#they were like oh fuck at house of wax (which we collectively like now) and i was like girlies you ain't seen nothing yet
born-to-lose · 1 year
How did House of 1000 Corpses traumatize me lmao
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
ALSO this is extremely terrible because I wrote this in like 30 minutes between Tik Tok breaks. So literally beware because I haven’t written in literally a month. 
Happy Birthday (L.E)
Prompt: the marauders (+ co.) plan a surprise birthday party for Lily, but the real surprise is up in her dorm. 
Reader: GN 
Word count: 1.5k 
Warnings: food, dancing, kisses, hints towards sex at the end, lily is my literal gf so i dont want anyone hating on her, comment to add more. 
you squinted as you focused on the task at hand, your movements careful as they can be. You looked back with a satisfied grin, a pretty marble cake decorated with fluffy icing- it was made of whipped cream, because lily found the regular icing too sweet for her liking. Then in rainbow colours sat a.. very wonky, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY’. You couldn’t stop grinning, having to convince the house elf’s to let you in their space and use their things was a bit tricky but luckily it all resolved in the end. 
“How is it?” James asked, walking into the kitchen with Sirius trailing behind him, he came up behind you and peered at the cake. “It’s bloody gorgeous!” He says as Sirius tilted his head to try and read from
upside down. 
“It’s a bit wonky..” he says, James glaring and sending a smack to his head. “Hey! Just saying,” he whispers and rubs the back of his scalp, sulking ever so slightly with a pout on his lips. 
“I’d like to see you do better,” you huff, putting away the ingredients you were using as Sirius mimicked you behind your back. “Oh I can!” He exclaims which has you rolling your eyes. 
“Guys guys!” James says, hands raised between the two of you to stop an obvious argument heading way. “Remus is setting lily up for the surprise, we have to get the cake to the common room before she gets there,” 
“You’re right,” 
“Of course I’m right, now let’s go,” James says, picking up the cake carefully as you flick your wand and some invisible force begins to clean the rest of your mess. You were edging in nerves, excited for your girlfriend's birthday surprise party you and Remus conjured up. 
You all talked on the way to the common room, passing by portraits who were very curious on what the cake was for. But a lot of them had already known it was for Lily, and most of them had already wished her the happy birthday she deserved. 
“James! Don’t fucking drop it,” you hiss, taking the cake as you set it up on the table near the sofa’s. Peter was relaxing with his gift wrapped neatly, Sirius and James present scattered near the floor as Mary was bouncing up and down. “Is she here yet! Is she here yet!” Mary asked as Marlene set a hand on her shoulder, “sorry, she had too much juice,” she explained as Dorcas laughed.
“She’s almost here, I think,” you say, trying to listen for Remus’s and Lily’s footsteps but coming up short. You light the candles, hoping the wax doesn’t melt until they get here. There came a knock at the common room portrait, a signal that Remus was here and everyone should hide. 
Like mice, everyone hid in the dark. Peter crouched on the couch, Sirius behind a pot of flowers. James managed to sneak with Marlene near a wall, Mary huddled to the ground with Dorcas. You were under a desk near the back, all of you eagerly trying to watch as Remus opened the portrait. 
“Why’s it dark in here?” Lily asked, flicking her wand as the torches and lamps lit the room. It was the middle of the day on a Saturday, how come the common room was empty? “Rem, are you going to kill me?” She asked, looking back at him as he shrugged. “No lils, course not I love you,” 
“Okay..” she says, and walks further in as everyone collectively screams happy birthday and jumps out. Lily had a mere heart attack, moving back towards Remus with her hand on her heart. “Merlin! What the bloody hell guys?” She gasps, smiling slightly as you present the decorated rooms. It was rare for lily to curse, but it was something you could enjoy once in a while. You liked that she let down her guard around you and the others. 
“It’s a surprise party!” You say, Peter nodding as you showcase the room with lily flustered. She hadn't expected this, she looked towards Jame thinking he was the culprit of this plan. “I didn’t set this up, _____ did,” he grins as lily looks towards you with all the love she could muster. 
“Oh Merlin _____, thank you;” she says, though she made it very clear previously that she did not enjoy surprises. She liked her order and planner, when something contradicted that she grew a bit unorganised and lily hates being unorganised. But you figured she needed a good surprise once in a while, “Rem helped too! And the others of course,” you say, walking over with open arms as lily embraces you tightly. 
“thank you guys,” she gushed as you took her over to the cake, she had a big grin as she looked at the desert. “I really don’t need this,” she sighs and Sirius nudges her closer. 
“Don’t be so silly, Lils, blow out your candles and wish I’m gonna be a rockstar,” Sirius explains, Mary holding her camera as she waits eagerly for lily. Everyone sends Sirius a small glare, Remus shaking his head at the antics of the group. 
“Alright alright,” Lily rolls her eyes, blowing out the candles as everyone claps. She was thankful they hadn’t sang happy birthday to her like they had this morning at breakfast, the whole great hall was clapping along. “Happy birthday!” You say again, excited as you fall atop of her on the sofa and hug her close. Her arms wrap against your waist, hugging you close as she kisses your forehead. 
“Enough with the sappy shite, gifts!” Sirius says, moving all the gifts to the table as Lily looks at them all. “Guys.. seriously I don’t-“ but she was cut off by everyone groaning and telling her to open them. You switched your position to rest beside her, knees over her lap as you strain to rest your head against her shoulder. 
A good few hours went by, the cake was gone and everyone was about dancing and singing to their heart's content. Lily was wearing one of her new gifts, which was a green silk dress you had bought and convinced her to change into. She was practically putty by the end of the party, all the love and affection made her feel so warm towards her friends. 
Your arms linked around her neck, her hands against your waist as you both sway to the music that invades the room. Lily’s eyes are shut, her forehead pressed to your own as she glows in the low light. You can only admire her pretty lips, cheeks rosy and bright as it mixes with her warm complexion. your hand moves from around her neck to the front of her face, gently pushing past the dark loose strains of red behind her hair, her eyes open at the feeling of your fingers grazing her cheek.
“Did you have a good birthday?” You whisper, lily holds a smile at your question. She leans down, eyes fluttered shut as she kisses you just barely with a gentle press. In most cases she wouldn’t really kiss you in public, not even with the comfort of her friends around; she liked it private, containing her love for only your eyes. 
“I had a wonderful birthday. Thank you,” she replies, pulling back as your lips pucker and at the loss. you hum, enchanted by her answer as you stroke her hair. “It’s still not over, you have to open one more present,”
Lily looks around a bit confused, hadn't she already opened all the presents given to her? “Where is it?” She pondered, eyes back on you as she saw your small mischievous grin. “Upstairs,” you shrug plainly, trying to be nonchalant despite having a pool of thick excitement in your belly. lily quirks an eyebrow, a slight grin forming as she hints towards what you propose. 
“I’ll be waiting, you go wish everyone your thanks,” you say pulling away, leaving a small kiss against her cheek as you slip from her fingers and head up towards her dorm. She has a small imbedding smirk, watching as you flaunt your bottom up the stairs. She quickly turns and heads to the first person she sees, explaining her thanks. But half way through all her friends, she realised it would have been easier to just make an announcement towards everyone. But of course she was too excited to get upstairs, a whirl in her lower as she hoped the suggestion in your voice meant what she thought it meant. 
After bribing James to stop talking, kissing him on the cheek for her thanks as Lily hurry’s towards the steps with Mary and Marlene laughing- knowing exactly why she’s in a rush. She tries to remain calm, walking slowly up the steps before she turns out of gaze and bolts it to her dorm. Her hand on the handle, twisting and opening the oak door as she closes it behind her with an eager bam. 
Her eyes speculate the scene, leaning against the door she just shut with a gulp. Her mouth hung open, gripping wood to try and balance herself. “M’merlin baby,” she whispers, her lips parched as she licks the soft flesh. She knew she was going to have one hell of a night.
Part… two? 
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arcanadreams · 3 years
OM Brothers as Hozier songs
I am a cottagecore lesbian, therefore this post was inevitable. Anyway here are the Hozier songs I think resonate most with the boys and their relationships to MC! Each will have a little explanation blurb (tho I am writing this before I start so I’ll probably get carried away asjdgkdj)
this is very different from my usual style so feedback would be greatly appreciated!! thanks :D
Lucifer -  As It Was
You are the home Lucifer comes to after losing his first one. He can never go back to the Celestial Realm, the place he was born and raised. But he doesn’t even want to when you are with him. 
You, and all that you are, are home. Being with you makes Lucifer feel a joy like he did before the otherness, the War, came. He never thought he could feel that way again. You are as bright as the lights of the Celestial Realm; a light he thought he would never see again. A light he thought he had dragged both himself and his entire family away from forever. But here you are, in front of him, shining with a light he had almost forgotten despite his best efforts to remember. 
And your love for him is unmoving. You know his past, you know his present, you know the worst sides of him. Hell, he tried to kill you before! And yet...your heart remains unmoved. He will never be able to express his gratitude for the way you waited for him, waited for his pride to subside, waited for him to realize the depth of his feelings for you. You welcomed him with open arms when he finally came home.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
Just as it was, baby Before the otherness came And I knew its name The drug, the dark, The light, the flame The highs hit the heights of my baby And its hold had the fight of my baby And the lights were as bright as my baby But your love was unmoved
Tell me if somehow Some of it remains How long you would wait for me How long I've been away The shape that I'm in now Your shape in the doorway Make your good love known to me Or just tell me about your day
Mammon - Sunlight
Your love is sunlight. Pure and simple. Your love is sunlight to Mammon, who has not known a soul like yours since the Celestial Realm. He loves his brothers, and he knows they love him, too, but their love feels conditional. Your love for him is unconditional, and you tell him so every day through the way you look at him.
He still doesn’t know how you put up with his waffling for so long. With the way he ran away from your affections, the way he put up walls between you to protect his aching heart. If your love was like his brothers’, if it required him to change...he didn’t think he ‘d be able to bear it. 
But you were stubborn. Almost as stubborn as him! And when you finally reached a stalemate you confessed. The moment “I love you,” left your lips, Mammon knew he was lost to you. He was lost in this foreign feeling and the only way out was in your arms. And from that moment he knew he would never leave your embrace, never leave your wonderful heart. 
He would sooner die before he let his sunlight be taken away.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
Oh, the tale is the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight At last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight All that was shown to me, sunlight Was something foreknown to me, sunlight Oh your love is sunlight Oh your love is sunlight But it is sunlight Oh your love is sunlight Oh your love is sunlight But it is sunlight Sunlight
Each day you rise with me Know that I would gladly be The Icarus to your certainty Oh my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight Strap the wing to me Death trap clad, happily With wax melted I'd meet the sea Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Leviathan - Like Real People Do
Levi has never cared for the company of others who are real, who are not figments of some grand author’s imagination. All they do is hurt him. He has had too many heartbreaks in his life to let anyone else into his story. He is a lone side character.
But then you came bounding into his book and tore apart every page with self-loathing words written on it. He fought you tooth and nail, but you just kept digging, straight to his heart. You dug yourself in deep, so deep he couldn’t move you even if he wanted to. Which, of course, he can’t even imagine doing now.
You’re real. And so is the love you have given him. With each kiss you prove to him that he is not some side story. He is the protagonist of his own adventure. You are his love interest, written to fit perfectly against his side when snuggling on dark nights. 
It took your arrival for him to realize just how much he longed for the company of real people, for the affection of real people. And I don’t mean in the literal sense of real- I mean people who are real with him. People who are truthful, who won’t hurt him with stinging words, barbs aims right at his psyche. You use your words to guide him without crippling him, and he is so thankful for that.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither should you Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do
Satan - Shrike
Satan had no idea there was any goodness in him. No idea he was capable of anything with a shred of goodness in it. That was, until you came along and showed him just how long his stone heart had only been lying dormant. It was never useless, as he had suspected. It just needed a skilled stonesmith to chip away at it carefully, which is exactly what you did.
Even as he felt you cracking away at his walls, he would not tell you how he felt. He knew from the first tap of your gentle hand on the rough rock of his heart that he was yours. That he always would be. But he could not utter his love. How was he to know if you did this to everyone you met? Was he as special to you as you were to him? Or was he just another sculpted heart in your collection?
He couldn’t hold out for long, though. Not when you were housing him in your heart’s warmth with no mention of reciprocation required. What was your scheme? Why were you showing such goodness to him, and at the same time revealing he was capable of the same? 
But when you whispered words of love to him, it all fell apart. The last chip of stone covering his heart shattered, as did his resolve to hide his love from you. He knows that you two will always be together, even after this lifetime ends. Perhaps the two of you will return, him as a thorn and you as his shrike.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
I had no idea on what ground I was founded All of that goodness is going with you now Then when I met you, my virtues uncounted All of my goodness is going with you now
I was housed by your warmth Thus transformed By your grounded and giving And darkening scorn Remember me love when I'm reborn As the shrike to your sharp And glorious thorn
Asmodeus - Nobody
Asmodeus, unlike his brothers, has known love. He has bathed in love, breathed in love, slept in love. He knows love. And yet, in all his years, he has known no love like your love. 
Your love is a wholly new phenomenon to Asmo. So pure, unfiltered, unconditional. Surprise picnic dates you spent all weekend planning, bouquets of flowers waiting for him on his bedspread, hugging him when you’re all sweaty after a jog because you know it bothers him. There is a fondness in your every action, even when you simply pick a nail polish shade for him to use for the week. It is an unfamiliar sensation for Asmo to feel such love through an accidental brush of the fingertips.
Because of this, Asmo never wants you or your relationship to change. Damn everything he has known before, damn the opinions of anyone he knows, damn what he knows of love! Your love is the only love he cares to know, now. Your love and everything that comes with it. 
Asmo has had many adventures and love affairs in his time, and yet you are the only one he never wants to end.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
And I think about you though everywhere I go And I've done everything and I've been everywhere, you know I've been fed gold By sweet fools in Abu Dhabi And I danced real slow With Rockettes on dodgy Molly But I've had no love like your love Ooh from nobody I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love
Beelzebub - NFWMB
You are part of Beelzebub’s family. You have been ever since you slept beside him, holding his hand to keep his nightmares at bay. You are his family, and nothing fucks with his family.
Beelzebub’s family is his heart and soul. You are his heart and soul. He would do anything for you. Your little finger is stronger than any arsenal in the Devildom, because you have Beel wrapped around it. But part of the reason you have him in the first place is because he knows you would never use that to your advantage. You do not see Beel as a weapon, or a hungry beast, or a danger, nor even as an annoyance who empties the fridge every two days. No, you see him as Beel. And that’s all he can ask for. That’s all he wants.
Your affection for both him and his brothers is something he cherishes more than anything else. Nothing will harm you as long as he can help it. He has lost his family before, and he will not lose any ever again. The second your fingers interlocked with yours the night you slept at his side, he knew no harm would ever come to you from that moment on. 
Lucifer started a war for the ones he loved once long ago, and now Beelzebub knows that he would do the same.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
Nothing fucks with my baby Nothing can get a look in on my baby Nothing fucks with my baby Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing If I was born as a black thorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you Fuel the pyre of your enemies Ain't it warming you, the world goin' up in flames? Ain't it the life where you you're lighting off the blaze? Ain't it a waste it watch the throwing of the shade?
Belphegor - Would That I
Ever since the death of Lilith, Belphegor feared the fires of love, the fires of feeling, of emotion. He stomped on the embers of his heart and vowed never to light them again. It was easier to feel nothing than it was to feel her loss.
And then you...you and your blinding light, arrived. He hated you at first. He killed you, tried to put out your fire the same way he put out his own. But even death couldn’t douse your flame. You were a wildfire, one that had already spread to all his brothers and rapidly came to set him ablaze too.
It didn’t take you long to light him up. He knew it wouldn’t, but he still tried to fight it at first. The first word you spoke to him in the attic told him that if he were to ever burn bright again, it would be by your hand.
And that’s exactly what you did. Even after he had killed you, you fought to ignite the long-dead pyre of his heart. Your persistence wore him down until his lazy nature decided it would be easier to give in and let you burn him. He expected pain, expected scars, but instead he simply felt warmth. Your warmth. All the years he spent in the cold without even realizing it were suddenly over. He was warm in your arms, and he never wanted to leave again.
The lyrics I think resonate most with him:
With the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet Like the ashes of ash I saw rise in the heat Settle soft and as pure as snow I fell in love with the fire long ago With each love I cut loose I was never the same Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Laying waste to my loving long ago But that's not tonight  Where I'm set alight  And I blink in sight  Of your blinding light  And it's not tonight  Where you hold me tight  And the fire bright  Oh, let it blaze, alright, honey 
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5uptic · 3 years
crewfu: fanfic spotlight!
We work together by Anonymous (5up & DK, unrated, gen | 248 words)
Summary: One likes plants and baking, the other loves to create and design video games. They stay up and create monstrosities together, it's their fun, it's their favourite game. Aka a 5up and Dk roommate au!
No matter how life tangles, I’m still here with you. by hungryandsleepy (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 279 words)
Summary: 5up has been working so hard on his new map, and of course, he needs someone to give him a motivation to go to sleep.
objectively pretty by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 462 words)
Summary: steve is drunk. he's pretty sure 5up is too. that doesn't mean being called pretty is any less momentuous.
you plus me by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 489 words)
Summary: 5up and Steve meet.
he said to me by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 656 words)
Summary: 5up and Steve share a moment.
by the snowmen by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 670 words)
Summary: Steve has a moment when it's all over.
today you got to know me (a little bit too slowly) by runninohhoney (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 675 words)
Summary: Steve lights up a cigarette. 5up doesn't smoke.
what would it take by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 787 words)
Summary: It's Steve's first mission. He hecks up. Or does he?
sorta cute by floweruru (5up/Steve, unrated, m/m | 822 words)
Summary: ‘I wouldn’t do that,’ he said. ‘That’s just disrespectful,’ he said. Yet there was 5up, crushed like a can in Steve’s embrace, feebly kicking at nothing as his feet leave the pavement.
i was gonna kill u, but ur kinda cute?? by Cthulhuer (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: Steve is a mess and 5up is worse.
I hear a Symphony by AwkwardAce (5up/Fundy, unrated, m/m | 1.1k words)
Summary: He exhaled until his lungs ached for air, fingers twitching as he opted to remove the sleek white gloves he wore in a feeble effort to soothe himself. It didn’t work. He wrung his trembling hands together as his eyes raked down the worn leather case taking in the doodles- some etched some drawn- across the faded surface. He snapped the buckles open and his breath hitched, catching in his already tight throat. For a moment the world span, his head throbbed and he wanted nothing more than to run and hide. 5up breathed out slowly, shakily.
staring by lytriis (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.1k words)
Summary: steve asks 5up out. 5up doesn’t know how to respond.
and it's four am, and yet, you're here by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: in which steve shows up at 5up's house, in the middle of the night, completely spontaneously
more than this by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: Steve catches 5up venting.
3:15 by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: Steve tries to guess Five's name. It's much more difficult than he anticipated.
things were different by fourpebbles (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.5k words)
Summary: His eyes circled around to his friends, Kimi and Janet engaging in pleasant comversation, sleepy and becoming increasingly more sober. He looked, finally, across him, and caught Dumbdog staring at him. What now bro, what did this guy want. small talk, turns into not small talk, then there's no talk
Once Upon A Dream by SmearedWords (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.5k words)
Summary: 5up looks ethereal, while Steve is struggling to breathe. "You're not real either." Or: Steve has a crush and a nightmare in three parts, 5up is tired, the crew life is hard and Polus sucks.
the ones you love will call you back by homeward_bound (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.8k words)
Summary: stevesuptic: dude, is it weird that i miss vegas   DumbDog: No? I do too.   stevesuptic: okay [steve misses vegas and apollo. they talk about it]
cough it out by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: Apollo thinks that Steve must be well and truly gone, at this point, because he giggles, like Apollo’s just told a particularly funny joke. He looks Apollo right in the eye and asks, “Do you trust me?” “Absolutely not.”
ivy by Secular_Czar (5up/Steve, teen rating, gen | 2.1k words)
Summary: It might be a sad day, in general, but Steve isn't about to let it get to him. His friends won't ever let him wallow either.
The Colosseum by WhenTheFogClears (general rating, gen | 2.1k words)
Summary: Five squinted, looking at the colosseum intensely. He thinks Apollo was latched onto the sphinx’s shoulder, fur matted with blood. Janet was slumped against a column, probably out, with Kimi whose bow was snapped in two, her leg twisted at an odd angle. DK was in the corner trying to cast various supporting hexes and charms with a broken arm, whilst Hafu was dragging a heavily bandaged Steve away. or 5up slaughters a cat
Oneshots :) by woofles1990 (5up/Fundy, 5up/Steve, teen rating, multi | 2.5k words, oneshot collection)
Summary: Just a bunch of MCYT/Among Us oneshots, mainly featuring 5up's crew because yes :)
the adventures of 5up and steve staying up late because they're under 30 by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.5k words)
Summary: “The night is young!” Steve yells at the ceiling, throwing his hands up in the air. “Take advantage of it! Commit crimes! Fuck hoes!” Five catches his hands in the air and laughs. “You wish you had hoes.”
unreasonably in love by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.6k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: "It was like pieces of a puzzle, everything coming together. And now, here they are, standing in their apartment, which looks more like a hollow shell than a home, filled solely with scattered boxes and the minuscule amount of furniture that they brought with them to Vegas." Or: what happens after Apollo and Steve move in together.
cant be love by fourpebbles (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.5 words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: He had chuckled to himself, he felt so stupid. Who in their fucking minds names a playlist 'sugr?', he thought, internally cringing. A story where a Steve meets an Apollo, and some things happen.
Somewhere in the darkness, us together for a while by tumtummeke (Apollo & Kimi & Steve, teen rating, gen | 3.6k words)
Summary: Apollo worries about Steve. Steve breaks his vape pen. Kimi plays power washer. Self-indulgent angst, with a generous helping of friendship and cuddles.
odyssey by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 23k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: "First you will come to the Sirens who enchant all who come near them. If any one unwarily draws in too close and hears the singing of the Sirens...they warble him to death with the sweetness of their song. Therefore pass these Sirens by and stop your men's ears with wax that none of them may hear." -Homer, The Odyssey
Also: SilverSprinklez10‘s yupwaves collection.
Summary: This is a Harry Potter AU based on the characters/personas of the youtubers/streamers.
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! i’ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is “regularly”?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but i’m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, it’s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
What’s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s), if there is one/multiple], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k] ([added prompt to specify if it’s complete or not)])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesn’t have a summary, a “No summary” prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, i’m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so that’s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics you’ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and i’ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you won’t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since i’ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, it’s in another platform, or you’ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and i’ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i won’t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) that’s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So what’s the criteria for the way you’ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess i’ll put them at the top of the list. i’ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji... you know the drill. it doesn’t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought won’t make the cut :/).
Isn’t shipping Bad™?: well, it’s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCs’ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what they’re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka they’re not tinhats, they understand they can’t assume everything about CCs’ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what they’re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, it’s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i don’t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i don’t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY don’t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! i’ll be tagging every single one of these posts as “fanfic spotlight”, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so you’ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed (but this is the first one! lol).
Hey, my fic is here and I don’t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and i’ll take it down <3
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callmecallmecrazy · 4 years
Preppy 1
Warning!  This is not my usual fare.  Back in college I got very into preppy clothing and wrote a few short stories that I never shared anywhere.  Figure I might as well post them for posterity.  Enjoy this 2007/8 flashback!
Two athletic men hauled Shawn into a dark room with a gurney table, and strapped his arms and legs down.
 "What the fuck?" Shawn shouted, his shaggy hair covering his eyes.  His muscular body struggled uselessly against the leather restraints holding down his body.  "Who the hell are you fuckers?"
This caused the two men to stop suddenly.
"My goodness, how rude of me," one spoke.  He was a tall man.  He was wearing Sahara Sperry topsiders, pleated khakis, and a hunter green sweater. Peaking out from under the sweater was a blue and yellow striped oxford shirt.  The collar was buttoned tightly around his neck, which was adorned with a simple yellow tie.  His hair was cut in a short buzzcut.
 He offered his hand out in the gesture of greeting and smiled at the man he had strapped down. "My name is Cody Bellford, please call me Skip.  And this," he said as he pulled the other man towards him in a sort of man hug, "is Ace."  The shorter man smiled.  He too was dressed in pleated khakis, but was wearing a light blue polo with a popped collar. His hair was longer than Skip's, cut into a crisp flattop.  Both men had athletic, strong bodies that were highlighted by their attire, but still looking very dressy.
 "What the hell is going on?" Shawn screamed.
"Ugh, so barbaric," Ace sighed.
"Don't worry, we'll get you cleaned up."
"Cleaned up?" Shawn asked.
"Yes," Skip began to explain.  "Cleaned up.  Groomed. Presentable.  Your appearance and mouth reflect poorly on yourself and the school.  Wouldn't you be happier if you were groomed and proper?"
"Fuck you!" Shawn retorted.  The two preppy men just smiled to each other and began their work.
 Ace walked up to Shawn's chest and proceeded to rip the oversized t-shirt off his chest, exposing Shawn's voluptuous pecs covered in fur.  At the same time, Skip had proceeded to cut the sweat pants off of Shawn's legs.  In few more simple motions, Shawn was lying nearly naked on the table, only his privates covered by a pair of striped boxers.  His strong legs were lurching against the confines of the straps, and the veins in his arms and neck were bulging from his constant resistance. Shawn finally glanced upwards to realize that a full size mirror hung over him.
 "You have a good physique, Shawn.  You should take better care of yourself," Skip said.
"This hair is disgusting.  You would look so much better if you were more streamlined."
"Shit, shaving body hair is for fags!"  Shawn was still struggling against the restraints but it was useless.  He was exhausted, and the reflections of the two groomed, calm men standing over him confused him.  Here he was, stressing and fighting, and they were calm and collected. In charge.
"Lots of men shave their body hair," Ace explained.  "It works for some, but you would look better trimmed." Skip handed Ace an electric trimmer, which he turned on and waved delicately in front of Shawn's face. Shawn looked in terror as Ace took the blade over his chest and began to strike down the forest of hair growing across. He could only look forward and watch as his reflection was slowly denuded across the chest and abs.  Skip made eye contact in the mirror and smiled brightly at the terrified man.
 Next, Ace continued his swarthy path on the legs, reducing the long hairs to fine fibers, highlighting the deep cuts along his quads and calves.  Beyond his range of vision, Skip had been stirring a pot of hot wax, and now sat down next to Shawn.  He took one of Shawn's hands and applied the wax on the hair covering his fingers. With a quick rip, and a tired yelp from Shawn, one finger was clean of unsightly hair.  Skip continued the process across all five digits and the back of the hand, then proceeded to do the other hand.  Ace had moved on to the arm that Skip had finished and removed all the hair from Shawn's wrist to his shoulder.  Skip went down to Shawn's feet and quickly ripped the hair off of his feet and toes.
 "Goodness, Shawn," Ace smiled at Shawn in the mirror.  "You look so much better now."
"Yes, I think so too. You should keep this look." Shawn stared at the two smiling men in the mirror, finding himself drawn into their bright smiles and amber eyes. He wanted to look away, but his face was held in place.  He tried to close his eyes, but he was constantly drawn back into the soothing haze of their white teeth and tan skin.  His skin did look good.  His skin had a natural tan and without the hair it seemed that his muscles were bigger, more cut, more defined. Maybe it wasn't, no, he hated it.  Shaving body hair was stupid.  But kind of sexy...
 "Now, about these," Skip said as he cut the boxer shorts from Shawn's body.  Shawn was shocked into silence as Ace roughly gripped his package.
"Don't worry," Ace said, again smiling.  "I'm not a pervert.  I just want you to be the best you can be."  And with those words, he once again turned on the electric trimmer and carefully reduced his pubic hair to a short stubble.  A few more quick strokes near the inner thigh, and both preppy boys stepped back and addressed Shawn in the mirror.
 "You look swell, Shawn," Ace said.  "This clean look really suits you."
"Yes, I agree," Skip said.  "I think everything we're doing you should maintain.  Weekly should be enough for you to look presentable everywhere. It's important to be groomed and presentable at all times.  You don't want to meet the wrong person looking poorly."
"Wrong... person?" Shawn stammered, he was nearly overwhelmed by the whole situation and found himself increasingly groggy and incoherent.
"Yes, there are the right people and the wrong people," Ace explained.  "If you meet a bank president, you don't want to look like a grunge band member.  You want to look like you know a Brooks Brothers inside and out.  That's how you get ahead."
"Oh, but... I ... umm.... shit," Shawn said, exerting a tiny bit of resistance in an attempt to move his head to the side.
"And don't swear, Shawn," Skip said.  "You sound unprofessional and uneducated.  Looking your best means acting your best."
"Umm, okay."
"Don't stutter or stammer.  Speak clearly and decisively.  A man."
"Okay."  Ace and Skip smiled to each other, and for just a single moment, Shawn smiled himself.
 "You are coming along very well, Shawn.  Just a tad more and I think you'll be a new man."
"Yes, I agree. Shawn just needs a few touch-ups and he will be an ideal gentleman."  Skip stepped out of view for just a second and then reappeared. Into the mirror, he held up a pair of classic y-front briefs.  He pulled on them slightly to emphasize the item.
 "These, are the ideal underwear for a conservative, preppy man.  That's what we want you to become.  That's what you want to be Shawn.  All of this is just so you can be a gentleman."  Shawn's eyes bulged as he saw the old-fashioned underwear. Ace undid the straps on his legs, but Shawn found himself too exhausted to move.  The boys gently lifted up his legs and slip down the tight, white briefs. They traced up his thighs and gently began to engulf his crotch and butt.  With a sharp elastic snap, he felt the band settle against his waist.  He had resisted looking, but curiously he peered at his image.  He looked amazing.  The briefs looked so presentable and manly.  He felt powerful and in control.  Once again, Shawn found himself smiling pleasantly.
 "Feeling a tad preppy?" Ace teased.  "Don't worry, only one thing left."
"Your hair," Skip said.  "It's so rough and wild.  Not the image one wants to send."  Shawn had nothing left inside himself to resist.  He merely nodded as well as the straps would let him.  The table holding up his head receded, and Shawn saw Ace holding his neck up while Skip brought over a pair of clippers.  They sprang to life with a low growl.  Skip wasted no time in reducing the sides of his head to nothing.  The shaggy haircut was being quickly reduced.  He ran the clippers over the sides of his head, leaving a white wall of flesh behind in its wake.  That finished, he proceeded to comb the hair back and began hacking it off.  Large chunks of brown hair fell to the floor as Shawn was shorn.  Finally, with about an inch left, Skip wet the hair and brushed it all up.  Using a small trimmer, he proceeded to flatten out his hair, until the top was a level plain identical to Ace's square hair.
 "You need something drastically different," Ace explained.  "Such a dramatic change proves how intent you are on improving yourself."  Skip just nodded as he continued to even out the top of the hair.  Shawn was nearing his breaking point, as he watched his long, mangled hair replaced with a corporate hairstyle of precision and execution. Skip applied some strange wax to the hair forcing it to stand up straight.
 "After some practice," Skip began, "your hair will hold itself up.  But the wax is still good measure."  Shawn found himself nodding as the knowledge of how to maintain his new hairstyle sunk into his freshly exposed head.  Skip pulled the head piece out from the table, and Ace let Shawn's head rest on the table.  The two prepsters stood back and admired their work.
 "You look like a decent guy now.  No more grunge or nasty college boy."
"No, you look like the prefect preppy."
"You are going places. Meeting the right people."
"I'm sure you'll get a great job and make lots of money."
"You've already met us. And there is a bunch of men back at the house excited to meet you."
"Of course, you should join the fraternity.  Men like us need to stick together."
"Don't you like this Shawn.  Being preppy. You look so much better."
"You're a born-again preppy.  We prefer you like this.  And all the brothers want you like this.  You want to be like this, don't you?"
 Staring at himself in the overhead mirror, Shawn was shocked at how much he liked his reflection. Formerly shaggy hair now stood straight up over his head, looking stiff as a board.  Whitewalls on the sides, his ears seemed to stick out a little - something else he found surprisingly appealing.  His tan, muscular body was shown to all its glory, his former resistance giving his body a sheen from sweat and muscle tension.  Without his body hair, he looked bigger, stronger, and cleaner.  He had always thought that shaving body hair was nelly and silly, but he looked much better now.  And then the briefs.  Tight, white briefs with a full cut covered his nether regions.  He had always worn boxers.  But there was something alluring about the underwear, with its clean-cut lines. Almost unconsciously, Shawn found his face slowly being filled with a charming, pleasant smile.  His dazzling white teeth began to cover more of his face as the empty grin consumed him.  Brown eyes lit up with a sort of cordial ambiance.  
 He liked it.  He really did.  Shawn was suddenly overwhelmed with a dire urgency. Something he had never felt before welling up inside of him.  He wanted to be like the preppy boys.  To be like this.  Attractive and fit and well liked and happy.  To be successful and entitled and self-assured.  And surrounded by men his equal.  Men as fit and clean and productive.  To be engulfed in their manly etiquette and mannerisms.  Better yet, be a part of group of such men.  To be part of a fraternity.
 All at once, Shawn's sudden pleasant nature began to override the rest of his personality.  So what if he wanted to dress, act, be one of the preppy boys?  If anything, being a preppy boy would be good for him.  He would get in with the right people, wear the right clothes, be the right kind of man. The kind of man Shawn would never have been on his own.  And he'd be happy.  It sounded pretty great to Shawn, who continued to sink into a cheerful bliss.
 At this point, Skip and Ace proceeded to undo the straps holding Shawn down.  He allowed the two well-dressed boys to help him off the table and he thanked them politely.  Manners were always important after all, but too much thanks sounded sarcastic or desperate - neither of which were admirable qualities in a man.  Ace gave Shawn a gentle pat on the back and a bright smile.
 "Feeling better?"
"Yessir, thank you both very much," Shawn replied.
"Of course," Skip replied eloquently.  "Here, you might want to get dressed."  
 The boys handed Shawn a pair of khaki Dockers’.  He slipped the pants up his muscular legs and pulled them high over his briefs.  The khakis sat a little higher than his normal baggy pants had, and Shawn liked it.  It was a much classier fit.  As he zipped up the fly and buttoned the top, he noticed the pants were pleated.  Actually, it was a double pleat, he was pleased to note. For some reason, he had always hated pleated pants.  He didn't know why.  Clearly, they were a much smarter look on a man.  More formal.  Next, the two fraternity boys gave Shawn a light blue oxford shirt, complete with a little polo player on the left breast.  They helped him tuck the shirt gently into his pants as he began to button the shirt up. He stopped before the very top, but Ace flipped up Shawn's collar and proceeded to button it to the very top. His neck was a little too thick for the buttoned collar, but he realized it would force him to carry his chin high, with pride and confidence.  Yes, a high collar was definitely better for his posture.
 "A proper man doesn't wear a button-down shirt without a tie of some sort," Skip said coyly as he approached Shawn, a line of fabric resting in his hands.  Shawn couldn't see what was happening as Skip proceeded to tie a tie on his neck.  At the same time, he felt Ace fumbling with the cuffs of his shirt.
 Skip stepped back and admired his handiwork and once again presented that gorgeous white smile to Shawn, who was pleased to return the cordial charm of the other man.  Ace was working away at his hips, looping a brown leather belt through the hoops of his Dockers.  Skip held up a pair of blue dress socks with a purple and yellow argyle pattern on them.  Shawn smiled and lifted up one leg, and then the other, feeling the stretch of the fabric engulf his feet.  When he set each foot down, a pair of penny loafers had been set in the way, forcing his foot to slide elegantly into the leather classics.
 "Just a tad preppier," Ace said as he pulled up the final item.  A sweater vest, with a black, grey, and white argyle pattern on it. Shawn could see thin yellow and blue lines running between the diamonds.  He lost his vision as the sweater was pulled over his hair and rested on his broad shoulders.  Rough hands began adjusting the sweater across his body.  It was a bit of tight fit given the size of his pecs and shoulders. The belt was adjusted, the tie straighten, the hair fluffed.  Meanwhile, Skip had pulled over a full-size mirror.  When Ace stepped away from Shawn, taking his place next to Skip, Shawn could finally see his new visage.
 He was a preppy boy. Pleated khakis over an oxford shirt and sweater vest.  It hadn't been a traditional tie that was put around his neck, but rather a purple and yellow bowtie.  Classic cufflinks had been used on the cuffs of his shirt.  Combined with the brown loafers and belt, he was the spitting image of a preppy boy.
 Spitting image?  Shawn thought to himself.  How inappropriate.  More like the classic construct of a prepster.
 "I think Tad is preppy now," Ace said as he looked over the new prep's outfit.
"Think you are a Tad now?" Skip said as he slipped his hand on the recently madeover man's shoulder.
"Skip, Ace, thank you both very much.  I would be pleased if you called me Tad.  Shawn is so uncouth."
"We understand, Tad," Ace said. "Neither of our names befit our preppiness.  Hence, we have preppy nicknames."
"Well, Tad, I think that it's time you went upstairs and met the rest of the men.  You are in the fraternity now, correct?"
"I would be honored to be a brother. Rush begins today?"
"Oh, you're not going to need to rush.  In fact, we would like you to greet the rushees."
"Absolutely!" Tad exclaimed.  "I am honored to represent our brothers and our fraternity."
"Great, let's get you settled in."  The three brothers walk upstairs into the house, to introduce Tad to his new life.
 Later that day, as the rushees came into the house, the brother meeted and greeted all the potential men.  Among them, was a preppy man with a flattop and a purple and yellow bowtie.  He was wearing pleated khakis and a sweater vest. And his nametag had 'TAD' written in bold letters.  It crossed his chest in the same place the little polo player did.  Aside from the nametag, he was nearly indistinguishable form the other brothers.  And in the next week, a few more good men would find themselves proud brothers of the fraternity and brothers in preppiness.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 7. 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
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“Just one more push, baby.” If those words exit your new found fiance's mouth one more time, you’re going to slap him. Through your pained daze you can feel a towel brush against your forehead. Gritting your teeth and throwing your head back you give one final push before crying loudly. The pain radiates throughout your body, white hot pain courses through your veins as you scream loudly.
“There she is!” Taehyung cheers beneath you and you sag down on the medical table as the third and final child is pushed out of you. With a shaky sigh, you look up to the three chosen protectors of your triplet daughters. Jeongguk pulls the towel off of your head before giving a dog-like whimper as your fiance hands him your newborn daughter. His canines drop and you’ve learned from the first time seeing it that you hate to watch the werewolves teeth break your childrens skin. 
“She’s so beautiful.” Hoseok whispers at the little girl in his arms before looking down at you with a beaming smile. You want to return it as his cheekbones bounce high but all you can do is look down at your mate as he cleans you up. His lips press sweet kisses to your thighs, which are numb and can feel no touch. It’s then he feels your eyes on his and his crystal blue irises find yours before smiling. “You did amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much."
You want to tell him you love him and you love all of your children but sleep enshrouds your brain, drifting you off from consciousness as your head lolls back.
“Baby?” Taehyung whispers gently before standing up, his lips press to your sweaty hairline before looking at his pack members. His eyes begin to sting as he watches his daughters sleep before kissing your forehead, “You did so great, my love.” 
His canines drop as he grabs your wrist, daintily holding it before sinking his teeth in. You were so exhausted you didn’t even move, not even a whimper emitted from you in the medical room. “Did so good.” 
You slowly wake, eyes blearily opening before seeing your mate sitting at the end of the bed. He notices your slow movement before turning to you and smiling. In his arms was one of the three girls you had given birth to not too long ago. “Mommys awake!”
You give a soft smile before sitting up and holding your arms out. She is placed in your arms and your mouth drops open at how beautiful she is, she looks just like Taehyung. A cute button nose and perfectly pouty lips grace her features. “I like the name Jangmi.” He whispers softly before crawling behind you. His legs spread wide, pressing his chest to your back before kissing your mate mark. 
“Jangmi is a nice name.” You whisper as she opens her eyes. They were fully black, which isn’t so shocking the second time around seeing it. You know they’ll turn blue within a few days like Taehyung’s. “Thank you for being my mate and giving me so many precious, beautiful children.” 
A sloppy kiss is pressed to your cheek and you giggle at his sweetness before looking at the cradles in the room. “You made them their own room, why are the cribs in here?”
Your mate chuckles, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “Because, I put them in their room and I missed them.” You pout at his cuteness before elbowing him gently.
“Alpha has new girls to take care of. I’m going to be old news.” You joke as Jangmi begins to whine. You pull down your robe before putting her to your breast and you feel the small rumble emit through his chest. “Oh, no. You’ll never be old news, baby. You’re my everything.” 
His hand dances over your forearm, fingertips grazing your skin sweetly before kissing your temple. “Let me make you some food. You must be hungry.” 
"Alpha wolf must be really pleased to let sappy Tae come out to play." He snorts at that, a breathy noise through his nose before he stands up. “You do know that my wolf chose you as his mate as much as I did, right? The amount of love I have for you could rival all the stars in the universe. That’s what it means to be a mate. You see nothing, think of nothing, feel nothing for anyone of the opposite gender besides the one you love. And, fuck, do I love you.”
He kisses you gently, but you could feel the passion that radiates off of his perfect lips. “Let me go make you some food.” He leaves but not before kissing the forehead of his daughter at your breast and the other two that sleep soundly in their cribs. 
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The kitchen is cold when Taehyung enters, he can hear you whispering sweet nothings to your daughters upstairs and a smile spreads on his face as he approaches the refrigerator. He takes a deep breath before stilling. There’s a scent in the air, an unfamiliar one. One that makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. His body whirls around as he sniffs gently. It smells like another pack. Packs have been known to go through the woods at times, he even knows that Jaebeom and his pack regularly traipse through on their way to town but this is not that pack. 
His feet quickly pad to the front door, eyes hardening over at the sudden thought of danger where his family lives. He can hear movement on the front porch and his chest rumbles, a deep growl emitting from him. If this was a wolf outside, they would have heard it. He stops for a second before hearing more movement outside. His hand grips the door handle before yanking the door open. 
There stands a man, one he can very clearly recall. “Jo.” Taehyung's tone is brisk as he folds his arms before leaning against the door jamb. He takes in the tall, bald man before wrinkling his nose at the foul smell he emits. He watches with a lax expression as Jo stands tall, arms dutifully at his side. His heart begins to beat quickly, the sound filling his ears as he looks at the man. There was no good reason for an FWWA man to be standing at his house, one that he hasn’t registered on the wolf bill.
“You’ve been summoned.” His hand dug into his long leather trench coat before producing a black envelope with a bright red wax seal. Taehyung clears his throat, before grabbing the letter and throwing it behind him into the entryway. “Tell her no. I’m busy.”
Jo returns to his stand still position, and Ta can’t help but take in the new scar from the bald man’s temple to his chin. He must have gotten it in China just like his back scar. Sometimes wolves don’t heal the right way. “Can’t do that pack leader. She has summoned you.” 
Taehyung puts his fingers to his temples, rubbing slow circles trying to calm himself before jutting his head towards the forest. “Fine. Whatever. Get off my property, you smell like shit.” Jo growls gently, a noise Taehyung does not take kindly as his canines drop. His tongue licks at his teeth before chomping loudly. 
“Tae?!” He hears from upstairs and he sighs, “Get off my land, mutt.”
He closes the door gently as his sensitive ears hear your feet padding dully on the hallway carpet. He jumps to the entryway to retrieve the letter before shoving it down the back of his shorts as you begin to step down the stairs. 
You appear within seconds with a raised eyebrow as your body leans over the stair banister. “Were you talking to someone?” His fingers feel at the wax stamp before smiling at you and shaking his head.  
“Just myself. Are you and the pups okay?” You begin to smile at him and although his heart is hammering from the sudden surprise of the FWWA intrusion he finds himself smiling widely. “Yeah, I’m going to feel the other babies now.” 
He wrinkles his nose before blowing you a kiss, “I’ll make your food quickly, hmm?” You nod before jumping back up the stairs. His eyes falter to the doorway before feeling at the wax stamp and closing his eyes. What the fuck do they want from him now.
The letter is lightweight but feeling like a hundred pounds in the back of his pants as he briskly jogs to the pack house. Taehyung rarely sweats, it’s not in his nature and yet his body has developed a sheen layer. He howls loudly to gather the boys and he hears their surprise mumbling to one another as he gets closer. Namjoon responds first before they collectively howl. His body jogs past the front line of trees before the pack files out of the house with curious faces. 
Taehyung stops, hands on his hips. Their attention flickers to him and he can acutely smell the rain that’s about to fall from the cloudy sky. Could it be a sign? He produces the letter from the back of his shorts and a strangled noise comes from Namjoon who knows the meaning of the letter all too well. He received one right before his pack was taken by Taehyung. 
Once in the living room, Taehyung lets the letter fall flat on the coffee table. The wax stamp helps the letter fall flat and it hits the table with a small thump. He puts his hands in a prayer before putting them to his lips. “Only three things could be in this letter. I’m getting kicked, I’m being summoned to become a chairman or we have to go back to China.” 
All the wolves stare at the letter without looking at their leader. No one utters a noise although in the distance Taehyung can hear Baekhyeon crying and he cringes. He should be with you and not having to deal with this stupidity. It makes his skin produce goosebumps as he sits down on the floor, legs folding underneath him. “If they are kicking me, for some dumb reason, I love you guys.”
“We won’t let you go as Alpha, you’re a great leader Tae.” Namjoon whispers and he can’t say he’s surprised to hear that. He always just assumed Namjoon held some sort of resentment against him, although when they were in their wolf forms Namjoon’s thoughts never gave any inkling of it. It was probably just insecurity. Nonetheless, he was grateful for his words.
“We’re the best fucked up pack there is, no one is tearing up apart.” Yoongi mutters before leaning back on his hands, Tae smirks at his comment. Blue eyes flicking over to his hazel ones before looking back down at the letter. He has become acutely aware of his sweating palms. He wipes his hands on his shorts before picking up the letter. He lets out a shaky breath before hearing one of the newborn babies cry and he bites his bottom lip nervously.
His fingers, which shake to a degree, go to open the stamp before hearing Jeongguk call to him, “Hyung...I love you, just to...let you know.” The corners of the leader’s mouth quirk upwards before ruffling the younger wolf’s brown hair. “Love you too, pup.”
Jeongguk smiles warmly at him before Taehyung’s thumb swipes over the wax stamp. His eyes honing in on the brand in the wax. The wolf stands beneath a full moon and he closes his eyes, his heartbeat beginning to quicken. The wolves pick up on the noise, and they shift uncomfortably. The leader wasn’t normally like this, he was strong and steadfast, quick minded and equally quick witted. He was the best choice as Alpha and this the pack had no doubt. Jimin puts his hand over his leader’s squeezing it gently, showing his support. Taehyung looks over the letter at his friend from childhood before nodding. “Okay.”
His fingers lift up the wax seal, the sound of ripping paper makes him cringe. He swallows difficulty, as if someone had stuffed a ball down his throat. He pulls out the letter, gold lettering stamped into the black card of stock with blood red trimming. 
Alpha Kim Taehyung,
You have been summoned by the FWWA for Tuesday, February 13th, 2020. You, your mate, pups and pack are to arrive no later than midday. The Lunaris Chamber has been opened.  
Kim Soojae
He takes a sharp intake of breath before dropping the card as if it had burned him. His eyes go wide and the pack shifts awkwardly to his reaction. "Did you...Did you get kicked?" The voice belongs to the oldest member as Taehyung cards his hands through his silver mullet. 
The Lunaris Chamber has been opened?! A three thousand year old chamber containing the most dangerous criminal werewolves has just suddenly been opened?! Releasing mongrel filth into the world?! A chamber that has been guarded by magic as old as time itself has suddenly been unlocked. 
Taehyung stands up quickly making the other jump nervously. "Get anything that is important to you, anything you need. We're going away." His feet have a mind of their own, already walking towards the sliding glass door. You were alone with filth on the loose. He nor his wolf would stand for that.
"Why?! What's wrong?" Namjoon asks, picking up the letter with raised eyebrows.
"The Lunaris Chamber has been unlocked." The gasp he hears from the pack doesn’t go unnoticed to his ears as he begins to sprint back to your shared home. He can hear the boys shuffling around quickly and with a defeated sigh he runs at full speed back to the house.
“I-I don’t understand!” You tell your mate as he rushes to pack bags for you all as you feed one of the triplets. Taehyung grabs your clothes from the dresser before shoving them into the suitcase laid open on the bed. He doesn’t seem to be listening, he’s frazzled. His silver hair is a mess, blue eyes shifting from here to there but never landing on anything in particular. “Taehyung!” You whine loudly pulling the baby off of your breast to burp her. His eyes flit to yours at your exasperated whinge.
He rounds the bed quickly, hands pressing to either cheek before planting a very passionate kiss to your lips. Through this kiss you could feel ardor, sweetness and even nervousness. The way his bottom lip trembles has your heart picking up speed. He was never like this, he was always steadfast and yet, here he was nervously ticking over something. He presses his forehead to yours before sighing, his breath sweeping over your cheeks before closing his eyes. “We have to leave for a little while so it’s safe. Okay, baby?”
You still your hand on the baby’s back before pulling away from him, “We’re in danger? Will something happen to the babies?” His eyes narrow at you, index finger pointing at your forehead. “I will never, ever, let anything happen to you or my pups. Ever. And we are going to the Summit, for insurance.”
His words don’t make any sense and you mentally curse him for never truly telling you anything about his werewolf life. “Summit?! Where is that?! I don’t understand! I-” He cuts you off with a swift kiss, one that has you whining against his lips in frustration. 
He looks at the suitcase before sitting on the bed and putting his hands on your thighs. His eyelids flutter closed as his mouth opens gently. “The Summit is on Jeju Island. It’s hidden away by a magic that is very, very old. It cannot be seen by people who are not wolves or their mates. We have to go there because the Lunaris Chamber has been opened. Why, I don’t know but we need to go to make sure we’re protected.” You pause for a second before laying the baby down on the bed.
“Well why are you so nervous, you’re never like this. Something must be bothering you if you are so antsy.” There it is, you know him all too well. You don’t need hyper smell or hearing. You know him because he’s yours like you’re his. And, because of this he hangs his head in defeat.
“I-I-” He stutters before putting his hands over his face. Stuttering? That’s not in this Alpha’s nature. “Only the worst wolves go into the Lunaris Chamber, the most crazed demons of our kinds. The kind that turn feral during full moons and kill people like in those horror movies. Psychotic wolves that have been infected by this sort of Parvovirus. It spreads through the mind and body like a disease, we still don’t know what causes it but it makes the wolf go insane. Absolutely nuts, the only way to kill a wolf like that is to rip their heart out and burn it. The brain becomes jumbled and warped. Their eyes turn fully black, the veins in their face turn black, and they always foam at the mouth.” His voice trails off as his eyes glue to the skin of your knees as if he’s replaying some horrible memory within his mind. You put your hand on his shoulder as his eyebrows furrow.
“Baby?” His head snaps up before he gives you a shy smile, something you have NOT seen before and you find yourself stiffening. “I’m okay.”
His voice is so gentle. So full of hurt that you hurdle yourself at him wrapping your arms around his body. He hugs you back, chin hooking over your shoulder as he closes his eyes. “My parents were in there.”
The admission drops like a loaded bomb and you make no movement as you close your eyes. No wonder he is so scared, so nervous. He makes a dog-like whine and you can feel your eyes begin to prick with tears. “I hated them since I was a kid. Not because they got infected, they were terrible people. They made me-” He stops short before clearing his throat and letting you go. 
“Maybe one day, when they’re dead I can tell you. I have to finish packing up for us.” You sit there and watch him as he moves quickly without a word and your heart clenches within your chest. He was the epitome of everything beautiful in this world to you. He was so strong willed and determined. So ready to put his life on the line for you and his children and yet, as you stare at him now with this new found information you can see his guard lowered. You can see Kim Taehyung for everything he really is and your heart hurts for him. He has so much caged away to make sure his Alpha role is always present. He’s hurting and you’re just happy enough to know he trusts you with this. With everything. Because, you were his and he is yours. 
The front door opens with a loud slam and you jump at the noise. Taehyung doesn’t pay attention as he closes up the suitcase, his eyes flickering to you before smiling gently. “We’re going to be just fine, baby. I’ll always protect my family.” Of this you were sure.
“You shouldn’t have to protect us.” His smile fades before he’s lifting the suitcase off of the bed and rolling it into the carpeted hallway before it falls over with a thud as the wheels get snagged on the carpet beneath it. He kisses your cheek before letting off a low whistle. It’s silent for a moment before you hear multiple sets of feet stomping up the staircase. 
“We good to go?” His voice is rough as he picks up the bags on the bed. “Yeah, cars are ready to go.” He nods before holding his hands out to you. You take them quickly before standing up off of the bed. “Grab your pup and we’ll go.” 
His arm wraps around you as Seokjin folds his arms before pouting, “You better have another one quickly, I’m feeling left out.” Taehyung chuckles before kissing your temple.
“Once Y/N gets to Summit, you know how that goes.” The guys laugh as they enter the room to grab their protected pup and you frown folding your arms. “Why am I not clued in on this joke?” You ask quietly as you watch the men. 
“You’ll see. Summit is a magical place.” Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows as he holds your newborn daughter to his chest before kissing her forehead. “It’s not about magic, it’s about protection.” Taehyung mumbles stiffly before pulling on your hand.
“Let’s go baby.”
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Lost or Lying
The original request: “Hi if you’re still taking requests, can I request a one shot with Bo thinking reader escaped and gets  really angry with reader which leads into a screaming match between the two.”
Pairing: Bo Sinclair x Reader
Warnings: yelling/fighting(non-violent), language, angst and a little fluff
A/N: Sorry this took forever! I just re-watched House of Wax and it sparked the inspiration I needed to do this right. Hope it’s okay! Listened to Slow Down-Poolside // Devil in Paradise-Cruel Youth // A lot of Thom Yorke while finishing this up.
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You had been wanting some time to yourself lately and the universe had decided to give it to you in spades.
A simple stroll down what had looked to be a well-worn trail had turned into an all day hike was now morphing into admitting to yourself that you were lost. And dead, if you ever found your way back to town.
Bo had been the last of the Sinclair brothers to trust you being out and about on your own and even then, he would not so subtly keep an eye on you. Like you might disappear if he even so much as blinked.
So this, being gone for hours, would probably land you in hot wax. Literally.
Stopping for the millionth time to try and recognize your surroundings, a thought popped into your head. What if you didn't go back? What if you just kept walking, you'd eventually either come to some road or wind back up in Ambrose.
The thought left a sour taste in your mouth.
Sure you and the boys had gotten off to a less than great start, Lester not included. You had liked him the instant he'd offered you a ride to the nearest town for help with your car dead on the side of the road.
He was a talker with not many people to listen to him, which you understood on some level, and now looking back on that first conversation it was almost obvious how clearly unsettled he was about letting you walk unawares into Ambrose.
Too little, too late and all that you guessed.
Sighing, you looked up, glancing through the leaves to watch heavy, dark clouds slowly spreading themselves across the sky. Great. Just what you needed, a storm.
You kept going, trying to leave signs that you'd been past a certain place with broken branches. It made you feel better for a while, until you ran into them, stomping by the snapped wood like it had personally offended you.
When it started to rain, you resorted to yelling. Hair dripping wet, clothes soaked through and shivering like a chihuahua as you were pelted by rain. You simply kept yourself from running into trees and screamed out Bo, Vincent, and Lester's names like a broken record.
Eventually that became difficult with the way your teeth were chattering, your lips feeling more numb by the minute. You must have stopped at some point because all you could hear was the far off roll of thunder and barking.
Barking? Barking meant dogs which meant-
"Mite!" the voice that left your throat made you wince, hoarse and hopeful at the same time.
The barking got louder, so you shouted again, planting your feet in the slippery ground and waiting for the little barrel of black and white fur to come shooting out of the underbrush as the barking got closer.
She nearly knocked you over when she appeared, paws muddy and looking as soaked as you felt. But her tail was wagging and you'd never been so happy to smell wet dog in your entire life.
"Let's go home! Go home Mite!" you told her and she just about herded you all the way back.
The streets were slightly flooded but the whole town was lit up. Like a lighthouse on the shore, a warning and a safe haven. The gas station was empty as you jogged past it, trying to keep an excited Mite in your view. The yellow tow truck was gone too. Shit.
The house was the same, all the lights on but no one home. Once inside Mite shook off, giving the walls a good spray of dog water before she pranced off in search of someone to show what she had found. The muddy paw prints she was tracking around were the least of your worries.
You peeled off your shoes before trekking over to the kitchen, leaving a trail of puddles in your wake. Still shivering, you wrung out your hair over the sink and pulled out what few rags you could find and went in search of Mite.
When you reached the foot of the stairs you heard an engine pull in the drive. You couldn't be sure who it belonged to with the noise of the storm so you braced yourself, shivering and no doubt looking like a drowned rat caught holding stolen food.
No amount of bracing would do you any good though, not when the door practically flew open to let in Bo.
You don't think he even saw you at first with the way his eyes darted around the room, ghosting right over you as he slammed the door shut behind him, pacing around like a caged animal. You wondered if you just stayed still enough, maybe he wouldn't notice you.
You had never been that lucky.
You knew it was bad when he didn't immediately begin yelling. He just stared at you, blue eyes burning a hole straight through you. Jaw clenched so tight you worried he might crack a tooth. It was a miracle you didn't run purely out of instinct.
"Where the hell have you been."
Oh yeah. This was a new level of mad. His low, even growl of a question sending goosebumps up your already chilled skin.
"I just g-"
"Where the fuck did you think you were gonna get to?" he crossed the space between you two in less than three steps, each one raising your hackles further.
"I wasn't going anywhere" you held your ground even as he came to a stop right in front of you, giving you no space.
"Bullshit! You were gone for hours, had all of us runnin' around lookin' for your ass! And you were off doing what?! Leaving!"
Ah, there was the yelling. You dug your heels in just a little deeper.
"No, I went out for a walk and got lost and it started raining and-"
"Don't you fucking lie to me, I knew the second we let you out you'd run. The second you got a chance! Gone!" Bo had stepped even closer, pushing you back until you could feel the sharp corner of the wall dig into your spine.
"I wasn't trying to run away! I took a trail, I got lost and Mite found me. That's it!"
"So I'm jus' supposed to believe you were out there, no one to keep you from running and you didn't huh? You just walked in circles 'til you realized you couldn't find your way out!"
"I got fucking lost! Okay?! I. Got. Lost!" you had properly lost all energy to stay calm, Bo wasn't, so why should you? "I've been locked up in this house or at the station for months! No time alone, like a fucking dog! Hell, the dog has more freedom than me! Can you blame me for wanting some time to myself?!"
"Freedom! You shoulda' been dead the second you set foot in this town!" you could feel the hot puff of his breath across your face, foreheads nearly touching.
"That's not my fault! You're the one in charge around here aren't you? Just kill me now and you won't have to worry about me anymore!"
You had barely gotten the last word out before you felt the sharp tug of Bo's hands tangling themselves in your stringy, wet hair. It almost felt tender, like he was cradling the base of your skull, about to kiss you. Except the hold was too tight, stinging where blunt nails scraped your scalp and held you in place with the pressure on the back of your neck.
The rags you had clutched in your hands dropped silently to the ground when you curled your hands around his forearms, not that you could pry him off you.
A small droplet of water fell onto your face from Bo's damp hair.
You thought he might take you up on the offer right then and there. The set of his shoulders, the way he could so easily shift his hands and wrap them around your throat. But you'd spent plenty of time around Bo Sinclair, enough to be able to see what he was hiding behind all the rage and yelling.
He was worried. Maybe even scared.
Lester had told you, albeit hesitantly, how nice it was to have you around, to have someone to talk with.
Vincent had taken longer to express the same to you, and not in so many words, but it was there all the same. You had a collection of small wax figurines to show for it.
Bo treated you like a kid that needed to be watched, like you were going to stick your hand on a hot stove if left alone too long. He complained when you asked too many questions about what he was working on when you were in the station with him but he usually answered you.
He was a lot of bark, with an equal amount of bite, when it came to taking care of this town. Even his brothers, in his own messed up way.
"You really think I'd leave?" the words finally manage their way out of your mouth, rasping and quiet in the wake of the shouting match.
"That's a stupid question" Bo snaps.
"Would you miss me?"
Bo gives no warning before pulling your face up to his and kisses you. It's not soft, it's angry and suffocating and you can feel it in your gut when he bites your bottom lip, tugging none to gently until you finally part your lips enough to get a taste of him.
He tastes like rain and cigarettes.
You lean into him, standing up on tiptoes, and hum at the way he tugs you back far enough for your lips to be a hairs breath apart.
"I should get lost more often" you say a bit breathless, trying not to smirk.
Bo simply glares at you for a moment before crushing his lips back to yours.
You weren't going anywhere for a while.
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Survey #456
“i don’t even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger, & that feels so rough”
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for? I know at LEAST over an hour. I was in agony. What type of TV shows are your favourite? Animal docs. Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? Bitch I still am lmao. Do you know anyone who has died in battle? No. When was the last time you went on an adventure? Bro, I could NOT tell you. I haven't had one of those in what feels like eons. What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I actually don't know. I don't pay attention. Are you good at rapping? Never tried, but I'm sure I'd be awful. I stutter too much. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just ONE????????? Well, I can name homelessness as very high on the list. How do you feel about tanning? I hate it. I can't stand the heat, so why would I deliberately go bake in it? Have you ever given a public speech? Yeah, in front of the whole 4th and 5th grade when I was innnn... one of those grades, idr which. It was for my D.A.R.E. essay. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? NOOOOOOOOOOO I'm way too awkward. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Bro who tf kisses with their eyes open, that shit is creepy. Do you believe you can change someone? No. One can only change themselves. How did you react when your first pet died? I have no memory of our first pet. Have you ever drawn anime? No. Can you use a pogo stick? When I was a kid, I became a MASTER. I got one for I want to say Christmas and I was obsessed. When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like? Idk, first he needs to get on Facebook and see I messaged him alsdkfjalkdj. He like never gets on there. Do you like bathing/showering? No. One, it's a chore, and two, it's actually painful for me, standing up so long and propping my legs up and stuff like that to clean myself properly. Have you ever considered entering a race? HEEEEEEEEEEELL no. Rihanna or Lady Gaga? Probably Gaga, idk. Who was your first good kiss with? Jason. What accessory do you want in your bedroom? I actually kinda want a TV now? What do you take the most pictures of? Flowers. What are you always in the mood for? Lately, Krispy Kreme donuts, lol. I haven't had one in a very long time, but goddamn does a hot glazed donut sound BANGIN' right now and has for days. What is something that you never turn down? Hm... how am I blanking??? What is something that you always turn down when offered? Certain foods or drinks, like tea. Name something sexy about your significant other. I don't have one'a those. What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up? Um, idk. As interests work, I may move away from any hobby eventually. If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be? Dance. If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be? Violin. Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? A mortician. That job doesn't even seem all that bad to me? I think it'd be kinda chill somehow???? I could NEVER be a surgeon. I'd be terrified of fucking something up. Have you ever been on a subway? No. Are you in love? No. Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing? *eyes emoji* Do you want to get married when you’re older? Yes. What was the last band shirt you wore? PROBABLY my Metallica shirt? But I'm unsure, ultimately. You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? Ugh, I've been wanting a nice chocolate milkshake for a while. Have you ever given someone flowers? For Mother's Day one year, I collected some wildflowers to put in a jar for Mom. I've also given Jason roses before. I really wanted to give Sara some when I surprised her for her birthday, but I didn't want to ask her parents to drive me somewhere where I could buy her some, ha ha. What day of the week is usually your busiest day? None. My days are all the same. Do you have any concerts coming up? No, but UGH, I was so hyped a few days ago because I saw Motionless In White was going on tour next year, but of course they're going to the big city on the OTHER end of the state versus the capital, which I'm way closer to. -_- Bands ALWAYS choose Charlotte on the super rare occasion they come to NC... Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Ugh, I hate it. What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos, maybe? Between Mountain Dew and those... I am such a fucking gamer stereotype lmfao. Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? I think I had to before in school? Idr. Do you like pineapple? Love it. Does your house have a dishwasher? Yes. A dishwasher is one thing I MUST have in my own future house. I cannot stand touching dirty dishes. Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? Oh, absolutely. Sunflower tattoos are especially popular around here. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and uhhh Spanish? Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies. I don't mind them. I've never understood the hate, honestly? I think he's capable of being funny. Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for? Only by myself when I was a kid losing my baby teeth. Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? Nooooo. If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it? Fuck no, I hate it. What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds? I don't like those. Do you get cold easily? No, but I get hot extremely easily. Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? I don't think so, no. Do you admire nature? I positively adore nature. If only we treated it better... Name one naughty thing you’ve done. Done sexual things in places I probably shouldn't have, oops. Name two of your favorite things as a child. Pokemon and Webkinz. Do you own a Pillow Pet? No. They're cute, though. My niece has one. Do you tend to solve problems with violence? Absolutely not. Have either of your parents gone to jail? No. Do you know a hoarder? Yes. Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows? I just leave 'em be, honestly. Do you have any interesting scar stories? Not really. Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I love me some meatballs. Do you get migraines? Very, very rarely. They fucking suck. Do you like guns? NOOOOOOO guns terrify me alsd;kjfal;sdjfk Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') How much time do you spend taking surveys? A whole lot. It's just that I'm like... always bored and the randomness of surveys can add interesting little flares to the day, I guess. Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, for sure. Would you like to work at a candy shop? No. I don't want to work directly with people. Do you have feelings for someone? It's funny; now that I've settled the extreme indecision, I've come to realize that they're very strong feelings. How you go from being indecisive to really, really liking somebody, hell if I know. Which one of your guy friends is the best looking? Uhhh Girt is like my only real guy friend, so I guess it's by default him, ha ha. I'm not particularly attracted to him, but he's not ugly by any means. Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf? I'm so sorry. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? Either Ozzy or Metallica. Most likely Ozzy, though. Which song describes your mood at the moment? Hm. I dunno. Which movie(s) do you quote the most? None, really. Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date? None; we don't share irl friends, being many states apart, and not even that many online ones. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? I don't have my own car. Which one of your friends will be the most successful? I'm not psychic. What store did you last shop at? Mom and I picked up a Wal-Mart order the other day. Do you think telepathy is real? Absolutely not. When did you last draw something for fun? A few days ago, I started a drawing of Maieykio for Sara. Who makes the most in your entire family? I have no idea. Do you like writing essays? I don't mind, if the topic interests me. Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal? Nah. Well, I think you can take it to an visual extreme, but that's just my opinion. Do what makes you comfortable in your own body. Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up? It's picked up. When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands? The inside of my elbow. Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? It usually happened at night. Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test? Haven't taken it yet. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? OH MY GOD NEITHER Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently: No one, really? Well, unless you count my change of feelings for Girt, but it's just that: a type of change. I've loved him platonically since high school, and it's like, I feel the same for him, just in a romantic way now? Does your car have a sunroof? No. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? My mom. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Nope, not how I roll. Who’s the last person you cuddled with? Sara. Unless you count my cat. Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook? Former teachers, yes. I feel kinda bad for 'em now... They're all the sweetest, God-fearing people, and then there's my outspoken (online) and liberal ass sharing shit that's gotta disappoint them now lmaoooo.
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fez-whyiwaited · 4 years
Chapter II - Why I Waited
Masterlist    Wattpad  
Our new house is not that small, but also not that big. It certainly is not that awful, it’s clean and it has some rustic and old details to it, but over all it’s a simple one story house, with tree bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small kitchen, and a sad small couch with a tv on the floor in the living room. 
‘’Jona, the house smells amazing’’ is the first thing Sarah says when we drop some moving boxes into the house. 
Jonathan is who gave us the opportunity to move into this town, he’s the manager of ‘The Handler - Strip club’, or as he likes to call it ‘’exclusive men restaurant’’, same one Sarah will be starting working tomorrow. 
‘’It really does’’ I laugh. 
‘’My Yankee Candle dropped, it’s a bitch to take the wax off the carpet’’. 
‘’Well, that apple-cinnamon smell is to die for’’. Sarah adds. 
‘’Here Joy, let me show you your new room, it has a window to the garden, Sarah told me you needed to have that view, please do whatever you like with the space… by the way, it does need a little time and patience’’. 
‘’Thanks Jona’’ I say. 
This bedroom is probably the biggest thing I have ever had for myself, Sarah and I always shared a bedroom since kids. 
I look out the window and see a big wood doll house, getting eaten by termite. 
I don’t know much about Jona’s private life, just that he’s a protective friend to Sarah, and that her daughter was taken away by her ex girlfriend. 
I can really make this garden look better, the first thing that needs to go is that nasty doll house. 
Gardening has always been easy for me, while my parents were not present in most part of my childhood, my grandma was. She used to teach me all about it, something about taking care of a living being made me feel important, that’s why I never want kids, because plants and animals can give me that happiness, one that has no expectations, you just need to be there, give them love and a little time, and they will not complain or ask for more. 
‘’Hey, do you like it?’’ Sarah enters the room
‘’Yup, pretty cool, can’t wait to remove that doll house and plant some lilacs’’ I say pointing out of the window. ‘’Also I’m pretty excited to not hear you snore, I don’t even know how it is to sleep without a bear sound’’
‘’Ha, ha, smart ass. Hey? We should totally wreck it or something, ask Jona if he has a baseball bat, or something’’ 
‘’Will do’’
- - - - - - - - 
It only has been a few hours since we arrived, unpacking boxes was not that hard since we only had a few ones. My new room used to be of Jona’s daughter, so the walls are painted in baby pink. Completely empty, there’s two doors that lead to the wardroom. 
My belongings are not that hard to place, most of it is clothing, two bags of makeup, and a photo of Sarah, grandma and me. 
Jona placed a sleeping bag and a quilt on the floor for me to sleep. It’s not that bad, the room is quiet, and I know that if I open the window, I will hear the crickets, which sometimes the sound of nature gives me serenity.  
I lay down in my new ‘bed’, and while battling my thoughts, that I know if it wasn’t for my actions we could still be in our apartment in New York City, back to a comfort zone that took us years to built after our parents went finally away. As my grandma used to say, I should ‘’only focus on the next day’’, so tomorrow I will: A. Find a new job B. Try to get back to school and C. Buy pink hair dye. 
- - - - - - - - 
‘’Good morning’’ I say entering the kitchen
‘’Hey! Can you grab the orange juice and ketchup? They’re in the fridge’’ Jona answers
‘’Sure, want some help? What are you cooking?’’ Taking the juice, I take advantage to also place tree cups on the table. 
‘’Eggs with ham, I suppose you are hungry, Sarah told me you really didn’t ate yesterday’’ 
Avoiding to answer, I start to wonder the kitchen, learning the place of every single one of the dishes and at the same time helping with the table. I’ll definitely find some time today to accommodate in here. 
‘’Oh, oh, I already see your eyes, girl, chill a little, if something bothers you… you’re free to change it, just remember to calm’’ 
‘’Thanks Jona’’ 
‘’So, what’s the plan for today, I already know you’re all scheduled’’ Sarah says entering the kitchen ‘’I start work at 10 p.m. and we will probably be back at 6’’ she adds. 
‘’Try to find a new job, search for the nearest public school and buy hair dye’’ 
‘’First thing we need to go grocery shopping’’ 
‘’And that too…’’ 
‘’Hey have you tried this? Jona put ketchup on the eggs, this shit revolutionary’’ 
‘’Ew, there’s no way that’s entering my body’’ she says disgusted 
‘’Oh common, when have I failed you? Close your eyes’’ he goes near Sarah and puts the fork near her mouth. Sarah closes her eyes and gives a bite, while processing she opens her eyes fast. 
‘’Okey I need more’’ she states
‘’Told ya’’ 
- - - - - - - -
In the grocery shop, while Sarah’s taking the essential food and toilettree products, I use my phone to search the local public school. 
‘’Do you really think I can go back to school?’’
‘’I mean, of course, it’s January, you are good with grades, your advisor said she was going to send what was needed for you not to loose what you did for the year’’
I know it’s Sarah’s dream for me to go to college, but that’s just not going to happen. I know that because we don’t have extra money. A week ago, I had it all figured out, even the money, now… nada for college. 
‘’I really want to work, I can do school and a part time job, I know Jona even offered you for me to work in the kitchen of the club - ’’
‘’Which you’re not’’ she cuts me off 
‘’I’ll search for the hair dye, you want something?’’ 
‘’Water, chips, milk and Lucky Charms’’ 
I write everything on my phone, and start to venture the store searching for it. 
When I gather the food, I take it all with my two hands, as I walk to the beauty aisle I’m intercepted by someone, provoking me to fall and drop the stuff. 
‘’Oh shit, sorry, here let me help you’’ the male voice says 
I collect the cereal and chips, and he quickly pass me the water and milk. 
He looks me to the face and his expression is just the same as the ginger guy from the store. 
Uncertainty… Doubt… Incertitude… Dubiety… but not judgmental. 
‘’Hey? It’s everything okey?’’ He dares to ask
The question completely surprises me, I know people see it, I didn’t even made an effort to hide it , putting and removing makeup in the bruises will just hurt me more and just seem like a lot of work. 
‘’Yeah, thanks for asking’’ 
‘’Okey, I mean if you’re in trouble or something, I can get you some help, it does look painful’’ 
How the fuck does this guy reads people so well? 
‘’Thanks I just, you know… was cooking and the knife accidentally got to my face, I then fall’’ 
I smile a little just to make the comment more bearable, not for him, but for me. 
‘’Yeah, sure… Hey look this is my phone if you ever need something’’ he shows me his contact number on his phone waiting for me to take mine and save it. 
Struggling with the groceries I put the stuff on the floor and grab my phone from my jeans pocket. This guy has a friendly and welcoming aura that I like. 
‘’Are you in private school? I have never seen you before’’ 
‘’Is this town really that small? Am I suppose to expect just to see the same faces?’’ 
He laughs, damn he really is a town cliché. 
‘’Something like that, my name’s Ethan by the way, I go to public, are you a rich kid that likes buying at this cheap store?’’ 
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‘’I mean I just save you as the guy who didn’t saw where he was walking and hit me’’. 
He gives a small nod and smiles back. 
‘’No, actually I just came to live here, my life isn’t that wild’’ I add
‘’Hey did you found everything?’’ Sarah yells from the distance 
‘’That’s my cue to go, thanks for asking Ethan’’ I say grabbing the stuff from the floor, and going without waiting for a reply. 
Author’s note
Hey! I hope you like this new chapter, please remember this is a Fez story. Not an Ethan, but I need to do some character development. Please be patient for next chapter <3 I promise so much fez! 
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huearmy · 4 years
This is Soulmate Series. I’ll be doing one for each member.
Summary: Of all the possible ways in which your connection with your soulmate could’ve manifests, such as birthmarks or dreams, you and your person share physical pain. It would be enough for the two of you to want to get to know each other soon, the problem is that you are the most clumsy person Hoseok doesn't know yet, and all he wants is to find you and protect you from the world.
Pairing: Soulmate!au Hoseok x Reader.
Genre: Fluff, ANGST
Words:  5781
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: I dont really know if this is a warning or not but the is description of pain and injury, some of them are kind of... bad. Sorry.
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Hoseok have a really clumsy soulmate. It had been two years since he started feeling your pain as if it is his.
He didn't found you yet, and the suffering of feeling under his skin your auto destructive nature increase his frustration.
You cut your fingers a lot, sometimes with paper others with knives while cooking, or with scissors doing some manual work - he can say the difference by now. You sprained your right ankle twice in eight months, and definitely have a cat that scratch you once in awhile. It's amazing how you get to know a person just because of the way they get hurt on a daily basis Hoseok can handle with your constant banging on furniture and doors, new bruises on hips, knees, elbows, and ankles almost every day. What he can't handle is when you do waxing. Like, don't you know that he will feel it too? Or don't you care? Can't you just shave for his sake? That fucking pain in his legs, under his arms and groin hurts to death. He never know when it is about do come, because apparently you are a person with a flexible routine and do these things when you have free time, he assumes, so sometimes he is having a normal conversation and suddenly he screams - and not the type of Hoeeok's screams that everyone is used to. Are screams of terrible pain and despair, that fill his eyes with painful tears.
Not to mention his horrible period cramps - Hoseok prefers not to think about it.
But he knows that you might suffer because of him sometimes too. For example when anxiety takes over him and his stomach aches and he can't breathe and his chest burns... besides the pain you must feel sad too. Or when he's tired from dancing,  arms and legs too sore to move, you wouldn't be able to walk neither.
Even if sometimes it looks horrible not knowing you, feeling pain instead, he would always picture your face in bed time. He would stare the ceiling and fantasy with the color of your eyes and the sound of your voice, each time building a different face that can't satisfied him. Just you in reality will be enough.
Hoseok has always been a romantic person, who likes to be in a relationship, to walk hand in hand in cute dates, and have someone to call his own. Since the first time he felt you hitting a little toe on the corner of a piece of furniture, though, he was never able to take an interest in anyone again. No girl, however incredible and beautiful, was enough to fill the void in him. Feeling you being stupidly clumsy started to be more exciting than flirting with someone he was actually seeing in front of him. He missed you so much without even knowing you.
"Hyung, you want go eat with us?" Jimin's head apers in the door ajar, bringing Hoseok from his wondering.
"Sure" Hoseok smiled back, dead hungry, already standing from his desk. "Let's eat! Let's eat!" He sang with sound effects. "Oh" Before he could reach his friend he stumbled on nothing, a sharp pain in his big toe making presence.
"What was that, hyung?" Jimin laughed.
Looking confused to the floor, Hoseok giggled.
"She must be in a hurry." He stated, feeling that he is right.
"Oh." Jimin said surprised, although he's already used to Hoseok talking about you like that.. "You already know her this well?"
Hoseok laughed.
"Kind of. She is always tripping around..."
Hoseok let out a sigh. He needs to find you and protect you from the world, because apparently you can't to do it by yourself, and even if he doesn't know your face yet, or your voice... He loves you. And you are so damn clumsy! Every time you trip, beats your head into something or get sick he have a heart attack. Hobi just want to take care of you... He loves you.
You are a really clumsy girl. Sometimes you just don't know how you still alive, or with all limbs in place. Like, when you were six you got the prowess of knocking over a bookshelf on top of yourself, and luckily only lost a milk tooth. When you were nine you fell three flights of stairs because you was looking at a plane trough the window, resulting in a whole week in hospital, during holidays. Seventeen was your age when you give up of collective sports, after breaking a girl's nose in a volleyball match by accident - and she was your team mate. You never learned how to drive for the world's sake and most of the time you order take out instead cooking.
You hate yourself for being so clumsy. You always did. Because is awkward and tiresome... And you are so ashamed sometimes, like when you dropped ice cream on your high school crush. But now you are also guilty. Two years ago when you first felt your soulmate pain - a slap in the butt, and for some reason it always happens - you knew he would suffer because of you. You swear that you try to be careful, but it's not enough. So you feel guilty. You feel you don't deserve your soulmate.
You need to find him. Find him to protect him from yourself. Ironically.
The day you both finally met the pain will go away.
"Y/N honey, can you help me here?" Your coworker, called you from the other room. You put the wedding rings in place to the great moment and calmly walked to her, confident in yours, not so high, high heels.
Next to the window, the bride was having her make up and hair done in her white robe, and you couldn't help but get jealous. It happens in all your jobs with weddings, because all that beautiful brides found their soulmates...
Your coworker pull you to the corner, clearly annoyed.
"We have a problem." She said. This sentence can mean anything, so an alert light out in your mind.
"And it is?" You asked in concern.
"The groom's mother is allergic to roses."
Your eyes widened.
"The whole decoration is made of roses. We need to change for another flower. Right?" You said, already reaching for you phone.
"Wrong. The bride want roses. Even though her mother-in-law is having an anaphylactic attack at the moment for snooping around the church decoration she doesn't want to change. The luck is that it didn't happen during the ceremony and there is still time to fix it."
Your brain worked hard during a second - aside from the questionable selfish stance of the bride who probably already knew about such an allergy - working so many years with organizing events you already got a little used to it.
Remembering something promising you opened your instagram, looking for a florist you’ve worked with a few times.
"I know where to get really realistic artificial roses, and I can bargain a really good price if I go in person."
Your coworker smiled in adoration.
"Go get then, honey."
You demanded someone to continue your previous task over the radio, while texting the said florist with one hand. You are a clumsy girl who choose a job in which it is necessary to divide your attention between several tasks at the same time and still make everything perfect, without breaking anything and still having the chance of the client to change his mind at the last moment for you to have to solve it. And actually you are pretty good at it. Just to be sure you passed as far as possible from the ice sculpture being made in the lobby, asking for an uber and walking at the same time could be dangerous when around fragile things.
Your plan was to get enough money to open your own event company, and you're almost there, maybe in a year you could be putting the plan into action. You would love to find your soulmate already being successful like that, maybe it will help him or her not to find you so clumsy. Still, you would like more than anything to meet your soulmate soon, not in a year or more.
Every day when you left your house to work you daydream with you bumpim with a beautiful person on the busy sidewalk, or at the door of a café, probably spilling hot coffee on them, or finding them at one of the weddings you organize, being the cousin of the groom or something like that. Your relationship would begin with appologies, but it would be funny, and the future you both will have together would be bright, cute, with lots of hand in hand cute dates, and unexpected trips to the emergency room. Every time you see a bride's happy and fulfilled smile you think about it, not that you want to get married specifically, but finding your person is almost a necessity after two years of knowing that they are somewhere in the world waiting for you too.
You sat carefully in the back seat of the uber, so as not to hit your head, already counting in your budget from what you could get the money to pay the extra cost of fake flowers and programming your bargain in your head for a good value. But as much as your professional mode was turned on, you were having trouble focusing, a strange feeling in your stomach bringing you anxiety.
At the restaurant  with the boys, filling his belly with delicious food and well-deserved doses of alcohol -  on a day off is ok to drinking early, and Taehyung is driving, not him - he still too thoughtful to fully have fun. He still thinking hard about you.
You didn't hurt yourself during the last two hours to remember him of your existence, but he just didn't forget not for a second. He even started to overthink about thinking about you so much, which isn't exactly normal, anxiety making him tense. The laughter of friends around him and the good food failing to take away from him the feeling that something was wrong. He wished he could pick his phone and call you to be sure you are ok. On the other hand, if something bad was happening to you, he would know in his own skin, so why stress so much?
All he wanted was to go home and sleep - after it took so long to arrive at the restaurant, stopping at several places before to shop and pay bills, it took most of the afternoon.
"Ah! It wasn't so! You are being mean to me, hyung..."  Jimin was whining about something Yoongi had said, making all of them laugh.
But Hoseok was still not having it. He got up from the table murmuring a 'I'm going to the bathroom', without waiting for an answer, or that they would notice at all. In the rest roo, he washed his face and made some funny faces to te mirror to relax himself.
"OK!" He excitedly said to himself, ready to get out of the bathroom and bright the world.  Hoseok almost had a heart attack as soon as he closed the bathroom door behind him, with a loud noise of a metal tray falling on the floor and glass breaking. A few meters from him, in the middle of the mess, was one of the waitresses, on her knees. Without hesitating, he stepped forward to help her. He helped her to get on her feet, searching everywhere visible if she got hurt. "Are you ok?"
"Yes sir, thanks. I'm just a little clumsy." The waitrees awkwardly smiled.
From the table, his friends watched the scene with interest, wich one of them knowing what bond of pain you two have and how awkward you seem to be, imagining that suddenly Hoseok could have finally found you, hoping that was you. But Hoseok already knew it wasn't you, the cuts on the waitress's knees didn't hurt him, he was just being polite to help, hoping that when you get hurt, you'll have someone to help you too.
Another waiter came to help, and he can go back to the table, going straight to the plate of food he had left unfinished, now feeling like eating. His six friends were staring at him in expectation. Hoseok swallowed his food and laughed flatly.
"It wasn't her." He said.
You got that damn fake flowers in time to redecorate the whole wedding hall in time, and with a fair price. That kind of thing certainly raises your self-esteem, because damn, you are an incredible talented professional. On the way back from the florist, you had to go to the office to resolve some more bureaucratic issues, which delayed you to return to the wedding as a staff. But you can put on some makeup and perfume while you run to your uber, rigth? Yeah, just take of your shoes, and run barefoot to avoid twisting your ankle, and try not to run over anyone on the way. You almost entered the wrong car in your rush. Almost.
You texted your coworker telling her you would be there in twenty and made eye contact with the driver.
"I'll pay double if you go really fast." You said, putting on the seat belt.
The driver raised an eyebrow to you.
"Are you this late?"
"I need to attend a wedding on time." You smiled with you best puppy eyes.
He started the engine.
"Yes ma'am".
They were already arriving home, Hoseok's mood a lot better, a little bit tipsy too. He was messing up with Jungkook and Yoongi while waiting for the elevator, the other boys stayed behind in the parking lot picking up the useless shopping bags of the day.  He was ok in changing his plan of get to bed early to more soju and beer on a karaoke night - nothing better than drunkly scream songs at the top of your lungs to a machine that gives you points for it to liven up a day that was strange.
Their dorm was a mess in less than ten minutes, smell of cheese snacks and fried chicken in the air, loud and exaggerated laughter, play order defined with rock paper and scissors. The youngers were struggling to set up the karaoke, Jin and Namjoon were giggling in they spot in the couch choosing the song for one another - expect loud screaming notes.. Hoseok went to the kitchen to put the beer on ice, but I couldn't find the cooler anywere.
He was looking in the pantry when Yoongi came after him.
"Need help?"
"I'm just not finding the cooler."
"Hmm." Yoongi leaned against the doorframe " Are you feeling better?"
"What?" Hoseok let a embarrassed laugh out.
"Stop. We all notice when you are not ok." Yoongi were serious "What happened?
Hoseok sighed.
"I felt weird the whole day. And the thing with the waintress got to me... I was anxious, but I'm ok now." He smiled "I know theres a rigth time to find my person, and I can't do much to speed this up."
Yoongi got silent for a moment.
"Aren't you afraid to find them? Not even a bit?" He asked without looking Hoseok in the eyes.
"No" Hoseok said without hesitation.
He knows Yoongi personal crisis about finding his own soulmate, how it scares and get to the insecurities of his hyung. But he don't feel this way. He already loves you too much to be afraid. Hoseok assurance didn't surprised Yoongi one bit, it actually made him smile.
"So I think a shortcut for you is to look in emergency rooms out there, at some point you’ll find them." He said.
"Oh hyung... I already thought about it, but it’s nothing romantic." Hoseok whinned reaching the cooler on the bottom shelf.
At the end Jimin chose a song for Jin and namjoon to sing together, a children's song that the two sang as if they were vocalists in a punk rock band. Teahyung slipped and fell on his butt dancing with them. Then Yoongi sang a party song like it was the most emocional and heart touching thing ever. Jungkook performed a really emocional song in a really emocional way, making most of them drunk crying. The beer was gone. Jimin and Taehyung practically serenade each other and got the lowest note of the night. When Hoseok's turn came Jin skipped the line and did a duet with him too, damn they’re lucky that the apartment is soundproofed, because the neighbors wouldn’t stand the screams.  About an hour singing the soju and the chicken were also running out, the maknae was sleeping in a corner of the sofa as if the noise did not exist, and some were already too dizzy to be jumping and dancing in the middle of the room. Hoseok was not one of those, even when it was not his turn, it was as if he suddenly had a lot of energy accumulated in his body - which can be considered strange as he is usualy a quiet drunk.
They were debating out loud what song to choose next, Hoseok with one of the microphones in his hand and a wide smile on his face when
it happened
For the boys who saw it from the outside, they couldn't understand what was happening. Hoseok's face contorted in pain and he fell to the floor abruptly. And there he stayed.
Inside he was in agony. In an instant he was fine and having fun, in the next everything hurt and it was impossible to breathe. His head was throbbing, as if he had been hit hard on the left side, making the world go round. His left shoulder also hurt so much that he couldn't even move his fingers - almost the same if it was broken. The skin, especially on the face, stinged like dozens of small cuts. But the worst was the burning chest, as if his lungs did not have the strength to draw air, the feeling was that he was drowning. It was like he was dying.
Jin and Yoongi were by his side in one moment, putting putting him on his back, not knowing what to do besides. They were panicked seeing their friend crying in pain on the floor when there was apparently nothing wrong with him.
"Hoseok-ah whats happening? Can you talk?" Yoongi tried with no response.
"We need to take him to the hospital." Namjoon stated.
"I'll take the car." Jin decided. "Can you guys pick him up?"
"Hyung, you are too drunk to drive." Jungkook, who woke up with the commotion, said with scared and worried eyes.
"What do you think we can do then?" Jin did not intend to shout, but he had no control over the situation.
Taehyung putted a hand on Jin shoulder. "Jimin is calling the emergency."
Infact Jimin was on his phone at the corridor, his choked voice asking for medical help.
The discussion of what to do or not, the boys obeying the emergency attendant's recommendations over the phone, the despair of the other members, the karaoke song selection menu still playing in the background ... Hoseok was not processing any of this. He just had a terrible thought. A realization that made him cry more than the physical pain he was feeling.
That was your pain. You were the one dying. He was losing you.
Taehyung was the most sober of the group, so when the paramedics arrived, he was the one accompaning Hoseok in the ambulance -  the others called their manangers and waited to go to the hospital in aother way. He answered questions about what they drank and ate and about his hyung's medical history while the paramedic examined him in the tight space. Although he was unable to breathe or move properly, there were no physical signs of the pain he was feeling, and the information given by the youngest boy also did not help, because in fact there was nothing wrong with Hoseok's body, he he was unharmed and healthy.  
With the only sight being the ambulance's monochromatic roof and unable to breathe enough to speak, Hoseok just cried. He wanted to get up and run to find you, to save you ... even if he has no idea where you are, even without destiny he wanted to move, do something. The panic and anxiety playing with his head, making him think of a thousand possibilities of what could've happened to you. So much pain he has felt in the last two years connected to you, but nothing has been so scary. What if someone hurt you? If he had already found you, would he have been able to protect you? ... What if he never found you? Hoseok found himself hoping the pain would not go away, afraid that if the pain disappeared he would know that you are gone.
Hoseok were too devastated to hear Tae explaining about the soulmate bond of pain between you, nor the paramedic saying that then all he could do to help was a dose of morphine. He panicked even more when the medicine, injected into his bloodstream, started to take effect and his body started to go numb until he fell asleep.
Upon arrival at the hospital, a manager was already there to assist Teahyung and not leave him alone. Hoseok was referred for observation, as a 'soulmate case'. There wasn't much to do with him, so knowing the reason why he was admitted to the hospital, the nurses in the ward where Hoseok stayed decided to keep an eye on any patient with symptoms that matched his, just in case.
It wasn't even high-speed fault or anything. In fact, when you asked the uber driver to help you get to the wedding faster, he decided to take less busy routes, without breaking any traffic laws, just taking shortcuts. And everything was going well, you would get there in time ... Until you came across a drunk driver who advanced the signal and hit the side of your car, rigth in your door. While the uber driver only had a wrist dislocation and the drunk guy had no more than a few scratches, it was a different story with you. Of course it was, otherwise it wouldn't be you.
A broken collarbone and left arm, a concussion with possible complications, and what was more frightening and you thought it was going to kill you, a broken rib piercing your left lung that filled it with fluid preventing you from breathing. You were sure you were going to die and everything you could think as you watched the firefighters taking you out of the hardware with a blurry view was '
damn my person must be freaking out now.'.
You didn't see it when you arrived at the hospital, since you were convulsing, but if you were awake you might have seen Hoseok passing by you to the oposite direction on another stretcher while you were being taken to the operating room. You spent about six hours in surgery and when they sent you to the intensive care unit, your condition was more stable, but the doctors still haven't considered you to beout oft risk. You were breathing with the help of devices and being medicated so that the clot in your head would dissolve. Visits were not allowed at first.
Hoseok was feeling restless in his hospital room, the intravenous access to his arm, injecting serum and pain medication, was bothering him. He was numb and it was scary. The clock in the wall was showing eight in the morning. At this hour everyday, regardless of whether he is  awake and already working or sleeping until a little later, he would know you were getting out of bed to start your day, today he has no idea how you are... Or if... No. He doesn't want to think about that possibility.
A nurse came into the private room with a breakfast tray, making the mananger sleeping in the side couch to wake.
"Good morning" She said with a smile, putting th tray on Hoseok's lap. "Sir, the hospital café is open." She smiled to the mananger too, who got up and left still sleepy.
Hoseok satared to the food in front of him with a pout, not wanting to eat. The nurse took his medical record from the edge of the bed and made some notes, observing the dosage of the serum.
"How are you feeling mr.Jung? Any pain?"
"No. I'm... ok."
The nurse just nodded and writed some more in the record.
"Theres not much more we can do to help you, so untill twelve the doctor will come to discharg you."
Hoseok wasn't feeling talktive, so he nodded in silence. The nurse gave the door a suspicious look  and when she talked againg in was almost a whisper.
"We tecnically shouldn't have done that, but the other nurses and I think we found your girl."
It took him a second to understand what she meant by those words, and then he practically jumped on the bed, suddenly feeling energized. A lot of things running on Hoseok's mind. Noticing his agitation she went on talking, now with a careful look.
"This girl checked into the hospital last night, at about the same time as you, and suffered trauma that matches the pain you described you were feeling. I can't guarantee it's her ..."
"If I see her I'll know." Hoseok said with conviction, picking the tray and putting it on the side, ready to get up and go to you.
"Oh oh oh... calm down. You can't see her now, she is on ICU, no visits."
Hoseok thought he might cry in frustration.
"Please... I need to see her."
He looked so fragile and he pouted so cutely that the nurse couldn't do much besides melt and say yes to him.
"I'll talk to the head nurse and see what to do. But you have to eat everything huh." She said going to the door.
"Ok." Hoseok happily satarted to eat, and the nurse couldn't belive in the sunshine smile she was seeing in his face.
Is not the first time you see yourself in a hospital room, everything is quite familiar to you like the antiseptic smell, white light, and some characteristic sounds like those of machines helping you to breathe. And no, it's not just because you are always hurting yourseol in dumb ways, you had to remove your appendix when you were thirteen, for example. What matters is that when you opened your eyes you already knew where you were and why, and all you could do at the moment was to press the red button on the side of the bed to call the nurse and cry with happiness for being alive.
The confusing part of it all was "Why am I in a private room?" You asked the nurse.
It was a clearly expensive private room, that you couldn't pay, if you used your savings to start your business you would have to work two years to recover the money. And why in heaven there were so many flowers in the room??? A lot of them of various diferent times of flowers. There must have a error and you were mistaken for another patient, because you don't know anyone who would give you so many flowers, much less pay a room like this to you. And even if there are balloons tied to the edge of the bed and one of them has your name written on it, nothing could convince you that you were not exchanged with somebody.
"I don,t know miss. You were transferred here yesterday morning with the bills already paid." He said without looking away from the screen beside you.
"Paid by whom?"
The nurse didn't know how to awnser you and left right after, letting you with just the tv control and still a lot of doubts and paranoia. You cell phone was destroyed in the accident, but you wanted it so badly. With it you could try to resolve this situation. The thing was wait till visiting time, it is probably your mother who comes to see you and she will know what to do.
Well, no one told you what time it would be, but waiting would do no harm. So at lunch, as other nurse were helping you to eat - since one of your hands is full of intravenous accesses and your other arm is in a sling because of the broken cravicle - a light knock on the door drew your attention to a silhouette visible through the frosted glass. The nurse besides you looked at his wristwatch and excused hermself to her feet.
Why did she look excited?
It confused you for a second, but maybe her shift was ending and the someone at the door was there to replace her, that's what you concluded. She went out and closed the door, leaving you alone.
The door opened again and a man - without nurse's uniform - entered. The nurse pratically pushed him inside. You were sure he was there to talk about the misunderstanding of the rooms, and you already had the arguments ready to apologize and try to make the situation less strange ... when you two made contact and you were speechless. And you knew.
Hoseok was so anxious to met you, the doctor didn't let him see you up close, and even if you were all intubated and swollen, through the window of the ICU, he knew you were his person. He got you a better room, and bought you flowers - all his members did too, thats why theres were so many of them, the baloons were Teahyung's idea -, and now he thinks everything was a little overhelming, making him afraid of your potential reaction.
But you just looked at him in silence, wide and watery eyes. The truth was that you were feeling so many things and your heart was so full that you couldn't form sentenses, couldn't chose what tell him first, you onl sure that your future were standing right in front of you, ans tha you already had a crush on him.
He hesitated for a moment.
"Hi." He said.
Your lips quiver lightly, and than you started crying.
"Im sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
Hoseok didn't know if you were talking about the acident or everything else, but he didn't want you to cry for any reason. He walked at you and got a sit in the chair besides yor bed.
"Hey don't cry. I'm happy! Happy to see you!" He made a cute silly voice and smiled and you heart melted completly. "No need to cry or feel sorry, ok?"
He wiped your tears away with the back of your hand, and you both felt like electricity pass through your bodies from where they touched. You tried to lean towards him to not lose his touch, but the new angle brought a sharp pain in your shoulder, making you hiss. He went on a lot of apologies, asking if he did something wrong and if he should call the nurse. And all you could think was that you were doing it again.
"Did it hurt you??"
The voice that left your mouth was fragile and insecure. Hoseok understood and his face softened. He intertwined his little finger with yours, as he couldn't properly hold your hand.
"The moment I saw you all the pain was gone." He said, voice deep and chaming smile.
Your pale face got a new shade of red.
"God that was so cheesy!" You whined, all embarassed, if you could you would be hidding you face in your hands.
"It's true though! Do you want me to stop with cheesy things? I didn't mean it to be cheesy..." Oh my god you made him insecure, he was so nervous to talk to you, just like a teenager.
"No. Don't stop, please... I can be really lovey dovey, and I love cheesy dates and pda, and cliche displays of affection too. I live for those stuff. I literally work with it.." You tried to fix and his wild smiled made you relax.
"Good, because I draw hearts in everything." He said.
Hoseok exchanged his place in the chair for a piece of the bed beside you. He just wanted to be as close to you as he can, even if you weren't ok yet to get all the hugs he was holding back.
"But seriously. After I saw you for the first time yesterday, I didn't feel any of your pains anymore. I think it proves that you are mine."
You really startet to cry this time, it fisically hurted because of your wonds, but it was mentally and emotionally relieving. You were so happy that you didn't die and now was with Hoseok - your person, your soulmate. For so long you wondered what kind of person he would be, you imagined yourself being scold for your clumsyness, being called selfish or inconsequential for not thinking of someone else suffering with you. Of couse it was your insecurities talking. Now seeing that Hoseok is nothing but a sweetheart, you couldn't help yourself but feel even more guilt.
"Thank god... I'm so sorry for everything I put you through. "You said between light sobs.
"Hey... don't cry that I cry too." Hoseok took your face in his hands with all the care in the world, as if you were going to break if he got it wrong. "It's not your fault. And even if it is, I don't care ok? All waxing is forgiven."
Your eyes got wild and you pout.
"Sorry. I have horrible allergies to shaving, so I thought a momentary pain would be better than one that lasted for days."
Hoseok laughed.
"See, you were caring for me. And now I will care for you."
Hoseok was biting his tongue to not say that he already loves you - because he thinks it's too soon and theres no need to be hurry. Inside your head you are exactly the same. Instead of saing anything, Hoseok juts got closer and lightly kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply. None of you said 'I love you' out loud, but you both understood.
Now I will care for you.
I’ll be working on other members parts with no rigth date to post. Let me know if you liked it, so I can prioritize that.
Thankyou ~
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calamity-callie · 4 years
New Beginnings ~ Wiztober Day 1
Edited by @spiralcompendium
“So.” The single, stern word broke a heavy silence that had been present since their private airship left the port in Hamamitsu. “How was your first year at the Imperial City Dragon Academy?” Alia flinched. They had been hoping and praying that this question would never come but knew it was inevitable. ‘Why did it have to be this soon though?’ they cried internally, cursing themself for not already having a full speech prepared for this. “Well?” their mother snipped impatiently, interrupting Alia’s thought process. Under pressure to deliver positive results, they opened their mouth to reply and a flood of words poured out.
“Dragon Academy? Oh, it was great!!! The Imperial City is such a cool place, and I loved seeing the inside of the Imperial Palace - did you know it contains 75 bedrooms?! 75!!! Also -”
“Alia,” came the first interruption.
“Also it turns out I have a natural talent for gardening! See I joined the gardening club and I was the only first year in the history of the school to actually raise a maelstrom snap dragon to elder! A Maelstrom! Snap! Dragon! That’s senior level stuff!!! Oh oh also -”
“Alia…” their mother interrupted again, this time with slightly more insistence.
“- alsoalsoalso it turns out I’m real good at alchemy, too! So much so that a potions vendor in the city took me as an apprentice! My first job, and something I love too! Can you believe it?!?!? Also also oh oh also also also -”
“ALIA!” The third interruption came as a full on yell. They gasped, taken aback by the intensity. “You know exactly what I mean. I don’t care about your extracurricular activities, your clubs, or how many bedrooms the palace has. Your grades. Let me see them.”
“Well, I got one A, uhhhh...” Alia trailed off, panicking. Their off-the-cuff plan hadn’t turned out quite how they hoped. As they desperately tried to brainstorm ways to stall for more time though, their mother, growing ever more impatient, demanded yet again, “Show me your grades. Now.”
Defeated, a crestfallen Alia opened up their bag, pulled out an official looking envelope, and handed it off without a word. The seconds felt like hours as their mother peeled off the wax seal, opened the top flap, and pulled out the parchment inside. Her face morphed from concentration, to confusion, to rage. She opened her mouth as if to yell, but at the last second changed her mind. Putting the sheet back into the envelope, she simply said, “We will discuss this with your father when we get home.” Not a single word was uttered for the rest of the flight.
Some hours later, the two arrived at their home in Kembaalung. Their father initially greeted them with a smile and open arms, but their mother quickly trotted over to him and they began talking in hushed tones. After a moment their father turned with a grim face and said, “Alia. Go to your room. We will call you when we are ready to talk.” 
“Talk. Great. They want to Talk.” Alia laid on their bed, speaking their thoughts aloud, thankful for the magical soundproofing their parents tended to use during their private conversations. Looking over at the bookshelf on the opposite wall, they contemplated how things ever got to this point. The shelf was full of thick tomes on dragon magic: grimoires they could remember being forced to read and memorize for hours at a time, beginning as soon as they learned to read. They had every word of every thick volume on that shelf memorized, but not a single line made any sense. This collection of facts served them well enough to pass the entrance exam though, and they held out hope that maybe actual teaching would be the missing link; maybe seeing these incomprehensible concepts in action would be all it took to help them finally understand this strange breed of magic. Unfortunately as the school year wore on, they only found themself falling farther and farther behind, and though they aced every written test, they never managed to cast a single spell.
“I really just am a failure aren’t I,” they muttered, burying their face in a pillow. Their mind began to race with all sorts of possibilities. “I’m going to get lectured, I’m gonna be confined to the indoors for the whole season reading these awful books again and again, I’m gonna be kicked out, they’re never going to want to talk to me again, I’m a disappointment to the whole family…” Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud knock. Jolted out of their downward spiral, Alia slowly crawled out of bed and opened the door. Their parents, stiff and stern as ever, marched in as Alia sat back down on their bed. The silence was thick with tension when their father opened his mouth to speak.
“We are… disappointed in you, Alia. You failed every class.” The lecture began in a smooth yet stern tone, but Alia wasn’t fooled. The escalation was imminent. “I just… I just can’t believe you failed every class!” A thick lump began to form in their throat as his speech heated up. “You studied those books every day! You had everything memorized and aced the entrance exam! All of our hopes were riding ON YOU, ALIA!” As the lecture finally escalated to full on yelling, they felt tears begin to well up but tried their best to force them down as the lecture continued. “Have you forgotten that we are the oldest clan of warrior monks in all of Mooshu??? And now thanks to THIS-” he held up the parchment, displaying all seven failing marks, and the single passing grade “- OUR TRADITION IS OVER!! OVER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YOU HAVE FAILED US??? WHERE DID WE GO WRONG!?!?!?!”
Alia stood up and burst into tears. “I don’t know what more you want from me okay??? I read your stupid books, I memorized your stupid facts, I did everything you wanted me to do, but you never even cared about what I WANT!” Her father prepared to yell in response, but before he could Alia shouted again, “I never wanted to be a STUPID FUCKING WARRIOR MONK ANYWAY! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!” With that, they stormed out of the house, leaving a deafening silence behind.
Dusk began to fall as Alia sat on a bench next to a frozen lake. Though it was the middle of summer, Kembaalung was always cold and snowy, and this night was no exception. They huddled in a blanket and began to sob uncontrollably. How had their life come to this? Through the frozen tears their mind began to wander into dark places again. “Where will I spend the night? Nobody here will take me in, they’re all monks… I don’t even have any friends… Does anyone even really care? I could just sit here on the bench and freeze…” 
Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a splash of green in their peripheral vision. They turned to look and, despite the freezing temperatures, a single young plant had sprouted out of the snow. Alia got up, walked over to it, then kneeled down, cupping their hands around the base. “You understand what it’s like, don’t you?” they muttered. With a pang of empathy, they cupped their hands closer and started softly singing. The snow around the plant began to melt as a single sunbeam materialized, piercing the night seemingly from nowhere. Alia sang louder and closed their eyes, truly becoming engulfed in their song, letting the melody flow through their entire body. As if channeling power from old Bartleby himself, the sprout grew, slowly at first but then quite rapidly. When the song came to an end, Alia, feeling calm and peaceful for the first time all day, opened their eyes. Before them was a now tall, proud sunflower towering in defiance over the whole cold landscape. They stared in awe for a short time, but were again snapped out of it upon hearing footsteps in the snow from behind.
“So it seems you do have a knack for gardening then.” The sharp voice instantly brought Alia back to reality. They turned their head and saw their mother standing there, arms folded. “I’ve come to collect you. Now, come.” Alia began to protest but realized that they didn’t have much choice. They grudgingly began following her back to the family home. 
The next morning, Alia trudged downstairs, awaiting the fallout of yesterday’s scene. As expected, both parents were seated and silently gestured for Alia to join them. As they sat down, their father began speaking. “Your mother told me of everything that happened at the lake last night. You channeled the Song of Creation, didn’t you?” Alia gasped, but before they could speak, their father continued. “We have decided you will enroll in Ravenwood, effective immediately. You are free to choose your own path from there.” Alia’s face lightened up for a moment as her father continued. “But there will be conditions. You may no longer associate yourself with our family. You no longer share our last name, you no longer share our lineage. You will be welcome here for short visits until you come of age, at which point you will be expected to find your own way. Do you accept this arrangement?”
 Alia sat, dumbstruck at what had just laid out before them. Leaving their home forever was a terrifying proposition, but after only a single minute of thought, they confidently said, “Yes. I accept.”
For the first time in their life, Alia saw shock on their parent’s faces. It was soon wiped off and replaced by the typical stony looks, but it was unmistakable. “V-very well,” their father stammered as the shock wore off. “We depart immediately. Your first day is tomorrow.”
------ One Week Later ------
Alia sat alone at a table in one of the many Wizard City student dining facilities, again deep in thought. “Was it even worth coming here?” they asked themself. “Classes are fine I guess, but I haven’t met any friends here, I don’t know anyone who lives here at all, my parents will probably never want to see me again… Oh, what have I gotten myself into this time… Maybe they’ll take me back if I ask -” 
“Mind if I sit here?”
The voice snapped them out of their spiral of thoughts as a girl who looked to be about the same age as them sat down. “First week’s rough, huh? I struggled to adjust at first too, but don’t worry, it’s gonna be great! Heyyyy, now that I think of it, I’ve seen you in some of my classes, haven’t I? You’re Alia, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Alia responded somewhat hesitantly, holding out their hand to shake.
“My name’s Keira,” she said as she ignored the hand and went in for a full hug. “And I can already tell we’re gonna be best friends!”
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goddamnitdazai · 5 years
Salt & Sugar 3 | October Heat - n.sfw
“Shit.” Chuuya couldn’t get comfortable much less find sleep despite his thorough exhaustion. Lingering summer (except it was October and Yokohama hadn’t accepted that yet) heat expands throughout the penthouse streaming bright golden rays of sunlight down through the floor-to-ceiling windows not leaving a trace of shadow on the first floor. The second floor was much worse. His top layers had clung to his skin instantly from the moment he stepped foot inside the apartment. Sweltering, miserable heat that choked the air right out of his lungs. Chuuya shifts and peels himself up from the sweat-soaked sheets teeth grinding down at the feeling. He just showered. “Fuck.” 
With a grunt Chuuya swings his legs over the side of the bed one hand curling up to push the bangs from his forehead retying the bun higher up freeing his neck from sweat and heat. Two weeks away and the air conditioning had taken a shit without notice. Apparently, Yokohama residents were suffering his same fate considering each place he called had a wait list. His rank barely got him moved up from waiting three days to waiting a few hours. Red brows furrow in irritation watching sunlight beam through the curtains laying halcyon at his bare feet and legs. Head turning with a snap when he hears the front door open. “____?”
Chuuya rises letting the sheets waterfall off the bed in a crumpled puddle behind him footsteps light and quick. You’d been gone too, off on a mission for longer than he preferred but it was work and he’d do the same. It was the only reason he’d taken his job to line up you both being away at the same time. A clear fucking mistake, he thinks. Now you were both stuck in proverbial hell and Chuuya didn’t want to spend another night in a hotel. He waits at the top of the steps clad in only tight boxer briefs that were ready to come off at any moment.
“Holy fucking shit.” You groan letting your bags drop as the heat encompasses you like you’d just opened an oven set at its highest temperature. “Chuuya are you trying to roast me?” Dress first, thigh-highs, shoes. All thrown off somewhere in a desperate attempt to cool yourself hands fanning your face as you walk in from the hallway searching for your boyfriend. Jumping in to an ice bath sounded heavenly at this moment, but you were more curious as to why your house had suddenly become an inferno. 
“You think I did this?!” Chuuya huffs, bounding down the stairs cheeks dusted in red. You turn his direction pouting at his tone. Grumpy, Chuuya was always grumpy when he was uncomfortable in his own home. “The damn air conditioner broke. Heat wave hit Yokohama while we were gone, asshats will be here in a few hours to repair it.” He states gruffly, skipping the last two steps hands finding purchase on your hips. Kiss soft, an apology for his tone. “Let’s go to a restaurant or something. Order chilled wine.” He mumbles fingers spreading and hands winding around to your lower back feeling the exposed skin greedily. 
“It’s worse outside. A lot of places are closed because of the heat.” You sigh against him looping your arms around his neck feeling him tense and frown at your words. Chuuya hated being too hot, it made him feel disgusting which made him even more of a grump. You’d realized this last summer when a heat wave had made his office a microwave. He’d nearly popped the head off of one of the affiliates during a meeting. It was rather adorable then, but now dealing with it directly while drowning in your own pool of sweat and misery gave a different vibe entirely. “Hey, grumpy,” You peck his lips a second time fingers curling up to scratch the back of his neck and up to the roots of his hair, “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” Chuuya grumbles walking you backwards towards the couch. Flinching when you press your body up against his. “I’m fucking disgusting right now.” Sweat had caked his abdomen, little beads collecting at his collarbones then running down his chest. You bite your bottom lip left hand moving to trace the column of his neck down and over the curve of his shoulder. His brow arcs. “Oi, what?” He blinks.
“Baby,” you purr leaning closer to nibble his bottom lip other hand gliding down his back with the tips of your nails, “if you’re already covered in sweat might as well make it fun.” He shivers smirk beginning to tug at the corner of his lips, hands expanding up your back towards the clip of your bra thumb and index finger snapping it off with ease.
“Oh?” He questions, continuing to walk you backwards until your ass bumps the edge of the couch. “What fun did you have in mind?” Chuuya’s simper turns devilish blue eyes glistening with mirth in the sunlight as he bends you backwards over the couch keeping his torso molded with yours. One hand coming to rest on the edge ensuring balance for both of you. Butterflies cascade up your stomach to your throat while his lips descend on your neck. Skin indenting beneath sharp teeth landing directly on your pulse-point and the gasp he pulls from your body is nearly desperate. He chuckles darkly, fingertips pressing circles in your hip bone knowing it made your knees weak on impact. “Kitten, did you miss me that much?” He teases voice dropping to a tenor that vibrates in your chest.
Your fingers tangle in his hair pulling him higher to kiss your lips a second time. Savoring him. Distracting him from the discomfort. Chuuya bends to your will nipping and biting hungrily at your lips until they open enough for him to slip his tongue between. Craving your taste, your touch. His hands come down to grip your thighs and wrap them around his waist as he straightens up. Chuckling and swallowing the shocked gasp when you’re hoisted up and his hands wind up gripping your ass. Heat clings to his skin drawing more beads of sweat down his shoulders, the curve of his lower back, nesting beneath your thighs as the warmth of your body increases his. But, he didn’t mind it like this. 
Chuuya carries you with ease as if you were the same weight as a linen sheet. Dropping you on the extended chaise of the couch and letting out a dark chuckle when you bounce. His hands return between your thighs spreading your legs open. Both knees hit the carpet and before you can protest the lack of attention to your lips his mouth begins its work elsewhere. Suckling your nipple and then its twin. String of saliva connecting the two as Chuuya alternates giving the hardening bud direct attention. The valley between your shoulders widen with the arch Chuuya loved forcing your body into. A sign that you were loving the ministrations of his mouth and wanted more. 
 But, Chuuya had other plans. Sweat begins to trail down your stomach elbows digging wet indents in the cushion. Watching Chuuya play your body enhanced the thrill of it all. His smirk clearly visible now that his hair and bangs were pulled up and out of the way. Deep blue waxed over in a sheen of arousal that sent a bolt of lightening down your spine. “Lay back kitten.” Chuuya doesn’t wait for you to do as your told. Taking matters into his own impatient hands your legs are yanked up high then pressed down at the knee displaying you for his lascivious amusement. He moans teeth marking around the swell of your ass before Chuuya licks a wet, gentle stripe up your lips. 
Your back fully bows off the couch eyes blown wide before fluttering shut. “Shit.” You gasp loudly hands coming to tangle in his hair but there’s only his shoulders and bits of curled bang framing his face. Chuuya’s laugh vibrates on your lips, purposely, devilishly. “F-fuck.” 
“Not yet.” Chuuya grins, “I missed your taste too much to not enjoy this first.” Not that you’d complain. His tongue swipes up and down in languid strokes that make your thighs clench in his hand. Chuuya’s goal to taste every inch of you has you sweating, twitching, nearly begging for him to just fuck you after two minutes of torture. His tongue flattens at your clit and descends until the tip reaches your entrance teasingly poking in and out once, twice, before rolling and delving as deep as he can go. Fucking you with his tongue until you’re dripping down his cheeks.
“Ch--fuck!” Your nails rake red lines down his shoulders trying desperately to tug him closer. His nose rubs your clit, only adding to the growing torment that keeps tying the knot in your stomach tighter and tighter. Chuuya pulls his tongue out flattening it a second time ensuring the single swipe laps up as much of your arousal in one motion. His eyes flit up to your face smirk proud and smug once he pulls away licking you off his lips. 
“Yes baby?” He asks  standing and fully undressing himself cock hard and tip reddened when it springs free from his underwear. You force yourself up on trembling arms leg still spread wide. Moan deep and needy upon seeing him bare. It’d been too damn long without him. Chuuya’s desperation matches your own only hidden a bit better. Though, he loved seeing you like this. Dripping, arousal stringing from your lips and body flushed from being dragged so near to orgasm the lack of it keeps your skin hotter than the sun. Needing his touch. He kicks his boxers to the side and grabs your ankles easily flipping you to your stomach in one swoop. 
Oh. He was missing you. A salacious grin spreads chin tilted to look at him over a shoulder. His skin glistened under the sunlight drenched in sweat that rolled from the bumps in his abdomen to the carved v-lines framing his hips. “Fuck me.” You lay your cheek down and push your ass up purposely moaning his name. Chuuya’s grin spreads up the right side of his face hands gripping your hips and hoisting you to the end of the chaise. His thumbs dig circles in your hips forcing them to tilt down. The bulging velvet tip of his cock slips between your dripping lips rolling in the essence until it’s coated. 
“Whatever my kitten wants.” Chuuya’s voice carries like smoke over water. Husky. Deep. One thrust of his hips and his cock is buried to the hilt stretching you to accommodate his length, it’d been too long. The burn feels astoundingly lewd and if it weren’t for Chuuya’s grip on your hips you’d be flat on the couch out of shock. Chuuya groans loudly cock pulsating as your moistened walls stretch around him. “Fuck baby..” his chin tilts down when he starts to thrust watching his cock disappear inside you.
Chuuya’s pace is relentless, almost bruising, and it had you seeing stars. The ridge of his cock scrapes against your g-spot with each aimed thrust, the sound of skin slapping skin beginning to fall in the background as tangled moans grow louder. Chuuya moans your name between curses hips pounding hard into you. Less than two minutes of his unyielding pace has you cumming hard. Your toes curl, entire body tensing in the aftershock but it only fuels Chuuya to keep going. Chase the high of making you absolutely fall apart beneath him. Blue eyes center on the cum squirting from your pussy dripping down his thighs and coating his abdomen. The thought of tasting it makes his mouth water but feeling you squeeze his cock until it almost hurts keeps his focus. Late, he thinks, reunions like these were never a once off.
Pleasure bolts up and down your body as Chuuya fucks you through your orgasm. A thought, if you could muster the energy to flip and pin him. Fuck him hard and render him speechless the way he did to you so easily. Before the notion finishes in your head cherry red outlines your body couch creaking further and sinking beneath the added weight. Your eyes widen in realization Chuuya’s dark laugh cementing the little trick he loved to use when he wanted to fuck you senseless without interruption. Your body flattens down on the leather Chuuya’s heat and skin now pressed flush with your back one knee placed between you and the high-back of the couch. Larger hand titling your hips up just enough for dexterous fingers to slip between your legs and rub your oversensitive clit.
“F-fuck-fuck!” You gasp and choke on your words, new angle allowing Chuuya even deeper than before. Cock throbbing, stretching you in a new way that has tears dotting your lashes. Chuuya moans his satisfaction in your ear biting and kissing sloppily up and down your neck. Too much. Too sensitive but you didn’t want it to stop. Soaked in sweat with Chuuya’s chest rubbing up your back until he craves more. His own release starting to grow painful the longer he stalls just to torture you.
“Fuckbaby.” He groans, readjusting to stand kneel fully behind you on the couch. His free hand continues to grip your hip, middle finger still rolling your swollen clit beneath. Chuuya feels you twitching. Gripping him. “Fuck..fuck you’re so tight.” He moans your praises watching you through glossy, half-lidded eyes. “Cum for me. Cum for your king.” He growls, thrusts doubling in their intensity.
All you can do is moan and bite at the couch sloppily. Body rendered nearly useless muscles clenching the closer your second orgasm gets. Chuuya’s increased pounding mixed with the pressure on your clit is too fucking much and the sound you let out when you cum on him seems loud enough for the whole city to hear. His name comes out in a string of wanton pants and gasps. Pussy tight enough to feel the final throb of his cock before he releases inside of you. Hips stilling only to ensure he doesn’t lose his balance when you squeeze him. Chuuya’s eyes roll in the back of his head teeth cinching his bottom lip so hard it nearly bleeds. A few seconds drag by before he can move his hips again, tapering off his orgasm with gentle deep thrusts. The increased weight lifts and Chuuya collapses on top of you forearms on either side of your ribs and head lying directly in the valley of your shoulders. Breathing coming out in ragged pants across your skin.
Groggily Chuuya kisses the skin he can reach. “Fuck...baby..” he squeezes you gently. Your eyes flutter open haze finally thin enough that the functionality of language returns. Minimally. 
“Chuu..” a dreamy little sigh of satisfaction. When you say his name like that it makes his stomach tingle. Chuuya kisses your shoulder blade before forcing himself up on his forearms to pull out and scoot enough to lay on his back pulling you up on his chest. Legs tangle within each other. A habit of comfort. Your ear falls on his heart feeling the rapid pulse gently cascading to a normal beat. Chuuya kisses your sweat slicked forehead fingers trying to smooth out tangled, wet locks. “I’m hot.” You mumble. 
“And sweaty.” Chuuya comments with a soft smile. “Wanna shower?” He asks grin turning slightly dirty in thought. You could see it without looking at him. The tone. His fingers dancing back towards your thighs. A nod and bite to his neck is all he needs before you’re in his arms feeling his lips on your throat. 
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theteaisaddictive · 5 years
It just hit me in a flash that i never asked for your thoughts/rankings of the Cats 2019 soundtrack. Please forgive my ignorance and bestow the gift of your wisdom upon us
i have been caught in a whirlwind of events, which is why i have not responded sooner, but i’m currently home sick so what better excuse is there to wax evangelical (evan . . . jellicle??) about the cats movie soundtrack than this precise moment
i. jellicle songs for jellicle cats
i mean. well. first things first, it was recorded in advance (i assume that the 90s version was a live recording, but i could be wrong here) so of course it is going to sound awkward and stilted. this is nothing compared to how awkward and unnatural it is to see a bunch of actors naked save for cgi fur and ken-doll-like crotches singing and . . . uh, i think they’re dancing? -- around the white cat victoria, who did not have nearly so big a part from what i can digest of the 90s youtube clips. my favourite part has to be the fucking techno beat though. god damn. party on, you funky little abominations.
ii. the naming of cats/the invitation to the jellicle ball
yes, i will be smushing the exposition-related songs together unless i feel like separating them. this is my life, these are my choices. idk, it was fine?? i guess? munkustrap (aka The Main Cat Who Isn’t Victoria or Judi Dench and Quite Frankly Deserved Better Because He Was Giving This Performance His All) kind of just says the naming instead of it being a company-wide thing. they did not include bombalurina or demeter’s names in the naming, and this was the point at which i realised that the big name stars were not, in fact, going to lounge around in the background for the entirety of the play like they do in the musical. :(
the invitation also sees my Sweet Boy mr mistoffelees get his first solo line, which is good bc i fell in love with his sweet little face over the course of the film, and bad bc it marks the start of the absurd victoria/mr mistoffelees subplot which i am convinced was put in because of course a plotless weirdmageddon like cats needs a romantic subplot
iii. the old gumbie cat
something that needs mentioning is that idris elba shows up as macavity at various points in-between songs. i’m pretty sure he shows up for the first time here and like, tries to lure victoria away?? i think?? anyway it obviously does not work bc unfortunately we are stuck with victoria for the entire film, so onto the gumbie cat song we go.
what can i say about the rebel wilson song that hasn’t already been said. she unzips her skin. the cockroaches are uncanny in the extreme. there are slater-sized mice played by children. there is no funky tap routine, or if there is it was erased from my mind by the frequent awkward gaps in which rebel wilson attempted to be funny. dear god. 
iv. the rum tum tugger
ok, ok, fine. jason derulo gave a fun, lively performance and didn’t even have the decency to do a bad english accent, which means there is at least one song which i have to genuinely like and can’t just like ironically. but also miiiiillllkkk why is there a milk bar in london which is perfectly cat-sized whyyyy. 
v. grizabella
i am going to be honest. i think that this song appeared later in the movie, but the soundtrack only lists ‘highlights’ so it doesn’t appear in the track list. idk what to say. there are some girl cats (unnamed, although i think they have names in the stage version) who are mean to grizabella and then they say that she started working for macavity?? i’m not sure if this does or does not imply that he became her pimp, although he certainly has the coat and hat for it, which only raises more questions which i dare not put voice to.
vi. bustopher jones
fuck james corden. what the fuck did he do to the refined, fat old cat who frequents gentleman’s clubs and only dines on the finest stuff?? he made him dig around in the rubbish bins and interrupt the song twice to make ‘jokes’ about how fat he is. god i cannot fuckign stand james corden and i do not think he’s funny so i’m aware i may be biased but still. god. 
oh yes and then at the end macavity lures him over to a giant bin (in full view of the other cats, might i add) and thanos snaps him out of existence, but sadly not out of the movie. rebel wilson also got thanos-snapped earlier i just forgot to mention it.
vii. mungojerrie and rumpleteazer
i understand that this melody is the original melody and that the melody used in the 90s recording was a change made for broadway; however, this was the most boring fucking song in the movie and they should have used the broadway version, good night. also victoria is there while they burgle the house, for some reason, bc having an audience surrogate means she needs to be in Every Fucking Scene, so that was a Choice.
viii. old deuteronomy
a nice, sweet song introducing judi dench, sung by munkustrap in such a manner that i began to wonder if he was like, her boytoy or something. also the nuzzling is, like, out of control. i know there’s nuzzling in the stage version, but onstage they're also all crawling around on all fours and stuff whereas here they’re bipedal most of the time. it makes it look like everyone is constantly going in for a kiss when they’re actually just being sociable, and it is fucking disorienting.
ix. the jellicle ball
by the way, the jellicle ball itself takes place in some sort of cat-friendly dilapidated theatre, and it is both the weirdest and least weird thing about this whole movie. 
idk, it was fine?? oh wait, i actually forgot -- so waaaaay back at the start, victoria has a famous solo which wasn’t actually a solo in this version but danced with munkustrap, which . . . .was a Choice. so now she dances with like five different male cats, and it gets frantic, and Every Single Cat is just tearing it up on the dance floor, seriously the dancers in this are incredible, and then i think they all collapse on the floor in a heap, and it was at this point that i learned to be thankful i was not subjected to watching a cgi cat orgy while sitting next to my horrified sister
x. grizabella the glamour cat/memory (prelude)
like i said, i can’t remember what order this happens on the movie, so i’m taking the tracklist from the olc on genius. anyway victoria sneaks out for . . . reasons, and she sees grizabella. and grizabella is sad, and sings her song in the first person, because demeter got cut, because fuck demeter, i guess. oh yeah, and tom hooper, he of the masterful subtlety, had jennifer hudson sitting at a lamppost with withered leaves collected at her feet which she pointed to at the relevant lines. i’m surprised he didn’t add a sound effect of a moaning wind.
xi. beautiful ghosts
this was the song that taylor swift wrote for the movie and by god can you tell. it is incredibly jarring and serves no purpose (beyond, i guess, the purpose of deepening the nothing character of victoria), and -- ugh. look, it’s a pretty little song, and both victoria and taylor swift sing it well, but it’s thoroughly unnecessary. it’s like ‘suddenly’ in 2012 les mis -- why is this here??
xii. gus the theatre cat
i am not ashamed to admit that ian mckellen ‘singing’ gus the theatre cat was enough to bring a tear to my eye. because, well. the man may not have sung, but by god he acted. i challenge anyone with a heart to sit through all of cats and not even feel the slightest tug at their heartstrings when gus’s song plays. not even judi dench lifting one leg in appreciation could completely break the mood. oh wait. it did. (also gus got thanos-snapped by macavity immediately after exiting the stage)
xiii. skimbleshanks the railway cat
oooooh fuck YESSSSSS this is the single best song in the whole damn film. skimbleshanks himself?? wonderful. iconic. beautiful. his tap routine?? inspired. he’s skimbleshanks the railway cat -- the cat on the railway train! he inexplicably is wearing red dungarees, making him the fourth cat to be wearing clothes for no reason, and at the very end he spins like a top all the way into the air, before being thanes-snapped out of existence (but happily, not out of the movie) by.....
xiv. macavity the mystery cat
taylor swift is there. she’s undressed except for her cgi fur and a pair of stage heels. she starts tapping her little container of catnip over the collective of cats, causing munkustrap to make the sort of face you see reeve!superman make when he’s being poisoned by kryptonite, except that he is a cat being drugged with catnip and it is hard to take him seriously as a result. the song itself is a perfect guilty pleasure. taylor swift’s accent is shitty enough that you can enjoy the ridiculousness of the entire situation. idris elba cuts in to join the final chorus on ‘the Napoleon of criiiiiimmme’ and then he takes off his pimp coat and is . . . distressingly nude for the rest of the film. he dances briefly with taylor swift. it’s a thing.
anyway they thanos-snap judi dench to a boat on the thames bc she won’t let him go to cat heaven and the rest of the cats are left discombobulated. this is when Local Sadboy mr mistoffelees is uh, peer-pressured into attempting to magic judi dench back to the cats. bc mr mistoffelees has an arc now, you guys. and his arc?? is about getting his mojo back.
xv. mister mistoffelees
this song is also sung in first person by mistoffelees, which makes less sense when you get to the second verse, but whatever the movie only has about twenty minutes left let's just do it. it’s a solid song, but they keep pausing after every chorus to see if he can get judi dench back yet, which really dampens the groove that they have going on. anyway, they get her back, mr mistoffelees believes in himself now, yadda yadda yadda. meawhile back on the boat, this dickhead apparently didn’t bother to teleport the other cats back, so they fight their way out and rebel willson unzips her skin again. at this point in the cinema i was praying for mercy.
xvi. memory
memory was a song. it was clearly sung with a lot of emotion. for me, personally?? that emotion did not connect. sorry jennifer hudson. oh yeah also victoria has a verse in this song and i mentally wanted to s c r e am because this is not your fucking moment victoria, let the sad jennifer hudson cat belt her lungs out in peace
xvii. the ad-dressing of cats
god. let it end. let it end. this last ‘song’ was dragged out minute after minute after minute. judi dench looked into my very soul when she told me a cat was not a dog, and i still don’t know what she found there. when she started talking about cream and pie i could see munkustrap, he of the Giving This Performance His All, continue his impeccable acting by making faces of delight at her words. oh, munkustrap. even now, at the very end, you brought me joy. thank you, dear cat. thank you. 
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hobiheavenly · 6 years
The Missing Piece
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✧ Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
✧ One shot, Fluff so sweet it can cause cavities, Smut, Boyfriend AU
✧ Warnings: fairly vanilla sex, oral sex (female receiving), praise kink, fingering, spanking, multiple orgasms, Jimin’s big ass dick
✧ Word Count: 5.5K
✧ Summary: Going out with your very adorable boyfriend seemed like a dream come true but there was still no sex between the both of you. You were determined to change that and finally confront your boyfriend about it but things don’t go as planned.
✧ A/N: I might have made Jimin way too sweet but honesty he’s a honey baby and I believe he’s the sweetest boyfriend! My intention was to get this out for Valentine’s Day but I unfortunately life throws curveballs but enjoy either way!
Happiness is one form of fulfilment. Or at least that's what you though. You were currently in a relationship, a very happy relationship to be exact. Even when at first it had been difficult to get the courage to express your feelings openly to him, that struggle was finally over and you were completely and utterly happy.
One problem. Your boyfriend has never had sex with you.
Park Jimin isn't the type of guy you tell straight up that you want sex. At least not without having you self combust out of embarrassment. He is kind and caring, sweet and an amazing kisser. You would always compare his kisses to ecstasy. For a while you were happy with the current situation you lived with your boyfriend. The two of you did things most couples did: hug a lot, go out on dates, talk a lot to each other, cuddle while watching movies at his house, say cute nicknames when people aren't looking, and of course the make out sessions. OH THE MAKE OUT SESSIONS! Those were you favorite moments of pure delight. You always looked forward to kissing Jimin a lot, reason why you always had her strawberry lip gloss with you at all times since it was his favorite flavor and made him more prone to kiss you when you smelled like that. And you loved kissing him till they were out of breath. Until it came to the point where that wasn’t enough. There was a sudden….need. A sudden want. Kisses were starting to seem like child's play. You wanted more!
Of course you could never sum up the courage to tell Jimin to make love to you. You barely summed up the courage to even tell him you loved him! 
First time you both met it had been in the most ridiculous of ways, something that would prevail throughout the rest of your relationship. You felt lucky Jimin even considered going out with you despite the horrible first impression you tried to give that one sunny day while you were both in last year of college.
Normally you are a very cool and collected person who always loves to have everything in control but when it came to Jimin you always lost your senses. You became a total clutz and always did something completely embarrassing in front of him. The first time you ever saw him, you accidentally spilled coffee on him, the second time you bumped into a tree, the third time you tripped and slid on the freshly waxed floor of the campus hallway. Didn’t take you long to discover who he was, what his itinerary was and even tried to be in the same classes in college just to see him. Jimin was like an angel sent from heaven and you adored him as time went by. Finally there came a day you confessed your feelings…..but it wasn't quite as you planned it to be…
You were sitting in the bench waiting for Jimin to come out of his World History class. You wanted to dress to impress this man, throwing the most classic bad girl look, with her skinny jeans, a white t shirt, your favorite black leather jacket and black boots with heels. You wanted to look sexy and fierce but just a touch of cute so you wouldn’t scare him away so you add a bow on your hair which was placed in a high ponytail. Makeup was cute and you made sure to smell nice. Yes! You were decided to go forth and face your dream man!
"Okay ____ you can do this!" You said to herself  "You are a sexy stallion charging to her objecting…..WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY TO MYSELF!?" You palmed you face to check if you were okay but then the door opened, "Focus ___! Oh…wait…he's coming! Quick, act cool!"
Acting cool meant to stand tall and placing your body close to the wall. The original plan was to stand that way, wait for Jimin to come out and you would spring forth saying "Hey sweet thing, you look like you need a bad girl in your life. Fortunately I, ____ , can help you with that, wanna go out with me?" Or at least that was what you wanted. Instead the outcome was a little different.
You got off the wall and calmly went to search for Jimin. Just as you were about to speak, a guy from Jimin’s class by the name of Jeon Jungkook accidentally pushed you. And just like that, you went rolling forward falling in front of your crush once more but this time was even worse. Your heels were no good in this situation getting stuck on a crack on the floor, causing you to twist your foot and went falling down, but luckily this time Jimin catched you just as you were falling.
"I know I am going to sound like a dork but I have to say this" Jimin said holding you, "I really must have you falling for me huh?"
You blushed intensely and laughed with the most nervous laugh you had ever had in your life. Jimin was a dork but you adored that about him. He softly lifted you and helped you get to a bench to help your damaged foot.
"I…I'm….I'm…." You could barely talk, he was so close! She could smell his scent, that of soap and wind. It was a weird and fitting combination.
"You're _____" He laughed "Yeah I know who you are. But…but please don't think I'm a stalker….I'm….I'm just….I have seen you and….."
"I'm….I'm….I'm ____" you kept mumbling, "And…and I wanna….you look like….you wanna go out with me…"
You meant to say it as a question but the way you said it sounded as thought you were actually stating that he wanted to date you, which made Jimin blush a lot.
"Am I that obvious?" he scratched his head and chuckled a nervous laugh.
"Wait….You wanna go out with me?" You asked confused. WAIT? The seduction technique worked?
"Yeah….I was going to ask you out sooner but it's just…You're so beautiful and I was really really nervous! I mean you look so cool and I'm no way as cool as you."
"Are you crazy? I was going to ask YOU out! But how?….when?….HAH!?”
Jimin laughed and smiled with a cute radiating smile that just made you squeal inside.
"I fell for you when I first saw you in the cafeteria. You were wearing such a hot outfit, you came in like the queen of the place and automatically I thought that you were the most attractive girl I had ever seen. I know I'm sounding so corny and I'm sorry…."
"Don't be" you interrupted him, "I fell for you that day too. I thought you looked so handsome and smart and just…I can't even begin to describe it"
"So it's settled, would you like to go out on a date with me Ms. ______?"
"I would love to Mr. Jimin" you smiled widely.
**********ends flashback*************
And ever since then you became inseparable. So much so that you saw him every time you could. You both either had a date somewhere, or one would go the others houses going back and forth from one apartment to another. It was like being on cloud nine, a cute angelical and dorky cloud nine. By now you have been in a relationship for a year and you both decided it was time to live together and continue with your working lives. You adored Jimin more day by day and life without him was unthinkable. But then why was there a need for more? You didn't want to ruin the relationship you already had, it was great as it was. But you needed to feel him closer to you. "More!" Your mind screamed, "MORE!"
One day you were jogging and blasting your playlist to you favorite music when by chance you found your old friend from college, Park Sunyoung.
"It's good to see you're okay, Sunyoung! Haven't seen you since we left college, Me with Jimin and you with Namjoon. How is that crab loving idiot anyways?" You joked.
"He's doing great!" she smiled ignoring the playful remark made to her lover, "We are finally together and life is becoming quite…exciting!"
"Wow! Jimin and I moved in together as well! Sounds like we're both sharing a same fate."
"Oh so you understand what it's like" Sunyoung giggled, "Living with Joonie is quite a change. What with sharing meals, things, sharing a bed."
"Yeah! It's kind of weird at first but you get used to it. It's really worth it when you two are finally alone and just being close."
"Tell me about it! Joonie doesn't even leave my side. And well we are a woman and a man. To be honest being with him is like a whole new experience"
"What do you mean by you're a woman and a man?" You looked at her confused.
"Oh…you know….we're together….in a same bed… in the same house… lots of things happen"
You finally noticed and opened you eyes wide like a plate.
"You do IT with Namjoon!?"
"But of course. Ever since college. But now that we live together it's been constant. I….I can't make him stop!" Sunyoung placed her hands on her cheeks to hide her blushing, "I can't resist him….I just adore his rouge physique"
"STOP STOP STOOOOOP! I don't want to know about your sex life with Namjoon! That's gonna leave serious scars in my mind"
"Oh stop it like you haven't done the same with Jimin!" Sunyoung blushed.
"Well….um…Yeah! Jimin and I do it all the time" you lied. You didn't need Sunyoung and Namjoon knowing Jimin had not once tried to even attempted to try to get you to do it. "He's fierce! Leave's me so satisfied"
Your voice sounded kind of exaggerated as you said those words. You looked away and tried to change the subject as quick as she could.
"So yeah anyways! Umm…I'm glad I got to see you! I have to go. Jimin’s waiting at home! Hope to see you soon! BYEE!" You started jogging fast towards your apartment.
It was almost unbelievable what you were thinking. You lied to your best friend since freshman year about your sex life! But if you had said anything to the contrary  Sunyoung would have told Namjoon all about it and that was likely to spread a wildfire. DAMN IT! You needed a plan and fast! How does one even seduce a man? You had never even done it with a man. Normally because of your attitude people always thought you were an experienced girl but truth be told you were still a beginner when it came to sex. All you knew was how to kiss and how to touch his chest. You needed a plan to make Jimin realize that he was living with a WOMAN and this woman was in a need for her man!
The next day you had gone out shopping and had made plans for a romantic dinner. You cooked him dinner, set a table with candles, made the room smell like vanilla and prepared you weapons for seduction. The game was set and all you needed was the centerpiece, your lovely boyfriend.
Jimin came home from a long day of work, hoping for some rest and quiet and as he entered the room he saw his girlfriend standing in front of the table wearing a hot strapless red dress that went all the way to the middle of your thigh and black heels. Your hair was let loose and you were blushing like crazy which made you look cuter Jimin’s eyes.
"What….what's with this?" Jimin asked confused and excited at the same time.
"I…I wanted to give you a surprise. We never did celebrate our moving in here situation. So I thought it would be nice to have a romantic dinner just the two of us." You smiled timidly.
Jimin had a feeling that he quickly oppressed in his mind. Having you standing there looking at him as if waiting for an answer and all he could think of was devouring your lips. But he wasn't like that. He needed to be calm, collected. For your sake he must not let out his true feelings. What if you get scared of what he truly wants to do to you? Even with your tough exterior, in his mind you were cute and innocent in a way. That's one of the many things he adored of you. But if he ever let out the sudden need he always felt for you whenever you kissed you would be scared of him and maybe run away. And right now in this phase of their relationship he wanted and needed you to be by his side always.
"So…..?" You said snapping Jimin out of his thoughts.
"It's awesome honey! I'm really honored" he smiled.
DARN IT! No reaction! Just his usual smile! You needed to make more moves! Jimin was going to fall for you if it was the last thing you ever did in your life!
Both of you sat down in the nicely arranged table and immediately Jimin tried to make sweet conversation about his daily routine. You loved listening to his stories about work because he always had something funny to tell. You just laughed all the time and threw your head back revealing you neck in the most seductive way. Jimin gulped audibly as you were still laughing not noticing his reactions “DOES THIS WOMAN NOT KNOW HOW SEXY SHE IS!?” He thought. You were going to be the end of him for sure. As the conversation and the dinner went on, you both talked calmly as you usually did but the tension was in the air.
"I'm going to go bring dessert" you said as you got up and walked into the kitchen. Jimin sighed in relief but that relief was only brief. He was going to lose it and soon. The way you move your hips as you walked and the smell of your perfume that came from you body and long flowing hair that touched your white silky skin. He used all the self-restrain he could possibly contain and tried to smile tenderly as you came back with chocolate fondue and strawberries. “I think a great dinner should have a lovely desert! You wanna try them?" you ask innocently, knowing well the situation you were creating was far from that.
"Yeah! I’m sure it tastes delicious!" Jimin smiled as he grabbed a strawberry and dipped it in chocolate. “Wow, that’s so good!”
"I wanted something different for this occasion, can I try some of yours?" You asked, opening your lips slightly expecting him to feed you. Jimin grabbed another strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate as he carefully placed it in your mouth but a drip of chocolate accidentally fell on your cleavage. "Woops"
Jimin felt he was done for.
Worse, he was horny as fuck!
The internal good side of Jimin kept telling him to maintain calm and posture but the internal demon yelled him to kiss you and make you scream in pleasure as he licked all the chocolate from your body. Rationality won in this case and just exhaled as he grabbed a napkin to clean you gently.
"I'm sorry, ____! I….I can clean it for you" he started cleaning you cleavage but had not analyzed the implication that would involve cleaning you would also mean touching your skin. His cheeks turn pink as he nervously tries to avoid the gaze of your eyes focusing on your skin. You felt the graze of his fingers in the lightest way making you close your eyes and just sighed. You were so close to one another. The tension was rising. He had you there, your eyes closed as if waiting for him to kiss you. He got closer and closer…feeling her breath and smelling your perfume. You were so close….
"Jimin I…" You opened her eyes and instinctively moved bumping you head with his accidentally, "OWW! I'M SO SORRY!"
"It's okay" he rubbed his head. That was a close call. He needed to calm down. He needed a cold shower. He needed to….
"Kiss me" you said softly.
"Huh?" Jimin blinked surprised at your sudden command.
"Kiss me…..please….kiss me" you pleaded with a soft sexy voice. This was too much for him. He slowly got closer and kissed you softly on your lips, kissing you gently and tenderly. You grabbed his cheek, his hand still in your chest as you tilted your head giving more space to deepen the kiss. It didn’t take long for the innocence to be forgotten replaced by the sudden need of each other. Each kiss was intensifying your need and it was beginning to hurt how much you wanted each other.
"We…we can't" Jimin mumbled between kisses and suddenly stopped you, "We...can't"
"Why?" You mumbled against his lips. The overwhelming haze leaving you disoriented and confused at what he was saying.
"I….I need to think….I need to breathe for a sec"
He breathed heavily, catching his breath from all the kissing. But you couldn’t afford to let him straighten his thoughts, one false move and we go back to square one. It was time for action.
You grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom where you continued the make out session initiated at the dinner table. Normally you weren’t like this. You would be very nervous to even seduce Jimin but you were just about done with all of this sexual tension and just decided to move by instinct. You began to slowly start unzipping you dress and letting it slowly fall down revealing your matching black lace bra and panties you had recently acquired for him. His surprise visible in his gaze as he looked you up and down and pushed him to the bed and you got on top of him.
You kissed Jimin deeply once again and felt how he was just as turned on as you were. He wanted to touch your skin, and he did. He grabbed you by the waist tracing his fingers upwards and back down again in a slow movement that’s cause you to moan against his lips when he came close to touching your chest. God help him that moan just caused his already intense hard on to fucking pulse in his pants.
But the moan was also a trigger in his mind. He needed to come back to reality. He needed to stop. So he just looked to the side and stopped kissing you.
"Why? Why do you stop?" You asked confused.
"We need to stop" He said still looking away from you, averting your gaze.
That was the last straw. After all the effort you had put into this you were at your wits end. You have never felt rejected by Jimin but somehow the fact that he didn’t want to even look at you was hurtful enough to understand that you had failed.
"I understand...I must be really bad at this" You sighed and covered your face, "I'm really that bad at seducing my own boyfriend! I mean I'm so disgusting you won't even look at me"
Jimin felt like he had been hit by a dagger in his heart. That was not it at all. God if only you knew!
"NO! of course not ____! It's not that!" he said softly.
"I'm doing my best to try to make you desire me! I tried all I know and it wasn't even easy to take off my clothes in front of you like this. I was afraid you'd reject me and my fears were confirmed. I guess I'm not good at seducing you" your voice was starting to crack and tears were forming in your eyes. Dejected, you get up from the bed leaving a very sad Jimin lying there. His clothes a mess after all the intense scene. You picked up you dress from the floor and turned one last time to face him "Just forget about all of this. I….I just…I'm just no good"
"_____ it's not that!" he insisted.
"Well then what is it?" You exclaimed crying "I tried everything I could. I wanted to touch you and be touched by you! I need you close to me. I thought we could finally move a step closer and you don't even want me! I'M A WOMAN TOO! I WANT TO FUCK YOU GODDAMIT! And now I've ruined it because of this stupid impulse now you don't want me anymore and…."
You were interrupted by a fierce pair of lips whom belonged to your boyfriend who kissed you passionately. Your eyes let the tears fall a little more and even though there was a sort of resistance at first Jimin held you tightly next to him. Nowhere to go but his arms. Your dress fell on the floor once more and he kept holding you tenderly. You kept cried as you reciprocated his hug causing Jimin to start stroking your hair.
"I'm so sorry _____. I….didn't want you to feel this way. I tried to prevent this from happening”
"Because you don't want me"
"BECAUSE I WANT TO FUCK YOU SO BAD!" you opened your eyes widely as you looked at him in an utter state of confusion "Yeah I desire you with all my body and heart! There have been countless amount of times I have wanted to just bend you over and make you cum and scream my name till you forget everything you know and only think of the pleasure I’m giving you. But I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you to be afraid of me."
"Why would I be afraid of you?" You asked.
"Because once I take you, and make you mine, I'm afraid I'm going to want more and more and more and I am going to become this sexual beast. I just….I don't want you to be afraid of me because I seriously yearn for you!"
"You're an idiot!" You cried hugging him and hiding your face in his chest.
"It's okay honey! I deserve to be called an idiot and more from you because I have let my guard down and hurt you….."
"SHUT UP JIMIN! Have you ever thought for a second that maybe I want you to fuck me again and again? I love you! I love you with all my heart and I want to have you near me and feel you inside and be one." You started giggling out of the absurdity of the situation, "You know I was afraid of that too, afraid that I might lose control and become a sex addict for you and that would scare you away or that my kinks were too intense for someone as adorable and loving as you"
"Really?" Jimin opened his eyes wide. “Because if we’re talking kinks I have many in mind”
"Yes! I love you Park Jimin and if I become a sex addict I shall become addicted to you. You are all I need" you said and suddenly laughed "I sounded so corny didn't I?"
"A little" he laughed too "but I love you when you're corny, even with the serious tough girl facade you try to pull I love that you can be your cute self with me. I love you ____, I love every single fiber of you."
You blushed wildly causing your face to be full on red. Jimin was an angel but he had a dark side to him and she adored him even more! You kissed passionately once again, going back to where you once began. You started by taking his clothes off and kissing his chest and neck. His body had some freckles which you made sure to kiss each one. Slowly but surely he laid you on the bed as he hovered on top, all clothes scattered on the floor as both of you are kissing and touching each other. This time you could feel the shift in the way he kissed. It wasn’t sweet like he usually did, it was tough and demanding, he had liberated the inhibitions that slowed him down and became much more fierce. His kisses lowered from your lips to your neck, to your chest, to your stomach, to that sweet spot of your heat that was ready for him to explore.
“You’re already this wet for me, babygirl?” He asked with the most smug smile. The feeling of Jimin’s breath up your needy pussy was exhilarating and new. He saw you clenching in response to the question he made and took it as a signal to continue.
Carefully he spread your legs to give him a deeper view of your wet cunt as he started licking your folds leaving them all glossy and spreading the wetness all around. You bit your lower lip from the pleasure you felt as he kept touching you. Soon enough he started licking your clit and sucking it, producing not only a lewd sound coming from his mouth but also from your mouth as you moaned his name in response to the overwhelming pleasure it was starting to produce.
“Is this what you’ve been dreaming of?” He rasped looking in you with darkened eyes. “Because this is exactly what I have dreamed for. You cute little pussy squelching to be fucked by my dick” he sucked hard and probed a finger inside quickly finding your g spot as if he were familiar with your entire body, the action making you scream. “answer me when i talk to you baby girl”
“Yes babe I also dreamed of this” you were panting running your hand in his smooth hair. This change in Jimin’s personality was so strange but exhilarating to see. You weren’t one to complain especially because he seemed to know what he was doing. you were so close to cumming from the movements he was doing with both tongue and fingers, “But I dreamed even more about having your dick inside me”
“Soon” he huffed wiggling his fingers in and out of your pussy, “I want to enjoy this as much as possible.”
You couldnt last long, those fingers were a sin moving inside you. Soon the waves of pleasure hit you fiercely as they never before. Sure you have masturbated before but the orgasm you reached with only Jimin’s hand was something you’ve never felt before.
Angel Jimin was beautiful but there was something exciting about seeing his face dirty with your juices as he talked dirty into your pussy. It seemed forbidden, but just right. He went up to kiss you giving you a taste of what your cum tasted like from his lips. Salty, sweet, heavenly.
It was an exciting feeling to have him all over you, though it wasn’t fair for him to be the only one doing the most. You wanted to provide him pleasure as well but he stopped you. “There would be enough time for that later” he said touching his hard on “I’m at the brink and i need to feel you”
Before you knew it you saw Jimin placed on a condom, the details of where this could have come from escape your mind since you were too lost in a lustful haze to even care. Slowly he took the time to enter your body letting you adjust to his length. The width of his hard cock was painful at first but you soon started feeling a pleasurable sting.
"If it hurts I'll stop, okay?" Jimin said and you only nodded as he moved.
He entered slowly and you only closed your eyes. “Fuck, baby girl you’re so tight….just desperate for my cock aren’t you?”
It was perfection. No other word could describe how you felt. Both of you were together, finally touching and kissing each other, both letting yourselves be embraced by your own passion for each other. Your body seemed to be made to fit his cock, quickly adjusting to his size and holding on to his neck as your hips started to move on their own. All coherence in your brain was long forgotten, only sensations and pleasure. Words like "Yes!", "Faster!" and "harder!" escaped your mouth and Jimin could only comply to your orders.
In Jimin’s eyes you were exquisite, your body divine responding so well to his touch and his thrusts. He was enjoying your body all he could exploring ever single corner or her with both hands and lips. the first one holding on to your body going up and down feeling your soft skin and finding places that would make you shiver with just a simple touch. The second tasting your sweat and resting on your breasts as he took the time to adore them for the beauty they were.
“Jimin, I’m so close” You moan reaching your high so quickly. Your body was already sensitive from your first orgasm that the stimulation Jimin was giving you was sending you even more tidal waves of your second orgasm. This did nothing to slow down Jimin’s pace. Quite contrary his pace started quickening, his tongue flicking your nipple roughly  and grabbing your ass firmly.
“Oh no you asked for this, this isn’t going to end soon. My cock has been yearning for your sweet wet pussy for far too long, it’s gonna be a long l o n g night” he said emphasizing the word long with each thrust he pulled.
Jimin swiftly turned you around placing go on top of him and deepening the thrust. this angle allowed his cock to go even deeper touching you g spot with the head and the thrust was even fiercer.
“Jimin...you’re so good to me” you were out of breath, hands switching from holding on to his thighs to his chest for support as you jumped up and down. “ this si even better than my dreams. your cock is so gooood”
“Tell me how much you love my cock” he spanked your ass leaving a red mark, the sting pleasurable and exciting.
“I just…. love your fucking cock” you kept bounced grabbing your breasts as they bounced out of control with the rhythm, “fuck….Jimin I’m gonna cum again!!”
“Same for me baby girl” his breath panting in faster as he developed an unstable rhythm with each thrust “your pussy has me fucked up!”
His thrust were slowing down but the depth was still deep enough to have you scream his name and a bunch of other profanities as you both came at the same time. Soon after you both laid on the bed exhausted and utterly, extremely and divinely happy.
"SWEET FRECKLED JESUS!" you shouted completely out of breath "what was that? That was…..that was….”
"That was amazing" he finished your sentence and kissed you sweetly. "How are you feeling? I didn't hurt you did I?"
"It hurt a little but it was more overwhelming i forgot about the pain quick” you rested your head on his chest as you sighed deeply. “I never thought it was possible for me to be this happy! I…I love you Jimin!" you hugged him tight basking in the post coital glow.
Jimin turned to see you, his eyes now filled with concern and back to his regular spark. far from the darkened circles you had seen as he fucked you mercilessly. as exciting as that was nothing can beat seeing your boyfriend being a sweetheart. "_____, I want you to promise me you will never doubt yourself again. I can't believe you would think I didn't want you"
"How was I supposed to think? You were avoiding me!"
"Oh my god! Do you know how hard it is to have you here with me and see you shaking your adorable tushie around the house and not being able to spank you? When the chocolate fell on your cleavage I wanted to lick it so bad. You are sensuality in its purest form! Everything you do drives me wild"
"Well from here forward you have my full permission to go ahead with all the impulses you have. Who knew I had such a bad boy with me? And here I thought you were a saint" you joked.
"Oh I'm no saint. I'm a man and this man adores his woman so much" he kissed you sweetly again and just held you for a while "I promise I will take care of you and to love you even if it takes a lifetime"
"I'm willing to go with that challenge" you smiled as you kissed your lover's chest.
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 3
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
An entire month. Shit. What was I going to do? I sat alone with my thoughts, Nate’s comment ringing in my head. I felt myself get heated, I was angry at myself for letting this bother me. I am not going to let this ruin the vacation that I have been looking forward to for months. 
The last few hours of the road trip passed fairly quickly, I kept myself preoccupied playing games on my phone and snapchatting with the guys. God I feel bad for everyone viewing Sammy’s snapchat stories, he was relentless. I smile to myself, starting to feel better.
It was about five o’clock and the sun was no longer high in the sky. We started seeing signs saying
I felt myself begin to get excited as we weaved through the narrow streets and past shop after shop. This place had everything, Tiffany & Co., Ralph Lauren, Coach, you name it. I guess that’s the perk of being wealthy and living in this area. I felt lucky that we were even able to vacation here, our three families splitting the cost.
“Ayeeee there she is!” Johnson exclaimed and pointed through the front windshield. We all directed our attention to the direction J was pointing and I heard collective gasps of awe. Directly ahead of us was the beach house we would call home for the next month. We pulled up the long winding driveway that was marked with trees on both sides. Nate pulled to a stop on the circular driveway and threw the bus in park.
“Oh..my..God..” Cam exclaimed breathless. This was their first time joining the five of us on this vacation, but even I had to admit this place had the same effect on me. I round the back of the bus and grabbed my case out of the trunk and dropped it to the ground. I placed my hands on my hips and just stared in awe.
“Wow” I let out. This place was breathtaking. It was large, so much so that it made our houses back home look like dollhouses. It was made of stone and was surrounded by palm trees. There was a gate on the right hand side of the house that led to a trail which took you to a private stretch of beach.
“Amazing isn’t it?” Gilinsky slung his arm around me.
“Always” I smile at him. He grabs my case for me and we all file into the house, jaws hitting the floor. The smell of fresh wax hit my nose as I notice the shiny wooden floors. The living room was unique in that it had floor to ceiling windows letting in massive amounts of light. The house had high vaulted ceilings and a fireplace that was eye catching. It was made out of stone and tiles with a mosaic of the ocean. I ran my fingers along the smooth colored glass, savoring each moment here.
“Hello, we’re here!!” Johnson shouts, his voice echoing through the house.
“In here kids!” we heard Johnson’s mom shout from the kitchen. We all followed the sound of her voice until we reached the equally impressive kitchen. Granite counters and state of the art appliances dotted the kitchen, complete with a dining table fit enough for a party.
“We’re so glad you’re here and made it safe and sound!” she exclaimed wrapping her son in a tight hug. She proceeded to hug us all individually and we all exchanged pleasantries until she suggested we get settled into our rooms.
“Why don’t you guys head upstairs and get settled? When you come back down you can join us for dinner” she smiled wide.
“Dibs on the master!!” Gilinsky shouted racing towards the staircase.
“Oh no way G! You got it last time!” Johnson shouted, quick on his heels. I just laughed shaking my head.
“I guess we’ll all have to settle for the sub-par rooms huh?” I question aloud making the rest of the guys laugh.
“Well you know you can always bunk with me” Sam suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah, when pigs fly Samuel” I pat him on the back in a condescending manner. I caught a glimpse of Nate who was watching our interaction intently. He had a look of caution in his eyes, he was trying to feel me out. I stared right past him.
“You know what? Sam why don’t you show me my room after all” I say linking my arm in his.
“Sure thing babe!” Sam grinned wildly. Nate’s jaw clenched tight, his fists balled up.
“Hey man let’s get a room” Swazz slapped his back distracting him.
“Uh, sure” I heard Nate grumble.
We made our way upstairs and to the second door on the right. Sam steered me inside and I gasped at the size of this bedroom.
“This is a guest bedroom?!” I squealed.
“Nah, baby, this is the master. We all thought you should have it” Gilinsky interrupted marching into the room.
“You don’t have to do that G” I start but he holds his hand up signaling me to shut up.
“Nope, no arguments. Just take it and enjoy” he says. “But there’s one condition,” he starts
“And that is?” I question raising a brow.
“You gotta let us hang in here with you. And at least spend one night, I mean come on look at this place” he started to laugh.
“Alright G, you gotta deal” I chuckle.
“We’ll let you get unpacked and meet you downstairs for dinner” Sam says before kissing my head and exiting the room.
I plop down on the end of the bed, it was king sized and had white sheets and comforter. A flat screen tv hung on the opposite wall, and floor to ceiling windows gave me a view of the beach. The whole room was serene and had a relaxed beachy vibe. I was in heaven.
“Dude we are NOT sharing a bed!” I heard Cam shout from down the hall. I poked my head around the door when I heard Nash whining.
“Well I’m not sleeping on the floor, so get used to the idea” he smirks at Cam. I giggle to myself and slip back into my room before they knew I had heard them. I knew I was in for a lot of laughs this trip.
I began to unpack my case and place my clothes neatly into the walk-in closet. I had Spotify open on my phone and placed it on shuffle. Music always made tasks easier. I was dancing my way over to the closet with my favorite evening dress in hand when I heard a soft knock on my door.
“Come in!” I yell cheerily.
“Y/n?” I heard a voice call out.
“In here!” I yell in return. I spun around to see Nate standing in the doorway of my closet, and I could feel my face fall slightly.
“Hey” I say trying to force a smile. I didn’t want him to know anything was wrong.
“Hey,” he smiled back. “I, uh, just wanted to make sure you’re ok” he stuttered.
“What do you mean?” I ask, playing dumb.
“You know, after that incident in the car earlier…” he trailed off.
“Oh that? Yeah I’m fine Nate, really.” I lied. Nate visibly relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh good. I was hoping you’d say that. I mean it was pretty obvious that I couldn’t say I would sleep with you” he laughed it off. Now my blood boiled. What was so wrong with me that the notion made him scoff? I was fuming on the inside, but I wasn’t going to start World War 3 and ruin everyone’s time.
“Mhm” I uttered through clenched teeth.
“Ok, so you and me-we’re good?” he asked one last time.
“Yep, I’ll see you at dinner in five” I dismissed him turning around trying to fight back tears.
Nate’s POV
I regretted the words as soon as they came out. She looked cagey, like she was protecting herself. She shouldn’t have to protect herself from me, I was supposed to be someone she trusted. But I had to go and open my big mouth, it seems as though I’ve made it worse. I was so desperate to know that things were okay between the two of us. I can’t bear not having the closeness between us.
I saw the look of pain in her eyes as she spun around fiddling with the clothes in her closet. I didn’t want to push it, or put my foot in it again so I reluctantly left and walked downstairs for dinner. I approached the dining table where Gilinsky’s mom made us all plates. The boys were already gathered around the table diving in and yelling obnoxiously loud. Nash tried to engage me in conversation about his latest Youtube video, but I just nodded my head not fully listening. I couldn’t get y/n out of my head.
About five minutes later she emerged from the staircase. She had changed her clothes, she was now wearing a breezy white dress. She looked incredible, which just added insult to injury. She walked over and sat down between Gilinsky and Johnson. G was so obviously flirting with her which drives me fucking crazy. He could get near any girl he wanted, why did he have to have her? I mean yeah she was a part of our squad but I always felt like she was my girl.
She was about to say something but Johnson’s mom interrupted. Damn.
“I heard there’s a little party at the cabana down the beach tonight. You kids should go, it sounds like a good time” she said. All the boys made eye contact eager at the idea of a party.
“Oh yeah I heard about those parties, they gather all the teens and young adults staying in the beach houses to get to know each other and chill” Johnson answered. For the first time since that dumb game I saw y/n’s eyes light up. The girl loved to dance and have a good time, I knew she would be going tonight. Which meant one thing; I am too.
3 hours later; dusk
Y/n’s POV
We had all finished dinner and our parents were going out for the night to meet up with people they went to college with. This left the house to us and we blared music as we pre-gamed for the party tonight. I was in the mood to forget the drama with Nate and just have a good time tonight.
We all walked down the path, shoes in hand, and made our way down to the beach. The night air was swirling my hair around my face and I felt my dress flutter around my knees. There was a glimpse of light off in the distance and we knew we were heading in the right direction. Gilinsky came over and grabbed my hand flashing me a wide smile. Even in the dim light I could see his pearly whites.
“I’m telling you man this song is gonna be a banger” Johnson was animated while telling the guys about a new song he and Gilinsky were working on.
“You gonna learn the choreography this time J?” Gilinsky joked.
“Fuck you man, you know I can’t dance unless I have a couple drinks in me” J answered back.
“Oh now this is something I have to see” I laughed out loud, causing J to shoot me a glare.
“Baby I got moves, just you wait and see tonight” he winked.
We started to approach the light that was emanating from lit tiki torches. The cabana was open to the night air, but had enough room for a dance floor, a bar, and a dj booth. We immediately went to the bar which was run by some college kids. Needless to say we weren’t going to have a problem getting alcohol on this trip. I downed a couple shots and spun around when Kenny shouted to me over the music “y/n you have got to see this!” I shifted my focus to the dance floor and saw Sammy tearing it up- like literally tearing it up.
“Homie’s all over the place” Nate laughed loudly. We all burst into a fit of giggles to see his sporadic movements on the dance floor.
“OH! Shit, I think he almost hit that girl in the face!” Nash exclaimed out of breath. Sure enough there was a girl clutching her cheek and shooting an oblivious Sammy a dirty look. I had lost it at this point, between the mixture of alcohol and Sammy’s moves I was finally having a good time.
“Hey baby let’s dance!” Sam ran over to me.
“Sammy, how much did you have to drink darling?” I giggle grabbing his arm.
“Nothin’ yet, why?” he answered. This caused us all to make eye contact and burst out laughing.
“W-wait, you’re telling me you move like that and you haven’t even had anything to drink yet?!” Cam explained in shock while slapping Sam on the back.
“Yeah, ha-ha very funny guys. I’m just gonna jellyfish out of here” Sam puckers his lips and shoots me a silly face before disappearing back into the crowd.
I turned around to see some blonde girl grinding all over Nate, his hands fisting at her hips. She was flipping her hair all over the place, and I saw him bite his lip. She turned around to face him and I saw him place a sloppy kiss to her neck, making her throw her head back in pleasure. That was the last straw for me. I’ll show Nate who’s not hot enough to sleep with. I marched over to where I saw Gilinsky talking with Kenny and grabbed him by his shirt. He was wearing dark jeans and a white button down that he kept unbuttoned down to the center of his chest. His dark hair was long and swept every which way. He looked shocked when I grabbed him aggressively and pulled him to the dance floor. When he realized what was happening he eagerly followed.
I parted the people in my way and found a spot for us on the dance floor that would be right in Nate’s line of sight. I started by throwing my arms around Gilinsky’s neck, his hands finding my waist. Our hips were swaying to the music, when I heard the DJ take over the mic
“Alright y’all, it’s about to get sexy up in hereeeee!” he called and immediately the sound of Ginuwine’s “Pony” filled the air. The bass was boosted and reverberated off the walls. Oh hell yes, this is it. I spun around switching our positions so I was backed up against G and his hands slid down my waist and gripped my hips. He pulled me close to him as I grinded against him intently. I reached a hand behind me and ran it through his silky hair giving it a little tug here and there. I could hear his breath hitch as he buried his face into my neck. Jack brought his hands up to my neck and slowly worked them down over my bust, stomach, hips, down my thighs and back again. I was really losing myself in the song and the feeling of Jack’s hands when I dropped my head back on his shoulder giving him better access.
I glanced up slightly to see Nate looking furious. I shut my eyes again feeling satisfied with myself, when I felt a rush of air pass me. I looked up and saw Nate was gone. The next thing I know there was a separation between Jack and I, and I heard a harsh grunt as a fist flew hitting Jack straight in the face.
“Nate!!” I shout.
Jack stumbled backwards clutching his face when anger flickered in his eyes. He lunged forward out for blood. I couldn’t move as I stood there in shock.
What have I done?
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Survey #395
“suicide? i’ve already died  /  it’s just the funeral i’ve been waiting for”
Have you ever met a famous political figure? No. Have you slept for longer than usual today? Ugh, no. I officially have my APAP mask for my sleep apnea, and I chose the one that covers my nose and mouth considering it varies which I breathe from when I sleep depending on congestion. It is very hard to get used to. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? Hm. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Yeah, such as Marilyn Manson. He's a pretty gross person but by god do I love his music. What’s the last thing you made out of clay? An anatomically correct heart. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yes. What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? Nothing. :/ I wish I could think of something to do for it. Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? Bro what the actual fuck. No. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My nephew Ryder. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? I've kissed a girl and it felt pretty great, so. Name three things in your room that others probably don’t have in theirs: 1.) a snake; 2.) a huge meerkat collection; and 3.) an APAP machine. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? My snake, I think. Describe your feet: Ugh, the worst. My feet are horribly callused from when I used to walk all the time. I have small toes. What’s a pretty bird? Peacocks. Besides sleeping, what do you do in bed? Just about everything. .-. How do you like your hoodies? Loose/oversized. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're hideous, if you want my honest opinion. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes. How fucked up are those, honestly... I really hate the concept of teaching children that they have to tell some random guy things they feel bad about and let him ask God to forgive you or else you're going to Hell. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. Can you do a backflip? No. Where are the last three places you went? The TMS office, a gas station, and my sister's house. Do you consider yourself a flirt? No. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? I actually don't know, but at least close to 30 now for sure. I just know we were both in high school, but he failed I think two years. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Guess who, lmao. Which YouTuber seems uber-confident? Mark is a very confident person. I envy 'im for that. What is the funniest YouTube video you have ever seen? I watch YouTube like... constantly, so I've seen thousands upon thousands by now. I really don't know. Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? No, but that's like a dream marriage venue for me. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't think I ever had a boring one. Man, I miss those. Do you enjoy watching videos of babies being born? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Does ANYBODY? Are you a hoarder? No. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? I would say liposuction, but I honestly want to lose the weight myself. If/when I lose the weight I want to, I am 110% getting loose skin removal at LEAST on my stomach because I feel hideous with it. Also if I achieve my weight loss goals, I want to get a breast lift. Weight loss-related things aside, I'm pretty serious about getting laser hair removal on my legs because I HATE shaving and my legs are VERY hairy, and the hair is dark, so I'm extremely self-conscious about it. Are you the type of person who asks a lot of questions? It depends on who I'm asking. With some people, I'm afraid to look stupid if I ask too many. How many states have you visited in your lifetime? If you're excluding the ones I've merely driven through as well as lived in (which is only one), I've visited Ohio, New York, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois, so six. I MAY have been to Michigan as a baby, but I don't remember. What is your biggest fear for the future? Ending up homeless after Mom passes. I'm scared my family will give up on me, which is completely unrealistic, but I'm terrified of living on the streets. Do you like seafood, or not so much? I only like shrimp. Have you ever cried from being so nervous? Oh, certainly. What is your favorite book series, if you have one? Hm... of all series I've ever read, probably the Shiloh trilogy. I adored the books and the movies. Have you ever had a parasite before? NO NO NO NO NO, DON'T MAKE ME IMAGINE THIS. I am PETRIFIED of parasites. Do you have a big heart when it comes to animals? Absolutely! Have you ever put your pets in a kennel for a while? I actually don't remember? It's possible when we've gone on an extended vacation, but I'm unsure. Whenever we've gone somewhere, friends have normally taken care of our animals. Where is your favorite place to buy clothing? Hot Topic or Rebel's Market. Do you enjoy listening to older music? I love classic rock and metal. What do you think is the most stupid song out there right now? "WAP" for fucking sure. I haven't even heard the whole thing, and I don't EVER want to. As a child, did you ever want to become a mermaid? Nah. Ariel was my favorite princess, but I wasn't obsessed with mermaids or anything. Can you compose sentences in any other language than your own? Some German, yes. Mainly just the basics. Have you ever met someone who was really racist before? Yes, many. -_- Do you have any celebrity autographs? No. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Maybe Kiara from TLK. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Black. Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Oh yeah, lots of times! I sometimes even pretended they were burrows and I was a meerkat, ha ha. What kind of dog is your favorite? I have a beagle bias. Do you prefer water or land? Land. Have you ever had a seizure? No. Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? Hunny, I've been trying to since 2016. -_- I lost like 70-ish pounds through 2017-2018, but recently I've gained almost like... all the weight back and it is upsetting beyond words. Have you ever been in a heated pool? Uh, a hot tub? Yes. Are you looking forward to anything? Getting Venus' terrarium, finishing TMS so I can maybe get a job, visiting Sara again... What was your GPA in high school? Over 4.0. Do you require a lot of private time? OH yes. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I hope achieving a sense of accomplishment and becoming content with my hopeful career, marrying a fantastic partner, and having a family of lovely pets. If you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? I'll go through the very few I deeply enjoy: 1.) Mozart in Meerkat Manor; 2.) probably Hyde from That '70s Show; 3.) perhaps Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist; 4.) Jerome from Ginga Densetsu Weed; and 5.) Shiro from Deadman Wonderland. Did you use to watch Blue's Clues? OH yes. I loved that show as a kid. Do you stutter when you get nervous? BADLY. Your lunch consisted of...? What DID I have... uhhh OH leftover pizza. What is your favorite kind of chips? Hot, crunchy Cheetos. What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I wouldn't. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Some from the past, yeah. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. I found a meerkat one once, but it was way too small for me to use in school. :( I was so disappointed. Have you ever waxed your legs? No. I've waxed my upper lip and eyebrows, but especially with how long and thick my leg hair is, I think waxing there would be excruciating, so no thanks. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No, but I would if it had a cool design. Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? No, and I wouldn't. Children generally don't have a strong enough grasp on when profanity is appropriate and not. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? This is VERY common. Like right now, my right arm is the Sahara with how dry and raw it is. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? Nah, got no reason to. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No, because I know I wouldn't like it; I don't like lettuce on my burgers. Do you feel like you’re judged for your looks? For my weight, yes. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just one? Poverty is high on the list. Just... no one should have to live like that. Do you like Wendy’s frosties? After they thaw a little bit, oh yeah. It's physically impossible to drink them for a good few minutes because they're so damn thick.
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