#they’re dads lol
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Like father, like daughter
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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piedpiperart · 1 year
I see a lot of posts about Danny seeing Jason and immediately thinking he’s a baby ghost and wanting to adopt him but what if it’s the other way around?
What if Jason sees Danny and is hit with oh my god that’s a baby, who left a baby unattended out on the street?? He needs help, gotta protect him, mine, yeah he’s mine now, I got u lil guy don’t worry
Meanwhile 15 yr old Danny is like um hi?? And promptly gets kidnapped. But he just lets it happen because he’s actually feeling the safest he’s ever felt in his life with this guy, and Danny’s core immediately recognizes Jason as parental figure and just relaxes Danny 100%
Jasons feeling like Danny is a helpless baby while Danny feels safe, protect, calm, safe, relax, and he just lets Jason take him home. Neither are really sure why or what is going on with them but they’re not gonna stop it.
I think it’s because Danny’s own parents kinda suck and any other ghost that he’s interacted with he’s had to fight in some capacity or has been spooked by them. Jason’s the only one who 1) wanted to parent him and 2) has good vibes. Danny’s usually waiting for fights to happen and he’s very stressed. Jason calms him down so much he probably falls asleep before they even get to Jason’s apartment, full trust that Jason will take care of him.
Meanwhile Jason never really connects with his pit side, but really wants to find some way to have a truce. Cue Danny, and both Jason and the Pit turn to protectiveness and so the rage becomes more protection and Jason yk, might be kinda lonely and wanting something to take care of. He was probably thinking about getting a cat and not a kid but he’s not complaining
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enidtendo64 · 7 months
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Very late Jackieshauna Halloween 🎃 from the wips!
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months
new dad Bakugou who’s going back to work full time almost a full year after his daughter his born and he now has to grapple with the fact that….goddamn, he’s spoiled the shit outta her.
well, he doesn’t think it was spoiling her. in actuality, he just created a routine with her, gave her every bit of his attention, held her when she cried, scolded her (yes just at eight months) whenever she’d babble for more puffs even though she’s had enough already. it wasn’t spoiling, it wasn’t. he vowed to never be that dad, to raise a snot nosed brat, one similar to himself.
but here he is, on a Tuesday morning three weeks after her first birthday. he’s standing halfway between the front door and the living room in full uniform, with his still sleepy baby and her even sleepier mama. she’s gripping his neck like he promised to abandon her, wailing and crying so loud and dramatically, that you can’t help but chuckle at her antics and how he wavers ever so slightly.
“You promised you’d go back to work,” you scold him gently, rubbing at your daughters quivering back when she whines again the moment he acts like he’s gonna pull her off. Bakugou frowns at you, and you shrug, smoothing her unruly blond curls away from her sticky forehead.
“But you guys need me.” He pouts, eyebrows downturned as he pulls her away enough to wipe at her wet face. she blubbers again, whimpering out a small dadaaaa noooo, that absolutely breaks his heart.
“And so does the world.” You smile at him, gently pulling your daughter away from the matching glassy red eyes who watch her go. “We’ll be fine, my love. Promise.”
Bakugou looks unconvinced, especially since your daughter reaches for him with another cry of his name. you don’t say anything when he sniffles discreetly, quickly reaching down to the coffee table to snatch up his utility belt that he dropped when she waddled out of her room in tears. he snaps it on wordlessly, and you go to turn to the kitchen when he wraps you both up in his arms.
“Love you,” he whispers against your forehead before pecking it, leaning down to kiss your lips next, and then your daughter’s fat little cheeks. He whispers another love you to her, and wipes away at her rosy cheeks when she pouts at him.
“Rub you.” your daughter pouts, the both of you freezing in shock.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, grinning. “She said I love you back!” Bakugou matches your grin, laughing under his breath as he presses another torrent of kisses all of her face. for the first time since she’s opened her eyes today, she laughs, loud and joyous and familiar. he thinks that maybe going back in today won’t be so bad after all. not if this is what he’ll be coming home to.
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
So Steve obviously loves Valentine’s Day.
This didn’t ever come as a surprise to Eddie, and in the years between when they started dating and when their kids were born, it was something that never changed.
When Steve walked in the door fresh off the afternoon carpool route with their three daughters in tow and said, “Dude – I swear to god this has gotta be the best Valentine’s Day ever,” Eddie wasn’t exactly taken aback, more just unsure what could have happened so early in the day that had him this confident that V-Day of 2012 would be the best one ever.
“Why?” Eddie asked suspiciously.
“When I dropped off Ava, David invited me over to watch the basketball game,” he replies, still with a massive grin on his face even as their daughters dump their backpacks and jackets and shoes all over the ground instead of hanging them up like they should be doing.
Eddie made a face – David, one of their neighbors and an unfortunate addition to the elementary school carpool circuit, is notably a total fucking loser. 
He’s also obsessed with Steve (and not even in a gay way, which Eddie could at least understand – no, it’s in this weird, loser, ex-jock who peaked in high school kind of way).
“I know, right? I’m pretty sure he’s that fucking desperate for something to do tonight that isn’t his wife,” Steve continued.
“What’s wrong with his wife?”
“Ed, believe it or not, it gets even better.”
“Tell me,” Eddie demanded, finally getting that Steve’s got a whole-ass story for him.
“I’m going to, man, holy shit,” Steve shook his head as he stepped over the mess their kids left behind (because one of them would be corralling them all back downstairs to deal with their shit like they’re supposed to)
So Eddie listens as Steve launches into a retelling of the conversation he apparently had with David, who, predictably, acted like a total fucking loser about how Steve actually wanted to spend time with his family on Valentine’s Day.
“What does this have to do with his wife?” Eddie asked when Steve reached a stopping point, “Other than how incredibly sad it is for her.”
“Right – so get this. David ended up telling me that his wife is going out tonight with Chris, and I figured he meant Chris, like Christine, Liam’s mom, because I know they’re friends, but it’s not. It’s Chris, the divorced dad on the PTA, and apparently they hang out all the time.”
Eddie’s eyes widened as he pieced together what Steve was implying.
“No fucking way.”
“Right?!? And, look, you know I think cheating is wrong, but…I dunno, I really hope she has a fantastic Valentine’s Day.”
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unspuncreature · 4 months
obi-wan should’ve been at the club!!!!!
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
My dad had the most GENIUS theory about them revealing Tech’s survival as CX-2 by him doing the Tech turn in his ship and Omega seeing it and being like “… THE TECH TURN?!” OOOOOOF
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
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Strangers across eras team 1 reference sheets babyyyyyy
Having to figure out ages is a lot more stressful than I realized 😭😭 anyways Kass took up so much space his reference sheet had to look different 💀and I should say that Linebeck and Kass don’t recognize themselves as outright father figures so they’re kinda on the fence on what their relationship with their links are.
And most importantly, Leon, Ammon, and Benji are not canon characters in the games. Leon is from the four sword manga, and Ammon and Benji are ocs. They are not in the games hence why where they’re from is a bit different from the others
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hestiashand · 1 year
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the sun and the moon or whatever romantics say…
[ ID: a full body drawing of uchiha sasuke and uzumaki naruto standing in front of a yellow background with stars. they are holding pinkies. on the left is sasuke, a pale japanese teen with his face turned slightly away from naruto but he is looking at him. he’s smiling with a very red face, and he has a small scar on his jawbone and chest, and an industrial piercing in his ear. sasuke is wearing a black and white baggy zebra patterned sweatshirt with black sweatpants. he has his free hand in his pocket. his pants are tucked into dark blue socks with the moon and stars on them and he has black platform boots with straps. his nails are painted black, and his cursed mark is visible on his shoulder. next to him smiling widely is naruto, a brown japanese teen with very light freckles and scars on his hands. he wears a small green headband and green stud earrings. he wears a grey sweatshirt with ‘NINJA’ written in green on the chest and light green sweatpants with ‘iruka’ and ‘kakashi’ written very tiny on either knee. his pants are tucked into yellow socks with a repeating orange sun pattern. he wears untied running shoes that are green, yellow, and white. his free hand is by his side and his nails are painted green as he faces the viewer with his eyes closed. END ID. ]
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badolmen · 1 year
hey you guys know that even if the people inside that submersible are rich billionaires, dying in that metal tube at the bottom of the ocean is a horrific way to die right. like. yeah stupid choices were made by the people in there signing off on a waiver that says the sub is not approved by anyone and they could die. but it’s the fault of OceanGate for knowingly putting people into a Home Depot DIY sub rigged up with an Xbox controller all to make a profit on people’s curiosity.
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kheprriverse · 7 months
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Upcoming Ballad changes 👀?
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Baby Brother (6 y/o Akemi n 2 y/o Kentaro)
“No, Kentaro you messed it up!” You and your husband turned your heads toward the living room at the sound. “MAMA!” You can’t help but sigh, there’s never a dull moment in the Bokuto household. You get up and your husband stops you. “I got it baby, you relax I can do it.” He gives you those reassuring words but you’re still a little worried. All your worries were put to rest by his contagious smile. “Okay Ko, I’m right here if you need me to step in.”
He nods and walks off into the living room where two years old Kentaro is eating his little chubby fist and Akemi is crying. “What’s wrong baby girl?” Bokuto picks up Kentaro and walks over to where Akemi was painting. “Papa he messed up my painting! Ken knocked my paint water cup down!” She crossed her arms.
“Akemi sweetheart, it was an accident. Kentaro’s just a baby. He wasn’t trying to knock it down on purpose.” She scoffed and mumbled, “I wish I didn’t have a baby brother. It’s not as fun as I thought it would be.” Bokuto frowned, he grew up with his two elder sisters and he remembers looking up to them.
He lifts Akemi’s chin so she’s looking into her father’s intimidating eyes. “Don’t say something like that, Akemi. Kentaro loves you and he thinks you are the best big sister ever!” She turned her gaze away from her father to some random object in the room. “He can’t even talk. How do you know that’s what he’s saying?” Bokuto smiles at his little girl. “Easy. Because that’s how I felt when I was a little boy growing up with your aunties.”
She smiled, it was just as big and bright as her papa’s smile. She tugs at her father’s sweatpants. “Can I see Ken?” Bokuto puts his little son onto the floor where his sister sits. “I’m sorry Kentaro. I love you lots and lots!” Bokuto smiles at the two. “See I knew you guys could get along!”
He then realizes the paint water is soaking into the carpet… “Oh crap, we need to get this up before mama sees it!”
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loganslowdown4 · 11 months
Virgil: Dad! DAD!! There’s an ugly monster under my bed!
Patton: *bursting in* VIRGIL!
Patton: That’s not how I raised you!
Patton: *looking under the bed* Come here, come on out Mr Snake Man. It’s alright. *hugs him*
Patton: *pointing at Virgil* You’re the only ‘monster’ in here. And you’re not even that, that is not nice language, you’re grounded mister!
Janus: *hugging Patton* I-I’m...not ugly... *cries*
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cometrose · 10 months
sometimes i don’t like family hcs cause i think the relationship between the two characters is a little more fucked up that and i don’t think you’re giving it enough credit
“look they’re just like father and son!” and then i look and it’s two immortals with a messed up master servant dynamic where they would do anything for each other and slowly trying to overcome a relationship dynamic that is 1000s of years in the making
#LISTEN#xiao would do anything for zhongli and they both know this but zhongli would never ask him too and they both know THIS!#also i saw a post critizing zhongli for how he treated xiao like with the whole karma thing but that’s not his child#why are you mad at zhongli for being a bad dad to xiao when he’s not his father???#or i see posts where it’s implied zhongli pushed or forced xiao into fighting for him#but that’s not true either??#zhongli never forced xiao to do anything xiao does all of this because of his dedication to morax#zhongli let xiao suffer? WHEN??? WHERE#i’m not saying he’s perfect but damn did he fucking try#or that xiao states the yaksha’s were proud people who regardless of how their stories ended never wanted pity#newsflash idiot it was war they all fucking suffered look at all the adepti and you can still see they’re still fucked up a bit#anyway whatever i guess#zhongli#xiao#genshin impact#woman yells at wall more at 8#i think looking at their relationship through a familial lens undermines all my favorite things about their relationship#like their wonky power imbalance and loyalty issues#or scara and nahida like people try to make her his new mom and i don’t like it lol#i think them as two oddballs in life becoming close companions and associates feels much better than making nahida his mom#people nowadays only know romantic or familial dynamics and often ignore a secret third thing which is literally every other type of bond#i don’t even hate the hc i just hate when you criticize or analyze these characters WITH A HEADCANON
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
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Somethin about drawing the same guys over and over again does wonders for art improvement
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