#they'd have to deal with it
runawaymun · 11 months
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Elwing's goodbye, for @nolofinweanweek filling both prompts for Day 4 and for Day 5 (Elwing, Elrond, Elros). Double posting today because I'm working the rest of the weekend and I don't think I'll get around any more prompts this year.
This hurt to paint lol. I need to go lie on a cold floor for a while.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
One thing I wanna do more is include Battinson's complete lack of filter.
That scene at the funeral where Falcone tried to push that 'your father saved me for a reason' fantasy, which Bruce ended very quickly with his '' He took the Hippocratic oath" line
It can sure read as snarky, and in some parts, it was, -- Falcone's antourage surely saw it as that, -- but Bruce was completely serious.
It wasn't a diplomatic move on his part, but that's why it works. 'No filter' doesn't generally entail being rude and bold, it's your thoughts being faster than your mouth without considering how it'd sound out loud
Not to mention, Bruce wouldn't process sarcasm the same as everyone else. He's good at dishing it, for sure, but we've seen he's completely oblivious to obvious social ques,
If somebody were to be like, " haha maybe YOU'RE batman" him, the go to reaction would be " haha good one"
Bruce? Would start shaking on the spot. It's raining nerves out here. " No I'm not." With a blank face, " I'm not. I'm scared of bats. I hate bats. I wish bats never existed. I wish YOU never existed. Im sorry. Goodbye." Before taking off in a hurry.
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myszkaa · 3 months
Listen I know it's extremely unlikely but I'm still wishing for future dunmeshi projects...especially spin offs.
The world building is so rich I really want to see more of it, since most of the story in the manga happens in the dungeon. Hell even other dungeons can be explored, I want to see elf style or dwarf style dungeons
I know that ryoko kui is all about that "I'll leave it up to your interpretation" life but I think she's allowed milking dm a little...just a little
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jq37 · 5 months
Last episode, Eugenia Shadow said that Kipperlilly is a lot like Riz if he'd walked a darker path which has me wondering if Oisin is meant to be Adaine without the boldness to get out from under the thumb of her parents. We know he's rich with ancestral dragon gold and we suspect said dragon ancestor is up to shenanigans between the KVX logo change to blue and the dragon fight in the promo. There's no way to know yet because we've only gotten glimpses of him this season, but I can easily imagine their paths diverging because while Adaine has always been stubborn and contrary and amenable to patricide under the right circumstances, Oisin toed the line and did whatever was expected of him.
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invye · 27 days
When They Are Drunk
(as observed by the Red Hair Pirates)
I forever love when we let the Red Hair Pirates interact with the mess that is their captain and his relationship(s), so here have some lenghty thoughts about Shanks, Mihawk and Rosinante interacting with the Red Hair Pirates while drunk in my CoraMiShanks Fix It AU under the cut:
The Captain being drunk is neither a rare ocurrance nor a particularly interesting one. They've seen it all within a week of getting recruited, including the hour long rambles about how much he misses Hawkeyes even though they literally duelled each other two days ago. 
The Red Hair Pirates have long since established a system for when they are among people on land or otherwise have guests on the Red Force, where the crew takes turns and one or two people remain sober on Captain watch duty; much to the eternal gratitude of Benn who has wrangled a drunk and poetry waxing Shanks way too often for his poor nerves and approaches it with an practiced aura of exasperation.
The one thing however that adds some fun to the mix is that after the captain finishes his hour rant about how much he loves Mihawk's creepy unblinking eyes, he turns his overflowing sentimentality on the rest of the crew. 
His chosen 'victim' would be sitting there, minding their business when suddenly there's the captain's arm around their shoulders and he slurs a monologue of compliments about their skills and abilities and gratitude for all the things they do for the crew. And during that genuinely nice and flattering monologue he'd sway closer until - boom - it's too late, they're in smooch range now and no one is safe from the Captain's Appreciation Smooches.
It used to be somewhat of a rite of passage, back when Shanks was still actively recruiting. The day a new crew member got thier first Appreciation Smooch from their drunk captain was the day they became fully and irrevocably a part of the crew.
There is a rank list hanging in the galley on the Red Force, ranking the crew members by the number of smooches they have recieved from the captain. Benn is so far in the lead, no one will ever catch up to him, but the rest of the list is surprisingly balanced, as if there actually is a system to the captain's drunk madness that informs him whom of the crew he hasn't complimented and properly expressed his appreciation for in a while.
They considered adding Hawkeyes to the list after the first time he was subjected to the Appreciation Smooch, simply to watch how long it would take for him to climb the ranks and actually overtake Benn (and because his wide-eyed expression of utter surprise and confusion was beyond hilarious). Eventually they decided against it, because while the captain still hasn't figured out the list's meaning, they're fairly certain Hawkeyes would within mere hours of finding his own name on it.
After all these years, Hawkeyes still manages to be an enigma to most of the crew, despite having seen him around plenty. During the times where Mihawk was actively duelling the captain, they could count the passing weeks by the sound of Mihawk's boots on the deck and his grumbles of "Red Hair promised to shut up if I joined for a drink;" every Sunday like clockwork.
But even though they have seen Mihawk drink plenty (always and only expensive red wine that the captain stashes seperately just for Hawkeyes), they have barely ever seen him drunk. Even Benn, who has known Hawkeyes pretty much as long as he's known the captain, only somewhat understands what happens behind his unblinking eyes, and he does have the somewhat regular 'honour' of Mihawk sitting next to him as they sip their wine in silence, because Hawkeyes had quickly determined that Benn is the only person on board with good taste. It's a weird form of bonding, the total silence vaguely uncomfortable to observe, but the captain gets all mushy and happy about Hawkeyes engaging with the crew (even if its technically only Benn), so they suppose it's good enough.
None of them are ready for it when at some point a switch is flipped in Mihawk's brain and he decides that the Red Force is a proper safe place. Hawkeyes allows himself to get drunk, and while he's still eerily silent and prone to staring into the void, he starts emoting. Ever so slightly, little smiles, mostly directed at Shanks. 
Lucky Roux is the first with the questionable luck of experiencing an expression of appreciation (maybe even friendship..?) from Hawkeyes. He was going around handing out little snacks to mitigate the incoming hangovers, when he walked up to Mihawk leaning against the reiling a little away from the rest of the bustle, to hand him a sandwich and encourage him to actually eat it too. Next thing he knew those yellow eyes were staring right into his soul, a hand resting on his shoulder for full two seconds of contact and Mihawk told him a quiet but genuine "thank you" before going back to staring into the void and nibbling on his sandwich.
By the time Lucky Roux was sitting back down and staring into his own drink again, he still hadn't managed to shake off the cold shiver caused by Hawkeyes' intensity, even though it was an unquestionably positive interaction. Lucky Roux gets the Captain's Appreciation Smooch that night, because of course Shanks saw that and is unreasonably happy about it.
Honestly, the Red Hair Pirates still haven't quite understood how Corazón entered the whole *gestures* Situation that is the relationship involving the Captain and Hawkeyes. He's shown up one day in Haweyes' company and now he's here in all his clumsy glory, having the best of times chatting with the captain, while Hawkeyes gives them both the same sappy stare. The crew supposes its a net good and respects Rosinante's request to be called by his name rather than title as they incorporate him into the rounds of drinks.
Rosinante only ever drinks a single drink if his kid is with him. (And boy does the kid have opinions; he once prognosed when exactly he expects the captain to die of liver failure down to the month, which was only made more horrifying by Hongo solemnly nodding along in the background. At least Hongo had then continued to explain that he already had been slipping the captain a regimen of meds to prevent just that for years.)
As the kid grows older and is less present however, Rosinante allows himself to indulge. Turns out for all his clumsiness, he mixes the most amazing cocktails.
Speaking of his clumsiness, they still haven't figured out if drunk Rosinante is more or less clumsy than usual. They have seen him fully drunk walk a perfectly straight line, only to stumble over literally nothing and take a perfect swan dive right into the next group of people. At least once he's down, he stays down. Most of the time draped over at least three different laps, slurring out endless apologies, but not making a move to leave. They've quickly understood that Rosinante has been severely lacking positive physical contact in his life and let him stay where he is until Mihawk or the captain pick him up eventually. If they tried to move they supposed Rosinante would too and that would only result in another round of spilled drinks. Also they can't help but admit that Rosinante's presence is somehow calming and comfortable, so no harm done.
the end of the night
No matter what, a night of drinking would inevitable end with the captain, Hawkeyes and Rosinante piled in a heap in the corner. The captain happily snoring away, Hawkeyes somehow managing to lean against the next wall all proper and cool looking in his sleep, arms crossed and hat pulled down over his eyes (no one will ever point out that he drools for fear of death), Rosinante curled over them both like a very oversized cat, his feather coat doubling as a blanket.
Seeing them, the Red Hair Pirates are happy that things turned out like this. They all are maybe a bit too aware of just how dangerous a world they are living in, and just how close they've all come to death before.
Hey, by the way, when has anyone last checked in on the kid? Didn't Rosinante say something about Law recruiting himself a crew of his own? How's that going?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
I'm looking at the Zora May prompts and wanna write stuff, and now my brain's just giggling with ideas LOL like--
Imagine, after Age of Calamity, that Link and Mipha get together. That has its whole set of fun and drama - a Hylian/Zora marriage would mean a lot anyway, but particularly when it's the Zora princess and the Hero of Hyrule. Link and Mipha start to have a family, Zelda is settling into being queen, and they all have their own set of stressors and joys and the three are still besties and it would be just so funny to see y'all. Like... Link takes his oath as a knight seriously, so he still assists Hyrule often, and just this scenario in my head came and--
Zelda, sighing: I hardly slept last night. I was up late researching the latest Zonai discoveries and almost forgot I had a meeting with the Rito delegation this morning. I'm so tired.
Link, hair a mess, on his third cup of coffee after dealing with one of his kids having a meltdown while the other kept everyone up crying all night, dealing with Mipha also trying to do royal duties, having just teleported over here via Sheikah towers: .....That sounds rough.
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pinkinsect · 4 months
if isagi, kaiser, and ness were in a roommates situation isagi is bringing his own rice cooker (he won't let the other two buy a rice cooker. his rice cooker is good. they don't need a new ricecooker). ness likes the rice cooker. it plays little melodies and adjusts its cooking time so the rice is pretty much always perfect (it's like magic. he knows it has internal sensors but it feels like magic). kaiser won't let isagi put english or german labels or furigana on the buttons (ness has a labelmaker and isagi knows the kanji is difficult so he offered to) because that feels like losing. using a dictionary or google translate while trying to cook rice for dinner also feels like losing. kaiser takes a picture of all the buttons and studies the meanings in private, then figures out how to cook a pot of rice in the middle of the night.
they should probably not live together.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
I've said this on TikTok but if they ever did make an official marauders show (which is my worst fear) you could still find me lurking in the Jegulus ao3 tag but you would never catch me interacting with the all-white cishet terfy fanbase it would replace us with
I complain about this fandom a lot but y'all are my siblings and I feel like if it ever happened I would be watching my family get slowly smothered by a wave of old bigoted potterheads 😞🙏
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springs-hurts · 5 months
I think Lancelot would be the only knight to immediately protect Merlin when his magic was revealed if he was around in s5. Gwaine and Merlin friendship seems strained he seems to hate magic and all the other knights also hunt magic users with no problem
Yepp, I wholeheartedly agree, Lancelot would either go all out, or he'd try to make them see reason...depends on which way it'd go(or which way it'd have gone, only if writers were brave enough, but damn! I can just imagine Arthur, his wife loves this man, his best friend told him his biggest secret, uh uhh, Lancelot bro, I'd run!)
But others, in Disir episode, Percival was making fun of all the hangings, and people write him as sympathetic, same goes for elyan...
So two people who'd support Merlin are Lancelot (if he didn't die) and Mordred, both would hesitate to draw their weapon, of that I have no doubt. But they'd support Merlin.
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so about the new ishmael ego
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I like her. I could say more but that would be another post. Look at the background. This part specifically.
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There's a private beach roped off here. It looks pristine compared to the polluted waters Ishmael's boat is in. Hell, the water is green over here.
Makes me wonder if sections of the lake are roped off for nest-dwellers only. And these beaches are kept clean, meanwhile on the other side of the ropes, the beach seems to be an industrial waste dumping ground.
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fannbeau · 1 month
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"it should've just been me instead..."
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definite-human · 2 years
If you're broke and living in the US, reminder that December and Easter season are when fully cooked spiral sliced hams go on sale for about $1/lb. Grab that and some freezer bags and you can get a whole lot of protein for very little money
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
with a show that goes out of its way to emphasize having a partner to sit with you in your mess and be there for you no matter what you’re struggling with it BOGGLES my mind that people think eddie has to be Cured tm to be deserving of a happy relationship let alone one with buck. thats so fucking weird
it kills me because THIS IS LITERALLY THE THESIS OF ROMANCE ON THIS SHOW!!! this is WHY all the beloved couples have made it together!!! what the fuck does anyone think is happening with bathena right now? she's in his mess with him! what the fuck is anyone talking about at this point, genuinely!! and what makes it even more ridiculous is that BUCK AND EDDIE LITERALLY ALREADY DO THIS FOR EACH OTHER, the way EVERY OTHER COUPLE DOES. it is actually a significant part of what establishes their partnership as being on the same level as bathena / henren / madney!! buck wouldn't think that eddie needs to go and Fix Himself or Heal because HE ALREADY UNDERSTANDS why eddie does what he does, he UNDERSTANDS why eddie hurt ana and why eddie hurt marisol and why eddie cheated and he UNDERSTANDS eddie's pain and trauma because he's been there! this whole time! this "eddie has stuff to figure out" idea is just some shit people made up because they cannot stand the idea that buck and eddie are willing to do the work together and they also can't stand the idea that they might hurt each other - specifically, that eddie might hurt buck, even though we ALSO just saw how buck ACTUALLY hurt eddie in 7x04! that doesn't matter though! maybe the ONLY thing that eddie actually needs to "figure out" for buck is not being straight. beyond that? they have it guys! they'll make it through!
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soaps-mohawk · 5 months
I wish you can update for like twice a week 🛐. I'm always checking for new update hahaha.. anyways, take ur timeee 🫡🫡🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Anon, I know you probably meant well, but this is not the time for something like this.
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(Gif courtesy of @collinnmckinley )
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heiiskii · 2 years
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“ppl who celebrate fictional character brithdays are annoying” shut the FUCK up and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE FUCKIGN CHARACTER EVER!!!!!!!
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i'm not usually in fandoms for things that have like, live-action actors playing the characters (idk why i just tend to get into books, cartoons, webcomics, podcasts, etc). but the few times i've been somewhat invested in a live-action media for fandom reasons (mcu, teen wolf, pacific rim, star wars) i've seen fans waxing poetic about a character's/actor's eyes. and i've literally never understood the hype, i've just been like "yeah idk theyre eyes? i dont get what's so special about them tho"
what im saying is that not only are Taika Watiti's eyes the first time i've understood the hype but ofmd is also the first time i've actually noticed an actor's eyes before seeing fandom being obsessed with them. that's the power of taika's Massive Fucking Peepers i guess
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