#they would all be so supportive of seph :( they all want him to be happy!!!
catboyidia · 4 months
since sephiroth seems to have some sort of aversion to being photographed, i would like to think that in a better universe he would take up photography as a hobby! sort of as a way to take back and reclaim something he associated with negative emotions!
he would take pictures of things important to him and things that made him happy so he could start associating photographs with fond memories and the people he loves! he would take pictures of zack and cloud during whatever goofy shenanigans they got up to! and he would photograph genesis and angeal any chance he could, preserving the happy, silly, and romantic moments that they would share!
genesis, angeal, zack and cloud would indulge in sephiroth’s hobby, wanting to help sephiroth as much as they can! and over time he would slowly warm up to the idea of being in the pictures himself with angeal, genesis, zack and cloud right by his side the entire time! and eventually he really would grow more comfortable with being photographed, because now he can associate it with love and joy as opposed to the negativity and trauma he previously felt
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Seph obv wants his mom but CONSIDER -- what on earth would she say if she found out her son was an overgrown cat thing surrounded by idiots (and Angeal)
*Lucrecia gets a glimpse into Sephiroth's life from her mako crystal*
*Sephiroth is reading a book*
Lucrecia: Aww, he likes reading.
*Genesis enters the room and sits on his lap*
Lucrecia: Aww, he has a...is he-is he gay?
*Sephiroth pushes Genesis onto the ground*
Lucrecia: Oh, they're just friends.
*Sephiroth immediately fights Genesis on the ground*
Lucrecia: Nope, they're definitely lovers.
*Angeal enters the room, points a laser at the wall, and this prompts Sephiroth to let Genesis go. He chases the laser*
Lucrecia: What the fuck
*Zack enters the room, goes "pspspspspssp" and Sephiroth comes to him to receive head pats*
Lucrecia: He has a harem.
You also get the bitter-sweet real answer because I listened to my go-to Lucrecia+Sephiroth song (Light - Sleeping At Last) and it inspired this:
Consider this: Lucrecia's consciousness hangs in a void state between life and death, a pervasive emptiness a constant companion as she remains in limbo. Her 'almost death but not quite' existence sometimes offers a twisted sort of mercy: happy visions of her past flood her mind—endless hours spent over research papers, laughter-filled conversations with Dr. Valentine, picnics with Vincent. But there are darker memories—Vincent's near-fatal injury, Hojo's cruelty, the profound transformations during her pregnancy, and the visions of her son’s inevitable fate.
But in fleeting moments of peculiar mercy, she glimpses the world around her. She sees him. It’s always him. He’s handsome, she notes, his smile so pure it fills her with gratitude for everything that brings him joy. She’s thankful for the sun that warms his face when her hands cannot, and for the food he eats that she cannot feed him. She watches him face the dangers of his job under Shinra's command, her heart aching with a worry she should’ve listened to the day she agreed to subject him to such a fate.
Her regret is almost numbed when she sees that he’s not alone. Friends surround him, offering a semblance of normalcy through their support. Despite what he was molded to be, Sephiroth remains kind, his hope undiminished even in the face of cruelty. He has dreams for a normal life, possessing his own likes and dislikes, things that make him laugh, a humor he keeps sharp. He’s human, and it makes her question the vision she had once seen.
She mourns her inability to provide him with the normal life he deserves, now confined to observing the one he leads. Nonetheless, she finds comfort in his joy, his friendships, and his capacity to find beauty in the world. She sees him diligently searching for clues to his past, and all she wishes is to reach out, to kiss his forehead, to tell him she’s sorry, that she loves him—his quirks, his personality, his ability to make his friends adore him for who he is. She is eternally grateful for those who love him in her absence.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
false god
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Series Warnings: Mythology!AU. Language, alcohol, drinking. Military inaccuracies. Mutual pining, unrequited love. Allusions to and eventual smut. Minors DNI. 18+. Individual chapter warnings will come as needed. Banner Credit @thedroneranger
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Chapter 3: Roses and Gold
"Minthe? What are you doing here?" You repeat as you take a seat at your breakfast bar.
"I came to see you, silly!" She sing-songs as she flits about your kitchen.
"What's wrong? What bad news have you brought me?" You huff, hoping to get straight to the point. "Why do you assume it's bad news? Can't I just come to check on you. It's been a while since you've been home and Hecate, and I are worried about you. Now, where do you keep your wine glasses?" She pivots.
It's always bad news
"Second cabinet to the left from the stove." You instruct her. She claps her hands before bringing down two of them and pouring both of you a glass. "I know that mortal stuff doesn't do it for you, so I brought a bottle of Dinoysus' special blend." Minthe chirps as she sets the glass down in front of you.
You thank her and take a long drink of the maroon liquid.
"So, spill, I want to hear all about this Rooster you're crushing on." She presses you.
You almost choke on your wine when she says his name. "Bradley is a coworker of mine. A colleague. A friend." You tell her.
"A friend—huh. So, I guess you were just being friendly when you saved him today." Minthe chuckles. You glare at her.
Just a friend
"Come on, Hay. I'm your best friend, you can tell me." Minthe takes a seat beside you and hits you with her pleading puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, maybe I have a few feelings for him." You relent.
"Yes! I knew it!" She whoops.
"It's just—" you trial off. "It's just what? Hades you, more than anyone deserves to be happy, especially after what Persephone did to you." Minths grumbles.
"Minthe, I know you never liked her, but I'm the one who hurt here. You saw the burn marks yourself." You remind her.
"Yes, but I don't think Little Miss Spring is as innocent as she claims. She did something, I just know it." Minthe huffs out.
Minthe was nothing if not loyal. She'd been wary of Persephone since the first day she'd met her. Never fully trusting her. And after what happened between the two of you, Minthe was one of the few still in your corner. She and Hecate had been your support group, and they were currently watching over the Underworld in your absence.
"Minthe, do you really think Persephone had me burn her on purpose? Do you think she chose to be scarred for life? " You counter.
"I don't know. All I do know is you were so in love with her, and you had never lost control of your powers like that before, and you would never hurt someone you love." Minthe finishes before downing the rest of her drink.
"But, that's in the past. Tell me about Bradley." Minthe shifts the topic.
"He's kind, smart, and funny. He's genuinely a good person. He reminds me a lot of Persephone, in the best way. But at the same time, he's different. He doesn't shy away from the pain he's felt in life, he over comes it. He doesn't let his scars, mental or physical ones keep him from being his true self. Bradley is just—he's different." You sigh. It's been so long since you've let yourself feel like this.
"I think he sounds wonderful. Maybe he is your soulmate." Minthe takes your hands and squeezes them. The smile drops from your face and you pull away from her.
Soulmate, ugh, you hated that word
"Minth, he's not my soulmate." You tell her. "You know I don't even believe in those. Not after Seph." You sigh.
"Persephone isn't your soulmate. She wouldn't have said those things about you if she was." Minthe defends.
"Even if she wasn't, I've been wandering Earth for three thousand years. If I had a soulmate, surely I would have met them before now. 'Soulmate' is a stupid word made up by the Gods and mortals to give them hope that there is someone for everyone, when their really isn't." You almost shout at her. You sigh and take another drink. The wine warms you from within and calms you.
Good job, Hades, push away one of the only friends you have left
"Sorry. I just—" you shake your head.
"It's fine. You have strong feelings about it. You're allowed to have them." Minthe reassurances you.
There is a long pause. "Hades, I know you think that you don't deserve to be happy or have someone in your life who cares about you, but you do. If you like Bradley, you should pursue him." Minthe tells you.
"How would I even begin to explain to him what I am?" You ask her. "I don't know. But I'm sure you'd figure it out." Minthe offers.
"He's just so good. Too good for me. I'd never be able to live with myself if I hurt him. I mean, what if he saw my true form and it terrified him. I don't think I could live with him calling me a monster or being afraid of me." You sigh.
That would be a fate worse than death
"Hades, you can't let fear hold you back." Minthe takes your face in her hands and kisses your forehead before hugging you. You lean into the hug. It really is good to see her.
"Now for the bad news." Minthe says as she takes a step back.
Of course
"Ah ha! I knew it!" You proclaim as you jump up from your chair. "I knew you were coming with bad news. What is it this time? What's got Zeus' lightening bolts in a twist?" You ask her.
"It's not about Zeus or the other Olympians, Hades. It's about you." Minthe settles into a seat across from you with a serious look on her face. You sit back down. You've never seen her look like this. She almost looks afraid.
"You know how we have assumed that you were still immortal after being cast off of Olympus because you reincarnate every time you die?" Minthe began.
"Yes." You nod your head.
"Well—Hecate and I were visited by the Fates a few days ago, and they took us to the lifeline temple." She continues. "And the Fates showed us your lifelines."
"Lifelines? That's impossible. I only have one. Everyone only has one." You tell her.
"That's what we said. But apparently, when all the Gods were cast off, their lifeline split into thousands of pieces. Each time they died before completing their quest, a line would snap. But they would reincarnate because another line was there. When the Gods completed their worthiness quest, the lines fused back into one unbreakable line." Minthe tells you. The gears start turning in your head.
"And because I haven't completed my quest, I never got the unbreakable line of immortality. I've just been burning through the lifelines." You say.
"Exactly. And for the others, it wasn't an issue, but because you've been on Earth so long, you've used several of them. But that's not the bad news." Minthe cringes and takes a long drink of her wine.
"Well, what's the bad news?" You press her. She hesitates.
"You only have one lifeline left. Hades, if you die again, you become a permanent resident of the Underworld, and not as it's queen. Your death would be the end of the line for you with no chance of reincarnation." Minthe drops the news on you. You suck in a breath as the realization hits you.
You aren't immortal, like you thought. You'd been so careless for so long, and now you only had one life left.
"Okay. I guess I'll have to be careful then, won't I?" You say.
Careful, sure
"Extremely careful. Hades, the next time you're home, I want it to be because you're taking back your rightful place as queen. I know you said you were done trying to complete your quest, but you need to. Please." Minthe begs you.
You promise her that you will. She gives you a smile and hugs you once more before she leaves. After she's gone, the scent of mint still lingers.
"Well, you two, it looks like Mommy is going to have to tone it down." You say as you look at Cerberus and Hydra, who are curled up together on the ridiculous large pet bed you bought for them. Cerby cocks his head to the side, while Hydra holds eye contact with you. You throw your head back and laugh.
"Who are we kidding? We all know that I don't know how to tone it down." You shake your head laughing before going to grab them some food for the evening.
Maybe dying wouldn't be the worst fate
It might be freeing
You get Hydra squared away with her dinner before opening the pantry to get Cerberus his. That's when you see it. "Oh no, Cerby, it looks like you've got just enough for dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow. I'll have to head to the store across town to get you a refill tomorrow." You tell him after giving him a head scratch. Even though he didn't have three heads, Cerberus ate like he did. While your fur babies ate dinner, you decided on a quick bite yourself.
After all of you had your bellies full, you showered before tucking into bed. Hydra and Cerberus curled up at the foot of your bed and the three of you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up early for a quick run. Cerberus came with you while Hyrda preferred to stay home. After a quick shower and breakfast for the three of you, you opted to slip on a simple blue sundress and tie your hair in a ponytail. You weren't in the mood to match pants and a shirt today. You slipped your feet into some sandals, grabbed your keys and headed out.
You made a day of your pet food run, stopping to get your nails done and to pick up some groceries. You were missing home a little extra today, so you decided to pick up everything you needed to make moussaka for dinner when you got home.
When you arrived back at the parking garage for your apartment complex, you knew you didn't want to make two trips to bring everything in, so, using all your strength you gathered all of your groceries and pet food and headed to the elevator. Someone had just gotten on, and the doors were about to close when you shouted, "Hold the elevator, please!"
You had a hard time seeing over the giant bag of dog food, but you could just make out a hand holding the doors open. You dashed through the doors and let out a sigh of relief as you leaned the bag against the wall. "Thank you so much." You breathed out.
"No problem, Hades." You froze when you heard his familiar voice. You dropped the dog food and turned around slowly.
"Bradley? What are you doing here?" You asked him. He chuckled and leaned against the wall. You gave him the once over. He was in gym shorts and an old UVA shirt.
"I could as you the same thing." He fires back. "I live here." You tell him matter of factly.
He nods approvingly.
"So I ask you again. Why are you here?" You asked, praying that his answer wasn't along the lines of him visiting his significant other.
"I live here too." He shrugs.
"Wait—what?" You look at him with wide eyes.
"So we've lived in the same apartment complex for almost two months and didn't know?" You're shocked.
"Looks like it. I live in 1113." He tells you. "No shit? I live in 1013. You're my upstairs neighbor." You both laugh.
Oh, good grief
"What are the odds. Hey, do you need some help with that?" He gestures to your things. "If you don't mind, that would be great." You say just as the bell to your floor dings. Bradley picked up the massive bag of food and follows you down the hall.
"So you have a dog." He says as more of a statement than a question. "And a cat." You tell him.
You pause outside your apartment door and unlock it. You're just about to tell Bradley to set the food by the door, but he marches inside right past you.
"Careful!" You warn him, but it's too late, Cerberus is bounding towards Bradley. You're waiting for him to start barking, but instead, you hear the sweet sounds of Bradley talking to him.
"Oh, who's a good boy, you are. Is that your food? No wonder it's such a big bag because you're such a cute, big boy, aren't you!" Bradley scratches Cerby's ears and pats his head.
Never one to be left out, Hydra weaves through his legs and begins to purr. "Oh, aren't you a pretty thing!" Bradley praises her.
Obviously, your animals like him, why wouldn't they?
You drop your keys on the table and chuckle at the sight.
"What are their names?" Bradley asks you as he moves to sit on your couch, and they both join him.
"Cerberus and Hydra." You tell him.
"You're kidding? Your call sign is Hades, and you have a dog and a cat named Cerberus and Hydra?" He laughs.
"Well, if you didn't notice, Cerby, my Rottweiler is a tripod, and Hydra is a six-toed cat. So, they fit." You laugh as you start putting up groceries.
"How long have you had them?" Bradley asks you.
"About three years. I was in South Korea on a detachment. One night, we went into the city and stumbled upon an animal fighting ring. We called the cops and helped get the animals safe and relocated. Cerberus and Hydra wouldn't leave each other, and no one wanted to take both of them, so I did. It cost me a fortune to get them here, but it was worth it," you say.
"Wow, that's amazing." Bradley says. He thinks that he likes you even more now. You shake your head and roll your eyes as you unpack your groceries.
"Are you hungry?" You ask him. "I could always eat." He responds truthfully. "Well, I'm making dinner. Would you like to stay? It's the least I could do after you helped me." You tell him.
"I'd love to." He smiles as he takes a seat at your kitchen island.
You begin to flit around the kitchen, chopping, mixing, and sautéing. Bradley watches you with wrapped attention. You grab a bottle of wine and pour a glass for each of you. Even if you can't get a buzz from it, you enjoy letting the fruity notes dance across your taste buds.
"So what are you making? It smells amazing." Bradley asks you as you're layer the dish into a pan to bake.
"Moussaka." You tell him. "It's Greek comfort food."
"Greek?" He quirks an eyebrow at you. "Yeah, I'm Greek. First-generation American. My whole family is from Greece." You tell him. It's not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. "Kolasi is Greek for inferno." You continue.
"That's amazing. Is that part of the reason why your call sign is Hades?" Bradley asks. "That and I used to have a pretty fiery temper back in day." You reply.
Bradley nods his head and takes a sip of his drink. "So your whole family is from Greece. That's pretty cool. Do your parents live around here, or are they back home? Do you have any family around here, or is it just you?" He continues trying to make conversation. You stand in front of the oven and freeze. He sees your shoulders tense up and knows that this is a touchy subject for you.
Your voice drops. It's barely above a whisper when you say, "I—I don't have any parents, and I don't have any family around here. It's just me."
"Oh." Bradley breathes out. There's a pregnant pause. "I get it. It's just me, too. I lost my dad at three, and my mom when I was nineteen." He tells you. You sigh. Bradley thinks you're an orphan like he is. Maybe that's for the best. Honestly, he isn't totally wrong. You stay with your back to him for a long moment.
"I'm sorry if I upset you. I didn't mean to. You're just—an enigma, Hades. I feel like I only know you on a surface level. I want to know more about you. Especially if we are going to be working together." Bradley tells you.
No, you don't
"Well, there isn't much to know about me. I joined the Navy at eighteen, graduated at the top of my class in the academy, and in Top Gun. Thirteen confirmed kills, but I've never been in one squadron for too long." You sigh. "That's about it."
"If I wanted to know your Naval career, I could have read your file. Tell me something deep about you." Rooster prods.
"Deep? Hmm. I have a lot of tattoos. Does that count as deep?" You chuckle.
"I mean, it's not ocean deep, but it isn't as shallow as a puddle." You both laugh at Bradley's comment. "What tattos do you have?" He continues.
"I have the rose and dagger on my arm. Kardiá tis fotiás on my ribs. It means 'heart of fire' in Greek. I have a poppy behind my ear, and then I've got a thigh sleeve of every place I've been stationed." You explain to him. You decided to leave out the details about your last tattoo. You didn't need him asking questions about it.
"Is that deep?" You ask him as you take your moussaka out of the oven and grab a few plates.
"Yeah, and now I feel like mine is stupid." Bradley snorts. "You have ink?" Now it's your turn to quirk a brow at him.
"Yeah." He slides the sleeve of his UVA shirt up and flexes his bicep to show you the Roman numerals etched into his right arm.
You gingerly reach out and trace the black numbering. "Thirty-two?" You question him.
"My mom was into tarrot cards and fortune telling. Thirty-two is the number for strength. I got it for her after she passed. The last thing she told me before she died was that she loved me and to be strong for her." There's a thick tension between the two of you as his words settle around you. "I don't think that's stupid at all, Bradley. It's sweet." You smile at him as you rub a soothing hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks. I've shown you mine. Does that mean I get to see yours now?" And just like that, his somber tone is gone, and his happy personality it back.
"Rooster, are you trying to get me naked?" You joke with him.
"Only if you're offering." You smirks. You shake your head and shove a plate at him before you can do or say something stupid.
He digs in a groans when the food hits his tastebuds.
"This—this is one of the best things I've ever eaten." He tells you appreciatively.
"I'm glad, I think I do a pretty good job with it." You smile at him and revel in his praise as he scarfs down his first plate before sheepishly asking for seconds, which you happily give him. Gods know you cooked more than you could ever eat.
After both of you finish dinner and polish off the rest of the wine, you pack up some leftovers for Bradley. He insisted on helping you with the dishes, so the two of you found yourself side by side working on them. Well, if you were being honest, the two of you were goofing around and playing more than you were cleaning. You were blowing bubbles and splashing each other and giggling like children.
"I hope you know that you're not going to be able to get rid of me now." Bradley tells you. "What do you mean?" You ask him.
"I'm like the neighborhood stray. You've fed me twice. You're stuck with me now." He tells you with a goofy grin. You throw your head back laughing, and Bradley swears it's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He loves the way your wide smile curls over your face and how your nose scrunches up and how the tips of your ears turn pink. You look so at ease.
He could get used to seeing you like this. Happy and carefree. It's a stark contrast to the rigid pilot he sees at work.
Soon, the two of you finish up, and you dry the last plate off before handing it to him to put in your cabinet. You turn to toss the dish towel on the counter, but slip on some soapy water the two of you had splashed on the floor and lose your footing. Bradley immediately reaches out for you and grabs your waist to steady you. Your hands attach to his biceps as you regain your balance.
It takes you a moment to catch your breath, and when your brain catches up with the rest of your body, you realize what an intimate position the two of you are in. You can feel the warmth radiating off of him, and his plush, pink lips are right there.
It would take hardly any effort on either of your parts to close the distance between the two of you. Your heart is screaming for you to do it, but before you can, Bradley clears his throat and drops his hands.
"Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine." You say in a deflated tone.
"Well, it's getting late, I should probably get going. Thanks again for dinner." He says as you walk him to you door.
"No problem. See you at work on Monday." You call as he walks into the hallway.
"See you Monday." He chimes back as you shut the door and lock it. You press your back again the cool wood and sink to the floor. Cerberus and Hydra both walk over and look at you with knowing eyes.
"Don't look at me like that, you two. It's not going to happen." You tell them.
"It's not going to happen." You repeat, this time as a reminder to yourself. You could let yourself be friends with Bradley. You could even let yourself have a crush on him. But you could never let yourself cross that line.
It's better that way
Taglist: @roosterscock @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @cassiemitchell @na-ta-sh-aa @milestellerlover @katieshook02 @mak-32 @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @sometimesanalice @diorrfairy @eli2447 @xoxabs88xox @djs8891 @roosters-girl @sebsxphia @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @alchemxx @gretagerwigsmuse @sunlightmurdock @withahappyrefrain @lt-spork @multifandomlover4life @lewmagoo @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @roosterisdaddy36 @itsdesiree86 @waywardhunter95 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @whatislovevavy @asshlyyyy @inkandarsenic @lillyrosenight @tomanybandstolove @jiminie-08 @dingochef
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altocat · 1 year
So Assume Vin-Dad theory applies here like always. Something Something Time Travel, Vincent is sent to CC era to try and prevent Seph from going crazy, they find out they are related, all that jazz. Angeal and Genesis are also there for the family reveal and learn about Lucrecia. What would Angeal and Genesis think of her? I am slightly delerious due to lack of sleep and rhe current weather, but for some reason I can imagine Gen saying, "Your mother did what now?". Anyways hoping your having a nice day/night and sorry for the long ask; I just needed something self-indulgent bc college is slowly dragging me to insanity. Again have a nice day.
Hang in there, bud! I remember that good old college sleep-deprivation. Isn't fun.
Genesis and Angeal, rightfully so, would be pretty concerned and/or pissed on Sephiroth's behalf. Angeal might use a bit more tact because Sephiroth is going through a LOT of emotions right now, but Genesis would be pretty upfront and direct--Lucrecia experimented on her own son and then DITCHED. Pretty awful. Sephiroth is just trying to process that not only does he have parents who are still alive/semi-alive, but that he's also Shinra's personal pet project. Angeal and Genesis are still in the dark about themselves, of course. And maybe that's for the best for the time being.
Either way, Angeal and Genesis are respectful enough to let Sephiroth decide whether or not he wants to confront Lucrecia, and are at least supportive and present to help him through the sense of violation and betrayal in his feelings for Shinra. Angeal encourages him to try to get to know Vincent a bit better. What Vincent had to say might not be what he'd wanted to hear, but Sephiroth at least got a parent out of it who didn't completely screw up. Vincent had been just as clueless as Sephiroth was, after all.
This gradually shifts into Vincent low-key adopting all three of these miserable losers, and kind of forming possibly the coolest rogue band of monster-men in all of Gaia?? You have your vampire dad, your loud firebirb buddy, your tough and hardy dog-beast-bro, and your eldritch alien catboy abomination son. Quite the crew.
...I'd assume the Lucrecia thing eventually gets resolved, with Sephiroth either roasting her alive or possibly coming to terms with everything. It wouldn't be a happy reunion. But it needn't be a completely bitter one either.
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itsmariejanel · 3 years
17 & 24 for everybody!!! hehehe <3 (btw hello maria, sorry for this lengthy ask!)
omg, you guys wanna kill my fingers djkdd i love u anyway ❤️
this is a lot of text, so read after the cut 
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?
jace - he doesn't have the dream of getting married, but it's not off the table for him. he does want to have a family of his own :)
kiara - she wants to get married, but if she doesn't it's not a problem for her and she wants to have a family, not a lot of kids though! just one or two is perfectly fine for her.
serena - never thought about getting married at all, she's not against it though, but kids are not for her either. she would be more of a cool aunt
mia santina - she would love to get married. her parents married before she was born and they are still together right now, so she has a good example of a healthy marriage and she wants that for her. no kids for mia, she likes kids, but it's not something she wishes for her.
makoto - with the right person, he wants to get married and have a lil family
helios - if they would stay with the same person for a long period of time, they would like to marry and have kids.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
jace - he would say kiara is a ray of sunshine. whenever they’re together, he feels pure joy. he loves how passionate she is about the things she loves, even if he sucks at doing them, he will always support her in everything. jace is constantly reminded on each interaction they have how beautiful she is, inside and out, kiara is an angel in his eyes. 
kiara - jace is just the type of person she feels comfortable to be around. she loves his sense of humour, his kindness and that little shyness that he sometimes has, it’s endearing. she cherishes every little moment they have together and whenever she looks at him, she feels at home. 
serena - in her eyes, mia is the perfect woman for her. she’s funny, woozes confidence and is independent. serena admires mia for all she has acomplished for her all by herself, still with all of that, mia can be the most lovable person she has ever known. serena is grateful to have mia by her side.
mia santina - she would say serena is the missing puzzle in her life. serena makes her laugh, she’s real and straighforward. mia loves serena’s ambition to be better at everythig she does everyday. serena’s personality is a bit rough around the edges, but mia sees her soft heart and she appreciates serena letting her in and loving her how only she can. 
makoto - he was fascinated with helios from day one, and the more the time goes by, the more he wants to know more about helios. he feels extremely happy around them, and just genuinely just wants to see them as happy as he feels. 
helios - helios really enjoys makoto's company- while they don't consider him to be their boyfriend, more just a new friend with benefits, with more time spent with makoto is slowly making helios want to get to know him better. they're fairly bit hesitant about letting their walls down that fast, but makoto's steady reliability and thoughtful personality makes helios really appreciate his presence in their life. (seph’s words, since it’s their oc)
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sahbibabe · 4 years
Hi! If you're up to it, can I request a smutty scenario with Sephiroth(crisis core or FFvii your choice) x fem reader with the prompts,' you're mine'+' be a good girl and spread you're legs'. I love soft Dom! Seph^^ thank you.
Here you go! I hope you like it! Tell me if you did and if not, what I can improve on! Enjoy!
A Divine Sweetness
Sephiroth x Fem! Reader
"Don't waste your time on war heroes and SOLDIERS," the neighborhood women would tell you behind their paperback novels, their voices chiding and petulant. It was as if they still considered you that young little girl they had watched play in the mud and taught like their own child. "No good can come out of being with someone like that."
    "Have you seen their eyes?" Your landlady would chortle as an afterthought. "They're as green as the mako reactors at night! It's almost like they're not human at all!"
      Those words rambled around in your head for a while after that, even if they weren't necessarily true. Sephiroth was a good man; he treated you like an equal, made sure you were happy and content in his own way. You did the same for him, but it was marginally more difficult when he closed himself off after a long mission to recuperate. He never denied you when you crawled into his lap and stroked his hair, even closing his eyes and leaning into it.
      There were times when he was testy with you, pushing your boundaries bit by bit when he was jealous or feeling a little neglected, the latter which only happened when he was away from you for weeks at a time on some mission in a faraway town, and the jealousy came into play whenever you got a little too comfortable with men that were strangers to you.
       Sephiroth didn't mind when you mock fought with Angeal or had Genesis recite Loveless for you, because those were innocent and playful things that were never malicious in intent. There were people that would, and could, hurt you to get to him, and that was always a possibility in his mind. Strangers were dangerous. Strangers could get you killed.
       So when you bumped into someone on the street just outside your apartment complex, holding your grocery bags full of vegetables and meat for your meal prep, you half expected it to be Sephiroth. He had made a routine of following you at night when it was more dangerous, giving you enough space to be on your own but close enough that if he needed to step in, he would. Then he would sneak up on you like the wicked cat he was and scare you to death, before thoroughly apologizing for it with his mouth.
       To your surprise, it wasn't Sephiroth who had bumped into you, but someone else with a very familiar set of eyes. Not as green, nor were there cat pupils, but still mako nonetheless. In the dark and under a street light, you almost thought he was Angeal, but when he sputtered an apology, you quickly took back your guess.
       He was young--very young, maybe nineteen or twenty if you had to hazard a very vague guess. And, if his clothes were anything to go by, SOLDIER Second Class.
        "I'm sorry, miss!" He apoligized, picking up one of the bell peppers that had fallen from your bag. He handed it to you with a charming smile. "Here you go!"
       "Thank you," you said warily, trying to keep yourself from making assumptions and turning tail, and tucked the pepper away. "I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going."
       "No, I wasn't paying attention," he laughed sheepishly. "I mean, who doesn't notice a pretty lady walking down the sidewalk towards you? Some SOLDIER I am."
       "So you are a SOLDIER," you said slowly, your fingers tapping a rhythm on your thigh. "What class?"
       You could just barely hear it, but Sephiroth was slowly pacing up behind you, drawn by the rapid taps of your fingers which had become code for him to 'rescue' you.
      "SOLDIER Second Class," he grinned, pointing a thumb at his chest. He seemed oblivious to Sephiroth walking up  behind you. "Bet you're impressed, huh?"
       "Not… really," you replied, timing your words just right so that Sephiroth was right behind you, close enough to reach back and touch. "I've seen more impressive."
       "Zack," Sephiroth demurred smoothly from beside you, hand resting on the small of your back. His thumb traced tiny patterns underneath your sweater. You watched as the boy went several shades paler, darting between you and the significantly taller man. "Aren't you supposed to be on patrol tonight?"
        "Y-Yes sir, Sephiroth," Zack replied with a faint stutter. "I'll get right back to it, uh, sir."
       You had a feeling that Sephiroth, up until this point, had been kind and cordial to the boy throughout his term as a SOLDIER, and that this was the first time he was having the "cat glare", as you dubbed it, leveled on him. Angeal and Genesis were plenty used to it, of course, but it was another thing to have it put on some unsuspecting SOLDIER boy.
       "See that you do," Sephiroth intoned and Zack was off, going at a half jog down the street. When he was gone, he pressed his hand into your back to encourage you to walk, heading towards your building.
       "Was that one of your subordinates?" You asked curiously, checking your bags for any stray vegetables that may have fallen. "You knew him."
      "He's young and gullible," he sighed, but you could detect that hint of jealousy anywhere. "And flirty. But he's got heart, or so Angeal says."
       "He seems young," you went on, poking the proverbial sleeping bear, withdrawing your keys from your pocket. "How young do you recruit?"
       "The youngest? I don't know." You could practically hear the jealousy now, disrupting his normal tone for something a little deeper. "Why?"
       "Just curious," you hummed and unlocked your door. As you were twisting the key in the lock, you felt him grow closer and closer, until you were pressed firmly against the door, legs and cheek cold against the metal. "Sephiroth?"
       You strangled a moan in your throat when he leaned close to your ear, ghosting his fingers up the inside of your thigh and up your skirt. Then completely engulfing the soft flesh hidden by your underwear with his hand, he squeezied firmly enough that you could feel his leather clad fingers digging into your core, pushing your panties to their limit.
       "You're mine," he whispered to your ear, his breath rolling over your face. It sent bolts of electricity down your spine, your underwear rapidly becoming wet and uncomfortable. "Mine, and no one else's. Do you understand?"
       When you failed to answer him right away, too busy trying to calm down your racing heart and greedy lungs, he squeezed you harder, not enough to hurt but to where you instinctively clamped your thighs closed around his hand, his gloved knuckles digging into the tendon of your leg.
        "Do you understand me, pet?" He repeated, further punctuating his question by pressing you even harder against the door. Your grocery bags trembled in your hands. "Don't make me repeat myself."
        "Crystal clear," you managed to gasp, eyes fluttering when he rolled his fingers across your entrance in a rapid movement, close to making your legs buckle from underneath you. "I understand."
       "Good girl," he praised, his near permanent smirk prominent against the skin of your neck.
    He removed his hand from your panties with the painstaking slowness of a snail, one finger at a time, then hooked his thumbs in the elastic band at your hip. Before you could even comprehend what he was about to do, he had already pulled them down to your knees, gravity doing the rest and dropping them to your ankles.
     When you froze at the feeling of the breeze against your hot, exposed skin, he leaned close once again, dancing his fingers under your sweater and touching the skin underneath the waistband of your skirt. "Step out of them… unless you want your neighbors to come outside and see you here, wet, naked, and trembling for me as I refuse to let you come."
        You stepped out of the soiled underwear as gingerly as possible, avoiding ripping or stepping on them. You heard him give a pleased little hum into your hair before giving a rough twist to the doorknob, letting it fly open. You almost stumbled, but caught yourself when Sephiroth took a fistful of your sweater and jerked you back to him just as the door snicked shut and locked.
        Any saliva that you had in your mouth evaporated when he wedged a knee between your legs, pressing up into the hot heat of your core. Just as you were allowing your eyes to shut and your hips to grind down on his thigh as much as you were able without the support of a wall or bed, he seized your face between his hands and dragged you in for a brutal, yet satisfying kiss. He traced the seam of your lips with his tongue, delving inside for just a taste, teeth pulling your bottom lip deliciously.
        "Sephiroth," you breathed when he pulled away, your lips swollen and abused. His green-blue eyes glittered dangerously in the dark, flicking over the flush in your cheeks, the part of your mouth, and the way your hips bucked against his thigh, desperate for friction. "Please…"
       "Mm." He kissed you again, nudging your chin up with his fingers, taking advantage of the way you gasped for air. When he pulled away yet again, he smirked anew, wiping the little bit of drool that had escaped your mouth. "Put away your things. You'll regret leaving them out."
        You knew an order, however softly it was delivered, when you heard it. He removed his leg from between your thighs when you picked your groceries back up, walking over to the fridge on wobbly legs.
        Just before you were about to kneel down and put your vegetables in the bottom drawers, he said,"No. Stand and bend over."
        Cautiously you locked your knees and began pulling the bell peppers out one by one, waiting to hear the sound of his disapproval. It never came.
      "Just like that," he breathed, walking closer behind you, just shy of actually pressing against you. He flipped your skirt over your back to expose your pink insides to him, wet and dangerously close to dripping on the floor. "Perfect."
        You continued putting away your food, one item at a time, feeling the burn of your calves the longer you stood. As you put away the meat, the last thing in your bag, you felt him trace an ungloved finger over your entrance, then teasingly shove the bend of his knuckle into you, curling the pad of his finger against your walls.
        "Look at how wet you are for me," he purred, watching your face from between your legs. A moan escaped you and you tried desperately to lift up on your toes and shove his finger just that little bit deeper, but you were pleasantly scolded by a gentle slap on your ass. "No, I don't think so, pet. Do I need to remind you what happens when you disobey me?"
       "No," you breathed, shoving the last package into the fridge and slamming the drawer shut. He added another finger, curling this one as well, scraping against your walls. You let out a small whine. "God, no."
        "The only god here is me," he objected, pulling his fingers out of you. You nearly choked at the loss, and then he was pulling you up by your shoulders, slamming the fridge door shut. "Such a good girl, obeying my commands. You deserve a reward."
       "Do I?" You breathed, breath hitching as he captured your lips in a wet kiss.
       "Most certainly." Sephiroth's pupils were blown wide when he leaned back, then separated you entirely. "I'll let you choose this time, I think."
       "Choose what?" You asked, eyebrow quirking up slightly. You jolted when you realized he was undoing his pauldrons and coat already.
       "Where I fuck you," he said simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, eyeing you like a cat would a piece of meat. He was already half naked and working on his pants. "If you get to the stairs, I'll fuck you on the stairs. If you make it even halfway to the couch, I'll fuck you on the floor, so I suggest you start looking."
        Panicked, you darted from the kitchen and made your way to your office, the closest place you could reach without falling prey to those super fast SOLDIER reflexes of his. The excitement, the wonder made you become even wetter, a lone droplet sliding down your thigh as you shoved your paperwork to the floor.
        By the time you were turning towards the door, sitting down in the middle of your desk, Sephiroth was already nude, leaning against the frame as he watched you struggle to get comfortable.
       He approached you, muscles rippling with movement. He reached for your sweater and pulled it off of you in one swift motion, your bare breasts bouncing at the suddenness, nipples hardening for his attention.
       "No bra?" Sephiroth teased, taking both globes of tender flesh into his palms, kneading them with his fingers. "How daring of you."
       He made quick work of the belt holding your skirt together, shimmying it down your legs and tossing it to another room. He pressed you flat on your back. He ran his hands up your calves and down your thighs, fingers so close you could taste it.
       "Be a good girl and spread your legs," he coaxed, watching your breasts rise and fall with every shallow breath you took. You parted your legs for him with a whimper, exposing your swollen, red and dripping lips. When he touched his fingers to you it felt like you were on fire, your back arching high off the desk. "Such a good pet for me. I bet you taste divine. Do you want my mouth on you? Drinking every last drop from until you're screaming my name, begging me to take you?"
        "Yes!" You pleaded, forcing your hips up against his fingers. "Please!"
        Without warning, his mouth was upon you, sealed close to the wanton flesh and sucking hard. He was brutal, just how you wanted him, shoving his tongue so deeply within you that you were seeing stars. He let you buck into his face, keeping one hand firm on your hip to remind you who was in charge, and right as you were hitting that peak, felt that pressure in your abdomen, he was gone, his tongue replaced by something larger, hard and more filling.
       Sephiroth entered you in one smooth thrust, ramming hard against your hips, bowed over you like a  bowstring. He buried himself inside you to the hilt, your slick and his precum taking him deeper and deeper, until finally you felt his hips slot right into yours.
        You kissed him, then, tangling your fingers in his hair. His hips bucked shallowly, tongue swiping over your lips, and then he was pulling out, only to ram back in harder than before, setting a pace that you knew would leave you nearly bedridden for a few days. You let out a scream when he hit that spot just right at just the right angle, that scream stuttering into a choked moan when he bit down on your shoulder. He never broke skin, but continued his monstrous pace, running his tongue over the marks he had made.
       You were rapidly reaching your peak, unable to avoid him hitting your g-spot every single time. Rife with so much pleasure, you tried to move your hips at an angle, tried to keep him from hitting that spot so you could ride your orgasm, but he refused, nearly moving the desk with his next thrust. The closer he got, the harder he pounded into you, gripping the wood above your head to keep himself steady, his other hand holding on so tightly to your hair that it burned.
        With a final grunted moan, he released inside you, trying desperately to finish off with three or four more sloppy thrusts. You squeezed his hips between your legs, gasping as you were thrown headlong into another earth shattering orgasm, throwing your head back into the desk, back as high as a cat's back.
       As you rode your high with dazed eyes, Sephiroth pulled out of you and gathered you up into his arms. You nuzzled into his throat, sighing contentedly, legs and abdomen still spasming pleasantly.
        "You did well, [Name]," Sephiroth hummed, pressing a kiss into your sweat soaked hair.
       You laughed lightly, hoarse, and stroked the side of his neck with the tips of your fingers. "I lasted more than three minutes this time. I deserve a reward for that."
        "What did you have in mind?" He inquired, pulling back your bed's blankets and lowering you between them. He waited for your answer, green-blue eyes twinkling patiently.
        You made a thoughtful noise and reached up, taking his face between shaky fingers and drawing him into a kiss.
        "There," you said, giggling when he laid down beside you and began pressing tender kisses to the expanse of your neck. "That's my reward."
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lifeofroos · 3 years
I really thought I would be the last one to write Hades and Persephone fiction, but hey…
In which Persephone walks Hades’ dog, Hades learns to be more outgoing and Demeter and Poseidon support them. (Also on AO3)
The girl who likes dogs
‘Good morning! I am here to walk your dog, like we agreed!’
Hades looked at Persephone. She was wearing running clothes and had her hair in a ponytail. It took a few seconds before he handed her the leesh. ‘His name is Cerberus.’ 
The dog bared his fangs at her. Hades felt his heart sink, knowing she would probably run now, but she didn’t. She simply laughed. ‘He is a feisty one!’ She reached into her pocket and got out a treat. ‘Come on, darling, don’t you want something tasty?’
Cerberus stopped baring his fangs when he saw the treat, at which point Persephone gave it to him. ‘Here you go, sweetie!’
Hades had never heard someone call his monster dog ‘sweetie’ or ‘darling’ before. But okay, the way Cerberus was looking at the new girl did make him look kind of… sweet.
‘I’ll have him back by four!’
Four? ‘Eh… I have to get something from the library at four,’ he mumbled. 
‘Hm. I can hold him slightly longer, if he is as sweet as he looks. How about six?’
‘That’s okay.’ 
She chuckled and slowly shook her head. ‘You are a senior, aren’t you? Way too busy, always.’ She waved and beckoned Cerberus to come along. ‘See you at six! Perhaps Cerberus will have made some new friends by then!’
Hades slowly put up his hand to wave her goodbye. 
Too busy? Why? He thought, while he made his way down to the library. What did she mean with that? 
‘Hades!’ He heard behind him. His looked around and saw his old friend Poseidon waving at him. 
‘Haven’t seen you in some time! The girls and I are going to the club tonight and you should come.’ 
‘Uh… I have to study…’ 
Poseidon rolled his eyes. ‘Of course. You know how to reach me when you change your mind. Which you won’t, but still.’
Hades hunched over his shoulders and shot into the library. Too busy, too busy, too busy… Why did they have to say that?
Hades took a deep breath and got his phone out of his pocket. ‘Poseidon?’
‘I… I think I am coming tonight. Can I see if I can take someone?’ He blushed as soon as the words left his mouth. 
For a second, it was as if Poseidon was dying with excitement. ‘Of course! I wonder who it is!’
‘I don’t know if she’ll come.’
‘We’ll see! At my apartment, eight ‘O clock!’ Poseidon threw down the phone, before Hades could say anything else. 
He tried to focus on his work some more, but he couldn’t see the letters. What had he done? He couldn’t just ask his dog walker to a party.
On the other hand, why not? His brothers asked random girls all the time, it wasn’t a crime. She’d probably say no anyway, it didn’t hurt to ask. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Hades jumped up from his chair, but composed himself before opening the door. Cerberus hopped inside.
Persephone was smiling at him. ‘He was such a sweetheart!’ 
Hades looked at his monster dog. He loved him, yes, but no-one had ever said that about him before. ‘Ah.’
‘Don’t get that a lot?’
‘Well… no.’ He had to ask her now. Right now. ‘Eh… How often do you do this?’
‘Dog-walking? On monday, tuesday and thursday.’
Hades felt his voice failing. ‘Can you walk him again on thursday?’ He muttered after a few seconds. 
‘Of course!’
Hades stayed quiet. Too busy, too busy. She meant nothing with it, probably.
‘See you thursday, then!’
‘Until thursday.’
She was just a kind lady, that was all. She talked to everyone like that. Hades sighed and picked up his phone. ‘Poseidon?’
‘I can’t come, but perhaps i’ll come… thursday.’
He heard his brother sigh a laugh, which sounded strange. ‘Did you not dare ask her?’
Hades kept quiet, until Poseidon actually sighed. ‘Thursday, you go, whether you ask her or not, you hear me? I’ll drag you out of your house. You have been in there long enough.’
‘Here he is, back from his walk!’ 
Persephone was wearing a blouse with flowers today. Hades scratched Cerberus behind his ears. ‘Thanks. How much do I owe you?’
‘Perhaps a night to the club.’
He froze. ‘What?’ He knew he sounded startled. 
Persephone chuckled. ‘My best friend is Demeter, who is a friend of Poseidon. He told me he had an idea who his friend Hades was planning on asking for tonight, but that Hades would probably not dare to actually ask her.’
‘It’s not weird to ask someone out. It really isn’t. It is not like you are a total stranger, you are one year above me at university, you know people I know, we met a few times.’
‘Then, eh, do you want to come?’
She nodded. ‘Yes. Fun. I haven’t been on a date in some time.’
‘Is that it?’
She shrugged. ‘I just want to go with you.’
She winked. ‘I’ll be back by half past seven.’
Half past seven! Didn’t she understand how much time that gave him to worry? Basically eons!
Hades put on every single piece of clothing he had multiple times. Like a teenage girl, he thought. Or like a college senior going on a date, apparently. 
She was there at exactly the time she said she would. How mean! Now he didn’t have the time to try on his brown jacket again!
It took him a minute to gather the courage to open the door. She looked gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, in her sweet sundress. Cerberus came walking into the hall. He barked when he saw her. ‘That’s a happy bark.’
Persephone smiled and softly petted the large dog. ‘You look good,’ she told Hades, when she looked up. 
‘You too,’ was all he managed to say. 
‘Interesting, that you suddenly have time for dancing these days, now that you go with Persephone,’ Demeter purred, while she got closer. ‘I have seen you a few times the past weeks!’
Hades shrugged. ‘Your friend is cute.’
‘I know. Anyway, I am here to tell you that if you so much as hurt a hair on her head, you are finished.’
‘Ah… okay.’
‘Good. Then we got that straight. Now go dance with her and don’t break her heart.’
‘I wouldn’t hurt her. Say, you know me longer than he know her!’
She shrugged. ‘Just to be sure.’
Hades sighed, but it ended in a laugh. ‘It’s cool, Demeter. She is lucky with a friend like you who looks out for her.’
Demeter gave him a smile. ‘She is also lucky with someone like you finding her cute.’ Hades blushed and quickly got away, back to his date. 
Hades threw a ball away for Cerberus to catch. While the dog ran after it, he pulled Persephone into a hug. ‘I am not too busy any more, see?’
‘I didn’t really mean all that much when I said that. But I do see that you have gotten happier. Healthier, too.’ She put a hand on his cheek.
‘Thanks, Seph.’
‘You did it yourself.’
‘But you showed me I should.’
‘You did it yourself!’ 
Hades laughed, before giving her a kiss. Then another one, and another one. Yes, this was better than studying all day. 
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valkyrisffvii · 3 years
Mithroth Fluff Alphabet
Template by @magical-warlock​ 
Some information about the Myriad’s primary OTP, for your viewing pleasure.
Mithra’s answers are in bolded italics
Sephiroth’s answers are in italics
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Mithra enjoys going on missions with Sephiroth not only to accompany him in SOLDIER service, but to show her prowess on the battlefield as a deadly sniper and master of stealth. Outside of SOLDIER duties, she loves simply having deep conversations with him and relaxing together in their apartment. Sephiroth is often quite busy as the highest-ranking SOLDIER, so she deeply appreciates any time she gets to spend with him.
Similarly, Sephiroth always likes it when Mithra can join him on missions because he feels less lonely. He knows how strong she is, and he feels pride whenever she accomplishes difficult tasks. He often takes her on romantic dinner dates to exotic eateries and follows the meal with walks around Midgar. He doesn’t show it, but he loves it when Mithra braids his hair and gives him facials.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
It’s no secret to anyone that Sephiroth is a beautiful specimen, but unlike the Silver Elite, Mithra admires Sephiroth’s personality much more than his looks. That’s not to say that she doesn’t appreciate his handsome appearance, however. Like many, she is obsessed with the General’s long silver hair, especially because she’s allowed to touch it. She’s also found herself admiring his half-naked body both at night and in the morning. She finds his strong arms especially handsome because of their ability to both swing Masamune with little effort and embrace her without crushing her. 
Mithra is definitely a jewel among the ranks of SOLDIER when it comes to physical beauty, as she’s the only female member. Despite the hard work and fighting that come with the job, Mithra is still able to keep her skin glowing. Sephiroth is particularly fond of her eyes, as they are such a contrast to the mako blue usually associated with SOLDIER: a rich medium brown with golden reflects. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Sephiroth is definitely someone who will stew in their feelings rather than have an outright mental breakdown. Mithra knows him well enough to recognize when he just needs to be left alone, only taking action if he acts first. She’ll just hold his face in her hands while whispering encouraging words, as well as reassuring him that she’ll always be there for him.
In stark contrast to her s/o, Mithra reacts strongly to different stressors and her way of coping has changed throughout her life. Before she became friends with her comrades, she’d often just hide her emotions in the hopes that they’d go away. After a while, she becomes more open with her personal struggles and cries freely without fear of being ridiculed. To comfort her, Sephiroth will usually just hold her close to him while stroking her hair and letting her cry into his chest or shoulder. He does not need to use words for her to feel his love and support.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Although she is over the moon in her relationship, the idea of marriage is quite daunting to Mithra for a long time. She doesn’t prioritize marrying Sephiroth, but she still wants to be with him for as long as possible. After the group leaves Shinra, she dreams of living with Sephiroth somewhere where they’ll both be free to be themselves.
Sephiroth knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Mithra, but he can’t imagine any other future besides the two of them continuing to work for Shinra due to his sheltered lifestyle. Following their desertion, he also just wants to be with her somewhere safe. He does eventually propose to her, albeit after a few years of fighting Shinra and saving the planet from them. 
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Mithra is definitely the more outspoken and outgoing partner, but her status as a Second Class SOLDIER prevents her from several privileges. She does not have the same amount of authority as Sephiroth even though she is more radical in her beliefs. Thankfully, Sephiroth listens to her and voices her concerns to the higher-ups at Shinra if they are especially concerning.
Even though he’s not the talker in their relationship, Sephiroth’s high-ranking position in SOLDIER allows him to basically have authority over his superiors. He is the one who gets to request to live with Mithra, not the other way around. Outside of official SOLDIER business, Sephiroth is the calmer, quieter partner, except for when members of the Silver Elite try to harass Mithra.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Regardless of their relationship to her, Mithra isn’t the quickest to forgive someone. However, she is not one to play victim and beg for forgiveness, but she instead will just apologize and hope that she’s forgiven. That being said, she and Sephiroth don’t really fight much. If they ever do get into a fight, she’s the loud one and the first one to storm off in frustration.
Sephiroth isn’t one to start fights nor does he hold interest in continuing a fight. He is aware of Mithra’s short temper and tendency to react before thinking, so he never does anything to victimize or aggravate her. He forgives Mithra pretty easily because he knows that she never yells at him purposefully; she just tends to overreact. 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Mithra is fully aware of what Sephiroth has sacrificed in order to be in a relationship with her. He must deal with jealous fangirls, he can’t just be away for long periods of time, and he has to deal with her on an almost daily basis. She is forever grateful that he chose her, a feral former con artist, as his partner over the millions of beautiful women who adore him. 
Sephiroth knows what Mithra has to put up with, not only as a female SOLDIER, but as his girlfriend. From horny recruits to dismissive Shinra executives to neurotic fangirls, she doesn’t have it easy. However, she chooses to remain unbothered about these things because she knows that he’s the one for her, and she knows how hard she’s worked to get her position. He is grateful that she’s by his side despite all the challenges that life as a SOLDIER offers. 
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Mithra is not a woman of many secrets, but the secrets she does have are quite deep and memorable, not always for the better. By the time she and Sephiroth start dating, they’re already good friends who know each other pretty well. She does tell him the backstory of her life in the slums, much to his horror. Mithra continues to be quite open with him throughout their relationship, as she knows that she can trust him and that he’d never spill her secrets.
Sephiroth struggles with secrets of his own, mainly because he is unsure of how to feel about them. He tells Mithra about his lonely childhood, but he doesn’t know whether or not to tell her about his supposed “mother.” He is happy that she is around to love him without judgement, but he doesn’t want to burden her with his personal issues. As their relationship grows, he does become more comfortable telling her what’s on his mind, and this peaks when they become members of Avalanche.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Sephiroth inspired Mithra to work hard as a member of SOLDIER. Like many other Third and Second Class members, she admires his battle prowess. On a more personal note, falling in love with him helped her to overcome her original dislike towards men. Before she met her friends, the only men Mithra had encountered were greedy and predatory. This trust towards the opposite sex blossomed into attraction and then love towards Shinra’s greatest SOLDIER.
Before he met and fell in love with Mithra, Sephiroth had always been stoic in nature, fully dedicated to his work and only confiding in Genesis and Angeal. Mithra’s unapologetic attitude and kind personality helped Sephiroth to be more confident in himself as a friend and a partner. She even helped him learn about his background without dropping the ball too quickly, and she reunited him with his real mother. Mithra gives him a second chance at living his life to the fullest, and he is eternally thankful for that.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Mithra doesn’t get jealous super easily, even when Sephiroth’s fangirls approach them on the street. She finds their fanaticism quite amusing and will often try to hide her laughter as Sephiroth annoyedly deals with them. 
Sephiroth doesn’t really get jealous either, but he is not fond of guys who try to hit on Mithra. Anyone who tries to flirt with her will get a hard stare from him, and it almost always scares them away. If the stare doesn’t work, the knowledge that he could probably split them in half is very effective and sends them on their way.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Neither of them had kissed anyone before their first kiss together, but the event was quite sweet. Mithra was running away from Genesis after stealing Loveless from him, and she came across Sephiroth and Angeal. Of course, Angeal has to leave, leaving her alone with Sephiroth. Zack, who doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut at times, leaked Mithra’s secret to him, and Sephiroth took it upon himself to kiss her after she confessed. The two share kisses quite often, whether it be before one of them leaves on a mission or first thing in the morning. Seph is a pretty good kisser; he’s able to completely shock Mithra by pulling her in for a long, passionate kiss. Mithra’s pretty good at kissing as well, and she’ll often surprise him by kissing his cheek while he’s working.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Mithra confesses her love after Zack spills the beans about her crush on Sephiroth to the man himself. She thinks that she’ll be humiliated as a result because she fully believes that Sephiroth doesn’t like her back, but luckily she is very, very wrong about that.
Sephiroth manages to goad Mithra’s confession out of her, but not before having unsung feelings for her as well. His response to her confession is pulling her in for a long kiss and then professing his love. He does not even need to ask her out. It doesn’t take too long for them to start living together.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage was not even a figment in Mithra’s mind before she began her relationship with Sephiroth. Even as they are dating, the desire for marriage isn’t prominent due to her responsibilities as a SOLDIER. Following the downfall of Shinra, Mithra does think about marriage more. She knows that she wants to spend the rest of her life with Sephiroth, but she’s unsure of how to feel about marriage. However, after Seph proposes to her, she is overjoyed, having secretly been hoping for such for a while. 
Similarly, Sephiroth doesn’t really think about marrying Mithra until their group leaves Shinra and joins Avalanche. Both of them have multiple near-death experiences during that time, and once the dust all settles and Shinra is defeated for good, Sephiroth knows that he wants Mithra in his life forever and ever. He proposes to her after a long period of nervousness. He is afraid that she’ll reject him, even after all their years of dating, but his friends encourage him and he pops the question while the group is hanging out in Aerith’s new flower garden, which she made to restore hope to the people of Midgar. Obviously she says yes, and the two of them get married with all their family and friends in attendance. Their married life is much more chill without Shinra, but Sephiroth still does mercenary work with the other ex-SOLDIERs while Mithra does art.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Mithra’s names for Sephiroth: Sephy (almost always) My dearest (often) Babe (often) My other half (sometimes) Hot stuff (rarely)
Sephiroth’s names for Mithra: My love/Love (almost always) Beautiful (often) Mi (sometimes; this nickname is also used by Mithra’s other friends) Gorgeous (sometimes)
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Before she and Sephiroth got together, Mithra was very wary about her feelings towards him. She was unsure of whether she actually loved him or she just felt the same attraction his fans felt. She would silently wrestle with these emotions, only letting them show in the privacy of her home. However, once the two become a formal couple, she explicitly expresses her love for him. It’s quite heartwarming to listen to her talk about him, especially since most people see Sephiroth as a stoic and reserved person. Whenever they’re with the others, Mithra will also give him light touches and sometimes small kisses. She’ll also occasionally do this around other women to show who Sephiroth belongs to.
Sephiroth isn’t as touchy-feely as his girlfriend, but it’s very obvious whenever he’s especially in love with her. He sometimes talks about Mithra when he’s with Genesis and Angeal or other guys, and the love in his voice is very audible. His pupils also dilate significantly, something that Mithra is quick to notice whenever he looks in her direction. When Angeal first started training Mithra alongside Zack, Sephiroth would always ask him questions about her, as he was too nervous to do it himself. As the two of them got to know each other better, Sephiroth also realized that he liked her, and he’d always find reasons to run into her around the Shinra building.   
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Mithra is humble in nature, so she doesn’t brag about her relationship even if she has every right to. As for PDA, physical touch is her secondary love language, with quality time as her primary. Whenever she and Sephiroth are alone, she’s more than willing to hug and kiss him as much as possible. However, due to the professionalism that’s required as a SOLDIER, she can’t shower him with affection when they’re on duty. Physical affection is reduced to hand holding and occasional quick pecks, but she enjoys it just as much.
Sephiroth was never much of an affectionate person before he started dating Mithra. His job was always his first priority, and he’d never really received the love and affection he needed. Once he and Mithra became a thing, however, he realized how touch-starved he was. He finally had someone who would comfort him, support him, and love him for who he was. As happy as he is with Mithra, he doesn’t brag about his relationship. Even though a fair amount of Shinra executives are aware that their silver general is dating a Second Class, it’s not a big deal, and it doesn’t affect either of their work in SOLDIER.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Due to her solitary lifestyle pre-SOLDIER, Mithra is able to keep herself occupied when she’s alone, despite the fact that she’s an extrovert. This is very helpful when Sephiroth is away on long, demanding missions as a First Class SOLDIER. She does miss him when he’s gone, but she knows that he’ll come back to her.
Sephiroth, even though he’s not the most social, is a good listener, and never criticizes or mocks Mithra when she’s struggling. He’s also willing to go out of his comfort zone to adjust to her needs and wants, and she does the same with him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
As well as giving him love and affection, Mithra does whatever she can to help Sephiroth relax after long work days. She’ll cook him fresh meals and massage his aching shoulders, things that he greatly appreciates. Mithra’s quite creative in nature, so she’ll often encourage him to try things that most normal people do, such as going shopping or exploring the vast metropolis of Midgar. She likes to throw in a little risk, especially since Sephiroth had been sheltered most of his life.
Unlike Mithra, Sephiroth is a little more traditional in the romantic aspect of their relationship. His perfect date consists of a simple outing at a nice eatery and then a stroll around the city. He’s also sure to get Mithra nice gifts for her birthday and holidays that involve gift-giving, even though she’s insistent that he’s the best gift she could ask for. Some gifts he’s given her include digital art supplies, certain articles of clothing, and fleece throw blankets, her absolute favorite. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
During their times as members of SOLDIER, Mithra is not sure what Sephiroth’s ultimate goal in life is. He’s so used to his duties as a 1st, that there’s not much room for him to have many ambitions. Even so, she’s very supportive of him, not bothering him when she knows he’s very busy and looking out for him. She believes that he’s much more than his job portrays him as, and she hopes that people can see him that way.
One of the first things Mithra has said in terms of goals was that she wished to atone for all the crimes she committed in her past. Sephiroth was present for this, and he knew that she was a good person with a troubled past. He was actually one of the people that told Angeal that Mithra would make a good Second Class SOLDIER, therefore helping her advance in the program. During their time as a couple, he only continued to support her in her career as a SOLDIER and in her hobbies. He actually buys Mithra several things to help her continue her interest in drawing, partially because he likes it when she draws him.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Mithra loves trying new things, whether they be foods, hobbies, or relationship activities. She enjoys doing things with Sephiroth that are outside their norms, mostly because she wants him to be able to experience everything life has to offer. Sephiroth is sometimes reluctant to do such things, but Mithra is quick to remind him that not everything has to be done professionally and with strict plans. 
Routine has always been a major part of Sephiroth’s life. Ever since he was a child, his days consisted of training, war, labs, work, etc. This routine does extend to his relationship at first, but with Mithra’s encouragement, he becomes more and more willing to have some fun. That being said, he doesn’t normally appear excited or adventurous on the outside, but Mithra knows when he’s enjoying himself.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Before she started dating him, Mithra knew a fair amount about Sephiroth. She knew what his interests were, his favorite foods, some backstory, the usual things that friends know. However, this knowledge became much much deeper when he started living with her. He told Mithra how lonely his childhood was and how he felt different from other children. Luckily, Mithra is more than able to empathize with him, as she was lonely in the slums as well. People always thought she was weird because she had different interests, and she had no idea who or where her family was. Because of all of this, she’s more than happy to be Sephiroth’s number-one supporter.
Sephiroth’s knowledge of Mithra was equal to her knowledge of him while they were still just friends. Everything changed when he began dating her, though. Mithra had the trust in him to tell him some of her deepest secrets, things that not even her best friend Zack knew. Some of these stories include the harassment she faced from members of the gang she participated in, as well as the horrific story of how she got her neck scar. Sephiroth is even more determined to protect her from harm after gaining this knowledge, and he also understands the loneliness she felt. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
For Mithra, her relationship with Sephiroth is the best thing that’s ever happened to her, probably. She’s never felt so secure and loved by someone in her life, so having him around has helped her immensely. She’s determined to make the relationship work, and she knows that if she wants Sephiroth to continue loving her, she will have to make some sacrifices. Although, considering how much Sephiroth spoils her, that’s not a big worry. In comparison to other things in her life, it’s pretty high up there. She values her relationship with him equally with her friendships, and she doesn’t let it distract her from her job in SOLDIER.
Prior to his entry into a romantic relationship, Sephiroth’s main priority was his job as a general in SOLDIER. Even though he was close friends with Genesis and Angeal, his work kept him occupied most of the time. Once he began dating Mithra, his entire mindset changed. He knew that he couldn’t just ignore Mithra and focus entirely on his work if he wanted her to stay with him, so he found a balance between his love life and professional life. Even though he does value Mithra more than his position, he makes sure to continue working hard in order to help her.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Mithra loves swimming, and she’s always happy when Sephiroth joins her, whether it be at the pool or the beaches of Costa Del Sol. She’s more than happy to massage sunscreen into his back and shoulders and just enjoys hanging out with him in the sun and the cool water. Both of them are skilled at doing flawless, photogenic hair flips and just having great aesthetics. She also likes it because she gets to see him in trunks.
Sephiroth loves watching Mithra draw. She has only gotten better and better over the years he’s known her, and he’s actually the one who suggested that she sell some of her art for extra gil. He always swoons when she creates new drawings of him, no matter what expression or outfit she draws him with. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Alongside Zack, Mithra is one of the most affectionate people in SOLDIER. She greets her close friends by giving them hugs and loves curling up under toasty warm fleece blankets. Things get even better for her when Sephiroth moves in because now she has an extra heat source. She’ll often lie on Sephiroth’s chest, her ear pressed against his heart and its calming rhythm lulling her to sleep. Even if she wakes up separated from him, she’s quick to snuggle back up to him, pressing soft kisses on his neck and chest and draping her arm across his stomach. Mithra also loves running her fingers through her boyfriend’s beautiful long hair, braiding it, and combing it. Sephiroth will often let her comb any tangles out when he gets out of the shower, and he secretly loves how careful she is when she braids his hair.
Sephiroth did not realize how affectionate and loving he could be until he started living with the love of his life. Having never gotten hugged in his childhood, Sephiroth loves it whenever Mithra hugs him, kisses him, and cuddles with him in bed. He loves the feeling of holding her in his strong arms and just running his fingers along her arms and in her hair. Once he finds out that Mithra is ticklish, the poor girl can never escape him. He’ll sometimes tickle her side when they’re walking together to get a reaction out of her, and he’ll attack her bare stomach with kisses to wake her up if she’s being particularly stubborn. Her laughter is one of his favorite sounds in the world because it reminds him that he’s not only a SOLDIER General, but a human who can feel love. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Being used to loneliness, Mithra can handle herself when Sephiroth is away. She knows how strong he is and that he’ll always return home to her. In the meantime, she’ll hang out with her best friends. Whether it be training sessions with Angeal, pulling pranks on Genesis, or wreaking havoc with Zack and Cloud, Mithra has plenty of things to keep herself occupied when her beloved is not around. 
In a similar fashion, Sephiroth is used to being alone for longer periods of time. The first few years of his life were spent under close watch by Shinra scientists and away from most outsiders. However, once he’s with Mithra, the loneliness is different. He looks forward to seeing her again and keeps himself busy with either work-related things or sparring with Genesis and Angeal. He’ll often talk about Mithra to whoever will listen, which makes them in turn wish for Mithra to come back so he’ll stop.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Mithra is willing to do so many things for Sephiroth, some of them even coming nearly at the cost of her life. She finds information on his past that Shinra had tried to conceal for years, and Hojo, her greatest enemy, nearly kills her as a result. Her willpower is strong, though, and she gives Sephiroth the truth that he’d been seeking all his life. She also locates and rescues Sephiroth’s birth mother, giving him further closure on his family history. Most importantly, she keeps him sane by gently telling him about the misconception of Jenova and the mistakes of Shinra.
After he hears Mithra’s sad and frightening backstory, Sephiroth is determined to keep Mithra safe from anyone who would try to hurt her. One of his first promises to her is that he’ll stand between her and her enemies. Although Mithra is more than capable of defending herself, that doesn’t stop him from intervening. He’s also quick to come to her assistance if she seems hurt. A particularly comedic instance of this happened when Mithra got her period for the first time after he moved into her apartment. Sephiroth was convinced that she had gotten hurt and had a wound somewhere, and tried to drag her to the hospital. Thankfully, and much to his humiliation, Zack gave him “the talk”.
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queenlists · 5 years
The Gifts
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A/N: Professor Winchester is back! We’re at 97, almost to 100! Thank you for all of the support. It means a lot to me. I always say this in every A/N haha, but it is so true. I appreciate it and I’ll never stop thanking you all. Also special thanks to @ricanqueen20​ for the request! The masterlist will be at the end of this fic. Thank you all once again and I hope you all enjoy this ✌
Post date: 02/02/2020
"Hey, professor (Y/l/n)!" A group of my cheerful students beamed as we passed each other in the hallway. "Hey girls!" I smiled at them before gulping down some coffee. "What's up professor!" One of my athletic students, Liam, fist-bumped me as we passed each other. "Have fun on your trip today, Liam!" I call out behind me, turning around to see Liam flash a smile and nod my way before disappearing through the double doors with a group of friends. I've always had a soft spot for these ki- "Ow!" I yelp as I feel a hard object hit the back of my head causing me to jolt, spilling some of my coffee. Hearing the familiar bouncing sound, I look down to see what exactly it was. A basketball. I groaned, closing my eyes while rubbing the throbbing pain away. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry! I wasn't paying attention. I was throwing the ball and lost control. Are you okay?!" I look at the culprit as he rambles on, profusely apologizing. It was the new professor, Dean Winchester. He was hired before our last semester and soon after, he took over as coach. I had only met him once or twice before. I felt a smile creep across my face as shock took him over. Wide-eyed and breathing heavy, he conveniently grabbed an ice pack out of his pocket and held it to my head. "No! No, you're fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about that. A ball hitting my head woke me up a lot faster than my coffee could ever!" I replaced his hand on the ice pack with mine and laughed, hoping to gain a smile from the nervous professor. Dean stared into my eyes before smiling "Well if that's the case, you're welcome!" Dean beamed, rubbing the back of his head while chuckling nervously. I couldn't help, but notice how beautiful his smile was and how the lines by his eyes crinkled along with it. His eyes were glistening as the light hit them perfectly. I bit my lip as I felt myself getting lost in them. I was having a hard time tearing my eyes away even when his met mine. I felt my body heat rise with every second our eyes remained locked on one another's. "Hey coach, we're ready to roll!" Our attention snapped towards the disembodied voice before we turned back to one another. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I felt myself slipping once again in a trance. "Well have fun on your trip, Dean!" I giggled nervously, waving a small goodbye while walking away as fast as I could.
It's exam week and everyone is stressed. Students sat on the carpeted floors with books, papers, and snacks scattered around them. Students littered the library with piles of books stacked so high that they resembled small mountains. Professors gulped down coffee as they procrastinated, staring at the piles of papers that they had to grade and review by the end of the week as they wondered just how they were going to survive this dreadful week.
Walking down the halls, the stress caused a thick tension in the air. The only sounds to be heard were pages flipping, pens scratching on paper, and the occasional sigh. I smiled at the students as I made my way down the hall in an attempt to gain a smile from at least one hard-working student. Then I saw him. Dean Winchester, the only one walking around with a genuine big smile on his face. His skin radiating with happiness as he said goodnight to every single student. His eyes met mine and I felt my heart flutter. "Have a great night, (Y/n)!" He beamed as he kept walking passed me. "Thank you. You as well!" I replied, biting my lip and turning my head to watch as he continued to walk, but to my surprise, he was already looking at me when I turned around. "Ooh Professor Winchester, get it!" One of the students cooed, others chiming in. "Stop that!" Dean pointed at the students with a smirk forming on his face. I quickly turned and hurried to the parking lot as I felt the heat rise to my face, shifting my bag from shoulder to shoulder. My bag was a lot heavier than usual due to the massive amounts of paperwork that I'd be doing later tonight. When I finally reached my car, I dropped my bag on the floor sighing in relief. Moving my shoulders in hopes of relieving the tension and pain, I noticed an envelope underneath one of the windshield wipers.
"Well it's not a ticket," I mumbled to myself, snatching the envelope before getting into my car. Once I was settled inside of the car, I ripped the plain envelope open. "No way!" I exclaimed as a gift card to my favorite restaurant slipped out of the ripped out notebook paper. Along with the gift card came a note:
I really hope this is your car. If not, please give this to professor (Y/l/n). I’ll owe you one! Exam week sucks. Beer and burgers are on me tonight, beautiful.
It doesn't have to be beer and burgers if you're not into that. You can buy rabbit food if that's what you're into as well. Have a nice dinner!’
Signed with a poorly drawn heart.
I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face and I couldn't shake the curiosity out of my mind. Who could've done this? Who WOULD have done this?
"Seph, did you really do this?" I gasped as I pulled out chocolate milk and a single rose. "Do what?" Persephone looked up to me from her laptop. Once she saw what I was holding, the biggest smile crept across her face. "This! I was just telling you that I wish I had some chocolate milk!" She smirked and then looked back down at her laptop, shaking her head while typing "That was not me, but now we know your secret admirer is a professor or maybe even Dean!" "The Dean would not do this! She doesn't play favorites," I smiled to myself as I held the milk and rose close to my chest.
Walking to the stairs, I twirled the rose around in my hand. "Where'd you find such a beautiful rose?" I turned around to see Dean Winchester behind me."It looks handpicked. Be careful of those thorns," Dean cleared his throat as he mumbled something to himself. "I don't know who keeps giving me these gifts. It was a gift card last week and now this. Persephone said it might be the Dean, isn't that weird?" I laughed it off as I shook my head and continued to twirl the rose. "The Dean? She might be dropping hints about someone," I looked at Dean as he spoke and he turned bright red. "You're doing this?" I gasped, my heart dropping to my feet. "N-no! I didn't. I have to go!" I watched as Dean stormed off into the distance, curiosity taking a toll.
“Woah, that’s one big teddy bear!” Seph gasped before laughing “Your secret admirer struck again, I see,” “Is Dean Winchester here?” I bit my lip and groaned as Persephone began to shake her head. “No, he isn’t in this week. Why?”
I began to tell her how I thought Dean could be behind the gifts and she listened intently, nodding her head every now and then. “But, if he isn’t here then it can’t be him. I probably weirded the poor guy out with my conspiracies,” I sighed, rolling my eyes.
Holding the bear, I noticed the tag clipped to its ear. Opening the tag, I saw a small note:
Rambutan Park
Along with today’s date and time.
I looked at my phone, the time was for thirty minutes from now! Getting up, I hurried to gather my belongings and took off towards the park.
It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought to get there, so I had twenty minutes to spare. It was the normal park scene during lunchtime. Adults sitting around, talking amongst one another as kids ran around laughing and screaming. The park smelled of barbecued food. I looked into the distance and noticed a familiar face, Dean Winchester. He was talking to a taller man, both with a beer in their hand. I bit my lip as I contemplated whether or not I should apologize to him for thinking he was the one doing all of this.
Figuring that I should before the person comes, I start making my way over to Dean and the other man. Dean glanced over at me while he spoke to the man before freezing. The taller man must have taken notice of Dean’s change of demeanor and followed Dean’s gaze to me. A dimpled smile wiped across the taller man’s face. “Hey! I don’t mean to be a bother. I just wanted to apologize for thinking you were the person doing this stuff. I didn’t mean to freak you out!” I took a deep breath as my heart pounded. Dean didn’t say a thing, blink, or move. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I looked from Dean to the taller man who was pursing his lips. “I’m Sam. Sam Winchester. Dean’s little brother. Nice to meet you!” Sam extended his hand out as I gladly shook his hand “I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n). It’s nice to meet you too. I better get going!” I glanced at Dean one last time who was still standing there with the same expression, nodding to myself I turned around and began walking back to my car. I didn’t dare to look back as I felt the embarrassment creep over me. Looking at my phone, ten more minutes.
Ten minutes turned to nine. Nine to eight. Eight to seven and so on...
No sign of this mystery admirer.
I looked to the big teddy bear in my passenger seat and flipped the tag open once more to confirm that I wasn’t mistaken.
I waited an extra thirty minutes as tears collected in my eyes.
I saw a child pointing in my direction as a concerned parent noticed the tears falling down my face. I waved to them, starting my car, and leaving the property. Kicking myself for even thinking I could actually have someone wanting my attention.
Walking into my lonely apartment, I gazed around my house as my vision blurred with tears. Hot tears spilled down my face as I dropped to my knees in tears, holding the bear close to my chest. I cried out, my body violently shaking as I sobbed hard. Sobbing myself into a numb state, I sat there until the last drops of tears dried on my face.
“Ooh (Y/n)! Another gift,” Seph held up a wrapped present and held it out for me to take. I shook my head “You can keep it. Whoever it was stood me up yesterday. I’m so over this,” I felt the tears starting up again as I saw Dean glance up at me from his laptop. “I’m taking a sick day,” I sniffed as I walked to the Dean’s office to notify her.
The gifts came to a stop.
The hunt came to a stop.
My original routine started up again as I greeted each of my students in the hallway.
Dean and I began saying hello and goodbye to each other once again.
We didn’t talk much besides that unless it was required, but I was okay with that. I am okay with that.
I could hear laughter and loud chatter as I approached the door which was odd for an early Monday morning. I checked my phone to see if maybe I was running late, but no. I was early. I was early enough to have the classroom to myself. Why were they here so early? Opening the door, I see a beautiful bouquet of flowers "Aw, really? You guys are awesome!" I smile as I take a closer look at the flowers. (Y/f/f). My favorite! "Who did this?" I looked over to the sea of smiling familiar faces. "Not us!" "Your secret admirer!" "Someone's crushing on big time, (Y/l/n)!" Hearing the commentary from the class, I heavily sighed. Was it them again?
After the school day was done, I carefully picked up the bouquet. They were placed in a beautiful vase, the paintwork on it was a bit messy and smudged indicating someone had to have painted it. Someone who wasn't usually known for doing artsy stuff like this. Usually, I'd take the stairs, but I wasn't going to risk dropping them and breaking the vase. Especially since everyone is rushing up and down the stairs at this time, so the elevator it is. Patiently waiting, the doors slid open revealing the one and only Professor Winchester. I stepped in and struggled to press the button, trying to balance the vase in one arm. Dean stepped in, gently nudging my hand back "I got it. What floor are you headed to?" "Home! Thank you so much," I carefully lifted the vase higher to securely hold it again. "Same! I'm ready to crack open a beer and eat some burgers," Dean chuckled. Beers and burgers sound familiar, but I nodded as I admired the flowers. "I like the vase. Nice work, huh?" Dean complimented, staring at the steel doors of the elevator. "Yeah! It’s nice," I sighed, chewing my lip.
The doors peeled open as Dean gestured for me to walk ahead of him. I stepped out with him following closely behind me before matching my speed "I can help you to your car. You know, to help load those flowers in," Dean offered with a smile. That smile. "I'd love that. Thank you!" On our way to the car, I had a strange feeling that he knew exactly what car was mine. I slowed my pace as he kept up his, leading me to my car. "My keys are right in my bag," I knit my eyebrows together as he reached his hand to my bag. Paint. Paint that was the exact same color of paint on the vase. A smear of blue on his finger. As he dug for my keys, I tilted the vase to examine the smudge closely. A blue fingerprint. "You're the one who's been doing this?" I gasped as he froze in his place, bent over with his hand in my bag
There was a long moment of silence. My heart sinking with every minute. My palms began to sweat as I waited for Dean to say anything! Dean stood up, taking the vase from my hands while boring his eyes into mine "Yes. Yes, it was me. I didn't know how to tell you that it was me. I’m sorry for leading you on a wild hunt. I’m sorry about the park. For making you cry. It wasn’t my intention. I wanted your attention, but I wasn’t sure what to say or how to ask you to go on a date with me.” 
It was now my turn to invoke the silence. Staring at Dean, I chewed on the inside of my cheek. He gulped hard as he kept his gaze. Sighing, I nodded at him “Be at the restaurant tonight. We can go on an actual date.”
"You did not!"
"I totally did. I really threw the ball at your head on purpose. It's bad I know! Persephone and Sam were both kicking me for that move. I didn't know how to start up a conversation!" Dean laughed, taking another sip from his glass bottle of beer.
"She was in on this?!" I yelled, gaining looks from other diners. Dean and I both shrugged them off and continued laughing amongst ourselves.
"She was. She gave me your schedule too. She told me what chocolate milk to get you. She told me your favorite flowers. She told it all and Sam, my brother, picked out the vase. I-I don't usually do this. I'm not the romantic type, so he was more than willing to help me figure out ways to get your attention without giving you any more brain damage," Dean looked down, shaking his head with the biggest smile on his face.
"I really like you, (Y/N)." Dean looked up at me, his face serious.
Not knowing what to say, I leaned over the table and gave him a quick peck on his lips before sitting back down.
"I'll take that as you like me too?" Dean questioned with a nervous laugh.
"Yes, I do. A lot. This might be the brain damage talking, but I would love to do this again," I bit my lip as I watched him nod to himself.
"I'd love that. Oh before I forget. The present!” Dean reached behind his back and handed me the wrapped present that I told Seph to keep.
Opening it, I saw a picture of Dean and I. The picture was taken during one of the meetings and we were both smiling. The frame read ‘LOVE’ and there was another note:
It is me, Dean. I really like you, (Y/n). I’m sorry for all of the havoc I’ve caused trying to avoid telling you how I feel like an adult. Will you go on a date with me?
My eyes watered as I looked up at him with a big smile “You were going to tell me?” Dean smiled, looking down “No, Seph made me write it. She finished wrapping it as you walked in. I’m sorry again for all of the hurt!” Dean’s eyes became red as he sniffed up the tears.
Taking his hand in mine, I rubbed my thumb along his knuckles. As I watched Dean gain his composure back, I felt myself losing mine as I leaned in for yet another kiss.
Walking down the hallway hand in hand, Dean and I talked about how much of a relief it was that the exams were over. Students would gasp, stare, and cheer as we passed them.
"After all the advice, you didn't even tell me, coach?!" Liam stopped in front of us with a dramatic gasp. "Thank you for telling me which ball to throw at her head, Liam!" Dean rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a smile. “Anytime love birds!” Liam laughed, making his way passed us before I realized just what was said. Turning around, I called out to Liam “You really chose a basketball over any other ball?!” Liam turned around with a shrug, laughing. I watched as Liam turned the corner before turning to Dean “It all worked out though, didn’t it?” Dean smiled big and nodded “It sure did.”
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whetstonefires · 4 years
Same anon as Seph anon, thanks for answering my ask! Ahahaha I really did go a little wild with the chance to ask one of my favorite authors about one of my favorite characters... so, here's a more restrained version of that for another one of my faves I guess cause it's just a pleasure reading your responses. Tifa Lockhart. 4 (because i see her as kind of a person who'd be into the idea of romance?), 5, 14, 18, and 20.
Oh well hey again! Glad you liked the last one. Aww, thank you. 💗 Enthusiasm is always nice. More opinions by me, then! ^^
4. Best places to kiss on their body
Haha I agree Tifa’s a romantic in both the general and narrow senses but ooh, spicy. 😆 Hm.
I think Tifa would like kissed...just below the corner of her mouth, and on the insides of her forearms, and in her palms and knuckles because her hands are so much of her, and would be so easy to see as things that don’t need or deserve tenderness because of their power. And on her hip, at the outside hinge, just below where her belt rests in her main outfit.
5. Guilty pleasures
Unlike Sephiroth, Tifa does guilt a lot. She’s also a lot better than he ever was at pleasure. Both are highly contextual. They change.
More than once, it’s been Cloud. When she was fifteen and sick with feeling trapped in this dead-end town, her promise with that awkward boy next door who’d acquired a certain mystique through his standoffishness and big dream was a vehicle for fantasy that she’d have been mortified if anyone suspected.
When they were traveling the world and she knew something was wrong with him, with what he remembered, and she wasn’t saying anything because she was too afraid to find out what was wrong with who--she was still happy to have him there. Her person. Hers. Leaned into enjoying it more than she would have, if she hadn’t felt like it was going to be snatched away, somehow.
When she first lived in Midgar, it was pain, and blood on her knuckles. She went looking for fights, in those first months after she healed up from Masamune, and the slums had plenty on offer. She knew it was a waste of herself and her training, a stupid risk and a cruel choice, but it was the only thing that felt real.
That was how she first came to the Heaven--not as terrorist, or potential owner, or interviewing for a position as a barmaid. She was looking for a brawl.
In the days after Meteor, it was sweets. She’s always been active enough that indulging her sweet tooth only twinged her a little on an internalized-weight-bullshit scale, but when the main engine of industry had just been crushed and there were refugees on every side and she was spending most of her waking hours trying to mitigate the suffering in the aftermath...spending outsized chunks of her share of the enormous heap of gil the team had accrued traveling the world on getting A Whole Ice Cream all to herself felt more like a crime than half the people she’d beaten to death in her time, but it was one she went ahead and committed.
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit 
Tifa has many good and responsible habits. She does dishes promptly, without thinking twice. She does her kata every morning. She’s good at forming habits, and keeping them up.
She’s also good, of course, at habits she doesn’t want. Patterns of rumination that aren’t good for her. Habits of avoiding a subject or a problem that bothers her, until it’s a bigger problem than it started as simply for her habituated inability to confront it.
And if she doesn’t change contexts after she loses someone, it takes a long time for the habit of expecting them there to go away. She never quite stopped expecting to see Cloud when she was leading the team after the Northern Crater, and it took until after she’d spent a few days with him in Mideel to stop looking for Aerith.
18. Things they’ll never admit 
They’re mostly silly or obvious, or both. She thought Sephiroth was cool and Zack was hot, when she was sixteen. She really did believe Cloud wasn’t real, for long enough to matter, even though it was Sephiroth who said it.
There’s one that isn’t. She tries to be sorry, for everyone and everything that was lost and broken in the road to ending the old world, and she can’t. It’s sad, and she wishes it hadn’t had to happen, and she’d never have done it, but she wouldn’t wish any of it undone, if it put Shinra back in power.
Even the people she loved. Her town, her Midgar friends, Aerith. She’s given her heart to the future, and she’ll let go of everything from the past if that’s what it takes to build something new. Nibelheim was a cage for her anyway, dear as it was and dearly as it loved her. It’s easier to leave behind than she thinks it should be, now that she isn’t alone in the emptiness of its destruction, or strangled with a hopeless need for vengeance.
She has Cloud left, from those days, and that’s enough to live on.
But she thinks even Barret would give it all up, everything they have now, just to have the massacre of Corel unmade. And maybe Cid or Reeve would agree with her, but she doesn’t want them to. So she’d never tell anybody.
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines 
There’s a lot you could do with alternate-timeline Tifa but only three things that I’m persistently interested in.
First, she realizes she can leave town, too. Like...she clearly more than a little wanted to, and felt that she had to stay. Leaving town to seek your fortune and become a hero or whatever is only for boys. So she was living vicariously through Cloud, in canon.
The natural thing as a fic writer is for her to also try for SOLDIER, which I’ve seen done, though in character terms it’s a little less likely, assuming it’s even an option. I tend to assume Shinra only recruits men for active combat roles (which Turks technically are not even tho they actually are) because that’s what we’re shown, and while you can headcanon around that because of helmets and so on, I’ve never felt that ‘pretending the fascists aren’t as sexist as they seem’ was really a strike for women’s lib in transformative fandom? Shinra is not a positive environment. That’s a fact I’m happy to let stand.
They might make an exception if you were good enough, tho, and Tifa is very good.
Second scenario, Zangan doesn’t turn up at just the right moment to get her out of the reactor before Hojo swoops in, and she gets picked up with the rest of the survivors for the Sephiroth Copy Reunion Project. I started writing this one. It’s uh. Dark.
Third, she doesn’t wind up in Midgar. There’s suggestion in the game that Zangan brought her there to get treatment for her stab wound but it’s literally the other side of the Planet so I mostly ignore that on the basis that it’s absurd and adds nothing of value to the story, and assume she made it there on her own.
But in this AU he left her with one of his 127 other students and they bonded while she was healing up, and got into contact with some of the others who knew how to contact some of the others, and all these people knew people of their own, and Zangan-Ryu became a Mass Movement without actual Zangan’s direct involvement or support, at least not until later on.
Because I think it’s wild that this man wanders the world dropping in on his scattered collection of disciples one at a time, meaning Tifa is part of a fairly large community with whom she is not at all acquainted, and there’s potential there that I’ve never seen built into.
Tifa fomenting provincial insurrection potential. :D
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catboyidia · 7 months
sorry if you're getting SPAMMED with omega Genesis asks, BUT. your baby fever post got me thinking.
what would Genesis be like while pregnant. how would Angeal/Seph be around him (I imagine when Angeal found out he was just absolutely weeping while Sephiroth stood there processing with this face: 😀)
lots of love!! ♥️♥️♥️
ah no don’t worry! i’m not minding it all! if anything i’m actually kinda surprised my interpretation of it is liked enough that i have gotten multiple asks about it :) if anything i’m just more worried i won’t be able to answer the way people want lol <3
as for my thoughts on how genesis is during the pregnancy:
- definitely the ultra emotional type, he will cry over everything whether it be happy, sad, or angry
- more clingy than usual, and he needs near constant love and support from angeal and sephiroth
- all of his insecurities and anxieties kick into total overdrive, especially the further into the pregnancy he gets, furthering his need for support from angeal and sephiroth, which also makes him feel worse because he hates the feeling of bothering them by always needing reassurance
- closer to the end of his pregnancy he’s not able to be as independent as he would like, and he absolutely hates it, not because he dislikes having angeal and sephiroth’s help, but because he hates needing to be so dependent on them, and at times he feels almost guilty for it
- but sometimes he is also just so fed up with being pregnant, or angeal or sephiroth will do something he doesn’t like, and he will make angeal or sephiroth do things for him with the excuse of “you’re the ones who did this to me, its the least you can do” just to be petty
- he gets ridiculous cravings, except half the time it’s for inedible things
- he gets ultra protective over his unborn baby and does everything in his power to keep it as safe as possible, and is constantly worried about the babys wellbeing
and as for angeal and sephiroth:
- finding out genesis was pregnant, i also definitely think angeal was super emotional, like the most emotional any of them have ever seen angeal, and it’s the best moment of his life
- angeal immediately goes into full dad mode though, and he is the dream “will do absolutely anything for genesis and their unborn baby” husband kind of guy
- sephiroth definitely takes a little longer to process it, and he definitely has much more he needs to learn about pregnancy and whatnot, but he’s just as happy as angeal (even though he doesn’t show it like angeal)
- sephiroth definitely tries to be as supportive as he can possibly be for genesis though, even if he’s unsure how exactly he’s supposed to go about it
- while angeal obviously does a lot for genesis, i feel like the things sephiroth does to try to help genesis are a lot more subtle, just small things that in the long run make life easier for genesis
- angeal is just as protective over the unborn baby as genesis is, to the point he refuses to let genesis do a lot of things in worry something might go wrong and it’ll hurt genesis or the baby
- angeal and sephiroth try their best to keep genesis comfortable, which gets harder the longer the pregnancy goes on, but neither of them mind doing whatever it takes, even if it inconveniences them
- neither of them ever complains about needing to do things for genesis, or needing to comfort genesis, even if sometimes they do get a little tired of it
- i think surprisingly, not only does genesis get super clingy, but angeal and sephiroth do too, the three become more inseparable than usual
- they both commonly cuddled genesis while subconsciously resting their hands on genesis’ stomach, which also meant eventually they would feel the baby kicking, and the first time sephiroth felt it i think he probably looked like a confused kid at first, wondering if it was supposed to do that, but after having it explained to him they got to see a rare sephiroth smile! and when angeal first felt it, i think he immediately got super giddy about it (and i’m entirely convinced angeal is the type to kiss genesis’ stomach and try to talk to the baby)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
All the firsts and Zack have decided to each get a house plant to take care of.
The SOLDIERs As Plant Dads
I'll do my own take on this concept, but I really recommend Green Thumb by Soyna on ff.net. This fic cracks me up every time I read it lmao
• After following Angeal to the monthly flea market in the slums, the boys come back with a plant each.
• Zack couldn't say no to Aerith gifting him a little plant. Sephiroth got his finger stuck in a venus flytrap. Genesis bought the venus flytrap with Sephiroth's finger still attached for laughs. Angeal got another plant to add to his collection.
• They're in the elevator going up to their apartments and Angeal is annoyed.
• First he has Zack, who barely knows how to care for himself, boasting about how Aerith is going to be sooo proud of him for keeping his little plant happy and alive.
• And then he has Genesis, who after laughing himself silly at the sight of Sephiroth with his finger stuck, is now trying to pry the venus flytrap away from Sephiroth and grumbling about how he doesn't understand why the plant likes him so much.
• Angeal has enough and says "100 gil says those plants won't live to see the end of the week."
• Zack immediately perks up at this.
Zack: Oh yeah!? Well you're about to be 100 gil poorer, old man! Me and—*he looks down at his plant*—Stefano are going to prove you wrong!
• Meanwhile Genesis, while still trying to unhinge the venus flytrap's jaws, seconds this.
Genesis: Make that 200 gil! Frederick will be alive and happy by the end of the week, you'll see!
Sephiroth: We're naming our plant Frederick? Why don't I have a say in this?
Genesis: Sephiroth, you're two minutes away from losing a finger. Worry about that instead.
• Zack walks into the training room carrying Stefano, the plant, in a baby carrier strapped across his chest.
• Angeal sees this and immediately loses it.
Angeal: You have got to be kidding me.
Zack: What? I told you I was gonna take this seriously! I'm the best plant dad ever. I'm so not gonna let Stefano out of my sight!
• Genesis walks into the training room nonchalantly and holding a capuccino.
Zack: Dude! Where's your plant?
Genesis: Ah, Freddy is with his nanny.
Angeal: You hired a nanny for a potted plant? Are you out of your mind??
Genesis: What? I had three nannies and I turned out fine.
• Kunsel walks into the training room rolling the venus flytrap around on a baby stroller.
Angeal: KUNSEL is your nanny????
Kunsel: 'Sup.
Zack: Shhhhh you're gonna wake up Stefano!
• Sephiroth walks into the training room with a stack of papers. He walks over to Genesis and drops them in his hands.
Sephiroth: Here you go. They're the papers granting you full custody of Frederick. I've realized I'm not ready to be a father.
Angeal: IT'S A PLANT.
Genesis: So you're just going to walk out on us? Have you no shame? No honor as a man, Sephiroth?
Zack: Yeah, Seph, for shame.
Sephiroth: I understand your feelings might be muddled at a time like this. Hopefully in time you'll see that this is the best decision for our family.
Genesis: You know, my mother warned me this would happen.
Genesis: And in front of the kids? You have no regard for our child's well being, you deadbeat cretin.
Sephiroth: You have every right to be angry. I will also be providing child support.
Angeal, rolling around on the floor: A PLANT.
Genesis: No. You know what? Me and Freddy don't want your money. We'll be leaving now, and you'll never see us again.
• He takes the stroller from Kunsel.
Genesis: Come on, Frederick, we're leaving.
• He strides out of the training room with Kunsel in tow. The following silence is loud until:
Zack: HEY!
• Angeal and Sephiroth look at him
Angeal and Sephiroth:
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altocat · 2 years
Sad hours have hit me and I decided to get tumblr back again to spark some joy by catching up. Hope you’re well and good! (Also a shameless lover of my soldier boy f/o’s,,, sooo:)
How do you think Ange, Seph and Gen would react to their s/o having a bad time? (Breakdown, low mood, whatever you feels if best for them) Alternatively, what are the boys like if they’re the ones feeling down?
Once again hope you’re doing wonderful (and a very late Happy New Year!)
Hi there! Hope the Sad Hours aren't too rough. Have a great year!
Angeal is always attentive and affectionate, gauging whether or not his partner needs to be left alone or is open to physical comfort. He'll hold them close and give them a (nice) lecture why there's no need to be afraid. They're the best. And they're loved and cherished and it's all going to be okay. When Angeal is the one feeling gloomy, he requires much of the same. The only difference is that he has a hard time asking for it. The truth is that Angeal very much likes to be pampered and doted on, but is too shy to really voice what he wants. Thankfully, his partner can read him pretty well.
Genesis, at first, is INCENSED that he's not the center of attention when his partner is in a bad way. But this almost instantly dissolves to regret upon seeing them. Genesis is pretty clumsy and nervous in being supportive to their needs, often fretting and floundering and being unsure how to fix it. He can be very sweet like this, but also occasionally lacking tact. He makes up for it in learning from his experiences and making notes for next time. And by the end, he's a pro at reading his partner and providing whatever they need, to the point of not needing to say anything at all. When he's in a low mood, Genesis really just wants to be left alone. He hides under the covers and won't move or come out for days. Just give him some nice pets and some water every few hours until he can ride it out.
Sephiroth is distant and aloof when his partner is upset. Because seeing them upset makes HIM upset and he has no idea how to react. He's worried he'll make it worse. Or that he'll only ruin the relationship by failing to be what they need, hurt them. So he disappears for a while, internally frustrated and angry at himself, distracting himself through long training sessions and missions, secretly worrying every second of every day to the point of making himself sick. This distant behavior often only sours things even more and when it all comes to a head, Sephiroth is often forced to confront his own feelings as a result. This leads to him showing his partner just how scared he is despite his calm facade. How much he cares about them. How much it hurts not knowing how to help. How much he curses his upbringing for depriving him of the skills necessary to be worthy of human relationships. This leads to mutual comfort from both parties, with both promising better communication in the future. And Sephiroth readily keeps his promise, becoming increasingly more attentive and openly comforting over time.
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sleepyspoonie · 5 years
I would pay for your view on the hades town lyric rework for broadway and stuff, because i myself have some OPINIONS
OK i didn’t answer thsi when i first got it because i hadn’t digested everything in full, but i ABSOLUTELY have opinions on this, to an absurd degree.
Full disclosure upfront, I wildly prefer the NYTW version to the Broadway version, with the exception of one or two really awesome things from Broadway (the bridge in Wait For Me, for example, or making the parallels in Persephone and Hades’ climate change theme more emphatic in Chant I, etc.). I’m a big fan of subtlety and abstractions and stuff like that, and I feel like the NYTW version has a lot more understated nuance than the Broadway version.
Like, I get why they made the changes they did—they appeal more broadly to a wide audience and make the story easier to understand, but unfortunately, doing so removes some of what I liked best about the original version.
Without a doubt the thing that has me the most miffed about the changes to the Broadway version was the loss of Persephone’s “when I was a young girl” part in Chant II. On top of hands down being my absolutely favorite part of the show, I felt removing it stripped her of a lot of her own agency in the story.
Rather than being someone who just like, exists, and is running around in Hadestown and is something that Hades wants back, she instead like, she loves him! she wants him to get his shit together! she’s disillusioned and tired and frustrated about being controlled all the time, but he’s still someone that she loved and still loves and wants to fix things with.
I feel like they do express the relationship between Hades and Persephone more overly in other songs than they do in the NYTW, which I think is great, but Seph losing that part of Chant II I felt was a bad move.
Honestly, in that verse, the changes they made over time before gradually removing it were perhaps the most telling shift in the role that Persephone’s character serves. In the first iteration, it’s about her. Then in the second and third iterations, it’s about how Orpheus can save the day.
No longer is it a woman supporting another woman in her pain, but it’s been transformed into a woman talking about a guy who can hopefully get her husband over himself. While I think having that information somewhere in the play is fine, I don’t think they should have cut Seph talking about her own feelings with Euridice in that way to showcase it. Plus I LOVED the parallels between her talk and Hades’!
Of course, then it’s cut altogether, which is almost worse ):
Another thing that bothers me a bit about the Broadway version is that it lost some of its intensely Southern influence. Obviously, Andre De Shields is a great actor and a lot of fun, but the NYTW really captured like, old timey country music in Hades and Hermes’ musical styles.
Hades, of course had and has that old, like, talk-singing country style, and Hermes had that really jazz-blues thing going on. And with the fates all Gospel choir, the southern influence was abundantly clear. But my personal opinion is that De Shields doesn’t bring enough lively energy to the role of Hermes, and I don’t prefer his performance.
All of that said, I LOVE Hadestown! The Broadway version may not do it for me, but this is still one of my favorite musicals. I’ll die happy if they release a proshot of the NYTW version, without a doubt.
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askthedustbowl · 5 years
No offense to our Romeo Rat Boy but I feel like Eurydices childhood was a tad more traumatic than his. He had people to love and people who loved him. Eurydice had her mom but like your post said, she always sided against Eurydice. Just my opinion, as always, everyone is entitled to their own.
I mean, fair enough. But they’re two totally different kinds of trauma. 
Eurydice grew up in a home that wasn’t stable or safe, and surrounded by people who really didn’t care. But Eurydice got to have a happy-ish ending, what with finally feeling a sense of freedom and agency. Orpheus had an amazing 17 years, filled with love and laughter, and with a mom who loved him. But he’s an orphan now, and he deals with it everyday. 
Eurydice left her family behind because she knew she needed something different. And yeah it took 6 years, but now she's got an entire group of people that would bend over backwards to see her happy. That's also why she's so freaked out about Orpheus' family. She never had a family like Orpheus, where they were all in one place and were so laser focused on creating a family. Family dinners, and game nights? She never knew that real families did that. When Orpheus and his family go to watch Cory dance, or listen to Euterpe play? She’s never known families could actually function like that. When Eurydice is graduating and she looks out into the crowd and sees not only Hermes and Orpheus, but Seph? And all of the Muses? She's not used to those feelings of support, but she knows that that feeling is what she left to find.
So Eurydice’s mother sided against her. And she was kicked out more than once. And she’s got baggage from that time in her life, nevermind the time when she didn’t have a steady home for almost two years of her life. Her trauma is totally real and valid, but she’s actively working to find herself a new life. Orpheus didn’t want a new life -- he wanted the one he had with his mom and his aunts. And his trauma is born out of that being ripped away from him. 
And that's also why she's so respectful of Cal, and Orpheus' relationship with her. Eurydice left her mother, who never went after her. Eurydice’s mother saw her as a nuisance. But Cal? She wanted Orpheus. And she loved him. And all of that after knowing that Cal... well, that she didn't have to. She didn’t have to keep Orpheus, didn’t have to love him, or dedicate her life to him. Her own mother sure didn’t. But Cal loved her kid, and she didn't go quietly. She died fighting, everyday, just to get to spend one more day with her son.
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neurowonderful · 6 years
Hello, friends. Let's talk about gifts! 🎁
"Maybe just give the person what they want? No? Too radical?"
This vlog is captioned 💛
(Warning and my apologies for the background hum/whine noise in this one. Transcript below the read-more.)
Autistic culture is starting any trip already exhausted from all the executive functioning and planning and decision making that goes into preparing for a trip. Which is what I’m currently doing. How am I? Yeah, no. It’s mostly that. I will talk about my trip, about where I went and what I did when I get back. What was I going to talk about?
[consults a notebook]
Yes. Gift giving. So there’s an autistic person in your life. An event is coming up, or maybe you just want to show them that you love them. So what do you do? You give them a gift. I don’t know why I’m doing this turning thing.
There’s this thing that happens where people struggle with buying gifts for autistic people. And I’ve noticed that their problems usually fall into one of three categories. The first is concepts of age appropriateness. Second is a feeling of not wanting to um encourage a certain interest. And the third is just feeling like they already have everything they could have related to that thing or that the person in question that you want to gift to has too much of something.
The easy one is age appropriateness and yet it’s a sticking point for a lot of people. So first of all, what I mean by age appropriate is when an autistic youth or adult likes something that is usually interested as being for younger people, for children. I know a lot of you are on board with me when I say that the concept of age appropriate gifts or age appropriate interests is just not cool. Even if you ignore the fact that it’s ableist, and um that people like different things and it’s okay to like things that are pure or wholesome or family friendly or for children as an adult- if you ignore all that it’s just kind of like a mean thing. To judge somebody else’s interests and decide “That’s for children, you’re not allowed to enjoy it anymore.
[looking out from behind an armful of stuffed animal toys] I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my happiness.
It’s ridiculous right? To say that you can’t like stuffed animals [holds up a stuffed sloth toy] or a certain television show or a cartoon or whatever it is. Music, movies, anything. To say that somebody shouldn't like it or that it’s embarrassing or “cringey” because they do, that’s not cool. I don’t stand for that. So I’m not even going to ask you to consider why you think that some things are age inappropriate or why you might feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. I’m just going to tell you to get over it. [holds up stuffed sloth toy once more] So, don’t be a jerk. Moving on.
And so the second thing, which I’m sandwiching in the middle because it’s kind of the meanest and worst of the reasons that people struggle with gifting autistic people stuff is because they don’t want to encourage a certain interest. This once again falls into the realm of, who asked you? It’s not a gift for you. Why are you being mean? Gift giving is a little bit about the gift giver but it is much more about the recipient. The act of giving a gift is what feels nice. By having hang ups on what you want to encourage, what interests are cool or okay, then you are actually ruining the experience for yourself. Maybe just give the person what they want? No? Too radical?
If someone collects rocks and they want a cool rock you get out there and you find a cool rock. To me, again, very simple, and yet a lot of people have a problem with it. They don’t think it’s a normal interest or they don’t understand it. But you don’t have to understand something to respect it. Please do respect it.
And lastly, this is a very practical issue in some ways. And this is where we have an autistic child or an autistic spouse or roommate, somebody that you have to live with and they already have a lot of stuff. My suggestion then is to give experiences or to give consumables, things that will be used up. Themed treats or foods or cool shaped candles. Things that will be used up and won’t necessarily take a permanent place in the home but that are still themed or related to that person’s interest. And then they get to enjoy that. You get to give the gift, you get to be happy, they get to be happy, everybody’s happy!
So for example, I really love cats. Taking me to a cat café would be an absolutely amazing gift. I would love that. This one requires a little bit of brainstorming but I do highly recommend um either giving consumables related to a person’s interests, things that will be used up, or giving experiences if you are worried about the accumulation of things or if the person themself feels like they have enough physical objects. Enough books, enough tee shirts, whatever.
And basically everything I just said can be summed up with a simple, It’s not your place to judge what makes somebody happy. Your job as a gift giver is to give a gift that will be enjoyed. You don’t have to understand what is enjoyed to respect it.
Marvin came home so uh I went to go say hi to him and now I’m back for a slight change in tone to conclude this vlog. I would like to you about something that’s very important to me.
As a Métis person, as an Indigenous person in Canada, I would like to say conclusively and firmly that I stand with Unist'ot'en Camp and I think you should too. If you care about what’s right and if you care about protecting the environment and about social justice and about supporting our water protectors then please check out the links that I am going to put in the video description. Unist'ot'en Camp released a kind of FAQ and like what you need to know handbook to support them. And what they need and how you can help. And if you can, if it financially doable for you, please consider giving to the legal fund for the water protectors who were arrested simply for protecting their own territory, their own land, from unlawful invasion.
And real quick I want to give a shout out to something I recommend. It is an app called the Emergency Chat app. It is by my friend Seph, I will link to that as well in the video description.
And now wish me luck because it is time to finish packing. Thank you very much for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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