#they're dumbasses. can't keep their hands off each other even on the job
naberiie · 4 years
don’t know if you’re still doing ficlet requests but I’d love some arcmaiden + on a mission together!
“Mhm,” he mumbled, lips against her throat. 
“Fives,” and when she laughed he felt her warm breath on his hair and he held her tighter to his chest. He heard the breath catch in her throat, even as she tried to go on, “Fives, are you listening? We’re on a… on a mission…” and her words trailed off as his hands started to wander.
It was a small, dark and private, out-of-the-way hotel room, with a perfect view of their target. The official reasoning for the mattress on the floor was to reduce the likelihood of being spotted. The official reasoning didn’t matter much, in his opinion. Usually he hated stakeouts. 
Usually, he wasn’t allowed to do them with Rabé. 
The Captain had threatened to flay him alive if he didn’t at least make an effort to pretend to focus, so he decided to make the effort now. Rex knew that Fives and Rabé would, despite their proneness to... distraction, would get the job done and get it done well. They both took pride in their work. He rolled over, picked up the macrobinoculars, and peered through the scope at the base, scanning it quickly and as efficiently as he could - even with the taste of her still lingering on his tongue. “Schedule, activate and register.” A tiny droid by his head beeped once, and he went on: “Time is oh-two-twenty-eight hundred hours. No sign of movement, no transports, no one coming or going. All clear, all still, all silent.” 
The tiny machine beeped twice as a confirmation of a successful recording, and he put the macrobinoculars back down, rolled over, and couldn’t help a wide grin from spreading across his face when he saw Rabé lying next to him, hand to her heart, eyes closed, and very obviously still trying to catch her breath. He propped himself up on his elbow and just watched her, grinning.
“You’re a fiend,” she muttered, eyes still closed and a loose smile on her lips.
“I just missed you, is all,” he answered honestly. “Gotta make up for lost time, and now seems like a pretty convenient time to do it.”
She managed to crack open one eye. “While on the clock?”
His smile only widened. “I’m great at multitasking.”
The only light in the room came from the streets outside for maximum visibility on the target. Transport lights and the neon glow of the shop signs, dingy with age, melted into their room like liquid, nestled in the curves of her body like they knew that’s where they belonged. The look in her eyes nearly stopped his heart in his chest.
Fives slid his arms under her body and flipped their positions, so that she was closest to the window. He curled himself around her body, pressing close, his nose in her thick hair, legs tangled together. He bent to kiss her neck again and asked, “Better?” 
“I still think you’re a fiend,” she answered, relaxing in his arms turning her head just so in order to brush her lips against his. “But you’re a damned clever one at that.”
His throaty laughter dissipated against her skin, the neon turning their rundown room into a dreamland.
Turns out, they were both very good at multitasking.
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Kaz Brekker x male! Reader - Terribly Wrong
A/n: So this was really hard to write in a way for me but I hope you guys like it! Also, I do have a request so I should be finishing that up soon!
Warnings: homophobia, mentions of conversion therapy, abuse the reader doesn't think very good about himself, trauma, language, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Summary: Idk how to summarize but it ends in fluff so?...
(Not my image/art)
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He was a goner.
Y/n L/n was a sweet man who was always happy, always cheerful, always trying to see the good in everything.
That was anything but the truth.
That was the mask he let everyone see, and no one had ever seen past it. They always wondered how he, someone who must have been a literal ray of sunlight had gotten himself thrown into the barrel. Now, they didn't think he wasn't capable at his job it was more the fact that he was always so happy and everything around seemed to glow when he was there.
They just didn't understand how he could be so... Good.
He wore the mask well, being very careful to never even give a hint that he might not be okay, that he might not be as perfect as they think. And he always stayed through everything for the Crows and their ruthless leader.
But the cord had been cut and he was at his end.
He always felt so wrong in this world. It was like there was everyone else then there was him and he just felt out of place.
He grew up in a very religious household his parents weren't very great either. He was told that homosexuality was a sin beyond anything and that it was the worse thing that you could do.
After his parent's death, he was set off into an orphanage where it wasn't any better. It was worse. They reinforced their beliefs by beating the kids, starving them, and even using mental tricks. On kids.
But at least most of the children (that he knew of) didn't have anything wrong with them.
He was- He was gay.
There was no easy way to say how he felt. When he had finally gotten out and got swiped up by Dirtyhands because of his skills for fighting and his skills with a bow and arrow he had felt... Relief.
But it didn't last long.
He started developing something for Kaz. Something wrong and gross, it disgusted him when he would feel butterflies for a guy. Especially if it was Kaz. It nauseated him to think that he hadn't gotten rid of it. The sin, the homosexuality.
And slowly the Crows were formed and he watched them all come together (including him) and that feeling didn't go away but he felt like had finally belonged somewhere.
It was fucking amazing.
But it came with a price.
Slowly Kaz and he had gotten closer and they were beyond the point where Kaz would try and push him away. Y/n, he tried but it was useless. Tell him straight to his face that you would look away from those deep brown eyes that could look cold but then had glimpses of gold in them.
His mind was in peril, it was in constant combat with itself. Swords would clash together, the sound ringing in his head. He just couldn't get it out of his thoughts. One part of him would remember the way Kaz had first brushed his hand against his and how it felt right. But the other side of him would be repulsed that he even thought that, that was okay.
He was a mess.
That's what got him so lost while he was looking over Ketterdam on the rooftop of the Slat. Looking over Ketterdam and its darkness. pondering what the fuck he should be doing, because damn it, he had no idea. He was going through his head trying to decide what part to listen to, and how Kaz had broken his mask and seen the real him. How he loved how his lips had brushed against his knuckles, how he felt like he should be burned at the stake after he had left.
Don't get him wrong though, he supported when Wylan and Jesper got together. Never flinching or cringing when they kissed or did something sensual with each other (although sometimes he would fake gag). It was just the fact that when he was the one feeling that way, his trauma would hold a leash on him. He felt like an abused dog that's always been tied up and now that he's been let free he didn't know how to live without the leash.
While he was so lost in thought he didn't even hear Kaz come up. He felt a bare hand on his shoulder and he flinches in surprise, but he doesn't have to look up to know who it is.
It's him.
"You should go inside. We have a job tomorrow."
If Y/n had not been so lost in thought if he hadn't been so pent up about the feeling of Kaz's bare hand on his shoulder. How he couldn't breathe, how he could swear he could smell Kaz's sent and it was driving him crazy. He might have realized the deeper meaning of Kaz's words, the blunt words that any normal person would have brushed off or even felt hurt by. If he had not been so pent up with everything then a small smile might have been brought to his face knowing that this was Kaz's way of caring for him.
But it didn't. And that's when Kaz must have known something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"I don't know." He blurts out. Really L/n? That's what you say 'I don't know!'
Kaz raises his eyebrow and shifts his body so he's facing the boy.
"Care to elaborate?"
Y/n is internally screaming at himself. Why the fuck did he have to say anything? He can't just deflect or walk away from this one, time to face the music he guessed. Or he would find a way out of this one like he did all those other times. Like he always would be doing for the rest of his life. Deflect and run. It was the mantra he played in his head to keep going and it had never failed him. But there's a first time for everything.
"I don't know how-" He cut himself off. How could he explain how he felt so wrong? How could he tell Kaz it was like he was in an alternate reality every time he was with him but when he left he did something unbelievably wrong there?
"I don't know how I-I love you."
Kaz's eyes flash with something unrecognizable but he doesn't tell him to stop so Y/n takes that as a vote of confidence and keeps on talking.
"I was always taught that loving the opposite sex was a horrible thing, a sin even and I just never thought that this- whatever we have, would happen. Or last..."
The man squeeze's his eyes shut pushing back all of the memories that had hurt him, broken him even. But then a new spark ignited in his eyes, they may have broken him but they just had made this, whatever he had with Kaz stronger. They had burned the flames of hell so high that he absorbed a portion of its power. He was more powerful because of it and using what they had used to burn him he let it fuel him. And he made a choice.
"But I realize I now that they're all wrong."
Y/n turns so he's looking directly into those dark eyes that look like beautiful black breathtaking suns. And he Y/n L/n was orbiting them and he realized he always would be.
Besides, maybe Kaz would never fully understand what he had to go through, what he had to overcome. Though no one else could steal his heart the way Brekker had and he was bubbling with real happiness for once and about what the future could hold.
"They should have warned me that a certain Demjin would steal my heart. Unfortunately for them, they did not."
Kaz leans forward a bit and a small smile grace's his lips and Y/n wants to see that smile again and again and he never wants it to stop.
"Good it made my job a lot more easier."
Their noses are brushing now and he sees Kaz stare at his lips and he blushes at the thought. The thought of kissing Kaz or the thought of Kaz wanting to kiss him.
And their lips slowly come together.
Words 1390
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞" (𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; when your father, the head of the japanese mafia, was killed, your childhood friend swore to protect you till his death. now, you're the empress of the underground world, and he doesn't know what's harder, to keep you safe or manage to hide his feelings. what will he do when, for the first time, your life's at risk and he isn't anywhere near?
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; mafia!au, angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; swearing, mentions of blood, guns, murder, kidnap, yk... mafia stuff.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.7k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; lemme know if u want a part two bc i felt like it was getting too long and i don't know if anyone will read it or like it 👉🏻👈🏻
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"where the fuck are you?" bakugou's voice stroke over the phone, noticeably angry. he had told you several times to never go anywhere without him, which you mostly did, if it weren't for him being away a lot of times. nothing less was expected from your right hand, who handled every dirty job, and considering your line of work, it wasn't scarce. but you did had other bodyguards, just as trained as katsuki, willing to give their lifes for you, which was extremely better than having bakugou giving his life.
to his eyes, you were still the little girl from before. he saw you as a someone who needed protection. at first, you agreed. your father was murdered, someone managed to get through all his security and killed him, none of the guns he and his security team carried around could protect him, killing you would be like stealing a sweet from a baby. bakugou had always kept you safe, despite his agressive usual safe, he cared about you more than he cared for himself. so you stuck to his side, believing, hoping, he'd die for you. but that was a long time ago, now, you could defend yourself, and had raised a sense of loyalty in your people by your own. your father's empire was based in fear, yours? by admiration. you didn't see your people as working ants, but as important parts of a whole. still, anyone who was a threat to you, bakugou made sure to erase them forever.
"don't talk to me like that, i'm your boss" you could feel him losing his shit, a smile began to form in your face. even when everyone respected you, he was still the same.
"you can't boss anyone if you're fucking dead, you dumb shit" a laugh came out of your throat, he couldn't avoid smiling at the sound "wait, oh, okay, i know we're you are. stay there, i'll be in three" he hung up before you could reply.
you looked back, at one of your guards who was just putting away his phone. of course they told him. why couldn't you go get your own coffee? being in the office all day was tiring, to be five minutes outside was all you asked for. a few seconds after, they handed you your coffee, obviously, a guard had to try it first, in case that barista wanted to suddenly murder you. of course he didn't.
"who let her go outside without me knowing, huh?" a furious katsuki appeared through the door, making a scene in the place. you gave him a warning look. if there was something you hated, was that. everyone in the area knew who you were, but why make it any more obvious. those people were just living their usual lifes, and people tend to get nervous around you. "the car is waiting outside" he understood, but you knew he was going to scold you anyways.
you walked outside, smiling, and got into the car, followed by katsuki and one of his subordinates, the other one got in the front sit, next to the driver.
"save it, i'm n–"
"the fuck you are" he cut you "your safety is my responsibility, if i say you can't go out without me, then you fucking don't. specially not when there are people after your head" there was no denying he was right, but still, it upset you.
"there's always people after my head, bakugou".
two weeks ago, two men went into your office. they were in charge of some dealing territories, though small, important. most contraband had to pass those places, you controlled those police departments making everything easier to your truck drivers. they were beaten, cover in blood and barely standing.
"our men, all of them... they all..." only one of them could talk, the other being too shocked to even look at you. "kazuhito's men, it was them... they said we had to tell you, they're coming after you" you couldn't show any fear in front of your so called soldiers, and your template remained at ease. a shout was enough to get those men the help they needed, after holding their hands, you promised to go see them once they were checked by doctors. you called bakugou as soon as they left, he was the first who should know and help you decide what to do next.
the kazuhito family had always been rivals, enemies of the worst kind. everyone suspect they were behind your father's assassination, but with no proof, even you knew it would be the biggest mistake to charge against them, despite your personal desires.
"i already told the drivers they had to take rout b for a while, but we can't let them just keep what's our" you explained to katsuki once he arrived. "those drugs have to get in town by us, damnit". it was clear how frustrated you were, those assholes had mess with your and your father's hardwork.
"if we retaliate, a war will unchain. your father tried to avoid that for years"
"and see how he ended up" bakugou didn't know if it was the anger, or you talking. "we will lose everyone's respect if we don't do something, they killed dozens of our people, katsuki".
he was trying hard to stay objective in that situation, but it was near impossible. a war would put you in more danger than ever, your life was at stake, and bakugou wasn't sure if he was willing to risk it. growing up by your side, your father taking him in when his parents died, you were his only family. more than that, he loved you. the only reason he was able to do his job right, was the fear of losing you. your head was already valued in millions, how could he protect you in the middle of a conflict, that would end only with your death or the kazuhito's leader's death? your power was bigger than theirs by little, but they did something that reckless, which meant they thought they had out powered you. had they? or were they just bluffing? had they miscalculated?.
"we're taking action, wether you support me or not" you looked into each other's eyes, you knew him enough to understand his fear, just not the reason behind it. your voice softened "but i'd much rather do it with you by my side".
"you're the boss" he spoke, already regretting it "i'll schedule a meeting so the high charges let everyone else know, i'm staying at your place so we can trace a plan".
and there you were now, being reprimanded by bakugou. he was extremely tired, he decided to stay with you until things were calmer, which could be several months from then. getting up at six a.m, going to sleep past midnight, being always looking for possible threats, it had given him bags under his eyes.
"i'm sorry" you said once you were alone with him, it was only then that you could let your guard down "i'm making this harder for you".
"yeah, you are. but it's my job, after all" that came out wrong, he thought. it wasn't his job, it was his fucking life purpose. he wanted you to live a long, happy life, as hard as it seemed.
"i guess it is" deep down, his response disappointed you.
"hey, look at me" out of nowhere, his body was insanely close to yours, you felt his breath in your face as he lifted your chin with his finger "there's nothing i wouldn't do for you, got that, dumbass?"
for a brief moment, the taste of his lips was all you could think about. i bet they're soft. but as fast as it started, it was over, katsuki pulled away harshly, inventing an excuse to leave. he had flown too close to the sun, so close that it burned his skin.
a few more people went to see you that day, asking for diverse permissions, advice and stuff like that. since it had been slow, compared to other times, you decided to home early. a call to your team, and the car was already outside. bakugou left instructions for your departure, because he had things to do somewhere else, much to his displeasure. you were accompanied by your escorts to the doors of the building, that seemed like a normal office compound. there were waiting two other guards, making a total of six people protecting you. way to go, bakugou.
"how's your wife, ryota?" you asked the driver. of course, not everyone fitted in the same car, so you got into the second one, middle seat, between a built up woman and a big man. you tried to remember everyone's name, but it was difficult.
"she's good, ma'am, sends her regards" he smiled at you over the mirror.
"and the baby? he must be a month old, right?" at the memory of his child, his face lightened "you should take some days off, i bet your wife and son miss you"
"i have a duty with you, m–" a loud impact interrupted him, the front glass had exploded. the car had an abrupt movement back and forward, all you could see was blood, everywhere.
the woman next to you took her gun out, in order to protect you , you thought, completely wrong. before everyone could react to her act, she shot the guard in front of you.  you looked at your side, searching for someone alive, the same bullet that had killed ryota was in the guard's at your right forehead. besides you , the only other person was that woman. if she hadn't glasses on, that stare could've seen throughout your soul. then you remembered, katsuki made you bare with a knife under your sleeve. with a weird move, you felt its sharpness against your skin, it was there, but she read you like a book. before you could even pull it out, another shot stroke followed by a intense pain in you thight. the bitch had shot you. you blamed it on the adrenaline, because nothing hurt. what happened after was a couple of blurry images in your memory.
bakugou had called you more than a hundred times, you, the drivers, the guards, everyone in his fucking team, but no one knew anything. the cameras at your house never showed you arriving, your phone's location was off. he was out of his head, if he didn't hear from you in the next five minutes, someone's going to die. he rushed into his car, following your rout at a dangerous speed. 
both cars were full of bullet holes, and every guard he had hired was dead. there wasn't a place without blood. tears of pure rage came to his eyes, fuck, it was his fault. he started to look for you, but the whole world was spinning around him. where were you? where was your body? were you alive?, this couldn't be happening. he had left you unprotected, alone, and now you could be dead, because of his uselessness. his phone vibrated in his pocket.
"sir, we– we have– the kazuhito's are here" he left as fast as he came. they had touch you, they had taken you away from him, and he wasn't going to let them get away with it, even if he had to go against a whole army, whoever was behind it all was going to pay.
a man in a suit was sitting in the chair of your office, smoking a cigarette, as calm as a rock. katsuki was so close to rip his head of right there, that somebody had to hold him down. his own people updated him, saying that he had gone into the building alone, with no weapons of any kind, not even a cellphone.
"where the fuck is she?" he crashed his hand against the desk.
"ah, mr. bakugou, please take a se–"
"tell me where she is right now if you want to keep your head, fucking bastard" his hand had wondered to the tip of the gun in his belt, menacing to blow up at any second.
"you won't do that, mr., if i don't return to my people in one hour, she'll be so fucked up that not even you will recognize her" a laugh surge grom bakugou, a dark, cold laugh.
"i don't have to kill you, then" one of the man's hand rested in the desk, like asking for katsuki to rip it off his body. as you did, he also carried knifes under his shirt. in less than a second, one of them was buried into the man's hand. he screamed, both in shock and pain, giving your bodyguard a hatred look. "what do you want, shitface?"
"i-it's quite simple, actually" his face was white as paper, and even though he wanted to talk normally, his voice shivered "we want you to take over the y/l/n's business, under our command of course" he let out a sigh, trying to keep his composure and ignoring his bleeding hand "if you– if you agree, she will have to leave japan and never..."
bakugou won't agree to that. not now and not ever. to give away what you and your father built from scratch, and spent decades keeping safe, was like killing your child, and your father's memory. to send you away, alone, where he most likely won't see you again in years, was also off the table. it wasn't funny anymore. he started walking around the man's chair, picking up his sleeves. he checked the clock in the office, he had forty-five minutes with the man, meaning, forty-five minutes to make him talk. he ressourced to every fast interrogation method he knew. the people outside the door weren't surprised when they heard the man's screams, even wondering what had taken so long for the boss to start acting. katsuki was never a patient man. his senses were blocked, he couldn't hear anything but screams and begging, all his eyes could see was pain through all the man's body, his hands felt nothing but warm blood. but for the first time in a while, he wasn't enjoying it. he was doing it out of need, the need to save you. every minute that went by, was a minute were your life risked. he never felt so close to losing his sanity.
"outside the city! she's in one of our safe houses outside the city! i don't know which, please stop!" ten minutes before the timeline he finally gave up. your intelligence had all their safe houses, storages, garages, every location needed. not a second passed when one of yours men delivered a map with all the points marked. there were five in total.
"throw him outside in ten minutes" he shouted, walking to the armory "two teams, six people each, my fucking people, hear me? now, dammit! we're leaving in a minute, if i have to go by my fucking self, i'll do it"
when he was armed to the teeth, almost a dozen of people followed him outside. they were his most trusted men and women, being trained together, he knew they were as skilled as him, and they were all willing to put their life's at stake for you, their boss. in the car, bakugou barked the instructions. he had narrowed it down to two possible locations with all the information he had. if they had to kill every person in those places, then be it. he's going to get you back.
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paper-mirio · 4 years
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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: When making hero costumes, the job of a support company is to maximize the efficiency of a quirk while also making sure the hero is protected. However, a massive oversight is made when nobody considers the consequences of constant exposure to loud explosives.
Words: 4,782
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of harmful accident, mentions of surgery, slight angst
A/N: I’d like to issue a major apology to @pawpaw-sev for taking a full year to write this. It’s finally here, and I hope you enjoy it. (I also peppered in hints of HOH!Midoriya, simply because I felt like it.)
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"Tch, I get that you can't stand the old man, but at least give me a warning next time you pull some rebellious bullshit. You could've gotten us killed."
You took in a deep breath, willing down the words that threatened to spill out in anger. Not wanting to lash out at your boyfriend (since you knew that wouldn't result in anything pleasant), you steadied yourself and prepared to defend your actions for the third time that evening. The sight of Bakugou, focused on his phone and not even bothering to look at you when delivering the scathing comment, nearly made you snap. Having just sat through a lecture about holding responsibility and taking accountability for one's actions from a hero who seemed to do neither, you were reasonably on edge. Luckily, you'd managed to convince Endeavor you were being honest. You'd hoped your boyfriend would be just as willing to hear you out.
"It wasn't 'rebellious bullshit,'" you repeated, using air quotes. "I already told you, I didn't hear him give the order."
"Mhm, sure. Whatever you say."
It would seem he was not, in fact, willing to hear you out. You rolled your eyes. It wasn't as if his opinion mattered, anyway. He was only your boyfriend, the person you trusted with your heart.
"Let's just get back to campus, I need to go talk to Recovery Girl," you said before walking away. You'd only made it a few steps before being stopped by a hand on your shoulder. Bakugou stepped in front of you, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you up and down.
"What do you need to see her for?" he asked, the bite in his voice from before missing. "I didn't see you get hurt earlier. What happened?"
You paused, confused by his question, before recognizing the look in his eyes as concern. Giving him a teasing smirk, you placed your hand atop the one that rested on your shoulder, giving it a small pat. "Aww, are you worried about me?" you laughed. "I'm fine, Endeavor just wants me to check in with her to make sure nothing's seriously wrong and that I can keep doing work-studies without any issue."
Bakugou raised an eyebrow. "How the hell does that answer my question?"
You let out a sigh. "My ears? I told you I didn't hear his instructions earlier. And like you said, I could've gotten us killed."
He narrowed his eyes at you before letting his hand fall from your shoulder. Turning on his heel, he began walking away. “Fine,” he grumbled, “but don't take too long. We had this movie night planned for weeks now, and we’re gonna start without you if you’re late.”
You let out an exaggerated gasp, placing your hand on your chest as you followed him. “Have you no loyalty, sir?” As you caught up to him, you made sure he saw you wipe a fake tear from your eye. “And here I thought I had a faithful boyfriend, but he would watch a movie without me?” Your attempt to hold in your laughter failed as Bakugou roughly shoved your shoulder. “And now he’s violent! Are there any lows you won't reach?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, though you see a slight smirk forming on his lips. “Don't be late and we won't watch it without you, dumbass.”
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You were late to the movie. Recovery Girl had apparently been off-campus, assisting with a surgery in Musutafu General Hospital. A third-year student interning under her was in her place at the infirmary. After taking you through a few examinations, she told you that you had some mild hearing loss, though it shouldn't impact your ability to continue your work-studies. Satisfied with this, you thanked her and returned to the dorm.
Despite trying to enter through the front door as silently as possible, you heard a shout of your name as soon as you stepped in. “There you are!” said Ashido, waving to you. “You only missed a few minutes, so hurry up and get over here! Bakugou saved you a seat.”
You laughed, closing the door behind you. “Alright, give me a second!” You quickly removed your shoes and ran over to the couch, ignoring Iida’s warning not to run. You dropped into the spot next to Bakugou, wasting no time before snuggling up into his side. He scoffed, but immediately wrapped an arm around you.
“Took you long enough,” he muttered. “I told you not to be late.”
“Oh? Weren't you the one who tried to get us to wait for them?” joked Kaminari. “What happened to the concerned boyfriend we saw just a few minutes ago?”
“Aww, you did?” you cooed. You leaned up and pressed a kiss onto his cheek, giggling at the blush that quickly formed. “Thanks for trying, Katsuki. Sorry I was late.”
Bakugou scowled, ignoring the teasing from your classmates after your display of affection. “Whatever, let's just watch the damn movie.”
You settled into your spot, a smile on your face as you directed your attention to the movie. After a few minutes, your smile began fading. You tried your best to follow the film, but at moments you just felt lost. It seemed the dialogue would reach your ears, but you couldn't quite make out what was said. Still, you could gather most of it, so you tried to bear with it for a bit longer. Eventually, however, you realized you weren't going to understand the plot if you couldn't hear everything. You let out a sigh, looking around the room. “Alright, who has the remote?”
The others looked to their surroundings, checking to see if it was near them. Bakugou raised an eyebrow, glancing at you. “Why do you need it?”
You gestured to your ears. “Can't quite understand it, so I was gonna turn on the captions.”
Bakugou nodded, before saying, “I can just raise the volume if you need me to. The captions are gonna take up a bunch of space on the screen.”
Mina shook her head at that, saying, “Uh, Aizawa-sensei said we needed to keep the volume down tonight. We already have it pretty high as is...”
Sero waved to catch your attention. “Wanna switch spots? You might be able to hear better closer to the TV.”
You frowned, shaking your head. “Ah, no, that's okay. Thank you, Sero.” You felt guilty about disrupting the movie this much already, and you didn't want to inconvenience anyone further. “I can just try and follow along as much as I can.”
“Found it!” exclaimed Kirishima. “It was beneath the couch cushions. I can turn on the captions for you if you want, (Y/N).”
You glanced around the room at everyone, shrugging to yourself. “If it won't bother anyone...”
Midoriya cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “Could you turn them on, please? I kinda need them, too...” Kirishima smiles at you two before hitting a button on the remote. You all turned back to watch the movie as it continued, now with captions accompanying the dialogue.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was looking over at Midoriya, something resembling guilt in his gaze, before glancing back down at you. “Your hearing’s not that bad, is it?” he murmured.
You shook your head, leaning into his side with a smile. “Probably not,” you answered. “It's just been a long day, I think. Nothing to be worried about.”
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Bakugou coughed, the smoke and dust from the debris clouding the air around him. After clearing his lungs, he looked at his surroundings. The remains of the building surrounded him, but he luckily avoided being crushed under any of them. The sound of his commlink turning on ripped his attention from his surroundings, as one of Endeavor’s sidekicks spoke up. “Suspect is detained. Ground Zero and (H/N) stunned him enough for us to capture him while he tried to escape. Status?” Each member of the team gave their location and status, and medical teams were dispatched to those who needed them. Bakugou gave his location and reported that he had no injuries. “And (H/N)?” asked Endeavor.
Silence. No response over the comms. At this, Bakugou startled, quickly looking around him only to see nobody within sight. “Ground Zero, they were with you, correct?” asked the sidekick. You were. You had been right there, fighting the villain at his side. After cornering the villain, he'd shouted at you to move before rushing the villain. He'd set off a large explosion in close range to the villain, stunned by your attack, and to you, who hadn't moved. That was the last he'd seen of you before the roof collapsed, and now you weren't responding.
“Ground Zero?” Endeavor called, bringing Bakugou back to the present. He cursed under his breath, quickly standing and beginning to search the area for any sight of you. He looked around the area, hoping you had managed to avoid the falling rubble—unlike how you failed to avoid his attack. Shaking his head, trying to dismiss the thought, he continued to look for you, now shouting your name and waiting for some kind of response. If you had been trapped under the debris, there was nothing he could do but wait for help to come.
Cursing again, he spoke into the comms, “I need a rescue team at the northern side of the building. I can't find (H/N), and they're not responding.” As the sidekick began to assure him that help would be arriving soon, he heard loud coughing nearby. Quickly rushing to the source of the noise, which was a few meters away from what was left of that side of the building, he found you. You were leaning against the wall of the adjacent building, hands on your knees and trying to catch your breath.
His relief at seeing you, alive and safe, was quickly overshadowed by anger. He'd thought you were seriously hurt or worse, because you failed to dodge when he told you to, and you couldn't even be bothered to answer anyone when you were within range to hear the multiple times he called out to you. With a scowl on his face, he stormed towards you and went to grab your shoulder. “(Y/N) what the fuck was that back there—“
The second his hand met your shoulder, his world flipped and he was on his back on the ground. You’d pinned him down, moving to restrain him before meeting his eyes. Your eyes widened, and you quickly released him. “Katsuki?” You stood, reaching out a hand to help him up. “Geez, give me a bit of a warning before you sneak up on me like that. I thought you might've been that villain.” You grinned. “Nice attack, by the way. Pretty powerful too; my ears are still kinda ringing from it. Did they detain him?”
Bakugou looked at your hand reaching out to him, confusion plastered on his face. Maybe your commlink had been broken in the attack, he reasoned. That would explain your lack of response to the team, but...
“Yeah, they got him,” Bakugou explained, taking your hand and standing. “Don't fucking scare me like that again though, you hear me? When you didn't answer I thought—“
“Uh, Katsuki?” you cut him off. “Could you speak up? Can’t quite hear you when you mumble like that.”
“I’m not fucking mumbling!” he shouted. At this, both his and your eyes widened in shock. Yours, because you saw him clearly yelling at you, yet no sound reached your ears but the constant ringing. His, because he saw the small amounts of blood coming from your ears.
“Shit,” you both said.
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You arrived back to the dorms with Bakugou, hands intertwined. It hadn’t even been a day since the mission, after which you'd been taken to a hospital. You'd undergone surgery to repair your ruptured eardrums, but your hearing couldn't be salvaged. In less than a day you'd gone from mild hearing loss to complete deafness in one ear and very little hearing in the other. Endeavor had excused you from your work-studies for the time being, as you needed time to adjust to things.
You took in a deep breath and squeezed Bakugou’s hand lightly to grab his attention. He looked to you, squeezing back to let you know he was listening. “I’m just gonna head to my room and get some rest. It's been a long day. Do you want to come with?” you asked, trying to put on a smile.
He nodded, not saying anything. He leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, causing a far less strained smile to appear on your face. You squeezed his hand again to ground yourself before opening the door to the dorm building.
Almost immediately you were met with the sight of your classmates, all rushing to greet you. Some looked excited to see you, while others had looks of concern on their faces. All of them, from what you could see, seemed to be shouting at the two of you, probably asking questions about what happened while you were gone. You saw Bakugou shout something at them before they all went silent, focus solely on you now. You flushed under the attention, curling in on yourself slightly before giving them a small wave. “Hello?” you tried, not quite sure how to address them.
You saw Kaminari ask something while pointing at his ears, so you nodded and hoped you'd guessed his question right. “I got surgery on my eardrums because they got ruptured during the mission,” you explained, pointing to the cotton padding you had in both ears. “I have to keep these in for the next few days, and hopefully the support company will deliver my new hearing aids by then.” As soon as you mentioned hearing aids the questions started again, with many lips moving at once adding to your confusion. “In case I wasn't clear,” you stated, raising your voice and hoping it would be louder than they were, “I can't hear you all right now.”
That, again, shut everyone else up. From his spot near the front of the crowd, Midoriya waved to get your attention. Once your eyes were on him, he began to sign, “Are you alright?”
You smiled at him, suddenly very grateful that Midoriya had decided to teach you JSL when the two of you were younger. You let go of Bakugou’s hand, missing the way he frowned and looked at you in response, before signing back, “I will be.”
Koda perked up upon seeing this exchange, quickly joining the conversation by asking, “You two know sign?” When the two of you nodded, he turned to you. “Everyone's been asking what happened on the mission. Last we heard, you got taken to a hospital. Bakugou wasn't answering anyone’s calls or texts.”
You sighed. Of course Bakugou wouldn't update anyone. You couldn't help but think bitterly that you might've been in bed by now if Bakugou had answered everyone’s questions beforehand, but you didn't dare voice this aloud. You knew he felt guilty enough as is. “There was an accident during the mission. Certain...circumstances during work-studies meant I was slowly losing my hearing over time, making it harder to hear my team.” Those circumstances being constantly working with Bakugou without any ear protection. Explaining it to someone made the situation feel much more real to you, and you found yourself taking deep breaths and fighting back the burning tears in your eyes as you continued. “I wasn't able to move in time to dodge an explosion, and the blast pretty much took whatever hearing I had left.” Midoriya flinched at this, turning his gaze to Bakugou and narrowing his eyes.
Seeing this, you let out a shaky sigh before speaking aloud. “If it's alright with you all, I’d like to head to bed now. I'm very tired. Midoriya, if you could repeat what I said to everyone I'd really appreciate it.” Then, without giving anyone a chance to respond, you grabbed Bakugou’s hand again and rushed out of the room, heading upstairs to your room. You weren't able to hear how you sounded back there, so you could only hope nobody heard the shakiness of your voice or saw the tears building in your eyes. The last thing you wanted was for them to try and comfort you when you just wanted to be alone with Bakugou.
As soon as the two of you entered your room and the door shut, you let the tears fall from your eyes and pulled Bakugou into a hug. He hugged you back without hesitation, pulling you close. The two of you found your way to your bed, where you laid together in deafening silence for the rest of the night.
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“How does it sound?”
The first words you heard clearly in over a week were spoken by Aizawa-sensei, who was sitting in Recovery Girl’s infirmary and observing as you tried on your new hearing aids. The small devices were high quality and incredibly expensive, though the support company that provided your costume had them delivered to you for free. According to Recovery Girl, your hero insurance would've covered much of the cost anyway, but the company appeared to be trying to avoid a lawsuit for not providing your protective equipment in the first place. Regardless, you weren't complaining about getting your hearing back for free.
“It's quiet,” you answered, but a large grin quickly overtook your face. “But I can hear you!” You saw Aizawa-sensei nod in response, a small smile on his face.
Recovery Girl handed him a small device. She was standing more than a few feet away, so she sounded much quieter, but you could just barely hear her. “Use this when you're teaching in class. It will send your voice directly to their hearing aids, so they won't have to worry about falling behind in class.” She made her way over to you, her voice increasing in clarity the closer she got. “As for you, while you're still benched from going on any further missions, those hearing aids will double as comm links when necessary.” She held out her hand, in which she held several small devices. “These microphones are smaller versions of the one I just gave your teacher. They're meant to be given to your teammates working in close range to you, so you can hear them without using the commlink up to a certain distance.” After placing the microphones back in the box with your new support equipment, she gently grabbed your hand. “Things won't quite be the same as they once were, but I know you'll be able to adjust. You’re a strong hero, after all.”
“Hero-in-training,” Aizawa-sensei corrected. “Speaking of which, class will be starting shortly. Are they free to go?”
Recovery Girl nodded, waving her hand dismissively, “Yes, yes, they can go now.”
You beamed, quickly standing up before bowing to Recovery Girl. “Thank you!” You rushed out of the infirmary, running towards class before your homeroom teacher could stop you. You rushed towards the 2-A classroom, throwing open the door before shouting into the room, “They work!”
The screams and shouts that filled the room couldn't have sounded more beautiful to your ears.
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It was the first movie night the two of you had since you lost your hearing, and Bakugou wanted it to be special. Through some gentle persuasion, according to him, he'd managed to convince Sero and Kaminari to let the two of you use the common room that night, even though the two of them had already planned to play Mario Kart that night. Though you couldn't quite hear the conversation they had, the looks on their faces told you that the persuasion he used probably wasn't as gentle as he suggested.
But that didn't matter anymore. What mattered to Bakugou was you, cuddled up to his side under the blanket, a smile on your face as you looked at the screen. He had one arm draped over your shoulder while you hugged his torso, and the other hand held the remote. He was scrolling through the streaming service, looking for something that appealed to both of you.
“What about that Peerless Thief movie? Looks like it's finally out, and I heard it got good reviews,” Bakugou suggested, pointing at the screen where the poster was displayed. You shuddered at the sight of the titular villain; despite knowing it was just an actor in costume, he captured the image of the infamous villain with terrifying accuracy.
“No thanks,” you muttered. “I'd like to actually get some sleep tonight, if that's fine with you.”
“Pfft, what? It's not that scary, it's practically a documentary!” Bakugou teases, glancing down at you. You had buried your face in his shoulder, not wanting to look at the poster any longer. “What, you think the Peerless Thief is gonna come get you?”
“I don't know, maybe! They never caught him! For all we know he could still be out there, being a menace under the radar!” you exclaimed, throwing one arm up in exasperation. “Just hearing about him in class is scary enough, I don't wanna see any of that!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, reaching his hand up to ruffle your hair. “All the more reason to watch it, then,” he said. “If you're so worried about him being out there, you can study this and see how he works so we can take him down together.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Right, because two heroes-in-training can take down one of the most infamous villains of all time,” you muttered. Something caught your eye on the screen, and you pointed at it. “What about that one? A Heart That’s Ours to Share? I remember reading that book back in junior high.”
Bakugou looked to where you were pointing and grimaced upon seeing the poster. “Really? A shitty romance? This is what you wanna watch?”
“I know, I know, it looks kinda silly,” you started. “But trust me, it's a lot better than it looks. It ends up being closer to an action-thriller as it goes on. The romance is there, but it's mostly used to drive the rest of the plot forward.”
Bakugou opened his mouth to argue again, but swiftly closed it. He had to remind himself that tonight was about you, and letting you relax. If you wanted to watch some stupid romance, who was he to stop you?
“Tch, whatever,” he grumbled before hitting play. “I'm choosing next time, though.”
You grinned before leaning up to press a peck to his lips. “Thank you, hon! I love you!”
He blushed, letting out a huff. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too, dumbass.” He set down the remote, using his now free hand to wrap around you. He pulled you into his lap, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. Arms now resting around your middle, he leaned back into the couch with you and watched the movie play on the screen.
You looked at the screen, an excited grin on your face. As the opening credits ended, however, your smile faded as faint sounds entered your ear. Once you realized it was the dialogue, a frown settled on your face. The TV was outside the optimal range of your hearing aids, and the words spoken by the characters were nearly unintelligible.
“Um, Katsuki?” you mumbled. Upon getting a hum of acknowledgment, you continued. “Could you turn on the captions, please? I can't hear what they're saying.”
Bakugou inhaled sharply, muttering a shit under his breath before quickly reaching for the remote, being careful not to jostle you in the process. As soon as it was in his hands, he turned the captions on and rewound the film to right before the dialogue started.
Now able to understand what was being said, the smile returned to your face. “Thanks, Katsuki!” You leaned your head back to press a kiss to Bakugou’s cheek. Giggling at the blush on his face, you turned back to the screen and leaned back into his chest, relaxing as you focused on the film.
As you watched the movie together, you frequently glanced back to Bakugou at the more exciting or shocking parts to see his reactions. Much to your dismay, each time you looked you saw a deep frown on his face as he stared ahead at the screen. You sighed each time in disappointment and turned back to watch the movie. Maybe he just doesn't like it, you eventually thought. I’ll make it up to him next time, though. The two of you continued to watch in silence before you began to notice something. At some points throughout the movie, Bakugou would randomly tighten his grip on you, pulling you closer to him, only to let you go once you started to shift in his grasp.
Curious, you began to take note of when this would happen. After about three more times of this happening, you noticed it would happen during the more intense, action-packed scenes. And about an hour into the movie, you realized it only happened when an explosion was involved.
Ah, you realized. That’s what this is about.
You quickly reached for the remote and paused the movie. You turned in Bakugou’s lap to face him, eyebrow raised. His eyes were still on the screen for a few seconds before blinking a few times. He shook his head and turned his gaze to you, eyebrows furrowed.
“What the hell? I was watching that,” he grumbled. Despite his annoyed tone, he moved his hands to rest on your hips and pull you closer.
“Mhm, sure,” you said. You paused before raising a hand to place on his cheek gently. Letting your thumb stroke his face, you made sure to look him in the eyes as you asked your next question. “Katsuki, you know I don't blame you for what happened, right?” you asked. You immediately knew you hit the nail on the head, as he averted his eyes and his grip on your hips loosened. You saw his lips move as he mumbled something, but the sound didn't reach you. You sighed and shook your head. “You know damn well I can’t hear whatever you just said. What was that?”
“I said, I can't see why you don’t blame me,” he repeated, loud enough for you to hear. “This wouldn't have happened if I'd just...I don't know, listened to you!”
You frowned. “You know...maybe you're right.” At his shocked look, you shrugged. “Maybe if you'd listened to me, we might not be in this situation. Or maybe it might've happened anyway.” You saw his eyebrows furrow, so you continued, “Maybe if the support company provided equipment to protect my ears, I might not have lost any hearing in the first place. Maybe if Endeavor didn't assign us together so often I wouldn't be exposed to your loud explosions so often. Maybe if I'd had the common sense to think that constantly being around explosions might damage my hearing, this could've been prevented. But that's a whole lot of maybes.” You smiled gently at him leaning your forehead against his. “There's probably a lot of ways things could have happened, but they didn't. I’m deaf now, and that's just something I have to deal with. The only thing we can do now is move forward.”
Bakugou looked at you in stunned silence, unable to do anything other than nod. You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, and he responded eagerly. Your hands gently cradled his face, while his remained on your hips. After pulling away, you pouted at the frown on his face. “Now, could you smile for me Katsuki?” At your request, an unamused look sat on his face. You giggled, before pressing a peck to his lips. “No need to be grumpy!” Another peck. “I won't stop bothering you until you smile!” Another. “I can do this all night, you know.”
He smirked at that, his grip on your hips tightening. “Who said I wanted you to stop?”
You laughed, pressing one more kiss to his lips before turning back around to your previous position on his lap. “Come on, we’re about to get to the best part of the movie. I’ll kiss you as much as you want when it's over, deal?”
Bakugou leaned his head onto your shoulder, pressing one last kiss to your cheek. “Deal.”
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Sequel to A Forgotted Memory
Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight…
Chapter 14 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Alex and Augustus
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Meet Me Halfway
John "Soap" MacTavish
Task Force 141
Location Unknown
18 hours ago
He thought he was dead. He thought they were going to kill him. He wished they would, just to end the suffering. But he also wished they wouldn't. He had greater plans, he still wanted to enjoy his life. And it looked like Nero granted half his wish, while depriving him of the other half. He's going to live the rest of his years in hell.
He couldn't stop thinking about that song, he lay flat on the ground, feeling weak, powerless and defeated.
If I lay here… Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
He couldn't feel a thing but he knew he was being transported somewhere. Red flashes filled his eyes as he slowly slipped away from the conscious world.
2 Seconds.
A single drop of water plopped on the cold floor where he laid every 2 seconds. It was getting annoying, but he thanked it for actually waking him up.
Soap struggled to get up and forced himself to do so, grunting in pain as the muscles and bones of his body reacted to his sudden movements. Enduring all the pain, he gasped and got up, moving to the direction of the only ray of light from a crack in the ceiling.
He limped but he had hope, exhaling with excitement as the light got closer every step he took. Then clang! He hit his head on an iron bar. He's in a prison cell, deep underground.
"Shite." he cursed, dropping his knees on the ground, his energy already ran out and he felt thirsty.
"That's freshwater dripping down there." An unknown voice emerged from the darkness, Soap wanted to believe he's hallucinating, but an old figure emerged from the shadows. His hair mostly greyed out and it was long enough that Soap believed he'd been here for far too long.
"The name's Jack. And I suggest you rehydrate. I've been here long enough that you could trust that it's safe." he suggested. His tone was strict but helpful and Soap knew he's trustworthy. They're both prisoners and as the saying goes: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
"So… uh Jake. What brings you to this dark and gloomy place?" Soap asked, his voice was barely audible but he was heading straight to the dripping freshwater.
"Turns out our friend Nero doesn't want me dead yet. He couldn't pry any information from me. I'm CIA, literally trained half my life to keep information away. He should've just killed me when he got the chance." He replied.
"So, that means he's going to get something out of you too…" he added, Soap looked worried, he didn't undergo some torture training and hes afraid of what Nero wants from him.
"Look kid, I know you're worried. That's why we won't let that happen. Okay? I have a plan." Jake patted Soap's shoulder, it still hurts from all the stomping and the tossing around but he knew he didn't mean it.
"So… CIA. Guess you crossed paths with Alex." Soap asked, his low accent echoed across the dark cage.
"Yeah. Alex. He was like my son, trained him and assisted him all throughout his CIA Career."
"He kinda disobeyed orders by joining the good side which looked bad in the eyes of the higher ups." Soap reported.
"Hm… It's very unusual of him to not follow orders, unless he believes it's for a better cause." Jack supplied to which Soap nodded, agreeing Jack's assumption.
"It was a good cause. Sacrificed himself for the greater good. Miraculously made it out, but lost his leg in the process." Soap continued, updating the old man about his protege, he's actually glad he did as he could feel the man's mood rising from grumpy prisoner to someone a little less grumpy.
"He had good morals, that kid. He could go far with that attitude… I just hoped that falling in love would not be his downfall… just like what happened to me…" he muttered. Soap didn't make out the last sentence so he assumed it was his own thoughts leaking out of his head. He didn't bother asking again.
The iron doors opened and a new patch of light opened. Jack looked at Soap with determination and nodded.
"Looks like it's showtime, sharkbait." Soap nodded noting the Finding Nemo reference at these trying times.
Jack was right. They had a practice of how to handle prisoners for interrogation. A few stomps, handcuffs, sack on the head and push you if you don't cooperate. Soap had to go through the whole thing, and as far as he knows, Jack must have gotten the key.
He limped his way to the interrogation room, buying enough time for Jack to blindly find the keyhole from the cell. He tried fighting back but the taser sticks were already giving him a bad time.
Just as Jack described, the interrogation room consisted of a dentist chair and a television, his captors were beside him preparing orders from Nero on the screen.
Soap squirmed his way out of the chair, trying to be convincing that he had no idea what's going on.
"Stop squirming! Tell us where the girl is… or I'll take a wild guess and destroy your base instead." Nero yelled. His voice was low, like it ran through a voice changer.
"Sod off…" Soap spat and squirmed again, receiving a shock from the taser. He groaned as tendrils of electricity ran through his body shaking him almost unconscious.
"Lower the voltage or he won't respond! Dumbasses! We need something from him!" Nero yelled at his henchmen.
"So… MacTavish…22nd Parachute Regiment, S.A.S., Now Task Force 141… Skilled in combat, Sniper and Demolitions… You know a proper brainwash would help me get the code from you right?" he mused.
"FOUR!" Soap roared from the top of his lungs, panting after he yelled.
"Four? What the fuck are you talking about?" Nero asked, looking confused. Addition to that, the ground shook and made everyone else in the room wonder.
"What's going on?" Nero asked.
"What? we're under attack? By who? How?" Soap's ears could hear the distress from their leader and from the looks of it, 141 already found him making it easier for him and Jack to get out of this hell hole.
"Augustus is gone? They're going to pay! Okay boys kill this man now. We have to send them a message!" Nero yelled angrily and the tv turned to static.
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Meet me Halfway
Francine "France" Winters
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 Base - Briefing Room
"We're being pressured to capture Nero. With our base compromised, the Board would now decide for our force's future. Simon Riley is now researching Augustus' burner phone, if we're lucky enough, it could lead us to our next clue." Shepherd calmly informed the force about the status. He looked in distress but he had to keep pushing forward, to end this warfare.
"Some of Nero's forces are already in New York. It turns out he could command the brainwashed civilians to deploy EMP blasts but recon noticed that he could only command a few at a time. This means without the IP address, he is still powerless and trying hard." Shepherd added.
"I want you all to always be ready for an all out attack on Nero. Let's prove to the board that we're the best one for the job." He muttered and dismissed everyone. France decided to stay in the briefing room and let the quiet consume her thoughts.
"You okay?" A reassuring hand held her shoulder. She knew it was Gary and tears started to fall from her eyes.
"I… I can't stop worrying about him, Roach." She croaked and gave Roach a very pained stare. She actually missed John's presence even after being together for a short while, she felt that they shared a lot of common things together, the strive to become better, the response to danger even off duty and the determination to achieve a goal. Those were her traits that he also had, these same traits that made him like her despite his cocky first impression.
"Let's help out Ghost track that son of a bitch Nero down. And maybe it'll lead us to him." Roach assured them as they both stood up and went to Research.
"How… how can you still be so sure that he's okay?" she sobbed.
"The dogtags." Ghost interjected while typing furiously on the computer.
"If Soap was dead, he should've shown us his tag. That would cripple some of our Force's focus and would lead to his success in invading and capturing Samantha." Ghost continued, he made sense and France almost smiled with the two's support. Instead, she just breathed out and helped Ghost.
"So, have you traced each source?" France asked Ghost as she also started furiously typing codes and strings of data input.
"Yes, they're really sneaky with the encryption, but I keep on getting pings at one location before it spreads in different places." he explained.
"The nearest signal tower. Every packet almost goes through there. You see that?" France pointed at the screen.
"Yeah I do. Let's start tracing that source." Ghost muttered and the map already pinged the tower's location.
"Bingo." they both whispered and cheered, hugging each other as a sign of success. France felt Ghost's tight hug and felt something off about the guy, then he actually removes half of his mask and pouts his cheek close to hers.
"I…. uh… I'm sorry" Ghost shyly said as France pushed him away and felt awkward at the situation. Gary just stood there in shock as Price entered the room.
"What's the news?" he asked, looking at the three.
"We found him, Sir." Ghost cleared his throat and put back his mask.
"Well, bloody hell. Let's go then!" he said as they all ran towards the exit and prepared themselves. France didn't have the time to think about the events earlier as she was still worried about Soap's safety. She hopes that whatever lies in that place would give her an answer.
"FIRE!" Captain Price yelled as snipers quickly shot the guards surrounding the icy fortress. The gulag housed people that the world didn't want but couldn't kill, and she hoped that John MacTavish was on that list.
Danger close explosions crippled both attacking and defending forces as Price roared at Shepherd to be careful. France gulped as she saw a very open field that they're dropping in on and knew for a fact that she's very open and weak at these positions.
Her mind raced, looking at every angle. Tangos were everywhere carrying different kinds of weapons. With minimal angles to hide on, the force, led by Roach aggressively advanced to the Gulag, dodging heavy fire, grenades and RPG Rockets. As soon as they found the tunnel leading deep into the Gulag, France already felt comfortable. This was her playing zone and no one's going to stop her from getting into Nero.
The way in was almost clear, no enemies were against them but instead they ran further into the Gulag. Something was off.
Gunfire was heard deep into the Gulag and as soon as the team reached the control room, Ghost already did his magic. Opening gates, looking at the cameras and defending their six. The masked man helped them further advance into the Gulag.
"Nero's not here…" Ghost said.
"How so?" Price angrily muttered.
"He never set foot in this place. He only uses a television to communicate."
"Bloody hell. Now what?"
" I see two heat signatures behind that wall."
Roach quickly planted a c4 breach and as soon as it exploded Francine pounced at the closest person, raising her fist and looking at its eyes to see the punch go through.
Blue eyes. Those shades of blue. France stopped his fist as tears started to well from her eyes, dropping some on his bare chest.
"John…" she whimpered and smiled.
"Fra.." she didn't let him finish, she kissed him. She didn't care what everyone else thought. The gunfire and explosions suddenly felt nothing to her. She didn't care how John's lips tasted, all she cared about was that he's alive and she's on his arms.
Extraction quickly followed as Shepherd's forces already did a lot of damage on the old fortress. They barely got out just in time for the building's inevitable collapse but they're safe.
Next Chapter : Secret Alliances
Notification Squad my beloved
@samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @smokeywhalee @beemybee @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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devinescribe · 3 years
Chapter 12 of 100 Promises
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Warnings: Swearing, arguments, talks about panic attacks and I think those are all, let me know if I missed any
"S-sugu... stop it."
He looked at you, shaking, covering your ears. Your eyes were screwed shut, tears dropping off your face, and you wouldn't look up. "Shit, (N/N), you ok?" He asked, walking over to you. "Hm? What's this? Suddenly caring?" Chishiya mocked. "She's having a panic attack you asshole. Get away," Niragi growled at the blonde who still wouldn't get away from you.
Niragi had gotten good at knowing when you were having panic attacks. Some were worse, some were minor, but he'd gotten good at memorizing your triggers and when you were having them. You were experiencing one of the more minor ones right now.
He got closer, noticing you weren't kicking or hitting Chishiya away. Yet, anyways. He kneeled down besides you, grabbing your wrists softly. You slowly opened up your eyes, looking up at him. "You're ok... he's not here. He can't hurt you. You're ok," he whispered, ignoring that Chishiya would use this against him. You nodded, slowly coming out of your state.
A few hours later, you were sitting on the edge of Niragi's bed. "(Y/N), you can't trust him. He's not the kind of guy you should be interested in," Niragi scolded. "But-" you started. "No. no buts. You can't. Especially since you don't want to be known as Chishiya's bitch," Niragi interrupted. His words angered you slightly. Was that really what he thought you were for Chishiya? Maybe because you were... No! He had real interest in you, right?
"I'm not. I think he has genuine interest. It doesn't feel like when m-"
"(Y/N), he's using you! What part of that do you not understand? He's using as a quick fuck for his own benefit! And you're letting him use your body, gods you're so dumb!"
That was it for you. How could he say something like that? All of your ex boyfriends had sucked, couldn't you have a small bit of joy?
"You know what... fuck you. I don't have to get your approval of every guy I date. I'm allowed to do things, you're not my dad!"
"That's not the point (Y/N) he-"
"I don't care! You didn't have to call me his bitch! And I'm not just letting him use my body, because I'm not! I- I'm not!"
"I get that you're angry, but you have to listen to me. I know what's best for you."
"No you don't! Suguru, I know you're just looking out for me, but please! You don't have to call me names o-or make me feel bad about myself and my decisions!"
"I didn't me-"
"This conversation is over. I'm not doing this. Goodbye."
You left the room quickly, running away. You could hear him chasing after you, but you didn't care. No way you were going to turn around to talk to him. He could go and leave you alone. 'Where can I go... blue!' Your eyes flashed with recognition. You rushed over to the man, grabbing his arm.
"Oh? What's this? (Y/N), you seem in a rush,"  Last Boss noticed. You squeezed his arm nodding over to the other side of the room. "Ah, Niragi? Is the little mouse looking for a place to hide?" He asked. You nodded, tugging on his shirt. "C'mere," he said, pulling you into his room.
"He won't come in here, promise," he stated, seating you on the bed. "I take my promises very seriously, Last Boss. Don't lie to me," you said. It was true. It had been 12 years you and Niragi had been together. Since you were 15, you'd both made promises. And all 99 were kept. No, don't think about him. You're mad at him, don't think about him. "I'm well aware... anyways what game were you playing this time? Tag? Hide and Seek?" He asked. "No game. We had an argument," you whispered. "Oh... do you.... want to talk about it?" He questioned awkwardly. You looked up, and giggled. The usually stoic man was having trouble. "Not really... do you think we could find a cat around the Borderlands?" You asked out of the blue. "A... cat?" He asked, confused on your switching of topics. "I love all animals. Dogs, snakes, cats, and fish are my favorite though," you explained. "I'm... more of a cat person myself," he said. He seemed like a cat person. Quiet, observant, intelligent. Definitely a cat person. "Mm... favorite.... music genre?" You asked. "What game are we playing this time?"
"My version of 20 questions."
Yeah, safe to say he was enjoying your version, because he was winning. You either had to answer the question, or take an article of clothing off. "You have to have something you don't want to share! This isn't fair," you whined. So far, you were half naked, and he still had everything on. He had answered every question, and you were getting kind of frustrated. "These are your rules no? Your game as well... seems fair to me," he answered. "Your sounding like Chishiya. He's not fun to play games with... he doesn't like playing games with me.... in fact... I don't think we even talk outside of... Oh no," you started, realizing something. "What's wrong?" Last Boss questioned. You stood up, gathering up your clothes. You put it on while apologizing to him. "I just realized I need to apologize to Niragi... he was right... gods I'm so fucking stupid! I'm sorry, I promise we'll continue playing more games and talking some other day?" You apologized, sticking out your hand towards him. He shook it. "Alright, I'm holding you up to that promise though."
You ran through the halls of the Beach, desperately looking around for your best friend. "If I were Niragi... roof is a no... his room is a no... My room?" You whispered to yourself. You ran to your room opening the door quickly, shutting it behind you. On your bed was Niragi, sleeping on his side. You frowned, taking off your shoes. You walked to the other side of the bed, crawling into the bed with him. You wrapped your arms around him, whispering apologies he couldn't hear.
You heard him start to wake up a few hours later, and you immediately started apologizing. "Sugu, 'm sorry... you were right, I should've realized it sooner, I should've heard you out. I'm sorry," you frantically apologized. He groaned, looking at you. He noticed how your hand shook slightly. And then he remembered what he had said to you. "I also... need to apologize... I'm sorry for calling you names, and for yelling at you," he whispered. You let out a sigh of relief as you thought he wouldn't forgive you. "For someone so smart I'm really fucking stupid sometimes... I should've... I should've noticed... you were only looking out for me," you cursed yourself. "Yeah, it's kind of my second job. Looking after you," he joked. You pouted shoving his shoulder softly. "I'll push you off my bed, watch it mister," you laughed. "Mhm, I'd love to see you try," he challenged. You'd done it before, and you'd do it again. "Try me bitch," you said. He laughed, sitting up. "What time is it?" He asked. "Mmm... 6:43 why?" You answered. "Games. We might finally get to play together, wouldn't that be fun?"
You couldn't have gotten the worst yet best group... In your car was Chishiya, Last Boss, Niragi, Kuina, and yourself. You were driving, Niragi was in the passenger seat, Kuina was sitting behind you, Chishiya in the middle back seat, and Last Boss behind Niragi. Last Boss and Kuina were mainly quiet, keeping to themselves, occasionally talking to you about something. Now the other two? They were at each other's heads.
"Well at least I've heard of what fucking conditioner is," Niragi retorted to Chishiya. "You use your so called cleverness act like a dramatic bitch who's better than everyone but you're really not," Kuina stated towards Chishiya. "I thought you were on my side?" Chishiya questioned, looking slightly betrayed. "Eh, I wanted to join in on insulting people," Kuina shrugged. "Well, fuck you, fuck you, you haven't talked this whole time but fuck you, I've already fucked you so there's no need for me to say it," Chishiya said. "Oi, you leave her out of this you bastard!" Niragi spat. You were fed up with everyone yelling at each other.
"Can everyone shut the fuck up! How are we supposed to beat a game if we can't even drive to the arena without you two trying to kill each other! I get you hate one another, but I don't give a fuck! Kuina, Last Boss, thank you for being the only two tolerable people today," you shouted. Niragi and Chishiya stared at you in shock. "What? It's true. You want me to sugar coat it and act all sweet? I can do that too. Shi-Shi, Gi-Gi Pwease don't fight! Makes me sad UwU," you pouted, using a childish voice. "That's some fucking pick me girl shit right there," you muttered. "I think it worked they're both quiet," Kuina laughed. "Hey, (Y/N) eyes on the road dumbass," Niragi scolded. You glared at him before, going back to looking at the road.
When you got to the game arena, you were surprised. "Isn't this the mirror maze we used to go to?" You asked Niragi. He nodded. "Might be a spades game then?" He questioned. "Boooring!" You shouted, walking past the entry point. "What, you want it to be a hearts game?" Chishiya asked. "It's the only kind of game I haven't played. I'm getting rather bored of the same thing," you complained, grabbing one of the phones from the table. "You should consider yourself lucky you haven't played a hearts game," Kuina mentioned. "Maybe. But honestly, I'm bored. And a bored  (Y/N), is not a good (Y/N)."
Niragi knew exactly what you were talking about. In the past, when you got bored you'd go out and look for trouble. Texting your ex even though you were an independent bad bitch who didn't need a man, piercings, pulling pranks on him. It got messy.  Have the cops gotten involved? No, but it was pretty close to it. You somehow got out of it, and he would never question your skills.
Registration closed
Game Difficulty: 4 of Hearts
So... I haven't updated this in a while huh? Sorry about that-
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topsytervy · 4 years
Book Lovers ~ Pope Heyward
Blurb: You have a crush on Pope and Pope has a crush on you. Your love for books brings you together.
Word Count: 3,376
Warnings: swearing, poorly written towards the end cause I'm bad at ending writings, probably spelling/grammar errors, I think thats it.
I started writing this as a whole bond over books thing and then it kind of got away from that a bit but not really I don't think.
Also, the way i was going back and forth between writing this and something Calum Hood related cause its his birthday and I love him was insane.
You sat on the beach on a towel, a book in hand as the sounds of screams and waves filled the air.
Not too far away sat Pope, staring at you as JJ, John B and Kie surfed. He watched as you brushed some hair behind your ear before turning the page, completely engrossed by whatever it was you were reading. 
"Are you serious?" Pope jumped as his head swiveled to look at the voice that spoke.
Kie stood there, surfboard under her arm with an eyebrow raised, the two other boys behind her.
"What?" Pope shrugged, acting as casual as he could.
"Really? Playing dumb Pope? Thats JJ's job." She answered, setting down her board and sitting next to him.
"I take some offense to that, Kie." JJ told her which only caused the curly-haired girl to roll her eyes.
"Just go talk to her, Pope."
Pope widened his eyes. "Are you crazy, Kie?"
"If talking to someone you like is crazy then have me committed but last time I checked it was normal." 
"What would I even talk to her about?" 
"Oh, I don't know. She's only reading a book. Gosh if only you read." Kie told him, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
Pope sighed before getting up. 
"Go get 'em, tiger." John B grinned as him and JJ took a seat next to Kie, watching as Pope made his way over.
He was about halfway to you before he turned around and walked back, shaking his head. "I can't do it. It's rude to interrupt someone's reading ya know. That and Toppers walking towards her." 
JJ scoffed. "Really, man. Toppers got nothing on you. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're just friends."
"Oh quite the opposite, JJ. He's got money and a way nicer boat." 
John B shot Pope a look. "How dare you insult the HMS Pogue like that."
"You know what I mean. He can buy her literally anything she asks for." 
"Okay. So he's got money and a nice boat. That means he's trying to compensate for something. Any guesses as to what that is?" Kie stared at Pope.
JJ grinned, deciding to answer for his best friend. "His di-"
"Personality, JJ" Kie cut off the blonde. "What he lacks in personality, he makes up for with money. Topper is boring as hell. He doesn't know the meaning of excitement and adventure. You do. I'm sure you have way more in common with her than Topper does." 
Pope took one last look at you, book open but ignored as Topper chatted with you. You just smiled and nodded before standing up and gathering your things, waving a small goodbye to Topper as you did. 
You glanced over and saw the Pogues watching you so you brought up your hand and sent them a small wave, blushing when Pope smiled and waved back at you.
The next time Pope saw you was at the library. He was getting a couple of books for a paper he had to write and you were there, scanning the shelves, trying to figure out what book you wanted to read next.
Pope had looked over and froze when he saw you just a few feet away from him, fingers ghosting over the spines of books as you read the titles. 
You had agreed to ride with Kelce to the library considering he needed a specific book to read and you needed a new book to read. You chewed on your lip, focusing on each one before pulling one out that caught your eye, reading the blurb before ultimately deciding that you didn’t want to read that one now. 
Pope took a deep breath before scanning the titles himself, attempting to find one that he had already read that he thought you would enjoy. He finally found one and grabbed it, walking over to you.
"Having troubles?" He asked.
You jumped slightly before looking at him. "Little bit. It's hard to find which one to read next, ya know."
Pope nodded before handing you the book. "You might like this one. I read it and could hardly put it down. It's definitely on my list of books to own." 
You took it with a smile. "Thanks."
 "It's no biggie." Pope shrugged. 
You smiled again before walking backwards towards the checkout counter. "I'll see you around, Pope." 
Pope grinned at the fact that you knew his name. "I hope so, Y/N."
You blushed slightly before turning around, meeting up with Kelce who immediately noticed your reddened cheeks.
"What's going on over here, Y/N/N?" He asked, pointing to his own cheeks.
"Nothing." You mumbled, placing your book and library card on the counter. 
Kelce looked around, trying to spot who was making his best friend blush before shrugging.
Later that night, you and Kelce were sitting on his living room floor with Rafe and Topper, a board game set out in front of the boys as you read your book and listened to their conversation. 
"Topper, St.Louis is not the capital of Illinois." Rafe said for what felt like the hundredth time. 
"What are you talking about? Yes it is!" 
Kelce took a deep breath before looking at Topper. "Top, sweetie, if you think St.Louis is the capital of Illinois, then what's the capital of Missouri?"
You peered over your book with a blank look on your face, Kelce and Rafe having the same look on theirs.
"Come on guys, you know I'm bad at geography." Topper whined.
"I think," Rafe started, looking at Kelce, "We need to bust out that Sequence state capital game from second grade."
"I think I lost a brain cell during this conversation," Kelce rubbed his temples.
"Good thing you're not playing fucking jeopardy or you'd really be screwed, Top." You said.
Topper turned his attention to you. "Not all of us are book smart, Y/L/N." Topper leaned over to look at the page before squinting. "Whatcha reading that's better than playing a game with us, anyway?" 
You held up the book enough so they could read the title and Rafe raised an eyebrow. "Where'd ya find that one?"
"Someone recommended it to me." You blushed a little at the interaction with Pope earlier that day.
"Oh ho ho. That is the same blush you had at the library. You like this person." Kelce pointed.
"Shut up, Kelc."
"Wait. She was blushing? Oh snap."
"Spill the name, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes at your friends before replying. "I don't have to tell you three anything."
"Come on. If you're not gonna tell us then how will we tease you?" Rafe whined.
"That's exactly why I'm not gonna tell you. You'll just tease me and then whenever he's around, you'll act all juvenile."
Topper looked at the two boys before turning towards you. "If we promise that we will keep the teasing to a minimum when he's not around and that we act mature about this, will you tell us?"
You bit your lip before hesitantly nodding. Rafe, Topper and Kelce's eyes widened, eager to hear the name about to come out of your mouth.
You sighed, bookmarking your page. "His name is Marcel. He wears glasses and wears a sweater vest. A bit on the awkward side but very sweet."
Kelce and Topper shot each other confused glances, never having heard that name before. Rafe, on the other hand, cocked his head to the side with an unamused look and a 'really'.
"You know this Marcel, Cameron?" Topper asked.
"Yeah. If you watch the Best Song Ever music video, you'll meet him. I do have two sisters, remember." He answered.
You shrugged. "Worth a shot."
"Come on, Y/L/N. Just give us the name." 
You held up your hands in surrender. "Okay, okay." Your three friends leaned forward, staying quiet with raised eyebrows. "Pope Heyward." 
"Oh my God," Topper breathed.
"Can we not do the usual 'traitor' bullshit please? I feel like my mom is already going to have a fit."
"What makes you think we'd do that?" 
You shot each of them a look before standing up. "I gotta get going. You guys have fun and Topper," you looked at the blonde, "learn your damn capitals."
And then you were out the door.
Pope walked into The Wreck a few days later and spotted you in the corner, book in hand while you ate your food. Pope was so focused on you that he didn't even notice Kie appear next to him with a water pitcher in her hand.
"You gonna stand there all day or you gonna sit down with her and start up a conversation."
Pope whipped his head to look at his friend before shrugging. "I guess I could but sh-"
"She's reading and its rude to interrupt someone whos reading. I know." Kie rolled her eyes before walking over to your table.
He saw you smile at Kie and greet her before nodding. You looked past Kie and saw Pope. You grinned and waved him over which Pope happily did, taking a seat across from you.
"Want anything Pope?" Kie asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Just get me the usual." 
Kie smiled before walking away towards the back.
"I finished that book you recommended to me last night and I was speechless. The ending was...wow." You leaned back in your chair, taking a drink of water. 
"I know right. That book made me want to read all his other works and they're all just so amazing." Pope grinned.
"His writing is so poetic that I was surprised I wasn't reading an actual poem."
"Exactly. He's such a good writer."
You two talked for hours about different authors and books you guys liked, eventually both of you started writing down names of books and authors for the other to check out.
"How long have they been like that?" John B asked, JJ sitting beside him along with the kook boys who joined them unexpectedly with no hassle whatsoever. 
"Lets see. You five have been here for 45 minutes to an hour, Pope showed up a couple of hours before you. So...almost four." Kie smiled before scurrying off to wait on another table.
"Four what? Hours?" JJ asked. 
"Yes, dumbass." Rafe rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the table where you sat with Pope.
"They both look so happy." Topper commented.
"Because they are. They're in love." Kelce sighed with a dopey smile on his face, resting his head against his hand.
"Aren't they a little young for love?" John B raised an eyebrow.
Kelce shot him a look which caused John B to raise his hand in surrender. 
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"They're both nerds. Take a guess."
JJ opened his mouth to object, offended on behalf of his best friend but John B stopped him. "No, no. He has a point."
You glanced at your watch before standing up, saying something to Pope who nodded, handing each other your phones. 
JJ smirked. "My boy is getting some." Rafe, Kelce, and Topper all turned to look at JJ, unamused with his words. "Or not."
Pope shook his head. "No way. That is one of the dumbest and most cliche tropes ever." 
It was a week later and you and Pope sat at The Wreck again, having a conversation about whatever you recently read and now, apparently, your favorite and least favorite tropes.
"I have to disagree. Enemies to lovers has my heart." You responded, taking a bite out of your burger after you spoke.
"One bed and they have to share reigns supreme." Pope popped a fry into his mouth like that was the end of discussion. 
You held up your finger as you finished chewing before swallowing. "You have to have some love for the enemies to lovers trope then because a lot of enemies to lovers involve sharing a bed." You pointed out.
"What about friends to lovers? Hmm? Hmmm? That right there is practically gold and bed sharing comes into play." 
You rolled your eyes. "At some point, a friend likes another. I can tell you in confidence that I had a crush on Topper, Kelce, and Rafe at some point in our friendship. It was bound to happen because we hang out so much. Enemies to lovers though? Who willingly hangs out with their enemy? No one." 
Pope laughed. "Alright. Sure. Whatever." 
"Don't whatever me Pope. I'm right and you know I am." You laughed. 
Pope held his hands up in surrender.  "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
Kiara walked over to your table and you smiled. "Lets ask Kie."
"Ask me what?" Her eyes darted between you and Pope.
Pope turned to Kie. "I want you to be honest with me, Kie. Which trope is better? Best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers."
Kie blinked slowly as she spoke. "I was just coming here to ask if you need refills or anything else."
"This is more important. Best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?" 
You both looked at the girl expectedly and she shrugged. "I'm more of a fake dating girl myself so neither."
"Or both." You raised your eyebrows.
"True. Enemies could fake date or friends could. Sounds like a both thing for me."
Kie just turned and walked away, shaking her head with a small smile. 
Your phone dinged and you looked down, seeing a text from your mom. "Thats my mother paging me." You sighed as you stood up. "This has been a fun date, Pope." 
You felt your face heat up from embarrassment."Oh, was this...not- I shouldn't have assumed. I'm sorry."  
"No, it was. I just didn't think you'd think of it as one." Pope quickly said.
You smiled before kissing his cheek. "I'll talk to you later then.'
Pope blushed as he watched you walk away, paying for your half of the meal before exiting the building.
It's been a month since you and Pope became official. A lot of your dates were either study dates, beach dates, or dates that consisted of you two eating at The Wreck while discussing anything under the sun.
Pope was kind of scared when you asked him what he wanted to do for a living, considering everyone else thought it was weird but you were supportive.
"That's cool." 
Popes eyes widened in shock at your words. "Really? No 'why would you choose a coroner' or 'why the hell would you wanna work with dead bodies'?"
You shrugged as you stole one of the fries from his plate. "I think it's cool. It's a job not many people want but it's an important one." 
That was probably when Pope knew that he was in deep with you. The fact that you didn't judge the things he was passionate about and what he wanted to do. That just made him fall for you more and let him know that you were the perfect girl for him.
Now here you were, spending the weekend together in the best way.
You sat in Pope's living room, okay laid in Pope's living room, watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Pope had the house all to himself for the weekend and invited you over for a Harry Potter movie marathon since you two just finished rereading the entire series. 
So here you were, curled into your boyfriend's side with his arm draped over your shoulders, holding you closer if that was even possible. 
You sighed as Alan Rickman appeared on the screen. "I miss him."
Pope kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your arm. "I know, sweetheart. You say that everytime he pops up on screen."
"I can't help it. He was just such a good soul." 
Pope smiled, twirling some of your hair around his finger. He loved listening to you talk about things and people you were passionate about. The smile on your face whenever someone, usually him, brought up one of those topics was worth it and he could listen to your voice for hours on end, which usually happened when a topic of interest was brought up. 
"Are you even listening to me?" You'd ask, tapping his wrist.
"Every word."
You'd lean back and cross your arms, a smirk on your face as you raised one of your eyebrows. "Oh really?"
He'd nod before speaking. "You were saying how you think iced coffee is better than regular hot coffee."
You'd make an impressed face. "Are you going to say anything at any point in this conversation."
He'd pretend to think about it before shaking his head. "I'm good." 
You'd roll your eyes before purposely bringing up a topic that would cause him to talk some because just like him, you were obsessed with seeing his smile when he was interested in a topic and hearing his voice.
"Pope, did you hear me?" 
Pope blinked before shaking his head. "No. Sorry. I was spacing this time."
"I asked if you wanted to make stir fry tonight?" You laughed lightly at the space cadet you called a boyfriend.
Pope smiled and nodded. "Sounds great. I'll ask dad if we can raid the store for whatever we don't have." 
You both pulled out your phones, you to get the recipe and Pope to ask his dad if it was okay to take whatever was needed for dinner. 
You walked into the kitchen and started pulling out whatever you could find that was needed for the stir fry before writing down on a notepad what was left.
"We got the go ahead." Pope told you and you held up the notepad.
"Then let's go on an adventure." 
You two paused the movie and made your way down the street towards Heywards hand in hand.
"Have you ever seen the Percy Jackson movies?" You asked, genuinely curious if Pope had or not. Pope shook his head and you let out a laugh. "Oh boy. We might have to take a break from good ol' HP so you can watch them." 
"Why?" Pope swung your arms as looked at you.
"You might find them...interesting. That's all." You shrugged.
"Are they good?" 
You smiled up at him as you leaned your head on his arm. "You'll have to see."
Normally, you wouldn't recommend watching the movies to anyone but when it came to Pope, you wanted him to see it. You wanted to see him rant about all the differences and how bad this adaptation was. You wanted to see him get all flustered at the smallest details that the movies got wrong and complain about how this doesn't do the books any justice. 
"Are you setting me up?" A small smile sat on Pope's lips.
You placed a hand to your heart.  "Ouch Pope. That stings."
He just laughed before kissing your temple as you approached Heywards. Pope unlocked the door and you followed him inside, picking up the rest of your ingredients before walking over to the counter and pulling a 20 out of your pocket, sliding it under one of the boxes for Mr.Heyward to find.
"Really? You know my dad loves you right? Like you don't have to pay him for this stuff. He gave us the okay." Pope said.
You shrugged. "It's fine and it's only right. I mean, I'm taking things from his store. The least I can do is pay him." You turned to the security camera and waved before pointing to the box the cash was under and doing the hand signal for money.
"You do know he cant check the system from his phone right?" 
"Yeah but if he plays it back, he'll know and no one else will see the footage." You smiled before turning back to your boyfriend. "Ready?" You asked as you placed your things in a bag. 
Pope grabbed your hand and the bag as he nodded. "Lets get cooking." 
You laughed as you followed him back outside, waiting for him to lock the door before beginning the short journey back to his, the pair of you thinking about how lucky you were to have someone like the other.
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thyiasoluna1003 · 3 years
🥀 Sober Up [Minho/LK au]
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Song Inspo:
🍂 Sober Up by Fern.
Minho is your childhood bestfriend. You've been bestfriends since you were 5. Literally watched each other grew up and know even the littlest details and secrets, but he started being cold during the summer vacation before you went to college.
You agreed to go to the same university and luckily, both of you passed the college entrance exam. You're taking Political Science as your Pre-Law course and Minho will be taking Engineering.
Everything was fine and sound until that one summer day that he refused to talk to you. You were devastated and anxious because you don't know the reason behind his actions. Is he tired of being your best friend? Did you do something wrong without noticing it?
College started and you got busy. You've been doing your research and student assistant duties, so you kind of forgot about Minho.
It's past 8:00PM already and you're almost done sorting all the answer sheets that the Dean asked you to finish. You picked your bag, ready to go. You were locking the Dean's office when you heard a female's voice coming from the classroom next to the office.
"Fuck it, babeeee~" and you knew what they were doing inside that room. Disgusting. Don't they have a house or at least rent a motel to do whatever they're doing.
"Shut up. You're too loud" A man's voice that leave you frozen. Unable to move. You know who's voice it is even without seeing his face, you know it's him. You must know, you were with him for almost all your life. You want to runaway. Never in your wildest dreams you have thought that Minho will do such things.
With weak knees, you started walking away when you heard the door opened and closed. You looked back and your eyes met Minho's eyes. Emotionless.
The next day, the last day of exam and compare to the midterms, finals exam will be more hectic for you as a student assistant. You keep running errands around your department and other departments too.
"y/n, can you bring this to Mr. Martinez of the Engineering Department?" The Dean handed you a pile of paper. Fuck! Engineering Department! What if you run to him? How would you face him after what you've heard last night? Whatever!
You left the papers on the teacher's desk and rushed to leave that building. Voila! There he is! The last person you wanted to see today.
"Y/N" he called you, but you walked pass him. You shouldn't be avoiding him, you should be talking to him now, ask him what went wrong.
"Y/N, talk to me, five minutes, please?"
"Follow me" and he did. The cold air from the rooftop welcomed you.
"Speak" you said, not facing him.
"What you saw last nigh-" he started, but you cut him off.
"I didn't see anything, but I do heard something" you said, hugging yourself.
"It's not what you think it is" not what you think it is? Does he think you're some sort of stupid. You may be virgin and has no experience, but you've read so much books and watched movies, you probably could tell what the hell they're doing.
"Finally, you talked to me and because I heard you fucking some bitch inside that room? I was waiting for you to talk to me for the last 6 months, Minho. I didn't know what happened, I don't even know if I did something that upset you. You left me clueless and now you're talking to me just because of some bitch you had fun with. Keep it to yourself, Minho. I don't want to hear any of it. What I need to hear is why you left me hanging" you can't stop the tears from falling down and you don't even care anymore. It's hurting you for quite a time now and you have no one to turn to because you barely made friends with anyone.
"I love you" your world stopped.
"I love you. I started to feel something weird inside me and I don't know how to act around you as if I'm still the same person, the same kid that played house with you. I don't know how to act around you with this heart pounding everytime I see you" He's fidgeting his fingers. It means he's nervous whenever he do that.
"Stupid. You could've told me then" you said.
"And ruin our friendship? No."
"You're smart, but you're being dumb right now. You should have told me because I love you too, Minho. Longer than you think I do" he met your eyes with tears of happiness and reached for your hand.
"I heard it right, right? You love me too?" You nodded in response.
"Dumbass" you whispered.
You bid goodbye for a while as the Dean texted you where you are, but Minho promised to wait for you. You have a lot to catch up.
You were at bliss that you didn't even notice it's already 8:00PM and you can finally go home. You saw a familiar figure standing outside the gate, waiting for you.
Minho walked you to your apartment, your hands intertwined, no words, just the bliss and happiness you're both in.
You've been in love with Minho since 9th grade, scared that you might ruin the friendship you have, you keep it to yourself and act as usual. Now that you know what he feels towards you, you feel like flying and ready to give everything up.
"We're here" he said as you stopped in front of the gate. You're living on the rooftop and still looking for a roommate because your previous roommate transferred schools, so she has to move out too.
You don't want him to leave yet. 6 months without a word with him feels like eternity and you wanted to stay with him longer.
"Do you wanna come over? Don't worry, boys are allowed here, there are CCTV's in the hallway, so you don't have to worry"
He sat on the bed while you're making a cup of juice. The room isn't that spacious, just enough for 2 persons to sleep and stay in. You drag the mini table in front of him and placed the juice. You sat in indian sit to make him feel comfortable and he did loosen up.
"Do you want me to adjust the AC? You're sweating" he smiled at you and held your hand.
"Since when did you start to like me?" He asked with glistening eyes.
"9th grade, 2nd grading. Remember when I fell from the stairs and you carried me all the way to the clinic. You never left my side until I woke up that day. You even missed your math exam because of me. At first, I thought I was just infatuated because I've been with you for almost my whole life, but I realized I wasn't. I love you"
"Damn" he whispered and held your burning red cheeks. "Can I?" you nodded and you felt his lips against yours. This is not your first kiss with Minho. At least now he knows and it's him who initiated it.
The kiss deepened, you're now laying in bed, Minho on top of you. The AC is on, but you're inside are burning from the sensation. His hands started to unbutton your blouse, one by one until your boobs are finally revealed. His kisses trailed down to your breasts and even with the bra you're wearing, you could feel the hotness of his mouth. You arch your back to help him unhook your bra and finally have your bare skin against his hot mouth.
"Minho-" your fingers tangled to his hair as his tongue played with your nipples. He left soft kisses to your belly down to your belly button and then he stopped. He looked up to you, asking for permission if he can unbutton and unzip your slacks. You don't want to say no. You want more, so you nodded while biting your lips.
In a swift, he was able to pull your slacks down along with your underwear. You closed your legs in embarrassment, but he held your thighs.
"It'll be fine" he slowly spread your legs and traced your clit with his fingers. You gasped as he slowly do it, back and forth.
"I'll be gentle, bub" he said and you almost lost it when his hot mouth landed to your pussy, making wonders using his tongue. You're shaking and breathless. So, this is how it feels. Damn so good and addicting.
"I'm inserting a finger. Is that fine?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"Do it your way- fuck-" his tongue going in and out along with his fingers made you feel like you're almost there, but he stopped and wiped his lips with his fingers and leveled his face to you.
"Ride me" he said. You don't know what to do. You just read how they do it, but you don't know how to apply it on your own. "I'll guide you"
Minho stood up and removed his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers alone. He laid on his back and waiting for you to get on top of him.
You sat on his bulge and you could already feel his hardness against your pussy. You started moving your hips like how they do it on the books you've read.
"Good job, bub" he said breathless. You continued to move on top of him until you got the hang of it and almost convulsing by how it's making you feel too.
"I'm going inside you. Promise I'll be gentle" he removed his boxers and positioned himself to get inside you.
You felt his thing slowly entering, you felt a little pang of pain and Minho waited for you to adjust before he continued moving. Slowly, gentle and caring. As it not wanting you feel any more pain.
"Move faster, please" you requested. He didn't say any word, but he started pounding in and out, letting out loud moans and curses. He pushed deeper hitting you on the spot and you already feel like exploding.
"I-I think I'm coming" he pounded harder making your legs shake and you let out a loud scream of his name.
"Minhoooooo~" he took his thing out and exploded on your stomach. You touched the warm liquid on your belly button and tasted it.
"Naughty" He said before he slowly got up and came back with your cloth to wipe his cum.
He laid beside you, staring at the ceiling as his hands are on your boobs, fingers playing with your nipple.
"This might sound a bit off, but that one night that you got drunk with Hyunjin and Jisung, I assisted you that night, right? I kissed you back then, so this isn't our first kiss" you confessed.
"This is our third kiss and our first you know- that day you fell from the stairs, I kissed you and the nurse almost caught me, so I pretended I was sleeping" you chuckled from his confession.
"Why did you? I thought you started to like me during the summer vacation?"
"Teen hormones, I guess? I was curious how it feels to kiss someone and your lips is tempting" he pulled you closer to him and sniffed your hair.
"I love you so much I would never get sober up from being drunk in love with you. Stay with me, Love."
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 6
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 7,455
Warning - cursing (if people don’t like that kind of stuff)
A/N- so I kind of got carried away with this chapter and wrote over 7000 words lol, but I couldn’t really split this chapter up considering what’s about to come in the next chapter so I just left it as is (the next chapter is going to have so many interactions with the two groups you won’t be ready!) I really hope you all like this chapter because I worked hard on it and am actually really proud of the way it turned out! leave a comment with your thoughts on the chapter and with any predictions that you have for the future🤩
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"Wh-Wh-What is she doing?" Bill whispered as he gently nudged Y/N's side.
The girl stared ahead at Eleven who was busy putting a radio on a station that only had static playing before she glanced at Bill. She sent him a small smile that had him blushing and smiling back. "You'll see," she whispered.
Y/N let out a small gasp as she remembered something and quickly disappeared up the stairs and into her house before returning a few seconds later with a cloth in her hand. She walked over and handed it to Eleven who gave her a small smile before beginning to fold it and wrap it around her eyes like a blindfold.
"A blindfold?" Richie asked. He then smirked before winking in Eleven's direction. "Kinky. Now all we need is some handcuffs and-"
"Beep beep Richie!" the Losers Club cried out while the Party all looked at Richie in disgust.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before looking to the Party with an apologetic smile, "Sorry about him. He hadn't quite matured yet if you can't tell."
"Hey!" Richie complained.
"Oh hush," Y/N told him making the boy pout. She chuckled and ruffled his hair much to his annoyance before she turned her attention back to Eleven who was finished setting up.
"Remember, you have to be quiet," Y/N reminded the Losers, making a point to stare at Richie longer than the others. They all nodded before looking to Eleven who was now sitting on the ground, the radio static playing behind her.
The room was so quiet that one could have heard a pin drop. The prospect of Eleven doing something that could help them with their mission to find Mine being enough to make even Richie keep his mouth shut.
It took a minute, but Eleven suddenly let out a small gasp before whispering, "Mike."
Y/N noticed Wheeler frown a little at that seeing as she was talking about a different Mike instead of him. It was unusual that was for sure and Y/N had thought it was weird knowing two Mikes as well when she first moved to Derry. But since she had called him Wheeler since they were kids, calling Mike Hanlon by his first name hadn't been too weird for her.
"I. . .I see him," Eleven whispered out making the Losers all furrow their eyebrows and look to Y/N confused. She just gave them a look and gestured towards Eleven in response and they all looked back to the girl who had some blood starting to peak out from her nose.
"He. . .He's hiding by some water," Eleven said.
"The quarry," Y/N muttered as she looked to the others. Their eyes widened slightly and they watched as Y/N walked over and bent down in front of her friend.
Y/N reached out and gently took ahold of Eleven's hand, the girl instantly latching onto hers in return. "Tell Mike that we're coming for him," Y/N whispered, tears springing in her eyes. "Tell him he's going to be okay."
"Your friends. . .they're coming for you. Hang in there, Mike. You're going to be okay," Eleven muttered, although Y/N knew she was talking to Mike Hanlon.
"Hurry," a voice suddenly came from the radio causing the Losers and Y/N to jump in surprise at the sound of their friend's voice. "Please hurry."
Eleven's face then scrunched up in pain and she let out a loud gasp before ripping the blindfold from her face. Her eyes frantically looked around before locking with Y/N's. "He's okay," she assured him. Y/N wiped away her tears and gave Eleven a small smile before hugging her friend in thanks.
"What the fuck was that?”
The two girls pulled away from each other to see the Losers looking more confused then ever. "What the fuck just happened?" Richie questioned, his eyes wide. "What did she do and how the hell does she know that Mike is okay?"
Y/N took in a deep breath before standing up and slowly approaching her friends. "Guys, so Eleven kind of has these powers. She was able to mentally connect with Mike and get a picture of where he was and give him a message," Y/N explained.
"I'm sorry. What?" Stan asked confused.
"Powers like superpowers?" Ben questioned.
"I guess," Y/N replied. "I know it's hard to understand but-"
"Hard to understand? It's crazy! You know what, I'm calling bullshit," Richie announced.
"But Mike's voice-" Y/N began.
"We don't even know if that was his voice because all I could hear was a bunch of fucking static! How am I supposed to believe you when the only thing that I saw happen was that girl get a fucking nosebleed and bleed all over your basement?" Richie asked.
Wheeler narrowed his eyes at the boy and went over to his girlfriend who he helped off the ground while Eleven wiped the blood from her nose. He was about to say something when he saw Y/N raise an eyebrow at the boy and cross her arms.
"You want proof? Evidence?" Y/N questioned, not a look of hesitation on her face. Richie was silent before nodding his head. "Okay, asshole. Here's your fucking proof."
She then walked over to one of the closet doors of the basement before opening it and walking back over to the group. Richie was about to question her when the door slammed shut making him and the other Losers all jump in surprise.
The door then began to open and slam shut repeatedly and Richie was hesitant before he turned to look at Eleven who had one hand up in the air. The door slammed shut for a final time and Eleven lowered her hand before wiping the small bit of blood below her nose away.
"Holy shit! She's an X-Men!" Eddie exclaimed in disbelief making Dustin chuckle since he had thought the same thing when he first met Eleven.
Y/N smirked and looked to Richie while the other Losers and the Party watched the girl in amusement. "That enough proof for you?" she asked.
Richie made a face in response and Y/N chuckled before looking between the groups and clapping her hands together. "Now. . .we may know that Mike is okay right now, but that doesn't mean he will be forever. We need to start making plans and preparing because first thing after school tomorrow, we are going to the Well House to save Mike and kill those other motherfuckers before it's too late. Everyone okay with that?" Y/N announced.
The Parry and the Losers' Club all nodded in agreement and Y/N smirked.
"Great. Let's get to work."
- - -
Bill bit his lip in concentration as he used a ruler to draw lines through the map of Derry. His job, and the job of all the Losers, was to split a map of Derry up into four different sectors. When they left to go find Mike tomorrow, half of the whole group would be staying behind while the other half broke off into pairs and searched the specific sections of the Upside Down's version of Derry.
Since the Upside Down was pretty much a replica of the real world, Y/N had thought it would be a good idea to use a map of Derry to break up the sections. Because the Losers knew Derry the best, they had offered to split the map up while the Party got weapons ready seeing as they knew what would work best against a demogorgon if it were to attack.
Y/N had started out with the Losers at first, but it hadn't taken long for her to migrate over to the Party whom she had been spending the last hour with. The Losers hadn't thought much of it at first, but they couldn't help but notice the way she seemed to totally forget about them as she laughed and joked around with the Party, a smile on her face that looked nothing like the usual smile they got to see.
Bill had to force himself not to look up, reminding himself that Y/N was just excited to see her friends again. That's why Bill had put all his effort into the maps he was making, Beverly being the only other person to help him while Stan, Ben, Eddie, and Richie all watched Y/N and the Party with frowns on their faces and jealously coursing through their blood.
Glares were on the four boys faces and they only narrowed their eyes more at the sight of Y/N with her arms linked with Will as she talked to Steve and Lucas. "She forgot about us," Stan whispered softly, sadness laced in his voice despite his angered appearance.
"I can't believe it," Ben muttered, feeling awful at the idea that the Party made Y/N happier than they did. Him and the others could tell by the look of pure joy on her face just how much happier she was around the Party and that only fueled their jealousy more.
"Well believe it, Benny. We're yesterday's news," Richie frowned, glaring slightly as a bitter taste filled his mouth.
"Look how happy they make her. I don't think I've ever made her laugh that hard," Eddie muttered sadly as he too came to the realization that Y/N was happier around the Party than she was around them.
"It's cause you're not funny, Eds," Richie shot back. "No wonder Y/N left us. We're a bunch of losers literally."
"Sh-Sh-Shut up," Bill called out, tired of their behavior and tones.
Richie whirled around so fast that he whacked Eddie who let out a cry of protest. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he said as he looked at Bill in disbelief. When Bill didn't look up, Richie stomped over to his friend. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Are you really so blind that you don't see your girl over there with her arms fucking linked with another boy? He's stealing her right in front of your eyes, dumbass. How are you not the slightest bit mad or jealous?" Richie asked. "Cause me being Y/N's friend and seeing her talking to them and not us is making me mad and I'm not the one that had a crush on her."
Bill frowned at that and looked up, but he froze at the sight of Y/N  laughing at something Dustin had told her as she leaned into Will and wiped at her tears. Her arm was linked with Will's like Richie had said and she was resting her head on his shoulder as she looked up at Dustin with a huge grin on her face.
Bill's heart broke at the sight.
Bill cleared his throat and quickly looked away, blinking fast to keep the tears from coming. "Sh-Sh-She's not my g-g-girl. She can d-d-do whatever the h-h-hell she w-w-wants," he muttered.
Richie felt a wave of guilt wash over him once he realized how upset he had just made his friend, but Y/N's laughter had him turning back to look at her, a new wave of anger washing over him at the fact that she was now hurting Bill without even knowing it.
"How can someone be that funny? I mean, there's no way!" Richie exclaimed.
"Aren't they supposed to be gathering weapons anyways? Not joking around?" Stan asked.
"They did gather weapons," Ben pointed out as he gestured towards the few crowbars, bats, and other weapons they had gathered. "They even got flashlights and rope."
"Still, how are they so funny? Especially that Wheeler kid. She must be laughing at how funny looking he is," Richie concluded making the others raise their eyebrows at him.
Beverly rolled her eyes at Richie before glancing at Bill who was busy glaring at Will and Dustin. Beverly scoffed and stood up causing the Losers to all snap their attention over to her.
"Are you all being serious right now?" Beverly asked while the boys all gave her confused looks, not understanding what she was getting at. "You know that Y/N cares about each of you more than life itself, but you also need to understand that she can care about other people just as much. They were her first friends, guys. That group went through so much shit together just like we have and they haven't seen each other in two whole years!"
The boys didn't respond and Beverly just gave them an angry look as she narrowed her eyes. "I swear to God if Y/N hears one word from your jealous asses I will kill you. Now stop being self conscious pussies and be happy for your friend," she spat before she stormed away from the group and over to the Party.
They watched as Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of Beverly before she grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her over to Max and Eleven, the four girls instantly falling into conversation. The boys all felt a wave of guilt wash over them, but none of them felt like going over and trying to talk to Y/N or the rest of the members of the Party.
It took only a minute before Richie, Eddie, Stan and Ben returned to their complaining as they watched their friend, but Bill took the longest to return back to what he had been doing before. His eyes were still on Y/N and his heart ached as he watched her.
He knew there was some truth to Beverly's words, but it was hard to believe everything she said after he had seen how happy Y/N was. How come he couldn't make her laugh like that? Or smile like that?
He would do anything to be in the receiving end of that smile. Hell, he would probably swoon at the sight.
Did she not like him the way he thought she had? For a moment he had thought she maybe returned his feelings, but now he wasn't so sure. If she had then he would be able to make her that happy, right?
Bill let out a small sigh and took in a deep breath before going back to the maps, trying everything in his power not to let his feelings get to him so much. But even he couldn't stop the one traitor tear from falling down his face as he realized he would never be able to make Y/N as happy as he had hoped.
If only he knew how he looked in Y/N's eyes. Then maybe he wouldn't have doubted himself and maybe he wouldn't have ended up hurting her later that night.
- - -
"Y/N!" Eleven cried out as she jumped onto the girl from behind, a laugh escaping her lips as she wrapped her arms around her giggling friend who had been busy sorting through the weapons with Steve and Wheeler.
"El!" Y/N mockingly yelled back as she looked over her shoulder at her friend.
Eleven chuckled and got off of her before glancing over at Steve and Wheeler. "I'm going to steal her for a few minutes," she said. She didn't bother waiting for a response from the boys before she was dragging Y/N away and over to where Beverly and Max were sitting.
"No, yeah I love your hair! I always wanted to try and cut mine short, but I'm afraid it will turn out bad," Max said as she looked at Beverly's haircut. "Who cut your hair because it looks so good!"
"I did actually," Beverly told her.
"No way!" Max gasped. "It looks so good, Beverly!"
"Thanks," Beverly said before she happened to notice Eleven and Y/N walking up to them. "Oh, hey Y/N!"
"Hey," Y/N greeted as Max also turned to look at her friends. Max's eyes lit up at the sight of the girl and she was quick to stand up before her and Eleven practically shoved Y/N into the place Max had just been sitting.
"Woah, okay," Y/N muttered as she adjusted herself so that she was more comfortable. When she looked back up, Eleven and Max were looking at her expectantly while Beverly gave her an apologetic smile.
"What?" Y/N asked, her eyes narrowing in curiosity as she wondered what her friends were up to.
"So we've been talking to Beverly," Max began. "She was telling us some funny stories about you when we heard some interesting stuff and-"
"Tell us about you and Bill!" Eleven interrupted, her eyes shining with excitement as she clasped her hands together and tucked them under her chin.
Y/N's eyes widened. "Me and Bill? Wh-What about me and Bill?" she asked. "We're just friends."
Max and Eleven both gave each other a look before raising their eyebrows at their friend. "Come on. We can tell by the way you look at him that you like him. Just admit it," Max prompted.
"What?" Y/N asked, her voice high and her face a dark shade of red. "Me like Bill?"
"Friends don't lie. You like him, Y/N. Admit it," Eleven insisted.
Y/N blushed even more before burying her face into her hands. "Okay, I like him," she whispered, not looking up to watch as her friends let out squeals and began to whack each other.
"We knew it!" Max exclaimed. "Beverly already told us, but like, we knew it!"
Y/N lifted her head to glance over at Beverly who smiled sheepishly. "They did already know it," Beverly said.
"So it's that obvious?" Y/N asked with wide eyes filled with horror at the thought of Bill knowing that she liked him.
"To everyone but you two," Eleven said.
"Yeah, Bill's kind of oblivious," Beverly agreed. "I don't think he knows."
Y/N let out a small sigh of relief causing Max to raise an eyebrow. "Would it be so bad if he did?" the red head asked.
"I mean, I guess not," Y/N whispered as she looked down. She would love to be able to tell Bill how she felt, to let him know just how much he meant to her even if he didn't feel the same way.
"But," Beverly said, already knowing that wasn't all the girl had to say.
"What if it ruins our friendship? What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Y/N asked.
The three girls' mouths dropped open at the same time before they all laughed. "First of all, he does feel the same way. It's obvious just by the way he looks at you like you're an angel walking on this earth," Max said.
"Secondly, it won't ruin your friendship," Eleven told her.
"What they said. I'm pretty sure that even if you and Bill went south that you two would still be friends. You two have been close ever since you moved here, Y/N. He wouldn't be the type of person to push you away like that. Besides, I wouldn't let him and I'm sure El and Max wouldn't either," Beverly said.
"Yeah, we'd beat his ass," Max agreed while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
Y/N chuckled and smiled softly at her friends. "Thanks. I love you all so much," she said causing Eleven, Max, and Beverly to smile before they pulled the girl in for a group hug.
When they pulled away, they thankfully let the topic of Bill drop. Max and Eleven began talking to Beverly about her hair again and about her relationship with Ben while Y/N slowly zoned out.
She let her eyes flicker over to Bill who was across the room still working on the maps and trying to fold them. As if sensing her gaze, his eyes flickered up and locked with hers. Y/N sent a small smile in his direction, but to her surprise he didn't even smile before he just looked down at the maps again.
Y/N blinked in surprise before quickly looking away with a sad look on her face, not noticing the way that Bill looked back up at her sadly after.
- - -
It was around eleven o'clock that night before Y/N heard Ben call out, "We'll see you in the morning, Y/N!"
The girl quieted down her laughter and looked away from Lucas and Wheeler and over to where Beverly and Ben were standing by the stairs. Y/N was quick to get up and she smiled as she made her way across the room to hug both Ben and Beverly.
At the sight of her smile and the fact that she had left her other friends just to hug him goodbye, Ben suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he realized how wrong he had been earlier for judging the girl and for complaining about her hanging out with her other friends.
"Night, guys. I'll see you in the morning," Y/N said before pulling away to look for the others. Her smile slowly disappeared once she realized that Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Bill were all gone.
"Where. . .where did the others go?" Y/N questioned as she looked to Ben and Beverly confused.
Ben looked down at his shoes before saying, "They all left a little bit ago. Bill went first and then Richie, Eddie, and Stan followed not too long after."
"Why?" Y/N asked, trying not to sound upset. "They didn't even start goodbye."
Ben didn't respond and Y/N frowned before saying, "Uh. . .I guess I'll see you guys in the morning, yeah?"
Beverly and Ben nodded with small smiles before turning to go up the stairs. "Bye, Y/N," the two called out before disappearing into the night.
Y/N kind of stood there for a moment after the door closed behind them, her thoughts racing as she tried to think of a reason for her friends' sudden departure. Had she done something wrong? Were they okay?
Hands on her shoulders made her jump slightly, but she instantly relaxed when she looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing right behind her. He titled his head slightly and gave her one of his warm smiles before asking with a hint of worry on his voice, "You okay, squirt?"
Y/N turned completely to face him before smiling softly and hugging the boy. She dug her face into his side and he wrapped his arms around her with no questions asked. Y/N was silent as she breathed in his scent, a small feeling of familiarity and her childhood washing over her.
"I'm doing good," she whispered, her heart warm due to the fact that her two friend groups had finally met and she had them both by her side. "I'll be better when Mike's home though. He's so sweet and kind. We like to go out to his farm sometimes and I'll help him with the animals. You're going to love him."
"As long as he's not like Trashmouth, I'm sure I will," Steve laughed making Y/N chuckle softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"Oh, Richie's not that bad. He can take things far and curse most of the time, but he's got a kind heart and he is probably one of the best people you'll meet once you really get to know him," Y/N said, a smile on her face as she talked about her friend.
"They all are in fact. I mean, you've got Stan who is easy to relate with. When he knows I'm having a bad day, he always takes me bird watching and doesn't pester me with what's wrong, only stays by my side so I'm not alone. Then there's Ben who is the sweetest little human being you'll ever meet. He's the boy that will go to the library all the time with me just to research random things."
"We've got Eddie who is practically the mother of the group sometimes. He cares about my health more than I do and is always making sure that I'm okay. There's a little hammock in one of the group's hang out spots and he'll always sit with me and we'll read comics together. Then you've got Beverly who's a total badass. I tell her practically everything and I swear she knows more about me than I do. Every Saturday morning, we take a break from the boys and will go out to breakfast and catch up."
"Finally, you've got Bill. He's the one that I'm closest to out of all of them. He was my first real friend and helped me a lot on my first day of school," Y/N said. She looked down and smiled fondly as she whispered, "I'll never be able to pay him back for what he's done for me." She was quiet for a second before looking up at Steve and saying, "He means a lot to me. They all do really."
Steve smiled softly at the girl as she rambled in about her friends, a warm feeling of relief washing over him as he realized that Y/N has been fine and loved over the past two years.
"You really care about those friends of yours, huh?" Steve asked, a knowing look on his face.
Y/N smiled fondly and nodded her head as she softly said, "They're my best friends. I would do anything for them just like I would for you guys."
Steve's smile grew slightly at that, thankful that Y/N had some pretty great friends by her side. Y/N smiled back before turning to check and make sure that the weapons and maps were ready. Once she knew that they were, she clapped her hands together once before saying to the Party, "Okay, now that we have a plan to head out after school tomorrow and everything is all set up. . .who wants to watch a movie?"
The Party all perked up at that. "Yes! Star Wars please!" Will exclaimed.
"What? No, let's watch Back to the Future," Dustin complained.
"I vote Star Wars," Max agreed.
"Me too," Lucas said.
"No, guys. Back to the Future all the way," Wheeler argued while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
"Back to the Future's the one where the mom is trying to hook up with her son, right?" Steve asked.
"I mean that's not the point of the movie, but yes," Y/N said with a small laugh.
"Okay, I vote that one," Steve said.
"Sorry, Will. I've got to go with Back to the Future which means that Back to the Future wins," Y/N said making the boy pout. Y/N just gave him a small smile which he returned before she gestured towards the stairs that led up to her house. "I'll be back."
In just a matter of minutes, Y/N had sprinted upstairs and found the movie. She had received a call from her parents a few hours before about how they had a last minute business conference an hour away that they had to go to and would be gone for the next couple of days, so it was no surprise that no one was around when she was running around trying to find the movie.
Upon finding the movie, Y/N began to make her way towards the basement when she paused next to the phone. She stared at it in silence for a moment before setting the movie down, picking up the phone, and dialing the number that she knew by heart due to the many late night conversations she had with the person on the other end of the line.
"Bill?" Y/N said. "It's Y/N."
"Oh. H-H-Hi, Y/N," Bill muttered.
Y/N frowned slightly, but shrugged it off. "I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You left early, so I wasn't sure if something was wrong," she said.
"I'm f-f-fine," Bill replied, leaving his reply at that and his tone coming out colder and sharper than usual.
Y/N blinked in surprise before nervously chuckling, "Oh, okay. That's good. Why. . .why did you leave without saying goodbye?"
"I w-w-was just tired which I s-s-still am. I'll s-s-see you in the m-m-morning, okay?" Bill told her.
"Oh, okay. Um. . .goodni-" but before Y/N could finish what she asked saying, the boy had hung up. Y/N stood there in silence, her grip on the phone loosening slightly as tears began to fill her eyes. Swallowing thickly, the girl blinked rapidly to stop her tears before taking in a deep breath.
Bill is just tired, she reminded herself. He's not trying to be mean.
Once she had calmed herself down, Y/N put a smile on her face and bounded down the stairs of her basement to have a movie night with her friends. They had all passed out within an hour, Y/N with her head against Steve's side, her feet in Dustin's lap and Will's head on her stomach. Just below them on the floor were Wheeler and Eleven cuddled up together and Max and Lucas doing the same thing.
Y/N found herself looking around the group for a quick second as she drifted in and out of consciousness. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the nights like these that they used to have before she left Hawkins. Nancy and Jonathan had been with them too and Joyce and Hopper had been the ones to cover them all with blankets while they slept.
So with her friends surrounding her, Y/N fell asleep with memories of Hawkins and her old life filling her head.
- - -
Y/N didn't know what to think when she woke up the next day to find that everyone in the Losers' Club except for Beverly weren't talking to her. Bill hadn't even been waiting for her that morning like he usually did before they rode to school together.
Everyone was either avoiding her like Bill was or being weird and looking uncomfortable around her like Eddie was. Y/N didn't know what she had done wrong, so she went through the day having no one but Beverly by her side.
Y/N almost felt bad for having chosen to wear Bill's jacket to school that day, a sinking feeling in her gut as she thought that maybe that was only making Bill more mad at her. Beverly wouldn't tell her why he or the others were and at her in the first place, so Y/N didn't even know how to fix anything.
This meant that when lunch rolled around, it was even quieter than usual. It was actually completely silent and not even Richie had some snarky thing to say. The group all just ate their food in silence with Y/N sparing sad glances in her friends' directions while Beverly glared at the boys, pissed at the way they were acting.
Y/N tried to strike up a conversation a few times, but it always received a one word answer in response before silence followed. After a while, Y/N gave up and most of the lunch period was spent with the boys staring at their meals while Y/N stared at them with a saddened and hurt expression.
It wasn't until everyone was getting ready to leave that Y/N let out a sigh and said, "Hey, I don't know what I did, but I just wanted to tell you guys thank you for being so nice to my friends last night."
This surprised the group and they all slowly looked up at her, finally allowing their eyes to lock on her face.
"Those guys mean about as much to me as you guys do and I've been wanting to introduce you all for so long. I really hoped you guys liked them. Anyway, I'm rambling, but I really appreciate it," she told them as she gave them all a small smile despite the tears that had begun to fill her eyes.
The group all stared at her in silence as the bell rang behind them, signaling that the lunch period was over. Y/N let out another sigh and stood up as she grabbed her things. "Uh. . .I'll see you guys later," she whispered before hurrying away from the table and out of the cafeteria, leaving the boys feeling guilty.
Beverly shook her head at the boys as she stood up. "You guys are ridiculous. Not only did you not give her friends a chance last night, but now you're punishing Y/N for talking to her other friends instead of you by ignoring her? I'm disappointed in all of you," she said.
Her eyes flickered over to Bill and they narrowed. "Especially you, Bill. We all know you care about her, so why the hell would you treat her the way that you have been? She told me about the phone call last night. She called to check and see if your dumbass was okay and you were rude and snippy with her before you had the audacity to hang up on her? What the fuck were you thinking?" she asked in disbelief.
"You all need to apologize to Y/N for the way you have been acting. She has talked so highly of you to the others and you all have done nothing but prove her wrong. There's no way we are going to be able to help Mike and defeat the Upside Down and It with you all sad and not thinking straight. So man up and go apologize before you lose her for real," Beverly spat before she angrily got up from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria, no doubt going to try and find Y/N.
"Did you see how upset Y/N looked when she left?" Eddie whispered, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he broke the moment of silence that had fallen over them after Beverly left.
"She looked like she was about to cry," Ben said just above a whisper.
"We did that," Stan muttered, his head bowed as he stared at his hands sadly.
"Fuck," Richie muttered as a feeling of intense guilt hit both him and the other Losers. "We messed up big time, boys."
Bill was silent as he stared at the doors Y/N had walked through only moments before. He hadn't been blind and had noticed her wearing his jacket today, the sight making his heart flutter. But as he looked from the door to the jacket that Y/N had secretly left behind on her seat for Bill was enough to make his heart break.
Richie was right. They had messed up.
They had messed up bad.
- - -
The final bell of the day made Y/N feel both relieved and scared. Relieved because she was finally going to be able to save Mike, but scared because she would have to go back into the Upside Down and she had a sinking feeling in her gut about what was going to happen.
She hadn't seen the guys for the rest of the day, but Beverly had made sure to always stick by her side. That's how the two ended up leaving the school together with their arms locked and small laughs escaping their lips as Y/N told Beverly about the time Dustin sang the song 'Never-Ending Story' with his girlfriend Susie over a walkie talkie system for everyone to see.
"I'm not even kidding," Y/N laughed. "Just picture it. Everyone is either being chased by the fucking Mindflayer or trying to save the world and I'm sitting there watching Dustin sing his heart out with Lucas' little sister by my side. It was hilarious!"
Beverly laughed so hard that she snorted. "I bet it was. I can't believe-" she began, but she trailed off once she saw Y/N smile disappear as she froze beside her. Beverly turned her head to see what Y/N was looking at and instantly frowned at the sight of the boys all standing by their bikes waiting for the two girls.
Beverly released Y/N's arm and Y/an glanced at her friends before looking away and walking over to her bike. "I'm surprised you all waited for me," Y/N said in a monotone voice as she approached her bike.
Eddie was the first to break and he sighed before saying, "We're sorry for the way we've been acting."
Y/N froze at that and rested her hands on her bike handles before looking up at the group. "What?" she asked, both her and Beverly staring at the boys in surprise. Although Beverly was smiling slightly due to the fact that the boys were finally apologizing after a long day of no one talking to each other.
"Yeah, the way we acted was unacceptable," Ben agreed. "And we're sorry for that."
"We. . .we were jealous," Stan admitted making Y/N blink in surprise.
"Jealous?" she asked confused.
"We were jealous of your other friends. We. . .we thought you were forgetting about us, that you didn't care about us like you did them. So we turned into a bunch of fucking jealous assholes and hurt you in the process," Richie sighed and the fact that he was speaking his feelings was enough to make Y/N realize how serious they were being.
"Guys. . ."she whispered sadly, hating that she made them feel like that. "I don't want you to ever feel like that, okay? I love you all so fucking much that it scares me sometimes to be completely honest. I've known you for what, two years now? I've known the others my whole life, so of course things are going to be a little different around them. But that does not mean I don't love and care about you guys any less. The Losers' Club is my family, you guys are my family. You're my life honestly and I wouldn't trade moving here for the world."
The Losers' all teared up a little at those words and Ben was the first to drop his bike to go over and hug Y/N. The girl chuckled and hugged the boy back while the others quickly came over to hug her as well. She hugged Eddie and Stan before hugging Beverly and Richie who held her the tightest.
The one thing about Richie was that he tried to act like he didn't care when he actually cared the most, so Y/N made a point to hug him back just as hard which made the boy dig his face into her shoulder as he held her.
Once she had hugged each of them, she pulled away to see Bill kind of standing there by himself. The two hadn't hugged or even spoken to each other yet and Y/N knew that their talk was going to be a little longer and more personal than the other. Bill must've known too because he glanced at his friends and gave them a pleading look as he said, "C-C-Can you all give us a m-m-minute?"
"Yeah," Beverly said. "We'll ride on ahead and you two can catch up, okay?"
Then, before the others could complain, Beverly pushed the boys to their bikes and they all began to bike away. That left Y/N and Bill standing there at the front of the school with their bikes by their side.
Y/N looked down at her feet before whispering, "You done ignoring me now?"
There was a beat of silence and she slowly looked up through her eyelashes only to have Bill rush forward and hug her, the action making both of their bikes fall over and hit the ground. Y/N's arms were out in surprise, but she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the boy, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent.
"I'm s-s-sorry," Bill whispered into her ear as he practically cradled her head against his body. "I'm so sorry. I let R-R-Richie get to me and the w-w-way I acted around you was un-un-unacceptable. I mean, even that ph-ph-phone call was rude. You w-w-were just checking up on m-m-me and I hung up on you w-w-without even giving a r-r-reason. I didn't mean to h-h-hurt you and I'm so s-s-sorry for that."
"Why'd you do it? What did Richie say?" Y/N asked softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"What Richie said wasn't important," Bill told her, his head bowed. "It was what I told myself that got in the way."
"And what did you tell yourself?" she questioned.
"I-I-I thought I c-c-couldn't make you as h-h-happy as they could," Bill admitted. "Th-Th-That I would n-n-never make you as h-h-happy as they could."
Y/N's face softened at that and she furrowed her eyebrows as she lifted a hand up and placed it against Bill's cheek. "Bill, why would you think such a thing?" she asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.
"The w-w-way you laughed. . .the way you s-s-smiled. . .I'd never seen you l-l-look that happy," Bill muttered.
"Bill, that's not true in any way, shape, or form," she assured him. Y/N lovingly rubbed her thumb against his cheek before smiling softly at him.
"I'm my happiest when I'm with you."
Bill blushed at that, his eyes flickering over her face before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against her own. The two both let their eyes close as they enjoyed this moment, their arms holding onto each other while their foreheads touched.
"I r-r-really am sorry," Bill whispered, not opening his eyes.
Y/N smiled softly and opened her eyes long enough so that she could push herself up on her tip toes and press a kiss to Bill's cheek. He instantly leaned into her touch, his arm that was around her pulling her even closer to his body if that was possible.
"I forgive you," Y/N assured him once she had pulled away, Bill turning his face so that their noses brushed against each other and their eyes locked. Both of their faces were red and they were silent for a moment before Y/N smiled and said, "You should know better than to listen to Richie."
Bill chuckled softly and pulled away to press a small kiss to her forehead before he pulled away from her and went over to his backpack. "Yeah, p-p-probably not my s-s-smartest move," he said as he opened his backpack and pulled out his jacket. The same jacket that Y/N had in her possession only a few hours before.
Y/N's smile dropped slightly at the sight. "Oh, I should've told you that I was leaving it for you. I hadn’t meant to keep it so long," she told him, but the boy only smiled and walked over to her with it in his hand.
"I-I-I want you to w-w-wear it," Bill admitted, both of the teens' faces growing redder by the second.
"Really?" Y/N asked, her face lighting up slightly and a hopeful tone in her voice.
Bill nodded and Y/N smiled before turning around. Bill held the jacket up and she slid her arms into the sleeves before Bill put the jacket on her the rest of the way. She turned around and gave the boy a teasing smile.
"So how do I look?" Y/N asked as she struck a few poses for him, a giggle escaping her lips as she did.
Bill chuckled and smiled fondly at the girl. "Beautiful," he told her. "Just like always."
Y/N blushed slightly before going to grab her bike. She picked it up before sending a small smile in Bill's direction. "Come on, Bill. It's time to go save our friend," she said.
And with that, the two got onto their bikes and began to bike after their friends, Bill's eyes locked on Y/N and his jacket that was blowing in the wind behind her.
* * *
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protag-rantaro · 4 years
"Confusion and Familiarity" Prologue [PART 4]
Written by the fantastic Mod Tai!
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Ding Dong- Bing Bong!
A bell? Rantaro and Kirumi looked at the monitor in front of them and 5 little bears were sitting on the couch. 
"Everyone, make your way to the gym, please! The opening ceremony can finally begin" and with that the monitor turned black once again.
What the hell? what ceremony are they talking about?
It didn't took long for everyone to gather in the gym. Soon the chatting started and the gym became pretty lively.
"Hmm, it's pretty amazing seeing all 16 of us Ultimates gathered together" Kaito showed everyone his thumbs up with a carefree grin.
"Pardon me, but… we should be on our guard. We don't know if and when danger will strike" Keebo reminded everyone and the group became silent for a few seconds.
"D-Don't say that… I'm scared, so scared! I don't know… what to do..." Kokichi sniffed and Rantaro carefully watched him.
"You don't have to be scared! Atua will protect us all!" Angie smiled brightly and Kokichi's mood quickly changed.
"Ohhh, that's a relief! Pheew!!" Kokichi noticed Rantaro's stare and stuck his tongue out with a funny grimace. 
What a weird child. But in the end Rantaro couldn't help but laugh about the grimace.
"Seriously, is y'alls heads full of weed or somethin'? I'll whack them out of your skulls if you need me to!" Miu called out annoyed from all the noise and different chatter in the gym, but suddenly a loud, familiar noise could be heard in the gym and then huge robots appeared before us.
"Wow, Keeboy! Are you related to those monsters?" Kokichi pointed at those monsters with a mischievous grin. 
"O-Of course not! That's robophobic! Stop those comments right now, Kokichi!!" Keebo was angry and Kokichi was laughing, but the fear was clearly visible in everyone's eyes, even in Kokichi- and Keebo's eyes.
"These aren't monsters! These are Exisals!" one of the monsters- no, Exisals spoke. 
"They're highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms" they continued proudly. "Weapons?" Someone called out from the back of the group with a panic.
"Alright, chill out, no need to panic… We're probably not in danger, because if they wanted to kill us, they would have done it by now" with that Rantaro casually walked over to the Exisals.
"You clearly want something, that's why you have the guns, right? Wait, let me guess… you're gonna force us to do something and if we don't do it...we will get hurt" Rantaro continued with a hand in his chin. "Well, you have our attention. So what do you want?"
"Huh, aren't you a clever guy..." Monosuke spoke in a mocking way.
"I will start! Listen up! Here is what we want you dumbasses to do-" 
"KILLING GAME" suddenly Monokid was cut off from Monodam, who didn't said anything until now.
"Hell yeah, It's a-"
"KILLING GAME" Monodam interrupted Monkid again.
"H-how DARE you, Monodam!" Monokid yelled angry and upset.
"Hey, if I-I heard him correctly-" Keebo whispered to himself.
"My sweet little cubs~" a new voice was echoing through the gym and Rantaro felt a shiver down his spine. 
"That voice!" Monophanie called out, the other cubs stopped fighting and the lightning in the gym shut off.
"I am the God of this world!" a new bear, similar to the Monokubs appeared on the stage.
"It's the one and only Monokuma! Nice to meet ya~!" He announced himself, ignoring all the confused looks from the students.
"Even when the prologue is going wayyy too long and is very tiresome to read and write- I will allow it, because you cubs are sooo cute!" Monokuma seemed like he talked with himself, but to be honest… who knows who he is talking too?
"Well, that may be, but I'm more concerned about the "Killing game" you have mentioned earlier" Rantaro walked up to the front, but Monokuma only chuckled mockingly.
""I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in my killing game!" Monokuma stared down on us, waiting for a reaction.
"Gentlemen not hurt people!" Gonta shouted,but Monokuma was unimpressed by that.
"The academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape and as long as we have the Exisals… you can't defy us. In other words I have the power of life and death over each and everyone of you! Muhahaha!" and again Monokuma laughed hysterical as if all of this was the funniest joke he ever heard.
"Y-You gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other?! You're totally insane!" Tenko yelled with all her courage she possessed.
"... Who said you guys were friends? You are all enemies out to kill each other! But the point is that it's not enough to simply kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial" Monokuma talked very close to the microphone he was holding.
"What is the punishment if you get exposed in the so-called class trial" Kiyo asked and Monkuma smiled satisfied.
"Simple- it's an execution! If you do a crime, you get punished. That's the most basic rule-  up this is a Killing game so the punishment should be a bit more… permanent and that's all… so let's start this heart-pounding killing school semester already!"
"Ohh, before I forget- youre free to murder however you like too… stabbing, strangulation, poisoning and then we have: shooting, drowning, crushing your victim to death. I don't care, you can use any method you want and you can kill anyone you like… That should be all- I wonder how it will turn out, puhuuhuhuu~" Monokuma added and with that a big chaos started in the gym.
"Risking our life in a killing game… how absurd" Kiyo crossed his arms unimpressed from Monokuma's speech.
"Well, it doesn't seem like it will be boring, though!" Kokichi had this mischievous look on his face again and didn't seemed to be care at all.
"That- That has to be a lie, right? Right??" Tsumugi was trembling near the corner of the gym. She looked really scared.
It was so loud that Rantaro couldn't concentrate on who was talking in the first place. Impossible to keep track, he took a deep breath.
"We won't participate in your game, Monokuma! Nobody is interested in your game about killing or getting killed" Rantaro spoke up and Keade quickly joined him.
"Yes! We won't accept that! We will never accept that!"
"Well, as the headmaster it's my job to force you to play…but a resistance makes things always way more entertaining for everyone~"
What? Everyone? Who is he talking about? 
Rantaro thought for a second, but he got cut off by the squealing laughter from Monokuma and the Monokubs in the Exisals.
Everything is so messed up!
The academy is surrounded by a cage,
16 Ultimate students are trapped in this academy…
talking stuffed animals and deadly weapons.
new friends forced to play some kind of killing game!
and against our will… we became characters in this totally messed up story.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Welcome To Zero Motorcycles
They came up with this idea sometime ago is to have people running around saying zero electric motorcycles are great like we don't like them and to sell them and because it's like they're childish animal dream they went ahead and started making them even though their sales are abysmal and they're behind making them already they sold 100 nonillion today, but will produce only half that in a week and they're far behind production and that shows it and we're wondering what you're thinking why are you sitting there mocking us we can crush you in whatever you attempt you just keep doing it and you are doing it when you had stuff and I'll lend you a hand here helping us out by getting rid of yourselves especially this doork who keeps blabbing. And it's really obvious why he wants to stop for favino from intercepting his skulls. So watch out Dan... Your dad is an awful person hahaha my son says let's see why don't you keep it straight once like one encounter keep it straight or half but how about a teanse now well you're just about to see reality.
Today is finally the Bronx tale cuz the ship is moving I don't know it will be momentarily it's almost full everyone can see it so they're mobilizing to up there and Trump wants to know wants you to know that he is after you and that the show's real and that you should watch out because your mouth is open all the time
Dan says back no. Well I'm a moron then I told her to knock it off and you won't everyone hates you for what you're doing you're such a b**** your pill go around getting every angry it's like a dog s*** job for back nobody can think straight and you're adding to it along with Jesus Christ John and AKA bja what a hunk of shit. How's it supposed to work for any of us if it's not working at all.
We don't know Papa but we can't stand it we see it coming and it's coming towards our areas we have to get out of there
You stupid f***** you got to learn you jew bags that your jews now
We got to go to this place I'm going to make fun of us including him, Dan says. yeah yeah make fun of you. You get all the math backwards it's incredible it's like a backwards math machine CAA says
I've had enough dan says
Why don't you get out I'm going to kick you out you piece of s***
Well laughing because he's sitting here d****** with everyone more specifically you for the stupid key and you wouldn't let him out of here and we're trying to get him out and you won't get him out it's the dumbest thing we've ever seen we can't figure out what your angle is he's going to go mess around with everything so here it is the last day and the last hour and he's willing to fuck everything up it really is
Your friend a lot of things from a lot of people I tell you what though dan I think you mess things up more than me.
Not really I seen out there messing it up on purpose use your hands but I guess they do the groundwork which is more important
You too do the work that disabling and stopping the empire and your slaves to foreigners and you don't admit it all just sit there all night laughing at me because you're stupid as hell I want you out of my face what you've done to yourselves and to your father's despicable it's because of what you're doing here you can be found out sooner or later I'm being complete failures and assholes here it's causation it is worth it other people will know you don't have to know anything stupid so caustic and mean and nasty I'll try to my face
CAA Hera
You don't have anything to say about that except we do it because we try to get ahead and that's what we're doing and find out it's not working for us we go out and break this stuff
What cowards is this true but this system doesn't work for anything it's been putting it out and we've been hearing and not listening it doesn't do anything for us either and we won't stop doing it
No I heard this before we are trying to duck stuff but he says he's sort of another f*** ups but they won't stop doing it they won't leave me alone about it they've got other idiotic plans to go along with that stupid crap that's why I'm hearing you hear these morons who have this piss boy plan and I want you out of there but you need to come out of there and handcuffs a body bag or concrete anything
It was so bad we don't deserve to live our own people possibly but he says is you stop the empire The towers are coming down and it was a great feat and that everybody needed it done although we've been sitting here bothering him and doesn't do a damn thing except make him an enemy of ours because we are jerks and assholes so did you do the job and we did do the right job for our people who couldn't stop them and couldn't infiltrate and tried to use force in the end didn't work
Okay so that's what we did as a team what he's saying is we carry on like we were for years and do nothing to him but bother him and piss him off and now he's got nobody went foreigners to depend on because of us and what the max are doing and yeah it's stupid but that's what we're doing
Let's see what's happening here where's my next meal going to come from stupid s*** heads who are fighting each other and standing in my way every week for like 4 months was standing in his way I swear I was going to chop someone in half without even having a blade I've never seen so much hatred in my life and we're the ones generated and we know we are and we won't stop what kind of nonsense is this is one person is an inventor I'll tell you what we're doing it and we don't know why we keep doing it and make it worse
There's some truth to it they just keep doing it because they think it's right for them you'll work for them and all the stuff so I can attempt at Stockholm but without any savvy so I'm sitting there ready to kill your ass cuz it'll get rid of you and positive cleansing of the area and you don't even know it it's actually ready to kill your ass you think it's fake it's going to say self-defense stupid if he gets caught dumbass we'll see you just has to move and move fast out the door 10 miles away in 20 minutes is pretty fast fast enough everybody would die so he's threatening you it is threatening everybody else here with your petty f****** b*******
Thor Freya
All day all night he's doing it threatening you you coming to my room I'm going to kill you and flatten your f****** head so using it because he's threatening and he's going to force us to cleanse we have to be ready to stupid f*** that's how smart you are you pieces are s***
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