#they're a punch first ask questions later kind of person
soupandsorcery · 10 months
Vesper/Astarion is very much just two hurt souls who are going to heal together, and I am already in love with it. Vesper is a little unhinged, coming off of years of being exploited and treated like a show pony for the pleasure of nobles with more money than sense, and the fact that she sees so much of herself in Astarion makes her almost desperate to protect him.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 7 months
Nu carnival boys and how they would react to someone screaming at you
He's scared for you. He holds your hand trying to comfort you and himself. After the person leaves he's going to spoil you for the rest of the day. He's going to get you all kinds of treats and do anything he can to take your mind off of what happened. He's got anxiety for the rest of the day but tries not to show it.
He is going to use his knowledge of law to threaten the person right back. He does it in such an eloquent way so that no repercussions can fall back on you. It's his job to protect the kingdom from ‘disturbance of the peace’, ‘harassment’, or ‘threat of bodily harm'. All very serious crimes. The person shuts up and skulks away pretty quickly. Afterwards he'll take you out for some sweets, but you'll have to wait for him to get off of patrol first.
Honestly most people calm down as soon as he points out that they're getting aggressive. I mean how are you supposed to argue with a priest about anger? It's incredibly rare that he can't deescalate a situation but if he can't then he will usher you into a different area and close the door. Even if the other person tries to open the door or he is much stronger and can simply hold it closed until they tire themselves out and go away. Then he can sit with you and rub your back until you feel better.
For the most part he'll let you handle your own battles, but it's a different story if he starts to see your hands shaking or something telling him that you can't handle this. He'll stand up and loom over you as a silent threat to the other person. He doesn't want to get physical but the moment the person gets too close he's on them like a wild animal. He won't throw a punch but he is going to pin them and whisper something in their ear. You don't want to know what he said and he's not going to tell you. He'll let you cuddle with him after because naps fix everything.
He takes in every feature of the person, committing them to memory. Kuya may insult them to take their attention off of you, because he knows he can take whatever pathetic insults this puny human can say. After the person is gone he will tell you not to worry about them and they aren't worth your thoughts. Some time later Kuya is going to find them and trap them in an illusion making them lose their mind. It's what they deserve for upsetting you.
He's confused why someone is mad at you. Once he realizes what the person is saying to you he enters “protection mode”. If the person takes even a single step towards you then Blade is fully ready to attack. You may even need to defend this person from Blade if it escalates that much. After everything is said and done blade asks why they were so upset and when you explain why he's just so confused because it does not make any sense to him. How could someone get so hostile towards you?
He's going to physically get between you and the person yelling at you. He's going to try to take their attention off of you and put it on to him instead. He's going to be upset after getting yelled at but he's going to be even more upset if he watches you get yelled at. If things get taken too far he may tap out and let Karu take over, but he'll try his best to make the person leave you alone.
He's going to bite them. No questions asked. If he has to switch in he is attacking first and asking questions never. It all happened so fast and he is grabbing your hand and running away. He boasts about how strong he is and that he'll always be here to protect you.
It depends. If you did something stupid he will let the other person say their piece, but will stop them if they go to far. He will comfort you afterwards but will also discuss how the situation could have been handled instead. If you did nothing wrong and the person is just screaming at you then you better believe Dante is going to punish them harshly. Sure he'll try to deescalate the situation first but if the person doesn't back off then they will feel the wrath of the sun.
He is going to verbally rip this person apart. Normally I say Rei uses his intelligence for evil, but in this case he will pinpoint every insecurity that this person has and break them down piece by piece. If this person didn't have any self-image issues before then they sure do have some now because Rei is about to give them a big inferiority complex.
He's going to get mad and start yelling right back. He doesn't care even if you were at fault, he's got your back no matter what. Now it's him and this person screaming and Eiden is ready to throw hands. After everything is over he makes really sarcastic comments about how that person was an idiot. He'll make sure you guys go out and do something fun to destress.
He'll just jump into the situation and shove a piece of paper into the person's face, and they will instantly go pale. Aster has blackmail on literally everybody and he is more than willing to use it for you. Afterwards he will joke about how dumb that person was to be mean to you and if you're lucky he may buy you something as well.
He's going to just take your hand and walk away. Even if the person is still yelling at you and following, he's just going to keep walking and talk to you about whatever ‘fun’ thing you're going to do next. He kind of hopes the person is just going to stop. If they don't though he is going to turn around and say something really vulgar for shock value, then just continue to walk away while the person is too stunted to do anything. Afterwards he just laughs about the whole situation to make you feel better, and goes on about how stupid they looked.
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rwbyrg · 17 days
Another thing I had noticed was the way Ruby interreacts with everyone vs. how she interacts with Oscar. Like her mannerisms seem to change a bit when she speaks or is near him or she treats him differently from the others. Because personally I've never seen her act very nervous around the others when she met them versus how she met Oscar, and she still does it to this day. What do you think?
I am soooooo late to answering these asks and this got sooooo long aha. Thank you for your patience. 🙇‍♀️
I have noticed that Ruby acts markedly different around Oscar than the others! And in my opinion, it is done with a great deal of intention. The thing with RG is that a lot of what makes the ship so strong is how subtle its writing is. So much of it is paralleled themes and a lot of it relies on an absence of something that is usually present. Often treating the absence itself as a presence of something to be paid attention to.
When we first meet Ruby in V1, she says she gets along better with weapons than she does with people. (Lol isn't it funny that Oscar's name means "God's Spear" haha. surely that has no correlation whatsoever... anyway).
When Ruby meets Weiss, she gets screamed at and makes a dust bomb explode in the courtyard, but by V2 so many of their conflicts are resolved and they've become rivals/besties/team partners.
When Ruby meets Blake, she's got her foot in her mouth and is super awkward... until there's an opportunity to connect with her about stories and fairytales. Then we see Ruby's earnest side come out and the anxiety in her pretty much disappears.
When Ruby meets Jaune, it's remarkably not awkward. Their shared social awkwardness and feelings of not belonging at Beacon cancel each other out and they're able to have a fairly normal conversation.
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Very quickly through the early volumes, Ruby gets comfortable. As a leader, as part of her team, as a welcome part of their social circle. She's young, still optimistic and full of hope. She hasn't been given too much trauma or cause to question herself by that point. She has her moments, sure, but like a lot of kids that don't fit in much and aren't super social, she's actually really good at it once she's given the chance.
But when Ruby meets Oscar - while she has experienced some of the Horrors™ that have chipped away at her self confidence - she's not too different than usual. Not at first, anyway.
He comments on her eyes and she responds naturally by asking him who he is, she's able to be candid with her response when she's told he's carrying Oz around, and yeah she giggles a bit when they're all playing the 'getting to know you game', but she also smiles at him. Earnest, trying to make him feel at ease cause this situation is kind of weird for all of them. When they spar later, she's being a goofy kid. Sticking her tongue out at him, laughing while they throw and dodge punches, running to help him when he collapses, grabbing his wrist with very little hesitation to tug him towards the rest of the group. It's all fairly normal...
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...and then the Dojo Scene happens.
With the Dojo Scene, the narrative tone of their relationship is both established and changed. Ruby comes down the stairs and she's open, at first. But as they talk a bit more, her body language becomes more and more closed off the closer she gets to him. Clasping her hands in front of her when she asks a question about his past, then hugging herself as she dares to step a little closer to him, as if putting up some kind of protective barrier.
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She tries complimenting his efforts, laughing a bit to hide her nervousness, is fairly candid, and makes a bit of a joke. But the joke reveals a wound of hers that hasn't healed yet and opens the conversation up to vulnerability. A vulnerability that Oscar points out immediately. One she has not spoken to anyone else about up until that point.
"How do you handle all of this?"
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Ruby pauses. She's not used to talking to people about her problems. At first, I don't think she's even thinking about herself when he asks. She nudges him to clarify what he means and he opens up about his own fears, which prompts her routine song and dance that she gives to everyone. Uplifting words, holding onto hope, keep moving forward, just don't let the things that haunt you catch up and you'll be fine.
And Oscar doesn't accept it. He isn't moved by it. He's not comforted. He rejects it, questions it, and completely lashes out. Is actually angry that she's telling him to "just press on" in spite of those fears. Is angry on her behalf that she's not being honest about her own feelings.
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And Ruby cracks. She actually opens up and talks to Oscar about all the grief she keeps buried down and doesn't burden anyone with. She might have argued to herself that it was the only way to make Oscar feel better, but it's uncharacteristic for her. She doesn't usually have to go that deep to cheer other people up. When she tells him about her losses and motivations, Oscar joins her in that open doorway, in shared vulnerability... and the moment she sees an opportunity to retreat, she takes it. Not used to this closeness in the slightest.
From then on out they're still friends, clearly. Their bond strengthened, if anything... but Ruby does not know how to handle him when he has such a skill for seeing through her in ways no one else ever seems to catch onto. She's able to push it away a bit when he's pre-occupied with something else. When he's worried about the merge or his mistakes in Atlas, or they're in a group conversation, she's able to act with some sense of normalcy... but when they're alone that awkwardness comes creeping back.
When WBY confront Ruby about her decision to keep the truth from Ironwood, Yang specifically asks how Oscar feels about it, and we see Ruby falter. This is a direct parallel to Bumbleby circa V8 when Yang is the one worrying about Blake thinking less of her for her own decision. We've seen Ruby disagree with people before and remain confident in her choice... but she questions herself here because of how much she values Oscar's opinion. And their disagreement colours more of her interactions with him throughout V7.
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When they're all practicing in the academy training rooms, Oscar comments on her semblance. Asking if she's always been able to do that, which is something he wouldn't ask if he didn't pay close enough attention to be able to notice such differences. She's laughing awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
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And the fumble, when they finally come back together with renewed trust - that I already dove into a bit over in this post - she's still doing it!!
She is so excited to talk to him again, to not be at odds, that she almost runs directly into his back and is all flailing arms, and awkward giggles as she tries to tell him she agrees with him. When they finally establish that they're on the same page, she's hugging herself tight, rubbing her arm, looking away from him in her nervousness. Even when she walks away she's hugging herself again. Meanwhile, Oscar is all open body language, hand on hip, hand extended to her, active listening and receptive to what she has to say.
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Interesting that this conversation's themes around choosing truth over fear calls back to the Dojo Scene so well, innit? 🤔
The last example I want to give isn't about Ruby. It's about Oscar. Throughout the show, he's always been a bit skittish, jumpy, and expressive with things like loud noises and - quite noticeably - touch. Oscar's been tackled to the ground by Nora in multiple hugs, tackled by the whole team in V6 after he went missing, scooped up by Jaune after he was kidnapped, and in all of those instances there has been a noticeable physical discomfort from him. Often a flinch or a wince beforehand, only relaxing into it after the surprise of the impact is over with.
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But Ruby has put her hand on Oscar's shoulder multiple times (outside the Dojo Scene) without eliciting that response from him. One of those touches made him blush, if anything. And when Oscar returns from Salem's prison, beaten and covered in bruises. Ruby is running to hug him and not only does he not flinch, he smiles with open arms, completely ready for and accepting of it. And then the narrative robbed him of the chance 😭
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Ruby, despite her usual confidence, resolve, and unwillingness to talk about her issues, becomes nervous, awkward, and self conscious around Oscar. The absence of her usual demeanor becomes the presence of how much she values what Oscar thinks of her and how vulnerable he's able to make her feel. (Which, for a character as emotionally guarded as Ruby, is a good thing).
Similarly, Oscar's established pattern of resisting physical touch - even when he's injured and probably sporting a few broken ribs - is absent with Ruby. It becomes a presence instead of his comfort, trust, and (desire for) closeness to her.
While these examples aren't exhaustive, generally speaking, the absences of their usual behaviours around one another become the presence of something unique to their relationship and often serve to highlight their attachments to each other. Be it how they interact with each other directly... or how they act when they're apart. But that, my friends, is an entirely different post and I have rambled long enough for today.
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adudelolwriting · 2 months
oooo for the ask game, "lovers to enemies" with either Brian and Tim or Jay and Tim? <:)
so uh . i went a bit overboard with this. heres 1.2k words, hopefully you enjoy !! (ask game here)
Brian and Tim had been friends.
They had met in college, and the two quickly got along. It was strange, for Tim. He had just met the taller man, and it was clear Brian was always going to be there for him. They even shared the same living space during college.
Brian didn't have a car, and so Tim drove him a lot. That's how he met Alex, through Brian. Tim had never been interested in acting before, but Brian insisted he at least tried out, and Tim got the part.
The start was… fun. There were a lot of jokes, goofing off, and just hanging around. But as the weeks went, Alex changed before stopping production completely and never being seen again. Okay, sure. Whatever.
Brian left.
He still kept contact with Tim, but now it was only through calls and texts after he finished college. The house they shared seemed emptier. 
Brian doesn't keep in contact with Tim anymore. He knew the day would come eventually, but Tim's heart still squeezed with grief. Maybe he had convinced himself that Brian would be different, his first friend out in the real world. (Tim shakes his head. He doesn't need to think about this.)
Tim is losing time. He's blacking out, waking up in the middle of the woods or street or field, hours, days, weeks from what he last remembered. He always wakes up with a shitty plastic mask, and he throws it out but somehow it's always back.
This goes on for years. The medication starts to help.
Tim still misses Brian, as he finishes moving out of this house. Tim misses him a lot, seeing everything that still reminded him of Brian. He shakes his head, taking one last look at the house, holding the last box of his things. It felt like a goodbye, a real, proper one. "I miss you, Brian," Tim mutters under his breath before turning away for the last time.
Tim gets a random call one day. It's Jay, who's asking about Marble Hornets. It brings back to many memories, but Tim still says he can help where he can. They line up a time to meet, and Jay seems very insistent on knowing information about Alex, but, whatever. The two weren't that close in college, but Tim supposes he was around enough. He answers Jay's questions, and soon enough Tim's left with a "I'll call you later and let you know."
Something's wrong.
Tim's blacking out again. It's been harder to keep stable jobs. It feels like his life is falling apart again. 
Tim's being stalked by someone. They wear a yellow hoodie, and have something covering their face. They're pretty good at hiding — Tim's only seen them once or twice. (Who knows how many times they've been here?)
The hooded figure is fast. Tim can never hope to catch up to them. 
Tim contacted Jay, this time. He found some old tapes from back when Marble Hornets was being filmed, and figured the other would enjoy having some. Tim can't remember what's on them, but hopefully it'll be something useful for Jay.
Jay lied.
Tim can be a very angry person. He knows this — that's why he tries to keep it under wraps. But when he sees Jay again, he couldn't hold himself and he punches Jay. He lied. He lied. He never wanted to continue Marble Hornets. He just wants information and wanted to play hero.
Tim was doing fine. He was doing better. Then Jay came around, pointing his stupid camera everywhere, and suddenly everything went down the drain! Tim's whole life was coming undone because someone wants to play detective, someone wants to try and help people who can't be helped!
He never wants to see Jay again after this. He never wants to hear the words Marble Hornets, or tapes, or cameras or anything. 
Tim missed Brian. He's been thinking of him recently, with the film on his mind more than normal. Brian was sweet, kind, caring, patient. Everything Tim wasn't. 
Tim… god, Tim missed him.
His medication is going missing.
He knows this — he knows he had some earlier. He saw it. But then it just wasn't there when Tim needed it, when Tim's coughing fits lead to seizures. Which leads to blacking out, and waking up face down in the dirt.
With the last person he wanted to see, apparently. Jay had also been taken out here, that damned camera left with him and letting him record everything as if it has no effect on anyone else. 
Tim wouldn't say he was depressed. But god, days like these? It made Tim feel like nothing was worth it. But he had to keep going. Even if he always throws away this mask, but it always ends up back in his hands, or his house, or car. 
Tim wasn't as angry as he was before with Jay, but he still didn't want to be walking through Rosswood with the man.
Tim and Jay started working together. It seems the universe wanted them to stick together. 
Jay tried to attack Tim. Tim hid one tape from Jay, because it was about Jessica, and Tim knew he would react badly. But bringing a knife? Did Jay really think that was going to be okay? 
Tim tied Jay up, took his camera and knife, and left. Jay would be fine at his own house while Tim left to look around Benedict Hall. 
Jay escaped. Jay went to Benedict Hall. Jay was shot. Jay was dead.
Jay was dead.
Jay was dead.
Tim went home. Everyone he knows is dead or missing or left him.
Tim goes back to the college. He's going to find Alex. 
He finds the hooded figure. (Why do they seem familiar?)
He chases them. (Tim needs to take revenge.)
Up a flight of stairs. The figure is hanging over the balcony. 
Anger fills Tim's veins, and then the body drops. 
Tim looks over the edge, and the body is unmoving. Tim makes his way back down, and they're not breathing. (Ignore that.) Tim searches their pockets, pulling out a tape and some of his medication. He's been out for a while now. Tim downs two pills. 
The tall creature shows up before Tim could unmask the hooded figure. Tim runs back home. 
He watches the tape.
It was Brian.
The yellow hoodie. It was Brian.
Another person Alex took from him. Tim's best friend, his first one. Alex took him. 
(And now Brian's dead because of you.)
No, no — it was Alex.
Seth, Sarah, Amy, Jessica, Jay, Brian. Alex killed them all. Alex killed them. Tim needed to stop him. He led Alex to his house, and Alex burned it down. 
Tim had nothing now. 
He had nothing to lose.
He found Alex again in Benedict Hall, hiding behind the screen of that demonic creature. Tim found him. That thing kept teleporting them around, but Tim held on and fought. He had nothing else left. 
Tim kills Alex. He goes home.
God, Brian was dead. Tim hated the hooded figure, and he wanted it dead, but… he was Brian. 
Tim felt hallowed out. He went to sleep, nightmares plaguing his mind. 
Brian was dead.
Tim didn't have anyone or anything left.
Brian was dead.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
What about omega!LaRusso!Reader who is timid and shy and scared of most alphas. Omega!Sam is protective of her sister and let's her hide behind her all the time; she even scents her when she doesn't want alphas, or really anyone, to take notice of her. Reader just tries to blend into a big group to try and hide her own scent, unaware that it only works half of the time, if that much.
Alphas are just so big and scary. All the ones who've approached her tower over her and get in her personal space. They're musky and brash and loud. Their scents often overwhelm her as well as their aggressive attitudes. More often than not, after interacting with an alpha, she's on the verge of tears because they tries to flirt with her and she didn't reciprocate, which either made the situation that much more awkward for her or upset the alpha.
She's sweet. She doesn't want to upset anyone. Even though she didn't like that alpha and they scared her, she didn't want to hurt their feelings. It also doesn't help when they trigger her fight or flight instincts.
Most would assume her instinct is to flee, but actually it's punching and kicking. The LaRusso sisters are tough omegas when it comes to such things and Reader strictly uses her karate to kick a few unwanted alphas away. However, when she gives them busted lips, broken noses, and limp dicks, they're a little angry afterward. They learn she's a lot stronger than she looks. Many don't learn their lesson though, or some don't heed the warning to tred lightly when it comes to the shy, easily spooked omega.
Nothing seems to be able to change her attitude toward alphas. She's frightened by them and that seems to be it.
That is until she meets Hawk, or rather reacquaints herself with him. When he was rough and brash in Cobra Kai, she wanted nothing to do withnhim, but when he switches sides and starts making amends, she's more open to getting to know him. The entire dojo acts as a pack and she's a part of that, since she's Sam's sister and Daniel's daughter.
So when Hawk joins, he tries to get to know her. It's a little difficult at first because she's unsure about him, she's hesitant. But her worries melt away over time and he's one of the first alphas to get really close to her. He offers to scent her jacket so she doesn't have to deal with unwanted alphas and he brings her little gifts, but it's never anything too big. He says it's just leftover cookies his mom made or something he saw that he thought she might like. She thinks he's the sweetest alpha ever.
He definitely has some ulterior motives though. He's kind of, maybe been falling for the omega since he first met her.
They met in school way before he ever became Hawk, when he was still Eli. They were both too quiet to really say much to each other, never really making contact with each other aside from small waves and smiles in passing. She stayed close to her sister and friends and he stayed close to Demetri. It was never much, but he always kind of just admired her from afar.
Now that he's in Miyagi-Do, he can actually talk to her, hangout with her, really get to know her. He's always been attracted to her, but he really gets pulled in by her giggle and her sweetness. She's so cute. He keeps close to her and hopes he can someday build up the courage to ask her out.
In the meantime, he's trying to hide just how protective of her he is whilst evading people asking him too many questions. He knows she's been wary of alphas in the past and doesn't want to freak her out, so he wants to take it slow and ease into the more relationship-y things. He's waiting for the right time because he really wants to be Reader's friend first and hopefully her mate later.
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some-pers0n · 1 year
I know you probably want to talk about it in a big post but we can see the Glory bias on how she is treated when she uses her venom and how Tsunami is treated for using violence
Oh thanks for the ask! I'll start rambling.
Glory and how she's treated by the narrative really shows Tui's bias towards her. I'll go more into it in the rant later on, but I'll just go along with it.
Glory killing characters like Scarlet and Crocodile are just kind of...brushed off. She's seen as cool and calculated for doing them. She's the savior in the situation. The cool and epic gaslighting, gatekeeping girlboss.
That's just with her behavior in general. She makes sny and mean comments and remarks a lot more than sarcastic ones. Yet, nobody really calls her out for it. It's just shown as her having a quirky way of talking and dealing with things.
Compare and contrast with Tsunami. I'm not too personally fond of Tsunami, but I do feel like her actions are called out more than Glory. Slightly.
The narrative points to her brash and aggressive behavior and makes a point of it that it's a flaw. Her 'punch first, ask questions later' mentality is seen as a poor thing, mostly by introspection and whatnot. It comes to the forefront when it's revealed that Gill is her father, something she deeply regrets.
However, I still don't feel the books fully commit to the idea of this behavior being flawed. It's still a cool and epic girlboss moment. Hell yeah guys, ain't it cool when Tsunami randomly kills some SkyWing for no particular reason? Not even with Gill does she process it for a long while. It's just kind of that chapter and then the book moves along.
I can already imagine the defense for it. "They're dragons! They don't have human morals!"
I could rant about how horrible of an argument this is for ages. In this situation, it defends Glory and Tsunami and their actions by saying that they're dragons. They kill dragons. Dragons kill each other all the time. It's normal. Besides, weren't they doing it in self defense?
I'd agree had these dragons not be written as humans but with scales and wings. They DO have human morals. Stealing and murder is bad. They have entire societies, rules, monarchies, etc. They are very anthropomorphic.
So, Glory and Tsunami more or less get away with their actions. Tsunami gets a little slap on the wrist and is lightly scolded for it, but not much more. Glory on the other hand practically gets rewarded a piece of candy when she does it. She's the cool character. Don't you guys just love Glory? I mean, the narrative literally warps around so she can be the epicist strong and powerful female dragon to ever grace literature. Tui seems to think so.
There's nothing wrong with having a favourite character when writing. Nothing at all. The issues come when the story shifts around and says things that are bad for other dragons to do before then turning around and congratulating the 'good guys' for doing it. You have to acknowledge your character's flaws and apply them to the same line of logic everyone else abides by.
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broken-endings · 11 days
The Earth Avatar
So one thing Legend of Korra did great was make sure not to repeat most story and character beats from The Last Airbender.
Aang was a simple monk with spiritual upbringing, communing with nature and peace. He was also out of his time, and being introduced to this world as an audience we learned about all forms of bending as Aang learned about all forms of bending. Culminating in ending a long war.
Korra was a rough and tough gal with a rural upbringing. Punch first, ask questions later. She was one with bending that came easy, because we the audience already knew about the forms of bending. One thing we never saw through Aang was the struggle to learn airbending. So like a 4th book to the first series, we got to see the avatar learn airbending. Korra was sheltered never traveling like her past life, and so we see the new Republic city through her eyes. Someone who has never been to the city. The rest of her story builds on lore in the world and the evolution of the people in it. Each season she faced a different "tyrant" whose stance has good intentions but they become villains.
I'm trying to think of what types of things neither series touched on that the 3rd series could explore. The only things we know are -They're an Earth Kingdom native -Their only past life connection will be with Korra
What kinds of stories have we not seen the avatar go through? Let me speculate below
My first thought is highly desirable but feels unlikely which would be for this avatar to be nonbinary. Having the Korrasami ending makes it feel not totally impossible. But I'm not holding my breath for this one.
Have the Avatar be an adult. The original audience of the series are all adults now. It would be fitting to have a series about an adult avatar.
Learn about the new avatar gradually through flashbacks. Perhaps there could be a mystery tied to information they've forgotten or are trying to keep hidden.
Have the avatar grow up in the city, and be forced to adjust to being thrown into a rural environment (opposite of Korra). Learning about the differences in life between the two.
Have the avatar be a parent. We haven't witnessed what it's like to be a young child with an avatar parent. We've only seen the avatar's children as adults.
Expand on the treatment of nonbenders. this was the biggest plot point that LoK kind of abandoned once Amon was gone.
Possibly discover a way to reconnect the avatar to all previous past lives. With only Korra as a guide, I feel like she might not excel at guidance, so being able to reconnect to history could empower this avatar. Just like Korra reconnected to her bending.
The previous avatar spirits have been zen and helpful. Korra's spirit should challenge that cliche. Perhaps her spirit gets angry with the avatar and she ignores them at times.
Have this avatar be an intellectual. Korra had a jock personality (gryffindor). Aang had a goofball, spiritual personality (hufflepuff). Perhaps this avatar reads and studies about everything in theory but struggled to put it into practice (ravenclaw).
Have this avatar have a physical disability. Toph was blind, we saw a waterbender with no arms. It would be new to see an avatar that is perhaps deaf or hard of hearing, be unable to walk, colorblind, or have only one seeing eye.
Have the avatar deal with death. Aang learns about all the people he lost but he never lost someone right in front of him. If this series is permitted to not be a kids show, it could deal with death head-on.
Have the avatar be one that needs redemption (slytherin). Now this is unlikely, but what if we were introduced to an avatar that rejected destiny and made selfish choices, and we learn all the things that pushed them down that path, maybe it would be too much of a repeat of Zuko's journey. But there are more ways to build a redemption arc.
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jillianfahey · 2 months
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU
Yesterday I read about the Bad Bach being professional soldiers in a Modern AU and how Crosshair was the typical sleep around guy not really getting into relationships because the job would always take him away. In the AU he and Tech are twenty four and Phee (Techs girlfriend in the fic) is the same age. So I've been thinking, what kind of person would change Crosshairs mind to try being in a relationship instead of just adding notches to the bedpost.
Crosshair shook his head as he walked down the street, he had drunk too much last night and had stayed longer than he thought he would. Normally he didn't stay past one or two rounds unless they were really good. Stretching his t-shirt pulled and he could smell the smoke and perfume on it. The smoke from the party last night was on his jeans and sneakers too. He needed a shower and some real sleep. But first, coffee.
Almost at the thought he noticed a coffee shop up ahead, across the street from a grocery store. Good, he could get some coffee then buy something for his headache. With that plan in mind he stepped into the store.
A young Dathmarian woman was standing behind the counter mixing a smoothie, but looked up at him. A practiced smile graced her face but did not reach her blue eyes framed by dark lashes, a white diamond marking directly in her forehead with two white lines going on either side of her face and disappearing into the t-shirt with the coffee stores logo on it. A grey skinned hand motioned to the wall to her right, "Our drinks and menu are right there. Let me know if you need help."
Looking at the menu decided, "I would like a large black coffee with two shots of Expresso please."
Wiping her hands on her apron, "Coming right up." Turning to the machine, "Do you want a pastry as well? They're in the display case." He watched as she punched buttons on the machine, "See anything you'd like?"
Yes he did, but not in the display case, "What time do you get off your shift?"
Turning to him, "Shouldn't you ask my name before starting on plans?" She had her head slightly tilted with the question.
This didn't usually happen so Crosshair blinked at her for a minute. She broke eye contact and got his coffee ready before capping bringing it over to him and setting it on the counter, "If that is all that will be one fifty." Numbly Crosshair paid up and left.
A few days later Crosshair was out walking again, just getting out of the house now that Wrecker was looking for something to do. Pulling out a cigarette he leaned against a tree and lit it. A deep puff that he exhaled slowly. "You shouldn't be smoking here," the voice to his left made him jump. It was the barista from the other day, wearing stained jeans, beat up sneakers and the coffee shop t-shirt. Pointing across the street, "That's an elementary school, and we can't go having bad examples around."
This made him chuckle, "All I am is a bad example sweetheart."
Her eyebrow raised, "Would it kill you to ask for my name Crosshair Fett?" His surprise must have shown on his face, "Yeah, I know who you are." Stretching slightly before leaning on the tree next to his, "You aren't the first person to come to the coffee shop after a night out, and a lot of them like to talk."
Deciding to bite the metaphorical bullet he asked, "What is your name sweetheart?"
A clap, "He can learn." Normally this would have annoyed him, but from her it was almost endearing, "My name is Lyni. Lyni Opress."
Putting out his cigarette and placing the rest he was going to smoke behind an ear, "I haven't heard your accent before Lyni."
The comfortable atmosphere disappeared in a second, "I was raised in a small colony on Dathomir." She stood up straight, "See you around." Crosshair watched her leave wondering what all of that was about.
It was a few weeks later and and it was raining. It had been slow and the deployment had been canceled due to the downpour. Ducking into a grocery store he heard the unusual accent, "Do you have any red weed?" There was a negative response and a sigh. Turning he saw Lyni standing a few rows away with a cart and speaking to a clerk. Thanking the man she turned and went down the aisle.
Crosshair followed her and saw she was struggling to reach a herb on the top shelf. Quickly going to her he stood behind her and lowered it to her reach. "Thank you," she said as she turned around and saw him barely a foot away, "Crosshair." She put a hand on his chest and pushed him a few steps back, giving her space, "What brings you here?"
Running a hand through his wet hair, "The rain. What about you?"
She looked at him, eyebrows raised and extended a hand to the cart, "What do you think?"
Raising a hand, "Good point." Then something he never asked outside of his family even with the people he was trying to sleep with, "Would you like some help?" The smile reached her eyes when she saw he was serious and he was glad he had asked.
Ten to fifteen minutes later found him walking next her in the rain, both of them holding bags of groceries. Crosshair insisted on carrying the heavier stuff as a gentleman. As they walked they talked about different rainstorms they had been in before.
Too soon they were at her little house and she let them both in. Both stood in the living room dripping wet when she started laughing and he laughed too, "Come on, lets get these to the kitchen." He followed her though the little room that held a computer to the kitchen that was just off a carpeted living room and saw different toys on the wooden floor as well as pictures of at least five men with different colored skins put all with the same eyes as Lyni. There was also a picture of her with two kids, a orange skinned boy and a grey skinned girl. Lyni motioned to the counter and he set down the bags he was carrying. When he turned she had disappeared but she came back holding towels, "Here you are," she said as she handed him one.
Both dried off as well as they could before he started drying groceries that she put away. Finally he broke the silence, "You have kids?"
She stopped for a moment before continuing, "Technically they are my niece and nephew but yes, I have kids."
The groceries had been put away and they started working on their water trail, "What happened?"
Lyni took a deep breath before turning to look at him, "My family are either dead, drug addicts, in jail, or part of a cult. Some are a mixture of the last three." With a shrug, "I wasn't in any of those situations so when my brother died the authorities looked at all of us and picked me as the most stable one to have a chance to take care of his children."
Crosshair looked at her with new eyes, of course she didn't have time for mindless pickup lines. Then it occurred to him, "Lyni, how old are you?"
With a slight smile, "I'm twenty three Cross, just a year younger than you." Then tilting her head, "Does this mean I can ask some questions now?" He nodded. Then over some tea they asked and answered questions until the rain stopped and Crosshair left to go home. But he did have a secret joy for in his pocket there was now an e-mail address to keep in contact with Lyni.
A few months later Crosshair was back from deployment and following his brothers around the fair where he could beat any of the shooting games. Why was he even here? Then a orange skinned boy ran full tilt into him and the little horns knocked the wind out of him, "Brutal, look where your going!" Looking up he saw Lyni wearing clean jeans and sneakers, a blue shirt and with her hair left loosely flowing down her back. He forgot how to speak for a moment as she reached out to touch his arm, "Are you alright Cross." He nodded and she turned to the boy, "What do you say 'Tal?"
Stepping up, "I am sorry sir." The child had the same accent as Lyni. Crosshair remembered that there was another one and noticed the girl hiding behind Lyni's legs looking up at him with the same blue eyes.
Taking a deep breath, "Its alright kid, but you probably should look where your going." The child nodded seriously. Crosshair extended a hand, "My names Crosshair."
The kid took it, "My names Brutal," then motioning to the girl behind Lyni, "that's my twin sister. Her name is Shadow."
Tilting his head Crosshair asked, "How old are you two?"
"We're seven sir." Brutal blinked when Crosshair grimaced slightly with 'sir'.
Quickly having his face settle back into regular lines, "Would you like to meet my twin?" The boy nodded, "Follow me."
Lyni and the two kids followed him though the crowd that thronged the park, and finally Crosshair saw Tech winning a stuffed animal for Phee. Walking towards them he waved for their attention which Tech gave, "Where did you disappear to?" Then seeing the woman and two kids behind his brother, "What's going on."
Crosshair stood between the two groups, "Tech, Phee this is my friend Lyni, her nephew Brutal, and her niece Shadow. The two kids are twins." Looking at the Dathmarian trio, "This is my twin brother Tech and his girlfriend Phee."
Lyni stepped forward and extended a hand, "It's nice to finally meet you." Then with a slight smile, "Cross told me all about the team's exploits in the emails he sent me." Then turning to the children, "Come on you two, say hello." Which Brutal did and Shadow just waved.
Phee had shaken Lynis hand as it seemed that Tech was too shocked to realize that this was the girl that his brother had talked about. It was the first time there was respect and awe in his brothers voice about a girl Tech didn't know. Phee gave a knowing smile to Crosshair then stage whispered to Lyni, "You should have him win you and the kids some prizes."
Both Brutal and Shadow perked up at that and turned tooka eyes on Crosshair, "Could you win us something? Please!"
He looked a little lost before Lyni spoke, "You can each choose one thing for a prize. No more." As the twins started talking about the best thing in the carnival Lyni spoke to the other three adults, "I'm sorry about this."
To the others surprise it was Crosshair who spoke, "There's nothing to be sorry for." With a shrug, "Their kids."
Lyni gave him a smile before looking at the kids again who had turned to them, "What's the verdict?"
Brutal spoke, "I want one of the Shriek Hawks and Shadow wants a Tooka." Looking up at his aunt, "There are Binturong stuffies too."
Crosshair looked at the kid confused, "What's a Bintruong?"
But Lyni's entire face lit up, "It's viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia and is also known as the bearcat." Then plunging into a five minute talk about the features of the animal, along with its habitat and ending with "And it lives for ten to fifteen years. Plus it smells like popcorn too, isn't that crazy?"
Crosshair had watched her the entire time with a soft smile on his face, Tech looked between the pair in confusion, Phee gave a knowing look again, and the kids absorbed all of the information that their aunt had given them. In reaction to the question at the end of the little speech Phee gave Crosshair a friendly nudge, "Sounds like you need to win her one."
Blushing Lyni ducked her head, "You really don't have to..."
Crosshair spoke up, "You're right, I don't have to." In the same tone, "But I am going to." Then he led the way to get the three Dathmarians their chosen prizes. And afterwards as they all ate ice cream the kids were amazed at how easy it was for him to do so, going through all three of his perfect shots again.
There you have it. I think he would fall in love with someone who does not collapse under his pick up lines because they are literally to busy being strong as can be. Then when he learns about it he decides to help all he can and remain near them out of respect.
If you want more of this, please ask. I don't know if I'll find the motivation otherwise.
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mikunology · 3 months
hey! same anon as the q about weaknesses you received before bc i really like your universe LOL. so, how do the kagamines interact with/see each other?
thank you ;v; and uhhh I'm not quite sure how you mean? (at least in the idea that I've talked a lot about the Kagamines and their relationship on this blog) but if you'd like something more in-depth...
Rin and Len see each other as akin to siblings in my verse! They're very close and usually do stuff together, and consider each other each other's best friend and greatest rival :> they bicker and banter with each other a lot but it's rarely serious
Rin is very much an annoying older sister XD She likes heckling Len, bossing him around and dragging him along on her wild stunts, but it's really just her teasing - she loves Len very much and is probably his biggest fan. She hates it when he self-deprecates because she knows how good of a person he really is and tries to support him as best she can in her own way, and she's always there to uplift him when he needs help. She's also usually the one gently pushing Len to step outside his comfort zone and become more confident in himself. She's actually very scared of losing him in a serious way.
Len, meanwhile, tends to bicker back with Rin and rolls his eyes at her when she's doing something crazy, but he cares for her very deeply and is even a bit of a pushover when it comes to her (something he really isn't for anyone else). He's always looking after her and is usually acting as her "conscience" in a sense XD he gets frustrated with her attitude sometimes but he's very in-tune with Rin and how she feels and regardless of how much she bugs him he's always there for her as soon as she needs him. He's very protective of her and even if he has trouble admitting it to her face he looks up to her quite a lot :>
Also, naturally, they pair up a lot when it comes to their heroics, since Rin is very much a "punch first, ask questions later" kind of girl and while Len is more skittish with combat he's very good at planning and is usually the one coming up with strategies for their fights. They've had many an argument about their approaches with crimefighting but when they actually put their strengths together they're hard to beat :>
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
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Who You Are:
Astro || He/him
I'm Astro, I'm a trans guy, I'm 24 and native American, I have ADHD and it's a dragon I'm either riding or fighting.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Action, comedy, fantasy, paranormal, and romance. New adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Romance probably. It's the constant in all my WIPs. I'm corny and I enjoy it, I love to see a couple (or a few) people trying to die for each other. That first kiss is one of my favorite scenes to write. I just love seeing what people in love will do for each other and to each other. It's cute, it's devastating, it's hot.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
High fantasy. I'm not into worldbuilding, so most of my stories are set in the real world with fantasy elements. I also don't think I could write royalty stories. I think they're neat, but I just much prefer the perspective of the grungy street rat.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
People who like violence and sex and drugs and anti-authoritarian themes. I think some people do read for my characters, without necessarily loving all the darker topics, and there's always a message that I think would resonate with everyone in my writing. Mainly that those in power don't give a f*ck about those under them and you should tear them down.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
Anti-authoritarian is definitely a big one. Kill God, fight the government, question the system around you. Are monsters actually the monsters and don't heroes just uphold the status quo? I think I channel a lot of my feelings about the real world into my WIPs. I love a lot of tropes, especially the romance ones. Enemies to friends/lovers is so fun. Corruption arcs. ADHD x Autistic pairings is something that's so special to me.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
The main one is the main character being too good of a person. I don't think it's bad, but I love when they get dark. Like yeah pull the trigger, the villain deserves it. Don't be upfront about your feelings and let them rot instead until you do something you regret. I think it's just way more interesting to read.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
Bones and Bullet is my focus right now. I've been writing it off and on since I was 13 so I'm on year 11. I really like how it's turning out this time and I know more about the politics and espionage so plotting is a lot easier.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I'm mad at the world and that's part of it. But mainly it's just a lot of fun. I have a blast watching my characters do wild stuff in my head, and I love entertaining others but I've always been the best at doing that through writing.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
Since I was 8 or 9? I loved reading and I read The Lottery and felt so gut-punched by it I was like… I gotta do that to someone.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
The state of the world is a big one. I don't think there's a god but if there is, then why are they letting things happen the way they are? I can make that character and actually ask. For my current project, I really liked action movies as a kid. Especially the really wild ones like the Mission Impossible series. Ghost Protocol where Tom Cruise is suction cupping outside the Burj Khalifa? That changed me. And then later I understood more about politics and the themes of songs like Born in The USA and I was like oh we're not the good guys, so my Agents aren't technically agents anymore, but exploited and discarded ex-agents who are permanently changed by what they went through.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Bones and Bullet for sure. I think the plot really works and I've always struggled with that, but I'm so excited for the climax of the first book. Plus Shadow and Veronica are characters that I really know very well and I think it shows.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
No, I just post online. I don't want to do traditional publishing and I'd probably just make my finished project available online and printed independently if people wanted a hard copy.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
None of it appeals to me. Editors scare me, I struggle with constructive criticism, I do not think I could handle a negative review. So that's why I'd make my stuff available for free. Why would someone complain about something free? I would judge them for it instead of taking it personally.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
I love learning more about my characters. They really become so well fleshed out that they seem like their own people making their own decisions. I just manage the outside influences. The least appealing is the tedious. Keeping track of dates, or names of minor characters, worldbuilding a fantasy transportation system. I just much prefer the people part of it.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
Oh it's pure chaos. I plan a lot of scenes while I'm driving in the car listening to music. I write random scenes on my phone, chapters on my laptop. I write when I'm overcome with the urge to, and I don't force it if I'm not. I usually write laying on the couch with my laptop or phone.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
I can't remember exactly but it's been over a year. I initially joined Wattpad but I didn't like some things I'd heard about it. And someone on there recommended tumblr. I've always liked tumblr but never was a part of the creative side.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
I always follow people who have cool projects, and sometimes they follow me back and we start talking. It's a blast. I have a lot of favorites and I know I'm going to miss someone but @calicojackofficial, @vacantgodling, @multi-lefaiye, @addisons-damn-dialogue, @written-in-gold, @mrnauseam, and @kingkendrick7 are all super cool creators who are a lot of fun to talk to.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
That you can do whatever you want here pretty much. It's not Twitter or tiktok and that's a good thing. It feels real.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I think there should be a way to engage more with readers. It's always nice to get feedback from other writers, but I know there are people who aren't writers but are mainly readers who would like to follow writblr projects who have no idea that's an option.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I try to read and reblog when I can. I like to participate in ask games. My dms and asks are always open for rambling at me about projects in. I would like to do more but my mental focus has been struggling lately due to life stuff so once I get that sorted out I'll be more reliable.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Character posts are a lot of fun. I love seeing art and moodboards too. Ask games are a blast. Excerpts, of course.
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
I like to share the weirder lines I write as short excerpts. I also enjoy making ask games and full chapters.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
Discord in my pinned. I have an instagram and Twitter but I don't use them really.
Questions For Fun:
1. Got a favorite pairing, either in your work or in someone else's? What about it makes it your favorite?
What is the weirdest line you've wrote? What inspired it?
Some that come to the top of my head are Gwaine and Asher by @calicojackofficial , Hector and Ari by @written-in-gold and @addisonsdamndialogue, and Hya and Amon by @vacantgodling . All very fun couples with fantastic dynamics. It's hard to choose between my own pairings, but Shadow and Veronica have such a special place in my heart. They've known each other since childhood, fight a lot, know way too much about each other, act like they're divorced, but ultimately are incredibly loyal to each other. I have such a hard time deciding if I ship them more as friends or romantically.
"Oh, the sexy but fragile human body, boo hoo, you're hot, walk it off, have a potato, since you're so fond of them."
If your writing was a plant, what plant would it be and why?
It's a scene with Gabe and Satan from Rarely Reverie. Gabe is mad because Satan accidentally shot him. Satan is both flirting with him and annoyed that he's being blamed for it. They're just a lot of fun to write together because they're at odds a lot but have excellent chemistry.
Well I write a lot of stoner characters so I've got to say weed. Cannibis Sativa since there's a lot of action scenes.
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shmaptainwrites · 2 months
Oooo how do you think Wilson would react if his partner was in Thirteen’s place during 5x09 Last Resort?
anon i gasped when i saw this, your brain is really working overtime PLS this idea is so good 🫢
for this, maybe similar to some of the other people caught up in the situation you have sort of cold or your immune system is just down which makes all the things that happen later more concerning because your body isn't at 100%
considering how the events unfold wilson doesn't know you're in there until he either gets that call from house or cuddy tells him. if it happens on the call, wilson is already scolding house for how he's handling the situation and you don't really want to say anything or to give any indication that you're there because you don't want to worry him and so you don't, but house being who he is manages to let it slip before hanging up and letting wilson ask any questions
you'd probably give him a bit of a look and ask if he really had to say you were caught up in this too, but there wasn't much chance to talk about it because you had to deal with the man who was waving a gun around at everyone
outside, wilson is a nervous wreck. he's cancelled any of his appointments for the rest of the day and goes to find cuddy to try and confirm what house said because no one is picking up the phone even though he's called back at least five times. the confirmation from cuddy is like a punch to the gut especially when he overhears some of the dilemmas over the phone resulting in you putting your health at risk to be able to get the others out safely house probably makes comment about how you and wilson are great for each other because you're both self sacrificing idiots
eventually the main guy from the swat team makes wilson leave because he's too invested with a loved one inside and so he goes to house's office with the diagnostic team knowing if anyone else would get information about the situation it would be them
they're all anxiously awaiting those phone calls they get to consult, hoping that everyone was okay and they could get closer to a diagnosis so the whole matter could be resolved. when the call finally comes through wilson can't help himself, he's the first to talk before house can even get a word out, asking if you're okay
you try to assure him you're fine, but he can hear it in your voice, you don't sound well, and he gets furious wondering what kind of drugs they've senselessly jabbed into you, but hearing the man threaten to do something worse is enough to quiet him and let house continue his diagnostic consultation
by the end of things, when the swat team bursts through the radiology room, after house, wilson is the first person pushing past the authorities to try and get to you and make sure you're okay. house is talking to you about how you weren't dead and that would be close to impossible if you'd taken the drug and you weakly shake your head and tell him that you didn't take it, tears streaming down your face because you didn't want to die
wilson is quick to step in after that, lifting your head and letting it rest in his lap while he assures you everything is going to be fine and they're going to get you into a room upstairs and get everything out of your system and all you can do is apologize to him over and over for putting him through that stress, conciously making those decisions to put yourself in harms way after a certain point in order to try and save the others, knowing how hard it was for him to move on after amber, it just fills you with guilt, but he can't bear to think of things ending any other way than how they did and so he focuses on the fact that you're going to be okay and you're here with him now
send me your sfw RSL character x reader thoughts
→ accepting asks for james wilson, cruise, and peter müller
→ i've seen up to 5x17 of house — NO SPOILERS PLEASE
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Hello! I have a humble ask for you if you have a bit of time to indulge me. While I understand from your name that your interest is primarily in the late republic, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for me regarding a slightly later period:
I’ll be taking a class on the Roman Empire and its emperors (+Julius probably) next semester. I’ve got more of a background in Classical Greek history than Roman, so I’m a bit out of my depth. I did a brief survey of some of the early big names in high school (mostly I just remember J Seas, October August, Capri Pants Tibby, Little Booties, Neckbeard Zero, and Ostrich Boy, though I’m sure we covered others), but I was wondering if you had any recommendations for interesting figures in and around the imperial court at really any time during the centuries of Roman Empire to look out for and/or stan in the coming year. I tend to find that being able to latch on to interesting people with lots of personality or story about them makes it easier to study the surrounding events, so I’m hoping for some help from fellow tumblr nerds to get a head start on that. Thank you for reading (and perhaps replying)!
Welcome, dear reader! It sounds like you're in the market for a blorbo...or perhaps a punching bag!
You already know the Julio-Claudian Clusterfuck, so I'll skip them. (I recommend all of them though!) If you enjoyed their family drama, you'll find even more of it in the Severan dynasty. Starting with Rome's first African-born emperor, through his fratricidal sons, to Elagabalus - who might've been what we now call transgender, but it's hard to tell. These folks make the Julio-Claudians look stable.
Or maybe you'd prefer a more relatable guy like Marcus Aurelius. He's one of the few emperors whose inner personality we can really see, thanks to his diary surviving and getting renamed the Meditations. I think many people struggling with depression, anxiety or existential dread might find a lot in common with Marcus' writings. He was a good guy who tried his best, despite never wanting to be emperor and facing horrible luck. His predecessor Antoninus Pius was also a very cool dude, the kind who did good quietly and resolved issues with diplomacy instead of war. They're two of the few emperors I think were actually good people.
If military history's your thing, you can't go wrong with Trajan, Aurelian or Constantine. Trajan conquered Dacia and Mesopotamia, making the empire bigger than ever. Aurelian's superb leadership and character helped to end a 40-year civil war. People seem to either love Constantine or hate him. He was also the first Christian emperor, and played a huge role in shaping Christianity as an institution and orthodox set of beliefs. Whether that was good for Christianity is a question in itself...Constantine's family had tons of drama, too!
If you'd rather pray to Jupiter than Jesus, you'll probably like Julian, Rome's last pagan emperor and a Huge Fucking Nerd. He's a favorite of alternate history buffs for what paganism and Christianity might've turned into if he lived longer. Also, he wrote satirical fanfiction about other emperors for fun!
Vespasian, Titus and Hadrian are interesting if you're into Jewish history. Well, "interesting" in a bad way...You can blame the first two for the destruction of the Second Temple, and Hadrian for the atrocities of the Bar Kokhba revolt. I liked reading Flavius Josephus' account of the first Jewish revolt, which characterizes Vespasian, Titus and Herod (that Herod) quite vividly. It's a very bloody tragedy, and all the trigger warnings apply, but it really brings this time period to life. (Get an edition with a Jewish translator, if possible - older Christian-led translations tend to shove antisemitic junk in there.)
Titus was the emperor when Mt. Vesuvius erupted, so the ruins of Pompeii and Pliny the Elder's wacky Natural History date to Titus' time. Some people really connect with Hadrian's famous gay love affair with Antinous, and he was an incredibly well-traveled man who left monuments like Hadrian's Wall all over the empire...but his genocide in Judea overshadows everything else for me.
But hey, maybe you're fascinated by the awful ones. Or maybe you think some emperors have been misunderstood. There's been a lot of discussion in recent years over whether Tiberius, Nero, Domitian and Commodus were as bad as they're usually portrayed. I'm only really acquainted with Tiberius. In his case, I found not a monster, just a deeply troubled man who'd been put into the worst job possible against his will.
I don't know many imperial women, but I gotta give shout-outs to Livia, Julia the Elder, Agrippina the Elder and Younger, Empress Theodora (wife of Justinian), and Empress Irene (whom Charlemagne wanted to marry!).
Readers, feel free to chime in with your favorite emperors, empresses and court-adjacent Romans! The wilder the stories, the better!
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scribeoffate · 1 year
Teen Wolf Tier List
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a03 is down, why not spend this time explaining my Feelings about Teen Wolf characters in a different format. <3
This is basically a love letter to all my favorite characters. Which is uh, well you'll see. 🥰🥰
So many thoughts behind the cut!
It's what it says on the tin. My very favorite characters. Spoiler alert: I am Bad At Favorites.
Lydia Martin I fell in love with her the instant she was good at bowling. Perfect even. And then the "sucking for his pleasure line," and then, and THEN we get her arc in s2? She's alone, and a little brittle and I have so many theories I've rambled about a million times regarding her childhood and how her powers have manifested before. I could write an entire tumblr post just about Lydia and my thoughts. I love her so much.
Malia Tate
I knew I was going to ADORE her the instant she punched Stiles for turning her back to human. I'm only sad we didn't get to see her initial reunion with Scott. I do firmly believe she throws Scott around in bed while they're together. I love how "yeah i don't really care about your social norms" she is about everything. And how she learns!! And then how much she loves Kylie. She leaves the safety of her den to get Kylie's doll back!!! I love her.
Scott McCall
I liked him at first. I definitely enjoyed seeing him hurt. I always gravitate to the prettiest men with blood on their face in any given fandom. And in Teen Wolf, that is definitely Scott. And then by about my third rewatch I was even more in love with his character, his willpower, persistence, stubbornness, empathy, and leadership. Many of you know Fury is my favorite episode and I love Scott in it so much. I love him.
Mason Hewitt
I was in love with Mason IMMEDIATELY. He was just so clearly such a good friend to Liam. And his smile. And then he helps Scott at the bonfire with no questions asked. And then he helps Lydia. That boy with ZERO spn powers helps Lydia charge berserkers. And then he is so excited for Liam to be a werewolf. And in the inner circle. And then he's the Beast! And he's with Corey! And he helps in s6. I love Mason. Love, love, love. <3
Kira Yukimura
Literal ray of sunshine. Awkward, nerdy, new girl! bad ass, katana-wielding kitsune. I was in love with her from the first interaction with her dad. And then she has fun with Scott at the sheriff's station! And then she learns what Scott is and is the first person to be tender and gentle about it? Ahhh. And then she has angst and the way were *robbed* of a s6 Kira arc. Still mad. Forever mad. But I ADORE Kira so much. She's amazing and I love her.
Vernon Boyd
Loved him when he wouldn't let Stiles pull one over on him with the money. Loved him when he wanted to be like Scott. Loved him when cared sooo much about Erica. Love the angst with Alicia and hate how little we get. He went and worked at an ice rink!!! I just. He's caring and kind and compassionate and observant and quiet and I love him for it.
Melissa McCall
!! The way she is trying so hard. And the way the world is just conspiring against her. She clearly loves Scott so much. I loved their s1 and s2 scenes sooo much. I really wish we'd gotten more of those little intimate mother/son moments later in the series. But I also love how she's still human. Is just trying her best. She's amazing.
Satomi Ito
I love her. She's a badass. And friends with Deaton. And I love how she interacts with Noshiko. And she has so much anger but she does eventually learn one way of expressing it. And Iove that she cares so much for her pack. Love love love love so much love. I watch all of like four Satomi parts soo closely every time.
Ken Yukimura
"Here's all that research you did for that boy you like." What is not to love, though? He's a history nerd! Married to a 900-year-old kitsune! And he loves his daughter so much. He's a good cook! He's so cool. Maybe Ken is what I want to be when I grow up. Even if I am technically older.
Alan Deaton
!! He's so great. While I can see an argument for him withholding information in the first two seasons- I feel like it makes total sense why he does. For so long, this supernatural part of his life has been on the back burner. Since the Hale fire, which he couldn't stop, and then suddenly it's back.
And by s2 he's actively helping Scott figure things out. He's teaching him and Isaac to take pain. Something it never dawned on Peter or Derek they'd like to know. In s3 he saves Stiles, in s6 he faces the fear of the anuk-ite with more grace than anyone. I love. Love always.
Noshiko Yukimura
I adore her so much. I loved younger Noshiko and I love how she's clearly matured since those events. She's also sooo hot. And so badass. And has STELLAR taste in men. So much love for Noshiko forever. <3
She shows up on a motorcycle, rescues Isaac, almost dies, FACES DOWN A PACK OF ALPHAS and survives it! And all while looking So Good. I love how she deals with Scott and Derek. I love that she worked for Deucalion after he slashed her throat open.
(quick note if you are tired of me talking about how much i love these characters, this is not the post for you, it doesn't change much)
Erica Reyes
Complete stubborn af BADASS of my dreams. I loved her when she was epileptic and still trying to climb up that rope. I loved her when she showed up and slammed Scott into a locker. I adored her when she hit on Allison. I love how she was so fierce and protective of Boyd and how she terrified Derek. I love her.
Hayden Romero
The way she looks at Liam in her intro. She is going to *destroy* this boy, that she has a crush on, so hard. She's also stubborn and strong-willed, and responsible. She's working so hard to help her sister, who she loves with her entire heart. She's great, and I love her.
Danny Mahealani
Everyone loves Danny! As they should. <3 He has terrible taste in men (relatable tho), and he loves to look disrespectfully (also relatable). I love his interaction with Stiles and Derek in s1 as well as his friendship with Jackson. I love that he's the one doing research on the ley lines! I hate how he disappears after 3b. I wanted more with knowledgable about supernatural Danny.
Meredith Walker
Meredith can leave Eichen any time she wants. She does. She generally stays there: to protect everyone else from herself. Meredith is what Lydia looks like when we don't see her perspective and I think about that soo much. I also love her and Lydia's interaction: "Not all monsters do monstrous things." My heart.
Category Two: VERY FAVORITE ALSO but fandom tries to ruin them for me
I love these characters so much, but the way fandom tries to make them into shells of their actual selves. Or just make everything about them always. There are so many great characters in this fandom!! It's an ensemble show with fantastic characters and actors!! So to be clear: I love the canon versions of these characters.
Stiles Stilinski
-would fall directly under Kira in favorites category.
I fucking love this dude. He's sarcastic and rough around the edges, and awkward. His fingers are impossibly long. He's just the right side of morally gray. And terrified he's going to fall too far the other direction. He's a little broken inside from the way his mother died and is codependent with Scott. Love love love him.
Peter Hale
-Would fall right after Araya in the villain category
I love him. He is ruthless. Selfish. Tits out. He's funny. I love how he's so obsessed with Scott. He spends a whole season working with Kate because of it. Kate who he kills in s1. Iconic villainy. Tbh, he's one of the villains I wish they'd leaned away from the redemption arc on. But I still like his commitment to family (in his mind). And the bravery it takes to step through that fire in s6 knowing exactly how it feels is damn impressive.
Derek Hale
-would fall after Isaac in love them so much category
He's super hot. Like all kinds of hot. Broody. He's such a mess that first season especially. His entire family was lost, he's been gone six years. He comes back and his sister dies first thing. Why he's a broody mess makes sense. And then, for a change, he can save his family! He saves Cora. It sucks to be at the expense of Erica and Boyd. But I feel like he makes his peace with things as best he can.
Young Derek Hale
Is just Derek only younger, really usnure why they are separate tbh.
Chris Argent
-would fall after Derek in love them so much category
Of all the villains, he has the most convincing redemption arc. Possibly because he's just around more on-screen tbh. And he loses so much. By the end of the series Chris has lost everything. And he's such a mess about it. Also he's so stupidly hot.
Noah Stilinski
-would fall after Melissa in favorites category
I love him. He's another single parent trying his best. He clearly cares deeply about Stiles, even though he's often out of his depth. I love the bit where he's watching the kids just run Rafael in circles in 3b. The look on his face is so clearly: "it's about time you had to deal with their nonsense."
Jackson Whittemore
-would fall after Chris in love them so much category
He's such an asshole, and I adore him for it. He's so mean. He's terrible for Lydia (and her for him) but I love that they end up friends. I love Jackson's relationship with Allison especially, and it haunts me who had to call him and explain what happened to her. I love his s2 arc because a "be careful what you wish for" arc always gets me.
Claudia Stilinski
-would be first in neutral category
Only because we just know so little about her. I enjoy my fanon interpretations, but that's all they are.
Very Favorite Villain Edition
Quite likely to be a controversial category. And my absolute favorite. I love OTT villains and does Teen Wolf provide me so well <3
I mean. If you're here. Chances are really high you have some idea how I feel about everyone's favorite British Drama Queen of a Demon Wolf. He calls himself Destroyer of Worlds. Alpha of Alphas. He's a hot fucking mess too. His corruption arc implies less megalomania, and yet.... and his redemption arc is... shaky, but I'm into that. He's not all that redeemed, and the look of pure glee on his face when he's about to beat Scott in 6b supports that. I love how obsessed he is with Scott, too. It's this delusional obsession and gyahh, I am here for it. He does help Scott in 5b, but I contend he did it for a price. <3
I stan a hot, evil woman always. You will uh, see that theme repeated on this list. And she's pretty unapologetically evil. Though you have to wonder ofc, how much Gerard shaped that. And she does have that little redemption saving Allison in s1. And really does clearly care for her. She's fun! And hot! And creepy and I am here for it.
Speaking of really hot, evil women. Hello! And she's reckless too? My heart can't even take that kind of thing. And she strangles Scott. The fact that we never got nagaul! Violet is criminal. To me. Personally.
Araya Calavera
Evil Mexican grandma shoots a person. In the street. In broad daylight. If that isn't badass af, I don't know what is. I also really love her interactions with Chris. She's fabulous.
Tamora Monroe
Once again pointing out the hot, evil woman theme. Though I think she's more nuanced than some of the others. She's one of the villains who deserved a redemption arc the most. She's also such a good leader and organizer. She's a good counselor and listener. Love her.
Jennifer Blake
Hot. Evil. Women. It's a whole thing okay. And while I will admit to being one HELL of a Deucalion stan, Jennifer deserved the redemption arc so much more. Her reasons for evil are far more valid. She wants to destroy the people who destroyed her and who wreak devastation in their wake. And get revenge on her ex. Valid of her.
Speaking of said ex. And hot. And evil. I wish we'd gotten more Kali. I think she feels more remorse than she wants to admit. I love, love, love the way she interacts with Deucalion. I accept "Deuc" from her only. And probably him too.
He isn't on here, I'm more neutral on him. But because we get next to nothing about him. Very sad. I bet he's fun. Kali joins the alpha pack for him. Gotta be a reason.
Victoria Argent
Are you prepared to hear me go on about hot, evil women again? AND she bakes cookies. I love when she calls Stiles "the odd one". And she so clearly cares about Chris and Allison. It's utterly devastating when Allison blows her off right before her death. Love.
Void/The Nogitsune
He's just hungry. I love the potential of the nogitsune. And the angst it brings to Noshiko and Stiles especially. I am v excited to see where the movie takes this. But really, he's just hungry. That's not evil. As a favorite bounty hunter once said: "A girl's gotta eat."
I think half the reason I fell in love with the show was all the hot, evil women. Jeff may be a gay man but he and I clearly have the same taste in women. I wish we knew more about Corinne to be honest, but I love her relationship with Braeden and am forever wondering about her relationships with Talia and Peter.
Matt Daehler
If he were a woman, he'd be higher. As it is, he's a creepy stalker dude and a lot of fun. I like when he shoots Scott, uh, a lot. I think there is definitely so much more room for exploring his relationship with Jackson. And he was a kid. That deserved redemption every bit as much as anyone else. Maybe more. He was a kid. His death is tragic af.
Gerard Argent
Evil manipulative cockroach. He's fun and serves his purpose.
Category Four: LOVE THEM SO MUCH
aka: Very Favorite Part 2
Allison Argent
She's so great! I love her dark arc. I love her struggle to figure out who she is and her friendships with Lydia and Scott and Isaac and Stiles. I love how she tried so many hobbies and her conflict with her family, internal and external. I hate/love her death. I love her.
Isaac Lahey
He's so tall. And sarcastic. And he's not witty, and he's just a little mean. I love how he still wants to trust people, even after everything he goes through with his dad and then Derek. I love his relationships with Allison, Scott and Chris and Erica and Boyd. A lot like Chris, Isaac loses soo much.
Marin Morell
She's so interesting! I want to know about her life pre-canon so BAD. I feel like it's implied that she's Deucalion's emissary pre-corruption. Why does she stay? How does she feel about it? Why was she with him in the first place? How have her hands gotten dirty before? I have so many questions and theories, but I'd love to know more.
Cora Hale
!! She's a badass. She's basically girl-Derek, so what's not to love there? Broody, broken, angry. I love her back and forth with Lydia and Stiles so much.
Coach Bobby Finstock
What's not to love? This man is the living incarnation of Hot Chaotic Mess and I know I'm always in for a good time.
Mrs. Finch
What is her first name? I love her though her storyline vexes me. I know that it's probably just retconning, but the way I like to consider explanations for *why* she's head in the sand about being an alpha werewolf. Oh! I wonder if I will see parallels to that attitude in movie!Scott. Ohh. I'm gonna have Feelings. I love that she believes in Scott in AP Bio, when even some of his friends do not. I think about her fear a lot when Liam is beaten in science class. She knows he'll heal, ofc, but I think about her a lot for a minor character.
Brett and Lori Talbot
Beloved Satomi pack frens. Brett is a tall drink of water and Mason has rights. Like man. That eight-pack. And Lori is a bad ass. And she tries to help Kira. I enjoy them a lot!
She wants to do well on her test. She's sick and still needs to take it! She gives Scott the picture of him, Lydia, Stiles and Malia. My heartttt. She's great and I love her. I have a lot of thoughts about her being friends with Brett and Lori.
Jordan Parrish
He's a cinnamon roll but on fire. Instant love. Plus he's half-naked A LOT, and I'm not mad about it.
Natalie Martin
She's trying in her way. I really think in her mind, Natalie is doing whatever she needs to do to prevent Lydia from becoming Lorraine. She wants to do the right thing, but isn't so good at seeing what that is.
Tracy Stewart
She's a badass. Hot and almost evil. And she has a tail. Only wins here.
Aiden and Ethan Steiner
They're fun. I like Ethan slightly better. Aiden is a subby straight boy though, and that's hard not to love.
Valerie Clark
Hayden's hot, badass deputy sister. Love her. I head canon she comes back to Beacon Hills to be the sheriff. <3
Liam Dunbar
Cute angry little shrimp and Mason loves him, so I do. <3
Corey Bryant
Love him with Mason so much. Think about him and being invisible. I wish we got more with him but I enjoy what we have.
Talia Hale
Endlessly fascinating. Mostly questions. I love that she's a dramatic! Bitch. Her intro is Superb. You can see the family resemblance. She's def Peter's sister.
Theo Raeken
I struggled with Theo. I love him as a villain and have begun to appreciate his more redeemed version. He's basically boy-Lydia, so of course, I adore him in that context. I just wasn't sure what category to put him in. So here he is. He's fun, and wow, is he just so compact. Talk about pleasing to look upon abs.
Category Five: neutral but i'm willing to be swayed to loving them more
this is a handful of characters in no particular order than im not super invested in. but people sometimes make very convincing arguments
We just don't anything about him.
Nolan Holloway
I think he's been through some shit and I love the scared child aspects of his character.
Paige Krasikeva
I don't hate what little we see. I just now learned she had a last name on the wiki.
Josh Diaz
He's cute, violent, and likes electricity.
He gives Theo and Nolan nice character moments.
He loves Violet.
Donovan Donati
He does what he's supposed to do as a peek at dark Stiles.
Adrian Harris
He exists to be disliked, and it works.
Rafael McCall
He exists to give Melissa and Scott character development.
Boring serial killer dude. Other villains do it better. I do like when he ties up Stiles and Lydia.
Category Six: why is there a nazi werelion, no really
Douglass: Meh. Boring.
Thank you to anyone who read the entire thing. I had fun and hope you did. I'd love to see your lists!
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space-blue · 2 years
Why was Sevika being so weird when she first fought with Vi (after the timeskip) and especially when she was about to deliver the killing blow? It looked like she really enjoyed hurting Vi. Attention to the time when she had a manic expression while burning Vi’s face with her mech arm. All the time Vi’s livid with her and never reciprocates her taunting demeanor. Later when Sevika answers Vi’s question of Powder's whereabouts, she taunts her how her sister now works for the guy who destroyed her and her family’s lives and is considered his daughter. Sure, she said these to catch Vi off guard and make the killing blow but uttering them without the goading tone would’ve done the trick. When Sevika prepares to finish her off, she again smugly tells Vi she’d give Jinx her regards. You see what I mean? Why does she act like by overpowering this barely adult person she’s accomplished this great feat? Vi isn’t some stuck up Piltie councilor who’s finally getting what they deserved lol. Like, Vi’s not Silco/ Sevika’s arch-nemesis. Sevika’s last memory of Vi was her as a freaking teenager who tried and failed to stop silco’s uprising. By all means kill her, what’s with the gloating and melodrama?
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IDK what to tell you, dear Anon.
You literally has everything down pat. Except maybe for this :
All the time Vi’s livid with her and never reciprocates her taunting demeanor
let me point out Vi started the conversation by trying to retire Sevika's jaw from her face.
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Sevika literally never starts a fight with Vi in the entire show. It's always Vi coming and looking for shit. She's just like Jinx and never asks her questions first. I feel like Sevika is entitled to the beat-down she gives Vi.
As to why she looks like she's taking pleasure in it? Well... Because she does? It's just characterisation. It tells us that Sevika has a cruel streak and enjoys having power over people, or at least people who came swinging at her. The way she jabs at Jinx to hurt her emotionally is the same. IMO it's something she learnt to do for Jinx, since she can't really physically manhandle her. Making her cry was probs the best alternative lol
In F&D I addressed that tendency of hers like this (bear in mind this is about VI being Silco's daughter, and they're on the same (reluctant) team) :
In that confrontation at the bar she uses her words instead of her fists, the way Silco taught her, many years ago, when he enlisted her to copy pamphlets with a bunch of other kids.
'You're all good at boxing, but this is a different kind of punching, you see,' he'd said, smiling at them as he handed out charcoal pencils and recycled sheets of grey paper. 'When you use the right words on someone, it's like you punch them right in the brain.'
Brain to brain punching. Sevika had thought it hilarious, and it had worked well enough to trick them into copying for him all afternoon. It's a lesson she's never forgotten, and she hones her words, makes them count. An opponent can be thrown off balance by a well placed taunt, sometimes defeated before the battle has even begun.
It's a total knock-out with Vi. The word daughter as good as lays her out.
But I made Sevika a little nicer in my story than she is in the show. I think the cruelty is part of her appeal. She's not a good person, even though she fights for a good cause. Her getting her way might also have resulted in fewer deaths (from keeping Jinx on a much tighter leash), but we just can't know.
Sevika is a child of Zaun, and one who did very well for herself. By definition I think this involves a lot of ruthlessness. Cruelty, or an edge of sadism, probably only helps, the same way that sociopathic character traits help CEOs crawl to the top of their companies.
I think that makes her a fantastic character, with a lot more depth. She CLEARLY cares about the dream. She's probably the only character who really gets Silco. She's hard working, she's loyal, she's intelligent... and she's mean and relishes in the hurt she doles out.
Queen behaviour.
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diagonal-queen · 9 months
hello it is i the question deliverer of ever!!!
here are a bunch of random stupid questions for you to answer. you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to, just the ones you find the silliest 💕💕
these are all just gonna be completely random questions i’m pulling out of my ass expect zero consistency
-what’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
-are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie? (this is how i classify people in my head so i have the answer already, but i want to know which one you think you are)
-what quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
-opinions on rat kings?
-what’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
-favorite type of cloud?
-who is the silliest person you know?
-what would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
-on the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
-what are your most used emojis and why?
-of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
-orange juice or apple juice?
-what song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
-if paint was edible, which color would you eat?
-if you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
-what’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
-what’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
ok that’s all i can think of rn. expect more later after my beain collects more ideas probably
have a BANGER of a day sir dialicious 💕💕💕
SEWER RATTTTTTTT BRO ALWAYS GOT MY BACK bro is so nice...bro <3 also im sorry for this long post to you and everyone else who sees it i know it's gonna be boring as fuck T-T
What’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
well i personally suck dick at writing and i haven't read any full fanfictions in ages...i really can't remember but if i find any
Are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie?
If i had to choose one of these i would say bee girlie because spiders are scary and snakes are scary and beetles aren't my style but bees r so fluffy and like flowers...jus like me... :D
What quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
They say the sun don’t shine forever But through any weather we’ll make it As long as we make it together - song lyric
"Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart." - book quote
"The head may err, but never the blood." - book quote (and yes im serious lol)
"It's because of you that I don't even wanna be here anymore. Eventually I'm gonna end up jumping off a cliff because of you." - something i was told by someone
there's gotta be more but i can't remember them at the moment lmaooooo like literally any time someone asks me something i like i suddenly forget every single thing i've ever liked ever
Opinions on rat kings?
what like when rats all get their tails tied up? or just men with rat energy that i stan? well i love that second one but the first one is sad...they're stuck... :(
What’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
my favourite trees are cherry blossoms and jacarandas because they're GORGEOUS (honourable mention to frangipani trees) but when it comes to leaves specifically i don't really have a favourite lol
Favorite type of cloud?
cumulus because they're super cute ^^
Who is the silliest person you know?
hmm...deadass probably you man. you are hella silly and i love it
What would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
There is literally nothing you could give me to get me to punch my husband in the face
On the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
the gift of flight and the complete abolition of systemic oppression in modern society
What are your most used emojis and why?
🌸 - looks pretty and i like it and i use it as the same as a happy face 💜 - purple is my colour 💓 - usually when im talking to jaya lol 😭 - when something SUUUUPER funny hehe haha 🔫 - when i threaten people to give me their arts and writings 🤧 - when ppl r nice to me...an i cry...happy.... ✨ - to add some PIZZAZZ ❤️ - i am a loving person i love a lot of ppl a lot 😌 - i use this to pretend im dom-coded
Of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
well i'm gonna be real with you, i actually am uncultured and haven't read many of the authors' works. i've read only a few, so i'd have to say of those that i've read, i liked doppo kunikida, mykola hohol and akiko yosano. i've yet to read dazai but i really really want to :(
as for individual works, i've read and enjoyed anne of green gables and the raven. i got through about a third of the great gatsby before abandoning it because i found it boring. i am still reading crime and punishment and i like it a lot.
also you don't know who my favourite character is silly goober because i have TWO in my head rn and you couldn't guess either of them i dare you to try
Orange juice or apple juice?
orange juice 🍊
What song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
punky funky love by granrodeo. i love this song sm it's so catchy and fun and it just lifts my mood so much. if you asked me to name a bad granrodeo song i would glitch out because there literally isn't one
If paint was edible, which color would you eat?
hmm probably brown because it reminds me of chocolate or beige because it'd be like caramel
funfact; whenever i eat m&ms i have this ritual where i save all the brown ones for the end, i eat all the other ones except for one of each colour, then i eat all those in one go. and then i begin eating the brown ones one at a time until there are nine left (lucky number) and then i eat all those at once. its cus the brown is more chocolatey in my head literally just because it is brown
If you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
cmon i cannot possibly decide this. hmm uhh fuck um. i might like to know the entire contents of the library of alexandria, the truth behind every cold case in the history of true crime, my entire family history, the truth behind ghosts and spirits and the paranormal, and those are just some of the things i'd consider.
What’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
probably diamonds. i really dont know why but they fuck. i also like spades cus spades look and sound super cool
What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
i seem to give it to the world a lot more than it gives it to me
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demonangelgirl134 · 1 year
Wonder girl
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This is the first ever oc I created when I was ten Wonder Girl that I thought I'd finally share.
Name: Wonder Girl
Real name: Penelope Lynn Prince
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Location: New York city
Place of Birth: Polas 23
Occupation: Superhero
Secret identity job: Student/cheerleader
Favorite color: bright blue
Nationality: American
Species: humanoid alien
Character trait: Good
Level headed
A force to be reckoned with
Powers and abilities:
Super strength
Heat ray vision
Supercomputer brain
Super speed
Quick reflexes
Lazer/bulletproof bracelets
Utility belt
Lasso of truth
Physical characteristics:
Is great at sports
mainly uses her superpowers for combat but still uses her weapons
Has great leadership skills
Is great with machines
Is a great hacker
Has a great judge of character
skin is sensitive to certain types of face paint
Can't wear a mask because it gives her rashes from her sweat and the rubbing against her skin
Keeping people safe
Protecting the city
Spending time with friends
Helping people in need
Staying healthy
Asking questions first and throwing punches later
Seeing her friends fight
People getting hurt
Having to hurt people regardless if they're a criminal or not
When criminals don't just give up and surrender
When people argue
Has a habit of helping anyone no matter what they've done
Fears: losing her friends
Adrian Wayne (Voidz)
Volt the husky pomeranian terrier (Electrodog)
Crimson the mutant Cardinal (Elastabird)
Crisp the Element dragon (Dragon Dude)
Alexa Roseville
Everyone in the city who isn't a villain
Everyone in school
Vanessa Luther (Black Knight)
Victor Wayne (Dr. Vortex)
Any Villains
Family members:
Diana prince/Wonder Woman (adoptive mother)
Clark Kent/Super Man (adoptive father)
Queen Elisa (deceased biological mother)
King Endozeo (deceased biological father)
Vanessa Luther/Black Knight (twin half-sister)
Penelope Prince was born on Polas 23, an alien planet where everyone has godlike superpowers, where she was the firstborn princess and was adored by her parents. But on her first birthday, the planet's arch-enemy the Zeirkeks attacked. Her parents decided to save her instead of themselves by putting her and her twin sister in two separate space pods and sending them to Earth where Penelope was adopted by Wonder Woman and Superman, her sister however grew up in a federal prison and was raised by Lex Luther. As Penelope grew older and started going to school, she began to feel more and more different since she was the best student in all her classes and everyone was jealous of her, and almost like she had no purpose. But then, everything changed when she was in 5th grade, a school lockdown took place when a criminal with a gun came into her classroom and she saves the whole school from them with her superpowers, it turned out, she had solved the crime of the century and everyone began to love her, and she had finally found her true purpose. From that day on, Penelope kept the city safe from any harm and thus became Wonder Girl
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