#they’re each other’s emergency contact
avis-writeshq · 29 days
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pairing: early seasons!spencer reid x sunshine!fem!reader genre: fluff, roommate au, childhood friends warnings: general criminal minds violence, not beta-read oops a/n: I renounce the MoReid shippers; they’re SIBLINGS !!!! also, apologies for lack of posts !! have been very busy with uni :( wc: 1.06k part 1 | part 2
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Spencer was shot. It all happened so quickly– the sound of the gun firing, the grunt that he let out and the apprehension of the UnSub. Too quickly, but such is the fickleness of life. This was one of the rare occasions where the ballistic vest did not do its job, the bullet jamming into his side. Hotch was on the UnSub in seconds, the cuffs on his wrists before anyone could blink. 
“Shit, Reid,” Derek gasps out, watching the way blood seeps through his once pristine white shirt, and he presses his hand against the wound. “Shit, Hotch! Hotch! We need a medic!”
“It’s going to be okay,” Aaron assures as best he can. His face is grim and Derek is shaking his head in frustration, hands trembling and cold from washing his hands over and over again. “It’s not your fault.”
“We missed him,” Gideon mutters, “he was right there and we missed him.”
“And Spencer got hurt because of it.” Elle’s gaze is set on the hospital’s sign in counter. 
Aaron understands their guilt. They caught the UnSub in the end, so nothing was ever in vain, but it doesn’t change the fact that they didn’t anticipate that he was at the end of the hallway waiting for the perfect moment to strike– and Spencer paid the price of their mistakes. The bullet hit him in the side where the vest didn’t cover, the damage reaching his liver and kidneys. Aaron doesn’t think he’s ever seen that much blood before. 
“Excuse me–” a voice loud enough to cut through their brooding chimes from the reception desk. “Hi. Hello, I’m here for, um, Doctor Spencer Reid?”
The clerk glances at her for a brief moment before turning back to his computers. “We don’t have a Doctor by that name on staff.”
“Um, no–” a nervous laugh splits the air. “No, he’s– he’s not a doctor here. He’s a patient? I got a call.”
He looks at her up and down before raising an eyebrow, mumbling something. “Is that you?”
“Yes. Yes, that’s me, is he okay? I came as soon as I could.”
“He’s in surgery. He’ll be out in a few. Take a seat over there–” He gestures over to where Aaron and the others are sitting– “and the doctor will call you over.”
“Right. Right, okay, thank you.” 
Elle doesn’t try hiding her confusion, looking up at you from her seat with raised brows. “You’re here for Reid?”
You jolt in surprise, the heavy grip you have on your bag loosening in an attempt to calm down. “Hi? Um, yeah. He’s– well, we’re on each other’s emergency contact list.”
“It’s good to see you again,” Aaron says with a tight grimace. “I wish it were under better circumstances.”
Derek’s jaw unhinges. “You knew?”
“Emergency contact list.” Aaron offers you a glance. “Are you okay?”
“I just–” your voice wobbles, a choked whimper leaving your lips. “I just want him to be okay.”
The team shares your sentiments. It’s not often when there’s an injury as serious as this on the field, but the risk is there. The room is tense with worry, the sound of doctors and nurses rushing around through the halls does nothing to ease their anxieties. You’re already fearing the worst. 
What feels like hours is only minutes as a nurse arrives in front of your little group. 
“Doctor Spencer Reid?” She confirms, looking sympathetic as ever. “The surgery was a success. The bullet grazed against his liver so he does need to stay for a couple of days for monitoring, but he should make a full recovery.”
“Is he allowed guests?” You blurt out hurriedly, the receipt in your hands crumbled in torn from incessant worrying. 
“He’s should be waking up now, but you’re welcome to see him. I’ll take you there.” The nurse offers a gentle smile. “Girlfriend?”
Heat roars against your cheeks and you shake your head adamantly. “No, no, he’s– we’re not– he’s my roommate.”
The nurse hums, a knowing smile on her face. ���I see.”
After a few quick goodbyes towards Aaron and the rest of the team, you hurry after the nurse whilst clutching your bag of goods. She opens the door wide, letting you inside before closing it behind you while you pull up a chair. 
“I am– I am so mad at you, Spencer Walter Reid,” you whisper, gaze fixed on his resting face and the hair that mats his forehead. You brush a few strands away from his eyes, your lips trembling briefly. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“So you’re not that mad?” Spencer croaks out, his voice dry and his head pounding as he manages to lift his eyes towards you.
“Spencer.” Your arms are around his neck in an instant, careful as not to disrupt the wires and tubes that surround him. “I’m going to kill you.”
 “That’s counter intuitive.” He laughs quietly, wincing a little at the suddenness before allowing his free arm to wrap loosely around your waist. He finds it uneasy, the way your lips fall into a wobbly frown and how your eyes look red and puffy from crying. He’s only ever seen you look like this once before but that’s nothing compared to this. This time you look like that because of him– a silly little accident has lead to your pretty smile vanishing off your pretty face.
“You suck. I’m telling your mother.” He knows you won’t and he’s grateful that you’ve found it in yourself to make a joke. When you pull away, he immediately misses your warmth, watching as you rummage through your bag before handing him a sealed cup of red jell-o. “It was the last one they had.”
“You’re an angel, really, but I don’t think I’m allowed to eat for a couple hours,” he murmurs, his fingers grasping gingerly at the cup.
With a wordless nod in acknowledgement, you press a thick leather bound book into his hands, your eyes meeting his gaze. “Your favourite.”
He breathes out his thanks, glancing up at you through the dim lights of the hospital room. “Are you going to stay?”
“As long as you want, Walter.” 
From the other side of the door, Derek glances through the window at you and Spencer before looking back at Hotch. “They’re roommates?”
“No, but– they’re just roommates?”
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reblogs are always appreciated !!
part 1 | part 2 | you are on part 3!
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
Would you write a Carlos or Max x reader please where she’s a driver too. They’re always worried about her when she races but they’re not prepared when she gets into a serious crash just running errands to the store. They get a call from her caller ID expecting her to have forgotten something but it’s a police officer or paramedic telling them she’s been in an accident. Thank you!
Is this Mr Sainz? - Carlos Sainz x Driver! Verstappen Reader x (Brother) Max Verstappen
Plot: You get into a car crash when shopping for the first food shop before a race weekend.
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You were used to driving, it was literally your job at a professional level as a driver in Formula One driver. And you were good too, having 3 wins under your belt in only your third year in the sport.
Sometimes it felt like you only had your seat because you were a Verstappen, but racing was in your blood and you were becoming just as much of a menance as your brother on track.
You also had your boyfriend Carlos who you’d been dating since you were in F2. You never thoughtyou’d make it as far as F1, but after proving yourself in your F2 season, and not struggling too much without power steering, you were promoted.
Having Carlos and Max on track with you was so fun as you were always teasing and making jokes with each other especially in interviews and on Thursday media days.
Carlos and Max however hated the fact that they had to race you and track an that you were good enough to actually fight for position with the pair of them. They were both pretty worried about you before they got into the car. Once they were on track they both tried to consider you as just another car, but admitidly that was pretty hard.
They never thought about you normally driving… it was such a mundane thing compared to driving round tracks at around 250mph.
“Hello is this Mr Sainz?” the call came through whilst Carlos, Max, Lando, Oscar, Charles and Pierre were all in the hotel lobby just waiting around having drinks and talking. It was your caller ID so Carlos didnt think anything off it when he picked it up to here … well not you on the other end.
You were out, getting some snacks for in the hotel room. Everyone had sent you their orders and you’d gone out by yourself wanting some time alone ahead of the race weekend.
You were walking around the large shop, picking out what was given from the list before heading to the checkout. It was getting kind of late, and it was media day tomorrow so you wanted to go back as soon as possible.
“Hi, how are you?” You smile at check out lady who looks shocked to see you before starting to scan your items.
“I’m okay! How are you?” she asks back still looking over you in shock and you try not to chuckle at her reaction.
“I’m pretty good, just shopping for some snacks for my friends. This was the nearest place, its really nice in here” you smile as you take the items off her and pack them into one of your reusable bags.
“That’s gonna set you back $82.52” she says, her American accent coming through. You smile and shake your head.
“On snacks, my god I forgot how many people I was buying for” you chuckle handing over your black card and putting the food back into the trolley.
“Thank you so much! You’ve been so helpful!” you smile before you walk outside going to the car you had rented and loading up the boot of the car.
“Yes this is he” he says with a confused look, furrowing across his brows as he glances a the group who are also looking over to him.
“You are listed here as the emerency contact for a Y/N Verstappen yes?” the voice asks and Carlos feels his heart skip a beat. He looked over to Max, who was now chatting and joking around with Lando.
“Hold for one second please” he says before muting the call.
“Max, come outside. Now…” Carlos says gruffy, before walking outside to a quiet area where there arent any people to interrupt.
“Yes I am the emergency contact for Y/N Verstappen” Carlos sighs and Max freezes.
“She’s been in an accident and we are requesting you and a Max Vertsappen, her second emergency contact at he hospital immedielty” he explains and Max and Carlos share a look.
“What happened?” Max asks, a pause from the officer slighty confused at the different accent change.
“Whos this?”
“I’m her brother Max Vertsappen” he says, his tone cold.
“Well, it looks like she was coming back from the shops and a drunk driver ran through a red light and went into the side of her car crossing the road. She’s in surgery right now but that’s all i can confirm right now” he offers and tears build up in Carlos’ eyes. Max is sort of frozen in shock before he shakes himself out of it.
“We’ll be there as soon as possible, St David’s I’m guessing?” he asks and gets cofirmation from the officer before hanging up Carlos’ phone for him.
“Carlos come on” Max says pulling at his fellow drivers wrist who is now the frozen one with a blank look on his face.
“I-“ he starts but cant say anything.
“Carlos come on, this cant wait!” Max exclaims before the older man wakes himself up from his daze and follows Max to the lobby where their friends are waiting.
“Can one of you drive us to the hospital, we’re both to irratic to be behind the wheel right now” Max asks, looking at everyone who’d stopped their convrsations the minute the absent duo had come back in.
“What? What’s happened are you. okay?” Charles asks standing up.
“It’s Y/N she got into a car crash, drunk driver or something and she’s in the hospital right now” Carlos explains to the group.
“I’ll drive!” Lando agrees quickly, before taking them out to his McLaren, Carlos sat next to him while Max sat in the back.
“Whoever did this is going to pay” Max spits out angrily, tapping against the back of Lando’s seat.
“She’ll be okay, she’s like the strongest person i know” Lando replies looking in the rear view mirror at Max before concentrating back on the road.
They get to the hospital in record time running into the emergency department trying to look for Y/N.
“I’m going to go get some flowers and chocolate for her, you guys let me know the room shes in yeah?” Lando says knowing that they just want to ask and see how she is.
They nod the younger driver off before hounding the receptionist with questions.
“Is Y/N Verstappen here?” Carlos asks.
“She was in a car crash, an officer said she was in surgery?” Max asks.
“She’s an F1 Driver has her team been informed about the accident, what about her family?” Carlos asks.
“Slow down. I unfortunaltley dont have the answer to any of those questions but the first. She’s here, I’m not sure if she’s out of surgry yet but I will. page her doctor to come see you both. Please in the meantime take a seat” she directs them to the smaller and more privte waiting area.
Carlos takes a seat first his head in his hands while Max starts to make calls to his mum and dad and ther sister letting them know what was going on and telling them the limited knowlege he had on the situation.
In the time they’d been waiting, it had gotten out to h general public that you’d been in a car crash and articles and posts had been made online regarding the situation.
“For Y/N Verstappen?” a lady calls in a longwhite coat clipbaord in hand. Carlos’ head lifts up from his hands and he steps up towards the lady as Max hangs up.
“Yes?” Max asks looking over to the doctor.
“Your sister Y/N is out of surgery, it was hard work but she’ll make a full recovery in time. She’s a fighter and we really thought we’d lost her for a second. She’s asleep right now but you can visit” she smiles offering to guide them through the area.
“Thank you” Carlos’ cries pulling Max in for a hug, leaning agaisnt his shoulder before they follow the doctor through to your room.
You were asleep on the hospital bed, some wires and other medical tech strapped up to you and Max never thought he’d see you like this, he’s prayed you’d never ever be in this situation. He hated seeing you, looking so fragile and vulnerable.
Eventually your anesthetic wore off and you were woken up to voices lightly talking and rays of sun bursting through the window. The first thing you notice is how relaxed your body is. Not that you knew right now but the morphine you were on for pain was making you very woozy.
“Mmmmmm” you groan as you try to move.
“Hey baby” you hear lightly from next to you, your eyes fluttering open to meet your boyfriends.
“Hi Carlos” you smile soflty looking at him and the worried look on his face.
That’s when yourmind becomes a little less fuzzy and you realsise you are neither at home or in the hotel.
“You were in a car crash, you had us worried” you hear your brother admit.
“Mmmm Max?” you asklooking around the room seeing the various flowers and cards and noticing it was a hospital room.
“We’re here” he smiles coming to stand the other side of the bed.
“We’ll always be here for you” Carlos adds, holding your hand.
@littlebitchsposts @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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adestayskz · 4 months
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in which they’re hopelessly in love but doesn’t even talk to each other
fem!reader x han jisung
tw: crack jokes, daddy jokes, suicida!s jokes, not funny guys istg, sex jokes
profils | y/n & friends - jisung & friends
one | u stupid mf
two | but meh
three | ran away
four | who is it?
five | malfunctioning
six | o-oh…?
seven | fool
eight | lunch
nine | s-sungie?
ten | grocery store
eleven | camping trip
twelve | before you (written + social media)
thirteen | missing you..
fourteen | confused
fifteen | doing it again..
sixteen | you want me..?
seventeen | hey baby.. (written + social media)
eighteen | emergency
nineteen | condom
twenty | i’m sorry..
twenty-one | come back to us.
twenty-two | block contact
twenty-three | i’m fucked up. (written + social media)
twenty-four | please, more..(written + social media)
twenty-five | both of them..?
twenty-six | volcano
twenty-seven | i can explain..(written + social media)
twenty-eight | in the middle
twenty-nine | minsung
thirty | two months later
thirty-one | new friend
thirty-two | lord voldemort
thirty-three | always
thirty-four | i’m over her..
thirty-five | phase 1
thirty-six | girlfriend
thirty-seven | phase 2
thirty-eight | phase 3
thirty-nine | coffee shop
forty | let’s make a bet.
forty-one | I’m in charge now, baby.(written + social media)
forty-two | daddy
forty-three | minlynn
& more to come
hiiiii, here my new smau about our dear jisung ! hope y’all like it, don’t forgot to like and comment if you want to be added to the taglist
remember that english isn’t my first language so if there any mistakes, tell me please and i’m sorry about it !
love, adé.
taglist: @maybeimmia @hans-quokka-coffee @sillygoosegoose @arikazu @katsukis1wife @15092000volcano @jeonginplsholdmyhand @weirdowithaphone @privhace @rundontwalkshesaid @hannoahs-third-eyelash @cookiesandcreammy @urfaveviet @hinanitiram @moony-9 @hulachan @aalexyuuuhm @pochacco-baby @sillyhal @blhhfsi8 @skzswife @sellomaybe @han-doolsetnet @hibuki-chan @angelus-scripturae @kisses-too-the-moon @wondering-out-loud @whyisaah @skzstan12345 @saaucie @n1nme4r @thatonexcgirl @hyunjins-dimples @heluvschibi @minminmoew @qu4ckqu4ck @enhabun @hannamoon143 @chanchansgirly @baby-stay92
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kombuuuu · 1 year
would u write angst with 1610 miles? Like they’re best friends and both like each other but miles is distant bc of spider-man stuff. Maybe reader tries to distract herself by going on a date but it goes bad and miles comforts her and reveals he’s spider-man and confesses to her that he likes her:,)
“Im Spiderman!”
Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
“What the hell.”
“Mi vida, listen.”
“What the actual hell.”
Of course sugar, this silly little angst WILL BE SOOOOO DELICIOUS
warnings: hurt/comfort, attempted sexual assault (not by Miles)
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Miles had been distant.
He kept brushing you off, planning times to meet up and missing them. Calling you in no hurry then all of a sudden there’s a family emergency and he hangs up.
Now you would understand if it was just a few times, hell, even more than a few times you’d just convince yourself you were paranoid. But every time for the past two months?
You’d right about had enough.
If Miles doesn’t want to commit to your.. not relationship..
Then you won’t either.
Miles had been busy. Life had gotten ahead of him when he’d least expected it. After a year of Spider-ing (?), he’d finally settled into a nice pattern of, wake up, do things, call you, see you, call you again to make sure you got home safe, protect the innocent civilians of Brooklyn, also do illegal graffiti, then go home. And maybe text you. All of that had been snatched from under him like a shaggy rug. Tripping over his own feet and struggling to right himself.
He had some fued going on with a villain he’d heavily underestimated. Their likeness not only in fighting, but also preying. Miles had started home from his patrols more than once to find a chip attached to his shoe. Beeping only audible from his advanced hearing.
It had stumped him into a nervous stupor. Constantly worried that someone bad is going to waltz through his front door.
He was worried they would catch wind of you, and although that had always lingered at the back of his mind. Losing you had been put on the forefront the moment you came to school injured one time, saying some guy just wanted drug money, and was pretty easy to scare away. Doesn’t mean he didn’t nick you in the cheek real good. Blade running quick against your cheek, and lord were you grateful it was light.
Miles had pulled you out of class, ignoring the behest of his professor and dragged you to his secret stash of first aid supplies, locked away in an empty and unused science room.
“So why’s it here?” He glanced up at you, confused.
“Huh? What’s here?”
His puzzled expression pulled at your heartstrings, giving you some sweet butterflies. “The first aid kit, dummy.”
“Oh.. Oh! Yeah-“ he threw his hand behind his neck, blazer sleeve crawling up his arm. “Uh- For ‘mergencies..” He quickly went back to cleaning your cut, finding your gaze too strong on him, but unable to avoid it.
“This is an emergency?”
He grabbed your chin between his forefinger and thumb, tilting it slightly up and to the side, then continuing with his right hand at dabbing your cheek with antiseptic.
“It will be if you keep moving.”
You prayed he didn’t notice how hot your cheeks felt.
Once Miles finished, he caressed your face softly for a moment, relishing in the contact before he quickly packed his stuff away and rushed out of the room in an excuse of “late for class”. You stayed sitting at the table for a further two minutes before getting up gently, grabbing your bag, and leaving the ‘abandoned’ classroom.
You were sitting on the curb of your apartment. Wishing you could just go back inside and sleep. Miles hadn’t spoken to you for a week. You didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend, but god you felt like one. You were waiting patiently on for the bud to arrive, far too early in the morning. Sat in the spot Miles would usually meet you at, you sighed down at your feet. Had you done something wrong? Your relationship had been blossoming the past few months into something you’re sure was reciprocated. There was no way that the endless supply of intimate moments between the two of you was a coincidence.
The way your whole face would light up at the mere sight of him had to be clear as day.
You swore up at the sky, watching your breath fog up in the winter air, the slow screech of your bus coming around a corner brung you back down to earth. Day dreams about a boy who you probably don’t even cross the mind of cut short.
You stood up and groaned, stretching your arms and leaned against the bus pole. Except it didn’t stop. It didn’t even slow down, and when you’d realised the driver wasn’t pulling into the parking bay, you were already too late.
“Oh- C’mon, really!” You kicked your foot against the scuffed ground, pouting at no one and complaining to no one too.
“Miss the bus?”
A man who looked to be around 17 approached you. You stepped back from him, him getting the hint and not getting any closer.
“Oh- Uh.. Didn’t mean to seem like a creep or anything,” he laughed lightly, dimples showing at the action. “I just, also missed the bus.” He gestured down to himself, disheveled clothes and messy hair.
Disheveled clothes didn’t look as good on him as it did Miles, but you smiled and hugged a laugh anyways.
This could be your chance, get out of your rut. Back into the dating scene and away from Miles.
Yet it seems you couldn’t go two minutes without him on your mind.
“Hence why I look like this.”
His eyes flickered back to yours, taking in tour appearance as well.
“Guess we’ll have to walk,”
He laughed, “Guess so.”
“Not like our clothes can get much more creased.”
That brought a genuine chuckle out of the man, eyes squinting at the sarcastic tone you held.
“Well, I know a couple ways.”
He winked at you and you huffed, following behind him as you began the treck to your school.
The man you met had been named Arthur. He was understanding of your humour, and pretty well in his own. He seemed king of untrustworthy, though. You just didn’t understand why, something about him made your stomach churn. Maybe it was butterflies?
You had been talking for a week before he asked you out.
The fact surprising you. Never in your life had you met someone and them be wanting to date you within the same month, let alone fortnight.
“Yeah- yeah, okay.”
Miles’ face crossed your mind in a fleeting thought, sending goosebumps along your skin and a buzz through your bloodstream.
You’d just gotten asked out by someone attractive, said yes, and weren’t told it was some joke. And yet, the mere thought of Miles brought a quake to your knees? Good god.
Cross your fingers this date gets him off your mind and his image peeled from the backs of your eyelids.
“Cool, see you Friday?” Arthur stood from his chair, walking backwards towards the door.
“Yeah, Eight good?”
Arthur had met you at ten, not eight. So you had spent the better of two hours thinking you got stood up by *someone you didn’t even know.
The moment he’d stepped in front of you, the nice outfit you were wearing felt overdressed and unfitting, he was wearing the same day-to-day clothes. It felt almost embarrassing.
“You clean up nice, babe.”
The name had you near gagging.
“Oh! Uh Thanks!” You grimaced as he winked.
The restaurant you’d arrived at was fairly busy, a quaint place with hung string lights and vines crawling along the ceiling. It led out into a cute garden, where it looked to be their own food growing.
At least he knows how to pick a place.
Fifteen minutes into the date, you had just gotten your food. And Arthur wouldn’t, for the life of him, talk.
It was so unnatural, so absolutely awkward you had just picked at your nails until your food arrived.
He had chatted with the waiter more than you.
“So uhm.. Arthur!”
He grunted an acknowledgment and glacéd you at you before returning to his food.
“What do you do study?”
“Cool, I’ve always liked stuff like that.”
You were going to shoot yourself if this man gives you anymore one word answers.
After a few more busted attempts, you had given up on trying. Just focusing on finishing your food faster so you could get the hell out of here.
A man you didn’t know came over to greet Arthur, said man responding enthusiastically. Peeking up and talking with “David” about who-knows-what.
“And who’s this lovely lady?”
“Oh hello, I’m—“
“—She’s my girlfriend David, so don’t try. Maybe after a while i’ll convince her to let me share ‘er with you.”
Girlfriend? Share?? What the fuck.
David laughed whilst he eyed you, his body leaning scarily close to you. You chuckled politely, what the hell.
“Well, let’s hope she agrees, huh?” David’s sly voice sent a shiver us disgust down your spine, seeping into your bones like marrow.
“She will.” Arthur assured him. You felt sick, violated. You need to leave, you need to get to Miles.
Another ten minutes passed before you’d both finally left the restaurant, the air getting stuffy with so many people around, and no one to see your fear.
Arthur had insisted walking you home. Which you vehemently refuse, you don’t want him knowing where you live.
Arthur had gone quiet after that, a look of almost anger on his face.
You had stayed quiet too, not wanting to poke the bear. And after a second, he was pulling you towards him and leading you to his car.
You panicked, struggling against his grip on your forearm. “Get in the fucking car, [Name].” He’d almost growled the words, “You fucking wanted this.”
“Let go of me!”
“You accepted in the first place, now you’re not going to give me what you owe?”
“I don’t owe you anything, let go!” You cried out, his grip was painful now and he was trying to shove your body into his car by force.
You were tearing up, your breath catching in panic, you were getting weaker and he was still shoving.
Suddenly, all the weight had been thrown off of you. Your wrist now free, and the presence of Arthur gone out of thin air.
“Your parents ever teach you not to lay a hand on a woman?”
You spun around to be greeted with sight of Spiderman wrapping Arthur in webs.
He docked him in the jaw as he tried to talk back. Arthur groaning heavily.
“Oh, guess not.”
“Fuck you, man. The girl wanted it.”
“Didn’t look that way to me, homeboy.”
Arthur glared up at him then turned to you, “You wanted it. Didn’t you?” It was phrased more as a threat than a statement.
A web shot out and covered Arthur’s mouth, his eyes widening in panic as he tried to scream through it.
“Slip of the finger.”
He picked Arthur up and threw him to a wall, shooting a web at him as he went to stick him to it. The impact on his head swiftly knocking him unconscious, probably concussed.
You stood in shock, not really able to process the sight in front of you when Spiderman turned back, suddenly a lot less collected and a lot more worried.
He moved quickly over to you, raising on hand to caress your injured arm and one to your cheeks, the eyes of his mask downturning in fear.
“Hey-. Hey, hey look at me.”
You did, the tears in your eyes finally falling as the situation truly dawned on you. Your lip trembled. “Oh, [Name], you’re okay, i’ve got you.”
“Spidey—“ You shivered a little in his hold. His arm snaking down from yours to holding you close to him. The other continued to rub circles into your tear-stained cheeks. “—Come here, Chiquita.”
You hadn’t even noticed the names, your name, falling from his lips. You had only registered the immediate feeling of comfort around him. Unlike the feeling of fear, primality, around Arthur. Spidey had felt more like safety, like someone you could call a lifelong friend.
He grabbed you by your waist, talking you through it the whole time.
“I’m gonna touch your waist now, that okay?” “Mhmm..” “Okay, wrap your legs around me when I pick you up, yeah?”
Humming your affirmation, you wrapped your legs around his waist while he carried the whole weight of you in one hand, spread out on the low of your back. The touch sending the first pleasant tingle of your whole night through the tips of his gloved fingers.
“Let me take you home, querida.”
Miles’s eyes squinted in the pitiful sight of you, this was his doing. If he had been there for you, this never would have happened. His paranoia for something bigger had outweighed his realistic worries. If he’s not in your life, who’s going to protect you?
The names of sweet kept tumbling out of him, making up for the weeks he’d been missing. God, even now, holding you to his chest while he swung you home. Your eyes closed and buried into his neck, ignoring the world around the both of you and finding safety in him. Even now, he’s felt better than he had in the last months.
His feet landed softly on your fire escape, the soft thud of the metal a welcomed thought. Or, maybe it was being home again, either one.
Spiderman’s right hand slid under your bedroom window, opening it slow enough as to not wake your parents.
“We’re home, [Name].”
He climbed through the indie with you in tow, leaving it open slightly as you began to undress. He turned around quickly while you put on a large shirt and sleep shorts. Trying graciously to avoid watching you through the reflection of the window.
Once you were finished, he turned around and went to grab the makeup wipes from your dresser. You giving him a quizzical look he ignored.
You sat down on the bed with your legs crossed and he followed, your knees brushing one another.
“Close your eyes.”
You did, letting him softly wipe away any makeup you had put on for the night. You sighed in content, and absurdity. What was the likely hood of your date going so horribly wrong, then being saved and comforted by Brooklyns best vigilante. Then having that very same vigilante sit in your bed and wipe the tear streaked makeup from your cheeks.
“There you go.”
You opened your eyes again, seeing his hooded face so close to yours it made your heart beat.
“Thank you.”
He leaned back, suddenly seeming nervous.
“Hey, I—,“ He stopped and breathed in deep, “,—I need to tell you something.” He sounded conflicted, scared.
Why would a crime-fighting spider be scared of you?
“Yeah, of course. Anything.”
He sucked in another breath, quicker this time. And reached up to the bottom of his mask so fast you almost missed it. He pulled it off quickly, panicky. Leaving you to stare at the soft, plush lips and Hazel eyes that could only ever replicate the fall of an autumn leaf. Or the cinnamon dusted on the baking you would do with your mother.
Miles Morales stared back at you.
“I’m spiderman!” He laughed nervously. Picking at the fabric of his hood.
He looked back up at you and sighed, a smile playing on his lips at your dumbfounded expression.
“What the hell.”
“Mi vida, listen.”
“What the actual hell.”
He dropped his mask and gathered your hands in his. Holding them against one another.
“You’re Spiderman.”
“I know, baby, I know.”
You looked up at his, he was closed again. Glancing at your lips every now and again. “Miles..” You pouted at him, almost crying his name. His chest aches for you. A thick guilt rendered his voice useless, a longing for you mixing into it.
“Is this why-“ You broke eye contact. “—Is this why you’ve been ignoring me?” You whispered it, like you didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
His fingers twitched against yours, squeezing your palm and rubbing his thumbpad over the juncture between your thumb and forefinger.
“Oh, cielo.” He let out a shaky breath. Saying the term in a quaking sigh.
He watched you watch him, your glassy eyes telling him all the hurt you’ve been through.
“Baby I didn’t mean—“ He shook his head, “I didn’t mean to ignore you. I was worried that some bad people would find out I—“ He stuttered, focusing on your intwined hands once again. “I cared for you, and they would use that, use you against me.”
“I never wanted you hurt, I just wanted you safe.”
You let another set of tears fall, the relief soothing the ache of stress in your shoulders, you were still mad at him, sure. And not only for ignoring you. But for keeping such a big secret to himself. But god, you were so happy he was back.
“It wasn’t because of you, cielo. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“You could never hurt me.”
“I’m dangerous, [Name].”
He looked back up to you in earnest, desperation and fear clouding his eyes foggy.
“You’re worth the risk.”
“God,” his breathing was heavy, deep. “,You’re making this real hard for me, baby.”
“Jesus christ.”
He surged forwards, using your joined hands as leverage as he pulled you closer into him.
He stopped just short of your lips, breath escaping you at the sight of him, looking as gorgeous as ever. Even with his hair in a mess and smelling like baby powder. “Please let me kiss you.” The man was near begging, desperation of a different kind now.
He closed the distance, letting your eyes fall shut at the feeling. You never had felt more perfectly at peace than you had right now.
His hands let go of yours, moving up your body and landing on your hips. He shifted his weight onto his knees, leaning over you as you lowered back. You broke apart, panting heavy and laboured, “I’m still mad at you.”
“I’ll make it up to you.” He peppered you with short kissed. You’re back hitting the bed and him crowding over you, trailing kisses from your lips, to cheeks, to just below your jawline. You giggled lightly, his kisses tickling.
“‘M gonna hold you to that.”
He grinned up at you, slotting himself neatly between your legs. His right hand propping himself up beside you head, and left finding any bit of you he could hold.
“I don’t doubt it.”
He kissed you again.
okay maybe i lied this is also kind of long
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poedays · 1 month
Babe: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Milo: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
Tank: Ya know... it might be.
—- —- —-
Babe, Darlin, and Milo headcanons for @themeridian ! (he did not ask for this, I simply took it upon myself to deliver)
- When the three hang out they all discuss Asher and his atrocious habits.
- The group did a gift swap activity and all three got each other in a way. Milo got Tank, Tank got Babe, and Babe got Milo.
- > Milo got Tank a ‘live, laugh, love’ mug and they said they absolutely hated it, but Sam has sent Milo pictures of them using it daily.
- > Tank got Babe a plastic medal with an engraved message of ‘#1 Best Babysitter’ (it was a direct jab at Asher - Babe, despite some dramatics from Asher, wore the medal for the rest of the day).
- > Babe was tempted to get Milo a joke present upon Asher’s incessant begging, however (after asking Sweetheart what Milo liked) got him The Quarry (a horror video game).
- When talking in a group setting, whenever Milo says a word that’s heavily changed in pronunciation due to his accent Tank whispers it in a mock accent. Babe is usually seated pretty close to them, and they have a notebook they take out and spell the word phonetically the way Milo said it.
- > Milo only notices when Tank’s made fun of him due to Babe’s notebook. Babe is very proud of their list.
- A lot of the time Tank calls Milo (for whatever reason), and Milo has a mini heart attack because he saved their contact name in his messages as ‘Emergency Contact’ (a joke from high school -> Tank would only begrudging call Milo whenever they needed help and didn’t want Asher or David to know about it (to be fair, Tank has Milo’s contact name as his exact height in centimetres, so they’re even)).
- Babe sends Milo pictures of their outfits and asks him what he could change. Milo knows they’re looking for complete honesty so he actually gives them advice and doesn’t just say they look great in whatever (Asher).
- Babe and Tank arm wrestle frequently and they are very intense matches, the pack group often place bets on who’s going to win.
- > Milo does not place bets, as he is not a gambling man (iykyk).
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enzstr · 3 months
Only You || K. Bakugo
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Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
synopsis: starz26708 and Dino.tnt609, two students who first met in an online chatroom. A friendship had flourished between them. With the strong need to meet each other, 6aku.tnt609 slowly gains curiosity regarding the other's identity, which sparked the desire to meet her within him. What could possibly go wrong?
💭: btw, this is inspired from the Chad Michael Murray and Hilary Duff movie A Cinderella's Story!!
words: 1.8k
Chapter 1: Morning and Night.
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Dino.tnt609: “I need to know who you are?”
Dino.tnt609: “I can’t take my mind off you.”
Dino.tnt609: “Please tell me who you are?”
starz26708: “Soon, I promise.”
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Reader’s POV:
It all started with a chatroom, where two people have the same interest, same mindset, basically the same person but opposite genders. That’s when our friendship started. I learnt to know everything about him but his name and how he looks, and honestly that never bothered me. I was really ecstatic to text with a person who I don’t really know, yet at the same time I knew everything about him. 
Both of us would text each other for hours without stopping, and everytime we did, I always had a smile plastered to my face. Those words he used were what caught my attention. The way he uses words was exceptionally poetic to me and I never want him to stop. Many times I have doubted that he’s real and could be just some dumb person fooling around, however my gut didn’t think so. 
starz26708: “We’ve been texting for hours and it’s getting so late!”
Dino.tnt609: “And we can still keep going, no?”
I laughed at his reply to my message and typed out my last reply before heading to bed.
starz26708: “Very funny. I need to head to sleep now.”
starz26708: “Goodnight, Dino.”
After I sent that text, my body went limp into my bed and slept soundly with the desire to meet this “Dino” guy.
On the following day, the morning sun bathed the world in a brilliant golden hue, its gentle touch bringing a sense of peace and clarity, accompanied by the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves, the only sounds in the peaceful summer morning.
As the engine’s soft whir filled the air, the sun’s rays streamed through the glass window. The radio played a familiar tune in the car, and me and my best friend, Cece, chatted excitedly about the new hit song that was gaining traction in newspaper articles, laughter breaking the silence as the car drove towards the school.
As I was about to park your car into the perfect spot in the near-empty parking lot, another vehicle suddenly cut into the space just before me, causing me to slam on the brakes in surprise. Frustration washed over me and I let out a frustrated sigh, realising I would have to find another spot now.
“Damn, why didn’t they see we were about to park there? I’m about to throw hands man, I swear to god!”
“They’re not bad! ‘M pretty sure they never saw us and it’s fine, I’ll find a new parking spot!” I tried to reassure my best friend who was sitting in the passenger seat with a scowl on her face. 
At that moment, my eyes narrowed in annoyance as the man I strongly disliked emerged from his vehicle, Bakugo Katsuki. I couldn't help but scoff at his audacity as he slammed the car door shut. His presence instantly annoyed me, and my gaze lingered on him with a mixture of annoyance and disdain as he casually strolled towards the building with his friends. Why do I dislike him? My dislike for him began to build from the moment I met him. His cocky attitude and arrogant demeanour immediately rubbed me the wrong way, and his tendency to constantly boast about himself only got me even more frustrated. He often looked down on others and had a habit of interrupting conversations, which only added to my growing dislike of him.
Our gazes met, but instead of the usual welcoming eye contact, a wave of tension filled the air. The way our eyes locked in a stern and serious manner reflected the dislike and annoyance we felt towards each other. His friend group that included Denki, Mina, Kirishima and Sero looked towards my face then at his, as if we’re having a staring competition. 
His friends pulled him away and bowed in an apologetic manner as Cece did the same. Soon after they were gone, I regained my consciousness and drove to an empty parking lot without anyone disturbing me, until Cece had a confused look all over her face. We both hurriedly ran into the school to prevent being late, and gladly we weren’t. The school hallways were filled with shouts and loud chattering of students, and students rushing in all places to reach their classes on time. The hallways were packed with people, the cramped space making it harder to find your classes. The air was filled with the sound of voices and footsteps, as students chattered excitedly or hurried along to their classrooms. Unfortunately that was where we both had to separate and head to our own classes. Of course you find Bakugo in the same class as you are in this year, again. Every year bad luck would always be with you when it comes to matters like this, but you tried not to show any reaction and handled it professionally.
Bakugo’s POV:
My attention wavered between the teacher's lecture and the thoughts swirling in my mind. I couldn't help but think about the girl I’ve always been texting, someone I had only known through a computer screen, and I don’t even know who her identity is. Our conversations replayed in my head, and I longed to know more about her in person. My gaze occasionally darted to my phone, checking for any new messages, but the lack of communication only seemed to strengthen my growing feelings for her.
Hell, it is strange that I feel like this towards someone whom I’ve never met face to face, but with her, it’s like I can be myself. Not that grumpy and serious demeanour, but my authentic self. Despite our connection being online, I found a sense of comfort with her. I found myself opening up to her, sharing my true thoughts and feelings without the fear of judgement or rejection. Something about connecting with her through the computer screen allowed me to be my authentic self, and I valued the genuine connection we had built despite the distance between us.
The sudden loud ring of the school bell startled me, causing my head to jolt up as the realization that school had ended hit me. The classroom erupted with the sounds of shuffling desks and bags being packed, signalling freedom that came with the end of the school day.
With a subtle sense of anticipation, I instinctively grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked for any new messages or notifications. My fingers swiped across the screen as I opened my messaging app, eager to see if she had reached out to me in the time I had been in class.
Dino.tnt609: “Where have you been? We haven’t talked in ages.”
Barely five minutes had passed when my phone vibrated, signalling a new message notification. I quickly checked the screen and saw that she had responded, a wave of anticipation and excitement washing over me as I read her reply.
starz26708: Gee you missed me that much?
starz26708: I just finished school. 
Dino.tnt609: I  can’t stop thinking about you.
Dino.tnt609: What’s on your mind right now?
starz26708: You first.
Dino.tnt609: Well I’m thinking that Mr. Aizawa would 100% be a caterpillar.
I couldn't help but turn my head and look around, noticing the sea of students in the hallway, all engrossed in their own little worlds as they tapped away at their phones, engaging in conversations or scrolling through social media. The sound of keyboards clicking and the occasional laugh or gasp filled the air, she could be anywhere.
starz26708: LOL
starz26708: I can actually see that!
Dino.tnt609: Oh, I want to hear your laugh.
Dino.tnt609: When can we finally meet?
starz26708: Soon!
I was walking down the hallway, reading through the last text she sent to me on my phone and completely engrossed in my screen, when I suddenly felt a hard bump. Looking up, I found myself face to face with her, the girl I had a strained relationship with, y/n. Our eyes met, and almost instinctively, my expression twisted into a scowl, mirroring the mutual dislike we held for each other. I couldn't help but feel frustrated that we kept running into each other in this annoying and seemingly endless way.
“Watch where you’re going.” I could hear the groan in her tone after she replied, seemingly rolling her eyes at me too.
“Your fault for not looking.”
After our brief and tense exchange, I felt a sense of irritation and frustration wash over me, and I know she did too. We both groaned in annoyance and hurried past each other, eager to put some distance between us and forget about the unpleasant interaction we just had.
Third person’s POV:
Y/n was in a busy computer room, surrounded by a sea of students working on their respective screens. Despite the crowded space, she began typing messages to her online friend, Kat.tnt609,  trying to maintain a casual air while sitting amongst the other students. 
starz26708: Ever feel like you don’t belong?
Dino.tnt609: Absolutely.
Dino.tnt609: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone.
Dino.tnt609: Then I think of you.
Her face immediately lit up as she read the text, a slow and genuine smile spreading across her features, transforming her expression from one of neutrality to one of pleasant surprise and happiness.
starz26708: Hey Dino, do you think we’ve ever met?
Dino.tnt609: I don’t know.
Dino.tnt609: Our school has over 660 students.
She was busy typing a message to him on the school computer, completely unaware that the person on the other side of the screen was someone sitting in the very same room with her. Little did she know, the person she was communicating with was actually the opposite of what she had envisioned, right there under her nose, engaging in a secret yet intriguing exchange of words.
What started as an innocent text conversation between the two rapidly turned into a marathon chat session, with each message leading to another, until the clock hit 2 and they finally realized just how much time had passed in their conversation.
starz26708: It’s 2:00 a.m.
starz26708: We’ve been at this for 4 hours
Dino.tnt609: Hm, then I think we just broke our record.
starz26708: We should head to sleep. 
starz26708: Sweet dreams.
Dino.tnt609: Wait.
Dino.tnt609: My heart swells with admiration I can hardly keep. 
Dino.tnt609: For in your peaceful, soft expression,
Dino.tnt609: I see the best of what life has to offer, and no contradiction.
Dino.tnt609: For when you sleep, you are at your most beautiful,
Dino.tnt609: Like a precious gem, shining in the soft light of the night.
starz26708: New verse? Impressive.
starz26708: I like it.
Dino.tnt609: Please meet me at the school’s party.
Dino.tnt609: I’ll be waiting for you at 11:00 in the middle of the dance floor.
Dino.tnt609: Sweet dreams.
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masterlist next >
enzstr © 2024. please don't steal, modify or copy my writing on any other platforms!
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Ch 10
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I don’t know if I’ll have time to post tomorrow so I’m posting an extra chapter tonight. Sorry in advance for this one…
Content Warnings - Death, violence, mayhem, people get captured
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After you calmed down, Finnick carried you down to the beach to spend the afternoon with the rest of the group. They all kept their distance but you were too exhausted to try anything. You ended up sleeping for the first real time in the arena.
You were asleep for so long, you woke up to find a fresh bandage on your arm and some bread from District 3 being split amongst the group. Finnick brought you some bread and water as he sat down to watch the sunset with you.
You can’t talk anymore, not even to him. It’s like your voice has run dry and nothing will come out. You don’t even know what you would say though. He seems content enough to just sit in silence with you.
Nighttime falls and the group makes the trip up to the tree again. Finnick lets you walk in front of him but he has to help you at some of the steep parts. You fight the urge to claw at him every time he touches you, despite the fact you are telling yourself that he is safe. He wouldn’t hurt you.
At the tree, Finnick helps Beetee with the wire. You sit down close by, waiting for something bad to happen. The game makers haven’t had a death in awhile.
You emerge from your thoughts as Beetee hands the spool of wire to Katniss and Johanna, instructing them to take it down to the water.
“I’m going to go with them as guard,” Peeta states.
“No,” Beetee states. “You’re too slow.”
They continue to argue a bit before Peeta relents and let’s Katniss go with Johanna. Splitting them up must be part of the plan.
They don’t question why Beetee doesn’t split you up from Finnick. He’s the only one who can control you. None of them want to go anywhere with you if he isn’t tagging along.
Finnick and Beetee are whispering to each other, putting you and Peeta on edge. What are they planning? They seem to come to a consensus when the wire goes slack. Someone must have cut it.
“Stay with her,” Finnick tells Peeta. “I’ll go find them.”
Peeta goes to protest but Finnick has already bolted off into the jungle.
“Do you think they’re ok?” he asks you.
You shake your head no.
Moments later you hear a zap and see Beetee sprawled out in the grass. He must have made contact with the force field. There’s a cut on his arm that you didn’t notice before. When did that happen?
Seeing Beetee, Peeta quickly takes off towards where the girls went, scared that you’ll be set off at any moment. A cannon goes off and all you can hope is that it wasn’t Finnick.
You can hear people yelling and screaming. People must be fighting. You’re too exposed here.
You make your decision, you have to hide before you go rogue. Bolting into the trees, you look for one that would be easy to climb. You find one a few minutes later but quickly realize that you can’t climb it with one arm. Instead, you huddle down at the base of it, hoping people will go towards the fighting and not you.
It’s minutes later when you hear the loudest boom you think you’ve ever heard in your life. Finnick is screaming for you but it must be a trap. Why would he want you to go close to the explosion?
Pieces of the arena fall from the sky and you realize this must be the plan Finnick was talking about. He must be calling you to the pickup point.
At this revelation, you start running towards him, colliding with someone in the process.
“Where’s Katniss?” an out of breath Peeta asks you. You point towards the explosion, guessing that’s where she is headed.
Peeta makes it two yards before a dart flies into his neck and sends him to the ground. You want to scream but are cut off by a sharp pain in your neck, followed by darkness.
You wake up to a white room, the cuffs digging into the bandaged cut on your wrist. The smell of this place is recognizable. You must be in a capital hospital.
The door to your room clicks open and Snow approaches with his guards.
“Miss Y/L/N,” he states. “I’m disappointed to see that not much has changed since the last time I saw you.”
You glare at him, which only makes him smile.
“Tell me what you know about the plan,” he commands. You shake your head. You really don’t know much.
Snow furrows his brows and a sudden pain flashes through you.
“Miss Y/L/N,” he states. “You know how much I value honestly. Tell me what you know about the plan.” You shake your head again and feel another pulse of pain, darkness creeping in at the corners of your vision.
“I see you’ve decided to be difficult again,” Snow chuckles. “Very well. Plan B it is.”
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 years
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sometimes all i can think about is how max went looking for nancy after she looked for lucas and how nancy is literally like max's emergency contact bc i KNOW max holds nancy at a high regard because nancy is so fucking cool and how the hell is she related to mike because when they needed help in s3 nancy was already looking into it all and nobody wanted to believe her. bc people are always thinking that nancy is just obsessive and paranoid at first when she's literally FUCKING RIGHT all the time. and how in st4 when max thought that it might all be happening again her first thought after finding lucas - her on and off boyfriend - was to find nancy bc she knew that nancy would believe her and nancy would help bc nancy always knows what to do and if she doesn't she'll figure it out. like nancy wheeler really is max's role model i'm sorry she just IS like. the way max looks at her when nancy is sawing off that gun she really is like god nancy wheeler is so fucking cool i dont know how she's related to mike. bc u know that max always thinks like what would nancy do in this situation and she holds nancy's opinions to high regards - like her asking nancy to settle her argument with mike over el in s3 and nancy immediately siding with max. and it's not one sided bc nancy does care about max and she knows about the grief max is going through bc she has lived it and keeps living it and they're both so haunted by people who were close to them - even though the relationships nancy had with barb and fred were different from the one max had with billy - and so they just. get each other. and all nancy wants to do is protect max because she knows what grief can do to someone and she doesn't want that to happen to max. and i think that is just so neat.... and also they both pet stray dogs and bully mike and talk about their cute autistic lesbian gfs together bc i said so:) and mike is so annoyed bc he's like u piss me off with ur lil obsession w my sister and robin is like shut up michael u don't get it. el is like yeah mike. and max is like u will never break apart nancy wheeler stannies club founded by max mayfield sorry mike xoxo
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dmercer91 · 1 year
since mr.john marino went to harvard
all i can think of is him being with another harvard graduate, who put her degree into some complications field
and he brings her around the rink to meet the guys and they’re like
“hot and smart😮”
developing this into mr john marino claiming that he’s bringing a friend around because she doesn’t want people to pry into her life and she is very very private and so cue every non taken devil frothing at the mouth
and suddenly your close friend johnny is grabbing your ass kissing you right where everyone is watching
and never in your entire life had you been at a loss for words but now you’re just like.. oh my
sounds complicated, jm6
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john had never needed to worry about other guys- he knew that. you’d never indulge and you were usually too much of a homebody to be subjected to flirting regardless
so he didn’t really see a problem with you asking to be introduced to the team as his close friend. you didn’t like for people to know about personal things immediately upon meeting.
you didn’t like the opportunity it gave for meddling, and not to say you didn’t trust johnnys friends- but hockey boys were never really the greatest at minding themselves or avoiding conflict
you’d worn sweatpants and a tank top- putting little to no effort into your looks knowing that you and john were meant to be getting bunch after practice
your hair wasn’t straightened, you were wearing your glasses rather than your contacts, and in your personal opinion, you looked a mess
you usually looked pretty professional- being a law student and nearing the beginning of your career meaning you needed to look proper. your current look was not that.
you walked into the arena with a glum look, trailing behind john who was occasionally stopped to greet some staff.
you made it to the dressing room where most of the guys had just been taping new sticks, some missing and some sharpening their skates in a different room you could see from where you were standing.
“s’ this your friend you were talking about, johnny?” a boy with fluffy hair came over from behind, smiling down at you and showing off his missing tooth
“yeah. ba- y/n, this is dawson. he’s.. usually normal,” you gave your boyfriend a look at his close call, turning to dawson and waving, a small smile on your lips
he returned the favour and then furrowed his eyebrows at whatever was behind you, so both you and john turned
“by usually he means never. dawson is never normal,” three guys emerged from the dressing room, the shortest of them the one who’d spoken out
john nodded sideways as a confirmation of his statement, then looked down at you.
“this is jack, his little brother luke, and that’s nico,” he pointed at each player as he stated their names, and nico smiled softly, eyeing you once
jack took the liberty of openly eye fucking you- and luke was clearly trying to be subtle, or at least more subtle than his captain and his brother, but his cheeks were flushed and he only put his hand up shyly as a greeting
“johnny said you were in law?” nico asked, his accent taking you by surprise a little
“yeah, we actually met at harvard. took an elective together and he was unsalvageable in the subject, so he asked me for help,” you shrugged
it wasn’t technically a lie- you’d only let out the minor detail that he’d initially went up to you to ask you out and you told him you’d only agree if he got a b or higher on the next paper
and then the part where he asked for help writing the paper and got to see you strip another piece of clothing after each body paragraph he’d written
“is law really difficult?” dawson asked, sounding genuinely intrigued with his head tilted in curiosity and his eyes happy
he clearly hadn’t noticed that the rest of the group was not actually intending to talk about law- but you were glad for it.
before you could answer, jack beat you to it.
“it sounds complicated. maybe you could use a little distraction, sometime?” he smirked and you raised an eyebrow. he was a lot bolder than you’d been anticipating.
you looked at johnny who’s tongue was poking his cheek, his eyes laser focused on the ground. you assumed he was trying not to implode, and you were kinda stuck on what to do
“your friends are bold, johnny,” you stated, turning to look at dawson who’s eyes were a little wide
“you’re telling me,” john grumbled, nodding towards the stands “take a seat, if you want. gotta start getting dressed,” you nodded and wandered off, waving to the five of them and trying to make your exit as quickly is possible.
after the practice was over, you’d made your way back over to the dressing room and waited for johnny to walk out.
nico had made his way out first, eyeing you before making his way over.
“you’re dating, aren’t you?” you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to feign innocence
“what do you mean? johnny?” nico grinned, the speed at which you were talking calling you out on your lie
“sorry about jack, he’s.. well, he’s definitely jack,” you giggled, nodding in agreement and looking over at the door as john came out
his eyes went back and forth between you and his captain, and he eventually came towards you and stood as close as humanly possible
“hi, baby,” you murmured, keeping quiet so only nico would hear and leaning your head onto johns shoulder
he gave you and alarmed look and you shook your head. “your captain is very perceptive,” you stated, and john smiled a little.
“cant say the same for his alt,” he mumbled under his breath and you glared at him playfully. he couldn’t really hold it against jack when nobody had known you were his
jack came off strong, but he had no ill intentions.
and, speak of the devil- he’d come out and beelined right for the little trio you’d been standing in.
before he could get over- john looked down at you.
“y/n. do you love me?” you furrowed your eyebrows, nodding
“yeah? wha-“ you were cut off by his lips on yours, one hand grabbing your waist and the other gripping your ass, your body pressed close to his
you let him- his kisses getting deeper and deeper until he tried to poke his tongue into your mouth and you pulled away, his hands staying put
“mh. jesus, johnny,” you blushed, wiping your lips that were red and starting to get swollen
you didn’t really know what else to say- flustered and a little too affected by his possessiveness for your liking
“uh. sorry, man. and sorry, y/n, for-” jack gestured vaguely, chuckling breathily, eyes a little wide at the display he’d just witnessed
“it’s fine. you didn’t know,” you reassured.
“what she said. don’t let it happen again,” johnny warned, grip falling from your ass but sprawling across your lower back, keeping you close to him
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seasidefae · 1 month
thought about detectives carlos and oscar who get on each other's nerve but they’re always assigned to the same cases because they’re good.
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they bounce ideas off each other and solve cases faster together. some say it’s because they're so magnetic and they're both intelligent, that they work so well because they're minds are one and the same. but, really, it's because they both want to be done with it as quick as possible, spend as leas time with each other as they could.
they'll say they don't hate each other if they're asked. carlos says he doesn't care enough about oscar to hate him. oscar will only roll his eyes and say nothing. it's not unusual; oscar never talks about carlos, refuses to talk to carlos unless they're working on a case together. meanwhile carlos spends his watercooler time talking bad about oscar’s work clothes—
(“that’s the third time he wore that shirt this week”)
they sit separately when the precinct get drinks after work. they barely interact unless lando forces them to.
their relationship is nothing if not professional, even though they seem like they prefer nothing over anything.
so why does oscar order two coffees and leaves the other one at carlos’ desk, the one right in front of his, every morning? why does oscar get free pancakes when they have lunch at carlos’ mom’s diner? why is carlos oscar’s emergency contact and vice versa?
is it because they’re secretly married? half of the precinct think they are; they even have a bet going on.
but the idea of carlos and oscar as a couple, let alone married, is prepostorous, right?!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
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Synopsis: Saturday rolls around, and Karasu finally takes you on that date he promised you. Continuation of Five Ways to Kill a Crow! (part three here!)
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Karasu x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.9k
Content Warnings: reader and karasu are sickeningly down bad for one another but that does NOT stop them from bullying each other when necessary, karasu is never beating the simp allegations though, lowkey hiori slander (in line with the light novel), reader has a protective father, karasu is a good bf tbh, crow boy is thrown into the water (affectionately)
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A/N: KARASU ANON THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!! i will post the rest of your requests once i write them hehe i love this man so trust i will be getting all of them done asap.
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own. now closed!
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Staring at the pile of rejected clothes by the foot of your bed, you groaned, burying your face in your hands. It was Saturday, and Karasu was supposed to be at your house in an hour, but for the life of you, you could not figure out what you wanted to wear on your date. It didn’t help that he was being so secretive about where you were going; when you had texted him asking about the dress code, he told you that anything was acceptable and then refused to elaborate. Apparently, according to him, you looked fine in whatever you wore and you were stressing out for no reason.
“Stupid Karasu,” you muttered, picking up your phone and deciding it was time for your absolute last resort. You hadn’t wanted to go to her, because if you asked for her advice, you’d also have to listen to the speech that would inevitably accompany it, but at this point, you were out of options. Before you could chicken out, you clicked on your best friend’s contact, video calling her and waiting for her to pick up.
She did so almost immediately, though she was very clearly in the middle of a workout, judging by her red face and the sweat dripping down her forehead. Recently, she was going through a phase where she spent at least half an hour on the treadmill everyday, and it seemed you had caught her at a bad time. Regardless, she grinned at you.
“Hey, Y/N!” she huffed out. “I was just about to text you, actually, so this is good timing.”
“Not now,” you said. “I’m having a code-red emergency.”
“What’s up?” she said. “Will going bowling with us and a couple of the guys later tonight help with it? That’s what I was going to invite you to. Don’t worry, Karasu already said he can’t go, so things won’t be awkward or anything.”
“Unfortunately, I’m busy tonight,” you said. “I’m going on a date — that’s why I called you, actually. I need outfit advice. I’ve never been on a date before, so I have no idea what to wear!”
“A date?” she shrieked before looking around, obviously embarrassed that she had reacted in such a way at her public gym. “I mean, a date? With who? Is it that guy I was telling you about, the one who thought he might have a chance with you now that you and Karasu had ‘broken up’ or whatever?”
“No,” you said. “Please, I have standards. You may think they’re absurdly low, but they do exist.”
“Then who?” she said. 
“So, funny story,” you said, wincing and bracing yourself for the incoming lecture. “It’s actually with Karasu.”
There was a silence, but you knew that it was deceiving. It didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to react; rather, she was gathering her thoughts, processing the information she had received, and preparing her reaction.
“Karasu?” she said. “Like Tabito Karasu? Soccer player Tabito Karasu? Your ‘mortal enemy’ who you’re ‘so glad is finally leaving you alone’ Tabito Karasu? The one who you refused to talk to because you found him immature? You’re going on a date with him? And it’s tonight?” 
“Spot on,” you said. “That’s why I need your help picking my outfit—”
“No, no, hold on just a second. How long has this been going on?” she said.
“Look, I don’t have time for this. He’s going to be here in an hour, and I’m just standing around in a bathrobe!” you said.
“Okay, show me the options while you talk,” she said. Figuring you weren’t going to get out of it, you flipped the camera so she could see the few choices you had settled on as you began to speak.
“One of his soccer teammates came to me on Wednesday and helped me realize what I had done wrong. Then he invited me to their game that evening, so I went to watch them. Once the game was over, I found Karasu and apologized to him, after which he asked me to go to dinner with him on Saturday — meaning, today,” you said.
“You’ve had plans with Karasu since Wednesday and you didn’t tell me? Also, option two is my favorite. It’ll highlight your figure the best, I think, but it doesn’t look like it’ll be super uncomfortable, and it doesn’t give the impression that you’re trying too hard. Perfect for a first date! Although, considering he’s only really seen you in the school uniform, I’m pretty sure anything you could wear would impress him,” she said.
“You make it sound like I lied to you about it! I just wasn’t sure if I should tell you or not. I mean, it’s not like we’re officially going out or anything. It’s just one date, and it could go horribly wrong. Most likely it will, considering how things between us tend to go,” you said. “Also, thanks! That one was my favorite, too, but I needed the second opinion, and I wasn’t about to go ask my parents for help.”
“Sure, anytime. So what, were you planning on only mentioning it after the fact?” she said.
“Pretty much,” you said.
“You’re so annoying. I need live updates as they happen, not days later!” she said.
“Okay, okay, I promise I’ll keep you posted from now on,” you said, setting your phone down so you could get changed. “Happy?”
“Super happy. I can’t believe you’re going on a date with Karasu, though. No, actually, I can, because I’ve been shipping you guys together from the start, but it’s unreal that you’re finally giving in and doing it! It’s like a dream come true,” she said.
“You’re seriously strange,” you said. “Like I said, don’t expect much. The most I’m hoping for is a free meal.”
That was a lie. You really, really wanted it to go well. You just thought that, if you squealed and gushed about it with your best friend, you would, in a way, jinx it. And you couldn’t afford that, not when you had only just gotten him back, so you did your best to maintain a nonchalant exterior, even though internally, you were freaking out.
“Uh-huh, sure. If you guys get married, I better be the maid of honor! I have such a good speech planned. You’re not ready,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m fucking not! We haven’t even gone on one date yet, why are you already planning our wedding?” you said.
“I’m a bit of a romantic,” she said with a dreamy sigh. “Hey, if things work out between you two, do you think that you can set me up with one of his soccer friends? Besides Karasu, there’s no one attractive at our school, and of course he’s always been yours, so I’ve never even looked twice at him, but I’ll really be jealous if you have a boyfriend and I’m all single and lonely!”
“Sure,” you said. “I’ll talk to him about it, though, you know, even if it doesn’t work out, you could probably ask him yourself. Aren’t you guys kind of friends?”
“Not close enough for me to ask him to set me up with anyone, and definitely not close enough for me to keep talking to him if he wrongs you in any way!” she said.
“What if I wrong him?” you said, only half-joking. You were more terrified of that, of wronging Karasu, than anything. After all, the last falling out had been your fault, and although he had assured you that he didn’t hold it against you, you still worried that you might one day say something that drove him away from you forever.
“Nah, that’s impossible. You’re always right, Y/N!” she said. “Don’t worry so much. Go have fun! Like you said, you’ll get a meal out of it either way. Whatever else happens, happens. How about this — tomorrow, let’s get brunch together. That way, if things go badly, you still have something to look forward to, and if they go well, you have someone you can ramble to.”
“That sounds good,” you said.
“Yay! Okay, see you then! Don’t text me too many details unless it’s an emergency; I want to be surprised tomorrow by the full story,” she said.
“Thanks for the help,” you said, blowing her a kiss through the screen. “Enjoy the rest of your workout!”
“Will do!” she said, hanging up and leaving you with just enough time to finish getting ready before Karasu was supposed to arrive.
When you got downstairs, the first thing your mother did was clap. This gained the attention of your father, who nodded at you in a crisp, paternal way which meant he approved but was too emotional to say it. 
“You look beautiful, honey!” your mother said, pretending to wipe away a tear. “I can’t believe my baby is going on her first date.”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” you said, rubbing your arm. “Do you really think I look nice?”
“Yes,” your father said, pausing the soccer match he was watching. “What’s that young man’s name, again? Kimitsu? I expect him to come inside and greet us before taking you out, like a proper gentleman would.”
“It’s Karasu,” you said. “And no, why would he waste his time doing that?”
“Nowadays, the youth just text one another once they’ve arrived,” your mother said sagely. “I watched a video about it on social media.”
“That’s appalling,” your father said with a sneer. 
“He’s not an appalling guy, father, it’s just more convenient that way,” you said. 
“If he can’t even push aside his own convenience to do something so simple, then how can he be a proper boyfriend?” your father said. “You deserve someone who goes above and beyond.”
“That’s true,” your mother said. “But social conventions and whatnot have changed. You can’t expect him to do something he doesn’t even know that he should do.”
“He should’ve been born with the knowledge,” your father griped. You rolled your eyes.
“Father, please just give him a chance,” you said. “Anyways, it’s only one date. There’ll be plenty of time for whatever you’re talking about later, if it even progresses to that point.”
Your father opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a firm knock. Your parents exchanged looks before glancing at you in surprise; you shrugged, equally as taken aback as they were. All three of you crept towards the foyer, your mother shoving you forward and then drawing back to stand beside your father, giving you an encouraging thumbs up as you brushed yourself off and then opened the door. 
Karasu was waiting there, a bouquet of pale pink and white tulips in his right hand. When he noticed you standing before him in shock, he blushed slightly, shoving them into your arms and thumping his fist lightly atop your head in reprimand.
“I brought these for you, idiot,” he said. “I hope you like them. I had my sister help me pick them out so that they were perfect.”
The thought of him going to buy flowers with his older sister was oddly endearing. Maybe it was the fact that he had gone to such lengths for such a simple gesture, or maybe it was the way he was standing so stiffly, like he wasn’t sure whether you’d be pleased or not, but something about the gift made you relax upon its receival. He was nervous, too; it wasn’t just you who was scared about messing up. You and Karasu, you were in this together, and you thought that it was a little bit easier to stomach if it was like that.
“They’re really pretty,” you said. “I love them. Would you like to come inside while I put these in a vase? If you want, you can meet my parents. They’re kind of intense, though, so apologies if they say something strange.”
“I don’t mind,” he said, stepping in behind you. Your parents immediately pretended like they hadn’t been eavesdropping, your mother busying herself with rubbing at an imaginary smudge on the mirror propped up against the far wall, your father straightening one of the paintings hanging by the door. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Tabito Karasu.”
“Kimitsu, eh?” your father said, puffing out his chest threateningly. Unfortunately, given Karasu’s height and impressive musculature, it was incredibly hard for almost anyone to seem threatening compared to him; thankfully, Karasu did not point this out, only smiling politely and offering your father his hand to shake.
“No, sir, it’s Karasu. Like the bird,” he said. Your father shook his hand warily, and before you could die from the secondhand embarrassment, you escaped to the kitchen, pulling out a vase from one of the cabinets and filling it with water so that you could put the flowers in it.
“Looks like you’ve got yourself quite a catch there,” your mother said, joining you in the kitchen. “He’s handling himself quite admirably in front of your father. And he even brought you flowers!”
“He did, didn’t he?” you said, admiring the splayed out bouquet. “They really are nice.”
“He did a good job picking them out,” your mother agreed.
“Him and his sister,” you corrected her. She tilted her head.
“It’s nice to see that he values her opinion. That tells me that he’ll probably value yours, too, if things between you two ever get serious,” she said.
“They’ll never get serious if father chases him off right here and now, though,” you said, taking one last look at the flowers and smiling to yourself. “I should probably go rescue him.”
“Agreed,” your mother said. 
You were expecting the worst when you returned to the foyer, but to your surprise, it was a heartwarming scene you walked in on. Karasu was leaning against the door, telling your father some story with great animation, and by the looks of it, your father was completely invested in the tale, his initially hostile posture replaced with his typical laid-back slouch. As soon as he noticed your re-entrance, Karasu paused, prompting your father to look over at you.
“Y/N!” your father said. “Karasu here was just telling me about how he started playing soccer. You didn’t tell me he was the captain of Bambi Osaka!”
“I didn’t think that it was relevant,” you said. In hindsight, maybe you should’ve mentioned it; your father loved watching soccer, and there was no doubt in your mind that he would’ve been much more receptive to Karasu if he had known that the boy was so talented at his preferred sport.
“We’ll have to continue this conversation at another time, sir,” Karasu said. “And please, if you ever want to come to one of our games, let me know. I’ll make sure you get good seats. Captain’s privileges and all.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” your father said, though he was obviously delighted by the offer.
“I insist. Anything for Y/N’s family,” he said. You made a face at him behind your father’s back; when your father turned to look at you, you schooled your expression into a sweet smile, discreetly flipping Karasu off when he responded in kind and stuck his tongue out at you.
“Have a great time, alright?” your father said. “Don’t get back too late.”
“Text us if you need anything!” your mother said.
“Will do,” you said. “Come on, Karasu, let’s go, or else you’ll be stuck talking to my father about soccer for hours.”
You dragged him over to his car as he waved at your parents, who waved back. Only when the front door of your house was shut did you allow yourself to flick him on the forehead, causing him to whine and clutch the affected area dramatically.
“What was that for?” he said, opening the door to the passenger side and motioning for you to get in.
“You’re such a suck-up,” you said. “I can’t believe you talked to my father about your soccer journey for that long.”
“I want them to like me!” he protested. “Anyways, your dad’s a pretty cool guy. I can’t lie, I was kind of intimidated at first, but I think he warmed up to me in the end.”
“He definitely did, and you’re some kind of magician for that,” you said, still in disbelief that he had managed to charm both of your parents so thoroughly and in such a short time. “Also, flowers, really?”
“You said you liked them,” he said. “Did you not?”
“Of course I liked them!” you said. 
“Then why are you complaining?” he said.
“I’m not complaining. I’m just taken aback, that’s all. Sure, I’ve never been on a date or anything before, but from what I’ve heard from my friends who have, the first ones tend to not be quite so…nice? Nice, yeah, I think that’s the word,” you said.
“To be fair, their first dates were probably also their first times actually meeting their partners,” he said. “On the other hand, we’ve known each other for years, so it’s a little different. More importantly, what do you mean when you say you’ve never been on a date?”
“I guess this is why you’re not number one in Modern Literature,” you said with an over-exaggerated sigh. “You see, when I say I’ve never been on a date, what I mean by that is I have not, in fact, gone on a date with anyone before. Should I explain it in simpler language so that it’s more on your level? Me no date. Me single forever.”
“That’s embarrassing,” he said.
“Okay, Mr. Playboy,” you said. “What, do you go on dates every weekend or something? Next you’ll tell me you buy all of them flowers, too. And here I was, feeling special.”
“Nope, I’ve never been on a date either, but it’s different,” he said.
“Why?” you said.
“Because I’ve just never asked someone,” he said. “I’ve liked the same girl since middle school, so I didn’t see the point in going on dates with anyone else. For you, though, it’s just because no one ever asked you.”
“How do you know I didn’t just reject everyone that asked?” you said.
“Did you?” he said.
“No,” you admitted. “No one asked.”
He snorted. “Like I said. Embarrassing.”
“Hey! It’s your fault, so quit it with the smug act,” you said.
“How is it my fault?” he said. “Oh, wait, is it because of the rumors that we’ve been dating for years now?”
“Yup,” you said. “People were way too scared of you to approach me.”
“Good,” he said with a smirk. “That means I did my job well.”
“Hold on,” you said, his earlier comment finally registering in your mind. “Since middle school? Who the hell have you liked for that long, and why didn’t you just ask her out sooner? It’s a little sad that you didn’t.”
“You’d think, given your grades, that you’d be bright in real life, too, but I can see that that’s not the case,” he said. “Obviously, I’m talking about you. Why else would we be going on a date right now?”
“Oh, right,” you said. “Holy shit. You’ve liked me for that long?”
He turned redder and redder with each passing second, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he slunk down in his seat. You watched him in amusement, finding the shyness — which contrasted so harshly with his typically loud personality — to be sweet, in the same way a baby animal learning to walk was.
“Shut up,” he said.
“You should’ve said something,” you said. 
“Considering how set you were on hating me, I don’t think that it would’ve done much if I had. Ironically, as hurtful as it was for you to fall all head over heels for that Yukimiya guy, it was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me, because it somehow made you realize that you don’t absolutely despise me. I’ll have to thank him if we ever meet,” he said.
“You do that,” you said, reaching over to pat him on the shoulder. “Although, if you’re in the business of thanking people, you should reach out to Hiori first. He did you a favor, even if he had an admittedly unorthodox method of going about it.”
“He’s kind of an interesting little guy, don’t you think?” Karasu said. “Like, I want to study him and figure out how his mind works.”
“Aw, don’t be mean,” you said. “He was really sweet.”
“I’m not saying it in a bad way! Besides the fact that he pretty much hates soccer, which is ironic given that he plays for one of the best youth clubs in the country, he’s relatively harmless. It’s just that the way he goes about things is so peculiar, and I feel like I need to know what the thought process behind his decision-making is,” he said.
“That’s fair,” you said. “He told me he’s been observing you.”
“He tried to follow me home one day,” he said. “It was freaky. I thought I was going to get robbed.”
“No way! I thought he was going to rob me, too!” you said.
“Guess that’s an alternative career path for him, if being an athlete doesn’t work out,” Karasu mused.
“You’re horrible,” you said. “Maybe he has a rough home life and doesn’t know any better. You should be kind.”
“What? I am kind! I’m super kind! Why do you think he’s so interested in me? It’s because of the kindness that radiates off of me in waves!” he said. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye in disbelief.
“That’s not kindness radiating off of you, that’s the scent of your hair gel,” you said. “Speaking of which, Karasu, I bet you’d look so handsome without it. Please stop. For me.”
“Just because you said that, I’m going to put on even more the next time I see you,” he said haughtily. “And for your information, it is hair wax. Not gel.”
“Right, because the difference between the two is astounding,” you said. “My deepest and sincerest apologies. I’ll do better next time.”
“Good,” he said.
“So,” you said after a moment. “Where are we going, exactly? You refused to tell me, so I had to make an educated guess with my outfit. I hope it’s okay.”
Luckily, the light turned red, so he could stop and look you over with a critical eye. He must’ve been satisfied by whatever he saw, as he hummed in approval and returned his attention to the road, just in time for it to turn green again.
“Yeah, you look pretty,” he said. “And I didn’t tell you because it’s a surprise. You’ll like it, though.”
“I hope so. I turned down a bowling trip for this,” you said.
“I turned that trip down, too,” he said.
“True,” you said. “Oh, wait, this is only tangentially related, but since we’re on the topic of our friends…are any of your hot soccer buddies single?”
“What?” he said, voice turning high-pitched momentarily. “Why would you ask that?”
“My best friend is in the market,” you said.
“I see,” he said, once again speaking in his normal tone. You blinked in confusion before deciding it wasn’t even worth questioning him. “Most of them are single, but they’re not the type I’d let within fifty feet of any girl I knew, so it’s your call whether or not that’s the kind of person you want to set her up with.”
“Absolutely not,” you said.
“I’ll keep an eye out in the future, though,” he promised you. “Wanna play music?”
“I can. What do you like?” you said.
“Anything you like,” he said. Not up to arguing, and also having a sinking suspicion that his music taste was probably something obscure and nigh-unlistenable, you decided you might as well put your own playlist on shuffle in the hopes that he at least liked some of the songs.
The two of you were driving for a while, mostly listening to the music you were playing and occasionally commenting on whatever interesting things you zoomed past. Sometimes, if a song you both recognized came on, you’d scream the lyrics at one another, each trying to outcompete the other for who knew the song best, but it was a lighthearted form of disagreement, more fun than anything. 
In fact, you were actually sad when you reached the parking lot and he pulled into a spot, turning off the car and getting out so that he could open your door for you. You had enjoyed the drive so much that you had forgotten you actually had plans to go to dinner, so you could not help feeling a little disappointed — well, right up until you looked around at the scenery and let out a gasp.
The restaurant was by the ocean, and the seating was in an open patio, the ceiling lined with twinkling lights and flowers blooming in hanging pots. The tables were covered in white tablecloths, and the water was so close that you could hear the steady way it lapped against the sand, the soft hush-hush sound far superior to any random pop song you could’ve turned on.
“I don’t know what to say,” you said as you followed Karasu into the restaurant. He offered you his hand, and you took it immediately, your fingers fitting perfectly between his. “How did you find this place? I thought you hated the ocean.”
“Believe me, I do,” he said with a scoff. “Excuse me? We have a reservation for two. The name is Karasu.”
“Right this way,” the hostess said, beckoning you after her, leading you both to a secluded table in the corner, which was decorated like the rest with a candle and a rose in a jar serving as the centerpiece. You sat across from Karasu and accepted the menu that the hostess handed you, leafing through it and considering what you wanted to order.
“If you do, then why’d you pick here of all places?” you said.
“Because. Do you remember last year, when all of us were eating lunch together and we had that debate about what the best first date would be like?” he said.
“Vaguely?” you said, wracking your brain, trying to pinpoint the exact day he was talking about. “Oh, wait, yeah!”
It was uncharacteristically warm out, and so your friends had insisted on eating in the courtyard. Sadly, this meant that you had to beg Karasu and his group to let you sit with them, as they always managed to get the best tables before anyone else could. That day, it seemed that you were in luck — Karasu only glanced at you before nodding and telling you that it was fine if you wanted to join them.
Somehow, the conversation turned to dating and romance. One of Karasu’s teammates was going on a date for the first time, and now all of you were giving your two cents about what you thought the perfect first date ought to be.
“Definitely not a movie,” your best friend said adamantly. “You can’t get to know someone if you’re watching a movie the whole time. It’s totally unromantic and an absolute turnoff. If a guy asked me to go to the movies with him on a first date, I’d say no.”
“Harsh, but fair,” one of Karasu’s friends said. “Going out for coffee is pretty popular nowadays, isn’t it? It’s easy to leave, too, so if things aren’t going great, you can just pay and get out.”
“Getting coffee wouldn’t be horrible,” your best friend said. “Though I feel like it shows a lack of planning and effort.”
“I agree,” you chimed in. “I would like to go for a nice dinner. It would be really special if it was by the ocean — I mean, I love the beach, so I think a guy taking me there would show me that he’s really serious about me and pays attention to the things I say.”
“How would he pay attention to the things you say if you’ve never met before? This is a first date, remember?” your best friend said.
“I can’t see myself dating somebody without being friends with them beforehand,” you said, shaking your head. “I’d want to know what kind of person they are before ever agreeing to pursue something further. So, given that constraint, they should know things about me like my fondness for the sea, and if they don’t, then they obviously aren’t someone who I’d want to be with.”
“You aren’t even friends with any guys,” Karasu said, speaking up for the first time in that insufferable voice of his. You scowled at him; he grinned and held his hands up in the air. “Just saying. Where do you think this magical dude who knows you like the ocean and wants to take you to dinner is going to manifest from? Outer space?”
“I’m sure one day I’ll meet someone who fits my criteria, and then things will go splendidly. You see, for me, it’s a scarcity issue — there just isn’t anyone around here who I’d ever want to date, so I don’t even bother hoping it’ll happen,” you said.
“Nobody? There’s not a single guy at this school you’d go out with?” he said.
“Not willingly,” you said.
“Jeez,” he said. “Tough customer. You need to be prettier to have standards like that.”
“Ugh, you are just the worst!”
“You told me I wasn’t pretty enough to have standards as high as mine are,” you recalled. “Rude.”
“That’s the only thing you can think of? Really?” he said.
“Well…” You bit the inside of your cheek, acting as if you were fascinated by the menu. “I seem to have said something about wanting to go for dinner by the beach for a first date.”
“Mhm,” he said. “You said it would show you that a guy is really serious about you and pays attention to the things you say if he did something like that.”
“Are you?” you said.
“Am I what?” he said.
“Really serious about me,” you said. “Obviously you pay attention to things I say, but what about the first part?”
He furrowed his brow at you. “No, not at all.”
“Huh?” you said.
“I’m joking,” he said, nudging your leg under the table with his own. “Do you think I would’ve gone to all of this trouble if I wasn’t? Hurry up and pick what you want to eat. It’ll be so weird if the waitress comes and you don’t know what you want.”
You would’ve argued, but you were too busy feeling giddy about his confession, so you complied with his instructions for once. Karasu seemed surprised, so you shot him a smile over the top of your menu, earning you a blush which spread from his cheeks to his nose and the tips of his ears.
The food at the restaurant was as good as the atmosphere, and to your surprise, it was easy to talk to Karasu for the duration of the entire meal. You had been afraid that you would run out of things to say, but whether it was due to your shared history or Karasu’s naturally outgoing personality, you found that there was no end to the conversation.
When the waitress came with the check, Karasu immediately slapped his credit card on it, glaring at you so fiercely when your fingers inched towards your purse that you actually felt cowed.
“It’s really alright,” you said.
“I’ll come over there and hold your hands down if you try to pay,” he warned you, wiggling his fingers at you threateningly. You wrinkled your nose.
“If you’re going to be so stubborn about it, then fine,” you said. “Can we go down to the beach once she comes back with your card?”
“Do we have to?” he said.
“No, of course we don’t have to, I just thought that, since we had come all of this way, we might as well,” you said. 
Karasu’s lips pursed into an uneasy expression, but he nodded. “Okay, we can.”
You beamed at him. “Thanks! I know it’s not your favorite, but I promise it’ll be fun if we go together.”
“Sure,” he grumbled. “Whatever you say.”
As soon as he had his card back, you left the restaurant behind, traipsing towards the sand until you were on the beach proper. The sun had set already, and the moon’s reflection on the water was like a silver blot, seeping into the sparkling waves and melting amongst the pinpricks of the stars. As you gazed out at the horizon, Karasu intertwined his fingers with yours, and when you turned, you saw that he was looking at you in much the same way that you had been looking out to the sea.
“I want to go in,” you said. “You don’t have to! I just want to dip my feet.”
“Alright,” he said softly. “We can do that.”
“Aren’t you afraid?” you said.
“Yes,” he said. “But I’ll try anyways.”
You smiled, kicking off your shoes and watching him do the same before he leaned down, refusing to let go of your hand as he rolled up the cuffs of his pants so that they did not get wet. Then, tentatively, he stepped forward, screwing his eyes shut as the tides splashed against your ankles.
“Why are you scared of the water?” you said, urging him deeper with a squeeze of your hand. He followed you willingly, though he did not open his eyes. 
“I hate it,” he said. “I just do. I can’t explain why. When I was a kid, my sister took me to the pool and tried to teach me how to swim, but I cried and I cried, so she gave up. Pretty mediocre, don’t you think? But I can’t bring myself to get over it.”
“Do you think you’ll drown?” you said.
“Maybe,” he said. “Or maybe not. It’s the uncertainty that drives me crazy. When you’re in the water, you’re completely at its mercy, and I don’t like that. I don’t like trusting anyone but myself.”
Of course. The ever-independent Karasu, who was always so self-assured and arrogant…no wonder he hated the water. It was the one force which even he could not rise above, which could kill him if it wanted to, which he was powerless to resist. Being at someone else’s mercy went directly against his nature — so why, then, did he always give himself up for you? Why was he telling you this, when you could be quite sure he had never told anyone else? Why was he chasing after you as you pulled him further and further into an unknown territory?
By the time the water reached his knees, the currents swishing about around your legs playfully, he was all but trembling, though he did not otherwise protest. Working your hand free from his death grip, you waited for him to open his eyes, which he did with a swiftness that left you reeling.
He had an arresting sort of stare, you thought, especially in the moonlight — a kind of dancing wildness which defied explanation. There was not a trace of his typical mischief in his blown pupils when they landed upon you, only fear and awe in equal measure, mixing into a writhing shade as dark as the sky at midnight. An impatient breeze whipped against your face as he reached for you, and for some reason, that moment was what made you very, very certain that you liked him. You liked him more than you had ever liked anyone before. You liked him more than should be possible.
The tips of his fingers dug into your waist as he held onto you for dear life, and slowly, carefully, you allowed your arms to snake around his neck. Besides flinching whenever the water splashed particularly high, he did not move a muscle, though he swallowed when you leaned closer to him.
“Karasu — Tabito,” you said. “Tabito, it’s okay. Even in the water, I’ll be there for you. I was first in the class for swimming, right? So I’ll never let you drown. As long as I’m with you, nothing will happen. Do you believe me when I say that?”
“Yes,” he said. “I do.”
He was reaching his limit, though, and you could tell because he was shifting from foot to foot, eyeing the water warily, his jaw clenched at every ebb and flow. You nodded firmly and then twisted so that you could pick your way back to the shore.
“Let’s go home,” you said.
“Not yet,” he said. In an unexpected role reversal, he yanked you back, extending one hand to steady you when you stumbled and then, before you could comprehend what was happening, tangling the other in your hair, crushing his mouth against yours without abandon.
It was rough and tasted like sea salt, the way he kissed you, all messy and shaky and heady and furious. You were left breathless and clinging to him so that you were not swept away, his shirt bunching up in your fists, his hands roaming up and down your sides like a current. 
“Now we can go,” he said, pulling away and flashing you that same cocky grin he always wore, though it was more hesitant than usual, which was either a product of the water’s presence or yours. “Yeah? I think I’ve had more than enough of the beach for the rest of this year.”
“Yeah,” you said once you had regained your wits about you. “Yeah, my parents, I don’t want them to worry, so we should probably — we should probably go.”
“Hm,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. “A couple more minutes wouldn’t hurt though, right?”
“No,” you said immediately. “Not at all.”
“Then what would you say if I asked if we could spend just a little longer here?” he said.
“I think I would say yes,” you said. “Yes. For as long as possible, I want to be here.”
“You’d say that to anyone,” he teased as you walked towards where your shoes lay on the dry sand. You shook your head.
“No,” you said. “Not to anyone. Just you.”
“Is that so?” he said. “Man. It’s hard to be around you when you say stuff like that. It’s hard to listen to, I can’t lie. If anyone else said something so overly sweet, I’d make fun of them.”
“As if you wouldn’t make fun of me,” you said.
“Normally, I would,” he agreed. “But I’ll make an exception this time. It’s our first date, after all. I have to act like a gentleman so you agree to go on a second one.”
“I’ll go on a second one,” you said. “And a third, if you want. A fourth and a fifth, even.”
“That many?” he said. “I must’ve done something right today, then.”
“You did a lot of things right,” you said. “It almost made up for the lifetime of assholery you have led up until this point.”
“I tried,” he said with a wink. “So. Where do we go next time?”
“How about you pick? You did everything I wanted to today, so it’s only fair if I return the favor,” you said. 
“I’ll think about it and let you know,” he said. “Oh, and hey, Y/N?”
“Yes?” you said, looking up from where you were putting on your shoes.
“I didn’t mean what I said back then,” he said.
“Back when?” you said.
“Every time I called you ugly or whatever,” he said. “I didn’t mean it. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“I didn’t mean it, either,” you said. “You know, when I told you there wasn’t a single guy at our school that I’d go out with. Turns out there’s one.”
“Lucky fellow,” he said. “Getting to have the Y/N L/N as his girlfriend and all. He hit the jackpot.”
“That he did,” you said. “So I’m your girlfriend, then?”
His eyes widened. “Ah. I mean, only if you want to be.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I want to be.”
“Then I guess you are,” he said. You were planning on responding in a romantic way, but as you tried to come up with something to say, you happened to notice the time on your phone.
“Oh, fuck! My parents are going to kill me if we don’t leave right now!” you said.
“Not on my watch! I finally got you to be my girlfriend. There’s no way I’m letting you die now!” he said, grabbing your arm and taking off in a sprint towards the parking lot. You did your best to keep up with him, though it was difficult when you kept doubling over with laughter at his urgent pleas for you to hurry so that he didn’t lose any of the favor he had curried with your father.
Maybe your best friend hadn’t been so far off the mark, after all. Once you were settled in the passenger seat of his car, you pulled out your phone and texted her, knowing that she was probably waiting anxiously in her room for an update.
‘date went well. get started on that speech.’
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malicedragoness · 1 year
NSFW Syzoth X Reader Headcanons
So, I’m very excited to have human Reptile again, and holy shit he did not need to be so hot, but NRS went there, and I am thankful they did. And I know there’s fans that have always been thirsty for Reptile, and I acknowledge you. YOU ARE VALID AND YOU STUCK BY YOUR MANS FOR A LONG TIME! YOU ARE DEDICATED AND DEVOTED!
I wrote these with both female and readers in mind, and for you to visualize whichever form of Syzoth you want. There are parts where I mention his human form. I was also writing SFW headcanons, but they need more work. So those will be coming in the next few days.
And for that one person who asked a long time ago if I write for Reptile. I did today and this is for you!
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-Syzoth knows you're interested in his long tongue, and he is more than happy to use it on you, and whichever hole you desire. It gives him a great sense of pride to know he can pleasure you with it unlike anyone else. His tongue is smooth and pink, with ridges along the side. With his enhanced sense of taste, he could be down there for hours, growling and tasting you until you can’t handle it anymore. If you’re thinking of the new MK 1 Syzoth in human form, he can transform just his tongue if you wish.
-Syzoth’s favorite body part of yours is your lips. He’s completely fascinated with them. He loves to touch them and feel how soft and plump they are. When you first gave him a kiss on the cheek, he made a cute rumbling noise in his throat. 
In his human form, he gets nervous to kiss you, he’s afraid he’s going to mess up somehow. But if you go slow and take your time with him, he’ll gain more confidence with each kiss. 
He loves it when you trail kisses from his lips, to his neck, and downwards. Enjoying all these new sensations. And when you take his cock into your mouth, he goes stiff and moans loud! 
-Syzoth instinctually has a breeding kink. There is a certain time during the year where he’ll go into heat. His behavior changes during this time and becomes aggressive to anyone that comes close to his partner. During this period, he’ll try to keep you home as often as he can, and may seem a bit delusional, as he thinks everything is a threat to his mate. He may also leave markings on your neck, shoulders and thighs as a way of claiming you. 
Even if he has a male partner, he still has the animal instinct to want to breed. So he’ll keep cumming inside you until he’s satisfied his instinctual urge.
And you know some reptiles have two dicks right? They will emerge when he is extremely horny, or at the peak of his heat. 
-Favorite Positions: When he’s on top, he likes missionary the most, but he wants to be flush against you. That reptilian part of him naturally wants to have skin-on-skin contact. He won’t hold himself up on his arms, they’re going to be wrapped around you with his hands in your hair, and giving you long, deep kisses. 
Spooning is another favorite of his. His hands will feel all along your body, touching and caressing your sensitive spots. Inhaling your scent and kissing your neck. 
Now when you’re on top, he loves to admire your body. Syzoth likes to be able to see you when you’re riding him or penetrating him (either with your dick or your strap on).
And please give this baby some praise! Especially caressing his face and telling him he’s a good boy. He only lives to make you happy. 
-He is used to serving people his whole life, and is naturally a bottom leaning switch. But if you wish for him to take over, he will be a service top. Only when it’s mating season, or you’ve teased him enough, is when he becomes more assertive/aggressive.
-Syzoth loves to sleep on giant rocks outside to sunbathe, or relax in the water blowing little bubbles. They are also some of his favorite places to fuck you. Other places would be in the privacy of your home or in your bathtub. The first time he saw you take a bubble bath, he couldn’t help but climb in and lay on top of you, blowing little bubbles in the water. 
Imagine you’re out swimming with him. And he just glides up to you in the water, his body moving fluidly, him blowing bubbles the entire way. Little cutie.
-Reptiles have a specially chemicalized organ that can convert their smell into taste. So when you're aroused, not only will Syzoth smell it, but with a flick of his tongue he can taste it in the air. Every single time you get turned on by his mere presence, the smell will drive him wild. 
You can tell when he smells it by how often his tongue flicks out. When he’s in human form, you’ll see his tongue swiping across his bottom lip, and his beautiful green eyes follow your every move.
If you ever want him to lose control and his room is next to yours, then start touching yourself at night. If it’s before you’re in a relationship, he will rut into his bed or his hand, tasting your smell and cumming hard. 
If it’s when you're together, he’ll try not to hold out for as long as he can, because he doesn’t want to storm into your room and embarrass you. But the longer you do it, the more  intoxicating your smell is, and the harder his cock gets. By this point, both cocks are out and leaking precum, and he’s storming into your room ready to take you in every way. 
-Male partners don’t have to be bigger than him, even though it’s pretty easy. His Saurian form is massive, but he’ll still lean down and nudge his head under your chin. He is able to change male genitals to female, but this process takes weeks. 
-Tail play! This is the equivalent to thigh riding for him. Whether he’s using the tip of it against your holes, or he’s grabbing you by the hips and rubbing your sex against the meat of his leathery tail. He loves to have your back against his chest, so he can bury his head against your neck and breathe in your scent. 
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in honor of my birthday here are some more rescue bots headcanons!!
they (as in constructed rescue bots) have extra color receptors which allows them to see more types of light than other bots, as well as advanced hearing (they’re also the only bots with noses so they have an extra sense)
all of them have outliers (its a requirement to be a rescue bot)
blurr changed his paint job (post s4, before he showed up in rid15) because heatwave and blades basically bullied him into it
the academy where they studied was on a moon of cybertron’s, and they actually spent very little time on cybertron itself. it was sorta like a field trip spot, and they went very infrequently
quickshadow was the academy's champion shot, and she won a bunch of competitions
the rescue bots all had specialties outside of what they actually did (heatwave was a history nerd, boulder studied xenobiology, blades took journalism, chase did psychology, quickshadow was a data analyst, hightide took astronomy)
hightide was actually friends with both orion pax and megatronus separately before they realized they all knew each other
in that same vein, servo and lazerbeak were longtime friends because they grew up together
optimus is so ridiculously tolerant towards whatever the rescue bots do that they actually have a running bet on how much they can get away with before optimus gets angry (he never once has)
blurr's reputation as most annoying bot ever has been intact since way before the war when he was a racer
blades got his name through an awkward mishap at an armory that heatwave never let him live down
related to that, all the rescue bots' "names" are really more of nicknames. their names are listed on documents but their primary identification is through serial numbers because they're cold constructs
boulder had a practically bullet proof reputation at the academy as the perfect student so whenever the others wanted to get away with something they always involved him
when salvage heard about DIY's he got super into them and started making tons of pointless stuff. he never even followed the good channels, only stuff like troom troom
chase succumbs to peer pressure ridiculously easy
heatwave gives really good advice but only on accident
quickshadow and hightide like to hang out and trash talk optimus whenever he does something they don't like
blades only has field medicine training, he's not cleared for any actual treatment outside of an emergency (he can do first aid and EMT stuff but can't, like, prescribe things or do surgery). this has not stopped him from trying things though.
salvage is actually from one of cybertron's colony worlds, but he grew up on cybertron
ok here's a fun little surprise is honor of my birthday: the humans are also included in headcanons!!
kade was actually very good at gymnastics, he just got bored of it
chief burns needs glasses but he prefers to wear contacts
dani had a very extreme scene core phase, and her hairstyle is a remnant of that
frankie has super high government security clearance as a super genius and daughter of one of the world's best scientists, so she knows all kinds of military secrets
doc greene and chief burns met in childhood, doc's family moved away, and then when he got older he moved back to griffin rock and reunited with the chief
graham is the biggest night owl because of college. sometimes, when he has trouble falling asleep, the bots invite him to movie night and they all watch reruns of old movies or shows
building off that, there are two kinds of movie night: the first is with the whole burns family, rescue team, and sometimes others such as optimus or the greenes. the second is less of a movie night and more of a "we need something to do while the humans are sleeping, let's watch trashy tv all night." this kind of movie night is really just the bots (minus whoever has night shift)
professor baranova actually used to be pretty upbeat, although she was a bit misunderstood because she's neurodivergent (i also headcanon that after the whole living underwater for 28 years thing she developed DID and multiple alters to cope with the loneliness, so she's now a system)
woodrow and optimus are in a qpr. optimus refers to him as his amica, and also privately thinks of him as his human partner
doc greene at some point developed a working synthetic energon formula completely independently. when ratchet first met him (post war, probably right before he was hired to work at the rescue academy) and learned about this he lost his shit
bumblebee and dani race together all the time when he visits
this is where i'm gonna stop this post, because it's pretty late for me lol. it was my birthday today, so happy birthday to me!!
also y'all PLEASE talk to me abt any of these headcanons i will be thrilled to elaborate!
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ghostaholics · 1 year
for soulmate au:
would johnn and reader cross paths again and if they would what would it look likee
would they maybe find a way to love eachother despite johnn's proffesion
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𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒖
here’s more on what happens between them
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After their long talk, they decide to regrettably, but amicably part ways – neither of them like the circumstances, but they agree it’s for the best. She sends him off with a hug; they hold onto each other for a little bit longer than they should. It tides them over for maybe a week. Cue a whole montage of them in their respective places unable to adjust back to normal life for a while.
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Then, as previously mentioned, it starts to hurt. At first, it starts off like a little twinge – a bones-deep sadness that comes and goes every so often but she tries to ignore the feeling. It gets worse not long after, a visceral chest pain that’s so awful it sends her straight to A&E; she thinks she might be having a heart attack. Who’s your emergency contact? they question. Don’t have one, she says, and it sends another stab of pain through her. The entire hospitalization is about a day-long affair. They run every test in the book, they give her clot-busters, vasodilators — hell, they’re contemplating cutting her open for invasive procedures even though the labs don’t say she’s had a myocardial infarction, just an EKG that had some anomalies but everything else was fine. Someone, a cardiologist maybe, has the sense to ask, How’s your soulmate? And she replies in a grim tone, ‘We don’t talk.’ Well, there’s the problem.
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Price caves. He caves so fucking bad; calls her up (they’d agreed only to contact each other for emergencies), because to be honest, he wasn’t sure if it was just him or if she’d been feeling it too – emotional pain was never in the books but it seems like now it is. This is new. This is bad. His voice is gruff like usual but the concern is evident behind his words. And the second they hear each other down the line, there’s a weight that’s been lifted – the pain dulls. Relief. Not quite gone altogether, but more manageable. Neither of them feel like they’re on the brink of death anymore. And there are just shaky breaths being exchanged on both ends as they try to come to grips with what’s been happening. So, cutting all contact, going cold-turkey, is clearly not going to work for either of them. They know they can’t be doing this, but the more they talk over the phone, the easier it gets to breathe, to function normally. And so it begins.
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Their relationship runs on a schedule; a loophole – every Sunday, 0600 her time. They count it down, too. Exactly one hour. Just enough for them to keep the pain at bay, to go about their lives until the next call. Sometimes longer when he knows he's about to go off-the-grid for a mission and won't make the usual Sunday time. They talk about anything and everything: she usually talks about her personal life, old stories from her past, what she’s making for breakfast, what her plans are for the week, and him – stuff about the 141 (never anything confidential or gory) like what sort of antics they get up to, spends an entire call telling her about Villa Claras and why they’re the superior cigar (kind of a nerd about those, whiskey, and the Reds, which she finds endearing – actually very knowledgeable regarding many things that he can talk her ear off about for hours). She falls in love with his voice first, the rest comes after slowly.
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The more times they use this loophole, the weaker it gets. It starts off with him asking for five more minutes; yeah, he hears the alarm go off. Maybe a little bit longer will buy him more time throughout the week until the next call. Nothing they haven’t done before. But five turns into ten the week after, then twenty, and so forth. She says his name softly, interrupts him when they reach 0930 during one of their talks. I know what you're doing John. We can't. And here's the thing: it's a case of 'she fell first, but he fell harder.'
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It doesn't last as long anymore; three days now until the longing starts back up again. And he calls her. He fucking calls her in the middle of the week on a Wednesday. John— She feels it too. I had to hear your voice again, he says with urgency. Because he just couldn't fucking help himself.
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So they schedule something for Wednesdays. It'll help. It should. And it does, for all of two weeks until the same bloody thing happens again. This isn't sustainable. He knows that he’s not going to retire anytime soon, and even more that that – he knows that she shouldn't be doomed to live this kind of life. Not for for him, but most especially not fair for her. It's like she said, isn't it? She waited an entire lifetime for him. Why keep putting her through that? So he mentions this, kills him to do it: you deserve better; I know there's someone out there who can give you the things that I can't (Sunday mornings face-to-face over tea, to be near one another in a way where they can see the other's okay, where the hurt is non-existent; intimacy and affection and proper romance; marriage, growing old together, something quiet and normal.) She's already taken on his pain. He figures that it's his turn to bear it for the both of them now.
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She tells him, without reservation, that it's the stupidest thing he's ever said. And before time's up for this call she uses the last few minutes to admit what's been on her mind lately. I don't want any of that stuff if it's not with you. What would be the point? It took me a while but I've finally figured out what soulmates are for; not for all the things you've said, as nice as they are – or would be; it’s simple, really. I was put on this earth to love you and I think that I've fulfilled my purpose. Nothing else matters.
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She waits for his call on Sunday, 0600 on the dot – he's always punctual, she knows; this time is no different. But she doesn't even get a 'hello' out before he speaks into the phone: I'm outside.
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garbinge · 3 months
Evan "Buck" Buckley & F!Diaz!Reader (Eddie Diaz's sister) 30 Day Fic Challenge (26/30)
Word Count: 937 words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Trauma, blood, spoilers for s4e13 of 911, heartbreaking, crying, sibling trauma. All Writing Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989
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Your feet were moving faster than your brain could think. Eyes searching for the emergency room entrance, as fast as you wanted to find it, a part of you wished you could just keep going in circles, it would push off the inevitable. You knew you reached where you were supposed to be when you saw the crowds of press near the ER doors. It was all blocked off, only opening being where the ambulances could drive up. 
You saw someone with a firefighter shirt on, seeing the symbol and 118 on the shirt and before you knew it you called out to him. 
Two people’s heads turned, a red haired woman and Evan Buckley. His face looked even more sick as he made eye contact with you. You pushed through the crowd and ran up to him, your hands grabbing onto his arms in an alarming manner.
“Where is he? What happened?” In your panic, your eyes moved from him to inside the hospital and then back to him. “They’re saying a firefighter was shot, Hen called me and told me to get down here that Eddie’s in the ER, please Buck.” You were frantically searching for answers, hopeful for him to tell you that the news had been reporting wrong and that your brother was okay. You turned your head to the woman close to Buck and she offered you a soft smile. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” You moved your hands away from Buck but he grabbed them before you pulled away completely. 
“It’s Eddie. He was shot. He was right in front of me.” Buck started to spiral before taking a deep breath and getting it together while gripping your arms tighter. “He’s in surgery, that’s all I know.” 
You felt your knees buckle and someone's arms behind you to steady you. They were petite, which made you assume it was whoever was standing with Buck. 
“Christopher.” You mumbled under your breath, the only thing that your mind could clearly focus on right now, your nephew. 
“I can talk to Christopher,” Buck started to move before both you and his friend were stopping him. 
“Let me drive you both,” She spoke up looking between you. 
“You should stay here, be here when he’s out of surgery.” Buck spoke to you, swallowing all his tension and stress despite his hands still shaking. “I’ll clean up and talk to Christopher and bring him here to see you.” 
You agreed, not really sure what else to do in this circumstance. Before Buck turned around to walk away he shook his head and lightly jogged towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. You both said nothing, just embraced each other tightly. Buck was one of your brother’s best friends and in turn, one of yours. When you showed up at your brother’s doorstep looking for a place to crash, you were met with a tall dirty blond man versus the brunette you were expecting. As you settled into LA, Eddie’s friends became your own. Game nights, dinners, all of it brought you close with each one of them. It was at that moment that it hit you. 
“Taylor. You’re Taylor.” 
The woman smiled and nodded. 
“I’m sorry–” You began to say to the woman, you were in full denial right now, not letting the news of what Buck had told you happened really sink in just yet. 
“No, please, don’t apologize, if you need anything just let me know, I’m here for all of you.” She smiled lightly again. 
“All of you?” You frowned looking back at Buck. 
“Hen and Chimney are here.” 
You shook your head in response. “My parents, I should call my parents, I guess someone should call Ana.” Now you were starting to spiral as a trauma response to this all, thinking of all the people you needed to call, your parents, Eddie's girlfriend, Christopher's caretaker, Carla– and you were sure the list would go on as your brain kept thinking. 
“I can handle Ana and Carla, you call your parents, and I’ll meet you back here with Christopher.” Buck was more level headed as he thought through next steps. 
“Christopher.” Your heart broke as you said his name again and all Buck could do was bring you in for another hug, this one being quick to ensure you didn’t get worked up to the point that you wouldn’t be able to talk with the nurses inside. 
Buck and Taylor left, leaving you standing inside the hospital entrance standing on the mat in front of the welcome desk. Despite Buck’s efforts you weren’t able to talk with them, you couldn’t say anything. All you could do is stand there and look down at the blood that must’ve been on Buck which transferred over to you in one of his many hugs. 
It was then that you heard someone say your name along with someone else saying excuse me. As your mind came to you saw the nurse leaning their head down to look at you over the front desk and then turned to where you heard your name being called. 
Hen. It was Hen. The minute you saw her, the floodgates opened. The ache in your heart finally reached the lump in your throat and any attempt to talk was met with sobs instead. Hen was quick to hold you and walk you over to the waiting room. She placed you in between her and Chimney and just consoled you until the tears eventually dried up. 
“God I’m sorry, I must look a mess.”��
“It’s alright, we all are.” hen squeezed your leg and the three of you sat there, your hearts pounding as the seconds passed waiting for the news if Eddie was going to make it out of surgery.
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mactavsh · 2 years
Watching Over
Synopsis: Price tries to keep you awake while captured.
Relationships: Father Figure!Captain John Price x Female Reader, John “Soap” MacTavish x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
Note: Debated posting this one because it is quite self serving, but maybe someone else needs their fictional father figure to tell them they're proud of them too. The title was inspired from this song.
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If it was an Intel mission that required a certain level of finesse, Laswell always knew who to send. You and Captain Price worked seamlessly after the many years of training he'd given you. He scouted you early on in your career quickly becoming a mentor in your eyes. He had also easily fallen into a paternal role, unbeknownst to him. 
However, Laswell knew how Price had a habit of adopting kids. As a joke, she kept a running list of his “next of kin”. It started with you and has grown over the years to include Gaz, Soap and Ghost. 
The mission required the two of you to go completely dark, Laswell was sending you to Mexico at the behest of Alejandro. You would both have to be in zero contact until the mission was complete. You both understood the gravity of the situation - there would be no backup.
You were given a month to track down an emerging cartel that was responsible for a rise in weapons trading. Los Vaqueros couldn’t yet make a move against them so Alejandro reached out to Laswell and Price for assistance. 
When you landed in Mexico you had a brief meeting with Alejandro and Rodolfo to learn what they knew. After that you and Captain Price set out to see what you could find. By then end of your first week you had figured out the names of the higher ups and the locations of a few meeting spots.
However, when you had gone to infiltrate the meeting, there were more men than expected. The two of you certainly made quite a dent in their numbers but were eventually overpowered. You had been knocked out by someone who snuck up behind you. Price heard you fall and was distracted just long enough for someone to sneak up behind him, subsequently knocking him out next.
When you woke up you were both chained to metal chairs. You were situated on opposite sides of the room but facing each other. The cold metal dug painfully into your ribs with every breath. There were no windows, no way to tell how long you had been there.
Hours blurred into days then weeks. The daily torture had worn the both of you down. They gave you just enough food to keep you alive and looking at how Price’s features had grown sunken in you assumed yours had as well. 
They had learned early on the dynamic between you two as much as you both tried to remain stoic, so they focused their torture on you hoping it would get Price to talk. What they didn't realize was that both Price and you would sooner die than tell them anything.
You were sure the check-in date Laswell had set had long since passed and you could only imagine the hell Soap, the 141, and Los Vaqueros were raising trying to find out what happened. 
Your captors had just left after another bout of torture trying to get information out of both of you. Bruises began blooming on Price’s bare chest, emerging blue and red tones mixed with already yellow spots. Your arms sported new deep gashes atop barely healed scar tissue. Blood slowly trickled down your arms as your chest heaved. Your mind was dizzy from the pain and it was taking everything in you to stay awake.
“Stay with me, kid.” Price spoke from the other side of the room voice even and calm as it always was.
“I refuse to die at the hands of some random fuckin’ cartel member.” Your voice was firm despite the exhaustion you felt.
“That's my girl.” Price's chest swelled with pride that turned to worry as your head lolled downward. “Tell me about why you joined.”
You groaned and slowly brought your head back up to squint over at him. “Haven't I already?”
“You like to call me an old man.” He smirked, ”I forgot, tell me again.”
You huffed, if your brain wasn’t so foggy you would have immediately realized it was a tactic to keep you awake. “My dad served, his dad served, felt like I had to keep the legacy going. My grandfather also said I’d never outrank him so I had to prove him wrong.”
“That why you’re my youngest Staff Sergeant?”
“You bet your ass it is.”
Price forced out a laugh. “Out of spite, eh?“
“It’s how I do most things.”
“He still around? Your grandfather?”
“Passed a year or so after I was promoted.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged as best you could with the chains restricting your movement. “He lived a long happy life.” Price didn’t press further about your family, he knew your parents were also passed and you didn’t have any siblings. The 141 had become your found family and he was happy that you were no longer alone. 
“You remember the day we met?” Price pressed, trying to keep you awake.
“Yeah,” You breathed out, exhaustion dancing in the corner of your eyes. “you called me a muppet.”
Price smiled recalling the day. “You looked bloody ridiculous under all that gear. Five feet tall wearing gear in Ghost’s size.”
“My CO did it on purpose when we got word you were coming to scout recruits for some secret spy shit. He wanted his golden boy to be picked.”
“Bastard's plan failed. When I saw you running the course like that I knew you were the best for the job.”
You looked down at your feet, you weren’t sure you could ever put into words how thankful you were for all he's done for you. “Thank you, for choosing me. You pulled me out of a dark place that day though I didn't see it at the time.”
“You’ve got nothing to thank me for. Hell, you’ve saved my life more times than I can count. I’m proud of you, Y/n. You’re a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for.”
You weren’t sure if it was the praise or the blood loss but tears began to well in your eyes and you were powerless to stop them.
“When we get out of here we are going on leave.” The Captain’s voice was firm, an unofficial order.
“That so? Don’t think my husband would let me go on holiday with another man.” You joked half-heartedly, the day you told Price you were officially dating Soap he had called the sergeant into his office. An hour passed before you saw either of them again and for a week after that Soap could barely make eye contact with the captain. When you and Soap had gotten married it was Price who walked you down the aisle. 
Price rolled his eyes. “All of us. Been too long since we had a day we weren’t fighting for our lives.”
“Would be nice.”
“Thinkin' a lakeside cabin deep in the woods. I’m going to teach everyone how to fish-” Just then the sounds of distant explosions rocked the room you were in. Concrete dust fell into your lap and you stared at it for a moment.
“I hope that's our favorite demolitions expert.” You spoke as you looked back up at Price.
“Wonder how they found this shithole.”
“Alejandro?” You proposed as another explosion sounded, this time closer.
“Maybe. These idiots probably got cocky and sent some bloody ridiculous ransom note to Los Vaqueros.” 
The sound of gunshots grew near, gradually getting louder until they stopped altogether. Price looked at you then you both looked at the door. What felt like an eternity passed until the door was broken open. A familiar masked face entered, gun at the ready until his eyes settled on the room’s occupants.
“Bloody hell,” Ghost said as he dropped his weapon and pressed the button on his communication device. “I’ve got Price and Y/n. Second-floor northwest corner.” He grabbed the bolt cutters off his back and moved towards you, quickly snapping the chains that were holding you in place. He put a hand on your shoulder and you grabbed his forearm, both gently squeezing the other before letting go, a silent reassurance. He then stood and moved toward Price to free him.
You stayed seated and rubbed your wrists, you knew if you stood now the blood loss would likely make you pass out. The sounds of footsteps in the hallway made your body tense before Soap’s frantic form stepped through the doorway.
“Thank fuckin’ Christ.” Soap spoke as he ran toward you. He kneeled in front of you, gently placing his gloved hands on either side of your face. He rubbed his thumb along your cheek, careful of the small cut there. “You alright, love?”
You stared into his eyes for a moment, basking in the blueness that had come to feel like home. A tired smile crossed your face as you leaned into the gentle touch. “Better now.”
Soap smiled back and you and then slowly helped you stand. He kept a gentle hold on your arm as you regained your equilibrium. After you were sure you weren't going to pass out you walked over to Price, immediately wrapping your arms around him.
“We made it, old man.” You spoke into his chest.
Price placed his chin on your head and gently rubbed his hand along your back. “Knew we would, kiddo.” 
“Should I be jealous?” Soap whispered jokingly to Ghost as they watched the exchange.
“Shut the fuck up, Soap.” Ghost rolled his eyes before swatting the back of Soap’s mohawk.
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