waiting for the inevitable explosion of anger and words like blades.
Instead he laughed…a gentle chiming laugh that he only used when he hears something he already knew. ‘Little lamb… did you honestly think I didn’t know? Me?’ He turned you to face him again. ‘Lovely, I’ve known since the beginning. I’m the avatar of Lust. Emotions like lust, and love, are my domain.’
‘But Asmo, I’m wrong, something in me is broken’
‘Why is that?’
‘Because I love all of you… that means I’m a whore’
Asmo scoffed offended ‘Does that mean you see me as a whore?’
‘Of course not!’ Her eyes look panicked, fearing she’s said the wrong thing again.
His eyes remained soft and gentle as he cupped your face. ‘Then why would you be?’
‘B-because I’m not supposed to…’
‘Says who?’
‘Everyone’ she gestured around her, then her voice lowered to a whisper, ‘Even if you aren’t, they hate me for the thought’
Knowing her past, Asmo sighed softly. He cupped both of her cheeks and wiped her tears away. ‘I’m going to tell you something about the Devildom, as well as demons, that I thought you already knew. We’re a polygamous society. Monogamy isn’t encouraged or discouraged, and the same is true of polygamy. I’m sure you realized that most of the female demons here are succubi? Did you think that just changes when they settle down?’
She looked at him, quietly crying as she listened. She shook her head at his question. Of course they didn’t, they’re succubi.
‘See? And me? I’m the avatar of lust after all. While I’m not an incubus, I still feed on the lust of those around me, as well as the lust and love of those I’m intimate with.’
‘But what about other demons that aren’t succubi or incubi’
‘Well if most females are succubi, that would imply they have multiple partners, yes? So do incubi… but rarely are they in a relationship with each other… their lusts and passion would feed into the others drives and only make them more hungry. So they seek actual partners that aren’t either.’
‘Do you have other partners’ she asks blushing.
‘You and Solomon are my only ‘partners’’ he said firmly, ‘however, I have had casual relationships when you are both away, to keep myself from becoming too hungry. Think of it like Beel’s hunger. If he doesn’t ‘eat’ he goes on a rampage. While I wouldn’t destroy buildings or eat furniture, I could cause a lot of issues if I don’t stay in balance’
She nodded, understanding the demon in front of you in a new light.
‘But your brothers aren’t incubi’
‘No, they aren’t. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t able to understand and love just as much. I can assure you that any conversation you have with them won’t be a closed-minded one’
‘How do you know?’
Asmo laughs softly and pulls you to him, ‘Still afraid little Lamb? Let me as you this… do you think that even as large as this house is, that we don’t know when you’ve intimate with one of us? As shy as you are, the adorable sounds you make aren’t what one could consider quiet’
She blushes deep red. ‘N-no… that’s so embarrassing…’
‘Eh? Not at all.’ He teases, ‘Despite this, and how much we notice the marks on your neck, have any of us confronted you or said anything to you or each other?’
‘There you have it. We also know when you’ve been with any of the others outside the house as well’
‘What?? How?!’
‘Silly,’ he pets your hair as he teases you, ‘ Lee can smell it on you when you come home’
‘Oh God’ she cries, mortified, she covers her face.
‘Such language’ scolds Asmo, acting horrified, ‘to think my girlfriend would bring up Father’s name when I’m right in front of her’
The dramatic teasing pulls her back from her embarrassment.
‘Asmo, what do I do?’
‘Do? Love, whatever do you mean?’
‘I mean, now… what do I do knowing what I know, and knowing what you all know?’
‘Nothing. Live happily and let us care for you. Live in the knowledge that you are loved and will always be loved.’
She does just that. She does have conversations with all of them at some point, because her mind needs concrete proof that everyone is in agreement. She learns that Mammon and Levi go through jealous bouts, but don’t question her love for them, and want this to continue. Even Diavolo is fully on board. Which surprised her, with the royal bloodline and all. Turns out the complication wasn’t so complicated at all.
She feels unworthy of all the love she’s showered with, but she’s also happier than she’s ever been in her life. She doesn’t know what she’s done to deserve such joy, but she refuses to part with any of them. Perhaps it’s the influence of her lovers through the pacts she shares with them… but she takes pride in them, greedily wants to spend time with them, gets envious if they talk to others, gets angry on their behalf, loves and desires them always, revels in their love like Beel at a buffet, relishes in the time she can just be there with them comfortably.
She’s prideful, greedy, envious, wrathful, lustful (and loving), gluttonous, and lazy… with some chaos, diligence, patience, loyalty, and grace mixed together. She is my MC.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I’ve really been wanting to in some way show you all my MC, but my art abilities suck. So I gave you an imperfect narrative.
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asbestieos · 2 years
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sorry for how scrunched this is, ill transcribe all the writings below the readmore <3 but tomokoi is my everything,, eventually ill draw their unit stuff and more time-line accurate portraits but for today you get this reflection on current tomokoi politics
-> Q: caretaker for, loves wholeheartedly // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: admires, will always offer help // “bad boy” duo
i can explain that second part fhgbhfgb "bad boy" because the public perceives them as delinquent-adjacent like bad boy (romantic) and they both find this funny and often pull a bit where they'll rip on each other's nonexistent rap sheet. this bit gets less funny after Shinji gets framed and jailed for attempted murder
-> Minami: kindest friend
-> Luka: confidant // unknowingly enemies
Q (founder and former leader of Tomokoi; current leader of XIV)
-> Heart: adores // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: less than trash // leaders
-> Minami: missed, fave member (of Tomokoi)
-> Luka: suspicious of // unknowingly enemies
Shinji (current leader of Tomokoi)
-> Heart: indebted // “bad boy” duo
-> Q: apologetic… // leaders
-> Minami: grateful, wants him to trust his feelings w/ others
-> Luka: ILY but stop being secretive
-> Heart: reliable ☆ (repressed crush)
-> Q: he has changed…
-> Shinji: sympathetic, unconditional support ;P
-> Luka: we take care of each other! ♡
-> Heart: knows their secrets, monitors their activities // unknowingly enemies
-> Q: scared of // unknowingly enemies
-> Shinji: too hard on himself
-> Minami: good friend, trusts w/ health
Heart and Q are currently members of a separate unit, XVI (“sixteen”), with two other members, while Shinji, Luka, and Minami carry on as Tomokoi !!
the story of Tomokoi is v smaddening and heartbreaking. this was back when Minami still went by ‘Hide’ short for.. their name ^_^; he also did not have those facial scars at this time.
Tomokoi began in junior high with five friends who wanted to become idols. Q founded the group and came up with its conception, believing it was the best way to popularize themselves. Tomokoi was only ever meant to sustain their dream while in junior high and to help them all develop their skills early to get ahead of the pack
for Q and Minami, they were perfectly able to maintain and dissociate their persona from their lives; for Shinji, Heart, and Luka, they struggled to live with their respective persona and how the public saw them. Minami becomes Q’s favorite, Q considered him skilled and determined enough to become an idol and sets him as the group's center; Heart as Q’s personal caretaker unconsciously becomes neurotic over it, Shinji gets jealous of his other unitmates for having an easier time with their persona than he with his own. Tomokoi ends up being very turbulent bc theyre all middle schoolers forced to play people they arent for the sake of a far-off dream they might not get to achieve. Luka is literally just Standing There (very upset that their friends are constantly at each other’s throats)
but the ultimate goal of every Tomokoi member is to audition for Reimei and to be accepted as individuals. they gave themselves individual personas to act out through Tomokoi to make themselves shine, so they hope that with the transition to high school, the tension that’s between them all will disappear along with Tomokoi; they’ll still be friends, but Tomokoi embodies the painful struggles and agonies and horrors they put themselves through as literal kids, and by moving on to individual work, they hope to move on from that painful part of their lives and to mature into idols
well, every single member of Tomokoi is accepted into Reimei - except Shinji, due to family history issues he was unaware of (blah blah blah sins of the father) and his own behavior (lashed out at judges). Q immediately gets on his ass for fucking up, Luka tries to defend them, all three get a distress call from Minami who, as it turns out, has been lying to his family the whole time about his future career path but that's not important, it's more urgent that he's terrified his family is about to kill him and themselves and needs help
lots of shenanigans happen. Shinji gets caught with the Madoka family's blood on his hands, Q frames Shinji for the assault of the Madoka family for very petty reasons, Minami is unconscious and hospitalized due to injury for the whole three weeks Shinji's trial takes. you may ask where Heart is during all this? Germany, trying to find their birth family (fruitless effort) (also didn't tell anyone they were going) (entrusted Luka, Shinji, and Minami with Q's health but really only Luka tends to Q).. it is a lot! by junior high graduation, Shinji is in juvenile prison, Q suffers a mental breakdown that Heart has to tend to, Luka disappears entirely, and Minami is left to care for what remains of his family, most of whom now rely on him due to disability.
this summary really doesnt do their individual stories justice i dont think i could do them justice but (shakes tomokoi) THEYRE EVERYTHING TO ME!!! THEYRE VERYTGHIGNGT TT OT MEEEAU AUAAUAGAG UAUA
ill also,, write up shit about their individual characters and personalities later i just wanted to get this relationship sheet out there so everyone knows theyre. not ok. ever
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plimchi · 11 months
For the falling in love question's, maybe #5 and #13?
Self Ship Meme- Falling In Love
woaoh; either my selfships are too complicated or i am just bad at putting things into short words, so heres a wall of text i guess. also since there was no specific ship wished for, ill just with my big 3. all grammar errors are to be ignored pls, you know the thrill ( all banner art was drawn ronyavalentine btw heheh)
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Katanabaka (Zoro/Sasha)
5. Are either of you afraid of falling in love?
If you'd ask them, Zoro and Sasha would both say no. Simply because they were unaware of the feeling for the longest part. They both have friends that are very dear to them. They thought this was the pinnacle of love. Zoro and Sasha don't posess the highest emotional and social intelligence. So when they fall in love with each other, both experience this kind of intense emotion for the first time - and are extremely confused and taken aback. Maybe they are a little scared in the moment, just because they don't have a name for this sensation yet. 
13. Did you want to tell your f/o you love them right away, or did it take a long time for you to tell them? Vice versa?
They can't put their feelings into words at all. They stumble into a romantic relationship without either of them audibly confessing - and they don't need to. After weeks and weeks of kisses, cuddles and affection; a soft "I love you" is muttered. And even though both were already well aware, the words unleash another wave of intense and new emotion in both of them.
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EndMe (Enji/Menma)
5. Are either of you afraid of falling in love?
 Enji isn't exactly afraid to fall in love. Love isn't something he thinks about a lot anymore. He's too busy. Maybe he thinks it is impossible for him to fall in love again but in reality, he'd just deny himself of any affectionate feelings towards someone new. Enji doesn't think he is deserving of love at this point. Neither to feel nor receive it.  Menma is not afraid of falling in love per se. She loves to love and has a lot of love to give. She knows that she may not get the same amount of love in return. She knows she might get hurt. Menma will keep on loving nontheless.
13. Did you want to tell your f/o you love them right away, or did it take a long time for you to tell them? Vice versa?
GODS, no. Both of them waited a very long time. After all, their boss/employee relationship would make it very very inapporpriate. On top of that, Enji is a married man with a bunch of children. The moment she realized she was in love with Enji, Menma felt horrible about it and tried to surpress her feelings. The last thing she wanted to be was a homewrecker. (Little did she know, the home was already wrecked af lmao)
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GunsNRoses/DanThia (Dante/Diantha)
5. Are either of you afraid of falling in love?
 Dante is VERY afraid of falling in love. He is afraid to build any type of positive connection to anyone. Simply because he has lost a lot of people that were very dear to him. And he feels like, whoever spends time with him is bound to end up in trouble or even dead. There's just too much evil following him around.  Diantha isn't afraid of falling in love but she will be hesitant to let the feeling get the better of her. She grew up in an environment in which she couldn't just trust everyone and it is hard for her to put aside that waryness. She will need to trust someone wholeheartedly to admit it to herself.
13. Did you want to tell your f/o you love them right away, or did it take a long time for you to tell them? Vice versa?
Dante tried to mask and hide his honest love behind the sweet nothings, goofy compliments and casual flirting he treats almost anyone with. He didn't want to confess, he was way too scared to bond with Dia like this and losing her in the end. Dia was conflicted. She knew she developed feelings for Dante but didn't want to be played with. At some point she snapped at Dantes playful advances, telling him to be sincere. She didn't want to get her hopes up and fall for a fraud. Dante couldn't hide behind his lies anymore and both of them slowly lowered their walls.
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🛰 Satellite - Do you have a character who is very dependent on another character? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
Thank you for the Ask, @clairelsonao3! (I love this Ask Game!)
Do you have a character who is very dependent on another character? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
Yes, I do. Somewhat at least. While I do not write codependency situations - at least not on purpose - I do have characters that are very dependent on each other, for varying reasons.
It is worth noting that:
The closest thing to a "dependence", or something like that, in TLW, mostly means two people who are very close, but not in a debilitating way, as most of my characters are very independent, but rather knowing that they can count on each other through any situation, and sometimes because the other person is the only one they wholeheartedly know they can trust. It would also mean that they would do anything to keep each other safe and happy, even if it means being harsh at times and saying what needs to be said - not what the other person wants to hear. All characters in TLW foster multiple healthy relationships with varied people, instead of being restricted to that one person, while indeed being closer to them.
A true friend would never enable someone's self-destructive tendencies and would ensure that their friend reaches their true potential freely.
That being said... Here are the characters that are, on some level, a bit more "dependent" on one another:
Zephyr & Jamie:
In this case, it's two different kinds of dependence.
For Zephyr, it means that on the days his curse gets too strong for him to handle alone (and trust me it takes a lot to make Zephyr go "Okay, I need help") - especially when he has to overuse his magic - he gets physically ill and very weak, depending on Jamie to receive treatment and care. Zephyr is a very independent person, but his curse (which feels like an illness) is something out of his control, so he tries to get better as quickly as he can to avoid being someone who needs to be cared for (he resents himself in these days because he sees it as "being a burden" - even though its not his fault.
For Jamie, it's more of a slight emotional "dependence" (it's not really that but I don't know how to put it). While Jamie is very independent in his daily life - does not like being smothered and likes to spend most of his time alone, he often needs someone he can trust and rely on, someone who is his best friend in the times he is feeling down. And Zephyr is always there for him, whenever Jamie needs someone to talk to.
Also, Jamie's worst nightmare is being unable to save Zephyr, mostly because Jamie blames himself for the fact that his brother got cursed (Zephyr was cursed by a dark sorcerer in their past while trying to protect Jamie). But that's more just a self-blame situation, which leads to Jamie wanting to fix what happened to them.
Overall it's a healthy relationship. Both of the boys have many other friends, and other interests outside of their bond, and live their own lives and dreams by themselves. They just want each other to be happy and okay, which nearly every sibling in their situation would want. They have their own lives, and just happen to be very close because they're the only family each other has got.
Uh, and maybe...
Ansell and Ellinor (mostly on Ansell's side):
Princess (Ellinor) and Bodyguard Knight (Ansell). Ever since they were children, they knew their roles and duties to fulfill, but as the year passed, they grew into best friends who would always have each other's backs.
However, Ansell suffers from low self-esteem and has a dangerous mix of altruism with a lack of self-preservation instincts, where he would rather endanger himself than to even risk any of his friends getting hurt. He places much of his self-worth on his ability to make sure he protects everyone, especially his best friend, Ellinor. As a person, in his daily life, he is very independent - he doesn't like people getting too close or interfering with his ability to just do the things he wants to - but he does have an inherent need to put others' needs above his.
Ellinor is very independent and does not like getting too close to people. She likes being alone. But she does see Ansell as her closest confidant and best friend, the only person she knows she can trust at any time, whom she can tell any secret - and vice versa. She blames herself a lot whenever one of her friends gets hurt on her watch because she sees it as an aftermath of her choices. Ellinor gets very worried at her friend's actions, and how reckless he is when it comes to his own safety - and so she does everything she can to make sure her friend starts taking care of himself, and that he starts living his life outside of being a knight and protector.
(Know the song "Surface Pressure" from Encanto. The line that says "Under the surface, I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service", would explain Ansell's worldview pretty well. He just has a lot of trauma and fears losing those he loves if he has the means to prevent it, in his view. Ellinor really gets really exasperated at how her amazing friend treats himself so badly and tries to help him in any way she can. Since there isn't therapy in medieval worlds, her support and that of their friends will have to do, lol.)
Overall, while Ansell's low self-worth issues are very unhealthy to him and stem from his past experiences and beliefs, it's more of a personal issue rather than an issue inherent in their relationship (as in, it affects their bond but doesn't stem from it). He does learn to grow and to care more about himself, especially since Ellinor makes sure he knows he is being reckless and helps him handle his fears when he needs support. Their friendship is healthy, his personal issues and view of himself are not, but he does learn to love himself more as the story progresses.
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brownfrogs · 2 years
what if i became a regular to your ask box bc i have no one else to talk to my gay people about. what if i tell u abt my stinky ocs and how they tie into hanzo and or cole. what if i become The Anon. ill be #1. ill even identify myself so im SPECIAL (i just want to hide in your asks without being perceived as a real person bc thats scary)
anyway. hanzo and cole are like ggrrr in my brain so im making this a u problem.
hanzo has a hard time loving anyone. he loves animals with incredible ease but people... not so much. he used to love and trust with ease, but having lashed out at genji sucked hanzo pretty much dry of any real affection and love for people. why would he need to? he had no one left in his life, he wouldn't need to. it was a vulnerability at best, hurt him more than benefited him. enter cole. absolutely loving to every shred of his being, protective and loyal, and trying so desperately hard to get close with hanzo while also keeping his own distance. love had hurt him too, albeit not the same kind of love he felt for hanzo, he still had. he kept hanzo out of reach but within his gaze and part of hanzo wished they'd both be more vulnerable. all of cole wanted hanzo to be okay with him and the idea of loving him. and it turned into a disaster of things, that made cole upset and rude with hanzo, out of fear that he'd hurt hanzo or hanzo would hurt him.
tl;dr hanzo and cole are too hurt by their own past experiences to really love eachother in the beginning bc theyre scared of hurting one another and scared of the other hurting them - 🐉
Yes absolutely I would adore that!!! And yes gimme the ocs, the AUs, the headcanons, whatever ya’ll got!!! I’ve been starving for content for so long haha. But do not worry yeehan is never a problem for me :3c
I wholeheartedly agree, Hanzo has a hard time with connecting with others let alone loving others while Cole loves wholeheartedly when he deems it is safe to do so. They’re both so hesitant, so tentative when they realize that their feelings for each other was so much more intense then they had presumed. Cole’s chest physically hurting whenever he sees Hanzo across the way, knowing that it will be all too painful to move on but he has to. Hanzo wanting to consume every bit of Cole’s love for himself, devouring him in his entirety, then berating himself for thinking so selfishly. They’re in a terrible stasis until maybe one of them gets critically injured on a mission, and starts confessing while dying in the other’s arms and it’s so heartbreakingly traumatic. All the grief and regrets and heartache piling so high, it just spills and spills in those last moments together. (Of course Mercy is there to rez lol but still it’s just so tasty!!!)
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saphirered · 3 years
Hello! Can I ask for a Vax x reader with cute fluffy moments of the reader falling asleep on Vax in different moments? Stuff like if the reader notoriously doesn’t trust a lot of people and them realizing she trusts him?
Some tooth rotting fluff. Enjoy! 😘
Vox Machina got their reward; a brand new old keep just for them. It just needed some desperate cleaning to make certain spaces liveable like bedrooms, bathrooms and anywhere food is kept… So you’d taken it upon yourself to take the lead, bark orders left and right. Few had the guts to disobey you and at the end of the day everyone had a place to sleep without bedbugs, mites and moths, had clean sheets, dust free floors, washed curtains and so on. But you’re still only few and a lot of the more complex work fell on you because, let’s be real; most of these people could burn water and you’d rather not watch this new keep go up in flames right after receiving it. Vax wholeheartedly agreed with your sentiment but despite him telling you several times to take a break or call it a night, you refused until you were satisfied. He admires your effort.
Finally after a job well done, and perhaps more trying than fighting monsters, the others have long since headed to bed. Vax had taken it upon himself to stay with you and keep you company, even if you refused to let him help. The floor freshly mopped again resulted in the two of you sitting on top of the dining table waiting for it to dry, a plate of food between you to pick from and share. The two of you just talk trivial things, passing the time, enjoying each other’s company like you’ve done so many times in the past. Plate finished you stretch, your back popping along with your arms and shoulders. Vax cringes at the sound, knowing it will only get worse in the morning. At the end of your stretch a yawn rises. It appears you either do not have the care or energy left to cover your mouth and just let it be before you curl back into your slouched posture sitting on that table.
“I’d kill to be able to lay down and not have to get up for a while.” You admit groaning and checking the floor. Yes. Still wet. What you wouldn’t do for an air Ashari gust right now but alas, too late.
“No one is stopping you.” Vax states as he piles the empty plate and tankards and puts them on the seat of a chair. “I doubt I’ll be as comfortable a pillow as a feathery one.” He jokes and while he may be joking, the offer is not. It’s still going to be a while before this floor is dry enough and the two of you can get to your rooms without ruining your hard work? Better than nothing? You seem to think it over but need but a second before you turn your back to him and allow yourself to drop backwards. Vax rushes to catch you and ease you down, more to preserve the ache of his own limbs than anything else but he gently eases you until you’re using his thigh as a pillow, staring up at him, hands clasped over your stomach.
“You know you’re the best, right?” You smile tiredly. Vax goes to make some witty remark but you shush him. “Don’t ruin the moment.” That earns you a laugh from him and he just flicks your nose. Now you’re laying down the wave of exhaustion seems to kick in. Watching your face is enough to reveal you’re fighting to keep your eyes open, fend off sleep. You need this. Vax begins brushing his fingers lightly up and down your arm, the motion like a metronome pacing your into the world of dreams. Little by little you sink further until your eyes fully close, your breathing deepens and you’re far from the keep in Emon.
Vax worried when you took a bit of a hit from that nasty creature. He worried more when you seemed to be suffering some ill effects after Vox Machina disposed of it. Poison. It wasn’t lethal. Just an inconvenience that will pass once it’s out of your system. Until then you’d just feel somewhat miserable but you were the one to tell them not to waste a spell on fixing something when you still had a long journey ahead. Watching you struggle wasn’t high on Vax’ priority list and while he usually takes some pleasure in watching the consequences of one’s actions show, seeing you like this is not something he’d like to repeat in the future. Just take the bloody healing next time.
Luckily end of the day approached and camp was set up. Vax takes first watch, mainly to keep an eye on you for as long as possible and assure this poison has worn off when it should. Not that he doesn’t trust the healers among the group, but better safe than sorry. You lay there, tossing and turning, looking for a comfortable spot in your bedroll but none seems to satisfy you. You groan in exasperation, sit up and make eye contact with him. Vax offers you his usual half smile, though it holds some pity and concern as you get out of the comforts of your bedroll and out into the cold night. You wrap your arms around yourself to fend off the icy breeze as you shiver and walk over to Vax, joining him near the fire.
“Stupid poison. Stupid cold.” You grumble rubbing your arms to preserve some warmth and sit down next to Vax. Your nose is bright red and the faintest layer of sweat on your brow along with your dilated pupils and all over attitude make you look rather comical and Vax can’t fight the chuckle.
“Laugh, you asshole. See how you’re faring after getting poisoned and being stuck in the frigid cold!” You whisper as of to not wake the others pointing an accusatory finger at Vax but he just grabs your hand, encases it into his own and brings it to his lips blowing warm air onto your fingers. You won’t admit it but it’s clearly a relief and you find yourself leaning further into Vax as this new source of warmth.
“If I were the one poisoned I would have taken the healing Pike offered.” He says somewhat smugly and breathes more hot air onto your fingers, grabbing your other hand too, and giving you a look that dares you to argue and see how the cold will feel alone. You relent and give in. In this victory Vax adjusts his cloak, opening it up for you to join in its comforts. You take the invitation before it’s relinquished and allow yourself to lean fully into the half elf’s side for the warmth he offers. His hand settles on the small of your back, shifting under the layers of your clothes and it sends shivers up your spine. You wrap your arms around his a little tighter.
“Not a word.” You threaten head leaning against Vax’s shoulder.
“No promises.” The grin is very much audible in his voice but you’ll let him get away with it… for now.
And there you sit for the next hour or so, staring into the flames, getting more drowsy. You don’t have it in you to fight the sleep. You’re comfortable. You’re warm and you’re in good company. Slowly the crackling fire, soft breathing of Vax, the light twitch of muscle every so often and humming of the night sends you off into darkness and dreams. Vax leans your head against his, he still has a watch to complete but if he did not fight it, he’d fall to the same as you, and would not be mad about it. You here, tucked into his side, sound asleep, the glow of the flames dancing on your skin, and the expression of peaceful bliss on your features, as the remnants of poison fade from your body are an assurance he takes comfort in.
The fight was a rough one. Blood and gore lays scattered about but you’re here, you’re breathing. The moment Vax sees you he finds himself relieved, as if he’s able to breathe again. He trusts your abilities to fight but there’s always that tiny bit of fear in the back of his head; what if you don’t make it? What if he isn’t there when you need him most? He just can’t help it. You look worse for wear but he can guess he looks very much the same. Regardless, his feet carry him to you as you inspect the bodies of the fallen, dragging your feet as you go until you see him. Within grasping range his hands cup your cheeks, fingers rubbing at the grime collected as he studies you for injury. Nothing too serious or out of the ordinary. Softly he places his lips on yours.
Your fingers wrap around his pulling one hand away from your cheek and holding on tightly. The light tug is enough for Vax to realise you want him to follow and so he does. You find the nearest safest wall and while still holding on to his hand, lean against it and slide down into a sitting position. Vax takes he hint and definitely has no reason to argue so he sits down right next to you, shoulders touching. You lean against him as does he against you and it’s only each other’s body weight keeping you seated it seems. Neither of you has the energy to care as you watch the gruesome display in front of you, watch people move about but you’re caught up in your own world and allow yourselves to come down from that battle high and let the exhaustion kick in.
Vax’s head leans on your shoulder and you in turn against his as you both breathe, close your eyes and take in the sounds of the world. There’s always something eery about a post-battle silence but for now it’s good. For now it means peace and safety. For now; all problems fade from the world until come next sunrise. Let someone else deal with it. You’ve done your part. And so you let sleep take you, not voluntary but out of sheer necessity. You’re together and you’re safe. Now you can rest.
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breads-bakery · 2 years
O6 - pilot !!
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warnings: afab reader!!, time stamps might be a little jumbled up, description of birth , mental illness implied ,profanities,  slice of life , angst, mentions of drugs.  if any of these topics make you uncomfortable please do not read!
note : this is not proof read !!! SMALL CHAPTER, You can call it a filler ig :( TIME LINES ARE AND WILL BE JUMBLED UP ON PURPOSE !!! as i said before the series is v inspired by euphoria!! we start on a flashback!!!! MORE WILL BE REVEALED ON UPCOMING CHAPTERS. ps.. sorry for the very late update 😅
y/n’s inner monologues (in italics ) , past conversations ( in bold )
taglist: @sunoobabie @sunooscheeks @leeknow-knows  @shiberrysan @kyrkitten , @skzoddinaries , @pjongbb204 ( taglist open for now )
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AUGUST 6TH, 2001
bright , buzzing specialty lights and various types of hospital fuss filled the labor room.
in the midst; a woman in her mid twenties, giving birth to a fetus, a fetus like any other , as it curls up, bracing itself to be torn away from the comfort of its home.
each contraction felt as if a bowling ball landed full force on the woman’s spine; and then, with the initial force continued throughout, the bowling ball would roll down her spine , like it was crushing it the whole way .
each time she’s squeezed, her body shudders as if shot with a taser gun; over and over and over, until it landed in her pelvic area with double the initial force , until baby y/n finally makes her bone crushing descent through the dark labyrinth of her mother.
baby y/n , barely seconds old, her tiny body covered in amniotic fluid , vernix caseosa and blood. her lungs fill with air, and her eyes finally blink open. she soon begins to wail with terror as she peaked her new surroundings. the shrill and piercing cry filled the room, that had gone silent for a while.
suddenly, a nipple is shoved in her tiny mouth. she sucks, and in an instant her eyes roll back in a drug-like haze.
. . . . . .
y/n , now 20 years old, sits cross legged in her bed, at the dorm. her hands busy keeping her hair out of her face, as best as she can , as she snorts the crushed klonopin off her black-polished vanity dresser .
she leans back on her chair , taking a deep breath, as the benzo’s take effect .
at some point you make a choice about who you are and what you want.
every mistake, every mis-step, every dumb decision or dumb fuck. just own it and wear it like a fucking honor badge . create your own confidence or whatever.
y/n’s ekes out a druggy smile.
she takes out her phone, inserting her password quickly, before clicking the library app, rapidly scrolling through it. years and years of memories.
from soccer games to birthday parties to her family. sleepovers with best friends and stupid little prank videos . dance routines. a bunch of selfies. makeup. school.
from growing up to drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and restless nights.
the photos become more sexual, more obsessive, more focused on how she looks.
and then she stops on a specific picture, a messy haired teenage boy with his arm slung around her.
i had my first kiss at the age of twelve with my then best friend , park sunghoon . he was my only friend at the time, and i used to trust him wholeheartedly.
well i used to … until he replaced me with his new, better friends, who “weren’t fuck ups” and “bad influences ” - so lee heeseung a good influence haha - I FUCKING HATE LEE HEESEUNG
but don’t feel bad, park sunghoon became a part time alcoholic, part time stoned and a full time fucking asshole
y/n's phone dings several times indicating she received a few notifications, pulling her out off her thoughts .
her eye sight a little blurry as she clicks on the message notification, she blinks several times to try on focusing on the text messages in front of her.
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y/n groans lowly, trying to get off her black-polished chair, her legs are a little wobbly. she leans against the wall for a minute, taking a few deep breaths before she opens her bedroom door.
she starts to head down the hallway, trying to find her balance and footing as the drug took effect.
she miraculously ends up to her front door, without stubbing her toes in any corners and opens the door to a freezing chenle. she grins widely at him, as if lost in a trace for a bit.
chenle pushes her aside as carefully as he could, entering the house and closing the front door.
" god it took you ten whole minutes to open the fucking door " he started complaining as he placed the bags he was holding on the ground, so he can take off and hang his coat .
y/n grins once again looking at the paper bags, snatching and running away with them to the kitchen. chenle blinks dramatically and following her.
" you whore those are for the both of us "
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
Could I ask for a snippet of Reina and CanonHinata? Since I Think Reina saved Hinata's mother in the PPG AU. (maybe?)
When they first met, Hyuuga Sachiko (as I’ve decided to call Hinata’s mother) was more than a little intimidated by Kobayashi Reina, the civilian-girl-turned-ninja who waltzed in and completely upended the Hyuuga Clan with little more than a sweet smile and a promise (“You can watch your clan change or you can watch it disappear, it’s your choice.”) On the flip side, Reina has a great deal of respect for the only person who manages to get Hiashi to relax without even trying (meanwhile every time she enters the room, he tenses up. What’s up with that?).
It isn’t long before they end up becoming close friends though— they don’t click instantly like Reina did with Kushina and Mikoto their first day at the Academy, but they trust each other wholeheartedly. Reina trusts Sachiko to help her navigate Hyuuga politics, to keep an ear out on her behalf, to be her ally in the Main House. Reina is the person Sachiko calls when she’s having a particularly bad day, when she can’t even get out of bed and death feels like it’d be a mercy (“I-I didn’t know where else to go, I didn’t want Hiashi to see me like this, please don’t let him see me like this”). She’s the only person Sachiko trusts to see her at the lowest points of her life, and for all his wariness towards her, she’s also the only person Hiashi trusts with his wife’s health and well-being (when she rewards that trust by saving Sachiko’s life, Hiashi embraces her so fiercely she almost can’t breathe— it’s also the first time he calls her sister).
It’s my personal headcanon that Sachiko was one of Hiashi’s biggest supporters in his original efforts to reform the Hyuuga Clan…and the elders retaliated by slowly poisoning her until her body eventually failed. In canon, Sachiko’s personal healers were all selected/under the control of the Hyuuga elders. In the PPG verse, Sachiko had (secretly) gone to Reina for medical care, who eventually discovered the cause of her mysterious illness. Upon learning that the elders had attempted (and nearly succeeded) to kill his wife, Hiashi went absolutely feral and the Hyuuga Clan underwent a very rapid and very bloody internal cleansing overnight (dude literally went from “I’m trying my best to change things but it’s not that easy, please be patient” to “fuck patience, let’s go back to that murder idea” in 2 seconds)
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luna-the-moth · 3 years
Obey Me Brothers - Flower Bouquets (SFW)
SFW! With a GN! Reader In short, these will be bouquets that represent a relationship with the brothers, that will lean towards romance. While flowers have multitudes of symbolism, I chose the flowers in accordance to Victorian flower symbolism.
Requests are still closed. (I’m so sorry for those who do have them in, I swear I’ll finish them one day.)
If enough people would like, I may be able to do the undateables as well.
Reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated!
Lily - majesty
Amaryllis - pride
Sweet-William - finesse
Tuberose - dangerous pleasures
Camellia, pink - longing for you
Love-in-a-mist - perplexity
A relationship with Lucifer entails one of passion and utmost care. No matter how he yearns to hold you in his embrace; he waits for you to return that longing with absolute certainty in your heart. Once you pledge your heart to him, you are his, and he is yours. 
Webs of love and adoration, woven with a delicate intricacy; displaying his true feelings. One must earn the right to witness such glory. To earn his trust and vulnerability, is no easy task. But the reward is more valuable in any jewel in all three realms.
For what is risk, with no reward?
Heather - protection
Jasmine - amiableness
Flax - ‘I feel your kindness’
Peruvian Heliotrope - devoted attachment
Hawthorn - hope
Hollyhock - ambition
Honeysuckle - devoted affection, generosity
A protector’s wings, shielding you from harm and evil. Mammon fell for you as soon as he saw your kindness, ever so bright in the Devildom’s dim atmosphere. Thinly-veiled emotions, sparsely covering a tender, vulnerable heart. Taking his heart and holding it dear to you, as it’s more fragile than meets the eye. 
Boisterous laughter, a stroke of luck and flip of a card. Soft honeysuckle wrapping around your wrists, symbols of luck and fortune. Kindness and hope, the first blooms of a vulnerable heart, reaching towards the sun.
A wolf’s fierce loyalty, devoted to you.
Redshanks - patience
Azalea - fragile and ephemeral passion
Bellflower - gratitude
Marvel-of-Peru - timidity
Yellow Acacia - true friendship, secret love
Heart’s Ease/Pansy - think of me
Coriander - hidden merit
Soft, yet firm love is the key to win Leviathan’s heart. For this love has a deeply rooted friendship at its base. To have patience, gently coaxing him to embrace his feelings wholeheartedly. Letting time unfold the story of your love, as the petals fall into place.
The scent of coriander fills the air as it roasts in a pan, the flavor taking on a smoky, earthy aroma. Enjoying each other’s company, letting quiet murmurs fill the air. Taking one’s hand in your own, a quiet profession of tender feelings.
To open a shell of nervousness and self doubt, revealing a vulnerable heart.
The common pink/garden pink - lively and pure affection
Mezereon/Daphne - Desire to PleaseYellow
Daffodil/Narcissus - intoxicating
Yellow Day Lily - coquetry
Hundred-leaved Rose - grace
Mignonette - ‘Your qualities surpass your charms’
Loving him with no ill intent or ulterior motive. Embracing each other with pure and innocent love in your heart. Gently removing the facade, to see the beauty within. A playful, fleeting kiss, only to evolve into something more, a dive into love, accepting all the thorns that come with it.
An attraction that permeates deeper, past the tactfully applied makeup and hairspray. Brushing a stray strand of hair behind an ear, a soft and reassuring smile paired along with it. Those three, precious words, that he’s heard over and over for millenia. For once, spoken with genuine care and affection, as a tear slips through the mask.
‘I love you.’
Sage - Esteem
Lemon Balm - pleasantry
Eglantine/sweet-briar - Poetry
White Rose Bud - Heart unacquainted with love
Periwinkle - Sweet Remembrances
Vervain - enchantment
Snowdrop - Consolation, Hope
An adventurous, albeit awkward journey. Experiencing love together with inexperience; a new beginning. Fear of vulnerability, hesitance. A sly silver tongue, deflecting others from getting too close in fear of opening one's heart. Eloquent words, meticulously crafted and refined. 
Fiery passion, each kiss searing, as if it were your very last; Dissolving into slow, tender affection, cherishing the other's presence. Finding yourselves leaning into the other, silent affirmations of love as your fingers intertwine. Discovering one's self, supporting each other with every revelation. 
Being loved for who you are, flaws included.
Fern - sincerity
Borage - bluntness
Dog Rose/Wild Rose - simplicity
Fennel - strength
Sweet white Violet - Candor
Canterbury Bell, blue - constancy
Romance with Beelzebub is honest, soft, and comforting. To be able to emphasize and comfort each other in pain and despair. Light shining through the windows as you’re buried under the covers. Survivor’s guilt. Learning to heal with a loved one by your side.
A mutual understanding, acceptance of each other’s flaws and irregularities without judgement. Confronting issues together, facing the ghosts of your pasts. Devoting one’s heart to another; honest, sincere feelings.
Walking through life together, every step of the way.
Poppy - consolation of sleep, remembrance
Agrimony - thankfulness
Larch - boldness
Rose-scented Geranium - preference
Indian Jasmine - I attach myself to you
Lily of the Valley - Return of Happiness
A love that blossoms from hesitancy and forgiveness. Roots centered in prejudice and smoke-tinted glasses. Stepping on eggshells in the beginning, only to be boldly embraced in his arms . Teasing snickering, followed by quiet laughter and a kiss on your forehead. 
Acceptance. Being content in life, with nothing more blissful than a nap under the cool moonlight. Making an exception for a loved one, bringing one's self out of misery and despair, taking the hand of a selfless being and guidance towards happiness.
Finding happiness once more.
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