#they watch in awe is our love starts to glow
hanniebaeee · 1 day
Baby Fever
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Bang Chan x fem!reader
Warnings: baby talks?
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Summary: You and Chan are at a baby store, shopping for a friend's baby shower. And your husband experiences baby fever for the very first time.
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The minute you step into the store, it feels like you've stepped into some kind of wonderland. The soft pastel shades, and soothing music in the background are just so overwhelmingly cute. You and Chan stroll through the store, browsing through the shelves for some gifts for your friend's baby shower.
You split up briefly, as you look through some cute little onesies, and Chan wanders away. A few minutes later, you realize that it's a bit too quiet, and Chan is nowhere to be seen. You look around, placing the onsie back in its place and your eyes search for your lost husband.
You start weaving through the aisles, your phone in hand to give him a call. And that's when you spot him.
Chan is standing in front of a display of baby shoes. In his hands is the tiniest pair of pastel blue baby shoes you've ever seen. His eyes are filled with awe, his lips curled into the softest smile.
You couldn't help but smile, leaning against a nearby shelf.
"Channie... everything ok?"
He jumps slightly, turning to look at you with wide eyes.
"Aren't these the cutest?" he asks, holding up the shoes like they were the most precious thing in the world. His voice is so full of excitement, you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
"They are cute," you tease, walking closer.
"So tiny!" Chan says, his cheeks glowing pink.
"They're baby shoes Channie, of course they're tiny." You say softly.
"But," Chan doesn't look like he understands. "How can anyone have such tiny feet?!"
You giggle watching him examine the little shoes in his hand, and it's just so pure and wholesome, your heart swells with love.
"That's how babies work, Chan. They have tiny feet, tiny hands... tiny everything!" You say, touching his arm gently.
"I know...its just, different, seeing it like this." Chan looks completely gone by now.
"What's on your mind, baby?" You ask, seeing the way Chan was so lost in the little thing. "Do you want to buy these for Jisoo?"
"What? No." Chan says quickly, holding the boots to his chest. "What if we… you know… need them someday?"
His cheeks are so red by now. You stare at your husband, trying to wrap your head around what he's trying to say. Sure, you've talked about babies before. You both want to have kids one day. But you've never really thought when.
You raise an eyebrow, amusement bubbling up inside you.
Chan grins shyly, his ears turning slightly pink.
"You know…maybe... for our baby?" His voice is so low, you can barely hear him.
You bite your lip so you don't laugh, not because of the suggestion itself, but because of how adorably serious he looks.
"Chan, you can't just buy baby boots without a baby!" You say, covering your mouth with your hand as you laugh.
"But look at them!" He waves the tiny shoes in front of your face. "They’re so small, and soft, and—just imagine our baby in these!"
His eyes light up, and he's completely invested in this thought.
You lean in closer, your voice soft as you tease, "You can buy them once we have someone to wear them."
You wink at him and pretend it's nothing, but the effect is instantaneous. Chan’s face changes, the playful grin fading. He blinks, his lips parting slightly as his gaze locks with yours. And it's your turn to blush, as he says something that catches you completely off guard.
"Then let’s have a baby," he says, his voice soft but determined.
"Wait, what?" you stammer, as you blink in surprise.
"I mean it," he says, clutching the boots close to his heart. "If you’re up for it, I want this. I want… us to have a baby."
For a moment, all you can do is stare at him, your heart racing as you try to process his words. He is standing in front of you, baby boots in hand, with a look that is literally melting you on the spot. It is so absurdly cute and yet so deeply romantic at the same time.
"Channie-" You begin, but he just looks at you with those puppy eyes, making you want to just give in already.
But you reach out and take his hand in yours, and say, "We're in the middle of a store, baby. Can we go home and talk about this?"
His expression softens, but he is still holding on to the boots like they meant everything to him.
"Ok." He says, smiling at you.
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Later, when you both reach the checkout counter, you are billing the items when you see it. A pair of tiny pastel blue shoes sliding across the counter as the cashier scans them.
"Chan!" You hiss, giving him a look. "Are you serious right now?!"
He shrugged, a sly grin creeping up on his face. "What? You never know when we'll need them!"
"You're unbelievable."
"I just like to be prepared."
"Oh my God!" You just can't with his guy.
"I have a feeling we'll need them real soon. Just saying." He smirks at you as you shake your head at him.
Your heart skips a beat and you playfully shove him away, both of you smiling.
As you walked out of the store, you couldn't help but feel a little warmth bloom inside your chest. And as you look at Chan, you know that those shoes will come in handy sooner than you think.
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teathattast · 5 months
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cause heaven only knows
how i've longed for you
waiting for years, so blue
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ohproserpine · 8 months
iii. deer dolly
see all chapters here tags: fem! reader, reader is a performer in a speakeasy, jealousy, possessiveness, written before episode 7; may become inaccurate, gorey-ish descriptions of love, murder
The next night, Alastor returned in unusually high spirits. He practically dragged you onto the dance floor, twirling you around in dizzying circles for eight whole rounds. If you hadn't asked him to stop, you might have ended up collapsing from sheer exhaustion.
As it was a Saturday night and you weren't scheduled to perform, the trio of you settled in at the bar, enjoying drinks and each other's company as the night wore on.
"Come on, doll! Bottoms up!" Mimzy cheered, her laughter bubbling with infectious energy. The blonde pressed a crystal-clear glass against your lips, tilting it up and urging you to indulge further. The cool liquid burned as it slid down your throat, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. The room turned into a swirling blend of jazz melodies, clinking glasses, and loud, loud chatter.
After a few seconds, unable to endure the relentless flow of alcohol, you finally pushed her hand away with a sputter and a cough. The taste of the giggle water lingered on your lips as you slumped against Alastor's chest, your burning cheeks squished against the fabric of his coat.
"Had a bit too much, have we?" he smirked. The radio host smoothly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, the fine fabric of his suit brushing against your skin as he held you upright against him. You nestled against Alastor, swaying slightly to the music, the alcohol-induced haze casting a dreamy glow over your vision. "My, it looks as though the night's got its claws in you, cher."
"Not yet it hasn't," you grinned, your words slurring slightly as you shifted against him, a hand outstretched to grab your drink off the counter.
"Ah ah ah," Alastor chuckled as he took your glass from you, setting it aside with a careful motion. "Let's not push our luck, shall we?"
"Aw, don't be such a wet blanket!" Mimzy snorted, her curls bouncing as she plopped onto the seat beside you. "She's just having a good time! Ain't that right, doll?"
"Mhm!" you nodded your head eagerly before stopping, the ceaseless nodding causing a dull ache in your head.
"There's a good time, and then there's getting plastered. I'd hate to see the star of the show here end up on the floor. Ha ha!" Alastor boomed out with a laugh, catching you off guard. You would have stumbled off the seat if it weren't for his swift reflexes, his gloved hand wrapping around your arm to pull you back up.
"Such a klutz," Alastor tutted with a smirk as he steadied you. "See? What ever would happen to my favorite showgirl if I don't keep a watchful eye?" 
"Oh, please!" Mimzy snorted as she slid another cool glass of giggle water in front of you, leaving a glistening trail of water from the condensation. "She's handled worse than this. We're just getting started!”
"Mimzy, my dear, it seems my words didn't quite get into that thick skull of yours," Alastor enunciated with a tight-lipped smile. "Allow me to say it in much more simpler terms; she has had enough."
"Oh, come on—"
"Do you want all your patrons to witness yet another fiasco in this establishment?"Alastor smiled as he bore his gaze into the blonde's doe eyes. "Because it does sure seem like a night can't pass here without a fuckup!"
Mimzy's shoulders raised in surprise. She stayed silent for a while before forcing out a response through gritted teeth. "No."
Alastor leaned in, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, voice devoid of his usual eccentricity. "Then dry up. Understood?"
"Understood," Mimzy rolled her eyes, tucking her chin to her chest as she stared at her feet.
"Lovely." Alastor hummed before straightening himself. And just like that, the tension dissipated, replaced by an air of nonchalance.
"Well! This has been a delightful night, but I do believe it's time to escort this lovely lady home, don't you think?" Alastor's tone shifted back to its usual charm, as nothing had happened. He wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging your ditzy self out of the bar stool as he began to guide you out of the speakeasy.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Can you believe it? That lousy, two-timing rat! You introduce him to the girl of his dreams, and what does he do? He high-tails it outta here with her, leaving us all high and dry!" Mimzy ranted, shaking her fist in frustration before pouring herself another drink. "Not a word for a whole week! I had to call in Nitwit Nancy to cover her Friday shifts! And you know that broad sounds like a screeching cat on a hot tin roof."
Beside her, Angel Dust was flabbergasted, his jaw hanging open with the champagne glass dangling loosely from his hands, its contents long spilled onto the counter, creating a shimmering puddle on the bar. Husk grumbled as he wiped the counter clean with a worn-out rag, eyes flickering between Mimzy and Angel.
The spider was staring at Mimzy as if the blonde had just sprouted a third tit, his eyes wide and struggling to process everything he had just been told.
“Why is you gawkin'?!” Mimzy leaned away from Angel, unsettled by the look on his face. “Aww. Is it 'cuz I'm adorable?”
"Fuckin' hell, toots," the spider coughed out a laugh. "I'm having difficulty understanding all that you just spat at me, blondie. What happened to you ‘keeping a secret’?"
Mimzy's body tensed, a sudden realization flashing across her face as she belatedly registered the fact that she had been running her mouth.
Shaking her head, she pulled herself back together with a huff. "Whatever, alright?! I doubt—"
Suddenly, a loud bang at the door echoed through the room, causing the two demons to startle in their seats. Mimzy's head snapped towards the source of the noise so swiftly she nearly gave herself whiplash. In growing horror, she watched as the hinges of the hotel's entrance door began to creak, the walls around them starting to crack and shed plaster.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there! You lousy bitch!"
"Oh, shit," she winced sinking into her seat.
"What the fuck—" Husk cursed, his words drowned out by the sudden explosion that violently rattled the lower windows. Shards of glass rained down onto the floor as dust and debris filled the air, choking their senses. Husk whipped his head around to glare at Mimzy when she vaulted over the bar counter, seeking refuge behind the sturdy wood.
"I fucking knew it. What shit have you brought to us this time?" Husk demanded, his grip tightening on her dress as he lifted her up. Another explosion echoed through the building, the shockwaves pulsing through the floor causing Husk to stumble and drop her. 
With a pained grunt, the blonde crashed to the floor, her bruised front absorbing the brunt of the impact. As she lifted her head, she met Husk's glare.
"Ahah... Well," Mimzy sheepishly smiled, her eyes darting nervously as she cowered on the floor. The banging on the door grew louder and more aggressive, echoing through the hotel lobby like a menacing drumbeat.
Angel Dust stood frozen by one of the living room walls, his hands pressed against it to anchor himself. Suddenly, he noticed the television set flickering with an eerie glow, emitting dissonant static noises that seemed to crawl under his fur. The crackling sound took on an unsettling pitch, and an odd pink electricity surged through the screen, casting a sickly hue across the room. "What the fuck...?!"
In that moment, Vaggie and Charlie stormed onto the scene, their eyes widening in disbelief as they absorbed the chaotic sight. The hotel lobby, once orderly and serene, now lay in ruins—furniture overturned, glass shattered, and the wallpaper charred.
"What's happening?!" Vaggie exclaimed, swiftly drawing her spear and slicing a chunk of concrete in half before it could reach her. The broken pieces ricocheted off the walls, adding to the destruction.
"We are under sssiege!" Sir Pentious screamed as he scrambled to get Nifty into his arms, slithering behind the toppled-over couch for cover. The banging on the door intensified, accompanied by muffled threats and angry shouts from outside. "It'sss all that harlot'sss fault!
"Harlot?" Vaggie questioned, her fiery gaze sweeping the room for a familiar mop of blonde hair. Upon spotting Mimzy, her eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a snarl. "Explain."
"I may or may not be in trouble with an overlord! Well, maybe a couple of 'em," Mimzy rushed out, her words tumbling over each other in a nervous babble. "And I may or may not have 'borrowed' one of their top showgirls. And, well, got that girl killed… but she had it coming!"
Vaggie's patience waned with each new sentence Mimzy added, and a low groan escaped her lips.
"Leave this to me," she hissed, red-hot fury flashing in her eyes as she tightened her grip on her spear. "Everyone, get somewhere safe."
"I'm afraid that will not be necessary, my dear."
A sudden crackling static, skin to the ominous hum of a radio, seeped through the room as Alastor emerged from the shadowed corners. The demon's grin twisted unnaturally, stretching up to his glowing crimson eyes, which emitted an eerie, hollow glow. Tendrils of inky shadow began to writhe and sprout from Alastor's back, emitting sickening cracking noises.
In the blink of an eye, he dashed outside, engaging in his unholy work, swiftly and effortlessly ridding the area of its assailants. The air outside carried echoes of screams and the sharp, metallic scent of blood.
Before everyone could fully comprehend the whirlwind of events that had just transpired, the screaming ceased. Shortly after, Alastor returned to his usual demeanor. Nonchalantly stepping back into the damaged lounge, he dusted off his suit, traces of blood marking his path on the floors.
"Alastor! Babyface! Good show!" Mimzy began clapping, seemingly unfazed by the gorey scene as she stepped out of her hiding spot. "Bravo! bravo!"
Upon hearing Mimzy's voice, Alastor's head fully twisted around with a loud, bone-chilling crack accompanying the movement. The radio demon moved toward her, his towering 7-foot form eclipsing her much smaller figure. He bared his sharp teeth in a menacing smile as his antlers began to grow in length, curling and twisting over his head—a display nothing short of terrifying.
"Alastor~" Charlie's voice quivered with forced cheerfulness, her hands wringing together anxiously. "Haha! Let's, uh, try to keep our cool here, okay? We really don't need any more messes, do we? Haha!"
The princess's attempt at forced cheerfulness made her look desperate, her manic expression surfacing as her pupils visibly shrank, darting around the room like startled prey.
Alastor closed his eyes, the tension in his form visible as he took a moment to regain composure. Gradually, his antlers reverted to their usual size. With an eerie calm settling over him, he reopened his eyes, though the strain was evident in his smile. "My apologies, chum. I'll be out of your hair in a bit."
He spared Charlie one more glance, his gaze piercing, before redirecting his attention to Mimzy. The intensity in his stare bore into her as he spoke, his voice low and measured. "Since you are so eager to catch up, why don't we have a talk? In private."
With that, the radio demon snapped his fingers, transporting both of them out of the lounge.
"Dumb bitch," Husk grumbled under his breath, covering his eyes with his paws and slamming his head onto the bar counter. "We're all fucked once he finds out."
"Find out what?" Walking up to him, Angel Dust shot Husk a confused look. The spider delicately brushed away the dust that clung to his grey fur, picking out the bigger pieces of cement and plaster. "I thought they were friends?"
Husk raised his head off the counter, mismatched eyes meeting Angel's own. "Not anymore."
Mimzy slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the surreal sight of a blood-red room surrounding her. It housed a radio station complete with an array of dials and a microphone, the very tools she knew Alastor utilized for his broadcasts.
'His broadcasting station?' she noted, curiously looking about the room.
Suddenly, Alastor's firm grip closed around her shoulder, causing her to whirl around with disorienting speed. His bloodied claws moved to cradle both of her rosy cheeks, their sharp edges looming dangerously close to breaking skin while he squeezed her face as though dealing with a disobedient child.
"I thought I made it very clear that you were to step nowhere near me," Alastor forced her to stare up at him. Despite the discomfort caused by Alastor's claws digging in, Mimzy maintained her confident demeanor and glared straight back up at him. "Did I not, dearest?"
"Oh, I just ran into a spot of trouble, and I thought, who better to lend a helping hand than you?" Mimzy rolled her eyes as she pulled herself away from his grasp, massaging the tender flesh of her cheeks. "You always love helping lil ole me."
"Enough. What is it you want?" Alastor snapped. "Should you persist in wasting more of my precious time, I will relish tearing you apart limb from limb, and the symphony of your sweet screams will be a broadcast for all of Hell to revel in."
Mimzy, unfazed, leaned in with a sly grin, her fingers playfully tracing the lapel of Alastor's coat. "Alright, tall, dark, and creepy. I know you aren't going to do shit."
"After all," she batted her lashes at him, "Hurting me would be hurting her, now wouldn't it?"
The blonde pressed her finger into his chest, poking him repeatedly. "That was in the contract~ You. Heartless. Son. Of. A. Bitch."
A low, guttural chuckle rumbled in the depths of Alastor's throat. "Oh, sweetheart," he drawled, catching her finger mid-poke. "You seem to be overlooking the delicate nature of contracts. It might be wise for you to tread more carefully, relying on such flimsy assurances."
"Flimsy?!" Mimzy scowled. "I got your girl on a leash!"
"Lets make this very clear," Alastor's voice deepened into a growl, eyes flashing red in warning. "This contract doesn't grant you a carte blanche to play games with my patience. If not for her plea to spare you, your fate would have been sealed by now."
As Alastor's grip moved to tighten around her throat, Mimzy's eyes nervously tracked the sharp edge of his claws, her breath catching in her throat.
"W-Whatevah! A contract is a contract," she retorted. Mimzy roughly pulled away from him, scrambling to gain the upper hand again. "Even if there ain't a soul exchange, it's still binding!"
"Yes, indeed! I am well aware of contractual obligations, dear," Alastor grinned, his cane tightening in his grip, claws leaving indents on the dark steel. Bending down to meet her gaze, he continued, "But you seem to have forgotten that time's almost up! The expiration for your contract is nearing. And when that happens, I do intend to reclaim what is rightfully mine – my wife. At that point, you will find yourself plunged into an abyssal world of unrelenting agony."
"Abyss, schmabyss. I've dealt with worse," Mimzy scoffed, her hand waving dismissively. "Now look, I got what I wanted outta you, and I don't have to take this."
With that, the blonde turned with a dramatic flair, her heels clicking against the floor as she stomped towards the door. She adjusted her hair and straightened her dress, a smug smirk dancing on her lips.
"Have fun with your little princess and your little project," she quipped.
Over her shoulder, she shot Alastor one last look, a sly glint in her eyes. "Because I sure am having fun with mine~"
Dry up - Shut up Giggle Water - Liquor Carte Blanche - Complete freedom to act as one wishes
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blueboybot · 3 months
A Lantern's Light
This time it isn't Batman, Superman or even Wonder Woman that has a secret child. Rather, it is none other than our resident Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.
Memory holds knowledge and within that knowledge holds power.
Maybe Star Sapphire and Green Lantern did manage to live a happy life before everything went to ruins.
When Danny unexpectedly gets saved by Hal they both stop, just looking at each other...
Danny should've been faster. He saw the fight, he knew how close they were and yet he didn't think to use one of his many ghost powers to get far away. Now he was about to be crushed by a giant piece of apartment building. It won't kill him but it was sure going to be a mess on the streets and that will bring more attention to him than he wants.
Before the giant piece of stone could do its job a green light encased it, not exactly like the ecto-green he saw with other ghost, and stopped it from making him the human pancake he was destined to be, green slightly poisonous syrup included. When the stone was put aside Danny was able to see the hero Green Lantern.
Now Danny has only ever seen the man on tv or far away while the other fights and even then he didn't pay him much interest. But now that he was here, now that he was so close to him Danny felt something. His core, his soul...it knew this man, it new Green Lantern.
"Hey kid you need to go this place isn't safe...for...you..."
Hal is a lot of things.
A test pilot who worked for Ferris Aircraft.
A member of the Green Lantern Corps working with other Green lanterns and venturing out into parts of space that he thought was never possible for him.
A member of the Justice League where he fights alongside other heroes, taking down any evil that threatens the earth and making sure it is a safer place for its inhabitants.
There was a time when he was blessed with a miracle and became a father to the cutest baby in the world. His baby boy that he took almost everywhere with him, playing with him and watching as those blue eyes lit up with enough joy to power a house.
Hal doesn't like to think about those memories now, they always came accompanied with the sound of thunder, rain, screaming and crying. He lost everything that day and he was sure he'd never see those eyes again.
So why...why were they looking back at him?
Danny did not know what was happening to him right now and he was a bit scared. Him and Green Lantern have just been there staring at each other, not saying anything, just staring.
Green Lantern touched the down on the ground and very slowly started walking towards him. Danny couldn't find it in himself to move, he was paralysed and it wasn't completely with fear.
When he was close enough enough Green Lantern looked down at him, not in the arrogant way, as if he didn't realize how short Danny would be. Danny was in a bit of awe of how much bigger and more muscled the man looked up close, the way his masked eyes looked as if they almost glowed. Despite all of this Danny didn't feel any of the fear one should when a man this big corners you, rather, he felt safe.
Green Lantern reached out his hand to hold the side of Danny's face softly and he melted into the touch. This feeling of safe and comfort was almost too much, he hadn't this way in a long time, not since he had to run and leave everyone and everything he loved behind. He didn't even realize he was crying.
A loud boom shook the ground they were standing on and Green lantern turned around, it was all that was need to break whatever weird spell was on Danny. Using his invisiblity to stay out of sight he took off, using flight to fly far away from Green Lantern.
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
angel eyes — OP81 (smau)
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
summary: oscar falls in love on a trip to greece
warnings: like one sexual innuendo if you squint
a/n: this is just fueling my mamma mia obsession
masterlist !
⋆ ˚ 。 ⋆ ୨୧ ˚
yourusername just posted !
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liked by bffusername, oscarpiastri and 190,026 others
yourusername i never want to leave 🤍🇬🇷 tagged: oscarpiastri
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user1 just casually meets oscar on vacay????
user2 i smell a great friendship forming
bffusername y/n who's that..
yourusername oscar 😅😅
bffusername and oscar is.......?
yourusername my new best friend
bffusername WHAT?!?!
oscarpiastri sorry not sorry
oscarpiastri sadly we have to leave tomorrow
yourusername osc don't remind me 😞
imessage between y/n and bffname !
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oscarpiastri just posted !
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 651,028 others
oscarpiastri she made greece even better:) tagged: yourusername
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user1 oh to go to greece with oscar 😖
oscarpiastri thanks for bringing that up idiot
user4 oscar you need to watch mamma mia IM BEGGING
user5 greece vlog when
yourusername can we adopt that cat pls 🥺
oscarpiastri how would you get it on the plane
yourusername uhhh with my charm?
alex_albon so the trip was only fun when y/n was around?? i see how it is piastri
oscarpiastri 🤷‍♂️
imessage between y/n and oscar !
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oscarpiastri just posted !
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell and 447,193 others
oscarpiastri movie marathon before the craziness begins tagged: yourusername, landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussell63
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user2 i need all the boys opinions on little women omg
oscarpiastri amy was the only right choice for laurie
alex_albon i miss beth :(
georgerussell63 i fell asleep halfway through
yourusername i still can't believe osc was the only one that like mamma mia
landonorris you know i hate musicals
oscarpiastri you won't be saying that when we watch hsm movies next weekend
yourusername just posted !
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren and 309,822 others
yourusername can proudly say i've been converted into a mclaren fan after this weekend 🧡🏎 tagged: oscarpiastri, mclaren
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bffusername can't believe i wasn't invited 🙄
yourusername sorry osc just likes me better
mclaren ready to be back next race weekend?
yourusername only if oscar gets on the podium again
user2 oscar looks so done in the third pic 😭
yourusername to be fair he was only awake for 5 minutes before the challenge video started
user3 oscar in his passenger princess era
oscarpiastri i didn't give you permission to post the second pic
yourusername oh well!!!
yourusername added to their story !
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[another weekend, another time following osc around oscarpiastri]
oscarpiastri just posted !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 781,244 others
oscarpiastri thankful to say i got this podium because my good luck charm was here 🧡
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user1 oscar podium looks so good
user3 HIS GOOD LUCK CHARM????????????
landonorris aw i'm your good luck charm 🤗
oscarpiastri no you're not lando
user4 good luck charm as in.. y/n??
yourusername THAT'S MY OSC!!!!!!!!!!!
yourusername your podium glow is crazy
oscarpiastri crazy how you said something similar last night
yourusername OSCAR.
user5 welcome back LECPIAHAM
mclaren just posted !
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 955,630 others
mclaren our podium winner from the eyes of his good luck charm tagged: oscarpiastri, yourusername
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user2 so we were right abt who his lucky charm is
oscarpiastri petition for my good luck charm to come to every race
mclaren we're working on it 🫡
user4 i would pay good money to see more pics like these
user5 pookie is pookie-ing
yourusername i love your podium winner 😁
mclaren our podium winner loves you
oscarpiastri it's true 😁
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Harry holding his bubba for the first time. 🥹
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Daddy’s Little Girl.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - when i said i wanted to write something cutesy, this was exactly what i envisioned so thanks to the anon that suggested this. 😊
word count - 1.1k
in which, harry holding his baby for the first time is everything he had wished for and more.
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“Would dad like to have a hold?”
The room is filled with a quiet, serene energy, a sense of calm and exhaustion mingling with the first light of dawn seeping through the hospital blinds.
You lie back against the pillows, still catching your breath, the surreal experience of childbirth washing over you in waves.
Harry is by your side, holding your hand with a mixture of awe and concern in his eyes.
The midwife stands nearby, cradling your baby girl.
Harry glances at you, his eyes wide and uncertain. He swallows hard, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. "I, uh, I don’t know. I've never done this before."
You smile, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
"Neither have I," you say softly, a touch of humor in your voice. "But she's our little girl. You'll be great."
He nods slowly, his hesitation still evident. The midwife suggests he take his shirt off for skin-to-skin contact, explaining how important it is for bonding.
He releases your hand reluctantly and stands up, the nerves showing in his every movement.
Harry pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his tattooed chest, and takes a deep breath. He glances at you one more time, and you see the determination set in his eyes.
He walks over to the sofa in the corner of the room, sitting down carefully, his muscles tense.
The first rays of the sun are starting to paint the room in a soft, golden light. It feels like the beginning of a new day, a new chapter. The anticipation hangs in the air, thick and palpable.
You watch as the midwife brings your daughter closer to him. You can see the fear and excitement battling within him, but there's also a deep, overwhelming love that you recognize all too well. It’s the same feeling you've been enveloped in since the moment you saw her.
The midwife smiles at Harry, recognizing his nervousness.
"It's okay, Mr. Styles. I'll guide you," she reassures him. "Just relax and take a deep breath."
Harry nods, taking a steadying breath as she positions herself beside him, your baby girl nestled in her arms.
"Support her head with one hand," she instructs, "and use your other arm to cradle her body."
Harry follows her guidance, his hands trembling slightly as he reaches out. The midwife gently transfers your daughter into his arms, helping him adjust his hold until she is securely nestled against his chest.
You can see the tension in his shoulders start to ease as he looks down at her tiny, perfect face.
"See?" the midwife says softly. "You're doing great. Just keep her close, and she'll feel your warmth and heartbeat."
Harry looks up at you, his eyes shining with a mix of tears and amazement.
"She's so small," he whispers, as if afraid to speak too loudly and break the spell of the moment.
"She is," you reply, your voice choked with emotion. "But she's perfect."
He leans back against the sofa, holding your daughter close, his eyes never leaving her face.
The early morning light casts a soft glow around them, making the moment feel almost magical.
"Hey, little one," Harry murmurs, his voice tender and filled with wonder.
You feel your heart swell with love as you watch them together, the bond between father and daughter already forming in these first precious moments. Harry's initial hesitation has melted away, replaced by a profound sense of connection and protectiveness.
The midwife steps back, giving you both space to absorb the beauty of this moment.
"I'll give you some time alone," she says quietly, slipping out of the room with a gentle smile.
As the door closes softly behind the midwife, the room settles into a peaceful quiet, the only sound the gentle breathing of your newborn daughter nestled against Harry’s chest.
Harry looks down at your baby girl, his eyes brimming with tears that reflect the deep emotions surging within him. He gently adjusts his hold on her, making sure her tiny head is supported securely. His fingers brush lightly over her soft, downy hair, his touch feather-light and full of wonder.
"Hey there, pickle," he begins, his voice trembling with emotion. "It's Daddy. I've been waiting to meet you for so long."
A tear rolls down his cheek, but he doesn’t bother to wipe it away. Instead, he continues, his gaze never leaving her tiny face. "You know, when I first found out about you, I was scared. I didn’t know if I could be a good dad. But the moment I saw you, all of that fear just disappeared."
He pauses, taking a shaky breath, his eyes glistening. "You’re so beautiful, so perfect. I can't believe you're finally here. Your mum and I, we’ve dreamed about this moment for so long. And now, looking at you, I realise that all those dreams couldn’t come close to how amazing you really are."
Another tear slips down his face, and he chuckles softly, his smile radiant despite the tears. "I promise you, little one, I’ll always be here for you. To protect you, to guide you, to love you with all my heart. You’ve already made my world a better place just by being in it."
He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, his tears mingling with the softness of her skin. "We’re going to have so many adventures together, you and me. And I can’t wait to show you all the wonders of this world. But for now, just rest, my love. We’ve got all the time in the world."
You watch, your own tears flowing freely, as Harry continues to speak softly to your daughter, his voice a soothing melody of promises and dreams. The love and devotion in his words wrap around you both, creating a cocoon of warmth and security.
"And always remember," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion, "no matter what, you’ll always be loved. By me, by your mum, by everyone lucky enough to know you. Welcome to the world, my precious girl. We’ve been waiting for you, and we love you more than you’ll ever know."
Harry looks up at you again, a tear escaping down his cheek.
"Thank you," he says softly, his voice breaking. "For her. For everything."
You had your own tears rolling down your cheeks at this point, the emotions of childbirth and seeing the love of your life hold your brand new bundle of joy was enough to have you sobbing.
“She’s got you wrapped around her finger already.” You smiled at him softly.
“What can i say,” He bit his bottom lip to stop more tears. “She’s daddy’s little girl.”
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2-dsimp · 4 months
Any of the guys with a pregnancy kink?
On the father, the spirit, and the son, pregnant people are fine as fuck. I always be looking respectfully.
- 🤰
【The H.S.M Scenarios; Pregnancy kink edition】
Cw: MDNI NSFW 🔞 Fem reader, pregnancy kink
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“Atta girl, taking in every single drop like a good mommy~ Just lay back on me wife. I wanna get that cute tummy of yours all plump n full of me again and again—Fuck!”
Nokka the husband, this guys a no brainer. He’s so confident in his seed that he doesn’t even need a pregnancy test to check if he had knocked you up with his baby. But Your husband will let you do so if only to prove that his elite sperm had done its job well. in making his wife’s belly swell up beautifully with his potential son. And hence the moment you started showing a baby bump, your meager time alone at home would diminish. As this man is constantly on you like white on rice. He’s rubbing your belly possessively with his big hand. Watching football while having you warm his cock. Of which he complained got so rock hard that it was borderline uncomfortable for him to even sit wearing his baggy sweats. All because of how his wife was lookin too damn irresistible in that pregnancy glow. (And just in general… this man’s a bonifide caveman simp for his wife)
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“Awe my poor player 2~ is our little player 3 acting up too much? Don’t worry! I’ll tell em to take it easy on you mkay mamma? Just spread them legs wide for me so that lil bugger can get the message”
Soma the Zombie, always dreamed of having a team of professional gamers to carry on his legacy of being number one in the world. He often joked around saying that 3 kids wouldn’t be enough. Since he’d never get enough of seeing that radiant glow you’d possess when you’re heavy with his child. And ever since he got infected his obsession with keeping you full got even more demanding. The Zombie had his tentacles that sprouted from him squeezed and kneaded your breasts for any source of milk to suckle on. while his thick gelatinous tendril cock squirmed itself inside your well used cunt. His suckers messaged against your love cannal trying to cease the baby’s incessant kicking by giving them a taste of their own medicine.
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“B-but sunshine won’t this u-upset our little starshine? N-no? Then I guess it’ll be f-fine. Just don’t p-push yourself too hard, I only w-want you to f-feel good my love”
Moros the Torturer, would be considering himself blessed to even be able to have such happiness in raising a child with you. He’d always make sure to cater to your every need during your pregnancy. You’ve got a craving for baked goods? He’ll bake enough for a whole football team. Need a deep tissue massage? The Torturer’s on the case, after consulting with Koji the medic what would be the best spots to soothe for his pregnant darling. You’d have to be the one to try and initiate any sort of intimacy to get his gears going. Since he’s a timid gentle giant who’d cry if under the impression that he somehow hurt you. By delving his thick uncircumcised cock so deep inside your wet snatch that its fat tip was kissing languidly against your cervix. With each gentle but jerky buck of his semi inexperienced hips. His scarred hands would always subconsciously find themselves on your stomach. As he’s just so grateful at how now he’s got two stunning guiding lights that’ll brighten up his day.
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charlesslut16 · 4 months
-our time-
summary : you, george and your little girl are on vacation
PAIRING : dad!george russel x fem!mom!reader
note : i hope that you like this one, lovies!
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The sun was shining brightly on a warm summer afternoon as you stepped out onto the terrace of the luxurious hotel. You held the hand of your husband, George Russell, who smiled down at you with his signature warmth.
In his other arm, he cradled his six-month-old daughter. The hotel’s poolside restaurant bustled with activity, the sounds of laughter and splashing water creating a lively, cheerful atmosphere.
"Isn't this place beautiful?" George asked, his eyes twinkling as he looked around. He loved going on vacation, as his busy racing schedule did not allow it often.
"Absolutely," you agreed, squeezing his hand. "And it's the perfect day for a little family outing." You were so happy to finally have george and your daughter for the whole day without any duties.
Your daughter gurgled happily in George's arms, her wide blue eyes reflecting the clear sky above. Her tiny hands reached out, grabbing at the air, fascinated by everything around her.
George chuckled, adjusting her sun hat to shield her delicate skin from the sun. Her yellow sundress flowing in the wind. Hey face showing pure emotion and curiosity.
"Let's find a nice spot," George suggested, leading the way to a shaded table near the pool. The gentle breeze carried the scent of tropical flowers, adding to the serene ambiance.
As you settled into your seats, a friendly waiter approached, offering a menu filled with delicious options. George glanced at Emilia, who was now contentedly chewing on her teething ring.
"How about some fresh fruit and a couple of smoothies?" George suggested, his eyes meeting yours with a knowing smile. "And maybe something a bit more substantial for us?"
You nodded in agreement, your heart swelling with affection as you watched George effortlessly balance his roles as a doting father and a loving husband. The waiter took your order and left, promising to return soon.
George gently rocked your daughter, who was now starting to doze off in his arms. Her tiny fingers curled around his shirt, and he looked down at her with pure adoration. She loved her father.
"She's such a little angel," George murmured, his voice filled with awe.
"She takes after her dad," you teased, earning a playful grin from George.
As you waited for your food, you three enjoyed the peaceful moment, the sound of water splashing and children laughing creating a pleasant background.
George shared stories from his racing adventures, his passion and excitement infectious. You found yourself laughing at his stories, feeling incredibly lucky to share these moments with him.
Soon, the waiter returned with a platter of fresh fruit, vibrant and colorful, along with two tall glasses of smoothies. George carefully placed your daughter in her stroller, ensuring she was comfortable, before turning his attention to the delicious spread.
"Cheers to a perfect day," George said, raising his glass.
"To us," you echoed, clinking your glasses together.
As you savored the refreshing smoothies, you fed your daughter small pieces of banana, her tiny mouth opening eagerly for each bite. George captured the moment on his phone, his smile broadening with each adorable expression your daughter made.
"She's a natural in front of the camera," George said proudly. "Just like her mum."
You laughed, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks. "She's definitely got your charm."
The afternoon continued in a blissful haze. You took turns playing with her, dipping her tiny toes into the pool, much to her delight. Her giggles were infectious, drawing smiles from everyone around. George couldn't resist joining in the fun, splashing water gently to make her laugh even more.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the pool area, you all settled back at your table, enjoying a light dinner. George fed your daughter her evening bottle, his patience and tenderness evident in every movement.
You felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing you were building beautiful memories together. You always knew that this man would be your husband and the father of your children.
With your daughter now fast asleep in her stroller, you and George leaned back, watching the stars begin to twinkle in the twilight sky. George took your hand in his, his thumb gently caressing your knuckles.
"Today was perfect," he said softly, his eyes reflecting the same stars you were gazing at.
"Yes, it was," you agreed, your heart full of love.
"I love you, darling" george added softly, the content in his eyes visibly showing.
"I love you" you said softly, giving him a kiss.
As you sat there, hand in hand, you knew that no matter where life took you, moments like these would always be cherished. The laughter, the love, and the simple joy of being together as a family made every day an adventure worth living.
And as the night wrapped its gentle embrace around you, you looked forward to the many more perfect days to come, knowing that with George and your daughter by your side, life would always be an incredible journey.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Scorched Earth.
A Grab Bag For A Very Lovely Anonymous Commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Warrior x Reader.
Word Count: 1.3k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of War/Death, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, and Kidnapping.
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You saw the torchlight hours before he reached your cottage.
Bright and brilliant, a red stain ebbing through the trees and bleeding into the dark sky. The forest was dense, the canopy stifling, yet somehow, the light he and his soldiers carried was awful enough to pierce through it all, to burn away every behind them and fill the open air with thick, choking smoke. You could’ve tried to flee, it wasn’t as if you couldn’t guess what was coming for you, but you didn’t keep a horse, and you knew better than to stave off the inevitable. He’d catch you, no matter how far you ran, no matter how many times you refused him. He’d promised as much, the first time he declared that you’d be his.
Rather than escape, you stayed where you were, perched on the rotting wooden steps leading up to your door and watching the oncoming flare. His scouts, dressed in black and prone to circling your meager home like vultures, reached you before he did, then sergeants, piling in by the dozen, well-armed and jeering and carrying his insignia with a sort of heady arrogance. Finally, he emerged from the growth, surrounded by his lieutenants and mounted on a sleek, grey steed larger than any you’d ever seen before. He was a far cry from how you’d seen him last – his bandages gone, his pitch-black hair grown down to his shoulders, the rags you’d been able to lend him traded out for shining armor clean enough to catch the torchlight and glow scarlet. A great-sword sat at his hip, two more curved blades crossed over his back, but you couldn’t seem to find much joy in his fortune. Not when you’d soon be counted among one of his many, many precious things.
As he dismounted, the movements practiced to the point of thoughtlessness, you rose to meet him, hyper-aware that this would likely be the last time you’d be able to stand on equal ground. “Wren.”
It wasn’t his name. You’d misheard him, the first time you asked; made what you could out of the slurred syllables he’d been able to spit out and never found the time to look back. Even when he started to recover, when he was able to hold onto consciousness for longer than a minute at a time and more than just your clumsy stitching held the jagged cut stretching from his shoulder to his hip shut, he always failed to correct you. His real name – Wyvern, given to him as an unknown orphan after he slayed his namesake and delivered its head to a king who’d let him massacre armies and rampage through the countryside as he pleased – was something you had to learn the day he left, the day he told you who he was and why you’d found him bleeding out in a stream all those months ago. He’d asked you to come with him, back to the castle, and through tears, you’d told him that you wouldn’t have helped him if you’d known you were saving the life of a murderer. He’d tried to kiss you, and you slapped him and told him to get out of your cottage.
It wasn’t his name, but he smiled like it was, taking a step toward you. His soldiers started to close in, but he held up a hand, keeping them at bay. “Beloved.” It was a familiar petname. It used to make you blush, stammer, want to make flower crowns and kick your feet and learn to play some ridiculous stringed instrument. Now, it just made your stomach turn, your vision dim at the edges with rage. “I’m sorry I took so long to return to you. I had to gather a few friends – thought you should meet the future guests of our wedding.”
There was cheer from his soldiers, a flash of a grin from Wren. You stiffened, squaring your shoulders, but he remained unaffected, his expression only softening as you forced yourself to respond. “I meant what I said. I could never love a man with blood on his hands.”
If he heard you over the milling of his soldiers, the crackling of his torches and the distant sounds of the forest’s nightlife, he clearly wasn’t listening. Rather he closed the remaining space between you and him and took you in his arms. Your feet were off the ground in a moment, your chest against his chest in another, being spun idly as he let out a throaty laugh. “God,” he sighed, when he finally came to a stop. The sharp corners of his plated armor dug into your skin at odd angles, and his hold on your waist was tight enough to bruise. You’d had to ask him to be gentle before, to mind his inhuman strength when he touched you, but it was a lesson he just couldn’t seem to take to heart. “I missed the sound of your voice. I’ll have to take you with me on my next campaign - I don’t know if I could stand to leave you at court for all that time.”
“Put me down,” you hissed, hitting his shoulders with as much force as you could manage. He abided you, but didn’t let go of you – just moving his hold from your hips to your hands, taking them in his own before you had time to pull away.
“I couldn’t. I absolutely couldn’t. Most of the knights are absolute bastards, and you’re too sweet – they’d try to take you for themselves in a heartbeat. No, I can’t let you out of my sight for a moment, can I?” He paused, his face lighting up with apparent zeal. “You’ll adore the castle. I’ve already secured a cottage on the edge of the grounds, and you’ll have full reign of the gardens. We won’t have to—”
“Stop.” You attempted to wrench yourself out of his vice-grip, and when that failed, let out a ragged groan, tears already forming in the corners of your eyes. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“That’s not true.” His smile didn’t so much as waver. “You saved my life. You told me that you loved me, and I love you, too. How would either of us ever be happy if we were seperated?”
Something deep in your chest ached. It was impossible to look at him and not picture the countless mornings you’d woken up by his side, the countless days you’d passed teaching him how fish and tend to a garden, the countless nights you’d spent bundled beside a fire sharing stories with a man you thought you’d loved. It was impossible not to think about what he’d done and wish you’d driven that knife into his stomach yourself.
“I can’t love someone like you,” you said, finally, because you couldn’t bear to say anything else. “And I’m not leaving my home.”
At that, you could’ve sworn you saw something register in his dark eyes. He was quiet, his enthusiasm fading, and for a second, you thought he might’ve understood. For a second, you thought he might call away his soldiers, get back on his horse, and leave you to your quiet suffering.
Then, he leaned forward, his lips coming to rest against the top of your head. “Beloved,” his voice was low, stifled your skin. “You don’t have a home. Not without me.”
Abruptly, he pulled away from you, raising a hand and looking toward his soldiers. While you were left in the dark, they knew their signal, surging forward in a chaotic wave of yelling and footsteps. You pressed your form against Wren’s side, clenching your eyes shut and bracing yourself, but there was only a burst of heat, a sudden visible even through your eyelids. Another kiss, this one pressed into your cheek and chased with a soft chuckle.
When you could bring yourself to look, you found not a volley of arrows or a hundred swords all pointed at your neck, but your cottage engulfed in flame, shining golden in the oppressive night. Your shoulders fell, your mouth opening, but you failed to make a sound. Wren wasn’t as stunned, grinning as he pulled you close and pressed his lips into yours, the kiss delicate and tortuous all at once.
“Don’t worry,” he muttered as he pulled away, his tone so soft and so gentle, you could almost tell ignore the blood-soaked cruelty lingering just underneath it.
“The only home you need is with me.”
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kedsandtubesocks · 9 months
give you something to dream about
joel miller x f!reader
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summary: It’s game night at the bar and you stumble upon the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, no outbreak AU, Joel has both of his daughters, ‘strangers at a bar and maybe something more’ scenario with eventual husband!Joel, mentions of drinking, spicy making out session, Joel gets a bit handsy, gendered language / reader is addressed as “baby” & “darlin” light football discussions and terminology, lovesick and possessive!Joel
word count: 4k
a/n: this is my love letter to Joel, his love for football and maybe my own love for Texas football as well lol. To have this as my first fic of the new year and for it being for Joel means so much. To come back and write for the Pedro fandom is special and means so much. Big thank you to my babe @ahauntedcowboy for letting me scream my sports girl head off about this, and for @lowlights for giving me guidance when I needed it. And lastly - thank you for reading, you are what truly makes this so incredibly special and wonderful
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A mixture of bright neon and low soft white lights bathe the bar in a cozy ambient glow. The music is barely audible, a sort of after thought. Instead commotion and the ramble of sports announcers fills the room.
You manage to squeeze through the sea of onlookers dressed in burnt orange. Maria thankfully stays close to you. Now at the bar counter relief floods you as you lean against it.
“Order me a beer, I’m gonna find our table.” Maria yells over the liveliness swirling around.
You give her a thumbs up and thankfully don’t have to wait for the bartender long.
“Like your shirt!”
The bartender’s voice catches you instantly. Bright and direct you blink towards him. He’s cute, young, maybe a grad student from UT Austin who works here.
You can’t help but glance down at what you’re wearing.
Even under your jacket the shirt is comfortably a bit larger on you. The main focus is the old cartoon type logo of Bevo, the Texas Longhorn's mascot. The burnt orange coloring is faded adding to its weathered look.
A warmth flutters through you from just seeing it.
“It’s vintage, cool as hell.” The bartender continues admiring.
“Thanks. Uh, a friend of mine gave it to me.” Thankfully the bartender nods understandingly and doesn’t press the topic more. Instead he soon asks what you’ll be having.
You order Maria’s beer and a drink for yourself.
“So, you a big Texas fan? Well okay, I mean…you gotta be if you’re here.” The bartender, grabbing a drink glass, starts up another conversation with you as his tone becomes playful.
“A lot of people I know and love are. So by default I am too.” You admit with a sleepy grin.
“Aw,” his face melts. “Now that’s sweet. Well glad to have you here cheering for Texas.”
The bartender now even winks at you. You politely laugh but then, the bar erupts silencing the conversation.
Excited yells come so loud you jump out of your skin. Quickly you turn around to view the many tvs and projectors showing the game.
From what you can tell the Texas defense managed to take down the quarterback. You even watch the replay to see what the fuss is about. It was a good tackle and the play kept the other team’s quarterback from even advancing.
The game has you memorized now. You watch as the burnt orange and white uniforms of the players scramble like chaotic ants now trying to rush after the ball was kicked, no, punted to them.
Your lips twitch. You never would’ve thought you knew this much football terminology or could at least follow the game. Yet here you are.
The bartender clears his throat and embarrassingly fast you turn back around.
Not two but three drinks sit before you on the bar counter.
One happens to be a surprise shot that makes your eyes go wide.
“Uh, so the guy at the end of the bar sent it your way.” The bartender explains lowly, trying to be discreet about it.
Your eyes instead whip up to search for the mystery man. Then your heart sprouts wings when you discover him.
Leaning against the bar rail at the very opposed end of where you are, the man seems like something out of a romance novel’s dream.
Ruggedly handsome, his distinguished aged face and striking nose glow against the mixture of neon and dim lighting. It highlights the grays in his beard and gorgeous dark hair. His chocolate eyes bore into you as if you’re the only one in this bar.
His attention on you alone has your knees weak and you wonder maybe you suddenly turned into jello.
Your mystery man lifts his beer up to you, a silent ‘cheers’ and then takes a sip.
Just watching him take a swig of his beer has you dizzy. So you readily snatch up the shot, toast it back to him and down it.
The alcohol burns, but you’re surprised it’s your favorite liquor of choice. You can’t help but cough up wildly and the bartender snickers at your reaction. It’s been too long since you’ve had a shot and you’re thankful to chase the stinging sensation down with your mixed drink.
“Hey!” Maria’s voice calls out and her bright smile greets you as she slides through the packed crowd.
“Hope you didn’t think I forgot about you.” She laughs warmly. She grabs her beer and slides a tip to the bartender.
But then her eyes notice the empty glass.
“Oh? You took a shot without me?” She teases.
You tell her someone bought it for you and her eyebrows fly up fast in eager surprise.
“Oh?” Even her tone is warmly excited. “You get a good look at who your mystery shot buyer is?”
You turn your attention towards the end of the bar, right where he should be. Except your mystery man has vanished.
A bit of disappointment trickles in.
“I did, but guess he took off.” You tell Maria a bit low.
“Well, his loss then. Come on! Let’s head back to our table-”
“S’cuse me…”
A smooth deep and accented drawl, direct and firm enough cuts through the commotion politely cutting in on Maria.
Just as fast, there’s suddenly a deep warmth behind your back. The presence is broad, warm, and smells of the beautiful hint of a sandalwood cologne.
“If you don’t mind, I think I might steal this pretty gem for myself.” The accent seems thicker now and melts off his voice like sin.
He’s talking about you.
Maria smiles wildly entertained while her eyes flicker between you and your mystery man.
Silently you stare back and with pleading eyes you mentally communicate that yes you want to stay, yes it’s okay for her to head back.
“Alrighty then, see you two later.” She says grabbing her beer and gives you one last amused look before heading back to the table.
Your heart races so loud in your ears you don’t even notice the upset yells at a bad call given by the refs.
The voice purrs, absolutely dances against the noise of the bar and beckons to you, your personal siren’s song.
Turning around the shadow of the mystery man falls over you. He stares down with those obsidian pool eyes as his lips turn into a boyish grin.
“I’m Joel. S’nice to meet you.”
You think about all the songs that sing about Texas beauty and how they all must have actually been speaking of this man.
Joel extends his hand out to you and the simple pure southern gentleman introduction has excitement bubbling in you like you’re a champagne bottle about to pop.
Your lips fight back a disbelieved smile as you introduce yourself and shake his hand.
It’s larger than yours, warm and beautifully callous that speaks of hard work. Joel leans closer to you and you can’t help but slide more towards him as well.
“I like your shirt.” His fingers playfully tugs at the bottom edge of your shirt.
“Thanks,” you take a sip of your drink to gain more courage. “A friend of mine let me wear it.”
Joel laughs. It’s warm, touches his face and sounds like it settles in his chest.
“A friend huh?” His voice grows even more amused.
You simply hum a nod as you take another sip of your drink. Your body hums with so many wonderful emotions like a jenga tower trying to hold onto its form on a moving table.
“That friend of yours a boyfriend?” Joel asks, a dark drawl sticky as molasses and trapping you to him.
You can’t help but shake your head no. The taste of your drink momentarily settles you.
“Pretty thing like you single? Ain’t that a shame.” Joel comments with a low rumble and all the ease you had gathered floats away.
Your eyes flicker back to Joel. But your focus goes between his stunning eyes and his lips. You don’t miss the way his eyes gloss over, become hooded with a hazy desire. How much it intensifies his gorgeous features makes your stomach flutter.
The game must have quieted down or maybe you’re just this focused on this man.
He moves to whisper in your ear.
“So…Wanna find a nice quiet spot to chat? Get to know each other better?” His lips softly graze your ear and an electric current runs up your spine.
“Yeah.” You mutter back now tipsy off Joel’s presence.
The moment you agree, Joel’s hand slips towards your waist and draws you to his side. He quickly slams down plenty of bills on the counter to cover for the drinks and tip. Your poor drink and his are forgotten.
Now Joel shifts into a man focused.
Squaring up his shoulders, he stands taller as he takes the lead. His broad shoulders become a guiding force, keeping you close to him. His hand intertwines with yours while he navigates you among the crowds.
His larger hand suddenly squeezes yours, a reassuring pressure that draws you closer to him. Moving through the tables against the crowds, you arrive at the outdoor patio where the early night air clears your mind.
Joel continues guiding you to a smaller area where the bathrooms are outside by the patio. You stand before the family restroom that holds the sweet title of “cowpokes” on it. Opening the door, Joel leads you inside. You take in the slightly larger yet still small rustic bathroom that glows under the murky amber light.
The door locks behind you and you turn around to find Joel staring you down with hunger brewing in his smokey eyes.
That’s all you can focus on before you get caught up in a dizzying whirlwind.
Hastily Joel rushes forward to pin you against the wall. His body firm and large presses so deliciously against you. Before your eyes can even soak in the close sight of him, he sweeps in and kiss you with a ravenous fierceness that steals your breath.
He quickly consumes you.
Joel faintly tastes of beer and something intoxicatingly uniquely him. While his hand moves to hold your face, his tongue licks into your mouth, diving in, almost trying to get drunk off you. You can’t help but draw him closer to you as much as you can. You want your nails to dig into him the same way he’s burning under your skin and seeping into your core
His hips begin to grind against you with an eased pace and you moan into his mouth. You want more, need more.
“Oh baby.” Joel groans out and sounds like sticky delicious sin.
Suddenly the loudest cheers leak into the bathroom.
So fierce in their excitement it echos into the room and freezes you and Joel immediately.
He sighs against your lips.
“We must‘ve scored.” Joel mutters.
“Are you upset you didn’t see it?” You ask gently and kiss his lips soft as the heat begins to settle.
“Nah. I’m aimin’ to score here myself.” He grins and the line has you laughing. Your face goes to rest against his as you continue to snicker. The prickle of his beard gently scratching against your skin feels wonderful.
“Darlin’ you’re killin’ me. I wanted to sound slick.” Joel sighs again, sounding deflated now.
“You did...sort of.” You smile.
“Forgive me,” He smirks and turns to press another soft kiss against your lips. “Been outta practice for a while.”
“You aren’t too bad, cowboy. You managed to get me in here.” You hum amused while your fingers run against his jaw, through his scruffy wonderful beard.
Joel chuckles and it dances within his chest, resonating through him.
“You’re the only one I want in here.” He mutters.
You and him share a few more soft slow eased kisses that are rushed, almost shy now.
With one last kiss, a deeply melting one that now makes you ache to keep him here, Joel pulls away. You hold yourself back from pouting.
But, you’re now rewarded with the sight of Joel fully before you. The dim amber light paints him like something pulled from a sunset dream, an aged handsome man so sweet with his furrowed concentrated eyes.
You watch Joel pat around his jean pockets and suddenly your eyes go wide.
“Joel Miller if you lost them-”
“Calm down!” He huffs cutting you off while he rapidly digs into his deep jeans pocket. He yanks something out in his grasp.
He smoothly slides closer back to you and holds out his palm where two wedding rings sit waiting.
His and yours.
Your heart melts out of your chest seeing them and your ring finger itches for its missing piece. You grab Joel’s ring, leaving him yours and move to slide his back onto his hand.
In the same manner, Joel slides your wedding band back onto its rightful place. The memory of when you did this at your actual wedding faintly flutters in and settles warm in your heart’s chamber.
Joel draws your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles.
This man, your husband - you yank him towards you again to kiss him.
It’s a kiss that’s like coming home, of sweetness and cultivated bliss reuniting together again.
“Wanna see that bartender try flirtin’ with ya now with that ring on your finger.” Your grumpy husband grumbles adorably.
You bark a laugh. “Oh please, he was being nice for the tip and you know it.”
“Uh huh.” Joel dryly huffs as he stares at you unamused.
“Hey he was nice. He even liked my shirt.” You reply back.
“My shirt.” Joel clarifies strongly. “That’s my shirt.”
You roll your eyes playful.
He is right though. The shirt is his. Your husband is a superstitious football fan. And ever since you wore his shirt and Texas won, Joel used his beautiful brown eyes as weapons to get you to wear his shirt every game since then.
“Come on, curious to see what the score is.” With one last sweet kiss, Joel leads you back out into the evening air.
Hand in hand with him, you find your way to Tommy and Maria. Both of them brighten up at the sight of you and Joel.
“Hey! Look at that! You’re a married man again!” Tommy cries happily and you laugh. Joel, after sliding your chair in for you, rolls his eyes now while you and Maria snicker to each other.
“Bet it was fun while it lasted.” Maria grins.
“Eh.” You shrug but the truth tugs at your lips amused.
A few nights ago, when you and Joel had come up with this idea of going to the bar without the rings, pretending to not know each other, you worried for a split moment that you’d enjoy the freedom.
You worried you would realize how much you missed and enjoyed the playful banter, the flirting and pull that comes with being single. But instead you simply found your way back to Joel.
The excitement of seeing him, of having that same sensation rush through you like it did when you first met him, was nostalgically addictive for a moment.
However, you instead soak in the comfort of sitting beside Joel because it feels like coming home. While being single for another moment again was fun, you want to find Joel in every lifetime, find him as your husband in every universe.
The bar suddenly breaks into wild excitement. Joel as well cheers so loud. You turn to the game and find Texas intercepted a pass.
Now you go to check your phone and find both your daughters thankfully are doing fine. Sarah even sent you a photo text of her and Ellie at the classmate’s birthday party they’re both at. There’s a lightness that settles into your bones seeing them and having their father, your husband, beside you.
Joel and Tommy, as if they’re ESPN announcers in deep analysis, dive back into how Texas needs to sharpen up their offensive line. It’s adorable. It makes you fall in love even more with him.
Maria goes to ask Tommy something about the game and Joel leans towards you.
“You happy to be married again?” His voice drops soft and low. You catch the hint of true curiosity and almost hesitation residing under his tone.
“Of course. It’s my luckiest day all over again.” You truthfully tell him with a warm grin.
“Yeah?” He mutters tenderly as his eyes flicker to your lips again. “Make sure you share some of that luck with the team alright?”
You playfully nudge his arm and Joel smirks. You love him like this, light and teasing.
Joel drops a kiss to the side of your head.
“Don’t worry baby, this is my lucky day too. Goin’ home with the most gorgeous person here and I’m married to her.”
You could say the same thing. You’re leaving with the most handsome man and knowing you’re married to him? You feel honored, proud, and grateful.
Even when he starts yelling at the quarterback as if the poor guy can hear him.
“I could throw a better pass than that!” He argues upset.
You’re not as big of a fan as Joel, but Texas holds a place in your heart forever. It intertwined you and him in its own unique way.
Back when you were dating Joel patiently explained the game, so gently spoke to you without any judgment when you asked questions you were sure would make any other seasoned fan mock you or get annoyed. But not your Joel.
The first big moment you met Ellie and Sarah it was over at his place during a Texas game.
You experienced how wildly invested Ellie got, just like Joel, and how amused Sarah got seeing her dad and sister scream at the tv. From that point - all the days, the games, laughs and moments cultivated into a path that has led you to this moment, to this bar.
And now, here you are.
You love Joel’s love for the game, for the sport. You love how it’s connected you to him.
“Honey, you okay?” The voice of your husband pulls you from your thoughts, like a call home.
You turn to find Joel intently looking at you, your sweetheart provider. You can’t help but grin and nod.
“Yup, just thinking about the handsome stranger I met earlier. Hope he asks for my number.” You tell him.
Joel breaks into a chuckle that touches his earth eyes.
“Between you and me, he’d be a fool if he didn’t.” His hand now slides to yours, his thumb even begins to twist and fiddle with your wedding ring, a sweet habit of his.
You snort amused at how effortlessly he can play along with you.
Before you can tease him again or even wander back into your thoughts, the crowd roars to life with shouts. All eyes including yours snap to the game.
Texas just intercepted the ball and the play breathes life into the bar, into your husband who claps loud and proud.
It’s a great energy to see the end of the second quarter and the start of the halftime.
Suddenly, Joel’s hand begins softly trailing against your thigh. Warm and almost eased, the slow movement ignites a blooming desire in your chest.
Joel easily laughs with Tommy about the game. His eyes stay on his brother. Yet Joel’s hand slides now confidently deeper into the inside of your thigh. Your throat tightens and heat now begins to soak between your thighs, almost daring him to touch you.
Then a collection of happy cheers burst in the bar and steals all the attention.
All the tables nearby including yours turn to find a group of ladies. One of them currently grabs the cowboy hat off a taller man who grins so warmly down at her. She laughs loudly after doing what had to have been a wild shot.
The guy orders her, and her friends, another round causing them to squeal loud and excited again. Maria leans back to talk to Tommy and so you too lean closer to your own husband.
“Maybe I should pretend to be single again.” You tell Joel. “To see if I’ll get free shots and attention like that.”
Not that you’d want any of that. You just enjoy teasing your sweet grumpy husband from time to time.
“Nope.” Joel says with an unwavering sharpness. “You ain’t going anywhere without that ring Mrs. Miller.”
His words are rather light, almost playful, but you catch the underlying possessive simmering. It ignites an even stronger warmth beneath your skin.
“And who says you don’t get free shots? I’ll buy you as many as ya want.” Joel adds and his clipped almost ruffled voice has you laughing.
But as you settle, your thoughts wander. The smell of Joel so close, the mixture of his faint cologne and the detergent you use to wash his clothes, brings back the sensation of having that smell surround you when you were in the restroom with him.
It makes you ache.
Your hand now softly wanders to rub his warm broad chest. A low rumble comes from him, an awareness of your presence as you drape against him now. Maria and Tommy thankfully have begun to make fast friends with the couple sitting beside your table.
Your face leans to rest against Joel’s and the slick honey like desire you felt earlier creeps over you once more. It urges you to be bold.
“Wanna go mess around before halftime is over?” You offer soft and low, only for his ears.
Joel peers over to you, his eyes now smoldering coals.
“You wanna?” He mutters back.
Your answer comes as a soft kiss you place against his cheek. However, your hand now begins to slide up his thigh just like he did to you earlier.
Joel loudly clears his throat and sits up fast which untangles you from him. Immediately he yanks out his wallet to slam his card on the table.
Tommy and Maria now blink back at the sudden action.
“Order anything y'all want. We gotta grab somethin’ from the truck.” Joel lies effortlessly.
But Maria knows as she grins knowingly while embarrassment instead rises in you.
And apparently her husband isn’t as easily fooled either.
“Yeah yeah! Get outta here ya horn dogs!”
Joel barks a sharp ‘hey!’ at his younger brother’s crudeness while you can only laugh against him. Tommy simply makes obnoxious kissy faces while Maria snickers besides him. Unable to endure anymore teasing Joel playfully calls Tommy a piece of shit and with that you wave a quick and thankful to Tommy and Maria.
Joel once again leads the way to the entrance.
The two of you now stay stuck together closer than earlier. An almost giddy frenzy now keeps you both hyper aware of the other. His hands keep you so firmly close to him.
The giddiness you had earlier while pretending to be single with Joel is nothing compared to this. This feeling swirling in you comes from knowing you get to sneak away with your husband. It has you floating, only tied to this world by Joel keeping you steady and protected.
Around you, small chatter about the game hangs in the air.
Texas might not win. But as you slide closer to Joel, a unique shade of triumph washes over you.
Your good man, your wonderful husband.
He is your victory and champion.
Your victory lap and your welcome home party all at once.
And when he kisses you wildly against the side of his truck…you think he might also be your sneaky devilish opponent as his hand already starts to slip under your, no his shirt.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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rynwritesreid · 9 months
You & Me| Spencer Reid
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Request: I would love to have a fluffy smut about Spencer's and my first Anniversary together.
Summary: It’s yours and Spencer’s first anniversary, and you spend the whole day celebrating.
Content: GN (not mentioned gender) but AFAB reader. Tooth rooting fluff. Smut. Oral (reader receiving). P in V. No contraception mentioned. 18+
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The soft morning sunlight streamed through the curtains casting a warm glow over the room where you and Spencer lay entwined in each other’s arms. Spencer, like always, had found it difficult to fall and then stay asleep, but today it was for an entirely different reason than just his usual his insomnia. He was excited, he felt like a kid on Christmas eve.
As you started to wake up, you were greeted with the inviting aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you turned to find Spencer, dressed in his signature cardigan and a hint of a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Spencer greeted, his voice carrying a tender warmth.
You couldn’t help but smile in return, “Good morning, Spencer. What’s all of this.”
Spencer motioned toward the tray he had set up on the bedside table. “Happy anniversary,” he said, his eyes sparkling with affection.
“Spencer, you didn’t have to do all of this,” your heart swelling with love for this thoughtful gesture.
"But I wanted to," Spencer replied, his smile widening. "It's our special day, and I wanted to make it memorable."
You sat up in bed, the covers pooling around your waist, and admired the spread before you. The tray was adorned with an assortment of freshly baked pastries, a steaming pot of coffee, and a vase filled with your favourite flowers. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes about the love and care Spencer had for you.
"I can't believe it's been a year already," you murmured, feeling a rush of emotions welling up inside you. Memories of laughter, shared dreams, and countless stolen kisses flooded your mind. Time had flown by so quickly, yet every moment had been etched into your heart.
Spencer moved closer; his warm gaze fixed on you as he reached for your hand. "This year has been the best of my life," he confessed softly. "You've brought so much joy and light into my world, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears welled in your eyes as his words washed over you, filling you with a profound sense of warmth and contentment. You squeezed his hand gently, feeling the weight of your love for him in that simple gesture.
"And you've done the same for me," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion. "You've shown me what it means to be truly loved, and I am grateful every single day for you."
Spencer leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss, sealing the silent promises that lingered between you both.
The kiss spoke volumes, conveying all the unspoken emotions and desires that had built up over the past year. It was a culmination of love, trust, and shared experiences. As the warm embrace deepened, you could feel your heart race, matching the rhythm of Spencer's breath against your lips.
“Spencer, I was going to wait till this evening to show my gift, but I can’t now.”
Spencer pulled away slightly, his eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it? I can't wait to see," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
With a mischievous grin, you reached under the bed and retrieved a small, wrapped box. Handing it to Spencer, you watched as he eagerly tore through the paper, uncovering a beautifully crafted leather-bound journal.
Spencer's eyes widened in surprise and awe as he ran his fingers over the intricate detailing on the cover. "Oh wow, it's stunning," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "But why couldn't you wait?"
You chuckled softly, tracing circles on his arm with your fingertips. "Because, handsome, inside that journal are pages filled with all the words I could never say out loud. It's a collection of letters, thoughts, and memories that I've been writing to you throughout the year."
Spencer's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "You mean... you've been writing to me this whole time?"
You nodded, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Yes, every time something significant happened, every time I wanted to express my love or share my thoughts with you, I wrote it down in that journal. It's a way for me to show you just how deeply I feel for you, even when I struggle to find the right words."
Spencer's gaze never left the journal, his fingers tracing the embossed designs on the cover. "I can't believe you've done this," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
You leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Spencer's cheek. "It's just a small token of my love for you," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. "I hope it brings you as much joy as you bring me every single day."
Spencer turned to you, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you," he breathed, his voice catching with emotion. "This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received."
You smiled, feeling a surge of happiness wash over you. Seeing Spencer's reaction filled your heart with a sense of fulfilment and reassurance. It was moments like these that reinforced the deep connection you shared, reminding you of the strength and beauty of your love.
The rest of day you spent cuddled up with Spencer, watching your favourite films, eating the rest of the food he had cooked, and just basking in the love you both had for each other. You couldn’t believe that you had been dating this man for a year, he was truly and utterly perfect in every way.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow through the curtains, you found yourself lost in thoughts of how fortunate you were to have Spencer by your side. The year had been filled with countless moments of joy, laughter, and growth, all woven together by the threads of your love.
You leaned into Spencer's side, his arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulders as you both watched the colours dance across the sky. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, a testament to the deep connection you shared. Words seemed unnecessary in moments like these, where every touch and glance spoke volumes.
"I can't believe how lucky I am," Spencer murmured, breaking the silence. "To have found someone who understands me so completely."
He turned towards, his free arm lifting up your chin lightly as he looked into your eyes. His gaze held a mixture of adoration and vulnerability, baring his soul to you in that very moment. You felt your heart skip a beat as his thumb brushed gently against your cheek.
You didn’t have a chance to speak before Spencer’s lips met yours in a tender and passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you in that moment. His lips moved against yours with a delicate fervour, conveying all the love and intensity that words could never capture.
You didn’t want this kiss to end, you wanted to savour every second, every touch, every taste. As the kiss deepened, your hands instinctively reached up to cradle Spencer's face, pulling him closer and losing yourself in the intoxicating passion that surged between you.
The room around you vanished, replaced by a realm where only the two of you existed. It was a world where time ceased to exist, and everything was distilled into this singular moment of pure connection and love. The outside world could wait – there was nothing more important than the embrace you shared.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” Spencer's voice was barely a whisper against your lips, his words sending shivers down your spine. The intensity of his gaze made your heart flutter, as if you were the only person in the universe deserving of such adoration.
You smiled, feeling a surge of warmth and love wash over you. "And you, Spencer, are the most incredible person I've ever known," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. "You bring so much light into my life, and I am forever grateful for you."
Spencer's eyes shimmered with emotion as he held you closer, his touch grounding you in the present moment. "I will spend the rest of my life cherishing and loving you," he vowed softly, his words laced with determination.
His lips once again met yours in a gentle, reassuring kiss. The taste of his love lingered on your lips, as if imprinting itself in your very soul.
Spencer’s hands started roaming your body, tracing the curves and lines that he knew so well. He felt the familiar warmth and comfort that came with being close to you, with knowing that you loved him just as deeply as he loved you.
You leaned back slightly, your eyes locking with his as he continued to explore your body with gentle touches.
As his lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses in their wake, you let out a small gasp, your fingers tangling in his hair.
"Spencer," you breathed, the desire to return his affection growing stronger with every passing moment.
With a wicked grin, Spencer lowered his gaze to your lips once more. "Don't worry, Y/N. I've got all night," he promised, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine.
You returned his grin, your eyes locked with his as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the toned chest that you've grown to adore. Your fingers traced the lines of his abs, feeling the muscles flex under your touch.
He removed your shirt as well, revealing your own toned body to him. His eyes raked over your form, drinking in every detail, sending a jolt of desire coursing through you.
He lowered his head to your neck, his tongue tracing the line of your jaw, down to your collarbone. Your breath hitched as he continued his path, his lips moving to your chest.
You arched your back, your fingers threading through his hair as he continued his exploration. He kissed below your breasts, his hand wandering down your stomach and pausing just above your waistband. You could feel his touch through the fabric, and your heart raced with anticipation.
His fingers brushed against the sensitive skin just below your waistband, causing a shiver to run down your spine. He hooked his fingers into your pants, slowly pulling them down your slender hips, revealing your skin to him.
His eyes widened, taking in your bare skin, the sight of your desire for him evident. Your breath hitched as he continued to look at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and awe. His lips met the bare skin of your stomach, a soft kiss leaving a trail of warmth on your skin.
You let out a soft sigh, your eyes never leaving his as he continued his journey down your body, his touch sending shivers of desire coursing through you. His slow, deliberate movements spoke volumes about the intimacy and care he had for you.
You could feel every part of your body coming alive, your skin tingling with anticipation as his lips trailed further down, his fingers leaving your waistband and exploring the sensitive skin just above your waistband.
Your breath hitched as he slowly pulled down your pants, revealing your most intimate parts to him. You felt a mixture of vulnerability and excitement, knowing that he would be discovering the most intimate part of you.
He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and reverence. You could see the love and care he had for you reflected in his gaze, making your heart skip a beat.
"I can't believe how much I want you right now," you breathed, your eyes locked with his as he continued to explore your body with gentle touches.
His eyes met yours, filled with a hunger and desire that mirrored your own. "I am yours, and you are mine, Y/N. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with you."
He lowered his lips to your stomach, his tongue tracing the line of your hip bone. You arched your back, your fingers threading through his hair as you let out a soft moan.
His lips continued down, kissing, and nibbling at your inner thighs, causing your breath to hitch in anticipation.  Your heart raced with anticipation as his lips brushed against your inner thigh, his tongue tracing the soft skin there.
As his lips continued to move lower, your breath hitched, and your fingers tightening in his hair. His touch was gentle yet insistent, leaving no denial for the surging desire growing in you.
Your heart raced as his lips finally brushed against your clit, and you felt a rush of warmth between your legs. You cried out softly, your body arching into his embrace.
"Oh, Spencer," you gasped, your head falling back in pleasure as his tongue skilfully explored your most sensitive spots. His fingers moved in rhythm with his lips, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
You could feel your arousal building, your breath catching in your throat as the intensity of the sensations increased. Your fingers clenched in Spencer's hair, pulling him closer, urging him on, wanting him to continue.
Spencer's tongue danced across your clit, the intensity of his touch sending shivers up your spine. Your body trembled, your breathing shallow and ragged, as you felt yourself slowly sliding towards the edge.
You could feel the pleasure building within you, an electric current that started in your core and spread throughout your entire being. Your body shook, writhing beneath his touch, as the anticipation of your climax grew stronger with each passing second.
Spencer's fingers continued their rhythmic dance, his tongue working in harmony with his fingers, as if they were a perfectly synchronised duo crafted to bring you to the highest of heights. Your cries of pleasure filled the room, ringing out in the air like a song only the two of you could sing together.
He pulled away though, “I don’t think you know how badly I want to be inside you right now Y/N.” His voice was a low growl in your ear, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the desire pulsating through you, matching his every move. You whimpered softly, feeling your need for him grow stronger with every passing moment.
"I don't want you to wait any longer, Spencer," you whispered, your voice trembling with need. You could feel your body pulsating with anticipation, aching to be filled by him.
His gaze locked with yours, his eyes filled with a burning desire that mirrored your own. "Then let me give you what you want, Y/N," he promised, his voice a low rumble that made your skin tingle.
He positioned himself over you, his eyes never leaving yours as he guided himself inside your body. Your breath hitched, feeling the pressure building up, the anticipation of the moment causing your heart to race. He entered you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours as he filled you completely. You gasped, your body trembling with pleasure, your heart pounding with excitement.
"Spencer," you whispered, your breath catching as he began to move inside you. His movements were slow and deliberate, his body pressing against yours, his hips moving in perfect rhythm. You could feel his desire for you in every thrust, every touch, every kiss.
He deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, his hands running over your body, leaving trails of fire in their wake. Your heart raced with passion, your body responding to his every touch, every movement.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his eyes filled with a love and desire that couldn't be denied. You felt it too, the love you had for him, the need to be with him, the need to be one with him.
"I love you too, Spencer," you murmured, your voice catching in your throat as he began to move faster, his rhythm increasing, his body pressing against yours, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your veins.
Your breath hitched, your body arching into his, responding to his every touch, every movement, matching his every thrust, his every kiss. The pleasure built, the anticipation grew, the desire intensified, and you could feel yourself sliding towards a peak that would leave you breathless.
You felt as though you were flying, as if you were in another world completely. Every touch, every kiss, every movement felt like a new discovery, a new adventure. It was as if you were experiencing a new kind of love, a new kind of connection, that you'd never felt before.
As his thrusts grew more frenzied, so did your breaths, growing shallow and quick. You could feel the pleasure building within you, an electric current that started in your core and spread throughout your entire being. Your body shook, writhing beneath his touch, as the anticipation of your climax grew stronger with each passing second.
And then it hit you. It was like a tidal wave of pleasure, crashing over you like the ocean waves at the shore. Your body trembled, your breathing shallow and ragged, as you felt the pleasure building within you.
He increased his tempo, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you closer, his lips never leaving yours. You felt as though you were floating, every touch, every movement, every kiss sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins.
And then you felt it. Your body shuddered, and your breath hitched, as you were swept up in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever. Your cries of pleasure filled the room, and you could feel your body spasming, shaking in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced.
Spencer's body trembled alongside yours, his eyes locked on yours, as he groaned out his own pleasure. His thrusts slowed, and he pulled away, collapsing onto your chest, his heart pounding in sync with yours.
You lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, your bodies still shaking with the remnants of your orgasm. You could feel the love and care he had for you, reflected in his eyes and in the way he held you.
"I love you so much," you whispered, your voice soft and filled with emotion.
"I love you more," he whispered back, his voice hoarse from the passion of the moment.
~join the taglist~
@iluvreid @nomajdetective @drspencieee@katieeeee314@evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @krokietino @xohoneybun @spencerreidwifeee @purplepistachi0 @pleasantwitchgarden @bitchassbecky691 @piperb400@queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @topguncultleader @luvpiercethekaty@anna-belle-xd @catsareawesomek @drreidsfavwhxre @oureternalbond@beth-gallagher22 @keiva1000 @k3nzxx@lookingforgodintheclouds @firstunmannedflyingdeskset @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @r-3dlips @keiva1000 @peppersapro @just-a-harmless-patato @spenxerslut @skulliecadaver-blog
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mopopshop · 4 months
Embrace (DT x OC!Reader)
based off this request <-
i love this sm guys and i hope y’all do too so please enjoy 🙏🏾🙏🏾
give feedback if you feel like it!
You’ve always been more comfortable in the background. Even at UConn, where you met Diana, you preferred watching from the stands rather than being the center of attention. What you didn’t expect was catching the eye of the star player, much less marrying her and starting a family. 
Now, years later, as you stand outside the Footprint Center with your daughters, Aria and Jaylen, you can’t help but reflect on how far you’ve all come. Aria, the older of the two at six, is bouncing on her toes, her excitement palpable. Jaylen, at just two, is perched upon your hip. 
To support your wife you obviously come dressed in DT merchandise, you and your daughters came matching in Diana’s jersey with Jaylen wearing that and a tool skirt in Phoenix Mercury colors. 
"Mommy, mommy, can we get popcorn?" Aria asks, tugging at your sleeve.
“Yeah, yeah, baby hold on, we needa find our seats first” you grin.
The arena is alive with energy, fans buzzing in anticipation of another legendary Diana Taurasi performance. You lead your daughters through the throng, finally finding your seats close to the court. You’ve always had good seats—one of the perks of being with D.
As the game begins, you watch Diana with a mix of pride and awe. She’s as fierce as ever, commanding the court with her presence, making impossible shots look effortless. Aria and Jaylen cheer loudly, their voices joining the chorus of fans.
"Mama is the best!" Aria exclaims, her eyes shining. "Do you think she’ll win tonight, Mommy?"
"You already know baby," you say, squeezing her shoulder. 
During a timeout, Diana glances toward you and the girls, a smile playing on her lips. You wave, and she blows a small kiss, her eyes filled with love.
Then, when it comes to halftime, she finds time to sneak from the locker room to come see you. Diana approaches, her face lighting up as she spots you and the girls.
"How are my girls" she says, a grin spreading across her face as she kneels down to scoop Aria from the floor then plucking Jaylen from your arms. "You having fun?"
Aria nods vigorously. "Yes, Mama! You're doing awesome!"
Jaylen giggles and reaches out to Diana, pulling on her lips and cheeks. "That's my little cheerleader," she says, her voice warm and affectionate.
You smile at the sight, feeling your heart swell with love. "You’re killing it out there, D," you say. "We’re so proud of you."
Diana puts the girls down and pulls you into a quick hug, wrapping her sweaty arms around your waist. "Thanks, baby. You know i’m gonna show out when I got y’all here" She glances back at the tunnel that leads to the locker room and sighs. "I have to get back, but I'll see you after the game, ‘kay?"
"Go get 'em, babe" you say, giving her a reassuring smile.
She gives you a quick kiss and hugs Aria and Jaylen one last time before heading back to the locker room. As she disappears down the tunnel, you settle back into your seat, feeling a rush of pride and excitement.
The second half of the game is just as thrilling. Diana's energy is electric, and she continues to dominate the court. Aria’s on her feet cheering louder than ever and Jaylen’s perched on your lap cooing at the sight of her mom. You join them, your voice hoarse from shouting encouragement.
When the final buzzer sounds, the Mercury emerge victorious. The crowd roars, and your daughters are ecstatic, jumping up and down in pure joy.
"Mama won! Mama won!" Aria shouts, her face glowing with excitement.
You make your way down to the court once more, the sea of fans parting as they recognize Diana's family. She meets you with open arms, pulling all of you into a tight embrace.
"You did so good, D!" you say, kissing her cheek.
"Couldn't have done it without my biggest fans," she replies, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
Diana looks down at Aria and Jaylen with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Y’all wanna sit with me for my interview?" she asks.
Aria's eyes widen with excitement. "Can we, Mommy? Please?"
You chuckle and nod. "Of course. Go show them how it's done."
Diana leads you all to the interview area. The reporters are already assembled, and their faces light up when they see Diana with her family. She lifts Aria onto the panel chair next to her and sits Jaylen on her lap, while you stand nearby, watching with pride.
The interviewer smiles warmly. "Diana, another incredible game. How do you do it?"
Diana grins, glancing at Aria and Jaylen. "Well, having these two cheering me on from the stands definitely helps," she says, her voice filled with affection. "And my amazing wife, who’s always been my rock. I couldn't do any of this without her."
Aria grabs the microphone, her small hand dwarfed by it. "Mama is the best player ever!" she declares confidently, drawing laughs from the crowd.
Jaylen babbles happily, patting Diana's cheek, and Diana kisses her forehead. "They're my motivation, my inspiration," Diana continues. "Every time I step on the court, I play for them. For our family."
The interviewer smiles, clearly charmed by the scene. "We noticed you glancing over at your family several times during the game. How important is it for you to have them here supporting you?"
Diana smiles, enjoying speaking about you and the kids “It's everything. Seeing my… insanely gorgeous, selfless, intelligent wife Elyse” she gushes, taking a moment to brag about you “and the girls in the stands reminds me why I play. They’re my biggest cheerleaders, and their support means the world to me. It helps me stay focused and gives me that extra push when the game gets tough.
Another interviewer raises their hand for a question “Aria and Jaylen seem to be quite the little fans. Do they understand the significance of what you do on the court?"
"Aria is starting to get it.” Diana chuckles “She knows when Mama is doing well and gets really excited. Jaylen is a bit young, but she loves the energy and the cheering. It’s great to have them involved and to see their faces light up."
“How do you balance your career with family life? It must be challenging."
"It definitely is… but we make it work. Elyse is incredible—she holds everything together when I’m on the road or training. We have a great support system and we make sure to prioritize family time whenever we can. It’s all about finding that— that balance and making the most of our moments together."
"Lastly what’s next for you, Diana? Any big plans or goals you’re looking forward to?"
“Um.. Sleep honestly” she jokes "Yeah but nah, nah, we have some big games coming up, and I’m focused on staying in shape. Off the court, it’s just about spending time with Elyse and the girls, and maybe squeezing in a family vacation if we can. Like I said It’s all about balance and enjoying every moment." Diana grins as she finishes.
After the interview, you and the girls head back home, Diana's hand firmly in yours. The girls fall asleep in the car, exhausted from the excitement, and you share a quiet moment with Diana, both of you basking in the glow of the evening's events.
Once home, you tuck the girls into bed and join Diana on the couch. She leans into you, her head resting on your shoulder.
"Thank you for being here tonight," she says softly. "For everything."
You press a kiss to her forehead. "Always, D. I’ll always be here."
You sit in comfortable silence for a bit before Diana opens her mouth again. 
“I know you have to say I played well cause we’re married and shit but.. you can’t lie I was kinda fly out there tonight” she cackles
You scoff, shoving her playfully “Shut up! You sound so old, nobody says ‘fly’ anymore dumbass”
“Old where?!! I’m three years older than you”
“Like I said— Old!”
She groans, laughing and shoving her face into your neck. You both fall back into the couch in a fit of giggles and hearts full of love. 
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tpwk-formula1 · 8 days
Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria
It’s time to custom-make your Pizza (fic)!!
Here at Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria, you can order whatever you like with as many toppings as you would enjoy!
Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria will be closed from October 1st - October 15th so I can catch up on all of your orders (right around 25+ currently) as well as make sure all of kinktober gets done on time! At 12pm PST I will open requests back up on the 15th.
Pick 1 or more! I do poly fics! (Only written a couple so far so they might be a bit rough to begin)
Lando Norris
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Oscar Piastri
Carlos Sainz
Lewis Hamilton
George Russell
Fernando Alonso
Alex Albon
Daniel Ricciardo
Pierre Gasly
Ollie Bearman
Franco Colapinto
Logan Sargeant
Jack Doohan
Liam Lawson
Kimi Antonelli
Dino Beganovic
Toto Wolff
Seb Vettel
Pizza Crust
At Lee-Lee's we understand that all great pizzas start with a great crust just like how fics start with a great trope! Pick 1
Thin Crust - Brother's best friend
Thick Crust - Sugar Daddy
Cauliflower Crust - Sunshine x Grumpy
Gluten-Free - Enemies to lovers/ Rivals
Deep Dish - Teammates to lovers
Sicilian Crust - Dating or hooking up
Pizza Sauce
Here at Lee-Lee's our sauce is the overall vibe of the fic! Pick 1
Red Sauce - Rough Sex
Alfredo Sauce - Sweet Sex
Pizza Toppings
Pick 1 or more
Pepperoni - "Be a good girl, and you'll get what you want"
Sausage - "Better not waste a drop"
Olives - "Swallow every last bit. NOW!"
Jalapenos - "Always such a fucking brat"
Onions - "I saw you being a little slut"
Green Peppers - "I'm gonna have that ass glowing red by the time I'm done with you"
Tomatoes - "Do you enjoy pissing me off?"
Mushrooms - "Wrong, wanna try again"
Salami - "Such a little cum slut"
Chicken - "Awe, you thought I'd let you cum that easy?"
Basil - "I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy"
Garlic - "I know you love it when I fill that pretty pussy with my cum"
Cilantro - "Stop crying and fucking take it"
Roasted Peppers - "Such a good whore"
Artichokes - "Imagine your father saw you now. On your knees like a proper trained slut for me to use"
Bacon - "What would your brother think if he caught us"
Banana Peppers - "Look so pretty riding my cock"
Ham - "You're so infuriating. Walking around like you own the place and then come back to my room to get fucked properly"
Buffalo Chicken - "Such a fucking crybaby, just fucking take it all"
Spinach - "Awe I love to know I stretched you out just enough to take all my cock"
Pineapple - "Look so pretty wrapped around my cock"
Arugula - "I love stretching this pussy out"
Broccoli - "Made just for me huh?"
Gorgonzola cheese - "Are you always this fucking loud?"
Parmesan cheese - "Awe... did that hurt? Tuff luck I'm gonna do it again"
Mozzarella- “All you ever do is bitch and complain, just fucking take it”
Feta cheese - “God, I love watching your makeup get ruined”
Cheddar cheese - “cumming for me already? Such a meedy slut”
Roasted Mushrooms - “Fucking you so good you I can see myself in your tummy”
Roasted Artichokes - “im gonna put a baby in you”
Gouda cheese - “Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl”
Red peppers - “No. Go change”
BBQ Chicken - “Gonna let me cum in you? I know you wanna have my baby”
Canadian bacon - "Do you need an attitude adjustment"
Meatballs - "Why do you always have to complain?"
Chorizo - "Alright, you spent my money. You know what to do now"
Pulled pork - "God, I love when I fuck the attitude out of you"
Egg - "My favorite slut"
Prosciutto - "I love making this pretty pussy squirt"
Anchovies - "How are you already drenched"
Sweet Onions - "Are you done complaining?"
Cherry Tomatoes - "I can't wait to watch you swell with my babies"
Sun-dried tomatoes - "Gonna look so pretty pregnant"
Provolone - "Always look best with a face covered in my cum"
Ricotta - "I love your voice but it's always my favorite when you're moaning my name"
Goat cheese - "Look so pretty like this"
Buratta - "How many was that? three... I think you can give me another"
Fontina - "wipe that fucking smirk off your face"
Pepper jack. - "If you wanna be a whore go back to his place then"
Colby Jack - "If you keep running that mouth you're not gonna cum tonight"
Romano - "You're the biggest disappointment me to your family. You're a whore and now you're a fucking liar"
Kielbasa - "A preschooler is better behaved than you are"
Kale - "I love knowing I ruined you so good you can only cum when I make you"
Eggplant - "Are you sure you want me to take it baby?"
Shrimp - "I'll be gentle"
Turkey sausage - "Only the best for my girl"
Pancetta - "Your father always finds a way to piss me off"
Roasted asparagus - "Stop trying to get away. Just be a good girl and take it"
Shallots - "I love marking you up. Let everyone know I own you"
Oregano - "Please, let me cum in you"
Drink Time
Every great pizza comes with a drink! Just like every great fic comes with kink/s! Pick 1 or more
Beer - Edging/ orgasm denial
Coke - Spanking
Sprite - Size Kink
Dr Pepper - Dirty Talk
Root beer - Daddy Kink
Sweet tea - Dumbification
Lemonade - Body Worship (Reader giving or receiving)
Pink lemonade - Degrading Kink
Diet Coke - Recording Kink
Pepsi - Oral Kink
Diet Pepsi - Biting
Sparkling Water - Spitting
Red bull - Hickeys
Mt. Dew - Dom/ Sub (Is reader a dom or sub?)
Water - Breeding Kink
Wine - Free Use Kink
Black Tea - Choking
Green Tea - Doggy Position
Boba - Anal
Strawberry Smoothie - Bondage
Apple Juice - Pain Kink
Slushie - Safe word used
Sun Tea - Sir kink
White Claw - Crying
Truly - Belly Bulge
Mango Smoothie - Baby trapping
Orange juice - morning sex
Vodka soda - Somnophilia/ sleepy sex
Tequila sunrise - Wax Play
Vodka redbull - Squirting
Coke Zero - High sex
Cranberry juice - Caught in the act
Mojito - Loss of virginity
Old Fashion - Drunk sex
Dessert Time!
Do you want dessert with your pizza? Dessert will represent if you would like to see aftercare at the end or not.
Yes - Aftercare
No - No Aftercare
Our menu is ever-changing which means new options will be added when new ideas come!
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fillinforlater · 8 months
A little pre-Christmas breeding perhaps?
Feeling your hot thick cum inside of her only encourages Sakura to dance harder 😉
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Both of you managed to not get caught but Chaewon knows something is up when Sakura has that burst of confidence and energy. Just thinking about it distracts Chaewon and she makes a cute little mistake when performing (Chaewon actually made a mistake during AAA performance 😂)
Knowing Chaewon is starting to get suspicious but deep down she's also a needy girl (Or so you've heard).
Would you continue to secretly fuck Sakura until Chaewon inevitably comes to you? Or would you rip the bandaid off, surprising Chaewon by fucking Sakura in front of her and hopefully convince her to join your frisky activities?😉
The Award She Wants
Male Reader x Miyawaki Sakura (ft. Kim Chaewon)
Length: 509 words
Tags: Quickie, a literal quickie, dialogue only, needy sex, THIGH STRAPS WORLD DOMINATION, prais kink, standing sex, creampie, cumming deep inside her, trying (not?) to get caught, needy_noona!Sakura
(A/N: the definition of late night BFH, as often thanks to @friskyriskywhisky)
"Hurry, we don't have much time left."
"I'm here, I'm here—God, it's so hot in here. The Philippines are killing me."
"What do you think of this? Do you like it?"
"Your face? Gorgeous as always, Noona."
"No! The, the outfit. Does it look any good?"
"Oh, you better not feel self-conscious about it, Noona.
"Please, spin around for me. God, you look so good in this. Sexy, hot, perfect—naughty."
"Your hands, hng! You're the naughty one."
"I love that this dress exposes your navel. It makes you look irresistible, I can't get my hands off of those abs.
"You smell so damn good, Noona."
"You too~"
"The thigh strap is a nice touch. I bet many people want to get their hand underneath it and—"
"Hey, what are you—"
"Lift your leg high like this. Oh lord, Noona, I can see it in the mirror: your thighs have gotten rounder. Look how they jiggle in my hands."
"Touch them more, okay? Are they nice?"
"Hm, yes, but what is that? Your ass is hanging out, they will see so much of it. Almost like an Arin fancam."
"Y-you, ah, watch Arin fancams?"
"No, I only watch fancams of you.
"Now, what do you want, Noona? I can already feel your wet pussy; should I finger you? You'd glow so bright on stage after I make you cum."
"Should I pull down the bottom of this outfit—with this way, waaaay too short skirt and eat your beautiful ass?"
"Hng, no."
"Then what do you want, Noona? Tell me."
"I want, I want your c-cum, deep in my pussy! Quick, Chaewon will be here soon!"
"Oh, but last night you wanted me to last forever~
"And now you want to be filled while Chaewon waits outside, her ears on the door of the locker room? Lewd-kkura~"
"Stop, please, just fuck me!"
"Pull them down, I'm already hard for you, Noona.
"And kiss me.
"Let me give you the confidence you deserve."
"Oh fuck, your, your pe-nis is so nice, ah."
"Aw, you're so cute—my tight, little Noona.
"Your pussy, no, your fucking cunt is trying to empty my balls."
"Don't call it that! So deep, so deep, f-fill me."
"You're so lewd, your eyes, you
"Hot-kkura, Noona.
"Fuck, I'm getting close."
"Ah, right there, faster, yes!"
"Noona, y-your cunt, I—
"I could fuck you the entire time, e-every day. I need your snug cunt, and I'm gonna make it my little hole for cum. Be my little cock-sleeve for now, Noona, and, and shine—like the star you are."
"Noona, I—
"Chae-chaewon, wait!"
"I'm cumming, Sakura~"
"Our performance is in forty seconds, what are you still doing in there?"
"Pull them up, quick!"
"What the—who are you?"
"He, he is a friend."
"Yeah, I just got here and—good luck, on the performance?"
"You should not be here—dang it, Unnie. On stage, now!"
"Yes, of course!"
"Who are you, really? What happened?"
"I'm... just a friend? And we, uhm, hugged."
"Seriously? Is that why you got a fucking bulge?"
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atinyslittleworld · 4 months
Yeosang meeting his newborn baby
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newdad!yeosang x newmom!reader
Genre: pure fluff
Warnings: none
Yeosang had always imagined this day, but nothing could have prepared him for the reality of it. He and his girlfriend had spent months preparing for the arrival of their baby, decorating the nursery, attending prenatal classes, and reading every book they could find on parenting. Yet, as he sat in the living room, idly flipping through a magazine, he realized how surreal it all felt.
His girlfriend, Y/N, was in the kitchen, humming a tune while preparing a snack. She was radiant, her pregnancy glow making her even more beautiful in Yeosang’s eyes. He loved watching her, seeing the way she tenderly cradled her growing belly, already so full of love for their unborn child.
"Yeosang, do you want some fruit?" Y/N called out, breaking Yeosang from his thoughts.
"Sure, that sounds great," he replied, getting up to join her in the kitchen.
Just as he reached the doorway, he saw Y/N’s expression change. She looked down, a mixture of surprise and panic on her face. "Yeosang, I think... I think my water just broke."
For a moment, Yeosang was frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. Then, the reality of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. "Okay, okay, we need to go to the hospital," he said, trying to stay calm. "Do you have your bag ready?"
Y/N nodded, already moving towards the hallway where their hospital bag was packed and waiting. Yeosang grabbed the keys and helped Y/N to the door, his mind racing with a mix of excitement and fear.
The drive to the hospital was a blur. Yeosang kept glancing over at Y/N, who was breathing through her contractions, her face a mix of determination and discomfort. "You’re doing great, Y/N," he said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "We’re almost there."
When they finally arrived at the hospital, the staff quickly took over, whisking Y/N into a wheelchair and guiding them to the maternity ward. Yeosang stayed by her side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement. He was amazed by her strength and resilience, and it only made him love her more.
As they settled into the delivery room, the reality of what was happening started to sink in for Yeosang. This was it. They were about to become parents. He felt a wave of emotions wash over him—excitement, fear, joy, and love all mixed together.
The hours that followed were intense. Y/N’s contractions grew stronger and closer together, and Yeosang did his best to support her, holding her hand, wiping her forehead, and whispering words of encouragement. He felt helpless at times, wishing he could take away her pain, but knowing that all he could do was be there for her.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor announced that it was time to push. Yeosang’s heart raced as he watched Y/N summon all her strength and determination. He held her hand tightly, his own hands shaking with anticipation.
"One more push," the doctor said, and with a final, powerful effort, their baby entered the world. The room filled with the sound of their newborn’s first cries, and Yeosang felt tears streaming down his face. He looked at Y/N, her face a mixture of exhaustion and pure joy, and he knew that this was the most incredible moment of his life.
"She’s here, Y/N," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Our baby girl is here."
The nurse placed the tiny, wriggling bundle into Y/N’s arms, and Yeosang leaned in close, his heart overflowing with love. "She’s perfect," he said, his voice filled with awe.
Y/N looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "We did it, Yeosang," she said softly. "We’re parents."
Yeosang nodded, unable to find the words to express the depth of his feelings. He reached out to gently touch his daughter’s tiny hand, marveling at how small and perfect she was. "Welcome to the world, little one," he whispered. "We’ve been waiting for you."
The next few hours were a whirlwind of emotions and activity. The nurses checked their baby, ensuring she was healthy and strong, while Yeosang and Y/N simply watched in awe. They couldn’t take their eyes off her, their hearts so full of love it felt like they might burst.
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 2 months
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pairing: No Apocalypse Joel Miller x Fem! Pregnant Wife reader
summary: the miller family has gathered their family and friends to have a barbecue
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The summer sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the Miller household. Joel and Y/N had been preparing for this barbecue for weeks, wanting everything to be perfect for their family and friends. The scent of grilled burgers and hot dogs wafted through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of loved ones gathered in their backyard.
Ellie and Sarah were running around the living room when the doorbell rang. They sprinted to the door, flinging it open to reveal their grandparents.
"Grandpa! Granny!" Ellie shouted, launching herself into Joel's parents' arms.
"MawMaw! Pawpaw!" Sarah followed, hugging Y/N's parents tightly.
Joel and Y/N's parents laughed, enveloping the girls in warm embraces. Joel's mom knelt down to their level. "Look at you two! Getting bigger every time we see you."
Y/N's mom gave Sarah a gentle squeeze. "How are our favorite girls doing?"
As the grandparents fussed over the girls, Joel and Y/N exchanged smiles. Joel's dad straightened up and looked at his son and daughter-in-law. "You two have done a wonderful job with this place. It's beautiful."
Y/N's dad nodded in agreement. "And how's our expecting mom doing? How close are you to being due?"
Y/N rubbed her belly, smiling warmly. "About three more months to go."
Joel's mom stepped forward, eyes twinkling. "Mind if we give the baby a little hello?"
Y/N laughed softly. "Of course not."
Both grandmothers gently placed their hands on Y/N's belly, their faces lighting up. "This is Granny here," Joel's mom said. "We can't wait for you to be here."
Y/N's mom added, "And this is Mawmaw. We're all so excited to meet you."
Ellie and Sarah watched in awe as their grandparents talked to the baby, their excitement palpable. Joel placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, feeling a wave of love and gratitude for the family surrounding them.
"Need any help, hon?" Joel's mom asked, turning to Y/N.
"I'm alright, thank you," Y/N replied, placing a hand on her belly. "Just making sure everything's set up."
Joel's dad chuckled, "You kids have outdone yourselves. This is quite the spread."
Tommy and Maria arrived shortly after, their little one toddling around, trying to keep up with the older kids. Joel manned the grill, flipping burgers with practiced ease, while Y/N set the table with a spread of side dishes and drinks.
As the evening wore on, everyone settled down to eat. Joel made sure Y/N had a comfortable seat and plenty of food, fussing over her until she playfully swatted his hand away.
"Joel, I'm fine. Go eat," she laughed.
He kissed her cheek and went to join the others. The conversations flowed easily, filled with laughter and the occasional clink of glasses. Joel looked around, feeling a deep sense of contentment. This was what he had always wanted a loving family, good friends, and a home filled with joy.
At one point, Y/N started fanning herself with a paper plate, the heat of the southern summer getting to her. Joel noticed and quickly turned on the fan for her.
"Baby, why didn’t you tell me you were hot?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
Y/N smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Honey, we live in the South, and it’s 90° outside. I’m pretty sure everyone’s hot. But thank you, baby."
Joel grinned, kissing her on the cheek. "Anything for you."
As the night drew to a close and the last of their guests departed, Joel and Y/N saw their daughters off to bed. Ellie and Sarah were exhausted from all the excitement, and they fell asleep almost as soon as their heads hit the pillows.
Joel returned to the living room, finding Y/N on the couch, her feet propped up. He sat down beside her, his hand instinctively going to her belly. He rubbed it gently, feeling the baby move beneath his touch.
"How's our little one doing?" he asked softly.
"Active," Y/N replied with a smile. "I think they enjoyed all the excitement today."
Joel leaned down, pressing kisses all over her belly. "Hey there, baby. Did you have a good time? We can't wait to meet you."
Y/N watched him, her heart swelling with love. "You're going to be an amazing dad again."
Joel looked up at her, his eyes filled with emotion. "And you're going to be an incredible mom. Again."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, Joel's hands never leaving her belly. He continued to rub and kiss it, whispering sweet nothings to their unborn child. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, feeling completely at peace.
"I love you, Joel," she murmured.
"I love you too, Y/N," he replied, kissing her forehead. "More than you'll ever know."
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, with their growing family by their side.
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