#they were very similar people and they made eachother smile
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 6 months
If they are setting up a thing between Daryl and Issa though, I gotta ask Why The Fuck? What does their dynamic have that he and Carol or Connie don't? "Sometimes people just don't click like that" yeah in real life. This is a TV show, everything is manufactured. Why these two? It's giving nothing. I can barely see him being with anybody but especially not her.
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01zfan · 1 month
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human like me | l. sh
sohee x fem reader | 7k words
last installment of the sacrilegious series WHO ELSE THOUGHT I’D NEVER FINISH IT? seriously though, thank you guys so much for your patience and for supporting this series i love every single one of you guys. also sorry for this being different than the summary on the masterlist it was too similar to umf so i changed it. this is also definitely my saddest work but religious is sad to me so it works.
contains: MAJOR character death, depictions of depression, implied virginity loss, cheating (???), kinda a dark fic but in like a very sad way (???)
sacrilegious materlist
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sohee was always in your life. you believed that even before you met him he existed in your orbit, passing by you constantly but never colliding. he was shrouded in mystery but he felt familiar, like you had seen his face in the mass of people when your eyes would wander during service. when he came to introduce himself as the new student in your class, you tilted your head, trying to remember where you’d seen him from. the answer was so close yet so far away. you tapped your thigh and tongued your cheek, a habit of yours when you felt bible verses caught on the tip of your tongue. 
although everything about sohee felt familiar it was the smell of him that rang the most bells in your mind. when he came in close to shake your hand it was like you were taken back to a time in your life where you felt at peace. it happened so suddenly, one moment you were confused the next you knew everything. your olfactory neurons were firing off a storm, transporting you somewhere when sohee came close. you lingered for a second too long when you came close to him, closing your eyes to try and remember where you were.
when you finally pulled back from sohee he looked confused but not afraid of you. he had big expressive eyes, ones that were a clear indicator down the road that this was his first life. when you apologized and pulled away he told you it was okay, hesitating a moment before asking you if he smelled bad.
“no” you shook your head instantly “you just smell familiar.” you said.
sohee smiled and you smiled back. when he turned his head you counted the moles that dotted on his cheek. something in you knew the number, counting them over and over again to see if you were right.
“is that a good thing?” sohee asked when he turned back to you. “that i smell familiar?”
he pinched the fabric of his shirt and move his head to his shoulder to smell it. you groaned inwardly at another failed attempt to socialize with your peers. too many times you ended up embarrassing yourself or saying something that could be taken as an insult to the person you were talking to. but when sohee was done smelling his shirt he didn’t look annoyed or perturbed by your comment. instead, he leaned forward to you and took a large whiff, as if he was trying to be as loud as possible. your classmates turned to look at the two of you in the back of the class. sohee didn’t seem to notice the confused people looking at the two of you.
“you smell good.” sohee took another sniff, rolling his eyes up to his head like he was thinking. “is this how i’m supposed to greet people?” he said.
when you laughed at his question all of your classmates stared at the two of you again. your laugh felt foreign almost, you were so used to hushed laughs to yourself during boring parts in sermons when your mind would wander. sohee’s eyebrows raised before he laughed along with you.
ever since that day sohee stuck close to you and you stuck closer to him. he had become the weird kid in the school and you were the silent one, reputations that stuck like a second skin to the both of you. it was a match made in heaven.
you remained friends throughout school, both of you helping eachother through the late nights of worship and bible study. you became partners for every project and seat mates in every class after your reputations for being different ran through the school like wildfire.
you remember at graduation recalling the irony in how quickly you and sohee were judged for being different. from the outside looking in, you would’ve never known that your catholic classmates had a tendency to judge and alienate those who were different. kids who had been preached the teachings of the bible before they could walk were the most self-righteous. they thought it was their prerogative to isolate the ones who didn’t fit into their cookie cutter mold. you were all smacked with rulers to instill the fear of god and his gospel in your young impressionable minds, but even after a lifetime of teaching people could still become hypocrites. 
even if you had become okay with your reputation, you still felt a stone in your throat after everyone threw their caps in the air. it seemed like before everything touched the ground everyone was gone. people left in their cliques that were formed long ago. after the ceremony you found sohee and you two roamed the school grounds like ghosts. it was strange, sticking around the place where you guys were bullied while everyone else left to the next chapter of their lives. when the moon was high in the sky you guys found yourself at the playground, recalling all of the awful things that happened to the two of you at the hands of your peers.
“to hell with them.” 
sohee said it loud and proud as you guys sat on the swings you never got the chance to play on. when you heard the words fall from his mouth you gasped, feet digging into the wood chips to stop the little momentum you had. sohee was still in his seat, only rocking back and forth on his feet. he turned to you with a smile on his face, cheek pressed to the uncoated swing chain.
“i’m serious. they were awful to us.” sohee said.
he looked up to the moon and you did too. something inside of you wanted to agree, to say to hell with all of them. but you couldn’t. you shook your head and turned to sohee, heart beating in your chest as you thought of everything coming to an end.
“one day, they’ll realize what they did was wrong.” you said.
even if you sounded so sure, sohee still scoffed. his head looked down at his feet now as he kicked woodchips around.
“i doubt it.” sohee murmured under his breath.
you let out a sigh, trying to let the need for an apology fall from your shoulders.
“thessalonians 5:18” you say.
instantly sohee beside you groans and tips his head back in the narrow swing seat. you laugh and start spinning in the seat to twist the chains.
“i hate when you quote bible ve—.” sohee complained.
“give thanks in all circumstance; for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you.” you interrupt. 
sohee makes sounds of anguish the whole time you quote the verse, and you mockingly increase your voice to be over his. when you’re done you let the chain of the swing untwist.
“and what should we be grateful for in this situation?” sohee asked.
“i met you.” when sohee turned in his seat you suddenly felt nervous. you maintained eye contact, counting his moles over and over again to try and steady yourself. “i’m pretty grateful for that.” you say.
for a moment, it’s just you and sohee staring at eachother. the moonlight shines on your faces, and you both grip the stiff tops of your graduation caps to ease your nerves. even if your outside you suddenly feel suffocated. sohee breaks away from your gaze first, clearing his throat and looking forward at the jungle gym.
“i’m grateful too.” sohee said.
a smile came across his face when he let one of his hands drop away from the chain of the swing. he was subtle as he slowly moved his swing sideways to get closer to you. his hand was still in the space between your two bodies when you let your hand drop as well. it was slow, both of your heads tilted towards the night sky while your fingers found eachother. it was a gentle touch then a tight squeeze as you two held hands. any attempt to look at eachother was futile, the both of you were nervous messes while your fingers intertwined. suddenly you didn’t care about the graduation parties you weren’t invited to, or the events you were excluded from—you had sohee and you had god. both were two constants in your life, both made you feel safe, and both were on your mind constantly. 
when you started thinking about sohee more than you thought about god, you knew something was amiss. it happened suddenly, weeks after you guys silently held hands underneath the moonlight. you both were kneeled at the altar with lowered heads as you murmured prayers underneath your breath. when sohee looked up and you saw his head tilt back as he did the sign of the cross you focused on his bobbing adam’s apple. it was ironic, the forbidden fruit lodged in the first mans throat was the thing that first sparked your lustful thoughts. 
sohee kissed his hand at the end and stood up. you felt like your knees were glued to the floor. when sohee looked down at you, you couldn’t stop your eyes from going wide. everything about sohee was familiar, you knew him like the back of your hand after spending so much time together. but from this position of him looking down at you, everything felt new. 
the feeling that churned deep in your stomach was something you never felt before. it didn’t seem to go away, only intensify as your time with sohee continued. when he spoke to god you felt your mind wander to what he’d sound like cursing the name underneath his breath, bringing in his plush lips between his teeth. when you caught glances of sohee’s hand thumbing through pages of the bible you got lost, entranced by the way his slender fingers scanned down the pages to find what he was looking for. 
sometimes the churning hurt, it got so intense that you would almost feel pain in your bed at night. the sin was so suffocating you tossed and turned until you fell asleep—but even your dreams couldn’t give you an escape. 
you were taken to an early morning, laying in a bed with silky soft sheets. when you sat up in bed you saw thin white curtains dancing in a gentle breeze and sohee sitting behind them, their sheerness giving you a filtered view of sohee. he was always focused on something else as he sat at the table. sometimes it would be his book, sometimes it would be his phone. but it was always his lips that caught your attention first, soft and pink mouthing something you could barely make out. then your eyes would wander to his fluttering eyelashes, so visible even if your were half a room away. 
sohee’s attention would always go back to you, smile on his face as he got on the bed and crawled towards you. in the white room, reflecting purity you found yourself thinking only of the loss in innocence as you backed up to the headboard. sohee looked down at you, right in the eyes then down to your lips. your own eyes wandered too, gripping the smooth sheets in your hands as you tried to figure out what to do next. sohee’s hand was familiar, like it was a touch transcending planes of consciousness as it clasped over yours. sohee knew to lean close, so close that you felt the ghost of his lips jolt you awake.
when the dreams got to be too much, you found yourself pulling sohee away during transition time in the oratory. you pulled him away mid conversation with his new friend he made in the choir. sohee could barely mutter a sorry to anton as he followed behind you, being pulled by his hand. sohee stumbled as you continued pulling his hand to go against the mass of people. you didn’t answer sohee’s questions of where you two were going, and you didn’t stop moving until you both were cramped inside the janitors storage closet. 
sohee looked around the room, staring up at the single lightbulb that hung from the ceiling.
“is this the new prayer room?” sohee asked.
you shook your head, trying to figure out how to confess to your friend that you were sinning at the thought of him.
“sohee.” you’re serious, and sohee looks at you worried as the lightbulb above your heads sways in space. “i have sinned.” you confess.
his head tilted slightly as he tried to figure out what happened. he looked at the top of your head when you hung it in shame, gripping his hands as you tried to come up with the words to say.
“is it bad?” sohee asked quietly.
you knew now that you were being dramatic then. compared to what you ended up doing later in life, having lustful dreams about your friend wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. but when you’re young you don’t know any better, and when you are taught about cardinal sin and damnation you think everything is absolute. so even though they were only dreams, the tears welled at your water line as you nodded your head to sohee’s question. 
“like, how bad?” sohee asked.
“cardinal.” you said simply.
sohee did a sharp intake of his breath and you went back to letting your head hang. you felt the heat start in your chest at the humiliation. no amount of repenting could save you, or take the thoughts from your mind. 
“which one?” sohee asked.
you were convinced you were cursed, even in with the gravity of the situation weighing down on you in the cramped closet your eyes still found their way to sohee’s lips. how he chewed on them as he tried to figure out what to say to you. how his eyes were wide as he looked at you. his hands that held tightly onto yours. you counted the moles on his face over and over again until you found the words, trying to shake the thought’s from your mind.
“lust.” you answered.
sohee had to strain his ear and repeat the motion of your lips a thousand times. from your whisper he almost missed it—he believed he was making it up until he mouthed the word himself. he let your word float in the cramped closer between the two of you as he tried to figure out what to say.
when he saw your head hang even deeper in shame sohee lifted your gaze by lightly shaking your shoulders. it took everything to maintain eye contact with him like this. the lightbulb that hung above your heads shined down on sohee like a ring of light above his head. he began sweating a long time ago, from being shoulder to shoulder during mass now in this tiny space where the tension felt like a thick fog. sohee had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and the light that caught it made him glisten. you tried to swallow your thoughts as sohee continued to look at you.
“it’s normal. to feel that way.” sohee assured.
his eyes were big as he tried to comfort you. when you shook your head he nodded his, trying to show you everything was alright. the guilt and shame ate you up inside.
“even if it’s about you?” you asked.
you swear to god that you don’t remember what happened next. all you remember was that one moment everything was still. none of the cleaning supplies moved on the shelves, the lightbulb above your heads didn’t sway from its cord. the next sohee back you into the wall with his lips on yours. teeth clashed as you knocked things down. you stumbled, almost putting your foot in a mop bucket before you greedily tried wrapping it around sohee’s waist. he held it there by a grip on your thighs, but he was no better as he failed to balance himself in the small space. he nearly fell, only held up by the grip you had on his shoulders. 
when you pulled away the swinging lightbulb illuminated parts of sohee’s face. even if his eyes were dark from lust you didn’t shy away, you only licked your lips to try and remember the taste. 
the first time sohee touched you, it was quick. both of you were so burdened by lust that clouded your judgement. it held you so tightly sometimes you felt air getting caught in your chest and the only relief was sohee sticking his hands underneath your shirt. in relation to things you two did in the years to come, it was harmless. but in that moment, both of you looked to the ceiling in the janitors closet like god was going to strike the two of you down then and there. when nothing happened, you let out a sigh of relief and stuck your own hand underneath sohee’s shirt. you were softer then compared to now. sohee was warmer then too, his skin was smooth but felt like fire underneath your fingertips. when you thought about fire you hesitated, no longer reciprocating sohee’s fast and wet kisses he placed across your face. he pulled away, eyes blown out as he looked at you with worry.
“what’s wrong?” sohee asked.
“this is wrong. god is watching.” you whispered it, like he was in the cramped janitor closet that barely had enough room for the two of you.
you were so stupid.
sohee knew you were stupid, you swear to god he knew it too. even though he put a gentle kiss to your forehead and reassuring pecks to the apples of your cheeks you think now he was mocking you. 
you didn’t take your hand away from sohee’s bare stomach, and he pressed into your yours gently. he looked up for a moment, before turning his attention back to you.
“we can just repent, yeah?” sohee asked.
you thought about it too. lust was a sin, but the feeling of sohee readjusting your leg on his waist made you believe it was worth it. you didn’t need much convincing to melt into sohee’s kisses again, to push him against the walls of the small closet until cleaning supplies fell from the sides. you were desperate but still shy, not letting your hands wander from the space of sohee’s torso. that was all you needed then, just touching his bare skin gave you enough to feel that pressure churn in your stomach. 
that’s how lust worked. it started off as a supernova, burning bright and fast, over as soon as it started. that’s why you and sohee were able to reach peaks you had never known before just by kissing and pushing eachother against walls with your hands touching bare stomachs. the two of you were moaning into the others mouth within minutes, returning to church service uncomfortable in your underwear and sweaty underneath your tunics before anyone noticed you were missing. 
in the beginning it was only touching and kissing, before the lust became unbearable and needed more to be sated. before you knew it you were pushing sohee’s hands past the waistband of your pants or up your skirt, and sohee was closing your fist around his dick with his hand as he snapped his hips forward. you had graduated from the janitors closet to prayer rooms, even sneaking away to feel eachother in the youth group meeting rooms or sohee’s bedroom when his parents weren’t home. it was risky, but that was the thing with lust, it took away your inhibitions and made you daring.
you were always lucky, after coming back from sneaking away with sohee all you had to do was sit in the pew and wait for service to be over. sohee had to sing in front of your congregation, pursing the lips that you kissed swollen with hair your carelessly mussed. he was unaffected, smiling to you in between hymns. 
you believed sohee was an angel, someone god sent down with a heavenly voice to spread his word. even when he had his hands down your pants, whispering unholy things into your ears as you came undone you thought he was an angel. with a supernatural singing ability you believed he was invincible.
you found out later that sohee was a human like you, a creature of flesh and blood that could be here one second and gone the next.
to this day you don’t know what happened. everyone kept it a secret from you, or maybe it was something your mind tuned out in efforts to protect your sanity. all you knew was that sohee looked so cold now, and you were the one looking down at him. you finally got the apologies you wanted in highschool. the people who berated you and sohee and isolated you in class came up to you with tears in their eyes.
we were young dumb kids back then.
sohee was so sweet.
we could tell your love was real.
may god protect you.
you almost laughed when you heard the name of god, but it didn’t seem appropriate to laugh anymore. when the preacher got that strange wheeze in his voice that sohee would mimic you had to bite your tongue, and after the service you almost chuckled as you tried to find a word to describe what sohee’s parents were now. what do you call a parent that lost their child?
inverse orphans?
you gripped the plate that had sohee’s favorite snacks as you held back a laugh. you watched from the corner of sohee’s living room, seeing everyone mingle and talk. you felt like sohee that night at graduation, scoffing up to the sky when you said the bible verse. there was nothing to be grateful for in this moment. you weren’t grateful to sit in the front row of mourners, sandwiched between his mother and anton. you weren’t grateful that they asked you to share a memory you had with anton, or to spare kind words. you weren’t grateful that his mom pulled you aside and sincerely thanked you for being her sons bestfriend. you weren’t grateful to stand in the same living room where you spent countless days with sohee after school, talking about the future with eachother in mind. 
to hell with them.
you adopted that mindset then and there. the shock turned to indifference and numbness in that moment while you stood in the corner of sohee’s living room. you didn’t bother saying goodbye, leaving through sohee’s window after you snuck into his room to lay in his bed. you were nosy in his space like you always were, opening drawers and wrapping his clothes around your face as you tried to recall where you remembered his scent from. you stole a black hoodie, and the red baseball cap that perpetually rested on his dresser. you snuck through sohee’s window, trying to not be seen. but as you had one leg out anton was coming in, peaking through the door like he had done countless times before. 
for a split second you saw anton’s eyes go to sohee’s bed. you followed his line of sight, almost thinking that sohee was there. you almost saw the outline of sohee’s body relaxing on his bed like you had seen so many times before. but before you could really take a look anton eyes went to you halfway out the window. 
“oh. hey.” anton said when he saw you.
you didn’t say a word to him. the only thing you did was move your body to the side when anton’s eyes drifted down to sohee’s things in your hand.
“i was wondering if—”
before anton could say anything else, you left. you swung your legs over the windowsill to the fire escape, walking down to the street. you drove in complete silence all the way home, looking to sohee’s things in your passengers seat at the stoplight.
on your way home you became increasingly numb to everything. you let yourself cry when you initially got the call, and tears fell when you saw him for the last time. but now, as you walked around your apartment you didn’t feel anything. you didn’t care about anything. 
except for that damn light. 
the reminder that the sun continued to rise everyday weighed heavy on your conscious, and the fact that your apartment had so many windows made the light virtually inescapable. in the beginning the light used to bring you life, even if you didn’t want to admit it. you didn’t want to admit that you liked waking up from the gentle sunlight coming through the windows and getting an early start to your day, or how refreshed it made you feel. you found it extremely ironic to actively deny the benefits of the sun in front of the sun itself—but sohee was no longer here to make the sun seem dim in comparison. now it was just too bright. your apartment that used to be bathed in the sun felt like it was burning you alive. 
sohee used to talk about the windows in your apartment like it was a perk, and for a while you believed him. when you signed the lease he got your sheer colorful curtains, and the sun came through the same way it came through the stained glass windows in the chapel. at first you loved it, feeling like you were always in a place of worship. but now you hated everything that reminded you of church, or anything that was connected to god. 
you didn’t want to see the light, you didn’t want to see anything related to the church anymore. god abandoned you a long time ago, if he was even real. you didn’t know if it was more upsetting—to find out god wasn’t real or if he was real and didn’t stop good people from dying or suffering. if you thought about it too much, if you were forced to see what your life had become because of the colored light filtering through your sheer curtains you would only get violent and trash something else in your apartment. so the first change you made to your apartment was buying blackout curtains. once you were done hanging up all the curtains you closed your eyes then opened them, happy to find that it almost looked the same. 
after you hung up the blackout curtains, avoiding the world became easier. you didn’t have to hide from the sun underneath pillows or your covers, and you didn’t have to worry about the sun interrupting your long periods of sleep. you didn’t have to go through the pounding headaches from sleeping for too long and you realized if it was already dark in your apartment, you didn’t have to know that life went on. the earth didn’t continue to spin in your pitch black apartment, if you didn’t check your phone the illusion of time standing still wasn’t broken. the sun never set or rose when you hung up the blackout curtains. 
the first person that saw you after everything was sohee’s bestfriend. you had heard his knocks before, and then before that as well. you didn’t know what day it was, and when you finally peaked through your door anton looked just as lost. he looked like he was already preparing to walk away, back turned to your door when you finally opened it. he turned immediately, smiling with cracked dry lips and red eyes. 
“i came by earlier.” he picked at the lid of the glass dish in his hands. “you must’ve been out.”
you are still silent behind your cracked door, not used to speaking to other people in so long. you mainly can’t focus because of the blinding light. you cough behind the door, trying to clear your throat.
before you can speak, anton holds out the meatloaf towards you like a peace offering.
“sohee’s parents came by service today and they wanted me to give this to you.” he said.
“i hate meatloaf.” you said.
when anton heard the defeat in your voice, he finally dropped the act. you saw his shoulders visibly sag, you saw him smile and his eyes drop. your eyes went to the bottom of his tie, how the fabric was darker than the rest from blotting away his tears. maybe he had the same epiphany you did about the church. it didn’t work, and the pain never goes away. anton looked up from the letter placed on top of the dish to look up at you.
“can i come in?” when you looked behind you getting ready to decline anton took a desperate step forward. “please.” he begged.
you only opened the door up a little wider, feeling like the light was infiltrating the refuge you built away from it. 
when anton squeezed through the small space, he brought you in for a tight hug. he hugged the same way he did at the wake, and you stood there frozen now the same way you did then. when it was the three of you, you always welcomed the hugs, smiling while patting his back gently. but when it was just you and anton, it felt awkward. you hugged friends with enthusiasm, but you were always apprehensive of strangers. that’s what anton was now that the reason you two met was no longer there. it felt intimate to have a stranger in your apartment just to drop off food and well wishes. you shifted on your feet and shrunk into sohee’s oversized sweater that only reeked of you now. 
anton was the only person on earth that understood sohee like you did. maybe that’s why you felt such a connection to him when he was alive. anton was the only other important person in sohee’s life, and it was something you two wore like a badge of honor. competition for sohee’s attention slowly turned into a friendly teasing and forced hangouts. anton also went through a period of isolation at the hands of his peers. after your shared trauma and shared love for sohee it only seemed logical that the three of you would become a trio. 
but now it seemed awkward and painful. anton didn’t realize it like you did at the wake, but when he pulled back from the hug you could tell he knew. he separated from you immediately and cleared his throat. anton’s anxious fingers flexed around the pyrex dish, like the food was going to save him. your hands stayed at your side while you tried not to think about what it would be like if sohee was still here. both of you would be laughing to exaggerate the awkwardness, letting your shared love for sohee overcome the tension. but the veil was lifted now, and you both knew it. 
while anton tried to navigate your shadowy apartment, you started thinking about how much in common the boy in front of you had with sohee. the two had the same dialect from growing up in the same town. they had the same affliction in their voice brought from spending so much time together, and they both had the same annoying habit of placing things to close to the edge of counters. if you closed your eyes it was almost like sohee was with you again. 
“did you hear what i said?” anton asked.
you could see him look for your face in the darkness, not finding you until you spoke.
“no. what’d you say?” you asked quietly.
“sohee’s mom wanted me to get his sheet music.” you could see the outline of anton’s arm go to scratch the back of his head. “they asked me to cover his parts temporarily.” anton said.
you could tell that anton was half expecting you to decline. you almost did, you had developed the nasty habit of hoarding anything of sohee’s you could get your hands on. the last sane part of your mind knew it was evil to withhold something from his parents, and they were already so nice to let you steal their sons clothes and keep them for yourself. so you silently walked in front of sohee—anton—to go into your room.
you actually preferred for anton to be in your bedroom. it was the only part of your apartment you bothered to keep clean. you saved all the takeout bags and trash for your kitchen, letting it rest on your counters. you dug around your room in the darkness, trying to remember where you put them. anton stood by the door, not moving until you found the folder.
“here it is.” you said. 
anton moved to you, standing by your bed as he held the folder in his hands. the two of you were silent, looking at one of the last things sohee ever touched.
“do you mind?” anton asked.
when you saw that he had looked up from the folder to look at your drawn curtain, you shook your head. you didn’t have the words to explain yourself, instead you just got on your bed to unplug your phone. anton followed you, sitting on the edge of your bed as you turned on the flashlight. both you and anton lingered on the lockscreen of your phone, a picture of sohee smiling big in his choir uniform. you saw anton next to him, unaware that you were taking a photo. before you could stay on it for too long you turned your phone off, using the flashlight to illuminate the front of the folder.
anton ran his fingers over sohee’s name written on the bottom and the little doodles beside it. he flipped through the pages, seeing sohee’s annotations and little things he scribbled off to the side. you had never seen the pages, sohee kept them close to his person during service. you remember seeing him up late at night, headphones over his ears as he made his own changes to the hymns. you thought it would only be about music, but as anton thumbed through the pages you saw little sketches of you in the corners, your initials written in heart shapes and your erased name. anton was surprised too, a tiny laugh escaping his lips as he saw everything.
“so that’s what he was doing during service.” anton said.
you knew that you should’ve found joy in sohee’s scribbles. he was thinking about you as much as you were thinking about him. you wondered if he was thinking about you while singing, when he should’ve been thinking about god. your mind started thinking about punishment when your tears started dotting the sheets of music. anton closer the folder immediately, turning to you. he said nothing, only bringing you in for a hug as you sniffled into his shoulder. 
“i’m sorry. i thought seeing that would make you feel better.” anton whispered into your shoulder.
you shook your head, finally letting your hands wrap around anton’s waist. you gripped his white button up tightly, letting the tears you didn’t know you had wet his shirt.
“it’s not fair.” your words were muffled into anton’s shirt. you felt him nod against your head, patting your back soothingly.
“he’s watching over us.” anton said unsurely.
you shook your head, going further into the comfort of the mans arms. your phone’s flashlight was pointed upwards, illuminating the space between your bodies. when you pulled away you could make out the shadow of anton’s face, and your line of sight was bracketed with tears. 
“if he’s here, why do i feel so alone?” you ask. 
in the dark of your room, you swear you could hear sohee’s voice in front of you. he became so familiar to you that you could place him anywhere, even if you haven’t seen him in so long. so when you press your thigh against the person next to you, you swear on your life it’s sohee’s thigh that touches you back. when you flipped your phone around, it was sohee’s hands that stayed on your shoulders. when you heard the person next to you speak, it was sohee’s voice that talked to you.
“you’re not alone.” 
it felt like you were taken back to the first time sohee spent the night in your apartment. it was the first time the two of you had been left completely alone, your parents didn’t bother you once you fled the nest and sohee’s parents thought he was with anton. that was the night you were the most nervous, only settled by sohee’s comforting words. he whispered them against the shell of your ear, then huffed them into your neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist. the familiarity of it all crept up on you, and if you closed your eyes you could hear the same bated breath sohee had before he first leaned in to kiss you deeply. you felt sohee’s hands go from your shoulders as they traveled down to your elbows.
you screwed your eyes shut when you held sohee in front of you the same way. he never wore button ups, but if you didn’t think too hard about it your mind filled in the blanks. you ignored how hesitant his dry cracked lips were at first, instead remembering how you were always kissed with such soft devotion. you remembered his soft plush lips, how slowly you were able to kiss eachother when you weren’t under a time constraint or watchful eyes. your imagination made you take the lead, hoping your muscle memory would mold the pair of lips to the ones you were familiar with. but when you shamelessly ran your tongue over his top lip you weren’t fighting for dominance against a guiding hand on the nape of your neck. when you fisted his shirt you weren’t pulled in by the small of your back. you only felt an uneasy hand go to your face, stroking the fresh tear tracks on the apples of your cheeks timidly. 
regardless, for a moment your mind and the pair of lips humored you. they humored you into delusion, to the point that you pulled away for a second. maybe it was the last fleeting smell of sohee embedded into his hoodie, maybe he still rested on the pages of his sheet music. but when you pulled away you swear on god’s life that you saw sohee beside you, breathless with his lips parted as he touched your cheeks.
“sohee?” you said breathlessly.
at the same time, your phone fell from your lap face down, lighting anton’s horrified face in front of you. the hand that was on your cheeks went to your shoulder, pushing you back slightly. anton shot up from your bed, his head hanging in shame as his hand wiped you away from his lips.
“i’m sorry. i can’t.” anton backed towards your bedroom door, head still hanging low. “text me when you finish the food. i’m sorry.” he said.
the front door closed before you could say anything. you stayed on the bed, looking down at the shining white light on the back of your phone. you had nothing to say anymore, you had no tears anymore. you eventually made you way back to the kitchen and eyed the dish sitting on the edge of your countertop. you looked at the envelope that sat on top, your name written in tiny neat letters. you pushed the glass dish to the edge of your countertop a little more, until it was threatening to fall. you went back to bed and laid down, looking through the scribbles of sohee’s sheet music over and over again.
that was the same night you had your first dream about sohee. he came to you while you laid in bed, curling next to you and kissing your head through your hair. it was warm and comforting, you could feel his heat wrap around your body completely. sohee came close to your ear and apologized that it would be awhile until you saw eachother again. you shot up in bed when your phone buzzed out of do not disturb. you reached for the empty space beside you, panting into the darkness as you looked around your dark and empty room. 
after you yelled at the person who woke you up, calls stopped coming in. there were occasional texts that you couldn’t process and words that dripped in pity. anton friend sent you a text that night about how sorry he was. you were almost able to delude yourself into thinking it was sohee until the word “grief” pulled your from fantasy. you kept your ringer off now, only going to your phone to look at your lockscreen and ignore the digital clock that told you the earth was still spinning.
your room was the only thing you bothered to keep clean, because that’s where sohee would always visit you in your dreams. it had gotten to the point that all your trash was waiting for you on the other side, littering your living room and unfolded clothes occupied your couch. wrappers from candy bars and empty paper bags on the occasion you’d eat littered your kitchen countertops. the food in the dish was long spoiled and your bathroom was virtually unused except for the toilet and sink. your dry soap bar and washcloth became a looming presence and you made the excuse of whispering to yourself i’ll do it tomorrow each time you walked by. 
i’ll do it tomorrow had become your new motto. you said it every time you added to the pile of dishes in your sink, stacked so high it almost touched the faucet. you said it when you heard knocks on your door or your phone went off from receiving a text message. several notes cards were crammed underneath your door, things you told yourself you’d read later. if it wasn’t sohee, it wasn’t a priority. the only thing that mattered was keeping the curtains drawn and sleeping to see him again. 
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moviecritc · 1 month
hii ! i was wondering if i could request a fanfic about Max verstappen and y/n —or you can give her a name UR CHOICE :) — anyways could you possibly follow the lines of them being complete strangers meeting in the Mexico GP, to becoming friends, then later on being lovers.
I’m not sure if you like to write sad stories but could you also possibly make a sad ending where towards the end they break up and whenever they are around eachother they act like complete strangers
Hopefully you take my request :) it was mainly inspired by a song called “strange” by Celeste !
Thank youuu !!
fortnight ⋆ max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x reporter!reader
word count: 2.7K
warnings: bad boyfriend behaviour, angst (sort of)
a/n: it took me so long finishing this, and im not fully convinced with the result :( i also changed things a bit. anyways i loved the whole vibe, so maybe i write something similar soon
also this ended up giving massive fortnight by t swift vibes so i named it bc of that
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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They were made for each other, or at least that's what everyone said. They had their first encounter at the Mexican Grand Prix. Y/N had been working as a reporter and interviewer for the races all season, but she had never had the chance to interview Max.
Mexico must have been one of Y/N's favorite places, all the culture, food, and people made her feel very welcomed. The race week in Mexico was the one she felt most nostalgic about once the season was over.
She arrived at the airport on Tuesday or Wednesday, she didn't quite remember, the only thing she remembered about her arrival in Mexico was the jet lag and that instead of grabbing her suitcase, she took Max Verstappen's.
She had always felt a certain intimidation towards him, by his way of driving and treating his teammates on the track. So, she was terrified to have to contact him. Surprisingly, it was Max who contacted her.
He called a few hours after she arrived at the hotel, she still wondered how he got her phone number and her name.
"Y/N L/N?" he asked. She recognized the voice and took a few seconds to process it. "I'm Max. I think I have your suitcase."
"Hello, yes. Uh, I think I have your suitcase too," She scratched her neck a bit.
"Ah, fantastic. Are you free now to exchange them?"
"Sure, yeah. Where?"
"I can come to your hotel, I don't want to cause you too much trouble," Max commented in a calm tone. That seemed like a super sweet gesture coming from him.
"Alright, I'll send you the location, come whenever you can," And they hung up.
Y/N was quite impressed by how nice Max had been, and that it was him who contacted her and offered to go to the hotel, even though she was the one who took the wrong suitcase.
Literally five minutes later they called her room phone, telling her that someone was asking for her. She went down with the suitcase immediately, meeting the pilot and his suitcase.
Max waved his hand a bit so she would know it was him, although Y/N knew perfectly well who he was. Max observed her, she had brown hair with lighter tips than the rest of her hair, probably from dyeing it in the past, and quite long curtain bangs. Somehow her face looked familiar to him, as if he had seen her before, but at the same time not.
"Hey, here you go," Y/N handed him the suitcase and they made the exchange. "I'm really sorry for the trouble, really, I didn't even realize it wasn't my suitcase,"
"It's okay, don't worry. Did you open the suitcase?" He slightly bit his lip.
"Well, yes. But I only saw the eight or nine Red Bull shirts, I realized it wasn't my suitcase," she said, smiling.
That made Max laugh. "Are you here for the race?"
"Well, yes, I'm a reporter for DAZN," Y/N nodded.
Max raised his chin a bit, understanding why the brunette looked so familiar. He looked around and then at his watch. "Are you busy now?"
Y/N blinked, was he…?
"No, not now," she pressed her lips, trying to hide a smile.
"Can I invite you for a coffee?" he smiled shyly.
"Oh," Y/N pondered for a few seconds what to tell him.
"If not, don't worry," Max spoke. Maybe she had been thinking about the answer for too long.
"No, of course. I'd love to,"
Was it a strange start? Yes. But only that afternoon they connected in such a strange way that it scared them. Y/N had two Siamese cats, Max had two Bengal cats. He spent hours on the sim, she could spend hours watching the same series, which wasn’t exactly the same, but close. They both supported FC Barcelona and the most surprising thing was that she had been on exchange in the Netherlands, at the same school Max was attending. The only thing was that he barely went to classes because he was going from championship to championship.
That afternoon it felt as if someone had made them meet, because it was too much of a coincidence to find someone so similar to you because of one suitcase.
"Will I see you in the paddock tomorrow?" Max asked, as they were saying goodbye.
"I hope so,"
"Stop by the Red Bull garage if you have time,"
Y/N nodded and bit her lip, still unable to believe the instant connection she had with Max. She even forgot she had terrible jet lag. At no point did she consider that this could end badly.
At the Brazil Grand Prix, they were already sharing a hotel room. Nobody knew yet that they were together so they could come and go as they pleased. Y/N was still a reporter for DAZN, although now that she spent so much time with Max her reports started to be shorter and with fewer details. She barely paid attention to the races, she stayed near the Red Bull garage, trying to see him when he entered the pits.
By that time, Y/N realized that maybe she was spending too much time with Max. In just those two weeks, Max had been pivoting between the sim and the hotel bed. At first, he said nice things to her and stayed with her for a while, asking her what she had been doing or what movie she was going to watch now. But the last time, he dressed immediately and went back to the sim.
Y/N even remembered how well they had connected and how comfortable she had felt, although it had only been fourteen days ago. She didn't even think about confronting him, after all, they were nothing, they never were.
Why? A serious relationship would only take up time that he could use for much more productive things for his career. That was better, even if it made the brunette feel as if he only wanted to satisfy himself with her.
"Max, it's late and I'm hungry, what if we go out for dinner?" Y/N entered her room where he had all the set up, it was the first time she saw it and she thought it was crazy that Max had all those screens, all those gadgets just to pretend to drive.
"I can't now, schat," he said, moving his hand a bit to try to make physical contact with her, but he didn't manage to because he didn't take his eyes off the screen.
"Well, remember we have the flight to Las Vegas tomorrow at noon. Come to bed soon," Y/N commented, looking at his crown.
She fell asleep before feeling Max's weight on the bed.
She didn't know why, but she really thought that in Vegas something would change, maybe because of the atmosphere or because it was the last races, maybe he would be slightly more relaxed now that he had practically won the championship. She even thought they would enter the paddock together, that she would have a fixed spot in the Red Bull garage or something, but a minimum of recognition from him towards her.
But it was quite the opposite. Max didn't show up in the paddock until Thursday afternoon while she had to be there since Tuesday. He made her take the plane alone and he didn't even text her when he landed. She had to find out he was already in Las Vegas when she saw him passing by her in the paddock and Y/N made a gesture to greet him, smile at him or make a simple gesture, but Max passed by without even looking at her.
That's when she realized she would have to confront him. He was behaving like a complete jerk, and Y/N was sure she wasn't the first woman who got fed up with him for that.
With a couple of calls and several messages, she managed to find out the hotel and the room where Max was staying. After a day full of interviews, Y/N went straight to the hotel address, knocking on his door.
"Hey, hello," he said, already in his pajamas and with a tired look. "I was thinking about you."
"Oh, me too," Seeing Max's hand on her waist, Y/N pulled away from him immediately.
Max raised his eyebrows at once, surprised by the abruptness of the brunette. "Are you alright?"
Y/N lowered her gaze slightly, choosing her words. Suddenly she was more than nervous to say something. "What… what are we?"
"In what sense?" he asked cautiously. He thought it was too soon for that conversation.
"What sense is it going to be?" she approached, realizing that Max probably was just a man like the rest, who had an unjustified fear of naming relationships.
"Uh," he said. Y/N blinked, waiting for a more complete sentence. "Do you want to make it public or something?"
Y/N ignored the 'or something', sticking only to the first words. She smiled a little, getting closer to Max.
"Is that what you want?" He asked again, putting his hands on her waist now that she let him.
"I would like that, yes," she nodded, before Max gave her a quick kiss. "You've been leaving me hanging for a few days."
"Schat, you know I have to train and prepare for the races," Max insisted, sliding his hands much lower than her waist.
Y/N was going to say something, but Max caught her lips and didn't let go until he felt satisfied.
On Friday they arrived together at the paddock, attracting attention from the media. They didn't talk much, she was afraid they would read her lips.
Y/N had to go with her team to interview the Ferrari team and they kissed in front of a couple of cameras as a goodbye. The image went viral in minutes. After finishing the interviews, she received a couple of comments from people around the paddock about how lucky Max was to have found her.
Y/N couldn't understand how he was the lucky one. After all, she was the one with the Formula 1 star pilot. She got on Twitter, seeing how several users commented on how amazing she was, how she had managed to make a name for herself in motorsport, how sweet and funny people found her, Y/N would never in her life use "funny" as an adjective to describe herself. And the best part, that Max should feel more than lucky to have her. That they made a practically perfect couple, that they coordinated super well. Just a few steps in the paddock had made them the couple of the moment. The example to follow.
Max won that race and jumped into her arms when he got out of the car, giving her a strong wet kiss in a very unsexy way. That totally took Y/N by surprise, she couldn't believe his first thought after winning was her. Who knows which of his PR team told him to do that.
"I'll see you in a few hours, wait for me in the hotel room," Max told her, kissing her cheek.
"Max, I also work here. I have to do interviews," she reminded him, with a somewhat serious look.
"Ah, alright,"
"Let me know when you're done," Y/N turned without saying or doing anything else.
She worked until late at night without being able to get out of her head that she and Max had progressed so much in the relationship that they had skipped all the really good parts, the honeymoon phase. And this time it had been her fault, it had been her idea to make it public maybe too soon.
She arrived at Max's room, which was dimly lit and cold. She took a long shower, still wondering what she should do now that their relationship wasn't working out at all.
When she came out of the shower, with wet hair and pajamas on, she found Max lying on the bed, sliding his finger over the screen of his cell phone.
"The shower is free now, were you waiting for long?" Y/N spoke, tilting her head slightly.
"I'm already showered, I was waiting for you," Max admitted with a sweet look.
"Oh," she said. "You didn't have to, I'm sure you're tired,"
Y/N walked cautiously to the free side of the bed, because they hadn't even talked about their sides of the bed. Max got up and changed his clothes, Y/N remembered how good shape Max was in and how good he was in bed as he was with the car. She discreetly bit her lip.
"I wanted to talk to you, actually," Max mentioned as he sat down next to her, giving Y/N goosebumps. "Did you see that people adore us?" Max hugged her by the shoulders, pulling her closer to him.
Y/N let out a sustained thread of air in her lungs and smiled. "Yes," It seemed strange to Max that that was the only thing that came out of Y/N's mouth. "Is that a good thing, isn't it?" he asked, now somewhat confused. "Of course, someone should."
Max blinked, now separating from her body so he could see her well. "What do you mean by that?"
"Since we don't adore each other," she mentioned, as if by chance.
"What do you mean by that?" Max asked, having no idea what Y/N was saying.
She sighed, shaking her head slightly. She wondered how someone couldn't realize something so simple.
"Forget it, Max," she fixed, getting comfortable in bed. "I'm tired."
"Wait, let's talk," he insisted, getting closer to her, with a worried look.
Y/N clicked her tongue, sitting up on the pillow. "Do you like me?"
"Of course, you're beautiful and attentive and intelligent. Why wouldn't I like you?"
That made her heart shrink a bit. "But do you see me as something lasting?"
Max thought about his answer. No. "I don't know,"
That was enough for Y/N to know the real answer, she clicked her tongue and moved slightly away from him.
"Y/N, you have to understand that I have a complicated job and…"
"For God's sake, Max, we both work in the same field. If you want to blame the distance or something like that, it won't work," Y/N denied, biting her cheek with anger.
Max pressed his lips, trying to hide that that was exactly what he was going to do.
"I think I better leave," Y/N commented, pulling the sheets.
Max saw all her movements, from when she got up until she picked up her things and left through the door. Y/N still somehow hoped he would say something, but Max didn't even move. He simply waited for her to leave so he could lie down and go to sleep.
Y/N didn't cry, she didn't even consider it. It had been a short time and there was no need to waste time thinking about what could have happened. For God's sake, she didn't even know if it had been a real relationship.
It had started perfectly but had been declining just a few days after they met.
In the last Grand Prix, Y/N was with her team most of the time, writing columns for DAZN's website report and preparing questions for her colleagues' interviews.
"Y/N, here are the questions for Max's interviews," her colleague said.
"Everyone wants you to interview Max, for obvious reasons," he nodded, as if it were totally normal.
"I don't think it's a good idea," Y/N mentioned, making a face.
"Y/N, he and everyone else are waiting for the interview," he insisted, nodding his head behind his back. Y/N turned discreetly, observing Max leaning against a wall, trying so hard not to look at her.
"Fuck," she muttered with a soft frown. "Ok, let's do this quick,"
She standed up with a bored and sick stare, there was Red Bull's engineers everywhere and even people taking pictures of her.
"Hey," he greeted her as she approached.
"Let's get this over with quickly, okay?" she nodded.
"Try not to be too harsh, people still think we're together," Max commented.
Y/N's gaze hardened. "I'll do whatever I want, Max," she clenched her jaw and gave the cameraman a nod to start broadcasting the interview.
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maplleaf · 1 year
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a/n: I can't reply bc this is a side blog. tumblr L 👎also srry for being late been busy with irl things ajeihdjd.
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Meeting new people and creating bonds is like second nature for the crew of the Astral Express. As a part of that family, it's hereby natural for you to do the same. Friends, or even enemies, are common to make; lovers are rare though. When Himeko suggested the youngsters of the Express should go out and bond, she didn't think it'll end up in romance.
Neither you and Gepard fell at first sight, it was closer to falling at first fight, or second to be even more specific. You definitely caught his eye when taking a small tour of Belobog. March 7th is the walking ball of energy; Dan Heng is smart and composed, the grey-haired trailblazer is... trash loving; and to him, you were like the older sibling who keeps everyone in check.
In addition, you seemed interested in his explanation of Belobog's history, the sentence being supported by your volunteer work for Belobog's museum a couple weeks after.
The next time you two met, you threw hands with him. He fought and believed in Cocolia's words, even fought against his sister for it. Yet in the end, he was knocked some sense into and was defeated.
When he saw you fight, something seemed to click like a lightswitch in him. Even if he was blocking you to your goals, you didn't want to hurt him. It end up hurting like hell, yeah, but it didn't leave any marks or cause even worse injuries.
He could see that you held back, and something about that weighed in maybe he was in the wrong. How could someone as gentle as this, be inclined to destroy the last city that exist?
After that, it was like a snowball falling from the top of a mountain until he's hit with the realization that yes; Gepard Laundau is falling for you. The Express didn't leave for awhile, and he finds himself struggling to leave your side in that time. It took some time, but he was eventually invited aboard the Astral Express.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
Gepard smiled in agreement at your words. He gazed into the planet he's been living on, or commonly called Jarilo-IV. Even with the eternal winter decimating the land, it was still a magnificent view.
"Since the root of the eternal winter is solved, Belobog's temperature should be rising," you tried to comfort him, afraid he may be disappointed in the view.
Gepard's blue eyes laid on you. If he were to tell himself from the past that he would fall in love with an alien who helped solve the eternal winter's crisis, his past self wouldn't even believe it for a second.
"...the view is the planet y'know, not me," you teased him, letting out a few light laughter. Gepard's face flushed as he was caught staring, "sorry. You just looked very pretty," he blurted out, now making both of your faces red.
After bracing yourself not to stutter, you broke the silence. "...In any case, even if the Express leave we can still talk to eachother," you told the blonde whilst showing your smartphone. Belobog's phones aren't as advanced as the ones sold by the IPC, but it can still connect and chat with the messenger app of the newer designs. "Here, I'll give you my number."
Gepard gave you his device gladly, with red still dusting over his cheeks.
... away from both of your sight, a wild March 7th watches, taking a picture of you two with her camera. "Stalker Marxh 7th strikes again," the grey haired trailblazer told her and lightheartedly rolling their eyes.
"C'mon, it's cute!" she exclaimed, taking another picture.
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The whole crew watched as Gepard chased after your affection similar to a puppy; a comparison Himeko had made. As long as you're happy, the Express Family is happy. By looking at your reactions to his attempts at courting, it seems you were interested in him as well.
"Young love, adorable isn't it, Welt?" Himeko said whilst drinking her cup of coffee. You just left for Belobog to see the blonde captain once more.
Welt nodded to Himeko as he sat on the couch beside her, his eyes focused on the IPC's news broadcasted on their site. "They should make it official quick, we're leaving for another planet in a few more days," he advised, receiving a chuckle from Himeko.
"Has time really passed that quickly?" the redhead smiled.
When the Express visited the Xianzhou Luofu after receiving a tip from Kafka, for some of them it was their first time; Not you though. Whilst you weren't born in the Xianzhou Luofu, you visited the large ship a couple times before.
That day, the Express Family groupchat is blessed with the picture sent by you. Your hands intertwined with Gepard's. The group chat, mainly March 7th, exploded.
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In your first visit, you were fortunate enough to meet the dozing general. At the time, you didn't even know he was the general of the cloud knights. For you, he was the attractive man who somehow has birds in his hair.
By that, you meant literally. First time you saw him, you saw a bird crawl into his hair like a nest and you blurt out in front of him; "Are you a bird collector?"
Jing Yuan saw you with a surprised yet pleased smile, after hundreds of years of living; he had never been greeted like that before. "It likes to stay there," Jing Yuan chuckled, curious about your behaviour.
"Are you perhaps a visitor?"
You nodded as a response to him. "My friend was supposed to show me around, but I sorta got lost," you laughed sheepishly. "But fuck it! An adventure is an adventure."
Frankly, your carefree nature felt like fresh air compared to the stiff nature that he's always sorrounded by due to his work. To talk freely with someone who doesn't care about status, when your conversation was over; he simply thought it was a pleasant time.
You exchanged numbers right after, and he never saw you again. At least, in person.
When Jing Yuan isn't busy with work or resting, he wouldn't mind having an interesting conversation with you in his pass time. Over time, he starts to develop a small interest in you beyond friendship. What's fascinating is that you never found out what his title is; something that could be a miracle, or your lack of knowledge of the Xianzhou Luofu.... either way, he doesn't mind it.
While you two doesn't talk everyday, he gets a general idea of how you're doing, and your adventures as a Nameless. He doesn't have any strong opinions regarding the Astral Express and its passengers, but the stories that you told brought a smile to his face each time he reads it.
So when he heard about the Express' sudden visit to Xianzhou Luofu, the smile he usually has increased tenfold. The face he saw you had when his hologram appeared was absolutely priceless!
He sees you trying to balance professionalism in front of Yukong whilst clearly wanting to speak freely to him. Your face clearly holding yourself from being angry at the general but still wanting to be polite in front of Yukong.
You crossed your arm followed by an exasperated sigh. "I should've guessed it... your outfit screams 'i am a military person'..." Jing Yuan laughed at your reaction.
"You never asked if I'm a general or not," he retorted, causing you to swing your hand through his hologram.
"How was i supposed to know?!"
Your reaction brought a smile to his face, an expression that your companions at the Express (and Yukong) noted. Welt watched as his fellow passenger of the Astral Express talked with the highly esteemed general like an old friend. He glanced to the person beside him before sighing;
"March, put your camera down."
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The starskiff haven stopped at the dock as Jing Yuan emerged from the transportation. The crisis that the Xianzhou Luofu experienced is finally over as life continued on as usual. For Jing Yuan, he's forced to go through much more paperwork than before, but as long as the Xianzhou Luofu is safe, he can make a few sacrifices.
As walked to the central area, he spots a familiar figure looking over to the clouds. The laziness tiredness that's caused by his recent workload seems to dissappear as he approached the person.
"A spectacular view, isn't it?" Jing Yuan chuckled, talking loud enough for you to hear. Your gaze didn't move from the clouds, as his voice is far too recognizable.
"It is... I might come here again if I can get a vacation day from Trailblazing," you could feel Jing Yuan walking closer to you. Your eyes finally moved to him, "let me guess, your 'secret' job gave you mountains of work to do."
Jing Yuan lets out a few light laughs, leaning against the railing as well. "If you know about it, then it's not a secret anymore," he answered. "But yes, they did."
You sighed, stretching your back before leaning forward to view the majestic view once more. "Too bad~ I guess we can't talk to eachother as often anymore, then."
The white haired general took it as a challenge, raising his eyebrow with a smirk. "How are you so confident? I may end up disturbing you at every hour of the day to prove it wrong."
You faked yourself shuddering at the thought, "no thanks... I'd rather join the anti-matter legion if that's the case."
A curiosity then begin to pollute your mind, begging for an answer. "Why did you hide it from me, the general thing?"
Jing Yuan had to thought of an answer before properly saying it. He didn't want misunderstandings after all. "The people I meet will always be unique and different due to this job, and yet their attitude towards me would be similair; with the exception of a few."
"...you were simply different, a breath of fresh air." He chuckled, "My name is well-known around the Xianzhou Luofu and even beyond; to meet and be close with someone who would strive away from the formalities that I've grown accustomed to, I didn't want it to change."
"All living beings with basic thoughts would change their behavior after knowing something new about someone, if you knew about my occupation and title; I feared there might be a change in behavior," he confessed, knowing you won't react negatively. Jing Yuan felt safe enough to confide in you with his occasional day-to-day life frustrations; this seems like the same to him.
You listened closely to his words, feeling your heart ache in glee. Even if he weren't a general, you would feel the same appreciation for him for opening up to you.
"And do I have any changed behaviors now?" you asked, raising an eyebrow wanting to tease him.
Jing Yuan chuckled, "perhaps... you've became slightly more bold," he teased, receiving a smack to his back from you for payback.
The reaction caused you two to laugh. A comforting silence overcame the general and the Nameless. Quietness began to fill your ears.
Your hand slowly went to Jing Yuan's, trailing until your hand is on top of his. Despite you taking the first initiatives, he was the one who interlocked your fingers first; you following not long after.
Words doesn't need to be spoken, as silence seems so be stronger than any words could've been.
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"I meant it! Dan Heng, you've lived here before right. It's clear there's some kind of spark in the general's expression!"
"And I've never seen them interact before, I don't have any references to make an assumption."
As the two bickered, the grey haired trailblazer held up the foto Tingyun gave them. "It's on a discount~ since you're a friend of the two," she winked, giving them a QR code for the payment.
The picture is of Jing Yuan holding hands with a fellow Nameless and Astral Express crew. Both of them looking at the clouds of the Xianzhou Luofu. It didn't show their faces, only their backs; and yet from where the photo was taken; it's clear as day that they're holding hands.
Tha Trailblazer sighed, "...this feels exploitative," they sighed but still scanning the QR code, paying for the single picture.
"It's fine, since you're a friend it wouldn't be a problem" Tingyun reassured the trailblazer, seeing the payment confirmation on her device. "Thank you for purchasing, loyal customer!"
March 7th heard Tingyun talking to the Trailblazer, her focus drifted towards them. She gave a hand gesture beckoning them to come closer to her, "did you buy Jing Yuan photos? He would probably be fine if you started taking pictures for free after we saved the Luofu!"
"Techniqally...yes?" The Trailblazer answered, showing their two friends the picture. Dan Heng raised his eyebrow, rarely being physically surprised, whilst March 7th excitedly took a picture of the picture.
"No way?! Is this real?" March 7th exclaimed, tapping on the Trailblazer's shoulder excitedly, "quick quick, text (y/n) about it."
Hearing that, the Trailblazer opened up their chat with the person in question. They sent the picture with the question; "whats this??"
You seemed to reply in an instant, ":)"
March 7th looked over to the Trailblazer's shoulder, "let me see..." she's caught dumbfounded at the weird and cryptic answer. "Hey, what's this kind of answer?! Send another one."
The Trailblazer nodded at her request, sending the most clear cut, gramatically correct, tear-bringing sentence;
"Answer plz."
They got left on read.
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renranram · 2 months
anything friends to lovers with schlatt makes me weak in the knees and I just know u could do that justice 💘
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basically tomboy user falls in love with schlatt and started to act feminine ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
a/n: special points if ur filo lolsies
Ever since elementary grade, they're already noticing, My gestures that are unlady-like 'coz Instead of dolls, my toys were trading cards and marbles Then I always jam with gangster-like boys in our place
you never really grew up being feminine, raised by your single father you genuinely liked acting boyish, preferring to play with boys instead of girls, buying toys that are mostly considered as ‘masculine’
growing up in a small town in texas, your town liked being close with eachother, having karaoke sessions every weekends and you'd always be there, jamming along with people, mostly older men who treated you like they're your buddy
it was very obvious, just by your actions, the ladies in your town were a bit concerned on how you'll grow up, due to them being conservative, but to you, it didn't matter, after all, you still are a kid
When I entered high school I was friends with bi's--curious girls Who also like girls Instead of makeup kit, I bring my guitar Then I always wore long-sleeved T-shirt and faded pants
years pass by, you finally enter highschool, you got along with bisexual people, you were very curious with your sexuality, having to go along with them, you chase beautiful girls, your guitar in hand, serenading them
you preferred dressing up in a masculine manner, attracting similar girls who's curious with their sexuality too
you strum your guitar as you lean back on the bench as suddenly, claire, the girl who had one big obvious crush on you, approaches you, face flustered, eyes avoiding you
“ hey sweetie, “ you greet her, “ you alright? “ you ask as claire, in an embarrassed manner, hands you a love letter, running off before you can even read it as your friends ‘ oooh’ed ‘ just to tease you
in a way, you were a chicks girl, managing to snag girls around your school campus,
But when I met you My taste changed I learned to have my hair rebonded Shape my eyebrows at least once a month I don't know what it is that you have that Had me soften suddenly Who would have thought it will be a man Who'll capture a wild lil old me
9th grade, that's when you first met schlatt, just having to move to texas with his family, the guy was a hot shot, he was funny yet blunt, nice to everyone and well, surprisingly, a gentleman
he didn't treat you like what your other male classmates did, he didn't treat you like you were one of the boys, he treated you like a gentleman, it felt new, “ you tired? “ schlatt asks, panting as he chuckle
“ a little, yeah “ you respond, carrying the basketball in your arm, “ let's rest then “ he smiles at you, fuck, you swore you heard your heart skipped a beat
schlatt made you feel different, made you feel new, he made you feel feminine, “... so.. uhm.. what's your type in girls? “ you ask, as he offers you a bottle of water, giving a small nod as a form of gratitude
“ my type?, i dont really have a type, i mean, if she's the right one for you, then she is “ he shrugs, drinking the cold water as you two sat side by side on the bench
“ … yo.. uh.. can i ask for some advice? “ you mumble, putting your hair up, “ sure, shoot your shot “ schlatt replies, “ so there's this uhm…girl.. and she's a friend of mine.. and uh.. she met this guy.. and she's like super masculine but ever since.. you know, she met this guy she wanted to.. uhm act.. feminine and vulnerable and shit “ you mutter, describing your self as schlatt chuckles
“ that's fucking cute, “ schlatt chuckles, as a faint blush appears on your cheek, “ well, it depends ion her really, but if she feels very comfortable around him, maybe they should try stuffs out “ he added
before glancing at you, “ does the guy know how she feels? “ he asks, “ n..n-no “ he chuckle, his hand fixing your messy hair, “ he must be blind then “
you wanted to scream at that moment, ever since that time, you didn't even notice it yourself but you started acting.. calm and surprisingly lady-like, the same exact opposite on what you were as a kid, it felt weird yet.. relieving at the same time
you started being aware on your appearance, you've gotten a rebond, you try wearing makeup for the first time, shaping your eyebrows, wearing something else than pants, it felt great hearing him compliment you, it feels like you wanted to change for him
Even if I am boyish My heart still beats for you Just one kiss from you, and you've got me hooked And the woman in me is awakened Just like a blooming flower Because you care for it with water and sufficient Light of your everyday love That makes my life sweet
the day of schlatt’s basketball tournament, he played in a team for your school, you fixed your hair as you look up at him, smiling, pumped, “ are you nervous? “ you ask as schlatt chuckles
“ being nervous are for pussies, im a sigma male “ he jokes as you roll your eyes, chuckling
“ goodluck jay, “ you mutter, patting his back as he faces you, “ im gonna win this for you “ he states, his eyes glaring at you with admiration, your face flushed pink
“ can i ask you for a favor? “ schlatt smiles, holding on the ball, as you nod, looking up, “ if i win, can i kiss you and start courting you? “
you could die in this moment as you blink in surprise, “ h-huh? what? “ you stutter as schlatt chuckles, cupping your face, “ can i kiss you and start courting you if i win this game? “
you slowly nod, biting your lip as you look away, flustered whilst schlatt jumps in victory, “ i gotta win this game then “ he pats your hair as the bell rings, indicating the game's about to start
and oh man, did he keep his word, their team overcome the other team up in a storm, you cheered loudly for him, clapping and screaming whenever he scores
the guy got mvp for fucks sake, “ i kept my promise, i won, can i kiss you now? “ he approaches you with that stupid charming smile of his, holding the trophy as your friends and some kids at your campus looks at you two
you pause before nodding as schlatt didn't hesitate as he pulls you in his arms, kissing you, gently lifting you up in the ground as you squeal, “ fuck, it feels like i won you instead “ schlatt smiles
When we went to college Was just when I gave you my sweet "yes" That you've worked for 10 months Instead of chocolates and typical moves You captured me with your poems and your corny songs
it was now your last year of being an art student, you couldn't believe that the guy you met in 9th grade and your relationship with him would last this far but it did
schlatt dropped off college due to youtube, preferring to earn his money there instead and he was doing absolutely great, you were his biggest supporter of course
you enter your shared apartment as you yawn, tired, “ jayy? “ you call out his name as he replies, “ im in the bedroom toots “
you smile warmly as you open your bedroom's door, tackling him with a hug as he groans out chuckling, patting your back, “ tired? “ he asks as you nod, “ very “ you glance at his computer, “ you're editing for a video? “ he nods
“ yep, “ he replies, “ but.. im also streaming “ he states as you gasp, “ oh shit im sorry for interrupting “ you get off him as he chuckles, “ toots, it's fine don't worry “ he reassures you before switching tabs seeing chat greeting you
“ i actually wanted you to come here “ he mutters, glancing at the camera for a ‘ wish me good luck ‘ look as he gets off his gaming chair, kneeling, as he pulls out a small box, “ y/n, i love you so much, it's fucking fascinating how far we lasted, but i just… i just wish we can be something more than just girlfriend and boyfriend, so uhm, “ he clears his throat, opening the small box revealing a diamond ring
“ will you- “ he didn't even get to finish his sentence as you sobs onto his arms, nodding profusely, his chat speeds up, spamming him with congratulations, ggs, and o7
“ i love you so much oh my god “ you sob, not caring how miserable you look as schlatt started to rain kisses all over your face, “ no toots, fuck i love you so fucking much, thank- thank you so fucking much “ he chuckle hugging you tightly as he gently helps you wear the ring that perfectly fit your finger
“ i dont wanna ruin the mood but did you got my finger measured? “ you mumble, sobbing in between as schlatt bursts out laughing
That's why when I met you I already knew that miracles are true I learned to wear heels and frequented Wearing red dress But you didn't wish me to Change completely just to prove That there is no hard bread to a hot coffee Of your love
ever since you became fiancés, you can't help but remember your highschool and elementary days, you loved schlatt, the man treated you like a fucking princess, the vast difference on how you acted cringed you sometimes but you treasure those moments
if it weren't for those it wouldn't lead up to this
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akutasoda · 4 months
hello!! Hope you're having a nice day. Can I request a Sunday x business partner! reader angst where theyre both in denial of eachother because theyre scared that theyll lose whatevers going on between them? Sort of inspired by the line "and then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you." From somethin stupid by frank sinatra. If its too confusing pls ignore thank youu
just business right?
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synopsis - business partners may develop a deeper connection, but do they act on it?
includes - sunday
warnings - gn!reader, angst no comfort, misunderstandings, two people who suck at feelings, maybe ooc?, wc - 894
a/n: hi!! im having a great day! hope you are aswell? absolutely loved this idea (don't think i did it enough justice)
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penacony was a prime planet for businesses and a massive area for further clients. so who wouldn't want to work alongside the planet of festivities? and therefore the family had many business partners that worked inside and outside the dreamscape and among some of them was you.
your original client that you had been associated with was the family's very own sunday. he had in fact reached out to you upon the family's request and so he becane your original client inside penacony, so it only became natural that he continued to work closely alongside you and your business.
you and him interacted on an everyday occurrence. work related conversations became mixed with genuine asks, such as how the others day was, and even more genuine intrigue about the other person outside of work. eventually even conversing outside the dreamscape on a regular occurrence.
encounters became less formal, no longer did it feel as though you two were restricted to work based topics and soon after a wave of embarrassment washed over the two of you. the sudden realisation made sunday immediately turn back to strict work related conversations with you - it didn't help that you also did the same.
it pained the both of you. eventually you really couldn't stand that the both of you had deemed eachother as nothing but business partners and so you confronted him about it. so what if you both were business partners, surely that shouldn't restrict the fact that you both could be friends aswell?
and so you both agreed that to make it more natural, you two could converse as friends outside of the dreamscape. it may sound like a form of business deal but you both could tell that there was something there. a genuine connection between the two of you that would work outside of business mettings and contaracts.
sunday practically wanted to thank you for being the one to snap him out of his distant attitude at the very first sign of getting close to someone. he enjoyed each and every second he spent with you even more as it was no longer obliged of him. instead it offered a small respite in his ever busy schedule, a time where you two were no longer business partners but friends. and one the most genuine he'd ever had.
somewhere along the line sunday had noticed his feelings shift. the compliments you'd usually give him now made him blush and force him to curl a wing around his mouth to hide that stupid lovestruck smile he formed. he'd diligently memorised each and every one of your likes and dislikes and whenever he saw something similar his mind immediately went to you.
but little did he know, you were also harbouring similar feelings. you had caught yourself staring at him whenever he was in the vicinity, regardless if what he was doing. more often you were messaging him to join you in whatever menial task you had to complete if he wasn't busy.
however you weren't so blind to what this meant. you knew you had developed a crush on your business partner, i mean who could really blame you? but you were faced with a rather difficult situation. you knew how he reacted the moment he realised you two were becoming something more than business partners and the very last thing you would want is too loose this friendship. so, painfully, you let it be - in hopes he'd have the same feelings and confess to you.
sunday wasn't fairing much better. most relationships he built with people were strictly business related or ones that gave him an advantage, the only exception up to now was his sister. he wasn't exactly dumb when it came to what his feelings were so he denied them. but you had fitted so perfectly into his life that it scared him. and so he chose to bury his feelings even more.
many times had he caught himself in the middle of composing a message to you inviting you to a fantastic restaurant or cafe or even to a spot that may be of interest to you - practically asking you on a date. and when he caught himself he immediately backtracked and turned his phone off before cursing himself internally.
he oh so desperately wished he could just ask you out. but he was too scared. scared you didn't feel the same way or scared that something would happen. and so he tried to convince himself that he was fine as your friend, fine as your business partner but he wasnt.
you had tried to convince yourself with a similar lie, same result. it really had become a stalemate. you both could see the longing in eachothers eyes for something more but you both would convince yourselves that it wasn't anything beyond the friendship you'd built. what would it take for either of you to realise? to not care and finally take the risk?
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Characters: Ronal/Tonowari x child!reader
Warning: none just fluff
Summary: Just some fluffy headcanons. Didn’t wanna focus too much on the pregnancy but I can make one if that’s the people’s will
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Finding out and telling people
When Ronal found out about you, she was ecstatic and thanked Eywa for her beautiful blessing. She would protect you with her life and make sure you knew you were loved.
She rushed out of the shared Marui she had with her mate (knowing that it would be a bit fuller made her heart swoon) and rushed throughout the village looking for her mate.
When she found him, she made sure to have a passive expression on her face and slowed her movement.
“Ma Tonowari, we need to talk,” she whispers to him. Eventually, they’ll tell the clan but right now, she wants this to stay between the two.
He nods and excuses himself from his previous arrangement.
“What is the problem, Ronal?” He saw that she was vibrating with happiness and had a big, bright smile on her face. Which was very much not Ronal.
She takes a deep breath to ground herself, “I am with child, Tonowari.”
He blinks, then blinks again. Ronal could see the moment when it hits him. He laughs, loud and boisterous. He pulls her close into an embrace and plants kisses on her face.
He puts her down and smiles, “This is…oh thank Eywa.”
Roa was delighted to hear the news and couldn't wait to meet the baby. But Ronal could sense her sadness and gave her some comfort. It was hard for her spirit sister to have a calf.
She leaned her forehead on her spirit sister’s, “Do not fret, my sister. You will be with a child. I just know it.”
For a few weeks, Ronal and Tonowari mutually agreed to keep this little secret to themselves. To have a little something for themselves.
When she a month pregnant, Ronal announced the news to the clan at the communal dinner.
As expected the whole clan was overjoyed at the news. Everyone came up to express congratulations, give gifts, or blessings.
Meeting you
The pregnancy and birth went smoothly and had no complications.
When Tonowari saw you his first thought was that you were just beautiful, it was as simple as that.
Ronal and Tonowari never thought they could love a person this much, yet here they are.
The ceremony welcoming you into the clan was lovely. Their spirit brothers and sisters had returned also which just made the whole thing better.
When Ronal introduced you to Roa, she was happy for her sister. Together they sang songs welcoming you.
“They are just as beautiful as you, Ronal and they have Tonowari’s strong presence,” she complimented the newborn.
“Thank you for your kind words.”
Tonowari held you high above his head and the clan all interlocking with eachother. “(Y/N)!” He yelled out.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” The clan chanted out.
Your birth meant that the Metkayina clan would prosper well into the future. They would be in good hands when your time would come to rule.
Overall, you were loved by your clan and everyone was excited to see the person you would become.
Life with you
Ronal holds you to her chest and sings little lullabies to you every night.
When he’s out and about Tonowari has you in this little baby carrier. Some of the clan members stop him to say hello to you or to gush about how cute you are.
He’s such a soft dad y’all.
Whenever you are crying, he’ll rub circles on your back and hums a little song to you.
It works every single time.
To get you to eat your food, Ronal would say, “Here comes the skimwing..” You would eat whatever was in the spoon, even if you were disgusted by it seconds ago.
When she is working you would be strapped to her chest, similar to Tonowari. If their injury is not too severe, the patient would laugh at your antics.
Tonowari is totally whipped for you and there’s nothing Ronal could do about.
Don’t get me wrong.
You got her wrapped around your tiny chubby finger too.
But she doesn’t want you to be spoiled and lack manners.
As you grow up, you became more curious around your surroundings. Always wanting to wander off into the beach, maybe hangout with the baby ilus in their pens.
You gave your parents multiple heart attacks with your behavior when they thought the absolute worst would come.
But even then…
You would still cry long into the night if you didn't get to sleep with them. You had your own bed in the pod but you liked sleeping with them.
It was just more comforting for you.
“No, they need to sleep on their own,” Ronal protested as Tonowari walked to their bed with you in his arms.
“I know my love, I know. But can't that lesson be taught another night?” He smiles down at you. He turns around and shows her your peaceful face. “How can you say no to this face?”
Ronal only sighs and shakes her head. She had 2 babies, she couldn't believe it.
“Fine, Tonowari. When this comes back to bite you in the butt don't come to look at me.
Taglist: @crabcollectorskykid, @sillydog3-4-5
Like, reblog, or comment if you wish. See ya in the next one, friends.
Also lemme know if you want more of these headcanons, like them growing up, meeting the Sully’s, etc.
Reminder: My asks, suggestions, and requests are all open.
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kumezyzo · 8 months
p2 of the enemies to lovers pls!!
very fun pt.2 to thissss.... i rambled about their minecraft world cause its kinda cute and builds on their relationship a bit.
i know someone else asked for pt.2 but i could only find this one. so, im sorry it took soooo long to write.
i really hope you enjoy! or dont... :)    m.list
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having to share a minecraft house with sapnap made you realize what kind of person he actually was. he was just a six year old in a 22 year old body.
"I want my bed over hereeeeee," he whined, picking it up and moving it to the other side of the room.
it just so happened that one of the next requests from your viewers was to have your beds next to eachother. you two debated pretending like you never saw it, but the next day, it was the top comment on both of your perspectives.
or (when you first started your world)
"what colour do you want your boots?" he asked you as he died his own leather boots orange. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion for a second, looking at your camera strangley.
"what do you mean?" you asked, crafting another pickaxe.
"your leather boots?" he asked, pausing to wait for your answer. "fuck it, youre getting the plain brown."
but you also started to realise how much differently he truly was from when you met him.
"yn, i have a suprise for you," he announced, smiling as he grabbed the item out of his chest. "where are you?"
"chest room," you replied, completely expecting to get thrown dirt or some garbage he didnt want in his inventory.
"close your eyes," he instructed.
"okay whatever," he sighed and threw you a notch apple. you silently let your character pick it up before you opened your inventory in disbelief.
"where did you get this?" you asked him, reading the item title over and over.
"in the desert temple," he told you simply, waiting for a 'thank you'.
you were silent for a moment, "youre telling me.... you've had this... for 15 EPISODES???"
and you two started having normal conversations. texting stopped being you two asking for face cam perspectives or gameplay. you actually started forming inside jokes, laughing with eachother instead of at the expense of eachother.
your viewers started to notice as well. you two weren't in a visibly bad mood around eachother anymore. it was refreshing. in the later videos of your series together, you're smiling through half of it, laughing together, and talking kindly to eachother.
people even started making edits of your relationship. it would be of your first interaction, swearing at each other, then fading into your side by side face cams laughing and celebrating over beating the wither.
the friends in your circle started teasing you about how your life was becoming a little fanfiction. every time you would be streaming irl, you would happen to get a text from someone that made you smile at your phone.
"oooh, yn, who are you texting?" your friend teased, seeing you type on your phone excitedly. you look up at the camera and ignore your friend, finishing the text you were sending.
"does it start with s and rhyme with snap map?" your other friend teases.
"shut the fuck up," you roll your eyes, trying to hide your smile.
when dream and george saw the clip, they were hanging out with sapnap. and a similar situation occurred with them
"was this you?" george asked, giggling. the man in question looked up from his phone and watched the clip silently. the smile on your face was contagious. and he hoped it really was him that made you react like that.
"wait, let me see," dream said, pulling georges wrist toward him to see the phone. "looks like she might be dating someone."
"yeah... definitely not me..."
then you both realized you had feelings for each other. it was a harsh realization. but it was one that made you like imagining you two together. for sap, he knew it was coming. he just knew you would never be able to leave his mind. if a childlike crush didn't manifest from it, he would have known something was wrong with him.
sap started getting the feeling that you liked him too. he can't see all those clips and edits and think you didn't like him too. but he was afraid to shoot his shot, just in case you didn't feel that strongly yet.
"hey, what do you think about coming down to florida?" he asked you when you two were on a discord call and fixing up some building in your minecraft world.
"like... to visit you?" you asked, feeling excited by the invitation.
"well- i mean- if you want," he tried to sound nonchalant, but his stammering gave it away.
"if you really want me to... im sure the viewers would really like that, too..."
when he goes to pick you up from the airport, dream comes with him. and the entire drive there, he's considering hugging you or just shaking your hand.
"do i hug her?"
"yeah, if you think you're that close now."
"i dont know if she thinks so."
"I'll hug her first, and then you hug her?"
"what if i just shake her hand?"
the silence that fell over them was sickening. dream turned to sap slowly and laughed.
"dont fucking do that, dude."
and he hugged you after dream did. it was warm, and it gave you both such intense butterflies. it was a hug that you also never really thought would happen. you thought back to the first time you met im person when you refused to even look at him, let alone stand next to him.
dream thought it was adorable, seeing you guys laugh on the way back to their house. he happily sat in the backseat and let you two interact.
he took a picture of your backlit figures in the front seat, neither of your features visible. he thinks about not posting it for half a second before he puts it up on snapchat with "👀👀" as the caption.
everyone slowly lost their minds trying to figure out who they were looking at. most people assumed it was you with sap. he's not hard to miss. but it was even more shocking that you'd be there. so others assumed it was his secret girlfriend.
you two honestly didn't mind that dream posted the picture. it was fun when you two posted a dumb video announcing that you were in florida. it started with small subtle hints.
the first video started with you laying on their couch and patches laying on your chest.
"she's purring!" you coo softly, feeling your heart meltm
then it was of you talking about absolutely nothing while you walked around the parts of the house people had seen before.
"british people are so weird, you know? like, i was talking to one today. and he was just shitting on americans. but he lives here. so i obviously had to fist fight him. i won, obviously. and stole his sock to give to a house elf."
the last video was of sapnap finding you in his office, using his pc to play snake.
"i think george is in my office again," he said from behind the camera. he opened the door and stopped in his tracks when he saw you with a concentrated look on your face. "HEY!" the video cut with you looking up in pure fear.
all of those videos were posted to your account hours apart from each other, and your views felt like it was a slow coordinated attack to make them slowly go insane. with the first video, people were sure if it was patches. the second video made them believe it more so and they started going crazy. then the last video was the icing on the cake. it was filmed on your phone and posted to your accounts.
then, you had to stream together. and that was the definition of chaos.
"yn, move over."
"youre sleeping outside then."
"what the fuck-"
'what's one thing you guys like about each other?' a donation read out.
you two sat there for a second, thinking. "hes..." you grimaced, trying to think of something
"she... is funny?" he said painfully.
"wait, i am funny," you said defensively.
"its pure crickets when you speak."
"wait, im you now," you said, laughing as you put on his headphones.
"you look nothing like me," he said, deadpanned.
"oh wait," you took them off again and ran out of the room. sap sat there completely confused before you came back in wearing his beige killua hoodie. then you put the headphones back on.
"you still dont-"
"what the fuck is this music?" you ask in complete horror from the sound coming from his headphones.
"is there something playing?" he asked, clicking his mouse around to find his spotify window.
"oh my god, is this cbat?"
"no, shut the fuck up, sage"
'i thought your name was actually sage?'
you both sat there in silence before laughing loudly.
"no he was just an ass."
"and you were just a bitch."
all you have to know is that a lot of edits and ship content came from that stream. and the future streams you did with the other two. and people loved that you were hanging out with the dream team now.
the longer you spent time together in person, the more you just wanted to be around each other he remembered being afraid to hug you, but now you were sitting next to each other on the couch watching movies alone.
it was a strange dynamic neither of you chose to acknowledge purely out of fear. but then it was hard not want to cuddle during movies or occasionally hold hands if you're walking together. so sap works up the courage to finally do something about it.
you're both once again, sitting in his room, on his bed, watching some random movie you found on hulu. you're resting your head on his shoulder, only really paying attention to how he's so close to you.
you look over when he sighs heavily. he looks down at you and, without thinking, leans down to kiss you. you sigh softly, feeling your heart soar. your reaction is almost immediate, and it gives sap the incentive to keep going.
when you pull away, you're looking at eachother with droopy eyes. your heavy breath hitting eachothers faces.
"i really like you, yn" he whispers quietly between breaths, looking down at your lips briefly.
you smirk, trying to catch your breath as well. "really?" you say before you lean back in, placing your lips on his.
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i feel like there wasn't enough building onto them liking each other, but whatever. -nony
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welivetodream · 8 months
Do people really think that skk hate eachother?
After the fight with Lovecraft, we have a scene where Dazai smiles at Chuuya; this is one of the only genuine smiles we ever get from Dazai. Most of the time he is playing up a facade and he is very hard to read but he always seems to smile more genuinely when he is around Chuuya, especially when Chuuya isn't looking at him.
What I think those two have are very complicated feelings that haven't changed since they were 15-18.
Skk never got to be friends, they were always partners, "Double Black", Port Mafia's prodigies. They didn't get the chance to just be kids and see the better sides of eachother, their relationship didn't grow organically over the years but became stunted at a time when both of them were only teenagers. Thrust in an environment where there's not much positivity, Skk were always at odds because of their clashing personalities and mutual dislike (and their similarities)
I don't think that dislike ever became hate. I think they did become closer as the years passed, but then of course Dazai left.
While saying Chuuya was sad when Dazai left is a way to show their care for eachother. I would say, Chuuya was REALLY angry when Dazai left (that's why he drank that expensive wine, it was out of spite). How can he leave? Does he have no loyalty to the PM? Does he have no loyalty to Chuuya? They were partners, he can't just leave without a word.
Dazai left without a word because he knew how mad Chuuya would be at him when he finds out, he knew if he thought about Chuuya there would be a part of him that wouldn't want to leave this partnership that they have had since three years. It was something that gave him excitement in this "worthless thing they call living" it was his will to live. He also didn't want the PM to think Chuuya was involved with him and helped him in leaving.
I do think Dazai leaving PM made Chuuya dislike him even more. Dazai was not only annoying, he was also disloyal.
But when it comes to Dazai, I don't think he hated Chuuya at all. His fondness for Chuuya is what makes him not want to like him. It's the same way Nikolai wants to kill Fyodor for being the only one who understands him. Dazai doesn't want to kill Chuuya, when he says "I have been thinking about ways to kill Chuuya since 7 years" it's a lie, a joke for him, a facade. He could have done that any time in 7 years but he chose not to. He knows when it comes to it, he can't kill Chuuya.
Chuuya would say he hates Dazai but goes out of his way to save him everytime. In Dead Apple, he risked his own life to save Dazai who could have been dead for all he knew. But he still took the chance, believing that Dazai would have a plan and that he would know that Chuuya is going to risk it. (Also I wholeheartedly believe Dazai has some fantasies about being rescued by Chuuya, that Mf totally does)
Their trust in eachother is so strong, that even when they are on the enemy side, they are able to work together, putting their differences apart. They have never had a "real" fight like Atsushi and Akutagawa, it's more of snide remarks and calling nicknames, like their teenage selves.
I don't think Chuuya is aware of these complicated feelings, he has manifested his dislike of Dazai's antics and personality to a point he had hidden his care for him. On the other hand, Dazai is very aware of these feelings, he knows he cares. So he fakes it, acting out as usual the idea that he hates Chuuya, because he knows loving and caring for someone does not end well for him (look at Oda). He doesn't want to lose another person he cares for.
In retrospect as memeable and funny those two "confession" scenes are in S5; it's the first time Dazai is not lying, he is acknowledging his care for Chuuya in a way it feels authentic and real to Fyodor, so they could trick him. It's their plan, yes, but the reason it feels real is because IT IS. No wonder Chuuya shot him so many times ("Dazai's being stupid again, making me feel things, embarrassing me in front of the enemy").
This isn't a shipping post, I do ship Skk, but their bond is so deep that you can look at it in a platonic way and very little would change.
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kyojurosprettygirl · 10 months
Pretty please, Kyojuro Rengoku with a plus sized strongwoman reader? As in, a fellow slayer who's basically like one of those Olympic weightlifter women, chunky and hella strong.
a/n: Pretty Please? HOW COULD I EVER SAY NO, OFCOURSE!!! So sorry it took so long, i just didn't know how to go about writing this at ALL, but i think i do now!. Kyojuro with a plus sized strongwoman reader?? SO CUTE! Not sure what you style you wanted me to write it in, but i'll try my best to fulfill your request! (UvU ) ENJOY! X) ps, the wedding bells kyo heard was actually tinnitus XD
when the sun meets the earth
Kyojuro Rengoku x Plus Sized! Fem! reader
Kyojuro embodied the burning flame of the sun. He wasn't the star itself, no, but he was even better than that.. he was the flames that made it burn oh so bright. the flames that put the title "star" to shame. This earned him the title 'the sun of the corps' very quickly. With his perfect and bright smile, his burning eyes that gleam with so much passion, and his burning energy, he could make even the strongest weak in the knees, and he did just that.
Kyojuro never accepted any of the many marriage proposals he was offered. He had his fair reasons, but no matter what order he listed them in, only one of those reasons always came out first. 'It would be unfair to them! I am a Demon Slayer, a Hashira at that! I could never put my beloved wife under that stress. I won't always be home, I won't be able to protect her, I couldn't bare being the reason they're endangered!" A big smile and a raised head gracing his figure, only Kyojuro would say all that energetically. Regardless of this, he knew that if he was ever going to marry a woman, it would either be once he's retired, so a long time from now, or a fellow slayer, where he wouldn't need to worry of endangering her. He prioritized his career so heavily that he never even thought of marriage, that was, until he saw you. he swears he heard the wedding bells ring in his ears.
He was so infatuated with you the moment he laid eyes on you, he hadn't seen you before. You were a newly appointed Tsuguko, and you had taken up crystal breathing. it derived from stone breathing in a similar way that Mitsuri created love breathing. You were currently with Gyomei, excitedly explaining how your breathing technique worked. You were graceful with the way you spoke and your voice was almost like a whisper, regardless of his deafness. It was a contrast to your 'flashy' appearance. you had a uniform similar to Mitsuri, the chest opening needing an extra button to hold your chest well enough to avoid flashing somebody. you wore a long loin cloth styled skirt that only had a flap covering your front and behind, showcasing your thick thighs to everyone. Your Haori was white and adorned small clear crystals on it, making you shine when you walked in the sun. you also adorned many extravagant hair and body accessories, highlighting your technique. As you walked, he noticed your leg muscles subtly flex, and he felt the the air leave his body. Gyomei had handed you his weapon, and you very easily held up the heavy thing without a stutter, making Kyojuro smile, you were very clearly strong and the soft appearance of your body made him melt. He decides now's a good chance to introduce himself to you. When he does, you realize people were right, he really is the sun of the corps. With pink dusitng your cheeks, you sneak a glance at him and you meet eachothers eyes. You get pinker and maintain eye contact, being enthralled in his flaming eyes, literally. He gets pink on his ears and stutters, something he hadn't done in awhile. You smile at him and bow, "Hello Rengoku, i'm l/n, Gyomeis tsuguko." He bows back at you, smiling, "It's a pleasure to be in your presence!" Your eyes widen and you snort, "likewise! it's an honor actually." Your giddiness eases him and he allows himself to admire you and continue conversing with both you and gyomie. your crow lands on Kyojuros shoulder and delivers it's message, "Your presence is wanted at the Butterfly Estate! Head over before noon!" You smile and pet your crow, "Okay Koko! I'll be right over, thankyou!" Your crow flies away and you excuse yourself from them both. Before you walk away to leave, you look at Kyojuro, contemplating if you should ask to see him again. You fluster and begin to overthink. Your about to turn around to walk away, but Kyojuro speaks first. "l/n! I would like to see you again! When will I have a chance to speak with you!" you mirror his big smile before quietly saying, "Today in the afternoon, if you can, at the garden that's near the butterfly estate." 'perfect.' he thinks, getting giddy. You wave at him goodbye and run. Gyomei hums, "She isn't usually that quiet around others, regardles of rank and knowingness. she might be smitten with you, Kyojuro." Gyomei smiles at Kyojuro and Kyojuro laughs loudly, a deep laugh. "I see!"
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves your skull crushing thighs.
He's always touching them or grabbing them when he can. Sometimes, he'll even lay in between them as you read or eat when your on break while he eats. If he can't be inbetween them, he'll lay his head on them, the plushness of them when theyre not flexed offering something comfortable to lean on. Sometimes, he nips at your thighs playfully and blurts out his iconic UMAI! making you both laugh. Once, when his crow came to give him a letter, he asked you for a sheet of paper and your writing utensil to write back. You happily obliged and gave it to him, and he kissed your thighs. You had stiffened up from the unexpectedness and he said 'Perfect! Keep them like that!" and he used your thigh muscles as a table. He got the idea from Mitsuri and Obanai, she was excited when she caught him doing it once.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves how easily you can throw him around.
you both train together often, and it usually leads to roughhousing and playfully wrestling because you both just can't take anything serious.. Kyojuro quickly realizes he has no chance with you and before he can escape, you have him in a chokehold. 'Give up Kyo!' you say, and he laughs. 'I'd rather die!' you giggle, 'As you wish~!' and you slam him down, expertly and quickly knocking the wind out his lungs. He cackles as he tries to recover from the blow and grabs onto your bicep in an attempt to drag you down, instead doing the exact opposite. He feels your muscles flex and is snet into panic and he's thrown back onto his feet, 'Sorry Kyo!' you laugh and he can't help but laugh too because of how much of a drastic difference your voice is from your actions. Tengen, from afar, allows bewilderment to overtake his features as he speaks to Inosuke. 'I'd like to see you beat her, kid' Inosuke yells, 'Is that a challenge! I could beat her in battle any day!' Aoi begs to differ. Tengen had grouped up the kamabori squad to see Inosuke fight you and had winced harshly just two seconds in.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves biting you, because 'your too cute.'
he doesn't do it in a sexual manner , more in a playful loving way if anything. he just loves how although there is alot of muscle in your body, there's more skin that accompanies it and it's soft enough to sink his teeth into. He's a hungry man, and savors every meal, even if that meal is you. He worships your body and the bite marks are proof of it. He nips at your cheek, hands, calves, thighs, anything and everything he can get his hands on. He sometimes bites your muscles just to do it, theres no reason, he just likes the hardness of it when you flex. His favorite place to bite you is your cheeks, they seem to have a natural blush and softness to them that he just can't stop himself from biting them.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves eating with you.
he loves seeing you eat, and he loves eating, and he loves you, and he loves himself, so honestly? it's all his favorite things put together and its a perfect day. He just loves how you put everything people dish out away in one go without any set backs. You explain to him how eating is important to the soul, and its the key to health and wellness, and how it helps create more muscle because 'you can't build on just your bones'. He listens intently with all his focus and agrees, sharing this information with Mitsuri and Shinobu, who both agree. Mitsuri decides then and there your her new best friend, much to Obanais distaste, and Shinobu hums proudly that you know the importance of meals. Shinobu started using you as an example in the Butterfly Mansion, without your knowledge. All the younger demon slayers look up to you and eat three meals a day religiously. You found out when a slayer had scolded their buddy for skipping lunch and that 'y/n would be dissapointed'.
funfact! On yours and kyojuros funeral, the sunset had lasted the longest it ever had that entire year, and "the sun always meets the earth" was engraved on your shared tombstone.
Overall, I feel that you would be very compatible. He loves extra skin on his women, especially those who eat as much as he does. He can eat with you all day long with no issue and he finds the curves you get from it sexy. He also loves muscles because it affirms to him that you are very strong and he would be at ease knowing you can protect yourself. He also just likes being thrown around I feel, since he's always the stronger one. He likes a challenge and although you are very strong, he will never use his full strength on you because he likes to have you thinking you can overpower him any time. He doensn't bother hiding it during your wedding though; he's carrying you bridal style for hours.
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justrandomayatolover · 10 months
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Relationship headcanons or something pt. 4 w/ Beidou, Kujou Sara, Sucrose
Includes: gn!reader, reader is a barman from Natlan in Beidou's part, a baker in Kujou Sara's part and an artist in Sucrose's
Here's part 3 and part 5
After all, we all know that Beidou is an alcohol lover, probably as well as the Crux's whole crew
So as they set the ship in Natlan, the first place they went was your family's tavern
And oh dear god, it was hard not to look at her, you've heard about beauty of people from East but damn, you haven't expect that
You tried not to look down so you don't look like pervert, but looking in her eyes was even harder
She was both intimidating and hot, also funny and caring about her crew, treating them like family
Next day she came again, this time alone, sitting before you and laughing about the state people were in the morning
Afternoon became almost midnight, neither of you caring about closing time, just talking like there's no tomorrow
When the day came when she had to leave, she simply gave you a small note with her address for letters and "You're cute when you're flustered" leaving you dumbfounded, red and also excited for next meeting and letter exchanging
Kujou Sara:
As general for Shogun army, she doesn't have much free time, but after vision hunt decree (and Raiden Ei taking over, putting Shogun away[at least that's what happened in my opinion, if it didn't now it did for the sake of this fic]) she was now asked multiple times in a day to buy some sweets that happened to suit the Archon the best
And it happened to be your little bakery with homemade goods
Each with nice details, some looking like inazuman visions, some like foxes and some like cherry flowers
So it was every day thing that Sara saw you, except she didn't tell you who these were for but when she did you froze in place, shock written all over her face
Then nothing
When you woke up from apparently passing out, she was sitting next to you with stern face but still deep inside worried for your state since it's not normal to just pass out
So next time she came for sweets she brought you some herbs saying they're relaxing and recommending taking breaks, you were rather surprised because it's not every day a general of an army brings you some sort of herb tea
So you offered her to sit down with you for a moment to enjoy a tea together
And like that every day, both seemingly to enjoy it
Her stern demanor softned at the sight of you, her tense shoulders relaxing and small smile decorating her face
After not very long when she came to your bakery one day and simply stated "I like you and I would like us to be in relationship, if that's okay with you"
Of course you agreed even if it was rather plain and straightforward
You met Sucrose near fountain in Mondstad and immediately fell in love with her
She looked so adorable, so pretty and had such unique features
The ears, the glasses, the hair, everything about her was perfect to you
You quickly went up to her and asked if she would want to be your model for next piece, but the moment you did, her face was red, and her glasses slightly fell from her nose, making her even more adorable
She didn't know what to answer but both Klee and Timaeus cheering for her in background and Albedo giving her an encouraging nod
After first painting came another and another and another, but your favourite one is painted when you asked her to talk about alchemy, with small smile and eyes full of excitement
With that you two exchanged things you're passionate about but made for eachother, you giving her painting of Mondstad's scenery and her giving you flower made from alchemy (similar to that in last windblume event)
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Not very satisfied with this one but ig it's not that bad
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imsparky2002 · 11 months
Talking with Thomas - Reverser Part 2
The boyfriends walked into Astruc’s office, looking very unamused. The creator just smiled at them, unaware of their frustration with him. “Ah, Nash and Mork.” he greeted, “Excited for the new episode?” The boys just rolled their eyes.
“Wow, Nath. You were right. He is terrible with names.” Marc said. “Yeah, unless they’re the main characters.” Nathaniel added. Thomas decided to try and put some smiles on their faces. “So, pretty good script, huh?” he prodded. “Actually, sir,” Marc replied. “There were uh... some things we wanted to talk about. Some problems.”
“A lot of problems, actually.” Nathaniel said, looking straight at Thomas. Marc didn’t even let him argue before beginning his critiques. “First of all, why does it feel like you just copied Nath’s akuma plot for me, just tweaking a few things to make it fit better?“ Marc asked. “W-well...” Thomas replied, nervously taking a sip from his mug. “W-well, it's to show how similar you two are. How you're the perfect fit for eachother!” Thomas answered, his voice shaking with uncertainty. 
“Oh, but not perfect enough for us to get together? Despite the extreme amounts of gay subtext in the episode?” Nath countered, his eyebrow raised in doubt. Thomas gulped. “Ah, w-well, you know how certain... people can be about things like that.” he tried to explain. “Who gives a fuck about that?! I just want our characters to date like we do in real life!” Marc shouted, already tired of the man’s bullshit. “Are you honestly so scared of countries like China and Russia.” Nathaniel asked, looking disgusted.
Thomas just huffed and crossed his arms in response. “Well, sorry that that wasn’t enough for you kids. It was the best we could do for this episode! We really put everything we could into making this script a classic for every aspect.” Thomas complained. “Really?” Nathaniel exclaimed. “Because you sure didn’t seem to put much effort into Marc’s akuma!”
“Yes! I’m a writer!” Marc agreed. “That's the whole idea of my character! Nath got a form that reflected his artistic skills, why didn't I get the same thing?“ Thomas scoffed again. “Well, a writing akuma seemed too obvious, too boring. But we compromised with the paper airplanes!” Marc could only stare at the man like he had grown a second head.
“Too boring?! TOO BORING?! How is someone with the ability to alter reality with merely a pen, boring?! The possibilites are endless!” he shouted, as Nathaniel calmed him down with a pat on his shoulder. “But that's the least of our concerns.” Nathaniel reminded. “Next, let's talk about how my character's been assasinated before it even got a chance to shine.“ At this statement, Thomas looked confused. “Oh please, what are you talking about, Nagatha?”
“It. is. Nathaniel. And what the hell was that fountain scene? Why did I assume it was Ladybug? Why did I get angry at Marc when he clearly didn’t know that was the assumption made? And SERIOUSLY, ripping his journal? Since when was I such a dick?!“ he growled.
“Well, your crush for Ladybug clouded your mind, and the pain of thinking you were the butt of another cruel joke caused you to act irrationally.” Thomas explained, unaware why the boy was getting upset for no reason in his eyes. “Well you sure didn't have me explain why! All I said was that I "jumped the gun". JUMPED THE GUN! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Nathaniel yelled, his eyes wide with confused anger. “I straight up berated the boy, destroyed his property, and stormed off. I didn't even do anything to Marinette, the one who ACTUALLY messed up!”
“Well…Marinette was only trying to help! And she had to be Ladybug, so there wasn’t really time for you to have confronted her!” Thomas reminded. “Was she helping me when she read my journal without permission?” Marc replied, feeling like he could deck the man at any point. “Oh, come on, Morty! She’s your friend and she thought it was great, so what does it matter? Why wouldn’t you want to share it anyway?” Thomas said, even chuckling at the idea that this was worth getting mad about. Marc and Nathaniel were so stunned they didn’t even bother correcting the man about getting the writer’s name wrong.
“I... did he just say that he doesn't understand why I wouldn't want to share my private journal?” Marc said, barely able to comprehend what he had just heard. “Nath, tell me I'm not hallucinating.” Nath shook his head and felt another wave of disgust through his body. “Nope, I heard it too. WOW, DUDE! You need to learn about people’s boundaries!” Thomas was about to reply, but Marc cut him off.
“It's ok, Nathaniel. Because ‘it's Marinette’ who can do whatever she wants because ‘she has good intentions.’”, he said with a mocking tone, using air quotes. “I bet if I was a girl, Marinette was a boy, and you were still a dude, this episode wouldn't get green lit. But it's fine for girls and other queer boys to berate me and meddle with me, according to this straight guy.”
“Let’s not blow things out of proportion now! So things get a little heated and Marinette makes a mistake! The important thing is that it’s fine in the end, you two make up and become partners!“ Thomas replied, trying to sweep this whole mess under the rug. Nathaniel was quick to catch him on his BS. “No we don't! Marinet-, oh sorry, "Ladybug" forced us to reconcile. And I never actually apologized.” Nathaniel said. “And even worse, I accepted it!” Marc hissed. “I was smiling! WHY?!”
“Because everyone loves when a misunderstanding is resolved!“ Thomas admitted. “Remember the umbrella scene? Tumblr's gonna love you guys. MarcNath will be a great fanship!“
“Oh, don’t start with that crap!” Nathaniel snarled. “This is not how you lay the foundation for a healthy relationship! This entire episode is toxic as hell!”
“Marinette herself has asked if we can change the script.” Marc noted. “She's already getting a lot of backlash, and she doesn't want to get more. And this'll probably be our only episode where we matter. This is not how I want me and my boyfriend to be represented.” Thomas just rolled his eyes. “That’s show business, boys! Sometimes you gotta do the uncomfortable stuff for the end results!” Nathaniel could feel the urge to throw up from that statement. 
“I may be Jewish, but Jesus Christ! Do you know how creepy you sound right now? You know what? We'll do the episode, but don't expect us to agree to be relevant ever again.” he stated. “Yeah, I'd rather be a background fan favorite than a supporting cast member in this dumpster fire.” Marc agreed. Thomas looked disappointed by this. Not because he CARED about them, but because he wouldn’t make as much money if they didn’t become superheroes. “But what about our plan to give everyone Miraculouses?” he asked. “When the time comes, just throw us in with some other classmates. We're not having our own episodes for you to ruin.” Nathaniel replied, with him and Marc getting up and walking to the door.
Thomas frowned and humphed at them, like an angry child. “Fine by me!” he scoffed. “We were already planning on lumping together Evan and Serena getting their miraculouses, we can just throw you two in as well!”
“IVAN AND SABRINA!” the boyfriends said in unison, before shutting the door. “Man, what a jackass.” Marc said, as Nathaniel nodded in agreement. “I don’t even know why we still do this show.” he admitted. “I mean, it's not like we have a choice. You know what usually happens when characters leave the program they were created for?” Marc reminded. “They rarely get hired for anything else.” Nathaniel sighed in annoyance. “Oh yeah...”
“I'm more concerned about everyone seeing me as a soft uwu boy.” Marc worried. “I know I'm pretty anxious, but I can be confident sometimes!” Nathaniel nodded and snuggled him. “I know, babe. Lord knows what assumptions people are gonna make about me after this airs. I guess we just have to hope for the best, Marcy. I love you so much.” Nathaniel said, nuzzling his face in Marc’s neck, causing the writer to giggle.
“I love you too, Nathie. Wanna go make out in front of Thomas?” Marc asked, with a sly grin on his face. Nathaniel nodded eagerly.
“You read my mind!”
So after awhile, here it is! The next in the “Talking with Thomas” series. I couldn’t have gotten this done without the help of Weeby, who assisted with the dialogue. I’ll be answering an ask for them soon, a fanon Talking with Thomas, which serves as what may have happened in canon if their OC was written into the show. I’m still in the process of editing it, but it’ll be out soon, hopefully. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask, and tell me in detail what you thought of this, and your issues with the episode. In my opinion, Canon NathMarc is trash, while Fanon NathMarc is superior. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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det-loki · 7 months
A messy collection of my thoughts and theories for episodes one and two of 'a murder at the end of the world' :
• starting off with The Doors, already a yes from me
• this is my, hmm, sixth rewatch of both episodes? maybe more? Anyway, darby is warm colors, bill is cool. love this detail.
• The Silver Doe, silver earrings. I'm convinced Darby's earring means something. I've seen others speculate that it's reference to a hourglass. it's also similar to the logo of Andy's company.
• We meet Bill in the motel room and that is when I immediately knew I was a goner for this story. sue me, Harris Dickinson is handsome. I also love his terrible haircut
• Harris and Emma's chemistry is INSANE
• "Lee. She doesn't need my help." Oh, but maybe she does Darby. I don't trust Lee's husband in any way, shape or form
• When Darby stumbles down the (poorly made) stairs and bill asks her if she's alright? listen, i love them a whole lot. even if it's common decency to ask
• creepy fucking basement.
• bill protecting darby. BILL PROTECTING DARBY!!!
• was bill shot? did the person shoot themselves?
• I feel like importance of tattoos and meaning might come into play (darby looking at crime scene photos but also bill's and darby's)
• also during the scene where darby is being messaged by Andy's assistant, someone on reddit theorized that the letters on darbys open tabs are a code. Maybe?
• The health check before boarding the plane is raising red flags for me. Mainly the cheek swab. I dunno
• Alice Braga! You gorgeous human
• Martin reading Darby's book right in front of her is a little bit strange for a multitude of reasons but I'm definitely reading too much into most of my thoughts about it
• Darby's attention to detail is so good and such a wonderful element, considering the storyline
• Grimes.
• The closeup on Martin's nightmare on the plane. Obviously a deliberate camera choice. But whyyyy
• Flashback to Bill in the bath. I assume it's after they were confronted with the gun. Bloody rags and dirty water, Bill seems physically okay. previous point, was he shot?
• "I think this is both too much and not enough."
• Camera/Darby lingers on fisherman.
• Ray makes me nervous
• Oxygen tank to Lee's room. Strange. Food to Lee's room that Zoomer accepts, strange. Lee cleaning up the broken glass and making eye contact with Darby. very strange.
• The deep fake talk with Oliver about how you can make anyone say anything will definitely come back later. isn't audio recorded in every room or did I misunderstood that in ep 2?
• Lee and Andy are not selling me on a happy marriage. Back to maybe Lee does need Darby's help.
• Bill appearing at dinner. Was he late or early? the way bill and darby look at one another make me melt
• Also, as Bill sits down, Sian says 'definitely not him' meaning Andy didn't invite him, Lee did. And we later learn that Lee and Bill knew eachother. (how tf did darby not know that if she is such a fan of Lee. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEANNN)
• The lighting plays a huge roll. The halos above Darby and Bill at dinner
• I too would choke after seeing bill again for the first time in six years
• Lee's toast, 'to finding a way out.' And then Andy saying, 'together.' ???
• Zoomer. Robot child? Bill's kid? strange little dude nonetheless. (Zoomer doesn't/can't eat. Lee and Andy looking at one another while Zoomer and Bill play. darbys smile as she watches them. then the face bill makes after zoomer is called to sit down. and the way he responds to question of how old he is???)
• The pool scene. These people are so cliquey. yuck
• Darby punching bill and then immediately asking him for a drink. I get it. Also the way he looked at her after she punched him. Lovesick.
• Bill telling her how he loved her book, oh my God. "Really tough and fragile at the same time" fucking incredible line.
• Bill and Darby flirting
• "I need to tell you something." Insert Jennifer Lawrence clip, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!
• Darby runs into Marius, the hotel manager when she goes to Bill's room. Suspect but maybe too obvious?
• Bill asking her to stay as he dies. Holding hands through the glass. Him smiling at her. It's all too much for me.
• So much blood for someone overdosing? Head wound.
Episode 2:
• Darby's book in Bill's room covered in blood. Is that Bill's copy or Martin's from the plane?
• Everyone is very insistent on getting Darby out of Bill's room.
• The tea going to Bill's room. More broken glass
• Lee comforting Darby is very nice
• Rohan (fisherman) is the only one visibly upset and reacting like a human being told about a death
• Andy and Sian are acting like Darby is overreacting about his cause of death
• Andy saying that bill wouldn't want them to go home and quit. Dude, you didn't know him. Kick rocks.
•  Again, Andy and Lee are giving me bad vibes. Lee fawns around him, he speaks over her/for her
• Lu Mei seems uncomfortable when she says she'll stay, seemingly intimated by Andy or fearful of his reaction if she did say she wanted to leave. Therefore I don't think anyone is comfortable going against him. Power imbalance. Darby seems to pick up on this
• Darby going to see Bill. Her frantically asking Ray questions with obvious answers but she craves the validation that she isn't wrong about what she suspects....I'm so sad
• Bill's tattoos are so interesting and I crave meaning
• "Someone killed you."
• My knowledge of injectable drugs all comes from 90s rock musicians, so take that as you will. The needle in Bill's room is the strangest thing I've ever seen. It looks like a diabetic tester needle. And no fingerprints.
• Lee also going to Bill's room. The plot thickens (I need to re-create her outfit in this episode it's so good)
• Is Lee telling the truth about what she was actually looking for? Also her giving Darby advice. I very much like them teaming up together
• "Don't get caught."
• Is it possible that Andy/the hotel is fielding the internet? like when darby can't look up a hack for the doorbell cam. is this an ignorant question? Perhaps.
• Darby and Bill flashback! when bill offers to come pick darby up and she immediately freaks out and runs away from the conversation...I have never felt more seen or understood. me too, girl, me too.
• Do Lee and Bill having matching line tattoos on their forearms???
• Happy birthday Darby 🥺🥺🥺
• 04/14/2017 Zoomer's birthday.
• Darby has doorbell cam footage. employees have towels. noted. David on a phonecall.  Bill 🥲 (not wearing his ring) Ziba hears something, looks frightened and leaves. Bill's door opens from in the inside, hallway wall is illuminated.
• Bill's smile when he meets Darby in person for the first time. I LOVE THEM!
• Creepy mask person, go away!
• the diner darby and bill meet at is called Ray's
• I believe in love at first sight because of them.
• Frank Ocean. That's all.
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soap143 · 6 months
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I had these two similar requests, so I decided to combine them into one. Whoever saw the other post… No you didn’t. Enjoy!
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3 “aww, you’re blushing”
6 “ are you…? oh my god. you are.”
69 “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
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Lee!Han, Minho
Ler!Han, Minho
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
“We have plenty of pictures on your phone! And plus, digital images are not fun.” Minsung were arguing over something dumb again. What could it be this time…
Han kept on insisting on taking more pictures together, because there is no such thing as too many. Minho, on the other hand, disagreed.
Jisung really wanted to go out that day. Like a mini date. They could grab some food, discover some new photo spots and just spend quality time together. But the main thing on his mind was to buy a camera. One that prints pictures right after taking them, to be specific.
Minho, obviously, wasn’t a big fan of the idea. He just wanted to completely waste his free day by watching TV and eating snacks all day long.
“Come onnn, hyung~ This is our only chance to go out, and you just wanna throw it away just like that?” the quokka bribed the older “I already said no. There is absolutely nothing that would make me change my mind.”
“Please, please, please~ I’ll literally do anything!” the leader of danceracha definetly underestimated his weakness againts whiny Jisung “No.” Minho really tried denying the offer. Even in his mind. But he was already convinced. Han only had to pull his arm up and down and complain childlishly to change the cat lover’s principles.
“So first we’re gonna go to the market and get some beutiful matching bracelets. Then I’m thinking about taking you to this super cute anime-japanese store, where we can buy delicious snacks and lastly we can eat at that fancy restaurant that we saw last week!”
“Hm… Sound like a lot of work…” Lee Know complained “More like a lot of fun! This is gonna be the best date ever!” the squirrel happily smiled, showing his toothy smile.
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
“Minho hyung, come look at this!” Han exitedly called the older over “What is it?” “Just look at these necklaces! This one has a little cat, see? This one is going to be yours! And look at this cute quokka! I’ve never seen one on a piece of jewelry…”
Minho, once again, tiredly hummed, murmuring something under his breath. He just wanted to go home…
After paying for their new pendants, Minsung made their way to the anime shop. Jisung was very much looking forward to visiting this place. He had always wanted to go there, but always felt too nervous to go alone.
The whiny cat followed his owner for a while. The all-rounder kept on stopping and checking out different figurines, flipping thru mangas and begging the older to buy him some cute stickers and keychains.
Finally, after what felt like years of wandering around the massive building, the couple reched the exit. Minho was so exited to go buy some snacks and finish off their hang out with some delicious dinner. But one last thing caught the curious boy’s eye.
“Look, hyung. A photo booth! And it’s anime themed. Is this heaven?” the rapper exitedly walked towards the mentioned place “Wait, we’re not actually stopping here, are we?” Lee Know stood there with his mouth wide open.
“Why not? There are no people around. And it’s also an opportunity to get some more pictures together!” Jisung gripped the other boy’s arm and dragged him towards the dreaded place.
“Come on, you go first!” the squirrel like boy pushed his hyung into the tight space. When both them both entered the photo booth, Lee Know noticed how little space there was. He felt like a sardine with how close Han was. They were not just touching shoulders. They were basically sitting on eachother. Jisung was sitting on him to be specific.
“Now smile, hyung!” the maknae of 3racha encouraged the older as he inserted a coin into the machine. A loud clicking noise was heard and the lights set up inside shone bright into the boys eyes. Suddenly, a long piece of paper slid out right into Jisung’s hands.
“Look, it’s us!” the younger shoved the pictures into Minho’s face “Yah, I see them. Can we go now?” Han was about to agree, but then he looked closer into his souvenir.
“Wait… Did you not smile?” the spark in the boy’s eyes dissapeared. Minho almost felt bad “Well, you forced me to come with you, so why should I smile if I’m not happy?” “You little- I’ll make you smile!”
“YAHAHAHAHA DOHOHON’T!” the mischevious bunny was no longer worried about making his friend sad. He was now busy fighting Jisung’s long, tickly fingers off his ticklish sides.
“Aww, you’re blushing!” the quokka teased, only pressing his fingers deeper in “NOHOHOHO SUHUHUHNGIE PLEHEHEASE!” the worst part was that Minho was completely immobile. The tickler’s body weight combined with the tight space made it imposible to move any more than he was able to at the moment. Which wasn’t much.
“FUHUHUHUCK PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” Once the rapper reached his armpits, he knew it was over. Tears had started running down his cheeks by now. Lee Know definetly underestimated his sensitivity.
Ji on the other hand was very much enjoying himself. Not only did he get to have the most amazing day, but he also got to wreck the shit out of his hyung.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face so red.” the dancer’s toothy smile seemed to be permanently stuck on his beet-red face. But once the ler reached his preciou’s lee’s deathly ticklish thighs, Minho could tell that he was near his limit.
“H-HAHAHAHAN MEHEHEHEECY PLEHEHEHEASE…!” the poor boy was struggling to breathe. But he’d be dead wrong if he denied liking this.
Jisung wanted to check one last thing before finishing off with the older by lighly stroking his neck “are you…? oh my god. you are.” his theory was proven right when his victim elicited some of the sweetest giggles and scrunched up the sensitive body part.
“How many more places are you ticklish on!” Before Lee Know could push the younger off, Han had already dug his fingers into the older’s neck and collarbone area.
“Smilee, hyung~” the all-rounder threw yet another coin into the machine while scratching the cat mom’s neck. This time, he would most definetly be smiling.
After a few more seconds and some posing, the final and most perfect pictures came out “We look so cute! Look, Minho hyung. See, you’re smiling this time~” Han teased.
“Yah! Don’t think you can get away with this!” the bunny used both hands to poke Hannie, succesfully forcing him out of the photo booth.
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
Minsung had filled their stomachs up and were sitting comfortably on the couch. Lee Know decided to visit the 3racha and Hyunjin dorm to watch a movie with Han.
They had already chosen the perfect movie to watch. About 30 minutes had passed and both of them were pretty invested. Especially Jisung. Which is exactly what Minho wanted.
“Are you enjoying this movie?” the cat man asked “Shut up, please” oh he was so going to make him regret that. The dancer listened to the younger. He seemed to really like the film, so the second oldest felt obligated to be nice for at least a little while. That was until he got bored.
“Remember what happened at the photo booth today?” this sentence made Han’s face redden up as he shyly nodded “Y-Yeah, of course I do…” Minho smiled hearing his bandmate’s shaky voice.
“You know, I might just want some revenge…” of course, the quokka knew this would happen. He has actually been anticipating it all day long “Um… I think that you might not need that.”
Jisung crossed his arms against his chest, trying to hide how flustered he was, the dark room making it pretty easy. To his disadvantage, the bunny knew him far too well “No need to pretend that you don’t want this, Sungie~” Lee Know teased, sliding closer to his future victim.
“I’m actually not t-ticklish” Han scoffed, turning his head cockily “Oh? Since when? Last time I checked you were the most ticklish person I know” Minho’s eyebrows raised upon hearing the statement “Well, you’ve got the wrong person, ‘cause I am not one bit… Y-You know what I mean” the maknae of 3racha evetually got far too shy to even say the dreaded word “Aww, how cute. You can’t even say it~ Let me help you with that.”
Soon enough, the leader of danceracha was wrestling with the other boy “Get ohohof mehehe! I already told you-ugh, I’m nohohot,- Yah! I tohold you to stop!” Both of them were equally as strong, but Han could be managed much easily when he was in a lee mood.
“Ohohok you win…” the shorter admited. I mean, he had to accept the truth, considering that the older had him completely pinned. He was stuck under his hyung, whom was sitting on hips, crushing his thighs with his. Not to mention that both his arms were also in the hands of the scary ler.
“Hmm… Now, where shall we start…? I have an idea! How about you tell me!” Minho had come with the most amazing idea. This was going to make the younger so shy “W-What do you mean…” “Stuttering already? Just tell me where and how you wanna be tickled! Not that complicated.”
“WHAT?! I cahahan’t do that!” “Sorry, but you mistake me for someone who cares. Now do what I told you or… I’m going to do that thing.” Han’s eyes widened in fear. Just a day or two ago, Minho had found Sung’s ultimate death spot. It was on the inside of his thigh, closer to his knee. When the older sat on his hips, with his back facing Jisung’s face, and vibrated his fingers into the dreaded spot, the rapper felt like he could confess his darkest secrets just so the ler would slow down.
“…” The younger simply did not respond. Both things were equally as flustering, he could’t choose “Well, looks like you prefer the second option”
Without a warning, Minho streched his hand behind his back, searching for the lee’s ticklish thigh “Stop squirming so much, I can’t get anything done like this…” Jisung was really testing his patience with all the movements he did just to avoid the scary fingers that creeped closer to his sensitive body part every second.
When the older finally reached his limit, he decided to turn his body to face Han’s lower half “Just say stop if it gets too much.”
Jisung gulped in fear. Soon enough, he felt Minho’s hand searching for the dreaded spot. Once they did, Han could only pray his ticklishess had gone away over night.
“Look, let’s talk about this like smart, elegant gentle-MEHEHEHEHEN” the wicked bunny wasted no time, digging his fingers in mercilessly into the ticklish flesh “We already did, Hannie.” the olders calmness was getting the quokka really badly.
“PLEHEHEHEASE HYUHUHUHUHNG DOHOHOHOHON’T!” Han whined in ticklish agony, thrashing around like a madman “I didn’t hear a stop~”
The younger’s current state looked rather… concerning. His whole face was a nice, deep cherry-red, with a vein popping out of the ticklish boy’s neck(which was equally as red). His upper body was swinging side to side. Han kept on slapping Minho’s back, but the tickler seemed to be nonchalant about it.
As ler continued the action, tears started streaming down Jisung’s neck, signaling that he was near his limit “P-PLEHEHEASE MIHIHIHINHO S-STOHOhohop…-“ As soon as Sungie’s wild cackling could no longer be heard, Lee Know stopped.
“Are you ok? Do you want to continue?” the concern in his voice was real “Y-Yeheah, j-just maybe not there anymohore…” the worry in the cat’s lover’s face quickly melted away and was replaced by mischeviousness “Then we should switch back to the first option…”
“W-What was the first option…” Jisung stuttered “Oh please, I know you remember~ Now tell me, where and how” Lee Know sweetly smiled down at the shorter “Do what?” Han tried to sound clueless “You’re being annoying. Where. And. How. Tell me this very moment or we’re going back to square one”
The rapper closed his eyes, hoping this was all a dream. He was not about to do a tutorial on how to tickle him “Look, we really don’t have to do this…” Minho gently placed his hand back onto the younger’s thigh “OKAY. Okahahay, I will do whatever you want, hyung…”
The bunny’s mouth extended into a wide grin “Oh no, Sungie! It seems to be that I’ve absolutely forgotten what tickling was! And how to do it! Can you show me? Please”
A sudden wave of heat attacked the lee’s face, rushing blood up into it “Um, so. Fuhuhuck I can’t. Hyung, I cannot do this.” Han covered his red face with his hands “Can’t do what? I don’t understand… Can you please answer my questions?!” Minho teased the younger by placing his skillful fingers onto his victim’s sensitive sides.
“Look, you’re doing great already. Juhuhust squeeze now and you will have t-tickled me” Jisung flusteredly instructed after seeing the older’s hand placement “Oh, like this?” the ler obeyed, pushing his fingers deeper into the flesh “Yehehehes, j-juhuhst like t-that”
“Are you sure, Jisung? Or should do it like this, or that, or maybe-“ Lee Know suddenly started poking, squeezing and wiggling at Han’s sides “NOHOHOHO MIHINHO DOHON’T!” said man just smiled “Where else are you… How do you call a person that very sensitive to tickles anyway, Sungie?” “YOU KNOHOHOW THAHAHAT ALREHEHEDY, STOHOHOP TEHEHEASING!”
“Just tell me~!” Minho whined, squeezing Jisung’s sides even faster “YAHAHAHA I-I WIHIHILL! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!” with that, the taller slowed down “ticklish” the quokka mumbled under his breath “What? What do you call it?” the cat lover teased, inching his face dangerously quickly to his bandmate’s incredibly sensitive ears “Lee. Minho. Don’t get any closer!” Obviously, the ruthless tickler did not listen. Why would he?
“What did you say, Hannie~ What do you call it~” the way that Minho ticklishly blew air into the poor boy’s ears made him giggle like a maniac “Mihihinnie plehehehehehease stohohop i’ll tehehel you, juhuhuhst stohohop~”
Lee Know absolutely adored how Jisung didn’t even try stop him. He just firmly gripped his shoulders, lighly twitching his head.
He did stop, wanting to hear the “unknown” word “T-ticklish. That’s the word.” Han finally pushed the term out “Wow, that’s so interesting! You’re very ticklish, Jisungie, I wonder where else are you ticklish, you ticklish boy~” the quokka rolled his eyes. Minho was milking the hell out of that new word.
“Well, answer me. Where else are you ticklish?” the younger snapped out of his flustering thoughs after hearing his hyung’s request “W-what. Umm… I-I dohon’t know…” “How about… Here!” the ler’s sneaky fingers found their way to his lee’s soft tummy “Ehehehe thahat’s pretty bahahad…” Han snickered.
A sudden wave of confidence washed over the rapper’s mind. He could ask for any kind of tickles right now. No matter how much he denied it, he could’t hide how much he loved raspberries. And now was the perfect time to ask.
“Uhm, Minnie…” Han asked “What is it?” Minho slowed his movements down to hear the boy “I-I want you to g-give me rasp-raspberries… Can you?” Jisung have the best puppy eyes he could “Sure, we can go to the store to get some later!” the maknae of 3racha rolled his eyes at the second eldest’s obliviousness.
“Not those raspberries. The other ones. You know, the ones that you give me… Blowing them on my sides…” the squirrel like boy tried to guide the cat mom back to his skillful mind “I still don’t understand. You’ll have to explain it step by step~” Ji was getting more and more red by the second. He was so frustrated and fed up with the older’s teasing. Could’t he just give him what he wanted?
“Look, hyung, if you don’t stop teasing I swear I’ll lock in a photobooth with Chan-hyung!” Minho’s smile dropped for a second remembering what had happened just last week. Ever since then, he’s become photoboothphobic(i made that up btw).
To clear things up, he got wrecked really badly in there. He had been in an incredible lee mood all day long, and Chan just wanted to give what he wanted. He did satisfy the younger, but Minho didn’t want to be around the older for the next 48 hours.
“Alright, I’ll get to the point.” Lee Know shrugged. That’s when the real torture started. Minho wasn’t called the most skillful tickler of Stray Kids for nothing.
With one hand on Hannie’s hip and another wrapped around his sensitive thigh, the bunny knew what he was doing “OHOHOHO MAHAHAHA GOHOHOHSH PLEHEHEASE” “Nu-uh, you told me to stop teasing, so I won’t”
The most mischevious member combined all of his tickle knowledge into that one session. He definetly knew that Jisung’s knees were a really bad spot. So, he decided to focus on that.
“NOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASEE!” Han exclaimed, gripping onto the pillow that was on the couch. Lee Know did not stop. He used both hands, one squeezing the top and one concentrated on the top. This made the quokka absolutely mad.
“M-MIHIHIHNHO HYUHUHUHUHNG JUHUHUST LIHIHSTEN FOR A MIHIHINUTE!” for your information, the dancer didn’t even bat an eye, only switching spots. He went from mercilessly attacking the younger’s kneecaps to… His new invention, if you can call it that.
“Sungie, hide your arms behind your back for me. I have an idea” Although the rapper wasn’t so fond of his hyungs future idea, he decided to trust his next moves.
He learnt a very valueable lesson that day - never trust Lee Minho.
As soon as Jisung trapped his hands under his own torso, Lee Know laid on his exhausted body. The next thing he did made Sung regret everything.
“You ready?” Han innocently nodded. Soon enough, he felt the tickler showing all 10 of his fingers in his armpits, wiggling them around into the sensitive flesh “NAHAHAHAHA WHYYY HYUHHUHUHUHG PLEHEHEHEASE MEHEHERCY” the shorter quickly regreted believing the elder.
The cat man shoved his fingers deeper into the crevice with every. Single. Wiggle. His thumb was also massaging the area above the armpit, making the process much more agonizing.
When Jisung thought it couldn’t get any worse, Minho lowered his head and started nibbling at his neck. Not mention that the dancer’s hairs were also taking part in the ticklish process.
“M-MIHIHIHINHO PLEEHEHEHEASE TH-THIS IS TOHOHOHO MUCH!” the mischevious bunny simply shrugged. Since the younger’s laughter hadn’t gone silent and he also hadn’t used the safeword, he wasn’t worried “Just say the safeword, and it’ll be over, honey~” Han blushed at the nickname. Not like you could tell, because basically every single body part that was visible was completely red.
After some more time, the cat charmer got bored. Since Hannie seemed pretty tired and close to his limit, he wanted to satisfy one last request of his.
“How many ribs do you have?” Jisung knew what this meant. His ribs were about to be counted “Twelve! I-I hahave twelve rihibs…” Minho malevolently smirked, slowly getting off the shorter “That is how many raspberries you’re getting”
The brown-eyed boy’s face dropped. Yes, he wanted some raspberries, but that many.
“Oh? Afraid you can’t handle it? Well, I have this big machine. It’s my newest invention.” Lee Know smiled, doing the infamous finger guns “Oh god, what is it this time…” “The i-dont-care-in-ator! It showcases how I don’t care how ticklish you are. That is your problem.”
With that, Minho lowered his “tool”. He vibrated his finger-guns into Jisung’s ribs. If that wasn’t enough, he also decided to add some of the requested rapberries to the mix.
“One…Two…Three” the leader of danceracha painfully and slowly counted, as he blew one ticklish air bubble after another “I-I LOHOHOHOHOVE YOU HYUHUHUHUNG PLEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOP!”
Just as those words left Sungies mouth, Minho’s i-dont-care-inator lifted up from his body “I love you too, Ji!” Lee Know playfully peppered the younger’s face with kisses. Not directly onto his face, obviously.
“Thahahat was… A lot.” Jisung blushed, covering his face as a very flustered scream left his mouth “Well, did you like it?” Lee Know pondered “…Is it wrong that I did…?” the older jumped onto his favourite lee “That is the cutest thing ever! Please don’t ever change.”
“But please, go take a shower before bed. You’re very sweaty and stinky” the mischevious bunny sheepishly pointed out “Yah! That is your fault!”
“… So can you guys, maybe explain?”
Minsung were too busy having the most insane tickle fight to notice that the rest of the people living in the dorm were watching everything…
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Merry Christmas! Super long one for ya’ll. Took me long enough… At least some of you you got a teaser! Happy holidays, I hope you enjoy this very long fic as a special gift!
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Wisdoms Matchmaker
I HAVE TOO MANY IDEAS FOR TIGHNARI AAAAAAA-(Sorry for not posting / work I bc on Two Worlds One Heart. Take the next 2 posts as apologies as I haven’t updated it in 5 days :d ) (everything I made is about Tighnari I swear I’m okay I’m just obsessed.)
Summary: Nahida as a matchmaker. (Based on a post I saw and always loved reading it <3 If it’s too similar idm taking it down if they want me too.) (Only for Tighnari bc obsession)
Fluff. (Like the only one I’ll ever do-) Female Reader (I rarely proofread lmao-)
Nahida was strolling in the city, seeing you and Tighnari hanging out. Curious about what the both of you were thinking, she checked your minds.
(How could I fall for her so easily…?) He wondered, a soft smile and gaze at you. Tail swishing slowly in your presence. Ears tall and high. Hearing all what you had to say.
She checked you, hearing your thoughts of lack of self esteem made her feel worried.
(Tighnari wouldn’t love me…I’m sure of it. Why must I harbor these deep feelings for him if I never stood a chance…) Negative thoughts clouded your mind. Keeping up the facade you had, appearing extroverted and happy at all times.
You talked about one of your many hobbies or passions, drawing. From how expressive art can be too how hard it can be to make it perfection.
Later on throughout the day, Nahida gave him some tips about you, such as other hobbies he never knew or your weakness for ears and tails. Sure he knew your gaze had moved towards his ears and/or tail. But a lot of people did.
“You’re very interested in Miss Y/N. I can tell so you don’t have to hide it from me. Don’t worry! I’ll help you win her over.” (Not like you even have competition… she’s so smitten he’s just dense. Vice versa…) She stated and thought, hovering slightly to give him headpats.
“I thought I was discreet about it…” He said, rethinking if he was or wasn’t. “Tighnari, you were slightly easy to read back there. It’s as if… oh! Here’s a good example. A child recovering candy. You were happy and content with them.” She replied back to the male. Waiting to see what else he would ask.
“You see… she has a weakness for anyone with Ears and/or a tail showing. She also loves kind and loyal ones, so you have a lot going for you.” The archon has exclaimed.
“she does?” He questioned, wanting to double-check what he had heard from the archon. “She does.” She repeated with confidence.
She sent both of you dreams of eachother. Giving both of you extreme comfort and joy. She swore she has never seen happier expressions of people in dreams. Heck, Tighnaris tail was wagging ecstatically. While you hugged your other pillow. Seemingly content.
The next day, she went to Gandharva Ville. Wanting to see if anything blossomed between you two. Silently waiting for you to arrival.
Watching your interaction behind a tree (Yandere simulator courtship be like:) Seeing it went smoothly as she had hoped. Thoughts intruded her mind, clouding it in negativity. She wondered if she could’ve possibly ruined it. But she never did. It only strengthened.
Seeing you together at Pupsa with many of your friends. Observing everyone. Reading yours and his mind after one another. Confirming she had brought you together.
apparently the both of you had announced to your friends you were official earlier that day, which is why the gathering was held.
She’s spy on both of you with cynos help for around a week. Her schedule was cleared up as of that time. Both of them slightly fangirling over you both. They made sure to be extra quiet though. As your boyfriends hearing was of course extended.
After a week of observation. She confirmed the relationship would hold for an eternity. Not worrying about what could happen in the future. Which of course it did.
Both of you remained faithful to one another but she could still see the pain of separation on you. The one who was the more clingy as he was the more calm. (Clingy in private no doubt)
She wondered on how to destroy that pain that aches in both of your minds. Coming up with a plan that made it more bearable.
Why not have eachother get little gifts for one another that you could both take? She told both of you telepathically. Once he returned home to you, he saw you had drew a few pictures of him and you. Noticing your little plushy of him as a fennec fox. He questioned you as of why it was there. You had sewn it for yourself. Giving him a plushy of you in exchange, as a (Favorite animal) / Fennec fox. Matching his perfectly.
You even gave him an a little keychain of a fennec fox face and flowers. While In return he got you accessories and flowers that reminded him of you.
Nahida had successfully matchmaked you and Tighnari. For that relationship would become a blossom for eternity. It has sprouted its roots and is now a bud. Waiting for the moment that initiated the bond for life. (Aka marriage WOOO-)
(Making another Tighnari story soon. Bc I’m bored of waiting for requests on tumblr ❤️)
Bonus: You two would adopt collei AAAA! Making sure to take care of her and supporting the young girl.
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almond-t0fu · 1 year
"1 hour huh? Ok then miss assistant, l have something to talk about."
First part
"y/n right?"
"uh yeah?"
Did that sound more like question? Oh i hope it didn't
Honestly you were scared af right now. Yumi didn't even look like the Yumi you knew.
Right now you were at her home, in her room, sitting in her chair and drinking the tea she brewed.
Is this poisioned?
Probably not, but the way she was behaving right now you would have some doubts.
You both have been in the same position for like 30 minutes. 15 minutes of sitting and avoiding looking at eachother and 15 minutes for tea. During this, no words were spoken between you two.
"Osamu is pretty charming isn't he?"
"...he is, i think" you didn't know if you should've agreed or disagreed. She was smiling and was looking at her tea while swirling the cup.
"he's charming, attractive, funny and..." She looked at you, "he's mine and mine only" that smile turned into a smirk.
You still didn't know how to react to this. Like always, you were confused as hell. Yumi stood up from her chair walked to her window.
"you see me and Osamu met eachother at the age of 14. Everyone around me said that we matched very well and i thought the exact same too. Then Chuuya came in the picture and we were the best trio anyone could imagine. Of course i felt amazing with all the attention i was getting, who wouldn't? But then Osamu found you, things changed after you came" you could she her grip tightening on the railing.
"Y/n, when i first saw you entering the office with Osamu, i was very angry. Why was Osamu coming here with another girl? Why was he holding her hand? Who is she? A lot of thoughts similar to these came to my mind. Theses thoughts stayed for a lot of days and i could say that younger me despised seeing you"
Now your whole body was definitely shaking. You were beyond shocked, "you despised me?"
"yes y/n, i despised you and i still do. I hate people who don't know their place and you are definitely one of those people. I kept quiet for so long and acted nicely infront of you because i thought you would stay away from him by looking at our relationship but when i saw you two talking and laughing yesterday, i couldn't control myself" She was right now infront of you, holding your chin in a very harsh manner.
What she saw yesterday was true but there was something she didn't know. Yes, you and Dazai were talking and laughing, it was about Yumi's upcoming birthday and the gift Chuuya and him brought. It was completely a normal conversation.
"M-miss please let me explain-" she stopped holding your chin and wiped her hand with a tissue. "I don't need your explanation because there's nothing to explain here, stay away from Osamu"
She called a guard and told him to take you back. You did nothing but follow the guard.
He asked whether you would go back to the port mafia or your home since it was pretty late now. You told him you would like to go back to your home and quickly showed your address.
You didn't know when you reached your small home. The conversation you had with Yumi made you feel like the bad person in the story but you knew that was wrong and you were clearly innocent.
You tried to get your mind off these stuff and just take a shower.
That's when you realised...Dazai had reached the pm hours ago. You never told him that you would be absent from the office and you also remembered you left your phone on your desk....
I'm fucked
(hello guys^^
this is a continuation to the last fic idea. Here y/n finally finds out what type of a person Yumi is. I hope y'all would hate her too :D
At first it would feel like Y/n is just a side character or the narrator of the story who has some interection with the characters but after this things would get more interesting
Again I'm not a writer and also a person whose first language is not English so if someone finds this interesting and want to rewrite it with their own twist then they can definitely do it, just don't forget to mention me :)
Im gonna write hcs on my next post and it would be mostly about Dazai and y/n's boss-assistant relationship.
I have 2 more different fic ideas but I'll probably post them after this idea is fully posted,
Anyways i hope you have a great day/night.
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