#they're happy to the the shit they've caused lmao
herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Alright, Tif's live recap part 2...
-they confirmed none of L's other friends were there that they saw
-They said body language (when they've seen them and also in pics) between L and A is "nonexistent." They said their interactions with him had more chemistry than what they saw (lol)
-Said there is no comparison to how he behaves with N and their chemistry. They said it's easy to stay on the ship because the way L is in person with N vs A is so insanely different.
-Compared A to Nadia in the Tomdaya situation
-Tif doesn’t like A, but she gives space for the idea she could be great and he could be really happy (respectful queen lol)
-Thinks things will change once season 4 is filming. They said his longterm/loving relationship with J couldn't make it through season 3 and season 4 will be worse cause they're going to be acting married and in love the whole time. Tif said if she makes it through maybe she's the one and then Maria said or she cares more about the attention (lmao)
-Reiterated we shouldn't follow, like or comment on A's page cause it's what she wants. Fandom is worried she'll go private like J did, but there is no way based on who she is
-Said L liking A from his public page is very purposeful and is basically him claiming her publicly
-Reiterated how unbelievably kind and sweet and shy L is in person. Said he is always kind, but previously had been painfully shy in person (TSOT, Paris in Jan). They think the press tour helped him be more comfortable interacting with fans
-They also think his glow up has changed him and he isn't the cute nerd he used to be (💔), but he also has gotten more confident because of it
-A has started blocking lots of people from her account. They also brought up her deleting comments and posting at the same time as N. Tif was trying to be generous and reasonable about this, but it's clear her reserved opinion of A is headed downhill
-Fan account came in and was blocked, then started making drama on their page about it
When asked about the polaroid she said she thought it was just changed to one of her friends, but she didn't know. When asked if it maybe was another of Luke she responded:
“if she changed the polaroid and it’s Luke again, I’m buying my dress to the wedding. I don’t give a shit”
So lets all pray that it's L on there again lol
I think that's all the most important stuff. There were a lot of repeat questions in the chat that she seemed to purposefully avoid. She said she got a lot of hate after her last couple of lives, so I think she's being really cautious.
It's a shame she is getting hate from her doing the lives
This fandom can be such trash
Again, appreciate you taking notes for the class anon
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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a-bright-comet · 3 months
Okay I am very happy to see more and more people call out the weirdos, namely the ones villainizing pregnancy and all that, But I wanna talk about the startling amount of people I've been seeing popping up calling Jade and Stalker's romance "cheap, boring, easy" just *because* it's woman-loving-man or "straight" as these people keep calling it.. How wild is that-? to call a romance boring because of the gender of the people involved? they're not calling it boring cause of writing but because of their damn genders? hello?? do you know how insane that would sound if said about a sapphic or achillean (mlm) couple?? imagine if someone said that about Albrecht and Loid they'd get flamed so fucking fast dude. Do these people also forget bi/pan etc. wlm relationships exist? or that straight genderqueer people and relationships exist?? that queer wlm relationships just exist as well in general??? I'm a bi woman in a relationship with a bi trans man, JUMPSCARE! we exist! while I understand being tired of wlm romances cause there's enough out there to get to hell and back, that doesn't mean they should just, not exist? or that they're inherently bad or boring? not only is that just weird period but it also erases the people and relationships mentioned above. (also goes against the whole equality thing we've all been fighting for my guy) also like, the last time we got a wlm relationship between major/important characters in warframe was god damn Ballas and Lotus and that shit was abusive, we needed a healthy one to balance it lmaaoooo. Annd to my knowledge there hasn't been any romance between two warframes before these two yet so it's not like they've done it before to warrant the groaning? you know it's odd how I almost felt this type of attitude coming, I was witnessing a concerning steady rise of hating pregnancy in fiction from one side of the internet and just general hatred of wlm relationships on the other side of the internet, such a shame it all came to a boiling point and targeted this quest that really didn't deserve it. Honestly looking at it without the stained view of people the quest is just as good as all the others before it, short, sweet and impactful. I really enjoy it and have been trigger happy with the block on anyone slightly annoying about it cause at this point it feels like we don't even play the same game lmao. anyways this will likely be the last post about people being weird as I don't wanna bring more negativity to the tag and I'm tired of people pff but posts like these are unfortunately important cause if you let the mold sit it'll contaminate and ruin everything. Jade, Stalker and their beb deserve all the love they can get, I will not tolerate slander. >:[
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aswho1estuff · 7 months
With Legs Like That
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The football team is nothing but thieves. First they take the gym then your hair color. What else could they possibly want next my heart too ?
Hongjoong x Black Fem Reader
Tropes: college soccer player! Hongjoong x college football player! Black Reader / college au / battle of the sports
Author's note: this is technically my 1st actual one shot lmao and hats off to the writers on here this shit hard. It also helped that it was time for this story to move out my drafts.
Word count:
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1. They steal the gym
"The football team is gonna be doing workouts with us today, because we can't keep leaving for them" I whisper the last part as their team enters. "Full workout today I guess" Yunho replies "I don't mind, they've got nice legs" Wooyoung adds.
"really?"- "Don't they look like ours, how much better could they be" I grumble in-between their conversation. "Ah don't worry Captain yours are still my favorite" Wooyoung yells as I try shushing him.
"Wooyoung"- "Sorry y'all using this one?" A voice speaks over me "Go Ahead" Wooyoung replies gleeful to give away my machine. Turning to meet the player "Actually I... " woah she's tall and pretty, don't pan down don't pan down I repeat don't look at her legs..... Fuck I'm looking at her legs.
"Huh?" My head snaps back up towards her "I'm actually.. actually going to get snacks" yeah that's it "-do you want any?" "Oh sure thanks" she replys smiling. I'm happy she didn't ask for my heart cause I would have pulled it out my chest if she wanted.
"I'm Megan" she says waving I offer a wave back "I'm hongjo-" "oh he knows who you are, he's always talking about the football team" Wooyoung cuts in stopping my still waving hand I thank him with my eyes. "All good things I hope" she laughs "Course, let's get those snacks now" Wooyoung says pulling me.
"You never said she was on the team" I whisper yelling at Wooyoung "you never asked, captain".
2. She steals my hair
"did you guys plan that?" Yeosang nods towards the opening cafeteria doors. Megan stands out with dark blue hair "Oh man y'all look like those matchy couples" Wooyoung points between the two of us garnering incoming attention "... Did you copy her?!" San asks. I duck down covering my face "you know i didn't, they're different blues anyway".
"meg" Wooyoung ushers her over to our table "-you should come to our game this Friday". "Let's do it you want me to invite monica too?" "Monica?" I ask lifting my head "yes please.. and don't you like his new hair?" Wooyoung announces pointing.
"We twinning foreal only captains have blue hair" high fiving her I agree "You want to join us?" I point to the empty space across from me.
3. She steals my time
"are you looking for meg" woo laughs at me "no just seeing when you're Monica's gonna show" I conclude beating him at his own game. "Oh oh there" woo waves pointing "where where?!" I ask finding Megan's blue hair in the crowd waving I wave back... You know it's kinda our thing now I wave she waves we wave.
4. I steal her heart ?
"go Hongjoong!" Monica pushes me "aren't you forgetting someone?" "And Yunho!" I add on screaming. "You bitch" she laughs "I can only scream for 2 you gotta yell your man you know that" ".... Wooyoung" she bubbles out "you can do better" I scold her "WOOYOUNG!" she screams practically eating my left ear drum "Damn Bitch you Mariah with it" I high five her laughing now.
"Congratulations!" Me and Monica exclaim joining them on the field. "Y'all going to the party, it's at the beach?" Woo exclaims.
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"You sure you don't want a seashell?" Megan asked laying on her stomach.
"I enjoyed getting them for you, and I want you to enjoy having them...it wont hurt if they remind you of me either" I reply laying beside her.
"they do....but I wanna give you something too"
"whats that?"
"something you could have if you asked"
"please, can I kiss you?"
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miiilowo · 1 year
i feel like theres not a lot of great resources out there so i figured id just ask -- how would you recommend ways of living with/helping out someone else with npd? :)
youre right! most of the time when u look up NPD stuff its "THE ABUSER DISORDER: KNOW HOW TO RECOGNIZE IT AND DISABLE NARC DEFENSES SO THEY CANT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU" which isnt. Great
all it really comes down to is listening to them n addressing their needs if they've communicated them to you. ill try to simplify it so i dont get too into details, though i will likely fail, and most of this advice will be based off my experiences, so idk how much itll apply to whoever ur talking about BUT:
generally (and w me especially) you can safely say that NPD mostly has to do with ego dysregulation. Our [as in myself and people w npd] mental health and general happiness tends to rely on how people perceive us, and if that perception is anything but positive, we feel like poopy doo doo dogshit. we kinda need to be paid attention to in a way that feels meaningful, yknow? compliment them, make sure theyre included in conversations (esp group ones), and try not to ignore em in any way. if youre talking to them and youre busy, for example, make sure you include that detail so they don't feel like youre brushing them aside. stuff like that. if they make art, and you genuinely like it, try going into detail as to why, whether its the colors or linework or what have you. if they write, tell them what you liked about the story or poem, etcetera. Tag them in stuff that reminds you of them if you have their socials, or send them things, show it to them, whatever.
lots of us tend to actually be very insecure, even if it doesn't seem that way, which might be important to keep in mind. sometimes we can get whats referred to as "narc crashes" (im not particularly a fan of the term narc, though theres nothing actually wrong with it, so ill just call it an NPD crash) where for whatever reason, we go from feeling great and secure in our egos and our stability and happiness and security to falling 600 feet down directly into hell no recovery absolutely awful 0% joy 0% light 100% agony. dogs with human teeth screaming at you and shit its really just no good. calling you a dunderhead
they usually (though not always!) come after a high where we feel fantastic, and most commonly the cause of a crash is we get hurt by someone, humiliated, or made to feel lesser in some significant way. for me, they're the worst when i no longer feel confident that people like me, and i become incredibly worried everybody secretly hates me. which is a very very very awful train of thought to be experiencing when you have the "EVERYBODY NEEDS TO LIKE ME NOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" disorder. so if ur friend seems depressed or upset make sure to ask whats going on and bump up the praise and stuff up a notch. its the best way to recover for Me, at least. crashes dont have a consistent like. timeframe? i think it highly depends on the severity of what happened and whats being done to fix it, though im certainly no psychologist lmao
i feel like when folks w npd Are mean or unfair its because their needs arent being met, theyre doing awful, and they need support so they dont desperately lash out for it. god knows thats the case for me. thats another thing thats important to keep in mind i think
a lot of traits of NPD aren't pretty, and thats just a fact of the matter. its a disorder for a reason and all. even if we dont express the almost inherently negative traits all the time (usually because we are aware they are unfair to other people), its very likely that we are feeling them, and it does erode your brain after a while. The DSM-5 list of traits is probably the best way to go for this, as per this government website:
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and with lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by at least five of the following:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements, expects to be recognized as superior without actually completing the achievements)
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, or perfect love.
Believes that they are "special" and can only be understood by or should only associate with other special people (or institutions).[milo note: its hard for me to find something specific to make bold in this definition, but generally, i do not express that i think that i am better than other people even if i think it]
Requires excessive admiration.
Has a sense of entitlement, such as an unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment or compliance with his or her expectations.
Is exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends.
Lacks empathy and is unwilling to identify with the needs of others.
Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them.
Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes."
Ive bolded the ones that would negatively affect people that, I, at least, try not to express but still feel, or feel the desire to do, near constantly.
As you can see, thats a pretty hefty chunk of them! I'm sure some people could take problem with every trait listed here, in which case they can suck my whole dick, but those are the ones I've noticed upset people the most, or make relationships the most difficult. I bring these up because if someone does express these, you need to keep in mind it is because of a personality disorder. That doesn't always make them acceptable, and if they are really upsetting, you should talk to them about it, but thats just like. basic relationship shit lmao. just try to be an eensy bit forgiving
Though the MAIN reason I wanted to bring up the traits is due to the 'entitlement/unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment/compliance' one. This can manifest in a whole lot of ways, but it is genuinely infuriating when someone ignores what i want them to do/what ive asked them to do/etc, especially if its for a reason that doesnt 'feel' solid enough, like them just not wanting to do it. it can be incredibly frustrating if someone with npd says they need something from you or want you to do xyz and it doesnt happen, so try your best to listen to them. if you cant do what they desire for whatever reason, make sure thats clear, and why. Most of us will recognize we're being unfair, but will still be mad; Just know its not because of you, its because of the disorder, and most people will not hold it against you because they're aware its unreasonable in some fashion.
i think thats like. the main things when it comes to meeting the needs of someone w NPD. to summarize and dumb it down:
make sure to compliment them in meaningful ways, especially when you really mean it
pay attention to them; try to prioritize them in conversation and such. it feels very nice. dont ignore them for the love of god
keep the crashes in mind, and try to uplift your friend as much as you can. reassure them you care about them, maybe not directly by saying "i care about you" but with your actions in general
listen to them and adapt to their needs as best as you can
remember that if they are being unpleasant its probably because of The Disorder and they are not doing well. dont let anyone be a prick to you but try to be kind. everybody goes through shit
if anyone has anything to add, or if you have any followup questions, feel free to ask ^_^ i very much didn't cover everything here, and again, this is mostly based off of my experience as someone w NPD, and everyone is different to some degree. The most important thing to do is ask about their needs, and try to adapt to them the best you can.
i think thats all i have to say for now tho so. sayanora. if i come up w anything else ill add it in an edit
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I was wondering if you had any nsfw headcanons re: tigerfish? mostly asking cause i was thinking about the idea of nishiki doing his little hair-slick-back thing whenever he’s feeling Spicy (more dominant, regardless of position) so if/when he does that when they’re making out or whatever saejima knows what’s coming hehe
hope this isn’t too uncomfy to ask or anything! thanks for making me a fan of this tiny little ship lmao <3
not uncomfy at all! I'm always happy to talk about nsfw 😏
*as usual, even tho I talk about em as cis dudes, yall are welcome to imagine them however 😌
so prolly an uncommon take but Saejima's always sorta sat on the ace spectrum for me personally like he's into people but not in a way that's like something he'd go out and seek nor really need to be happy. not into being touchy feely with people he's just met and needs a bit of emotional bonding to let that happen *insert some joke about him making everyone he meets his kyoudai lol*. so when it comes to Nishiki, he feels a lot more comfy being openly intimate since they've gotten plenty of time to know each other in jail. Nishiki on the other hand, gives me casual guy™ vibes so he's into slapping the salmon whenever however but not in a wildin' type of way. he's into trying new things but also enjoys comfortable patterns that don't necessarily have to change anything up.
so when they're first shooting the shit about getting their freak on, I can see Nishiki being kinda surprised at first by Saejima's preferences but totally gets it too. he's used to Kiryu being a loner type who isn't exactly going out of his way for the ultimate boner experience. where they differ tho is Saejima is experienced while Kiryu just sorta bumbles through it. Saejima on the other hand, sees Nishiki who was a prominent crime boss and conventionally very pretty so he's thinking oh yeah Nishiki's prolly some kind of sex pest but is pleasantly surprised when Nishiki's more than considerate and patient.
now, Nishiki's been with people of all sorts so he knows his shit while Saejima is more like yeah I know my stuff but I ain't into it enough to really know if I'm performing up to the standards for my partner. he has a good bit of anxiety about that sorta thing and Nishiki didn't really believe him at first cuz like, just look at him. Saejima doesn't look like he'd have anxieties about anything so that's a hurdle they'd have to cross. Nishiki ends up being the lead in most cases, if anything to show the types of things he likes and to give Saejima confidence that he's doing a good job.
when Nishiki leads, he's either topping or power bottoming which defo pumps up the fish ego. but when tiger tops, it's more of a service top thing - he wants to see Nishiki pass the FUCK out lol. he wants to see toes CURL, he wants that ex patriarch to BEG for more. it makes him happy, knowing he can bring Nishiki down a peg for all the pride he's got in him. for Nishiki, it's a nice balance of leaving the work to Saejima while still being in control, even more so when he's going evil mode and gets a mad kick out of having such an imposing man at his beck and call hohohehe.
Saejima's very much not horny ever so Nishiki's gotta be the one to get him in the mood which is perfectly fine for the two of em. it's part of their foreplay, lots of talking and touching and even if it doesn't pan out to anything, they still enjoy just being around each other.
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when Nishiki tops he's real sweet about it, very handsy and slick, doing everything you'd expect out of a well choreographed movie tbh. it's a very ideal time and Saejima just sorta gets lost in it, unused to being treated well and gentle. he's definitely prone to being a bit more emotional during these times and not afraid to show it which shocked Nishiki for a time until he got used to it and has come to really enjoy bringing such feelings out of him.
EVIL MODE so there's occasions where Nishiki's into the rougher stuff *insert whatever your heart desires here* and it's a lil bit embarrassing for him cuz there's been occasions with past partners where it's not exactly been the most enjoyable experience for either party, due to inexperience or going too far, etc. he's a lil too eager and too aggressive for his own good, especially back then cuz he had some aha issues to work out and ended up unintentionally taking it out on others.
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so insert Saejima who proposes hey let's try out whatever the hell that maybe other people couldn't handle and Nishiki's hesitant, thinking, oh nah you already have anxieties and I can't do that to you but it's in the back of his mind like I want to tho. a big component of nsfw tigerfish to me is that they have a theme of taking time to get to things with a certain gentleness unlike my kazumaji hcs where they have a very intense, impulsiveness to them. so it takes a hot minute for Nishiki to open up this more aggressive side of him that for a long time he's suppressed cuz he felt that there's no place for it even tho it's very much a part of him.
so when Nishiki does eventually start to tip toe into his more perverse kinks, Saejima gives him comfort in that nothing really shocks him about what he wants and he's more than ready to handle it physically. with Nishiki leading, it's a good time for the two of em; Saejima can be of service while Nishiki can feel freer to explore this part of himself without judgment or so much worry.
after all that, aftercare! very important. it's usually Saejima who takes care of Nishiki, wrapping him up and massaging out the jitters. sometimes, one or both of them can experience some mixed emotions from a variety of things, performance worries, trauma, etc so they spend a lotta time just talking to each other. there's a lot of reassurances but also just a lot of wanting someone to listen.
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random shit
Saejima loves some good head and body worship. he knows he's got a fine bod so complimenting him is the good shit 👌
Nishiki's all about smooches whether they be deep ones or just lil pecks here and there. ever since post y1, he's been one for enjoying simpler affections, especially when he knows his partner means it.
Saejima's a handsy drunk with people he's close to, but it's all cuddles and kissing and then passing the fuck out.
as a material girl in a material world, Nishiki gets off to gift giving lol. definitely has a praise kink but you gotta be a bit careful. be too dick sucky and he starts to feel like you're just patronizing him.
both of em are into overstimulation for different reasons: Saejima likes the intenseness and Nishiki likes inflicting it (receiving it ain't so bad either). Nishiki doesn't exactly have Saejima's stamina so they got a lotta toys just for the occasion 👀 there's been many a time where Saejima gets into it more than Nishiki can handle and he's then down for the count.
Nishiki tends to keep his prosthetic arm on and doesn't particularly like bringing attention to his disfigurement in general so when he's being intimate, he wants to be treated as if his body is like anyone else's. in that way, he's not into body worship at all, as he sort of warps it into pity he doesn't want.
Nishiki's possessive - not to the same extent Majima is @ Kiryu but it's there in the sense of like, look at this guy, he's mine.
bonus monster AU stuff 👀
as a literal tiger man, Saejima's got a lot of cat characteristics including loving pets and pats. Nishiki's learned very quickly which spots are best to get Saejima riled up and fiesty ;)
that being said, he's got a spikey dick lol. the spines aren't harmful, they more or less lock his partner to him which can end up being inconvenient if they're in a hurry.
big claws = lots of big scratches all up Nishiki's back. Saejima gets nervous he's hurting him but Nishiki think it's pretty hot to be marked up.
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jovieinramshackle · 5 months
hi it’s gar LEL sorry but i gotta know whatcha got on inkyribbons, gimme them deets what’s the story
Don't be sorry you activated the happy chemicals in my brain with this
Inky Ribbons is basically me creating the angsty but sweet high school love story I'd daydream about back in middle school?? When I was like 13-14??
They're childhood friends who met at the shore of the ocean to play together, and then one day stopped sometime before middle school (the time Azul would start focusing on his studies/weight/magic) because Azul straight up stopped showing up.
The only thing lil Joves still had to remember him was a singular picture their mom had taken of the pair. Nothing but a small simple photo of the two kids, yet it held so much value and memories, that she kept it even now, carrying it with them wherever she goes.
Azul did come back tho, to the very same beach before going to NRC, feeling that maybe he could find his old friend again and show them how much he's changed
But when she never showed up like they used to, he realised how stupid he was to even think she'd be back, that it was dumb to assume they ever liked how he was back then. She probably didn't even remember him anymore, he thought.
Fast forward to NRC, Crowley intoduces an exchange student, that has come to study under special circumstances (he was paid well). Azul, though first tried to make himself look reliable by agreeing to specially assist the new exchange student, did not expect to be met with a familiar name.... then the sudden realization hit him, then he prayed to all the mighty great seven that she hadn't remembered or recognised him. He'd DIE if he had someone know how he was as a kid in NRC.
They became like....friendly acquaintances during the first year (aka friends but the use of the f-word is forbidden in NRC). She...knew it was him, or had like, a feeling, yknow. It didn't matter tho, they thought, since they re-made their relationship anyway (more accurately, built upon the one they had as kids).
She still has that picture, one Azul hadn't forgotten about but wished she had.
Skipping over the angst of book 3, for now, cause ummm.
They begin figuring shit out and actually TALK seriously for the first time after book 3, trying to understand their emotions and accept they've been crushing on each other like idiots for the past year and a half.
They get together around uhhh start of book 5 yeah, they clash and argue sometimes but they're both stubborn fucks and try their best for the other.
There's so much more to them but I can't make this insanely long LMAO
Take this doodle tho
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worldwidewebzy · 8 months
Pest LOVES taxidermy, especially rouge taxidermy. Its a special interest of theirs and they've even tried some of it themselves. He's pretty good at it!!
Poob also likes taxidermy!! Though the specific process you have to do makes poob very squeamish and sick and icky,, (that being said poob IS NOT a uwu soft enby bean, they could kick ur ass lmao)
Poobians as a whole, are the embodiments of joy, happiness, and FUN!!!!!! They thrive off envoirments with high morale and general good vibes. Their population dwindles when said elements are scarce. If a poobian's mental health is hurt in anyway, that poobian's mental health will directly correspond to their physical health, causing the poobian to fall ill.
If a poobian falls to much into their pit of despair, they can "metamorphize" into a party pooper. Party poopers are the antithesis to poobians, thriving off of despair, sadness, and turmoil. Party poopers aren't inherently evil, but their nihilistic and melancholic nature can cause party pooper communities to be.. Not the healthiest space for anybody to be in.
Party poopers can remorph themselves into a poobian, but that requires extensive mental health intervention for that to happen. Depending on how much despair is in a party pooper, recovery can take as long as years.
To avoid this, poobians are a very social species. Full of many support systems ready to help any poobian! Though unfortunately, toxic positivity has been prevalent in some poobian societies. And there's a silent, but all to painful ableism riddled in poobian society as a whole.
Every poobian smells like their favorite food!
Pest has an EXTREMELY hard time empathizing, thanks to her undiagnosed aspd, npd, and autism. They also have an hard time realizing the concept of consequence and law. (this is pretty much canon expect for the autism part iirc but yeagh)
Gnarpy has IBS. Xe seem like a IBS girlie (gender neutral) to me do yuo understand
Poob HATES gender reveal parties with a passion.
mannequin mark and wallter... Do you hear me..
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Gregoriah basks in light like a lizard
OK split pilby YURI SWAGGERR!!!
HOLY SHIT you guys have no idea how cornily, unconditionally, atrociously lovesick pilby is for split and i mean it
This dude's catapiller antennae form into hearts just thinking about split, absolutely cartoonishly in love with her.
They like having silly picnics where they eat apples and bananas (pilby looooves apples) go bird watching and just have a gay ol' time...
When they were first starting to know eachother pilby wrote """"anonymous""""" love letters to split, the letters in question were painfully obviously writen by them and it made split laugh and giggle. She didnt tell pilby that she knew they wrote those letters until after pilby confessed their love to them. That made pilby all bright red it was adorable
The confession in question was pilby performing a musical number about all the stored feelings they've been hiding for split all told through song and... It didn't go how pilby wanted to and kind of failed, but split still was genuinely blown away by it. She cheered pilby up when they commented how "bad" it was and kissed them on the forehead....... <33
Infected has a friend thats minecraft youtuber and yes they have a dubstep channel intro for it yknow the ones..
Gnarpy's form is a facade, like how invader zim has a human disguise. It acts like a shield, keeping gnarpy's (surprisingly frail) true form safe in a non gnarpian envoirment. It's designed to be conventionally "cute" to ward off suspicion, and increase trustworthyness.
Gnarpian govermentals are planning on making upgraded versions of these facades. Making them more unassuming. They're even planning "human" looking facades. It's fucking scary
mannequin mark and wallter make lampert together like constructed a child. Building blueprints AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! hashtag yaoi swagger
Miche is also swagapino and black as a people SWAG
Also miche isn't actually a cat he's very much like... Hes cat adjacent but his fangs are like the whiskers if a cat fish LIKE
The elevator has existed for as long as existence itself. Nobody runs it as the elevator itself is technically an living organism
Bive exists in quantum super position. She simultaneously exists in both FNARB, and the funny maze, it's only until a player enters either floor is where she stop existing in this superposition. Kinda like Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's conspiracy theorist
Bive is built like she was designed by dr suess
Unlike a red teddy, reddy is very much full of love :)
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Emmet breaks spacetime to find his brother this, Emmet goes feral without his brother that (which you shouldn't take too far btw), where are the Ingo goes apeshit fics. Where are the fics where Ingo single handedly corrals the gods into getting him (and Akari, if she's tired of being in charge after having to save the world) home. This man is depressed one day about his memories and then his unovan religion socialization kicks in subconsciously and he goes 'no fuck this. I am going to get my memories back whether they comply or not' and that escalates into 'i am going home no matter what' and also 'i am going to be happy. I will make it so'. This man didn't get raised with the values of TRUTH and IDEALS for nothing. That shit sticks in your mind so much even if you don't personally think about it much. Have you seen how many times unovans mention truth or ideals in the games. They're important to them. And they're important to him.
I don't even mean that Ingo becomes a villain or anything. I just mean to say he sees a child befriending gods and goes 'hey what the fuck. If they can do that i can do something about my own situation as well for sure' and don't try to tell me the gods wouldn't listen to him. First off i believe Arceus and everyone else do love their creation, they just sometimes don't understand it. Second of all even if that wasn't true not all the gods agree with each other. If Arceus couldn't or didn't want to do anything he could just ask giratina. Or dialga and palkia. How would palkia help? They bring him to celebi. There's no way he wouldn't get celebis approval especially with palkias help.
What? The Pearl clan wouldn't let him go? Lmao what are you even talking about. Even if they didn't want him to leave the position of warden they value space very much. They'd want him to find his own before all else, and even if they didn't Irida would and her judgement is the most important one in the clan. I'm pretty sure she mentions wanting to travel, too, so she might join Ingo for a time as well.
Something is wrong in Unova upon his arrival? Impossible. Unova loves their Subway bosses and Emmet loves and trusts Ingo enough for that not to be a problem. Even if he didn't Chandelure would be proof enough of something off. i don't think she would just feel her trainer's soul disappear in a split second and not cause a commotion, she'd immediatly begin to freak out. Even without that you know what always fixes shit? Communication baby. This man will not let something go until they've properly discussed it. If the other's opinion is still the same after they've all explained themselves, then fine. But i guarantee you it won't be. If communication is difficult for some reason there is nothing that stops him from making it easier or doing it anyway. He can also go to a god again and have them help out of it's something he can't do anything about himself. Grudge? Gone. Death? Xerneas'd. Legal trouble? Over.
There is nothing that can't be fixed, especially in the pokemon world. It's going to be exausting, and probably very taxing on the mind, but it would be worth it so much. And there is no way Ingo and Emmet aren't both going to go to therapy anyway in the end.
Even if the gods couldn't fix it and send him home, they'd at least grant them both peace of mind. A letter, a picture, sent back or forward in time. With proof that it's real, obviously, and that yes it is god that brought this to you, so there's no misunderstandings. And don't tell me they can't do that, you've seen the arc phone. A space time distortion, conveniently timed on both sides, courtesy of dialga and palkia. They're going to get to be happy eventually, whether that means moving on or being reunited. Though there's like no way they don't get reunited lol
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mysteriouswolf · 3 months
Adding a read more cause it's literally just my random thoughts and a bit of a vent:
Being acespec and arospec as a minor fucking sucks. Because if I even begin to mention it to anyone besides some of my close friends, I get shut down with "but you're only *insert age*. Things change as you get older. You'll want those things someday."
And it hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts because I KNOW. SEXUALITY IS FLUID. I KNOW THIS OKAY? And I don't need you to tell me that. I just- I want to be met with "okay. If you never want those things, that's fine. You're your own person who gets to choose what they want and what they don't."
I know things might change. But I want support for who I am now. Because I hate to break it to you, but almost everyone I know has had at least a crush, if not a first kiss and a romantic relationship by this time. And I don't want one. I don't have any interest at ALL. And I don't remember really ever truly wanting it except for wanting to fit in with other people.
I dunno why I'm so suddenly upset about this. I haven't even came out to anyone recently. It's just hitting right now and I don't know why
Oh wait fuck I need to take my meds. Wait this makes so much more sense now. That's why I'm freaking out--OHHHHHHH WAIT OKAY IMMA GO DO THAT
I'm not expecting anyone to really read this besides maybe Royal, Char, or Geode. If you're here and actually made it this far, hi lmao.
The other thing that bothers me a lot is just like- I have this one friend that I've had since 7th grade. They're really kind and supportive, but they've got a lot of shit they deal with in their personal life too. (Home issues, anxiety, anorexia, etc). And so I'm always there to support them because I care about them so fucking much and they really care about me. And if I ever need help, I can go to them and they won't question it.
It's just- they've like...been infected with romance-fever. For the past year. And it's all they wanna talk about, and usually that's fine because it *usually* isn't repulsive to me. But sometimes it is and I feel like they don't know how to communicate with me otherwise
Also random side note. They like guys. I don't find guys at ALL attractive (very rarely I get aesthetic attraction towards a guy but usually it's like one on the Internet or a fictional character lol) but they wanna show me whoever they're currently dating and I don't know how to react. I'm just like...yeah. cool.
And for the record, I'm not gonna stop being their friend. I care about them too much for that. And this literally won't even be an issue anymore cause I don't think I'll have any classes with them next year and they're mainly a school friend so whY IS THIS STILL BOTHERING ME
It's cause it's 10pm and I literally just took my meds. They haven't done their magic yet
Okay. Good. Then my brain will go back to normal soon.
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You get a picture of Rosie is you actually made it this far into the post. I'm impressed lmao.
Imma go listen to some music until my brain shuts off now. That's probably a good idea. I'll probably put on your cover of Well It's Better Than The Alternative Royal because it's stuck in my head and it's really nice to hear someone singing who isn't doing it to like. make money. Just to sing and make their friend happy cause sing. :)
Idk if that made any sense. Okay. I did a shit ton of work today. I didn't know setting up a fish tank for the first time was so much work. But not I am tired.
P.S. I found a really pretty shell today :333 Also wtf does P.S. stand for???
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whiskeyswifty · 8 months
i feel like part of it is the you're losing me lyric about joe not wanting to marry her which they've taken to mean every other time she's written about not wanting to get married was her convincing herself to feel that way because of him rather than actually feeling that way. which is exactly what you said lmao viewing her through the lens of her relationship rather than as her own person.
totally, like just cuz one lyric fits their narrative of her, they're gonna retcon and recontextualize every other lyric to fit that. which is bananas but ok, do you i guess.
It's also not even about whether she wants to get married or not, like that's not what she's even talking about in most of those anti-wife songs, we can lovingly refer to them as lol. she's just insisting, like how most women who discuss this try to make clear, that marriage is not the final stage of happiness for a woman. a woman's life is not incomplete if she's not married, and how frustrating it is to achieve things nobody else ever has, only to be pitied because she's an unwed woman over 30. not single! just unwed, which is insssaaaaaaaaaane but sadly true for most american women under those circumstances. and the fact that people keep asking her, writing articles about impending engagements, secret weddings, blah blah, as if that will be her biggest, crowning achievement. STILL with football man, there are now engagement rumors and all that shit. within the fandom!! where it persists more so than in the media sometimes. she's just asking people to stop fixating on it, like how she doesn't seem to herself. she's not a little kid with a fairytale outlook on life anymore, and it's infantilizing to still cast her in that light and her songs have made that very clear. she just would like people to catch up lmao.
and its sooo funny because to go back to YLM, even within the context of the song, marriage is ancillary at best. it comes up 2/3 of the way into the song, after she lists all of their many problems and issues, all of which marriage would not have solved anyway aldfjasdlkfasdf. even within the lyrics, she's saying it offhandedly like, yet another roadblock argument we had, among MANY others. it's not even the main argument that seemed to cause her despair in the song! the song is about all the ways the subject is LOSING her! SHE is actively pulling away from THEM because she's unsatisfied with their relationship and what she isn't getting out of it, not that THEY are rejecting her!! it's as if they pulled that one lyric out and are doing just the same thing by coming back around to the thing she is actively working against and saying "aw see how sad she is that she couldn't marry him?? she just wants to be married, poor thing!" like BE so serious. makes me crazy, truly it does.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
OKAY SIS HEAR ME OUT! flatmate!matty scenario where they've spent the first couple of nights cuddled up together and it's been very hot and intimate, no kissing or sex though. the reader is obviously worked up af when they wake up because matty is just holding her TIGHT and whispering sweet nothings to her ear all morning and it's just so sexy and does not help her horny state at all. she wants to take a shower before breakfast so matty suggests that he'd be more than happy to prepare the breakfast while she's in the shower. he's so cute asking her what she wants to have and making a very detailed mental list about her wishes. so she goes to take the shower and her entire body is just ACHING for matty so she starts touching herself while she's in there and of course, matty has some sort of a question about what fruits she wants to have with her yoghurt and goes ask her that but hears the shower run and her MOANING and whimpering behind the door so he's like oh-......OH!!! he rushes back to the kitchen cause he doesn't want to be a perv (it's way too early to ask if she need any help with what she's up to). she finishes herself and the shower and goes to the kitchen in matty's robe, all fresh and cute and matty triple checks if he got her breakfast wishes right and she's like oh yes, babe it's perfect <3 and then he admits to her that he came to ask what sort of fruits she'd wanted to have with her yoghurt but heard the shower already run so he didn't want to bother her and just added every fruit he could think of (which she finds so cute cause there's almost more fruits than the yoghurt itself). she realises matty heard her touching herself while moaning his name and her cheeks start heating up and so does matty's and they're just so cute and shy about it. neither one of them brings it up, however, until they actually have sex. idk i'm sorry this is so long but WHAT DO YOU THINK OMG!
i think this is incred and if you wrote it i would read it!!
but yeah like idk how you two do it - you share a bed with matty all the time and then wake up and have deeply intimate chats while snuggling him and you're NOT a couple??? madness. it does get to you - you wake up h word (which is a normal thing btw) in matty's bed one morning and you're literally clenching every muscle in your body to stop yourself moaning and/or grinding on him involuntarily while he's all gravelly-voiced and sleepy and pliable and messy-haired and warm and almost-fucking-NAKED spooning you. so you're like "is it cool if i have the shower first?" just to escape the sitch and matty's like "of course darlin', i'll get started on breakfast while you're in. what d'you fancy? still got some of that honey left from when you had that awful hayfever (a.n. look at me with my easter eggs! taylor jenkins reid found d*ed! that was a joke btw), maybe something with that?", and you're like oh shit i'm horny AND lovesick for him i am going to die ANYWAY "iced coffee, yoghurt and some honey mixed in with fruit at the side, please, babe". and matty's like "ooh. raspberries? strawberries? blueberries? kiwi?" literally listing everything you bought in your aldi haul yesterday lol, and you make your decision and matty literally repeats it back to you totally seriously to make sure it's right (like the former chinese-restaurant delivery boy he is lmao) and goes "ok sweetheart you hop in the shower and i'll start assembling it", and you're like "perfect thank you babe i won't be long!". but then when he's in the kitchen, matty gets so distracted thinking about how cute you are that he's like "wait. did she want raspberries or strawberries?" and scoots along to the bathroom to ask, but stops dead in his tracks when he hears you WHINING his name and swearing over the sound of the shower - bless you, it all got too much for you and you literally had no choice but to use that removeable showerhead on yourself to relieve the desire a bit. i think matty's first thought would be a very horny mental image of you all naked and soapy and sexual, but then he's like oh fuck ew i'm not a creep not a weirdo but what the hell am i doing here i can't ask her about her fruit choices now and heads back to the kitchen, where he makes an executive decision to put raspberries in your breakfast and tries not to imagine what you were doing to yourself (he fails miserably). and like you said, you wander in looking very relaxed (😉) and cute in a robe you stole from matty (who stole it from a hotel) and go "ooh this looks amazing!" and matty's like "you're sure i did it right? with the raspberries?", and you're like "yes? we double checked it?" and matty goes all bashful like "i got distracted and forgot what it was you said lol i did go to the bathroom to try and catch you pre-shower to ask, but i could hear the water when i got closer so i just left it". and at first you're like "aww" and then internally you're like OH SHIT HE HEARD ME MOAN HIS NAME and yeah breakfast is a little bit quieter that morning than usual lol. and yeah, i think matty would ABSOLUTELY take the piss a little bit when he eventually reveals he heard you that day, and you facepalm and almost die of embarrassment - that is, until matty appeases you by asking you to shower with him and show him what you were getting up to that morning, which you happily do before he rails you over the bathroom counter lol <3
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jaskierx · 10 months
I’m still just so annoyed that I couldn’t even appreciate Izzy’s death when I first saw it cause all I could think of was how the fandom was gonna become unbearable. The moment I saw him got shot I was hoping and praying he wouldn’t die not because I care about him but because I didn’t want to see the fandom turn to shit (well, to more shit than it already is)
Despite that I’m still happy with how it turned out. I was so worried they weren’t gonna address how awful izzy was to Ed and that the only mention of it would be the “you and I did this to him” line. And it wasn’t!!! And the “there he is” parallel from s1 really got to me :) I’m happy in the end but MAN watching the scene first time round was so stressful
ngl i cannot relate to the first bit lmao. i was so relieved when he died bc it fixed most of my complaints with the season. he apologised to ed. we got recognition that izzy actually had been in the wrong all along. it became clear why he'd been getting so much screentime and why the writers had had to speedrun his redemption arc.
and as much as the canyon side of the fandom has become even worse since the finale aired i'm at least glad in a way that they've become more visible? like it feels like people who hadn't properly encountered the canyon before s2 suddenly started seeing their takes and being like 'oh shit those guys are quite something huh'
and yeah it's really bad that they've got to this point, the racism and ableism and abuse apologism and their persecution complex is a real problem and has caused people to consider leaving the fandom, people feel unable to talk about izzy bc they're worried that the canyon will get on their back. but i'm still holding out hope that eventually they'll get sick of devoting hours of their life to a show they now supposedly hate and will fuck off somewhere else and we will be free to enjoy an izzyless and canyonless s3 😎
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roberrtphilip · 8 months
okay now i need to know what tyson’s relationships with robert and giselle are like. both when he’s morgan’s new boyfriend and even later down the road as a son-in-law. neeeed to hear how they feel about this boy!!! (i assume they like him because he seems incredibly likable but like!! specifics please!!!)
sorry i know my head is jumping super far into the future so feel free to answer whenever lmao
Oh, Giselle loves Tyson. We see a small glimpse of her happiness when she sees him and Morgan talking in the movie, but it's during the curse, so after that breaks, and she sees them talking for real, she's over the moon.
Every time Morgan comes home from school she's like "so... how is Tyson 👁️" and Morgan gets all grumbly and blushy about it, but secretly wants to talk about him. like she really, really wants to talk about him.
I also love the idea of Morgan asking her "does this whole heart fluttering crap ever stop, cause it's annoying" and Giselle's like "🥹 your heart is fluttering ????? 🥹🥹🥹" and then tells her No, it does Not stop !! Ever !!
When he starts coming over, Giselle asks like a million questions, and Tyson can barely keep up, but he tries his best !! Morgan was worried he might get overwhelmed with her family, or annoyed, but he really loves them !! They're funny, and silly, and weird, and he likes that. Plus, his mom is funny, and silly, and weird, so he really can't judge.
And no one tell Malvina, but Tyson thinks Giselle's cooking is better 🫢
I also really love the idea of Giselle learning he plays basketball and immediately telling Robert "we should put one of those hoops in the backyard" and when he asks why she says "because Tyson plays?? hello???" and he has to remind her that they just started dating, but she just waves him off, and orders one 😭
Robert thinks Tyson is a Nice Boy. I headcanon Tyson lost his dad when he was ten, so he really enjoys Robert's company. When he gets more comfortable with the Philip family, he starts asking Robert to perform magic tricks for him, and Morgan thinks it's so embarrassing but Robert's like "you wanna see my tricks?? omg check this out, I got Giselle to fall in love with me with this one" and Tyson's just like "this is the coolest shit I've ever seen" Also, Robert can juggle, and Tyson always wants to see him do that too. They're simply losers, your honor.
With Sofia, Tyson is like a brother to her, that's her big brother !! She's basically known him her whole life, so she's just always considered him family. She loves when he and Morgan come to visit after they've left for college, and !! Tyson always plays in the dirt with her !!!! He isn't afraid of/grossed out by worms or bugs like Robert & Morgan are, so when Tyson comes over she's like "you have to play in the dirt with me and Mama" and he's like "okay :D !" I also have this image in my head of Tyson & Morgan taking her to the park and bc Tyson is so tall, he's able to pick her up so she can touch the basketball hoop, which makes her very happy.
And, of course, Edward & Nancy love him too. He thinks Edward is so fuckin Funny and he looooooves when they start randomly singing. The first time it happened, he was thrown off, and didn't get it, but now he's practically begging them to sing, and joins in himself !!
Overall, he fits in perfectly with the Philip family, he's basically one of them. Malvina eventually comes around, and starts to like them too, but she definitely leaves when the singing, and mushiness starts, she can't stomach All That.
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Any ideas for Howdy and Eddie? They are my special little pookies and I love them
I’ve been obsessing over Howdy x Eddie, that ship is just so fun to me and I love them (Frank can be part of the ship too, Frank/Eddie/Howdy is lovely too :3)
hhhh I'm so sorry but I'm brainrotting over my disabled Eddie au sobbbs but I will Try dang it
But first! DISABLED EDDIE IS SO 😭😭😭✨✨
I'm going to bite Eddie Dear. I'm feral and Unwell.
To me it just makes soo much sense??? I have shit coordination/balance and my life is hell and I want to project so hard. It's representation and it gives me Delicious angst and hurt/comfort opportunities.
phew ok ok ok,, hcs,, howdy,, eddie,,, ok,, i got this
They both will, would, and have eaten an entire head of lettuce. Howdy makes sense, bc he eats lots of greens already. But Eddie? bbg is so sleep deprived it's the only thing he can think of to eat.
They're rivalry is a Bit. They are the only ones aware of this. Everyone else thinks Howdy genuinely has problem with Eddie in regards to business but it's all jest! A joke, a charade, a whole ass Bit! They find hilarious!
Eddie swears more than you think. He just keeps it professional when working. Howdy wishes he could record some of Eddie's more,,, creative cursing.
By contrast Howdy doesn't swear that much, he's so used to being surrounded by little siblings + other family that he just,, doesn't think about it? ofc he'll swear occasionally out of shock, exasperation, or anger. he can say fuck, he just doesn't think to! he doesn't have an issue with swearing, either.
Shipping stuff,, ok!
The Bromance turned Romance Pipeline is Real. It would take a while for the others to notice they even started dating lol bc they keep it 'professional' during work hours.
Physical affection is both their love language. Oh My Golly. They are never Not in contact with each other. Cuddles are top tier holy shittt
Eddie also writes love letters bc he's a sappy goof and words of affirmation is his other love language.
Howdy has never received a love letter before and Swooned when he read the first one. He keeps them all in a special box by his nightstand <3
Bringing Frank into the mix? Hoo boy they are not ready. They are. But also not. If it's not Eddie holding his hand it's Howdy's on his back. If it's not Eddie holding him by the waist it's Howdy literally picking him up for a kiss. Frank is overwhelmed with affection all the time /pos
A sprinkle of angst, Frank may get sad from time to time bc they feel almost,, out of place in the relationship. Eddie and Howdy are incredibly close and have known each other longer than they've both known Frank. This causes some self doubt.
However Eddie and Howdy are Quick to shoo the thoughts away! The reassure Frank and smother them in affection! All praise and loving words. How much they love him, how happy he makes them, just everything about Frank Frankly they adore.
Over time this doubt fades away, Frank becomes confident in themselves, their love, and their Loves!
Literally the best wedding ever. Eddie and Frank combined forces to keep Howdy from turning it into one Big Advertisement lmao. It was great!
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rjschoicesstuff · 1 month
from the ship redux asks!!
general, 2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? 15. What is their most common argument about?
love, 10. What do they like best about each other?
thank you 🌺
Thank uuu!!
Putting it all below the cut cause it got rly long
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
I've been thinking of making my version's timeline different from canon, so the party in the woods only happens on friday and Ripley actually has a pretty chill, normal first week up til that point. And in that case Ripley would already have asked Gabriela out on a date after school on wednesday cause Libby hyped her up enough to get the courage LMAO. They just went to Ripley's house after school to eat something and then Ripley drove them around town while Gabriela showed her all the interesting places and explaining Crimson Beech history (leaving the vampires out lol) and kept going like 'Hmm we could go here for our Next date... 😏'. And in the evening Ripley dropped Gabriela off at her house (I headcanon that all the teen/younger vampires live with adult vampires who pose as their parents and they just live in houses instead of in the Nexus) and Gabe gave Ripley a kiss on her cheek and Ripley almost got into a car accident while driving home because her head was in the clouds 👍.
Cas says that time they went into the woods and Ripley drank his blood was 'basically their first date' but Ripley is like 'No, a date is when you actively make date plans together and also if you actually like the other person, but I was still on the fence about staking and/or shooting you back then.' I imagine they actually don't really have a proper 'romantic' date until they've been 'official' for a while, like they hang out together and do stuff together but idk? Their 1st date was probably at like a fancy restaurant for shits and giggles, where the dishes are way too tiny and Cas had an issue with all the textures and stuff so Ripley ate it all instead 💀.
I think for their first Official Date as a triad Gabriela takes them out of town once the sun has gone down to some kinda vampire event in another city, also just kinda showing Cas that she wants to make him happy and is willing to go more out of her own comfort zone for that + get more in touch with her vampire side.
15. What is their most common argument about?
I think they have several periods where there's one certain thing they fight a lot about/that triggers fights, but which eventually gets sorted out or else it'd definitely become a serious issue lol (like the period after Ripley's turning, Cas feeling a bit cast aside/like Ripley likes Gabriela more and not communicating about that because he doesn't wanna admit he's jealous/insecure, Cas being reckless and getting himself banished for a week at some point and like 10 years in the future Ripley is gonna have another period where she mourns her humanity + resents Cas and Gabe for turning her, triggered by her friend Joy having a baby)
I feel like once they all start living together they end up having a lot of arguments about like chores and regarding Ripley and Cas having to clean up after themselves. And in turn Cas and Ripley start bickering with each other because they don't remember who made the mess. I think Cas also more quickly feels like they're antagonizing him or ganging up on him and reacting very defensively/argumentative to being confronted about things. Doesn't help that Ripley has a tendency to pick Gabriela's side lol 😭. Like she and Cas will do something Dumb and Gabriela scolds them about it and Ripley is just like 'y'know what, you're right, sorry'
10. What do they like best about each other?
This turned so much more rambly than intented and I still narrowed it down to a few things lol
Like aside from that to Ripley Gabriela is like the most attractive woman in the world, she also just loves how kind she is and how she makes people feel at ease and how protective she is of those she loves. I also hc Gabe as the best fighter out of the 3 of them and Ripley loooves seeing her in action.
Cas really admires how smart Gabriela is and how much she knows about a lot of different things. Like whenever she drops a bunch of info on them he's just like amazed at how she retains all that info from some document she probably read a decade ago. And how if they run into any problems or need a plan, they can count on Gabriela to figure it out. He often teases her for being a nerd but it really is one of his favourite things about her lol.
I feel like while Cas never completely got over Gabe when they broke up around 30 years ago, Gabriela truly did fall out of love with him because Cas seemingly changed a lot (in a bad way) after being turned. But once they start spending time together again due to Ripley and she sees how he is with Ripley, she realises that while he definitely has changed (and so has she) that guy she fell in love with when she was 16 isn't gone either. She loves his more softer side, she loves seeing him take Seth under his wing and treat him like a little brother and stick up for him when others give him a hard time, before she and Cas get back together she loves seeing how soft he can be with Ripley and she wants him to hold her like that again too.. and eventually he will and in a way it's so healing to rekindle their whole relationship and get her boy back lol.
Ripley is totally Gabriela's type in girls, like she really digs the whole androgynous + alt look. She loves Ripley's curiosity and the whole werewolf interest is super endearing to her lol. She loves the way Ripley acts when she gets excited about something, she thinks she's so so so cute 😭. She loves how despite Ripley being human, she still gets protective over her and treats and views her as someone who can also get hurt, like I guess it makes her feel more human in a way? Ripley also really keeps track of what you like and stuff and she loves how thoughtful she is and just always is making sure she's happy and likes surprising her with little gifts.
Ripley thinks Cas makes her life so much more exciting, she really could not stand him at first, but he's just so funny and fun to be around and it's really endearing to her how it feels like he always tries to impress her, always looks behind him to see her reaction to things. Like she really didn't wanna like him but she couldn't help but like him lmao 😭, especially once he starts being more open and vulnerable with her. in general just like Gabriela she's a Big Fan of that side of him lol.
Cas also thinks Ripley is really fun and he thinks she's so interesting like she's such a fucking WEIRDO and he likes her like that!! And he loves how she fights back even when it's vampires against her, and honestly after knowing her for a few weeks and once she has a few talismans.. he genuinely wouldn't wanna get on her bad side because she seriously knows how to harm a vampire (and that's kinda hot to him). He likes that she talks back when he's being annoying. And now that she's a vampire he loves that she can actually push him around and stuff, he thinks being a vampire really suits her in general even if she still struggles with some aspects of it.
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