#they're always in the oldest buildings in town
schadenfreudich · 2 years
Gaststätte zur Hölle
The same as a regular Gaststätte, but everything is in black and red, and hell themed.
Every item has "Blut-" in front of it, because there is blood in it. Blutbier, Blutwein, Blutspätzle, Blutwurst.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Do you know what it looks like when powerful things, truly powerful things die? When something massive, with abilities beyond mortal power, ends its life.
When giants know it's their time to die they lay down, useally in a forest. It takes awhile to kill a giant, even when wounded they have days to prepare. They lay down so that nothing will be crushed by their fall. They have mo burial rituals, it would require too much space. It's like a whale fall when they die, the wild dogs and birds will spend weeks, mabye months feasting on their flesh. Humans and their kin can take from them too, their skin is sturdy, their organs fertilize the earth, and their bones are as hard as steel, and can be used for building or for arms. Some of the oldest cities were once towns built in giant skeletons. Both good and bad giants accept their deaths, it's in their nature.
Witches and warlocks always die the opposite way. They're stubborn, of course they are, they think the can master death itself. They make themselves all sorts of horrible things to ward off their own death, from great machines of clockwork and rhythm, to changes to their bodies to save themselves, twisting their forms into truely inhuman things. They say this is part of why so many witches and warlocks grow to such an old age, but they are still mortal at heart, most of them human by birth, though by old age they will hardly seem human, perhaps hardly seem like something of this world at all. Dying warlocks and witches always deny their own deaths, and to meet one is to witness something horrifying yet miserable. They say there was a warlock king who spent his last centuries chained to a gilded throne, unable to move, eating the souls of lesser mages to keep his own soul from passing on.
Dragons die the most destructive deaths. They are beings of fire and ash, and their bodies do not beyray that notion in their doom. Wherever they fall, they will light their surroundings ablaze, burning fields and forests, burning even oceans and lakes. Their blood will poison most life, but the life that survives is changed, flowers become thorny and hot to the touch, birds lose their feathers and grow leathery wings, snakes and lizards and crocodiles grown into wyms and drakes. And those humans and elves who survive a dragonfall but feel it's firey blood become vampires, the freshest and strongest vampires the world ever sees, more powerful and deadly than vampires turned by the bite of their own kind.
When angels die it is their own choice. They don't useally do it, but sometimes they are compelled to. Some wish to join mortal lovers and freinds who have passed, some are merely board or saddened by the world, and some; those who are born to the darkest of gods, are commanded to. They'll useally go to a city center or on top a holy place to do it, and they'll just stand or kneel where they wish to pass, and wait and their radiant bodies turn to stone or metal. They just look like statues after that, after a few generations they are useally thought to be.
Devils and faeries die the strangest deaths. Sometimes they choose to, sometimes they just know they're dying. They'll walk off to somewhere where nobody can see them, and than they just won't be there. Nobody even sees them disappear. They'll just walk into another room, and when you follow them they won't be there, like they were never there at all.
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handweavers · 7 months
good news: my cousins trust me to be the caretaker of our grandparents home/the family home which is one of the oldest buildings in [town name redacted] and lovingly repair & renovate as a historical building keeping as much of the original features and furniture as possible & maintain the family's photos and books and archive everything and ensure the house is stable and family can come stay and visit whenever etc. and it's in the hills where the air is several degrees cooler & cleaner than the rest of the area which has always been a blessing but will become especially important in the coming years, decades... there is no mortgage or bills to pay other than utilities bc my grandparents have owned it since the 50s. it's my favourite place and the home i spent the first few years of my life in and i love the town and it's not far from the rest of my family in kl and the idea of having my textile studio there and having a dye garden and teaching classes on-site there feels so right and i know in my gut it's something our grandparents would appreciate being the future of their home (they're both gone)
bad news: we all have to wait for my abusive asshole father to die before that can happen bc he currently lives there and we can't kick him out & i would rather eat glass than live there with him or deal with him regularly and so would everyone else bc nobody likes him so we are stuck until then lol. so in the meantime i have to find other ways of keeping a roof over my head and paying bills and having purpose
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happyk44 · 1 year
My take has always been Nyx births them in Tartarus but sends them away to the upper world when they're old enough because she has seen the world below from the night sky and thinks it is beautiful and lovable, compared to the dark monstrous and screaming expanse of Tartarus, a chamber, a prison, a place of torture. She loves her children as much as the night sky, a boundless entity can. She would like them to experience the world the way she sees the mortals do, how other gods and spirits do. Running across cool grass as the sun dips and day fades into midnight blue and wine-dark purple. Laughing around a warm fire. Comfortable and safe from the monsters that lurk.
The eldest two are as boundless as she is, as boundless as their father. They take to mortal form more frequently than their parents but were not truly born of it. She remembers the strange sensation of creating a sunrise. Heat and daybreak rising over the murky ocean. The world was dark in the beginning. Then the sun came, Helios and his silly chariot, and so followed the bright of day to truly illuminate the world. The twins had been born hand in hand so entwined in one another she had not realized right away there were two of them. Even in their choice of differentiation, they were so similar - day and the bright upper sky. Hemera and Aether. Glowing light blue air and soft clouds with the sun shimmering nearby.
Then long after Charon came - the oldest of her personified children. Born with skin and bones and a quiet sullen demeanour. Like Hades who lives above. But Hades is reclusive and seems picky about who joins him. He is followed only by the dead. He is far too busy, nonetheless, to handle a child by his side - establishing his kingdom and building his home from the scraps left behind.
Yes, the Underworld is beautiful, cooler than Tartarus, more comforting to those with flesh, but less so than the upper world. That was created for those who breathe with lungs and have beating hearts, so when Charon is spry enough that he walks and runs and snaps at monsters that encroach upon his space, she guides him up and out into the wake of the night.
Shadows lick at his feet. His ever present father will keep watch when the sunrises and Nyx must set. Erebus agrees with her. Charon seems brighter, better up on top than far down below where only the most reviled of persons are chained and burned. The only screams he hears are from the birds chattering. He was born of night and darkness, so he says good night to his sister and his brother, and greets his mother with a cool good morning. He hunts sleeping animals with his father to guide his way. He prefers to fish from the nearby river, sit in the shallow, slower end of the rushing stream. He speaks aloud, knowing his family listens. He expects little response in return.
After him, Moros arrives. Dark and brooding. Where Charon is sullen and withdrawn, Moros is brash and engaging. He dips away from his older brother to bother nearby towns. He tips the scales, adjusts the poles. The way of the world swells and shifts around him. Knives miss the meat to be butchered and sever fingers. Bows slip free of knots and spill collected materials to the ground. The sickly sob. Children recoil in fear.
He is unbothered. He enjoys their detachment, their worries. As he grows, Charon finds him work with the elderly. It's important, he says, that you understand mortals. It is cruel to befit fear upon them all because you have no empathy. Nyx listens closely, Erebus at her side as their son speaks quiet. His monotone voice echoes across the open air. I have no empathy, but I have lived long enough to know that mortals desire compassion. And I have lived long enough to know that being feared becomes tiring in the end.
Moros adjusts. Still he brings doom, but the old are unworried. They know what is to come. The finality of breath. The stop of their hearts. The ceasing of their brains. They know that they will close their eyes and reawaken with Hades' hand outstretched for theirs. Without terror, they tell him stories of their lives. They spill their secrets as he cleans their laundry and cuts their food. He holds their arms as they take feeble steps around the home they wish to die in.
Sometimes he knows they will not and through him they know they will not, but he promises to carry them back and lay them to rest in the ground they own, the earth they cultivated. He is not capable of empathy. He barely understands sympathy. But compassion is there, in faintest amounts, and it is enough.
Thanatos and Hypnos bear witness to the night skies in the months that follow. It is almost amusing the difference between her boundless children and their fleshed out siblings. Daylight and bright skies versus the boy child who digs graves and the boy who bears doom, the boy who finds the dead as easily as he breathes and the boy who sleeps like a cat. the girl who watches battles with hunger and feasts upon the death the daughter who knows only misery and the boy who can only assign blame. She loves them all the same. She sees how mortals exile those who do not fit, who are dark but not cruel, and does not understand. Perhaps it is because she was not born into the world with a beating heart.
Only glittering stars and a spot for the bright moon.
It is quiet with the twins. Instead of bothering mortals, Hypnos spends most of his time attached to his twin's back, dozing off onto strong shoulders. Thanatos carries him like it is his job. Lifts him off from the ground without a word. He follows Charon into the woods each day. The dead come easy to him. More frequently that he had before, Charon carries bodies home to their new graves.
I can feel them, Thanatos says. When they're gone.
Do you hurt? Charon asks. Mangled bodies are not unfamiliar to them. Torn animals picked apart and rotting are commonplace. The state of their corpses indicate pain though. Charon worries.
But Thanatos simply lowers his sleeping brother to the soft grass below and says, No. It's strange. I don't notice them until they're gone. It’s like a call in my head. They could be near me and I would not notice until their end. He turns to his older brother digging another grave. Their souls. Their ghost. Do you see them?
Sometimes, Charon says. But not usually.
Thanatos is comforted by that. Sometimes is better than never. Hypnos never sees ghosts. But he sees other things in the moments he's awake. When they enter mortal towns, he'll gaze with half-lidded eyes upon the mortals that pass by and murmur into Thanatos' ear about their secrets. Their fears. Their days.
Their dreams.
Within the wisps of sleep, Hypnos descends. He coaxes the tired to rest, coaxes babies to calm, settle the elderly and sick down for their final night. Sometimes Oizys reaches out and so he settles inside the soft world of a mortal mind, slipping through their cloud-like subconscious and drawing out what they hold back.
Processing fears is important to living life, he realizes. In waking moments, he speaks with his brother about nightmares. In sleeping dreams, he slips them along. Most dreams are simple days. He likes to watch from the side, a hidden audience. Even the most mundane is entertaining.
Then Ker comes along soon after. She is sharp-toothed and mean. Violent death and bitter disease. There is nothing mundane with her. Only seeking the vicious and cruel. She feasts on the flesh of the dead, hovering near Thanatos as he counts down the seconds to the last beat of a heart.
But she does not join them at meals. Her bloodied mouth is hidden away. The bits of skin dug under her nails are scrubbed after every meal. She knows her nature is unlike the others. That she is worse. She crowds around battles with a hunger for the flesh that will be slain. She brings plague with a single touch.
Maybe she would feel better if she was not looking at her counterpart in all things dying. Thanatos is calm and unbothered. He does not itch for blood. He does not split at the seams and feast on the dead. He is calm and collected, almost a mimicry of Charon's sturdiness. She is only a girl hungering for anguish and devastation. She cannot end a life with her own hands. But she can encourage it, and so thoroughly she does.
Charon settles beside her. Water spills over their feet. Why do you split?
Feels better, she says. There is so much inside me. I need to be more to let it out. Her reflection in the river flickers in twain. Mortals think that there are more of her than there are. The Keres, they call her. But she is just Ker. She separates into many, sloughing off her other selves like old skin, and encircles the bloodied crowd. Is it bad?
No, Charon says. Just new.
I like myself, she says. But others don't. It's annoying. She grimaces. I wish I could be better.
You are what you are. With his nail, he scrapes away a fried bloodied mark across her cheek. Do not be disappointed that others cannot handle you. The ones who can are the ones who matter. We all like you. Why do you think we don’t?
Their bodies do not sever in two, in fourths, in tens, in thousands. They do not drag corpses back home to devour because the food on the table is barely edible to them. They do not force disease on those trying to recover from painful wounds, encouraging them to fail, to suffer, to die. Mortals do not recoil with a terrified immediacy they do not understand when her siblings walk by. Even Moros has more to him than the doom he spreads.
She does not.
Maybe I don’t like myself, she considers. It’s hard being this way. There is no one else.
Charon’s arm is comfortable around her shoulders. Affection always feels so fleeting. Though she recognizes that she pulls away. It feels foreign to her as it is given. Out of step with who she is. But she does not pull away. Instead she leans into him and feels the water rush around her feet. It is cool and forgiving. She is hot and merciless.
It’s true. We will not understand you or the viciousness in your heart, Charon tells her. But we are not unsettled by you. You are why battles end. Without pain, without struggle, there would be no need to speak for peace. If all deaths were as calm as falling asleep, then people would keep fighting. But blood spilled, mortals hacked apart, watching your friends suffer beside you, delivering the dead in pieces back to their homes - that is what forces peace.
She tilts her head up and considers his words. I didn’t think of that.
Nobody does, he says. But it is true. Without death, fighting would never end. And without violence, peace would never be wrung. Whether by compromise or submission. He splashes her ankles with water. Eat with us, Ker. We miss you at the table.
The twins and Ker grow and venture far and wide. They sit beside battles and watch quietly. They walk through towns and villages. Hypnos murmurs sleepy words about dreams of freedom in the beaten and belittled. Ker manufactures suffering and bloody ends, horrible spouses and egregious people falling down stairs. Thanatos brings calm to the old and sick.
Charon disappears in the days they are gone. Months go by in search. Eventually, they find him, guided by their mother and father. He is beneath the earth, beneath their feet. They fly over raging waters and approach the god who has employed him.
He is working, Hades says. So, no, he cannot go free right now. But you are welcome to stay.
Oizys and Momus are born next. Erebus coddles them more than she does. But he is in every nook and cranny. He sees distress trapped in locked closets, follows bare feet as they run from screams and swords. The two fight with bitter words. When they come of age, Charon returns to the upper world. The family home welcomes him with a familiar coolness and wisping darkness.
He is a sharp-tongued mediator for the fighting twins and forces them apart with calloused hands and snarling eyes. They always silence themselves when he snaps. They become accommodating to their brother who drags fallen bodies out from the trees and buries them in plots around the home. When he appears, Momus holds back his bitter blaming screams and Oizys keeps tight her welling eyes and breaking heart.
It is under him that they learn to shift. It is not perfect. Momus is reviled by god and mortals alike for his sharp-tongue. He complains about poorly chosen words, critiques every appearance, laughs at sloppy form. It is helpful to some - those who wish to change. Who are unbothered by his mocking tone. But people are more emotional than he cares for. There are several lives lost to his cruel words. Like the two before him, he has no capacity for empathy. He is unable to learn sympathy and compassion is out of reach.
Who cares, is his most common phrase, spoken every time his sister asks him to become softer, gentler.
Oizys is still pain, she is still distress. Her heart still breaks easy and she cries more often than most. But she becomes kinder to herself for her limited emotional range. It is not her fault that this is how she must be. It is not her fault that this is what she has been chosen to represent in the world. Her tears do not make her weak.
Pain is necessary, she says as she wraps the broken bone of a sobbing child. It teaches us not to jump from trees, and where to draw the line with others.
She finds broken men with battles still screaming in their minds. Their bodies are automated. Every movement is meant to survive, to carry on, but their minds hold memories that keep them from being alive. She finds broken women, broken mothers, broken children. She finds those who hold back the tears and smile as though nothing is wrong. Those who need to let go and breathe. Those who need to cry. Who need to admit to the pain they are in, the anguish they have witnessed, the distress coming from the things they have experienced.
When the emotions release, when the pain flows, she crafts suggestions from the wisp of shadows. Run. Confront. Kill. Talk. Change.
I believe we are trapped in our natures, Charon had said in the bright of day as he dug a deep hole and she held a shattered girl's hand.
Her body was bloodied, slowly creeping towards utter cold. Her eyes had been glassy, unfocused. The world slowly slid from her view. Oizys held her hand to take the pain because certain things should never have been experienced. Not in anyone, but especially not in children this young.
But that doesn't mean we cannot change what our nature means, her wise older brother had said. I take the dead. I don't know why. I just always have. But I chose to do different than just steal them away from their homes. There are dead out there that will never be claimed. I will claim them. I do not need to claim that which dies at home or in a lover's arms. I will claim the left behind, the slaughtered hunter, the forgotten traveler, and I will give them a grave to rest.
Momus had scowled back rude words but Oizys held tighter the young girl's hand and listened hard.
You both can be better. You do not have to be perfect. You do not have to be nice. Moros certainly is not. Ker as well. But you can be and do more than you think of yourselves right now. He laid his shovel to rest on the ground and reached for the slackened girl. There was no life left in her. It had bled all over Oizys lap. There is more to the world than your base instincts, little ones. Yelling that others are at fault and crying from the distress of being screamed at isn't all you have to do. Look inwards. Think. He laid the girl to rest in the grave he dug. I believe in you.
Charon speaks these words to all his siblings. When Nemesis arrives in a flurry of wild black hair, she tracks across the plains of Tartarus, even in her pudgy youth, and declares pain of those she discovers in chains. She leaves the wasteland far later than any of her other siblings, both older and younger. She is endlessly embittered by the faults of mortals. Reluctance to leave their home cloaks her.
Find your order, Charon says. He has lived long, seen and met many. Dike could help. She loves justice, as much as you crave punishment.
Dike is a beauty on earth. Like her father, the crowned king of sky, she embodies order and justice. Humanity is as far as her range extends. But Nemesis can work with that. Social norms become her focus. Convention and custom are her loves. Remaining steady in tradition is gripped tight in her hand. She offers suggestions with a ruthlessness that Dike sighs through each time. Some are accepted easily. Many mortals need to be struck down by their own hubris. But others are argued about between the two.
Humanity and what it entails holds closer to Dike's heart than Nemesis'. She is capable of seeing what her father, her mother, and what Nemesis cannot. A mortal who kills to be free from pain defies convention, but does not deserve the ruthless retribution Nemesis would befit upon a mortal who kills for enjoyment.
Nemesis is always befuddled by her love's explanations. The logic is sound, she understands the point. But it never quite clicks the way it should. But she remembers Charon holding her hands and telling her that she is bound to what the world had decreed upon her, as are the others.
Hemera and Aether do not understand why their siblings prefer the dark. Moros cannot perceive how it is cruel to tell people of the vicious way they will one day die, nor does he understand why it is not appropriate to bury them in so much doom they drown themselves to escape. Ker does not comprehend that others do not feel overwhelming rage. How calm for mortals in the rest of death and sleep is unwanted by their siblings befuddles Thanatos and Hypnos.  Why people repress their pain is something Oizys will never comprehend. And Momus will never understand why Olympus banished him from their golden floors for his various criticisms.
None of them ever understood why Charon chose to bury strangers either. They followed when he ventured out and helped him carry back bodies he found. Animals too rotten to eat, people no one came for. They watched as he dug holes. As he wrapped them in clean cloth and buried them. They did not understand why. But they understood that he had to, and so he did.
You punish because you must. People fear punishment because they fear our sister. If she can continue on despite the pain that being feared brings her, I know that you can. They will never understand why you choose the retribution you choose. And you will never understand why they beg for something smaller. But you do not have to. You just assess their point of view. He laughed quietly and squeezed her hands. Or ask Dike to explain it to you.
In the years that follow Nemesis's final departure from the family home, Apate and Dolos spring out from the shadows with mischievous grins. They spread lies and tall tales in their youth. They find villages and scam, decrying potions and balms in replace of medicine. Death abounds. So Charon settles them into the dirt and tells them they can do more than harm.
There is no demand to stop being cruel. After all, Nemesis still jumps to ruthless violence in her ideas for retribution. Momus does not know how to be kind with his words. By nature, Oizys is cruel to mortals. Moros still approaches strangers with a bitter grin and watches them cry in grief and terror from their ensuing fates. But cruel is not all they must be.
The twins sidle alongside Ares, who knows Charon well. Apate guides spies into enemy lines. Acting becomes a passion of hers. After all, what are elaborate performances if not deceit of the audience? Dolos sits on friendly territory and pushes whispered suggestions from the shadows. Make it seem like you are retreating, he sighs into a general's ears. Draw them out into the open with a subtle trap. Surround them. Destroy them.
It is more enjoyable to them than scamming the masses, than telling them silly lies with elaborate words that make them believe in things that don't exist. There is a sense of accomplishment when their side wins the battle, wins the war. There is a sense of pride when Ares pats their heads with his heavy warm hand. They do not follow him everywhere. They want more than war. So they dabble in politics, in petty family squabbles. They still sell scams and spread rumors. But often they draw back to Ares' side with mischievous grins and help his chosen heroes win wars.
Geras is born with wrinkles and frail bones. His skin sags off the muscles that never truly grow. Youth annoys him. Hebe is his sworn enemy long before they ever meet. But Charon holds him as he breathes hard and reminds him of the genius in age.
I was stupid when I was young. I'm older now. Wiser. More mature. He holds his little brother's wizened frame gently. Listen to the stories of the people. Sit with your brother when he visits his dying friends. There is no permanence or perfection in being young. You are a reminder of change, of inevitability, of maturity. I would not be able to tell you this without having lived and grown through so much before me.
Immortals don't age, Geras huffs bitterly. His voice is cracked and gruff, like an older blacksmith who has breathed in too much acrid smoke.
Everyone ages. We simply are not bound by it. Shapeless. Formless. If we want to look young, we can do so. If we want to look strong, we can do so. It is a blessing. He strokes Geras's thin hair. And much like curses, blessings can be taken away.
Geras sighs and sinks into his brother's stable hold. I don't know how to make myself look different.
Then don't, Charon says. You know how, little brother. We all do. But you do not want to look young. It is not who you are.
Then who am I? What am I? Geras cries. I want to be a child, not an ugly old man. I do nothing for the mortals like the others. I don't bring the day, I don't let them know that the end is near and they should prepare. I do not allow them to feel their hurt. I do not enact punishment and I do not win wars. I am just old and tired.
As I said, you are change. People become different over time. They learn and change, they age and grow. And you are inevitable, even to the gods. You are the reason Moros has friends. You are the reason Oizys creates mourning. You are stories told to grandchildren, you are the head of the household, you are the matriarch, you are history. You are a reminder of the end, and you are a goal for the sickly, for the soldiers in battle, for couples so deeply in love. Charon presses his lips dryly to his brother's wrinkled temple. And you are my brother. You have purpose in that alone.
Eris is hardened to the world when she leaves Tartarus. As always, Charon takes leave of the Underworld and guides her hand-in-hand through darkness and grass to the family home. She is a bitter thing. She finds fault in all things. Constant conflict is demanded of her. When he does not fall to her huffing ways, she grows louder and rougher. But Charon has been steady and stable since birth. Her need to sow problems over nothing does not rile him.
Calm down, he says when she slaps food off the table for being too cold, or shouts that he mended her clothes incorrectly. She cannot calm. It is beyond her. Still he holds her shaking hands and guides her down to a seat on the floor. Relax your breathing. Search for what settles you and utilize that.
Like many of the others, Charon brings her to Ares’ side. War does not settle her, not fully. Still, she finds solace in Ares and in Enyo, her preferred companion. Enyo enjoys the bitter sensation of discord, the craft of competition that awakens in Eris’ presence. Eris is no stranger to being cared for despite how she is, but it is odd to see it reflected in the face of someone who is not her family.
They bicker and argue over anything. Eris is always the instigator, but Enyo happily throws the first blow. Hands beat against faces. Blood bleeds into spit on the ground. Bruises bloom against skin. When the fight is done, they grin and breathe and move along. They are often joined by Ker, bringing horror to the soldiers who spot her flying above right before the final blow.
She spreads trouble outside of battle. Apate and Dolos pull her into their lies and trickery. Arguments follow her subtle instigating words. The twins pull strings behind yelling backs. Momus brings blame and she pushes hostility. The ensuing breakdowns are always so fun to watch. Harmony and peace, a sense of calm, does not befit her. But in carefully placed antagonism she finds a settlement, what Charon spoke of with gentle words, and it is enough.
The last to find life on the outside is young Philotes. Her siblings think she is strange. Even from birth, she is unlike any of them. In Tartarus, she befriends monsters, even the cruelest of punished souls. She hugs with abandon, and smiles wider than any of them thought was possible for their faces. She is not sharp-toothed, and she is not mean. She is not relaxed with sturdy sullenness. She is bright and joyful.
Charon does not bury forgotten bodies around her, nor does he hunt creatures as they sleep. Death upsets her. Violence is rejected. Ker and Thanatos find no fault in her eschew of their nature. She does not fault them for being as they are. It is harder with Eris, but only on her side. Trouble and conflict slides off Philotes’ shoulders like rain. It does not make her angry, or have her spit bitter words. Eris finds that vastly annoying. But despite their stark differences, Philotes loves her family without question. 
Darkness does not suit her, though she walks through shadows as is her birthright, and does not shy away from the depths below as her companions in the clouds of Olympus do. Making friends is easy for her. She finds her way to the mountaintop from smile to smile, and hug to hug. The Graces adore her joyful nature. Pasithea finds amusement in their traded places - her born of Olympus to descend to the depths, and Philotes born of Tartarus to ascend to the golden skies. She does not join their numbers, but attends to their needs. It is a contented life filled with love, with friends, with good sex.
Charon waits for the call of his mother to let him know that another has joined their ranks but it does not come. He does miss, sometimes, the family home when it was filled with the life of another. He will settle there in his free time. The beds are clean, the pantry clear, cobwebs nonexistent. The passage of time does not encroach upon the home he built for his siblings. It does not rot the stone, nor the cloth. The house remains steady, stable, as he is.
Sometimes he walks down to the river. He will sit in the slow and shallow end under the night sky, feeling shadows wisp at his arms. There is no preference between his old and new homes. The Underworld suits him. Macaria who took him down to the depths and gave him his boat is there, his best friend. Styx rushes by as he floats. They speak casually amongst each other. The world is forever dark in the Underworld. It is cool. It is calm.
While only a few of his siblings live with him among the poplar trees and obsidian stone, the others do visit with annoyed huffs from Hades but nothing else in complaint. They join their mother and father in the heated wasteland of Tartarus. They visit the family home. They did not live there all at once, and they never will. He raised them to be independent, decisive. To be better and do more than they thought they could. Their home was a place to grow, and they have. It is no longer necessary for them. For him.
But it is always nice to walk through familiar doors and find his siblings talking amongst themselves. Lounging on cushions they used to sit on when they were much smaller, much younger. Eating at the table, sneaking bites of each other’s food. Playing the games still left behind on shelves and tables.
He never worried about what it meant to be the oldest made of flesh and bone. When he had followed Macaria down below, he did not mean to leave the three behind. They had ventured out, as Moros did. When days pattered by with no return, he thought they had found their own place in the world. Seeing them standing strong and hard-headed in front of Hades and demanding his return was more than amusing. Warmth cut through his heart.
Ferrying souls is his purpose. Watching the entrance when the Underworld is open is his purpose. It is what he has done from the beginning, carrying corpses home and laying them to rest, finding internal settlement in river water rushing beneath him. He is the ferryman and the gatekeeper. Carrying souls across the rushing river. Keeping eye on the doorway and forcing out those who try to push in without reason.
But as he always said, there is more to them than the base instinct of their nature. Like holding hands with little siblings as he walks them to their home, and guarding them from mortals and monsters and gods who do not understand what beauty exists in the dark.
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gildedworld · 19 days
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Francesca Moreno
Name: Francesca Moreno
Current Alias : Gloria
Nickname (s):
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Citizenship: Nationality
Species : Homo Mutatis
Affiliation: X-Men
Base of Operations: Leopold Estate
Ethnicity: Italian
Accent : Long Island
Hair : shinny chocolate brown hair with subtle warm-toned gold highlights. Her hair is naturally straight and runs down her back, ending right above her waist. She does hate her hair though and desperately wishes that it was the "good wavy" - the effortless 'beach girly' waves.
Eyes : chocolate brown eyes
Body : Francssca is average in terms of height and is slim. Body-wise, she is athletic and lean, something she's extremely proud of and has well defined abs that she attributes to pilates and yoga.
Style : Francesca lives in Lululemon. Her style is basically athleisure - specifically matching legging and sports bra sets, with "belt bags" (they're fanny packs, let's be real), ponytail running hats, and Addidas sneakers. She has seemingly endless color coordinated sets with matching Yeti travel mugs - literally every single color combination under the sun. Occasionally, she'll switch it up for a tennis dress or a skot instead of leggings.
Unusual features: none
Faceclaim : Maddison Beer
Francesca is an airhead. She's vain, self-obsessed, and conceited. She's the kind of person who truly does believe that everyone in the room is looking, talking, and thinking about her at all times. Then again, why wouldn't they- she's Francesca after all. She truly believes that the sun revolves around her and suffers heavily from Main Character Syndrome. She can't stand having others in the spotlight as opposed to her and focuses her attention and energy in maintaining her spotlight through building her "brand" across social media platforms. After all, she is an influencer and influences must influence!
Despite this, Francesca is actually quite intelligent believe it or not, when her mind is not occupied with getting the latest athleisure wear and yeti tumbler drops, she actually does have moments of insights that tend to baffle the people around her. A fairly good judge of character, she knows how to read people and, of course, manupilate them to further her agendas.
Although it doesn't seem like it, Francesca does have a strong sense of morality and justice and isn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for those who can't. That's why she's an X-Men, duh.
Francesca is a telepath and can read and influence the minds of those around her. In terms of power, she's probably your average telepath - with the ability to read and influence the minds of those closest to her.
Faith Moreno - mother
David Moreno - father
Francesca is very close to her parents, as italian-American kids usually are. She's the light of their lives, the apple of their eyes.
Extended Family
Francesca has a large extended family, most of whom live in Long Island in towns close to her own. Although large, they are very close-knit and meet up often. Francesca's father being the oldest son, is the family patriarch - that means that dinners and holiday celebrations usually take place Francesca's house with her mom cooking (it's usually lasagna or some sort of pasta)
Significant Others
Alex Mastronadi
Alex really was Francesca's longest and most significant relationship. She'd always had a crush on Alex. But prior to Rosaria's disappearance, she'd never seriously considered Alex at all because it was obvious to anyone with eyes that they were seriously dating. But after moving to Canada, Francesca started getting closer to Alex. It started out with Alex overhearing a call with her mom and remarking that Francesca's mother reminded him of his own in terms of temperament. They eventually got closer and started dating. But even when they were dating, there always was a distance with Alex - she could never get close enough to him. And it really didn't help that everyone around them knew Rosaria and knew that if she were to be here, Alex would still be with her without a question.
Rosaria Huntington
Francesca always hated Rosaria - she was everything Francesca was not. Her parents were rich and always showered Rosaria and her friends (Francesca included) with lavish gifts and presents that Francesca would have never dreamed of. And everyone seemed to like Rosaria too. She was naturally charismatic, and like Francesca, Rosaria too was a telepath - only significantly stronger. The worst part was that she genuinely was nice to everyone, including Francesca.
After the invasion and Rosaria's disappearance, things seemed to get worse - people either treated her as a diety and grieved her loss or villified her and blamed her for the invasion. The worst was that even though she was gone, everyone was still constantly talking about her. Francesca always felt that with time, things would change. And for most people, it did. But that did not include Alex . His obsessed with finding her soon transformed into years of deep-seated grief, resentment, and anger.
Francesca always knew that Alex loved Rosaria. But she had hoped that he'd get over her one day, too. Even though she wasn't physically present and was possibly dead, Francesca always felt as if she was an outsider - that Alex was in a relationship with Rosaria and Francesca was the one looking in. And that just makes Francesca resent Rosaria even more. Normally, girls would have to compete with ex-girlfriends or ex-wives. Francesca, however, was competing with a ghost.
Francesca grew up in Long Island in a large blue-collar Italian-American family. Her father owned a construction company, and her mother was a teacher at a local middle school. Francesca was their only child, and as a result of this, she was the apple of their eye - the child who could do nothing wrong.
Up till the age of 15, she lived in Long Island - she attended school , was a cheerleader, and actively worked towards building up her social media platform among her peers and community. She was known for her practical makeup tips and would go around offering free makeovers to those in need - the less fortune who had unfortunately not been blessed with style, unlike her.
At the age of 15, her telepathy began to manifest - she noticed it first when she seemingly was able to read her teacher and peers' minds during a test and got the highest test scores. Naturally, it made the teachers suspicious who attempted to find evidence of cheating but never could. When they asked her, she quite openly told them that she heard her peers think.
Her guidance counselor recommended Francesca as a candidate to the Xavier Academy - the next day, Francesca was tested, and it was identified that she was a telepath, having the X-Gene mutation present.
Francesca was quite upset to leave her friends and family at first but ultimately recognized that it was the right thing to do. Her true motivations, of course, were quite simple - cute boys.
At first, Francesca hated the Academy - not only did she actually have to study for once, but she also had to do stuff like training, which she hated. On top of that, all the cute boys she expected were either in a relationship or just plain boring.
The good news, though, was that she had the perfect settings to take beautiful pictures and videos for her platforms . Also, mutant teens with cool powers made for great content.
This soon changed with the invasion, of course. Several of her peers were either killed, disappeared , or were captured by the government. And to make matters worse, the Academy was destroyed, half her clothes were ruined, she was missing an entire case of limited edition Yeti tumblers, and she seemingly had to pack whatever she had left and move to rural Canada. Plus she had to sleep on the ground with bugs.
And the worst thing was that she was not allowed internet in the new estate in Canada and constantly had to find work arounds to get access to internet, which Francesca was sure was some sort of violation of a basic human right. But thankfully, Starbucks existed - she could get her Frappuccinos and internet too!
Francesca LOVES lululemon and athleisure
She loves mocha Frappuccinos and loves cake pop
She hates vanilla as it's a basic flavor - chocolate all the way
Francesca loves salads and you won't find her without her Yeti - hydration, hydration, hydration
She has over a million followers across her platforms and is a lifestyle influencer known for her clean-girl aesthetic and healthy lifestyle
She is vegan and can not survive without oatmilk.
She has a secret internet extender through which she is able to connect to the internet and post across her platforms, buy her lululemon and yeti tumblers, and livestream her yoga and pilates classes
Her favorite holiday is Christmas, apart from her birthday, of course.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
I LOVE your Spider and Quaritch headcanons! I beg of thee to grace us with more
(I got a day off cause of a blizzard in my town and I finally have the motivation to tackle my oldest unanswered asks, I am so sorry y'all had to wait this long)
miles always wanted to be a good dad, never had the time to think about it back on earth, his life was hell there was no way he would do that to his own kid, but when paz was pregnant it brought out the father in him. but between the fact that miles had no idea how to be a father, to be gentle, to love, after the hell that was his own life and lack of personal relationships paired with the fact he would never be allowed to claim spider as his own or even have a relationship with the kid if he wanted him and paz to be safe; his relationship with spider is so strained yet so desperate because every part of his soul is being lit on fire to claim his child, but he has zero idea how to build that relationship or even just, be a dad. its even worse because this new na'vi body is biologically rendered to be intense parental figure, all new sorts of parental instincts that are driven down to the primal level overwhelming him as he clumsily, like the newborn he is, navigates that tie between him and his son.
spider is aware of this, to some extent, he can feel quaritch trying, even if he's clueless, and he feels some amount of pity for him. he also feels nice being taken care of; quaritch protects him, nutures him in a way not just a captor trying to get on his sweet would, but a father. it reminds spider of jake, and it makes his stomach tie into knots.
quaritch attempts to integrate with na'vi life way more then he needs to for spider's sake.
when spider left him on the little island, he felt like he was gutted right then and there. he knows he can't force spider to love him, he would never do that to his son, would never force him to live a life he didn't want. he tries to lead a life spider would be proud of until they reunite.
he sends cupcake out over the metkayina village, sending her to be with spider for days at a time, making sure spider isn't alone. when she goes back to miles he lives vicariously through her memories of the boy.
he still wants to kill jake for how he treats his baby.
when spider was still back with the squad, it felt like he was finally whole, like he had his kid, his family, and no matter where they were, in the forests, back at bridgehead, on the sea dragon, it felt like they were home.
everyday miles was away for spider he made him things, keeping them in his pack. beads for his hair and songchord, knives, carvings. by the time they're reunited spider could probably make 10 songschords with all his dad had made him, each one with a story, as he would find out; miles had pushed his fragile memory, prodded out each and every memory he had of spider, of what little childhood he got to experience.
quaritch connects to eywa because of spider, he wanted to see what spider saw, he wanted to know why he was so loyal to this planet, these people, despite the hell they put him through. it all made sense, he wanted to protect her just as much as he wanted to protect spider. he know's why spider did it all, and it drive him to do the same.
quaritch 'woke up' all because of spider's existence.
he threatened ardmore, risking getting in serious trouble, when she implied bringing spider back in after miles won his trust, to 'see if her remembered anything now'. he even tells spider this, because he was done keeping spider in dark, he makes it clear just how far he's willing to go to keep him safe.
spider put a braid in quaritch's hair right before the village/tulkun incident and he never took it out.
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ell-arts · 1 year
Got any fun facts about The Veil? Non-spoilery ofc :)
Ooooo 🤔
The Veil takes place 1 year after the events of New Girl In Town.
During that year, the Pac gang has gone through highs and lows, like team bonding, training together, enduring long nights of ghost-fighting, and even going through tragedy.
Elliptica, being the most recent addition to the team, sometimes feels a bit insecure about her inexperience with ghost-fighting. Aside from the matter of fighting fundamentally against her uncle, she's aware that she needs to catch up in skills and training to be on par with the trio's 2 years of experience, and so she often seeks to prove herself.
Pac got a growth spurt in the year before The Veil starts. He is now the same height as Elliptica, officially making Cylindria the shortest member of the team, which is a bit of a running gag in the story, something which Cyli takes great annoyance at lol.
Spiral turned 18 prior to The Veil, making him the first 'legal' member of the team while Pac, Cyli, and Elli are all still 17. Spiral still has his carefree and upbeat attitude, but like the others, he's grown more mature and is now settling into the role of a protective big brother for everyone. While nobody has made him feel any less valued, he does feel a little bit of pressure for being the oldest and needing to start acting like an adult.
In their free time, the Pac gang take whatever chances they can get to spend some time together. Their favourite activities include playing video games together, going to the movies/mall, studying together, and board-game night. (They get quite competitive after a few rounds of Uno...)
In the same breath, Sir C and Spheria will occasionally join them, in which the lab is the perfect place for board-game night. (THEN you don't wanna see them all going at each other in Uno...)
The Netherworld has its own version of board games and card games, which Blinky claims is much more fun because, in his words, "What could be more fun than using real bones and real weapons in a game of Cluedo? >:D"
The Ghost Gang's ages are tweaked a bit. Instead of assuming they're the same age as Pac, I gave them ages from rough guesses based on their personalities, skill sets, and maturity. Blinky is 18, Inky is 16, Pinky is 14, and Clyde is 19. These exact ages are subject to change.
The Veil follows the headcanon that ghosts cannot age anymore due to being technically dead. A ghost will permanently stay the mental age they died as. More info on this headcanon can be found at the bottom of this post.
Additionally, Betrayus' age is roughly 33 in this fic.
The city of Pacopolis has made incredible strides in building itself back up after the war, with notable advancements in technology and improved architecture. On the other hand, on the outskirts of the city, there are several landmarks and stretches of land that bear the slow-healing scars of the war. Things, like tarnished land, charred forests, old war bunkers, and abandoned warehouses, are all but a few remaining reminders of the war, now long overgrown with foliage. Some of these areas are given government protection as heritage sites, some are slotted up for renovation, and some are simply left abandoned. One of these sites will be introduced in upcoming chapters :)
The Veil's main antagonist is Betrayus, with Apex being a secondary antagonist whom our heroes will always keep at the back of their minds as a foe that could attack unpredictably. But there is a third foe on the way...
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mamamittens · 3 days
My spooky event has launched!
Very excited to see what y'all come up with! Already very creative ways to interpret my set up for what you can request (positive)!
Anyway, I just had a fun idea, perhaps I'll actually do something with it idk
So, I was thinking about those ghost romances and how they're always so damn tragic. I mean, it's either that or it's a horror story and not the actual end game ship lol
Mostly because of the whole "Can you realistically date someone who can't die when that's all you can do to rectify the disparity--eventually you will grow old and nothing changes a dynamic like literal time itself".
So, picture this, Thatch and Izou purchase a nice place outside of town. Just for the two of them. It's an old building but it's been well taken care of and renovated a few times by various, short term owners. One of those "Oh, this is so nice and cheap--black mold or ghosts?" Kind of situation.
And it's not black mold.
Yeah, a few folks have died, starting back in the late 1800s.
They're not phased in the least by the ominous history or reputation and settle in.
It doesn't take long for shit to start happening.
Stuff getting moved. Doors closing or opening on their own. Footsteps at three in the morning. Fun stuff like that.
After a while they can't pretend nothing is happening and start loudly demanding answers.
All the
"Show yourself!"
"Who's here with us?"
Mostly from Thatch cause he's been binging ghost hunting shows. Izou just wants his makeup to stop fucking disappearing.
"Well, at the moment, just me."
Thatch screams startlingly loud and high, stumbling to the floor.
They're in the living room and there, settled neatly on the love seat that came with the house, is a woman. She's faintly glowing, almost translucent. Colors washed out.
Dressed in a white nightgown with a loose dress robe tied neatly at her waist. Dark curls braided down her back. One bare foot and the other hidden in a worn slipper peaking out from beneath the lace trim. She looks tired and slightly apologetic.
"Terrible way to meet, I know, but unfortunately the dead have only a few talents--change not being one of them." She grimaces, adjusting thick glasses on her nose. "And yes. I'm dead. No, I'm not fucking with you. Yes, this house is haunted. No. I did not move your things... Actually, I did move your keys yesterday, but you dropped them on the floor and nearly kicked them under the stove--in my defense."
"...You don't look dead. Well, aside from the ethereal... Whatever you have going on." Izou points out. She sighs, pulling aside her dressing gown, revealing a bloody stab wound to the heart. "Ah. I'm... Sorry. Wait, if it's not you, then who's been fucking with us?"
She shrugs.
"The others. I'm the first, technically the oldest. But I'm hardly an authority. Got two kids--different times but they get along quite well-- a war vet, a couple, and a rude bastard. My bets are the kids or the bastard. The couple.. keep to themselves. And the war vet prefers to watch."
Izou grimaces at that.
"Watch? You don't mean...?" She snorts.
"He's more concerned you're communists, actually. No desire to see you 'fornicating' with a few slurs thrown in. Passed in the fifties." She sort of apologizes with a shrug. "I'm Nikia by the way."
The other ghosts don't usually show themselves. Thatch finds that offering cookies keeps the shenanigans to minimum. Nikia preferring to watch TV with them or read. Quiet company for whoever is home.
Sometimes someone tries to come over specifically to "call upon the spirits" but the boys staunchly turn them away.
They discover that Nikia's death is considered a mystery, her body never found. The kids were both accidents. The vet died of a heart attack. And the couple carbon dioxide inhalation. They usually only start acting up if the fire alarm battery dies, fittingly. Otherwise it's just the kids and Nikia who regularly do anything interesting.
Naturally, they treat their unexpected house mates as family.
Shockingly, the couple are the first to move on after a big family dinner. Thatch left place holders for their 'house mates'. Apparently they always wanted a big family and being included gave them that last push.
The vet went as quietly as he 'lived' after Izou finished setting up his gun collection. Having found peace in seeing the tools of his trade treated so reverently but respectfully with full awareness they were weapons. A world where such things could be decoration rather than defense soothing him into the light. And probably a few "era appropriate reassurances mixing with blatant slurs and racism that's kinda touching if it didn't make you wince to hear it aloud".
The kids disappeared after a very lovely and well decorated Christmas with stand in toys for them to play with. They still kept the toys on the shelves for them, despite the kids having moved on.
Then it was just them and Nikia.
They'd grown close by this point, all three of them. And they were a little nervous about her status in the house.
They didn't want her to go. She was a wonderful companion in an otherwise quiet and too-large house. But there was an undeniable temptation in what could never be.
She's completely intangible. Touching her feels like dipping your hand in icy fog. Only the hazy sensation of her nightgown. The barest breeze where her fingertips lay.
It's not healthy, this "if only" relationship they have.
It is shocking that Thatch is the first to bring it up.
"When are you moving on? Is there something we need to do to... Bring you peace?" He asked hesitantly in front of the fire one night.
Nikia looks at him. Glancing at Izou who seems conflicted by the question. She smiles softly.
"...You already know. I..." She cleared her throat, tears clinging to her lashes. "I liked my peace. My solitude. At the time, it was rare. Unheard of for a good woman to want to be a spinster... Some people took that personally. But I never wanted to be alone like that. Where he must have left me."
She looks out at the woods.
"...you look half dressed... You heard him coming. You ran."
"... I did. Thought I lost him. But, like a rabbit and hunting dog..."
"He found you."
"I lied. When I said the dead can't change. It's just... So limited. The best I could do was hide the knife." Nikia informed them gravely, pulling aside her robe. The stab wound now decorated with the hilt of a fine dagger, bearing a bloodied crest. "He must have buried me with it. I still had both shoes when he killed me."
They spend a month with metal detectors trying to find her.
When they do, they dig her up, finding her decomposed corpse. Knife sliced between her ribs. Skeleton draped in silk and cotton beneath the tangled roots of a gnarled tree.
The cops are called and she's finally put to rest. The knife identified as belonging to a wealthy family at the time with only one suspect with sufficient motive. Her case, closed.
They find her ghost sitting on her tombstone.
She looks so tired.
"I'm sorry for the trouble."
Izou sighs heavily, lowering a bouquet of roses alongside Thatch.
"It was nothing."
"... If it was another time... Would we still have been friends? If we met between the stacks in a library or in line for coffee, instead of like this?"
"We'd be more than friends." Thatch swore softly.
She smiles. Her features warm in the setting sun as she fades away.
They're upset for weeks afterwards. Drinking to what "could have beens" and more.
Until they're dragging out by Marco and Ace under their father's orders, his worry palpable even through phone calls.
Thatch resolves to buy the sappiest romance novel he can to wish fulfill his way out of another hangover.
He reaches for a second hand copy of a book only for his palm to settle over cold fingertips. Startled, he steps back, an apology on his lips.
Only to see a familiar face looking up at him sheepishly. Large glasses low on her nose with pale blue eyes and curly hair died a rich, indigo hue.
"Oop--Ssssssorry. Coffee? I mean, would you like to get coffee with me?" He asks breathlessly. "I'm Thatch--my partner is Izou, by the way, over there." He gestures to the other section, raising his voice just so. Izou glancing back and doing a double take.
He's quick to come over.
"H-Hi, are you new here?" He asks.
"Yeah, just moved in, actually. Not really into coffee but... I'd love to meet up? Make new friends, maybe?" She asks nervously.
"It's no trouble--like, at all!" Thatch reassures quickly.
"Yeah, we'd love to get to know you!" Izou adds in.
Neither of them are sure how this is happening, but she smiles and they know it's real. That crooked smile all too familiar, making her eyes squint and nose wrinkle and flair as she chuckles. Throaty and soft.
This time, this time it'll be different.
It will be better.
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deatmat · 1 year
Tinted Yellow
[Wolfwood spends the years following the incident of July wearing Vash’s glasses. Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46368934 ]
When Wolfwood was young, he'd been allowed to go to December with mother Melanie. He'd been the oldest of the other orphans and the most mature, and as a reward she'd let him tag along. He remembers how big the city had seemed - the bright lights so unlike the orphanages oil lamps and fires. It was perhaps the first time he'd ever been overwhelmed.
Melanie had offered him a solution, plucking glasses off a stand and tucking their wire arms gently behind his ears. They were nothing like little Joe's glasses which made his eyes strain. Instead, these shaded the world, dimming the harsh illuminated colours and toning everything down.
Wolfwood has long since grown used to city lights, now tame in comparison to those of experiment tables, yet he keeps a pair of glasses on his eyes at all times. As a reminder of better days, maybe. Possibly, even, as a defense; something to keep others from seeing his eyes. Whichever it is, it's caused him to only ever see the world with a layer of grey.
Now he's sees it through yellow.
He'd always wondered what it'd be like to see through someone else's eyes. He'd give back this opportunity if he could, rewinding time so the one whose supposed to see like this could return. 
As he sits in the bar, he wonders how after two years he's still not used to the odd tint masking over everything. The green bottles of booze laying around him looking more brown, the white of his dirty sleeves taking on a beige. Drowning in drink, the people around him blur behind his shades.
His shades.
It's always like this when he drinks. He'll go to a bar, ordering what he can in hopes of numbing himself and yet his thoughts always circle back to the things he's avoiding. Memories of half full shot glasses and bursts of laughter filter in, squeezing the air from his lungs and dropping his stomach. He remembers eyes peering down at him from behind the same glasses on his face, crinkling at the corners and looking genuinely happy like they so rarely do. Bottles collect around him; his heart sinks more.
The week before, he'd wandered into a small town just south of November. He'd sat himself down in a bar not too dissimilar to the one he's in now, greeting the bartender with a grumble for a whiskey. She'd stared at him. A moment passed before she was launching over the counter and slamming him into the wall, forearm pressed to his throat. 
"What did you do to him?" she'd screeched. Wolfwood hadn't known what to say, baffled and tired from two days of driving. 
"What?" he'd said.
Her hand moved toward his face, fingers skimming the black frames of his glasses before he'd stopped her, grabbing her wrist and twisting it down to the floor. He'd snarled, "Don't. Touch those." 
He was surprised to find himself met with equal aggression as she shouted back, "They're not yours! What did you do to him?"
Easily, he can recall the way his chest had tightened as understanding flooded him. Can recall the way the woman trembled, lip quivering and eyes watering. Recalls his own composure dropping like it has every other time this had happened.
He'd whispered, "He's gone," and the shake taking over his voice was all she'd needed to let him go. 
After two years, Wolfwood has learned a lot about what Vash meant to people. He really does see the world through his eyes. 
Wolfwood knew wearing his glasses would bring attention, he just hadn't expected the overwhelming amount of remorse and grief he was met with. He'd seen people cry, he'd seen them deny his words, listened to prayers given out to a dead man, saw those who'd build gravestones in their towns for a body no one's ever found. All at the sight of yellow lenses and black wire frames.
Somehow the world is grayer through yellow than it was through black.
Meryl had asked him why he wore them when he'd first plucked them from the rubble surrounding July, dusty with the right lens scratched. He hadn't answered, just looked towards the twin suns, letting them filter through the glasses and cast yellow and orange across his retinas like he imagined Vash might do.
Truth is, Wolfwood didn't know Vash very long. A month isn't a lot, not beside the decade he spent with the fellow orphans or years he wasted away in a lab, but it was the most to him. Something about Vash in that month stuck with him. His drive to save every life, his incredible aim, his willingness to risk everything for humanity... the way he would whisper it's not for us to decide like the prayers Wolfwood had been practicing his whole life. There was something about Vash which made everyone in the room want to watch him. He felt like both the future and the past. He didn't think he would ever just be the past.
Maybe that's why he wears his glasses, as a way for him to live on because it feels so impossible that Vash the Stampede would ever fade from this world. When people see the glasses and recognize them, Vash is brought back to life for a moment. 
Or maybe he wears them because it hurts.
When he fights - Punisher rattling his arms with every volley of bullets that tears through his enemies, yells ripping at his lungs - he sees through yellow and lets the hurt consume him. Fuel him as he plows through any force in his way. Humanity had tore an angel down from the sky and this was their punishment. 
He deserves every drop of pain. If looking through tinted lenses yank at his heart and causes guilt to swell within him then he deserves to wear Vash's glasses. He left him behind, he led him to his demise and didn't raise a finger to save him. He deserves ache for what he did to Vash and July. 
He says it's for Vash's memory. He says it's for the hurt he's to be dealt. 
But, in bars like this with alcohol warming his blood, he knows it's for the sight before him. His fingers pinching the glasses arms, shifting them up and down to see how the light catches at different angles and imagining them on their true owners face. The delusions he lets come to mind - a bedside table that they can rest on during night and then be playfully put on by Wolfwood's own hands, a non alcoholic warmth filling him with content. Mornings where maybe the world might not have been orange from the glasses, but from sun spilling through curtains. A life where angels still existed and guns were kept in locked boxes hidden in closets.
He keeps them because he hopes, foolishly, selfishly, and desperately, that he can still have those mornings when he gives them back to their owner.
Wolfwood tips the glass in his hand towards his lips, letting it burn his throat and sour when mixed with the tobacco lingering between his teeth. Bitter and unpleasant enough to snap him back to reality.
The bar is alive that night. He doesn't care for the occasion, only for the fact that it makes him stick out like a sore thumb; mopey in contrast to the cheering townsfolk around him. The man seated beside him sloshes his drink as he boasts about rain to come and better days for them all. Wolfwood grits his teeth and does his best not to shove him off his chair.
He's midway through nursing another drink when he's jostled by someone's shoulder slamming into his back. The glasses fly out of his hand, clattering on the floor. Wolfwood hisses through his teeth with the surprise of being bumped into. Quickly he whirls around to confront the person and snatch back his glasses, surprised to find the person already reaching down to pick them up.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, sir!" they stammer out, crouched to the ground and pale fingers curling around the Vash's frames. Blonde hair hangs over them, hiding their face. 
Wolfwood glares, watching as they pick up the glasses and start to pass them back to him, only to freeze halfway there. Their shoulders tense, head still bowed. Patience thin, Wolfwood reaches out and rips the glasses from their hand.
"Watch where you're going next time," he grumbles. 
The man slowly looks up at him. Their eyes are glued to the glasses before flicking to meet Wolfwood's eyes. He sees blue, oceanic and rare. The same shade he's seen before. Breath catches in Wolfwood's lungs.
He'd imagined for so long - had dragged these darn glasses around half the world clinging to the fragment of hope wedged in his heart - and still he couldn't believe it. He was dead, missing, and yet...
The man squinted at him, then his eyes widened as he stumbled back a step. 
Vash the Stampede.
Good thing he kept those glasses after all.
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laugtherhyena · 9 months
Forest kingdom
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The ambitious and enormous Forest kingdom was the first of the land kingdoms to be formed, when a manticore known as Emory Campos self proclaimed himself as the king and began organizing his followers into a society, he went on to drive off the pillbug species from the forest territory, as they refused to cooperate with his plans of building a kingdom. He would claim ownership of every territory in the land, and as he and his followers began setting up towns around the middle area Emory named his domain Forest kingdom and created a calendar to keep track of time after its official creation.
Due to being a master of magic King Emory lived for over 800 years and lead the kingdom through many changes and improvements over the years, but nothing good lasts forever, the last centuries of Emory's life were filled with blow after blow as massive parts of the territory separated from the Forest kingdom and became their own societies, currently known as the Mountain and Desert kingdoms. This made Emory's reputation as a ruler go downhill, as many of his former supporters and family members started seeing him as too soft and a shadow of his former self.
The last nail on the coffin was when he willingly landed a part of the territory to the Ocean kingdom refugees at shore instead of fighting for the land as his family wanted. This led to his reputation becoming even worse and eventually the family planned a coup against Emory to take him away from power, which ended up in his death and the ascension of Theodore Yarrow as the next master of dawn magic. The rulers after Emory strived to "make the kingdom great again" and take the forest out of this dark age they were currently in.
Nowadays the kingdom is known for its immense traditionalism and urge to follow said traditions under the belief that they exist for a reason, and if we ignore tradition society will fall into chaos. This leads the forest to be quite an oppressive place to live, as certain species and couples tend to suffer a lot of prejudice from their peers, societal expectations are also very present in the forest. They're also known for always seeking power, which was what led to the unfortunate creation of "The oddity" after an experiment made by the forest failed and the beast escaped containment.
This kingdom's native species are humans, manticores, satyrs, centaurs, vampires, werewolves and forest critters. Manticores being the ascended ones of the forest, they're known for being huge powerful beasts with immense strength and a poisonous sting. Manticores compose the entirety of the kingdom's royal guard, they're seen as mighty beasts and well loved by the society they live in. Aside from protecting the kingdom, manticores are also the ones who are periodically sent on expedition into the depths of the forest to gather power crystals which will be used to power energy through the towns.
The Forest kingdom's magic system is known as Dawn magic and taught mainly in the Ancient ruins of Dawn magic. This magic is heavily connected to the nature that envelops their kingdoms, its users are able to create many kinds of magically enhanced plants that can be used in all sorts of things. These powers are divided into combat based Dawn magic, which can be used in fights and fused with preexisting weapons depending on the proficiency level of the user, and healing based Dawn magic, which uses magical powers to heal others at the price of one's own health. Healing based Dawn magic tends to be mixed with potion making, as they're both heavily tied to medicine.
The Forest kingdom's current ruler is King Omar the third Campos and their Master of magic is Leonel Eberson.
Passing of the throne
Being a very traditionalist kingdom, the rulers of the Forest kingdom have always been part of the Campos family's bloodline. The throne is passed from father to oldest child and when it comes time to get a partner, a selection of members of the kingdom's high society will be called to meet the future ruler and perhaps get chosen to become their partner in the future.
This method of choosing their rulers essentially prevents habitants from lower social classes from ever getting close to the throne, some rulers of the past have gone as far as desown and complete erase certain family members from the family history once they decided to go agaisnt the family's wishes and marry someone deemed unworthy.
Choosing to marry someone outside of the choosing pool will lead to the person, and their future offsprings, losing their rights as a member of the royal family. The position of future ruler is then passed to someone else in the family.
Towns and important locations
Capital of the Forest kingdom, home of the royal family and the mighty manticore guard. The biggest and most populated city of the kingdom, commonly used to host big events or as a meeting ground for Citizen whenever the king has important announcements to make.
-Ancient ruins of Dawn magic
Ruins containing the knowledge about the forest magic type, discovered by King Emory when he was exploring the region many centuries back which led to him becoming the first one learn the magic and consequently become its first master.
Nowadays many new building have been added to the ruins, always making sure to original structure intact. The are has become an enormous college/school of sorts where citizens from all over the kingdom come to learn magic from wise and experienced teachers on the field, one of them being the curent master of magic, Leonel Eberson, who lives in the ruins and strived to be patient and kind to every student he meets there.
-The greatest land market
Biggest and most diverse business center of the land, having a shop or stand in there is in itself a sign of a successful business. It's not uncommon for buyers to come all the way from different kingdoms just to experience the market by itself as it has become a touristic attraction in its own right.
-Howling peaks and Wolfden village
A couple decades ago, King Omar passed a law that obligated werewolves to take a potion to revert the effect of their howling gene, as he considered them a disease of sorts. A movement agaisnt the king's cruelty was quickly created and for years the Mighty howlers organized protest and riots again Omar, eventually succeeding in making him back down and abolish the obligatory potion law.
During the conflict, many werewolves had their own hidden settlements known amongst them as wolfdens. After everything was over, the two biggest settlement were turned into straight up towns and named by Werewolves who were part of the movement.
-Paradise plateau
A chill valley in between the mountains and forest, home to many resorts and hot springs. It's also the place where a lot of manticores from the Royal guard tend to move to after retirement as it provides a quiet relaxed place to live after a lifetime of serving the kingdom.
-Flowerfield meadown
A beautiful town named after the enormous flower field around the region, formed due to simple flower growth spells casted over the years by Dawn magic apprentice as they trained. Many of the town's habitants live there due to it's proximity to the Ancient ruins, it also possesess the Forest kingdom's only harbour for shipments via sea.
-Soothing grasslands
Large rural area with a large quantity of farms and agriculture work in general, They're the kingdom's biggest supplier of anything of the sort and the goods produced there are even sold or traded with other kingdoms.
11 notes · View notes
melishade · 1 year
I feel sorry for whoever Ymir decides to date in the peaceful timeline because they're gonna have deal with Optimus and Megatron
Peaceful Timeline Pilot
Ymir's Cybertronian Name
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You have no idea what you've unleashed! YOU FOOL!
Shout out to @justawannabearchaeologist @echoblaze5 @legitconcrusher @letslipthehounds @favesgrave I think! for listening to me bitch about this shit for months at this point and putting their own input! Let's go!
TW Death. TW Blood.
So let's start off with Oshern. Oshern is someone born in the highlands. He has red curly hair he ties into a bun because it goes past his neck and he needs to keep it tied for work. He's got green eyes, pale skin. His build is somewhere in the middle because he does a lot of grunt work when it comes to his work, like hauling supplies and what not. No facial hair, angular face. And his hands are really calloused from all the stuff he's done in the past.
He used to have a family. A mother and father and two younger brothers. While his brothers loved to fight and roughhouse, Oshern who was someone that enjoyed care and precision. He helps his mother out, who was a baker for his old village. He picks up the craft and listens to his mother's advice about being kind and taking care of others regardless of where they come from. Even when there is darkness in the world, try to not contribute to its never-ending cycle.
He and his father always had disagreements. Oshern was warned about the cruelty of the world, and how he needed to become stronger and harden his heart in order to survive in it. His mother might preach about kindness, and he himself might have been named after the god of peace and love, but not everyone was going to be kind. People do what they must to survive, and he needs to be careful. Oshern knows that his father means well. He's helped his mother out whenever he can and loved his brothers, but there was a lot of responsibility being placed on his shoulders simply because he was the oldest.
One day when he's sixteen, he's asked to get supplies from a neighboring town. He does, but when he comes back, he can only stare in horror as his home has been burned to the ground and ransacked. He abandons his horse and wagon and runs towards it, calling for anyone who might have survived. He's in despair when he sees his mother and father dead on the ground, their throats slit, but his brothers are nowhere to be found. Oshern's at a loss, he doesn't know what to do. He investigates further and is mortified at the sight of large handprints and footprints in the ground outside the village. Oshern steps on something metal and picks it up to see a star with nine edges on it. Oshern realizes that his brothers might still be alive and grabs the wagon and runs after them. It takes days, but he finds them...
on the ground. One of them already dead, the other bleeding out. Oshern goes to the one who's still alive, and his brother tries to speak, but is horrified to see that his tongue is gone. There's nothing he can do though. Oshern can only hold his brother's hand and apologize as he dies in his arms. He looked over at the other corpse and see an axe in his hand. They both had tried to fight their way out, and they failed.
...And he wasn't there for his family. Now they were gone.
Oshern returns to the village with his brothers' in tow. It smells of nothing but death in his old home, but he gathers what's left of the residents that haven't been picked off by scavengers and buries them.
Oshern is lost for about a year and a half. He has nothing but the wagon, the horse, and the supplies he was asked to carry. He scavenges the remains of his home and finds his father's knife and takes it with him. He's aimless and depressed. He falls into himself, and he grows to despise the world around him and its cruelty. He learns from chatter of others about the strength and might of the Eldian Empire and grows even more spiteful. They were the ones that took everything from him, but there was nothing anyone can do. The Empire had this devil, this demon, that was pillaging and destroying everything. Humans were using a monster to do their bidding, and they themselves had become monsters altogether. And Oshern hated it! He hated them! He hated everything! Why the hell was the world like this?! Why did everything have to be taken away from him?!
One day, Oshern is sleeping off a hangover in his wagon, when he hears something. Someone's trying to rob him. Oshern ends up going on the attack and punches the guy out. Oshern's just feeling really pissed off and he's ready to stab him. He's never killed anyone before, but he's been really itching to do so! But someone calls out to thief, calls him brother! Oshern sees the kid, same age as his youngest brother that died in his arms, staring at him in fear, like he was the monster. And he can't....he can't do it. His mother's words ring out to him, about being kind and not contributing more hate into this world of darkness. If he killed him, his younger brother would no doubt end up like Oshern...and he didn't want anyone else suffering like he's been suffering. Oshern puts the knife away and demands to know what they want. The younger brother quickly explains that they're trying to get to a town in Marley. Away from the Eldian Empire! They wanted his wagon, or at least his supplies!
And Oshern does something kind: he offers to take them to the place, which the younger brother accepts, but the older is suspicious. But Oshern offers the both of them food and it seems to ease concerns. They make it to the town in two days, and Oshern has never seen a place so big and bustling with life. The brothers thank him for his help and ask him to stay. They think it would be good for him. The people outside are vultures. They came here to build a new life, so maybe he should too. And Oshern is surprised. It was a simple act of kindness that led him here. Maybe...maybe he should find a new meaning for his life. Oshern ends up discovering a bakery in the town and offers his services. He explains that he can bake and has the resources to travel outside. Little by little, he makes a name for himself in that town. He takes his mother's lessons of being kind, but also his father's caution. The people like his bread, and his boss thinks he's doing a great job. He learns some new techniques while incorporating his mother's recipes. It felt good. But there was still that looming threat hanging over him: the threat of the Eldian Empire and their monster. Would Marley fall, and would this town full of people be next?
But they get an announcement from Marley forces, about a year since Oshern came into the town and made a name for himself. The Eldian Empire has been defeated, the monster was slain, the king was dead. They made a treaty with them, but there was finally peace. The people cheered, and Oshern broke down sobbing. They were safe. They were all going to be okay. A huge weight was finally lifted from his shoulders.
About four years later, Oshern decides to move out of the town and into a small village at the base of the mountain. A quiet life like he used to when he lived with his family. He would make bread as his services, but he could still go to the town if need be to help out at the main shop and get supplies. The people of the village seemed nervous at the idea of welcoming an outsider into the fold, but an old woman decided to advocate for him. A herbalist called Solveig. She says to give the man a chance, and he gets a place of his own in the village. A two-story place. The top was his living quarters, the bottom was his bakery. He enjoys it there. It was calm and quiet. He was glad he moved out here. Solveig is still fairly nice to him and informs him that if he needs help with repairs or supplies to ask for Matthew or Orion's help. He's seen them both. They were dressed rather oddly, and while Orion was kinder to the people, Matthew tended to get into arguments and spats with some of the others. But he does the work properly, so it works out.
A year later, Oshern is working on a new recipe his boss had taught him in the past, when he spots someone's eyes peering over the counter. A little girl with blond hair and gray eyes was looking at him with curiosity. Her hands gripped the edge and she stood on her tiptoes to get a better look. She starts interrogating him, asking what he's making, where he's from, what bread even was. Oshern's endeared. She reminds him of his siblings. Oshern finishes making the bread and decides to offer some to her. She says that she shouldn't take something without paying for it. That's what her Papa told her. Oshern insists that she take it, but then she starts eyeing him with suspicion.
"My other Papa says that people offering things for free usually have nefar-!...naf...evil purposes!"
Oshern almost starts laughing at how cute that was. He knows she's supposed to be intimidating, but oh man that reminded him too much of his brothers. Oshern is a little thrown off by the 'two dads' situation, but asks that maybe she could call one of them over for a trade. She then spots someone and calls out 'Mama', and before Oshern can even question the living situation even further, he spots her. He can feel his face grow red at the sight of the woman. Her child looked like her, the gray eyes and the blond hair. She wore a headband and was in a nice yellow dress and her hair was tied in a low ponytail. She...she looked absolutely stunning. Oshern quickly shook his head. She was probably married! She had a kid! Focus!
Her daughter asks for some bread, and Oshern explains he was willing to offer it to her for free since she never tried it. But the mother pulls out a potato from her bag and offers it to him in exchange for the bread. Oshern takes it, but he can't stop looking at her like a love struck idiot. Oshern offers the bread to the daughter, and he's happy to see that she enjoys it. The two leave, and the girl waves goodbye while saying 'Thank you, Nice Bread Man!'
Oshern can't help but lay awake that night
So they become regular customers for his shop. And Oshern notices a few things. One, the woman doesn't really speak. She writes stuff down in a notebook she carries with her. Two, the child's name is Maria, and she hangs out with either Orion and Matthew whenever they're in the village. Hell, Maria looks at Matthew without fear and crawls all over him.
Three, based on the gossip in the village, the woman (called 'Ymir'), wasn't married. Oshern breathed a sigh of relief and no longer felt guilty. Maybe there was a way to talk to her or something? Introduce himself properly? Oshern is then invited out for drinks with the villagers. The men start asking him questions, about any of the single women that might have caught his eye. The women tell them to stop acting like pigs, but Oshern start blushing and admits there is. After some goading,
"Well." Oshern rubbed the back of his head, "It's...Ymir."
The music immediately stops playing and all the adults look at him with horror. Even the calm and collected Solveig was staring at him like he lost his mind. Oshern's eyes start darting around, confused at the sudden change in atmosphere, but then the screaming started.
"Are you fucking insane?!" half the men had yelled.
"He's gonna get himself killed! Oh my god, he's going to get us killed!"
"It's just a simple crush!" a woman reassured, "Nothing more!"
"That's how it starts!" another woman yelled.
Oshern yelped as a man grabbed him by the collar. "You might have a death wish, but don't drag us down with you!"
"W-what?! Why?! Why?!" Oshern could only muster in fear.
Solveig gets them all to calm down before explaining the story of 'the odd family that lives in the mountains'. A few years ago, a man under the name of Orion comes into the village and asks the women about pregnancies and labor. He explained it was for his daughter Ymir, and that he wanted it to be a private yet safe delivery. They're more than happy to provide, but a lot of people assumed the worst. They haven't even seen Ymir. A few months after Orion arrives, Matthew makes an appearance, trading a goose for a bag of fruits. They mostly kept to themselves, and the village couldn't help but wonder what was happening up there, but no one's gone up there to check. They were too scared. Sometimes they would hear the sounds of thunder even though the sky was a clear as day. But they did see Ymir show herself in the village months later, holding a baby that looked nothing like Orion or Matthew. It didn't even have a name until Solveig suggested the name 'Maria', which ended up sticking.
Oshern doesn't see what the problem is, but he is quickly shushed by some of the men. Solveig then explains how two years after the child was born, a group of men attacked the village. Orion and Matthew defended the village and with their combined forces killed 19 men. Oshern grows tense at that, and the villagers see it. But Solveig explains that the last man alive said that the 'Eldian Empire would rise again'. They didn't know what to make of that. They've never even heard of it. But Orion did, because the kind man grew so furious, he nearly choked the man and dragged him away from the village to his comrades to do god knows what. It was the first time that any of them had seen Orion that angry. And it was the first time that they saw fear in Matthew's eyes, because he even blocked their path and told them to not follow. They don't know what happened to this day, but when Ymir came to see the village before Orion returned, she started panicking at the name of the Eldian Empire. So they all assume that it had something to do with her and why she doesn't really talk in the first place.
Oshern feels empathy for Ymir, remembering his brothers and his parents. But the villagers go right back to warning him about getting involved with Ymir. If he valued his life, leave that family alone. Oshern can't help but feel dejected at that and drops it for a good few years. He still takes them on as customers, and still engages with Maria for small talk. She was a good kid, but any feelings he had for Ymir, he completely squashed down.
And then Maria kicks the ass of kid who's been bullying her. It makes a huge scene. Oshern ends up see a circle around the fight and is stunned to see an eight-year-old Maria shoving her bully's face in the mud, telling him to eat it. Orion comes to break up the fight, and Oshern manages to catch a brief glimpse of Matthew smirking. However, Oshern's gaze falls onto Ymir and sees how mortified and embarrassed she is, and everyone starts loudly whispering about it to their faces. Oshern feels pity. For the next few weeks, Ymir is just looking away in embarrassment. The woman had completely shut down around everyone else as they kept whispering on. Orion gave them looks of warning to shut up and Matthew threatened to not do repairs, but it still wasn't enough. Even when they were gone the chatters still continued, and Ymir was practically being shunned by the village. Oshern was proud that Maria stood up for herself, but he couldn't help but feel bad for the family. When she comes to his shop one day, Oshern does his best to engage in small talk, and reassures her that this will all pass in time. Oshern decides to give her extra bread that he had made. Ymir notices, and the next day, asks why he did using her notebook. Oshern explains while cooking that she deserved a little kindness. Everyone does. She didn't deserve to have the villagers talking about her like that. She was a good person.
And Ymir is touched by those words. She...was never told that by anyone down here before. Ymir offers him an extra potato in response to his words. Oshern tries to say no, but she takes his hand and places the food there. And Oshern's feelings for Ymir come hitting him hard like a storm. They continue trading with each other, giving something extra in return, but they communicate with one another, they enjoy each other's company. And the villagers fucking notice it and are panicking! How is he still alive?! Does Orion and Matthew even know?! Oh god they were screwed! Solveig does confront him one day and reminds him of what he knows. Oshern hesitates but proclaims that he just wants to show kindness to others. He knows what it's like to be alone and he doesn't want that for anyone else. Solveig shrugs and tells him good luck, but not before informing him that the village has started a betting pool of how long he would survive.
Oshern leaves one day to get supplies and returns to try a new recipe; however, he ends up butchering it and starts burning the bread. Ymir sees this when she comes by and jumps over the counter to help him put it out before an actual fire starts and burns his home. Ymir ends up using her hands without thinking to put it out and realizes her mistake, but Oshern notices her hands after he stomps out the burnt bread. He checks her hands, but she quickly snatches them away and brushes them behind her dress. He thanks her for his help but sits on the ground, lamenting the loss of his product and the end result. Ymir sits down next to him. He picks up the burnt loaf and shows it to Ymir, but Ymir, wanting to make Oshern feel better, takes a bite out of the crust. Oshern panics and sees Ymir's face scrunch up in disgust, but she still chews and swallows, refusing to spit it out. Ymir smacks the tongue on the roof of her mouth to get rid of the taste. Oshern apologizes, but Ymir notices the inside and scoops it out before eating that. He sees the way her face lights up before she gestures for him to try. Oshern tries it, and is stunned that it actually tastes good. So tasks failed successfully? And the two begin to share the bread, hollowing it out until the burnt crust remained. Oshern, not wanting to waste it, takes it out back to his horse, and offers Ymir to come with him. She does, and Oshern introduces the woman to his horse. He explains how this horse has been by his side since he left his village a long time ago. Oshern is relieved to see the horse eating the bread and offers Ymir to try to feed it. Ymir is hesitant, but Oshern helps her. He asks for her hand, and...Ymir lets him take it. He guides the hand to the mouth and it eats. Oshern sees the way that Ymir's expression goes from surprise, to admiration for the horse. Oshern quickly lets her go before reassuring Ymir once more that the horse is friendly, petting it alongside the neck.
Oshern and Ymir end up the front of his shop, and Ymir writes to him 'thank you' for the bread and letting her see his horse. And Oshern's elated at that. He thinks now is as good a time as any. Ask her. Ask if they could spend more time outside of work and-!
"Hi, Mama!"
Both adults snapped their heads to see Orion and Matthew visibly panicking with a delighted Maria who was waving at them. Matthew quickly covered her mouth before the two run off with the child in tow.
"O-oh," Oshern stuttered before turning to Ymir, "That was-!"
Oshern paused when he saw a look of concern in those grey eyes. She turns to him and quickly bows her head before walking away. Oshern reached out to her, but...he knew that the moment was gone. Oshern felt eyes on him and turned to see the villagers snapping their heads away before pretending to do work.
One of them: Get the funeral pyre ready.
Now to shift to Ymir's perspective.
Ymir is enjoying her life of freedom. She has Maria. She has Optimus and Megatron. She found a new name for herself (IronSpark). She couldn't ask for anything else.
Well...except for one thing.
Ymir doesn't have friends in the village. She has a few acquaintances. She looks up to Solveig as a wise elder. But friends her age was out of the question, and everyone saw her as part of the odd family. She couldn't help...but be lonely. She sees the way that couples act in the village. All the sweet gifts and marital spats. The desire to get married and have someone to call her lover...it was a desire she's had ever since the Eldian Empire.
But she knows that she wasn't going to get that. She was certain she was never going to get that. Not after all the killing and destruction she's done. Who would ever love a monster like that? Like her? The ostracizing only got worse after the fight Maria had. It hurt. It hurt so much. She wasn't sure Optimus or Megatron would understand what she felt, and she wasn't going to burden her daughter. It was just...one of those things she'd have to carry with her for the rest of her life.
But she's surprised that the baker, Oshern: the outsider as the village called him (even though he's lived in the village for a few years now), is still treating her with kindness. She had memorized the voices in the gossip and chatter, but his was never among them. She asks him why, and Oshern simply says that she deserves to be treated with kindness because she a good person. And...oh...oh....no one...no one here has ever called her that before. She sees the way he smiles at her with those green eyes, and her heart skips a beat. She offers him the potato, and the two start their exchange. That night, Ymir his holding her notebook close to her chest, treasuring his words so deeply in her heart.
Now their exchange and interaction doesn't go unnoticed by the villagers. And it especially doesn't go unnoticed by Maria. She likes Oshern. She thinks he's nice and funny. Maria has noticed the way her mother would look at the other couples in the village and how unhappy she looked. She wanted her mama to be happy. She deserved that didn't she? So when she realizes that Ymir and Oshern are talking, she's ecstatic, and thinks he'll be part of the family.
One day, Optimus and Megatron are watching Maria at the cabin, and are surprised that Ymir is running late. She's never like this.
"She's probably talking to the 'Nice Bread Man'," Maria commented absentmindedly as she continued writing.
Both titans in their holoforms pause before snapping their heads at Maria.
"Who?" Megatron demanded.
"The Nice Bread Man," Maria continues without a care, "His name is...Oshern! And he has red hair and green eyes. I've never met someone with red hair before! It's pretty. They've been talking for a while now. He's the only one who's been nice to her after...after what I did."
Optimus and Megatron both share a look, and are both calculating the possible risks that have come with this unprecedented scenario. Optimus walked up to the table Maria was sitting at before kneeling down.
"Firelight. Sweetspark," Optimus began, "Where exactly is this 'Oshern'?"
Megatron and Optimus take Maria down to the village to spy and to get her to point him out. They do find Ymir, having a one-sided conversation with a red haired, green-eyed man. But before the two could hear what he was trying to say, Maria yells 'Hi', blowing their covering, causing them to grab her and run.
Megatron: Firelight, the point of that mission was stealth!
Maria: I wanted to say hi.
Ymir returns to the cabin, feeling embarrassed. It only gets worse when she sees Optimus and Megatron sitting at the table, silently gesturing to an open chair. And they grill her on who Oshern is and how long they've been talking for. But she keeps her composure, writes down her answers. They don't have enough evidence to pass judgement on him, but letting this stranger into their lives would no doubt put them in danger. However, Ymir has made it clear that she's still going to see him, for both business and personal reasons. And she doesn't want either of them trying to hurt him. She leaves the room, but Optimus and Megatron agree that they need to figure out everything and anything about this man!
For the next few months, Oshern is constantly feeling eyes in the back of his head. He notices Optimus in visible view most of the time, pretending to occupy himself. Meanwhile, Megatron is hiding somewhere in the trees spying from afar. No one in the village can find him, but they know he's there!
Except for Solveig, but she found him on accident while foraging.
But the two titans find nothing. He's polite, he's respectful, he's dedicated to his craft. He was just an overall nice person...which frustrates them both! They both think that something is wrong for different reasons! Megatron because he's naturally suspicious of everyone, and Optimus is just worried for Ymir's safety and doesn't want her getting hurt! Or worse!
Megatron does advice Optimus to not spy on him one day because he's shit at stealth! Optimus relents and Megatron sees that nothing has really changed in his routine! Or his conversations with Ymir! They talk! They trade extra items! Megatron nearly screams when Oshern offers her a flower not native to the region as a kind gesture! Ymir returns to the cabin and both grill her on the flower, but Ymir ignores them and places the flower in a vase against the window.
Megatron's tempted to destroy it but Optimus has to pull him back.
But Megatron does realize that the Baker leaves the village to get supplies from somewhere and forms an idea. He tells Optimus he'll be back before leaving the cabin in dramatic fashion. As Oshern is packing for his trip, Megatron makes himself known by calling him 'Baker' causing Oshern to jump. Megatron interrogates him and asks him where he's going. Oshern explains and the villagers are spying on this, ready to win or lose something from their bets. Megatron decides to 'offer' his help with supplies, thinking the baker will say no. And Oshern remembering what his mother said...says 'yes'. Throwing everyone off, including the former warlord!
Megatron: Did...did you just say yes?!
Oshern as he continued packing: Well, yeah! See, I have an extra shipment of grains coming in because my orders have been increasing, and I just need help hauling it in. You're strong, so I figured I could use the help if offered.
Megatron: No one offers something without wanting something in return.
Oshern: So that's where Maria gets it from.
Megatron: Excuse you?
Oshern, jumping onto his wagon and patting the side: I don't mean that as a bad thing. You're her dad and she looks up to you. So are you coming?
The villagers are shook as Megatron jumps in the wagon and they head off. They're arguing about what this means for bets, but one of them says that Megatron might just kill him and leave him on the side of the road.
What the hell-?!
It's very likely with him!
Oshern tries to make conversation on the way there, but Megatron is very quiet, only answering yes or no questions. They arrive a few hours later, and Megatron actually quite shocked at the sight of the bustling town. He's actually never seen this many humans in one place. They arrive at the bakery, and Oshern is excited to greet his former boss. The boss is thrown off by the sight of Megatron, but Oshern reassures that he's here to help. They work together to make trades, and Megatron observes the way Oshern interacts with the community around him. And how they really enjoyed his company. He was...respected. Megatron was offered food, but feeling self-conscious about the situation, and actually not wanting to ruin this guy's relationships with the town folk, respectfully declined. Oshern is surprised to see that Megatron isn't acting hostile towards the people. Megatron decides to look around the area out of curiosity, thinking that he could probably bring something back for Maria, but then he sees it.
A fresco in the middle of the town, depicting the scene that he saw when he first arrived here, of the Savior of Heaven coming down from the sky, slaying the Devil of the Earth. The story of how Optimus saved Ymir. Oshern finds Megatron and mistakes Megatron's staring for admiration. Oshern explains how many of the people in this Marleyan town are refugees and victims of the Eldian Empire, coming here for a better life. Oshern states when they heard the news of the Empire falling and the devil being slain, he broke down with tears of joy. Whatever this god was, he hopes that one day he would be able to thank him for freeing this world of tyranny.
Megatron:...I'm sure he knows how grateful everyone is.
Oshern then runs into the two brothers that helped guide him to the town and hugs them with joy, briefly managing to catch up on what they've been doing. The two got jobs and a roof over their heads. They were finally secure. The three continue catching up, so Megatron decides to load the remaining supplies while he does. Oshern says his 'goodbye' and is surprised to see that Megatron has everything ready. The boss does offer Megatron some food to take, and he accepts, simply for Maria and Ymir to try and they return to the village and they head off.
As they head back, Megatron can't help but ask who the two brothers were. Oshern explains that they tried to rob him, but instead of killing them, he decided to show mercy instead. Megatron says that was completely stupid of him and demands to know why he did it. Oshern says that he's just following what his mom used to tell him, about not contributing to the hatred of the world and being kind. Megatron calls him foolish and sentimental, but he can't help but think that's what saved him and brought him here.
The villagers are in stunned silence and both Megatron and Oshern return. Megatron then hands Maria the food provided by the boss, which she's delighted about.
And it's progress. Megatron eases up, but not that much. This time when he spies on Oshern, he intentionally makes himself more visible. Oshern waves whenever he's nearby, causing Megatron to storm off. He hates it! Stop being nice!
Optimus; however, does not ease up. He's in shock that Megatron is actually being nicer to Oshern. Megatron retorts by saying that he can't find anything negative about him! He's tried! There's nothing! Optimus argues to check again, and Megatron retorts by saying he's already done that! Maria asks them why they were acting like this? Mama was happy now. Well, happier. Don't they want her to be happy?
They both nearly cave at Maria's question. Damn it Firelight! Stop using Megatron's tactics against him!
Maria's annoyed at their insistence on spying on Oshern, and just straight up complains to the Baker. (Oshern lets her hang around his shop and shows her how he bakes). Oshern reasons that they just care about Ymir and her. He wasn't going to fault them for that. He missed his father, despite their disagreements. But Maria states that they don't know how happy Ymir's been since they've started talking to each other. Maria tells him about the way Ymir looks at the other couples in the village and how she always looked unhappy. Maria doesn't like to lie, but she asks Oshern not to tell anyone about her thoughts. She doesn't think that her parents would understand. Oshern pats her on the head and reassures her that he won't, and thanks her for feeling comfortable enough to share. He does ask if she feels awkward with him here, but Maria says no, because he makes her mother happy.
Oshern can't help but feel happy at that, but Solveig cuts into the picture when Maria leaves. She tells Oshern she and the other villagers are surprised that Megatron and Optimus haven't killed him yet. Oshern brushes off the comment, trying not to let discouraging words get to him. He...he tells Solveig that he really likes Ymir, and he does want to try and have a relationship with her. He doesn't care how long it takes, or how Orion and Matthew act. He knows that they mean well; they just want to protect them.
"Are you prepared to venture into the unknown?" Solveig asked him.
"I've done that since I was sixteen," Oshern informed as he cleaned out the oven.
"That's not what I meant," Solveig declared, "There's a reason that family has stayed up in the mountains for so long. Why interaction has been limited and why Orion and Matthew have been watching you for so long."
Oshern paused, glancing over at Solveig.
"The longer you entertain this, the more secrets you'll find out. Dark secrets. Words that aren't supposed to be said. Tell me: are you really willing to continue this?" Solveig demanded.
"...yes. I am,"
"Then good luck, Oshern,"
Oshern and Ymir's relationship continues to grow, while the villagers are shocked that he's still alive! HOW?! Oshern still notices the way Optimus and Megatron spy on him, but he's learned to ignore it this time. The two spend time together during work and after. Ymir actually helps Oshern with his writing, while Oshern tells Ymir about his travels and tells her some of his recipes. Ymir even offers him some other products so he can experiment. Their feelings grew, and the more it grew, the more crushing weight fell on Ymir's shoulders. If she let him in, truly let him in, would she have to tell him about her power. What about Optimus and Megatron? What would happen if...she was wrong about Oshern's kindness?
One day, Oshern decides to tell Ymir about his past and how he ultimately ended up in the village. He thinks that she's a victim of the Eldian Empire, and she is, and he thinks telling her will allow them to become closer. But...Ymir is completely and utterly terrified. It's written all over her face. Oshern thinks that she's mortified because of what he went through and tells her not to worry about it. But Ymir simply bows her head, and leaves without a word. But when she gets to the cabin, she rushes to her room before she breaks down sobbing. Of course! Of course it was too good to be true! She was finally able to have a moment of happiness, but now, it was never going to happen! The Eldian Empire attacked his home! She attacked his home! She probably killed his parents and took away his brothers! She would never be forgiven! If she told him the truth now, she would be killed and exiled for it! She....she was a monster! And monsters don't deserve happiness! ...They deserve death.
Optimus and Megatron return to the cabin the next day, but are surprised to see Maria looking at the door to Ymir's room with concern. Maria explains that Ymir was fine yesterday, but she came home crying last night. Optimus wonders why, and immediately assumes that Oshern brought some kind of harm to her. He storms out the cabin, and Megatron follows after him, recognizing that look of rage in Optimus. Oshern is baking, concerned for Ymir's wellbeing in the back of his mind. And then Optimus is grabbing Oshern by the collar and throwing him over the counter and out into the ground. Optimus grabs the still, hot spatula and spins it in his hand and point it at Oshern. He demands to know what the hell he did to Ymir. Oshern's trying his best to explain to him as he crawls backwards, but Megatron quickly grabs his collar and forces him to stand up. Oshern is not liking the look of anticipation in Megatron's eyes as Optimus continues to demand and explanation! What did he do?! Oshern tries to explain as the villagers see this shit go down! Someone quickly alerts Solveig as Optimus is ready to cause some actual harm but-!
Solveig clapped her hands as loud as possible. "ENOUGH!"
Everyone turned their attention to that commanding voice. Optimus and Megatron stop their assault on Oshern, and the Baker looked visibly relieved at the herbalist's arrival.
"Put the Baker down," Solveig ordered, "And all three of you are coming into my house to settle this."
"Sol-!" Solveig raised a hand to the villager that tried to protest this plan.
"This isn't your concern, woman," Megatron proclaimed.
"You didn't even give him a chance to explain himself and jumped right to conclusions!" Solveig explained, "The boy has been kind to the both of you despite your insistence on spying on him every other day! He makes one mistake, and suddenly he has to suffer for it?!"
Solveig points to her home. "House."
"Solveig, you don't-,"
"NOW!" Solveig yelled at Optimus.
The villagers are shook to see Optimus and Megatron comply.
The three men are now sitting at Solveig's table and gives Oshern some tea, but he cannot drink it out of fear of the two titans staring him down. She immediately turns her attention to Oshern and asks what happened, earning protests from Megatron. Solveig tells him be quiet. Megatron says fuck you. Solveig tells him to sit down, and he begrudgingly complies. But Solveig does demand Oshern explain properly or she will let them have their way with him. But Oshern is confused. He only told Ymir about his life story and how he was a victim of the Eldian Empire! That was it! But that gets a visible reaction out of all three of them. Megatron is looking concerned, Optimus is both horrified and guilty, and Solveig can't help but feel annoyed at the completely fucked up situation she was finding herself in. Solveig tells the two to leave, but tells Oshern to stay, and they comply. Solveig reminds him of her warning to him, and how he's falling deeper under the rabbit hole of secrets, but now there was a chance of being unable to turn back. Oshern insists he needs to know if Ymir is okay, but Solveig advises Oshern to let Ymir come to him. And he accepts this advice.
It takes a few days. Optimus tries to comfort Ymir, but nothing he does is enough. She's practically relapsed. Both Megatron and Maria are worried, but they don't know what to do. They were stuck. Ymir is sitting one evening, holding some bread that they managed to save in her hand. And...she can't stop thinking about him and how kind he was. She knows...she knows for a fact that he was going to hate her once he knew the truth, but...she loved him too much to hide it from him. And if she died...then so be it. She would be allowing someone some much needed justice. Ymir goes to Maria's room and peers inside to see Optimus and Maria talking to each other, the titan trying to reassure her daughter. Ymir then turns to leave with her notebook, exiting the cabin and going down to the village.
Oshern is in complete agony over this wait. His heart can't take it. He's been waiting for days, and the people have been talking. Hell, no one from the cabin has been down in the village! Oshern closes up shop, getting ready for bed, when he hears someone speak his name in a whisper. He turns and is both shocked and elated to see Ymir standing there. She...she could talk? And she said his name? Ymir speaks once more, and it's to apologize to Oshern. She's says that she's not good. That she's horrible. Oshern immediately reaches out to reassure her that she's not, but she takes a step back, not allowing herself to touch him or be touched. Ymir asks if they could go somewhere to talk, and...Oshern agrees. He grabs a lantern and his wagon, and the two ride off together into the full moon night. Oshern sees how nervous Ymir was, holding her notebook so tightly he was certain she was going to break it.
Ymir then pulls the reigns to tell the horse to stop. Not once does she touch his hand. Oshern is confused as they arrive at an open field. They both jump off and Oshern tries to ask her what's wrong, but she's still speaking to apologize. Repeatedly. It's the most he's heard her speak, ever, and she was using it to apologize. Ymir tells Oshern to stay there. To not come near her. He tries, because she still hadn't explained what was going on, but she finally touches him, only to actually push him to stay back. She gestures for him to stay there, and he complies. Oshern sees her walking farther and farther away from him before stopping. Oshern manages to see her biting her hand, and lightning comes down from the sky. Oshern has to grab his horse because it got spooked, and Oshern sees a giant forming, almost as tall as the sky. It had bones sticking out of his chest and a skull for a face, and...blond hair. Oshern grips the reigns tighter and stares on in fear, remembering the fresco in the town, depicting...the Devil of the Earth. Ymir...was...was the Devil? The weapon of the Eldian Empire?!
Oshern gasps when Ymir falls over, causing the ground to shake and the dust to rise. He sees Ymir pull herself out of her titan form, and trudges over to him before falling to her knees in submission. He doesn't see her face, and her hair has come undone from its ponytail. Now, Oshern doesn't know what to think. The child in him, the one that lost his family all those years ago, was screaming at him, telling him to kill her. She was there. She was part of the group that took your home! He still had his father's knife on him. Kill her! He's never killed anyone before, but he moves his hand towards the knife.
"Kill...me...if you must." Oshern's hand stopped when he heard Ymir speak.
"...I'm...monster....devil...demon," she continued, "murderer...I don't...deserve kindness...or...love...I deserve...death....but...sorry....Oshern...sorry..."
Oshern could see her body trembling. He could hear her trembling breath, but not once did she raise her head to face him. Oshern's hand slowly fell back to his side. The adult in him, the one that grew past the Eldian Empire, only remembered Ymir's kindness and patience. He remembered how much she loved her daughter, and how much Maria adored her. He remembered how Ymir constantly helped out wherever she can in the village. And no matter how often the village scorned or ridicule her family, not once did she use her power to harm or kill anyone. She was bowing before him, giving him permission to end her life!
Oshern looked down at his trembling hands. What...what was he supposed to do?! Should he listen to the logic of his father?! Should he listen to the kindness of his mother?! Oshern then remembered the two brothers, and how he decided to show them mercy. It saved all three of them, and it helped them build a better life. He did not contribute to the hatred in the world, and it brought him here. If he killed Ymir, he would no doubt be doing irreparable damage. He would leave Maria without a mother. He would leave Orion and Matthew without a daughter. He would be killed or hunted for the rest of his days. He would...he would destroy a family. And that was the last thing he wanted to do: he did not want to contribute to the hatred in the world.
Oshern slowly kneeled down in front of Ymir. "Ymir...can you please look at me?"
It felt so strange asking a powerful deity for permission to look at someone like him. She had the power to crush him. He couldn't help but think it to be so surreal. Oshern grew tense when she raised her head. He wasn't sure what he was going to be looking at, but...his heart stopped. Her face was covered in red markings that went down from her eyes to the bottom of her cheeks. Steam still arose from her body; he could feel the heat radiating off of her. But...her eyes never changed. Her beautiful grey eyes, filled to the brim with tears, still glistened as brightly as the first day they met all those years ago. She was still...the same person...that he fell in love with.
"You're..." Oshern couldn't find the words, "You're beautiful."
Ymir's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth hung open. Beautiful? Why would he call her that? She wasn't beautiful. She was a monster. A slave. Why would after knowing the truth, would he call her that? She shook her head and covered her eyes with her hands. No! No, that was wrong! This was wrong! There's no way that this could be real!
"No..." Ymir's voice trembled, "No...not...not!" Her breath hitched in her throat, her lips trembled, and more tears fell. "Not!"
Oshern couldn't help but feel terrible for Ymir. What had she gone through, to make her not believe those words? He was expecting something cruel and heartless, but she was just as much of a victim as anyone else. Oshern raised both hands, and rested them on Ymir's cheeks. Ymir froze at the sensation of his touch, removing her hands from her face and staring at him. Oshern felt how hot her skin was to the touch. He felt the grooves of the markings in her skin. He felt her tears staining his hands.
"You are." Oshern leaned in close, confusing Ymir greatly. What...what was he doing? Ymir gasped as Oshern placed a small, feather-light kiss on her lips. He remained there, choosing not to pull away, but also giving Ymir enough room to move if need be. He didn't want to frighten her, but she needed to know how he felt. Ymir...couldn't comprehend. She...she was being kissed. Like...the others couples she saw. Not once has she been kissed. She'd never been kissed before. Now this man, who was hurt by her actions, not only called her beautiful, but was kissing her. This beautiful, kind-hearted man, was still choosing to show her love and affection.
Before Ymir could even consider reciprocating, Oshern released her lips and let her go. Oshern smiled at her, and Ymir raised her fingers to her lips, the burning and electrifying sensation still lingering. The tears started to even more now, and before Oshern could ask what was wrong, Ymir wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so fiercely. She sobbed in his shoulder, still trying to come up with words of apologies. Oshern only hugged her back in response, cradling her head and pulling her closer. He wasn't going to let her go. He wasn't.
Oshern does say that he has questions before carrying her to the wagon. They both lie down in there, and Ymir gives him her notebook. He reads her life story. How when she was younger, her village was burned to the ground, and she was taken as a slave. She was drugged, physically abused, and had her tongue ripped out of her mouth. She was forced to become a slave. (Oshern is thinking about his brothers in that moment. They must've tried to fight back in order to free themselves.) She let a pig escape one day, and the slaves blamed her to save their own neck. She had her eye gouged out, and she was hunted for sport in the woods. She then came across a tree, fell inside the root of it into some liquid. She felt something connect with her back, and she was granted this power. So, she was forced to return, because she had nowhere else to go, even if she did try to escape and kill her captors. She was still abused and ostracized in the Empire, called a slave or a monster. She was...she was violated by the Eldian king. And then...Orion came into her life. He had called for her, showed her mercy, and promised to protect her. And...she let him save her.
Oshern can't help but realize how much of that explains so much. But what about the Savior from Heaven. Was that real then? What about Matthew? And where did Maria come from? He wanted to ask more, but he sees how exhausted Ymir is, and decides to wait another time. They return to the village early in the morning, and Oshern offers to let her stay to rest, but she declines. She needs to go back to the mountains, to her family. Oshern understands and tells her to be safe, but Ymir is still taken aback by his kindness. She speaks, saying that she didn't deserve him, but Oshern proclaims that she deserved so much better. Ymir then kisses Oshern on the lips. It was unpracticed, awkward, they had bumped their noses together, but both are blushing. They didn't mind. Ymir and Oshern say their goodbyes and Ymir returns to the mountains. Oshern can't open up shop that day. He really has to sit and think about what he's learned. He knows that Ymir didn't kill his parents or the others from his hometown, but she was a force for the Eldian Empire. She had revealed her deepest darkest secret expecting death, but broke down at the slightest show of actual kindness. He supposed his father was right. People did what they had to in order to survive.
When Ymir returns to the cabin, both Optimus and Megatron are there while Maria is eating breakfast. Optimus immediately walks to Ymir with concern, asking where's she been. They'd been searching for her! Ymir closes her eyes and speaks, and confesses that she told Oshern the truth about her power. Both titans are mortified while Maria is excited. She thinks Oshern will be part of the family, but now all of them were arguing with each other. They were scolding Ymir at how absolutely fucking reckless that was! What was the purpose?! Why did she tell him?! There was a difference between dating someone and telling them you're deepest darkest secret that had a real-world impact on their surroundings! Ymir retorts with her notebook, saying he deserved to know after what she had done. Optimus then brings up the fact that he could very well tell the other villagers and they would be forced to leave their home because they would want her dead!
"What?!" Maria exclaimed with concern shooting up from the table. All heads turned to her at the realization of their mistake. They had forgotten about Maria. They should have known she was still there. This wasn't for her to hear.
"Megatron, take Maria outside," Optimus ordered before turning back to Ymir, "I need to speak to IronSpark alone."
"C'mon." Megatron walked over to Maria and grabbed her hand.
"But-!" Maria tried to protest, but Megatron shot her a look of warning, causing her to shut her mouth. Megatron took Maria outside the cabin, leaving both titan and titan shifter alone.
"You clearly were not thinking, and let your emotions get the best of you," Optimus accused.
Ymir scribbled in her notebook. "That's not fair!"
"IronSpark, you know how people would treat you if they found out about your power!" Optimus reminded, "You know how people have treated you in the past! Now you reveal your power to someone we do not know well enough or trust because you let your feelings for him cloud your judgement!"
"He was a victim of mine!" Ymir wrote down, "I helped attack his home and take away his family! He deserved to know! More than anything!"
"That decision was foolish!" Optimus declared, "Because you did not consult us about it! The village could come up here if and when he tells them, and the life we have struggled to build since that day will be destroyed! We will have to go on the run! We may be forced to hide for the rest of your lives if word got out that you were still alive! Do you want that life for Maria?! Do you want to put her in danger?!"
"That is so hypocritical coming from you!" Ymir declared.
"Excuse you?!" Optimus raised his voice, "I have done everything in my power to keep you safe!"
"What about Megatron?!" Ymir demanded, "I was weak! I was defenseless! I was pregnant! You told me that he was your enemy! You told me that he was a possible threat! He was a threat to my life and you let him be around me while I was seven months pregnant! Why did you let him stay that long if you knew how much of a danger he was to us?! Why did you choose to make excuses for him time and time again?!"
"IronSpark, I had no one else to turn to in that moment, and you know this!" Optimus reminded, "I could not consult the villagers without risking your powers being exposed!"
"He looked at me like I was vermin for months!" Ymir told him, "Like I was a disease or a pet! And you made excuses for him! Was it out of love, right?! Because that is the only reason that I can think of that Megatron stayed this long!"
"I made a calculated decision to protect you!" Optimus declared, "When people are exposed to a secret like yours, they could reveal their true nature! Show that they are monsters!"
"Oshern is not a monster!" Ymir declared, "He's been so kind to me! If anything, I'm the monster! I'm the demon! I'm the one with blood on my hands!"
"That's still-!"
"NO!" Ymir forced herself to shout slamming her fist against the wall. Optimus froze in shock, never hearing such an angry outburst from the quiet woman. Ymir pointed at Optimus with anger and sorrow in her eyes. "...no." She shook her head, "He...saw...me."
She pointed to herself. "Looked....at....me....called...'beautiful'." Ymir slammed her hand against her chest. "Never....never...called...."
Ymir wiped the tears that were starting to form in her eyes. "I...love...him. My...choice."
Ymir ends up storming over to her room to sleep, but Optimus feels so fucking bad!
The next few days are tense for the cabin. Ymir and Optimus aren't communicating. She'll still communicate with Maria, barely with Megatron, but she and Optimus are not talking at all. All of them are worried about a mob that might come up. An ambush. Megatron is waiting outside the cabin and Maria packs a bag of only her bare essentials. She's worried she can't take everything. But...nothing happens. Megatron goes to spy on the village, and Oshern, but sees the village going about its business. He sees Oshern still selling his bread, making jokes and being friendly. There was no secret code. No late night meeting about how to attack them. Oshern...didn't say a word. He kept Ymir's secret.
Megatron relays this information to Optimus, but Optimus...Optimus can't trust this. Optimus goes down there and straight up confronts the Baker about whether or not he told anyone. Oshern intentionally plays dumb, almost getting a rise out of the Prime, but Oshern explains that the villagers are watching. Optimus looks behind him to see villagers spying on the both of them. Oshern offers for Optimus to come inside his home...and the Prime accepts.
Villagers: Okay, this is where Oshern is gonna die
Optimus sees the upstairs of his home and how neat it is. Oshern offers Optimus something to eat, but Optimus declines, saying he's on business. He needs to know if what he's saying is truthful, and demands to here Oshern's life story. Oshern agrees...as long as Optimus doesn't kill him. And Oshern explains everything, and Optimus is just stunned. This...this is what his spark meant. This is what Ymir was talking about. And he had no idea that his actions that day had this far-reaching consequence. And Optimus goes from feeling bad to feeling worse. Oshern sees Optimus' visible stress and reassures Optimus that he understands why he did what he did. He gets now that he just wanted to keep Ymir safe. That's fine. Oshern is stunned when Optimus does apologize for the way that he acted, and Oshern accepts it, no questions asked.
However Optimus does warn that if he betrays Ymir's trust, he and Megatron will do everything in their power to make his life hell on earth before killing him. Oshern nods, and confesses that he does love Ymir. He'd do anything for her. Optimus doesn't reply to that and takes his leave. He asked how Optimus even saved Ymir in the first place, curiosity getting the better of him, but Optimus doesn't reply to that either.
Again, the villagers are fucking stunned to see Oshern still alive and running business! Majority of them have lost their bets at this point! How is he still breathing?! When Optimus returns to the cabin, to Ymir, no words are said, but there's an exchange of looks, Optimus gestures to the door, and Ymir runs. Maria confused, but Megatron asks if he's certain Oshern is fine. Optimus nods yes, but Megatron can see concern and fear, but Megatron is certain that it doesn't have anything to do with Oshern's kind nature. Oshern has returned to running his business when he sees Ymir running to him. Oshern jumps over the countertop to meet her and Ymir tackles him into a hug and he spins her around. Half of the villagers are fucking dead at the sight of that shit. Meanwhile Solveig is smiling with contentment.
But now that Oshern knows the truth about Ymir, it's like a weight had been lifted from Ymir's shoulders. She was happy and still overwhelmed with the idea of someone loving her completely. The two are able to spend more time together, albeit with some interference. Optimus is still watching them with concern, which is something Solveig notices. Megatron has thrown potatoes at Oshern if he thought that something was getting out of hand. But he takes it in stride which infuriates the ex-con. Maria has to constantly tell both her Papas to stop, and they have nearly buckled multiple times! She likes Oshern! He's nice and is teaching her how to bake! Stop it!
But after all the time they've spent together, Oshern fully believes he wants to spend the rest of his life with Ymir. He wants to be with her, flaws and all. He wants to be part of her family. But...he knew how much Ymir and Maria meant to Optimus and Megatron. And he knew for a fact that he was going to need their blessing. So Oshern manages to stop the two of them one day in the village (Ymir isn't there), bows to the both of them, and asks for Ymir's hand in marriage. The whole village practically pauses when they hear Oshern speak those words. Optimus' mental state fucking shatters, and Megatron is in complete and utter confusion, because the uncultured swine doesn't know what marriage is. Optimus has to pull Megatron aside and explain in Cybertronian what the hell he's talking about, which gets a much more visible reaction out of the former warlord.
Optimus in Cybertronian: It's the equivalent of a sparkbond Megatron!
Now those two are having a full-blown argument in another language, with the village watching and eating snacks eagerly like it's a soap opera. Oshern is just standing there so nervously, waiting for approval or rejection. Because the two of them are discussing the fact that if they say yes, they have to reveal who they are. There was no in between. But Oshern had kept Ymir's secret, and she's the one that's done actual damage on this world. That conversation lasts a good while, but they come to an agreement and face Oshern. They are going to invite him up the mountain to discuss this further.
Villagers: Holy shit!
Oshern accepts their proposal, and the villagers are looking at him like he's fucking insane! They have to pull him later aside and tell him to not go! No one's been up the mountain before! They say its haunted! He's going to die! Solveig brings up the fact that she was invited once but chose not to go. Oshern tells them all to stop. He loves Ymir; her guardians are just concerned. That's it. They all think this man is stupid! Oh my god!
Oshern didn't know when he was expected to come, but a few days later, a nine-year-old Maria shows up. Bouncing with excitement at the idea that someone is finally coming over to their place. Oshern ends up following her up the trail to the mountain with a small gift of good will, and the villagers watch with concern.
One of them: Get the funeral pyre ready.
And Maria is continuously talking as they hike up there, the girl not even showing signs of exhaustion. Oshern can't help but feel nervous as they reach the top and go through some trees. The villager's superstitions were getting to him. They reach the cabin, and Oshern is stunned to see how nice it was. It was a simple cabin planted in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by the forest. It was so peaceful. And then he's met with the sight of Optimus and Megatron fighting with swords in their holoforms, and they are really going at it. Maria grabs Oshern by the hand and drags him along, but his eyes are glued to the sight before him. Holy shit they were strong. The villagers were not joking about that! Maria says hi to them as they're fighting, and both immediately stop, pointing their swords at their necks.
"Uh...hi." Oshern waved nervously.
"Oh, it's you," Megatron says with disinterest.
Ymir comes out to greet him, all dressed up with her hair braided. She just hugs him outright, and Oshern has to raise his hands in surrender at the sight of the two guardians holding weapons! Ymir then pulls him into the cabin with the biggest grin on her face, stunning all the men there. She shows him around the cabin she had spent the past few days cleaning top to bottom because she personally wanted to make a good impression. She then pulls him into the living room and asks him to sit down. Maria sits down next to him and starts to talk his ear off once again. Oshern can't help but notice Optimus and Megatron looking from outside the cabin. Megatron is watching him with warning, but Optimus is looking...solemn. Oshern's train of thought was broken when Ymir serves him and Maria stew and the three of them eat together. Oshern can't help but praise her cooking, and...it's a perfect moment between all three of them. Oshern asks if Optimus and Megatron are going to eat, but Maria says they eat different food, earning a shushing gesture from Megatron. Optimus places a hand on his shoulder before approaching the three. He looks at Oshern directly and tells him that he and Megatron wish to show him something.
"Megatron?" Oshern questioned in confusion. Oshern looked over to see the former warlord waving at him before looking back at Optimus.
"We're gonna tell him?!" Maria exclaimed excitedly, while Ymir stared at Optimus in surprise.
"That is...why we invited him up here," Optimus relented.
"YEAH!" Maria screaming as she ran out the door. Megatron quickly grabbed her.
"Don't get too excited," Megatron warned, but the child giggled with delight.
Oshern notices the way that Ymir and Optimus are looking at each other, and he could tell the conversations had and the words being said before Optimus leaves the cabin. Ymir takes Oshern by the hand and gives a reassuring smile before pulling him along to follow the others. Oshern is just being pulled along, watching this family be cheery and happy with one another. Megatron, apparently that's his name, is helping Maria play along the river as they go deeper into the mountains. But Optimus hasn't said a word once. He's been so quiet. Oshern is concerned for him. They get to an open area, and Oshern is definitely feeling a strong sense of Deja vu right now. Megatron then calls Optimus by his actual name, which sets him off more. And Optimus tells Oshern that he once asked him about how he saved Ymir. But before Oshern can ask, Optimus and Megatron deactivate their holoforms and reveal their true identities. Megatron comes down from the sky in dramatic fashion while Optimus drives up. And Oshern is in genuine shock at the sight of two metal titans before him. Instinct is screaming at him to run, but Maria runs up to what he assumes is Megatron, and he picks her up with so much care despite his claws. Optimus explains the basics, their names, and that they are beings from another world. And so much shit is clicking for this baker right now while he's also having an existential crisis! Ymir hopes that he's okay, but Oshern nods, despite how nervous he looks. But Megatron enjoying making him squirm. Optimus tells him that he is more than welcome to ask any questions.
Oshern took a deep breath. "I have two. Are all of you just titans?! Is that a trend in this family?!"
Maria raised her hand from Megatron's shoulder. "I'm not!"
"Unfortunately," Megatron grumbled.
"Megatron," Optimus scolded before turning back to Oshern, "And your second inquiry?"
Oshern turned his attention directly to Ymir. "Will you marry me?"
Ymir's mouth dropped open while Optimus and Megatron stared in shock. Meanwhile Maria, gasped with excitement.
"He asked!" Maria yelled.
"We did not agree to that!" Megatron yelled.
"Well you revealed your forms to me! I am assuming I am welcome in this family!" Oshern shouted at Megatron before turning back to Ymir. "I have a million thoughts running through my head right now about everything, but one thing has remained the same. I love you. I love you so much. I love your daughter. She reminds me of my kid brothers, and I love being able to teach her what I know. Despite the fact that I have been met with constant hostility from them!"
Oshern pointed to the two titans. "I respect them. And understand completely why they wanted to keep you safe for all this time. And...I love you. From the moment you walked into my life that feeling never stopped growing. You are strong and patient and kind. And I don't know how the gods brought you into my life, but I would not change the path that I have walked if it meant I got to see you again."
Oshern took Ymir's hand and held it close to his chest. "I might not be as strong or as reliable as your guardians, but I swear to my last breath, I will do everything in my power to give you a life of happiness. One you desperately deserve. No matter what comes our way, I will not leave you. So..."
Oshern felt his hand trembling. He couldn't tell if it was because of him or the woman he loved. "Will you marry me?"
Ymir could only stare. Not a single word came out of her mouth. He...he wanted to...this kindhearted man. A man so different in every way from the king, asked for her hand in marriage. He promised to love and protect her. And she....she could only dream of a moment like this. She never thought it would actually come true. And now...she had to say something. C'mon! Say it! Say your answer!
"We did not agree to you asking her for marriage!" Megatron shouted at Oshern, "Prime, tell him!" However, Megatron could only see that the Prime looked just as dumbstruck as Ymir. "By the Allspark, I seem to be the only one who has sense here! You will not-!"
"Yes," Ymir spoke with absolute confidence, causing Megatron to stop in his tracks. She raised her free hand to her mouth, almost completely blind-sided by her own response.
"Y-ymir...you said..." Oshern could only muster, in shock at her response. Ymir could feel her hand trembling, but...she repeated her answer again.
"Yes...," she started...laughing in disbelief at her answer to Oshern's question, "Yes." Her smile grew bigger as the tears began to fall down her face. "Yes." Her hand stopped trembling before she reached out for her fiancé. "Yes!" She pulled him close and slammed her lips onto his. She carded her fingers through his curls and was able to smell and taste bread and stew from his lips. Oshern felt tears streaming down his cheeks, emotional that she had said yes to him. He held her close to him, continuing to reciprocate Ymir's physical affection to him.
Megatron groaned as he ran a servo over his face. "I hate humans, so much."
"I'm gonna have a third Papa!" Maria cheered from his shoulder.
"And you're too simplistic for my liking," Megatron told Maria.
Optimus didn't know what to say. He didn't even know how to feel. He felt this churning pit in his stomach when he shouldn't have. He was supposed to be happy for his IronSpark. Why did he feel so...scared and uncertain?
The couple released each other and looked each other in the eye. They continued laughing together, wiping each other's tears before hugging each other. They were able to ignore everything else, and just focus on them.
The next morning, the villagers are extremely worried and anticipating the worst in regard to Oshern. Some are even questioning if they should go up there, but they all pause when they see Maria running down the trail with a smile on her face. They see Oshern still alive, walking in tandem with Ymir and even holding her hand. Megatron is trailing right behind them, and trailing behind Megatron is Optimus. They all meet the villagers down at the bottom, and they all can't help but want to know what the hell happened.
"We're getting married!" Oshern announced.
The villagers look at Oshern and Ymir like he's got a third eye. They snap their heads to Megatron and Optimus for confirmation, causing the former warlord to roll his eyes.
"We had no control over what they wanted," Megatron admitted, while Optimus did his best to look away and not show his face.
Suddenly, they all hear someone laughing. They turn to see Solveig using a cane to support herself, holding her side as she continued laughing.
"I have never been so happy to be alive than right now!" Solveig cackled.
And then the screaming and questions started.
BTW Solveig betted that Oshern and Ymir got together. She won that bet!
(Look I have...so much more I want to say about this, but this is officially the longest ask that I have ever written. I will write out the marriage. I've made my decision on that. And are no doubt more notes about Oshern and Ymir's relationship that I would need to go over in another ask or a personal post.
But, btw, Rose does exist in the Peaceful Timeline, she's Maria's half sister. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.)
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cherrrysue · 1 year
can i pls have fics that have arranged marriage plot?
sure, here you go x
Arranged Marriage
I wasn't sure you meant between them or one of them with the other people so I'm doing both
- between l/h:
Adore You by isthatyoularry
M, 66k
“We invited our new acquaintances from uptown. You’ve simply got to meet their oldest son!” said his mother with a flourish, and suddenly it became abundantly clear as to why his parents had so adamantly demanded he join them in Deansville for the entirety of the summer. Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do. Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
Teenage Rebellion Never Worked Out So Well by panda_bear21
NR, 55k
Trust Me Tonight by 28sunflowers
“I’m an adult!” He glanced down at Harry, who seemed anything but at the moment, where he was definitely on the brink of a temper tantrum. “We’re both adults!” Jay glanced to Anne again, before breathing out a heavy sigh. “Yes, but you’re both adults that do not have jobs and who live off of our money… Which means, you have to do what we say… or you’ll have to find a new place to live.” “You wouldn’t do that.” Louis dared, hoping his glare was enough to guilt trip his mother into calling the whole thing off. Or to tell them that it had all just been a huge joke and they weren’t actually being forced into marrying a complete stranger. “Oh, but we would.” Or the super cliché arranged marriage fic where things escalate way too quickly.
E, 10k
After Harry’s eighteenth birthday, his father calls him into a meeting to say that he is to be married to Prince Louis of France in just over a week. Harry is excited, of course. The arrangement is better than any he could’ve hoped for, with such a young, handsome and kind husband. There is just one issue: Harry doesn’t know what happens on his nuptials, or how to get pregnant to give Louis the heir that he needs.
- l/h with other ppl:
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
G, 102k
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead. The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou
E, 21k
Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures. Especially when they're as pretty as this one.
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by flowercrownfemme
E, 25k
Harry had been kissed before, but never like this. He’d shared sweet, curious kisses behind bleachers and in soda shop booths, one or two more daring ones in cars parked on dark suburban streets, but the girls he’d kissed had never filled him with the desperation that erupted from Louis’ touch. He parted his lips and pulled him closer, as though he could breathe Louis straight into his lungs, as if he could swallow him. He wanted to consume Louis the way he consumed the body and blood of Christ. He wanted to place Louis on his tongue and feel him dissolve into a frothy mess of starch and saliva. He wanted to gulp him down until his teeth were stained purple and he was drunk on him. He wanted him in some violent holy way that made his hands shake where they were twisted in Louis’ shirt. In 1949 Harry left his bride at the altar, running away from the only life he'd known. When a kindhearted farmer offers him a ride in his truck and a place to sleep the two find themselves inexplicably drawn together. Isolated on Louis' farm with nobody but a field of dairy cows to intrude, the men are finally able to explore the parts of themselves they've spent their lives hiding away.
You Take Me Over, You're the Magic in My Veins by supernope
E, 36k
Louis can feel Harry’s eyes on him as he turns to head toward his seat. He tucks a secretive smile into the palm of his hand while he slides into place beside his sister, his mother’s seat still empty as it awaits the Queen’s entrance. He knows he should be behaving himself a bit more, should be focusing his attention on Gemma, rather than her brother. He’s working on borrowed time, is expected to announce his engagement to the Princess within the next few weeks, but he can’t seem to help himself. Gemma is lovely, kind and witty and beautiful, but he has no interest in being married to her, had no interest in marriage before her arrival, period. Teeth sunk into his bottom lip to disguise his smile, Louis risks a quick glance toward Gemma and Harry’s usual seats, finds Harry already seated and staring steadily back at him. His hair is a mess from Louis’ fingers and his cheeks are still flushed, and Louis’ heart gives a heavy, delighted thud. No, he thinks, he has no desire to be betrothed to Princess Gemma, but he finds he wouldn’t mind being married after all, if it was Prince Harry he was promised to, instead.
Chasing Empty Spaces by Lis (domesticharry)
E, 79k
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
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The only nice looking city we have is D.C. (cannot say a word for the west coast, never been there), and it's hell to navigate because it was designed to look nice not work. It has a sort of city center, but it's awful if you want anything except sweeping vistas, monuments, & museums.
Got some nice vistas, though. My sister interned there this spring, and so we know the metro's good, too.
Never really saw a proper "city center" before those maps, though... wow.
England's cities tend to be pretty old, at least the major ones like London, so they have quite distinct city centres because the city has been built around itself over however many centuries. A lot of it has been rebuilt and all, but you see the older buildings and go 'yeah people were walking a lot more when that was built'.
I mean, there's a wall in london dating back to the Roman town of londinium, and it's ruins but it's still crazy to think that's there...
I think American cities just suffer from a lack of deep history. like the oldest 'american history' (from the european american lense) is like 500 years, due to the settlement/colonisation of the americas taking place back then. So when it came to cities, it was always just 'whats the most efficient RIGHT NOW', without taking into account what's worked in the past, because there wasn't much past to go off of. but maybe im wrong, i just think things and say them with confidence and pretend they're true
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himikochan · 10 months
Today was a whole lot of a day: this is more of a feelings update
I spent the day prepping food for the family- my grandma lives in senior housing and she had a party room reserved for us to come over to celebrate Thanksgiving. None of us are especially partial to the "holiday", and we're more like a Day of Mourning crowd, but it's important to my grandma. She's of the generation put in the concentration camps and there's all these Americanisms that perforate through her Nisei life.
For years, she did Thanksgiving with her oldest brother and his wife (both also interned and Nisei) but earlier this year they moved out of town to live with their daughter as they are both about 95 now. It's interesting the ways they wholeheartedly welcomed "Americana" in their life: when they were permitted to leave the concentration camps, it was with the orders that they would not educate their children in Japanese, form the kinds of organizations/communities they did before, and would become model citizens. So my grandma and her siblings could read kana but not kanji and had/have difficultly speaking, but understand at a high level when they are spoken to.
They all peppered their lives with the great conflicting dualisms of American immigrant life- deeply patriotic but distrusting of the government, celebrating Christian holidays full of enthusiasm and hardly any of them baptized as Christians, running successful businesses that employed other minorities but did not invite them to eat with the family. Think of ardent Cubs fans, frothing Easter bonnets, shooting competitions, Christmas trees overflowing with Coke decorations, and taiko drums made out of the backyard tree.
so like, a LOT rolled up for me re: "American" holidays even without the genocide of indigenous folx
so sort of highlights of today:
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I woke up hella early to get in the car with my mama and shout our way through the AMERICAN IDIOT album which is always a good way to start off this shit
I've been helping her cook and prep stuff for about 3 days and I mf cooked the turkey even though I HATE turkey my dudes I don't like it but my grandma wanted it so here's a picture of my first plate
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My siblings still aren't talking to each other but they both showed up??? :S in my honest opinion, I'm not taking either side not because I'm being some kind of moderate or apologist but because I think they're BOTH in the wrong. I love them, they're flawed people, and they've both done shitty things to the other but pretty equally (they keep trading off who is snubbing who).
My baby cousin showed up- she's been spotty with that kind of stuff since her ma died (our mothers are sisters) so it was really lovely to see her. I was one of her primary caregivers for a long time, before I was really even grown, and it seems like we're both ready to have a relationship again.
Also, today I caught "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" on xrt today!I first heard it when the late xrt dj Lin Brehmer played it last year on Thanksgiving when he hosted. I was cooking by myself for the family and was so happy to share it with Lin Brehmer- I really do miss him very much every day. So I snapped a picture of my grandma's kitchen when I listened today and tagged xrt- I know another dj I like Ryan Arnold checks the tags and when I met him, he was delighted to meet me in person because he remembered all the things I said about xrt and his slot specifically :)
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Later on in the afternoon, we started inviting in my grandma's acquaintances from the building in to have a bite and take home some leftovers and I'm like... continuously jarred by older Japanese that really blame individual Japanese-Americans for not speaking Japanese. The guy I'm thinking of was Issei (first gen) but around my grandma's age so in his 80s-90s and seemed to have moved to the US much later in life. He was very rude about her Japanese skills- even though he spoke very little English and is her "friend"- and chided her for not teaching us more Japanese and it's like MY DUDE the US GOVERNMENT dropped the atom bomb on her cousins and immediately told Japanese in America to integrate so like? wtf
also, the 'feelings bingus' saga continues: as-in he's still texting me and sending me memes on insta and I'm not responding because I'm fed up with this shit
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We ate hella early because grandma and her friends get tired early, so when I popped home I made a quick ramen with leftover broth and ham because I was sick of the smell of the food I've been cooking for days
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Tomorrow I'm hoping to do some knitting or work on my Bocksten mini-projects, but also!
I found a job posting I'm going to apply for! It's sort of a temp position, just 3 months, but it seems fulltime and at the same wage I used to make. I really, really, really miss my old job. But I really miss what it was 2 years ago, not what it was when I left.
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
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( @ghostboy-291 would like to befriend the cloud ) ->
There are many oddities in this place. This world. It's not any sort of afterlife (he would know if he was there again), and yet this "Wonderland" has more ghosts than any other place he has ever visited. The boy has to wonder why it's called such a strange thing, but beyond that... He has other things to worry about. The warnings, mostly - things said by the scared townsfolk telling him to stay away from the White Devil. No rumors like that usually exist in full truth, and whatever or whoever the White Devil is... he is probably much better company than these people who drove him away and hate him. The eleven-year-old continues his awkward, hunched shamble alongside his friend, the little Mimikyu seeming content enough to help him search for this white mist everyone seems so afraid of. This Devil wasn't hard to find at all, if his assumption is correct. Sitting up in some tree, moonlight reflecting off of several brilliant crystal horns. He is white in every other aspect from what Allister can tell looking up at him, with the sword mentioned in some of those poems close by to boost confidence in his guess. He kneels to pick up the Mimikyu, debating whether to get the swordsman's attention or to wait for him to come down. His friend chooses for him, letting out a little series of chirps and 'kyu's to explain that answers will come easier from someone like this than someone in town. "... Mhm," he agrees. "You're... you're probably right..." Now the hard part. With a deep breath, he makes sure his mask is still on, totally obscuring his face. "I... Excuse me," he starts. "But..." How should he do this? The same way he usually does when he speaks to supposed demons. They've always turned out to be friends and they're usually just as scared as he is. "But... I um... I like your horns... Purple is... such a nice color. Um... my favorite." It's probably obvious, with how he is clad in purple from head to knee. His shoes and mask are white, of course, but his entire outfit otherwise is black and violet. It's common ground to build conversation off of, at least, if they both like purple. Anyone who gets cast out like this can surely do with having something nice said about them, and it's probably better if it seems genuine. If there's any sort of ghost or demon, Allister will be the one to befriend them. They are not bad. At worst, misguided... but usually just deeply misunderstood. A lot like himself. The living people are usually the cruel ones.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "I like your horns." Is not a sentence the Misterican hears often, moreover ever in a place like this. A compliment to the color and a head of snow and porcelain is turning to drop jade moons down on the source of the voice. A small child of dark hair and the oldest face - no if he had to wager a guess that was just a mask. Most likely for protection but a different kind than his own provided.
If he had to wager a guess, it was to scare away any who may attempt to harm the boy, all considering the look of it. Perhaps this boy thought him the otherworldly. The boy's small friend had referred to him as 'someone like this' so that meant he was separating from anyone else the boy could have met in the town just a ways down the road.
Perhaps he heard the rumors then? Perhaps the boy thought him a demon... If so then why would he approach. He couldn't say he wasn't curious.
So the swordsman is swinging his legs around so they can hang off the branch he's perched upon and his hands can come down to rest on it at his sides.
"That's quite kind of you, young one." He begins as jade continues peer down at the youth before him. "Do you require something? Are you lost? That's quite the mask you have. Marvelous construction. Do you wear it for a reason?"
Still the man of snow does not descend from his perch but instead remains merely looking down from his place within the branches and the moonlight casting from over his shoulders.
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"Your small friend is right about what they said, young one. I am not like the others in town. Are you not afraid of me?"
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luciferase-fr · 2 years
can i hear about your living statue dragons they sound like they are very sweet
yes omg tysm for asking
these two are some of my oldest dragons that ive had in my lair since the beginning (i got apollo about a month after i joined fr in 2014). I never came up with a good name for my undersea statue dragon, i've made posts on dragon share asking for ideas before, but nothing stuck.
so anyway their story is that they are two statues that each have a spirit of a dragon. They're a matching set in terms of the statues themselves and the fact that they're partners.
They are positioned near a seaside cliff town, one at the top of the cliff facing out into the ocean, and one on the ocean floor mirroring back. They're known as protectors of the area, both to the dragons living nearby and the local wildlife. Apollo gets doves that nest on his statue, and under the waves there are fish that use the second statue as a home as well. They have been there long before anyone can remember.
Before, in full dragon bodies, these two were partners that traveled together. Their dragon bodies are gone, but their connection to each other was strong enough that even when they passed, part of them stayed. This spiritual presence is what ended up inhabiting the (then new) statues. In my lore there is innate magic that comes from natural forces, and feeds into dragons lives' in a variety of ways. In this case, it allowed them to stay over time and become complete statue-beings in their own right, and protectors of the local natural environment. However, the statues can't move or speak, the strength is in their spiritual presence.
On top of that, the statues were always created to be above/below the sea, so when they were placed, the two were separated. So for a very long time they faced each other on the same shore but were just out of reach.
the dragons that live locally had always treasured the two statues and kept them in good repair, but as they had no way of communicating, there was no way of knowing that these two were partners that had been separated. i actually haven't decided whether there was some kind of historical documents found about them or if local folklore developed independently around their relationship, but either way, the locals eventually decided there was a need to connect the two in some way. The solution was to build smaller versions of the statues along the path up the cliff, climbing/descending to meet each other, and to tie a long sea rope along the path, connecting to each statue along the way. The rope was made with dragon's energy weaved in to create a path for the spirits. And every year, they have a festival where they replenish energy in the rope.
So the two are no longer separated! And they can continue to protect the land for many generations to come :)
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